把风 把風 S - 24 bǎ fēng f /to keep watch (during a clandestine activity)/to be on the lookout/ 把馬子 把马子 T - 3 bǎ mǎ zǐ f /to pick up a girl/to get a girl/ 把马子 把馬子 S - 3 bǎ mǎ zǐ f /to pick up a girl/to get a girl/ 抌 - 0 zhěn f /to bale out water, to dip/ 抏 - 0 wán f /to consume/to exhaust/to play/ 抑 - 458 yì f /to restrain/to restrict/to keep down/or/ 抑且 - 0 yì qiě f /(literary) moreover/in addition/ 抑制 - 1745 yì zhì f /to inhibit/to keep down/to suppress/ 抑制作用 - 3 yì zhì zuò yòng f /inhibition/ 抑制剂 抑制劑 S - 101 yì zhì jì f /suppressant/inhibitor/ 抑制劑 抑制剂 T - 101 yì zhì jì f /suppressant/inhibitor/ 抑制酶 - 0 yì zhì méi f /inhibiting enzyme/ 抑塞 - 0 yì sè f /to repress/gloomy/ 抑或 - 255 yì huò f /or/could it be that...?/ 抑扬 抑揚 S - 23 yì yáng f /modulation (rising and falling pitch)/intonation/a cadence/to rise and fall (of a body floating in water)/ 抑扬升降性 抑揚昇降性 S - 0 yì yáng shēng jiàng xìng f /property of rising and lowering/ 抑扬格 抑揚格 S - 0 yì yáng gé f /iambic/ 抑扬顿挫 抑揚頓挫 S - 58 yì yáng dùn cuò f /see 頓挫抑揚|顿挫抑扬[dun4 cuo4 yi4 yang2]/ 抑揚 抑扬 T - 23 yì yáng f /modulation (rising and falling pitch)/intonation/a cadence/to rise and fall (of a body floating in water)/ 抑揚昇降性 抑扬升降性 T - 0 yì yáng shēng jiàng xìng f /property of rising and lowering/ 抑揚格 抑扬格 T - 0 yì yáng gé f /iambic/ 抑揚頓挫 抑扬顿挫 T - 58 yì yáng dùn cuò f /see 頓挫抑揚|顿挫抑扬[dun4 cuo4 yi4 yang2]/ 抑止 - 64 yì zhǐ f /to supress/to restrain/ 抑素 - 0 yì sù f /chalone (protein inhibiting cell proliferation)/ 抑郁 抑鬱 S - 305 yì yù f /depressed/despondent/gloomy/depression/ 抑郁不平 抑鬱不平 S - 0 yì yù bù píng f /in a state of depression (idiom)/ 抑郁症 抑鬱症 S - 126 yì yù zhèng f /clinical depression/ 抑鬱 抑郁 T - 305 yì yù f /depressed/despondent/gloomy/depression/ 抑鬱不平 抑郁不平 T - 0 yì yù bù píng f /in a state of depression (idiom)/ 抑鬱症 抑郁症 T - 126 yì yù zhèng f /clinical depression/ 抒 - 125 shū f /to express/to give expression to/variant of 紓|纾[shu1]/to relieve/ 抒写 抒寫 S - 76 shū xiě f /to express (emotions in prose)/a written description (of emotions)/ 抒发 抒發 S - 219 shū fā f /to express (an emotion)/to give vent/ 抒寫 抒写 T - 76 shū xiě f /to express (emotions in prose)/a written description (of emotions)/ 抒怀 抒懷 S - 20 shū huái f /to express emotion/ 抒情 - 423 shū qíng f /to express emotion/lyric/ 抒情詩 抒情诗 T - 158 shū qíng shī f /lyric poetry/ 抒情诗 抒情詩 S - 158 shū qíng shī f /lyric poetry/ 抒懷 抒怀 T - 20 shū huái f /to express emotion/ 抒發 抒发 T - 219 shū fā f /to express (an emotion)/to give vent/ 抓 1215 6491 zhuā f /to grab/to catch/to arrest/to snatch/to scratch/ 抓举 抓舉 S - 34 zhuā jǔ f /snatch (weightlifting technique)/ 抓伤 抓傷 S - 3 zhuā shāng f /to injure by scratching or clawing/ 抓住 - 4069 zhuā zhù f /to grab/to capture/ 抓傷 抓伤 T - 3 zhuā shāng f /to injure by scratching or clawing/ 抓力 - 0 zhuā lì f /grip/ 抓功夫 - 0 zhuā gōng fu f /to maximize one's time/to catch some time out/to find enough time/(also 抓工夫)/ 抓包 - 0 zhuā bāo f /to catch sb in the act/ 抓去 - 3 zhuā qù f /to arrest and take away/ 抓取 - 28 zhuā qǔ f /to seize/ 抓取程序 - 0 zhuā qǔ chéng xù f /spider or crawler bot (Internet)/ 抓地 - 0 zhuā dì f /grip on the road/roadholding/ 抓地力 - 0 zhuā dì lì f /traction/ 抓奸 抓姦 S - 0 zhuā jiān f /to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)/ 抓姦 抓奸 T - 0 zhuā jiān f /to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)/ 抓嫖 - 0 zhuā piáo f /(of the police) to hunt prostitutes and their clients/ 抓子儿 抓子兒 S - 0 zhuā zǐ r f /kids' game involving throwing and grabbing/ 抓子兒 抓子儿 T - 0 zhuā zǐ r f /kids' game involving throwing and grabbing/ 抓工夫 - 3 zhuā gōng fu f /to maximize one's time/to catch some time out/to find enough time/(also 抓功夫)/ 抓手 - 10 zhuā shǒu f /starting point/mechanical hand/gripper/ 抓拍 - 10 zhuā pāi f /to capture (an image)/to snap (a photo)/ 抓挠 抓撓 S - 40 zhuā nao f /to scratch/to mess about with/to quarrel/to scramble to do/sb or sth that one can rely on/ 抓捕 - 78 zhuā bǔ f /to seize/to capture/ 抓撓 抓挠 T - 40 zhuā nao f /to scratch/to mess about with/to quarrel/to scramble to do/sb or sth that one can rely on/ 抓狂 - 3 zhuā kuáng f /to blow one's top/to be driven mad/to become frantic/ 抓獲 抓获 T - 180 zhuā huò f /to arrest/ 抓痒 抓癢 S - 11 zhuā yǎng f /to scratch an itch/ 抓癢 抓痒 T - 11 zhuā yǎng f /to scratch an itch/ 抓瞎 - 11 zhuā xiā f /to be caught unprepared/ 抓紧 抓緊 S 1740 612 zhuā jǐn f /to grasp firmly/to pay special attention to/to rush in/to make the most of/ 抓紧学习 抓緊學習 S - 0 zhuā jǐn xué xí f /to concentrate on studying hard/ 抓紧时间 抓緊時間 S - 3 zhuā jǐn shí jiān f /to snatch time/to rush/to hurry (up)/to seize the moment/ 抓緊 抓紧 T 1740 612 zhuā jǐn f /to grasp firmly/to pay special attention to/to rush in/to make the most of/ 抓緊學習 抓紧学习 T - 0 zhuā jǐn xué xí f /to concentrate on studying hard/ 抓緊時間 抓紧时间 T - 3 zhuā jǐn shí jiān f /to snatch time/to rush/to hurry (up)/to seize the moment/ 抓耳挠腮 抓耳撓腮 S - 42 zhuā ěr náo sāi f /to tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks (as an expression of anxiety, delight, frustration etc) (idiom)/ 抓耳撓腮 抓耳挠腮 T - 42 zhuā ěr náo sāi f /to tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks (as an expression of anxiety, delight, frustration etc) (idiom)/ 抓舉 抓举 T - 34 zhuā jǔ f /snatch (weightlifting technique)/ 抓药 抓藥 S - 14 zhuā yào f /to make up a prescription (of herbal medicine)/ 抓获 抓獲 S - 180 zhuā huò f /to arrest/ 抓藥 抓药 T - 14 zhuā yào f /to make up a prescription (of herbal medicine)/ 抓賊 抓贼 T - 3 zhuā zéi f /to catch a thief/ 抓贼 抓賊 S - 3 zhuā zéi f /to catch a thief/ 抓走 - 61 zhuā zǒu f /to arrest/ 抓辫子 抓辮子 S - 3 zhuā biàn zi f /to grab sb by the pigtail/to seize on weak points/to exploit the opponent's shortcomings/ 抓辮子 抓辫子 T - 3 zhuā biàn zi f /to grab sb by the pigtail/to seize on weak points/to exploit the opponent's shortcomings/ 抓阄 抓鬮 S - 31 zhuā jiū f /to draw straws/ 抓飯 抓饭 T - 15 zhuā fàn f /pilau/pilaf/a type of food popular among Muslims/ 抓饭 抓飯 S - 15 zhuā fàn f /pilau/pilaf/a type of food popular among Muslims/ 抓鬮 抓阄 T - 31 zhuā jiū f /to draw straws/ 抔 - 6 póu f /take up in both hands/ 投 - 5530 tóu f /to cast/to send/to throw oneself (into the river etc)/to seek refuge/to place oneself into the hands of/ 投中 - 135 tóu zhòng f /to hit the target with one's throw/(basketball) to score/ 投书 投書 S - 19 tóu shū f /to deliver/to send a letter/a letter (of complaint, opinion etc)/ 投井下石 - 3 tóu jǐng xià shí f /to throw stones at sb who fell down a well (idiom); to hit a person who is down/ 投产 投產 S - 993 tóu chǎn f /to put into production/to put into operation/ 投保 - 160 tóu bǎo f /to take out insurance/to insure/ 投保人 - 38 tóu bǎo rén f /policy holder/insured person/ 投保方 - 0 tóu bǎo fāng f /policyholder (insurance)/ 投光灯 投光燈 S - 3 tóu guāng dēng f /floodlight/ 投光燈 投光灯 T - 3 tóu guāng dēng f /floodlight/ 投入 1590 6776 tóu rù f /to throw into/to put into/to throw oneself into/to participate in/to invest in/absorbed/engrossed/ 投其所好 - 57 tóu qí suǒ hào f /to adapt to sb's taste/to fit sb's fancy/ 投军 投軍 S - 3 tóu jūn f /to join up/to enlist (e.g. in the military)/ 投合 - 28 tóu hé f /to agree/to get along well with sb/to go to sb for help or protection/ 投壶 投壺 S - 9 tóu hú f /ancient banquet game of throwing arrows into a pot, the winner determined by the number of arrows thrown in, and the loser required to drink as punishment/ 投壺 投壶 T - 9 tóu hú f /ancient banquet game of throwing arrows into a pot, the winner determined by the number of arrows thrown in, and the loser required to drink as punishment/ 投契 - 26 tóu qì f /to get along well (with sb)/congenial/to speculate (on financial markets)/ 投奔 - 446 tóu bèn f /to seek shelter/to seek asylum/ 投宿 - 92 tóu sù f /to lodge/to stay (for the night)/ 投寄 - 3 tóu jì f /to send by post/ 投射 - 238 tóu shè f /dart/projection/ 投币 投幣 S - 5 tóu bì f /coin-operated/to insert coins/ 投币口 投幣口 S - 3 tóu bì kǒu f /coin slot/ 投师 投師 S - 31 tóu shī f /to join a guru for instruction/ 投師 投师 T - 31 tóu shī f /to join a guru for instruction/ 投幣 投币 T - 5 tóu bì f /coin-operated/to insert coins/ 投幣口 投币口 T - 3 tóu bì kǒu f /coin slot/ 投店 - 0 tóu diàn f /to stop at a hostel/ 投开票所 投開票所 S - 0 tóu kāi piào suǒ f /polling station/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 投弹 投彈 S - 96 tóu dàn f /to throw an explosive charge/to bomb/ 投彈 投弹 T - 96 tóu dàn f /to throw an explosive charge/to bomb/ 投影 - 207 tóu yǐng f /to project/a projection/ 投影中心 - 0 tóu yǐng zhōng xīn f /center of projection/ 投影仪 投影儀 S - 28 tóu yǐng yí f /projector/ 投影儀 投影仪 T - 28 tóu yǐng yí f /projector/ 投影几何 投影幾何 S - 0 tóu yǐng jǐ hé f /projective geometry/same as 射影幾何|射影几何/ 投影几何学 投影幾何學 S - 0 tóu yǐng jǐ hé xué f /projective geometry/same as 射影幾何學|射影几何学/ 投影图 投影圖 S - 8 tóu yǐng tú f /perspective drawing/ 投影圖 投影图 T - 8 tóu yǐng tú f /perspective drawing/ 投影幾何 投影几何 T - 0 tóu yǐng jǐ hé f /projective geometry/same as 射影幾何|射影几何/ 投影幾何學 投影几何学 T - 0 tóu yǐng jǐ hé xué f /projective geometry/same as 射影幾何學|射影几何学/ 投影机 投影機 S - 40 tóu yǐng jī f /projector/ 投影機 投影机 T - 40 tóu yǐng jī f /projector/ 投影線 投影线 T - 0 tóu yǐng xiàn f /line of project/projection line/ 投影线 投影線 S - 0 tóu yǐng xiàn f /line of project/projection line/ 投影面 - 3 tóu yǐng miàn f /plane of projection (in perspective drawing)/ 投怀送抱 投懷送抱 S - 3 tóu huái sòng bào f /to throw oneself in sb's arms/to throw oneself at sb/ 投懷送抱 投怀送抱 T - 3 tóu huái sòng bào f /to throw oneself in sb's arms/to throw oneself at sb/ 投手 - 43 tóu shǒu f /thrower/pitcher/bowler/ 投拍 - 10 tóu pāi f /to start shooting (a film)/to invest in (a movie)/to put (sth) up for auction/ 投掷 投擲 S 4404 277 tóu zhì f /to throw sth a long distance/to hurl/to throw at/to throw (dice etc)/to flip (a coin)/ 投擲 投掷 T 4404 277 tóu zhì f /to throw sth a long distance/to hurl/to throw at/to throw (dice etc)/to flip (a coin)/ 投放 - 477 tóu fàng f /to input/to throw in/to unload/to put into circulation/ 投放市场 投放市場 S - 3 tóu fàng shì chǎng f /to put sth on the market/ 投放市場 投放市场 T - 3 tóu fàng shì chǎng f /to put sth on the market/ 投敌 投敵 S - 95 tóu dí f /to go over to the enemy/to defect/ 投敵 投敌 T - 95 tóu dí f /to go over to the enemy/to defect/ 投書 投书 T - 19 tóu shū f /to deliver/to send a letter/a letter (of complaint, opinion etc)/ 投机 投機 S 4451 598 tóu jī f /to speculate (on financial markets)/opportunistic/congenial/agreeable/ 投机买卖 投機買賣 S - 0 tóu jī mǎi mài f /buying and selling on speculation/ 投机倒把 投機倒把 S - 34 tóu jī dǎo bǎ f /speculation and profiteering (idiom); buying and selling on speculation/ 投机取巧 投機取巧 S - 44 tóu jī qǔ qiǎo f /to seize every opportunity/to be full of tricks/ 投机者 投機者 S - 43 tóu jī zhě f /speculator/ 投杀 投殺 S - 0 tóu shā f /(sports) (cricket) to bowl a batsman out/ 投标 投標 S - 123 tóu biāo f /to bid/to make a tender/ 投桃報李 投桃报李 T - 14 tóu táo bào lǐ f /toss a peach, get back a plum (idiom); to return a favor/to exchange gifts/Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours./ 投桃报李 投桃報李 S - 14 tóu táo bào lǐ f /toss a peach, get back a plum (idiom); to return a favor/to exchange gifts/Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours./ 投案 - 49 tóu àn f /to surrender to the authorities/to turn oneself in (for a crime)/ 投標 投标 T - 123 tóu biāo f /to bid/to make a tender/ 投機 投机 T 4451 598 tóu jī f /to speculate (on financial markets)/opportunistic/congenial/agreeable/ 投機倒把 投机倒把 T - 34 tóu jī dǎo bǎ f /speculation and profiteering (idiom); buying and selling on speculation/ 投機取巧 投机取巧 T - 44 tóu jī qǔ qiǎo f /to seize every opportunity/to be full of tricks/ 投機者 投机者 T - 43 tóu jī zhě f /speculator/ 投機買賣 投机买卖 T - 0 tóu jī mǎi mài f /buying and selling on speculation/ 投殺 投杀 T - 0 tóu shā f /(sports) (cricket) to bowl a batsman out/ 投注 - 101 tóu zhù f /to throw one's energies (into an activity)/to invest one's emotions (in sth)/to bet/betting/ 投环 投環 S - 0 tóu huán f /variant of 投繯|投缳[tou2 huan2]/ 投環 投环 T - 0 tóu huán f /variant of 投繯|投缳[tou2 huan2]/ 投生 - 11 tóu shēng f /reborn (of departed spirit)/to be reincarnated/to leave home for a new life/ 投產 投产 T - 993 tóu chǎn f /to put into production/to put into operation/ 投石問路 投石问路 T - 11 tóu shí wèn lù f /lit. to toss a stone to find out what's ahead (idiom)/fig. to test the waters/ 投石问路 投石問路 S - 11 tóu shí wèn lù f /lit. to toss a stone to find out what's ahead (idiom)/fig. to test the waters/ 投硬币 投硬幣 S - 0 tóu yìng bì f /coin-operated/to insert a coin/ 投硬幣 投硬币 T - 0 tóu yìng bì f /coin-operated/to insert a coin/ 投票 2521 4148 tóu piào f /to vote/vote/ 投票匦 投票匭 S - 0 tóu piào guǐ f /ballot box (Tw)/ 投票匭 投票匦 T - 0 tóu piào guǐ f /ballot box (Tw)/ 投票地点 投票地點 S - 0 tóu piào dì diǎn f /voting place/ 投票地點 投票地点 T - 0 tóu piào dì diǎn f /voting place/ 投票机器 投票機器 S - 0 tóu piào jī qì f /voting machine/ 投票权 投票權 S - 252 tóu piào quán f /suffrage/right to vote/ 投票機器 投票机器 T - 0 tóu piào jī qì f /voting machine/ 投票權 投票权 T - 252 tóu piào quán f /suffrage/right to vote/ 投票率 - 7 tóu piào lǜ f /proportion of vote/turnout in election/ 投票站 - 9 tóu piào zhàn f /polling station (for a vote)/ 投票箱 - 4 tóu piào xiāng f /ballot box/ 投票者 - 8 tóu piào zhě f /voter/ 投稿 - 48 tóu gǎo f /to submit articles for publication/to contribute (writing)/ 投笔从戎 投筆從戎 S - 20 tóu bǐ cóng róng f /to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom)/to join the military (esp. of educated person)/ 投筆從戎 投笔从戎 T - 20 tóu bǐ cóng róng f /to lay down the pen and take up the sword (idiom)/to join the military (esp. of educated person)/ 投篮 投籃 S - 232 tóu lán f /to shoot for the basket (basketball)/ 投篮机 投籃機 S - 0 tóu lán jī f /arcade basketball machine/miniature hoops/ 投籃 投篮 T - 232 tóu lán f /to shoot for the basket (basketball)/ 投籃機 投篮机 T - 0 tóu lán jī f /arcade basketball machine/miniature hoops/ 投緣 投缘 T - 41 tóu yuán f /to be kindred spirits/to hit it off/ 投繯 投缳 T - 0 tóu huán f /to hang oneself/to commit suicide by hanging/ 投繯自縊 投缳自缢 T - 0 tóu huán zì yì f /to hang oneself (idiom)/ 投缘 投緣 S - 41 tóu yuán f /to be kindred spirits/to hit it off/ 投缳 投繯 S - 0 tóu huán f /to hang oneself/to commit suicide by hanging/ 投缳自缢 投繯自縊 S - 0 tóu huán zì yì f /to hang oneself (idiom)/ 投考 - 22 tóu kǎo f /to sign up for an examination/to apply for admission (to a university etc)/to apply (for a position)/ 投胎 - 103 tóu tāi f /to re-enter the womb (of departed spirit)/reincarnation/ 投袂而起 - 17 tóu mèi ér qǐ f /lit. to shake one's sleeves and rise (idiom)/fig. to get excited and move to action/ 投訴 投诉 T 3025 2719 tóu sù f /complaint/to file a complaint/to sue/ 投誠 投诚 T - 103 tóu chéng f /to defect/to surrender/to capitulate/ 投诉 投訴 S 3025 2719 tóu sù f /complaint/to file a complaint/to sue/ 投诚 投誠 S - 103 tóu chéng f /to defect/to surrender/to capitulate/ 投資 投资 T 1577 13943 tóu zī f /investment/to invest/ 投資人 投资人 T - 91 tóu zī rén f /investor/ 投資回報率 投资回报率 T - 0 tóu zī huí bào lǜ f /return on investment (ROI)/ 投資報酬率 投资报酬率 T - 0 tóu zī bào chóu lǜ f /return on investment/rate of return/ 投資家 投资家 T - 0 tóu zī jiā f /investor/ 投資移民 投资移民 T - 0 tóu zī yí mín f /investment immigration/immigrant investor/ 投資者 投资者 T - 2201 tóu zī zhě f /investor/ 投資風險 投资风险 T - 0 tóu zī fēng xiǎn f /investment risk/ 投资 投資 S 1577 13943 tóu zī f /investment/to invest/ 投资人 投資人 S - 91 tóu zī rén f /investor/ 投资回报率 投資回報率 S - 0 tóu zī huí bào lǜ f /return on investment (ROI)/ 投资家 投資家 S - 0 tóu zī jiā f /investor/ 投资报酬率 投資報酬率 S - 0 tóu zī bào chóu lǜ f /return on investment/rate of return/ 投资移民 投資移民 S - 0 tóu zī yí mín f /investment immigration/immigrant investor/ 投资者 投資者 S - 2201 tóu zī zhě f /investor/ 投资风险 投資風險 S - 0 tóu zī fēng xiǎn f /investment risk/ 投身 - 490 tóu shēn f /to throw oneself into sth/ 投軍 投军 T - 3 tóu jūn f /to join up/to enlist (e.g. in the military)/ 投递 投遞 S - 132 tóu dì f /to deliver/ 投递员 投遞員 S - 7 tóu dì yuán f /courier/mailman/ 投遞 投递 T - 132 tóu dì f /to deliver/ 投遞員 投递员 T - 7 tóu dì yuán f /courier/mailman/ 投開票所 投开票所 T - 0 tóu kāi piào suǒ f /polling station/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 投降 2812 3095 tóu xiáng f /to surrender/surrender/ 投靠 - 300 tóu kào f /to rely on help from sb/ 投鞭断流 投鞭斷流 S - 4 tóu biān duàn liú f /arms enough to stem the stream (idiom); formidable army/ 投鞭斷流 投鞭断流 T - 4 tóu biān duàn liú f /arms enough to stem the stream (idiom); formidable army/ 投鼠忌器 - 52 tóu shǔ jì qì f /lit. to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases (idiom)/to not act against an evil so as to prevent harm to innocents/ 抖 - 1455 dǒu f /to tremble/to shake out/to reveal/to make it in the world/ 抖动 抖動 S - 368 dǒu dòng f /to tremble/ 抖動 抖动 T - 368 dǒu dòng f /to tremble/ 抖搂 抖摟 S - 13 dǒu lou f /to shake out/to bring to light/to squander/ 抖摟 抖搂 T - 13 dǒu lou f /to shake out/to bring to light/to squander/ 抖擞 抖擻 S - 42 dǒu sǒu f /to rouse/to invigorate/to enliven/to put sb into high spirits/con brio/ 抖擞精神 抖擻精神 S - 70 dǒu sǒu jīng shén f /to gather one's spirits/to pull oneself together/ 抖擻 抖擞 T - 42 dǒu sǒu f /to rouse/to invigorate/to enliven/to put sb into high spirits/con brio/ 抖擻精神 抖擞精神 T - 70 dǒu sǒu jīng shén f /to gather one's spirits/to pull oneself together/ 抖瑟 - 0 dǒu sè f /to quiver/to shiver/to tremble/ 抖縮 抖缩 T - 0 dǒu suō f /to cower/to tremble/ 抖缩 抖縮 S - 0 dǒu suō f /to cower/to tremble/ 抖落 - 46 dǒu luò f /to shake out/ 抗 - 3426 kàng f /to resist/to fight/to defy/anti-/ 抗争 抗爭 S - 584 kàng zhēng f /to resist/to make a stand and fight (against)/ 抗体 抗體 S - 478 kàng tǐ f /antibody/ 抗倾覆 抗傾覆 S - 0 kàng qīng fù f /anticapsizing/ 抗傾覆 抗倾覆 T - 0 kàng qīng fù f /anticapsizing/ 抗凝血剂 抗凝血劑 S - 0 kàng níng xuè jì f /anticoagulant/ 抗凝血劑 抗凝血剂 T - 0 kàng níng xuè jì f /anticoagulant/ 抗击 抗擊 S - 665 kàng jī f /to resist (an aggressor)/to oppose (a menace)/ 抗压 抗壓 S - 3 kàng yā f /to resist pressure or stress/pressure-resistant/ 抗原 - 508 kàng yuán f /antigen/ 抗原决定簇 抗原決定簇 S - 0 kàng yuán jué dìng cù f /antigen determinant (causing immunological response)/epitope/ 抗原決定簇 抗原决定簇 T - 0 kàng yuán jué dìng cù f /antigen determinant (causing immunological response)/epitope/ 抗命 - 66 kàng mìng f /against orders/to disobey/to refuse to accept orders/ 抗坏血酸 抗壞血酸 S - 62 kàng huài xuè suān f /vitamin C/ascorbic acid/ 抗壓 抗压 T - 3 kàng yā f /to resist pressure or stress/pressure-resistant/ 抗壞血酸 抗坏血酸 T - 62 kàng huài xuè suān f /vitamin C/ascorbic acid/ 抗忧郁药 抗憂鬱藥 S - 0 kàng yōu yù yào f /antidepressant/ 抗性 - 50 kàng xìng f /resistance/capability of resisting/ 抗憂鬱藥 抗忧郁药 T - 0 kàng yōu yù yào f /antidepressant/ 抗战 抗戰 S - 3066 kàng zhàn f /war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)/ 抗戰 抗战 T - 3066 kàng zhàn f /war of resistance, especially the war against Japan (1937-1945)/ 抗抑郁药 抗抑鬱藥 S - 0 kàng yì yù yào f /antidepressant/ 抗抑鬱藥 抗抑郁药 T - 0 kàng yì yù yào f /antidepressant/ 抗抗生素 - 0 kàng kàng shēng sù f /antibiotic resistance/ 抗拒 - 536 kàng jù f /to resist/to defy/to oppose/ 抗捐 - 3 kàng juān f /to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott a levy/ 抗擊 抗击 T - 665 kàng jī f /to resist (an aggressor)/to oppose (a menace)/ 抗敌 抗敵 S - 688 kàng dí f /to resist the enemy/ 抗敵 抗敌 T - 688 kàng dí f /to resist the enemy/ 抗日 - 5260 kàng Rì f /to resist Japan (esp. during WW2)/anti-Japanese (esp. wartime activities)/ 抗日战争 抗日戰爭 S - 2153 Kàng Rì Zhàn zhēng f /(China's) War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945)/ 抗日戰爭 抗日战争 T - 2153 Kàng Rì Zhàn zhēng f /(China's) War of Resistance against Japan (1937-1945)/ 抗日救亡团体 抗日救亡團體 S - 0 kàng Rì jiù wáng tuán tǐ f /Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization/ 抗日救亡團體 抗日救亡团体 T - 0 kàng Rì jiù wáng tuán tǐ f /Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization/ 抗日救亡运动 抗日救亡運動 S - 259 Kàng Rì Jiù wáng Yùn dòng f /the Save the Nation Anti-Japanese Protest Movement stemming from the Manchurian railway incident of 18th July 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变/ 抗日救亡運動 抗日救亡运动 T - 259 Kàng Rì Jiù wáng Yùn dòng f /the Save the Nation Anti-Japanese Protest Movement stemming from the Manchurian railway incident of 18th July 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变/ 抗旱 - 133 kàng hàn f /drought-resistant/to weather a drought/ 抗核加固 - 0 kàng hé jiā gù f /nuclear hardening/ 抗毒素 - 41 kàng dú sù f /antitoxins/ 抗氧化剂 抗氧化劑 S - 178 kàng yǎng huà jì f /antioxidant/ 抗氧化劑 抗氧化剂 T - 178 kàng yǎng huà jì f /antioxidant/ 抗水 - 4 kàng shuǐ f /waterproof/water resistant/ 抗洪 - 229 kàng hóng f /to fight a flood/ 抗涝 抗澇 S - 6 kàng lào f /defenses against floods/ 抗澇 抗涝 T - 6 kàng lào f /defenses against floods/ 抗災 抗灾 T - 67 kàng zāi f /defense against natural disasters/ 抗灾 抗災 S - 67 kàng zāi f /defense against natural disasters/ 抗炎性 - 0 kàng yán xìng f /anti-inflammatory (medicine)/ 抗爭 抗争 T - 584 kàng zhēng f /to resist/to make a stand and fight (against)/ 抗生素 - 618 kàng shēng sù f /antibiotic/ 抗病 - 334 kàng bìng f /disease resistant/ 抗病毒 - 112 kàng bìng dú f /antiviral/ 抗病毒药 抗病毒藥 S - 0 kàng bìng dú yào f /antivirals/ 抗病毒藥 抗病毒药 T - 0 kàng bìng dú yào f /antivirals/ 抗癌 - 171 kàng ái f /anti-cancer/ 抗直 - 0 kàng zhí f /unyielding/ 抗礼 抗禮 S - 0 kàng lǐ f /to behave informally as equals/not to stand on ceremony/ 抗禮 抗礼 T - 0 kàng lǐ f /to behave informally as equals/not to stand on ceremony/ 抗稅 抗税 T - 46 kàng shuì f /to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott taxes/ 抗税 抗稅 S - 46 kàng shuì f /to refuse to pay taxes/to boycott taxes/ 抗精神病 - 0 kàng jīng shén bìng f /antipsychotic (drug)/ 抗組織胺 抗组织胺 T - 0 kàng zǔ zhī àn f /antihistamine/ 抗組胺 抗组胺 T - 0 kàng zǔ àn f /antihistamine/ 抗組胺劑 抗组胺剂 T - 0 kàng zǔ àn jì f /antihistamine (medicine)/ 抗組胺藥 抗组胺药 T - 0 kàng zǔ àn yào f /antihistamine/ 抗组织胺 抗組織胺 S - 0 kàng zǔ zhī àn f /antihistamine/ 抗组胺 抗組胺 S - 0 kàng zǔ àn f /antihistamine/ 抗组胺剂 抗組胺劑 S - 0 kàng zǔ àn jì f /antihistamine (medicine)/ 抗组胺药 抗組胺藥 S - 0 kàng zǔ àn yào f /antihistamine/ 抗美援朝 - 277 kàng Měi yuán Cháo f /Resist US, help North Korea (1950s slogan)/ 抗耐甲氧西林金葡菌 - 0 kàng nài jiǎ yǎng xī lín jīn pú jūn f /methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)/ 抗药 抗藥 S - 3 kàng yào f /drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/ 抗药性 抗藥性 S - 35 kàng yào xìng f /drug resistance (medicine)/ 抗药能力 抗藥能力 S - 0 kàng yào néng lì f /drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/ 抗菌 - 128 kàng jūn f /antibacterial/ 抗菌甲硝唑 - 0 kàng jūn jiǎ xiāo zuò f /anti-bacterial metronidazole/ 抗菌素 - 38 kàng jūn sù f /antibiotic/ 抗菌药 抗菌藥 S - 29 kàng jūn yào f /antibacterial/ 抗菌藥 抗菌药 T - 29 kàng jūn yào f /antibacterial/ 抗藥 抗药 T - 3 kàng yào f /drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/ 抗藥性 抗药性 T - 35 kàng yào xìng f /drug resistance (medicine)/ 抗藥能力 抗药能力 T - 0 kàng yào néng lì f /drug-resistance (of a pathogen)/ 抗血清 - 3 kàng xuè qīng f /antiserum/ 抗衡 - 414 kàng héng f /contend against/ 抗訴 抗诉 T - 27 kàng sù f /to protest against a verdict/to lodge an appeal/ 抗議 抗议 T 2972 1222 kàng yì f /to protest/protest/ 抗議者 抗议者 T - 3 kàng yì zhě f /protester/ 抗议 抗議 S 2972 1222 kàng yì f /to protest/protest/ 抗议者 抗議者 S - 3 kàng yì zhě f /protester/ 抗诉 抗訴 S - 27 kàng sù f /to protest against a verdict/to lodge an appeal/ 抗辩 抗辯 S - 25 kàng biàn f /to counter accusations/to protest/to remonstrate/to retort/to plead/to demur/a plea (of not guilty)/a defense (against an allegation)/to enter a plea to a charge (in a law court)/ 抗辯 抗辩 T - 25 kàng biàn f /to counter accusations/to protest/to remonstrate/to retort/to plead/to demur/a plea (of not guilty)/a defense (against an allegation)/to enter a plea to a charge (in a law court)/ 抗鋸齒 抗锯齿 T - 3 kàng jù chǐ f /anti-aliasing/ 抗锯齿 抗鋸齒 S - 3 kàng jù chǐ f /anti-aliasing/ 抗震 - 87 kàng zhèn f /anti-seismic measures/seismic defenses/earthquake resistant/ 抗震救災指揮部 抗震救灾指挥部 T - 0 kàng zhèn jiù zāi zhǐ huī bù f /earthquake relief headquarter/ 抗震救灾指挥部 抗震救災指揮部 S - 0 kàng zhèn jiù zāi zhǐ huī bù f /earthquake relief headquarter/ 抗震結構 抗震结构 T - 0 kàng zhèn jié gòu f /earthquake resistant construction/ 抗震结构 抗震結構 S - 0 kàng zhèn jié gòu f /earthquake resistant construction/ 抗體 抗体 T - 478 kàng tǐ f /antibody/ 折 2594 4410 shé f /to break (e.g. stick or bone)/a loss/ 折 2594 4410 zhē f /to turn sth over/to turn upside down/to tip sth out (of a container)/ 折 2594 4410 zhé t /to break/to fracture/to snap/to suffer loss/to bend/to twist/to turn/to change direction/convinced/to convert into (currency)/discount/rebate/tenth (in price)/classifier for theatrical scenes/to fold/accounts book/ 折 摺 S 2594 4410 zhé t /variant of 折[zhe2]/to fold/ 折中 - 43 zhé zhōng f /to compromise/to take the middle road/a trade-off/eclectic/ 折光 - 25 zhé guāng f /refraction/ 折光 摺光 S - 25 zhé guāng f /refraction/ 折兌 折兑 T - 3 zhé duì f /to cash/to change gold or silver into money/ 折兑 折兌 S - 3 zhé duì f /to cash/to change gold or silver into money/ 折冲樽俎 折衝樽俎 S - 3 zhé chōng zūn zǔ f /lit. to stop the enemy at the banquet table/fig. to get the better of an enemy during diplomatic functions/ 折刀 - 3 zhé dāo f /clasp knife/folding knife/ 折刀儿 折刀兒 S - 0 zhé dāo r f /a clasp knife/a folding knife/ 折刀兒 折刀儿 T - 0 zhé dāo r f /a clasp knife/a folding knife/ 折半 - 4 zhé bàn f /to reduce by fifty percent/half-price/ 折变 折變 S - 38 zhé biàn f /to sell off sth/ 折叠 折疊 S - 241 zhé dié f /to fold/collapsible/folding (bicycle, antenna, bed etc)/ 折叠式 折疊式 S - 56 zhé dié shì f /folding (i.e. portable)/ 折叠椅 折疊椅 S - 3 zhé dié yǐ f /folding chair/deck chair/ 折合 - 467 zhé hé f /to convert into/to amount to/to be equivalent to/ 折回 - 211 zhé huí f /to turn back/to retrace one's steps/ 折壽 折寿 T - 8 zhé shòu f /to have one's life shortened (by excesses etc)/ 折头 折頭 S - 3 zhé tou f /discount/ 折奏 摺奏 S - 3 zhé zòu f /memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)/ 折子 摺子 S - 638 zhé zi f /folding notebook/accounts book/ 折子戏 摺子戲 S - 35 zhé zi xì f /highlights from opera/ 折寿 折壽 S - 8 zhé shòu f /to have one's life shortened (by excesses etc)/ 折射 - 404 zhé shè f /to refract/refraction/to reflect (in the figurative sense: to show the nature of)/ 折射率 - 162 zhé shè lǜ f /index of refraction/ 折尺 摺尺 S - 3 zhé chǐ f /folding ruler/ 折扇 - 289 zhé shàn f /folding fan/ 折扣 - 273 zhé kòu f /discount/ 折挫 - 3 zhé cuò f /to frustrate/to inhibit/to make things difficult/ 折断 折斷 S - 451 zhé duàn f /to snap sth off/to break/ 折斷 折断 T - 451 zhé duàn f /to snap sth off/to break/ 折旧 折舊 S - 111 zhé jiù f /depreciation/ 折旧率 折舊率 S - 12 zhé jiù lǜ f /rate of deprecation/ 折服 - 93 zhé fú f /to convince/to subdue/to be convinced/to be bowled over/ 折本 - 5 shé běn f /a loss/to lose money/ 折杀 折殺 S - 24 zhé shā f /to not deserve (one's good fortune etc)/ 折枝 - 19 zhé zhī f /massage/ 折桂 - 22 zhé guì f /to win the laurels/to pass an imperial examination/to win a championship/ 折椅 摺椅 S - 3 zhé yǐ f /folding chair/ 折殺 折杀 T - 24 zhé shā f /to not deserve (one's good fortune etc)/ 折煞 - 0 zhé shā f /variant of 折殺|折杀[zhe2 sha1]/ 折现 折現 S - 3 zhé xiàn f /to discount/ 折现率 折現率 S - 0 zhé xiàn lǜ f /discount rate/ 折現 折现 T - 3 zhé xiàn f /to discount/ 折現率 折现率 T - 0 zhé xiàn lǜ f /discount rate/ 折疊 折叠 T - 241 zhé dié f /to fold/collapsible/folding (bicycle, antenna, bed etc)/ 折疊式 折叠式 T - 56 zhé dié shì f /folding (i.e. portable)/ 折疊椅 折叠椅 T - 3 zhé dié yǐ f /folding chair/deck chair/ 折痕 - 3 zhé hén f /crease/fold/ 折皱 摺皺 S - 2 zhé zhòu f /fold/crease/wrinkle/pucker/ 折磨 2595 990 zhé mó f /to persecute/to torment/ 折秤 - 3 shé chèng f /discrepancy in weight/ 折笔 折筆 S - 0 zhé bǐ f /against the bristles (brush movement in painting)/ 折筆 折笔 T - 0 zhé bǐ f /against the bristles (brush movement in painting)/ 折算 - 92 zhé suàn f /to convert (between currencies)/ 折箩 折籮 S - 0 zhē luó f /mixed dish of the food left over from a banquet/ 折節讀書 折节读书 T - 3 zhé jié dú shū f /to start reading furiously, contrary to previous habit (idiom)/ 折籮 折箩 T - 0 zhē luó f /mixed dish of the food left over from a banquet/ 折線 折线 T - 13 zhé xiàn f /broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments)/polygonal line/dog leg/ 折縫 折缝 T - 0 zhé féng f /welt seam (doubled over and sewed again from topside)/ 折纸 摺紙 S - 9 zhé zhǐ f /paper folding/origami/ 折线 折線 S - 13 zhé xiàn f /broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments)/polygonal line/dog leg/ 折缝 折縫 S - 0 zhé féng f /welt seam (doubled over and sewed again from topside)/ 折罪 - 0 zhé zuì f /to atone for a crime/to compensate/ 折耗 - 3 shé hào f /loss of goods/damage to goods/shrinkage/ 折腾 折騰 S 3450 777 zhē teng f /to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly)/to repeat sth over and over again/to torment sb/to play crazy/to squander (time, money)/ 折舊 折旧 T - 111 zhé jiù f /depreciation/ 折舊率 折旧率 T - 12 zhé jiù lǜ f /rate of deprecation/ 折节读书 折節讀書 S - 3 zhé jié dú shū f /to start reading furiously, contrary to previous habit (idiom)/ 折衝樽俎 折冲樽俎 T - 3 zhé chōng zūn zǔ f /lit. to stop the enemy at the banquet table/fig. to get the better of an enemy during diplomatic functions/ 折衷 - 118 zhé zhōng f /variant of 折中[zhe2 zhong1]/ 折衷主义 折衷主義 S - 21 zhé zhōng zhǔ yì f /eclecticism/ 折衷主義 折衷主义 T - 21 zhé zhōng zhǔ yì f /eclecticism/ 折衷鸚鵡 折衷鹦鹉 T - 0 zhé zhōng yīng wǔ f /Eclectus roratus (red-green parrot of Papua-New Guinea)/ 折衷鹦鹉 折衷鸚鵡 S - 0 zhé zhōng yīng wǔ f /Eclectus roratus (red-green parrot of Papua-New Guinea)/ 折裙 摺裙 S - 3 zhé qún f /pleated skirt/ 折角 - 2 zhé jiǎo f /to fold the corner of a page/to dog-ear/ 折變 折变 T - 38 zhé biàn f /to sell off sth/ 折跟头 折跟頭 S - 3 zhē gēn tou f /to do a somersault/to turn head over heels/ 折跟頭 折跟头 T - 3 zhē gēn tou f /to do a somersault/to turn head over heels/ 折轉 折转 T - 3 zhé zhuǎn f /reflex (angle)/to turn back/ 折转 折轉 S - 3 zhé zhuǎn f /reflex (angle)/to turn back/ 折转 摺轉 S - 3 zhé zhuǎn f /reflex (angle)/to turn back/ 折过儿 折過兒 S - 0 zhē guò r f /to turn over/ 折返 - 22 zhé fǎn f /to turn back/ 折過兒 折过儿 T - 0 zhē guò r f /to turn over/ 折錢 折钱 T - 0 shé qián f /a loss/to lose money/ 折钱 折錢 S - 0 shé qián f /a loss/to lose money/ 折頭 折头 T - 3 zhé tou f /discount/ 折騰 折腾 T 3450 777 zhē teng f /to toss from side to side (e.g. sleeplessly)/to repeat sth over and over again/to torment sb/to play crazy/to squander (time, money)/ 抚 撫 S - 1444 fǔ f /to comfort/to console/to stroke/to caress/an old term for province or provincial governor/ 抚养 撫養 S 2899 367 fǔ yǎng f /to foster/to bring up/to raise/ 抚养成人 撫養成人 S - 0 fǔ yǎng chéng rén f /to bring up (a child)/ 抚养权 撫養權 S - 4 fǔ yǎng quán f /custody (of a child etc)/ 抚养费 撫養費 S - 22 fǔ yǎng fèi f /child support payment (after a divorce)/ 抚宁 撫寧 S - 6 Fǔ níng f /Funing county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ 抚宁县 撫寧縣 S - 5 Fǔ níng xiàn f /Funing county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ 抚州 撫州 S - 54 Fǔ zhōu f /Fuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 抚州市 撫州市 S - 8 Fǔ zhōu shì f /Fuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 抚平 撫平 S - 36 fǔ píng f /to calm (sb) down/ 抚恤金 撫恤金 S - 60 fǔ xù jīn f /compensation payment (for injury)/relief payment/ 抚慰 撫慰 S - 211 fǔ wèi f /to console/to comfort/to soothe/ 抚慰金 撫慰金 S - 5 fǔ wèi jīn f /consolation money/compensation/ 抚抱 撫抱 S - 0 fǔ bào f /caress/ 抚摩 撫摩 S - 115 fǔ mó f /to stroke/to caress/ 抚摸 撫摸 S 3580 623 fǔ mō f /to gently caress and stroke/to pet/to fondle/ 抚松 撫松 S - 7 Fǔ sōng f /Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin/ 抚松县 撫松縣 S - 10 Fǔ sōng xiàn f /Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin/ 抚爱 撫愛 S - 27 fǔ ài f /to caress/ 抚琴 撫琴 S - 57 fǔ qín f /to play the zither/classical variant of 彈琴|弹琴[tan2 qin2]/ 抚绥 撫綏 S - 0 fǔ suí f /to appease/to pacify/ 抚育 撫育 S - 91 fǔ yù f /to nurture/to raise/to foster/to tend/ 抚远 撫遠 S - 42 Fǔ yuǎn f /Fuyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 抚远三角洲 撫遠三角洲 S - 0 Fǔ yuǎn sān jiǎo zhōu f /Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk/same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島|黑瞎子岛/ 抚远县 撫遠縣 S - 9 Fǔ yuǎn xiàn f /Fuyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 抚顺 撫順 S - 173 Fǔ shùn f /Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/also Fushun county/ 抚顺县 撫順縣 S - 3 Fǔ shùn xiàn f /Fushun county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning/ 抚顺市 撫順市 S - 20 Fǔ shùn shì f /Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 抛 拋 S - 2080 pāo f /to throw/to toss/to fling/to cast/to abandon/ 抛下 拋下 S - 3 pāo xià f /to throw down/to dump/to abandon/thrown down/ 抛下锚 拋下錨 S - 0 pāo xià máo f /to drop anchor/ 抛体 拋體 S - 3 pāo tǐ f /projectile/ 抛光 拋光 S - 92 pāo guāng f /to polish/to burnish/ 抛出 拋出 S - 3 pāo chū f /to toss/to throw out/ 抛却 拋卻 S - 15 pāo què f /to discard/ 抛售 拋售 S - 105 pāo shòu f /to dump (selling abroad more cheaply than cost price at home)/ 抛头露面 拋頭露面 S - 48 pāo tóu lòu miàn f /to show your face in public (derog.)/ 抛媚眼 拋媚眼 S - 3 pāo mèi yǎn f /to throw amorous or flirtatious glances at sb (esp. of a woman)/ 抛射 拋射 S - 88 pāo shè f /to throw/to shoot/ 抛射体 拋射體 S - 3 pāo shè tǐ f /projectile/ 抛射物 拋射物 S - 0 pāo shè wù f /projectile/ 抛开 拋開 S - 165 pāo kāi f /to throw out/to get rid of/ 抛弃 拋棄 S 2625 684 pāo qì f /to abandon/to discard/to renounce/to dump (sb)/ 抛掷 拋擲 S - 179 pāo zhì f /to throw/to cast/ 抛撒 拋撒 S - 59 pāo sǎ f /to sprinkle/ 抛散 拋散 S - 0 pāo sàn f /to scatter/to disperse/ 抛洒 拋灑 S - 30 pāo sǎ f /to drip/to flow out/to sprinkle/ 抛物线 拋物線 S - 73 pāo wù xiàn f /parabola/ 抛物面 拋物面 S - 35 pāo wù miàn f /paraboloid (geometry)/ 抛生耦 拋生耦 S - 0 pāo shēng ǒu f /to entice an inexperienced man/ 抛砖引玉 拋磚引玉 S - 23 pāo zhuān yǐn yù f /lit. to throw a brick to attract jade (idiom); fig. I offer a humble remark, please give us your valued opinion (e.g. commonplace remarks as a foreword to a distinguished speech)/ 抛离 拋離 S - 18 pāo lí f /to desert/to leave/to forsake/ 抛空 拋空 S - 37 pāo kōng f /to short-sell (finance)/ 抛绣球 拋繡球 S - 3 pāo xiù qiú f /throwing the embroidered ball (traditional Zhuang flirting game at festivals)/(fig.) to make overtures/to court/ 抛脸 拋臉 S - 0 pāo liǎn f /to lose face/humiliation/ 抛荒 拋荒 S - 20 pāo huāng f /to lie idle (of arable land)/fig. rusty because of lack of practice/ 抛补 拋補 S - 0 pāo bǔ f /cover (i.e. insurance against loss in financial deals)/ 抛补套利 拋補套利 S - 0 pāo bǔ tào lì f /covered arbitrage/ 抛费 拋費 S - 3 pāo fèi f /to waste/to squander/ 抛锚 拋錨 S - 38 pāo máo f /to drop anchor/to break down (of a car etc)/ 抜 - 0 bá f /Japanese variant of 拔[ba2]/ 抝 拗 T - 265 ào f /variant of 拗[ao4]/ 択 - 0 zé f /Japanese variant of 擇|择/ 抟 摶 S - 46 tuán f /to roll up into a ball with one's hands/spiral/circle/variant of 團|团[tuan2]/ 抟沙 摶沙 S - 0 tuán shā f /lacking in cohesion and unity of purpose/ 抟风 摶風 S - 0 tuán fēng f /to rise very quickly/ 抟饭 摶飯 S - 0 tuán fàn f /to roll rice balls/ 抠 摳 S - 308 kōu f /to dig out/to pick out (with one's fingers)/to carve/to cut/to study meticulously/to lift one's clothes/stingy/miserly/ 抠字眼 摳字眼 S - 3 kōu zì yǎn f /to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words/ 抠字眼儿 摳字眼兒 S - 0 kōu zì yǎn r f /erhua variant of 摳字眼|抠字眼[kou1 zi4 yan3]/ 抠门儿 摳門兒 S - 3 kōu mén r f /(dialect) stingy/ 抡 掄 S - 338 lūn t /to swing (one's arms, a heavy object)/to wave (a sword, one's fists)/to fling (money)/ 抡 掄 S - 338 lún f /to select/ 抡元 掄元 S - 0 lún yuán f /to win the top award/to come first in the examination rankings/ 抢 搶 S 1383 5785 qiāng f /see 搶風|抢风[qiang1 feng1]/ 抢 搶 S 1383 5785 qiǎng t /to fight over/to rush/to scramble/to grab/to rob/to snatch/ 抢亲 搶親 S - 9 qiǎng qīn f /marriage by capture/bride kidnapping/ 抢修 搶修 S - 133 qiǎng xiū f /to repair in a rush/rush repairs/ 抢先 搶先 S - 417 qiǎng xiān f /to rush (to do sth urgent)/to try to be the first/to forestall/ 抢劫 搶劫 S 2587 488 qiǎng jié f /to rob/looting/ 抢劫案 搶劫案 S - 7 qiǎng jié àn f /robbery/holdup/ 抢劫罪 搶劫罪 S - 7 qiāng jié zuì f /robbery/ 抢占 搶佔 S - 254 qiǎng zhàn f /to seize (the strategic high ground)/ 抢夺 搶奪 S - 325 qiǎng duó f /to plunder/to pillage/to forcibly take/ 抢婚 搶婚 S - 15 qiǎng hūn f /marriage by capture/bride kidnapping/ 抢手 搶手 S - 57 qiǎng shǒu f /(of goods) popular/in great demand/ 抢手货 搶手貨 S - 34 qiǎng shǒu huò f /a best-seller/a hot property/ 抢掠 搶掠 S - 103 qiǎng lüè f /to loot/looting/ 抢救 搶救 S 3717 851 qiǎng jiù f /to rescue/ 抢滩 搶灘 S - 49 qiǎng tān f /to make an amphibious assault/to seize a beachhead/to gain a foothold in (a new market)/ 抢生意 搶生意 S - 13 qiǎng shēng yi f /to undercut competitors/to hustle/to compete for business/ 抢白 搶白 S - 74 qiǎng bái f /to rebuke/to reprimand/ 抢眼 搶眼 S - 80 qiǎng yǎn f /eye-catching/ 抢答 搶答 S - 11 qiǎng dá f /to compete to be the first to answer a question (as on a quiz show)/ 抢答器 搶答器 S - 3 qiǎng dá qì f /lockout buzzer system (as used by game show contestants)/ 抢购 搶購 S - 63 qiǎng gòu f /to buy frenetically/to snap up (bargains, dwindling supplies etc)/ 抢走 搶走 S - 179 qiǎng zǒu f /to snatch (esp related to a robbery)/ 抢跑 搶跑 S - 8 qiǎng pǎo f /to jump the gun/to make a false start/ 抢通 搶通 S - 0 qiǎng tōng f /to rush through urgently (e.g. emergency supplies)/ 抢镜头 搶鏡頭 S - 5 qiǎng jìng tóu f /to scoop the best camera shots/to grab the limelight/ 抢险 搶險 S - 233 qiǎng xiǎn f /emergency (measures)/to react to an emergency/ 抢险救灾 搶險救災 S - 3 qiǎng xiǎn jiù zāi f /to provide relief during times of emergency and disaster (idiom)/ 抢风 搶風 S - 0 qiāng fēng f /a headwind/a contrary wind/ 抢风头 搶風頭 S - 0 qiǎng fēng tóu f /to steal the show/to grab the limelight/ 抢风航行 搶風航行 S - 0 qiāng fēng háng xíng f /to tack against the wind (sailing)/ 护 護 S - 2810 hù f /to protect/ 护卫 護衛 S - 621 hù wèi f /to guard/to protect/bodyguard (for officials in ancient times)/ 护卫舰 護衛艦 S - 579 hù wèi jiàn f /corvette/ 护卫艇 護衛艇 S - 17 hù wèi tǐng f /escort vessel/corvette/ 护发乳 護髮乳 S - 3 hù fà rǔ f /hair conditioner/ 护发素 護髮素 S - 12 hù fà sù f /hair conditioner/ 护国军 護國軍 S - 25 Hù guó jūn f /National Protection Army of 1915 (in rebellion against Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3])/ 护国战 護國戰 S - 0 Hù guó zhàn f /National Protection War or Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915), a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] as emperor/ 护国战争 護國戰爭 S - 0 Hù guó Zhàn zhēng f /National Protection War or Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915), a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] as emperor/ 护国运动 護國運動 S - 7 Hù guó Yùn dòng f /Campaign to Defend the Republic (1915) or National Protection War, a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai 袁世凱|袁世凯[Yuan2 Shi4 kai3] as emperor/ 护城河 護城河 S - 103 hù chéng hé f /moat/ 护士 護士 S 936 676 hù shi f /nurse/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 护封 護封 S - 3 hù fēng f /dust jacket (of a book)/protective cover/document seal/ 护手盘 護手盤 S - 0 hù shǒu pán f /hand guard (e.g. on saber)/ 护手霜 護手霜 S - 3 hù shǒu shuāng f /hand cream/hand lotion/ 护法 護法 S - 296 hù fǎ f /to keep the law/to protect Buddha's teachings/protector of Buddhist law (i.e. temple donor)/ 护法战争 護法戰爭 S - 0 hù fǎ zhàn zhēng f /National protection war or Campaign to defend the republic (1915), a rebellion against the installation of Yuan Shikai as emperor/ 护法神 護法神 S - 9 hù fǎ shén f /protector deities of Buddhist law/ 护照 護照 S 554 242 hù zhào f /passport/CL:本[ben3],個|个[ge4]/ 护犊子 護犢子 S - 3 hù dú zi f /(of a woman) to be fiercely protective of one's children/ 护理 護理 S - 501 hù lǐ f /to nurse/to tend and protect/ 护理学 護理學 S - 3 hù lǐ xué f /nursing/ 护甲 護甲 S - 0 hù jiǎ f /armor/bulletproof vest/ 护目镜 護目鏡 S - 7 hù mù jìng f /goggles/protective glasses/ 护着 護著 S - 0 hù zhe f /to protect/to guard/to shield/ 护短 護短 S - 38 hù duǎn f /to shield (one's shortcoming)/to cover up (errors)/ 护老者 護老者 S - 0 hù lǎo zhě f /carer of elderly persons/aged care worker/ 护肘 護肘 S - 5 hù zhǒu f /elbow pad/elbow support/ 护肤 護膚 S - 46 hù fū f /skincare/ 护胫 護脛 S - 0 hù jìng f /shin pad/shin guard/ 护膝 護膝 S - 26 hù xī f /kneepad/knee brace/ 护航 護航 S - 184 hù háng f /a naval escort/to convoy/ 护航舰 護航艦 S - 9 hù háng jiàn f /escort vessel/ 护贝 護貝 S - 0 hù bèi f /laminate film/abbr. for 護貝膠膜|护贝胶膜[hu4 bei4 jiao1 mo2]/ 护贝机 護貝機 S - 0 hù bèi jī f /laminating machine/laminator/ 护贝胶膜 護貝膠膜 S - 0 hù bèi jiāo mó f /laminate film/abbr. to 護貝|护贝[hu4 bei4]/ 护身符 護身符 S - 79 hù shēn fú f /amulet/protective talisman/charm/ 护身符子 護身符子 S - 0 hù shēn fú zi f /amulet/protective talisman/charm/ 护送 護送 S - 551 hù sòng f /to escort/to accompany/ 护颈套 護頸套 S - 0 hù jǐng tào f /cervical collar/ 报 報 S - 14647 bào f /to announce/to inform/report/newspaper/recompense/revenge/CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]/ 报上 報上 S - 903 bào shàng f /in the newspaper/ 报丧 報喪 S - 37 bào sāng f /to announce sb's demise/to predict death/ 报亭 報亭 S - 4 bào tíng f /kiosk/newsstand/ 报人 報人 S - 3 bào rén f /newsman/journalist (archaic)/ 报仇 報仇 S 2997 1185 bào chóu f /to take revenge/to avenge/ 报仇雪恨 報仇雪恨 S - 100 bào chóu xuě hèn f /to take revenge and wipe out a grudge (idiom)/ 报仇雪耻 報仇雪恥 S - 16 bào chóu xuě chǐ f /to take revenge and erase humiliation (idiom)/ 报以 報以 S - 84 bào yǐ f /to give in return/ 报价 報價 S - 366 bào jià f /to quote a price/quoted price/quote/ 报价单 報價單 S - 11 bào jià dān f /quotation/price list/written estimate of price/ 报信 報信 S - 106 bào xìn f /to notify/to inform/ 报偿 報償 S - 36 bào cháng f /repay/recompense/ 报关 報關 S - 54 bào guān f /to declare at customs/ 报分 報分 S - 3 bào fēn f /call the score/ 报刊 報刊 S - 776 bào kān f /newspapers and periodicals/the press/ 报刊摊 報刊攤 S - 0 bào kān tān f /newsstand/ 报到 報到 S 2195 41 bào dào f /to report for duty/to check in/to register/ 报功 報功 S - 3 bào gōng f /to report a heroic deed/to mention sb in dispatches/ 报务员 報務員 S - 60 bào wù yuán f /telegraph operator/radio operator/ 报单 報單 S - 8 bào dān f /a tax declaration form/a tax return/ 报名 報名 S 1138 1606 bào míng f /to sign up/to enter one's name/to apply/to register/to enroll/to enlist/ 报名表 報名表 S - 48 bào míng biǎo f /application form/registration form/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 报名费 報名費 S - 22 bào míng fèi f /registration fee/ 报告 報告 S 1268 16715 bào gào f /to inform/to report/to make known/report/speech/talk/lecture/CL:篇[pian1],份[fen4],個|个[ge4],通[tong4]/ 报告书 報告書 S - 191 bào gào shū f /written report/ 报告会 報告會 S - 146 bào gào huì f /public lecture (with guest speakers etc)/ 报告员 報告員 S - 2 bào gào yuán f /spokesperson/announcer/ 报告文学 報告文學 S - 113 bào gào wén xué f /reportage/ 报喜 報喜 S - 61 bào xǐ f /to announce good news/to report success/ 报喜不报忧 報喜不報憂 S - 0 bào xǐ bù bào yōu f /to report only the good news, not the bad news/to hold back unpleasant news/to sweep bad news under the carpet/ 报国 報國 S - 226 bào guó f /to dedicate oneself to the service of one's country/ 报复 報復 S 2697 779 bào fù f /to make reprisals/to retaliate/revenge/retaliation/ 报失 報失 S - 7 bào shī f /report the loss to the authorities concerned/ 报头 報頭 S - 9 bào tóu f /masthead (of a newspaper etc)/nameplate/ 报子 報子 S - 0 bào zi f /bearer of good news (esp. announcing success in imperial examinations)/ 报官 報官 S - 0 bào guān f /to report a case to the authorities (old)/ 报审 報審 S - 3 bào shěn f /to report for judgment/to submit for approval/ 报导 報導 S - 91 bào dǎo f /to cover (report) news/news reporting/story/article/ 报帐 報帳 S - 3 bào zhàng f /render an account/submit an expense account/apply for reimbursement/ 报帖 報帖 S - 3 bào tiě f /to announce good news in red letters/ 报幕 報幕 S - 7 bào mù f /announce the items on a (theatrical) program/ 报应 報應 S - 211 bào yìng f /retribution/judgment/ 报应不爽 報應不爽 S - 11 bào yìng bù shuǎng f /appropriate retribution (idiom)/ 报废 報廢 S - 107 bào fèi f /to scrap/to be written off/ 报录 報錄 S - 0 bào lù f /entry pass for imperial examination/ 报录人 報錄人 S - 0 bào lù rén f /bearer of good news (esp. announcing success in imperial examinations)/ 报德 報德 S - 3 bào dé f /to repay debts of gratitude/to repay kindness/ 报忧 報憂 S - 13 bào yōu f /to report bad news/to announce failure, shortcoming or disaster/ 报怨 報怨 S - 47 bào yuàn f /to pay back a score/to get revenge/to requite/(old) variant of 抱怨[bao4 yuan4]/ 报恩 報恩 S - 85 bào ēn f /to pay a debt of gratitude/to repay a kindness/ 报户口 報戶口 S - 0 bào hù kǒu f /apply for a resident permit/ 报批 報批 S - 45 bào pī f /to report for criticism/to submit for approval to higher authority/ 报捷 報捷 S - 81 bào jié f /report a success/announce a victory/ 报摊 報攤 S - 10 bào tān f /newsstand/ 报摘 報摘 S - 0 bào zhāi f /news digest/ 报收 報收 S - 98 bào shōu f /(of a stock on the stock market) to close at (a certain price)/ 报效 報效 S - 138 bào xiào f /render service to repay kindness/ 报数 報數 S - 22 bào shù f /number off! (command in military drill)/count off!/ 报时 報時 S - 34 bào shí f /to give the correct time/ 报春花 報春花 S - 20 bào chūn huā f /primrose (Primula malacoides)/ 报晓 報曉 S - 37 bào xiǎo f /herald the break of day/ 报本反始 報本反始 S - 3 bào běn fǎn shǐ f /ensure that you pay debts of gratitude (idiom)/ 报条 報條 S - 3 bào tiáo f /report of success from a candidate to the imperial examination (old)/list of deaths/ 报案 報案 S - 88 bào àn f /to report a case to the authorities/ 报检 報檢 S - 2 bào jiǎn f /quarantine inspection/ 报界 報界 S - 29 bào jiè f /the press/journalistic circles/the journalists/ 报盘 報盤 S - 6 bào pán f /offer/to make an offer (commerce)/ 报社 報社 S 2194 321 bào shè f /general office of a newspaper/newspaper office/CL:家[jia1]/ 报禁 報禁 S - 3 bào jìn f /restrictions on the publication of newspapers/press restrictions/ 报税 報稅 S - 3 bào shuì f /to declare dutiable goods (at customs)/to make a tax declaration/ 报税单 報稅單 S - 0 bào shuì dān f /to declare to customs or to the taxman/ 报税表 報稅表 S - 0 bào shuì biǎo f /a tax return/a tax declaration form/ 报窝 報窩 S - 0 bào wō f /to brood/to hatch/ 报章 報章 S - 26 bào zhāng f /newspapers/ 报童 報童 S - 24 bào tóng f /paperboy/ 报端 報端 S - 36 bào duān f /in the newspaper(s)/ 报答 報答 S 3320 426 bào dá f /to repay/to requite/ 报系 報系 S - 0 bào xì f /newspaper chain/syndicate/ 报纸 報紙 S 265 2719 bào zhǐ f /newspaper/newsprint/CL:份[fen4],期[qi1],張|张[zhang1]/ 报纸报导 報紙報導 S - 0 bào zhǐ bào dǎo f /newspaper report/ 报考 報考 S - 1586 bào kǎo f /to enter oneself for an examination/ 报表 報表 S - 294 bào biǎo f /forms for reporting statistics/report forms/ 报警 報警 S 2593 290 bào jǐng f /to sound an alarm/to report sth to the police/ 报警器 報警器 S - 40 bào jǐng qì f /alarm (e.g. burglar or fire alarm)/warning device/ 报话机 報話機 S - 31 bào huà jī f /walkie-talkie/portable radio transmitter/ 报请 報請 S - 52 bào qǐng f /to report, requesting approval/written request for instructions/ 报谦 報謙 S - 0 bào qiān f /sorry/ 报账 報賬 S - 8 bào zhàng f /to report expenses/to submit accounts/ 报载 報載 S - 11 bào zǎi f /newspaper report/ 报道 報道 S 1412 9955 bào dào f /to report (news)/report/CL:篇[pian1],份[fen4]/ 报道摄影师 報道攝影師 S - 0 bào dào shè yǐng shī f /photojournalist/ 报酬 報酬 S 3107 815 bào chou f /reward/remuneration/ 报销 報銷 S 4230 232 bào xiāo f /to submit an expense account/to apply for reimbursement/to write off/to wipe out/ 报馆 報館 S - 64 bào guǎn f /newspaper office/ 抦 - 0 bǐng f /old variant of 秉[bing3]/variant of 柄[bing3]/handle/shaft/ 抨 - 7 pēng f /attack/impeach/ 抨击 抨擊 S - 463 pēng jī f /to attack (verbally or in writing)/ 抨擊 抨击 T - 463 pēng jī f /to attack (verbally or in writing)/ 披 1922 1371 pī f /to drape over one's shoulders/to open/to unroll/to split open/to spread out/ 披垂 - 0 pī chuí f /(of clothes, hair etc) to hang down and cover/to flow down/ 披头四乐团 披頭四樂團 S - 0 Pī tóu sì Yuè tuán f /the Beatles/ 披头士 披頭士 S - 10 Pī tóu shì f /the Beatles (music band)/ 披头散发 披頭散髮 S - 82 pī tóu sàn fà f /with dishevelled hair (idiom)/with one's hair down/ 披巾 - 7 pī jīn f /shawl/ 披挂 披掛 S - 232 pī guà f /to put on a suit of armor/to put on dress/to wear/ 披掛 披挂 T - 232 pī guà f /to put on a suit of armor/to put on dress/to wear/ 披星带月 披星帶月 S - 3 pī xīng dài yuè f /variant of 披星戴月[pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4]/ 披星帶月 披星带月 T - 3 pī xīng dài yuè f /variant of 披星戴月[pi1 xing1 dai4 yue4]/ 披星戴月 - 20 pī xīng dài yuè f /to travel or work through night and day/to toil away for long hours/ 披甲 - 307 pī jiǎ f /to don armor/ 披紅 披红 T - 16 pī hóng f /to drape sb in red silk as a sign of honor/ 披索 - 0 pī suǒ f /peso (currency in Latin America) (loanword)/also written 比索[bi3 suo3]/ 披红 披紅 S - 16 pī hóng f /to drape sb in red silk as a sign of honor/ 披肝沥胆 披肝瀝膽 S - 14 pī gān lì dǎn f /lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); wholehearted loyalty/ 披肝瀝膽 披肝沥胆 T - 14 pī gān lì dǎn f /lit. to open one's liver and drip gall (idiom); wholehearted loyalty/ 披肩 - 71 pī jiān f /cape/shawl/(of long hair) to trail over one's shoulders/ 披荆斩棘 披荊斬棘 S - 23 pī jīng zhǎn jí f /lit. to cut one's way through thistles and thorns (idiom)/fig. to overcome all obstacles on the way/to break through hardships/to blaze a new trail/ 披荊斬棘 披荆斩棘 T - 23 pī jīng zhǎn jí f /lit. to cut one's way through thistles and thorns (idiom)/fig. to overcome all obstacles on the way/to break through hardships/to blaze a new trail/ 披萨 披薩 S - 2 pī sà f /pizza (loanword)/ 披薩 披萨 T - 2 pī sà f /pizza (loanword)/ 披覽 披览 T - 3 pī lǎn f /to pore over a book/to look and admire/ 披览 披覽 S - 3 pī lǎn f /to pore over a book/to look and admire/ 披閱 披阅 T - 10 pī yuè f /to peruse/to browse/ 披阅 披閱 S - 10 pī yuè f /to peruse/to browse/ 披露 - 1613 pī lù f /to reveal/to publish/to make public/to announce/ 披靡 - 28 pī mǐ f /to be swept by the wind/to be blown about by the wind/to be routed (in battle etc)/ 披頭四樂團 披头四乐团 T - 0 Pī tóu sì Yuè tuán f /the Beatles/ 披頭士 披头士 T - 10 Pī tóu shì f /the Beatles (music band)/ 披頭散髮 披头散发 T - 82 pī tóu sàn fà f /with dishevelled hair (idiom)/with one's hair down/ 披風 披风 T - 104 pī fēng f /cloak/cape/ 披风 披風 S - 104 pī fēng f /cloak/cape/ 披麻带孝 披麻帶孝 S - 3 pī má dài xiào f /to wear mourning clothes/to be in mourning/also written 披麻戴孝/ 披麻帶孝 披麻带孝 T - 3 pī má dài xiào f /to wear mourning clothes/to be in mourning/also written 披麻戴孝/ 披麻戴孝 - 23 pī má dài xiào f /to wear mourning clothes/to be in mourning/also written 披麻帶孝|披麻带孝/ 抬 975 4456 tái f /to lift/to raise/(of two or more persons) to carry/ 抬举 抬舉 S - 121 tái jǔ f /to lift sth up/to elevate sb/to honor sb (with compliments, gifts, promotions etc)/to show great regard/to speak highly/ 抬头 抬頭 S - 1892 tái tóu f /to raise one's head/to gain ground/account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc/ 抬杠 抬槓 S - 40 tái gàng f /to bicker/to argue for the sake of arguing/to carry on poles (together with sb else)/to carry a coffin on poles/ 抬槓 抬杠 T - 40 tái gàng f /to bicker/to argue for the sake of arguing/to carry on poles (together with sb else)/to carry a coffin on poles/ 抬舉 抬举 T - 121 tái jǔ f /to lift sth up/to elevate sb/to honor sb (with compliments, gifts, promotions etc)/to show great regard/to speak highly/ 抬起 - 1690 tái qǐ f /to lift up/ 抬轎子 抬轿子 T - 32 tái jiào zi f /to carry sb in a sedan chair/flatter/sing praises/ 抬轿子 抬轎子 S - 32 tái jiào zi f /to carry sb in a sedan chair/flatter/sing praises/ 抬頭 抬头 T - 1892 tái tóu f /to raise one's head/to gain ground/account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc/ 抬高 - 528 tái gāo f /to raise (price etc)/ 抱 613 6044 bào f /to hold/to carry (in one's arms)/to hug/to embrace/to surround/to cherish/ 抱不平 - 15 bào bù píng f /to be outraged by an injustice/ 抱佛脚 抱佛腳 S - 39 bào fó jiǎo f /lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/panic measures in place of timely preparation/ 抱佛腳 抱佛脚 T - 39 bào fó jiǎo f /lit. to clasp the Buddha's feet (without ever having burned incense) (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble/panic measures in place of timely preparation/ 抱养 抱養 S - 9 bào yǎng f /adopt (a child)/ 抱大腿 - 0 bào dà tuǐ f /(coll.) to cling to sb influential or famous/ 抱头 抱頭 S - 76 bào tóu f /to put one's hands behind one's head, fingers interlaced/to hold one's head in one's hands (in dismay, fright etc)/to cover one's head with one's hands (for protection)/ 抱头痛哭 抱頭痛哭 S - 47 bào tóu tòng kū f /to weep disconsolately/to cry on each other's shoulder/ 抱头鼠窜 抱頭鼠竄 S - 38 bào tóu shǔ cuàn f /to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously/ 抱头鼠蹿 抱頭鼠躥 S - 0 bào tóu shǔ cuān f /to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously/also written 抱頭鼠竄|抱头鼠窜/ 抱定 - 51 bào dìng f /to hold on firmly/to cling (to a belief)/stubbornly/ 抱屈 - 15 bào qū f /feel wronged/ 抱怨 1569 945 bào yuàn f /to complain/to grumble/to harbor a complaint/to feel dissatisfied/ 抱恨 - 11 bào hèn f /to have a gnawing regret/ 抱愧 - 19 bào kuì f /feel ashamed/ 抱成一团 抱成一團 S - 15 bào chéng yī tuán f /to band together/to gang up/to stick together/ 抱成一團 抱成一团 T - 15 bào chéng yī tuán f /to band together/to gang up/to stick together/ 抱打不平 - 6 bào dǎ bù píng f /see 打抱不平[da3 bao4 bu4 ping2]/ 抱抱 - 73 bào bào f /to hug/to embrace/ 抱抱团 抱抱團 S - 0 bào bào tuán f /Free Hugs Campaign/ 抱抱團 抱抱团 T - 0 bào bào tuán f /Free Hugs Campaign/ 抱抱装 抱抱裝 S - 0 bào bào zhuāng f /"hug shirt" worn by members of the Free Hugs Campaign (see 包包團|包包团[bao1 bao1 tuan2])/ 抱抱裝 抱抱装 T - 0 bào bào zhuāng f /"hug shirt" worn by members of the Free Hugs Campaign (see 包包團|包包团[bao1 bao1 tuan2])/ 抱拳 - 291 bào quán f /to cup one fist in the other hand (as a sign of respect)/ 抱持 - 19 bào chí f /to hold (expectations, hopes etc)/to maintain (an attitude etc)/to harbor (doubts etc)/to clinch (boxing)/ 抱摔 - 0 bào shuāi f /body slam (wrestling move)/ 抱有 - 6 bào yǒu f /have/possess/ 抱朴子 抱樸子 S - 3 Bào pǔ zǐ f /Baopuzi, collection of essays by Ge Hong 葛洪[Ge3 Hong2] on alchemy, immortality, legalism, society etc/ 抱枕 - 0 bào zhěn f /bolster/a long pillow or cushion/ 抱樸子 抱朴子 T - 3 Bào pǔ zǐ f /Baopuzi, collection of essays by Ge Hong 葛洪[Ge3 Hong2] on alchemy, immortality, legalism, society etc/ 抱歉 614 270 bào qiàn f /to be sorry/to feel apologetic/sorry!