{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
 Copyright (C) 2012 Kacper Bak, Jimmy Liang <http://gsd.uwaterloo.ca>

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{- | Transforms an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from "Language.Clafer.Front.Absclafer" 
into Intermediate representation (IR) from "Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer" of a Clafer model.
module Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Desugarer where

import Language.Clafer.Common
import Language.Clafer.Front.Absclafer
import Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer

-- | Transform the AST into the intermediate representation (IR)
desugarModule :: Module -> IModule
desugarModule (Module _ declarations) = IModule "" $
      declarations >>= desugarEnums >>= desugarDeclaration
--      [ImoduleFragment $ declarations >>= desugarEnums >>= desugarDeclaration]

sugarModule :: IModule -> Module
sugarModule x = Module noSpan $ map sugarDeclaration $ _mDecls x -- (fragments x >>= mDecls)

-- | desugars enumeration to abstract and global singleton features
desugarEnums :: Declaration -> [Declaration]
desugarEnums (EnumDecl s id' enumids) = (absEnum s) : map (mkEnum s) enumids
    oneToOne = (CardInterval noSpan $ NCard noSpan (PosInteger ((0,0), "1")) (ExIntegerNum noSpan $ PosInteger ((0,0), "1")))
    absEnum s1 = ElementDecl s1 $ Subclafer s1 $ Clafer s1 (Abstract s1) (GCardEmpty s1) id' (SuperEmpty s1) (CardEmpty s1) (InitEmpty s1) (ElementsList s1 [])
    mkEnum s2 (EnumIdIdent _ eId) = ElementDecl s2 $ 
                                   Subclafer s2 $ 
                                   Clafer s2 (AbstractEmpty s2) (GCardEmpty s2) eId ((SuperSome s2) (SuperColon s2) (ClaferId s2 $ Path s2 [ModIdIdent s2 id'])) oneToOne (InitEmpty s2) (ElementsList s2 [])
desugarEnums x = [x]

desugarDeclaration :: Declaration -> [IElement]
desugarDeclaration (ElementDecl _ element) = desugarElement element
desugarDeclaration _ = error "desugared"

sugarDeclaration :: IElement -> Declaration
sugarDeclaration (IEClafer clafer) = ElementDecl (_cinPos clafer) $ Subclafer (_cinPos clafer) $ sugarClafer clafer
sugarDeclaration (IEConstraint True constraint) =
      ElementDecl (_inPos constraint) $ Subconstraint (_inPos constraint) $ sugarConstraint constraint
sugarDeclaration  (IEConstraint False softconstraint) =
      ElementDecl (_inPos softconstraint) $ Subsoftconstraint (_inPos softconstraint) $ sugarSoftConstraint softconstraint
sugarDeclaration  (IEGoal _ goal) = ElementDecl (_inPos goal) $ Subgoal (_inPos goal) $ sugarGoal goal

desugarClafer :: Clafer -> [IElement]
desugarClafer (Clafer s abstract gcrd id' super' crd init' es)  = 
    (IEClafer $ IClafer s (desugarAbstract abstract) (desugarGCard gcrd) (transIdent id')
            "" (desugarSuper super') (desugarCard crd) (0, -1)
            (desugarElements es)) : (desugarInit id' init')

sugarClafer :: IClafer -> Clafer
sugarClafer (IClafer s abstract gcard' _ uid' super' crd _ es) = 
    Clafer s (sugarAbstract abstract) (sugarGCard gcard') (mkIdent uid')
      (sugarSuper super') (sugarCard crd) (InitEmpty s) (sugarElements es)

desugarSuper :: Super -> ISuper
desugarSuper (SuperEmpty s) =
      ISuper False [PExp (Just $ TClafer []) "" s $ mkLClaferId baseClafer True]
desugarSuper (SuperSome _ superhow setexp) =
      ISuper (desugarSuperHow superhow) [desugarSetExp setexp]

