import System.Console.CmdTheLine import Control.Applicative import Data.Default import Data.Char ( isUpper, isAlpha, isAlphaNum, isSpace , toLower ) import Data.List ( intersperse ) import System.IO import System.Exit infixr 2 <||> -- Split a value between predicates and 'or' the results together (<||>) :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> Bool) p <||> p' = (||) <$> p <*> p' -- -- Rot -- data Cycle a = Cycle { backward :: (Cycle a) , at :: a , forward :: (Cycle a) } fromList :: [a] -> Cycle a fromList [] = error "Cycle must have at least one element" fromList xs = first where ( first, last ) = go last xs first go :: Cycle a -> [a] -> Cycle a -> ( Cycle a, Cycle a ) go prev [] next = ( next, prev ) go prev (x : xs) next = ( this, last ) where this = Cycle prev x rest (rest,last) = go this xs next -- Return a Cycle centered on x. seekTo :: Eq a => a -> Cycle a -> Cycle a seekTo x xs | x == at xs = xs | otherwise = seekTo x $ forward xs   -- Seek n places forwards or backwards. seek :: Bool -> Int -> Cycle a -> Cycle a seek _ 0 xs = xs seek back n xs = seek back (n - 1) (dir xs) where dir = if back then backward else forward lowers = fromList ['a'..'z'] uppers = fromList ['A'..'Z'] rot :: Bool -> Int -> Maybe String -> IO () rot back n mStr = do input <- case mStr of Nothing -> getContents Just str -> return str putStrLn $ map rotChar input where rotChar c = if isAlpha c then c' else c where c' = at . seek back n $ seekTo c cycle cycle = if isUpper c then uppers else lowers -- -- Morse -- switch ( x, y ) = ( y, x ) fromCode = map switch toCode toCode = [ ( 'a', ".-" ), ( 'b', "-..." ), ( 'c', "-.-." ), ( 'd', "-.." ) , ( 'e', "." ), ( 'f', "..-." ), ( 'g', "--." ), ( 'h', "...." ) , ( 'i', ".." ), ( 'j', ".---" ), ( 'k', "-.-" ), ( 'l', ".-.." ) , ( 'm', "--" ), ( 'n', "-." ), ( 'o', "---" ), ( 'p', ".--." ) , ( 'q', "--.-" ), ( 'r', ".-." ), ( 's', "..." ), ( 't', "-" ) , ( 'u', "..-" ), ( 'v', "...-" ), ( 'w', ".--" ), ( 'x', "-..-" ) , ( 'y', "-.--" ), ( 'z', "--.." ), ( '1', ".----" ), ( '2', "..---" ) , ( '3', "...--" ), ( '4', "....-" ), ( '5', "....." ), ( '6', "-...." ) , ( '7', "--..." ), ( '8', "---.." ), ( '9', "----." ), ( '0', "-----" ) , ( ' ', "/" ) ] fromMorse, toMorse :: [String] -> Maybe String fromMorse = mapM (`lookup` fromCode) toMorse strs = sepCat " / " <$> mapM convertLetters strs where convertLetters chars = sepCat " " <$> mapM (`lookup` toCode) chars sepCat sep = concat . intersperse sep morse :: Bool -> Maybe String -> IO () morse from mStr = do input <- case mStr of Nothing -> getContents Just str -> return str if all pred input then return () else do hPutStrLn stderr err exitFailure convert input where pred = if from then (== '/') <||> (== '-') <||> (== '.') <||> isSpace else isAlphaNum <||> isSpace err = if from then "cipher: morse input must be all spaces, '/'s, '-'s, and '.'s." else "cipher: morse input must be alphanumeric and/or spaces" convert str = maybe badConvert putStrLn . convert' . words $ map toLower str where badConvert = hPutStrLn stderr err >> exitFailure where err = if from then "cipher: could not convert from morse" else "cipher: could not convert to morse" convert' = if from then fromMorse else toMorse -- -- Terms -- -- The heading under which to place common options. comOpts = "COMMON OPTIONS" -- A modified default 'TermInfo' to be shared by commands. def' :: TermInfo def' = def { man = [ S comOpts , P "These options are common to all commands." , S "MORE HELP" , P "Use '$(mname) $(i,COMMAND) --help' for help on a single command." , S "BUGS" , P "Email bug reports to " ] , stdOptSection = comOpts } -- 'input' is a common option. We set its 'argSection' field to 'comOpts' so -- that it is placed under that heading instead of the default '"OPTIONS"' -- heading, which we will reserve for command-specific options. input = opt Nothing (optInfo [ "input", "i" ]) { argName = "INPUT" , argDoc = "For specifying input on the command line. If present, " ++ "input is not read form standard-in." , argSection = comOpts } rotTerm = ( rot <$> back <*> n <*> input, termInfo ) where back = flag (optInfo [ "back", "b" ]) { argName = "BACK" , argDoc = "Rotate backwards instead of forwards." } n = opt 13 (optInfo [ "n" ]) { argName = "N" , argDoc = "How many places to rotate by." } termInfo = def' { termName = "rot" , termDoc = "Rotate the input characters by N." , man = [ S "DESCRIPTION" , P $ "Rotate input gathered from INPUT or standard-in N " ++ "places. The input must be composed totally of " ++ "alphabetic characters and spaces." ] ++ man def' } morseTerm = ( morse <$> from <*> input, termInfo ) where from = flag (optInfo [ "from", "f" ]) { argName = "FROM" , argDoc = "Convert from morse-code to the Latin alphabet. " ++ "If absent, convert from Latin alphabet to morse-code." } termInfo = def' { termName = "morse" , termDoc = "Convert to and from morse-code." , man = [ S "DESCRIPTION" , P desc ] ++ man def' } desc = concat [ "Converts input gathered from INPUT or standard in to and from morse " , "code. 'dah' is represented by '-', 'dit' by '.'. Each morse character " , "is separated from the next by one or more ' '. Morse words are " , "separated by a '/'." ] defaultTerm = ( ret $ const (Left $ HelpFail Pager Nothing) <$> input , termInfo ) where termInfo = def' { termName = "cipher" , version = "v1.0" , termDoc = doc } doc = "An implementation of the morse-code and rotational(Caesar) ciphers." main = runChoice defaultTerm [ rotTerm, morseTerm ]