{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module CLaSH.Sized.Fixed
  ( -- * Signed fixed point
    SFixed, sf, unSF
    -- * Unsigned fixed point
  , UFixed, uf, unUF

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Bits
import Data.Default
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Ratio
import GHC.TypeLits
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax(Lift(..))

import CLaSH.Class.BitVector
import CLaSH.Class.Num
import CLaSH.Signal
import CLaSH.Sized.Signed
import CLaSH.Sized.Unsigned

-- | Fixed point signed integer with @i@ integer bits and @f@ fractional bits
-- For now, overflow behaviour for the 'Num' functions is wrap-around, not saturate
newtype SFixed (i :: Nat) (f :: Nat) = SF { unSF :: Signed   (i + f) }
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

-- | Fixed point unsigned integer with @i@ integer bits and @f@ fractional bits
-- For now, overflow behaviour for the 'Num' functions is wrap-around, not saturate
newtype UFixed (i :: Nat) (f :: Nat) = UF { unUF :: Unsigned (i + f) }
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

fracShift :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> Int
fracShift = fromInteger . natVal

sf :: Signed (i + f) -> SFixed i f
sf = SF

uf :: Unsigned (i + f) -> UFixed i f
uf = UF

showFixed :: (Bits a, KnownNat n, Show a, Integral a) =>
             (proxy n -> a) -> proxy n -> [Char]
showFixed unRep f = show i ++ "." ++ (uncurry pad . second (show . numerator) .
                                      fromJust . find ((==1) . denominator . snd) .
                                      iterate (succ *** (*10)) . (,) 0 $ (nom % denom))
      pad n str = replicate (n - length str) '0' ++ str
      nF        = fracShift f
      rep       = unRep f
      i         = rep `shiftR` nF
      nom       = toInteger rep .&. ((2 ^ nF) - 1)
      denom     = 2 ^ nF

instance (KnownNat (i + f), KnownNat f) => Show (SFixed i f) where
  show = showFixed unSF

instance (KnownNat (i + f), KnownNat f) => Show (UFixed i f) where
  show = showFixed unUF

multFixedS :: (KnownNat ((i + f) + (i + f)), KnownNat (i + f), KnownNat f)
           => SFixed i f -> SFixed i f -> SFixed i f
multFixedS (SF a) (SF b) = res
    resM = mult a b
    resS = resM `shiftR` (fracShift res)
    res  = SF (resizeS resS)

multFixedU :: (KnownNat ((i + f) + (i + f)), KnownNat (i + f), KnownNat f)
           => UFixed i f -> UFixed i f -> UFixed i f
multFixedU (UF a) (UF b) = res
    resM = mult a b
    resS = resM `shiftR` (fracShift res)
    res  = UF (resizeU resS)

fixedFromInteger :: (Bits a, KnownNat n, Num a)
                 => (a -> proxy n) -> Integer -> proxy n
fixedFromInteger toF i = res
    res = toF (fromInteger i `shiftL` fracShift res)

instance (KnownNat ((i + f) + (i + f)), KnownNat (i + f), KnownNat f) => Num (SFixed i f) where
  (+)           = (SF .) . on (+) unSF
  (*)           = multFixedS
  (-)           = (SF .) . on (-) unSF
  negate        = SF . negate . unSF
  abs           = SF . abs . unSF
  signum        = SF . signum . unSF
  fromInteger   = fixedFromInteger SF

instance (KnownNat ((i + f) + (i + f)), KnownNat (i + f), KnownNat f) => Num (UFixed i f) where
  (+)           = (UF .) . on (+) unUF
  (*)           = multFixedU
  (-)           = (UF .) . on (-) unUF
  negate        = UF . negate . unUF
  abs           = UF . abs . unUF
  signum        = UF . signum . unUF
  fromInteger   = fixedFromInteger UF

instance BitVector (SFixed i f) where
  type BitSize (SFixed i f) = i + f
  toBV   (SF s) = toBV s
  fromBV bv     = SF (fromBV bv)

instance BitVector (UFixed i f) where
  type BitSize (UFixed i f) = i + f
  toBV   (UF s) = toBV s
  fromBV bv     = UF (fromBV bv)

instance Pack (SFixed i f) where
  type SignalP (SFixed i f) = Signal (SFixed i f)
  pack   = id
  unpack = id

instance Pack (UFixed i f) where
  type SignalP (UFixed i f) = Signal (UFixed i f)
  pack   = id
  unpack = id

instance (KnownNat i, KnownNat f, KnownNat (i + f)) => Lift (SFixed i f) where
  lift s@(SF i) = sigE [| SF i |] (decSFixed (natVal (asProxy s)) (natVal s))
      asProxy :: SFixed n a -> Proxy n
      asProxy _ = Proxy

instance (KnownNat i, KnownNat f, KnownNat (i + f)) => Lift (UFixed i f) where
  lift s@(UF i) = sigE [| UF i |] (decUFixed (natVal (asProxy s)) (natVal s))
      asProxy :: UFixed n a -> Proxy n
      asProxy _ = Proxy

decSFixed :: Integer -> Integer -> TypeQ
decSFixed i f = appT (appT (conT ''SFixed) (litT $ numTyLit i)) (litT $ numTyLit f)

decUFixed :: Integer -> Integer -> TypeQ
decUFixed i f = appT (appT (conT ''SFixed) (litT $ numTyLit i)) (litT $ numTyLit f)

instance KnownNat (i + f) => Default (SFixed i f) where
  def = SF 0

instance KnownNat (i + f) => Default (UFixed i f) where
  def = UF 0