/ 抱残守缺 抱殘守缺 S - 12 bào cán shǒu quē f /to cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn (idiom); conservative/stickler for tradition/ 抱殘守缺 抱残守缺 T - 12 bào cán shǒu quē f /to cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn (idiom); conservative/stickler for tradition/ 抱犊崮 抱犢崮 S - 0 Bào dú gù f /Mt Baodu in Cangshan county 蒼山縣|苍山县[Cang1 shan1 xian4], Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], south Shandong/ 抱犢崮 抱犊崮 T - 0 Bào dú gù f /Mt Baodu in Cangshan county 蒼山縣|苍山县[Cang1 shan1 xian4], Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], south Shandong/ 抱病 - 38 bào bìng f /to be ill/to be in bad health/ 抱窝 抱窩 S - 2 bào wō f /(coll.) to incubate/to brood/ 抱窩 抱窝 T - 2 bào wō f /(coll.) to incubate/to brood/ 抱粗腿 - 3 bào cū tuǐ f /to latch on to the rich and powerful/ 抱薪救火 - 3 bào xīn jiù huǒ f /lit. to carry firewood to put out a fire (idiom); fig. to make a problem worse by inappropriate action/ 抱負 抱负 T 4255 278 bào fù f /aspiration/ambition/ 抱负 抱負 S 4255 278 bào fù f /aspiration/ambition/ 抱頭 抱头 T - 76 bào tóu f /to put one's hands behind one's head, fingers interlaced/to hold one's head in one's hands (in dismay, fright etc)/to cover one's head with one's hands (for protection)/ 抱頭痛哭 抱头痛哭 T - 47 bào tóu tòng kū f /to weep disconsolately/to cry on each other's shoulder/ 抱頭鼠竄 抱头鼠窜 T - 38 bào tóu shǔ cuàn f /to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously/ 抱頭鼠躥 抱头鼠蹿 T - 0 bào tóu shǔ cuān f /to cover one's head and sneak away like a rat (idiom); to flee ignominiously/also written 抱頭鼠竄|抱头鼠窜/ 抱養 抱养 T - 9 bào yǎng f /adopt (a child)/ 抴 - 6 yè f /to pull/to drag/to join together/oar/ 抵 - 2455 dǐ f /to press against/to support/to prop up/to resist/to equal/to balance/to make up for/to mortgage/to arrive at/to clap (one's hands) lightly (expressing delight) (Taiwan pr. [zhi3] for this sense)/ 抵住 - 4 dǐ zhù f /to resist/to press against/to brace/ 抵债 抵債 S - 41 dǐ zhài f /to repay a debt in kind or by labor/ 抵偿 抵償 S - 103 dǐ cháng f /to compensate/to make good (a financial loss)/ 抵債 抵债 T - 41 dǐ zhài f /to repay a debt in kind or by labor/ 抵償 抵偿 T - 103 dǐ cháng f /to compensate/to make good (a financial loss)/ 抵充 - 3 dǐ chōng f /to use in payment/to compensate/ 抵减 抵減 S - 0 dǐ jiǎn f /to claim a credit against/tax reduction/ 抵制 3899 833 dǐ zhì f /to resist/to boycott/to refuse (to cooperate)/to reject/resistance/refusal/ 抵华 抵華 S - 0 dǐ Huá f /to arrive in China/ 抵岸 - 0 dǐ àn f /to come ashore/ 抵御 抵禦 S - 857 dǐ yù f /to resist/to withstand/ 抵扣 - 8 dǐ kòu f /to deduct from/to compensate/ 抵抗 3005 1866 dǐ kàng f /to resist/resistance/ 抵抗力 - 223 dǐ kàng lì f /resistance/immunity/ 抵押 - 373 dǐ yā f /to provide (an asset) as security for a loan/to put up collateral/ 抵押品 - 25 dǐ yā pǐn f /security (property held against a loan)/mortgaged property/ 抵押物 - 23 dǐ yā wù f /collateral (finance)/ 抵押貸款 抵押贷款 T - 0 dǐ yā dài kuǎn f /mortgage loan/ 抵押貸款危機 抵押贷款危机 T - 0 dǐ yā dài kuǎn wēi jī f /mortgage crisis/ 抵押贷款 抵押貸款 S - 0 dǐ yā dài kuǎn f /mortgage loan/ 抵押贷款危机 抵押貸款危機 S - 0 dǐ yā dài kuǎn wēi jī f /mortgage crisis/ 抵拒 - 7 dǐ jù f /to resist/to stand up to/ 抵挡 抵擋 S - 876 dǐ dǎng f /to resist/to hold back/to stop/to ward off/to withstand/ 抵擋 抵挡 T - 876 dǐ dǎng f /to resist/to hold back/to stop/to ward off/to withstand/ 抵消 - 195 dǐ xiāo f /to counteract/to cancel out/to offset/ 抵減 抵减 T - 0 dǐ jiǎn f /to claim a credit against/tax reduction/ 抵牾 - 10 dǐ wǔ f /to conflict with/to contradict/contradiction/ 抵用 - 0 dǐ yòng f /to be of use/to serve the purpose/ 抵用券 - 0 dǐ yòng quàn f /coupon/voucher/ 抵禦 抵御 T - 857 dǐ yù f /to resist/to withstand/ 抵罪 - 15 dǐ zuì f /to be punished for a crime/ 抵華 抵华 T - 0 dǐ Huá f /to arrive in China/ 抵补 抵補 S - 16 dǐ bǔ f /to compensate for/to make good/ 抵補 抵补 T - 16 dǐ bǔ f /to compensate for/to make good/ 抵触 抵觸 S - 2601 dǐ chù f /to conflict/to contradict/ 抵觸 抵触 T - 2601 dǐ chù f /to conflict/to contradict/ 抵賬 抵账 T - 3 dǐ zhàng f /to repay a debt in kind or by labor/ 抵賴 抵赖 T - 115 dǐ lài f /to refuse to admit (what one has done)/to disavow/to renege/ 抵账 抵賬 S - 3 dǐ zhàng f /to repay a debt in kind or by labor/ 抵赖 抵賴 S - 115 dǐ lài f /to refuse to admit (what one has done)/to disavow/to renege/ 抵足而卧 抵足而臥 S - 0 dǐ zú ér wò f /lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close friendship/ 抵足而眠 - 3 dǐ zú ér mián f /lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close friendship/ 抵足而臥 抵足而卧 T - 0 dǐ zú ér wò f /lit. to live and sleep together (idiom); fig. a close friendship/ 抵达 抵達 S 3152 988 dǐ dá f /to arrive/to reach (a destination)/ 抵達 抵达 T 3152 988 dǐ dá f /to arrive/to reach (a destination)/ 抵銷 抵销 T - 122 dǐ xiāo f /variant of 抵消[di3 xiao1]/ 抵销 抵銷 S - 122 dǐ xiāo f /variant of 抵消[di3 xiao1]/ 抶 - 0 chì f /beat/flog/ 抹 - 2210 mā f /to wipe/ 抹 - 2210 mǒ t /to smear/to wipe/to erase/classifier for wisps of cloud, light-beams etc/ 抹 - 2210 mò f /to plaster/to go around/to skirt/ 抹一鼻子灰 - 0 mǒ yī bí zi huī f /lit. to rub one's nose with dust/to suffer a snub/to meet with a rebuff/ 抹不下脸 抹不下臉 S - 0 mǒ bù xià liǎn f /to be unable to keep a straight face (idiom)/ 抹不下臉 抹不下脸 T - 0 mǒ bù xià liǎn f /to be unable to keep a straight face (idiom)/ 抹刀 - 3 mǒ dāo f /scraper/trowel/putty knife/ 抹去 - 0 mǒ qù f /to erase/ 抹布 - 90 mā bù f /cleaning rag/also pr. [mo3 bu4]/ 抹平 - 0 mǒ píng f /to flatten/to level/to smooth out/ 抹杀 抹殺 S 4475 81 mǒ shā f /to erase/to cover traces/to obliterate evidence/to expunge/to blot out/to suppress/ 抹殺 抹杀 T 4475 81 mǒ shā f /to erase/to cover traces/to obliterate evidence/to expunge/to blot out/to suppress/ 抹油 - 0 mǒ yóu f /to anoint/ 抹灰 - 8 mǒ huī f /to plaster/to render (a wall)/(fig.) to bring shame on/also pr. [mo4 hui1]/ 抹煞 - 52 mǒ shā f /variant of 抹殺|抹杀[mo3 sha1]/ 抹片 - 0 mǒ piàn f /smear (used for medical test) (Tw)/ 抹稀泥 - 2 mǒ xī ní f /see 和稀泥[huo4 xi1 ni2]/ 抹胸 - 6 mò xiōng f /old feminine garment, covering chest and abdomen/ 抹脖子 - 20 mǒ bó zi f /to slit one's own throat/to commit suicide/ 抹茶 - 0 mǒ chá f /green tea powder (Japanese: matcha)/ 抹香鯨 抹香鲸 T - 24 mǒ xiāng jīng f /sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)/cachalot/ 抹香鲸 抹香鯨 S - 24 mǒ xiāng jīng f /sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)/cachalot/ 抹黑 - 46 mǒ hēi f /to discredit/to defame/to smear sb's name/to bring shame upon (oneself or one's family etc)/to blacken (e.g. commando's face for camouflage)/to black out or obliterate (e.g. censored words)/ 抻 - 68 chēn f /to pull/to stretch/to draw sth out/ 抻面 抻麵 S - 0 chēn miàn f /to make noodles by pulling out dough/hand-pulled noodles/ 抻麵 抻面 T - 0 chēn miàn f /to make noodles by pulling out dough/hand-pulled noodles/ 押 - 1519 yā f /to mortgage/to pawn/to detain in custody/to escort and protect/(literary) to sign/ 押后 押後 S - 3 yā hòu f /to adjourn/to defer/ 押宝 押寶 S - 12 yā bǎo f /to play yabao (a gambling game)/(fig.) to gamble on/to take one's chance/to try one's luck/ 押寶 押宝 T - 12 yā bǎo f /to play yabao (a gambling game)/(fig.) to gamble on/to take one's chance/to try one's luck/ 押平声韵 押平聲韻 S - 0 yā píng shēng yùn f /to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syllable must be classical first or second tone 平聲|平声)/ 押平聲韻 押平声韵 T - 0 yā píng shēng yùn f /to restrict to even tone (i.e. final rhyming syllable must be classical first or second tone 平聲|平声)/ 押後 押后 T - 3 yā hòu f /to adjourn/to defer/ 押沙龍 押沙龙 T - 0 Yā shā lóng f /Absalom, third son of David, king of Israel (Old Testament)/ 押沙龙 押沙龍 S - 0 Yā shā lóng f /Absalom, third son of David, king of Israel (Old Testament)/ 押注 - 3 yā zhù f /to bet/to wager/ 押租 - 85 yā zū f /rent deposit/ 押解 - 135 yā jiè f /to send away under escort (criminals, goods etc)/ 押車 押车 T - 11 yā chē f /to escort (goods) during transportation/to delay unloading (a truck, train etc)/ 押车 押車 S - 11 yā chē f /to escort (goods) during transportation/to delay unloading (a truck, train etc)/ 押运 押運 S - 49 yā yùn f /to escort (goods or funds)/to convey under guard/ 押运员 押運員 S - 3 yā yùn yuán f /supercargo (in maritime law)/agent responsible for goods/an escort/ 押送 - 104 yā sòng f /to send under escort/to transport a detainee/ 押運 押运 T - 49 yā yùn f /to escort (goods or funds)/to convey under guard/ 押運員 押运员 T - 3 yā yùn yuán f /supercargo (in maritime law)/agent responsible for goods/an escort/ 押金 2432 92 yā jīn f /deposit/down payment/ 押韵 押韻 S - 66 yā yùn f /to rhyme/sometimes written 壓韻|压韵/ 押韻 押韵 T - 66 yā yùn f /to rhyme/sometimes written 壓韻|压韵/ 抽 - 2778 chōu f /to draw out/to pull out from in between/to remove part of the whole/(of certain plants) to sprout or bud/to whip or thrash/ 抽丝 抽絲 S - 12 chōu sī f /to spin silk/ 抽丝剥茧 抽絲剝繭 S - 5 chōu sī bāo jiǎn f /lit. to spin silk from cocoons/fig. to make a painstaking investigation (idiom)/ 抽中 - 3 chōu zhòng f /to win (a prize in a lottery)/ 抽冷子 - 3 chōu lěng zi f /(coll.) unexpectedly/ 抽出 - 893 chōu chū f /to take out/to extract/ 抽动 抽動 S - 86 chōu dòng f /to twitch/to throb/a spasm/to extract and use/ 抽动症 抽動症 S - 3 chōu dòng zhèng f /Tourette syndrome/ 抽動 抽动 T - 86 chōu dòng f /to twitch/to throb/a spasm/to extract and use/ 抽動症 抽动症 T - 3 chōu dòng zhèng f /Tourette syndrome/ 抽取 - 173 chōu qǔ f /to extract/to remove/to draw (a sales commission, venom from a snake etc)/ 抽咽 - 44 chōu yè f /to sob/ 抽嘴巴 - 0 chōu zuǐ ba f /to slap/ 抽噎 - 104 chōu yē f /to sob/ 抽奖 抽獎 S - 44 chōu jiǎng f /to draw a prize/a lottery/a raffle/ 抽屉 抽屜 S 1996 560 chōu ti f /drawer/ 抽屜 抽屉 T 1996 560 chōu ti f /drawer/ 抽打 - 124 chōu dǎ f /to whip/to flog/to thrash/ 抽抽噎噎 - 3 chōu chou yē yē f /to sob and sniffle/ 抽插 - 3 chōu chā f /to slide in and out/thrusting/ 抽搐 - 277 chōu chù f /to twitch/ 抽搭 - 3 chōu dā f /to sob/to cry/ 抽斗 - 13 chōu dǒu f /drawer/ 抽时间 抽時間 S - 3 chōu shí jiān f /to (try to) find the time to/ 抽時間 抽时间 T - 3 chōu shí jiān f /to (try to) find the time to/ 抽查 - 206 chōu chá f /random inspection/to do a spot check/ 抽样 抽樣 S - 181 chōu yàng f /sample/sampling/ 抽检 抽檢 S - 41 chōu jiǎn f /sampling/spot check/random test/ 抽樣 抽样 T - 181 chōu yàng f /sample/sampling/ 抽檢 抽检 T - 41 chōu jiǎn f /sampling/spot check/random test/ 抽气 抽氣 S - 3 chōu qì f /to draw air out/ 抽氣 抽气 T - 3 chōu qì f /to draw air out/ 抽水机 抽水機 S - 35 chōu shuǐ jī f /water pump/ 抽水機 抽水机 T - 35 chōu shuǐ jī f /water pump/ 抽水泵 - 2 chōu shuǐ bèng f /water pump/ 抽水站 - 19 chōu shuǐ zhàn f /water pumping station/ 抽水馬桶 抽水马桶 T - 22 chōu shuǐ mǎ tǒng f /flush toilet/ 抽水马桶 抽水馬桶 S - 22 chōu shuǐ mǎ tǒng f /flush toilet/ 抽油烟机 抽油煙機 S - 7 chōu yóu yān jī f /range hood/kitchen exhaust hood/ 抽油煙機 抽油烟机 T - 7 chōu yóu yān jī f /range hood/kitchen exhaust hood/ 抽泣 - 135 chōu qì f /to sob spasmodically/ 抽烟 抽煙 S 1005 403 chōu yān f /to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)/ 抽煙 抽烟 T 1005 403 chōu yān f /to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)/ 抽獎 抽奖 T - 44 chōu jiǎng f /to draw a prize/a lottery/a raffle/ 抽痛 - 0 chōu tòng f /to throb with pain/throbbing pain/twang/pang/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 抽离 抽離 S - 0 chōu lí f /to remove/to step back from involvement/to disengage/ 抽空 - 119 chōu kòng f /to find the time to do sth/ 抽筋 - 74 chōu jīn f /cramp/charley horse/to pull a tendon/ 抽签 抽籤 S - 258 chōu qiān f /to perform divination with sticks/to draw lots/a ballot (in share dealing)/ 抽籤 抽签 T - 258 chōu qiān f /to perform divination with sticks/to draw lots/a ballot (in share dealing)/ 抽絲 抽丝 T - 12 chōu sī f /to spin silk/ 抽絲剝繭 抽丝剥茧 T - 5 chōu sī bāo jiǎn f /lit. to spin silk from cocoons/fig. to make a painstaking investigation (idiom)/ 抽脂 - 0 chōu zhī f /liposuction/ 抽菸 - 403 chōu yān f /variant of 抽煙|抽烟[chou1 yan1]/to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)/ 抽血 - 23 chōu xuè f /to take blood/to draw blood (e.g. for a test)/ 抽認卡 抽认卡 T - 0 chōu rèn kǎ f /flashcard/ 抽調 抽调 T - 274 chōu diào f /to transfer (personnel or material)/ 抽认卡 抽認卡 S - 0 chōu rèn kǎ f /flashcard/ 抽调 抽調 S - 274 chōu diào f /to transfer (personnel or material)/ 抽象 2425 797 chōu xiàng f /abstract/abstraction/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 抽象代数 抽象代數 S - 18 chōu xiàng dài shù f /abstract algebra/ 抽象代數 抽象代数 T - 18 chōu xiàng dài shù f /abstract algebra/ 抽象域 - 0 chōu xiàng yù f /abstract field (math.)/ 抽象思維 抽象思维 T - 21 chōu xiàng sī wéi f /abstract thought/logical thinking/ 抽象思维 抽象思維 S - 21 chōu xiàng sī wéi f /abstract thought/logical thinking/ 抽象詞 抽象词 T - 0 chōu xiàng cí f /abstract word/ 抽象词 抽象詞 S - 0 chōu xiàng cí f /abstract word/ 抽身 - 188 chōu shēn f /to get away from/to withdraw/to free oneself/ 抽離 抽离 T - 0 chōu lí f /to remove/to step back from involvement/to disengage/ 抽風 抽风 T - 23 chōu fēng f /to ventilate/to induce a draught/spasm/convulsion/ 抽風機 抽风机 T - 3 chōu fēng jī f /exhaust fan/ 抽风 抽風 S - 23 chōu fēng f /to ventilate/to induce a draught/spasm/convulsion/ 抽风机 抽風機 S - 3 chōu fēng jī f /exhaust fan/ 抿 - 390 mǐn f /purse up (lips)/to smooth/ 抿子 - 3 mǐn zi f /small hairbrush/ 拂 - 867 bì f /old variant of 弼[bi4]/ 拂 - 867 fú t /to brush away/ 拂动 拂動 S - 3 fú dòng f /to brush into motion/to swish/to dust/ 拂動 拂动 T - 3 fú dòng f /to brush into motion/to swish/to dust/ 拂塵 拂尘 T - 475 fú chén f /horsetail whisk/duster/ 拂士 - 0 bì shì f /attendant to the emperor/wise counselor/ 拂尘 拂塵 S - 475 fú chén f /horsetail whisk/duster/ 拂扫 拂掃 S - 0 fú sǎo f /whisk/ 拂掃 拂扫 T - 0 fú sǎo f /whisk/ 拂晓 拂曉 S - 109 fú xiǎo f /daybreak/approach of dawn/ 拂曉 拂晓 T - 109 fú xiǎo f /daybreak/approach of dawn/ 拂袖而去 - 54 fú xiù ér qù f /to brush with one's sleeve then go (idiom); to turn and leave abruptly/ 拃 - 8 zhǎ f /span (unit of length based on the width of the expanded human hand)/to span (measure with one's hand)/ 拄 4647 303 zhǔ f /to lean on/to prop on/ 担 擔 S - 1918 dān t /to undertake/to carry/to shoulder/to take responsibility/ 担 擔 S - 1918 dàn f /picul (100 catties, 50 kg)/two buckets full/carrying pole and its load/classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole/ 担仔面 擔仔麵 S - 3 dān zǎi miàn f /ta-a noodles or danzai noodles, popular snack originating from Tainan/ 担任 擔任 S 2107 6409 dān rèn f /to hold a governmental office or post/to assume office of/to take charge of/to serve as/ 担保 擔保 S 3319 796 dān bǎo f /to guarantee/to vouch for/ 担子 擔子 S - 695 dàn zi f /carrying pole and the loads on it/burden/task/responsibility/CL:副[fu4]/ 担当 擔當 S - 512 dān dāng f /to take upon oneself/to assume/ 担待 擔待 S - 60 dān dài f /to pardon/please excuse (me)/to take responsibility/ 担心 擔心 S 349 4839 dān xīn f /anxious/worried/uneasy/to worry/to be anxious/ 担忧 擔憂 S - 781 dān yōu f /to worry/to be concerned/ 担惊受怕 擔驚受怕 S - 63 dān jīng shòu pà f /to feel apprehensive/to be alarmed/ 担懮 擔懮 S - 0 dān yōu f /worry/anxiety/ 担承 擔承 S - 3 dān chéng f /to undertake/to assume (responsibility etc)/ 担担面 擔擔麵 S - 4 dàn dàn miàn f /Sichuan noodles with a spicy and numbing sauce/ 担搁 擔擱 S - 9 dān ge f /variant of 耽擱|耽搁[dan1 ge5]/ 担架 擔架 S - 249 dān jià f /stretcher/litter/bier/ 担架兵 擔架兵 S - 0 dān jià bīng f /stretcher bearer (military)/ 担架床 擔架床 S - 0 dān jià chuáng f /stretcher/ 担架抬 擔架抬 S - 0 dān jià tái f /stretcher (for the injured)/ 担荷 擔荷 S - 0 dān hè f /to shoulder a burden/ 担误 擔誤 S - 3 dān wu f /variant of 耽誤|耽误[dan1 wu5]/ 担负 擔負 S - 1011 dān fù f /to shoulder/to bear/to undertake/ 拆 1730 1759 chāi f /to tear open/to tear down/to tear apart/to open/ 拆下 - 3 chāi xià f /to dismantle/to take apart/ 拆东墙补西墙 拆東牆補西牆 S - 6 chāi dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng f /lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west wall (idiom); fig. temporary expedient/Rob Peter to pay Paul/ 拆东补西 拆東補西 S - 3 chāi dōng bǔ xī f /lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west (idiom); fig. temporary expedient/Rob Peter to pay Paul/ 拆借 - 86 chāi jiè f /short term loan/ 拆分 - 39 chāi fēn f /separate/broken up into separate items/ 拆卸 - 66 chāi xiè f /to unload/to dismantle/ 拆台 拆臺 S - 19 chāi tái f /to undermine/destructive spoiling/ 拆字 - 16 chāi zì f /fortune telling by unpicking Chinese characters/ 拆开 拆開 S - 429 chāi kāi f /to dismantle/to disassemble/to open up (sth sealed)/to unpick/ 拆息 - 7 chāi xī f /daily interest on a loan/ 拆放款 - 0 chāi fàng kuǎn f /funds on call/invested sum that can be cashed/ 拆散 - 128 chāi sàn f /to break up (a marriage, family etc)/ 拆机 拆機 S - 3 chāi jī f /to dismantle a machine/to terminate a telephone service/ 拆東牆補西牆 拆东墙补西墙 T - 6 chāi dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng f /lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west wall (idiom); fig. temporary expedient/Rob Peter to pay Paul/ 拆東補西 拆东补西 T - 3 chāi dōng bǔ xī f /lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west (idiom); fig. temporary expedient/Rob Peter to pay Paul/ 拆機 拆机 T - 3 chāi jī f /to dismantle a machine/to terminate a telephone service/ 拆毀 拆毁 T - 135 chāi huǐ f /to dismantle/to demolish/ 拆毁 拆毀 S - 135 chāi huǐ f /to dismantle/to demolish/ 拆洗 - 35 chāi xǐ f /to unpick and wash (e.g. padded garment)/ 拆用 - 0 chāi yòng f /to tear down and reuse/to cannibalize/ 拆穿 - 50 chāi chuān f /to expose/to unmask/to see through (a lie etc)/ 拆線 拆线 T - 13 chāi xiàn f /to remove stitches (from a wound)/ 拆线 拆線 S - 13 chāi xiàn f /to remove stitches (from a wound)/ 拆臺 拆台 T - 19 chāi tái f /to undermine/destructive spoiling/ 拆解 - 204 chāi jiě f /to disassemble/ 拆賬 拆账 T - 0 chāi zhàng f /to work in an enterprise for a share of the profits/ 拆账 拆賬 S - 0 chāi zhàng f /to work in an enterprise for a share of the profits/ 拆迁 拆遷 S - 242 chāi qiān f /to demolish a building and relocate the inhabitants/ 拆遷 拆迁 T - 242 chāi qiān f /to demolish a building and relocate the inhabitants/ 拆開 拆开 T - 429 chāi kāi f /to dismantle/to disassemble/to open up (sth sealed)/to unpick/ 拆除 - 1505 chāi chú f /to tear down/to demolish/to dismantle/to remove/ 拇 - 290 mǔ f /thumb/big toe/ 拇外翻 - 0 mǔ wài fān f /bunion/hallux valgus/ 拇战 拇戰 S - 3 mǔ zhàn f /finger-guessing game/ 拇戰 拇战 T - 3 mǔ zhàn f /finger-guessing game/ 拇指 - 439 mǔ zhǐ f /thumb/big toe/ 拇指甲 - 0 mǔ zhǐ jia f /thumbnail/ 拇趾 - 6 mǔ zhǐ f /big toe/ 拈 - 531 niān f /to nip/to grasp with the fingers/to fiddle with/Taiwan pr. [nian2]/ 拈指 - 0 niān zhǐ f /a snap of the fingers/a short moment/in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye/ 拈花惹草 - 29 niān huā rě cǎo f /lit. to pick the flowers and trample the grass (idiom)/fig. to womanize/to frequent brothels/to sow one's wild oats/ 拈酸 - 0 niān suān f /(old) to be jealous/ 拈香 - 38 niān xiāng f /burn incense/ 拉 655 12817 lā f /to pull/to play (a bowed instrument)/to drag/to draw/to chat/ 拉K - 0 lā K f /(slang) to take ketamine/ 拉㞎㞎 - 0 lā bǎ ba f /to poo-poo (kiddie talk)/ 拉丁 - 193 lā dīng f /Latin/(in former times) to press-gang/to kidnap and force people into service/ 拉丁化 - 3 Lā dīng huà f /romanization/ 拉丁字母 - 162 Lā dīng zì mǔ f /Latin alphabet/ 拉丁文 - 213 Lā dīng wén f /Latin (language)/ 拉丁文字 - 0 Lā dīng wén zì f /the alphabet/latin letters/ 拉丁方块 拉丁方塊 S - 0 Lā dīng fāng kuài f /Latin square (math. puzzle)/ 拉丁方塊 拉丁方块 T - 0 Lā dīng fāng kuài f /Latin square (math. puzzle)/ 拉丁美洲 - 436 Lā dīng Měi zhōu f /Latin America/ 拉丁舞 - 9 Lā dīng wǔ f /Latin dance/ 拉丁語 拉丁语 T - 163 Lā dīng yǔ f /Latin (language)/ 拉丁语 拉丁語 S - 163 Lā dīng yǔ f /Latin (language)/ 拉丝模 拉絲模 S - 3 lā sī mó f /die (i.e. tool for cutting wire to a given diameter)/ 拉个手 拉個手 S - 0 lā ge shǒu f /to hold hands/ 拉交情 - 5 lā jiāo qing f /to try to form friendly ties with sb for one's own benefit/to suck up to sb/ 拉什卡尔加 拉什卡爾加 S - 0 Lā shí kǎ ěr Jiā f /Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province in south Afghanistan/ 拉什卡爾加 拉什卡尔加 T - 0 Lā shí kǎ ěr Jiā f /Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province in south Afghanistan/ 拉什莫尔山 拉什莫爾山 S - 0 Lā shí mò ěr Shān f /Mt Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota/ 拉什莫爾山 拉什莫尔山 T - 0 Lā shí mò ěr Shān f /Mt Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota/ 拉伤 拉傷 S - 32 lā shāng f /to pull/to injure by straining/ 拉伸 - 50 lā shēn f /to draw/to stretch/ 拉伸強度 拉伸强度 T - 0 lā shēn qiáng dù f /tensile strength/ 拉伸强度 拉伸強度 S - 0 lā shēn qiáng dù f /tensile strength/ 拉個手 拉个手 T - 0 lā ge shǒu f /to hold hands/ 拉倒 - 96 lā dǎo f /(coll.) to let it go/to drop it/ 拉傷 拉伤 T - 32 lā shāng f /to pull/to injure by straining/ 拉克替醇 - 0 lā kè tì chún f /lactitol, a sugar alcohol/ 拉入 - 3 lā rù f /to pull into/to draw in/ 拉关系 拉關係 S - 11 lā guān xì f /to seek contact with sb for one's own benefit/to suck up to sb/ 拉兹莫夫斯基 拉茲莫夫斯基 S - 0 Lā zī mò fū sī jī f /Razumovsky (name)/Prince Andrey Kirillovich Razumovsky (1752-1836), Russian diplomat/ 拉冈 拉岡 S - 0 Lā gāng f /Lacan (psychoanalyst)/ 拉制 - 8 lā zhì f /manufacture/ 拉力 - 82 lā lì f /tension/ 拉力賽 拉力赛 T - 37 lā lì sài f /rally (car race) (loanword)/ 拉力赛 拉力賽 S - 37 lā lì sài f /rally (car race) (loanword)/ 拉勾儿 拉勾兒 S - 0 lā gòu r f /to cross little fingers (between children) as a promise/ 拉勾兒 拉勾儿 T - 0 lā gòu r f /to cross little fingers (between children) as a promise/ 拉包尔 拉包爾 S - 4 Lā bāo ěr f /Rabaul, port city and capital of New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea/ 拉包爾 拉包尔 T - 4 Lā bāo ěr f /Rabaul, port city and capital of New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea/ 拉匝祿 拉匝禄 T - 0 Lā zā lù f /Lazarus (Catholic transliteration)/ 拉匝禄 拉匝祿 S - 0 Lā zā lù f /Lazarus (Catholic transliteration)/ 拉卜楞寺 - 11 Lā bǔ lèng sì f /Labrang monastery, Tibetan: bLa-brang bkra-shis-'khyil, in Xiahe county 夏河縣|夏河县[Xia4 he2 xian4], Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet/ 拉各斯 - 48 Lā gè sī f /Lagos (Nigerian city)/ 拉合尔 拉合爾 S - 70 Lā hé ěr f /Lahore (city in Pakistan)/ 拉合爾 拉合尔 T - 70 Lā hé ěr f /Lahore (city in Pakistan)/ 拉呱 - 12 lā gua f /(dialect) to chat/to gossip/ 拉场子 拉場子 S - 3 lā chǎng zi f /(of a performer) to put on a show at an outdoor venue (temple fair, marketplace etc)/(fig.) to enhance sb's reputation/to make a name for oneself/ 拉圾 - 3 lā jī f /variant of 垃圾/trash/refuse/garbage/Taiwan pr. [le4 se4]/ 拉坯 - 0 lā pī f /to make ceramics (on a potter's wheel)/ 拉場子 拉场子 T - 3 lā chǎng zi f /(of a performer) to put on a show at an outdoor venue (temple fair, marketplace etc)/(fig.) to enhance sb's reputation/to make a name for oneself/ 拉大便 - 0 là dà biàn f /to poop/to defecate/ 拉大旗作虎皮 - 8 lā dà qí zuò hǔ pí f /lit. to wave a banner as if it were a tiger skin (idiom)/fig. to borrow sb's prestige/to take the name of a great cause as a shield/ 拉大条 拉大條 S - 0 lā dà tiáo f /to defecate (slang)/ 拉大條 拉大条 T - 0 lā dà tiáo f /to defecate (slang)/ 拉夫 - 74 lā fū f /to force into service/press-gang/ 拉夫堡 - 0 Lā fū bǎo f /Loughborough, English city/ 拉夫堡大学 拉夫堡大學 S - 0 Lā fū bǎo Dà xué f /Loughborough University/ 拉夫堡大學 拉夫堡大学 T - 0 Lā fū bǎo Dà xué f /Loughborough University/ 拉夫桑賈尼 拉夫桑贾尼 T - 9 Lā fū sāng jiǎ ní f /Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani/ 拉夫桑贾尼 拉夫桑賈尼 S - 9 Lā fū sāng jiǎ ní f /Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani/ 拉夫罗夫 拉夫羅夫 S - 6 Lā fū luó fū f /Lavrov (name)/Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (1950-), Russian diplomat and politician, Foreign minister from 2004/ 拉夫羅夫 拉夫罗夫 T - 6 Lā fū luó fū f /Lavrov (name)/Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov (1950-), Russian diplomat and politician, Foreign minister from 2004/ 拉奎拉 - 0 Lā kuí lā f /L'Aquila, Italy/ 拉姆安拉 - 0 Lā mǔ ān lā f /Ramallah/ 拉姆斯菲尔德 拉姆斯菲爾德 S - 18 Lā mǔ sī fēi ěr dé f /Donald Rumsfeld (1932-), former US Secretary of Defense/ 拉姆斯菲爾德 拉姆斯菲尔德 T - 18 Lā mǔ sī fēi ěr dé f /Donald Rumsfeld (1932-), former US Secretary of Defense/ 拉孜 - 6 Lā zī f /Lhazê county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 拉孜县 拉孜縣 S - 3 Lā zī xiàn f /Lhazê county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 拉孜縣 拉孜县 T - 3 Lā zī xiàn f /Lhazê county, Tibetan: Lha rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 拉客 - 27 lā kè f /to solicit (guests, clients, passengers etc)/to importune/ 拉家带口 拉家帶口 S - 3 lā jiā dài kǒu f /to bear the burden of a household (idiom); encumbered by a family/tied down by family obligations/ 拉家帶口 拉家带口 T - 3 lā jiā dài kǒu f /to bear the burden of a household (idiom); encumbered by a family/tied down by family obligations/ 拉家常 - 18 lā jiā cháng f /to talk or chat about ordinary daily life/ 拉尔夫 拉爾夫 S - 14 Lā ěr fū f /Ralph (name)/ 拉尔维克 拉爾維克 S - 0 Lā ěr wéi kè f /Larvik (city in Vestfold, Norway)/ 拉尼娅 拉尼婭 S - 0 lā ní yà f /Rania (name)/ 拉尼娜 - 0 Lā Ní nà f /La Niña, equatorial climatic variation over the Eastern Pacific, as opposed to El Niño 厄爾尼諾|厄尔尼诺/ 拉尼婭 拉尼娅 T - 0 lā ní yà f /Rania (name)/ 拉屎 - 106 lā shǐ f /to defecate/to shit/to crap/ 拉山头 拉山頭 S - 3 lā shān tóu f /to start a clique/to form a faction/ 拉山頭 拉山头 T - 3 lā shān tóu f /to start a clique/to form a faction/ 拉岡 拉冈 T - 0 Lā gāng f /Lacan (psychoanalyst)/ 拉巴斯 - 23 Lā bā sī f /La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia/ 拉巴特 - 46 Lā bā tè f /Rabat, capital of Morocco/ 拉布拉多 - 37 Lā bù lā duō f /Labrador, Canada/Labrador (a breed of dog)/ 拉帕斯 - 0 Lā pà sī f /La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia, usually written as 拉巴斯/ 拉平 - 36 lā píng f /to bring to the same level/to even up/to flare out/to flatten out/ 拉开 拉開 S - 1281 lā kāi f /to pull open/to pull apart/to space out/to increase/ 拉开序幕 拉開序幕 S - 3 lā kāi xù mù f /(fig.) to raise the curtain/to lift the curtain/to be a curtain raiser for/ 拉开架势 拉開架勢 S - 0 lā kāi jià shi f /to assume a fighting stance/(fig.) to take the offensive/ 拉德 - 19 lā dé f /rad (unit of radiation)/ 拉手 - 50 lā shǒu t /to hold hands/to shake hands/ 拉手 - 50 lā shou f /a handle/to pull on a handle/ 拉扯 - 308 lā che f /to drag/to pull/to raise a child (through difficulties)/to help/to support/to drag in/to chat/ 拉扯大 - 0 lā che dà f /(coll.) to bring up/to rear/to raise/ 拉拉 - 155 Lā lā f /Lala, Philippines/ 拉拉 - 155 lā lā f /lesbian (net slang)/ 拉拉扯扯 - 45 lā lā chě chě f /to tug at/to pull at sb aggressively/to take sb's hand or arm in a too familiar way/(derog.) to hobnob/to consort/ 拉拉队 拉拉隊 S - 10 lā lā duì f /support team/cheering squad/cheerleader/also written 啦啦隊|啦啦队/ 拉拉隊 拉拉队 T - 10 lā lā duì f /support team/cheering squad/cheerleader/also written 啦啦隊|啦啦队/ 拉拢 拉攏 S - 226 lā lǒng f /to rope in/fig. to involve sb/to entice/ 拉撒路 - 0 Lā sǎ lù f /Lazarus (Protestant transliteration)/ 拉攏 拉拢 T - 226 lā lǒng f /to rope in/fig. to involve sb/to entice/ 拉文克劳 拉文克勞 S - 0 Lā wén kè láo f /Ravenclaw (Harry Potter)/ 拉文克勞 拉文克劳 T - 0 Lā wén kè láo f /Ravenclaw (Harry Potter)/ 拉文納 拉文纳 T - 14 Lā wén nà f /Ravenna on the Adriatic coast of Italy/ 拉文纳 拉文納 S - 14 Lā wén nà f /Ravenna on the Adriatic coast of Italy/ 拉斐尔 拉斐爾 S - 60 Lā fěi ěr f /Raphael/ 拉斐爾 拉斐尔 T - 60 Lā fěi ěr f /Raphael/ 拉斐特 - 11 Lā fěi tè f /Lafayette/ 拉斯帕尔马斯 拉斯帕爾馬斯 S - 0 Lā sī pà ěr mǎ sī f /Las Palmas, Spain/ 拉斯帕爾馬斯 拉斯帕尔马斯 T - 0 Lā sī pà ěr mǎ sī f /Las Palmas, Spain/ 拉斯穆森 - 0 Lā sī mù sēn f /Rasmussen (name)/ 拉斯維加斯 拉斯维加斯 T - 46 Lā sī Wéi jiā sī f /Las Vegas, Nevada/ 拉斯维加斯 拉斯維加斯 S - 46 Lā sī Wéi jiā sī f /Las Vegas, Nevada/ 拉普兰 拉普蘭 S - 5 Lā pǔ lán f /Lapland (northern Europe)/ 拉普拉斯 - 118 Lā pǔ lā sī f /Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827), French mathematician/ 拉普蘭 拉普兰 T - 5 Lā pǔ lán f /Lapland (northern Europe)/ 拉杂 拉雜 S - 5 lā zá f /disorganized/rambling/incoherent/ 拉杆 - 39 lā gān f /tension bar/ 拉架 - 5 lā jià f /to try to stop a fight/to intervene in a fight/ 拉格朗日 - 0 Lā gé lǎng rì f /Lagrange (name)/Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1735-1813), French mathematician and physicist/ 拉格比 - 0 Lā gé bǐ f /Rugby (game)/Rugby school in England/ 拉比 - 41 lā bǐ f /rabbi (loanword)/ 拉沙病毒 - 0 lā shā bìng dú f /Lassa virus/ 拉法兰 拉法蘭 S - 0 Lā fǎ lán f /Raffarin, prime minister of France under Jacques Chirac/ 拉法格 - 12 Lā fǎ gé f /Lafargue (name)/Paul Lafargue (1842-1911), French socialist and revolutionary activist, son-in-law of Karl Marx/ 拉法蘭 拉法兰 T - 0 Lā fǎ lán f /Raffarin, prime minister of France under Jacques Chirac/ 拉法赫 - 0 Lā fǎ hè f /Rafah, city in Palestine/ 拉活 - 0 lā huó f /(northern dialect) to pick up a fare (as a taxi driver)/to pick up a piece of work (as a courier)/ 拉爾夫 拉尔夫 T - 14 Lā ěr fū f /Ralph (name)/ 拉爾維克 拉尔维克 T - 0 Lā ěr wéi kè f /Larvik (city in Vestfold, Norway)/ 拉狄克 - 3 Lā dí kè f /Karl Bernardovich Radek (1995-1939), bolshevik and Comintern leader, first president of Moscow Sun Yat-sen university, died in prison during Stalin's purges/ 拉环 拉環 S - 9 lā huán f /ring pull (can)/strap handle (on bus or train)/circular door handle/ 拉環 拉环 T - 9 lā huán f /ring pull (can)/strap handle (on bus or train)/circular door handle/ 拉瓦尔 拉瓦爾 S - 21 Lā wǎ ěr f /Laval (name)/ 拉瓦爾 拉瓦尔 T - 21 Lā wǎ ěr f /Laval (name)/ 拉瓦錫 拉瓦锡 T - 63 Lā wǎ xī f /Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), French nobleman and scientist, considered the father of modern chemistry/ 拉瓦锡 拉瓦錫 S - 63 Lā wǎ xī f /Antoine Lavoisier (1743-1794), French nobleman and scientist, considered the father of modern chemistry/ 拉生意 - 3 lā shēng yì f /to tout/to solicit customers/ 拉登 - 58 Lā dēng f /(Osama) bin Laden (1957-2011), leader of Al Qaeda/ 拉白布条 拉白布條 S - 0 lā bái bù tiáo f /to hold up a white banner (i.e. to protest)/ 拉白布條 拉白布条 T - 0 lā bái bù tiáo f /to hold up a white banner (i.e. to protest)/ 拉皮 - 10 lā pí f /to have a facelift/facelift/ 拉皮条 拉皮條 S - 12 lā pí tiáo f /to procure/to act as pimp/ 拉皮條 拉皮条 T - 12 lā pí tiáo f /to procure/to act as pimp/ 拉盖尔 拉蓋爾 S - 0 Lā gài ěr f /Laguerre (name)/Edmond Laguerre (1834-1886), French mathematician/ 拉碴 - 0 lā chā f /(of beard etc) stubbly/scraggly/unkempt/ 拉祜族 - 48 Lā hù zú f /Lahu ethnic group of Yunnan/ 拉票 - 3 lā piào f /to campaign for votes/to ask voters for support/ 拉科魯尼亞 拉科鲁尼亚 T - 0 Lā Kē lǔ ní yà f /La Coruña or A Coruña (city in Galicia, Spain)/ 拉科鲁尼亚 拉科魯尼亞 S - 0 Lā Kē lǔ ní yà f /La Coruña or A Coruña (city in Galicia, Spain)/ 拉稀 - 16 lā xī f /(coll.) to have diarrhea/to shrink back/to cower/ 拉筋 - 0 lā jīn f /stretching (exercise)/ 拉管 - 3 lā guǎn f /trombone/ 拉米夫定 - 13 Lā mǐ fū dìng f /Lamivudine, reverse transcriptase inhibitor marketed by GlaxoSmithKline and widely used in the treatment of hepatitis B and AIDS/brand names include Zeffix, Heptovir, Epivir and Epivir-HBV/ 拉納卡 拉纳卡 T - 6 Lā nà kǎ f /Larnaca (city in Cyprus)/Larnaka/ 拉紧 拉緊 S - 5 lā jǐn f /to pull tight/tensioning/ 拉絲模 拉丝模 T - 3 lā sī mó f /die (i.e. tool for cutting wire to a given diameter)/ 拉緊 拉紧 T - 5 lā jǐn f /to pull tight/tensioning/ 拉纳卡 拉納卡 S - 6 Lā nà kǎ f /Larnaca (city in Cyprus)/Larnaka/ 拉美 - 519 Lā Měi f /Latin America/abbr. for 拉丁美洲/ 拉美西斯 - 0 Lā měi xī sī f /Rameses (name of pharaoh)/ 拉肚子 - 47 lā dù zi f /(coll.) to have diarrhea/ 拉脫維亞 拉脱维亚 T - 156 Lā tuō wéi yà f /Latvia/ 拉脱维亚 拉脫維亞 S - 156 Lā tuō wéi yà f /Latvia/ 拉茲莫夫斯基 拉兹莫夫斯基 T - 0 Lā zī mò fū sī jī f /Razumovsky (name)/Prince Andrey Kirillovich Razumovsky (1752-1836), Russian diplomat/ 拉茶 - 0 lā chá f /teh tarik, an Indian-style tea with milk (GM)/ 拉莫斯 - 93 Lā mò sī f /(Philippine President Fidel) Ramos/ 拉菲草 - 0 lā fēi cǎo f /raffia (loanword)/ 拉萨 拉薩 S - 568 Lā sà f /Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区/ 拉萨市 拉薩市 S - 62 Lā sà Shì f /Lhasa, Tibetan: Lha sa grong khyer, capital of Tibet autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区[Xi1 zang4 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/ 拉萨条约 拉薩條約 S - 0 Lā sà Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Lhasa (1904) between British empire and Tibet/ 拉蓋爾 拉盖尔 T - 0 Lā gài ěr f /Laguerre (name)/Edmond Laguerre (1834-1886), French mathematician/ 拉薩 拉萨 T - 568 Lā sà f /Lhasa, capital city of Tibet autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区/ 拉薩市 拉萨市 T - 62 Lā sà Shì f /Lhasa, Tibetan: Lha sa grong khyer, capital of Tibet autonomous region 西藏自治區|西藏自治区[Xi1 zang4 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]/ 拉薩條約 拉萨条约 T - 0 Lā sà Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Lhasa (1904) between British empire and Tibet/ 拉話 拉话 T - 0 lā huà f /(dialect) to chat/ 拉话 拉話 S - 0 lā huà f /(dialect) to chat/ 拉賈斯坦邦 拉贾斯坦邦 T - 9 Lā jiǎ sī tǎn bāng f /Rajasthan (state in India)/ 拉贾斯坦邦 拉賈斯坦邦 S - 9 Lā jiǎ sī tǎn bāng f /Rajasthan (state in India)/ 拉赫曼尼諾夫 拉赫曼尼诺夫 T - 0 Lā hè màn ní nuò fū f /Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name)/Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), Russian composer and pianist/ 拉赫曼尼诺夫 拉赫曼尼諾夫 S - 0 Lā hè màn ní nuò fū f /Rachmaninoff or Rachmaninov (name)/Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873-1943), Russian composer and pianist/ 拉辛 - 31 Lā xīn f /Jean Racine (1639-1699), French dramatist/ 拉达克 拉達克 S - 10 Lā dá kè f /Ladakh, the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir in northwest India, adjacent to Kashmir and Tibet, know as "Little Tibet"/ 拉達克 拉达克 T - 10 Lā dá kè f /Ladakh, the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir in northwest India, adjacent to Kashmir and Tibet, know as "Little Tibet"/ 拉那烈 - 27 Lā nà liè f /Prince Norodom Ranariddh (1944-), Cambodian politician and son of former King Sihanouk of Cambodia/ 拉里 - 58 lā lǐ f /lari (currency of Georgia) (loanword)/ 拉鉚槍 拉铆枪 T - 0 lā mǎo qiāng f /see 鉚釘槍|铆钉枪[mao3 ding1 qiang1]/ 拉鉤 拉钩 T - 5 lā gōu f /pinky swear/ 拉鋸 拉锯 T - 24 lā jù f /a two-man saw/fig. to-and-fro between two sides/ 拉鋸戰 拉锯战 T - 32 lā jù zhàn f /to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest/ 拉鎖 拉锁 T - 7 lā suǒ f /zipper/ 拉鏈 拉链 T - 67 lā liàn f /zipper/ 拉钩 拉鉤 S - 5 lā gōu f /pinky swear/ 拉铆枪 拉鉚槍 S - 0 lā mǎo qiāng f /see 鉚釘槍|铆钉枪[mao3 ding1 qiang1]/ 拉链 拉鏈 S - 67 lā liàn f /zipper/ 拉锁 拉鎖 S - 7 lā suǒ f /zipper/ 拉锯 拉鋸 S - 24 lā jù f /a two-man saw/fig. to-and-fro between two sides/ 拉锯战 拉鋸戰 S - 32 lā jù zhàn f /to-and-fro tussle/closely-fought contest/ 拉長 拉长 T - 127 lā cháng f /to lengthen/to pull sth out longer/ 拉長臉 拉长脸 T - 0 lā cháng liǎn f /to pull a long face/to scowl/ 拉长 拉長 S - 127 lā cháng f /to lengthen/to pull sth out longer/ 拉长脸 拉長臉 S - 0 lā cháng liǎn f /to pull a long face/to scowl/ 拉開 拉开 T - 1281 lā kāi f /to pull open/to pull apart/to space out/to increase/ 拉開序幕 拉开序幕 T - 3 lā kāi xù mù f /(fig.) to raise the curtain/to lift the curtain/to be a curtain raiser for/ 拉開架勢 拉开架势 T - 0 lā kāi jià shi f /to assume a fighting stance/(fig.) to take the offensive/ 拉關係 拉关系 T - 11 lā guān xì f /to seek contact with sb for one's own benefit/to suck up to sb/ 拉雜 拉杂 T - 5 lā zá f /disorganized/rambling/incoherent/ 拉青格 - 0 Lā qīng gé f /Ratzinger (German surname of Pope Benedict XVI)/ 拉面 拉麵 S - 29 lā miàn f /pulled noodles/ramen/ 拉頓 拉顿 T - 0 Lā dùn f /Rodan (Japanese ラドン Radon), Japanese movie monster/ 拉顿 拉頓 S - 0 Lā dùn f /Rodan (Japanese ラドン Radon), Japanese movie monster/ 拉風 拉风 T - 0 lā fēng f /trendy/eye-catching/flashy/ 拉风 拉風 S - 0 lā fēng f /trendy/eye-catching/flashy/ 拉馬特甘 拉马特甘 T - 0 Lā mǎ tè Gān f /Ramat Gan, city in Israel, location of Bar-Ilan University/ 拉马特甘 拉馬特甘 S - 0 Lā mǎ tè Gān f /Ramat Gan, city in Israel, location of Bar-Ilan University/ 拉高 - 25 lā gāo f /to pull up/ 拉魯 拉鲁 T - 0 Lā lǔ f /Lhalu, Tibetan name and place name/Lhalu Tsewang Dorje (1915-), Tibetan pro-Chinese politician/Lhalu suburb of Lhasa/ 拉魯濕地國家自然保護區 拉鲁湿地国家自然保护区 T - 0 Lā lǔ shī dì guó jiā zì rán bǎo hù qū f /Lhalu Wetland National Nature Reserve in Lhasa/ 拉鲁 拉魯 S - 0 Lā lǔ f /Lhalu, Tibetan name and place name/Lhalu Tsewang Dorje (1915-), Tibetan pro-Chinese politician/Lhalu suburb of Lhasa/ 拉鲁湿地国家自然保护区 拉魯濕地國家自然保護區 S - 0 Lā lǔ shī dì guó jiā zì rán bǎo hù qū f /Lhalu Wetland National Nature Reserve in Lhasa/ 拉麵 拉面 T - 29 lā miàn f /pulled noodles/ramen/ 拉黑 - 0 lā hēi f /to add sb to one's blacklist (on a cellphone, or in instant messaging software etc)/abbr. for 拉到黑名單|拉到黑名单/ 拉齊奧 拉齐奥 T - 52 Lā qí ào f /Lazio (region in Italy)/ 拉齐奥 拉齊奧 S - 52 Lā qí ào f /Lazio (region in Italy)/ 拊 - 61 fǔ f /pat/ 拊掌 - 0 fǔ zhǎng f /to clap hands/ 拊髀 - 0 fǔ bì f /to slap one's own buttocks in excitement or despair/ 拋 抛 T - 2080 pāo f /to throw/to toss/to fling/to cast/to abandon/ 拋下 抛下 T - 3 pāo xià f /to throw down/to dump/to abandon/thrown down/ 拋下錨 抛下锚 T - 0 pāo xià máo f /to drop anchor/ 拋光 抛光 T - 92 pāo guāng f /to polish/to burnish/ 拋出 抛出 T - 3 pāo chū f /to toss/to throw out/ 拋卻 抛却 T - 15 pāo què f /to discard/ 拋售 抛售 T - 105 pāo shòu f /to dump (selling abroad more cheaply than cost price at home)/ 拋媚眼 抛媚眼 T - 3 pāo mèi yǎn f /to throw amorous or flirtatious glances at sb (esp. of a woman)/ 拋射 抛射 T - 88 pāo shè f /to throw/to shoot/ 拋射物 抛射物 T - 0 pāo shè wù f /projectile/ 拋射體 抛射体 T - 3 pāo shè tǐ f /projectile/ 拋撒 抛撒 T - 59 pāo sǎ f /to sprinkle/ 拋擲 抛掷 T - 179 pāo zhì f /to throw/to cast/ 拋散 抛散 T - 0 pāo sàn f /to scatter/to disperse/ 拋棄 抛弃 T 2625 684 pāo qì f /to abandon/to discard/to renounce/to dump (sb)/ 拋灑 抛洒 T - 30 pāo sǎ f /to drip/to flow out/to sprinkle/ 拋物線 抛物线 T - 73 pāo wù xiàn f /parabola/ 拋物面 抛物面 T - 35 pāo wù miàn f /paraboloid (geometry)/ 拋生耦 抛生耦 T - 0 pāo shēng ǒu f /to entice an inexperienced man/ 拋磚引玉 抛砖引玉 T - 23 pāo zhuān yǐn yù f /lit. to throw a brick to attract jade (idiom); fig. I offer a humble remark, please give us your valued opinion (e.g. commonplace remarks as a foreword to a distinguished speech)/ 拋空 抛空 T - 37 pāo kōng f /to short-sell (finance)/ 拋繡球 抛绣球 T - 3 pāo xiù qiú f /throwing the embroidered ball (traditional Zhuang flirting game at festivals)/(fig.) to make overtures/to court/ 拋臉 抛脸 T - 0 pāo liǎn f /to lose face/humiliation/ 拋荒 抛荒 T - 20 pāo huāng f /to lie idle (of arable land)/fig. rusty because of lack of practice/ 拋補 抛补 T - 0 pāo bǔ f /cover (i.e. insurance against loss in financial deals)/ 拋補套利 抛补套利 T - 0 pāo bǔ tào lì f /covered arbitrage/ 拋費 抛费 T - 3 pāo fèi f /to waste/to squander/ 拋錨 抛锚 T - 38 pāo máo f /to drop anchor/to break down (of a car etc)/ 拋開 抛开 T - 165 pāo kāi f /to throw out/to get rid of/ 拋離 抛离 T - 18 pāo lí f /to desert/to leave/to forsake/ 拋頭露面 抛头露面 T - 48 pāo tóu lòu miàn f /to show your face in public (derog.)/ 拋體 抛体 T - 3 pāo tǐ f /projectile/ 拌 - 1194 bàn f /to mix/to mix in/to toss (a salad)/ 拌和 - 13 bàn huò f /to mix and stir/to blend/ 拌嘴 - 66 bàn zuǐ f /to bicker/to squabble/to quarrel/ 拌嘴斗舌 拌嘴鬥舌 S - 0 bàn zuǐ dòu shé f /to quarrel/ 拌嘴鬥舌 拌嘴斗舌 T - 0 bàn zuǐ dòu shé f /to quarrel/ 拌种 拌種 S - 7 bàn zhǒng f /seed dressing/ 拌種 拌种 T - 7 bàn zhǒng f /seed dressing/ 拌蒜 - 3 bàn suàn f /to stagger (walk unsteadily)/ 拌面 拌麵 S - 3 bàn miàn f /noodles served with soy sauce/sesame butter etc/ 拌飯 拌饭 T - 0 bàn fàn f /bibimbap (Korean cuisine)/ 拌饭 拌飯 S - 0 bàn fàn f /bibimbap (Korean cuisine)/ 拌麵 拌面 T - 3 bàn miàn f /noodles served with soy sauce/sesame butter etc/ 拍 1220 6035 pāi f /to pat/to clap/to slap/to swat/to take (a photo)/to shoot (a film)/racket (sports)/beat (music)/ 拍出 - 3 pāi chū f /to sell at auction/to reach a given price at auction/ 拍击 拍擊 S - 87 pāi jī f /to smack/to beat/ 拍卖 拍賣 S - 1067 pāi mài f /to auction/auction sale/to sell at a reduced price/ 拍卖会 拍賣會 S - 81 pāi mài huì f /auction/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 拍卖商 拍賣商 S - 3 pāi mài shāng f /auctioneer/auction house/ 拍发 拍發 S - 9 pāi fā f /to send/to cable (a telegram)/ 拍号 拍號 S - 0 pāi hào f /time signature (music)/ 拍婆子 - 0 pāi pó zi f /to chase girls/to hang around with girls/ 拍子 - 60 pāi zi f /beat (music)/paddle-shaped object (flyswatter etc)/racket (sports)/ 拍客 - 0 pāi kè f /citizen journalist (typically posting short, self-produced documentary videos on the Web)/ 拍岸 - 14 pāi àn f /to beat against the shore (of waves)/ 拍戏 拍戲 S - 12 pāi xì f /to shoot a movie/ 拍戲 拍戏 T - 12 pāi xì f /to shoot a movie/ 拍手 - 451 pāi shǒu f /to clap one's hands/ 拍打 - 251 pāi dǎ f /to slap/ 拍拍屁股走人 - 0 pāi pāi pì gu zǒu rén f /to make oneself scarce/to slip away/to take a French leave/ 拍拖 - 6 pāi tuō f /(dialect) to date sb/ 拍摄 拍攝 S - 1316 pāi shè f /to film/to shoot (a picture)/ 拍擊 拍击 T - 87 pāi jī f /to smack/to beat/ 拍攝 拍摄 T - 1316 pāi shè f /to film/to shoot (a picture)/ 拍板 - 107 pāi bǎn f /clapper-board/auctioneer's hammer/to beat time with clappers/ 拍案 - 65 pāi àn f /lit. to slap the table (in amazement, praise, anger, resentment etc)/fig. astonishing!, wonderful!, dreadful! etc/ 拍案叫絕 拍案叫绝 T - 20 pāi àn jiào jué f /lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful!/amazing!/great!/ 拍案叫绝 拍案叫絕 S - 20 pāi àn jiào jué f /lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful!/amazing!/great!/ 拍案惊奇 拍案驚奇 S - 13 pāi àn jīng qí f /to slap the table in amazement (idiom); wonderful!/amazing!/ 拍案而起 - 68 pāi àn ér qǐ f /lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether/unable to take it any more/ 拍案驚奇 拍案惊奇 T - 13 pāi àn jīng qí f /to slap the table in amazement (idiom); wonderful!/amazing!/ 拍档 拍檔 S - 3 pāi dàng f /partner/ 拍檔 拍档 T - 3 pāi dàng f /partner/ 拍演 - 0 pāi yǎn f /(dialect) to perform/to act (in a play etc)/ 拍照 - 246 pāi zhào f /to take a picture/ 拍片 - 63 pāi piàn f /to film/to make a film/ 拍电 拍電 S - 0 pāi diàn f /to send a telegram/ 拍电影 拍電影 S - 3 pāi diàn yǐng f /to make a movie/ 拍發 拍发 T - 9 pāi fā f /to send/to cable (a telegram)/ 拍砖 拍磚 S - 3 pāi zhuān f /(slang) to throw brickbats/to criticize harshly/ 拍磚 拍砖 T - 3 pāi zhuān f /(slang) to throw brickbats/to criticize harshly/ 拍立得 - 0 Pāi lì dé f /Polaroid (Tw)/ 拍紙簿 拍纸簿 T - 3 pāi zhǐ bù f /writing pad/ 拍纸簿 拍紙簿 S - 3 pāi zhǐ bù f /writing pad/ 拍胸脯 - 3 pāi xiōng pú f /to vouch for/ 拍號 拍号 T - 0 pāi hào f /time signature (music)/ 拍賣 拍卖 T - 1067 pāi mài f /to auction/auction sale/to sell at a reduced price/ 拍賣商 拍卖商 T - 3 pāi mài shāng f /auctioneer/auction house/ 拍賣會 拍卖会 T - 81 pāi mài huì f /auction/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 拍電 拍电 T - 0 pāi diàn f /to send a telegram/ 拍電影 拍电影 T - 3 pāi diàn yǐng f /to make a movie/ 拍馬 拍马 T - 220 pāi mǎ f /to urge on a horse by patting its bottom/fig. to encourage/same as 拍馬屁|拍马屁, to flatter or toady/ 拍馬屁 拍马屁 T - 252 pāi mǎ pì f /to flatter/to fawn on/to butter sb up/toadying/boot-licking/ 拍馬者 拍马者 T - 0 pāi mǎ zhě f /flatterer/toady/ 拍马 拍馬 S - 220 pāi mǎ f /to urge on a horse by patting its bottom/fig. to encourage/same as 拍馬屁|拍马屁, to flatter or toady/ 拍马屁 拍馬屁 S - 252 pāi mǎ pì f /to flatter/to fawn on/to butter sb up/toadying/boot-licking/ 拍马者 拍馬者 S - 0 pāi mǎ zhě f /flatterer/toady/ 拎 - 553 līn f /to lift/to carry in one's hand/Taiwan pr. [ling1]/ 拎包 - 20 līn bāo f /handbag or shopping bag (dialect)/ 拎包党 拎包黨 S - 0 līn bāo dǎng f /(coll.) purse snatcher/ 拎包黨 拎包党 T - 0 līn bāo dǎng f /(coll.) purse snatcher/ 拎起 - 0 līn qǐ f /to pick up (from the ground with one's hands)/ 拏 拿 T 318 19956 ná f /variant of 拿[na2]/ 拐 - 1558 guǎi f /to turn (a corner etc)/to kidnap/to swindle/to misappropriate/walking stick/crutch/seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1])/ 拐卖 拐賣 S - 34 guǎi mài f /human trafficking/to abduct and sell/to kidnap and sell/ 拐子 - 158 guǎi zi f /crutch/(derog.) lame person/kidnapper/ 拐弯 拐彎 S 2444 171 guǎi wān f /to go round a curve/to turn a corner/fig. a new direction/ 拐弯儿 拐彎兒 S - 3 guǎi wān r f /erhua variant of 拐彎|拐弯[guai3 wan1]/ 拐弯处 拐彎處 S - 3 guǎi wān chù f /corner/bend/ 拐弯抹角 拐彎抹角 S - 41 guǎi wān mò jiǎo f /lit. going round the curves and skirting the corners (idiom)/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/to equivocate/to beat about the bush/ 拐彎 拐弯 T 2444 171 guǎi wān f /to go round a curve/to turn a corner/fig. a new direction/ 拐彎兒 拐弯儿 T - 3 guǎi wān r f /erhua variant of 拐彎|拐弯[guai3 wan1]/ 拐彎抹角 拐弯抹角 T - 41 guǎi wān mò jiǎo f /lit. going round the curves and skirting the corners (idiom)/fig. to speak in a roundabout way/to equivocate/to beat about the bush/ 拐彎處 拐弯处 T - 3 guǎi wān chù f /corner/bend/ 拐杖 3651 394 guǎi zhàng f /crutches/crutch/walking stick/ 拐棍 - 33 guǎi gùn f /cane/walking stick/ 拐点 拐點 S - 62 guǎi diǎn f /turning point/breaking point/inflexion point (math., a point of a curve at which the curvature changes sign)/ 拐角 - 48 guǎi jiǎo f /to turn a corner/corner/ 拐賣 拐卖 T - 34 guǎi mài f /human trafficking/to abduct and sell/to kidnap and sell/ 拐騙 拐骗 T - 40 guǎi piàn f /swindle/abduct/ 拐骗 拐騙 S - 40 guǎi piàn f /swindle/abduct/ 拐點 拐点 T - 62 guǎi diǎn f /turning point/breaking point/inflexion point (math., a point of a curve at which the curvature changes sign)/ 拑 - 5 qián f /pliers/pincers/to clamp/ 拒 - 1244 jù f /to resist/to repel/to refuse/ 拒不接受 - 3 jù bù jiē shòu f /refusing to accept/ 拒之門外 拒之门外 T - 67 jù zhī mén wài f /to lock one's door and refuse to see sb/ 拒之门外 拒之門外 S - 67 jù zhī mén wài f /to lock one's door and refuse to see sb/ 拒付 - 13 jù fù f /to refuse to accept a payment/to refuse to pay/to stop (a cheque or payment)/ 拒捕 - 23 jù bǔ f /to resist arrest/ 拒接 - 3 jù jiē f /to reject/to refuse to take a call/ 拒收 - 41 jù shōu f /to reject/to refuse to accept/ 拒斥 - 8 jù chì f /to reject/ 拒签 拒簽 S - 32 jù qiān f /to refuse (a visa application etc)/ 拒簽 拒签 T - 32 jù qiān f /to refuse (a visa application etc)/ 拒絕 拒绝 T 787 3577 jù jué f /to refuse/to decline/to reject/ 拒绝 拒絕 S 787 3577 jù jué f /to refuse/to decline/to reject/ 拒腐防变 拒腐防變 S - 75 jù fǔ fáng biàn f /to fight corruption and forestall moral degeneration/ 拒腐防變 拒腐防变 T - 75 jù fǔ fáng biàn f /to fight corruption and forestall moral degeneration/ 拒載 拒载 T - 5 jù zài f /to refuse to take a passenger (of taxi)/ 拒载 拒載 S - 5 jù zài f /to refuse to take a passenger (of taxi)/ 拒馬 拒马 T - 3 jù mǎ f /cheval de frise (a type of barrier)/ 拒马 拒馬 S - 3 jù mǎ f /cheval de frise (a type of barrier)/ 拓 - 261 Tuò f /surname Tuo/ 拓 - 261 tà t /to make a rubbing (e.g. of an inscription)/ 拓 - 261 tuò f /to expand/to push sth with the hand/to develop/to open up/ 拓印 - 7 tà yìn f /stone rubbing (to copy an inscription)/ 拓宽 拓寬 S - 313 tuò kuān f /to broaden/ 拓寬 拓宽 T - 313 tuò kuān f /to broaden/ 拓展 - 864 tuò zhǎn f /to expand/ 拓扑 拓撲 S - 146 tuò pū f /(loanword) topology (math.)/topology of a network (computing)/ 拓扑学 拓撲學 S - 88 tuò pū xué f /topology (math.)/ 拓扑空间 拓撲空間 S - 0 tuò pū kōng jiān f /topological space (math.)/ 拓扑结构 拓撲結構 S - 0 tuò pū jié gòu f /topological structure/ 拓拔 - 0 Tuò bá f /branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)/also written 拓跋/ 拓撲 拓扑 T - 146 tuò pū f /(loanword) topology (math.)/topology of a network (computing)/ 拓撲學 拓扑学 T - 88 tuò pū xué f /topology (math.)/ 拓撲空間 拓扑空间 T - 0 tuò pū kōng jiān f /topological space (math.)/ 拓撲結構 拓扑结构 T - 0 tuò pū jié gòu f /topological structure/ 拓本 - 34 tà běn f /rubbing of inscription/ 拓片 - 69 tà piàn f /rubbings from a tablet/ 拓荒 - 34 tuò huāng f /to open up land (for agriculture)/ 拓荒者 - 14 tuò huāng zhě f /pioneer/groundbreaker/ 拓跋 - 401 Tuò bá f /branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people, founders of Wei 北魏 of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)/also written 拓拔/ 拓跋魏 - 0 Tuò bá Wèi f /Wei of the Northern Dynasties (386-534)/ 拔 - 2607 bá f /to pull up/to pull out/to draw out by suction/to select/to pick/to stand out (above level)/to surpass/to seize/ 拔丝 拔絲 S - 5 bá sī f /wire drawing/candied floss (cooking)/spun sugar or toffee (coating)/ 拔凉拔凉 拔涼拔涼 S - 0 bá liáng bá liáng f /(dialect) very cold/chilled/ 拔取 - 3 bá qǔ f /to pick out/to select and recruit/to pluck/to pull/ 拔地 - 0 bá dì f /to rise steeply from level ground/ 拔尖 - 63 bá jiān f /top-notch (colloquial)/to push oneself to the front/ 拔尖儿 拔尖兒 S - 6 bá jiān r f /erhua variant of 拔尖[ba2 jian1]/ 拔尖兒 拔尖儿 T - 6 bá jiān r f /erhua variant of 拔尖[ba2 jian1]/ 拔掉 - 105 bá diào f /to pluck/to pull off/to pull out/to unplug/ 拔擢 - 61 bá zhuó f /select the best people for promotion/ 拔染 - 3 bá rǎn f /discharge/ 拔根 - 3 bá gēn f /uproot/ 拔毒 - 11 bá dú f /draw out pus by applying a plaster to the affected area/ 拔毛 - 3 bá máo f /to pull out hair/to pluck/epilation/ 拔毛连茹 拔毛連茹 S - 3 bá máo lián rú f /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others/inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his friends./ 拔毛連茹 拔毛连茹 T - 3 bá máo lián rú f /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others/inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his friends./ 拔河 - 50 bá hé f /tug-of-war/to take part in a tug-of-war/ 拔海 - 2 bá hǎi f /elevation (above sea level)/ 拔涼拔涼 拔凉拔凉 T - 0 bá liáng bá liáng f /(dialect) very cold/chilled/ 拔火罐 - 3 bá huǒ guàn f /suction cup (used in Chinese medicine to draw the blood and qi 氣|气)/detachable suction chimney to make a stove draw/ 拔火罐儿 拔火罐兒 S - 3 bá huǒ guàn r f /erhua variant of 拔火罐[ba2 huo3 guan4]/ 拔火罐兒 拔火罐儿 T - 3 bá huǒ guàn r f /erhua variant of 拔火罐[ba2 huo3 guan4]/ 拔營 拔营 T - 29 bá yíng f /to strike camp/ 拔牙 - 301 bá yá f /to extract a tooth/ 拔秧 - 2 bá yāng f /to pull up seedlings (for transplanting)/ 拔節 拔节 T - 19 bá jié f /jointing (agriculture)/ 拔節期 拔节期 T - 3 bá jié qī f /elongation stage/jointing stage (agriculture)/ 拔絲 拔丝 T - 5 bá sī f /wire drawing/candied floss (cooking)/spun sugar or toffee (coating)/ 拔罐 - 0 bá guàn f /cupping glass/fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, with fired vacuum cup applied to the skin)/ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)/ 拔罐子 - 3 bá guàn zǐ f /cupping technique used in TCM/ 拔罐法 - 0 bá guàn fǎ f /fire cupping (acupressure technique of Chinese medicine, with fired vacuum cup applied to the skin)/ventouse (vacuum method used in obstetrics)/ 拔腿 - 65 bá tuǐ f /to break into a run/ 拔节 拔節 S - 19 bá jié f /jointing (agriculture)/ 拔节期 拔節期 S - 3 bá jié qī f /elongation stage/jointing stage (agriculture)/ 拔苗助長 拔苗助长 T 4382 13 bá miáo zhù zhǎng f /to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)/ 拔苗助长 拔苗助長 S 4382 13 bá miáo zhù zhǎng f /to spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)/ 拔茅茹 - 0 bá máo rú f /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow/fig. also involving others/inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his friends./ 拔茅连茹 拔茅連茹 S - 0 bá máo lián rú f /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others/inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his friends./ 拔茅連茹 拔茅连茹 T - 0 bá máo lián rú f /lit. pull up a plant and the roots follow (idiom); fig. also involving others/inextricably tangled together/Invite one and he'll tell all his friends./ 拔萃 - 8 bá cuì f /to stand out from one's fellows/high level examination for official candidacy (traditional)/ 拔营 拔營 S - 29 bá yíng f /to strike camp/ 拔釘錘 拔钉锤 T - 0 bá dīng chuí f /claw hammer/ 拔錨 拔锚 T - 11 bá máo f /to weigh anchor/ 拔钉锤 拔釘錘 S - 0 bá dīng chuí f /claw hammer/ 拔锚 拔錨 S - 11 bá máo f /to weigh anchor/ 拔除 - 62 bá chú f /to pull out/to remove/ 拔頂 拔顶 T - 0 bá dǐng f /topping (mining)/ 拔顶 拔頂 S - 0 bá dǐng f /topping (mining)/ 拔高 - 69 bá gāo f /to raise (one's voice)/to overrate/to build up/to stand out/outstanding/ 拕 拖 T - 3454 tuō f /variant of 拖[tuo1]/ 拖 拕 S - 3454 tuō f /variant of 拖[tuo1]/ 拖 - 3454 tuō f /to drag/to tow/to trail/to hang down/to mop (the floor)/to delay/to drag on/ 拖下水 - 3 tuō xià shuǐ f /lit. to pull sb into the water/to involve sb in a messy business/to get sb into trouble/ 拖人下水 - 3 tuō rén xià shuǐ f /lit. to pull sb into the water/fig. to involve sb in a messy business/to get sb into trouble/ 拖住 - 119 tuō zhù f /to hold up/to hinder/to stall/ 拖债 拖債 S - 0 tuō zhài f /to default on a debt/ 拖債 拖债 T - 0 tuō zhài f /to default on a debt/ 拖儿带女 拖兒帶女 S - 8 tuō ér dài nǚ f /supporting a wife and children/dragged down by having a family to feed/ 拖兒帶女 拖儿带女 T - 8 tuō ér dài nǚ f /supporting a wife and children/dragged down by having a family to feed/ 拖动 拖動 S - 32 tuō dòng f /to drag/to tow/(computing) to drag (mouse operation)/ 拖动力 拖動力 S - 0 tuō dòng lì f /motive force/traction/ 拖動 拖动 T - 32 tuō dòng f /to drag/to tow/(computing) to drag (mouse operation)/ 拖動力 拖动力 T - 0 tuō dòng lì f /motive force/traction/ 拖吊 - 3 tuō diào f /to tow (a car)/ 拖吊車 拖吊车 T - 3 tuō diào chē f /tow truck/ 拖吊车 拖吊車 S - 3 tuō diào chē f /tow truck/ 拖后腿 拖後腿 S - 4 tuō hòu tuǐ f /to impede/to obstruct/to hold back/ 拖地 - 35 tuō dì f /to mop the floor/(of a gown etc) to trail on the ground/full-length/ 拖地板 - 3 tuō dì bǎn f /to mop the floor/ 拖堂 - 3 tuō táng f /to drag out a lesson/to insist on extending class after the bell/ 拖宕 - 0 tuō dàng f /to delay/to postpone/ 拖家带口 拖家帶口 S - 9 tuō jiā dài kǒu f /dragged down by having a family to feed/ 拖家帶口 拖家带口 T - 9 tuō jiā dài kǒu f /dragged down by having a family to feed/ 拖尾巴 - 0 tuō wěi ba f /to obstruct/to be a drag on sb/to delay finishing off a job/ 拖布 - 3 tuō bù f /mop/ 拖带 拖帶 S - 32 tuō dài f /traction/towing/pulling/ 拖帶 拖带 T - 32 tuō dài f /traction/towing/pulling/ 拖延 3214 419 tuō yán f /to delay/to put off/to procrastinate/ 拖延战术 拖延戰術 S - 3 tuō yán zhàn shù f /delaying tactics/deliberate procrastination/ 拖延戰術 拖延战术 T - 3 tuō yán zhàn shù f /delaying tactics/deliberate procrastination/ 拖延时间 拖延時間 S - 3 tuō yán shí jiān f /to procrastinate/to stall for time/to filibuster/ 拖延時間 拖延时间 T - 3 tuō yán shí jiān f /to procrastinate/to stall for time/to filibuster/ 拖後腿 拖后腿 T - 4 tuō hòu tuǐ f /to impede/to obstruct/to hold back/ 拖慢 - 0 tuō màn f /to retard/to slow sth down/ 拖把 - 17 tuō bǎ f /mop/ 拖拉 - 65 tuō lā f /to drag along/to haul/(fig.) to procrastinate/shilly-shallying/sluggish/(computing) drag and drop/(loanword) tola, unit of weight, approx. 11.664 grams/ 拖拉机 拖拉機 S - 438 tuō lā jī f /tractor/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 拖拉機 拖拉机 T - 438 tuō lā jī f /tractor/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 拖拖拉拉 - 27 tuō tuō lā lā f /to procrastinate/ 拖拖沓沓 - 0 tuō tuō tà tà f /dragging one's feet/ 拖拽 - 3 tuō yè f /to pull/to drag/to haul/ 拖挂 拖掛 S - 4 tuō guà f /to pull/to tow/ 拖掛 拖挂 T - 4 tuō guà f /to pull/to tow/ 拖放 - 3 tuō fàng f /drag-and-drop (computing)/ 拖斗 - 5 tuō dǒu f /small open trailer/ 拖曳 - 70 tuō yè f /to pull/to drag/to haul/ 拖曳伞 拖曳傘 S - 0 tuō yè sǎn f /parasail/ 拖曳傘 拖曳伞 T - 0 tuō yè sǎn f /parasail/ 拖曳机 拖曳機 S - 0 tuō yè jī f /tractor/ 拖曳機 拖曳机 T - 0 tuō yè jī f /tractor/ 拖欠 - 253 tuō qiàn f /in arrears/behind in payments/to default on one's debts/ 拖沓 - 33 tuō tà f /dilatory/procrastinating/obstructive/ 拖油瓶 - 3 tuō yóu píng f /(derog.) (of a woman) to bring one's children into a second marriage/children by a previous marriage/ 拖泥带水 拖泥帶水 S - 83 tuō ní dài shuǐ f /lit. wading in mud and water/a slovenly job/sloppy/ 拖泥帶水 拖泥带水 T - 83 tuō ní dài shuǐ f /lit. wading in mud and water/a slovenly job/sloppy/ 拖牵索道 拖牽索道 S - 0 tuō qiān suǒ dào f /anchor lift (ski-lift)/ 拖牽索道 拖牵索道 T - 0 tuō qiān suǒ dào f /anchor lift (ski-lift)/ 拖磨 - 0 tuō mó f /dawdling/to waste time/ 拖移 - 0 tuō yí f /to tow/(computing) to drag/ 拖累 - 120 tuō lěi f /to encumber/to be a burden on/to implicate/ 拖累症 - 0 tuō lěi zhèng f /codependency (psychology)/ 拖網 拖网 T - 26 tuō wǎng f /dragnet/trawl/trawlnet/ 拖网 拖網 S - 26 tuō wǎng f /dragnet/trawl/trawlnet/ 拖船 - 39 tuō chuán f /a tow/tugboat/ 拖行 - 0 tuō xíng f /to drag/to tow/ 拖走 - 3 tuō zǒu f /to drag away/ 拖車 拖车 T - 85 tuō chē f /to tow/towed vehicle/towing vehicle/ 拖車頭 拖车头 T - 0 tuō chē tóu f /trailer truck/ 拖輪 拖轮 T - 18 tuō lún f /a tow/tugboat/ 拖车 拖車 S - 85 tuō chē f /to tow/towed vehicle/towing vehicle/ 拖车头 拖車頭 S - 0 tuō chē tóu f /trailer truck/ 拖轮 拖輪 S - 18 tuō lún f /a tow/tugboat/ 拖进 拖進 S - 3 tuō jìn f /to drag in/ 拖進 拖进 T - 3 tuō jìn f /to drag in/ 拖鏈 拖链 T - 0 tuō liàn f /drag chain/tow/ 拖链 拖鏈 S - 0 tuō liàn f /drag chain/tow/ 拖長 拖长 T - 43 tuō cháng f /to lengthen/to drag out/ 拖长 拖長 S - 43 tuō cháng f /to lengthen/to drag out/ 拖鞋 - 121 tuō xié f /slippers/sandals/flip-flops/CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]/ 拖駁 拖驳 T - 9 tuō bó f /barge/lighter (pulled by a tugboat)/ 拖驳 拖駁 S - 9 tuō bó f /barge/lighter (pulled by a tugboat)/ 拗 抝 S - 265 ào f /variant of 拗[ao4]/ 拗 - 265 ào f /to bend in two so as to break/to defy/to disobey/also pr. [ao3]/ 拗 - 265 niù f /stubborn/obstinate/ 拗不过 拗不過 S - 52 niù bu guò f /can't persuade/unable to make (sb) change their mind/unable to resist (sb)/ 拗不過 拗不过 T - 52 niù bu guò f /can't persuade/unable to make (sb) change their mind/unable to resist (sb)/ 拗口 - 42 ào kǒu f /hard to pronounce/awkward-sounding/ 拗口令 - 3 ào kǒu lìng f /tongue twister/ 拗断 拗斷 S - 3 ào duàn f /to break by twisting/ 拗斷 拗断 T - 3 ào duàn f /to break by twisting/ 拗陷 - 76 ào xiàn f /geological depression/ 拘 - 295 jū f /to capture/to restrain/to constrain/to adhere rigidly to/inflexible/ 拘传 拘傳 S - 14 jū chuán f /subpoena/to summon (for questioning)/ 拘傳 拘传 T - 14 jū chuán f /subpoena/to summon (for questioning)/ 拘囚 - 0 jū qiú f /to imprison/prisoner/ 拘執 拘执 T - 14 jū zhí f /rigid/inflexible/ 拘守 - 0 jū shǒu f /to hold tight/to cling to/to adhere/stubborn/to detain sb as prisoner/ 拘役 - 60 jū yì f /detention/ 拘忌 - 0 jū jì f /to have scruples/to have misgivings/ 拘执 拘執 S - 14 jū zhí f /rigid/inflexible/ 拘押 - 34 jū yā f /to arrest/to take into custody/ 拘押營 拘押营 T - 0 jū yā yíng f /detention center/prison camp/ 拘押营 拘押營 S - 0 jū yā yíng f /detention center/prison camp/ 拘拿 - 3 jū ná f /to arrest/ 拘挛 拘攣 S - 5 jū luán f /cramps/muscular spasm/fig. constrained/ill at ease/ 拘挛儿 拘攣兒 S - 0 jū luán r f /erhua variant of 拘攣|拘挛[ju1 luan2]/ 拘捕 - 100 jū bǔ f /to arrest/ 拘攣 拘挛 T - 5 jū luán f /cramps/muscular spasm/fig. constrained/ill at ease/ 拘攣兒 拘挛儿 T - 0 jū luán r f /erhua variant of 拘攣|拘挛[ju1 luan2]/ 拘束 4245 155 jū shù f /to restrict/to restrain/constrained/awkward/ill at ease/uncomfortable/reticent/ 拘束衣 - 0 jū shù yī f /straightjacket/ 拘检 拘檢 S - 0 jū jiǎn f /restrained and cautious/ 拘檢 拘检 T - 0 jū jiǎn f /restrained and cautious/ 拘泥 - 121 jū nì f /to be a stickler for formalities/to rigidly adhere to/to cling to/constrained/ill at ease/ 拘牵 拘牽 S - 3 jū qiān f /restrained/confined/ 拘牽 拘牵 T - 3 jū qiān f /restrained/confined/ 拘留 3066 248 jū liú f /to detain (a prisoner)/to keep sb in custody/ 拘留所 - 31 jū liú suǒ f /detention center/prison/ 拘礼 拘禮 S - 30 jū lǐ f /to stand on ceremony/punctilious/ 拘票 - 9 jū piào f /warrant (for arrest)/ 拘禁 - 94 jū jìn f /constraint/to detain/to take into custody/ 拘禮 拘礼 T - 30 jū lǐ f /to stand on ceremony/punctilious/ 拘謹 拘谨 T - 161 jū jǐn f /reserved/overcautious/ 拘谨 拘謹 S - 161 jū jǐn f /reserved/overcautious/ 拘迂 - 0 jū yū f /inflexible/stubborn/ 拙 - 244 zhuō f /awkward/clumsy/dull/inelegant/(polite) my/Taiwan pr. [zhuo2]/ 拙于言词 拙於言詞 S - 3 zhuō yú yán cí f /to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)/ 拙作 - 8 zhuō zuò f /my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)/my humble writing/ 拙劣 - 84 zhuō liè f /clumsy/botched/ 拙嘴笨舌 - 3 zhuō zuǐ bèn shé f /lit. clumsy mouth and broken tongue (idiom); awkward speaker/ 拙政园 拙政園 S - 19 Zhuō zhèng Yuán f /The Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ 拙政園 拙政园 T - 19 Zhuō zhèng Yuán f /The Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ 拙於言詞 拙于言词 T - 3 zhuō yú yán cí f /to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)/ 拙朴 拙樸 S - 6 zhuō pǔ f /austere/humble/ 拙樸 拙朴 T - 6 zhuō pǔ f /austere/humble/ 拙涩 拙澀 S - 3 zhuō sè f /clumsy and incomprehensible/botched writing/ 拙澀 拙涩 T - 3 zhuō sè f /clumsy and incomprehensible/botched writing/ 拙直 - 0 zhuō zhí f /simple and frank/ 拙稿 - 3 zhuō gǎo f /my unworthy manuscript (humble expr.)/my humble writing/ 拙笔 拙筆 S - 3 zhuō bǐ f /my clumsy writing (humble expr.)/my humble pen/ 拙笨 - 2 zhuō bèn f /clumsy/awkward/lacking skill/ 拙筆 拙笔 T - 3 zhuō bǐ f /my clumsy writing (humble expr.)/my humble pen/ 拙荆 拙荊 S - 31 zhuō jīng f /my wife (humble)/ 拙荊 拙荆 T - 31 zhuō jīng f /my wife (humble)/ 拙著 - 9 zhuō zhù f /my unworthy writing (humble expr.)/my worthless manuscript/ 拙見 拙见 T - 4 zhuō jiàn f /my unworthy opinion (humble expr.)/ 拙见 拙見 S - 4 zhuō jiàn f /my unworthy opinion (humble expr.)/ 拚 - 959 pàn f /to disregard/to reject/ 拚 - 959 pīn t /variant of 拼[pin1]/ 拚去 - 0 pàn qù f /to reject/to abandon/ 拚命 - 589 pàn mìng f /see 拼命[pin1 ming4]/ 拚弃 拚棄 S - 0 pàn qì f /to abandon/to discard/to throw away/ 拚棄 拚弃 T - 0 pàn qì f /to abandon/to discard/to throw away/ 拚死 - 3 pàn sǐ f /to risk one's life/ 拚財 拚财 T - 0 pàn cái f /to make rash speculations/ 拚貼 拚贴 T - 0 pīn tiē f /pastiche/collage/also written 拼貼|拼贴/ 拚财 拚財 S - 0 pàn cái f /to make rash speculations/ 拚贴 拚貼 S - 0 pīn tiē f /pastiche/collage/also written 拼貼|拼贴/ 拚除 - 0 pàn chú f /to reject/to abandon/ 招 - 5248 zhāo f /to recruit/to provoke/to beckon/to incur/to infect/contagious/a move (chess)/a maneuver/device/trick/to confess/ 招亲 招親 S - 60 zhāo qīn f /to invite the groom (who will live with the bride's family)/to take a wife by one's own choice/ 招人 - 3 zhāo rén f /to be infectious/to recruit/ 招人喜欢 招人喜歡 S - 0 zhāo rén xǐ huan f /charming/attractive/delightful/ 招人喜歡 招人喜欢 T - 0 zhāo rén xǐ huan f /charming/attractive/delightful/ 招來 招来 T - 263 zhāo lái f /to attract/to incur/ 招供 - 42 zhāo gòng f /to confess/ 招兵 - 47 zhāo bīng f /to recruit soldiers/ 招兵买马 招兵買馬 S - 47 zhāo bīng mǎi mǎ f /to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army/fig. to expand business/to recruit new staff/ 招兵買馬 招兵买马 T - 47 zhāo bīng mǎi mǎ f /to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army/fig. to expand business/to recruit new staff/ 招募 - 352 zhāo mù f /to recruit/to enlist/ 招呼 - 1653 zhāo hu f /to call out to/to greet/to say hello to/to inform/to take care of/to take care that one does not/ 招呼站 - 3 zhāo hu zhàn f /request bus stop/ 招唤 招喚 S - 3 zhāo huàn f /to call/to summon/ 招商 - 595 zhāo shāng f /to seek investment or funding/investment promotion/ 招商引資 招商引资 T - 73 zhāo shāng yǐn zī f /investment promotion/ 招商引资 招商引資 S - 73 zhāo shāng yǐn zī f /investment promotion/ 招喚 招唤 T - 3 zhāo huàn f /to call/to summon/ 招安 - 228 zhāo ān f /to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty/ 招展 - 105 zhāo zhǎn f /to flutter/to sway/ 招式 - 277 zhāo shì f /style/manner/ 招引 - 51 zhāo yǐn f /to attract/ 招待 2031 454 zhāo dài f /to receive (guests)/to entertain/reception/ 招待会 招待會 S - 918 zhāo dài huì f /reception/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/ 招待员 招待員 S - 4 zhāo dài yuán f /usher/greeter/ 招待員 招待员 T - 4 zhāo dài yuán f /usher/greeter/ 招待所 - 364 zhāo dài suǒ f /guest house/small hotel/ 招待會 招待会 T - 918 zhāo dài huì f /reception/CL:個|个[ge4],次[ci4]/ 招徕 招徠 S - 94 zhāo lái f /to canvass (for customers)/to solicit/to recruit/ 招徠 招徕 T - 94 zhāo lái f /to canvass (for customers)/to solicit/to recruit/ 招怨 - 3 zhāo yuàn f /to arouse animosity/ 招惹 - 172 zhāo rě f /to provoke/to tease/ 招手 - 406 zhāo shǒu f /to wave/to beckon/ 招投标 招投標 S - 34 zhāo tóu biāo f /bid inviting and bid offering/bidding/auction/ 招投標 招投标 T - 34 zhāo tóu biāo f /bid inviting and bid offering/bidding/auction/ 招抚 招撫 S - 171 zhāo fǔ f /to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty/to bring to negotiated surrender/ 招接 - 0 zhāo jiē f /to receive (guests, clients)/to interact socially with/ 招揽 招攬 S - 122 zhāo lǎn f /to attract (customers)/to drum up (trade)/ 招揽生意 招攬生意 S - 3 zhāo lǎn shēng yi f /to advertise/to solicit business/ 招搖 招摇 T - 82 zhāo yáo f /to act ostentatiously/to brag/to show off/ 招搖過市 招摇过市 T - 47 zhāo yáo guò shì f /to parade oneself ostentatiously about town (idiom)/ 招摇 招搖 S - 82 zhāo yáo f /to act ostentatiously/to brag/to show off/ 招摇过市 招搖過市 S - 47 zhāo yáo guò shì f /to parade oneself ostentatiously about town (idiom)/ 招撫 招抚 T - 171 zhāo fǔ f /to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty/to bring to negotiated surrender/ 招攬 招揽 T - 122 zhāo lǎn f /to attract (customers)/to drum up (trade)/ 招攬生意 招揽生意 T - 3 zhāo lǎn shēng yi f /to advertise/to solicit business/ 招收 4669 1078 zhāo shōu f /to hire/to recruit/ 招数 招數 S - 999 zhāo shù f /move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts)/gambit/trick/scheme/movement/same as 著數|着数[zhao1 shu4]/ 招數 招数 T - 999 zhāo shù f /move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts)/gambit/trick/scheme/movement/same as 著數|着数[zhao1 shu4]/ 招来 招來 S - 263 zhāo lái f /to attract/to incur/ 招架 - 407 zhāo jià f /to resist/to ward off/to hold one's own/to receive guests/ 招标 招標 S 4871 430 zhāo biāo f /to invite bids/ 招標 招标 T 4871 430 zhāo biāo f /to invite bids/ 招法 - 38 zhāo fǎ f /move/method of use/trick for success/ 招潮蟹 - 0 zhāo cháo xiè f /fiddler crab (genus Uca)/ 招災惹禍 招灾惹祸 T - 6 zhāo zāi rě huò f /to invite disaster/ 招灾惹祸 招災惹禍 S - 6 zhāo zāi rě huò f /to invite disaster/ 招牌 - 293 zhāo pai f /signboard/shop sign/reputation of a business/ 招牌动作 招牌動作 S - 0 zhāo pái dòng zuò f /signature move/ 招牌動作 招牌动作 T - 0 zhāo pái dòng zuò f /signature move/ 招牌紙 招牌纸 T - 0 zhāo pái zhǐ f /label/sticker/ 招牌纸 招牌紙 S - 0 zhāo pái zhǐ f /label/sticker/ 招牌菜 - 3 zhāo pái cài f /signature dish/a restaurant’s most famous dish/ 招生 - 5330 zhāo shēng f /to enroll new students/to get students/ 招租 - 6 zhāo zū f /(of a house or room) to be for rent/ 招考 - 187 zhāo kǎo f /to advertise an entrance examination for an academic institution (old)/ 招聘 1170 3885 zhāo pìn f /to invite applications for a job/to recruit/ 招聘会 招聘會 S - 556 zhāo pìn huì f /recruitment meeting/job fair/ 招聘协调人 招聘協調人 S - 0 zhāo pìn xié tiáo rén f /recruiting coordinator/ 招聘協調人 招聘协调人 T - 0 zhāo pìn xié tiáo rén f /recruiting coordinator/ 招聘會 招聘会 T - 556 zhāo pìn huì f /recruitment meeting/job fair/ 招聘机构 招聘機構 S - 0 zhāo pìn jī gòu f /recruiting agency/ 招聘機構 招聘机构 T - 0 zhāo pìn jī gòu f /recruiting agency/ 招聘者 - 40 zhāo pìn zhě f /prospective employer/person advertising a job/recruiter/ 招股 - 64 zhāo gǔ f /share offer/ 招股书 招股書 S - 3 zhāo gǔ shū f /prospectus (setting out share offer)/offering circular/ 招股書 招股书 T - 3 zhāo gǔ shū f /prospectus (setting out share offer)/offering circular/ 招股說明書 招股说明书 T - 0 zhāo gǔ shuō míng shū f /prospectus/ 招股说明书 招股說明書 S - 0 zhāo gǔ shuō míng shū f /prospectus/ 招致 - 301 zhāo zhì f /to recruit (followers)/to scout for (talent etc)/to incur/to lead to/ 招親 招亲 T - 60 zhāo qīn f /to invite the groom (who will live with the bride's family)/to take a wife by one's own choice/ 招認 招认 T - 51 zhāo rèn f /to confess/ 招誘 招诱 T - 0 zhāo yòu f /to invite/to recruit/to attract/to entice/ 招請 招请 T - 3 zhāo qǐng f /to recruit/to take on (an employee)/ 招认 招認 S - 51 zhāo rèn f /to confess/ 招诱 招誘 S - 0 zhāo yòu f /to invite/to recruit/to attract/to entice/ 招请 招請 S - 3 zhāo qǐng f /to recruit/to take on (an employee)/ 招財 招财 T - 3 zhāo cái f /lit. inviting wealth/We wish you success and riches (cf idiom 招財進寶|招财进宝[zhao1 cai2 jin4 bao3])/ 招財貓 招财猫 T - 2 zhāo cái māo f /maneki-neko or "lucky cat", Japanese figurine cat usually found at the entrance of shops, restaurants etc, believed to bring good fortune/ 招財進寶 招财进宝 T - 6 zhāo cái jìn bǎo f /ushering in wealth and prosperity (idiom and traditional greeting, esp. at New Year); We wish you wealth and success!