desugarSuperHow :: SuperHow -> Bool
desugarSuperHow (SuperColon _) = False
desugarSuperHow _  = True

desugarInit :: PosIdent -> Init -> [IElement]
desugarInit _ (InitEmpty _) = []
desugarInit id' (InitSome s inithow exp') = [ IEConstraint (desugarInitHow inithow) (pExpDefPid s implIExp) ]
    cId :: PExp
    cId = mkPLClaferId (snd $ getIdent id') False
    -- <id> = <exp'>
    assignIExp :: IExp
    assignIExp = (IFunExp "=" [cId, desugarExp exp'])
    -- some <id> => <assignIExp>
    implIExp :: IExp
    implIExp = (IFunExp "=>" [ pExpDefPid s $ IDeclPExp ISome [] cId, pExpDefPid s assignIExp ])
    getIdent (PosIdent y) = y

desugarInitHow :: InitHow -> Bool
desugarInitHow (InitHow_1 _) = True
desugarInitHow (InitHow_2 _ )= False

desugarName :: Name -> IExp
desugarName (Path _ path) =
      IClaferId (concatMap ((++ modSep).desugarModId) (init path))
                (desugarModId $ last path) True

desugarModId :: ModId -> Result
desugarModId (ModIdIdent _ id') = transIdent id'

sugarModId :: String -> ModId
sugarModId modid = ModIdIdent noSpan $ mkIdent modid

sugarSuper :: ISuper -> Super
sugarSuper (ISuper _ []) = SuperEmpty noSpan
sugarSuper (ISuper isOverlapping' [pexp]) = SuperSome noSpan (sugarSuperHow isOverlapping') (sugarSetExp pexp)
sugarSuper _ = error "Function sugarSuper from Desugarer expects an ISuper with a list of length one, but it was given one with a list larger than one" -- Should never happen

sugarSuperHow :: Bool -> SuperHow
sugarSuperHow False = SuperColon noSpan
sugarSuperHow True  = SuperMArrow noSpan

sugarInitHow :: Bool -> InitHow
sugarInitHow True  = InitHow_1 noSpan
sugarInitHow False = InitHow_2 noSpan

desugarConstraint :: Constraint -> PExp
desugarConstraint (Constraint _ exps') = desugarPath $ desugarExp $
    (if length exps' > 1 then foldl1 (EAnd noSpan) else head) exps'

desugarSoftConstraint :: SoftConstraint -> PExp
desugarSoftConstraint (SoftConstraint _ exps') = desugarPath $ desugarExp $
    (if length exps' > 1 then foldl1 (EAnd noSpan) else head) exps'

desugarGoal :: Goal -> PExp
desugarGoal (Goal s exps') = desugarPath $ desugarExp $
    (if length exps' > 1 then foldl1 (EAnd s) else head) exps'

sugarConstraint :: PExp -> Constraint
sugarConstraint pexp = Constraint (_inPos pexp)  $ map sugarExp [pexp]

sugarSoftConstraint :: PExp -> SoftConstraint
sugarSoftConstraint pexp = SoftConstraint (_inPos pexp) $ map sugarExp [pexp]

sugarGoal :: PExp -> Goal
sugarGoal pexp = Goal (_inPos pexp) $ map sugarExp [pexp]

desugarAbstract :: Abstract -> Bool
desugarAbstract (AbstractEmpty _) = False
desugarAbstract (Abstract _) = True

sugarAbstract :: Bool -> Abstract
sugarAbstract False = AbstractEmpty noSpan
sugarAbstract True = Abstract noSpan

desugarElements :: Elements -> [IElement]
desugarElements (ElementsEmpty _) = []
desugarElements (ElementsList _ es)  = es >>= desugarElement

sugarElements :: [IElement] -> Elements
sugarElements x = ElementsList noSpan $ map sugarElement x

