-- add singleton clusters to clustering files -- read files building map over words -- add the difference -- usage: add_single reference clustering1 [clustering2].. import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.IO import Control.Monad import Data.Set main :: IO () main = do (ref:fs) <- getArgs r <- readFile ref mapM_ (append_s (mkindex r)) fs append_s :: Set String -> FilePath -> IO () append_s ref f = do fc <- readFile f let fi = mkindex fc when (not . Data.Set.null . difference fi $ ref) (putStrLn ("Warning: '"++f++"' contains unknown words!")) let ss = difference ref fi when (Data.Set.null ss) (return ()) h <- openFile (f++"_s") WriteMode mapM_ (hPutStrLn h) (toList ss) hClose h mkindex :: String -> Set String mkindex = foldr insert empty . words