{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}

-- | Type Constructors in CoreHW
module CLaSH.Core.TyCon
  ( TyCon (..)
  , TyConName
  , AlgTyConRhs (..)
  , PrimRep (..)
  , mkKindTyCon
  , isTupleTyConLike
  , tyConDataCons

-- External Import
import                Control.DeepSeq
import                Unbound.LocallyNameless as Unbound hiding (rnf)
import                Unbound.LocallyNameless.Name (Name(Nm,Bn))

-- Internal Imports
import {-# SOURCE #-} CLaSH.Core.DataCon      (DataCon)
import {-# SOURCE #-} CLaSH.Core.Term         (Term)
import {-# SOURCE #-} CLaSH.Core.Type         (Kind, TyName, Type)
import                CLaSH.Util

-- | Type Constructor
data TyCon
  -- | Algorithmic DataCons
  = AlgTyCon
  { tyConName   :: TyConName   -- ^ Name of the TyCon
  , tyConKind   :: Kind        -- ^ Kind of the TyCon
  , tyConArity  :: Int         -- ^ Number of type arguments
  , algTcRhs    :: AlgTyConRhs -- ^ DataCon definitions
  -- | Primitive TyCons
  | PrimTyCon
  { tyConName    :: TyConName  -- ^ Name of the TyCon
  , tyConKind    :: Kind       -- ^ Kind of the TyCon
  , tyConArity   :: Int        -- ^ Number of type arguments
  , primTyConRep :: PrimRep    -- ^ Representation
  -- | To close the loop on the type hierarchy
  | SuperKindTyCon
  { tyConName :: TyConName     -- ^ Name of the TyCon

instance Show TyCon where
  show (AlgTyCon       {tyConName = n}) = "AlgTyCon: " ++ show n
  show (PrimTyCon      {tyConName = n}) = "PrimTyCon: " ++ show n
  show (SuperKindTyCon {tyConName = n}) = "SuperKindTyCon: " ++ show n

instance Eq TyCon where
  (==) = (==) `on` tyConName

instance Ord TyCon where
  compare = compare `on` tyConName

-- | TyCon reference
type TyConName = Name TyCon

-- | The RHS of an Algebraic Datatype
data AlgTyConRhs
  = DataTyCon
  { dataCons :: [DataCon]        -- ^ The DataCons of a TyCon
  | NewTyCon
  { dataCon   :: DataCon         -- ^ The newtype DataCon
  , ntEtadRhs :: ([TyName],Type) -- ^ The argument type of the newtype
                                 -- DataCon in eta-reduced form, which is
                                 -- just the representation of the TyCon.
                                 -- The TyName's are the type-variables from
                                 -- the corresponding TyCon.
  deriving Show

-- | Representations for primitive types
data PrimRep
  = IntRep
  | VoidRep
  deriving Show

Unbound.derive [''TyCon,''AlgTyConRhs,''PrimRep]

instance Alpha PrimRep
instance Alpha TyCon where
  swaps' _ _ d    = d
  fv' _ _         = emptyC
  lfreshen' _ a f = f a empty
  freshen' _ a    = return (a,empty)
  aeq' _ tc1 tc2  = aeq (tyConName tc1) (tyConName tc2)
  acompare' _ tc1 tc2 = acompare (tyConName tc1) (tyConName tc2)
  open _ _ d      = d
  close _ _ d     = d
  isPat _         = error "isPat TyCon"
  isTerm _        = error "isTerm TyCon"
  isEmbed _       = error "isEmbed TyCon"
  nthpatrec _     = error "nthpatrec TyCon"
  findpatrec _ _  = error "findpatrec TyCon"

instance Alpha AlgTyConRhs

instance Subst Type TyCon
instance Subst Type AlgTyConRhs
instance Subst Type PrimRep

instance Subst Term TyCon
instance Subst Term AlgTyConRhs
instance Subst Term PrimRep

instance NFData TyCon where
  rnf tc = case tc of
    AlgTyCon nm ki ar rhs  -> rnf nm `seq` rnf ki `seq` rnf ar `seq` rnf rhs
    PrimTyCon nm ki ar rep -> rnf nm `seq` rnf ki `seq` rnf ar `seq` rnf rep
    SuperKindTyCon nm      -> rnf nm

instance NFData (Name TyCon) where
  rnf nm = case nm of
    (Nm _ s)   -> rnf s
    (Bn _ l r) -> rnf l `seq` rnf r

instance NFData AlgTyConRhs where
  rnf rhs = case rhs of
    DataTyCon dcs   -> rnf dcs
    NewTyCon dc eta -> rnf dc `seq` rnf eta

instance NFData PrimRep where
  rnf pm = case pm of
    IntRep  -> ()
    VoidRep -> ()

-- | Create a Kind out of a TyConName
mkKindTyCon :: TyConName
            -> Kind
            -> TyCon
mkKindTyCon name kind
  = PrimTyCon name kind 0 VoidRep

-- | Does the TyCon look like a tuple TyCon
isTupleTyConLike :: TyConName -> Bool
isTupleTyConLike nm = tupleName (name2String nm)
    tupleName nm
      | '(' <- head nm
      , ')' <- last nm
      = all (== ',') (init $ tail nm)
    tupleName _ = False

-- | Get the DataCons belonging to a TyCon
tyConDataCons :: TyCon -> [DataCon]
tyConDataCons (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon { dataCons = cons}}) = cons
tyConDataCons (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon  { dataCon  = con }}) = [con]
tyConDataCons _                                                    = []