[ { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.gtChar#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "gtChar# :: Char# -> Char# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] > ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.geChar#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "geChar# :: Char# -> Char# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] >= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.eqChar#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "eqChar# :: Char# -> Char# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] = ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.neChar#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "neChar# :: Char# -> Char# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] /= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ltChar#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "ltChar# :: Char# -> Char# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] < ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.leChar#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "leChar# :: Char# -> Char# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] <= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ord#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "ord# :: Char# -> Int#" , "template" : "signed(std_logic_vector(resize(~ARG[0],~SIZE[~TYPO])))" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.*#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "(*#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "resize(~ARG[0] * ~ARG[1],~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.remInt#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "remInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] rem ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.quotRemInt#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "quotRemInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> (#Int#, Int##)" , "template" : "(~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1], ~ARG[0] rem ~ARG[1])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.andI#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "and# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] and ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.orI#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "or# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] or ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.xorI#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "xor# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] xor ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.notI#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "not# :: Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "not ~ARG[0]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.negateInt#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "negateInt# :: Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "-~ARG[0]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.>#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "(>#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] > ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.>=#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "(>=#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] >= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.==#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "(==) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] = ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim./=#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "(/=#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] /= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.<#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "(<#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] < ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.<=#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "(<=#) :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] <= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.chr#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "ord# :: Int# -> Chr#" , "template" : "resize(unsigned(std_logic_vector(~ARG[0])),21)" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.int2Word#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "word2Int# :: Int# -> Word#" , "template" : "unsigned(std_logic_vector(~ARG[0]))" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.uncheckedIShiftL#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "uncheckedIShiftL# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "shift_left(~ARG[0],to_integer(~ARG[1]))" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.uncheckedIShiftRA#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "uncheckedIShiftRA# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "shift_right(~ARG[0],to_integer(~ARG[1]))" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.uncheckedIShiftRL#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "uncheckedIShiftRL# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] srl to_integer(~ARG[1])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.timesWord#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "timesWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "resize(~ARG[0] * ~ARG[1],~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.remWord#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "remWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] rem ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.quotRemWord#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "quotRemWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> (#Word#, Word##)" , "template" : "(~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1], ~ARG[0] rem ~ARG[1])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.and#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "and# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] and ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.or#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "or# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] or ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.xor#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "xor# :: Word# -> Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "~ARG[0] xor ~ARG[1]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.not#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "not# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "not ~ARG[0]" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.uncheckedShiftL#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "uncheckedShiftL# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word#" , "template" : "shift_left(~ARG[0],to_integer(~ARG[1]))" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.uncheckedShiftRL#" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "uncheckedShiftR# :: Word# -> Int# -> Word#" , "template" : "shift_right(~ARG[0],to_integer(~ARG[1]))" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.word2Int#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "word2Int# :: word# -> Int#" , "template" : "signed(std_logic_vector(~ARG[0]))" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.gtWord#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "gtWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] > ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.geWord#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "geWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] >= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.eqWord#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "eqWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] = ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.neWord#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "neWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] /= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ltWord#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "ltWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] < ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.leWord#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "leWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> Int#" , "template" : "~RESULT <= to_signed(1,~SIZE[~TYPO]) when ~ARG[0] <= ~ARG[1] else to_signed(0,~SIZE[~TYPO]);" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.popCnt8#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "popCnt8 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- popCnt8 begin ~GENSYM[popCnt8][0] : block -- given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the -- intermediate array function ~GENSYM[depth2Index][1] (levels,depth : in natural) return natural is begin return (2 ** levels - 2 ** depth); end function; constant ~GENSYM[width][2] : natural := 8; constant ~GENSYM[levels][3] : natural := natural (ceil (log2 (real (~SYM[2])))); type ~GENSYM[popCnt_res_vec][4] is array (natural range <>) of unsigned(~SYM[3] downto 0); signal ~GENSYM[intermediate][5] : ~SYM[4](0 to (2*~SYM[2])-2); begin -- put input into the first half of the intermediate array ~GENSYM[make_array][6]: for ~GENSYM[i][7] in 0 to (~SYM[2] - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[7]) <= resize(~VAR[input][0](~SYM[7] downto ~SYM[7]),~SYM[3]+1); end generate; -- Create the tree of adders ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] : if ~SYM[3] /= 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] : for ~GENSYM[d][10] in ~SYM[3]-1 downto 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][11] : for ~GENSYM[i][12] in 0 to (natural(2**~SYM[10]) - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+1)+~SYM[12]) <= ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])) + ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])+1); end generate; end generate; end generate; -- The last element of the intermediate array holds the result ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[5]((2*~SYM[2])-2),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- popCnt8 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.popCnt16#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "popCnt16 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- popCnt16 begin ~GENSYM[popCnt16][0] : block -- given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the -- intermediate array function ~GENSYM[depth2Index][1] (levels,depth : in natural) return natural is begin return (2 ** levels - 2 ** depth); end function; constant ~GENSYM[width][2] : natural := 16; constant ~GENSYM[levels][3] : natural := natural (ceil (log2 (real (~SYM[2])))); type ~GENSYM[popCnt_res_vec][4] is array (natural range <>) of unsigned(~SYM[3] downto 0); signal ~GENSYM[intermediate][5] : ~SYM[4](0 to (2*~SYM[2])-2); begin -- put input into the first half of the intermediate array ~GENSYM[make_array][6]: for ~GENSYM[i][7] in 0 to (~SYM[2] - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[7]) <= resize(~VAR[input][0](~SYM[7] downto ~SYM[7]),~SYM[3]+1); end generate; -- Create the tree of adders ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] : if ~SYM[3] /= 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] : for ~GENSYM[d][10] in ~SYM[3]-1 downto 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][11] : for ~GENSYM[i][12] in 0 to (natural(2**~SYM[10]) - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+1)+~SYM[12]) <= ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])) + ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])+1); end generate; end generate; end generate; -- The last element of the intermediate array holds the result ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[5]((2*~SYM[2])-2),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- popCnt16 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.popCnt32#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "popCnt32 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- popCnt32 begin ~GENSYM[popCnt32][0] : block -- given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the -- intermediate array function ~GENSYM[depth2Index][1] (levels,depth : in natural) return natural is begin return (2 ** levels - 2 ** depth); end function; constant ~GENSYM[width][2] : natural := 32; constant ~GENSYM[levels][3] : natural := natural (ceil (log2 (real (~SYM[2])))); type ~GENSYM[popCnt_res_vec][4] is array (natural range <>) of unsigned(~SYM[3] downto 0); signal ~GENSYM[intermediate][5] : ~SYM[4](0 to (2*~SYM[2])-2); begin -- put input into the first half of the intermediate array ~GENSYM[make_array][6]: for ~GENSYM[i][7] in 0 to (~SYM[2] - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[7]) <= resize(~VAR[input][0](~SYM[7] downto ~SYM[7]),~SYM[3]+1); end generate; -- Create the tree of adders ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] : if ~SYM[3] /= 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] : for ~GENSYM[d][10] in ~SYM[3]-1 downto 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][11] : for ~GENSYM[i][12] in 0 to (natural(2**~SYM[10]) - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+1)+~SYM[12]) <= ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])) + ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])+1); end generate; end generate; end generate; -- The last element of the intermediate array holds the result ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[5]((2*~SYM[2])-2),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- popCnt32 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.popCnt64#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "popCnt64 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- popCnt64 begin ~GENSYM[popCnt64][0] : block -- given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the -- intermediate array function ~GENSYM[depth2Index][1] (levels,depth : in natural) return natural is begin return (2 ** levels - 2 ** depth); end function; constant ~GENSYM[width][2] : natural := 64; constant ~GENSYM[levels][3] : natural := natural (ceil (log2 (real (~SYM[2])))); type ~GENSYM[popCnt_res_vec][4] is array (natural range <>) of unsigned(~SYM[3] downto 0); signal ~GENSYM[intermediate][5] : ~SYM[4](0 to (2*~SYM[2])-2); begin -- put input into the first half of the intermediate array ~GENSYM[make_array][6]: for ~GENSYM[i][7] in 0 to (~SYM[2] - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[7]) <= resize(~VAR[input][0](~SYM[7] downto ~SYM[7]),~SYM[3]+1); end generate; -- Create the tree of adders ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] : if ~SYM[3] /= 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] : for ~GENSYM[d][10] in ~SYM[3]-1 downto 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][11] : for ~GENSYM[i][12] in 0 to (natural(2**~SYM[10]) - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+1)+~SYM[12]) <= ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])) + ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])+1); end generate; end generate; end generate; -- The last element of the intermediate array holds the result ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[5]((2*~SYM[2])-2),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- popCnt64 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.popCnt#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "popCnt :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- popCnt begin ~GENSYM[popCnt][0] : block -- given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the -- intermediate array function ~GENSYM[depth2Index][1] (levels,depth : in natural) return natural is begin return (2 ** levels - 2 ** depth); end function; constant ~GENSYM[width][2] : natural := ~SIZE[~TYPO]; constant ~GENSYM[levels][3] : natural := natural (ceil (log2 (real (~SYM[2])))); type ~GENSYM[popCnt_res_vec][4] is array (natural range <>) of unsigned(~SYM[3] downto 0); signal ~GENSYM[intermediate][5] : ~SYM[4](0 to (2*~SYM[2])-2); begin -- put input into the first half of the intermediate array ~GENSYM[make_array][6]: for ~GENSYM[i][7] in 0 to (~SYM[2] - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[7]) <= resize(~VAR[input][0](~SYM[7] downto ~SYM[7]),~SYM[3]+1); end generate; -- Create the tree of adders ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] : if ~SYM[3] /= 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] : for ~GENSYM[d][10] in ~SYM[3]-1 downto 0 generate ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][11] : for ~GENSYM[i][12] in 0 to (natural(2**~SYM[10]) - 1) generate ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+1)+~SYM[12]) <= ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])) + ~SYM[5](~SYM[1](~SYM[3]+1,~SYM[10]+2)+(2*~SYM[12])+1); end generate; end generate; end generate; -- The last