- BlackBox: name: Clash.Explicit.BlockRam.File.blockRamFile# kind: Declaration outputUsage: NonBlocking type: |- blockRamFile# :: ( KnownDomain dom -- ARG[0] , KnownNat m -- ARG[1] , HasCallStack ) -- ARG[2] => Clock dom -- clk, ARG[3] => Enable dom -- en, ARG[4] -> SNat n -- sz, ARG[5] -> FilePath -- file, ARG[6] -> Signal dom Int -- rd, ARG[7] -> Signal dom Bool -- wren, ARG[8] -> Signal dom Int -- wr, ARG[9] -> Signal dom (BitVector m) -- din, ARG[10] -> Signal dom (BitVector m) template: |- -- blockRamFile begin ~GENSYM[~COMPNAME_blockRamFile][1] : block type ~GENSYM[RamType][7] is array(natural range <>) of bit_vector(~LIT[1]-1 downto 0); impure function ~GENSYM[InitRamFromFile][2] (RamFileName : in string) return ~SYM[7] is FILE RamFile : text open read_mode is RamFileName; variable RamFileLine : line; variable RAM : ~SYM[7](0 to ~LIT[5]-1); begin for i in RAM'range loop readline(RamFile,RamFileLine); read(RamFileLine,RAM(i)); end loop; return RAM; end function; signal ~GENSYM[RAM][3] : ~SYM[7](0 to ~LIT[5]-1) := ~SYM[2](~FILE[~LIT[6]]); signal ~GENSYM[rd][5] : integer range 0 to ~LIT[5]-1; signal ~GENSYM[wr][6] : integer range 0 to ~LIT[5]-1; begin ~SYM[5] <= to_integer(~VAR[rdI][7](31 downto 0)) -- pragma translate_off mod ~LIT[5] -- pragma translate_on ; ~SYM[6] <= to_integer(~VAR[wrI][9](31 downto 0)) -- pragma translate_off mod ~LIT[5] -- pragma translate_on ; ~IF ~VIVADO ~THEN ~IF ~ISACTIVEENABLE[4] ~THEN ~GENSYM[blockRamFile_sync][10] : process(~ARG[3]) begin if ~IF~ACTIVEEDGE[Rising][0]~THENrising_edge~ELSEfalling_edge~FI(~ARG[3]) then if ~ARG[4] then if ~ARG[8] then ~SYM[3](~SYM[6]) <= to_bitvector(~ARG[10]); end if; ~RESULT <= to_stdlogicvector(~SYM[3](~SYM[5])); end if; end if; end process;~ELSE ~SYM[10] : process(~ARG[3]) begin if ~IF~ACTIVEEDGE[Rising][0]~THENrising_edge~ELSEfalling_edge~FI(~ARG[3]) then if ~ARG[8] then ~SYM[3](~SYM[6]) <= to_bitvector(~ARG[10]); end if; ~RESULT <= to_stdlogicvector(~SYM[3](~SYM[5])); end if; end process;~FI ~ELSE ~IF ~ISACTIVEENABLE[4] ~THEN ~SYM[10] : process(~ARG[3]) begin if ~IF~ACTIVEEDGE[Rising][0]~THENrising_edge~ELSEfalling_edge~FI(~ARG[3]) then if ~ARG[8] and ~ARG[4] then ~SYM[3](~SYM[6]) <= to_bitvector(~ARG[10]); end if; if ~ARG[4] then ~RESULT <= to_stdlogicvector(~SYM[3](~SYM[5])); end if; end if; end process;~ELSE ~SYM[10] : process(~ARG[3]) begin if ~IF~ACTIVEEDGE[Rising][0]~THENrising_edge~ELSEfalling_edge~FI(~ARG[3]) then if ~ARG[8] then ~SYM[3](~SYM[6]) <= to_bitvector(~ARG[10]); end if; ~RESULT <= to_stdlogicvector(~SYM[3](~SYM[5])); end if; end process;~FI ~FI end block; -- blockRamFile end