{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {- Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Jimmy Liang, Michal Antkiewicz Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -} module Main where import Language.Clafer.IG.ClaferIG import Language.Clafer.IG.ClaferModel import Language.Clafer.IG.CommandLine import Language.Clafer.IG.Solution import Language.Clafer.IG.Sugarer import Language.Clafer.ClaferArgs import Language.Clafer.JSONMetaData import Language.ClaferT import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.Either import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.List (partition) import Data.Maybe import Data.IORef import Prelude hiding (all) import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Directory import System.FilePath claferIGArgsDef :: IGArgs claferIGArgsDef = IGArgs { all = def &= opt "1" &= help "Saves all instances or a counterexample. Reads scopes from a `.cfr.scope` file or uses the provided global scope." &= typ "INTEGER", saveDir = def &= help "Specify the directory for storing saved files." &= typ "FILE", bitwidth = 4 &= help "Set the bitwidth for integers." &= typ "INTEGER", -- Default bitwidth is 4. maxInt = 7 &= help "Set the bitwidth for integers based on the largest required number. Overrides --bitwidth argument." &= typ "INTEGER", alloySolution = False &= help "Convert Alloy solution to a Clafer solution.", claferModelFile = def &= argPos 0 &= typ "FILE", useUids = False &= help "Use unique clafer names in the Clafer solution.", addTypes = False &= help "Add colon/reference types to the Clafer solution.", json = False &= help "Render solution as JSON (forces 'addUids').", flatten_inheritance_comp = def &= help "Flatten inheritance during compiling ('alloy' and 'alloy42' modes only)" &= name "i", no_layout_comp = def &= help "Don't resolve off-side rule layout during compiling" &= name "l", check_duplicates_comp = def &= help "Check duplicated clafer names during compiling" &= name "c", skip_resolver_comp = def &= help "Skip name resolution during compiling" &= name "f", scope_strategy_comp = Simple &= help "Use scope computation strategy during compiling: none, simple (default), or full." &= name "ss" } &= summary claferIGVersion &= program "claferig" main :: IO () main = do args' <- cmdArgs claferIGArgsDef let bw = bitwidth args' mi = maxInt args' -- maxInt overrides the bitwidth setting args'' = if (mi > allowedMaxInt bw) then args' {bitwidth = requiredBitwidth mi} else args' if (alloySolution args'') then runAlloySolution args'' else if (json args'') then tryClaferIG (args'' { useUids = True }) else tryClaferIG args'' where tryClaferIG args3 = do try <- runClaferIG args3 case try of Right r -> return r Left l -> do mapM putStrLn $ printError l putStrLn "Press enter to retry." void getLine tryClaferIG args3 runClaferIG :: IGArgs -> IO (Either ClaferErrs ()) runClaferIG args' = runClaferIGT args' $ do let claferModelFileName = claferModelFile args' cModel <- liftIO $ strictReadFile claferModelFileName when (cModel == "") $ error "Cannot instantiate an empty model." oldBw <- getBitwidth env <- getClaferEnv let ir = fst3 $ fromJust $ cIr env scopes <- getScopes setBitwidth $ findNecessaryBitwidth ir oldBw $ map snd scopes solve case all args' of Just scope -> do -- copied from CommandLine LoadScopes command qNameMaps' <- getQNameMaps maybeUidScopes <- liftIO $ readCfrScopeFile qNameMaps' claferModelFileName case maybeUidScopes of Nothing -> do liftIO $ putStrLn "Using the provided global scope as a `.cfr-scope` file does not exist. Use the command `saveScopes` to create one." setGlobalScope scope Just uidScopes -> do let (globalScopes, normalScopes) = partition (\(uid, _) -> null uid) uidScopes -- from the globalScopes, take the maximum globalScopeVals = map snd globalScopes globalScope = maximum globalScopeVals -- add the "this/" prefix normalScopesAlloy = map (\(uid, scope) -> ("this/"++uid, scope)) normalScopes setGlobalScope globalScope mapM_ (\(uid, val) -> setAlloyScope val uid) normalScopesAlloy -- end copied solve counterRef <- liftIO $ newIORef 1 let saveDirectory = fromMaybe return $ underDirectory `liftM` saveDir args' saveAll (savePath claferModelFileName counterRef >>= saveDirectory) quit Nothing -> runCommandLine -- | Convert an Alloy XML file into an instance in Clafer runAlloySolution :: IGArgs -> IO () runAlloySolution args' = do content <- readFile $ claferModelFile args' -- It's an Alloy XML file in this case let sMap = Map.empty putStrLn $ show $ (sugarClaferModel (useUids args') (addTypes args') Nothing $ buildClaferModel $ parseSolution content) $ sMap savePath :: FilePath -> IORef Int -> IO FilePath savePath file' counterRef = do counter <- readIORef counterRef writeIORef counterRef (counter + 1) return $ file' ++ "." ++ (show counter) ++ ".data" underDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath underDirectory dir file' = do createDirectoryIfMissing True dir return $ joinPath [dir, file'] saveAll :: IO FilePath -> ClaferIGT IO () saveAll nextFile = do file' <- liftIO nextFile liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory file' solution <- next case solution of Instance{modelInstance = modelInstance'} -> do liftIO $ writeFile file' (show modelInstance') saveAll nextFile _ -> return ()