module Language.Cpp.Lex (
, runLexer
, ParseError
) where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Language.Cpp.Pretty
import Language.Cpp.SyntaxToken
import Numeric
import Text.Parsec hiding (newline)
import Text.Parsec.String
type Lexer = Parser
main :: IO ()
main = do
str <- getContents
case runLexer str of
Left err -> print err
Right toks -> putStrLn $ pretty (ignoreExt :: () -> [SyntaxToken ()]) toks
runLexer :: (Eq a) => String -> Either ParseError [SyntaxToken a]
runLexer = runParser lexC () ""
lexC :: (Eq a) => Lexer [SyntaxToken a]
lexC = do
many space
toks <- many (lexSyntaxToken >>= \ts -> many space >> return ts)
return $ negateNumbers toks
negateNumbers :: (Eq a) => [SyntaxToken a] -> [SyntaxToken a]
negateNumbers tokens = case tokens of
t1 : t2 : t3 : ts -> let
continue = t1 : (negateNumbers $ t2 : t3 : ts)
tryNegateAndContinue = case negateNumber t3 of
Nothing -> continue
Just t -> t1 : t : negateNumbers ts
in if t2 == Punctuation (punc "-")
then case t1 of
Punctuation {} -> tryNegateAndContinue
Keyword {} -> tryNegateAndContinue
_ -> continue
else continue
Punctuation p : t : ts -> let
continue = Punctuation p : (negateNumbers $ t : ts)
in if p == punc "-"
then case negateNumber t of
Nothing -> continue
Just t' -> [t']
else continue
t : ts -> t : negateNumbers ts
[] -> []
negateNumber :: SyntaxToken a -> Maybe (SyntaxToken a)
negateNumber t = case t of
Integer n -> Just $ Integer $ negate n
Floating x -> Just $ Floating $ negate x
_ -> Nothing
newline :: Lexer ()
newline = do
c <- oneOf "\r\n"
case c of
'\r' -> optional $ char '\n'
'\n' -> optional $ char '\r'
lexSyntaxToken :: Lexer (SyntaxToken a)
lexSyntaxToken = parserZero
<|> lexComment --> const Comment
<|> lexString --> String
<|> lexChar --> Char
<|> try lexFloating --> Floating
<|> lexInteger --> Integer
<|> lexDirective
<|> lexPunctuation --> Punctuation
<|> lexKeyword --> Keyword
<|> lexIdentifier --> Identifier
infix 2 -->
p --> f = fmap f p
lexComment :: Lexer ()
lexComment = lexLineComment <|> lexBlockComment
lexLineComment :: Lexer ()
lexLineComment = do
try $ string "//"
many $ noneOf "\r\n"
return ()
lexBlockComment :: Lexer ()
lexBlockComment = do
try $ string "/*"
many nonClosing
string "*/"
return ()
nonClosing = do
future <- lookAhead $ do
c1 <- anyChar
c2 <- anyChar
return [c1, c2]
if future == "*/"
then parserZero
else anyChar
line :: Lexer String
line = many $ noneOf "\r\n"
wholeWord :: String -> Lexer String
wholeWord str = do
string str
notFollowedBy $ alphaNum <|> char '_'
return str
lexDirective :: Lexer (SyntaxToken a)
lexDirective = do
char '#'
many space
res <- lexInclude
<|> lexDefine
<|> lexIf
<|> lexIfdef
<|> lexIfndef
<|> lexEndif
return $ Directive res
lexIf :: Lexer Directive
lexIf = do
try $ wholeWord "if"
many space
code <- line
return $ If code
lexIfdef :: Lexer Directive
lexIfdef = do
try $ wholeWord "ifdef"
many space
code <- line
return $ Ifdef code
lexIfndef :: Lexer Directive
lexIfndef = do
try $ wholeWord "ifndef"
many space
code <- line
return $ Ifndef code
lexEndif :: Lexer Directive
lexEndif = do
try $ wholeWord "endif"
return Endif
lexInclude :: Lexer Directive
lexInclude = do
try $ wholeWord "include"
many1 space
path <- lexString <|> lexBracketString
return $ Include path
lexDefine :: Lexer Directive
lexDefine = do
try $ wholeWord "define"
many1 space
name <- lexIdentifier
mArgs <- optionMaybe $ do
char '('
args <- (many space >> lexIdentifier >>= \i -> many space >> return i) `sepBy` char ','
char ')'
return args
many space
code <- line
return $ Define name mArgs code
lexPunctuation :: Lexer Punctuation
lexPunctuation = do
cs <- lookAhead $ many1 $ oneOf punctuationChars
let possiblePuncs = reverse $ inits cs
mPunc = mconcat $ flip map possiblePuncs $ \possPunc -> if punc possPunc `S.member` punctuationSet
then First $ Just possPunc
else First Nothing
case getFirst mPunc of
Nothing -> parserZero
Just p -> string p >> return (punc p)
punctuationChars :: [Char]
punctuationChars = nub $ concat $ map unpunc puncs
punctuationSet :: Set Punctuation
punctuationSet = S.fromList puncs
lexKeyword :: Lexer Keyword
lexKeyword = do
ident <- lookAhead lexIdentifier
if kw ident `S.member` keywordSet
then string ident >> return (kw ident)
else parserZero
keywordSet :: Set Keyword
keywordSet = S.fromList keywords
lexFloating :: Lexer Rational
lexFloating = do
beforeDecimal <- lexBase 10
char '.'
