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module Language.Clafer.Front.Mapper (mapModule, Mappable(..)) where

import Language.Clafer.Front.Absclafer

mapModule :: Module -> Module
mapModule = mapNode

(>-) :: Span -> Span -> Span
(>-) (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 0)) s = s
(>-) r (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 0)) = r
(>-) (Span m _) (Span _ p) = Span m p
(>-) _ _ = error "Function '>-' was not given (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 0)) as one of it's argumented expected one argument of (Span (Pos 0 0) (Pos 0 0))"

doMap :: Mappable n => (Span -> n -> t) -> n -> t
doMap f e =
  f (range e') e'
  e' = mapNode e

doMapWithSpan :: Mappable n => (Span -> n -> t) -> Span -> n -> t
doMapWithSpan f s e = 
  f (s >- range e') e'
  e' = mapNode e

doMap2 :: (Mappable n, Mappable n1) => (Span -> n -> n1 -> t) -> n -> n1 -> t
doMap2 f d e =
  f (range d' >- range e') d' e'
  d' = mapNode d
  e' = mapNode e

doMap2WithSpan :: (Mappable n, Mappable n1) => (Span -> n -> n1 -> t) -> Span -> n -> n1 -> t
doMap2WithSpan f s d e =
  f (s >- range d' >- range e') d' e'
  d' = mapNode d
  e' = mapNode e

doMap3 :: (Mappable n, Mappable n1, Mappable n2) => (Span -> n -> n1 -> n2 -> t) -> n -> n1 -> n2 -> t
doMap3 f c d e =
  f (range c' >- range d' >- range e') c' d' e'
  c' = mapNode c
  d' = mapNode d
  e' = mapNode e

doMap3WithSpan :: (Mappable n, Mappable n1, Mappable n2) => (Span -> n -> n1 -> n2 -> t) -> Span -> n -> n1 -> n2 -> t
doMap3WithSpan f s c d e =
  f (s >- range c' >- range d' >- range e') c' d' e'
  c' = mapNode c
  d' = mapNode d
  e' = mapNode e

doMap7 :: (Mappable n, Mappable n1, Mappable n2, Mappable n3, Mappable n4, Mappable n5, Mappable n6) => (Span -> n -> n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4 -> n5 -> n6 -> t) -> n -> n1 -> n2 -> n3 -> n4 -> n5 -> n6 -> t
doMap7 f t u v w x y z =
  f (range t' >- range u' >- range v' >- range w' >- range x' >- range y' >- range z') t' u' v' w' x' y' z'
  t' = mapNode t
  u' = mapNode u
  v' = mapNode v
  w' = mapNode w
  x' = mapNode x
  y' = mapNode y
  z' = mapNode z

class Mappable n where
  mapNode :: n -> n
  range :: n -> Span
instance Mappable s => Mappable [s] where
  mapNode = map mapNode
  range = foldr (>-) noSpan . map range

instance Mappable Module where
  mapNode (Module d) = doMap PosModule d
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(Module d)" x 
  range (PosModule s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosModule s _)" x

instance Mappable Declaration where
  mapNode (PosEnumDecl s p e) = doMap2WithSpan PosEnumDecl s p e
  mapNode (ElementDecl e)     = doMap PosElementDecl e
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(PosEnumDecl s p e) or ElementDecl e)" x 
  range (PosEnumDecl s _ _)  = s
  range (PosElementDecl s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosEnumDecl s p e) or (PosElementDecl s e)" x

instance Mappable Elements where
  mapNode ElementsEmpty         = PosElementsEmpty noSpan
  -- The span is inaccurate for some apparent reason. Not sure why yet.
  mapNode (PosElementsList _ e) = doMap PosElementsList e --doMapWithSpan PosElementsList s e
  mapNode x = errMsgM "ElementsEmpty or (PosElementsList s e)" x
  range (PosElementsEmpty s)  = s
  range (PosElementsList s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosElementsEmpty s) or (PosElementsList s _)" x

