{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies #-} module Clckwrks.Acid where import Clckwrks.NavBar.Acid (NavBarState , initialNavBarState) import Clckwrks.ProfileData.Acid (ProfileDataState, initialProfileDataState) import Clckwrks.Types (UUID) import Clckwrks.URL (ClckURL) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Exception (bracket, catch, throw) import Control.Concurrent (killThread, forkIO) import Control.Monad.Reader (ask) import Control.Monad.State (modify, put) import Data.Acid (AcidState, Query, Update, createArchive, makeAcidic) import Data.Acid.Local (openLocalStateFrom, createCheckpointAndClose) import Data.Acid.Remote (acidServer, skipAuthenticationCheck) import Data.Data (Data, Typeable) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.SafeCopy (Migrate(..), base, deriveSafeCopy, extension) import Data.Text (Text) import Happstack.Authenticate.Core (AuthenticateState) import Happstack.Authenticate.Password.Core (PasswordState) import Network (PortID(UnixSocket)) import Prelude hiding (catch) import System.Directory (removeFile) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import HSP.Google.Analytics (UACCT) -- | 'CoreState' holds some values that are required by the core -- itself, or which are useful enough to be shared with numerous -- plugins/themes. data CoreState_v0 = CoreState_v0 { coreUACCT_v0 :: Maybe UACCT -- ^ Google Account UAACT , coreRootRedirect_v0 :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show) $(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''CoreState_v0) -- | 'CoreState' holds some values that are required by the core -- itself, or which are useful enough to be shared with numerous -- plugins/themes. data CoreState = CoreState { coreSiteName :: Maybe Text , coreUACCT :: Maybe UACCT -- ^ Google Account UAACT , coreRootRedirect :: Maybe Text , coreLoginRedirect :: Maybe Text } deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable, Show) $(deriveSafeCopy 1 'extension ''CoreState) instance Migrate CoreState where type MigrateFrom CoreState = CoreState_v0 migrate (CoreState_v0 ua rr) = CoreState Nothing ua rr Nothing initialCoreState :: CoreState initialCoreState = CoreState { coreSiteName = Nothing , coreUACCT = Nothing , coreRootRedirect = Nothing , coreLoginRedirect = Nothing } -- | get the 'UACCT' for Google Analytics getUACCT :: Query CoreState (Maybe UACCT) getUACCT = coreUACCT <$> ask -- | set the 'UACCT' for Google Analytics setUACCT :: Maybe UACCT -> Update CoreState () setUACCT mua = modify $ \cs -> cs { coreUACCT = mua } -- | get the path that @/@ should redirect to getRootRedirect :: Query CoreState (Maybe Text) getRootRedirect = coreRootRedirect <$> ask -- | set the path that @/@ should redirect to setRootRedirect :: Maybe Text -> Update CoreState () setRootRedirect path = modify $ \cs -> cs { coreRootRedirect = path } -- | get the path that we should redirect to after login getLoginRedirect :: Query CoreState (Maybe Text) getLoginRedirect = coreLoginRedirect <$> ask -- | set the path that we should redirect to after login setLoginRedirect :: Maybe Text -> Update CoreState () setLoginRedirect path = modify $ \cs -> cs { coreLoginRedirect = path } -- | get the site name getSiteName :: Query CoreState (Maybe Text) getSiteName = coreSiteName <$> ask -- | set the site name setSiteName :: Maybe Text -> Update CoreState () setSiteName name = modify $ \cs -> cs { coreSiteName = name } -- | get the entire 'CoreState' getCoreState :: Query CoreState CoreState getCoreState = ask -- | set the entire 'CoreState' setCoreState :: CoreState -> Update CoreState () setCoreState = put $(makeAcidic ''CoreState [ 'getUACCT , 'setUACCT , 'getRootRedirect , 'setRootRedirect , 'getLoginRedirect , 'setLoginRedirect , 'getSiteName , 'setSiteName , 'getCoreState , 'setCoreState ]) data Acid = Acid { -- acidAuthenticate :: AcidState AuthenticateState acidProfileData :: AcidState ProfileDataState , acidCore :: AcidState CoreState , acidNavBar :: AcidState NavBarState } class GetAcidState m st where getAcidState :: m (AcidState st) withAcid :: Maybe FilePath -> (Acid -> IO a) -> IO a withAcid mBasePath f = let basePath = fromMaybe "_state" mBasePath in bracket (openLocalStateFrom (basePath "profileData") initialProfileDataState) (createArchiveCheckpointAndClose) $ \profileData -> bracket (openLocalStateFrom (basePath "core") initialCoreState) (createArchiveCheckpointAndClose) $ \core -> bracket (openLocalStateFrom (basePath "navBar") initialNavBarState) (createArchiveCheckpointAndClose) $ \navBar -> bracket (forkIO (tryRemoveFile (basePath "profileData_socket") >> acidServer skipAuthenticationCheck (UnixSocket $ basePath "profileData_socket") profileData)) (\tid -> killThread tid >> tryRemoveFile (basePath "profileData_socket")) (const $ f (Acid profileData core navBar)) where tryRemoveFile fp = removeFile fp `catch` (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then return () else throw e) createArchiveCheckpointAndClose acid = do createArchive acid createCheckpointAndClose acid