{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies        #-}

module CLaSH.Signal.Explicit
  ( -- * Explicitly clocked synchronous signal
    -- $relativeclocks
    -- * Clock domain crossing
  , Clock (..)
  , veryUnsafeSynchronizer
  , fromImplicit
  , fromExplicit
  -- * Basic circuit functions
  , csignal
  , cregister
  , CPack (..)
  -- * Simulation functions
  , csimulate
  , csimulateP
    -- * List \<-\> CSignal conversion
  , csample
  , csampleN
  , cfromList

import Data.Coerce
import Control.Applicative        (Applicative (..), (<$>), liftA2)
import GHC.TypeLits               (Nat)

import CLaSH.Bit                  (Bit)
import CLaSH.Promoted.Nat         (snatToInteger)
import CLaSH.Sized.Fixed          (Fixed)
import CLaSH.Sized.Signed         (Signed)
import CLaSH.Sized.Unsigned       (Unsigned)
import CLaSH.Sized.Vector         (Vec(..), vmap, vhead, vtail)

import CLaSH.Signal.Implicit
import CLaSH.Signal.Types

{-# NOINLINE cregister  #-}

{-# NOINLINE veryUnsafeSynchronizer #-}
{-# NOINLINE fromImplicit           #-}
{-# NOINLINE fromExplicit           #-}

{- $relativeclocks #relativeclocks#
CλaSH supports explicitly clocked 'Signal's in the form of: \"@'CSignal' clk a@\",
where @clk@ is a 'Nat'ural number corresponding to the clock period of the clock
the signal is synchronized to. NB: \"Bad things\"™  happen when you actually use
a clock period of @0@, so don't do that!

The clock periods are however dimension-less, they do not refer to any explicit
time-scale (e.g. nano-seconds). The reason for the lack of an explicit time-scale
is that the CλaSH compiler would not be able guarantee that the circuit can run
at the specified frequency.

The clock periods are just there to indicate relative frequency differences
between two different clocks. That is, a \"@'CSignal' 500 a@\" is synchronized
to a clock that runs 6.5 times faster than the clock to which a
\"@'CSignal' 3250 a@\" is synchronized to. NB: You should be judicious using a
clock with period @1@ as you can never create a clock that runs faster later on!

-- | Create a 'CSignal' from a list
-- Every element in the list will correspond to a value of the signal for one
-- clock cycle.
-- NB: Simulation only!
-- >>> csampleN 2 (cfromList [1,2,3,4,5])
-- [1,2]
cfromList :: [a] -> CSignal t a
cfromList = coerce . fromList

-- | Get an infinite list of samples from a 'CSignal'
-- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'CSignal' at
-- consecutive clock cycles
-- > csample s == [s0, s1, s2, s3, ...
csample :: CSignal t a -> [a]
csample = sample . coerce

-- | Get a list of @n@ samples from a 'CSignal'
-- The elements in the list correspond to the values of the 'CSignal' at
-- consecutive clock cycles
-- > csampleN 3 s == [s0, s1, s2]
csampleN :: Int -> CSignal t a -> [a]
csampleN n = sampleN n . coerce

-- | 'cregister' @i s@ delays the values in 'CSignal' @s@ for one cycle, and sets
-- the value at time 0 to @i@
-- > clk100 = Clock d100
-- >>> csampleN 3 (cregister d100 8 (fromList [1,2,3,4]))
-- [8,1,2]
cregister :: Clock clk -> a -> CSignal clk a -> CSignal clk a
cregister _ i s = coerce (register i (coerce s))

-- | Simulate a (@'CSignal' clk1 a -> 'Signal' clk2 b@) function given a list of
-- samples of type @a@
-- >>> simulate (register 8) [1, 2, 3, ...
-- [8, 1, 2, 3, ...
csimulate :: (CSignal clk1 a -> CSignal clk2 b) -> [a] -> [b]
csimulate f = csample . f . cfromList

-- | Isomorphism between a @'CSignal' clk@ of a product type (e.g. a tuple) and a
-- product type of @'CSignal' clk@'s
class CPack a where
  type CSignalP (clk :: Nat) a
  type CSignalP clk a = CSignal clk a
  -- | Example:
  -- > cpack :: Clock clk -> (CSignal clk a, CSignal clk b) -> CSignal clk (a,b)
  -- However:
  -- > cpack :: Clock clk -> CSignal clk Bit -> CSignal clk Bit
  cpack   :: Clock clk -> CSignalP clk a -> CSignal clk a
  -- | Example:
  -- > cunpack :: Clock clk -> CSignal clk (a,b) -> (CSignal clk a, CSignal clk b)
  -- However:
  -- > cunpack :: Clock clk -> CSignal clk Bit -> CSignal clk Bit
  cunpack :: Clock clk -> CSignal clk a -> CSignalP clk a