desugarElement :: Element -> [IElement]
desugarElement x = case x of
  Subclafer _ claf  ->
      (desugarClafer claf) ++
      (mkArrowConstraint claf >>= desugarElement)
  ClaferUse s name crd es  -> desugarClafer $ Clafer s
      (AbstractEmpty s) (GCardEmpty s) (mkIdent $ _sident $ desugarName name)
      ((SuperSome s) (SuperColon s) (ClaferId s name)) crd (InitEmpty s) es
  Subconstraint _ constraint  ->
      [IEConstraint True $ desugarConstraint constraint]
  Subsoftconstraint _ softconstraint ->
      [IEConstraint False $ desugarSoftConstraint softconstraint]
  Subgoal _ goal -> [IEGoal True $ desugarGoal goal]

sugarElement :: IElement -> Element
sugarElement x = case x of
  IEClafer claf  -> Subclafer noSpan $ sugarClafer claf
  IEConstraint True constraint -> Subconstraint noSpan $ sugarConstraint constraint
  IEConstraint False softconstraint -> Subsoftconstraint noSpan $ sugarSoftConstraint softconstraint
  IEGoal _ goal -> Subgoal noSpan $ sugarGoal goal

mkArrowConstraint :: Clafer -> [Element]
mkArrowConstraint (Clafer s _ _ ident' super' _ _ _) = 
  if isSuperSomeArrow super' then  [Subconstraint s $
       Constraint s [DeclAllDisj s
       (Decl s [LocIdIdent s $ mkIdent "x", LocIdIdent s $ mkIdent "y"]
             (ClaferId s $ Path s [ModIdIdent s ident']))
       (ENeq s (ESetExp s $ Join s (ClaferId s $ Path s [ModIdIdent s $ mkIdent "x"])
                             (ClaferId s $ Path s [ModIdIdent s $ mkIdent "ref"]))
             (ESetExp s $ Join s (ClaferId s $ Path s [ModIdIdent s $ mkIdent "y"])
                             (ClaferId s $ Path s [ModIdIdent s $ mkIdent "ref"])))]]
  else []

isSuperSomeArrow :: Super -> Bool
isSuperSomeArrow (SuperSome _ arrow _) = isSuperArrow arrow
isSuperSomeArrow _ = False

isSuperArrow :: SuperHow -> Bool
isSuperArrow (SuperArrow _) = True
isSuperArrow _ = False

desugarGCard :: GCard -> Maybe IGCard
desugarGCard x = case x of
  GCardEmpty _  -> Nothing
  GCardXor _ -> Just $ IGCard True (1, 1)
  GCardOr _  -> Just $ IGCard True (1, -1)
  GCardMux _ -> Just $ IGCard True (0, 1)
  GCardOpt _ -> Just $ IGCard True (0, -1)
  GCardInterval _ ncard ->
      Just $ IGCard (isOptionalDef ncard) $ desugarNCard ncard

isOptionalDef :: NCard -> Bool
isOptionalDef (NCard _ m n) = ((0::Integer) == mkInteger m) && (not $ isExIntegerAst n)

isExIntegerAst :: ExInteger -> Bool
isExIntegerAst (ExIntegerAst _) = True
isExIntegerAst _ = False

sugarGCard :: Maybe IGCard -> GCard
sugarGCard x = case x of
  Nothing -> GCardEmpty noSpan
  Just (IGCard _ (i, ex)) -> GCardInterval noSpan $ NCard noSpan (PosInteger ((0, 0), show i)) (sugarExInteger ex)

desugarCard :: Card -> Maybe Interval
desugarCard x = case x of
  CardEmpty _  -> Nothing
  CardLone _  ->  Just (0, 1)
  CardSome _  ->  Just (1, -1)
  CardAny _ ->  Just (0, -1)
  CardNum _ n  -> Just (mkInteger n, mkInteger n)
  CardInterval _ ncard  -> Just $ desugarNCard ncard

desugarNCard :: NCard -> (Integer, Integer)
desugarNCard (NCard _ i ex) = (mkInteger i, desugarExInteger ex)

desugarExInteger :: ExInteger -> Integer
desugarExInteger (ExIntegerAst _) = -1
desugarExInteger (ExIntegerNum _ n) = mkInteger n

sugarCard :: Maybe Interval -> Card
sugarCard x = case x of
  Nothing -> CardEmpty noSpan
  Just (i, ex) ->
      CardInterval noSpan $ NCard noSpan (PosInteger ((0, 0), show i)) (sugarExInteger ex)

sugarExInteger :: Integer -> ExInteger
sugarExInteger n = if n == -1 then ExIntegerAst noSpan else (ExIntegerNum noSpan $ PosInteger ((0, 0), show n))

desugarExp :: Exp -> PExp
desugarExp x = pExpDefPid (getSpan x) $ desugarExp' x

desugarExp' :: Exp -> IExp
desugarExp' x = case x of
  DeclAllDisj _ decl exp' ->
      IDeclPExp IAll [desugarDecl True decl] (dpe exp')
  DeclAll _ decl exp' -> IDeclPExp IAll [desugarDecl False decl] (dpe exp')
  DeclQuantDisj _ quant' decl exp' ->
      IDeclPExp (desugarQuant quant') [desugarDecl True decl] (dpe exp')
  DeclQuant _ quant' decl exp' ->
      IDeclPExp (desugarQuant quant') [desugarDecl False decl] (dpe exp')
  EIff _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iIff [exp0, exp']
  EImplies _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iImpl [exp0, exp']
  EImpliesElse _ exp0 exp1 exp'  -> dop iIfThenElse [exp0, exp1, exp']
  EOr _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iOr   [exp0, exp']
  EXor _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iXor [exp0, exp']
  EAnd _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iAnd [exp0, exp']
  ENeg _ exp'  -> dop iNot [exp']
  QuantExp _ quant' exp' ->
      IDeclPExp (desugarQuant quant') [] (desugarExp exp')
  ELt  _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iLt  [exp0, exp']
  EGt  _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iGt  [exp0, exp']
  EEq  _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iEq  [exp0, exp']
  ELte _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iLte [exp0, exp']
  EGte _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iGte [exp0, exp']
  ENeq _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iNeq [exp0, exp']
  EIn  _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iIn  [exp0, exp']
  ENin _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iNin [exp0, exp']
  EAdd _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iPlus [exp0, exp']
  ESub _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iSub [exp0, exp']
  EMul _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iMul [exp0, exp']
  EDiv _ exp0 exp'  -> dop iDiv [exp0, exp']
  ECSetExp _ exp'   -> dop iCSet [exp']
  ESumSetExp _ exp' -> dop iSumSet [exp']
  EMinExp _ exp'    -> dop iMin [exp']  
  EGMax _ exp' -> dop iGMax [exp']
  EGMin _ exp' -> dop iGMin [exp']  
  EInt _ n  -> IInt $ mkInteger n
  EDouble _ (PosDouble n) -> IDouble $ read $ snd n
  EStr _ (PosString str)  -> IStr $ snd str
  ESetExp _ sexp -> desugarSetExp' sexp
  dop = desugarOp desugarExp
  dpe = desugarPath.desugarExp

desugarOp :: (a -> PExp) -> String -> [a] -> IExp
desugarOp f op' exps' = 
    if (op' == iIfThenElse)
      then IFunExp op' $ (desugarPath $ head mappedList) : (map reducePExp $ tail mappedList)
      else IFunExp op' $ map (trans.f) exps'
      mappedList = map f exps'
      trans = if op' `elem` ([iNot, iIfThenElse] ++ logBinOps)
          then desugarPath else id

desugarSetExp :: SetExp -> PExp
desugarSetExp x = pExpDefPid (getSpan x) $ desugarSetExp' x

