{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators       #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 -fno-omit-interface-pragmas #-}

{- |
  CλaSH (pronounced ‘clash’) is a functional hardware description language that
  borrows both its syntax and semantics from the functional programming language
  Haskell. The merits of using a functional language to describe hardware comes
  from the fact that combinational circuits can be directly modeled as
  mathematical functions and that functional languages lend themselves very well
  at describing and (de-)composing mathematical functions.

  This package provides:

  * Prelude library containing datatypes and functions for circuit design

  To use the library:

  * Import "CLaSH.Prelude"
  * Additionally import "CLaSH.Prelude.Explicit" if you want to design
    explicitly clocked circuits in a multi-clock setting

  For now, "CLaSH.Prelude" is also the best starting point for exploring the
  library. A tutorial module will be added within due time.
module CLaSH.Prelude
  ( -- * Creating synchronous sequential circuits
  , registerP
    -- * 'Arrow' interface for synchronous sequential circuits
  , Comp (..)
  , (^^^)
  , registerC
  , simulateC
    -- * BlockRAM primitives
  , blockRam
  , blockRamPow2
  , blockRamC
  , blockRamPow2C
    -- * Utility functions
  , window
  , windowD
    -- * Testbench functions
  , sassert
  , stimuliGenerator
  , outputVerifier
    -- * Exported modules
    -- ** Implicitly clocked synchronous signals
  , module CLaSH.Signal.Implicit
    -- ** Datatypes
  , module CLaSH.Bit
    -- *** Arbitrary-width numbers
  , module CLaSH.Sized.Signed
  , module CLaSH.Sized.Unsigned
    -- *** Fixed point numbers
  , module CLaSH.Sized.Fixed
    -- *** Fixed size vectors
  , module CLaSH.Sized.Vector
    -- ** Type-level natural numbers
  , module GHC.TypeLits
  , module CLaSH.Promoted.Nat
  , module CLaSH.Promoted.Nat.Literals
  , module CLaSH.Promoted.Nat.TH
    -- ** Type-level functions
  , module CLaSH.Promoted.Ord
    -- ** Template Haskell
  , Lift (..), deriveLift
    -- ** Type classes
    -- *** CLaSH
  , module CLaSH.Class.BitVector
  , module CLaSH.Class.Num
    -- *** Other
  , module Control.Arrow
  , module Control.Applicative
  , module Data.Bits
  , module Data.Default

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category            as Category
import Data.Bits
import Data.Default
import Debug.Trace                 (trace)
import CLaSH.Class.BitVector
import CLaSH.Class.Num
import CLaSH.Promoted.Nat
import CLaSH.Promoted.Nat.TH
import CLaSH.Promoted.Nat.Literals
import CLaSH.Promoted.Ord
import CLaSH.Sized.Fixed
import CLaSH.Sized.Signed
import CLaSH.Sized.Unsigned
import CLaSH.Sized.Vector
import CLaSH.Bit
import CLaSH.Signal.Implicit
import GHC.TypeLits
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift     (Lift(..),deriveLift)

{-# INLINABLE window #-}
-- | Give a window over a 'Signal'
-- > window4 :: Signal Int -> Vec 4 (Signal Int)
-- > window4 = window
-- >>> simulateP window4 [1,2,3,4,5,...
-- [<1,0,0,0>, <2,1,0,0>, <3,2,1,0>, <4,3,2,1>, <5,4,3,2>,...
window :: (KnownNat (n + 1), Default a)
       => Signal a                     -- ^ Signal to create a window over
       -> Vec ((n + 1) + 1) (Signal a) -- ^ Window of at least size 2
window x = x :> prev
    prev = registerP (vcopyI def) next
    next = x +>> prev

{-# INLINABLE windowD #-}
-- | Give a delayed window over a 'Signal'
-- > windowD3 :: Signal Int -> Vec 3 (Signal Int)
-- > windowD3 = windowD
-- >>> simulateP windowD3 [1,2,3,4,...
-- [<0,0,0>, <1,0,0>, <2,1,0>, <3,2,1>, <4,3,2>,...
windowD :: (KnownNat (n + 1), Default a)
        => Signal a               -- ^ Signal to create a window over
        -> Vec (n + 1) (Signal a) -- ^ Window of at least size 1
windowD x = prev
    prev = registerP (vcopyI def) next
    next = x +>> prev