-- | Simulate a (@'CSignalP' clk1 a -> 'CSignalP' clk2 b@) function given a list
-- of samples of type @a@
-- > clk100 = Clock d100
-- >>> csimulateP clk100 clk100 (cunpack clk100 . cregister clk100 (8,8) . cpack clk100) [(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), ...
-- [(8,8), (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), ...
csimulateP :: (CPack a, CPack b)
           => Clock clk1 -- ^ 'Clock' of the incoming signal
           -> Clock clk2 -- ^ 'Clock' of the outgoing signal
           -> (CSignalP clk1 a -> CSignalP clk2 b) -- ^ Function to simulate
           -> [a] -> [b]
csimulateP clk1 clk2 f = csimulate (cpack clk2 . f . cunpack clk1)

instance CPack Bit where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack (Signed n) where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack (Unsigned n) where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack (Fixed frac rep size) where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack Bool where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack Integer where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack Int where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack Float where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack Double where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack () where
  cpack   _ = id
  cunpack _ = id

instance CPack (a,b) where
  type CSignalP t (a,b) = (CSignal t a, CSignal t b)
  cpack _       = uncurry (liftA2 (,))
  cunpack _ tup = (fmap fst tup, fmap snd tup)

instance CPack (a,b,c) where
  type CSignalP t (a,b,c) = (CSignal t a, CSignal t b, CSignal t c)
  cpack   _ (a,b,c) = (,,) <$> a <*> b <*> c
  cunpack _ tup     = (fmap (\(x,_,_) -> x) tup
                      ,fmap (\(_,x,_) -> x) tup
                      ,fmap (\(_,_,x) -> x) tup

instance CPack (a,b,c,d) where
  type CSignalP t (a,b,c,d) = (CSignal t a, CSignal t b, CSignal t c, CSignal t d)
  cpack   _ (a,b,c,d) = (,,,) <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d
  cunpack _ tup       = (fmap (\(x,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                        ,fmap (\(_,x,_,_) -> x) tup
                        ,fmap (\(_,_,x,_) -> x) tup
                        ,fmap (\(_,_,_,x) -> x) tup

instance CPack (a,b,c,d,e) where
  type CSignalP t (a,b,c,d,e) = (CSignal t a, CSignal t b, CSignal t c, CSignal t d, CSignal t e)
  cpack _ (a,b,c,d,e) = (,,,,) <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d <*> e
  cunpack _ tup       = (fmap (\(x,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                        ,fmap (\(_,x,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                        ,fmap (\(_,_,x,_,_) -> x) tup
                        ,fmap (\(_,_,_,x,_) -> x) tup
                        ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,x) -> x) tup

instance CPack (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
  type CSignalP t (a,b,c,d,e,f) = (CSignal t a, CSignal t b, CSignal t c, CSignal t d, CSignal t e, CSignal t f)
  cpack   _ (a,b,c,d,e,f) = (,,,,,) <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d <*> e <*> f
  cunpack _ tup           = (fmap (\(x,_,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                            ,fmap (\(_,x,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                            ,fmap (\(_,_,x,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                            ,fmap (\(_,_,_,x,_,_) -> x) tup
                            ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,x,_) -> x) tup
                            ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,_,x) -> x) tup

instance CPack (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
  type CSignalP t (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = (CSignal t a, CSignal t b, CSignal t c, CSignal t d, CSignal t e, CSignal t f, CSignal t g)
  cpack   _ (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = (,,,,,,) <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d <*> e <*> f <*> g
  cunpack _ tup             = (fmap (\(x,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                              ,fmap (\(_,x,_,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                              ,fmap (\(_,_,x,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                              ,fmap (\(_,_,_,x,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                              ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,x,_,_) -> x) tup
                              ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,_,x,_) -> x) tup
                              ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,_,_,x) -> x) tup

instance CPack (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) where
  type CSignalP t (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) = (CSignal t a, CSignal t b, CSignal t c, CSignal t d, CSignal t e, CSignal t f, CSignal t g, CSignal t h)
  cpack   _ (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) = (,,,,,,,) <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d <*> e <*> f <*> g <*> h
  cunpack _ tup               = (fmap (\(x,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                                ,fmap (\(_,x,_,_,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                                ,fmap (\(_,_,x,_,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                                ,fmap (\(_,_,_,x,_,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                                ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,x,_,_,_) -> x) tup
                                ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,_,x,_,_) -> x) tup
                                ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,_,_,x,_) -> x) tup
                                ,fmap (\(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,x) -> x) tup

instance CPack (Vec n a) where
  type CSignalP t (Vec n a) = Vec n (CSignal t a)
  cpack clk vs = mkCSignal (vmap (shead . coerce) vs) (cpack clk (vmap cstail vs))
  cunpack _      (CSignal (Nil :- _))      = Nil
  cunpack clk vs@(CSignal ((_ :> _) :- _)) = fmap vhead vs :> cunpack clk (fmap vtail vs)

