反衝力 反冲力 T - 3 fǎn chōng lì f /backlash/recoil/reactive force/ 反袁 - 0 fǎn Yuán f /opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 1915-1916/same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争/ 反袁斗争 反袁鬥爭 S - 0 fǎn Yuán dòu zhēng f /war of 1915 against Yuan Shikai and for the Republic/ 反袁运动 反袁運動 S - 0 fǎn Yuán yùn dòng f /opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 護國爭|护国争 1915-1916/same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争/ 反袁運動 反袁运动 T - 0 fǎn Yuán yùn dòng f /opposing Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯 in War of national protection 護國爭|护国争 1915-1916/same as 反袁鬥爭|反袁斗争/ 反袁鬥爭 反袁斗争 T - 0 fǎn Yuán dòu zhēng f /war of 1915 against Yuan Shikai and for the Republic/ 反裘負芻 反裘负刍 T - 0 fǎn qiú fù chú f /lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom)/fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work/fig. to act stupidly/ 反裘负刍 反裘負芻 S - 0 fǎn qiú fù chú f /lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom)/fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work/fig. to act stupidly/ 反覆 反复 T 2135 2882 fǎn fù f /repeatedly/over and over/to upend/unstable/to come and go/(of an illness) to return/ 反覆無常 反复无常 T - 36 fǎn fù wú cháng f /unstable/erratic/changeable/fickle/ 反觀 反观 T - 68 fǎn guān f /by contrast/but as for this.../viewed from another angle/subjectively/introspection/ 反观 反觀 S - 68 fǎn guān f /by contrast/but as for this.../viewed from another angle/subjectively/introspection/ 反角 - 3 fǎn jiǎo t /reflex angle/ 反角 - 3 fǎn jué f /bad guy (in a story)/villain/ 反訴 反诉 T - 30 fǎn sù f /counterclaim/countercharge (law)/ 反訴狀 反诉状 T - 0 fǎn sù zhuàng f /counterclaim/ 反詩 反诗 T - 0 fǎn shī f /verse criticizing officials/satirical verse/ 反詰 反诘 T - 11 fǎn jié f /to ask (a question) in reply/to answer a question with a question/rhetorical question/ 反詰問 反诘问 T - 0 fǎn jié wèn f /to cross-examine/ 反話 反话 T - 7 fǎn huà f /irony/ironic remark/ 反語 反语 T - 8 fǎn yǔ f /irony/ 反語法 反语法 T - 0 fǎn yǔ fǎ f /irony/ 反誣 反诬 T - 3 fǎn wū f /to make a false countercharge/ 反諷 反讽 T - 8 fǎn fěng f /irony/sarcasm/to satirize with opposites/ 反證 反证 T - 9 fǎn zhèng f /disproof/rebuttal/reductio ad absurdum/ 反證法 反证法 T - 6 fǎn zhèng fǎ f /reductio ad absurdum/ 反讽 反諷 S - 8 fǎn fěng f /irony/sarcasm/to satirize with opposites/ 反证 反證 S - 9 fǎn zhèng f /disproof/rebuttal/reductio ad absurdum/ 反证法 反證法 S - 6 fǎn zhèng fǎ f /reductio ad absurdum/ 反诉 反訴 S - 30 fǎn sù f /counterclaim/countercharge (law)/ 反诉状 反訴狀 S - 0 fǎn sù zhuàng f /counterclaim/ 反诗 反詩 S - 0 fǎn shī f /verse criticizing officials/satirical verse/ 反诘 反詰 S - 11 fǎn jié f /to ask (a question) in reply/to answer a question with a question/rhetorical question/ 反诘问 反詰問 S - 0 fǎn jié wèn f /to cross-examine/ 反话 反話 S - 7 fǎn huà f /irony/ironic remark/ 反诬 反誣 S - 3 fǎn wū f /to make a false countercharge/ 反语 反語 S - 8 fǎn yǔ f /irony/ 反语法 反語法 S - 0 fǎn yǔ fǎ f /irony/ 反貪 反贪 T - 22 fǎn tān f /anti-corruption (policy)/ 反貪污 反贪污 T - 3 fǎn tān wū f /anticorruption/ 反貪腐 反贪腐 T - 0 fǎn tān fǔ f /anti-corruption/ 反败为胜 反敗為勝 S - 61 fǎn bài wéi shèng f /to turn defeat into victory (idiom); to turn the tide/ 反贪 反貪 S - 22 fǎn tān f /anti-corruption (policy)/ 反贪污 反貪污 S - 3 fǎn tān wū f /anticorruption/ 反贪腐 反貪腐 S - 0 fǎn tān fǔ f /anti-corruption/ 反赤道流 - 0 fǎn chì dào liú f /equatorial counter current/ 反走私 - 3 fǎn zǒu sī f /to oppose smuggling/anti-contraband (measures, policy etc)/ 反超 - 94 fǎn chāo f /to reverse (the score)/to pull off a comeback/to take the lead/ 反身 - 88 fǎn shēn f /to turn around/ 反身代詞 反身代词 T - 3 fǎn shēn dài cí f /reflexive pronoun/ 反身代词 反身代詞 S - 3 fǎn shēn dài cí f /reflexive pronoun/ 反躬自問 反躬自问 T - 4 fǎn gōng zì wèn f /introspection/to ask oneself/ 反躬自问 反躬自問 S - 4 fǎn gōng zì wèn f /introspection/to ask oneself/ 反轉 反转 T - 84 fǎn zhuǎn f /reversal/inversion/to reverse/to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc)/ 反轉選擇 反转选择 T - 0 fǎn zhuǎn xuǎn zé f /to invert the selection (on computer)/ 反轉錄 反转录 T - 0 fǎn zhuǎn lù f /reverse transcription/ 反轉錄病毒 反转录病毒 T - 0 fǎn zhuǎn lù bìng dú f /retrovirus/ 反转 反轉 S - 84 fǎn zhuǎn f /reversal/inversion/to reverse/to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc)/ 反转录 反轉錄 S - 0 fǎn zhuǎn lù f /reverse transcription/ 反转录病毒 反轉錄病毒 S - 0 fǎn zhuǎn lù bìng dú f /retrovirus/ 反转选择 反轉選擇 S - 0 fǎn zhuǎn xuǎn zé f /to invert the selection (on computer)/ 反过来 反過來 S - 405 fǎn guo lái f /conversely/in reverse order/in an opposite direction/ 反过来说 反過來說 S - 69 fǎn guò lái shuō f /on the other hand/ 反過來 反过来 T - 405 fǎn guo lái f /conversely/in reverse order/in an opposite direction/ 反過來說 反过来说 T - 69 fǎn guò lái shuō f /on the other hand/ 反酷刑折磨公約 反酷刑折磨公约 T - 0 fǎn kù xíng zhé mó gōng yuē f /UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988)/ 反酷刑折磨公约 反酷刑折磨公約 S - 0 fǎn kù xíng zhé mó gōng yuē f /UN convention against torture and cruel treatment (ratified by PRC in 1988)/ 反酸 - 3 fǎn suān f /acid reflux/regurgitation/ 反鋸齒 反锯齿 T - 3 fǎn jù chǐ f /anti-aliasing/ 反錄病毒 反录病毒 T - 0 fǎn lù bìng dú f /reverse transcription virus/retrovirus/ 反鎖 反锁 T - 38 fǎn suǒ f /locked in (with the door locked from the outside)/ 反鏟 反铲 T - 0 fǎn chǎn f /backhoe/ 反铲 反鏟 S - 0 fǎn chǎn f /backhoe/ 反锁 反鎖 S - 38 fǎn suǒ f /locked in (with the door locked from the outside)/ 反锯齿 反鋸齒 S - 3 fǎn jù chǐ f /anti-aliasing/ 反間 反间 T - 31 fǎn jiàn f /to sow dissension/to drive a wedge between (one's enemies)/ 反間計 反间计 T - 53 fǎn jiàn jì f /stratagem of sowing dissension/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 反間諜 反间谍 T - 3 fǎn jiàn dié f /counter-intelligence/protection against espionage/ 反问 反問 S 4625 187 fǎn wèn f /to ask (a question) in reply/to answer a question with a question/rhetorical question/ 反问句 反問句 S - 4 fǎn wèn jù f /rhetorical question/ 反问语气 反問語氣 S - 0 fǎn wèn yǔ qì f /tone of one's voice when asking a rhetorical question/ 反间 反間 S - 31 fǎn jiàn f /to sow dissension/to drive a wedge between (one's enemies)/ 反间计 反間計 S - 53 fǎn jiàn jì f /stratagem of sowing dissension/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 反间谍 反間諜 S - 3 fǎn jiàn dié f /counter-intelligence/protection against espionage/ 反電子 反电子 T - 0 fǎn diàn zǐ f /positron/also called 正電子|正电子[zheng4 dian4 zi3]/ 反面 4052 264 fǎn miàn f /reverse side/backside/the other side (of a problem etc)/negative/bad/ 反面人物 - 18 fǎn miàn rén wù f /negative character/bad guy (in a story)/ 反面儿 反面兒 S - 0 fǎn miàn r f /erhua variant of 反面[fan3 mian4]/ 反面兒 反面儿 T - 0 fǎn miàn r f /erhua variant of 反面[fan3 mian4]/ 反革命 - 1261 fǎn gé mìng f /counter-revolutionary/ 反革命宣传 反革命宣傳 S - 0 fǎn gé mìng xuān chuán f /counter-revolutionary propaganda/ 反革命宣传煽动罪 反革命宣傳煽動罪 S - 0 fǎn gé mìng xuān chuán shān dòng zuì f /the crime of instigating counter-revolutionary propaganda/ 反革命宣傳 反革命宣传 T - 0 fǎn gé mìng xuān chuán f /counter-revolutionary propaganda/ 反革命宣傳煽動罪 反革命宣传煽动罪 T - 0 fǎn gé mìng xuān chuán shān dòng zuì f /the crime of instigating counter-revolutionary propaganda/ 反革命政变 反革命政變 S - 0 fǎn gé mìng zhèng biàn f /an anti-revolutionary coup/ 反革命政變 反革命政变 T - 0 fǎn gé mìng zhèng biàn f /an anti-revolutionary coup/ 反革命案件 - 0 fǎn gé mìng àn jiàn f /counterrevolutionary case (law)/ 反響 反响 T - 509 fǎn xiǎng f /repercussions/reaction/echo/ 反顧 反顾 T - 3 fǎn gù f /to glance back/fig. to regret/to have second thoughts about sth/ 反顾 反顧 S - 3 fǎn gù f /to glance back/fig. to regret/to have second thoughts about sth/ 反饋 反馈 T 3854 514 fǎn kuì f /to send back information/feedback/ 反馈 反饋 S 3854 514 fǎn kuì f /to send back information/feedback/ 反駁 反驳 T 3736 409 fǎn bó f /to retort/to refute/ 反驳 反駁 S 3736 409 fǎn bó f /to retort/to refute/ 反高潮 - 0 fǎn gāo cháo f /anticlimax/ 反黨 反党 T - 186 fǎn dǎng f /anti-party/ 収 - 83 shōu f /variant of 收[shou1]/ 发 發 S 333 16840 fā t /to send out/to show (one's feeling)/to issue/to develop/to make a bundle of money/classifier for gunshots (rounds)/ 发 髮 S 333 16840 fà f /hair/Taiwan pr. [fa3]/ 发丝 髮絲 S - 52 fà sī f /hair (on the head)/ 发丧 發喪 S - 3 fā sāng f /to hold a funeral/ 发交 發交 S - 3 fā jiāo f /to issue and deliver (to people)/ 发亮 發亮 S - 250 fā liàng f /to shine/shiny/ 发人深省 發人深省 S - 38 fā rén shēn xǐng f /to provide food for thought (idiom)/thought-provoking/ 发人深醒 發人深醒 S - 0 fā rén shēn xǐng f /variant of 發人深省|发人深省[fa1 ren2 shen1 xing3]/ 发令 發令 S - 80 fā lìng f /to issue an order/ 发令枪 發令槍 S - 14 fā lìng qiāng f /starting pistol/ 发件人 發件人 S - 2 fā jiàn rén f /sender (of mail)/From: (email header)/ 发作 發作 S - 1274 fā zuò f /to flare up/to break out/ 发作性嗜睡病 發作性嗜睡病 S - 0 fā zuò xìng shì shuì bìng f /narcolepsy/ 发信 發信 S - 571 fā xìn f /to post a letter/ 发光 發光 S - 957 fā guāng f /to shine/ 发光二极体 發光二極體 S - 0 fā guāng èr jí tǐ f /light-emitting diode (LED) (Tw)/ 发光二极管 發光二極管 S - 0 fā guāng èr jí guǎn f /light-emitting diode/LED/ 发光强度 發光強度 S - 3 fā guāng qiáng dù f /luminous intensity/ 发兵 發兵 S - 242 fā bīng f /to dispatch an army/to send troops/ 发冠卷尾 髮冠卷尾 S - 0 fà guān juǎn wěi f /(bird species of China) hair-crested drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus)/ 发冷 發冷 S - 41 fā lěng f /to feel a chill (as an emotional response)/to feel cold (as a clinical symptom)/ 发出 發出 S - 5628 fā chū f /to issue (an order, decree etc)/to send out/to dispatch/to produce (a sound)/to let out (a laugh)/ 发出指示 發出指示 S - 0 fā chū zhǐ shì f /to issue instructions/ 发刊 發刊 S - 4 fā kān f /to publish/to put out (a document)/ 发刊词 發刊詞 S - 27 fā kān cí f /foreword/preface (to a publication)/ 发动 發動 S 2827 5248 fā dòng f /to start/to launch/to unleash/to mobilize/to arouse/ 发动力 發動力 S - 0 fā dòng lì f /motive power/ 发动机 發動機 S - 2584 fā dòng jī f /engine/motor/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 发包 發包 S - 21 fā bāo t /to put out to contract/ 发包 髮包 S - 21 fà bāo f /bun hair extension/ 发卡 發卡 S - 85 fā kǎ f /to issue a card/(slang) to reject a guy or a girl/to chuck/ 发卡 髮卡 S - 85 fà qiǎ t /hair grip/hair clip/ 发卷 髮捲 S - 3 fà juǎn f /hair roller/curl (of hair)/ 发号施令 發號施令 S - 223 fā hào shī lìng f /to boss people around (idiom)/ 发呆 發呆 S 4457 97 fā dāi f /to stare blankly/to be stunned/to be lost in thought/ 发售 發售 S - 79 fā shòu f /to sell/ 发喉急 發喉急 S - 0 fā hóu jí f /to get in a rage/ 发嘎嘎声 發嘎嘎聲 S - 0 fā gā gā shēng f /rattle/ 发嘘声 發噓聲 S - 0 fā xū shēng f /to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)/ 发回 發回 S - 61 fā huí f /to send back/to return/ 发困 發睏 S - 3 fā kùn f /to get sleepy/ 发型 髮型 S - 161 fà xíng f /hairstyle/coiffure/hairdo/ 发型师 髮型師 S - 6 fà xíng shī f /hair stylist/ 发型设计师 髮型設計師 S - 0 fà xíng shè jì shī f /hairstylist/ 发声 發聲 S - 191 fā shēng f /vocal/sound/sound production/to utter/to give voice/ 发声器 發聲器 S - 15 fā shēng qì f /sound device/ 发声器官 發聲器官 S - 3 fā shēng qì guān f /vocal organs/vocal cords/ 发声法 發聲法 S - 3 fā shēng fǎ f /intonation/ 发夹 髮夾 S - 7 fà jiā f /hair clip/ 发奋 發奮 S - 39 fā fèn f /to make an effort/to push for sth/to work hard/ 发奋图强 發奮圖強 S - 16 fā fèn tú qiáng f /to make an effort to become strong (idiom); determined to do better/to pull one's socks up/ 发奋有为 發奮有為 S - 0 fā fèn yǒu wéi f /to prove one's worth through firm resolve (idiom)/ 发奖 發獎 S - 26 fā jiǎng f /to award a prize/ 发好人卡 發好人卡 S - 0 fā hǎo rén kǎ f /(slang) to reject sb (by labeling them a 'nice guy')/ 发妻 髮妻 S - 15 fà qī f /first wife/ 发家 發家 S - 35 fā jiā f /to lay down a family fortune/to get rich/to become prosperous/ 发射 發射 S 2668 4636 fā shè f /to shoot (a projectile)/to fire (a rocket)/to launch/to emit (a particle)/to discharge/emanation/emission/ 发射井 發射井 S - 0 fā shè jǐng f /launching silo/ 发射器 發射器 S - 319 fā shè qì f /radio transmitter/ 发射场 發射場 S - 79 fā shè chǎng f /launchpad/launching site/ 发射星云 發射星雲 S - 0 fā shè xīng yún f /radiant nebula/ 发射机 發射機 S - 77 fā shè jī f /transmitter/ 发射机应答器 發射機應答器 S - 0 fā shè jī yìng dá qì f /transponder/electronic device that responds to a radio code/ 发射站 發射站 S - 5 fā shè zhàn f /launch pad (for rocket or projectile)/ 发小 髮小 S - 0 fà xiǎo f /(dialect) close childhood friend whom one grew up with/a couple who grew up as childhood friends/ 发小儿 髮小兒 S - 0 fà xiǎo r f /erhua variant of 髮小|发小[fa4 xiao3]/ 发屋 髮屋 S - 2 fà wū f /barber's shop/ 发展 發展 S 897 68664 fā zhǎn f /development/growth/to develop/to grow/to expand/ 发展中 發展中 S - 0 fā zhǎn zhōng f /developing/under development/in the pipeline/ 发展中国家 發展中國家 S - 1135 fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā f /developing country/ 发展商 發展商 S - 42 fā zhǎn shāng f /(real estate etc) developer/ 发展研究中心 發展研究中心 S - 0 fā zhǎn yán jiū zhōng xīn f /Development Research Center (PRC State Council institution)/ 发工资日 發工資日 S - 0 fā gōng zī rì f /payday/pay day/ 发布 發佈 S 2990 7785 fā bù f /to release/to issue/to announce/to distribute/also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4]/ 发布 發布 S 2990 7785 fā bù f /to release/to issue/to announce/to distribute/ 发布会 發佈會 S - 4417 fā bù huì f /news conference/briefing/ 发布会 發布會 S - 4417 fā bù huì f /news conference/briefing/ 发帖 發帖 S - 124 fā tiě f /to post (an item on a forum)/ 发带 髮帶 S - 3 fà dài f /headband/ 发廊 髮廊 S - 12 fà láng f /hair salon/hairdresser's shop/CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]/ 发式 髮式 S - 34 fà shì f /hairstyle/coiffure/hairdo/ 发怒 發怒 S - 284 fā nù f /to get angry/ 发怔 發怔 S - 3 fā zhēng f /baffled/nonplussed/ 发急 發急 S - 44 fā jí f /to fret/to get impatient/to become anxious/ 发怵 發怵 S - 51 fā chù f /to feel terrified/to grow apprehensive/ 发情 發情 S - 130 fā qíng f /oestrus (sexual receptivity in female mammals)/ 发情期 發情期 S - 15 fā qíng qī f /the breeding season (zool.)/oestrus (period of sexual receptivity of female mammals)/ 发想 發想 S - 0 fā xiǎng f /to come up with an idea/generation of ideas/inspiration/ 发愁 發愁 S 2445 296 fā chóu f /to worry/to fret/to be anxious/to become sad/ 发愣 發愣 S - 61 fā lèng f /to daydream/in a daze/ 发愤 發憤 S - 41 fā fèn f /to make a determined effort/ 发愤图强 發憤圖強 S - 15 fā fèn tú qiáng f /to be strongly determined to succeed (idiom)/ 发愤忘食 發憤忘食 S - 2 fā fèn wàng shí f /so dedicated as to forget one's meals (idiom)/ 发愿 發願 S - 40 fā yuàn f /to vow/ 发慌 發慌 S - 23 fā huāng f /to become agitated/to feel nervous/ 发憷 發憷 S - 9 fā chù f /variant of 發怵|发怵[fa1 chu4]/ 发扬 發揚 S 4624 844 fā yáng f /to develop/to make full use of/ 发扬光大 發揚光大 S - 104 fā yáng guāng dà f /to develop and promote/to carry forward/to bring to great height of development/ 发扬踔厉 發揚踔厲 S - 2 fā yáng chuō lì f /to be full of vigor (idiom)/ 发扬蹈厉 發揚蹈厲 S - 3 fā yáng dǎo lì f /see 發揚踔厲|发扬踔厉[fa1 yang2 chuo1 li4]/ 发抖 發抖 S 2092 658 fā dǒu f /to tremble/to shake/to shiver/ 发报 發報 S - 76 fā bào f /to send a message/ 发报人 發報人 S - 3 fā bào rén f /sender (of a message)/ 发指眦裂 髮指眥裂 S - 3 fà zhǐ zì liè f /hair standing up and eyes wide in anger (idiom); enraged/in a towering rage/ 发挥 發揮 S 1710 5889 fā huī f /to display/to exhibit/to bring out implicit or innate qualities/to express (a thought or moral)/to develop (an idea)/to elaborate (on a theme)/ 发掘 發掘 S - 1579 fā jué f /to excavate/to explore/(fig.) to unearth/to tap into/ 发改委 發改委 S - 3 Fā gǎi wěi f /abbr. for 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会, PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), formed in 2003/ 发放 發放 S - 1397 fā fàng f /to provide/to give/to grant/ 发散 發散 S - 131 fā sàn f /to disperse/to diverge/ 发旋 髮旋 S - 0 fà xuán f /hair whorl/ 发明 發明 S 1628 2757 fā míng f /to invent/an invention/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 发明人 發明人 S - 58 fā míng rén f /inventor/ 发明创造 發明創造 S - 7 fā míng chuàng zào f /to invent and innovate/inventions and innovations/ 发明家 發明家 S - 101 fā míng jiā f /inventor/ 发明者 發明者 S - 81 fā míng zhě f /inventor/ 发昏 發昏 S - 37 fā hūn f /to faint/ 发春 發春 S - 3 fā chun f /in heat/ 发晕 發暈 S - 39 fā yūn f /to feel dizzy/ 发暗 發暗 S - 3 fā àn f /to darken/to become tarnished/ 发条 發條 S - 60 fā tiáo f /spring/coil spring (spiral spring used to power clockwork)/ 发案 發案 S - 11 fā àn f /occurrence (refers to time and place esp. of a criminal act)/to take place/to occur/to advertise freelance work/ 发棵 發棵 S - 0 fā kē f /budding/ 发榜 發榜 S - 13 fā bǎng f /to publish a roll-call of successful candidates/ 发横财 發橫財 S - 12 fā hèng cái f /to make easy money/to make a fortune/to line one's pockets/ 发毛 發毛 S - 136 fā máo f /to rant and rave/to be scared, upset (Beijing dialect)/ 发气 發氣 S - 3 fā qì f /get angry/ 发汗 發汗 S - 48 fā hàn f /to sweat/ 发泄 發洩 S - 441 fā xiè f /to give vent to (one's feelings)/ 发泡 發泡 S - 25 fā pào f /fizzy/sparkling (drink)/ 发泡剂 發泡劑 S - 20 fā pào jì f /foaming agent/blowing agent/ 发泡胶 發泡膠 S - 3 fā pào jiāo f /expanded polystyrene (EPS)/styrofoam/ 发源 發源 S - 440 fā yuán f /to rise/to originate/source/derivation/ 发源地 發源地 S - 562 fā yuán dì f /place of origin/birthplace/source/ 发火 發火 S - 138 fā huǒ f /to catch fire/to ignite/to detonate/to get angry/ 发炎 發炎 S 4337 126 fā yán f /to become inflamed/inflammation/ 发烧 發燒 S 575 249 fā shāo f /to have a high temperature (from illness)/to have a fever/ 发烧友 發燒友 S - 37 fā shāo yǒu f /fan/zealot/ 发烫 發燙 S - 0 fā tàng f /burning hot/ 发热 發熱 S - 388 fā rè f /to have a high temperature/feverish/unable to think calmly/to emit heat/ 发热伴血小板减少综合征 發熱伴血小板減少綜合徵 S - 0 fā rè bàn xuè xiǎo bǎn jiǎn shǎo zōng hé zhēng f /severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS)/ 发牌 發牌 S - 22 fā pái f /to deal (cards)/ 发牢骚 發牢騷 S - 96 fā láo sāo f /to whine/to be grouchy/ 发狂 發狂 S - 65 fā kuáng f /crazy/mad/madly/ 发现 發現 S 334 24826 fā xiàn f /to find/to discover/ 发现号 發現號 S - 0 Fā xiàn háo f /the Discovery space shuttle/ 发现物 發現物 S - 0 fā xiàn wù f /finding/ 发球 發球 S - 198 fā qiú f /to serve the ball/to tee off/ 发球区 發球區 S - 10 fā qiú qū f /teeing ground (golf)/ 发生 發生 S 611 24052 fā shēng f /to happen/to occur/to take place/to break out/ 发生率 發生率 S - 126 fā shēng lǜ f /rate of occurrence/ 发电 發電 S - 858 fā diàn f /to generate electricity/to send a telegram/ 发电厂 發電廠 S - 118 fā diàn chǎng f /power plant/ 发电机 發電機 S - 345 fā diàn jī f /electricity generator/dynamo/ 发电站 發電站 S - 80 fā diàn zhàn f /electricity generating station/power station/ 发电量 發電量 S - 105 fā diàn liàng f /(generated) electrical energy/ 发疯 發瘋 S - 262 fā fēng f /to go mad/to go crazy/to lose one's mind/ 发病 發病 S - 947 fā bìng f /onset/outbreak (of a disease)/ 发病率 發病率 S - 353 fā bìng lǜ f /incidence of a disease/disease rate/ 发痒 發癢 S - 97 fā yǎng f /to tickle/to itch/ 发痛 發痛 S - 3 fā tòng f /to ache/to be sore/to feel painful/ 发白 發白 S - 160 fā bái f /to turn pale/to lose color/to go white/ 发直 發直 S - 3 fā zhí f /to stare/to look blank/to be fixed (of eyes)/ 发短信 發短信 S - 3 fā duǎn xìn f /to text/to send SMS messages/ 发神经 發神經 S - 12 fā shén jīng f /(coll.) to go crazy/to lose it/demented/unhinged/ 发祥 發祥 S - 7 fā xiáng f /to give rise to (sth good)/to emanate from/ 发祥地 發祥地 S - 400 fā xiáng dì f /the birthplace (of sth good)/the cradle (e.g. of art)/ 发票 發票 S 2397 271 fā piào f /invoice/receipt or bill for purchase/ 发福 發福 S - 21 fā fú f /to put on weight/to get fat (a sign of prosperity, so a compliment)/ 发积 發積 S - 0 fā jī f /see 發跡|发迹[fa1 ji4]/ 发稿时 發稿時 S - 0 fā gǎo shí f /time of publication/at the time of going to press/ 发窘 發窘 S - 40 fā jiǒng f /to feel embarrassment/disconcerted/embarrassed/ 发端 發端 S - 88 fā duān f /beginning/origin/to originate/to initiate/ 发笑 發笑 S - 65 fā xiào f /to burst out laughing/to laugh/ 发箍 髮箍 S - 0 fà gū f /headband/ 发簪 發簪 S - 15 fā zān f /hairpin/ 发粉 發粉 S - 3 fā fěn f /baking soda (used to leaven bread)/ 发红 發紅 S - 135 fā hóng f /to turn red/to blush/to flush/ 发绀 發紺 S - 0 fā gàn f /cyanosis (blue skin due to lack of oxygen in blood)/ 发给 發給 S - 483 fā gěi f /to issue/to grant/to distribute/ 发绺 髮綹 S - 0 fà liǔ f /tresses/dreadlocks/ 发网 髮網 S - 3 fà wǎng f /hairnet/ 发聋振聩 發聾振聵 S - 3 fā lóng zhèn kuì f /lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); rousing even the apathetic/ 发育 發育 S 3724 4047 fā yù f /to develop/to mature/growth/development/(sexually) mature/ 发育期 發育期 S - 27 fā yù qī f /puberty/period of development/ 发育生物学 發育生物學 S - 0 fā yù shēng wù xué f /developmental biology/ 发胀 發脹 S - 46 fā zhàng f /to swell up/swelling/ 发胖 發胖 S - 68 fā pàng f /to put on weight/to get fat/ 发胶 髮膠 S - 6 fà jiāo f /hair gel/ 发脆 發脆 S - 0 fā cuì f /to become brittle/to become crisp/ 发脚 髮腳 S - 0 fà jiǎo f /a length of hair/ 发脱口齿 發脫口齒 S - 0 fā tuō kǒu chǐ f /diction/enunciation/ 发脾气 發脾氣 S - 319 fā pí qì f /to get angry/ 发自 發自 S - 296 fā zì f /to evolve from/ 发芽 發芽 S - 184 fā yá f /to germinate/ 发菜 髮菜 S - 36 fà cài f /long thread moss (Nostoc flagelliforme), an edible algae/also called faat choy or hair moss/ 发落 發落 S - 180 fā luò f /to deal with (an offender)/ 发蔫 發蔫 S - 3 fā niān f /to wilt/to droop/to appear listless/ 发薪 發薪 S - 19 fā xīn f /to pay wages or salary/ 发薪日 發薪日 S - 3 fā xīn rì f /payday/ 发虚 發虛 S - 29 fā xū f /to feel weak/to be diffident/ 发蜡 髮蠟 S - 11 fà là f /pomade/ 发行 發行 S 3273 3498 fā xíng f /to publish/to issue (stocks, currency etc)/to release/to distribute (a film)/ 发行人 發行人 S - 87 fā xíng rén f /publisher/issuer/ 发行备忘录 發行備忘錄 S - 0 fā xíng bèi wàng lù f /offering memorandum (for public stock issue)/publication memorandum/ 发行红利股 發行紅利股 S - 0 fā xíng hóng lì gǔ f /a bonus issue (a form of dividend payment)/ 发行额 發行額 S - 11 fā xíng é f /(periodical) circulation/ 发表 發表 S 1678 8028 fā biǎo f /to issue/to publish/ 发表演讲 發表演講 S - 0 fā biǎo yǎn jiǎng f /to give a speech/ 发觉 發覺 S 3156 908 fā jué f /to become aware/to detect/to realize/to perceive/ 发言 發言 S 2010 1521 fā yán f /to make a speech/statement/utterance/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 发言中肯 發言中肯 S - 0 fā yán zhòng kěn f /to hit the nail on the head (idiom)/ 发言人 發言人 S - 10241 fā yán rén f /spokesperson/ 发言权 發言權 S - 171 fā yán quán f /the right of speech/ 发誓 發誓 S 2524 315 fā shì f /to vow/to pledge/to swear/ 发语词 發語詞 S - 2 fā yǔ cí f /form word/in classical Chinese, first character of phrase having auxiliary grammatical function/ 发语辞 發語辭 S - 0 fā yǔ cí f /literary auxiliary particle, comes at the beginning of a sentence/ 发财 發財 S 3490 355 fā cái f /to get rich/ 发财致富 發財致富 S - 83 fā cái zhì fù f /to become rich/enrichment/ 发财车 發財車 S - 0 fā cái chē f /(Tw) mini truck/Kei truck/ 发货 發貨 S - 52 fā huò f /to dispatch/to send out goods/ 发贴 發貼 S - 3 fā tiē f /to stick sth up (on the wall)/to post (on a noticeboard or website)/ 发起 發起 S - 2134 fā qǐ f /to originate/to initiate/to launch (an attack, an initiative etc)/to start/to propose sth (for the first time)/ 发起人 發起人 S - 346 fā qǐ rén f /proposer/initiator/founding member/ 发车 發車 S - 61 fā chē f /departure (of a coach or train)/to dispatch a vehicle/ 发轫 發軔 S - 0 fā rèn f /to set (sth) afoot/to initiate/beginning/origin/commencement/ 发软 發軟 S - 3 fā ruǎn f /to weaken/to go soft (at the knees)/ 发辫 髮辮 S - 36 fà biàn f /braid/ 发达 發達 S 2275 5557 fā dá f /developed (country etc)/flourishing/to develop/ 发达国 發達國 S - 0 fā dá guó f /developed nation/ 发达国家 發達國家 S - 1356 fā dá guó jiā f /developed nation/ 发达地区 發達地區 S - 0 fā dá dì qū f /developed area/ 发运 發運 S - 37 fā yùn f /(of goods) to dispatch/shipment/shipping/ 发迹 發跡 S - 99 fā jì f /to make one's mark/to go up in the world/to make one's fortune/ 发送 發送 S - 585 fā sòng f /to transmit/to dispatch/to issue (an official document or credential)/ 发送功率 發送功率 S - 0 fā sòng gōng lǜ f /transmission power/output power/ 发送器 發送器 S - 3 fā sòng qì f /transmitter/ 发配 發配 S - 110 fā pèi f /to send away to serve a penal sentence/ 发酒疯 發酒瘋 S - 12 fā jiǔ fēng f /to get wildly drunk/ 发酵 發酵 S - 358 fā jiào f /to ferment/fermentation/ 发钗 髮釵 S - 0 fà chāi f /hair clip/ 发问 發問 S - 72 fā wèn f /to question/to ask/to raise a question/ 发难 發難 S - 282 fā nàn f /to rise in revolt/to raise difficult questions/ 发霉 發霉 S - 82 fā méi f /to become moldy/ 发面 發麵 S - 17 fā miàn f /to leaven dough/to make bread/ 发音 發音 S - 327 fā yīn f /to pronounce/pronunciation/to emit sound/ 发音体 發音體 S - 0 fā yīn tǐ f /sound producing object (soundboard, vibrating string, membrane etc)/ 发音器官 發音器官 S - 3 fā yīn qì guān f /vocal organs/vocal cords/ 发颤 發顫 S - 3 fā chàn f /to shiver/ 发飘 發飄 S - 3 fā piāo f /to feel light, as if floating/to feel unstable/ 发飙 發飆 S - 3 fā biāo f /to flip out/to act out violently/ 发骚 發騷 S - 0 fā sāo f /horny/lecherous/ 发髻 髮髻 S - 120 fà jì f /hair worn in a bun or coil/ 发麻 發麻 S - 179 fā má f /to feel numb/ 叒 - 0 ruò f /old variant of 若[ruo4]/obedient/ancient mythical tree/ 叔 - 2571 shū f /uncle/father's younger brother/husband's younger brother/Taiwan pr. [shu2]/ 叔丈人 - 0 shū zhàng rén f /wife's uncle/ 叔丈母 - 0 shū zhàng mǔ f /wife's aunt/ 叔伯 - 131 shū bai f /(of cousins) descending from the same grandfather or great-grandfather/ 叔公 - 12 shū gōng f /great uncle/grandfather's younger brother/husband's father's younger brother/ 叔叔 469 1103 shū shu f /father's younger brother/uncle/Taiwan pr. [shu2 shu5]/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 叔婆 - 3 shū pó f /aunt by marriage/husband's aunt/husband's father's younger brother's wife/ 叔子 - 3 shū zi f /brother-in-law/husband's younger brother/ 叔岳 - 3 shū yuè f /wife's uncle/ 叔本华 叔本華 S - 3 Shū běn huá f /Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German post-Kantian philosopher/ 叔本華 叔本华 T - 3 Shū běn huá f /Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German post-Kantian philosopher/ 叔母 - 8 shū mǔ f /aunt/wife of father's younger brother/ 叔父 - 320 shū fù f /father's younger brother/uncle/ 叔祖 - 83 shū zǔ f /grandfather's younger brother/ 叔祖母 - 3 shū zǔ mǔ f /wife of paternal grandfather's younger brother/ 叕 - 68 zhuó f /to join together/to lack/narrow and shallow/ 取 827 10965 qǔ f /to take/to get/to choose/to fetch/ 取之不尽,用之不竭 取之不盡,用之不竭 S - 0 qǔ zhī bù jìn , yòng zhī bù jié f /limitless supply (of)/inexhaustible/ 取之不盡,用之不竭 取之不尽,用之不竭 T - 0 qǔ zhī bù jìn , yòng zhī bù jié f /limitless supply (of)/inexhaustible/ 取乐 取樂 S - 105 qǔ lè f /to find amusement/to amuse oneself/ 取代 - 2007 qǔ dài f /to replace/to supersede/to supplant/(chemistry) substitution/ 取保候审 取保候審 S - 3 qǔ bǎo hòu shěn f /release from custody, subject to provision of a surety, pending investigation (PRC)/ 取保候審 取保候审 T - 3 qǔ bǎo hòu shěn f /release from custody, subject to provision of a surety, pending investigation (PRC)/ 取保释放 取保釋放 S - 0 qǔ bǎo shì fàng f /to be released on bail (law)/ 取保釋放 取保释放 T - 0 qǔ bǎo shì fàng f /to be released on bail (law)/ 取关 取關 S - 0 qǔ guān f /to unfollow (on microblog etc)/ 取其精华 取其精華 S - 3 qǔ qí jīng huá f /to take the best/to absorb the essence/ 取其精华,去其糟粕 取其精華,去其糟粕 S - 0 qǔ qí jīng huá , qù qí zāo pò f /take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan)/keep what is good, discard the rest/You need to be selective when studying./In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas./ 取其精華 取其精华 T - 3 qǔ qí jīng huá f /to take the best/to absorb the essence/ 取其精華,去其糟粕 取其精华,去其糟粕 T - 0 qǔ qí jīng huá , qù qí zāo pò f /take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan)/keep what is good, discard the rest/You need to be selective when studying./In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas./ 取决 取決 S - 1071 qǔ jué f /to depend upon/to hinge upon/ 取出 - 3048 qǔ chū f /to take out/to extract/to draw out/ 取勝 取胜 T - 1010 qǔ shèng f /to score a victory/to prevail over one's opponents/ 取名 - 608 qǔ míng f /to name/to be named/to christen/to seek fame/ 取向 - 293 qǔ xiàng f /orientation/direction/ 取回 - 112 qǔ huí f /to retrieve/ 取巧 - 39 qǔ qiǎo f /quick fix/opportune short cut (around a difficulty)/cheap trick (to get what one wants)/to pull a fast one/ 取得 - 11882 qǔ dé f /to acquire/to get/to obtain/ 取得一致 - 0 qǔ dé yī zhì f /to reach a consensus/ 取得勝利 取得胜利 T - 3 qǔ dé shèng lì f /to prevail/to achieve victory/to be victorious/ 取得胜利 取得勝利 S - 3 qǔ dé shèng lì f /to prevail/to achieve victory/to be victorious/ 取悅 取悦 T - 149 qǔ yuè f /to try to please/ 取悦 取悅 S - 149 qǔ yuè f /to try to please/ 取捨 取舍 T - 211 qǔ shě f /to choose/to accept or reject/ 取景器 - 4 qǔ jǐng qì f /viewfinder (of a camera etc)/ 取景框 - 2 qǔ jǐng kuàng f /rectangular frame used to view a scene (made out of cardboard etc, or formed by the thumbs and forefingers)/viewfinder/viewing frame/ 取暖 - 284 qǔ nuǎn f /to warm oneself (by a fire etc)/ 取材 - 336 qǔ cái f /to collect material/ 取样 取樣 S - 86 qǔ yàng f /to take a sample/ 取样数量 取樣數量 S - 0 qǔ yàng shù liàng f /sample size (statistics)/ 取樂 取乐 T - 105 qǔ lè f /to find amusement/to amuse oneself/ 取模 - 0 qǔ mó t /modulo (math.)/ 取模 - 0 qǔ mú f /to take an impression (dentistry etc)/ 取樣 取样 T - 86 qǔ yàng f /to take a sample/ 取樣數量 取样数量 T - 0 qǔ yàng shù liàng f /sample size (statistics)/ 取款 - 60 qǔ kuǎn f /to withdraw money from a bank/ 取款机 取款機 S - 9 qǔ kuǎn jī f /ATM/ 取款機 取款机 T - 9 qǔ kuǎn jī f /ATM/ 取水 - 119 qǔ shuǐ f /water intake/to obtain water (from a well etc)/ 取決 取决 T - 1071 qǔ jué f /to depend upon/to hinge upon/ 取消 1419 3052 qǔ xiāo f /to cancel/cancellation/ 取消禁令 - 0 qǔ xiāo jìn lìng f /to lift a prohibition/to lift a ban/ 取灯儿 取燈兒 S - 0 qǔ dēng r f /(dialect) match (for lighting fire)/ 取燈兒 取灯儿 T - 0 qǔ dēng r f /(dialect) match (for lighting fire)/ 取现 取現 S - 64 qǔ xiàn f /to withdraw money/ 取現 取现 T - 64 qǔ xiàn f /to withdraw money/ 取用 - 55 qǔ yòng f /to access/to make use of/ 取笑 - 276 qǔ xiào f /to tease/to make fun of/ 取經 取经 T - 392 qǔ jīng f /to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures/to learn by studying another's experience/ 取締 取缔 T 4816 329 qǔ dì f /to suppress/to crack down on/to prohibit/ 取经 取經 S - 392 qǔ jīng f /to journey to India on a quest for the Buddhist scriptures/to learn by studying another's experience/ 取缔 取締 S 4816 329 qǔ dì f /to suppress/to crack down on/to prohibit/ 取而代之 - 191 qǔ ér dài zhī f /to substitute for sb/to remove and replace/ 取胜 取勝 S - 1010 qǔ shèng f /to score a victory/to prevail over one's opponents/ 取舍 取捨 S - 211 qǔ shě f /to choose/to accept or reject/ 取證 取证 T - 88 qǔ zhèng f /to collect evidence/ 取证 取證 S - 88 qǔ zhèng f /to collect evidence/ 取走 - 3 qǔ zǒu f /to remove/to take away/ 取道 - 121 qǔ dào f /via/by way of/en route to/ 取銀 取银 T - 0 qǔ yín f /to take silver/to come second in a competition/ 取錢 取钱 T - 3 qǔ qián f /to withdraw money/ 取钱 取錢 S - 3 qǔ qián f /to withdraw money/ 取银 取銀 S - 0 qǔ yín f /to take silver/to come second in a competition/ 取長補短 取长补短 T - 64 qǔ cháng bǔ duǎn f /lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius)/to use this in place of that/what you lose on the swings, you win on the roundabouts/ 取长补短 取長補短 S - 64 qǔ cháng bǔ duǎn f /lit. use others' strengths to make up for one's weak points (idiom from Mencius)/to use this in place of that/what you lose on the swings, you win on the roundabouts/ 取關 取关 T - 0 qǔ guān f /to unfollow (on microblog etc)/ 取闹 取鬧 S - 2 qǔ nào f /to make trouble/to make fun of/ 取鬧 取闹 T - 2 qǔ nào f /to make trouble/to make fun of/ 受 - 25796 shòu f /to receive/to accept/to suffer/subjected to/to bear/to stand/pleasant/(passive marker)/ 受不了 957 535 shòu bù liǎo f /unbearable/unable to endure/can't stand/ 受业 受業 S - 97 shòu yè f /to study/to learn from a master/(pupil's first person pronoun) I, your student/ 受事 - 3 shòu shì f /object (of a transitive verb)/to receive a task/ 受享 - 0 shòu xiǎng f /to enjoy/ 受任 - 0 shòu rèn f /appointment (to a job)/to be appointed (to high office)/to accept an appointment/entrusted with responsibilities/same as 授任/ 受众 受眾 S - 244 shòu zhòng f /target audience/audience/ 受伤 受傷 S 1328 2402 shòu shāng f /to sustain injuries/wounded (in an accident etc)/harmed/ 受体 受體 S - 323 shòu tǐ f /receptor/ 受保人 - 3 shòu bǎo rén f /the insured person/the person covered by an insurance policy/ 受俸 - 3 shòu fèng f /to receive an official's salary/ 受傷 受伤 T 1328 2402 shòu shāng f /to sustain injuries/wounded (in an accident etc)/harmed/ 受僱 受雇 T - 36 shòu gù f /to be employed/to be hired/hired/paid/ 受冻挨饿 受凍挨餓 S - 0 shòu dòng ái è f /to go cold and hungry/ 受凉 受涼 S - 32 shòu liáng f /to catch cold/ 受凍挨餓 受冻挨饿 T - 0 shòu dòng ái è f /to go cold and hungry/ 受刑 - 246 shòu xíng f /beaten/tortured/executed/ 受刑人 - 3 shòu xíng rén f /person being executed/victim of corporal punishment/person serving a sentence/ 受到 784 11428 shòu dào f /to receive/to suffer/obtained/given/ 受到影响 受到影響 S - 0 shòu dào yǐng xiǎng f /affected (usually adversely)/to suffer/ 受到影響 受到影响 T - 0 shòu dào yǐng xiǎng f /affected (usually adversely)/to suffer/ 受制 - 63 shòu zhì f /controlled (by sb)/to suffer under a yoke/ 受取 - 0 shòu qǔ f /to accept/to receive/ 受听 受聽 S - 3 shòu tīng f /nice to hear/worth listening to/ 受命 - 1602 shòu mìng f /ordained or appointed to a post/to benefit from counsel/ 受命于天 - 0 shòu mìng yú tiān f /to become Emperor by the grace of Heaven/to "receive the Mandate of Heaven" (traditional English translation)/ 受困 - 39 shòu kùn f /trapped/stranded/ 受够 受夠 S - 3 shòu gòu f /to have had enough of/to be fed up with/to have had one's fill of/ 受夠 受够 T - 3 shòu gòu f /to have had enough of/to be fed up with/to have had one's fill of/ 受夹板气 受夾板氣 S - 0 shòu jiā bǎn qì f /to be attacked by both sides in a quarrel/to be caught in the crossfire/ 受夾板氣 受夹板气 T - 0 shòu jiā bǎn qì f /to be attacked by both sides in a quarrel/to be caught in the crossfire/ 受孕 - 125 shòu yùn f /to become pregnant/to conceive/impregnated/insemination/ 受宠 受寵 S - 67 shòu chǒng f /to receive favor (from superior)/favored/pampered/ 受宠若惊 受寵若驚 S - 86 shòu chǒng ruò jīng f /overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)/ 受审 受審 S - 73 shòu shěn f /on trial (for a crime)/to stand trial/ 受害 - 151 shòu hài f /to suffer damage, injury etc/damaged/injured/killed/robbed/ 受害人 - 45 shòu hài rén f /victim/ 受害者 - 271 shòu hài zhě f /casualty/victim/those injured and wounded/ 受寒 - 29 shòu hán f /affected by cold/to catch cold/ 受審 受审 T - 73 shòu shěn f /on trial (for a crime)/to stand trial/ 受寵 受宠 T - 67 shòu chǒng f /to receive favor (from superior)/favored/pampered/ 受寵若驚 受宠若惊 T - 86 shòu chǒng ruò jīng f /overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)/ 受尽 受盡 S - 137 shòu jìn f /to suffer enough from/to suffer all kinds of/to have one's fill of/ 受性 - 0 shòu xìng f /inborn (ability, defect)/ 受惊 受驚 S - 110 shòu jīng f /startled/ 受惠 - 74 shòu huì f /to benefit/favored/ 受戒 - 30 shòu jiè f /to take oaths as a monk (Buddhism)/to take orders/ 受托 受託 S - 58 shòu tuō f /to be entrusted/to be commissioned/ 受托人 受託人 S - 3 shòu tuō rén f /(law) trustee/ 受托者 受託者 S - 0 shòu tuō zhě f /trustee/ 受持 - 3 shòu chí f /to accept and maintain faith (Buddhism)/ 受挫 - 143 shòu cuò f /thwarted/obstructed/setback/ 受损 受損 S - 336 shòu sǔn f /to suffer damage/ 受損 受损 T - 336 shòu sǔn f /to suffer damage/ 受支配 - 0 shòu zhī pèi f /subject to (foreign domination, emotions etc)/ 受教 - 3 shòu jiào f /to receive instruction/to benefit from advice/ 受暑 - 3 shòu shǔ f /affected by heat/to suffer heatstroke or sunstroke/ 受权 受權 S - 11 shòu quán f /authorized/entrusted (with authority)/ 受格 - 0 shòu gé f /objective/ 受業 受业 T - 97 shòu yè f /to study/to learn from a master/(pupil's first person pronoun) I, your student/ 受權 受权 T - 11 shòu quán f /authorized/entrusted (with authority)/ 受欢迎 受歡迎 S - 3 shòu huān yíng f /popular/well-received/ 受歡迎 受欢迎 T - 3 shòu huān yíng f /popular/well-received/ 受气 受氣 S - 35 shòu qì f /to be mistreated/to be bullied/ 受气包 受氣包 S - 5 shòu qì bāo f /(fig.) punching bag/ 受氣 受气 T - 35 shòu qì f /to be mistreated/to be bullied/ 受氣包 受气包 T - 5 shòu qì bāo f /(fig.) punching bag/ 受法律保护权 受法律保護權 S - 0 shòu fǎ lǜ bǎo hù quán f /right to protection by law (law)/ 受法律保護權 受法律保护权 T - 0 shòu fǎ lǜ bǎo hù quán f /right to protection by law (law)/ 受洗 - 33 shòu xǐ f /to receive baptism/baptized/ 受洗命名 - 0 shòu xǐ mìng míng f /to be christened/ 受涼 受凉 T - 32 shòu liáng f /to catch cold/ 受潮 - 29 shòu cháo f /damp/affected by damp and cold/ 受災 受灾 T - 174 shòu zāi f /disaster-stricken/to be hit by a natural calamity/ 受災地區 受灾地区 T - 3 shòu zāi dì qū f /disaster area/ 受灾 受災 S - 174 shòu zāi f /disaster-stricken/to be hit by a natural calamity/ 受灾地区 受災地區 S - 3 shòu zāi dì qū f /disaster area/ 受热 受熱 S - 345 shòu rè f /heated/sunstroke/ 受熱 受热 T - 345 shòu rè f /heated/sunstroke/ 受理 - 1212 shòu lǐ f /to accept a (legal) case/to deal with/to handle/ 受用 - 233 shòu yòng f /to enjoy/to reap the benefits (of sth)/ 受用 - 233 shòu yong t /comfortable/feeling well/ 受电弓 受電弓 S - 0 shòu diàn gōng f /pantograph (transportation)/ 受病 - 2 shòu bìng f /to fall ill/ 受瘪 受癟 S - 0 shòu biě f /discomfited/to get into a mess/ 受癟 受瘪 T - 0 shòu biě f /discomfited/to get into a mess/ 受益 - 447 shòu yì f /to benefit from/profit/ 受益人 - 27 shòu yì rén f /the beneficiary/the person who benefits/ 受益匪浅 受益匪淺 S - 49 shòu yì fěi qiǎn f /to benefit (from)/ 受益匪淺 受益匪浅 T - 49 shòu yì fěi qiǎn f /to benefit (from)/ 受盡 受尽 T - 137 shòu jìn f /to suffer enough from/to suffer all kinds of/to have one's fill of/ 受看 - 3 shòu kàn f /good-looking/ 受眾 受众 T - 244 shòu zhòng f /target audience/audience/ 受知 - 0 shòu zhī f /recognized (for one's talents)/ 受礼 受禮 S - 11 shòu lǐ f /to accept a gift/to acknowledge greetings/ 受禅 受禪 S - 0 shòu shàn f /to accept abdication/ 受禪 受禅 T - 0 shòu shàn f /to accept abdication/ 受禮 受礼 T - 11 shòu lǐ f /to accept a gift/to acknowledge greetings/ 受穷 受窮 S - 19 shòu qióng f /poor/ 受窘 - 8 shòu jiǒng f /embarrassed/bothered/in an awkward position/ 受窮 受穷 T - 19 shòu qióng f /poor/ 受精 - 194 shòu jīng f /to receive sperm/fertilized/insemination/ 受精卵 - 148 shòu jīng luǎn f /fertilized ovum/ 受精囊 - 0 shòu jīng náng f /seminal receptacle/ 受約束 受约束 T - 3 shòu yuē shù f /restricted/constrained/ 受納 受纳 T - 22 shòu nà f /to accept/to receive (tribute)/ 受累 - 91 shòu lěi f /to get dragged into/to get involved (on sb else's account)/ 受累 - 91 shòu lèi t /to be put to a lot of trouble/ 受约束 受約束 S - 3 shòu yuē shù f /restricted/constrained/ 受纳 受納 S - 22 shòu nà f /to accept/to receive (tribute)/ 受罪 3976 132 shòu zuì f /to endure/to suffer/hardships/torments/a hard time/a nuisance/ 受聘 - 106 shòu pìn f /hired (for employment)/invited (e.g. to lecture)/engaged (for a task)/(in olden times) betrothal gift from the groom's family/ 受聘于 - 0 shòu pìn yú f /to be employed at/ 受聽 受听 T - 3 shòu tīng f /nice to hear/worth listening to/ 受胎 - 6 shòu tāi f /to become pregnant/to conceive/impregnated/insemination/ 受苦 - 236 shòu kǔ f /to suffer hardship/ 受虐 - 3 shòu nüè f /to suffer sexual abuse/masochism/ 受虐狂 - 3 shòu nüè kuáng f /masochism/masochist/ 受訓 受训 T - 81 shòu xùn f /to receive training/ 受託 受托 T - 58 shòu tuō f /to be entrusted/to be commissioned/ 受託人 受托人 T - 3 shòu tuō rén f /(law) trustee/ 受託者 受托者 T - 0 shòu tuō zhě f /trustee/ 受訪 受访 T - 17 shòu fǎng f /to give an interview/to be interviewed/to respond to (questions, a survey etc)/ 受訪者 受访者 T - 272 shòu fǎng zhě f /participant in a survey/an interviewee/those questioned/ 受詞 受词 T - 3 shòu cí f /object (linguistics)/ 受試者 受试者 T - 27 shòu shì zhě f /subject (in an experiment)/participant (in a clinical trial etc)/ 受训 受訓 S - 81 shòu xùn f /to receive training/ 受访 受訪 S - 17 shòu fǎng f /to give an interview/to be interviewed/to respond to (questions, a survey etc)/ 受访者 受訪者 S - 272 shòu fǎng zhě f /participant in a survey/an interviewee/those questioned/ 受词 受詞 S - 3 shòu cí f /object (linguistics)/ 受试者 受試者 S - 27 shòu shì zhě f /subject (in an experiment)/participant (in a clinical trial etc)/ 受賄 受贿 T - 341 shòu huì f /to accept a bribe/bribery/ 受賄案 受贿案 T - 7 shòu huì àn f /bribery case/ 受賞 受赏 T - 15 shòu shǎng f /to receive a prize/ 受贿 受賄 S - 341 shòu huì f /to accept a bribe/bribery/ 受贿案 受賄案 S - 7 shòu huì àn f /bribery case/ 受赏 受賞 S - 15 shòu shǎng f /to receive a prize/ 受辱 - 148 shòu rǔ f /insulted/humiliated/disgraced/ 受阻 - 218 shòu zǔ f /blocked/obstructed/detained/ 受降 - 114 shòu xiáng f /to accept surrender/ 受降仪式 受降儀式 S - 3 shòu xiáng yí shì f /a surrender ceremony/ 受降儀式 受降仪式 T - 3 shòu xiáng yí shì f /a surrender ceremony/ 受难 受難 S - 124 shòu nàn f /to suffer a calamity/to suffer (e.g. under torture)/distress/ 受难日 受難日 S - 4 Shòu nàn rì f /Good Friday/ 受难纪念 受難紀念 S - 0 shòu nán jì niàn f /memorial/ 受难者 受難者 S - 15 shòu nàn zhě f /sufferer/a victim of a calamity/a person in distress/ 受雇 受僱 S - 36 shòu gù f /to be employed/to be hired/hired/paid/ 受難 受难 T - 124 shòu nàn f /to suffer a calamity/to suffer (e.g. under torture)/distress/ 受難日 受难日 T - 4 Shòu nàn rì f /Good Friday/ 受難紀念 受难纪念 T - 0 shòu nán jì niàn f /memorial/ 受難者 受难者 T - 15 shòu nàn zhě f /sufferer/a victim of a calamity/a person in distress/ 受電弓 受电弓 T - 0 shòu diàn gōng f /pantograph (transportation)/ 受領 受领 T - 40 shòu lǐng f /to receive/ 受領者 受领者 T - 0 shòu lǐng zhě f /a recipient/ 受领 受領 S - 40 shòu lǐng f /to receive/ 受领者 受領者 S - 0 shòu lǐng zhě f /a recipient/ 受騙 受骗 T - 180 shòu piàn f /to be cheated/to be taken in/to be hoodwinked/ 受驚 受惊 T - 110 shòu jīng f /startled/ 受骗 受騙 S - 180 shòu piàn f /to be cheated/to be taken in/to be hoodwinked/ 受體 受体 T - 323 shòu tǐ f /receptor/ 变 變 S - 12121 biàn f /to change/to become different/to transform/to vary/rebellion/ 变丑 變醜 S - 0 biàn chǒu f /to disfigure/ 变为 變為 S - 1658 biàn wéi f /to change into/ 变乱 變亂 S - 112 biàn luàn f /turmoil/social upheaval/ 变产 變產 S - 3 biàn chǎn f /to sell one's estate/ 变价 變價 S - 10 biàn jià f /to appraise at the current rate/ 变体 變體 S - 118 biàn tǐ f /variant/ 变作 變作 S - 3 biàn zuò f /to change into/to turn into/to become/ 变修 變修 S - 3 biàn xiū f /to become revisionist/ 变做 變做 S - 3 biàn zuò f /to turn into/ 变兵 變兵 S - 0 biàn bīng f /rebel soldier/ 变分 變分 S - 0 biàn fēn f /variation (calculus)/deformation/ 变分原理 變分原理 S - 0 biàn fēn yuán lǐ f /variational principle (physics)/ 变分学 變分學 S - 0 biàn fēn xué f /calculus of variations (math.)/ 变分法 變分法 S - 67 biàn fēn fǎ f /calculus of variations/ 变动 變動 S - 1761 biàn dòng f /change/alteration/ 变化 變化 S 510 14935 biàn huà f /change/variation/to change/to vary/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 变化多端 變化多端 S - 86 biàn huà duō duān f /changeable/changing/varied/full of changes/ 变化莫测 變化莫測 S - 32 biàn huà mò cè f /unpredictable/changeable/ 变卖 變賣 S - 119 biàn mài f /to sell off (one's property)/ 变卦 變卦 S - 109 biàn guà f /to change one's mind/to go back on one's word/ 变压器 變壓器 S - 240 biàn yā qì f /transformer/ 变厚 變厚 S - 3 biàn hòu f /to thicken/ 变坏 變壞 S - 68 biàn huài f /to get worse/to degenerate/ 变天 變天 S - 23 biàn tiān f /to undergo change in weather/restoration of reactionary rule or the previous regime/ 变奏 變奏 S - 13 biàn zòu f /variation/ 变奏曲 變奏曲 S - 25 biàn zòu qǔ f /variation (music)/ 变局 變局 S - 19 biàn jú f /turbulent situation/changing (face, scene, situation, world of etc)/ 变工 變工 S - 0 biàn gōng f /to exchange labor/labor exchange (system of sharing workforce resources)/ 变幻 變幻 S - 245 biàn huàn f /to change irregularly/to fluctuate/ 变幻莫测 變幻莫測 S - 68 biàn huàn mò cè f /to change unpredictably/unpredictable/erratic/treacherous/ 变异 變異 S - 591 biàn yì f /variation/ 变异型克雅氏症 變異型克雅氏症 S - 0 biàn yì xíng Kè Yǎ shì zhèng f /variant Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease, vCJD/ 变异株 變異株 S - 0 biàn yì zhū f /variant/variant strain (of virus)/ 变形 變形 S - 998 biàn xíng f /deformation/to become deformed/to change shape/to morph/ 变形虫 變形蟲 S - 15 biàn xíng chóng f /amoeba/ 变形金刚 變形金剛 S - 3 Biàn xíng jīn gāng f /Transformers (franchise)/ 变得 變得 S - 4499 biàn de f /to become/ 变徵之声 變徵之聲 S - 0 biàn zhǐ zhī shēng f /modified fifth note of the pentatonic scale/ 变心 變心 S - 33 biàn xīn f /to cease to be faithful/ 变态 變態 S - 783 biàn tài f /to metamorphose (biology)/abnormal/perverted/hentai/(slang) pervert/ 变态反应 變態反應 S - 106 biàn tài fǎn yìng f /allergic response/allergy/ 变性 變性 S - 188 biàn xìng f /to denature/denaturation/to have a sex change/transgender/ 变性土 變性土 S - 0 Biàn xìng tǔ f /Vertosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/ 变戏法 變戲法 S - 50 biàn xì fǎ f /to perform conjuring tricks/to conjure/to juggle/ 变成 變成 S - 6555 biàn chéng f /to change into/to turn into/to become/ 变把戏 變把戲 S - 0 biàn bǎ xì f /to perform magic/to do magic tricks/prestidigitation/ 变换 變換 S - 994 biàn huàn f /to transform/to convert/to vary/to alternate/a transformation/ 变换群 變換群 S - 0 biàn huàn qún f /(math.) transformation group/ 变换设备 變換設備 S - 0 biàn huàn shè bèi f /converter/conversion device/ 变故 變故 S 4623 393 biàn gù f /an unforeseen event/accident/misfortune/ 变数 變數 S - 128 biàn shù f /variable (math.)/ 变文 變文 S - 0 biàn wén f /a popular form of narrative literature flourishing in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing (often on Buddhist themes)/ 变星 變星 S - 144 biàn xīng f /variable star/ 变暖 變暖 S - 3 biàn nuǎn f /warming/changing to become warmer/ 变暗 變暗 S - 3 biàn àn f /to darken/ 变更 變更 S - 1345 biàn gēng f /to change/to alter/to modify/ 变本加厉 變本加厲 S - 117 biàn běn jiā lì f /lit. change to more severe (idiom); to become more intense (esp. of shortcoming)/to aggravate/to intensify/ 变样 變樣 S - 19 biàn yàng f /to change (appearance)/to change shape/ 变样儿 變樣兒 S - 0 biàn yàng r f /erhua variant of 變樣|变样[bian4 yang4]/ 变格 變格 S - 3 biàn gé f /case change (in grammar)/ 变法 變法 S - 646 biàn fǎ f /to change the laws/political reform/unconventional method/ 变法儿 變法兒 S - 3 biàn fǎ r f /to try by all available methods/ 变活 變活 S - 0 biàn huó f /to come to life (by magic)/ 变流器 變流器 S - 13 biàn liú qì f /converter/ 变温动物 變溫動物 S - 15 biàn wēn dòng wù f /poikilothermal (cold-blooded) animal/ 变温层 變溫層 S - 3 biàn wēn céng f /troposphere/lower atmosphere/ 变焦距镜头 變焦距鏡頭 S - 0 biàn jiāo jù jìng tóu f /zoom lens/ 变生肘腋 變生肘腋 S - 2 biàn shēng zhǒu yè f /lit. calamity in one's armpit (idiom); a major coup happening on one's doorstep/trouble or danger in one's own backyard/ 变电 變電 S - 35 biàn diàn f /power transformation/ 变电站 變電站 S - 21 biàn diàn zhàn f /(transformer) substation/ 变相 變相 S - 225 biàn xiàng f /in disguised form/covert/ 变硬 變硬 S - 3 biàn yìng f /to stiffen/ 变种 變種 S - 198 biàn zhǒng f /mutation/variety/variant/ 变红 變紅 S - 3 biàn hóng f /to redden/ 变脸 變臉 S - 81 biàn liǎn f /to turn hostile suddenly/face changing, a device of Sichuan Opera, a dramatic change of attitude expressing fright, anger etc/ 变色 變色 S - 294 biàn sè f /to change color/to discolor/to change countenance/to become angry/ 变色易容 變色易容 S - 3 biàn sè yì róng f /to change color and alter one's expression (idiom); to go white with fear/out of one's wits/ 变色龙 變色龍 S - 32 biàn sè lóng f /chameleon/ 变节 變節 S - 33 biàn jié f /betrayal/defection/turncoat/to change sides politically/ 变苦 變苦 S - 0 biàn kǔ f /to sour/to turn sour/to curdle/ 变装皇后 變裝皇后 S - 0 biàn zhuāng huáng hòu f /drag queen/ 变调 變調 S - 56 biàn diào f /tone sandhi/modified tone/(music) to change key/modulation/ 变调夹 變調夾 S - 0 biàn diào jiā f /capo/ 变质 變質 S 4214 742 biàn zhì f /to degenerate/to go bad/to deteriorate/metamorphosis/ 变质作用 變質作用 S - 0 biàn zhì zuò yòng f /metamorphism (geology)/ 变质岩 變質岩 S - 447 biàn zhì yán f /metamorphic rock (geology)/ 变软 變軟 S - 3 biàn ruǎn f /to soften/ 变迁 變遷 S 4681 1103 biàn qiān f /changes/vicissitudes/ 变通 變通 S - 79 biàn tōng f /pragmatic/flexible/to act differently in different situations/to accommodate to circumstances/ 变速 變速 S - 57 biàn sù f /to change speed/to shift gear/variable-speed/ 变速传动 變速傳動 S - 0 biàn sù chuán dòng f /to change gear/ 变速器 變速器 S - 21 biàn sù qì f /gearbox/speed changer/gear/ 变速杆 變速桿 S - 3 biàn sù gǎn f /gear lever/stick shift/ 变速箱 變速箱 S - 110 biàn sù xiāng f /gearbox/transmission/ 变造 變造 S - 5 biàn zào f /to alter/to modify/to mutilate (of documents)/ 变造币 變造幣 S - 0 biàn zào bì f /illegally modified or altered currency/ 变道 變道 S - 0 biàn dào f /to change lanes/ 变量 變量 S - 1172 biàn liàng f /variable (math.)/ 变阻器 變阻器 S - 10 biàn zǔ qì f /rheostat (variable resistor)/ 变革 變革 S - 2441 biàn gé f /to transform/to change/ 变频 變頻 S - 70 biàn pín f /frequency conversion/ 变魔术 變魔術 S - 3 biàn mó shù f /to perform magical tricks/ 变黑 變黑 S - 3 biàn hēi f /to darken/ 叙 敍 S - 1386 xù f /variant of 敘|叙[xu4]/ 叙 敘 S - 1386 Xù f /abbr. for Syria 敘利亞|叙利亚[Xu4 li4 ya4]/ 叙 敘 S - 1386 xù f /to narrate/to chat/ 叙事 敘事 S - 304 xù shì f /narrative/ 叙事诗 敘事詩 S - 130 xù shì shī f /narrative poem/ 叙利亚 敘利亞 S - 643 Xù lì yà f /Syria/ 叙利亚文 敘利亞文 S - 0 Xù lì yà wén f /Syriac language (from c. 2nd century BC)/the Syriac script/ 叙功行赏 敘功行賞 S - 0 xù gōng xíng shǎng f /to review records and decide on rewards (idiom)/ 叙拉古 敘拉古 S - 0 Xù lā gǔ f /Syracuse, Sicily/also written 錫拉庫薩|锡拉库萨[Xi1 la1 ku4 sa4]/ 叙文 敘文 S - 3 xù wén f /variant of 序文[xu4 wen2]/ 叙旧 敘舊 S - 58 xù jiù f /to reminisce/to talk about former times/ 叙明 敘明 S - 0 xù míng f /detailed accounting/ 叙永 敘永 S - 6 Xù yǒng f /Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 叙永县 敘永縣 S - 4 Xù yǒng xiàn f /Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 叙言 敘言 S - 3 xù yán f /variant of 序言[xu4 yan2]/ 叙谈 敘談 S - 27 xù tán f /to chat/ 叙述 敘述 S 2339 1401 xù shù f /to relate (a story or information)/to tell or talk about/to recount/narration/telling/narrative/account/ 叙述性 敘述性 S - 6 xù shù xìng f /narrative/ 叚 假 T 760 5051 jiǎ t /variant of 假[jia3]/to borrow/ 叛 - 625 pàn f /to betray/to rebel/to revolt/ 叛乱 叛亂 S - 1028 pàn luàn f /armed rebellion/ 叛乱罪 叛亂罪 S - 0 pàn luàn zuì f /the crime of armed rebellion/ 叛亂 叛乱 T - 1028 pàn luàn f /armed rebellion/ 叛亂罪 叛乱罪 T - 0 pàn luàn zuì f /the crime of armed rebellion/ 叛党 叛黨 S - 12 pàn dǎng f /to betray one's party/to defect (from the communist party)/renegade faction/ 叛军 叛軍 S - 264 pàn jūn f /rebel army/ 叛匪 - 25 pàn fěi f /rebel bandit/ 叛卖 叛賣 S - 12 pàn mài f /to betray/ 叛变 叛變 S - 276 pàn biàn f /to defect/to betray/to mutiny/ 叛国 叛國 S - 67 pàn guó f /treason/ 叛国罪 叛國罪 S - 30 pàn guó zuì f /the crime of treason/ 叛國 叛国 T - 67 pàn guó f /treason/ 叛國罪 叛国罪 T - 30 pàn guó zuì f /the crime of treason/ 叛徒 - 466 pàn tú f /traitor/turncoat/rebel/renegade/insurgent/ 叛教 - 0 pàn jiào f /apostasy/ 叛离 叛離 S - 44 pàn lí f /to betray/to desert/to defect from/to turn renegade/ 叛變 叛变 T - 276 pàn biàn f /to defect/to betray/to mutiny/ 叛賊 叛贼 T - 45 pàn zéi f /renegade/traitor/ 叛賣 叛卖 T - 12 pàn mài f /to betray/ 叛贼 叛賊 S - 45 pàn zéi f /renegade/traitor/ 叛軍 叛军 T - 264 pàn jūn f /rebel army/ 叛逃 - 82 pàn táo f /to defect/to desert/to betray and flee/ 叛逆 - 230 pàn nì f /to rebel/to revolt/a rebel/ 叛逆者 - 17 pàn nì zhě f /traitor/ 叛離 叛离 T - 44 pàn lí f /to betray/to desert/to defect from/to turn renegade/ 叛黨 叛党 T - 12 pàn dǎng f /to betray one's party/to defect (from the communist party)/renegade faction/ 叟 - 94 sǒu f /old gentleman/old man/ 叠 曡 S - 914 dié f /variant of 疊|叠[die2]/ 叠 疉 S - 914 dié f /variant of 疊|叠[die2]/ 叠 疊 S - 914 dié f /to fold/to fold over in layers/to furl/to layer/to pile up/to repeat/to duplicate/ 叠加 疊加 S - 207 dié jiā f /superposition/layering/overlay/ 叠层 疊層 S - 9 dié céng f /repeated layers/stratified/laminated/stacked/piled strata/stromatolite/ 叠层岩 疊層岩 S - 0 dié céng yán f /stromatolite/ 叠层石 疊層石 S - 17 dié céng shí f /stromatolite/ 叠彩 疊彩 S - 0 Dié cǎi f /Diecai district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 叠彩区 疊彩區 S - 3 Dié cǎi qū f /Diecai district of Guilin city 桂林市[Gui4 lin2 shi4], Guangxi/ 叠纸 疊紙 S - 0 dié zhǐ f /to fold paper/origami/ 叠罗汉 疊羅漢 S - 4 dié luó hàn f /human pyramid/ 叡 睿 T - 1061 ruì f /variant of 睿[rui4]/ 叢 丛 T 4580 897 cóng f /cluster/collection/collection of books/thicket/ 叢冢 丛冢 T - 0 cóng zhǒng f /mass grave/cluster of graves/ 叢書 丛书 T - 499 cóng shū f /a series of books/a collection of books/ 叢林 丛林 T - 744 cóng lín f /jungle/thicket/forest/Buddhist monastery/ 叢林鴉 丛林鸦 T - 0 cóng lín yā f /(bird species of China) Indian jungle crow (Corvus culminatus)/ 叢生 丛生 T - 213 cóng shēng f /growing as a thicket/overgrown/breaking out everywhere (of disease, social disorder etc)/ 叢臺 丛台 T - 3 Cóng tái f /Congtai district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei/ 叢臺區 丛台区 T - 3 Cóng tái qū f /Congtai district of Handan city 邯鄲市|邯郸市[Han2 dan1 shi4], Hebei/ 叢談 丛谈 T - 16 cóng tán f /discussion/forum/ 口 428 20778 kǒu f /mouth/classifier for things with mouths (people, domestic animals, cannons, wells etc)/classifier for bites or mouthfuls/ 口不应心 口不應心 S - 3 kǒu bù yìng xīn f /to say one thing but mean another/to dissimulate/ 口不應心 口不应心 T - 3 kǒu bù yìng xīn f /to say one thing but mean another/to dissimulate/ 口不择言 口不擇言 S - 16 kǒu bù zé yán f /to speak incoherently/to ramble/to talk irresponsibly/ 口不擇言 口不择言 T - 16 kǒu bù zé yán f /to speak incoherently/to ramble/to talk irresponsibly/ 口乾舌燥 口干舌燥 T - 42 kǒu gān shé zào f /lit. dry mouth and tongue (idiom); to talk too much/ 口交 - 3 kǒu jiāo f /oral sex/ 口令 - 157 kǒu lìng f /oral command/a word of command (used in drilling troops or gymnasts)/password (used by sentry)/ 口传 口傳 S - 66 kǒu chuán f /orally transmitted/ 口供 - 95 kǒu gòng f /oral confession (as opposed to 筆供|笔供[bi3 gong4])/statement/deposition/ 口傳 口传 T - 66 kǒu chuán f /orally transmitted/ 口出狂言 - 16 kǒu chū kuáng yán f /to speak conceited nonsense/to come out with arrogant claptrap/ 口北 - 3 kǒu běi f /north of the Great Wall/ 口口声声 口口聲聲 S - 203 kǒu kou shēng shēng f /to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again/ 口口聲聲 口口声声 T - 203 kǒu kou shēng shēng f /to keep on saying (idiom); to repeat over and over again/ 口号 口號 S - 1716 kǒu hào f /slogan/catchphrase/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 口吃 - 135 kǒu chī f /to stammer/to stutter/also pr. [kou3 ji2]/ 口吐毒焰 - 0 kǒu tǔ dú yàn f /lit. a mouth spitting with poisonous flames/to speak angrily to sb (idiom)/ 口吸盘 口吸盤 S - 0 kǒu xī pán f /oral sucker (e.g. on blood-sucking parasite)/ 口吸盤 口吸盘 T - 0 kǒu xī pán f /oral sucker (e.g. on blood-sucking parasite)/ 口吻 - 373 kǒu wěn f /tone of voice/connotation in intonation/accent (regional etc)/snout/muzzle/lips/protruding portion of an animal's face/ 口味 1928 2153 kǒu wèi f /a person's preferences/tastes (in food)/flavor/ 口哨 - 97 kǒu shào f /whistle/ 口器 - 107 kǒu qì f /mouthparts (of animal or insect)/ 口头 口頭 S 4037 527 kǒu tóu f /oral/verbal/ 口头禅 口頭禪 S - 83 kǒu tóu chán f /lit. Zen saying repeated as cant/fig. popular saying/catchphrase/cliché/ 口头语 口頭語 S - 21 kǒu tóu yǔ f /pet phrase/regularly used expression/manner of speaking/ 口子 - 927 kǒu zi f /hole/opening/cut/gap/gash/my husband or wife/classifier for people (used for indicating the number of people in a family etc)/precedent/ 口实 口實 S - 49 kǒu shí f /food/salary (old)/a pretext/a cause for gossip/ 口實 口实 T - 49 kǒu shí f /food/salary (old)/a pretext/a cause for gossip/ 口射 - 0 kǒu shè f /to ejaculate inside sb's mouth/ 口岸 - 500 kǒu àn f /a port for external trade/a trading or transit post on border between countries/ 口干舌燥 口乾舌燥 S - 42 kǒu gān shé zào f /lit. dry mouth and tongue (idiom); to talk too much/ 口弦 - 11 kǒu xián f /Jew's harp/ 口彩 - 8 kǒu cǎi f /complimentary remarks/well-wishing/ 口径 口徑 S - 2130 kǒu jìng f /caliber/diameter of opening/ 口徑 口径 T - 2130 kǒu jìng f /caliber/diameter of opening/ 口德 - 3 kǒu dé f /propriety in speech/ 口快心直 - 3 kǒu kuài xīn zhí f /see 心直口快[xin1 zhi2 kou3 kuai4]/ 口感 - 131 kǒu gǎn f /taste/texture (of food)/how food feels in the mouth/ 口才 - 178 kǒu cái f /eloquence/ 口技 - 31 kǒu jì f /beat boxing/vocal mimicry/ventriloquism/ 口技表演者 - 0 kǒu jì biǎo yǎn zhě f /ventriloquist/ 口无择言 口無擇言 S - 3 kǒu wú zé yán f /to say not a word that is not appropriate (idiom)/wrongly used for 口不擇言|口不择言[kou3 bu4 ze2 yan2]/ 口无遮拦 口無遮攔 S - 0 kǒu wú zhē lán f /to blab/to shoot one's mouth off/to commit a gaffe/ 口是心非 - 38 kǒu shì xīn fēi f /lit. mouth says yes, heart no (idiom); duplicity/empty words/ 口服 - 326 kǒu fú f /to take medicine orally/oral (contraceptive etc)/to profess conviction/to say that one is convinced/ 口条 口條 S - 0 kǒu tiáo f /(ox etc) tongue (as food)/(Tw) elocution/articulation/ 口條 口条 T - 0 kǒu tiáo f /(ox etc) tongue (as food)/(Tw) elocution/articulation/ 口欲期 - 0 kǒu yù qī f /oral stage (psychology)/ 口气 口氣 S 3507 1418 kǒu qì f /tone of voice/the way one speaks/manner of expression/tone/ 口氣 口气 T 3507 1418 kǒu qì f /tone of voice/the way one speaks/manner of expression/tone/ 口水 - 134 kǒu shuǐ f /saliva/ 口水仗 - 3 kǒu shuǐ zhàng f /dispute/spat/shouting match/ 口水歌 - 0 kǒu shuǐ gē f /bubblegum pop song/cover song/ 口水雞 口水鸡 T - 3 kǒu shuǐ jī f /steamed chicken with chili sauce/ 口水鸡 口水雞 S - 3 kǒu shuǐ jī f /steamed chicken with chili sauce/ 口沫 - 3 kǒu mò f /spittle/saliva/ 口活 - 0 kǒu huó f /oral sex/ 口淫 - 0 kǒu yín f /oral sex/fellatio/ 口渴 - 168 kǒu kě f /thirsty/ 口湖 - 22 Kǒu hú f /Kouhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 口湖乡 口湖鄉 S - 0 Kǒu hú xiāng f /Kouhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 口湖鄉 口湖乡 T - 0 Kǒu hú xiāng f /Kouhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 口無擇言 口无择言 T - 3 kǒu wú zé yán f /to say not a word that is not appropriate (idiom)/wrongly used for 口不擇言|口不择言[kou3 bu4 ze2 yan2]/ 口無遮攔 口无遮拦 T - 0 kǒu wú zhē lán f /to blab/to shoot one's mouth off/to commit a gaffe/ 口爆 - 0 kǒu bào f /(slang) to ejaculate inside sb's mouth/ 口琴 - 65 kǒu qín f /harmonica/ 口甜 - 0 kǒu tián f /soft-spoken/affable/full of honeyed words/ 口疮 口瘡 S - 15 kǒu chuāng f /mouth ulcer/ 口瘡 口疮 T - 15 kǒu chuāng f /mouth ulcer/ 口白 - 0 kǒu bái f /narrator/spoken parts in an opera/ 口眼歪斜 - 3 kǒu yǎn wāi xié f /facial nerve paralysis/ 口碑 - 121 kǒu bēi f /public praise/public reputation/commonly held opinions/current idiom/ 口碑流传 口碑流傳 S - 0 kǒu bēi liú chuán f /widely praised (idiom); with an extensive public reputation/ 口碑流傳 口碑流传 T - 0 kǒu bēi liú chuán f /widely praised (idiom); with an extensive public reputation/ 口碑載道 口碑载道 T - 5 kǒu bēi zài dào f /lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere/universal approbation/ 口碑载道 口碑載道 S - 5 kǒu bēi zài dào f /lit. praise fills the roads (idiom); praise everywhere/universal approbation/ 口福 - 26 kǒu fú f /happy knack for chancing upon fine food/ 口称 口稱 S - 88 kǒu chēng f /to speak/to say/ 口稱 口称 T - 88 kǒu chēng f /to speak/to say/ 口簧 - 0 kǒu huáng f /Jew's harp/ 口簧琴 - 0 kǒu huáng qín f /Jew's harp/ 口粮 口糧 S - 139 kǒu liáng f /ration/ 口糧 口粮 T - 139 kǒu liáng f /ration/ 口紅 口红 T - 90 kǒu hóng f /lipstick/ 口絡 口络 T - 0 kǒu luò f /muzzle (over a dog's mouth)/ 口红 口紅 S - 90 kǒu hóng f /lipstick/ 口络 口絡 S - 0 kǒu luò f /muzzle (over a dog's mouth)/ 口罩 - 136 kǒu zhào f /mask (surgical etc)/ 口腔 4258 690 kǒu qiāng f /oral cavity/ 口腔炎 - 3 kǒu qiāng yán f /stomatitis/ulceration of oral cavity/inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth/ 口腹 - 33 kǒu fù f /(fig.) food/ 口腹之慾 口腹之欲 T - 5 kǒu fù zhī yù f /desire for good food/ 口腹之欲 口腹之慾 S - 5 kǒu fù zhī yù f /desire for good food/ 口臭 - 39 kǒu chòu f /bad breath/halitosis/ 口舌 - 166 kǒu shé f /dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip/to talk sb round/ 口若悬河 口若懸河 S - 34 kǒu ruò xuán hé f /mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab/ 口若懸河 口若悬河 T - 34 kǒu ruò xuán hé f /mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab/ 口蘑 - 26 kǒu mó f /Saint George's mushroom (Tricholoma mongplicum)/ 口號 口号 T - 1716 kǒu hào f /slogan/catchphrase/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 口蜜腹剑 口蜜腹劍 S - 13 kǒu mì fù jiàn f /lit. honeyed words, a sword in the belly (idiom); fig. hypocritical and murderous/ 口蜜腹劍 口蜜腹剑 T - 13 kǒu mì fù jiàn f /lit. honeyed words, a sword in the belly (idiom); fig. hypocritical and murderous/ 口袋 - 996 kǒu dài f /pocket/bag/sack/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 口袋妖怪 - 3 Kǒu dài Yāo guài f /Pokémon (Japanese media franchise)/ 口角 - 150 kǒu jiǎo t /corner of the mouth/ 口角 - 150 kǒu jué f /altercation/wrangle/angry argument/ 口角战 口角戰 S - 0 kǒu jiǎo zhàn f /war of words/ 口角戰 口角战 T - 0 kǒu jiǎo zhàn f /war of words/ 口訣 口诀 T - 235 kǒu jué f /mnemonic chant/rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order etc)/ 口試 口试 T - 67 kǒu shì f /oral examination/oral test/ 口誅筆伐 口诛笔伐 T - 15 kǒu zhū bǐ fá f /to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom)/to denounce by word and pen/ 口語 口语 T - 326 kǒu yǔ f /colloquial speech/spoken language/vernacular language/slander/gossip/CL:門|门[men2]/ 口語溝通 口语沟通 T - 0 kǒu yǔ gōu tōng f /oral communication (psychology)/ 口譯 口译 T - 104 kǒu yì f /interpreting/ 口譯員 口译员 T - 3 kǒu yì yuán f /interpreter/oral translator/ 口诀 口訣 S - 235 kǒu jué f /mnemonic chant/rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order etc)/ 口译 口譯 S - 104 kǒu yì f /interpreting/ 口译员 口譯員 S - 3 kǒu yì yuán f /interpreter/oral translator/ 口试 口試 S - 67 kǒu shì f /oral examination/oral test/ 口诛笔伐 口誅筆伐 S - 15 kǒu zhū bǐ fá f /to condemn in speech and in writing (idiom)/to denounce by word and pen/ 口语 口語 S - 326 kǒu yǔ f /colloquial speech/spoken language/vernacular language/slander/gossip/CL:門|门[men2]/ 口语沟通 口語溝通 S - 0 kǒu yǔ gōu tōng f /oral communication (psychology)/ 口蹄疫 - 14 kǒu tí yì f /foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)/aphthous fever/ 口述 - 112 kǒu shù f /to dictate/to recount orally/ 口鋒 口锋 T - 0 kǒu fēng f /manner of speech/tone of voice/ 口锋 口鋒 S - 0 kǒu fēng f /manner of speech/tone of voice/ 口音 2892 547 kǒu yīn t /oral speech sounds (linguistics)/ 口音 2892 547 kǒu yin f /voice/accent/ 口頭 口头 T 4037 527 kǒu tóu f /oral/verbal/ 口頭禪 口头禅 T - 83 kǒu tóu chán f /lit. Zen saying repeated as cant/fig. popular saying/catchphrase/cliché/ 口頭語 口头语 T - 21 kǒu tóu yǔ f /pet phrase/regularly used expression/manner of speaking/ 口風 口风 T - 78 kǒu fēng f /meaning behind the words/what sb really means to say/one's intentions as revealed in one's words/tone of speech/ 口风 口風 S - 78 kǒu fēng f /meaning behind the words/what sb really means to say/one's intentions as revealed in one's words/tone of speech/ 口香糖 - 120 kǒu xiāng táng f /chewing gum/ 口鼻 - 0 kǒu bí f /mouth and nose/ 口齒 口齿 T - 155 kǒu chǐ f /mouth and teeth/enunciation/to articulate/diction/age (of cattle, horses etc)/ 口齒不清 口齿不清 T - 3 kǒu chǐ bù qīng f /to lisp/unclear articulation/inarticulate/ 口齒伶俐 口齿伶俐 T - 3 kǒu chǐ líng lì f /eloquent and fluent speaker (idiom); grandiloquence/the gift of the gab/ 口齒清楚 口齿清楚 T - 3 kǒu chǐ qīng chu f /clear diction/clear articulation/ 口齒生香 口齿生香 T - 3 kǒu chǐ shēng xiāng f /eloquence that generates perfume (idiom); profound and significant text/ 口齿 口齒 S - 155 kǒu chǐ f /mouth and teeth/enunciation/to articulate/diction/age (of cattle, horses etc)/ 口齿不清 口齒不清 S - 3 kǒu chǐ bù qīng f /to lisp/unclear articulation/inarticulate/ 口齿伶俐 口齒伶俐 S - 3 kǒu chǐ líng lì f /eloquent and fluent speaker (idiom); grandiloquence/the gift of the gab/ 口齿清楚 口齒清楚 S - 3 kǒu chǐ qīng chu f /clear diction/clear articulation/ 口齿生香 口齒生香 S - 3 kǒu chǐ shēng xiāng f /eloquence that generates perfume (idiom); profound and significant text/ 古 - 8464 Gǔ f /surname Gu/ 古 - 8464 gǔ f /ancient/old/paleo-/ 古丈 - 6 Gǔ zhàng f /Guzhang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 古丈县 古丈縣 S - 3 Gǔ zhàng xiàn f /Guzhang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 古丈縣 古丈县 T - 3 Gǔ zhàng xiàn f /Guzhang county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 古义 古義 S - 21 gǔ yì f /ancient meaning/original or etymological meaning of a word/ 古书 古書 S - 196 gǔ shū f /ancient book/old book/ 古交 - 2 Gǔ jiāo f /Gujiao county level city in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi/ 古交市 - 4 Gǔ jiāo shì f /Gujiao county level city in Taiyuan 太原[Tai4 yuan2], Shanxi/ 古人 - 1270 gǔ rén f /people from ancient times/the ancients/the late (i.e. person who has passed away)/ 古人类 古人類 S - 328 gǔ rén lèi f /ancient hominid species such as Homo erectus, Neanderthal man etc/ 古人類 古人类 T - 328 gǔ rén lèi f /ancient hominid species such as Homo erectus, Neanderthal man etc/ 古今 - 802 gǔ jīn f /then and now/ancient and modern/ 古今中外 - 108 gǔ jīn zhōng wài f /at all times and in all places (idiom)/ 古今小說 古今小说 T - 0 Gǔ jīn Xiǎo shuō f /Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙[Feng2 Meng4 long2], collection of late Ming baihua 白話|白话[bai2 hua4] tales published in 1620/ 古今小说 古今小說 S - 0 Gǔ jīn Xiǎo shuō f /Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙[Feng2 Meng4 long2], collection of late Ming baihua 白話|白话[bai2 hua4] tales published in 1620/ 古代 2215 8438 gǔ dài f /ancient times/olden times/ 古代史 - 65 gǔ dài shǐ f /ancient history/ 古來 古来 T - 88 gǔ lái f /since ancient times/it has ever been the case that/see also 自古以來|自古以来[zi4 gu3 yi3 lai2]/ 古傑拉爾 古杰拉尔 T - 11 Gǔ jié lā ěr f /Gujral (name)/Inder Kumar Gujral (1919-), Indian Janata politician, prime minister 1997-1998/ 古傑拉特邦 古杰拉特邦 T - 0 Gǔ jié lā tè bāng f /Gujarat, Indian state/ 古兰经 古蘭經 S - 172 Gǔ lán jīng f /Koran (Islamic scripture)/Quran/ 古典 2263 1245 gǔ diǎn f /classical/ 古典乐 古典樂 S - 0 gǔ diǎn yuè f /classical music (mainly Western)/ 古典文学 古典文學 S - 140 gǔ diǎn wén xué f /classical literature/ 古典文學 古典文学 T - 140 gǔ diǎn wén xué f /classical literature/ 古典樂 古典乐 T - 0 gǔ diǎn yuè f /classical music (mainly Western)/ 古典派 - 3 gǔ diǎn pài f /classicists/ 古典語言 古典语言 T - 0 gǔ diǎn yǔ yán f /classical language/ 古典语言 古典語言 S - 0 gǔ diǎn yǔ yán f /classical language/ 古典音乐 古典音樂 S - 3 gǔ diǎn yīn yuè f /classical music/ 古典音樂 古典音乐 T - 3 gǔ diǎn yīn yuè f /classical music/ 古冶 - 0 Gǔ yě f /Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 古冶区 古冶區 S - 3 Gǔ yě qū f /Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 古冶區 古冶区 T - 3 Gǔ yě qū f /Guye district of Tangshan city 唐山市[Tang2 shan1 shi4], Hebei/ 古刹 古剎 S - 75 gǔ chà f /old Buddhist temple/ 古剎 古刹 T - 75 gǔ chà f /old Buddhist temple/ 古北界 - 26 gǔ běi jiè f /northern Eurasia (in geography)/ 古县 古縣 S - 3 Gǔ xiàn f /Gu county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 古史 - 142 gǔ shǐ f /ancient history/ 古吉拉特 - 28 Gǔ jí lā tè f /Gujarat, state in west India/ 古吉拉特邦 - 12 Gǔ jí lā tè bāng f /Gujarat, state in west India/ 古国 古國 S - 110 gǔ guó f /ancient country/ 古國 古国 T - 110 gǔ guó f /ancient country/ 古地磁 - 0 gǔ dì cí f /paleomagnetism/ 古坑 - 0 Gǔ kēng f /Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 古坑乡 古坑鄉 S - 0 Gǔ kēng xiāng f /Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 古坑鄉 古坑乡 T - 0 Gǔ kēng xiāng f /Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 古城 - 1664 gǔ chéng f /ancient city/ 古城区 古城區 S - 3 Gǔ chéng qū f /Old town district/Gucheng district of Lijiang city 麗江市|丽江市[Li4 jiang1 shi4], Yunnan/ 古城區 古城区 T - 3 Gǔ chéng qū f /Old town district/Gucheng district of Lijiang city 麗江市|丽江市[Li4 jiang1 shi4], Yunnan/ 古堡 - 177 gǔ bǎo f /ancient castle/ 古塔 - 56 Gǔ tǎ f /Guta district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning/ 古塔区 古塔區 S - 3 Gǔ tǎ qū f /Guta district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning/ 古塔區 古塔区 T - 3 Gǔ tǎ qū f /Guta district of Jinzhou city 錦州市|锦州市, Liaoning/ 古墓 - 1852 gǔ mù f /old tomb (archaeology)/ 古墓丽影 古墓麗影 S - 0 Gǔ mù Lì yǐng f /Tomb Raider (computer game)/ 古墓葬群 - 0 gǔ mù zàng qún f /(archeology) burial complex/ 古墓麗影 古墓丽影 T - 0 Gǔ mù Lì yǐng f /Tomb Raider (computer game)/ 古奇 - 0 Gǔ qí f /Gucci (brand)/ 古字 - 12 gǔ zì f /old character/archaic form of a Chinese character/ 古宅 - 3 gǔ zhái f /former residence/ 古尔班通古特沙漠 古爾班通古特沙漠 S - 15 Gǔ ěr bān tōng gǔ tè Shā mò f /Gurbantunggut Desert, northern Xinjiang/ 古尔邦节 古爾邦節 S - 24 Gǔ ěr bāng jié f /Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrifice (Qurban), celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Islamic calendar/ 古巴 - 818 Gǔ bā f /Cuba/ 古巴比伦 古巴比倫 S - 3 gǔ Bā bǐ lún f /ancient Babylon/ 古巴比倫 古巴比伦 T - 3 gǔ Bā bǐ lún f /ancient Babylon/ 古币 古幣 S - 6 gǔ bì f /old coin/ 古希腊 古希臘 S - 796 gǔ Xī là f /ancient Greece/ 古希腊语 古希臘語 S - 0 Gǔ Xī là yǔ f /Ancient Greek (language)/ 古希臘 古希腊 T - 796 gǔ Xī là f /ancient Greece/ 古希臘語 古希腊语 T - 0 Gǔ Xī là yǔ f /Ancient Greek (language)/ 古幣 古币 T - 6 gǔ bì f /old coin/ 古往今來 古往今来 T - 136 gǔ wǎng jīn lái f /since ancient times/since times immemorial/ 古往今来 古往今來 S - 136 gǔ wǎng jīn lái f /since ancient times/since times immemorial/ 古怪 2695 1316 gǔ guài f /eccentric/grotesque/oddly/queer/ 古惑仔 - 3 gǔ huò zǎi f /gangster/hooligan/problem youth/at-risk youth/ 古拉格 - 4 gǔ lā gé f /gulag/ 古文 - 368 gǔ wén f /old language/the Classics/classical Chinese as a literary model, esp. in Tang and Song prose/classical Chinese as a school subject/ 古文字学 古文字學 S - 35 gǔ wén zì xué f /paleography/ 古文字學 古文字学 T - 35 gǔ wén zì xué f /paleography/ 古文明 - 3 gǔ wén míng f /ancient civilization/ 古文觀止 古文观止 T - 3 Gǔ wén Guān zhǐ f /Guwen Guanzhi, an anthology of essays written in Literary Chinese, compiled and edited by Wu Chucai and Wu Diaohou of Qing dynasty/ 古文观止 古文觀止 S - 3 Gǔ wén Guān zhǐ f /Guwen Guanzhi, an anthology of essays written in Literary Chinese, compiled and edited by Wu Chucai and Wu Diaohou of Qing dynasty/ 古文运动 古文運動 S - 0 gǔ wén yùn dòng f /cultural movement aspiring to study and emulate classic works, at different periods of history, esp. Tang and Song/ 古文運動 古文运动 T - 0 gǔ wén yùn dòng f /cultural movement aspiring to study and emulate classic works, at different periods of history, esp. Tang and Song/ 古斯塔夫·多雷 - 0 Gǔ sī tǎ fū · Duō léi f /Gustave Dore (1832-1883), French artist and sculptor/ 古斯塔夫·施特雷泽曼 古斯塔夫·施特雷澤曼 S - 0 Gǔ sī tǎ fū · Shī tè léi zé màn f /Gustav Stresemann (Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic)/ 古斯塔夫·施特雷澤曼 古斯塔夫·施特雷泽曼 T - 0 Gǔ sī tǎ fū · Shī tè léi zé màn f /Gustav Stresemann (Chancellor and Foreign Minister during the Weimar Republic)/ 古新世 - 30 Gǔ xīn shì f /Palaeocene (geological epoch from 65m-55m years ago)/ 古新統 古新统 T - 7 gǔ xīn tǒng f /Palaeocene system (geology)/ 古新统 古新統 S - 7 gǔ xīn tǒng f /Palaeocene system (geology)/ 古方 - 16 gǔ fāng f /ancient prescription/ 古旧 古舊 S - 81 gǔ jiù f /archaic/ 古早 - 0 gǔ zǎo f /(Taiwan) old times/former times/ 古时 古時 S - 337 gǔ shí f /antiquity/ 古时候 古時候 S - 74 gǔ shí hou f /in ancient times/in olden days/ 古昔 - 18 gǔ xī f /(literary) ancient times/in olden days/ 古時 古时 T - 337 gǔ shí f /antiquity/ 古時候 古时候 T - 74 gǔ shí hou f /in ancient times/in olden days/ 古晉 古晋 T - 12 Gǔ jìn f /Kuching (city in Malaysia)/ 古晋 古晉 S - 12 Gǔ jìn f /Kuching (city in Malaysia)/ 古書 古书 T - 196 gǔ shū f /ancient book/old book/ 古朴 古樸 S - 200 gǔ pǔ f /simple and unadorned (of art, architecture etc)/ 古来 古來 S - 88 gǔ lái f /since ancient times/it has ever been the case that/see also 自古以來|自古以来[zi4 gu3 yi3 lai2]/ 古杰拉尔 古傑拉爾 S - 11 Gǔ jié lā ěr f /Gujral (name)/Inder Kumar Gujral (1919-), Indian Janata politician, prime minister 1997-1998/ 古杰拉特邦 古傑拉特邦 S - 0 Gǔ jié lā tè bāng f /Gujarat, Indian state/ 古板 - 46 gǔ bǎn f /out-moded/old-fashioned/inflexible/ 古柯 - 27 gǔ kē f /(botany) coca (source of cocaine)/ 古柯树 古柯樹 S - 0 gǔ kē shù f /coca plant (source of cocaine)/ 古柯樹 古柯树 T - 0 gǔ kē shù f /coca plant (source of cocaine)/ 古柯碱 古柯鹼 S - 0 gǔ kē jiǎn f /cocaine (loanword)/also written 可卡因[ke3 ka3 yin1]/ 古柯鹼 古柯碱 T - 0 gǔ kē jiǎn f /cocaine (loanword)/also written 可卡因[ke3 ka3 yin1]/ 古根海姆 - 7 Gǔ gēn hǎi mǔ f /Guggenheim (name)/ 古根罕 - 0 Gǔ gēn hǎn f /Guggenheim (name)/ 古根罕喷气推进研究中心 古根罕噴氣推進研究中心 S - 0 Gǔ gēn hǎn Pēn qì Tuī jìn Yán jiū Zhōng xīn f /Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926)/Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)/ 古根罕噴氣推進研究中心 古根罕喷气推进研究中心 T - 0 Gǔ gēn hǎn Pēn qì Tuī jìn Yán jiū Zhōng xīn f /Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926)/Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)/ 古樸 古朴 T - 200 gǔ pǔ f /simple and unadorned (of art, architecture etc)/ 古气候学 古氣候學 S - 0 gǔ qì hòu xué f /paleoclimatology/ 古氣候學 古气候学 T - 0 gǔ qì hòu xué f /paleoclimatology/ 古波 - 0 Gǔ bō f /Gubo (a personal name)/ 古浪 - 5 Gǔ làng f /Gulang county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ 古浪县 古浪縣 S - 3 Gǔ làng xiàn f /Gulang county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ 古浪縣 古浪县 T - 3 Gǔ làng xiàn f /Gulang county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ 古灵精怪 古靈精怪 S - 3 gǔ líng jīng guài f /weird/bizarre/ 古爾班通古特沙漠 古尔班通古特沙漠 T - 15 Gǔ ěr bān tōng gǔ tè Shā mò f /Gurbantunggut Desert, northern Xinjiang/ 古爾邦節 古尔邦节 T - 24 Gǔ ěr bāng jié f /Eid al-Adha or Festival of the Sacrifice (Qurban), celebrated on the 10th day of the 12th month of the Islamic calendar/ 古物 - 367 gǔ wù f /antique/ 古玩 - 240 gǔ wán f /antique/curio/ 古玩店 - 10 gǔ wán diàn f /antique store/ 古琴 - 94 gǔ qín f /guqin, a long zither with 5 or 7 strings, plucked with a plectrum/the ancestor of the long zither family, dating back to pre-classical times (playing it was an essential accomplishment of a Confucian gentleman)/ 古生代 - 182 Gǔ shēng dài f /Paleozoic, geological era 545-250m years ago, covering Cambrian 寒武紀|寒武纪, Ordovician 奧陶紀|奥陶纪, Silurian 志留紀|志留纪, Devonian 泥盆紀|泥盆纪, Carboniferous 石炭紀|石炭纪, Permian 二疊紀|二叠纪/ 古生物 - 116 gǔ shēng wù f /paleo-organism/ 古生物学 古生物學 S - 74 gǔ shēng wù xué f /palaeontology/ 古生物学家 古生物學家 S - 32 gǔ shēng wù xué jiā f /palaeontologist/paleobiologist/ 古生物學 古生物学 T - 74 gǔ shēng wù xué f /palaeontology/ 古生物學家 古生物学家 T - 32 gǔ shēng wù xué jiā f /palaeontologist/paleobiologist/ 古田 - 344 Gǔ tián f /Gutian county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 古田县 古田縣 S - 22 Gǔ tián xiàn f /Gutian county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 古田縣 古田县 T - 22 Gǔ tián xiàn f /Gutian county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 古登堡 - 4 Gǔ dēng bǎo f /Gutenberg (name)/Johannes Gutenberg (c. 1400-1468), inventor in Europe of the printing press/Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960), German-born US seismologist, coinventor of the Richter magnitude scale/ 古盗鸟 古盜鳥 S - 0 gǔ dào niǎo f /Archaeoraptor (bird-like dinosaur)/ 古盜鳥 古盗鸟 T - 0 gǔ dào niǎo f /Archaeoraptor (bird-like dinosaur)/ 古砚 古硯 S - 4 gǔ yàn f /antique ink slab/CL:台[tai2]/ 古硯 古砚 T - 4 gǔ yàn f /antique ink slab/CL:台[tai2]/ 古稀 - 29 gǔ xī f /seventy years old/ 古筝 古箏 S - 34 gǔ zhēng f /zither or guzheng/large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] during Tang and Song times/ 古箏 古筝 T - 34 gǔ zhēng f /zither or guzheng/large zither with 13 to 25 strings, developed from guqin 古琴[gu3 qin2] during Tang and Song times/ 古籍 - 387 gǔ jí f /ancient text/antique books/ 古縣 古县 T - 3 Gǔ xiàn f /Gu county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 古縴道 古纤道 T - 0 Gǔ Qiàn dào f /Old Towpath along the Grand Canal in Zhejiang Province/ 古纤道 古縴道 S - 0 Gǔ Qiàn dào f /Old Towpath along the Grand Canal in Zhejiang Province/ 古罗马 古羅馬 S - 301 gǔ Luó mǎ f /ancient Rome/ 古羅馬 古罗马 T - 301 gǔ Luó mǎ f /ancient Rome/ 古義 古义 T - 21 gǔ yì f /ancient meaning/original or etymological meaning of a word/ 古老 - 2695 gǔ lǎo f /ancient/old/age-old/ 古脊椎动物学 古脊椎動物學 S - 0 gǔ jǐ zhuī dòng wù xué f /vertebrate paleontology/ 古脊椎動物學 古脊椎动物学 T - 0 gǔ jǐ zhuī dòng wù xué f /vertebrate paleontology/ 古腾堡计划 古騰堡計劃 S - 0 Gǔ téng bǎo Jì huà f /Project Gutenberg/ 古舊 古旧 T - 81 gǔ jiù f /archaic/ 古色古香 - 59 gǔ sè gǔ xiāng f /interesting and appealing (of old locations, objects etc)/ 古董 3268 294 gǔ dǒng f /curio/antique/ 古董滩 古董灘 S - 0 Gǔ dǒng tān f /Gudong desert or Antiques desert at Han dynasty Yangguan pass 陽關|阳关[Yang2 guan1], named after many Han dynasty archaeological discoveries/ 古董灘 古董滩 T - 0 Gǔ dǒng tān f /Gudong desert or Antiques desert at Han dynasty Yangguan pass 陽關|阳关[Yang2 guan1], named after many Han dynasty archaeological discoveries/ 古蔺 古藺 S - 17 Gǔ lìn f /Gulin county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 古蔺县 古藺縣 S - 8 Gǔ lìn xiàn f /Gulin county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 古藺 古蔺 T - 17 Gǔ lìn f /Gulin county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 古藺縣 古蔺县 T - 8 Gǔ lìn xiàn f /Gulin county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 古蘭經 古兰经 T - 172 Gǔ lán jīng f /Koran (Islamic scripture)/Quran/ 古装 古裝 S - 32 gǔ zhuāng f /ancient costume/period costume (in movies etc)/ 古装剧 古裝劇 S - 8 gǔ zhuāng jù f /costume drama/ 古裝 古装 T - 32 gǔ zhuāng f /ancient costume/period costume (in movies etc)/ 古裝劇 古装剧 T - 8 gǔ zhuāng jù f /costume drama/ 古訓 古训 T - 59 gǔ xùn f /old adage/ancient teaching/ 古詩 古诗 T - 283 gǔ shī f /old verse/classical Chinese poem/ 古語 古语 T - 71 gǔ yǔ f /ancient language/old expression/ 古諺 古谚 T - 9 gǔ yàn f /ancient proverb/old saying/ 古諾 古诺 T - 6 Gǔ nuò f /Gounod (name)/Charles Gounod (1818-1893), French musician and opera composer/ 古训 古訓 S - 59 gǔ xùn f /old adage/ancient teaching/ 古诗 古詩 S - 283 gǔ shī f /old verse/classical Chinese poem/ 古语 古語 S - 71 gǔ yǔ f /ancient language/old expression/ 古诺 古諾 S - 6 Gǔ nuò f /Gounod (name)/Charles Gounod (1818-1893), French musician and opera composer/ 古谚 古諺 S - 9 gǔ yàn f /ancient proverb/old saying/ 古跡 古迹 T - 1277 gǔ jì f /places of historic interest/historical sites/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 古迹 古跡 S - 1277 gǔ jì f /places of historic interest/historical sites/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 古道 - 147 gǔ dào f /ancient road/precepts of the antiquity/ 古都 - 670 gǔ dū f /ancient capital/ 古里古怪 - 45 gǔ lǐ gǔ guài f /quaint/odd and picturesque/weird and wonderful/ 古銅色 古铜色 T - 27 gǔ tóng sè f /bronze color/ 古銅色卷尾 古铜色卷尾 T - 0 gǔ tóng sè juǎn wěi f /(bird species of China) bronzed drongo (Dicrurus aeneus)/ 古铜色 古銅色 S - 27 gǔ tóng sè f /bronze color/ 古铜色卷尾 古銅色卷尾 S - 0 gǔ tóng sè juǎn wěi f /(bird species of China) bronzed drongo (Dicrurus aeneus)/ 古雅典 - 0 gǔ Yǎ diǎn f /ancient Athens/ 古靈精怪 古灵精怪 T - 3 gǔ líng jīng guài f /weird/bizarre/ 古音 - 74 gǔ yīn f /ancient (esp. pre-Qin) pronunciation of a Chinese character/classical speech sounds/ 古風 古风 T - 74 gǔ fēng f /antiquity/ 古风 古風 S - 74 gǔ fēng f /antiquity/ 古馳 古驰 T - 0 Gǔ chí f /Gucci (brand)/ 古騰堡計劃 古腾堡计划 T - 0 Gǔ téng bǎo Jì huà f /Project Gutenberg/ 古驰 古馳 S - 0 Gǔ chí f /Gucci (brand)/ 古魯 古鲁 T - 0 gǔ lǔ f /guru (loanword)/ 古魯魯 古鲁鲁 T - 0 gǔ lǔ lǔ f /(onom.) the sound of a rolling object/ 古鲁 古魯 S - 0 gǔ lǔ f /guru (loanword)/ 古鲁鲁 古魯魯 S - 0 gǔ lǔ lǔ f /(onom.) the sound of a rolling object/ 古龍 古龙 T - 20 Gǔ Lóng f /Gu Long (1938-1985), Taiwanese wuxia novelist and screenwriter/ 古龙 古龍 S - 20 Gǔ Lóng f /Gu Long (1938-1985), Taiwanese wuxia novelist and screenwriter/ 句 - 6294 gōu f /variant of 勾[gou1]/ 句 - 6294 jù t /sentence/clause/phrase/classifier for phrases or lines of verse/ 句句实话 句句實話 S - 3 jù jù shí huà f /to speak honestly (idiom)/ 句句實話 句句实话 T - 3 jù jù shí huà f /to speak honestly (idiom)/ 句号 句號 S - 142 jù hào f /period (punct.)/ 句型 - 92 jù xíng f /sentence pattern (in grammar)/ 句子 590 482 jù zi f /sentence/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 句容 - 21 Jù róng f /Jurong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 句容市 - 3 Jù róng shì f /Jurong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 句式 - 82 jù shì f /sentence pattern/sentence structure/syntax/ 句数 句數 S - 3 jù shù f /number of sentences/number of lines (in verse etc)/ 句數 句数 T - 3 jù shù f /number of sentences/number of lines (in verse etc)/ 句法 - 55 jù fǎ f /syntax/ 句法分析 - 3 jù fǎ fēn xī f /syntactic analysis/ 句法意識 句法意识 T - 0 jù fǎ yì shí f /syntactic awareness/ 句法意识 句法意識 S - 0 jù fǎ yì shí f /syntactic awareness/ 句群 - 0 jù qún f /discourse/group of sentences with clear meaning/narrative/ 句號 句号 T - 142 jù hào f /period (punct.)/ 句讀 句读 T - 23 jù dòu f /pausing at the end of a phrase or sentence (in former times, before punctuation marks were used)/punctuation/periods and commas/sentences and phrases/ 句读 句讀 S - 23 jù dòu f /pausing at the end of a phrase or sentence (in former times, before punctuation marks were used)/punctuation/periods and commas/sentences and phrases/ 句逗 - 0 jù dòu f /punctuation of a sentence (in former times, before punctuation marks were used)/period 句號|句号 and comma 逗號|逗号/sentences and phrases/ 句首 - 3 jù shǒu f /start of phrase or sentence/ 句驪河 句骊河 T - 0 Jù lí Hé f /pre-Han name of Liao River 遼河|辽河[Liao2 He2]/ 句骊河 句驪河 S - 0 Jù lí Hé f /pre-Han name of Liao River 遼河|辽河[Liao2 He2]/ 另 - 22635 lìng f /other/another/separate/separately/ 另一 - 0 lìng yī f /another/the other/ 另一半 - 3 lìng yī bàn f /other half/fig. spouse/one's better half/ 另一方面 - 3365 lìng yī fāng miàn f /on the other hand/another aspect/ 另冊 另册 T - 14 lìng cè f /the Other List (Qing dynasty register of outlaws)/a blacklist of undesirables/ 另册 另冊 S - 14 lìng cè f /the Other List (Qing dynasty register of outlaws)/a blacklist of undesirables/ 另加 - 42 lìng jiā f /to add to/supplementary/ 另外 725 10239 lìng wài f /additional/in addition/besides/separate/other/moreover/furthermore/ 另存 - 3 lìng cún f /to save (a file) after options (name, location, format etc) have been selected by the user/ 另存为 另存為 S - 3 lìng cún wéi f /Save As ... (menu option in a software application)/ 另存為 另存为 T - 3 lìng cún wéi f /Save As ... (menu option in a software application)/ 另寄 - 3 lìng jì f /to mail separately/ 另开 另開 S - 0 lìng kāi f /to break up/to divide property and live apart/to start on a new (path)/ 另当别论 另當別論 S - 28 lìng dāng bié lùn f /to treat differently/another cup of tea/ 另有 - 0 lìng yǒu f /to have some other (reason etc)/ 另有企图 另有企圖 S - 3 lìng yǒu qǐ tú f /to have an axe to grind (idiom)/ 另有企圖 另有企图 T - 3 lìng yǒu qǐ tú f /to have an axe to grind (idiom)/ 另案 - 3 lìng àn f /another case (in law)/a case to treat separately/ 另用 - 0 lìng yòng f /diversion/ 另當別論 另当别论 T - 28 lìng dāng bié lùn f /to treat differently/another cup of tea/ 另眼相看 - 91 lìng yǎn xiāng kàn f /to treat sb favorably/to view in a new light/ 另类 另類 S - 165 lìng lèi f /offbeat/alternative/avant-garde/unconventional/weird/ 另类医疗 另類醫療 S - 0 lìng lèi yī liáo f /alternative medicine/ 另見 另见 T - 0 lìng jiàn f /cf/see also/ 另覓新歡 另觅新欢 T - 3 lìng mì xīn huān f /to seek happiness elsewhere (euphemism for extra-marital sex)/a bit on the side/ 另见 另見 S - 0 lìng jiàn f /cf/see also/ 另觅新欢 另覓新歡 S - 3 lìng mì xīn huān f /to seek happiness elsewhere (euphemism for extra-marital sex)/a bit on the side/ 另請高明 另请高明 T - 8 lìng qǐng gāo míng f /please find sb better qualified than me (idiom)/ 另请高明 另請高明 S - 8 lìng qǐng gāo míng f /please find sb better qualified than me (idiom)/ 另起炉灶 另起爐灶 S - 28 lìng qǐ lú zào f /lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start from scratch/back to square one/to start of on a new path/ 另起爐灶 另起炉灶 T - 28 lìng qǐ lú zào f /lit. to set up a separate kitchen (idiom); to start from scratch/back to square one/to start of on a new path/ 另辟蹊径 另闢蹊徑 S - 25 lìng pì xī jìng f /to take an alternate route (idiom)/to find an alternative/to take a different approach/to blaze a new trail/ 另開 另开 T - 0 lìng kāi f /to break up/to divide property and live apart/to start on a new (path)/ 另闢蹊徑 另辟蹊径 T - 25 lìng pì xī jìng f /to take an alternate route (idiom)/to find an alternative/to take a different approach/to blaze a new trail/ 另類 另类 T - 165 lìng lèi f /offbeat/alternative/avant-garde/unconventional/weird/ 另類醫療 另类医疗 T - 0 lìng lèi yī liáo f /alternative medicine/ 叨 - 218 dāo t /garrulous/ 叨 - 218 tāo f /to receive the benefit of/ 叨叨 - 3 dāo dao f /to chatter/to hog the conversation/ 叨唠 叨嘮 S - 4 dāo lao f /to be chattersome/to talk on and on without stopping/to nag/ 叨嘮 叨唠 T - 4 dāo lao f /to be chattersome/to talk on and on without stopping/to nag/ 叨念 - 20 dāo niàn f /see 念叨[nian4 dao5]/ 叩 - 1148 kòu f /to knock/to kowtow/ 叩 敂 S - 1148 kòu f /old variant of 叩[kou4]/to knock/ 叩关 叩關 S - 4 kòu guān f /to knock at the gate (old)/to make an approach/to invade/to attack the goal (sports)/ 叩头 叩頭 S - 934 kòu tóu f /to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground)/also written 磕頭|磕头[ke1 tou2]/ 叩应 叩應 S - 0 kòu yìng f /call-in (loanword)/ 叩應 叩应 T - 0 kòu yìng f /call-in (loanword)/ 叩拜 - 86 kòu bài f /to bow in salute/to kowtow/ 叩球 - 0 kòu qiú f /spike (volleyball)/ 叩見 叩见 T - 3 kòu jiàn f /to kowtow in salute/ 叩见 叩見 S - 3 kòu jiàn f /to kowtow in salute/ 叩謁 叩谒 T - 0 kòu yè f /to visit (esp. one's superiors)/ 叩谒 叩謁 S - 0 kòu yè f /to visit (esp. one's superiors)/ 叩門 叩门 T - 20 kòu mén f /to knock on a door/ 叩關 叩关 T - 4 kòu guān f /to knock at the gate (old)/to make an approach/to invade/to attack the goal (sports)/ 叩门 叩門 S - 20 kòu mén f /to knock on a door/ 叩頭 叩头 T - 934 kòu tóu f /to kowtow (traditional greeting, esp. to a superior, involving kneeling and pressing one's forehead to the ground)/also written 磕頭|磕头[ke1 tou2]/ 叩首 - 64 kòu shǒu f /to kowtow/also written 磕頭|磕头[ke1 tou2]/ 只 306 101442 zhǐ t /only/merely/just/but/ 只 祇 S 306 101442 zhǐ t /but/only/ 只 秖 S 306 101442 zhǐ t /grain that has begun to ripen/variant of 衹|只[zhi3]/ 只 衹 S 306 101442 zhǐ t /variant of 祇|只[zhi3]/ 只 隻 S 306 101442 zhī f /classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc/ 只不过 只不過 S - 2183 zhǐ bu guò f /only/merely/nothing but/no more than/ 只不过 祇不過 S - 2183 zhǐ bù guò t /it's just that .../ 只不過 只不过 T - 2183 zhǐ bu guò f /only/merely/nothing but/no more than/ 只争旦夕 只爭旦夕 S - 3 zhǐ zhēng dàn xī f /see 只爭朝夕|只争朝夕[zhi3 zheng1 zhao1 xi1]/ 只争朝夕 只爭朝夕 S - 18 zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī f /to seize every minute (idiom)/to make the best use of one's time/ 只可意会,不可言传 只可意會,不可言傳 S - 0 zhǐ kě yì huì , bù kě yán chuán f /can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle/ 只可意會,不可言傳 只可意会,不可言传 T - 0 zhǐ kě yì huì , bù kě yán chuán f /can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle/ 只好 1050 5466 zhǐ hǎo f /without any better option/to have to/to be forced to/ 只字不提 隻字不提 S - 47 zhī zì bù tí f /not to mention (idiom); to say not one word/fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic)/to censor/ 只得 - 2921 zhǐ dé f /to have no alternative but to/to be obliged to/ 只怕 - 2702 zhǐ pà f /I'm afraid that.../perhaps/maybe/very likely/ 只是 - 4875 zhǐ shì f /merely/simply/only/but/ 只有 388 5622 zhǐ yǒu f /only/ 只欠东风 只欠東風 S - 14 zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng f /all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item/ 只欠東風 只欠东风 T - 14 zhǐ qiàn dōng fēng f /all we need is an east wind (idiom); lacking only one tiny crucial item/ 只爭旦夕 只争旦夕 T - 3 zhǐ zhēng dàn xī f /see 只爭朝夕|只争朝夕[zhi3 zheng1 zhao1 xi1]/ 只爭朝夕 只争朝夕 T - 18 zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī f /to seize every minute (idiom)/to make the best use of one's time/ 只眼独具 隻眼獨具 S - 0 zhī yǎn dú jù f /see 獨具隻眼|独具只眼[du2 ju4 zhi1 yan3]/ 只知其一,不知其二 - 0 zhǐ zhī qí yī , bù zhī qí èr f /to know the first, but not know the second (idiom); only partial information/ 只管 - 1041 zhǐ guǎn f /solely engrossed in one thing/just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest)/simply/by all means/please feel free/do not hesitate (to ask for sth)/ 只能 - 6263 zhǐ néng f /can only/obliged to do sth/to have no other choice/ 只要 639 10675 zhǐ yào f /if only/so long as/ 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 T - 0 zhǐ yào gōng fu shēn , tiě chǔ mó chéng zhēn f /If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle./cf idiom 磨杵成針|磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task/to study diligently/ 只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针 只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針 S - 0 zhǐ yào gōng fu shēn , tiě chǔ mó chéng zhēn f /If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar into a needle./cf idiom 磨杵成針|磨杵成针, to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task/to study diligently/ 只見樹木不見森林 只见树木不见森林 T - 0 zhǐ jiàn shù mù bù jiàn sēn lín f /unable to see the wood for the trees/fig. only able to see isolated details, and not the bigger picture/ 只见树木不见森林 只見樹木不見森林 S - 0 zhǐ jiàn shù mù bù jiàn sēn lín f /unable to see the wood for the trees/fig. only able to see isolated details, and not the bigger picture/ 只言片語 只言片语 T - 34 zhǐ yán piàn yǔ f /just a word or two (idiom); a few isolated phrases/ 只言片语 只言片語 S - 34 zhǐ yán piàn yǔ f /just a word or two (idiom); a few isolated phrases/ 只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 T - 0 zhǐ xǔ zhōu guān fàng huǒ , bù xǔ bǎi xìng diǎn dēng f /only the official is allowed to light the fire/Gods may do what cattle may not/quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi/ 只說不做 只说不做 T - 5 zhǐ shuō bù zuò f /to be all talk and no action/ 只讀 只读 T - 59 zhǐ dú f /read-only (computing)/ 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯 只許州官放火,不許百姓點燈 S - 0 zhǐ xǔ zhōu guān fàng huǒ , bù xǔ bǎi xìng diǎn dēng f /only the official is allowed to light the fire/Gods may do what cattle may not/quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi/ 只说不做 只說不做 S - 5 zhǐ shuō bù zuò f /to be all talk and no action/ 只读 只讀 S - 59 zhǐ dú f /read-only (computing)/ 只身 隻身 S - 103 zhī shēn f /alone/by oneself/ 只限于 只限於 S - 0 zhǐ xiàn yú f /to be limited to/ 只限於 只限于 T - 0 zhǐ xiàn yú f /to be limited to/ 只顧 只顾 T - 816 zhǐ gù f /solely preoccupied (with one thing)/engrossed/focusing (on sth)/to look after only one aspect/ 只顾 只顧 S - 816 zhǐ gù f /solely preoccupied (with one thing)/engrossed/focusing (on sth)/to look after only one aspect/ 只鸡斗酒 隻雞斗酒 S - 3 zhī jī dǒu jiǔ f /lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests/ 叫 49 43431 jiào f /to shout/to call/to order/to ask/to be called/by (indicates agent in the passive mood)/ 叫 呌 S 49 43431 jiào f /variant of 叫[jiao4]/ 叫作 - 1057 jiào zuò f /to call/to be called/ 叫做 - 4030 jiào zuò f /to be called/to be known as/ 叫化子 - 140 jiào huā zi f /variant of 叫花子[jiao4 hua1 zi5]/ 叫卖 叫賣 S - 602 jiào mài f /to hawk (one's wares)/to peddle/ 叫响 叫響 S - 18 jiào xiǎng f /to gain fame and success/ 叫唤 叫喚 S - 256 jiào huan f /to cry out/to bark out a sound/ 叫喊 - 321 jiào hǎn f /exclamation/outcry/shout/yell/ 叫喚 叫唤 T - 256 jiào huan f /to cry out/to bark out a sound/ 叫嚣 叫囂 S - 128 jiào xiāo f /to hoot/ 叫嚷 - 260 jiào rǎng f /to shout/to bellow one's grievances/ 叫囂 叫嚣 T - 128 jiào xiāo f /to hoot/ 叫声 叫聲 S - 861 jiào shēng f /yelling (sound made by person)/barking/braying/roaring (sound made by animals)/ 叫好 - 285 jiào hǎo f /to applaud/to cheer/ 叫屈 - 30 jiào qū f /to complain of an injustice/to lament sb's misfortune/ 叫床 - 3 jiào chuáng f /to cry out in ecstasy (during lovemaking)/ 叫早 - 0 jiào zǎo f /to give sb a wake-up call (at a hotel)/ 叫春 - 0 jiào chūn f /to caterwaul/to call like an animal in heat/ 叫板 - 59 jiào bǎn f /to signal the musicians (in Chinese opera, by prolonging a spoken word before attacking a song)/(coll.) to challenge/ 叫牌 - 3 jiào pái f /to bid (bridge and similar card games)/ 叫聲 叫声 T - 861 jiào shēng f /yelling (sound made by person)/barking/braying/roaring (sound made by animals)/ 叫花子 - 52 jiào huā zi f /beggar/ 叫苦 - 157 jiào kǔ f /to whine about hardships/to complain of one's bitter lot/to complain/to grumble/ 叫苦不迭 - 57 jiào kǔ bu dié f /to complain without stopping (idiom); to bitch endlessly/incessant grievances/ 叫苦连天 叫苦連天 S - 27 jiào kǔ lián tiān f /to whine on for days (idiom)/to endlessly grumble complaints/incessant whining/ 叫苦連天 叫苦连天 T - 27 jiào kǔ lián tiān f /to whine on for days (idiom)/to endlessly grumble complaints/incessant whining/ 叫賣 叫卖 T - 602 jiào mài f /to hawk (one's wares)/to peddle/ 叫道 - 0 jiào dào f /to call/to shout/ 叫醒 - 169 jiào xǐng f /to awaken/to wake sb up/to rouse/ 叫醒服务 叫醒服務 S - 0 jiào xǐng fú wù f /morning call/wake-up call (hotel service)/ 叫醒服務 叫醒服务 T - 0 jiào xǐng fú wù f /morning call/wake-up call (hotel service)/ 叫阵 叫陣 S - 38 jiào zhèn f /to challenge an opponent to a fight/ 叫陣 叫阵 T - 38 jiào zhèn f /to challenge an opponent to a fight/ 叫雞 叫鸡 T - 3 jiào jī f /rooster/cock/(slang) (Cantonese) to visit a prostitute/ 叫響 叫响 T - 18 jiào xiǎng f /to gain fame and success/ 叫驢 叫驴 T - 43 jiào lǘ f /(coll.) male donkey/ 叫驴 叫驢 S - 43 jiào lǘ f /(coll.) male donkey/ 叫鸡 叫雞 S - 3 jiào jī f /rooster/cock/(slang) (Cantonese) to visit a prostitute/ 召 - 1561 Shào f /surname Shao/name of an ancient state that existed in what is now Shaanxi Province/ 召 - 1561 zhào t /to call together/to summon/to convene/temple or monastery (used in place names in Inner Mongolia)/ 召唤 召喚 S - 221 zhào huàn f /to summon/to beckon/to call/ 召喚 召唤 T - 221 zhào huàn f /to summon/to beckon/to call/ 召回 - 499 zhào huí f /to recall (a product, an ambassador etc)/ 召开 召開 S 2190 9138 zhào kāi f /to convene (a conference or meeting)/to convoke/to call together/ 召开会议 召開會議 S - 0 zhào kāi huì yì f /to call a conference/to convene a meeting/ 召見 召见 T - 1151 zhào jiàn f /call in (one's subordinates)/summon (an envoy of a foreign country) to an interview/ 召见 召見 S - 1151 zhào jiàn f /call in (one's subordinates)/summon (an envoy of a foreign country) to an interview/ 召開 召开 T 2190 9138 zhào kāi f /to convene (a conference or meeting)/to convoke/to call together/ 召開會議 召开会议 T - 0 zhào kāi huì yì f /to call a conference/to convene a meeting/ 召陵 - 0 Shào líng f /Shaoling district of Luohe city 漯河市[Luo4 he2 shi4], Henan/ 召陵区 召陵區 S - 0 Shào líng qū f /Shaoling district of Luohe city 漯河市[Luo4 he2 shi4], Henan/ 召陵區 召陵区 T - 0 Shào líng qū f /Shaoling district of Luohe city 漯河市[Luo4 he2 shi4], Henan/ 召集 - 4032 zhào jí f /to convene/to gather/ 召集人 - 148 zhào jí rén f /convener/ 叭 - 298 bā f /denote a sound or sharp noise (gunfire etc)/ 叭啦狗 - 0 bā lā gǒu f /bulldog/ 叮 - 529 dīng f /to sting or bite (of mosquito, bee etc)/to say repeatedly/to urge insistently/to ask repeatedly/to stick to a point/(onom.) tinkling or jingling sound/ 叮叮 - 3 dīng dīng f /(onom.) tinkling or jingling sound/ 叮叮噹噹 叮叮当当 T - 137 dīng dīng dāng dāng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 叮叮当当 叮叮噹噹 S - 137 dīng dīng dāng dāng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 叮叮猫 叮叮貓 S - 0 dīng dīng māo f /(dialect) dragonfly/ 叮叮貓 叮叮猫 T - 0 dīng dīng māo f /(dialect) dragonfly/ 叮咚 - 54 dīng dōng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 叮咛 叮嚀 S - 112 dīng níng f /to warn/to urge/to exhort/to give instructions carefully and insistently/ 叮咬 - 66 dīng yǎo f /sting/bite (of insect)/ 叮問 叮问 T - 3 dīng wèn f /to question closely/to make a detailed inquiry/to probe/to ask repeatedly/ 叮嘱 叮囑 S 4863 419 dīng zhǔ f /to warn repeatedly/to urge/to exhort again and again/ 叮噹 叮当 T - 170 dīng dāng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 叮噹聲 叮当声 T - 3 dīng dāng shēng f /tinkle/ 叮噹響 叮当响 T - 3 dīng dāng xiǎng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 叮嚀 叮咛 T - 112 dīng níng f /to warn/to urge/to exhort/to give instructions carefully and insistently/ 叮囑 叮嘱 T 4863 419 dīng zhǔ f /to warn repeatedly/to urge/to exhort again and again/ 叮当 叮噹 S - 170 dīng dāng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 叮当响 叮噹響 S - 3 dīng dāng xiǎng f /(onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound/ 叮当声 叮噹聲 S - 3 dīng dāng shēng f /tinkle/ 叮鈴 叮铃 T - 0 dīng líng f /jingle/ 叮铃 叮鈴 S - 0 dīng líng f /jingle/ 叮问 叮問 S - 3 dīng wèn f /to question closely/to make a detailed inquiry/to probe/to ask repeatedly/ 可 - 95892 kě t /can/may/able to/to approve/to permit/to suit/(particle used for emphasis) certainly/very/ 可 - 95892 kè f /see 可汗[ke4 han2]/ 可一而不可再 - 0 kě yī ér bù kě zài f /may be done once and once only/just this once/ 可不 - 1415 kě bu f /see 可不是[ke3 bu5 shi4]/ 可不是 - 1247 kě bu shì f /that's just the way it is/exactly!