module SignalProcessing where import qualified Rate import Parameters (Freq, freq, ) import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.Universal as UniFilt import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.FirstOrder as Filt1 import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive as FiltRec import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Process as Causal import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Analysis as Ana import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Cut as Cut import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Signal as SigG import qualified Synthesizer.State.Signal as SigS import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as SVL import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV import Foreign.Storable (Storable, ) import qualified Control.Category as Cat import Control.Arrow (Arrow, (^<<), (<<<), (&&&)) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, ($!!)) import qualified Data.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.List.Match as Match import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Traversable (Traversable, mapAccumL) import Data.Foldable (Foldable, ) import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe, ) import Data.Tuple.HT (swap, ) import qualified Algebra.RealRing as Real import qualified Algebra.Field as Field import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive import NumericPrelude.Numeric import NumericPrelude.Base import Prelude () {-# INLINE zerothMoment #-} zerothMoment :: Causal.T Float Float zerothMoment = Causal.consInit 0 {-# INLINE firstMoment #-} firstMoment :: Causal.T Float Float firstMoment = (\(x0,_x1,x2) -> (x2-x0)/2) ^<< lag2 {-# INLINE secondMoment #-} secondMoment :: Causal.T Float Float secondMoment = (\(x0,x1,x2) -> x2-2*x1+x0) ^<< lag2 {-# INLINE lag2 #-} lag2 :: (Additive.C a) => Causal.T a (a,a,a) lag2 = lag2Init zero {-# INLINE lag2Init #-} lag2Init :: a -> Causal.T a (a,a,a) lag2Init x = (\((x0,x1),x2) -> (x0,x1,x2)) ^<< (Causal.consInit x &&& <<< Causal.consInit x) &&& {-# INLINE bandpass #-} bandpass :: (Rate.C rate) => rate -> Float -> Freq -> Causal.T Float Float bandpass rate q f = UniFilt.bandpass ^<< UniFilt.causal <<< Causal.feedConstFst (UniFilt.parameter (FiltRec.Pole q (freq rate f))) {-# INLINE highpass #-} highpass :: (Rate.C rate) => rate -> Float -> Freq -> Causal.T Float Float highpass rate q f = UniFilt.highpass ^<< UniFilt.causal <<< Causal.feedConstFst (UniFilt.parameter (FiltRec.Pole q (freq rate f))) {-# INLINE lowpass #-} lowpass :: (Rate.C rate) => rate -> Float -> Freq -> Causal.T Float Float lowpass rate q f = UniFilt.lowpass ^<< UniFilt.causal <<< Causal.feedConstFst (UniFilt.parameter (FiltRec.Pole q (freq rate f))) twoPasses :: (Storable a) => (SVL.Vector a -> SVL.Vector a) -> SVL.Vector a -> SVL.Vector a twoPasses f = SVL.reverse . f . SVL.reverse . f lowpassOnePass :: (Rate.C rate) => rate -> Freq -> SVL.Vector Float -> SVL.Vector Float lowpassOnePass rate f sig = let fr = freq rate f in Causal.apply (Filt1.lowpass_ ^<< Filt1.causalInit (Ana.average $ Cut.take (ceiling (1/fr)) $ SigG.toState sig) <<< Causal.feedConstFst (Filt1.parameter fr)) sig lowpassTwoPass :: (Rate.C rate) => rate -> Freq -> SVL.Vector Float -> SVL.Vector Float lowpassTwoPass rate f = twoPasses (lowpassOnePass rate f) -- ToDo: move to synthesizer-core:Causal.Filter {-# INLINE differentiate #-} differentiate :: Causal.T Float Float differentiate = - Causal.consInit zero {-# INLINE differentiateMin3 #-} differentiateMin3 :: Causal.T Float Float differentiateMin3 = differentiateMin3Init zero {-# INLINE differentiateMin3Init #-} differentiateMin3Init :: Float -> Causal.T Float Float differentiateMin3Init x = - ((\(x0,x1,x2) -> x0 `min` x1 `min` x2) ^<< lag2Init x <<< Causal.consInit x) {- | This one produces narrow pikes for the click beginnings. However this turns out to make the click recognition worse. -} differentiateMin3Narrow :: Causal.T Float Float differentiateMin3Narrow = (\(x, (x0,x1,x2)) -> let xmin = x0 `min` x1 `min` x2 xmax = x0 `max` x1 `max` x2 in if x>xmax then x-xmin else x-x2) ^<< &&& (lag2 <<< Causal.consInit zero) downSampleMax :: Int -> SVL.Vector Float -> SVL.Vector Float downSampleMax k = SigG.fromState