- BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemInt# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemInt# :: Int# -> Int# -> (#Int#, Int##)' template: |- // quotRemInt begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemInt end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemWord# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemWord# :: Word# -> Word# -> (#Word#, Word##)' template: |- // quotRemWord begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemWord end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.popCnt8# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: popCnt8 extension: inc template: |- // ceiling of log2 function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2; input integer value; begin value = value-1; for (~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=0; value>0; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction // given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the // intermediate array function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index; input integer levels; input integer depth; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index = (2 ** levels) - (2 ** depth); endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'popCnt8# :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // popCnt8 begin localparam ~GENSYM[width][0] = 8; // depth of the tree localparam ~GENSYM[levels][2] = ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2(~SYM[0]); wire [~SYM[2]:0] ~GENSYM[intermediate][3] [0:(2*~SYM[0])-2]; // put input into the first half of the intermediate array genvar ~GENSYM[i][4]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[4] = 0; ~SYM[4] < ~SYM[0]; ~SYM[4]=~SYM[4]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mk_array][11] assign ~SYM[3][~SYM[4]] = $unsigned(~VAR[input][0][~SYM[4]]); end ~ENDGENERATE // Create the tree of instantiated components genvar ~GENSYM[d][6]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][7]; ~GENERATE if (~SYM[2] != 0) begin : ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] for (~SYM[6] = ~SYM[2]; ~SYM[6] > 0; ~SYM[6]=~SYM[6]-1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] for (~SYM[7] = 0; ~SYM[7] < (2**(~SYM[6]-1)); ~SYM[7] = ~SYM[7]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][10] assign ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6])+~SYM[7]] = ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])] + ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])+1]; end end end ~ENDGENERATE // The last element of the intermediate array holds the result assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[3][(2*~SYM[0])-2]); // popCnt8 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.popCnt16# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: popCnt16 extension: inc template: |- // ceiling of log2 function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2; input integer value; begin value = value-1; for (~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=0; value>0; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction // given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the // intermediate array function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index; input integer levels; input integer depth; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index = (2 ** levels) - (2 ** depth); endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'popCnt16# :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // popCnt16 begin localparam ~GENSYM[width][0] = 16; // depth of the tree localparam ~GENSYM[levels][2] = ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2(~SYM[0]); wire [~SYM[2]:0] ~GENSYM[intermediate][3] [0:(2*~SYM[0])-2]; // put input into the first half of the intermediate array genvar ~GENSYM[i][4]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[4] = 0; ~SYM[4] < ~SYM[0]; ~SYM[4]=~SYM[4]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mk_array][11] assign ~SYM[3][~SYM[4]] = $unsigned(~VAR[input][0][~SYM[4]]); end ~ENDGENERATE // Create the tree of instantiated components genvar ~GENSYM[d][6]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][7]; ~GENERATE if (~SYM[2] != 0) begin : ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] for (~SYM[6] = ~SYM[2]; ~SYM[6] > 0; ~SYM[6]=~SYM[6]-1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] for (~SYM[7] = 0; ~SYM[7] < (2**(~SYM[6]-1)); ~SYM[7] = ~SYM[7]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][10] assign ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6])+~SYM[7]] = ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])] + ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])+1]; end end end ~ENDGENERATE // The last element of the intermediate array holds the result assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[3][(2*~SYM[0])-2]); // popCnt16 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.popCnt32# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: popCnt32 extension: inc template: |- // ceiling of log2 function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2; input integer value; begin value = value-1; for (~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=0; value>0; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction // given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the // intermediate array function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index; input integer levels; input integer depth; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index = (2 ** levels) - (2 ** depth); endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'popCnt32# :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // popCnt32 begin localparam ~GENSYM[width][0] = 32; // depth of the tree localparam ~GENSYM[levels][2] = ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2(~SYM[0]); wire [~SYM[2]:0] ~GENSYM[intermediate][3] [0:(2*~SYM[0])-2]; // put input into the first half of the intermediate array genvar ~GENSYM[i][4]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[4] = 0; ~SYM[4] < ~SYM[0]; ~SYM[4]=~SYM[4]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mk_array][11] assign ~SYM[3][~SYM[4]] = $unsigned(~VAR[input][0][~SYM[4]]); end ~ENDGENERATE // Create the tree of instantiated components genvar ~GENSYM[d][6]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][7]; ~GENERATE if (~SYM[2] != 0) begin : ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] for (~SYM[6] = ~SYM[2]; ~SYM[6] > 0; ~SYM[6]=~SYM[6]-1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] for (~SYM[7] = 0; ~SYM[7] < (2**(~SYM[6]-1)); ~SYM[7] = ~SYM[7]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][10] assign ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6])+~SYM[7]] = ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])] + ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])+1]; end end end ~ENDGENERATE // The last element of the intermediate array holds the result assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[3][(2*~SYM[0])-2]); // popCnt32 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.popCnt64# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: popCnt64 extension: inc template: |- // ceiling of log2 function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2; input integer value; begin value = value-1; for (~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=0; value>0; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction // given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the // intermediate array function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index; input integer levels; input integer depth; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index = (2 ** levels) - (2 ** depth); endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'popCnt64# :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // popCnt64 begin localparam ~GENSYM[width][0] = 64; // depth of the tree localparam ~GENSYM[levels][2] = ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2(~SYM[0]); wire [~SYM[2]:0] ~GENSYM[intermediate][3] [0:(2*~SYM[0])-2]; // put input into the first half of the intermediate array genvar ~GENSYM[i][4]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[4] = 0; ~SYM[4] < ~SYM[0]; ~SYM[4]=~SYM[4]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mk_array][11] assign ~SYM[3][~SYM[4]] = $unsigned(~VAR[input][0][~SYM[4]]); end ~ENDGENERATE // Create the tree of instantiated components genvar ~GENSYM[d][6]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][7]; ~GENERATE if (~SYM[2] != 0) begin : ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] for (~SYM[6] = ~SYM[2]; ~SYM[6] > 0; ~SYM[6]=~SYM[6]-1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] for (~SYM[7] = 0; ~SYM[7] < (2**(~SYM[6]-1)); ~SYM[7] = ~SYM[7]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][10] assign ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6])+~SYM[7]] = ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])] + ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])+1]; end end end ~ENDGENERATE // The last element of the intermediate array holds the result assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[3][(2*~SYM[0])-2]); // popCnt64 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.popCnt# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: popCnt extension: inc template: |- // ceiling of log2 function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2; input integer value; begin value = value-1; for (~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=0; value>0; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2=~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2+1) value = value>>1; end endfunction // given a level and a depth, calculate the corresponding index into the // intermediate array function integer ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index; input integer levels; input integer depth; ~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index = (2 ** levels) - (2 ** depth); endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'popCnt# :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // popCnt begin localparam ~GENSYM[width][0] = ~SIZE[~TYPO]; // depth of the tree localparam ~GENSYM[levels][2] = ~INCLUDENAME[0]_clog2(~SYM[0]); wire [~SYM[2]:0] ~GENSYM[intermediate][3] [0:(2*~SYM[0])-2]; // put input into the first half of the intermediate array genvar ~GENSYM[i][4]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[4] = 0; ~SYM[4] < ~SYM[0]; ~SYM[4]=~SYM[4]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mk_array][11] assign ~SYM[3][~SYM[4]] = $unsigned(~VAR[input][0][~SYM[4]]); end ~ENDGENERATE // Create the tree of instantiated components genvar ~GENSYM[d][6]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][7]; ~GENERATE if (~SYM[2] != 0) begin : ~GENSYM[make_tree][8] for (~SYM[6] = ~SYM[2]; ~SYM[6] > 0; ~SYM[6]=~SYM[6]-1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth][9] for (~SYM[7] = 0; ~SYM[7] < (2**(~SYM[6]-1)); ~SYM[7] = ~SYM[7]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[tree_depth_loop][10] assign ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6])+~SYM[7]] = ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])] + ~SYM[3][~INCLUDENAME[0]_depth2Index(~SYM[2]+1,~SYM[6]+1)+(2*~SYM[7])+1]; end end end ~ENDGENERATE // The last element of the intermediate array holds the result assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[3][(2*~SYM[0])-2]); // popCnt end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.clz8# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'clz8 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // clz8 begin wire [0:7] ~GENSYM[v][1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~VAR[i][0][7:0]; wire [0:7] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[n][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<4;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:5] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<2;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage1][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:3] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][0:5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // clz8 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.clz16# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'clz16 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // clz16 begin wire [0:15] ~GENSYM[v][1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~VAR[i][0][15:0]; wire [0:15] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<8;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:11] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<4;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:7] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<2;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:4] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][0:7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // clz16 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.clz32# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'clz32 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // clz32 begin wire [0:31] ~GENSYM[v][1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~VAR[i][0][31:0]; wire [0:31] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<16;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:23] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<8;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:15] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<4;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:9] ~GENSYM[c][12]; genvar ~GENSYM[i3][13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<2;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage3][14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:5] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][0:9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // clz32 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.clz64# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'clz64 