classy-prelude ============== A better Prelude. Haskell's Prelude needs to maintain backwards compatibility and has many aspects that no longer represents best practice. The goals of classy-prelude are: * remove all partial functions * modernize data structures * generally use Text instead of String * encourage the use of appropriate data structures such as Vectors or HashMaps instead of always using lists and associated lists * reduce import lists and the need for qualified imports classy-prelude [should only be used by application developers]( Library authors should consider using [mono-traversable](, which classy-prelude builds upon. It is worth noting that classy-prelude [largely front-ran changes that the community made to the base Prelude in GHC 7.10]( mono-traversable ================ Most of this functionality is provided by [mono-traversable]( Please read the README over there. classy-prelude gets rid of the `o` prefix from mono-traversable functions. Text ==== Lots of things use `Text` instead of `String`. Note that `show` returns a `String`. To get back `Text`, use `tshow`. other functionality =================== * exceptions package * system-filepath convenience functions * whenM, unlessM * hashNub and ordNub (efficient nub implementations). Using classy-prelude ==================== * use the NoImplicitPrelude extension (you can place this in your cabal file) and `import ClassyPrelude` * use [base-noprelude]( in your project and define a Prelude module that re-exports `ClassyPrelue`. Appendix ======== * The [mono-traversable]( README. * [The transition to the modern design of classy-prelude]( These blog posts contain some out-dated information but might be helpful * [So many preludes!]( (January 2013) * [ClassyPrelude: The good, the bad, and the ugly]( (August 2012)