{-# INLINABLE (<^>) #-}
-- | Create a synchronous function from a combinational function describing
-- a mealy machine
-- > mac :: Int        -- Current state
-- >     -> (Int,Int)  -- Input
-- >     -> (Int,Int)  -- (Updated state, output)
-- > mac s (x,y) = (s',s)
-- >   where
-- >     s' = x * y + s
-- >
-- > topEntity :: (Signal Int, Signal Int) -> Signal Int
-- > topEntity = mac <^> 0
-- >>> simulateP topEntity [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),...
-- [0,1,5,14,30,...
-- Synchronous sequential functions can be composed just like their combinational counterpart:
-- > dualMac :: (Signal Int, Signal Int)
-- >         -> (Signal Int, Signal Int)
-- >         -> Signal Int
-- > dualMac (a,b) (x,y) = s1 + s2
-- >   where
-- >     s1 = (mac <^> 0) (a,b)
-- >     s2 = (mac <^> 0) (x,y)
(<^>) :: (Pack i, Pack o)
      => (s -> i -> (s,o))        -- ^ Transfer function in mealy machine form: @state -> input -> (newstate,output)@
      -> s                        -- ^ Initial state
      -> (SignalP i -> SignalP o) -- ^ Synchronous sequential function with input and output matching that of the mealy machine
f <^> iS = \i -> let (s',o) = unpack $ f <$> s <*> pack i
                     s      = register iS s'
                 in unpack o

{-# INLINABLE registerP #-}
-- | Create a 'register' function for product-type like signals (e.g. '(Signal a, Signal b)')
-- > rP :: (Signal Int,Signal Int) -> (Signal Int, Signal Int)
-- > rP = registerP (8,8)
-- >>> simulateP rP [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),...
-- [(8,8),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),...
registerP :: Pack a => a -> SignalP a -> SignalP a
registerP i = unpack Prelude.. register i Prelude.. pack

{-# NOINLINE blockRam #-}
-- | Create a blockRAM with space for @n@ elements.
-- * NB: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle
-- * NB: Initial output value is `undefined`
-- > bram40 :: Signal (Unsigned 6) -> Signal (Unsigned 6) -> Signal Bool -> Signal Bit -> Signal Bit
-- > bram40 = blockRam (vcopy d40 H)
blockRam :: (Pack a, KnownNat n, KnownNat m)
         => Vec n a             -- ^ Initial content of the BRAM, also determines the size ,@n@, of the BRAM.
                                -- NB: *MUST* be a constant.
         -> Signal (Unsigned m) -- ^ Write address @w@
         -> Signal (Unsigned m) -- ^ Read address @r@
         -> Signal Bool         -- ^ Write enable
         -> Signal a            -- ^ Value to write (at address @w@)
         -> Signal a            -- ^ Value of the 'blockRAM' at address @r@ from the previous clock cycle
blockRam binit wr rd en din = pack $ (bram' <^> (binit,undefined)) (wr,rd,en,din)
    bram' (ram,o) (w,r,e,d) = ((ram',o'),o)
        ram' | e         = vreplace ram w d
             | otherwise = ram
        o'               = ram ! r

{-# DEPRECATED blockRamC "'Comp' is deprecated and will be removed in version 0.6, use 'blockRam' instead" #-}
-- | Create a blockRAM with space for @n@ elements
-- * NB: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle
-- * NB: Initial output value is `undefined`
-- > bramC40 :: Comp (Unsigned 6, Unsigned 6, Bool, Bit) Bit
-- > bramC40 = blockRamC (vcopy d40 H)
blockRamC :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, Pack a)
          => Vec n a -- ^ Initial content of the BRAM, also determines the size ,@n@, of the BRAM.
                     -- NB: *MUST* be a constant.
          -> Comp (Unsigned m, Unsigned m, Bool, a) a
blockRamC n = C ((\(wr,rd,en,din) -> blockRam n wr rd en din) Prelude.. unpack)