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // clz64 begin wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[v][1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~VAR[i][0][63:0]; wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<32;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:47] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<16;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:31] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<8;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:19] ~GENSYM[c][12]; genvar ~GENSYM[i3][13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<4;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage3][14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:11] ~GENSYM[d][15]; genvar ~GENSYM[i4][16]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[16]=0;~SYM[16]<2;~SYM[16]=~SYM[16]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage4][17] localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][~SYM[16]*10:~SYM[16]*10+9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:6] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 6; wire [11:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[15][0:11]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // clz64 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.clz# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'clz :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // clz begin~IF ~IW64 ~THEN wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[v][1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~VAR[i][0][63:0]; wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<32;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:47] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<16;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:31] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<8;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:19] ~GENSYM[c][12]; genvar ~GENSYM[i3][13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<4;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage3][14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:11] ~GENSYM[d][15]; genvar ~GENSYM[i4][16]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[16]=0;~SYM[16]<2;~SYM[16]=~SYM[16]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage4][17] localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][~SYM[16]*10:~SYM[16]*10+9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:6] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 6; wire [11:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[15][0:11]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE ~ELSE wire [0:31] ~SYM[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~VAR[i][0][31:0]; wire [0:31] ~SYM[2]; genvar ~SYM[3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<16;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~SYM[8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:23] ~SYM[4]; genvar ~SYM[5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<8;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~SYM[6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:15] ~SYM[9]; genvar ~SYM[10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<4;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~SYM[11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:9] ~SYM[12]; genvar ~SYM[13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<2;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~SYM[14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:5] ~SYM[7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][0:9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE ~FI assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // clz end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.ctz8# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'ctz8 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // ctz8 begin wire [0:7] ~GENSYM[v][1]; genvar ~GENSYM[k][18]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[18]=0;~SYM[18]<8;~SYM[18]=~SYM[18]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[reverse][19] assign ~SYM[1][~SYM[18]] = ~VAR[][0][~SYM[18]]; end ~ENDGENERATE wire [0:7] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<4;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:5] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<2;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:3] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][0:5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // ctz8 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.ctz16# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'ctz16 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // ctz16 begin wire [0:15] ~GENSYM[v][1]; genvar ~GENSYM[k][18]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[18]=0;~SYM[18]<16;~SYM[18]=~SYM[18]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[reverse][19] assign ~SYM[1][~SYM[18]] = ~VAR[][0][~SYM[18]]; end ~ENDGENERATE wire [0:15] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<8;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:11] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<4;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:7] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<2;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:4] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][0:7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // ctz16 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.ctz32# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'ctz32 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // ctz32 begin wire [0:31] ~GENSYM[v][1]; genvar ~GENSYM[k][18]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[18]=0;~SYM[18]<32;~SYM[18]=~SYM[18]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[reverse][19] assign ~SYM[1][~SYM[18]] = ~VAR[][0][~SYM[18]]; end ~ENDGENERATE wire [0:31] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<16;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:23] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<8;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:15] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<4;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:9] ~GENSYM[c][12]; genvar ~GENSYM[i3][13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<2;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage3][14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:5] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][0:9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // ctz32 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.ctz64# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'ctz64 :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // ctz64 begin wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[v][1]; genvar ~GENSYM[k][18]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[18]=0;~SYM[18]<64;~SYM[18]=~SYM[18]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[reverse][19] assign ~SYM[1][~SYM[18]] = ~VAR[][0][~SYM[18]]; end ~ENDGENERATE wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<32;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:47] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<16;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:31] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<8;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:19] ~GENSYM[c][12]; genvar ~GENSYM[i3][13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<4;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage3][14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:11] ~GENSYM[d][15]; genvar ~GENSYM[i4][16]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[16]=0;~SYM[16]<2;~SYM[16]=~SYM[16]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage4][17] localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][~SYM[16]*10:~SYM[16]*10+9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:6] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 6; wire [11:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[15][0:11]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // ctz64 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.ctz# imports: - ~INCLUDENAME[0].inc includes: - name: enc extension: inc template: |- function [1:0] ~INCLUDENAME[0]; input [1:0] a; case (a) 2'b00: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b10; 2'b01: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b01; 2'b10: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; default: ~INCLUDENAME[0] = 2'b00; endcase endfunction kind: Declaration type: 'ctz :: Word# -> Word#' template: |- // ctz begin~IF ~IW64 ~THEN wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[v][1]; genvar ~GENSYM[k][18]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[18]=0;~SYM[18]<64;~SYM[18]=~SYM[18]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[reverse][19] assign ~SYM[1][~SYM[18]] = ~VAR[][0][~SYM[18]]; end ~ENDGENERATE wire [0:63] ~GENSYM[e][2]; genvar ~GENSYM[i][3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<32;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[enc_stage][8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:47] ~GENSYM[a][4]; genvar ~GENSYM[i1][5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<16;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage][6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:31] ~GENSYM[b][9]; genvar ~GENSYM[i2][10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<8;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage2][11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:19] ~GENSYM[c][12]; genvar ~GENSYM[i3][13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<4;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage3][14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:11] ~GENSYM[d][15]; genvar ~GENSYM[i4][16]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[16]=0;~SYM[16]<2;~SYM[16]=~SYM[16]+1) begin : ~GENSYM[mux_stage4][17] localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][~SYM[16]*10:~SYM[16]*10+9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[15][~SYM[16]*6:~SYM[16]*6+5] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:6] ~GENSYM[res][7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 6; wire [11:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[15][0:11]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE ~ELSE wire [0:31] ~SYM[1]; genvar ~SYM[18]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[18]=0;~SYM[18]<32;~SYM[18]=~SYM[18]+1) begin : ~SYM[19] assign ~SYM[1][~SYM[18]] = ~VAR[][0][~SYM[18]]; end ~ENDGENERATE wire [0:31] ~SYM[2]; genvar ~SYM[3]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[3]=0;~SYM[3]<16;~SYM[3]=~SYM[3]+1) begin : ~SYM[8] assign ~SYM[2][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1] = ~INCLUDENAME[0](~SYM[1][~SYM[3]*2:~SYM[3]*2+1]); end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:23] ~SYM[4]; genvar ~SYM[5]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[5]=0;~SYM[5]<8;~SYM[5]=~SYM[5]+1) begin : ~SYM[6] localparam n = 2; wire [3:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[2][~SYM[5]*4:~SYM[5]*4+3]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[4][~SYM[5]*3:~SYM[5]*3+2] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:15] ~SYM[9]; genvar ~SYM[10]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[10]=0;~SYM[10]<4;~SYM[10]=~SYM[10]+1) begin : ~SYM[11] localparam n = 3; wire [5:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[4][~SYM[10]*6:~SYM[10]*6+5]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[9][~SYM[10]*4:~SYM[10]*4+3] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:9] ~SYM[12]; genvar ~SYM[13]; ~GENERATE for (~SYM[13]=0;~SYM[13]<2;~SYM[13]=~SYM[13]+1) begin : ~SYM[14] localparam n = 4; wire [7:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[9][~SYM[13]*8:~SYM[13]*8+7]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[12][~SYM[13]*5:~SYM[13]*5+4] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE reg [0:5] ~SYM[7]; ~GENERATE if (1) begin localparam n = 5; wire [9:0] i; assign i = ~SYM[12][0:9]; always @(*) begin case (i[n-1+n]) 1'b0 : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],1'b0,i[2*n-2:n]}; default : ~SYM[7] = {i[n-1+n] && i[n-1],~ i[n-1],i[n-2:0]}; endcase end end ~ENDGENERATE ~FI assign ~RESULT = $unsigned(~SYM[7]); // ctz end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemInt8# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemInt8# :: Int8# -> Int8# -> (#Int8#, Int8##)' template: |- // quotRemInt8 begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemInt8 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemWord8# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemWord8# :: Word8# -> Word8# -> (#Word8#, Word8##)' template: |- // quotRemWord8 begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemWord8 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemInt16# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemInt16# :: Int16# -> Int16# -> (#Int16#, Int16##)' template: |- // quotRemInt16 begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemInt16 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemWord16# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemWord16# :: Word16# -> Word16# -> (#Word16#, Word16##)' template: |- // quotRemWord16 begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemWord16 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemInt32# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemInt32# :: Int32# -> Int32# -> (#Int32#, Int32##)' template: |- // quotRemInt32 begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemInt32 end - BlackBox: name: GHC.Prim.quotRemWord32# kind: Declaration type: 'quotRemWord32# :: Word32# -> Word32# -> (#Word32#, Word32##)' template: |- // quotRemWord32 begin wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[quot_res][0]][0]; wire ~SIGD[~GENSYM[rem_res][1]][0]; assign ~SYM[0] = ~ARG[0] / ~ARG[1]; assign ~SYM[1] = ~ARG[0] % ~ARG[1]; assign ~RESULT = {~SYM[0],~SYM[1]}; // quotRemWord32 end