{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Clckwrks.GetOpts where import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Clckwrks.Monad (ClckwrksConfig(..), TLSSettings(..)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.Console.GetOpt (OptDescr(..), ArgDescr(..), ArgOrder(..), getOpt, usageInfo) import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Command line options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | command-line Flags data Flag = ModifyConfig (ClckwrksConfig -> ClckwrksConfig) | Help | Version -- | Flag selectors isHelp, isVersion :: Flag -> Bool isHelp flag = case flag of Help -> True; _ -> False isVersion flag = case flag of Version -> True; _ -> False -- | Command line options. clckwrksOpts :: ClckwrksConfig -> [OptDescr Flag] clckwrksOpts def = [ Option [] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "Display this help message" , Option [] ["http-port"] (ReqArg setPort "port") ("Port to bind http server, default: " ++ show (clckPort def)) , Option [] ["https-port"] (ReqArg setTLSPort "port") ("Port to bind https server, default:" ++ maybe "disabled." show (clckTLSPort <$> (clckTLS def))) , Option [] ["tls-cert"] (ReqArg setTLSCert "path") ("Path to tls .cert file. (required for https).") , Option [] ["tls-key"] (ReqArg setTLSKey "path") ("Path to tls .key file. (required for https).") , Option [] ["tls-ca"] (ReqArg setTLSCA "path") ("Path to tls .pem file. (required for some certs).") , Option [] ["tls-rev-proxy"] (NoArg setTLSRevProxy) ("Act as a reverse proxy and trust X-Forwarded-Proto for TLS.") , Option [] ["hide-port"] (NoArg setHidePort) "Do not show the port number in the URL" , Option [] ["hostname"] (ReqArg setHostname "hostname") ("Server hostname, default: " ++ show (clckHostname def)) , Option [] ["jquery-path"] (ReqArg setJQueryPath "path") ("path to jquery directory, default: " ++ show (clckJQueryPath def)) , Option [] ["jqueryui-path"] (ReqArg setJQueryUIPath "path") ("path to jqueryui directory, default: " ++ show (clckJQueryUIPath def)) , Option [] ["jstree-path"] (ReqArg setJSTreePath "path") ("path to jstree directory, default: " ++ show (clckJSTreePath def)) , Option [] ["json2-path"] (ReqArg setJSON2Path "path") ("path to json2 directory, default: " ++ show (clckJSON2Path def)) , Option [] ["top"] (ReqArg setTopDir "path") ("path to directory that holds the state directory, uploads, etc") , Option [] ["enable-analytics"] (NoArg setAnalytics) "enable google analytics tracking" ] where nullTLSSettings = TLSSettings { clckTLSPort = 443 , clckTLSCert = Nothing , clckTLSKey = Nothing , clckTLSCA = Nothing , clckTLSRev = False } modifyTLS f cc = Just $ case clckTLS cc of Nothing -> f nullTLSSettings (Just tls) -> f tls noop _ = ModifyConfig $ id setPort str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckPort = read str } setTLSPort str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckTLS = modifyTLS (\tls -> tls { clckTLSPort = read str }) c } setTLSCert str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckTLS = modifyTLS (\tls -> tls { clckTLSCert = Just str }) c } setTLSKey str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckTLS = modifyTLS (\tls -> tls { clckTLSKey = Just str }) c } setTLSCA str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckTLS = modifyTLS (\tls -> tls { clckTLSCA = Just str }) c } setTLSRevProxy = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckTLS = modifyTLS (\tls -> tls { clckTLSRev = True}) c } setHostname str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckHostname = str } setHidePort = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckHidePort = True } setJQueryPath str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckJQueryPath = str } setJQueryUIPath str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckJQueryUIPath = str } setJSTreePath str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckJSTreePath = str } setJSON2Path str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckJSON2Path = str } setTopDir str = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckTopDir = Just str } setAnalytics = ModifyConfig $ \c -> c { clckEnableAnalytics = True } -- | Parse the command line arguments into a list of flags. Exits with usage -- message, in case of failure. parseArgs :: [OptDescr Flag] -> [String] -> IO (ClckwrksConfig -> IO ClckwrksConfig) parseArgs opts args = do case getOpt Permute opts args of (flags,_,[]) -> if any isHelp flags then do putStr (helpMessage opts) exitSuccess else do let f config = checkTLS $ foldr (.) id [f | (ModifyConfig f) <- flags ] config return f (_,_,errs) -> do putStr ("Failure while parsing command line:\n"++unlines errs) putStr (helpMessage opts) exitFailure where checkTLS cc = case clckTLS cc of Nothing -> return cc (Just TLSSettings{..}) -> do mCertError <- case clckTLSCert of Nothing -> if clckTLSRev then return Nothing else return (Just "--tls-cert not set.") (Just certPath) -> do b <- doesFileExist certPath if b then return Nothing else return (Just $ "Can not find the file " ++ certPath) mKeyError <- case clckTLSKey of Nothing -> if clckTLSRev then return Nothing else return (Just "--tls-key not set.") (Just keyPath) -> do b <- doesFileExist keyPath if b then return Nothing else return (Just $ "Can not find the file " ++ keyPath) case (mCertError, mKeyError) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> return cc _ -> do putStrLn "It seems you are trying to enable https support. To do that you need to use both the --tls-cert and --tls-key flags." putStrLn $ unlines [fromMaybe "" mCertError, fromMaybe "" mKeyError] putStrLn $ helpMessage opts exitFailure -- | A simple usage message listing all flags possible. helpMessage :: [OptDescr Flag] -> String helpMessage opts = usageInfo header opts where header = "Usage: clckwrks [OPTION...]"