instance Mappable Element where
  mapNode (Subclafer c)          = doMap PosSubclafer c
  mapNode (PosClaferUse s n c e) = doMap3WithSpan PosClaferUse s n c e
  mapNode (Subconstraint c)      = doMap PosSubconstraint c
  mapNode (Subgoal g)            = doMap PosSubgoal g
  mapNode (Subsoftconstraint c)  = doMap PosSubsoftconstraint c
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(Subclafer c), (PosClaferUse s n c e), (Subconstraint c), (Subgoal g), or (Subsoftconstraint c)" x
  range (PosSubclafer s _)         = s
  range (PosClaferUse s _ _ _)     = s
  range (PosSubconstraint s _)     = s
  range (PosSubgoal s _)           = s
  range (PosSubsoftconstraint s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosSubclafer s _), (PosClaferUse s _ _ _), (PosSubconstraint s _), (PosSubgoal s _), (PosSubsoftconstraint s _)" x
instance Mappable Clafer where
  mapNode (Clafer a b c d e f g) = doMap7 PosClafer a b c d e f g
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(Clafer a b c d e f g)" x
  range (PosClafer s _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosClafer s _ _ _ _ _ _ _)" x
instance Mappable Constraint where
--  mapNode (PosConstraint s e) = doMapWithSpan PosConstraint s e
--  The span in the PosConstraint contains the span of the "[" after lexing.
--  However, we don't have the span of the "]". It doesn't make sense to include
--  one but not the other. Hence, ignore the "[" position and start with the first
--  expression in the constraint instead.
  mapNode (PosConstraint _ e) = doMap PosConstraint e
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(PosConstraint s e)" x
  range (PosConstraint s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosConstraint s _)" x

instance Mappable SoftConstraint where
  mapNode (PosSoftConstraint s e) = doMapWithSpan PosSoftConstraint s e
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(PosSoftConstraint s e)" x
  range (PosSoftConstraint s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosSoftConstraint s _)" x
instance Mappable Goal where
  mapNode (PosGoal s e) = doMapWithSpan PosGoal s e
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(PosGoal s e)" x
  range (PosGoal s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosGoal s _)" x
instance Mappable Abstract where
  mapNode AbstractEmpty   = PosAbstractEmpty noSpan
  mapNode x@PosAbstract{} = x
  mapNode x = errMsgM "AbstractEmpty or x@PosAbstract{}"x 
  range (PosAbstractEmpty s) = s
  range (PosAbstract s)      = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosAbstractEmpty s) or (PosAbstract s)" x

instance Mappable Super where
  mapNode SuperEmpty          = PosSuperEmpty noSpan
  mapNode (SuperSome how exp'') = doMap2 PosSuperSome how exp''
  mapNode x = errMsgM "SuperEmpty or (SuperSome how exp')" x
  range (PosSuperEmpty s)    = s
  range (PosSuperSome s _ _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosSuperEmpty s) or (PosSuperSome s _ _)" x

instance Mappable SuperHow where
  mapNode = id
  range (PosSuperColon s)   = s
  range (PosSuperArrow s)   = s
  range (PosSuperMArrow  s) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosSuperColon s), (PosSuperArrow s), or (PosSuperMArrow  s) " x

instance Mappable Init where
  mapNode InitEmpty          = PosInitEmpty noSpan
  mapNode (InitSome how exp'') = doMap2 PosInitSome how exp''
  mapNode x = errMsgM "InitEmpty or (InitSome how exp')" x
  range (PosInitEmpty s)    = s
  range (PosInitSome s _ _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosInitEmpty s) or (PosInitSome s _ _)" x
instance Mappable InitHow where
  mapNode = id
  range (PosInitHow_1 s) = s
  range (PosInitHow_2 s) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosInitHow_1 s) or (PosInitHow_2 s)" x

instance Mappable Decl where
  mapNode (Decl l e) = doMap2 PosDecl l e
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(Decl l e)" x
  range (PosDecl s _ _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosDecl s _ _)" x

