----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Text.CSS.CleverCSSUtil -- Copyright : (c) 2007-2011 Georg Brandl -- License : BSD (see the file LICENSE) -- -- CleverCSS utilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Text.CSS.CleverCSSUtil ( (+++), (+:+), (~>>), varCount, perhaps, Color, HLSColor, colors, reverse_colors, hexToColor, brightenColor, darkenColor, modifyChannels, unitconv, inrange, readNum, readDim, trim, ltrim, rtrim, split, joinStr, joinShow, preprocess, hexToString, cssShow, showWithoutPos, ratMod, roundRat, showRat ) where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Monad (msum) import Data.List hiding (partition) import Data.Ratio ((%), numerator, denominator) import Numeric (readFloat) import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (choice, count, try, option, GenParser) import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error import qualified Data.Map as Map -- Monad combinator helpers type P tok = GenParser tok [Int] infixl 1 +++, ~>> infixr 1 +:+ -- return the concatenation of the actions' result lists {-# INLINE (+++) #-} (+++) :: P tok [a] -> P tok [a] -> P tok [a] x +++ y = do { rx <- x; ry <- y; return $ rx ++ ry } -- return a cons of the actions' results {-# INLINE (+:+) #-} (+:+) :: P tok a -> P tok [a] -> P tok [a] x +:+ y = do { rx <- x; ry <- y; return $ rx:ry } -- return the result of the first action {-# INLINE (~>>) #-} (~>>) :: P tok a -> P tok b -> P tok a x ~>> y = do { rx <- x; y; return rx } varCount low high p = choice [try $ count x p | x <- [high,high-1..low]] perhaps c = option "" (count 1 c) -- Color types and utilities type Color = (Int, Int, Int) -- range 0..255 type HLSColor = (Double, Double, Double) -- range 0..1 -- | Convert HLS to RGB. hls_to_rgb :: HLSColor -> Color hls_to_rgb (_, l, 0) = (l', l', l') where l' = round (255 * l) hls_to_rgb (h, l, s) = let m2 = if l <= 0.5 then l * (s+1) else l + s - (l*s) m1 = 2*l - m2 in (v m1 m2 (h + 1/3), v m1 m2 h, v m1 m2 (h - 1/3)) where v m1' m2' hue' = round (255 * (v' m1' m2' hue')) where v' m1 m2 hue = let phue = snd $ properFraction (hue + 2) in if phue < 1/6 then m1 + (m2-m1) * phue * 6 else if phue < 1/2 then m2 else if phue < 2/3 then m1 + (m2-m1) * (2/3 - phue) * 6 else m1 -- | Convert RGB to HLS. rgb_to_hls :: Color -> HLSColor rgb_to_hls (r', g', b') = let r = fromIntegral r' / 255 g = fromIntegral g' / 255 b = fromIntegral b' / 255 maxc = max (max r g) b minc = min (min r g) b mami = maxc - minc l = (minc + maxc) / 2 s = if l <= 0.5 then mami / (maxc+minc) else mami / (2-maxc-minc) rc = (maxc-r) / mami gc = (maxc-g) / mami bc = (maxc-b) / mami h' = if r == maxc then bc - gc else if g == maxc then 2 + rc - bc else 4 + gc - rc h = snd $ properFraction (h'/6) in if minc == maxc then (0.0, l, 0.0) else (h, l, s) -- | A map of standard color names and their Hex counterparts. colors = Map.fromList $ map (fst &&& hexToColor . snd) [ ("aliceblue", "#f0f8ff"), ("antiquewhite", "#faebd7"), ("aqua", "#00ffff"), ("aquamarine", "#7fffd4"), ("azure", "#f0ffff"), ("beige", "#f5f5dc"), ("bisque", "#ffe4c4"), ("black", "#000000"), ("blanchedalmond", "#ffebcd"), ("blue", "#0000ff"), ("blueviolet", "#8a2be2"), ("brown", "#a52a2a"), ("burlywood", "#deb887"), ("cadetblue", "#5f9ea0"), ("chartreuse", "#7fff00"), ("chocolate", "#d2691e"), ("coral", "#ff7f50"), ("cornflowerblue", "#6495ed"), ("cornsilk", "#fff8dc"), ("crimson", "#dc143c"), ("cyan", "#00ffff"), ("darkblue", "#00008b"), ("darkcyan", "#008b8b"), ("darkgoldenrod", "#b8860b"), ("darkgray", "#a9a9a9"), ("darkgreen", "#006400"), ("darkkhaki", "#bdb76b"), ("darkmagenta", "#8b008b"), ("darkolivegreen", "#556b2f"), ("darkorange", "#ff8c00"), ("darkorchid", "#9932cc"), ("darkred", "#8b0000"), ("darksalmon", "#e9967a"), ("darkseagreen", "#8fbc8f"), ("darkslateblue", "#483d8b"), ("darkslategray", "#2f4f4f"), ("darkturquoise", "#00ced1"), ("darkviolet", "#9400d3"), ("deeppink", "#ff1493"), ("deepskyblue", "#00bfff"), ("dimgray", "#696969"), ("dodgerblue", "#1e90ff"), ("firebrick", "#b22222"), ("floralwhite", "#fffaf0"), ("forestgreen", "#228b22"), ("fuchsia", "#ff00ff"), ("gainsboro", "#dcdcdc"), ("ghostwhite", "#f8f8ff"), ("gold", "#ffd700"), ("goldenrod", "#daa520"), ("gray", "#808080"), ("green", "#008000"), ("greenyellow", "#adff2f"), ("honeydew", "#f0fff0"), ("hotpink", "#ff69b4"), ("indianred", "#cd5c5c"), ("indigo", "#4b0082"), ("ivory", "#fffff0"), ("khaki", "#f0e68c"), ("lavender", "#e6e6fa"), ("lavenderblush", "#fff0f5"), ("lawngreen", "#7cfc00"), ("lemonchiffon", "#fffacd"), ("lightblue", "#add8e6"), ("lightcoral", "#f08080"), ("lightcyan", "#e0ffff"), ("lightgoldenrodyellow", "#fafad2"), ("lightgreen", "#90ee90"), ("lightgrey", "#d3d3d3"), ("lightpink", "#ffb6c1"), ("lightsalmon", "#ffa07a"), ("lightseagreen", "#20b2aa"), ("lightskyblue", "#87cefa"), ("lightslategray", "#778899"), ("lightsteelblue", "#b0c4de"), ("lightyellow", "#ffffe0"), ("lime", "#00ff00"), ("limegreen", "#32cd32"), ("linen", "#faf0e6"), ("magenta", "#ff00ff"), ("maroon", "#800000"), ("mediumaquamarine", "#66cdaa"), ("mediumblue", "#0000cd"), ("mediumorchid", "#ba55d3"), ("mediumpurple", "#9370db"), ("mediumseagreen", "#3cb371"), ("mediumslateblue", "#7b68ee"), ("mediumspringgreen", "#00fa9a"), ("mediumturquoise", "#48d1cc"), ("mediumvioletred", "#c71585"), ("midnightblue", "#191970"), ("mintcream", "#f5fffa"), ("mistyrose", "#ffe4e1"), ("moccasin", "#ffe4b5"), ("navajowhite", "#ffdead"), ("navy", "#000080"), ("oldlace", "#fdf5e6"), ("olive", "#808000"), ("olivedrab", "#6b8e23"), ("orange", "#ffa500"), ("orangered", "#ff4500"), ("orchid", "#da70d6"), ("palegoldenrod", "#eee8aa"), ("palegreen", "#98fb98"), ("paleturquoise", "#afeeee"), ("palevioletred", "#db7093"), ("papayawhip", "#ffefd5"), ("peachpuff", "#ffdab9"), ("peru", "#cd853f"), ("pink", "#ffc0cb"), ("plum", "#dda0dd"), ("powderblue", "#b0e0e6"), ("purple", "#800080"), ("red", "#ff0000"), ("rosybrown", "#bc8f8f"), ("royalblue", "#4169e1"), ("saddlebrown", "#8b4513"), ("salmon", "#fa8072"), ("sandybrown", "#f4a460"), ("seagreen", "#2e8b57"), ("seashell", "#fff5ee"), ("sienna", "#a0522d"), ("silver", "#c0c0c0"), ("skyblue", "#87ceeb"), ("slateblue", "#6a5acd"), ("slategray", "#708090"), ("snow", "#fffafa"), ("springgreen", "#00ff7f"), ("steelblue", "#4682b4"), ("tan", "#d2b48c"), ("teal", "#008080"), ("thistle", "#d8bfd8"), ("tomato", "#ff6347"), ("turquoise", "#40e0d0"), ("violet", "#ee82ee"), ("wheat", "#f5deb3"), ("white", "#ffffff"), ("whitesmoke", "#f5f5f5"), ("yellow", "#ffff00"), ("yellowgreen", "#9acd32")] reverse_colors = Map.fromList $ map (snd &&& fst) $ (Map.toList colors) hexToColor [h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6] = (hx [h1,h2], hx [h3,h4], hx [h5,h6]) where hx x = read ("0x" ++ x) :: Int hexToColor [h1,h2,h3] = hexToColor [h1,h1,h2,h2,h3,h3] hexToColor ('#':hs) = hexToColor hs hexToColor _ = error "invalid hex color string" brightenColor = modifyColor (\l a -> l*(1+a)) darkenColor = modifyColor (\l a -> l*(1-a)) modifyColor fun col am = hls_to_rgb (h, inrange 0.0 1.0 (fun l am), s) where (h, l, s) = rgb_to_hls col modifyChannels :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> Rational -> (Int, Int, Int) modifyChannels op (r, g, b) am = (m r, m g, m b) where m x = inrange 0 255 $ floor $ op (fromInteger (toInteger x)) am inrange low high val = min high (max low val) -- Unit utilities units = [[("mm", 1), ("cm", 10), ("in", 254%10), ("pt", 254%720), ("pc", 254%60)], [("ms", 1), ("s", 1000)], [("Hz", 1), ("kHz", 1000)]] unitconv :: (Rational, String) -> (Rational, String) -> Maybe (Rational, Rational, String) unitconv (x, u) (y, v) | u == v = Just (x, y, v) | otherwise = msum $ map (ratio u v) units where ratio u v list = case (lookup u list, lookup v list) of (Just du, Just dv) -> if du < dv then Just (x, dv/du * y, u) else Just (du/dv * x, y, v) _ -> Nothing readNum x = case readWithSign 1 x of (sign, res) -> sign * fst res readDim x = case readWithSign 1 x of (sign, res) -> (sign * fst res, trim (snd res)) readWithSign _ ('-':num) = readWithSign (-1) num readWithSign sign num = (sign, head (readFloat num :: [(Rational, String)])) -- String utilities ltrim (c:cs) | c `elem` " \t\v\f\r\n" = ltrim cs ltrim cs = cs rtrim = reverse . ltrim . reverse trim = ltrim . rtrim preprocess :: String -> String preprocess [] = ['\n'] -- be sure to always have a newline at the end preprocess ('\t':xs) = ' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ':' ' : preprocess xs preprocess ('\f':xs) = '\n' : preprocess xs preprocess ('\r':xs) = preprocess xs preprocess (x:xs) = x : preprocess xs spanList :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) spanList _ [] = ([],[]) spanList func list@(x:xs) = if func list then (x:ys,zs) else ([],list) where (ys,zs) = spanList func xs breakList :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) breakList func = spanList (not . func) split :: String -> String -> [String] split _ [] = [] split delim str = let (firstline, remainder) = breakList (isPrefixOf delim) str in firstline : case remainder of [] -> [] x -> if x == delim then [] : [] else split delim (drop (length delim) x) {-# INLINE joinStr #-} joinStr d x = concat (intersperse d x) {-# INLINE joinShow #-} joinShow d x = joinStr d (map show x) hexToString :: String -> Char hexToString x = toEnum (read $ "0x" ++ x) cssShow s = '"':cssShow' s where cssShow' ('"':cs) = '\\':'"':cssShow' cs cssShow' (c:cs) | c `elem` [' '..'~'] = c:cssShow' cs | otherwise = printf "\\%x " (fromEnum c) ++ cssShow' cs cssShow' [] = ['"'] -- show a Parsec error without position, but with an additional message showWithoutPos msg err = msg ++ showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input" (errorMessages err) -- Ratio arithmetic ratMod :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational ratMod x y = (nx `mod` ny) % d where dx = denominator x dy = denominator y d = lcm dx dy nx = numerator x * (d `div` dx) ny = numerator y * (d `div` dy) roundRat :: Rational -> Rational -> Rational roundRat num places = let exp = round places :: Integer in (round (num * (10^exp))) % (10^exp) -- XXX todo showRat :: Rational -> String showRat r | rest == 0 = show whole | otherwise = printf "%f" (fromRational r :: Double) where (whole, rest) = (numerator r) `divMod` (denominator r)