-- | Synchronisation function that is basically a represented by a (bundle of)
-- wire(s) in hardware. This function should only be used as part of a proper
-- synchronisation component, such as a dual flip-flop synchronizer, or a FIFO
-- with an asynchronous memory element:
-- > dualFlipFlop :: Clock clk1 -> Clock clk2
-- >              -> CSignal clk1 Bit -> CSignal clk2 Bit
-- > dualFlipFlop clk1 clk2 = cregister clk2 L . cregister clk2 L . veryUnsafeSynchronizer clk1 clk2
-- The 'veryUnsafeSynchronizer' works in such a way that, given 2 clocks:
-- > clk7 = Clock d7
-- > clk2 = Clock d2
-- Oversampling followed by compression is the identity function plus 2 initial values:
-- > cregister clk7 i $
-- > veryUnsafeSynchronizer clk2 clk7 $
-- > cregister clk2 j $
-- > veryUnsafeSynchronizer clk7 clk2 $
-- > cregister clk7 k s
-- >
-- > ==
-- >
-- > i :- j :- s
-- Something we can easily observe:
-- > oversampling = cregister clk2 99 . veryUnsafeSynchronizer clk7 clk2 . cregister clk7 50
-- > almostId     = cregister clk7 70 . veryUnsafeSynchronizer clk2 clk7
-- >              . cregister clk2 99 . veryUnsafeSynchronizer clk7 clk2 . cregister clk7 50
-- >
-- >>> csample (oversampling (cfromList [1..10]))
-- [99, 50,1,1,1,2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,6,6,6,6, 7,7,7,8,8,8,8, 9,9,9,10,10,10,10, ...
-- >>> csample (almostId (cfromList [1..10]))
-- [70, 99,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...
veryUnsafeSynchronizer :: Clock clk1 -- ^ 'Clock' of the incoming signal
                       -> Clock clk2 -- ^ 'Clock' of the outgoing signal
                       -> CSignal clk1 a
                       -> CSignal clk2 a
veryUnsafeSynchronizer (Clock clk1) (Clock clk2) s = s'
    t1    = fromInteger (snatToInteger clk1)
    t2    = fromInteger (snatToInteger clk2)
    s' | t1 < t2   = compress   t2 t1 s
       | t1 > t2   = oversample t1 t2 s
       | otherwise = same s

same :: CSignal clk1 a -> CSignal clk2 a
same (CSignal s) = CSignal s

oversample :: Int -> Int -> CSignal clk1 a -> CSignal clk2 a
oversample high low (CSignal (s :- ss)) = CSignal (s :- oversampleS (reverse (repSchedule high low)) ss)

oversampleS :: [Int] -> Signal a -> Signal a
oversampleS sched = oversample' sched
    oversample' []     s       = oversampleS sched s
    oversample' (d:ds) (s:-ss) = prefixN d s (oversample' ds ss)

    prefixN 0 _ s = s
    prefixN n x s = x :- prefixN (n-1) x s

compress :: Int -> Int -> CSignal clk1 a -> CSignal clk2 a
compress high low (CSignal s) = CSignal (compressS (repSchedule high low) s)

compressS :: [Int] -> Signal a -> Signal a
compressS sched = compress' sched
    compress' []     s           = compressS sched s
    compress' (d:ds) ss@(s :- _) = s :- compress' ds (dropS d ss)

    dropS 0 s         = s
    dropS n (_ :- ss) = dropS (n-1) ss

repSchedule :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
repSchedule high low = take low $ repSchedule' low high 1
    repSchedule' cnt th rep
      | cnt < th  = repSchedule' (cnt+low) th (rep + 1)
      | otherwise = rep : repSchedule' (cnt + low) (th + high) 1

-- | Implicitly clocked signals have a clock with period 1000
fromImplicit :: Signal a -> CSignal 1000 a
fromImplicit s = CSignal s

-- | Implicitly clocked signals have a clock with period 1000
fromExplicit :: CSignal 1000 a -> Signal a
fromExplicit (CSignal s) = s