{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, EmptyDataDecls, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances #-} module Main where import Prelude hiding ( readFile ) import Data.Char import System.Console.CmdLib hiding ( Record ) data Flag = Name String | Author String | RemoveTestDirectory Bool | Test Bool | All | Pipe | Interactive Bool | Matches String | Patches String -- Matching | SshCm Bool | HttpPipelining Bool | RemoteDarcs String -- Network | TrustTimes Bool -- Advanced deriving (Typeable, Data, Show, Eq) matching = Matches +% Patches network = SshCm +% HttpPipelining +% RemoteDarcs ann cmd f opts = do putStrLn $ "command: " ++ cmd putStr $ unlines $ map disp f putStrLn $ "non-options: " ++ unwords opts where disp x = drop 1 (hyphenate ctor) ++ ":" ++ rest where ctor = takeWhile (/=' ') (show x) rest = dropWhile (/=' ') (show x) hyphenate (x:xs) | isUpper x = '-' : toLower x : hyphenate xs | otherwise = x : hyphenate xs hyphenate [] = [] instance Attributes Flag where attributes _ = Name %> Help "specify the name of patch" %+ short 'm' %+ ArgHelp "NAME" %% Author %> Help "specify author identity" %% Test %> Help "run the test script" %% All %> Help "answer yes to all patches" %+ short 'a' %% Pipe %> Help "ask user interactively for the patch metadata" %% Interactive %> Help "prompt user interactively" %+ Default True %% Group "Matching patches" <% matching %% Matches %> Help "select patches matching PATTERN" %+ ArgHelp "PATTERN" %% Patches %> Help "select patches matching REGEXP" %+ ArgHelp "REGEXP" %% Group "Network options" <% network %% SshCm %> Help "use SSH ControlMaster feature" %% RemoteDarcs %> Help "name/path of the remote darcs binary" %+ Default "darcs" %+ ArgHelp "BINARY" %% HttpPipelining %> Help "enable HTTP pipelining" %+ Default True %% Group "Advanced options" <% RemoveTestDirectory +% TrustTimes %% RemoveTestDirectory %> Help "remove the test directory" %+ Default True %% TrustTimes %> Help "trust the file modification times" %+ Default True %% everywhere disable data Record = Record deriving Typeable data Pull = Pull deriving Typeable data Push = Push deriving Typeable data ShowCmd = ShowCmd deriving Typeable data ShowRepo deriving Typeable data ShowContents deriving Typeable show_subcommands = (cmd :: ShowRepo) %: (cmd :: ShowContents) instance Command ShowCmd (ADT Flag) where summary _ = "Show information which is stored by darcs." help _ = "Subcommands:\n" ++ helpCommands show_subcommands cmdname _ = "show" -- override supercommand _ = True run _ f opts = dispatch show_subcommands opts instance Command Record (ADT Flag) where options _ = enable <% Name +% Author +% Test +% RemoveTestDirectory +% All +% Pipe +% Interactive +% TrustTimes summary _ = "Create a patch from unrecorded changes." run _ = ann "record" instance Command Pull (ADT Flag) where options _ = enable <% matching +% network +% TrustTimes summary _ = "Copy and apply patches from another repository to this one." synopsis _ = "darcs pull [OPTION]... [REPOSITORY]..." run _ = ann "pull" instance Command Push (ADT Flag) where options _ = enable <% matching +% network summary _ = "Copy and apply patches from this repository to another one." run _ = ann "push" instance Command ShowRepo (ADT Flag) where cmdname _ = "repo" summary _ = "Show repository summary information" run _ = ann "show repo" instance Command ShowContents (ADT Flag) where cmdname _ = "contents" summary _ = "Outputs a specific version of a file." run _ = ann "show contents" commands = commandGroup "Commands" HelpCommand %: commandGroup "Copying changes between the working copy and the repository" Record %: commandGroup "Copying patches between repositories with working copy update" (Pull %: Push) %: commandGroup "Querying the repository:" ShowCmd main = getArgs >>= dispatch commands