/ 招貼 招贴 T - 26 zhāo tiē f /poster/placard/bill/ 招貼畫 招贴画 T - 14 zhāo tiē huà f /picture poster (for advertising or propaganda)/ 招賢納士 招贤纳士 T - 16 zhāo xián nà shì f /invite the talented and call the valorous (idiom); to recruit talent/ 招财 招財 S - 3 zhāo cái f /lit. inviting wealth/We wish you success and riches (cf idiom 招財進寶|招财进宝[zhao1 cai2 jin4 bao3])/ 招财猫 招財貓 S - 2 zhāo cái māo f /maneki-neko or "lucky cat", Japanese figurine cat usually found at the entrance of shops, restaurants etc, believed to bring good fortune/ 招财进宝 招財進寶 S - 6 zhāo cái jìn bǎo f /ushering in wealth and prosperity (idiom and traditional greeting, esp. at New Year); We wish you wealth and success!/ 招贤纳士 招賢納士 S - 16 zhāo xián nà shì f /invite the talented and call the valorous (idiom); to recruit talent/ 招贴 招貼 S - 26 zhāo tiē f /poster/placard/bill/ 招贴画 招貼畫 S - 14 zhāo tiē huà f /picture poster (for advertising or propaganda)/ 招远 招遠 S - 10 Zhāo yuǎn f /Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 招远市 招遠市 S - 2 Zhāo yuǎn shì f /Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 招遠 招远 T - 10 Zhāo yuǎn f /Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 招遠市 招远市 T - 2 Zhāo yuǎn shì f /Zhaoyuan county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 招降納叛 招降纳叛 T - 2 zhāo xiáng nà pàn f /to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters (idiom); to gather together a gang of villains/ 招降纳叛 招降納叛 S - 2 zhāo xiáng nà pàn f /to recruit surrendered enemy and deserters (idiom); to gather together a gang of villains/ 招集 - 103 zhāo jí f /to recruit/to gather together (volunteers)/ 招領 招领 T - 3 zhāo lǐng f /to advertize for the owner of lost property/ 招领 招領 S - 3 zhāo lǐng f /to advertize for the owner of lost property/ 招風 招风 T - 22 zhāo fēng f /lit. to invite the wind/fig. conspicuous and inviting criticism/ 招風惹草 招风惹草 T - 3 zhāo fēng rě cǎo f /to stir up trouble (idiom)/to sow discord/ 招風惹雨 招风惹雨 T - 3 zhāo fēng rě yǔ f /see 招風惹草|招风惹草[zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3]/ 招風攬火 招风揽火 T - 3 zhāo fēng lǎn huǒ f /see 招風惹草|招风惹草[zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3]/ 招風耳 招风耳 T - 3 zhāo fēng ěr f /jug ears/jug-eared/ 招风 招風 S - 22 zhāo fēng f /lit. to invite the wind/fig. conspicuous and inviting criticism/ 招风惹草 招風惹草 S - 3 zhāo fēng rě cǎo f /to stir up trouble (idiom)/to sow discord/ 招风惹雨 招風惹雨 S - 3 zhāo fēng rě yǔ f /see 招風惹草|招风惹草[zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3]/ 招风揽火 招風攬火 S - 3 zhāo fēng lǎn huǒ f /see 招風惹草|招风惹草[zhao1 feng1 re3 cao3]/ 招风耳 招風耳 S - 3 zhāo fēng ěr f /jug ears/jug-eared/ 拜 - 6338 bài f /to pay respect/worship/visit/salute/ 拜人为师 拜人為師 S - 0 bài rén wéi shī f /to acknowledge as one's teacher/ 拜人為師 拜人为师 T - 0 bài rén wéi shī f /to acknowledge as one's teacher/ 拜会 拜會 S - 135 bài huì f /pay an official call/call on/visit in an official capacity/ 拜伦 拜倫 S - 61 Bài lún f /George Byron (1788-1824), English poet/ 拜佛 - 180 bài Fó f /to worship Buddha/ 拜倒 - 156 bài dǎo f /to prostrate oneself/to fall on one's knees/to grovel/ 拜倫 拜伦 T - 61 Bài lún f /George Byron (1788-1824), English poet/ 拜別 拜别 T - 70 bài bié f /to take leave/ 拜别 拜別 S - 70 bài bié f /to take leave/ 拜占庭 - 104 Bài zhàn tíng f /Byzantium/Byzantine or Eastern Roman empire (395-1453)/ 拜城 - 9 Bài chéng f /Bay nahiyisi (Baicheng county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 拜城县 拜城縣 S - 3 Bài chéng xiàn f /Bay nahiyisi (Baicheng county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 拜城縣 拜城县 T - 3 Bài chéng xiàn f /Bay nahiyisi (Baicheng county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 拜堂 - 125 bài táng f /ritual kneeling to heaven and earth by bride and groom in a old-fashioned wedding ceremony/same as 拜天地/ 拜壽 拜寿 T - 85 bài shòu f /congratulate an elderly person on his birthday/offer birthday felicitations/ 拜天地 - 71 bài tiān dì f /to worship heaven and earth/ritual kneeling by bride and groom in a old-fashioned wedding ceremony/also called 拜堂/ 拜寿 拜壽 S - 85 bài shòu f /congratulate an elderly person on his birthday/offer birthday felicitations/ 拜师 拜師 S - 138 bài shī f /to formally become an apprentice to a master/ 拜師 拜师 T - 138 bài shī f /to formally become an apprentice to a master/ 拜年 4960 240 bài nián f /to pay a New Year call/to wish sb a Happy New Year/ 拜托 拜託 S 2509 127 bài tuō f /to request sb to do sth/please!/ 拜把子 - 31 bài bǎ zi f /become sworn brothers/ 拜拜 - 37 bái bái f /(loanword) bye-bye/also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc/(coll.) to part ways (with sb)/(fig.) to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth)/ 拜拜 - 37 bài bai f /to pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together/(Taiwan) religious ceremony in which offerings are made to a deity/ 拜會 拜会 T - 135 bài huì f /pay an official call/call on/visit in an official capacity/ 拜望 - 72 bài wàng f /to call to pay one's respect/to call on/ 拜泉 - 2 Bài quán f /Baiquan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 拜泉县 拜泉縣 S - 3 Bài quán xiàn f /Baiquan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 拜泉縣 拜泉县 T - 3 Bài quán xiàn f /Baiquan county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 拜火教 - 16 Bài huǒ jiào f /sun worship/Zoroastrianism/see also 祆教[Xian1 jiao4]/ 拜物教 - 46 bài wù jiào f /fetishism/ 拜登 - 2 Bài dēng f /Baden or Biden (name)/Joe Biden (1942-), US democrat politician, senator for Delaware from 1972, several times chair of Senate foreign relations committee, vice-president of USA from 2009/ 拜票 - 0 bài piào f /to canvass for votes (Tw)/ 拜祭 - 3 bài jì f /to worship/to observe religious rites/to pay one's respects (to one's ancestors etc)/ 拜科努尔 拜科努爾 S - 8 Bài kē nǔ ěr f /Baikonur (Russian space launch site in Kazakhstan)/ 拜科努尔航天发射基地 拜科努爾航天發射基地 S - 0 Bài kē nǔ ěr Háng tiān Fā shè Jī dì f /Baikonur Cosmodrome/ 拜科努爾 拜科努尔 T - 8 Bài kē nǔ ěr f /Baikonur (Russian space launch site in Kazakhstan)/ 拜科努爾航天發射基地 拜科努尔航天发射基地 T - 0 Bài kē nǔ ěr Háng tiān Fā shè Jī dì f /Baikonur Cosmodrome/ 拜節 拜节 T - 3 bài jié f /to pay respects during a festival/ 拜节 拜節 S - 3 bài jié f /to pay respects during a festival/ 拜見 拜见 T - 488 bài jiàn f /to pay a formal visit/to call to pay respects/to meet one's senior or superior/ 拜见 拜見 S - 488 bài jiàn f /to pay a formal visit/to call to pay respects/to meet one's senior or superior/ 拜託 拜托 T 2509 127 bài tuō f /to request sb to do sth/please!/ 拜訪 拜访 T 2786 392 bài fǎng f /to pay a visit/to call on/ 拜認 拜认 T - 3 bài rèn f /to formally accept sb as (one's adoptive mother, one's master etc)/ 拜謁 拜谒 T - 98 bài yè f /to pay a formal visit/to call to pay respects/to pay homage (at a monument, mausoleum etc)/ 拜讀 拜读 T - 34 bài dú f /(polite) to read (sth)/ 拜认 拜認 S - 3 bài rèn f /to formally accept sb as (one's adoptive mother, one's master etc)/ 拜访 拜訪 S 2786 392 bài fǎng f /to pay a visit/to call on/ 拜读 拜讀 S - 34 bài dú f /(polite) to read (sth)/ 拜谒 拜謁 S - 98 bài yè f /to pay a formal visit/to call to pay respects/to pay homage (at a monument, mausoleum etc)/ 拜金 - 12 bài jīn f /to worship money/to be mad about money/ 拜金主义 拜金主義 S - 23 bài jīn zhǔ yì f /money worship/ 拜金主義 拜金主义 T - 23 bài jīn zhǔ yì f /money worship/ 拜金女 - 3 bài jīn nǚ f /materialistic woman/(slang) gold-digger/ 拝 - 2 bài f /Japanese variant of 拜[bai4]/ 拟 儗 S - 1919 nǐ f /doubtful/suspicious/variant of 擬|拟[ni3]/to emulate/to imitate/ 拟 擬 S - 1919 nǐ f /to plan to/to draft (a plan)/to imitate/to assess/to compare/pseudo-/ 拟于不伦 擬於不倫 S - 3 nǐ yú bù lún f /to draw an impossible comparison/ 拟人 擬人 S - 27 nǐ rén f /personification/anthropomorphism/ 拟作 擬作 S - 8 nǐ zuò f /to write in the style of some author/to write as if from the mouth of sb/a pastiche/ 拟制 擬製 S - 36 nǐ zhì f /to copy (a model)/ 拟卤素 擬鹵素 S - 0 nǐ lǔ sù f /pseudohalogen, e.g. cyanogen (CN)2/ 拟古 擬古 S - 3 nǐ gǔ f /to emulate a classic/to work in the style of a classic (author)/ 拟古之作 擬古之作 S - 0 nǐ gǔ zhī zuò f /a work in a classic style/a pastiche/ 拟合 擬合 S - 43 nǐ hé f /to fit (data to a model)/a (close) fit/ 拟声 擬聲 S - 3 nǐ shēng f /onomatopoeia/ 拟声唱法 擬聲唱法 S - 0 nǐ shēng chàng fǎ f /scat singing/ 拟声词 擬聲詞 S - 3 nǐ shēng cí f /onomatopoeia/ 拟大朱雀 擬大朱雀 S - 0 nǐ dà zhū què f /(bird species of China) streaked rosefinch (Carpodacus rubicilloides)/ 拟定 擬定 S 4731 826 nǐ dìng f /to draw up/to draft/to formulate/ 拟态 擬態 S - 13 nǐ tài f /(biol.) mimicry/(protective) mimicry/camouflage/ 拟游隼 擬游隼 S - 0 nǐ yóu sǔn f /(bird species of China) Barbary falcon (Falco pelegrinoides)/ 拟球 擬球 S - 0 nǐ qiú f /(math.) pseudosphere, a surface in ordinary space of constant negative curvature/ 拟稿 擬稿 S - 11 nǐ gǎo f /to draft (a statement)/ 拟订 擬訂 S - 172 nǐ dìng f /to draw up (a plan)/ 拟议 擬議 S - 35 nǐ yì f /proposal/recommendation/to draft/ 拟阿拖品药物 擬阿拖品藥物 S - 0 nǐ ā tuō pǐn yào wù f /atropinemimetic drug/ 拟音 擬音 S - 3 nǐ yīn f /to make a sound effect/sound effect/ 拠 - 7 jù f /Japanese variant of 據|据/ 拡 - 12 kuò f /Japanese variant of 擴|扩/ 拢 攏 S - 765 lǒng f /to gather together/to collect/to approach/to draw near to/to add/to sum up/to comb (hair)/ 拢攥 攏攥 S - 0 lǒng zuàn f /to grasp/to clutch/ 拣 揀 S 3709 808 jiǎn f /to choose/to pick/to sort out/to pick up/ 拣佛烧香 揀佛燒香 S - 3 jiǎn fó shāo xiāng f /to choose which Buddha to burn incense to (idiom); fig. to curry favor from the right person/ 拣信室 揀信室 S - 0 jiǎn xìn shì f /mail sorting office/ 拣起 揀起 S - 3 jiǎn qǐ f /to pick up/ 拣选 揀選 S - 27 jiǎn xuǎn f /to select/to sort out/ 拣饮择食 揀飲擇食 S - 0 jiǎn yǐn zé shí f /to choose one's food carefully/to be picky/ 拥 擁 S - 2257 yōng f /to hold/to embrace/to wrap around/to gather around (sb)/to throng/to swarm/to support/Taiwan pr. [yong3]/ 拥塞 擁塞 S - 22 yōng sè f /to be clogged up/to be congested (traffic, computer network etc)/ 拥戴 擁戴 S - 419 yōng dài f /to give one's allegiance/(popular) support/ 拥护 擁護 S 4085 992 yōng hù f /to endorse/to support/ 拥护者 擁護者 S - 62 yōng hù zhě f /supporter (person)/ 拥抱 擁抱 S 1626 377 yōng bào f /to embrace/to hug/ 拥挤 擁擠 S 2249 549 yōng jǐ f /crowded/to throng/congestion/ 拥挤不堪 擁擠不堪 S - 33 yōng jǐ bù kān f /overcrowded/jam-packed/ 拥有 擁有 S 2517 8523 yōng yǒu f /to have/to possess/ 拥有权 擁有權 S - 5 yōng yǒu quán f /right of ownership/ 拥趸 擁躉 S - 0 yōng dǔn f /fan/fanatic/ 拦 攔 S 2027 1159 lán f /to block sb's path/to obstruct/to flag down (a taxi)/ 拦住 攔住 S - 843 lán zhù f /to stop/to bar the way/ 拦劫 攔劫 S - 7 lán jié f /to mug/to intercept and rob/ 拦截 攔截 S - 1054 lán jié f /to intercept/ 拦柜 攔櫃 S - 3 lán guì f /sales counter/inquiry desk/ 拦检 攔檢 S - 0 lán jiǎn f /(of police etc) to stop (sb) for inspection/to pull (sb) over/ 拦河坝 攔河壩 S - 269 lán hé bà f /a dam across a river/ 拦网 攔網 S - 54 lán wǎng f /to intercept at the net (volleyball, tennis etc)/to block/ 拦腰 攔腰 S - 155 lán yāo f /(hitting) squarely in the middle/(slicing) across the middle/to hold by the waist/ 拦路 攔路 S - 137 lán lù f /to block sb's path/to waylay/ 拦路虎 攔路虎 S - 37 lán lù hǔ f /stumbling block/ 拦车 攔車 S - 6 lán chē f /to thumb a lift/to hitchhike/ 拦阻 攔阻 S - 228 lán zǔ f /to block/to obstruct/ 拧 擰 S 3433 640 níng t /to pinch/wring/ 拧 擰 S 3433 640 nǐng f /mistake/to twist/ 拧 擰 S 3433 640 nìng f /stubborn/ 拧开 擰開 S - 3 nǐng kāi f /to unscrew/to twist off (a lid)/to turn on (a faucet)/to switch on (by turning a knob)/to turn (a door handle)/to wrench apart/ 拧成一股绳 擰成一股繩 S - 14 níng chéng yī gǔ shéng f /to twist together to form a rope/(fig.) to unite/to work together/ 拨 撥 S 2699 2149 bō f /to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc/to dial/to allocate/to set aside (money)/to poke (the fire)/to pluck (a string instrument)/to turn round/classifier: group, batch/ 拨乱反正 撥亂反正 S - 495 bō luàn fǎn zhèng f /bring order out of chaos/set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder/ 拨云见日 撥雲見日 S - 22 bō yún jiàn rì f /lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun (idiom); fig. to restore justice/ 拨付 撥付 S - 53 bō fù f /appropriate sum of money/ 拨冗 撥冗 S - 3 bō rǒng f /to find time to do sth in the midst of pressing affairs/ 拨出 撥出 S - 3 bō chū f /to pull out/to allocate (funds)/to dial/ 拨刺 撥刺 S - 0 bō cī f /splash (of a fish)/ 拨动 撥動 S - 82 bō dòng f /to stir/to prod/to poke/to move sideways/to strum (on a guitar etc)/ 拨号 撥號 S - 51 bō hào f /to dial a telephone number/ 拨号盘 撥號盤 S - 3 bō hào pán f /telephone dial/ 拨号连接 撥號連接 S - 0 bō hào lián jiē f /dial-up connection/dial-up networking/ 拨号音 撥號音 S - 3 bō hào yīn f /dial tone/ 拨奏 撥奏 S - 0 bō zòu f /pizzicato/ 拨子 撥子 S - 3 bō zi f /plectrum/ 拨子弹 撥子彈 S - 0 bō zǐ tán f /plectrum/ 拨开 撥開 S - 217 bō kāi f /to push aside/to part/to brush away/ 拨弄 撥弄 S - 93 bō nòng f /to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc)/to fiddle with/to stir up/ 拨弦乐器 撥弦樂器 S - 0 bō xián yuè qì f /plucked string or stringed instrument/plucked instrument/ 拨打 撥打 S - 338 bō dǎ f /to call/to dial/ 拨接 撥接 S - 6 bō jiē f /dial-up (Internet connection)/ 拨款 撥款 S - 436 bō kuǎn f /to allocate funds/appropriation/ 拨正 撥正 S - 0 bō zhèng f /set right/correct/ 拨浪鼓 撥浪鼓 S - 21 bō làng gǔ f /a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy)/rattle-drum/ 拨火棍 撥火棍 S - 3 bō huǒ gùn f /poker/ 拨用 撥用 S - 3 bō yòng f /appropriation/ 拨空 撥空 S - 0 bō kòng f /to make time/ 拨转 撥轉 S - 3 bō zhuǎn f /to turn/to turn around/to transfer (funds etc)/ 择 擇 S - 675 zé f /to select/to choose/to pick over/to pick out/to differentiate/to eliminate/also pr. [zhai2]/ 择不开 擇不開 S - 0 zhái bu kāi f /impossible to separate/impossible to disentangle/cannot take time out/ 择偶 擇偶 S - 121 zé ǒu f /to choose a spouse/ 择刺 擇刺 S - 0 zhái cì f /to pick out the bones in a fish/ 择善固执 擇善固執 S - 3 zé shàn gù zhí f /to choose what is good and hold fast to it (idiom)/ 择善而从 擇善而從 S - 37 zé shàn ér cóng f /to choose the right course and follow it (idiom)/ 择定 擇定 S - 0 zé dìng f /to select/ 择日 擇日 S - 50 zé rì f /to fix a date (for an event)/to select an auspicious date/ 择日子 擇日子 S - 3 zhái rì zi f /to pick an auspicious day/ 择菜 擇菜 S - 12 zhái cài f /to pick the edible part of vegetables/ 择食 擇食 S - 3 zé shí f /to be picky (food)/ 拪 - 0 qiān f /old variant of 遷|迁[qian1]/ 拫 - 58 hén f /to pull/to drag/to stop/ 括 - 429 kuò f /to enclose/to include/also pr. [gua1]/ 括号 括號 S - 104 kuò hào f /parentheses/brackets/ 括弧 - 3 kuò hú f /parenthesis/ 括毒 - 0 kuò dú f /venomous/fig. cruel/ 括約肌 括约肌 T - 75 kuò yuē jī f /sphincter/ 括線 括线 T - 0 kuò xiàn f /small angle brackets 「 」/ 括约肌 括約肌 S - 75 kuò yuē jī f /sphincter/ 括线 括線 S - 0 kuò xiàn f /small angle brackets 「 」/ 括號 括号 T - 104 kuò hào f /parentheses/brackets/ 拭 - 327 shì f /to wipe/ 拭子 - 0 shì zi f /swab/cotton pad/smear (for medical test)/ 拭抹 - 0 shì mǒ f /to swab/to wipe up with a mop/ 拭目 - 3 shì mù f /to wipe one's eyes/fig. to remain vigilant/ 拭目以待 - 41 shì mù yǐ dài f /lit. to wipe one's eyes and wait (idiom); to wait and see/ 拭目倾耳 拭目傾耳 S - 3 shì mù qīng ěr f /to watch and listen attentively/ 拭目傾耳 拭目倾耳 T - 3 shì mù qīng ěr f /to watch and listen attentively/ 拭除 - 3 shì chú f /to wipe off/ 拮 - 24 jié f /antagonistic/laboring hard/pressed/ 拮据 - 85 jié jū f /hard pressed for money/in financial straits/ 拯 - 44 zhěng f /to raise/to aid/to support/to save/to rescue/ 拯救 - 522 zhěng jiù f /to save/to rescue/ 拯救大兵瑞恩 - 0 Zhěng jiù Dà bīng Ruì ēn f /Saving Private Ryan (1998 movie)/ 拱 - 3217 gǒng f /to cup one's hands in salute/to surround/to arch/to dig earth with the snout/arched/ 拱卫 拱衛 S - 58 gǒng wèi f /to surround and protect/ 拱坝 拱壩 S - 50 gǒng bà f /an arch dam/ 拱墅 - 0 Gǒng shù f /Gongshu district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 拱墅区 拱墅區 S - 3 Gǒng shù qū f /Gongshu district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 拱墅區 拱墅区 T - 3 Gǒng shù qū f /Gongshu district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 拱墩 - 0 gǒng dūn f /pillar of a vault/ 拱壩 拱坝 T - 50 gǒng bà f /an arch dam/ 拱度 - 0 gǒng dù f /arched/convex curve surface/camber (slightly arched road surface)/ 拱廊 - 14 gǒng láng f /triforium (gallery of arches above side-aisle vaulting in the nave of a church)/ 拱形 - 327 gǒng xíng f /arch/ 拱手 - 1010 gǒng shǒu f /to cup one's hands in obeisance or greeting/fig. submissive/ 拱手旁觀 拱手旁观 T - 0 gǒng shǒu páng guān f /to watch from the sidelines and do nothing (idiom)/ 拱手旁观 拱手旁觀 S - 0 gǒng shǒu páng guān f /to watch from the sidelines and do nothing (idiom)/ 拱手相讓 拱手相让 T - 3 gōng shǒu xiāng ràng f /to bow and give way (idiom)/to surrender sth readily/ 拱手相让 拱手相讓 S - 3 gōng shǒu xiāng ràng f /to bow and give way (idiom)/to surrender sth readily/ 拱抱 - 3 gǒng bào f /to enfold/to encircle/ 拱柱 - 3 gǒng zhù f /pillar of a vault/ 拱桥 拱橋 S - 69 gǒng qiáo f /arch bridge/ 拱橋 拱桥 T - 69 gǒng qiáo f /arch bridge/ 拱状 拱狀 S - 3 gǒng zhuàng f /arch/vault/arched/ 拱狀 拱状 T - 3 gǒng zhuàng f /arch/vault/arched/ 拱璧 - 3 gǒng bì f /a flat round jade ornament with a hole at the center/fig. a treasure/ 拱肩 - 0 gǒng jiān f /a spandrel (wall filling the shoulder between two neighboring arches)/ 拱衛 拱卫 T - 58 gǒng wèi f /to surround and protect/ 拱道 - 4 gǒng dào f /archway/ 拱門 拱门 T - 61 gǒng mén f /arched door/ 拱门 拱門 S - 61 gǒng mén f /arched door/ 拱頂 拱顶 T - 16 gǒng dǐng f /an arched roof/a dome/a vault/ 拱顶 拱頂 S - 16 gǒng dǐng f /an arched roof/a dome/a vault/ 拳 - 2147 quán f /fist/boxing/ 拳击 拳擊 S - 212 quán jī f /boxing/ 拳击台 拳擊臺 S - 3 quán jī tái f /boxing ring/ 拳击手 拳擊手 S - 9 quán jī shǒu f /boxer/ 拳击比赛 拳擊比賽 S - 0 quán jī bǐ sài f /boxing match/ 拳击选手 拳擊選手 S - 0 quán jī xuǎn shǒu f /boxer/ 拳头 拳頭 S 3151 857 quán tou f /fist/clenched fist/CL:個|个[ge4]/competitive (product)/ 拳头产品 拳頭產品 S - 44 quán tou chǎn pǐn f /competitive product/superior goods/with real punch/ 拳师 拳師 S - 45 quán shī f /boxing coach/pugilist master/ 拳師 拳师 T - 45 quán shī f /boxing coach/pugilist master/ 拳手 - 12 quán shǒu f /boxer/ 拳打 - 103 quán dǎ f /to punch/ 拳打脚踢 拳打腳踢 S - 70 quán dǎ jiǎo tī f /lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to beat up/fig. determined to sort out a problem/ 拳打腳踢 拳打脚踢 T - 70 quán dǎ jiǎo tī f /lit. to punch and kick (idiom); to beat up/fig. determined to sort out a problem/ 拳拳 - 3 quán quán f /earnest/sincere/ 拳擊 拳击 T - 212 quán jī f /boxing/ 拳擊手 拳击手 T - 9 quán jī shǒu f /boxer/ 拳擊比賽 拳击比赛 T - 0 quán jī bǐ sài f /boxing match/ 拳擊臺 拳击台 T - 3 quán jī tái f /boxing ring/ 拳擊選手 拳击选手 T - 0 quán jī xuǎn shǒu f /boxer/ 拳曲 - 3 quán qū f /to curl up/to bend/ 拳术 拳術 S - 143 quán shù f /Chinese boxing/fisticuffs/ 拳棒 - 10 quán bàng f /martial arts/lit. fist and staff/ 拳法 - 354 quán fǎ f /boxing/fighting technique/ 拳王 - 16 quán wáng f /boxing champion/ 拳脚 拳腳 S - 384 quán jiǎo f /Chinese boxing/fist and feet/punching and kicking/ 拳脚相向 拳腳相向 S - 3 quán jiǎo xiāng xiàng f /to square off/to exchange blows/to rain blows on sb/ 拳腳 拳脚 T - 384 quán jiǎo f /Chinese boxing/fist and feet/punching and kicking/ 拳腳相向 拳脚相向 T - 3 quán jiǎo xiāng xiàng f /to square off/to exchange blows/to rain blows on sb/ 拳術 拳术 T - 143 quán shù f /Chinese boxing/fisticuffs/ 拳頭 拳头 T 3151 857 quán tou f /fist/clenched fist/CL:個|个[ge4]/competitive (product)/ 拳頭產品 拳头产品 T - 44 quán tou chǎn pǐn f /competitive product/superior goods/with real punch/ 拴 - 677 shuān f /to tie up/ 拴住 - 3 shuān zhù f /to tether/to tie up/(fig.) to restrict/to keep a hold on/ 拶 - 23 zǎn f /to press or squeeze hard/ 拶刑 - 0 zǎn xíng f /squeezing the fingers between sticks (old form of torture)/ 拶子 - 0 zǎn zi f /sticks used for squeezing the fingers (old form of torture)/ 拶指 - 0 zǎn zhǐ f /to squeeze the fingers (old form of torture)/ 拷 - 222 kǎo f /to beat/to flog/to examine under torture/ 拷問 拷问 T - 93 kǎo wèn f /to question via torture/ 拷打 - 167 kǎo dǎ f /to beat a prisoner (to obtain confessions)/to give sb the third degree/to torture/ 拷掠 - 0 kǎo lüè f /to torture/ 拷花 - 0 kǎo huā f /to emboss/ 拷貝 拷贝 T - 133 kǎo bèi f /copy/to copy (loanword)/ 拷贝 拷貝 S - 133 kǎo bèi f /copy/to copy (loanword)/ 拷问 拷問 S - 93 kǎo wèn f /to question via torture/ 拼 - 1105 pīn f /to piece together/to join together/to stake all/adventurous/at the risk of one's life/to spell/ 拼争 拼爭 S - 10 pīn zhēng f /to fight desperately/ 拼写 拼寫 S - 149 pīn xiě f /to spell/to transliterate/ 拼写错误 拼寫錯誤 S - 3 pīn xiě cuò wù f /spelling mistake/written error/ 拼凑 拼湊 S - 154 pīn còu f /to assemble/to put together/ 拼到底 - 3 pīn dào dǐ f /to brave it out/to the bitter end/ 拼刺 - 3 pīn cì f /bayonet charge/ 拼刺刀 - 18 pīn cì dāo f /bayonet charge/ 拼力 - 3 pīn lì f /to spare no efforts/ 拼合 - 30 pīn hé f /to fit together/to put together/ 拼命 2957 1073 pīn mìng f /to do one's utmost/with all one's might/at all costs/(to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it/ 拼命三郎 - 15 pīn mìng sān láng f /brave man, willing to risk his life/ 拼命討好 拼命讨好 T - 0 pīn mìng tǎo hǎo f /to throw oneself at sb or sth/to bend over backwards to help/ 拼命讨好 拼命討好 S - 0 pīn mìng tǎo hǎo f /to throw oneself at sb or sth/to bend over backwards to help/ 拼图 拼圖 S - 14 pīn tú f /jigsaw puzzle/ 拼图玩具 拼圖玩具 S - 0 pīn tú wán jù f /jigsaw puzzle/ 拼圖 拼图 T - 14 pīn tú f /jigsaw puzzle/ 拼圖玩具 拼图玩具 T - 0 pīn tú wán jù f /jigsaw puzzle/ 拼字 - 5 pīn zì f /spelling/ 拼寫 拼写 T - 149 pīn xiě f /to spell/to transliterate/ 拼寫錯誤 拼写错误 T - 3 pīn xiě cuò wù f /spelling mistake/written error/ 拼成 - 3 pīn chéng f /to put sth together from component parts/ 拼房 - 0 pīn fáng f /to rent a place with sb else to share the costs/ 拼抢 拼搶 S - 90 pīn qiǎng f /to fight desperately (at the risk of one's life)/ 拼拢 拼攏 S - 3 pīn lǒng f /to put together/ 拼接 - 46 pīn jiē f /to put together/to join/ 拼搏 4296 294 pīn bó f /to struggle/to wrestle/ 拼搶 拼抢 T - 90 pīn qiǎng f /to fight desperately (at the risk of one's life)/ 拼攏 拼拢 T - 3 pīn lǒng f /to put together/ 拼攒 拼攢 S - 0 pīn cuán f /to assemble/ 拼攢 拼攒 T - 0 pīn cuán f /to assemble/ 拼斗 拼鬥 S - 4 pīn dòu f /to engage (in a fight)/ 拼杀 拼殺 S - 67 pīn shā f /to grapple (with the enemy)/to fight at the risk of one's life/ 拼板 - 2 pīn bǎn f /lamination/ 拼板游戏 拼板遊戲 S - 0 pīn bǎn yóu xì f /jigsaw puzzle/wood block puzzle/ 拼板玩具 - 0 pīn bǎn wán jù f /jigsaw puzzle/wood block puzzle/ 拼板胶 拼板膠 S - 0 pīn bǎn jiāo f /laminating glue/ 拼板膠 拼板胶 T - 0 pīn bǎn jiāo f /laminating glue/ 拼板遊戲 拼板游戏 T - 0 pīn bǎn yóu xì f /jigsaw puzzle/wood block puzzle/ 拼桌 - 0 pīn zhuō f /to sit at a table with others with whom one is unacquainted/ 拼死 - 209 pīn sǐ f /to go all out for sth at risk of one's life/ 拼死拼活 - 20 pīn sǐ pīn huó f /one's utmost/(to fight or work) desperately hard/to put up a life or death struggle/at all costs/ 拼殺 拼杀 T - 67 pīn shā f /to grapple (with the enemy)/to fight at the risk of one's life/ 拼法 - 5 pīn fǎ f /spelling/orthography/ 拼湊 拼凑 T - 154 pīn còu f /to assemble/to put together/ 拼火 - 0 pīn huǒ f /to exchange fire/ 拼爭 拼争 T - 10 pīn zhēng f /to fight desperately/ 拼爹 - 0 pīn diē f /(slang) to rely on one's father's wealth or prestige to get ahead/ 拼版 - 5 pīn bǎn f /to typeset/to make up (printers' plates)/ 拼盘 拼盤 S - 29 pīn pán f /sampler platter/appetizer platter/ 拼盤 拼盘 T - 29 pīn pán f /sampler platter/appetizer platter/ 拼綴 拼缀 T - 3 pīn zhuì f /to join together/ 拼缀 拼綴 S - 3 pīn zhuì f /to join together/ 拼花地板 - 0 pīn huā dì bǎn f /floor with tiled design/ 拼装 拼裝 S - 155 pīn zhuāng f /to assemble/ 拼裝 拼装 T - 155 pīn zhuāng f /to assemble/ 拼讀 拼读 T - 3 pīn dú f /phonetic reading/combine sounds into words/ 拼读 拼讀 S - 3 pīn dú f /phonetic reading/combine sounds into words/ 拼貼 拼贴 T - 19 pīn tiē f /pastiche/collage/ 拼贴 拼貼 S - 19 pīn tiē f /pastiche/collage/ 拼起來 拼起来 T - 0 pīn qi lai f /to put together/ 拼起来 拼起來 S - 0 pīn qi lai f /to put together/ 拼車 拼车 T - 0 pīn chē f /to carpool/ 拼车 拼車 S - 0 pīn chē f /to carpool/ 拼錯 拼错 T - 3 pīn cuò f /to misspell/to piece together incorrectly/ 拼错 拼錯 S - 3 pīn cuò f /to misspell/to piece together incorrectly/ 拼音 2491 324 pīn yīn f /phonetic writing/pinyin (Chinese romanization)/ 拼音字母 - 14 pīn yīn zì mǔ f /phonetic letters/ 拼音文字 - 64 pīn yīn wén zì f /phonetic alphabet/alphabetic writing system/ 拼音阶段 拼音階段 S - 0 pīn yīn jiē duàn f /alphabetic stage/ 拼音階段 拼音阶段 T - 0 pīn yīn jiē duàn f /alphabetic stage/ 拼餐 - 0 pīn cān f /(of people with tight budget) to enjoy various dishes at the restaurant by ordering the food together and then sharing the costs/ 拼鬥 拼斗 T - 4 pīn dòu f /to engage (in a fight)/ 拽 3027 1143 yè f /to drag/to haul/ 拽 3027 1143 zhuāi t /to throw/to fling/ 拽 3027 1143 zhuǎi f /alternate writing of 跩[zhuai3]/ 拽 3027 1143 zhuài f /to pull/to tug at (sth)/ 拽步 - 0 zhuài bù f /to take long strides/to hurry (while walking)/ 拾 3584 1396 shè f /to ascend in light steps/ 拾 3584 1396 shí t /to pick up/to collate or arrange/ten (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/ 拾人涕唾 - 0 shí rén tì tuò f /to plagiarize (idiom)/ 拾人牙慧 - 3 shí rén yá huì f /to pick up what others say (idiom); to pass off other people's opinions as one's own/to parrot/ 拾取 - 19 shí qǔ f /to pick up/to collect/ 拾得 - 3 Shí dé f /Shide, Tang Buddhist poet who lived at the Guoqing Temple on Mt Tiantai 天台山[Tian1 tai1 Shan1]/ 拾得 - 3 shí dé f /to find/to pick up/to collect/ 拾掇 - 79 shí duo f /to clear up/to tidy up/to pick up/to repair/ 拾物 - 3 shí wù f /picked up items (i.e. lost property)/ 拾獲 拾获 T - 3 shí huò f /to find/to pick up/to obtain/ 拾級 拾级 T - 23 shè jí f /to go up or down stairs step by step/ 拾級而上 拾级而上 T - 20 shè jí ér shàng f /to walk slowly up a flight of steps (idiom)/ 拾级 拾級 S - 23 shè jí f /to go up or down stairs step by step/ 拾级而上 拾級而上 S - 20 shè jí ér shàng f /to walk slowly up a flight of steps (idiom)/ 拾芥 - 0 shí jiè f /to pick up cress/fig. sth easy to do/a piece of cake/ 拾荒 - 773 shí huāng f /to glean/to collect scraps/to eke out a meager living/ 拾获 拾獲 S - 3 shí huò f /to find/to pick up/to obtain/ 拾遗 拾遺 S - 81 shí yí f /to pick up lost property/to expropriate other's property/finders' keepers/ 拾遗补缺 拾遺補缺 S - 8 shí yí bǔ quē f /to correct/to remedy defects/ 拾遺 拾遗 T - 81 shí yí f /to pick up lost property/to expropriate other's property/finders' keepers/ 拾遺補缺 拾遗补缺 T - 8 shí yí bǔ quē f /to correct/to remedy defects/ 拾金不昧 - 11 shí jīn bù mèi f /to pick up money and not hide it (idiom); to return property to its owner/ 拾零 - 2 shí líng f /to pick up bits/to collect scrap material/tidbits/gleanings (used as gossip)/ 拾音器 - 2 shí yīn qì f /pickup (electro-acoustic transducer)/ 拿 㧱 S 318 19956 ná f /old variant of 拿[na2]/ 拿 拏 S 318 19956 ná f /variant of 拿[na2]/ 拿 318 19956 ná f /to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/to take/(used in the same way as 把[ba3]: to mark the following noun as a direct object)/ 拿下 - 862 ná xià f /to arrest/to capture/to seize/to win (a set, a game etc)/ 拿不准 - 3 ná bù zhǔn f /in doubt/unsure of sth/unable to decide/indecisive/ 拿不出手 - 3 ná bù chū shǒu f /not presentable/shoddy and too embarrassing to show/ 拿不动 拿不動 S - 0 ná bu dòng f /to be unable to carry/lift (sth heavy)/ 拿不動 拿不动 T - 0 ná bu dòng f /to be unable to carry/lift (sth heavy)/ 拿主意 - 31 ná zhǔ yi f /to make a decision/to make up one's mind/ 拿乔 拿喬 S - 3 ná qiáo f /pretentious/striking a pose/ 拿人 - 0 ná rén f /making things awkward/to cause difficulties/to exert influence/to attract/ 拿你沒辦法 拿你没办法 T - 0 ná nǐ méi bàn fǎ f /don't know what to do with you/can't really say no to you/ 拿你没办法 拿你沒辦法 S - 0 ná nǐ méi bàn fǎ f /don't know what to do with you/can't really say no to you/ 拿來 拿来 T - 792 ná lái f /to bring/to fetch/to get/ 拿來主義 拿来主义 T - 21 ná lái zhǔ yì f /the attitude of mechanically borrowing (ideas etc)/ 拿俄米 - 0 Ná é mǐ f /Naomi (name)/ 拿出 - 1935 ná chū f /to take out/to put out/to provide/to put forward (a proposal)/to come up with (evidence)/ 拿出手 - 7 ná chū shǒu f /not presentable/not fit to be seen in company/ 拿办 拿辦 S - 8 ná bàn f /to arrest for punishment/ 拿喬 拿乔 T - 3 ná qiáo f /pretentious/striking a pose/ 拿大 - 0 ná dà f /to put on airs/self-important/high and mighty/ 拿大頂 拿大顶 T - 4 ná dà dǐng f /to do a handstand/ 拿大顶 拿大頂 S - 4 ná dà dǐng f /to do a handstand/ 拿得起放得下 - 0 ná de qǐ fàng de xià f /to be adaptable to circumstances (idiom)/ 拿手 3436 170 ná shǒu f /expert in/good at/ 拿手菜 - 10 ná shǒu cài f /specialty (dish)/ 拿捏 - 147 ná niē f /to grasp/(dialect) affecting shyness/coy/to create difficulties/ 拿捕 - 0 ná bǔ f /to detain/to apprehend/to capture/ 拿摩温 拿摩溫 S - 3 ná mó wēn f /see 那摩溫|那摩温[na4 mo2 wen1]/ 拿摩溫 拿摩温 T - 3 ná mó wēn f /see 那摩溫|那摩温[na4 mo2 wen1]/ 拿撒勒 - 0 Ná sǎ lè f /Nazareth (in Biblical Palestine)/ 拿权 拿權 S - 3 ná quán f /to hold power/in the driving seat/ 拿来 拿來 S - 792 ná lái f /to bring/to fetch/to get/ 拿来主义 拿來主義 S - 21 ná lái zhǔ yì f /the attitude of mechanically borrowing (ideas etc)/ 拿架子 - 8 ná jià zi f /to throw one's weight around/to put on airs/ 拿權 拿权 T - 3 ná quán f /to hold power/in the driving seat/ 拿獲 拿获 T - 17 ná huò f /to capture/to apprehend/ 拿着鸡毛当令箭 拿著雞毛當令箭 S - 0 ná zhe jī máo dàng lìng jiàn f /to wave a chicken feather as a token of authority (idiom); to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext/ 拿破仑 拿破侖 S - 539 Ná pò lún f /variant of 拿破崙|拿破仑[Na2 po4 lun2]/ 拿破仑 拿破崙 S - 539 Ná pò lún f /Napoleon (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815/ 拿破仑·波拿巴 拿破崙·波拿巴 S - 0 Ná pò lún · Bō ná bā f /Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815/ 拿破侖 拿破仑 T - 539 Ná pò lún f /variant of 拿破崙|拿破仑[Na2 po4 lun2]/ 拿破崙 拿破仑 T - 539 Ná pò lún f /Napoleon (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815/ 拿破崙·波拿巴 拿破仑·波拿巴 T - 0 Ná pò lún · Bō ná bā f /Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815/ 拿索 - 0 Ná suǒ f /Nassau, capital of Bahamas (Tw)/ 拿获 拿獲 S - 17 ná huò f /to capture/to apprehend/ 拿著雞毛當令箭 拿着鸡毛当令箭 T - 0 ná zhe jī máo dàng lìng jiàn f /to wave a chicken feather as a token of authority (idiom); to assume unwarranted authority on the basis of some pretext/ 拿走 - 163 ná zǒu f /to take away/ 拿起 - 3 ná qǐ f /to pick up/ 拿辦 拿办 T - 8 ná bàn f /to arrest for punishment/ 拿鐵 拿铁 T - 0 ná tiě f /latte (loanword)/ 拿鐵咖啡 拿铁咖啡 T - 0 ná tiě kā fēi f /latte (coffee)/café latte/ 拿铁 拿鐵 S - 0 ná tiě f /latte (loanword)/ 拿铁咖啡 拿鐵咖啡 S - 0 ná tiě kā fēi f /latte (coffee)/café latte/ 拿頂 拿顶 T - 3 ná dǐng f /to do a handstand/ 拿順 拿顺 T - 0 Ná shùn f /Nashon (son of Amminadab)/ 拿顶 拿頂 S - 3 ná dǐng f /to do a handstand/ 拿顺 拿順 S - 0 Ná shùn f /Nashon (son of Amminadab)/ 拿騷 拿骚 T - 32 Ná sāo f /Nassau, capital of The Bahamas/ 拿骚 拿騷 S - 32 Ná sāo f /Nassau, capital of The Bahamas/ 持 - 4025 chí f /to hold/to grasp/to support/to maintain/to persevere/to manage/to run (i.e. administer)/to control/ 持不同政見 持不同政见 T - 0 chí bù tóng zhèng jiàn f /(politically) dissenting/dissident/ 持不同政見者 持不同政见者 T - 0 chí bù tóng zhèng jiàn zhě f /(political) dissident/ 持不同政见 持不同政見 S - 0 chí bù tóng zhèng jiàn f /(politically) dissenting/dissident/ 持不同政见者 持不同政見者 S - 0 chí bù tóng zhèng jiàn zhě f /(political) dissident/ 持久 3875 755 chí jiǔ f /lasting/enduring/persistent/permanent/protracted/endurance/persistence/to last long/ 持久性毒剂 持久性毒劑 S - 0 chí jiǔ xìng dú jì f /persistent agent/ 持久性毒劑 持久性毒剂 T - 0 chí jiǔ xìng dú jì f /persistent agent/ 持久战 持久戰 S - 126 chí jiǔ zhàn f /prolonged war/war of attrition/ 持久戰 持久战 T - 126 chí jiǔ zhàn f /prolonged war/war of attrition/ 持之以恆 持之以恒 T - 76 chí zhī yǐ héng f /to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere/ 持之以恒 持之以恆 S - 76 chí zhī yǐ héng f /to pursue unremittingly (idiom); to persevere/ 持刀 - 220 chí dāo f /to hold a knife/knife-wielding/ 持卡人 - 153 chí kǎ rén f /cardholder/ 持国天 持國天 S - 0 Chí guó tiān f /Dhritarashtra (one of the Four Heavenly Kings)/ 持國天 持国天 T - 0 Chí guó tiān f /Dhritarashtra (one of the Four Heavenly Kings)/ 持守 - 0 chí shǒu f /to maintain/to adhere to/to observe (an injunction etc)/ 持家 - 14 chí jiā f /to housekeep/housekeeping/ 持平 - 147 chí píng f /to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)/fair/unbiased/ 持平之論 持平之论 T - 3 chí píng zhī lùn f /fair argument/unbiased view/ 持平之论 持平之論 S - 3 chí píng zhī lùn f /fair argument/unbiased view/ 持有 - 1623 chí yǒu f /to hold (passport, views etc)/ 持有人 - 73 chí yǒu rén f /holder/ 持枪抢劫 持槍搶劫 S - 0 chí qiāng qiāng jié f /armed robbery/ 持械 - 13 chí xiè f /armed (robbery etc)/ 持槍搶劫 持枪抢劫 T - 0 chí qiāng qiāng jié f /armed robbery/ 持橐簪笔 持橐簪筆 S - 3 chí tuó zān bǐ f /to serve as a counselor (idiom)/ 持橐簪筆 持橐簪笔 T - 3 chí tuó zān bǐ f /to serve as a counselor (idiom)/ 持續 持续 T 1657 4676 chí xù f /to continue/to persist/sustainable/preservation/ 持續性植物人狀態 持续性植物人状态 T - 0 chí xù xìng zhí wù rén zhuàng tài f /persistent vegetative state/ 持續性植物狀態 持续性植物状态 T - 0 chí xù xìng zhí wù zhuàng tài f /persistent vegetative state (medicine)/ 持續時間 持续时间 T - 3 chí xù shí jiān f /duration/ 持续 持續 S 1657 4676 chí xù f /to continue/to persist/sustainable/preservation/ 持续性植物人状态 持續性植物人狀態 S - 0 chí xù xìng zhí wù rén zhuàng tài f /persistent vegetative state/ 持续性植物状态 持續性植物狀態 S - 0 chí xù xìng zhí wù zhuàng tài f /persistent vegetative state (medicine)/ 持续时间 持續時間 S - 3 chí xù shí jiān f /duration/ 持重 - 104 chí zhòng f /prudent/cautious/to be in charge of ritual ceremonies/to hold an important office/ 挂 掛 S 751 6653 guà f /to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/to hang up (the phone)/to hang (computing)/to be worried or concerned/to make a phone call (dialect)/to register or record/to hitch/classifier for sets or clusters of objects/(slang) to kill/to die/to be finished/to fail (an exam)/ 挂住 掛住 S - 3 guà zhù f /to get caught (entangled)/to catch (on sth)/ 挂兰 掛蘭 S - 0 guà lán f /hanging orchid (Chlorophytum comosum)/bracket plant/ 挂历 掛曆 S - 11 guà lì f /wall calendar/ 挂号 掛號 S 2493 69 guà hào f /to register (at a hospital etc)/to send by registered mail/ 挂号信 掛號信 S - 8 guà hào xìn f /registered letter/ 挂号证 掛號證 S - 0 guà hào zhèng f /register card/ 挂單 掛單 S - 15 guà dān f /see 掛褡|挂褡[gua4 da1]/ 挂图 掛圖 S - 28 guà tú f /wall chart/ 挂在嘴上 掛在嘴上 S - 0 guà zai zuǐ shang f /to pay lip service to/to keep mentioning (without doing anything)/to blather on about sth/ 挂在嘴边 掛在嘴邊 S - 0 guà zài zuǐ biān f /to keep saying (sth) over and over/ 挂坠盒 掛墜盒 S - 0 guà zhuì hé f /locket/ 挂失 掛失 S - 16 guà shī f /to report the loss of something/ 挂好 掛好 S - 0 guà hǎo f /to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes etc)/ 挂帅 掛帥 S - 102 guà shuài f /to take command/to assume leadership/to dominate/over-emphasis/dominating over other considerations/ 挂帅的社会 掛帥的社會 S - 0 guà shuài de shè huì f /a society in which that is regarded as all-important/ 挂彩 掛彩 S - 47 guà cǎi f /to decorate for festive occasions/to be wounded in action/ 挂心 掛心 S - 41 guà xīn f /to worry/to be on one's mind/ 挂念 掛念 S - 265 guà niàn f /concerned/ 挂怀 掛懷 S - 73 guà huái f /concerned/troubled/having sth on one's mind/ 挂挡 掛擋 S - 3 guà dǎng f /to put into gear/to engage the gear/gear change/ 挂搭 掛搭 S - 3 guà dā f /variant of 掛褡|挂褡[gua4 da1]/ 挂断 掛斷 S - 70 guà duàn f /to hang up (a phone)/ 挂旗 掛旗 S - 3 guà qí f /vertical banner (for display at exhibitions, advertising hung from poles in the street etc)/ 挂机 掛機 S - 14 guà jī f /to hang up (a phone)/ 挂果 掛果 S - 13 guà guǒ f /(of a tree) to bear fruit/ 挂毯 掛毯 S - 38 guà tǎn f /tapestry/ 挂牌 掛牌 S - 276 guà pái f /lit. to hang up a plate/to open up for business/listed (on stock market)/ 挂碍 掛礙 S - 24 guà ài f /worry/ 挂科 掛科 S - 0 guà kē f /to fail (a course)/ 挂线 掛線 S - 0 guà xiàn f /to hang up the phone/ 挂羊头卖狗肉 掛羊頭賣狗肉 S - 11 guà yáng tóu mài gǒu ròu f /lit. to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat (idiom)/fig. to cheat/dishonest advertising/wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue/ 挂职 掛職 S - 52 guà zhí f /temporary assignment to a Chinese government or CPC post/ 挂花 掛花 S - 9 guà huā f /to be wounded/(of plants) to bloom/ 挂虑 掛慮 S - 14 guà lǜ f /to worry about/ 挂褡 掛褡 S - 0 guà dā f /(of a monk) to take residence at a temple/ 挂轴 掛軸 S - 4 guà zhóu f /hanging scroll (calligraphy or painting)/ 挂钟 掛鐘 S - 15 guà zhōng f /wall clock/ 挂钩 掛鉤 S - 239 guà gōu f /hook (on which to hang sth)/to couple/to link together/to establish contact with/hook/coupling links (e.g. between two railway coaches)/ 挂钩儿 掛鉤兒 S - 0 guà gōu r f /erhua variant of 掛鉤|挂钩[gua4 gou1]/ 挂锁 掛鎖 S - 4 guà suǒ f /padlock/ 挂镰 掛鐮 S - 3 guà lián f /to complete the year's harvest/ 挂靠 掛靠 S - 38 guà kào f /to be affiliated with/to operate under the wing of/affiliation/ 挂面 掛麵 S - 55 guà miàn f /pasta/noodles/ 挂马 掛馬 S - 0 guà mǎ f /Trojan horse, to add malware to a website or program (computing)/ 挂齿 掛齒 S - 9 guà chǐ f /to mention (e.g. "don't mention it")/ 指 695 13375 zhǐ f /finger/to point at or to/to indicate or refer to/to depend on/to count on/(of hair) to stand on end/ 指事 - 15 zhǐ shì f /ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/Chinese character indicating an idea, such as up and down/also known as self-explanatory character/ 指事字 - 0 zhǐ shì zì f /ideogram (one of the Six Methods 六書|六书 of forming Chinese characters)/Chinese character indicating an idea, such as up and down/also known as self-explanatory character/ 指交 - 0 zhǐ jiāo f /fingering (sexual act)/ 指代 - 23 zhǐ dài f /to refer to/to be used in place of/ 指令 2939 869 zhǐ lìng f /order/command/instruction/ 指令名字 - 0 zhǐ lìng míng zì f /command name/ 指使 - 369 zhǐ shǐ f /to incite/to prompt (sb to do sth)/ 指关节 指關節 S - 25 zhǐ guān jié f /knuckle/ 指出 - 7847 zhǐ chū f /to indicate/to point out/ 指到 - 3 zhǐ dào f /to point at/to indicate/ 指北針 指北针 T - 14 zhǐ běi zhēn f /compass/ 指北针 指北針 S - 14 zhǐ běi zhēn f /compass/ 指南 - 962 zhǐ nán f /to guide/guidebook/ 指南宫 指南宮 S - 0 Zhǐ nán Gōng f /Zhinan Temple, Taoist temple in the hills of Muzha 木柵|木栅[Mu4 zha4], Taipei/ 指南宮 指南宫 T - 0 Zhǐ nán Gōng f /Zhinan Temple, Taoist temple in the hills of Muzha 木柵|木栅[Mu4 zha4], Taipei/ 指南車 指南车 T - 45 zhǐ nán chē f /a mechanical compass invented by Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之|祖冲之/ 指南车 指南車 S - 45 zhǐ nán chē f /a mechanical compass invented by Zu Chongzhi 祖沖之|祖冲之/ 指南針 指南针 T 4171 177 zhǐ nán zhēn f /compass/ 指南针 指南針 S 4171 177 zhǐ nán zhēn f /compass/ 指印 - 62 zhǐ yìn f /fingerprint/finger mark/thumbprint/ 指压 指壓 S - 3 zhǐ yā f /acupressure/shiatsu/ 指名 - 56 zhǐ míng f /to mention by name/to designate/designated/ 指向 - 791 zhǐ xiàng f /to point towards/aimed at/facing/the direction indicated/ 指向装置 指向裝置 S - 0 zhǐ xiàng zhuāng zhì f /pointing device (computing)/ 指向裝置 指向装置 T - 0 zhǐ xiàng zhuāng zhì f /pointing device (computing)/ 指壓 指压 T - 3 zhǐ yā f /acupressure/shiatsu/ 指头 指頭 S - 464 zhǐ tou f /finger/toe/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 指定 3183 1699 zhǐ dìng f /to appoint/to assign/to indicate clearly and with certainty/designated/ 指导 指導 S 1735 7794 zhǐ dǎo f /to guide/to give directions/to direct/to coach/guidance/tuition/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 指导员 指導員 S - 592 zhǐ dǎo yuán f /instructor/coach/political instructor (in the PLA)/ 指导教授 指導教授 S - 3 zhǐ dǎo jiào shòu f /adviser/advising professor/ 指导者 指導者 S - 22 zhǐ dǎo zhě f /coach/mentor/counselor/instructor/director/guide/conductor/ 指导课 指導課 S - 0 zhǐ dǎo kè f /tutorial/period of tuition for one or two students/ 指導 指导 T 1735 7794 zhǐ dǎo f /to guide/to give directions/to direct/to coach/guidance/tuition/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 指導員 指导员 T - 592 zhǐ dǎo yuán f /instructor/coach/political instructor (in the PLA)/ 指導教授 指导教授 T - 3 zhǐ dǎo jiào shòu f /adviser/advising professor/ 指導者 指导者 T - 22 zhǐ dǎo zhě f /coach/mentor/counselor/instructor/director/guide/conductor/ 指導課 指导课 T - 0 zhǐ dǎo kè f /tutorial/period of tuition for one or two students/ 指尖 - 132 zhǐ jiān f /fingertips/ 指引 - 533 zhǐ yǐn f /to guide/to show/to point (the way)/directions/guidance/guidelines/ 指征 指徵 S - 0 zhǐ zhēng f /(medicine) indicator/indication/ 指徵 指征 T - 0 zhǐ zhēng f /(medicine) indicator/indication/ 指战员 指戰員 S - 200 zhǐ zhàn yuán f /PLA commanders and fighters/ 指戰員 指战员 T - 200 zhǐ zhàn yuán f /PLA commanders and fighters/ 指手划脚 指手劃腳 S - 85 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands/to criticize or give orders summarily/also written 指手畫腳|指手画脚/ 指手劃腳 指手划脚 T - 85 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate while talking (idiom); to explain by waving one's hands/to criticize or give orders summarily/also written 指手畫腳|指手画脚/ 指手画脚 指手畫腳 S - 67 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate while talking (idiom)/to explain by waving one's hands/to criticize or give orders summarily/ 指手畫腳 指手画脚 T - 67 zhǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate while talking (idiom)/to explain by waving one's hands/to criticize or give orders summarily/ 指指点点 指指點點 S - 96 zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn f /to gesticulate/to point out/to point the finger of blame/ 指指點點 指指点点 T - 96 zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn f /to gesticulate/to point out/to point the finger of blame/ 指挥 指揮 S 1671 7805 zhǐ huī f /to conduct/to command/to direct/conductor (of an orchestra)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 指挥中心 指揮中心 S - 3 zhǐ huī zhōng xīn f /command center/ 指挥官 指揮官 S - 452 zhǐ huī guān f /commander/ 指挥家 指揮家 S - 80 zhǐ huī jiā f /conductor (music)/ 指挥有方,人人乐从 指揮有方,人人樂從 S - 0 zhǐ huī yǒu fāng , rén rén lè cóng f /Command right and you will be obeyed cheerfully. (idiom)/ 指挥棒 指揮棒 S - 25 zhǐ huī bàng f /baton/ 指挥者 指揮者 S - 36 zhǐ huī zhě f /conductor/director/ 指授 - 0 zhǐ shòu f /to instruct/to direct/ 指控 - 312 zhǐ kòng f /accusation/a (criminal) charge/to accuse/ 指揮 指挥 T 1671 7805 zhǐ huī f /to conduct/to command/to direct/conductor (of an orchestra)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 指揮中心 指挥中心 T - 3 zhǐ huī zhōng xīn f /command center/ 指揮官 指挥官 T - 452 zhǐ huī guān f /commander/ 指揮家 指挥家 T - 80 zhǐ huī jiā f /conductor (music)/ 指揮有方,人人樂從 指挥有方,人人乐从 T - 0 zhǐ huī yǒu fāng , rén rén lè cóng f /Command right and you will be obeyed cheerfully. (idiom)/ 指揮棒 指挥棒 T - 25 zhǐ huī bàng f /baton/ 指揮者 指挥者 T - 36 zhǐ huī zhě f /conductor/director/ 指摘 - 166 zhǐ zhāi f /to criticize/ 指摹 - 0 zhǐ mó f /fingerprint/thumbprint/also written 指模[zhi3 mo2]/ 指教 - 243 zhǐ jiào f /to give advice or comments/ 指数 指數 S - 2311 zhǐ shù f /(numerical, statistical) index/(math.) exponent/index/exponential (function, growth)/ 指数函数 指數函數 S - 12 zhǐ shù hán shù f /exponential function/ 指数基金 指數基金 S - 0 zhǐ shù jī jīn f /index fund/ 指数套利 指數套利 S - 0 zhǐ shù tào lì f /index arbitrage/ 指数期权 指數期權 S - 0 zhǐ shù qī quán f /index options/ 指數 指数 T - 2311 zhǐ shù f /(numerical, statistical) index/(math.) exponent/index/exponential (function, growth)/ 指數函數 指数函数 T - 12 zhǐ shù hán shù f /exponential function/ 指數基金 指数基金 T - 0 zhǐ shù jī jīn f /index fund/ 指數套利 指数套利 T - 0 zhǐ shù tào lì f /index arbitrage/ 指數期權 指数期权 T - 0 zhǐ shù qī quán f /index options/ 指斥 - 113 zhǐ chì f /to denounce/to censure/to rebuke/ 指日可待 - 78 zhǐ rì kě dài f /imminent/just around the corner (idiom)/ 指明 - 491 zhǐ míng f /to show clearly/to designate/to indicate/ 指望 2622 963 zhǐ wàng f /to hope for sth/to count on/hope/ 指标 指標 S 4389 2466 zhǐ biāo f /target/quota/index/indicator/sign/signpost/(computing) pointer/ 指桑罵槐 指桑骂槐 T - 23 zhǐ sāng mà huái f /lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree/fig. to scold sb indirectly/to make oblique accusations (idiom)/ 指桑骂槐 指桑罵槐 S - 23 zhǐ sāng mà huái f /lit. to point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree/fig. to scold sb indirectly/to make oblique accusations (idiom)/ 指標 指标 T 4389 2466 zhǐ biāo f /target/quota/index/indicator/sign/signpost/(computing) pointer/ 指模 - 3 zhǐ mó f /fingerprint/thumbprint/also written 指摹[zhi3 mo2]/ 指正 - 64 zhǐ zhèng f /to point out mistakes or weak points for correction/to comment/criticism/ 指法 - 95 zhǐ fǎ f /finger method (in painting)/ 指派 - 171 zhǐ pài f /to assign/to appoint/assignment/ 指点 指點 S - 1195 zhǐ diǎn f /to point out/to indicate/to give directions/to show how (to do sth)/to censure/to pick at/ 指点江山 指點江山 S - 3 zhǐ diǎn jiāng shān f /to talk idly about important matters (idiom)/to set the world to rights/to pass judgment on everything/ 指点迷津 指點迷津 S - 40 zhǐ diǎn mí jīn f /to show sb how to get to the right path/ 指甲 2888 434 zhǐ jia f /fingernail/ 指甲刀 - 3 zhǐ jia dāo f /nail clipper/ 指甲剪 - 4 zhǐ jia jiǎn f /nail clipper/ 指甲油 - 35 zhǐ jia yóu f /nail polish/ 指甲盖 指甲蓋 S - 23 zhǐ jia gài f /fingernail/ 指甲蓋 指甲盖 T - 23 zhǐ jia gài f /fingernail/ 指疔 - 0 zhǐ dīng f /whitlow/felon/ 指示 2851 2632 zhǐ shì f /to point out/to indicate/to instruct/directives/instructions/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 指示代詞 指示代词 T - 0 zhǐ shì dài cí f /demonstrative pronoun/ 指示代词 指示代詞 S - 0 zhǐ shì dài cí f /demonstrative pronoun/ 指示剂 指示劑 S - 76 zhǐ shì jì f /indicator/ 指示劑 指示剂 T - 76 zhǐ shì jì f /indicator/ 指示器 - 39 zhǐ shì qì f /indicator/ 指示符 - 0 zhǐ shì fú f /indicator/ 指称 指稱 S - 58 zhǐ chēng f /designation/reference/to refer to/ 指稱 指称 T - 58 zhǐ chēng f /designation/reference/to refer to/ 指紋 指纹 T - 100 zhǐ wén f /fingerprint/the arches, loops and whorls on the fingers/ 指纹 指紋 S - 100 zhǐ wén f /fingerprint/the arches, loops and whorls on the fingers/ 指認 指认 T - 27 zhǐ rèn f /to identify/ 指謫 指谪 T - 3 zhǐ zhé f /to criticize/ 指證 指证 T - 21 zhǐ zhèng f /to testify/to give evidence/ 指认 指認 S - 27 zhǐ rèn f /to identify/ 指证 指證 S - 21 zhǐ zhèng f /to testify/to give evidence/ 指谪 指謫 S - 3 zhǐ zhé f /to criticize/ 指責 指责 T 2976 1160 zhǐ zé f /to criticize/to find fault with/to denounce/ 指责 指責 S 2976 1160 zhǐ zé f /to criticize/to find fault with/to denounce/ 指路 - 290 zhǐ lù f /to give directions/ 指針 指针 T - 247 zhǐ zhēn f /pointer on a gauge/clock hand/cursor/ 指针 指針 S - 247 zhǐ zhēn f /pointer on a gauge/clock hand/cursor/ 指關節 指关节 T - 25 zhǐ guān jié f /knuckle/ 指雞罵狗 指鸡骂狗 T - 2 zhǐ jī mà gǒu f /lit. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom)/fig. to make indirect criticisms/ 指頭 指头 T - 464 zhǐ tou f /finger/toe/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 指鸡骂狗 指雞罵狗 S - 2 zhǐ jī mà gǒu f /lit. to point at the chicken while scolding the dog (idiom)/fig. to make indirect criticisms/ 指鹿为马 指鹿為馬 S - 12 zhǐ lù wéi mǎ f /making a deer out to be a horse (idiom); deliberate misrepresentation/ 指鹿作馬 指鹿作马 T - 3 zhǐ lù zuò mǎ f /to take a deer and call it a horse (idiom); deliberate inversion of the truth/ 指鹿作马 指鹿作馬 S - 3 zhǐ lù zuò mǎ f /to take a deer and call it a horse (idiom); deliberate inversion of the truth/ 指鹿為馬 指鹿为马 T - 12 zhǐ lù wéi mǎ f /making a deer out to be a horse (idiom); deliberate misrepresentation/ 指點 指点 T - 1195 zhǐ diǎn f /to point out/to indicate/to give directions/to show how (to do sth)/to censure/to pick at/ 指點江山 指点江山 T - 3 zhǐ diǎn jiāng shān f /to talk idly about important matters (idiom)/to set the world to rights/to pass judgment on everything/ 指點迷津 指点迷津 T - 40 zhǐ diǎn mí jīn f /to show sb how to get to the right path/ 挈 - 56 qiè f /to raise/to lift/to take along (e.g. one's family)/ 挈带 挈帶 S - 0 qiè dài f /to take along/ 挈帶 挈带 T - 0 qiè dài f /to take along/ 挈挈 - 0 qiè qiè f /alone/solitary/ 按 - 21008 àn f /to press/to push/to leave aside or shelve/to control/to restrain/to keep one's hand on/to check or refer to/according to/in the light of/(of an editor or author) to make a comment/ 按下 - 0 àn xià f /to press down/to press a button/ 按下葫芦浮起瓢 按下葫蘆浮起瓢 S - 0 àn xià hú lú fú qǐ piáo f /solve one problem only to find another cropping up/ 按下葫蘆浮起瓢 按下葫芦浮起瓢 T - 0 àn xià hú lú fú qǐ piáo f /solve one problem only to find another cropping up/ 按兵不动 按兵不動 S - 111 àn bīng bù dòng f /to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time/ 按兵不動 按兵不动 T - 111 àn bīng bù dòng f /to hold back one's troops without moving (idiom); to bide one's time/ 按劳分配 按勞分配 S - 169 àn láo fēn pèi f /distribution according to work/ 按勞分配 按劳分配 T - 169 àn láo fēn pèi f /distribution according to work/ 按压 按壓 S - 96 àn yā f /to press/to push (a button)/ 按图索骥 按圖索驥 S - 21 àn tú suǒ jì f /lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture (idiom)/fig. to do things along rigid, conventional lines/to try and find sth with the help of a clue/ 按圖索驥 按图索骥 T - 21 àn tú suǒ jì f /lit. looking for a fine horse using only a picture (idiom)/fig. to do things along rigid, conventional lines/to try and find sth with the help of a clue/ 按壓 按压 T - 96 àn yā f /to press/to push (a button)/ 按天 - 0 àn tiān f /daily (law)/per diem/ 按季 - 0 àn jì f /according to season/quarterly/ 按察 - 0 àn chá f /to investigate (old)/ 按手礼 按手禮 S - 0 àn shǒu lǐ f /ordination/ 按手禮 按手礼 T - 0 àn shǒu lǐ f /ordination/ 按捺 - 62 àn nà f /to restrain/to control/ 按捺不住 - 274 àn nà bu zhù f /to be unable to hold back/ 按揭 - 115 àn jiē f /a mortgage/to buy property on a mortgage/ 按摩 2782 573 àn mó f /massage/to massage/ 按摩棒 - 3 àn mó bàng f /vibrator/dildo/ 按日 - 0 àn rì f /daily (law)/per diem/ 按时 按時 S 1130 721 àn shí f /on time/before deadline/on schedule/ 按时间先后 按時間先後 S - 0 àn shí jiān xiān hòu f /chronological/ 按時 按时 T 1130 721 àn shí f /on time/before deadline/on schedule/ 按時間先後 按时间先后 T - 0 àn shí jiān xiān hòu f /chronological/ 按月 - 0 àn yuè f /monthly/per mensem/ 按期 - 121 àn qī f /on schedule/on time/ 按步就班 - 3 àn bù jiù bān f /follow the prescribed order/keep to conventional ways/ 按照 951 11557 àn zhào f /according to/in accordance with/in the light of/on the basis of/ 按照字面 - 0 àn zhào zì miàn f /literally/ 按照法律 - 0 àn zhào fǎ lǜ f /according to the law/ 按照計劃 按照计划 T - 0 àn zhào jì huà f /according to (the) plan .../ 按照计划 按照計劃 S - 0 àn zhào jì huà f /according to (the) plan .../ 按理 - 83 àn lǐ f /according to reason/in the ordinary course of events/normally/ 按理說 按理说 T - 108 àn lǐ shuō f /it is reasonable to say that.../ 按理说 按理說 S - 108 àn lǐ shuō f /it is reasonable to say that.../ 按立 - 0 àn lì f /ordination/ 按立宪治国 按立憲治國 S - 0 àn lì xiàn zhì guó f /to rule a country according to the constitution/ 按立憲治國 按立宪治国 T - 0 àn lì xiàn zhì guó f /to rule a country according to the constitution/ 按納 按纳 T - 0 àn nà f /variant of 按捺[an4 na4]/ 按纳 按納 S - 0 àn nà f /variant of 按捺[an4 na4]/ 按脈 按脉 T - 4 àn mài f /to feel (take) the pulse/ 按脉 按脈 S - 4 àn mài f /to feel (take) the pulse/ 按蚊 - 0 àn wén f /anopheles/malarial mosquito/ 按規定 按规定 T - 53 àn guī dìng f /according to regulation/ 按规定 按規定 S - 53 àn guī dìng f /according to regulation/ 按診 按诊 T - 0 àn zhěn f /palpation (as a method of examination)/ 按語 按语 T - 12 àn yǔ f /note/comment/ 按說 按说 T - 287 àn shuō f /in the ordinary course of events/ordinarily/normally/ 按讚 按赞 T - 0 àn zàn f /to give sb a thumbs-up (on social media)/ 按诊 按診 S - 0 àn zhěn f /palpation (as a method of examination)/ 按语 按語 S - 12 àn yǔ f /note/comment/ 按说 按說 S - 287 àn shuō f /in the ordinary course of events/ordinarily/normally/ 按質定價 按质定价 T - 0 àn zhì dìng jià f /to fix a price based on quality (idiom)/ 按质定价 按質定價 S - 0 àn zhì dìng jià f /to fix a price based on quality (idiom)/ 按赞 按讚 S - 0 àn zàn f /to give sb a thumbs-up (on social media)/ 按跷 按蹻 S - 0 àn qiāo f /(old) massage/ 按蹻 按跷 T - 0 àn qiāo f /(old) massage/ 按部就班 - 90 àn bù jiù bān f /to follow the prescribed order; to keep to the working routine (idiom)/ 按鈕 按钮 T - 98 àn niǔ f /push button/ 按鍵 按键 T - 85 àn jiàn f /button or key (on a device)/keystroke/CL:個|个[ge4]/to press a button/ 按鍵音 按键音 T - 0 àn jiàn yīn f /keypad tone/key tone/ 按钮 按鈕 S - 98 àn niǔ f /push button/ 按键 按鍵 S - 85 àn jiàn f /button or key (on a device)/keystroke/CL:個|个[ge4]/to press a button/ 按键音 按鍵音 S - 0 àn jiàn yīn f /keypad tone/key tone/ 按需 - 0 àn xū f /on demand/according to demand/ 按需出版 - 0 àn xū chū bǎn f /publishing on demand/ 按需分配 - 10 àn xū fēn pèi f /distribution according to need/ 挊 - 0 nòng f /old variant of 弄[nong4]/ 挌 - 11 gé f /fight/ 挍 - 0 jiào f /compare/criticize/ 挎 4783 622 kuà f /to carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder or side)/ 挎兜 - 0 kuà dōu f /satchel/backpack/ 挎兜儿 挎兜兒 S - 0 kuà dōu r f /erhua variant of 挎兜[kua4 dou1]/ 挎兜兒 挎兜儿 T - 0 kuà dōu r f /erhua variant of 挎兜[kua4 dou1]/ 挎包 - 108 kuà bāo f /satchel/bag/ 挎斗 - 3 kuà dǒu f /sidecar/ 挐 - 0 ná f /to apprehend/to take/ 挑 - 2835 tiāo t /to carry on a shoulder pole/to choose/to pick/to nitpick/ 挑 - 2835 tiǎo f /to raise/to dig up/to poke/to prick/to incite/to stir up/ 挑三拣四 挑三揀四 S - 21 tiāo sān jiǎn sì f /to be picky/to be choosy/ 挑三揀四 挑三拣四 T - 21 tiāo sān jiǎn sì f /to be picky/to be choosy/ 挑三窝四 挑三窩四 S - 0 tiǎo sān wō sì f /to sow discord everywhere/ 挑三窩四 挑三窝四 T - 0 tiǎo sān wō sì f /to sow discord everywhere/ 挑刺 - 19 tiāo cì f /to carp/nitpicking/petty criticism/ 挑剔 3466 236 tiāo ti f /picky/fussy/ 挑动 挑動 S - 69 tiǎo dòng f /to entice/to arouse/to provoke/ 挑動 挑动 T - 69 tiǎo dòng f /to entice/to arouse/to provoke/ 挑口板 - 0 tiāo kǒu bǎn f /fascia/eaves board/ 挑唆 - 27 tiǎo suō f /to incite/to stir up/to instigate/ 挑嘴 - 3 tiǎo zuǐ f /to sow discord/picky about food/ 挑大梁 - 17 tiǎo dà liáng f /to play a leading role/to bear a heavy responsibility/ 挑夫 - 25 tiāo fū f /porter/ 挑头 挑頭 S - 16 tiǎo tóu f /to take the lead/to be first to (do sth)/to pioneer/ 挑头儿 挑頭兒 S - 0 tiǎo tóu r f /erhua variant of 挑頭|挑头[tiao3 tou2]/ 挑山工 - 3 tiāo shān gōng f /laborers who carry cargo up and down the mountains on shoulder poles/ 挑弄 - 3 tiǎo nòng f /to incite/to provoke/to tease/ 挑战 挑戰 S 1410 2615 tiǎo zhàn f /to challenge/challenge/ 挑战者 挑戰者 S - 104 tiǎo zhàn zhě f /challenger/ 挑战者号 挑戰者號 S - 0 Tiǎo zhàn zhě Hào f /Space Shuttle Challenger/ 挑戰 挑战 T 1410 2615 tiǎo zhàn f /to challenge/challenge/ 挑戰者 挑战者 T - 104 tiǎo zhàn zhě f /challenger/ 挑戰者號 挑战者号 T - 0 Tiǎo zhàn zhě Hào f /Space Shuttle Challenger/ 挑拔 - 3 tiǎo bá f /to provoke/ 挑拣 挑揀 S - 22 tiāo jiǎn f /to pick and choose/to select/ 挑拨 挑撥 S 4746 152 tiǎo bō f /to incite disharmony/to instigate/ 挑拨是非 挑撥是非 S - 3 tiǎo bō shì fēi f /to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make mischief/ 挑拨离间 挑撥離間 S - 57 tiǎo bō lí jiàn f /to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between/ 挑揀 挑拣 T - 22 tiāo jiǎn f /to pick and choose/to select/ 挑撥 挑拨 T 4746 152 tiǎo bō f /to incite disharmony/to instigate/ 挑撥是非 挑拨是非 T - 3 tiǎo bō shì fēi f /to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make mischief/ 挑撥離間 挑拨离间 T - 57 tiǎo bō lí jiàn f /to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between/ 挑明 - 81 tiǎo míng f /to illuminate/to open up (a topic)/ 挑染 - 0 tiāo rǎn f /highlight (hair)/partial hair dye/ 挑檐 挑簷 S - 0 tiǎo yán f /eaves/ 挑毛剔刺 - 3 tiāo máo tī cì f /to find fault/to carp/nitpicking/ 挑毛剔刺儿 挑毛剔刺兒 S - 0 tiāo máo tī cì r f /erhua variant of 挑毛剔刺[tiao1 mao2 ti1 ci4]/ 挑毛剔刺兒 挑毛剔刺儿 T - 0 tiāo máo tī cì r f /erhua variant of 挑毛剔刺[tiao1 mao2 ti1 ci4]/ 挑毛病 - 10 tiāo máo bìng f /to nitpick/petty criticism/to nag/ 挑灯 挑燈 S - 30 tiǎo dēng f /to light a lamp/to raise a lantern/ 挑灯夜战 挑燈夜戰 S - 17 tiǎo dēng yè zhàn f /to raise a lantern and fight at night (idiom); fig. to work into the night/to burn the midnight oil/ 挑灯拨火 挑燈撥火 S - 3 tiǎo dēng bō huǒ f /to sow discord/to provoke/ 挑燈 挑灯 T - 30 tiǎo dēng f /to light a lamp/to raise a lantern/ 挑燈夜戰 挑灯夜战 T - 17 tiǎo dēng yè zhàn f /to raise a lantern and fight at night (idiom); fig. to work into the night/to burn the midnight oil/ 挑燈撥火 挑灯拨火 T - 3 tiǎo dēng bō huǒ f /to sow discord/to provoke/ 挑簷 挑檐 T - 0 tiǎo yán f /eaves/ 挑肥嫌瘦 - 0 tiāo féi xián shòu f /to choose sth over another to suit one's own convenience/ 挑花 - 17 tiǎo huā f /cross-stitch (embroidery)/ 挑花眼 - 0 tiǎo huā yǎn f /(fig.) to get cross-eyed/to be bewildered/ 挑衅 挑釁 S 3600 331 tiǎo xìn f /to provoke/provocation/ 挑起 - 412 tiǎo qǐ f /to provoke/to stir up/to incite/ 挑选 挑選 S - 908 tiāo xuǎn f /to choose/to select/ 挑逗 - 70 tiǎo dòu f /to provoke/to entice/to lure/to tantalize/to tease/to titillate/ 挑逗性 - 11 tiǎo dòu xìng f /provocative/tantalizing/titillating/ 挑選 挑选 T - 908 tiāo xuǎn f /to choose/to select/ 挑釁 挑衅 T 3600 331 tiǎo xìn f /to provoke/provocation/ 挑頭 挑头 T - 16 tiǎo tóu f /to take the lead/to be first to (do sth)/to pioneer/ 挑頭兒 挑头儿 T - 0 tiǎo tóu r f /erhua variant of 挑頭|挑头[tiao3 tou2]/ 挑食 - 17 tiāo shí f /to be picky about food/ 挓 - 16 zhā f /to open out/to expand/ 挔 - 0 lǚ f /erroneous variant of 旅[lu:3]/ 挖 - 2886 wā f /to dig/to excavate/to scoop out/ 挖土机 挖土機 S - 2 wā tǔ jī f /excavator/backhoe/ 挖土機 挖土机 T - 2 wā tǔ jī f /excavator/backhoe/ 挖墙脚 挖牆腳 S - 9 wā qiáng jiǎo f /to undermine/to let someone down/to seduce someone away from something/ 挖开 挖開 S - 3 wā kāi f /to dig into/to cut a mine into/ 挖掉 - 24 wā diào f /to dig out/to eradicate/ 挖掘 3213 933 wā jué f /to excavate/to dig/to unearth/ 挖掘机 挖掘機 S - 37 wā jué jī f /excavator/ 挖掘机械 挖掘機械 S - 0 wā jué jī xiè f /excavator/bulldozer/ 挖掘機 挖掘机 T - 37 wā jué jī f /excavator/ 挖掘機械 挖掘机械 T - 0 wā jué jī xiè f /excavator/bulldozer/ 挖洞 - 62 wā dòng f /to dig a hole/ 挖浚 - 0 wā jùn f /to dredge/ 挖牆腳 挖墙脚 T - 9 wā qiáng jiǎo f /to undermine/to let someone down/to seduce someone away from something/ 挖矿 挖礦 S - 3 wā kuàng f /to dig a mine/mining/ 挖礦 挖矿 T - 3 wā kuàng f /to dig a mine/mining/ 挖穴 - 0 wā xué f /to excavate/to dig out a cave/ 挖空 - 3 wā kōng f /to excavate/to hollow/ 挖空心思 - 63 wā kōng xīn si f /to dig for thoughts (idiom); to search everything for an answer/to rack one's brains/ 挖肉补疮 挖肉補瘡 S - 2 wā ròu bǔ chuāng f /to cut one's flesh to cover a sore (idiom); faced with a