/ 可丽饼 可麗餅 S - 0 kě lì bǐng f /crêpe (loanword)/ 可乐 可樂 S - 111 kě lè f /amusing/entertaining/(loanword) cola/ 可乐定 可樂定 S - 0 kě lè dìng f /clonidine (drug) (loanword)/ 可亲 可親 S - 63 kě qīn f /kindly/nice/amiable/ 可人 - 0 kě rén f /pleasant/agreeable/a person after one's heart (charming person)/a gifted person/ 可以 164 70958 kě yǐ f /can/may/possible/able to/not bad/pretty good/ 可以意会,不可言传 可以意會,不可言傳 S - 0 kě yǐ yì huì , bù kě yán chuán f /can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle/ 可以意會,不可言傳 可以意会,不可言传 T - 0 kě yǐ yì huì , bù kě yán chuán f /can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle/ 可伦坡 可倫坡 S - 3 Kě lún pō f /Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka (Tw)/ 可体 可體 S - 4 kě tǐ f /well-fitting (of clothes)/ 可作 - 3 kě zuò f /can be used for/ 可供军用 可供軍用 S - 0 kě gōng jūn yòng f /having possible military application/ 可供軍用 可供军用 T - 0 kě gōng jūn yòng f /having possible military application/ 可信 - 282 kě xìn f /trustworthy/ 可信任 - 3 kě xìn rèn f /trusty/ 可信度 - 53 kě xìn dù f /degree of credibility/reliability/ 可倫坡 可伦坡 T - 3 Kě lún pō f /Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka (Tw)/ 可儿 可兒 S - 0 kě ér f /a person after one's heart (charming person)/capable person/ 可兒 可儿 T - 0 kě ér f /a person after one's heart (charming person)/capable person/ 可兰经 可蘭經 S - 30 Kě lán jīng f /Quran (Islamic scripture)/ 可共患难 可共患難 S - 0 kě gòng huàn nàn f /to go through thick and thin together (idiom)/ 可共患難 可共患难 T - 0 kě gòng huàn nàn f /to go through thick and thin together (idiom)/ 可再生 - 3 kě zài shēng f /renewable (resource)/ 可再生原 - 0 kě zài shēng yuán f /renewable resource/ 可决 可決 S - 0 kě jué f /to adopt/to pass/to vote approval (of a law etc)/ 可决率 可決率 S - 0 kě jué lǜ f /proportion needed to approve a decision/ 可决票 可決票 S - 0 kě jué piào f /affirmative vote/ 可分 - 3 kě fēn f /can be divided (into parts)/one can distinguish (several types)/ 可加 - 3 kě jiā f /(botany) coca (loanword)/ 可动 可動 S - 0 kě dòng f /movable/ 可劲 可勁 S - 0 kě jìn f /vigorously/to the utmost/to the best of one's ability/ 可劲儿 可勁兒 S - 0 kě jìn r f /erhua variant of 可勁|可劲[ke3 jin4]/ 可勁 可劲 T - 0 kě jìn f /vigorously/to the utmost/to the best of one's ability/ 可勁兒 可劲儿 T - 0 kě jìn r f /erhua variant of 可勁|可劲[ke3 jin4]/ 可動 可动 T - 0 kě dòng f /movable/ 可卡因 - 42 kě kǎ yīn f /cocaine (loanword)/ 可压缩 可壓縮 S - 3 kě yā suō f /compressible/ 可取 - 295 kě qǔ f /desirable/worth having/ 可取之处 可取之處 S - 3 kě qǔ zhī chù f /positive point/merit/redeeming quality/ 可取之處 可取之处 T - 3 kě qǔ zhī chù f /positive point/merit/redeeming quality/ 可变 可變 S - 191 kě biàn f /variable/ 可变化合价 可變化合價 S - 0 kě biàn huà hé jià f /variable valency/ 可变渗透性模型 可變滲透性模型 S - 0 kě biàn shèn tòu xìng mó xíng f /Varying Permeability Model (VPM), (used to calculate decompression schedules in diving)/ 可口 4009 687 kě kǒu f /tasty/to taste good/ 可口可乐 可口可樂 S - 139 Kě kǒu kě lè f /Coca-Cola/ 可口可乐公司 可口可樂公司 S - 26 Kě kǒu Kě lè Gōng sī f /The Coca-Cola Company/ 可口可樂 可口可乐 T - 139 Kě kǒu kě lè f /Coca-Cola/ 可口可樂公司 可口可乐公司 T - 26 Kě kǒu Kě lè Gōng sī f /The Coca-Cola Company/ 可可 - 602 kě kě f /cocoa (loanword)/ 可可托海 - 3 Kě kě tuō hǎi f /Keketuohai town in Fuyun county 富蘊縣|富蕴县[Fu4 yun4 xian4], Altay prefecture, Xinjiang/ 可可托海鎮 可可托海镇 T - 0 Kě kě tuō hǎi zhèn f /Keketuohai town in Fuyun county 富蘊縣|富蕴县[Fu4 yun4 xian4], Altay prefecture, Xinjiang/ 可可托海镇 可可托海鎮 S - 0 Kě kě tuō hǎi zhèn f /Keketuohai town in Fuyun county 富蘊縣|富蕴县[Fu4 yun4 xian4], Altay prefecture, Xinjiang/ 可可米 - 0 Kě kě mǐ f /Cocoa Krispies/ 可可西里 - 18 Kě kě xī lǐ f /Hoh Xil or Kekexili, vast nature reserve on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原[Qing1 Zang4 gao1 yuan2]/ 可叹 可嘆 S - 85 kě tàn f /lamentable/sad(ly)/ 可吃 - 0 kě chī f /edible/ 可否 - 251 kě fǒu f /is it possible or not?/ 可哀 - 3 kě āi f /miserably/ 可喜 - 384 kě xǐ f /making one happy/gratifying/heartening/ 可喜可賀 可喜可贺 T - 3 kě xǐ kě hè f /worthy of celebration/gratifying/Congratulations!/ 可喜可贺 可喜可賀 S - 3 kě xǐ kě hè f /worthy of celebration/gratifying/Congratulations!/ 可嘆 可叹 T - 85 kě tàn f /lamentable/sad(ly)/ 可嘉 - 56 kě jiā f /laudable/ 可回收 - 3 kě huí shōu f /recyclable/ 可圈可点 可圈可點 S - 27 kě quān kě diǎn f /remarkable (performance, achievement etc)/worthy of praise/ 可圈可點 可圈可点 T - 27 kě quān kě diǎn f /remarkable (performance, achievement etc)/worthy of praise/ 可執行 可执行 T - 0 kě zhí xíng f /executable (computing)/ 可堪 - 0 kě kān f /how can one endure?/to be able to endure/ 可塑性 - 60 kě sù xìng f /plasticity/ 可塞 - 0 kě sài f /xi or ksi (Greek letter Ξξ)/ 可壓縮 可压缩 T - 3 kě yā suō f /compressible/ 可好 - 213 kě hǎo f /good or not?/luckily/fortuitously/ 可容忍 - 3 kě róng rěn f /tolerable/ 可寻址 可尋址 S - 0 kě xún zhǐ f /addressable (computing)/accessible via an address/ 可导 可導 S - 0 kě dǎo f /differentiable (calculus)/ 可尊敬 - 3 kě zūn jìng f /respectable/ 可尋址 可寻址 T - 0 kě xún zhǐ f /addressable (computing)/accessible via an address/ 可導 可导 T - 0 kě dǎo f /differentiable (calculus)/ 可就 - 0 kě jiù f /certainly/ 可展曲面 - 0 kě zhǎn qū miàn f /(math.) a developable surface/ 可巧 - 94 kě qiǎo f /by happy coincidence/ 可待因 - 3 kě dài yīn f /codeine (loanword)/ 可得到 - 0 kě dé dào f /available/ 可微 - 0 kě wēi f /differentiable (math.)/ 可心 - 22 kě xīn f /satisfying/to one's liking/to suit sb/ 可心如意 - 3 kě xīn rù yì f /see 稱心如意|称心如意[chen4 xin1 ru2 yi4]/ 可念 - 0 kě niàn f /pitiable/likable/memorable/ 可怕 1299 1950 kě pà f /awful/dreadful/fearful/formidable/frightful/scary/hideous/horrible/terrible/terribly/ 可怜 可憐 S 753 1906 kě lián f /pitiful/pathetic/to have pity on/ 可怜兮兮 可憐兮兮 S - 20 kě lián xī xī f /miserable/wretched/ 可怜巴巴 可憐巴巴 S - 71 kě lián bā bā f /pathetic/pitiful/ 可怜虫 可憐蟲 S - 23 kě lián chóng f /pitiful creature/wretch/ 可怜见 可憐見 S - 84 kě lián jiàn f /(coll.) pitiable/to have pity on sb/ 可怪 - 0 kě guài f /strange/curious/surprising/ 可恃 - 0 kě shì f /reliable/ 可恥 可耻 T - 181 kě chǐ f /shameful/disgraceful/ignominious/ 可恨 - 145 kě hèn f /hateful/ 可恶 可惡 S 2804 289 kě wù f /repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable/ 可恼 可惱 S - 3 kě nǎo f /aggravating/irritating/ 可悲 - 145 kě bēi f /lamentable/ 可惊 可驚 S - 0 kě jīng f /astonishing/ 可惜 926 3283 kě xī f /it is a pity/what a pity/unfortunately/ 可惡 可恶 T 2804 289 kě wù f /repulsive/vile/hateful/abominable/ 可惱 可恼 T - 3 kě nǎo f /aggravating/irritating/ 可想像 - 0 kě xiǎng xiàng f /conceivable/ 可想而知 - 471 kě xiǎng ér zhī f /it is obvious that.../as one can well imagine.../ 可愛 可爱 T 409 989 kě ài f /adorable/cute/lovely/ 可慮 可虑 T - 3 kě lǜ f /worrisome/ 可憎 - 82 kě zēng f /disgusting/ 可憐 可怜 T 753 1906 kě lián f /pitiful/pathetic/to have pity on/ 可憐兮兮 可怜兮兮 T - 20 kě lián xī xī f /miserable/wretched/ 可憐巴巴 可怜巴巴 T - 71 kě lián bā bā f /pathetic/pitiful/ 可憐蟲 可怜虫 T - 23 kě lián chóng f /pitiful creature/wretch/ 可憐見 可怜见 T - 84 kě lián jiàn f /(coll.) pitiable/to have pity on sb/ 可懂度 - 0 kě dǒng dù f /intelligibility/ 可执行 可執行 S - 0 kě zhí xíng f /executable (computing)/ 可扩展标记语言 可擴展標記語言 S - 0 kě kuò zhǎn biāo jì yǔ yán f /extensible markup language (XML)/ 可持續 可持续 T - 0 kě chí xù f /sustainable/ 可持續發展 可持续发展 T - 0 kě chí xù fā zhǎn f /sustainable development/ 可持续 可持續 S - 0 kě chí xù f /sustainable/ 可持续发展 可持續發展 S - 0 kě chí xù fā zhǎn f /sustainable development/ 可接受性 - 3 kě jiē shòu xìng f /acceptability/ 可控硅 - 10 kě kòng guī f /(electronics) silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR)/thyristor/ 可掬 - 0 kě jū f /that one can grasp (of smile, anger)/palpable/fig. sincere/ 可操作的艺术 可操作的藝術 S - 0 kě cāo zuò de yì shù f /the art of the possible (Bismarck on politics)/ 可操作的藝術 可操作的艺术 T - 0 kě cāo zuò de yì shù f /the art of the possible (Bismarck on politics)/ 可擦写 可擦寫 S - 0 kě cā xiě f /erasable/ 可擦写可编程只读存储器 可擦寫可編程祇讀存儲器 S - 0 kě cā xiě kě biān chéng zhī dú cún chǔ qì f /EPROM/Erasable programmable read-only memory/ 可擦寫 可擦写 T - 0 kě cā xiě f /erasable/ 可擦寫可編程祇讀存儲器 可擦写可编程只读存储器 T - 0 kě cā xiě kě biān chéng zhī dú cún chǔ qì f /EPROM/Erasable programmable read-only memory/ 可擴展標記語言 可扩展标记语言 T - 0 kě kuò zhǎn biāo jì yǔ yán f /extensible markup language (XML)/ 可支付性 - 0 kě zhī fù xìng f /affordability/ 可支配收入 - 0 kě zhī pèi shōu rù f /disposable income/ 可敬 - 67 kě jìng f /venerable/ 可数 可數 S - 24 kě shǔ f /countable/denumerable/ 可数名词 可數名詞 S - 3 kě shǔ míng cí f /countable noun (in grammar of European languages)/ 可数集 可數集 S - 0 kě shǔ jí f /countable set (math.)/denumerable set/ 可數 可数 T - 24 kě shǔ f /countable/denumerable/ 可數名詞 可数名词 T - 3 kě shǔ míng cí f /countable noun (in grammar of European languages)/ 可數集 可数集 T - 0 kě shǔ jí f /countable set (math.)/denumerable set/ 可是 631 14820 kě shì f /but/however/(used for emphasis) indeed/ 可有可无 可有可無 S - 61 kě yǒu kě wú f /not essential/dispensable/ 可有可無 可有可无 T - 61 kě yǒu kě wú f /not essential/dispensable/ 可望 - 296 kě wàng f /can be expected (to)/to be expected (to)/hopefully (happening)/ 可望取勝者 可望取胜者 T - 0 kě wàng qǔ shèng zhě f /favorite (to win a race or championship)/well placed contestant/ 可望取胜者 可望取勝者 S - 0 kě wàng qǔ shèng zhě f /favorite (to win a race or championship)/well placed contestant/ 可望有成 - 0 kě wàng yǒu chéng f /can be expected to be a success/ 可望而不可即 - 13 kě wàng ér bù kě jí f /in sight but unattainable (idiom)/inaccessible/also written 可望而不可及[ke3 wang4 er2 bu4 ke3 ji2]/ 可望而不可及 - 23 kě wàng ér bù kě jí f /in sight but unattainable (idiom)/inaccessible/ 可樂 可乐 T - 111 kě lè f /amusing/entertaining/(loanword) cola/ 可樂定 可乐定 T - 0 kě lè dìng f /clonidine (drug) (loanword)/ 可欺 - 36 kě qī f /gullible/easily bullied/weak/ 可歌可泣 - 74 kě gē kě qì f /lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving/happy and sad/inspiring and tragic/ 可比 - 748 kě bǐ f /comparable/ 可气 可氣 S - 25 kě qì f /annoying/irritating/exasperating/ 可氣 可气 T - 25 kě qì f /annoying/irritating/exasperating/ 可汗 - 136 kè hán f /khan (loanword)/ 可決 可决 T - 0 kě jué f /to adopt/to pass/to vote approval (of a law etc)/ 可決率 可决率 T - 0 kě jué lǜ f /proportion needed to approve a decision/ 可決票 可决票 T - 0 kě jué piào f /affirmative vote/ 可溶 - 18 kě róng f /soluble/ 可溶性 - 95 kě róng xìng f /solubility/ 可燃 - 58 kě rán f /inflammable/ 可燃冰 - 3 kě rán bīng f /clathrate hydrates/ 可燃性 - 23 kě rán xìng f /flammable/flammability/ 可爱 可愛 S 409 989 kě ài f /adorable/cute/lovely/ 可畏 - 3 kě wèi f /dreadful/formidable/ 可疑 - 341 kě yí f /suspicious/dubious/ 可疑分子 - 3 kě yí fèn zǐ f /a suspect/ 可看 - 3 kě kàn f /worth seeing/ 可知 - 777 kě zhī f /evidently/clearly/no wonder/knowable/ 可知論 可知论 T - 0 kě zhī lùn f /gnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that everything about the universe is knowable/ 可知论 可知論 S - 0 kě zhī lùn f /gnosticism, the philosophical doctrine that everything about the universe is knowable/ 可磁化体 可磁化體 S - 0 kě cí huà tǐ f /magnetic medium/material capable of being magnetized/ 可磁化體 可磁化体 T - 0 kě cí huà tǐ f /magnetic medium/material capable of being magnetized/ 可移植 - 3 kě yí zhí f /portable (programming language)/ 可移植性 - 16 kě yí zhí xìng f /portability (programming language)/ 可笑 - 698 kě xiào f /funny/ridiculous/ 可結合性 可结合性 T - 0 kě jié hé xìng f /associativity (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)/ 可編程 可编程 T - 21 kě biān chéng f /programmable/ 可结合性 可結合性 S - 0 kě jié hé xìng f /associativity (xy)z = x(yz) (math.)/ 可编程 可編程 S - 21 kě biān chéng f /programmable/ 可耕地 - 69 kě gēng dì f /cultivable/ 可耻 可恥 S - 181 kě chǐ f /shameful/disgraceful/ignominious/ 可能 179 31213 kě néng f /might (happen)/possible/probable/possibility/probability/maybe/perhaps/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 可能性 - 1572 kě néng xìng f /possibility/probability/ 可蘭經 可兰经 T - 30 Kě lán jīng f /Quran (Islamic scripture)/ 可虑 可慮 S - 3 kě lǜ f /worrisome/ 可蠢 - 0 kě chǔn f /(dialect) unbearable/embarrassing/ 可行 3498 611 kě xíng f /feasible/ 可行性 - 339 kě xíng xìng f /feasibility/ 可行性研究 - 52 kě xíng xìng yán jiū f /feasibility study/ 可裂变 可裂變 S - 0 kě liè biàn f /fissile/ 可裂变材料 可裂變材料 S - 0 kě liè biàn cái liào f /fissile material/ 可裂變 可裂变 T - 0 kě liè biàn f /fissile/ 可裂變材料 可裂变材料 T - 0 kě liè biàn cái liào f /fissile material/ 可見 可见 T 2409 2567 kě jiàn f /it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)/it is (thus) clear/clear/visible/ 可見光 可见光 T - 200 kě jiàn guāng f /visible light/light in optical spectrum/ 可視化 可视化 T - 31 kě shì huà f /visualization/ 可視電話 可视电话 T - 31 kě shì diàn huà f /videophone/ 可親 可亲 T - 63 kě qīn f /kindly/nice/amiable/ 可觀 可观 T 4165 410 kě guān f /considerable/impressive/significant/ 可见 可見 S 2409 2567 kě jiàn f /it can clearly be seen (that this is the case)/it is (thus) clear/clear/visible/ 可见光 可見光 S - 200 kě jiàn guāng f /visible light/light in optical spectrum/ 可观 可觀 S 4165 410 kě guān f /considerable/impressive/significant/ 可视化 可視化 S - 31 kě shì huà f /visualization/ 可视电话 可視電話 S - 31 kě shì diàn huà f /videophone/ 可解 - 0 kě jiě f /soluble (i.e. can be solved)/ 可言 - 301 kě yán f /it may be said/ 可調 可调 T - 92 kě tiáo f /adjustable/ 可謂 可谓 T - 1529 kě wèi f /it could even be said/ 可讀音性 可读音性 T - 0 kě dú yīn xìng f /pronounceability/ 可變 可变 T - 191 kě biàn f /variable/ 可變化合價 可变化合价 T - 0 kě biàn huà hé jià f /variable valency/ 可變滲透性模型 可变渗透性模型 T - 0 kě biàn shèn tòu xìng mó xíng f /Varying Permeability Model (VPM), (used to calculate decompression schedules in diving)/ 可读音性 可讀音性 S - 0 kě dú yīn xìng f /pronounceability/ 可调 可調 S - 92 kě tiáo f /adjustable/ 可谓 可謂 S - 1529 kě wèi f /it could even be said/ 可貴 可贵 T - 235 kě guì f /to be treasured/praiseworthy/ 可贵 可貴 S - 235 kě guì f /to be treasured/praiseworthy/ 可身 - 3 kě shēn f /to fit well (clothes)/ 可轉換同位素 可转换同位素 T - 0 kě zhuǎn huàn tóng wèi sù f /fertile isotope/ 可轉讓 可转让 T - 0 kě zhuǎn ràng f /transferable/negotiable/ 可轉讓證券 可转让证券 T - 0 kě zhuǎn ràng zhèng quàn f /negotiable securities/ 可转换同位素 可轉換同位素 S - 0 kě zhuǎn huàn tóng wèi sù f /fertile isotope/ 可转让 可轉讓 S - 0 kě zhuǎn ràng f /transferable/negotiable/ 可转让证券 可轉讓證券 S - 0 kě zhuǎn ràng zhèng quàn f /negotiable securities/ 可逆 - 211 kě nì f /reversible/(math.) invertible/ 可逆性 - 34 kě nì xìng f /reversibility/ 可选 可選 S - 3 kě xuǎn f /available/optional/ 可选择丢弃 可選擇丟棄 S - 0 kě xuǎn zé diū qì f /discard eligible (Frame Relay)/DE/ 可通 - 0 kě tōng f /passable/possible to reach/ 可通約 可通约 T - 0 kě tōng yuē f /commensurable/having a common measure/ 可通约 可通約 S - 0 kě tōng yuē f /commensurable/having a common measure/ 可遇不可求 - 0 kě yù bù kě qiú f /can be discovered but not sought (idiom)/one can only come across such things serendipitously/ 可選 可选 T - 3 kě xuǎn f /available/optional/ 可選擇丟棄 可选择丢弃 T - 0 kě xuǎn zé diū qì f /discard eligible (Frame Relay)/DE/ 可鄙 - 18 kě bǐ f /base/mean/despicable/ 可靠 1789 1546 kě kào f /reliable/ 可靠性 - 490 kě kào xìng f /reliability/ 可頌 可颂 T - 0 kě sòng f /croissant (loanword)/ 可颂 可頌 S - 0 kě sòng f /croissant (loanword)/ 可食 - 0 kě shí f /edible/ 可驚 可惊 T - 0 kě jīng f /astonishing/ 可體 可体 T - 4 kě tǐ f /well-fitting (of clothes)/ 可麗餅 可丽饼 T - 0 kě lì bǐng f /crêpe (loanword)/ 台 745 16964 Tái f /Taiwan (abbr.)/surname Tai/ 台 745 16964 tái f /(classical) you (in letters)/variant of 臺|台[tai2]/ 台 檯 S 745 16964 tái f /desk/table/counter/ 台 臺 S 745 16964 Tái f /Taiwan (abbr.)/ 台 臺 S 745 16964 tái f /platform/stage/terrace/stand/support/station/broadcasting station/classifier for vehicles or machines/ 台 颱 S 745 16964 tái f /typhoon/ 台上 臺上 S - 1297 tái shàng f /on stage/ 台上一分钟,台下十年功 臺上一分鐘,臺下十年功 S - 0 tái shàng yī fēn zhōng , tái xià shí nián gōng f /ten years of practice for one minute on the stage (idiom)/ 台下 - 895 tái xià f /off the stage/in the audience/ 台东 台東 S - 41 Tái dōng f /Taidong or Taitung city and county in Taiwan/ 台东县 台東縣 S - 12 Tái dōng xiàn f /Táidong or Taitung county in southeast Taiwan/ 台东县 臺東縣 S - 12 Tái dōng xiàn f /Táidong or Taitung county in southeast Taiwan/ 台东市 台東市 S - 5 Tái dōng shì f /Taitung city in southeast Taiwan, capital of Taitung county/ 台中 - 3 Tái zhōng f /Taizhong or Taichung city and county in central Taiwan/ 台中 臺中 S - 3 Tái zhōng f /Taizhong or Taichung city in central Taiwan/ 台中县 台中縣 S - 17 Tái zhōng xiàn f /Taichung or Taizhong county in central Taiwan/ 台中县 臺中縣 S - 17 Tái zhōng xiàn f /Taichung or Taizhong county in central Taiwan/ 台中市 臺中市 S - 17 Tái zhōng shì f /Taichung city in central Taiwan/ 台中縣 台中县 T - 17 Tái zhōng xiàn f /Taichung or Taizhong county in central Taiwan/ 台伯河 - 7 Tái bó Hé f /Tiber (river in Italy, the main watercourse of Rome)/ 台倭 臺倭 S - 0 Tái wō f /(derogatory for Taiwanese) Jap lover/ 台儿庄 臺兒莊 S - 79 Tái ér zhuāng f /Tai'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang city 棗莊市|枣庄市[Zao3 zhuang1 shi4], Shandong/ 台儿庄区 台兒莊區 S - 3 Tái ér zhuāng qū f /Tai'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang city 棗莊市|枣庄市[Zao3 zhuang1 shi4], Shandong/ 台兒莊區 台儿庄区 T - 3 Tái ér zhuāng qū f /Tai'erzhuang district of Zaozhuang city 棗莊市|枣庄市[Zao3 zhuang1 shi4], Shandong/ 台前 - 302 Tái qián f /Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 台前 - 302 tái qián f /front of the stage/ 台前县 台前縣 S - 3 Tái qián xiàn f /Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 台前縣 台前县 T - 3 Tái qián xiàn f /Taiqian county in Puyang 濮陽|濮阳[Pu2 yang2], Henan/ 台北 - 631 Tái běi f /Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan/ 台北 臺北 S - 631 Tái běi f /Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan/ 台北县 台北縣 S - 33 Tái běi xiàn f /Taibei or Taipei county in north Taiwan/ 台北县 臺北縣 S - 33 Tái běi xiàn f /Taipei county in north Taiwan (now renamed 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4])/ 台北市 - 95 Tái běi shì f /Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan/ 台北市 臺北市 S - 95 Tái běi shì f /Taibei or Taipei, capital of Taiwan/ 台北捷运 台北捷運 S - 0 Tái běi jié yùn f /Taipei Metro/ 台北捷運 台北捷运 T - 0 Tái běi jié yùn f /Taipei Metro/ 台北縣 台北县 T - 33 Tái běi xiàn f /Taibei or Taipei county in north Taiwan/ 台北金馬影展 台北金马影展 T - 0 Tái běi Jīn mǎ Yǐng zhǎn f /Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival/ 台北金马影展 台北金馬影展 S - 0 Tái běi Jīn mǎ Yǐng zhǎn f /Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival/ 台南 - 89 Tái nán f /Tainan (city and county in Taiwan)/ 台南县 台南縣 S - 12 Tái nán xiàn f /Tainan county in south Taiwan/ 台南县 臺南縣 S - 12 Tái nán xiàn f /Tainan county in south Taiwan/ 台南市 臺南市 S - 22 Tái nán shì f /Tainan city in Tainan county 臺南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 台南府 臺南府 S - 0 Tái nán fǔ f /Tainan-Fu city in south Taiwan/ 台南府市 臺南府市 S - 0 Tái nán fǔ shì f /Tainan-Fu city in south Taiwan/ 台南縣 台南县 T - 12 Tái nán xiàn f /Tainan county in south Taiwan/ 台商 - 130 Tái shāng f /Taiwanese businessman/Taiwanese company/ 台地 臺地 S - 369 tái dì f /tableland/mesa/ 台基 臺基 S - 349 tái jī f /stylobate (architecture)/ 台大 臺大 S - 213 Tái Dà f /abbr. for 臺灣大學|台湾大学[Tai2 wan1 Da4 xue2]/ 台妹 - 0 Tái mèi f /local girl (referring to a Taiwanese benshengren 本省人[ben3 sheng3 ren2])/ 台媒 臺媒 S - 0 Tái méi f /Taiwan media/ 台子 檯子 S - 75 tái zi f /desk/(pool etc) table/ 台子 臺子 S - 75 tái zi f /platform/stand/ 台安 - 3 Tái ān f /Tai'an county in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1], Liaoning/ 台安县 檯安縣 S - 5 Tái ān xiàn f /Tai'an county in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1], Liaoning/ 台客 - 0 Tái kè f /stereotypical Taiwanese person (often derogatory)/ 台山 - 86 Tái shān f /Taishan county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/ 台山市 - 9 Tái shān shì f /Taishan county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/ 台州 - 158 Tāi zhōu f /Taizhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 台州地区 台州地區 S - 0 Tāi zhōu dì qū f /Taizhou prefecture, Zhejiang/ 台州地區 台州地区 T - 0 Tāi zhōu dì qū f /Taizhou prefecture, Zhejiang/ 台州市 - 40 Tāi zhōu shì f /Taizhou prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 台巴子 - 0 Tái bā zi f /Taiwanese yokel (derog.)/ 台币 台幣 S - 22 Tái bì f /New Taiwan dollar/ 台布 檯布 S - 27 tái bù f /tablecloth/ 台幣 台币 T - 22 Tái bì f /New Taiwan dollar/ 台座 - 10 tái zuò f /pedestal/ 台式 - 97 tái shì f /(of an appliance) tabletop model/(of a computer) desktop model/ 台式机 臺式機 S - 116 tái shì jī f /desktop computer/ 台式电脑 台式電腦 S - 0 tái shì diàn nǎo f /desktop computer/ 台式電腦 台式电脑 T - 0 tái shì diàn nǎo f /desktop computer/ 台斤 臺斤 S - 3 Tái jīn f /Taiwan catty (weight equal to 0.6 kg)/ 台東 台东 T - 41 Tái dōng f /Taidong or Taitung city and county in Taiwan/ 台東市 台东市 T - 5 Tái dōng shì f /Taitung city in southeast Taiwan, capital of Taitung county/ 台東縣 台东县 T - 12 Tái dōng xiàn f /Táidong or Taitung county in southeast Taiwan/ 台柱 臺柱 S - 19 tái zhù f /pillar/mainstay/star performer/ 台江 - 9 Tái jiāng f /Taijiang district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 台江区 台江區 S - 3 Tái jiāng qū f /Taijiang district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 台江區 台江区 T - 3 Tái jiāng qū f /Taijiang district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 台江县 台江縣 S - 3 Tái jiāng xiàn f /Taijiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 台江縣 台江县 T - 3 Tái jiāng xiàn f /Taijiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 台海 臺海 S - 367 Tái hǎi f /abbr. for 台灣海峽|台湾海峡, Taiwan strait/ 台湾 台灣 S - 8683 Tái wān f /variant of 臺灣|台湾[Tai2 wan1]/ 台湾 臺灣 S - 8683 Tái wān f /Taiwan/ 台湾关系法 台灣關係法 S - 0 Tái wān guān xì fǎ f /Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress, 1979)/ 台湾关系法 臺灣關係法 S - 0 Tái wān guān xì fǎ f /Taiwan relations act (of US Congress, 1979)/ 台湾叶鼻蝠 台灣葉鼻蝠 S - 0 Tái wān yè bí fú f /leaf-nosed bat/ 台湾土狗 臺灣土狗 S - 0 Tái wān tǔ gǒu f /Formosan mountain dog, a breed native to Taiwan/ 台湾大学 臺灣大學 S - 57 Tái wān Dà xué f /National Taiwan University/abbr. to 臺大|台大[Tai2 Da4]/ 台湾山鹧鸪 臺灣山鷓鴣 S - 0 Tái wān shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) Taiwan partridge (Arborophila crudigularis)/ 台湾岛 臺灣島 S - 151 Tái wān Dǎo f /Taiwan Island/ 台湾戴菊 臺灣戴菊 S - 0 Tái wān dài jú f /(bird species of China) flamecrest (Regulus goodfellowi)/ 台湾拟啄木鸟 臺灣擬啄木鳥 S - 0 Tái wān nǐ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) Taiwan barbet (Megalaima nuchalis)/ 台湾斑翅鹛 臺灣斑翅鶥 S - 0 Tái wān bān chì méi f /(bird species of China) Taiwan barwing (Actinodura morrisoniana)/ 台湾斑胸钩嘴鹛 臺灣斑胸鉤嘴鶥 S - 0 Tái wān bān xiōng gōu zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) black-necklaced scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis)/ 台湾林鸲 臺灣林鴝 S - 0 Tái wān lín qú f /(bird species of China) collared bush robin (Tarsiger johnstoniae)/ 台湾棕噪鹛 臺灣棕噪鶥 S - 0 Tái wān zōng zào méi f /(bird species of China) rusty laughingthrush (Garrulax poecilorhynchus)/ 台湾棕颈钩嘴鹛 臺灣棕頸鉤嘴鶥 S - 0 Tái wān zōng jǐng gōu zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) Taiwan scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus musicus)/ 台湾民主自治同盟 台灣民主自治同盟 S - 21 Tái wān Mín zhǔ Zì zhì Tóng méng f /Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League/ 台湾海峡 台灣海峽 S - 193 Tái wān Hǎi xiá f /Taiwan Strait/ 台湾画眉 臺灣畫眉 S - 0 Tái wān huà méi f /(bird species of China) Taiwan hwamei (Garrulax taewanus)/ 台湾白喉噪鹛 臺灣白喉噪鶥 S - 0 Tái wān bái hóu zào méi f /(bird species of China) rufous-crowned laughingthrush (Garrulax ruficeps)/ 台湾省 臺灣省 S - 632 Tái wān shěng f /Taiwan province (PRC term)/ 台湾短翅莺 臺灣短翅鶯 S - 0 Tái wān duǎn chì yīng f /(bird species of China) Taiwan bush warbler (Locustella alishanensis)/ 台湾紫啸鸫 臺灣紫嘯鶇 S - 0 Tái wān zǐ xiào dōng f /(bird species of China) Taiwan whistling thrush (Myophonus insularis)/ 台湾蓝鹊 臺灣藍鵲 S - 0 Tái wān lán què f /(bird species of China) Taiwan blue magpie (Urocissa caerulea)/ 台湾话 台灣話 S - 0 Tái wān huà f /Taiwanese Chinese (language)/ 台湾酒红朱雀 臺灣酒紅朱雀 S - 0 Tái wān jiǔ hóng zhū què f /(bird species of China) Taiwan rosefinch (Carpodacus formosanus)/ 台湾雀鹛 臺灣雀鶥 S - 0 Tái wān què méi f /(bird species of China) grey-cheeked fulvetta (Alcippe morrisonia)/ 台湾鹎 臺灣鵯 S - 0 Tái wān bēi f /(bird species of China) Taiwan bulbul (Pycnonotus taivanus)/ 台湾鹪鹛 臺灣鷦鶥 S - 0 Tái wān jiāo méi f /(bird species of China) Taiwan wren-babbler (Pnoepyga formosana)/ 台湾黄山雀 臺灣黃山雀 S - 0 Tái wān huáng shān què f /(bird species of China) yellow tit (Machlolophus holsti)/ 台灣 台湾 T - 8683 Tái wān f /variant of 臺灣|台湾[Tai2 wan1]/ 台灣民主自治同盟 台湾民主自治同盟 T - 21 Tái wān Mín zhǔ Zì zhì Tóng méng f /Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League/ 台灣海峽 台湾海峡 T - 193 Tái wān Hǎi xiá f /Taiwan Strait/ 台灣葉鼻蝠 台湾叶鼻蝠 T - 0 Tái wān yè bí fú f /leaf-nosed bat/ 台灣話 台湾话 T - 0 Tái wān huà f /Taiwanese Chinese (language)/ 台灣關係法 台湾关系法 T - 0 Tái wān guān xì fǎ f /Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress, 1979)/ 台灯 檯燈 S - 67 tái dēng f /desk lamp/table lamp/ 台独 台獨 S - 397 Tái Dú f /Taiwan Independence (movement)/abbr. for 台灣獨立運動|台湾独立运动/ 台獨 台独 T - 397 Tái Dú f /Taiwan Independence (movement)/abbr. for 台灣獨立運動|台湾独立运动/ 台球 - 65 tái qiú f /billiards/ 台球桌 - 7 tái qiú zhuō f /billiards table/ 台甫 臺甫 S - 9 tái fǔ f /(polite) courtesy name/ 台盆 臺盆 S - 0 tái pén f /washbasin/ 台盟 - 28 Tái Méng f /abbr. for 台灣民主自治同盟|台湾民主自治同盟[Tai2 wan1 Min2 zhu3 Zi4 zhi4 Tong2 meng2]/ 台磅 - 0 tái bàng f /platform balance/ 台端 - 3 tái duān f /you (in a formal letter)/ 台股 - 0 Tái gǔ f /Taipei Stock Exchange, abbr. for 臺北股市|台北股市[Tai2 bei3 Gu3 shi4]/ 台胞 臺胞 S - 72 Tái bāo f /Taiwan compatriot/ 台胞證 台胞证 T - 3 Tái bāo zhèng f /Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents/Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit/abbr. for 台灣居民來往大陸通行證|台湾居民来往大陆通行证[Tai2 wan1 Ju1 min2 Lai2 wang3 Da4 lu4 Tong1 xing2 zheng4]/ 台胞证 台胞證 S - 3 Tái bāo zhèng f /Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents/Taiwan Compatriot Entry Permit/abbr. for 台灣居民來往大陸通行證|台湾居民来往大陆通行证[Tai2 wan1 Ju1 min2 Lai2 wang3 Da4 lu4 Tong1 xing2 zheng4]/ 台菜 - 3 Tái cài f /Taiwanese food/ 台虎钳 臺虎鉗 S - 0 tái hǔ qián f /bench vise/ 台西 - 8 Tái xī f /Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 台西 臺西 S - 8 Tái xī f /Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 台西乡 台西鄉 S - 0 Tái xī xiāng f /Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 台西乡 臺西鄉 S - 0 Tái xī xiāng f /Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 台西鄉 台西乡 T - 0 Tái xī xiāng f /Taixi or Taihsi township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 台视 臺視 S - 3 Tái shì f /Taiwan TV/ 台詞 台词 T - 129 tái cí f /an actor's lines/script/ 台語 台语 T - 9 Tái yǔ f /Taiwanese/Hokklo/ 台諜 台谍 T - 0 Tái dié f /Taiwan spy/ 台词 台詞 S - 129 tái cí f /an actor's lines/script/ 台词 臺詞 S - 129 tái cí f /an actor's lines/script/ 台语 台語 S - 9 Tái yǔ f /Taiwanese/Hokklo/ 台谍 台諜 S - 0 Tái dié f /Taiwan spy/ 台谍 臺諜 S - 0 Tái dié f /Taiwan spy/ 台資 台资 T - 55 Tái zī f /Taiwan capital or investments/ 台资 台資 S - 55 Tái zī f /Taiwan capital or investments/ 台钟 檯鐘 S - 3 tái zhōng f /desk clock/ 台阶 臺階 S 2136 1041 tái jiē f /steps/flight of steps/step (over obstacle)/fig. way out of an embarrassing situation/bench (geology)/ 台面 檯面 S - 61 tái miàn f /(table) surface/countertop/mesa (electronics)/ante/(fig.) on the table/in public/ 台面呢 臺面呢 S - 0 tái miàn ní f /baize/felt (esp. billiards table cover)/ 台风 臺風 S 3992 340 tái fēng f /stage presence, poise/ 台风 颱風 S 3992 340 tái fēng f /hurricane/typhoon/ 叱 - 410 chì f /to scold/shout at/to hoot at/ 叱吒 - 27 chì zhà f /variant of 叱咤[chi4 zha4]/ 叱呵 - 0 chì hē f /to shout angrily/to yell/ 叱咄 - 0 chì duō f /to reprimand/to berate/ 叱咤 - 27 chì zhà f /to rebuke angrily/ 叱咤風雲 叱咤风云 T - 52 chì zhà fēng yún f /lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world/all-powerful/ 叱咤风云 叱咤風雲 S - 52 chì zhà fēng yún f /lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world/all-powerful/ 叱問 叱问 T - 3 chì wèn f /to call sb to account/to question angrily/ 叱喝 - 39 chì hè f /to shout at/to berate/ 叱罵 叱骂 T - 28 chì mà f /to curse/to berate angrily/ 叱責 叱责 T - 7 chì zé f /to upbraid/ 叱责 叱責 S - 7 chì zé f /to upbraid/ 叱问 叱問 S - 3 chì wèn f /to call sb to account/to question angrily/ 叱骂 叱罵 S - 28 chì mà f /to curse/to berate angrily/ 史 - 7637 Shǐ f /surname Shi/ 史 - 7637 shǐ f /history/annals/title of an official historian in ancient China/ 史上 - 0 shǐ shàng f /in history/ 史丹佛 - 0 Shǐ dān fó f /Stanford (University)/also written 斯坦福[Si1 tan3 fu2]/ 史丹福大学 史丹福大學 S - 0 Shǐ dān fú Dà xué f /Stanford University/ 史丹福大學 史丹福大学 T - 0 Shǐ dān fú Dà xué f /Stanford University/ 史丹頓島 史丹顿岛 T - 0 Shǐ dān dùn Dǎo f /Staten Island, borough of New York City/ 史丹顿岛 史丹頓島 S - 0 Shǐ dān dùn Dǎo f /Staten Island, borough of New York City/ 史书 史書 S - 561 shǐ shū f /history book/ 史传 史傳 S - 5 shǐ zhuàn f /historical biography/ 史传小说 史傳小說 S - 3 shǐ zhuàn xiǎo shuō f /historical novel/ 史傳 史传 T - 5 shǐ zhuàn f /historical biography/ 史傳小說 史传小说 T - 3 shǐ zhuàn xiǎo shuō f /historical novel/ 史冊 史册 T - 407 shǐ cè f /annals/ 史册 史冊 S - 407 shǐ cè f /annals/ 史前 - 240 shǐ qián f /prehistory/ 史前人 - 0 shǐ qián rén f /prehistoric man/ 史前古器物 - 0 shǐ qián gǔ qì wù f /prehistoric artifacts/ancient artifacts/ 史前石桌 - 0 shǐ qián shí zhuō f /menhir/prehistoric stone table/ 史努比 - 2 Shǐ nǔ bǐ f /Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)/ 史卓 - 0 Shǐ zhuó f /Straw (name)/Jack Straw (1946-), UK Labour Party politician, foreign secretary 2001-2006/ 史奴比 - 3 Shǐ nú bǐ f /Snoopy (comic strip pet dog)/ 史威士 - 0 Shǐ wēi shì f /Schweppes (soft drinks company)/ 史学 史學 S - 816 shǐ xué f /historiography/ 史学家 史學家 S - 208 shǐ xué jiā f /historian/ 史學 史学 T - 816 shǐ xué f /historiography/ 史學家 史学家 T - 208 shǐ xué jiā f /historian/ 史官 - 124 shǐ guān f /scribe/court recorder/historian/historiographer/ 史实 史實 S - 369 shǐ shí f /historical fact/ 史家 - 160 shǐ jiā f /historian/ 史密斯 - 206 Shǐ mì sī f /Smith (name)/ 史密特 - 0 shǐ mì tè f /Schmitt/ 史實 史实 T - 369 shǐ shí f /historical fact/ 史思明 - 38 Shǐ Sī míng f /Shi Siming (703-761), non-Han military man and colleague of An Lushan 安祿山|安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1], eventually conspirator with him in the 755-763 An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4] against the Tang dynasty/ 史提夫·賈伯斯 史提夫·贾伯斯 T - 0 Shǐ tí fū · Jiǎ bó sī f /Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc./ 史提夫·贾伯斯 史提夫·賈伯斯 S - 0 Shǐ tí fū · Jiǎ bó sī f /Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc./ 史料 - 1153 shǐ liào f /historical material or data/ 史无前例 史無前例 S - 81 shǐ wú qián lì f /unprecedented in history/ 史普尼克 - 0 Shǐ pǔ ní kè f /Sputnik, Soviet artificial Earth satellite/also written 斯普特尼克/ 史景迁 史景遷 S - 36 Shǐ Jǐng qiān f /Jonathan D Spence (1936-), distinguished British US historian of China, author of The search for modern China 追尋現代中國|追寻现代中国/ 史景遷 史景迁 T - 36 Shǐ Jǐng qiān f /Jonathan D Spence (1936-), distinguished British US historian of China, author of The search for modern China 追尋現代中國|追寻现代中国/ 史書 史书 T - 561 shǐ shū f /history book/ 史氏蝗莺 史氏蝗鶯 S - 0 Shǐ shì huáng yīng f /(bird species of China) Styan's grasshopper warbler (Locustella pleskei)/ 史氏蝗鶯 史氏蝗莺 T - 0 Shǐ shì huáng yīng f /(bird species of China) Styan's grasshopper warbler (Locustella pleskei)/ 史沫特莱 史沫特萊 S - 7 Shǐ mò tè lái f /Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journalist and activist, reported on China, esp. the communist side/ 史沫特萊 史沫特莱 T - 7 Shǐ mò tè lái f /Agnes Smedley (1892-1950), US journalist and activist, reported on China, esp. the communist side/ 史泰博 - 0 Shǐ tài bó f /Staples Inc., US office supply store/ 史無前例 史无前例 T - 81 shǐ wú qián lì f /unprecedented in history/ 史特劳斯 史特勞斯 S - 3 Shǐ tè láo sī f /Strauss (name) (Tw)/Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer/Richard Strauss (1864-1949), German composer/ 史特勞斯 史特劳斯 T - 3 Shǐ tè láo sī f /Strauss (name) (Tw)/Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer/Richard Strauss (1864-1949), German composer/ 史特龍 史特龙 T - 0 Shǐ tè lóng f /Stallone (name)/Sylvester Stallone (1946-), American actor/ 史特龙 史特龍 S - 0 Shǐ tè lóng f /Stallone (name)/Sylvester Stallone (1946-), American actor/ 史瓦济兰 史瓦濟蘭 S - 0 Shǐ wǎ jì lán f /Swaziland (Tw)/ 史瓦濟蘭 史瓦济兰 T - 0 Shǐ wǎ jì lán f /Swaziland (Tw)/ 史瓦辛格 - 0 Shǐ wǎ xīn gé f /Arnold Schwarzenegger/also written 阿諾德·施瓦辛格|阿诺德·施瓦辛格[A1 nuo4 de2 · Shi1 wa3 xin1 ge2]/ 史籀篇 - 0 Shǐ zhòu piān f /Shizhoupian, early school primer in great seal script 大篆[da4 zhuan4], attributed to King Xuan of Zhou 周宣王[Zhou1 Xuan1 wang2] but probably dating from c. 500 BC/ 史籍 - 259 shǐ jí f /historical records/ 史臣 - 7 shǐ chén f /official in charge of public records/ 史蒂夫 - 95 Shǐ dì fū f /Steve (male name)/ 史蒂夫·乔布斯 史蒂夫·喬布斯 S - 0 Shǐ dì fū · Qiáo bù sī f /Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc./ 史蒂夫·喬布斯 史蒂夫·乔布斯 T - 0 Shǐ dì fū · Qiáo bù sī f /Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc./ 史蒂文 - 10 Shǐ dì wén f /Steven, Stephen (name)/ 史蒂文斯 - 6 Shǐ dì wén sī f /Stephens/Stevens/ 史蒂芬·哈珀 - 0 Shǐ dì fēn · Hā pò f /see 斯蒂芬·哈珀[Si1 di4 fen1 · Ha1 po4]/ 史觀 史观 T - 29 shǐ guān f /historical point of view/historically speaking/ 史观 史觀 S - 29 shǐ guān f /historical point of view/historically speaking/ 史記 史记 T - 554 Shǐ jì f /Records of the Grand Historian, by 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1], first of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3]/ 史詩 史诗 T - 523 shǐ shī f /an epic/poetic saga/ 史詩性 史诗性 T - 14 shǐ shī xìng f /epic/ 史詩般 史诗般 T - 0 shǐ shī bān f /epic/ 史记 史記 S - 554 Shǐ jì f /Records of the Grand Historian, by 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1], first of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3]/ 史诗 史詩 S - 523 shǐ shī f /an epic/poetic saga/ 史诗性 史詩性 S - 14 shǐ shī xìng f /epic/ 史诗般 史詩般 S - 0 shǐ shī bān f /epic/ 史迪威 - 45 Shǐ dí wēi f /Joseph Stilwell (1883-1946), commander of US forces in China, Burma and India in World War II/ 史黛西 - 0 Shǐ dài xī f /Stacy (name)/ 右 - 9451 yòu f /right (-hand)/the Right (politics)/west (old)/ 右上 - 14 yòu shàng f /upper right/ 右下 - 8 yòu xià f /lower right/ 右侧 右側 S - 622 yòu cè f /right side/ 右倾 右傾 S - 655 yòu qīng f /right-deviation/ 右側 右侧 T - 622 yòu cè f /right side/ 右傾 右倾 T - 655 yòu qīng f /right-deviation/ 右前卫 右前衛 S - 6 yòu qián wèi f /right forward (soccer position)/ 右前衛 右前卫 T - 6 yòu qián wèi f /right forward (soccer position)/ 右对齐 右對齊 S - 0 yòu duì qí f /to right justify (typography)/ 右對齊 右对齐 T - 0 yòu duì qí f /to right justify (typography)/ 右手 - 3450 yòu shǒu f /right hand/right-hand side/ 右方 - 41 yòu fāng f /right-hand side/ 右江 - 64 Yòu jiāng f /Youjiang district of Baise city 百色市[Bai3 se4 shi4], Guangxi/ 右江区 右江區 S - 3 Yòu jiāng qū f /Youjiang district of Baise city 百色市[Bai3 se4 shi4], Guangxi/ 右江區 右江区 T - 3 Yòu jiāng qū f /Youjiang district of Baise city 百色市[Bai3 se4 shi4], Guangxi/ 右派 - 796 yòu pài f /(political) right/right wing/rightist/ 右派份子 右派分子 T - 3 yòu pài fèn zǐ f /rightist elements/ 右派分子 右派份子 S - 3 yòu pài fèn zǐ f /rightist elements/ 右玉 - 9 Yòu yù f /Youyu county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 右玉县 右玉縣 S - 6 Yòu yù xiàn f /Youyu county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 右玉縣 右玉县 T - 6 Yòu yù xiàn f /Youyu county in Shuozhou 朔州[Shuo4 zhou1], Shanxi/ 右箭头 右箭頭 S - 0 yòu jiàn tóu f /right-pointing arrow/ 右箭头键 右箭頭鍵 S - 0 yòu jiàn tóu jiàn f /right arrow key (on keyboard)/ 右箭頭 右箭头 T - 0 yòu jiàn tóu f /right-pointing arrow/ 右箭頭鍵 右箭头键 T - 0 yòu jiàn tóu jiàn f /right arrow key (on keyboard)/ 右翼 - 474 yòu yì f /the right flank/(politically) right-wing/ 右舵 - 0 yòu duò f /right rudder/ 右舷 - 24 yòu xián f /starboard (of a ship)/ 右袒 - 0 yòu tǎn f /to take sides with/to be partial to/to be biased/to favor one side/ 右轉 右转 T - 3 yòu zhuǎn f /to turn right/ 右转 右轉 S - 3 yòu zhuǎn f /to turn right/ 右边 右邊 S 280 672 yòu bian f /right side/right, to the right/ 右边儿 右邊兒 S - 0 yòu bian r f /erhua variant of 右邊|右边[you4 bian5]/ 右邊 右边 T 280 672 yòu bian f /right side/right, to the right/ 右邊兒 右边儿 T - 0 yòu bian r f /erhua variant of 右邊|右边[you4 bian5]/ 右首 - 3 yòu shǒu f /right-hand side/ 叵 - 142 pǒ f /not/thereupon/ 叵测 叵測 S - 14 pǒ cè f /unfathomable/unpredictable/treacherous/ 叵測 叵测 T - 14 pǒ cè f /unfathomable/unpredictable/treacherous/ 叶 - 4617 xié f /to be in harmony/ 叶 葉 S - 4617 Yè t /surname Ye/ 叶 葉 S - 4617 yè t /leaf/page/lobe/(historical) period/classifier for small boats/ 叶伟文 葉偉文 S - 0 Yè Wěi wén f /alias of 葉偉民|叶伟民[Ye4 Wei3 min2]/ 叶伟民 葉偉民 S - 0 Yè Wěi mín f /Raymond YIP Wai-Man, Hong Kong film director (debut as director: 1994)/ 叶公好龙 葉公好龍 S - 3 Yè Gōng hào lóng f /lit. Lord Ye's passion for dragons (idiom)/fig. to pretend to be fond of sth while actually fearing it/ostensible fondness of sth one really fears/ 叶利钦 葉利欽 S - 163 Yè lì qīn f /Yeltsin (name)/Boris Yeltsin (1931-2007) first post-communist president of Russia 1991-1999/ 叶卡捷琳堡 葉卡捷琳堡 S - 17 Yè kǎ jié lín bǎo f /Yekaterinburg (Russian city, also known as Ekaterinburg or Sverdlovsk)/ 叶卡捷琳娜 葉卡捷琳娜 S - 5 Yè kǎ jié lín nà f /Yekaterina or Ekaterina (name)/Catherine the Great or Catherine the Second (1684-1727), Empress of Russia/ 叶卡特琳娜堡 葉卡特琳娜堡 S - 0 Yè kǎ tè lín nà bǎo f /Ekaterinaburg or Ekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk), Russian town on the Ural mountains/ 叶县 葉縣 S - 74 Yè xiàn f /Ye county in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan/ 叶口蝠科 葉口蝠科 S - 0 yè kǒu fú kē f /Phyllostomatidae (zoology)/ 叶圣陶 葉聖陶 S - 35 Yè Shèng táo f /Ye Shengtao (1894-1988), writer and editor, known esp. for children's books/ 叶城 葉城 S - 16 Yè chéng f /Qaghiliq nahiyisi (Kargilik county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 叶城县 葉城縣 S - 3 Yè chéng xiàn f /Qaghiliq nahiyisi (Kargilik county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 叶子 葉子 S 1162 1205 yè zi f /foliage/leaf/CL:片[pian4]/ 叶子列 葉子列 S - 0 yè zi liè f /leaf arrangement/phyllotaxy (botany)/ 叶子板 葉子板 S - 0 yè zi bǎn f /(Taiwan) fender (automotive)/ 叶尔羌河 葉爾羌河 S - 37 Yè ěr qiāng Hé f /Yarkant River in Xinjiang/ 叶序 葉序 S - 5 yè xù f /leaf arrangement/phyllotaxy (botany)/ 叶挺 葉挺 S - 190 Yè Tǐng f /Ye Ting (1896-1946), communist military leader/ 叶枕 葉枕 S - 3 yè zhěn f /pulvini/ 叶柄 葉柄 S - 123 yè bǐng f /petiole/leafstalk/ 叶永烈 葉永烈 S - 4 Yè Yǒng liè f /Ye Yonglie (1940-), popular science writer/ 叶江川 葉江川 S - 46 Yè Jiāng chuān f /Ye Jiangchuan/ 叶片 葉片 S - 469 yè piàn f /blade (of propellor)/vane/leaf/ 叶片状 葉片狀 S - 0 yè piàn zhuàng f /foliated/striated into thin leaves/ 叶瑟 葉瑟 S - 0 Yè sè f /Jesse (name)/ 叶礼庭 葉禮庭 S - 0 yè lǐ tíng f /Michael Grant Ignatieff (1947-), leader of the Liberal Party of Canada/ 叶绿体 葉綠體 S - 129 yè lǜ tǐ f /chloroplast/ 叶绿素 葉綠素 S - 128 yè lǜ sù f /chlorophyll/ 叶脉 葉脈 S - 51 yè mài f /venation (pattern of veins on a leaf)/ 叶脉序 葉脈序 S - 0 yè mài xù f /leaf venation (botany)/the pattern of veins on a leaf, characteristic of each species/ 叶苔 葉苔 S - 0 yè tái f /liverwort (Jungermannia lanceolata)/ 叶落归根 葉落歸根 S - 10 yè luò guī gēn f /a falling leaf returns to the roots (idiom); everything has its ancestral home/In old age, an expatriate longs to return home./ 叶轮 葉輪 S - 46 yè lún f /turbine wheel/ 叶轮机械 葉輪機械 S - 0 yè lún jī xiè f /turbomachine/ 叶选平 葉選平 S - 14 Yè Xuǎn píng f /Ye Xuanping (1924-), former Governor of Guangdong 廣東|广东[Guang3 dong1]/ 叶酸 葉酸 S - 116 yè suān f /folic acid/ 叶里温 葉里溫 S - 0 Yè lǐ wēn f /Yerevan, capital of Armenia (Tw)/ 叶门 葉門 S - 3 Yè mén f /Yemen (Tw)/ 叶问 葉問 S - 0 Yè Wèn f /Yip Man (1893-1972), martial arts practitioner, master of Bruce Lee/ 叶韵 叶韻 S - 6 xié yùn f /to rhyme/also written 協韻|协韵/ 叶韻 叶韵 T - 6 xié yùn f /to rhyme/also written 協韻|协韵/ 叶鼻蝠 葉鼻蝠 S - 0 yè bí fú f /see 台灣葉鼻蝠|台湾叶鼻蝠[Tai2 wan1 Ye4 bi2 fu2]/ 号 號 S 81 44621 háo f /roar/cry/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 号 號 S 81 44621 hào t /ordinal number/day of a month/mark/sign/business establishment/size/ship suffix/horn (wind instrument)/bugle call/assumed name/to take a pulse/classifier used to indicate number of people/ 号丧 號喪 S - 3 háo sang f /to weep/to howl as if at a funeral/ 号令 號令 S - 824 hào lìng f /an order (esp. army)/bugle call expressing military order/verbal command/ 号令如山 號令如山 S - 3 hào lìng rú shān f /lit. order like a mountain/a military order is inviolable/strict discipline/ 号兵 號兵 S - 16 hào bīng f /bugler/trumpeter (military)/ 号召 號召 S 4456 1825 hào zhào f /to call/to appeal/ 号召力 號召力 S - 78 hào zhào lì f /to have the power to rally supporters/ 号哭 號哭 S - 54 háo kū f /to bawl/to wail/to cry/ 号啕 號啕 S - 22 háo táo f /to cry/to wail loudly/ 号外 號外 S - 0 hào wài f /(newspaper) extra/special number (of a periodical)/ 号头 號頭 S - 0 hào tóu f /number/serial number/ 号子 號子 S - 80 hào zi f /work chant/prison cell/type/sort/mark/sign/signal/(Tw) brokerage firm/ 号志 號誌 S - 3 hào zhì f /signal/sign (traffic control etc)/ 号手 號手 S - 25 hào shǒu f /trumpeter/military bugler/ 号数 號數 S - 19 hào shù f /number in a sequence/ordinal number/serial number/ 号旗 號旗 S - 3 hào qí f /signaling flag/ 号曰 號曰 S - 0 hào yuē f /to be named/named/ 号炮 號砲 S - 48 hào pào f /signaling cannon fire/ 号牌 號牌 S - 29 hào pái f /license plate/number plate/ 号码 號碼 S 769 980 hào mǎ f /number/CL:堆[dui1],個|个[ge4]/ 号码牌 號碼牌 S - 3 hào mǎ pái f /number plate/car license plate/CL:條|条[tiao2],塊|块[kuai4],片[pian4]/ 号礮 號礮 S - 0 hào pào f /signaling cannon fire/ 号称 號稱 S - 1936 hào chēng f /to have a reputation as/known as/de facto/to claim to be (often exaggeratedly or falsely)/ 号筒 號筒 S - 131 hào tǒng f /bugle/ 号脉 號脈 S - 8 hào mài f /to feel sb's pulse/ 号角 號角 S - 325 hào jiǎo f /bugle horn/ 号音 號音 S - 3 hào yīn f /bugle call/ 司 - 5271 Sī f /surname Si/ 司 - 5271 sī f /to take charge of/to manage/department (under a ministry)/ 司令 3735 2511 sī lìng f /commanding officer/ 司令员 司令員 S - 1307 sī lìng yuán f /commander/ 司令員 司令员 T - 1307 sī lìng yuán f /commander/ 司令官 - 162 sī lìng guān f /commander/officer in charge/ 司令部 - 1806 sī lìng bù f /headquarters/military command center/ 司仪 司儀 S - 29 sī yí f /master of ceremonies (MC)/ 司儀 司仪 T - 29 sī yí f /master of ceremonies (MC)/ 司南 - 39 sī nán f /ancient Chinese compass/ 司各特 - 10 Sī gè tè f /Scott (name)/Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Scottish romantic novelist/ 司售人员 司售人員 S - 3 sī shòu rén yuán f /bus crew/driver and conductor/ 司售人員 司售人员 T - 3 sī shòu rén yuán f /bus crew/driver and conductor/ 司天台 司天臺 S - 3 sī tiān tái f /Observatory or Bureau of Astronomy (official title) from the Tang dynasty onwards/ 司天臺 司天台 T - 3 sī tiān tái f /Observatory or Bureau of Astronomy (official title) from the Tang dynasty onwards/ 司寇 - 44 Sī kòu f /two-character surname Sikou/ 司寇 - 44 sī kòu f /minister of criminal justice (official rank in imperial China)/ 司徒 - 229 Sī tú f /minister of education (history)/two-character surname Situ/ 司徒雷登 - 13 Sī tú Léi dēng f /John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962), second-generation American missionary in China, first President of Yenching University and later United States ambassador to China/ 司机 司機 S 500 1455 sī jī f /chauffeur/driver/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 司機 司机 T 500 1455 sī jī f /chauffeur/driver/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 司汤达 司湯達 S - 9 Sī tāng dá f /Stendhal/ 司法 3104 2527 sī fǎ f /judicial/(administration of) justice/ 司法人员 司法人員 S - 3 sī fǎ rén yuán f /judicial officer/ 司法人員 司法人员 T - 3 sī fǎ rén yuán f /judicial officer/ 司法官 - 4 sī fǎ guān f /(Tw) judges and prosecutors/ 司法机关 司法機關 S - 3 sī fǎ jī guān f /judicial authorities/ 司法权 司法權 S - 46 sī fǎ quán f /jurisdiction/ 司法機關 司法机关 T - 3 sī fǎ jī guān f /judicial authorities/ 司法權 司法权 T - 46 sī fǎ quán f /jurisdiction/ 司法独立 司法獨立 S - 3 sī fǎ dú lì f /judicial independence/ 司法獨立 司法独立 T - 3 sī fǎ dú lì f /judicial independence/ 司法部 - 312 Sī fǎ bù f /Ministry of Justice (PRC etc)/Justice Department (USA etc)/ 司法院 - 3 Sī fǎ yuàn f /Judicial Yuan, the high court under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan/ 司湯達 司汤达 T - 9 Sī tāng dá f /Stendhal/ 司炉 司爐 S - 23 sī lú f /stoker (worker operating a coal fire, esp. for a steam engine)/ 司爐 司炉 T - 23 sī lú f /stoker (worker operating a coal fire, esp. for a steam engine)/ 司空見慣 司空见惯 T - 99 sī kōng jiàn guàn f /a common occurrence (idiom)/ 司空见惯 司空見慣 S - 99 sī kōng jiàn guàn f /a common occurrence (idiom)/ 司線員 司线员 T - 5 sī xiàn yuán f /line judge (tennis etc)/ 司线员 司線員 S - 5 sī xiàn yuán f /line judge (tennis etc)/ 司药 司藥 S - 3 sī yào f /pharmacist/ 司藥 司药 T - 3 sī yào f /pharmacist/ 司鐸 司铎 T - 2 sī duó f /priest/ 司铎 司鐸 S - 2 sī duó f /priest/ 司長 司长 T - 788 sī zhǎng f /bureau chief/ 司长 司長 S - 788 sī zhǎng f /bureau chief/ 司馬 司马 T - 669 Sī mǎ f /Minister of War (official title in pre-Han Chinese states)/two-character surname Sima/ 司馬光 司马光 T - 138 Sī mǎ Guāng f /Sima Guang (1019-1086), politician and historian of Northern Song, author of Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government 資治通鑒|资治通鉴/ 司馬懿 司马懿 T - 255 Sī mǎ Yì f /Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under Cao Cao and subsequently founder of the Jin dynasty/ 司馬承幀 司马承帧 T - 0 Sī mǎ Chéng zhēn f /Sima Chengzhen (655-735), Daoist priest in Tang dynasty/ 司馬昭 司马昭 T - 97 Sī mǎ Zhāo f /Sima Zhao (211-265), military general and statesman of Cao Wei 曹魏[Cao2 Wei4]/ 司馬昭之心路人皆知 司马昭之心路人皆知 T - 0 Sī mǎ Zhāo zhī xīn lù rén jiē zhī f /lit. Sima Zhao's intentions are obvious to everyone (idiom)/fig. an open secret/ 司馬法 司马法 T - 2 Sī mǎ Fǎ f /“Methods of Sima”, also called “Sima Rangju’s Art of War”, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], written by Sima Rangju 司馬穰苴|司马穰苴[Si1 ma3 Rang2 ju1]/ 司馬炎 司马炎 T - 55 Sī mǎ Yán f /Sima Yan (236-290), founding emperor of Jin dynasty 晋 after the Three Kingdoms period, reigned 265-290 as Emperor Wu of Jin 晉武帝/ 司馬穰苴 司马穰苴 T - 0 Sī mǎ Ráng jū f /Sima Rangju (c. 800 BC, dates of birth and death unknown), military strategist of the Qi State 齊國|齐国[Qi2 guo2] and author of “Methods of Sima” 司馬法|司马法[Si1 ma3 Fa3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]/ 司馬談 司马谈 T - 0 Sī mǎ Tán f /Sima Tan (-110 BC), Han dynasty scholar and historian, and father of 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1]/ 司馬遷 司马迁 T - 185 Sī mǎ Qiān f /Sima Qian (145-86 BC), Han Dynasty historian, author of Records of the Grand Historian 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4], known as the father of Chinese historiography/ 司馬遼太郎 司马辽太郎 T - 0 Sī mǎ Liáo tài láng f /SHIBA Ryotarō (1923-1996), Japanese author of historical novels/ 司马 司馬 S - 669 Sī mǎ f /Minister of War (official title in pre-Han Chinese states)/two-character surname Sima/ 司马光 司馬光 S - 138 Sī mǎ Guāng f /Sima Guang (1019-1086), politician and historian of Northern Song, author of Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government 資治通鑒|资治通鉴/ 司马懿 司馬懿 S - 255 Sī mǎ Yì f /Sima Yi (179-251), warlord under Cao Cao and subsequently founder of the Jin dynasty/ 司马承帧 司馬承幀 S - 0 Sī mǎ Chéng zhēn f /Sima Chengzhen (655-735), Daoist priest in Tang dynasty/ 司马昭 司馬昭 S - 97 Sī mǎ Zhāo f /Sima Zhao (211-265), military general and statesman of Cao Wei 曹魏[Cao2 Wei4]/ 司马昭之心路人皆知 司馬昭之心路人皆知 S - 0 Sī mǎ Zhāo zhī xīn lù rén jiē zhī f /lit. Sima Zhao's intentions are obvious to everyone (idiom)/fig. an open secret/ 司马法 司馬法 S - 2 Sī mǎ Fǎ f /“Methods of Sima”, also called “Sima Rangju’s Art of War”, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], written by Sima Rangju 司馬穰苴|司马穰苴[Si1 ma3 Rang2 ju1]/ 司马炎 司馬炎 S - 55 Sī mǎ Yán f /Sima Yan (236-290), founding emperor of Jin dynasty 晋 after the Three Kingdoms period, reigned 265-290 as Emperor Wu of Jin 晉武帝/ 司马穰苴 司馬穰苴 S - 0 Sī mǎ Ráng jū f /Sima Rangju (c. 800 BC, dates of birth and death unknown), military strategist of the Qi State 齊國|齐国[Qi2 guo2] and author of “Methods of Sima” 司馬法|司马法[Si1 ma3 Fa3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]/ 司马谈 司馬談 S - 0 Sī mǎ Tán f /Sima Tan (-110 BC), Han dynasty scholar and historian, and father of 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1]/ 司马辽太郎 司馬遼太郎 S - 0 Sī mǎ Liáo tài láng f /SHIBA Ryotarō (1923-1996), Japanese author of historical novels/ 司马迁 司馬遷 S - 185 Sī mǎ Qiān f /Sima Qian (145-86 BC), Han Dynasty historian, author of Records of the Grand Historian 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4], known as the father of Chinese historiography/ 叹 嘆 S - 4144 tàn f /to sigh/to gasp/to exclaim/ 叹 歎 S - 4144 tàn f /variant of 嘆|叹[tan4]/ 叹为观止 嘆為觀止 S - 92 tàn wéi guān zhǐ f /to gasp in amazement/to acclaim as the peak of perfection/ 叹号 歎號 S - 3 tàn hào f /exclamation mark (punct.)/ 叹息 嘆息 S - 998 tàn xī f /to sigh/to gasp (in admiration)/ 叹惜 嘆惜 S - 15 tàn xī f /sigh of regret/ 叹服 嘆服 S - 85 tàn fú f /(to gasp) with admiration/ 叹气 嘆氣 S 4273 313 tàn qì f /to sigh/to heave a sigh/ 叹词 嘆詞 S - 3 tàn cí f /interjection/exclamation/ 叹赏 嘆賞 S - 14 tàn shǎng f /to admire/to express admiration/ 叻 - 49 lè f /place names/ 叼 4022 216 diāo f /to hold with one's mouth (as a smoker with a cigarette or a dog with a bone)/ 叽 嘰 S - 109 jī f /grumble/ 叽叽喳喳 嘰嘰喳喳 S - 66 jī jī zhā zhā f /(onom.) chirp/twitter/buzzing/to chatter continuously/ 叽叽嘎嘎 嘰嘰嘎嘎 S - 6 jī jī gá gá f /(onom.) giggling noise/ 叽咋柳莺 嘰咋柳鶯 S - 0 jī zǎ liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)/ 叽哩咕噜 嘰哩咕嚕 S - 100 jī li gū lū f /(onom.) to jabber/to rumble/ 叽里咕噜 嘰里咕嚕 S - 6 jī li gū lū f /see 嘰哩咕嚕|叽哩咕噜[ji1 li5 gu1 lu1]/ 吁 - 319 xū t /sh/hush/ 吁 - 319 yù f /variant of 籲|吁[yu4]/ 吁 籲 S - 319 yù f /to implore/ 吁吁 - 3 xū xū f /to pant/to gasp for breath/ 吁请 籲請 S - 26 yù qǐng f /to implore/to entreat/ 吃 56 36799 chī f /to eat/to consume/to eat at (a cafeteria etc)/to eradicate/to destroy/to absorb/to suffer/to stammer (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [ji2])/ 吃 喫 S 56 36799 chī f /variant of 吃[chi1]/ 吃一堑,长一智 吃一塹,長一智 S - 0 chī yī qiàn , zhǎng yī zhì f /Fall into the moat and you'll be wiser next time (idiom); One only learns from one's mistakes./ 吃一塹,長一智 吃一堑,长一智 T - 0 chī yī qiàn , zhǎng yī zhì f /Fall into the moat and you'll be wiser next time (idiom); One only learns from one's mistakes./ 吃不上 - 3 chī bu shàng f /unable to get anything to eat/to miss a meal/ 吃不下 - 3 chī bu xià f /not feel like eating/be unable to eat any more/ 吃不了兜着走 吃不了兜著走 S - 46 chī bu liǎo dōu zhe zǒu f /lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home (idiom)/fig. you'll have to take the consequences/ 吃不了兜著走 吃不了兜着走 T - 46 chī bu liǎo dōu zhe zǒu f /lit. if you can't eat it all, you'll have to take it home (idiom)/fig. you'll have to take the consequences/ 吃不住 - 18 chī bu zhù f /to be unable to bear or support/ 吃不來 吃不来 T - 2 chī bu lái f /not be fond of certain food/ 吃不准 吃不準 S - 3 chī bù zhǔn f /to be unsure about a matter/to be uncertain/to be unable to make sense of sth/ 吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 T - 0 chī bù dào pú tao shuō pú tao suān f /sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop)/lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them/ 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸 吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸 S - 0 chī bù dào pú tao shuō pú tao suān f /sour grapes (set expr. based on Aesop)/lit. to say grapes are sour when you can't eat them/ 吃不开 吃不開 S - 3 chī bu kāi f /be unpopular/won't work/ 吃不服 - 3 chī bu fú f /not be accustomed to eating sth/not be used to certain food/ 吃不来 吃不來 S - 2 chī bu lái f /not be fond of certain food/ 吃不消 - 88 chī bu xiāo f /to be unable to tolerate or endure/to find sth difficult to manage/ 吃不準 吃不准 T - 3 chī bù zhǔn f /to be unsure about a matter/to be uncertain/to be unable to make sense of sth/ 吃不開 吃不开 T - 3 chī bu kāi f /be unpopular/won't work/ 吃乾飯 吃干饭 T - 15 chī gān fàn f /(coll.) to be incompetent/useless/good-for-nothing/ 吃了定心丸 - 0 chī le dìng xīn wán f /to feel reassured/ 吃亏 吃虧 S 2452 282 chī kuī f /to suffer losses/to come to grief/to lose out/to get the worst of it/to be at a disadvantage/unfortunately/ 吃亏上当 吃虧上當 S - 6 chī kuī shàng dàng f /to be taken advantage of/ 吃人 - 0 chī rén f /exploitative/oppressive/ 吃人不吐骨头 吃人不吐骨頭 S - 4 chī rén bù tǔ gǔ tóu f /ruthless/vicious and greedy/ 吃人不吐骨頭 吃人不吐骨头 T - 4 chī rén bù tǔ gǔ tóu f /ruthless/vicious and greedy/ 吃人家的嘴軟,拿人家的手短 吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短 T - 0 chī rén jiā de zuǐ ruǎn , ná rén jiā de shǒu duǎn f /lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom)/fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted/ 吃人家的嘴软,拿人家的手短 吃人家的嘴軟,拿人家的手短 S - 0 chī rén jiā de zuǐ ruǎn , ná rén jiā de shǒu duǎn f /lit. the mouth that has been fed by others is soft, the hand that has received doesn't reach (idiom)/fig. one is partial to those from whom presents have been accepted/ 吃刀 - 0 chī dāo f /penetration of a cutting tool/ 吃到飽 吃到饱 T - 0 chī dào bǎo f /all-you-can-eat (buffet) (Tw)/ 吃到饱 吃到飽 S - 0 chī dào bǎo f /all-you-can-eat (buffet) (Tw)/ 吃力 4501 172 chī lì f /to entail strenuous effort/to toil at a task/strenuous/laborious/strain/ 吃力不討好 吃力不讨好 T - 15 chī lì bù tǎo hǎo f /arduous and thankless task (idiom); strenuous and unrewarding/ 吃力不讨好 吃力不討好 S - 15 chī lì bù tǎo hǎo f /arduous and thankless task (idiom); strenuous and unrewarding/ 吃后悔药 吃後悔藥 S - 8 chī hòu huǐ yào f /(fig.) to regret (doing sth)/ 吃味 - 0 chī wèi f /to be jealous/to envy/ 吃哑巴亏 吃啞巴虧 S - 3 chī yǎ ba kuī f /to be forced to suffer in silence/unable to speak of one's bitter suffering/ 吃啞巴虧 吃哑巴亏 T - 3 chī yǎ ba kuī f /to be forced to suffer in silence/unable to speak of one's bitter suffering/ 吃喝 - 317 chī hē f /to eat and drink/food and drink/ 吃喝嫖賭 吃喝嫖赌 T - 28 chī hē piáo dǔ f /to go dining, wining, whoring and gambling/to lead a life of dissipation/ 吃喝嫖赌 吃喝嫖賭 S - 28 chī hē piáo dǔ f /to go dining, wining, whoring and gambling/to lead a life of dissipation/ 吃喝拉撒睡 - 0 chī hē lā sā shuì f /to eat, drink, shit, piss, and sleep/(fig.) the ordinary daily routine/ 吃喝玩乐 吃喝玩樂 S - 62 chī hē wán lè f /to eat, drink and be merry (idiom)/to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure/ 吃喝玩樂 吃喝玩乐 T - 62 chī hē wán lè f /to eat, drink and be merry (idiom)/to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure/ 吃坏 吃壞 S - 0 chī huài f /to get sick because of bad food/ 吃壞 吃坏 T - 0 chī huài f /to get sick because of bad food/ 吃大亏 吃大虧 S - 60 chī dà kuī f /to cost one dearly/to end disastrously/to pay bitterly/ 吃大戶 吃大户 T - 9 chī dà hù f /mass seizure of food from landlords during famines before liberation/ 吃大户 吃大戶 S - 9 chī dà hù f /mass seizure of food from landlords during famines before liberation/ 吃大虧 吃大亏 T - 60 chī dà kuī f /to cost one dearly/to end disastrously/to pay bitterly/ 吃奶 - 3 chī nǎi f /to suck the breast (for milk)/ 吃奶之力 - 0 chī nǎi zhī lì f /all one's strength/ 吃奶的力气 吃奶的力氣 S - 0 chī nǎi de lì qi f /all one's strength/ 吃奶的力氣 吃奶的力气 T - 0 chī nǎi de lì qi f /all one's strength/ 吃奶的气力 吃奶的氣力 S - 0 chī nǎi de qì lì f /utmost effort/ 吃奶的氣力 吃奶的气力 T - 0 chī nǎi de qì lì f /utmost effort/ 吃完 - 0 chī wán f /to finish eating/ 吃官司 - 16 chī guān sī f /to face legal action/to get sued/ 吃小灶 吃小竈 S - 3 chī xiǎo zào f /to be given special treatment/to be treated in a favored way/ 吃小竈 吃小灶 T - 3 chī xiǎo zào f /to be given special treatment/to be treated in a favored way/ 吃布 - 0 chī bù f /to catch on cloth (e.g. of a zip fastener)/ 吃干饭 吃乾飯 S - 15 chī gān fàn f /(coll.) to be incompetent/useless/good-for-nothing/ 吃後悔藥 吃后悔药 T - 8 chī hòu huǐ yào f /(fig.) to regret (doing sth)/ 吃得住 - 4 chī de zhù f /to be able to bear/to be able to support/ 吃得开 吃得開 S - 9 chī de kāi f /to be popular/to be getting on well/much in demand/ 吃得消 - 11 chī de xiāo f /to be able to endure (exertion, fatigue etc)/to be able to afford/ 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 吃得苦中苦,方為人上人 S - 0 chī dé kǔ zhōng kǔ , fāng wéi rén shàng rén f /one cannot achieve glory and wealth without having been through trials and tribulations (proverb)/no pain, no gain/ 吃得苦中苦,方為人上人 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人 T - 0 chī dé kǔ zhōng kǔ , fāng wéi rén shàng rén f /one cannot achieve glory and wealth without having been through trials and tribulations (proverb)/no pain, no gain/ 吃得開 吃得开 T - 9 chī de kāi f /to be popular/to be getting on well/much in demand/ 吃惊 吃驚 S 949 942 chī jīng f /to be startled/to be shocked/to be amazed/ 吃拿卡要 - 3 chī ná qiǎ yào f /dinner invitations, grabbing, obstructing and demanding bribes/all kinds of abuse of power/ 吃掉 - 323 chī diào f /to eat up/to consume/ 吃斋 吃齋 S - 43 chī zhāi f /to abstain from eating meat/to be a vegetarian/ 吃枪药 吃槍藥 S - 0 chī qiāng yào f /(lit.) to have swallowed gunpowder/(fig.) to be ablaze with anger/ornery/snappy/ 吃槍藥 吃枪药 T - 0 chī qiāng yào f /(lit.) to have swallowed gunpowder/(fig.) to be ablaze with anger/ornery/snappy/ 吃水 - 184 chī shuǐ f /drinking water/to obtain water (for daily needs)/to absorb water/draft (of ship)/ 吃水不忘挖井人 - 0 chī shuǐ bù wàng wā jǐng rén f /see 吃水不忘掘井人[chi1 shui3 bu4 wang4 jue2 jing3 ren2]/ 吃水不忘掘井人 - 0 chī shuǐ bù wàng jué jǐng rén f /Drinking the water of a well, one should never forget who dug it. (idiom)/ 吃油 - 0 chī yóu f /(of food) to absorb oil/(of a vehicle) to guzzle fuel/ 吃法 - 559 chī fǎ f /way of eating/how something is eaten/how a dish is prepared/the way a dish is to be cooked/ 吃熊心豹子胆 吃熊心豹子膽 S - 0 chī xióng xīn bào zi dǎn f /to eat bear heart and leopard gall (idiom)/to pluck up some courage/ 吃熊心豹子膽 吃熊心豹子胆 T - 0 chī xióng xīn bào zi dǎn f /to eat bear heart and leopard gall (idiom)/to pluck up some courage/ 吃牢飯 吃牢饭 T - 0 chī láo fàn f /to do prison time (Tw)/ 吃牢饭 吃牢飯 S - 0 chī láo fàn f /to do prison time (Tw)/ 吃白食 - 20 chī bái shí f /to eat without paying/to freeload/ 吃皇粮 吃皇糧 S - 3 chī huáng liáng f /lit. to eat from government coffers/to serve as a government employee/to live off government money/ 吃皇糧 吃皇粮 T - 3 chī huáng liáng f /lit. to eat from government coffers/to serve as a government employee/to live off government money/ 吃相 - 0 chī xiàng f /table manners/ 吃着碗里,看着锅里 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡 S - 0 chī zhe wǎn lǐ , kàn zhe guō lǐ f /lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom)/not content with what one already has/(of men, typically) to have the wandering eye/ 吃着碗里,瞧着锅里 吃著碗裡,瞧著鍋裡 S - 0 chī zhe wǎn lǐ , qiáo zhe guō lǐ f /see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里[chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 , kan4 zhe5 guo1 li3]/ 吃空額 吃空额 T - 23 chī kòng è f /to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing in name only/ 吃空额 吃空額 S - 23 chī kòng è f /to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing in name only/ 吃空餉 吃空饷 T - 0 chī kòng xiǎng f /to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing in name only/ 吃空饷 吃空餉 S - 0 chī kòng xiǎng f /to embezzle by adding to the payroll employees existing in name only/ 吃穿 - 0 chī chuān f /food and clothing/ 吃粮不管事 吃糧不管事 S - 0 chī liáng bù guǎn shì f /to eat without working (idiom)/to take one's pay and not care about the rest/ 吃糧不管事 吃粮不管事 T - 0 chī liáng bù guǎn shì f /to eat without working (idiom)/to take one's pay and not care about the rest/ 吃素 - 31 chī sù f /to be a vegetarian/ 吃紧 吃緊 S - 133 chī jǐn f /in short supply/dire/tense/critical/hard-pressed/important/ 吃緊 吃紧 T - 133 chī jǐn f /in short supply/dire/tense/critical/hard-pressed/important/ 吃苦 4844 246 chī kǔ f /to bear hardships/ 吃苦头 吃苦頭 S - 23 chī kǔ tou f /to suffer/to suffer for one's actions/to pay dearly/to burn one's fingers/ 吃苦耐劳 吃苦耐勞 S - 62 chī kǔ nài láo f /hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)/ 吃苦耐勞 吃苦耐劳 T - 62 chī kǔ nài láo f /hardworking and enduring hardships (idiom)/ 吃苦頭 吃苦头 T - 23 chī kǔ tou f /to suffer/to suffer for one's actions/to pay dearly/to burn one's fingers/ 吃药 吃藥 S - 235 chī yào f /to take medicine/ 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡 吃着碗里,看着锅里 T - 0 chī zhe wǎn lǐ , kàn zhe guō lǐ f /lit. eyeing what's in the pot as one eats from one's bowl (idiom)/not content with what one already has/(of men, typically) to have the wandering eye/ 吃著碗裡,瞧著鍋裡 吃着碗里,瞧着锅里 T - 0 chī zhe wǎn lǐ , qiáo zhe guō lǐ f /see 吃著碗裡,看著鍋裡|吃着碗里,看着锅里[chi1 zhe5 wan3 li3 , kan4 zhe5 guo1 li3]/ 吃藥 吃药 T - 235 chī yào f /to take medicine/ 吃虧 吃亏 T 2452 282 chī kuī f /to suffer losses/to come to grief/to lose out/to get the worst of it/to be at a disadvantage/unfortunately/ 吃虧上當 吃亏上当 T - 6 chī kuī shàng dàng f /to be taken advantage of/ 吃螺丝 吃螺絲 S - 0 chī luó sī f /(of an actor, announcer etc) to stumble over words (Tw)/ 吃螺絲 吃螺丝 T - 0 chī luó sī f /(of an actor, announcer etc) to stumble over words (Tw)/ 吃裡爬外 吃里爬外 T - 3 chī lǐ pá wài f /to work against the interests of sb one derives support from/to double-cross one's employer/to bite the hand that feeds you/ 吃角子老虎 - 0 chī jiǎo zi lǎo hu f /slot machine/ 吃請 吃请 T - 32 chī qǐng f /to be a guest at a dinner party/to be wined and dined (as a bribe)/ 吃请 吃請 S - 32 chī qǐng f /to be a guest at a dinner party/to be wined and dined (as a bribe)/ 吃豆人 - 0 chī dòu rén f /Pac-Man (computer game)/ 吃豆腐 - 10 chī dòu fu f /to eat tofu/to flirt/to tease/ 吃豆豆 - 3 chī dòu dòu f /see 吃豆人[chi1 dou4 ren2]/ 吃貨 吃货 T - 3 chī huò f /chowhound/foodie/a good-for-nothing/ 吃货 吃貨 S - 3 chī huò f /chowhound/foodie/a good-for-nothing/ 吃軟不吃硬 吃软不吃硬 T - 6 chī ruǎn bù chī yìng f /lit. eats soft food, but refuses hard food (idiom)/amenable to coaxing but not coercion/ 吃軟飯 吃软饭 T - 3 chī ruǎn fàn f /to live off a woman/ 吃软不吃硬 吃軟不吃硬 S - 6 chī ruǎn bù chī yìng f /lit. eats soft food, but refuses hard food (idiom)/amenable to coaxing but not coercion/ 吃软饭 吃軟飯 S - 3 chī ruǎn fàn f /to live off a woman/ 吃醋 - 94 chī cù f /to feel jealous/ 吃里爬外 吃裡爬外 S - 3 chī lǐ pá wài f /to work against the interests of sb one derives support from/to double-cross one's employer/to bite the hand that feeds you/ 吃錯藥 吃错药 T - 3 chī cuò yào f /(lit.) to have taken the wrong medicine/(fig.) (of one's behavior etc) different than usual/abnormal/ 吃错药 吃錯藥 S - 3 chī cuò yào f /(lit.) to have taken the wrong medicine/(fig.) (of one's behavior etc) different than usual/abnormal/ 吃閉門羹 吃闭门羹 T - 3 chī bì mén gēng f /to be refused entrance (idiom)/to find the door closed/ 吃閒飯 吃闲饭 T - 20 chī xián fàn f /to live as a parasite/doing nothing to earn one's keep/ 吃闭门羹 吃閉門羹 S - 3 chī bì mén gēng f /to be refused entrance (idiom)/to find the door closed/ 吃闲饭 吃閒飯 S - 20 chī xián fàn f /to live as a parasite/doing nothing to earn one's keep/ 吃霸王餐 - 0 chī bà wáng cān f /to dine and dash/to leave without paying/ 吃青春飯 吃青春饭 T - 0 chī qīng chūn fàn f /to make the most of one's youthfulness in one's choice of employment (e.g. modeling)/ 吃青春饭 吃青春飯 S - 0 chī qīng chūn fàn f /to make the most of one's youthfulness in one's choice of employment (e.g. modeling)/ 吃食 - 115 chī shí f /to eat (of bird or animal)/to feed/ 吃食 - 115 chī shi t /food/edibles/ 吃飯 吃饭 T - 3082 chī fàn f /to have a meal/to eat/to make a living/ 吃飯皇帝大 吃饭皇帝大 T - 0 chī fàn huáng dì dà f /eating comes first, then comes everything else (idiom) (Tw)/ 吃飽 吃饱 T - 3 chī bǎo f /to eat one's fill/ 吃飽了飯撐的 吃饱了饭撑的 T - 0 chī bǎo le fàn chēng de f /having nothing better to do/see 吃飽撐著|吃饱撑着/ 吃飽撐著 吃饱撑着 T - 0 chī bǎo chēng zhe f /having nothing better to do/ 吃館子 吃馆子 T - 10 chī guǎn zi f /to eat out/to eat at a restaurant/ 吃饭 吃飯 S - 3082 chī fàn f /to have a meal/to eat/to make a living/ 吃饭皇帝大 吃飯皇帝大 S - 0 chī fàn huáng dì dà f /eating comes first, then comes everything else (idiom) (Tw)/ 吃饱 吃飽 S - 3 chī bǎo f /to eat one's fill/ 吃饱了饭撑的 吃飽了飯撐的 S - 0 chī bǎo le fàn chēng de f /having nothing better to do/see 吃飽撐著|吃饱撑着/ 吃饱撑着 吃飽撐著 S - 0 chī bǎo chēng zhe f /having nothing better to do/ 吃馆子 吃館子 S - 10 chī guǎn zi f /to eat out/to eat at a restaurant/ 吃香 - 100 chī xiāng f /very popular/ 吃香喝辣 - 7 chī xiāng hē là f /lit. to eat delicious food and drink hard liquor (idiom)/fig. to live well/ 吃驚 吃惊 T 949 942 chī jīng f /to be startled/to be shocked/to be amazed/ 吃齋 吃斋 T - 43 chī zhāi f /to abstain from eating meat/to be a vegetarian/ 各 932 44807 gè f /each/every/ 各不相同 - 3 gè bù xiāng tóng f /to have nothing in common with each other (idiom)/ 各个 各個 S - 6029 gè gè f /every/various/separately, one by one/ 各人 - 1727 gè rén f /each one/everyone/ 各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 各人自掃門前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 S - 0 gè rén zì sǎo mén qián xuě , mò guǎn tā jiā wǎ shàng shuāng f /sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)/ 各人自掃門前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 各人自扫门前雪,莫管他家瓦上霜 T - 0 gè rén zì sǎo mén qián xuě , mò guǎn tā jiā wǎ shàng shuāng f /sweep the snow from your own door step, don't worry about the frost on your neighbor's roof (idiom)/ 各位 - 2010 gè wèi f /everybody/all (guests, colleagues etc)/all of you/ 各個 各个 T - 6029 gè gè f /every/various/separately, one by one/ 各別 各别 T - 474 gè bié f /distinct/characteristic/in different ways/different/ 各别 各別 S - 474 gè bié f /distinct/characteristic/in different ways/different/ 各取所需 - 31 gè qǔ suǒ xū f /each takes what he needs (idiom)/ 各国 各國 S - 5912 gè guó f /each country/every country/various countries/ 各國 各国 T - 5912 gè guó f /each country/every country/various countries/ 各地 - 7252 gè dì f /in all parts of (a country)/various regions/ 各執一詞 各执一词 T - 43 gè zhí yī cí f /each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf/ 各執己見 各执己见 T - 3 gè zhí jǐ jiàn f /each sticks to his own view (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf/ 各執所見 各执所见 T - 0 gè zhí suǒ jiàn f /each sticks to his own view/ 各处 各處 S - 771 gè chù f /every place/ 各奔东西 各奔東西 S - 18 gè bèn dōng xī f /to go separate ways (idiom)/to part ways with sb/Taiwan pr. [ge4 ben1 dong1 xi1]/ 各奔前程 - 11 gè bèn qián chéng f /each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead/ 各奔東西 各奔东西 T - 18 gè bèn dōng xī f /to go separate ways (idiom)/to part ways with sb/Taiwan pr. [ge4 ben1 dong1 xi1]/ 各就各位 - 34 gè jiù gè wèi f /(of the people in a group) to get into position (idiom)/(athletics) On your mark!/ 各尽所能 各盡所能 S - 29 gè jìn suǒ néng f /each does his utmost (idiom)/from each according to his means/ 各异 各異 S - 413 gè yì f /all different/each unto his own/ 各式各样 各式各樣 S - 253 gè shì gè yàng f /(of) all kinds and sorts/various/ 各式各樣 各式各样 T - 253 gè shì gè yàng f /(of) all kinds and sorts/various/ 各得其所 - 83 gè dé qí suǒ f /each in the correct place/each is provided for/ 各执一词 各執一詞 S - 43 gè zhí yī cí f /each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf/ 各执己见 各執己見 S - 3 gè zhí jǐ jiàn f /each sticks to his own view (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf/ 各执所见 各執所見 S - 0 gè zhí suǒ jiàn f /each sticks to his own view/ 各抒己見 各抒己见 T 4976 46 gè shū jǐ jiàn f /everyone gives their own view/ 各抒己见 各抒己見 S 4976 46 gè shū jǐ jiàn f /everyone gives their own view/ 各拉丹冬山 - 0 Gè lā dān dōng shān f /Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qinghai (6621 m), the main peak of the Tanggula mountain range 唐古拉山脈|唐古拉山脉[Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1 mai4]/ 各拉丹冬峰 - 0 Gè lā dān dōng fēng f /Mount Geladaindong or Geladandong in Qinghai (6621 m), the main peak of the Tanggula mountain range 唐古拉山脈|唐古拉山脉[Tang2 gu3 la1 shan1 mai4]/ 各持己見 各持己见 T - 9 gè chí jǐ jiàn f /each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout/ 各持己见 各持己見 S - 9 gè chí jǐ jiàn f /each sticks to his own opinion (idiom); chacun son gout/ 各方 - 794 gè fāng f /all parties (in a dispute etc)/all sides/all directions/ 各显所长 各顯所長 S - 0 gè xiǎn suǒ cháng f /each displays their own strengths (idiom)/ 各有千秋 - 31 gè yǒu qiān qiū f /each has its own merits (idiom)/ 各有所好 - 5 gè yǒu suǒ hào f /Each has his likes and dislikes (idiom). There is no accounting for tastes./chacun son gout/ 各样 各樣 S - 47 gè yàng f /many different types/ 各樣 各样 T - 47 gè yàng f /many different types/ 各界 - 1695 gè jiè f /all walks of life/all social circles/ 各界人士 - 3 gè jiè rén shì f /all walks of life/ 各異 各异 T - 413 gè yì f /all different/each unto his own/ 各盡所能 各尽所能 T - 29 gè jìn suǒ néng f /each does his utmost (idiom)/from each according to his means/ 各种 各種 S - 22183 gè zhǒng f /every kind of/all kinds of/various kinds/ 各种各样 各種各樣 S - 726 gè zhǒng gè yàng f /various kinds/all sorts/ 各种颜色 各種顏色 S - 0 gè zhǒng yán sè f /multicolored/a variety of colors/ 各種 各种 T - 22183 gè zhǒng f /every kind of/all kinds of/various kinds/ 各種各樣 各种各样 T - 726 gè zhǒng gè yàng f /various kinds/all sorts/ 各種顏色 各种颜色 T - 0 gè zhǒng yán sè f /multicolored/a variety of colors/ 各类 各類 S - 3682 gè lèi f /all categories/ 各級 各级 T - 19839 gè jí f /all levels/ 各级 各級 S - 19839 gè jí f /all levels/ 各自 1906 4330 gè zì f /each/respective/apiece/ 各自为政 各自為政 S - 40 gè zì wéi zhèng f /to do things each in one's own way/ 各自為政 各自为政 T - 40 gè zì wéi zhèng f /to do things each in one's own way/ 各色 - 283 gè sè f /all kinds/of every description/ 各色各样 各色各樣 S - 17 gè sè gè yàng f /lit. each color and each form (idiom)/diverse/various/all kinds of/ 各色各樣 各色各样 T - 17 gè sè gè yàng f /lit. each color and each form (idiom)/diverse/various/all kinds of/ 各處 各处 T - 771 gè chù f /every place/ 各行其是 - 69 gè xíng qí shì f /each one does what he thinks is right (idiom)/each goes his own way/ 各行各业 各行各業 S - 178 gè háng gè yè f /every trade/all professions/all walks of life/ 各行各業 各行各业 T - 178 gè háng gè yè f /every trade/all professions/all walks of life/ 各類 各类 T - 3682 gè lèi f /all categories/ 各顯所長 各显所长 T - 0 gè xiǎn suǒ cháng f /each displays their own strengths (idiom)/ 吅 - 3 sòng f /variant of 訟|讼[song4]/ 吅 - 3 xuān t /variant of 喧[xuan1]/ 吆 - 158 yāo f /to shout/to bawl/to yell (to urge on an animal)/to hawk (one's wares)/ 吆五喝六 - 15 yāo wǔ hè liù f /lit. to shout out hoping for fives and sixes when gambling with dice; a hubbub of gambling/ 吆呼 - 3 yāo hū f /to shout (orders)/ 吆喊 - 3 yāo hǎn f /to shout/to yell/ 吆喝 - 621 yāo he f /to shout/to bawl/to yell (to urge on an animal)/to hawk (one's wares)/to denounce loudly/to shout slogans/ 合 - 9453 gě f /100 ml/one-tenth of a peck/measure for dry grain equal to one-tenth of sheng 升 or liter, or one-hundredth dou 斗/ 合 - 9453 hé t /to close/to join/to fit/to be equal to/whole/together/round (in battle)/conjunction (astronomy)/1st note of pentatonic scale/old variant of 盒[he2]/ 合 閤 S - 9453 hé t /variant of 合[he2]/ 合一 - 422 hé yī f /to unite/ 合上 - 3 hé shàng f /to close (box, book, mouth etc)/ 合不來 合不来 T - 4 hé bù lái f /unable to get along together/incompatible/ 合不拢嘴 合不攏嘴 S - 40 hé bù lǒng zuǐ f /unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc/grinning from ear to ear/mouth agape/gobsmacked/ 合不攏嘴 合不拢嘴 T - 40 hé bù lǒng zuǐ f /unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc/grinning from ear to ear/mouth agape/gobsmacked/ 合不来 合不來 S - 4 hé bù lái f /unable to get along together/incompatible/ 合並 合并 T 3061 2921 hé bìng f /variant of 合併|合并[he2 bing4]/ 合为 合為 S - 198 hé wéi f /to combine/ 合义复词 合義複詞 S - 0 hé yì fù cí f /compound word such as 教室[jiao4 shi4], 國家|国家[guo2 jia1], but unlike 玫瑰[mei2 gui1], whose meaning is related to the component hanzi/ 合乎 - 1183 hé hū f /to accord with/conforming to/ 合于 合於 S - 3 hé yú f /to tally/to accord with/to fit/ 合于时宜 合于時宜 S - 0 hé yú shí yí f /timely/at the right moment/appropriate to the occasion/opportune/to fit current fashion/ 合于時宜 合于时宜 T - 0 hé yú shí yí f /timely/at the right moment/appropriate to the occasion/opportune/to fit current fashion/ 合众 合眾 S - 28 hé zhòng f /mass/involving everyone/united/lit. to assemble the multitude/ 合众为一 合眾為一 S - 0 hé zhòng wéi yī f /united as one/e pluribus unum/ 合众国 合眾國 S - 46 hé zhòng guó f /federated nation/the United States/ 合众国际社 合眾國際社 S - 0 Hé zhòng Guó jì shè f /United Press International (UPI)/ 合众银行 合眾銀行 S - 0 Hé zhòng Yín háng f /Bancorp, a US bank/ 合伙 3765 250 hé huǒ f /to act jointly/to form a partnership/ 合伙人 - 145 hé huǒ rén f /partner/associate/ 合体字 合體字 S - 0 hé tǐ zì f /a Chinese character formed by combining existing elements - i.e. a combined ideogram 會意|会意 or radical plus phonetic 形聲|形声/ 合作 1296 13478 hé zuò f /to cooperate/to collaborate/to work together/cooperation/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 合作伙伴 - 7 hé zuò huǒ bàn f /cooperative partner/ 合作农场 合作農場 S - 0 hé zuò nóng chǎng f /collective farm, Russian: kolkhoz/ 合作化 - 128 hé zuò huà f /collectivization (in Marxist theory)/ 合作市 - 0 Hé zuò shì f /Hezuo county level city in Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘南藏族自治州[Gan1 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 合作方 - 44 hé zuò fāng f /(business) partner/ 合作社 - 379 hé zuò shè f /cooperative/workers' or agricultural producers' cooperative etc/ 合作者 - 50 hé zuò zhě f /co-worker/collaborator/also collaborator with the enemy/ 合作農場 合作农场 T - 0 hé zuò nóng chǎng f /collective farm, Russian: kolkhoz/ 合併 合并 T 3061 2921 hé bìng f /to merge/to annex/ 合併症 合并症 T - 34 hé bìng zhèng f /complication (medicine)/ 合共 - 15 hé gòng f /altogether/in sum/ 合击 合擊 S - 37 hé jī f /combined assault/to mount a joint attack/ 合力 - 562 hé lì f /to cooperate/ 合办 合辦 S - 128 hé bàn f /to cooperate/to do business together/ 合十 - 300 hé shí f /to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting)/ 合卺 合巹 S - 20 hé jǐn f /to share nuptial cup/fig. to get married/ 合取 - 3 hé qǔ f /connective/conjunction/ 合叶 合葉 S - 7 hé yè f /hinge/ 合吃族 - 0 hé chī zú f /lit. joint eaters/a restaurant social gathering, esp. organized online among strangers/ 合同 1598 3572 hé tong f /(business) contract/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 合同各方 - 0 hé tong gè fāng f /parties to a contract (law)/ 合同法 - 109 hé tong fǎ f /contract law/ 合唱 - 246 hé chàng f /chorus/to chorus/ 合唱团 合唱團 S - 258 hé chàng tuán f /chorus/choir/ 合唱團 合唱团 T - 258 hé chàng tuán f /chorus/choir/ 合四乙尺工 - 0 hé sì yǐ chǐ gōng f /names of the five notes of the Chinese pentatonic scale, corresponding roughly to do, re, mi, sol, la/ 合围 合圍 S - 168 hé wéi f /to surround/to close in around (one's enemy, prey etc)/ 合圍 合围 T - 168 hé wéi f /to surround/to close in around (one's enemy, prey etc)/ 合夥 - 250 hé huǒ f /variant of 合伙[he2 huo3]/ 合夥人 - 145 hé huǒ rén f /variant of 合伙人[he2 huo3 ren2]/ 合奏 - 138 hé zòu f /to perform music (as ensemble)/ 合婚 - 3 hé hūn f /casting a couple's fortune based on their bithdates (old)/ 合子 - 81 hé zǐ t /zygote (biology)/ 合子 - 81 hé zi f /pasty (i.e. pastry stuffed with meat or vegetables)/ 合宜 - 126 hé yí f /appropriate/ 合宪性 合憲性 S - 5 hé xiàn xìng f /constitutionality/ 合家 - 52 hé jiā f /whole family/entire household/ 合家欢 合家歡 S - 12 hé jiā huān f /group photo of whole family/ 合家歡 合家欢 T - 12 hé jiā huān f /group photo of whole family/ 合山 - 12 Hé shān f /Heshan county level city in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 合山市 - 3 Hé shān shì f /Heshan county level city in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 合川 - 31 Hé chuān f /Hechuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 合川区 合川區 S - 0 Hé chuān qū f /Hechuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 合川區 合川区 T - 0 Hé chuān qū f /Hechuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 合巹 合卺 T - 20 hé jǐn f /to share nuptial cup/fig. to get married/ 合并 合並 S 3061 2921 hé bìng f /variant of 合併|合并[he2 bing4]/ 合并 合併 S 3061 2921 hé bìng f /to merge/to annex/ 合并症 合併症 S - 34 hé bìng zhèng f /complication (medicine)/ 合式 - 43 hé shì f /suitable/fitting/decent/to fit/also written 合適|合适[he2 shi4]/ 合当 合當 S - 0 hé dāng f /must/should/ 合影 2362 337 hé yǐng f /to take a joint photo/group photo/ 合得來 合得来 T - 20 hé de lái f /to get along well/compatible/also written 和得來|和得来[he2 de5 lai2]/ 合得来 合得來 S - 20 hé de lái f /to get along well/compatible/also written 和得來|和得来[he2 de5 lai2]/ 合心 - 3 hé xīn f /acting together/to one's liking/ 合情合理 - 75 hé qíng hé lǐ f /reasonable and fair (idiom)/ 合意 - 78 hé yì f /to suit one's taste/suitable/congenial/by mutual agreement/ 合憲性 合宪性 T - 5 hé xiàn xìng f /constitutionality/ 合成 3565 2266 hé chéng f /to compose/to constitute/compound/synthesis/mixture/synthetic/ 合成代謝 合成代谢 T - 0 hé chéng dài xiè f /anabolism (biology)/constructive metabolism (using energy to make proteins etc)/assimilation/ 合成代谢 合成代謝 S - 0 hé chéng dài xiè f /anabolism (biology)/constructive metabolism (using energy to make proteins etc)/assimilation/ 合成器 - 23 hé chéng qì f /synthesizer/ 合成数 合成數 S - 0 hé chéng shù f /composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)/ 合成數 合成数 T - 0 hé chéng shù f /composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)/ 合成橡胶 合成橡膠 S - 87 hé chéng xiàng jiāo f /synthetic rubber/ 合成橡膠 合成橡胶 T - 87 hé chéng xiàng jiāo f /synthetic rubber/ 合成法 - 0 hé chéng fǎ f /(chemical) synthesis/ 合成洗涤剂 合成洗滌劑 S - 13 hé chéng xǐ dí jì f /synthetic detergent/ 合成洗滌劑 合成洗涤剂 T - 13 hé chéng xǐ dí jì f /synthetic detergent/ 合成物 - 3 hé chéng wù f /compound/composite/cocktail/ 合成石油 - 2 hé chéng shí yóu f /synthetic oil/ 合成类固醇 合成類固醇 S - 0 hé chéng lèi gù chún f /anabolic steroids/ 合成纖維 合成纤维 T - 114 hé chéng xiān wéi f /synthetic fiber/ 合成纤维 合成纖維 S - 114 hé chéng xiān wéi f /synthetic fiber/ 合成詞 合成词 T - 17 hé chéng cí f /compound word/ 合成語境 合成语境 T - 0 hé chéng yǔ jìng f /composite context/ 合成語音 合成语音 T - 0 hé chéng yǔ yīn f /assembled phonology/ 合成词 合成詞 S - 17 hé chéng cí f /compound word/ 合成语境 合成語境 S - 0 hé chéng yǔ jìng f /composite context/ 合成语音 合成語音 S - 0 hé chéng yǔ yīn f /assembled phonology/ 合成類固醇 合成类固醇 T - 0 hé chéng lèi gù chún f /anabolic steroids/ 合扇 - 0 hé shàn f /(dialect) hinge/ 合手 - 0 hé shǒu f /to put one's palms together (in prayer or greeting)/to work with a common purpose/harmonious/convenient (to use)/ 合抱 - 56 hé bào f /to wrap one's arm around (used to describe the girth of a tree trunk)/ 合拍 - 65 hé pāi f /in time with (i.e. same rhythm)/to keep in step with/fig. to cooperate/ 合拢 合攏 S - 94 hé lǒng f /to fold/to close/ 合掌 - 117 hé zhǎng f /to clasp hands/to put one's palms together (in prayer)/ 合掌瓜 - 0 hé zhǎng guā f /see 佛手瓜[fo2 shou3 gua1]/ 合擊 合击 T - 37 hé jī f /combined assault/to mount a joint attack/ 合攏 合拢 T - 94 hé lǒng f /to fold/to close/ 合数 合數 S - 12 hé shù f /composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)/ 合數 合数 T - 12 hé shù f /composite number (i.e. not prime, has a factorization)/ 合於 合于 T - 3 hé yú f /to tally/to accord with/to fit/ 合时 合時 S - 0 hé shí f /in fashion/suiting the time/seasonable/timely/ 合时宜 合時宜 S - 0 hé shí yí f /timely/at the right moment/appropriate to the occasion/opportune/to fit current fashion/ 合時 合时 T - 0 hé shí f /in fashion/suiting the time/seasonable/timely/ 合時宜 合时宜 T - 0 hé shí yí f /timely/at the right moment/appropriate to the occasion/opportune/to fit current fashion/ 合格 1136 1664 hé gé f /to meet the standard required/qualified/eligible (voter etc)/ 合格證 合格证 T - 115 hé gé zhèng f /certificate of conformity/ 合格证 合格證 S - 115 hé gé zhèng f /certificate of conformity/ 合气道 合氣道 S - 9 hé qì dào f /aikido (Japanese martial art)/hapkido (Korean martial art)/ 合氣道 合气道 T - 9 hé qì dào f /aikido (Japanese martial art)/hapkido (Korean martial art)/ 合水 - 5 Hé shuǐ f /Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 合水县 合水縣 S - 2 Hé shuǐ xiàn f /Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 合水縣 合水县 T - 2 Hé shuǐ xiàn f /Heshui county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 合江 - 19 Hé jiāng f /Hejiang county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 合江县 合江縣 S - 4 Hé jiāng xiàn f /Hejiang county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 合江縣 合江县 T - 4 Hé jiāng xiàn f /Hejiang county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 合法 1614 3048 hé fǎ f /lawful/legitimate/legal/ 合法化 - 122 hé fǎ huà f /to legalize/to make legal/legalization/ 合法性 - 164 hé fǎ xìng f /legitimacy/ 合流 - 99 hé liú f /to converge/to flow together/fig. to act alike/to evolve together/ 合浦县 合浦縣 S - 14 Hé pǔ xiàn f /Hepu county in Beihai 北海[Bei3 hai3], Guangxi/ 合浦縣 合浦县 T - 14 Hé pǔ xiàn f /Hepu county in Beihai 北海[Bei3 hai3], Guangxi/ 合演 - 27 hé yǎn f /to act together/to put on a joint performance/ 合為 合为 T - 198 hé wéi f /to combine/ 合照 - 6 hé zhào f /to pose for a photo/ 合營 合营 T - 435 hé yíng f /to operate jointly/a joint venture/cooperative/ 合理 1663 3870 hé lǐ f /rational/reasonable/fair/ 合理化 - 100 hé lǐ huà f /to rationalize/to make compatible/to streamline/rationalization/ 合理性 - 197 hé lǐ xìng f /reason/rationality/rationale/reasonableness/ 合璧 - 66 hé bì f /to match harmoniously/ 合用 - 102 hé yòng f /to share/to use in common/suitable/fit for purpose/useable/ 合當 合当 T - 0 hé dāng f /must/should/ 合眼 - 109 hé yǎn f /to close one's eyes/to get to sleep/ 合眼摸象 - 3 hé yǎn mō xiàng f /to touch an elephant with closed eyes (idiom); to proceed blindly/ 合眾 合众 T - 28 hé zhòng f /mass/involving everyone/united/lit. to assemble the multitude/ 合眾國 合众国 T - 46 hé zhòng guó f /federated nation/the United States/ 合眾國際社 合众国际社 T - 0 Hé zhòng Guó jì shè f /United Press International (UPI)/ 合眾為一 合众为一 T - 0 hé zhòng wéi yī f /united as one/e pluribus unum/ 合眾銀行 合众银行 T - 0 Hé zhòng Yín háng f /Bancorp, a US bank/ 合着 合著 S - 176 hé zhe f /(dialect) (implying sudden realization) so/after all/ 合租 - 21 hé zū f /co-renting/ 合称 合稱 S - 364 hé chēng f /common term/general term/ 合稱 合称 T - 364 hé chēng f /common term/general term/ 合算 4761 97 hé suàn f /worthwhile/to be a good deal/to be a bargain/to reckon up/to calculate/ 合約 合约 T - 193 hé yuē f /treaty/contract/ 合編 合编 T - 183 hé biān f /to compile in collaboration with/to merge and reorganize (army units etc)/ 合縫 合缝 T - 3 hé fèng f /to form a seam/to join up/ 合縱 合纵 T - 29 Hé Zòng f /Vertical Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/ 合縱連橫 合纵连横 T - 14 Hé zòng Lián héng f /Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing stratagems devised by the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/ 合约 合約 S - 193 hé yuē f /treaty/contract/ 合纵 合縱 S - 29 Hé Zòng f /Vertical Alliance, clique of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/ 合纵连横 合縱連橫 S - 14 Hé zòng Lián héng f /Vertical and Horizontal Alliance, opposing stratagems devised by the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家[Zong4 heng2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (425-221 BC)/ 合编 合編 S - 183 hé biān f /to compile in collaboration with/to merge and reorganize (army units etc)/ 合缝 合縫 S - 3 hé fèng f /to form a seam/to join up/ 合群 - 130 hé qún f /to fit in/to get on well with others/sociable/to form a mutually supportive group/ 合義複詞 合义复词 T - 0 hé yì fù cí f /compound word such as 教室[jiao4 shi4], 國家|国家[guo2 jia1], but unlike 玫瑰[mei2 gui1], whose meaning is related to the component hanzi/ 合而为一 合而為一 S - 99 hé ér wéi yī f /to merge together (idiom); to unify disparate elements into one whole/ 合而為一 合而为一 T - 99 hé ér wéi yī f /to merge together (idiom); to unify disparate elements into one whole/ 合股 - 64 hé gǔ f /joint stock/ply (e.g. 2-ply yarn)/ 合股線 合股线 T - 0 hé gǔ xiàn f /twine/ 合股线 合股線 S - 0 hé gǔ xiàn f /twine/ 合肥 - 406 Hé féi f /Hefei, capital of Anhui Province 安徽省[An1 hui1 Sheng3] in south central China/ 合肥工业大学 合肥工業大學 S - 9 Hé féi Gōng yè Dà xué f /Hefei University of Technology/ 合肥工業大學 合肥工业大学 T - 9 Hé féi Gōng yè Dà xué f /Hefei University of Technology/ 合肥市 - 85 Hé féi shì f /Hefei, capital of Anhui Province 安徽省[An1 hui1 Sheng3] in south central China/ 合脚 合腳 S - 3 hé jiǎo f /fitting one's feet (of shoes or socks)/ 合腳 合脚 T - 3 hé jiǎo f /fitting one's feet (of shoes or socks)/ 合营 合營 S - 435 hé yíng f /to operate jointly/a joint venture/cooperative/ 合葉 合叶 T - 7 hé yè f /hinge/ 合著 合着 T - 176 hé zhe f /(dialect) (implying sudden realization) so/after all/ 合著 - 176 hé zhù f /to write jointly/to co-author/ 合葬 - 351 hé zàng f /to bury husband and wife together/joint interment/ 合規 合规 T - 68 hé guī f /compliance/ 合规 合規 S - 68 hé guī f /compliance/ 合訂本 合订本 T - 12 hé dìng běn f /bound volume/one-volume edition/ 合計 合计 T - 629 hé jì f /to add up the total/to figure what sth amounts to/to consider/ 合該 合该 T - 26 hé gāi f /ought to/should/ 合謀 合谋 T - 128 hé móu f /to conspire/to plot together/ 合議 合议 T - 70 hé yì f /to discuss together/to try to reach a common judgment/panel discussion/ 合議庭 合议庭 T - 22 hé yì tíng f /(law) collegiate bench/panel of judges/ 合计 合計 S - 629 hé jì f /to add up the total/to figure what sth amounts to/to consider/ 合订本 合訂本 S - 12 hé dìng běn f /bound volume/one-volume edition/ 合议 合議 S - 70 hé yì f /to discuss together/to try to reach a common judgment/panel discussion/ 合议庭 合議庭 S - 22 hé yì tíng f /(law) collegiate bench/panel of judges/ 合该 合該 S - 26 hé gāi f /ought to/should/ 合谋 合謀 S - 128 hé móu f /to conspire/to plot together/ 合資 合资 T - 832 hé zī f /joint venture/ 合资 合資 S - 832 hé zī f /joint venture/ 合身 - 71 hé shēn f /well-fitting (of clothes)/ 合輯 合辑 T - 0 hé jí f /compilation/compilation album/ 合轍 合辙 T - 6 hé zhé f /on the same track/in agreement/rhyming/ 合轍兒 合辙儿 T - 0 hé zhé r f /erhua variant of 合轍|合辙[he2 zhe2]/ 合辑 合輯 S - 0 hé jí f /compilation/compilation album/ 合辙 合轍 S - 6 hé zhé f /on the same track/in agreement/rhyming/ 合辙儿 合轍兒 S - 0 hé zhé r f /erhua variant of 合轍|合辙[he2 zhe2]/ 合辦 合办 T - 128 hé bàn f /to cooperate/to do business together/ 合适 合適 S 823 2426 hé shì f /suitable/fitting/decent/to fit/ 合適 合适 T 823 2426 hé shì f /suitable/fitting/decent/to fit/ 合金 - 1004 hé jīn f /alloy/ 合阳 合陽 S - 9 Hé yáng f /Heyang County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi/ 合阳县 合陽縣 S - 6 Hé yáng Xiàn f /Heyang County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi/ 合陽 合阳 T - 9 Hé yáng f /Heyang County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi/ 合陽縣 合阳县 T - 6 Hé yáng Xiàn f /Heyang County in Weinan 渭南[Wei4 nan2], Shaanxi/ 合集 - 40 hé jí f /collection/compilation/ 合音 - 3 hé yīn f /backup vocal (music)/(phonetic) contraction/ 合頁 合页 T - 5 hé yè f /hinge/ 合页 合頁 S - 5 hé yè f /hinge/ 合體字 合体字 T - 0 hé tǐ zì f /a Chinese character formed by combining existing elements - i.e. a combined ideogram 會意|会意 or radical plus phonetic 形聲|形声/ 合龍 合龙 T - 42 hé lóng f /closure (civil engineering)/join of segments to complete a project (dam, bridge, dike etc)/ 合龙 合龍 S - 42 hé lóng f /closure (civil engineering)/join of segments to complete a project (dam, bridge, dike etc)/ 吉 - 2590 Jí f /surname Ji/abbr. for Jilin Province 吉林省[Ji2 lin2 Sheng3]/ 吉 - 2590 jí f /lucky/giga- (meaning billion or 10^9)/ 吉之岛 吉之島 S - 0 Jí zhī dǎo f /JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets/ 吉之島 吉之岛 T - 0 Jí zhī dǎo f /JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets/ 吉事 - 0 jí shì f /auspicious event/ 吉事果 - 0 jí shì guǒ f /churro/ 吉亚卡摩 吉亞卡摩 S - 0 Jí yà kǎ mó f /Giacomo (name)/ 吉亞卡摩 吉亚卡摩 T - 0 Jí yà kǎ mó f /Giacomo (name)/ 吉人天相 - 8 jí rén tiān xiàng f /see 吉人自有天相[ji2 ren2 zi4 you3 tian1 xiang4]/ 吉人自有天相 - 11 jí rén zì yǒu tiān xiàng f /Heaven helps the worthy (idiom)/ 吉他 - 108 jí tā f /guitar (loanword)/CL:把[ba3]/ 吉他手 - 5 jí tā shǒu f /guitar player/ 吉他譜 吉他谱 T - 3 jí tā pǔ f /guitar tablature/ 吉他谱 吉他譜 S - 3 jí tā pǔ f /guitar tablature/ 吉伯特氏症候群 - 0 Jí bó tè shì zhèng hòu qún f /Gilbert's syndrome/ 吉佳利 - 0 Jí jiā lì f /Kigali, capital of Rwanda (Tw)/ 吉兆 - 55 jí zhào f /lucky omen/ 吉兰丹 吉蘭丹 S - 8 Jí lán dān f /Kelantan (state of Malaysia)/ 吉兰丹州 吉蘭丹州 S - 0 Jí lán dān zhōu f /Kelantan sultanate of Malaysia, near Thai border, capital Kota Baharu 哥打巴魯|哥打巴鲁[Ge1 da3 ba1 lu3]/ 吉兰丹河 吉蘭丹河 S - 0 Jí lán dān Hé f /Kelantan River of Malaysia, near Thai border/ 吉凶 - 162 jí xiōng f /good and bad luck (in astrology)/ 吉列 - 5 Jí liè f /Gillette (brand)/ 吉利 - 374 Jí lì f /Geely, Chinese car make/ 吉利 - 374 jí lì f /auspicious/lucky/propitious/ 吉利区 吉利區 S - 3 Jí lì qū f /Jili district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 吉利區 吉利区 T - 3 Jí lì qū f /Jili district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 吉勒 - 2 Jí lè f /Gilles (name)/ 吉卜力工作室 - 0 Jí bǔ lì Gōng zuò shì f /Studio Ghibli, Japanese film studio/ 吉卜賽 吉卜赛 T - 10 jí bǔ sài f /gypsy (may refer to Roma people, or to Bohemian lifestyle)/ 吉卜赛 吉卜賽 S - 10 jí bǔ sài f /gypsy (may refer to Roma people, or to Bohemian lifestyle)/ 吉县 吉縣 S - 4 Jí xiàn f /Ji county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 吉士粉 - 0 jí shì fěn f /custard powder/ 吉大港 - 22 Jí dà gǎng f /Chittagong (Bangladesh port city)/ 吉娃娃 - 3 Jí wá wa f /Chihuahua (dog)/ 吉字節 吉字节 T - 0 jí zì jié f /gigabyte (2^30 or approximately a billion bytes)/ 吉字节 吉字節 S - 0 jí zì jié f /gigabyte (2^30 or approximately a billion bytes)/ 吉它 - 9 jí tā f /a guitar/ 吉安 - 124 Jí ān f /Ji'an prefecture level city in Jiangxi/also Ji'an county/Ji'an or Chi'an township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 吉安乡 吉安鄉 S - 0 Jí ān xiāng f /Ji'an or Chi'an township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 吉安县 吉安縣 S - 6 Jí ān xiàn f /Ji'an county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 吉安地区 吉安地區 S - 5 Jí ān dì qū f /Ji'an prefecture in Jiangxi/ 吉安地區 吉安地区 T - 5 Jí ān dì qū f /Ji'an prefecture in Jiangxi/ 吉安市 - 13 Jí ān shì f /Ji'an prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 吉安縣 吉安县 T - 6 Jí ān xiàn f /Ji'an county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 吉安鄉 吉安乡 T - 0 Jí ān xiāng f /Ji'an or Chi'an township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 吉尔伯特 吉爾伯特 S - 67 Jí ěr bó tè f /Gilbert (name)/ 吉尔伯特群岛 吉爾伯特群島 S - 0 Jí ěr bó tè Qún dǎo f /Gilbert Islands/ 吉尔吉斯 吉爾吉斯 S - 78 Jí ěr jí sī f /Kyrgyz/Kyrgyzstan/ 吉尔吉斯人 吉爾吉斯人 S - 0 Jí ěr jí sī rén f /Kyrgyz (person)/ 吉尔吉斯坦 吉爾吉斯坦 S - 0 Jí ěr jí sī tǎn f /Kyrgyzstan/ 吉尔吉斯斯坦 吉爾吉斯斯坦 S - 144 Jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn f /Kyrgyzstan/ 吉尔吉斯族 吉爾吉斯族 S - 0 Jí ěr jí sī zú f /Kyrgyz ethnic group/also written 柯爾克孜族|柯尔克孜族[Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 zu2]/ 吉尔达 吉爾達 S - 2 jí ěr dá f /gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey similar to baboon/ 吉尼係數 吉尼系数 T - 0 Jí ní xì shù f /see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]/ 吉尼斯 - 45 Jí ní sī f /Guinness (name)/ 吉尼系数 吉尼係數 S - 0 Jí ní xì shù f /see 基尼係數|基尼系数[Ji1 ni2 xi4 shu4]/ 吉州 - 0 Jí zhōu f /Jizhou district of Ji'an city 吉安市, Jiangxi/Kilju county in North Hamgyeong province, North Korea/ 吉州区 吉州區 S - 3 Jí zhōu qū f /Jizhou district of Ji'an city 吉安市, Jiangxi/ 吉州區 吉州区 T - 3 Jí zhōu qū f /Jizhou district of Ji'an city 吉安市, Jiangxi/ 吉州郡 - 0 Jí zhōu jùn f /Kilju county in North Hamgyeong province, North Korea/ 吉布地 - 0 Jí bù dì f /Djibouti (Tw)/ 吉布提 - 92 Jí bù tí f /Djibouti/ 吉庆 吉慶 S - 54 jí qìng f /auspicious/propitious/good fortune/ 吉強鎮 吉强镇 T - 0 Jí qiáng zhèn f /Jiqiang town in Xiji county 西吉[Xi1 ji2], Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 吉强镇 吉強鎮 S - 0 Jí qiáng zhèn f /Jiqiang town in Xiji county 西吉[Xi1 ji2], Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 吉恩 - 7 Jí ēn f /Gene (name)/ 吉慶 吉庆 T - 54 jí qìng f /auspicious/propitious/good fortune/ 吉打 - 12 Jí dǎ f /Kedah, state of northwest Malaysia, capital Alor Star 亞羅士打|亚罗士打[Ya4 luo2 shi4 da3]/ 吉拉尼 - 5 Jí lā ní f /Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani (1952-), Pakistan people's party politician, prime minister from 2008/ 吉拉德 - 3 Jí lā dé f /Gillard (name)/ 吉日 - 83 jí rì f /propitious day/lucky day/ 吉普 - 175 Jí pǔ f /Jeep (car brand)/ 吉普塞人 - 0 jí pǔ sāi rén f /Gypsy (European ethnic group)/Romany/Tsigane/ 吉普斯夸 - 0 Jí pǔ sī kuā f /Gipuzkoa or Guipúzcoa, one of the seven Basque provinces in north Spain/ 吉普賽 吉普赛 T - 3 Jí pǔ sài f /Gypsy (loanword)/ 吉普賽人 吉普赛人 T - 28 jí pǔ sài rén f /gypsy/ 吉普赛 吉普賽 S - 3 Jí pǔ sài f /Gypsy (loanword)/ 吉普赛人 吉普賽人 S - 28 jí pǔ sài rén f /gypsy/ 吉普車 吉普车 T - 294 jí pǔ chē f /jeep (military vehicle) (loanword)/ 吉普车 吉普車 S - 294 jí pǔ chē f /jeep (military vehicle) (loanword)/ 吉木乃 - 3 Jí mù nǎi f /Jeminay county or Jéminey nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 吉木乃县 吉木乃縣 S - 2 Jí mù nǎi xiàn f /Jeminay county or Jéminey nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 吉木乃縣 吉木乃县 T - 2 Jí mù nǎi xiàn f /Jeminay county or Jéminey nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 吉木萨尔 吉木薩爾 S - 20 Jí mù sà ěr f /Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 吉木萨尔县 吉木薩爾縣 S - 5 Jí mù sà ěr xiàn f /Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 吉木薩爾 吉木萨尔 T - 20 Jí mù sà ěr f /Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 吉木薩爾縣 吉木萨尔县 T - 5 Jí mù sà ěr xiàn f /Jimsar county or Jimisar nahiyisi in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 吉本斯 - 0 Jí běn sī f /Gibbons (name)/ 吉林 - 0 Jí lín f /Jilin province (Kirin) in northeast China, abbr. 