-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Oxhead Alpha -- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | Internal utilities for unit testing. module Test.Cleveland.Lorentz.Internal.Entrypoints ( module Test.Cleveland.Lorentz.Internal.Entrypoints ) where import Lorentz hiding (contract) import Data.Map qualified as Map import Test.Tasty (TestName, TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase) import Morley.Michelson.Typed (HandleImplicitDefaultEp(..), convertContract, flattenEntrypoints) import Morley.Michelson.Untyped qualified as U import Morley.Util.Named import Test.Cleveland.Michelson.Internal.Entrypoints qualified as M -- | Utility type synonym type ContractEPTypeTest expectedEps = forall contractEps st vd. (NiceParameterFull expectedEps, NiceParameterFull contractEps) => Contract contractEps st vd -> TestTree -- | Utility type synonym type ContractEPTest contractEps st vd = Contract contractEps st vd -> Map EpName U.Ty -> TestTree -- | Expect the contract to match with the entrypoints given in spec passed as the first type -- argument. Checks both the contract type and the contract itself (when represented as an untyped -- Michelson contract). -- Comparison is defined by the first argument; use @ignoreExtraEntrypoints@ for cover test, -- @id@ for match test. testCompareContractEntrypointsT :: forall expectedEps. (M.EPMismatch -> M.EPMismatch) -> TestName -> ContractEPTypeTest expectedEps testCompareContractEntrypointsT compareMode name contract = let entrypoints = flattenEntrypoints WithoutImplicitDefaultEp $ parameterEntrypointsToNotes @expectedEps in testCompareContractEntrypoints compareMode name contract entrypoints -- | Expect the contract to match with the entrypoints given in spec (with matching types). -- Checks both the contract type and the contract itself (when represented as an untyped Michelson -- contract). -- Comparison is defined by the first argument; use @ignoreExtraEntrypoints@ for cover test, -- @id@ for match test. testCompareContractEntrypoints :: forall contractEps st vd. NiceParameterFull contractEps => (M.EPMismatch -> M.EPMismatch) -> TestName -> ContractEPTest contractEps st vd testCompareContractEntrypoints compareMode name contract@Contract{} spec = let entrypointsInType = flattenEntrypoints wantsDefaultEp $ parameterEntrypointsToNotes @contractEps wantsDefaultEp | Map.member DefEpName spec = WithImplicitDefaultEp | otherwise = WithoutImplicitDefaultEp contract' = convertContract . toMichelsonContract $ contract in testGroup name [ testCase "Contract type matches entrypoint spec" $ M.assertEPComparisonSuccessful . Right . compareMode $ M.compareEntrypoints (#expected :! spec) (#actual :! entrypointsInType) , M.testContractEntrypoints compareMode "Untyped contract matches entrypoint spec" contract' spec ]