current crisis, to make it worse by a temporary expedient/ 挖肉補瘡 挖肉补疮 T - 2 wā ròu bǔ chuāng f /to cut one's flesh to cover a sore (idiom); faced with a current crisis, to make it worse by a temporary expedient/ 挖苦 - 120 wā kǔ f /to speak sarcastically/to make cutting remarks/ 挖角 - 3 wā jué f /to poach (talent, personnel from competitors)/to raid (a competitor for its talent)/Taiwan pr. [wa1 jiao3]/ 挖開 挖开 T - 3 wā kāi f /to dig into/to cut a mine into/ 挖鼻子 - 0 wā bí zi f /to pick one's nose/ 挙 - 38 jǔ f /Japanese variant of 舉|举/ 挚 摯 S - 153 Zhì f /surname Zhi/ 挚 摯 S - 153 zhì f /sincere/ 挚切 摯切 S - 0 zhì qiè f /sincere/fervent/ 挚友 摯友 S - 71 zhì yǒu f /intimate friend/close friend/ 挚友良朋 摯友良朋 S - 0 zhì yǒu liáng péng f /intimate friend and companion (idiom)/ 挚情 摯情 S - 3 zhì qíng f /true feelings/ 挚爱 摯愛 S - 79 zhì ài f /true love/ 挚诚 摯誠 S - 5 zhì chéng f /sincere/ 挛 攣 S - 67 luán f /twisted/bent/crooked/cramped/ 挜 掗 S - 73 yà f /attach/brandish/hold/ 挝 撾 S - 93 zhuā f /beat/ 挞 撻 S - 100 tà f /flog/rapid/ 挟 挾 S - 700 jiā f /old variant of 夾|夹[jia1]/ 挟 挾 S - 700 xié t /to clasp under the arm/to coerce/ 挟制 挾製 S - 106 xié zhì f /forced submission/to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's bidding/ 挟天子以令天下 挾天子以令天下 S - 0 xié tiān zǐ yǐ lìng tiān xià f /(expr.) hold the feudal overlord and you control the whole country/ 挟天子以令诸侯 挾天子以令諸侯 S - 10 xié tiān zǐ yǐ lìng zhū hóu f /(expr.) hold the feudal overlord and you control his vassals/ 挟带 挾帶 S - 56 xié dài f /to carry along/to carry on one's person/to carry secretly/ 挟怨 挾怨 S - 3 xié yuàn f /to hold a grudge/ 挟持 挾持 S - 101 xié chí f /to seize/ 挟持雇主 挾持雇主 S - 0 xié chí gù zhǔ f /gherao (from Hindi, SE Asian method of protest)/ 挟细拿粗 挾細拿粗 S - 3 xié xì ná cū f /to provoke/ 挠 撓 S - 516 náo f /to scratch/to thwart/to yield/ 挠头 撓頭 S - 42 náo tóu f /tricky/problematic/difficult/to scratch one's head (in puzzlement)/ 挠曲 撓曲 S - 13 náo qū f /to bend/flexing/deflection/ 挠率 撓率 S - 0 náo lǜ f /the torsion (of a space curve)/ 挠痒痒 撓癢癢 S - 3 náo yǎng yang f /to tickle/ 挠裂 撓裂 S - 0 náo liè f /split due to repeated folding/flex crack/ 挠败 撓敗 S - 0 náo bài f /defeated/routed/crushed/ 挠钩 撓鉤 S - 13 náo gōu f /iron hook at the end a long pole/ 挡 擋 S 1648 2950 dǎng t /to resist/to obstruct/to hinder/to keep off/to block (a blow)/to get in the way of/cover/gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)/ 挡 擋 S 1648 2950 dàng f /to arrange/to put in order/ 挡 攩 S 1648 2950 dǎng t /variant of 擋|挡[dang3]/ 挡位 擋位 S - 4 dǎng wèi f /gear level (i.e. first gear, high gear etc)/ 挡住 擋住 S - 723 dǎng zhù f /to obstruct/ 挡拆 擋拆 S - 0 dǎng chāi f /pick and roll (basketball)/screen and roll/ 挡泥板 擋泥板 S - 4 dǎng ní bǎn f /mudguard/ 挡琅 擋瑯 S - 0 dǎng láng f /(slang) to ask for money/to lend money/ 挡箭牌 擋箭牌 S - 42 dǎng jiàn pái f /shield/(fig.) excuse/ 挡路 擋路 S - 36 dǎng lù f /blocking the way/ 挡郎 擋郎 S - 0 dǎng láng f /(slang) to ask for money/to lend money/ 挡锒 擋鋃 S - 0 dǎng láng f /(slang) to ask for money/to lend money/ 挡雨 擋雨 S - 3 dǎng yǔ f /to protect from the rain/ 挡风墙 擋風牆 S - 2 dǎng fēng qiáng f /lit. windbreak/fig. protector/ 挡风玻璃 擋風玻璃 S - 3 dǎng fēng bō li f /windshield/wind screen/ 挢 撟 S - 18 jiǎo f /to raise/to lift/to pretend/counterfeit/unyielding/variant of 矯|矫[jiao3]/to correct/ 挣 掙 S 1694 1076 zhēng t /see 掙扎|挣扎[zheng1 zha2]/ 挣 掙 S 1694 1076 zhèng f /to struggle to get free/to strive to acquire/to make (money)/ 挣得 掙得 S - 105 zhèng dé f /to earn (income)/to make (money)/ 挣扎 掙扎 S 2873 1329 zhēng zhá f /to struggle/ 挣脱 掙脫 S - 370 zhèng tuō f /to throw off/to struggle free of/Taiwan pr. [zheng1 tuo1]/ 挣钱 掙錢 S - 355 zhèng qián f /to make money/ 挤 擠 S - 2260 jǐ f /to crowd in/to cram in/to force others aside/to press/to squeeze/to find (time in one's busy schedule)/ 挤上去 擠上去 S - 3 jǐ shàng qu f /to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)/ 挤兑 擠兌 S - 55 jǐ duì f /a run on a bank/ 挤入 擠入 S - 40 jǐ rù f /to squeeze in/to force oneself into/to cram into/to intrude/ 挤出 擠出 S - 292 jǐ chū f /to squeeze out/to extrude/to drain/to find the time/to burst out/ 挤占 擠占 S - 53 jǐ zhàn f /to seize/to push aside and occupy/ 挤压 擠壓 S - 291 jǐ yā f /to squeeze/to press/to extrude/ 挤压出 擠壓出 S - 0 jǐ yā chū f /to extrude/ 挤咕 擠咕 S - 0 jǐ gū f /to wink at/ 挤垮 擠垮 S - 6 jǐ kuǎ f /to squash/to crush/to squeeze out of business/to drive out/ 挤奶 擠奶 S - 27 jǐ nǎi f /to milk/ 挤对 擠對 S - 0 jǐ duì f /(coll.) to mock/to bully/to force (a concession out of sb)/ 挤挤插插 擠擠插插 S - 3 jǐ jǐ chā chā f /crowded tightly/jam-packed/ 挤提 擠提 S - 0 jǐ tí f /bank run/to crowd into a bank and withdraw all one's money/ 挤来挤去 擠來擠去 S - 3 jǐ lái jǐ qù f /to mill about/to jostle/ 挤满 擠滿 S - 203 jǐ mǎn f /crowded to bursting point/filled to overflowing/jam-packed/ 挤牙膏 擠牙膏 S - 5 jǐ yá gāo f /lit. to squeeze out toothpaste/fig. to extract a confession under pressure/ 挤眉弄眼 擠眉弄眼 S - 47 jǐ méi nòng yǎn f /to make eyes/to wink/ 挤眼 擠眼 S - 3 jǐ yǎn f /to wink/ 挤紧 擠緊 S - 0 jǐ jǐn f /to squeeze/ 挤花 擠花 S - 0 jǐ huā f /(cookery) to decorate using a piping bag/to extrude something though a piping bag/piping/ 挤花袋 擠花袋 S - 0 jǐ huā dài f /piping bag (cookery)/ 挤落 擠落 S - 3 jǐ luò f /(coll.) to push aside/ 挤踏 擠踏 S - 0 jǐ tà f /stampede/ 挤轧 擠軋 S - 3 jǐ yà f /to bump and shove/ 挤过 擠過 S - 0 jǐ guò f /to squeeze through/to force one's way through/ 挤进 擠進 S - 92 jǐ jìn f /to break into/to force one's way into/to barge into/ 挥 揮 S 1670 4046 huī f /to wave/to brandish/to command/to conduct/to scatter/to disperse/ 挥之不去 揮之不去 S - 55 huī zhī bù qù f /impossible to get rid of/ 挥动 揮動 S - 430 huī dòng f /to wave sth/to brandish/ 挥发 揮發 S - 234 huī fā f /volatile/volatility/ 挥发性 揮發性 S - 77 huī fā xìng f /volatility/ 挥发性存储器 揮發性存儲器 S - 0 huī fā xìng cún chǔ qì f /volatile memory/ 挥发油 揮發油 S - 33 huī fā yóu f /volatile oil (in general)/gasoline/ 挥师 揮師 S - 81 huī shī f /in command of the army/ 挥戈 揮戈 S - 14 huī gē f /to brandish a spear/ 挥手 揮手 S - 1003 huī shǒu f /to wave (one's hand)/ 挥斥 揮斥 S - 3 huī chì f /to chide/to berate/energetic/ 挥斥方遒 揮斥方遒 S - 0 huī chì fāng qiú f /full of vim/ 挥杆 揮桿 S - 11 huī gān f /swing (golf)/ 挥毫 揮毫 S - 59 huī háo f /to write or draw with a brush/to put pen to paper/to write/ 挥毫洒墨 揮毫灑墨 S - 0 huī háo sǎ mò f /to wield a writing brush (idiom)/ 挥汗 揮汗 S - 3 huī hàn f /to sweat profusely/ 挥汗如雨 揮汗如雨 S - 17 huī hàn rú yǔ f /to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)/ 挥汗成雨 揮汗成雨 S - 2 huī hàn chéng yǔ f /to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)/ 挥泪 揮淚 S - 44 huī lèi f /to shed tears/to be all in tears/ 挥洒 揮灑 S - 69 huī sǎ f /to sprinkle/to shed (tears, blood etc)/fig. free, unconstrained/to write in a free style/ 挥翰 揮翰 S - 0 huī hàn f /(literary) to wield a writing brush/ 挥舞 揮舞 S - 717 huī wǔ f /to brandish/to wave sth/ 挥金如土 揮金如土 S - 12 huī jīn rú tǔ f /lit. to squander money like dirt (idiom)/fig. to spend money like water/extravagant/ 挥霍 揮霍 S 4132 190 huī huò f /to squander money/extravagant/prodigal/free and easy/agile/ 挥霍无度 揮霍無度 S - 18 huī huò wú dù f /extravagance/extravagant/ 挥霍浪费 揮霍浪費 S - 0 huī huò làng fèi f /to spend extravagantly/to squander/ 挥麈 揮麈 S - 0 huī zhǔ f /to brandish/ 挦 撏 S - 24 xián f /to pull out (esp. hair or feathers)/to pick/to pluck/fig. to extract (lines from a text)/ 挨 3121 1655 āi t /in order/in sequence/close to/adjacent to/ 挨 3121 1655 ái f /to suffer/to endure/to pull through (hard times)/to delay/to stall/to play for time/to dawdle/ 挨不上 - 0 āi bù shàng f /to be irrelevant/to be superfluous/ 挨个 挨個 S - 56 āi gè f /one by one/in turn/ 挨个儿 挨個兒 S - 28 āi gè r f /erhua variant of 挨個|挨个[ai1 ge4]/ 挨個 挨个 T - 56 āi gè f /one by one/in turn/ 挨個兒 挨个儿 T - 28 āi gè r f /erhua variant of 挨個|挨个[ai1 ge4]/ 挨克 挨剋 S - 0 ái kēi f /to be rebuked/to suffer blows/ 挨剋 挨克 T - 0 ái kēi f /to be rebuked/to suffer blows/ 挨呲儿 挨呲兒 S - 0 ái cī r f /to suffer a rebuke/criticized/ 挨呲兒 挨呲儿 T - 0 ái cī r f /to suffer a rebuke/criticized/ 挨头子 挨頭子 S - 0 ái tóu zi f /to be criticized/to suffer blame/ 挨宰 - 8 ái zǎi f /to get ripped off/ 挨家 - 3 āi jiā f /from house to house, one by one/ 挨家挨戶 挨家挨户 T - 56 āi jiā āi hù f /to go from house to house/house-to-house (search)/ 挨家挨户 挨家挨戶 S - 56 āi jiā āi hù f /to go from house to house/house-to-house (search)/ 挨延 捱延 S - 0 ái yán f /to delay/to stretch out/to play for time/ 挨戶 挨户 T - 7 āi hù f /from house to house, one by one/ 挨戶,挨家 挨户,挨家 T - 0 āi hù , āi jiā f /to go from house to house/house-to-house (search)/same as 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户/ 挨户 挨戶 S - 7 āi hù f /from house to house, one by one/ 挨户,挨家 挨戶,挨家 S - 0 āi hù , āi jiā f /to go from house to house/house-to-house (search)/same as 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户/ 挨打 - 308 ái dǎ f /to take a beating/to get thrashed/to come under attack/ 挨打受气 挨打受氣 S - 0 ái dǎ shòu qì f /to suffer bullying and beating (idiom)/ 挨打受氣 挨打受气 T - 0 ái dǎ shòu qì f /to suffer bullying and beating (idiom)/ 挨打受罵 挨打受骂 T - 3 ái dǎ shòu mà f /to suffer beatings and receive abuse (idiom)/ 挨打受骂 挨打受罵 S - 3 ái dǎ shòu mà f /to suffer beatings and receive abuse (idiom)/ 挨批 - 26 ái pī f /to be criticized/to suffer blame/ 挨挤 挨擠 S - 3 ái jǐ f /to crowd together/to jostle/squeezed/ 挨揍 - 16 ái zòu f /to be beaten/to take a drubbing/buffeted/knocked about/ 挨擠 挨挤 T - 3 ái jǐ f /to crowd together/to jostle/squeezed/ 挨擦 - 0 āi cā f /to press against/to nuzzle up to/ 挨整 - 23 ái zhěng f /to be the target of an attack/ 挨斗 挨鬥 S - 37 ái dòu f /to suffer censure/denounced/ 挨时间 挨時間 S - 3 ái shí jiān f /to stall/to play for time/ 挨時間 挨时间 T - 3 ái shí jiān f /to stall/to play for time/ 挨板子 - 7 ái bǎn zi f /to suffer beating/fig. to be severely criticized/to take a hammering/ 挨次 - 192 āi cì f /in sequence/in the proper order/one by one/in turn/ 挨着 挨著 S - 313 āi zhe f /near/ 挨罵 挨骂 T - 81 ái mà f /to receive a scolding/ 挨肩儿 挨肩兒 S - 3 āi jiān r f /in rapid succession (of children, close in age)/shoulder-to-shoulder/ 挨肩兒 挨肩儿 T - 3 āi jiān r f /in rapid succession (of children, close in age)/shoulder-to-shoulder/ 挨著 挨着 T - 313 āi zhe f /near/ 挨踢 - 0 Aī Tī f /information technology (IT) (loanword)/ 挨边 挨邊 S - 4 āi biān f /to keep close to the edge/near the mark/close to (the true figure)/relevant (used with negative to mean totally irrelevant)/ 挨边儿 挨邊兒 S - 0 āi biān r f /erhua variant of 挨邊|挨边[ai1 bian1]/ 挨近 - 52 āi jìn f /to approach/to get close to/to sneak up on/near to/ 挨邊 挨边 T - 4 āi biān f /to keep close to the edge/near the mark/close to (the true figure)/relevant (used with negative to mean totally irrelevant)/ 挨邊兒 挨边儿 T - 0 āi biān r f /erhua variant of 挨邊|挨边[ai1 bian1]/ 挨門 挨门 T - 3 āi mén f /from door to door, one by one/ 挨門,挨戶 挨门,挨户 T - 0 āi mén , āi hù f /to go from house to house/house-to-house (search)/same as 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户/ 挨门 挨門 S - 3 āi mén f /from door to door, one by one/ 挨门,挨户 挨門,挨戶 S - 0 āi mén , āi hù f /to go from house to house/house-to-house (search)/same as 挨家挨戶|挨家挨户/ 挨頭子 挨头子 T - 0 ái tóu zi f /to be criticized/to suffer blame/ 挨飢抵餓 挨饥抵饿 T - 0 ái jī dǐ è f /to suffer from hunger/ 挨餓 挨饿 T - 79 ái è f /to go hungry/to endure starvation/famished/ 挨饥抵饿 挨飢抵餓 S - 0 ái jī dǐ è f /to suffer from hunger/ 挨饿 挨餓 S - 79 ái è f /to go hungry/to endure starvation/famished/ 挨骂 挨罵 S - 81 ái mà f /to receive a scolding/ 挨鬥 挨斗 T - 37 ái dòu f /to suffer censure/denounced/ 挪 3116 688 nuó f /to shift/to move/ 挪亚 挪亞 S - 0 Nuó yà f /Noah/ 挪亞 挪亚 T - 0 Nuó yà f /Noah/ 挪借 - 11 nuó jiè f /to borrow money for a short time/ 挪动 挪動 S - 146 nuó dòng f /to move/to shift/ 挪動 挪动 T - 146 nuó dòng f /to move/to shift/ 挪威 - 876 Nuó wēi f /Norway/ 挪用 - 195 nuó yòng f /to shift (funds)/to (legitimately) take funds set aside for one purpose in order to use them for another/to embezzle/to misappropriate/ 挪窝儿 挪窩兒 S - 3 nuó wō r f /to move (house)/to move elsewhere/ 挪窩兒 挪窝儿 T - 3 nuó wō r f /to move (house)/to move elsewhere/ 挫 - 438 cuò f /obstructed/to fail/to oppress/to repress/to lower the tone/to bend back/to dampen/ 挫折 3799 763 cuò zhé f /setback/reverse/check/defeat/frustration/disappointment/to frustrate/to discourage/to set sb back/to blunt/to subdue/ 挫折感 - 18 cuò zhé gǎn f /frustration/ 挫敗 挫败 T - 342 cuò bài f /to thwart/to foil (sb's plans)/to defeat/ 挫疮 挫瘡 S - 0 cuò chuāng f /acne/pustule/ 挫瘡 挫疮 T - 0 cuò chuāng f /acne/pustule/ 挫败 挫敗 S - 342 cuò bài f /to thwart/to foil (sb's plans)/to defeat/ 振 - 864 zhèn f /to shake/to flap/to vibrate/to resonate/to rise up with spirit/to rouse oneself/ 振作 - 173 zhèn zuò f /to bestir oneself/to pull oneself together/to cheer up/to uplift/to stimulate/ 振兴 振興 S 4908 659 Zhèn xīng f /Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 振兴 振興 S 4908 659 zhèn xīng f /to revive/to revitalize/to invigorate/to re-energize/ 振兴区 振興區 S - 3 Zhèn xīng qū f /Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 振动 振動 S 2393 993 zhèn dòng f /to vibrate/to shake/vibration/ 振動 振动 T 2393 993 zhèn dòng f /to vibrate/to shake/vibration/ 振奋 振奮 S 3919 464 zhèn fèn f /to stir oneself up/to raise one's spirits/to inspire/ 振奮 振奋 T 3919 464 zhèn fèn f /to stir oneself up/to raise one's spirits/to inspire/ 振安 - 0 Zhèn ān f /Zhen'an district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 振安区 振安區 S - 3 Zhèn ān qū f /Zhen'an district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 振安區 振安区 T - 3 Zhèn ān qū f /Zhen'an district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 振幅 - 171 zhèn fú f /amplitude/ 振振有詞 振振有词 T - 63 zhèn zhèn yǒu cí f /to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions/ 振振有词 振振有詞 S - 63 zhèn zhèn yǒu cí f /to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions/ 振振有辞 振振有辭 S - 12 zhèn zhèn yǒu cí f /to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions/also written 振振有詞|振振有词/ 振振有辭 振振有辞 T - 12 zhèn zhèn yǒu cí f /to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions/also written 振振有詞|振振有词/ 振聋发聩 振聾發聵 S - 26 zhèn lóng fā kuì f /lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); rousing even the apathetic/ 振聾發聵 振聋发聩 T - 26 zhèn lóng fā kuì f /lit. so loud that even the deaf can hear (idiom); rousing even the apathetic/ 振臂一呼 - 20 zhèn bì yī hū f /to issue a call for action/to raise one's hand and issue a rousing call (idiom)/ 振興 振兴 T 4908 659 Zhèn xīng f /Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 振興 振兴 T 4908 659 zhèn xīng f /to revive/to revitalize/to invigorate/to re-energize/ 振興區 振兴区 T - 3 Zhèn xīng qū f /Zhengxing district of Dandong city 丹東市|丹东市[Dan1 dong1 shi4], Liaoning/ 振荡 振蕩 S - 257 zhèn dàng f /vibration/oscillation/ 振荡器 振蕩器 S - 49 zhèn dàng qì f /oscillator/ 振蕩 振荡 T - 257 zhèn dàng f /vibration/oscillation/ 振蕩器 振荡器 T - 49 zhèn dàng qì f /oscillator/ 振頻 振频 T - 0 zhèn pín f /frequency of vibration/ 振频 振頻 S - 0 zhèn pín f /frequency of vibration/ 挱 挲 T - 19 suō f /variant of 挲[suo1]/ 挲 挱 S - 19 suō f /variant of 挲[suo1]/ 挲 - 19 suō f /feel/to fondle/ 挵 弄 T 625 5784 nòng t /old variant of 弄[nong4]/ 挶 - 172 jú f /structure for carrying dirt/ 挹 - 21 yì f /to ladle out/to dip/to pour out/ 挹取 - 0 yì qǔ f /to ladle out/to scoop up/ 挹掬 - 0 yì jū f /to scoop up water with the hands/ 挹注 - 3 yì zhù f /to shift resources into areas of need/to inject funds/to balance resources/ 挹酌 - 0 yì zhuó f /to pour out wine/ 挺 659 3742 tǐng f /straight/erect/to stick out (a part of the body)/to (physically) straighten up/to support/to withstand/outstanding/(coll.) quite/very/classifier for machine guns/ 挺举 挺舉 S - 48 tǐng jǔ f /clean and jerk (weightlifting technique)/ 挺住 - 3 tǐng zhù f /to stand firm/to stand one's ground (in the face of adversity or pain)/ 挺好 - 0 tǐng hǎo f /very good/ 挺尸 挺屍 S - 6 tǐng shī f /(lit.) to lie stiff like a corpse/(coll.) to sleep/ 挺屍 挺尸 T - 6 tǐng shī f /(lit.) to lie stiff like a corpse/(coll.) to sleep/ 挺拔 4884 170 tǐng bá f /tall and straight/ 挺杆 挺桿 S - 0 tǐng gǎn f /tappet (machine part)/ 挺桿 挺杆 T - 0 tǐng gǎn f /tappet (machine part)/ 挺立 - 126 tǐng lì f /to stand erect/to stand upright/ 挺而走险 挺而走險 S - 10 tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn f /variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险[ting3 er2 zou3 xian3]/ 挺而走險 挺而走险 T - 10 tǐng ér zǒu xiǎn f /variant of 鋌而走險|铤而走险[ting3 er2 zou3 xian3]/ 挺腰 - 0 tǐng yāo f /to straighten one's back/to arch one's back/ 挺舉 挺举 T - 48 tǐng jǔ f /clean and jerk (weightlifting technique)/ 挺身 - 171 tǐng shēn f /to straighten one's back/ 挺身而出 - 333 tǐng shēn ér chū f /to step forward bravely/ 挺进 挺進 S - 487 tǐng jìn f /progress/to advance/ 挺進 挺进 T - 487 tǐng jìn f /progress/to advance/ 挼 - 16 ruó f /to rub/to crumple/Taiwan pr. [nuo2]/ 挽 - 957 wǎn f /to pull/to draw (a cart or a bow)/to roll up/to coil/to carry on the arm/to lament the dead/(fig.) to pull against/to recover/ 挽 輓 S - 957 wǎn f /variant of 挽[wan3]/to draw (a cart)/to lament the dead/ 挽具 - 12 wǎn jù f /harness/ 挽力 - 2 wǎn lì f /pulling power (of draught animals)/ 挽回 3275 427 wǎn huí f /to retrieve/to redeem/ 挽幛 - 14 wǎn zhàng f /large elegiac scroll/ 挽救 2952 863 wǎn jiù f /to save/to remedy/to rescue/ 挽救儿童 挽救兒童 S - 0 wǎn jiù ér tóng f /to rescue a child/Save the Children, a British charity/ 挽救兒童 挽救儿童 T - 0 wǎn jiù ér tóng f /to rescue a child/Save the Children, a British charity/ 挽歌 - 32 wǎn gē f /a dirge/an elegy/ 挽留 - 197 wǎn liú f /to urge to stay/to detain/ 挽联 輓聯 S - 197 wǎn lián f /elegiac couplet/ 挽詞 挽词 T - 10 wǎn cí f /an elegy/elegiac words/ 挽词 挽詞 S - 10 wǎn cí f /an elegy/elegiac words/ 挽辞 挽辭 S - 3 wǎn cí f /an elegy/elegiac words/ 挽辭 挽辞 T - 3 wǎn cí f /an elegy/elegiac words/ 挽近 輓近 S - 0 wǎn jìn f /old variant of 晚近[wan3 jin4]/ 挽額 挽额 T - 3 wǎn é f /elegiac tablet/ 挽额 挽額 S - 3 wǎn é f /elegiac tablet/ 挾 挟 T - 700 jiā f /old variant of 夾|夹[jia1]/ 挾 挟 T - 700 xié t /to clasp under the arm/to coerce/ 挾天子以令天下 挟天子以令天下 T - 0 xié tiān zǐ yǐ lìng tiān xià f /(expr.) hold the feudal overlord and you control the whole country/ 挾天子以令諸侯 挟天子以令诸侯 T - 10 xié tiān zǐ yǐ lìng zhū hóu f /(expr.) hold the feudal overlord and you control his vassals/ 挾帶 挟带 T - 56 xié dài f /to carry along/to carry on one's person/to carry secretly/ 挾怨 挟怨 T - 3 xié yuàn f /to hold a grudge/ 挾持 挟持 T - 101 xié chí f /to seize/ 挾持雇主 挟持雇主 T - 0 xié chí gù zhǔ f /gherao (from Hindi, SE Asian method of protest)/ 挾細拿粗 挟细拿粗 T - 3 xié xì ná cū f /to provoke/ 挾製 挟制 T - 106 xié zhì f /forced submission/to exploit advantage to force sb to do one's bidding/ 挿 - 0 chā f /Japanese variant of 插[cha1]/ 捂 - 472 wǔ f /to enclose/to cover with the hand (one's eyes, nose or ears)/to cover up (an affair)/contrary/to contradict/ 捂住 摀住 S - 232 wǔ zhù f /to cover/to bury one's face/ 捂住脸 摀住臉 S - 0 wǔ zhù liǎn f /to cover the face/to bury one's face in one's hands/ 捃 - 8 jùn f /gather/to sort/ 捄 救 T 1217 6268 jiù f /variant of 救[jiu4]/ 捅 - 629 tǒng f /to stab/to poke/to prod/to nudge/to disclose/ 捅喽子 捅嘍子 S - 0 tǒng lóu zi f /variant of 捅婁子|捅娄子[tong3 lou2 zi5]/ 捅嘍子 捅喽子 T - 0 tǒng lóu zi f /variant of 捅婁子|捅娄子[tong3 lou2 zi5]/ 捅娄子 捅婁子 S - 6 tǒng lóu zi f /to make a mess of sth/ 捅婁子 捅娄子 T - 6 tǒng lóu zi f /to make a mess of sth/ 捅楼子 捅樓子 S - 0 tǒng lóu zi f /variant of 捅婁子|捅娄子[tong3 lou2 zi5]/ 捅樓子 捅楼子 T - 0 tǒng lóu zi f /variant of 捅婁子|捅娄子[tong3 lou2 zi5]/ 捅破 - 3 tǒng pò f /to pierce/to prod through/ 捅馬蜂窩 捅马蜂窝 T - 2 tǒng mǎ fēng wō f /to poke through a hornets' nest/to attack a difficult task resolutely/ 捅马蜂窝 捅馬蜂窩 S - 2 tǒng mǎ fēng wō f /to poke through a hornets' nest/to attack a difficult task resolutely/ 捆 - 719 kǔn f /a bunch/to tie together/bundle/ 捆 綑 S - 719 kǔn f /variant of 捆[kun3]/ 捆綁 捆绑 T 4229 216 kǔn bǎng f /to bind/ 捆縛 捆缚 T - 32 kǔn fù f /bondage/ 捆绑 捆綁 S 4229 216 kǔn bǎng f /to bind/ 捆缚 捆縛 S - 32 kǔn fù f /bondage/ 捉 - 2392 zhuō f /to clutch/to grab/to capture/ 捉住 - 338 zhuō zhù f /to catch/to grapple with/to hold onto/ 捉取 - 0 zhuō qǔ f /to capture/ 捉奸 捉姦 S - 47 zhuō jiān f /to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)/ 捉姦 捉奸 T - 47 zhuō jiān f /to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)/ 捉弄 - 162 zhuō nòng f /to tease/ 捉拿 - 265 zhuō ná f /to arrest/to catch a criminal/ 捉拿归案 捉拿歸案 S - 19 zhuō ná guī àn f /to bring to justice/ 捉拿歸案 捉拿归案 T - 19 zhuō ná guī àn f /to bring to justice/ 捉捕 - 3 zhuō bǔ f /to arrest/to seize/to capture/ 捉捕器 - 0 zhuō bǔ qì f /trap (for animals etc)/ 捉摸 - 150 zhuō mō f /to fathom/to make sense of/to grasp/ 捉獲 捉获 T - 0 zhuō huò f /to capture/ 捉获 捉獲 S - 0 zhuō huò f /to capture/ 捉襟見肘 捉襟见肘 T - 62 zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu f /lit. pulling on the lapels exposes the elbows (idiom)/strapped for cash/unable to make ends meet/ 捉襟见肘 捉襟見肘 S - 62 zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu f /lit. pulling on the lapels exposes the elbows (idiom)/strapped for cash/unable to make ends meet/ 捉迷藏 - 75 zhuō mí cáng f /to play hide-and-seek/ 捋 - 506 lǚ t /to smooth or arrange sth using one's fingers/to stroke/ 捋 - 506 luō f /to hold sth long and run one's hand along it/ 捋胳膊 - 3 luō gē bo f /to push up one's sleeves/ 捋臂揎拳 - 0 luō bì xuān quán f /lit. to push up one's sleeves and bare one's fists/to be eager to get started/ 捋虎须 捋虎鬚 S - 10 luō hǔ xū f /lit. to stroke the tiger's whiskers/to do sth very daring/ 捋虎鬚 捋虎须 T - 10 luō hǔ xū f /lit. to stroke the tiger's whiskers/to do sth very daring/ 捋袖子 - 0 luō xiù zi f /to push up one's sleeves/ 捌 - 63 bā f /eight (banker's anti-fraud numeral)/split/ 捍 扞 S - 68 hàn f /variant of 捍[han4]/ 捍 - 68 hàn f /to ward off (a blow)/to withstand/to defend/ 捍卫 捍衛 S 3667 450 hàn wèi f /to defend/to uphold/to safeguard/ 捍卫者 捍衛者 S - 8 hàn wèi zhě f /proponent/supporter/upholder/ 捍衛 捍卫 T 3667 450 hàn wèi f /to defend/to uphold/to safeguard/ 捍衛者 捍卫者 T - 8 hàn wèi zhě f /proponent/supporter/upholder/ 捎 3778 709 shāo f /to bring sth to sb/to deliver/ 捎來 捎来 T - 3 shāo lái f /to bring sth to sb (news etc)/ 捎信 - 17 shāo xìn f /to take a letter/to send word/ 捎来 捎來 S - 3 shāo lái f /to bring sth to sb (news etc)/ 捏 3169 1687 niē f /to pinch (with one's fingers)/to knead/to make up/ 捏 揑 S 3169 1687 niē f /variant of 捏[nie1]/ 捏一把冷汗 - 0 niē yī bǎ lěng hàn f /to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)/ 捏一把汗 - 23 niē yī bǎ hàn f /to break out into a cold sweat (idiom)/ 捏估 - 0 niē gu f /to act as a go-between/ 捏合 - 14 niē hé f /to act as a go between/ 捏积 捏積 S - 3 niē jī f /see 捏脊[nie1 ji3]/ 捏積 捏积 T - 3 niē jī f /see 捏脊[nie1 ji3]/ 捏脊 - 0 niē jǐ f /form of therapeutic massage, mainly for children, in which a roll of skin is squeezed, working from the base of the spine to the neck (TCM)/ 捏脊治疗 捏脊治療 S - 0 niē jǐ zhì liáo f /chiropractic (medicine)/ 捏脊治療 捏脊治疗 T - 0 niē jǐ zhì liáo f /chiropractic (medicine)/ 捏造 - 167 niē zào f /to make up/to fabricate/ 捐 1802 1008 juān f /to contribute/to donate/contribution/tax/to abandon/ 捐助 - 119 juān zhù f /to donate/to offer (aid)/contribution/donation/ 捐募 - 3 juān mù f /to solicit contributions/to collect donations/ 捐命 - 0 juān mìng f /to lay down one's life/ 捐弃 捐棄 S - 12 juān qì f /to relinquish/to abandon/ 捐棄 捐弃 T - 12 juān qì f /to relinquish/to abandon/ 捐款 - 483 juān kuǎn f /to donate money/to contribute funds/donation/contribution (of money)/ 捐款者 - 4 juān kuǎn zhě f /donor/benefactor/contributor (to charity)/ 捐物 - 29 juān wù f /to donate goods (to a relief effort)/to contribute material/ 捐献 捐獻 S - 257 juān xiàn f /to donate/to contribute/donation/contribution/ 捐獻 捐献 T - 257 juān xiàn f /to donate/to contribute/donation/contribution/ 捐班 - 0 juān bān f /to contribute/ 捐生 - 0 juān shēng f /to sacrifice one's life/ 捐益表 - 0 juān yì biǎo f /tax benefits table/ 捐稅 捐税 T - 47 juān shuì f /taxes and levies/ 捐税 捐稅 S - 47 juān shuì f /taxes and levies/ 捐給 捐给 T - 39 juān gěi f /to donate/ 捐给 捐給 S - 39 juān gěi f /to donate/ 捐背 - 0 juān bèi f /to die/ 捐血 - 3 juān xuè f /to donate blood/also written 供血/ 捐血者 - 0 juān xuè zhě f /blood donor/also called 供血者/ 捐貲 捐赀 T - 0 juān zī f /variant of 捐資|捐资[juan1 zi1]/ 捐資 捐资 T - 111 juān zī f /to contribute funds/ 捐贈 捐赠 T - 383 juān zèng f /to contribute (as a gift)/to donate/benefaction/ 捐贈盈餘 捐赠盈余 T - 0 juān zèng yíng yú f /surplus from donation (accountancy)/ 捐贈者 捐赠者 T - 12 juān zèng zhě f /donor/contributor/ 捐赀 捐貲 S - 0 juān zī f /variant of 捐資|捐资[juan1 zi1]/ 捐资 捐資 S - 111 juān zī f /to contribute funds/ 捐赠 捐贈 S - 383 juān zèng f /to contribute (as a gift)/to donate/benefaction/ 捐赠盈余 捐贈盈餘 S - 0 juān zèng yíng yú f /surplus from donation (accountancy)/ 捐赠者 捐贈者 S - 12 juān zèng zhě f /donor/contributor/ 捐躯 捐軀 S - 39 juān qū f /to sacrifice one's life/ 捐軀 捐躯 T - 39 juān qū f /to sacrifice one's life/ 捐选 捐選 S - 0 juān xuǎn f /to select/ 捐選 捐选 T - 0 juān xuǎn f /to select/ 捓 - 0 yé f /old variant of 揶[ye2]/ 捕 - 2111 bǔ f /to catch/to seize/to capture/ 捕俘 - 7 bǔ fú f /to capture enemy personnel (for intelligence purposes)/ 捕头 捕頭 S - 7 bǔ tóu f /constable/ 捕快 - 107 bǔ kuài f /bailiff responsible for catching criminals (in Imperial China)/ 捕手 - 12 bǔ shǒu f /catcher/ 捕拿 - 13 bǔ ná f /to arrest/to capture/to catch/ 捕捉 3689 581 bǔ zhuō f /to catch/to seize/to capture/ 捕捞 捕撈 S - 781 bǔ lāo f /to fish for (aquatic animals and plants)/to catch/ 捕撈 捕捞 T - 781 bǔ lāo f /to fish for (aquatic animals and plants)/to catch/ 捕杀 捕殺 S - 157 bǔ shā f /to hunt and kill (an animal or fish)/ 捕殺 捕杀 T - 157 bǔ shā f /to hunt and kill (an animal or fish)/ 捕猎 捕獵 S - 65 bǔ liè f /hunting/ 捕獲 捕获 T - 296 bǔ huò f /to catch/to capture/to seize/ 捕獵 捕猎 T - 65 bǔ liè f /hunting/ 捕禽人 - 0 bǔ qín rén f /bird-catcher/fowler/ 捕获 捕獲 S - 296 bǔ huò f /to catch/to capture/to seize/ 捕虏岩 捕虜岩 S - 0 bǔ lǔ yán f /xenolith (geology)/ 捕虜岩 捕虏岩 T - 0 bǔ lǔ yán f /xenolith (geology)/ 捕虫叶 捕蟲葉 S - 3 bǔ chóng yè f /insect-catching leaf/ 捕蟲葉 捕虫叶 T - 3 bǔ chóng yè f /insect-catching leaf/ 捕頭 捕头 T - 7 bǔ tóu f /constable/ 捕風捉影 捕风捉影 T - 71 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng f /lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations/to act on hearsay evidence/ 捕风捉影 捕風捉影 S - 71 bǔ fēng zhuō yǐng f /lit. chasing the wind and clutching at shadows (idiom); fig. groundless accusations/to act on hearsay evidence/ 捕食 - 626 bǔ shí f /to prey on/to catch and feed on/to hunt for food/ 捕魚 捕鱼 T - 613 bǔ yú f /to catch fish/to fish/ 捕鯨 捕鲸 T - 73 bǔ jīng f /whaling/ 捕鯨船 捕鲸船 T - 9 bǔ jīng chuán f /whaler/whale catcher/ 捕鱼 捕魚 S - 613 bǔ yú f /to catch fish/to fish/ 捕鲸 捕鯨 S - 73 bǔ jīng f /whaling/ 捕鲸船 捕鯨船 S - 9 bǔ jīng chuán f /whaler/whale catcher/ 捕鳥蛛 捕鸟蛛 T - 0 bǔ niǎo zhū f /tarantula/ 捕鸟蛛 捕鳥蛛 S - 0 bǔ niǎo zhū f /tarantula/ 捕鼠器 - 3 bǔ shǔ qì f /mousetrap/ 捗 - 0 bù f /to make progress/ 捘 - 0 zùn f /push/ 捙 - 0 yè f /erroneous variant of 拽[ye4]/ 捜 - 0 sōu f /Japanese variant of 搜[sou1]/ 捞 撈 S 3295 970 lāo f /to fish up/to dredge up/ 捞一把 撈一把 S - 41 lāo yī bǎ f /to profiteer/to gain some underhand advantage/ 捞什子 撈什子 S - 2 lāo shí zi f /encumbrance/burden/that awful thing (colloquial)/nuisance/ 捞取 撈取 S - 35 lāo qǔ f /to fish for/to seek profit (by improper means)/ 捞本 撈本 S - 3 lāo běn f /to get one's money back (esp. gambling)/to recoup one's losings/ 捞油水 撈油水 S - 5 lāo yóu shuǐ f /(coll.) to gain profit (usu. by underhand means)/ 捞稻草 撈稻草 S - 2 lāo dào cǎo f /to fish for a straw/futile attempt to gain profit/ 捞钱 撈錢 S - 48 lāo qián f /lit. to dredge for money/to make money by reprehensible means/to fish for a quick buck/ 损 損 S - 1020 sǔn f /to decrease/to lose/to damage/to harm/(coll.) to speak sarcastically/to deride/caustic/mean/one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes (old)/ 损人 損人 S - 3 sǔn rén f /to harm others/to mock people/to taunt/humiliating/ 损人不利己 損人不利己 S - 2 sǔn rén bù lì jǐ f /to harm others without benefiting oneself (idiom)/ 损人利己 損人利己 S - 29 sǔn rén lì jǐ f /harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detriment of others/ 损伤 損傷 S - 1251 sǔn shāng f /to harm/to damage/to injure/impairment/loss/disability/ 损公肥私 損公肥私 S - 6 sǔn gōng féi sī f /to damage the public interest for personal profit (idiom); personal profit at public expense/venal and selfish behavior/ 损友 損友 S - 3 sǔn yǒu f /bad friend/ 损坏 損壞 S 3312 587 sǔn huài f /to damage/to injure/ 损失 損失 S 1588 3510 sǔn shī f /loss/damage/CL:個|个[ge4]/to lose/to suffer damage/ 损害 損害 S - 1957 sǔn hài f /harm/to damage/to impair/ 损毁 損毀 S - 103 sǔn huǐ f /to cause damage to/to ruin/to destroy/ 损益 損益 S - 121 sǔn yì f /profit and loss/increase and decrease/ 损益表 損益表 S - 5 sǔn yì biǎo f /income statement (US)/profit and loss account (UK)/ 损税 損稅 S - 0 sǔn shuì f /crippling taxation/ 损耗 損耗 S - 440 sǔn hào f /wear and tear/ 损耗品 損耗品 S - 0 sǔn hào pǐn f /consumables/ 损赠 損贈 S - 0 sǔn zèng f /to donate/donation/ 捡 撿 S 1656 1136 jiǎn f /to pick up/to collect/to gather/ 捡了芝麻丢了西瓜 撿了芝麻丟了西瓜 S - 0 jiǎn le zhī ma diū le xī guā f /to let go of the big prize while grabbing at trifles (idiom)/ 捡到篮里就是菜 撿到籃裡就是菜 S - 0 jiǎn dào lán lǐ jiù shì cài f /all is grist that comes to the mill (idiom)/ 换 換 S 391 6483 huàn f /to exchange/to change (clothes etc)/to substitute/to switch/to convert (currency)/ 换个儿 換個兒 S - 3 huàn gè r f /to change places/to swap places/ 换乘 換乘 S - 83 huàn chéng f /to change train (plane, bus etc)/transfer between modes of transport/ 换代 換代 S - 22 huàn dài f /change of dynasties/to pass on to the next generation/new product (in advertising)/ 换单 換單 S - 0 huàn dān f /bill of exchange (international trade)/ 换取 換取 S - 393 huàn qǔ f /to give sth and get sth in return/ 换句话说 換句話說 S - 335 huàn jù huà shuō f /in other words/ 换向 換向 S - 18 huàn xiàng f /commutation (electricity)/ 换喻 換喻 S - 3 huàn yù f /metonymy/ 换妻 換妻 S - 0 huàn qī f /wife swapping/ 换岗 換崗 S - 37 huàn gǎng f /to relieve a sentry/to change the guard/ 换工 換工 S - 12 huàn gōng f /to change workshifts/ 换帖 換帖 S - 3 huàn tiě f /to exchange cards containing personal details (when taking an oath of fraternity)/ 换成 換成 S - 391 huàn chéng f /to exchange (sth) for (sth else)/to replace with/to convert into/ 换房旅游 換房旅遊 S - 0 huàn fáng lǚ yóu f /house-swap vacation/ 换挡 換擋 S - 3 huàn dǎng f /to change gear/ 换挡杆 換擋桿 S - 0 huàn dǎng gǎn f /gear lever/ 换新 換新 S - 3 huàn xīn f /to replace with sth new/to upgrade/ 换来换 換來換 S - 0 huàn lái huàn f /to repeatedly exchange/ 换毛 換毛 S - 9 huàn máo f /to molt (of birds)/to change feathers/ 换气 換氣 S - 64 huàn qì f /to take a breath (in swimming)/to ventilate/ 换汤不换药 換湯不換藥 S - 21 huàn tāng bù huàn yào f /different broth but the same old medicine (idiom); a change in name only/a change in form but not in substance/ 换热器 換熱器 S - 32 huàn rè qì f /heat exchanger/ 换牙 換牙 S - 2 huàn yá f /to grow replacement teeth (zoology)/to grow permanent teeth in place of milk teeth/ 换班 換班 S - 59 huàn bān f /to change shift/the next work shift/to relieve (a workman on the previous shift)/to take over the job/ 换算 換算 S - 128 huàn suàn f /to convert/conversion/(in accounting, referring to currency conversion) translation/ 换置 換置 S - 0 huàn zhì f /to swap/to exchange/to transpose/to replace/ 换羽 換羽 S - 3 huàn yǔ f /to molt/to change feathers/ 换而言之 換而言之 S - 0 huàn ér yán zhī f /in other words/ 换茬 換茬 S - 2 huàn chá f /rotation of crops/ 换行 換行 S - 32 huàn háng f /to wrap (text)/line feed (computing)/ 换言之 換言之 S - 128 huàn yán zhī f /in other words/ 换证 換證 S - 3 huàn zhèng f /to renew a certificate (ID card etc)/to leave an ID at the desk to gain entrance/ 换钱 換錢 S - 10 huàn qián f /to change money/to sell/ 换防 換防 S - 43 huàn fáng f /to relieve a garrison/to change guard complement/ 捣 搗 S - 1222 dǎo f /pound/beat/hull/attack/disturb/stir/ 捣乱 搗亂 S 3196 279 dǎo luàn f /to disturb/to look for trouble/to stir up a row/to bother sb intentionally/ 捣卖 搗賣 S - 0 dǎo mài f /to resell at a profit/ 捣实 搗實 S - 0 dǎo shí f /to ram (earth)/to compact earth by ramming/ 捣弄 搗弄 S - 0 dǎo nòng f /to move back and forward/to trade/ 捣毁 搗毀 S - 263 dǎo huǐ f /to destroy/to smash/sabotage/ 捣烂 搗爛 S - 3 dǎo làn f /to mash/to beat to a pulp/ 捣碎 搗碎 S - 33 dǎo suì f /to pound into pieces/to mash/ 捣腾 搗騰 S - 16 dǎo téng f /to buy and sell/peddling/ 捣腾 搗騰 S - 16 dǎo teng t /to turn over sth repeatedly/ 捣蛋 搗蛋 S - 77 dǎo dàn f /to cause trouble/to stir up trouble/ 捣蛋鬼 搗蛋鬼 S - 5 dǎo dàn guǐ f /troublemaker/ 捣衣 搗衣 S - 4 dǎo yī f /to launder clothes by pounding/ 捣鬼 搗鬼 S - 117 dǎo guǐ f /to play tricks/to cause mischief/ 捣鼓 搗鼓 S - 19 dǎo gu f /to fiddle with sth/to trade with sth/ 捥 - 0 wàn f /to bend the wrist/ 捧 3641 2920 pěng f /to clasp/to cup the hands/to hold up with both hands/to offer (esp. in cupped hands)/to praise/to flatter/ 捧上天 - 2 pěng shàng tiān f /to praise to the skies/ 捧到天上 - 0 pěng dào tiān shàng f /lit. to hold up to the skies/fig. to praise lavishly/ 捧哏 - 4 pěng gén f /fall-guy/supporting role in comic dialog 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1]/ 捧场 捧場 S - 64 pěng chǎng f /to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge)/to root for sb/to sing sb's praises/to flatter/ 捧場 捧场 T - 64 pěng chǎng f /to cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge)/to root for sb/to sing sb's praises/to flatter/ 捧托 - 0 pěng tuō f /to hold up with both hands/ 捧杀 捧殺 S - 3 pěng shā f /causing sb to fail due to excessive praise/ 捧杯 - 55 pěng bēi f /to win a championship/to come out top/to take the cup/ 捧殺 捧杀 T - 3 pěng shā f /causing sb to fail due to excessive praise/ 捧腹 - 30 pěng fù f /uproarious/hilarious/to split one's sides laughing/lit. to hold one's belly with both hands/ 捧腹大笑 - 28 pěng fù dà xiào f /uproarious/hilarious/to split one's sides laughing/lit. to hold one's belly with both hands/ 捧腹絕倒 捧腹绝倒 T - 0 pěng fù jué dǎo f /doubled up with laughter/ 捧腹绝倒 捧腹絕倒 S - 0 pěng fù jué dǎo f /doubled up with laughter/ 捧花 - 0 pěng huā f /(wedding) bouquet/ 捧角 - 3 pěng jué f /to praise an actor/adulation/ 捧角儿 捧角兒 S - 0 pěng jué r f /erhua variant of 捧角[peng3 jue2]/ 捧角兒 捧角儿 T - 0 pěng jué r f /erhua variant of 捧角[peng3 jue2]/ 捧讀 捧读 T - 3 pěng dú f /to read (honorific: e.g. your distinguished article)/ 捧读 捧讀 S - 3 pěng dú f /to read (honorific: e.g. your distinguished article)/ 捨 舍 T - 1477 shě t /to give up/to abandon/to give alms/ 捨下 舍下 T - 76 shě xià f /to abandon/to lay down/ 捨不得 舍不得 T 2363 668 shě bu de f /to hate to do sth/to hate to part with/to begrudge/ 捨命 舍命 T - 232 shě mìng f /to risk one's life/ 捨己 舍己 T - 3 shě jǐ f /selfless/self-sacrifice (to help others)/self-renunciation/altruism/ 捨己救人 舍己救人 T - 17 shě jǐ jiù rén f /to abandon self for others (idiom); to sacrifice oneself to help the people/altruism/ 捨己為人 舍己为人 T - 13 shě jǐ wèi rén f /to abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); to sacrifice one's own interest for other people/altruism/ 捨己為公 舍己为公 T - 3 shě jǐ wèi gōng f /to give up one's private interests for the public good (idiom); to behave altruistically/selfless and public spirited/ 捨得 舍得 T - 651 shě de f /to be willing to part with sth/ 捨得一身剮,敢把皇帝拉下馬 舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马 T - 0 shě de yī shēn guǎ , gǎn bǎ huáng dì lā xià mǎ f /one who does not fear the death of thousand cuts will dare to unhorse the emperor (proverb)/to a fearless person, no fence is high enough/ 捨本逐末 舍本逐末 T - 17 shě běn zhú mò f /to neglect the root and pursue the tip (idiom)/to neglect fundamentals and concentrate on details/ 捨棄 舍弃 T - 215 shě qì f /to give up/to abandon/to abort/ 捨正從邪 舍正从邪 T - 0 shě zhèng cóng xié f /to be corrupted by evil influences (idiom)/ 捨生取義 舍生取义 T - 17 shě shēng qǔ yì f /to give up life for righteousness (idiom, from Mencius); to choose honor over life/would rather sacrifice one's life than one's principles/ 捨生忘死 舍生忘死 T - 60 shě shēng wàng sǐ f /bravery with no thought of personal safety (idiom); risking life and limb/undaunted by perils/ 捨身 舍身 T - 140 shě shēn f /to give one's life/ 捨身求法 舍身求法 T - 3 shě shēn qiú fǎ f /to abandon one's body in the search for Buddha's truth (idiom)/ 捨車保帥 舍车保帅 T - 3 shě jū bǎo shuài f /rook sacrifice to save the king (in Chinese chess); fig. to protect a senior figure by blaming an underling/to pass the buck/ 捩 - 5 liè f /tear/twist/ 捫 扪 T - 49 mén f /lay hands on/to cover/ 捫心無愧 扪心无愧 T - 3 mén xīn wú kuì f /lit. look into one's heart, no shame (idiom); with a clear conscience/ 捫心自問 扪心自问 T - 30 mén xīn zì wèn f /to ask oneself honestly/to search in one's heart/ 捭 - 0 bǎi t /to spread out/to open/ 捭 - 0 bò f /variant of 擘[bo4]/to separate/to split/ 据 㨿 S - 19409 jù t /variant of 據|据[ju4]/ 据 - 19409 jū f /see 拮据[jie2 ju1]/ 据 - 19409 jù t /variant of 據|据[ju4]/ 据 據 S - 19409 jù t /according to/to act in accordance with/to depend on/to seize/to occupy/ 据为己有 據為己有 S - 73 jù wéi jǐ yǒu f /to take for one's own/to expropriate/ 据传 據傳 S - 110 jù chuán f /it is rumored that .../it is reported that .../ 据估计 據估計 S - 3 jù gū jì f /according to estimates/ 据信 據信 S - 0 jù xìn f /according to belief/it is believed that/ 据守 據守 S - 105 jù shǒu f /to guard/to hold a fortified position/entrenched/ 据守天险 據守天險 S - 0 jù shǒu tiān xiǎn f /to guard a natural stronghold/ 据实 據實 S - 70 jù shí f /according to the facts/ 据实以告 據實以告 S - 0 jù shí yǐ gào f /to report according to the facts/to tell the truth/to tell it like it is/ 据悉 據悉 S 4883 1523 jù xī f /according to reports/it is reported (that)/ 据情办理 據情辦理 S - 0 jù qíng bàn lǐ f /to handle a situation according to the circumstances (idiom)/ 据我所知 據我所知 S - 3 jù wǒ suǒ zhī f /as far as I know/to the best of my knowledge/ 据我看 據我看 S - 0 jù wǒ kàn f /in my view/in my opinion/from what I can see/ 据报 據報 S - 0 jù bào f /it is reported/according to reports/ 据报导 據報導 S - 0 jù bào dǎo f /according to (news) reports/ 据报道 據報道 S - 0 jù bào dào f /according to a report/It is reported that.../ 据料 據料 S - 0 jù liào f /according to forecasts/it is expected that.../ 据有 據有 S - 0 jù yǒu f /to occupy/to hold/to possess/ 据此 據此 S - 1012 jù cǐ f /according to this/on the ground of the above/(formally introduces reported speech in writing)/ 据点 據點 S - 240 jù diǎn f /stronghold/defended military base/base for operations/strategic point/foothold/(market) presence/ 据理 據理 S - 14 jù lǐ f /according to reason/in principle/ 据理力争 據理力爭 S - 48 jù lǐ lì zhēng f /to contend on strong grounds/to argue strongly for what is right/ 据称 據稱 S - 298 jù chēng f /it is said/allegedly/according to reports/or so they say/ 据统计 據統計 S - 3 jù tǒng jì f /according to statistics/ 据说 據說 S 1879 2890 jù shuō f /it is said that/reportedly/ 据闻 據聞 S - 3 jù wén f /accounts/one's understanding/ 据险 據險 S - 0 jù xiǎn f /to rely on natural barriers (for one's defense)/ 捱 - 163 ái f /variant of 挨[ai2]/ 捱延 挨延 T - 0 ái yán f /to delay/to stretch out/to play for time/ 捲 卷 T 2596 5269 juǎn t /to roll (up)/to sweep up/to carry on/roll/ 捲入 卷入 T - 332 juǎn rù f /to be drawn into/to be involved in/ 捲層雲 卷层云 T - 13 juǎn céng yún f /cirrostratus (cloud)/also written 卷層雲|卷层云[juan3 ceng2 yun2]/ 捲帘門 卷帘门 T - 2 juǎn lián mén f /roll-up door/ 捲帶 卷带 T - 0 juǎn dài f /tape/ 捲心菜 卷心菜 T - 84 juǎn xīn cài f /variant of 卷心菜[juan3 xin1 cai4]/ 捲揚 卷扬 T - 4 juǎn yáng f /a whirlwind/ 捲揚機 卷扬机 T - 10 juǎn yáng jī f /a capstan/ 捲曲 卷曲 T - 96 juǎn qū f /to curl (hair)/to crimp/to roll up/curly/ 捲積雲 卷积云 T - 8 juǎn jī yún f /cirrocumulus (cloud)/ 捲線器 卷线器 T - 0 juǎn xiàn qì f /fishing reel/ 捲舌元音 卷舌元音 T - 3 juǎn shé yuán yīn f /retroflex vowel (e.g. the final r of putonghua)/ 捲起 卷起 T - 433 juǎn qǐ f /variant of 卷起[juan3 qi3]/ 捲逃 卷逃 T - 8 juǎn táo f /to bundle up valuables and abscond/ 捲邊 卷边 T - 0 juǎn biān f /to hem/hem/to curl (at the edge)/ 捲鋪蓋 卷铺盖 T - 18 juǎn pū gài f /to pack and quit/to be sacked/ 捲鋪蓋走人 卷铺盖走人 T - 5 juǎn pū gài zǒu rén f /to pack one's things and leave/ 捲風 卷风 T - 3 juǎn fēng f /see 龍捲風|龙卷风[long2 juan3 feng1]/ 捲餅 卷饼 T - 0 juǎn bǐng f /rolled-up pastry/roll/turnover (patisserie)/ 捲髮 卷发 T - 32 juǎn fà f /to curl hair/ 捲髮器 卷发器 T - 3 juǎn fà qì f /hair curler/ 捲鬚 卷须 T - 26 juǎn xū f /tendril/ 捶 - 550 chuí f /to beat with the fist/to hammer/to cudgel/ 捶 搥 S - 550 chuí f /variant of 捶[chui2]/ 捶击 捶擊 S - 6 chuí jī f /to beat/to thump/ 捶子 - 0 chuí zi f /hammer/CL:把[ba3]/ 捶打 - 50 chuí dǎ f /to beat/to pound/to thump/ 捶擊 捶击 T - 6 chuí jī f /to beat/to thump/ 捶背 - 25 chuí bèi f /to massage sb's back by pounding it lightly with one's fists/ 捶胸 - 3 chuí xiōng f /to beat one's chest/ 捶胸頓足 捶胸顿足 T - 49 chuí xiōng dùn zú f /to beat one's chest and stamp one's feet (idiom)/ 捶胸顿足 捶胸頓足 S - 49 chuí xiōng dùn zú f /to beat one's chest and stamp one's feet (idiom)/ 捷 㨗 S - 741 jié f /variant of 捷[jie2]/quick/nimble/ 捷 - 741 Jié f /Czech/Czech Republic/abbr. for 捷克[Jie2 ke4]/ 捷 - 741 jié f /victory/triumph/quick/nimble/prompt/ 捷克 - 702 Jié kè f /Czech/Czech Republic (from 1993)/Czechia/ 捷克人 - 0 Jié kè rén f /Czech person/ 捷克共和国 捷克共和國 S - 16 Jié kè Gòng hé guó f /Czech Republic/ 捷克共和國 捷克共和国 T - 16 Jié kè Gòng hé guó f /Czech Republic/ 捷克斯洛伐克 - 301 Jié kè Sī luò fá kè f /Republic of Czechoslovakia (1918-1992)/ 捷克語 捷克语 T - 34 Jié kè yǔ f /Czech (language)/ 捷克语 捷克語 S - 34 Jié kè yǔ f /Czech (language)/ 捷報 捷报 T - 109 jié bào f /report of success/report of a victory/ 捷報頻傳 捷报频传 T - 27 jié bào pín chuán f /victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success in an endless stream/ 捷安特 - 3 Jié ān tè f /Giant Manufacturing/ 捷尔任斯克 捷爾任斯克 S - 0 Jié ěr rèn sī kè f /Dzerzhinsk, Russian city/ 捷尔梅兹 捷爾梅茲 S - 0 Jié ěr méi zī f /Termez city in southeast Uzbekistan/ 捷径 捷徑 S - 200 jié jìng f /shortcut/ 捷徑 捷径 T - 200 jié jìng f /shortcut/ 捷报 捷報 S - 109 jié bào f /report of success/report of a victory/ 捷报频传 捷報頻傳 S - 27 jié bào pín chuán f /victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success in an endless stream/ 捷爾任斯克 捷尔任斯克 T - 0 Jié ěr rèn sī kè f /Dzerzhinsk, Russian city/ 捷爾梅茲 捷尔梅兹 T - 0 Jié ěr méi zī f /Termez city in southeast Uzbekistan/ 捷語 捷语 T - 0 Jié yǔ f /Czech language/ 捷语 捷語 S - 0 Jié yǔ f /Czech language/ 捷豹 - 0 Jié bào f /Jaguar (car brand)/ 捷足先登 - 29 jié zú xiān dēng f /the quick-footed climb up first (idiom)/the early bird catches the worm/first come, first served/ 捷达 捷達 S - 16 Jié dá f /Jetta (car produced by Volkswagen)/ 捷达航空货运 捷達航空貨運 S - 0 Jié dá Háng kōng Huò yùn f /Jett8 Airlines Cargo (based in Singapore)/ 捷运 捷運 S - 5 jié yùn f /rapid transit/subway/ 捷運 捷运 T - 5 jié yùn f /rapid transit/subway/ 捷達 捷达 T - 16 Jié dá f /Jetta (car produced by Volkswagen)/ 捷達航空貨運 捷达航空货运 T - 0 Jié dá Háng kōng Huò yùn f /Jett8 Airlines Cargo (based in Singapore)/ 捺 - 178 nà f /(downwards-right concave character stroke)/press down firmly/ 捻 - 602 niǎn f /to twirl (in the fingers)/ 捻军 捻軍 S - 100 Niǎn jūn f /Nien Army, leading a peasant rebellion against Qing dynasty in Northern China from 1851-1868, at the same time as the Taiping Rebellion in South China/ 捻軍 捻军 T - 100 Niǎn jūn f /Nien Army, leading a peasant rebellion against Qing dynasty in Northern China from 1851-1868, at the same time as the Taiping Rebellion in South China/ 捼 - 0 ruó f /to rub/to crumple/ 捽 - 43 zuó f /to seize/Taiwan pr. [zu2]/ 掀 - 532 xiān f /to lift (a lid)/to rock/to convulse/ 掀动 掀動 S - 48 xiān dòng f /to stir/to lift/to set sth in motion/ 掀動 掀动 T - 48 xiān dòng f /to stir/to lift/to set sth in motion/ 掀天揭地 - 3 xiān tiān jiē dì f /earth-shattering/ 掀开 掀開 S - 591 xiān kāi f /to lift open/to tear open/ 掀掉 - 16 xiān diào f /to remove/to tear off/ 掀涌 - 0 xiān yǒng f /to seethe/to bubble up/ 掀翻 - 109 xiān fān f /to turn sth over/to overturn/ 掀腾 掀騰 S - 2 xiān téng f /to surge up/raging (billows)/ 掀起 3955 1187 xiān qǐ f /to lift/to raise in height/to begin/upsurge/to set off (a campaign)/ 掀開 掀开 T - 591 xiān kāi f /to lift open/to tear open/ 掀風鼓浪 掀风鼓浪 T - 3 xiān fēng gǔ làng f /to raise a storm/to stir up trouble/to instigate/ 掀风鼓浪 掀風鼓浪 S - 3 xiān fēng gǔ làng f /to raise a storm/to stir up trouble/to instigate/ 掀騰 掀腾 T - 2 xiān téng f /to surge up/raging (billows)/ 掂 - 224 diān f /to weigh in the hand/to estimate/ 掂量 - 81 diān liang f /to weigh in the hand/to consider/to ponder/ 掃 扫 T - 1923 sǎo t /to sweep/ 掃 扫 T - 1923 sào f /broom/ 掃地 扫地 T - 348 sǎo dì f /to sweep the floor/to reach rock bottom/to be at an all-time low/ 掃墓 扫墓 T - 100 sǎo mù f /to sweep the tombs (of one's ancestors)/the Qingming festival/ 掃射 扫射 T - 152 sǎo shè f /to rake with machine gunfire/to strafe/to machine-gun down/ 掃尾 扫尾 T - 19 sǎo wěi f /to complete the last stage of work/to round off/ 掃帚 扫帚 T - 215 sào zhou f /broom/ 掃帚星 扫帚星 T - 11 sào zhou xīng f /comet/jinx/bearer of ill luck/ 掃把 扫把 T - 41 sào bǎ f /broom/ 掃把星 扫把星 T - 0 sào bǎ xīng f /bearer of ill luck/person with the evil eye/comet/ 掃描 扫描 T - 489 sǎo miáo f /to scan/ 掃描儀 扫描仪 T - 66 sǎo miáo yí f /scanner (device)/ 掃描器 扫描器 T - 20 sǎo miáo qì f /scanner/ 掃盲 扫盲 T - 75 sǎo máng f /to wipe out illiteracy/ 掃羅 扫罗 T - 0 Sǎo luó f /Saul (name)/biblical king around 1000 BC/ 掃興 扫兴 T - 143 sǎo xìng f /to have one's spirits dampened/to feel disappointed/ 掃蕩 扫荡 T - 366 sǎo dàng f /to root out/to wipe out/ 掃蕩腿 扫荡腿 T - 0 sǎo dàng tuǐ f /leg sweep/ 掃街 扫街 T - 0 sǎo jiē f /to sweep the streets/to canvas (for votes, sales etc)/ 掃視 扫视 T - 84 sǎo shì f /to run one's eyes over/to sweep one's eyes over/ 掃除 扫除 T - 259 sǎo chú f /to sweep/to clean with a brush/to sweep away (often fig.)/ 掃除天下 扫除天下 T - 3 sǎo chú tiān xià f /to sweep away evil/to purge (the world of crime)/ 掃除機 扫除机 T - 0 sǎo chú jī f /mechanical sweeper/ 掃雪車 扫雪车 T - 0 sǎo xuě chē f /snowplow/ 掃雷 扫雷 T - 337 sǎo léi f /minesweeper (computer game)/ 掃雷艇 扫雷艇 T - 44 sǎo léi tǐng f /minesweeper/ 掃雷艦 扫雷舰 T - 43 sǎo léi jiàn f /minesweeper/ 掃黃 扫黄 T - 60 sǎo huáng f /campaign against pornography/ 掃黃打非 扫黄打非 T - 29 sǎo huáng dǎ fēi f /to eradicate pornography and illegal publications/ 掃黃運動 扫黄运动 T - 0 sǎo huáng yùn dòng f /campaign against pornography/ 掄 抡 T - 338 lūn t /to swing (one's arms, a heavy object)/to wave (a sword, one's fists)/to fling (money)/ 掄 抡 T - 338 lún f /to select/ 掄元 抡元 T - 0 lún yuán f /to win the top award/to come first in the examination rankings/ 掇 - 100 duō f /to pick up/to collect/gather up/ 掇刀 - 0 Duō dāo f /Duodao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1 men2 shi4], Hubei/ 掇刀区 掇刀區 S - 256 Duō dāo qū f /Duodao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1 men2 shi4], Hubei/ 掇刀區 掇刀区 T - 256 Duō dāo qū f /Duodao district of Jingmen city 荊門市|荆门市[Jing1 men2 shi4], Hubei/ 掇臀捧屁 - 3 duō tún pěng pì f /to hold up buttocks and praise a fart (idiom); to use flatter to get what one wants/to toady/boot-licking/ 授 - 2848 shòu f /to teach/to instruct/to award/to give/ 授与 授與 S - 85 shòu yǔ f /variant of 授予[shou4 yu3]/ 授业 授業 S - 22 shòu yè f /to teach/to bequeath/ 授之以魚不如授之以漁 授之以鱼不如授之以渔 T - 0 shòu zhī yǐ yú bù rú shòu zhī yǐ yú f /give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime (idiom)/ 授之以鱼不如授之以渔 授之以魚不如授之以漁 S - 0 shòu zhī yǐ yú bù rú shòu zhī yǐ yú f /give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime (idiom)/ 授乳 - 2 shòu rǔ f /lactation/breast-feeding/ 授予 3650 3254 shòu yǔ f /to award/to confer/ 授人以柄 - 17 shòu rén yǐ bǐng f /to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom)/to give someone a hold on oneself/ 授人以魚不如授人以漁 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 T - 0 shòu rén yǐ yú bù rú shòu rén yǐ yú f /give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime/knowledge is the best charity/ 授人以鱼不如授人以渔 授人以魚不如授人以漁 S - 0 shòu rén yǐ yú bù rú shòu rén yǐ yú f /give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime/knowledge is the best charity/ 授任 - 0 shòu rèn f /appointment (to a job)/to be appointed (to high office)/to accept an appointment/entrusted with responsibilities/same as 授任/ 授信 - 15 shòu xìn f /to extend credit (finance)/credit/ 授勋 授勛 S - 6 shòu xūn f /to award an honor/ 授勛 授勋 T - 6 shòu xūn f /to award an honor/ 授受 - 50 shòu shòu f /to give and accept/ 授命 - 15 shòu mìng f /to give orders/ 授奖 授獎 S - 36 shòu jiǎng f /to award a prize/ 授意 - 136 shòu yì f /to inspire/to incite/ 授时 授時 S - 29 shòu shí f /to broadcast a time signal/ 授時 授时 T - 29 shòu shí f /to broadcast a time signal/ 授权 授權 S - 2785 shòu quán f /to authorize/ 授权令 授權令 S - 0 shòu quán lìng f /warrant (law)/ 授权范围 授權範圍 S - 0 shòu quán fàn wéi f /scope of authority/mandate/ 授業 授业 T - 22 shòu yè f /to teach/to bequeath/ 授權 授权 T - 2785 shòu quán f /to authorize/ 授權令 授权令 T - 0 shòu quán lìng f /warrant (law)/ 授權範圍 授权范围 T - 0 shòu quán fàn wéi f /scope of authority/mandate/ 授獎 授奖 T - 36 shòu jiǎng f /to award a prize/ 授粉 - 77 shòu fěn f /pollination/ 授精 - 16 shòu jīng f /insemination/ 授與 授与 T - 85 shòu yǔ f /variant of 授予[shou4 yu3]/ 授衔 授銜 S - 6 shòu xián f /rank of professor/academic title/ 授計 授计 T - 0 shòu jì f /to confide a plan to sb/ 授課 授课 T - 230 shòu kè f /to teach/to give lessons/ 授證 授证 T - 0 shòu zhèng f /to deliver (a diploma, licence etc)/to qualify/ 授计 授計 S - 0 shòu jì f /to confide a plan to sb/ 授证 授證 S - 0 shòu zhèng f /to deliver (a diploma, licence etc)/to qualify/ 授课 授課 S - 230 shòu kè f /to teach/to give lessons/ 授銜 授衔 T - 6 shòu xián f /rank of professor/academic title/ 掉 620 8344 diào f /to fall/to drop/to lag behind/to lose/to go missing/to reduce/fall (in prices)/to lose (value, weight etc)/to wag/to swing/to turn/to change/to exchange/to swap/to show off/to shed (hair)/(used after certain verbs to express completion, fulfillment, removal etc)/ 掉下 - 0 diào xià f /to drop down/to fall/ 掉书袋 掉書袋 S - 4 diào shū dài f /lit. to drop a bag of books (idiom); fig. to drop quotations to appear learned/to quote classical texts as a parade of erudition/ 掉以輕心 掉以轻心 T - 90 diào yǐ qīng xīn f /treat sth lightly/to lower one's guard/ 掉以轻心 掉以輕心 S - 90 diào yǐ qīng xīn f /treat sth lightly/to lower one's guard/ 掉价 掉價 S - 18 diào jià f /drop in price/devalued/to have one's status lowered/ 掉价儿 掉價兒 S - 3 diào jià r f /erhua variant of 掉價|掉价[diao4 jia4]/ 掉價 掉价 T - 18 diào jià f /drop in price/devalued/to have one's status lowered/ 掉價兒 掉价儿 T - 3 diào jià r f /erhua variant of 掉價|掉价[diao4 jia4]/ 掉包 - 11 diào bāo f /to steal sb's valuable item and substitute a similar-looking but worthless item/to sell a fake for the genuine article/to palm off/ 掉向 - 0 diào xiàng f /to turn/to adjust one's direction/to lose one's bearings/ 掉头 掉頭 S - 248 diào tóu f /to turn one's head/to turn round/to turn about/ 掉头就走 掉頭就走 S - 3 diào tóu jiù zǒu f /to turn on one's heels/to walk away abruptly/ 掉换 掉換 S - 34 diào huàn f /to swap/to replace/to exchange/to change/ 掉換 掉换 T - 34 diào huàn f /to swap/to replace/to exchange/to change/ 掉書袋 掉书袋 T - 4 diào shū dài f /lit. to drop a bag of books (idiom); fig. to drop quotations to appear learned/to quote classical texts as a parade of erudition/ 掉期 - 0 diào qī f /swap (finance)/ 掉泪 掉淚 S - 41 diào lèi f /to shed tears/ 掉淚 掉泪 T - 41 diào lèi f /to shed tears/ 掉漆 - 0 diào qī f /to peel off (paint)/(fig.) to be exposed/to lose face (Tw)/ 掉点儿 掉點兒 S - 0 diào diǎn r f /drip of rain/ 掉球 - 0 diào qiú f /drop shot (in volleyball, tennis etc)/ 掉秤 - 3 diào chèng f /to lose weight (of cattle)/ 掉線 掉线 T - 3 diào xiàn f /to get disconnected (from the Internet)/ 掉线 掉線 S - 3 diào xiàn f /to get disconnected (from the Internet)/ 掉膘 - 3 diào biāo f /to lose weight (of cattle)/ 掉色 - 4 diào sè f /to lose color/to fade/also pr. [diao4 shai3]/ 掉落 - 102 diào luò f /to fall down/ 掉轉 掉转 T - 117 diào zhuǎn f /to turn around/ 掉转 掉轉 S - 117 diào zhuǎn f /to turn around/ 掉过 掉過 S - 0 diào guò f /to swap places/ 掉过儿 掉過兒 S - 0 diào guò r f /erhua variant of 掉過|掉过[diao4 guo4]/ 掉過 掉过 T - 0 diào guò f /to swap places/ 掉過兒 掉过儿 T - 0 diào guò r f /erhua variant of 掉過|掉过[diao4 guo4]/ 掉鏈子 掉链子 T - 0 diào liàn zi f /to let sb down/to drop the ball/to screw up/ 掉链子 掉鏈子 S - 0 diào liàn zi f /to let sb down/to drop the ball/to screw up/ 掉队 掉隊 S - 51 diào duì f /to fall behind/to drop out/ 掉隊 掉队 T - 51 diào duì f /to fall behind/to drop out/ 掉頭 掉头 T - 248 diào tóu f /to turn one's head/to turn round/to turn about/ 掉頭就走 掉头就走 T - 3 diào tóu jiù zǒu f /to turn on one's heels/to walk away abruptly/ 掉點兒 掉点儿 T - 0 diào diǎn r f /drip of rain/ 掊 - 6 póu t /take up in both hands/ 掊 - 6 pǒu f /break up/hit/ 掌 - 8714 zhǎng f /palm of the hand/sole of the foot/paw/horseshoe/to slap/to hold in one's hand/to wield/ 掌上明珠 - 9 zhǎng shàng míng zhū f /lit. a pearl in the palm (idiom)/fig. beloved person (esp. daughter)/ 掌上电脑 掌上電腦 S - 3 zhǎng shàng diàn nǎo f /handheld computer/PDA (personal digital assistant)/Pocket PC/ 掌上電腦 掌上电脑 T - 3 zhǎng shàng diàn nǎo f /handheld computer/PDA (personal digital assistant)/Pocket PC/ 掌中戏 掌中戲 S - 3 zhǎng zhōng xì f /see 布袋戲|布袋戏[bu4 dai4 xi4]/ 掌中戲 掌中戏 T - 3 zhǎng zhōng xì f /see 布袋戲|布袋戏[bu4 dai4 xi4]/ 掌击 掌擊 S - 3 zhǎng jī f /to slap/ 掌勺 - 9 zhǎng sháo f /to be in charge of the cooking/to be the chef/head cook/chef/ 掌厨 掌廚 S - 3 zhǎng chú f /to prepare meals/chef/ 掌嘴 - 11 zhǎng zuǐ f /to slap/ 掌声 掌聲 S - 536 zhǎng shēng f /applause/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 掌声雷动 掌聲雷動 S - 12 zhǎng shēng léi dòng f /thunderous applause (idiom)/ 掌子面 - 25 zhǎng zi miàn f /face (mining)/ 掌廚 掌厨 T - 3 zhǎng chú f /to prepare meals/chef/ 掌心 - 380 zhǎng xīn f /hollow of the palm/ 掌控 - 169 zhǎng kòng f /to control/in control of/ 掌掴 掌摑 S - 0 zhǎng guāi f /to slap/ 掌握 1521 5342 zhǎng wò f /to grasp (often fig.)