吉, capital 長春|长春/also Jilin prefecture level city, Jilin province/ 吉林大学 吉林大學 S - 34 Jí lín Dà xué f /Jilin University/ 吉林大學 吉林大学 T - 34 Jí lín Dà xué f /Jilin University/ 吉林市 - 90 Jí lín shì f /Jilin prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China/ 吉林省 - 424 Jí lín Shěng f /Jilin Province (Kirin) in northeast China, abbr. 吉, capital Changchun 長春|长春[Chang2 chun1]/ 吉水 - 9 Jí shuǐ f /Jishui county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 吉水县 吉水縣 S - 2 Jí shuǐ xiàn f /Jishui county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 吉水縣 吉水县 T - 2 Jí shuǐ xiàn f /Jishui county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 吉爾伯特 吉尔伯特 T - 67 Jí ěr bó tè f /Gilbert (name)/ 吉爾伯特群島 吉尔伯特群岛 T - 0 Jí ěr bó tè Qún dǎo f /Gilbert Islands/ 吉爾吉斯 吉尔吉斯 T - 78 Jí ěr jí sī f /Kyrgyz/Kyrgyzstan/ 吉爾吉斯人 吉尔吉斯人 T - 0 Jí ěr jí sī rén f /Kyrgyz (person)/ 吉爾吉斯坦 吉尔吉斯坦 T - 0 Jí ěr jí sī tǎn f /Kyrgyzstan/ 吉爾吉斯斯坦 吉尔吉斯斯坦 T - 144 Jí ěr jí sī sī tǎn f /Kyrgyzstan/ 吉爾吉斯族 吉尔吉斯族 T - 0 Jí ěr jí sī zú f /Kyrgyz ethnic group/also written 柯爾克孜族|柯尔克孜族[Ke1 er3 ke4 zi1 zu2]/ 吉爾達 吉尔达 T - 2 jí ěr dá f /gelada (Theropithecus gelada), Ethiopian herbivorous monkey similar to baboon/ 吉特巴 - 0 jí tè bā f /jitterbug (loanword)/ 吉田 - 0 Jí tián f /Yoshida (Japanese surname and place name)/ 吉电子伏 吉電子伏 S - 0 jí diàn zǐ fú f /giga electron volt GeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 x 10-10 Joules)/ 吉百利 - 3 Jí bǎi lì f /Cadbury (name)/Cadbury (brand)/ 吉祥 4696 926 jí xiáng f /lucky/auspicious/propitious/ 吉祥物 - 45 jí xiáng wù f /mascot/ 吉米 - 221 Jí mǐ f /Jimmy, Jimmie or Jimi (name)/ 吉縣 吉县 T - 4 Jí xiàn f /Ji county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 吉莫 - 2 jí mò f /(old) name of a kind of leather/ 吉蘭丹 吉兰丹 T - 8 Jí lán dān f /Kelantan (state of Malaysia)/ 吉蘭丹州 吉兰丹州 T - 0 Jí lán dān zhōu f /Kelantan sultanate of Malaysia, near Thai border, capital Kota Baharu 哥打巴魯|哥打巴鲁[Ge1 da3 ba1 lu3]/ 吉蘭丹河 吉兰丹河 T - 0 Jí lán dān Hé f /Kelantan River of Malaysia, near Thai border/ 吉貝 吉贝 T - 6 jí bèi f /kapok (Ceiba pentandra)/ 吉贝 吉貝 S - 6 jí bèi f /kapok (Ceiba pentandra)/ 吉达 吉達 S - 161 Jí dá f /Jeddah (Saudi city, on Red Sea)/ 吉迪恩 - 0 Jí dí ēn f /Gideon (name, from Judges 6:11-ffoll.)/also written 基甸/ 吉達 吉达 T - 161 Jí dá f /Jeddah (Saudi city, on Red Sea)/ 吉里巴斯 - 0 Jí lǐ bā sī f /Kiribati (formerly the Gilbert Islands) (Tw)/ 吉野 - 85 Jí yě f /Yoshino (Japanese surname and place name)/ 吉野家 - 3 Jí yě jiā f /Yoshinoya (Japanese fast food chain)/ 吉隆 - 15 Jí lóng f /Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 吉隆县 吉隆縣 S - 3 Jí lóng xiàn f /Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 吉隆坡 - 85 Jí lóng pō f /Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia/ 吉隆縣 吉隆县 T - 3 Jí lóng xiàn f /Gyirong county, Tibetan: Skyid grong rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 吉電子伏 吉电子伏 T - 0 jí diàn zǐ fú f /giga electron volt GeV (unit of energy equal to 1.6 x 10-10 Joules)/ 吉首 - 28 Jí shǒu f /Jishou county level city and capital of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Henan/ 吉首市 - 11 Jí shǒu shì f /Jishou county level city and capital of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Henan/ 吉魯巴 吉鲁巴 T - 0 jí lǔ bā f /jitterbug (loanword)/ 吉鲁巴 吉魯巴 S - 0 jí lǔ bā f /jitterbug (loanword)/ 吊 2962 1450 diào f /to suspend/to hang up/to hang a person/ 吊 弔 S 2962 1450 diào f /a string of 100 cash (arch.)/to lament/to condole with/variant of 吊[diao4]/ 吊丧 弔喪 S - 37 diào sāng f /condolences/a condolence visit/ 吊儿郎当 吊兒郎當 S - 23 diào r láng dāng f /sloppy/ 吊兒郎當 吊儿郎当 T - 23 diào r láng dāng f /sloppy/ 吊兰 吊蘭 S - 5 diào lán f /hanging orchid (Chlorophytum comosum)/bracket plant/ 吊具 - 2 diào jù f /spreader (for pallet, container etc)/ 吊卷 - 3 diào juàn f /to consult the archives/ 吊古 弔古 S - 3 diào gǔ f /to revisit the past/to commemorate/ 吊唁 - 180 diào yàn f /to offer condolences (for the deceased)/to condole/ 吊唁 弔唁 S - 180 diào yàn f /variant of 吊唁[diao4 yan4]/ 吊嗓子 - 2 diào sǎng zi f /voice training (for Chinese opera)/ 吊坠 吊墜 S - 0 diào zhuì f /a pendant (jewelry)/ 吊坠缚 吊墜縛 S - 0 diào zhuì fù f /strappado bondage/ 吊塔 - 3 diào tǎ f /a tower crane/ 吊墜 吊坠 T - 0 diào zhuì f /a pendant (jewelry)/ 吊墜縛 吊坠缚 T - 0 diào zhuì fù f /strappado bondage/ 吊孝 弔孝 S - 32 diào xiào f /a condolence visit/ 吊审 吊審 S - 0 diào shěn f /to bring to trial/to bring to court/ 吊客 弔客 S - 16 diào kè f /a visitor offering condolences/ 吊審 吊审 T - 0 diào shěn f /to bring to trial/to bring to court/ 吊带 吊帶 S - 34 diào dài f /suspenders/garters/shoulder strap/brace/sling/ 吊带背心 吊帶背心 S - 0 diào dài bèi xīn f /camisole (women's garment)/ 吊带衫 吊帶衫 S - 3 diào dài shān f /halter top/spaghetti strap top/sun top/ 吊帶 吊带 T - 34 diào dài f /suspenders/garters/shoulder strap/brace/sling/ 吊帶背心 吊带背心 T - 0 diào dài bèi xīn f /camisole (women's garment)/ 吊帶衫 吊带衫 T - 3 diào dài shān f /halter top/spaghetti strap top/sun top/ 吊床 - 10 diào chuáng f /hammock/ 吊慰 弔慰 S - 3 diào wèi f /to offer condolences/to console the bereaved/ 吊扇 - 5 diào shàn f /a ceiling fan/a punka/ 吊打 - 3 diào dǎ f /to hang sb up and beat him/ 吊扣 - 15 diào kòu f /to suspend (a licence etc)/ 吊挂 吊掛 S - 3 diào guà f /to suspend/to hang/ 吊掛 吊挂 T - 3 diào guà f /to suspend/to hang/ 吊文 弔文 S - 3 diào wén f /paper prayers for the dead burnt at funerals/ 吊斗 - 2 diào dǒu f /(a container) carried suspended or underslung/cable car bucket/ 吊杆 - 16 diào gān f /a boom (i.e. transverse beam for hanging objects)/ 吊杠 吊槓 S - 0 diào gàng f /trapeze (gymnastics)/ 吊桥 吊橋 S - 202 diào qiáo f /drawbridge/suspension bridge/ 吊梯 - 3 diào tī f /a rope ladder/ 吊楼 吊樓 S - 3 diào lóu f /a building supported on pillars projecting over a river/a mountain hut supported on pillars/ 吊槓 吊杠 T - 0 diào gàng f /trapeze (gymnastics)/ 吊樓 吊楼 T - 3 diào lóu f /a building supported on pillars projecting over a river/a mountain hut supported on pillars/ 吊橋 吊桥 T - 202 diào qiáo f /drawbridge/suspension bridge/ 吊死 - 130 diào sǐ f /death by hanging/to hang oneself/ 吊死问疾 弔死問疾 S - 3 diào sǐ wèn jí f /to grieve for the sick and the dying/to show great concern for people's suffering/ 吊死鬼 - 3 diào sǐ guǐ f /ghost of a person who died by hanging/hanged person/(coll.) inchworm/hangman (word game)/ 吊民伐罪 弔民伐罪 S - 32 diào mín fá zuì f /to console the people and punish the tyrant/ 吊灯 吊燈 S - 31 diào dēng f /chandelier/ 吊燈 吊灯 T - 31 diào dēng f /chandelier/ 吊环 吊環 S - 41 diào huán f /rings (gymnastics)/ 吊球 - 18 diào qiú f /drop shot (in tennis or volleyball)/ 吊環 吊环 T - 41 diào huán f /rings (gymnastics)/ 吊瓶 - 12 diào píng f /infusion bag or bottle (for an IV)/ 吊瓶族 - 0 diào píng zú f /"infusion clan", patients who prefer medication by drip rather than orally or by injection etc/ 吊祭 弔祭 S - 11 diào jì f /a worship ceremony for the dead/to offer sacrifice (to ancestors)/a libation/ 吊窗 - 3 diào chuāng f /a sash window/ 吊篮 吊籃 S - 20 diào lán f /hanging basket (for flowers)/gondola (of cable car)/ 吊籃 吊篮 T - 20 diào lán f /hanging basket (for flowers)/gondola (of cable car)/ 吊索 - 5 diào suǒ f /rope tackle hanging from a mast/crow foot (system of ropes through tackle to hold up an awning)/ 吊線 吊线 T - 3 diào xiàn f /plumbline/ 吊繩 吊绳 T - 3 diào shéng f /sling/ 吊线 吊線 S - 3 diào xiàn f /plumbline/ 吊绳 吊繩 S - 3 diào shéng f /sling/ 吊胃口 - 3 diào wèi kǒu f /(coll.) to keep sb in suspense/to tantalize/to keep on tenterhooks/ 吊膀子 - 4 diào bàng zi f /to flirt (derog.)/ 吊蘭 吊兰 T - 5 diào lán f /hanging orchid (Chlorophytum comosum)/bracket plant/ 吊袜带 吊襪帶 S - 5 diào wà dài f /suspenders (for stockings)/ 吊装 吊裝 S - 21 diào zhuāng f /to construct by hoisting ready-built components into place/ 吊裆裤 吊襠褲 S - 0 diào dāng kù f /baggy pants/sagging pants/ 吊裝 吊装 T - 21 diào zhuāng f /to construct by hoisting ready-built components into place/ 吊襠褲 吊裆裤 T - 0 diào dāng kù f /baggy pants/sagging pants/ 吊襪帶 吊袜带 T - 5 diào wà dài f /suspenders (for stockings)/ 吊诡 弔詭 S - 0 diào guǐ f /bizarre/paradoxical/a paradox (from Daoist classic Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子)/ 吊诡矜奇 弔詭矜奇 S - 0 diào guǐ jīn qí f /strange and paradoxical/ 吊起 - 92 diào qǐ f /to hoist/ 吊車 吊车 T - 92 diào chē f /hoist/crane/elevator/ 吊車尾 吊车尾 T - 0 diào chē wěi f /(coll.) lowest-ranking (student, participant etc)/to rank at the bottom of the list/to finish last/ 吊车 吊車 S - 92 diào chē f /hoist/crane/elevator/ 吊车尾 吊車尾 S - 0 diào chē wěi f /(coll.) lowest-ranking (student, participant etc)/to rank at the bottom of the list/to finish last/ 吊运 吊運 S - 0 diào yùn f /to transport by crane/to convey/ 吊運 吊运 T - 0 diào yùn f /to transport by crane/to convey/ 吊鉤 吊钩 T - 8 diào gōu f /suspended hook/hanging hook/hanger/ 吊銷 吊销 T - 100 diào xiāo f /to suspend (an agreement)/to revoke/ 吊鋪 吊铺 T - 2 diào pù f /suspended bunk/ 吊鐘花 吊钟花 T - 0 diào zhōng huā f /Chinese New Year flower (Enkianthus quinqueflorus)/ 吊钟花 吊鐘花 S - 0 diào zhōng huā f /Chinese New Year flower (Enkianthus quinqueflorus)/ 吊钩 吊鉤 S - 8 diào gōu f /suspended hook/hanging hook/hanger/ 吊铺 吊鋪 S - 2 diào pù f /suspended bunk/ 吊销 吊銷 S - 100 diào xiāo f /to suspend (an agreement)/to revoke/ 吊門 吊门 T - 3 diào mén f /an overhung door/a door that hinges upwards/ 吊门 吊門 S - 3 diào mén f /an overhung door/a door that hinges upwards/ 吊頸 吊颈 T - 0 diào jǐng f /to hang oneself/ 吊颈 吊頸 S - 0 diào jǐng f /to hang oneself/ 吋 - 60 cùn f /inch (English)/ 同 仝 S - 37578 tóng t /(used in given names)/variant of 同[tong2]/ 同 - 37578 tóng t /like/same/similar/together/alike/with/ 同 衕 S - 37578 tòng f /see 衚衕|胡同[hu2 tong4]/ 同一 - 3327 tóng yī f /identical/the same/ 同一个世界,同一个梦想 同一個世界,同一個夢想 S - 0 tóng yī gè shì jiè , tóng yī gè mèng xiǎng f /One world - one dream, motto of 2008 Beijing Olympic games/ 同一個世界,同一個夢想 同一个世界,同一个梦想 T - 0 tóng yī gè shì jiè , tóng yī gè mèng xiǎng f /One world - one dream, motto of 2008 Beijing Olympic games/ 同一挂 同一掛 S - 0 tóng yī guà f /(coll.) to have a lot in common (with sb)/to get along well with each other/ 同一掛 同一挂 T - 0 tóng yī guà f /(coll.) to have a lot in common (with sb)/to get along well with each other/ 同上 - 48 tóng shàng f /as above/ditto/idem/ 同业 同業 S - 142 tóng yè f /same trade or business/person in the same trade or business/ 同业公会 同業公會 S - 16 tóng yè gōng huì f /trade association/ 同业拆借 同業拆借 S - 0 tóng yè chāi jiè f /call loan/short term loan within banking/ 同义 同義 S - 66 tóng yì f /synonymous/ 同义反复 同義反復 S - 0 tóng yì fǎn fù f /tautology/ 同义字 同義字 S - 6 tóng yì zì f /synonym/ 同义词 同義詞 S - 824 tóng yì cí f /synonym/ 同义语 同義語 S - 38 tóng yì yǔ f /synonym/ 同乐 同樂 S - 36 tóng lè f /to enjoy together/ 同乐会 同樂會 S - 2 tóng lè huì f /social gathering at which those attending take it in turns to perform for the whole group (music, dancing or comedy etc)/ 同乡 同鄉 S - 180 tóng xiāng f /person from the same village, town, or province/ 同乡亲故 同鄉親故 S - 0 tóng xiāng qīn gù f /fellow countryman (from the same village)/the folks back home/ 同事 507 2249 tóng shì f /colleague/co-worker/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 同人 - 80 tóng rén f /colleagues/fellowship (among people)/ 同仁 - 159 Tóng rén f /Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 同仁 - 159 tóng rén f /variant of 同人[tong2 ren2]/ 同仁县 同仁縣 S - 6 Tóng rén xiàn f /Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 同仁堂 - 62 Tóng rén táng f /Tongrentang, Chinese pharmaceutical company (TCM)/ 同仁縣 同仁县 T - 6 Tóng rén xiàn f /Tongren county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 同仇敌忾 同仇敵愾 S - 193 tóng chóu dí kài f /anger against a common enemy (idiom); joined in opposition to the same adversary/ 同仇敵愾 同仇敌忾 T - 193 tóng chóu dí kài f /anger against a common enemy (idiom); joined in opposition to the same adversary/ 同伙 - 125 tóng huǒ f /colleague/co-conspirator/accomplice/ 同传耳麦 同傳耳麥 S - 0 tóng chuán ěr mài f /simultaneous interpretation headset/ 同伴 - 567 tóng bàn f /companion/comrade/fellow/ 同位 - 3 tóng wèi f /par/ 同位素 - 432 tóng wèi sù f /isotope/ 同位素分离 同位素分離 S - 0 tóng wèi sù fēn lí f /isotopic separation/ 同位素分離 同位素分离 T - 0 tóng wèi sù fēn lí f /isotopic separation/ 同余 同餘 S - 0 tóng yú f /congruent (math.)/having same residue modulo some number/ 同余式 同餘式 S - 15 tóng yú shì f /congruence (math.)/equation for residue modulo some number/ 同余类 同餘類 S - 0 tóng yú lèi f /congruence class (of integers modulo n)/ 同侪 同儕 S - 12 tóng chái f /peer/member of the same class, generation or social group/ 同侪压力 同儕壓力 S - 0 tóng chái yā lì f /peer pressure/ 同侪团体 同儕團體 S - 0 tóng chái tuán tǐ f /peer group/ 同侪审查 同儕審查 S - 0 tóng chái shěn chá f /peer review/ 同侪扶持 同儕扶持 S - 0 tóng chái fú chí f /peer support/ 同侪检视 同儕檢視 S - 0 tóng chái jiǎn shì f /peer review/ 同侪谘商 同儕諮商 S - 0 tóng chái zī shāng f /peer counseling/ 同傳耳麥 同传耳麦 T - 0 tóng chuán ěr mài f /simultaneous interpretation headset/ 同僚 - 208 tóng liáo f /colleague/fellow-worker/ 同儕 同侪 T - 12 tóng chái f /peer/member of the same class, generation or social group/ 同儕團體 同侪团体 T - 0 tóng chái tuán tǐ f /peer group/ 同儕壓力 同侪压力 T - 0 tóng chái yā lì f /peer pressure/ 同儕審查 同侪审查 T - 0 tóng chái shěn chá f /peer review/ 同儕扶持 同侪扶持 T - 0 tóng chái fú chí f /peer support/ 同儕檢視 同侪检视 T - 0 tóng chái jiǎn shì f /peer review/ 同儕諮商 同侪谘商 T - 0 tóng chái zī shāng f /peer counseling/ 同党 同黨 S - 53 tóng dǎng f /member of the same party/member of the same group/accomplice/ 同分异构 同分異構 S - 3 tóng fēn yì gòu f /isomerism (chemistry)/ 同分异构体 同分異構體 S - 0 tóng fēn yì gòu tǐ f /isomer (chemistry)/ 同分異構 同分异构 T - 3 tóng fēn yì gòu f /isomerism (chemistry)/ 同分異構體 同分异构体 T - 0 tóng fēn yì gòu tǐ f /isomer (chemistry)/ 同化 - 176 tóng huà f /assimilation (cultural, digestive, phonemic etc)/ 同化作用 - 10 tóng huà zuò yòng f /assimilation/anabolism (biology)/constructive metabolism (using energy to make proteins etc)/ 同卵 - 0 tóng luǎn f /(of twins) identical/monozygotic/ 同卵双胞胎 同卵雙胞胎 S - 0 tóng luǎn shuāng bāo tāi f /identical twins/ 同卵雙胞胎 同卵双胞胎 T - 0 tóng luǎn shuāng bāo tāi f /identical twins/ 同名 - 210 tóng míng f /of the same name/homonymous/self-titled (album)/ 同名同姓 - 3 tóng míng tóng xìng f /having same given name and family name/ 同喜 - 13 tóng xǐ f /Thank you for your congratulations!/The same to you! (returning a compliment)/ 同在 - 0 tóng zài f /to be with/ 同型性 - 0 tóng xíng xìng f /isomorphism/ 同型配子 - 3 tóng xíng pèi zǐ f /isogamete/ 同堂 - 148 tóng táng f /to live under the same roof (of different generations)/ 同声一哭 同聲一哭 S - 0 tóng shēng yī kū f /to share one's feeling of grief with others (idiom)/ 同声传译 同聲傳譯 S - 0 tóng shēng chuán yì f /simultaneous interpretation/ 同声翻译 同聲翻譯 S - 3 tóng shēng fān yì f /simultaneous translation/ 同字框 - 0 tóng zì kuàng f /name of radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13)/see also 冂[jiong1]/ 同学 同學 S 138 4396 tóng xué f /to study at the same school/fellow student/classmate/CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]/ 同學 同学 T 138 4396 tóng xué f /to study at the same school/fellow student/classmate/CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4]/ 同安 - 9 Tóng ān f /Tong'an district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 同安区 同安區 S - 3 Tóng ān qū f /Tong'an district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 同安區 同安区 T - 3 Tóng ān qū f /Tong'an district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 同安县 同安縣 S - 16 Tóng ān xiàn f /former Tong'an county, now Tong'an district 同安區|同安区[Tong2 an1 qu1] of Xiamen city, Fujian/ 同安縣 同安县 T - 16 Tóng ān xiàn f /former Tong'an county, now Tong'an district 同安區|同安区[Tong2 an1 qu1] of Xiamen city, Fujian/ 同室操戈 - 24 tóng shì cāo gē f /wielding the halberd within the household (idiom); internecine strife/ 同居 - 265 tóng jū f /to live together/ 同屋 - 9 tóng wū f /roommate/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 同工 - 3 tóng gōng f /fellow workers/ 同工同酬 - 522 tóng gōng tóng chóu f /equal pay for equal work/ 同年 - 3154 tóng nián f /the same year/ 同床共枕 - 16 tóng chuáng gòng zhěn f /to share the bed/(fig.) to be married/ 同床异梦 同床異夢 S - 26 tóng chuáng yì mèng f /lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas/strange bedfellows/marital dissension/ 同床異夢 同床异梦 T - 26 tóng chuáng yì mèng f /lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas/strange bedfellows/marital dissension/ 同归于尽 同歸於盡 S - 207 tóng guī yú jìn f /to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes/to take sb down with oneself/to end in mutual destruction/ 同德 - 7 Tóng dé f /Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 同德县 同德縣 S - 2 Tóng dé xiàn f /Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 同德縣 同德县 T - 2 Tóng dé xiàn f /Tongde county in Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 同心 - 209 Tóng xīn f /Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠[Wu2 zhong1], Ningxia/ 同心 - 209 tóng xīn f /with common wishes/spirit of cooperation/concentric/ 同心协力 同心協力 S - 86 tóng xīn xié lì f /to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts/to pull together/to work as one/ 同心協力 同心协力 T - 86 tóng xīn xié lì f /to work with a common purpose (idiom); to make concerted efforts/to pull together/to work as one/ 同心县 同心縣 S - 18 Tóng xīn xiàn f /Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠[Wu2 zhong1], Ningxia/ 同心同德 - 82 tóng xīn tóng dé f /of one mind (idiom)/ 同心縣 同心县 T - 18 Tóng xīn xiàn f /Tongxin county in Wuzhong 吳忠|吴忠[Wu2 zhong1], Ningxia/ 同志 2566 8992 tóng zhì f /comrade/(slang) homosexual/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 同态 同態 S - 21 tóng tài f /homomorphism (math.)/ 同性 - 86 tóng xìng f /same nature/homosexual/ 同性恋 同性戀 S - 170 tóng xìng liàn f /homosexuality/gay person/gay love/ 同性恋恐惧症 同性戀恐懼症 S - 0 tóng xìng liàn kǒng jù zhèng f /homophobia/ 同性恋者 同性戀者 S - 31 tóng xìng liàn zhě f /homosexual/gay person/ 同性愛 同性爱 T - 3 tóng xìng ài f /homosexual/ 同性戀 同性恋 T - 170 tóng xìng liàn f /homosexuality/gay person/gay love/ 同性戀恐懼症 同性恋恐惧症 T - 0 tóng xìng liàn kǒng jù zhèng f /homophobia/ 同性戀者 同性恋者 T - 31 tóng xìng liàn zhě f /homosexual/gay person/ 同性爱 同性愛 S - 3 tóng xìng ài f /homosexual/ 同性相斥 - 3 tóng xìng xiāng chì f /like polarities repel each other/(fig.) like repels like/ 同情 1013 1092 tóng qíng f /to sympathize with/sympathy/ 同情者 - 14 tóng qíng zhě f /supporter/sympathizer (esp. of political cause)/fellow traveler/ 同意 403 5348 tóng yì f /to agree/to consent/to approve/ 同感 - 105 tóng gǎn f /(have the) same feeling/similar impression/common feeling/ 同態 同态 T - 21 tóng tài f /homomorphism (math.)/ 同房 - 39 tóng fáng f /(of a married couple) to have intercourse/(literary) to share the same room/of the same family branch/ 同文館 同文馆 T - 32 Tóng wén guǎn f /the first modern Chinese library established in 1898 by William A.P. Martin 丁韙良|丁韪良, becoming the foundation for Peking University library/ 同文馆 同文館 S - 32 Tóng wén guǎn f /the first modern Chinese library established in 1898 by William A.P. Martin 丁韙良|丁韪良, becoming the foundation for Peking University library/ 同日 - 250 tóng rì f /same day/simultaneous/ 同日而語 同日而语 T - 26 tóng rì ér yǔ f /lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)/ 同日而语 同日而語 S - 26 tóng rì ér yǔ f /lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)/ 同时 同時 S 766 30245 tóng shí f /at the same time/simultaneously/ 同时代 同時代 S - 142 tóng shí dài f /contemporary/ 同时期 同時期 S - 0 tóng shí qī f /at the same time/contemporary/ 同時 同时 T 766 30245 tóng shí f /at the same time/simultaneously/ 同時代 同时代 T - 142 tóng shí dài f /contemporary/ 同時期 同时期 T - 0 tóng shí qī f /at the same time/contemporary/ 同期 - 1610 tóng qī f /the corresponding time period (in a different year etc)/concurrent/synchronous/ 同构 同構 S - 22 tóng gòu f /isomorphism/isomorphic/ 同样 同樣 S - 7733 tóng yàng f /same/equal/equivalent/ 同案犯 - 19 tóng àn fàn f /accomplice/ 同桌 - 68 tóng zhuō f /desk-mate/seat-mate/ 同業 同业 T - 142 tóng yè f /same trade or business/person in the same trade or business/ 同業公會 同业公会 T - 16 tóng yè gōng huì f /trade association/ 同業拆借 同业拆借 T - 0 tóng yè chāi jiè f /call loan/short term loan within banking/ 同構 同构 T - 22 tóng gòu f /isomorphism/isomorphic/ 同樂 同乐 T - 36 tóng lè f /to enjoy together/ 同樂會 同乐会 T - 2 tóng lè huì f /social gathering at which those attending take it in turns to perform for the whole group (music, dancing or comedy etc)/ 同樣 同样 T - 7733 tóng yàng f /same/equal/equivalent/ 同款 - 0 tóng kuǎn f /similar (model)/merchandise similar to that used by a celebrity etc/ 同步 - 1056 tóng bù f /synchronous/to synchronize/to keep step with/ 同步加速器 - 0 tóng bù jiā sù qì f /synchrotron/ 同步数位阶层 同步數位階層 S - 0 tóng bù shù wèi jiē céng f /synchronous digital hierarchy/SDH/ 同步數位階層 同步数位阶层 T - 0 tóng bù shù wèi jiē céng f /synchronous digital hierarchy/SDH/ 同歸於盡 同归于尽 T - 207 tóng guī yú jìn f /to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes/to take sb down with oneself/to end in mutual destruction/ 同母异父 同母異父 S - 3 tóng mǔ yì fù f /(of siblings) having the same mother but different fathers/half (brother or sister)/ 同母異父 同母异父 T - 3 tóng mǔ yì fù f /(of siblings) having the same mother but different fathers/half (brother or sister)/ 同比 - 2135 tóng bǐ f /over the same period/year-on-year/ 同江 - 57 Tóng jiāng f /Tongjiang county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 同江市 - 3 Tóng jiāng shì f /Tongjiang county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 同治 - 477 Tóng zhì f /reign name of Qing emperor (1861-1875)/ 同流合污 - 58 tóng liú hé wū f /to wallow in the mire with sb (idiom); to follow the bad example of others/ 同济 同濟 S - 85 Tóng jì f /abbr. of 同濟大學|同济大学[Tong2 ji4 Da4 xue2]/ 同济医科大学 同濟醫科大學 S - 5 Tóng jì Yī kē Dà xué f /Tongji Medical College/ 同济大学 同濟大學 S - 174 Tóng jì Dà xué f /Tongji University/ 同源 - 129 tóng yuán f /homology (biology)/a common origin/ 同源詞 同源词 T - 0 tóng yuán cí f /cognate/words having a common origin/ 同源词 同源詞 S - 0 tóng yuán cí f /cognate/words having a common origin/ 同濟 同济 T - 85 Tóng jì f /abbr. of 同濟大學|同济大学[Tong2 ji4 Da4 xue2]/ 同濟大學 同济大学 T - 174 Tóng jì Dà xué f /Tongji University/ 同濟醫科大學 同济医科大学 T - 5 Tóng jì Yī kē Dà xué f /Tongji Medical College/ 同父异母 同父異母 S - 3 tóng fù yì mǔ f /(of siblings) having the same father but different mothers/half (brother or sister)/ 同父異母 同父异母 T - 3 tóng fù yì mǔ f /(of siblings) having the same father but different mothers/half (brother or sister)/ 同班 - 74 tóng bān f /to be in the same class/to be in the same squad/classmate/ 同班同学 同班同學 S - 3 tóng bān tóng xué f /classmate/ 同班同學 同班同学 T - 3 tóng bān tóng xué f /classmate/ 同理 - 82 Tóng lǐ f /Tongli, a city in Jiangsu Province, China/ 同理 - 82 tóng lǐ f /for the same reason/ 同理心 - 0 tóng lǐ xīn f /empathy/ 同甘共苦 - 75 tóng gān gòng kǔ f /shared delights and common hardships (idiom); to share life's joys and sorrows/for better or for worse/ 同甘苦 - 27 tóng gān kǔ f /to share joys and sorrows/sharing good times and hard times/same as 同甘共苦/ 同病相怜 同病相憐 S - 56 tóng bìng xiāng lián f /fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company/ 同病相憐 同病相怜 T - 56 tóng bìng xiāng lián f /fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company/ 同盟 - 1210 tóng méng f /alliance/ 同盟会 同盟會 S - 336 Tóng méng huì f /Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guomindang 國民黨|国民党 in 1912/ 同盟国 同盟國 S - 168 tóng méng guó f /allied nation/ally/confederation/ 同盟國 同盟国 T - 168 tóng méng guó f /allied nation/ally/confederation/ 同盟會 同盟会 T - 336 Tóng méng huì f /Tongmenghui, Sun Yat-sen's alliance for democracy, founded 1905, became the Guomindang 國民黨|国民党 in 1912/ 同知 - 141 tóng zhī f /government sub-prefect (old)/ 同砚 同硯 S - 0 tóng yàn f /classmate/fellow student/ 同硯 同砚 T - 0 tóng yàn f /classmate/fellow student/ 同窗 - 67 tóng chuāng f /schoolmate/fellow student/ 同符合契 - 3 tóng fú hé qì f /same sign, joint aim (idiom); fig. completely compatible/identical/ 同等 - 863 tóng děng f /equal to/having the same social class or status/ 同类 同類 S - 666 tóng lèi f /similar/same type/alike/ 同类产品 同類產品 S - 3 tóng lèi chǎn pǐn f /similar product/ 同类相吸 同類相吸 S - 0 tóng lèi xiāng xī f /Like attracts like./ 同类相食 同類相食 S - 0 tóng lèi xiāng shí f /cannibalism/ 同級 同级 T - 449 tóng jí f /on the same level/ranking equally/ 同級評審 同级评审 T - 0 tóng jí píng shěn f /peer review/ 同素异形体 同素異形體 S - 0 tóng sù yì xíng tǐ f /allotropy/ 同素異形體 同素异形体 T - 0 tóng sù yì xíng tǐ f /allotropy/ 同级 同級 S - 449 tóng jí f /on the same level/ranking equally/ 同级评审 同級評審 S - 0 tóng jí píng shěn f /peer review/ 同義 同义 T - 66 tóng yì f /synonymous/ 同義反復 同义反复 T - 0 tóng yì fǎn fù f /tautology/ 同義字 同义字 T - 6 tóng yì zì f /synonym/ 同義詞 同义词 T - 824 tóng yì cí f /synonym/ 同義語 同义语 T - 38 tóng yì yǔ f /synonym/ 同翅目 - 13 tóng chì mù f /Homoptera (insect suborder including cicadas, aphids, plant-hoppers, shield bugs etc)/ 同聲一哭 同声一哭 T - 0 tóng shēng yī kū f /to share one's feeling of grief with others (idiom)/ 同聲傳譯 同声传译 T - 0 tóng shēng chuán yì f /simultaneous interpretation/ 同聲翻譯 同声翻译 T - 3 tóng shēng fān yì f /simultaneous translation/ 同胞 3444 1423 tóng bāo f /born of the same parents/sibling/fellow citizen/compatriot/ 同胞兄妹 - 0 tóng bāo xiōng mèi f /sibling/ 同舟共济 同舟共濟 S - 56 tóng zhōu gòng jì f /cross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. having common interests/obliged to collaborate towards common goals/ 同舟共濟 同舟共济 T - 56 tóng zhōu gòng jì f /cross a river in the same boat (idiom); fig. having common interests/obliged to collaborate towards common goals/ 同花大順 同花大顺 T - 0 tóng huā dà shùn f /royal flush (poker)/ 同花大顺 同花大順 S - 0 tóng huā dà shùn f /royal flush (poker)/ 同花順 同花顺 T - 3 tóng huā shùn f /straight flush (poker)/ 同花顺 同花順 S - 3 tóng huā shùn f /straight flush (poker)/ 同蒙其利 - 0 tóng méng qí lì f /to both benefit/ 同行 - 817 tóng háng f /person of the same profession/of the same trade, occupation or industry/ 同行 - 817 tóng xíng t /to journey together/ 同袍 - 8 tóng páo f /fellow soldier/comrade/companion/intimate friend/ 同調 同调 T - 52 tóng diào f /same tone/in agreement with/homology (invariant of a topological space in math.)/ 同謀 同谋 T - 68 tóng móu f /to conspire with sb/to plot/a conspirator/a partner in crime/an accomplice/ 同调 同調 S - 52 tóng diào f /same tone/in agreement with/homology (invariant of a topological space in math.)/ 同谋 同謀 S - 68 tóng móu f /to conspire with sb/to plot/a conspirator/a partner in crime/an accomplice/ 同質 同质 T - 63 tóng zhì f /homogeneous/ 同质 同質 S - 63 tóng zhì f /homogeneous/ 同路 - 24 tóng lù f /to go the same way/ 同路人 - 25 tóng lù rén f /fellow traveler/comrade/ 同軸 同轴 T - 25 tóng zhóu f /coaxial/concentric/ 同軸圓弧 同轴圆弧 T - 0 tóng zhóu yuán hú f /coaxial circular arc/concentric arc (in spherical geometry)/ 同軸電纜 同轴电缆 T - 14 tóng zhóu diàn lǎn f /coaxial cable/ 同輩 同辈 T - 86 tóng bèi f /of the same generation/person of the same generation/peer/ 同轴 同軸 S - 25 tóng zhóu f /coaxial/concentric/ 同轴圆弧 同軸圓弧 S - 0 tóng zhóu yuán hú f /coaxial circular arc/concentric arc (in spherical geometry)/ 同轴电缆 同軸電纜 S - 14 tóng zhóu diàn lǎn f /coaxial cable/ 同辈 同輩 S - 86 tóng bèi f /of the same generation/person of the same generation/peer/ 同途殊归 同途殊歸 S - 0 tóng tú shū guī f /same road out, different ones back/ 同途殊歸 同途殊归 T - 0 tóng tú shū guī f /same road out, different ones back/ 同道 - 129 tóng dào f /same principle/ 同道中人 - 3 tóng dào zhōng rén f /kindred spirit/ 同道者 - 3 tóng dào zhě f /fellow-traveler/like-minded person/ 同鄉 同乡 T - 180 tóng xiāng f /person from the same village, town, or province/ 同鄉親故 同乡亲故 T - 0 tóng xiāng qīn gù f /fellow countryman (from the same village)/the folks back home/ 同配生殖 - 3 tóng pèi shēng zhí f /isogamy/ 同量 - 3 tóng liàng f /commensurable/commensurate/ 同量异位素 同量異位素 S - 0 tóng liàng yì wèi sù f /nuclear isobar/ 同量異位素 同量异位素 T - 0 tóng liàng yì wèi sù f /nuclear isobar/ 同音 - 43 tóng yīn f /unison/homophone/ 同音字 - 9 tóng yīn zì f /homophonic characters/ 同音詞 同音词 T - 3 tóng yīn cí f /homophonic words/ 同音词 同音詞 S - 3 tóng yīn cí f /homophonic words/ 同韵词 同韻詞 S - 0 tóng yùn cí f /words with the same phonetic ending/rhyme/ 同韻詞 同韵词 T - 0 tóng yùn cí f /words with the same phonetic ending/rhyme/ 同類 同类 T - 666 tóng lèi f /similar/same type/alike/ 同類產品 同类产品 T - 3 tóng lèi chǎn pǐn f /similar product/ 同類相吸 同类相吸 T - 0 tóng lèi xiāng xī f /Like attracts like./ 同類相食 同类相食 T - 0 tóng lèi xiāng shí f /cannibalism/ 同餘 同余 T - 0 tóng yú f /congruent (math.)/having same residue modulo some number/ 同餘式 同余式 T - 15 tóng yú shì f /congruence (math.)/equation for residue modulo some number/ 同餘類 同余类 T - 0 tóng yú lèi f /congruence class (of integers modulo n)/ 同黨 同党 T - 53 tóng dǎng f /member of the same party/member of the same group/accomplice/ 同齡 同龄 T - 80 tóng líng f /of the same age/ 同齡人 同龄人 T - 96 tóng líng rén f /peer/one's contemporary/person of the same age/ 同龄 同齡 S - 80 tóng líng f /of the same age/ 同龄人 同齡人 S - 96 tóng líng rén f /peer/one's contemporary/person of the same age/ 名 - 26255 míng f /name/noun (part of speech)/place (e.g. among winners)/famous/classifier for people/ 名下 - 81 míng xià f /under sb's name/ 名不副实 名不副實 S - 36 míng bù fù shí f /the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact/Reality does not live up to the name./Excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out./ 名不副實 名不副实 T - 36 míng bù fù shí f /the name does not reflect the reality (idiom); more in name than in fact/Reality does not live up to the name./Excellent theory, but the practice does not bear it out./ 名不正言不順 名不正言不顺 T - 0 míng bu zhèng yán bu shùn f /unjustified and undeserving of such description/identity or status is unverified, or inconsistent in detail/unworthy of the title (or name), or reputation/no valid reason as justification/words without weight/cf 名正言順|名正言顺/ 名不正言不顺 名不正言不順 S - 0 míng bu zhèng yán bu shùn f /unjustified and undeserving of such description/identity or status is unverified, or inconsistent in detail/unworthy of the title (or name), or reputation/no valid reason as justification/words without weight/cf 名正言順|名正言顺/ 名不符实 名不符實 S - 7 míng bù fú shí f /the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reputation/ 名不符實 名不符实 T - 7 míng bù fú shí f /the name does not correspond to reality (idiom); it doesn't live up to its reputation/ 名不虚传 名不虛傳 S - 194 míng bù xū chuán f /lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/enjoys a well-deserved reputation/ 名不虛傳 名不虚传 T - 194 míng bù xū chuán f /lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/enjoys a well-deserved reputation/ 名不見經傳 名不见经传 T - 54 míng bù jiàn jīng zhuàn f /(lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody/ 名不见经传 名不見經傳 S - 54 míng bù jiàn jīng zhuàn f /(lit.) name not encountered in the classics/unknown (person)/nobody/ 名为 名為 S - 1281 míng wéi f /to be called/to be known as/ 名义 名義 S - 1671 míng yì f /name/titular/nominal/in name/ostensible purpose/ 名义上 名義上 S - 0 míng yì shàng f /nominally/ 名义价值 名義價值 S - 0 míng yì jià zhí f /nominal value/ 名义账户 名義賬戶 S - 0 míng yì zhàng hù f /nominal bank account/ 名产 名產 S - 51 míng chǎn f /staple/name-brand product/ 名人 - 1112 míng rén f /personage/celebrity/ 名人录 名人錄 S - 5 míng rén lù f /record of famous men/anthology of biographies/ 名人錄 名人录 T - 5 míng rén lù f /record of famous men/anthology of biographies/ 名从主人 名從主人 S - 3 míng cóng zhǔ rén f /named after (the original owner)/ 名优 名優 S - 570 míng yōu f /excellent quality/outstanding (product)/abbr. for 名牌優質|名牌优质/(old) famous actor or actress/ 名伶 - 6 míng líng f /famous actor or actress (Chinese opera)/ 名位 - 436 míng wèi f /fame and position/official rank/ 名作 - 112 míng zuò f /masterpiece/famous work/ 名優 名优 T - 570 míng yōu f /excellent quality/outstanding (product)/abbr. for 名牌優質|名牌优质/(old) famous actor or actress/ 名儿 名兒 S - 3 míng r f /name/fame/ 名兒 名儿 T - 3 míng r f /name/fame/ 名冊 名册 T - 95 míng cè f /roll (of names)/register/CL:本[ben3]/ 名册 名冊 S - 95 míng cè f /roll (of names)/register/CL:本[ben3]/ 名分 - 75 míng fèn f /a person's status/ 名列 - 688 míng liè f /to rank (number 1, or third last etc)/to be among (those who are in a particular group)/ 名列前茅 - 398 míng liè qián máo f /to rank among the best/ 名利 - 210 míng lì f /fame and profit/ 名利双收 名利雙收 S - 22 míng lì shuāng shōu f /both fame and fortune (idiom)/both virtue and reward/ 名利场 名利場 S - 13 Míng lì chǎng f /Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title)/ 名利場 名利场 T - 13 Míng lì chǎng f /Vanity Fair (novel and magazine title)/ 名利雙收 名利双收 T - 22 míng lì shuāng shōu f /both fame and fortune (idiom)/both virtue and reward/ 名刺 - 17 míng cì f /visiting card/name card/ 名副其实 名副其實 S 4240 819 míng fù qí shí f /not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)/ 名副其實 名副其实 T 4240 819 míng fù qí shí f /not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom)/ 名勝 名胜 T - 887 míng shèng f /a place famous for its scenery or historical relics/scenic spot/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 名勝古跡 名胜古迹 T 2499 1360 míng shèng gǔ jì f /historical sites and scenic spots/ 名医 名醫 S - 177 míng yī f /famous doctor/ 名单 名單 S - 1823 míng dān f /list (of names)/ 名古屋 - 92 Míng gǔ wū f /Nagoya, city in Japan/ 名句 - 73 míng jù f /famous saying/celebrated phrase/ 名叫 - 2141 míng jiào f /called/named/ 名号 名號 S - 128 míng hào f /name/good reputation/title/ 名單 名单 T - 1823 míng dān f /list (of names)/ 名嘴 - 3 míng zuǐ f /popular TV or radio host/ 名噪一时 名噪一時 S - 34 míng zào yī shí f /to achieve fame among one's contemporaries (idiom); temporary or local celebrity/ 名噪一時 名噪一时 T - 34 míng zào yī shí f /to achieve fame among one's contemporaries (idiom); temporary or local celebrity/ 名垂青史 - 34 míng chuí qīng shǐ f /lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn eternal glory/ 名城 - 1846 míng chéng f /famous city/ 名堂 - 217 míng tang f /item (in a program of entertainments)/trick (act of mischief)/worthwhile result/accomplishment/sth significant but not immediately apparent/sth more than meets the eye/ 名士 - 272 míng shì f /famous scholar/worthy/celebrity, esp. distinguished literary person having no official post/ 名声 名聲 S - 653 míng shēng f /reputation/ 名妓 - 3 míng jì f /famous courtesan/ 名媛 - 3 míng yuán f /young lady of note/debutante/ 名字 75 5359 míng zi f /name (of a person or thing)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 名存实亡 名存實亡 S - 91 míng cún shí wáng f /the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)/ 名存實亡 名存实亡 T - 91 míng cún shí wáng f /the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)/ 名学 名學 S - 3 míng xué f /(archaic term) logic/ 名學 名学 T - 3 míng xué f /(archaic term) logic/ 名实 名實 S - 57 míng shí f /name and reality/whether reality lives up to its reputation/ 名家 - 548 Míng jiā f /School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the School of Names/ 名家 - 548 míng jiā f /renowned expert/master (of an art or craft)/ 名實 名实 T - 57 míng shí f /name and reality/whether reality lives up to its reputation/ 名将 名將 S - 754 míng jiàng f /famous general/ 名將 名将 T - 754 míng jiàng f /famous general/ 名山 - 457 Míng shān f /famous mountain/Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ 名山县 名山縣 S - 3 Míng shān xiàn f /Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ 名山大川 - 46 Míng shān dà chuān f /famous mountains and great rivers/ 名山縣 名山县 T - 3 Míng shān xiàn f /Mingshan county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ 名师 名師 S - 406 míng shī f /famous master/great teacher/ 名师出高徒 名師出高徒 S - 8 míng shī chū gāo tú f /A famous teacher trains a fine student (idiom). A cultured man will have a deep influence on his successors./ 名帖 - 75 míng tiě f /name card/business card/ 名師 名师 T - 406 míng shī f /famous master/great teacher/ 名師出高徒 名师出高徒 T - 8 míng shī chū gāo tú f /A famous teacher trains a fine student (idiom). A cultured man will have a deep influence on his successors./ 名录 名錄 S - 229 míng lù f /directory/ 名录服务 名錄服務 S - 0 míng lù fú wù f /name service/ 名從主人 名从主人 T - 3 míng cóng zhǔ rén f /named after (the original owner)/ 名手 - 30 míng shǒu f /master/famous artist or sportsman/ 名扬四海 名揚四海 S - 18 míng yáng sì hǎi f /to become known far and wide (idiom)/famous/ 名揚四海 名扬四海 T - 18 míng yáng sì hǎi f /to become known far and wide (idiom)/famous/ 名数 名數 S - 14 míng shù f /(grammar) number plus classifier/household (in census)/ 名數 名数 T - 14 míng shù f /(grammar) number plus classifier/household (in census)/ 名曲 - 35 míng qǔ f /famous song/well-known piece of music/ 名望 - 272 míng wàng f /renown/prestige/ 名校 - 228 míng xiào f /famous school/ 名模 - 24 míng mó f /top model/ 名次 4671 485 míng cì f /position in a ranking of names/place/rank/ 名正言順 名正言顺 T - 120 míng zhèng yán shùn f /right and proper/authoritative and fair/(modified from Confucian Analects) with the right title (or reputation), the words carry weight/ 名正言顺 名正言順 S - 120 míng zhèng yán shùn f /right and proper/authoritative and fair/(modified from Confucian Analects) with the right title (or reputation), the words carry weight/ 名气 名氣 S - 366 míng qì f /reputation/fame/ 名氣 名气 T - 366 míng qì f /reputation/fame/ 名流 - 119 míng liú f /gentry/celebrities/ 名源 - 0 míng yuán f /origin of names/etymology/ 名满天下 名滿天下 S - 60 míng mǎn tiān xià f /world famous/ 名滿天下 名满天下 T - 60 míng mǎn tiān xià f /world famous/ 名為 名为 T - 1281 míng wéi f /to be called/to be known as/ 名爵 - 10 Míng jué f /MG Motor (car manufacturer)/ 名片 1939 1713 míng piàn f /(business) card/ 名牌 2267 2001 míng pái f /famous brand/ 名状 名狀 S - 3 míng zhuàng f /to express/to describe/ 名狀 名状 T - 3 míng zhuàng f /to express/to describe/ 名產 名产 T - 51 míng chǎn f /staple/name-brand product/ 名画 名畫 S - 73 míng huà f /famous painting/ 名画家 名畫家 S - 7 míng huà jiā f /famous painter/ 名畫 名画 T - 73 míng huà f /famous painting/ 名畫家 名画家 T - 7 míng huà jiā f /famous painter/ 名目 - 202 míng mù f /name of an item/fame/ 名目繁多 - 86 míng mù fán duō f /names of many kinds (idiom); items of every description/ 名相 - 3 míng xiàng f /famous prime minister (in ancient China)/names and appearances (Buddhism)/ 名称 名稱 S - 5468 míng chēng f /name (of a thing)/name (of an organization)/ 名称权 名稱權 S - 3 míng chēng quán f /copyright/rights to a trademark/ 名称标签 名稱標籤 S - 0 míng chēng biāo qiān f /name tag/ 名稱 名称 T - 5468 míng chēng f /name (of a thing)/name (of an organization)/ 名稱標籤 名称标签 T - 0 míng chēng biāo qiān f /name tag/ 名稱權 名称权 T - 3 míng chēng quán f /copyright/rights to a trademark/ 名签 名籤 S - 0 míng qiān f /name tag/ 名節 名节 T - 31 míng jié f /reputation and integrity/ 名篇 - 100 míng piān f /famous piece of writing/ 名籤 名签 T - 0 míng qiān f /name tag/ 名缰利锁 名韁利鎖 S - 3 míng jiāng lì suǒ f /lit. fettered by fame and locked up by riches (idiom); tied down by reputation and wealth/the victim of one's own success/ 名義 名义 T - 1671 míng yì f /name/titular/nominal/in name/ostensible purpose/ 名義上 名义上 T - 0 míng yì shàng f /nominally/ 名義價值 名义价值 T - 0 míng yì jià zhí f /nominal value/ 名義賬戶 名义账户 T - 0 míng yì zhàng hù f /nominal bank account/ 名聞 名闻 T - 69 míng wén f /famous/of good reputation/ 名聲 名声 T - 653 míng shēng f /reputation/ 名胜 名勝 S - 887 míng shèng f /a place famous for its scenery or historical relics/scenic spot/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 名胜古迹 名勝古跡 S 2499 1360 míng shèng gǔ jì f /historical sites and scenic spots/ 名臣 - 93 míng chén f /important official or statesman (in feudal China)/ 名节 名節 S - 31 míng jié f /reputation and integrity/ 名花有主 - 3 míng huā yǒu zhǔ f /the girl is already taken (idiom)/ 名菜 - 25 míng cài f /famous dishes/specialty dishes/ 名落孙山 名落孫山 S - 33 míng luò Sūn Shān f /lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Sun1 Shan1] (who came last in the imperial examination) (idiom)/fig. to fail an exam/to fall behind (in a competition)/ 名落孫山 名落孙山 T - 33 míng luò Sūn Shān f /lit. to fall behind Sun Shan 孫山|孙山[Sun1 Shan1] (who came last in the imperial examination) (idiom)/fig. to fail an exam/to fall behind (in a competition)/ 名著 - 327 míng zhù f /masterpiece/ 名號 名号 T - 128 míng hào f /name/good reputation/title/ 名衔 名銜 S - 0 míng xián f /rank/title/ 名表 名錶 S - 18 míng biǎo f /famous watch (i.e. expensive brand of wristwatch)/ 名角 - 50 míng jué f /famous actor/ 名角儿 名角兒 S - 7 míng jué r f /erhua variant of 名角[ming2 jue2]/ 名角兒 名角儿 T - 7 míng jué r f /erhua variant of 名角[ming2 jue2]/ 名言 - 223 míng yán f /saying/famous remark/ 名詞 名词 T - 1177 míng cí f /noun/ 名誉 名譽 S 3284 886 míng yù f /fame/reputation/honor/honorary/emeritus (of retired professor)/ 名誉博士 名譽博士 S - 3 míng yù bó shì f /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae/ 名誉博士学位 名譽博士學位 S - 0 míng yù bó shì xué wèi f /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae/ 名誉学位 名譽學位 S - 0 míng yù xué wèi f /honorary degree/academic degree Honoris Causa/ 名誉扫地 名譽掃地 S - 3 míng yù sǎo dì f /to be thoroughly discredited/to fall into disrepute/ 名諱 名讳 T - 3 míng huì f /taboo name (e.g. of emperor)/ 名譽 名誉 T 3284 886 míng yù f /fame/reputation/honor/honorary/emeritus (of retired professor)/ 名譽博士 名誉博士 T - 3 míng yù bó shì f /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae/ 名譽博士學位 名誉博士学位 T - 0 míng yù bó shì xué wèi f /honorary doctorate/Doctor Honoris Causae/ 名譽學位 名誉学位 T - 0 míng yù xué wèi f /honorary degree/academic degree Honoris Causa/ 名譽掃地 名誉扫地 T - 3 míng yù sǎo dì f /to be thoroughly discredited/to fall into disrepute/ 名讳 名諱 S - 3 míng huì f /taboo name (e.g. of emperor)/ 名词 名詞 S - 1177 míng cí f /noun/ 名貴 名贵 T - 1381 míng guì f /famous and valuable/rare/precious/ 名贵 名貴 S - 1381 míng guì f /famous and valuable/rare/precious/ 名酒 - 39 míng jiǔ f /a famous wine/ 名醫 名医 T - 177 míng yī f /famous doctor/ 名重識暗 名重识暗 T - 0 míng zhòng shí àn f /of great reputation but shallow in knowledge (idiom)/ 名重识暗 名重識暗 S - 0 míng zhòng shí àn f /of great reputation but shallow in knowledge (idiom)/ 名量詞 名量词 T - 0 míng liàng cí f /nominal classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word applying mainly to nouns/ 名量词 名量詞 S - 0 míng liàng cí f /nominal classifier (in Chinese grammar)/measure word applying mainly to nouns/ 名銜 名衔 T - 0 míng xián f /rank/title/ 名錄 名录 T - 229 míng lù f /directory/ 名錄服務 名录服务 T - 0 míng lù fú wù f /name service/ 名錶 名表 T - 18 míng biǎo f /famous watch (i.e. expensive brand of wristwatch)/ 名門 名门 T - 195 míng mén f /famous family/prestigious house/ 名門望族 名门望族 T - 14 míng mén wàng zú f /offspring a famous family (idiom); good breeding/blue blood/ 名間 名间 T - 3 Míng jiān f /Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 名間鄉 名间乡 T - 3 Míng jiān xiāng f /Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 名门 名門 S - 195 míng mén f /famous family/prestigious house/ 名门望族 名門望族 S - 14 míng mén wàng zú f /offspring a famous family (idiom); good breeding/blue blood/ 名间 名間 S - 3 Míng jiān f /Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 名间乡 名間鄉 S - 3 Míng jiān xiāng f /Mingjian or Mingchien township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 名闻 名聞 S - 69 míng wén f /famous/of good reputation/ 名韁利鎖 名缰利锁 T - 3 míng jiāng lì suǒ f /lit. fettered by fame and locked up by riches (idiom); tied down by reputation and wealth/the victim of one's own success/ 名額 名额 T 4086 1731 míng é f /quota/number of places/place (in an institution, a group etc)/ 名额 名額 S 4086 1731 míng é f /quota/number of places/place (in an institution, a group etc)/ 名馳遐邇 名驰遐迩 T - 0 míng chí xiá ěr f /To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)/ 名驰遐迩 名馳遐邇 S - 0 míng chí xiá ěr f /To have one's fame spread far and wide. (idiom)/ 后 - 124793 Hòu f /surname Hou/ 后 - 124793 hòu f /empress/queen/ 后 後 S - 124793 hòu f /back/behind/rear/afterwards/after/later/ 后世 後世 S - 1096 hòu shì f /later generations/ 后两者 後兩者 S - 0 hòu liǎng zhě f /the latter two/ 后事 後事 S - 124 hòu shì f /future events/and what happened next... (in fiction)/funeral arrangements/ 后人 後人 S - 1035 hòu rén f /later generation/ 后付 後付 S - 0 hòu fù f /payment made afterwards/postpaid/ 后代 後代 S 3438 1192 hòu dài f /posterity/later periods/later ages/later generations/ 后任 後任 S - 365 hòu rèn f /successor/(attributive) future/ 后会无期 後會無期 S - 3 hòu huì wú qī f /to meet again at unspecified date/meeting postponed indefinitely/ 后会有期 後會有期 S - 111 hòu huì yǒu qī f /I'm sure we'll meet again some day. (idiom)/Hope to see you again./ 后信号灯 後信號燈 S - 0 hòu xìn hào dēng f /car rear indicator/ 后儿 後兒 S - 6 hòu r f /the day after tomorrow/ 后凉 後涼 S - 0 Hòu Liáng f /Later Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (386-403)/ 后制 後製 S - 0 hòu zhì f /post-production/ 后加 後加 S - 0 hòu jiā f /postposition (grammar)/ 后勤 後勤 S 4394 1279 hòu qín f /logistics/ 后勤学 後勤學 S - 0 hòu qín xué f /military logistics/ 后半 後半 S - 3 hòu bàn f /latter half/ 后半叶 後半葉 S - 0 hòu bàn yè f /latter half (of a decade, century etc)/ 后半场 後半場 S - 3 hòu bàn chǎng f /second half (of sporting competition)/ 后卫 後衛 S - 491 hòu wèi f /rear guard/backfield/fullback/ 后发座 后髮座 S - 0 Hòu fà zuò f /Coma Berenices (constellation)/ 后台 後台 S - 331 hòu tái f /backstage area/behind-the-scenes supporter/(computing) back-end/background/ 后台进程 後台進程 S - 0 hòu tái jìn chéng f /background process (computing)/ 后周 後周 S - 174 Hòu Zhōu f /Later Zhou of the Five Dynasties (951-960), centered on Shandong and Hebei, with capital at Kaifeng 开封/ 后味 後味 S - 0 hòu wèi f /after-taste/ 后唐 後唐 S - 240 Hòu Táng f /Later Tang of the Five Dynasties (923-936)/ 后嗣 後嗣 S - 85 hòu sì f /heir/descendant/posterity/ 后坐 後坐 S - 78 hòu zuò f /recoil (of a gun)/backlash/ 后坐力 後坐力 S - 61 hòu zuò lì f /recoil (of a gun)/backlash/reactive force/ 后壁 後壁 S - 3 Hòu bì f /Houpi township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 后壁乡 後壁鄉 S - 3 Hòu bì xiāng f /Houbi township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 后备 後備 S - 517 hòu bèi f /reserve/backup/ 后备军 後備軍 S - 90 hòu bèi jūn f /rearguard/ 后备箱 後備箱 S - 6 hòu bèi xiāng f /trunk/boot (of a car)/ 后天 後天 S - 352 hòu tiān f /the day after tomorrow/post-natal/acquired (not innate)/a posteriori/ 后天性 後天性 S - 28 hòu tiān xìng f /acquired (characteristic etc)/ 后头 後頭 S - 311 hòu tou f /behind/in the back/the rear side/later/in future/ 后妃 - 228 hòu fēi f /imperial wives and concubines/ 后妈 後媽 S - 16 hòu mā f /(coll.) stepmother/ 后娘 後娘 S - 30 hòu niáng f /stepmother (coll.)/ 后学 後學 S - 3 hòu xué f /junior scholar or pupil in imperial China/ 后宫 後宮 S - 707 hòu gōng f /harem/chambers of imperial concubines/ 后尘 後塵 S - 66 hòu chén f /lit. trailing dust/fig. sb's footsteps/course in life/ 后年 後年 S - 20 hòu nián f /the year after next/ 后座 - 108 hòu zuò f /empress's throne/(fig.) first place in a feminine competition/ 后座 後座 S - 108 hòu zuò f /back seat/pillion/ 后庭 後庭 S - 5 hòu tíng f /backyard/imperial harem/(slang) anus/ 后影 後影 S - 13 hòu yǐng f /rear view/figure seen from behind/view of the back (of a person or object)/ 后心 後心 S - 3 hòu xīn f /middle of the back/ 后怕 後怕 S - 50 hòu pà f /lingering fear/fear after the event/post-traumatic stress/ 后悔 後悔 S 937 988 hòu huǐ f /to regret/to repent/ 后悔不迭 後悔不迭 S - 9 hòu huǐ bù dié f /too late for regrets/ 后悔莫及 後悔莫及 S - 32 hòu huǐ mò jí f /too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event./ 后患无穷 後患無窮 S - 56 hòu huàn wú qióng f /it will cause no end of trouble (idiom); nip the problem in the bud/ 后感 後感 S - 0 hòu gǎn f /afterthought/reflection after an event/a review (of a movie etc)/ 后感觉 後感覺 S - 0 hòu gǎn jué f /after-sensation/after-impression/ 后挡板 後擋板 S - 0 hòu dǎng bǎn f /backboard/ 后排 後排 S - 62 hòu pái f /the back row/ 后掩蔽 後掩蔽 S - 0 hòu yǎn bì f /backward masking/ 后援 後援 S - 43 hòu yuán f /reinforcement/back-up/supporting force/ 后摇 後搖 S - 0 hòu yáo f /post-rock (music genre)/ 后摇滚 後搖滾 S - 0 hòu yáo gǔn f /post-rock (music genre)/ 后撤 後撤 S - 150 hòu chè f /to pull back (an army)/to retreat/ 后效 後效 S - 3 hòu xiào f /after-effect/ 后方 後方 S - 637 hòu fāng f /the rear/far behind the front line/ 后日 後日 S - 3 hòu rì f /the day after tomorrow/from hence/from now/from now on/henceforth/ 后晋 後晉 S - 132 Hòu Jìn f /Later Jin of the Five Dynasties (936-946)/ 后期 後期 S - 2557 hòu qī f /late stage/later period/ 后来 後來 S 463 13932 hòu lái f /afterwards/later/ 后来居上 後來居上 S - 61 hòu lái jū shàng f /lit. late-comer lives above (idiom); the up-and-coming youngster outstrips the older generation/the pupil surpasses the master/ 后果 後果 S 1649 1766 hòu guǒ f /consequences/aftermath/ 后梁 後梁 S - 0 Hòu Liáng f /Later Liang of the Five Dynasties (907-923)/ 后段 後段 S - 3 hòu duàn f /final part/rear/back end/final segment/the following section/last paragraph/ 后母 後母 S - 28 hòu mǔ f /stepmother/ 后汉 後漢 S - 142 Hòu Hàn f /Later Han or Eastern Han dynasty (25-220)/Later Han of the Five Dynasties (947-950)/ 后汉书 後漢書 S - 96 Hòu Hàn shū f /History of Eastern Han (later Han), third of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Fan Ye 範曄|范晔[Fan4 Ye4] in 445 during Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋[Nan2 chao2 Song4], 120 scrolls/ 后灯 後燈 S - 3 hòu dēng f /taillight/ 后照镜 後照鏡 S - 0 hòu zhào jìng f /rearview mirror (Tw)/ 后燕 後燕 S - 14 Hòu Yān f /Later Yan of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-409)/ 后父 後父 S - 5 hòu fù f /stepfather/ 后现代主义 後現代主義 S - 30 hòu xiàn dài zhǔ yì f /post-modernism/ 后生 後生 S - 286 hòu shēng f /young generation/youth/young man/ 后生动物 後生動物 S - 0 hòu shēng dòng wù f /metazoa/the animal kingdom/ 后生可畏 後生可畏 S - 24 hòu shēng kě wèi f /the young will be redoubtable in the years to come (idiom)/the younger generations will surpass us in time/ 后甲板 後甲板 S - 3 hòu jiǎ bǎn f /afterdeck/ 后盖 後蓋 S - 0 hòu gài f /back cover/shell (of crab etc)/ 后盾 後盾 S - 122 hòu dùn f /support/backing/ 后秦 後秦 S - 137 Hòu Qín f /Later Qin of the Sixteen Kingdoms (384-417)/ 后空翻 後空翻 S - 12 hòu kōng fān f /backward somersault/backflip/ 后继乏人 後繼乏人 S - 11 hòu jì fá rén f /see 後繼無人|后继无人[hou4 ji4 wu2 ren2]/ 后继无人 後繼無人 S - 16 hòu jì wú rén f /to have no qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking/ 后继有人 後繼有人 S - 28 hòu jì yǒu rén f /to have qualified successors to carry on one's undertaking/ 后续 後續 S - 374 hòu xù f /follow-up/(dialect) to remarry/ 后缀 後綴 S - 49 hòu zhuì f /suffix (linguistics)/ 后缘 後緣 S - 123 hòu yuán f /trailing edge (of airplane wing)/ 后置 後置 S - 70 hòu zhì f /to place after (e.g. in grammar)/postposition/ 后置修饰语 後置修飾語 S - 0 hòu zhì xiū shì yǔ f /postmodifier (grammar)/ 后置词 後置詞 S - 3 hòu zhì cí f /postposition/suffix/word placed after/ 后羿 - 25 Hòu Yì f /Houyi, mythological Chinese archer whose wife was Chang'e/ 后翅 後翅 S - 0 hòu chì f /back wing (of insect)/ 后翻筋斗 後翻筋斗 S - 0 hòu fān jīn dǒu f /backward somersault/ 后者 後者 S - 2961 hòu zhě f /the latter/ 后肢 後肢 S - 152 hòu zhī f /hind legs/ 后背 後背 S 2129 310 hòu bèi f /the back (human anatomy)/the back part of sth/ 后脑 後腦 S - 125 hòu nǎo f /hindbrain/back of the head/ 后脑勺 後腦勺 S - 94 hòu nǎo sháo f /back of the head/ 后腰 後腰 S - 145 hòu yāo f /lower back/ 后藤 後藤 S - 3 Hòu téng f /Gotō (Japanese surname)/ 后裔 後裔 S - 811 hòu yì f /descendant/ 后西游记 後西遊記 S - 0 Hòu Xī yóu Jì f /one of three Ming dynasty sequels to Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记/ 后见之明 後見之明 S - 0 hòu jiàn zhī míng f /hindsight/ 后视镜 後視鏡 S - 18 hòu shì jìng f /rearview mirror/ 后记 後記 S - 51 hòu jì f /epilogue/afterword/ 后诊 後診 S - 0 hòu zhěn f /post-operative examination/ 后词汇加工 後詞彙加工 S - 0 hòu cí huì jiā gōng f /post-lexical access/ 后话 後話 S - 0 hòu huà f /something to be taken up later in speech or writing/ 后账 後賬 S - 3 hòu zhàng f /undisclosed account/to settle matters later/to blame sb after the event/ 后赵 後趙 S - 97 Hòu Zhào f /Later Zhao of the Sixteen Kingdoms (319-350)/ 后起之秀 後起之秀 S - 45 hòu qǐ zhī xiù f /an up-and coming youngster/new talent/a brilliant younger generation/ 后路 後路 S - 85 hòu lù f /escape route/retreat route/communication lines to the rear/alternative course of action/room for maneuver/ 后车之鉴 後車之鑒 S - 2 hòu chē zhī jiàn f /lit. warning to the following cart (idiom); don't follow the track of an overturned cart/fig. draw lesson from the failure of one's predecessor/learn from past mistake/once bitten twice shy/ 后车架 後車架 S - 0 hòu chē jià f /luggage carrier (bicycle)/ 后车轴 後車軸 S - 0 hòu chē zhóu f /back axle (of car)/ 后轮 後輪 S - 13 hòu lún f /rear wheel/ 后辈 後輩 S - 169 hòu bèi f /younger generation/ 后辍 後輟 S - 3 hòu chuò f /suffix/ 后边 後邊 S - 859 hòu bian f /back/rear/behind/ 后边儿 後邊兒 S - 0 hòu bian r f /erhua variant of 後邊|后边[hou4 bian5]/ 后进 後進 S - 89 hòu jìn f /less advanced/underdeveloped/lagging behind/the younger generation/the less experienced ones/ 后进先出 後進先出 S - 3 hòu jìn xiān chū f /to come late and leave first/last in, first out (LIFO)/ 后退 後退 S - 697 hòu tuì f /to recoil/to draw back/to fall back/to retreat/ 后送 後送 S - 0 hòu sòng f /evacuation (military)/ 后送医院 後送醫院 S - 0 hòu sòng yī yuàn f /evacuation hospital (military)/ 后遗症 後遺症 S - 143 hòu yí zhèng f /(medicine) sequelae/residual effects/(fig.) repercussions/aftermath/ 后部 後部 S - 402 hòu bù f /back section/ 后里 - 5 Hòu lǐ f /Houli township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 后里乡 后里鄉 S - 0 Hòu lǐ xiāng f /Houli township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 后里鄉 后里乡 T - 0 Hòu lǐ xiāng f /Houli township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 后金 後金 S - 313 Hòu Jīn f /Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-)/Manchu Khanate or kingdom that took over as Qing dynasty in 1644/ 后钩 後鉤 S - 0 hòu gōu f /unfinished business/ 后钩儿 後鉤兒 S - 0 hòu gōu r f /erhua variant of 後鉤|后钩[hou4 gou1]/ 后门 後門 S - 336 hòu mén f /the back door/fig. under the counter (indirect way for influence or pressure)/anus/ 后附 後附 S - 0 hòu fù f /attachment/appendix/addendum/ 后院 後院 S - 368 hòu yuàn f /rear court/back garden/backyard (also fig.)/ 后院起火 後院起火 S - 10 hòu yuàn qǐ huǒ f /a fire in one's backyard/conflict close to home/ 后面 後面 S 111 4308 hòu mian f /rear/back/behind/later/afterwards/ 后顾之忧 後顧之憂 S 4874 122 hòu gù zhī yōu f /fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action)/worries about the future consequences/often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"/ 后颈 後頸 S - 3 hòu jǐng f /nape/ 后验概率 後驗概率 S - 0 hòu yàn gài lǜ f /posterior probability (statistics)/ 后髮座 后发座 T - 0 Hòu fà zuò f /Coma Berenices (constellation)/ 后魏 後魏 S - 287 Hòu Wèi f /Wei of the Northern Dynasties 386-534/ 后鼻音 後鼻音 S - 0 hòu bí yīn f /velar nasal/consonant ng or ŋ produced in the nose with the back of the tongue against the soft palate/ 后龙 後龍 S - 0 Hòu lóng f /Houlung town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 后龙镇 後龍鎮 S - 0 Hòu lóng zhèn f /Houlung town in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 吏 - 781 lì f /minor government official or functionary (old)/ 吏治 - 192 lì zhì f /style of governing (of minor official)/achievement in office/ 吏胥 - 0 lì xū f /minor official/ 吏部 - 1255 Lì bù f /Ministry of Appointments (in imperial China)/ 吐 1418 2930 tǔ t /to spit/to put/to say/ 吐 1418 2930 tù f /to vomit/to throw up/ 吐丝自缚 吐絲自縛 S - 3 tǔ sī zì fù f /to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising/hoist with his own petard/ 吐口 - 42 tǔ kǒu f /to spit/fig. to spit out (a request, an agreement etc)/ 吐司 - 3 tǔ sī f /sliced bread (loanword from "toast")/ 吐嘈 - 0 tù cáo f /variant of 吐槽[tu4 cao2]/ 吐字 - 33 tǔ zì f /diction/enunciation/to pronounce the words correctly (in opera)/ 吐实 吐實 S - 3 tǔ shí f /to reveal the truth/to spill the beans/ 吐實 吐实 T - 3 tǔ shí f /to reveal the truth/to spill the beans/ 吐弃 吐棄 S - 3 tǔ qì f /to spurn/to reject/ 吐故納新 吐故纳新 T - 17 tǔ gù nà xīn f /lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new/ 吐故纳新 吐故納新 S - 17 tǔ gù nà xīn f /lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new/ 吐根 - 3 tǔ gēn f /ipecac/ 吐棄 吐弃 T - 3 tǔ qì f /to spurn/to reject/ 吐槽 - 0 tù cáo f /(slang) to roast/to ridicule/also pr. [tu3 cao2]/ 吐气 吐氣 S - 52 tǔ qì f /to exhale/to blow off steam/(phonetics) aspirated/ 吐氣 吐气 T - 52 tǔ qì f /to exhale/to blow off steam/(phonetics) aspirated/ 吐沫 - 20 tù mo f /saliva/spittle/ 吐火罗人 吐火羅人 S - 0 Tǔ huǒ luó rén f /Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia/same as 月氏人/ 吐火羅人 吐火罗人 T - 0 Tǔ huǒ luó rén f /Tokharian Indo-European people of central Asia/same as 月氏人/ 吐瓦魯 吐瓦鲁 T - 0 Tǔ wǎ lǔ f /Tuvalu, island country in the SW Pacific (Tw)/ 吐瓦鲁 吐瓦魯 S - 0 Tǔ wǎ lǔ f /Tuvalu, island country in the SW Pacific (Tw)/ 吐痰 - 3 tǔ tán f /to spit/to expectorate/ 吐穗 - 2 tǔ suì f /to have the ears of grain come up/ 吐絮 - 3 tǔ xù f /cotton boll splits open and reveals its white interior/ 吐絲自縛 吐丝自缚 T - 3 tǔ sī zì fù f /to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising/hoist with his own petard/ 吐綬雞 吐绶鸡 T - 10 tǔ shòu jī f /turkey/ 吐绶鸡 吐綬雞 S - 10 tǔ shòu jī f /turkey/ 吐艳 吐艷 S - 9 tǔ yàn f /to burst into bloom/ 吐艷 吐艳 T - 9 tǔ yàn f /to burst into bloom/ 吐苦水 - 3 tǔ kǔ shuǐ f /to have bitter digestive fluids rising to the mouth/fig. to complain bitterly/to pour out one's sufferings/ 吐蕃 - 659 Tǔ bō f /Tubo or Tufan, old name for Tibet/the Tibetan Tubo dynasty 7th-11th century AD/also pr. [Tu3 fan1]/ 吐蕃王朝 - 0 Tǔ bō Wáng cháo f /Tibetan Tubo Dynasty 7th-11th century AD/ 吐訴 吐诉 T - 3 tǔ sù f /to pour forth (one's opinions)/ 吐诉 吐訴 S - 3 tǔ sù f /to pour forth (one's opinions)/ 吐谷浑 吐谷渾 S - 124 Tǔ yù hún f /Tuyuhun, a Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people/a state in Qinhai in 4th-7th century AD/ 吐谷渾 吐谷浑 T - 124 Tǔ yù hún f /Tuyuhun, a Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people/a state in Qinhai in 4th-7th century AD/ 吐露 - 322 tǔ lù f /to tell/to disclose/to reveal/ 吐魯番 吐鲁番 T - 250 Tǔ lǔ fān f /Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)/ 吐魯番地區 吐鲁番地区 T - 7 Tǔ lǔ fān dì qū f /Turpan prefecture in Xinjiang/ 吐魯番市 吐鲁番市 T - 18 Tǔ lǔ fān shì f /Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)/ 吐魯番盆地 吐鲁番盆地 T - 0 Tǔ lǔ fān Pén dì f /the Turpan Depression in Xinjiang/ 吐鲁番 吐魯番 S - 250 Tǔ lǔ fān f /Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)/ 吐鲁番地区 吐魯番地區 S - 7 Tǔ lǔ fān dì qū f /Turpan prefecture in Xinjiang/ 吐鲁番市 吐魯番市 S - 18 Tǔ lǔ fān shì f /Turpan City in Xinjiang (Chinese: Tulufan)/ 吐鲁番盆地 吐魯番盆地 S - 0 Tǔ lǔ fān Pén dì f /the Turpan Depression in Xinjiang/ 向 339 75979 Xiàng f /surname Xiang/ 向 339 75979 xiàng f /towards/to face/to turn towards/direction/to support/to side with/shortly before/formerly/always/all along/ 向 嚮 S 339 75979 xiàng f /to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向[xiang4]/ 向 曏 S 339 75979 xiàng f /variant of 向[xiang4]/direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/ 向上 - 919 xiàng shàng f /upward/up/to advance/to try to improve oneself/to make progress/ 向下 - 767 xiàng xià f /down/downward/ 向东 向東 S - 1037 xiàng dōng f /eastwards/ 向何处 向何處 S - 0 xiàng hé chù f /whither/ 向何處 向何处 T - 0 xiàng hé chù f /whither/ 向來 向来 T 4301 1360 xiàng lái f /always (previously)/ 向例 - 6 xiàng lì f /custom/usual practice/convention up to now/ 向前 - 3028 xiàng qián f /forward/onward/ 向前翻腾 向前翻騰 S - 0 xiàng qián fān téng f /forward somersault/ 向前翻騰 向前翻腾 T - 0 xiàng qián fān téng f /forward somersault/ 向北 - 0 xiàng běi f /northward/facing north/ 向北地 - 0 xiàng běi dì f /northward/ 向南 - 0 xiàng nán f /southward/ 向右拐 - 0 xiàng yòu guǎi f /to turn right/ 向后 向後 S - 0 xiàng hòu f /backward/ 向后翻腾 向後翻騰 S - 0 xiàng hòu fān téng f /backward somersault/ 向壁虚构 向壁虛構 S - 3 xiàng bì xū gòu f /facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom); baseless fabrication/ 向壁虚造 向壁虛造 S - 3 xiàng bì xū zào f /facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom); baseless fabrication/ 向壁虛構 向壁虚构 T - 3 xiàng bì xū gòu f /facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom); baseless fabrication/ 向壁虛造 向壁虚造 T - 3 xiàng bì xū zào f /facing a wall, an imaginary construction (idiom); baseless fabrication/ 向外 - 0 xiàng wài f /out/outward/ 向家坝 向家壩 S - 3 Xiàng jiā bà f /Xiangjiaba Dam, Yunnan, site of a hydropower station/ 向家壩 向家坝 T - 3 Xiàng jiā bà f /Xiangjiaba Dam, Yunnan, site of a hydropower station/ 向导 嚮導 S 3756 326 xiàng dǎo f /guide/ 向左拐 - 0 xiàng zuǒ guǎi f /to turn left/ 向巴平措 - 3 Xiàng bā píng cuò f /Qiangba Puncog (1947-), chairman of government of Tibet (i.e. governor)/ 向往 嚮往 S 3837 1218 xiàng wǎng f /to yearn for/to look forward to/ 向後 向后 T - 0 xiàng hòu f /backward/ 向後翻騰 向后翻腾 T - 0 xiàng hòu fān téng f /backward somersault/ 向心力 - 49 xiàng xīn lì f /centripetal force/(fig.) cohering force/cohesion/team spirit/ 向性 - 22 xiàng xìng f /tropism/ 向慕 - 3 xiàng mù f /to adore/ 向斜 - 64 xiàng xié f /syncline (geology)/ 向日葵 - 196 xiàng rì kuí f /sunflower (Helianthus annuus)/ 向暮 - 0 xiàng mù f /towards evening/ 向来 向來 S 4301 1360 xiàng lái f /always (previously)/ 向東 向东 T - 1037 xiàng dōng f /eastwards/ 向火 - 0 xiàng huǒ f /to warm oneself facing the fire/ 向盘 向盤 S - 0 xiàng pán f /compass/ 向盤 向盘 T - 0 xiàng pán f /compass/ 向背 - 43 xiàng bèi f /to support or oppose/ 向西 - 0 xiàng xī f /westward/ 向西南 - 0 xiàng xī nán f /southwestward/ 向量 - 248 xiàng liàng f /vector/ 向量代数 向量代數 S - 0 xiàng liàng dài shù f /vector algebra/ 向量代數 向量代数 T - 0 xiàng liàng dài shù f /vector algebra/ 向量图形 向量圖形 S - 0 xiàng liàng tú xíng f /vector graphics (computer)/ 向量圖形 向量图形 T - 0 xiàng liàng tú xíng f /vector graphics (computer)/ 向量积 向量積 S - 0 xiàng liàng jī f /vector product (of vectors)/ 向量積 向量积 T - 0 xiàng liàng jī f /vector product (of vectors)/ 向阳 向陽 S - 671 Xiàng yáng f /Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/Xiangyang district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 向阳 向陽 S - 671 xiàng yáng f /facing the sun/exposed to the sun/ 向阳区 向陽區 S - 3 Xiàng yáng qū f /Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 向阳花 向陽花 S - 3 xiàng yáng huā f /sunflower/ 向陽 向阳 T - 671 Xiàng yáng f /Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/Xiangyang district of Hegang city 鶴崗|鹤岗[He4 gang3], Heilongjiang/ 向陽 向阳 T - 671 xiàng yáng f /facing the sun/exposed to the sun/ 向陽區 向阳区 T - 3 Xiàng yáng qū f /Xiangyang district of Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 向陽花 向阳花 T - 3 xiàng yáng huā f /sunflower/ 向隅 - 3 xiàng yú f /lit. to face the corner (idiom)/fig. to miss out on sth/ 吒 - 34 zhā t /used for the sound "zha" in certain names/ 吒 - 34 zhà f /variant of 咤[zha4]/ 吓 嚇 S 1290 4156 hè f /to scare/to intimidate/to threaten/(interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut/(interjection showing astonishment)/ 吓 嚇 S 1290 4156 xià t /to frighten/to scare/ 吓一跳 嚇一跳 S - 3 xià yī tiào f /startled/to frighten/scared out of one's skin/ 吓倒 嚇倒 S - 226 xià dǎo f /to be frightened/ 吓傻 嚇傻 S - 3 xià shǎ f /to terrify/to scare sb/ 吓唬 嚇唬 S - 275 xià hu f /to scare/to frighten/ 吓坏 嚇壞 S - 330 xià huài f /to be really frightened/ 吓得发抖 嚇得發抖 S - 0 xià dé fā dǒu f /tremble with fear/ 吓昏 嚇昏 S - 17 xià hūn f /to faint from fear/to be frightened into fits/shell-shocked/ 吓疯 嚇瘋 S - 0 xià fēng f /to be scared senseless/ 吓破胆 嚇破膽 S - 3 xià pò dǎn f /to be scared out of one's wits/to scare stiff/ 吓跑 嚇跑 S - 73 xià pǎo f /to scare away/ 吔 - 7 yē f /onomat. for surprise, amazement and sigh/ 吕 呂 S - 935 Lǚ f /surname Lü/ 吕 呂 S - 935 lǚ f /pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system/ 吕不韦 呂不韋 S - 19 Lǚ Bù wéi f /Lü Buwei (?291-235 BC), merchant and politician of the State of Qin 秦國|秦国[Qin2 guo2], subsequent Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin2 dai4] Chancellor, allegedly the father of Ying Zheng 嬴政[Ying2 Zheng4], who subsequently became the first emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]/ 吕塞尔斯海姆 呂塞爾斯海姆 S - 0 Lǚ sāi ěr sī hǎi mǔ f /Rüsselsheim, city in Germany/ 吕宋岛 呂宋島 S - 51 Lǚ sòng Dǎo f /Luzon Island, north Philippines/ 吕宋海峡 呂宋海峽 S - 0 Lǚ sòng Hǎi xiá f /Luzon Strait between Taiwan and Luzon Island (Philippines)/ 吕岩 呂岩 S - 0 Lǚ Yán f /Lü Yan (lived c. 874), Tang dynasty poet/ 吕布 呂布 S - 332 Lǚ Bù f /Lü Bu (-198), general and warlord/ 吕布戟 呂布戟 S - 0 lǚ bù jǐ f /snake halberd/ 吕望 呂望 S - 17 Lǚ Wàng f /see Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]/ 吕梁 呂梁 S - 64 Lǚ liáng f /Lüliang prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 吕梁市 呂梁市 S - 3 Lǚ liáng shì f /Lüliang prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 吕氏春秋 呂氏春秋 S - 3 Lǚ shì Chūn qiū f /lit. “Mr. Lü's Spring and Autumn (Annals)”, compendium of the philosophies of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhu1 zi3 bai3 jia1], compiled around 239 BC under the patronage of Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin2 dai4] Chancellor Lü Buwei 呂不韋|吕不韦[Lu:3 Bu4 wei2]/ 吕洞宾 呂洞賓 S - 41 Lǚ Dòng bīn f /Lü Dongbin (796-), Tang Dynasty scholar, one of the Eight Immortals 八仙[Ba1 xian1]/ 吕纯阳 呂純陽 S - 5 Lǚ Chún yáng f /see 呂洞賓|吕洞宾[Lu:3 Dong4 bin1]/ 吕蒙 呂蒙 S - 78 Lǚ Méng f /Lü Meng (178-219), general of the southern state of Wu/ 吕览 呂覽 S - 2 Lǚ lǎn f /"Mr Lü's Annals", same as 呂氏春秋|吕氏春秋[Lu:3 shi4 Chun1 qiu1]/ 吕贝克 呂貝克 S - 18 Lǚ bèi kè f /Lübeck, Germany/ 吖 - 21 ā f /phonetic a, similar to 呵/-azine, see 吖嗪[a1 qin2]/ 吖啶 - 3 ā dìng f /acridine (antiseptic and disinfectant)/ 吖嗪 - 3 ā qín f /-azine/heterocyclic compound containing nitrogen in their ring such as pyridine 吡啶[bi3 ding4] C5H5N, pyrazine 噠嗪|哒嗪[da1 qin2] C4H4N2 or pyrimidine 嘧啶[mi4 ding4] C4H4N2/ 吗 嗎 S 13 21245 mǎ f /see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine/ 吗 嗎 S 13 21245 ma t /(question particle for "yes-no" questions)/ 吗哪 嗎哪 S - 0 mǎ nǎ f /manna (Israelite food)/ 吗啡 嗎啡 S - 89 mǎ fēi f /morphine (loanword)/ 吚 咿 T - 51 yī f /variant of 咿[yi1]/ 君 - 3153 jūn f /monarch/lord/gentleman/ruler/ 君主 - 2747 jūn zhǔ f /monarch/sovereign/ 君主制 - 236 jūn zhǔ zhì f /monarchy/ 君主国 君主國 S - 38 jūn zhǔ guó f /monarchy/sovereign state/ 君主國 君主国 T - 38 jūn zhǔ guó f /monarchy/sovereign state/ 君主政体 君主政體 S - 3 jūn zhǔ zhèng tǐ f /monarchy/autocracy/ 君主政治 - 3 jūn zhǔ zhèng zhì f /monarchy/ 君主政體 君主政体 T - 3 jūn zhǔ zhèng tǐ f /monarchy/autocracy/ 君主立宪制 君主立憲制 S - 100 jūn zhǔ lì xiàn zhì f /constitutional monarchy/ 君主立憲制 君主立宪制 T - 100 jūn zhǔ lì xiàn zhì f /constitutional monarchy/ 君位 - 0 jūn wèi f /royal title/ 君士坦丁堡 - 242 Jūn shì tǎn dīng bǎo f /Constantinople, capital of Byzantium/ 君子 4051 847 jūn zǐ f /nobleman/person of noble character/ 君子一言,駟馬難追 君子一言,驷马难追 T - 0 jūn zǐ yī yán , sì mǎ nán zhuī f /a nobleman's word is his bond (proverb)/ 君子一言,驷马难追 君子一言,駟馬難追 S - 0 jūn zǐ yī yán , sì mǎ nán zhuī f /a nobleman's word is his bond (proverb)/ 君子不計小人過 君子不计小人过 T - 0 jūn zǐ bù jì xiǎo rén guò f /see 大人不記小人過|大人不记小人过[da4 ren2 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4]/ 君子不计小人过 君子不計小人過 S - 0 jūn zǐ bù jì xiǎo rén guò f /see 大人不記小人過|大人不记小人过[da4 ren2 bu4 ji4 xiao3 ren2 guo4]/ 君子之交 - 3 jūn zǐ zhī jiāo f /friendship between gentlemen, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3])/ 君子之交淡如水 - 3 jūn zǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ f /a gentleman's friendship, insipid as water (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3])/ 君子兰 君子蘭 S - 17 jūn zǐ lán f /scarlet kafir lily/Clivia miniata (botany)/ 君子动口不动手 君子動口不動手 S - 0 jūn zǐ dòng kǒu bù dòng shǒu f /a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist/ 君子動口不動手 君子动口不动手 T - 0 jūn zǐ dòng kǒu bù dòng shǒu f /a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist/ 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚 君子坦蕩蕩,小人長戚戚 S - 0 jūn zi tǎn dàng dàng , xiǎo rén cháng qī qī f /good people are at peace with themselves, (but) there is no rest for the wicked/ 君子坦蕩蕩,小人長戚戚 君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚 T - 0 jūn zi tǎn dàng dàng , xiǎo rén cháng qī qī f /good people are at peace with themselves, (but) there is no rest for the wicked/ 君子報仇,十年不晚 君子报仇,十年不晚 T - 0 jūn zi bào chóu , shí nián bù wǎn f /lit. for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long (idiom)/fig. revenge is a dish best served cold/ 君子报仇,十年不晚 君子報仇,十年不晚 S - 0 jūn zi bào chóu , shí nián bù wǎn f /lit. for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long (idiom)/fig. revenge is a dish best served cold/ 君子蘭 君子兰 T - 17 jūn zǐ lán f /scarlet kafir lily/Clivia miniata (botany)/ 君子远庖厨 君子遠庖廚 S - 0 jūn zǐ yuàn páo chú f /lit. a nobleman stays clear of the kitchen (idiom, from Mencius)/fig. a nobleman who has seen a living animal cannot bear to see it die, hence he keeps away from the kitchen/ 君子遠庖廚 君子远庖厨 T - 0 jūn zǐ yuàn páo chú f /lit. a nobleman stays clear of the kitchen (idiom, from Mencius)/fig. a nobleman who has seen a living animal cannot bear to see it die, hence he keeps away from the kitchen/ 君山 - 93 Jūn shān f /Junshan district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 君山区 君山區 S - 2 Jūn shān qū f /Junshan district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 君山區 君山区 T - 2 Jūn shān qū f /Junshan district of Yueyang city 岳陽|岳阳[Yue4 yang2], Hunan/ 君悅 君悦 T - 0 Jūn yuè f /Grand Hyatt (hotel brand)/ 君悦 君悅 S - 0 Jūn yuè f /Grand Hyatt (hotel brand)/ 君权 君權 S - 337 jūn quán f /monarchial power/ 君權 君权 T - 337 jūn quán f /monarchial power/ 君王 - 872 jūn wáng f /sovereign king/ 君臣 - 445 jūn chén f /a ruler and his ministers (old)/ 吜 - 3 chǒu f /(onom.)/ 吝 - 25 lìn f /stingy/ 吝 恡 S - 25 lìn f /variant of 吝[lin4]/ 吝啬 吝嗇 S 4293 117 lìn sè f /stingy/mean/miserly/ 吝啬鬼 吝嗇鬼 S - 16 lìn sè guǐ f /miser/penny-pincher/ 吝嗇 吝啬 T 4293 117 lìn sè f /stingy/mean/miserly/ 吝嗇鬼 吝啬鬼 T - 16 lìn sè guǐ f /miser/penny-pincher/ 吝惜 - 57 lìn xī f /to stint/to be miserly/ 吞 - 1112 tūn f /to swallow/to take/ 吞云吐雾 吞雲吐霧 S - 16 tūn yún tǔ wù f /to swallow clouds and blow out fog (idiom)/to blow cigarette or opium smoke/ 吞併 吞并 T - 315 tūn bìng f /to annex/ 吞吃 - 0 tūn chī f /to devour/ 吞吐 - 140 tūn tǔ f /to take in and send out (in large quantities)/ 吞吞吐吐 4800 189 tūn tūn tǔ tǔ f /to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as if hiding sth/to speak and break off, then start again/to hold sth back/ 吞咽 吞嚥 S - 154 tūn yàn f /to swallow/to gulp/ 吞咽困难 吞嚥困難 S - 3 tūn yàn kùn nán f /dysphagia (medicine)/ 吞噬 - 255 tūn shì f /to swallow/to engulf/to gobble up/ 吞噬作用 - 3 tūn shì zuò yòng f /phagocytosis (ingesting and destroying foreign matter)/ 吞噬細胞 吞噬细胞 T - 24 tūn shì xì bāo f /phagocyte (cell that ingests and destroys foreign matter)/ 吞噬细胞 吞噬細胞 S - 24 tūn shì xì bāo f /phagocyte (cell that ingests and destroys foreign matter)/ 吞嚥 吞咽 T - 154 tūn yàn f /to swallow/to gulp/ 吞嚥困難 吞咽困难 T - 3 tūn yàn kùn nán f /dysphagia (medicine)/ 吞声 吞聲 S - 27 tūn shēng f /to swallow one's cries/ 吞声忍气 吞聲忍氣 S - 3 tūn shēng rěn qì f /see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声[ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1]/ 吞并 吞併 S - 315 tūn bìng f /to annex/ 吞拿 - 0 tūn ná f /tuna (loanword)/ 吞拿魚 吞拿鱼 T - 0 tūn ná yú f /tuna (loanword)/ 吞拿鱼 吞拿魚 S - 0 tūn ná yú f /tuna (loanword)/ 吞服 - 41 tūn fú f /to swallow/to take (medicine)/ 吞沒 吞没 T - 197 tūn mò f /to embezzle/to swallow up/to engulf/ 吞没 吞沒 S - 197 tūn mò f /to embezzle/to swallow up/to engulf/ 吞滅 吞灭 T - 19 tūn miè f /to absorb/ 吞灭 吞滅 S - 19 tūn miè f /to absorb/ 吞米桑布札 - 0 Tūn mǐ Sāng bù zhá f /Tunmi Sanghuzha (6th century AD), originator of the Tibetan script/ 吞精 - 0 tūn jīng f /to swallow semen/ 吞聲 吞声 T - 27 tūn shēng f /to swallow one's cries/ 吞聲忍氣 吞声忍气 T - 3 tūn shēng rěn qì f /see 忍氣吞聲|忍气吞声[ren3 qi4 tun1 sheng1]/ 吞金 - 3 tūn jīn f /to commit suicide by swallowing gold/ 吞雲吐霧 吞云吐雾 T - 16 tūn yún tǔ wù f /to swallow clouds and blow out fog (idiom)/to blow cigarette or opium smoke/ 吞食 - 155 tūn shí f /to devour/ 吟 - 614 yín f /to chant/to recite/to moan/to groan/cry (of certain animals and insects)/song (ancient poem)/ 吟 唫 S - 614 yín f /old variant of 吟[yin2]/ 吟咏 吟詠 S - 37 yín yǒng f /to recite/to sing (of poetry)/ 吟哦 - 48 yín é f /to chant/to recite rhythmically/to polish verse/ 吟唱 - 79 yín chàng f /to chant/to recite/ 吟游 吟遊 S - 3 yín yóu f /to wander as minstrel/ 吟詠 吟咏 T - 37 yín yǒng f /to recite/to sing (of poetry)/ 吟詩 吟诗 T - 133 yín shī f /to recite poetry/ 吟誦 吟诵 T - 74 yín sòng f /to read aloud/to recite rhythmically/to chant/to intone (esp. poems in rhythm)/ 吟诗 吟詩 S - 133 yín shī f /to recite poetry/ 吟诵 吟誦 S - 74 yín sòng f /to read aloud/to recite rhythmically/to chant/to intone (esp. poems in rhythm)/ 吟遊 吟游 T - 3 yín yóu f /to wander as minstrel/ 吟風弄月 吟风弄月 T - 6 yín fēng nòng yuè f /lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)/ 吟风弄月 吟風弄月 S - 6 yín fēng nòng yuè f /lit. singing of the wind and the moon; fig. vacuous and sentimental (of poetry or art)/ 吠 - 267 fèi f /to bark/ 吠叫 - 3 fèi jiào f /to bark/to yelp/ 吠陀 - 3 fèi tuó f /Vedas (Hindu sacred writings or legends)/ 吡 - 86 bǐ f /used as phonetic bi- or pi-/ 吡叻 - 0 Bǐ lè f /Perak (state of Malaysia)/ 吡咯 - 25 bǐ luò f /pyrrole (C4H5N) (loanword)/ 吡啶 - 63 bǐ dìng f /pyridine C5H5N/ 吡拉西坦 - 0 bǐ lā xī tǎn f /piracetam (loanword)/see 乙酰胺吡咯烷酮[yi3 xian1 an4 bi3 luo4 wan2 tong2]/ 吣 唚 S - 34 qìn f /to vomit (of dogs and cats)/to rail against/to talk nonsense/ 吥 - 5 bù f /see 嗊吥|唝吥[Gong4 bu4]/ 否 - 1000 fǒu t /to negate/to deny/not/ 否 - 1000 pǐ f /clogged/evil/ 否决 否決 S 3546 276 fǒu jué f /to veto/to overrule/ 否决权 否決權 S - 75 fǒu jué quán f /veto power/ 否决票 否決票 S - 4 fǒu jué piào f /veto/ 否则 否則 S 736 4209 fǒu zé f /if not/otherwise/else/or else/ 否則 否则 T 736 4209 fǒu zé f /if not/otherwise/else/or else/ 否定 2183 1459 fǒu dìng f /to negate/to deny/to reject/negative (answer)/negation/ 否定句 - 3 fǒu dìng jù f /negative sentence/ 否有效 - 0 fǒu yǒu xiào f /inefficient/ 否极泰来 否極泰來 S - 15 pǐ jí tài lái f /extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom)/ 否極泰來 否极泰来 T - 15 pǐ jí tài lái f /extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom)/ 否決 否决 T 3546 276 fǒu jué f /to veto/to overrule/ 否決權 否决权 T - 75 fǒu jué quán f /veto power/ 否決票 否决票 T - 4 fǒu jué piào f /veto/ 否認 否认 T 1697 986 fǒu rèn f /to declare to be untrue/to deny/ 否认 否認 S 1697 986 fǒu rèn f /to declare to be untrue/to deny/ 吧 153 25526 bā f /bar (loanword) (serving drinks, or providing Internet access etc)/to puff (on a pipe etc)/(onom.) bang/abbr. for 貼吧|贴吧[tie1 ba1]/ 吧 153 25526 ba t /(modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise)/...right?/...OK?/...I presume./ 吧主 - 0 bā zhǔ f /message board moderator or administrator/ 吧台 - 18 bā tái f /counter of a bar (pub)/ 吧唧 - 11 bā jī f /(onom.) squishing sound/ 吧唧 - 11 bā ji t /to smack one's lips/ 吧唧吧唧 - 0 bā ji bā ji f /(onom.) smacking the lips/ 吧嗒 - 53 bā da f /(onom.) patter, splatter, click/to smack one's lips/to pull (on a pipe)/ 吧女 - 0 bā nǚ f /barmaid/ 吧托 - 0 bā tuō f /scam girl/woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar 酒吧[jiu3 ba1]/ 吧托女 - 0 bā tuō nǚ f /scam girl/woman who lures men to an exorbitantly priced bar 酒吧[jiu3 ba1]/ 吨 噸 S 2199 5810 dūn f /ton (loanword)/Taiwan pr. [dun4]/ 吨位 噸位 S - 140 dūn wèi f /tonnage/ 吨公里 噸公里 S - 8 dūn gōng lǐ f /ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of transport system)/ 吨数 噸數 S - 5 dūn shù f /tonnage/ 吨级 噸級 S - 77 dūn jí f /tonnage/class in tons (of a passenger ship)/ 吩 - 39 fēn f /leave instructions/to order/ 吩咐 3235 3208 fēn fù f /to tell/to instruct/to command/ 吪 - 0 é f /move/ 含 - 6950 hán f /to keep/to contain/to suck (keep in your mouth without chewing)/ 含义 含義 S 3211 1339 hán yì f /meaning (implicit in a phrase)/implied meaning/hidden meaning/hint/connotation/ 含冤 - 56 hán yuān f /wronged/to suffer false accusations/ 含含糊糊 - 76 hán hán hú hú f /(of speech) obscure/unclear/(of actions) vague/ineffectual/ 含味隽永 含味雋永 S - 0 hán wèi juàn yǒng f /fine, lasting flavor (of literature)/ 含味雋永 含味隽永 T - 0 hán wèi juàn yǒng f /fine, lasting flavor (of literature)/ 含商咀征 含商咀徵 S - 3 hán shāng jǔ zhēng f /permeated with beautiful music (idiom)/ 含商咀徵 含商咀征 T - 3 hán shāng jǔ zhēng f /permeated with beautiful music (idiom)/ 含垢忍辱 - 2 hán gòu rěn rǔ f /to bear shame and humiliation (idiom)/ 含宫咀征 含宮咀徵 S - 3 hán gōng jǔ zhēng f /permeated with beautiful music (idiom)/ 含宮咀徵 含宫咀征 T - 3 hán gōng jǔ zhēng f /permeated with beautiful music (idiom)/ 含山 - 5 Hán shān f /Hanshan county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ 含山县 含山縣 S - 2 Hán shān xiàn f /Hanshan county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ 含山縣 含山县 T - 2 Hán shān xiàn f /Hanshan county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ 含忍恥辱 含忍耻辱 T - 0 hán rěn chǐ rǔ f /to eat humble pie/to accept humiliation/to turn the other cheek/ 含忍耻辱 含忍恥辱 S - 0 hán rěn chǐ rǔ f /to eat humble pie/to accept humiliation/to turn the other cheek/ 含情脈脈 含情脉脉 T - 34 hán qíng mò mò f /full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted/ 含情脉脉 含情脈脈 S - 34 hán qíng mò mò f /full of tender feelings (idiom); tender-hearted/ 含意 - 309 hán yì f /meaning/ 含有 - 2856 hán yǒu f /to contain/including/ 含气 含氣 S - 0 hán qì f /containing air/ 含氣 含气 T - 0 hán qì f /containing air/ 含水 - 71 hán shuǐ f /watery/ 含沙射影 - 21 hán shā shè yǐng f /to attack someone by innuendo (idiom)/to make oblique charges/to make insinuations/to insinuate/ 含沙量 - 171 hán shā liàng f /sand content/quantity of sediment (carried by a river)/ 含油 - 103 hán yóu f /containing oil/oil-bearing/ 含油岩 - 0 hán yóu yán f /oil bearing rock/ 含泪 含淚 S - 210 hán lèi f /tearful/tearfully/ 含淚 含泪 T - 210 hán lèi f /tearful/tearfully/ 含混 - 70 hán hùn f /vague/unclear/ambiguous/ 含燐 - 0 hán lín f /phosphoric/ 含片 - 12 hán piàn f /lozenge/cough drop/ 含碳 - 2 hán tàn f /carbonic/ 含磷 - 9 hán lín f /containing phosphate/ 含稅 含税 T - 0 hán shuì f /tax inclusive/ 含税 含稅 S - 0 hán shuì f /tax inclusive/ 含笑 - 376 hán xiào f /to have a smile on one's face/ 含糊 4050 443 hán hu f /ambiguous/vague/careless/perfunctory/ 含糊不清 - 3 hán hú bù qīng f /unclear/indistinct/ambiguous/ 含糊其詞 含糊其词 T - 14 hán hú qí cí f /to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom)/ 含糊其词 含糊其詞 S - 14 hán hú qí cí f /to equivocate/to talk evasively (idiom)/ 含羞草 - 32 hán xiū cǎo f /mimosa/sensitive plant (that closes its leaves when touched)/ 含義 含义 T 3211 1339 hán yì f /meaning (implicit in a phrase)/implied meaning/hidden meaning/hint/connotation/ 含胡 - 3 hán hu f /variant of 含糊[han2 hu5]/ 含苞 - 9 hán bāo f /(of a plant) to be in bud/ 含苞待放 - 19 hán bāo dài fàng f /in bud/budding/ 含英咀华 含英咀華 S - 3 hán yīng jǔ huá f /to savor fine writing (idiom)/ 含英咀華 含英咀华 T - 3 hán yīng jǔ huá f /to savor fine writing (idiom)/ 含蓄 - 321 hán xù f /to contain/to hold/(of a person or style etc) reserved/restrained/(of words, writings) full of hidden meaning/implicit/veiled (criticism)/ 含蕴 含蘊 S - 6 hán yùn f /to contain/to hold/content/(of a poem etc) full of implicit meaning/ 含蘊 含蕴 T - 6 hán yùn f /to contain/to hold/content/(of a poem etc) full of implicit meaning/ 含辛茹苦 - 39 hán xīn rú kǔ f /to suffer every possible torment (idiom); bitter hardship/to bear one's cross/ 含量 - 2926 hán liàng f /content/quantity contained/ 含金 - 3 hán jīn f /metal bearing (ore)/gold bearing/ 含鈣 含钙 T - 3 hán gài f /containing calcium/ 含钙 含鈣 S - 3 hán gài f /containing calcium/ 听 38 45776 yǐn f /smile (archaic)/ 听 聽 S 38 45776 tīng t /to listen/to hear/to obey/a can (loanword from English "tin")/classifier for canned beverages/ 听 聽 S 38 45776 tìng f /(literary pronunciation, still advocated in Taiwan) to rule/to sentence/to allow/ 听不到 聽不到 S - 0 tīng bu dào f /can't hear/ 听不懂 聽不懂 S - 3 tīng bu dǒng f /unable to make sense of what one is hearing/ 听不见 聽不見 S - 3 tīng bu jiàn f /not be able to hear/ 听不进去 聽不進去 S - 3 tīng bù jìn qu f /not to listen/to be deaf to/ 听之任之 聽之任之 S - 48 tīng zhī rèn zhī f /to take a laissez-faire attitude/ 听书 聽書 S - 0 tīng shū f /to listen to stories/to listen to performance of 說書|说书 storytelling/ 听事 聽事 S - 3 tīng shì f /to hold audience/to advise on state affairs/to administer state affairs/audience hall/to listen in/ 听从 聽從 S - 508 tīng cóng f /to listen and obey/to comply with/to heed/to hearken/ 听任 聽任 S - 134 tīng rèn f /to let (sth happen)/to allow (sb to do sth)/to submit to/to yield/ 听众 聽眾 S - 555 tīng zhòng f /audience/listeners/ 听会 聽會 S - 3 tīng huì f /to attend a meeting (and hear what is discussed)/ 听信 聽信 S - 185 tīng xìn f /to listen to information/to get the news/to believe what one hears/ 听信谣言 聽信謠言 S - 0 tīng xìn yáo yán f /to take heed of idle chatter (idiom)/ 听候 聽候 S - 297 tīng hòu f /to wait for (orders, a decision, a judgment)/ 听其自然 聽其自然 S - 11 tīng qí zì rán f /to let things take their course/to take things as they come/ 听其言而观其行 聽其言而觀其行 S - 0 tīng qí yán ér guān qí xíng f /hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions/ 听其言观其行 聽其言觀其行 S - 0 tīng qí yán guān qí xíng f /hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions/ 听写 聽寫 S - 67 tīng xiě f /dictate/dictation/CL:次[ci4]/ 听凭 聽憑 S - 78 tīng píng f /to allow (sb to do as he pleases)/ 听到 聽到 S - 5294 tīng dào f /to hear/ 听力 聽力 S - 526 tīng lì f /hearing/listening ability/ 听力理解 聽力理解 S - 0 tīng lì lǐ jiě f /listening comprehension/ 听取 聽取 S - 2984 tīng qǔ f /to hear (news)/to listen to/ 听君一席话,胜读十年书 聽君一席話,勝讀十年書 S - 0 tīng jūn yī xí huà , shèng dú shí nián shū f /listening to the words of a wise man can be superior to studying ten years of books (proverb)/ 听命 聽命 S - 94 tīng mìng f /to obey an order/to take orders/to accept a state of affairs/ 听墙根 聽牆根 S - 0 tīng qiáng gēn f /to eavesdrop/to listen in secret to sb's conversations/ 听墙根儿 聽牆根兒 S - 0 tīng qiáng gēn r f /erhua variant of 聽牆根|听墙根[ting1 qiang2 gen1]/ 听墙面 聽牆面 S - 0 tīng qiáng miàn f /surface of wall/ 听天安命 聽天安命 S - 0 tīng tiān ān mìng f /to accept one's situation as dictated by heaven (idiom)/ 听天由命 聽天由命 S - 101 tīng tiān yóu mìng f /to submit to the will of heaven/to resign oneself to fate/to trust to luck/ 听头 聽頭 S - 3 tīng tóu f /a can (loanword from English "tin")/ 听审 聽審 S - 2 tīng shěn f /to attend court/to take part in a trial/ 听审会 聽審會 S - 0 tīng shěn huì f /hearing (law)/ 听小骨 聽小骨 S - 3 tīng xiǎo gǔ f /ossicles (of the middle ear)/three ossicles, acting as levers to amplify sound, namely: stapes or stirrup bone 鐙骨|镫骨, incus or anvil bone 砧骨, malleus or hammer bone 錘骨|锤骨/ 听岔 聽岔 S - 0 tīng chà f /to mishear/to hear wrongly/ 听得懂 聽得懂 S - 3 tīng de dǒng f /to understand (by hearing)/to catch (what sb says)/ 听得见 聽得見 S - 3 tīng dé jiàn f /audible/ 听懂 聽懂 S - 219 tīng dǒng f /to understand (on hearing)/to catch (what is spoken)/ 听戏 聽戲 S - 65 tīng xì f /to attend an opera/to see an opera/ 听房 聽房 S - 0 tīng fáng f /to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchamber (folk custom)/ 听断 聽斷 S - 0 tīng duàn f /to judge (i.e. to hear and pass judgment in a law court)/to hear and decide/ 听来 聽來 S - 3 tīng lái f /to sound (old, foreign, exciting, right etc)/to ring (true)/to sound as if (i.e. to give the listener an impression)/to hear from somewhere/ 听清 聽清 S - 3 tīng qīng f /to hear clearly/ 听窗 聽窗 S - 0 tīng chuāng f /to eavesdrop outside bridal bedchamber (folk custom)/ 听筒 聽筒 S - 62 tīng tǒng f /telephone receiver/headphone/earphone/earpiece/stethoscope/ 听者 聽者 S - 110 tīng zhě f /listener/member of audience/ 听而不闻 聽而不聞 S - 62 tīng ér bù wén f /to hear but not react (idiom); to turn a deaf ear/to ignore deliberately/ 听腻了 聽膩了 S - 0 tīng nì le f /fed up of hearing/ 听见 聽見 S - 4507 tīng jiàn f /to hear/ 听见风就是雨 聽見風就是雨 S - 0 tīng jiàn fēng jiù shì yǔ f /lit. on hearing wind, to say rain/to agree uncritically with whatever people say/to parrot other people's words/to chime in with others/ 听觉 聽覺 S - 338 tīng jué f /sense of hearing/ 听讲 聽講 S - 73 tīng jiǎng f /to attend a lecture/to listen to a talk/ 听讼 聽訟 S - 10 tīng sòng f /to hear litigation (in a law court)/to hear a case/ 听证会 聽證會 S - 116 tīng zhèng huì f /(legislative) hearing/ 听诊器 聽診器 S - 31 tīng zhěn qì f /stethoscope/ 听话 聽話 S - 455 tīng huà f /to do what one is told/obedient/ 听话听声,锣鼓听音 聽話聽聲,鑼鼓聽音 S - 0 tīng huà tīng shēng , luó gǔ tīng yīn f /to understand the unspoken implications (idiom)/ 听说 聽說 S - 5887 tīng shuō f /to hear (sth said)/one hears (that)/hearsay/listening and speaking/ 听课 聽課 S - 105 tīng kè f /to attend a class/to go to a lecture/ 听起来 聽起來 S - 0 tīng qi lai f /to sound like/ 听错 聽錯 S - 95 tīng cuò f /to mishear/ 听闻 聽聞 S - 84 tīng wén f /to listen/to hear what sb says/news one has heard/ 听阈 聽閾 S - 11 tīng yù f /audibility threshold/ 听随 聽隨 S - 0 tīng suí f /to obey/to allow/ 听风就是雨 聽風就是雨 S - 0 tīng fēng jiù shì yǔ f /lit. to believe in the rain on hearing the wind (idiom)/to believe rumors/to be credulous/ 听骨 聽骨 S - 15 tīng gǔ f /ossicles (in the middle ear)/also written 聽小骨|听小骨/ 听骨链 聽骨鏈 S - 0 tīng gǔ liàn f /chain of ossicles (in the middle ear)/ 吭 - 269 háng f /throat/ 吭 - 269 kēng t /to utter/ 吭吭 - 0 kēng kēng f /(onom.) coughing, grunting etc/ 吭哧 - 47 kēng chi f /to puff and blow/to whimper/ 吭声 吭聲 S - 382 kēng shēng f /to utter a word/ 吭气 吭氣 S - 16 kēng qì f /to utter a sound/ 吭氣 吭气 T - 16 kēng qì f /to utter a sound/ 吭聲 吭声 T - 382 kēng shēng f /to utter a word/ 吮 - 163 shǔn f /to suck/ 吮吸 - 97 shǔn xī f /to suck/ 启 啟 S - 1279 Qǐ f /Qi son of Yu the Great 禹[Yu3], reported founder of the Xia Dynasty 夏朝[Xia4 Chao2] (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)/ 启 啟 S - 1279 qǐ f /to open/to start/to initiate/to enlighten or awaken/to state/to inform/ 启东 啟東 S - 95 Qǐ dōng f /Qidong county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 启东市 啟東市 S - 4 Qǐ dōng shì f /Qidong county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 启事 啟事 S 4393 82 qǐ shì f /announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website)/to post information/a notice/ 启动 啟動 S - 1810 qǐ dòng f /to start (a machine)/to set in movement/to launch (an operation)/to activate (a plan)/ 启动作业 啟動作業 S - 0 qǐ dòng zuò yè f /priming task/ 启动区 啟動區 S - 0 qǐ dòng qū f /boot sector (computing)/ 启动子 啟動子 S - 3 qǐ dòng zi f /promoter/ 启动技术 啟動技術 S - 0 qǐ dòng jì shù f /priming technique/ 启发 啟發 S 2198 745 qǐ fā f /to enlighten/to explain (a text etc)/to stimulate (a mental attitude)/enlightenment/revelation/motivation/ 启发式 啟發式 S - 26 qǐ fā shì f /heuristic/ 启发法 啟發法 S - 3 qǐ fā fǎ f /heuristic method/heuristics/ 启奏 啟奏 S - 245 qǐ zòu f /to submit a report to the king/to talk to the king/ 启应祈祷 啟應祈禱 S - 0 qǐ yìng qí dǎo f /Introitus (section of Catholic mass)/ 启德机场 啟德機場 S - 3 Qǐ Dé Jī chǎng f /Kai Tak Airport/ 启明 啟明 S - 25 Qǐ míng f /classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the east before dawn/ 启明星 啟明星 S - 19 qǐ míng xīng f /(astronomy) Venus/ 启海话 啟海話 S - 0 Qǐ hǎi huà f /Qihai dialect, a Wu dialect spoken in Tongzhou, Haimen, and Qidong districts in southern Jiangsu province, and on Chongming Island in Shanghai/ 启用 啟用 S - 858 qǐ yòng f /to start using/(computing) to enable (a feature)/ 启示 啟示 S 3801 511 qǐ shì f /to reveal/to enlighten/enlightenment/revelation/illumination/lesson/ 启示录 啟示錄 S - 32 Qǐ shì lù f /the Revelation of St John the divine/the Apocalypse/ 启示者 啟示者 S - 0 qǐ shì zhě f /revelator/ 启程 啟程 S 3926 279 qǐ chéng f /to set out on a journey/ 启航 啟航 S - 68 qǐ háng f /(of a ship) to set sail/(of an aeroplane) to take off/also written 起航[qi3 hang2]/ 启蒙 啟矇 S 4739 352 qǐ méng f /variant of 啟蒙|启蒙[qi3 meng2]/to instruct the young/ 启蒙 啟蒙 S 4739 352 qǐ méng f /to instruct the young/to initiate/to awake sb from ignorance/to free sb from prejudice or superstition/primer/enlightened/the Enlightenment/Western learning from the late Qing dynasty/ 启蒙主义 啟蒙主義 S - 0 Qǐ méng zhǔ yì f /Enlightenment (philosophy)/ 启蛰 啟蟄 S - 0 Qǐ zhé f /Waking from Hibernation/old variant of 驚蟄|惊蛰[Jing1 zhe2], Insects Wake, 3rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气[er4 shi2 si4 jie2 qi5] 6th-20th March/ 启运 啟運 S - 11 qǐ yùn f /to ship (goods)/ 启迪 啟迪 S - 141 qǐ dí f /to edify/enlightenment/ 启齿 啟齒 S - 28 qǐ chǐ f /to open one's mouth/to start talking/ 吰 - 0 hóng f /clang/ 吱 - 425 zhī t /(onom.) creaking or groaning/ 吱 - 425 zī f /(onom.) to squeak (of mice)/to chirp or peep (of small birds)/ 吱吱嘎嘎 - 10 zī zī gā gā f /(onom.) creaking and grating/ 吱吱声 吱吱聲 S - 5 zī zī shēng f /squeak/ 吱吱聲 吱吱声 T - 5 zī zī shēng f /squeak/ 吱嘎 - 0 zhī gā f /(onom.) creak/crunch/ 吱声 吱聲 S - 140 zhī shēng f /to utter a word/to make a sound/to cheep/to squeak/also pr. [zi1 sheng1]/ 吱聲 吱声 T - 140 zhī shēng f /to utter a word/to make a sound/to cheep/to squeak/also pr. [zi1 sheng1]/ 吲 - 20 yǐn f /see 吲哚, indole C8H7N/ 吲哚 - 41 yǐn duǒ f /indole C8H7N (heterocyclic organic compound)/ 吳 吴 T - 7711 Wú f /surname Wu/area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai/name of states in Southern China at different historical periods/ 吳三桂 吴三桂 T - 2546 Wú Sān guì f /Wu Sangui (1612-1678), Chinese general who let the Manchus into China and helped them establish the Qing Dynasty, later leading a revolt against Qing in an effort to start his own dynasty/ 吳下阿蒙 吴下阿蒙 T - 3 Wú xià ā Méng f /General Lü Meng 呂蒙|吕蒙 of the southern state of Wu (idiom); model of self-improvement by diligent study (from unlettered soldier to top strategist of Wu)/ 吳中 吴中 T - 37 Wú zhōng f /Wuzhong district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Su1 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 吳中區 吴中区 T - 3 Wú zhōng qū f /Wuzhong district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Su1 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 吳仁寶 吴仁宝 T - 2 Wú Rén bǎo f /Wu Renbao (1928-2013), former CPC chief of Huaxi Village 華西村|华西村[Hua2 xi1 Cun1], responsible for turning it into a modern rich community/ 吳任臣 吴任臣 T - 0 Wú Rèn chén f /Wu Renchen (1628-1689), Qing dynasty polymath and historian, author of History of Ten States of South China 十國春秋|十国春秋/ 吳作棟 吴作栋 T - 14 Wú Zuò dòng f /Goh Chok Tong (1941-), Singapore businessman and politician, prime minister 1990-2004/ 吳儀 吴仪 T - 327 Wú Yí f /Wu Yi (1938-), one of four vice-premiers of the PRC State Council/ 吳儂嬌語 吴侬娇语 T - 0 Wú nóng jiāo yǔ f /pleasant-sounding Wu dialect/also written 吳儂軟語|吴侬软语[Wu2 nong2 ruan3 yu3]/ 吳儂軟語 吴侬软语 T - 0 Wú nóng ruǎn yǔ f /pleasant-sounding Wu dialect/ 吳哥城 吴哥城 T - 8 Wú gē chéng f /Ankorwat, Cambodia/ 吳哥窟 吴哥窟 T - 11 Wú gē kū f /Angkor Wat, temple complex in Cambodia/ 吳嘉經 吴嘉经 T - 0 Wú Jiā jīng f /Wu Jiajing (1618-1684), early Qing dynasty poet/ 吳國 吴国 T - 174 Wú guó f /Wu state (in south China, in different historical periods)/Wu state 220-280, founded by Sun Quan 孫權|孙权 the southernmost of the three Kingdoms/ 吳堡 吴堡 T - 0 Wú bǔ f /Wubu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 吳堡縣 吴堡县 T - 3 Wú bǔ Xiàn f /Wubu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 吳天明 吴天明 T - 0 Wú Tiān míng f /Wu Tianming (1939-), PRC film director/ 吳子 吴子 T - 34 Wú zǐ f /Wuzi, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], written by Wu Qi 吳起|吴起[Wu2 Qi3]/ 吳孟超 吴孟超 T - 8 Wú Mèng chāo f /Wu Mengchao (1922-), Chinese medical scientist and surgeon specializing in liver and gallbladder disorders/ 吳官正 吴官正 T - 5 Wú Guān zhèng f /Wu Guanzheng (1938-), former CPC Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection/ 吳尊 吴尊 T - 0 Wú Zūn f /Wu Zun or Chun Wu (1979-), Bruneian actor, vocalist of Fei Lun Hai (Fahrenheit)/ 吳川 吴川 T - 0 Wú chuān f /Wuchuan county level city in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 吳川市 吴川市 T - 6 Wú chuān shì f /Wuchuan county level city in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 吳市吹簫 吴市吹箫 T - 3 Wú shì chuī xiāo f /to beg while playing the xiao 箫 (mouth organ)/cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥, destitute refugee from Chu 楚, busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician/ 吳建豪 吴建豪 T - 3 Wú Jiàn háo f /Wu Jianhao or Vanness Wu (1978-), Taiwan pop star and actor, F4 band member/ 吳忠 吴忠 T - 0 Wú zhōng f /Wuzhong prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 吳忠市 吴忠市 T - 20 Wú zhōng shì f /Wuzhong prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 吳承恩 吴承恩 T - 21 Wú Chéng ēn f /Wu Cheng'en (1500-1582), author (or compiler) of novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记/ 吳敬梓 吴敬梓 T - 3 Wú Jìng zǐ f /Wu Jingzi (1701-1754), Qing dynasty novelist, author of The Scholars 儒林外史[Ru2 lin2 Wai4 shi3]/ 吳旗 吴旗 T - 0 Wú qí f /Wuqi town and county, Shaanxi/old spelling of Wuqi 吳起|吴起[Wu2 qi3]/ 吳旗縣 吴旗县 T - 7 Wú qí xiàn f /Wuqi county, Shaanxi/old spelling of 吳起縣|吴起县[Wu2 qi3 xian4]/ 吳晗 吴晗 T - 80 Wú Hán f /Wu Han (1909-1969), historian, author of biography of Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋, hounded to his death together with several members of his family during the cultural revolution/ 吳楚 吴楚 T - 275 Wú Chǔ f /southern states of Wu and Chu/the middle and lower Yangtze valley/ 吳橋 吴桥 T - 0 Wú qiáo f /Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 吳橋縣 吴桥县 T - 7 Wú qiáo xiàn f /Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 吳永剛 吴永刚 T - 3 Wú Yǒng gāng f /Wu Yonggang (1907-1982), Chinese film director/ 吳江 吴江 T - 86 Wú jiāng f /Wujiang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 吳江市 吴江市 T - 13 Wú jiāng shì f /Wujiang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 吳淞 吴淞 T - 76 Wú sōng f /Wusong river and dock area in Shanghai/ 吳清源 吴清源 T - 6 Wú Qīng yuán f /Go Seigen (1914-), Go player/ 吳牛見月 吴牛见月 T - 0 Wú niú jiàn yuè f /cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it for the sun/ 吳玉章 吴玉章 T - 35 Wú Yù zhāng f /Wu Yuzhang (1878-1966), writer, educator and communist politician/ 吳王闔廬 吴王阖庐 T - 0 Wú wáng Hé Lú f /King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC)/also called 吳王闔閭|吴王阖闾/ 吳王闔閭 吴王阖闾 T - 0 Wú wáng Hé Lǘ f /King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸/also called 吳王闔廬|吴王阖庐/ 吳用 吴用 T - 155 Wú Yòng f /Wu Yong, character of 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4], nicknamed Resourceful Star 智多星[Zhi4 duo1 xing1]/ 吳縣 吴县 T - 206 Wú xiàn f /Wu county in Jiangsu/ 吳自牧 吴自牧 T - 3 Wú Zì mù f /Wu Zimu (lived c. 1270), writer at the end of the Song dynasty/ 吳興 吴兴 T - 87 Wú xīng f /Wuxing district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 吳興區 吴兴区 T - 3 Wú xīng qū f /Wuxing district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 吳語 吴语 T - 0 Wú yǔ f /Wu dialects (spoken primarily in Shanghai and surrounding areas)/ 吳起 吴起 T - 49 Wú Qǐ f /Wu Qi (440-381 BC), military leader and politician of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), author of Wuzi 吳子|吴子[Wu2 zi3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]/ 吳起 吴起 T - 49 Wú qǐ f /Wuqi county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 吳起縣 吴起县 T - 0 Wú qǐ xiàn f /Wuqi county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 吳越 吴越 T - 181 Wú Yuè f /states of south China in different historical periods/proverbially perpetual arch-enemies/ 吳越同舟 吴越同舟 T - 3 Wú Yuè tóng zhōu f /Wu and Yue in the same boat (idiom); fig. cooperation between natural rivals/to collaborate towards a common end/in the same boat together/ 吳越春秋 吴越春秋 T - 0 Wú Yuè chūn qiū f /History of the Southern States Wu and Yue (traditional rivals), compiled by Han historian Zhao Ye 趙曄|赵晔, 10 extant scrolls/ 吳趼人 吴趼人 T - 2 Wú Jiǎn rén f /Wu Jianren (1867-1910), late Qing dynasty novelist, author of The strange state of the world witnessed over 20 years 二十年目睹之怪現狀|二十年目睹之怪现状/ 吳邦國 吴邦国 T - 369 Wú Bāng guó f /Wu Bangguo (1941-), PRC electrical engineer and politician, polituro member from 2002/ 吳鎮宇 吴镇宇 T - 3 Wú Zhèn yǔ f /Francis Ng Chun-Yu (1961-), Hong Kong actor/ 吳頭楚尾 吴头楚尾 T - 3 Wú tóu Chǔ wěi f /lit. head in Wu and tail in Chu (idiom); fig. close together/head-to-tail/one thing starts where the other leaves off/ 吴 吳 S - 7711 Wú f /surname Wu/area comprising southern Jiangsu, northern Zhejiang and Shanghai/name of states in Southern China at different historical periods/ 吴三桂 吳三桂 S - 2546 Wú Sān guì f /Wu Sangui (1612-1678), Chinese general who let the Manchus into China and helped them establish the Qing Dynasty, later leading a revolt against Qing in an effort to start his own dynasty/ 吴下阿蒙 吳下阿蒙 S - 3 Wú xià ā Méng f /General Lü Meng 呂蒙|吕蒙 of the southern state of Wu (idiom); model of self-improvement by diligent study (from unlettered soldier to top strategist of Wu)/ 吴中 吳中 S - 37 Wú zhōng f /Wuzhong district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Su1 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 吴中区 吳中區 S - 3 Wú zhōng qū f /Wuzhong district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Su1 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 吴仁宝 吳仁寶 S - 2 Wú Rén bǎo f /Wu Renbao (1928-2013), former CPC chief of Huaxi Village 華西村|华西村[Hua2 xi1 Cun1], responsible for turning it into a modern rich community/ 吴仪 吳儀 S - 327 Wú Yí f /Wu Yi (1938-), one of four vice-premiers of the PRC State Council/ 吴任臣 吳任臣 S - 0 Wú Rèn chén f /Wu Renchen (1628-1689), Qing dynasty polymath and historian, author of History of Ten States of South China 十國春秋|十国春秋/ 吴作栋 吳作棟 S - 14 Wú Zuò dòng f /Goh Chok Tong (1941-), Singapore businessman and politician, prime minister 1990-2004/ 吴侬娇语 吳儂嬌語 S - 0 Wú nóng jiāo yǔ f /pleasant-sounding Wu dialect/also written 吳儂軟語|吴侬软语[Wu2 nong2 ruan3 yu3]/ 吴侬软语 吳儂軟語 S - 0 Wú nóng ruǎn yǔ f /pleasant-sounding Wu dialect/ 吴兴 吳興 S - 87 Wú xīng f /Wuxing district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 吴兴区 吳興區 S - 3 Wú xīng qū f /Wuxing district of Huzhou city 湖州市[Hu2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 吴县 吳縣 S - 206 Wú xiàn f /Wu county in Jiangsu/ 吴哥城 吳哥城 S - 8 Wú gē chéng f /Ankorwat, Cambodia/ 吴哥窟 吳哥窟 S - 11 Wú gē kū f /Angkor Wat, temple complex in Cambodia/ 吴嘉经 吳嘉經 S - 0 Wú Jiā jīng f /Wu Jiajing (1618-1684), early Qing dynasty poet/ 吴国 吳國 S - 174 Wú guó f /Wu state (in south China, in different historical periods)/Wu state 220-280, founded by Sun Quan 孫權|孙权 the southernmost of the three Kingdoms/ 吴堡 吳堡 S - 0 Wú bǔ f /Wubu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 吴堡县 吳堡縣 S - 3 Wú bǔ Xiàn f /Wubu County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 吴天明 吳天明 S - 0 Wú Tiān míng f /Wu Tianming (1939-), PRC film director/ 吴头楚尾 吳頭楚尾 S - 3 Wú tóu Chǔ wěi f /lit. head in Wu and tail in Chu (idiom); fig. close together/head-to-tail/one thing starts where the other leaves off/ 吴子 吳子 S - 34 Wú zǐ f /Wuzi, one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], written by Wu Qi 吳起|吴起[Wu2 Qi3]/ 吴孟超 吳孟超 S - 8 Wú Mèng chāo f /Wu Mengchao (1922-), Chinese medical scientist and surgeon specializing in liver and gallbladder disorders/ 吴官正 吳官正 S - 5 Wú Guān zhèng f /Wu Guanzheng (1938-), former CPC Secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection/ 吴尊 吳尊 S - 0 Wú Zūn f /Wu Zun or Chun Wu (1979-), Bruneian actor, vocalist of Fei Lun Hai (Fahrenheit)/ 吴川 吳川 S - 0 Wú chuān f /Wuchuan county level city in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 吴川市 吳川市 S - 6 Wú chuān shì f /Wuchuan county level city in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/ 吴市吹箫 吳市吹簫 S - 3 Wú shì chuī xiāo f /to beg while playing the xiao 箫 (mouth organ)/cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥, destitute refugee from Chu 楚, busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician/ 吴建豪 吳建豪 S - 3 Wú Jiàn háo f /Wu Jianhao or Vanness Wu (1978-), Taiwan pop star and actor, F4 band member/ 吴忠 吳忠 S - 0 Wú zhōng f /Wuzhong prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 吴忠市 吳忠市 S - 20 Wú zhōng shì f /Wuzhong prefecture level city in Ningxia/ 吴承恩 吳承恩 S - 21 Wú Chéng ēn f /Wu Cheng'en (1500-1582), author (or compiler) of novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记/ 吴敬梓 吳敬梓 S - 3 Wú Jìng zǐ f /Wu Jingzi (1701-1754), Qing dynasty novelist, author of The Scholars 儒林外史[Ru2 lin2 Wai4 shi3]/ 吴旗 吳旗 S - 0 Wú qí f /Wuqi town and county, Shaanxi/old spelling of Wuqi 吳起|吴起[Wu2 qi3]/ 吴旗县 吳旗縣 S - 7 Wú qí xiàn f /Wuqi county, Shaanxi/old spelling of 吳起縣|吴起县[Wu2 qi3 xian4]/ 吴晗 吳晗 S - 80 Wú Hán f /Wu Han (1909-1969), historian, author of biography of Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋, hounded to his death together with several members of his family during the cultural revolution/ 吴桥 吳橋 S - 0 Wú qiáo f /Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 吴桥县 吳橋縣 S - 7 Wú qiáo xiàn f /Wuqiao county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 吴楚 吳楚 S - 275 Wú Chǔ f /southern states of Wu and Chu/the middle and lower Yangtze valley/ 吴永刚 吳永剛 S - 3 Wú Yǒng gāng f /Wu Yonggang (1907-1982), Chinese film director/ 吴江 吳江 S - 86 Wú jiāng f /Wujiang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 吴江市 吳江市 S - 13 Wú jiāng shì f /Wujiang county level city in Suzhou 蘇州|苏州[Su1 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 吴淞 吳淞 S - 76 Wú sōng f /Wusong river and dock area in Shanghai/ 吴清源 吳清源 S - 6 Wú Qīng yuán f /Go Seigen (1914-), Go player/ 吴牛见月 吳牛見月 S - 0 Wú niú jiàn yuè f /cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it for the sun/ 吴玉章 吳玉章 S - 35 Wú Yù zhāng f /Wu Yuzhang (1878-1966), writer, educator and communist politician/ 吴王阖庐 吳王闔廬 S - 0 Wú wáng Hé Lú f /King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC)/also called 吳王闔閭|吴王阖闾/ 吴王阖闾 吳王闔閭 S - 0 Wú wáng Hé Lǘ f /King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸/also called 吳王闔廬|吴王阖庐/ 吴用 吳用 S - 155 Wú Yòng f /Wu Yong, character of 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4], nicknamed Resourceful Star 智多星[Zhi4 duo1 xing1]/ 吴自牧 吳自牧 S - 3 Wú Zì mù f /Wu Zimu (lived c. 1270), writer at the end of the Song dynasty/ 吴语 吳語 S - 0 Wú yǔ f /Wu dialects (spoken primarily in Shanghai and surrounding areas)/ 吴起 吳起 S - 49 Wú Qǐ f /Wu Qi (440-381 BC), military leader and politician of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), author of Wuzi 吳子|吴子[Wu2 zi3], one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]/ 吴起 吳起 S - 49 Wú qǐ f /Wuqi county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 吴起县 吳起縣 S - 0 Wú qǐ xiàn f /Wuqi county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 吴越 吳越 S - 181 Wú Yuè f /states of south China in different historical periods/proverbially perpetual arch-enemies/ 吴越同舟 吳越同舟 S - 3 Wú Yuè tóng zhōu f /Wu and Yue in the same boat (idiom); fig. cooperation between natural rivals/to collaborate towards a common end/in the same boat together/ 吴越春秋 吳越春秋 S - 0 Wú Yuè chūn qiū f /History of the Southern States Wu and Yue (traditional rivals), compiled by Han historian Zhao Ye 趙曄|赵晔, 10 extant scrolls/ 吴趼人 吳趼人 S - 2 Wú Jiǎn rén f /Wu Jianren (1867-1910), late Qing dynasty novelist, author of The strange state of the world witnessed over 20 years 二十年目睹之怪現狀|二十年目睹之怪现状/ 吴邦国 吳邦國 S - 369 Wú Bāng guó f /Wu Bangguo (1941-), PRC electrical engineer and politician, polituro member from 2002/ 吴镇宇 吳鎮宇 S - 3 Wú Zhèn yǔ f /Francis Ng Chun-Yu (1961-), Hong Kong actor/ 吵 1398 1045 chǎo f /to quarrel/to make a noise/noisy/to disturb by making a noise/ 吵吵 - 3 chāo chao f /to make a racket/to quarrel/ 吵吵嚷嚷 - 45 chǎo chǎo rǎng rǎng f /to make an (unnecessary) racket (idiom)/ 吵嘴 - 60 chǎo zuǐ f /to quarrel/ 吵嚷 - 99 chǎo rǎng f /to make a racket/clamour/uproar/ 吵架 1643 347 chǎo jià f /to quarrel/to have a row/quarrel/CL:頓|顿[dun4]/ 吵醒 - 74 chǎo xǐng f /to wake sb up with a noise/ 吵闹 吵鬧 S - 241 chǎo nào f /noisy/raucous/to shout and scream/ 吵闹声 吵鬧聲 S - 11 chǎo nào shēng f /noise/ 吵鬧 吵闹 T - 241 chǎo nào f /noisy/raucous/to shout and scream/ 吵鬧聲 吵闹声 T - 11 chǎo nào shēng f /noise/ 吶 呐 T - 431 nà t /battle cry/ 吶 呐 T - 431 na f /sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5])/ 吶喊 呐喊 T - 697 nà hǎn f /shout/rallying cry/cheering/to shout/ 吸 - 2556 xī f /to breathe/to suck in/to absorb/to inhale/ 吸住 - 3 xī zhù f /to draw (towards)/to be drawn to/to be sucked in/ 吸入 - 287 xī rù f /to breathe in/to suck in/to inhale/ 吸入剂 吸入劑 S - 0 xī rù jì f /inhalant/ 吸入劑 吸入剂 T - 0 xī rù jì f /inhalant/ 吸入器 - 0 xī rù qì f /inhaler/ 吸入閥 吸入阀 T - 0 xī rù fá f /suction valve/ 吸入阀 吸入閥 S - 0 xī rù fá f /suction valve/ 吸力 - 54 xī lì f /attraction (in gravitation or electrostatics)/attractive force/ 吸取 2202 722 xī qǔ f /to absorb/to draw (a lesson, insight etc)/to assimilate/ 吸取教訓 吸取教训 T - 3 xī qǔ jiào xun f /to draw a lesson (from a setback)/ 吸取教训 吸取教訓 S - 3 xī qǔ jiào xun f /to draw a lesson (from a setback)/ 吸口 - 0 xī kǒu f /sucker mouth/ 吸吮 - 61 xī shǔn f /to suck in/ 吸地 - 3 xī dì f /to vacuum the floor/ 吸塵器 吸尘器 T - 44 xī chén qì f /vacuum cleaner/dust catcher/ 吸塵機 吸尘机 T - 3 xī chén jī f /vacuum cleaner/ 吸声 吸聲 S - 46 xī shēng f /sound absorption/ 吸尘器 吸塵器 S - 44 xī chén qì f /vacuum cleaner/dust catcher/ 吸尘机 吸塵機 S - 3 xī chén jī f /vacuum cleaner/ 吸尽 吸盡 S - 14 xī jìn f /to absorb completely/to drink up/ 吸引 902 3307 xī yǐn f /to attract (interest, investment etc)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 吸引力 - 650 xī yǐn lì f /attractive force (such as gravitation)/sex appeal/attractiveness/ 吸引子 - 0 xī yǐn zi f /attractor (math., dynamical systems)/ 吸引子網絡 吸引子网络 T - 0 xī yǐn zǐ wǎng luò f /attractor network/ 吸引子网络 吸引子網絡 S - 0 xī yǐn zǐ wǎng luò f /attractor network/ 吸把 - 0 xī bǎ f /toilet plunger/ 吸收 2106 4089 xī shōu f /to absorb/to assimilate/to ingest/to recruit/ 吸收剂量 吸收劑量 S - 3 xī shōu jì liàng f /absorbed dose/ 吸收劑量 吸收剂量 T - 3 xī shōu jì liàng f /absorbed dose/ 吸毒 - 228 xī dú f /to take drugs/ 吸毒成瘾 吸毒成癮 S - 0 xī dú chéng yǐn f /drug addiction/ 吸毒成癮 吸毒成瘾 T - 0 xī dú chéng yǐn f /drug addiction/ 吸气 吸氣 S - 160 xī qì f /to inhale/to draw in breath/ 吸气器 吸氣器 S - 0 xī qì qì f /inhaler/ 吸氣 吸气 T - 160 xī qì f /to inhale/to draw in breath/ 吸氣器 吸气器 T - 0 xī qì qì f /inhaler/ 吸氧 - 3 xī yǎng f /to breathe/to absorb oxygen/ 吸水 - 131 xī shuǐ f /absorbent/ 吸湿 吸濕 S - 16 xī shī f /to absorb/absorbent/ 吸湿性 吸濕性 S - 39 xī shī xìng f /absorbent/ 吸濕 吸湿 T - 16 xī shī f /to absorb/absorbent/ 吸濕性 吸湿性 T - 39 xī shī xìng f /absorbent/ 吸烟 吸煙 S - 617 xī yān f /to smoke/ 吸烟区 吸煙區 S - 2 xī yān qū f /smoking area/ 吸烟室 吸煙室 S - 2 xī yān shì f /smoking room/ 吸热 吸熱 S - 49 xī rè f /heat absorption/ 吸煙 吸烟 T - 617 xī yān f /to smoke/ 吸煙區 吸烟区 T - 2 xī yān qū f /smoking area/ 吸煙室 吸烟室 T - 2 xī yān shì f /smoking room/ 吸熱 吸热 T - 49 xī rè f /heat absorption/ 吸留 - 0 xī liú f /to absorb/to take in and retain/ 吸盘 吸盤 S - 102 xī pán f /suction pad/sucker/ 吸盡 吸尽 T - 14 xī jìn f /to absorb completely/to drink up/ 吸盤 吸盘 T - 102 xī pán f /suction pad/sucker/ 吸着 吸著 S - 146 xī zhuó f /sorption (generic term for absorption, adsorption, diffusion, precipitation etc)/ 吸睛 - 0 xī jīng f /eye-catching/ 吸碳 - 0 xī tàn f /to absorb carbon/ 吸碳存 - 0 xī tàn cún f /carbon sink/ 吸积 吸積 S - 23 xī jī f /accretion/ 吸積 吸积 T - 23 xī jī f /accretion/ 吸管 - 22 xī guǎn f /(drinking) straw/pipette/eyedropper/snorkel/CL:支[zhi1]/ 吸納 吸纳 T - 222 xī nà f /to take in/to absorb/to admit/to accept/ 吸纳 吸納 S - 222 xī nà f /to take in/to absorb/to admit/to accept/ 吸聲 吸声 T - 46 xī shēng f /sound absorption/ 吸著 吸着 T - 146 xī zhuó f /sorption (generic term for absorption, adsorption, diffusion, precipitation etc)/ 吸虫 吸蟲 S - 35 xī chóng f /trematoda/fluke/trematode worm, approx 6000 species, mostly parasite, incl. on humans/ 吸虫纲 吸蟲綱 S - 0 xī chóng gāng f /Class Trematoda/fluke/trematode worm, a parasite incl. on humans/ 吸蟲 吸虫 T - 35 xī chóng f /trematoda/fluke/trematode worm, approx 6000 species, mostly parasite, incl. on humans/ 吸蟲綱 吸虫纲 T - 0 xī chóng gāng f /Class Trematoda/fluke/trematode worm, a parasite incl. on humans/ 吸血 - 3 xī xiě f /to suck blood/ 吸血者 - 0 xī xuè zhě f /blood sucker/a leech/leecher/ 吸血鬼 - 69 xī xuè guǐ f /leech/blood-sucking vermin/vampire (translated European notion)/fig. cruel exploiter, esp. a capitalist exploiting the workers/ 吸进 吸進 S - 60 xī jìn f /to inhale/to breathe in/ 吸進 吸进 T - 60 xī jìn f /to inhale/to breathe in/ 吸金 - 3 xī jīn f /money-spinning/moneymaking/ 吸鐵石 吸铁石 T - 21 xī tiě shí f /a magnet/same as 磁鐵|磁铁/ 吸铁石 吸鐵石 S - 21 xī tiě shí f /a magnet/same as 磁鐵|磁铁/ 吸門 吸门 T - 0 xī mén f /epiglottis/ 吸门 吸門 S - 0 xī mén f /epiglottis/ 吸附 - 345 xī fù f /absorption (chemistry)/ 吸附剂 吸附劑 S - 24 xī fù jì f /absorbent/ 吸附劑 吸附剂 T - 24 xī fù jì f /absorbent/ 吸附性 - 11 xī fù xìng f /absorption/absorbability (chemistry)/ 吸附洗消剂 吸附洗消劑 S - 0 xī fù xǐ xiāo jì f /absorbing decontaminant/ 吸附洗消劑 吸附洗消剂 T - 0 xī fù xǐ xiāo jì f /absorbing decontaminant/ 吸音 - 12 xī yīn f /sound-absorbing/ 吸頂燈 吸顶灯 T - 4 xī dǐng dēng f /flush-mounted ceiling lamp (loanword)/ 吸顶灯 吸頂燈 S - 4 xī dǐng dēng f /flush-mounted ceiling lamp (loanword)/ 吸食 - 115 xī shí f /to suck/to take in/ 吹 1425 4119 chuī f /to blow/to play a wind instrument/to blast/to puff/to boast/to brag/to end in failure/to fall through/ 吹乾 吹干 T - 4 chuī gān f /to blow-dry/ 吹了 - 0 chuī le f /failed/busted/to have not succeeded/to have died/to have parted company/to have chilled (of a relationship)/ 吹冷風 吹冷风 T - 3 chuī lěng fēng f /to blow cold/damping expectations by discouraging or realistic words/ 吹冷风 吹冷風 S - 3 chuī lěng fēng f /to blow cold/damping expectations by discouraging or realistic words/ 吹口哨 - 3 chuī kǒu shào f /to whistle/ 吹台 吹臺 S - 4 chuī tái f /(coll.) to fall through/to result in failure/(of a relationship) to break up/ 吹叶机 吹葉機 S - 0 chuī yè jī f /leaf blower (machine)/ 吹号 吹號 S - 12 chuī hào f /to blow a brass instrument/ 吹吹拍拍 - 3 chuī chuī pāi pāi f /to boast and flatter/ 吹哨 - 3 chuī shào f /to blow a whistle/to whistle/ 吹喇叭 - 4 chuī lǎ ba f /(lit.) blowing the trumpet/(fig.) to praise sb/(slang) to give a blowjob/ 吹嘘 吹噓 S - 188 chuī xū f /to brag/ 吹噓 吹嘘 T - 188 chuī xū f /to brag/ 吹奏 - 187 chuī zòu f /to play (wind instruments)/ 吹孔 - 0 chuī kǒng f /(of a musical instrument) blow hole/ 吹干 吹乾 S - 4 chuī gān f /to blow-dry/ 吹拂 - 72 chuī fú f /to brush/to caress (of breeze)/to praise/ 吹拍 - 3 chuī pāi f /to resort to bragging and flattering/abbr. for 吹牛拍馬|吹牛拍马[chui1 niu2 pai1 ma3]/ 吹捧 4670 56 chuī pěng f /to flatter/to laud sb's accomplishments/adulation/ 吹擂 - 3 chuī léi f /to talk big/to boast/ 吹散 - 7 chuī sàn f /to disperse/ 吹枕边风 吹枕邊風 S - 0 chuī zhěn biān fēng f /to sway (sb) through pillow talk/ 吹枕邊風 吹枕边风 T - 0 chuī zhěn biān fēng f /to sway (sb) through pillow talk/ 吹毛求疵 - 22 chuī máo qiú cī f /lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious/nitpick/ 吹气 吹氣 S - 3 chuī qì f /to blow air (into)/ 吹氣 吹气 T - 3 chuī qì f /to blow air (into)/ 吹灯拔蜡 吹燈拔蠟 S - 3 chuī dēng bá là f /lit. to blow out the lamp and put out the candle (idiom)/fig. to die/to bite the dust/to be over and done with/ 吹灰 - 3 chuī huī f /to blow away dust/ 吹灰之力 - 9 chuī huī zhī lì f /as easy as pie/ 吹熄 - 46 chuī xī f /to blow out (a flame)/ 吹燈拔蠟 吹灯拔蜡 T - 3 chuī dēng bá là f /lit. to blow out the lamp and put out the candle (idiom)/fig. to die/to bite the dust/to be over and done with/ 吹牛 3483 197 chuī niú f /to talk big/to shoot off one's mouth/to chat (dialect)/ 吹牛拍馬 吹牛拍马 T - 21 chuī niú pāi mǎ f /to resort to bragging and flattering/ 吹牛拍马 吹牛拍馬 S - 21 chuī niú pāi mǎ f /to resort to bragging and flattering/ 吹牛皮 - 38 chuī niú pí f /to boast/to talk big/ 吹竽手 - 0 chuī yú shǒu f /player of the yu 竽 (free reed mouth organ)/ 吹笛者 - 0 chuī dí zhě f /piper/ 吹管 - 14 chuī guǎn f /blowpipe/ 吹管乐 吹管樂 S - 0 chuī guǎn yuè f /woodwind music/ 吹管樂 吹管乐 T - 0 chuī guǎn yuè f /woodwind music/ 吹箫 吹簫 S - 64 chuī xiāo f /to play the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ)/to beg while playing pipes; cf politician Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], c. 520 BC destitute refugee in Wu town, 吳市吹簫|吴市吹箫[Wu2 shi4 chui1 xiao1]/to busk/virtuoso piper wins a beauty, cf 玉人吹簫|玉人吹箫[yu4 ren2 chui1 xiao1]/(slang) fellatio/blowjob/ 吹箫乞食 吹簫乞食 S - 3 chuī xiāo qǐ shí f /to beg while playing the xiao 箫 (mouth organ)/cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥, destitute refugee from Chu 楚, busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician/ 吹簫 吹箫 T - 64 chuī xiāo f /to play the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ)/to beg while playing pipes; cf politician Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], c. 520 BC destitute refugee in Wu town, 吳市吹簫|吴市吹箫[Wu2 shi4 chui1 xiao1]/to busk/virtuoso piper wins a beauty, cf 玉人吹簫|玉人吹箫[yu4 ren2 chui1 xiao1]/(slang) fellatio/blowjob/ 吹簫乞食 吹箫乞食 T - 3 chuī xiāo qǐ shí f /to beg while playing the xiao 箫 (mouth organ)/cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥, destitute refugee from Chu 楚, busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician/ 吹糠見米 吹糠见米 T - 3 chuī kāng jiàn mǐ f /instant results/lit. blow the husk and see the rice/ 吹糠见米 吹糠見米 S - 3 chuī kāng jiàn mǐ f /instant results/lit. blow the husk and see the rice/ 吹胀 吹脹 S - 0 chuī zhàng f /to blow up/to inflate/ 吹脹 吹胀 T - 0 chuī zhàng f /to blow up/to inflate/ 吹臺 吹台 T - 4 chuī tái f /(coll.) to fall through/to result in failure/(of a relationship) to break up/ 吹葉機 吹叶机 T - 0 chuī yè jī f /leaf blower (machine)/ 吹號 吹号 T - 12 chuī hào f /to blow a brass instrument/ 吹袭 吹襲 S - 3 chuī xí f /storm struck/to attack (of wind)/ 吹襲 吹袭 T - 3 chuī xí f /storm struck/to attack (of wind)/ 吹風機 吹风机 T - 12 chuī fēng jī f /hair dryer/ 吹风机 吹風機 S - 12 chuī fēng jī f /hair dryer/ 吹鼓手 - 45 chuī gǔ shǒu f /(old) musicians at a wedding cortege or funeral procession/(fig.) trumpeter of sb's praises/booster/ 吻 1338 2502 wěn f /kiss/to kiss/mouth/ 吻 脗 S 1338 2502 wěn f /variant of 吻[wen3]/ 吻別 吻别 T - 4 wěn bié f /to kiss goodbye/ 吻别 吻別 S - 4 wěn bié f /to kiss goodbye/ 吻合 - 311 wěn hé f /to be a good fit/to be identical with/to adjust oneself to/to fit in/ 吻技 - 0 wěn jì f /kissing technique/ 吻痕 - 3 wěn hén f /hickey/love bite/ 吻部 - 0 wěn bù f /snout/ 吼 2826 1077 hǒu f /to roar/to howl/to shriek/roar or howl of an animal/bellow of rage/ 吼叫 - 199 hǒu jiào f /to howl/ 吼声 吼聲 S - 244 hǒu shēng f /roar/ 吼聲 吼声 T - 244 hǒu shēng f /roar/ 吽 - 12 hōng t /sound of a Buddhist incantation/ 吽 - 12 hǒu f /roar or howl of an animal/bellow of rage/ 吽牙 - 0 ōu yá f /sound of dogs fighting, also written 吽呀[ou1 ya2]/ 吾 - 3250 Wú f /surname Wu/ 吾 - 3250 wú f /I/my (old)/ 吾人 - 28 wú rén f /(literary) we/us/ 吾尔开希 吾爾開希 S - 0 Wú ěr kāi xī f /Örkesh Dölet (1968-), one of the main leaders of the Beijing student democracy movement of 1989/ 吾爾開希 吾尔开希 T - 0 Wú ěr kāi xī f /Örkesh Dölet (1968-), one of the main leaders of the Beijing student democracy movement of 1989/ 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 吾生也有涯,而知也無涯 S - 0 wú shēng yě yǒu yá , ér zhī yě wú yá f /Life is short, learning is limitless/Ars longa, vita brevis/ 吾生也有涯,而知也無涯 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯 T - 0 wú shēng yě yǒu yá , ér zhī yě wú yá f /Life is short, learning is limitless/Ars longa, vita brevis/ 吾等 - 0 wú děng f /(literary) we/us/ 吾輩 吾辈 T - 53 wú bèi f /(literary) we/us/ 吾辈 吾輩 S - 53 wú bèi f /(literary) we/us/ 呀 637 9580 ya f /(particle equivalent to 啊 after a vowel, expressing surprise or doubt)/ 呀諾達 呀诺达 T - 0 Yā nuò dá f /Yanoda, a rainforest in southern Hainan/ 呀诺达 呀諾達 S - 0 Yā nuò dá f /Yanoda, a rainforest in southern Hainan/ 呂 吕 T - 935 Lǚ f /surname Lü/ 呂 吕 T - 935 lǚ f /pitchpipe, pitch standard, one of the twelve semitones in the traditional tone system/ 呂不韋 吕不韦 T - 19 Lǚ Bù wéi f /Lü Buwei (?291-235 BC), merchant and politician of the State of Qin 秦國|秦国[Qin2 guo2], subsequent Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin2 dai4] Chancellor, allegedly the father of Ying Zheng 嬴政[Ying2 Zheng4], who subsequently became the first emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2]/ 呂塞爾斯海姆 吕塞尔斯海姆 T - 0 Lǚ sāi ěr sī hǎi mǔ f /Rüsselsheim, city in Germany/ 呂宋島 吕宋岛 T - 51 Lǚ sòng Dǎo f /Luzon Island, north Philippines/ 呂宋海峽 吕宋海峡 T - 0 Lǚ sòng Hǎi xiá f /Luzon Strait between Taiwan and Luzon Island (Philippines)/ 呂岩 吕岩 T - 0 Lǚ Yán f /Lü Yan (lived c. 874), Tang dynasty poet/ 呂布 吕布 T - 332 Lǚ Bù f /Lü Bu (-198), general and warlord/ 呂布戟 吕布戟 T - 0 lǚ bù jǐ f /snake halberd/ 呂望 吕望 T - 17 Lǚ Wàng f /see Jiang Ziya 薑子牙|姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]/ 呂梁 吕梁 T - 64 Lǚ liáng f /Lüliang prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 呂梁市 吕梁市 T - 3 Lǚ liáng shì f /Lüliang prefecture level city in Shanxi 山西/ 呂氏春秋 吕氏春秋 T - 3 Lǚ shì Chūn qiū f /lit. “Mr. Lü's Spring and Autumn (Annals)”, compendium of the philosophies of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhu1 zi3 bai3 jia1], compiled around 239 BC under the patronage of Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin2 dai4] Chancellor Lü Buwei 呂不韋|吕不韦[Lu:3 Bu4 wei2]/ 呂洞賓 吕洞宾 T - 41 Lǚ Dòng bīn f /Lü Dongbin (796-), Tang Dynasty scholar, one of the Eight Immortals 八仙[Ba1 xian1]/ 呂純陽 吕纯阳 T - 5 Lǚ Chún yáng f /see 呂洞賓|吕洞宾[Lu:3 Dong4 bin1]/ 呂蒙 吕蒙 T - 78 Lǚ Méng f /Lü Meng (178-219), general of the southern state of Wu/ 呂覽 吕览 T - 2 Lǚ lǎn f /"Mr Lü's Annals", same as 呂氏春秋|吕氏春秋[Lu:3 shi4 Chun1 qiu1]/ 呂貝克 吕贝克 T - 18 Lǚ bèi kè f /Lübeck, Germany/ 呃 - 171 è f /(exclamation)/to hiccup/ 呃逆 - 22 è nì f /to hiccup/to belch/ 呆 1221 4383 dāi f /foolish/stupid/expressionless/blank/to stay/ 呆会儿 呆會兒 S - 0 dāi huì r f /see 待會兒|待会儿[dai1 hui4 r5]/ 呆住 - 3 dāi zhù f /to be dumbfounded/to be astonished/ 呆子 - 487 dāi zi f /fool/sucker/ 呆帐 呆帳 S - 3 dāi zhàng f /bad debt/ 呆帳 呆帐 T - 3 dāi zhàng f /bad debt/ 呆扳手 - 0 dāi bān shǒu f /open spanner/open end spanner/flat spanner/ 呆會兒 呆会儿 T - 0 dāi huì r f /see 待會兒|待会儿[dai1 hui4 r5]/ 呆板 - 107 dāi bǎn f /stiff/inflexible/also pr. [ai2 ban3]/ 呆根 - 0 dāi gēn f /fool/stupid/ 呆滞 呆滯 S - 138 dāi zhì f /dull/lifeless/sluggish/ 呆滯 呆滞 T - 138 dāi zhì f /dull/lifeless/sluggish/ 呆瓜 - 0 dāi guā f /idiot/fool/ 呆笨 - 5 dāi bèn f /dimwitted/ 呆若木雞 呆若木鸡 T - 52 dāi ruò mù jī f /lit. dumb as a wooden chicken (idiom); fig. dumbstruck/ 呆若木鸡 呆若木雞 S - 52 dāi ruò mù jī f /lit. dumb as a wooden chicken (idiom); fig. dumbstruck/ 呆賬 呆账 T - 46 dāi zhàng f /bad debt/ 呆账 呆賬 S - 46 dāi zhàng f /bad debt/ 呇 - 0 qǐ f /star/ 呈 - 8976 chéng f /to present to a superior/memorial/petition/to present (a certain appearance)/to assume (a shape)/to be (a certain color)/ 呈報 呈报 T - 88 chéng bào f /to (submit a) report/ 呈报 呈報 S - 88 chéng bào f /to (submit a) report/ 呈文 - 41 chéng wén f /petition (submitted to a superior)/ 呈献 呈獻 S - 24 chéng xiàn f /to present respectfully/ 呈獻 呈献 T - 24 chéng xiàn f /to present respectfully/ 呈现 呈現 S 3158 1776 chéng xiàn f /to appear/to emerge/to present (a certain appearance)/to demonstrate/ 呈現 呈现 T 3158 1776 chéng xiàn f /to appear/to emerge/to present (a certain appearance)/to demonstrate/ 呈給 呈给 T - 0 chéng gěi f /to give/to hand/ 呈给 呈給 S - 0 chéng gěi f /to give/to hand/ 呈請 呈请 T - 20 chéng qǐng f /to submit (to superiors)/ 呈请 呈請 S - 20 chéng qǐng f /to submit (to superiors)/ 呈貢 呈贡 T - 2 Chéng gòng f /Chenggong county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 呈貢縣 呈贡县 T - 3 Chéng gòng xiàn f /Chenggong county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 呈贡 呈貢 S - 2 Chéng gòng f /Chenggong county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 呈贡县 呈貢縣 S - 3 Chéng gòng xiàn f /Chenggong county in Kunming 昆明[Kun1 ming2], Yunnan/ 呈送 - 27 chéng sòng f /to present/to render/ 呈递 呈遞 S - 35 chéng dì f /to present/to submit/ 呈遞 呈递 T - 35 chéng dì f /to present/to submit/ 呈阳性 呈陽性 S - 0 chéng yáng xìng f /to test positive/ 呈陽性 呈阳性 T - 0 chéng yáng xìng f /to test positive/ 呉 - 0 Wú f /Japanese variant of 吳|吴/ 告 - 3737 gào f /to tell/to inform/to say/ 告一段落 - 104 gào yī duàn luò f /to come to the end of a phase (idiom)/ 告之 - 0 gào zhī f /to tell sb/to inform/ 告便 - 3 gào biàn f /to ask to be excused/to ask leave to go to the toilet/ 告別 告别 T 1908 973 gào bié f /to leave/to bid farewell to/to say good-bye to/ 告別式 告别式 T - 3 gào bié shì f /parting ceremony/funeral/ 告别 告別 S 1908 973 gào bié f /to leave/to bid farewell to/to say good-bye to/ 告别式 告別式 S - 3 gào bié shì f /parting ceremony/funeral/ 告发 告發 S - 189 gào fā f /to lodge an accusation/accusation (law)/ 告吹 - 14 gào chuī f /to fizzle out/to come to nothing/ 告密 - 111 gào mì f /to inform against sb/ 告密者 - 9 gào mì zhě f /tell-tale/informer (esp. to police)/whistleblower/grass/ 告急 - 145 gào jí f /to be in a state of emergency/to report an emergency/to ask for emergency assistance/ 告戒 - 10 gào jiè f /variant of 告誡|告诫[gao4 jie4]/ 告捷 - 68 gào jié f /to win/to be victorious/to report a victory/ 告求 - 0 gào qiú f /to ask/ 告状 告狀 S - 346 gào zhuàng f /to complain/to sue/to bring a lawsuit/to lodge a complaint against sb with a manager/ 告狀 告状 T - 346 gào zhuàng f /to complain/to sue/to bring a lawsuit/to lodge a complaint against sb with a manager/ 告發 告发 T - 189 gào fā f /to lodge an accusation/accusation (law)/ 告白 - 29 gào bái f /to announce publicly/to explain oneself/to reveal one's feelings/to confess/to declare one's love/ 告知 - 685 gào zhī f /to inform/ 告示 - 226 gào shi f /announcement/ 告示牌 - 4 gào shì pái f /notice/placard/signboard/ 告竣 - 11 gào jùn f /(of a project) to be completed/ 告終 告终 T - 286 gào zhōng f /to end/to reach an end/ 告终 告終 S - 286 gào zhōng f /to end/to reach an end/ 告罄 - 34 gào qìng f /to run out/to have exhausted/ 告解 - 0 gào jiě f /(Christianity) to confess/confession/penance/ 告訴 告诉 T 167 10953 gào su f /to tell/to inform/to let know/ 告語 告语 T - 3 gào yǔ f /to inform/to tell/ 告誡 告诫 T 4189 336 gào jiè f /to warn/to admonish/ 告誦 告诵 T - 0 gào sòng f /to tell/to inform/ 告諭 告谕 T - 0 gào yù f /(literary) to inform (the public)/to give clear instructions/public announcement (from higher authorities)/ 告诉 告訴 S 167 10953 gào su f /to tell/to inform/to let know/ 告诫 告誡 S 4189 336 gào jiè f /to warn/to admonish/ 告语 告語 S - 3 gào yǔ f /to inform/to tell/ 告诵 告誦 S - 0 gào sòng f /to tell/to inform/ 告谕 告諭 S - 0 gào yù f /(literary) to inform (the public)/to give clear instructions/public announcement (from higher authorities)/ 告辞 告辭 S 4164 717 gào cí f /to say goodbye/to take one's leave/ 告辭 告辞 T 4164 717 gào cí f /to say goodbye/to take one's leave/ 告退 - 134 gào tuì f /to petition for retirement (old)/to ask for leave to withdraw/to ask to be excused/ 告送 - 3 gào song f /(dialect) to tell/to inform/ 告饒 告饶 T - 36 gào ráo f /to beg for mercy/ 告饶 告饒 S - 36 gào ráo f /to beg for mercy/ 呋 - 55 fū f /see 呋喃 furan or 呋喃西林 furacilinum/ 呋喃 - 42 fū nán f /furan (furfuran, used in making nylon)/ 呋喃西林 - 5 fū nán xī lín f /furacilinum (loanword)/ 呌 叫 T 49 43431 jiào f /variant of 叫[jiao4]/ 呎 - 109 chǐ f /foot (unit of length equal to 0.3048 m)/old form of modern 英尺[ying1 chi3]/ 呏 - 0 shēng f /gallon/quart/ 呐 吶 S - 431 nà t /battle cry/ 呐 吶 S - 431 na f /sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢啊[ne5 a5] or variant of 哪[na5])/ 呐喊 吶喊 S - 697 nà hǎn f /shout/rallying cry/cheering/to shout/ 呒 嘸 S - 57 fǔ t /perplexed/astonished/ 呒 嘸 S - 57 m f /dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]/ 呒啥 嘸啥 S - 3 m shá f /dialectal equivalent of 沒甚麼|没什么[mei2 shen2 me5]/ 呒没 嘸沒 S - 0 m méi f /dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]/ 呒虾米 嘸蝦米 S - 0 wǔ xiā mǐ f /Boshiamy (Hoklo: 無甚物|无甚物[bô-siáⁿ-mi̍h] it's nothing) input method for Chinese/ 呒虾米输入法 嘸蝦米輸入法 S - 0 fǔ xiā mǐ shū rù fǎ f /Boshiamy (Hoklo: 無甚物[bô-siáⁿ-mi̍h] it's nothing) input method for Chinese/ 呓 囈 S - 32 yì f /to talk in one's sleep/ 呓语 囈語 S - 30 yì yǔ f /to talk in one's sleep/crazy talk/ 呔 - 33 tāi f /tie/necktie/tire (Cantonese)/ 呕 嘔 S - 289 ǒu f /vomit/ 呕出物 嘔出物 S - 0 ǒu chū wù f /vomitus/ 呕吐 嘔吐 S 3073 625 ǒu tù f /to vomit/ 呕吐物 嘔吐物 S - 3 ǒu tù wù f /vomit/ 呕心沥血 嘔心瀝血 S - 65 ǒu xīn lì xuè f /lit. to spit out one's heart and spill blood (idiom)/to work one's heart out/blood, sweat and tears/ 呕气 嘔氣 S - 3 òu qì f /variant of 慪氣|怄气[ou4 qi4]/ 呖 嚦 S - 133 lì f /sound of splitting/cracking/ 呗 唄 S - 255 bài f /to chant/see 梵唄|梵呗[fan4 bai4]/ 呗 唄 S - 255 bei t /modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm/modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way/ 员 員 S - 5970 yuán f /person/employee/member/ 员外 員外 S - 194 yuán wài f /landlord (old usage)/ 员山 員山 S - 3 Yuán shān f /Yuanshan township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 员山乡 員山鄉 S - 0 Yuán shān xiāng f /Yuanshan township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 员工 員工 S 1562 3748 yuán gōng f /staff/personnel/employee/ 员林 員林 S - 3 Yuán lín f /Yuanlin town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 员林镇 員林鎮 S - 0 Yuán lín zhèn f /Yuanlin town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 员警 員警 S - 3 yuán jǐng f /police officer/policeman/ 呙 咼 S - 19 Guō t /surname Guo/ 呙 咼 S - 19 wāi f /lopsided/Taiwan pr. [kuai1]/ 呛 嗆 S - 679 qiāng t /to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way)/ 呛 嗆 S - 679 qiàng f /to irritate the nose/to choke (of smoke, smell etc)/pungent/(coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb/to scold/to speak out against sb/ 呛咕 嗆咕 S - 0 qiāng gu f /to discuss (dialect)/ 呜 嗚 S - 971 wū f /(onom.) for humming or whimpering/ 呜呜 嗚嗚 S - 28 wū wū f /(interj) boo hoo/ 呜呼 嗚呼 S - 79 wū hū f /alas/alack/welladay/wellaway/to die/ 呜呼哀哉 嗚呼哀哉 S - 35 wū hū āi zāi f /alas/all is lost/ 呜咽 嗚咽 S - 318 wū yè f /to sob/to whimper/ 呝 - 0 è f /old variant of 呃[e4]/ 呠 - 2 pēn f /to spurt/to blow out/to puff out/to snort/ 呡 - 0 wěn f /the corners of the mouth/the lips/ 呢 35 28623 ne t /particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?")/particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?")/particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?")/(at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or action/particle indicating strong affirmation/ 呢 35 28623 ní f /woolen material/ 呢呢 - 0 ní ní f /garrulous/talkative/ 呢呢痴痴 呢呢癡癡 S - 0 ní ní chī chī f /docile/ 呢呢癡癡 呢呢痴痴 T - 0 ní ní chī chī f /docile/ 呢喃 - 30 ní nán f /(onom.) twittering of birds/whispering/murmuring/ 呢喃細語 呢喃细语 T - 3 ní nán xì yǔ f /whispering in a low voice (idiom); murmuring/ 呢喃细语 呢喃細語 S - 3 ní nán xì yǔ f /whispering in a low voice (idiom); murmuring/ 呢子 - 21 ní zi f /woolen cloth/ 呣 - 4 m f /interjection expressing a question/ 呣 - 4 m f /interjection expressing consent/um/ 呤 - 54 líng f /purine (chemistry)/to whisper/ 呦 - 154 yōu f /Oh! (exclamation of dismay etc)/see 呦呦[you1 you1]/ 呦呦 - 0 yōu yōu f /(literary) (onom.) bleating of a deer/ 呧 - 0 dǐ f /vex/ 周 - 8326 Zhōu f /surname Zhou/Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BC)/ 周 - 8326 zhōu f /to make a circuit/to circle/circle/circumference/lap/cycle/complete/all/all over/thorough/to help financially/ 周 週 S - 8326 zhōu f /week/weekly/variant of 周[zhou1]/ 周一 週一 S - 327 Zhōu yī f /Monday/ 周一岳 周一嶽 S - 3 Zhōu Yī yuè f /York Chow or Chow Yat-ngok (1947-), Hong Kong doctor and politician, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food since 2004/ 周一嶽 周一岳 T - 3 Zhōu Yī yuè f /York Chow or Chow Yat-ngok (1947-), Hong Kong doctor and politician, Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food since 2004/ 周三 週三 S - 211 Zhōu sān f /Wednesday/ 周三径一 周三徑一 S - 0 zhōu sān jìng yī f /circumference of a circle is proverbially three times its radius/ 周三徑一 周三径一 T - 0 zhōu sān jìng yī f /circumference of a circle is proverbially three times its radius/ 周书 周書 S - 0 Zhōu shū f /History of Zhou of the Northern Dynasties, twelfth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Linghu Defen 令狐德棻[Ling2 hu2 De2 fen1] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 50 scrolls/ 周二 週二 S - 392 Zhōu èr f /Tuesday/ 周五 週五 S - 269 Zhōu wǔ f /Friday/ 周代 - 260 Zhōu dài f /Zhou dynasty (1046-221 BC)/ 周会 周會 S - 0 zhōu huì f /weekly meeting/weekly assembly/ 周传瑛 周傳瑛 S - 6 Zhōu Chuán yīng f /Zhou Chuanying (1912-1988), Kunqu 昆曲 opera actor/ 周作人 - 92 Zhōu Zuò rén f /Zhou Zuoren (1885-1967), brother of Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅, academic in Japanese and Greek studies, briefly imprisoned after the war as Japanese collaborator, persecuted and died of unknown causes during the Cultural Revolution/ 周備 周备 T - 0 zhōu bèi f /thorough/carefully prepared/ 周傳瑛 周传瑛 T - 6 Zhōu Chuán yīng f /Zhou Chuanying (1912-1988), Kunqu 昆曲 opera actor/ 周全 - 261 zhōu quán f /thorough/to bring one's help/to assist/ 周公 - 0 Zhōu gōng f /Duke of Zhou (11th c. BC), son of King Wen of Zhou 周文王[Zhou1 Wen2 wang2], played an important role as regent in founding the Western Zhou 西周[Xi1 Zhou1], and is also known as the "God of Dreams"/ 周六 週六 S - 341 Zhōu liù f /Saturday/ 周刊 週刊 S - 978 zhōu kān f /weekly publication/weekly/ 周到 2265 443 zhōu dào f /thoughtful/considerate/attentive/thorough/also pr. [zhou1 dao5]/ 周勃 - 43 Zhōu Bó f /Zhou Bo (?-169 BC), military man and politician at the Qin-Han transition, a founding minister of Western Han/ 周华健 周華健 S - 3 Zhōu Huá jiàn f /Wakin Chau (1960-), HK-born Taiwanese singer and actor/ 周口 - 37 Zhōu kǒu f /prefecture level city in east Henan 河南/ 周口地区 周口地區 S - 0 Zhōu kǒu dì qū f /Zhoukou prefecture in Henan/ 周口地區 周口地区 T - 0 Zhōu kǒu dì qū f /Zhoukou prefecture in Henan/ 周口市 - 11 Zhōu kǒu shì f /Zhoukou prefecture level city in east Henan 河南/ 周口店 - 110 Zhōu kǒu diàn f /Zhoukoudian in Fanshan district 房山區|房山区[Fang2 shan1 qu1], Beijing/ 周四 週四 S - 204 Zhōu sì f /Thursday/ 周围 周圍 S 858 5681 zhōu wéi f /surroundings/environment/to encompass/ 周围性眩晕 周圍性眩暈 S - 0 zhōu wéi xìng xuàn yùn f /peripheral vertigo/ 周圍 周围 T 858 5681 zhōu wéi f /surroundings/environment/to encompass/ 周圍性眩暈 周围性眩晕 T - 0 zhōu wéi xìng xuàn yùn f /peripheral vertigo/ 周報 周报 T - 127 zhōu bào f /weekly paper/magazine/ 周处 周處 S - 0 Zhōu Chǔ f /Zhou Chu (236-297), Jin dynasty general/ 周备 周備 S - 0 zhōu bèi f /thorough/carefully prepared/ 周宁 周寧 S - 0 Zhōu níng f /Zhouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 周宁县 周寧縣 S - 3 Zhōu níng xiàn f /Zhouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 周宣王 - 60 Zhōu Xuān wáng f /King Xuan, eleventh King of Zhou, reigned (828-782 BC)/ 周家 - 298 zhōu jiā f /the Zhou family (household, firm etc)/Jow-Ga Kung Fu - Martial Art/ 周密 4400 447 zhōu mì f /careful/thorough/meticulous/dense/impenetrable/ 周寧 周宁 T - 0 Zhōu níng f /Zhouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 周寧縣 周宁县 T - 3 Zhōu níng xiàn f /Zhouning county in Ningde 寧德|宁德[Ning2 de2], Fujian/ 周小川 - 23 Zhōu Xiǎo chuān f /Zhou Xiaochuan (1948-), PRC banker and politician, governor of People's Bank of China 中國人民銀行|中国人民银行[Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Yin2 hang2] from 2002/ 周岁 週歲 S - 496 zhōu suì f /one full year (e.g. on child's first birthday)/ 周年 週年 S 2973 1533 zhōu nián f /anniversary/annual/ 周幽王 - 22 Zhōu Yōu wáng f /King You of Zhou (795-771 BC), last king of Western Zhou 西周[Xi1 Zhou1]/ 周庄 周莊 S - 100 Zhōu zhuāng f /Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction/ 周庄镇 周莊鎮 S - 6 Zhōu zhuāng Zhèn f /Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction/ 周延 - 33 zhōu yán f /exhaustive/distributed (logic: applies to every instance)/ 周径 週徑 S - 0 zhōu jìng f /circumference and radius/the circular ratio pi/ 周总理 周總理 S - 36 Zhōu zǒng lǐ f /Premier Zhou Enlai 周恩來|周恩来 (1898-1976)/ 周恩來 周恩来 T - 3067 Zhōu En lái f /Zhou Enlai (1898-1976), Chinese communist leader, prime minister 1949-1976/ 周恩来 周恩來 S - 3067 Zhōu En lái f /Zhou Enlai (1898-1976), Chinese communist leader, prime minister 1949-1976/ 周成王 - 43 Zhōu Chéng wáng f /King Cheng of Zhou (1055-1021 BC), reigned 1042-1021 BC as the 2nd king of Western Zhou 西周[Xi1 Zhou1], son of King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2]/ 周扒皮 - 0 Zhōu bā pí f /Zhou the exploiter, archetypal character in short story 半夜雞叫|半夜鸡叫[ban4 ye4 ji1 jiao4]/ 周折 4579 120 zhōu zhé f /twists and turns/vicissitude/complication/difficulty/effort/CL:番[fan1]/ 周报 周報 S - 127 zhōu bào f /weekly paper/magazine/ 周报 週報 S - 127 zhōu bào f /weekly paper/magazine/ 周敦頤 周敦颐 T - 21 Zhōu Dūn yí f /Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Song dynasty neo-Confucian scholar/ 周敦颐 周敦頤 S - 21 Zhōu Dūn yí f /Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Song dynasty neo-Confucian scholar/ 周文王 - 95 Zhōu Wén wáng f /King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 BC), reigned c. 1099-1056 BC as king of Zhou state, leading figure in building the subsequent Western Zhou dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] the first Zhou dynasty king/ 周旋 - 398 zhōu xuán f /to mix with others/to socialize/to deal with/to contend/ 周日 週日 S - 337 Zhōu rì f /Sunday/diurnal/ 周易 - 191 Zhōu yì f /another name for Book of Changes (I Ching) 易經|易经[Yi4 jing1]/ 周星馳 周星驰 T - 44 Zhōu Xīng chí f /Stephen Chow (1962-), Hong Kong actor, comedian, screenwriter and film director, known for his mo lei tau 無厘頭|无厘头[wu2 li2 tou2] movies/ 周星驰 周星馳 S - 44 Zhōu Xīng chí f /Stephen Chow (1962-), Hong Kong actor, comedian, screenwriter and film director, known for his mo lei tau 無厘頭|无厘头[wu2 li2 tou2] movies/ 周晬 - 0 zhōu zuì f /one full year (e.g. on child's first birthday)/same as 週歲|周岁[zhou1 sui4]/ 周書 周书 T - 0 Zhōu shū f /History of Zhou of the Northern Dynasties, twelfth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Linghu Defen 令狐德棻[Ling2 hu2 De2 fen1] in 636 during Tang Dynasty, 50 scrolls/ 周會 周会 T - 0 zhōu huì f /weekly meeting/weekly assembly/ 周有光 - 5 Zhōu Yǒu guāng f /Zhou Youguang (1906-), PRC linguist, considered the father of Hanyu Pinyin 漢語拼音|汉语拼音[Han4 yu3 Pin1 yin1]/ 周朝 - 182 Zhōu cháo f /Zhou Dynasty/Western Zhou 西周 (1046-771 BC) and Eastern Zhou 東周|东周 (770-221 BC)/ 周期 週期 S 4064 2325 zhōu qī f /period/cycle/ 周期函数 周期函數 S - 12 zhōu qī hán shù f /periodic function/ 周期函數 周期函数 T - 12 zhōu qī hán shù f /periodic function/ 周期性 週期性 S - 387 zhōu qī xìng f /periodic/periodicity (math)/cyclicity/ 周期数 週期數 S - 0 zhōu qī shù f /periodic number/ 周期系 週期系 S - 0 zhōu qī xì f /periodic system/periodicity (chemistry)/ 周期表 週期表 S - 86 zhōu qī biǎo f /periodic table (chemistry)/abbr. of 元素週期表|元素周期表[yuan2 su4 zhou1 qi1 biao3], periodic table of the elements/ 周期解 週期解 S - 0 zhōu qī jiě f /periodic solution (math.)/ 周末 週末 S 476 654 zhōu mò f /weekend/ 周末愉快 週末愉快 S - 0 zhōu mò yú kuài f /Have a nice weekend!/ 周村 - 30 Zhōu cūn f /Zhoucun district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 周村区 周村區 S - 6 Zhōu cūn qū f /Zhoucun district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 周村區 周村区 T - 6 Zhōu cūn qū f /Zhoucun district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 周杰伦 周杰倫 S - 89 Zhōu Jié lún f /Jay Chou (1979-), Taiwanese pop star/ 周杰倫 周杰伦 T - 89 Zhōu Jié lún f /Jay Chou (1979-), Taiwanese pop star/ 周树人 周樹人 S - 3 Zhōu Shù rén f /Zhou Shuren, the real name of author Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅/ 周梁淑怡 - 0 Zhōu Liáng Shū yí f /Selina Chow (Chow Liang Shuk-yee) (1945-), Hong Kong politician/ 周樹人 周树人 T - 3 Zhōu Shù rén f /Zhou Shuren, the real name of author Lu Xun 魯迅|鲁迅/ 周武王 - 99 Zhōu Wǔ wáng f /King Wu of Zhou (-1043), personal name Ji Fa 姬發|姬发, reigned 1046-1043 BC as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 1046-1043 BC/ 周武王姬发 周武王姬發 S - 0 Zhōu Wǔ wáng Jī Fā f /King Wu of Zhou, personal name Ji Fa, reigned 1046-1043 BC as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 西周[Xi1 Zhou1] 1046-771 BC/ 周武王姬發 周武王姬发 T - 0 Zhōu Wǔ wáng Jī Fā f /King Wu of Zhou, personal name Ji Fa, reigned 1046-1043 BC as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 西周[Xi1 Zhou1] 1046-771 BC/ 周永康 - 4 Zhōu Yǒng kāng f /Zhou Yongkang (1942-), PRC petroleum engineer and politician/ 周波 - 8 zhōu bō f /cycle (physics)/ 周济 周濟 S - 139 Zhōu Jì f /Zhou Ji (1781-1839), Qing writer and poet/ 周济 周濟 S - 139 zhōu jì f /help to the needy/emergency relief/charity/to give to poorer relative/(also 賙濟|赒济)/ 周润发 周潤發 S - 6 Zhōu Rùn fā f /Chow Yun-Fat (1955-), Hong Kong TV and film star/ 周渝民 - 3 Zhōu Yú mín f /Zhou Yumin or Vic Zhou (1981-), Taiwan singer and actor, member of pop group F4/ 周游 周遊 S - 123 zhōu yóu f /to travel around/to tour/to cross/ 周游 週游 S - 123 zhōu yóu f /variant of 周遊|周游, to tour/to travel around/ 周游 週遊 S - 123 zhōu yóu f /variant of 周遊|周游, to tour/to travel around/ 周游世界 周遊世界 S - 3 zhōu yóu shì jiè f /to travel around the world/ 周游列国 周遊列國 S - 3 zhōu yóu liè guó f /to travel around many countries (idiom); peregrinations/refers to the travels of Confucius/ 周潤發 周润发 T - 6 Zhōu Rùn fā f /Chow Yun-Fat (1955-), Hong Kong TV and film star/ 周濟 周济 T - 139 Zhōu Jì f /Zhou Ji (1781-1839), Qing writer and poet/ 周濟 周济 T - 139 zhōu jì f /help to the needy/emergency relief/charity/to give to poorer relative/(also 賙濟|赒济)/ 周狗 - 0 zhōu gǒu f /obedient dog/lackey/ 周王朝 - 0 Zhōu wáng cháo f /the Zhou dynasty from 1027 BC/ 周瑜 - 316 Zhōu Yú f /Zhou Yu or Chou Yü (175-210), famous general of the southern Wu kingdom and victor of the battle of Redcliff/in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, absolutely no match for Zhuge Liang/ 周瑜打黃蓋 周瑜打黄盖 T - 7 Zhōu Yú dǎ Huáng Gài f /fig. with the connivance of both sides/fig. by mutual consent/cf Wu patriot Huang Gai submits to mock beating at the hands of General Zhou Yu to deceive Cao Cao 曹操 before the 208 battle of Redcliff 赤壁之戰|赤壁之战[Chi4 bi4 zhi1 zhan4]/ 周瑜打黄盖 周瑜打黃蓋 S - 7 Zhōu Yú dǎ Huáng Gài f /fig. with the connivance of both sides/fig. by mutual consent/cf Wu patriot Huang Gai submits to mock beating at the hands of General Zhou Yu to deceive Cao Cao 曹操 before the 208 battle of Redcliff 赤壁之戰|赤壁之战[Chi4 bi4 zhi1 zhan4]/ 周璇 - 6 Zhōu Xuán f /Zhou Xuan (1918-1957), Chinese singer and film actress/ 周瘦鵑 周瘦鹃 T - 6 Zhōu Shòu juān f /Zhou Shoujuan (1895-1968), writer, translator and art collector in Suzhou, a victim of the cultural revolution/ 周瘦鹃 周瘦鵑 S - 6 Zhōu Shòu juān f /Zhou Shoujuan (1895-1968), writer, translator and art collector in Suzhou, a victim of the cultural revolution/ 周知 - 17 zhōu zhī f /well known/ 周礼 周禮 S - 260 Zhōu lǐ f /the Rites of Zhou (in Confucianism)/ 周禮 周礼 T - 260 Zhōu lǐ f /the Rites of Zhou (in Confucianism)/ 周穆王 - 76 Zhōu Mù wáng f /King Mu, fifth king of Zhou, said to have lived to 105 and reigned 976-922 BC or 1001-947 BC, rich in associated mythology/ 周立波 - 12 Zhōu Lì bō f /Zhou Libo (1908-1979), left-wing journalist, translator and novelist/Zhou Libo (1967-), Chinese stand-up comedian/ 周章 - 0 zhōu zhāng f /effort/trouble/pains (to get sth done)/flustered/frightened/ 周總理 周总理 T - 36 Zhōu zǒng lǐ f /Premier Zhou Enlai 周恩來|周恩来 (1898-1976)/ 周而复始 週而復始 S - 73 zhōu ér fù shǐ f /lit. the cycle comes back to the start (idiom); to move in circles/the wheel comes full circle/ 周至 - 34 Zhōu zhì f /Zhouzhi county in Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ 周至 - 34 zhōu zhì f /see 周到[zhou1 dao4]/ 周至县 周至縣 S - 7 Zhōu zhì xiàn f /Zhouzhi county in Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ 周至縣 周至县 T - 7 Zhōu zhì xiàn f /Zhouzhi county in Xi'an 西安[Xi1 an1], Shaanxi/ 周莊 周庄 T - 100 Zhōu zhuāng f /Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction/ 周莊鎮 周庄镇 T - 6 Zhōu zhuāng Zhèn f /Zhouzhuang, old canal town between Shanghai and Suzhou, tourist attraction/ 周華健 周华健 T - 3 Zhōu Huá jiàn f /Wakin Chau (1960-), HK-born Taiwanese singer and actor/ 周薪 週薪 S - 5 zhōu xīn f /weekly salary/ 周處 周处 T - 0 Zhōu Chǔ f /Zhou Chu (236-297), Jin dynasty general/ 周詳 周详 T - 198 zhōu xiáng f /meticulous/thorough/comprehensive/complete/detailed/ 周详 周詳 S - 198 zhōu xiáng f /meticulous/thorough/comprehensive/complete/detailed/ 周身 - 372 zhōu shēn f /whole body/ 周轉 周转 T 4705 899 zhōu zhuǎn f /turnover (in cash or personnel)/to have enough resources to cover a need/ 周轉金 周转金 T - 4 zhōu zhuǎn jīn f /revolving fund/working capital/petty cash/turnover/ 周转 周轉 S 4705 899 zhōu zhuǎn f /turnover (in cash or personnel)/to have enough resources to cover a need/ 周转 週轉 S 4705 899 zhōu zhuǎn f /turnover (in cash or personnel)/to have enough resources to cover a need/also written 周轉|周转/ 周转金 周轉金 S - 4 zhōu zhuǎn jīn f /revolving fund/working capital/petty cash/turnover/ 周边 周邊 S 3824 1722 zhōu biān f /periphery/rim/surroundings/all around/perimeter/peripheral (computing)/ 周速 - 0 zhōu sù f /cycle time/cycle speed/ 周遊 周游 T - 123 zhōu yóu f /to travel around/to tour/to cross/ 周遊世界 周游世界 T - 3 zhōu yóu shì jiè f /to travel around the world/ 周遊列國 周游列国 T - 3 zhōu yóu liè guó f /to travel around many countries (idiom); peregrinations/refers to the travels of Confucius/ 周遭 - 144 zhōu zāo f /surrounding/nearby/ 周邊 周边 T 3824 1722 zhōu biān f /periphery/rim/surroundings/all around/perimeter/peripheral (computing)/ 周長 周长 T - 514 zhōu cháng f /perimeter/circumference/ 周长 周長 S - 514 zhōu cháng f /perimeter/circumference/ 周长 週長 S - 514 zhōu cháng f /variant of 周長|周长[zhou1 chang2]/ 呪 咒 T - 449 zhòu f /variant of 咒[zhou4]/ 呫 - 59 tiè t /to mutter/to talk indistinctly/ 呫 - 59 zhān f /to drink/to sip/to taste/to lick/whisper/petty/ 呫吨 呫噸 S - 0 zhān dūn f /xanthene (chemistry)/ 呫吨酮 呫噸酮 S - 0 zhān dūn tóng f /xanthone (chemistry)/ 呫呫 - 0 tiè tiè f /to whisper/ 呫哔 呫嗶 S - 0 tiè bì f /to read aloud/ 呫嗫 呫囁 S - 0 tiè niè f /(onom.) muttering/to whisper/mouthing words/ 呫嗶 呫哔 T - 0 tiè bì f /to read aloud/ 呫噸 呫吨 T - 0 zhān dūn f /xanthene (chemistry)/ 呫噸酮 呫吨酮 T - 0 zhān dūn tóng f /xanthone (chemistry)/ 呫嚅 - 0 tiè rú f /to whisper/ 呫囁 呫嗫 T - 0 tiè niè f /(onom.) muttering/to whisper/mouthing words/ 呫毕 呫畢 S - 0 tiè bì f /to read aloud/also written 呫嗶|呫哔/ 呫畢 呫毕 T - 0 tiè bì f /to read aloud/also written 呫嗶|呫哔/ 呬 - 254 xì f /to rest/ 呯 - 229 píng f /(onom.) bang! (gong, gun firing etc)/ 呰 - 576 zǐ f /to slander/to blame/to revile/ 呱 - 81 gū f /crying sound of child/ 呱呱 - 71 guā guā f /(onom.) sound of frogs, ducks etc/ 呱呱叫 - 19 guā guā jiào f /excellent/tip-top/ 呲 - 57 cī t /(coll.) to scold/to rebuke/ 呲 - 57 zī f /variant of 齜|龇[zi1]/ 呲牙咧嘴 - 0 zī yá liě zuǐ f /to grimace (in pain)/to show one's teeth/to bare one's fangs/ 味 - 4348 wèi f /taste/smell/classifier for drugs (in TCM)/ 味之素 - 4 Wèi zhī sù f /Ajinomoto, Japanese food and chemical corporation/ 味儿 味兒 S - 312 wèi r f /taste/ 味兒 味儿 T - 312 wèi r f /taste/ 味同嚼蜡 味同嚼蠟 S - 12 wèi tóng jiáo là f /tastes as if one is chewing wax (idiom)/tasteless/insipid/ 味同嚼蠟 味同嚼蜡 T - 12 wèi tóng jiáo là f /tastes as if one is chewing wax (idiom)/tasteless/insipid/ 味噌 - 0 wèi cēng f /miso (traditional Japanese seasoning)/also pr. [wei4 zeng1]/ 味噌汤 味噌湯 S - 0 wèi cēng tāng f /miso soup/ 味噌湯 味噌汤 T - 0 wèi cēng tāng f /miso soup/ 味精 - 140 wèi jīng f /monosodium glutamate (MSG)/ 味素 - 3 wèi sù f /monosodium glutamate (MSG)/ 味美思酒 - 0 wèi měi sī jiǔ f /vermouth (loanword)/Italian spiced fortified wine/ 味蕾 - 22 wèi lěi f /taste bud(s)/ 味覺 味觉 T - 115 wèi jué f /basic taste/ 味覺遲鈍 味觉迟钝 T - 0 wèi jué chí dùn f /amblygeustia/loss of food taste/ 味觉 味覺 S - 115 wèi jué f /basic taste/ 味觉迟钝 味覺遲鈍 S - 0 wèi jué chí dùn f /amblygeustia/loss of food taste/ 味道 811 2808 wèi dao f /flavor/smell/hint of/ 呴 - 179 xū f /breathe on/yawn/roar/ 呵 2964 2416 ā f /variant of 啊[a1]/ 呵 2964 2416 hē t /expel breath/my goodness/ 呵叱 - 3 hē chì f /variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4]/ 呵呵 - 119 hē hē f /(onom.) gentle laughter/chuckle/ 呵喝 - 3 hē hè f /to shout loudly/to bellow/to berate/ 呵护 呵護 S - 190 hē hù f /to bless/to cherish/to take good care of/to conserve/ 呵斥 - 148 hē chì f /to berate/to excoriate/to chide/also written 喝斥[he1 chi4]/ 呵欠 - 91 hē qiàn f /to yawn/ 呵禁 - 0 hē jìn f /to berate/to shout loudly/ 呵譴 呵谴 T - 0 hē qiǎn f /to reprimand/ 呵護 呵护 T - 190 hē hù f /to bless/to cherish/to take good care of/to conserve/ 呵谴 呵譴 S - 0 hē qiǎn f /to reprimand/ 呵責 呵责 T - 12 hē zé f /to abuse/to berate/ 呵责 呵責 S - 12 hē zé f /to abuse/to berate/ 呶 - 104 náo t /clamor/(onom.) "look!"/ 呶 - 104 nǔ f /to pout/ 呶呶 - 0 náo náo f /to talk endlessly, annoying everyone/ 呷 - 217 xiā f /suck, swallow, drink/ 呷呷 - 0 gā gā f /(onom.) quack/honk/also written 嘎嘎/ 呸 - 556 pēi f /pah!/bah!/pooh!/to spit (in contempt)/ 呺 - 0 xiāo f /voice of anger/vast/spacious/ 呻 - 6 shēn f /groan/ 呻吟 3784 756 shēn yín f /to moan/to groan/ 呼 - 3306 hū f /to call/to cry/to shout/to breath out/to exhale/ 呼 嘑 S - 3306 hū f /variant of 呼[hu1]/to shout/to call out/ 呼中 - 7 Hū zhōng f /Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 呼中区 呼中區 S - 0 Hū zhōng qū f /Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 呼中區 呼中区 T - 0 Hū zhōng qū f /Huzhong district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 呼之即來 呼之即来 T - 2 hū zhī jí lái f /to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant/always at sb's beck and call/ 呼之即來,揮之即去 呼之即来,挥之即去 T - 0 hū zhī jí lái , huī zhī jí qù f /to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant/always at sb's beck and call/ 呼之即来 呼之即來 S - 2 hū zhī jí lái f /to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant/always at sb's beck and call/ 呼之即来,挥之即去 呼之即來,揮之即去 S - 0 hū zhī jí lái , huī zhī jí qù f /to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant/always at sb's beck and call/ 呼之欲出 - 27 hū zhī yù chū f /lit. ready to appear at the call (idiom)/fig. on the verge of coming out into the open/(of a person's choice etc) on the point of being disclosed/(of an artistic depiction) vividly portrayed/ 呼伦湖 呼倫湖 S - 33 Hū lún Hú f /Hulun Lake of Inner Mongolia/ 呼伦贝尔 呼倫貝爾 S - 49 Hū lún bèi ěr f /Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 呼伦贝尔市 呼倫貝爾市 S - 6 Hū lún bèi ěr shì f /Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 呼伦贝尔盟 呼倫貝爾盟 S - 48 Hū lún bèi ěr méng f /Hulunbeir league (equivalent to prefecture), Inner Mongolia/ 呼伦贝尔草原 呼倫貝爾草原 S - 23 Hū lún bèi ěr cǎo yuán f /Hulunbuir grasslands of Inner Mongolia/ 呼來喝去 呼来喝去 T - 3 hū lái hè qù f /to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders/always bossing people around/ 呼倫湖 呼伦湖 T - 33 Hū lún Hú f /Hulun Lake of Inner Mongolia/ 呼倫貝爾 呼伦贝尔 T - 49 Hū lún bèi ěr f /Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 呼倫貝爾市 呼伦贝尔市 T - 6 Hū lún bèi ěr shì f /Hulunbuir prefecture level city in Inner Mongolia/ 呼倫貝爾盟 呼伦贝尔盟 T - 48 Hū lún bèi ěr méng f /Hulunbeir league (equivalent to prefecture), Inner Mongolia/ 呼倫貝爾草原 呼伦贝尔草原 T - 23 Hū lún bèi ěr cǎo yuán f /Hulunbuir grasslands of Inner Mongolia/ 呼兰 呼蘭 S - 11 Hū lán f /Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 呼兰区 呼蘭區 S - 0 Hū lán qū f /Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 呼出 - 3 hū chū f /to exhale/to breathe out/ 呼叫 - 620 hū jiào f /to shout/to yell/ 呼叫中心 - 0 hū jiào zhōng xīn f /call center/ 呼叫器 - 2 hū jiào qì f /pager/beeper/ 呼叫声 呼叫聲 S - 29 hū jiào shēng f /whoop/ 呼叫聲 呼叫声 T - 29 hū jiào shēng f /whoop/ 呼召 - 0 hū zhào f /to call (to do something)/ 呼号 呼號 S - 83 hū háo f /to wail/to cry out in distress/ 呼吁 呼籲 S 4049 1282 hū yù f /to call on (sb to do sth)/to appeal (to)/an appeal/ 呼吸 1362 2618 hū xī f /to breathe/ 呼吸器 - 25 hū xī qì f /ventilator (artificial breathing apparatus used in hospitals)/ 呼吸管 - 0 hū xī guǎn f /snorkel/ 呼吸系統 呼吸系统 T - 89 hū xī xì tǒng f /respiratory system/ 呼吸系统 呼吸系統 S - 89 hū xī xì tǒng f /respiratory system/ 呼吸調節器 呼吸调节器 T - 0 hū xī tiáo jié qì f /regulator (diving)/ 呼吸调节器 呼吸調節器 S - 0 hū xī tiáo jié qì f /regulator (diving)/ 呼吸道 - 331 hū xī dào f /respiratory tract/ 呼呼 - 569 hū hū f /(onom.) sound of the wind or the breathing of sb who is sound asleep/ 呼呼哱 - 0 hū hū bō f /colloquial word for hoopoe bird (Upupa epops)/ 呼呼声 呼呼聲 S - 0 hū hū shēng f /whir/ 呼呼聲 呼呼声 T - 0 hū hū shēng f /whir/ 呼和浩特 - 241 Hū hé hào tè f /Hohhot prefecture level city, capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/ 呼和浩特市 - 66 Hū hé hào tè Shì f /Hohhot prefecture level city, capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/ 呼咻 - 0 hū xiū f /(onom.) whoosh/ 呼哧 - 11 hū chī f /(onom.) sound of panting/ 呼哧呼哧 - 31 hū chi hū chi f /(onom.) rapid breathing/ 呼唤 呼喚 S 3617 667 hū huàn f /to call out (a name etc)/to shout/ 呼啦啦 - 32 hū lā lā f /flapping sound/ 呼啦圈 - 3 hū lā quān f /hula hoop/ 呼啸 呼嘯 S 4695 470 hū xiào f /to whistle/to scream/to whiz/ 呼啸而过 呼嘯而過 S - 3 hū xiào ér guò f /to whistle past/to hurtle past/to zip by/ 呼喊 - 492 hū hǎn f /to shout (slogans etc)/ 呼喚 呼唤 T 3617 667 hū huàn f /to call out (a name etc)/to shout/ 呼喝 - 290 hū hè f /to shout/ 呼嘯 呼啸 T 4695 470 hū xiào f /to whistle/to scream/to whiz/ 呼嘯而過 呼啸而过 T - 3 hū xiào ér guò f /to whistle past/to hurtle past/to zip by/ 呼噜 呼嚕 S - 108 hū lū t /(onom.) wheezing/ 呼噜 呼嚕 S - 108 hū lu f /(onom.) snoring/Taiwan pr. [hu1 lu1]/ 呼噜噜 呼嚕嚕 S - 11 hū lū lū f /(onom.) to snore/wheezing/ 呼嚎 - 0 hū háo f /to roar (of animals)/to wail/to cry out in distress/see also 呼號|呼号[hu1 hao2]/ 呼嚕 呼噜 T - 108 hū lū t /(onom.) wheezing/ 呼嚕 呼噜 T - 108 hū lu f /(onom.) snoring/Taiwan pr. [hu1 lu1]/ 呼嚕嚕 呼噜噜 T - 11 hū lū lū f /(onom.) to snore/wheezing/ 呼图壁 呼圖壁 S - 3 Hū tú bì f /Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 呼图壁县 呼圖壁縣 S - 4 Hū tú bì xiàn f /Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 呼圖壁 呼图壁 T - 3 Hū tú bì f /Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 呼圖壁縣 呼图壁县 T - 4 Hū tú bì xiàn f /Hutubi county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州[Chang1 ji2 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 呼声 呼聲 S - 963 hū shēng f /a shout/fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group/ 呼应 呼應 S - 276 hū yìng f /to conform (with)/to echo/to correlate well/(linguistics) agreement/ 呼弄 - 0 hū nòng f /to fool/to deceive/ 呼應 呼应 T - 276 hū yìng f /to conform (with)/to echo/to correlate well/(linguistics) agreement/ 呼拉圈 - 3 hū lā quān f /hula hoop/ 呼救 - 219 hū jiù f /to call for help/ 呼朋引伴 - 0 hū péng yǐn bàn f /to gather one's friends/to band together/ 呼朋引类 呼朋引類 S - 2 hū péng yǐn lèi f /to call up all one's associates/rent-a-crowd/ 呼朋引類 呼朋引类 T - 2 hū péng yǐn lèi f /to call up all one's associates/rent-a-crowd/ 呼机 呼機 S - 30 hū jī f /pager/ 呼来喝去 呼來喝去 S - 3 hū lái hè qù f /to call to come and shout to go (idiom); to yell orders/always bossing people around/ 呼格 - 0 hū gé f /vocative case (grammar)/ 呼機 呼机 T - 30 hū jī f /pager/ 呼气 呼氣 S - 82 hū qì f /to breathe out/ 呼氣 呼气 T - 82 hū qì f /to breathe out/ 呼牛作馬 呼牛作马 T - 3 hū niú zuò mǎ f /to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me./ 呼牛作马 呼牛作馬 S - 3 hū niú zuò mǎ f /to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me./ 呼牛呼馬 呼牛呼马 T - 3 hū niú hū mǎ f /to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me./ 呼牛呼马 呼牛呼馬 S - 3 hū niú hū mǎ f /to call sth a cow or a horse (idiom); it doesn't matter what you call it/Insult me if you want, I don't care what you call me./ 呼玛 呼瑪 S - 8 Hū mǎ f /Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 呼玛县 呼瑪縣 S - 8 Hū mǎ xiàn f /Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 呼瑪 呼玛 T - 8 Hū mǎ f /Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 呼瑪縣 呼玛县 T - 8 Hū mǎ xiàn f /Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 呼籲 呼吁 T 4049 1282 hū yù f /to call on (sb to do sth)/to appeal (to)/an appeal/ 呼聲 呼声 T - 963 hū shēng f /a shout/fig. opinion or demand, esp. expressed by a group/ 呼蘭 呼兰 T - 11 Hū lán f /Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 呼蘭區 呼兰区 T - 0 Hū lán qū f /Hulan district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1] in Heilongjiang/ 呼號 呼号 T - 83 hū háo f /to wail/to cry out in distress/ 呼風喚雨 呼风唤雨 T - 93 hū fēng huàn yǔ f /to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers/fig. to stir up troubles/ 呼风唤雨 呼風喚雨 S - 93 hū fēng huàn yǔ f /to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom); to exercise magical powers/fig. to stir up troubles/ 命 - 11603 mìng f /life/fate/order or command/to assign a name, title etc/ 命不久已 - 0 mìng bù jiǔ yǐ f /at death's door/ 命中 - 761 mìng zhòng f /to hit (a target)/ 命中注定 命中註定 S - 3 mìng zhōng zhù dìng f /decreed by fate (idiom)/destined/fated/ 命中率 - 256 mìng zhòng lǜ f /hit rate/scoring rate/ 命中註定 命中注定 T - 3 mìng zhōng zhù dìng f /decreed by fate (idiom)/destined/fated/ 命令 1308 8003 mìng lìng f /order/command/CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]/ 命令句 - 3 mìng lìng jù f /imperative sentence/ 命令行 - 3 mìng lìng háng f /command line (computing)/ 命危 - 0 mìng wēi f /critical/life threatening (medicine)/ 命名 3101 2356 mìng míng f /to give a name to/to dub/to christen/to designate/named after/naming/ 命名作业 命名作業 S - 0 mìng míng zuò yè f /naming task/ 命名作業 命名作业 T - 0 mìng míng zuò yè f /naming task/ 命名日 - 3 mìng míng rì f /name day (tradition of celebrating a given name on a certain day of the year)/ 命名法 - 0 mìng míng fǎ f /nomenclature/ 命名系統 命名系统 T - 0 mìng míng xì tǒng f /system of nomenclature/ 命名系统 命名系統 S - 0 mìng míng xì tǒng f /system of nomenclature/ 命在旦夕 - 22 mìng zài dàn xī f /to be at death's door (idiom)/ 命定 - 20 mìng dìng f /to be predestined/ 命归黄泉 命歸黃泉 S - 0 mìng guī Huáng quán f /lit. to return to the Yellow Springs 黃泉|黄泉[Huang2 quan2] (idiom)/fig. to die/to meet one's end/ 命根 - 13 mìng gēn f /lifeblood/the thing that one cherishes most in life/(coll.) family jewels (male genitals)/ 命根子 - 65 mìng gēn zi f /see 命根[ming4 gen1]/ 命案 - 34 mìng àn f /homicide case/murder case/ 命歸黃泉 命归黄泉 T - 0 mìng guī Huáng quán f /lit. to return to the Yellow Springs 黃泉|黄泉[Huang2 quan2] (idiom)/fig. to die/to meet one's end/ 命理学 命理學 S - 0 mìng lǐ xué f /numerology/ 命理學 命理学 T - 0 mìng lǐ xué f /numerology/ 命盘 命盤 S - 0 mìng pán f /natal chart (astrology)/ 命盤 命盘 T - 0 mìng pán f /natal chart (astrology)/ 命相 - 25 mìng xiàng f /horoscope/ 命脈 命脉 T - 214 mìng mài f /lifeline/ 命脉 命脈 S - 214 mìng mài f /lifeline/ 命苦 - 98 mìng kǔ f /to be born under an ill star/ 命薄 - 3 mìng bó f /to be unlucky/ 命赴黃泉 命赴黄泉 T - 4 mìng fù Huáng quán f /to visit the Yellow Springs/to die/ 命赴黄泉 命赴黃泉 S - 4 mìng fù Huáng quán f /to visit the Yellow Springs/to die/ 命运 命運 S 1453 3117 mìng yùn f /fate/destiny/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 命运注定 命運註定 S - 0 mìng yùn zhù dìng f /ordain/ 命途 - 3 mìng tú f /the course of one's life/one's fate/ 命途坎坷 - 0 mìng tú kǎn kě f /to have a tough life/to meet much adversity in one's life/ 命途多舛 - 3 mìng tú duō chuǎn f /to meet with many difficulties in one's life (idiom)/ 命運 命运 T 1453 3117 mìng yùn f /fate/destiny/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 命運註定 命运注定 T - 0 mìng yùn zhù dìng f /ordain/ 命題 命题 T - 1542 mìng tí f /proposition (logic, math.)/to assign an essay topic/ 命題邏輯 命题逻辑 T - 3 mìng tí luó ji f /propositional logic/ 命题 命題 S - 1542 mìng tí f /proposition (logic, math.)/to assign an essay topic/ 命题逻辑 命題邏輯 S - 3 mìng tí luó ji f /propositional logic/ 呿 - 0 qū f /to yawn/ 咀 - 847 jǔ f /to chew/to masticate/ 咀嚼 4224 337 jǔ jué f /to chew/to think over/ 咁 - 0 gān f /so (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 這樣|这样[zhe4 yang4]/ 咂 - 136 zā f /to sip/to smack one's lips/to taste/to savor/ 咂摸 - 18 zā mo f /(dialect) to savor/to test the taste of/(fig.) to ponder upon/to mull over/ 咄 - 175 duō f /(old)(interjection expressing disapproval, commiseration etc) tut!/Taiwan pr. [duo4]/ 咄咄 - 3 duō duō f /to cluck one's tongue/tut-tut/ 咄咄怪事 - 13 duō duō guài shì f /strange/absurd/paradoxical/extraordinary/ 咄咄称奇 咄咄稱奇 S - 0 duō duō chēng qí f /to cluck one's tongue in wonder/ 咄咄稱奇 咄咄称奇 T - 0 duō duō chēng qí f /to cluck one's tongue in wonder/ 咄咄逼人 - 194 duō duō bī rén f /overbearing/forceful/aggressive/menacing/imperious/ 咅 - 2 pǒu f /pooh/pah/bah/(today used as a phonetic component in 部[bu4], 倍[bei4], 培[pei2], 剖[pou1] etc)/ 咆 - 9 páo f /to roar/ 咆哮 - 229 páo xiào f /to roar/to thunder/to snarl/to bluster (of wind, waves etc)/crashing waves (onom.)/to rage (of a person)/ 咆哮如雷 - 14 páo xiào rú léi f /to be in a thundering rage (idiom)/ 咇 - 2 bì f /fragrant/ 咈 - 0 fú f /oppose/ 咊 和 T 27 555815 hé t /old variant of 和[he2]/ 咋 3038 1409 zǎ t /dialectal equivalent of 怎麼|怎么[zen3 me5]/ 咋 3038 1409 zé f /gnaw/ 咋 3038 1409 zhà f /loud noise/shout/suddenly/ 咋呼 - 19 zhā hu f /bluster/ruckus/to boast loudly/ 咋舌 - 54 zhà shé f /to be speechless/also pr. [ze2 she2]/ 和 咊 S 27 555815 hé t /old variant of 和[he2]/ 和 27 555815 Hé t /surname He/Japanese (food, clothes etc)/ 和 27 555815 hé t /and/together with/with/sum/union/peace/harmony/Taiwan pr. [han4] when it means "and" or "with"/ 和 27 555815 hè f /to compose a poem in reply (to sb's poem) using the same rhyme sequence/to join in the singing/to chime in with others/ 和 27 555815 hú f /to complete a set in mahjong or playing cards/ 和 27 555815 huó f /soft/warm/ 和 27 555815 huò f /to mix together/to blend/ 和 龢 S 27 555815 hé t /old variant of 和[he2]/harmonious/ 和乐 和樂 S - 32 hé lè f /harmonious and happy/ 和乐蟹 和樂蟹 S - 0 hé lè xiè f /Hele crab/ 和会 和會 S - 0 hé huì f /peace conference/ 和县 和縣 S - 390 Hé xiàn f /He county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ 和合 - 0 hé hé f /harmony/ 和和气气 和和氣氣 S - 27 hé hé qì qì f /polite and amiable/ 和和氣氣 和和气气 T - 27 hé hé qì qì f /polite and amiable/ 和善 - 165 hé shàn f /good-natured/ 和声 和聲 S - 141 hé shēng f /harmony (music)/ 和好 - 0 hé hǎo f /to become reconciled/on good terms with each other/ 和好如初 - 7 hé hǎo rú chū f /to bury the hatchet/to become reconciled/ 和尚 - 3959 hé shang f /Buddhist monk/ 和尚打伞 和尚打傘 S - 0 hé shang dǎ sǎn f /lit. monk holding an umbrella: no hair, no sky/fig. no protection from law (punning on 髮|发[fa4] vs 法[fa3]) or from heaven/ 和尚打傘 和尚打伞 T - 0 hé shang dǎ sǎn f /lit. monk holding an umbrella: no hair, no sky/fig. no protection from law (punning on 髮|发[fa4] vs 法[fa3]) or from heaven/ 和局 - 0 hé jú f /draw/tied game/ 和布克賽爾縣 和布克赛尔县 T - 0 Hé bù kè sài ěr xiàn f /Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 和布克賽爾蒙古自治縣 和布克赛尔蒙古自治县 T - 7 Hé bù kè sài ěr Měng gǔ zì zhì xiàn f /Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 和布克赛尔县 和布克賽爾縣 S - 0 Hé bù kè sài ěr xiàn f /Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 和布克赛尔蒙古自治县 和布克賽爾蒙古自治縣 S - 7 Hé bù kè sài ěr Měng gǔ zì zhì xiàn f /Hoboksar Mongol autonomous county or Qobuqsar Mongghul aptonom nahiyisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 和平 1528 7998 Hé píng f /Heping district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 和平 1528 7998 hé píng f /peace/peaceful/ 和平主义 和平主義 S - 44 hé píng zhǔ yì f /pacifism/ 和平主義 和平主义 T - 44 hé píng zhǔ yì f /pacifism/ 和平乡 和平鄉 S - 2 Hé píng xiāng f /Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 和平会谈 和平會談 S - 0 hé píng huì tán f /peace talks/peace discussions/ 和平共处 和平共處 S - 262 hé píng gòng chǔ f /peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc/ 和平共处五项原则 和平共處五項原則 S - 0 hé píng gòng chǔ wǔ xiàng yuán zé f /Zhou Enlai's Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence/1954 Panchsheel series of agreements between PRC and India/ 和平共處 和平共处 T - 262 hé píng gòng chǔ f /peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc/ 和平共處五項原則 和平共处五项原则 T - 0 hé píng gòng chǔ wǔ xiàng yuán zé f /Zhou Enlai's Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence/1954 Panchsheel series of agreements between PRC and India/ 和平区 和平區 S - 47 Hé píng qū f /Heping or Peace district (of many towns)/Heping district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/Heping district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 和平區 和平区 T - 47 Hé píng qū f /Heping or Peace district (of many towns)/Heping district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/Heping district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 和平协议 和平協議 S - 0 hé píng xié yì f /peace agreement/ 和平協議 和平协议 T - 0 hé píng xié yì f /peace agreement/ 和平县 和平縣 S - 4 Hé píng xiàn f /Heping county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 和平會談 和平会谈 T - 0 hé píng huì tán f /peace talks/peace discussions/ 和平条约 和平條約 S - 0 hé píng tiáo yuē f /peace treaty/ 和平條約 和平条约 T - 0 hé píng tiáo yuē f /peace treaty/ 和平特使 - 0 hé píng tè shǐ f /peace envoy/ 和平統一 和平统一 T - 3 hé píng tǒng yī f /peaceful reunification/ 和平縣 和平县 T - 4 Hé píng xiàn f /Heping county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong/ 和平统一 和平統一 S - 3 hé píng tǒng yī f /peaceful reunification/ 和平解决 和平解決 S - 3 hé píng jiě jué f /peace settlement/peaceful solution/ 和平解決 和平解决 T - 3 hé píng jiě jué f /peace settlement/peaceful solution/ 和平談判 和平谈判 T - 43 hé píng tán pàn f /peace negotiations/ 和平谈判 和平談判 S - 43 hé píng tán pàn f /peace negotiations/ 和平鄉 和平乡 T - 2 Hé píng xiāng f /Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 和平里 - 0 Hé píng lǐ f /Hepingli neighborhood of Beijing/ 和平队 和平隊 S - 3 Hé píng duì f /(U.S.) Peace Corps/ 和平隊 和平队 T - 3 Hé píng duì f /(U.S.) Peace Corps/ 和平鳥 和平鸟 T - 0 hé píng niǎo f /(bird species of China) Asian fairy-bluebird (Irena puella)/ 和平鴿 和平鸽 T - 17 hé píng gē f /dove of peace/ 和平鸟 和平鳥 S - 0 hé píng niǎo f /(bird species of China) Asian fairy-bluebird (Irena puella)/ 和平鸽 和平鴿 S - 17 hé píng gē f /dove of peace/ 和弦 - 98 hé xián f /chord (music)/ 和得來 和得来 T - 0 hé de lái f /to get along well/compatible/also written 合得來|合得来[he2 de5 lai2]/ 和得来 和得來 S - 0 hé de lái f /to get along well/compatible/also written 合得來|合得来[he2 de5 lai2]/ 和悅 和悦 T - 32 hé yuè f /affable/kindly/ 和悦 和悅 S - 32 hé yuè f /affable/kindly/ 和政 - 0 Hé zhèng f /Hezheng county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 和政县 和政縣 S - 3 Hé zhèng xiàn f /Hezheng county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 和政縣 和政县 T - 3 Hé zhèng xiàn f /Hezheng county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 和散那 - 0 hé sǎn nà f /Hosanna (in Christian praise)/ 和数 和數 S - 0 hé shù f /sum (math.)/ 和數 和数 T - 0 hé shù f /sum (math.)/ 和暖 - 100 hé nuǎn f /pleasantly warm (weather)/ 和會 和会 T - 0 hé huì f /peace conference/ 和服 - 81 hé fú f /kimono/Japanese: traditional national clothing, as opposed to Western clothing 洋服/ 和林格尔 和林格爾 S - 24 Hé lín gé ěr f /Horinger county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 和林格尔县 和林格爾縣 S - 4 Hé lín gé ěr xiàn f /Horinger county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 和林格爾 和林格尔 T - 24 Hé lín gé ěr f /Horinger county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 和林格爾縣 和林格尔县 T - 4 Hé lín gé ěr xiàn f /Horinger county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 和棋 - 21 hé qí f /draw or tie in chess etc/CL:盤|盘[pan2]/ 和樂 和乐 T - 32 hé lè f /harmonious and happy/ 和樂蟹 和乐蟹 T - 0 hé lè xiè f /Hele crab/ 和歌 - 66 hé gē f /waka (style of Japanese poetry)/ 和歌山 - 4 Hé gē shān f /Wakayama prefecture in central Japan/ 和歌山县 和歌山縣 S - 0 Hé gē shān xiàn f /Wakayama prefecture in central Japan/ 和歌山縣 和歌山县 T - 0 Hé gē shān xiàn f /Wakayama prefecture in central Japan/ 和气 和氣 S 4540 0 hé qi f /friendly/polite/amiable/ 和气生财 和氣生財 S - 14 hé qì shēng cái f /(idiom) amiability makes you rich/ 和气致祥 和氣緻祥 S - 3 hé qì zhì xiáng f /(idiom) amiability leads to harmony/ 和氣 和气 T 4540 0 hé qi f /friendly/polite/amiable/ 和氣生財 和气生财 T - 14 hé qì shēng cái f /(idiom) amiability makes you rich/ 和氣緻祥 和气致祥 T - 3 hé qì zhì xiáng f /(idiom) amiability leads to harmony/ 和洽 - 3 hé qià f /harmonious/ 和煦 - 53 hé xù f /warm/genial/ 和牌 - 3 hú pái f /to win in mahjong/ 和珅 - 3 Hé shēn f /Heshen (1746-1799), Manchu official of the Qing Dynasty who openly practiced various forms of corruption on a grand scale/ 和田 - 200 Hé tián f /Hoten or Khotan city and prefecture in Xinjiang/Wada (Japanese surname and place name)/ 和田县 和田縣 S - 7 Hé tián xiàn f /Hoten Nahiyisi/Khotan county in Xinjiang/ 和田地区 和田地區 S - 5 Hé tián dì qū f /Hoten Wilayiti/Khotan prefecture in Xinjiang/ 和田地區 和田地区 T - 5 Hé tián dì qū f /Hoten Wilayiti/Khotan prefecture in Xinjiang/ 和田市 - 6 Hé tián shì f /Hoten Shehiri/Khotan city in Xinjiang/ 和田河 - 23 Hé tián Hé f /Hotan River in Xinjiang/ 和田玉 - 3 Hé tián yù f /nephrite/Hetian jade/ 和田縣 和田县 T - 7 Hé tián xiàn f /Hoten Nahiyisi/Khotan county in Xinjiang/ 和盘托出 和盤托出 S - 53 hé pán tuō chū f /lit. to put everything out including the tray/to reveal everything/to make a clean breast of it all/ 和盤托出 和盘托出 T - 53 hé pán tuō chū f /lit. to put everything out including the tray/to reveal everything/to make a clean breast of it all/ 和睦 4250 170 hé mù f /peaceful relations/harmonious/ 和睦相处 和睦相處 S - 43 hé mù xiāng chǔ f /to live in harmony/to get along with each other/ 和睦相處 和睦相处 T - 43 hé mù xiāng chǔ f /to live in harmony/to get along with each other/ 和硕 和碩 S - 55 Hé shuò f /Hoxud county, Xoshut nahiyisi or Heshuo county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和硕县 和碩縣 S - 2 Hé shuò xiàn f /Hoxud or Heshuo county or Xoshut nahiyisi in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和碩 和硕 T - 55 Hé shuò f /Hoxud county, Xoshut nahiyisi or Heshuo county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和碩縣 和硕县 T - 2 Hé shuò xiàn f /Hoxud or Heshuo county or Xoshut nahiyisi in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和稀泥 - 40 huò xī ní f /to try to smooth things over/to paper over the issues/to gloss things over/ 和約 和约 T - 882 hé yuē f /peace treaty/ 和緩 和缓 T - 93 hé huǎn f /mild/gentle/to ease up/to relax/ 和縣 和县 T - 390 Hé xiàn f /He county in Chaohu 巢湖[Chao2 hu2], Anhui/ 和约 和約 S - 882 hé yuē f /peace treaty/ 和缓 和緩 S - 93 hé huǎn f /mild/gentle/to ease up/to relax/ 和美 - 0 Hé měi f /Homei town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 和美 - 0 hé měi f /harmonious/in perfect harmony/ 和美鎮 和美镇 T - 0 Hé měi zhèn f /Homei town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 和美镇 和美鎮 S - 0 Hé měi zhèn f /Homei town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 和聲 和声 T - 141 hé shēng f /harmony (music)/ 和胃力气 和胃力氣 S - 0 hé wèi lì qì f /to harmonize the stomach and rectify qi 氣|气[qi4] (Chinese medicine)/ 和胃力氣 和胃力气 T - 0 hé wèi lì qì f /to harmonize the stomach and rectify qi 氣|气[qi4] (Chinese medicine)/ 和蔼 和藹 S 3947 134 hé ǎi f /kindly/nice/amiable/ 和蔼可亲 和藹可親 S - 54 hé ǎi kě qīn f /affable/genial/ 和藹 和蔼 T 3947 134 hé ǎi f /kindly/nice/amiable/ 和藹可親 和蔼可亲 T - 54 hé ǎi kě qīn f /affable/genial/ 和衣而卧 - 8 hé yī ér wò f /to lie down to sleep with one's clothes on/ 和解 3163 394 hé jiě f /to settle (a dispute out of court)/to reconcile/settlement/conciliation/to become reconciled/ 和解費 和解费 T - 0 hé jiě fèi f /money settlement (fine or payment to end a legal dispute)/ 和解费 和解費 S - 0 hé jiě fèi f /money settlement (fine or payment to end a legal dispute)/ 和記黃埔 和记黄埔 T - 0 Hé jì huáng pǔ f /Hutchison Whampoa/ 和談 和谈 T - 361 hé tán f /peace talks/ 和諧 和谐 T 3307 1578 hé xié f /harmonious/harmony/(euphemism) to censor/ 和諧性 和谐性 T - 0 hé xié xìng f /compatibility/mutual harmony/ 和记黄埔 和記黃埔 S - 0 Hé jì huáng pǔ f /Hutchison Whampoa/ 和谈 和談 S - 361 hé tán f /peace talks/ 和谐 和諧 S 3307 1578 hé xié f /harmonious/harmony/(euphemism) to censor/ 和谐性 和諧性 S - 0 hé xié xìng f /compatibility/mutual harmony/ 和达清夫 和達清夫 S - 0 Hé dá Qīng fū f /Wadati Kiyoō (1902-1995), pioneer Japanese seismologist/ 和達清夫 和达清夫 T - 0 Hé dá Qīng fū f /Wadati Kiyoō (1902-1995), pioneer Japanese seismologist/ 和静 和靜 S - 0 Hé jìng f /Xéjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和静县 和靜縣 S - 8 Hé jìng xiàn f /Xéjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和靜 和静 T - 0 Hé jìng f /Xéjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和靜縣 和静县 T - 8 Hé jìng xiàn f /Xéjing nahiyisi or Hejing county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 和面 和麵 S - 0 huó miàn f /to knead dough (for bread)/ 和音 - 0 hé yīn f /harmony (pleasing combination of sounds)/ 和順 和顺 T - 97 Hé shùn f /Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ 和順 和顺 T - 97 hé shùn f /sweet-tempered/acquiescent/ 和順縣 和顺县 T - 10 Hé shùn xiàn f /Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ 和顏悅色 和颜悦色 T - 76 hé yán yuè sè f /amiable manner/pleasant countenance/ 和顺 和順 S - 97 Hé shùn f /Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ 和顺 和順 S - 97 hé shùn f /sweet-tempered/acquiescent/ 和顺县 和順縣 S - 10 Hé shùn xiàn f /Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中[Jin4 zhong1], Shanxi/ 和颜悦色 和顏悅色 S - 76 hé yán yuè sè f /amiable manner/pleasant countenance/ 和風 和风 T - 0 Hé fēng f /(Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc)/ 和風 和风 T - 0 hé fēng f /breeze/ 和风 和風 S - 0 Hé fēng f /(Tw) Japanese-style (cooking etc)/ 和风 和風 S - 0 hé fēng f /breeze/ 和食 - 0 hé shí f /Japanese cuisine/ 和麵 和面 T - 0 huó miàn f /to knead dough (for bread)/ 和龍 和龙 T - 81 Hé lóng f /Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 和龍市 和龙市 T - 2 Hé lóng shì f /Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 和龙 和龍 S - 81 Hé lóng f /Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 和龙市 和龍市 S - 2 Hé lóng shì f /Helong county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 咍 - 3 hāi f /(interj.)/happy/sound of laughter/ 咎 - 184 jiù f /fault/to blame/to punish/calamity/misfortune/ 咎有应得 咎有應得 S - 3 jiù yǒu yīng dé f /to deserve what one gets (punishment, mishap etc) (idiom)/ 咎有應得 咎有应得 T - 3 jiù yǒu yīng dé f /to deserve what one gets (punishment, mishap etc) (idiom)/ 咏 詠 S - 615 yǒng f /to sing/ 咏叹调 詠嘆調 S - 42 yǒng tàn diào f /aria/ 咏春 詠春 S - 4 yǒng chūn f /Wing Chun/same as 詠春拳|咏春拳[yong3 chun1 quan2]/Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art)/ 咏春拳 詠春拳 S - 3 yǒng chūn quán f /Yongchun - "Singing Spring Fist" (Chinese martial art)/ 咐 - 45 fù f /to order/ 咑 - 0 dā f /da! (sound used to move animals along)/ 咒 呪 S - 449 zhòu f /variant of 咒[zhou4]/ 咒 - 449 zhòu f /incantation/magic spell/curse/malediction/to revile/to put a curse on sb/ 咒文 - 12 zhòu wén f /incantation/spell/to curse/ 咒罵 咒骂 T - 231 zhòu mà f /to damn/to curse/to revile/ 咒詛 咒诅 T - 15 zhòu zǔ f /to curse/to revile/ 咒語 咒语 T - 165 zhòu yǔ f /incantation/spell/enchantment/curse/ 咒诅 咒詛 S - 15 zhòu zǔ f /to curse/to revile/ 咒语 咒語 S - 165 zhòu yǔ f /incantation/spell/enchantment/curse/ 咒骂 咒罵 S - 231 zhòu mà f /to damn/to curse/to revile/ 咔 - 149 kǎ f /(used as phonetic "ka")/ 咔叽 咔嘰 S - 4 kǎ jī f /khaki (loanword)/ 咔哒声 咔噠聲 S - 0 kǎ da shēng f /(onom.) clunk/ 咔嗒 - 5 kā dā f /(onom.) click/clatter/ 咔嘰 咔叽 T - 4 kǎ jī f /khaki (loanword)/ 咔噠聲 咔哒声 T - 0 kǎ da shēng f /(onom.) clunk/ 咔嚓 - 156 kā chā f /(onom.) breaking or snapping/cut it out/stop it (colloquial)/also written 喀嚓[ka1 cha1]/ 咕 - 250 gū f /(onom.) for the sound of a bird, an empty stomach etc/ 咕咕叫 - 0 gū gū jiào f /sound made by an empty stomach/ 咕咚 - 104 gū dōng f /splash/(onom.) for heavy things falling down/ 咕咾肉 - 3 gū lǎo ròu f /sweet and sour meat (pork)/ 咕哝 咕噥 S - 199 gū nong f /to murmur/to mumble/to grumble/to mutter/ 咕唧 - 7 gū jī f /to whisper/to mutter/ 咕噜 咕嚕 S - 110 gū lu f /(onom.) to rumble (of a stomach)/to coo (of a dove)/rumbling/noisy drinking sound/ 咕噜肉 咕嚕肉 S - 0 gū lū ròu f /sweet and sour meat (pork)/ 咕噥 咕哝 T - 199 gū nong f /to murmur/to mumble/to grumble/to mutter/ 咕嚕 咕噜 T - 110 gū lu f /(onom.) to rumble (of a stomach)/to coo (of a dove)/rumbling/noisy drinking sound/ 咕嚕肉 咕噜肉 T - 0 gū lū ròu f /sweet and sour meat (pork)/ 咕攘 - 0 gū rang f /to wriggle about/to move around/ 咖 - 37 kā f /coffee/class/grade/ 咖哩 - 6 kā li f /curry (loanword)/ 咖啡 240 1400 kā fēi f /coffee (loanword)/CL:杯[bei1]/ 咖啡伴侣 咖啡伴侶 S - 0 Kā fēi Bàn lǚ f /Coffee-mate (non-dairy creamer manufactured by Nestlé)/ 咖啡伴侶 咖啡伴侣 T - 0 Kā fēi Bàn lǚ f /Coffee-mate (non-dairy creamer manufactured by Nestlé)/ 咖啡厅 咖啡廳 S - 55 kā fēi tīng f /coffee shop/ 咖啡因 - 95 kā fēi yīn f /caffeine (loanword)/ 咖啡壶 咖啡壺 S - 8 kā fēi hú f /coffee pot/coffee maker/ 咖啡壺 咖啡壶 T - 8 kā fēi hú f /coffee pot/coffee maker/ 咖啡室 - 3 kā fēi shì f /coffee shop/ 咖啡屋 - 13 kā fēi wū f /coffee house/café/CL:家[jia1]/ 咖啡店 - 28 kā fēi diàn f /café/coffee shop/ 咖啡廳 咖啡厅 T - 55 kā fēi tīng f /coffee shop/ 咖啡机 咖啡機 S - 3 kā fēi jī f /coffee machine/coffee maker/ 咖啡機 咖啡机 T - 3 kā fēi jī f /coffee machine/coffee maker/ 咖啡色 - 33 kā fēi sè f /coffee color/brown/ 咖啡豆 - 28 kā fēi dòu f /coffee beans/ 咖啡館 咖啡馆 T - 184 kā fēi guǎn f /café/coffee shop/CL:家[jia1]/ 咖啡館兒 咖啡馆儿 T - 0 kā fēi guǎn r f /café/coffee shop/ 咖啡馆 咖啡館 S - 184 kā fēi guǎn f /café/coffee shop/CL:家[jia1]/ 咖啡馆儿 咖啡館兒 S - 0 kā fēi guǎn r f /café/coffee shop/ 咖喱 - 12 gā lí f /curry (loanword)/ 咖喱粉 - 3 gā lí fěn f /curry powder/ 咖逼 - 0 kā bī f /(coll.) coffee (loanword) (Tw)/ 咗 - 0 zuǒ f /Cantonese particle equivalent to 了[le5] or 過|过[guo4]/ 咙 嚨 S - 9 lóng f /throat/ 咚 - 291 dōng f /boom (of a drum)/ 咚咚 - 254 Dōng dong f /Dongdong, cheerleading mascot of 2008 Beijing Olympics/ 咚咚 - 254 dōng dōng t /(onom.) thud/thumping/thudding/pounding/ 咛 嚀 S - 56 níng f /enjoin/ 咝 噝 S - 142 sī f /(onom.) to hiss/to whistle/to whiz/to fizz/ 咝咝声 噝噝聲 S - 5 sī sī shēng f /hissing sound (onom.)/ 咠 - 0 qì f /to whisper/to blame, to slander/ 咡 - 0 èr f /space between mouth and ears/ 咢 - 0 è f /beat a drum/startle/ 咣 - 110 guāng f /(onom.) bang/door banging shut/ 咣当 咣當 S - 55 guāng dāng f /crash/bang/ 咣當 咣当 T - 55 guāng dāng f /crash/bang/ 咤 - 18 zhà f /see 叱咤[chi4 zha4]/ 咥 - 2 dié f /gnaw/bite/ 咥 - 2 xì t /loud laugh/ 咦 - 823 yí f /expression of surprise/ 咧 - 668 liē f /see 咧咧[lie1 lie1]/ 咧 - 668 liě t /to draw back the corners of one's mouth/ 咧 - 668 lie f /modal particle expressing exclamation/ 咧咧 - 3 liē liē f /(dialect) to cry/to whimper/to talk drivel/ 咧嘴 - 95 liě zuǐ f /to grin/ 咧开嘴笑 咧開嘴笑 S - 3 liě kāi zuǐ xiào f /to laugh/ 咧開嘴笑 咧开嘴笑 T - 3 liě kāi zuǐ xiào f /to laugh/ 咨 - 161 zī f /to consult/ 咨嗟 - 0 zī jiē f /to gasp (in admiration)/to sigh/ 咨客 - 0 zī kè f /hostess/ 咨文 - 73 zī wén f /official communication (between gov. offices of equal rank)/report delivered by the head of gov. on affairs of state/ 咨詢 咨询 T 1842 4342 zī xún f /to consult/to seek advice/consultation/(sales) inquiry (formal)/ 咨询 咨詢 S 1842 4342 zī xún f /to consult/to seek advice/consultation/(sales) inquiry (formal)/ 咩 - 56 miē f /the bleating of sheep/final particle which transforms statements into questions that indicate doubt or surprise (Cantonese)/ 咩 哶 S - 56 miē f /old variant of 咩[mie1]/ 咪 - 410 mī f /sound for calling a cat/ 咪咪 - 26 mī mī f /oboe-like musical instrument used in folk music of Gansu, Qinghai etc/(onom.) meow/kitty kitty!/Mimi (Western name)/tits (i.e. slang for breasts)/ 咪嘴 - 0 mī zuǐ f /to lip-sync/ 咫 - 7 zhǐ f /8 in. length unit of Zhou dynasty/ 咫尺 - 50 zhǐ chǐ f /very close/very near/ 咫尺天涯 - 14 zhǐ chǐ tiān yá f /so close, yet worlds apart (idiom)/ 咬 1378 3558 yǎo f /to bite/to nip/ 咬 齩 S 1378 3558 yǎo f /variant of 咬[yao3]/ 咬人狗儿不露齿 咬人狗兒不露齒 S - 0 yǎo rén gǒu r bù lù chǐ f /lit. the dog that bites does not show its fangs (idiom)/fig. You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance./ 咬人狗兒不露齒 咬人狗儿不露齿 T - 0 yǎo rén gǒu r bù lù chǐ f /lit. the dog that bites does not show its fangs (idiom)/fig. You can't tell the really dangerous enemy from his external appearance./ 咬伤 咬傷 S - 111 yǎo shāng f /bite (e.g. snake bite, mosquito bite)/ 咬傷 咬伤 T - 111 yǎo shāng f /bite (e.g. snake bite, mosquito bite)/ 咬合 - 36 yǎo hé f /(of uneven surfaces) to fit together/(of gear wheels) to mesh/(dentistry) occlusion/bite/ 咬唇妆 咬唇妝 S - 0 yǎo chún zhuāng f /bitten-lips look (darker lipstick applied on the inner part of the lips, and lighter on the outer part)/ 咬唇妝 咬唇妆 T - 0 yǎo chún zhuāng f /bitten-lips look (darker lipstick applied on the inner part of the lips, and lighter on the outer part)/ 咬啮 咬嚙 S - 34 yǎo niè f /to gnaw/ 咬啮 咬齧 S - 34 yǎo niè f /variant of 咬嚙|咬啮[yao3 nie4]/to gnaw/ 咬嚙 咬啮 T - 34 yǎo niè f /to gnaw/ 咬嚼 - 14 yǎo jiáo f /to chew/to masticate/to ruminate/to mull over/ 咬字 - 17 yǎo zì f /to pronounce (clearly or otherwise)/to enunciate/ 咬定 - 46 yǎo dìng f /to assert/to insist that/ 咬定牙关 咬定牙關 S - 5 yǎo dìng yá guān f /see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]/ 咬定牙根 - 3 yǎo dìng yá gēn f /see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]/ 咬定牙關 咬定牙关 T - 5 yǎo dìng yá guān f /see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]/ 咬文嚼字 - 27 yǎo wén jiáo zì f /to bite words and chew characters (idiom); punctilious about minutiae of wording/ 咬牙 - 549 yǎo yá f /to clench one's teeth/to grind the teeth/gnaw/ 咬牙切齒 咬牙切齿 T - 479 yǎo yá qiè chǐ f /gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger/fuming with rage between gritted teeth/ 咬牙切齿 咬牙切齒 S - 479 yǎo yá qiè chǐ f /gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger/fuming with rage between gritted teeth/ 咬甲癖 - 0 yǎo jiǎ pǐ f /onychophagia (nail biting)/ 咬痕 - 0 yǎo hén f /bite scar/ 咬着耳朵 咬著耳朵 S - 0 yǎo zhe ěr duo f /whispering in sb's ear/ 咬紧牙关 咬緊牙關 S - 135 yǎo jǐn yá guān f /lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain/to bite the bullet/ 咬紧牙根 咬緊牙根 S - 3 yǎo jǐn yá gēn f /see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]/ 咬緊牙根 咬紧牙根 T - 3 yǎo jǐn yá gēn f /see 咬緊牙關|咬紧牙关[yao3 jin3 ya2 guan1]/ 咬緊牙關 咬紧牙关 T - 135 yǎo jǐn yá guān f /lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain/to bite the bullet/ 咬耳朵 - 9 yǎo ěr duo f /(coll.) to whisper in sb's ear/ 咬舌自尽 咬舌自盡 S - 0 yǎo shé zì jìn f /to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue/ 咬舌自盡 咬舌自尽 T - 0 yǎo shé zì jìn f /to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue/ 咬著耳朵 咬着耳朵 T - 0 yǎo zhe ěr duo f /whispering in sb's ear/ 咬鉤 咬钩 T - 0 yǎo gōu f /to bite/ 咬钩 咬鉤 S - 0 yǎo gōu f /to bite/ 咬齧 咬啮 T - 34 yǎo niè f /variant of 咬嚙|咬啮[yao3 nie4]/to gnaw/ 咭 - 140 jī f /variant of 嘰|叽[ji1]/ 咭咭呱呱 - 0 jī jī guā guā f /(onom.) giggling noise/ 咮 - 0 zhòu f /beak of bird/peck at/ 咯 - 425 gē t /(phonetic)/ 咯 - 425 lo f /(final particle similar to 了, indicating that sth is obvious)/ 咯 - 425 luò f /to cough up/also pr. [ka3]/ 咯吱 - 14 gē zhī f /(onom.) creak/groan/ 咯咯 - 192 gē gē f /(onom.) gurgle/ 咯咯笑 - 0 gē gē xiào f /chuckle/ 咯嚓 - 0 gē chā f /to break into two (onom.)