{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, PatternGuards #-}
    This module provides simple command line argument processing.
    The main function of interest is 'cmdArgs'.
    A simple example is:

    @data Sample = Sample {hello :: String} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)@

    @sample = 'mode' $ Sample{hello = def '&=' 'text' \"World argument\" '&' 'empty' \"world\"}@

    @main = print =<< 'cmdArgs' \"Sample v1, (C) Neil Mitchell 2009\" [sample]@

    Attributes are used to control a number of behaviours:
    * The help message: 'text', 'typ', 'helpSuffix', 'prog'
    * Default behaviour: 'empty', 'defMode'
    * Flag name assignment: 'flag', 'explicit', 'enum'
    * Controlling non-flag arguments: 'args', 'argPos', 'unknownFlags'

module System.Console.CmdArgs(
    -- * Running command lines
    cmdArgs, modeValue,
    -- * Attributes
    module System.Console.CmdArgs.UI,
    -- * Verbosity control
    isQuiet, isNormal, isLoud,
    -- * Display help information
    HelpFormat(..), cmdArgsHelp,
    -- * Default values
    -- * Re-exported for convenience
    Data, Typeable
    ) where

import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Function

import System.Console.CmdArgs.Type
import System.Console.CmdArgs.UI
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Expand
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Flag
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Help


-- | Class for default values
class Default a where
    -- | Provide a default value
    def :: a

instance Default Bool where def = False
instance Default [a] where def = []
instance Default Int where def = 0
instance Default Integer where def = 0
instance Default Float where def = 0
instance Default Double where def = 0


{-# NOINLINE verbosity #-}
verbosity :: IORef Int -- 0 = quiet, 1 = normal, 2 = verbose
verbosity = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 1

-- | Used to test if essential messages should be output to the user.
--   Always true (since even @--quiet@ wants essential messages output).
--   Must be called after 'cmdArgs'.
isQuiet :: IO Bool
isQuiet = return True

-- | Used to test if normal messages should be output to the user.
--   True unless @--quiet@ is specified.
--   Must be called after 'cmdArgs'.
isNormal :: IO Bool
isNormal = fmap (>=1) $ readIORef verbosity

-- | Used to test if helpful debug messages should be output to the user.
--   False unless @--verbose@ is specified.
--   Must be called after 'cmdArgs'.
isLoud :: IO Bool
isLoud = fmap (>=2) $ readIORef verbosity


-- | Extract the default value from inside a Mode.
modeValue :: Mode a -> a
modeValue = modeVal

-- | The main entry point for programs using CmdArgs.
--   For an example see "System.Console.CmdArgs".
cmdArgs :: Data a
    => String -- ^ Information about the program, something like: @\"ProgramName v1.0, Copyright PersonName 2000\"@.
    -> [Mode a] -- ^ The modes of operation, constructed by 'mode'. For single mode programs it is a singleton list.
    -> IO a
cmdArgs short modes = do
    modes <- return $ expand modes
    (mode,args) <- parseModes modes `fmap` getArgs
    when (hasAction args "!help") $ do
        hlp <- case mode of
            Right (True,mode) -> helpInfo short modes [mode]
            _ -> helpInfo short modes modes
        let Update _ op = fromJust $ getAction args "!help"
        putStr $ showHelp hlp (fromDyn (op undefined) "")
    when (hasAction args "!version") $ do
        putStrLn short
    mode <- case mode of
        Right (_,x) -> return x
        Left x -> putStrLn x >> exitFailure
    sequence_ [putStrLn x >> exitFailure | Error x <- args]
    when (hasAction args "!verbose") $ writeIORef verbosity 2
    when (hasAction args "!quiet") $ writeIORef verbosity 0
    return $ applyActions args $ modeValue mode


-- | Format to display help in.
data HelpFormat
    = Text -- ^ As output on the console.
    | HTML -- ^ Suitable for inclusion in web pages (uses a table rather than explicit wrapping).
    deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Enum,Bounded)

-- | Display the help message, as it would appear with @--help@.
--   The first argument should match the first argument to 'cmdArgs'.
cmdArgsHelp :: String -> [Mode a] -> HelpFormat -> IO String
cmdArgsHelp short xs format = fmap (`showHelp` (show format)) $ helpInfo short modes modes
    where modes = expand xs

helpInfo :: String -> [Mode a] -> [Mode a] -> IO [Help]
helpInfo short tot now = do
    prog <- fmap (map toLower . takeBaseName) getProgName
    prog <- return $ head $ mapMaybe modeProg tot ++ [prog]
    let info = [([Norm $ unwords $ prog : [['['|def] ++ name ++ [']'|def] | length tot /= 1] ++ "[FLAG]" : args] ++
                 [Norm $ "  " ++ text | text /= ""]
                ,concatMap helpFlag flags)
               | Mode{modeName=name,modeFlags=flags,modeText=text,modeDef=def} <- now
               , let args = map snd $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ concatMap helpFlagArgs flags]
    let dupes = if length now == 1 then [] else foldr1 intersect (map snd info)
    return $
        Norm short :
        concat [ Norm "" : mode ++ [Norm "" | flags /= []] ++ map Trip flags
               | (mode,args) <- info, let flags = args \\ dupes] ++
        (if null dupes then [] else Norm "":Norm "Common flags:":map Trip dupes) ++
        concat [ map Norm $ "":suf | suf@(_:_) <- map modeHelpSuffix tot]


parseModes :: [Mode a] -> [String] -> (Either String (Bool, Mode a), [Action])
parseModes modes args
    | [mode] <- modes = (Right (False,mode), parseFlags (modeFlags mode) args)
    | [] <- poss, Just mode <- def = (Right (False,mode), parseFlags (modeFlags mode) args)
    | [mode] <- poss = (Right (True, mode), parseFlags (modeFlags mode) $ tail args)
    | otherwise = (Left err, parseFlags autoFlags args)
        err = if null poss
              then "No mode given, expected one of: " ++ unwords (map modeName modes)
              else "Multiple modes given, could be any of: " ++ unwords (map modeName poss)

        def = listToMaybe $ filter modeDef modes
        poss = let f eq = [m | a <- take 1 args, m <- modes, a `eq` modeName m]
                   (exact,prefix) = (f (==), f isPrefixOf)
               in if null exact then prefix else exact


setField :: Data a => a -> String -> (Dynamic -> Dynamic) -> a
setField x name v = flip evalState (constrFields $ toConstr x) $ flip gmapM x $ \i -> do
    n:ns <- get
    put ns
    return $ if n == name then fromDyn (v $ toDyn i) i else i

applyActions :: Data a => [Action] -> a -> a
applyActions (Update name op:as) x | not $ "!" `isPrefixOf` name = applyActions as $ setField x name op
applyActions (a:as) x = applyActions as x
applyActions [] x = x