instance Mappable Exp where
  mapNode (PosDeclAllDisj s decl exp')    = doMap2WithSpan PosDeclAllDisj s decl exp'
  mapNode (PosDeclAll s decl exp')        = doMap2WithSpan PosDeclAll s decl exp'
  mapNode (DeclQuantDisj quant decl exp') = doMap3 PosDeclQuantDisj quant decl exp'
  mapNode (DeclQuant quant decl exp')     = doMap3 PosDeclQuant quant decl exp'
  mapNode (PosEGMax s exp')               = doMapWithSpan PosEGMax s exp'
  mapNode (PosEGMin s exp')               = doMapWithSpan PosEGMin s exp'
  mapNode (EIff exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosEIff exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EImplies exp0 exp1)           = doMap2 PosEImplies exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EOr exp0 exp1)                = doMap2 PosEOr exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EXor exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosEXor exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EAnd exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosEAnd exp0 exp1
  mapNode (PosENeg s exp')                = doMapWithSpan PosENeg s exp'
  mapNode (ELt exp0 exp1)                = doMap2 PosELt exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EGt exp0 exp1)                = doMap2 PosEGt exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EEq exp0 exp1)                = doMap2 PosEEq exp0 exp1
  mapNode (ELte exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosELte exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EGte exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosEGte exp0 exp1
  mapNode (ENeq exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosENeq exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EIn exp0 exp1)                = doMap2 PosEIn exp0 exp1
  mapNode (ENin exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosENin exp0 exp1
  mapNode (QuantExp quant exp')           = doMap2 PosQuantExp quant exp'
  mapNode (EAdd exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosEAdd exp0 exp1
  mapNode (ESub exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosESub exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EMul exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosEMul exp0 exp1
  mapNode (EDiv exp0 exp1)               = doMap2 PosEDiv exp0 exp1
  mapNode (PosECSetExp s exp')            = doMapWithSpan PosECSetExp s exp'
  mapNode (PosEMinExp s exp')             = doMapWithSpan PosEMinExp s exp'  
  mapNode (PosESumSetExp s exp')             = doMapWithSpan PosESumSetExp s exp'
  mapNode (PosEImpliesElse s exp0 exp1 exp2) = doMap3WithSpan PosEImpliesElse s exp0 exp1 exp2
  mapNode (EInt posinteger)              = doMap PosEInt posinteger
  mapNode (EDouble posdouble)            = doMap PosEDouble posdouble
  mapNode (EStr posstring)               = doMap PosEStr posstring
  mapNode (ESetExp setexp)               = doMap PosESetExp setexp
  mapNode x = errMsgM "Exp" x
  range (PosDeclAllDisj s _ _)    = s
  range (PosDeclAll s _ _)        = s
  range (PosDeclQuantDisj s _ _ _) = s
  range (PosDeclQuant s _ _ _)    = s
  range (PosEGMax s _)            = s
  range (PosEGMin s _)            = s
  range (PosEIff s _ _)           = s
  range (PosEImplies s _ _)       = s
  range (PosEOr s _ _)            = s
  range (PosEXor s _ _)           = s
  range (PosEAnd s _ _)           = s
  range (PosENeg s _)             = s
  range (PosELt s _ _)            = s
  range (PosEGt s _ _)            = s
  range (PosEEq s _ _)            = s
  range (PosELte s _ _)           = s
  range (PosEGte s _ _)           = s
  range (PosENeq s _ _)           = s
  range (PosEIn s _ _)            = s
  range (PosENin s _ _)           = s
  range (PosQuantExp s _ _)       = s
  range (PosEAdd s _ _)           = s
  range (PosESub s _ _)           = s
  range (PosEMul s _ _)           = s
  range (PosEDiv s _ _)           = s
  range (PosECSetExp s _)         = s
  range (PosESumSetExp s _)         = s
  range (PosEMinExp s _)          = s
  range (PosEImpliesElse s _ _ _) = s
  range (PosEInt s _)             = s
  range (PosEDouble s _)          = s
  range (PosEStr s _)             = s
  range (PosESetExp s _)          = s
  range x = error $ "No position for Exp " ++ show x
instance Mappable SetExp where
  mapNode (Union e1 e2)        = doMap2 PosUnion e1 e2
  mapNode (UnionCom e1 e2)     = doMap2 PosUnionCom e1 e2
  mapNode (Difference e1 e2)   = doMap2 PosDifference e1 e2
  mapNode (Intersection e1 e2) = doMap2 PosIntersection e1 e2
  mapNode (Domain e1 e2)       = doMap2 PosDomain e1 e2
  mapNode (Range e1 e2)        = doMap2 PosRange e1 e2
  mapNode (Join e1 e2)         = doMap2 PosJoin e1 e2
  mapNode (ClaferId n)         = doMap PosClaferId n
  mapNode x = errMsgM "SetExp" x
  range (PosUnion s _ _)        = s
  range (PosUnionCom s _ _)     = s
  range (PosDifference s _ _)   = s
  range (PosIntersection s _ _) = s
  range (PosDomain s _ _)       = s
  range (PosRange s _ _)        = s
  range (PosJoin s _ _)         = s
  range (PosClaferId s _)       = s
  range x = errMsgR "SetExp" x