/ 咱 偺 S - 4884 zán t /variant of 咱[zan2]/ 咱 - 4884 zá f /see 咱[zan2]/ 咱 - 4884 zán t /I or me/we (including both the speaker and the person spoken to)/ 咱 喒 S - 4884 zán t /variant of 咱[zan2]/ 咱们 咱們 S 676 14946 zán men f /we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to)/(dialect) I or me/(dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you/also pr. [za2 men5]/ 咱俩 咱倆 S - 528 zán liǎ f /the two of us/ 咱倆 咱俩 T - 528 zán liǎ f /the two of us/ 咱們 咱们 T 676 14946 zán men f /we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to)/(dialect) I or me/(dialect) (in a coaxing or familiar way) you/also pr. [za2 men5]/ 咱家 - 211 zá jiā f /I/me/my/(often used in early vernacular literature)/ 咱家 - 211 zán jiā t /I/me/we/my home/our house/ 咲 笑 T 226 32256 xiào f /old variant of 笑[xiao4]/ 咳 - 806 hāi t /sound of sighing/ 咳 - 806 ké f /cough/ 咳呛 咳嗆 S - 0 ké qiàng f /(dialect) to cough/ 咳嗆 咳呛 T - 0 ké qiàng f /(dialect) to cough/ 咳嗽 1145 1235 ké sou f /to cough/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 咳痰 - 29 ké tán f /to cough up phlegm/to expectorate/ 咴 - 50 huī f /neigh/whinny (sound made by a horse)/ 咷 啕 T - 4 táo f /wail/ 咸 1147 440 Xián f /surname Xian/ 咸 1147 440 xián f /all/everyone/each/widespread/harmonious/ 咸 鹹 S 1147 440 xián f /salted/salty/stingy/miserly/ 咸与维新 咸與維新 S - 2 xián yù wéi xīn f /everyone participates in reforms (idiom)/to replace the old with new/to reform and start afresh/ 咸丝丝 鹹絲絲 S - 0 xián sī sī f /slightly salty/ 咸丝丝儿 鹹絲絲兒 S - 0 xián sī sī r f /erhua variant of 鹹絲絲|咸丝丝[xian2 si1 si1]/ 咸丰 咸豐 S - 635 Xián fēng f /reign name of Qing emperor (1850-1861)/Xianfeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 咸丰县 咸豐縣 S - 257 Xián fēng xiàn f /Xianfeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 咸兴 咸興 S - 10 Xián xīng f /Hamhung, North Korea/ 咸兴市 咸興市 S - 3 Xián xīng Shì f /Hamhung, North Korea/ 咸宁 咸寧 S - 1606 Xián níng f /Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei/ 咸宁地区 咸寧地區 S - 0 Xián níng dì qū f /Xianning prefecture in Hubei/ 咸宁市 咸寧市 S - 1545 Xián níng shì f /Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei/ 咸安区 咸安區 S - 256 Xián ān qū f /Xian'an district of Xianning city 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2 ning2 shi4], Hubei/ 咸安區 咸安区 T - 256 Xián ān qū f /Xian'an district of Xianning city 咸寧市|咸宁市[Xian2 ning2 shi4], Hubei/ 咸寧 咸宁 T - 1606 Xián níng f /Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei/ 咸寧地區 咸宁地区 T - 0 Xián níng dì qū f /Xianning prefecture in Hubei/ 咸寧市 咸宁市 T - 1545 Xián níng shì f /Xianning prefecture level city in Hubei/ 咸水 鹹水 S - 54 xián shuǐ f /salt water/brine/ 咸水妹 鹹水妹 S - 0 xián shuǐ mèi f /(dialect) prostitute from Guangdong (esp. one in Shanghai before the Revolution) (loanword from "handsome maid")/ 咸水湖 鹹水湖 S - 80 xián shuǐ hú f /salt lake/ 咸津津 鹹津津 S - 3 xián jīn jīn f /nice and salty (taste)/ 咸津津儿 鹹津津兒 S - 0 xián jīn jīn r f /erhua variant of 鹹津津|咸津津[xian2 jin1 jin1]/ 咸海 鹹海 S - 46 Xián Hǎi f /Aral Sea/ 咸涩 鹹澀 S - 0 xián sè f /salty and bitter/acerbic/ 咸淡 鹹淡 S - 4 xián dàn f /salty and unsalty (flavors)/degree of saltiness/brackish (water)/ 咸猪手 鹹豬手 S - 0 xián zhū shǒu f /pervert (esp. one who gropes women in public)/ 咸盐 鹹鹽 S - 3 xián yán f /salt (colloquial)/table salt/ 咸肉 鹹肉 S - 18 xián ròu f /bacon/salt-cured meat/ 咸與維新 咸与维新 T - 2 xián yù wéi xīn f /everyone participates in reforms (idiom)/to replace the old with new/to reform and start afresh/ 咸興 咸兴 T - 10 Xián xīng f /Hamhung, North Korea/ 咸興市 咸兴市 T - 3 Xián xīng Shì f /Hamhung, North Korea/ 咸菜 鹹菜 S - 90 xián cài f /salted vegetables/pickles/ 咸豐 咸丰 T - 635 Xián fēng f /reign name of Qing emperor (1850-1861)/Xianfeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 咸豐縣 咸丰县 T - 257 Xián fēng xiàn f /Xianfeng county in Enshi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei/ 咸酥鸡 鹹酥雞 S - 2 xián sū jī f /fried chicken pieces with salt and pepper/Taiwan-style fried chicken/ 咸鏡 咸镜 T - 0 Xián jìng f /Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道[Xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4] and South Hamgyeong Province 鹹鏡南道|咸镜南道[Xian2 jing4 nan2 dao4] of North Korea/ 咸鏡北道 咸镜北道 T - 4 Xián jìng běi dào f /North Hamgyeong Province in northeast of North Korea, capital Chongjin 清津市[Qing1 jin1 shi4]/ 咸鏡道 咸镜道 T - 2 Xián jìng dào f /Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道[Xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4] and South Hamgyeong Province 鹹鏡南道|咸镜南道[Xian2 jing4 nan2 dao4] of North Korea/ 咸镜 咸鏡 S - 0 Xián jìng f /Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道[Xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4] and South Hamgyeong Province 鹹鏡南道|咸镜南道[Xian2 jing4 nan2 dao4] of North Korea/ 咸镜北道 咸鏡北道 S - 4 Xián jìng běi dào f /North Hamgyeong Province in northeast of North Korea, capital Chongjin 清津市[Qing1 jin1 shi4]/ 咸镜南道 鹹鏡南道 S - 7 Xián jìng nán dào f /South Hamgyeong Province 함경남도 of east North Korea/ 咸镜道 咸鏡道 S - 2 Xián jìng dào f /Hamgyeongdo Province of Joseon Korea, now divided into North Hamgyeong Province 咸鏡北道|咸镜北道[Xian2 jing4 bei3 dao4] and South Hamgyeong Province 鹹鏡南道|咸镜南道[Xian2 jing4 nan2 dao4] of North Korea/ 咸阳 咸陽 S - 366 Xián yáng f /Xianyang prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 咸阳地区 咸陽地區 S - 0 Xián yáng dì qū f /Xianyang prefecture, Shaanxi/ 咸阳市 咸陽市 S - 56 Xián yáng Shì f /Xianyang prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 咸阳桥 咸陽橋 S - 3 Xián yáng Qiáo f /Xianyang Bridge/ 咸陽 咸阳 T - 366 Xián yáng f /Xianyang prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 咸陽地區 咸阳地区 T - 0 Xián yáng dì qū f /Xianyang prefecture, Shaanxi/ 咸陽市 咸阳市 T - 56 Xián yáng Shì f /Xianyang prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 咸陽橋 咸阳桥 T - 3 Xián yáng Qiáo f /Xianyang Bridge/ 咸鱼 鹹魚 S - 45 xián yú f /salted fish/ 咸鱼翻身 鹹魚翻身 S - 3 xián yú fān shēn f /lit. the salted fish turns over (idiom)/fig. to experience a reversal of fortune/ 咸鸭蛋 鹹鴨蛋 S - 7 xián yā dàn f /salted duck egg/ 咹 - 7 è f /eh?/ 咺 - 0 xuǎn f /glorious/sob/weep/ 咻 - 27 xiū f /call out/jeer/ 咼 呙 T - 19 Guō t /surname Guo/ 咼 呙 T - 19 wāi f /lopsided/Taiwan pr. [kuai1]/ 咽 - 1093 yān f /narrow pass/throat/pharynx/ 咽 - 1093 yàn t /variant of 嚥|咽[yan4]/ 咽 - 1093 yè f /to choke (in crying)/ 咽 嚥 S - 1093 yàn t /to swallow/ 咽下 嚥下 S - 154 yàn xià f /to swallow/to suppress/ 咽下困难 嚥下困難 S - 0 yàn xià kùn nán f /dysphagia (medicine)/ 咽住 嚥住 S - 3 yàn zhù f /to suppress (a sob, harsh words etc)/ 咽喉 - 670 yān hóu f /throat/ 咽头 咽頭 S - 2 yān tóu f /pharynx/ 咽峡 咽峽 S - 0 yān xiá f /isthmus of the fauces/ 咽峡炎 咽峽炎 S - 9 yān xiá yán f /angina/sore throat/ 咽峽 咽峡 T - 0 yān xiá f /isthmus of the fauces/ 咽峽炎 咽峡炎 T - 9 yān xiá yán f /angina/sore throat/ 咽气 嚥氣 S - 51 yàn qì f /to die/to breathe one's last/ 咽炎 - 32 yān yán f /pharyngitis/ 咽頭 咽头 T - 2 yān tóu f /pharynx/ 咽鼓管 - 15 yān gǔ guǎn f /Eustachian tube (linking pharynx 咽 to tympanic cavity 鼓室 of middle ear)/auditory tube/ 咾 - 3 lǎo f /a noise/a sound/ 咿 吚 S - 51 yī f /variant of 咿[yi1]/ 咿 - 51 yī f /(onom.) to squeak/ 哀 - 695 Aī f /Ai (c. 2000 BC), sixth of legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Li 釐|厘[Li2]/ 哀 - 695 āi t /sorrow/grief/pity/to grieve for/to pity/to lament/to condole/ 哀乐 哀樂 S - 63 āi yuè f /funeral music/plaint/dirge/ 哀伤 哀傷 S - 142 āi shāng f /grief/distress/bereavement/grieved/heartbroken/dejected/ 哀伤地 哀傷地 S - 0 āi shāng de f /pathetically/ 哀傷 哀伤 T - 142 āi shāng f /grief/distress/bereavement/grieved/heartbroken/dejected/ 哀傷地 哀伤地 T - 0 āi shāng de f /pathetically/ 哀兵必勝 哀兵必胜 T - 5 āi bīng bì shèng f /an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win (idiom)/ 哀兵必胜 哀兵必勝 S - 5 āi bīng bì shèng f /an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win (idiom)/ 哀劝 哀勸 S - 0 āi quàn f /to persuade by all possible means/to implore/ 哀勸 哀劝 T - 0 āi quàn f /to persuade by all possible means/to implore/ 哀号 哀號 S - 46 āi háo f /to cry piteously/anguished wailing/same as 哀嚎/ 哀叹 哀嘆 S - 74 āi tàn f /to sigh/to lament/to bewail/ 哀启 哀啟 S - 3 āi qǐ f /obituary (archaic term)/ 哀告 - 65 āi gào f /to beg piteously/to supplicate/ 哀告宾服 哀告賓服 S - 3 āi gào bīn fú f /to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit/ 哀告賓服 哀告宾服 T - 3 āi gào bīn fú f /to bring tribute as sign of submission (idiom); to submit/ 哀哭 - 3 āi kū f /to weep in sorrow/ 哀哭切齒 哀哭切齿 T - 0 āi kū qiè chǐ f /weeping and gnashing one's teeth (idiom)/ 哀哭切齿 哀哭切齒 S - 0 āi kū qiè chǐ f /weeping and gnashing one's teeth (idiom)/ 哀啟 哀启 T - 3 āi qǐ f /obituary (archaic term)/ 哀嘆 哀叹 T - 74 āi tàn f /to sigh/to lament/to bewail/ 哀嚎 - 39 āi háo f /to howl in grief/anguished wailing/same as 哀号/ 哀失 - 0 āi shī f /bereavement/ 哀婉 - 30 āi wǎn f /melancholy/sad and moving/ 哀子 - 3 āi zǐ f /son orphaned of his mother/ 哀家 - 3 āi jiā f /I, me (self-referring by a widowed empress etc, used in historical novels and operas)/ 哀怜 哀憐 S - 37 āi lián f /to feel compassion for/to pity on/to feel sorry for/ 哀思 - 34 āi sī f /grief-stricken thoughts/mourning/ 哀怨 - 86 āi yuàn f /grief/resentment/aggrieved/plaintive/ 哀恸 哀慟 S - 17 āi tòng f /to be deeply grieved/ 哀悯 哀憫 S - 3 āi mǐn f /to take pity on/to feel sorry for/ 哀悼 - 168 āi dào f /to grieve over sb's death/to lament sb's death/mourning/ 哀愁 - 56 āi chóu f /sorrow/sadness/distressed/sorrowful/ 哀慟 哀恸 T - 17 āi tòng f /to be deeply grieved/ 哀憐 哀怜 T - 37 āi lián f /to feel compassion for/to pity on/to feel sorry for/ 哀憫 哀悯 T - 3 āi mǐn f /to take pity on/to feel sorry for/ 哀戚 - 14 āi qī f /sorrow/grief/ 哀榮 哀荣 T - 4 āi róng f /funeral pomp/ 哀樂 哀乐 T - 63 āi yuè f /funeral music/plaint/dirge/ 哀歌 - 44 āi gē f /mournful song/dirge/elegy/ 哀求 - 332 āi qiú f /to entreat/to implore/to plead/ 哀江南賦 哀江南赋 T - 0 Aī Jiāng nán fù f /Lament for the South, long poem in Fu style by Yu Xin 庾信 mourning the passing of Liang of the Southern dynasties 南朝梁朝/ 哀江南赋 哀江南賦 S - 0 Aī Jiāng nán fù f /Lament for the South, long poem in Fu style by Yu Xin 庾信 mourning the passing of Liang of the Southern dynasties 南朝梁朝/ 哀泣 - 7 āi qì f /to wail/ 哀痛 - 64 āi tòng f /to grieve/to mourn/deep sorrow/grief/ 哀的美敦书 哀的美敦書 S - 0 āi dì měi dūn shū f /ultimatum (loanword)/ 哀的美敦書 哀的美敦书 T - 0 āi dì měi dūn shū f /ultimatum (loanword)/ 哀矜 - 3 āi jīn f /to take pity on/to feel sorry for/ 哀而不伤 哀而不傷 S - 5 āi ér bù shāng f /deeply felt but not mawkish (idiom)/ 哀而不傷 哀而不伤 T - 5 āi ér bù shāng f /deeply felt but not mawkish (idiom)/ 哀艳 哀艷 S - 3 āi yàn f /plaintive and beautiful/melancholy but gorgeous/ 哀艷 哀艳 T - 3 āi yàn f /plaintive and beautiful/melancholy but gorgeous/ 哀荣 哀榮 S - 4 āi róng f /funeral pomp/ 哀莫大于心死 哀莫大於心死 S - 0 āi mò dà yú xīn sǐ f /nothing sadder than a withered heart (idiom attributed to Confucius by Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3])/no greater sorrow than a heart that never rejoices/the worst sorrow is not as bad as an uncaring heart/nothing is more wretched than apathy/ 哀莫大於心死 哀莫大于心死 T - 0 āi mò dà yú xīn sǐ f /nothing sadder than a withered heart (idiom attributed to Confucius by Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子[Zhuang1 zi3])/no greater sorrow than a heart that never rejoices/the worst sorrow is not as bad as an uncaring heart/nothing is more wretched than apathy/ 哀號 哀号 T - 46 āi háo f /to cry piteously/anguished wailing/same as 哀嚎/ 哀詞 哀词 T - 0 āi cí f /variant of 哀辭|哀辞[ai1 ci2]/ 哀词 哀詞 S - 0 āi cí f /variant of 哀辭|哀辞[ai1 ci2]/ 哀辞 哀辭 S - 5 āi cí f /dirge/lament/ 哀辭 哀辞 T - 5 āi cí f /dirge/lament/ 哀鳴 哀鸣 T - 46 āi míng f /plaintive whine/wail/ 哀鴻遍野 哀鸿遍野 T - 7 āi hóng biàn yě f /lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land swarming with disaster victims/starving people fill the land/ 哀鸣 哀鳴 S - 46 āi míng f /plaintive whine/wail/ 哀鸿遍野 哀鴻遍野 S - 7 āi hóng biàn yě f /lit. plaintive whine of geese (idiom); fig. land swarming with disaster victims/starving people fill the land/ 品 - 2278 pǐn f /article/commodity/product/goods/kind/grade/rank/character/disposition/nature/temperament/variety/to taste sth/to sample/to criticize/to comment/to judge/to size up/ 品丽珠 品麗珠 S - 0 Pǐn lì zhū f /Cabernet Franc (grape type)/ 品位 - 691 pǐn wèi f /rank/grade/quality/(aesthetic) taste/ 品保 - 0 pǐn bǎo f /quality assurance (QA)/ 品名 - 19 pǐn míng f /name of product/brand name/ 品味 - 239 pǐn wèi f /to sample/to taste/to appreciate/one's taste (i.e. in music, literature, fashion, food and drink etc)/good taste/ 品味生活 - 0 pǐn wèi shēng huó f /to appreciate life/ 品嘗 品尝 T 3494 321 pǐn cháng f /to taste a small amount/to sample/ 品头论足 品頭論足 S - 22 pǐn tóu lùn zú f /lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance/fig. to find fault in minor details/nit-picking/over-critical/ 品学 品學 S - 3 pǐn xué f /conduct and learning (of an individual)/moral nature and skill/ 品学兼优 品學兼優 S - 54 pǐn xué jiān yōu f /excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for behavior (at school)/a paragon of virtue and learning/ 品學 品学 T - 3 pǐn xué f /conduct and learning (of an individual)/moral nature and skill/ 品學兼優 品学兼优 T - 54 pǐn xué jiān yōu f /excelling both in morals and studies (idiom); top marks for studies and for behavior (at school)/a paragon of virtue and learning/ 品客 - 0 Pǐn kè f /Pringles (snack food brand)/ 品尝 品嘗 S 3494 321 pǐn cháng f /to taste a small amount/to sample/ 品川 - 4 Pǐn chuān f /Shinagawa River/Shinagawa district of Tokyo/ 品川区 品川區 S - 0 Pǐn chuān qū f /Shinagawa district of Tokyo/ 品川區 品川区 T - 0 Pǐn chuān qū f /Shinagawa district of Tokyo/ 品德 4599 2399 pǐn dé f /moral character/ 品性 - 193 pǐn xìng f /nature/characteristic/moral character/ 品族 - 3 pǐn zú f /strain (of a species)/ 品月 - 3 pǐn yuè f /light blue/ 品服 - 0 pǐn fú f /costume/ceremonial dress (determining the grade of an official)/ 品格 - 292 pǐn gé f /one's character/fret (on fingerboard of lute or guitar)/ 品牌 - 3205 pǐn pái f /brand name/trademark/ 品目 - 3 pǐn mù f /item/ 品种 品種 S 3951 5542 pǐn zhǒng f /breed/variety/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 品種 品种 T 3951 5542 pǐn zhǒng f /breed/variety/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 品第 - 7 pǐn dì f /grade (i.e. quality)/rank/ 品等 - 0 pǐn děng f /grade (quality of product)/ 品管 - 3 pǐn guǎn f /quality control/ 品節 品节 T - 3 pǐn jié f /character/integrity/ 品类 品類 S - 182 pǐn lèi f /category/kind/ 品系 品繫 S - 40 pǐn xì f /strain (of a species)/ 品紅 品红 T - 13 pǐn hóng f /pink/light red/ 品級 品级 T - 558 pǐn jí f /workmanship/ 品綠 品绿 T - 3 pǐn lǜ f /light green/ 品繫 品系 T - 40 pǐn xì f /strain (of a species)/ 品红 品紅 S - 13 pǐn hóng f /pink/light red/ 品级 品級 S - 558 pǐn jí f /workmanship/ 品绿 品綠 S - 3 pǐn lǜ f /light green/ 品脫 品脱 T - 7 pǐn tuō f /pint (approx. 0.47 liter) (loanword)/ 品脱 品脫 S - 7 pǐn tuō f /pint (approx. 0.47 liter) (loanword)/ 品色 - 0 pǐn sè f /variety/kind/ 品节 品節 S - 3 pǐn jié f /character/integrity/ 品茗 - 40 pǐn míng f /to taste tea/to sip tea/ 品茶 - 103 pǐn chá f /to taste tea/to sip tea/ 品蓝 品藍 S - 3 pǐn lán f /pinkish blue/ 品藍 品蓝 T - 3 pǐn lán f /pinkish blue/ 品行 - 229 pǐn xíng f /behavior/moral conduct/ 品評 品评 T - 117 pǐn píng f /to judge/to assess/ 品議 品议 T - 3 pǐn yì f /to judge/ 品议 品議 S - 3 pǐn yì f /to judge/ 品评 品評 S - 117 pǐn píng f /to judge/to assess/ 品貌 - 33 pǐn mào f /behavior and appearance/ 品質 品质 T 3514 1562 pǐn zhì f /character/intrinsic quality (of a person)/quality (of a product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc)/ 品质 品質 S 3514 1562 pǐn zhì f /character/intrinsic quality (of a person)/quality (of a product or service, or as in "quality of life", "air quality" etc)/ 品趣志 - 0 Pǐn qù zhì f /Pinterest (photo-sharing website)/ 品达 品達 S - 0 Pǐn dá f /Pindar, Greek poet/ 品達 品达 T - 0 Pǐn dá f /Pindar, Greek poet/ 品酒 - 30 pǐn jiǔ f /to taste wine/to sip wine/ 品鉴 品鑒 S - 4 pǐn jiàn f /to judge/to examine/to evaluate/ 品鑒 品鉴 T - 4 pǐn jiàn f /to judge/to examine/to evaluate/ 品頭論足 品头论足 T - 22 pǐn tóu lùn zú f /lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance/fig. to find fault in minor details/nit-picking/over-critical/ 品題 品题 T - 10 pǐn tí f /to evaluate (an individual)/to appraise/ 品類 品类 T - 182 pǐn lèi f /category/kind/ 品题 品題 S - 10 pǐn tí f /to evaluate (an individual)/to appraise/ 品麗珠 品丽珠 T - 0 Pǐn lì zhū f /Cabernet Franc (grape type)/ 哂 - 195 shěn f /(literary) to smile/to sneer/ 哂笑 - 19 shěn xiào f /(literary) to sneer/to laugh at/ 哂納 哂纳 T - 3 shěn nà f /(lit.) please kindly accept/ 哂纳 哂納 S - 3 shěn nà f /(lit.) please kindly accept/ 哄 3197 1881 hōng t /roar of laughter (onom.)/hubbub/to roar (as a crowd)/ 哄 3197 1881 hǒng f /to deceive/to coax/to amuse (a child)/ 哄 閧 S 3197 1881 hòng f /variant of 鬨|哄[hong4]/ 哄 鬨 S 3197 1881 hòng f /tumult/uproar/commotion/disturbance/ 哄劝 哄勸 S - 3 hǒng quàn f /to coax/ 哄动 哄動 S - 31 hōng dòng f /variant of 轟動|轰动[hong1 dong4]/ 哄动一时 哄動一時 S - 3 hōng dòng yī shí f /variant of 轟動一時|轰动一时[hong1 dong4 yi1 shi2]/ 哄動 哄动 T - 31 hōng dòng f /variant of 轟動|轰动[hong1 dong4]/ 哄動一時 哄动一时 T - 3 hōng dòng yī shí f /variant of 轟動一時|轰动一时[hong1 dong4 yi1 shi2]/ 哄勸 哄劝 T - 3 hǒng quàn f /to coax/ 哄堂大笑 - 63 hōng táng dà xiào f /the whole room roaring with laughter (idiom)/ 哄抢 哄搶 S - 93 hōng qiǎng f /looting/ 哄抬 - 38 hōng tái f /to artificially inflate/to bid up (the price)/ 哄搶 哄抢 T - 93 hōng qiǎng f /looting/ 哄然 - 3 hōng rán f /boisterous/uproarious/ 哄瞒 哄瞞 S - 0 hǒng mán f /to deceive/ 哄瞞 哄瞒 T - 0 hǒng mán f /to deceive/ 哄笑 - 111 hōng xiào f /to roar with laughter/hoots of laughter/guffaw/ 哄騙 哄骗 T - 43 hǒng piàn f /to deceive/to cheat/ 哄骗 哄騙 S - 43 hǒng piàn f /to deceive/to cheat/ 哆 - 145 duō f /quiver/woolen cloth/ 哆啦A夢 哆啦A梦 T - 0 Duō lā A mèng f /Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character/ 哆啦A梦 哆啦A夢 S - 0 Duō lā A mèng f /Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character/ 哆啰美远 哆囉美遠 S - 0 Duō luō měi yuǎn f /Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 哆啰美远族 哆囉美遠族 S - 0 Duō luō měi yuǎn zú f /Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 哆嗦 4774 380 duō suo f /to tremble/to shiver/uncontrolled shaking of the body/ 哆囉美遠 哆啰美远 T - 0 Duō luō měi yuǎn f /Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 哆囉美遠族 哆啰美远族 T - 0 Duō luō měi yuǎn zú f /Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 哇 2508 1045 wā f /Wow!/sound of child's crying/sound of vomiting/ 哇 2508 1045 wa t /replaces 啊[a5] when following the vowel "u" or "ao"/ 哇哇 - 270 wā wā f /sound of crying/ 哇噻 - 2 wā sāi f /see 哇塞[wa1 sai1]/ 哇塞 - 3 wā sāi f /(slang) wow!/also pr. [wa1 sei1]/ 哇沙比 - 0 wā shā bǐ f /wasabi (loanword) (Tw)/ 哇沙米 - 0 wā shā mǐ f /wasabi (loanword) (Tw)/ 哇靠 - 0 wā kào f /(lit.) I cry!/Oh, bosh!/Shoot!/(Taiwanese 我哭, POJ pr. [goá khàu])/ 哈 1236 2482 Hā t /abbr. for 哈薩克斯坦|哈萨克斯坦[Ha1 sa4 ke4 si1 tan3], Kazakhstan/abbr. for 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Harbin/ 哈 1236 2482 hā t /laughter/yawn/ 哈 1236 2482 hǎ f /a Pekinese/a pug/(dialect) to scold/ 哈丰角 哈豐角 S - 0 Hā fēng jiǎo f /Cape Ras Hafun, Somalia, the easternmost point in Africa/ 哈伦裤 哈倫褲 S - 0 hā lún kù f /harem pants (loanword)/ 哈伯 - 13 Hā bó f /Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), US astronomer/Fritz Haber (1868-1934), German chemist/ 哈伯太空望远镜 哈伯太空望遠鏡 S - 0 Hā bó Tài kōng Wàng yuǎn jìng f /Hubble Space Telescope/ 哈伯太空望遠鏡 哈伯太空望远镜 T - 0 Hā bó Tài kōng Wàng yuǎn jìng f /Hubble Space Telescope/ 哈伯玛斯 哈伯瑪斯 S - 0 Hā bó mǎ sī f /Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher/ 哈伯瑪斯 哈伯玛斯 T - 0 Hā bó mǎ sī f /Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher/ 哈佛 - 153 Hā fó f /Harvard/ 哈佛大学 哈佛大學 S - 252 Hā fó Dà xué f /Harvard University/ 哈佛大學 哈佛大学 T - 252 Hā fó Dà xué f /Harvard University/ 哈倫褲 哈伦裤 T - 0 hā lún kù f /harem pants (loanword)/ 哈克貝利·芬歷險記 哈克贝利·芬历险记 T - 0 Hā kè bèi lì · Fēn Lì xiǎn Jì f /Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1]/ 哈克贝利·芬历险记 哈克貝利·芬歷險記 S - 0 Hā kè bèi lì · Fēn Lì xiǎn Jì f /Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1]/ 哈利 - 29 Hā lì f /Harry/ 哈利·波特 - 0 Hā lì · Bō tè f /Harry Potter, boy wizard in the novels by J.K. Rowling 羅琳|罗琳/ 哈利伯頓 哈利伯顿 T - 0 Hā lì bó dùn f /Halliburton (US construction company)/ 哈利伯顿 哈利伯頓 S - 0 Hā lì bó dùn f /Halliburton (US construction company)/ 哈利法克斯 - 9 Hā lì fǎ kè sī f /Halifax (name)/Halifax city, capital of Nova Scotia, Canada/Halifax, town in West Yorkshire, England/ 哈利路亚 哈利路亞 S - 0 hā lì lù yà f /hallelujah (loanword)/ 哈利路亞 哈利路亚 T - 0 hā lì lù yà f /hallelujah (loanword)/ 哈利迪亚 哈利迪亞 S - 0 Hā lì dí yà f /Habbaniyah (Iraqi city)/ 哈利迪亞 哈利迪亚 T - 0 Hā lì dí yà f /Habbaniyah (Iraqi city)/ 哈努卡 - 2 Hā nǔ kǎ f /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/also called 光明節|光明节 and 哈努卡節|哈努卡节/ 哈努卡節 哈努卡节 T - 0 Hā nǔ kǎ jié f /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/also called 光明節|光明节 and simply 哈努卡/ 哈努卡节 哈努卡節 S - 0 Hā nǔ kǎ jié f /Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up to late Dec on Gregorian calendar)/also called 光明節|光明节 and simply 哈努卡/ 哈勃 - 91 Hā bó f /Hubble (name)/Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), US astronomer/ 哈博罗内 哈博羅內 S - 13 Hā bó luó nèi f /Gaborone, capital of Botswana/ 哈博羅內 哈博罗内 T - 13 Hā bó luó nèi f /Gaborone, capital of Botswana/ 哈吉 - 17 hā jí f /haji or hadji (Islam)/ 哈哈 - 1864 hā hā f /(onom.) laughing out loud/ 哈哈大笑 - 1577 hā hā dà xiào f /to laugh heartily/to burst into loud laughter/ 哈哈笑 - 3 hā hā xiào f /to laugh out loud/ 哈哈鏡 哈哈镜 T - 12 hā hā jìng f /distorting mirror/ 哈哈镜 哈哈鏡 S - 12 hā hā jìng f /distorting mirror/ 哈啰 哈囉 S - 3 hā luō f /hello (loanword)/ 哈啾 - 0 hā jiū f /achoo (phonetic particle for sneeze)/ 哈喇 - 9 hā la f /rancid/to kill/to slaughter/ 哈喇子 - 7 hā lá zi f /(dialect) saliva/ 哈喽 哈嘍 S - 0 hā lóu f /hello (loanword)/ 哈嘍 哈喽 T - 0 hā lóu f /hello (loanword)/ 哈囉 哈啰 T - 3 hā luō f /hello (loanword)/ 哈囉德 哈罗德 T - 33 Hā luó dé f /Harold, Harald, Harrod (name)/Harrods (department store etc)/ 哈士奇 - 3 hā shì qí f /husky (sled dog)/ 哈奴曼 - 0 Hā nú màn f /Hanuman, a monkey God in the Indian epic Ramayana/ 哈姆雷特 - 90 Hā mǔ léi tè f /Hamlet (name)/the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark c. 1601 by William Shakespeare 莎士比亚|莎士比亞/ 哈季奇 - 0 Hā jì qí f /Goran Hadžić (1958-), Croatian Serb leader until 1994, indicted war criminal/ 哈密 - 235 Hā mì f /Kumul city in Xinjiang (Chinese: Hami)/ 哈密地区 哈密地區 S - 7 Hā mì dì qū f /Kumul prefecture in Xinjiang/ 哈密地區 哈密地区 T - 7 Hā mì dì qū f /Kumul prefecture in Xinjiang/ 哈密市 - 7 Hā mì shì f /Kumul city in Xinjiang (Chinese: Hami)/ 哈密瓜 - 22 hā mì guā f /Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew melon/cantaloupe/ 哈尔斯塔 哈爾斯塔 S - 0 Hā ěr sī tǎ f /Harstad (city in Norway)/ 哈尔滨 哈爾濱 S - 988 Hā ěr bīn f /Harbin, subprovincial city and capital of Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 哈尔滨工业大学 哈爾濱工業大學 S - 52 Hā ěr bīn Gōng yè Dà xué f /Harbin Institute of Technology/ 哈尔滨市 哈爾濱市 S - 139 Hā ěr bīn shì f /Harbin, subprovincial city and capital of Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 哈尔登 哈爾登 S - 0 Hā ěr dēng f /Halden (city in Norway)/ 哈尼 - 68 hā ní f /honey (term of endearment) (loanword)/ 哈尼族 - 569 Hā ní zú f /Hani ethnic group/ 哈巴河 - 8 Hā bā hé f /Habahe county or Qaba nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 哈巴河县 哈巴河縣 S - 2 Hā bā hé xiàn f /Habahe county or Qaba nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 哈巴河縣 哈巴河县 T - 2 Hā bā hé xiàn f /Habahe county or Qaba nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 哈巴狗 - 17 hǎ bā gǒu f /pekingese (dog)/(fig.) sycophant/lackey/ 哈巴罗夫斯克 哈巴羅夫斯克 S - 20 Hā bā luó fū sī kè f /Khabarovsk, far eastern Russian city and province on the border with Heilongjiang province of China/ 哈巴羅夫斯克 哈巴罗夫斯克 T - 20 Hā bā luó fū sī kè f /Khabarovsk, far eastern Russian city and province on the border with Heilongjiang province of China/ 哈巴谷书 哈巴谷書 S - 0 Hā bā gǔ shū f /Book of Habakkuk/ 哈巴谷書 哈巴谷书 T - 0 Hā bā gǔ shū f /Book of Habakkuk/ 哈巴雪山 - 0 Hā bā xuě shān f /Mt Haba (Nakhi: golden flower), in Lijiang 麗江|丽江, northwest Yunnan/ 哈布斯堡 - 108 Hā bù sī bǎo f /Hapsburg (European dynasty)/ 哈希 - 3 hā xī f /hash (computing)/see also 散列[san3 lie4]/ 哈德逊河 哈德遜河 S - 0 Hā dé xùn Hé f /Hudson River, New York State, USA/ 哈德遜河 哈德逊河 T - 0 Hā dé xùn Hé f /Hudson River, New York State, USA/ 哈恩 - 25 Hā ēn f /Jaén, Spain/ 哈扣 - 0 hā kòu f /hardcore (loanword)/ 哈拉 - 50 hā lā f /to chat idly (Tw)/ 哈拉子 - 0 hā lā zi f /(dialect) saliva/also written 哈喇子[ha1 la2 zi5]/ 哈拉尔五世 哈拉爾五世 S - 0 Hā lā ěr Wǔ shì f /Harald V of Norway/ 哈拉爾五世 哈拉尔五世 T - 0 Hā lā ěr Wǔ shì f /Harald V of Norway/ 哈拉雷 - 27 Hā lā léi f /Harare, capital of Zimbabwe/ 哈摩辣 - 0 Hā mó là f /Gomorrah/ 哈日 - 3 hā Rì f /Japanophile/ 哈日族 - 3 hā Rì zú f /Japanophile (refers to teenage craze for everything Japanese, originally mainly in Taiwan)/ 哈普西科德 - 0 hā pǔ xī kē dé f /harpsichord/ 哈根达斯 哈根達斯 S - 10 Hā gēn Dá sī f /Häagen-Dazs/ 哈根達斯 哈根达斯 T - 10 Hā gēn Dá sī f /Häagen-Dazs/ 哈桑 - 54 Hā sāng f /Hassan (person name)/Hassan District/ 哈梅內伊 哈梅内伊 T - 18 Hā méi nèi yī f /Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supreme Leader of Iran, aka Ali Khamenei/ 哈梅内伊 哈梅內伊 S - 18 Hā méi nèi yī f /Khamenei, Ayatollah Aly (1939-), Supreme Leader of Iran, aka Ali Khamenei/ 哈棒 - 0 hā bàng f /(slang) (Tw) to give a blowjob/ 哈欠 - 102 hā qian f /yawn/ 哈比人 - 3 Hā bǐ rén f /Hobbit/see also 霍比特人[Huo4 bi3 te4 ren2]/ 哈灵根 哈靈根 S - 0 hā líng gēn f /Harlingen, the Netherlands/ 哈爾斯塔 哈尔斯塔 T - 0 Hā ěr sī tǎ f /Harstad (city in Norway)/ 哈爾濱 哈尔滨 T - 988 Hā ěr bīn f /Harbin, subprovincial city and capital of Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 哈爾濱工業大學 哈尔滨工业大学 T - 52 Hā ěr bīn Gōng yè Dà xué f /Harbin Institute of Technology/ 哈爾濱市 哈尔滨市 T - 139 Hā ěr bīn shì f /Harbin, subprovincial city and capital of Heilongjiang province 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1] in northeast China/ 哈爾登 哈尔登 T - 0 Hā ěr dēng f /Halden (city in Norway)/ 哈特福德 - 4 Hā tè fú dé f /Hartford/ 哈珀 - 12 Hā pò f /Harper (name)/see also 斯蒂芬·哈珀[Si1 di4 fen1 · Ha1 po4]/ 哈瓦那 - 108 Hā wǎ nà f /Havana, capital of Cuba/ 哈米吉多頓 哈米吉多顿 T - 0 Hā mǐ jí duō dùn f /Armageddon (in Revelation 16:16)/ 哈米吉多顿 哈米吉多頓 S - 0 Hā mǐ jí duō dùn f /Armageddon (in Revelation 16:16)/ 哈米尔卡 哈米爾卡 S - 0 Hā mǐ ěr kǎ f /Hamilcar (c. 270-228 BC), Carthaginian statesman and general/ 哈米爾卡 哈米尔卡 T - 0 Hā mǐ ěr kǎ f /Hamilcar (c. 270-228 BC), Carthaginian statesman and general/ 哈罗 哈羅 S - 49 hā luó f /hello (loanword)/ 哈罗德 哈囉德 S - 33 Hā luó dé f /Harold, Harald, Harrod (name)/Harrods (department store etc)/ 哈羅 哈罗 T - 49 hā luó f /hello (loanword)/ 哈腰 - 16 hā yāo f /to bend/ 哈苏 哈蘇 S - 3 Hā sū f /Hasselblad (camera manufacturer)/ 哈莉·貝瑞 哈莉·贝瑞 T - 0 Hā lì · Bèi ruì f /Halle Berry (1966-), US actress/ 哈莉·贝瑞 哈莉·貝瑞 S - 0 Hā lì · Bèi ruì f /Halle Berry (1966-), US actress/ 哈莱姆 哈萊姆 S - 4 Hā lái mǔ f /Harlem district of Manhattan/ 哈萊姆 哈莱姆 T - 4 Hā lái mǔ f /Harlem district of Manhattan/ 哈萨克 哈薩克 S - 417 Hā sà kè f /Kazakhstan/Kazakh ethnic group in PRC/ 哈萨克人 哈薩克人 S - 3 Hā sà kè rén f /Kazakh person/Kazakh people/ 哈萨克文 哈薩克文 S - 0 Hā sà kè wén f /Kazakh written language/ 哈萨克斯坦 哈薩克斯坦 S - 373 Hā sà kè sī tǎn f /Kazakhstan/ 哈萨克族 哈薩克族 S - 346 Hā sà kè zú f /Kazakh ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 哈萨克语 哈薩克語 S - 28 Hā sà kè yǔ f /Kazakh language/ 哈蒙德 - 4 Hā méng dé f /Hammond (surname)/ 哈薩克 哈萨克 T - 417 Hā sà kè f /Kazakhstan/Kazakh ethnic group in PRC/ 哈薩克人 哈萨克人 T - 3 Hā sà kè rén f /Kazakh person/Kazakh people/ 哈薩克文 哈萨克文 T - 0 Hā sà kè wén f /Kazakh written language/ 哈薩克斯坦 哈萨克斯坦 T - 373 Hā sà kè sī tǎn f /Kazakhstan/ 哈薩克族 哈萨克族 T - 346 Hā sà kè zú f /Kazakh ethnic group of Xinjiang/ 哈薩克語 哈萨克语 T - 28 Hā sà kè yǔ f /Kazakh language/ 哈蘇 哈苏 T - 3 Hā sū f /Hasselblad (camera manufacturer)/ 哈蜜瓜 - 2 hā mì guā f /Hami melon (a variety of muskmelon)/honeydew melon/cantaloupe/also written 哈密瓜/ 哈西納 哈西纳 T - 0 Hā xī nà f /Ms Sheikh Hasina (1947-), Bangladesh politician, prime minister 1996-2001 and from 2009/ 哈西纳 哈西納 S - 0 Hā xī nà f /Ms Sheikh Hasina (1947-), Bangladesh politician, prime minister 1996-2001 and from 2009/ 哈該書 哈该书 T - 0 Hā gāi shū f /Book of Haggai/ 哈该书 哈該書 S - 0 Hā gāi shū f /Book of Haggai/ 哈豐角 哈丰角 T - 0 Hā fēng jiǎo f /Cape Ras Hafun, Somalia, the easternmost point in Africa/ 哈貝爾 哈贝尔 T - 0 Hā bèi ěr f /Habel, Haber or Hubbell (name)/Harbel (town in Liberia)/ 哈貝馬斯 哈贝马斯 T - 3 Hā bèi mǎ sī f /Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher/ 哈贝尔 哈貝爾 S - 0 Hā bèi ěr f /Habel, Haber or Hubbell (name)/Harbel (town in Liberia)/ 哈贝马斯 哈貝馬斯 S - 3 Hā bèi mǎ sī f /Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher/ 哈达 哈達 S - 102 hǎ dá f /khata (Tibetan or Mongolian ceremonial scarf)/ 哈迪 - 5 Hǎ dí f /Hardy or Hardie (name)/ 哈迷 - 0 hā mí f /Harry Potter fan (slang)/ 哈達 哈达 T - 102 hǎ dá f /khata (Tibetan or Mongolian ceremonial scarf)/ 哈里 - 333 Hā lǐ f /Harry or Hari (name)/ 哈里发 哈里發 S - 3 hā lǐ fā f /(loanword) caliph/also written 哈利發|哈利发[ha1 li4 fa1]/ 哈里发塔 哈里發塔 S - 0 Hā lǐ fā Tǎ f /Burj Khalifa/ 哈里发帝国 哈里發帝國 S - 0 Hā lǐ fā Dì guó f /Caliphate (Islamic empire formed after the death of the Prophet Mohammed 穆罕默德 in 632)/ 哈里斯堡 - 3 Hā lǐ sī bǎo f /Harrisburg, Pennsylvania/ 哈里森·施密特 - 0 Hā lǐ sēn · Shī mì tè f /Harrison Schmitt (Apollo 17 astronaut)/ 哈里發 哈里发 T - 3 hā lǐ fā f /(loanword) caliph/also written 哈利發|哈利发[ha1 li4 fa1]/ 哈里發塔 哈里发塔 T - 0 Hā lǐ fā Tǎ f /Burj Khalifa/ 哈里發帝國 哈里发帝国 T - 0 Hā lǐ fā Dì guó f /Caliphate (Islamic empire formed after the death of the Prophet Mohammed 穆罕默德 in 632)/ 哈雷彗星 - 36 Hā léi Huì xīng f /Halley's Comet/ 哈靈根 哈灵根 T - 0 hā líng gēn f /Harlingen, the Netherlands/ 哈馬斯 哈马斯 T - 70 Hā mǎ sī f /Hamas (radical Palestinian group)/ 哈馬爾 哈马尔 T - 0 Hā mǎ ěr f /Hamar (town in Norway)/ 哈马尔 哈馬爾 S - 0 Hā mǎ ěr f /Hamar (town in Norway)/ 哈马斯 哈馬斯 S - 70 Hā mǎ sī f /Hamas (radical Palestinian group)/ 哉 - 679 zāi f /(exclamatory or interrogative particle)/ 哋 - 0 dì f /(Cant.) plural for pronouns/ 哌 - 37 pài f /used in transliteration/ 哌嗪 - 5 pài qín f /piperazine (medicine)/ 哌替啶 - 4 pài tì dìng f /pethidine (aka meperidine or Demerol)/ 响 響 S 927 5346 xiǎng f /echo/sound/noise/to make a sound/to sound/to ring/loud/classifier for noises/ 响亮 響亮 S 4373 473 xiǎng liàng f /loud and clear/resounding/ 响叮当 響叮噹 S - 3 xiǎng dīng dāng f /to tinkle/to jingle/to clank/ 响器 響器 S - 66 xiǎng qì f /percussion instrument/ 响声 響聲 S - 518 xiǎng shēng f /noise/ 响头 響頭 S - 3 xiǎng tóu f /to bump one's head/to kowtow with head-banging on the ground/ 响尾蛇 響尾蛇 S - 103 xiǎng wěi shé f /rattlesnake/ 响应 響應 S 4249 1171 xiǎng yìng f /to respond to/answer/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 响应时间 響應時間 S - 0 xiǎng yìng shí jiān f /response time/ 响当当 響噹噹 S - 86 xiǎng dāng dāng f /resounding/loud/well known/famous/ 响彻 響徹 S - 243 xiǎng chè f /to resound/to resonate/ 响板 響板 S - 7 xiǎng bǎn f /castanets (music)/ 响水 響水 S - 8 Xiǎng shuǐ f /Xiangshui county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ 响水县 響水縣 S - 2 Xiǎng shuǐ xiàn f /Xiangshui county in Yancheng 鹽城|盐城[Yan2 cheng2], Jiangsu/ 响遍 響遍 S - 10 xiǎng biàn f /to resound (all over the place)/ 响雷 響雷 S - 10 xiǎng léi f /to be thundering/thunder clap/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 响音 響音 S - 8 xiǎng yīn f /sonorant/ 哎 1611 1282 āi f /hey!/(interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise or disapprobation)/ 哎呀 - 378 āi yā f /interjection of wonder, shock or admiration/ 哎呦 - 0 āi yōu f /(interjection of surprise, pain, annoyance etc)/Oh my!/Uh-oh!/Ah!/Ouch!/ 哎哟 哎喲 S - 236 āi yō f /hey/ow/ouch/interjection of pain or surprise/ 哎唷 - 0 āi yō f /interjection of pain or surprise/also written 哎喲|哎哟/ 哎喲 哎哟 T - 236 āi yō f /hey/ow/ouch/interjection of pain or surprise/ 哏 - 26 gén t /funny/odd/interesting/ 哏 - 26 hěn f /old variant of 狠[hen3]/old variant of 很[hen3]/also used as an exclamation of anger/ 哐 - 122 kuāng f /(onom.) clang/see 哐啷, clatter/ 哐哐啷啷 - 0 kuāng kuāng lāng lāng f /(onom.) crash/clank/clatter/ 哐啷 - 24 kuāng lāng f /(onom.) clang/clatter/bang/crash/clank/ 哑 啞 S - 639 yā f /(onom.) sound of cawing/sound of infant learning to talk/variant of 呀[ya1]/ 哑 啞 S - 639 yǎ t /dumb/mute/hoarse/husky/unexploded (of artillery shell etc)/ 哑剧 啞劇 S - 33 yǎ jù f /to mime/a dumb show/ 哑口 啞口 S - 3 yǎ kǒu f /as if dumb/speechless/ 哑口无言 啞口無言 S - 85 yǎ kǒu wú yán f /dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless/at a loss for words/ 哑子 啞子 S - 3 yǎ zi f /mute person/dumb person/(more commonly called 啞巴|哑巴[ya3 ba5])/ 哑巴 啞巴 S - 714 yǎ ba f /mute/muted/a dumb person/to be dumb/ 哑巴亏 啞巴虧 S - 13 yǎ ba kuī f /pent-up unspoken grievances/suffering not willingly or possibly spoken of/ 哑巴吃黄莲 啞巴吃黃蓮 S - 0 yǎ ba chī huáng lián f /no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom)/also written 啞巴吃黃連|哑巴吃黄连/(often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1])/ 哑巴吃黄连 啞巴吃黃連 S - 9 yǎ ba chī huáng lián f /no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom)/also written 啞巴吃黃蓮|哑巴吃黄莲/(often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1])/ 哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出 啞巴吃黃連,有苦說不出 S - 0 yǎ ba chī huáng lián , yǒu kǔ shuō bu chū f /to be forced to suffer in silence (idiom)/unable to speak of one's bitter suffering/sometimes written 啞子吃黃連,有苦說不出|哑子吃黄连,有苦说不出/ 哑点 啞點 S - 0 yǎ diǎn f /blind spot/dead spot/ 哑然失笑 啞然失笑 S - 45 yǎ rán shī xiào f /to laugh involuntarily/Taiwan pr. [e4 ran2 shi1 xiao4]/ 哑然无生 啞然無生 S - 0 yǎ rán wú shēng f /silence reigns (idiom)/ 哑终端 啞終端 S - 0 yǎ zhōng duān f /dumb terminal/ 哑语 啞語 S - 11 yǎ yǔ f /sign language/ 哑谜 啞謎 S - 31 yǎ mí f /puzzle/mystery/ 哑铃 啞鈴 S - 41 yǎ líng f /dumbbell (weight)/ 哑鼓 啞鼓 S - 0 yǎ gǔ f /drum practice pad (music)/a practice drum (music)/ 哒 噠 S - 297 dā f /(phonetic)/command to a horse/clatter (of horses' hoofs)/ 哒嗪 噠嗪 S - 3 dā qín f /pyrazine C4H4N2/diazine/ 哓 嘵 S - 11 xiāo f /a cry of alarm/querulous/ 哔 嗶 S - 20 bì f /(phonetic)/ 哔叽 嗶嘰 S - 27 bì jī f /serge (loanword)/ 哔哔啪啪 嗶嗶啪啪 S - 0 bì bì pā pā f /(onom.) flopping sound/ 哕 噦 S - 81 huì t /see 噦噦|哕哕[hui4 hui4]/ 哕 噦 S - 81 yuě f /to puke/to hiccup/ 哕哕 噦噦 S - 0 huì huì f /rythmical sound of a bell/ 哗 嘩 S - 701 huā t /crashing sound/ 哗 嘩 S - 701 huá f /cat-calling sound/clamor/noise/ 哗 譁 S - 701 huá f /variant of 嘩|哗[hua2]/ 哗众取宠 嘩眾取寵 S - 44 huá zhòng qǔ chǒng f /sensationalism/vulgar claptrap to please the crowds/playing to the gallery/demagogy/ 哗变 嘩變 S - 110 huá biàn f /mutiny/rebellion/ 哗哗 嘩嘩 S - 15 huā huā f /sound of gurgling water/ 哗啦 嘩啦 S - 105 huā lā t /(onom.) sound of a crash/with a crash/ 哗啦 嘩啦 S - 105 huá la f /to collapse/ 哗啦一声 嘩啦一聲 S - 3 huā lā yī shēng f /with a crash/with a thunderous noise/ 哗啦啦 嘩啦啦 S - 108 huā lā lā f /(onom.) crashing sound/ 哗然 嘩然 S - 97 huá rán f /in uproar/commotion/causing a storm of protest/tumultuous/ 哗然 譁然 S - 97 huá rán f /variant of 嘩然|哗然[hua2 ran2]/ 哗笑 嘩笑 S - 7 huá xiào f /uproarious laughter/ 哙 噲 S - 22 Kuài f /surname Kuai/ 哙 噲 S - 22 kuài f /throat/to swallow/ 哚 - 2 duǒ f /see 吲哚, indole C8H7N/ 哜 嚌 S - 14 jì f /sip/ 哝 噥 S - 110 nóng f /garrulous/ 哞 - 17 mōu f /moo (sound made by cow)/ 哟 喲 S - 1341 yō t /Oh! (interjection indicating slight surprise)/ 哟 喲 S - 1341 yo f /(sentence-final particle expressing exhortation)/(syllable filler in a song)/ 員 员 T - 5970 yuán f /person/employee/member/ 員外 员外 T - 194 yuán wài f /landlord (old usage)/ 員山 员山 T - 3 Yuán shān f /Yuanshan township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 員山鄉 员山乡 T - 0 Yuán shān xiāng f /Yuanshan township in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县[Yi2 lan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 員工 员工 T 1562 3748 yuán gōng f /staff/personnel/employee/ 員林 员林 T - 3 Yuán lín f /Yuanlin town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 員林鎮 员林镇 T - 0 Yuán lín zhèn f /Yuanlin town in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 員警 员警 T - 3 yuán jǐng f /police officer/policeman/ 哢 - 0 lòng f /to sing or chirp (of birds)/music sound/ 哤 - 0 máng f /jargon/ 哥 - 4609 gē f /elder brother/ 哥们 哥們 S - 97 gē men f /Brothers!/brethren/dude (colloquial)/brother (diminutive form of address between males)/ 哥们儿 哥們兒 S - 95 gē men r f /erhua variant of 哥們|哥们[ge1 men5]/ 哥伦布 哥倫布 S - 201 Gē lún bù f /Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)/Columbus, capital of Ohio/ 哥伦布纪 哥倫布紀 S - 0 gē lún bù jì f /Columbus/ 哥伦比亚 哥倫比亞 S - 410 Gē lún bǐ yà f /Colombia/Columbia (District of, or University etc)/ 哥伦比亚大学 哥倫比亞大學 S - 179 Gē lún bǐ yà Dà xué f /Columbia University/ 哥伦比亚广播公司 哥倫比亞廣播公司 S - 0 Gē lún bǐ yà Guǎng bō Gōng sī f /Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)/ 哥伦比亚特区 哥倫比亞特區 S - 12 Gē lún bǐ yà tè qū f /District of Columbia, USA/ 哥們 哥们 T - 97 gē men f /Brothers!/brethren/dude (colloquial)/brother (diminutive form of address between males)/ 哥們兒 哥们儿 T - 95 gē men r f /erhua variant of 哥們|哥们[ge1 men5]/ 哥倫布 哥伦布 T - 201 Gē lún bù f /Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)/Columbus, capital of Ohio/ 哥倫布紀 哥伦布纪 T - 0 gē lún bù jì f /Columbus/ 哥倫比亞 哥伦比亚 T - 410 Gē lún bǐ yà f /Colombia/Columbia (District of, or University etc)/ 哥倫比亞大學 哥伦比亚大学 T - 179 Gē lún bǐ yà Dà xué f /Columbia University/ 哥倫比亞廣播公司 哥伦比亚广播公司 T - 0 Gē lún bǐ yà Guǎng bō Gōng sī f /Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)/ 哥倫比亞特區 哥伦比亚特区 T - 12 Gē lún bǐ yà tè qū f /District of Columbia, USA/ 哥儿 哥兒 S - 154 gē r f /brothers/boys/ 哥兒 哥儿 T - 154 gē r f /brothers/boys/ 哥利亚 哥利亞 S - 0 Gē lì yà f /Goliath/ 哥利亞 哥利亚 T - 0 Gē lì yà f /Goliath/ 哥吉拉 - 0 Gē jí lā f /Godzilla (Japanese ゴジラ Gojira)/see also 哥斯拉[Ge1 si1 la1]/ 哥哥 245 4323 gē ge f /older brother/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 哥大 - 0 Gē Dà f /Columbia University (abbr.)/ 哥尼斯堡 - 0 Gē ní sī bǎo f /(until WWII) Königsberg, capital of East Prussia on the Baltic/(since WWII) Kaliningrad, Russian Republic/ 哥德堡 - 28 Gē dé bǎo f /Gothenburg (city in Sweden)/ 哥德巴赫猜想 - 32 Gē dé bā hè cāi xiǎng f /the Goldbach conjecture in number theory/ 哥打巴魯 哥打巴鲁 T - 0 Gē dǎ bā lǔ f /Kota Bharu, city in Malaysia on border with Thailand, capital of Kelantan sultanate/ 哥打巴鲁 哥打巴魯 S - 0 Gē dǎ bā lǔ f /Kota Bharu, city in Malaysia on border with Thailand, capital of Kelantan sultanate/ 哥斯大黎加 - 0 Gē sī dà Lí jiā f /Costa Rica (Tw)/ 哥斯拉 - 3 Gē sī lā f /Godzilla (Japanese ゴジラ Gojira)/ 哥斯达黎加 哥斯達黎加 S - 160 Gē sī dá Lí jiā f /Costa Rica/ 哥斯達黎加 哥斯达黎加 T - 160 Gē sī dá Lí jiā f /Costa Rica/ 哥本哈根 - 97 Gē běn hā gēn f /Copenhagen or København, capital of Denmark/ 哥林多 - 0 Gē lín duō f /Corinth/ 哥林多前书 哥林多前書 S - 0 Gē lín duō qián shū f /First epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians/ 哥林多前書 哥林多前书 T - 0 Gē lín duō qián shū f /First epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians/ 哥林多后书 哥林多後書 S - 0 Gē lín duō hòu shū f /Second epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians/ 哥林多後書 哥林多后书 T - 0 Gē lín duō hòu shū f /Second epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians/ 哥特人 - 17 Gē tè rén f /Goth (e.g. Ostrogoth or Visigoth)/ 哥特式 - 107 gē tè shì f /gothic/ 哥白尼 - 98 Gē bái ní f /Mikolaj Kopernik or Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Polish astronomer, mathematician and polymath/ 哥罗芳 哥羅芳 S - 3 gē luó fāng f /chloroform CHCl3/trichloromethane/ 哥羅芳 哥罗芳 T - 3 gē luó fāng f /chloroform CHCl3/trichloromethane/ 哥老会 哥老會 S - 18 Gē lǎo huì f /late-Qing underground resistance movement against the Qing dynasty/ 哥老會 哥老会 T - 18 Gē lǎo huì f /late-Qing underground resistance movement against the Qing dynasty/ 哥萨克 哥薩克 S - 116 Gē sà kè f /Cossack (people)/ 哥薩克 哥萨克 T - 116 Gē sà kè f /Cossack (people)/ 哦 2501 3470 é f /to chant/ 哦 2501 3470 ó t /oh (interjection indicating doubt or surprise)/ 哦 2501 3470 ò f /oh (interjection indicating that one has just learned sth)/ 哦 2501 3470 o f /sentence-final particle that conveys informality, warmth, friendliness or intimacy/may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of/ 哧 - 200 chī f /sound of giggling/see 呼哧[hu1 chi1]/ 哨 4135 1638 shào f /a whistle/sentry/ 哨兵 - 284 shào bīng f /sentinel/ 哨卡 - 19 shào qiǎ f /border sentry post/ 哨子 - 63 shào zi f /whistle/ 哨子声 哨子聲 S - 0 shào zi shēng f /whistling sound/ 哨子聲 哨子声 T - 0 shào zi shēng f /whistling sound/ 哨所 - 57 shào suǒ f /watchhouse/sentry post/ 哨笛 - 0 shào dí f /a whistle/ 哩 - 4421 lǐ f /mile (unit of length equal to 1,609.344 m)/old form of modern 英里[Ying1 li3]/ 哩 - 4421 li f /(modal final particle similar to 呢[ne5] or 啦[la5])/ 哩哩啦啦 - 4 lī lī lā lā f /scattered/intermittent/sporadic/on and off/stop and go/ 哩哩啰啰 哩哩囉囉 S - 3 lī li luō luō f /verbose or unclear in speech/rambling and indistinct/ 哩哩囉囉 哩哩啰啰 T - 3 lī li luō luō f /verbose or unclear in speech/rambling and indistinct/ 哩哩罗罗 哩哩羅羅 S - 3 lī lī luō luō f /endless mumbling (onom.)/verbose and incomprehensible/talking endlessly/ 哩哩羅羅 哩哩罗罗 T - 3 lī lī luō luō f /endless mumbling (onom.)/verbose and incomprehensible/talking endlessly/ 哩溜歪斜 - 3 lī liū wāi xié f /crooked/deformed/twisted/ 哪 59 12138 nǎ t /how/which/ 哪 59 12138 na f /(particle equivalent to 啊 after noun ending in -n)/ 哪 59 12138 něi f /which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier)/ 哪一个 哪一個 S - 0 nǎ yī ge f /which/ 哪一個 哪一个 T - 0 nǎ yī ge f /which/ 哪个 哪個 S - 1874 nǎ ge f /which/who/ 哪些 - 2849 nǎ xiē f /which ones?/who?/what?/ 哪個 哪个 T - 1874 nǎ ge f /which/who/ 哪像 - 0 nǎ xiàng f /unlike/in contrast to/ 哪儿 哪兒 S 73 2244 nǎ r f /where?/wherever/anywhere/ 哪儿的话 哪兒的話 S - 0 nǎ r de huà f /(coll.) not at all (humble expression denying compliment)/don't mention it/ 哪儿跟哪儿 哪兒跟哪兒 S - 0 nǎ r gēn nǎ r f /what's that have to do with it?/what's the connection?/ 哪兒 哪儿 T 73 2244 nǎ r f /where?/wherever/anywhere/ 哪兒的話 哪儿的话 T - 0 nǎ r de huà f /(coll.) not at all (humble expression denying compliment)/don't mention it/ 哪兒跟哪兒 哪儿跟哪儿 T - 0 nǎ r gēn nǎ r f /what's that have to do with it?/what's the connection?/ 哪吒 - 98 Né zha f /Nezha, protection deity/ 哪壶不开提哪壶 哪壺不開提哪壺 S - 0 nǎ hú bù kāi tí nǎ hú f /lit. mention the pot that doesn't boil (idiom); to touch a sore spot/to talk about sb's weak point/ 哪壺不開提哪壺 哪壶不开提哪壶 T - 0 nǎ hú bù kāi tí nǎ hú f /lit. mention the pot that doesn't boil (idiom); to touch a sore spot/to talk about sb's weak point/ 哪怕 1769 1038 nǎ pà f /even/even if/even though/no matter how/ 哪知 - 3 nǎ zhī f /who would have imagined?/unexpectedly/ 哪裏 哪里 T - 7571 nǎ lǐ f /where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/nowhere (negative answer to question)/humble expression denying compliment/also written 哪裡|哪里/ 哪裡 哪里 T - 7571 nǎ lǐ f /where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/nowhere (negative answer to question)/humble expression denying compliment/ 哪裡哪裡 哪里哪里 T - 0 nǎ lǐ nǎ lǐ f /you're too kind/you flatter me/ 哪里 哪裏 S - 7571 nǎ lǐ f /where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/nowhere (negative answer to question)/humble expression denying compliment/also written 哪裡|哪里/ 哪里 哪裡 S - 7571 nǎ lǐ f /where?/somewhere/anywhere/wherever/nowhere (negative answer to question)/humble expression denying compliment/ 哪里哪里 哪裡哪裡 S - 0 nǎ lǐ nǎ lǐ f /you're too kind/you flatter me/ 哪門子 哪门子 T - 46 nǎ mén zi f /(coll.) (emphasizing a rhetorical question) what/what kind/why on earth/ 哪门子 哪門子 S - 46 nǎ mén zi f /(coll.) (emphasizing a rhetorical question) what/what kind/why on earth/ 哫 - 0 zú f /to cajole/ 哭 435 7478 kū f /to cry/to weep/ 哭丧 哭喪 S - 25 kū sāng f /to wail at a funeral/formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed/ 哭丧棒 哭喪棒 S - 55 kū sāng bàng f /mourning staff draped in white, held at a funeral to show filial piety/ 哭丧着脸 哭喪著臉 S - 98 kū sang zhe liǎn f /sullen/to scowl miserably/ 哭丧脸 哭喪臉 S - 3 kū sang liǎn f /to pull a long face/sullen/also written 哭喪著臉|哭丧着脸/ 哭哭啼啼 - 97 kū ku tí tí f /to weep endlessly/interminable wailing/ 哭喊 - 137 kū hǎn f /to wail/ 哭喪 哭丧 T - 25 kū sāng f /to wail at a funeral/formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed/ 哭喪棒 哭丧棒 T - 55 kū sāng bàng f /mourning staff draped in white, held at a funeral to show filial piety/ 哭喪臉 哭丧脸 T - 3 kū sang liǎn f /to pull a long face/sullen/also written 哭喪著臉|哭丧着脸/ 哭喪著臉 哭丧着脸 T - 98 kū sang zhe liǎn f /sullen/to scowl miserably/ 哭墙 哭牆 S - 16 Kū qiáng f /Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusalem)/ 哭声 哭聲 S - 771 kū shēng f /sound of weeping/ 哭声震天 哭聲震天 S - 0 kū shēng zhèn tiān f /lit. cries of grief shake the heavens/great sorrow (idiom)/ 哭天抹泪 哭天抹淚 S - 6 kū tiān mǒ lèi f /to wail and whine/piteous weeping/ 哭天抹淚 哭天抹泪 T - 6 kū tiān mǒ lèi f /to wail and whine/piteous weeping/ 哭得死去活來 哭得死去活来 T - 0 kū de sǐ qù huó lái f /to cry one's heart out/ 哭得死去活来 哭得死去活來 S - 0 kū de sǐ qù huó lái f /to cry one's heart out/ 哭泣 2977 543 kū qì f /to weep/ 哭灵 哭靈 S - 7 kū líng f /to weep before a coffin or a memorial to the dead/ 哭牆 哭墙 T - 16 Kū qiáng f /Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusalem)/ 哭秋風 哭秋风 T - 0 kū qiū fēng f /autumnal sadness/ 哭秋风 哭秋風 S - 0 kū qiū fēng f /autumnal sadness/ 哭穷 哭窮 S - 15 kū qióng f /to bewail one's poverty/to complain about being hard up/to pretend to be poor/ 哭窮 哭穷 T - 15 kū qióng f /to bewail one's poverty/to complain about being hard up/to pretend to be poor/ 哭笑不得 - 173 kū xiào bù dé f /lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/both funny and extremely embarrassing/between laughter and tears/ 哭聲 哭声 T - 771 kū shēng f /sound of weeping/ 哭聲震天 哭声震天 T - 0 kū shēng zhèn tiān f /lit. cries of grief shake the heavens/great sorrow (idiom)/ 哭脸 哭臉 S - 3 kū liǎn f /to weep/to snivel/ 哭腔 - 52 kū qiāng f /sobbing tone/sob/dirge/opera tune portraying mourning/ 哭臉 哭脸 T - 3 kū liǎn f /to weep/to snivel/ 哭訴 哭诉 T - 127 kū sù f /to lament/to complain tearfully/to wail accusingly/ 哭诉 哭訴 S - 127 kū sù f /to lament/to complain tearfully/to wail accusingly/ 哭靈 哭灵 T - 7 kū líng f /to weep before a coffin or a memorial to the dead/ 哭鼻子 - 31 kū bí zi f /to snivel (usually humorous)/ 哮 - 39 xiào f /pant/roar/bark (of animals)/ 哮喘 - 328 xiào chuǎn f /asthma/ 哮喘病 - 60 xiào chuǎn bìng f /asthma/ 哮鳴 哮鸣 T - 0 xiào míng f /wheezing/ 哮鸣 哮鳴 S - 0 xiào míng f /wheezing/ 哰 - 0 láo f /see 囒哰[lan2 lao2], confused talk/ 哱 - 44 bō f /phonetic bo/used in onomatopoeia/see 呼呼哱[hu1 hu1 bo1], hoopoe bird/ 哲 - 515 zhé f /philosophy/wise/ 哲 喆 S - 515 zhé f /(used in given names)/variant of 哲[zhe2]/ 哲人 - 82 zhé rén f /wise man/ 哲人其萎 - 3 zhé rén qí wěi f /a wise man has passed away (idiom)/ 哲人石 - 0 zhé rén shí f /philosopher's stone/ 哲学 哲學 S 2156 4412 zhé xué f /philosophy/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 哲学博士学位 哲學博士學位 S - 0 zhé xué bó shì xué wèi f /PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy)/also abbr. to 博士學位|博士学位/ 哲学史 哲學史 S - 182 zhé xué shǐ f /history of philosophy/ 哲学家 哲學家 S - 929 zhé xué jiā f /philosopher/ 哲學 哲学 T 2156 4412 zhé xué f /philosophy/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 哲學博士學位 哲学博士学位 T - 0 zhé xué bó shì xué wèi f /PhD degree (Doctor of Philosophy)/also abbr. to 博士學位|博士学位/ 哲學史 哲学史 T - 182 zhé xué shǐ f /history of philosophy/ 哲學家 哲学家 T - 929 zhé xué jiā f /philosopher/ 哲理 - 258 zhé lǐ f /philosophic theory/philosophy/ 哲蚌寺 - 27 Zhé bàng sì f /Drepung monastery, Lhasa, Tibet/ 哳 - 18 zhā f /see 嘲哳, (onom.) twitter/twittering sound/ 哶 咩 T - 56 miē f /old variant of 咩[mie1]/ 哺 - 172 bǔ t /to feed/ 哺 餔 S - 172 bū f /to eat/evening meal/ 哺 餔 S - 172 bù f /see 餔子|哺子[bu4 zi5]/ 哺乳 4738 146 bǔ rǔ f /breast feeding/to suckle/to nurse/ 哺乳动物 哺乳動物 S - 369 bǔ rǔ dòng wù f /mammal/ 哺乳動物 哺乳动物 T - 369 bǔ rǔ dòng wù f /mammal/ 哺乳类 哺乳類 S - 133 bǔ rǔ lèi f /mammals/also written 哺乳動物|哺乳动物/ 哺乳类动物 哺乳類動物 S - 0 bǔ rǔ lèi dòng wù f /mammals/ 哺乳綱 哺乳纲 T - 44 bǔ rǔ gāng f /Mammalia, the class of mammals/ 哺乳纲 哺乳綱 S - 44 bǔ rǔ gāng f /Mammalia, the class of mammals/ 哺乳類 哺乳类 T - 133 bǔ rǔ lèi f /mammals/also written 哺乳動物|哺乳动物/ 哺乳類動物 哺乳类动物 T - 0 bǔ rǔ lèi dòng wù f /mammals/ 哺养 哺養 S - 37 bǔ yǎng f /feed/rear/ 哺子 餔子 S - 0 bù zi f /baby food/ 哺母乳 - 0 bǔ mǔ rǔ f /breast feeding/ 哺育 - 98 bǔ yù f /to feed/to nurture/to foster/ 哺養 哺养 T - 37 bǔ yǎng f /feed/rear/ 哼 2617 3113 hēng f /to groan/to snort/to hum/to croon/humph!/ 哼儿哈儿 哼兒哈兒 S - 0 hēng r hā r f /to hem and haw (loanword)/ 哼兒哈兒 哼儿哈儿 T - 0 hēng r hā r f /to hem and haw (loanword)/ 哼哧 - 6 hēng chī f /to puff hard (e.g. after running)/ 哼哼唧唧 - 3 hēng hēng jī jī f /whining/groaning/muttering/ 哼唧 - 8 hēng ji f /whisper/ 哼唱 - 24 hēng chàng f /to hum/to croon/ 哼声 哼聲 S - 3 hēng shēng f /hum/ 哼聲 哼声 T - 3 hēng shēng f /hum/ 哽 - 76 gěng f /choking/ 哽咽 - 557 gěng yè f /to choke with emotion/to choke with sobs/ 哽噎 - 6 gěng yē f /to choke on one's food/to be choked up emotionally, unable to speak/ 哿 - 20 gě f /excellent/happy/well-being/ 唁 - 15 yàn f /to extend condolences/ 唁信 - 0 yàn xìn f /a letter of condolence/ 唁函 - 3 yàn hán f /a message of condolence/ 唁劳 唁勞 S - 0 yàn láo f /to offer condolences/Taiwan pr. [yan4 lao4]/ 唁勞 唁劳 T - 0 yàn láo f /to offer condolences/Taiwan pr. [yan4 lao4]/ 唁电 唁電 S - 5 yàn diàn f /a telegram of condolence/ 唁電 唁电 T - 5 yàn diàn f /a telegram of condolence/ 唂 - 0 gū f /(onom.) bird call/ 唃 - 8 gū f /old variant of 唂[gu1]/ 唄 呗 T - 255 bài f /to chant/see 梵唄|梵呗[fan4 bai4]/ 唄 呗 T - 255 bei t /modal particle indicating indicating lack of enthusiasm/modal particle indicating that things should only or can only be done a certain way/ 唅 - 0 hān f /a sound/to put in the mouth/ 唆 - 276 suō f /to suck/to incite/ 唇 - 890 chún f /lip/ 唇 脣 S - 890 chún f /variant of 唇[chun2]/ 唇亡齒寒 唇亡齿寒 T - 16 chún wáng chǐ hán f /lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold (idiom); fig. intimately interdependent/ 唇亡齿寒 唇亡齒寒 S - 16 chún wáng chǐ hán f /lit. without the lips, the teeth feel the cold (idiom); fig. intimately interdependent/ 唇印 - 0 chún yìn f /lips-mark/hickey/ 唇形科 - 14 chún xíng kē f /Labiatae, the taxonomic family including lavender, mint/ 唇彩 - 8 chún cǎi f /lip gloss/ 唇枪舌剑 唇槍舌劍 S - 34 chún qiāng shé jiàn f /fight a battle of words/cross verbal swords/ 唇枪舌战 唇槍舌戰 S - 3 chún qiāng shé zhàn f /war of words/ 唇槍舌劍 唇枪舌剑 T - 34 chún qiāng shé jiàn f /fight a battle of words/cross verbal swords/ 唇槍舌戰 唇枪舌战 T - 3 chún qiāng shé zhàn f /war of words/ 唇膏 - 46 chún gāo f /lipstick/ 唇舌 - 58 chún shé f /argument/words/lips and tongue/ 唇角 - 3 chún jiǎo f /corner of the mouth/labial angle/ 唇讀 唇读 T - 0 chún dú f /to lip-read/lipreading/ 唇读 唇讀 S - 0 chún dú f /to lip-read/lipreading/ 唇音 - 6 chún yīn f /labial consonant/ 唇顎裂 唇颚裂 T - 0 chún è liè f /cleft lip and palate/ 唇颚裂 唇顎裂 S - 0 chún è liè f /cleft lip and palate/ 唇齒 唇齿 T - 29 chún chǐ f /lit. lips and teeth (idiom); fig. close partners/interdependent/ 唇齒相依 唇齿相依 T - 11 chún chǐ xiāng yī f /lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related/interdependent/ 唇齒音 唇齿音 T - 3 chún chǐ yīn f /labiodental (e.g. the consonant f in standard Chinese)/ 唇齿 唇齒 S - 29 chún chǐ f /lit. lips and teeth (idiom); fig. close partners/interdependent/ 唇齿相依 唇齒相依 S - 11 chún chǐ xiāng yī f /lit. as close as lips and teeth (idiom); closely related/interdependent/ 唇齿音 唇齒音 S - 3 chún chǐ yīn f /labiodental (e.g. the consonant f in standard Chinese)/ 唈 - 0 yì f /palpitation/short breathing/ 唉 1687 2420 āi t /interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes, it's me!)/to sigh/ 唉 1687 2420 ài f /alas/oh dear/ 唉唉 - 0 āi āi f /(onom.) sighing voice/crying sound/ 唉声叹气 唉聲嘆氣 S - 116 āi shēng tàn qì f /sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)/to heave deep sighs/to sigh in despair/ 唉姐 - 0 āi jiě f /granny (dialect)/ 唉聲嘆氣 唉声叹气 T - 116 āi shēng tàn qì f /sighing voice, wailing breath (idiom)/to heave deep sighs/to sigh in despair/ 唊 - 0 jiá f /(old) to talk recklessly/to talk nonsense/talkative/ 唎 - 7 lì t /(final particle)/sound/noise/ 唎 - 7 li f /variant of 哩[li5]/ 唏 - 50 xī f /sound of sobbing/ 唏哩哗啦 唏哩嘩啦 S - 0 xī lī huā lā f /(onom.) clatter (of mahjong tiles etc)/ 唏哩嘩啦 唏哩哗啦 T - 0 xī lī huā lā f /(onom.) clatter (of mahjong tiles etc)/ 唏嘘 唏噓 S - 92 xī xū f /(onom.) to sigh/to sob/ 唏噓 唏嘘 T - 92 xī xū f /(onom.) to sigh/to sob/ 唐 - 4769 Táng f /Tang dynasty (618-907)/surname Tang/ 唐 - 4769 táng f /to exaggerate/empty/in vain/old variant of 螗[tang2]/ 唐三藏 - 48 Táng sān zàng f /Tripitaka (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645/same as 玄奘/ 唐中宗 - 25 Táng Zhōng zōng f /Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, reign name of fourth Tang emperor Li Zhe 李哲[Li3 Zhe2] (656-710), reigned 705-710/ 唐书 唐書 S - 47 Táng shū f /same as 舊唐書|旧唐书[Jiu4 Tang2 shu1], History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Liu Xu 劉昫|刘昫[Liu2 Xu4] in 945 during Later Jin 後晉|后晋[Hou4 Jin4] of the Five Dynasties, 200 scrolls/ 唐人街 - 33 Táng rén Jiē f /Chinatown/CL:條|条[tiao2],座[zuo4]/ 唐代 - 2269 Táng dài f /Tang dynasty (618-907)/ 唐代宗 - 28 Táng Dài zōng f /Emperor Taizong of Tang (727-779), reign name of ninth Tang emperor Li Yu 李豫[Li3 Yu4], reigned 762-779/ 唐伯虎 - 59 Táng Bó hǔ f /Tang Bohu or Tang Yin 唐寅 (1470-1523), Ming painter and poet, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子/ 唐僖宗 - 15 Táng Xī zōng f /Emperor Xizong of Tang, reign name of nineteenth Tang Emperor Li Xuan 李儇[Li3 Xuan1] (862-888), reigned 873-888/ 唐僧 - 863 Táng sēng f /Xuanzang (602-664) Tang dynasty Buddhist monk and translator, who traveled to India 629-645/ 唐初四大家 - 0 Táng chū Sì Dà jiā f /Four Great Poets of early Tang/refers to Yu Shi'nan 虞世南[Yu2 Shi4 nan2], Ouyang Xun 陽歐詢|欧阳询[Ou1 yang2 Xun2], Chu Suiliang 楮遂良[Chu3 Sui4 liang2] and Xue Ji 薛稷[Xue1 Ji4]/ 唐卡 - 0 táng kǎ f /thangka (Buddhist banner)/ 唐县 唐縣 S - 20 Táng xiàn f /Tang county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 唐古拉 - 16 Táng gǔ lā f /Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原[Qing1 Zang4 gao1 yuan2]/ 唐古拉山 - 124 Táng gǔ lā shān f /Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau/ 唐古拉山脈 唐古拉山脉 T - 21 Táng gǔ lā shān mài f /Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau/ 唐古拉山脉 唐古拉山脈 S - 21 Táng gǔ lā shān mài f /Dangla or Tanggula mountain range on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau/ 唐古拉峰 - 0 Táng gǔ lā fēng f /Dangla or Tanggula mountain on the Qinhai-Tibet plateau/ 唐吉訶德 唐吉诃德 T - 3 Táng jí hē dé f /Don Quixote/also written 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Tang2 ji2 he1 de2]/ 唐吉诃德 唐吉訶德 S - 3 Táng jí hē dé f /Don Quixote/also written 堂吉訶德|堂吉诃德[Tang2 ji2 he1 de2]/ 唐哀帝 - 3 Táng Aī dì f /Emperor Aidi of Tang, reign name of twenty-first and last Tang emperor Li Zhu 李祝[Li3 Zhu4] (892-908), reigned 904-907/ 唐堯 唐尧 T - 12 Táng Yáo f /Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝[wu3 di4], second son of Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾[Di4 Ku4]/ 唐太宗 - 289 Táng Tài zōng f /Emperor Taizong of Tang, reign name of second Tang emperor Li Shimin 李世民[Li3 Shi4 min2] (599-649), reigned 626-649/ 唐太宗李卫公问对 唐太宗李衛公問對 S - 0 Táng Tài zōng Lǐ Wèi Gōng Wèn duì f /"Duke Li of Wei Answering Emperor Taizong of Tang", military treatise attributed to Li Jing 李靖[Li3 Jing4] and one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]/ 唐太宗李衛公問對 唐太宗李卫公问对 T - 0 Táng Tài zōng Lǐ Wèi Gōng Wèn duì f /"Duke Li of Wei Answering Emperor Taizong of Tang", military treatise attributed to Li Jing 李靖[Li3 Jing4] and one of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1]/ 唐宁街 唐寧街 S - 24 Táng níng Jiē f /Downing Street (London)/ 唐宋 - 276 Táng Sòng f /the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties/ 唐宋八大家 - 0 Táng Sòng bā dà jiā f /Eight Giants of Tang and Song prose, esp. involved in the Classics movement 古文運動|古文运动, namely: Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈, Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元, Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修, the Three Su father and sons 三蘇|三苏, Wang Anshi 王安石, Zeng Gong 曾鞏|曾巩/ 唐宣宗 - 9 Táng Xuān zōng f /Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (810-859), reign name of seventeenth Tang emperor Li Chen 李忱[Li3 Chen2], reigned 846-859/ 唐宪宗 唐憲宗 S - 50 Táng Xiàn zōng f /Emperor Xianzong of Tang (778-820), reign name of twelfth Tang emperor Li Chun 李純|李纯[Li3 Chun2] reigned 805-820/ 唐家山 - 0 Táng jiā shān f /area in Beichuan county Sichuan/ 唐家璇 - 218 Táng Jiā xuán f /Tang Jiaxuan (1938-), politician and diplomat/ 唐寅 - 73 Táng Yín f /Tang Bohu 唐伯虎 or Tang Yin (1470-1523), Ming painter and poet, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子/ 唐寧街 唐宁街 T - 24 Táng níng Jiē f /Downing Street (London)/ 唐尧 唐堯 S - 12 Táng Yáo f /Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors 五帝[wu3 di4], second son of Di Ku 帝嚳|帝喾[Di4 Ku4]/ 唐山 - 0 Táng shān f /Tangshan prefecture level city in Hebei/ 唐山地区 唐山地區 S - 4 Táng shān dì qū f /Tangshan county (old name)/ 唐山地區 唐山地区 T - 4 Táng shān dì qū f /Tangshan county (old name)/ 唐山大地震 - 0 Táng shān Dà dì zhèn f /Great Tangshan Earthquake (1976)/ 唐山市 - 56 Táng shān shì f /Tangshan prefecture level city in Hebei/ 唐德宗 - 42 Táng Dé zōng f /Emperor Dezong of Tang (742-805), reign name of tenth Tang emperor Li Kuo 李适[Li3 Kuo4], reigned 779-805/ 唐恩都乐 唐恩都樂 S - 0 Táng ēn Dōu lè f /Dunkin' Donuts/ 唐恩都樂 唐恩都乐 T - 0 Táng ēn Dōu lè f /Dunkin' Donuts/ 唐憲宗 唐宪宗 T - 50 Táng Xiàn zōng f /Emperor Xianzong of Tang (778-820), reign name of twelfth Tang emperor Li Chun 李純|李纯[Li3 Chun2] reigned 805-820/ 唐懿宗 - 2 Táng Yì zōng f /Emperor Yizong of Tang (833-873), reign name of eighteenth Tang emperor Li Cui 李漼[Li3 Cui3], reigned 859-873/ 唐手道 - 0 Táng shǒu dào f /Tang soo do (Korean martial art)/ 唐招提寺 - 11 Táng zhāo tí sì f /Toushoudaiji, the temple in Nara, Japan founded by Tang dynastic Buddhist monk Jianzhen or Ganjin 鑒真和尚|鉴真和尚 and his last resting place/ 唐敬宗 - 0 Táng Jìng zōng f /Emperor Jingzong of Tang (809-827), reign name of fourteenth Tang emperor 李湛[Li3 Zhan4], reigned 825-827/ 唐文宗 - 9 Táng Wén zōng f /Emperor Wenzong of Tang (809-840), reign name of fifteenth Tang emperor 李昂[Li3 Ang2], reigned 827-840/ 唐明皇 - 38 Táng Míng huáng f /Emperor Ming of Tang (685-762), also known as Emperor Xuanzong of Tang 唐玄宗[Tang2 Xuan2 zong1], reigned 712-756/ 唐昭宗 - 29 Táng Zhāo zōng f /Emperor Zhaozong of Tang, reign name of twentieth Tang emperor 李曄|李晔[Li1 Ye4] (867-904), reigned 888-904/ 唐書 唐书 T - 47 Táng shū f /same as 舊唐書|旧唐书[Jiu4 Tang2 shu1], History of the Early Tang Dynasty, sixteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Liu Xu 劉昫|刘昫[Liu2 Xu4] in 945 during Later Jin 後晉|后晋[Hou4 Jin4] of the Five Dynasties, 200 scrolls/ 唐朝 - 826 Táng cháo f /Tang dynasty (618-907)/ 唐末 - 56 Táng mò f /late Tang period (9th century)/ 唐棣 - 3 táng dì f /shadbush or shadberry (genus Amelanchier)/painter and poet of the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368)/ 唐楼 唐樓 S - 0 táng lóu f /tenement building, typically of 2-4 stories, with a shop on the ground floor and upper floors used for residential purposes (esp. in southern China)/ 唐樓 唐楼 T - 0 táng lóu f /tenement building, typically of 2-4 stories, with a shop on the ground floor and upper floors used for residential purposes (esp. in southern China)/ 唐武宗 - 19 Táng Wǔ zōng f /Emperor Wuzong of Tang (814-846), reign name of sixteenth Tang emperor Li Chan 李瀍[Li3 Chan2], reigned 840-846/ 唐殇帝 唐殤帝 S - 0 Táng Shāng dì f /Emperor Shang of Tang, reign name of fifth Tang emperor Li Chongmao 李重茂[Li3 Chong2 mao4] (c. 695-715), reigned 710/ 唐殤帝 唐殇帝 T - 0 Táng Shāng dì f /Emperor Shang of Tang, reign name of fifth Tang emperor Li Chongmao 李重茂[Li3 Chong2 mao4] (c. 695-715), reigned 710/ 唐氏儿 唐氏兒 S - 0 táng shì ér f /Down's syndrome child/ 唐氏兒 唐氏儿 T - 0 táng shì ér f /Down's syndrome child/ 唐氏症 - 0 Táng shì zhèng f /Down's syndrome/mongolism/ 唐氏綜合症 唐氏综合症 T - 0 Táng shì zōng hé zhèng f /Down's syndrome/ 唐氏综合症 唐氏綜合症 S - 0 Táng shì zōng hé zhèng f /Down's syndrome/ 唐河 - 30 Táng hé f /Tanghe county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 唐河县 唐河縣 S - 8 Táng hé xiàn f /Tanghe county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 唐河縣 唐河县 T - 8 Táng hé xiàn f /Tanghe county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 唐海 - 14 Táng hǎi f /Tanghai county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 唐海县 唐海縣 S - 4 Táng hǎi xiàn f /Tanghai county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 唐海縣 唐海县 T - 4 Táng hǎi xiàn f /Tanghai county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 唐狗 - 0 táng gǒu f /mongrel/ 唐玄宗 - 211 Táng Xuán zōng f /Tang Emperor Xuanzong (685-762), also known as Emperor Ming of Tang 唐明皇[Tang2 Ming2 huang2], reign name of seventh Tang emperor 李隆基[Li3 Long1 ji1], reigned 712-756/ 唐璜 - 17 táng huáng f /a dandy/a fop/Don Juan/a ladies man/ 唐睿宗 - 6 Táng Ruì zōng f /Emperor Ruizong of Tang, reign name of sixth Tang emperor Li Dan 李旦[Li3 Dan4] (662-716), reigned 684-690 and 710-712/ 唐穆宗 - 9 Táng Mù zōng f /Emperor Muzong of Tang (795-825), reign name of thirteenth Tang emperor 李恆|李恒[Li3 Heng2] reigned 821-825/ 唐突 - 64 táng tū f /to be rude/to treat irreverently/ 唐納 唐纳 T - 7 táng nà f /Tanner (name)/ 唐納德 唐纳德 T - 18 Táng nà dé f /Donald (name)/ 唐納德·川普 唐纳德·川普 T - 0 Táng nà dé · Chuān pǔ f /Donald Trump (1946-), American business magnate/ 唐紹儀 唐绍仪 T - 49 Táng Shào yí f /Tang Shaoyi (1862-1939), politician and diplomat/ 唐縣 唐县 T - 20 Táng xiàn f /Tang county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 唐纳 唐納 S - 7 táng nà f /Tanner (name)/ 唐纳德 唐納德 S - 18 Táng nà dé f /Donald (name)/ 唐纳德·川普 唐納德·川普 S - 0 Táng nà dé · Chuān pǔ f /Donald Trump (1946-), American business magnate/ 唐绍仪 唐紹儀 S - 49 Táng Shào yí f /Tang Shaoyi (1862-1939), politician and diplomat/ 唐老鴨 唐老鸭 T - 10 Táng Lǎo yā f /Donald Duck/ 唐老鸭 唐老鴨 S - 10 Táng Lǎo yā f /Donald Duck/ 唐肃宗 唐肅宗 S - 26 Táng Sù zōng f /Emperor Suzong of Tang (711-762), reign name of eighth Tang emperor Li Heng 李亨[Li3 Heng1], reigned 756-762/ 唐肅宗 唐肃宗 T - 26 Táng Sù zōng f /Emperor Suzong of Tang (711-762), reign name of eighth Tang emperor Li Heng 李亨[Li3 Heng1], reigned 756-762/ 唐装 唐裝 S - 13 Táng zhuāng f /Tang suit (traditional Chinese jacket)/ 唐裝 唐装 T - 13 Táng zhuāng f /Tang suit (traditional Chinese jacket)/ 唐詩 唐诗 T - 205 Táng shī f /Tang poetry/a Tang poem/ 唐詩三百首 唐诗三百首 T - 0 Táng shī sān bǎi shǒu f /Three hundred Tang dynasty poems, a stable anthology collected around 1763 by Sun Zhu 孫誅/ 唐诗 唐詩 S - 205 Táng shī f /Tang poetry/a Tang poem/ 唐诗三百首 唐詩三百首 S - 0 Táng shī sān bǎi shǒu f /Three hundred Tang dynasty poems, a stable anthology collected around 1763 by Sun Zhu 孫誅/ 唐順宗 唐顺宗 T - 6 Táng Shùn zōng f /Emperor Shunzong of Tang (761-806), reign name of eleventh Tang emperor Li Song 李誦|李诵[Li3 Song4], reigned 805-806/ 唐顺宗 唐順宗 S - 6 Táng Shùn zōng f /Emperor Shunzong of Tang (761-806), reign name of eleventh Tang emperor Li Song 李誦|李诵[Li3 Song4], reigned 805-806/ 唐高宗 - 55 Táng Gāo zōng f /Emperor Gaozong of Tang, reign name of third Tang emperor Li Zhi 李治[Li3 Zhi4] (628-683), reigned 649-683/ 唐高祖 - 50 Táng Gāo zǔ f /Emperor Gaozu of Tang, reign name of first Tang emperor Li Yuan 李淵|李渊[Li3 Yuan1] (566-635), reigned 618-626/ 唐高祖李淵 唐高祖李渊 T - 0 Táng Gāo zǔ Lǐ Yuān f /Li Yuan (566-635), first Tang emperor Gaozu, reigned 618-626/ 唐高祖李渊 唐高祖李淵 S - 0 Táng Gāo zǔ Lǐ Yuān f /Li Yuan (566-635), first Tang emperor Gaozu, reigned 618-626/ 唑 - 89 zuò f /azole (chemistry)/ 唔 - 476 wú f /oh (expression of agreement or surprise)/(Cantonese) not/ 唔好睇 - 0 wú hǎo dì f /unattractive (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 不好看[bu4 hao3 kan4]/ 唕 唣 T - 18 zào f /variant of 唣[zao4]/ 唘 啓 T - 1279 qǐ f /variant of 啓[qi3]/ 唚 吣 T - 34 qìn f /to vomit (of dogs and cats)/to rail against/to talk nonsense/ 唛 嘜 S - 0 mài f /mark (loanword)/also pr. [ma4]/ 唛头 嘜頭 S - 0 mài tóu f /trademark/shipping mark/ 唝 嗊 S - 0 hǒng f /sing/ 唝吥 嗊吥 S - 0 Gòng bù f /old name for the town of Kampot in Cambodia, now written 貢布|贡布[Gong4 bu4]/ 唞 - 4 dǒu f /to take a rest (Cantonese)/ 唠 嘮 S - 44 láo t /to chatter/ 唠 嘮 S - 44 lào f /to gossip/to chat (dialect)/ 唠叨 嘮叨 S 3279 172 láo dao f /to prattle/to chatter away/to nag/garrulous/nagging/ 唠嗑 嘮嗑 S - 12 lào kē f /(dialect) to chat/to gossip/ 唡 啢 S - 9 liǎng f /ounce (British imperial system) (old)/ 唢 嗩 S - 3 suǒ f /see 嗩吶|唢呐[suo3 na4]/ 唢呐 嗩吶 S - 165 suǒ nà f /suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes/also written 鎖吶|锁呐/also called 喇叭[la3 ba5]/ 唣 唕 S - 18 zào f /variant of 唣[zao4]/ 唣 - 18 zào f /see 羅唣|罗唣, to create a disturbance/to make trouble/to harass/ 唤 喚 S - 1625 huàn f /to call/ 唤作 喚作 S - 3 huàn zuò f /to be called/to be known as/ 唤做 喚做 S - 0 huàn zuò f /to be called/to be referred to as/ 唤头 喚頭 S - 3 huàn tou f /percussion instrument used by street peddlers, barbers etc to attract attention/ 唤起 喚起 S - 503 huàn qǐ f /to waken (to action)/to rouse (the masses)/to evoke (attention, recollection etc)/ 唤醒 喚醒 S - 242 huàn xǐng f /to wake sb/to rouse/ 唤雨呼风 喚雨呼風 S - 0 huàn yǔ hū fēng f /to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom)/to exercise magical powers/fig. to stir up troubles/also 呼風喚雨|呼风唤雨[hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3]/ 唧 - 15 jī f /(onom.) to pump (water)/ 唧咕 - 3 jī gu f /(onom.) whisper/ 唧唧 - 377 jī jī f /(onom.) chirping of insects, sighing noise etc/ 唧唧喳喳 - 13 jī jī zhā zhā f /(onom.) chattering or giggling/ 唧唧嘎嘎 - 3 jī jī gá gá f /(onom.) giggling noise/ 唧啾 - 3 jī jiū f /(onom.) babble/twittering of birds/ 唧筒 - 7 jī tǒng f /a pump/water pump/ 唧筒座 - 0 Jī tǒng zuò f /Antlia (constellation)/ 唪 - 4 fěng f /recite/chant/ 唫 吟 T - 614 yín f /old variant of 吟[yin2]/ 唫 - 3 jìn t /to stutter/to shut one's mouth/Taiwan pr. [yin2]/ 唫 - 3 yín f /variant of 崟[yin2]/ 唬 - 723 hǔ f /a tiger's roar/to scare/ 唬弄 - 0 hǔ nòng f /to fool/to deceive/ 唬烂 唬爛 S - 0 hǔ làn f /(slang) (Tw) to bullshit/to fool/ 唬爛 唬烂 T - 0 hǔ làn f /(slang) (Tw) to bullshit/to fool/ 售 - 803 shòu f /to sell/to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc)/ 售价 售價 S - 311 shòu jià f /selling price/ 售價 售价 T - 311 shòu jià f /selling price/ 售卖 售賣 S - 58 shòu mài f /to sell/ 售后服务 售後服務 S - 151 shòu hòu fú wù f /after-sales service/ 售完 - 28 shòu wán f /to sell out/ 售完即止 - 0 shòu wán jí zhǐ f /while stocks last/subject to availability/ 售後服務 售后服务 T - 151 shòu hòu fú wù f /after-sales service/ 售票口 - 11 shòu piào kǒu f /ticket window/ 售票员 售票員 S - 66 shòu piào yuán f /ticket seller/ 售票員 售票员 T - 66 shòu piào yuán f /ticket seller/ 售票处 售票處 S - 45 shòu piào chù f /ticket office/ 售票大厅 售票大廳 S - 0 shòu piào dà tīng f /ticket office/ 售票大廳 售票大厅 T - 0 shòu piào dà tīng f /ticket office/ 售票處 售票处 T - 45 shòu piào chù f /ticket office/ 售罄 - 6 shòu qìng f /to be completely sold out/to sell out/ 售貨 售货 T - 36 shòu huò f /to sell goods/ 售貨員 售货员 T 1183 74 shòu huò yuán f /salesperson/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 售貨臺 售货台 T - 0 shòu huò tái f /vendor's stall/ 售賣 售卖 T - 58 shòu mài f /to sell/ 售货 售貨 S - 36 shòu huò f /to sell goods/ 售货台 售貨臺 S - 0 shòu huò tái f /vendor's stall/ 售货员 售貨員 S 1183 74 shòu huò yuán f /salesperson/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 唯 - 997 wéi t /-ism/only/alone/ 唯 - 997 wěi f /yes/ 唯一 1218 4448 wéi yī f /only/sole/ 唯一性 - 24 wéi yī xìng f /uniqueness/ 唯利是图 唯利是圖 S - 33 wéi lì shì tú f /to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything/self-seeking/ 唯利是圖 唯利是图 T - 33 wéi lì shì tú f /to seek nothing but profit (idiom); personal profit before everything/self-seeking/ 唯命是从 唯命是從 S - 12 wéi mìng shì cóng f /to follow obediently/ 唯命是從 唯命是从 T - 12 wéi mìng shì cóng f /to follow obediently/ 唯唯諾諾 唯唯诺诺 T - 59 wěi wěi nuò nuò f /to be a yes-man/ 唯唯诺诺 唯唯諾諾 S - 59 wěi wěi nuò nuò f /to be a yes-man/ 唯心主义 唯心主義 S - 340 wéi xīn zhǔ yì f /philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external reality is a product of consciousness/ 唯心主義 唯心主义 T - 340 wéi xīn zhǔ yì f /philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external reality is a product of consciousness/ 唯心論 唯心论 T - 31 wéi xīn lùn f /philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external reality is a product of consciousness/ 唯心论 唯心論 S - 31 wéi xīn lùn f /philosophy of idealism, the doctrine that external reality is a product of consciousness/ 唯恐 - 374 wéi kǒng f /for fear that/lest/also written 惟恐/ 唯恐天下不乱 唯恐天下不亂 S - 0 wéi kǒng tiān xià bù luàn f /to wish for the whole world to be in chaos (idiom)/ 唯恐天下不亂 唯恐天下不乱 T - 0 wéi kǒng tiān xià bù luàn f /to wish for the whole world to be in chaos (idiom)/ 唯意志論 唯意志论 T - 0 wéi yì zhì lùn f /voluntarism/metaphysical view, esp. due to Schopenhauer 叔本華|叔本华[Shu1 ben3 hua2], that the essence of the world is willpower/ 唯意志论 唯意志論 S - 0 wéi yì zhì lùn f /voluntarism/metaphysical view, esp. due to Schopenhauer 叔本華|叔本华[Shu1 ben3 hua2], that the essence of the world is willpower/ 唯有 - 642 wéi yǒu f /only/ 唯物 - 20 wéi wù f /materialistic/ 唯物主义 唯物主義 S - 409 wéi wù zhǔ yì f /materialism, philosophical doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality/ 唯物主義 唯物主义 T - 409 wéi wù zhǔ yì f /materialism, philosophical doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality/ 唯物論 唯物论 T - 49 wéi wù lùn f /the philosophy of materialism, doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality/ 唯物论 唯物論 S - 49 wéi wù lùn f /the philosophy of materialism, doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality/ 唯独 唯獨 S 4438 597 wéi dú f /only/just (i.e. it is only that...)/all except/unique/ 唯獨 唯独 T 4438 597 wéi dú f /only/just (i.e. it is only that...)/all except/unique/ 唯理論 唯理论 T - 45 wéi lǐ lùn f /(philosophy) rationalism/ 唯理论 唯理論 S - 45 wéi lǐ lùn f /(philosophy) rationalism/ 唯美 - 49 wéi měi f /aesthetics/ 唯識宗 唯识宗 T - 34 Wéi shí zōng f /Yogācāra school of Buddhism/Consciousness-only school of Buddhism/ 唯讀 唯读 T - 0 wéi dú f /read only (computing)/ 唯识宗 唯識宗 S - 34 Wéi shí zōng f /Yogācāra school of Buddhism/Consciousness-only school of Buddhism/ 唯读 唯讀 S - 0 wéi dú f /read only (computing)/ 唯象 - 0 wéi xiàng f /phenomenological/ 唯象理論 唯象理论 T - 3 wéi xiàng lǐ lùn f /phenomenology/ 唯象理论 唯象理論 S - 3 wéi xiàng lǐ lùn f /phenomenology/ 唰 - 176 shuā f /(onom.) swishing/rustling/ 唱 - 4365 chàng f /to sing/to call loudly/to chant/ 唱K - 0 chàng K f /(slang) to sing karaoke/ 唱功 - 26 chàng gōng f /singing skill/ 唱双簧 唱雙簧 S - 3 chàng shuāng huáng f /lit. to sing a duet/fig. to collaborate with sb/also used satirically: to play second fiddle to/ 唱反調 唱反调 T - 26 chàng fǎn diào f /to express a different view/to take a different position/ 唱反调 唱反調 S - 26 chàng fǎn diào f /to express a different view/to take a different position/ 唱名 - 287 chàng míng f /solfege/ 唱和 - 62 chàng hè f /antiphon (i.e. solo voice answered by chorus)/sung reply (in agreement with first voice)/to reply with a poem in the same rhythm/ 唱商 - 0 chàng shāng f /one's ability to give a convincing performance of a song/ 唱喏 - 39 chàng nuò t /to answer respectfully "yes"/ 唱喏 - 39 chàng rě f /(old) to bow and utter polite phrases/to open the way (for a dignitary etc)/ 唱头 唱頭 S - 2 chàng tóu f /pick-up (carrying gramophone needle)/ 唱对台戏 唱對臺戲 S - 13 chàng duì tái xì f /to put on a rival show (idiom); to set oneself up against sb/to get into confrontation/ 唱對臺戲 唱对台戏 T - 13 chàng duì tái xì f /to put on a rival show (idiom); to set oneself up against sb/to get into confrontation/ 唱念 - 3 chàng niàn f /to recite loudly/to sing out/ 唱戏 唱戲 S - 209 chàng xì f /to perform in opera/ 唱戲 唱戏 T - 209 chàng xì f /to perform in opera/ 唱曲 - 56 chàng qǔ f /to sing a song/ 唱本 - 31 chàng běn f /opera libretto/ 唱机 唱機 S - 9 chàng jī f /gramophone/ 唱機 唱机 T - 9 chàng jī f /gramophone/ 唱歌 268 351 chàng gē f /to sing a song/ 唱段 - 27 chàng duàn f /aria (in opera)/ 唱法 - 41 chàng fǎ f /singing style/singing method/ 唱片 - 372 chàng piàn f /gramophone record/LP/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 唱白脸 唱白臉 S - 10 chàng bái liǎn f /to play the role of the villain (idiom)/ 唱白臉 唱白脸 T - 10 chàng bái liǎn f /to play the role of the villain (idiom)/ 唱盘 唱盤 S - 13 chàng pán f /turntable/gramophone record/ 唱盤 唱盘 T - 13 chàng pán f /turntable/gramophone record/ 唱碟 - 2 chàng dié f /gramophone record/LP/ 唱票 - 11 chàng piào f /to read ballot slips out loud/ 唱紅臉 唱红脸 T - 11 chàng hóng liǎn f /to play the role of the hero (idiom)/to play the good cop/ 唱红脸 唱紅臉 S - 11 chàng hóng liǎn f /to play the role of the hero (idiom)/to play the good cop/ 唱腔 - 193 chàng qiāng f /vocal music (in opera)/aria/ 唱臂 - 0 chàng bì f /tone-arm (tracking arm of gramophone)/ 唱詩班 唱诗班 T - 9 chàng shī bān f /choir/ 唱诗班 唱詩班 S - 9 chàng shī bān f /choir/ 唱針 唱针 T - 5 chàng zhēn f /stylus (gramophone needle)/ 唱针 唱針 S - 5 chàng zhēn f /stylus (gramophone needle)/ 唱雙簧 唱双簧 T - 3 chàng shuāng huáng f /lit. to sing a duet/fig. to collaborate with sb/also used satirically: to play second fiddle to/ 唱頭 唱头 T - 2 chàng tóu f /pick-up (carrying gramophone needle)/ 唱高調 唱高调 T - 11 chàng gāo diào f /to sing the high part/to speak fine sounding but empty words (idiom)/ 唱高調兒 唱高调儿 T - 0 chàng gāo diào r f /erhua variant of 唱高調|唱高调[chang4 gao1 diao4]/ 唱高调 唱高調 S - 11 chàng gāo diào f /to sing the high part/to speak fine sounding but empty words (idiom)/ 唱高调儿 唱高調兒 S - 0 chàng gāo diào r f /erhua variant of 唱高調|唱高调[chang4 gao1 diao4]/ 唱黑脸 唱黑臉 S - 0 chàng hēi liǎn f /to play the role of the strict parent (or superior etc)/ 唱黑臉 唱黑脸 T - 0 chàng hēi liǎn f /to play the role of the strict parent (or superior etc)/ 唲 - 8 ér f /forced laughter/ 唳 - 42 lì f /cry of a crane or wild goose/ 唵 - 33 ǎn f /(interjection) oh!/(dialect) to stuff sth in one's mouth/(used in buddhist transliterations) om/ 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 - 0 ǎn ma ní bā mī hōng f /Om Mani Padme Hum (Sanskrit), or Om Mani Peme Hung (Tibetan), the Avalokiteshvara mantra/ 唶 - 3 jiè f /sigh/groan/loud laughter/ 唷 - 268 yō t /(interjection expressing surprise) Oh!/My!/ 唷 - 268 yo f /final particle expressing exhortation, admiration etc/ 唸 念 T 1486 3978 niàn f /variant of 念[nian4], to read aloud/ 唸唸有詞 念念有词 T - 79 niàn niàn yǒu cí f /variant of 念念有詞|念念有词[nian4 nian4 you3 ci2]/ 唹 - 17 yú f /to smile at/ 唻 - 25 lài f /(modal particle similar to 呢[ne5] or 啦[la1])/ 唼 - 7 shǎ f /to speak evil/gobbling sound made by ducks/ 唾 - 165 tuò f /saliva/to spit/ 唾余 唾餘 S - 3 tuò yú f /crumbs from the table of one's master/castoffs/bits of rubbish/idle talk/casual remarks/ 唾弃 唾棄 S 4519 62 tuò qì f /to spurn/to disdain/ 唾手可得 - 55 tuò shǒu kě dé f /easily obtained/readily available/ 唾棄 唾弃 T 4519 62 tuò qì f /to spurn/to disdain/ 唾沫 - 332 tuò mo f /spittle/saliva/ 唾沫星子 - 24 tuò mò xīng zi f /sputter/ 唾液 - 172 tuò yè f /saliva/ 唾液腺 - 35 tuò yè xiàn f /salivary gland/ 唾罵 唾骂 T - 70 tuò mà f /to spit on and curse/to revile/ 唾面自乾 唾面自干 T - 3 tuò miàn zì gān f /to be spat on in the face and let it dry by itself, not wiping it off (idiom); to turn the other cheek/to drain the cup of humiliation/ 唾面自干 唾面自乾 S - 3 tuò miàn zì gān f /to be spat on in the face and let it dry by itself, not wiping it off (idiom); to turn the other cheek/to drain the cup of humiliation/ 唾餘 唾余 T - 3 tuò yú f /crumbs from the table of one's master/castoffs/bits of rubbish/idle talk/casual remarks/ 唾骂 唾罵 S - 70 tuò mà f /to spit on and curse/to revile/ 唿 - 47 hū f /to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth)/(onom.) for the sound of the wind/ 唿哨 - 83 hū shào f /to whistle (with fingers in one's mouth)/nowadays written 呼哨/ 唿喇 - 0 hū lǎ f /whoosh/ 唿喇喇 - 0 hū là là f /roar of the wind/ 啀 嘊 S - 240 ái f /to growl (of dog)/to bare fangs/ 啁 - 20 zhōu f /twittering of birds/ 啁啾 - 25 zhōu jiū f /(bird) twitter/chirp/ 啃 3559 664 kěn f /to gnaw/to nibble/to bite/ 啃书 啃書 S - 3 kěn shū f /lit. to gnaw a book/to study/to cram/ 啃書 啃书 T - 3 kěn shū f /lit. to gnaw a book/to study/to cram/ 啃老 - 0 kěn lǎo f /(coll.) to live with and depend on one's parents even upon reaching adulthood/ 啃老族 - 3 kěn lǎo zú f /(coll.) adults still living with and depending on their parents/ 啄 - 476 zhuó f /to peck/ 啄木鳥 啄木鸟 T - 70 zhuó mù niǎo f /woodpecker/ 啄木鸟 啄木鳥 S - 70 zhuó mù niǎo f /woodpecker/ 啄羊鸚鵡 啄羊鹦鹉 T - 0 zhuó yáng yīng wǔ f /kea (Nestor notabilis)/ 啄羊鹦鹉 啄羊鸚鵡 S - 0 zhuó yáng yīng wǔ f /kea (Nestor notabilis)/ 啄花鳥 啄花鸟 T - 0 zhuó huā niǎo f /flowerpecker (any bird of the family Dicaeidae)/ 啄花鸟 啄花鳥 S - 0 zhuó huā niǎo f /flowerpecker (any bird of the family Dicaeidae)/ 啄食 - 52 zhuó shí f /(of a bird) to peck at food/ 啅 - 9 zhào f /chirp/ 商 - 3853 Shāng f /Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)/surname Shang/ 商 - 3853 shāng f /commerce/merchant/dealer/to consult/2nd note in pentatonic scale/quotient (as in 智商[zhi4 shang1], intelligence quotient)/ 商丘 - 251 Shāng qiū f /Shangqiu prefecture level city in Henan/ 商丘地区 商丘地區 S - 0 Shāng qiū dì qū f /Shangqiu prefecture in Henan/ 商丘地區 商丘地区 T - 0 Shāng qiū dì qū f /Shangqiu prefecture in Henan/ 商丘市 - 11 Shāng qiū shì f /Shangqiu prefecture level city in Henan/ 商业 商業 S 1756 6280 shāng yè f /business/trade/commerce/ 商业中心 商業中心 S - 3 shāng yè zhōng xīn f /business center/commerce center/ 商业化 商業化 S - 116 shāng yè huà f /to commercialize/ 商业区 商業區 S - 146 shāng yè qū f /business district/downtown/ 商业发票 商業發票 S - 3 shāng yè fā piào f /commercial invoice/ 商业应用 商業應用 S - 0 shāng yè yìng yòng f /business application/ 商业机构 商業機構 S - 3 shāng yè jī gòu f /commercial organization/ 商业模式 商業模式 S - 3 shāng yè mó shì f /business model/ 商业版本 商業版本 S - 0 shāng yè bǎn běn f /commercial version (of software)/ 商业管理 商業管理 S - 0 shāng yè guǎn lǐ f /business administration/ 商业行为 商業行為 S - 3 shāng yè xíng wéi f /business activity/commercial activity/ 商业计划 商業計劃 S - 0 shāng yè jì huà f /business plan/ 商业银行 商業銀行 S - 354 shāng yè yín háng f /commercial bank/ 商人 - 2829 shāng rén f /merchant/businessman/ 商人銀行 商人银行 T - 0 shāng rén yín háng f /merchant banking/ 商人银行 商人銀行 S - 0 shāng rén yín háng f /merchant banking/ 商代 - 457 Shāng dài f /the prehistoric Shang dynasty (c. 16th-11th century BC)/ 商会 商會 S - 246 shāng huì f /chamber of commerce/ 商兌 商兑 T - 3 shāng duì f /to discuss and deliberate/ 商兑 商兌 S - 3 shāng duì f /to discuss and deliberate/ 商办 商辦 S - 3 shāng bàn f /to consult and act upon/privately run/commercial/ 商务 商務 S 2306 1166 shāng wù f /commercial affairs/commercial/commerce/business/ 商务中心区 商務中心區 S - 0 shāng wù zhōng xīn qū f /central business district (e.g. CBD of Beijing)/ 商务印书馆 商務印書館 S - 184 Shāng wù Yìn shū guǎn f /The Commercial Press, Beijing (est. 1897)/ 商务汉语考试 商務漢語考試 S - 0 Shāng wù Hàn yǔ Kǎo shì f /Business Chinese Test (BCT)/ 商务部 商務部 S - 230 Shāng wù bù f /Department of Trade/Department of Commerce/ 商務 商务 T 2306 1166 shāng wù f /commercial affairs/commercial/commerce/business/ 商務中心區 商务中心区 T - 0 shāng wù zhōng xīn qū f /central business district (e.g. CBD of Beijing)/ 商務印書館 商务印书馆 T - 184 Shāng wù Yìn shū guǎn f /The Commercial Press, Beijing (est. 1897)/ 商務漢語考試 商务汉语考试 T - 0 Shāng wù Hàn yǔ Kǎo shì f /Business Chinese Test (BCT)/ 商務部 商务部 T - 230 Shāng wù bù f /Department of Trade/Department of Commerce/ 商南 - 8 Shāng nán f /Shangnan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 商南县 商南縣 S - 4 Shāng nán Xiàn f /Shangnan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 商南縣 商南县 T - 4 Shāng nán Xiàn f /Shangnan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 商号 商號 S - 60 shāng hào f /store/a business/ 商君书 商君書 S - 3 Shāng Jūn Shū f /The Book of Lord Shang, Legalist text of the 4th century BC/ 商君書 商君书 T - 3 Shāng Jūn Shū f /The Book of Lord Shang, Legalist text of the 4th century BC/ 商品 2134 10160 shāng pǐn f /good/commodity/merchandise/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 商品价值 商品價值 S - 0 shāng pǐn jià zhí f /commodity value/ 商品價值 商品价值 T - 0 shāng pǐn jià zhí f /commodity value/ 商品化 - 127 shāng pǐn huà f /commodification/ 商品經濟 商品经济 T - 494 shāng pǐn jīng jì f /commodity economy/ 商品经济 商品經濟 S - 494 shāng pǐn jīng jì f /commodity economy/ 商圈 - 21 shāng quān f /commercial district/business district/ 商场 商場 S - 730 shāng chǎng f /shopping mall/shopping center/department store/emporium/CL:家[jia1]/the business world/ 商城 - 1270 Shāng chéng f /see 商城縣|商城县[Shang1 cheng2 xian4]/ 商城 - 1270 shāng chéng f /shopping center/department store/ 商城县 商城縣 S - 4 Shāng chéng xiàn f /Shangcheng county, Henan/ 商城縣 商城县 T - 4 Shāng chéng xiàn f /Shangcheng county, Henan/ 商域 - 0 shāng yù f /field of fractions (math)/ 商埠 - 114 shāng bù f /commercial port/trading port/treaty port (old)/ 商報 商报 T - 105 shāng bào f /business newspaper/ 商場 商场 T - 730 shāng chǎng f /shopping mall/shopping center/department store/emporium/CL:家[jia1]/the business world/ 商女 - 3 shāng nǚ f /female singer (archaic)/ 商学 商學 S - 8 shāng xué f /business studies/commerce as an academic subject/ 商学院 商學院 S - 388 shāng xué yuàn f /business school/university of business studies/ 商學 商学 T - 8 shāng xué f /business studies/commerce as an academic subject/ 商學院 商学院 T - 388 shāng xué yuàn f /business school/university of business studies/ 商定 - 311 shāng dìng f /to agree/to decide after consultation/to come to a compromise/ 商家 - 376 shāng jiā f /merchant/business/enterprise/ 商展 - 3 shāng zhǎn f /trade show/exhibition of goods/ 商州 - 185 Shāng zhōu f /Shangzhou District of Shangluo City 商洛市[Shang1 luo4 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 商州区 商州區 S - 3 Shāng zhōu Qū f /Shangzhou District of Shangluo City 商洛市[Shang1 luo4 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 商州區 商州区 T - 3 Shāng zhōu Qū f /Shangzhou District of Shangluo City 商洛市[Shang1 luo4 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 商店 136 886 shāng diàn f /store/shop/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]/ 商战 商戰 S - 27 shāng zhàn f /trade war/ 商戰 商战 T - 27 shāng zhàn f /trade war/ 商戶 商户 T - 70 shāng hù f /merchant/trader/businessman/firm/ 商户 商戶 S - 70 shāng hù f /merchant/trader/businessman/firm/ 商报 商報 S - 105 shāng bào f /business newspaper/ 商数 商數 S - 9 shāng shù f /quotient (math.)/ 商數 商数 T - 9 shāng shù f /quotient (math.)/ 商旅 - 357 shāng lǚ f /traveling merchant/ 商會 商会 T - 246 shāng huì f /chamber of commerce/ 商朝 - 414 Shāng cháo f /Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1046 BC)/ 商机 商機 S - 180 shāng jī f /business opportunity/commercial opportunity/ 商标 商標 S 3975 365 shāng biāo f /trademark/logo/ 商栈 商棧 S - 0 shāng zhàn f /inn/caravansary/ 商检 商檢 S - 28 shāng jiǎn f /to inspect goods/ 商棧 商栈 T - 0 shāng zhàn f /inn/caravansary/ 商業 商业 T 1756 6280 shāng yè f /business/trade/commerce/ 商業中心 商业中心 T - 3 shāng yè zhōng xīn f /business center/commerce center/ 商業化 商业化 T - 116 shāng yè huà f /to commercialize/ 商業區 商业区 T - 146 shāng yè qū f /business district/downtown/ 商業應用 商业应用 T - 0 shāng yè yìng yòng f /business application/ 商業模式 商业模式 T - 3 shāng yè mó shì f /business model/ 商業機構 商业机构 T - 3 shāng yè jī gòu f /commercial organization/ 商業版本 商业版本 T - 0 shāng yè bǎn běn f /commercial version (of software)/ 商業發票 商业发票 T - 3 shāng yè fā piào f /commercial invoice/ 商業管理 商业管理 T - 0 shāng yè guǎn lǐ f /business administration/ 商業行為 商业行为 T - 3 shāng yè xíng wéi f /business activity/commercial activity/ 商業計劃 商业计划 T - 0 shāng yè jì huà f /business plan/ 商業銀行 商业银行 T - 354 shāng yè yín háng f /commercial bank/ 商榷 - 73 shāng què f /to discuss/to bring up various ideas for discussion/ 商標 商标 T 3975 365 shāng biāo f /trademark/logo/ 商機 商机 T - 180 shāng jī f /business opportunity/commercial opportunity/ 商檢 商检 T - 28 shāng jiǎn f /to inspect goods/ 商民 - 12 shāng mín f /merchant/ 商水 - 13 Shāng shuǐ f /Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 商水县 商水縣 S - 4 Shāng shuǐ xiàn f /Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 商水縣 商水县 T - 4 Shāng shuǐ xiàn f /Shangshui county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 商汤 商湯 S - 48 Shāng Tāng f /Shang Tang (1646-? BC), legendary founder of the Shang Dynasty/ 商河 - 3 Shāng hé f /Shanghe county in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ 商河县 商河縣 S - 15 Shāng hé xiàn f /Shanghe county in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ 商河縣 商河县 T - 15 Shāng hé xiàn f /Shanghe county in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ 商洛 - 72 Shāng luò f /Shangluo prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 商洛市 - 7 Shāng luò Shì f /Shangluo prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 商洽 - 17 shāng qià f /to parley/to negotiate/to discuss/ 商港 - 67 shāng gǎng f /commercial port/trading harbor/ 商湯 商汤 T - 48 Shāng Tāng f /Shang Tang (1646-? BC), legendary founder of the Shang Dynasty/ 商演 - 2 shāng yǎn f /commercial performance/ 商界 - 103 shāng jiè f /business world/business community/ 商祺 - 3 shāng qí f /business is auspicious/conventional greeting at the foot of a letter: May your business go well!/ 商科 - 12 Shāng kē f /Shangke corporation, PRC IT company (since 1994)/ 商科 - 12 shāng kē f /business studies/ 商科院校 - 0 shāng kē yuàn xiào f /Business school/ 商科集团 商科集團 S - 0 Shāng kē Jí tuán f /Shangke Corporation, PRC IT company (since 1994)/ 商科集團 商科集团 T - 0 Shāng kē Jí tuán f /Shangke Corporation, PRC IT company (since 1994)/ 商稅 商税 T - 3 shāng shuì f /tax on trade/ 商税 商稅 S - 3 shāng shuì f /tax on trade/ 商紂王 商纣王 T - 0 Shāng Zhòu wáng f /King Zhou of Shang (11th century BC), notorious as a cruel tyrant/ 商約 商约 T - 16 shāng yuē f /trade treaty/ 商纣王 商紂王 S - 0 Shāng Zhòu wáng f /King Zhou of Shang (11th century BC), notorious as a cruel tyrant/ 商约 商約 S - 16 shāng yuē f /trade treaty/ 商舖 商铺 T - 48 shāng pù f /shop/store/ 商船 - 285 shāng chuán f /merchant ship/ 商號 商号 T - 60 shāng hào f /store/a business/ 商行 - 98 shāng háng f /trading company/ 商計 商计 T - 3 shāng jì f /to negotiate/to discuss/ 商討 商讨 T - 216 shāng tǎo f /to discuss/to deliberate/ 商誉 商譽 S - 4 shāng yù f /reputation of a firm's product/ 商調 商调 T - 3 shāng diào f /to negotiate the transfer of personnel/ 商談 商谈 T - 178 shāng tán f /to confer/to discuss/to engage in talks/ 商議 商议 T - 1729 shāng yì f /to negotiate/discussion/proposal/ 商譽 商誉 T - 4 shāng yù f /reputation of a firm's product/ 商计 商計 S - 3 shāng jì f /to negotiate/to discuss/ 商讨 商討 S - 216 shāng tǎo f /to discuss/to deliberate/ 商议 商議 S - 1729 shāng yì f /to negotiate/discussion/proposal/ 商调 商調 S - 3 shāng diào f /to negotiate the transfer of personnel/ 商谈 商談 S - 178 shāng tán f /to confer/to discuss/to engage in talks/ 商販 商贩 T - 162 shāng fàn f /trader/peddler/ 商貿 商贸 T - 658 shāng mào f /trade and commerce/ 商賈 商贾 T - 264 shāng gǔ f /merchant/ 商贩 商販 S - 162 shāng fàn f /trader/peddler/ 商贸 商貿 S - 658 shāng mào f /trade and commerce/ 商贾 商賈 S - 264 shāng gǔ f /merchant/ 商路 - 57 shāng lù f /trade route/ 商辦 商办 T - 3 shāng bàn f /to consult and act upon/privately run/commercial/ 商都 - 61 Shāng dū f /Shangdu county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 商都县 商都縣 S - 3 Shāng dū xiàn f /Shangdu county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 商都縣 商都县 T - 3 Shāng dū xiàn f /Shangdu county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 商酌 - 10 shāng zhuó f /to deliberate/ 商量 1015 2706 shāng liang f /to consult/to talk over/to discuss/ 商铺 商舖 S - 48 shāng pù f /shop/store/ 商队 商隊 S - 63 shāng duì f /caravan/ 商隊 商队 T - 63 shāng duì f /caravan/ 商鞅 - 120 Shāng Yāng f /Shang Yang (c. 390-338 BC), legalist philosopher and important statesman of Qin state 秦國|秦国 whose militaristic reforms in 356 and 350 BC played a key role in establishing Qin power/ 商鞅变法 商鞅變法 S - 0 Shāng Yāng biàn fǎ f /Shang Yang's political reform of Qin state 秦國|秦国 of 356 BC and 350 BC, that put it on the road to world domination/ 商鞅變法 商鞅变法 T - 0 Shāng Yāng biàn fǎ f /Shang Yang's political reform of Qin state 秦國|秦国 of 356 BC and 350 BC, that put it on the road to world domination/ 商飆徐起 商飙徐起 T - 0 shāng biāo xú qǐ f /the autumn breeze comes gently (idiom)/ 商飙徐起 商飆徐起 S - 0 shāng biāo xú qǐ f /the autumn breeze comes gently (idiom)/ 啉 - 37 lín f /see 卟啉, porphyrin/ 啊 301 21810 ā f /interjection of surprise/Ah!/Oh!/ 啊 301 21810 á f /interjection expressing doubt or requiring answer/Eh?/what?/ 啊 301 21810 ǎ f /interjection of surprise or doubt/Eh?/My!/what's up?/ 啊 301 21810 à f /interjection or grunt of agreement/uhm/Ah, OK/expression of recognition/Oh, it's you!/ 啊 301 21810 a t /modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation, approval, or consent/ 啊呀 - 48 ā yā f /interjection of surprise/Oh my!/ 啊哟 啊喲 S - 417 ā yo f /interjection of surprise or pain/Oh/Ow/My goodness!/ 啊喲 啊哟 T - 417 ā yo f /interjection of surprise or pain/Oh/Ow/My goodness!/ 啍 - 0 tūn f /move slowly/ 啎 - 2 wǔ f /obstinate, disobedient, intractable/ 問 问 T 188 34296 wèn f /to ask/ 問世 问世 T 4628 759 wèn shì f /to be published/to come out/ 問事 问事 T - 0 wèn shì f /to ask for information/to inquire/ 問住 问住 T - 3 wèn zhù f /to stump sb with a question/ 問倒 问倒 T - 0 wèn dǎo f /to stump/to baffle/ 問候 问候 T 2068 489 wèn hòu f /to give one's respects/to send a greeting/ 問卷 问卷 T - 166 wèn juàn f /questionnaire/CL:份[fen4]/ 問名 问名 T - 5 wèn míng f /to enquire, according to custom, after the name and horoscope of intended bride/one of a set of six traditional marriage protocols (六禮|六礼), in which name as well as date and time of birth (for horoscope) are formally requested of the prospective bride's family/ 問好 问好 T - 113 wèn hǎo f /to say hello to/to send one's regards to/ 問安 问安 T - 98 wèn ān f /to pay one's respects/to give regards to/ 問客殺雞 问客杀鸡 T - 0 wèn kè shā jī f /lit. asking guests whether or not to butcher a chicken for them (idiom)/fig. hypocritical show of affection (or hospitality)/ 問心有愧 问心有愧 T - 8 wèn xīn yǒu kuì f /to have a guilty conscience/ 問心無愧 问心无愧 T - 73 wèn xīn wú kuì f /lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience/ 問津 问津 T - 53 wèn jīn f /to make inquiries/to show interest/ 問答 问答 T - 167 wèn dá f /question and answer/ 問罪 问罪 T - 77 wèn zuì f /to denounce/to condemn/to call to account/to punish/ 問罪之師 问罪之师 T - 6 wèn zuì zhī shī f /punitive force/a person setting out to deliver severe reproach/ 問號 问号 T - 133 wèn hào f /question mark (punct.)