SigG.defaultLazySize . fmap SVL.maximum . Cut.sliceVertical k downSampleChunkSizes :: (Field.C t, Real.C t) => t -> SigS.T Int downSampleChunkSizes sizeFrac = SigS.unfoldR (\sizeRem -> Just $ splitFraction $ sizeRem + sizeFrac) zero {- ToDo: move to synthesizer-core could be generalized to Causal arrows sometimes reversed parameter seems to be more appropriate -} chop :: (Traversable f, Cut.Transform sig) => sig -> f Int -> f sig chop xs = snd . mapAccumL (\xsr d -> swap $ Cut.splitAt d xsr) xs chopFrac :: Double -> SVL.Vector Float -> SigS.T (SVL.Vector Float) chopFrac sizeFrac xs = SigG.crochetL (\n xi -> toMaybe (not $ SVL.null xi) $ SVL.splitAt n xi) xs $ downSampleChunkSizes sizeFrac {- | It must be @sizeFrac >= 1@. -} downSampleMaxFrac :: Double -> SVL.Vector Float -> SVL.Vector Float downSampleMaxFrac sizeFrac = SigG.fromState SigG.defaultLazySize . fmap SVL.maximum . chopFrac sizeFrac downSampleMaxAbsFrac :: Double -> SVL.Vector Float -> SVL.Vector Float downSampleMaxAbsFrac sizeFrac = SigG.fromState SigG.defaultLazySize . fmap Ana.volumeMaximum . chopFrac sizeFrac downSampleAvgFrac :: Double -> SVL.Vector Float -> SVL.Vector Float downSampleAvgFrac sizeFrac = SigG.fromState SigG.defaultLazySize . fmap Ana.average . chopFrac sizeFrac takeSlices :: (Cut.Transform sig) => Int -> sig -> [sig] -> [sig] takeSlices blockSize xs = Match.take (SigS.toList $ Cut.sliceVertical blockSize xs) -- ToDo: move to synthesizer-core sliceOverlappingAbs, sliceOverlappingDiff, sliceOverlappingRel, sliceOverlapping :: (Cut.Transform sig) => Int -> (Int,Int) -> sig -> [sig] sliceOverlappingAbs blockSize (pre,suf) xs = takeSlices blockSize xs $ map (\t -> let start = max 0 $ t-pre stop = t+blockSize+suf in Cut.take (stop-start) $ Cut.drop start xs) $ iterate (blockSize+) 0 sliceOverlappingDiff blockSize (pre,suf) xs = let offsets = iterate (blockSize+) (-pre) in takeSlices blockSize xs $ zipWith (\offset -> Cut.take (blockSize+pre+suf+min 0 offset)) offsets $ snd $ List.mapAccumL (\xsi k -> (Cut.drop k xsi, xsi)) xs $ ListHT.mapAdjacent subtract $ map (max 0) offsets sliceOverlappingRel blockSize (pre,suf) xs = let offsets = iterate (min 0 . (blockSize+)) (-pre) in takeSlices blockSize xs $ zipWith (\offset -> Cut.take (blockSize+pre+suf+offset)) offsets $ snd $ List.mapAccumL (\xsi offset -> (Cut.drop (max 0 $ offset+blockSize) xsi, xsi)) xs offsets sliceOverlapping = sliceOverlappingRel propSliceOverlapping :: NonEmpty.T [] Int -> ([Int], [Int]) -> String -> Bool propSliceOverlapping blockSizeList (preList,sufList) xs = let blockSize = length $ NonEmpty.flatten blockSizeList pre = length preList suf = length sufList in ListHT.allEqual $ sliceOverlappingAbs blockSize (pre,suf) xs : sliceOverlappingDiff blockSize (pre,suf) xs : sliceOverlappingRel blockSize (pre,suf) xs : [] centroidVariance3 :: Field.C a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a) centroidVariance3 (f0,x0) (f1,x1) (f2,x2) = let s = x0+x1+x2 mean y0 y1 y2 = (y0*x0 + y1*x1 + y2*x2) / s center = mean f0 f1 f2 in (center, mean ((f0-center)^2) ((f1-center)^2) ((f2-center)^2)) svlConcat :: SVL.Vector Float -> SV.Vector Float svlConcat = SV.concat . SVL.chunks foldLength :: (Foldable f) => f a -> Int foldLength = length . Fold.toList {- ToDo: move to utility-ht? could be the basis of a Synthesizer.State.argmax function it is now included in 'semigroups' but with swapped order better maxKey :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> a ? -} argMax :: (Ord b) => (a,b) -> (a,b) -> (a,b) argMax x0 x1 = if snd x0 >= snd x1 then x0 else x1 argMin :: (Ord b) => (a,b) -> (a,b) -> (a,b) argMin x0 x1 = if snd x0 <= snd x1 then x0 else x1 -- ToDo: move to synthesizer-core argMaximum :: (NFData a, Ord a, Additive.C a, SigG.Read sig a) => sig a -> (Int, a) argMaximum = SigS.foldL (\x y -> (argMax $!! x) y) (0,zero) . (SigS.iterate (1+) 0) . SigG.toState {-# INLINE fanout3 #-} fanout3 :: (Arrow arrow) => arrow a b -> arrow a c -> arrow a d -> arrow a (b,c,d) fanout3 arrb arrc arrd = (\(b,(c,d)) -> (b,c,d)) ^<< arrb &&& arrc &&& arrd chirpingPauseDur :: SVL.Vector Float -> Int chirpingPauseDur xs = let x = Ana.average xs in SVL.length $ SVL.takeWhile (<=x) $ SVL.reverse xs chirpingMainDur :: SVL.Vector Float -> Int chirpingMainDur xs = SVL.length xs - chirpingPauseDur xs