{-# INLINABLE blockRamPow2 #-}
-- | Create a blockRAM with space for 2^@n@ elements
-- * NB: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle
-- * NB: Initial output value is `undefined`
-- > bram32 :: Signal (Unsigned 5) -> Signal (Unsigned 5) -> Signal Bool -> Signal Bit -> Signal Bit
-- > bram32 = blockRamPow2 (vcopy d32 H)
blockRamPow2 :: (KnownNat (2^n), KnownNat n, Pack a)
             => Vec (2^n) a         -- ^ Initial content of the BRAM, also determines the size ,@2^n@, of the BRAM.
                                    -- NB: *MUST* be a constant.
             -> Signal (Unsigned n) -- ^ Write address @w@
             -> Signal (Unsigned n) -- ^ Read address @r@
             -> Signal Bool         -- ^ Write enable
             -> Signal a            -- ^ Value to write (at address @w@)
             -> Signal a            -- ^ Value of the 'blockRAM' at address @r@ from the previous clock cycle
blockRamPow2 = blockRam

{-# DEPRECATED blockRamPow2C "'Comp' is deprecated and will be removed in version 0.6, use 'blockRamPow2' instead" #-}
-- | Create a blockRAM with space for 2^@n@ elements
-- * NB: Read value is delayed by 1 cycle
-- * NB: Initial output value is `undefined`
-- > bramC32 :: Comp (Unsigned 5, Unsigned 5, Bool, Bit) Bit
-- > bramC32 = blockRamPow2C (vcopy d32 H)
blockRamPow2C :: (KnownNat (2^n), KnownNat n, Pack a)
              => Vec (2^n) a -- ^ Initial content of the BRAM, also determines the size ,@2^n@, of the BRAM.
                             -- NB: *MUST* be a constant.
              -> Comp (Unsigned n, Unsigned n, Bool, a) a
blockRamPow2C n = C ((\(wr,rd,en,din) -> blockRamPow2 n wr rd en din) Prelude.. unpack)

{-# DEPRECATED Comp "Will be removed in version 0.6. Use 'Applicative' interface and ('<^>') instead" #-}
-- | 'Comp'onent: an 'Arrow' interface to synchronous sequential functions
newtype Comp  a b = C { asFunction :: Signal a -> Signal b }

instance Category Comp where
  id            = C Prelude.id
  (C f) . (C g) = C (f Prelude.. g)

instance Arrow Comp where
  arr         = C Prelude.. fmap
  first (C f) = C $ pack Prelude.. (f >< Prelude.id) Prelude.. unpack
      (g >< h) (x,y) = (g x,h y)

instance ArrowLoop Comp where
  loop (C f) = C $ simpleLoop (unpack Prelude.. f Prelude.. pack)
      simpleLoop g b = let ~(c,d) = g (b,d)
                       in c

{-# DEPRECATED registerC "'Comp' is deprecated and will be removed in version 0.6, use 'register' instead" #-}
-- | Create a 'register' 'Comp'onent
-- > rC :: Comp (Int,Int) (Int,Int)
-- > rC = registerC (8,8)
-- >>> simulateC rP [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),...
-- [(8,8),(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),...
registerC :: a -> Comp a a
registerC = C Prelude.. register

{-# DEPRECATED simulateC "'Comp' is deprecated and will be removed in version 0.6, use 'simulate' instead" #-}
-- | Simulate a 'Comp'onent given a list of samples
-- >>> simulateC (registerC 8) [1, 2, 3, ...
-- [8, 1, 2, 3, ...
simulateC :: Comp a b -> [a] -> [b]
simulateC f = simulate (asFunction f)

{-# DEPRECATED (^^^) "Will be removed in version 0.6. Use 'Applicative' interface and ('<^>') instead" #-}
{-# INLINABLE (^^^) #-}
-- | Create a synchronous 'Comp'onent from a combinational function describing
-- a mealy machine
-- > mac :: Int        -- Current state
-- >     -> (Int,Int)  -- Input
-- >     -> (Int,Int)  -- (Updated state, output)
-- > mac s (x,y) = (s',s)
-- >   where
-- >     s' = x * y + s
-- >
-- > topEntity :: Comp (Int,Int) Int
-- > topEntity = mac ^^^ 0
-- >>> simulateC topEntity [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(4,4),...
-- [0,1,5,14,30,...
-- Synchronous sequential must be composed using the 'Arrow' syntax
-- > dualMac :: Comp (Int,Int,Int,Int) Int
-- > dualMac = proc (a,b,x,y) -> do
-- >   rec s1 <- mac ^^^ 0 -< (a,b)
-- >       s2 <- mac ^^^ 0 -< (x,y)
-- >   returnA -< (s1 + s2)
(^^^) :: (s -> i -> (s,o)) -- ^ Transfer function in mealy machine form: @state -> input -> (newstate,output)@
      -> s                 -- ^ Initial state
      -> Comp i o          -- ^ Synchronous sequential 'Comp'onent with input and output matching that of the mealy machine
f ^^^ sI = C $ \i -> let (s',o) = unpack $ f <$> s <*> i
                         s      = register sI s'
                     in  o

{-# NOINLINE sassert #-}
-- | Compares the first two arguments for equality and logs a warning when they
-- are not equal. The second argument is considered the expected value. This
-- function simply returns the third argument unaltered as its result. This
-- function is used by 'outputVerifier'.
-- This function is translated to the following VHDL:
-- > sassert_block : block
-- > begin
-- >   -- pragma translate_off
-- >   process(clk_1000,reset_1000,arg0,arg1) is
-- >   begin
-- >     if (rising_edge(clk_1000) or rising_edge(reset_1000)) then
-- >       assert (arg0 = arg1) report ("expected: " & to_string (arg1) & \", actual: \" & to_string (arg0)) severity error;
-- >     end if;
-- >   end process;
-- >   -- pragma translate_on
-- >   result <= arg2;
-- > end block;
-- And can, due to the pragmas, be used in synthesizable designs
sassert :: (Eq a, Show a)
        => Signal a -- ^ Checked value
        -> Signal a -- ^ Expected value
        -> Signal b -- ^ Returned value
        -> Signal b
sassert = liftA3
  (\a' b' c' -> if a' == b' then c'
                            else trace ("\nexpected value: " ++ show b' ++ ", not equal to actual value: " ++ show a') c')

{-# INLINABLE stimuliGenerator #-}
-- | To be used as a one of the functions to create the \"magical\" 'testInput'
-- value, which the CλaSH compilers looks for to create the stimulus generator
-- for the generated VHDL testbench.
-- Example:
-- > testInput :: Signal Int
-- > testInput = stimuliGenerator $(v [(1::Int),3..21])
-- >>> sample testInput
-- [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,21,21,...
stimuliGenerator :: forall l a . KnownNat l
                 => Vec l a  -- ^ Samples to generate
                 -> Signal a -- ^ Signal of given samples
stimuliGenerator samples  =
    let (r,o) = unpack (genT <$> register (fromInteger (maxIndex samples)) r)
    in  o
    genT :: Unsigned l -> (Unsigned l, a)
    genT s = (s',samples ! s)
        s' = if s > 0 then s - 1
                      else s

{-# INLINABLE outputVerifier #-}
-- | To be used as a functions to generate the \"magical\" 'expectedOutput'
-- function, which the CλaSH compilers looks for to create the signal verifier
-- for the generated VHDL testbench.
-- Example:
-- > expectedOutput :: Signal Int -> Signal Bool
-- > expectedOutput = outputVerifier $(v ([70,99,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10]::[Int]))
-- >>> sample (expectedOutput (fromList ([0..10] ++ [10,10,10])))
-- [
-- expected value: 70, not equal to actual value: 0
-- False,
-- expected value: 99, not equal to actual value: 1
-- False,False,False,False,False,
-- expected value: 7, not equal to actual value: 6
-- False,
-- expected value: 8, not equal to actual value: 7
-- False,
-- expected value: 9, not equal to actual value: 8
-- False,
-- expected value: 10, not equal to actual value: 9
-- False,True,True,...
outputVerifier :: forall l a . (KnownNat l, Eq a, Show a)
               => Vec l a     -- ^ Samples to compare with
               -> Signal a    -- ^ Signal to verify
               -> Signal Bool -- ^ Indicator that all samples are verified
outputVerifier samples i =
    let (s,o) = unpack (genT <$> register (fromInteger (maxIndex samples)) s)
        (e,f) = unpack o
    in  sassert i e (register False f)
    genT :: Unsigned l -> (Unsigned l, (a,Bool))
    genT s = (s',(samples ! s,finished))
        s' = if s >= 1 then s - 1
                       else s

        finished = s == 0