/unknown factor/unsolved problem/interrogation/ 問訊 问讯 T - 82 wèn xùn f /interrogation/greeting/ 問診 问诊 T - 35 wèn zhěn f /(TCM) interrogation, one of the four methods of diagnosis 四診|四诊[si4 zhen3]/ 問話 问话 T - 359 wèn huà f /questioning (a suspect)/interrogation/ 問責 问责 T - 0 wèn zé f /to hold accountable/to blame/to censure/to apportion blame/ 問責性 问责性 T - 0 wèn zé xìng f /accountability/ 問路 问路 T - 56 wèn lù f /to ask for directions/to ask the way (to some place)/ 問道 问道 T - 7484 wèn dào f /to ask the way/to ask/ 問題 问题 T 189 55563 wèn tí f /question/problem/issue/topic/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 問鼎 问鼎 T - 42 wèn dǐng f /to aspire to the throne/to aim at (the first place etc)/ 問鼎中原 问鼎中原 T - 3 wèn dǐng Zhōng yuán f /to plan to seize power of the whole country (idiom)/ 問鼎輕重 问鼎轻重 T - 0 wèn dǐng qīng zhòng f /lit. to inquire whether the tripods are light or heavy (idiom); a laughable attempt to seize power/ 啐 - 240 cuì f /to spit/(onom.) pshaw!/(old) to sip/ 啑 喋 T - 51 dié f /old variant of 喋[die2]/ 啓 唘 S - 1279 qǐ f /variant of 啓[qi3]/ 啓 - 1279 qǐ f /variant of 啟|启[qi3]/ 啕 咷 S - 4 táo f /wail/ 啕 - 4 táo f /wail/ 啖 - 52 dàn f /to eat/to taste/to entice (using bait)/ 啖 啗 S - 750 dàn f /variant of 啖[dan4]/ 啖 噉 S - 52 dàn f /variant of 啖[dan4]/ 啗 啖 T - 750 dàn f /variant of 啖[dan4]/ 啜 - 80 chuò f /(literary) to drink/to sip/to sob/ 啜泣 - 79 chuò qì f /to sob/ 啜飲 啜饮 T - 12 chuò yǐn f /to sip/ 啜饮 啜飲 S - 12 chuò yǐn f /to sip/ 啞 哑 T - 639 yā f /(onom.) sound of cawing/sound of infant learning to talk/variant of 呀[ya1]/ 啞 哑 T - 639 yǎ t /dumb/mute/hoarse/husky/unexploded (of artillery shell etc)/ 啞劇 哑剧 T - 33 yǎ jù f /to mime/a dumb show/ 啞口 哑口 T - 3 yǎ kǒu f /as if dumb/speechless/ 啞口無言 哑口无言 T - 85 yǎ kǒu wú yán f /dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless/at a loss for words/ 啞子 哑子 T - 3 yǎ zi f /mute person/dumb person/(more commonly called 啞巴|哑巴[ya3 ba5])/ 啞巴 哑巴 T - 714 yǎ ba f /mute/muted/a dumb person/to be dumb/ 啞巴吃黃蓮 哑巴吃黄莲 T - 0 yǎ ba chī huáng lián f /no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom)/also written 啞巴吃黃連|哑巴吃黄连/(often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1])/ 啞巴吃黃連 哑巴吃黄连 T - 9 yǎ ba chī huáng lián f /no choice but to suffer in silence (idiom)/also written 啞巴吃黃蓮|哑巴吃黄莲/(often precedes 有苦說不出|有苦说不出[you3 ku3 shuo1 bu5 chu1])/ 啞巴吃黃連,有苦說不出 哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出 T - 0 yǎ ba chī huáng lián , yǒu kǔ shuō bu chū f /to be forced to suffer in silence (idiom)/unable to speak of one's bitter suffering/sometimes written 啞子吃黃連,有苦說不出|哑子吃黄连,有苦说不出/ 啞巴虧 哑巴亏 T - 13 yǎ ba kuī f /pent-up unspoken grievances/suffering not willingly or possibly spoken of/ 啞然失笑 哑然失笑 T - 45 yǎ rán shī xiào f /to laugh involuntarily/Taiwan pr. [e4 ran2 shi1 xiao4]/ 啞然無生 哑然无生 T - 0 yǎ rán wú shēng f /silence reigns (idiom)/ 啞終端 哑终端 T - 0 yǎ zhōng duān f /dumb terminal/ 啞語 哑语 T - 11 yǎ yǔ f /sign language/ 啞謎 哑谜 T - 31 yǎ mí f /puzzle/mystery/ 啞鈴 哑铃 T - 41 yǎ líng f /dumbbell (weight)/ 啞點 哑点 T - 0 yǎ diǎn f /blind spot/dead spot/ 啞鼓 哑鼓 T - 0 yǎ gǔ f /drum practice pad (music)/a practice drum (music)/ 啟 启 T - 1279 Qǐ f /Qi son of Yu the Great 禹[Yu3], reported founder of the Xia Dynasty 夏朝[Xia4 Chao2] (c. 2070-c. 1600 BC)/ 啟 启 T - 1279 qǐ f /to open/to start/to initiate/to enlighten or awaken/to state/to inform/ 啟事 启事 T 4393 82 qǐ shì f /announcement (written, on billboard, letter, newspaper or website)/to post information/a notice/ 啟動 启动 T - 1810 qǐ dòng f /to start (a machine)/to set in movement/to launch (an operation)/to activate (a plan)/ 啟動作業 启动作业 T - 0 qǐ dòng zuò yè f /priming task/ 啟動區 启动区 T - 0 qǐ dòng qū f /boot sector (computing)/ 啟動子 启动子 T - 3 qǐ dòng zi f /promoter/ 啟動技術 启动技术 T - 0 qǐ dòng jì shù f /priming technique/ 啟奏 启奏 T - 245 qǐ zòu f /to submit a report to the king/to talk to the king/ 啟德機場 启德机场 T - 3 Qǐ Dé Jī chǎng f /Kai Tak Airport/ 啟應祈禱 启应祈祷 T - 0 qǐ yìng qí dǎo f /Introitus (section of Catholic mass)/ 啟明 启明 T - 25 Qǐ míng f /classical Chinese name for planet Venus in the east before dawn/ 啟明星 启明星 T - 19 qǐ míng xīng f /(astronomy) Venus/ 啟東 启东 T - 95 Qǐ dōng f /Qidong county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 啟東市 启东市 T - 4 Qǐ dōng shì f /Qidong county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 啟海話 启海话 T - 0 Qǐ hǎi huà f /Qihai dialect, a Wu dialect spoken in Tongzhou, Haimen, and Qidong districts in southern Jiangsu province, and on Chongming Island in Shanghai/ 啟用 启用 T - 858 qǐ yòng f /to start using/(computing) to enable (a feature)/ 啟發 启发 T 2198 745 qǐ fā f /to enlighten/to explain (a text etc)/to stimulate (a mental attitude)/enlightenment/revelation/motivation/ 啟發式 启发式 T - 26 qǐ fā shì f /heuristic/ 啟發法 启发法 T - 3 qǐ fā fǎ f /heuristic method/heuristics/ 啟矇 启蒙 T 4739 352 qǐ méng f /variant of 啟蒙|启蒙[qi3 meng2]/to instruct the young/ 啟示 启示 T 3801 511 qǐ shì f /to reveal/to enlighten/enlightenment/revelation/illumination/lesson/ 啟示者 启示者 T - 0 qǐ shì zhě f /revelator/ 啟示錄 启示录 T - 32 Qǐ shì lù f /the Revelation of St John the divine/the Apocalypse/ 啟程 启程 T 3926 279 qǐ chéng f /to set out on a journey/ 啟航 启航 T - 68 qǐ háng f /(of a ship) to set sail/(of an aeroplane) to take off/also written 起航[qi3 hang2]/ 啟蒙 启蒙 T 4739 352 qǐ méng f /to instruct the young/to initiate/to awake sb from ignorance/to free sb from prejudice or superstition/primer/enlightened/the Enlightenment/Western learning from the late Qing dynasty/ 啟蒙主義 启蒙主义 T - 0 Qǐ méng zhǔ yì f /Enlightenment (philosophy)/ 啟蟄 启蛰 T - 0 Qǐ zhé f /Waking from Hibernation/old variant of 驚蟄|惊蛰[Jing1 zhe2], Insects Wake, 3rd of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气[er4 shi2 si4 jie2 qi5] 6th-20th March/ 啟迪 启迪 T - 141 qǐ dí f /to edify/enlightenment/ 啟運 启运 T - 11 qǐ yùn f /to ship (goods)/ 啟齒 启齿 T - 28 qǐ chǐ f /to open one's mouth/to start talking/ 啡 - 47 fēi f /(phonetic component)/ 啡厅 啡廳 S - 3 fēi tīng f /see 咖啡廳|咖啡厅[ka1 fei1 ting1]/ 啡廳 啡厅 T - 3 fēi tīng f /see 咖啡廳|咖啡厅[ka1 fei1 ting1]/ 啢 唡 T - 9 liǎng f /ounce (British imperial system) (old)/ 啣 衔 T - 1542 xián f /variant of 銜|衔[xian2]/ 啤 - 170 pí f /beer/ 啤酒 473 673 pí jiǔ f /beer (loanword)/CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐[guan4],桶[tong3],缸[gang1]/ 啤酒厂 啤酒廠 S - 20 pí jiǔ chǎng f /brewery/ 啤酒廠 啤酒厂 T - 20 pí jiǔ chǎng f /brewery/ 啤酒節 啤酒节 T - 32 pí jiǔ jié f /Beer Festival/ 啤酒肚 - 17 pí jiǔ dù f /beer belly/ 啤酒节 啤酒節 S - 32 pí jiǔ jié f /Beer Festival/ 啤酒花 - 25 pí jiǔ huā f /hops/ 啥 2515 3651 shá f /dialectal equivalent of 什麼|什么[shen2 me5]/ 啦 2506 9891 lā f /(onom.) sound of singing, cheering etc/(phonetic)/(dialect) to chat/ 啦 2506 9891 la t /sentence-final particle, contraction of 了啊, indicating exclamation/particle placed after each item in a list of examples/ 啦呱 - 0 lā gua f /variant of 拉呱[la1 gua5]/ 啦啦队 啦啦隊 S - 9 lā lā duì f /support team/cheering squad/cheerleader/ 啦啦队长 啦啦隊長 S - 3 lā lā duì zhǎng f /cheer leader/ 啦啦隊 啦啦队 T - 9 lā lā duì f /support team/cheering squad/cheerleader/ 啦啦隊長 啦啦队长 T - 3 lā lā duì zhǎng f /cheer leader/ 啧 嘖 S - 66 zé f /(interj. of admiration or of disgust)/to click one's tongue/to attempt to (find an opportunity to) speak/ 啧啧 嘖嘖 S - 110 zé zé f /to click one's tongue/ 啧啧称奇 嘖嘖稱奇 S - 48 zé zé chēng qí f /to click one's tongue in wonder (idiom)/to be astonished/ 啪 - 829 pā f /(onom.) bang/pop/pow/ 啪哒 啪噠 S - 0 pā dā f /(onom.) sound of object falling into water/plop/ 啪噠 啪哒 T - 0 pā dā f /(onom.) sound of object falling into water/plop/ 啫 - 15 zhě f /particle used for interjection (Cantonese)/see also 啫哩[zhe3 li1]/ 啫哩 - 3 zhě lī f /jelly (loan)/gel/ 啫喱 - 3 zhě lí f /variant of 啫哩[zhe3 li1]/ 啬 嗇 S - 78 sè f /stingy/ 啭 囀 S - 23 zhuàn f /to sing (of birds or insects)/to warble/to chirp/to twitter/ 啮 嚙 S - 48 niè f /to gnaw/to erode/ 啮 囓 S - 48 niè f /variant of 嚙|啮[nie4]/to gnaw/ 啮合 嚙合 S - 20 niè hé f /(of opposing teeth, or gears) to mesh/to engage/ 啮齿 嚙齒 S - 35 niè chǐ f /a rodent (rat, rabbit etc)/ 啮齿动物 嚙齒動物 S - 13 niè chǐ dòng wù f /rodent/ 啮齿目 嚙齒目 S - 0 niè chǐ mù f /order of rodents (rats, squirrels etc)/ 啮齿类 嚙齒類 S - 29 niè chǐ lèi f /rodents (rat, rabbit etc)/ 啯 嘓 S - 35 guō f /sound of swallowing/croak/ 啰 囉 S - 275 luō t /see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 啰 囉 S - 275 luo f /(final exclamatory particle)/ 啰唆 囉唆 S 4680 3 luō suo f /variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 啰嗦 囉嗦 S - 3 luō suo f /long-winded/wordy/troublesome/pesky/also pr. [luo1 suo1]/ 啰苏 囉囌 S - 0 luō sū f /see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 啰里啰嗦 囉里囉嗦 S - 0 luō li luō suo f /long-winded/verbose/ 啱 - 2 yān f /correct/suitable/to suit sb/just now (Cantonese)/ 啲 - 7 dī f /some/few/a little (Cantonese)/ 啴 嘽 S - 0 chǎn t /see 嘽嘽|啴啴[chan3 chan3]/see 嘽緩|啴缓[chan3 huan3]/ 啴 嘽 S - 0 tān f /see 嘽嘽|啴啴[tan1 tan1]/ 啴啴 嘽嘽 S - 0 chǎn chǎn t /relaxed and leisurely/ 啴啴 嘽嘽 S - 0 tān tān f /(of an animal) to pant/grand/majestic/ 啴缓 嘽緩 S - 0 chǎn huǎn f /relaxed/unhurried/ 啵 - 141 bō t /(onom.) to bubble/ 啵 - 141 bo f /grammatical particle equivalent to 吧/ 啵啵 - 0 bō bō f /(onom.) bubbling noise/ 啶 - 27 dìng f /idine (chemistry)/ 啷 - 457 lāng f /(onom.) bang/clank/see 哐啷, clatter/ 啷当 啷當 S - 0 lāng dāng f /more or less/or so (of approx age or number)/and so on/ 啷當 啷当 T - 0 lāng dāng f /more or less/or so (of approx age or number)/and so on/ 啸 嘯 S - 346 xiào f /to hiss/to whistle/ 啺 - 13 táng f /old variant of 唐[tang2]/ 啻 - 61 chì f /only (classical, usually follows negative or question words)/(not) just/ 啼 - 263 tí f /to cry/to weep aloud/to crow/to hoot/ 啼 嗁 S - 263 tí f /variant of 啼[ti2]/ 啼哭 - 225 tí kū f /to cry/to wail/ 啼啭 啼囀 S - 0 tí zhuàn f /to call sweetly (of birds)/ 啼囀 啼啭 T - 0 tí zhuàn f /to call sweetly (of birds)/ 啼声 啼聲 S - 37 tí shēng f /ululation/to howl/ 啼笑皆非 - 62 tí xiào jiē fēi f /lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom)/between laughter and tears/ 啼聲 啼声 T - 37 tí shēng f /ululation/to howl/ 啼饑號寒 啼饥号寒 T - 11 tí jī háo hán f /hunger cries and cold roars (idiom); wretched poverty/ 啼饥号寒 啼饑號寒 S - 11 tí jī háo hán f /hunger cries and cold roars (idiom); wretched poverty/ 啽 - 0 án f /to speak (Cantonese)/ 啾 - 169 jiū f /(onom.) wailing of child/chirp/kiss (Tw)/ 喀 - 1472 kā f /(onom.) sound of coughing or vomiting/ 喀什 - 311 Kā shí f /Kashgar or Qeshqer (Kāshí) city and prefecture in the west of Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan/ 喀什噶尔 喀什噶爾 S - 0 Kā shí gá ěr f /Kashgar or Qeshqer (Chinese Kashi) in the west of Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan/ 喀什噶爾 喀什噶尔 T - 0 Kā shí gá ěr f /Kashgar or Qeshqer (Chinese Kashi) in the west of Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan/ 喀什地区 喀什地區 S - 10 Kā shí dì qū f /Qeshqer wilayiti, Kashgar or Kāshí prefecture in west Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan/ 喀什地區 喀什地区 T - 10 Kā shí dì qū f /Qeshqer wilayiti, Kashgar or Kāshí prefecture in west Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan/ 喀什市 - 16 Kā shí shì f /Qeshqer Shehiri (Kashgar city) in the west of Xinjiang near Kyrgyzstan/ 喀哒 喀噠 S - 0 kā dā f /(onom.) click/ 喀啦喀啦 - 0 kā lā kā lā f /(onom.) clank/ 喀喇崑崙公路 喀喇昆仑公路 T - 0 Kā lā kūn lún Gōng lù f /Karakorum Highway, linking Pakistan and Xinjiang/ 喀喇崑崙山 喀喇昆仑山 T - 55 Kā lā kūn lún shān f /Karakorum mountain range in west Xinjiang/ 喀喇崑崙山脈 喀喇昆仑山脉 T - 0 Kā lā kūn lún shān mài f /Karakorum mountain range in west Xinjiang/ 喀喇昆仑公路 喀喇崑崙公路 S - 0 Kā lā kūn lún Gōng lù f /Karakorum Highway, linking Pakistan and Xinjiang/ 喀喇昆仑山 喀喇崑崙山 S - 55 Kā lā kūn lún shān f /Karakorum mountain range in west Xinjiang/ 喀喇昆仑山脉 喀喇崑崙山脈 S - 0 Kā lā kūn lún shān mài f /Karakorum mountain range in west Xinjiang/ 喀喇沁 - 0 Kā lā qìn f /Harqin (Mongol: guard)/Harqin banner or Kharchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/also Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县 喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治縣 S - 6 Kā lā qìn zuǒ yì Měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治縣 喀喇沁左翼蒙古族自治县 T - 6 Kā lā qìn zuǒ yì Měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Harqin Left Mongol autonomous county in Chaoyang 朝陽|朝阳, Liaoning/ 喀喇沁旗 - 6 Kā lā qìn qí f /Harqin banner or Kharchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 喀噠 喀哒 T - 0 kā dā f /(onom.) click/ 喀嚓 - 64 kā chā f /(onom.) breaking or snapping/ 喀土穆 - 50 Kā tǔ mù f /Khartoum, capital of Sudan/ 喀奴特 - 0 Kā nú tè f /Knuth or Canute (name)/ 喀尔喀 喀爾喀 S - 0 Kā ěr kā f /Khalkha, largest subgroup of Mongol people/ 喀尔巴阡山脉 喀爾巴阡山脈 S - 32 Kā ěr bā qiān Shān mài f /Carpathian Mountains, 1500-km mountain range in Central and Eastern Europe/ 喀山 - 42 Kā shān f /Kazan/ 喀布尔 喀布爾 S - 90 Kā bù ěr f /Kabul, capital of Afghanistan/ 喀布爾 喀布尔 T - 90 Kā bù ěr f /Kabul, capital of Afghanistan/ 喀拉喀托火山 - 0 Kā lā kā tuō huǒ shān f /Krakatoa (volcanic island in Indonesia)/ 喀拉崑崙山 喀拉昆仑山 T - 0 Kā lā kūn lún shān f /Karakorum mountains/ 喀拉拉邦 - 9 Kā lā lā bāng f /Kerala (state in India)/ 喀拉昆仑山 喀拉崑崙山 S - 0 Kā lā kūn lún shān f /Karakorum mountains/ 喀拉汗国 喀拉汗國 S - 0 Kā lā Hán guó f /Karakhan Dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century/ 喀拉汗國 喀拉汗国 T - 0 Kā lā Hán guó f /Karakhan Dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century/ 喀拉汗王朝 - 0 Kā lā hán Wáng cháo f /Karakhan dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century/ 喀斯特 - 181 kā sī tè f /karst (loanword)/weathered limestone often forming caves/ 喀斯特地貌 - 92 kā sī tè dì mào f /karst landform (weathered limestone, often forming caves)/ 喀爾喀 喀尔喀 T - 0 Kā ěr kā f /Khalkha, largest subgroup of Mongol people/ 喀爾巴阡山脈 喀尔巴阡山脉 T - 32 Kā ěr bā qiān Shān mài f /Carpathian Mountains, 1500-km mountain range in Central and Eastern Europe/ 喀秋莎 - 16 Kā qiū shā f /Katyusha (name)/name of a Russian wartime song/nickname of a rocket launcher used by the Red Army in WWII/ 喀納斯湖 喀纳斯湖 T - 12 Kā nà sī Hú f /Kanas Lake in Xinjiang/ 喀纳斯湖 喀納斯湖 S - 12 Kā nà sī Hú f /Kanas Lake in Xinjiang/ 喀麥隆 喀麦隆 T - 216 Kā mài lóng f /Cameroon/ 喀麦隆 喀麥隆 S - 216 Kā mài lóng f /Cameroon/ 喁 - 49 yóng f /breathing (of fish)/ 喁喁 - 0 yóng yóng f /looking up expectantly/speaking softly (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [yu2 yu2])/ 喂 86 2208 wéi f /hello (when answering the phone)/ 喂 86 2208 wèi t /hey/to feed (an animal, baby, invalid etc)/ 喂 餧 S 86 2208 wèi t /variant of 餵|喂[wei4]/ 喂 餵 S 86 2208 wèi t /to feed/ 喂养 餵養 S - 198 wèi yǎng f /to feed (a child, domestic animal etc)/to keep/to raise (an animal)/ 喂哺 餵哺 S - 0 wèi bǔ f /to feed (a baby)/ 喂奶 - 77 wèi nǎi f /to breast-feed/ 喂料 餵料 S - 3 wèi liào f /to feed (also fig.)/ 喂母乳 餵母乳 S - 3 wèi mǔ rǔ f /breast feeding/ 喂食 餵食 S - 43 wèi shí f /to feed/ 喃 - 47 nán f /mumble in repetition/ 喃喃 - 800 nán nán f /(onom.) to mutter/to mumble/to murmur/ 喃字 - 0 nán zì f /Vietnam characters (like Chinese characters but native to Vietnam)/ 善 - 5835 shàn f /good (virtuous)/benevolent/well-disposed/good at sth/to improve or perfect/ 善事 - 86 shàn shì f /good deeds/ 善于 善於 S 2099 1707 shàn yú f /to be good at/to be adept at/ 善人 - 648 shàn rén f /philanthropist/charitable person/well-doer/ 善化 - 3 Shàn huà f /Shanhua town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 善化鎮 善化镇 T - 0 Shàn huà zhèn f /Shanhua town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 善化镇 善化鎮 S - 0 Shàn huà zhèn f /Shanhua town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 善变 善變 S - 26 shàn biàn f /fickle/mercurial/changeable/capricious/to be apt to change/ 善后 善後 S - 145 shàn hòu f /to deal with the aftermath (arising from an accident)/funeral arrangements/reparations/ 善后借款 善後借款 S - 0 shàn hòu jiè kuǎn f /reconstruction loan provided by Great Powers to Yuan Shikai in 1913/ 善哉 - 148 shàn zāi f /excellent/ 善始善終 善始善终 T - 17 shàn shǐ shàn zhōng f /where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth/to carry things through/I started, so I'll finish./ 善始善终 善始善終 S - 17 shàn shǐ shàn zhōng f /where there's a start, there's a finish (idiom); to finish once one starts sth/to carry things through/I started, so I'll finish./ 善存 - 0 Shàn cún f /Centrum (brand)/ 善待 - 140 shàn dài f /to treat well/ 善後 善后 T - 145 shàn hòu f /to deal with the aftermath (arising from an accident)/funeral arrangements/reparations/ 善後借款 善后借款 T - 0 shàn hòu jiè kuǎn f /reconstruction loan provided by Great Powers to Yuan Shikai in 1913/ 善心 - 61 shàn xīn f /kindness/benevolence/philanthropy/virtuous intentions/ 善忘 - 2 shàn wàng f /forgetful/amnesia/ 善思 - 3 shàn sī f /thoughtfulness/wholesome thinking (Buddhism)/ 善恶 善惡 S - 246 shàn è f /good and evil/good versus evil/ 善惡 善恶 T - 246 shàn è f /good and evil/good versus evil/ 善意 - 207 shàn yì f /goodwill/benevolence/kindness/ 善意的謊言 善意的谎言 T - 0 shàn yì de huǎng yán f /white lie/ 善意的谎言 善意的謊言 S - 0 shàn yì de huǎng yán f /white lie/ 善感 - 5 shàn gǎn f /sensitive/emotional/ 善於 善于 T 2099 1707 shàn yú f /to be good at/to be adept at/ 善有善報 善有善报 T - 15 shàn yǒu shàn bào f /virtue has its rewards (idiom); one good turn deserves another/ 善有善報,惡有惡報 善有善报,恶有恶报 T - 0 shàn yǒu shàn bào , è yǒu è bào f /virtue has its reward, evil its retribution/ 善有善報,惡有惡報,若然不報時晨未到 善有善报,恶有恶报,若然不报时晨未到 T - 0 shàn yǒu shàn bào , è yǒu è bào , ruò rán bù bào shí chén wèi dào f /Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time/ 善有善报 善有善報 S - 15 shàn yǒu shàn bào f /virtue has its rewards (idiom); one good turn deserves another/ 善有善报,恶有恶报 善有善報,惡有惡報 S - 0 shàn yǒu shàn bào , è yǒu è bào f /virtue has its reward, evil its retribution/ 善有善报,恶有恶报,若然不报时晨未到 善有善報,惡有惡報,若然不報時晨未到 S - 0 shàn yǒu shàn bào , è yǒu è bào , ruò rán bù bào shí chén wèi dào f /Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time/ 善本 - 70 shàn běn f /old book/good book/reliable book/rare book/ 善款 - 17 shàn kuǎn f /contributions/donations/ 善用 - 147 shàn yòng f /to be good at using (sth)/to put (sth) to good use/ 善男信女 - 30 shàn nán xìn nǚ f /lay practitioners of Buddhism/ 善策 - 100 shàn cè f /wise policy/best policy/ 善緣 善缘 T - 0 shàn yuán f /good karma/ 善缘 善緣 S - 0 shàn yuán f /good karma/ 善罢甘休 善罷甘休 S - 58 shàn bà gān xiū f /to leave the matter at that/to be prepared to let go/to be willing to take things lying down/ 善罷甘休 善罢甘休 T - 58 shàn bà gān xiū f /to leave the matter at that/to be prepared to let go/to be willing to take things lying down/ 善者不辩,辩者不善 善者不辯,辯者不善 S - 0 shàn zhě bù biàn , biàn zhě bù shàn f /Good words are not persuasive, persuasive words are not good (idiom, from Laozi 老子 81). Do not be taken in by appearances./ 善者不辯,辯者不善 善者不辩,辩者不善 T - 0 shàn zhě bù biàn , biàn zhě bù shàn f /Good words are not persuasive, persuasive words are not good (idiom, from Laozi 老子 81). Do not be taken in by appearances./ 善能 - 0 shàn néng f /to be good at/ 善自为谋 善自為謀 S - 3 shàn zì wéi móu f /to be good at working for one's own profit (idiom)/ 善自保重 - 3 shàn zì bǎo zhòng f /take good care of yourself!/ 善自為謀 善自为谋 T - 3 shàn zì wéi móu f /to be good at working for one's own profit (idiom)/ 善自珍摄 善自珍攝 S - 0 shàn zì zhēn shè f /take good care of yourself! (idiom)/ 善自珍攝 善自珍摄 T - 0 shàn zì zhēn shè f /take good care of yourself! (idiom)/ 善良 1780 641 shàn liáng f /good and honest/kindhearted/ 善行 - 244 shàn xíng f /good actions/ 善解人意 - 65 shàn jiě rén yì f /to be good at understanding others (idiom)/ 善言 - 29 shàn yán f /good words/ 善言辞 善言辭 S - 0 shàn yán cí f /articulate/eloquent/ 善言辭 善言辞 T - 0 shàn yán cí f /articulate/eloquent/ 善變 善变 T - 26 shàn biàn f /fickle/mercurial/changeable/capricious/to be apt to change/ 善財 善财 T - 0 shàn cái f /to cherish wealth/ 善財難捨 善财难舍 T - 3 shàn cái nán shě f /to cherish wealth and find it hard to give up (idiom); refusing to contribute to charity/skinflint/miserly/ 善财 善財 S - 0 shàn cái f /to cherish wealth/ 善财难舍 善財難捨 S - 3 shàn cái nán shě f /to cherish wealth and find it hard to give up (idiom); refusing to contribute to charity/skinflint/miserly/ 善辩 善辯 S - 31 shàn biàn f /eloquent/good at arguing/ 善辯 善辩 T - 31 shàn biàn f /eloquent/good at arguing/ 善風 善风 T - 0 shàn fēng f /fair wind/ 善风 善風 S - 0 shàn fēng f /fair wind/ 喆 哲 T - 515 zhé f /(used in given names)/variant of 哲[zhe2]/ 喇 - 775 lā f /(onom.) sound of wind, rain etc/ 喇 - 775 lǎ t /(phonetic)/ 喇叭 3524 431 lǎ ba f /horn (automobile etc)/loudspeaker/brass wind instrument/trumpet/suona 鎖吶|锁呐[suo3 na4]/ 喇叭形 - 26 lǎ ba xíng f /flared/funnel-shape/trumpet-shape/ 喇叭水仙 - 0 lā bā shuǐ xiān f /daffodil/ 喇叭花 - 9 lǎ ba huā f /morning glory/ 喇叭裙 - 0 lǎ bā qún f /flared skirt/ 喇叭裤 喇叭褲 S - 7 lǎ ba kù f /flared trousers/bell-bottomed pants/ 喇叭褲 喇叭裤 T - 7 lǎ ba kù f /flared trousers/bell-bottomed pants/ 喇合 - 0 Lǎ hé f /Rahab (mother of Boaz)/ 喇嘛 - 1052 lǎ ma f /lama, spiritual teacher in Tibetan Buddhism/ 喇嘛庙 喇嘛廟 S - 3 lǎ ma miào f /lamasery/temple of Tibetan Buddhism/ 喇嘛廟 喇嘛庙 T - 3 lǎ ma miào f /lamasery/temple of Tibetan Buddhism/ 喇嘛教 - 113 Lǎ ma jiào f /Lamaism/Tibetan Buddhism/ 喈 - 4 jiē f /harmonious (of music)/ 喉 - 599 hóu f /throat/larynx/ 喉咙 喉嚨 S 2834 592 hóu lóng f /throat/larynx/ 喉咽 - 0 hóu yān f /laryngopharynx/fig. a key position/ 喉嚨 喉咙 T 2834 592 hóu lóng f /throat/larynx/ 喉塞音 - 2 hóu sè yīn f /glottal stop/ 喉头 喉頭 S - 307 hóu tóu f /throat/larynx/ 喉急 - 0 hóu jí f /variant of 猴急[hou2 ji2]/ 喉擦音 - 3 hóu cā yīn f /guttural fricative/ 喉炎 - 34 hóu yán f /laryngitis/ 喉痧 - 0 hóu shā f /scarlet fever/ 喉結 喉结 T - 44 hóu jié f /Adam's apple/laryngeal prominence/ 喉结 喉結 S - 44 hóu jié f /Adam's apple/laryngeal prominence/ 喉舌 - 59 hóu shé f /mouthpiece/spokesperson/ 喉輪 喉轮 T - 0 hóu lún f /viśuddha or visuddha, the throat chakra 查克拉, residing in the neck/ 喉轮 喉輪 S - 0 hóu lún f /viśuddha or visuddha, the throat chakra 查克拉, residing in the neck/ 喉部 - 70 hóu bù f /neck/throat/ 喉鏡 喉镜 T - 10 hóu jìng f /laryngoscope/ 喉镜 喉鏡 S - 10 hóu jìng f /laryngoscope/ 喉音 - 25 hóu yīn f /guttural sound/(linguistics) glottal (or laryngeal) consonant/ 喉頭 喉头 T - 307 hóu tóu f /throat/larynx/ 喉鳴 喉鸣 T - 0 hóu míng f /throat sound such as choking, donkey's bray etc/ 喉鸣 喉鳴 S - 0 hóu míng f /throat sound such as choking, donkey's bray etc/ 喊 1501 4712 hǎn f /to yell/to shout/to call out for (a person)/ 喊冤 - 30 hǎn yuān f /to cry out a grievance/ 喊叫 - 342 hǎn jiào f /to cry out/to shout/ 喊声 喊聲 S - 627 hǎn shēng f /to yell/hubbub/ 喊聲 喊声 T - 627 hǎn shēng f /to yell/hubbub/ 喊道 - 585 hǎn dào f /to yell/ 喋 啑 S - 51 dié f /old variant of 喋[die2]/ 喋 - 51 dié f /flowing flood/to chatter/ 喋喋 - 3 dié dié f /to chatter a lot/ 喋喋不休 - 78 dié dié bù xiū f /to chatter or jabber on and on/ 喋血 - 19 dié xuè f /bloodbath/carnage/ 喌 - 57 zhōu f /syllable/ 喎 㖞 T - 97 wāi f /awry (mouth)/askew/Taiwan pr. [kuai1]/ 喏 - 320 nuò t /(indicating agreement) yes/all right/(drawing attention to) look!/here!/variant of 諾|诺[nuo4]/ 喏 - 320 rě f /to salute/make one's curtsy/ 喑 - 39 yīn f /mute/ 喑哑 喑啞 S - 25 yīn yǎ f /hoarse/raspy/ 喑啞 喑哑 T - 25 yīn yǎ f /hoarse/raspy/ 喒 咱 T - 4884 zán t /variant of 咱[zan2]/ 喓 - 3 yāo f /grasshopper chirp/mosquito buzz/ 喔 - 119 ō t /I see/oh/ 喔 - 119 wo f /(particle) marker of surprise, sudden realization, reminder/ 喘 - 833 chuǎn f /to gasp/to pant/asthma/ 喘不过 喘不過 S - 0 chuǎn bu guò f /to be unable to breathe easily/ 喘不过气来 喘不過氣來 S - 0 chuǎn bu guò qì lái f /to be unable to breathe/ 喘不過 喘不过 T - 0 chuǎn bu guò f /to be unable to breathe easily/ 喘不過氣來 喘不过气来 T - 0 chuǎn bu guò qì lái f /to be unable to breathe/ 喘吁吁 - 31 chuǎn xū xū f /to puff and blow/ 喘嘘嘘 喘噓噓 S - 6 chuǎn xū xū f /variant of 喘吁吁[chuan3 xu1 xu1]/ 喘噓噓 喘嘘嘘 T - 6 chuǎn xū xū f /variant of 喘吁吁[chuan3 xu1 xu1]/ 喘息 - 468 chuǎn xī f /to gasp for breath/to take a breather/ 喘振 - 4 chuǎn zhèn f /surge (of a compressor)/ 喘气 喘氣 S 3795 313 chuǎn qì f /to breathe deeply/to pant/ 喘氣 喘气 T 3795 313 chuǎn qì f /to breathe deeply/to pant/ 喘粗气 喘粗氣 S - 0 chuǎn cū qì f /to pant heavily/ 喘粗氣 喘粗气 T - 0 chuǎn cū qì f /to pant heavily/ 喙 - 273 huì f /beak/snout/mouth/to pant/ 喚 唤 T - 1625 huàn f /to call/ 喚作 唤作 T - 3 huàn zuò f /to be called/to be known as/ 喚做 唤做 T - 0 huàn zuò f /to be called/to be referred to as/ 喚起 唤起 T - 503 huàn qǐ f /to waken (to action)/to rouse (the masses)/to evoke (attention, recollection etc)/ 喚醒 唤醒 T - 242 huàn xǐng f /to wake sb/to rouse/ 喚雨呼風 唤雨呼风 T - 0 huàn yǔ hū fēng f /to call the wind and summon the rain (idiom)/to exercise magical powers/fig. to stir up troubles/also 呼風喚雨|呼风唤雨[hu1 feng1 huan4 yu3]/ 喚頭 唤头 T - 3 huàn tou f /percussion instrument used by street peddlers, barbers etc to attract attention/ 喜 - 7380 xǐ f /to be fond of/to like/to enjoy/to be happy/to feel pleased/happiness/delight/glad/ 喜不自勝 喜不自胜 T - 75 xǐ bù zì shèng f /unable to contain one's joy (idiom)/ 喜不自禁 - 14 xǐ bù zì jīn f /unable to contain one's joy (idiom)/ 喜不自胜 喜不自勝 S - 75 xǐ bù zì shèng f /unable to contain one's joy (idiom)/ 喜乐 喜樂 S - 71 xǐ lè f /joy/ 喜事 - 665 xǐ shì f /happy occasion/wedding/ 喜从天降 喜從天降 S - 24 xǐ cóng tiān jiàng f /joy from heaven (idiom); overjoyed at unexpected good news/unlooked-for happy event/ 喜來登 喜来登 T - 15 Xǐ lái dēng f /Sheraton (hotel chain)/ 喜兴 喜興 S - 3 xǐ xīng f /joyous/delighted/merry/ 喜冲冲 喜衝衝 S - 3 xǐ chōng chōng f /to beam with joy/in a happy mood/ 喜出望外 - 217 xǐ chū wàng wài f /to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom)/overjoyed at the turn of events/ 喜则气缓 喜則氣緩 S - 0 xǐ zé qì huǎn f /joy depresses one's qi vital breath/an excess of joy may lead to sluggishness of vital energy (TCM)/ 喜則氣緩 喜则气缓 T - 0 xǐ zé qì huǎn f /joy depresses one's qi vital breath/an excess of joy may lead to sluggishness of vital energy (TCM)/ 喜剧 喜劇 S - 633 xǐ jù f /comedy/CL:部[bu4],出[chu1]/ 喜劇 喜剧 T - 633 xǐ jù f /comedy/CL:部[bu4],出[chu1]/ 喜力 - 6 Xǐ lì f /Heineken (Dutch brewing company)/see also 海尼根[Hai3 ni2 gen1]/ 喜吟吟 - 0 xǐ yín yín f /joyful/happy/ 喜喜欢欢 喜喜歡歡 S - 0 xǐ xǐ huān huān f /happily/ 喜喜歡歡 喜喜欢欢 T - 0 xǐ xǐ huān huān f /happily/ 喜報 喜报 T - 38 xǐ bào f /announcement of joyful news/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 喜壽 喜寿 T - 0 xǐ shòu f /77th birthday (honorific, archaic or Japanese term)/ 喜大普奔 - 0 xǐ dà pǔ bēn f /(of news etc) so thrilling that everyone is rejoicing and spreading the word (Internet slang)/acronym from 喜聞樂見|喜闻乐见[xi3 wen2 le4 jian4], 大快人心[da4 kuai4 ren2 xin1], 普天同慶|普天同庆[pu3 tian1 tong2 qing4] and 奔走相告[ben1 zou3 xiang1 gao4]/ 喜好 - 232 xǐ hào f /to like/fond of/to prefer/to love/one's tastes/preference/ 喜娘 - 15 xǐ niáng f /matron of honor (old)/ 喜子 - 3 xǐ zi f /Tetragnatha (long-jawed spider)/same as 蟢子/ 喜孜孜 - 47 xǐ zī zī f /euphoria/transport/bliss/ 喜宴 - 45 xǐ yàn f /wedding banquet/ 喜寿 喜壽 S - 0 xǐ shòu f /77th birthday (honorific, archaic or Japanese term)/ 喜山点翅朱雀 喜山點翅朱雀 S - 0 xǐ shān diǎn chì zhū què f /(bird species of China) spot-winged rosefinch (Carpodacus rodopeplus)/ 喜山白眉朱雀 - 0 xǐ shān bái méi zhū què f /(bird species of China) Himalayan white-browed rosefinch (Carpodacus thura)/ 喜山紅眉朱雀 喜山红眉朱雀 T - 0 xǐ shān hóng méi zhū què f /(bird species of China) Himalayan beautiful rosefinch (Carpodacus pulcherrimus)/ 喜山红眉朱雀 喜山紅眉朱雀 S - 0 xǐ shān hóng méi zhū què f /(bird species of China) Himalayan beautiful rosefinch (Carpodacus pulcherrimus)/ 喜山鵟 - 0 Xǐ Shān kuáng f /(bird species of China) Himalayan buzzard (Buteo burmanicus)/ 喜山點翅朱雀 喜山点翅朱雀 T - 0 xǐ shān diǎn chì zhū què f /(bird species of China) spot-winged rosefinch (Carpodacus rodopeplus)/ 喜帕 - 0 xǐ pà f /bridal veil (covering the face)/ 喜帖 - 5 xǐ tiě f /wedding invitation/ 喜幛 - 3 xǐ zhàng f /celebratory hanging scroll/ 喜庆 喜慶 S - 378 xǐ qìng f /jubilation/festive/ 喜形于色 喜形於色 S - 55 xǐ xíng yú sè f /face light up with delight (idiom); to beam with joy/ 喜形於色 喜形于色 T - 55 xǐ xíng yú sè f /face light up with delight (idiom); to beam with joy/ 喜從天降 喜从天降 T - 24 xǐ cóng tiān jiàng f /joy from heaven (idiom); overjoyed at unexpected good news/unlooked-for happy event/ 喜德 - 3 Xǐ dé f /Xide county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 喜德县 喜德縣 S - 2 Xǐ dé xiàn f /Xide county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 喜德縣 喜德县 T - 2 Xǐ dé xiàn f /Xide county in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州|凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan/ 喜怒哀乐 喜怒哀樂 S - 89 xǐ nù āi lè f /four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huan1 xi3], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fen4 nu4], sorrow 悲哀[bei1 ai1] and joy 快樂|快乐[kuai4 le4]/ 喜怒哀樂 喜怒哀乐 T - 89 xǐ nù āi lè f /four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huan1 xi3], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fen4 nu4], sorrow 悲哀[bei1 ai1] and joy 快樂|快乐[kuai4 le4]/ 喜怒无常 喜怒無常 S - 39 xǐ nù wú cháng f /temperamental/moody/ 喜怒無常 喜怒无常 T - 39 xǐ nù wú cháng f /temperamental/moody/ 喜恶 喜惡 S - 3 xǐ è f /likes and dislikes/ 喜悅 喜悦 T 3711 756 xǐ yuè f /happy/joyous/ 喜悦 喜悅 S 3711 756 xǐ yuè f /happy/joyous/ 喜惡 喜恶 T - 3 xǐ è f /likes and dislikes/ 喜愛 喜爱 T - 1356 xǐ ài f /to like/to love/to be fond of/favorite/ 喜慶 喜庆 T - 378 xǐ qìng f /jubilation/festive/ 喜报 喜報 S - 38 xǐ bào f /announcement of joyful news/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 喜新厌旧 喜新厭舊 S - 26 xǐ xīn yàn jiù f /lit. to like the new, and hate the old (idiom); fig. enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old/ 喜新厭舊 喜新厌旧 T - 26 xǐ xīn yàn jiù f /lit. to like the new, and hate the old (idiom); fig. enamored with new people (e.g. new girlfriend), bored with the old/ 喜来登 喜來登 S - 15 Xǐ lái dēng f /Sheraton (hotel chain)/ 喜极而泣 喜極而泣 S - 27 xǐ jí ér qì f /crying tears of joy (idiom)/ 喜極而泣 喜极而泣 T - 27 xǐ jí ér qì f /crying tears of joy (idiom)/ 喜樂 喜乐 T - 71 xǐ lè f /joy/ 喜欢 喜歡 S 45 9783 xǐ huan f /to like/to be fond of/ 喜歌剧院 喜歌劇院 S - 0 xǐ gē jù yuàn f /musical theater/Opéra Comique, Paris/ 喜歌劇院 喜歌剧院 T - 0 xǐ gē jù yuàn f /musical theater/Opéra Comique, Paris/ 喜歡 喜欢 T 45 9783 xǐ huan f /to like/to be fond of/ 喜气 喜氣 S - 76 xǐ qì f /hilarity/cheerful atmosphere/ 喜气洋洋 喜氣洋洋 S - 117 xǐ qì yáng yáng f /full of joy (idiom); jubilation/ 喜氣 喜气 T - 76 xǐ qì f /hilarity/cheerful atmosphere/ 喜氣洋洋 喜气洋洋 T - 117 xǐ qì yáng yáng f /full of joy (idiom); jubilation/ 喜洋洋 - 16 xǐ yáng yáng f /radiant with joy/ 喜滋滋 - 50 xǐ zī zī f /pleased/happy/ 喜爱 喜愛 S - 1356 xǐ ài f /to like/to love/to be fond of/favorite/ 喜盈盈 - 2 xǐ yíng yíng f /happy/joyful/ 喜笑 - 0 xǐ xiào f /to laugh/laughter/ 喜笑顏開 喜笑颜开 T - 36 xǐ xiào yán kāi f /grinning from ear to ear (idiom)/beaming with happiness/ 喜笑颜开 喜笑顏開 S - 36 xǐ xiào yán kāi f /grinning from ear to ear (idiom)/beaming with happiness/ 喜筵 - 13 xǐ yán f /wedding banquet/congratulatory feast/ 喜糖 - 13 xǐ táng f /sweet given on a happy occasion (esp. wedding)/ 喜結連理 喜结连理 T - 3 xǐ jié lián lǐ f /to tie the knot (idiom)/to get married/ 喜结连理 喜結連理 S - 3 xǐ jié lián lǐ f /to tie the knot (idiom)/to get married/ 喜群飛 喜群飞 T - 0 xǐ qún fēi f /gregarious/ 喜群飞 喜群飛 S - 0 xǐ qún fēi f /gregarious/ 喜聞樂見 喜闻乐见 T 4988 93 xǐ wén lè jiàn f /to love to hear and see (idiom)/well received/to one's liking/ 喜興 喜兴 T - 3 xǐ xīng f /joyous/delighted/merry/ 喜色 - 192 xǐ sè f /happy expression/cheerful look/ 喜蛋 - 3 xǐ dàn f /red-painted eggs, traditional celebratory gift on third day after birth of new baby/ 喜衝衝 喜冲冲 T - 3 xǐ chōng chōng f /to beam with joy/in a happy mood/ 喜訊 喜讯 T - 267 xǐ xùn f /good news/glad tidings/ 喜讯 喜訊 S - 267 xǐ xùn f /good news/glad tidings/ 喜跃 喜躍 S - 2 xǐ yuè f /to jump for joy/ 喜躍 喜跃 T - 2 xǐ yuè f /to jump for joy/ 喜車 喜车 T - 3 xǐ chē f /wedding car/carriage for collecting the bride/ 喜车 喜車 S - 3 xǐ chē f /wedding car/carriage for collecting the bride/ 喜酒 - 168 xǐ jiǔ f /wedding feast/liquor drunk at a wedding feast/ 喜錢 喜钱 T - 4 xǐ qian f /tip given on a happy occasion (traditional)/ 喜钱 喜錢 S - 4 xǐ qian f /tip given on a happy occasion (traditional)/ 喜闻乐见 喜聞樂見 S 4988 93 xǐ wén lè jiàn f /to love to hear and see (idiom)/well received/to one's liking/ 喜阳 喜陽 S - 2 xǐ yáng f /heliophile/tending towards the sun/heliotropism/ 喜陽 喜阳 T - 2 xǐ yáng f /heliophile/tending towards the sun/heliotropism/ 喜雨 - 15 xǐ yǔ f /welcome fall of rain/seasonable rain/ 喜餅 喜饼 T - 3 xǐ bǐng f /double happiness cakes, pastries offered by a man to his fiancée's family at the time of their engagement/ 喜饼 喜餅 S - 3 xǐ bǐng f /double happiness cakes, pastries offered by a man to his fiancée's family at the time of their engagement/ 喜馬拉雅 喜马拉雅 T - 165 Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ f /the Himalayas/ 喜馬拉雅山 喜马拉雅山 T - 197 Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān f /Himalayas/ 喜馬拉雅山脈 喜马拉雅山脉 T - 113 Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān mài f /Himalayas/ 喜马拉雅 喜馬拉雅 S - 165 Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ f /the Himalayas/ 喜马拉雅山 喜馬拉雅山 S - 197 Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān f /Himalayas/ 喜马拉雅山脉 喜馬拉雅山脈 S - 113 Xǐ mǎ lā yǎ shān mài f /Himalayas/ 喜鵲 喜鹊 T - 122 xǐ què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian magpie (Pica pica)/ 喜鹊 喜鵲 S - 122 xǐ què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian magpie (Pica pica)/ 喝 78 10053 hē t /to drink/My goodness!/ 喝 78 10053 hè f /to shout loudly/ 喝令 - 148 hè lìng f /to shout an order or command/ 喝倒彩 - 4 hè dào cǎi f /to boo or jeer (as a sign of displeasure at an actor)/ 喝光 - 3 hē guāng f /to drink up/to finish (a drink)/ 喝凉水都塞牙 喝涼水都塞牙 S - 0 hē liáng shuǐ dōu sāi yá f /(coll.) to be out of luck/ 喝叱 - 3 hē chì f /variant of 呵斥[he1 chi4]/ 喝彩 - 307 hè cǎi f /to acclaim/to cheer/ 喝挂 喝掛 S - 0 hē guà f /(coll.) to get drunk/to get hammered/ 喝掉 - 3 hē diào f /to drink up/to finish (a drink)/ 喝掛 喝挂 T - 0 hē guà f /(coll.) to get drunk/to get hammered/ 喝斥 - 48 hē chì f /to berate/to excoriate/to chide/also written 呵斥[he1 chi4]/ 喝断片 喝斷片 S - 0 hē duàn piàn f /to get blackout drunk (slang)/ 喝斷片 喝断片 T - 0 hē duàn piàn f /to get blackout drunk (slang)/ 喝止 - 0 hè zhǐ f /to shout at sb to stop/ 喝涼水都塞牙 喝凉水都塞牙 T - 0 hē liáng shuǐ dōu sāi yá f /(coll.) to be out of luck/ 喝茫 - 0 hē máng f /(slang) to get drunk (Tw)/ 喝西北風 喝西北风 T - 49 hē xī běi fēng f /lit. drink the northwest wind (idiom); cold and hungry/ 喝西北风 喝西北風 S - 49 hē xī běi fēng f /lit. drink the northwest wind (idiom); cold and hungry/ 喝道 - 3557 hè dào f /(of yamen bailiffs etc) to walk ahead of an official, shouting at pedestrians to clear the way/ 喝酒 - 1437 hē jiǔ f /to drink (alcohol)/ 喝醉 - 236 hē zuì f /to get drunk/ 喝采 - 269 hè cǎi f /acclaim/cheer/ 喟 - 74 kuì f /to sigh/ 喣 - 0 xǔ f /to breathe upon/ 喤 - 3 huáng f /sobbing/sound of bell/ 喥 - 0 dù f /used in location words (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 裡|里[li3]/ 喦 - 17 niè f /talkative/ 喧 - 236 xuān f /clamor/noise/ 喧 諠 S - 236 xuān f /variant of 喧[xuan1]/old variant of 諼|谖[xuan1]/ 喧呼 諠呼 S - 0 xuān hū f /to shout loudly/to bawl/to vociferate/rumpus/uproar/ 喧哗 喧嘩 S 4737 446 xuān huá f /hubbub/clamor/to make a racket/ 喧哗与骚动 喧嘩與騷動 S - 0 Xuān huá yǔ Sāo dòng f /The Sound and the Fury (novel by William Faulkner 威廉·福克納|威廉·福克纳[Wei1 lian2 · Fu2 ke4 na4])/ 喧嘩 喧哗 T 4737 446 xuān huá f /hubbub/clamor/to make a racket/ 喧嘩與騷動 喧哗与骚动 T - 0 Xuān huá yǔ Sāo dòng f /The Sound and the Fury (novel by William Faulkner 威廉·福克納|威廉·福克纳[Wei1 lian2 · Fu2 ke4 na4])/ 喧嚣 喧囂 S - 311 xuān xiāo f /to clamor/to make noise/ 喧囂 喧嚣 T - 311 xuān xiāo f /to clamor/to make noise/ 喧宾夺主 喧賓奪主 S - 27 xuān bīn duó zhǔ f /lit. the voice of the guest overwhelms that of the host (idiom)/fig. a minor player upstages the main attraction/minor details obscure the main point/the sauce is better than the fish/ 喧扰 喧擾 S - 14 xuān rǎo f /to disturb by noise/ 喧擾 喧扰 T - 14 xuān rǎo f /to disturb by noise/ 喧腾 喧騰 S - 45 xuān téng f /to make a tumult/hubbub/uproar/ 喧賓奪主 喧宾夺主 T - 27 xuān bīn duó zhǔ f /lit. the voice of the guest overwhelms that of the host (idiom)/fig. a minor player upstages the main attraction/minor details obscure the main point/the sauce is better than the fish/ 喧闹 喧鬧 S - 161 xuān nào f /to make a noise/noisy/ 喧騰 喧腾 T - 45 xuān téng f /to make a tumult/hubbub/uproar/ 喧鬧 喧闹 T - 161 xuān nào f /to make a noise/noisy/ 喨 - 16 liàng f /clear/resounding/ 喩 - 0 yù f /Japanese variant of 喻/ 喪 丧 T - 1013 sāng f /mourning/funeral/(old) corpse/ 喪 丧 T - 1013 sàng t /to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc)/to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc)/to die/disappointed/discouraged/ 喪亂 丧乱 T - 24 sāng luàn f /tragic disaster/disturbance and bloodshed/ 喪事 丧事 T - 298 sāng shì f /funeral arrangements/ 喪亡 丧亡 T - 8 sàng wáng f /to die/ 喪假 丧假 T - 3 sāng jià f /funeral leave/ 喪偶 丧偶 T - 20 sàng ǒu f /bereaved of one's spouse (literary)/ 喪儀 丧仪 T - 0 sāng yí f /funeral ceremony/ 喪命 丧命 T - 200 sàng mìng f /to lose one's life/ 喪天害理 丧天害理 T - 3 sàng tiān hài lǐ f /devoid of conscience (idiom)/ 喪失 丧失 T 3111 1693 sàng shī f /to lose/to forfeit/ 喪失殆盡 丧失殆尽 T - 3 sàng shī dài jìn f /to be used up/to be exhausted/ 喪妻 丧妻 T - 3 sàng qī f /deceased wife/ 喪家之犬 丧家之犬 T - 20 sàng jiā zhī quǎn f /stray dog (idiom)/ 喪家之狗 丧家之狗 T - 6 sàng jiā zhī gǒu f /see 喪家之犬|丧家之犬[sang4 jia1 zhi1 quan3]/ 喪屍 丧尸 T - 3 sāng shī f /zombie/ 喪德 丧德 T - 0 sàng dé f /wicked/offending morality/ 喪心病狂 丧心病狂 T - 26 sàng xīn bìng kuáng f /frenzied (idiom); completely crazy and ridiculous/loss of reason/insane/crazed cruelty/ 喪志 丧志 T - 6 sàng zhì f /to become demoralized/to lose one's sense of purpose/ 喪服 丧服 T - 72 sāng fú f /mourning garment/ 喪梆 丧梆 T - 0 sàng bāng f /cold and offensive (talk or manner)/ 喪棒 丧棒 T - 0 sāng bàng f /funeral stick (held by the son as a sign of filial piety)/ 喪權辱國 丧权辱国 T - 174 sàng quán rǔ guó f /to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom)/to surrender territory under humiliating terms/ 喪氣 丧气 T - 70 sàng qì t /to feel disheartened/ 喪氣 丧气 T - 70 sàng qi f /unlucky/ 喪氣話 丧气话 T - 9 sàng qì huà f /demoralizing talk/ 喪氣鬼 丧气鬼 T - 0 sàng qì guǐ f /downcast wretch/bad-tempered and unpleasant person/ 喪父 丧父 T - 73 sàng fù f /to be orphaned of one's father/ 喪生 丧生 T - 229 sàng shēng f /to die/to lose one's life/ 喪盡 丧尽 T - 0 sàng jìn f /to completely lose (one's dignity, vitality etc)/ 喪盡天良 丧尽天良 T - 31 sàng jìn tiān liáng f /devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly heartless/ 喪禮 丧礼 T - 33 sāng lǐ f /funeral/ 喪膽 丧胆 T - 48 sàng dǎn f /panic-stricken/scared out of one's wits/ 喪荒 丧荒 T - 0 sāng huāng f /mourning ceremonial/ 喪葬 丧葬 T - 97 sāng zàng f /funeral/burial/ 喪葬費 丧葬费 T - 9 sāng zàng fèi f /funeral expenses/ 喪親 丧亲 T - 0 sàng qīn f /bereavement/to lose a relative/ 喪鐘 丧钟 T - 28 sāng zhōng f /knell/ 喪門星 丧门星 T - 8 sāng mén xīng f /messenger of death (cf Irish banshee)/person bringing bad luck/ 喪門神 丧门神 T - 13 sāng mén shén f /messenger of death (cf Irish banshee)/person bringing bad luck/ 喪魂失魄 丧魂失魄 T - 21 sàng hún shī pò f /distraught/dazed/ 喪魂落魄 丧魂落魄 T - 17 sàng hún luò pò f /scared out of one's wits (idiom); in a panic/ 喫 吃 T 56 36799 chī f /variant of 吃[chi1]/ 喬 乔 T - 583 Qiáo f /surname Qiao/ 喬 乔 T - 583 qiáo f /tall/ 喬丹 乔丹 T - 80 Qiáo dān f /Jordan (name)/ 喬冠華 乔冠华 T - 7 Qiáo Guàn huá f /Qiao Guanhua (1913-1973), PRC politician and diplomat/ 喬叟 乔叟 T - 0 Qiáo sǒu f /Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400), English poet, author of The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷故事集[Kan3 te4 bo2 lei2 Gu4 shi4 Ji2]/ 喬巴山 乔巴山 T - 15 Qiáo bā shān f /Choibalsan, city in Mongolia, capital of the eastern aimag (province) of Dornod/Khorloogiin Choibalsan (1895-1952), Communist leader of the Mongolian People's Republic (mid-1930s-1952)/ 喬布斯 乔布斯 T - 48 Qiáo bù sī f /Jobs (name)/see also 史蒂夫·喬布斯|史蒂夫·乔布斯[Shi3 di4 fu1 · Qiao2 bu4 si1], Steve Jobs/ 喬希 乔希 T - 0 Qiáo xī f /Josh or Joshi (name)/ 喬戈里峰 乔戈里峰 T - 27 Qiáo gē lǐ Fēng f /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Himalayas/ 喬木 乔木 T - 469 qiáo mù f /tree, esp. with recognizable trunk (as opposed to 灌木[guan4 mu4], bush or shrub)/ 喬林 乔林 T - 2 qiáo lín f /forest (esp. of tall trees)/high forest/ 喬格里峰 乔格里峰 T - 0 Qiáo gé lǐ Fēng f /K2, Mt Qogir or Chogori in Karakorum section of Himalayas/also written 喬戈里峰|乔戈里峰/ 喬治 乔治 T - 283 Qiáo zhì f /George (name)/ 喬治·奧威爾 乔治·奥威尔 T - 0 Qiáo zhì · Aò wēi ěr f /George Orwell (1903-1950), British novelist, author of Animal farm 動物農場|动物农场 and 1984/ 喬治·布爾 乔治·布尔 T - 0 Qiáo zhì · Bù ěr f /George Boole (1815-1864), English mathematician, philosopher and logician, author of The Laws of Thought and the inventor of Boolean logic/ 喬治·索羅斯 乔治·索罗斯 T - 0 Qiáo zhì · Suǒ luó sī f /George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist/ 喬治·華盛頓 乔治·华盛顿 T - 0 Qiáo zhì · Huá shèng dùn f /George Washington (1732-1799), first US president/ 喬治一世 乔治一世 T - 0 Qiáo zhì Yī shì f /George I of Great Brittain/ 喬治亞 乔治亚 T - 21 Qiáo zhì yà f /(Tw) Georgia, US state/Georgia (country)/ 喬治亞州 乔治亚州 T - 3 Qiáo zhì yà Zhōu f /Georgia, US state (Tw)/ 喬治城 乔治城 T - 5 Qiáo zhì chéng f /Georgetown/(the spelling 喬治敦|乔治敦 is more common)/ 喬治城大學 乔治城大学 T - 0 Qiáo zhì chéng Dà xué f /Georgetown University in Washington D.C., famous as quality Jesuit university and for its basketball team/ 喬治敦 乔治敦 T - 19 Qiáo zhì dūn f /Georgetown/ 喬石 乔石 T - 182 qiáo shí f /Qiao Shi (Chinese leadership contender)/ 喬答摩 乔答摩 T - 3 Qiáo dā mó f /Gautama, surname of the Siddhartha, the historical Buddha/ 喬紅 乔红 T - 261 Qiáo Hóng f /Qiao Hong (1968-), former PRC female table tennis player/ 喬納森 乔纳森 T - 118 Qiáo nà sēn f /Jonathan (name)/ 喬裝 乔装 T - 48 qiáo zhuāng f /to pretend/to feign/to disguise oneself/ 喬裝打扮 乔装打扮 T - 22 qiáo zhuāng dǎ bàn f /to dress up in disguise (idiom); to pretend for the purpose of deceit/ 喬遷 乔迁 T - 17 qiáo qiān f /to move (to a superior place)/promotion/ 喬遷之喜 乔迁之喜 T - 7 qiáo qiān zhī xǐ f /congratulations on house-moving or promotion (idiom); Best wishes for your new home!/ 喭 - 0 yàn f /condole with/ 單 单 T - 5823 Shàn f /surname Shan/ 單 单 T - 5823 dān t /bill/list/form/single/only/sole/odd number/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 單一 单一 T - 1005 dān yī f /single/only/sole/ 單一合體字 单一合体字 T - 0 dān yī hé tǐ zì f /unique compound/ 單一碼 单一码 T - 0 dān yī mǎ f /Unicode/also written 統一碼|统一码/ 單一貨幣 单一货币 T - 0 dān yī huò bì f /single currency/ 單于 单于 T - 220 chán yú f /chanyu (Han Dynasty name for chiefs of Xiongnu Huns 匈奴[Xiong1 nu2])/ 單人 单人 T - 476 dān rén f /single person/ 單人床 单人床 T - 7 dān rén chuáng f /single bed/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 單人間 单人间 T - 3 dān rén jiān f /single room (hotel)/ 單位 单位 T 1924 17532 dān wèi f /unit (of measure)/unit (group of people as a whole)/work unit (place of employment, esp. in the PRC prior to economic reform)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 單位信托 单位信托 T - 0 dān wèi xìn tuō f /unit trust (finance)/ 單位元 单位元 T - 0 dān wèi yuán f /identity element (math.)/ 單位切向量 单位切向量 T - 0 dān wèi qiē xiàng liàng f /unit tangent vector/ 單位向量 单位向量 T - 3 dān wèi xiàng liàng f /unit vector/ 單位根 单位根 T - 3 dān wèi gēn f /root of unity/ 單位犯罪 单位犯罪 T - 0 dān wèi fàn zuì f /crime committed by an organization/ 單個 单个 T - 849 dān ge f /single/alone/individually/an odd one/ 單個兒 单个儿 T - 3 dān gè r f /erhua variant of 單個|单个[dan1 ge5]/ 單倍體 单倍体 T - 44 dān bèi tǐ f /haploid (single chromosome)/ 單側 单侧 T - 36 dān cè f /one-sided/unilateral/ 單價 单价 T - 118 dān jià f /price of item/ 單元 单元 T 2312 795 dān yuán f /unit (forming an entity)/element/(in a residential building) entrance or staircase/ 單元房 单元房 T - 12 dān yuán fáng f /apartment/ 單元格 单元格 T - 3 dān yuán gé f /(spreadsheet) cell/ 單克隆抗體 单克隆抗体 T - 0 dān kè lóng kàng tǐ f /monoclonal antibody/ 單刀直入 单刀直入 T - 49 dān dāo zhí rù f /to get straight to the point (idiom)/ 單刀赴會 单刀赴会 T - 23 dān dāo fù huì f /lit. to go among enemies with only one's sword (idiom)/fig. to go alone into enemy lines/ 單反機 单反机 T - 0 dān fǎn jī f /see 單反相機|单反相机[dan1 fan3 xiang4 ji1]/ 單反相機 单反相机 T - 3 dān fǎn xiàng jī f /single-lens reflex camera (SLR)/ 單叢 单丛 T - 0 Dān cōng f /a class of oolong tea/ 單口相聲 单口相声 T - 7 dān kǒu xiàng shēng f /comic monologue/one-person comic sketch/ 單句 单句 T - 12 dān jù f /simple sentence (grammar)/ 單另 单另 T - 0 dān lìng f /separately and exclusively/specially/ 單向 单向 T - 286 dān xiàng f /uni-directional/ 單向電流 单向电流 T - 0 dān xiàng diàn liú f /direct current (elec.)/also written 直流/ 單味藥 单味药 T - 0 dān wèi yào f /medicine made from a single herb/drug made from a single substance/ 單單 单单 T - 221 dān dān f /only/merely/just/ 單套 单套 T - 0 dān tào f /single set/ 單子 单子 T - 154 dān zǐ f /the only son of a family/(functional programming or philosophy) monad/ 單子 单子 T - 154 dān zi t /list of items/bill/form/bedsheet/ 單子葉 单子叶 T - 22 dān zǐ yè f /monocotyledon (plant family distinguished by single embryonic leaf, includes grasses, orchids and lilies)/ 單字 单字 T - 79 dān zì f /single Chinese character/word (in a foreign language)/ 單寧酸 单宁酸 T - 23 dān níng suān f /tannic acid (loanword)/ 單射 单射 T - 0 dān shè f /one-to-one function/injective map (math.)/ 單層 单层 T - 196 dān céng f /single layer/single story/single deck/single level/ 單層塔 单层塔 T - 0 dān céng tǎ f /single storied pagoda/ 單峰駝 单峰驼 T - 5 dān fēng tuó f /dromedary/ 單幹 单干 T - 92 dān gàn f /to work on one's own/to work single-handed/individual farming/ 單張匯票 单张汇票 T - 0 dān zhāng huì piào f /sola bill of exchange (international trade)/ 單意 单意 T - 0 dān yì f /unambiguous/having only one meaning/ 單戀 单恋 T - 3 dān liàn f /unrequited love/one-sided love/ 單房差 单房差 T - 0 dān fáng chā f /single person supplement (for a hotel room etc)/ 單手 单手 T - 3 dān shǒu f /one hand/single-handed/ 單打 单打 T - 461 dān dǎ f /singles (in sports)/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 單打獨鬥 单打独斗 T - 150 dān dǎ dú dòu f /to fight alone (idiom)/ 單挑 单挑 T - 3 dān tiāo f /to pick/to choose/to fight a duel/ 單擊 单击 T - 18 dān jī f /to click (using a mouse or other pointing device)/ 單據 单据 T - 108 dān jù f /receipts/invoices/transaction records/ 單擺 单摆 T - 28 dān bǎi f /simple pendulum (physics)/ 單放機 单放机 T - 2 dān fàng jī f /tape player/video player/(media) player/play-only device/ 單數 单数 T - 63 dān shù f /positive odd number (also written 奇數|奇数)/singular (grammar)/ 單方 单方 T - 63 dān fāng f /unilateral/one-sided/home remedy/folk prescription(same as 丹方)/single-drug prescription (same as 奇方[ji1 fang1], one of the seven kinds of prescriptions of Chinese medicine 七方[qi1 fang1])/metaphorically. a good solution/ 單方向 单方向 T - 0 dān fāng xiàng f /unidirectional/single-aspect/ 單方宣告 单方宣告 T - 0 dān fāng xuān gào f /unilateral declaration/ 單方恐嚇 单方恐吓 T - 0 dān fāng kǒng hè f /unilateral threat/ 單方決定 单方决定 T - 0 dān fāng jué dìng f /to decide without reference to other parties involved/unilateral decision/ 單方製劑 单方制剂 T - 0 dān fāng zhì jì f /prescribed preparation/ 單方過失碰撞 单方过失碰撞 T - 0 dān fāng guò shī pèng zhuàng f /collision in which only one party is at fault/ 單方面 单方面 T - 240 dān fāng miàn f /unilateral/ 單日 单日 T - 66 dān rì f /on a single day/ 單晶 单晶 T - 88 dān jīng f /monocrystalline/ 單曲 单曲 T - 2 dān qǔ f /single (music)/ 單月 单月 T - 13 dān yuè f /monthly/in a single month/ 單板機 单板机 T - 3 dān bǎn jī f /single-board computer/ 單板滑雪 单板滑雪 T - 0 dān bǎn huá xuě f /to snowboard/ 單核細胞 单核细胞 T - 3 dān hé xì bāo f /monocyte/mononuclear cell/ 單核細胞增多症 单核细胞增多症 T - 0 dān hé xì bāo zēng duō zhèng f /mononucleosis/ 單根獨苗 单根独苗 T - 3 dān gēn dú miáo f /an only child/ 單極 单极 T - 39 dān jí f /unipolar/monopole (physics)/ 單槍匹馬 单枪匹马 T - 73 dān qiāng pǐ mǎ f /lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single-handed/unaccompanied/ 單槓 单杠 T - 46 dān gàng f /bar/bold line/horizontal bar (gymnastics event)/ 單樅 单枞 T - 0 Dān cōng f /variant of 單叢|单丛[Dan1 cong1]/ 單模 单模 T - 4 dān mó f /single mode/ 單模光纖 单模光纤 T - 0 dān mó guāng xiān f /single mode fiber/ 單源多倍體 单源多倍体 T - 0 dān yuán duō bèi tǐ f /autopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes of single species)/ 單源論 单源论 T - 0 dān yuán lùn f /theory of single origin (of mankind)/ 單片機 单片机 T - 8 dān piàn jī f /microcontroller/one-chip computer/ 單獨 单独 T 1440 2307 dān dú f /alone/by oneself/on one's own/ 單班課 单班课 T - 0 dān bān kè f /individual lesson/one-on-one class/ 單瓣 单瓣 T - 25 dān bàn f /single petal/single valve/ 單用 单用 T - 3 dān yòng f /to use (sth) on its own/ 單盲 单盲 T - 3 dān máng f /single-blind (scientific experiment)/ 單相 单相 T - 37 dān xiàng f /single phase (elec.)/ 單相思 单相思 T - 19 dān xiāng sī f /one-sided lovesickness/unrequited longing/ 單眼 单眼 T - 58 dān yǎn f /ommatidium (single component of insect's compound eye)/ 單眼皮 单眼皮 T - 19 dān yǎn pí f /single eyelid/ 單眼相機 单眼相机 T - 0 dān yǎn xiàng jī f /single-lens reflex camera (Tw)/ 單程 单程 T - 40 dān chéng f /one way (ticket)/ 單端孢霉烯類毒素 单端孢霉烯类毒素 T - 0 dān duān bāo méi xī lèi dú sù f /trichothecenes (TS, T-2)/ 單端孢霉烯類毒素中毒症 单端孢霉烯类毒素中毒症 T - 0 dān duān bāo méi xī lèi dú sù zhōng dú zhèng f /trichothecenes toxicosis/ 單簧管 单簧管 T - 39 dān huáng guǎn f /clarinet/ 單糖 单糖 T - 59 dān táng f /monosaccharide/ 單純 单纯 T 2124 1679 dān chún f /simple/pure/unsophisticated/merely/purely/ 單純皰疹 单纯疱疹 T - 0 dān chún pào zhěn f /herpes simplex (med.)/ 單純皰疹病毒 单纯疱疹病毒 T - 0 dān chún pào zhěn bìng dú f /herpes simplex virus (HSV, med.)/ 單純詞 单纯词 T - 6 dān chún cí f /(linguistics) single-morpheme word/simple word/ 單細胞 单细胞 T - 131 dān xì bāo f /single-celled (organism)/unicellular/ 單細胞生物 单细胞生物 T - 0 dān xì bāo shēng wù f /single-celled organism/ 單縣 单县 T - 8 Shàn xiàn f /Shan county in Heze 菏澤|菏泽[He2 ze2], Shandong/ 單翼飛機 单翼飞机 T - 3 dān yì fēi jī f /monoplane/ 單肩包 单肩包 T - 0 dān jiān bāo f /shoulder bag/ 單胞藻 单胞藻 T - 3 dān bāo zǎo f /single-celled algae/ 單腳跳 单脚跳 T - 3 dān jiǎo tiào f /to hop/to jump on one leg/ 單色 单色 T - 93 dān sè f /monochrome/monochromatic/black and white/ 單色照片 单色照片 T - 0 dān sè zhào piàn f /monochrome photo/black and white picture/ 單色畫 单色画 T - 3 dān sè huà f /monochrome picture/black and white picture/ 單葉雙曲面 单叶双曲面 T - 0 dān yè shuāng qū miàn f /hyperboloid of one sheet (math.)/ 單薄 单薄 T - 282 dān bó f /weak/frail/thin/flimsy/ 單號 单号 T - 3 dān hào f /odd number (on a ticket, house etc)/ 單行 单行 T - 1610 dān xíng f /to come individually/to treat separately/separate edition/one-way traffic/ 單行本 单行本 T - 55 dān xíng běn f /single volume edition/offprint/ 單行線 单行线 T - 6 dān xíng xiàn f /one-way road/ 單行道 单行道 T - 11 dān xíng dào f /one way street/ 單衣 单衣 T - 20 dān yī f /unlined garment/ 單褲 单裤 T - 11 dān kù f /unlined trousers/summer trousers/ 單親 单亲 T - 20 dān qīn f /single parent/ 單親家庭 单亲家庭 T - 3 dān qīn jiā tíng f /single parent family/ 單詞 单词 T - 671 dān cí f /word/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 單詞產生器模型 单词产生器模型 T - 0 dān cí chǎn shēng qì mó xíng f /logogen model/ 單語 单语 T - 0 dān yǔ f /monolingual/ 單調 单调 T 2395 348 dān diào f /monotonous/ 單調乏味 单调乏味 T - 3 dān diào fá wèi f /monotonous/dull/tedious (idiom)/ 單證 单证 T - 38 dān zhèng f /(international trade) documentation (e.g. a bill of lading)/ 單質 单质 T - 62 dān zhì f /simple substance (consisting purely of one element, such as diamond)/ 單趟 单趟 T - 0 dān tàng f /single trip/ 單身 单身 T - 444 dān shēn f /unmarried/single/ 單身漢 单身汉 T - 31 dān shēn hàn f /bachelor/unmarried man/ 單身貴族 单身贵族 T - 3 dān shēn guì zú f /fig. unmarried person/single person (especially one who is comfortable financially)/ 單車 单车 T - 83 dān chē f /(coll.) bicycle/bike/ 單軌 单轨 T - 8 dān guǐ f /single track/ 單輪車 单轮车 T - 0 dān lún chē f /unicycle/ 單速車 单速车 T - 0 dān sù chē f /single-speed bicycle/fixed-gear bicycle/ 單連接站 单连接站 T - 0 dān lián jiē zhàn f /single attachment station (telecommunications)/ 單過 单过 T - 0 dān guò f /to live independently/to live on one's own/ 單邊 单边 T - 44 dān biān f /unilateral/ 單邊主義 单边主义 T - 18 dān biān zhǔ yì f /unilateralism/ 單鉻 单铬 T - 0 dān gè f /monochrome/ 單鍵 单键 T - 19 dān jiàn f /single bond (chemistry)/ 單鏈 单链 T - 31 dān liàn f /single chain/refers to RNA as opposed to the double helix DNA/ 單鏡反光相機 单镜反光相机 T - 0 dān jìng fǎn guāng xiàng jī f /single-lens reflex camera (SLR)/ 單院制 单院制 T - 0 dān yuàn zhì f /unicameralism/single-house system/ 單非 单非 T - 5 dān fēi f /a couple in which one of the spouses is not a Hong Kong citizen/ 單鞋 单鞋 T - 3 dān xié f /unpadded shoes/ 單音節 单音节 T - 3 dān yīn jié f /monosyllabic/a monosyllable/ 單音詞 单音词 T - 3 dān yīn cí f /monosyllabic word/ 單韻母 单韵母 T - 0 dān yùn mǔ f /simple finals/ 單項 单项 T - 244 dān xiàng f /single-item/ 單體 单体 T - 357 dān tǐ f /monomer/ 單點 单点 T - 11 dān diǎn f /à la carte/ 喱 - 8 lí f /grain weight/ 喲 哟 T - 1341 yō t /Oh! (interjection indicating slight surprise)/ 喲 哟 T - 1341 yo f /(sentence-final particle expressing exhortation)/(syllable filler in a song)/ 喳 - 65 chā f /see 喳喳[cha1 cha5]/ 喳 - 65 zhā t /(onom.) chirp, twitter, etc/ 喳喳 - 23 chā cha f /whisper/to whisper/ 喵 - 547 miāo f /(onom.) meow/cat's mewing/ 喵星人 - 0 miāo xīng rén f /cat (Internet slang)/ 営 - 0 yíng f /Japanese variant of 營|营/ 喷 噴 S - 1274 pēn t /to puff/to spout/to spray/to spurt/ 喷 噴 S - 1274 pèn f /(of a smell) strong/peak season (of a crop)/(classifier for the ordinal number of a crop, in the context of multiple harvests)/ 喷丝头 噴絲頭 S - 5 pēn sī tóu f /spinneret/extrusion nozzle/ 喷出 噴出 S - 561 pēn chū f /spout/spray/belch/to well up/to puff out/to spurt out/ 喷出岩 噴出岩 S - 0 pēn chū yán f /extrusive rock (geology)/ 喷发 噴發 S - 379 pēn fā f /to erupt/an eruption/ 喷喷香 噴噴香 S - 3 pēn pēn xiāng f /see 香噴噴|香喷喷[xiang1 pen1 pen1]/ 喷嘴 噴嘴 S - 46 pēn zuǐ f /nozzle/extrusion nozzle/ 喷嘴儿 噴嘴兒 S - 0 pēn zuǐ r f /erhua variant of 噴嘴|喷嘴[pen1 zui3]/ 喷嚏 噴嚏 S - 153 pēn tì f /sneeze/ 喷嚏剂 噴嚏劑 S - 0 pēn tì jì f /sternutator/ 喷墨 噴墨 S - 21 pēn mò f /ink jet/ 喷壶 噴壺 S - 10 pēn hú f /spray bottle/ 喷头 噴頭 S - 15 pēn tóu f /nozzle/spray-head/ 喷子 噴子 S - 3 pēn zi f /sprayer/spraying apparatus/(slang) firearm/Internet troll/hater/ 喷射 噴射 S - 219 pēn shè f /to spurt/to spray/to jet/spurt/spray/jet/ 喷射机 噴射機 S - 8 pēn shè jī f /jet (plane, engine)/spraying machine/ 喷桶 噴桶 S - 3 pēn tǒng f /watering can/ 喷气 噴氣 S - 250 pēn qì f /jet/blast of air/spurt of gas/ 喷气发动机 噴氣發動機 S - 0 pēn qì fā dòng jī f /jet engine/ 喷气式 噴氣式 S - 182 pēn qì shì f /jet-propelled/ 喷气式飞机 噴氣式飛機 S - 0 pēn qì shì fēi jī f /jet aircraft/ 喷气推进实验室 噴氣推進實驗室 S - 0 Pēn qì Tuī jìn Shí yàn shì f /Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California/ 喷气机 噴氣機 S - 8 pēn qì jī f /jet (engine, plane)/ 喷水壶 噴水壺 S - 0 pēn shuǐ hú f /watering can/sprinkling can/ 喷水池 噴水池 S - 7 pēn shuǐ chí f /a fountain/ 喷池 噴池 S - 0 pēn chí f /spray pool/spray condensing pool/ 喷泉 噴泉 S - 190 pēn quán f /fountain/ 喷洒 噴灑 S - 87 pēn sǎ f /to spray/to sprinkle/ 喷洒器 噴灑器 S - 0 pēn sǎ qì f /a spray/ 喷涌 噴湧 S - 69 pēn yǒng f /to bubble out/to squirt/ 喷漆 噴漆 S - 22 pēn qī f /to spray paint or lacquer/lacquer/ 喷漆推进 噴漆推進 S - 0 pēn qī tuī jìn f /jet propulsion/ 喷火 噴火 S - 131 pēn huǒ f /to shoot flames/to erupt (of volcanoes)/flaming (of flowers)/ 喷火器 噴火器 S - 49 pēn huǒ qì f /flamethrower/ 喷砂 噴砂 S - 2 pēn shā f /sandblasting/abrasive blasting/ 喷粪 噴糞 S - 2 pēn fèn f /to talk crap/to be full of shit/ 喷薄 噴薄 S - 8 pēn bó f /to gush/to squirt/to surge/to well out/to overflow/ 喷薄欲出 噴薄欲出 S - 3 pēn bó yù chū f /to be on the verge of eruption (idiom)/(of the sun) to emerge in all its brilliance/ 喷雾 噴霧 S - 58 pēn wù f /mist spray/atomizing/ 喷雾器 噴霧器 S - 6 pēn wù qì f /nebulizer/spray/atomizer/ 喷饭 噴飯 S - 8 pēn fàn f /(coll.) to burst out laughing/ 喷鼻息 噴鼻息 S - 3 pēn bí xī f /to snort/ 喹 - 42 kuí f /see 喹啉[kui2 lin2]/ 喹啉 - 48 kuí lín f /quinoline C6H4(CH)3N (pharm.)/ 喹諾酮 喹诺酮 T - 6 kuí nuò tóng f /quinolone (a hydroxylated quinoline, inhibiting the replication of bacterial DNA)/ 喹诺酮 喹諾酮 S - 6 kuí nuò tóng f /quinolone (a hydroxylated quinoline, inhibiting the replication of bacterial DNA)/ 喺 - 0 xǐ f /to be at, in or on (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 在[zai4]/ 喻 - 299 Yù f /surname Yu/ 喻 - 299 yù f /to describe sth as/an analogy/a simile/a metaphor/an allegory/ 喻世明言 - 0 Yù shì Míng yán f /another name for 古今小說|古今小说[Gu3 jin1 Xiao3 shuo1], Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙[Feng2 Meng4 long2]/ 喼 - 0 jié f /box (dialect)/used to transliterate words with sounds kip-, cap- etc/ 喼汁 - 0 jié zhī f /Worcestershire sauce/ 喽 嘍 S - 290 lóu t /subordinates in gang of bandits/ 喽 嘍 S - 290 lou f /(final particle equivalent to 了[le5])/(particle calling attention to, or mildly warning of, a situation)/ 喽啰 嘍囉 S - 3 lóu luo f /bandit/ 喽子 嘍子 S - 0 lóu zi f /variant of 婁子|娄子[lou2 zi5]/ 喽罗 嘍羅 S - 255 lóu luo f /variant of 嘍囉|喽啰[lou2 luo5]/ 喾 嚳 S - 57 kù f /one of the five legendary emperors, also called 高辛氏/ 喿 - 0 sào f /chirping of birds/ 嗀 - 0 huò f /to vomit/ 嗁 啼 T - 263 tí f /variant of 啼[ti2]/ 嗃 - 0 hè f /scold with severity/ 嗄 - 109 á t /variant of 啊[a2]/ 嗄 - 109 shà f /hoarse/ 嗅 - 460 xiù f /to smell/to sniff/to nose/ 嗅球 - 0 xiù qiú f /olfactory bulb (anatomy)/ 嗅覺 嗅觉 T 3910 270 xiù jué f /sense of smell/ 嗅觉 嗅覺 S 3910 270 xiù jué f /sense of smell/ 嗆 呛 T - 679 qiāng t /to choke (because of swallowing the wrong way)/ 嗆 呛 T - 679 qiàng f /to irritate the nose/to choke (of smoke, smell etc)/pungent/(coll.) (Tw) to shout at sb/to scold/to speak out against sb/ 嗆咕 呛咕 T - 0 qiāng gu f /to discuss (dialect)/ 嗇 啬 T - 78 sè f /stingy/ 嗈 - 0 yōng f /to choke/ 嗉 - 37 sù f /crop (of bird)/ 嗉囊 - 8 sù náng f /crop (anatomy of birds, gastropods etc)/ 嗊 唝 T - 0 hǒng f /sing/ 嗊吥 唝吥 T - 0 Gòng bù f /old name for the town of Kampot in Cambodia, now written 貢布|贡布[Gong4 bu4]/ 嗍 - 78 suō f /to suck/Taiwan pr. [shuo4]/ 嗎 吗 T 13 21245 mǎ f /see 嗎啡|吗啡, morphine/ 嗎 吗 T 13 21245 ma t /(question particle for "yes-no" questions)/ 嗎哪 吗哪 T - 0 mǎ nǎ f /manna (Israelite food)/ 嗎啡 吗啡 T - 89 mǎ fēi f /morphine (loanword)/ 嗐 - 585 hài f /exclamation of regret/ 嗑 - 82 kè f /to crack (seeds) between one's teeth/ 嗑药 嗑藥 S - 0 kè yào f /to take (illegal) drugs/ 嗑藥 嗑药 T - 0 kè yào f /to take (illegal) drugs/ 嗒 - 321 tà f /to despair/ 嗓 - 80 sǎng f /throat/voice/ 嗓子 2189 772 sǎng zi f /throat/voice/CL:把[ba3]/ 嗓子眼 - 58 sǎng zi yǎn f /throat/ 嗓子眼儿 嗓子眼兒 S - 10 sǎng zi yǎn r f /erhua variant of 嗓子眼[sang3 zi5 yan3]/ 嗓子眼兒 嗓子眼儿 T - 10 sǎng zi yǎn r f /erhua variant of 嗓子眼[sang3 zi5 yan3]/ 嗓門 嗓门 T - 252 sǎng mén f /voice/windpipe/ 嗓門眼 嗓门眼 T - 0 sǎng mén yǎn f /throat/ 嗓门 嗓門 S - 252 sǎng mén f /voice/windpipe/ 嗓门眼 嗓門眼 S - 0 sǎng mén yǎn f /throat/ 嗓音 - 351 sǎng yīn f /voice/ 嗔 - 561 chēn f /to be angry at/to be displeased and annoyed/ 嗔喝 - 0 chēn hè f /to yell at sb in rage/ 嗔怒 - 30 chēn nù f /to get angry/ 嗔怪 - 68 chēn guài f /to blame/to rebuke/ 嗔斥 - 0 chēn chì f /to rebuke/to scold/ 嗔狂 - 0 chēn kuáng f /to be deranged/ 嗔目 - 0 chēn mù f /glare/angry look/to open one's eyes wide/to stare angrily/to glare/to glower/ 嗔着 嗔著 S - 0 chēn zhe f /(coll.) to blame sb for sth/ 嗔睨 - 0 chēn nì f /to look askance at sb in anger/ 嗔色 - 0 chēn sè f /angry or sullen look/ 嗔著 嗔着 T - 0 chēn zhe f /(coll.) to blame sb for sth/ 嗔視 嗔视 T - 0 chēn shì f /to look angrily at/ 嗔视 嗔視 S - 0 chēn shì f /to look angrily at/ 嗔詬 嗔诟 T - 0 chēn gòu f /to berate/to curse in rage/ 嗔诟 嗔詬 S - 0 chēn gòu f /to berate/to curse in rage/ 嗕 - 868 Rù f /ancient tribe of northern China/ 嗖 - 210 sōu f /(onom.) whooshing/swishing/rustle of skirts/ 嗖嗖 - 94 sōu sōu f /(onom.) whooshing/swishing/rustle of skirts/laughingly/ 嗙 - 363 pǎng f /(onom.) bang!/ 嗚 呜 T - 971 wū f /(onom.) for humming or whimpering/ 嗚呼 呜呼 T - 79 wū hū f /alas/alack/welladay/wellaway/to die/ 嗚呼哀哉 呜呼哀哉 T - 35 wū hū āi zāi f /alas/all is lost/ 嗚咽 呜咽 T - 318 wū yè f /to sob/to whimper/ 嗚嗚 呜呜 T - 28 wū wū f /(interj) boo hoo/ 嗛 - 288 qiàn f /pouch/hold/content/ 嗜 - 497 shì f /addicted to/fond of/stem corresponding to -phil or -phile/ 嗜好 - 188 shì hào f /hobby/indulgence/habit/addiction/ 嗜慾 嗜欲 T - 11 shì yù f /lust/ 嗜杀成性 嗜殺成性 S - 3 shì shā chéng xìng f /bloodthirsty/ 嗜欲 嗜慾 S - 11 shì yù f /lust/ 嗜殺成性 嗜杀成性 T - 3 shì shā chéng xìng f /bloodthirsty/ 嗜痂成癖 - 3 shì jiā chéng pǐ f /to have strange and dangerous addictions (idiom)/ 嗜睡症 - 0 shì shuì zhèng f /hypersomnia/excessive sleepiness (medical)/ 嗜碱性球 嗜鹼性球 S - 0 shì jiǎn xìng qiú f /basophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell)/ 嗜碱性粒细胞 嗜鹼性粒細胞 S - 0 shì jiǎn xìng lì xì bāo f /basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)/ 嗜血 - 3 shì xuè f /blood-thirsty/blood-sucking/hemophile/ 嗜血杆菌 嗜血桿菌 S - 0 shì xuè gǎn jūn f /hemophile bacteria/hemophilus/ 嗜血桿菌 嗜血杆菌 T - 0 shì xuè gǎn jūn f /hemophile bacteria/hemophilus/ 嗜酒如命 - 3 shì jiǔ rú mìng f /to love wine as one's life (idiom); fond of the bottle/ 嗜酸乳干菌 - 0 shì suān rǔ gān jūn f /Lactobacillus acidophilus/ 嗜酸性球 - 0 shì suān xìng qiú f /eosinophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell)/ 嗜酸性粒細胞 嗜酸性粒细胞 T - 0 shì suān xìng lì xì bāo f /eosinophil (type of white blood cell)/ 嗜酸性粒细胞 嗜酸性粒細胞 S - 0 shì suān xìng lì xì bāo f /eosinophil (type of white blood cell)/ 嗜鹼性球 嗜碱性球 T - 0 shì jiǎn xìng qiú f /basophil granulocyte (type of white blood cell)/ 嗜鹼性粒細胞 嗜碱性粒细胞 T - 0 shì jiǎn xìng lì xì bāo f /basophil granulocytes (rarest type of white blood cell)/ 嗝 - 94 gé f /hiccup/belch/ 嗝儿屁 嗝兒屁 S - 0 gé r pì f /(dialect) to die/to give up the ghost/ 嗝兒屁 嗝儿屁 T - 0 gé r pì f /(dialect) to die/to give up the ghost/ 嗟 - 333 jiē f /sigh/also pr. [jue1]/ 嗡 - 222 wēng f /(onom.) buzz/hum/drone/ 嗡嗡 - 422 wēng wēng f /buzz/drone/hum/ 嗡嗡叫 - 3 wēng wēng jiào f /hum/drone/buzz (of insects)/ 嗡嗡声 嗡嗡聲 S - 3 wēng wēng shēng f /hum/drone/buzz/ 嗡嗡弹 嗡嗡彈 S - 0 wēng wēng dàn f /buzzing bomb/ 嗡嗡彈 嗡嗡弹 T - 0 wēng wēng dàn f /buzzing bomb/ 嗡嗡祖拉 - 0 wēng wēng zǔ lā f /vuvuzela (horn blown by sports fans)/ 嗡嗡聲 嗡嗡声 T - 3 wēng wēng shēng f /hum/drone/buzz/ 嗣 - 860 sì f /succession (to a title)/to inherit/continuing (a tradition)/posterity/ 嗣位 - 3 sì wèi f /to succeed to a title/to inherit/ 嗣后 嗣後 S - 99 sì hòu f /from then on/after/afterwards/thereafter/ 嗣响 嗣響 S - 0 sì xiǎng f /lit. a following echo/fig. to continue (a tradition)/ 嗣国 嗣國 S - 0 sì guó f /to accede to a throne/ 嗣國 嗣国 T - 0 sì guó f /to accede to a throne/ 嗣子 - 3 sì zǐ f /heir/adopted son/ 嗣岁 嗣歲 S - 0 sì suì f /the following year/next year/ 嗣後 嗣后 T - 99 sì hòu f /from then on/after/afterwards/thereafter/ 嗣徽 - 0 sì huī f /heritage/the continuation (of a tradition)/ 嗣歲 嗣岁 T - 0 sì suì f /the following year/next year/ 嗣響 嗣响 T - 0 sì xiǎng f /lit. a following echo/fig. to continue (a tradition)/ 嗤 - 1226 chī f /laugh at/jeer/scoff at/sneer at/ 嗤之以鼻 - 55 chī zhī yǐ bí f /to snort disdainfully/to scoff at/to turn up one's nose/ 嗤笑 - 10 chī xiào f /to sneer at/ 嗤鼻 - 0 chī bí f /see 嗤之以鼻[chi1 zhi1 yi3 bi2]/ 嗥 - 46 háo f /to howl (like a wolf)/ 嗥 嘷 S - 46 háo f /variant of 嗥[hao2]/ 嗥 獋 S - 46 háo f /old variant of 嗥[hao2]/ 嗥叫 - 19 háo jiào f /to growl/to howl/ 嗦 - 227 suō f /suck/ 嗨 2503 368 hāi f /oh alas/hey!/hi! (loanword)/high (on drugs, or as 'in high spirits') (loanword)/ 嗨药 嗨藥 S - 0 hāi yào f /(slang) to take drugs/drug/ 嗨藥 嗨药 T - 0 hāi yào f /(slang) to take drugs/drug/ 嗩 唢 T - 3 suǒ f /see 嗩吶|唢呐[suo3 na4]/ 嗩吶 唢呐 T - 165 suǒ nà f /suona, Chinese shawm (oboe), used in festivals and processions or for military purposes/also written 鎖吶|锁呐/also called 喇叭[la3 ba5]/ 嗪 - 60 qín f /used in phonetic transcription -xine, -zine or -chin/ 嗫 囁 S - 37 niè f /move the mouth as in speaking/ 嗫呫 囁呫 S - 0 niè tiè f /to whisper/ 嗫嗫 囁囁 S - 0 niè niè f /talkative/light and soft (of voice)/ 嗫嚅 囁嚅 S - 161 niè rú f /to stammer/to mumble/to speak haltingly/ 嗬 - 221 hē f /hey! (exclamation)/I say!/ 嗯 1201 2213 ēn f /(a groaning sound)/ 嗯 1201 2213 èn f /(nonverbal grunt as interjection)/OK, yeah/what?/ 嗯 1201 2213 en f /interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement/ 嗯哼 - 0 en hēng f /uh-huh/ 嗰 - 0 gě f /that (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 那[na4]/ 嗲 - 68 diǎ f /coy/childish/ 嗳 噯 S - 404 ǎi f /(interj. of disapproval)/ 嗳 噯 S - 404 ài f /(interj. of regret)/ 嗳气 噯氣 S - 20 ài qì f /belching/ 嗳气吞酸 噯氣吞酸 S - 0 ài qì tūn suān f /belching and acid swallowing (medical term)/ 嗳气呕逆 噯氣嘔逆 S - 0 ài qì ǒu nì f /belching and retching counterflow (medical term)/ 嗳气腐臭 噯氣腐臭 S - 0 ài qì fǔ chòu f /putrid belching (medical term)/ 嗳气酸腐 噯氣酸腐 S - 0 ài qì suān fǔ f /belching of sour putrid gas (medical term)/ 嗳腐 噯腐 S - 0 ài fǔ f /putrid belching (medical term)/ 嗳腐吞酸 噯腐吞酸 S - 0 ài fǔ tūn suān f /putrid belching with regurgitation of stomach acid (medical term)/ 嗳酸 噯酸 S - 3 ài suān f /sour belching (medical term)/ 嗵 - 157 tōng f /(onom.)thump/thud/ 嗵嗵鼓 - 0 tōng tōng gǔ f /tom-tom (drum)/ 嗶 哔 T - 20 bì f /(phonetic)/ 嗶嗶啪啪 哔哔啪啪 T - 0 bì bì pā pā f /(onom.) flopping sound/ 嗶嘰 哔叽 T - 27 bì jī f /serge (loanword)/ 嗷 - 121 áo f /loud clamor/the sound of wailing/ 嗷嗷待哺 - 16 áo áo dài bǔ f /cry piteously for food/ 嗹 - 0 lián f /chattering/ 嗻 - 77 zhè f /(old) aye aye!/ 嗽 - 271 sòu f /cough/ 嗾 - 28 sǒu f /to urge on/incite/ 嗿 - 0 tǎn f /sound of many people eating/ 嘀 - 152 dī f /(onom.) sound of dripping water, a ticking clock etc/ 嘀咕 - 253 dí gu f /to mutter/to feel apprehensive/ 嘀嗒 - 26 dī dā f /(onom.) tick tock/ 嘁 - 97 qī f /whispering sound/ 嘁嘁喳喳 - 34 qī qi chā chā f /chattering/ 嘂 - 0 jiào f /old variant of 叫[jiao4]/ancient musical instrument similar to ocarina/ 嘅 - 0 gě f /possessive particle (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 的[de5]/ 嘅 慨 T - 68 kǎi f /old variant of 慨[kai3]/to sigh (with emotion)/ 嘆 叹 T - 4144 tàn f /to sigh/to gasp/to exclaim/ 嘆息 叹息 T - 998 tàn xī f /to sigh/to gasp (in admiration)/ 嘆惜 叹惜 T - 15 tàn xī f /sigh of regret/ 嘆服 叹服 T - 85 tàn fú f /(to gasp) with admiration/ 嘆氣 叹气 T 4273 313 tàn qì f /to sigh/to heave a sigh/ 嘆為觀止 叹为观止 T - 92 tàn wéi guān zhǐ f /to gasp in amazement/to acclaim as the peak of perfection/ 嘆詞 叹词 T - 3 tàn cí f /interjection/exclamation/ 嘆賞 叹赏 T - 14 tàn shǎng f /to admire/to express admiration/ 嘈 - 118 cáo f /bustling/tumultuous/noisy/ 嘈杂 嘈雜 S 4455 283 cáo zá f /noisy/clamorous/ 嘈杂声 嘈雜聲 S - 3 cáo zá shēng f /noise/din/ 嘈雜 嘈杂 T 4455 283 cáo zá f /noisy/clamorous/ 嘈雜聲 嘈杂声 T - 3 cáo zá shēng f /noise/din/ 嘉 - 2623 Jiā f /surname Jia/ 嘉 - 2623 jiā f /excellent/auspicious/to praise/to commend/ 嘉义 嘉義 S - 33 Jiā yì f /Jiayi or Chiayi city and county in west Taiwan/ 嘉义县 嘉義縣 S - 13 Jiā yì xiàn f /Jiayi or Chiayi county in west Taiwan/ 嘉义市 嘉義市 S - 17 Jiā yì shì f /Chiayi city in central Taiwan/ 嘉仁 - 0 Jiā rén f /Yoshihito, personal name of Japanese emperor Taishō emperor (1879-1926), reigned 1912-1926/ 嘉会 嘉會 S - 3 jiā huì f /auspicious occasion/grand feast/ 嘉兴 嘉興 S - 407 Jiā xīng f /Jiaxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 嘉兴地区 嘉興地區 S - 0 Jiā xīng dì qū f /Jiaxing prefecture, Zhejiang/ 嘉兴市 嘉興市 S - 27 Jiā xīng shì f /Jiaxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 嘉善 - 28 Jiā shàn f /Jiashan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 嘉善县 嘉善縣 S - 2 Jiā shàn xiàn f /Jiashan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 嘉善縣 嘉善县 T - 2 Jiā shàn xiàn f /Jiashan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 嘉士伯 - 4 Jiā shì bó f /Carlsberg/ 嘉奖 嘉獎 S - 136 jiā jiǎng f /to award/commendation/citation/ 嘉定 - 196 Jiā dìng f /Jiading district of northwest Shanghai/final reign name 1208-1224 of South Song emperor Ningzong 寧宗|宁宗[Ning2 zong1]/ 嘉定区 嘉定區 S - 4 Jiā dìng qū f /Jiading district of northwest Shanghai/ 嘉定區 嘉定区 T - 4 Jiā dìng qū f /Jiading district of northwest Shanghai/ 嘉宝果 嘉寶果 S - 0 jiā bǎo guǒ f /jaboticaba/Brazilian grape tree/ 嘉宾 嘉賓 S 2082 440 jiā bīn f /esteemed guest/honored guest/guest (on a show)/ 嘉寶果 嘉宝果 T - 0 jiā bǎo guǒ f /jaboticaba/Brazilian grape tree/ 嘉尔曼 嘉爾曼 S - 3 Jiā ěr màn f /Carmen (name)/ 嘉山 - 5 Jiā shān f /Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in northeast Anhui, now part of Chuzhou prefecture 滁州[Chu2 zhou1]/provincial level scenic area in Hunan/ 嘉山县 嘉山縣 S - 3 Jiā shān xiàn f /Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in northeast Anhui, now part of Chuzhou prefecture 滁州[Chu2 zhou1]/ 嘉山縣 嘉山县 T - 3 Jiā shān xiàn f /Jiashan former county 1932-1992 in northeast Anhui, now part of Chuzhou prefecture 滁州[Chu2 zhou1]/ 嘉峪关 嘉峪關 S - 98 Jiā yù guān f /Jiayuguan prefecture level city in Gansu/ 嘉峪关城 嘉峪關城 S - 0 Jiā yù guān chéng f /Jiayuguan fort in the Gansu corridor/Ming dynasty military fort, the western end of the Great Wall/ 嘉峪关市 嘉峪關市 S - 19 Jiā yù guān shì f /Jiayuguan prefecture level city in Gansu/ 嘉峪關 嘉峪关 T - 98 Jiā yù guān f /Jiayuguan prefecture level city in Gansu/ 嘉峪關城 嘉峪关城 T - 0 Jiā yù guān chéng f /Jiayuguan fort in the Gansu corridor/Ming dynasty military fort, the western end of the Great Wall/ 嘉峪關市 嘉峪关市 T - 19 Jiā yù guān shì f /Jiayuguan prefecture level city in Gansu/ 嘉年华 嘉年華 S - 71 jiā nián huá f /carnival (loanword)/ 嘉年華 嘉年华 T - 71 jiā nián huá f /carnival (loanword)/ 嘉庆 嘉慶 S - 279 Jiā qìng f /Jiaqing Emperor (1760-1820), seventh Qing emperor, personal name 顒琰|颙琰[Yong2 yan3], reigned 1796-1820/ 嘉应大学 嘉應大學 S - 3 Jiā yīng Dà xué f /Jiaying University (Guangdong)/ 嘉慶 嘉庆 T - 279 Jiā qìng f /Jiaqing Emperor (1760-1820), seventh Qing emperor, personal name 顒琰|颙琰[Yong2 yan3], reigned 1796-1820/ 嘉應大學 嘉应大学 T - 3 Jiā yīng Dà xué f /Jiaying University (Guangdong)/ 嘉會 嘉会 T - 3 jiā huì f /auspicious occasion/grand feast/ 嘉柏隆里 - 0 Jiā bó lóng lǐ f /Gaborone, capital of Botswana (Tw)/ 嘉爾曼 嘉尔曼 T - 3 Jiā ěr màn f /Carmen (name)/ 嘉獎 嘉奖 T - 136 jiā jiǎng f /to award/commendation/citation/ 嘉祥 - 10 Jiā xiáng f /Jiaxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 嘉祥县 嘉祥縣 S - 3 Jiā xiáng Xiàn f /Jiaxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 嘉祥縣 嘉祥县 T - 3 Jiā xiáng Xiàn f /Jiaxiang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 嘉禾 - 48 Jiā hé f /Jiahe county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 嘉禾县 嘉禾縣 S - 2 Jiā hé xiàn f /Jiahe county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 嘉禾縣 嘉禾县 T - 2 Jiā hé xiàn f /Jiahe county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 嘉義 嘉义 T - 33 Jiā yì f /Jiayi or Chiayi city and county in west Taiwan/ 嘉義市 嘉义市 T - 17 Jiā yì shì f /Chiayi city in central Taiwan/ 嘉義縣 嘉义县 T - 13 Jiā yì xiàn f /Jiayi or Chiayi county in west Taiwan/ 嘉興 嘉兴 T - 407 Jiā xīng f /Jiaxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 嘉興地區 嘉兴地区 T - 0 Jiā xīng dì qū f /Jiaxing prefecture, Zhejiang/ 嘉興市 嘉兴市 T - 27 Jiā xīng shì f /Jiaxing prefecture level city in Zhejiang/ 嘉荫 嘉蔭 S - 10 Jiā yìn f /Jiayin county in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 嘉荫县 嘉蔭縣 S - 4 Jiā yìn xiàn f /Jiayin county in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 嘉蔭 嘉荫 T - 10 Jiā yìn f /Jiayin county in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 嘉蔭縣 嘉荫县 T - 4 Jiā yìn xiàn f /Jiayin county in Yichun 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 嘉許 嘉许 T - 34 jiā xǔ f /favorable/praise/ 嘉许 嘉許 S - 34 jiā xǔ f /favorable/praise/ 嘉賓 嘉宾 T 2082 440 jiā bīn f /esteemed guest/honored guest/guest (on a show)/ 嘉陵 - 19 Jiā líng f /Jialing district of Nanchong city 南充市[Nan2 chong1 shi4], Sichuan/ 嘉陵区 嘉陵區 S - 4 Jiā líng qū f /Jialing district of Nanchong city 南充市[Nan2 chong1 shi4], Sichuan/ 嘉陵區 嘉陵区 T - 4 Jiā líng qū f /Jialing district of Nanchong city 南充市[Nan2 chong1 shi4], Sichuan/ 嘉陵江 - 120 Jiā líng jiāng f /Jialing river in Sichuan (a tributary of the Yangtze)/ 嘉魚 嘉鱼 T - 12 Jiā yú f /Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei/ 嘉魚縣 嘉鱼县 T - 257 Jiā yú xiàn f /Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei/ 嘉鱼 嘉魚 S - 12 Jiā yú f /Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei/ 嘉鱼县 嘉魚縣 S - 257 Jiā yú xiàn f /Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei/ 嘉黎 - 2 Jiā lí f /Lhari county, Tibetan: Lha ri rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 嘉黎县 嘉黎縣 S - 2 Jiā lí xiàn f /Lhari county, Tibetan: Lha ri rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 嘉黎縣 嘉黎县 T - 2 Jiā lí xiàn f /Lhari county, Tibetan: Lha ri rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 嘊 啀 T - 240 ái f /to growl (of dog)/to bare fangs/ 嘌 - 66 piāo f /fast/speedy/ 嘌 - 66 piào t /purine/see 嘌呤[piao4 ling4]/ 嘌呤 - 52 piào lìng f /purine/ 嘍 喽 T - 290 lóu t /subordinates in gang of bandits/ 嘍 喽 T - 290 lou f /(final particle equivalent to 了[le5])/(particle calling attention to, or mildly warning of, a situation)/ 嘍囉 喽啰 T - 3 lóu luo f /bandit/ 嘍子 喽子 T - 0 lóu zi f /variant of 婁子|娄子[lou2 zi5]/ 嘍羅 喽罗 T - 255 lóu luo f /variant of 嘍囉|喽啰[lou2 luo5]/ 嘎 - 406 gá f /cackling sound/ 嘎 嘠 S - 406 gá f /old variant of 嘎[ga2]/ 嘎吱 - 41 gā zhī f /(onom.) creak/crunch/ 嘎啦 - 9 gā la t /(onom.) rumbling/rattling/ 嘎啦 - 9 gá la f /to quarrel (Northeastern Mandarin)/ 嘎嘎 - 70 gā gā f /(onom.) quack/honk/(northern dialect) very/also pr. [ga1 ga5], [ga2 ga5] etc/ 嘎嘎小姐 - 0 Gā gā Xiǎo jie f /Lady Gaga (1986-), US pop singer/ 嘎拉哈 - 0 gā lā hà f /(Manchu loanword) knucklebones/see 羊拐[yang2 guai3]/ 嘎然 - 3 gā rán f /(onom.) screech of a sudden stop/suddenly stop (of sounds)/crisply and clearly (of sounds)/ 嘏 - 31 gǔ t /good fortune/longevity/ 嘏 - 31 jiǎ f /far/grand/ 嘐 - 0 xiāo f /boastful/bombastic/ 嘑 呼 T - 3306 hū f /variant of 呼[hu1]/to shout/to call out/ 嘒 - 0 huì f /shrill sound/twinkling/ 嘓 啯 T - 35 guō f /sound of swallowing/croak/ 嘔 呕 T - 289 ǒu f /vomit/ 嘔出物 呕出物 T - 0 ǒu chū wù f /vomitus/ 嘔吐 呕吐 T 3073 625 ǒu tù f /to vomit/ 嘔吐物 呕吐物 T - 3 ǒu tù wù f /vomit/ 嘔心瀝血 呕心沥血 T - 65 ǒu xīn lì xuè f /lit. to spit out one's heart and spill blood (idiom)/to work one's heart out/blood, sweat and tears/ 嘔氣 呕气 T - 3 òu qì f /variant of 慪氣|怄气[ou4 qi4]/ 嘖 啧 T - 66 zé f /(interj. of admiration or of disgust)/to click one's tongue/to attempt to (find an opportunity to) speak/ 嘖嘖 啧啧 T - 110 zé zé f /to click one's tongue/ 嘖嘖稱奇 啧啧称奇 T - 48 zé zé chēng qí f /to click one's tongue in wonder (idiom)/to be astonished/ 嘗 尝 T 1021 1295 cháng f /to taste/to try/to experience/already/ever/once/ 嘗盡心酸 尝尽心酸 T - 0 cháng jìn xīn suān f /to experience one's full share of sorrows (idiom)/ 嘗糞 尝粪 T - 0 cháng fèn f /to taste excrement (an act of filial piety)/to suck-up/to ass kiss/ 嘗試 尝试 T 2560 1188 cháng shì f /to try/to attempt/CL:次[ci4]/ 嘘 噓 S - 241 xū f /to exhale slowly/to hiss/hush!/ 嘘嘘 噓噓 S - 0 xū xū f /to pee pee (kiddie or feminine slang)/ 嘘声 噓聲 S - 26 xū shēng f /hissing sound/to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)/ 嘘寒问暖 噓寒問暖 S - 40 xū hán wèn nuǎn f /to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom)/to pamper/ 嘚 - 9 dē f /(onom.) for the sound of horsehoofs/ 嘚啵 - 0 dē bo f /(coll.) to run off at the mouth/to jabber on/ 嘛 2504 3437 ma f /modal particle indicating that sth is obvious/particle indicating a pause for emphasis/ 嘜 唛 T - 0 mài f /mark (loanword)/also pr. [ma4]/ 嘜頭 唛头 T - 0 mài tóu f /trademark/shipping mark/ 嘞 - 57 lei f /sentence-final particle similar to 了[le5], but carrying a tone of approval/ 嘟 - 131 dū f /toot/honk/to pout/ 嘟哝 嘟噥 S - 63 dū nong f /to mutter/to mumble complaints/to grumble/ 嘟嘟响 嘟嘟響 S - 0 dū dū xiǎng f /(onom.) toot/honk/beeping/tooting noise/ 嘟嘟哝哝 嘟嘟噥噥 S - 3 dū dū nóng nóng f /to mumble in whispers/to mutter to oneself/ 嘟嘟噥噥 嘟嘟哝哝 T - 3 dū dū nóng nóng f /to mumble in whispers/to mutter to oneself/ 嘟嘟車 嘟嘟车 T - 0 dū dū chē f /tuk tuk (three wheeler taxi) (loanword)/ 嘟嘟车 嘟嘟車 S - 0 dū dū chē f /tuk tuk (three wheeler taxi) (loanword)/ 嘟嘟響 嘟嘟响 T - 0 dū dū xiǎng f /(onom.) toot/honk/beeping/tooting noise/ 嘟噜 嘟嚕 S - 35 dū lu f /bunch/cluster/classifier for bunched objects/to hang down in a bunch/to droop/ 嘟噥 嘟哝 T - 63 dū nong f /to mutter/to mumble complaints/to grumble/ 嘟嚕 嘟噜 T - 35 dū lu f /bunch/cluster/classifier for bunched objects/to hang down in a bunch/to droop/ 嘟囔 - 97 dū nang f /to mumble to oneself/ 嘟着嘴 嘟著嘴 S - 0 dū zhe zuǐ f /to pout/ 嘟著嘴 嘟着嘴 T - 0 dū zhe zuǐ f /to pout/ 嘠 嘎 T - 406 gá f /old variant of 嘎[ga2]/ 嘡 - 19 tāng f /(onom.) clang/bong/bang/ 嘢 - 0 yě f /thing/matter (Cantonese)/see also 乜嘢[mie1 ye3]/ 嘣 - 115 bēng f /sound of an explosion/sound of sth throbbing or bursting/ 嘤 嚶 S - 271 yīng f /calling of birds/ 嘥 - 0 sāi f /to waste (Cantonese)/ 嘦 - 3 jiào f /if only/so long as/(contraction of 只 and 要)/ 嘧 - 44 mì f /(phonetic) as in pyrimidine/ 嘧啶 - 55 mì dìng f /pyrimidine C4H4N2/ 嘩 哗 T - 701 huā t /crashing sound/ 嘩 哗 T - 701 huá f /cat-calling sound/clamor/noise/ 嘩啦 哗啦 T - 105 huā lā t /(onom.) sound of a crash/with a crash/ 嘩啦 哗啦 T - 105 huá la f /to collapse/ 嘩啦一聲 哗啦一声 T - 3 huā lā yī shēng f /with a crash/with a thunderous noise/ 嘩啦啦 哗啦啦 T - 108 huā lā lā f /(onom.) crashing sound/ 嘩嘩 哗哗 T - 15 huā huā f /sound of gurgling water/ 嘩然 哗然 T - 97 huá rán f /in uproar/commotion/causing a storm of protest/tumultuous/ 嘩眾取寵 哗众取宠 T - 44 huá zhòng qǔ chǒng f /sensationalism/vulgar claptrap to please the crowds/playing to the gallery/demagogy/ 嘩笑 哗笑 T - 7 huá xiào f /uproarious laughter/ 嘩變 哗变 T - 110 huá biàn f /mutiny/rebellion/ 嘫 - 93 rán f /old variant of 然[ran2]/ 嘬 - 72 chuài t /(literary) to gnaw/to eat ravenously/ 嘬 - 72 zuō f /(coll.) to suck/ 嘭 - 174 pēng f /(onom.) bang/ 嘮 唠 T - 44 láo t /to chatter/ 嘮 唠 T - 44 lào f /to gossip/to chat (dialect)/ 嘮叨 唠叨 T 3279 172 láo dao f /to prattle/to chatter away/to nag/garrulous/nagging/ 嘮嗑 唠嗑 T - 12 lào kē f /(dialect) to chat/to gossip/ 嘯 啸 T - 346 xiào f /to hiss/to whistle/ 嘰 叽 T - 109 jī f /grumble/ 嘰咋柳鶯 叽咋柳莺 T - 0 jī zǎ liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) common chiffchaff (Phylloscopus collybita)/ 嘰哩咕嚕 叽哩咕噜 T - 100 jī li gū lū f /(onom.) to jabber/to rumble/ 嘰嘰喳喳 叽叽喳喳 T - 66 jī jī zhā zhā f /(onom.) chirp/twitter/buzzing/to chatter continuously/ 嘰嘰嘎嘎 叽叽嘎嘎 T - 6 jī jī gá gá f /(onom.) giggling noise/ 嘰里咕嚕 叽里咕噜 T - 6 jī li gū lū f /see 嘰哩咕嚕|叽哩咕噜[ji1 li5 gu1 lu1]/ 嘱 囑 S - 283 zhǔ f /to enjoin/to implore/to urge/ 嘱咐 囑咐 S 4550 999 zhǔ fù f /to tell/to exhort/injunction/ 嘱托 囑託 S - 133 zhǔ tuō f /to entrust a task to sb else/ 嘲 - 92 cháo t /to ridicule/to mock/ 嘲 - 92 zhāo f /see 嘲哳, (onom.) twitter/twittering sound/ 嘲哳 - 0 zhāo zhā f /(onom.) twitter/twittering sound/ 嘲弄 - 132 cháo nòng f /to tease/to poke fun at/to make fun of/ 嘲笑 2702 475 cháo xiào f /to jeer at/to deride/to ridicule/mockery/derision/ 嘲諷 嘲讽 T - 255 cháo fěng f /to sneer at/to ridicule/to taunt/ 嘲謔 嘲谑 T - 3 cháo xuè f /to mock and ridicule/ 嘲讽 嘲諷 S - 255 cháo fěng f /to sneer at/to ridicule/to taunt/ 嘲谑 嘲謔 S - 3 cháo xuè f /to mock and ridicule/ 嘴 376 6654 zuǐ f /mouth/beak/nozzle/spout (of teapot etc)/CL:張|张[zhang1],個|个[ge4]/ 嘴上无毛,办事不牢 嘴上無毛,辦事不牢 S - 0 zuǐ shàng wú máo , bàn shì bù láo f /see 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢|嘴上没毛,办事不牢[zui3 shang4 mei2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2]/ 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢 嘴上没毛,办事不牢 T - 0 zuǐ shàng méi máo , bàn shì bù láo f /a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)/ 嘴上没毛,办事不牢 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢 S - 0 zuǐ shàng méi máo , bàn shì bù láo f /a youth without facial hair cannot be relied upon (proverb)/ 嘴上無毛,辦事不牢 嘴上无毛,办事不牢 T - 0 zuǐ shàng wú máo , bàn shì bù láo f /see 嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢|嘴上没毛,办事不牢[zui3 shang4 mei2 mao2 , ban4 shi4 bu4 lao2]/ 嘴严 嘴嚴 S - 3 zuǐ yán f /prudent in speech/ 嘴乖 - 3 zuǐ guāi f /(coll.) to speak in a clever and lovable way/ 嘴唇 2923 1247 zuǐ chún f /lip/CL:片[pian4]/ 嘴啃泥 - 8 zuǐ kěn ní f /to fall flat on one's face/ 嘴嚴 嘴严 T - 3 zuǐ yán f /prudent in speech/ 嘴子 - 3 zuǐ zi f /mouth/beak/spout/mouthpiece/ 嘴尖 - 11 zuǐ jiān f /sharp-tongued/to have a keen sense of taste/to be picky about one's food/ 嘴巴 - 1104 zuǐ ba f /mouth/CL:張|张[zhang1]/slap in the face/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 嘴巴子 - 0 zuǐ ba zi f /slap/ 嘴快 - 18 zuǐ kuài f /to have loose lips/ 嘴快心直 - 0 zuǐ kuài xīn zhí f /outspoken and frank (idiom)/ 嘴损 嘴損 S - 3 zuǐ sǔn f /(dialect) sharp-tongued/harsh/ 嘴損 嘴损 T - 3 zuǐ sǔn f /(dialect) sharp-tongued/harsh/ 嘴敞 - 0 zuǐ chǎng f /to have a loose tongue/talkative/ 嘴松 嘴鬆 S - 3 zuǐ sōng f /loose-tongued/ 嘴牢 - 0 zuǐ láo f /tight-lipped/ 嘴琴 - 0 zuǐ qín f /Jew's harp/ 嘴甜 - 15 zuǐ tián f /sweet-talking/ingratiating/ 嘴甜心苦 - 3 zuǐ tián xīn kǔ f /sweet mouth, bitter heart (idiom); insincere flattery/ 嘴皮子 - 26 zuǐ pí zi f /lit. lips/fig. glib talk/ 嘴直 - 3 zuǐ zhí f /straight shooter/ 嘴硬 - 48 zuǐ yìng f /reluctant to admit a mistake/ 嘴硬心軟 嘴硬心软 T - 0 zuǐ yìng xīn ruǎn f /see 刀子嘴,豆腐心[dao1 zi5 zui3 , dou4 fu5 xin1]/ 嘴硬心软 嘴硬心軟 S - 0 zuǐ yìng xīn ruǎn f /see 刀子嘴,豆腐心[dao1 zi5 zui3 , dou4 fu5 xin1]/ 嘴稳 嘴穩 S - 0 zuǐ wěn f /able to keep a secret/ 嘴穩 嘴稳 T - 0 zuǐ wěn f /able to keep a secret/ 嘴脸 嘴臉 S - 155 zuǐ liǎn f /features, face (esp. derogatorily)/look/appearance/countenance/ 嘴臉 嘴脸 T - 155 zuǐ liǎn f /features, face (esp. derogatorily)/look/appearance/countenance/ 嘴裡 嘴里 T - 2002 zuǐ lǐ f /mouth/in the mouth/on one's lips/speech/words/ 嘴角 - 788 zuǐ jiǎo f /corner of the mouth/ 嘴軟 嘴软 T - 6 zuǐ ruǎn f /soft-spoken/afraid to speak out/ 嘴软 嘴軟 S - 6 zuǐ ruǎn f /soft-spoken/afraid to speak out/ 嘴里 嘴裡 S - 2002 zuǐ lǐ f /mouth/in the mouth/on one's lips/speech/words/ 嘴饞 嘴馋 T - 15 zuǐ chán f /gluttonous/ravenous/ 嘴馋 嘴饞 S - 15 zuǐ chán f /gluttonous/ravenous/ 嘴鬆 嘴松 T - 3 zuǐ sōng f /loose-tongued/ 嘵 哓 T - 11 xiāo f /a cry of alarm/querulous/ 嘶 - 408 sī f /hiss/neigh/Ss! (sound of air sucked between the teeth, indicating hesitation or thinking over)/ 嘶叫 - 52 sī jiào f /to whinny (of a horse)/to neigh/to shout/ 嘶吼 - 15 sī hǒu f /to yell/to shout/ 嘶哑 嘶啞 S - 262 sī yǎ f /(onom.) coarse crowing/hoarse/husky/ 嘶哑声 嘶啞聲 S - 0 sī yǎ shēng f /hoarse/ 嘶啞 嘶哑 T - 262 sī yǎ f /(onom.) coarse crowing/hoarse/husky/ 嘶啞聲 嘶哑声 T - 0 sī yǎ shēng f /hoarse/ 嘶喊 - 13 sī hǎn f /to shout/ 嘶嘶声 嘶嘶聲 S - 0 sī sī shēng f /hiss/ 嘶嘶聲 嘶嘶声 T - 0 sī sī shēng f /hiss/ 嘶鳴 嘶鸣 T - 70 sī míng f /to whinny (of a horse)/to neigh/ 嘶鸣 嘶鳴 S - 70 sī míng f /to whinny (of a horse)/to neigh/ 嘷 嗥 T - 46 háo f /variant of 嗥[hao2]/ 嘸 呒 T - 57 fǔ t /perplexed/astonished/ 嘸 呒 T - 57 m f /dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]/ 嘸啥 呒啥 T - 3 m shá f /dialectal equivalent of 沒甚麼|没什么[mei2 shen2 me5]/ 嘸沒 呒没 T - 0 m méi f /dialectal equivalent of 沒有|没有[mei2 you3]/ 嘸蝦米 呒虾米 T - 0 wǔ xiā mǐ f /Boshiamy (Hoklo: 無甚物|无甚物[bô-siáⁿ-mi̍h] it's nothing) input method for Chinese/ 嘸蝦米輸入法 呒虾米输入法 T - 0 fǔ xiā mǐ shū rù fǎ f /Boshiamy (Hoklo: 無甚物[bô-siáⁿ-mi̍h] it's nothing) input method for Chinese/ 嘹 - 14 liáo f /clear sound/cry (of cranes etc)/ 嘹亮 - 122 liáo liàng f /loud and clear/resonant/ 嘹喨 - 0 liáo liàng f /variant of 嘹亮[liao2 liang4]/ 嘻 - 742 xī f /laugh/giggle/(interjection expressing admiration, surprise etc)/ 嘻 譆 S - 742 xī f /(interjection expressing surprise, grief etc)/variant of 嘻[xi1]/ 嘻哈 - 0 xī hā f /hip-hop (music genre)/ 嘻嘻 - 3 xī xī f /hee hee/happy/ 嘻皮 - 0 xī pí f /hippie (loanword)/ 嘻皮笑脸 嘻皮笑臉 S - 15 xī pí xiào liǎn f /see 嬉皮笑臉|嬉皮笑脸[xi1 pi2 xiao4 lian3/ 嘻皮笑臉 嘻皮笑脸 T - 15 xī pí xiào liǎn f /see 嬉皮笑臉|嬉皮笑脸[xi1 pi2 xiao4 lian3/ 嘽 啴 T - 0 chǎn t /see 嘽嘽|啴啴[chan3 chan3]/see 嘽緩|啴缓[chan3 huan3]/ 嘽 啴 T - 0 tān f /see 嘽嘽|啴啴[tan1 tan1]/ 嘽嘽 啴啴 T - 0 chǎn chǎn t /relaxed and leisurely/ 嘽嘽 啴啴 T - 0 tān tān f /(of an animal) to pant/grand/majestic/ 嘽緩 啴缓 T - 0 chǎn huǎn f /relaxed/unhurried/ 嘿 2502 481 hēi f /hey/ 嘿咻 - 0 hēi xiū f /(coll.) to make love/ 噀 - 55 xùn f /spurt out of the mouth/ 噁 恶 T - 3136 ě f /variant of 惡|恶[e3], esp. used in names of chemical components/ 噁嗪 恶嗪 T - 0 ě qín f /oxazine C4H5NO/ 噁心 恶心 T 2535 696 ě xīn t /variant of 惡心|恶心[e3 xin1]/ 噂 - 0 zǔn f /talk together/ 噅 - 0 huī f /to speak falsely or wrongly/ugly/ 噇 - 3 chuáng f /to eat (archaic)/ 噉 啖 T - 52 dàn f /variant of 啖[dan4]/ 噌 - 65 cēng t /to scold/whoosh!/ 噌 - 65 chēng f /sound of bells etc/ 噍 - 9 jiào f /to chew/ 噍类 噍類 S - 0 jiào lèi f /a living being (esp. human)/ 噍類 噍类 T - 0 jiào lèi f /a living being (esp. human)/ 噎 - 209 yē f /to choke (on)/to choke up/to suffocate/ 噎住 - 70 yē zhù f /to choke (on)/to choke off (in speech)/ 噏 - 0 xī f /to gossip/to babble (Cantonese)/ 噏动 噏動 S - 0 xī dòng f /variant of 翕動|翕动[xi1 dong4]/ 噏動 噏动 T - 0 xī dòng f /variant of 翕動|翕动[xi1 dong4]/ 噓 嘘 T - 241 xū f /to exhale slowly/to hiss/hush!/ 噓噓 嘘嘘 T - 0 xū xū f /to pee pee (kiddie or feminine slang)/ 噓寒問暖 嘘寒问暖 T - 40 xū hán wèn nuǎn f /to enquire solicitously about sb's well-being (idiom)/to pamper/ 噓聲 嘘声 T - 26 xū shēng f /hissing sound/to hiss (as a sign of displeasure)/ 噔 - 100 dēng f /(onom.) thud/thump/ 噔噔 - 0 dēng dēng f /(onom.) thump/thud/ 噗 - 445 pū f /(onom.) pop/plop/pfff/putt-putt of a motor/ 噗浪 - 0 Pū làng f /Plurk (micro-blogging service)/ 噘 - 77 juē f /to pout/ 噘 撅 T - 304 juē f /(dialect) to abuse (verbally)/variant of 撅[jue1]/to pout/ 噘嘴 - 10 juē zuǐ f /to pout (to express anger or displeasure)/ 噙 - 212 qín f /to hold in (usually refers the mouth or eyes)/ 噚 㖊 T - 0 xún f /fathom (1.83 meters) (old)/ 噛 - 0 niè f /old variant of 嚙|啮[nie4]/ 噜 嚕 S - 102 lū f /grumble/chatter/ 噜苏 嚕囌 S - 6 lū sū f /see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 噝 咝 T - 142 sī f /(onom.) to hiss/to whistle/to whiz/to fizz/ 噝噝聲 咝咝声 T - 5 sī sī shēng f /hissing sound (onom.)/ 噞 - 0 yǎn f /the movement of a fish's mouth at the surface of the water/ 噠 哒 T - 297 dā f /(phonetic)/command to a horse/clatter (of horses' hoofs)/ 噠嗪 哒嗪 T - 3 dā qín f /pyrazine C4H4N2/diazine/ 噢 - 814 ō f /Oh!/ 噢运会 噢運會 S - 0 O yùn huì f /see 奧運會|奥运会[Ao4 yun4 hui4]/ 噢運會 噢运会 T - 0 O yùn huì f /see 奧運會|奥运会[Ao4 yun4 hui4]/ 噤 - 30 jìn f /unable to speak/silent/ 噤声令 噤聲令 S - 0 jìn shēng lìng f /gag order/ 噤聲令 噤声令 T - 0 jìn shēng lìng f /gag order/ 噤若寒蝉 噤若寒蟬 S - 20 jìn ruò hán chán f /to keep quiet out of fear (idiom)/ 噤若寒蟬 噤若寒蝉 T - 20 jìn ruò hán chán f /to keep quiet out of fear (idiom)/ 噥 哝 T - 110 nóng f /garrulous/ 噦 哕 T - 81 huì t /see 噦噦|哕哕[hui4 hui4]/ 噦 哕 T - 81 yuě f /to puke/to hiccup/ 噦噦 哕哕 T - 0 huì huì f /rythmical sound of a bell/ 器 - 4219 qì f /device/tool/utensil/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 器乐 器樂 S - 170 qì yuè f /instrumental music/ 器件 - 416 qì jiàn f /device/component/ 器具 - 304 qì jù f /implement/ware/ 器宇軒昂 器宇轩昂 T - 10 qì yǔ xuān áng f /variant of 氣宇軒昂|气宇轩昂[qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2]/ 器宇轩昂 器宇軒昂 S - 10 qì yǔ xuān áng f /variant of 氣宇軒昂|气宇轩昂[qi4 yu3 xuan1 ang2]/ 器官 2858 1868 qì guān f /organ (part of body tissue)/apparatus/ 器官捐献者 器官捐獻者 S - 0 qì guān juān xiàn zhě f /organ donor/ 器官捐獻者 器官捐献者 T - 0 qì guān juān xiàn zhě f /organ donor/ 器官移殖 - 0 qì guān yí zhí f /organ transplant/ 器材 3909 702 qì cái f /equipment/material/ 器械 - 744 qì xiè f /apparatus/instrument/equipment/weapon/ 器樂 器乐 T - 170 qì yuè f /instrumental music/ 器物 - 657 qì wù f /implements/utensils/ 器皿 - 255 qì mǐn f /household utensils/ 器質性 器质性 T - 54 qì zhì xìng f /(of medical disorders) organic/ 器质性 器質性 S - 54 qì zhì xìng f /(of medical disorders) organic/ 器重 - 193 qì zhòng f /to regard highly/ 器量 - 21 qì liàng f /tolerance/ 噩 - 14 è f /startling/ 噩夢 噩梦 T - 240 è mèng f /nightmare/ 噩梦 噩夢 S - 240 è mèng f /nightmare/ 噩耗 - 110 è hào f /news of sb's death/grievous news/ 噩运 噩運 S - 12 è yùn f /variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4]/ 噩運 噩运 T - 12 è yùn f /variant of 厄運|厄运[e4 yun4]/ 噪 - 138 zào f /the chirping of birds or insects/noise/clamor/buzzing/disturbance/ 噪 譟 S - 138 zào f /variant of 噪[zao4]/ 噪声 噪聲 S - 488 zào shēng f /noise/ 噪声污染 噪聲污染 S - 3 zào shēng wū rǎn f /noise pollution/ 噪大苇莺 噪大葦鶯 S - 0 zào dà wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) clamorous reed warbler (Acrocephalus stentoreus)/ 噪大葦鶯 噪大苇莺 T - 0 zào dà wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) clamorous reed warbler (Acrocephalus stentoreus)/ 噪杂 噪雜 S - 3 zào zá f /a clamor/a din/ 噪聲 噪声 T - 488 zào shēng f /noise/ 噪聲污染 噪声污染 T - 3 zào shēng wū rǎn f /noise pollution/ 噪雜 噪杂 T - 3 zào zá f /a clamor/a din/ 噪音 3070 221 zào yīn f /rumble/noise/static (in a signal)/ 噪音盒 - 0 zào yīn hé f /boombox/ghetto blaster/ 噪鵑 噪鹃 T - 0 zào juān f /(bird species of China) Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus)/ 噪鹃 噪鵑 S - 0 zào juān f /(bird species of China) Asian koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus)/ 噫 - 102 yī f /yeah (interjection of approval)/to belch/ 噬 - 206 shì f /to devour/to bite/ 噬咬 - 0 shì yǎo f /to bite/ 噬菌体 噬菌體 S - 89 shì jūn tǐ f /bacteriophage/phage/virus that infects bacteria/ 噬菌體 噬菌体 T - 89 shì jūn tǐ f /bacteriophage/phage/virus that infects bacteria/ 噭 - 12 jiào f /shout/ 噯 嗳 T - 404 ǎi f /(interj. of disapproval)/ 噯 嗳 T - 404 ài f /(interj. of regret)/ 噯氣 嗳气 T - 20 ài qì f /belching/ 噯氣吞酸 嗳气吞酸 T - 0 ài qì tūn suān f /belching and acid swallowing (medical term)/ 噯氣嘔逆 嗳气呕逆 T - 0 ài qì ǒu nì f /belching and retching counterflow (medical term)/ 噯氣腐臭 嗳气腐臭 T - 0 ài qì fǔ chòu f /putrid belching (medical term)/ 噯氣酸腐 嗳气酸腐 T - 0 ài qì suān fǔ f /belching of sour putrid gas (medical term)/ 噯腐 嗳腐 T - 0 ài fǔ f /putrid belching (medical term)/ 噯腐吞酸 嗳腐吞酸 T - 0 ài fǔ tūn suān f /putrid belching with regurgitation of stomach acid (medical term)/ 噯酸 嗳酸 T - 3 ài suān f /sour belching (medical term)/ 噱 - 14 jué f /loud laughter/ 噱头 噱頭 S - 50 xué tóu f /amusing speech or act/jokes/antics/funny/amusing/Taiwan pr. [xue1 tou2]/ 噱頭 噱头 T - 50 xué tóu f /amusing speech or act/jokes/antics/funny/amusing/Taiwan pr. [xue1 tou2]/ 噲 哙 T - 22 Kuài f /surname Kuai/ 噲 哙 T - 22 kuài f /throat/to swallow/ 噳 - 18 yǔ f /herd/stag/buck/ 噴 喷 T - 1274 pēn t /to puff/to spout/to spray/to spurt/ 噴 喷 T - 1274 pèn f /(of a smell) strong/peak season (of a crop)/(classifier for the ordinal number of a crop, in the context of multiple harvests)/ 噴出 喷出 T - 561 pēn chū f /spout/spray/belch/to well up/to puff out/to spurt out/ 噴出岩 喷出岩 T - 0 pēn chū yán f /extrusive rock (geology)/ 噴嘴 喷嘴 T - 46 pēn zuǐ f /nozzle/extrusion nozzle/ 噴嘴兒 喷嘴儿 T - 0 pēn zuǐ r f /erhua variant of 噴嘴|喷嘴[pen1 zui3]/ 噴噴香 喷喷香 T - 3 pēn pēn xiāng f /see 香噴噴|香喷喷[xiang1 pen1 pen1]/ 噴嚏 喷嚏 T - 153 pēn tì f /sneeze/ 噴嚏劑 喷嚏剂 T - 0 pēn tì jì f /sternutator/ 噴墨 喷墨 T - 21 pēn mò f /ink jet/ 噴壺 喷壶 T - 10 pēn hú f /spray bottle/ 噴子 喷子 T - 3 pēn zi f /sprayer/spraying apparatus/(slang) firearm/Internet troll/hater/ 噴射 喷射 T - 219 pēn shè f /to spurt/to spray/to jet/spurt/spray/jet/ 噴射機 喷射机 T - 8 pēn shè jī f /jet (plane, engine)/spraying machine/ 噴桶 喷桶 T - 3 pēn tǒng f /watering can/ 噴氣 喷气 T - 250 pēn qì f /jet/blast of air/spurt of gas/ 噴氣式 喷气式 T - 182 pēn qì shì f /jet-propelled/ 噴氣式飛機 喷气式飞机 T - 0 pēn qì shì fēi jī f /jet aircraft/ 噴氣推進實驗室 喷气推进实验室 T - 0 Pēn qì Tuī jìn Shí yàn shì f /Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California/ 噴氣機 喷气机 T - 8 pēn qì jī f /jet (engine, plane)/ 噴氣發動機 喷气发动机 T - 0 pēn qì fā dòng jī f /jet engine/ 噴水壺 喷水壶 T - 0 pēn shuǐ hú f /watering can/sprinkling can/ 噴水池 喷水池 T - 7 pēn shuǐ chí f /a fountain/ 噴池 喷池 T - 0 pēn chí f /spray pool/spray condensing pool/ 噴泉 喷泉 T - 190 pēn quán f /fountain/ 噴湧 喷涌 T - 69 pēn yǒng f /to bubble out/to squirt/ 噴漆 喷漆 T - 22 pēn qī f /to spray paint or lacquer/lacquer/ 噴漆推進 喷漆推进 T - 0 pēn qī tuī jìn f /jet propulsion/ 噴灑 喷洒 T - 87 pēn sǎ f /to spray/to sprinkle/ 噴灑器 喷洒器 T - 0 pēn sǎ qì f /a spray/ 噴火 喷火 T - 131 pēn huǒ f /to shoot flames/to erupt (of volcanoes)/flaming (of flowers)/ 噴火器 喷火器 T - 49 pēn huǒ qì f /flamethrower/ 噴發 喷发 T - 379 pēn fā f /to erupt/an eruption/ 噴砂 喷砂 T - 2 pēn shā f /sandblasting/abrasive blasting/ 噴糞 喷粪 T - 2 pēn fèn f /to talk crap/to be full of shit/ 噴絲頭 喷丝头 T - 5 pēn sī tóu f /spinneret/extrusion nozzle/ 噴薄 喷薄 T - 8 pēn bó f /to gush/to squirt/to surge/to well out/to overflow/ 噴薄欲出 喷薄欲出 T - 3 pēn bó yù chū f /to be on the verge of eruption (idiom)/(of the sun) to emerge in all its brilliance/ 噴霧 喷雾 T - 58 pēn wù f /mist spray/atomizing/ 噴霧器 喷雾器 T - 6 pēn wù qì f /nebulizer/spray/atomizer/ 噴頭 喷头 T - 15 pēn tóu f /nozzle/spray-head/ 噴飯 喷饭 T - 8 pēn fàn f /(coll.) to burst out laughing/ 噴鼻息 喷鼻息 T - 3 pēn bí xī f /to snort/ 噶 - 230 gá f /phonetic ga (used in rendering Tibetan and Mongolian sounds)/Tibetan Ge: language of Buddha/(dialect) final particle similar to 了[le5] (esp. in Yunnan)/ 噶举派 噶舉派 S - 24 Gá jǔ pài f /Geju (Tibetan: transmit word of Buddha) sect of Tibetan Buddhist/ 噶伦 噶倫 S - 7 gá lún f /Tibetan government official/same as 噶布倫|噶布伦/ 噶倫 噶伦 T - 7 gá lún f /Tibetan government official/same as 噶布倫|噶布伦/ 噶厦 噶廈 S - 9 gá xià f /government of Tibet, dissolved in 1959/ 噶哈巫族 - 0 Gá hā wū zú f /Kaxabu or Kahabu, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 噶啷啷 - 0 gá lāng lāng f /(onom.) hum and clatter/ 噶喇 - 0 gá lǎ f /(onom.)