{-| Copyright : (C) 2012-2016, University of Twente License : BSD2 (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer : Christiaan Baaij Smart constructor and destructor functions for CoreHW -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Clash.Core.Util where import Control.Concurrent.Supply (Supply, freshId) import qualified Control.Lens as Lens import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (Except, throwE, runExcept) import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet import qualified Data.Graph as Graph import Data.List (foldl', mapAccumR) import Data.List.Extra (zipEqual) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust, mapMaybe, catMaybes) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Set.Lens as Lens import qualified Data.Text as T #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Semigroup #endif #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(9,0,0) import GHC.Builtin.Names (ipClassKey) import GHC.Types.Unique (getKey) #else import PrelNames (ipClassKey) import Unique (getKey) #endif import Clash.Core.DataCon import Clash.Core.EqSolver import Clash.Core.FreeVars (tyFVsOfTypes, typeFreeVars, freeLocalIds) import Clash.Core.Name (Name (..), OccName, mkUnsafeInternalName, mkUnsafeSystemName) import Clash.Core.Pretty (showPpr) import Clash.Core.Subst import Clash.Core.Term import Clash.Core.TermInfo (termType) import Clash.Core.TyCon (TyConMap, tyConDataCons) import Clash.Core.Type import Clash.Core.TysPrim (typeNatKind) import Clash.Core.Var (Id, Var(..), mkLocalId, mkTyVar) import Clash.Core.VarEnv import Clash.Debug (traceIf) import Clash.Unique import Clash.Util -- | Create a vector of supplied elements mkVec :: DataCon -- ^ The Nil constructor -> DataCon -- ^ The Cons (:>) constructor -> Type -- ^ Element type -> Integer -- ^ Length of the vector -> [Term] -- ^ Elements to put in the vector -> Term mkVec nilCon consCon resTy = go where go _ [] = mkApps (Data nilCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,Right resTy ,Left (primCo nilCoTy) ] go n (x:xs) = mkApps (Data consCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy n)) ,Right resTy ,Right (LitTy (NumTy (n-1))) ,Left (primCo (consCoTy n)) ,Left x ,Left (go (n-1) xs)] nilCoTy = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys nilCon [(LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,resTy]) consCoTy n = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys consCon [(LitTy (NumTy n)) ,resTy ,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))]) -- | Append elements to the supplied vector appendToVec :: DataCon -- ^ The Cons (:>) constructor -> Type -- ^ Element type -> Term -- ^ The vector to append the elements to -> Integer -- ^ Length of the vector -> [Term] -- ^ Elements to append -> Term appendToVec consCon resTy vec = go where go _ [] = vec go n (x:xs) = mkApps (Data consCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy n)) ,Right resTy ,Right (LitTy (NumTy (n-1))) ,Left (primCo (consCoTy n)) ,Left x ,Left (go (n-1) xs)] consCoTy n = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys consCon [(LitTy (NumTy n)) ,resTy ,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))]) -- | Create let-bindings with case-statements that select elements out of a -- vector. Returns both the variables to which element-selections are bound -- and the let-bindings extractElems :: Supply -- ^ Unique supply -> InScopeSet -- ^ (Superset of) in scope variables -> DataCon -- ^ The Cons (:>) constructor -> Type -- ^ The element type -> Char -- ^ Char to append to the bound variable names -> Integer -- ^ Length of the vector -> Term -- ^ The vector -> (Supply, [(Term,[LetBinding])]) extractElems supply inScope consCon resTy s maxN vec = first fst (go maxN (supply,inScope) vec) where go :: Integer -> (Supply,InScopeSet) -> Term -> ((Supply,InScopeSet),[(Term,[LetBinding])]) go 0 uniqs _ = (uniqs,[]) go n uniqs0 e = (uniqs3,(elNVar,[(elNId, lhs),(restNId, rhs)]):restVs) where tys = [(LitTy (NumTy n)),resTy,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))] (Just idTys) = dataConInstArgTys consCon tys restTy = last idTys (uniqs1,mTV) = mkUniqSystemTyVar uniqs0 ("m",typeNatKind) (uniqs2,[elNId,restNId,co,el,rest]) = mapAccumR mkUniqSystemId uniqs1 $ zipEqual ["el" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show (maxN-n))) ,"rest" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show (maxN-n))) ,"_co_" ,"el" ,"rest" ] (resTy:restTy:idTys) elNVar = Var elNId pat = DataPat consCon [mTV] [co,el,rest] lhs = Case e resTy [(pat,Var el)] rhs = Case e restTy [(pat,Var rest)] (uniqs3,restVs) = go (n-1) uniqs2 (Var restNId) -- | Create let-bindings with case-statements that select elements out of a -- tree. Returns both the variables to which element-selections are bound -- and the let-bindings extractTElems :: Supply -- ^ Unique supply -> InScopeSet -- ^ (Superset of) in scope variables -> DataCon -- ^ The 'LR' constructor -> DataCon -- ^ The 'BR' constructor -> Type -- ^ The element type -> Char -- ^ Char to append to the bound variable names -> Integer -- ^ Depth of the tree -> Term -- ^ The tree -> (Supply,([Term],[LetBinding])) extractTElems supply inScope lrCon brCon resTy s maxN tree = first fst (go maxN [0..(2^(maxN+1))-2] [0..(2^maxN - 1)] (supply,inScope) tree) where go :: Integer -> [Int] -> [Int] -> (Supply,InScopeSet) -> Term -> ((Supply,InScopeSet),([Term],[LetBinding])) go 0 _ ks uniqs0 e = (uniqs1,([elNVar],[(elNId, rhs)])) where tys = [LitTy (NumTy 0),resTy] (Just idTys) = dataConInstArgTys lrCon tys (uniqs1,[elNId,co,el]) = mapAccumR mkUniqSystemId uniqs0 $ zipEqual [ "el" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show (head ks))) , "_co_" , "el" ] (resTy:idTys) elNVar = Var elNId pat = DataPat lrCon [] [co,el] rhs = Case e resTy [(pat,Var el)] go n bs ks uniqs0 e = (uniqs4 ,(lVars ++ rVars,(ltNId, ltRhs): (rtNId, rtRhs): (lBinds ++ rBinds))) where tys = [LitTy (NumTy n),resTy,LitTy (NumTy (n-1))] (Just idTys) = dataConInstArgTys brCon tys (uniqs1,mTV) = mkUniqSystemTyVar uniqs0 ("m",typeNatKind) (b0:bL,b1:bR) = splitAt (length bs `div` 2) bs brTy = last idTys (uniqs2,[ltNId,rtNId,co,lt,rt]) = mapAccumR mkUniqSystemId uniqs1 $ zipEqual ["lt" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show b0)) ,"rt" `T.append` (s `T.cons` T.pack (show b1)) ,"_co_" ,"lt" ,"rt" ] (brTy:brTy:idTys) ltVar = Var ltNId rtVar = Var rtNId pat = DataPat brCon [mTV] [co,lt,rt] ltRhs = Case e brTy [(pat,Var lt)] rtRhs = Case e brTy [(pat,Var rt)] (kL,kR) = splitAt (length ks `div` 2) ks (uniqs3,(lVars,lBinds)) = go (n-1) bL kL uniqs2 ltVar (uniqs4,(rVars,rBinds)) = go (n-1) bR kR uniqs3 rtVar -- | Create a vector of supplied elements mkRTree :: DataCon -- ^ The LR constructor -> DataCon -- ^ The BR constructor -> Type -- ^ Element type -> Integer -- ^ Depth of the tree -> [Term] -- ^ Elements to put in the tree -> Term mkRTree lrCon brCon resTy = go where go _ [x] = mkApps (Data lrCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,Right resTy ,Left (primCo lrCoTy) ,Left x ] go n xs = let (xsL,xsR) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs in mkApps (Data brCon) [Right (LitTy (NumTy n)) ,Right resTy ,Right (LitTy (NumTy (n-1))) ,Left (primCo (brCoTy n)) ,Left (go (n-1) xsL) ,Left (go (n-1) xsR)] lrCoTy = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys lrCon [(LitTy (NumTy 0)) ,resTy]) brCoTy n = head (fromJust $! dataConInstArgTys brCon [(LitTy (NumTy n)) ,resTy ,(LitTy (NumTy (n-1)))]) -- | Determine whether a type is isomorphic to "Clash.Signal.Internal.Signal" -- -- It is i.e.: -- -- * Signal clk a -- * (Signal clk a, Signal clk b) -- * Vec n (Signal clk a) -- * data Wrap = W (Signal clk' Int) -- * etc. -- -- This also includes BiSignals, i.e.: -- -- * BiSignalIn High System Int -- * etc. -- isSignalType :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool isSignalType tcm ty = go HashSet.empty ty where go tcSeen (tyView -> TyConApp tcNm args) = case nameOcc tcNm of "Clash.Signal.Internal.Signal" -> True "Clash.Signal.BiSignal.BiSignalIn" -> True "Clash.Signal.Internal.BiSignalOut" -> True _ | tcNm `HashSet.member` tcSeen -> False -- Do not follow rec types | otherwise -> case lookupUniqMap tcNm tcm of Just tc -> let dcs = tyConDataCons tc dcInsArgTys = concat $ mapMaybe (`dataConInstArgTys` args) dcs tcSeen' = HashSet.insert tcNm tcSeen in any (go tcSeen') dcInsArgTys Nothing -> traceIf True ($(curLoc) ++ "isSignalType: " ++ show tcNm ++ " not found.") False go _ _ = False -- | Determines whether given type is an (alias of en) Enable line. isEnable :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool isEnable m ty0 | TyConApp (nameOcc -> "Clash.Signal.Internal.Enable") _ <- tyView ty0 = True | Just ty1 <- coreView1 m ty0 = isEnable m ty1 isEnable _ _ = False -- | Determines whether given type is an (alias of en) Clock or Reset line isClockOrReset :: TyConMap -> Type -> Bool isClockOrReset m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = isClockOrReset m ty isClockOrReset _ (tyView -> TyConApp tcNm _) = case nameOcc tcNm of "Clash.Signal.Internal.Clock" -> True "Clash.Signal.Internal.Reset" -> True _ -> False isClockOrReset _ _ = False tyNatSize :: TyConMap -> Type -> Except String Integer tyNatSize m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = tyNatSize m ty tyNatSize _ (LitTy (NumTy i)) = return i tyNatSize _ ty = throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot reduce to an integer:\n" ++ showPpr ty mkUniqSystemTyVar :: (Supply, InScopeSet) -> (OccName, Kind) -> ((Supply, InScopeSet), TyVar) mkUniqSystemTyVar (supply,inScope) (nm, ki) = ((supply',extendInScopeSet inScope v'), v') where (u,supply') = freshId supply v = mkTyVar ki (mkUnsafeSystemName nm u) v' = uniqAway inScope v mkUniqSystemId :: (Supply, InScopeSet) -> (OccName, Type) -> ((Supply,InScopeSet), Id) mkUniqSystemId (supply,inScope) (nm, ty) = ((supply',extendInScopeSet inScope v'), v') where (u,supply') = freshId supply v = mkLocalId ty (mkUnsafeSystemName nm u) v' = uniqAway inScope v mkUniqInternalId :: (Supply, InScopeSet) -> (OccName, Type) -> ((Supply,InScopeSet), Id) mkUniqInternalId (supply,inScope) (nm, ty) = ((supply',extendInScopeSet inScope v'), v') where (u,supply') = freshId supply v = mkLocalId ty (mkUnsafeInternalName nm u) v' = uniqAway inScope v -- | Same as @dataConInstArgTys@, but it tries to compute existentials too, -- hence the extra argument @TyConMap@. WARNING: It will return the types -- of non-existentials only dataConInstArgTysE :: HasCallStack => InScopeSet -> TyConMap -> DataCon -> [Type] -> Maybe [Type] dataConInstArgTysE is0 tcm (MkData { dcArgTys, dcExtTyVars, dcUnivTyVars }) inst_tys = do -- TODO: Check if all existentials were solved (they should be, or the wouldn't have -- TODO: been solved in the caseElemExistentials transformation) let is1 = extendInScopeSetList is0 dcExtTyVars is2 = unionInScope is1 (mkInScopeSet (tyFVsOfTypes inst_tys)) subst = extendTvSubstList (mkSubst is2) (zipEqual dcUnivTyVars inst_tys) go (substGlobalsInExistentials is0 dcExtTyVars (zipEqual dcUnivTyVars inst_tys)) (map (substTy subst) dcArgTys) where exts = mkVarSet dcExtTyVars go :: [TyVar] -- ^ Existentials -> [Type] -- ^ Type arguments -> Maybe [Type] -- ^ Maybe ([type of non-existential]) go exts0 args0 = let eqs = catMaybes (map (typeEq tcm) args0) in case solveNonAbsurds tcm exts eqs of [] -> Just args0 sols -> go exts1 args1 where exts1 = substInExistentialsList is0 exts0 sols is2 = extendInScopeSetList is0 exts1 subst = extendTvSubstList (mkSubst is2) sols args1 = map (substTy subst) args0 -- | Given a DataCon and a list of types, the type variables of the DataCon -- type are substituted for the list of types. The argument types are returned. -- -- The list of types should be equal to the number of type variables, otherwise -- @Nothing@ is returned. dataConInstArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type] -> Maybe [Type] dataConInstArgTys (MkData { dcArgTys, dcUnivTyVars, dcExtTyVars }) inst_tys = -- TODO: Check if inst_tys do not contain any free variables on call sites. If -- TODO: they do, this function is unsafe to use. let tyvars = dcUnivTyVars ++ dcExtTyVars in if length tyvars == length inst_tys then Just (map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) dcArgTys) else Nothing -- | Make a coercion primCo :: Type -> Term primCo ty = Prim (PrimInfo "_CO_" ty WorkNever SingleResult) -- | Make an undefined term undefinedTm :: Type -> Term undefinedTm = let undefinedNm = "Clash.Transformations.undefined" in TyApp (Prim (PrimInfo undefinedNm undefinedTy WorkNever SingleResult)) substArgTys :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Type] substArgTys dc args = let univTVs = dcUnivTyVars dc extTVs = dcExtTyVars dc argsFVs = foldl' unionVarSet emptyVarSet (map (Lens.foldMapOf typeFreeVars unitVarSet) args) is = mkInScopeSet (argsFVs `unionVarSet` mkVarSet extTVs) -- See Note [The substitution invariant] subst = extendTvSubstList (mkSubst is) (univTVs `zipEqual` args) in map (substTy subst) (dcArgTys dc) -- | Try to reduce an arbitrary type to a literal type (Symbol or Nat), -- and subsequently extract its String representation tyLitShow :: TyConMap -> Type -> Except String String tyLitShow m (coreView1 m -> Just ty) = tyLitShow m ty tyLitShow _ (LitTy (SymTy s)) = return s tyLitShow _ (LitTy (NumTy s)) = return (show s) tyLitShow _ ty = throwE $ $(curLoc) ++ "Cannot reduce to a string:\n" ++ showPpr ty -- | Helper existential for 'shouldSplit', contains a function that: -- -- 1. given a term of a type that should be split, -- 2. creates projections of that term for all the constructor arguments data Projections where Projections :: (forall m . MonadUnique m => InScopeSet -> Term -> m [Term]) -> Projections -- | Determine whether we should split away types from a product type, i.e. -- clocks should always be separate arguments, and not part of a product. shouldSplit :: TyConMap -> Type -- ^ Type to examine -> Maybe ([Term] -> Term, Projections, [Type]) -- ^ If we want to split values of the given type then we have /Just/: -- -- 1. The (type-applied) data-constructor which, when applied to values of -- the types in 3., creates a value of the examined type -- -- 2. Function that give a term of the type we need to split, creates projections -- of that term for all the types in 3. -- -- 3. The arguments types of the product we are trying to split. -- -- Note that we only split one level at a time (although we check all the way -- down), e.g. given /(Int, (Clock, Bool))/ we return: -- -- > Just ( (,) @Int @(Clock, Bool) -- > , \s -> [case s of (a,b) -> a, case s of (a,b) -> b] -- > , [Int, (Clock, Bool)]) -- -- An outer loop is required to subsequently split the /(Clock, Bool)/ tuple. shouldSplit tcm (tyView -> TyConApp (nameOcc -> "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.SimIO") [tyArg]) = -- We also look through `SimIO` to find things like Files shouldSplit tcm tyArg shouldSplit tcm ty = shouldSplit0 tcm (tyView (coreView tcm ty)) -- | Worker of 'shouldSplit', works on 'TypeView' instead of 'Type' shouldSplit0 :: TyConMap -> TypeView -> Maybe ([Term] -> Term, Projections, [Type]) shouldSplit0 tcm (TyConApp tcNm tyArgs) | Just tc <- lookupUniqMap tcNm tcm , [dc] <- tyConDataCons tc , let dcArgs = substArgTys dc tyArgs , let dcArgsLen = length dcArgs , dcArgsLen > 1 , let dcArgVs = map (tyView . coreView tcm) dcArgs = if any shouldSplitTy dcArgVs && not (isHidden tcNm tyArgs) then Just ( mkApps (Data dc) . (map Right tyArgs ++) . map Left , Projections (\is0 subj -> mapM (mkSelectorCase ($(curLoc) ++ "splitArg") is0 tcm subj 1) [0..dcArgsLen - 1]) , dcArgs ) else Nothing | "Clash.Sized.Vector.Vec" <- nameOcc tcNm , [nTy,argTy] <- tyArgs , Right n <- runExcept (tyNatSize tcm nTy) , n > 1 , Just tc <- lookupUniqMap tcNm tcm , [nil,cons] <- tyConDataCons tc = if shouldSplitTy (tyView (coreView tcm argTy)) then Just ( mkVec nil cons argTy n , Projections (\is0 subj -> mapM (mkVecSelector is0 subj) [0..n-1]) , replicate (fromInteger n) argTy) else Nothing where -- Project the n'th value out of a vector -- -- >>> mkVecSelector subj 0 -- case subj of Cons x xs -> x -- -- >>> mkVecSelector subj 2 -- case (case (case subj of Cons x xs -> xs) of Cons x xs -> xs) of Cons x xs -> x mkVecSelector :: forall m . MonadUnique m => InScopeSet -> Term -> Integer -> m Term mkVecSelector is0 subj 0 = mkSelectorCase ($(curLoc) ++ "mkVecSelector") is0 tcm subj 2 1 mkVecSelector is0 subj !n = do subj1 <- mkSelectorCase ($(curLoc) ++ "mkVecSelector") is0 tcm subj 2 2 mkVecSelector is0 subj1 (n-1) shouldSplitTy :: TypeView -> Bool shouldSplitTy ty = isJust (shouldSplit0 tcm ty) || splitTy ty -- Hidden constructs (HiddenClock, HiddenReset, ..) don't need to be split -- because KnownDomain will be filtered anyway during netlist generation due -- to it being a zero-width type -- -- TODO: This currently only handles (IP $x, KnownDomain) given that $x is any -- TODO: of the constructs handled in 'splitTy'. In practise this means only -- TODO: HiddenClock, HiddenReset, and HiddenEnable are handled. If a user were -- TODO: to define their own versions with -for example- the elements of the -- TODO: tuple swapped, 'isHidden' wouldn't recognize it. We could generalize -- TODO: this in the future. -- isHidden :: Name a -> [Type] -> Bool isHidden nm [a1, a2] | TyConApp a2Nm _ <- tyView a2 = nameOcc nm == "GHC.Classes.(%,%)" && splitTy (tyView (stripIP a1)) && nameOcc a2Nm == "Clash.Signal.Internal.KnownDomain" isHidden _ _ = False -- Currently we're only interested in splitting of Clock, Reset, and Enable splitTy (TyConApp tcNm0 _) = nameOcc tcNm0 `elem` [ "Clash.Signal.Internal.Clock" , "Clash.Signal.Internal.Reset" , "Clash.Signal.Internal.Enable" -- iverilog doesn't like it when we put file handles -- in a bitvector, so we need to make sure Clash -- splits them off , "Clash.Explicit.SimIO.File" , "GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle" ] splitTy _ = False shouldSplit0 _ _ = Nothing -- | Potentially split apart a list of function argument types. e.g. given: -- -- > [Int,(Clock,(Reset,Bool)),Char] -- -- we return -- -- > [Int,Clock,Reset,Bool,Char] -- -- But we would leave -- -- > [Int, (Bool,Int), Char] -- -- unchanged. splitShouldSplit :: TyConMap -> [Type] -> [Type] splitShouldSplit tcm = foldr go [] where go ty rest = case shouldSplit tcm ty of Just (_,_,tys) -> splitShouldSplit tcm tys ++ rest Nothing -> ty : rest -- | Strip implicit parameter wrappers (IP) stripIP :: Type -> Type stripIP t@(tyView -> TyConApp tcNm [_a1, a2]) = if nameUniq tcNm == getKey ipClassKey then a2 else t stripIP t = t -- | Do an inverse topological sorting of the let-bindings in a let-expression inverseTopSortLetBindings :: HasCallStack => Term -> Term inverseTopSortLetBindings (Letrec bndrs0 res) = let (graph,nodeMap,_) = Graph.graphFromEdges (map (\(i,e) -> let fvs = fmap varUniq (Set.elems (Lens.setOf freeLocalIds e) ) in ((i,e),varUniq i,fvs)) bndrs0) nodes = postOrd graph bndrs1 = map ((\(x,_,_) -> x) . nodeMap) nodes in Letrec bndrs1 res where postOrd :: Graph.Graph -> [Graph.Vertex] postOrd g = postorderF (Graph.dff g) [] postorderF :: Graph.Forest a -> [a] -> [a] postorderF ts = foldr (.) id (map postorder ts) postorder :: Graph.Tree a -> [a] -> [a] postorder (Graph.Node a ts) = postorderF ts . (a :) inverseTopSortLetBindings e = e {-# SCC inverseTopSortLetBindings #-} -- | Group let-bindings into cyclic groups and acyclic individual bindings sccLetBindings :: HasCallStack => [LetBinding] -> [Graph.SCC LetBinding] sccLetBindings = Graph.stronglyConnComp . (map (\(i,e) -> let fvs = fmap varUniq (Set.elems (Lens.setOf freeLocalIds e) ) in ((i,e),varUniq i,fvs))) {-# SCC sccLetBindings #-} -- | Make a case-decomposition that extracts a field out of a (Sum-of-)Product type mkSelectorCase :: HasCallStack => MonadUnique m => String -- ^ Name of the caller of this function -> InScopeSet -> TyConMap -- ^ TyCon cache -> Term -- ^ Subject of the case-composition -> Int -- ^ n'th DataCon -> Int -- ^ n'th field -> m Term mkSelectorCase caller inScope tcm scrut dcI fieldI = go (termType tcm scrut) where go (coreView1 tcm -> Just ty') = go ty' go scrutTy@(tyView -> TyConApp tc args) = case tyConDataCons (lookupUniqMap' tcm tc) of [] -> cantCreate $(curLoc) ("TyCon has no DataCons: " ++ show tc ++ " " ++ showPpr tc) scrutTy dcs | dcI > length dcs -> cantCreate $(curLoc) "DC index exceeds max" scrutTy | otherwise -> do let dc = indexNote ($(curLoc) ++ "No DC with tag: " ++ show (dcI-1)) dcs (dcI-1) let (Just fieldTys) = dataConInstArgTysE inScope tcm dc args if fieldI >= length fieldTys then cantCreate $(curLoc) "Field index exceed max" scrutTy else do wildBndrs <- mapM (mkWildValBinder inScope) fieldTys let ty = indexNote ($(curLoc) ++ "No DC field#: " ++ show fieldI) fieldTys fieldI selBndr <- mkInternalVar inScope "sel" ty let bndrs = take fieldI wildBndrs ++ [selBndr] ++ drop (fieldI+1) wildBndrs pat = DataPat dc (dcExtTyVars dc) bndrs retVal = Case scrut ty [ (pat, Var selBndr) ] return retVal go scrutTy = cantCreate $(curLoc) ("Type of subject is not a datatype: " ++ showPpr scrutTy) scrutTy cantCreate loc info scrutTy = error $ loc ++ "Can't create selector " ++ show (caller,dcI,fieldI) ++ " for: (" ++ showPpr scrut ++ " :: " ++ showPpr scrutTy ++ ")\nAdditional info: " ++ info -- | Make a binder that should not be referenced mkWildValBinder :: (MonadUnique m) => InScopeSet -> Type -> m Id mkWildValBinder is = mkInternalVar is "wild" -- | Make a new, unique, identifier mkInternalVar :: (MonadUnique m) => InScopeSet -> OccName -- ^ Name of the identifier -> KindOrType -> m Id mkInternalVar inScope name ty = do i <- getUniqueM let nm = mkUnsafeInternalName name i return (uniqAway inScope (mkLocalId ty nm))