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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module Language.C.Clang.Internal.Types where

import Data.Singletons.TH
import Foreign

import Language.C.Clang.Internal.Refs

data CXIndexImpl
type CXIndex = Ptr CXIndexImpl
type instance RefOf ClangIndex = CXIndexImpl
newtype ClangIndex = ClangIndex (Root CXIndexImpl)
  deriving (Parent, Clang)

instance Eq ClangIndex where (==) = pointerEq

data CXTranslationUnitImpl
type CXTranslationUnit = Ptr CXTranslationUnitImpl
type instance RefOf TranslationUnit = CXTranslationUnitImpl
type instance ParentOf TranslationUnit = ClangIndex
newtype TranslationUnit = TranslationUnitRef (Node ClangIndex CXTranslationUnitImpl)
  deriving (Parent, Child, Clang)

instance Eq TranslationUnit where (==) = pointerEq

data CXCursor
type instance RefOf Cursor = CXCursor
type instance ParentOf Cursor = TranslationUnit
newtype Cursor = Cursor (Leaf TranslationUnit CXCursor)
  deriving (Child, Clang)

-- | A `Cursor` with a statically known `CursorKind`.
newtype CursorK (kind :: CursorKind) = CursorK { withoutKind :: Cursor }
  deriving (Clang)

data CXSourceRange
type instance RefOf SourceRange = CXSourceRange
type instance ParentOf SourceRange = TranslationUnit
newtype SourceRange
  = SourceRange (Leaf TranslationUnit CXSourceRange)
  deriving (Child, Clang)

data CXSourceLocation
type instance RefOf SourceLocation = CXSourceLocation
type instance ParentOf SourceLocation = TranslationUnit
newtype SourceLocation
  = SourceLocation (Leaf TranslationUnit CXSourceLocation)
  deriving (Child, Clang)

data CXFileImpl
type CXFile = Ptr CXFileImpl
type instance RefOf File = CXFileImpl
type instance ParentOf File = TranslationUnit
newtype File
  = File (Leaf TranslationUnit CXFileImpl)
  deriving (Child, Clang)

instance Eq File where (==) = pointerEq

data CXString

data Location = Location
  { file :: File
  , line :: Word
  , column :: Word
  , offset :: Word