/same as 噶拉[ga2 la1]/ 噶嗒 - 0 gá tà f /(onom.) clattering/ 噶嘣 - 0 gá bēng f /(onom.) kaboom/ 噶噶 - 0 gá gá f /(onom.)/ 噶尔 噶爾 S - 116 Gá ěr f /Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong/ 噶尔县 噶爾縣 S - 3 Gá ěr xiàn f /Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong/ 噶布伦 噶布倫 S - 0 gá bù lún f /Tibetan government official/ 噶布倫 噶布伦 T - 0 gá bù lún f /Tibetan government official/ 噶廈 噶厦 T - 9 gá xià f /government of Tibet, dissolved in 1959/ 噶当派 噶當派 S - 0 Gá dāng pài f /Bkar-dgam-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism/ 噶拉 - 0 gá lā f /(onom.)/same as 噶喇[ga2 la3]/ 噶拉·多傑·仁波切 噶拉·多杰·仁波切 T - 0 Gá lā · Duō jié · Rén bō qiè f /Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of Buthanese religious leaders/ 噶拉·多杰·仁波切 噶拉·多傑·仁波切 S - 0 Gá lā · Duō jié · Rén bō qiè f /Garab Dorje Rinpoche, succession of Buthanese religious leaders/ 噶爾 噶尔 T - 116 Gá ěr f /Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong/ 噶爾縣 噶尔县 T - 3 Gá ěr xiàn f /Gar county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sgar rdzong/ 噶玛兰 噶瑪蘭 S - 0 Gá mǎ lán f /Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/old name of Yilan 宜蘭|宜兰 county, Taiwan/Kavalan, a brand of single malt whisky from Taiwan/ 噶玛兰族 噶瑪蘭族 S - 0 Gá mǎ lán zú f /Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 噶瑪蘭 噶玛兰 T - 0 Gá mǎ lán f /Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/old name of Yilan 宜蘭|宜兰 county, Taiwan/Kavalan, a brand of single malt whisky from Taiwan/ 噶瑪蘭族 噶玛兰族 T - 0 Gá mǎ lán zú f /Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 噶當派 噶当派 T - 0 Gá dāng pài f /Bkar-dgam-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism/ 噶舉派 噶举派 T - 24 Gá jǔ pài f /Geju (Tibetan: transmit word of Buddha) sect of Tibetan Buddhist/ 噶隆 - 0 gá lóng f /Tibetan government official/same as 噶布倫|噶布伦/ 噶霏 - 0 gá fēi f /old transliteration of coffee, now 咖啡/ 噷 - 764 hèn f /interjection expressing disagreement, reproach or dissatisfaction/ 噸 吨 T 2199 5810 dūn f /ton (loanword)/Taiwan pr. [dun4]/ 噸位 吨位 T - 140 dūn wèi f /tonnage/ 噸公里 吨公里 T - 8 dūn gōng lǐ f /ton-kilometer (unit of capacity of transport system)/ 噸數 吨数 T - 5 dūn shù f /tonnage/ 噸級 吨级 T - 77 dūn jí f /tonnage/class in tons (of a passenger ship)/ 噹 当 T 606 42694 dāng t /(onom.) dong/ding dong (bell)/ 噹噹 当当 T - 3 dāng dāng t /(onom.) ding dong/ 噹噹車 当当车 T - 0 dāng dāng chē f /(coll.) tram, especially Beijing trams during period of operation 1924-1956/also written 鐺鐺車|铛铛车[dang1 dang1 che1]/ 噻 - 16 sāi f /used in transliteration/ 噻唑 - 21 sāi zuò f /thiazole (chemistry)/ 噼 - 29 pī f /child's buttocks (esp. Cantonese)/see 噼啪|劈啪, (onom.) for crack, slap, clap, clatter etc/ 噼啪 - 35 pī pā f /see 劈啪[pi1 pa1]/ 噼裡啪啦 噼里啪啦 T - 38 pī li pā lā f /(onom.) to crackle and rattle/to pitter-patter/ 噼里啪啦 噼裡啪啦 S - 38 pī li pā lā f /(onom.) to crackle and rattle/to pitter-patter/ 嚀 咛 T - 56 níng f /enjoin/ 嚃 - 0 tà f /to drink/to swallow/ 嚄 - 0 huò f /(interj.) oh!/ 嚄 - 0 ǒ f /(interj. of surprise)/ 嚅 - 36 rú f /chattering/ 嚆 - 0 hāo f /sound/noise/ 嚇 吓 T 1290 4156 hè f /to scare/to intimidate/to threaten/(interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut/(interjection showing astonishment)/ 嚇 吓 T 1290 4156 xià t /to frighten/to scare/ 嚇一跳 吓一跳 T - 3 xià yī tiào f /startled/to frighten/scared out of one's skin/ 嚇倒 吓倒 T - 226 xià dǎo f /to be frightened/ 嚇傻 吓傻 T - 3 xià shǎ f /to terrify/to scare sb/ 嚇唬 吓唬 T - 275 xià hu f /to scare/to frighten/ 嚇壞 吓坏 T - 330 xià huài f /to be really frightened/ 嚇得發抖 吓得发抖 T - 0 xià dé fā dǒu f /tremble with fear/ 嚇昏 吓昏 T - 17 xià hūn f /to faint from fear/to be frightened into fits/shell-shocked/ 嚇瘋 吓疯 T - 0 xià fēng f /to be scared senseless/ 嚇破膽 吓破胆 T - 3 xià pò dǎn f /to be scared out of one's wits/to scare stiff/ 嚇跑 吓跑 T - 73 xià pǎo f /to scare away/ 嚉 - 0 duō f /old variant of 咄[duo1]/ 嚌 哜 T - 14 jì f /sip/ 嚎 - 241 háo f /howl/bawl/ 嚎哭 - 33 háo kū f /to bawl/to cry/to wail/to howl/also written 號哭|号哭[hao2 ku1]/ 嚎啕大哭 - 3 háo táo dà kū f /to wail/to bawl (idiom)/ 嚏 - 16 tì f /sneeze/ 嚏喷 嚏噴 S - 4 tì pen f /to sneeze/ 嚏噴 嚏喷 T - 4 tì pen f /to sneeze/ 嚐 尝 T 1021 1295 cháng f /variant of 嘗|尝[chang2]/to taste/to experience/ 嚓 - 158 cā t /(onom.) screech/ 嚓 - 158 chā f /(onom.) snap/pop/see 喀嚓[ka1 cha1]/ 嚓嚓 - 2 cā cā f /(onom.) screech/ 嚔 - 0 tì f /variant of 嚏[ti4]/ 嚕 噜 T - 102 lū f /grumble/chatter/ 嚕囌 噜苏 T - 6 lū sū f /see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 嚙 啮 T - 48 niè f /to gnaw/to erode/ 嚙合 啮合 T - 20 niè hé f /(of opposing teeth, or gears) to mesh/to engage/ 嚙齒 啮齿 T - 35 niè chǐ f /a rodent (rat, rabbit etc)/ 嚙齒動物 啮齿动物 T - 13 niè chǐ dòng wù f /rodent/ 嚙齒目 啮齿目 T - 0 niè chǐ mù f /order of rodents (rats, squirrels etc)/ 嚙齒類 啮齿类 T - 29 niè chǐ lèi f /rodents (rat, rabbit etc)/ 嚚 - 0 yín f /insincere/stupid/ 嚜 - 491 me f /(final particle)/ 嚝 - 0 hōng f /to sigh/sound of a drum/ 嚞 - 0 zhé f /old variant of 哲[zhe2]/ 嚟 - 40 lì f /used in transliteration/ 嚣 囂 S - 91 xiāo f /clamor/ 嚣张 囂張 S - 165 xiāo zhāng f /rampant/unbridled/arrogant/aggressive/ 嚣张气焰 囂張氣焰 S - 286 xiāo zhāng qì yàn f /overweening attitude/threatening manner/ 嚣张跋扈 囂張跋扈 S - 0 xiāo zhāng bá hù f /arrogant and despotic/ 嚥 咽 T - 1093 yàn t /to swallow/ 嚥下 咽下 T - 154 yàn xià f /to swallow/to suppress/ 嚥下困難 咽下困难 T - 0 yàn xià kùn nán f /dysphagia (medicine)/ 嚥住 咽住 T - 3 yàn zhù f /to suppress (a sob, harsh words etc)/ 嚥氣 咽气 T - 51 yàn qì f /to die/to breathe one's last/ 嚦 呖 T - 133 lì f /sound of splitting/cracking/ 嚨 咙 T - 9 lóng f /throat/ 嚬 - 223 pín f /variant of 顰|颦[pin2]/ 嚭 - 629 pǐ f /great/great fortune/ 嚮 向 T 339 75979 xiàng f /to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向[xiang4]/ 嚮導 向导 T 3756 326 xiàng dǎo f /guide/ 嚮往 向往 T 3837 1218 xiàng wǎng f /to yearn for/to look forward to/ 嚯 - 37 huò f /(onom.) expressing admiration or surprise/sound of a laugh/ 嚱 - 2 xī f /(sigh)/(whistle)/ 嚲 亸 T - 425 duǒ f /hang down/ 嚳 喾 T - 57 kù f /one of the five legendary emperors, also called 高辛氏/ 嚴 严 T - 2591 Yán f /surname Yan/ 嚴 严 T - 2591 yán f /tight (closely sealed)/stern/strict/rigorous/severe/father/ 嚴了眼兒 严了眼儿 T - 0 yán le yǎn r f /up to the eyeballs/full to overflowing/jampacked/ 嚴以律己 严以律己 T - 10 yǎn yǐ lǜ jǐ f /to be strict with oneself (idiom)/to demand a lot of oneself/ 嚴以責己寬以待人 严以责己宽以待人 T - 0 yán yǐ zé jǐ kuān yǐ dài rén f /to be severe with oneself and lenient with others (idiom)/ 嚴冬 严冬 T - 80 yán dōng f /severe winter/ 嚴刑 严刑 T - 339 yán xíng f /strict law/cruel punishment/to carry out cruel law rigorously/ 嚴刑拷打 严刑拷打 T - 3 yán xíng kǎo dǎ f /torture/interrogation by torture/ 嚴加 严加 T - 274 yán jiā f /sternly/strictly/harshly/stringently/rigorously/ 嚴厲 严厉 T 3261 1260 yán lì f /severe/strict/ 嚴厲打擊 严厉打击 T - 3 yán lì dǎ jī f /to strike a severe blow/to crack down/to take strong measures/ 嚴厲批評 严厉批评 T - 3 yán lì pī píng f /to criticize severely/to slate/ 嚴嚴實實 严严实实 T - 217 yán yán shí shí f /(sealed) tightly/(wrapped) closely/(covered) completely/ 嚴守 严守 T - 468 yán shǒu f /to strictly maintain/ 嚴密 严密 T 3675 977 yán mì f /strict/tight (organization, surveillance etc)/ 嚴寒 严寒 T 4752 513 yán hán f /bitter cold/severe winter/ 嚴實 严实 T - 53 yán shi f /(sealed) tight/close/(hidden) safely/securely/ 嚴島 严岛 T - 0 Yán dǎo f /Itsukushima island in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan, with a famous shrine/ 嚴島神社 严岛神社 T - 0 Yán dǎo shén shè f /Itsukujima shrine in Hiroshima prefecture, Japan/ 嚴峻 严峻 T 4045 1241 yán jùn f /grim/severe/rigorous/ 嚴復 严复 T - 93 Yán Fù f /Yan Fu (1853-1921), influential Chinese writer and translator of Western books, esp. on social sciences/ 嚴慈 严慈 T - 0 yán cí f /strict and compassionate/strict as a father and tender as a mother/ 嚴懲 严惩 T - 375 yán chéng f /to punish severely/ 嚴懲不貸 严惩不贷 T - 36 yán chéng bù dài f /to punish severely (idiom)/ 嚴打 严打 T - 41 yán dǎ f /to crack down on/to take severe measures against/ 嚴把 严把 T - 0 yán bǎ f /to be strict/to enforce vigorously (procedures, quality control etc)/ 嚴整 严整 T - 384 yán zhěng f /(of troops) in neat formation/(fig.) orderly/ 嚴斥 严斥 T - 3 yán chì f /to scold/to censure/ 嚴於律己 严于律己 T - 20 yán yú lǜ jǐ f /to be strict with oneself/ 嚴明 严明 T - 226 yán míng f /strict and impartial/firm/ 嚴查 严查 T - 62 yán chá f /to investigate strictly/ 嚴格 严格 T 1029 4728 yán gé f /strict/stringent/tight/rigorous/ 嚴格來說 严格来说 T - 3 yán gé lái shuō f /strictly speaking/ 嚴格來講 严格来讲 T - 0 yán gé lái jiǎng f /strictly speaking/ 嚴格按照 严格按照 T - 0 yán gé àn zhào f /strictly according to/ 嚴格隔離 严格隔离 T - 0 yán gé gé lí f /rigorous isolation/ 嚴正 严正 T - 327 yán zhèng f /sternly/solemn/ 嚴父 严父 T - 23 yán fù f /strict or stern father/ 嚴禁 严禁 T 4361 552 yán jìn f /to strictly prohibit/ 嚴竣 严竣 T - 3 yán jùn f /tight/strict/severe/stern/difficult/ 嚴絲合縫 严丝合缝 T - 25 yán sī hé fèng f /to fit tightly (idiom)/to join seamlessly/to fit snugly/ 嚴緊 严紧 T - 22 yán jǐn f /strict/tight/ 嚴肅 严肃 T 1743 1650 yán sù f /solemn/grave/serious/earnest/severe/ 嚴苛 严苛 T - 26 yán kē f /severe/harsh/ 嚴詞 严词 T - 46 yán cí f /forceful (criticism etc)/to use strong words/ 嚴謹 严谨 T - 742 yán jǐn f /rigorous/strict/careful/cautious/compact/well-knit/ 嚴辭 严辞 T - 6 yán cí f /stern words/ 嚴酷 严酷 T - 307 yán kù f /bitter/harsh/grim/ruthless/severe/cut-throat (competition)/ 嚴重 严重 T 772 10445 yán zhòng f /grave/serious/severe/critical/ 嚴重危害 严重危害 T - 3 yán zhòng wēi hài f /severe harm/critical danger/ 嚴重問題 严重问题 T - 0 yán zhòng wèn tí f /serious problem/ 嚴重後果 严重后果 T - 3 yán zhòng hòu guǒ f /grave consequence/serious repercussion/ 嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症 严重急性呼吸系统综合症 T - 0 yán zhòng jí xìng hū xī xì tǒng zōng hé zhèng f /severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)/ 嚴重性 严重性 T - 158 yán zhòng xìng f /seriousness/ 嚴重破壞 严重破坏 T - 3 yán zhòng pò huài f /serious damage/ 嚴重關切 严重关切 T - 0 yán zhòng guān qiè f /serious concern/ 嚴防 严防 T - 99 yán fáng f /to take strict precautions/on your guard/ 嚴飭 严饬 T - 0 yán chì f /careful/precise/ 嚵 - 0 chán f /gluttonous/greedy/ 嚶 嘤 T - 271 yīng f /calling of birds/ 嚷 3957 1136 rǎng f /to blurt out/to shout/ 嚷劈 - 0 rǎng pī f /shout oneself hoarse/ 嚷嚷 - 208 rāng rang f /to argue noisily/to shout/to make widely known/to reproach/ 嚼 - 780 jiáo f /to chew/also pr. [jue2]/ 嚼子 - 3 jiáo zi f /bit/mouthpiece/ 嚼舌 - 3 jiáo shé f /to gossip/to argue unnecessarily/ 嚼舌头 嚼舌頭 S - 28 jiáo shé tóu f /to gossip/to argue unnecessarily/ 嚼舌根 - 13 jiáo shé gēn f /to gossip/to argue unnecessarily/ 嚼舌頭 嚼舌头 T - 28 jiáo shé tóu f /to gossip/to argue unnecessarily/ 嚼蜡 嚼蠟 S - 3 jiáo là f /insipid/ 嚼蠟 嚼蜡 T - 3 jiáo là f /insipid/ 囀 啭 T - 23 zhuàn f /to sing (of birds or insects)/to warble/to chirp/to twitter/ 囁 嗫 T - 37 niè f /move the mouth as in speaking/ 囁呫 嗫呫 T - 0 niè tiè f /to whisper/ 囁嚅 嗫嚅 T - 161 niè rú f /to stammer/to mumble/to speak haltingly/ 囁囁 嗫嗫 T - 0 niè niè f /talkative/light and soft (of voice)/ 囂 嚣 T - 91 xiāo f /clamor/ 囂張 嚣张 T - 165 xiāo zhāng f /rampant/unbridled/arrogant/aggressive/ 囂張氣焰 嚣张气焰 T - 286 xiāo zhāng qì yàn f /overweening attitude/threatening manner/ 囂張跋扈 嚣张跋扈 T - 0 xiāo zhāng bá hù f /arrogant and despotic/ 囅 冁 T - 0 chǎn f /smilingly/ 囆 - 0 chài f /(used in an ancient given name)/ 囈 呓 T - 32 yì f /to talk in one's sleep/ 囈語 呓语 T - 30 yì yǔ f /to talk in one's sleep/crazy talk/ 囉 啰 T - 275 luō t /see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 囉 啰 T - 275 luo f /(final exclamatory particle)/ 囉唆 啰唆 T 4680 3 luō suo f /variant of 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 囉嗦 啰嗦 T - 3 luō suo f /long-winded/wordy/troublesome/pesky/also pr. [luo1 suo1]/ 囉囌 啰苏 T - 0 luō sū f /see 囉嗦|啰嗦[luo1 suo5]/ 囉曼帶克 罗曼带克 T - 0 luō màn dài kè f /romantic (loanword)/ 囉里囉嗦 啰里啰嗦 T - 0 luō li luō suo f /long-winded/verbose/ 囊 - 1387 náng f /sack/purse/pocket (for money)/ 囊中取物 - 0 náng zhōng qǔ wù f /as easy as reaching for it from a bag (idiom)/in the bag/(as good as) in one's possession/ 囊中羞涩 囊中羞澀 S - 12 náng zhōng xiū sè f /to be embarrassingly short of money/ 囊中羞澀 囊中羞涩 T - 12 náng zhōng xiū sè f /to be embarrassingly short of money/ 囊括 - 153 náng kuò f /to include/to embrace/to bring together/ 囊揣 - 0 nāng chuài f /soft, fat meat of pig's belly/sow's sagging teats/weakling/flabby person/also written 囊膪/ 囊泡 - 0 náng pào f /vesicle/ 囊肿 囊腫 S - 96 náng zhǒng f /cyst (med.)/ 囊腫 囊肿 T - 96 náng zhǒng f /cyst (med.)/ 囊膪 - 3 nāng chuài f /soft, fat meat of pig's belly/sow's sagging teats/weakling/flabby person/also written 囊揣/ 囊袋 - 0 náng dài f /pouch/ 囊謙 囊谦 T - 2 Náng qiān f /Nangqên county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 囊謙縣 囊谦县 T - 2 Náng qiān xiàn f /Nangqên county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 囊谦 囊謙 S - 2 Náng qiān f /Nangqên county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 囊谦县 囊謙縣 S - 2 Náng qiān xiàn f /Nangqên county (Tibetan: nang chen rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 囌 苏 T - 3869 sū f /see 囉囌|啰苏[luo1 su1]/ 囍 - 0 xǐ f /double happiness (similar to 喜喜)/symbol of good luck, esp. marriage/ 囑 嘱 T - 283 zhǔ f /to enjoin/to implore/to urge/ 囑咐 嘱咐 T 4550 999 zhǔ fù f /to tell/to exhort/injunction/ 囑託 嘱托 T - 133 zhǔ tuō f /to entrust a task to sb else/ 囒 - 0 lán f /confused chatter/incomprehensible babble/variant of 讕|谰, to accuse unjustly/ 囒吨 囒噸 S - 0 Lán dūn f /old form of London, capital of United Kingdom/now written 倫敦|伦敦/ 囒哰 - 0 lán láo f /confused talk/ 囒噸 囒吨 T - 0 Lán dūn f /old form of London, capital of United Kingdom/now written 倫敦|伦敦/ 囓 啮 T - 48 niè f /variant of 嚙|啮[nie4]/to gnaw/ 囔 - 12 nāng f /muttering, indistinct speech/ 囔囔 - 4 nāng nang f /to murmur/to speak in a low voice/ 囖 - 0 luo f /erroneous variant of 囉|啰[luo5]/ 囗 - 2 wéi f /enclosure/ 囘 - 0 huí f /variant of 回[hui2]/ 囙 因 T - 29186 yīn f /old variant of 因[yin1]/ 囚 - 299 qiú f /prisoner/ 囚徒 - 142 qiú tú f /prisoner/ 囚犯 - 252 qiú fàn f /prisoner/convict/ 囚禁 - 276 qiú jìn f /to imprison/captivity/ 囚錮鋒 囚锢锋 T - 0 qiú gù fēng f /occluded front (meteorology)/ 囚锢锋 囚錮鋒 S - 0 qiú gù fēng f /occluded front (meteorology)/ 四 103 19090 sì f /four/4/ 四一二 - 64 sì yī èr f /12th April/refers to Chiang Kai-shek's coup of 12th April 1927 against the communists in Shanghai/ 四一二事变 四一二事變 S - 0 sì yī èr shì biàn f /the coup of 12th Mar 1927, an attempt by Chiang Kai-shek to suppress the communists/called 反革命政变|反革命政變 or 慘案|惨案 in PRC literature/ 四一二事變 四一二事变 T - 0 sì yī èr shì biàn f /the coup of 12th Mar 1927, an attempt by Chiang Kai-shek to suppress the communists/called 反革命政变|反革命政變 or 慘案|惨案 in PRC literature/ 四一二反革命政变 四一二反革命政變 S - 0 sì yī èr fǎn gé mìng zhèng biàn f /counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai/ 四一二反革命政變 四一二反革命政变 T - 0 sì yī èr fǎn gé mìng zhèng biàn f /counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai/ 四一二惨案 四一二慘案 S - 0 sì yī èr cǎn àn f /the massacre of 12th Mar 1927/the Shanghai coup of 12th Mar 1927 by Chiang Kai-shek against the communists/ 四一二慘案 四一二惨案 T - 0 sì yī èr cǎn àn f /the massacre of 12th Mar 1927/the Shanghai coup of 12th Mar 1927 by Chiang Kai-shek against the communists/ 四下 - 1166 sì xià f /everywhere/ 四下裡 四下里 T - 3 sì xià li f /all around/ 四下里 四下裡 S - 3 sì xià li f /all around/ 四世同堂 - 16 Sì Shì Tóng táng f /Four Generations Under One Roof, novel by Lao She 老舍[Lao3 She3]/ 四世同堂 - 16 sì shì tóng táng f /four generations under one roof (idiom)/ 四个全面 四個全面 S - 0 Sì ge Quán miàn f /Four Comprehensives (political guidelines announced by President Xi Jinping, 2015)/ 四个现代化 四個現代化 S - 0 sì ge xiàn dài huà f /Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations practiced from the 1980s (possibly planned together with Zhou Enlai), namely: modernization of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology/abbr. to 四化/ 四乙基鉛中毒 四乙基铅中毒 T - 0 sì yǐ jī qiān zhōng dú f /tetraethyl lead poisoning/ 四乙基铅中毒 四乙基鉛中毒 S - 0 sì yǐ jī qiān zhōng dú f /tetraethyl lead poisoning/ 四书 四書 S - 57 Sì shū f /Four Books, namely: the Great Learning 大學|大学, the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸, the Analects of Confucius 論語|论语, and Mencius 孟子/ 四人帮 四人幫 S - 841 sì rén bāng f /Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青, Zhang Chunqiao 張春橋, Yao Wenyuan 姚文元, Wang Hongwen 王洪文, who served as scapegoats for the excesses of the cultural revolution/ 四人幫 四人帮 T - 841 sì rén bāng f /Gang of Four: Jiang Qing 江青, Zhang Chunqiao 張春橋, Yao Wenyuan 姚文元, Wang Hongwen 王洪文, who served as scapegoats for the excesses of the cultural revolution/ 四仰八叉 - 14 sì yǎng bā chā f /sprawled out on one's back (idiom)/ 四会 四會 S - 9 Sì huì f /Sihui county level city in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 四会市 四會市 S - 3 Sì huì shì f /Sihui county level city in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 四体 四體 S - 4 sì tǐ f /one's four limbs/two arms and two legs/ 四体不勤,五谷不分 四體不勤,五穀不分 S - 0 sì tǐ bù qín , wǔ gǔ bù fēn f /never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops (idiom); living as a parasite/ 四個全面 四个全面 T - 0 Sì ge Quán miàn f /Four Comprehensives (political guidelines announced by President Xi Jinping, 2015)/ 四個現代化 四个现代化 T - 0 sì ge xiàn dài huà f /Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations practiced from the 1980s (possibly planned together with Zhou Enlai), namely: modernization of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology/abbr. to 四化/ 四元数 四元數 S - 0 sì yuán shù f /quaternion (math)/ 四元數 四元数 T - 0 sì yuán shù f /quaternion (math)/ 四分之一 - 22 sì fēn zhī yī f /one-quarter/ 四分五裂 - 106 sì fēn wǔ liè f /all split up and in pieces (idiom); disunity (in an organization)/complete lack of unity/to disintegrate/falling apart/to be at sixes and sevens/ 四分卫 四分衛 S - 0 sì fēn wèi f /quarterback (QB) (American football)/ 四分衛 四分卫 T - 0 sì fēn wèi f /quarterback (QB) (American football)/ 四分音符 - 3 sì fēn yīn fú f /crotchet (music)/ 四化 - 37 sì huà f /abbr. for 四個現代化|四个现代化[si4 ge4 xian4 dai4 hua4], Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations/ 四十 - 494 sì shí f /forty/40/ 四十二章經 四十二章经 T - 0 sì shí èr zhāng jīng f /The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha, the first Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 by Kasyapa-Matanga 迦葉摩騰 and Gobharana 竺法蘭 (Dharmaraksha)/ 四十二章经 四十二章經 S - 0 sì shí èr zhāng jīng f /The Sutra in Forty-two Sections Spoken by the Buddha, the first Chinese Buddhist text, translated in 67 by Kasyapa-Matanga 迦葉摩騰 and Gobharana 竺法蘭 (Dharmaraksha)/ 四叶草 四葉草 S - 3 sì yè cǎo f /four-leaf clover/ 四号电池 四號電池 S - 0 sì hào diàn chí f /AAA battery (Tw)/PRC equivalent: 七號電池|七号电池[qi1 hao4 dian4 chi2]/ 四合院 - 193 sì hé yuàn f /courtyard house (type of Chinese residence)/ 四周 - 2785 sì zhōu f /all around/ 四围 四圍 S - 51 sì wéi f /all around/on all sides/encircled/ 四国 四國 S - 137 Sì guó f /Shikoku (one of the four main islands of Japan)/ 四国犬 四國犬 S - 0 sì guó quǎn f /Shikoku (dog)/ 四國 四国 T - 137 Sì guó f /Shikoku (one of the four main islands of Japan)/ 四國犬 四国犬 T - 0 sì guó quǎn f /Shikoku (dog)/ 四圍 四围 T - 51 sì wéi f /all around/on all sides/encircled/ 四圣谛 四聖諦 S - 0 sì shèng dì f /the Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)/see also 四諦|四谛[si4 di4] and 苦集滅道|苦集灭道[ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4]/ 四境 - 31 sì jìng f /all the borders/ 四壁萧然 四壁蕭然 S - 0 sì bì xiāo rán f /four bare walls/ 四壁蕭然 四壁萧然 T - 0 sì bì xiāo rán f /four bare walls/ 四声 四聲 S - 88 sì shēng f /the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, namely: level or even tone 平聲|平声, third tone 上聲|上声, fourth tone 去聲|去声, entering tone 入聲|入声/the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation, namely: First or high level tone 陰平聲|阴平声, Second or rising tone 陽平聲|阳平声, Third or low-falling-raising tone 上聲|上声, Fourth or falling tone 去聲|去声/ 四声杜鹃 四聲杜鵑 S - 0 sì shēng dù juān f /(bird species of China) Indian cuckoo (Cuculus micropterus)/ 四处 四處 S - 1032 sì chù f /all over the place/everywhere and all directions/ 四大 - 4428 sì dà f /the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism)/the four freedoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writing big-character posters, 大鳴大放|大鸣大放[da4 ming2 da4 fang4], 大辯論|大辩论[da4 bian4 lun4], 大字報|大字报[da4 zi4 bao4] (PRC)/ 四大佛教名山 - 0 Sì dà Fó jiào Míng shān f /Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism, namely: Mt Wutai 五臺山|五台山 in Shanxi, Mt Emei 峨眉山 in Sichuan, Mt Jiuhua 九華山|九华山 in Anhui, Mt Potala 普陀山 in Zhejiang/ 四大发明 四大發明 S - 47 sì dà fā míng f /the four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder/ 四大名著 - 15 sì dà míng zhù f /the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature, namely: A Dream of Red Mansions 紅樓夢|红楼梦[Hong2 lou2 Meng4], Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义[San1 guo2 Yan3 yi4], Water Margin 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4], Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]/ 四大天王 - 0 sì dà tiān wáng f /the four heavenly kings (Sanskrit vajra)/the four guardians or warrior attendants of Buddha/ 四大發明 四大发明 T - 47 sì dà fā míng f /the four great Chinese inventions: paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder/ 四大皆空 - 19 sì dà jiē kōng f /lit. the four elements are vanity (idiom)/this world is an illusion/ 四大盆地 - 0 sì dà pén dì f /four great basin depressions of China, namely: Tarim 塔里木盆地 in south Xinjiang, Jungar 準葛爾盆地|准葛尔盆地 and Tsaidam or Qaidam 柴達木盆地|柴达木盆地 in north Xinjiang Sichuan 四川盆地/ 四大石窟 - 0 sì dà shí kū f /Four great caves, namely: Longmen grottoes 龍門石窟|龙门石窟[Long2 men2 shi2 ku1] at Luoyang, Henan, Yungang caves 雲岡石窟|云冈石窟[Yun2 gang1 shi2 ku1] at Datong, Shanxi, Mogao caves 莫高窟[Mo4 gao1 ku1] at Dunhuang, Gansu, and Mt Maiji caves 麥積山石窟|麦积山石窟[Mai4 ji1 shan1 shi2 ku1] at Tianshui, Gansu/ 四大美女 - 3 sì dà měi nǚ f /Four legendary beauties of ancient China, namely: Xishi 西施[Xi1 shi1], Wang Zhaojun 王昭君[Wang2 Zhao1 jun1], Diaochan 貂蟬|貂蝉[Diao1 Chan2] and Yang Yuhuan 楊玉環|杨玉环[Yang2 Yu4 huan2]/ 四大须生 四大鬚生 S - 0 sì dà xū shēng f /Four great beards of Beijing opera, namely: Ma Lianliang 馬連良|马连良, Tan Fuying 譚富英|谭富英, Yang Baosen 楊寶森|杨宝森, Xi Xiaobo 奚嘯伯|奚啸伯/ 四大鬚生 四大须生 T - 0 sì dà xū shēng f /Four great beards of Beijing opera, namely: Ma Lianliang 馬連良|马连良, Tan Fuying 譚富英|谭富英, Yang Baosen 楊寶森|杨宝森, Xi Xiaobo 奚嘯伯|奚啸伯/ 四头肌 四頭肌 S - 0 sì tóu jī f /quadriceps muscle group/thigh muscles/ 四子王 - 0 Sì zǐ wáng f /Siziwang banner or Dörvön-xüüxed khoshuu in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 四子王旗 - 5 Sì zǐ wáng qí f /Siziwang banner or Dörvön-xüüxed khoshuu in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 四季 - 422 sì jì f /four seasons, namely: spring 春, summer 夏, autumn 秋 and winter 冬/ 四季如春 - 32 sì jì rú chūn f /four seasons like spring/favorable climate throughout the year/ 四季豆 - 20 sì jì dòu f /green bean/French bean/runner bean/ 四季豆腐 - 0 sì jì dòu fu f /four seasons beancurd/ 四害 - 11 sì hài f /"the four pests", i.e. rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows/see also 打麻雀運動|打麻雀运动[Da3 Ma2 que4 Yun4 dong4]/ 四射 - 86 sì shè f /to radiate all around/ 四小龍 四小龙 T - 22 Sì Xiǎo lóng f /Four Asian Tigers/East Asian Tigers/Four Little Dragons (East Asian economic powers: Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong)/ 四小龙 四小龍 S - 22 Sì Xiǎo lóng f /Four Asian Tigers/East Asian Tigers/Four Little Dragons (East Asian economic powers: Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong)/ 四川 - 3779 Sì chuān f /Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. 川 or 蜀, capital Chengdu 成都/ 四川外国语大学 四川外國語大學 S - 0 Sì chuān Wài guó yǔ Dà xué f /Sichuan International Studies University (SISU)/ 四川外國語大學 四川外国语大学 T - 0 Sì chuān Wài guó yǔ Dà xué f /Sichuan International Studies University (SISU)/ 四川大地震 - 0 Sì chuān Dà dì zhèn f /Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)/ 四川大学 四川大學 S - 105 Sì chuān Dà xué f /Sichuan University/ 四川大學 四川大学 T - 105 Sì chuān Dà xué f /Sichuan University/ 四川山鷓鴣 四川山鹧鸪 T - 0 Sì chuān shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) Sichuan partridge (Arborophila rufipectus)/ 四川山鹧鸪 四川山鷓鴣 S - 0 Sì chuān shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) Sichuan partridge (Arborophila rufipectus)/ 四川旋木雀 - 0 Sì chuān xuán mù què f /(bird species of China) Sichuan treecreeper (Certhia tianquanensis)/ 四川日報 四川日报 T - 0 Sì chuān Rì bào f /Sichuan Daily/ 四川日报 四川日報 S - 0 Sì chuān Rì bào f /Sichuan Daily/ 四川林鴞 四川林鸮 T - 0 Sì chuān lín xiāo f /(bird species of China) Sichuan wood owl (Strix davidi)/ 四川林鸮 四川林鴞 S - 0 Sì chuān lín xiāo f /(bird species of China) Sichuan wood owl (Strix davidi)/ 四川柳莺 四川柳鶯 S - 0 Sì chuān liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Sichuan leaf warbler (Phylloscopus forresti)/ 四川柳鶯 四川柳莺 T - 0 Sì chuān liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Sichuan leaf warbler (Phylloscopus forresti)/ 四川盆地 - 169 Sì chuān pén dì f /Sichuan basin/ 四川省 - 788 Sì chuān Shěng f /Sichuan province (Szechuan) in southwest China, abbr. 川[Chuan1] or 蜀[Shu3], capital Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1]/ 四川雉鶉 四川雉鹑 T - 0 Sì chuān zhì chún f /(bird species of China) buff-throated monal-partridge (Tetraophasis szechenyii)/ 四川雉鹑 四川雉鶉 S - 0 Sì chuān zhì chún f /(bird species of China) buff-throated monal-partridge (Tetraophasis szechenyii)/ 四平 - 102 Sì píng f /Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China/ 四平八稳 四平八穩 S - 17 sì píng bā wěn f /everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary/ 四平八穩 四平八稳 T - 17 sì píng bā wěn f /everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary/ 四平地区 四平地區 S - 0 Sì píng dì qū f /former Siping prefecture, Jilin/ 四平地區 四平地区 T - 0 Sì píng dì qū f /former Siping prefecture, Jilin/ 四平市 - 19 Sì píng shì f /Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China/ 四库 四庫 S - 200 sì kù f /the four book depositories, namely: classics 經|经, history 史, philosophy 子, belle-lettres 集/ 四库全书 四庫全書 S - 3 Sì kù Quán shū f /Siku Quanshu (collection of books compiled during Qing dynasty)/ 四庫 四库 T - 200 sì kù f /the four book depositories, namely: classics 經|经, history 史, philosophy 子, belle-lettres 集/ 四庫全書 四库全书 T - 3 Sì kù Quán shū f /Siku Quanshu (collection of books compiled during Qing dynasty)/ 四強 四强 T - 0 sì qiáng f /semifinals/ 四强 四強 S - 0 sì qiáng f /semifinals/ 四德 - 6 sì dé f /four Confucian injunctions 孝悌忠信 (for men), namely: piety 孝 to one's parents, respect 悌 to one's older brother, loyalty 忠 to one's monarch, faith 信 to one's male friends/the four Confucian virtues for women of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功/ 四捨五入 四舍五入 T - 5 sì shě wǔ rù f /to round up to the nearest integer/to discard four, but treat five as whole (of decimal points)/ 四散 - 287 sì sàn f /to disperse/to scatter in all directions/ 四散奔逃 - 0 sì sàn bēn táo f /to scatter in all directions/ 四方 - 1089 sì fāng f /four-way/four-sided/in all directions/everywhere/ 四方区 四方區 S - 3 Sì fāng qū f /Sifang district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong/ 四方區 四方区 T - 3 Sì fāng qū f /Sifang district of Qingdao city 青島市|青岛市, Shandong/ 四方台 四方臺 S - 3 Sì fāng tái f /Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/ 四方台区 四方臺區 S - 3 Sì fāng tái qū f /Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/ 四方帽 - 0 sì fāng mào f /see 方帽[fang1 mao4]/ 四方步 - 4 sì fāng bù f /a slow march/ 四方脸 四方臉 S - 6 sì fāng liǎn f /square-jawed face/ 四方臉 四方脸 T - 6 sì fāng liǎn f /square-jawed face/ 四方臺 四方台 T - 3 Sì fāng tái f /Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/ 四方臺區 四方台区 T - 3 Sì fāng tái qū f /Sifangtai district of Shuangyashan city 雙鴨山|双鸭山[Shuang1 ya1 shan1], Heilongjiang/ 四旁 - 12 sì páng f /nearby regions/ 四日市 - 0 Sì rì shì f /Yokaichi City in Mi'e prefecture 三重縣|三重县[San1 chong2 xian4], Japan/ 四日市市 - 0 Sì rì shì shì f /Yokkaichi, Mie prefecture 三重縣|三重县[San1 chong2 xian4], Japan/ 四旧 四舊 S - 93 sì jiù f /the Four Olds (target of the Cultural Revolution)/ 四旬斋 四旬齋 S - 0 sì xún zhāi f /Lent (Christian period of forty days before Easter)/ 四旬節 四旬节 T - 0 sì xún jié f /First Sunday of Lent/ 四旬节 四旬節 S - 0 sì xún jié f /First Sunday of Lent/ 四旬齋 四旬斋 T - 0 sì xún zhāi f /Lent (Christian period of forty days before Easter)/ 四时 四時 S - 120 sì shí f /the four seasons, namely: spring 春, summer 夏, autumn 秋 and winter 冬/ 四時 四时 T - 120 sì shí f /the four seasons, namely: spring 春, summer 夏, autumn 秋 and winter 冬/ 四更 - 0 sì gēng f /fourth of the five night watch periods 01:00-03:00 (old)/ 四書 四书 T - 57 Sì shū f /Four Books, namely: the Great Learning 大學|大学, the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸, the Analects of Confucius 論語|论语, and Mencius 孟子/ 四會 四会 T - 9 Sì huì f /Sihui county level city in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 四會市 四会市 T - 3 Sì huì shì f /Sihui county level city in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆[Zhao4 qing4], Guangdong/ 四月 - 1216 Sì yuè f /April/fourth month (of the lunar year)/ 四月份 - 3 sì yuè fèn f /April/ 四次 - 460 sì cì f /fourth/four times/quartic/ 四民 - 3 sì mín f /"the four classes" of ancient China, i.e. scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants/ 四氟化硅 - 0 sì fú huà guī f /silicon tetrafluoride SiF4/ 四氟化鈾 四氟化铀 T - 0 sì fú huà yóu f /uranium tetrafluoride (UF4)/ 四氟化铀 四氟化鈾 S - 0 sì fú huà yóu f /uranium tetrafluoride (UF4)/ 四氢大麻酚 四氫大麻酚 S - 0 sì qīng dà má fēn f /Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC/ 四氫大麻酚 四氢大麻酚 T - 0 sì qīng dà má fēn f /Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC/ 四氯乙烯 - 0 sì lǜ yǐ xī f /tetrachloroethylene/ 四氯化碳 - 33 sì lǜ huà tàn f /carbon tatrachloride/ 四海为家 四海為家 S - 25 sì hǎi wéi jiā f /to regard the four corners of the world all as home (idiom)/to feel at home anywhere/to roam about unconstrained/to consider the entire country, or world, to be one's own/ 四海之內皆兄弟 四海之内皆兄弟 T - 3 sì hǎi zhī nèi jiē xiōng dì f /all men are brothers/ 四海之内皆兄弟 四海之內皆兄弟 S - 3 sì hǎi zhī nèi jiē xiōng dì f /all men are brothers/ 四海升平 - 3 sì hǎi shēng píng f /lit. all four oceans are peaceful/worldwide peace (idiom)/ 四海為家 四海为家 T - 25 sì hǎi wéi jiā f /to regard the four corners of the world all as home (idiom)/to feel at home anywhere/to roam about unconstrained/to consider the entire country, or world, to be one's own/ 四海皆准 - 0 sì hǎi jiē zhǔn f /appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable/a panacea/ 四海飄零 四海飘零 T - 3 sì hǎi piāo líng f /drifting aimlessly all over the place (idiom)/ 四海飘零 四海飄零 S - 3 sì hǎi piāo líng f /drifting aimlessly all over the place (idiom)/ 四清 - 30 Sì qīng f /the Four Cleanups Movement (1963-66)/abbr. for 四清運動|四清运动[Si4 qing1 Yun4 dong4]/ 四清运动 四清運動 S - 3 Sì qīng Yùn dòng f /the Four Cleanups Movement (1963-66), which aimed to cleanse the politics, economy, organization and ideology of the Communist Party/ 四清運動 四清运动 T - 3 Sì qīng Yùn dòng f /the Four Cleanups Movement (1963-66), which aimed to cleanse the politics, economy, organization and ideology of the Communist Party/ 四湖 - 9 Sì hú f /Si or Ssuhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 四湖乡 四湖鄉 S - 0 Sì hú xiāng f /Si or Ssuhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 四湖鄉 四湖乡 T - 0 Sì hú xiāng f /Si or Ssuhu township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 四溅 四濺 S - 130 sì jiàn f /(of droplets, sparks etc) to fly about in all directions/to splatter everywhere/ 四溢 - 65 sì yì f /(of a perfume or a foul odor) permeating the whole place/(of grease etc) dripping everywhere/flowing all over the place/ 四濺 四溅 T - 130 sì jiàn f /(of droplets, sparks etc) to fly about in all directions/to splatter everywhere/ 四灵 四靈 S - 0 sì líng f /four divinities/four divine emperors/four mythical creatures symbolic of propsperity and longevity, namely phoenix 鳳|凤[feng4], turtle 龜|龟[gui1], dragon 龍|龙[long2], Chinese unicorn 麒麟[qi2 lin2]/also 四象[si4 xiang4], the four division of the sky/ 四物汤 四物湯 S - 9 sì wù tāng f /four-substance decoction (si wu tang), tonic formula used in Chinese medicine/ 四物湯 四物汤 T - 9 sì wù tāng f /four-substance decoction (si wu tang), tonic formula used in Chinese medicine/ 四环素 四環素 S - 70 sì huán sù f /tetracycline/ 四環素 四环素 T - 70 sì huán sù f /tetracycline/ 四眼田雞 四眼田鸡 T - 3 sì yǎn tián jī f /four-eyes/ 四眼田鸡 四眼田雞 S - 3 sì yǎn tián jī f /four-eyes/ 四碳糖 - 0 sì tàn táng f /tetrose (CH20)4, monosaccharide with four carbon atoms/ 四級 四级 T - 602 sì jí f /grade 4/fourth class/category D/ 四級士官 四级士官 T - 0 sì jí shì guān f /sergeant first class/ 四維 四维 T - 488 sì wéi f /the four social bonds: propriety, justice, integrity and honor/see 禮義廉恥|礼义廉耻[li3 yi4 lian2 chi3]/the four directions/the four limbs (Chinese medicine)/four-dimensional/ 四維時空 四维时空 T - 3 sì wéi shí kōng f /four dimensional space-time (in relativity)/ 四維空間 四维空间 T - 11 sì wéi kōng jiān f /four dimensional space (math.)/ 四级 四級 S - 602 sì jí f /grade 4/fourth class/category D/ 四级士官 四級士官 S - 0 sì jí shì guān f /sergeant first class/ 四维 四維 S - 488 sì wéi f /the four social bonds: propriety, justice, integrity and honor/see 禮義廉恥|礼义廉耻[li3 yi4 lian2 chi3]/the four directions/the four limbs (Chinese medicine)/four-dimensional/ 四维时空 四維時空 S - 3 sì wéi shí kōng f /four dimensional space-time (in relativity)/ 四维空间 四維空間 S - 11 sì wéi kōng jiān f /four dimensional space (math.)/ 四聖諦 四圣谛 T - 0 sì shèng dì f /the Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)/see also 四諦|四谛[si4 di4] and 苦集滅道|苦集灭道[ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4]/ 四聲 四声 T - 88 sì shēng f /the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, namely: level or even tone 平聲|平声, third tone 上聲|上声, fourth tone 去聲|去声, entering tone 入聲|入声/the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation, namely: First or high level tone 陰平聲|阴平声, Second or rising tone 陽平聲|阳平声, Third or low-falling-raising tone 上聲|上声, Fourth or falling tone 去聲|去声/ 四聲杜鵑 四声杜鹃 T - 0 sì shēng dù juān f /(bird species of China) Indian cuckoo (Cuculus micropterus)/ 四肢 3908 887 sì zhī f /the four limbs of the body/ 四胡 - 16 sì hú f /sihu (or "khuurchir" in Mongolian), a bowed instrument with four strings, primarily associated with Mongolian and Chinese culture/ 四脚朝天 四腳朝天 S - 10 sì jiǎo cháo tiān f /four legs facing the sky (idiom); flat on one's back/ 四脚蛇 四腳蛇 S - 4 sì jiǎo shé f /lizard/common spoken equivalent of 蜥蜴[xi1 yi4]/ 四腳朝天 四脚朝天 T - 10 sì jiǎo cháo tiān f /four legs facing the sky (idiom); flat on one's back/ 四腳蛇 四脚蛇 T - 4 sì jiǎo shé f /lizard/common spoken equivalent of 蜥蜴[xi1 yi4]/ 四舊 四旧 T - 93 sì jiù f /the Four Olds (target of the Cultural Revolution)/ 四舍五入 四捨五入 S - 5 sì shě wǔ rù f /to round up to the nearest integer/to discard four, but treat five as whole (of decimal points)/ 四葉草 四叶草 T - 3 sì yè cǎo f /four-leaf clover/ 四處 四处 T - 1032 sì chù f /all over the place/everywhere and all directions/ 四號電池 四号电池 T - 0 sì hào diàn chí f /AAA battery (Tw)/PRC equivalent: 七號電池|七号电池[qi1 hao4 dian4 chi2]/ 四角 - 305 sì jiǎo f /the four corners (of a rectangle)/the eaves that the four corners of a building/ 四角号码 四角號碼 S - 9 sì jiǎo hào mǎ f /four corner code (input method for Chinese characters)/ 四角形 - 3 sì jiǎo xíng f /square/quadrilateral/ 四角柱体 四角柱體 S - 0 sì jiǎo zhù tǐ f /cuboid/rectangular prism (math.)/ 四角柱體 四角柱体 T - 0 sì jiǎo zhù tǐ f /cuboid/rectangular prism (math.)/ 四角號碼 四角号码 T - 9 sì jiǎo hào mǎ f /four corner code (input method for Chinese characters)/ 四角裤 四角褲 S - 0 sì jiǎo kù f /boxer shorts/ 四角褲 四角裤 T - 0 sì jiǎo kù f /boxer shorts/ 四診 四诊 T - 0 sì zhěn f /(TCM) the four methods of diagnosis, namely 望診|望诊[wang4 zhen3] (observation), 聞診|闻诊[wen2 zhen3] (auscultation and olfaction), 問診|问诊[wen4 zhen3] (interrogation), 切診|切诊[qie4 zhen3] (pulse feeling and palpation)/ 四諦 四谛 T - 3 sì dì f /the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), covered by the acronym 苦集滅道: all life is suffering 苦, the cause of suffering is desire 集, emancipation comes only by eliminating passions 滅|灭, the way 道 to emancipation is the Eight-fold Noble Way 八正道/ 四诊 四診 S - 0 sì zhěn f /(TCM) the four methods of diagnosis, namely 望診|望诊[wang4 zhen3] (observation), 聞診|闻诊[wen2 zhen3] (auscultation and olfaction), 問診|问诊[wen4 zhen3] (interrogation), 切診|切诊[qie4 zhen3] (pulse feeling and palpation)/ 四谛 四諦 S - 3 sì dì f /the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), covered by the acronym 苦集滅道: all life is suffering 苦, the cause of suffering is desire 集, emancipation comes only by eliminating passions 滅|灭, the way 道 to emancipation is the Eight-fold Noble Way 八正道/ 四象 - 3 sì xiàng f /four divisions (of the twenty-eight constellations 二十八宿[er4 shi2 ba1 xiu4] of the sky into groups of seven mansions), namely: Azure Dragon 青龍|青龙[Qing1 long2], White Tiger 白虎[Bai2 hu3], Vermilion Bird 朱雀[Zhu1 que4], Black Tortoise 玄武[Xuan2 wu3]/ 四起 - 181 sì qǐ f /to spring up everywhere/from all around/ 四輪定位 四轮定位 T - 0 sì lún dìng wèi f /wheel alignment (automobile maintenance)/ 四輪馬車 四轮马车 T - 0 sì lún mǎ chē f /chariot/ 四輪驅動 四轮驱动 T - 8 sì lún qū dòng f /four-wheel drive/ 四轮定位 四輪定位 S - 0 sì lún dìng wèi f /wheel alignment (automobile maintenance)/ 四轮马车 四輪馬車 S - 0 sì lún mǎ chē f /chariot/ 四轮驱动 四輪驅動 S - 8 sì lún qū dòng f /four-wheel drive/ 四边 四邊 S - 81 sì biān f /four sides/ 四边形 四邊形 S - 35 sì biān xíng f /quadrilateral/ 四近 - 0 sì jìn f /nearby/ 四通八达 四通八達 S - 670 sì tōng bā dá f /roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides/ 四通八達 四通八达 T - 670 sì tōng bā dá f /roads open in all directions (idiom); accessible from all sides/ 四邊 四边 T - 81 sì biān f /four sides/ 四邊形 四边形 T - 35 sì biān xíng f /quadrilateral/ 四邻 四鄰 S - 71 sì lín f /one's nearest neighbors/ 四邻八舍 四鄰八捨 S - 0 sì lín bā shè f /the whole neighborhood/ 四郊 - 3 sì jiāo f /suburb/outskirts (of town)/ 四部曲 - 6 sì bù qǔ f /tetralogy/ 四鄰 四邻 T - 71 sì lín f /one's nearest neighbors/ 四鄰八捨 四邻八舍 T - 0 sì lín bā shè f /the whole neighborhood/ 四重奏 - 64 sì chóng zòu f /quartet (musical ensemble)/ 四門轎車 四门轿车 T - 0 sì mén jiào chē f /sedan (motor car)/ 四门轿车 四門轎車 S - 0 sì mén jiào chē f /sedan (motor car)/ 四靈 四灵 T - 0 sì líng f /four divinities/four divine emperors/four mythical creatures symbolic of propsperity and longevity, namely phoenix 鳳|凤[feng4], turtle 龜|龟[gui1], dragon 龍|龙[long2], Chinese unicorn 麒麟[qi2 lin2]/also 四象[si4 xiang4], the four division of the sky/ 四面 - 846 sì miàn f /all sides/ 四面体 四面體 S - 81 sì miàn tǐ f /tetrahedron/ 四面八方 - 653 sì miàn bā fāng f /in all directions/all around/far and near/ 四面楚歌 - 25 sì miàn Chǔ gē f /lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu (idiom)/fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help/ 四面體 四面体 T - 81 sì miàn tǐ f /tetrahedron/ 四項基本原則 四项基本原则 T - 0 Sì xiàng Jī běn Yuán zé f /the Four Cardinal Principles by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1979: to uphold the socialist road, proletariat's dictatorship, CPC's leadership, and Maoism and Marxism-Leninism/ 四頭肌 四头肌 T - 0 sì tóu jī f /quadriceps muscle group/thigh muscles/ 四顧 四顾 T - 146 sì gù f /to look around/ 四项基本原则 四項基本原則 S - 0 Sì xiàng Jī běn Yuán zé f /the Four Cardinal Principles by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1979: to uphold the socialist road, proletariat's dictatorship, CPC's leadership, and Maoism and Marxism-Leninism/ 四顾 四顧 S - 146 sì gù f /to look around/ 四驅車 四驱车 T - 8 sì qū chē f /four-by-four (vehicle)/4x4/ 四驱车 四驅車 S - 8 sì qū chē f /four-by-four (vehicle)/4x4/ 四體 四体 T - 4 sì tǐ f /one's four limbs/two arms and two legs/ 四體不勤,五穀不分 四体不勤,五谷不分 T - 0 sì tǐ bù qín , wǔ gǔ bù fēn f /never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops (idiom); living as a parasite/ 囝 - 2 jiǎn t /child/ 囝 - 2 nān f /variant of 囡[nan1]/ 囝仔 - 0 jiǎn zǐ f /child/youngster/(Taiwanese, POJ pr. [gín-á])/ 回 53 23572 huí f /to circle/to go back/to turn around/to answer/to return/to revolve/Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)/time/classifier for acts of a play/section or chapter (of a classic book)/ 回 迴 S 53 23572 huí f /to curve/to return/to revolve/ 回 逥 S 53 23572 huí f /variant of 迴|回[hui2]/ 回事 - 1195 huí shì f /(old) to report to one's master/ 回交 - 3 huí jiāo f /backcrossing (i.e. hybridization with parent)/ 回京 - 3 huí Jīng f /to return to the capital/ 回佣 - 0 huí yòng f /commission/sales/ 回來 回来 T - 12128 huí lai f /to return/to come back/ 回信 - 160 huí xìn f /to reply/to write back/letter written in reply/CL:封[feng1]/ 回信地址 - 0 huí xìn dì zhǐ f /return address/ 回充 - 0 huí chōng f /to recharge/ 回光反照 - 5 huí guāng fǎn zhào f /final radiance of setting sun/fig. dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)/ 回光返照 - 22 huí guāng fǎn zhào f /final radiance of setting sun/fig. dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)/ 回光鏡 回光镜 T - 3 huí guāng jìng f /concave reflector (e.g. in spotlight)/ 回光镜 回光鏡 S - 3 huí guāng jìng f /concave reflector (e.g. in spotlight)/ 回冲 回沖 S - 5 huí chōng f /backwash/ 回击 回擊 S - 244 huí jī f /to fight back/to return fire/to counterattack/ 回函 - 4 huí hán f /a reply (in writing)/ 回到 - 6103 huí dào f /to return to/ 回升 - 439 huí shēng f /to rise again after a fall/to pick up/rally (stock market etc)/ 回单 回單 S - 6 huí dān f /receipt/ 回单儿 回單兒 S - 0 huí dān r f /erhua variant of 回單|回单[hui2 dan1]/ 回去 - 6209 huí qu f /to return/to go back/ 回口 - 0 huí kǒu f /to answer back/ 回合 - 358 huí hé f /round (of negotiations)/bout (of sporting competition, boxing match, confrontation etc)/rally (in volley-ball, tennis etc)/ 回合制 - 3 huí hé zhì f /turn-based (gaming)/ 回味 - 128 huí wèi f /to reflect on/to ponder over/aftertaste/ 回味无穷 回味無窮 S - 288 huí wèi wú qióng f /leaving a rich aftertaste/(fig.) memorable/lingering in memory/ 回味無窮 回味无穷 T - 288 huí wèi wú qióng f /leaving a rich aftertaste/(fig.) memorable/lingering in memory/ 回响 回響 S - 67 huí xiǎng f /variant of 迴響|回响[hui2 xiang3]/ 回响 迴響 S - 67 huí xiǎng f /to echo/to reverberate/to respond/echo/response/reaction/ 回單 回单 T - 6 huí dān f /receipt/ 回單兒 回单儿 T - 0 huí dān r f /erhua variant of 回單|回单[hui2 dan1]/ 回嗔作喜 - 12 huí chēn zuò xǐ f /to go from anger to happiness (idiom)/ 回回 - 3 huí huí f /time and again/every time/Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)/ 回回青 - 0 huí huí qīng f /cobalt blue/Mohammedan blue/ 回国 回國 S - 1892 huí guó f /to return to one's home country/ 回國 回国 T - 1892 huí guó f /to return to one's home country/ 回執 回执 T - 35 huí zhí f /receipt (written acknowledgement of receipt of an item)/ 回報 回报 T 2717 1133 huí bào f /(in) return/reciprocation/payback/retaliation/to report back/to reciprocate/ 回墨印 - 0 huí mò yìn f /self-inking stamp/ 回声 回聲 S - 215 huí shēng f /echo/ 回声定位 回聲定位 S - 0 huí shēng dìng wèi f /echolocation/ 回复 回復 S - 492 huí fù f /to reply/to recover/to return (to a previous condition)/Re: in reply to (email)/ 回天 - 28 huí tiān f /lit. to reverse the rotation of the sky/fig. to reverse a desperate situation/ 回天乏术 回天乏術 S - 10 huí tiān fá shù f /unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation/ 回天乏術 回天乏术 T - 10 huí tiān fá shù f /unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation/ 回天无力 回天無力 S - 9 huí tiān wú lì f /unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation/ 回天無力 回天无力 T - 9 huí tiān wú lì f /unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom)/to fail to save the situation/ 回头 回頭 S - 3656 huí tóu f /to turn round/to turn one's head/later/by and by/ 回头客 回頭客 S - 28 huí tóu kè f /repeat customer/ 回头见 回頭見 S - 33 huí tóu jiàn f /See you!/Bye!/ 回奉 - 0 huí fèng f /to return a compliment/to give a return present/ 回娘家 - 3 huí niáng jiā f /(of a wife) to return to her parental home/(fig.) to return to one's old place, job, school etc/ 回家 - 3197 huí jiā f /to return home/ 回家吃自己 - 0 huí jiā chī zì jǐ f /(coll.) (Tw) to get sacked/to be fired/ 回应 回應 S - 548 huí yìng f /to respond/response/ 回廊 迴廊 S - 276 huí láng f /winding corridor/cloister/ambulatory (covered walkway around a cloister)/ 回弹 回彈 S - 15 huí tán f /(of sth that has been deformed) to spring back to original shape/(fig.) to rebound/to bounce back/ 回彈 回弹 T - 15 huí tán f /(of sth that has been deformed) to spring back to original shape/(fig.) to rebound/to bounce back/ 回归 回歸 S - 1270 huí guī f /to return to/to retreat/regression (statistics)/ 回归年 回歸年 S - 62 huí guī nián f /the solar year/the year defined as the period between successive equinoxes/ 回归热 回歸熱 S - 5 huí guī rè f /recurring fever/ 回归线 回歸線 S - 4 huí guī xiàn f /tropic/one of the two latitude lines, Tropic of Capricorn or Tropic of Cancer/ 回形針 回形针 T - 3 huí xíng zhēn f /paper clip/ 回形针 回形針 S - 3 huí xíng zhēn f /paper clip/ 回復 回复 T - 492 huí fù f /to reply/to recover/to return (to a previous condition)/Re: in reply to (email)/ 回心轉意 回心转意 T - 140 huí xīn zhuǎn yì f /to change one's mind (idiom)/ 回心转意 回心轉意 S - 140 huí xīn zhuǎn yì f /to change one's mind (idiom)/ 回忆 回憶 S 953 1408 huí yì f /to recall/memories/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 回忆录 回憶錄 S - 237 huí yì lù f /memoir/ 回想 - 526 huí xiǎng f /to recall/to recollect/to think back/ 回憶 回忆 T 953 1408 huí yì f /to recall/memories/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 回憶錄 回忆录 T - 237 huí yì lù f /memoir/ 回應 回应 T - 548 huí yìng f /to respond/response/ 回扣 - 331 huí kòu f /brokerage/a commission paid to a middleman/euphemism for a bribe/a kickback/ 回执 回執 S - 35 huí zhí f /receipt (written acknowledgement of receipt of an item)/ 回折 - 0 huí zhé f /diffraction (physics)/ 回折格子 - 0 huí zhé gé zi f /diffraction grating (physics)/ 回报 回報 S 2717 1133 huí bào f /(in) return/reciprocation/payback/retaliation/to report back/to reciprocate/ 回拜 - 16 huí bài f /to pay a return visit/ 回採 回采 T - 23 huí cǎi f /stoping (excavating ore using stepped terraces)/to extract ore/extraction/to pull back/ 回描 - 0 huí miáo f /flyback (of electron beam in cathode ray tube)/retrace/ 回擊 回击 T - 244 huí jī f /to fight back/to return fire/to counterattack/ 回收 3368 526 huí shōu f /to recycle/to reclaim/to retrieve/to recover/to recall (a defective product)/ 回放 - 53 huí fàng f /to replay/to play back/ 回教 - 59 Huí jiào f /Islam/ 回敬 - 93 huí jìng f /to return a compliment/to give sth in return/ 回文 - 31 huí wén f /palindrome/ 回旋 - 582 huí xuán f /to cycle around/cyclotron/slalom/ 回旋 迴旋 S - 582 huí xuán f /to turn around/maneuvering room/leeway/ 回旋余地 回旋餘地 S - 3 huí xuán yú dì f /leeway/latitude/room for freedom of action/ 回旋加速器 - 0 huí xuán jiā sù qì f /cyclotron (particle accelerator)/ 回旋曲 - 15 huí xuán qǔ f /rondo/ 回旋餘地 回旋余地 T - 3 huí xuán yú dì f /leeway/latitude/room for freedom of action/ 回族 - 2034 Huí zú f /Hui Islamic ethnic group living across China/ 回族人 - 0 Huí zú rén f /Hui person/member of Hui ethnic group living across China/ 回春 - 35 huí chūn f /return of spring/ 回暖 - 49 huí nuǎn f /(of the weather) to warm up again/ 回条 回條 S - 0 huí tiáo f /receipt/note acknowledging receipt/ 回来 回來 S - 12128 huí lai f /to return/to come back/ 回條 回条 T - 0 huí tiáo f /receipt/note acknowledging receipt/ 回歸 回归 T - 1270 huí guī f /to return to/to retreat/regression (statistics)/ 回歸年 回归年 T - 62 huí guī nián f /the solar year/the year defined as the period between successive equinoxes/ 回歸熱 回归热 T - 5 huí guī rè f /recurring fever/ 回歸線 回归线 T - 4 huí guī xiàn f /tropic/one of the two latitude lines, Tropic of Capricorn or Tropic of Cancer/ 回民 - 158 Huí mín f /Hui ethnic group (Chinese muslims)/ 回民区 回民區 S - 3 Huí mín Qū f /Huimin District of Hohhot city 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 回民區 回民区 T - 3 Huí mín Qū f /Huimin District of Hohhot city 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 回沖 回冲 T - 5 huí chōng f /backwash/ 回波 - 45 huí bō f /echo (e.g. radar)/returning wave/ 回流 - 178 huí liú f /to flow back/reflux/circumfluence/refluence/backward flow/returning flow (e.g. of talent)/ 回游 - 281 huí yóu f /variant of 洄游[hui2 you2]/ 回溯 - 57 huí sù f /to recall/to look back upon/ 回潮 - 33 huí cháo f /to become moist again/to revive (usually of sth bad)/resurgence/ 回火 - 30 huí huǒ f /to temper (iron)/to flare back/flareback (in a gas burner)/(of an engine) to backfire/ 回炉 回爐 S - 27 huí lú f /to melt down/to remelt (metals)/fig. to acquire new education/to bake again/ 回爐 回炉 T - 27 huí lú f /to melt down/to remelt (metals)/fig. to acquire new education/to bake again/ 回甘 - 0 huí gān f /to have a sweet aftertaste/ 回甜 - 0 huí tián f /to have a sweet aftertaste/ 回电 回電 S - 21 huí diàn f /to reply to a telegram/to wire back/ 回目 - 28 huí mù f /chapter title (in a novel)/ 回眸 - 68 huí móu f /to glance back/to look back/retrospective/ 回礼 回禮 S - 48 huí lǐ f /to return a greeting/to send a gift in return/ 回祿 回禄 T - 3 huí lù f /traditional Fire God/destruction by fire/ 回祿之災 回禄之灾 T - 3 huí lù zhī zāi f /to have one's house burned down/fire disaster/ 回禀 回稟 S - 119 huí bǐng f /to report back to one's superior/ 回禄 回祿 S - 3 huí lù f /traditional Fire God/destruction by fire/ 回禄之灾 回祿之災 S - 3 huí lù zhī zāi f /to have one's house burned down/fire disaster/ 回禮 回礼 T - 48 huí lǐ f /to return a greeting/to send a gift in return/ 回程 - 55 huí chéng f /return trip/ 回稟 回禀 T - 119 huí bǐng f /to report back to one's superior/ 回空 - 3 huí kōng f /to return empty (i.e. to drive back with no passengers or freight)/ 回笼 回籠 S - 34 huí lóng f /to steam again/to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer/to withdraw currency from circulation/ 回答 429 8822 huí dá f /to reply/to answer/the answer/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 回籠 回笼 T - 34 huí lóng f /to steam again/to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer/to withdraw currency from circulation/ 回紇 回纥 T - 112 Huí hé f /Huihe, pre-Tang name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur/ 回絕 回绝 T - 96 huí jué f /to rebuff/to refuse/to turn down/ 回繞 回绕 T - 16 huí rào f /winding/ 回纥 回紇 S - 112 Huí hé f /Huihe, pre-Tang name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur/ 回纹针 迴紋針 S - 3 huí wén zhēn f /paper clip/ 回绕 回繞 S - 16 huí rào f /winding/ 回绝 回絕 S - 96 huí jué f /to rebuff/to refuse/to turn down/ 回老家 - 264 huí lǎo jiā f /to go back to one's roots/to return to one's native place/by ext. to join one's ancestors (i.e. to die)/ 回耗 - 0 huí hào f /to write back/to send a reply/ 回聲 回声 T - 215 huí shēng f /echo/ 回聲定位 回声定位 T - 0 huí shēng dìng wèi f /echolocation/ 回肠 回腸 S - 16 huí cháng f /ileum (segment of small intestine between the jejunum 空腸|空肠[kong1 chang2] and appendix 盲腸|盲肠[mang2 chang2])/ 回肠荡气 回腸盪氣 S - 21 huí cháng dàng qì f /soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)/heart-rending/deeply moving/ 回腸 回肠 T - 16 huí cháng f /ileum (segment of small intestine between the jejunum 空腸|空肠[kong1 chang2] and appendix 盲腸|盲肠[mang2 chang2])/ 回腸盪氣 回肠荡气 T - 21 huí cháng dàng qì f /soul-stirring (of drama, poem or artwork)/heart-rending/deeply moving/ 回航 - 3 huí háng f /to return to port/ 回良玉 - 6 Huí Liáng yù f /Hui Liangyu (1944-) PRC Hui national career politician from Guilin, background in economics, politburo member from 2002, deputy chair of State Council from 2003/ 回荡 迴盪 S - 140 huí dàng f /to resound/to reverberate/to echo/ 回落 - 331 huí luò f /to fall back/to return to low level after a rise (in water level, price etc)/ 回覆 - 492 huí fù f /to reply/to recover/variant of 回復|回复[hui2 fu4]/ 回見 回见 T - 108 huí jiàn f /See you later!/ 回視 回视 T - 0 huí shì f /regression (psychology)/ 回见 回見 S - 108 huí jiàn f /See you later!/ 回视 回視 S - 0 huí shì f /regression (psychology)/ 回訪 回访 T - 51 huí fǎng f /(pay a) return visit/ 回話 回话 T - 111 huí huà f /to reply/ 回請 回请 T - 3 huí qǐng f /to return an invitation/ 回访 回訪 S - 51 huí fǎng f /(pay a) return visit/ 回话 回話 S - 111 huí huà f /to reply/ 回请 回請 S - 3 huí qǐng f /to return an invitation/ 回購 回购 T - 154 huí gòu f /buyback/repurchase/to buy back/ 回购 回購 S - 154 huí gòu f /buyback/repurchase/to buy back/ 回跌 - 8 huí diē f /to fall back (of water level or share prices)/ 回路 - 142 huí lù f /to return/circuit (e.g. electric)/loop/ 回車 回车 T - 33 huí chē f /enter (computer key)/ 回車鍵 回车键 T - 3 huí chē jiàn f /carriage return/ 回轉 回转 T - 298 huí zhuǎn f /to rotate/to turn round/slalom/ 回轉壽司 回转寿司 T - 0 huí zhuǎn shòu sī f /revolving belt sushi (restaurant)/ 回车 回車 S - 33 huí chē f /enter (computer key)/ 回车键 回車鍵 S - 3 huí chē jiàn f /carriage return/ 回转 回轉 S - 298 huí zhuǎn f /to rotate/to turn round/slalom/ 回转 迴轉 S - 298 huí zhuǎn f /to revolve/to rotate/rotation/ 回转寿司 回轉壽司 S - 0 huí zhuǎn shòu sī f /revolving belt sushi (restaurant)/ 回返 - 31 huí fǎn f /to return/to go back/to come back/ 回还 回還 S - 0 huí huán f /to return/ 回避 3219 984 huí bì f /variant of 迴避|回避[hui2 bi4]/ 回避 迴避 S 3219 984 huí bì f /to shun/to avoid (sb)/to skirt/to evade (an issue)/to step back/to withdraw/to recuse (a judge etc)/ 回還 回还 T - 0 huí huán f /to return/ 回邮信封 回郵信封 S - 3 huí yóu xìn fēng f /self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE)/ 回郵信封 回邮信封 T - 3 huí yóu xìn fēng f /self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE)/ 回采 回採 S - 23 huí cǎi f /stoping (excavating ore using stepped terraces)/to extract ore/extraction/to pull back/ 回銮 回鑾 S - 24 huí luán f /return of the emperor/ 回鍋 回锅 T - 265 huí guō f /to cook again/to rewarm food/ 回鍋油 回锅油 T - 3 huí guō yóu f /to use the same oil repeatedly for deep frying (a possible health hazard)/ 回鍋肉 回锅肉 T - 8 huí guō ròu f /twice cooked pork/ 回鑾 回銮 T - 24 huí luán f /return of the emperor/ 回锅 回鍋 S - 265 huí guō f /to cook again/to rewarm food/ 回锅油 回鍋油 S - 3 huí guō yóu f /to use the same oil repeatedly for deep frying (a possible health hazard)/ 回锅肉 回鍋肉 S - 8 huí guō ròu f /twice cooked pork/ 回門 回门 T - 38 huí mén f /first return of bride to her parental home/ 回门 回門 S - 38 huí mén f /first return of bride to her parental home/ 回電 回电 T - 21 huí diàn f /to reply to a telegram/to wire back/ 回音 - 174 huí yīn f /echo/reply/turn (ornament in music)/ 回響 回响 T - 67 huí xiǎng f /variant of 迴響|回响[hui2 xiang3]/ 回頁首 回页首 T - 0 huí yè shǒu f /hyperlink to top of webpage/ 回頭 回头 T - 3656 huí tóu f /to turn round/to turn one's head/later/by and by/ 回頭客 回头客 T - 28 huí tóu kè f /repeat customer/ 回頭見 回头见 T - 33 huí tóu jiàn f /See you!/Bye!/ 回顧 回顾 T 2895 1454 huí gù f /to look back/to review/ 回顧展 回顾展 T - 16 huí gù zhǎn f /retrospective (exhibition)/ 回顧歷史 回顾历史 T - 3 huí gù lì shǐ f /to look back at history/ 回页首 回頁首 S - 0 huí yè shǒu f /hyperlink to top of webpage/ 回顾 回顧 S 2895 1454 huí gù f /to look back/to review/ 回顾历史 回顧歷史 S - 3 huí gù lì shǐ f /to look back at history/ 回顾展 回顧展 S - 16 huí gù zhǎn f /retrospective (exhibition)/ 回饋 回馈 T - 44 huí kuì f /to give back/feedback/ 回馈 回饋 S - 44 huí kuì f /to give back/feedback/ 回首 - 225 huí shǒu f /to turn around/to look back/to recollect/ 回馬槍 回马枪 T - 20 huí mǎ qiāng f /sudden thrust (that catches the opponent off guard)/ 回駁 回驳 T - 3 huí bó f /to refute/ 回马枪 回馬槍 S - 20 huí mǎ qiāng f /sudden thrust (that catches the opponent off guard)/ 回驳 回駁 S - 3 huí bó f /to refute/ 回鶻 回鹘 T - 298 Huí hú f /Huihu, Tang dynasty name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]/ 回鹘 回鶻 S - 298 Huí hú f /Huihu, Tang dynasty name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur 維吾爾|维吾尔[Wei2 wu2 er3]/ 囟 - 77 xìn f /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ 囟脑门 囟腦門 S - 0 xìn nǎo mén f /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ 囟腦門 囟脑门 T - 0 xìn nǎo mén f /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ 囟門 囟门 T - 9 xìn mén f /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ 囟门 囟門 S - 9 xìn mén f /fontanel (gap between the bones of an infant's skull)/ 因 囙 S - 29186 yīn f /old variant of 因[yin1]/ 因 - 29186 yīn f /cause/reason/because/ 因为 因為 S 168 35698 yīn wèi f /because/owing to/on account of/ 因人成事 - 7 yīn rén chéng shì f /to get things done relying on others (idiom); with a little help from his friends/ 因人而异 因人而異 S - 92 yīn rén ér yì f /varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual/ 因人而異 因人而异 T - 92 yīn rén ér yì f /varying from person to person (idiom); different for each individual/ 因公 - 3 yīn gōng f /in the course of doing one's work/on business/ 因公殉职 因公殉職 S - 6 yīn gōng xùn zhí f /to die as in the line of duty (idiom)/ 因公殉職 因公殉职 T - 6 yīn gōng xùn zhí f /to die as in the line of duty (idiom)/ 因利乘便 - 6 yīn lì chéng biàn f /(idiom) to rely on the most favorable method/ 因势利导 因勢利導 S - 75 yīn shì lì dǎo f /to take advantage of the new situation (idiom)/to make the best of new opportunities/ 因勢利導 因势利导 T - 75 yīn shì lì dǎo f /to take advantage of the new situation (idiom)/to make the best of new opportunities/ 因变量 因變量 S - 11 yīn biàn liàng f /implicit variable/ 因噎废食 因噎廢食 S - 21 yīn yē fèi shí f /lit. not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. to cut off one's nose to spite one's face/to avoid sth essential because of a slight risk/ 因噎廢食 因噎废食 T - 21 yīn yē fèi shí f /lit. not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. to cut off one's nose to spite one's face/to avoid sth essential because of a slight risk/ 因地制宜 - 167 yīn dì zhì yí f /(idiom) to use methods in line with local circumstances/ 因如此 - 0 yīn rú cǐ f /because of this/ 因子 - 485 yīn zǐ f /factor/(genetic) trait/(math.) factor/divisor/ 因孕而婚 - 0 yīn yùn ér hūn f /shotgun wedding (idiom)/ 因小失大 - 20 yīn xiǎo shī dà f /to save a little only to lose a lot (idiom)/ 因应 因應 S - 49 yīn yìng f /to respond accordingly to/to adapt to/to cope with/ 因式 - 3 yīn shì f /factor/divisor (of a math. expression)/ 因式分解 - 7 yīn shì fēn jiě f /factorization/ 因循 - 36 yīn xún f /to continue the same old routine/to carry on just as before/to procrastinate/ 因循守旧 因循守舊 S - 38 yīn xún shǒu jiù f /(idiom) to continue in the same old rut/diehard conservative attitudes/ 因循守舊 因循守旧 T - 38 yīn xún shǒu jiù f /(idiom) to continue in the same old rut/diehard conservative attitudes/ 因愛成恨 因爱成恨 T - 0 yīn ài chéng hèn f /hatred caused by love (idiom)/to grow to hate someone because of unrequited love for that person/ 因應 因应 T - 49 yīn yìng f /to respond accordingly to/to adapt to/to cope with/ 因故 - 367 yīn gù f /for some reason/ 因数 因數 S - 46 yīn shù f /factor (of an integer)/divisor/ 因數 因数 T - 46 yīn shù f /factor (of an integer)/divisor/ 因斯布魯克 因斯布鲁克 T - 10 Yīn sī bù lǔ kè f /Innsbruck, city in Austria/ 因斯布鲁克 因斯布魯克 S - 10 Yīn sī bù lǔ kè f /Innsbruck, city in Austria/ 因时制宜 因時制宜 S - 13 yīn shí zhì yí f /(idiom) to use methods appropriate to the current situation/ 因時制宜 因时制宜 T - 13 yīn shí zhì yí f /(idiom) to use methods appropriate to the current situation/ 因材施教 - 35 yīn cái shī jiào f /(idiom) to teach in line with the student's ability/ 因果 - 268 yīn guǒ f /karma/cause and effect/ 因此 790 23294 yīn cǐ f /thus/consequently/as a result/ 因為 因为 T 168 35698 yīn wèi f /because/owing to/on account of/ 因爱成恨 因愛成恨 S - 0 yīn ài chéng hèn f /hatred caused by love (idiom)/to grow to hate someone because of unrequited love for that person/ 因父之名 - 0 yīn Fù zhī Míng f /in the Name of the Father (in Christian worship)/ 因特網 因特网 T - 292 Yīn tè wǎng f /Internet/ 因特網提供商 因特网提供商 T - 0 yīn tè wǎng tí gōng shāng f /Internet service provider (ISP)/ 因特網聯通 因特网联通 T - 0 yīn tè wǎng lián tōng f /Internet connection/ 因特网 因特網 S - 292 Yīn tè wǎng f /Internet/ 因特网提供商 因特網提供商 S - 0 yīn tè wǎng tí gōng shāng f /Internet service provider (ISP)/ 因特网联通 因特網聯通 S - 0 yīn tè wǎng lián tōng f /Internet connection/ 因由 - 47 yīn yóu f /reason/cause/predestined relationship (Buddhism)/ 因祸得福 因禍得福 S - 34 yīn huò dé fú f /to profit from a disaster (idiom); some good comes out of a setback/It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good./ 因禍得福 因祸得福 T - 34 yīn huò dé fú f /to profit from a disaster (idiom); some good comes out of a setback/It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good./ 因紐特 因纽特 T - 0 Yīn niǔ tè f /Inuit (politically correct term for Eskimo 愛斯基摩人|爱斯基摩人)/ 因紐特人 因纽特人 T - 0 Yīn niǔ tè rén f /Inuit/ 因素 1970 7420 yīn sù f /element/factor/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 因緣 因缘 T - 110 yīn yuán f /chance/opportunity/predestined relationship/(Buddhist) principal and secondary causes/chain of cause and effect/ 因纽特 因紐特 S - 0 Yīn niǔ tè f /Inuit (politically correct term for Eskimo 愛斯基摩人|爱斯基摩人)/ 因纽特人 因紐特人 S - 0 Yīn niǔ tè rén f /Inuit/ 因缘 因緣 S - 110 yīn yuán f /chance/opportunity/predestined relationship/(Buddhist) principal and secondary causes/chain of cause and effect/ 因而 2420 6235 yīn ér f /therefore/as a result/thus/and as a result, .../ 因袭 因襲 S - 87 yīn xí f /to follow old patterns/to imitate existing models/to continue along the same lines/ 因襲 因袭 T - 87 yīn xí f /to follow old patterns/to imitate existing models/to continue along the same lines/ 因變量 因变量 T - 11 yīn biàn liàng f /implicit variable/ 因陀罗 因陀羅 S - 9 Yīn tuó luó f /Indra (a Hindu deity)/ 因陀羅 因陀罗 T - 9 Yīn tuó luó f /Indra (a Hindu deity)/ 因陋就简 因陋就簡 S - 24 yīn lòu jiù jiǎn f /crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can/to do things simply and thriftily/It's not pretty but it works./ 因陋就簡 因陋就简 T - 24 yīn lòu jiù jiǎn f /crude but simple methods (idiom); use whatever methods you can/to do things simply and thriftily/It's not pretty but it works./ 囡 - 15 nān f /child/daughter/ 囡囡 - 0 nān nān f /little darling/baby/ 团 團 S 1585 6703 tuán f /round/lump/ball/to roll into a ball/to gather/regiment/group/society/classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)/ 团 糰 S 1585 6703 tuán f /dumpling/ 团丁 團丁 S - 50 tuán dīng f /(old) member of local militia/ 团伙 團伙 S - 157 tuán huǒ f /(criminal) gang/gang member/accomplice/crony/ 团体 團體 S 2919 4923 tuán tǐ f /group/organization/team/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 团体冠军 團體冠軍 S - 3 tuán tǐ guàn jūn f /group championship/ 团体行 團體行 S - 0 tuán tǐ xíng f /group travel/ 团员 團員 S - 325 tuán yuán f /member/group member/ 团团转 團團轉 S - 71 tuán tuán zhuàn f /to go round and round/running around in circles/fig. frantically busy/ 团圆 團圓 S 4454 185 tuán yuán f /to have a reunion/ 团契 團契 S - 3 tuán qì f /Christian association/fellowship/ 团子 糰子 S - 1567 tuán zi f /dango (Japanese dumpling)/ 团年 團年 S - 0 tuán nián f /(of a family) to come together at lunar New Year's Eve/family reunion at New Year's/ 团扇 團扇 S - 58 tuán shàn f /circular fan/ 团练 團練 S - 107 tuán liàn f /local militia formed to suppress peasant rebellion (old)/ 团结 團結 S 2912 3941 tuán jié f /to unite/unity/solidarity/friendly/harmonious/ 团结就是力量 團結就是力量 S - 0 tuán jié jiù shì lì liang f /unity is strength (revolutionary slogan and popular song of 1943)/ 团结工会 團結工會 S - 0 Tuán jié Gōng huì f /Solidarity (Polish worker's union)/ 团聚 團聚 S - 185 tuán jù f /to reunite/to have a reunion/ 团花 團花 S - 26 tuán huā f /rounded embroidery design/ 团购 團購 S - 19 tuán gòu f /group buying/collective buying/buying by a group of individuals who negotiate a discount for the group/ 团长 團長 S - 1702 tuán zhǎng f /regimental command/head of a delegation/ 团队 團隊 S - 1103 tuán duì f /team/ 团队精神 團隊精神 S - 3 tuán duì jīng shén f /group mentality/collectivism/solidarity/team spirit/ 团风 團風 S - 3 Tuán fēng f /Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 团风县 團風縣 S - 256 Tuán fēng xiàn f /Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 団 - 13 tuán f /Japanese variant of 團|团/ 囤 - 127 dùn t /bin for grain/ 囤 - 127 tún f /to store/hoard/ 囤积 囤積 S - 98 tún jī f /to stock up/to lay in supplies/to hoard (for speculation)/to corner the market in sth/ 囤积居奇 囤積居奇 S - 14 tún jī jū qí f /to hoard and profiteer/to speculate/ 囤積 囤积 T - 98 tún jī f /to stock up/to lay in supplies/to hoard (for speculation)/to corner the market in sth/ 囤積居奇 囤积居奇 T - 14 tún jī jū qí f /to hoard and profiteer/to speculate/ 囥 - 54 kàng f /(dialect) to hide/to conceal/ 囦 - 243 yuān f /old variant of 淵|渊[yuan1]/ 囧 - 654 jiǒng f /variant of 冏[jiong3]/used as emoticon ("smiley") meaning embarrassed, sad :-(, depressed or frustrated/ 囨 - 516 piān f /expression of contempt equivalent to 呸[pei1]/ 囪 囱 T - 182 chuāng f /variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 囪 囱 T - 182 cōng t /chimney/ 囪門 囱门 T - 0 cōng mén f /window/chimney/ 囫 - 2 hú f /whole/in one lump/ 囫囵 囫圇 S - 83 hú lún f /complete/whole/ 囫囵吞下 囫圇吞下 S - 0 hú lún tūn xià f /to swallow it whole/to act without thinking (idiom)/ 囫囵吞枣 囫圇吞棗 S - 13 hú lún tūn zǎo f /to swallow in one gulp (idiom)/(fig.) to accept without thinking/to lap up/ 囫圇 囫囵 T - 83 hú lún f /complete/whole/ 囫圇吞下 囫囵吞下 T - 0 hú lún tūn xià f /to swallow it whole/to act without thinking (idiom)/ 囫圇吞棗 囫囵吞枣 T - 13 hú lún tūn zǎo f /to swallow in one gulp (idiom)/(fig.) to accept without thinking/to lap up/ 囬 - 113 huí f /variant of 回[hui2]/ 园 園 S - 1914 Yuán f /surname Yuan/ 园 園 S - 1914 yuán f /land used for growing plants/site used for public recreation/ 园丁 園丁 S - 67 yuán dīng f /gardener/ 园区 園區 S - 397 yuán qū f /site developed for a group of related enterprises/(industrial or technology) park/ 园囿 園囿 S - 5 yuán yòu f /park/ 园圃 園圃 S - 25 yuán pǔ f /garden plot/ 园地 園地 S - 125 yuán dì f /garden area/ 园林 園林 S 4873 1286 yuán lín f /gardens/park/landscape garden/ 园艺 園藝 S - 171 yuán yì f /gardening/horticultural/ 囮 - 4 é f /decoy/ 囯 - 0 guó f /variant of 國|国[guo2]/ 困 842 1425 kùn f /to trap/to surround/hard-pressed/stranded/destitute/ 困 睏 S 842 1425 kùn f /sleepy/tired/ 困倦 - 118 kùn juàn f /tired/weary/ 困兽犹斗 困獸猶鬥 S - 15 kùn shòu yóu dòu f /a cornered beast will still fight (idiom)/to fight like an animal at bay/ 困厄 - 38 kùn è f /in deep water/difficult situation/ 困境 - 1017 kùn jìng f /predicament/plight/ 困守 - 53 kùn shǒu f /to stand a siege/trapped in a besieged city/ 困局 - 27 kùn jú f /dilemma/predicament/difficult situation/ 困惑 - 537 kùn huò f /bewildered/perplexed/confused/difficult problem/perplexity/ 困惑不解 - 3 kùn huò bù jiě f /to feel perplexed/ 困扰 困擾 S - 669 kùn rǎo f /to perplex/to disturb/to cause complications/ 困擾 困扰 T - 669 kùn rǎo f /to perplex/to disturb/to cause complications/ 困獸猶鬥 困兽犹斗 T - 15 kùn shòu yóu dòu f /a cornered beast will still fight (idiom)/to fight like an animal at bay/ 困窘 - 38 kùn jiǒng f /embarrassment/ 困苦 - 166 kùn kǔ f /deprivation/distressed/miserable/ 困觉 睏覺 S - 6 kùn jiào f /(dialect) to sleep/ 困难 困難 S 843 7599 kùn nan f /difficult/challenging/straitened circumstances/difficult situation/ 困难在于 困難在於 S - 0 kùn nán zài yú f /the problem is.../ 困難 困难 T 843 7599 kùn nan f /difficult/challenging/straitened circumstances/difficult situation/ 困難在於 困难在于 T - 0 kùn nán zài yú f /the problem is.../ 困頓 困顿 T - 82 kùn dùn f /fatigued/exhausted/poverty-stricken/in straitened circumstances/ 困顿 困頓 S - 82 kùn dùn f /fatigued/exhausted/poverty-stricken/in straitened circumstances/ 囱 囪 S - 182 chuāng f /variant of 窗[chuang1]/ 囱 囪 S - 182 cōng t /chimney/ 囱门 囪門 S - 0 cōng mén f /window/chimney/ 囲 - 0 wéi f /Japanese variant of 圍|围[wei2]/ 図 - 0 tú f /Japanese variant of 圖|图/ 围 圍 S - 4010 Wéi f /surname Wei/ 围 圍 S - 4010 wéi f /to encircle/to surround/all around/to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl)/ 围产 圍產 S - 2 wéi chǎn f /perinatal/ 围住 圍住 S - 444 wéi zhù f /to surround/to gird/ 围兜 圍兜 S - 2 wéi dōu f /bib/ 围击 圍擊 S - 3 wéi jī f /to besiege/ 围剿 圍剿 S - 854 wéi jiǎo f /to encircle and annihilate/refers to repeated campaigns of the Guomindang against the communists from 1930 onwards/ 围嘴 圍嘴 S - 3 wéi zuǐ f /(baby) bib/ 围困 圍困 S - 427 wéi kùn f /to besiege/ 围场 圍場 S - 36 Wéi chǎng f /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 围场 圍場 S - 36 wéi chǎng f /enclosure/pig pen/hunting ground exclusively kept for emperor or nobility (in former times)/ 围场县 圍場縣 S - 3 Wéi chǎng xiàn f /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 围场满族蒙古族自治县 圍場滿族蒙古族自治縣 S - 3 Wéi chǎng Mǎn zú Měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 围坐 圍坐 S - 115 wéi zuò f /to sit in a circle/seated around (a narrator)/ 围垦 圍墾 S - 53 wéi kěn f /to reclaim land by diking/ 围城 圍城 S - 276 Wéi chéng f /Fortress Besieged, 1947 novel by Qian Zhongshu 錢鐘書|钱钟书, filmed as a TV serial/ 围城 圍城 S - 276 wéi chéng f /siege/besieged city/ 围城打援 圍城打援 S - 2 wéi chéng dǎ yuán f /to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom); strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops/ 围堰 圍堰 S - 138 wéi yàn f /a cofferdam/ 围堵 圍堵 S - 44 wéi dǔ f /to blockade/to surround/to hem in/ 围墙 圍牆 S - 1346 wéi qiáng f /perimeter wall/fence/CL:道[dao4]/ 围巾 圍巾 S 2175 103 wéi jīn f /scarf/shawl/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 围护 圍護 S - 32 wéi hù f /to protect from all sides/ 围拢 圍攏 S - 93 wéi lǒng f /to crowd around/ 围捕 圍捕 S - 25 wéi bǔ f /to fish by casting a net/to capture/to surround and seize/ 围攻 圍攻 S - 993 wéi gōng f /to besiege/to beleaguer/to attack from all sides/to jointly speak or write against sb/ 围栏 圍欄 S - 169 wéi lán f /fencing/railings/fence/ 围棋 圍棋 S - 473 wéi qí f /the game of Go/ 围殴 圍毆 S - 3 wéi ōu f /to gang up and beat/ 围篱 圍籬 S - 0 wéi lí f /fence/paling/ 围绕 圍繞 S 2218 2065 wéi rào f /to revolve around/to center on (an issue)/ 围网 圍網 S - 15 wéi wǎng f /seine net/wire mesh fence/fence screen/ 围脖 圍脖 S - 8 wéi bó f /muffler/scarf/ 围裙 圍裙 S - 120 wéi qún f /apron/ 围观 圍觀 S - 237 wéi guān f /to stand in a circle and watch/ 围起 圍起 S - 3 wéi qǐ f /to surround/to encircle/to enclose/to fence in/ 围魏救赵 圍魏救趙 S - 25 wéi Wèi jiù Zhào f /lit. to besiege 魏[Wei4] and rescue 趙|赵[Zhao4] (idiom)/fig. to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers/ 囵 圇 S - 2 lún f /complete/ 囶 - 0 guó f /old variant of 國|国[guo2]/ 囷 - 146 qūn f /granary/Taiwan pr. [jun1]/ 囸 - 0 rì f /old variant of 日[ri4]/ 囹 - 2 líng f /see 囹圄[ling2 yu3]/ 囹圄 - 19 líng yǔ f /prison/ 囹圉 - 0 líng yǔ f /variant of 囹圄[ling2 yu3]/ 固 - 1724 gù f /hard/strong/solid/sure/assuredly/undoubtedly/of course/indeed/admittedly/ 固件 - 3 gù jiàn f /firmware/ 固体 固體 S 4417 1313 gù tǐ f /solid/ 固体溶体 固體溶體 S - 0 gù tǐ róng tǐ f /solid solution/ 固体热容激光器 固體熱容激光器 S - 0 gù tǐ rè róng jī guāng qì f /solid state hot condensed laser (SSHCL)/ 固体物理 固體物理 S - 3 gù tǐ wù lǐ f /solid state physics/ 固体物质 固體物質 S - 0 gù tǐ wù zhì f /solid substance/ 固化 - 88 gù huà f /to solidify/solidification (chemistry)/ 固原 - 62 Gù yuán f /Guyuan city and prefecture in Ningxia/ 固原地区 固原地區 S - 7 Gù yuán dì qū f /Guyuan prefecture in Ningxia/ 固原地區 固原地区 T - 7 Gù yuán dì qū f /Guyuan prefecture in Ningxia/ 固原市 - 4 Gù yuán shì f /Guyuan city in Ningxia/ 固執 固执 T 3304 408 gù zhí f /obstinate/stubborn/ 固執己見 固执己见 T - 26 gù zhí jǐ jiàn f /to persist in one's views/ 固始 - 22 Gù shǐ f /Gushi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 固始县 固始縣 S - 3 Gù shǐ xiàn f /Gushi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 固始縣 固始县 T - 3 Gù shǐ xiàn f /Gushi county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 固守 - 309 gù shǒu f /to strongly defend one's position/to be entrenched/to cling to/ 固安 - 11 Gù ān f /Gu'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 固安县 固安縣 S - 2 Gù ān xiàn f /Gu'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 固安縣 固安县 T - 2 Gù ān xiàn f /Gu'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 固定 1927 3844 gù dìng f /to fix/to fasten/to set rigidly in place/fixed/set/regular/ 固定收入 - 3 gù dìng shōu rù f /fixed income/ 固定点 固定點 S - 21 gù dìng diǎn f /fixed point/calibration point/ 固定电话 固定電話 S - 0 gù dìng diàn huà f /landline telephone/fixed-line telephone/ 固定詞組 固定词组 T - 0 gù dìng cí zǔ f /set phrase/ 固定词组 固定詞組 S - 0 gù dìng cí zǔ f /set phrase/ 固定資產 固定资产 T - 1148 gù dìng zī chǎn f /fixed assets/ 固定资产 固定資產 S - 1148 gù dìng zī chǎn f /fixed assets/ 固定電話 固定电话 T - 0 gù dìng diàn huà f /landline telephone/fixed-line telephone/ 固定點 固定点 T - 21 gù dìng diǎn f /fixed point/calibration point/ 固形物 - 5 gù xíng wù f /solid particles in liquid/ 固态 固態 S - 185 gù tài f /solid state (physics)/ 固態 固态 T - 185 gù tài f /solid state (physics)/ 固执 固執 S 3304 408 gù zhí f /obstinate/stubborn/ 固执己见 固執己見 S - 26 gù zhí jǐ jiàn f /to persist in one's views/ 固有 4750 625 gù yǒu f /intrinsic to sth/inherent/native/ 固有名詞 固有名词 T - 0 gù yǒu míng cí f /proper noun/ 固有名词 固有名詞 S - 0 gù yǒu míng cí f /proper noun/ 固有詞 固有词 T - 0 gù yǒu cí f /native words (i.e. not derived from Chinese, in Korean and Japanese etc)/ 固有词 固有詞 S - 0 gù yǒu cí f /native words (i.e. not derived from Chinese, in Korean and Japanese etc)/ 固然 4694 1632 gù rán f /admittedly (it's true that...)/ 固網電信 固网电信 T - 0 gù wǎng diàn xìn f /landline (fixed-line) telecommunications/ 固网电信 固網電信 S - 0 gù wǎng diàn xìn f /landline (fixed-line) telecommunications/ 固若金汤 固若金湯 S - 19 gù ruò jīn tāng f /secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom)/well fortified/invulnerable to attack/ 固若金湯 固若金汤 T - 19 gù ruò jīn tāng f /secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom)/well fortified/invulnerable to attack/ 固醇 - 15 gù chún f /sterol (chemistry)/ 固鎮 固镇 T - 6 Gù zhèn f /Guzhen county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 固鎮縣 固镇县 T - 3 Gù zhèn xiàn f /Guzhen county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 固镇 固鎮 S - 6 Gù zhèn f /Guzhen county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 固镇县 固鎮縣 S - 3 Gù zhèn xiàn f /Guzhen county in Bengbu 蚌埠[Beng4 bu4], Anhui/ 固阳县 固陽縣 S - 4 Gù yáng xiàn f /Guyang county in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia/ 固陽縣 固阳县 T - 4 Gù yáng xiàn f /Guyang county in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia/ 固體 固体 T 4417 1313 gù tǐ f /solid/ 固體溶體 固体溶体 T - 0 gù tǐ róng tǐ f /solid solution/ 固體熱容激光器 固体热容激光器 T - 0 gù tǐ rè róng jī guāng qì f /solid state hot condensed laser (SSHCL)/ 固體物理 固体物理 T - 3 gù tǐ wù lǐ f /solid state physics/ 固體物質 固体物质 T - 0 gù tǐ wù zhì f /solid substance/ 囻 - 0 guó f /old variant of 國|国[guo2]/ 国 國 S - 29996 Guó f /surname Guo/ 国 國 S - 29996 guó f /country/nation/state/national/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 国中 國中 S - 3 guó zhōng f /junior high school (Taiwan)/abbr. for 國民中學|国民中学[guo2 min2 zhong1 xue2]/ 国中之国 國中之國 S - 0 guó zhōng zhī guó f /state within a state/ 国乐 國樂 S - 21 guó yuè f /national music/Chinese traditional music/ 国书 國書 S - 61 guó shū f /credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/national or dynastic history book/ 国事 國事 S - 317 guó shì f /affairs of the nation/politics/ 国事访问 國事訪問 S - 125 guó shì fǎng wèn f /state visit/ 国产 國產 S - 773 guó chǎn f /made in one's own country/made in China/ 国产化 國產化 S - 77 guó chǎn huà f /to localize (production)/localization/ 国人 國人 S - 610 guó rén f /compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen/ 国企 國企 S - 341 guó qǐ f /state enterprise/(Tw) abbr. for 國際企業管理|国际企业管理, international business management (as a subject of study)/ 国会 國會 S - 1447 guó huì f /parliament/Congress/diet/ 国会大厦 國會大廈 S - 0 guó huì dà shà f /capitol/ 国会山 國會山 S - 8 Guó huì shān f /Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C./ 国会议员 國會議員 S - 3 guó huì yì yuán f /member of congress/congressman/ 国会议长 國會議長 S - 0 guó huì yì zhǎng f /chair (or president, speaker etc) of national congress/ 国体 國體 S - 68 guó tǐ f /state system/national prestige/ 国侦局 國偵局 S - 0 Guó zhēn jú f /abbr. for 美國國家偵察局|美国国家侦察局/ 国保 國保 S - 0 Guó bǎo f /abbr. for 國內安全保衛局|国内安全保卫局[Guo2 nei4 An1 quan2 Bao3 wei4 ju2]/abbr. for 國民年金保險|国民年金保险[Guo2 min2 Nian2 jin1 Bao3 xian3]/abbr. for 全國重點文物保護單位|全国重点文物保护单位[Quan2 guo2 Zhong4 dian3 Wen2 wu4 Bao3 hu4 Dan1 wei4]/ 国债 國債 S - 405 guó zhài f /national debt/government debt/ 国共 國共 S - 778 Guó Gòng f /Chinese Nationalist Party 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] and Chinese Communist Party 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3]/ 国共两党 國共兩黨 S - 3 Guó Gòng liǎng dǎng f /Guomindang 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] and Chinese Communist Party 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3]/ 国共内战 國共內戰 S - 0 Guó Gòng Nèi zhàn f /Chinese Civil War, also known as War of Liberation 解放戰爭|解放战争[Jie3 fang4 Zhan4 zheng1]/ 国共合作 國共合作 S - 559 guó gòng hé zuò f /First United Front between Guomindang and Communist party, 1923-1927/ 国关 國關 S - 0 Guó Guān f /abbr. for 國際關係學院|国际关系学院[Guo2 ji4 Guan1 xi4 Xue2 yuan4], University of International Relations, Beijing/ 国内 國內 S - 12450 guó nèi f /domestic/internal (to a country)/civil/ 国内外 國內外 S - 1889 guó nèi wài f /domestic and international/at home and abroad/ 国内安全保卫局 國內安全保衛局 S - 0 Guó nèi An quán Bǎo wèi jú f /Domestic Security Protection Bureau, the department of the Ministry of Public Security responsible for dealing with dissidents, activists etc/ 国内战争 國內戰爭 S - 3 guó nèi zhàn zhēng f /civil war/internal struggle/ 国内生产总值 國內生產總值 S - 0 guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí f /gross domestic product (GDP)/ 国内线 國內線 S - 0 guó nèi xiàn f /domestic flight/internal line (air, train, ferry etc)/ 国力 國力 S - 373 guó lì f /a nation's power/ 国务 國務 S - 590 guó wù f /affairs of state/ 国务卿 國務卿 S - 411 guó wù qīng f /Secretary of State/ 国务委员 國務委員 S - 1495 guó wù wěi yuán f /member of State Council (in China)/ 国务总理 國務總理 S - 3 guó wù zǒng lǐ f /minister of state (old usage)/ 国务次卿 國務次卿 S - 0 guó wù cì qīng f /Under Secretary of State/ 国务长官 國務長官 S - 0 guó wù zhǎng guān f /secretary of state (esp. historical, or Japanese or Korean usage)/ 国务院 國務院 S 3970 15768 Guó wù yuàn f /State Council (PRC)/State Department (USA)/ 国务院台湾事务办公室 國務院台灣事務辦公室 S - 5 Guó wù yuàn Tái wān Shì wù Bàn gōng shì f /Taiwan Affairs Office/ 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会 國務院國有資產監督管理委員會 S - 0 Guó wù yuàn Guó yǒu Zī chǎn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council (SASAC)/abbr. to 國資委|国资委[Guo2 Zi1 Wei3]/ 国务院新闻办公室 國務院新聞辦公室 S - 37 Guó wù yuàn Xīn wén Bàn gōng shì f /State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China/ 国务院法制局 國務院法制局 S - 0 Guó wù yuàn Fǎ zhì jú f /State Council Legislative Affairs Bureau (PRC)/ 国务院港澳事务办公室 國務院港澳事務辦公室 S - 0 Guó wù yuàn Gǎng Aò Shì wù Bàn gōng shì f /Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office (State Council, of PRC)/ 国势 國勢 S - 253 guó shì f /national strength/situation in a state/ 国势日衰 國勢日衰 S - 0 guó shì rì shuāi f /national decline/ 国台办 國臺辦 S - 103 Guó tái bàn f /PRC state council office for Taiwan affairs, abbr. for 國務院台灣事務辦公室|国务院台湾事务办公室[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Tai2 wan1 Shi4 wu4 Ban4 gong1 shi4]/ 国史 國史 S - 143 guó shǐ f /national history/dynastic history/ 国号 國號 S - 401 guó hào f /official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Han4], 唐[Tang2] etc)/ 国名 國名 S - 218 guó míng f /name of country/ 国君 國君 S - 190 guó jūn f /monarch/ 国土 國土 S - 2101 guó tǔ f /country's territory/national land/ 国土安全 國土安全 S - 0 guó tǔ ān quán f /homeland security/ 国土安全局 國土安全局 S - 0 Guó tǔ An quán jú f /Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/ 国土安全部 國土安全部 S - 0 Guó tǔ An quán bù f /(US) Department of Homeland Security/ 国土资源部 國土資源部 S - 23 Guó tǔ Zī yuán bù f /Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), formed in 1998/ 国境 國境 S - 214 guó jìng f /national border/frontier/ 国外 國外 S - 3852 guó wài f /abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/foreign/ 国外内 國外內 S - 0 guó wài nèi f /international and domestic/ 国外市场 國外市場 S - 3 guó wài shì chǎng f /foreign market/ 国大 國大 S - 114 Guó Dà f /abbr. for 國民大會|国民大会, National Assembly of the Republic of China (extant during various periods between 1913 and 2005)/abbr. for 新加坡國立大學|新加坡国立大学, National University of Singapore (NUS)/abbr. for 印度國民大會黨|印度国民大会党, Indian National Congress (INC)/abbr. for 馬來西亞印度國民大會黨|马来西亚印度国民大会党, Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)/ 国大党 國大黨 S - 217 Guó dà dǎng f /Indian Congress party/ 国奥会 國奧會 S - 0 guó ào huì f /national Olympic committee/abbr. for 國際奧委會|国际奥委会 International Olympic committee/ 国姓 國姓 S - 141 Guó xìng f /Guoxing or Kuohsing township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 国姓乡 國姓鄉 S - 0 Guó xìng xiāng f /Guoxing or Kuohsing township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 国威 國威 S - 49 guó wēi f /national prestige/ 国子监 國子監 S - 180 Guó zǐ jiàn f /Imperial College (or Academy), the highest educational body in imperial China/ 国字 國字 S - 3 guó zì f /(Chinese) characters native to Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc/Japanese kokuji/Korean gugja/ 国字脸 國字臉 S - 0 guó zì liǎn f /square face/ 国学 國學 S - 97 guó xué f /Chinese national culture/studies of ancient Chinese civilization/the Imperial College (history)/ 国安局 國安局 S - 3 Guó ān jú f /abbr. for 國家安全局|国家安全局[Guo2 jia1 An1 quan2 ju2]/ 国安部 國安部 S - 0 Guó ān bù f /PRC Ministry of State Security/abbr. for 國家安全部|国家安全部[Guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 bu4]/ 国定假日 國定假日 S - 3 guó dìng jià rì f /national holiday/ 国宝 國寶 S - 358 guó bǎo f /national treasure/ 国宴 國宴 S - 27 guó yàn f /state banquet/ 国家 國家 S 406 79520 guó jiā f /country/nation/state/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 国家一级保护 國家一級保護 S - 0 Guó jiā yī jí bǎo hù f /Grade One State protected (species)/ 国家主义 國家主義 S - 19 guó jiā zhǔ yì f /statism/ 国家互联网信息办公室 國家互聯網信息辦公室 S - 0 Guó jiā Hù lián wǎng Xìn xī Bàn gōng shì f /Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC)/ 国家代码 國家代碼 S - 0 guó jiā dài mǎ f /country code/ 国家体委 國家體委 S - 95 guó jiā tǐ wěi f /PRC sports and physical culture commission/ 国家元首 國家元首 S - 3 guó jiā yuán shǒu f /head of state/ 国家公园 國家公園 S - 0 guó jiā gōng yuán f /national park/ 国家兴亡,匹夫有责 國家興亡,匹夫有責 S - 0 guó jiā xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé f /The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society./ 国家军品贸易局 國家軍品貿易局 S - 0 Guó jiā Jūn pǐn Mào yì jú f /State Bureau of Military Products Trade (SBMPT)/ 国家军品贸易管理委员会 國家軍品貿易管理委員會 S - 0 Guó jiā Jūn pǐn Mào yì Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /State Administration Committee on Military Products Trade (SACMPT)/ 国家发展和改革委员会 國家發展和改革委員會 S - 0 Guó jiā Fā zhǎn hé Gǎi gé Wěi yuán huì f /PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), formed in 2003/ 国家发展改革委 國家發展改革委 S - 0 Guó jiā Fā zhǎn Gǎi gé Wěi f /PRC National Development and Reform Commission/ 国家发展计划委员会 國家發展計劃委員會 S - 27 Guó jiā Fā zhǎn Jì huà Wěi yuán huì f /PRC State Development and Planning Committee, set up 1998 to replace State Planning Committee 國家計劃委員會|国家计划委员会, replaced in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会/ 国家图书馆 國家圖書館 S - 59 guó jiā tú shū guǎn f /national library/ 国家地震局 國家地震局 S - 3 Guó jiā dì zhèn jú f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 国家外汇管理局 國家外匯管理局 S - 23 Guó jiā Wài huì Guǎn lǐ jú f /State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)/ 国家安全 國家安全 S - 0 guó jiā ān quán f /national security/ 国家安全局 國家安全局 S - 0 Guó jiā An quán jú f /National Security Bureau (NSB) (Tw)/National Security Agency (NSA) (USA)/ 国家安全部 國家安全部 S - 17 Guó jiā ān quán bù f /PRC Ministry of State Security/ 国家广播电影电视总局 國家廣播電影電視總局 S - 0 Guó jiā Xīn wén Chū bǎn Guǎng diàn Zǒng jú f /State Administration for Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT)/abbr. to 廣電總局|广电总局[Guang3 dian4 Zong3 ju2]/ 国家开发银行 國家開發銀行 S - 13 Guó jiā Kāi fā Yín háng f /China Development Bank/ 国家政策 國家政策 S - 0 guó jiā zhèng cè f /state policy/ 国家文物委员会 國家文物委員會 S - 0 Guó jiā wén wù wěi yuán huì f /National Committee of Cultural Heritage/ 国家文物局 國家文物局 S - 58 Guó jiā Wén wù jú f /PRC State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH)/ 国家文物鉴定委员会 國家文物鑒定委員會 S - 2 Guó jiā Wén wù Jiàn dìng Wěi yuán huì f /National Commission for the Identification of Cultural Heritage/ 国家旅游度假区 國家旅遊度假區 S - 0 guó jiā lǚ yóu dù jià qū f /National Resort District (PRC)/ 国家标准中文交换码 國家標準中文交換碼 S - 0 guó jiā biāo zhǔn Zhōng wén jiāo huàn mǎ f /CNS 11643, Chinese character coding adopted in Taiwan, 1986-1992/ 国家标准化管理委员会 國家標準化管理委員會 S - 0 Guó jiā Biāo zhǔn huà Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /Standardization Administration of PRC (SAC)/ 国家标准码 國家標準碼 S - 0 guó jiā biāo zhǔn mǎ f /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. 