element of the intermediate array holds the result ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[5]((2*~SYM[2])-2),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- popCnt end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.clz8#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "clz8 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- clz8 begin ~GENSYM[clz8][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz8][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 7)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 7); -- 8 variable a : unsigned(0 to 2*3-1); -- 6 begin for i in 0 to 3 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](3,a(0 to 5)); end function; begin ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~ARG[0](7 downto 0)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- clz8 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.clz16#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "clz16 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- clz16 begin ~GENSYM[clz16][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz16][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 15)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 15); -- 16 variable a : unsigned(0 to 4*3-1); -- 12 variable b : unsigned(0 to 2*4-1); -- 8 begin for i in 0 to 7 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](4,b(0 to 7)); end function; begin ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~ARG[0](15 downto 0)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- clz16 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.clz32#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "clz32 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- clz32 begin ~GENSYM[clz32][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz32][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 31)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 31); -- 32 variable a : unsigned(0 to 8*3-1); -- 24 variable b : unsigned(0 to 4*4-1); -- 16 variable c : unsigned(0 to 2*5-1); -- 10 begin for i in 0 to 15 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](5,c(0 to 9)); end function; begin ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~ARG[0](31 downto 0)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- clz32 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.clz64#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "clz64 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- clz64 begin ~GENSYM[clz64][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz64][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 63)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 63); -- 64 variable a : unsigned(0 to 16*3-1); -- 48 variable b : unsigned(0 to 8*4-1); -- 32 variable c : unsigned(0 to 4*5-1); -- 20 variable d : unsigned(0 to 2*6-1); -- 12 begin for i in 0 to 31 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 15 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop d(i*6 to i*6+5):=~SYM[2](5,c(i*10 to i*10+9)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](6,d(0 to 11)); end function; begin ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~ARG[0]),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- clz64 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.clz#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "clz :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- clz begin ~GENSYM[clz][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN function ~GENSYM[clz64][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 63)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 63); -- 64 variable a : unsigned(0 to 16*3-1); -- 48 variable b : unsigned(0 to 8*4-1); -- 32 variable c : unsigned(0 to 4*5-1); -- 20 variable d : unsigned(0 to 2*6-1); -- 12 begin for i in 0 to 31 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 15 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop d(i*6 to i*6+5):=~SYM[2](5,c(i*10 to i*10+9)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](6,d(0 to 11)); end function; ~ELSE function ~GENSYM[clz32][4] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 31)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 31); -- 32 variable a : unsigned(0 to 8*3-1); -- 24 variable b : unsigned(0 to 4*4-1); -- 16 variable c : unsigned(0 to 2*5-1); -- 10 begin for i in 0 to 15 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](5,c(0 to 9)); end function; ~FI begin ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~ARG[0]),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~ELSE ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[4](~ARG[0]),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~FI end block; -- clz end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ctz8#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "ctz8 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- ctz8 begin ~GENSYM[ctz8][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz8][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 7)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 7); -- 8 variable a : unsigned(0 to 2*3-1); -- 6 begin for i in 0 to 3 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](3,a(0 to 5)); end function; signal ~GENSYM[w_reversed][5] : ~TYP[0]; begin ~GENSYM[reverse_loop][6] : for ~GENSYM[n][7] in ~VAR[w][0]'range generate ~SYM[5](~VAR[w][0]'high - ~SYM[7]) <= ~VAR[w][0](~SYM[7]); end generate; ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[5](63 downto 56)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~ELSE ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[5](31 downto 24)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~FI end block; -- ctz8 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ctz16#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "ctz16 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- ctz16 begin ~GENSYM[ctz16][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz16][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 15)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 15); -- 16 variable a : unsigned(0 to 4*3-1); -- 12 variable b : unsigned(0 to 2*4-1); -- 8 begin for i in 0 to 7 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](4,b(0 to 7)); end function; signal ~GENSYM[w_reversed][5] : ~TYP[0]; begin ~GENSYM[reverse_loop][6] : for ~GENSYM[n][7] in ~VAR[w][0]'range generate ~SYM[5](~VAR[w][0]'high - ~SYM[7]) <= ~VAR[w][0](~SYM[7]); end generate; ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[5](63 downto 48)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~ELSE ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[5](31 downto 16)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~FI end block; -- ctz16 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ctz32#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "ctz32 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- ctz32 begin ~GENSYM[ctz32][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz32][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 31)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 31); -- 32 variable a : unsigned(0 to 8*3-1); -- 24 variable b : unsigned(0 to 4*4-1); -- 16 variable c : unsigned(0 to 2*5-1); -- 10 begin for i in 0 to 15 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](5,c(0 to 9)); end function; signal ~GENSYM[w_reversed][5] : ~TYP[0]; begin ~GENSYM[reverse_loop][6] : for ~GENSYM[n][7] in ~VAR[w][0]'range generate ~SYM[5](~VAR[w][0]'high - ~SYM[7]) <= ~VAR[w][0](~SYM[3]); end generate; ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[5](63 downto 32)),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~ELSE ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[5]),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~FI end block; -- ctz32 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ctz64#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "ctz64 :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- ctz64 begin ~GENSYM[ctz64][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; function ~GENSYM[clz64][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 63)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 63); -- 64 variable a : unsigned(0 to 16*3-1); -- 48 variable b : unsigned(0 to 8*4-1); -- 32 variable c : unsigned(0 to 4*5-1); -- 20 variable d : unsigned(0 to 2*6-1); -- 12 begin for i in 0 to 31 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 15 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop d(i*6 to i*6+5):=~SYM[2](5,c(i*10 to i*10+9)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](6,d(0 to 11)); end function; signal ~GENSYM[w_reversed][5] : ~TYP[0]; begin ~GENSYM[reverse_loop][6] : for ~GENSYM[n][7] in ~VAR[w][0]'range generate ~SYM[5](~VAR[w][0]'high - ~SYM[7]) <= ~VAR[w][0](~SYM[7]); end generate; ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[5]),~SIZE[~TYPO]); end block; -- ctz64 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.ctz#" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "ctz :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- ctz begin ~GENSYM[ctz][0] : block function ~GENSYM[enc][1] (constant a : unsigned(1 downto 0)) return unsigned is begin case a is when \"00\" => return \"10\"; when \"01\" => return \"01\"; when \"10\" => return \"00\"; when others => return \"00\"; end case; end function; function ~GENSYM[clzi][2] ( constant n : in natural; constant i : in unsigned) return unsigned is variable v : unsigned(i'length-1 downto 0):=i; begin if v(n-1+n)='0' then return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & '0' & v(2*n-2 downto n); else return (v(n-1+n) and v(n-1)) & not v(n-1) & v(n-2 downto 0); end if; end function; ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN function ~GENSYM[clz64][3] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 63)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 63); -- 64 variable a : unsigned(0 to 16*3-1); -- 48 variable b : unsigned(0 to 8*4-1); -- 32 variable c : unsigned(0 to 4*5-1); -- 20 variable d : unsigned(0 to 2*6-1); -- 12 begin for i in 0 to 31 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 15 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop d(i*6 to i*6+5):=~SYM[2](5,c(i*10 to i*10+9)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](6,d(0 to 11)); end function; ~ELSE function ~GENSYM[clz32][4] (constant v : unsigned(0 to 31)) return unsigned is variable e : unsigned(0 to 31); -- 32 variable a : unsigned(0 to 8*3-1); -- 24 variable b : unsigned(0 to 4*4-1); -- 16 variable c : unsigned(0 to 2*5-1); -- 10 begin for i in 0 to 15 loop e(i*2 to i*2+1):=~SYM[1](v(i*2 to i*2+1)); end loop; for i in 0 to 7 loop a(i*3 to i*3+2):=~SYM[2](2,e(i*4 to i*4+3)); end loop; for i in 0 to 3 loop b(i*4 to i*4+3):=~SYM[2](3,a(i*6 to i*6+5)); end loop; for i in 0 to 1 loop c(i*5 to i*5+4):=~SYM[2](4,b(i*8 to i*8+7)); end loop; return ~SYM[2](5,c(0 to 9)); end function; ~FI signal ~GENSYM[w_reversed][6] : ~TYP[0]; begin ~GENSYM[reverse_loop][7] : for ~GENSYM[n][8] in ~VAR[w][0]'range generate ~SYM[6](~VAR[w][0]'high - ~SYM[8]) <= ~VAR[w][0](~SYM[8]); end generate; ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[3](~SYM[6]),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~ELSE ~RESULT <= resize(~SYM[4](~SYM[6]),~SIZE[~TYPO]); ~FI end block; -- ctz end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.byteSwap16#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "byteSwap16# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- byteSwap16 begin~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= ~VAR[w][0](63 downto 16) & ~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0) & ~VAR[w][0](15 downto 8);~ELSE ~RESULT <= ~VAR[w][0](31 downto 16) & ~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0) & ~VAR[w][0](15 downto 8);~FI -- byteSwap16 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.byteSwap32#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "byteSwap32# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- byteSwap32 begin~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= ~VAR[w][0](63 downto 32) & ~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0 ) & ~VAR[w][0](15 downto 8) & ~VAR[w][0](23 downto 16) & ~VAR[w][0](31 downto 24);~ELSE ~RESULT <= ~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0 ) & ~VAR[w][0](15 downto 8) & ~VAR[w][0](23 downto 16) & ~VAR[w][0](31 downto 24);~FI -- byteSwap32 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.byteSwap64#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "byteSwap64# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- byteSwap64 begin ~RESULT <= ~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0 ) & ~VAR[w][0](15 downto 8) & ~VAR[w][0](23 downto 16) & ~VAR[w][0](31 downto 24) & ~VAR[w][0](39 downto 32) & ~VAR[w][0](47 downto 40) & ~VAR[w][0](55 downto 48) & ~VAR[w][0](63 downto 56); -- byteSwap64 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.byteSwap#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "byteSwap# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- byteSwap begin ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN ~RESULT <= ~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0 ) & ~VAR[w][0](15 downto 8) & ~VAR[w][0](23 downto 16) & ~VAR[w][0](31 downto 24) & ~VAR[w][0](39 downto 32) & ~VAR[w][0](47 downto 40) & ~VAR[w][0](55 downto 48) & ~VAR[w][0](63 downto 56);~ELSE ~RESULT <= ~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0 ) & ~VAR[w][0](15 downto 8) & ~VAR[w][0](23 downto 16) & ~VAR[w][0](31 downto 24);~FI -- byteSwap end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.narrow8Int#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "narrow8Int# :: Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "resize(~VAR[i][0](7 downto 0),~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.narrow16Int#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "narrow16Int# :: Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "resize(~VAR[i][0](15 downto 0),~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.narrow32Int#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "narrow32Int# :: Int# -> Int#" , "template" : "resize(~VAR[i][0](31 downto 0),~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.narrow8Word#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "narrow8Word# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "resize(~VAR[w][0](7 downto 0),~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.narrow16Word#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "narrow16Word# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "resize(~VAR[w][0](15 downto 0),~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.narrow32Word#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Expression" , "type" : "narrow32Word# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "resize(~VAR[w][0](31 downto 0),~SIZE[~TYPO])" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.bitReverse#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "bitReverse# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- bitReverse begin ~GENSYM[bitReverse][0] : for ~GENSYM[i][1] in 0 to ~IF ~IW64 ~THEN 63 ~ELSE 31 ~FI generate begin ~RESULT(~SYM[1]) <= ~VAR[x][0](~IF ~IW64 ~THEN 63 ~ELSE 31 ~FI-~SYM[1]); end generate; -- bitReverse end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.bitReverse8#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "bitReverse8# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- bitReverse8 begin ~GENSYM[bitReverse8][0] : for ~GENSYM[i][1] in 0 to 7 generate begin ~RESULT(~SYM[1]) <= ~VAR[x][0](7-~SYM[1]); end generate; -- bitReverse8 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.bitReverse16#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "bitReverse16# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- bitReverse16 begin ~GENSYM[bitReverse16][0] : for ~GENSYM[i][1] in 0 to 15 generate begin ~RESULT(~SYM[1]) <= ~VAR[x][0](15-~SYM[1]); end generate; -- bitReverse16 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.bitReverse32#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "bitReverse32# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- bitReverse32 begin ~GENSYM[bitReverse32][0] : for ~GENSYM[i][1] in 0 to 31 generate begin ~RESULT(~SYM[1]) <= ~VAR[x][0](31-~SYM[1]); end generate; -- bitReverse32 end" } } , { "BlackBox" : { "name" : "GHC.Prim.bitReverse64#" , "workInfo" : "Never" , "kind" : "Declaration" , "type" : "bitReverse64# :: Word# -> Word#" , "template" : "-- bitReverse64 begin ~GENSYM[bitReverse64][0] : for ~GENSYM[i][1] in 0 to 63 generate begin ~RESULT(~SYM[1]) <= ~VAR[x][0](63-~SYM[1]); end generate; -- bitReverse64 end" } } ]