desugarSetExp' :: SetExp -> IExp
desugarSetExp' x = case x of
  Union _ exp0 exp'        -> dop iUnion        [exp0, exp']
  UnionCom _ exp0 exp'     -> dop iUnion        [exp0, exp']
  Difference _ exp0 exp'   -> dop iDifference   [exp0, exp']
  Intersection _ exp0 exp' -> dop iIntersection [exp0, exp']
  Domain _ exp0 exp'       -> dop iDomain       [exp0, exp']
  Range _ exp0 exp'        -> dop iRange        [exp0, exp']
  Join _ exp0 exp'         -> dop iJoin         [exp0, exp']
  ClaferId _ name  -> desugarName name

  dop = desugarOp desugarSetExp

sugarExp :: PExp -> Exp
sugarExp x = sugarExp' $ Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer._exp x

sugarExp' :: IExp -> Exp
sugarExp' x = case x of
  IDeclPExp quant' [] pexp -> QuantExp noSpan (sugarQuant quant') (sugarExp pexp)
  IDeclPExp IAll (decl@(IDecl True _ _):[]) pexp ->
    DeclAllDisj noSpan (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
  IDeclPExp IAll  (decl@(IDecl False _ _):[]) pexp ->
    DeclAll noSpan (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
  IDeclPExp quant' (decl@(IDecl True _ _):[]) pexp ->
    DeclQuantDisj noSpan (sugarQuant quant') (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
  IDeclPExp quant' (decl@(IDecl False _ _):[]) pexp ->
    DeclQuant noSpan (sugarQuant quant') (sugarDecl decl) (sugarExp pexp)
  IFunExp op' exps' ->
    if op' `elem` unOps then (sugarUnOp op') (exps''!!0)
    else if op' `elem` setBinOps then (ESetExp noSpan $ sugarSetExp' x)
    else if op' `elem` binOps then (sugarOp op') (exps''!!0) (exps''!!1)
    else (sugarTerOp op') (exps''!!0) (exps''!!1) (exps''!!2)
    exps'' = map sugarExp exps'
  IInt n -> EInt noSpan $ PosInteger ((0, 0), show n)
  IDouble n -> EDouble noSpan $ PosDouble ((0, 0), show n)
  IStr str -> EStr noSpan $ PosString ((0, 0), str)
  IClaferId _ _ _ -> ESetExp noSpan $ sugarSetExp' x
  _ -> error "Function sugarExp' from Desugarer was given an invalid argument" -- This should never happen
  sugarUnOp op''
    | op'' == iNot           = ENeg noSpan
    | op'' == iCSet          = ECSetExp noSpan
    | op'' == iMin           = EMinExp noSpan
    | op'' == iGMax          = EGMax noSpan
    | op'' == iGMin          = EGMin noSpan
    | op'' == iSumSet        = ESumSetExp noSpan
    | otherwise            = error $ show op'' ++ "is not an op"
  sugarOp op''
    | op'' == iIff           = EIff noSpan
    | op'' == iImpl          = EImplies noSpan
    | op'' == iOr            = EOr noSpan
    | op'' == iXor           = EXor noSpan
    | op'' == iAnd           = EAnd noSpan
    | op'' == iLt            = ELt noSpan
    | op'' == iGt            = EGt noSpan
    | op'' == iEq            = EEq noSpan
    | op'' == iLte           = ELte noSpan
    | op'' == iGte           = EGte noSpan
    | op'' == iNeq           = ENeq noSpan
    | op'' == iIn            = EIn noSpan
    | op'' == iNin           = ENin noSpan
    | op'' == iPlus          = EAdd noSpan
    | op'' == iSub           = ESub noSpan
    | op'' == iMul           = EMul noSpan
    | op'' == iDiv           = EDiv noSpan
    | otherwise            = error $ show op'' ++ "is not an op"
  sugarTerOp op''
    | op'' == iIfThenElse    = EImpliesElse noSpan
    | otherwise            = error $ show op'' ++ "is not an op"