國標碼|国标码/ 国家汉办 國家漢辦 S - 0 Guó jiā Hàn bàn f /Office of Chinese Language Council International (known colloquially as "Hanban"), an organ of the PRC government which develops Chinese language and culture teaching resources worldwide, and has established Confucius Institutes 孔子學院|孔子学院[Kong3 zi3 Xue2 yuan4] internationally/abbr. to 漢辦|汉办[Han4 ban4]/ 国家海洋局 國家海洋局 S - 28 Guó jiā Hǎi yáng jú f /State Oceanic Administration (PRC)/ 国家火山公园 國家火山公園 S - 0 Guó jiā Huǒ shān Gōng yuán f /Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii/ 国家环保总局 國家環保總局 S - 10 guó jiā huán bǎo zǒng jú f /PRC environmental protection agency/ 国家电力监管委员会 國家電力監管委員會 S - 0 Guó jiā Diàn lì Jiān guǎn Wěi yuán huì f /State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PRC)/ 国家电网公司 國家電網公司 S - 0 Guó jiā diàn wǎng gōng sī f /State Grid Corporation of China/ 国家留学基金管理委员会 國家留學基金管理委員會 S - 0 Guó jiā Liú xué Jī jīn Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Scholarship Council (CSC)/ 国家社会主义 國家社會主義 S - 0 guó jiā shè huì zhǔ yì f /national socialism/Nazism/ 国家级 國家級 S - 3374 guó jiā jí f /(administrative) national-level/ 国家经济贸易委员会 國家經濟貿易委員會 S - 3 Guó jiā Jīng jì Mào yì Wěi yuán huì f /State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC)/ 国家统计局 國家統計局 S - 86 Guó jiā Tǒng jì jú f /(China) National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)/ 国家航天局 國家航天局 S - 2 Guó jiā Háng tiān jú f /China National Space Administration (CNSA)/ 国家航空公司 國家航空公司 S - 0 guó jiā háng kōng gōng sī f /flag carrier/ 国家计划委员会 國家計劃委員會 S - 23 Guó jiā Jì huà Wěi yuán huì f /PRC State Planning Committee, set up in 1952, replaced in 1998 by State Development and Planning Committee 國家發展計劃委員會|国家发展计划委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 Ji4 hua4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] then in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 he2 Gai3 ge2 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 国家计委 國家計委 S - 61 Guó jiā Jì Wěi f /PRC State Planning Committee, abbr. for 國家計劃委員會|国家计划委员会[Guo2 jia1 Ji4 hua4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局 S - 0 Guó jiā Zhì liàng Jiān dū Jiǎn yàn Jiǎn yì Zǒng jú f /AQSIQ/PRC State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine/ 国家重点学科 國家重點學科 S - 0 Guó jiā Zhòng diǎn Xué kē f /National Key Disciplines (disciplines recognized as important and supported by PRC central government, including medicine, science, chemistry, engineering, commerce and law)/ 国家重点实验室 國家重點實驗室 S - 0 Guó jiā Zhòng diǎn Shí yàn shì f /State Key Laboratories (university laboratories in PRC supported by the central government)/ 国家队 國家隊 S - 490 guó jiā duì f /the national team/ 国家食品药品监督管理局 國家食品藥品監督管理局 S - 0 Guó jiā Shí pǐn Yào pǐn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ jú f /State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA)/ 国宾 國賓 S - 273 guó bīn f /state visitor/visiting head of state/ 国宾馆 國賓館 S - 17 guó bīn guǎn f /state guesthouse/ 国富兵强 國富兵強 S - 3 guó fù bīng qiáng f /prosperous country with military might/ 国富论 國富論 S - 16 Guó fù lùn f /The Wealth of Nations (1776) by Adam Smith 亞當·斯密|亚当·斯密[Ya4 dang1 · Si1 mi4]/ 国小 國小 S - 3 guó xiǎo f /elementary school (Taiwan)/abbr. for 國民小學|国民小学[guo2 min2 xiao3 xue2]/ 国师 國師 S - 1214 guó shī f /teachers of the state/ 国庆 國慶 S - 131 Guó qìng f /National Day/ 国庆日 國慶日 S - 140 guó qìng rì f /national day/ 国庆节 國慶節 S 2463 348 Guó qìng jié f /PRC National Day (October 1st)/ 国库 國庫 S - 409 guó kù f /public purse/state treasury/national exchequer/ 国库券 國庫券 S - 40 guó kù quàn f /treasury bond/ 国度 國度 S - 129 guó dù f /country/nation/ 国弱民穷 國弱民窮 S - 0 guó ruò mín qióng f /the country weakened and the people empoverished (idiom)/ 国徽 國徽 S - 1170 guó huī f /national emblem/coat of arms/ 国情 國情 S - 1049 guó qíng f /current state of a country/national conditions/(US) State of the Union/ 国技 國技 S - 0 guó jì f /national pastime/national sport/ 国政 國政 S - 252 guó zhèng f /national politics/archaic rank, "Minister of State"/common given name/ 国教 國教 S - 144 guó jiào f /state religion/ 国新办 國新辦 S - 3 Guó Xīn Bàn f /State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, abbr. for 國務院新聞辦公室|国务院新闻办公室[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Xin1 wen2 Ban4 gong1 shi4]/ 国族 國族 S - 0 guó zú f /people of a country/nation/ 国旗 國旗 S - 1144 guó qí f /flag (of a country)/CL:面[mian4]/ 国有 國有 S - 3482 guó yǒu f /nationalized/public/government owned/state-owned/ 国有企业 國有企業 S - 3 guó yǒu qǐ yè f /nationalized business/state-owned business/ 国有公司 國有公司 S - 0 guó yǒu gōng sī f /state enterprise/ 国有化 國有化 S - 121 guó yǒu huà f /nationalization/ 国有资产监督管理委员会 國有資產監督管理委員會 S - 0 Guó yǒu Zī chǎn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission SASAC/ 国朝 國朝 S - 3 guó cháo f /the current dynasty/ 国术 國術 S - 14 guó shù f /martial arts/ 国柄 國柄 S - 3 guó bǐng f /state power/ 国标 國標 S - 43 guó biāo f /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for 國家標準碼|国家标准码/ 国标码 國標碼 S - 3 guó biāo mǎ f /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for 國家標準碼|国家标准码/ 国标舞 國標舞 S - 6 guó biāo wǔ f /international standard ballroom dancing/ 国棋 國棋 S - 0 guó qí f /abbr. for 國際象棋|国际象棋, chess/ 国槐 國槐 S - 8 guó huái f /locust tree (Sophora japonica)/ 国槐树 國槐樹 S - 0 guó huái shù f /locust tree (Sophora japonica)/ 国歌 國歌 S - 160 guó gē f /national anthem/ 国民 國民 S - 3939 guó mín f /nationals/citizens/people of a nation/ 国民中学 國民中學 S - 3 guó mín zhōng xué f /junior high school (Taiwan)/abbr. to 國中|国中[guo2 zhong1]/ 国民党 國民黨 S - 9949 Guó mín dǎng f /Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)/Nationalist Party/ 国民党军队 國民黨軍隊 S - 0 guó mín dǎng jūn duì f /nationalist forces/ 国民小学 國民小學 S - 3 guó mín xiǎo xué f /elementary school (Taiwan)/ 国民年金保险 國民年金保險 S - 0 Guó mín Nián jīn Bǎo xiǎn f /(Tw) old age pension/citizens' annuity/ 国民收入 國民收入 S - 253 guó mín shōu rù f /measures of national income and output/ 国民政府 國民政府 S - 1359 Guó mín zhèng fǔ f /Nationalist government 1920s-1949 under Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石/ 国民生产总值 國民生產總值 S - 0 guó mín shēng chǎn zǒng zhí f /gross national product (GNP)/ 国民警卫队 國民警衛隊 S - 0 Guó mín Jǐng wèi duì f /National Guard (United States)/ 国民议会 國民議會 S - 3 guó mín yì huì f /Assemblée nationale (French lower chamber)/national parliament/ 国民革命军 國民革命軍 S - 1068 Guó mín Gé mìng jūn f /National Revolutionary Army/ 国法 國法 S - 104 guó fǎ f /national law/ 国泰 國泰 S - 76 Guó tài f /Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)/ 国泰民安 國泰民安 S - 178 guó tài mín ān f /the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity/ 国泰航空 國泰航空 S - 0 Guó tài háng kōng f /Cathay Pacific, a Hong Kong based airline/ 国父 國父 S - 151 guó fù f /father or founder of a nation/Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)/ 国王 國王 S 1430 3312 guó wáng f /king/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 国玺 國璽 S - 15 guó xǐ f /seal of state/ 国画 國畫 S - 92 guó huà f /national painting/Chinese art/ 国界 國界 S - 208 guó jiè f /national boundary/border between countries/ 国界线 國界線 S - 13 guó jiè xiàn f /border between countries/line forming the border/ 国破家亡 國破家亡 S - 46 guó pò jiā wáng f /the country ruined and the people starving (idiom)/ 国立 國立 S - 597 guó lì f /national/state-run/public/ 国立台北科技大学 國立臺北科技大學 S - 0 Guó lì Tái běi Kē jì Dà xué f /National Taipei University of Technology/ 国立台湾技术大学 國立臺灣技術大學 S - 0 Guó lì Tái wān Jì shù Dà xué f /National Taiwan University of Science and Technology/ 国立显忠院 國立顯忠院 S - 0 guó lì xiǎn zhōng yuàn f /Korean national memorial cemetery at Dongjak-dong, Seoul/ 国立西南联合大学 國立西南聯合大學 S - 0 Guó lì Xī nán Lián hé Dà xué f /National Southwest Combined University (Peking, Tsinghua and Nankai Universities in exile in Kunming 1937-1945)/ 国立首尔大学 國立首爾大學 S - 0 Guó lì Shǒu ěr Dà xué f /Seoul National University SNU/ 国策 國策 S - 163 guó cè f /a national policy/ 国籍 國籍 S 1182 471 guó jí f /nationality/ 国粹 國粹 S - 49 guó cuì f /national essence/quintessence of national culture/ 国美 國美 S - 285 Guó měi f /Guo mei or Gome electronics chain/ 国美电器 國美電器 S - 0 Guó měi Diàn qì f /GOME Electrical Appliances (founded in Beijing, 1987)/ 国耻 國恥 S - 178 guó chǐ f /national humiliation, refers to Japanese incursions into China in the 1930s and 40s, and more especially to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Manchuria/ 国联 國聯 S - 173 Guó Lián f /abbr. for 國際聯盟|国际联盟[Guo2 ji4 Lian2 meng2], League of Nations (1920-1946), based in Geneva, precursor of the UN/ 国航 國航 S - 106 Guó Háng f /Air China/abbr. for 中國國際航空公司|中国国际航空公司[Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 ji4 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1]/ 国色天香 國色天香 S - 16 guó sè tiān xiāng f /national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty/ 国花 國花 S - 26 guó huā f /national flower (emblem, e.g. peony 牡丹[mu3 dan1] in China)/ 国菜 國菜 S - 4 guó cài f /national food specialty/ 国营 國營 S - 516 guó yíng f /state-run (company etc)/nationalized/ 国营企业 國營企業 S - 172 guó yíng qǐ yè f /nationalized industry/ 国葬 國葬 S - 8 guó zàng f /state funeral/ 国蠹 國蠹 S - 0 guó dù f /traitor/public enemy/ 国语 國語 S - 304 Guó yǔ f /Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primary or secondary school subject/Chinese in the context of the Nationalist Government/Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th century BC/ 国语注音符号第一式 國語注音符號第一式 S - 0 Guó yǔ zhù yīn fú hào dì yī shì f /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1 (official name of the phonetic system of writing Chinese used in Taiwan)/Bopomofo/abbr. to 注音一式[zhu4 yin1 yi1 shi4]/ 国语罗马字 國語羅馬字 S - 0 Guó yǔ Luó mǎ zì f /Gwoyeu Romatzyh, a romanization system for Chinese devised by Y.R. Chao and others in 1925-26/ 国贸 國貿 S - 39 guó mào f /abbr. for 國際貿易|国际贸易[guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4]/ 国贼 國賊 S - 293 guó zéi f /traitor to the nation/ 国资委 國資委 S - 151 Guó Zī Wěi f /see 國務院國有資產監督管理委員會|国务院国有资产监督管理委员会[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Guo2 you3 Zi1 chan3 Jian1 du1 Guan3 li3 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 国足 國足 S - 2 guó zú f /national soccer team/ 国运 國運 S - 98 guó yùn f /fate of the nation/ 国道 國道 S - 445 guó dào f /national highway/ 国都 國都 S - 0 guó dū f /national capital/ 国队 國隊 S - 0 guó duì f /national team/ 国防 國防 S 3893 3728 guó fáng f /national defense/ 国防利益 國防利益 S - 0 guó fáng lì yì f /(national) defense interests/ 国防工业 國防工業 S - 3 guó fáng gōng yè f /defense industry/ 国防现代化 國防現代化 S - 0 guó fáng xiàn dài huà f /modernization of national defense, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations/ 国防科学技术工业委员会 國防科學技術工業委員會 S - 17 Guó fáng Kē xué Jì shù Gōng yè Wěi yuán huì f /Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)/abbr. to 國防科工委|国防科工委[Guo2 fang2 Ke1 Gong1 Wei3]/ 国防语言学院 國防語言學院 S - 0 Guó fáng Yǔ yán Xué yuàn f /US Defense Language Institute (founded 1941)/ 国防部 國防部 S - 1306 Guó fáng bù f /Defense Department/Ministry of National Defense/ 国防部长 國防部長 S - 825 guó fáng bù zhǎng f /Defense secretary/Defense Minister/ 国防预算 國防預算 S - 0 guó fáng yù suàn f /defense budget/ 国际 國際 S 973 24601 guó jì f /international/ 国际主义 國際主義 S - 92 guó jì zhǔ yì f /internationalism/ 国际互联网络 國際互聯網絡 S - 4 guó jì hù lián wǎng luò f /Internet/ 国际人权标准 國際人權標準 S - 0 guó jì rén quán biāo zhǔn f /international human rights norms/ 国际体操联合会 國際體操聯合會 S - 0 Guó jì Tǐ cāo Lián hé huì f /Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique/ 国际儿童节 國際兒童節 S - 0 Guó jì Er tóng jié f /International Children's Day (June 1)/ 国际先驱论坛报 國際先驅論壇報 S - 0 Guó jì Xiān qū Lùn tán Bào f /International Herald Tribune/ 国际公认 國際公認 S - 0 guó jì gōng rèn f /internationally recognized/ 国际共产主义运动 國際共產主義運動 S - 62 guó jì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì yùn dòng f /Comintern/the international communist movement/ 国际关系 國際關係 S - 0 guó jì guān xì f /international relations/ 国际关系学院 國際關係學院 S - 25 Guó jì Guān xì Xué yuàn f /University of International Relations, Beijing, established in 1949/ 国际刑事警察组织 國際刑事警察組織 S - 0 Guó jì Xíng shì Jǐng chá Zǔ zhī f /International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)/ 国际刑警组织 國際刑警組織 S - 8 Guó jì Xíng jǐng Zǔ zhī f /Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization)/ 国际劳动节 國際勞動節 S - 0 Guó jì Láo dòng Jié f /May Day/International Labor Day (May 1)/ 国际劳工组织 國際勞工組織 S - 26 Guó jì Láo gōng Zǔ zhī f /International Labor Organization/ 国际化 國際化 S - 689 guó jì huà f /to internationalize/internationalization/ 国际医疗中心 國際醫療中心 S - 0 guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn f /International Medical Center/ 国际协会 國際協會 S - 3 guó jì xié huì f /international association/ 国际单位 國際單位 S - 0 guó jì dān wèi f /international unit/ 国际单位制 國際單位制 S - 0 guó jì dān wèi zhì f /International System of Units/ 国际原子能机构 國際原子能機構 S - 55 Guó jì Yuán zǐ néng Jī gòu f /International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)/ 国际和平基金会 國際和平基金會 S - 0 guó jì hé píng jī jīn huì f /international peace foundation/ 国际商业机器 國際商業機器 S - 0 Guó jì Shāng yè Jī qì f /International Business Machines/IBM/ 国际商会 國際商會 S - 9 Guó jì Shāng huì f /International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)/ 国际外交 國際外交 S - 0 guó jì wài jiāo f /foreign policy/ 国际大赦 國際大赦 S - 0 Guó jì Dà shè f /Amnesty International/same as 大赦國際/ 国际太空站 國際太空站 S - 0 guó jì tài kōng zhàn f /International Space Station/ 国际奥委会 國際奧委會 S - 86 Guó jì Aò wěi huì f /International Olympic Committee/ 国际奥林匹克委员会 國際奧林匹克委員會 S - 22 Guó jì Aò lín pǐ kè Wěi yuán huì f /International Olympic Committee/ 国际妇女节 國際婦女節 S - 3 Guó jì Fù nǚ jié f /International Women's Day (March 8)/ 国际媒体 國際媒體 S - 0 guó jì méi tǐ f /the international media/ 国际性 國際性 S - 253 guó jì xìng f /international/internationalism/ 国际战争罪法庭 國際戰爭罪法庭 S - 0 guó jì zhàn zhēng zuì fǎ tíng f /International war crimes tribunal/ 国际收支 國際收支 S - 3 guó jì shōu zhī f /balance of payments/ 国际数学联盟 國際數學聯盟 S - 3 Guó jì Shù xué Lián méng f /International Mathematical Union/ 国际文传电讯社 國際文傳電訊社 S - 4 Guó jì Wén chuán Diàn xùn shè f /Interfax, Russian non-governmental news agency/ 国际文传通讯社 國際文傳通訊社 S - 0 Guó jì wén chuán tōng xùn shè f /Interfax News Agency/ 国际日期变更线 國際日期變更線 S - 26 guó jì rì qī biàn gēng xiàn f /international date line/ 国际机场 國際機場 S - 3 guó jì jī chǎng f /international airport/ 国际标准化组织 國際標準化組織 S - 29 Guó jì Biāo zhǔn huà Zǔ zhī f /International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ 国际棋联 國際棋聯 S - 3 guó jì qí lián f /International Chess Federation/ 国际歌 國際歌 S - 4 Guó jì gē f /The Internationale/ 国际民航组织 國際民航組織 S - 0 Guó jì Mín háng Zǔ zhī f /International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)/ 国际民间组织 國際民間組織 S - 0 guó jì mín jiān zǔ zhī f /international humanitarian organization/ 国际法 國際法 S - 403 guó jì fǎ f /international law/ 国际法庭 國際法庭 S - 18 Guó jì Fǎ tíng f /International court of justice in the Hague/ 国际海事组织 國際海事組織 S - 8 Guó jì Hǎi shì Zǔ zhī f /International Maritime Organization/ 国际清算银行 國際清算銀行 S - 4 Guó jì Qīng suàn Yín háng f /Bank for International Settlements/ 国际特赦 國際特赦 S - 3 Guó jì Tè shè f /Amnesty International/ 国际特赦组织 國際特赦組織 S - 0 Guó jì Tè shè Zǔ zhī f /Amnesty International/ 国际田径联合会 國際田徑聯合會 S - 0 Guó jì Tián jìng Lián hé huì f /International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)/abbr. to 國際田聯|国际田联[Guo2 ji4 Tian2 Lian2]/ 国际田联 國際田聯 S - 38 Guó jì Tián Lián f /International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)/abbr. for 國際田徑聯合會|国际田径联合会[Guo2 ji4 Tian2 jing4 Lian2 he2 hui4]/ 国际电信联盟 國際電信聯盟 S - 10 guó jì diàn xìn lián méng f /International Telecommunications Union/ITU/ 国际电报电话咨询委员会 國際電報電話咨詢委員會 S - 0 Guó jì Diàn bào Diàn huà Zī xún Wěi yuán huì f /International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)/ 国际电话 國際電話 S - 0 guó jì diàn huà f /international call/ 国际社会 國際社會 S - 0 guó jì shè huì f /the international community/ 国际私法 國際私法 S - 104 guó jì sī fǎ f /conflict of laws/ 国际笔会 國際筆會 S - 0 Guó jì Bǐ huì f /International PEN/ 国际米兰 國際米蘭 S - 3 Guó jì Mǐ lán f /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/abbr. for 國際米蘭足球俱樂部|国际米兰足球俱乐部[Guo2 ji4 Mi3 lan2 Zu2 qiu2 Ju4 le4 bu4]/ 国际米兰足球俱乐部 國際米蘭足球俱樂部 S - 0 Guó jì Mǐ lán Zú qiú Jù lè bù f /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/ 国际米兰队 國際米蘭隊 S - 0 Guó jì Mǐ lán Duì f /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/abbr. for 國際米蘭足球俱樂部|国际米兰足球俱乐部[Guo2 ji4 Mi3 lan2 Zu2 qiu2 Ju4 le4 bu4]/ 国际级 國際級 S - 25 guó jì jí f /(at an) international level/ 国际网络 國際網絡 S - 0 guó jì wǎng luò f /global network/Internet/ 国际羽毛球联合会 國際羽毛球聯合會 S - 0 Guó jì Yǔ máo qiú Lián hé huì f /International Badminton Federation/ 国际联盟 國際聯盟 S - 64 Guó jì Lián méng f /League of Nations (1920-1946), based in Geneva, precursor of the UN/ 国际肿瘤研究机构 國際腫瘤研究機構 S - 0 Guó jì Zhōng liú Yán jiū Jī gòu f /International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/ 国际航空联合会 國際航空聯合會 S - 0 Guó jì Háng kōng Lián hé huì f /Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), world body of gliding and aeronautic sports/ 国际航空运输协会 國際航空運輸協會 S - 0 Guó jì Háng kōng Yùn shū Xié huì f /International Air Transport Association (IATA)/ 国际象棋 國際象棋 S - 128 guó jì xiàng qí f /chess/CL:副[fu4]/ 国际货币基金 國際貨幣基金 S - 4 Guó jì Huò bì Jī jīn f /International Monetary Fund (IMF)/ 国际货币基金组织 國際貨幣基金組織 S - 227 Guó jì Huò bì Jī jīn Zǔ zhī f /International Monetary Fund (IMF)/ 国际货运代理 國際貨運代理 S - 0 guó jì huò yùn dài lǐ f /international transport agency/ 国际贸易 國際貿易 S - 3 guó jì mào yì f /international trade/ 国际足球联合会 國際足球聯合會 S - 0 Guó jì Zú qiú Lián hé huì f /FIFA/International Federation of Association Football/ 国际足联 國際足聯 S - 68 Guó jì Zú lián f /abbr. for 國際足球聯合會|国际足球联合会, FIFA, international federation of football associations/ 国际跳棋 國際跳棋 S - 0 guó jì tiào qí f /checkers (Western board game)/ 国际金融公司 國際金融公司 S - 9 Guó jì Jīn róng Gōng sī f /International Finance Corporation/ 国际音标 國際音標 S - 12 guó jì yīn biāo f /international phonetic alphabet/ 国音 國音 S - 8 guó yīn f /official state pronunciation/ 国骂 國罵 S - 5 guó mà f /insult commonly used nationwide/ 图 圖 S - 12112 tú f /diagram/picture/drawing/chart/map/CL:張|张[zhang1]/to plan/to scheme/to attempt/to pursue/to seek/ 图书 圖書 S - 1186 tú shū f /books (in a library or bookstore)/CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]/ 图书管理员 圖書管理員 S - 0 tú shū guǎn lǐ yuán f /librarian/ 图书馆 圖書館 S 538 1551 tú shū guǎn f /library/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]/ 图书馆员 圖書館員 S - 6 tú shū guǎn yuán f /librarian/ 图们 圖們 S - 17 Tú mén f /Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 图们市 圖們市 S - 9 Tú mén Shì f /Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 图们江 圖們江 S - 45 Tú mén jiāng f /Tumen river in Jilin province 吉林省, forming the eastern border between China and North Korea/ 图例 圖例 S - 3 tú lì f /legend (of a map, etc)/diagram/illustration/graphical symbol/ 图像 圖像 S - 1093 tú xiàng f /image/picture/graphic/ 图像互换格式 圖像互換格式 S - 0 tú xiàng hù huàn gé shì f /GIF/graphic interchange format/ 图像处理 圖像處理 S - 31 tú xiàng chǔ lǐ f /image processing/ 图像用户介面 圖像用戶介面 S - 0 tú xiàng yòng hù jiè miàn f /graphical user interface/GUI/ 图卢兹 圖盧茲 S - 34 Tú lú zī f /Toulouse (city in France)/ 图卢斯 圖盧斯 S - 0 Tú lú sī f /Toulouse (France)/ 图坦卡蒙 圖坦卡蒙 S - 0 Tú tǎn kǎ méng f /Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 1333-1323 BC/ 图坦卡门 圖坦卡門 S - 0 Tú tǎn kǎ mén f /Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 1333-1323 BC/ 图尔 圖爾 S - 71 Tú ěr f /Tours (city in France)/ 图尔库 圖爾庫 S - 9 Tú ěr kù f /Turku (city in Finland)/ 图层 圖層 S - 3 tú céng f /layer (imaging)/ 图录 圖錄 S - 27 tú lù f /catalog/ 图形 圖形 S - 903 tú xíng f /picture/figure/diagram/graph/depiction/graphical/ 图形卡 圖形卡 S - 3 tú xíng kǎ f /graphics card/ 图形用户界面 圖形用戶界面 S - 10 tú xíng yòng hù jiè miàn f /graphical user interface (GUI)/ 图形界面 圖形界面 S - 3 tú xíng jiè miàn f /Graphical User Interace (GUI) (computing)/ 图恩 圖恩 S - 5 Tú ēn f /Thun, Switzerland/ 图木舒克 圖木舒克 S - 0 Tú mù shū kè f /Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Túmùshūkè subprefecture level city in west Xinjiang/ 图木舒克市 圖木舒克市 S - 0 Tú mù shū kè shì f /Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Túmùshūkè subprefecture level city in west Xinjiang/ 图林根 圖林根 S - 15 Tú lín gēn f /Thuringia (state in Germany)/ 图标 圖標 S - 40 tú biāo f /icon (computing)/ 图样 圖樣 S - 162 tú yàng f /diagram/blueprint/ 图案 圖案 S 3434 2643 tú àn f /design/pattern/ 图波列夫 圖波列夫 S - 3 Tú bō liè fū f /Tupolev, Russian plane maker/ 图灵 圖靈 S - 32 Tú líng f /Alan Turing (1912-1954), English mathematician, considered as the father of computer science/ 图灵奖 圖靈獎 S - 3 Tú líng jiǎng f /Turing Award/ 图片 圖片 S - 6689 tú piàn f /image/picture/photograph/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 图片报 圖片報 S - 0 Tú piàn Bào f /Bild-Zeitung/ 图版 圖版 S - 9 tú bǎn f /an engraved printing plate/a photographic plate/ 图瓦卢 圖瓦盧 S - 59 Tú wǎ lú f /Tuvalu/ 图画 圖畫 S - 449 tú huà f /drawing/picture/ 图章 圖章 S - 41 tú zhāng f /stamp/seal/CL:方[fang1]/ 图签 圖簽 S - 0 tú qiān f /(computer) icon/ 图纸 圖紙 S - 401 tú zhǐ f /blueprint/drawing/design plans/graph paper/ 图腾 圖騰 S - 218 tú téng f /totem (loanword)/ 图表 圖表 S - 204 tú biǎo f /chart/diagram/ 图西族 圖西族 S - 4 Tú xī zú f /Tutsi, an ethnic group in Rwanda and Burundi/ 图解说明 圖解說明 S - 0 tú jiě shuō míng f /explanatory diagram/ 图论 圖論 S - 3 tú lún f /graph theory (math.)/ 图谋 圖謀 S - 568 tú móu f /to conspire/ 图谱 圖譜 S - 111 tú pǔ f /archive of graphics (e.g. maps, documents or botanical figures)/atlas/collection of illustrations or sheet music/ 图象 圖象 S - 39 tú xiàng f /variant of 圖像|图像[tu2 xiang4]/ 图财害命 圖財害命 S - 3 tú cái hài mìng f /see 謀財害命|谋财害命[mou2 cai2 hai4 ming4]/ 图轴 圖軸 S - 0 tú zhóu f /scroll painting/ 图辑 圖輯 S - 0 tú jí f /slide show/photo gallery (on website)/ 图鉴 圖鑒 S - 7 tú jiàn f /illustrated handbook/ 图钉 圖釘 S - 18 tú dīng f /thumbtack/ 图门江 圖門江 S - 0 Tú mén jiāng f /variant of 圖們江|图们江[Tu2 men2 jiang1]/ 图阿雷格 圖阿雷格 S - 0 Tú ā léi gé f /Tuareg (nomadic people of the Sahara)/ 图集 圖集 S - 95 tú jí f /atlas/CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]/ 图雷特氏综合症 圖雷特氏綜合症 S - 0 Tú léi tè shì zōng hé zhèng f /Tourette syndrome/ 囿 - 114 yòu f /park/to limit/be limited to/ 圀 - 0 guó f /old variant of 國|国[guo2]/ 圂 - 0 hùn f /grain-fed animals/pigsty/ 圃 - 287 pǔ f /garden/orchard/ 圃鵐 圃鹀 T - 0 pǔ wú f /(bird species of China) ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana)/ 圃鹀 圃鵐 S - 0 pǔ wú f /(bird species of China) ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana)/ 圄 - 0 yǔ f /prison/to imprison/ 圅 函 T - 543 hán f /variant of 函[han2]/ 圆 圓 S 1741 3841 yuán f /circle/round/circular/spherical/(of the moon) full/unit of Chinese currency (Yuan)/tactful/to justify/ 圆光 圓光 S - 3 yuán guāng f /radiance emanating from the head/halo/ 圆函数 圓函數 S - 0 yuán hán shù f /the trigonometric functions/ 圆凿方枘 圓鑿方枘 S - 0 yuán záo fāng ruì f /see 方枘圓鑿|方枘圆凿[fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2]/ 圆口纲脊椎动物 圓口綱脊椎動物 S - 0 yuán kǒu gāng jǐ zhuī dòng wù f /cyclostome (marine biology)/ 圆周 圓周 S - 80 yuán zhōu f /circumference/ 圆周率 圓周率 S - 122 yuán zhōu lǜ f /the circular ratio/pi = 3.1415926/ 圆圈 圓圈 S - 414 yuán quān f /circle/ 圆场 圓場 S - 35 yuán chǎng f /to mediate/to broker a compromise/ 圆子 圓子 S - 28 yuán zi f /kind of dumpling/sticky rice ball/ 圆孔 圓孔 S - 53 yuán kǒng f /round hole/ 圆寂 圓寂 S - 116 yuán jì f /death/to pass away (of Buddhist monks, nuns etc)/ 圆屋顶 圓屋頂 S - 3 yuán wū dǐng f /dome/ 圆弧 圓弧 S - 59 yuán hú f /arc of a circle/circular arc/ 圆形 圓形 S - 1003 yuán xíng f /round/circular/ 圆形木材 圓形木材 S - 0 yuán xíng mù cái f /log/ 圆形面包 圓形麵包 S - 0 yuán xíng miàn bāo f /bun/ 圆心 圓心 S - 64 yuán xīn f /center of circle/ 圆房 圓房 S - 9 yuán fáng f /(of a child bride) to consummate marriage/ 圆括号 圓括號 S - 20 yuán kuò hào f /parentheses/round brackets ( )/ 圆拱 圓拱 S - 0 yuán gǒng f /a round vault/ 圆明园 圓明園 S - 168 Yuán míng yuán f /Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860/ 圆月 圓月 S - 42 yuán yuè f /full moon/ 圆柱 圓柱 S - 667 yuán zhù f /column/cylinder/ 圆柱体 圓柱體 S - 55 yuán zhù tǐ f /cylinder (geometry)/ 圆柱形 圓柱形 S - 166 yuán zhù xíng f /cylindrical/ 圆桌 圓桌 S - 83 yuán zhuō f /round table/ 圆桌会议 圓桌會議 S - 29 yuán zhuō huì yì f /round table conference/ 圆梦 圓夢 S - 22 yuán mèng f /to interpret a dream/to realize one's dream/ 圆润 圓潤 S - 103 yuán rùn f /mellow and full/suave/smooth and round/rich (in voice)/ 圆滑 圓滑 S - 75 yuán huá f /smooth and evasive/slick and sly/ 圆滑线 圓滑線 S - 0 yuán huá xiàn f /slur (music)/ 圆滚滚 圓滾滾 S - 22 yuán gǔn gǔn f /plump/ 圆满 圓滿 S 3848 824 yuán mǎn f /satisfactory/consummate/perfect/ 圆点 圓點 S - 39 yuán diǎn f /dot/ 圆环 圓環 S - 58 yuán huán f /rotary/traffic circle/ring/ 圆珠 圓珠 S - 10 yuán zhū f /ball/bead/ballpoint/ 圆珠形离子交换剂 圓珠形離子交換劑 S - 0 yuán zhū xíng lí zǐ jiāo huàn jì f /bead-type ion exchanger/ 圆珠笔 圓珠筆 S - 65 yuán zhū bǐ f /ballpoint pen/CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]/ 圆球 圓球 S - 127 yuán qiú f /ball/sphere/globe/ 圆瑛 圓瑛 S - 0 Yuán Yīng f /Yuan Ying (1878-1953), Buddhist monk/ 圆白菜 圓白菜 S - 4 yuán bái cài f /round white cabbage (i.e. Western cabbage)/ 圆盘 圓盤 S - 169 yuán pán f /disk/ 圆石头 圓石頭 S - 0 yuán shí tou f /boulder/ 圆筒 圓筒 S - 83 yuán tǒng f /circular cylinder/drum/ 圆腹鲱 圓腹鯡 S - 0 yuán fù fēi f /round herring/ 圆舞 圓舞 S - 0 yuán wǔ f /round dance/ 圆舞曲 圓舞曲 S - 20 yuán wǔ qǔ f /waltz/ 圆融 圓融 S - 15 yuán róng f /accommodating/(Buddhism) completely integrated/ 圆规 圓規 S - 23 yuán guī f /compass (drafting)/ 圆规座 圓規座 S - 0 Yuán guī zuò f /Circinus (constellation)/ 圆轨道 圓軌道 S - 0 yuán guǐ dào f /circular orbit (in astronomy and in astronautics)/ 圆通 圓通 S - 34 yuán tōng f /flexible/accommodating/ 圆锥 圓錐 S - 120 yuán zhuī f /cone/conical/tapering/ 圆锥体 圓錐體 S - 7 yuán zhuī tǐ f /cone/ 圆锥形 圓錐形 S - 376 yuán zhuī xíng f /conical/coniform/ 圆锥曲线 圓錐曲線 S - 48 yuán zhuī qū xiàn f /conic section/ 圆锥状 圓錐狀 S - 0 yuán zhuī zhuàng f /conical/ 圆面饼 圓麵餅 S - 0 yuán miàn bǐng f /round flat bread/pita bread/ 圆顶 圓頂 S - 109 yuán dǐng f /dome/ 圆领 圓領 S - 55 yuán lǐng f /crew neck/round neck (of pull-over garment, e.g. T-shirt)/ 圆鼓鼓 圓鼓鼓 S - 2 yuán gǔ gǔ f /round and bulging/rotund/protruding/ 圇 囵 T - 2 lún f /complete/ 圈 1390 2645 juān f /to confine/to lock up/to pen in/ 圈 1390 2645 juàn f /pen (pig)/a fold/ 圈 1390 2645 quān t /circle/ring/loop/classifier for loops, orbits, laps of race etc/CL:個|个[ge4]/to surround/to circle/ 圈a - 0 quān a f /at symbol, @/ 圈內 圈内 T - 3 quān nèi f /close circle/community/(esp.) the show business milieu/ 圈内 圈內 S - 3 quān nèi f /close circle/community/(esp.) the show business milieu/ 圈圈 - 80 quān quan f /to draw a circle/cliques/circles/ 圈圈点点 圈圈點點 S - 2 quān quan diǎn diǎn f /annotations made in a book/fig. remarks and comments/to have an opinion on everything/ 圈圈點點 圈圈点点 T - 2 quān quan diǎn diǎn f /annotations made in a book/fig. remarks and comments/to have an opinion on everything/ 圈地 - 160 quān dì f /staking a claim to territory/enclosure/ 圈地运动 圈地運動 S - 0 Quān dì Yùn dòng f /Enclosure Movement/ 圈地運動 圈地运动 T - 0 Quān dì Yùn dòng f /Enclosure Movement/ 圈套 3125 274 quān tào f /trap/snare/trick/ 圈子 - 947 quān zi f /circle/ring/(social) circle/ 圈数 圈數 S - 0 quān shù f /number of laps/ 圈數 圈数 T - 0 quān shù f /number of laps/ 圈点 圈點 S - 30 quān diǎn f /to mark a text with dots and circles/to punctuate/ 圈状物 圈狀物 S - 0 quān zhuàng wù f /hoop/ 圈狀物 圈状物 T - 0 quān zhuàng wù f /hoop/ 圈點 圈点 T - 30 quān diǎn f /to mark a text with dots and circles/to punctuate/ 圉 - 92 yǔ f /horse stable/frontier/ 圉人 - 0 yǔ rén f /horse trainer/groom/ 圉限 - 3 yǔ xiàn f /boundary/limit/ 圊 - 2 qīng f /restroom/latrine/ 國 国 T - 29996 Guó f /surname Guo/ 國 国 T - 29996 guó f /country/nation/state/national/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 國中 国中 T - 3 guó zhōng f /junior high school (Taiwan)/abbr. for 國民中學|国民中学[guo2 min2 zhong1 xue2]/ 國中之國 国中之国 T - 0 guó zhōng zhī guó f /state within a state/ 國事 国事 T - 317 guó shì f /affairs of the nation/politics/ 國事訪問 国事访问 T - 125 guó shì fǎng wèn f /state visit/ 國人 国人 T - 610 guó rén f /compatriots (literary)/fellow countrymen/ 國企 国企 T - 341 guó qǐ f /state enterprise/(Tw) abbr. for 國際企業管理|国际企业管理, international business management (as a subject of study)/ 國保 国保 T - 0 Guó bǎo f /abbr. for 國內安全保衛局|国内安全保卫局[Guo2 nei4 An1 quan2 Bao3 wei4 ju2]/abbr. for 國民年金保險|国民年金保险[Guo2 min2 Nian2 jin1 Bao3 xian3]/abbr. for 全國重點文物保護單位|全国重点文物保护单位[Quan2 guo2 Zhong4 dian3 Wen2 wu4 Bao3 hu4 Dan1 wei4]/ 國偵局 国侦局 T - 0 Guó zhēn jú f /abbr. for 美國國家偵察局|美国国家侦察局/ 國債 国债 T - 405 guó zhài f /national debt/government debt/ 國內 国内 T - 12450 guó nèi f /domestic/internal (to a country)/civil/ 國內外 国内外 T - 1889 guó nèi wài f /domestic and international/at home and abroad/ 國內安全保衛局 国内安全保卫局 T - 0 Guó nèi An quán Bǎo wèi jú f /Domestic Security Protection Bureau, the department of the Ministry of Public Security responsible for dealing with dissidents, activists etc/ 國內戰爭 国内战争 T - 3 guó nèi zhàn zhēng f /civil war/internal struggle/ 國內生產總值 国内生产总值 T - 0 guó nèi shēng chǎn zǒng zhí f /gross domestic product (GDP)/ 國內線 国内线 T - 0 guó nèi xiàn f /domestic flight/internal line (air, train, ferry etc)/ 國共 国共 T - 778 Guó Gòng f /Chinese Nationalist Party 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] and Chinese Communist Party 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3]/ 國共內戰 国共内战 T - 0 Guó Gòng Nèi zhàn f /Chinese Civil War, also known as War of Liberation 解放戰爭|解放战争[Jie3 fang4 Zhan4 zheng1]/ 國共兩黨 国共两党 T - 3 Guó Gòng liǎng dǎng f /Guomindang 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] and Chinese Communist Party 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3]/ 國共合作 国共合作 T - 559 guó gòng hé zuò f /First United Front between Guomindang and Communist party, 1923-1927/ 國力 国力 T - 373 guó lì f /a nation's power/ 國務 国务 T - 590 guó wù f /affairs of state/ 國務卿 国务卿 T - 411 guó wù qīng f /Secretary of State/ 國務委員 国务委员 T - 1495 guó wù wěi yuán f /member of State Council (in China)/ 國務次卿 国务次卿 T - 0 guó wù cì qīng f /Under Secretary of State/ 國務總理 国务总理 T - 3 guó wù zǒng lǐ f /minister of state (old usage)/ 國務長官 国务长官 T - 0 guó wù zhǎng guān f /secretary of state (esp. historical, or Japanese or Korean usage)/ 國務院 国务院 T 3970 15768 Guó wù yuàn f /State Council (PRC)/State Department (USA)/ 國務院台灣事務辦公室 国务院台湾事务办公室 T - 5 Guó wù yuàn Tái wān Shì wù Bàn gōng shì f /Taiwan Affairs Office/ 國務院國有資產監督管理委員會 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会 T - 0 Guó wù yuàn Guó yǒu Zī chǎn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council (SASAC)/abbr. to 國資委|国资委[Guo2 Zi1 Wei3]/ 國務院新聞辦公室 国务院新闻办公室 T - 37 Guó wù yuàn Xīn wén Bàn gōng shì f /State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China/ 國務院法制局 国务院法制局 T - 0 Guó wù yuàn Fǎ zhì jú f /State Council Legislative Affairs Bureau (PRC)/ 國務院港澳事務辦公室 国务院港澳事务办公室 T - 0 Guó wù yuàn Gǎng Aò Shì wù Bàn gōng shì f /Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office (State Council, of PRC)/ 國勢 国势 T - 253 guó shì f /national strength/situation in a state/ 國勢日衰 国势日衰 T - 0 guó shì rì shuāi f /national decline/ 國史 国史 T - 143 guó shǐ f /national history/dynastic history/ 國名 国名 T - 218 guó míng f /name of country/ 國君 国君 T - 190 guó jūn f /monarch/ 國土 国土 T - 2101 guó tǔ f /country's territory/national land/ 國土安全 国土安全 T - 0 guó tǔ ān quán f /homeland security/ 國土安全局 国土安全局 T - 0 Guó tǔ An quán jú f /Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/ 國土安全部 国土安全部 T - 0 Guó tǔ An quán bù f /(US) Department of Homeland Security/ 國土資源部 国土资源部 T - 23 Guó tǔ Zī yuán bù f /Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), formed in 1998/ 國境 国境 T - 214 guó jìng f /national border/frontier/ 國外 国外 T - 3852 guó wài f /abroad/external (affairs)/overseas/foreign/ 國外內 国外内 T - 0 guó wài nèi f /international and domestic/ 國外市場 国外市场 T - 3 guó wài shì chǎng f /foreign market/ 國大 国大 T - 114 Guó Dà f /abbr. for 國民大會|国民大会, National Assembly of the Republic of China (extant during various periods between 1913 and 2005)/abbr. for 新加坡國立大學|新加坡国立大学, National University of Singapore (NUS)/abbr. for 印度國民大會黨|印度国民大会党, Indian National Congress (INC)/abbr. for 馬來西亞印度國民大會黨|马来西亚印度国民大会党, Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC)/ 國大黨 国大党 T - 217 Guó dà dǎng f /Indian Congress party/ 國奧會 国奥会 T - 0 guó ào huì f /national Olympic committee/abbr. for 國際奧委會|国际奥委会 International Olympic committee/ 國姓 国姓 T - 141 Guó xìng f /Guoxing or Kuohsing township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 國姓鄉 国姓乡 T - 0 Guó xìng xiāng f /Guoxing or Kuohsing township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 國威 国威 T - 49 guó wēi f /national prestige/ 國子監 国子监 T - 180 Guó zǐ jiàn f /Imperial College (or Academy), the highest educational body in imperial China/ 國字 国字 T - 3 guó zì f /(Chinese) characters native to Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc/Japanese kokuji/Korean gugja/ 國字臉 国字脸 T - 0 guó zì liǎn f /square face/ 國學 国学 T - 97 guó xué f /Chinese national culture/studies of ancient Chinese civilization/the Imperial College (history)/ 國安局 国安局 T - 3 Guó ān jú f /abbr. for 國家安全局|国家安全局[Guo2 jia1 An1 quan2 ju2]/ 國安部 国安部 T - 0 Guó ān bù f /PRC Ministry of State Security/abbr. for 國家安全部|国家安全部[Guo2 jia1 an1 quan2 bu4]/ 國定假日 国定假日 T - 3 guó dìng jià rì f /national holiday/ 國宴 国宴 T - 27 guó yàn f /state banquet/ 國家 国家 T 406 79520 guó jiā f /country/nation/state/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 國家一級保護 国家一级保护 T - 0 Guó jiā yī jí bǎo hù f /Grade One State protected (species)/ 國家主義 国家主义 T - 19 guó jiā zhǔ yì f /statism/ 國家互聯網信息辦公室 国家互联网信息办公室 T - 0 Guó jiā Hù lián wǎng Xìn xī Bàn gōng shì f /Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC)/ 國家代碼 国家代码 T - 0 guó jiā dài mǎ f /country code/ 國家元首 国家元首 T - 3 guó jiā yuán shǒu f /head of state/ 國家公園 国家公园 T - 0 guó jiā gōng yuán f /national park/ 國家圖書館 国家图书馆 T - 59 guó jiā tú shū guǎn f /national library/ 國家地震局 国家地震局 T - 3 Guó jiā dì zhèn jú f /China earthquake administration (CEA)/State seismological bureau/ 國家外匯管理局 国家外汇管理局 T - 23 Guó jiā Wài huì Guǎn lǐ jú f /State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)/ 國家安全 国家安全 T - 0 guó jiā ān quán f /national security/ 國家安全局 国家安全局 T - 0 Guó jiā An quán jú f /National Security Bureau (NSB) (Tw)/National Security Agency (NSA) (USA)/ 國家安全部 国家安全部 T - 17 Guó jiā ān quán bù f /PRC Ministry of State Security/ 國家廣播電影電視總局 国家广播电影电视总局 T - 0 Guó jiā Xīn wén Chū bǎn Guǎng diàn Zǒng jú f /State Administration for Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT)/abbr. to 廣電總局|广电总局[Guang3 dian4 Zong3 ju2]/ 國家政策 国家政策 T - 0 guó jiā zhèng cè f /state policy/ 國家文物委員會 国家文物委员会 T - 0 Guó jiā wén wù wěi yuán huì f /National Committee of Cultural Heritage/ 國家文物局 国家文物局 T - 58 Guó jiā Wén wù jú f /PRC State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SACH)/ 國家文物鑒定委員會 国家文物鉴定委员会 T - 2 Guó jiā Wén wù Jiàn dìng Wěi yuán huì f /National Commission for the Identification of Cultural Heritage/ 國家旅遊度假區 国家旅游度假区 T - 0 guó jiā lǚ yóu dù jià qū f /National Resort District (PRC)/ 國家標準中文交換碼 国家标准中文交换码 T - 0 guó jiā biāo zhǔn Zhōng wén jiāo huàn mǎ f /CNS 11643, Chinese character coding adopted in Taiwan, 1986-1992/ 國家標準化管理委員會 国家标准化管理委员会 T - 0 Guó jiā Biāo zhǔn huà Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /Standardization Administration of PRC (SAC)/ 國家標準碼 国家标准码 T - 0 guó jiā biāo zhǔn mǎ f /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. 國標碼|国标码/ 國家海洋局 国家海洋局 T - 28 Guó jiā Hǎi yáng jú f /State Oceanic Administration (PRC)/ 國家漢辦 国家汉办 T - 0 Guó jiā Hàn bàn f /Office of Chinese Language Council International (known colloquially as "Hanban"), an organ of the PRC government which develops Chinese language and culture teaching resources worldwide, and has established Confucius Institutes 孔子學院|孔子学院[Kong3 zi3 Xue2 yuan4] internationally/abbr. to 漢辦|汉办[Han4 ban4]/ 國家火山公園 国家火山公园 T - 0 Guó jiā Huǒ shān Gōng yuán f /Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii/ 國家環保總局 国家环保总局 T - 10 guó jiā huán bǎo zǒng jú f /PRC environmental protection agency/ 國家留學基金管理委員會 国家留学基金管理委员会 T - 0 Guó jiā Liú xué Jī jīn Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /China Scholarship Council (CSC)/ 國家發展和改革委員會 国家发展和改革委员会 T - 0 Guó jiā Fā zhǎn hé Gǎi gé Wěi yuán huì f /PRC National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), formed in 2003/ 國家發展改革委 国家发展改革委 T - 0 Guó jiā Fā zhǎn Gǎi gé Wěi f /PRC National Development and Reform Commission/ 國家發展計劃委員會 国家发展计划委员会 T - 27 Guó jiā Fā zhǎn Jì huà Wěi yuán huì f /PRC State Development and Planning Committee, set up 1998 to replace State Planning Committee 國家計劃委員會|国家计划委员会, replaced in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会/ 國家社會主義 国家社会主义 T - 0 guó jiā shè huì zhǔ yì f /national socialism/Nazism/ 國家級 国家级 T - 3374 guó jiā jí f /(administrative) national-level/ 國家統計局 国家统计局 T - 86 Guó jiā Tǒng jì jú f /(China) National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)/ 國家經濟貿易委員會 国家经济贸易委员会 T - 3 Guó jiā Jīng jì Mào yì Wěi yuán huì f /State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC)/ 國家興亡,匹夫有責 国家兴亡,匹夫有责 T - 0 guó jiā xīng wáng , pǐ fū yǒu zé f /The rise and fall of the nation concerns everyone (idiom). Everyone bears responsibility for the prosperity of society./ 國家航天局 国家航天局 T - 2 Guó jiā Háng tiān jú f /China National Space Administration (CNSA)/ 國家航空公司 国家航空公司 T - 0 guó jiā háng kōng gōng sī f /flag carrier/ 國家計劃委員會 国家计划委员会 T - 23 Guó jiā Jì huà Wěi yuán huì f /PRC State Planning Committee, set up in 1952, replaced in 1998 by State Development and Planning Committee 國家發展計劃委員會|国家发展计划委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 Ji4 hua4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4] then in 2003 by National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會|国家发展和改革委员会[Guo2 jia1 Fa1 zhan3 he2 Gai3 ge2 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 國家計委 国家计委 T - 61 Guó jiā Jì Wěi f /PRC State Planning Committee, abbr. for 國家計劃委員會|国家计划委员会[Guo2 jia1 Ji4 hua4 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局 国家质量监督检验检疫总局 T - 0 Guó jiā Zhì liàng Jiān dū Jiǎn yàn Jiǎn yì Zǒng jú f /AQSIQ/PRC State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine/ 國家軍品貿易局 国家军品贸易局 T - 0 Guó jiā Jūn pǐn Mào yì jú f /State Bureau of Military Products Trade (SBMPT)/ 國家軍品貿易管理委員會 国家军品贸易管理委员会 T - 0 Guó jiā Jūn pǐn Mào yì Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /State Administration Committee on Military Products Trade (SACMPT)/ 國家重點學科 国家重点学科 T - 0 Guó jiā Zhòng diǎn Xué kē f /National Key Disciplines (disciplines recognized as important and supported by PRC central government, including medicine, science, chemistry, engineering, commerce and law)/ 國家重點實驗室 国家重点实验室 T - 0 Guó jiā Zhòng diǎn Shí yàn shì f /State Key Laboratories (university laboratories in PRC supported by the central government)/ 國家開發銀行 国家开发银行 T - 13 Guó jiā Kāi fā Yín háng f /China Development Bank/ 國家隊 国家队 T - 490 guó jiā duì f /the national team/ 國家電力監管委員會 国家电力监管委员会 T - 0 Guó jiā Diàn lì Jiān guǎn Wěi yuán huì f /State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PRC)/ 國家電網公司 国家电网公司 T - 0 Guó jiā diàn wǎng gōng sī f /State Grid Corporation of China/ 國家食品藥品監督管理局 国家食品药品监督管理局 T - 0 Guó jiā Shí pǐn Yào pǐn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ jú f /State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA)/ 國家體委 国家体委 T - 95 guó jiā tǐ wěi f /PRC sports and physical culture commission/ 國富兵強 国富兵强 T - 3 guó fù bīng qiáng f /prosperous country with military might/ 國富論 国富论 T - 16 Guó fù lùn f /The Wealth of Nations (1776) by Adam Smith 亞當·斯密|亚当·斯密[Ya4 dang1 · Si1 mi4]/ 國寶 国宝 T - 358 guó bǎo f /national treasure/ 國小 国小 T - 3 guó xiǎo f /elementary school (Taiwan)/abbr. for 國民小學|国民小学[guo2 min2 xiao3 xue2]/ 國師 国师 T - 1214 guó shī f /teachers of the state/ 國度 国度 T - 129 guó dù f /country/nation/ 國庫 国库 T - 409 guó kù f /public purse/state treasury/national exchequer/ 國庫券 国库券 T - 40 guó kù quàn f /treasury bond/ 國弱民窮 国弱民穷 T - 0 guó ruò mín qióng f /the country weakened and the people empoverished (idiom)/ 國徽 国徽 T - 1170 guó huī f /national emblem/coat of arms/ 國恥 国耻 T - 178 guó chǐ f /national humiliation, refers to Japanese incursions into China in the 1930s and 40s, and more especially to Mukden railway incident of 18th September 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变 and subsequent Japanese annexation of Manchuria/ 國情 国情 T - 1049 guó qíng f /current state of a country/national conditions/(US) State of the Union/ 國慶 国庆 T - 131 Guó qìng f /National Day/ 國慶日 国庆日 T - 140 guó qìng rì f /national day/ 國慶節 国庆节 T 2463 348 Guó qìng jié f /PRC National Day (October 1st)/ 國技 国技 T - 0 guó jì f /national pastime/national sport/ 國政 国政 T - 252 guó zhèng f /national politics/archaic rank, "Minister of State"/common given name/ 國教 国教 T - 144 guó jiào f /state religion/ 國新辦 国新办 T - 3 Guó Xīn Bàn f /State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, abbr. for 國務院新聞辦公室|国务院新闻办公室[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Xin1 wen2 Ban4 gong1 shi4]/ 國族 国族 T - 0 guó zú f /people of a country/nation/ 國旗 国旗 T - 1144 guó qí f /flag (of a country)/CL:面[mian4]/ 國書 国书 T - 61 guó shū f /credentials (of a diplomat)/documents exchanged between nations/national or dynastic history book/ 國會 国会 T - 1447 guó huì f /parliament/Congress/diet/ 國會大廈 国会大厦 T - 0 guó huì dà shà f /capitol/ 國會山 国会山 T - 8 Guó huì shān f /Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C./ 國會議員 国会议员 T - 3 guó huì yì yuán f /member of congress/congressman/ 國會議長 国会议长 T - 0 guó huì yì zhǎng f /chair (or president, speaker etc) of national congress/ 國有 国有 T - 3482 guó yǒu f /nationalized/public/government owned/state-owned/ 國有企業 国有企业 T - 3 guó yǒu qǐ yè f /nationalized business/state-owned business/ 國有公司 国有公司 T - 0 guó yǒu gōng sī f /state enterprise/ 國有化 国有化 T - 121 guó yǒu huà f /nationalization/ 國有資產監督管理委員會 国有资产监督管理委员会 T - 0 Guó yǒu Zī chǎn Jiān dū Guǎn lǐ Wěi yuán huì f /State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission SASAC/ 國朝 国朝 T - 3 guó cháo f /the current dynasty/ 國柄 国柄 T - 3 guó bǐng f /state power/ 國棋 国棋 T - 0 guó qí f /abbr. for 國際象棋|国际象棋, chess/ 國槐 国槐 T - 8 guó huái f /locust tree (Sophora japonica)/ 國槐樹 国槐树 T - 0 guó huái shù f /locust tree (Sophora japonica)/ 國樂 国乐 T - 21 guó yuè f /national music/Chinese traditional music/ 國標 国标 T - 43 guó biāo f /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for 國家標準碼|国家标准码/ 國標碼 国标码 T - 3 guó biāo mǎ f /Guo Biao or GB, the standard PRC encoding, abbr. for 國家標準碼|国家标准码/ 國標舞 国标舞 T - 6 guó biāo wǔ f /international standard ballroom dancing/ 國歌 国歌 T - 160 guó gē f /national anthem/ 國民 国民 T - 3939 guó mín f /nationals/citizens/people of a nation/ 國民中學 国民中学 T - 3 guó mín zhōng xué f /junior high school (Taiwan)/abbr. to 國中|国中[guo2 zhong1]/ 國民小學 国民小学 T - 3 guó mín xiǎo xué f /elementary school (Taiwan)/ 國民年金保險 国民年金保险 T - 0 Guó mín Nián jīn Bǎo xiǎn f /(Tw) old age pension/citizens' annuity/ 國民收入 国民收入 T - 253 guó mín shōu rù f /measures of national income and output/ 國民政府 国民政府 T - 1359 Guó mín zhèng fǔ f /Nationalist government 1920s-1949 under Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石/ 國民生產總值 国民生产总值 T - 0 guó mín shēng chǎn zǒng zhí f /gross national product (GNP)/ 國民警衛隊 国民警卫队 T - 0 Guó mín Jǐng wèi duì f /National Guard (United States)/ 國民議會 国民议会 T - 3 guó mín yì huì f /Assemblée nationale (French lower chamber)/national parliament/ 國民革命軍 国民革命军 T - 1068 Guó mín Gé mìng jūn f /National Revolutionary Army/ 國民黨 国民党 T - 9949 Guó mín dǎng f /Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)/Nationalist Party/ 國民黨軍隊 国民党军队 T - 0 guó mín dǎng jūn duì f /nationalist forces/ 國法 国法 T - 104 guó fǎ f /national law/ 國泰 国泰 T - 76 Guó tài f /Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)/ 國泰民安 国泰民安 T - 178 guó tài mín ān f /the country prospers, the people at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity/ 國泰航空 国泰航空 T - 0 Guó tài háng kōng f /Cathay Pacific, a Hong Kong based airline/ 國營 国营 T - 516 guó yíng f /state-run (company etc)/nationalized/ 國營企業 国营企业 T - 172 guó yíng qǐ yè f /nationalized industry/ 國父 国父 T - 151 guó fù f /father or founder of a nation/Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen)/ 國王 国王 T 1430 3312 guó wáng f /king/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 國璽 国玺 T - 15 guó xǐ f /seal of state/ 國產 国产 T - 773 guó chǎn f /made in one's own country/made in China/ 國產化 国产化 T - 77 guó chǎn huà f /to localize (production)/localization/ 國界 国界 T - 208 guó jiè f /national boundary/border between countries/ 國界線 国界线 T - 13 guó jiè xiàn f /border between countries/line forming the border/ 國畫 国画 T - 92 guó huà f /national painting/Chinese art/ 國破家亡 国破家亡 T - 46 guó pò jiā wáng f /the country ruined and the people starving (idiom)/ 國立 国立 T - 597 guó lì f /national/state-run/public/ 國立臺北科技大學 国立台北科技大学 T - 0 Guó lì Tái běi Kē jì Dà xué f /National Taipei University of Technology/ 國立臺灣技術大學 国立台湾技术大学 T - 0 Guó lì Tái wān Jì shù Dà xué f /National Taiwan University of Science and Technology/ 國立西南聯合大學 国立西南联合大学 T - 0 Guó lì Xī nán Lián hé Dà xué f /National Southwest Combined University (Peking, Tsinghua and Nankai Universities in exile in Kunming 1937-1945)/ 國立顯忠院 国立显忠院 T - 0 guó lì xiǎn zhōng yuàn f /Korean national memorial cemetery at Dongjak-dong, Seoul/ 國立首爾大學 国立首尔大学 T - 0 Guó lì Shǒu ěr Dà xué f /Seoul National University SNU/ 國策 国策 T - 163 guó cè f /a national policy/ 國籍 国籍 T 1182 471 guó jí f /nationality/ 國粹 国粹 T - 49 guó cuì f /national essence/quintessence of national culture/ 國罵 国骂 T - 5 guó mà f /insult commonly used nationwide/ 國美 国美 T - 285 Guó měi f /Guo mei or Gome electronics chain/ 國美電器 国美电器 T - 0 Guó měi Diàn qì f /GOME Electrical Appliances (founded in Beijing, 1987)/ 國聯 国联 T - 173 Guó Lián f /abbr. for 國際聯盟|国际联盟[Guo2 ji4 Lian2 meng2], League of Nations (1920-1946), based in Geneva, precursor of the UN/ 國臺辦 国台办 T - 103 Guó tái bàn f /PRC state council office for Taiwan affairs, abbr. for 國務院台灣事務辦公室|国务院台湾事务办公室[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Tai2 wan1 Shi4 wu4 Ban4 gong1 shi4]/ 國航 国航 T - 106 Guó Háng f /Air China/abbr. for 中國國際航空公司|中国国际航空公司[Zhong1 guo2 Guo2 ji4 Hang2 kong1 Gong1 si1]/ 國色天香 国色天香 T - 16 guó sè tiān xiāng f /national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty/ 國花 国花 T - 26 guó huā f /national flower (emblem, e.g. peony 牡丹[mu3 dan1] in China)/ 國菜 国菜 T - 4 guó cài f /national food specialty/ 國葬 国葬 T - 8 guó zàng f /state funeral/ 國號 国号 T - 401 guó hào f /official name of a nation (includes dynastic names of China: 漢|汉[Han4], 唐[Tang2] etc)/ 國蠹 国蠹 T - 0 guó dù f /traitor/public enemy/ 國術 国术 T - 14 guó shù f /martial arts/ 國語 国语 T - 304 Guó yǔ f /Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature/Chinese as a primary or secondary school subject/Chinese in the context of the Nationalist Government/Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th century BC/ 國語注音符號第一式 国语注音符号第一式 T - 0 Guó yǔ zhù yīn fú hào dì yī shì f /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1 (official name of the phonetic system of writing Chinese used in Taiwan)/Bopomofo/abbr. to 注音一式[zhu4 yin1 yi1 shi4]/ 國語羅馬字 国语罗马字 T - 0 Guó yǔ Luó mǎ zì f /Gwoyeu Romatzyh, a romanization system for Chinese devised by Y.R. Chao and others in 1925-26/ 國貿 国贸 T - 39 guó mào f /abbr. for 國際貿易|国际贸易[guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4]/ 國資委 国资委 T - 151 Guó Zī Wěi f /see 國務院國有資產監督管理委員會|国务院国有资产监督管理委员会[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Guo2 you3 Zi1 chan3 Jian1 du1 Guan3 li3 Wei3 yuan2 hui4]/ 國賊 国贼 T - 293 guó zéi f /traitor to the nation/ 國賓 国宾 T - 273 guó bīn f /state visitor/visiting head of state/ 國賓館 国宾馆 T - 17 guó bīn guǎn f /state guesthouse/ 國足 国足 T - 2 guó zú f /national soccer team/ 國運 国运 T - 98 guó yùn f /fate of the nation/ 國道 国道 T - 445 guó dào f /national highway/ 國都 国都 T - 0 guó dū f /national capital/ 國關 国关 T - 0 Guó Guān f /abbr. for 國際關係學院|国际关系学院[Guo2 ji4 Guan1 xi4 Xue2 yuan4], University of International Relations, Beijing/ 國防 国防 T 3893 3728 guó fáng f /national defense/ 國防利益 国防利益 T - 0 guó fáng lì yì f /(national) defense interests/ 國防工業 国防工业 T - 3 guó fáng gōng yè f /defense industry/ 國防現代化 国防现代化 T - 0 guó fáng xiàn dài huà f /modernization of national defense, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations/ 國防科學技術工業委員會 国防科学技术工业委员会 T - 17 Guó fáng Kē xué Jì shù Gōng yè Wěi yuán huì f /Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)/abbr. to 國防科工委|国防科工委[Guo2 fang2 Ke1 Gong1 Wei3]/ 國防語言學院 国防语言学院 T - 0 Guó fáng Yǔ yán Xué yuàn f /US Defense Language Institute (founded 1941)/ 國防部 国防部 T - 1306 Guó fáng bù f /Defense Department/Ministry of National Defense/ 國防部長 国防部长 T - 825 guó fáng bù zhǎng f /Defense secretary/Defense Minister/ 國防預算 国防预算 T - 0 guó fáng yù suàn f /defense budget/ 國隊 国队 T - 0 guó duì f /national team/ 國際 国际 T 973 24601 guó jì f /international/ 國際主義 国际主义 T - 92 guó jì zhǔ yì f /internationalism/ 國際互聯網絡 国际互联网络 T - 4 guó jì hù lián wǎng luò f /Internet/ 國際人權標準 国际人权标准 T - 0 guó jì rén quán biāo zhǔn f /international human rights norms/ 國際先驅論壇報 国际先驱论坛报 T - 0 Guó jì Xiān qū Lùn tán Bào f /International Herald Tribune/ 國際兒童節 国际儿童节 T - 0 Guó jì Er tóng jié f /International Children's Day (June 1)/ 國際公認 国际公认 T - 0 guó jì gōng rèn f /internationally recognized/ 國際共產主義運動 国际共产主义运动 T - 62 guó jì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì yùn dòng f /Comintern/the international communist movement/ 國際刑事警察組織 国际刑事警察组织 T - 0 Guó jì Xíng shì Jǐng chá Zǔ zhī f /International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)/ 國際刑警組織 国际刑警组织 T - 8 Guó jì Xíng jǐng Zǔ zhī f /Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization)/ 國際勞動節 国际劳动节 T - 0 Guó jì Láo dòng Jié f /May Day/International Labor Day (May 1)/ 國際勞工組織 国际劳工组织 T - 26 Guó jì Láo gōng Zǔ zhī f /International Labor Organization/ 國際化 国际化 T - 689 guó jì huà f /to internationalize/internationalization/ 國際協會 国际协会 T - 3 guó jì xié huì f /international association/ 國際原子能機構 国际原子能机构 T - 55 Guó jì Yuán zǐ néng Jī gòu f /International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)/ 國際和平基金會 国际和平基金会 T - 0 guó jì hé píng jī jīn huì f /international peace foundation/ 國際商會 国际商会 T - 9 Guó jì Shāng huì f /International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)/ 國際商業機器 国际商业机器 T - 0 Guó jì Shāng yè Jī qì f /International Business Machines/IBM/ 國際單位 国际单位 T - 0 guó jì dān wèi f /international unit/ 國際單位制 国际单位制 T - 0 guó jì dān wèi zhì f /International System of Units/ 國際外交 国际外交 T - 0 guó jì wài jiāo f /foreign policy/ 國際大赦 国际大赦 T - 0 Guó jì Dà shè f /Amnesty International/same as 大赦國際/ 國際太空站 国际太空站 T - 0 guó jì tài kōng zhàn f /International Space Station/ 國際奧委會 国际奥委会 T - 86 Guó jì Aò wěi huì f /International Olympic Committee/ 國際奧林匹克委員會 国际奥林匹克委员会 T - 22 Guó jì Aò lín pǐ kè Wěi yuán huì f /International Olympic Committee/ 國際婦女節 国际妇女节 T - 3 Guó jì Fù nǚ jié f /International Women's Day (March 8)/ 國際媒體 国际媒体 T - 0 guó jì méi tǐ f /the international media/ 國際性 国际性 T - 253 guó jì xìng f /international/internationalism/ 國際戰爭罪法庭 国际战争罪法庭 T - 0 guó jì zhàn zhēng zuì fǎ tíng f /International war crimes tribunal/ 國際收支 国际收支 T - 3 guó jì shōu zhī f /balance of payments/ 國際數學聯盟 国际数学联盟 T - 3 Guó jì Shù xué Lián méng f /International Mathematical Union/ 國際文傳通訊社 国际文传通讯社 T - 0 Guó jì wén chuán tōng xùn shè f /Interfax News Agency/ 國際文傳電訊社 国际文传电讯社 T - 4 Guó jì Wén chuán Diàn xùn shè f /Interfax, Russian non-governmental news agency/ 國際日期變更線 国际日期变更线 T - 26 guó jì rì qī biàn gēng xiàn f /international date line/ 國際棋聯 国际棋联 T - 3 guó jì qí lián f /International Chess Federation/ 國際標準化組織 国际标准化组织 T - 29 Guó jì Biāo zhǔn huà Zǔ zhī f /International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ 國際機場 国际机场 T - 3 guó jì jī chǎng f /international airport/ 國際歌 国际歌 T - 4 Guó jì gē f /The Internationale/ 國際民航組織 国际民航组织 T - 0 Guó jì Mín háng Zǔ zhī f /International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)/ 國際民間組織 国际民间组织 T - 0 guó jì mín jiān zǔ zhī f /international humanitarian organization/ 國際法 国际法 T - 403 guó jì fǎ f /international law/ 國際法庭 国际法庭 T - 18 Guó jì Fǎ tíng f /International court of justice in the Hague/ 國際海事組織 国际海事组织 T - 8 Guó jì Hǎi shì Zǔ zhī f /International Maritime Organization/ 國際清算銀行 国际清算银行 T - 4 Guó jì Qīng suàn Yín háng f /Bank for International Settlements/ 國際特赦 国际特赦 T - 3 Guó jì Tè shè f /Amnesty International/ 國際特赦組織 国际特赦组织 T - 0 Guó jì Tè shè Zǔ zhī f /Amnesty International/ 國際田徑聯合會 国际田径联合会 T - 0 Guó jì Tián jìng Lián hé huì f /International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)/abbr. to 國際田聯|国际田联[Guo2 ji4 Tian2 Lian2]/ 國際田聯 国际田联 T - 38 Guó jì Tián Lián f /International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)/abbr. for 國際田徑聯合會|国际田径联合会[Guo2 ji4 Tian2 jing4 Lian2 he2 hui4]/ 國際社會 国际社会 T - 0 guó jì shè huì f /the international community/ 國際私法 国际私法 T - 104 guó jì sī fǎ f /conflict of laws/ 國際筆會 国际笔会 T - 0 Guó jì Bǐ huì f /International PEN/ 國際米蘭 国际米兰 T - 3 Guó jì Mǐ lán f /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/abbr. for 國際米蘭足球俱樂部|国际米兰足球俱乐部[Guo2 ji4 Mi3 lan2 Zu2 qiu2 Ju4 le4 bu4]/ 國際米蘭足球俱樂部 国际米兰足球俱乐部 T - 0 Guó jì Mǐ lán Zú qiú Jù lè bù f /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/ 國際米蘭隊 国际米兰队 T - 0 Guó jì Mǐ lán Duì f /FC Internazionale Milano (football club)/abbr. for 國際米蘭足球俱樂部|国际米兰足球俱乐部[Guo2 ji4 Mi3 lan2 Zu2 qiu2 Ju4 le4 bu4]/ 國際級 国际级 T - 25 guó jì jí f /(at an) international level/ 國際網絡 国际网络 T - 0 guó jì wǎng luò f /global network/Internet/ 國際羽毛球聯合會 国际羽毛球联合会 T - 0 Guó jì Yǔ máo qiú Lián hé huì f /International Badminton Federation/ 國際聯盟 国际联盟 T - 64 Guó jì Lián méng f /League of Nations (1920-1946), based in Geneva, precursor of the UN/ 國際腫瘤研究機構 国际肿瘤研究机构 T - 0 Guó jì Zhōng liú Yán jiū Jī gòu f /International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/ 國際航空聯合會 国际航空联合会 T - 0 Guó jì Háng kōng Lián hé huì f /Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), world body of gliding and aeronautic sports/ 國際航空運輸協會 国际航空运输协会 T - 0 Guó jì Háng kōng Yùn shū Xié huì f /International Air Transport Association (IATA)/ 國際象棋 国际象棋 T - 128 guó jì xiàng qí f /chess/CL:副[fu4]/ 國際貨幣基金 国际货币基金 T - 4 Guó jì Huò bì Jī jīn f /International Monetary Fund (IMF)/ 國際貨幣基金組織 国际货币基金组织 T - 227 Guó jì Huò bì Jī jīn Zǔ zhī f /International Monetary Fund (IMF)/ 國際貨運代理 国际货运代理 T - 0 guó jì huò yùn dài lǐ f /international transport agency/ 國際貿易 国际贸易 T - 3 guó jì mào yì f /international trade/ 國際足球聯合會 国际足球联合会 T - 0 Guó jì Zú qiú Lián hé huì f /FIFA/International Federation of Association Football/ 國際足聯 国际足联 T - 68 Guó jì Zú lián f /abbr. for 國際足球聯合會|国际足球联合会, FIFA, international federation of football associations/ 國際跳棋 国际跳棋 T - 0 guó jì tiào qí f /checkers (Western board game)/ 國際醫療中心 国际医疗中心 T - 0 guó jì yī liáo zhōng xīn f /International Medical Center/ 國際金融公司 国际金融公司 T - 9 Guó jì Jīn róng Gōng sī f /International Finance Corporation/ 國際關係 国际关系 T - 0 guó jì guān xì f /international relations/ 國際關係學院 国际关系学院 T - 25 Guó jì Guān xì Xué yuàn f /University of International Relations, Beijing, established in 1949/ 國際電信聯盟 国际电信联盟 T - 10 guó jì diàn xìn lián méng f /International Telecommunications Union/ITU/ 國際電報電話咨詢委員會 国际电报电话咨询委员会 T - 0 Guó jì Diàn bào Diàn huà Zī xún Wěi yuán huì f /International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)/ 國際電話 国际电话 T - 0 guó jì diàn huà f /international call/ 國際音標 国际音标 T - 12 guó jì yīn biāo f /international phonetic alphabet/ 國際體操聯合會 国际体操联合会 T - 0 Guó jì Tǐ cāo Lián hé huì f /Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique/ 國音 国音 T - 8 guó yīn f /official state pronunciation/ 國體 国体 T - 68 guó tǐ f /state system/national prestige/ 圌 - 3 chuí f /name of a mountain/ 圍 围 T - 4010 Wéi f /surname Wei/ 圍 围 T - 4010 wéi f /to encircle/to surround/all around/to wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl)/ 圍住 围住 T - 444 wéi zhù f /to surround/to gird/ 圍兜 围兜 T - 2 wéi dōu f /bib/ 圍剿 围剿 T - 854 wéi jiǎo f /to encircle and annihilate/refers to repeated campaigns of the Guomindang against the communists from 1930 onwards/ 圍嘴 围嘴 T - 3 wéi zuǐ f /(baby) bib/ 圍困 围困 T - 427 wéi kùn f /to besiege/ 圍坐 围坐 T - 115 wéi zuò f /to sit in a circle/seated around (a narrator)/ 圍城 围城 T - 276 Wéi chéng f /Fortress Besieged, 1947 novel by Qian Zhongshu 錢鐘書|钱钟书, filmed as a TV serial/ 圍城 围城 T - 276 wéi chéng f /siege/besieged city/ 圍城打援 围城打援 T - 2 wéi chéng dǎ yuán f /to besiege and strike the relief force (idiom); strategy of surrounding a unit to entice the enemy to reinforce, then striking the new troops/ 圍堰 围堰 T - 138 wéi yàn f /a cofferdam/ 圍場 围场 T - 36 Wéi chǎng f /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 圍場 围场 T - 36 wéi chǎng f /enclosure/pig pen/hunting ground exclusively kept for emperor or nobility (in former times)/ 圍場滿族蒙古族自治縣 围场满族蒙古族自治县 T - 3 Wéi chǎng Mǎn zú Měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 圍場縣 围场县 T - 3 Wéi chǎng xiàn f /Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei/ 圍堵 围堵 T - 44 wéi dǔ f /to blockade/to surround/to hem in/ 圍墾 围垦 T - 53 wéi kěn f /to reclaim land by diking/ 圍巾 围巾 T 2175 103 wéi jīn f /scarf/shawl/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 圍捕 围捕 T - 25 wéi bǔ f /to fish by casting a net/to capture/to surround and seize/ 圍擊 围击 T - 3 wéi jī f /to besiege/ 圍攏 围拢 T - 93 wéi lǒng f /to crowd around/ 圍攻 围攻 T - 993 wéi gōng f /to besiege/to beleaguer/to attack from all sides/to jointly speak or write against sb/ 圍棋 围棋 T - 473 wéi qí f /the game of Go/ 圍欄 围栏 T - 169 wéi lán f /fencing/railings/fence/ 圍毆 围殴 T - 3 wéi ōu f /to gang up and beat/ 圍牆 围墙 T - 1346 wéi qiáng f /perimeter wall/fence/CL:道[dao4]/ 圍產 围产 T - 2 wéi chǎn f /perinatal/ 圍籬 围篱 T - 0 wéi lí f /fence/paling/ 圍網 围网 T - 15 wéi wǎng f /seine net/wire mesh fence/fence screen/ 圍繞 围绕 T 2218 2065 wéi rào f /to revolve around/to center on (an issue)/ 圍脖 围脖 T - 8 wéi bó f /muffler/scarf/ 圍裙 围裙 T - 120 wéi qún f /apron/ 圍觀 围观 T - 237 wéi guān f /to stand in a circle and watch/ 圍護 围护 T - 32 wéi hù f /to protect from all sides/ 圍起 围起 T - 3 wéi qǐ f /to surround/to encircle/to enclose/to fence in/ 圍魏救趙 围魏救赵 T - 25 wéi Wèi jiù Zhào f /lit. to besiege 魏[Wei4] and rescue 趙|赵[Zhao4] (idiom)/fig. to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers/ 圏 - 0 quān f /Japanese variant of 圈/ 圐 - 0 kū f /see 圐圙[ku1 lu:e4]/ 圐圙 - 0 kū lüè f /enclosed pasture (Mongolian loanword)/now mostly replaced by 庫倫|库伦[ku4 lun2]/ 園 园 T - 1914 Yuán f /surname Yuan/ 園 园 T - 1914 yuán f /land used for growing plants/site used for public recreation/ 園丁 园丁 T - 67 yuán dīng f /gardener/ 園區 园区 T - 397 yuán qū f /site developed for a group of related enterprises/(industrial or technology) park/ 園囿 园囿 T - 5 yuán yòu f /park/ 園圃 园圃 T - 25 yuán pǔ f /garden plot/ 園地 园地 T - 125 yuán dì f /garden area/ 園林 园林 T 4873 1286 yuán lín f /gardens/park/landscape garden/ 園藝 园艺 T - 171 yuán yì f /gardening/horticultural/ 圓 圆 T 1741 3841 yuán f /circle/round/circular/spherical/(of the moon) full/unit of Chinese currency (Yuan)/tactful/to justify/ 圓光 圆光 T - 3 yuán guāng f /radiance emanating from the head/halo/ 圓函數 圆函数 T - 0 yuán hán shù f /the trigonometric functions/ 圓口綱脊椎動物 圆口纲脊椎动物 T - 0 yuán kǒu gāng jǐ zhuī dòng wù f /cyclostome (marine biology)/ 圓周 圆周 T - 80 yuán zhōu f /circumference/ 圓周率 圆周率 T - 122 yuán zhōu lǜ f /the circular ratio/pi = 3.1415926/ 圓圈 圆圈 T - 414 yuán quān f /circle/ 圓場 圆场 T - 35 yuán chǎng f /to mediate/to broker a compromise/ 圓夢 圆梦 T - 22 yuán mèng f /to interpret a dream/to realize one's dream/ 圓子 圆子 T - 28 yuán zi f /kind of dumpling/sticky rice ball/ 圓孔 圆孔 T - 53 yuán kǒng f /round hole/ 圓寂 圆寂 T - 116 yuán jì f /death/to pass away (of Buddhist monks, nuns etc)/ 圓屋頂 圆屋顶 T - 3 yuán wū dǐng f /dome/ 圓弧 圆弧 T - 59 yuán hú f /arc of a circle/circular arc/ 圓形 圆形 T - 1003 yuán xíng f /round/circular/ 圓形木材 圆形木材 T - 0 yuán xíng mù cái f /log/ 圓形麵包 圆形面包 T - 0 yuán xíng miàn bāo f /bun/ 圓心 圆心 T - 64 yuán xīn f /center of circle/ 圓房 圆房 T - 9 yuán fáng f /(of a child bride) to consummate marriage/ 圓括號 圆括号 T - 20 yuán kuò hào f /parentheses/round brackets ( )/ 圓拱 圆拱 T - 0 yuán gǒng f /a round vault/ 圓明園 圆明园 T - 168 Yuán míng yuán f /Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860/ 圓月 圆月 T - 42 yuán yuè f /full moon/ 圓柱 圆柱 T - 667 yuán zhù f /column/cylinder/ 圓柱形 圆柱形 T - 166 yuán zhù xíng f /cylindrical/ 圓柱體 圆柱体 T - 55 yuán zhù tǐ f /cylinder (geometry)/ 圓桌 圆桌 T - 83 yuán zhuō f /round table/ 圓桌會議 圆桌会议 T - 29 yuán zhuō huì yì f /round table conference/ 圓滑 圆滑 T - 75 yuán huá f /smooth and evasive/slick and sly/ 圓滑線 圆滑线 T - 0 yuán huá xiàn f /slur (music)/ 圓滾滾 圆滚滚 T - 22 yuán gǔn gǔn f /plump/ 圓滿 圆满 T 3848 824 yuán mǎn f /satisfactory/consummate/perfect/ 圓潤 圆润 T - 103 yuán rùn f /mellow and full/suave/smooth and round/rich (in voice)/ 圓珠 圆珠 T - 10 yuán zhū f /ball/bead/ballpoint/ 圓珠形離子交換劑 圆珠形离子交换剂 T - 0 yuán zhū xíng lí zǐ jiāo huàn jì f /bead-type ion exchanger/ 圓珠筆 圆珠笔 T - 65 yuán zhū bǐ f /ballpoint pen/CL:支[zhi1],枝[zhi1]/ 圓球 圆球 T - 127 yuán qiú f /ball/sphere/globe/ 圓瑛 圆瑛 T - 0 Yuán Yīng f /Yuan Ying (1878-1953), Buddhist monk/ 圓環 圆环 T - 58 yuán huán f /rotary/traffic circle/ring/ 圓白菜 圆白菜 T - 4 yuán bái cài f /round white cabbage (i.e. Western cabbage)/ 圓盤 圆盘 T - 169 yuán pán f /disk/ 圓石頭 圆石头 T - 0 yuán shí tou f /boulder/ 圓筒 圆筒 T - 83 yuán tǒng f /circular cylinder/drum/ 圓腹鯡 圆腹鲱 T - 0 yuán fù fēi f /round herring/ 圓舞 圆舞 T - 0 yuán wǔ f /round dance/ 圓舞曲 圆舞曲 T - 20 yuán wǔ qǔ f /waltz/ 圓融 圆融 T - 15 yuán róng f /accommodating/(Buddhism) completely integrated/ 圓規 圆规 T - 23 yuán guī f /compass (drafting)/ 圓規座 圆规座 T - 0 Yuán guī zuò f /Circinus (constellation)/ 圓軌道 圆轨道 T - 0 yuán guǐ dào f /circular orbit (in astronomy and in astronautics)/ 圓通 圆通 T - 34 yuán tōng f /flexible/accommodating/ 圓錐 圆锥 T - 120 yuán zhuī f /cone/conical/tapering/ 圓錐形 圆锥形 T - 376 yuán zhuī xíng f /conical/coniform/ 圓錐曲線 圆锥曲线 T - 48 yuán zhuī qū xiàn f /conic section/ 圓錐狀 圆锥状 T - 0 yuán zhuī zhuàng f /conical/ 圓錐體 圆锥体 T - 7 yuán zhuī tǐ f /cone/ 圓鑿方枘 圆凿方枘 T - 0 yuán záo fāng ruì f /see 方枘圓鑿|方枘圆凿[fang1 rui4 yuan2 zao2]/ 圓頂 圆顶 T - 109 yuán dǐng f /dome/ 圓領 圆领 T - 55 yuán lǐng f /crew neck/round neck (of pull-over garment, e.g. T-shirt)/ 圓麵餅 圆面饼 T - 0 yuán miàn bǐng f /round flat bread/pita bread/ 圓點 圆点 T - 39 yuán diǎn f /dot/ 圓鼓鼓 圆鼓鼓 T - 2 yuán gǔ gǔ f /round and bulging/rotund/protruding/ 圕 - 0 tuān f /contraction of the three characters for 圖書館|图书馆[tu2 shu1 guan3]/library/ 圖 图 T - 12112 tú f /diagram/picture/drawing/chart/map/CL:張|张[zhang1]/to plan/to scheme/to attempt/to pursue/to seek/ 圖例 图例 T - 3 tú lì f /legend (of a map, etc)/diagram/illustration/graphical symbol/ 圖們 图们 T - 17 Tú mén f /Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 圖們市 图们市 T - 9 Tú mén Shì f /Tumen county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 圖們江 图们江 T - 45 Tú mén jiāng f /Tumen river in Jilin province 吉林省, forming the eastern border between China and North Korea/ 圖像 图像 T - 1093 tú xiàng f /image/picture/graphic/ 圖像互換格式 图像互换格式 T - 0 tú xiàng hù huàn gé shì f /GIF/graphic interchange format/ 圖像用戶介面 图像用户介面 T - 0 tú xiàng yòng hù jiè miàn f /graphical user interface/GUI/ 圖像處理 图像处理 T - 31 tú xiàng chǔ lǐ f /image processing/ 圖坦卡蒙 图坦卡蒙 T - 0 Tú tǎn kǎ méng f /Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 1333-1323 BC/ 圖坦卡門 图坦卡门 T - 0 Tú tǎn kǎ mén f /Tutankhamen, king of ancient Egypt 1333-1323 BC/ 圖層 图层 T - 3 tú céng f /layer (imaging)/ 圖形 图形 T - 903 tú xíng f /picture/figure/diagram/graph/depiction/graphical/ 圖形卡 图形卡 T - 3 tú xíng kǎ f /graphics card/ 圖形用戶界面 图形用户界面 T - 10 tú xíng yòng hù jiè miàn f /graphical user interface (GUI)/ 圖形界面 图形界面 T - 3 tú xíng jiè miàn f /Graphical User Interace (GUI) (computing)/ 圖恩 图恩 T - 5 Tú ēn f /Thun, Switzerland/ 圖書 图书 T - 1186 tú shū f /books (in a library or bookstore)/CL:本[ben3],冊|册[ce4],部[bu4]/ 圖書管理員 图书管理员 T - 0 tú shū guǎn lǐ yuán f /librarian/ 圖書館 图书馆 T 538 1551 tú shū guǎn f /library/CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]/ 圖書館員 图书馆员 T - 6 tú shū guǎn yuán f /librarian/ 圖木舒克 图木舒克 T - 0 Tú mù shū kè f /Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Túmùshūkè subprefecture level city in west Xinjiang/ 圖木舒克市 图木舒克市 T - 0 Tú mù shū kè shì f /Tumxuk shehiri (Tumshuq city) or Túmùshūkè subprefecture level city in west Xinjiang/ 圖林根 图林根 T - 15 Tú lín gēn f /Thuringia (state in Germany)/ 圖案 图案 T 3434 2643 tú àn f /design/pattern/ 圖標 图标 T - 40 tú biāo f /icon (computing)/ 圖樣 图样 T - 162 tú yàng f /diagram/blueprint/ 圖波列夫 图波列夫 T - 3 Tú bō liè fū f /Tupolev, Russian plane maker/ 圖爾 图尔 T - 71 Tú ěr f /Tours (city in France)/ 圖爾庫 图尔库 T - 9 Tú ěr kù f /Turku (city in Finland)/ 圖片 图片 T - 6689 tú piàn f /image/picture/photograph/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 圖片報 图片报 T - 0 Tú piàn Bào f /Bild-Zeitung/ 圖版 图版 T - 9 tú bǎn f /an engraved printing plate/a photographic plate/ 圖瓦盧 图瓦卢 T - 59 Tú wǎ lú f /Tuvalu/ 圖畫 图画 T - 449 tú huà f /drawing/picture/ 圖盧斯 图卢斯 T - 0 Tú lú sī f /Toulouse (France)/ 圖盧茲 图卢兹 T - 34 Tú lú zī f /Toulouse (city in France)/ 圖章 图章 T - 41 tú zhāng f /stamp/seal/CL:方[fang1]/ 圖簽 图签 T - 0 tú qiān f /(computer) icon/ 圖紙 图纸 T - 401 tú zhǐ f /blueprint/drawing/design plans/graph paper/ 圖表 图表 T - 204 tú biǎo f /chart/diagram/ 圖西族 图西族 T - 4 Tú xī zú f /Tutsi, an ethnic group in Rwanda and Burundi/ 圖解說明 图解说明 T - 0 tú jiě shuō míng f /explanatory diagram/ 圖論 图论 T - 3 tú lún f /graph theory (math.)/ 圖謀 图谋 T - 568 tú móu f /to conspire/ 圖譜 图谱 T - 111 tú pǔ f /archive of graphics (e.g. maps, documents or botanical figures)/atlas/collection of illustrations or sheet music/ 圖象 图象 T - 39 tú xiàng f /variant of 圖像|图像[tu2 xiang4]/ 圖財害命 图财害命 T - 3 tú cái hài mìng f /see 謀財害命|谋财害命[mou2 cai2 hai4 ming4]/ 圖軸 图轴 T - 0 tú zhóu f /scroll painting/ 圖輯 图辑 T - 0 tú jí f /slide show/photo gallery (on website)/ 圖釘 图钉 T - 18 tú dīng f /thumbtack/ 圖錄 图录 T - 27 tú lù f /catalog/ 圖鑒 图鉴 T - 7 tú jiàn f /illustrated handbook/ 圖門江 图门江 T - 0 Tú mén jiāng f /variant of 圖們江|图们江[Tu2 men2 jiang1]/ 圖阿雷格 图阿雷格 T - 0 Tú ā léi gé f /Tuareg (nomadic people of the Sahara)/ 圖集 图集 T - 95 tú jí f /atlas/CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]/ 圖雷特氏綜合症 图雷特氏综合症 T - 0 Tú léi tè shì zōng hé zhèng f /Tourette syndrome/ 圖靈 图灵 T - 32 Tú líng f /Alan Turing (1912-1954), English mathematician, considered as the father of computer science/ 圖靈獎 图灵奖 T - 3 Tú líng jiǎng f /Turing Award/ 圖騰 图腾 T - 218 tú téng f /totem (loanword)/ 團 团 T 1585 6703 tuán f /round/lump/ball/to roll into a ball/to gather/regiment/group/society/classifier for a lump or a soft mass: wad (of paper), ball (of wool), cloud (of smoke)/ 團丁 团丁 T - 50 tuán dīng f /(old) member of local militia/ 團伙 团伙 T - 157 tuán huǒ f /(criminal) gang/gang member/accomplice/crony/ 團員 团员 T - 325 tuán yuán f /member/group member/ 團圓 团圆 T 4454 185 tuán yuán f /to have a reunion/ 團團轉 团团转 T - 71 tuán tuán zhuàn f /to go round and round/running around in circles/fig. frantically busy/ 團契 团契 T - 3 tuán qì f /Christian association/fellowship/ 團年 团年 T - 0 tuán nián f /(of a family) to come together at lunar New Year's Eve/family reunion at New Year's/ 團扇 团扇 T - 58 tuán shàn f /circular fan/ 團結 团结 T 2912 3941 tuán jié f /to unite/unity/solidarity/friendly/harmonious/ 團結就是力量 团结就是力量 T - 0 tuán jié jiù shì lì liang f /unity is strength (revolutionary slogan and popular song of 1943)/ 團結工會 团结工会 T - 0 Tuán jié Gōng huì f /Solidarity (Polish worker's union)/ 團練 团练 T - 107 tuán liàn f /local militia formed to suppress peasant rebellion (old)/ 團聚 团聚 T - 185 tuán jù f /to reunite/to have a reunion/ 團花 团花 T - 26 tuán huā f /rounded embroidery design/ 團購 团购 T - 19 tuán gòu f /group buying/collective buying/buying by a group of individuals who negotiate a discount for the group/ 團長 团长 T - 1702 tuán zhǎng f /regimental command/head of a delegation/ 團隊 团队 T - 1103 tuán duì f /team/ 團隊精神 团队精神 T - 3 tuán duì jīng shén f /group mentality/collectivism/solidarity/team spirit/ 團風 团风 T - 3 Tuán fēng f /Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 團風縣 团风县 T - 256 Tuán fēng xiàn f /Tuanfeng county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 團體 团体 T 2919 4923 tuán tǐ f /group/organization/team/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 團體冠軍 团体冠军 T - 3 tuán tǐ guàn jūn f /group championship/ 團體行 团体行 T - 0 tuán tǐ xíng f /group travel/ 圙 - 0 lüè f /see 圐圙[ku1 lu:e4]/ 圛 - 0 yì f /mist rolling upwards/ 圜 - 220 huán t /circle/encircle/ 圜 - 220 yuán f /circle/round/ 圞 - 5 luán f /round/ 土 - 8560 Tǔ f /Tu (ethnic group)/surname Tu/ 土 - 8560 tǔ f /earth/dust/clay/local/indigenous/crude opium/unsophisticated/one of the eight ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]/ 土丘 - 224 tǔ qiū f /mound/hillock/barrow/ 土产 土產 S - 75 tǔ chǎn f /produced locally/local product (with distinctive native features)/ 土人 - 119 tǔ rén f /native/aborigine/clay figure/ 土伦 土倫 S - 25 Tǔ lún f /Toulon (city in France)/ 土倫 土伦 T - 25 Tǔ lún f /Toulon (city in France)/ 土到不行 - 0 tǔ dào bù xíng f /old-fashioned/extremely kitsch/ 土制 土製 S - 9 tǔ zhì f /locally manufactured/ 土力工程 - 0 tǔ lì gōng chéng f /geotechnical engineering/ 土包子 - 16 tǔ bāo zi f /country bumpkin/boor/unsophisticated country person (humble, applied to oneself)/burial mound/ 土匪 - 521 tǔ fěi f /bandit/ 土卫二 土衛二 S - 0 Tǔ wèi èr f /Enceladus (moon of Saturn)/ 土卫六 土衛六 S - 22 tǔ wèi liù f /Titan/Saturn's sixth moon/ 土司 - 2172 tǔ sī f /sliced bread (loanword from "toast")/government-appointed hereditary tribal headman in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties/ 土地 1567 11240 tǔ dì t /land/soil/territory/CL:片[pian4],塊|块[kuai4]/ 土地 1567 11240 tǔ di f /local god/genius loci/ 土地公 - 3 tǔ dì gōng f /Tudi Gong, the God of the earth/ 土地利用規劃 土地利用规划 T - 0 tǔ dì lì yòng guī huà f /land use plan (official P.R.C. government term)/ 土地利用规划 土地利用規劃 S - 0 tǔ dì lì yòng guī huà f /land use plan (official P.R.C. government term)/ 土地改革 - 291 tǔ dì gǎi gé f /land reform/ 土地資源 土地资源 T - 0 tǔ dì zī yuán f /land resources/ 土地资源 土地資源 S - 0 tǔ dì zī yuán f /land resources/ 土坎 - 13 tǔ kǎn f /earthen levee/ 土坎儿 土坎兒 S - 0 tǔ kǎn r f /erhua variant of 土坎[tu3 kan3]/ 土坎兒 土坎儿 T - 0 tǔ kǎn r f /erhua variant of 土坎[tu3 kan3]/ 土坝 土壩 S - 25 tǔ bà f /earth dam/dam of earth and rocks (as opposed to waterproof dam of clay or concrete)/ 土坯 - 90 tǔ pī f /mud brick/adobe/unfired earthenware/ 土埂 - 11 tǔ gěng f /embankment or foothpath between paddy fields/ 土城 - 307 Tǔ chéng f /Tucheng city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 土城市 - 0 Tǔ chéng shì f /Tucheng city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 土堆 - 61 tǔ duī f /mound/ 土壤 4120 3360 tǔ rǎng f /soil/ 土壤学 土壤學 S - 39 tǔ rǎng xué f /pedology (soil study)/ 土壤學 土壤学 T - 39 tǔ rǎng xué f /pedology (soil study)/ 土壩 土坝 T - 25 tǔ bà f /earth dam/dam of earth and rocks (as opposed to waterproof dam of clay or concrete)/ 土头土脑 土頭土腦 S - 8 tǔ tóu tǔ nǎo f /rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated/ 土家族 - 1662 Tǔ jiā zú f /Tujia ethnic group of Hunan/ 土尔其斯坦 土爾其斯坦 S - 0 Tǔ ěr qí sī tǎn f /Turkestan/ 土层 土層 S - 520 tǔ céng f /layer of soil/ground level/ 土層 土层 T - 520 tǔ céng f /layer of soil/ground level/ 土岗 土崗 S - 9 tǔ gǎng f /mound/hillock/ 土崗 土岗 T - 9 tǔ gǎng f /mound/hillock/ 土崩瓦解 - 74 tǔ bēng wǎ jiě f /to collapse/to fall apart/ 土布 - 61 tǔ bù f /homespun cloth/ 土库 土庫 S - 3 Tǔ kù f /Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 土库曼 土庫曼 S - 66 Tǔ kù màn f /Turkmenistan/Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran/ 土库曼人 土庫曼人 S - 0 Tǔ kù màn rén f /Turkmen (person)/ 土库曼斯坦 土庫曼斯坦 S - 96 Tǔ kù màn sī tǎn f /Turkmenistan/ 土库镇 土庫鎮 S - 0 Tǔ kù zhèn f /Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 土庫 土库 T - 3 Tǔ kù f /Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 土庫曼 土库曼 T - 66 Tǔ kù màn f /Turkmenistan/Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran/ 土庫曼人 土库曼人 T - 0 Tǔ kù màn rén f /Turkmen (person)/ 土庫曼斯坦 土库曼斯坦 T - 96 Tǔ kù màn sī tǎn f /Turkmenistan/ 土庫鎮 土库镇 T - 0 Tǔ kù zhèn f /Tuku town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 土建 - 41 tǔ jiàn f /civil engineering/same as 土木工程[tu3 mu4 gong1 cheng2]/ 土得掉渣 - 0 tǔ de diào zhā f /(coll.) rustic/uncouth/ 土拉弗氏菌 - 0 tǔ lā fú shì jūn f /Francisella tularensis/ 土拨鼠 土撥鼠 S - 11 tǔ bō shǔ f /groundhog/ 土撥鼠 土拨鼠 T - 11 tǔ bō shǔ f /groundhog/ 土改 - 236 tǔ gǎi f /land reform/same as 土地改革[tu3 di4 gai3 ge2]/ 土政策 - 20 tǔ zhèng cè f /local policy/regional regulations/ 土族 - 308 Tǔ zú f /Tu or White Mongol ethnic group of Qinghai/ 土星 - 141 Tǔ xīng f /Saturn (planet)/ 土曜日 - 0 Tǔ yào rì f /Saturday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)/ 土木 - 237 tǔ mù f /building/construction/civil engineering/ 土木工程 - 145 tǔ mù gōng chéng f /civil engineering/ 土木形骸 - 3 tǔ mù xíng hái f /earth and wood framework (idiom); plain and undecorated body/ 土木身 - 0 tǔ mù shēn f /one's body as wood and earth/undecorated/unvarnished (truth)/ 土桑 - 0 Tǔ sāng f /Tucson (city in Arizona)/ 土楼 土樓 S - 20 tǔ lóu f /traditional communal residence, usually of circular shape, found in Fujian province/ 土樓 土楼 T - 20 tǔ lóu f /traditional communal residence, usually of circular shape, found in Fujian province/ 土气 土氣 S - 38 tǔ qì f /rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated/ 土氣 土气 T - 38 tǔ qì f /rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated/ 土法 - 18 tǔ fǎ f /traditional method/ 土洋並舉 土洋并举 T - 3 tǔ yáng bìng jǔ f /combining native and foreign methods/ 土洋并举 土洋並舉 S - 3 tǔ yáng bìng jǔ f /combining native and foreign methods/ 土洋結合 土洋结合 T - 4 tǔ yáng jié hé f /combining native and foreign methods (idiom); sophisticated and many-sided/ 土洋结合 土洋結合 S - 4 tǔ yáng jié hé f /combining native and foreign methods (idiom); sophisticated and many-sided/ 土温 土溫 S - 11 tǔ wēn f /temperature of the soil/ 土溫 土温 T - 11 tǔ wēn f /temperature of the soil/ 土炕 - 102 tǔ kàng f /heated brick common bed/ 土爾其斯坦 土尔其斯坦 T - 0 Tǔ ěr qí sī tǎn f /Turkestan/ 土牛 - 3 tǔ niú f /clay ox/mound of earth on a dike (ready for emergency repairs)/ 土牛木馬 土牛木马 T - 3 tǔ niú mù mǎ f /clay ox, wooden horse (idiom); shape without substance/worthless object/ 土牛木马 土牛木馬 S - 3 tǔ niú mù mǎ f /clay ox, wooden horse (idiom); shape without substance/worthless object/ 土特产 土特產 S - 591 tǔ tè chǎn f /local specialty/ 土特產 土特产 T - 591 tǔ tè chǎn f /local specialty/ 土狗 - 8 tǔ gǒu f /native dog/mole cricket (colloquial word for agricultural pest Gryllotalpa 螻蛄|蝼蛄[lou2 gu1])/ 土狼 - 0 tǔ láng f /aardwolf (Proteles cristatus), a small insectivorous relative of the hyena/ 土猪 土豬 S - 0 tǔ zhū f /aardvark/ 土生土長 土生土长 T - 71 tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng f /locally born and bred/indigenous/home-grown/ 土生土长 土生土長 S - 71 tǔ shēng tǔ zhǎng f /locally born and bred/indigenous/home-grown/ 土產 土产 T - 75 tǔ chǎn f /produced locally/local product (with distinctive native features)/ 土皇帝 - 11 tǔ huáng dì f /local tyrant/ 土石流 - 0 tǔ shí liú f /(Tw) debris flow/mudslide/ 土神 - 0 tǔ shén f /earth God/ 土穀祠 土谷祠 T - 3 tǔ gǔ cí f /local monastery/ 土窑 土窯 S - 34 tǔ yáo f /earthen kiln/loess cave/ 土窯 土窑 T - 34 tǔ yáo f /earthen kiln/loess cave/ 土老帽 - 2 tǔ lǎo mào f /hillbilly/yokel/redneck/bumpkin/ 土耳其 - 1180 Tǔ ěr qí f /Turkey/ 土耳其人 - 262 Tǔ ěr qí rén f /a Turk/Turkish person/ 土耳其旋轉烤肉 土耳其旋转烤肉 T - 0 Tǔ ěr qí xuán zhuǎn kǎo ròu f /Turkish döner kebab/ 土耳其旋转烤肉 土耳其旋轉烤肉 S - 0 Tǔ ěr qí xuán zhuǎn kǎo ròu f /Turkish döner kebab/ 土耳其玉 - 0 Tǔ ěr qí yù f /turquoise (gemstone) (loanword)/ 土耳其石 - 0 Tǔ ěr qí shí f /turquoise (gemstone) (loanword)/ 土耳其語 土耳其语 T - 39 Tǔ ěr qí yǔ f /Turkish (language)/ 土耳其语 土耳其語 S - 39 Tǔ ěr qí yǔ f /Turkish (language)/ 土耳其軟糖 土耳其软糖 T - 0 Tǔ ěr qí ruǎn táng f /Turkish delight/Lokum/ 土耳其软糖 土耳其軟糖 S - 0 Tǔ ěr qí ruǎn táng f /Turkish delight/Lokum/ 土茴香 - 0 tǔ huí xiāng f /dill seed/ 土著 - 441 tǔ zhù f /aboriginal/ 土著人 - 36 tǔ zhù rén f /indigenous person/aboriginal/ 土葬 - 129 tǔ zàng f /burial (in earth)/ 土衛二 土卫二 T - 0 Tǔ wèi èr f /Enceladus (moon of Saturn)/ 土衛六 土卫六 T - 22 tǔ wèi liù f /Titan/Saturn's sixth moon/ 土裡土氣 土里土气 T - 5 tǔ lǐ tǔ qì f /unsophisticated/rustic/uncouth/ 土製 土制 T - 9 tǔ zhì f /locally manufactured/ 土話 土话 T - 30 tǔ huà f /vernacular/slang/dialect/patois/ 土語 土语 T - 28 tǔ yǔ f /dialect/patois/ 土话 土話 S - 30 tǔ huà f /vernacular/slang/dialect/patois/ 土语 土語 S - 28 tǔ yǔ f /dialect/patois/ 土谷祠 土穀祠 S - 3 tǔ gǔ cí f /local monastery/ 土豆 1978 493 tǔ dòu f /potato/CL:個|个[ge4]/(Tw) peanut/CL:顆|颗[ke1]/ 土豆丝 土豆絲 S - 8 tǔ dòu sī f /julienned potato/ 土豆泥 - 3 tǔ dòu ní f /mashed potato/ 土豆絲 土豆丝 T - 8 tǔ dòu sī f /julienned potato/ 土豆網 土豆网 T - 3 Tǔ dòu Wǎng f /Tudou, a Chinese video-sharing website/ 土豆网 土豆網 S - 3 Tǔ dòu Wǎng f /Tudou, a Chinese video-sharing website/ 土豚 - 6 tǔ tún f /aardvark/ 土豪 - 105 tǔ háo f /local tyrant/local strong man/(slang) nouveau riche/ 土豪劣紳 土豪劣绅 T - 61 tǔ háo liè shēn f /local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local mafia/ 土豪劣绅 土豪劣紳 S - 61 tǔ háo liè shēn f /local bosses, shady gentry (idiom); dominant local mafia/ 土豬 土猪 T - 0 tǔ zhū f /aardvark/ 土財主 土财主 T - 0 tǔ cái zhǔ f /local wealthy landlord/country money-bags/rich provincial/ 土貨 土货 T - 94 tǔ huò f /local produce/ 土财主 土財主 S - 0 tǔ cái zhǔ f /local wealthy landlord/country money-bags/rich provincial/ 土货 土貨 S - 94 tǔ huò f /local produce/ 土路 - 40 tǔ lù f /dirt road/ 土邦 - 22 tǔ bāng f /native state (term used by British Colonial power to refer to independent states of India or Africa)/ 土里土气 土裡土氣 S - 5 tǔ lǐ tǔ qì f /unsophisticated/rustic/uncouth/ 土門 土门 T - 9 Tǔ mén f /Tumen or Bumin Khan (-553), founder of Göktürk khanate/ 土门 土門 S - 9 Tǔ mén f /Tumen or Bumin Khan (-553), founder of Göktürk khanate/ 土阶茅屋 土階茅屋 S - 3 tǔ jiē máo wū f /lit. earthen steps and a small cottage/frugal living conditions (idiom)/ 土阶茅茨 土階茅茨 S - 3 tǔ jiē máo cí f /lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut/frugal living conditions (idiom)/ 土階茅屋 土阶茅屋 T - 3 tǔ jiē máo wū f /lit. earthen steps and a small cottage/frugal living conditions (idiom)/ 土階茅茨 土阶茅茨 T - 3 tǔ jiē máo cí f /lit. earthen steps and a thatched hut/frugal living conditions (idiom)/ 土雞 土鸡 T - 17 tǔ jī f /free-range chicken/ 土頭土腦 土头土脑 T - 8 tǔ tóu tǔ nǎo f /rustic/uncouth/unsophisticated/ 土香 - 0 tǔ xiāng f /see 香附[xiang1 fu4]/ 土魠魚 土魠鱼 T - 0 tǔ tuō yú f /see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]/ 土魠鱼 土魠魚 S - 0 tǔ tuō yú f /see 馬鮫魚|马鲛鱼[ma3 jiao1 yu2]/ 土鯪魚 土鲮鱼 T - 2 tǔ líng yú f /see 鯪|鲮[ling2]/ 土鱉 土鳖 T - 5 tǔ biē f /ground beetle/(dialect) country bumpkin/ 土鲮鱼 土鯪魚 S - 2 tǔ líng yú f /see 鯪|鲮[ling2]/ 土鳖 土鱉 S - 5 tǔ biē f /ground beetle/(dialect) country bumpkin/ 土鸡 土雞 S - 17 tǔ jī f /free-range chicken/ 土默特右旗 - 5 Tǔ mò tè yòu qí f /Tumed right banner, Mongolian Tümed baruun khoshuu, in Baotou 包頭|包头[Bao1 tou2], Inner Mongolia/ 土默特左旗 - 2 Tǔ mò tè zuǒ qí f /Tumed left banner, Mongolian Tümed züün khoshuu, in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 圣 聖 S - 3999 shèng f /holy/sacred/saint/sage/ 圣上 聖上 S - 243 shèng shàng f /courtier's or minister's form of address for the current Emperor/ 圣乔治 聖喬治 S - 31 shèng Qiáo zhì f /St George/ 圣事 聖事 S - 0 shèng shì f /Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. Catholic)/also called 聖禮|圣礼 by Protestants/ 圣人 聖人 S - 555 shèng rén f /saint/sage/refers to Confucius 孔子[Kong3 zi3]/the current reigning Emperor/ 圣代 聖代 S - 3 shèng dài f /sundae (ice cream dessert with toppings) (loanword)/ 圣伯多禄大殿 聖伯多祿大殿 S - 0 Shèng Bó duō lù Dà diàn f /St Peter's Basilica, Vatican City/ 圣但尼 聖但尼 S - 3 Shèng dàn ní f /St Denis or St Dennis/ 圣体 聖體 S - 37 shèng tǐ f /the Emperor's body/Jesus' body/communion wafer (in Christian mass)/ 圣体节 聖體節 S - 0 Shèng tǐ jié f /Corpus Christi (Catholic festival on second Thursday after Whit Sunday)/ 圣体血 聖體血 S - 0 shèng tǐ xuè f /the body and blood of Christ/Holy communion/ 圣佛明节 聖佛明節 S - 0 Shèng fó míng jié f /Fiesta de Saint Fermin, festival held annually in Pamplona, Spain/ 圣保罗 聖保羅 S - 139 Shèng bǎo luó f /St Paul/São Paulo, city in Brazil/ 圣像 聖像 S - 82 shèng xiàng f /icon/iconic/religious image/figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary etc)/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 圣僧 聖僧 S - 154 shèng sēng f /senior monk/ 圣克鲁斯 聖克魯斯 S - 20 Shèng Kè lǔ sī f /Santa Cruz/ 圣克鲁斯岛 聖克魯斯島 S - 0 Shèng Kè lǔ sī Dǎo f /Santa Cruz Island, off the California coast/ 圣典 聖典 S - 3 shèng diǎn f /sacred writing/canon/ 圣凯瑟琳 聖凱瑟琳 S - 2 Shèng Kǎi sè lín f /Saint Catherine/ 圣劳伦斯河 聖勞倫斯河 S - 0 Shèng Láo lún sī Hé f /St Lawrence River, Canada/ 圣化 聖化 S - 0 shèng huà f /sanctify/sanctification/consecrate/ 圣卢西亚 聖盧西亞 S - 36 Shèng Lú xī yà f /Saint Lucia/ 圣卢西亚岛 聖盧西亞島 S - 0 Shèng Lú xī yà Dǎo f /Saint Lucia/ 圣君 聖君 S - 40 shèng jūn f /sage/ 圣哈辛托 聖哈辛托 S - 0 Shèng hā xīn tuō f /San Jacinto/ 圣哉经 聖哉經 S - 0 shèng zāi jīng f /Sanctus (section of Catholic mass)/ 圣哲 聖哲 S - 5 shèng zhé f /sage/ 圣地 聖地 S - 723 shèng dì f /holy land (of a religion)/sacred place/shrine/holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecca etc)/center of historic interest/ 圣地亚哥 聖地亞哥 S - 144 Shèng dì yà gē f /Santiago, capital of Chile/San Diego, California/ 圣地牙哥 聖地牙哥 S - 3 Shèng dì yá gē f /(Tw) San Diego, California/Santiago, capital of Chile/ 圣城 聖城 S - 33 shèng chéng f /Holy City/ 圣基茨和尼维斯 聖基茨和尼維斯 S - 0 Shèng jī cí hé Ní wéi sī f /Saint Kitts and Nevis/ 圣塔伦 聖塔倫 S - 0 Shèng tǎ lún f /Santarém (Portugal)/Santarém (Brazil)/ 圣多明各 聖多明各 S - 28 Shèng Duō míng gè f /San Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic/ 圣多明哥 聖多明哥 S - 0 Shèng Duō míng gē f /Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican Republic (Tw)/ 圣多美 聖多美 S - 19 Shèng Duō měi f /Sao Tome, capital of Sao Tome and Principe/ 圣多美和普林西比 聖多美和普林西比 S - 28 Shèng duō měi hé Pǔ lín xī bǐ f /São Tomé and Príncipe/ 圣大非 聖大非 S - 0 Shèng Dà fēi f /Santa Fe/ 圣奥古斯丁 聖奧古斯丁 S - 0 Shèng Aò gǔ sī dīng f /St Augustine/Aurelius Augustinus (354-430), theologian and Christian philosopher/Sankt Augustin, suburb of Beuel, Bonn, Germany/ 圣女果 聖女果 S - 0 shèng nǚ guǒ f /cherry tomato/ 圣女贞德 聖女貞德 S - 0 Shèng nǚ Zhēn dé f /Joan of Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English/ 圣婴 聖嬰 S - 14 Shèng Yīng f /El Niño (meteorology)/Holy Infant (cf biblical nativity story)/ 圣子 聖子 S - 25 Shèng zǐ f /Holy Son/Jesus Christ/God the Son (in the Christian Trinity)/ 圣安东尼奥 聖安東尼奧 S - 69 Shèng An dōng ní ào f /San Antonio, Texas/ 圣安地列斯断层 聖安地列斯斷層 S - 0 Shèng ān de liè sī Duàn céng f /San Andreas Fault, California/also written 聖安德列斯斷層|圣安德列斯断层/ 圣安多尼堂区 聖安多尼堂區 S - 0 Shèng An duō ní táng qū f /St Anthony Parish (Macau)/Freguesia de Santo António/ 圣安德列斯断层 聖安德列斯斷層 S - 0 Shèng ān dé liè sī Duàn céng f /San Andreas Fault, California/ 圣安德鲁 聖安德魯 S - 3 shèng An dé lǔ f /St Andrew/ 圣帕特里克 聖帕特里克 S - 7 Shèng Pà tè lǐ kè f /Saint Patrick/ 圣庙 聖廟 S - 16 shèng miào f /shrine to a sage (esp. Confucius)/ 圣彼得 聖彼得 S - 18 Shèng Bǐ dé f /Saint Peter/ 圣彼得堡 聖彼得堡 S - 339 Shèng Bǐ dé bǎo f /Saint Petersburg (city in Russia)/ 圣徒 聖徒 S - 54 shèng tú f /saint/ 圣德克旭贝里 聖德克旭貝里 S - 0 Shèng dé kè xù bèi lǐ f /(Antoine de) Saint-Exupéry/ 圣德太子 聖德太子 S - 0 Shèng dé Tài zǐ f /Prince Shōtoku Taiji (574-621), major Japanese statesman and reformer of the Asuka period 飛鳥時代|飞鸟时代[Fei1 niao3 Shi2 dai4], proponent of state Buddhism, portrayed as Buddhist saint/ 圣心 聖心 S - 41 shèng xīn f /Sacred Heart (Christian)/ 圣心节 聖心節 S - 0 shèng xīn jié f /Feast of the Sacred Heart/ 圣战 聖戰 S - 50 shèng zhàn f /Holy war/jihad/ 圣手 聖手 S - 60 shèng shǒu f /divine physician/sage doctor/highly skilled practitioner/ 圣文森及格瑞那丁 聖文森及格瑞那丁 S - 0 Shèng Wén sēn jí Gé ruì nà dīng f /Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (Tw)/ 圣文森和格林纳丁 聖文森和格林納丁 S - 0 Shèng Wén sēn hé Gé lín nà dīng f /St Vincent and Grenadines, Caribbean island in Lesser Antilles/ 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 聖文森特和格林納丁斯 S - 0 Shèng wén sēn tè hé Gé lín nà dīng sī f /Saint Vincent and the Grenadines/ 圣旨 聖旨 S - 679 shèng zhǐ f /imperial edict/ 圣明 聖明 S - 130 shèng míng f /enlightened sage/brilliant master (flattering words applied to ruler)/ 圣朝 聖朝 S - 0 shèng cháo f /the current imperial dynasty/one's own court/ 圣杯 聖杯 S - 3 shèng bēi f /Holy Grail/ 圣歌 聖歌 S - 10 shèng gē f /hymn/ 圣殿 聖殿 S - 80 shèng diàn f /temple/ 圣母 聖母 S - 517 Shèng mǔ f /Holy Mother/goddess/the Virgin Mary/ 圣母升天节 聖母升天節 S - 0 Shèng mǔ shēng tiān jié f /Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian festival on 15th August)/ 圣母峰 聖母峰 S - 0 Shèng mǔ fēng f /Goddess peak (Nepalese: Sagarmatha, Sky Goddess)/refers to Mt Chomolungma or Qomolangma (Tibetan), Chinese 珠穆朗瑪峰|珠穆朗玛峰/Mt Everest/ 圣母教堂 聖母教堂 S - 0 shèng mǔ jiào táng f /Church of Our Lady/Frauenkirche/ 圣母玛利亚 聖母瑪利亞 S - 0 Shèng mǔ Mǎ lì yà f /Mary (mother of Jesus)/ 圣水 聖水 S - 578 shèng shuǐ f /holy water/ 圣洁 聖潔 S - 95 shèng jié f /pure and holy/ 圣洗 聖洗 S - 0 shèng xǐ f /baptism (Christian ceremony)/ 圣涡 聖渦 S - 0 shèng wō f /dimples of Venus/back dimples/ 圣潘克勒斯站 聖潘克勒斯站 S - 0 shèng Pān kè lēi sī zhàn f /Saint Pancras (London railway station)/ 圣火 聖火 S - 219 shèng huǒ f /sacred fire/Olympic flame/ 圣灰瞻礼日 聖灰瞻禮日 S - 0 Shèng huī zhān lǐ rì f /Ash Wednesday/ 圣灰节 聖灰節 S - 0 shèng huī jié f /Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent)/ 圣灵 聖靈 S - 53 Shèng líng f /Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit/ 圣灵降临 聖靈降臨 S - 0 Shèng líng jiàng lín f /Pentecost/ 圣烛节 聖燭節 S - 0 Shèng zhú jié f /Candlemas (Christian Festival on 2nd February)/ 圣父 聖父 S - 17 Shèng Fù f /Holy Father/God the Father (in the Christian Trinity)/ 圣王 聖王 S - 25 shèng wáng f /sage ruler/ 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 聖皮埃爾和密克隆 S - 0 Shèng Pí āi ěr hé Mì kè lóng f /Saint-Pierre and Miquelon/ 圣盘 聖盤 S - 0 shèng pán f /Holy Grail/ 圣礼 聖禮 S - 3 shèng lǐ f /Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. Protestant)/also called 聖事|圣事 by Catholics/ 圣祖 聖祖 S - 0 shèng zǔ f /divine ancester/patron saint/ 圣神 聖神 S - 0 Shèng shén f /feudal term of praise for ruler, king or emperor/general term for saint in former times/term for God during the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom 太平天國|太平天国/Holy Spirit (in Christian Trinity)/ 圣神降临 聖神降臨 S - 0 Shèng shén jiàng lín f /Whit Sunday (Christian Festival celebrating the Holy Spirit)/ 圣神降临周 聖神降臨週 S - 0 Shèng shén jiàng lín zhōu f /Whitsuntide/ 圣索非亚 聖索非亞 S - 0 Shèng Suǒ fēi yà f /Hagia Sophia (Greek: Holy wisdom)/ 圣索非亚大教堂 聖索非亞大教堂 S - 0 Shèng Suǒ fēi yà dà jiào táng f /Hagia Sophia (the main cathedral of Constantinople, subsequently the major mosque of Istanbul)/ 圣约 聖約 S - 3 shèng yuē f /covenant/ 圣约瑟夫 聖約瑟夫 S - 0 Shèng Yuē sè fū f /Saint Joseph/ 圣约翰 聖約翰 S - 65 Shèng Yuē hàn f /Saint John/ 圣约翰斯 聖約翰斯 S - 0 Shèng Yuē hàn sī f /St John's, capital of Labrador and Newfoundland province, Canada/ 圣纳帕 聖納帕 S - 0 Shèng nà pà f /Agia Napa, Cyprus/Ayia Napa, Cyprus/ 圣经 聖經 S - 438 Shèng jīng f /Holy Bible/the Confucian classics/CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]/ 圣经典故 聖經典故 S - 0 shèng jīng diǎn gù f /biblical classic/ 圣经外传 聖經外傳 S - 0 Shèng jīng Wài zhuàn f /Apocrypha/biography external to the classics/ 圣经段落 聖經段落 S - 0 shèng jīng duàn luò f /Bible passage/ 圣经贤传 聖經賢傳 S - 3 shèng jīng xián zhuàn f /lit. holy scripture and biography of sage (idiom); refers to Confucian canonical texts/ 圣者 聖者 S - 21 shèng zhě f /holy one/saint/ 圣职 聖職 S - 14 shèng zhí f /priesthood/ 圣胎 聖胎 S - 0 shèng tāi f /immortal body (of born again Daoist)/ 圣胡安 聖胡安 S - 28 Shèng Hú ān f /San Juan, capital of Puerto Rico/ 圣药 聖藥 S - 10 shèng yào f /panacea/ 圣荷西 聖荷西 S - 0 Shèng Hé xī f /San Jose/ 圣菲 聖菲 S - 6 Shèng Fēi f /Santa Fe/ 圣萨尔瓦多 聖薩爾瓦多 S - 20 Shèng Sà ěr wǎ duō f /San Salvador, capital of El Salvador/ 圣训 聖訓 S - 117 shèng xùn f /sage's instructions/imperial edict/ 圣诗 聖詩 S - 3 shèng shī f /hymn/ 圣诞 聖誕 S - 165 Shèng dàn f /Christmas/birthday of reigning Emperor/Confucius' birthday/ 圣诞前夕 聖誕前夕 S - 0 Shèng dàn qián xī f /Christmas eve/ 圣诞卡 聖誕卡 S - 7 Shèng dàn kǎ f /Christmas card/ 圣诞岛 聖誕島 S - 3 Shèng dàn Dǎo f /Christmas Island, Australia/ 圣诞快乐 聖誕快樂 S - 3 Shèng dàn kuài lè f /Merry Christmas/ 圣诞树 聖誕樹 S - 27 Shèng dàn shù f /Christmas tree/ 圣诞红 聖誕紅 S - 3 shèng dàn hóng f /poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)/ 圣诞老人 聖誕老人 S - 25 Shèng dàn Lǎo rén f /Father Christmas/Santa Claus/ 圣诞节 聖誕節 S - 166 Shèng dàn jié f /Christmas time/Christmas season/Christmas/ 圣诞花 聖誕花 S - 0 shèng dàn huā f /poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)/ 圣诞颂 聖誕頌 S - 0 Shèng dàn Sòng f /A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens/ 圣谕 聖諭 S - 66 shèng yù f /imperial edict/see also 上諭|上谕[shang4 yu4]/ 圣贤 聖賢 S - 205 shèng xián f /a sage/wise and holy man/virtuous ruler/Buddhist lama/wine/ 圣贤书 聖賢書 S - 3 shèng xián shū f /holy book/ 圣贤孔子鸟 聖賢孔子鳥 S - 0 shèng xián Kǒng zǐ niǎo f /Confuciusornis sanctus (Jurassic fossil bird)/ 圣赫勒拿 聖赫勒拿 S - 0 Shèng hè lēi ná f /St Helena/ 圣赫勒拿岛 聖赫勒拿島 S - 21 Shèng Hè lè ná Dǎo f /Saint Helena/ 圣路易斯 聖路易斯 S - 38 Shèng lù yì sī f /St Louis, large city in eastern Missouri/ 圣躬 聖躬 S - 0 shèng gōng f /the Emperor's body/Holy body/the current reigning Emperor/ 圣迹 聖跡 S - 9 shèng jì f /Holy relic/miracle/ 圣雄 聖雄 S - 3 shèng xióng f /sage hero/refers to Mahatma Gandhi/ 圣露西亚 聖露西亞 S - 0 Shèng Lù xī yà f /Saint Lucia (Tw)/ 圣餐 聖餐 S - 33 shèng cān f /Holy communion (of the Christian mass)/sacrament/ 圣餐台 聖餐檯 S - 0 shèng cān tái f /(Christian) altar/ 圣马利诺 聖馬利諾 S - 0 Shèng Mǎ lì nuò f /San Marino (Tw)/ 圣马力诺 聖馬力諾 S - 65 Shèng mǎ lì nuò f /San Marino/ 圣马洛 聖馬洛 S - 3 Shèng Mǎ luò f /St Malo, town in Normandy/ 圧 - 3 yā f /Japanese variant of 壓|压/ 在 6 727915 zài f /(located) at/(to be) in/to exist/in the middle of doing sth/(indicating an action in progress)/ 在一起 - 0 zài yī qǐ f /together/ 在下 - 0 zài xià f /under/myself (humble)/ 在下方 - 0 zài xià fāng f /beneath/ 在下面 - 0 zài xià miàn f /underneath/ 在世 - 140 zài shì f /to be alive/ 在乎 1426 302 zài hu f /to care about/equivalent of 在於|在于[zai4 yu2]/ 在于 在於 S 1553 5141 zài yú f /to be in/to lie in/to consist in/to depend on/to rest with/ 在位 - 724 zài wèi f /on the throne/reigning (monarch)/ 在位时代 在位時代 S - 0 zài wèi shí dài f /reign (of a king, emperor etc)/ 在位時代 在位时代 T - 0 zài wèi shí dài f /reign (of a king, emperor etc)/ 在來米 在来米 T - 3 zài lái mǐ f /long-grained non-glutinous rice (Tw)/ 在先 - 0 zài xiān f /to come first/previous/prior/beforehand/first/formerly/ 在內 在内 T - 2328 zài nèi f /(included) in it/among them/ 在其中 - 0 zài qí zhōng f /therein/wherein/ 在内 在內 S - 2328 zài nèi f /(included) in it/among them/ 在前 - 0 zài qián f /ahead/formerly/in the past/ 在华 在華 S - 0 zài Huá f /within China/during one's visit to China/ 在即 - 0 zài jí f /near at hand/imminent/within sight/ 在后 在後 S - 0 zài hòu f /behind/ 在地 - 0 zài dì f /local/ 在地下 - 0 zài dì xià f /underground/ 在场 在場 S - 1089 zài chǎng f /to be present/to be on the scene/ 在場 在场 T - 1089 zài chǎng f /to be present/to be on the scene/ 在外 - 1157 zài wài f /outer/ 在天之灵 在天之靈 S - 97 zài tiān zhī líng f /soul and spirit of the deceased/ 在天之靈 在天之灵 T - 97 zài tiān zhī líng f /soul and spirit of the deceased/ 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿做连理枝 在天願做比翼鳥,在地願做連理枝 S - 0 zài tiān yuàn zuò bǐ yì niǎo , zài dì yuàn zuò lián lǐ zhī f /In the sky to be two birds flying wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined/wishing for conjugal bliss/ 在天願做比翼鳥,在地願做連理枝 在天愿做比翼鸟,在地愿做连理枝 T - 0 zài tiān yuàn zuò bǐ yì niǎo , zài dì yuàn zuò lián lǐ zhī f /In the sky to be two birds flying wing to wing, on earth to be two trees with branches intertwined/wishing for conjugal bliss/ 在室內 在室内 T - 0 zài shì nèi f /indoors/ 在室内 在室內 S - 0 zài shì nèi f /indoors/ 在家千日好,出門一時難 在家千日好,出门一时难 T - 0 zài jiā qiān rì hǎo , chū mén yī shí nán f /lit. at home, one can spend a thousand days in comfort, but spending a day away from home can be challenging (idiom)/fig. there's no place like home/ 在家千日好,出门一时难 在家千日好,出門一時難 S - 0 zài jiā qiān rì hǎo , chū mén yī shí nán f /lit. at home, one can spend a thousand days in comfort, but spending a day away from home can be challenging (idiom)/fig. there's no place like home/ 在家靠父母,出外靠朋友 - 0 zài jiā kào fù mǔ , chū wài kào péng you f /one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)/ 在家靠父母,出門靠朋友 在家靠父母,出门靠朋友 T - 0 zài jiā kào fù mǔ , chū mén kào péng you f /one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)/ 在家靠父母,出门靠朋友 在家靠父母,出門靠朋友 S - 0 zài jiā kào fù mǔ , chū mén kào péng you f /one depends on one's parents when at home, and on one's friends when away from home (idiom)/ 在座 - 406 zài zuò f /to be present/ 在後 在后 T - 0 zài hòu f /behind/ 在意 2785 367 zài yì f /to care about/to mind/ 在我看 - 0 zài wǒ kàn f /in my opinion/in my view/ 在戶外 在户外 T - 0 zài hù wài f /outdoors/ 在户外 在戶外 S - 0 zài hù wài f /outdoors/ 在所不計 在所不计 T - 8 zài suǒ bù jì f /irrespective of/to have no concerns whatsoever about/ 在所不计 在所不計 S - 8 zài suǒ bù jì f /irrespective of/to have no concerns whatsoever about/ 在所不辞 在所不辭 S - 45 zài suǒ bù cí f /not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesitate to/ 在所不辭 在所不辞 T - 45 zài suǒ bù cí f /not to refuse to (idiom)/not to hesitate to/ 在所难免 在所難免 S - 85 zài suǒ nán miǎn f /to be unavoidable (idiom)/ 在所難免 在所难免 T - 85 zài suǒ nán miǎn f /to be unavoidable (idiom)/ 在握 - 30 zài wò f /(fig.) to hold in one's hands/to be within grasp/ 在教 - 0 zài jiào f /to be a believer (in a religion, esp. Islam)/ 在於 在于 T 1553 5141 zài yú f /to be in/to lie in/to consist in/to depend on/to rest with/ 在旁 - 0 zài páng f /alongside/nearby/ 在朝 - 0 zài cháo f /sitting (currently serving, e.g. board members)/ 在来米 在來米 S - 3 zài lái mǐ f /long-grained non-glutinous rice (Tw)/ 在枪口 在槍口 S - 0 zài qiāng kǒu f /at gunpoint/ 在槍口 在枪口 T - 0 zài qiāng kǒu f /at gunpoint/ 在此 - 0 zài cǐ f /hereto/here/ 在此之前 - 3 zài cǐ zhī qián f /before that/beforehand/previously/ 在此之后 在此之後 S - 3 zài cǐ zhī hòu f /after this/afterwards/next/ 在此之後 在此之后 T - 3 zài cǐ zhī hòu f /after this/afterwards/next/ 在此之际 在此之際 S - 0 zài cǐ zhī jì f /meanwhile/at the same time/ 在此之際 在此之际 T - 0 zài cǐ zhī jì f /meanwhile/at the same time/ 在此后 在此後 S - 0 zài cǐ hòu f /after this/from then on/ 在此後 在此后 T - 0 zài cǐ hòu f /after this/from then on/ 在深处 在深處 S - 0 zài shēn chù f /deeply/ 在深處 在深处 T - 0 zài shēn chù f /deeply/ 在理 - 0 zài lǐ f /reasonable/sensible/ 在真空中 - 0 zài zhēn kōng zhōng f /in a vacuum/ 在眼前 - 0 zài yǎn qián f /now/at the present/ 在線 在线 T - 1082 zài xiàn f /online/ 在編 在编 T - 43 zài biān f /to be on the regular payroll/to be on the permanent staff/ 在线 在線 S - 1082 zài xiàn f /online/ 在编 在編 S - 43 zài biān f /to be on the regular payroll/to be on the permanent staff/ 在职 在職 S - 621 zài zhí f /to be employed/to be in post/on-the-job/ 在职训练 在職訓練 S - 3 zài zhí xùn liàn f /on-the-job training/ 在職 在职 T - 621 zài zhí f /to be employed/to be in post/on-the-job/ 在職訓練 在职训练 T - 3 zài zhí xùn liàn f /on-the-job training/ 在華 在华 T - 0 zài Huá f /within China/during one's visit to China/ 在行 - 0 zài háng f /to be adept at sth/to be an expert in a trade or profession/ 在訴訟期間 在诉讼期间 T - 0 zài sù sòng qī jiān f /pendente lite/during litigation/ 在诉讼期间 在訴訟期間 S - 0 zài sù sòng qī jiān f /pendente lite/during litigation/ 在身 - 0 zài shēn f /to possess/to be occupied or burdened with (work, a contract, a lawsuit)/ 在这之前 在這之前 S - 0 zài zhè zhī qián f /before then/up until that point/ 在这期间 在這期間 S - 0 zài zhè qī jiān f /during time/in this time/ 在逃 - 0 zài táo f /to be at large (of a criminal)/ 在途 - 0 zài tú f /in transit (of passengers, goods etc)/ 在這之前 在这之前 T - 0 zài zhè zhī qián f /before then/up until that point/ 在這期間 在这期间 T - 0 zài zhè qī jiān f /during time/in this time/ 在那儿 在那兒 S - 0 zài na r f /(adverbial expression indicating that the attention of the subject of the verb is focused on what they are doing, not distracted by anything else)/just ...ing (and nothing else)/ 在那兒 在那儿 T - 0 zài na r f /(adverbial expression indicating that the attention of the subject of the verb is focused on what they are doing, not distracted by anything else)/just ...ing (and nothing else)/ 在野 - 88 zài yě f /to be out of (political) office/to be out of power/ 在野党 在野黨 S - 86 zài yě dǎng f /opposition party/ 在野黨 在野党 T - 86 zài yě dǎng f /opposition party/ 在高处 在高處 S - 0 zài gāo chù f /aloft/ 在高處 在高处 T - 0 zài gāo chù f /aloft/ 圩 - 199 wéi t /dike/ 圩 - 199 xū f /(dialect) country fair/country market/ 圪 - 156 gē f /(phonetic)/ 圪垯 - 0 gē da f /lump/pimple/mound/same as 疙瘩/ 圬 - 4 wū f /to plaster/whitewash/ 圭 - 802 guī f /jade tablet/