/to control/to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny)/to master/to know well/to understand sth well and know how to use it/fluency/ 掌握电脑 掌握電腦 S - 0 zhǎng wò diàn nǎo f /PDA/Personal Digital Assistant/ 掌握電腦 掌握电脑 T - 0 zhǎng wò diàn nǎo f /PDA/Personal Digital Assistant/ 掌摑 掌掴 T - 0 zhǎng guāi f /to slap/ 掌擊 掌击 T - 3 zhǎng jī f /to slap/ 掌故 - 112 zhǎng gù f /anecdote/tales (esp. about historical figure)/ 掌权 掌權 S - 145 zhǎng quán f /to wield (political etc) power/be in power/ 掌柜 掌櫃 S - 394 zhǎng guì f /shopkeeper/ 掌櫃 掌柜 T - 394 zhǎng guì f /shopkeeper/ 掌權 掌权 T - 145 zhǎng quán f /to wield (political etc) power/be in power/ 掌灯 掌燈 S - 62 zhǎng dēng f /to hold a lamp/to light a lamp/ 掌燈 掌灯 T - 62 zhǎng dēng f /to hold a lamp/to light a lamp/ 掌玺大臣 掌璽大臣 S - 0 zhǎng xǐ dà chén f /chancellor (rank in various European states)/grand chancellor/ 掌玺官 掌璽官 S - 0 zhǎng xǐ guān f /chancellor (rank in various European states)/ 掌璽大臣 掌玺大臣 T - 0 zhǎng xǐ dà chén f /chancellor (rank in various European states)/grand chancellor/ 掌璽官 掌玺官 T - 0 zhǎng xǐ guān f /chancellor (rank in various European states)/ 掌相 - 0 zhǎng xiàng f /palmistry/features of a palm (in palmistry)/ 掌管 - 1078 zhǎng guǎn f /in charge of/to control/ 掌聲 掌声 T - 536 zhǎng shēng f /applause/CL:陣|阵[zhen4]/ 掌聲雷動 掌声雷动 T - 12 zhǎng shēng léi dòng f /thunderous applause (idiom)/ 掌舵 - 53 zhǎng duò f /to steer (a ship)/ 掌骨 - 18 zhǎng gǔ f /metacarpal bone (long bones in the hand and feet)/ 掍 - 144 hùn f /edging (of a dress etc)/old variant of 混[hun4]/ 掎 - 3 jǐ f /drag/ 掏 3249 845 tāo f /to fish out (from pocket)/to scoop/ 掏 搯 S 3249 845 tāo f /variant of 掏[tao1]/ 掏出 - 1243 tāo chū f /to fish out/to take out (from a pocket, bag etc)/ 掏包 - 0 tāo bāo f /to pick pockets/ 掏心掏肺 - 0 tāo xīn tāo fèi f /to be totally devoted (to a person)/ 掏空 - 64 tāo kōng f /to hollow out/to empty out/to use up/(finance) tunneling/ 掏腰包 - 78 tāo yāo bāo f /to pay/to foot the bill/ 掐 3094 465 qiā f /to pick (flowers)/to pinch/to nip/to pinch off/to clutch/(slang) to fight/ 掐断 掐斷 S - 23 qiā duàn f /cut off/disconnect/ 掐斷 掐断 T - 23 qiā duàn f /cut off/disconnect/ 掐死 - 49 qiā sǐ f /to throttle/to choke to death/ 掐算 - 36 qiā suàn f /to count with one's fingers/on the spot calculation/ 掐脖子 - 0 qiā bó zi f /to seize by the throat/ 排 - 3852 pái f /a row/a line/to set in order/to arrange/to line up/to eliminate/to drain/to push open/platoon/raft/classifier for lines, rows etc/ 排他 - 0 pái tā f /exclusive/excluding/ 排便 - 73 pái biàn f /to defecate/ 排偶 - 5 pái ǒu f /parallel and antithesis (paired sentences as rhetoric device)/ 排入 - 83 pái rù f /to discharge into/to secrete into/ 排出 - 617 pái chū f /to discharge/ 排列 1164 2737 pái liè f /array/arrangement/permutation (i.e. ordered choice of n elements out of m)/ 排列名次 - 0 pái liè míng cì f /league table/ordered list/ 排列次序 - 0 pái liè cì xù f /ranking/ordering in list/ 排华 排華 S - 7 pái huá f /anti-Chinese (policies, actions, sentiments etc)/Sinophobia/ 排华法案 排華法案 S - 0 pái Huá fǎ àn f /Chinese Exclusion Act, a US law restricting Chinese immigration from 1882-1943/ 排印 - 64 pái yìn f /typesetting and printing/ 排卵 - 118 pái luǎn f /to ovulate/ 排名 - 2256 pái míng f /ranking/ordered list/to rank nth out of 100/to be placed/roll of honor/ 排名榜 - 8 pái míng bǎng f /ranking/ordered list/top 20/roll of honor/to come nth out of 100/ 排名表 - 3 pái míng biǎo f /league table/roll of honor/ 排场 排場 S - 148 pái chang f /ostentation/a show of extravagance/grand style/red tape/ 排場 排场 T - 148 pái chang f /ostentation/a show of extravagance/grand style/red tape/ 排外 - 204 pái wài f /xenophobic/anti-foreigner/ 排头兵 排頭兵 S - 26 pái tóu bīng f /lit. frontline troops/leader/trailblazer/pacesetter/ 排定 - 58 pái dìng f /to schedule/ 排客 - 0 pái kè f /paid queuer/person paid to stand in line for another/ 排射 - 0 pái shè f /a barrage of fire/a salvo/ 排尿 - 154 pái niào f /to urinate/ 排屋 - 0 pái wū f /terraced house/ 排山倒海 - 84 pái shān dǎo hǎi f /lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering/fig. gigantic/of spectacular significance/ 排序 - 229 pái xù f /to sort/to arrange in order/ 排律 - 21 pái lǜ f /long poem in lüshi form 律詩|律诗/ 排忧解难 排憂解難 S - 65 pái yōu jiě nàn f /to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)/ 排憂解難 排忧解难 T - 65 pái yōu jiě nàn f /to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind (idiom)/ 排挡 排擋 S - 4 pái dǎng f /gear (of car etc)/ 排挡速率 排擋速率 S - 0 pái dǎng sù lǜ f /gear/gear speed/ 排挤 排擠 S - 388 pái jǐ f /to crowd out/to push aside/to supplant/ 排擋 排挡 T - 4 pái dǎng f /gear (of car etc)/ 排擋速率 排挡速率 T - 0 pái dǎng sù lǜ f /gear/gear speed/ 排擠 排挤 T - 388 pái jǐ f /to crowd out/to push aside/to supplant/ 排放 4416 455 pái fàng f /emission/discharge/exhaust (gas etc)/ 排斥 3544 642 pái chì f /to reject/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to repel/ 排枪 排槍 S - 11 pái qiāng f /volley/salvo/ 排查 - 42 pái chá f /to inspect/to run through a checklist/to take stock/to audit/ 排查故障 - 0 pái chá gù zhàng f /to troubleshoot/to check components individually for problems/troubleshooting/ 排档 排檔 S - 4 pái dàng f /stall (of market etc)/ 排检 排檢 S - 3 pái jiǎn f /to arrange for ease of search/to catalogue for retrieval/ 排槍 排枪 T - 11 pái qiāng f /volley/salvo/ 排檔 排档 T - 4 pái dàng f /stall (of market etc)/ 排檢 排检 T - 3 pái jiǎn f /to arrange for ease of search/to catalogue for retrieval/ 排毒 - 99 pái dú f /to expel poison (from the system)/to detox/ 排比 - 59 pái bǐ f /parallelism (grammar)/ 排气 排氣 S - 105 pái qì f /to ventilate/ 排气孔 排氣孔 S - 0 pái qì kǒng f /an air vent/a ventilation shaft/ 排气管 排氣管 S - 6 pái qì guǎn f /exhaust pipe/ 排氣 排气 T - 105 pái qì f /to ventilate/ 排氣孔 排气孔 T - 0 pái qì kǒng f /an air vent/a ventilation shaft/ 排氣管 排气管 T - 6 pái qì guǎn f /exhaust pipe/ 排水 - 740 pái shuǐ f /to drain/ 排水口 - 2 pái shuǐ kǒu f /plughole/drainage hole/ 排水孔 - 0 pái shuǐ kǒng f /plughole/drainage hole/ 排水沟 排水溝 S - 35 pái shuǐ gōu f /gutter/ 排水渠 - 6 pái shuǐ qú f /drainage/ 排水溝 排水沟 T - 35 pái shuǐ gōu f /gutter/ 排水管 - 23 pái shuǐ guǎn f /drainpipe/waste pipe/ 排水量 - 570 pái shuǐ liàng f /displacement/ 排污 - 86 pái wū f /to drain sewage/ 排污地下主管網 排污地下主管网 T - 0 pái wū dì xià zhǔ guǎn wǎng f /underground sewage network/ 排污地下主管网 排污地下主管網 S - 0 pái wū dì xià zhǔ guǎn wǎng f /underground sewage network/ 排污管 - 3 pái wū guǎn f /sewer/ 排泄 - 244 pái xiè f /to drain (factory waste etc)/to excrete (urine, sweat etc)/ 排泄物 - 95 pái xiè wù f /excrement/waste/ 排泄系统 排洩系統 S - 3 pái xiè xì tǒng f /drainage system/excretory system/ 排泻 排瀉 S - 0 pái xiè f /variant of 排泄[pai2 xie4]/to excrete (urine, sweat etc)/ 排泻物 排瀉物 S - 0 pái xiè wù f /excrement/ 排洩系統 排泄系统 T - 3 pái xiè xì tǒng f /drainage system/excretory system/ 排洪 - 14 pái hóng f /to drain flood-water/ 排涝 排澇 S - 48 pái lào f /to drain flooded fields/ 排湾族 排灣族 S - 3 Pái wān zú f /Paiwan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 排演 - 97 pái yǎn f /to rehearse (a performance)/ 排澇 排涝 T - 48 pái lào f /to drain flooded fields/ 排瀉 排泻 T - 0 pái xiè f /variant of 排泄[pai2 xie4]/to excrete (urine, sweat etc)/ 排瀉物 排泻物 T - 0 pái xiè wù f /excrement/ 排灣族 排湾族 T - 3 Pái wān zú f /Paiwan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 排炮 - 14 pái pào f /to fire a salvo/broadside/cannonade/ 排版 - 62 pái bǎn f /typesetting/ 排犹 排猶 S - 0 pái yóu f /to eliminate Jews/antisemitism/ 排犹主义 排猶主義 S - 4 pái yóu zhǔ yì f /antisemitism/ 排猶 排犹 T - 0 pái yóu f /to eliminate Jews/antisemitism/ 排猶主義 排犹主义 T - 4 pái yóu zhǔ yì f /antisemitism/ 排球 - 213 pái qiú f /volleyball/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 排空 - 42 pái kōng f /to fly up to the sky/ 排笙 - 0 pái shēng f /reed-pipe wind instrument with a keyboard/ 排箫 排簫 S - 17 pái xiāo f /xiao, a free reed mouth organ with five or more pipes blown from the bottom/also translated as pan pipes/ 排簫 排箫 T - 17 pái xiāo f /xiao, a free reed mouth organ with five or more pipes blown from the bottom/also translated as pan pipes/ 排練 排练 T 2809 272 pái liàn f /to rehearse/rehearsal/ 排练 排練 S 2809 272 pái liàn f /to rehearse/rehearsal/ 排翅 - 0 pái chì f /whole-piece shark's fin/ 排舞 - 0 pái wǔ f /a dance in formation/choreographed dance/line dance/ 排華 排华 T - 7 pái huá f /anti-Chinese (policies, actions, sentiments etc)/Sinophobia/ 排華法案 排华法案 T - 0 pái Huá fǎ àn f /Chinese Exclusion Act, a US law restricting Chinese immigration from 1882-1943/ 排萧 排蕭 S - 3 pái xiāo f /panpipe/ 排蕭 排萧 T - 3 pái xiāo f /panpipe/ 排行 - 215 pái háng f /to rank/ranking/seniority (among siblings)/ 排行榜 - 225 pái háng bǎng f /the charts (of best-sellers)/table of ranking/ 排解 - 68 pái jiě f /to mediate/to reconcile/to make peace/to intervene/ 排走 - 3 pái zǒu f /to drain away/to vent out/ 排起長隊 排起长队 T - 0 pái qǐ cháng duì f /to form a long line (i.e. of people waiting)/ 排起长队 排起長隊 S - 0 pái qǐ cháng duì f /to form a long line (i.e. of people waiting)/ 排遗 排遺 S - 0 pái yí f /feces/excrement/scat/droppings/to egest/to get (one's feelings) out/to rid oneself (of a thought)/ 排遣 - 64 pái qiǎn f /to divert oneself from loneliness/ 排遺 排遗 T - 0 pái yí f /feces/excrement/scat/droppings/to egest/to get (one's feelings) out/to rid oneself (of a thought)/ 排量 - 39 pái liàng f /discharge volume/engine capacity/engine displacement (volume of air fuel mixture drawn in during one cycle)/ 排錯 排错 T - 5 pái cuò f /troubleshooting/debugging/debug/erratum/to arrange in incorrect sequence/ 排错 排錯 S - 5 pái cuò f /troubleshooting/debugging/debug/erratum/to arrange in incorrect sequence/ 排長 排长 T - 632 pái zhǎng f /platoon leader/sergeant/ 排长 排長 S - 632 pái zhǎng f /platoon leader/sergeant/ 排队 排隊 S 1081 673 pái duì f /to line up/ 排除 2822 1313 pái chú f /to eliminate/to remove/to exclude/to rule out/ 排隊 排队 T 1081 673 pái duì f /to line up/ 排难解纷 排難解紛 S - 13 pái nàn jiě fēn f /to remove perils and solve disputes (idiom); to reconcile differences/ 排難解紛 排难解纷 T - 13 pái nàn jiě fēn f /to remove perils and solve disputes (idiom); to reconcile differences/ 排雷 - 33 pái léi f /mine clearance/ 排頭兵 排头兵 T - 26 pái tóu bīng f /lit. frontline troops/leader/trailblazer/pacesetter/ 排風口 排风口 T - 0 pái fēng kǒu f /exhaust vent/ 排风口 排風口 S - 0 pái fēng kǒu f /exhaust vent/ 排骨 - 33 pái gǔ f /pork chop/pork cutlet/spare ribs/ 掔 - 116 qiān f /lead along/substantial/ 掖 - 282 yē t /to tuck (into a pocket)/to hide/to conceal/ 掖 - 282 yè f /to support by the arm/to help/to promote/at the side/also pr. [yi4]/ 掖咕 - 0 yē gu f /to toss aside/to misplace/ 掖垣 - 0 yè yuán f /sidewalls of a palace/ 掖庭 - 0 yè tíng f /Lateral Courts in the imperial palace (housing concubines and administrative offices/ 掖掖盖盖 掖掖蓋蓋 S - 0 yē yē gài gài f /stealthily/clandestinely/ 掖掖蓋蓋 掖掖盖盖 T - 0 yē yē gài gài f /stealthily/clandestinely/ 掖門 掖门 T - 0 yè mén f /small side door of a palace/ 掖门 掖門 S - 0 yè mén f /small side door of a palace/ 掗 挜 T - 73 yà f /attach/brandish/hold/ 掘 - 1325 jué f /to dig/ 掘出 - 3 jué chū f /to exhume/to unearth/to dig out/ 掘土机 掘土機 S - 4 jué tǔ jī f /excavator/ 掘土機 掘土机 T - 4 jué tǔ jī f /excavator/ 掘墓工人 - 0 jué mù gōng rén f /grave digger/ 掘墓鞭尸 掘墓鞭屍 S - 0 jué mù biān shī f /to exhume a body for public flogging (idiom)/ 掘墓鞭屍 掘墓鞭尸 T - 0 jué mù biān shī f /to exhume a body for public flogging (idiom)/ 掘客 - 0 Jué kè f /Digg (social news website)/ 掙 挣 T 1694 1076 zhēng t /see 掙扎|挣扎[zheng1 zha2]/ 掙 挣 T 1694 1076 zhèng f /to struggle to get free/to strive to acquire/to make (money)/ 掙得 挣得 T - 105 zhèng dé f /to earn (income)/to make (money)/ 掙扎 挣扎 T 2873 1329 zhēng zhá f /to struggle/ 掙脫 挣脱 T - 370 zhèng tuō f /to throw off/to struggle free of/Taiwan pr. [zheng1 tuo1]/ 掙錢 挣钱 T - 355 zhèng qián f /to make money/ 掛 挂 T 751 6653 guà f /to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/to hang up (the phone)/to hang (computing)/to be worried or concerned/to make a phone call (dialect)/to register or record/to hitch/classifier for sets or clusters of objects/(slang) to kill/to die/to be finished/to fail (an exam)/ 掛住 挂住 T - 3 guà zhù f /to get caught (entangled)/to catch (on sth)/ 掛單 挂單 T - 15 guà dān f /see 掛褡|挂褡[gua4 da1]/ 掛圖 挂图 T - 28 guà tú f /wall chart/ 掛在嘴上 挂在嘴上 T - 0 guà zai zuǐ shang f /to pay lip service to/to keep mentioning (without doing anything)/to blather on about sth/ 掛在嘴邊 挂在嘴边 T - 0 guà zài zuǐ biān f /to keep saying (sth) over and over/ 掛墜盒 挂坠盒 T - 0 guà zhuì hé f /locket/ 掛失 挂失 T - 16 guà shī f /to report the loss of something/ 掛好 挂好 T - 0 guà hǎo f /to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes etc)/ 掛帥 挂帅 T - 102 guà shuài f /to take command/to assume leadership/to dominate/over-emphasis/dominating over other considerations/ 掛帥的社會 挂帅的社会 T - 0 guà shuài de shè huì f /a society in which that is regarded as all-important/ 掛彩 挂彩 T - 47 guà cǎi f /to decorate for festive occasions/to be wounded in action/ 掛心 挂心 T - 41 guà xīn f /to worry/to be on one's mind/ 掛念 挂念 T - 265 guà niàn f /concerned/ 掛慮 挂虑 T - 14 guà lǜ f /to worry about/ 掛懷 挂怀 T - 73 guà huái f /concerned/troubled/having sth on one's mind/ 掛搭 挂搭 T - 3 guà dā f /variant of 掛褡|挂褡[gua4 da1]/ 掛擋 挂挡 T - 3 guà dǎng f /to put into gear/to engage the gear/gear change/ 掛斷 挂断 T - 70 guà duàn f /to hang up (a phone)/ 掛旗 挂旗 T - 3 guà qí f /vertical banner (for display at exhibitions, advertising hung from poles in the street etc)/ 掛曆 挂历 T - 11 guà lì f /wall calendar/ 掛果 挂果 T - 13 guà guǒ f /(of a tree) to bear fruit/ 掛機 挂机 T - 14 guà jī f /to hang up (a phone)/ 掛毯 挂毯 T - 38 guà tǎn f /tapestry/ 掛牌 挂牌 T - 276 guà pái f /lit. to hang up a plate/to open up for business/listed (on stock market)/ 掛礙 挂碍 T - 24 guà ài f /worry/ 掛科 挂科 T - 0 guà kē f /to fail (a course)/ 掛線 挂线 T - 0 guà xiàn f /to hang up the phone/ 掛羊頭賣狗肉 挂羊头卖狗肉 T - 11 guà yáng tóu mài gǒu ròu f /lit. to hang a sheep's head while selling dog meat (idiom)/fig. to cheat/dishonest advertising/wicked deeds carried out under banner of virtue/ 掛職 挂职 T - 52 guà zhí f /temporary assignment to a Chinese government or CPC post/ 掛花 挂花 T - 9 guà huā f /to be wounded/(of plants) to bloom/ 掛蘭 挂兰 T - 0 guà lán f /hanging orchid (Chlorophytum comosum)/bracket plant/ 掛號 挂号 T 2493 69 guà hào f /to register (at a hospital etc)/to send by registered mail/ 掛號信 挂号信 T - 8 guà hào xìn f /registered letter/ 掛號證 挂号证 T - 0 guà hào zhèng f /register card/ 掛褡 挂褡 T - 0 guà dā f /(of a monk) to take residence at a temple/ 掛軸 挂轴 T - 4 guà zhóu f /hanging scroll (calligraphy or painting)/ 掛鉤 挂钩 T - 239 guà gōu f /hook (on which to hang sth)/to couple/to link together/to establish contact with/hook/coupling links (e.g. between two railway coaches)/ 掛鉤兒 挂钩儿 T - 0 guà gōu r f /erhua variant of 掛鉤|挂钩[gua4 gou1]/ 掛鎖 挂锁 T - 4 guà suǒ f /padlock/ 掛鐘 挂钟 T - 15 guà zhōng f /wall clock/ 掛鐮 挂镰 T - 3 guà lián f /to complete the year's harvest/ 掛靠 挂靠 T - 38 guà kào f /to be affiliated with/to operate under the wing of/affiliation/ 掛馬 挂马 T - 0 guà mǎ f /Trojan horse, to add malware to a website or program (computing)/ 掛麵 挂面 T - 55 guà miàn f /pasta/noodles/ 掛齒 挂齿 T - 9 guà chǐ f /to mention (e.g. "don't mention it")/ 掞 - 97 shàn f /easy/quiet/ 掠 - 1197 lüè f /to take over by force/to rob/to plunder/to brush over/to skim/to sweep/ 掠卖 掠賣 S - 0 lüè mài f /to press-gang sb and sell into slavery/ 掠卖华工 掠賣華工 S - 0 lüè mài huá gōng f /Chinese people press-ganged and sold into slavery during Western colonialism/ 掠取 - 80 lüè qǔ f /to plunder/to pillage/to loot/ 掠夺 掠奪 S 3787 672 lüè duó f /to plunder/to rob/ 掠夺者 掠奪者 S - 3 lüè duó zhě f /robber/plunderer/predator/ 掠奪 掠夺 T 3787 672 lüè duó f /to plunder/to rob/ 掠奪者 掠夺者 T - 3 lüè duó zhě f /robber/plunderer/predator/ 掠美 - 4 lüè měi f /to claim credit due to others/ 掠賣 掠卖 T - 0 lüè mài f /to press-gang sb and sell into slavery/ 掠賣華工 掠卖华工 T - 0 lüè mài huá gōng f /Chinese people press-ganged and sold into slavery during Western colonialism/ 掠过 掠過 S - 629 lüè guò f /to flit across/to sweep past/to glance (strike at an angle)/ 掠過 掠过 T - 629 lüè guò f /to flit across/to sweep past/to glance (strike at an angle)/ 掠食 - 0 lüè shí f /to prey on/predation/predatory/ 採 采 T - 1996 cǎi t /to pick/to pluck/to collect/to select/to choose/to gather/ 採伐 采伐 T - 138 cǎi fá f /to fell/to cut/ 採光 采光 T - 37 cǎi guāng f /lighting/day lighting/ 採出 采出 T - 0 cǎi chū f /to extract/to mine/ 採制 采制 T - 24 cǎi zhì f /collect and process/ 採取 采取 T 1659 9791 cǎi qǔ f /to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action)/to take/ 採取措施 采取措施 T - 48 cǎi qǔ cuò shī f /to adopt measures/to take steps/ 採取行動 采取行动 T - 3 cǎi qǔ xíng dòng f /to take action/to adopt policies/to move on some issue/ 採場 采场 T - 0 cǎi chǎng f /slope/ 採掘 采掘 T - 102 cǎi jué f /to excavate/to extract (ore)/ 採摘 采摘 T - 206 cǎi zhāi f /to pluck/to pick/ 採擇 采择 T - 3 cǎi zé f /to choose and use/to adopt (a decision)/ 採收率 采收率 T - 16 cǎi shōu lǜ f /recovery ratio/ 採景 采景 T - 0 cǎi jǐng f /to choose a location/to frame a shot (for filming, photography etc)/ 採暖 采暖 T - 29 cǎi nuǎn f /heating/ 採果 采果 T - 2 cǎi guǒ f /fruit picking/ 採棉機 采棉机 T - 0 cǎi mián jī f /cotton picker/ 採樣 采样 T - 67 cǎi yàng f /sampling/ 採樣率 采样率 T - 3 cǎi yàng lǜ f /sampling rate/ 採油 采油 T - 67 cǎi yóu f /oil extraction/oil recovery/ 採煤 采煤 T - 175 cǎi méi f /coal mining/coal extraction/coal cutting/ 採珠 采珠 T - 32 cǎi zhū f /to dive for pearls/ 採珠人 采珠人 T - 0 Cǎi zhū rén f /The Pearl Fishers, 1863 opera by Georges Bizet 比才[Bi4 cai2]/ 採用 采用 T - 12193 cǎi yòng f /to adopt/to employ/to use/ 採石場 采石场 T - 20 cǎi shí chǎng f /stone pit/quarry/ 採砂場 采砂场 T - 0 cǎi shā chǎng f /sandpit/sand quarry/ 採礦 采矿 T - 437 cǎi kuàng f /mining/ 採礦業 采矿业 T - 156 cǎi kuàng yè f /mining/ 採種 采种 T - 22 cǎi zhǒng f /seed collecting/ 採納 采纳 T 4090 550 cǎi nà f /to accept/to adopt/ 採脂 采脂 T - 0 cǎi zhī f /tree tapping/ 採花 采花 T - 314 cǎi huā f /to pick flowers/to enter houses at night in order to rape women/ 採花大盜 采花大盗 T - 0 cǎi huā dà dào f /lit. flower thief/fig. rapist/ 採花賊 采花贼 T - 3 cǎi huā zéi f /lit. flower thief/fig. rapist/ 採蘭贈芍 采兰赠芍 T - 3 cǎi lán zèng sháo f /lit. pick orchids and present peonies (idiom); fig. presents between lovers/ 採訪 采访 T 1691 3369 cǎi fǎng f /to interview/to gather news/to hunt for and collect/to cover/ 採訪記者 采访记者 T - 3 cǎi fǎng jì zhě f /investigative reporter/ 採證 采证 T - 0 cǎi zhèng f /to collect evidence/ 採買 采买 T - 52 cǎi mǎi f /purchase/buy/ 採購 采购 T 4089 1843 cǎi gòu f /to procure (for an enterprise etc)/to purchase/ 採購員 采购员 T - 21 cǎi gòu yuán f /buyer/purchasing agent/ 採購商 采购商 T - 7 cǎi gòu shāng f /buyer/ 採辦 采办 T - 114 cǎi bàn f /to buy on a considerable scale/to purchase/to procure/to stock up/ 採邑 采邑 T - 74 cǎi yì f /fief/benefice/ 採錄 采录 T - 23 cǎi lù f /collect and record/ 採集 采集 T 3510 719 cǎi jí f /to gather/to collect/to harvest/ 採風 采风 T - 42 cǎi fēng f /to collect local cultural material (recording folk songs, taking photos etc)/ 採食 采食 T - 32 cǎi shí f /to forage/to gather for eating/to pick and eat/ 探 - 2390 tàn f /to explore/to search out/to scout/to visit/to stretch forward/ 探井 - 11 tàn jǐng f /test pit/exploratory shaft/test well (mineralogy)/ 探亲 探親 S - 218 tàn qīn f /to go home to visit one's family/ 探伤 探傷 S - 26 tàn shāng f /to inspect for damage/flaw detection/metal crack detection/ 探伤器 探傷器 S - 0 tàn shāng qì f /metal crack detector/ 探傷 探伤 T - 26 tàn shāng f /to inspect for damage/flaw detection/metal crack detection/ 探傷器 探伤器 T - 0 tàn shāng qì f /metal crack detector/ 探勘 - 3 tàn kān f /to explore/to survey/to prospect (for oil etc)/prospecting/ 探口气 探口氣 S - 3 tàn kǒu qì f /to sound out opinions/to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning/also written 探口風|探口风[tan4 kou3 feng1]/ 探口氣 探口气 T - 3 tàn kǒu qì f /to sound out opinions/to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning/also written 探口風|探口风[tan4 kou3 feng1]/ 探口風 探口风 T - 4 tàn kǒu fēng f /to sound out opinions/to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning/ 探口风 探口風 S - 4 tàn kǒu fēng f /to sound out opinions/to get sb's views by polite or indirect questioning/ 探听 探聽 S - 265 tàn tīng f /to make inquiries/to try to find out/to pry/ 探员 探員 S - 3 tàn yuán f /detective/investigator/agent/ 探員 探员 T - 3 tàn yuán f /detective/investigator/agent/ 探問 探问 T - 69 tàn wèn f /to inquire into/to ask after/ 探囊取物 - 27 tàn náng qǔ wù f /to feel in one's pocket and take sth (idiom); as easy as pie/in the bag/ 探头 探頭 S - 384 tàn tóu f /to extend one's head (out or into)/a probe/detector/search unit/ 探头探脑 探頭探腦 S - 69 tàn tóu tàn nǎo f /to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)/ 探头探脑儿 探頭探腦兒 S - 0 tàn tóu tàn nǎo r f /erhua variant of 探頭探腦|探头探脑[tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3]/ 探奇 - 3 tàn qí f /to seek unusual scenery or places/ 探子 - 127 tàn zi f /intelligence gatherer/spy/detective/scout/sound (medical instrument)/long and narrow probing and sampling utensil/ 探家 - 10 tàn jiā f /to make a trip home/ 探察 - 40 tàn chá f /to investigate/to observe/to scout/to seek out and examine/to explore/ 探寻 探尋 S - 138 tàn xún f /to search/to seek/to explore/ 探尋 探寻 T - 138 tàn xún f /to search/to seek/to explore/ 探尺 - 0 tàn chǐ f /dipstick/measuring rod/ 探幽发微 探幽發微 S - 0 tàn yōu fā wēi f /to probe deeply and uncover minute details/ 探幽發微 探幽发微 T - 0 tàn yōu fā wēi f /to probe deeply and uncover minute details/ 探戈 - 33 tàn gē f /tango (dance) (loanword)/ 探摸 - 3 tàn mō f /to feel for sth/to grope/ 探明 - 1246 tàn míng f /to ascertain/to verify/ 探月 - 0 tàn yuè f /lunar exploration/ 探望 3454 270 tàn wàng f /to visit/to call on sb/to look around/ 探查 - 85 tàn chá f /to examine/to probe/to scout out/to nose around/ 探求 - 125 tàn qiú f /to seek/to pursue/to investigate/ 探测 探測 S 3529 1222 tàn cè f /to probe/to take readings/to explore/exploration/ 探测器 探測器 S - 383 tàn cè qì f /detector/probe/craft/ 探测字 探測字 S - 0 tàn cè zì f /probe (character)/ 探測 探测 T 3529 1222 tàn cè f /to probe/to take readings/to explore/exploration/ 探測器 探测器 T - 383 tàn cè qì f /detector/probe/craft/ 探測字 探测字 T - 0 tàn cè zì f /probe (character)/ 探照灯 探照燈 S - 186 tàn zhào dēng f /searchlight/ 探照燈 探照灯 T - 186 tàn zhào dēng f /searchlight/ 探班 - 0 tàn bān f /to check on sb at his workplace/to come to a movie set to visit one of the actors/ 探病 - 32 tàn bìng f /to visit a sick person or patient/ 探监 探監 S - 32 tàn jiān f /to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative or friend)/ 探監 探监 T - 32 tàn jiān f /to visit a prisoner (usu. a relative or friend)/ 探看 - 3 tàn kàn f /to visit/to go to see what's going on/ 探矿 探礦 S - 44 tàn kuàng f /to prospect/to dig for coal or minerals/ 探矿者 探礦者 S - 3 tàn kuàng zhě f /prospector/person exploring for minerals/ 探礦 探矿 T - 44 tàn kuàng f /to prospect/to dig for coal or minerals/ 探礦者 探矿者 T - 3 tàn kuàng zhě f /prospector/person exploring for minerals/ 探祕 探秘 T - 24 tàn mì f /to explore a mystery/to probe the unknown/ 探秘 探祕 S - 24 tàn mì f /to explore a mystery/to probe the unknown/ 探究 - 313 tàn jiū f /to investigate/to delve/to probe/to enquire into/to look into/ 探究式 - 0 tàn jiū shì f /exploratory/ 探索 3201 2653 tàn suǒ f /to explore/to probe/ 探索性 - 21 tàn suǒ xìng f /exploratory/ 探聽 探听 T - 265 tàn tīng f /to make inquiries/to try to find out/to pry/ 探花 - 549 tàn huā f /candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination/see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]/ 探視 探视 T - 160 tàn shì f /to visit (a patient, prisoner etc)/to look inquiringly/ 探視權 探视权 T - 3 tàn shì quán f /visitation rights (law)/ 探親 探亲 T - 218 tàn qīn f /to go home to visit one's family/ 探视 探視 S - 160 tàn shì f /to visit (a patient, prisoner etc)/to look inquiringly/ 探视权 探視權 S - 3 tàn shì quán f /visitation rights (law)/ 探討 探讨 T 3964 1368 tàn tǎo f /to investigate/to probe/ 探訪 探访 T - 128 tàn fǎng f /to seek by inquiry or search/to call on/to visit/ 探詢 探询 T - 60 tàn xún f /to inquire into/to ask after/ 探讨 探討 S 3964 1368 tàn tǎo f /to investigate/to probe/ 探访 探訪 S - 128 tàn fǎng f /to seek by inquiry or search/to call on/to visit/ 探询 探詢 S - 60 tàn xún f /to inquire into/to ask after/ 探路 - 88 tàn lù f /to find a path/ 探路者 - 5 Tàn lù zhě f /Pathfinder, NASA spacecraft sent to Mars in 1977/ 探身 - 3 tàn shēn f /to lean forward/to lean out (of a window, door etc)/ 探身子 - 0 tàn shēn zi f /to bend forward/to lean out/ 探針 探针 T - 64 tàn zhēn f /probe/ 探针 探針 S - 64 tàn zhēn f /probe/ 探長 探长 T - 8 tàn zhǎng f /(police) detective/ 探长 探長 S - 8 tàn zhǎng f /(police) detective/ 探问 探問 S - 69 tàn wèn f /to inquire into/to ask after/ 探险 探險 S - 432 tàn xiǎn f /to explore/to go on an expedition/adventure/ 探险家 探險家 S - 159 tàn xiǎn jiā f /explorer/ 探险者 探險者 S - 76 tàn xiǎn zhě f /explorer/ 探險 探险 T - 432 tàn xiǎn f /to explore/to go on an expedition/adventure/ 探險家 探险家 T - 159 tàn xiǎn jiā f /explorer/ 探險者 探险者 T - 76 tàn xiǎn zhě f /explorer/ 探雷 - 6 tàn léi f /to detect mines/mine detection/ 探雷人员 探雷人員 S - 0 tàn léi rén yuán f /mine detector (employee)/ 探雷人員 探雷人员 T - 0 tàn léi rén yuán f /mine detector (employee)/ 探頭 探头 T - 384 tàn tóu f /to extend one's head (out or into)/a probe/detector/search unit/ 探頭探腦 探头探脑 T - 69 tàn tóu tàn nǎo f /to stick one's head out and look around (idiom)/ 探頭探腦兒 探头探脑儿 T - 0 tàn tóu tàn nǎo r f /erhua variant of 探頭探腦|探头探脑[tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3]/ 探風 探风 T - 3 tàn fēng f /to make inquiries about sb or sth/to fish for information/ 探风 探風 S - 3 tàn fēng f /to make inquiries about sb or sth/to fish for information/ 探馬 探马 T - 98 tàn mǎ f /mounted scout (arch.)/ 探驪得珠 探骊得珠 T - 2 tàn lí dé zhū f /to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation)/to see through to the nub/ 探马 探馬 S - 98 tàn mǎ f /mounted scout (arch.)/ 探骊得珠 探驪得珠 S - 2 tàn lí dé zhū f /to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation)/to see through to the nub/ 掣 - 468 chè f /to pull/to draw/to pull back/to withdraw/to flash past/ 掣电 掣電 S - 3 chè diàn f /to flash/a flash (literary)/ 掣肘 - 110 chè zhǒu f /(lit.) to hold sb by the elbow/(fig.) to hold back/to impede/to handicap/ 掣電 掣电 T - 3 chè diàn f /to flash/a flash (literary)/ 掤 - 4 bīng f /arrow-quiver/ 接 358 10515 jiē f /to receive/to answer (the phone)/to meet or welcome sb/to connect/to catch/to join/to extend/to take one's turn on duty/to take over for sb/ 接下 - 81 jiē xià f /continuing on/ 接下來 接下来 T - 1010 jiē xià lái f /to accept/to take/next/following/ 接下来 接下來 S - 1010 jiē xià lái f /to accept/to take/next/following/ 接二连三 接二連三 S - 151 jiē èr lián sān f /one after another (idiom)/in quick succession/ 接二連三 接二连三 T - 151 jiē èr lián sān f /one after another (idiom)/in quick succession/ 接人 - 0 jiē rén f /to meet a person/ 接住 - 3 jiē zhù f /to catch (sth thrown etc)/to receive (sth given)/to accept/ 接入 - 281 jiē rù f /to access/access/ 接到 - 1490 jiē dào f /to receive (letter etc)/ 接力 - 197 jiē lì f /relay/ 接力棒 - 15 jiē lì bàng f /relay baton/(fig.) responsibilities (passed over to one's successor)/ 接力賽 接力赛 T - 17 jiē lì sài f /relay race/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 接力賽跑 接力赛跑 T - 5 jiē lì sài pǎo f /relay race/ 接力赛 接力賽 S - 17 jiē lì sài f /relay race/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 接力赛跑 接力賽跑 S - 5 jiē lì sài pǎo f /relay race/ 接单 接單 S - 3 jiē dān f /order (for goods etc)/ 接发 接髮 S - 11 jiē fà f /hair extensions/ 接受 661 10415 jiē shòu f /to accept/to receive/ 接受审问 接受審問 S - 0 jiē shòu shěn wèn f /under interrogation (for a crime)/on trial/ 接受審問 接受审问 T - 0 jiē shòu shěn wèn f /under interrogation (for a crime)/on trial/ 接受者 - 27 jiē shòu zhě f /recipient/person receiving sth/ 接口 - 814 jiē kǒu f /interface/port/connector/ 接口模块 接口模塊 S - 0 jiē kǒu mó kuài f /interface module/ 接口模塊 接口模块 T - 0 jiē kǒu mó kuài f /interface module/ 接合 - 85 jiē hé f /to connect/to join/to assemble/ 接合菌綱 接合菌纲 T - 0 jiē hé jūn gāng f /Zygomycetes/ 接合菌纲 接合菌綱 S - 0 jiē hé jūn gāng f /Zygomycetes/ 接听 接聽 S - 189 jiē tīng f /to answer the phone/ 接吻 - 87 jiē wěn f /to kiss/ 接單 接单 T - 3 jiē dān f /order (for goods etc)/ 接地 - 170 jiē dì f /earth (electric connection)/to earth/ 接壤 - 332 jiē rǎng f /to border on/ 接头 接頭 S - 121 jiē tóu f /to join/to connect/connection/junction/fitting (plumbing)/connector/terminal (electrical engineering)/ 接客 - 44 jiē kè f /to receive guests/to receive patrons (of prostitutes)/ 接尾詞 接尾词 T - 0 jiē wěi cí f /suffix (in Japanese and Korean grammar)/ 接尾词 接尾詞 S - 0 jiē wěi cí f /suffix (in Japanese and Korean grammar)/ 接应 接應 S - 777 jiē yìng f /to provide support/to come to the rescue/ 接待 2163 2300 jiē dài f /to receive (a visitor)/to admit (allow sb to enter)/ 接待员 接待員 S - 6 jiē dài yuán f /receptionist/ 接待員 接待员 T - 6 jiē dài yuán f /receptionist/ 接待室 - 23 jiē dài shì f /reception room/ 接應 接应 T - 777 jiē yìng f /to provide support/to come to the rescue/ 接戏 接戲 S - 0 jiē xì f /to accept an acting role/ 接戲 接戏 T - 0 jiē xì f /to accept an acting role/ 接手 - 124 jiē shǒu f /to take over (duties etc)/catcher (baseball etc)/ 接掌 - 38 jiē zhǎng f /to take over/to take control/ 接收 - 1083 jiē shōu f /reception (of transmitted signal)/to receive/to accept/to admit/to take over (e.g. a factory)/to expropriate/ 接收器 - 32 jiē shōu qì f /receiver/ 接收器灵敏度 接收器靈敏度 S - 0 jiē shōu qì líng mǐn dù f /receiver sensitivity/ 接收器靈敏度 接收器灵敏度 T - 0 jiē shōu qì líng mǐn dù f /receiver sensitivity/ 接收机 接收機 S - 147 jiē shōu jī f /receiver/TV or radio receiver/ 接收機 接收机 T - 147 jiē shōu jī f /receiver/TV or radio receiver/ 接替 - 475 jiē tì f /to replace/to take over (a position or post)/ 接机 接機 S - 17 jiē jī f /jointing machine/riveter/welder/sealer/to meet a plane (i.e. to meet sb at airport)/to service a plane (of airport workers)/ 接枝 - 3 jiē zhī f /(tree) graft/ 接案 - 3 jiē àn f /to be informed of a case/to take a case/to contract for a job (as a freelancer)/ 接棒人 - 3 jiē bàng rén f /successor/ 接機 接机 T - 17 jiē jī f /jointing machine/riveter/welder/sealer/to meet a plane (i.e. to meet sb at airport)/to service a plane (of airport workers)/ 接泊車 接泊车 T - 0 jiē bó chē f /shuttle bus/ 接泊车 接泊車 S - 0 jiē bó chē f /shuttle bus/ 接活 - 3 jiē huó f /to take on a piece of work/to pick up some freelance work/(of a taxi driver) to pick up a fare/ 接洽 - 49 jiē qià f /to discuss a matter with sb/to get in touch with/to arrange/ 接济 接濟 S - 141 jiē jì f /to give material assistance to/ 接濟 接济 T - 141 jiē jì f /to give material assistance to/ 接点 接點 S - 26 jiē diǎn f /(electrical) contact/ 接獲 接获 T - 23 jiē huò f /to receive (a call, report etc)/ 接班 - 62 jiē bān f /to take over (from those working the previous shift)/to take over (in a leadership role etc)/to succeed sb/ 接班人 - 252 jiē bān rén f /successor/ 接球 - 59 jiē qiú f /to receive a served ball (volleyball, tennis etc)/to catch a ball thrown by sb/ 接生 - 92 jiē shēng f /to deliver (a newborn child)/ 接生婆 - 14 jiē shēng pó f /midwife/ 接着 接著 S 840 6206 jiē zhe f /to catch and hold on/to continue/to go on to do sth/to follow/to carry on/then/after that/subsequently/to proceed/to ensue/in turn/in one's turn/ 接碴 - 0 jiē chá f /to pursue a conversation/to respond/ 接种 接種 S - 225 jiē zhòng f /to vaccinate/to inoculate/ 接種 接种 T - 225 jiē zhòng f /to vaccinate/to inoculate/ 接穗 - 19 jiē suì f /scion (branch or bud that is grafted onto rootstock)/ 接管 - 541 jiē guǎn f /to take over/to assume control/ 接納 接纳 T - 455 jiē nà f /to admit (to membership)/ 接線 接线 T - 33 jiē xiàn f /wiring/to connect a wire/ 接線員 接线员 T - 37 jiē xiàn yuán f /switchboard operator/ 接線生 接线生 T - 3 jiē xiàn shēng f /switchboard operator/phone operator/ 接線盒 接线盒 T - 3 jiē xiàn hé f /junction box (elec.)/ 接縫 接缝 T - 17 jiē fèng f /seam/join/juncture/ 接續 接续 T - 90 jiē xù f /to follow/to continue/ 接纳 接納 S - 455 jiē nà f /to admit (to membership)/ 接线 接線 S - 33 jiē xiàn f /wiring/to connect a wire/ 接线员 接線員 S - 37 jiē xiàn yuán f /switchboard operator/ 接线生 接線生 S - 3 jiē xiàn shēng f /switchboard operator/phone operator/ 接线盒 接線盒 S - 3 jiē xiàn hé f /junction box (elec.)/ 接续 接續 S - 90 jiē xù f /to follow/to continue/ 接缝 接縫 S - 17 jiē fèng f /seam/join/juncture/ 接聽 接听 T - 189 jiē tīng f /to answer the phone/ 接获 接獲 S - 23 jiē huò f /to receive (a call, report etc)/ 接著 接着 T 840 6206 jiē zhe f /to catch and hold on/to continue/to go on to do sth/to follow/to carry on/then/after that/subsequently/to proceed/to ensue/in turn/in one's turn/ 接見 接见 T - 780 jiē jiàn f /to receive sb/to grant an interview/ 接见 接見 S - 780 jiē jiàn f /to receive sb/to grant an interview/ 接触 接觸 S 1473 3348 jiē chù f /to touch/to contact/access/in touch with/ 接触不良 接觸不良 S - 4 jiē chù bù liáng f /loose or defective contact (elec.)/ 接触器 接觸器 S - 4 jiē chù qì f /contactor/ 接觸 接触 T 1473 3348 jiē chù f /to touch/to contact/access/in touch with/ 接觸不良 接触不良 T - 4 jiē chù bù liáng f /loose or defective contact (elec.)/ 接觸器 接触器 T - 4 jiē chù qì f /contactor/ 接踵 - 55 jiē zhǒng f /to follow on sb's heels/ 接踵而來 接踵而来 T - 227 jiē zhǒng ér lái f /to come one after the other/ 接踵而来 接踵而來 S - 227 jiē zhǒng ér lái f /to come one after the other/ 接軌 接轨 T - 272 jiē guǐ f /railtrack connection/to integrate into sth/to dock/to connect/to be in step with/to bring into line with/to align/ 接轨 接軌 S - 272 jiē guǐ f /railtrack connection/to integrate into sth/to dock/to connect/to be in step with/to bring into line with/to align/ 接过 接過 S - 1850 jiē guò f /to take (sth proffered)/ 接近 1397 3498 jiē jìn f /to approach/to get close to/ 接连 接連 S 4497 1089 jiē lián f /on end/in a row/in succession/ 接连不断 接連不斷 S - 352 jiē lián bù duàn f /in unbroken succession (idiom)/ 接送 - 145 jiē sòng f /picking up and dropping off/greeting and sending off/shuttle (transport service)/ 接通 - 209 jiē tōng f /to connect/to put through/ 接通費 接通费 T - 0 jiē tōng fèi f /connection charge/ 接通费 接通費 S - 0 jiē tōng fèi f /connection charge/ 接連 接连 T 4497 1089 jiē lián f /on end/in a row/in succession/ 接連不斷 接连不断 T - 352 jiē lián bù duàn f /in unbroken succession (idiom)/ 接過 接过 T - 1850 jiē guò f /to take (sth proffered)/ 接頭 接头 T - 121 jiē tóu f /to join/to connect/connection/junction/fitting (plumbing)/connector/terminal (electrical engineering)/ 接風 接风 T - 114 jiē fēng f /to hold a welcoming dinner or reception/ 接风 接風 S - 114 jiē fēng f /to hold a welcoming dinner or reception/ 接駁 接驳 T - 6 jiē bó f /to access/to transfer passengers between two railway lines/ 接駁車 接驳车 T - 0 jiē bó chē f /shuttle bus ferrying passengers between train stations on two different rail lines/ 接驳 接駁 S - 6 jiē bó f /to access/to transfer passengers between two railway lines/ 接驳车 接駁車 S - 0 jiē bó chē f /shuttle bus ferrying passengers between train stations on two different rail lines/ 接骨木 - 11 jiē gǔ mù f /elder or elderberry (genus Sambucus)/ 接髮 接发 T - 11 jiē fà f /hair extensions/ 接點 接点 T - 26 jiē diǎn f /(electrical) contact/ 控 - 1085 kòng f /to control/to accuse/to charge/to sue/to invert a container to empty it/(suffix) (slang) buff/enthusiast/devotee/-phile or -philia/ 控件 - 7 kòng jiàn f /a control (e.g. button, text box etc) (computing)/ 控制 1233 11537 kòng zhì f /control/to exercise control over/to contain/ 控制台 控制臺 S - 51 kòng zhì tái f /control desk/console/ 控制室 - 27 kòng zhì shì f /control room/ 控制权 控制權 S - 139 kòng zhì quán f /control (e.g. to win control)/controlling right/ 控制杆 控制桿 S - 3 kòng zhì gǎn f /control lever/joystick/ 控制桿 控制杆 T - 3 kòng zhì gǎn f /control lever/joystick/ 控制棒 - 17 kòng zhì bàng f /control rods/ 控制權 控制权 T - 139 kòng zhì quán f /control (e.g. to win control)/controlling right/ 控制臺 控制台 T - 51 kòng zhì tái f /control desk/console/ 控制論 控制论 T - 137 kòng zhì lùn f /control theory (math.)/cybernetics/ 控制论 控制論 S - 137 kòng zhì lùn f /control theory (math.)/cybernetics/ 控告 - 414 kòng gào f /to accuse/to charge/to sue/to indict/ 控罪 - 3 kòng zuì f /criminal charge/accusation/ 控股 - 821 kòng gǔ f /to own a controlling number of shares in a company/ 控股公司 - 3 kòng gǔ gōng sī f /holding company/ 控規 控规 T - 0 kòng guī f /regulatory plan/ 控规 控規 S - 0 kòng guī f /regulatory plan/ 控訴 控诉 T - 297 kòng sù f /to accuse/to denounce/to make a complaint against/denunciation/ 控诉 控訴 S - 297 kòng sù f /to accuse/to denounce/to make a complaint against/denunciation/ 控辩 控辯 S - 3 kòng biàn f /the prosecution and the defense (law)/ 控辩交易 控辯交易 S - 0 kòng biàn jiāo yì f /plea bargaining/plea agreement/ 控辩协议 控辯協議 S - 0 kòng biàn xié yì f /plea bargain (law)/ 控辯 控辩 T - 3 kòng biàn f /the prosecution and the defense (law)/ 控辯交易 控辩交易 T - 0 kòng biàn jiāo yì f /plea bargaining/plea agreement/ 控辯協議 控辩协议 T - 0 kòng biàn xié yì f /plea bargain (law)/ 推 831 6324 tuī f /to push/to cut/to refuse/to reject/to decline/to shirk (responsibility)/to put off/to delay/to push forward/to nominate/to elect/massage/ 推三阻四 - 43 tuī sān zǔ sì f /to use all sorts of excuses/ 推举 推舉 S - 549 tuī jǔ f /to elect/to choose/press (weightlifting technique)/ 推介 - 188 tuī jiè f /promotion/to promote/to introduce and recommend/ 推介会 推介會 S - 33 tuī jiè huì f /promotional seminar/promotional event/ 推介會 推介会 T - 33 tuī jiè huì f /promotional seminar/promotional event/ 推估 - 2 tuī gū f /to estimate/ 推來推去 推来推去 T - 3 tuī lái tuī qù f /(idiom) to rudely push and pull others/(idiom) to evade responsibility and push it to others/ 推倒 - 217 tuī dǎo f /to push over/to overthrow/ 推出 - 4028 tuī chū f /to push out/to release/to launch/to publish/to recommend/ 推动 推動 S - 4715 tuī dòng f /to push (for acceptance of a plan)/to push forward/to promote/to actuate/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 推动力 推動力 S - 116 tuī dòng lì f /driving force/ 推助 - 0 tuī zhù f /to bolster/to give a boost to (the economy etc)/ 推動 推动 T - 4715 tuī dòng f /to push (for acceptance of a plan)/to push forward/to promote/to actuate/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 推動力 推动力 T - 116 tuī dòng lì f /driving force/ 推却 推卻 S - 53 tuī què f /to repel/to decline/ 推卸 - 167 tuī xiè f /to avoid (esp. responsibility)/to shift (the blame)/to pass the buck/ 推卻 推却 T - 53 tuī què f /to repel/to decline/ 推及 - 3 tuī jí f /to spread/to extend/ 推后 推後 S - 17 tuī hòu f /to push back (progress, the times etc)/ 推問 推问 T - 3 tuī wèn f /to interrogate/ 推土机 推土機 S - 74 tuī tǔ jī f /bulldozer/ 推土機 推土机 T - 74 tuī tǔ jī f /bulldozer/ 推头 推頭 S - 3 tuī tóu f /to clip hair/to have a haircut/ 推委 - 18 tuī wěi f /variant of 推諉|推诿[tui1 wei3]/ 推子 - 3 tuī zi f /hair clippers/ 推宕 - 3 tuī dàng f /to postpone/to delay/to put sth off/ 推官 - 0 tuī guān f /prefectural judge (in imperial China)/ 推定 - 131 tuī dìng f /to infer/to consider and come to a judgment/to recommend/to estimate/deduced to be/ 推寻 推尋 S - 0 tuī xún f /to examine/to investigate/ 推导 推導 S - 125 tuī dǎo f /derivation/to deduce/ 推尊 - 3 tuī zūn f /to esteem/to revere/to think highly of sb/ 推尋 推寻 T - 0 tuī xún f /to examine/to investigate/ 推導 推导 T - 125 tuī dǎo f /derivation/to deduce/ 推展 - 11 tuī zhǎn f /to propagate/to popularize/ 推崇 - 379 tuī chóng f /to esteem/to think highly of/to accord importance to/to revere/ 推广 推廣 S 2334 2801 tuī guǎng f /to extend/to spread/to popularize/generalization/promotion (of a product etc)/ 推度 - 3 tuī dù f /to infer/to guess/ 推廣 推广 T 2334 2801 tuī guǎng f /to extend/to spread/to popularize/generalization/promotion (of a product etc)/ 推延 - 13 tuī yán f /to procrastinate/ 推开 推開 S - 1264 tuī kāi f /to push open (a gate etc)/to push away/to reject/to decline/ 推後 推后 T - 17 tuī hòu f /to push back (progress, the times etc)/ 推心 - 0 tuī xīn f /to treat sincerely/to confide in/ 推心置腹 - 84 tuī xīn zhì fù f /to give one's bare heart into sb else's keeping (idiom); sb has one's absolute confidence/to trust completely/to confide in sb with entire sincerity/ 推恩 - 29 tuī ēn f /to extend kindness/ 推想 - 174 tuī xiǎng f /to reckon/to infer/to imagine/ 推戴 - 58 tuī dài f /to endorse (sb for leader)/ 推手 - 51 tuī shǒu f /promoter/advocate/driving force/pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. in t'ai chi)/ 推托 - 135 tuī tuō f /to make excuses/to give an excuse (for not doing something)/ 推拉門 推拉门 T - 5 tuī lā mén f /sliding door/ 推拉门 推拉門 S - 5 tuī lā mén f /sliding door/ 推拿 - 524 tuī ná f /tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy)/ 推挽 - 3 tuī wǎn f /to push and pull/to move sth forward by shoving and pulling/ 推搡 - 57 tuī sǎng f /to shove/to jostle/ 推搪 - 31 tuī táng f /to offer excuses (colloquial)/to stall/ 推故 - 3 tuī gù f /to find a pretext for refusing/ 推敲 - 165 tuī qiāo f /to think over/ 推斥 - 3 tuī chì f /repulsion/repulsive force (physics)/ 推斥力 - 3 tuī chì lì f /repulsion/repulsive force (physics)/ 推断 推斷 S - 450 tuī duàn f /to infer/to deduce/to predict/to extrapolate/ 推斷 推断 T - 450 tuī duàn f /to infer/to deduce/to predict/to extrapolate/ 推服 - 3 tuī fú f /to esteem/to admire/ 推本溯源 - 4 tuī běn sù yuán f /to go back to the source/ 推杆 推桿 S - 10 tuī gān f /push rod or tappet (mechanics)/putter (golf)/to putt (golf)/ 推来推去 推來推去 S - 3 tuī lái tuī qù f /(idiom) to rudely push and pull others/(idiom) to evade responsibility and push it to others/ 推桿 推杆 T - 10 tuī gān f /push rod or tappet (mechanics)/putter (golf)/to putt (golf)/ 推求 - 23 tuī qiú f /to inquire/to ascertain/ 推油 - 3 tuī yóu f /oil massage/ 推波助澜 推波助瀾 S - 106 tuī bō zhù lán f /to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to add momentum/to encourage sth to get bigger/to add fuel to the fire/ 推波助瀾 推波助澜 T - 106 tuī bō zhù lán f /to push the wave and add to the billows (idiom); to add momentum/to encourage sth to get bigger/to add fuel to the fire/ 推测 推測 S 3041 600 tuī cè f /speculation/to conjecture/to surmise/to speculate/ 推測 推测 T 3041 600 tuī cè f /speculation/to conjecture/to surmise/to speculate/ 推溯 - 0 tuī sù f /to trace back to/ 推演 - 382 tuī yǎn f /to deduce/to infer/to derive/an implication/ 推特 - 0 Tuī tè f /Twitter (microblogging service)/ 推理 3649 614 tuī lǐ f /reasoning/speculative/inference/ 推甄 - 0 tuī zhēn f /to recommend a student for admission to a higher-level school/to put a student on the recommendation track (one of several ways of gaining admission to a higher-level school in Taiwan)/abbr. for 推薦甄選|推荐甄选/ 推知 - 34 tuī zhī f /to infer/ 推移 - 248 tuī yí f /(of time) to elapse or pass/(of a situation) to develop or evolve/ 推究 - 26 tuī jiū f /to study/to examine/to probe/to study the underlying principles/ 推算 - 487 tuī suàn f /to calculate/to reckon/to extrapolate (in calculation)/ 推索 - 0 tuī suǒ f /to inquire into/to ascertain/ 推翻 3480 1726 tuī fān f /to overthrow/ 推脫 推脱 T - 38 tuī tuō f /to evade/to shirk/ 推脱 推脫 S - 38 tuī tuō f /to evade/to shirk/ 推舉 推举 T - 549 tuī jǔ f /to elect/to choose/press (weightlifting technique)/ 推荐 推薦 S 1838 3823 tuī jiàn f /to recommend/recommendation/ 推荐书 推薦書 S - 3 tuī jiàn shū f /recommendation letter/ 推荐信 推薦信 S - 16 tuī jiàn xìn f /recommendation letter/ 推薦 推荐 T 1838 3823 tuī jiàn f /to recommend/recommendation/ 推薦信 推荐信 T - 16 tuī jiàn xìn f /recommendation letter/ 推薦書 推荐书 T - 3 tuī jiàn shū f /recommendation letter/ 推行 - 1921 tuī xíng f /to put into effect/to carry out/ 推衍 - 3 tuī yǎn f /to deduce/to infer/an implication/same as 推演/ 推計 推计 T - 0 tuī jì f /to estimate/to deduce (by calculation)/ 推許 推许 T - 3 tuī xǔ f /to esteem/to commend/ 推詳 推详 T - 0 tuī xiáng f /to study in detail/ 推說 推说 T - 85 tuī shuō f /to plead/to claim as an excuse/ 推諉 推诿 T - 82 tuī wěi f /to decline/to avoid/shirking responsibilities/to blame others/to pass the buck/to unload one's responsibilities/to try to get out of a task/ 推論 推论 T 4107 200 tuī lùn f /to infer/inference/corollary/reasoned conclusion/ 推计 推計 S - 0 tuī jì f /to estimate/to deduce (by calculation)/ 推许 推許 S - 3 tuī xǔ f /to esteem/to commend/ 推论 推論 S 4107 200 tuī lùn f /to infer/inference/corollary/reasoned conclusion/ 推详 推詳 S - 0 tuī xiáng f /to study in detail/ 推说 推說 S - 85 tuī shuō f /to plead/to claim as an excuse/ 推诿 推諉 S - 82 tuī wěi f /to decline/to avoid/shirking responsibilities/to blame others/to pass the buck/to unload one's responsibilities/to try to get out of a task/ 推賢讓能 推贤让能 T - 3 tuī xián ràng néng f /to cede to the virtuous and yield to the talented (idiom)/ 推贤让能 推賢讓能 S - 3 tuī xián ràng néng f /to cede to the virtuous and yield to the talented (idiom)/ 推車 推车 T - 58 tuī chē f /cart/trolley/to push a cart/ 推车 推車 S - 58 tuī chē f /cart/trolley/to push a cart/ 推辞 推辭 S 2482 369 tuī cí f /to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)/ 推辭 推辞 T 2482 369 tuī cí f /to decline (an appointment, invitation etc)/ 推进 推進 S - 4932 tuī jìn f /to impel/to carry forward/to push on/to advance/to drive forward/ 推进剂 推進劑 S - 101 tuī jìn jì f /propellant/rocket fuel/ 推进器 推進器 S - 125 tuī jìn qì f /propeller/propulsion unit/thruster/ 推进机 推進機 S - 3 tuī jìn jī f /see 推進器|推进器[tui1 jin4 qi4]/ 推进舱 推進艙 S - 3 tuī jìn cāng f /propulsion module/service module (astronautics)/ 推迟 推遲 S 1115 484 tuī chí f /to postpone/to put off/to defer/ 推选 推選 S - 270 tuī xuǎn f /to elect/to choose/to nominate/ 推進 推进 T - 4932 tuī jìn f /to impel/to carry forward/to push on/to advance/to drive forward/ 推進劑 推进剂 T - 101 tuī jìn jì f /propellant/rocket fuel/ 推進器 推进器 T - 125 tuī jìn qì f /propeller/propulsion unit/thruster/ 推進機 推进机 T - 3 tuī jìn jī f /see 推進器|推进器[tui1 jin4 qi4]/ 推進艙 推进舱 T - 3 tuī jìn cāng f /propulsion module/service module (astronautics)/ 推遲 推迟 T 1115 484 tuī chí f /to postpone/to put off/to defer/ 推選 推选 T - 270 tuī xuǎn f /to elect/to choose/to nominate/ 推重 - 3 tuī zhòng f /to esteem/to think highly of/to accord importance to/to revere/ 推銷 推销 T 3189 438 tuī xiāo f /to market/to sell/ 推銷員 推销员 T - 91 tuī xiāo yuán f /sales representative/salesperson/ 推销 推銷 S 3189 438 tuī xiāo f /to market/to sell/ 推销员 推銷員 S - 91 tuī xiāo yuán f /sales representative/salesperson/ 推開 推开 T - 1264 tuī kāi f /to push open (a gate etc)/to push away/to reject/to decline/ 推闡 推阐 T - 0 tuī chǎn f /to elucidate/to study and expound/ 推问 推問 S - 3 tuī wèn f /to interrogate/ 推阐 推闡 S - 0 tuī chǎn f /to elucidate/to study and expound/ 推陈出新 推陳出新 S - 74 tuī chén chū xīn f /to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate/ 推陈布新 推陳佈新 S - 0 tuī chén bù xīn f /to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate/to go beyond old ideas/advancing all the time/ 推陈致新 推陳致新 S - 3 tuī chén zhì xīn f /see 推陳出新|推陈出新[tui1 chen2 chu1 xin1]/ 推陳佈新 推陈布新 T - 0 tuī chén bù xīn f /to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate/to go beyond old ideas/advancing all the time/ 推陳出新 推陈出新 T - 74 tuī chén chū xīn f /to push out the old and bring in the new (idiom); to innovate/ 推陳致新 推陈致新 T - 3 tuī chén zhì xīn f /see 推陳出新|推陈出新[tui1 chen2 chu1 xin1]/ 推頭 推头 T - 3 tuī tóu f /to clip hair/to have a haircut/ 掩 - 1589 yǎn f /to cover up/to close/to surprise/ 掩人耳目 - 47 yǎn rén ěr mù f /to fool people (idiom)/to pull the wool over people's eyes/ 掩体 掩體 S - 115 yǎn tǐ f /bunker (military)/ 掩埋 - 212 yǎn mái f /to bury/ 掩护 掩護 S 2744 772 yǎn hù f /to screen/to shield/to cover/protection/cover/CL:面[mian4]/ 掩映 - 168 yǎn yìng f /hidden from view/alternately hidden and visible/setting off each other/ 掩杀 掩殺 S - 3 yǎn shā f /to make a surprise attack/to pounce on (an enemy)/ 掩样法 掩樣法 S - 0 yǎn yàng fǎ f /illusion/ 掩樣法 掩样法 T - 0 yǎn yàng fǎ f /illusion/ 掩殺 掩杀 T - 3 yǎn shā f /to make a surprise attack/to pounce on (an enemy)/ 掩盖 掩蓋 S 2911 589 yǎn gài f /to conceal/to hide behind/to cover up/ 掩耳 - 3 yǎn ěr f /to refuse to listen/ 掩耳盗铃 掩耳盜鈴 S - 18 yǎn ěr dào líng f /lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell/to deceive oneself/to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)/ 掩耳盜鈴 掩耳盗铃 T - 18 yǎn ěr dào líng f /lit. to cover one's ears whilst stealing a bell/to deceive oneself/to bury one's head in the sand (idiom)/ 掩蓋 掩盖 T 2911 589 yǎn gài f /to conceal/to hide behind/to cover up/ 掩蔽 - 71 yǎn bì f /shelter/screen/cover/protection/ 掩藏 - 51 yǎn cáng f /hidden/covered/concealed/ 掩護 掩护 T 2744 772 yǎn hù f /to screen/to shield/to cover/protection/cover/CL:面[mian4]/ 掩面而泣 - 7 yǎn miàn ér qì f /to bury one's head in one's hands and weep (idiom)/ 掩飾 掩饰 T 3050 574 yǎn shì f /to cover up/to conceal/to mask/to gloss over/ 掩饰 掩飾 S 3050 574 yǎn shì f /to cover up/to conceal/to mask/to gloss over/ 掩體 掩体 T - 115 yǎn tǐ f /bunker (military)/ 措 - 209 cuò f /to handle/to manage/to put in order/to arrange/to administer/to execute/to take action on/to plan/ 措举 措舉 S - 0 cuò jǔ f /move/measure/step (to some end)/ 措办 措辦 S - 3 cuò bàn f /to plan/to administer/ 措勤 - 4 Cuò qín f /Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong/ 措勤县 措勤縣 S - 2 Cuò qín xiàn f /Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong/ 措勤縣 措勤县 T - 2 Cuò qín xiàn f /Coqen county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Mtsho chen rdzong/ 措大 - 4 cuò dà f /worthless scholar/useless wretch/ 措意 - 3 cuò yì f /to pay attention to/ 措手 - 3 cuò shǒu f /to deal with/to manage/to proceed/ 措手不及 - 259 cuò shǒu bù jí f /no time to deal with it (idiom); caught unprepared/ 措施 1811 8163 cuò shī f /measure/step/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 措置 - 176 cuò zhì f /to handle/to arrange/ 措置裕如 - 3 cuò zhì yù rú f /to handle easily (idiom); effortless/ 措美 - 3 Cuò měi f /Comai county, Tibetan: Mtsho smad rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 措美县 措美縣 S - 2 Cuò měi xiàn f /Comai county, Tibetan: Mtsho smad rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 措美縣 措美县 T - 2 Cuò měi xiàn f /Comai county, Tibetan: Mtsho smad rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 措舉 措举 T - 0 cuò jǔ f /move/measure/step (to some end)/ 措詞 措词 T - 86 cuò cí f /wording/way of expressing something/turn of phrase/diction/ 措词 措詞 S - 86 cuò cí f /wording/way of expressing something/turn of phrase/diction/ 措辞 措辭 S - 183 cuò cí f /wording/way of expressing something/turn of phrase/diction/ 措辞强硬 措辭強硬 S - 0 cuò cí qiáng yìng f /strongly-worded/ 措辦 措办 T - 3 cuò bàn f /to plan/to administer/ 措辭 措辞 T - 183 cuò cí f /wording/way of expressing something/turn of phrase/diction/ 措辭強硬 措辞强硬 T - 0 cuò cí qiáng yìng f /strongly-worded/ 掫 - 0 zōu f /beat the night watches/grasp/ 掬 - 94 jū f /to hold with both hands/to grasp firmly/fig. to offer up sincerely/ 掬水 - 3 jū shuǐ f /to scoop up water/ 掬誠 掬诚 T - 3 jū chéng f /wholeheartedly/sincerely/ 掬诚 掬誠 S - 3 jū chéng f /wholeheartedly/sincerely/ 掬飲 掬饮 T - 0 jū yǐn f /to drink water by scooping it up with both hands/ 掬饮 掬飲 S - 0 jū yǐn f /to drink water by scooping it up with both hands/ 掮 - 53 qián f /to carry on the shoulder/ 掮客 - 14 qián kè f /broker/agent/ 掯 - 7 kèn f /to push down/to make things difficult/to take by force/ 掰 3874 270 bāi f /to break off or break open sth with one's hands/(fig.) to break off (a relationship)/ 掰开 掰開 S - 75 bāi kāi f /to pull apart/to pry open with the hands/ 掰开揉碎 掰開揉碎 S - 0 bāi kāi róu suì f /lit. to pull apart and knead to a pulp/fig. to analyze minutely from every angle/to chew sth over/ 掰弯 掰彎 S - 0 bāi wān f /to bend/(slang) to turn a straight person gay/ 掰彎 掰弯 T - 0 bāi wān f /to bend/(slang) to turn a straight person gay/ 掰手腕 - 0 bāi shǒu wàn f /arm wrestling/ 掰扯 - 0 bāi che f /to debate/to dispute/to wrangle (dialect)/ 掰掰 - 2 bāi bāi f /bye-bye (loanword) (Tw)/ 掰直 - 0 bāi zhí f /to straighten/(slang) to turn a gay person straight/ 掰腕子 - 3 bāi wàn zi f /arm wrestling/ 掰開 掰开 T - 75 bāi kāi f /to pull apart/to pry open with the hands/ 掰開揉碎 掰开揉碎 T - 0 bāi kāi róu suì f /lit. to pull apart and knead to a pulp/fig. to analyze minutely from every angle/to chew sth over/ 掱 - 0 pá t /variant of 扒[pa2] in 扒手[pa2 shou3]/ 掱 - 0 shǒu f /variant of 手[shou3] in 扒手[pa2 shou3]/ 掲 - 0 jiē f /Japanese variant of 揭/ 掳 擄 S - 462 lǔ f /to capture/to seize/ 掳人勒赎 擄人勒贖 S - 0 lǔ rén lè shú f /kidnapping for ransom/ 掳掠 擄掠 S - 202 lǔ lüè f /to loot/to pillage/to sack/ 掳获 擄獲 S - 3 lǔ huò f /to capture a prisoner/to take sb captive/ 掴 摑 S - 72 guāi f /to slap/also pr. [guo2]/ 掷 擲 S - 2336 zhì f /to toss/to throw dice/Taiwan pr. [zhi2]/ 掷地有声 擲地有聲 S - 23 zhì dì yǒu shēng f /lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom)/fig. (of one's words) powerful and resonating/to have substance/ 掷色 擲色 S - 0 zhì shǎi f /to throw the dice/ 掷还 擲還 S - 0 zhì huán f /please return (an item sent in the mail)/ 掷骰子 擲骰子 S - 3 zhì tóu zi f /to throw the dice/ 掸 撣 S - 190 dǎn f /to brush away/to dust off/brush/duster/CL:把[ba3]/ 掸子 撣子 S - 6 dǎn zi f /duster/CL:把[ba3]/ 掸邦 撣邦 S - 18 Shàn bāng f /Shan state of east Myanmar (Burma)/ 掸邦高原 撣邦高原 S - 0 Shàn bāng gāo yuán f /Shan plateau of east Myanmar (Burma)/ 掺 摻 S - 209 chān f /variant of 攙|搀[chan1]/to mix/ 掺 摻 S - 209 shǎn f /to grasp/ 掺假 摻假 S - 45 chān jiǎ f /to mix in fake material/to adulterate/ 掺水 摻水 S - 20 chān shuǐ f /to dilute/to water down/watered down/ 掼 摜 S - 121 guàn f /to fling/to fall/to wear/ 掽 碰 T 1264 1888 pèng f /variant of 碰[peng4]/ 掾 - 104 yuàn f /official/ 揀 拣 T 3709 808 jiǎn f /to choose/to pick/to sort out/to pick up/ 揀佛燒香 拣佛烧香 T - 3 jiǎn fó shāo xiāng f /to choose which Buddha to burn incense to (idiom); fig. to curry favor from the right person/ 揀信室 拣信室 T - 0 jiǎn xìn shì f /mail sorting office/ 揀起 拣起 T - 3 jiǎn qǐ f /to pick up/ 揀選 拣选 T - 27 jiǎn xuǎn f /to select/to sort out/ 揀飲擇食 拣饮择食 T - 0 jiǎn yǐn zé shí f /to choose one's food carefully/to be picky/ 揃 - 0 jiān f /shear/ 揄 - 18 yú f /to draw out/to let hanging/ 揄扬 揄揚 S - 0 yú yáng f /to praise/to extol/to publicize/to advocate/ 揄揚 揄扬 T - 0 yú yáng f /to praise/to extol/to publicize/to advocate/ 揄袂 - 0 yú mèi f /to walk with the hands in one's sleeves/ 揅 - 0 yán f /grind fine/study/research/ 揆 - 54 kuí f /consider/estimate/ 揉 3755 1011 róu f /to knead/to massage/to rub/ 揉制 - 0 róu zhì f /to knead (leather)/ 揉合 - 15 róu hé f /to blend/ 揉和 - 0 róu hé f /to knead (clay)/ 揉搓 - 85 róu cuo f /to rub/to torment/to torture/ 揉碎 - 3 róu suì f /to crush/to crumble into pieces/ 揉磨 - 0 róu mo f /to torment/to torture/ 揌 - 8 sāi f /to shake/ 揍 2627 226 zòu f /to beat up/to break to pieces/ 揍扁 - 0 zòu biǎn f /to beat (sb) up/to hit/ 揍死 - 0 zòu sǐ f /to beat to death/ 揎 - 25 xuān f /to roll up one's sleeves/to slap with the palm/ 描 - 391 miáo f /to depict/to trace (a drawing)/to copy/to touch up/ 描写 描寫 S 2316 1546 miáo xiě f /to describe/to depict/to portray/description/ 描图 描圖 S - 3 miáo tú f /to trace/ 描圖 描图 T - 3 miáo tú f /to trace/ 描寫 描写 T 2316 1546 miáo xiě f /to describe/to depict/to portray/description/ 描摹 - 52 miáo mó f /to trace over/to take a copy (of a calligraphy, a painting etc)/(fig.) to describe/to portray/ 描画 描畫 S - 52 miáo huà f /to draw/to describe/ 描畫 描画 T - 52 miáo huà f /to draw/to describe/ 描紅 描红 T - 5 miáo hóng f /to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)/ 描繪 描绘 T 3745 1180 miáo huì f /to describe/to portray/ 描红 描紅 S - 5 miáo hóng f /to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)/ 描绘 描繪 S 3745 1180 miáo huì f /to describe/to portray/ 描述 - 2288 miáo shù f /to describe/description/ 描金 - 67 miáo jīn f /to outline in gold/ 提 701 10223 tí f /to carry (hanging down from the hand)/to lift/to put forward/to mention/to raise (an issue)/upwards character stroke/lifting brush stroke (in painting)/scoop for measuring liquid/ 提上議事日程 提上议事日程 T - 0 tí shàng yì shì rì chéng f /to put (sth) on the agenda/ 提上议事日程 提上議事日程 S - 0 tí shàng yì shì rì chéng f /to put (sth) on the agenda/ 提交 - 924 tí jiāo f /to submit (a report etc)/to refer (a problem) to sb/ 提亲 提親 S - 54 tí qīn f /to propose marriage/ 提亲事 提親事 S - 0 tí qīn shì f /to propose marriage/ 提价 提價 S - 103 tí jià f /to raise the price/ 提任 - 3 tí rèn f /to promote and appoint/ 提供 767 16799 tí gōng f /to offer/to supply/to provide/to furnish/ 提供商 - 217 tí gōng shāng f /provider (company)/ 提供者 - 18 tí gōng zhě f /supplier/provider/ 提倡 2443 1254 tí chàng f /to promote/to advocate/ 提倡者 - 13 tí chàng zhě f /proponent/advocate/pioneer/ 提價 提价 T - 103 tí jià f /to raise the price/ 提克里特 - 2 Tí kè lǐ tè f /Tikrit/ 提出 - 22139 tí chū f /to raise (an issue)/to propose/to put forward/to suggest/to post (on a website)/to withdraw (cash)/ 提出建議 提出建议 T - 0 tí chū jiàn yì f /to propose/to raise a suggestion/ 提出建议 提出建議 S - 0 tí chū jiàn yì f /to propose/to raise a suggestion/ 提出异议 提出異議 S - 3 tí chū yì yì f /to disagree/to object/to differ/to challenge (a statement)/ 提出抗辩 提出抗辯 S - 0 tí chū kàng biàn f /to plead (not guilty)/to enter a plea/ 提出抗辯 提出抗辩 T - 0 tí chū kàng biàn f /to plead (not guilty)/to enter a plea/ 提出異議 提出异议 T - 3 tí chū yì yì f /to disagree/to object/to differ/to challenge (a statement)/ 提列 - 0 tí liè f /to make provision (against a loss)/a bookkeeping entry/ 提到 - 2552 tí dào f /to mention/to raise (a subject)/to refer to/ 提制 提製 S - 3 tí zhì f /to refine/to extract/ 提前 1008 2191 tí qián f /to shift to an earlier date/to do sth ahead of time/in advance/ 提前投票 - 0 tí qián tóu piào f /early vote/ 提前起爆 - 0 tí qián qǐ bào f /"fizzle" (atomic bomb misfire)/preinitiation/ 提包 - 263 tí bāo f /handbag/bag/valise/ 提升 提昇 S - 2510 tí shēng f /to promote/to upgrade/ 提单 提單 S - 34 tí dān f /bill of lading/ 提及 - 520 tí jí f /to mention/to raise (a subject)/to bring to sb's attention/ 提取 - 851 tí qǔ f /to extract/to refine/to withdraw (from a bank or warehouse)/to pick up/ 提名 - 2957 tí míng f /to nominate/ 提告 - 0 tí gào f /to raise a legal plaint/to sue/ 提告人 - 0 tí gào rén f /plaintiff/ 提味 - 0 tí wèi f /to improve taste/to make sth palatable/ 提問 提问 T 2070 1500 tí wèn f /to question/to quiz/to grill/ 提單 提单 T - 34 tí dān f /bill of lading/ 提喻法 - 0 tí yù fǎ f /synecdoche/ 提壶 提壺 S - 7 tí hú f /pelican/same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕/ 提壶芦 提壺蘆 S - 0 tí hú lú f /pelican/same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕/ 提壺 提壶 T - 7 tí hú f /pelican/same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕/ 提壺蘆 提壶芦 T - 0 tí hú lú f /pelican/same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕/ 提多 - 0 tí duō f /Titus/ 提多书 提多書 S - 0 Tí duō shū f /Epistle of St Paul to Titus/ 提多書 提多书 T - 0 Tí duō shū f /Epistle of St Paul to Titus/ 提头儿 提頭兒 S - 0 tí tóu r f /to give a lead/ 提姆·罗宾斯 提姆·羅賓斯 S - 0 Tí mǔ · Luó bīn sī f /Tim Robbins (1958-), American actor, director, activist and musician/ 提姆·羅賓斯 提姆·罗宾斯 T - 0 Tí mǔ · Luó bīn sī f /Tim Robbins (1958-), American actor, director, activist and musician/ 提婚 - 3 tí hūn f /to propose marriage/ 提子 - 4 tí zǐ f /to capture stones (in Go)/ 提子 - 4 tí zi t /grape/raisin/ 提学御史 提學御史 S - 0 tí xué yù shǐ f /superintendent of education (formal title)/ 提學御史 提学御史 T - 0 tí xué yù shǐ f /superintendent of education (formal title)/ 提审 提審 S - 166 tí shěn f /to commit sb for trial/to bring sb for interrogation/ 提審 提审 T - 166 tí shěn f /to commit sb for trial/to bring sb for interrogation/ 提尔 提爾 S - 0 Tí ěr f /Tyre (Lebanon)/ 提尔市 提爾市 S - 0 Tí ěr Shì f /Tyre (Lebanon)/ 提干 提幹 S - 56 tí gàn f /to rise through the ranks (as a party cadre)/ 提幹 提干 T - 56 tí gàn f /to rise through the ranks (as a party cadre)/ 提心 - 3 tí xīn f /worry/ 提心吊胆 提心吊膽 S - 186 tí xīn diào dǎn f /(saying) to be very scared and on edge/ 提心吊膽 提心吊胆 T - 186 tí xīn diào dǎn f /(saying) to be very scared and on edge/ 提成 - 173 tí chéng f /to take a percentage/ 提手 - 30 tí shǒu f /a handle/ 提拉米苏 提拉米蘇 S - 0 tí lā mǐ sū f /tiramisu (Italian dessert) (loanword)/ 提拉米蘇 提拉米苏 T - 0 tí lā mǐ sū f /tiramisu (Italian dessert) (loanword)/ 提拔 4148 760 tí bá f /to promote to a higher job/to select for promotion/ 提挈 - 9 tí qiè f /to hold by the hand/fig. to nurture/to foster/to bring up/to support/ 提振 - 0 tí zhèn f /to boost/to stimulate/ 提掖 - 3 tí yē f /to recommend sb for a promotion/to guide and support sb/ 提携 提攜 S - 221 tí xié f /to lead by the hand/to guide/to support/ 提摩太 - 0 tí mó tài f /Timothy/ 提摩太前书 提摩太前書 S - 0 Tí mó tài qián shū f /First epistle of St Paul to Timothy/ 提摩太前書 提摩太前书 T - 0 Tí mó tài qián shū f /First epistle of St Paul to Timothy/ 提摩太后书 提摩太後書 S - 0 Tí mó tài hòu shū f /Second epistle of St Paul to Timothy/ 提摩太後書 提摩太后书 T - 0 Tí mó tài hòu shū f /Second epistle of St Paul to Timothy/ 提攜 提携 T - 221 tí xié f /to lead by the hand/to guide/to support/ 提早 - 198 tí zǎo f /ahead of schedule/sooner than planned/to bring forward (to an earlier time)/ 提昇 提升 T - 2510 tí shēng f /to promote/to upgrade/ 提案 - 523 tí àn f /proposal/draft resolution/motion (to be debated)/to propose a bill/to make a proposal/ 提案人 - 3 tí àn rén f /proposer/ 提梁 - 7 tí liáng f /handle in the shape of a hoop/ 提款 - 18 tí kuǎn f /to withdraw money/to take money out of the bank/ 提款卡 - 3 tí kuǎn kǎ f /debit card/ATM card/ 提款机 提款機 S - 10 tí kuǎn jī f /bank autoteller/ATM/ 提款機 提款机 T - 10 tí kuǎn jī f /bank autoteller/ATM/ 提水工程 - 0 tí shuǐ gōng chéng f /project to raise low-lying water for irrigation purposes/ 提法 - 141 tí fǎ f /wording (of a proposal)/formulation/a technique of Chinese bone setting/ 提溜 - 3 dī liū f /to carry/ 提灯 提燈 S - 29 tí dēng f /a portable lamp/ 提炼 提煉 S 4437 311 tí liàn f /to extract (ore, minerals etc)/to refine/to purify/to process/ 提煉 提炼 T 4437 311 tí liàn f /to extract (ore, minerals etc)/to refine/to purify/to process/ 提燈 提灯 T - 29 tí dēng f /a portable lamp/ 提爾 提尔 T - 0 Tí ěr f /Tyre (Lebanon)/ 提爾市 提尔市 T - 0 Tí ěr Shì f /Tyre (Lebanon)/ 提现 提現 S - 16 tí xiàn f /to withdraw funds/ 提現 提现 T - 16 tí xiàn f /to withdraw funds/ 提琴 - 46 tí qín f /instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass)/CL:把[ba3]/ 提留 - 38 tí liú f /to withdraw (money) and retain it/ 提盒 - 5 tí hé f /box with tiered compartments and a handle/lunch box/ 提督 - 474 tí dū f /the local commander/provincial governor (in Qing and Ming times)/ 提示 2881 989 tí shì f /to prompt/to present/to point out/to draw attention to sth/hint/brief/cue/ 提示音 - 3 tí shì yīn f /beep/ 提神 - 88 tí shén f /to freshen up/to be cautious or vigilant/to watch out/stimulant to enhance mental performance/stay-awake drug/agrypnotic/ 提神剂 提神劑 S - 0 tí shén jì f /stimulant/psychostimulant/agrypnotic/ 提神劑 提神剂 T - 0 tí shén jì f /stimulant/psychostimulant/agrypnotic/ 提神醒脑 提神醒腦 S - 3 tí shén xǐng nǎo f /to refresh and clear the mind (idiom)/invigorating/bracing/ 提神醒腦 提神醒脑 T - 3 tí shén xǐng nǎo f /to refresh and clear the mind (idiom)/invigorating/bracing/ 提笔 提筆 S - 139 tí bǐ f /to take up one's pen/to start to write/ 提笔忘字 提筆忘字 S - 3 tí bǐ wàng zì f /to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters/ 提筆 提笔 T - 139 tí bǐ f /to take up one's pen/to start to write/ 提筆忘字 提笔忘字 T - 3 tí bǐ wàng zì f /to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters/ 提箱 - 4 tí xiāng f /a suitcase/a traveling-bag/ 提篮 提籃 S - 40 tí lán f /a basket/ 提篮儿 提籃兒 S - 0 tí lán r f /a basket/ 提籃 提篮 T - 40 tí lán f /a basket/ 提籃兒 提篮儿 T - 0 tí lán r f /a basket/ 提純 提纯 T - 125 tí chún f /to purify/ 提級 提级 T - 3 tí jí f /a step up/to rise to the next level/ 提綱 提纲 T 2484 195 tí gāng f /outline/synopsis/notes/ 提綱挈領 提纲挈领 T - 30 tí gāng qiè lǐng f /to concentrate on the main points (idiom); to bring out the essentials/ 提線木偶 提线木偶 T - 6 tí xiàn mù ǒu f /marionette/ 提级 提級 S - 3 tí jí f /a step up/to rise to the next level/ 提纯 提純 S - 125 tí chún f /to purify/ 提纲 提綱 S 2484 195 tí gāng f /outline/synopsis/notes/ 提纲挈领 提綱挈領 S - 30 tí gāng qiè lǐng f /to concentrate on the main points (idiom); to bring out the essentials/ 提线木偶 提線木偶 S - 6 tí xiàn mù ǒu f /marionette/ 提花 - 80 tí huā f /Jacquard weave (machine weaving leaving protruding pattern)/ 提葫芦 提葫蘆 S - 0 tí hú lú f /pelican/same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕/ 提葫蘆 提葫芦 T - 0 tí hú lú f /pelican/same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕/ 提薪 - 3 tí xīn f /to receive a raise in salary/ 提製 提制 T - 3 tí zhì f /to refine/to extract/ 提要 - 83 tí yào f /summary/abstract/ 提親 提亲 T - 54 tí qīn f /to propose marriage/ 提親事 提亲事 T - 0 tí qīn shì f /to propose marriage/ 提訊 提讯 T - 3 tí xùn f /to bring sb to trial/ 提詞 提词 T - 2 tí cí f /to prompt/a cue/ 提調 提调 T - 55 tí diào f /to supervise (troops)/to appoint (officers)/to select and assign/ 提請 提请 T - 976 tí qǐng f /to propose/ 提議 提议 T 2731 1748 tí yì f /proposal/suggestion/to propose/to suggest/ 提议 提議 S 2731 1748 tí yì f /proposal/suggestion/to propose/to suggest/ 提讯 提訊 S - 3 tí xùn f /to bring sb to trial/ 提词 提詞 S - 2 tí cí f /to prompt/a cue/ 提请 提請 S - 976 tí qǐng f /to propose/ 提调 提調 S - 55 tí diào f /to supervise (troops)/to appoint (officers)/to select and assign/ 提貨 提货 T - 23 tí huò f /to accept delivery of goods/to pick up goods/ 提貨單 提货单 T - 4 tí huò dān f /bill of lading/ 提賠 提赔 T - 0 tí péi f /to make a claim (for damages etc)/ 提货 提貨 S - 23 tí huò f /to accept delivery of goods/to pick up goods/ 提货单 提貨單 S - 4 tí huò dān f /bill of lading/ 提赔 提賠 S - 0 tí péi f /to make a claim (for damages etc)/ 提起 - 1647 tí qǐ f /to mention/to speak of/to lift/to pick up/to arouse/to raise (a topic, a heavy weight, one's fist, one's spirits etc)/ 提起公訴 提起公诉 T - 3 tí qǐ gōng sù f /to raise a charge/to sue/to institute proceedings/ 提起公诉 提起公訴 S - 3 tí qǐ gōng sù f /to raise a charge/to sue/to institute proceedings/ 提起精神 - 0 tí qǐ jīng shen f /to raise one's spirits/to take courage/ 提述 - 0 tí shù f /to refer to/ 提速 - 68 tí sù f /to increase the specified cruising speed/to pick up speed/to speed up/ 提醒 845 2601 tí xǐng f /to remind/to call attention