{-| Copyright : (C) 2020, QBayLogic License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : QBayLogic B.V. Data types and rendering for Edalize Metadata files (EDAM). -} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Clash.Edalize.Edam ( Edam(..) , EdamFile(..) , EdamFileType(..) , EdamTools(..) , GhdlOptions(..) , IcarusOptions(..) , ModelsimOptions(..) , QuartusOptions(..) , VivadoOptions(..) , pprEdam ) where import Data.Default import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc -- | EDAM data structure to be given to an Edalize backend. This contains all -- information needed to generate a project scaffolding. Note that hooks and -- VPI modules are currently not specified by clash. -- data Edam = Edam { edamProjectName :: Text , edamTopEntity :: Text , edamFiles :: [EdamFile] , edamToolOptions :: EdamTools } pprEdam :: Edam -> Doc ann pprEdam (Edam n te fs ts) = vsep [ pyPre , hsep ["edam", equals, manifest] , pyPost ] where manifest = pyRecord [ pyField "name" $ squotes (pretty n) , pyField "toplevel" $ squotes (pretty te) , pyField "files" $ pyList (fmap pprFile fs) , pyField "tool_options" $ pprEdamTools ts ] -- | Information about each file in the project. This does not include -- is_include_file or include_path, as these are not currently used by Clash. -- data EdamFile = EdamFile { efName :: FilePath , efType :: EdamFileType , efLogicalName :: Text } pprFile :: EdamFile -> Doc ann pprFile (EdamFile n ty ln) = pyRecord [ pyField "name" $ joinPath n , pyField "file_type" $ squotes (pprFileType ty) , pyField "logical_name" $ squotes (pretty ln) ] -- | A subset of the file types recognized by Edalize. The supported formats -- are largely from IP-XACT 2014 (IEEE 1685-2014), although Edalize extends -- this with other types, e.g. QSYS. -- -- Only file types which are generated by Clash are listed. -- data EdamFileType = Unknown -- ^ Unknown file type. | VhdlSource -- ^ VHDL source. | VerilogSource -- ^ Verilog source. | SystemVerilogSource -- ^ SystemVerilog source. | TclSource -- ^ Tool Command Language source. | QSYS -- ^ QSys system source. | SDC -- ^ Synopsys Design Constraints source. deriving (Eq, Show) pprFileType :: EdamFileType -> Doc ann pprFileType = \case Unknown -> "unknown" VhdlSource -> "vhdlSource" VerilogSource -> "verilogSource" SystemVerilogSource -> "systemVerilogSource" TclSource -> "tclSource" QSYS -> "QSYS" SDC -> "SDC" -- | Tool-specific configuration used by Edalize. -- Currently only tools which are supported by Clash are provided. -- data EdamTools = EdamTools { etGhdl :: Maybe GhdlOptions , etIcarus :: Maybe IcarusOptions , etModelsim :: Maybe ModelsimOptions , etQuartus :: Maybe QuartusOptions , etVivado :: Maybe VivadoOptions } instance Default EdamTools where def = EdamTools def def def def def pprEdamTools :: EdamTools -> Doc ann pprEdamTools tools = pyRecord [ pyField "ghdl" $ pprGhdlOptions ghdl , pyField "icarus" $ pprIcarusOptions icarus , pyField "modelsim" $ pprModelsimOptions modelsim , pyDocField "quartus" "TODO Specify options if using Quartus" (pprQuartusOptions quartus) , pyDocField "vivado" "TODO Specify options if using Vivado" (pprVivadoOptions vivado) ] where ghdl = fromMaybe def (etGhdl tools) icarus = fromMaybe def (etIcarus tools) modelsim = fromMaybe def (etModelsim tools) quartus = fromMaybe def (etQuartus tools) vivado = fromMaybe def (etVivado tools) data GhdlOptions = GhdlOptions { ghdlAnalyseOpts :: [Text] , ghdlRunOpts :: [Text] } instance Default GhdlOptions where def = GhdlOptions [] [] pprGhdlOptions :: GhdlOptions -> Doc ann pprGhdlOptions (GhdlOptions aOpts rOpts) = pyRecord [ pyDocField "analyze_options" "Command line arguments for analysis" (flagList (fmap pretty aOpts)) , pyDocField "run_options" "Command line arguments for simulation" (flagList (fmap pretty rOpts)) ] data IcarusOptions = IcarusOptions { icarusOpts :: [Text] , icarusTimeScale :: Text } instance Default IcarusOptions where def = IcarusOptions [] "100fs/100fs" pprIcarusOptions :: IcarusOptions -> Doc ann pprIcarusOptions (IcarusOptions opts ts) = pyRecord [ pyDocField "iverilog_options" "Command line options for iverilog" (flagList (fmap pretty opts)) , pyDocField "timescale" "Default timescale for simulation" (squotes (pretty ts)) ] data ModelsimOptions = ModelsimOptions { msVlogOpts :: [Text] , msVsimOpts :: [Text] } instance Default ModelsimOptions where def = ModelsimOptions [] [] pprModelsimOptions :: ModelsimOptions -> Doc ann pprModelsimOptions (ModelsimOptions vlog vsim) = pyRecord [ pyDocField "vlog_options" "Command line arguments for vlog" (flagList (fmap pretty vlog)) , pyDocField "vsim_options" "Command line arguments for vsim" (flagList (fmap pretty vsim)) ] data QuartusOptions = QuartusOptions { quartusBoardDevIndex :: Int , quartusFamily :: Text , quartusDevice :: Text , quartusOpts :: [Text] , quartusDseOpts :: [Text] } instance Default QuartusOptions where def = QuartusOptions 1 "" "" [] [] pprQuartusOptions :: QuartusOptions -> Doc ann pprQuartusOptions (QuartusOptions bdi fam dev opts dse) = pyRecord [ pyDocField "board_device_index" "Specify the FPGA's device number in the JTAG chain" (squotes (pretty bdi)) , pyDocField "family" "FPGA family, e.g. Cyclone IV E" (squotes (pretty fam)) , pyDocField "device" "Device identifier, e.g. EP4CE55F23C8" (squotes (pretty dev)) , pyDocField "quartus_options" "Command line arguments for Quartus" (flagList (fmap pretty opts)) , pyDocField "dse_options" "Command line arguments for Design Space Explorer" (flagList (fmap pretty dse)) ] data VivadoOptions = VivadoOptions { vivadoPart :: Text } instance Default VivadoOptions where def = VivadoOptions "" pprVivadoOptions :: VivadoOptions -> Doc ann pprVivadoOptions (VivadoOptions part) = pyRecord [ pyDocField "part" "Specify target part by ID, e.g. xc7z020-1clg400c" (squotes (pretty part)) ] -- Helpers; don't export pyPre :: Doc ann pyPre = vsep [ "import os" , "" , "edam_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))" , "work_root = 'build'" , "" , "# TODO Specify the EDA tool to use" , "tool = ''" , "" ] pyPost :: Doc ann pyPost = vsep [ "" , "if __name__ == '__main__':" , indent 4 $ vsep [ "from edalize import *" , "" , "tool = get_edatool(tool)(edam=edam, work_root=work_root)" , "os.makedirs(work_root)" , "tool.configure()" , "tool.build()" ] ] pyList :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann pyList xs = vsep [lbracket, indent 4 (commaList xs), rbracket] pyRecord :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann pyRecord xs = vsep [lbrace, indent 4 (commaList xs), rbrace] pyComment :: Text -> Doc ann pyComment x = hsep ["#", pretty x] pyField :: Text -> Doc ann -> Doc ann pyField n x = hcat [squotes (pretty n), colon, space, x] pyDocField :: Text -> Text -> Doc ann -> Doc ann pyDocField n d x = vsep [pyComment d, pyField n x] joinPath :: FilePath -> Doc ann joinPath x = hcat [ "os.path.join" , parens (hsep $ punctuate comma ["edam_root", squotes (pretty x)]) ] flagList :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann flagList = squotes . hsep commaList :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann commaList = vsep . punctuate comma