afterDecimal <- lexBase 10
exponent <- option 0 $ do
oneOf "eE"
signFunc <- option id $ do
c <- oneOf "-+"
return $ case c of
'-' -> negate
'+' -> id
_ -> assert False undefined
fmap signFunc $ lexBase 10
optional $ oneOf "fF"
let afterDecimalDigits = case reverse $ dropWhile (== '0') $ reverse $ show afterDecimal of
"" -> "0"
ds -> ds
numer = read $ show beforeDecimal ++ afterDecimalDigits
denom = 10 ^ genericLength afterDecimalDigits
return $ (numer % denom) * (10 ^^ exponent)
lexInteger :: Lexer Integer
lexInteger = do
next <- lookAhead anyChar
num <- case next of
'0' -> do
next' <- lookAhead $ anyChar >> anyChar
case next' of
'x' -> anyChar >> anyChar >> lexBase 16
_ -> lexBase 8
_ -> lexBase 10
many $ oneOf "uUlL"
return num
lexIdentifier :: Lexer Identifier
lexIdentifier = do
first <- letter <|> char '_'
rest <- many $ alphaNum <|> char '_'
return $ first : rest
lexRawChar :: [Char] -> Lexer Char
lexRawChar extraSpecials = lexEscapedChar <|> satisfy simple
special = flip elem $ '\\' : extraSpecials
simple c = ' ' <= c && c <= '~' && not (special c)
lexEscapedChar :: Lexer Char
lexEscapedChar = do
char '\\'
escapeSymbol <- lookAhead anyChar
mEscapedChar <- case escapeSymbol of
'\''-> yield '\''
'"' -> yield '"'
'?' -> yield '?'
'\\'-> yield '\\'
'a' -> yield '\a'
'b' -> yield '\b'
'f' -> yield '\f'
'n' -> yield '\n'
'r' -> yield '\r'
't' -> yield '\t'
'v' -> yield '\v'
'0' -> yieldOct
'1' -> yieldOct
'2' -> yieldOct
'3' -> yieldOct
'4' -> yieldOct
'5' -> yieldOct
'6' -> yieldOct
'7' -> yieldOct
'x' -> yieldHex
_ -> return Nothing
case mEscapedChar of
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> parserZero <?> "escape sequence"
yield c = anyChar >> return (Just c)
yieldOct = fmap Just lexOctChar
yieldHex = fmap Just lexHexChar
lexOctChar :: Lexer Char
lexOctChar = fmap (chr . fromIntegral) $ lexBase 8
lexHexChar :: Lexer Char
lexHexChar = char 'x' >> (fmap (chr . fromIntegral) $ lexBase 16)
type Base = Int
lexBase :: Base -> Lexer Integer
lexBase base = do
ds <- many1 $ satisfy isBaseDigit
case readInt (fromIntegral base) isBaseDigit toInteger ds of
[(n, "")] -> return n
_ -> parserZero
possibleDigits = take base $ ['0' .. '9'] ++ ['a' .. 'z']
isBaseDigit c = toLower c `elem` possibleDigits
toInteger c = maybe (error errorMsg) id $ toLower c `elemIndex` possibleDigits
errorMsg = "lexBase"
lexString :: Lexer String
lexString = do
parts <- many1 (lexString' >>= \s -> many space >> return s)
return $ concat parts
lexString' :: Lexer String
lexString' = do
char '"'
str <- many $ lexRawChar "\""
char '"'
return str
lexChar :: Lexer Char
lexChar = do
char '\''
c <- lexRawChar "'"
char '\''
return c
lexBracketString :: Lexer String
lexBracketString = do
char '<'
str <- many $ lexRawChar ">"
char '>'
return str