instance Mappable NCard where
  mapNode (NCard l h) = doMap2 PosNCard l h
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(NCard l h)" x
  range (PosNCard s _ _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosNCard s _ _)" x
instance Mappable Card where
  mapNode CardEmpty        = PosCardEmpty noSpan
  mapNode x@PosCardLone{}  = x
  mapNode x@PosCardSome{}  = x
  mapNode x@PosCardAny{}   = x
  mapNode (CardNum i)      = doMap PosCardNum i 
  mapNode (CardInterval c) = doMap PosCardInterval c
  mapNode x = errMsgM "Card" x
  range (PosCardEmpty s) = s
  range (PosCardLone s)  = s
  range (PosCardSome s)  = s
  range (PosCardAny s)   = s
  range (PosCardNum s _) = s
  range (PosCardInterval s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "Card" x
instance Mappable GCard where
  mapNode GCardEmpty        = PosGCardEmpty noSpan
  mapNode x@PosGCardXor{}   = x
  mapNode x@PosGCardOr{}    = x
  mapNode x@PosGCardMux{}   = x
  mapNode x@PosGCardOpt{}   = x
  mapNode (GCardInterval n) = doMap PosGCardInterval n
  mapNode x = errMsgM "GCard" x
  range (PosGCardEmpty s)      = s
  range (PosGCardXor s)        = s
  range (PosGCardOr s)         = s
  range (PosGCardMux s)        = s
  range (PosGCardOpt s)        = s
  range (PosGCardInterval s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "GCard" x

instance Mappable Name where
  mapNode (Path m) = doMap PosPath m
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(Path m)" x
  range (PosPath s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosPath s _)" x

instance Mappable LocId where
  mapNode (LocIdIdent i) = doMap PosLocIdIdent i
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(LocIdIdent i)" x
  range (PosLocIdIdent s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosLocIdIdent s _)" x

instance Mappable ModId where
  mapNode (ModIdIdent i) = doMap PosModIdIdent i
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(ModIdIdent i)" x
  range (PosModIdIdent s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosModIdIdent s _)" x

instance Mappable EnumId where
  mapNode (EnumIdIdent i) = doMap PosEnumIdIdent i
  mapNode x = errMsgM "(EnumIdIdent i)" x
  range (PosEnumIdIdent s _) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosEnumIdIdent s _)" x
instance Mappable Quant where
  mapNode = id
  range (PosQuantNo s)   = s
  range (PosQuantLone s) = s
  range (PosQuantOne s)  = s
  range (PosQuantSome s) = s
  range x = errMsgR "(PosQuantNo s), (PosQuantLone s), (PosQuantOne s), or (PosQuantSome s)" x

instance Mappable ExInteger where
  mapNode x@PosExIntegerAst{} = x
  mapNode (ExIntegerNum i)    = doMap PosExIntegerNum i
  mapNode x = errMsgM "x@PosExIntegerAst{} or (ExIntegerNum i)" x
  range (PosExIntegerAst s)   = s
  range (PosExIntegerNum s _) = s  
  range x = errMsgR "(PosExIntegerAst s) or (PosExIntegerNum s _)" x

instance Mappable PosIdent where
  mapNode = id
  range (PosIdent ((c, l), lex')) =
    Span (Pos c' l') (Pos c' $ l' + len lex')
    c' = toInteger c
    l' = toInteger l

instance Mappable PosString where
  mapNode = id
  range (PosString ((c, l), lex')) =
    Span (Pos c' l') (Pos c' $ l' + len lex')
    c' = toInteger c
    l' = toInteger l

instance Mappable PosDouble where
  mapNode = id  
  range (PosDouble ((c, l), lex')) =
    Span (Pos c' l') (Pos c' $ l' + len lex')
    c' = toInteger c
    l' = toInteger l

instance Mappable PosInteger where
  mapNode = id  
  range (PosInteger ((c, l), lex')) =
    Span (Pos c' l') (Pos c' $ l' + len lex')
    c' = toInteger c
    l' = toInteger l

len :: [a] -> Integer
len = toInteger . length

errMsg :: Show a => String -> String -> a -> t
errMsg function expected actual = error $ "Error: Function '" ++ function ++ "' expected argument of type(s) " ++ expected ++ " got " ++ show actual
errMsgM :: Show a => String -> a -> t
errMsgM e a = errMsg "mapNode" e a
errMsgR :: Show a => String -> a -> t
errMsgR e a = errMsg "range" e a