data CursorKind
  = UnexposedDecl
  | StructDecl
  | UnionDecl
  | ClassDecl
  | EnumDecl
  | FieldDecl
  | EnumConstantDecl
  | FunctionDecl
  | VarDecl
  | ParmDecl
  | ObjCInterfaceDecl
  | ObjCCategoryDecl
  | ObjCProtocolDecl
  | ObjCPropertyDecl
  | ObjCIvarDecl
  | ObjCInstanceMethodDecl
  | ObjCClassMethodDecl
  | ObjCImplementationDecl
  | ObjCCategoryImplDecl
  | TypedefDecl
  | CXXMethod
  | Namespace
  | LinkageSpec
  | Constructor
  | Destructor
  | ConversionFunction
  | TemplateTypeParameter
  | NonTypeTemplateParameter
  | TemplateTemplateParameter
  | FunctionTemplate
  | ClassTemplate
  | ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization
  | NamespaceAlias
  | UsingDirective
  | UsingDeclaration
  | TypeAliasDecl
  | ObjCSynthesizeDecl
  | ObjCDynamicDecl
  | CXXAccessSpecifier
  | FirstDecl
  | LastDecl
  | FirstRef
  | ObjCSuperClassRef
  | ObjCProtocolRef
  | ObjCClassRef
  | TypeRef
  | CXXBaseSpecifier
  | TemplateRef
  | NamespaceRef
  | MemberRef
  | LabelRef
  | OverloadedDeclRef
  | VariableRef
  | LastRef
  | FirstInvalid
  | InvalidFile
  | NoDeclFound
  | NotImplemented
  | InvalidCode
  | LastInvalid
  | FirstExpr
  | UnexposedExpr
  | DeclRefExpr
  | MemberRefExpr
  | CallExpr
  | ObjCMessageExpr
  | BlockExpr
  | IntegerLiteral
  | FloatingLiteral
  | ImaginaryLiteral
  | StringLiteral
  | CharacterLiteral
  | ParenExpr
  | UnaryOperator
  | ArraySubscriptExpr
  | BinaryOperator
  | CompoundAssignOperator
  | ConditionalOperator
  | CStyleCastExpr
  | CompoundLiteralExpr
  | InitListExpr
  | AddrLabelExpr
  | StmtExpr
  | GenericSelectionExpr
  | GNUNullExpr
  | CXXStaticCastExpr
  | CXXDynamicCastExpr
  | CXXReinterpretCastExpr
  | CXXConstCastExpr
  | CXXFunctionalCastExpr
  | CXXTypeidExpr
  | CXXBoolLiteralExpr
  | CXXNullPtrLiteralExpr
  | CXXThisExpr
  | CXXThrowExpr
  | CXXNewExpr
  | CXXDeleteExpr
  | UnaryExpr
  | ObjCStringLiteral
  | ObjCEncodeExpr
  | ObjCSelectorExpr
  | ObjCProtocolExpr
  | ObjCBridgedCastExpr
  | PackExpansionExpr
  | SizeOfPackExpr
  | LambdaExpr
  | ObjCBoolLiteralExpr
  | ObjCSelfExpr
  | LastExpr
  | FirstStmt
  | UnexposedStmt
  | LabelStmt
  | CompoundStmt
  | CaseStmt
  | DefaultStmt
  | IfStmt
  | SwitchStmt
  | WhileStmt
  | DoStmt
  | ForStmt
  | GotoStmt
  | IndirectGotoStmt
  | ContinueStmt
  | BreakStmt
  | ReturnStmt
  | GCCAsmStmt
  | AsmStmt
  | ObjCAtTryStmt
  | ObjCAtCatchStmt
  | ObjCAtFinallyStmt
  | ObjCAtThrowStmt
  | ObjCAtSynchronizedStmt
  | ObjCAutoreleasePoolStmt
  | ObjCForCollectionStmt
  | CXXCatchStmt
  | CXXTryStmt
  | CXXForRangeStmt
  | SEHTryStmt
  | SEHExceptStmt
  | SEHFinallyStmt
  | MSAsmStmt
  | NullStmt
  | DeclStmt
  | OMPParallelDirective
  | OMPSimdDirective
  | OMPForDirective
  | OMPSectionsDirective
  | OMPSectionDirective
  | OMPSingleDirective
  | OMPParallelForDirective
  | OMPParallelSectionsDirective
  | OMPTaskDirective
  | OMPMasterDirective
  | OMPCriticalDirective
  | OMPTaskyieldDirective
  | OMPBarrierDirective
  | OMPTaskwaitDirective
  | OMPFlushDirective
  | SEHLeaveStmt
  | LastStmt
  | TranslationUnit
  | FirstAttr
  | UnexposedAttr
  | IBActionAttr
  | IBOutletAttr
  | IBOutletCollectionAttr
  | CXXFinalAttr
  | CXXOverrideAttr
  | AnnotateAttr
  | AsmLabelAttr
  | PackedAttr
  | PureAttr
  | ConstAttr
  | NoDuplicateAttr
  | CUDAConstantAttr
  | CUDADeviceAttr
  | CUDAGlobalAttr
  | CUDAHostAttr
  | LastAttr
  | PreprocessingDirective
  | MacroDefinition
  | MacroExpansion
  | MacroInstantiation
  | InclusionDirective
  | FirstPreprocessing
  | LastPreprocessing
  | ModuleImportDecl
  | FirstExtraDecl
  | LastExtraDecl
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

genSingletons [''CursorKind]

data TypeKind
  = Invalid
  | Unexposed
  | Void
  | Bool
  | Char_U
  | UChar
  | Char16
  | Char32
  | UShort
  | UInt
  | ULong
  | ULongLong
  | UInt128
  | Char_S
  | SChar
  | WChar
  | Short
  | Int
  | Long
  | LongLong
  | Int128
  | Float
  | Double
  | LongDouble
  | NullPtr
  | Overload
  | Dependent
  | ObjCId
  | ObjCClass
  | ObjCSel
  | FirstBuiltin
  | LastBuiltin
  | Complex
  | Pointer
  | BlockPointer
  | LValueReference
  | RValueReference
  | Record
  | Enum
  | Typedef
  | ObjCInterface
  | ObjCObjectPointer
  | FunctionNoProto
  | FunctionProto
  | ConstantArray
  | Vector
  | IncompleteArray
  | VariableArray
  | DependentSizedArray
  | MemberPointer
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data CXType
type instance RefOf Type = CXType
type instance ParentOf Type = TranslationUnit
newtype Type = Type (Leaf TranslationUnit CXType)
  deriving (Child, Clang)

data CXToken
data TokenSet = TokenSet
  { tokenSetRef :: Leaf TranslationUnit CXToken
  , tokenSetSize :: Int

type instance RefOf Token = CXToken
type instance ParentOf Token = TranslationUnit
data Token = Token TokenSet Int