{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.Extra.Solver #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.Normalise #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=GHC.TypeLits.KnownNat.Solver #-} module Clash.Tests.BitVector (tests, main) where import qualified Hedgehog as H import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import Data.Proxy import GHC.TypeNats (KnownNat, SomeNat (..), natVal, someNatVal) import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified Test.Tasty.Hedgehog as H import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as Q import Clash.Prelude (Bit, high, low, bitPattern, type (<=), type (-), natToInteger, liftA2, msb) import Clash.Sized.Internal.BitVector (BitVector (..)) import Clash.Tests.SizedNum -- | Generates a BitVector either with the MSB set or not, and checks whether -- 'msb' agrees with it. msbTest :: forall n. (1 <= n, KnownNat n) => H.Property msbTest = H.property $ do (bv, b) <- H.forAll msbGen b H.=== msb bv where msbGen :: H.Gen (BitVector n, Bit) msbGen = Gen.choice [ liftA2 (,) msbSetGen (Gen.constant high) , liftA2 (,) msbUnsetGen (Gen.constant low) ] msbSetGen :: H.Gen (BitVector n) msbSetGen = Gen.integral (Range.linear (2^natToInteger @(n-1)) maxBound) msbUnsetGen :: H.Gen (BitVector n) msbUnsetGen = Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 (pred (2^natToInteger @(n-1)))) test1 :: BitVector 8 -> Int test1 = \case $(bitPattern "0..._....") -> 0 $(bitPattern "01.._....") -> 1 $(bitPattern "11.._..01") -> 2 $(bitPattern "1111_1110") -> 3 $(bitPattern "110a_babb") -> 4 + fromIntegral aa + fromIntegral bbb $(bitPattern "...._....") -> 4 _ -> 5 -- To keep exhaustiveness checker happy tests :: TestTree tests = localOption (Q.QuickCheckMaxRatio 2) $ testGroup "All" [ testGroup "bitPattern" [ testCase "case0-0" $ test1 0b00000000 @?= 0 , testCase "case0-1" $ test1 0b00011001 @?= 0 , testCase "case0-2" $ test1 0b01111111 @?= 0 , testCase "case0-3" $ test1 0b01100000 @?= 0 , testCase "case2-0" $ test1 0b11111101 @?= 2 , testCase "case2-1" $ test1 0b11100001 @?= 2 , testCase "case3-0" $ test1 0b11111110 @?= 3 , testCase "case3-1" $ test1 0b11111111 @?= 4 , testCase "case3-2" $ test1 0b11010110 @?= 9 ] , testGroup "BitVector 1" $ Q.testProperty "fromInteger" (fromIntegerProp (Proxy :: Proxy 1)) : map lawsToTest (laws1 (Proxy :: Proxy (BitVector 1))) , testGroup "BitVector 21" $ Q.testProperty "fromInteger" (fromIntegerProp (Proxy :: Proxy 21)) : map lawsToTest (laws (Proxy :: Proxy (BitVector 21))) , testGroup "BitVector 83" $ Q.testProperty "fromInteger" (fromIntegerProp (Proxy :: Proxy 83)) : map lawsToTest (laws (Proxy :: Proxy (BitVector 83))) , testGroup "Random BitVector" [ Q.testProperty "fromInteger" fromIntegerRandomProp ] , testGroup "Enum" [ testCase "[4,3..]" $ [4,3..] @?= [4,3,2,1,0 :: BitVector 8] , testCase "[4,2..]" $ [4,2..] @?= [4,2,0 :: BitVector 8] , testCase "take 5 [4,4..]" $ take 5 [4,4..] @?= [4,4,4,4,4 :: BitVector 8] , testCase "[2,4..]" $ [2,4..] @?= [2,4,6 :: BitVector 3] , testCase "[3,4..]" $ [3,4..] @?= [3,4,5,6,7 :: BitVector 3] ] , testGroup "Bounds" [ testCase "maxBound :: BitVector 0" $ maxBound @(BitVector 0) @?= 0 , testCase "minBound :: BitVector 0" $ minBound @(BitVector 0) @?= 0 ] , testGroup "MSB" [ H.testProperty "msb @(BitVector 1)" (msbTest @1) , H.testProperty "msb @(BitVector 2)" (msbTest @2) , H.testProperty "msb @(BitVector 3)" (msbTest @3) , H.testProperty "msb @(BitVector 37)" (msbTest @37) , H.testProperty "msb @(BitVector 64)" (msbTest @64) , H.testProperty "msb @(BitVector 128)" (msbTest @128) , H.testProperty "msb @(BitVector 129)" (msbTest @129) ] ] fromIntegerProp :: forall m. KnownNat m => Proxy m -> Integer -> Q.Property fromIntegerProp p n = unsafeToNatural m Q.=== fromInteger (n `mod` (2 ^ toInteger (natVal p))) where m :: BitVector m m = fromInteger n fromIntegerRandomProp :: Q.Positive Integer -> Integer -> Q.Property fromIntegerRandomProp (Q.Positive m) n = m > 1 Q.==> case someNatVal (fromInteger m) of SomeNat p -> fromIntegerProp p n -- Run with: -- -- ./repld p:tests -T Clash.Tests.BitVector.main -- -- Add -W if you want to run tests in spite of warnings -- main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests