{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- | Utility functions used by the normalisation transformations
module CLaSH.Normalize.Util where

import           Control.Lens            ((%=))
import qualified Control.Lens            as Lens
import qualified Data.Graph              as Graph
import           Data.Graph.Inductive    (Gr,LNode,lsuc,mkGraph,iDom)
import           Data.HashMap.Lazy       (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy       as HashMap
import qualified Data.Maybe              as Maybe
import qualified Data.Set                as Set
import qualified Data.Set.Lens           as Lens
import           Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Fresh, bind, embed, rec)

import           CLaSH.Core.FreeVars     (termFreeIds)
import           CLaSH.Core.Var          (Var (Id))
import           CLaSH.Core.Term         (Term (..), TmName)
import           CLaSH.Core.Type         (Type)
import           CLaSH.Core.TyCon        (TyCon, TyConName)
import           CLaSH.Core.Util         (collectArgs, isPolyFun)
import           CLaSH.Normalize.Types
import           CLaSH.Rewrite.Util      (specialise)
import           CLaSH.Util              (curLoc)

-- | Determine if a function is already inlined in the context of the 'NetlistMonad'
alreadyInlined :: TmName
               -> NormalizeMonad (Maybe Int)
alreadyInlined f = do
  cf <- Lens.use curFun
  inlinedHM <- Lens.use inlineHistory
  case HashMap.lookup cf inlinedHM of
    Nothing       -> return Nothing
    Just inlined' -> return (HashMap.lookup f inlined')

addNewInline :: TmName
             -> NormalizeMonad ()
addNewInline f = do
  cf <- Lens.use curFun
  inlineHistory %= HashMap.insertWith
                     (\_ hm -> HashMap.insertWith (+) f 1 hm)
                     (HashMap.singleton f 1)

-- | Specialize under the Normalization Monad
specializeNorm :: Bool -> NormRewrite
specializeNorm = specialise specialisationCache specialisationHistory specialisationLimit

-- | Determine if a term is closed
isClosed :: (Functor m, Fresh m)
         => HashMap TyConName TyCon
         -> Term
         -> m Bool
isClosed tcm = fmap not . isPolyFun tcm

-- | Determine if a term represents a constant
isConstant :: Term -> Bool
isConstant e = case collectArgs e of
  (Data _, args)   -> all (either isConstant (const True)) args
  (Prim _ _, args) -> all (either isConstant (const True)) args
  (Literal _,_)    -> True
  _                -> False

-- | Create a call graph for a set of global binders, given a root
callGraph :: [TmName] -- ^ List of functions that should not be inspected
          -> HashMap TmName (Type,Term) -- ^ Global binders
          -> TmName -- ^ Root of the call graph
          -> [(TmName,[TmName])]
callGraph visited bindingMap root = node:other
    rootTm = Maybe.fromMaybe (error $ show root ++ " is not a global binder") $ HashMap.lookup root bindingMap
    used   = Set.toList $ Lens.setOf termFreeIds (snd rootTm)
    node   = (root,used)
    other  = concatMap (callGraph (root:visited) bindingMap) (filter (`notElem` visited) used)

-- | Determine the sets of recursive components given the edges of a callgraph
recursiveComponents :: [(TmName,[TmName])] -- ^ [(calling function,[called function])]
                    -> [[TmName]]
recursiveComponents = Maybe.catMaybes
                    . map (\case {Graph.CyclicSCC vs -> Just vs; _ -> Nothing})
                    . Graph.stronglyConnComp
                    . map (\(n,es) -> (n,n,es))

lambdaDropPrep :: HashMap TmName (Type,Term)
               -> TmName
               -> HashMap TmName (Type,Term)
lambdaDropPrep bndrs topEntity = bndrs'
    depGraph = callGraph [] bndrs topEntity
    used     = HashMap.fromList depGraph
    rcs      = recursiveComponents depGraph
    dropped  = map (lambdaDrop bndrs used) rcs
    bndrs'   = foldr (\(k,v) b -> HashMap.insert k v b) bndrs dropped

lambdaDrop :: HashMap TmName (Type,Term) -- ^ Original Binders
           -> HashMap TmName [TmName]    -- ^ Dependency Graph
           -> [TmName]                   -- ^ Recursive block
           -> (TmName,(Type,Term))       -- ^ Lambda-dropped Binders
lambdaDrop bndrs depGraph cyc@(root:_) = block
    doms  = dominator depGraph cyc
    block = blockSink bndrs doms (0,root)

lambdaDrop _ _ [] = error $ $(curLoc) ++ "Can't lambdadrop empty cycle"

dominator :: HashMap TmName [TmName] -- ^ Dependency Graph
          -> [TmName]                -- ^ Recursive block
          -> Gr TmName TmName        -- ^ Recursive block dominator
dominator cfg cyc = mkGraph nodes (map (\(e,b) -> (b,e,nodesM HashMap.! e)) doms)
    nodes    = zip [0..] cyc
    nodesM   = HashMap.fromList nodes
    nodesI   = HashMap.fromList $ zip cyc [0..]
    cycEdges = HashMap.map ( map (nodesI HashMap.!)
                           . filter (`elem` cyc)
             $ HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `elem` cyc) cfg
    edges    = concatMap (\(i,n) -> zip3 (repeat i) (cycEdges HashMap.! n) (repeat ())
                         ) nodes
    graph    = mkGraph nodes edges :: Gr TmName ()
    doms     = iDom graph 0

blockSink :: HashMap TmName (Type,Term) -- ^ Original Binders
          -> Gr TmName TmName           -- ^ Recursive block dominator
          -> LNode TmName               -- ^ Recursive block dominator root
          -> (TmName,(Type,Term))       -- ^ Block sank binder
blockSink bndrs doms (nId,tmName) = (tmName,(ty,newTm))
    (ty,tm) = bndrs HashMap.! tmName
    sucTm   = lsuc doms nId
    tmS     = map (blockSink bndrs doms) sucTm
    bnds    = map (\(tN,(ty',tm')) -> (Id tN (embed ty'),embed tm')) tmS
    newTm   = case sucTm of
                [] -> tm
                _  -> Letrec (bind (rec bnds) tm)