to/to warn of/ 提醒物 - 3 tí xǐng wù f /reminder/ 提问 提問 S 2070 1500 tí wèn f /to question/to quiz/to grill/ 提防 - 625 dī fáng f /to guard against/to be vigilant/watch you don't (slip)/also pr. [ti2 fang2]/ 提領 提领 T - 3 tí lǐng f /to withdraw (cash from an ATM)/ 提頭兒 提头儿 T - 0 tí tóu r f /to give a lead/ 提领 提領 S - 3 tí lǐng f /to withdraw (cash from an ATM)/ 提高 548 16882 tí gāo f /to raise/to increase/to improve/ 揑 捏 T 3169 1687 niē f /variant of 捏[nie1]/ 插 1547 3939 chā f /to insert/stick in/pierce/to take part in/to interfere/to interpose/ 插 揷 S 1547 3939 chā f /old variant of 插[cha1]/ 插上 - 0 chā shang f /to plug into/to insert/to stick in/ 插不上手 - 0 chā bu shàng shǒu f /to be unable to intervene/ 插件 - 104 chā jiàn f /plug-in (software component)/ 插值 - 56 chā zhí f /interpolation/ 插入 - 650 chā rù f /to insert/to stick/to thrust/ 插入因子 - 0 chā rù yīn zǐ f /insertion element/ 插入語 插入语 T - 7 chā rù yǔ f /interjection/ 插入语 插入語 S - 7 chā rù yǔ f /interjection/ 插口 - 263 chā kǒu f /socket (for an electric plug)/to interrupt (sb speaking)/to butt in/ 插嘴 - 243 chā zuǐ f /to interrupt (sb talking)/to butt in/to cut into a conversation/ 插图 插圖 S - 292 chā tú f /illustration/ 插圖 插图 T - 292 chā tú f /illustration/ 插头 插頭 S - 27 chā tóu f /plug/ 插孔 - 3 chā kǒng f /jack/socket/ 插座 4369 56 chā zuò f /socket/outlet/ 插手 - 295 chā shǒu f /to get involved in/to meddle/interference/ 插播 - 14 chā bō f /to interrupt (a radio or TV program) with a commercial insert, breaking news etc/to put a call on hold/ 插播广告 插播廣告 S - 0 chā bō guǎng gào f /slot advertisement/interstitial ad/splash ad/ 插播廣告 插播广告 T - 0 chā bō guǎng gào f /slot advertisement/interstitial ad/splash ad/ 插曲 - 129 chā qǔ f /music played during a movie, play etc/incidental music/music played in a theatrical interlude/(fig.) incident/episode/ 插槽 - 43 chā cáo f /slot/ 插画 插畫 S - 4 chā huà f /illustration/ 插畫 插画 T - 4 chā huà f /illustration/ 插科打諢 插科打诨 T - 29 chā kē dǎ hùn f /to include impromptu comic material in opera performance (idiom); to jest/buffoonery/ 插科打诨 插科打諢 S - 29 chā kē dǎ hùn f /to include impromptu comic material in opera performance (idiom); to jest/buffoonery/ 插秧 - 34 chā yāng f /transplant rice seedlings/ 插線板 插线板 T - 0 chā xiàn bǎn f /power strip/powerboard (with multiple electrical sockets)/ 插线板 插線板 S - 0 chā xiàn bǎn f /power strip/powerboard (with multiple electrical sockets)/ 插翅难飞 插翅難飛 S - 16 chā chì nán fēi f /lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly (idiom); fig. impossible to escape/ 插翅難飛 插翅难飞 T - 16 chā chì nán fēi f /lit. even given wings, you couldn't fly (idiom); fig. impossible to escape/ 插脚 插腳 S - 9 chā jiǎo f /to shove in/to edge in/fig. to poke one's nose into people's business/prong/ 插腰 - 3 chā yāo f /to put one's hands on one's hips/ 插腳 插脚 T - 9 chā jiǎo f /to shove in/to edge in/fig. to poke one's nose into people's business/prong/ 插花 - 43 chā huā f /flower arranging/ikebana/ 插补 插補 S - 0 chā bǔ f /interpolation (mathematics)/ 插補 插补 T - 0 chā bǔ f /interpolation (mathematics)/ 插話 插话 T - 180 chā huà f /to interrupt (sb speaking)/interruption/digression/ 插话 插話 S - 180 chā huà f /to interrupt (sb speaking)/interruption/digression/ 插足 - 39 chā zú f /to squeeze in/to step in/to take part/to step between (two persons in a relationship)/ 插进 插進 S - 3 chā jìn f /to insert/to stick in/to plug in (an electronic device)/ 插進 插进 T - 3 chā jìn f /to insert/to stick in/to plug in (an electronic device)/ 插銷 插销 T - 9 chā xiāo f /bolt (for locking a window, cabinet etc)/(electrical) plug/ 插鎖 插锁 T - 0 chā suǒ f /mortise lock/ 插销 插銷 S - 9 chā xiāo f /bolt (for locking a window, cabinet etc)/(electrical) plug/ 插锁 插鎖 S - 0 chā suǒ f /mortise lock/ 插队 插隊 S - 109 chā duì f /to cut in line/to jump a queue/to live on a rural community (during the Cultural Revolution)/ 插隊 插队 T - 109 chā duì f /to cut in line/to jump a queue/to live on a rural community (during the Cultural Revolution)/ 插頭 插头 T - 27 chā tóu f /plug/ 揓 - 0 shì f /to hold/to grasp/ 揕 - 0 zhèn f /to hit/to thrust/ 揖 - 777 yī f /to greet by raising clasped hands/ 揗 - 0 shǔn f /strike, hit with hand/tap/ 揘 - 0 huáng f /to strike/to stab/ 揘毕 揘畢 S - 0 yóng bì f /to stab/ 揘畢 揘毕 T - 0 yóng bì f /to stab/ 揚 扬 T - 1661 Yáng f /abbr. for 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1]/surname Yang/ 揚 扬 T - 1661 yáng f /to raise/to hoist/the action of tossing or winnowing/scattering (in the wind)/to flutter/to propagate/ 揚中 扬中 T - 41 Yáng zhōng f /Yangzhong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 揚中市 扬中市 T - 5 Yáng zhōng shì f /Yangzhong county level city in Zhenjiang 鎮江|镇江[Zhen4 jiang1], Jiangsu/ 揚名 扬名 T - 85 yáng míng f /to become famous/to become notorious/ 揚名四海 扬名四海 T - 3 yáng míng sì hǎi f /known throughout the country (idiom); world-famous/ 揚子江 扬子江 T - 401 Yáng zǐ jiāng f /Changjiang 長江|长江 or Yangtze River/old name for Changjiang, especially lower reaches around Yangzhou 揚州|扬州/ 揚子鱷 扬子鳄 T - 59 yáng zǐ è f /Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis)/ 揚州 扬州 T - 1325 Yáng zhōu f /Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 揚州市 扬州市 T - 44 Yáng zhōu shì f /Yangzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 揚帆 扬帆 T - 66 yáng fān f /to set sail/ 揚抑格 扬抑格 T - 0 yáng yì gé f /trochaic/ 揚清激濁 扬清激浊 T - 3 yáng qīng jī zhuó f /lit. drain away filth and bring in fresh water (idiom); fig. dispel evil and usher in good/eliminate vice and exalt virtue/ 揚琴 扬琴 T - 54 yáng qín f /yangqin/dulcimer (hammered string musical instrument)/ 揚眉 扬眉 T - 6 yáng méi f /to raise eyebrows/ 揚科維奇 扬科维奇 T - 0 Yáng kē wéi qí f /Jankovic/Yankovic/Yankovich/Jelena Jankovic (1985-), Serbian tennis player/ 揚穀 扬谷 T - 0 yáng gǔ f /to winnow/ 揚聲器 扬声器 T - 54 yáng shēng qì f /speaker/ 揚菜 扬菜 T - 0 Yáng cài f /Jiangsu cuisine/ 揚言 扬言 T - 311 yáng yán f /to put about (a story, plan, threat etc)/to let it be known (esp. of threat or malicious story)/to threaten/ 揚起 扬起 T - 274 yáng qǐ f /to raise one's head/to perk up/ 揚長而去 扬长而去 T - 137 yáng cháng ér qù f /to shake one's sleeve and leave (idiom); to turn and leave abruptly/ 揚長避短 扬长避短 T - 69 yáng cháng bì duǎn f /to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses (idiom)/to play to one's strengths/ 揚雄 扬雄 T - 26 Yáng Xióng f /Yang Xiong (53 BC-18 AD), scholar, poet and lexicographer, author of the first Chinese dialect dictionary 方言[Fang1 yan2]/ 揚鞭 扬鞭 T - 79 yáng biān f /to whip on/to raise a whip/by ext. to swagger/ 換 换 T 391 6483 huàn f /to exchange/to change (clothes etc)/to substitute/to switch/to convert (currency)/ 換乘 换乘 T - 83 huàn chéng f /to change train (plane, bus etc)/transfer between modes of transport/ 換代 换代 T - 22 huàn dài f /change of dynasties/to pass on to the next generation/new product (in advertising)/ 換來換 换来换 T - 0 huàn lái huàn f /to repeatedly exchange/ 換個兒 换个儿 T - 3 huàn gè r f /to change places/to swap places/ 換取 换取 T - 393 huàn qǔ f /to give sth and get sth in return/ 換句話說 换句话说 T - 335 huàn jù huà shuō f /in other words/ 換向 换向 T - 18 huàn xiàng f /commutation (electricity)/ 換單 换单 T - 0 huàn dān f /bill of exchange (international trade)/ 換喻 换喻 T - 3 huàn yù f /metonymy/ 換妻 换妻 T - 0 huàn qī f /wife swapping/ 換崗 换岗 T - 37 huàn gǎng f /to relieve a sentry/to change the guard/ 換工 换工 T - 12 huàn gōng f /to change workshifts/ 換帖 换帖 T - 3 huàn tiě f /to exchange cards containing personal details (when taking an oath of fraternity)/ 換成 换成 T - 391 huàn chéng f /to exchange (sth) for (sth else)/to replace with/to convert into/ 換房旅遊 换房旅游 T - 0 huàn fáng lǚ yóu f /house-swap vacation/ 換擋 换挡 T - 3 huàn dǎng f /to change gear/ 換擋桿 换挡杆 T - 0 huàn dǎng gǎn f /gear lever/ 換新 换新 T - 3 huàn xīn f /to replace with sth new/to upgrade/ 換毛 换毛 T - 9 huàn máo f /to molt (of birds)/to change feathers/ 換氣 换气 T - 64 huàn qì f /to take a breath (in swimming)/to ventilate/ 換湯不換藥 换汤不换药 T - 21 huàn tāng bù huàn yào f /different broth but the same old medicine (idiom); a change in name only/a change in form but not in substance/ 換熱器 换热器 T - 32 huàn rè qì f /heat exchanger/ 換牙 换牙 T - 2 huàn yá f /to grow replacement teeth (zoology)/to grow permanent teeth in place of milk teeth/ 換班 换班 T - 59 huàn bān f /to change shift/the next work shift/to relieve (a workman on the previous shift)/to take over the job/ 換算 换算 T - 128 huàn suàn f /to convert/conversion/(in accounting, referring to currency conversion) translation/ 換置 换置 T - 0 huàn zhì f /to swap/to exchange/to transpose/to replace/ 換羽 换羽 T - 3 huàn yǔ f /to molt/to change feathers/ 換而言之 换而言之 T - 0 huàn ér yán zhī f /in other words/ 換茬 换茬 T - 2 huàn chá f /rotation of crops/ 換行 换行 T - 32 huàn háng f /to wrap (text)/line feed (computing)/ 換言之 换言之 T - 128 huàn yán zhī f /in other words/ 換證 换证 T - 3 huàn zhèng f /to renew a certificate (ID card etc)/to leave an ID at the desk to gain entrance/ 換錢 换钱 T - 10 huàn qián f /to change money/to sell/ 換防 换防 T - 43 huàn fáng f /to relieve a garrison/to change guard complement/ 揜 - 0 yǎn f /cover up/to surprise/ 揝 - 14 zuàn f /to hold in the hand, to grasp/to wring/ 揞 - 4 ǎn f /to apply (medicinal powder to a wound)/to cover up/to conceal/ 揠 - 2 yà f /to eradicate/to pull up/ 揠苗助長 揠苗助长 T - 9 yà miáo zhù zhǎng f /see 拔苗助長|拔苗助长[ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3]/ 揠苗助长 揠苗助長 S - 9 yà miáo zhù zhǎng f /see 拔苗助長|拔苗助长[ba2 miao2 zhu4 zhang3]/ 握 - 2268 wò f /to hold/to grasp/to clench (one's fist)/to master/classifier: a handful/ 握住 - 716 wò zhù f /to grip/to hold/ 握別 握别 T - 8 wò bié f /to shake hands/ 握别 握別 S - 8 wò bié f /to shake hands/ 握力 - 3 wò lì f /(strength of one's) grip/ 握手 2040 381 wò shǒu f /to shake hands/ 握拳 - 45 wò quán f /to make a fist/ 握有 - 154 wò yǒu f /to grasp and own/to hold (power)/ 揣 - 534 chuāi t /to put into (one's pockets, clothes)/Taiwan pr. [chuai3]/ 揣 - 534 chuǎi f /to estimate/to guess/to figure/to surmise/ 揣在怀里 揣在懷裡 S - 0 chuāi zài huái lǐ f /to tuck into one's bosom/also written 搋在懷裡|搋在怀里/ 揣在懷裡 揣在怀里 T - 0 chuāi zài huái lǐ f /to tuck into one's bosom/also written 搋在懷裡|搋在怀里/ 揣度 - 32 chuǎi duó f /to estimate/to surmise/to appraise/ 揣想 - 3 chuǎi xiǎng f /to conjecture/ 揣摩 - 208 chuǎi mó f /to analyze/to try to figure out/to try to fathom/ 揣测 揣測 S - 75 chuǎi cè f /to guess/to conjecture/ 揣測 揣测 T - 75 chuǎi cè f /to guess/to conjecture/ 揥 - 0 tì f /get rid of/ivory hairpin/ 揦 - 0 là f /old variant of 攋[la4]/ 揦子 - 0 lá zi f /(dialect) glass bottle/ 揩 - 484 kāi f /to wipe/ 揩拭 - 20 kāi shì f /to wipe off/to wipe clean/ 揩擦 - 0 kāi cā f /to wipe/ 揩油 - 5 kāi yóu f /to take advantage of sb/to freeload/ 揪 - 1357 jiū f /to seize/to clutch/to hold tight/to grip/ 揪住 - 3 jiū zhù f /to grab/ 揪出 - 24 jiū chū f /to grab and open out/to uncover/to ferret out (the culprit)/ 揪心 - 69 jiū xīn f /lit. grips the heart/worried/anxious/ 揪心扒肝 - 0 jiū xīn bā gān f /lit. grips the heart, seizes the liver (idiom); fear grips the heart/worried out of one's wits/scared stiff/ 揪心揪肺 - 0 jiū xīn jiū fèi f /heart-wrenching/ 揪揪 - 0 jiū jiū f /creased and crumpled/depressed/ 揪斗 揪鬥 S - 46 jiū dòu f /to seize and struggle with/to tussle with/fig. to seize and subject to public criticism (e.g. right-roaders during cultural revolution)/ 揪痧 - 3 jiū shā f /folk remedy involving repeatedly pinching the neck, throat, back etc to increase blood flow to the area and relieve inflammation/ 揪辫子 揪辮子 S - 2 jiū biàn zi f /to grab sb by the queue (i.e. hair)/to seize on weak points/to exploit the opponent's shortcomings/ 揪辮子 揪辫子 T - 2 jiū biàn zi f /to grab sb by the queue (i.e. hair)/to seize on weak points/to exploit the opponent's shortcomings/ 揪送 - 0 jiū sòng f /to seize and send (to court, to face punishment)/ 揪錯 揪错 T - 0 jiū cuò f /lit. to grab wrong/misconception/blunder/howler/ 揪错 揪錯 S - 0 jiū cuò f /lit. to grab wrong/misconception/blunder/howler/ 揪鬥 揪斗 T - 46 jiū dòu f /to seize and struggle with/to tussle with/fig. to seize and subject to public criticism (e.g. right-roaders during cultural revolution)/ 揫 - 0 jiū f /to gather/to collect/ 揭 - 1083 jiē f /to take the lid off/to expose/to unmask/ 揭东 揭東 S - 3 Jiē dōng f /Jiedong county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 揭东县 揭東縣 S - 3 Jiē dōng xiàn f /Jiedong county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 揭举 揭舉 S - 0 jiē jǔ f /to lift up/(fig.) to put on display/to set forth/to expound/ 揭发 揭發 S - 428 jiē fā f /to expose/to bring to light/to disclose/revelation/ 揭幕 - 129 jiē mù f /opening/unveiling/ 揭幕式 - 3 jiē mù shì f /opening ceremony/unveiling/ 揭底 - 6 jiē dǐ f /to reveal the inside story/to expose sb's secrets/ 揭开 揭開 S - 974 jiē kāi f /to uncover/to open/ 揭批 - 101 jiē pī f /to expose and criticize/ 揭晓 揭曉 S - 212 jiē xiǎo f /to announce publicly/to publish/to make known/to disclose/ 揭曉 揭晓 T - 212 jiē xiǎo f /to announce publicly/to publish/to make known/to disclose/ 揭東 揭东 T - 3 Jiē dōng f /Jiedong county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 揭東縣 揭东县 T - 3 Jiē dōng xiàn f /Jiedong county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 揭橥 揭櫫 S - 0 jiē zhū f /to disclose/to announce/ 揭櫫 揭橥 T - 0 jiē zhū f /to disclose/to announce/ 揭發 揭发 T - 428 jiē fā f /to expose/to bring to light/to disclose/revelation/ 揭破 - 71 jiē pò f /to uncover/ 揭示 - 1015 jiē shì f /to show/to make known/ 揭秘 - 54 jiē mì f /to unmask/to uncover the secret/ 揭穿 - 118 jiē chuān f /to expose/to uncover/ 揭舉 揭举 T - 0 jiē jǔ f /to lift up/(fig.) to put on display/to set forth/to expound/ 揭西 - 6 Jiē xī f /Jiexi county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 揭西县 揭西縣 S - 3 Jiē xī xiàn f /Jiexi county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 揭西縣 揭西县 T - 3 Jiē xī xiàn f /Jiexi county in Jieyang 揭陽|揭阳, Guangdong/ 揭諦 揭谛 T - 0 jiē dì f /revealer (protective god)/ 揭谛 揭諦 S - 0 jiē dì f /revealer (protective god)/ 揭載 揭载 T - 0 jiē zǎi f /to publish/ 揭载 揭載 S - 0 jiē zǎi f /to publish/ 揭開 揭开 T - 974 jiē kāi f /to uncover/to open/ 揭阳 揭陽 S - 41 Jiē yáng f /Jieyang prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 揭阳市 揭陽市 S - 4 Jiē yáng shì f /Jieyang prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ 揭陽 揭阳 T - 41 Jiē yáng f /Jieyang prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 揭陽市 揭阳市 T - 4 Jiē yáng shì f /Jieyang prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ 揭露 3354 1408 jiē lù f /to expose/to unmask/to ferret out/to disclose/disclosure/ 揭黑 - 0 jiē hēi f /to uncover (mistakes, corruption etc)/whistle-blowing/ 揮 挥 T 1670 4046 huī f /to wave/to brandish/to command/to conduct/to scatter/to disperse/ 揮之不去 挥之不去 T - 55 huī zhī bù qù f /impossible to get rid of/ 揮動 挥动 T - 430 huī dòng f /to wave sth/to brandish/ 揮師 挥师 T - 81 huī shī f /in command of the army/ 揮戈 挥戈 T - 14 huī gē f /to brandish a spear/ 揮手 挥手 T - 1003 huī shǒu f /to wave (one's hand)/ 揮斥 挥斥 T - 3 huī chì f /to chide/to berate/energetic/ 揮斥方遒 挥斥方遒 T - 0 huī chì fāng qiú f /full of vim/ 揮桿 挥杆 T - 11 huī gān f /swing (golf)/ 揮毫 挥毫 T - 59 huī háo f /to write or draw with a brush/to put pen to paper/to write/ 揮毫灑墨 挥毫洒墨 T - 0 huī háo sǎ mò f /to wield a writing brush (idiom)/ 揮汗 挥汗 T - 3 huī hàn f /to sweat profusely/ 揮汗如雨 挥汗如雨 T - 17 huī hàn rú yǔ f /to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)/ 揮汗成雨 挥汗成雨 T - 2 huī hàn chéng yǔ f /to drip with sweat/sweat poured off (him)/ 揮淚 挥泪 T - 44 huī lèi f /to shed tears/to be all in tears/ 揮灑 挥洒 T - 69 huī sǎ f /to sprinkle/to shed (tears, blood etc)/fig. free, unconstrained/to write in a free style/ 揮發 挥发 T - 234 huī fā f /volatile/volatility/ 揮發性 挥发性 T - 77 huī fā xìng f /volatility/ 揮發性存儲器 挥发性存储器 T - 0 huī fā xìng cún chǔ qì f /volatile memory/ 揮發油 挥发油 T - 33 huī fā yóu f /volatile oil (in general)/gasoline/ 揮翰 挥翰 T - 0 huī hàn f /(literary) to wield a writing brush/ 揮舞 挥舞 T - 717 huī wǔ f /to brandish/to wave sth/ 揮金如土 挥金如土 T - 12 huī jīn rú tǔ f /lit. to squander money like dirt (idiom)/fig. to spend money like water/extravagant/ 揮霍 挥霍 T 4132 190 huī huò f /to squander money/extravagant/prodigal/free and easy/agile/ 揮霍浪費 挥霍浪费 T - 0 huī huò làng fèi f /to spend extravagantly/to squander/ 揮霍無度 挥霍无度 T - 18 huī huò wú dù f /extravagance/extravagant/ 揮麈 挥麈 T - 0 huī zhǔ f /to brandish/ 揰 - 0 chòng f /poke out/punch/push into/ 揲 - 13 shé f /sort out divining stalks/ 援 - 1032 yuán f /to help/to assist/to aid/ 援交 - 3 yuán jiāo f /abbr. for 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]/ 援交妹 - 0 yuán jiāo mèi f /prostitute (slang)/see also 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]/ 援交小姐 - 0 yuán jiāo xiǎo jie f /girl who engages in enjo-kōsai/see also 援助交際|援助交际[yuan2 zhu4 jiao1 ji4]/ 援兵 - 187 yuán bīng f /reinforcement/ 援助 - 1566 yuán zhù f /to help/to support/to aid/aid/assistance/ 援助之手 - 0 yuán zhù zhī shǒu f /a helping hand/ 援助交际 援助交際 S - 3 yuán zhù jiāo jì f /Enjo-kōsai or "compensated dating", a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money or luxury gifts to women for their companionship and sexual favors/ 援助交際 援助交际 T - 3 yuán zhù jiāo jì f /Enjo-kōsai or "compensated dating", a practice which originated in Japan where older men give money or luxury gifts to women for their companionship and sexual favors/ 援助机构 援助機構 S - 0 yuán zhù jī gòu f /relief agency/emergency service/rescue organisation/ 援助機構 援助机构 T - 0 yuán zhù jī gòu f /relief agency/emergency service/rescue organisation/ 援引 - 256 yuán yǐn f /to quote/to cite/to recommend (one's friend's, associates etc)/ 援手 - 114 yuán shǒu f /assistance/a helping hand/to lend a hand/ 援救 - 96 yuán jiù f /to come to the aid of/to save/to rescue from danger/to relieve/ 援用 - 25 yuán yòng f /to quote/to cite/ 援藏 - 19 yuán Zàng f /pro-Tibet/to support Tibet/to support Tibetan independence/ 揵 - 42 qián f /carry/ 揶 - 0 yé f /to gesticulate/to play antics/ 揶揄 - 58 yé yú f /to mock/to ridicule/ 揷 插 T 1547 3939 chā f /old variant of 插[cha1]/ 揸 - 8 zhā f /to stretch fingers out/ 揹 背 T 1405 9853 bēi f /variant of 背[bei1]/ 揹債 背债 T - 3 bēi zhài f /to be in debt/to be saddled with debts/ 揺 - 0 yáo f /Japanese variant of 搖|摇[yao2]/ 揻 - 0 wēi f /(dialect) to bend (a long and thin object)/ 揽 攬 S - 552 lǎn f /to monopolize/to seize/to take into one's arms/to embrace/to fasten (with a rope etc)/to take on (responsibility etc)/to canvass/ 揽辔澄清 攬轡澄清 S - 3 lǎn pèi chéng qīng f /to assume one's post with the aspiration of bringing about peace and order to the nation (idiom)/ 揾 搵 S - 6 wěn f /to look for (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 找[zhao3]/ 揾 搵 S - 6 wèn t /(literary) to wipe away (tears)/to press with one's fingers/to soak/ 揾钱 搵錢 S - 3 wèn qián f /(dialect) to make money/ 揾食 搵食 S - 0 wèn shí f /to earn one's living (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 謀生|谋生[mou2 sheng1]/ 揿 搇 S - 93 qìn f /variant of 撳|揿[qin4]/ 揿 撳 S - 565 qìn f /to press (bell)/ 搀 攙 S 4730 370 chān f /to take by the arm and assist/to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate/ 搀假 攙假 S - 3 chān jiǎ f /to dilute/to debase (by mixing with fake material)/ 搀兑 攙兌 S - 3 chān duì f /to mix (different substances together)/to blend/ 搀合 攙合 S - 0 chān hé f /to mix together/mixture/blend/ 搀和 攙和 S - 17 chān huo f /to mix/to mingle/to interfere/to meddle/ 搀扶 攙扶 S - 321 chān fú f /to lend an arm to support sb/ 搀杂 攙雜 S - 9 chān zá f /to mix/to blend/to dilute/ 搁 擱 S 4061 947 gē t /to place/to put aside/to shelve/ 搁 擱 S 4061 947 gé f /to bear/to stand/to endure/ 搁板 擱板 S - 16 gē bǎn f /shelf/ 搁浅 擱淺 S - 107 gē qiǎn f /to be stranded (of ship)/to run aground/fig. to run into difficulties and stop/ 搁笔 擱筆 S - 23 gē bǐ f /to put down the pen/to stop writing/ 搁置 擱置 S - 139 gē zhì f /to shelve/to set aside/ 搁脚板 擱腳板 S - 0 gē jiǎo bǎn f /footrest/ 搁脚物 擱腳物 S - 0 gē jiǎo wù f /footrest/ 搂 摟 S 3751 1318 lōu f /to draw towards oneself/to gather/to gather up (one's gown, sleeves etc)/to grab (money)/to extort/ 搂 摟 S 3751 1318 lǒu t /to hug/to embrace/to hold in one's arms/ 搂住 摟住 S - 3 lǒu zhù f /to hold in one's arms/to embrace/ 搂抱 摟抱 S - 128 lǒu bào f /to hug/to embrace/ 搂钱 摟錢 S - 3 lōu qián f /(coll.) to grab money/to rake in money/ 搅 攪 S - 859 jiǎo f /to disturb/to annoy/to mix/to stir/ 搅乱 攪亂 S - 95 jiǎo luàn f /to disrupt/to throw into disorder/ 搅动 攪動 S - 70 jiǎo dòng f /to mix/to stir/ 搅和 攪和 S - 68 jiǎo huo f /to mix (up)/to blend/to spoil/ 搅基 攪基 S - 0 jiǎo jī f /see 搞基[gao3 ji1]/ 搅局 攪局 S - 27 jiǎo jú f /to upset the apple cart/to disrupt things/ 搅扰 攪擾 S - 47 jiǎo rǎo f /to disturb/to annoy/ 搅拌 攪拌 S 4094 423 jiǎo bàn f /to stir/to agitate/ 搅拌机 攪拌機 S - 10 jiǎo bàn jī f /blender/food mixer/ 搅混 攪混 S - 13 jiǎo hun f /to mix/to blend/ 搆 - 0 gòu f /implicate/reach to/ 搇 揿 T - 93 qìn f /variant of 撳|揿[qin4]/ 搉 - 0 què f /consult/knock/beat/ 搊 - 2 chōu f /pluck (stringed instrument)/ 搋 - 3 chuāi f /to knead/to rub/to clear a drain with a pump/to conceal sth in one's bosom/to carry sth under one's coat/ 搋在怀里 搋在懷裡 S - 0 chuāi zài huái lǐ f /to tuck into one's bosom/also written 揣在懷裡|揣在怀里/ 搋在懷裡 搋在怀里 T - 0 chuāi zài huái lǐ f /to tuck into one's bosom/also written 揣在懷裡|揣在怀里/ 搋子 - 0 chuāi zi f /plunger (for clearing drains)/ 搋面 搋麵 S - 0 chuāi miàn f /to knead dough/ 搋麵 搋面 T - 0 chuāi miàn f /to knead dough/ 搌 - 0 zhǎn f /to sop up/to dab/ 損 损 T - 1020 sǔn f /to decrease/to lose/to damage/to harm/(coll.) to speak sarcastically/to deride/caustic/mean/one of the 64 trigrams of the Book of Changes (old)/ 損人 损人 T - 3 sǔn rén f /to harm others/to mock people/to taunt/humiliating/ 損人不利己 损人不利己 T - 2 sǔn rén bù lì jǐ f /to harm others without benefiting oneself (idiom)/ 損人利己 损人利己 T - 29 sǔn rén lì jǐ f /harming others for one's personal benefit (idiom); personal gain to the detriment of others/ 損傷 损伤 T - 1251 sǔn shāng f /to harm/to damage/to injure/impairment/loss/disability/ 損公肥私 损公肥私 T - 6 sǔn gōng féi sī f /to damage the public interest for personal profit (idiom); personal profit at public expense/venal and selfish behavior/ 損友 损友 T - 3 sǔn yǒu f /bad friend/ 損壞 损坏 T 3312 587 sǔn huài f /to damage/to injure/ 損失 损失 T 1588 3510 sǔn shī f /loss/damage/CL:個|个[ge4]/to lose/to suffer damage/ 損害 损害 T - 1957 sǔn hài f /harm/to damage/to impair/ 損毀 损毁 T - 103 sǔn huǐ f /to cause damage to/to ruin/to destroy/ 損益 损益 T - 121 sǔn yì f /profit and loss/increase and decrease/ 損益表 损益表 T - 5 sǔn yì biǎo f /income statement (US)/profit and loss account (UK)/ 損稅 损税 T - 0 sǔn shuì f /crippling taxation/ 損耗 损耗 T - 440 sǔn hào f /wear and tear/ 損耗品 损耗品 T - 0 sǔn hào pǐn f /consumables/ 損贈 损赠 T - 0 sǔn zèng f /to donate/donation/ 搎 - 0 sūn f /to rub with the hand/to stroke/ 搏 - 463 bó f /to fight/to combat/to seize/(of heart) to beat/ 搏击 搏擊 S - 115 bó jī f /to fight, esp. with hands/wrestling (as a sport)/to wrestle/to wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc)/to capture prey/ 搏动 搏動 S - 63 bó dòng f /to beat rhythmically/to throb/to pulsate/ 搏動 搏动 T - 63 bó dòng f /to beat rhythmically/to throb/to pulsate/ 搏战 搏戰 S - 3 bó zhàn f /to fight/to struggle/to wage war/ 搏戰 搏战 T - 3 bó zhàn f /to fight/to struggle/to wage war/ 搏擊 搏击 T - 115 bó jī f /to fight, esp. with hands/wrestling (as a sport)/to wrestle/to wrestle (against fate, with a problem etc)/to capture prey/ 搏斗 搏鬥 S 3579 672 bó dòu f /to wrestle/to fight/to struggle/ 搏杀 搏殺 S - 65 bó shā f /fighting/killing/ 搏殺 搏杀 T - 65 bó shā f /fighting/killing/ 搏髀 - 0 bó bì f /to beat time by slapping one's thighs/ 搏鬥 搏斗 T 3579 672 bó dòu f /to wrestle/to fight/to struggle/ 搐 - 14 chù f /lead/pull/ 搒 榜 S - 1888 bàng t /to row/oar/Taiwan pr. [beng4]/ 搒 榜 S - 1888 pèng f /to whip/Taiwan pr. [beng4]/ 搓 4180 645 cuō f /to rub or roll between the hands or fingers/to twist/ 搓揉 - 3 cuō róu f /to knead/to rub/ 搓板 - 4 cuō bǎn f /washboard/(slang) flat-chested (woman)/ 搓洗 - 28 cuō xǐ f /to rub clean (garments)/to scrub/ 搓麻将 搓麻將 S - 0 cuō má jiàng f /to play mahjong/ 搓麻將 搓麻将 T - 0 cuō má jiàng f /to play mahjong/ 搔 - 323 sāo f /to scratch/old variant of 騷|骚[sao1]/ 搔扰 搔擾 S - 3 sāo rǎo f /to disturb/to harass/ 搔擾 搔扰 T - 3 sāo rǎo f /to disturb/to harass/ 搔痒 搔癢 S - 39 sāo yǎng f /to scratch (an itch)/to tickle/ 搔癢 搔痒 T - 39 sāo yǎng f /to scratch (an itch)/to tickle/ 搔首弄姿 - 16 sāo shǒu nòng zī f /to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)/ 搕 - 2 kè f /to strike/to take in the hand/ 搖 摇 T 1748 2706 Yáo f /surname Yao/ 搖 摇 T 1748 2706 yáo f /to shake/to rock/to row/to crank/ 搖光 摇光 T - 0 yáo guāng f /eta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ 搖動 摇动 T - 224 yáo dòng f /to shake/to sway/ 搖勻 摇匀 T - 3 yáo yún f /to mix by shaking/ 搖戰 摇战 T - 0 yáo zhàn f /(literary) to shake with fear/ 搖手 摇手 T - 268 yáo shǒu f /to wave the hand (to say goodbye, or in a negative gesture)/crank handle/ 搖搖擺擺 摇摇摆摆 T - 67 yáo yáo bǎi bǎi f /swaggering/staggering/waddling/ 搖搖欲墜 摇摇欲坠 T - 108 yáo yáo yù zhuì f /tottering/on the verge of collapse/ 搖撼 摇撼 T - 41 yáo hàn f /to shake/to rock/ 搖擺 摇摆 T 3281 157 yáo bǎi f /to sway/to wobble/to waver/ 搖擺不定 摇摆不定 T - 31 yáo bǎi bù dìng f /indecisive/wavering/ 搖擺州 摇摆州 T - 0 yáo bǎi zhōu f /swing state (US politics)/ 搖擺舞 摇摆舞 T - 2 yáo bǎi wǔ f /swing (dance)/ 搖旗吶喊 摇旗呐喊 T - 39 yáo qí nà hǎn f /to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on/to give support to/ 搖晃 摇晃 T - 645 yáo huàng f /to rock/to shake/to sway/ 搖曳 摇曳 T - 170 yáo yè f /to sway gently (as in the wind)/(of a flame) to flicker/ 搖曳多姿 摇曳多姿 T - 9 yáo yè duō zī f /swaying gently/moving elegantly/ 搖桿 摇杆 T - 2 yáo gǎn f /joystick/ 搖椅 摇椅 T - 4 yáo yǐ f /rocking chair/ 搖櫓 摇橹 T - 3 yáo lǔ f /to scull (with a single oar, usually mounted on the stern of the boat)/ 搖櫓船 摇橹船 T - 0 yáo lǔ chuán f /boat propelled by a yuloh (a single sculling oar)/ 搖滾 摇滚 T 2646 126 yáo gǔn f /rock 'n' roll (music)/to rock/to fall off/ 搖滾樂 摇滚乐 T - 70 yáo gǔn yuè f /rock music/rock 'n roll/ 搖獎 摇奖 T - 14 yáo jiǎng f /to draw the winning ticket (in a lottery)/ 搖籃 摇篮 T - 225 yáo lán f /cradle/ 搖籃曲 摇篮曲 T - 11 yáo lán qǔ f /lullaby/ 搖船 摇船 T - 20 yáo chuán f /to scull/to row a boat/ 搖號 摇号 T - 0 yáo hào f /lottery/ 搖身 摇身 T - 3 yáo shēn f /lit. to shake one's body/refers to abrupt transformation/same as 搖身一變|摇身一变/ 搖身一變 摇身一变 T - 138 yáo shēn yī biàn f /to change shape in a single shake/fig. to take on a new lease of life/ 搖錢樹 摇钱树 T - 52 yáo qián shù f /a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken/a source of easy money (idiom)/ 搖電話 摇电话 T - 0 yáo diàn huà f /(old) to make a phone call/ 搖頭 摇头 T - 2864 yáo tóu f /to shake one's head/ 搖頭丸 摇头丸 T - 3 yáo tóu wán f /Ecstasy/MDMA/ 搖頭擺尾 摇头摆尾 T - 22 yáo tóu bǎi wěi f /to nod one's head and wag one's tail (idiom)/to be well pleased with oneself/to have a lighthearted air/ 搗 捣 T - 1222 dǎo f /pound/beat/hull/attack/disturb/stir/ 搗亂 捣乱 T 3196 279 dǎo luàn f /to disturb/to look for trouble/to stir up a row/to bother sb intentionally/ 搗實 捣实 T - 0 dǎo shí f /to ram (earth)/to compact earth by ramming/ 搗弄 捣弄 T - 0 dǎo nòng f /to move back and forward/to trade/ 搗毀 捣毁 T - 263 dǎo huǐ f /to destroy/to smash/sabotage/ 搗爛 捣烂 T - 3 dǎo làn f /to mash/to beat to a pulp/ 搗碎 捣碎 T - 33 dǎo suì f /to pound into pieces/to mash/ 搗蛋 捣蛋 T - 77 dǎo dàn f /to cause trouble/to stir up trouble/ 搗蛋鬼 捣蛋鬼 T - 5 dǎo dàn guǐ f /troublemaker/ 搗衣 捣衣 T - 4 dǎo yī f /to launder clothes by pounding/ 搗賣 捣卖 T - 0 dǎo mài f /to resell at a profit/ 搗騰 捣腾 T - 16 dǎo téng f /to buy and sell/peddling/ 搗騰 捣腾 T - 16 dǎo teng t /to turn over sth repeatedly/ 搗鬼 捣鬼 T - 117 dǎo guǐ f /to play tricks/to cause mischief/ 搗鼓 捣鼓 T - 19 dǎo gu f /to fiddle with sth/to trade with sth/ 搘 - 0 zhī f /prop up/ 搛 - 18 jiān f /to pick up with chopsticks/ 搜 - 2131 sōu f /to search/ 搜刮 - 158 sōu guā f /to rake in (money)/to plunder/to milk people dry/ 搜寻 搜尋 S - 334 sōu xún f /to search/to look for/ 搜寻引擎 搜尋引擎 S - 0 sōu xún yǐn qíng f /Internet search engine/also written 搜索引擎/ 搜寻软体 搜尋軟體 S - 0 sōu xún ruǎn tǐ f /search software/ 搜尋 搜寻 T - 334 sōu xún f /to search/to look for/ 搜尋引擎 搜寻引擎 T - 0 sōu xún yǐn qíng f /Internet search engine/also written 搜索引擎/ 搜尋軟體 搜寻软体 T - 0 sōu xún ruǎn tǐ f /search software/ 搜括 - 44 sōu kuò f /see 搜刮[sou1 gua1]/ 搜捕 - 356 sōu bǔ f /to hunt and arrest (fugitives)/to track down and arrest/a manhunt/ 搜救 - 48 sōu jiù f /search and rescue/ 搜救犬 - 0 sōu jiù quǎn f /search and rescue dog/ 搜查 - 361 sōu chá f /to search/ 搜查令 - 0 sōu chá lìng f /search warrant/ 搜检 搜檢 S - 41 sōu jiǎn f /to search out/to check/ 搜檢 搜检 T - 41 sōu jiǎn f /to search out/to check/ 搜求 - 38 sōu qiú f /to seek/to look for/ 搜狐 - 4777 Sōu hú f /Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company/ 搜狐網 搜狐网 T - 3 Sōu hú Wǎng f /Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company/ 搜狐网 搜狐網 S - 3 Sōu hú Wǎng f /Sohu, Chinese web portal and online media company/ 搜狗 - 1044 Sōu gǒu f /Sougou (searching dog) search engine, www.sogou.com/ 搜獲 搜获 T - 0 sōu huò f /to find/to capture (after search)/to uncover (evidence)/ 搜神記 搜神记 T - 0 Sōu shén Jì f /In Search of the Supernatural, compilation of legends about spirits, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, written and compiled by 干寶|干宝[Gan1 Bao3] in Jin dynasty/ 搜神记 搜神記 S - 0 Sōu shén Jì f /In Search of the Supernatural, compilation of legends about spirits, ghosts and other supernatural phenomena, written and compiled by 干寶|干宝[Gan1 Bao3] in Jin dynasty/ 搜索 1615 2369 sōu suǒ f /to search (a place)/to search (a database etc)/ 搜索引擎 - 204 sōu suǒ yǐn qíng f /Internet search engine/ 搜索枯肠 搜索枯腸 S - 4 sōu suǒ kū cháng f /to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc) (idiom)/ 搜索枯腸 搜索枯肠 T - 4 sōu suǒ kū cháng f /to rack one's brains (for apt wording etc) (idiom)/ 搜索票 - 0 sōu suǒ piào f /search warrant (Tw)/ 搜罗 搜羅 S - 115 sōu luó f /to gather/to collect/to bring together/ 搜羅 搜罗 T - 115 sōu luó f /to gather/to collect/to bring together/ 搜肠刮肚 搜腸刮肚 S - 18 sōu cháng guā dù f /to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks one's brains for a solution/ 搜腸刮肚 搜肠刮肚 T - 18 sōu cháng guā dù f /to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks one's brains for a solution/ 搜获 搜獲 S - 0 sōu huò f /to find/to capture (after search)/to uncover (evidence)/ 搜證 搜证 T - 0 sōu zhèng f /search warrant/to look for evidence/ 搜证 搜證 S - 0 sōu zhèng f /search warrant/to look for evidence/ 搜身 - 21 sōu shēn f /to do a body search/to frisk/ 搜集 - 692 sōu jí f /to gather/to collect/ 搞 1205 8414 gǎo f /to do/to make/to go in for/to set up/to get hold of/to take care of/ 搞不好 - 3 gǎo bu hǎo f /(coll.) maybe/perhaps/ 搞不懂 - 3 gǎo bu dǒng f /unable to make sense of (sth)/ 搞乌龙 搞烏龍 S - 0 gǎo wū lóng f /to mess something up/see also 烏龍球|乌龙球[wu1 long2 qiu2]/ 搞乱 搞亂 S - 70 gǎo luàn f /to mess up/to mismanage/to bungle/to confuse/to muddle/ 搞亂 搞乱 T - 70 gǎo luàn f /to mess up/to mismanage/to bungle/to confuse/to muddle/ 搞基 - 0 gǎo jī f /(slang) to engage in male homosexual practices/ 搞好 - 751 gǎo hǎo f /to do well at/to do a good job/ 搞定 - 162 gǎo dìng f /to fix/to settle/to wangle/ 搞怪 - 3 gǎo guài f /to do sth wacky/wacky/wacky behavior/ 搞毛 - 0 gǎo máo f /(dialect) what are you doing?/what the hell?/ 搞活 - 135 gǎo huó f /to enliven/to invigorate/to revitalize/ 搞混 - 3 gǎo hùn f /to confuse/to muddle/to mix up/ 搞烏龍 搞乌龙 T - 0 gǎo wū lóng f /to mess something up/see also 烏龍球|乌龙球[wu1 long2 qiu2]/ 搞砸 - 3 gǎo zá f /to mess (sth) up/to foul up/to spoil/ 搞笑 - 1152 gǎo xiào f /funny/hilarious/ 搞笑片 - 3 gǎo xiào piàn f /comedy film/comedy/CL:部[bu4]/ 搞花样 搞花樣 S - 0 gǎo huā yàng f /to play tricks/to cheat/to deceive/ 搞花样儿 搞花樣兒 S - 0 gǎo huā yàng r f /erhua variant of 搞花樣|搞花样[gao3 hua1 yang4]/ 搞花樣 搞花样 T - 0 gǎo huā yàng f /to play tricks/to cheat/to deceive/ 搞花樣兒 搞花样儿 T - 0 gǎo huā yàng r f /erhua variant of 搞花樣|搞花样[gao3 hua1 yang4]/ 搞通 - 3 gǎo tōng f /to make sense of sth/ 搞錢 搞钱 T - 3 gǎo qián f /to get money/to accumulate money/ 搞錯 搞错 T - 3 gǎo cuò f /mistake/to make a mistake/to blunder/mistaken/ 搞钱 搞錢 S - 3 gǎo qián f /to get money/to accumulate money/ 搞错 搞錯 S - 3 gǎo cuò f /mistake/to make a mistake/to blunder/mistaken/ 搞鬼 - 15 gǎo guǐ f /to make mischief/to play tricks in secret/ 搠 - 231 shuò f /daub/thrust/ 搡 - 65 sǎng f /push back/push over/ 搢 - 0 jìn f /shake/stick into/strike/ 搣 - 3 miè f /to peel/to pull out/to peel/to tear/to pinch/ 搤 扼 T - 249 è f /variant of 扼[e4]/ 搥 捶 T - 550 chuí f /variant of 捶[chui2]/ 搦 - 137 nuò f /(literary) to hold (in the hand)/to challenge/to provoke/ 搦战 搦戰 S - 0 nuò zhàn f /to challenge to battle/ 搦戰 搦战 T - 0 nuò zhàn f /to challenge to battle/ 搧 - 111 shān f /variant of 扇[shan1]/ 搨 - 6 tà f /to make a rubbing/ 搪 - 49 táng f /to keep out/to hold off/to ward off/to evade/to spread/to coat/to smear/to daub/ 搪塞 - 100 táng sè f /to muddle through/to fob somebody off/to beat around the bush/to dodge/ 搪瓷 - 104 táng cí f /enamel/ 搪突 - 0 táng tū f /variant of 唐突[tang2 tu1]/ 搬 441 2869 bān f /to move (i.e. relocate oneself)/to move (sth relatively heavy or bulky)/to shift/to copy indiscriminately/ 搬兵 - 11 bān bīng f /to call for reinforcements/to bring in troops/ 搬出去 - 3 bān chū qù f /to move out (vacate)/to shift sth out/ 搬动 搬動 S - 55 bān dòng f /to move (sth around)/to move house/ 搬動 搬动 T - 55 bān dòng f /to move (sth around)/to move house/ 搬口 - 0 bān kǒu f /to pass on stories (idiom); to sow dissension/to blab/to tell tales/ 搬唆 - 0 bān suō f /to stir up trouble/ 搬唇递舌 搬唇遞舌 S - 3 bān chún dì shé f /to pass on stories (idiom); to sow dissension/to blab/to tell tales/ 搬唇遞舌 搬唇递舌 T - 3 bān chún dì shé f /to pass on stories (idiom); to sow dissension/to blab/to tell tales/ 搬场 搬場 S - 0 bān chǎng f /to move (house)/to relocate/removal/ 搬場 搬场 T - 0 bān chǎng f /to move (house)/to relocate/removal/ 搬家 - 242 bān jiā f /to move house/removal/ 搬弄 - 15 bān nòng f /to fiddle with/to play and move sth about/to show off (what one can do)/to parade (one's capabilities)/to cause trouble/ 搬弄是非 - 18 bān nòng shì fēi f /to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make mischief/ 搬指 - 0 bān zhǐ f /variant of 扳指[ban1 zhi3]/ 搬楦头 搬楦頭 S - 0 bān xuàn tou f /lit. to move the shoes on the shoe tree (idiom)/fig. to expose shameful secrets (old)/ 搬楦頭 搬楦头 T - 0 bān xuàn tou f /lit. to move the shoes on the shoe tree (idiom)/fig. to expose shameful secrets (old)/ 搬用 - 3 bān yòng f /to apply mechanically/to copy and use/ 搬石头砸自己的脚 搬石頭砸自己的腳 S - 0 bān shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo f /to move a stone and stub one's toe/to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)/ 搬石頭砸自己的腳 搬石头砸自己的脚 T - 0 bān shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo f /to move a stone and stub one's toe/to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)/ 搬砖砸脚 搬磚砸腳 S - 3 bān zhuān zá jiǎo f /to hurt oneself by one's own doing/to boomerang/to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)/ 搬磚砸腳 搬砖砸脚 T - 3 bān zhuān zá jiǎo f /to hurt oneself by one's own doing/to boomerang/to shoot oneself in the foot (idiom)/ 搬移 - 14 bān yí f /to move (house)/to relocate/removals/ 搬請 搬请 T - 0 bān qǐng f /to request/to call for/ 搬请 搬請 S - 0 bān qǐng f /to request/to call for/ 搬走 - 115 bān zǒu f /to carry/ 搬起石头砸自己的脚 搬起石頭砸自己的腳 S - 0 bān qǐ shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo f /to crush one's own foot while trying to maneuver a rock (to a cliff edge, to drop on one's enemy) (idiom)/hoisted by one's own petard/ 搬起石頭砸自己的腳 搬起石头砸自己的脚 T - 0 bān qǐ shí tou zá zì jǐ de jiǎo f /to crush one's own foot while trying to maneuver a rock (to a cliff edge, to drop on one's enemy) (idiom)/hoisted by one's own petard/ 搬迁 搬遷 S - 275 bān qiān f /to move/to relocate/removal/ 搬迁户 搬遷戶 S - 7 bān qiān hù f /relocated household/unit that has moved/ 搬运 搬運 S - 375 bān yùn f /freight/transport/portage/to transport/to carry/ 搬运工 搬運工 S - 36 bān yùn gōng f /a porter/ 搬運 搬运 T - 375 bān yùn f /freight/transport/portage/to transport/to carry/ 搬運工 搬运工 T - 36 bān yùn gōng f /a porter/ 搬遷 搬迁 T - 275 bān qiān f /to move/to relocate/removal/ 搬遷戶 搬迁户 T - 7 bān qiān hù f /relocated household/unit that has moved/ 搬鋪 搬铺 T - 0 bān pù f /to arrange (for the dying)/ 搬铺 搬鋪 S - 0 bān pù f /to arrange (for the dying)/ 搭 2561 3107 dā f /to put up/to build (scaffolding)/to hang (clothes on a pole)/to connect/to join/to arrange in pairs/to match/to add/to throw in (resources)/to take (boat, train)/variant of 褡[da1]/ 搭乘 - 149 dā chéng f /to ride as a passenger/to travel by (car, plane etc)/ 搭伙 - 24 dā huǒ f /to join up with sb/to become partner/to take meals regularly in cafeteria/ 搭伴 - 12 dā bàn f /travel with another/accompany another/ 搭便 - 3 dā biàn f /at one's convenience/in passing/ 搭便車 搭便车 T - 6 dā biàn chē f /to hitch a ride/ 搭便车 搭便車 S - 6 dā biàn chē f /to hitch a ride/ 搭咕 - 0 dā gū f /to connect/to discuss/ 搭嘴 - 0 dā zuǐ f /to answer/ 搭坐 - 0 dā zuò f /to travel by/to ride on/ 搭帮 搭幫 S - 3 dā bāng f /to travel together/thanks to/ 搭幫 搭帮 T - 3 dā bāng f /to travel together/thanks to/ 搭建 - 207 dā jiàn f /to build (esp. with simple materials)/to knock together (a temporary shed)/to rig up/ 搭当 搭當 S - 0 dā dàng f /variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4]/ 搭扣 - 3 dā kòu f /a buckle or fastener for clothing that does not use a button and buttonhole (e.g. the buckle on metal wristwatches)/ 搭把手 - 0 dā bǎ shǒu f /to help out/ 搭把手儿 搭把手兒 S - 0 dā bǎ shǒu r f /erhua variant of 搭把手[da1 ba3 shou3]/ 搭把手兒 搭把手儿 T - 0 dā bǎ shǒu r f /erhua variant of 搭把手[da1 ba3 shou3]/ 搭拉 - 3 dā la f /variant of 耷拉[da1 la5]/ 搭挡 搭擋 S - 0 dā dàng f /variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4]/ 搭接 - 12 dā jiē f /to join/to connect up/ 搭接片 - 0 dā jiē piàn f /buckle/connector/overlapping joint/ 搭擋 搭挡 T - 0 dā dàng f /variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4]/ 搭救 - 187 dā jiù f /to rescue/ 搭架子 - 3 dā jià zi f /to put up scaffolding/to build a framework/to launch an enterprise/ 搭桌 - 0 dā zhuō f /charity performance (theater in former times)/ 搭档 搭檔 S 2562 144 dā dàng f /to cooperate/partner/ 搭檔 搭档 T 2562 144 dā dàng f /to cooperate/partner/ 搭理 - 139 dā li f /variant of 答理[da1 li5]/ 搭界 - 18 dā jiè f /an interface/to relate with/to affiliate/ 搭當 搭当 T - 0 dā dàng f /variant of 搭檔|搭档[da1 dang4]/ 搭白 - 0 dā bái f /to answer/ 搭盖 搭蓋 S - 18 dā gài f /to build (esp. with simple materials)/to knock together (a temporary shed)/to rig up/ 搭縫 搭缝 T - 0 dā fèng f /overlaid seam/ 搭缝 搭縫 S - 0 dā fèng f /overlaid seam/ 搭肩 - 0 dā jiān f /to help lift up onto one's shoulders/to stand on sb's shoulder/ 搭背 - 0 dā bèi f /harness pad (on draught animal)/ 搭脚手架 搭腳手架 S - 0 dā jiǎo shǒu jià f /to put up scaffolding/ 搭腔 - 50 dā qiāng f /to answer/to respond/to converse/ 搭腰 - 3 dā yāo f /harness pad (on draught animal)/ 搭腳手架 搭脚手架 T - 0 dā jiǎo shǒu jià f /to put up scaffolding/ 搭膊 - 0 dā bó f /shoulder bag/ 搭茬 - 0 dā chá f /to respond/ 搭茬儿 搭茬兒 S - 3 dā chá r f /erhua variant of 搭茬[da1 cha2]/ 搭茬兒 搭茬儿 T - 3 dā chá r f /erhua variant of 搭茬[da1 cha2]/ 搭蓋 搭盖 T - 18 dā gài f /to build (esp. with simple materials)/to knock together (a temporary shed)/to rig up/ 搭街坊 - 3 dā jiē fang f /to become neighbors/ 搭补 搭補 S - 3 dā bǔ f /to subsidize/to make up (deficit)/ 搭補 搭补 T - 3 dā bǔ f /to subsidize/to make up (deficit)/ 搭裢 搭褳 S - 3 dā lian f /variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5]/ 搭褳 搭裢 T - 3 dā lian f /variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5]/ 搭訕 搭讪 T - 106 dā shàn f /to hit on someone/to strike up a conversation/to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation/ 搭話 搭话 T - 61 dā huà f /to talk/to get into conversation with/to send word/ 搭調 搭调 T - 8 dā diào f /to match/in tune/reasonable/ 搭讪 搭訕 S - 106 dā shàn f /to hit on someone/to strike up a conversation/to start talking to end an awkward silence or embarrassing situation/ 搭话 搭話 S - 61 dā huà f /to talk/to get into conversation with/to send word/ 搭调 搭調 S - 8 dā diào f /to match/in tune/reasonable/ 搭赸 - 0 dā shàn f /variant of 搭訕|搭讪[da1 shan4]/ 搭車 搭车 T - 24 dā chē f /to ride (in a vehicle)/to get a lift/to hitch-hike/ 搭載 搭载 T - 235 dā zài f /to transport (people, a payload etc)/ 搭輕鐵 搭轻铁 T - 0 dā qīng tiě f /Hong Kong LRT/ 搭车 搭車 S - 24 dā chē f /to ride (in a vehicle)/to get a lift/to hitch-hike/ 搭轻铁 搭輕鐵 S - 0 dā qīng tiě f /Hong Kong LRT/ 搭载 搭載 S - 235 dā zài f /to transport (people, a payload etc)/ 搭连 搭連 S - 0 dā lián t /to bridge over/colligation (linguistics)/ 搭连 搭連 S - 0 dā lian f /variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5]/ 搭連 搭连 T - 0 dā lián t /to bridge over/colligation (linguistics)/ 搭連 搭连 T - 0 dā lian f /variant of 褡褳|褡裢[da1 lian5]/ 搭配 3472 560 dā pèi f /to pair up/to match/to arrange in pairs/to add sth into a group/ 搭鉤 搭钩 T - 5 dā gōu f /a hook/to make contact with sb/ 搭钩 搭鉤 S - 5 dā gōu f /a hook/to make contact with sb/ 搯 掏 T 3249 845 tāo f /variant of 掏[tao1]/ 搰 - 14 hú f /to dig/to mix/ 搲 - 6 wā t /to clutch/to grab/to capture/ 搲 - 6 wǎ f /to crawl/to climb/scoop up/ 搲 - 6 wà f /to pull/to drag/ 搳 - 3 huá f /see 搳拳[hua2 quan2]/ 搳拳 - 0 huá quán f /variant of 划拳[hua2 quan2]/ 搴 - 727 qiān f /to seize/to pull/to hold up the hem of clothes/ 搴旗 - 0 qiān qí f /to pull and capture the enemy's flag/ 搵 揾 T - 6 wěn f /to look for (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 找[zhao3]/ 搵 揾 T - 6 wèn t /(literary) to wipe away (tears)/to press with one's fingers/to soak/ 搵錢 揾钱 T - 3 wèn qián f /(dialect) to make money/ 搵食 揾食 T - 0 wèn shí f /to earn one's living (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 謀生|谋生[mou2 sheng1]/ 搶 抢 T 1383 5785 qiāng f /see 搶風|抢风[qiang1 feng1]/ 搶 抢 T 1383 5785 qiǎng t /to fight over/to rush/to scramble/to grab/to rob/to snatch/ 搶佔 抢占 T - 254 qiǎng zhàn f /to seize (the strategic high ground)/ 搶修 抢修 T - 133 qiǎng xiū f /to repair in a rush/rush repairs/ 搶先 抢先 T - 417 qiǎng xiān f /to rush (to do sth urgent)/to try to be the first/to forestall/ 搶劫 抢劫 T 2587 488 qiǎng jié f /to rob/looting/ 搶劫案 抢劫案 T - 7 qiǎng jié àn f /robbery/holdup/ 搶劫罪 抢劫罪 T - 7 qiāng jié zuì f /robbery/ 搶奪 抢夺 T - 325 qiǎng duó f /to plunder/to pillage/to forcibly take/ 搶婚 抢婚 T - 15 qiǎng hūn f /marriage by capture/bride kidnapping/ 搶手 抢手 T - 57 qiǎng shǒu f /(of goods) popular/in great demand/ 搶手貨 抢手货 T - 34 qiǎng shǒu huò f /a best-seller/a hot property/ 搶掠 抢掠 T - 103 qiǎng lüè f /to loot/looting/ 搶救 抢救 T 3717 851 qiǎng jiù f /to rescue/ 搶灘 抢滩 T - 49 qiǎng tān f /to make an amphibious assault/to seize a beachhead/to gain a foothold in (a new market)/ 搶生意 抢生意 T - 13 qiǎng shēng yi f /to undercut competitors/to hustle/to compete for business/ 搶白 抢白 T - 74 qiǎng bái f /to rebuke/to reprimand/ 搶眼 抢眼 T - 80 qiǎng yǎn f /eye-catching/ 搶答 抢答 T - 11 qiǎng dá f /to compete to be the first to answer a question (as on a quiz show)/ 搶答器 抢答器 T - 3 qiǎng dá qì f /lockout buzzer system (as used by game show contestants)/ 搶親 抢亲 T - 9 qiǎng qīn f /marriage by capture/bride kidnapping/ 搶購 抢购 T - 63 qiǎng gòu f /to buy frenetically/to snap up (bargains, dwindling supplies etc)/ 搶走 抢走 T - 179 qiǎng zǒu f /to snatch (esp related to a robbery)/ 搶跑 抢跑 T - 8 qiǎng pǎo f /to jump the gun/to make a false start/ 搶通 抢通 T - 0 qiǎng tōng f /to rush through urgently (e.g. emergency supplies)/ 搶鏡頭 抢镜头 T - 5 qiǎng jìng tóu f /to scoop the best camera shots/to grab the limelight/ 搶險 抢险 T - 233 qiǎng xiǎn f /emergency (measures)/to react to an emergency/ 搶險救災 抢险救灾 T - 3 qiǎng xiǎn jiù zāi f /to provide relief during times of emergency and disaster (idiom)/ 搶風 抢风 T - 0 qiāng fēng f /a headwind/a contrary wind/ 搶風航行 抢风航行 T - 0 qiāng fēng háng xíng f /to tack against the wind (sailing)/ 搶風頭 抢风头 T - 0 qiǎng fēng tóu f /to steal the show/to grab the limelight/ 搷 - 65 chēn f /to beat/to winnow/ 携 㩗 S - 1350 xié f /old variant of 攜|携[xie2]/ 携 㩦 S - 1350 xié f /old variant of 攜|携[xie2]/ 携 擕 S - 1350 xié f /old variant of 攜|携[xie2]/ 携 攜 S - 1350 xié f /to carry/to take along/to bring along/to hold (hands)/also pr. [xi1]/ 携家带口 攜家帶口 S - 8 xié jiā dài kǒu f /to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family/tied down by family obligations/ 携家带眷 攜家帶眷 S - 3 xié jiā dài juàn f /to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family/tied down by family obligations/ 携带 攜帶 S 3085 1920 xié dài f /to carry (on one's person)/to support (old)/Taiwan pr. [xi1 dai4]/ 携带者 攜帶者 S - 59 xié dài zhě f /carrier/ 携手 攜手 S - 421 xié shǒu f /hand in hand/to join hands/to collaborate/ 携手同行 攜手同行 S - 0 xié shǒu tóng xíng f /to walk hand in hand/to cooperate/ 携手并肩 攜手並肩 S - 11 xié shǒu bìng jiān f /hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder/ 携款 攜款 S - 3 xié kuǎn f /to take funds (esp. illegally or corruptly obtained)/ 携眷 攜眷 S - 3 xié juàn f /accompanied by one's dependents/encumbered by wife and children/ 携程旅行网 攜程旅行網 S - 0 Xié chéng Lǚ xíng Wǎng f /Ctrip.com, PRC travel agency/ 搽 - 148 chá f /to apply (ointment, powder)/to smear/to paint on/ 搾 榨 T - 371 zhà f /variant of 榨[zha4]/to press/to extract (juice)/ 搿 - 100 gé f /to hug/ 摀 - 0 wǔ f /variant of 捂[wu3]/to cover/ 摀住 捂住 T - 232 wǔ zhù f /to cover/to bury one's face/ 摀住臉 捂住脸 T - 0 wǔ zhù liǎn f /to cover the face/to bury one's face in one's hands/ 摁 - 99 èn f /to press (with finger)/ 摁扣儿 摁釦兒 S - 3 èn kòu r f /a popper/a snap fastener/ 摁釘兒 摁钉儿 T - 3 èn dīng r f /thumbtack/ 摁釦兒 摁扣儿 T - 3 èn kòu r f /a popper/a snap fastener/ 摁钉儿 摁釘兒 S - 3 èn dīng r f /thumbtack/ 摂 - 0 shè f /Japanese variant of 攝|摄/ 摃 扛 T 3658 857 gāng f /old variant of 扛[gang1]/ 摄 攝 S - 1615 shè f /to take in/to absorb/to assimilate/to act for/to take a photo/photo shoot/photo/to conserve (one's health)/ 摄像 攝像 S - 102 shè xiàng f /to videotape/ 摄像头 攝像頭 S - 53 shè xiàng tóu f /webcam/surveillance camera/ 摄像机 攝像機 S - 249 shè xiàng jī f /video camera/CL:部[bu4]/ 摄入 攝入 S - 365 shè rù f /to take in/to absorb/to consume/intake/consumption/ 摄入量 攝入量 S - 103 shè rù liàng f /intake (quantity)/ 摄制 攝製 S - 179 shè zhì f /to produce (a TV show etc)/ 摄取 攝取 S - 233 shè qǔ f /to absorb (nutrients etc)/to assimilate/intake/to take a photograph of (a scene)/ 摄影 攝影 S 1861 1279 shè yǐng f /to take a photograph/photography/to shoot (a movie)/ 摄影家 攝影家 S - 67 shè yǐng jiā f /photographer/ 摄影师 攝影師 S - 106 shè yǐng shī f /photographer/cameraman/ 摄影术 攝影術 S - 3 shè yǐng shù f /photography/ 摄影机 攝影機 S - 78 shè yǐng jī f /camera/movie camera/ 摄影棚 攝影棚 S - 16 shè yǐng péng f /film studio/television studio/ 摄影记者 攝影記者 S - 3 shè yǐng jì zhě f /photojournalist/ 摄护腺 攝護腺 S - 3 shè hù xiàn f /prostate/also written 前列腺/ 摄护腺肿大 攝護腺腫大 S - 0 shè hù xiàn zhǒng dà f /benign prostate hypertrophy/enlargement of prostate/ 摄政 攝政 S - 215 shè zhèng f /to act as regent/ 摄政王 攝政王 S - 489 shè zhèng wáng f /regent/ 摄氏 攝氏 S - 286 Shè shì f /Celsius/centigrade/ 摄氏度 攝氏度 S 4496 301 shè shì dù f /degrees centigrade/ 摄食 攝食 S - 114 shè shí f /to consume/ 摅 攄 S - 4 shū f /set forth/to spread/ 摆 擺 S 1451 4413 bǎi f /to arrange/to exhibit/to move to and fro/a pendulum/ 摆乌龙 擺烏龍 S - 3 bǎi wū lóng f /to mess something up/to screw up/ 摆了一道 擺了一道 S - 0 bǎi le yī dào f /to play tricks on/to make a fool of/ 摆事实讲道理 擺事實講道理 S - 0 bǎi shì shí jiǎng dào lǐ f /present the facts and reason things out/ 摆出 擺出 S - 3 bǎi chū f /to assume/to adopt (a look, pose, manner etc)/to bring out for display/ 摆动 擺動 S - 424 bǎi dòng f /to sway/to swing/to move back and forth/to oscillate/ 摆卖 擺賣 S - 3 bǎi mài f /hawking/street vending/ 摆地摊 擺地攤 S - 17 bǎi dì tān f /lit. to set up a stall on the ground/fig. to start up a new business/ 摆子 擺子 S - 3 bǎi zǐ f /malaria/ 摆布 擺布 S - 234 bǎi bù f /to arrange/to order about/to manipulate/ 摆平 擺平 S - 60 bǎi píng f /to be fair/to be impartial/to settle (a matter etc)/ 摆弄 擺弄 S - 124 bǎi nòng f /to move back and forth/to fiddle with/ 摆手 擺手 S - 614 bǎi shǒu f /to wave one's hand/to gesture with one's hand (beckoning, waving good-bye etc)/to swing one's arms/ 摆摊 擺攤 S - 57 bǎi tān f /to set up a vendor's stall in the street/ 摆摊子 擺攤子 S - 12 bǎi tān zi f /to set up a stall/to maintain a large staff and organization/ 摆放 擺放 S - 261 bǎi fàng f /to set up/to arrange/to lay out/ 摆明 擺明 S - 52 bǎi míng f /to show clearly/ 摆晃 擺晃 S - 0 bǎi huàng f /to swing/to sway/ 摆架子 擺架子 S - 8 bǎi jià zi f /to put on airs/to assume great airs/ 摆样子 擺樣子 S - 8 bǎi yàng zi f /to do sth for show/to keep up appearances/ 摆渡 擺渡 S - 80 bǎi dù f /ferry/ 摆满 擺滿 S - 3 bǎi mǎn f /to spread over an area/ 摆线 擺線 S - 3 bǎi xiàn f /cycloid/ 摆脱 擺脫 S 2655 1889 bǎi tuō f /to break away from/to cast off (old ideas etc)/to get rid of/to break away (from)/to break out (of)/to free oneself from/to extricate oneself/ 摆脱危机 擺脫危機 S - 0 bǎi tuō wēi jī f /to break out of a crisis/ 摆花架子 擺花架子 S - 0 bǎi huā jià zi f /lit. to arrange a shelf of flowers/superficial display (idiom)/ 摆荡 擺蕩 S - 5 bǎi dàng f /to swing/to sway/ 摆设 擺設 S - 213 bǎi shè f /to arrange/to set out/to decorate/to display/decorative items/ 摆设儿 擺設兒 S - 0 bǎi she r f /decorative items/ornaments/ 摆谱 擺譜 S - 15 bǎi pǔ f /to put on airs/to be ostentatious/ 摆谱儿 擺譜兒 S - 3 bǎi pǔ r f /erhua variant of 擺譜|摆谱[bai3 pu3]/ 摆轮 擺輪 S - 8 bǎi lún f /balance (of a watch or clock)/balance wheel/ 摆造型 擺造型 S - 0 bǎi zào xíng f /to pose (for a picture)/ 摆钟 擺鐘 S - 19 bǎi zhōng f /pendulum clock/ 摆门面 擺門面 S - 3 bǎi mén miàn f /to keep up appearances/to put up a front/ 摆阔 擺闊 S - 20 bǎi kuò f /to parade one's wealth/to be ostentatious and extravagant/ 摆龙门阵 擺龍門陣 S - 10 bǎi lóng mén zhèn f /chat/gossip/spin a yarn/ 摇 搖 S 1748 2706 Yáo f /surname Yao/ 摇 搖 S 1748 2706 yáo f /to shake/to rock/to row/to crank/ 摇光 搖光 S - 0 yáo guāng f /eta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/ 摇动 搖動 S - 224 yáo dòng f /to shake/to sway/ 摇匀 搖勻 S - 3 yáo yún f /to mix by shaking/ 摇号 搖號 S - 0 yáo hào f /lottery/ 摇头 搖頭 S - 2864 yáo tóu f /to shake one's head/ 摇头丸 搖頭丸 S - 3 yáo tóu wán f /Ecstasy/MDMA/ 摇头摆尾 搖頭擺尾 S - 22 yáo tóu bǎi wěi f /to nod one's head and wag one's tail (idiom)/to be well pleased with oneself/to have a lighthearted air/ 摇奖 搖獎 S - 14 yáo jiǎng f /to draw the winning ticket (in a lottery)/ 摇战 搖戰 S - 0 yáo zhàn f /(literary) to shake with fear/ 摇手 搖手 S - 268 yáo shǒu f /to wave the hand (to say goodbye, or in a negative gesture)/crank handle/ 摇摆 搖擺 S 3281 157 yáo bǎi f /to sway/to wobble/to waver/ 摇摆不定 搖擺不定 S - 31 yáo bǎi bù dìng f /indecisive/wavering/ 摇摆州 搖擺州 S - 0 yáo bǎi zhōu f /swing state (US politics)/ 摇摆舞 搖擺舞 S - 2 yáo bǎi wǔ f /swing (dance)/ 摇摇摆摆 搖搖擺擺 S - 67 yáo yáo bǎi bǎi f /swaggering/staggering/waddling/ 摇摇欲坠 搖搖欲墜 S - 108 yáo yáo yù zhuì f /tottering/on the verge of collapse/ 摇撼 搖撼 S - 41 yáo hàn f /to shake/to rock/ 摇旗呐喊 搖旗吶喊 S - 39 yáo qí nà hǎn f /to wave flags and shout battle cries (idiom); to egg sb on/to give support to/ 摇晃 搖晃 S - 645 yáo huàng f /to rock/to shake/to sway/ 摇曳 搖曳 S - 170 yáo yè f /to sway gently (as in the wind)/(of a flame) to flicker/ 摇曳多姿 搖曳多姿 S - 9 yáo yè duō zī f /swaying gently/moving elegantly/ 摇杆 搖桿 S - 2 yáo gǎn f /joystick/ 摇椅 搖椅 S - 4 yáo yǐ f /rocking chair/ 摇橹 搖櫓 S - 3 yáo lǔ f /to scull (with a single oar, usually mounted on the stern of the boat)/ 摇橹船 搖櫓船 S - 0 yáo lǔ chuán f /boat propelled by a yuloh (a single sculling oar)/ 摇滚 搖滾 S 2646 126 yáo gǔn f /rock 'n' roll (music)/to rock/to fall off/ 摇滚乐 搖滾樂 S - 70 yáo gǔn yuè f /rock music/rock 'n roll/ 摇电话 搖電話 S - 0 yáo diàn huà f /(old) to make a phone call/ 摇篮 搖籃 S - 225 yáo lán f /cradle/ 摇篮曲 搖籃曲 S - 11 yáo lán qǔ f /lullaby/ 摇船 搖船 S - 20 yáo chuán f /to scull/to row a boat/ 摇身 搖身 S - 3 yáo shēn f /lit. to shake one's body/refers to abrupt transformation/same as 搖身一變|摇身一变/ 摇身一变 搖身一變 S - 138 yáo shēn yī biàn f /to change shape in a single shake/fig. to take on a new lease of life/ 摇钱树 搖錢樹 S - 52 yáo qián shù f /a legendary tree that sheds coins when shaken/a source of easy money (idiom)/ 摈 擯 S - 75 bìn f /to reject/to expel/to discard/to exclude/to renounce/ 摈弃 擯棄 S - 65 bìn qì f /to abandon/to discard/to cast away/ 摈斥 擯斥 S - 32 bìn chì f /to reject/to dismiss/ 摈除 擯除 S - 17 bìn chú f /to discard/to get rid of/to dispense with/ 摊 攤 S 3602 857 tān f /to spread out/vendor's stand/ 摊事儿 攤事兒 S - 0 tān shì r f /(coll.) to get into trouble/ 摊位 攤位 S - 154 tān wèi f /vendor's booth/ 摊儿 攤兒 S - 18 tān r f /erhua variant of 攤|摊[tan1]/ 摊售 攤售 S - 3 tān shòu f /to set up stall/ 摊商 攤商 S - 2 tān shāng f /stall-keeper/street peddler/ 摊头 攤頭 S - 2 tān tóu f /a vendor's stall/ 摊子 攤子 S - 303 tān zi f /booth/vendor's stall/organizational structure/scale of operations/ 摊开 攤開 S - 402 tān kāi f /to spread out/to unfold/ 摊挡 攤擋 S - 0 tān dǎng f /see 攤檔|摊档[tan1 dang4]/ 摊提 攤提 S - 3 tān tí f /to amortize/amortization/ 摊晒 攤曬 S - 6 tān shài f /to lay sth out to dry/ 摊档 攤檔 S - 4 tān dàng f /(dialect) vendor's stall/ 摊派 攤派 S - 109 tān pài f /to distribute proportionately/to share out/ 摊点 攤點 S - 42 tān diǎn f /place for a vendor's stall/ 摊牌 攤牌 S - 65 tān pái f /to lay one's cards on the table/ 摊薄 攤薄 S - 0 tān bó f /dilution/ 摊薄后每股盈利 攤薄後每股盈利 S - 0 tān bó hòu měi gǔ yíng lì f /diluted earnings per share/ 摊贩 攤販 S - 36 tān fàn f /stall-keeper/peddler/ 摊钱 攤錢 S - 0 tān qián f /to bear part of the cost/ 摊销 攤銷 S - 3 tān xiāo f /to amortize/amortization/ 摊鸡蛋 攤雞蛋 S - 3 tān jī dàn f /scrambled eggs/ 摊黄菜 攤黃菜 S - 0 tān huáng cài f /(dialect) scrambled eggs/ 摎 - 0 liáo f /to strangle/to inquire into/ 摑 掴 T - 72 guāi f /to slap/also pr. [guo2]/ 摒 - 40 bìng f /to discard/to get rid of/ 摒弃 摒棄 S - 177 bìng qì f /to abandon/to discard/to spurn/to forsake/ 摒棄 摒弃 T - 177 bìng qì f /to abandon/to discard/to spurn/to forsake/ 摒除 - 15 bìng chú f /to get rid of/to dismiss/ 摓 - 4 féng f /wide/to sew/ 摔 - 2440 shuāi f /to throw down/to fall/to drop and break/ 摔交 - 76 shuāi jiāo f /variant of 摔跤[shuai1 jiao1]/ 摔伤 摔傷 S - 50 shuāi shāng f /to injure oneself in a fall/ 摔倒 2013 637 shuāi dǎo f /to fall down/to slip and fall/to throw sb to the ground/ 摔傷 摔伤 T - 50 shuāi shāng f /to injure oneself in a fall/ 摔坏 摔壞 S - 3 shuāi huài f /to drop and break/ 摔壞 摔坏 T - 3 shuāi huài f /to drop and break/ 摔打 - 75 shuāi da f /to knock/to grasp sth in the hand and beat it/to toughen oneself up/ 摔断 摔斷 S - 3 shuāi duàn f /to fall and break/to break (bones) by falling/ 摔斷 摔断 T - 3 shuāi duàn f /to fall and break/to break (bones) by falling/ 摔死 - 3 shuāi sǐ f /to fall to one's death/ 摔破 - 3 shuāi pò f /to fall and smash into pieces/ 摔角 - 3 shuāi jiǎo f /to wrestle/wrestling/ 摔跌 - 3 shuāi diē f /to take a fall/ 摔跟头 摔跟頭 S - 6 shuāi gēn tou f /to fall/fig. to suffer a setback/ 摔跟頭 摔跟头 T - 6 shuāi gēn tou f /to fall/fig. to suffer a setback/ 摔跤 - 236 shuāi jiāo f /to trip and fall/to wrestle/wrestling (sports)/ 摘 1905 1181 zhāi f /to take/to borrow/to pick (flowers, fruit etc)/to pluck/to select/to remove/to take off (glasses, hat etc)/ 摘下 - 3 zhāi xià f /to take off/to remove (one's hat, a door from its hinges etc)/to pick (a piece of fruit from a tree etc)/(sports) to pick off (a rebound etc)/ 摘借 - 3 zhāi jiè f /to borrow money/ 摘取 - 88 zhāi qǔ f /to pluck/to take/ 摘帽 - 21 zhāi mào f /lit. to take off a hat/fig. to be cleared of an unfair charge/rehabilitation/ 摘帽子 - 5 zhāi mào zi f /lit. to take off a hat/fig. to be cleared of an unfair charge/rehabilitation/ 摘引 - 18 zhāi yǐn f /quote/ 摘录 摘錄 S - 108 zhāi lù f /to extract/to excerpt/an excerpt/ 摘抄 - 20 zhāi chāo f /to extract/to excerpt/ 摘牌 - 11 zhāi pái f /to delist (a traded security)/(sports) to accept a transfer-listed player from another club/ 摘由 - 3 zhāi yóu f /high points (of a document)/resume/ 摘要 4619 558 zhāi yào f /summary/abstract/ 摘記 摘记 T - 2 zhāi jì f /to take notes/to excerpt/ 摘譯 摘译 T - 6 zhāi yì f /quoted (from)/translation of selected passages/ 摘记 摘記 S - 2 zhāi jì f /to take notes/to excerpt/ 摘译 摘譯 S - 6 zhāi yì f /quoted (from)/translation of selected passages/ 摘錄 摘录 T - 108 zhāi lù f /to extract/to excerpt/an excerpt/ 摘除 - 68 zhāi chú f /to excise/to remove an organ/ 摙 - 2 liǎn f /to transport/to remove to take/ 摛 - 0 chī f /to spread (fame)/wield (pen)/ 摜 掼 T - 121 guàn f /to fling/to fall/to wear/ 摞 - 121 luò f /to pile up/to stack/a pile/a stack/ 摞管 - 0 luò guǎn f /to masturbate/ 摟 搂 T 3751 1318 lōu f /to draw towards oneself/to gather/to gather up (one's gown, sleeves etc)/to grab (money)/to extort/ 摟 搂 T 3751 1318 lǒu t /to hug/to embrace/to hold in one's arms/ 摟住 搂住 T - 3 lǒu zhù f /to hold in one's arms/to embrace/ 摟抱 搂抱 T - 128 lǒu bào f /to hug/to embrace/ 摟錢 搂钱 T - 3 lōu qián f /(coll.) to grab money/to rake in money/ 摠 - 5 zǒng f /general/in every case/to hold/ 摦 - 7 huà f /wide/broad/ 摧 - 198 cuī f /to break/to destroy/to devastate/to ravage/to repress/ 摧残 摧殘 S 4309 367 cuī cán f /to ravage/to ruin/ 摧殘 摧残 T 4309 367 cuī cán f /to ravage/to ruin/ 摧毀 摧毁 T - 940 cuī huǐ f /to destroy/to wreck/ 摧毁 摧毀 S - 940 cuī huǐ f /to destroy/to wreck/ 摩 - 1820 mó f /to rub/ 摩丝 摩絲 S - 3 mó sī f /hair mousse (loanword)/ 摩亨佐·达罗 摩亨佐·達羅 S - 0 Mó hēng zuǒ · dá luó f /Moenjo-daro, capital of Indus valley civilization c. 2000 BC, Sind province, Pakistan, UNESCO World Heritage Site/ 摩亨佐·達羅 摩亨佐·达罗 T - 0 Mó hēng zuǒ · dá luó f /Moenjo-daro, capital of Indus valley civilization c. 2000 BC, Sind province, Pakistan, UNESCO World Heritage Site/ 摩加迪休 - 0 Mó jiā dí xiū f /Mogadishu, capital of Somalia (Tw)/ 摩加迪沙 - 29 Mó jiā dí shā f /Mogadishu, Indian ocean seaport and capital of Somalia/ 摩卡 - 3 mó kǎ f /mocha (loanword)/ 摩卡咖啡 - 0 mó kǎ kā fēi f /mocha coffee/ 摩城 - 0 Mó chéng f /Mo i Rana (city in Nordland, Norway)/ 摩天 - 32 mó tiān f /skyscraping/towering into the sky/ 摩天大厦 摩天大廈 S - 5 mó tiān dà shà f /skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4]/ 摩天大廈 摩天大厦 T - 5 mó tiān dà shà f /skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4]/ 摩天大楼 摩天大樓 S - 57 mó tiān dà lóu f /skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4]/ 摩天大樓 摩天大楼 T - 57 mó tiān dà lóu f /skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4]/ 摩天楼 摩天樓 S - 3 mó tiān lóu f /skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4]/ 摩天樓 摩天楼 T - 3 mó tiān lóu f /skyscraper/CL:座[zuo4]/ 摩天輪 摩天轮 T - 5 mó tiān lún f /Ferris wheel/observation wheel/ 摩天轮 摩天輪 S - 5 mó tiān lún f /Ferris wheel/observation wheel/ 摩娑 - 0 mó suō f /variant of 摩挲[mo2 suo1]/ 摩尔 摩爾 S - 232 Mó ěr f /Moore or Moor (name)/see also 摩爾人|摩尔人[Mo2 er3 ren2]/ 摩尔 摩爾 S - 232 mó ěr f /mole (chemistry)/ 摩尔人 摩爾人 S - 0 Mó ěr rén f /a Moor/ 摩尔多瓦 摩爾多瓦 S - 94 Mó ěr duō wǎ f /Moldova/Republic of Moldova, former Soviet republic on the border with Romania/ 摩尔多瓦人 摩爾多瓦人 S - 0 Mó ěr duō wǎ rén f /Moldovan (person)/ 摩尔斯电码 摩爾斯電碼 S - 0 Mó ěr sī diàn mǎ f /Morse code/ 摩尔根 摩爾根 S - 51 Mó ěr gēn f /Morgan (name)/ 摩尔门 摩爾門 S - 0 Mó ěr mén f /Mormon (religion)/ 摩尔门经 摩爾門經 S - 0 Mó ěr mén Jīng f /Book of Mormon/ 摩尼 - 0 Mó ní f /Manes (3rd century AD), Persian prophet and founder of Manichaeism/ 摩尼教 - 85 Mó ní jiào f /Manicheanism/ 摩德納 摩德纳 T - 3 Mó dé nà f /Modena, Italy/ 摩德纳 摩德納 S - 3 Mó dé nà f /Modena, Italy/ 摩托 - 128 mó tuō f /motor (loanword)/motorbike/ 摩托罗垃 摩托羅垃 S - 0 Mó tuō luó lā f /Motorola (company)/ 摩托罗拉 摩托羅拉 S - 196 Mó tuō luó lā f /Motorola/ 摩托羅垃 摩托罗垃 T - 0 Mó tuō luó lā f /Motorola (company)/ 摩托羅拉 摩托罗拉 T - 196 Mó tuō luó lā f /Motorola/ 摩托車 摩托车 T 1870 422 mó tuō chē f /motorbike/motorcycle (loanword)/CL:輛|辆[liang4],部[bu4]/ 摩托車的士 摩托车的士 T - 0 mó tuō chē dī shì f /motorcycle taxi/ 摩托车 摩托車 S 1870 422 mó tuō chē f /motorbike/motorcycle (loanword)/CL:輛|辆[liang4],部[bu4]/ 摩托车的士 摩托車的士 S - 0 mó tuō chē dī shì f /motorcycle taxi/ 摩拳擦掌 - 80 mó quán cā zhǎng f /fig. to rub one's fists and wipe one's palms (idiom)/to roll up one's sleeves for battle/eager to get into action or start on a task/ 摩挲 - 68 mā sa f /(coll.) to remove (crinkles, dirt) with the palm of the hand/ 摩挲 - 68 mó suō f /to stroke/to caress/ 摩揭陀 - 0 Mó jiē tuó f /Magadha, ancient India kingdom reported to be the birthplace of Buddhism/ 摩擦 3666 802 mó cā f /friction/rubbing/chafing/fig. disharmony/conflict/also written 磨擦/ 摩擦力 - 59 mó cā lì f /friction/ 摩擦音 - 7 mó cā yīn f /fricative (phonetics)/ 摩斯密码 摩斯密碼 S - 0 Mó sī mì mǎ f /Morse code/ 摩斯密碼 摩斯密码 T - 0 Mó sī mì mǎ f /Morse code/ 摩斯拉 - 0 Mó sī lā f /Mothra (Japanese モスラ Mosura), Japanese movie monster/ 摩斯电码 摩斯電碼 S - 3 Mó sī diàn mǎ f /Morse code/ 摩斯電碼 摩斯电码 T - 3 Mó sī diàn mǎ f /Morse code/ 摩根 - 121 Mó gēn f /Morgan (name)/ 摩根·弗里曼 - 0 Mó gēn · Fú lǐ màn f /Morgan Freeman, American actor/ 摩根士丹利 - 27 Mó gēn Shì dān lì f /Morgan Stanley (financial services company)/ 摩梭 - 3 Mó suō f /Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan/ 摩梭族 - 0 Mó suō zú f /Mosuo ethnic group of Yunnan and Sichuan/ 摩洛哥 - 500 Mó luò gē f /Morocco/ 摩爾 摩尔 T - 232 Mó ěr f /Moore or Moor (name)/see also 摩爾人|摩尔人[Mo2 er3 ren2]/ 摩爾 摩尔 T - 232 mó ěr f /mole (chemistry)/ 摩爾人 摩尔人 T - 0 Mó ěr rén f /a Moor/ 摩爾多瓦 摩尔多瓦 T - 94 Mó ěr duō wǎ f /Moldova/Republic of Moldova, former Soviet republic on the border with Romania/ 摩爾多瓦人 摩尔多瓦人 T - 0 Mó ěr duō wǎ rén f /Moldovan (person)/ 摩爾斯電碼 摩尔斯电码 T - 0 Mó ěr sī diàn mǎ f /Morse code/ 摩爾根 摩尔根 T - 51 Mó ěr gēn f /Morgan (name)/ 摩爾門 摩尔门 T - 0 Mó ěr mén f /Mormon (religion)/ 摩爾門經 摩尔门经 T - 0 Mó ěr mén Jīng f /Book of Mormon/ 摩登 - 73 mó dēng f /modern (loanword)/fashionable/ 摩登原始人 - 0 Mó dēng Yuán shǐ rén f /The Flintstones (TV Series)/ 摩的 - 0 mó dī f /motorcycle taxi/abbr. for 摩托車的士|摩托车的士[mo2 tuo1 che1 di1 shi4]/ 摩睺罗伽 摩睺羅伽 S - 0 mó hóu luó jiā f /Mahoraga, snake's headed Indian deity/a protector deity of Buddhist law/ 摩睺羅伽 摩睺罗伽 T - 0 mó hóu luó jiā f /Mahoraga, snake's headed Indian deity/a protector deity of Buddhist law/ 摩納哥 摩纳哥 T - 83 Mó nà gē f /Monaco/ 摩絲 摩丝 T - 3 mó sī f /hair mousse (loanword)/ 摩纳哥 摩納哥 S - 83 Mó nà gē f /Monaco/ 摩羯 - 0 Mó jié f /Capricorn (star sign)/northern people in classical times, a branch of the Huns or Xiongnu 匈奴/ 摩羯座 - 5 Mó jié zuò f /Capricornus/ 摩肩接踵 - 25 mó jiān jiē zhǒng f /lit. rubbing shoulders and following in each other's footsteps/a thronging crowd/ 摩苏尔 摩蘇爾 S - 20 Mó sū ěr f /Mosul (Iraqi city)/ 摩萨德 摩薩德 S - 11 Mó sà dé f /Mossad/ 摩薩德 摩萨德 T - 11 Mó sà dé f /Mossad/ 摩蘇爾 摩苏尔 T - 20 Mó sū ěr f /Mosul (Iraqi city)/ 摩蟹座 - 0 Mó xiè zuò f /Capricorn (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/used erroneously for 魔羯座/ 摩西 - 100 Mó xī f /Moses/ 摩西五經 摩西五经 T - 0 Mó xī Wǔ jīng f /the Pentateuch/the five books of Moses in the Old Testament/ 摩西五经 摩西五經 S - 0 Mó xī Wǔ jīng f /the Pentateuch/the five books of Moses in the Old Testament/ 摩西律法 - 0 Mó xī lǜ fǎ f /law of Moses/ 摩西的律法 - 0 Mó xī de lǜ fǎ f /Mosaic Law/ 摩訶 摩诃 T - 3 mó hē f /transliteration of Sanskrit mahā, great/ 摩訶婆羅多 摩诃婆罗多 T - 0 Mó hē pó luó duō f /Mahābhārata, second great Indian epic after 羅摩衍那|罗摩衍那[Luo2 mo2 yan3 na4], possibly originally c. 4th century BC/ 摩诃 摩訶 S - 3 mó hē f /transliteration of Sanskrit mahā, great/ 摩诃婆罗多 摩訶婆羅多 S - 0 Mó hē pó luó duō f /Mahābhārata, second great Indian epic after 羅摩衍那|罗摩衍那[Luo2 mo2 yan3 na4], possibly originally c. 4th century BC/ 摩門 摩门 T - 6 Mó mén f /Mormon (religion)/ 摩門經 摩门经 T - 0 Mó mén Jīng f /Book of Mormon/ 摩门 摩門 S - 6 Mó mén f /Mormon (religion)/ 摩门经 摩門經 S - 0 Mó mén Jīng f /Book of Mormon/ 摩頂放踵 摩顶放踵 T - 3 mó dǐng fàng zhǒng f /to rub one's head and heels (idiom); to slave for the benefit of others/to wear oneself out for the general good/ 摩顶放踵 摩頂放踵 S - 3 mó dǐng fàng zhǒng f /to rub one's head and heels (idiom); to slave for the benefit of others/to wear oneself out for the general good/ 摩鹿加群岛 摩鹿加群島 S - 0 Mó lù jiā Qún dǎo f /Maluku Islands, Indonesia/ 摩鹿加群島 摩鹿加群岛 T - 0 Mó lù jiā Qún dǎo f /Maluku Islands, Indonesia/ 摭 - 19 zhí f /pick up/to select/ 摮 - 0 áo f /to rattle/to shake. to smite/ 摯 挚 T - 153 Zhì f /surname Zhi/ 摯 挚 T - 153 zhì f /sincere/ 摯切 挚切 T - 0 zhì qiè f /sincere/fervent/ 摯友 挚友 T - 71 zhì yǒu f /intimate friend/close friend/ 摯友良朋 挚友良朋 T - 0 zhì yǒu liáng péng f /intimate friend and companion (idiom)/ 摯情 挚情 T - 3 zhì qíng f /true feelings/ 摯愛 挚爱 T - 79 zhì ài f /true love/ 摯誠 挚诚 T - 5 zhì chéng f /sincere/ 摰 - 0 niè f /to seize with the hand/to grasp/to advance/to breakdown/ 摲 - 2 shàn f /to cut down/mow/ 摳 抠 T - 308 kōu f /to dig out/to pick out (with one's fingers)/to carve/to cut/to study meticulously/to lift one's clothes/stingy/miserly/ 摳字眼 抠字眼 T - 3 kōu zì yǎn f /to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words/ 摳字眼兒 抠字眼儿 T - 0 kōu zì yǎn r f /erhua variant of 摳字眼|抠字眼[kou1 zi4 yan3]/ 摳門兒 抠门儿 T - 3 kōu mén r f /(dialect) stingy/ 摴 - 0 shū f /dice/gambling/to release/ 摶 抟 T - 46 tuán f /to roll up into a ball with one's hands/spiral/circle/variant of 團|团[tuan2]/ 摶沙 抟沙 T - 0 tuán shā f /lacking in cohesion and unity of purpose/ 摶風 抟风 T - 0 tuán fēng f /to rise very quickly/ 摶飯 抟饭 T - 0 tuán fàn f /to roll rice balls/ 摷 - 26 jiǎo f /to knock/strike/ 摸 1541 4552 mō t /to feel with the hand/to touch/to stroke/to grope/to steal/to abstract/ 摸 1541 4552 mó f /variant of 摹[mo2]/ 摸不着 摸不著 S - 3 mō bu zháo f /unable to clearly understand (a situation etc)/ 摸不着头脑 摸不著頭腦 S - 158 mō bu zháo tóu nǎo f /to be unable to make any sense of the matter/to be at a loss/ 摸不著 摸不着 T - 3 mō bu zháo f /unable to clearly understand (a situation etc)/ 摸不著頭腦 摸不着头脑 T - 158 mō bu zháo tóu nǎo f /to be unable to make any sense of the matter/to be at a loss/ 摸八圈 - 0 mō bā quān f /to play mahjong/ 摸吧 - 0 mō bā f /touch bar (hostess bar that allows physical contact)/ 摸底 - 86 mō dǐ f /to have a clear view (of a situation)/to fish for information/fact-finding/ 摸彩 - 3 mō cǎi f /to draw lots/raffle/lottery/ 摸排 - 5 mō pái f /thorough search/ 摸爬滚打 摸爬滾打 S - 45 mō pá gǔn dǎ f /to go through arduous training or hard work/ 摸爬滾打 摸爬滚打 T - 45 mō pá gǔn dǎ f /to go through arduous training or hard work/ 摸牌 - 3 mō pái f /to draw a tile (at mahjong)/to play mahjong/ 摸着石头过河 摸著石頭過河 S - 15 mō zhe shí tou guò hé f /to wade the river by groping for stones (idiom)/to advance step by step/to feel one's way around/ 摸石头过河 摸石頭過河 S - 0 mō shí tou guò hé f /lit. crossing the river by feeling for stones/improvise by trial-and-error/move cautiously/ 摸石頭過河 摸石头过河 T - 0 mō shí tou guò hé f /lit. crossing the river by feeling for stones/improvise by trial-and-error/move cautiously/ 摸索 4415 427 mō suo f /to feel about/to grope about/to fumble/to do things slowly/ 摸脈 摸脉 T - 0 mō mài f /to feel sb's pulse/ 摸脉 摸脈 S - 0 mō mài f /to feel sb's pulse/ 摸著石頭過河 摸着石头过河 T - 15 mō zhe shí tou guò hé f /to wade the river by groping for stones (idiom)/to advance step by step/to feel one's way around/ 摸象 - 0 mō xiàng f /to touch an elephant (of proverbial blind people)/ 摸魚 摸鱼 T - 3 mō yú f /to catch fish/(fig.) to loaf on the job/to be slack/to take it easy/ 摸鱼 摸魚 S - 3 mō yú f /to catch fish/(fig.) to loaf on the job/to be slack/to take it easy/ 摸黑 - 54 mō hēi f /to grope about in the dark/ 摹 - 706 mó f /to imitate/to copy/ 摹仿 - 32 mó fǎng f /variant of 模仿[mo2 fang3]/ 摹写 摹寫 S - 14 mó xiě f /to trace over/to copy (a calligraphy model)/facsimile/(fig.) to depict/to portray/ 摹寫 摹写 T - 14 mó xiě f /to trace over/to copy (a calligraphy model)/facsimile/(fig.) to depict/to portray/ 摹拟 摹擬 S - 34 mó nǐ f /variant of 模擬|模拟[mo2 ni3]/ 摹擬 摹拟 T - 34 mó nǐ f /variant of 模擬|模拟[mo2 ni3]/ 摹画 摹畫 S - 3 mó huà f /to describe/ 摹畫 摹画 T - 3 mó huà f /to describe/ 摺 折 T 2594 4410 zhé t /variant of 折[zhe2]/to fold/ 摺 - 254 zhé f /document folded in accordion form/to fold/ 摺光 折光 T - 25 zhé guāng f /refraction/ 摺奏 折奏 T - 3 zhé zòu f /memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form)/ 摺子 折子 T - 638 zhé zi f /folding notebook/accounts book/ 摺子戲 折子戏 T - 35 zhé zi xì f /highlights from opera/ 摺尺 折尺 T - 3 zhé chǐ f /folding ruler/ 摺椅 折椅 T - 3 zhé yǐ f /folding chair/ 摺皺 折皱 T - 2 zhé zhòu f /fold/crease/wrinkle/pucker/ 摺紙 折纸 T - 9 zhé zhǐ f /paper folding/origami/ 摺線 摺线 T - 0 zhé xiàn f /variant of 折線|折线[zhe2 xian4], broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments)/polygonal line/dog leg/ 摺线 摺線 S - 0 zhé xiàn f /variant of 折線|折线[zhe2 xian4], broken line (continuous figure made up of straight line segments)/polygonal line/dog leg/ 摺裙 折裙 T - 3 zhé qún f /pleated skirt/ 摺轉 折转 T - 3 zhé zhuǎn f /reflex (angle)/to turn back/ 摻 掺 T - 209 chān f /variant of 攙|搀[chan1]/to mix/ 摻 掺 T - 209 shǎn f /to grasp/ 摻假 掺假 T - 45 chān jiǎ f /to mix in fake material/to adulterate/ 摻水 掺水 T - 20 chān shuǐ f /to dilute/to water down/watered down/ 摽 - 22 biāo t /sign/to signal/ 摽 - 22 piǎo f /to fall/ 摿 - 0 yáo f /erroneous variant of 搖|摇[yao2]/ 撂 - 309 liào f /to put down/to leave behind/to throw or knock down/to abandon or discard/ 撂倒 - 3 liào dǎo f /to knock down/to mow down/ 撂地 - 0 liào dì f /(of folk artists) to give a performance at a temple fair or on the street etc/ 撂地摊 撂地攤 S - 0 liào dì tān f /see 撂地[liao4 di4]/ 撂地攤 撂地摊 T - 0 liào dì tān f /see 撂地[liao4 di4]/ 撂挑 - 0 liào tiāo f /lit. to put down the load/to quit one's job or responsibiities/ 撃 - 0 jī f /Japanese variant of 擊|击[ji1]/ 撄 攖 S - 24 yīng f /oppose/to attack/ 撅 噘 S - 304 juē f /(dialect) to abuse (verbally)/variant of 撅[jue1]/to pout/ 撅 - 304 juē f /to protrude/to stick out/to pout (also written 噘)/to embarrass (people)/ 撅嘴 - 0 juē zuǐ f /to pout/ 撆 - 0 piē f /variant of 撇[pie1]/ 撇 3873 453 piē t /to cast away/to fling aside/ 撇 3873 453 piě f /to throw/to cast/left-slanting downward brush stroke (calligraphy)/ 撇下 - 181 piē xia f /to cast away/ 撇去 - 3 piē qù f /skim/ 撇号 撇號 S - 0 piě hào f /apostrophe ' (punct.)/accent mark/prime symbol (math.)/ 撇嘴 - 126 piě zuǐ f /to curl one's lip/to twitch one's mouth/ 撇大条 撇大條 S - 0 piě dà tiáo f /(slang) to take a dump/ 撇大條 撇大条 T - 0 piě dà tiáo f /(slang) to take a dump/ 撇开 撇開 S - 409 piē kāi f /to disregard/to leave aside/ 撇开不谈 撇開不談 S - 3 piē kāi bù tán f /to ignore an issue (idiom)/ 撇掉 - 3 piē diào f /to skim froth or foam from the surface of a liquid/ 撇条 撇條 S - 0 piě tiáo f /(slang) to go to the toilet/ 撇條 撇条 T - 0 piě tiáo f /(slang) to go to the toilet/ 撇清 - 15 piě qīng f /to say a matter has no relationship with the individual referred to, to emphasise one is innocent or in the clear/ 撇號 撇号 T - 0 piě hào f /apostrophe ' (punct.)/accent mark/prime symbol (math.)/ 撇開 撇开 T - 409 piē kāi f /to disregard/to leave aside/ 撇開不談 撇开不谈 T - 3 piē kāi bù tán f /to ignore an issue (idiom)/ 撈 捞 T 3295 970 lāo f /to fish up/to dredge up/ 撈一把 捞一把 T - 41 lāo yī bǎ f /to profiteer/to gain some underhand advantage/ 撈什子 捞什子 T - 2 lāo shí zi f /encumbrance/burden/that awful thing (colloquial)/nuisance/ 撈取 捞取 T - 35 lāo qǔ f /to fish for/to seek profit (by improper means)/ 撈本 捞本 T - 3 lāo běn f /to get one's money back (esp. gambling)/to recoup one's losings/ 撈油水 捞油水 T - 5 lāo yóu shuǐ f /(coll.) to gain profit (usu. by underhand means)/ 撈稻草 捞稻草 T - 2 lāo dào cǎo f /to fish for a straw/futile attempt to gain profit/ 撈錢 捞钱 T - 48 lāo qián f /lit. to dredge for money/to make money by reprehensible means/to fish for a quick buck/ 撊 - 0 xiàn f /valiant/wrathful/ 撋 - 0 ruán f /to rub between the hands/ 撏 挦 T - 24 xián f /to pull out (esp. hair or feathers)/to pick/to pluck/fig. to extract (lines from a text)/ 撐 撑 T - 1406 chēng f /to support/to prop up/to push or move with a pole/to maintain/to open or unfurl/to fill to bursting point/brace/stay/support/ 撐場面 撑场面 T - 2 chēng chǎng miàn f /to keep up appearances/to put up a front/ 撐拒 撑拒 T - 0 chēng jù f /to resist/to struggle/to sustain/ 撐持 撑持 T - 85 chēng chí f /(fig.) to sustain/to shore up/ 撐杆 撑杆 T - 9 chēng gān f /a pole/a prop/ 撐桿跳 撑杆跳 T - 5 chēng gān tiào f /pole-vaulting/ 撐桿跳高 撑杆跳高 T - 5 chēng gān tiào gāo f /pole-vaulting/ 撐死 撑死 T - 3 chēng sǐ f /full to the point of bursting/(coll.) at most/ 撐死膽大的,餓死膽小的 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的 T - 0 chēng sǐ dǎn dà de , è sǐ dǎn xiǎo de f /fullness for the bold, famine for the timid (idiom)/ 撐破 撑破 T - 3 chēng pò f /to burst/ 撐竿跳 撑竿跳 T - 3 chēng gān tiào f /pole-vaulting/also written 撐桿跳|撑杆跳/ 撐竿跳高 撑竿跳高 T - 14 chēng gān tiào gāo f /pole vault/also written 撐桿跳高|撑杆跳高/ 撐腰 撑腰 T - 137 chēng yāo f /to support/to brace/ 撐門面 撑门面 T - 7 chēng mén miàn f /to keep up appearances/to put up a front/ 撑 撐 S - 1406 chēng f /to support/to prop up/to push or move with a pole/to maintain/to open or unfurl/to fill to bursting point/brace/stay/support/ 撑场面 撐場面 S - 2 chēng chǎng miàn f /to keep up appearances/to put up a front/ 撑拒 撐拒 S - 0 chēng jù f /to resist/to struggle/to sustain/ 撑持 撐持 S - 85 chēng chí f /(fig.) to sustain/to shore up/ 撑杆 撐杆 S - 9 chēng gān f /a pole/a prop/ 撑杆跳 撐桿跳 S - 5 chēng gān tiào f /pole-vaulting/ 撑杆跳高 撐桿跳高 S - 5 chēng gān tiào gāo f /pole-vaulting/ 撑死 撐死 S - 3 chēng sǐ f /full to the point of bursting/(coll.) at most/ 撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的 撐死膽大的,餓死膽小的 S - 0 chēng sǐ dǎn dà de , è sǐ dǎn xiǎo de f /fullness for the bold, famine for the timid (idiom)/ 撑破 撐破 S - 3 chēng pò f /to burst/ 撑竿跳 撐竿跳 S - 3 chēng gān tiào f /pole-vaulting/also written 撐桿跳|撑杆跳/ 撑竿跳高 撐竿跳高 S - 14 chēng gān tiào gāo f /pole vault/also written 撐桿跳高|撑杆跳高/ 撑腰 撐腰 S - 137 chēng yāo f /to support/to brace/ 撑门面 撐門面 S - 7 chēng mén miàn f /to keep up appearances/to put up a front/ 撒 - 1907 sā t /to let go/to cast/to let loose/to discharge/to give expression to/ 撒 - 1907 sǎ f /to scatter/to sprinkle/to spill/ 撒丁岛 撒丁島 S - 20 Sā dīng Dǎo f /Sardinia/ 撒丁島 撒丁岛 T - 20 Sā dīng Dǎo f /Sardinia/ 撒丫子 - 11 sā yā zi f /(dialect) to rush off/to scamper off double-quick/to take to one's heels/to make oneself scarce/ 撒但 - 0 Sā dàn f /variant of 撒旦[Sa1 dan4], Satan or Shaitan/ 撒克逊 撒克遜 S - 53 Sā kè xùn f /Saxon (people)/ 撒克逊人 撒克遜人 S - 3 Sā kè xùn rén f /Saxon (people)/ 撒克遜 撒克逊 T - 53 Sā kè xùn f /Saxon (people)/ 撒克遜人 撒克逊人 T - 3 Sā kè xùn rén f /Saxon (people)/ 撒切尔 撒切爾 S - 41 Sā qiē ěr f /Thatcher (name)/Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990/ 撒切尔夫人 撒切爾夫人 S - 0 Sā qiē ěr Fū ren f /Mrs Thatcher/Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990/ 撒切爾 撒切尔 T - 41 Sā qiē ěr f /Thatcher (name)/Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990/ 撒切爾夫人 撒切尔夫人 T - 0 Sā qiē ěr Fū ren f /Mrs Thatcher/Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990/ 撒呓挣 撒囈掙 S - 3 sā yì zhēng f /somniloquy/to talk or act in one's sleep/sleep-walking/ 撒哈拉 - 206 Sā hā lā f /Sahara/ 撒哈拉以南 - 0 Sā hā lā yǐ nán f /sub-Saharan/ 撒哈拉以南非洲 - 0 Sā hā lā yǐ nán Fēi zhōu f /Sub-Saharan Africa/ 撒哈拉沙漠 - 146 Sǎ hā lā Shā mò f /Sahara Desert/ 撒囈掙 撒呓挣 T - 3 sā yì zhēng f /somniloquy/to talk or act in one's sleep/sleep-walking/ 撒娇 撒嬌 S - 143 sā jiāo f /to act like a spoiled child/to throw a tantrum/to act coquettishly/ 撒嬌 撒娇 T - 143 sā jiāo f /to act like a spoiled child/to throw a tantrum/to act coquettishly/ 撒尔孟 撒爾孟 S - 0 Sā ěr mèng f /Salmon (name)/ 撒尿 - 142 sā niào f /to pass water/to piss/to urinate/to wee wee/ 撒手 - 202 sā shǒu f /to let go of sth/to give up/ 撒手不管 - 48 sā shǒu bù guǎn f /to stand aside and do nothing (idiom)/to take no part in/ 撒手人寰 - 6 sā shǒu rén huán f /to leave one's mortal frame (idiom)/to die/ 撒手鐧 撒手锏 T - 129 sā shǒu jiǎn f /(fig.) trump card/ 撒手锏 撒手鐧 S - 129 sā shǒu jiǎn f /(fig.) trump card/ 撒手閉眼 撒手闭眼 T - 0 sā shǒu bì yǎn f /to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom)/ 撒手闭眼 撒手閉眼 S - 0 sā shǒu bì yǎn f /to have nothing further to do with a matter (idiom)/ 撒拉 - 38 Sā lā f /Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province/ 撒拉族 - 297 Sā lā zú f /Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province/ 撒拉語 撒拉语 T - 0 Sā lā yǔ f /Salar, language of Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province/ 撒拉语 撒拉語 S - 0 Sā lā yǔ f /Salar, language of Salar ethnic group of Qinghai province/ 撒拉鐵 撒拉铁 T - 0 Sǎ lā tiě f /Shealtiel (son of Jeconiah)/ 撒拉铁 撒拉鐵 S - 0 Sǎ lā tiě f /Shealtiel (son of Jeconiah)/ 撒播 - 33 sǎ bō f /to sow (seeds by scattering)/scatter sowing/ 撒旦 - 56 Sā dàn f /Satan or Shaitan/ 撒母耳記上 撒母耳记上 T - 0 Sā mǔ ěr jì shàng f /First book of Samuel/ 撒母耳記下 撒母耳记下 T - 0 Sā mǔ ěr jì xià f /Second book of Samuel/ 撒母耳记上 撒母耳記上 S - 0 Sā mǔ ěr jì shàng f /First book of Samuel/ 撒母耳记下 撒母耳記下 S - 0 Sā mǔ ěr jì xià f /Second book of Samuel/ 撒气 撒氣 S - 20 sā qì f /to leak (of air)/to go flat (of a tire)/to vent one's anger/ 撒氣 撒气 T - 20 sā qì f /to leak (of air)/to go flat (of a tire)/to vent one's anger/ 撒泼 撒潑 S - 50 sā pō f /to make an unreasonable scene/ 撒潑 撒泼 T - 50 sā pō f /to make an unreasonable scene/ 撒然 - 0 sā rán f /sudden/ 撒爾孟 撒尔孟 T - 0 Sā ěr mèng f /Salmon (name)/ 撒督 - 0 Sǎ dū f /Zadok (son of Azor and father of Achim in Matthew 1:13)/ 撒种 撒種 S - 10 sǎ zhǒng f /to sow seeds/ 撒科打諢 撒科打诨 T - 3 sā kē dǎ hùn f /to intersperse comic dialog (as they do in operas)/ 撒科打诨 撒科打諢 S - 3 sā kē dǎ hùn f /to intersperse comic dialog (as they do in operas)/ 撒種 撒种 T - 10 sǎ zhǒng f /to sow seeds/ 撒網 撒网 T - 32 sā wǎng f /to throw a net/ 撒網捕風 撒网捕风 T - 0 sā wǎng bǔ fēng f /lit. the wind cannot be caught in a net/to waste one's effort (idiom)/ 撒网 撒網 S - 32 sā wǎng f /to throw a net/ 撒网捕风 撒網捕風 S - 0 sā wǎng bǔ fēng f /lit. the wind cannot be caught in a net/to waste one's effort (idiom)/ 撒罗满 撒羅滿 S - 0 Sā luó mǎn f /Solomon (name)/ 撒羅滿 撒罗满 T - 0 Sā luó mǎn f /Solomon (name)/ 撒脚 撒腳 S - 0 sā jiǎo f /to run off/to beat it/ 撒腳 撒脚 T - 0 sā jiǎo f /to run off/to beat it/ 撒腿 - 65 sā tuǐ f /to take to one's heels/to scram/ 撒西米 - 0 sā xī mǐ f /sashimi (loanword)/ 撒謊 撒谎 T 2522 321 sā huǎng f /to tell lies/ 撒谎 撒謊 S 2522 321 sā huǎng f /to tell lies/ 撒賴 撒赖 T - 17 sā lài f /to make a scene/to raise hell/ 撒赖 撒賴 S - 17 sā lài f /to make a scene/to raise hell/ 撒迦利亚 撒迦利亞 S - 0 Sā jiā lì yà f /Zechariah (name)/Zechariah (Old Testament prophet)/ 撒迦利亚书 撒迦利亞書 S - 0 Sā jiā lì yà shū f /Book of Zechariah/ 撒迦利亞 撒迦利亚 T - 0 Sā jiā lì yà f /Zechariah (name)/Zechariah (Old Testament prophet)/ 撒迦利亞書 撒迦利亚书 T - 0 Sā jiā lì yà shū f /Book of Zechariah/ 撒都該人 撒都该人 T - 0 sā dū gāi rén f /Sadducees/ 撒都该人 撒都該人 S - 0 sā dū gāi rén f /Sadducees/ 撒酒疯 撒酒瘋 S - 3 sā jiǔ fēng f /to get drunk and act crazy/roaring drunk/ 撒酒瘋 撒酒疯 T - 3 sā jiǔ fēng f /to get drunk and act crazy/roaring drunk/ 撒野 - 92 sā yě f /to display shockingly bad behavior/to behave atrociously/ 撒門 撒门 T - 0 Sǎ mén f /Salmon (son of Nashon)/ 撒门 撒門 S - 0 Sǎ mén f /Salmon (son of Nashon)/ 撒馬爾幹 撒马尔干 T - 0 Sǎ mǎ ěr gàn f /Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan/also written 撒馬爾罕|撒马尔罕/ 撒馬爾罕 撒马尔罕 T - 79 Sǎ mǎ ěr hǎn f /Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan/ 撒马尔干 撒馬爾幹 S - 0 Sǎ mǎ ěr gàn f /Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan/also written 撒馬爾罕|撒马尔罕/ 撒马尔罕 撒馬爾罕 S - 79 Sǎ mǎ ěr hǎn f /Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan/ 撓 挠 T - 516 náo f /to scratch/to thwart/to yield/ 撓敗 挠败 T - 0 náo bài f /defeated/routed/crushed/ 撓曲 挠曲 T - 13 náo qū f /to bend/flexing/deflection/ 撓率 挠率 T - 0 náo lǜ f /the torsion (of a space curve)/ 撓癢癢 挠痒痒 T - 3 náo yǎng yang f /to tickle/ 撓裂 挠裂 T - 0 náo liè f /split due to repeated folding/flex crack/ 撓鉤 挠钩 T - 13 náo gōu f /iron hook at the end a long pole/ 撓頭 挠头 T - 42 náo tóu f /tricky/problematic/difficult/to scratch one's head (in puzzlement)/ 撕 1840 912 sī f /to tear/ 撕咬 - 29 sī yǎo f /to tear at (with the teeth, like one animal attacking another)/ 撕扯 - 62 sī chě f /to tear apart/ 撕掉 - 3 sī diào f /to tear out (and throw away)/to rip away/ 撕毀 撕毁 T - 178 sī huǐ f /to tear up/to rip up/too shred/ 撕毁 撕毀 S - 178 sī huǐ f /to tear up/to rip up/too shred/ 撕烂 撕爛 S - 3 sī làn f /to tear up/to tear to pieces/ 撕爛 撕烂 T - 3 sī làn f /to tear up/to tear to pieces/ 撕破 - 117 sī pò f /to tear/to rip/ 撕破脸 撕破臉 S - 39 sī pò liǎn f /to have an acrimonious falling-out/to shed all pretense of cordiality/to tear into each other/ 撕破脸皮 撕破臉皮 S - 3 sī pò liǎn pí f /see 撕破臉|撕破脸[si1 po4 lian3]/ 撕破臉 撕破脸 T - 39 sī pò liǎn f /to have an acrimonious falling-out/to shed all pretense of cordiality/to tear into each other/ 撕破臉皮 撕破脸皮 T - 3 sī pò liǎn pí f /see 撕破臉|撕破脸[si1 po4 lian3]/ 撕碎 - 58 sī suì f /to tear to shreds/ 撕票 - 11 sī piào f /lit. to tear the ticket/to kill a hostage (usually held for ransom)/ 撕裂 - 170 sī liè f /to rip apart/to tear/laceration/rent/ 撕逼 - 0 sī bī f /(slang) (lit.) to tear cunt/(fig.) (of females) to have a catfight/to have a bitch fight/ 撙 - 0 zǔn f /to reduce or cut down on/to rein in/to restrain/ 撚 - 3 niǎn f /to play tricks on or toy with/delicate/exquisite (Cantonese)/ 撝 㧑 T - 0 huī f /to split/to direct/to brandish/humble/ 撝挹 㧑挹 T - 0 huī yì f /to be extremely modest and polite/ 撝損 㧑损 T - 0 huī sǔn f /to humble/ 撞 1305 3773 zhuàng f /to knock against/to bump into/to run into/to meet by accident/ 撞伤 撞傷 S - 18 zhuàng shāng f /bruise/bump/ 撞倒 - 68 zhuàng dǎo f /to knock down/to knock over/to run over (sb)/ 撞傷 撞伤 T - 18 zhuàng shāng f /bruise/bump/ 撞击 撞擊 S - 483 zhuàng jī f /to strike/to hit/to ram/ 撞击式印表机 撞擊式印表機 S - 0 zhuàng jī shì yìn biǎo jī f /impact printer/ 撞击式打印机 撞擊式打印機 S - 0 zhuàng jī shì dǎ yìn jī f /impact printer/ 撞大运 撞大運 S - 3 zhuàng dà yùn f /to have a lucky stroke/to try one's luck/ 撞大運 撞大运 T - 3 zhuàng dà yùn f /to have a lucky stroke/to try one's luck/ 撞擊 撞击 T - 483 zhuàng jī f /to strike/to hit/to ram/ 撞擊式印表機 撞击式印表机 T - 0 zhuàng jī shì yìn biǎo jī f /impact printer/ 撞擊式打印機 撞击式打印机 T - 0 zhuàng jī shì dǎ yìn jī f /impact printer/ 撞机 撞機 S - 30 zhuàng jī f /plane crash/ 撞機 撞机 T - 30 zhuàng jī f /plane crash/ 撞死 - 85 zhuàng sǐ f /to knock down and kill sb with a car/to run over sb/to run sb down/ 撞毀 撞毁 T - 29 zhuàng huǐ f /to smash/ 撞毁 撞毀 S - 29 zhuàng huǐ f /to smash/ 撞烂 撞爛 S - 0 zhuàng làn f /to destroy by smashing/smashed up/ 撞爛 撞烂 T - 0 zhuàng làn f /to destroy by smashing/smashed up/ 撞球 - 3 zhuàng qiú f /billiards/billiards ball/pool (game)/ 撞脸 撞臉 S - 0 zhuàng liǎn f /(coll.) to look alike/to be a spitting image of/ 撞臉 撞脸 T - 0 zhuàng liǎn f /(coll.) to look alike/to be a spitting image of/ 撞衫 - 0 zhuàng shān f /to wear the same outfit as sb else (in public)/ 撞見 撞见 T - 253 zhuàng jiàn f /to meet by accident/ 撞见 撞見 S - 253 zhuàng jiàn f /to meet by accident/ 撞車 撞车 T - 36 zhuàng chē f /to crash (into another car)/(fig.) (of opinions, schedules etc) to clash/(of subject matter) to be the same/ 撞车 撞車 S - 36 zhuàng chē f /to crash (into another car)/(fig.) (of opinions, schedules etc) to clash/(of subject matter) to be the same/ 撞运气 撞運氣 S - 0 zhuàng yùn qi f /to try one's luck/to rely on fate/ 撞運氣 撞运气 T - 0 zhuàng yùn qi f /to try one's luck/to rely on fate/ 撞針 撞针 T - 22 zhuàng zhēn f /firing pin/ 撞鎖 撞锁 T - 3 zhuàng suǒ f /lock/ 撞针 撞針 S - 22 zhuàng zhēn f /firing pin/ 撞锁 撞鎖 S - 3 zhuàng suǒ f /lock/ 撞騙 撞骗 T - 3 zhuàng piàn f /to swindle/ 撞骗 撞騙 S - 3 zhuàng piàn f /to swindle/ 撟 挢 T - 18 jiǎo f /to raise/to lift/to pretend/counterfeit/unyielding/variant of 矯|矫[jiao3]/to correct/ 撡 操 T - 3353 cāo t /old variant of 操[cao1]/ 撢 - 0 dǎn f /to dust/ 撣 掸 T - 190 dǎn f /to brush away/to dust off/brush/duster/CL:把[ba3]/ 撣子 掸子 T - 6 dǎn zi f /duster/CL:把[ba3]/ 撣邦 掸邦 T - 18 Shàn bāng f /Shan state of east Myanmar (Burma)/ 撣邦高原 掸邦高原 T - 0 Shàn bāng gāo yuán f /Shan plateau of east Myanmar (Burma)/ 撤 - 2173 chè f /to remove/to take away/to withdraw/ 撤下 - 3 chè xià f /to withdraw/to remove (from a place)/to remove from office/ 撤併 撤并 T - 25 chè bìng f /to consolidate/to merge/ 撤侨 撤僑 S - 0 chè qiáo f /to evacuate (e.g. foreign civilians from a war zone)/ 撤僑 撤侨 T - 0 chè qiáo f /to evacuate (e.g. foreign civilians from a war zone)/ 撤兵 - 119 chè bīng f /withdraw troops/retreat/ 撤军 撤軍 S - 387 chè jūn f /to withdraw troops/to retreat/ 撤出 - 400 chè chū f /to withdraw/to leave/to retreat/to pull out/ 撤回 - 281 chè huí f /to recall/to revoke/to retract/ 撤并 撤併 S - 25 chè bìng f /to consolidate/to merge/ 撤换 撤換 S - 91 chè huàn f /recall/dismiss and replace/ 撤掉 - 53 chè diào f /to cut/to throw out/to depose (from office)/to tear off/ 撤換 撤换 T - 91 chè huàn f /recall/dismiss and replace/ 撤款 - 0 chè kuǎn f /to withdraw money/ 撤消 - 104 chè xiāo f /variant of 撤銷|撤销[che4 xiao1]/ 撤營 撤营 T - 3 chè yíng f /to withdraw troops/ 撤离 撤離 S - 400 chè lí f /to withdraw from/to evacuate/ 撤职 撤職 S - 218 chè zhí f /to eliminate/to sack/to remove from office/ 撤職 撤职 T - 218 chè zhí f /to eliminate/to sack/to remove from office/ 撤营 撤營 S - 3 chè yíng f /to withdraw troops/ 撤訴 撤诉 T - 19 chè sù f /to drop a lawsuit/ 撤诉 撤訴 S - 19 chè sù f /to drop a lawsuit/ 撤走 - 236 chè zǒu f /to retire/to remove/to withdraw/to evacuate/ 撤軍 撤军 T - 387 chè jūn f /to withdraw troops/to retreat/ 撤退 2941 979 chè tuì f /to retreat/ 撤銷 撤销 T 3099 4998 chè xiāo f /to repeal/to revoke/(computing) to undo/ 撤销 撤銷 S 3099 4998 chè xiāo f /to repeal/to revoke/(computing) to undo/ 撤除 - 185 chè chú f /to remove/to dismantle/ 撤離 撤离 T - 400 chè lí f /to withdraw from/to evacuate/ 撥 拨 T 2699 2149 bō f /to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc/to dial/to allocate/to set aside (money)/to poke (the fire)/to pluck (a string instrument)/to turn round/classifier: group, batch/ 撥亂反正 拨乱反正 T - 495 bō luàn fǎn zhèng f /bring order out of chaos/set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder/ 撥付 拨付 T - 53 bō fù f /appropriate sum of money/ 撥冗 拨冗 T - 3 bō rǒng f /to find time to do sth in the midst of pressing affairs/ 撥出 拨出 T - 3 bō chū f /to pull out/to allocate (funds)/to dial/ 撥刺 拨刺 T - 0 bō cī f /splash (of a fish)/ 撥動 拨动 T - 82 bō dòng f /to stir/to prod/to poke/to move sideways/to strum (on a guitar etc)/ 撥奏 拨奏 T - 0 bō zòu f /pizzicato/ 撥子 拨子 T - 3 bō zi f /plectrum/ 撥子彈 拨子弹 T - 0 bō zǐ tán f /plectrum/ 撥弄 拨弄 T - 93 bō nòng f /to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc)/to fiddle with/to stir up/ 撥弦樂器 拨弦乐器 T - 0 bō xián yuè qì f /plucked string or stringed instrument/plucked instrument/ 撥打 拨打 T - 338 bō dǎ f /to call/to dial/ 撥接 拨接 T - 6 bō jiē f /dial-up (Internet connection)/ 撥款 拨款 T - 436 bō kuǎn f /to allocate funds/appropriation/ 撥正 拨正 T - 0 bō zhèng f /set right/correct/ 撥浪鼓 拨浪鼓 T - 21 bō làng gǔ f /a drum-shaped rattle (used by peddlers or as a toy)/rattle-drum/ 撥火棍 拨火棍 T - 3 bō huǒ gùn f /poker/ 撥用 拨用 T - 3 bō yòng f /appropriation/ 撥空 拨空 T - 0 bō kòng f /to make time/ 撥號 拨号 T - 51 bō hào f /to dial a telephone number/ 撥號盤 拨号盘 T - 3 bō hào pán f /telephone dial/ 撥號連接 拨号连接 T - 0 bō hào lián jiē f /dial-up connection/dial-up networking/ 撥號音 拨号音 T - 3 bō hào yīn f /dial tone/ 撥轉 拨转 T - 3 bō zhuǎn f /to turn/to turn around/to transfer (funds etc)/ 撥開 拨开 T - 217 bō kāi f /to push aside/to part/to brush away/ 撥雲見日 拨云见日 T - 22 bō yún jiàn rì f /lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun (idiom); fig. to restore justice/ 撦 扯 T - 2860 chě f /variant of 扯[che3]/to pull/to tear/ 撧 - 0 juē f /to break off/to snap/ 撩 - 446 liāo t /to lift up (sth hanging down)/to raise (hem of skirt)/to pull up (sleeve)/to sprinkle (water with cupped hands)/ 撩 - 446 liáo f /to tease/to provoke/to stir up (emotions)/ 撩乱 撩亂 S - 22 liáo luàn f /variant of 繚亂|缭乱[liao2 luan4]/ 撩亂 撩乱 T - 22 liáo luàn f /variant of 繚亂|缭乱[liao2 luan4]/ 撩人 - 3 liáo rén f /to attract/to titillate/ 撩动 撩動 S - 3 liáo dòng f /to stir up/to provoke/ 撩動 撩动 T - 3 liáo dòng f /to stir up/to provoke/ 撩开 撩開 S - 70 liāo kai f /to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something/to toss aside/ 撩惹 - 0 liáo rě f /to provoke/to tease/ 撩拨 撩撥 S - 91 liáo bō f /to provoke/to tease/ 撩撥 撩拨 T - 91 liáo bō f /to provoke/to tease/ 撩是生非 - 0 liáo shì shēng fēi f /to stir up trouble/to provoke angry exchange/ 撩起 - 3 liāo qǐ f /to raise/to lift up (curtains, clothing etc)/ 撩逗 - 4 liáo dòu f /to provoke/to tease/ 撩開 撩开 T - 70 liāo kai f /to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something/to toss aside/ 撫 抚 T - 1444 fǔ f /to comfort/to console/to stroke/to caress/an old term for province or provincial governor/ 撫寧 抚宁 T - 6 Fǔ níng f /Funing county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ 撫寧縣 抚宁县 T - 5 Fǔ níng xiàn f /Funing county in Qinhuangdao 秦皇島|秦皇岛[Qin2 huang2 dao3], Hebei/ 撫州 抚州 T - 54 Fǔ zhōu f /Fuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 撫州市 抚州市 T - 8 Fǔ zhōu shì f /Fuzhou prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 撫平 抚平 T - 36 fǔ píng f /to calm (sb) down/ 撫恤金 抚恤金 T - 60 fǔ xù jīn f /compensation payment (for injury)/relief payment/ 撫愛 抚爱 T - 27 fǔ ài f /to caress/ 撫慰 抚慰 T - 211 fǔ wèi f /to console/to comfort/to soothe/ 撫慰金 抚慰金 T - 5 fǔ wèi jīn f /consolation money/compensation/ 撫抱 抚抱 T - 0 fǔ bào f /caress/ 撫摩 抚摩 T - 115 fǔ mó f /to stroke/to caress/ 撫摸 抚摸 T 3580 623 fǔ mō f /to gently caress and stroke/to pet/to fondle/ 撫松 抚松 T - 7 Fǔ sōng f /Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin/ 撫松縣 抚松县 T - 10 Fǔ sōng xiàn f /Fusong county in Baishan 白山, Jilin/ 撫琴 抚琴 T - 57 fǔ qín f /to play the zither/classical variant of 彈琴|弹琴[tan2 qin2]/ 撫綏 抚绥 T - 0 fǔ suí f /to appease/to pacify/ 撫育 抚育 T - 91 fǔ yù f /to nurture/to raise/to foster/to tend/ 撫遠 抚远 T - 42 Fǔ yuǎn f /Fuyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 撫遠三角洲 抚远三角洲 T - 0 Fǔ yuǎn sān jiǎo zhōu f /Bolshoi Ussuriisk Island in the Heilongjiang or Amur river, at mouth of the Ussuri River opposite Khabarovsk/same as Heixiazi Island 黑瞎子島|黑瞎子岛/ 撫遠縣 抚远县 T - 9 Fǔ yuǎn xiàn f /Fuyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 撫順 抚顺 T - 173 Fǔ shùn f /Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/also Fushun county/ 撫順市 抚顺市 T - 20 Fǔ shùn shì f /Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/ 撫順縣 抚顺县 T - 3 Fǔ shùn xiàn f /Fushun county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning/ 撫養 抚养 T 2899 367 fǔ yǎng f /to foster/to bring up/to raise/ 撫養成人 抚养成人 T - 0 fǔ yǎng chéng rén f /to bring up (a child)/ 撫養權 抚养权 T - 4 fǔ yǎng quán f /custody (of a child etc)/ 撫養費 抚养费 T - 22 fǔ yǎng fèi f /child support payment (after a divorce)/ 撬 - 520 qiào f /to lift/to pry open/to lever open/ 撬开 撬開 S - 3 qiào kāi f /to pry open/to lever open/ 撬杠 撬槓 S - 2 qiào gàng f /crowbar/ 撬棍 - 264 qiào gùn f /crowbar/ 撬棒 - 2 qiào bàng f /crowbar/ 撬槓 撬杠 T - 2 qiào gàng f /crowbar/ 撬窃 撬竊 S - 3 qiào qiè f /burglary/house-breaking/ 撬竊 撬窃 T - 3 qiào qiè f /burglary/house-breaking/ 撬鎖 撬锁 T - 3 qiào suǒ f /to pick a lock/to force a lock/ 撬锁 撬鎖 S - 3 qiào suǒ f /to pick a lock/to force a lock/ 撬門 撬门 T - 3 qiào mén f /to break in/to force a door/ 撬開 撬开 T - 3 qiào kāi f /to pry open/to lever open/ 撬门 撬門 S - 3 qiào mén f /to break in/to force a door/ 播 - 636 bō f /to sow/to scatter/to spread/to broadcast/Taiwan pr. [bo4]/ 播出 - 248 bō chū f /to broadcast/to put out TV programs/ 播報 播报 T - 33 bō bào f /to announce/to read (the news)/ 播報員 播报员 T - 0 bō bào yuán f /announcer/ 播客 - 0 bō kè f /radio broadcast/podcast/Internet audio subscription service/ 播弄 - 15 bō nong f /to order people about/to stir up/to sow discord/ 播报 播報 S - 33 bō bào f /to announce/to read (the news)/ 播报员 播報員 S - 0 bō bào yuán f /announcer/ 播撒 - 35 bō sǎ f /to sow (seeds)/to scatter/ 播放 1896 523 bō fàng f /to broadcast/to transmit/ 播放列表 - 3 bō fàng liè biǎo f /playlist/ 播放机 播放機 S - 38 bō fàng jī f /player (e.g. CD player)/ 播放機 播放机 T - 38 bō fàng jī f /player (e.g. CD player)/ 播映 - 12 bō yìng f /to broadcast a film/to televise/ 播种 播種 S 4635 708 bō zhǒng f /to sow seeds/sowing/seed/ 播種 播种 T 4635 708 bō zhǒng f /to sow seeds/sowing/seed/ 播講 播讲 T - 2 bō jiǎng f /to broadcast a lecture, a book reading etc/ 播讲 播講 S - 2 bō jiǎng f /to broadcast a lecture, a book reading etc/ 播送 - 30 bō sòng f /to broadcast/to transmit/to beam/ 播音 - 77 bō yīn f /to transmit/to broadcast/ 播音员 播音員 S - 87 bō yīn yuán f /announcer/broadcaster/ 播音員 播音员 T - 87 bō yīn yuán f /announcer/broadcaster/ 撮 - 893 cuō t /to pick up (a powder etc) with the fingertips/to scoop up/to collect together/to extract/to gather up/classifier: pinch/ 撮 - 893 zuǒ f /classifier for hair or grass: tuft/ 撮合 - 75 cuō he f /to play matchmaker/to act as a middleman/ 撰 - 1180 zhuàn f /to compose/to compile/ 撰 譔 S - 1180 zhuàn f /variant of 撰[zhuan4]/ 撰写 撰寫 S - 1027 zhuàn xiě f /to write/to compose/ 撰寫 撰写 T - 1027 zhuàn xiě f /to write/to compose/ 撰录 撰錄 S - 0 zhuàn lù f /to compile and record/ 撰拟 撰擬 S - 3 zhuàn nǐ f /to draft/to draw up/to compose (a plan or document)/ 撰擬 撰拟 T - 3 zhuàn nǐ f /to draft/to draw up/to compose (a plan or document)/ 撰文 - 209 zhuàn wén f /article (in publication)/ 撰稿 - 79 zhuàn gǎo f /to write (an article for publication)/ 撰稿人 - 86 zhuàn gǎo rén f /author (of a manuscript)/ 撰錄 撰录 T - 0 zhuàn lù f /to compile and record/ 撱 - 66 tuǒ f /clip/shorten/throw away/ 撲 扑 T 3265 4520 pū f /to throw oneself at/to pounce on/to devote one's energies/to flap/to flutter/to dab/to pat/to bend over/ 撲倒 扑倒 T - 3 pū dǎo f /to fall down/ 撲克 扑克 T - 63 pū kè f /poker (game) (loanword)/deck of playing cards/ 撲克牌 扑克牌 T - 57 pū kè pái f /poker (card game)/playing card/CL:副[fu4]/ 撲扇 扑扇 T - 12 pū shan f /to flutter/to flap/ 撲打 扑打 T - 68 pū dǎ f /to swat/(of wings) to flap/ 撲救 扑救 T - 56 pū jiù f /firefighting/to extinguish a fire and save life and property/to dive (of goalkeeper in soccer)/ 撲朔 扑朔 T - 3 pū shuò f /see 撲朔迷離|扑朔迷离[pu1 shuo4 mi2 li2]/ 撲朔迷離 扑朔迷离 T - 72 pū shuò mí lí f /impossible to unravel/confusing/ 撲殺 扑杀 T - 3 pū shā f /to kill/to cull/ 撲滅 扑灭 T - 325 pū miè f /to eradicate/to extinguish/ 撲滿 扑满 T - 5 pū mǎn f /piggy bank/ 撲稜 扑棱 T - 5 pū lēng f /(onom.) fluttering or flapping of wings/ 撲稜 扑棱 T - 5 pū leng t /to do sth repeatedly/ 撲空 扑空 T - 33 pū kōng f /lit. to rush at thin air/fig. to miss one's aim/to have nothing to show for one's troubles/ 撲臉兒 扑脸儿 T - 0 pū liǎn r f /strikes you in the face/ 撲落 扑落 T - 19 pū luò f /to fall/to drop/socket (loanword for "plug")/ 撲跌 扑跌 T - 3 pū diē f /to fall flat on one's face/(martial arts) pouncing and falling (i.e. all kinds of moves)/ 撲通 扑通 T - 380 pū tōng f /(onom.) sound of object falling into water/plop/ 撲閃 扑闪 T - 10 pū shǎn f /to wink/to blink/ 撲面 扑面 T - 129 pū miàn f /lit. sth hits one in the face/directly in one's face/sth assaults the senses/blatant (advertising)/eye catching/(a smell) assaults the nostrils/ 撲面而來 扑面而来 T - 121 pū miàn ér lái f /lit. sth hits one in the face/directly in one's face/sth assaults the senses/blatant (advertising)/eye catching/(a smell) assaults the nostrils/ 撲騰 扑腾 T - 49 pū teng f /(onom.) thud/flutter/flop/ 撲鼻 扑鼻 T - 190 pū bí f /to assail the nostrils (of fragrance and odours)/ 撳 揿 T - 565 qìn f /to press (bell)/ 撵 攆 S - 374 niǎn f /to expel/to oust/ 撵出 攆出 S - 3 niǎn chū f /to expel/to drive out/to oust/ 撵走 攆走 S - 30 niǎn zǒu f /to drive out/to oust/ 撷 擷 S - 23 xié f /to collect/Taiwan pr. [jie2]/ 撷取 擷取 S - 13 xié qǔ f /to pick/to select/to take/to capture (data)/to acquire/to pick up (a signal)/ 撸 擼 S - 194 lū f /(dialect) to rub one's hand along/to fire (an employee)/to reprimand/ 撸管 擼管 S - 0 lū guǎn f /(slang) to masturbate/ 撺 攛 S - 67 cuān f /rush/stir up/throw/fling/hurry/rage/ 撺掇 攛掇 S - 91 cuān duo f /to urge sb on/ 撻 挞 T - 100 tà f /flog/rapid/ 撼 - 169 hàn f /to shake/to vibrate/ 撼动 撼動 S - 67 hàn dòng f /to shake up/to deal a shock/(fig.) to stir (sb's heart)/ 撼動 撼动 T - 67 hàn dòng f /to shake up/to deal a shock/(fig.) to stir (sb's heart)/ 撼天动地 撼天動地 S - 6 hàn tiān dòng dì f /earth-shaking/ 撼天動地 撼天动地 T - 6 hàn tiān dòng dì f /earth-shaking/ 撼树蚍蜉 撼樹蚍蜉 S - 3 hàn shù pí fú f /lit. an ant trying to shake a tree/to overrate oneself (idiom)/ 撼樹蚍蜉 撼树蚍蜉 T - 3 hàn shù pí fú f /lit. an ant trying to shake a tree/to overrate oneself (idiom)/ 撾 挝 T - 93 zhuā f /beat/ 撿 捡 T 1656 1136 jiǎn f /to pick up/to collect/to gather/ 撿了芝麻丟了西瓜 捡了芝麻丢了西瓜 T - 0 jiǎn le zhī ma diū le xī guā f /to let go of the big prize while grabbing at trifles (idiom)/ 撿到籃裡就是菜 捡到篮里就是菜 T - 0 jiǎn dào lán lǐ jiù shì cài f /all is grist that comes to the mill (idiom)/ 擀 - 121 gǎn f /to roll (dough etc)/ 擀面杖 擀麵杖 S - 27 gǎn miàn zhàng f /rolling pin/ 擀麵杖 擀面杖 T - 27 gǎn miàn zhàng f /rolling pin/ 擁 拥 T - 2257 yōng f /to hold/to embrace/to wrap around/to gather around (sb)/to throng/to swarm/to support/Taiwan pr. [yong3]/ 擁塞 拥塞 T - 22 yōng sè f /to be clogged up/to be congested (traffic, computer network etc)/ 擁戴 拥戴 T - 419 yōng dài f /to give one's allegiance/(popular) support/ 擁抱 拥抱 T 1626 377 yōng bào f /to embrace/to hug/ 擁擠 拥挤 T 2249 549 yōng jǐ f /crowded/to throng/congestion/ 擁擠不堪 拥挤不堪 T - 33 yōng jǐ bù kān f /overcrowded/jam-packed/ 擁有 拥有 T 2517 8523 yōng yǒu f /to have/to possess/ 擁有權 拥有权 T - 5 yōng yǒu quán f /right of ownership/ 擁護 拥护 T 4085 992 yōng hù f /to endorse/to support/ 擁護者 拥护者 T - 62 yōng hù zhě f /supporter (person)/ 擁躉 拥趸 T - 0 yōng dǔn f /fan/fanatic/ 擂 - 206 léi t /beat/to grind/ 擂 - 206 lèi f /to beat (a drum)/ 擂台 擂臺 S - 215 lèi tái f /elevated stage on which martial competitions or duels were held/arena/ring/ 擂台赛 擂臺賽 S - 68 lèi tái sài f /single-elimination open tournament (the winner stays on until he is himself defeated)/ 擂臺 擂台 T - 215 lèi tái f /elevated stage on which martial competitions or duels were held/arena/ring/ 擂臺賽 擂台赛 T - 68 lèi tái sài f /single-elimination open tournament (the winner stays on until he is himself defeated)/ 擂鼓鳴金 擂鼓鸣金 T - 3 léi gǔ míng jīn f /to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/ 擂鼓鸣金 擂鼓鳴金 S - 3 léi gǔ míng jīn f /to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/ 擄 掳 T - 462 lǔ f /to capture/to seize/ 擄人勒贖 掳人勒赎 T - 0 lǔ rén lè shú f /kidnapping for ransom/ 擄掠 掳掠 T - 202 lǔ lüè f /to loot/to pillage/to sack/ 擄獲 掳获 T - 3 lǔ huò f /to capture a prisoner/to take sb captive/ 擅 - 1019 shàn f /without authority/to usurp/to arrogate to oneself/to monopolize/expert in/to be good at/ 擅场 擅場 S - 3 shàn chǎng f /to excel in some field/expert at sth/ 擅場 擅场 T - 3 shàn chǎng f /to excel in some field/expert at sth/ 擅断 擅斷 S - 3 shàn duàn f /arbitrary/ 擅斷 擅断 T - 3 shàn duàn f /arbitrary/ 擅权 擅權 S - 3 shàn quán f /to arrogate power/ 擅權 擅权 T - 3 shàn quán f /to arrogate power/ 擅离职守 擅離職守 S - 10 shàn lí zhí shǒu f /to abscond/to be absent without leave/ 擅美 - 0 shàn měi f /to enjoy fame without sharing it/to take the credit/ 擅自 3605 538 shàn zì f /without permission/of one's own initiative/ 擅長 擅长 T 2628 1226 shàn cháng f /to be good at/to be expert in/ 擅长 擅長 S 2628 1226 shàn cháng f /to be good at/to be expert in/ 擅闖 擅闯 T - 29 shàn chuǎng f /to enter without permission/to trespass/ 擅闯 擅闖 S - 29 shàn chuǎng f /to enter without permission/to trespass/ 擅離職守 擅离职守 T - 10 shàn lí zhí shǒu f /to abscond/to be absent without leave/ 擇 择 T - 675 zé f /to select/to choose/to pick over/to pick out/to differentiate/to eliminate/also pr. [zhai2]/ 擇不開 择不开 T - 0 zhái bu kāi f /impossible to separate/impossible to disentangle/cannot take time out/ 擇偶 择偶 T - 121 zé ǒu f /to choose a spouse/ 擇刺 择刺 T - 0 zhái cì f /to pick out the bones in a fish/ 擇善固執 择善固执 T - 3 zé shàn gù zhí f /to choose what is good and hold fast to it (idiom)/ 擇善而從 择善而从 T - 37 zé shàn ér cóng f /to choose the right course and follow it (idiom)/ 擇定 择定 T - 0 zé dìng f /to select/ 擇日 择日 T - 50 zé rì f /to fix a date (for an event)/to select an auspicious date/ 擇日子 择日子 T - 3 zhái rì zi f /to pick an auspicious day/ 擇菜 择菜 T - 12 zhái cài f /to pick the edible part of vegetables/ 擇食 择食 T - 3 zé shí f /to be picky (food)/ 擉 - 0 chuò f /to pierce/to break through/ 擊 击 T - 4400 jī f /to hit/to strike/to break/Taiwan pr. [ji2]/ 擊中 击中 T - 646 jī zhòng f /to hit (a target etc)/to strike/ 擊倒 击倒 T - 100 jī dǎo f /to knock down/knocked down/ 擊刺 击刺 T - 0 jī cì f /to stab/to hack/ 擊劍 击剑 T - 120 jī jiàn f /fencing (sport)/ 擊劍者 击剑者 T - 0 jī jiàn zhě f /fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)/ 擊墜 击坠 T - 0 jī zhuì f /to shoot down/ 擊弦貝斯 击弦贝斯 T - 0 jī xián bèi sī f /slap bass (bass guitar technique)/ 擊弦類 击弦类 T - 0 jī xián lèi f /hammered string type (of musical instrument)/ 擊弦類樂器 击弦类乐器 T - 0 jī xián lèi yuè qì f /hammered string musical instrument/ 擊打 击打 T - 189 jī dǎ f /to beat/to lash/ 擊掌 击掌 T - 96 jī zhǎng f /to clap one's hands/to clap each other's hands/high five/ 擊敗 击败 T - 1612 jī bài f /to defeat/to beat/ 擊斃 击毙 T - 248 jī bì f /to kill/to shoot dead/ 擊毀 击毁 T - 144 jī huǐ f /to attack and destroy/ 擊沉 击沉 T - 208 jī chén f /to attack and sink (a ship)/ 擊潰 击溃 T - 335 jī kuì f /to defeat/to smash/to rout/ 擊球 击球 T - 179 jī qiú f /to bat/to hit a ball (sport)/ 擊球員 击球员 T - 16 jī qiú yuán f /lit. striking sportsman/striker (baseball)/batsman (cricket)/ 擊碎 击碎 T - 3 jī suì f /to smash to pieces/ 擊缶 击缶 T - 3 jí fǒu f /to beat time with a percussion instrument made of pottery/ 擊落 击落 T - 503 jī luò f /to shoot down (a plane)/ 擊退 击退 T - 347 jī tuì f /to beat back/to repel/ 擊鼓鳴金 击鼓鸣金 T - 3 jī gǔ míng jīn f /to beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat/to egg people on or to call them back/ 擋 挡 T 1648 2950 dǎng t /to resist/to obstruct/to hinder/to keep off/to block (a blow)/to get in the way of/cover/gear (e.g. in a car's transmission)/ 擋 挡 T 1648 2950 dàng f /to arrange/to put in order/ 擋位 挡位 T - 4 dǎng wèi f /gear level (i.e. first gear, high gear etc)/ 擋住 挡住 T - 723 dǎng zhù f /to obstruct/ 擋拆 挡拆 T - 0 dǎng chāi f /pick and roll (basketball)/screen and roll/ 擋泥板 挡泥板 T - 4 dǎng ní bǎn f /mudguard/ 擋瑯 挡琅 T - 0 dǎng láng f /(slang) to ask for money/to lend money/ 擋箭牌 挡箭牌 T - 42 dǎng jiàn pái f /shield/(fig.) excuse/ 擋路 挡路 T - 36 dǎng lù f /blocking the way/ 擋郎 挡郎 T - 0 dǎng láng f /(slang) to ask for money/to lend money/ 擋鋃 挡锒 T - 0 dǎng láng f /(slang) to ask for money/to lend money/ 擋雨 挡雨 T - 3 dǎng yǔ f /to protect from the rain/ 擋風牆 挡风墙 T - 2 dǎng fēng qiáng f /lit. windbreak/fig. protector/ 擋風玻璃 挡风玻璃 T - 3 dǎng fēng bō li f /windshield/wind screen/ 操 撡 S - 3353 cāo t /old variant of 操[cao1]/ 操 - 3353 cāo t /to grasp/to hold/to operate/to manage/to control/to steer/to exercise/to drill (practice)/to play/to speak (a language)/ 操 - 3353 cào f /variant of 肏[cao4]/ 操之过急 操之過急 S - 40 cāo zhī guò jí f /to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient/over-hasty/ 操之過急 操之过急 T - 40 cāo zhī guò jí f /to act with undue haste (idiom); eager and impatient/over-hasty/ 操作 2958 3727 cāo zuò f /to work/to operate/to manipulate/ 操作台 - 7 cāo zuò tái f /operating desk/control panel/console/ 操作员 操作員 S - 49 cāo zuò yuán f /operator/ 操作員 操作员 T - 49 cāo zuò yuán f /operator/ 操作环境 操作環境 S - 0 cāo zuò huán jìng f /operating environment/ 操作環境 操作环境 T - 0 cāo zuò huán jìng f /operating environment/ 操作系統 操作系统 T - 757 cāo zuò xì tǒng f /operating system/ 操作系统 操作系統 S - 757 cāo zuò xì tǒng f /operating system/ 操作者 - 42 cāo zuò zhě f /operator/ 操作規程 操作规程 T - 3 cāo zuò guī chéng f /operating rules/work regulations/ 操作规程 操作規程 S - 3 cāo zuò guī chéng f /operating rules/work regulations/ 操作速率 - 0 cāo zuò sù lǜ f /operating speed/ 操你妈 操你媽 S - 0 cào nǐ mā f /see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1]/ 操你媽 操你妈 T - 0 cào nǐ mā f /see 肏你媽|肏你妈[cao4 ni3 ma1]/ 操典 - 15 cāo diǎn f /drill book/ 操刀手 - 0 cāo dāo shǒu f /person charged with decisive action/hatchet man/ 操切 - 4 cāo qiè f /rash/hasty/ 操办 操辦 S - 84 cāo bàn f /to arrange matters/ 操劳 操勞 S 4658 118 cāo láo f /to work hard/to look after/ 操勞 操劳 T 4658 118 cāo láo f /to work hard/to look after/ 操场 操場 S 2296 284 cāo chǎng f /playground/sports field/drill ground/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 操坪 - 0 cāo píng f /drill ground/ 操場 操场 T 2296 284 cāo chǎng f /playground/sports field/drill ground/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 操守 - 90 cāo shǒu f /personal integrity/ 操屄 - 0 cào bī f /variant of 肏屄[cao4 bi1]/ 操心 1973 625 cāo xīn f /to worry about/ 操持 - 266 cāo chi f /to manage/to handle/ 操控 - 74 cāo kòng f /to control/to manipulate/ 操斧伐柯 - 3 cāo fǔ fá kē f /(cf Book of Songs) How to fashion an ax handle? You need an ax/fig. to follow a principle/fig. to act as matchmaker/ 操法 - 3 cāo fǎ f /drill rules/ 操演 - 144 cāo yǎn f /drill/exercise/demonstration/to demonstrate/ 操盘手 操盤手 S - 3 cāo pán shǒu f /trader or dealer (of stocks and shares etc)/ 操盤手 操盘手 T - 3 cāo pán shǒu f /trader or dealer (of stocks and shares etc)/ 操神 - 3 cāo shén f /to worry about/to look after/to take care of/ 操練 操练 T 4729 709 cāo liàn f /drill/practice/ 操縱 操纵 T 3007 1201 cāo zòng f /to operate/to control/to rig/to manipulate/ 操縱桿 操纵杆 T - 25 cāo zòng gǎn f /joystick/control lever/ 操縱自如 操纵自如 T - 10 cāo zòng zì rú f /ease of operation/to control smoothly/ 操纵 操縱 S 3007 1201 cāo zòng f /to operate/to control/to rig/to manipulate/ 操纵杆 操縱桿 S - 25 cāo zòng gǎn f /joystick/control lever/ 操纵自如 操縱自如 S - 10 cāo zòng zì rú f /ease of operation/to control smoothly/ 操练 操練 S 4729 709 cāo liàn f /drill/practice/ 操舟 - 0 cāo zhōu f /to steer a boat/ 操航 - 0 cāo háng f /to take the helm/to steer (a ship)/ 操舵 - 10 cāo duò f /to steer (a vessel)/to hold the rudder/at the helm/ 操舵室 - 0 cāo duò shì f /pilothouse/ 操蛋 - 3 cào dàn f /variant of 肏蛋[cao4 dan4]/ 操行 - 112 cāo xíng f /(student's) behavior/ 操觚 - 0 cāo gū f /to write/to compose/ 操課 操课 T - 0 cāo kè f /military drill/ 操课 操課 S - 0 cāo kè f /military drill/ 操辦 操办 T - 84 cāo bàn f /to arrange matters/ 操逼 - 0 cào bī f /variant of 肏屄[cao4 bi1]/ 擎 - 179 qíng f /to raise (hand)/ 擎拳合掌 - 0 qíng quán hé zhǎng f /to clasp hands/to put one's palms together (in obeisance)/ 擐 - 10 huàn f /pass through/to get into (armor)/ 擒 - 1455 qín f /to capture/ 擒人節 擒人节 T - 0 Qín rén jié f /(jocularly) Valentine's Day, referring to the rising number of extramarrital affairs being discovered on that day/ 擒人节 擒人節 S - 0 Qín rén jié f /(jocularly) Valentine's Day, referring to the rising number of extramarrital affairs being discovered on that day/ 擒獲 擒获 T - 163 qín huò f /to apprehend/to capture/to seize/ 擒获 擒獲 S - 163 qín huò f /to apprehend/to capture/to seize/ 擒賊擒王 擒贼擒王 T - 14 qín zéi qín wáng f /to defeat the enemy by capturing their chief (idiom)/ 擒贼擒王 擒賊擒王 S - 14 qín zéi qín wáng f /to defeat the enemy by capturing their chief (idiom)/ 擔 担 T - 1918 dān t /to undertake/to carry/to shoulder/to take responsibility/ 擔 担 T - 1918 dàn f /picul (100 catties, 50 kg)/two buckets full/carrying pole and its load/classifier for loads carried on a shoulder pole/ 擔仔麵 担仔面 T - 3 dān zǎi miàn f /ta-a noodles or danzai noodles, popular snack originating from Tainan/ 擔任 担任 T 2107 6409 dān rèn f /to hold a governmental office or post/to assume office of/to take charge of/to serve as/ 擔保 担保 T 3319 796 dān bǎo f /to guarantee/to vouch for/ 擔子 担子 T - 695 dàn zi f /carrying pole and the loads on it/burden/task/responsibility/CL:副[fu4]/ 擔待 担待 T - 60 dān dài f /to pardon/please excuse (me)/to take responsibility/ 擔心 担心 T 349 4839 dān xīn f /anxious/worried/uneasy/to worry/to be anxious/ 擔憂 担忧 T - 781 dān yōu f /to worry/to be concerned/ 擔懮 担懮 T - 0 dān yōu f /worry/anxiety/ 擔承 担承 T - 3 dān chéng f /to undertake/to assume (responsibility etc)/ 擔擔麵 担担面 T - 4 dàn dàn miàn f /Sichuan noodles with a spicy and numbing sauce/ 擔擱 担搁 T - 9 dān ge f /variant of 耽擱|耽搁[dan1 ge5]/ 擔架 担架 T - 249 dān jià f /stretcher/litter/bier/ 擔架兵 担架兵 T - 0 dān jià bīng f /stretcher bearer (military)/ 擔架床 担架床 T - 0 dān jià chuáng f /stretcher/ 擔架抬 担架抬 T - 0 dān jià tái f /stretcher (for the injured)/ 擔當 担当 T - 512 dān dāng f /to take upon oneself/to assume/ 擔荷 担荷 T - 0 dān hè f /to shoulder a burden/ 擔誤 担误 T - 3 dān wu f /variant of 耽誤|耽误[dan1 wu5]/ 擔負 担负 T - 1011 dān fù f /to shoulder/to bear/to undertake/ 擔驚受怕 担惊受怕 T - 63 dān jīng shòu pà f /to feel apprehensive/to be alarmed/ 擕 携 T - 1350 xié f /old variant of 攜|携[xie2]/ 擖 - 0 gě f /scrape/ 擗 - 0 pǐ f /to beat the breast/ 擘 - 27 bò f /thumb/to break/to tear/to pierce/to split/ 擘划 擘劃 S - 0 bò huà f /to plan/to arrange/ 擘劃 擘划 T - 0 bò huà f /to plan/to arrange/ 擘开 擘開 S - 0 bò kāi f /to break open/ 擘画 擘畫 S - 6 bò huà f /variant of 擘劃|擘划[bo4 hua4]/ 擘畫 擘画 T - 6 bò huà f /variant of 擘劃|擘划[bo4 hua4]/ 擘開 擘开 T - 0 bò kāi f /to break open/ 據 据 T - 19409 jù t /according to/to act in accordance with/to depend on/to seize/to occupy/ 據估計 据估计 T - 3 jù gū jì f /according to estimates/ 據信 据信 T - 0 jù xìn f /according to belief/it is believed that/ 據傳 据传 T - 110 jù chuán f /it is rumored that .../it is reported that .../ 據報 据报 T - 0 jù bào f /it is reported/according to reports/ 據報導 据报导 T - 0 jù bào dǎo f /according to (news) reports/ 據報道 据报道 T - 0 jù bào dào f /according to a report/It is reported that.../ 據守 据守 T - 105 jù shǒu f /to guard/to hold a fortified position/entrenched/ 據守天險 据守天险 T - 0 jù shǒu tiān xiǎn f /to guard a natural stronghold/ 據實 据实 T - 70 jù shí f /according to the facts/ 據實以告 据实以告 T - 0 jù shí yǐ gào f /to report according to the facts/to tell the truth/to tell it like it is/ 據悉 据悉 T 4883 1523 jù xī f /according to reports/it is reported (that)/ 據情辦理 据情办理 T - 0 jù qíng bàn lǐ f /to handle a situation according to the circumstances (idiom)/ 據我所知 据我所知 T - 3 jù wǒ suǒ zhī f /as far as I know/to the best of my knowledge/ 據我看 据我看 T - 0 jù wǒ kàn f /in my view/in my opinion/from what I can see/ 據料 据料 T - 0 jù liào f /according to forecasts/it is expected that.../ 據有 据有 T - 0 jù yǒu f /to occupy/to hold/to possess/ 據此 据此 T - 1012 jù cǐ f /according to this/on the ground of the above/(formally introduces reported speech in writing)/ 據為己有 据为己有 T - 73 jù wéi jǐ yǒu f /to take for one's own/to expropriate/ 據理 据理 T - 14 jù lǐ f /according to reason/in principle/ 據理力爭 据理力争 T - 48 jù lǐ lì zhēng f /to contend on strong grounds/to argue strongly for what is right/ 據稱 据称 T - 298 jù chēng f /it is said/allegedly/according to reports/or so they say/ 據統計 据统计 T - 3 jù tǒng jì f /according to statistics/ 據聞 据闻 T - 3 jù wén f /accounts/one's understanding/ 據說 据说 T 1879 2890 jù shuō f /it is said that/reportedly/ 據險 据险 T - 0 jù xiǎn f /to rely on natural barriers (for one's defense)/ 據點 据点 T - 240 jù diǎn f /stronghold/defended military base/base for operations/strategic point/foothold/(market) presence/ 擞 擻 S - 117 sǒu f /shake/trembling/ 擠 挤 T - 2260 jǐ f /to crowd in/to cram in/to force others aside/to press/to squeeze/to find (time in one's busy schedule)/ 擠上去 挤上去 T - 3 jǐ shàng qu f /to squeeze oneself up into (a crowded vehicle etc)/ 擠來擠去 挤来挤去 T - 3 jǐ lái jǐ qù f /to mill about/to jostle/ 擠兌 挤兑 T - 55 jǐ duì f /a run on a bank/ 擠入 挤入 T - 40 jǐ rù f /to squeeze in/to force oneself into/to cram into/to intrude/ 擠出 挤出 T - 292 jǐ chū f /to squeeze out/to extrude/to drain/to find the time/to burst out/ 擠占 挤占 T - 53 jǐ zhàn f /to seize/to push aside and occupy/ 擠咕 挤咕 T - 0 jǐ gū f /to wink at/ 擠垮 挤垮 T - 6 jǐ kuǎ f /to squash/to crush/to squeeze out of business/to drive out/ 擠壓 挤压 T - 291 jǐ yā f /to squeeze/to press/to extrude/ 擠壓出 挤压出 T - 0 jǐ yā chū f /to extrude/ 擠奶 挤奶 T - 27 jǐ nǎi f /to milk/ 擠對 挤对 T - 0 jǐ duì f /(coll.) to mock/to bully/to force (a concession out of sb)/ 擠提 挤提 T - 0 jǐ tí f /bank run/to crowd into a bank and withdraw all one's money/ 擠擠插插 挤挤插插 T - 3 jǐ jǐ chā chā f /crowded tightly/jam-packed/ 擠滿 挤满 T - 203 jǐ mǎn f /crowded to bursting point/filled to overflowing/jam-packed/ 擠牙膏 挤牙膏 T - 5 jǐ yá gāo f /lit. to squeeze out toothpaste/fig. to extract a confession under pressure/ 擠眉弄眼 挤眉弄眼 T - 47 jǐ méi nòng yǎn f /to make eyes/to wink/ 擠眼 挤眼 T - 3 jǐ yǎn f /to wink/ 擠緊 挤紧 T - 0 jǐ jǐn f /to squeeze/ 擠花 挤花 T - 0 jǐ huā f /(cookery) to decorate using a piping bag/to extrude something though a piping bag/piping/ 擠花袋 挤花袋 T - 0 jǐ huā dài f /piping bag (cookery)/ 擠落 挤落 T - 3 jǐ luò f /(coll.) to push aside/ 擠踏 挤踏 T - 0 jǐ tà f /stampede/ 擠軋 挤轧 T - 3 jǐ yà f /to bump and shove/ 擠進 挤进 T - 92 jǐ jìn f /to break into/to force one's way into/to barge into/ 擠過 挤过 T - 0 jǐ guò f /to squeeze through/to force one's way through/ 擡 - 4456 tái f /variant of 抬[tai2]/ 擢 - 235 zhuó f /to pull out/to select/to promote/ 擢升 - 60 zhuó shēng f /to promote (sb)/to upgrade/to ascend/ 擢发难数 擢髮難數 S - 3 zhuó fà nán shǔ f /lit. as difficult to count as hair pulled from sb's head (idiom)/fig. innumerable (crimes)/ 擢第 - 0 zhuó dì f /to pass the civil service examination (in imperial China)/ 擢髮難數 擢发难数 T - 3 zhuó fà nán shǔ f /lit. as difficult to count as hair pulled from sb's head (idiom)/fig. innumerable (crimes)/ 擣 - 3 dǎo f /stir/to pound/ 擤 - 43 xǐng f /to blow one's nose/ 擤鼻涕 - 0 xǐng bí tì f /to blow one's nose/ 擥 - 0 lǎn f /variant of 攬|揽[lan3]/ 擦 912 2833 cā f /to wipe/to erase/rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/to clean/to polish/ 擦乾 擦干 T - 3 cā gān f /to wipe dry/ 擦亮 - 40 cā liàng f /to polish/ 擦亮眼睛 - 3 cā liàng yǎn jīng f /to keep one's eyes open (idiom)/to be on one's guard/to be clear-eyed/ 擦伤 擦傷 S - 56 cā shāng f /to abrade/to scrape/to chafe/to graze/abrasion/friction burn/scratch/ 擦傷 擦伤 T - 56 cā shāng f /to abrade/to scrape/to chafe/to graze/abrasion/friction burn/scratch/ 擦写 擦寫 S - 13 cā xiě f /to erase/ 擦子 - 3 cā zi f /eraser/(kitchen) grater/shredder/ 擦寫 擦写 T - 13 cā xiě f /to erase/ 擦屁股 - 23 cā pì gu f /(lit.) to wipe one’s ass/(coll.) to clear up sb else's mess/ 擦干 擦乾 S - 3 cā gān f /to wipe dry/ 擦抹 - 3 cā mǒ f /to wipe/ 擦拭 - 135 cā shì f /to wipe clean/ 擦掉 - 30 cā diào f /to wipe/ 擦掠 - 0 cā lüè f /to brush against/to graze/to scratch/ 擦擦笔 擦擦筆 S - 0 cā cā bǐ f /erasable pen/ 擦擦筆 擦擦笔 T - 0 cā cā bǐ f /erasable pen/ 擦枪走火 擦槍走火 S - 0 cā qiāng zǒu huǒ f /to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun/(fig.) a minor incident that sparks a war/ 擦棒球 - 0 cā bàng qiú f /foul tip/ 擦槍走火 擦枪走火 T - 0 cā qiāng zǒu huǒ f /to shoot accidentally while polishing a gun/(fig.) a minor incident that sparks a war/ 擦油 - 3 cā yóu f /to oil/to anoint/ 擦洗 - 99 cā xǐ f /to clean (with water or alcohol)/to wipe and wash/to swab/to scrub/ 擦澡 - 3 cā zǎo f /to rub oneself down with a wet towel/to take a sponge bath/ 擦碗布 - 0 cā wǎn bù f /dish cloth/tea towel/ 擦網球 擦网球 T - 0 cā wǎng qiú f /net ball/let (tennis etc)/ 擦网球 擦網球 S - 0 cā wǎng qiú f /net ball/let (tennis etc)/ 擦肩而过 擦肩而過 S - 96 cā jiān ér guò f /brief encounter/to brush past sb/ 擦肩而過 擦肩而过 T - 96 cā jiān ér guò f /brief encounter/to brush past sb/ 擦腚紙 擦腚纸 T - 0 cā dìng zhǐ f /toilet paper/ 擦腚纸 擦腚紙 S - 0 cā dìng zhǐ f /toilet paper/ 擦身而过 擦身而過 S - 31 cā shēn ér guò f /to brush past/ 擦身而過 擦身而过 T - 31 cā shēn ér guò f /to brush past/ 擦边球 擦邊球 S - 35 cā biān qiú f /lit. to hit a ball or shuttlecock on the sideline/fig. to skirt the line legally or morally/ 擦邊球 擦边球 T - 35 cā biān qiú f /lit. to hit a ball or shuttlecock on the sideline/fig. to skirt the line legally or morally/ 擦鞋垫 擦鞋墊 S - 0 cā xié diàn f /doormat/ 擦鞋墊 擦鞋垫 T - 0 cā xié diàn f /doormat/ 擦音 - 10 cā yīn f /fricative/ 擦黑儿 擦黑兒 S - 3 cā hēi r f /(dialect) dusk/ 擦黑兒 擦黑儿 T - 3 cā hēi r f /(dialect) dusk/ 擧 举 T 883 6506 jǔ f /variant of 舉|举[ju3]/ 擨 - 0 yé f /archaic variant of 揶[ye2]/ 擩 - 0 rǔ f /to stain/to dye/ 擫 - 0 yè f /to press down/ 擬 拟 T - 1919 nǐ f /to plan to/to draft (a plan)/to imitate/to assess/to compare/pseudo-/ 擬人 拟人 T - 27 nǐ rén f /personification/anthropomorphism/ 擬作 拟作 T - 8 nǐ zuò f /to write in the style of some author/to write as if from the mouth of sb/a pastiche/ 擬古 拟古 T - 3 nǐ gǔ f /to emulate a classic/to work in the style of a classic (author)/ 擬古之作 拟古之作 T - 0 nǐ gǔ zhī zuò f /a work in a classic style/a pastiche/ 擬合 拟合 T - 43 nǐ hé f /to fit (data to a model)/a (close) fit/ 擬大朱雀 拟大朱雀 T - 0 nǐ dà zhū què f /(bird species of China) streaked rosefinch (Carpodacus rubicilloides)/ 擬定 拟定 T 4731 826 nǐ dìng f /to draw up/to draft/to formulate/ 擬態 拟态 T - 13 nǐ tài f /(biol.) mimicry/(protective) mimicry/camouflage/ 擬於不倫 拟于不伦 T - 3 nǐ yú bù lún f /to draw an impossible comparison/ 擬游隼 拟游隼 T - 0 nǐ yóu sǔn f /(bird species of China) Barbary falcon (Falco pelegrinoides)/ 擬球 拟球 T - 0 nǐ qiú f /(math.) pseudosphere, a surface in ordinary space of constant negative curvature/ 擬稿 拟稿 T - 11 nǐ gǎo f /to draft (a statement)/ 擬聲 拟声 T - 3 nǐ shēng f /onomatopoeia/ 擬聲唱法 拟声唱法 T - 0 nǐ shēng chàng fǎ f /scat singing/ 擬聲詞 拟声词 T - 3 nǐ shēng cí f /onomatopoeia/ 擬製 拟制 T - 36 nǐ zhì f /to copy (a model)/ 擬訂 拟订 T - 172 nǐ dìng f /to draw up (a plan)/ 擬議 拟议 T - 35 nǐ yì f /proposal/recommendation/to draft/ 擬阿拖品藥物 拟阿拖品药物 T - 0 nǐ ā tuō pǐn yào wù f /atropinemimetic drug/ 擬音 拟音 T - 3 nǐ yīn f /to make a sound effect/sound effect/ 擬鹵素 拟卤素 T - 0 nǐ lǔ sù f /pseudohalogen, e.g. cyanogen (CN)2/ 擭 - 54 huò f /trap/ 擯 摈 T - 75 bìn f /to reject/to expel/to discard/to exclude/to renounce/ 擯斥 摈斥 T - 32 bìn chì f /to reject/to dismiss/ 擯棄 摈弃 T - 65 bìn qì f /to abandon/to discard/to cast away/ 擯除 摈除 T - 17 bìn chú f /to discard/to get rid of/to dispense with/ 擰 拧 T 3433 640 níng t /to pinch/wring/ 擰 拧 T 3433 640 nǐng f /mistake/to twist/ 擰 拧 T 3433 640 nìng f /stubborn/ 擰成一股繩 拧成一股绳 T - 14 níng chéng yī gǔ shéng f /to twist together to form a rope/(fig.) to unite/to work together/ 擰開 拧开 T - 3 nǐng kāi f /to unscrew/to twist off (a lid)/to turn on (a faucet)/to switch on (by turning a knob)/to turn (a door handle)/to wrench apart/ 擱 搁 T 4061 947 gē t /to place/to put aside/to shelve/ 擱 搁 T 4061 947 gé f /to bear/to stand/to endure/ 擱板 搁板 T - 16 gē bǎn f /shelf/ 擱淺 搁浅 T - 107 gē qiǎn f /to be stranded (of ship)/to run aground/fig. to run into difficulties and stop/ 擱筆 搁笔 T - 23 gē bǐ f /to put down the pen/to stop writing/ 擱置 搁置 T - 139 gē zhì f /to shelve/to set aside/ 擱腳板 搁脚板 T - 0 gē jiǎo bǎn f /footrest/ 擱腳物 搁脚物 T - 0 gē jiǎo wù f /footrest/ 擲 掷 T - 2336 zhì f /to toss/to throw dice/Taiwan pr. [zhi2]/ 擲地有聲 掷地有声 T - 23 zhì dì yǒu shēng f /lit. if thrown on the floor, it will make a sound (idiom)/fig. (of one's words) powerful and resonating/to have substance/ 擲色 掷色 T - 0 zhì shǎi f /to throw the dice/ 擲還 掷还 T - 0 zhì huán f /please return (an item sent in the mail)/ 擲骰子 掷骰子 T - 3 zhì tóu zi f /to throw the dice/ 擴 扩 T - 1928 kuò f /enlarge/ 擴充 扩充 T 4812 584 kuò chōng f /to expand/ 擴印 扩印 T - 7 kuò yìn f /to enlarge (a photo)/to print larger/ 擴及 扩及 T - 49 kuò jí f /to extend to/ 擴增 扩增 T - 14 kuò zēng f /to augment/to amplify/to extend/to expand/ 擴增實境 扩增实境 T - 0 kuò zēng shí jìng f /augmented reality (computing)/ 擴大 扩大 T 2123 8594 kuò dà f /to expand/to enlarge/to broaden one's scope/ 擴大再生產 扩大再生产 T - 0 kuò dà zài shēng chǎn f /to expand production/to reproduce on an extended scale/ 擴大化 扩大化 T - 87 kuò dà huà f /to extend the scope/to exaggerate/ 擴孔 扩孔 T - 5 kuò kǒng f /to widen a tube/to ream (i.e. widen a hole)/ 擴展 扩展 T - 2670 kuò zhǎn f /to extend/to expand/extension/expansion/ 擴展塢 扩展坞 T - 0 kuò zhǎn wù f /docking station/ 擴建 扩建 T - 1845 kuò jiàn f /to extend a building/ 擴張 扩张 T 3867 2419 kuò zhāng f /expansion/dilation/to expand (e.g. one's power or influence)/to broaden/ 擴散 扩散 T 3428 982 kuò sàn f /to spread/to proliferate/to diffuse/spread/proliferation/diffusion/ 擴散周知 扩散周知 T - 0 kuò sàn zhōu zhī f /to let everyone know/spread the word!