sugarSetExp :: PExp -> SetExp
sugarSetExp x = sugarSetExp' $ _exp x

sugarSetExp' :: IExp -> SetExp
sugarSetExp' (IFunExp op' exps') = (sugarOp op') (exps''!!0) (exps''!!1)
    exps'' = map sugarSetExp exps'
    sugarOp op''
      | op'' == iUnion         = Union noSpan 
      | op'' == iDifference    = Difference noSpan 
      | op'' == iIntersection  = Intersection noSpan 
      | op'' == iDomain        = Domain noSpan 
      | op'' == iRange         = Range noSpan 
      | op'' == iJoin          = Join noSpan 
      | otherwise              = error "Invalid argument given to function sygarSetExp' in Desugarer"
sugarSetExp' (IClaferId "" id' _) = ClaferId noSpan $ Path noSpan [ModIdIdent noSpan $ mkIdent id']
sugarSetExp' (IClaferId modName' id' _) = ClaferId noSpan $ Path noSpan $ (sugarModId modName') : [sugarModId id']
sugarSetExp' _ = error "IDecelPexp, IInt, IDobule, and IStr can not be sugared into a setExp!" --This should never happen

desugarPath :: PExp -> PExp
desugarPath (PExp iType' pid' pos' x) = reducePExp $ PExp iType' pid' pos' result
    | isSet x     = IDeclPExp ISome [] (pExpDefPid pos' x)
    | isNegSome x = IDeclPExp INo   [] $ _bpexp $ Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer._exp $ head $ _exps x
    | otherwise   =  x
  isNegSome (IFunExp op' [PExp _ _ _ (IDeclPExp ISome [] _)]) = op' == iNot
  isNegSome _ = False

isSet :: IExp -> Bool
isSet (IClaferId _ _ _)  = True
isSet (IFunExp op' _) = op' `elem` setBinOps
isSet _ = False

-- reduce parent
reducePExp :: PExp -> PExp
reducePExp (PExp t pid' pos' x) = PExp t pid' pos' $ reduceIExp x

reduceIExp :: IExp -> IExp
reduceIExp (IDeclPExp quant' decls' pexp) = IDeclPExp quant' decls' $ reducePExp pexp
reduceIExp (IFunExp op' exps') = redNav $ IFunExp op' $ map redExps exps'
    (redNav, redExps) = if op' == iJoin then (reduceNav, id) else (id, reducePExp) 
reduceIExp x = x

reduceNav :: IExp -> IExp
reduceNav x@(IFunExp op' exps'@((PExp _ _ _ iexp@(IFunExp _ (pexp0:pexp:_))):pPexp:_)) = 
  if op' == iJoin && isParent pPexp && isClaferName pexp
  then reduceNav $ Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer._exp pexp0
  else x{_exps = (head exps'){Language.Clafer.Intermediate.Intclafer._exp = reduceIExp iexp} :
                tail exps'}
reduceNav x = x

desugarDecl :: Bool -> Decl -> IDecl
desugarDecl isDisj' (Decl _ locids exp') =
    IDecl isDisj' (map desugarLocId locids) (desugarSetExp exp')

sugarDecl :: IDecl -> Decl
sugarDecl (IDecl _ locids exp') =
    Decl noSpan (map sugarLocId locids) (sugarSetExp exp')

desugarLocId :: LocId -> String
desugarLocId (LocIdIdent _ id') = transIdent id'

sugarLocId :: String -> LocId
sugarLocId x = LocIdIdent noSpan $ mkIdent x

desugarQuant :: Quant -> IQuant
desugarQuant (QuantNo _) = INo
desugarQuant (QuantNot _) = INo
desugarQuant (QuantLone _) = ILone
desugarQuant (QuantOne _) = IOne
desugarQuant (QuantSome _) = ISome

sugarQuant :: IQuant -> Quant
sugarQuant INo = QuantNo noSpan  -- will never sugar to QuantNOT
sugarQuant ILone = QuantLone noSpan
sugarQuant IOne = QuantOne noSpan
sugarQuant ISome = QuantSome noSpan
sugarQuant IAll = error "sugarQaunt was called on IAll, this is not allowed!" --Should never happen