module Network.CloudSeeder.DSLSpec (spec) where import qualified Data.Text as T import Control.Lens ((^.), (^..), each) import Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import GHC.Exts (IsList(..)) import Test.Hspec import Network.CloudSeeder.DSL import Network.CloudSeeder.Types type TagList = forall a. (IsList a, Item a ~ (T.Text, T.Text)) => a spec :: Spec spec = describe "deployment" $ do it "creates a DeploymentConfiguration with the given name" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "foobar" $ return () config ^. name `shouldBe` "foobar" describe "environment" $ do it "adds environment variables to a DeploymentConfiguration" $ do let vars = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ environment vars config ^. parameterSources `shouldBe` [("foo", Env), ("bar", Env), ("baz", Env)] it "adds to the environment variables that are already there" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ do environment ["foo"] environment ["bar"] config ^. parameterSources `shouldBe` [("foo", Env), ("bar", Env)] describe "stack_" $ do it "registers a stack with the given name" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ stack_ "foo" config ^.. `shouldBe` ["foo"] it "adds multiple stacks to the DeploymentConfiguration" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ do stack_ "foo" stack_ "bar" stack_ "baz" config ^.. `shouldBe` ["foo", "bar", "baz"] describe "stack" $ do describe "environment" $ it "configures the current stack to use the given env variables" $ do let vars = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ stack "foo" (environment vars) config ^.. stacks.each.parameterSources `shouldBe` [[("foo", Env), ("bar", Env), ("baz", Env)]] describe "tags" $ do it "adds tags to a DeploymentConfiguration" $ do let tagz :: TagList tagz = [ ("tag1", "val1"), ("tag2", "val2") ] config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ tags tagz config ^. tagSet `shouldBe` tagz it "adds to the environment variables that are already there" $ do let tags1 :: TagList tags1 = [("foo", "bar")] tags2 :: TagList tags2 = [("baz", "qux"), ("bop", "dop")] config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ do tags tags1 tags tags2 config ^. tagSet `shouldBe` (tags1 <> tags2) it "tags the current stack with the provided key value pairs" $ do let tagz :: TagList tagz = [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "qux")] config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ stack "foo" (tags tagz) config ^.. stacks.each.tagSet `shouldBe` [tagz] describe "flags" $ do it "adds flag variables to a DeploymentConfiguration" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ flag "baz" config ^. parameterSources `shouldBe` [("baz", Flag)] it "configures the current stack to require the given flags" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "" $ stack "foo" (flag "foo") config ^.. stacks.each.parameterSources `shouldBe` [[("foo", Flag)]] describe "global" $ it "marks a given stack to be provisioned globally" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "foo" $ stack "repo" global config ^.. stacks.each.globalStack `shouldBe` [True] describe "policy" $ it "adds a stack policy filepath to the current stack" $ do let config = runIdentity $ deployment "foo" $ stack "foo" (policy "foo.json") config ^.. stacks.each.stackPolicyPath `shouldBe` [Just "foo.json"]