/ 擴版 扩版 T - 2 kuò bǎn f /to increase the format of a publication/ 擴編 扩编 T - 83 kuò biān f /to expand (esp. by new recruitment)/to increase the army/to augment/ 擴胸器 扩胸器 T - 3 kuò xiōng qì f /chest expander (gymnastic apparatus)/ 擴軍 扩军 T - 55 kuò jūn f /armament/to expand armed forces/ 擴音 扩音 T - 16 kuò yīn f /to amplify (sound)/ 擴音器 扩音器 T - 47 kuò yīn qì f /megaphone/loudspeaker/amplifier/microphone/ 擴音機 扩音机 T - 3 kuò yīn jī f /amplifier/loudspeaker/hearing aid/ 擷 撷 T - 23 xié f /to collect/Taiwan pr. [jie2]/ 擷取 撷取 T - 13 xié qǔ f /to pick/to select/to take/to capture (data)/to acquire/to pick up (a signal)/ 擸 - 0 liè f /to hold, to grasp/to hold the hair/to pull at/ 擺 摆 T 1451 4413 bǎi f /to arrange/to exhibit/to move to and fro/a pendulum/ 擺了一道 摆了一道 T - 0 bǎi le yī dào f /to play tricks on/to make a fool of/ 擺事實講道理 摆事实讲道理 T - 0 bǎi shì shí jiǎng dào lǐ f /present the facts and reason things out/ 擺出 摆出 T - 3 bǎi chū f /to assume/to adopt (a look, pose, manner etc)/to bring out for display/ 擺動 摆动 T - 424 bǎi dòng f /to sway/to swing/to move back and forth/to oscillate/ 擺地攤 摆地摊 T - 17 bǎi dì tān f /lit. to set up a stall on the ground/fig. to start up a new business/ 擺子 摆子 T - 3 bǎi zǐ f /malaria/ 擺布 摆布 T - 234 bǎi bù f /to arrange/to order about/to manipulate/ 擺平 摆平 T - 60 bǎi píng f /to be fair/to be impartial/to settle (a matter etc)/ 擺弄 摆弄 T - 124 bǎi nòng f /to move back and forth/to fiddle with/ 擺手 摆手 T - 614 bǎi shǒu f /to wave one's hand/to gesture with one's hand (beckoning, waving good-bye etc)/to swing one's arms/ 擺攤 摆摊 T - 57 bǎi tān f /to set up a vendor's stall in the street/ 擺攤子 摆摊子 T - 12 bǎi tān zi f /to set up a stall/to maintain a large staff and organization/ 擺放 摆放 T - 261 bǎi fàng f /to set up/to arrange/to lay out/ 擺明 摆明 T - 52 bǎi míng f /to show clearly/ 擺晃 摆晃 T - 0 bǎi huàng f /to swing/to sway/ 擺架子 摆架子 T - 8 bǎi jià zi f /to put on airs/to assume great airs/ 擺樣子 摆样子 T - 8 bǎi yàng zi f /to do sth for show/to keep up appearances/ 擺渡 摆渡 T - 80 bǎi dù f /ferry/ 擺滿 摆满 T - 3 bǎi mǎn f /to spread over an area/ 擺烏龍 摆乌龙 T - 3 bǎi wū lóng f /to mess something up/to screw up/ 擺線 摆线 T - 3 bǎi xiàn f /cycloid/ 擺脫 摆脱 T 2655 1889 bǎi tuō f /to break away from/to cast off (old ideas etc)/to get rid of/to break away (from)/to break out (of)/to free oneself from/to extricate oneself/ 擺脫危機 摆脱危机 T - 0 bǎi tuō wēi jī f /to break out of a crisis/ 擺花架子 摆花架子 T - 0 bǎi huā jià zi f /lit. to arrange a shelf of flowers/superficial display (idiom)/ 擺蕩 摆荡 T - 5 bǎi dàng f /to swing/to sway/ 擺設 摆设 T - 213 bǎi shè f /to arrange/to set out/to decorate/to display/decorative items/ 擺設兒 摆设儿 T - 0 bǎi she r f /decorative items/ornaments/ 擺譜 摆谱 T - 15 bǎi pǔ f /to put on airs/to be ostentatious/ 擺譜兒 摆谱儿 T - 3 bǎi pǔ r f /erhua variant of 擺譜|摆谱[bai3 pu3]/ 擺賣 摆卖 T - 3 bǎi mài f /hawking/street vending/ 擺輪 摆轮 T - 8 bǎi lún f /balance (of a watch or clock)/balance wheel/ 擺造型 摆造型 T - 0 bǎi zào xíng f /to pose (for a picture)/ 擺鐘 摆钟 T - 19 bǎi zhōng f /pendulum clock/ 擺門面 摆门面 T - 3 bǎi mén miàn f /to keep up appearances/to put up a front/ 擺闊 摆阔 T - 20 bǎi kuò f /to parade one's wealth/to be ostentatious and extravagant/ 擺龍門陣 摆龙门阵 T - 10 bǎi lóng mén zhèn f /chat/gossip/spin a yarn/ 擻 擞 T - 117 sǒu f /shake/trembling/ 擼 撸 T - 194 lū f /(dialect) to rub one's hand along/to fire (an employee)/to reprimand/ 擼管 撸管 T - 0 lū guǎn f /(slang) to masturbate/ 擽 㧰 T - 70 lüè f /(old) to beat/to pound/ 擾 扰 T - 554 rǎo f /to disturb/ 擾亂 扰乱 T 3473 383 rǎo luàn f /to disturb/to perturb/to harass/ 擾動 扰动 T - 166 rǎo dòng f /to disturb/to stir up/disturbance/agitation/turmoil/ 擾攘 扰攘 T - 40 rǎo rǎng f /bustling/to create trouble/to disturb/ 擾流板 扰流板 T - 3 rǎo liú bǎn f /spoiler (automotive or aeronautical)/ 擿 - 24 tī t /to select/to nitpick/to expose/ 擿 - 24 zhì f /to scratch/old variant of 擲|掷[zhi4]/ 攀 - 839 pān f /to climb (by pulling oneself up)/to implicate/to claim connections of higher status/ 攀亲 攀親 S - 15 pān qīn f /to claim kinship/to seek a relation/ 攀亲道故 攀親道故 S - 3 pān qīn dào gù f /to use old friends to climb socially (idiom); to suck up to sb/ 攀供 - 3 pān gòng f /to implicate others, without foundation, in confessing one's own crime/ 攀升 - 476 pān shēng f /to clamber up/(of prices etc) to rise/ 攀害 - 0 pān hài f /damaged by slander/ 攀岩 - 37 pān yán f /rock climbing/to climb a rockface/ 攀扯 - 8 pān chě f /to implicate/ 攀援 - 137 pān yuán f /to climb up (a rope etc)/climbing (plant)/ 攀枝花 - 84 Pān zhī huā f /kapok (cotton flower)/Panzhihua prefecture level city in south Sichuan, bordering Yunnan, famous for steel production and pollution/ 攀枝花地区 攀枝花地區 S - 0 Pān zhī huā dì qū f /Panzhihua prefecture in south Sichuan, bordering Yunnan/ 攀枝花地區 攀枝花地区 T - 0 Pān zhī huā dì qū f /Panzhihua prefecture in south Sichuan, bordering Yunnan/ 攀枝花市 - 33 Pān zhī huā shì f /Panzhihua prefecture level city in south Sichuan, bordering Yunnan, famous for steel production and pollution/ 攀比 - 123 pān bǐ f /to make invidious comparisons/to compete with/to emulate/ 攀爬 - 48 pān pá f /to climb/ 攀登 4313 187 pān dēng f /to climb/to pull oneself up/to clamber/to scale/fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger/ 攀親 攀亲 T - 15 pān qīn f /to claim kinship/to seek a relation/ 攀親道故 攀亲道故 T - 3 pān qīn dào gù f /to use old friends to climb socially (idiom); to suck up to sb/ 攀誣 攀诬 T - 0 pān wū f /to frame/to accuse unjustly/ 攀誣陷害 攀诬陷害 T - 0 pān wū xiàn hài f /unjust accusation/miscarriage of justice/ 攀談 攀谈 T - 64 pān tán f /to chat/ 攀诬 攀誣 S - 0 pān wū f /to frame/to accuse unjustly/ 攀诬陷害 攀誣陷害 S - 0 pān wū xiàn hài f /unjust accusation/miscarriage of justice/ 攀谈 攀談 S - 64 pān tán f /to chat/ 攀越 - 15 pān yuè f /to climb over/to get over (difficulties)/to scale/to surmount/ 攀附 - 36 pān fù f /to climb (of climbing plants)/to creep/to cling on to/fig. to seek connection (with the rich and powerful)/social climbing/ 攀附权贵 攀附權貴 S - 0 pān fù quán guì f /to cling to the powerful and rich (idiom); social climbing/ 攀附權貴 攀附权贵 T - 0 pān fù quán guì f /to cling to the powerful and rich (idiom); social climbing/ 攀高結貴 攀高结贵 T - 3 pān gāo jié guì f /lit. to cling to the high, connect to the rich (idiom); to try to attach oneself to the rich and powerful/social climbing/ 攀高结贵 攀高結貴 S - 3 pān gāo jié guì f /lit. to cling to the high, connect to the rich (idiom); to try to attach oneself to the rich and powerful/social climbing/ 攀龍附鳳 攀龙附凤 T - 15 pān lóng fù fèng f /see 扳龍附鳳|扳龙附凤[ban1 long2 fu4 feng4]/ 攀龙附凤 攀龍附鳳 S - 15 pān lóng fù fèng f /see 扳龍附鳳|扳龙附凤[ban1 long2 fu4 feng4]/ 攂 - 0 léi f /old variant of 擂[lei2]/to beat/ 攃 - 0 sà f /preceding/ 攄 摅 T - 4 shū f /set forth/to spread/ 攆 撵 T - 374 niǎn f /to expel/to oust/ 攆出 撵出 T - 3 niǎn chū f /to expel/to drive out/to oust/ 攆走 撵走 T - 30 niǎn zǒu f /to drive out/to oust/ 攈 - 0 jùn f /old variant of 捃[jun4]/ 攉 - 21 huō f /to shovel/ 攉煤机 攉煤機 S - 0 huō méi jī f /coal-shovel machine/ 攉煤機 攉煤机 T - 0 huō méi jī f /coal-shovel machine/ 攋 - 0 là f /to destroy/to rip/to tear open/ 攏 拢 T - 765 lǒng f /to gather together/to collect/to approach/to draw near to/to add/to sum up/to comb (hair)/ 攏攥 拢攥 T - 0 lǒng zuàn f /to grasp/to clutch/ 攐 - 0 qiān f /variant of 褰, to hold up the hem of clothes/to lift up the skirts/ 攒 攢 S 3872 489 cuán f /to bring together/ 攒 攢 S 3872 489 zǎn t /to collect/to hoard/to accumulate/to save/ 攒簇 攢簇 S - 0 cuán cù f /to gather closely together/ 攒聚 攢聚 S - 3 cuán jù f /to gather/to assemble/ 攒集 攢集 S - 3 cuán jí f /to gather/to assemble/ 攓 - 0 qiān f /variant of 搴[qian1], to seize/ 攔 拦 T 2027 1159 lán f /to block sb's path/to obstruct/to flag down (a taxi)/ 攔住 拦住 T - 843 lán zhù f /to stop/to bar the way/ 攔劫 拦劫 T - 7 lán jié f /to mug/to intercept and rob/ 攔截 拦截 T - 1054 lán jié f /to intercept/ 攔檢 拦检 T - 0 lán jiǎn f /(of police etc) to stop (sb) for inspection/to pull (sb) over/ 攔櫃 拦柜 T - 3 lán guì f /sales counter/inquiry desk/ 攔河壩 拦河坝 T - 269 lán hé bà f /a dam across a river/ 攔網 拦网 T - 54 lán wǎng f /to intercept at the net (volleyball, tennis etc)/to block/ 攔腰 拦腰 T - 155 lán yāo f /(hitting) squarely in the middle/(slicing) across the middle/to hold by the waist/ 攔路 拦路 T - 137 lán lù f /to block sb's path/to waylay/ 攔路虎 拦路虎 T - 37 lán lù hǔ f /stumbling block/ 攔車 拦车 T - 6 lán chē f /to thumb a lift/to hitchhike/ 攔阻 拦阻 T - 228 lán zǔ f /to block/to obstruct/ 攖 撄 T - 24 yīng f /oppose/to attack/ 攘 - 219 rǎng f /to push up one's sleeves/to reject or resist/to seize/to perturb/to steal/ 攘善 - 0 rǎng shàn f /to claim credit due to others/to appropriate other's credit or honor/ 攘场 攘場 S - 0 rǎng cháng f /to spread harvested grain over an area/ 攘場 攘场 T - 0 rǎng cháng f /to spread harvested grain over an area/ 攘外 - 3 rǎng wài f /to resist foreign aggression/ 攘外安內 攘外安内 T - 3 rǎng wài ān nèi f /to resist foreign aggression and pacify the interior of the country (idiom)/ 攘外安内 攘外安內 S - 3 rǎng wài ān nèi f /to resist foreign aggression and pacify the interior of the country (idiom)/ 攘夷 - 3 rǎng yí f /to repel the barbarians/ 攘夺 攘奪 S - 7 rǎng duó f /to seize/ 攘奪 攘夺 T - 7 rǎng duó f /to seize/ 攘攘 - 3 rǎng rǎng f /disorderly/confused/chaotic/ 攘災 攘灾 T - 3 rǎng zāi f /to ward off calamities/to avoid disaster/ 攘灾 攘災 S - 3 rǎng zāi f /to ward off calamities/to avoid disaster/ 攘窃 攘竊 S - 0 rǎng qiè f /to usurp/to steal/ 攘竊 攘窃 T - 0 rǎng qiè f /to usurp/to steal/ 攘羊 - 0 rǎng yáng f /to take home sb else's stray sheep/ 攘臂 - 27 rǎng bì f /to bare one's arms (in agitation)/ 攘袂 - 3 rǎng mèi f /to rise to action with a determined shake of the arms/ 攘袖 - 0 rǎng xiù f /to roll up the sleeves/ 攘詬 攘诟 T - 0 rǎng gòu f /to clear oneself of dishonor/ 攘诟 攘詬 S - 0 rǎng gòu f /to clear oneself of dishonor/ 攘辟 - 0 rǎng bì f /to stand off/to make way/ 攘除 - 3 rǎng chú f /to get rid of/to weed out/to reject/ 攙 搀 T 4730 370 chān f /to take by the arm and assist/to mix/to blend/to dilute/to adulterate/ 攙假 搀假 T - 3 chān jiǎ f /to dilute/to debase (by mixing with fake material)/ 攙兌 搀兑 T - 3 chān duì f /to mix (different substances together)/to blend/ 攙合 搀合 T - 0 chān hé f /to mix together/mixture/blend/ 攙和 搀和 T - 17 chān huo f /to mix/to mingle/to interfere/to meddle/ 攙扶 搀扶 T - 321 chān fú f /to lend an arm to support sb/ 攙雜 搀杂 T - 9 chān zá f /to mix/to blend/to dilute/ 攛 撺 T - 67 cuān f /rush/stir up/throw/fling/hurry/rage/ 攛掇 撺掇 T - 91 cuān duo f /to urge sb on/ 攜 携 T - 1350 xié f /to carry/to take along/to bring along/to hold (hands)/also pr. [xi1]/ 攜家帶口 携家带口 T - 8 xié jiā dài kǒu f /to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family/tied down by family obligations/ 攜家帶眷 携家带眷 T - 3 xié jiā dài juàn f /to take all one's family along (idiom); encumbered by a family/tied down by family obligations/ 攜帶 携带 T 3085 1920 xié dài f /to carry (on one's person)/to support (old)/Taiwan pr. [xi1 dai4]/ 攜帶者 携带者 T - 59 xié dài zhě f /carrier/ 攜手 携手 T - 421 xié shǒu f /hand in hand/to join hands/to collaborate/ 攜手並肩 携手并肩 T - 11 xié shǒu bìng jiān f /hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder/ 攜手同行 携手同行 T - 0 xié shǒu tóng xíng f /to walk hand in hand/to cooperate/ 攜款 携款 T - 3 xié kuǎn f /to take funds (esp. illegally or corruptly obtained)/ 攜眷 携眷 T - 3 xié juàn f /accompanied by one's dependents/encumbered by wife and children/ 攜程旅行網 携程旅行网 T - 0 Xié chéng Lǚ xíng Wǎng f /Ctrip.com, PRC travel agency/ 攝 摄 T - 1615 shè f /to take in/to absorb/to assimilate/to act for/to take a photo/photo shoot/photo/to conserve (one's health)/ 攝像 摄像 T - 102 shè xiàng f /to videotape/ 攝像機 摄像机 T - 249 shè xiàng jī f /video camera/CL:部[bu4]/ 攝像頭 摄像头 T - 53 shè xiàng tóu f /webcam/surveillance camera/ 攝入 摄入 T - 365 shè rù f /to take in/to absorb/to consume/intake/consumption/ 攝入量 摄入量 T - 103 shè rù liàng f /intake (quantity)/ 攝取 摄取 T - 233 shè qǔ f /to absorb (nutrients etc)/to assimilate/intake/to take a photograph of (a scene)/ 攝影 摄影 T 1861 1279 shè yǐng f /to take a photograph/photography/to shoot (a movie)/ 攝影家 摄影家 T - 67 shè yǐng jiā f /photographer/ 攝影師 摄影师 T - 106 shè yǐng shī f /photographer/cameraman/ 攝影棚 摄影棚 T - 16 shè yǐng péng f /film studio/television studio/ 攝影機 摄影机 T - 78 shè yǐng jī f /camera/movie camera/ 攝影術 摄影术 T - 3 shè yǐng shù f /photography/ 攝影記者 摄影记者 T - 3 shè yǐng jì zhě f /photojournalist/ 攝政 摄政 T - 215 shè zhèng f /to act as regent/ 攝政王 摄政王 T - 489 shè zhèng wáng f /regent/ 攝氏 摄氏 T - 286 Shè shì f /Celsius/centigrade/ 攝氏度 摄氏度 T 4496 301 shè shì dù f /degrees centigrade/ 攝製 摄制 T - 179 shè zhì f /to produce (a TV show etc)/ 攝護腺 摄护腺 T - 3 shè hù xiàn f /prostate/also written 前列腺/ 攝護腺腫大 摄护腺肿大 T - 0 shè hù xiàn zhǒng dà f /benign prostate hypertrophy/enlargement of prostate/ 攝食 摄食 T - 114 shè shí f /to consume/ 攟 - 0 jùn f /old variant of 捃[jun4]/ 攢 攒 T 3872 489 cuán f /to bring together/ 攢 攒 T 3872 489 zǎn t /to collect/to hoard/to accumulate/to save/ 攢簇 攒簇 T - 0 cuán cù f /to gather closely together/ 攢聚 攒聚 T - 3 cuán jù f /to gather/to assemble/ 攢集 攒集 T - 3 cuán jí f /to gather/to assemble/ 攣 挛 T - 67 luán f /twisted/bent/crooked/cramped/ 攤 摊 T 3602 857 tān f /to spread out/vendor's stand/ 攤事兒 摊事儿 T - 0 tān shì r f /(coll.) to get into trouble/ 攤位 摊位 T - 154 tān wèi f /vendor's booth/ 攤兒 摊儿 T - 18 tān r f /erhua variant of 攤|摊[tan1]/ 攤售 摊售 T - 3 tān shòu f /to set up stall/ 攤商 摊商 T - 2 tān shāng f /stall-keeper/street peddler/ 攤子 摊子 T - 303 tān zi f /booth/vendor's stall/organizational structure/scale of operations/ 攤提 摊提 T - 3 tān tí f /to amortize/amortization/ 攤擋 摊挡 T - 0 tān dǎng f /see 攤檔|摊档[tan1 dang4]/ 攤曬 摊晒 T - 6 tān shài f /to lay sth out to dry/ 攤檔 摊档 T - 4 tān dàng f /(dialect) vendor's stall/ 攤派 摊派 T - 109 tān pài f /to distribute proportionately/to share out/ 攤牌 摊牌 T - 65 tān pái f /to lay one's cards on the table/ 攤薄 摊薄 T - 0 tān bó f /dilution/ 攤薄後每股盈利 摊薄后每股盈利 T - 0 tān bó hòu měi gǔ yíng lì f /diluted earnings per share/ 攤販 摊贩 T - 36 tān fàn f /stall-keeper/peddler/ 攤銷 摊销 T - 3 tān xiāo f /to amortize/amortization/ 攤錢 摊钱 T - 0 tān qián f /to bear part of the cost/ 攤開 摊开 T - 402 tān kāi f /to spread out/to unfold/ 攤雞蛋 摊鸡蛋 T - 3 tān jī dàn f /scrambled eggs/ 攤頭 摊头 T - 2 tān tóu f /a vendor's stall/ 攤黃菜 摊黄菜 T - 0 tān huáng cài f /(dialect) scrambled eggs/ 攤點 摊点 T - 42 tān diǎn f /place for a vendor's stall/ 攥 - 334 zuàn f /to hold/to grip/to grasp/ 攧 - 14 diān f /to fall/to stamp (one's foot)/to toss/to throw/ 攩 挡 T 1648 2950 dǎng t /variant of 擋|挡[dang3]/ 攪 搅 T - 859 jiǎo f /to disturb/to annoy/to mix/to stir/ 攪亂 搅乱 T - 95 jiǎo luàn f /to disrupt/to throw into disorder/ 攪動 搅动 T - 70 jiǎo dòng f /to mix/to stir/ 攪和 搅和 T - 68 jiǎo huo f /to mix (up)/to blend/to spoil/ 攪基 搅基 T - 0 jiǎo jī f /see 搞基[gao3 ji1]/ 攪局 搅局 T - 27 jiǎo jú f /to upset the apple cart/to disrupt things/ 攪拌 搅拌 T 4094 423 jiǎo bàn f /to stir/to agitate/ 攪拌機 搅拌机 T - 10 jiǎo bàn jī f /blender/food mixer/ 攪擾 搅扰 T - 47 jiǎo rǎo f /to disturb/to annoy/ 攪混 搅混 T - 13 jiǎo hun f /to mix/to blend/ 攫 - 71 jué f /to seize/to snatch/to grab/ 攫取 - 220 jué qǔ f /to plunder/to loot/robbery/pillage/ 攫夺 攫奪 S - 3 jué duó f /to seize/to pillage/to plunder/ 攫奪 攫夺 T - 3 jué duó f /to seize/to pillage/to plunder/ 攬 揽 T - 552 lǎn f /to monopolize/to seize/to take into one's arms/to embrace/to fasten (with a rope etc)/to take on (responsibility etc)/to canvass/ 攬轡澄清 揽辔澄清 T - 3 lǎn pèi chéng qīng f /to assume one's post with the aspiration of bringing about peace and order to the nation (idiom)/ 攮 - 18 nǎng f /to fend off/to stab/ 支 1297 4883 Zhī f /surname Zhi/ 支 1297 4883 zhī f /to support/to sustain/to erect/to raise/branch/division/to draw money/classifier for rods such as pens and guns, for army divisions and for songs or compositions/ 支与流裔 支與流裔 S - 0 zhī yǔ liú yì f /lit. branches and descendants/of a similar kind/related/ 支书 支書 S - 243 zhī shū f /branch secretary/secretary of a branch of the Communist Party or the Communist Youth League/abbr. for 支部書記|支部书记/ 支付 - 3382 zhī fù f /to pay (money)/ 支付不起 - 0 zhī fù bù qǐ f /to be unable to pay/unaffordable/ 支付宝 支付寶 S - 3 Zhī fù bǎo f /Alipay, online payment platform/ 支付寶 支付宝 T - 3 Zhī fù bǎo f /Alipay, online payment platform/ 支付得起 - 0 zhī fù dé qǐ f /to be able to pay/affordable/ 支光 - 0 zhī guāng f /watt, unit of power used for electric bulbs/ 支公司 - 7 zhī gōng sī f /subsidiary/branch/ 支出 4116 1424 zhī chū f /to spend/to pay out/expense/ 支前 - 41 zhī qián f /to support the front (military)/ 支努干 - 11 zhī nǔ gān f /Chinook (helicopter)/ 支原体 支原體 S - 5 zhī yuán tǐ f /Mycoplasma (parasitic bacteria without cell wall)/ 支原体肺炎 支原體肺炎 S - 0 zhī yuán tǐ fèi yán f /Mycoplasma pneumonia/ 支原體 支原体 T - 5 zhī yuán tǐ f /Mycoplasma (parasitic bacteria without cell wall)/ 支原體肺炎 支原体肺炎 T - 0 zhī yuán tǐ fèi yán f /Mycoplasma pneumonia/ 支取 - 131 zhī qǔ f /to withdraw (money)/ 支吾 - 124 zhī wú t /to resist/to deal with/ 支吾 - 124 zhī wu f /to respond evasively or vaguely/to elude/to stall/ 支吾其詞 支吾其词 T - 3 zhī wú qí cí f /(idiom) to talk in a roundabout way to cover up the truth/evasive/ 支吾其词 支吾其詞 S - 3 zhī wú qí cí f /(idiom) to talk in a roundabout way to cover up the truth/evasive/ 支差 - 3 zhī chāi f /to assign corvée duties (forced labor)/ 支应 支應 S - 28 zhī yìng f /to deal with/to wait on/to provide for/ 支店 - 3 zhī diàn f /branch store/ 支座 - 31 zhī zuò f /abutment/ 支恐 - 0 zhī kǒng f /to support terrorism/abbr. for 支持恐怖主義|支持恐怖主义[zhi1 chi2 kong3 bu4 zhu3 yi4]/ 支應 支应 T - 28 zhī yìng f /to deal with/to wait on/to provide for/ 支承 - 119 zhī chéng f /to support/to bear the weight of (a building)/ 支承銷 支承销 T - 0 zhī chéng xiāo f /fulcrum pin/ 支承销 支承銷 S - 0 zhī chéng xiāo f /fulcrum pin/ 支招 - 101 zhī zhāo f /to give advice/to make a suggestion/to help out/ 支持 734 10928 zhī chí f /to be in favor of/to support/to back/support/backing/to stand by/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 支持度 - 0 zhī chí dù f /degree of support/percentage of vote/ 支持率 - 32 zhī chí lǜ f /support level/popularity rating/ 支持者 - 198 zhī chí zhě f /supporter/ 支援 2806 2000 zhī yuán f /to provide assistance/to support/to back/ 支撐 支撑 T 3441 1501 zhī chēng f /to prop up/to support/strut/brace/ 支撐架 支撑架 T - 3 zhī chēng jià f /bracket/ 支撑 支撐 S 3441 1501 zhī chēng f /to prop up/to support/strut/brace/ 支撑架 支撐架 S - 3 zhī chēng jià f /bracket/ 支支吾吾 - 54 zhī zhī wú wú f /to hem and haw/to stall/to stammer/to mumble/to falter/ 支教 - 88 zhī jiào f /program bringing education to underdeveloped areas/to work in such a program/ 支族 - 0 zhī zú f /subfamily/ 支書 支书 T - 243 zhī shū f /branch secretary/secretary of a branch of the Communist Party or the Communist Youth League/abbr. for 支部書記|支部书记/ 支架 - 204 zhī jià f /trestle/support/frame/to prop sth up/ 支柱 3963 1723 zhī zhù f /mainstay/pillar/prop/backbone/ 支柱产业 支柱產業 S - 3 zhī zhù chǎn yè f /mainstay industry/ 支柱產業 支柱产业 T - 3 zhī zhù chǎn yè f /mainstay industry/ 支根 - 0 zhī gēn f /branching root/rootlet/ 支气管炎 支氣管炎 S - 102 zhī qì guǎn yán f /bronchitis/ 支氣管炎 支气管炎 T - 102 zhī qì guǎn yán f /bronchitis/ 支流 4859 1381 zhī liú f /tributary (river)/ 支点 支點 S - 149 zhī diǎn f /fulcrum (for a lever)/ 支票 1529 182 zhī piào f /check (bank)/cheque/CL:本[ben3]/ 支票簿 - 2 zhī piào bù f /checkbook (banking)/ 支离 支離 S - 13 zhī lí f /fragmented/disorganized/incoherent/ 支离破碎 支離破碎 S - 89 zhī lí pò suì f /scattered and smashed (idiom)/ 支系 - 145 zhī xì f /branch or subdivision of a family/ 支系統 支系统 T - 0 zhī xì tǒng f /subsystem/ 支系统 支系統 S - 0 zhī xì tǒng f /subsystem/ 支線 支线 T - 240 zhī xiàn f /branch line/side road/spur/fig. secondary plot (in a story)/ 支线 支線 S - 240 zhī xiàn f /branch line/side road/spur/fig. secondary plot (in a story)/ 支與流裔 支与流裔 T - 0 zhī yǔ liú yì f /lit. branches and descendants/of a similar kind/related/ 支行 - 290 zhī háng f /sub-branch of a bank/ 支解 - 4 zhī jiě f /variant of 肢解[zhi1 jie3]/ 支走 - 3 zhī zǒu f /to send sb away (with an excuse)/ 支边 支邊 S - 8 zhī biān f /to help develop the border areas/ 支邊 支边 T - 8 zhī biān f /to help develop the border areas/ 支那 - 108 Zhī nà f /phonetic transcription of China (Japanese: Shina), colonial term, generally considered discriminatory/ 支部 - 403 zhī bù f /branch, esp. grass root branches of a political party/ 支配 3630 1911 zhī pèi f /to control/to dominate/to allocate/ 支配力 - 3 zhī pèi lì f /power or force to dominate/ 支配权 支配權 S - 58 zhī pèi quán f /authority to dispose of sth/ 支配權 支配权 T - 58 zhī pèi quán f /authority to dispose of sth/ 支队 支隊 S - 710 zhī duì f /detachment (of troops)/ 支隊 支队 T - 710 zhī duì f /detachment (of troops)/ 支離 支离 T - 13 zhī lí f /fragmented/disorganized/incoherent/ 支離破碎 支离破碎 T - 89 zhī lí pò suì f /scattered and smashed (idiom)/ 支點 支点 T - 149 zhī diǎn f /fulcrum (for a lever)/ 攰 - 0 guì f /totally exhausted (Cantonese)/Mandarin equivalent: 累[lei4]/ 攲 - 17 qī f /up/uneven/ 攴 - 2 pū f /to tap/to knock lightly/old variant of 撲|扑[pu1]/ 收 764 8235 shōu f /to receive/to accept/to collect/to put away/to restrain/to stop/in care of (used on address line after name)/ 收之桑榆 - 3 shōu zhī sāng yú f /see 失之東隅,收之桑榆|失之东隅,收之桑榆[shi1 zhi1 dong1 yu2 , shou1 zhi1 sang1 yu2]/ 收买 收買 S - 255 shōu mǎi f /to purchase/to bribe/ 收件人 - 14 shōu jiàn rén f /recipient (of mail)/To: (email header)/ 收件匣 - 0 shōu jiàn xiá f /inbox (email)/ 收件箱 - 3 shōu jiàn xiāng f /inbox/ 收伏 - 28 shōu fú f /variant of 收服[shou1 fu2]/ 收假 - 3 shōu jià f /(of holidays) to come to an end/end of a vacation/ 收入 1058 10403 shōu rù f /to take in/income/revenue/CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]/ 收入政策 - 0 shōu rù zhèng cè f /income policy/ 收兵 - 195 shōu bīng f /to retreat/to withdraw troops/to recall troops/fig. to finish work/to wind up/to call it a day/used with negatives: the task is far from over/ 收养 收養 S - 175 shōu yǎng f /to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc)/to adopt (a child)/adoption/ 收冬 - 0 shōu dōng f /harvest season/autumn/ 收到 - 1823 shōu dào f /to receive/ 收割 - 161 shōu gē f /to harvest/to reap/to gather in crops/ 收割者 - 0 shōu gē zhě f /reaper/ 收匯 收汇 T - 3 shōu huì f /foreign exchange collection (finance)/ 收发 收發 S - 109 shōu fā f /to receive and send/to receive and transmit/ 收发室 收發室 S - 19 shōu fā shì f /mail room/radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)/ 收发短信 收發短信 S - 0 shōu fā duǎn xìn f /to text/to receive and send SMS messages/ 收取 - 937 shōu qǔ f /to receive/to collect/ 收受 - 157 shōu shòu f /to receive/to accept/ 收口 - 28 shōu kǒu f /to cast off (in knitting)/to sew a finishing hem/to close up (of wound)/to heal/ 收听 收聽 S - 121 shōu tīng f /to listen (to)/to listen (in)/ 收回 - 1574 shōu huí f /to regain/to retake/to take back/to withdraw/to revoke/ 收场 收場 S - 130 shōu chǎng f /the end/an ending/to wind down/to conclude/ 收報 收报 T - 49 shōu bào f /to receive mail/to receive a telegraph/ 收報人 收报人 T - 3 shōu bào rén f /recipient (of mail or a message)/ 收報員 收报员 T - 0 shōu bào yuán f /telegraph operator/ 收報室 收报室 T - 0 shōu bào shì f /mail room/radio reception room/ 收報機 收报机 T - 2 shōu bào jī f /telegraph receiver/ 收場 收场 T - 130 shōu chǎng f /the end/an ending/to wind down/to conclude/ 收复 收復 S - 932 shōu fù f /to recover (lost territory etc)/to recapture/ 收复失地 收復失地 S - 3 shōu fù shī dì f /to recover lost territory/ 收存 - 10 shōu cún f /to receive for storage/delivery of goods/to gather and store/to store safely/safe keeping/ 收存箱 - 0 shōu cún xiāng f /delivery box/drop box/ 收官 - 18 shōu guān f /final part of a go game (see 官子[guan1 zi3])/endgame/ 收容 - 167 shōu róng f /to provide a place to stay/to house/to accommodate/(of an institution etc) to take in/to accept/ 收容人 - 0 shōu róng rén f /inmate/ 收容所 - 19 shōu róng suǒ f /temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center/ 收容教育 - 0 shōu róng jiào yù f /custody and reeducation (administrative punishment for prostitutes)/ 收尾 - 152 shōu wěi f /to wind up/to bring to an end/to finish/ 收尾音 - 0 shōu wěi yīn f /final (i.e. final consonant or stop of some syllables in Asian phonetics)/ 收工 - 47 shōu gōng f /to stop work for the day (generally of laborers)/to knock off/ 收废站 收廢站 S - 0 shōu fèi zhàn f /garbage collection point/trash dump/ 收廢站 收废站 T - 0 shōu fèi zhàn f /garbage collection point/trash dump/ 收录 收錄 S - 280 shōu lù f /to include (in a collection)/to put together (stories, poems etc)/to record/to employ/to recruit/ 收录机 收錄機 S - 30 shōu lù jī f /radio-tape recorder/ 收復 收复 T - 932 shōu fù f /to recover (lost territory etc)/to recapture/ 收復失地 收复失地 T - 3 shōu fù shī dì f /to recover lost territory/ 收心 - 16 shōu xīn f /to concentrate on the task/to curb one's evil instincts/ 收成 - 186 shōu chéng f /harvest/ 收房 - 0 shōu fáng f /to take as a concubine/ 收报 收報 S - 49 shōu bào f /to receive mail/to receive a telegraph/ 收报人 收報人 S - 3 shōu bào rén f /recipient (of mail or a message)/ 收报员 收報員 S - 0 shōu bào yuán f /telegraph operator/ 收报室 收報室 S - 0 shōu bào shì f /mail room/radio reception room/ 收报机 收報機 S - 2 shōu bào jī f /telegraph receiver/ 收押 - 4 shōu yā f /in custody/to keep sb in detention/ 收拢 收攏 S - 94 shōu lǒng f /to put together/to gather/(derog.) to win over/to bribe over/ 收拾 857 2274 shōu shi f /to put in order/to tidy up/to pack/to repair/(coll.) to sort sb out/to fix sb/ 收拾残局 收拾殘局 S - 3 shōu shi cán jú f /to clear up the mess/to pick up the pieces/ 收拾殘局 收拾残局 T - 3 shōu shi cán jú f /to clear up the mess/to pick up the pieces/ 收据 收據 S 2062 122 shōu jù f /receipt/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 收揽 收攬 S - 30 shōu lǎn f /to win the support of/to get over to one's side/to keep control of/ 收據 收据 T 2062 122 shōu jù f /receipt/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 收攏 收拢 T - 94 shōu lǒng f /to put together/to gather/(derog.) to win over/to bribe over/ 收攬 收揽 T - 30 shōu lǎn f /to win the support of/to get over to one's side/to keep control of/ 收支 - 654 shōu zhī f /cash flow/financial balance/income and expenditure/ 收支平衡点 收支平衡點 S - 0 shōu zhī píng héng diǎn f /break-even point/ 收支平衡點 收支平衡点 T - 0 shōu zhī píng héng diǎn f /break-even point/ 收支相抵 - 3 shōu zhī xiāng dǐ f /to break even/balance between income and expenditure/ 收效 - 96 shōu xiào f /to yield results/ 收敛 收斂 S - 550 shōu liǎn f /to vanish/to moderate/to exercise restraint/to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc)/to astringe/(math.) to converge/ 收敛序列 收斂序列 S - 0 shōu liǎn xù liè f /convergent sequence (math.)/ 收敛性 收斂性 S - 3 shōu liǎn xìng f /convergence (math.)/astringent/ 收敛级数 收斂級數 S - 0 shōu liǎn jí shù f /convergent series (math.)/ 收敛锋芒 收斂鋒芒 S - 0 shōu liǎn fēng máng f /to draw in one's claws/to show some modesty/ 收斂 收敛 T - 550 shōu liǎn f /to vanish/to moderate/to exercise restraint/to curb (one's mirth, arrogance etc)/to astringe/(math.) to converge/ 收斂序列 收敛序列 T - 0 shōu liǎn xù liè f /convergent sequence (math.)/ 收斂性 收敛性 T - 3 shōu liǎn xìng f /convergence (math.)/astringent/ 收斂級數 收敛级数 T - 0 shōu liǎn jí shù f /convergent series (math.)/ 收斂鋒芒 收敛锋芒 T - 0 shōu liǎn fēng máng f /to draw in one's claws/to show some modesty/ 收方 - 10 shōu fāng f /receiving party/recipient/debit side (of balance sheet), as opposed to credit side 付方[fu4 fang1]/ 收服 - 43 shōu fú f /to subdue/to force to capitulate/to reduce to submission/to soothe/ 收条 收條 S - 15 shōu tiáo f /receipt/ 收條 收条 T - 15 shōu tiáo f /receipt/ 收款台 收款臺 S - 2 shōu kuǎn tái f /checkout counter/cashier's desk/ 收款臺 收款台 T - 2 shōu kuǎn tái f /checkout counter/cashier's desk/ 收残缀轶 收殘綴軼 S - 0 shōu cán zhuì yì f /to gather and patch up sth that is badly damaged (idiom)/ 收殘綴軼 收残缀轶 T - 0 shōu cán zhuì yì f /to gather and patch up sth that is badly damaged (idiom)/ 收汇 收匯 S - 3 shōu huì f /foreign exchange collection (finance)/ 收獲 收获 T 1948 1157 shōu huò f /variant of 收穫|收获[shou1 huo4]/ 收生婆 - 3 shōu shēng pó f /midwife/ 收留 - 209 shōu liú f /to offer shelter/to have sb in one's care/ 收留所 - 3 shōu liú suǒ f /shelter/refuge/ 收發 收发 T - 109 shōu fā f /to receive and send/to receive and transmit/ 收發室 收发室 T - 19 shōu fā shì f /mail room/radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)/ 收發短信 收发短信 T - 0 shōu fā duǎn xìn f /to text/to receive and send SMS messages/ 收益 3684 1723 shōu yì f /earnings/profit/ 收益帐户 收益帳戶 S - 0 shōu yì zhàng hù f /income account (accountancy)/ 收益帳戶 收益帐户 T - 0 shōu yì zhàng hù f /income account (accountancy)/ 收益率 - 165 shōu yì lǜ f /earnings rate/earnings yield (finance)/ 收监 收監 S - 25 shōu jiān f /to imprison/to take into custody/ 收盘 收盤 S - 220 shōu pán f /market close/ 收盘价 收盤價 S - 78 shōu pán jià f /closing price (of share, commodity etc)/ 收監 收监 T - 25 shōu jiān f /to imprison/to take into custody/ 收盤 收盘 T - 220 shōu pán f /market close/ 收盤價 收盘价 T - 78 shōu pán jià f /closing price (of share, commodity etc)/ 收看 - 146 shōu kàn f /to view/to watch TV/to receive TV channels/ 收礼 收禮 S - 18 shōu lǐ f /to accept a gift/to receive presents/ 收票员 收票員 S - 3 shōu piào yuán f /ticket collector/ 收票員 收票员 T - 3 shōu piào yuán f /ticket collector/ 收禮 收礼 T - 18 shōu lǐ f /to accept a gift/to receive presents/ 收稅 收税 T - 68 shōu shuì f /to collect tax/ 收税 收稅 S - 68 shōu shuì f /to collect tax/ 收穫 收获 T 1948 1157 shōu huò f /to harvest/to reap/to gain/crop/harvest/profit/gain/bonus/reward/ 收穫節 收获节 T - 0 shōu huò jié f /harvest festival/ 收納 收纳 T - 71 shōu nà f /to receive/to accept/to take in/to hold/ 收紧 收緊 S - 106 shōu jǐn f /to tighten up (restrictions etc)/ 收緊 收紧 T - 106 shōu jǐn f /to tighten up (restrictions etc)/ 收線 收线 T - 3 shōu xiàn f /to reel in (a fishing line etc)/to hang up the phone/ 收編 收编 T - 158 shōu biān f /to incorporate into one's troops/to weave in/ 收縮 收缩 T 3844 882 shōu suō f /to pull back/to shrink/to contract/(physiology) systole/ 收縮壓 收缩压 T - 26 shōu suō yā f /systolic blood pressure/ 收繳 收缴 T - 139 shōu jiǎo f /to recover (illegally obtained property)/to seize/to capture/to force sb to hand over sth/to levy/ 收纳 收納 S - 71 shōu nà f /to receive/to accept/to take in/to hold/ 收线 收線 S - 3 shōu xiàn f /to reel in (a fishing line etc)/to hang up the phone/ 收编 收編 S - 158 shōu biān f /to incorporate into one's troops/to weave in/ 收缩 收縮 S 3844 882 shōu suō f /to pull back/to shrink/to contract/(physiology) systole/ 收缩压 收縮壓 S - 26 shōu suō yā f /systolic blood pressure/ 收缴 收繳 S - 139 shōu jiǎo f /to recover (illegally obtained property)/to seize/to capture/to force sb to hand over sth/to levy/ 收罗 收羅 S - 53 shōu luó f /to gather (people)/to collect (talent)/to come to an end/ 收羅 收罗 T - 53 shōu luó f /to gather (people)/to collect (talent)/to come to an end/ 收聽 收听 T - 121 shōu tīng f /to listen (to)/to listen (in)/ 收获 收獲 S 1948 1157 shōu huò f /variant of 收穫|收获[shou1 huo4]/ 收获 收穫 S 1948 1157 shōu huò f /to harvest/to reap/to gain/crop/harvest/profit/gain/bonus/reward/ 收获节 收穫節 S - 0 shōu huò jié f /harvest festival/ 收藏 2999 1246 shōu cáng f /to hoard/to collect/collection/to bookmark (Internet)/ 收藏夹 收藏夾 S - 3 shōu cáng jiā f /favorites folder (web browser)/ 收藏夾 收藏夹 T - 3 shōu cáng jiā f /favorites folder (web browser)/ 收藏家 - 214 shōu cáng jiā f /a collector (e.g. of artworks)/ 收視率 收视率 T - 52 shōu shì lǜ f /ratings/ 收视率 收視率 S - 52 shōu shì lǜ f /ratings/ 收訊 收讯 T - 0 shōu xùn f /(wireless) reception/ 收訖 收讫 T - 6 shōu qì f /received in full (goods, payment)/ 收詞 收词 T - 3 shōu cí f /to collect words/to harvest entries for a dictionary/ 收讫 收訖 S - 6 shōu qì f /received in full (goods, payment)/ 收讯 收訊 S - 0 shōu xùn f /(wireless) reception/ 收词 收詞 S - 3 shōu cí f /to collect words/to harvest entries for a dictionary/ 收貨人 收货人 T - 2 shōu huò rén f /addressee/consignee/ 收買 收买 T - 255 shōu mǎi f /to purchase/to bribe/ 收費 收费 T - 2553 shōu fèi f /to charge a fee/ 收費站 收费站 T - 23 shōu fèi zhàn f /tollbooth/ 收購 收购 T - 2045 shōu gòu f /to purchase (from various places)/to acquire (a company)/ 收購要約 收购要约 T - 0 shōu gòu yāo yuē f /takeover bid/ 收货人 收貨人 S - 2 shōu huò rén f /addressee/consignee/ 收购 收購 S - 2045 shōu gòu f /to purchase (from various places)/to acquire (a company)/ 收购要约 收購要約 S - 0 shōu gòu yāo yuē f /takeover bid/ 收费 收費 S - 2553 shōu fèi f /to charge a fee/ 收费站 收費站 S - 23 shōu fèi zhàn f /tollbooth/ 收銀 收银 T - 23 shōu yín f /to receive payment/ 收銀台 收银台 T - 4 shōu yín tái f /checkout counter/cashier's desk/ 收銀機 收银机 T - 2 shōu yín jī f /cash register/check out counter/ 收錄 收录 T - 280 shōu lù f /to include (in a collection)/to put together (stories, poems etc)/to record/to employ/to recruit/ 收錄機 收录机 T - 30 shōu lù jī f /radio-tape recorder/ 收银 收銀 S - 23 shōu yín f /to receive payment/ 收银台 收銀台 S - 4 shōu yín tái f /checkout counter/cashier's desk/ 收银机 收銀機 S - 2 shōu yín jī f /cash register/check out counter/ 收集 - 1603 shōu jí f /to gather/to collect/ 收音 - 6 shōu yīn f /to receive a radio signal/to make an audio recording/(of an auditorium etc) to have good acoustics/(vocal training, linguistics) ending (of a word or syllable)/ 收音机 收音機 S 2984 242 shōu yīn jī f /radio/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 收音機 收音机 T 2984 242 shōu yīn jī f /radio/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 收養 收养 T - 175 shōu yǎng f /to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc)/to adopt (a child)/adoption/ 攷 考 T - 5973 kǎo f /to beat/to hit/variant of 考[kao3]/to inspect/to test/to take an exam/ 攸 - 291 yōu f /distant, far/adverbial prefix/ 攸关 攸關 S - 48 yōu guān f /of great concern/ 攸县 攸縣 S - 275 Yōu xiàn f /You county in Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan/ 攸縣 攸县 T - 275 Yōu xiàn f /You county in Zhuzhou 株洲, Hunan/ 攸關 攸关 T - 48 yōu guān f /of great concern/ 改 - 9286 gǎi f /to change/to alter/to transform/to correct/ 改业 改業 S - 3 gǎi yè f /to change profession or business/ 改为 改為 S - 4253 gǎi wéi f /to change into/ 改信 - 0 gǎi xìn f /to convert (to another religion)/ 改元 - 239 gǎi yuán f /to change an emperor's or ruler's reign title (old)/ 改写 改寫 S - 253 gǎi xiě f /to revise/to edit/ 改则 改則 S - 0 Gǎi zé f /Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sger rtse rdzong/ 改则县 改則縣 S - 3 Gǎi zé xiàn f /Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sger rtse rdzong/ 改判 - 43 gǎi pàn f /to amend a judgement/to overrule the original decision/to commute (a sentence)/ 改則 改则 T - 0 Gǎi zé f /Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sger rtse rdzong/ 改則縣 改则县 T - 3 Gǎi zé xiàn f /Gerze county in Ngari prefecture, Tibet, Tibetan: Sger rtse rdzong/ 改动 改動 S - 263 gǎi dòng f /to alter/to modify/to revise/ 改動 改动 T - 263 gǎi dòng f /to alter/to modify/to revise/ 改变 改變 S 662 10142 gǎi biàn f /to change/to alter/to transform/ 改变信仰者 改變信仰者 S - 0 gǎi biàn xìn yǎng zhě f /a convert/ 改变形像 改變形像 S - 0 gǎi biàn xíng xiàng f /transfiguration/ 改口 - 144 gǎi kǒu f /to correct oneself/to withdraw or modify one's previous remark/ 改口費 改口费 T - 0 gǎi kǒu fèi f /a gift of money given by parents on both sides after a wedding, to their new daughter-in-law or son-in-law/ 改口费 改口費 S - 0 gǎi kǒu fèi f /a gift of money given by parents on both sides after a wedding, to their new daughter-in-law or son-in-law/ 改名 - 2013 gǎi míng f /to change one's name/ 改善 2112 4262 gǎi shàn f /to make better/to improve/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 改善关系 改善關係 S - 0 gǎi shàn guān xi f /to improve relations/ 改善通訊 改善通讯 T - 0 gǎi shàn tōng xùn f /to improve communications/ 改善通讯 改善通訊 S - 0 gǎi shàn tōng xùn f /to improve communications/ 改善關係 改善关系 T - 0 gǎi shàn guān xi f /to improve relations/ 改嘴 - 3 gǎi zuǐ f /to deny/to go back on one's word/ 改天 - 53 gǎi tiān f /another day/some other time/to find another day (for appointment etc)/to take a rain check/ 改头换面 改頭換面 S - 60 gǎi tóu huàn miàn f /to adjust one's head and turn one's face (idiom); cosmetic changes/Despite superficially new policies, the substance remains unchanged./ 改嫁 - 106 gǎi jià f /to remarry (of a woman)/ 改学 改學 S - 3 gǎi xué f /to switch from one major or faculty to another (at a university)/ 改學 改学 T - 3 gǎi xué f /to switch from one major or faculty to another (at a university)/ 改寫 改写 T - 253 gǎi xiě f /to revise/to edit/ 改建 - 1860 gǎi jiàn f /to rebuild/to transform (a building)/to refurbish/ 改弦易轍 改弦易辙 T - 36 gǎi xián yì zhé f /change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction/to dance to a different tune/ 改弦易辙 改弦易轍 S - 36 gǎi xián yì zhé f /change of string, move out of rut (idiom); dramatic change of direction/to dance to a different tune/ 改恶向善 改惡向善 S - 3 gǎi è xiàng shàn f /turn away from evil and follow virtue/ 改悔 - 21 gǎi huǐ f /to mend one's ways/ 改惡向善 改恶向善 T - 3 gǎi è xiàng shàn f /turn away from evil and follow virtue/ 改成 - 557 gǎi chéng f /to convert/to turn into (sth else)/to adapt (a story to another medium)/ 改换 改換 S - 144 gǎi huàn f /to change (sth)/to alter (sth)/to change over (to sth else)/ 改换门庭 改換門庭 S - 17 gǎi huàn mén tíng f /to improve one's family's social status by moving up in the world/to switch one's allegiance to a new patron/ 改换门闾 改換門閭 S - 3 gǎi huàn mén lǘ f /see 改換門庭|改换门庭[gai3 huan4 men2 ting2]/ 改掉 - 24 gǎi diào f /to drop a bad habit/ 改換 改换 T - 144 gǎi huàn f /to change (sth)/to alter (sth)/to change over (to sth else)/ 改換門庭 改换门庭 T - 17 gǎi huàn mén tíng f /to improve one's family's social status by moving up in the world/to switch one's allegiance to a new patron/ 改換門閭 改换门闾 T - 3 gǎi huàn mén lǘ f /see 改換門庭|改换门庭[gai3 huan4 men2 ting2]/ 改日 - 107 gǎi rì f /another day/some other day/ 改朝 - 0 gǎi cháo f /change of dynasties/ 改朝换代 改朝換代 S - 62 gǎi cháo huàn dài f /transition period between dynasties/an interregnum/ 改朝換代 改朝换代 T - 62 gǎi cháo huàn dài f /transition period between dynasties/an interregnum/ 改期 - 12 gǎi qī f /to reschedule/to rearrange (e.g. a meeting)/to postpone/ 改样 改樣 S - 3 gǎi yàng f /to change completely/ 改業 改业 T - 3 gǎi yè f /to change profession or business/ 改樣 改样 T - 3 gǎi yàng f /to change completely/ 改正 2342 355 gǎi zhèng f /to correct/to amend/to put right/correction/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 改為 改为 T - 4253 gǎi wéi f /to change into/ 改版 - 62 gǎi bǎn f /to revise the current edition/revised edition/ 改用 - 390 gǎi yòng f /to change over to/to switch to/to use (sth different)/ 改称 改稱 S - 3210 gǎi chēng f /to change a name/to rename/ 改稱 改称 T - 3210 gǎi chēng f /to change a name/to rename/ 改稿 - 5 gǎi gǎo f /to revise a manuscript/ 改签 改簽 S - 23 gǎi qiān f /to change one's reservation/to transfer to a different flight or airline/ 改簽 改签 T - 23 gǎi qiān f /to change one's reservation/to transfer to a different flight or airline/ 改組 改组 T - 835 gǎi zǔ f /to reorganize/to reshuffle (posts etc)/ 改編 改编 T - 1005 gǎi biān f /to adapt/to rearrange/to revise/ 改组 改組 S - 835 gǎi zǔ f /to reorganize/to reshuffle (posts etc)/ 改编 改編 S - 1005 gǎi biān f /to adapt/to rearrange/to revise/ 改良 4425 788 gǎi liáng f /to improve/ 改良主义 改良主義 S - 101 gǎi liáng zhǔ yì f /reformism (i.e. favoring gradual change as opposed to revolution)/ 改良主義 改良主义 T - 101 gǎi liáng zhǔ yì f /reformism (i.e. favoring gradual change as opposed to revolution)/ 改行 - 121 gǎi háng f /to change profession/ 改装 改裝 S - 1056 gǎi zhuāng f /to change one's costume/to repackage/to remodel/to refit/to modify/to convert/ 改裝 改装 T - 1056 gǎi zhuāng f /to change one's costume/to repackage/to remodel/to refit/to modify/to convert/ 改觀 改观 T - 256 gǎi guān f /change of appearance/to revise one's point of view/ 改观 改觀 S - 256 gǎi guān f /change of appearance/to revise one's point of view/ 改訂 改订 T - 53 gǎi dìng f /to revise (text, plan etc)/ 改訂伊犁條約 改订伊犁条约 T - 0 Gǎi dìng Yī lí Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights/ 改譯 改译 T - 0 gǎi yì f /to correct (improve) a translation/ 改變 改变 T 662 10142 gǎi biàn f /to change/to alter/to transform/ 改變信仰者 改变信仰者 T - 0 gǎi biàn xìn yǎng zhě f /a convert/ 改變形像 改变形像 T - 0 gǎi biàn xíng xiàng f /transfiguration/ 改订 改訂 S - 53 gǎi dìng f /to revise (text, plan etc)/ 改订伊犁条约 改訂伊犁條約 S - 0 Gǎi dìng Yī lí Tiáo yuē f /Treaty of Saint Petersburg of 1881 in which Russia agreed to hand back Yili province to Qing China in exchange for compensation payment and unequal treaty rights/ 改译 改譯 S - 0 gǎi yì f /to correct (improve) a translation/ 改过 改過 S - 50 gǎi guò f /to correct/to fix/ 改过自新 改過自新 S - 30 gǎi guò zì xīn f /to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf/ 改进 改進 S 2102 3234 gǎi jìn f /to improve/to make better/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 改选 改選 S - 107 gǎi xuǎn f /reelection/to reelect/ 改造 - 3846 gǎi zào f /to transform/to reform/to remodel/to remold/ 改進 改进 T 2102 3234 gǎi jìn f /to improve/to make better/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 改過 改过 T - 50 gǎi guò f /to correct/to fix/ 改過自新 改过自新 T - 30 gǎi guò zì xīn f /to reform and start afresh (idiom); to turn over a new leaf/ 改道 - 124 gǎi dào f /to change route/to divert (a road or a watercourse)/ 改選 改选 T - 107 gǎi xuǎn f /reelection/to reelect/ 改邪归正 改邪歸正 S - 33 gǎi xié guī zhèng f /to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf/ 改邪歸正 改邪归正 T - 33 gǎi xié guī zhèng f /to mend one's ways (idiom)/to turn over a new leaf/ 改錐 改锥 T - 3 gǎi zhuī f /screwdriver/CL:把[ba3]/ 改錯 改错 T - 63 gǎi cuò f /to correct an error/ 改错 改錯 S - 63 gǎi cuò f /to correct an error/ 改锥 改錐 S - 3 gǎi zhuī f /screwdriver/CL:把[ba3]/ 改革 2264 19018 gǎi gé f /reform/CL:次[ci4],種|种[zhong3],項|项[xiang4]/to reform/ 改革家 - 33 gǎi gé jiā f /reformer/ 改革开放 改革開放 S - 3 gǎi gé kāi fàng f /to reform and open to the outside world/refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980/ 改革派 - 39 gǎi gé pài f /the reformist party/ 改革者 - 44 gǎi gé zhě f /reformer/ 改革进程 改革進程 S - 0 gǎi gé jìn chéng f /reform process/ 改革進程 改革进程 T - 0 gǎi gé jìn chéng f /reform process/ 改革開放 改革开放 T - 3 gǎi gé kāi fàng f /to reform and open to the outside world/refers to Deng Xiaoping's policies from around 1980/ 改頭換面 改头换面 T - 60 gǎi tóu huàn miàn f /to adjust one's head and turn one's face (idiom); cosmetic changes/Despite superficially new policies, the substance remains unchanged./ 攺 - 6 yǐ f /a kind of metal or jade ornament worn in ancient times to ward off evil spirits/ 攻 - 5612 gōng f /to attack/to accuse/to study/ 攻伐 - 3 gōng fá f /to attack/to raid/(of medicine) potent/ 攻克 4525 890 gōng kè f /to capture/to take/to overcome/to solve/ 攻入 - 652 gōng rù f /to force entrance into/to score a goal (sport)/ 攻关 攻關 S - 2213 gōng guān f /to storm a strategic pass/fig. to tackle a key problem/ 攻其不備 攻其不备 T - 11 gōng qí bù bèi f /see 出其不意,攻其不備|出其不意,攻其不备[chu1 qi2 bu4 yi4 , gong1 qi2 bu4 bei4]/ 攻其不备 攻其不備 S - 11 gōng qí bù bèi f /see 出其不意,攻其不備|出其不意,攻其不备[chu1 qi2 bu4 yi4 , gong1 qi2 bu4 bei4]/ 攻其无备 攻其無備 S - 17 gōng qí wú bèi f /see 出其不意,攻其不備|出其不意,攻其不备[chu1 qi2 bu4 yi4 , gong1 qi2 bu4 bei4]/ 攻其無備 攻其无备 T - 17 gōng qí wú bèi f /see 出其不意,攻其不備|出其不意,攻其不备[chu1 qi2 bu4 yi4 , gong1 qi2 bu4 bei4]/ 攻击 攻擊 S 2539 5330 gōng jī f /to attack/to accuse/to charge/an attack (terrorist or military)/ 攻击力 攻擊力 S - 139 gōng jī lì f /potential for attack/firepower/ 攻击型核潜艇 攻擊型核潛艇 S - 0 gōng jī xíng hé qián tǐng f /nuclear-powered attack submarine/ 攻击机 攻擊機 S - 237 gōng jī jī f /ground attack aircraft/ 攻击线 攻擊線 S - 3 gōng jī xiàn f /the front line/the attack (e.g. football forwards)/ 攻势 攻勢 S - 829 gōng shì f /(military) offensive/ 攻勢 攻势 T - 829 gōng shì f /(military) offensive/ 攻占 - 1001 gōng zhàn f /to seize control of (an enemy position)/(fig.) to take by storm/to gain (awards, control of a market etc)/ 攻取 - 243 gōng qǔ f /to attack and seize/ 攻城 - 3 gōng chéng f /to besiege (a town)/ 攻城木 - 0 gōng chéng mù f /battering ram/ 攻打 - 695 gōng dǎ f /to attack (the enemy)/ 攻擊 攻击 T 2539 5330 gōng jī f /to attack/to accuse/to charge/an attack (terrorist or military)/ 攻擊力 攻击力 T - 139 gōng jī lì f /potential for attack/firepower/ 攻擊型核潛艇 攻击型核潜艇 T - 0 gōng jī xíng hé qián tǐng f /nuclear-powered attack submarine/ 攻擊機 攻击机 T - 237 gōng jī jī f /ground attack aircraft/ 攻擊線 攻击线 T - 3 gōng jī xiàn f /the front line/the attack (e.g. football forwards)/ 攻无不克,战无不胜 攻無不克,戰無不勝 S - 0 gōng wú bù kè , zhàn wú bù shèng f /to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ 攻滅 攻灭 T - 0 gōng miè f /to conquer/to defeat (militarily)/ 攻灭 攻滅 S - 0 gōng miè f /to conquer/to defeat (militarily)/ 攻無不克,戰無不勝 攻无不克,战无不胜 T - 0 gōng wú bù kè , zhàn wú bù shèng f /to triumph in every battle and win every fight (idiom); all-conquering/ever victorious/nothing they can't do/ 攻略 - 248 gōng lüè f /strategy/directions/guide/how-to/ 攻砭 - 0 gōng biān f /to perform acupuncture/ 攻破 - 710 gōng pò f /to make a breakthrough/to break through/to breach (military)/ 攻訐 攻讦 T - 54 gōng jié f /to attack sb by exposing faults/to denounce/ 攻讀 攻读 T - 406 gōng dú f /to major (in a field)/to study a specialty to obtain a higher degree/ 攻讦 攻訐 S - 54 gōng jié f /to attack sb by exposing faults/to denounce/ 攻读 攻讀 S - 406 gōng dú f /to major (in a field)/to study a specialty to obtain a higher degree/ 攻關 攻关 T - 2213 gōng guān f /to storm a strategic pass/fig. to tackle a key problem/ 攻防 - 194 gōng fáng f /attack and defense/the midfield (in soccer)/ 攻陷 - 363 gōng xiàn f /to overcome/to take (a fortress)/to fall (to an attack)/to surrender/ 攼 - 13 hàn f /old variant of 捍[han4]/ 攽 - 12 bān f /variant of 頒|颁[ban1]/ 放 337 15161 fàng f /to put/to place/to release/to free/to let go/to let out/to set off (fireworks)/ 放一馬 放一马 T - 0 fàng yī mǎ f /to let (sb) off/to let (sb) get away with sth/ 放一马 放一馬 S - 0 fàng yī mǎ f /to let (sb) off/to let (sb) get away with sth/ 放下 - 734 fàng xià f /to lay down/to put down/to let go of/to relinquish/to lower (the blinds etc)/ 放下包袱 - 3 fàng xia bāo fu f /to lay down a heavy burden/ 放下屠刀,立地成佛 - 0 fàng xià tú dāo , lì dì chéng fó f /lay down butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation/to repent and be absolved of one's crimes/ 放不下 - 3 fàng bu xià f /to be unable to let go/to be unable to stop (doing sth)/ 放不下心 - 0 fàng bu xià xīn f /cannot stop worrying/ 放之四海而皆准 - 9 fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn f /appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable/a panacea/ 放之四海而皆准 放之四海而皆準 S - 9 fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn f /applicable anywhere (idiom)/ 放之四海而皆準 放之四海而皆准 T - 9 fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn f /applicable anywhere (idiom)/ 放任 - 131 fàng rèn f /to ignore/to let alone/to indulge/ 放任政策 - 3 fàng rèn zhèng cè f /laissez-faire policy/non-interference/ 放任自流 - 35 fàng rèn zì liú f /to let sb do whatever they want/to indulge/to give free reins to/to let things slide/to drift aimlessly/laissez-faire/ 放低 - 3 fàng dī f /to lower/to be humble/ 放债 放債 S - 41 fàng zhài f /to lend money (for interest)/to give credit/ 放假 - 194 fàng jià f /to have a holiday or vacation/ 放債 放债 T - 41 fàng zhài f /to lend money (for interest)/to give credit/ 放养 放養 S - 351 fàng yǎng f /to breed (livestock, fish, crops etc)/to grow/to raise/ 放出 - 805 fàng chū f /to let off/to give out/ 放刁 - 15 fàng diāo f /to act wickedly/to bully/to make life difficult for sb by unreasonable actions/ 放告 - 0 fàng gào f /to release a statement/ 放哨 - 86 fàng shào f /to keep watch/to do sentry duty/to be on patrol/ 放在心上 - 3 fàng zài xīn shàng f /to care about/to take seriously/to take to heart/ 放在眼裡 放在眼里 T - 306 fàng zài yǎn lǐ f /to pay attention to/to care about/to attach importance to/ 放在眼里 放在眼裡 S - 306 fàng zài yǎn lǐ f /to pay attention to/to care about/to attach importance to/ 放声 放聲 S - 554 fàng shēng f /very loudly/at the top of one's voice/ 放声大哭 放聲大哭 S - 3 fàng shēng dà kū f /to burst into tears/to sob loudly/to bawl/ 放大 3176 740 fàng dà f /to enlarge/to magnify/ 放大倍数 放大倍數 S - 0 fàng dà bèi shù f /magnifying power/magnification/ 放大倍數 放大倍数 T - 0 fàng dà bèi shù f /magnifying power/magnification/ 放大器 - 215 fàng dà qì f /amplifier/ 放大炮 - 0 fàng dà pào f /to talk big/to shoot one's mouth off/ 放大片 - 0 fàng dà piàn f /(Tw) cosmetic contact lens/big eye contact lens/circle contact lens/ 放大紙 放大纸 T - 3 fàng dà zhǐ f /enlarging paper (photography)/bromide paper/ 放大纸 放大紙 S - 3 fàng dà zhǐ f /enlarging paper (photography)/bromide paper/ 放大鏡 放大镜 T - 67 fàng dà jìng f /magnifying glass/ 放大镜 放大鏡 S - 67 fàng dà jìng f /magnifying glass/ 放学 放學 S - 164 fàng xué f /to dismiss students at the end of the school day/ 放学后 放學後 S - 0 fàng xué hòu f /after school/ 放學 放学 T - 164 fàng xué f /to dismiss students at the end of the school day/ 放學後 放学后 T - 0 fàng xué hòu f /after school/ 放宽 放寬 S - 334 fàng kuān f /to relax restrictions/ 放寬 放宽 T - 334 fàng kuān f /to relax restrictions/ 放射 3764 495 fàng shè f /to radiate/radioactive/ 放射作战 放射作戰 S - 0 fàng shè zuò zhàn f /radiological operations/ 放射作戰 放射作战 T - 0 fàng shè zuò zhàn f /radiological operations/ 放射免疫测定 放射免疫測定 S - 0 fàng shè miǎn yì cè dìng f /radioimmunoassay/ 放射免疫測定 放射免疫测定 T - 0 fàng shè miǎn yì cè dìng f /radioimmunoassay/ 放射学 放射學 S - 3 fàng shè xué f /radiology/ 放射學 放射学 T - 3 fàng shè xué f /radiology/ 放射性 - 647 fàng shè xìng f /radioactive/ 放射性发光材料 放射性發光材料 S - 0 fàng shè xìng fā guāng cái liào f /radiophosphor/ 放射性同位素 - 0 fàng shè xìng tóng wèi sù f /radioactive isotope/radioisotope/ 放射性废物 放射性廢物 S - 0 fàng shè xìng fèi wù f /radioactive waste/ 放射性廢物 放射性废物 T - 0 fàng shè xìng fèi wù f /radioactive waste/ 放射性最強點 放射性最强点 T - 0 fàng shè xìng zuì qiáng diǎn f /radioactive hot spot/ 放射性最强点 放射性最強點 S - 0 fàng shè xìng zuì qiáng diǎn f /radioactive hot spot/ 放射性材料 - 0 fàng shè xìng cái liào f /radioactive material/ 放射性核素 - 99 fàng shè xìng hé sù f /radioactive nuclide/radionuclide/ 放射性武器 - 0 fàng shè xìng wǔ qì f /radiological weapon/ 放射性污染 - 0 fàng shè xìng wū rǎn f /radioactive contamination/ 放射性沾染 - 0 fàng shè xìng zhān rǎn f /radioactive contamination/ 放射性沾染物 - 0 fàng shè xìng zhān rǎn wù f /radioactive contaminant/ 放射性活度 - 0 fàng shè xìng huó dù f /radioactivity/ 放射性烟羽 放射性煙羽 S - 0 fàng shè xìng yān yǔ f /radiation plume/ 放射性煙羽 放射性烟羽 T - 0 fàng shè xìng yān yǔ f /radiation plume/ 放射性發光材料 放射性发光材料 T - 0 fàng shè xìng fā guāng cái liào f /radiophosphor/ 放射性碎片 - 0 fàng shè xìng suì piàn f /radioactive debris/ 放射性碘 - 0 fàng shè xìng diǎn f /radioactive iodine/ 放射性落下灰 - 0 fàng shè xìng luò xià huī f /radioactive fallout/ 放射性衰变 放射性衰變 S - 0 fàng shè xìng shuāi biàn f /radioactive decay/ 放射性衰變 放射性衰变 T - 0 fàng shè xìng shuāi biàn f /radioactive decay/ 放射性計時 放射性计时 T - 0 fàng shè xìng jì shí f /radiometric dating/ 放射性计时 放射性計時 S - 0 fàng shè xìng jì shí f /radiometric dating/ 放射治疗 放射治療 S - 2 fàng shè zhì liáo f /radiotherapy/ 放射治療 放射治疗 T - 2 fàng shè zhì liáo f /radiotherapy/ 放射源 - 17 fàng shè yuán f /radiation source/ 放射物 - 0 fàng shè wù f /radioactive material/ 放射生成物 - 0 fàng shè shēng chéng wù f /radiogenic material/ 放射疗法 放射療法 S - 3 fàng shè liáo fǎ f /radiotherapy/ 放射病 - 15 fàng shè bìng f /radiation sickness/ 放射療法 放射疗法 T - 3 fàng shè liáo fǎ f /radiotherapy/ 放射線 放射线 T - 52 fàng shè xiàn f /radiation/rays of radiation/ 放射线 放射線 S - 52 fàng shè xiàn f /radiation/rays of radiation/ 放射虫 放射蟲 S - 0 fàng shè chóng f /radiolarian (single-celled animal)/ 放射蟲 放射虫 T - 0 fàng shè chóng f /radiolarian (single-celled animal)/ 放射防护 放射防護 S - 0 fàng shè fáng hù f /radiological defense/ 放射防護 放射防护 T - 0 fàng shè fáng hù f /radiological defense/ 放屁 - 276 fàng pì f /to fart/to break wind/to talk nonsense/Utter rubbish!/ 放屁虫 放屁蟲 S - 0 fàng pì chóng f /stink bug/ 放屁蟲 放屁虫 T - 0 fàng pì chóng f /stink bug/ 放山雞 放山鸡 T - 0 fàng shān jī f /free-range chicken/ 放山鸡 放山雞 S - 0 fàng shān jī f /free-range chicken/ 放工 - 10 fàng gōng f /to knock off work for the day/ 放平 - 0 fàng píng f /to set level/to lay flat/ 放开 放開 S - 1003 fàng kāi f /to let go/to release/ 放开手脚 放開手腳 S - 3 fàng kāi shǒu jiǎo f /to have free rein (idiom)/ 放弃 放棄 S 710 3181 fàng qì f /to renounce/to abandon/to give up/ 放得下 - 0 fàng de xià f /to be able to accomodate/to have room for/to be able to put (sth) down/ 放心 521 3856 fàng xīn f /to feel relieved/to feel reassured/to be at ease/ 放情 - 3 fàng qíng f /to do sth to one's heart's content/ 放情丘壑 - 3 fàng qíng qiū hè f /to enjoy oneself in nature's embrace (idiom)/ 放手 - 523 fàng shǒu f /to let go one's hold/to give up/to have a free hand/ 放手一搏 - 12 fàng shǒu yī bó f /to put one's all into the fight/ 放映 - 230 fàng yìng f /to show (a movie)/to screen/ 放映室 - 5 fàng yìng shì f /cinema room/viewing room/ 放松 放鬆 S 726 1266 fàng sōng f /to loosen/to relax/ 放松管制 - 0 fàng sōng guǎn zhì f /deregulation/ 放枪 放槍 S - 0 fàng qiāng f /to open fire/to shoot a gun/ 放棄 放弃 T 710 3181 fàng qì f /to renounce/to abandon/to give up/ 放槍 放枪 T - 0 fàng qiāng f /to open fire/to shoot a gun/ 放款 - 77 fàng kuǎn f /to lend money (as a commercial loan)/ 放毒 - 32 fàng dú f /to poison/fig. to spread vicious rumors/ 放气 放氣 S - 3 fàng qì f /to release breath/to deflate/to fart/ 放氣 放气 T - 3 fàng qì f /to release breath/to deflate/to fart/ 放水 - 99 fàng shuǐ f /to turn on the water/to let water out/to throw a game (sports)/ 放浪 - 44 fàng làng f /unrestrained/dissolute/dissipated/unconventional/immoral/to debauch/to dissipate/ 放浪不羁 放浪不羈 S - 2 fàng làng bù jī f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放浪不羈 放浪不羁 T - 2 fàng làng bù jī f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放浪形骸 - 14 fàng làng xíng hái f /to abandon all restraint (idiom)/ 放火 - 472 fàng huǒ f /to set on fire/to commit arson/to create a disturbance/ 放烟幕弹 放煙幕彈 S - 0 fàng yān mù dàn f /to spread a smokescreen/ 放热反应 放熱反應 S - 3 fàng rè fǎn yìng f /exothermic reaction/ 放焰口 - 11 fàng yàn kǒu f /to feed the starving ghosts (i.e. offer sacrifice to protect the departed spirit)/ 放煙幕彈 放烟幕弹 T - 0 fàng yān mù dàn f /to spread a smokescreen/ 放熱反應 放热反应 T - 3 fàng rè fǎn yìng f /exothermic reaction/ 放爆竹 - 3 fàng bào zhú f /to set off firecrackers/ 放牛班 - 3 fàng niú bān f /class of underachievers/dunces' class (Tw)/ 放牧 - 280 fàng mù f /to graze (livestock)/to herd (livestock)/ 放电 放電 S - 385 fàng diàn f /electrical discharge/(coll.) to lure/to entice/ 放眼 - 260 fàng yǎn f /to survey/to view broadly/ 放眼望去 - 3 fàng yǎn wàng qù f /as far as the eye can see/ 放着明白装糊涂 放著明白裝糊塗 S - 0 fàng zhe míng bai zhuāng hú tu f /to pretend not to know (idiom)/ 放空 - 21 fàng kōng f /to relax completely/to empty one's mind/(finance) to sell short/(of a commercial vehicle) to travel empty (no cargo or passengers)/to deadhead/ 放空炮 - 19 fàng kōng pào f /(lit.) to fire blank shots/(fig.) to be all talk and no action/to shoot one's mouth off/to make empty promises/ 放緩 放缓 T - 108 fàng huǎn f /to slow/to slow down (the pace of)/ 放縱 放纵 T - 339 fàng zòng f /to indulge/to pamper/to connive at/permissive/indulgent/self-indulgent/unrestrained/undisciplined/uncultured/boorish/ 放纵 放縱 S - 339 fàng zòng f /to indulge/to pamper/to connive at/permissive/indulgent/self-indulgent/unrestrained/undisciplined/uncultured/boorish/ 放缓 放緩 S - 108 fàng huǎn f /to slow/to slow down (the pace of)/ 放置 - 446 fàng zhì f /to put/ 放羊 - 88 fàng yáng f /to tend a flock of sheep/to let sheep out to pasture/fig. to throw off the reins/to leave sb alone/acting freely and irresponsibly/ 放羊娃 - 0 fàng yáng wá f /shepherd/shepherd boy/ 放聲 放声 T - 554 fàng shēng f /very loudly/at the top of one's voice/ 放聲大哭 放声大哭 T - 3 fàng shēng dà kū f /to burst into tears/to sob loudly/to bawl/ 放肆 - 311 fàng sì f /wanton/unbridled/presumptuous/impudent/ 放胆 放膽 S - 41 fàng dǎn f /to act boldly/ 放膽 放胆 T - 41 fàng dǎn f /to act boldly/ 放荡 放蕩 S - 104 fàng dàng f /unconventional/licentious/wanton/easy in one's morals/ 放荡不羁 放蕩不羈 S - 52 fàng dàng bù jī f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放著明白裝糊塗 放着明白装糊涂 T - 0 fàng zhe míng bai zhuāng hú tu f /to pretend not to know (idiom)/ 放蕩 放荡 T - 104 fàng dàng f /unconventional/licentious/wanton/easy in one's morals/ 放蕩不羈 放荡不羁 T - 52 fàng dàng bù jī f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放血 - 44 fàng xuè f /to let blood (Chinese medicine)/to bleed/to stab sb (slang)/ 放行 - 295 fàng xíng f /to let pass/ 放話 放话 T - 3 fàng huà f /to give orders/to spread news or rumors/to leak certain information intentionally/ 放誕 放诞 T - 10 fàng dàn f /untrammeled/reckless/wanton/ 放誕不拘 放诞不拘 T - 3 fàng dàn bù jū f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放誕不羈 放诞不羁 T - 3 fàng dàn bù jī f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放话 放話 S - 3 fàng huà f /to give orders/to spread news or rumors/to leak certain information intentionally/ 放诞 放誕 S - 10 fàng dàn f /untrammeled/reckless/wanton/ 放诞不拘 放誕不拘 S - 3 fàng dàn bù jū f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放诞不羁 放誕不羈 S - 3 fàng dàn bù jī f /wanton and unrestrained (idiom); dissolute/ 放貸 放贷 T - 34 fàng dài f /to provide loans/ 放贷 放貸 S - 34 fàng dài f /to provide loans/ 放走 - 141 fàng zǒu f /to release/to set free/to allow (a person or an animal) to go/to liberate/ 放过 放過 S - 473 fàng guò f /to let off/to let slip by/to let sb get away with sth/ 放还 放還 S - 0 fàng huán f /to release (a hostage)/to put back in place/ 放进 放進 S - 270 fàng jìn f /to put into/ 放送 - 5 fàng sòng f /to broadcast/to announce over loudspeakers/ 放逐 - 274 fàng zhú f /to banish/to deport/to send into exile/to be marooned/ 放進 放进 T - 270 fàng jìn f /to put into/ 放過 放过 T - 473 fàng guò f /to let off/to let slip by/to let sb get away with sth/ 放還 放还 T - 0 fàng huán f /to release (a hostage)/to put back in place/ 放長線釣大魚 放长线钓大鱼 T - 12 fàng cháng xiàn diào dà yú f /use a long line to catch a big fish (idiom); a long-term plan for major returns/ 放长线钓大鱼 放長線釣大魚 S - 12 fàng cháng xiàn diào dà yú f /use a long line to catch a big fish (idiom); a long-term plan for major returns/ 放開 放开 T - 1003 fàng kāi f /to let go/to release/ 放開手腳 放开手脚 T - 3 fàng kāi shǒu jiǎo f /to have free rein (idiom)/ 放電 放电 T - 385 fàng diàn f /electrical discharge/(coll.) to lure/to entice/ 放鞭炮 - 3 fàng biān pào f /to set off firecrackers/ 放音 - 3 fàng yīn f /playback (of recorded sound)/ 放風 放风 T - 34 fàng fēng f /to allow in fresh air/to allow a prisoner out for exercise/to give out information/ 放风 放風 S - 34 fàng fēng f /to allow in fresh air/to allow a prisoner out for exercise/to give out information/ 放飛 放飞 T - 62 fàng fēi f /to allow to fly/ 放飛機 放飞机 T - 0 fàng fēi jī f /to ditch sb (slang)/ 放飞 放飛 S - 62 fàng fēi f /to allow to fly/ 放飞机 放飛機 S - 0 fàng fēi jī f /to ditch sb (slang)/ 放養 放养 T - 351 fàng yǎng f /to breed (livestock, fish, crops etc)/to grow/to raise/ 放馬後炮 放马后炮 T - 3 fàng mǎ hòu pào f /to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom); to act too late to be effective/ 放馬過來 放马过来 T - 3 fàng mǎ guò lái f /bring it on!/give me all you got!/ 放马后炮 放馬後炮 S - 3 fàng mǎ hòu pào f /to fire after the horse has bolted (idiom); to act too late to be effective/ 放马过来 放馬過來 S - 3 fàng mǎ guò lái f /bring it on!/give me all you got!/ 放鬆 放松 T 726 1266 fàng sōng f /to loosen/to relax/ 放鳥 放鸟 T - 0 fàng niǎo f /to stand someone up/ 放鴿子 放鸽子 T - 3 fàng gē zi f /to stand someone up/ 放鸟 放鳥 S - 0 fàng niǎo f /to stand someone up/ 放鸽子 放鴿子 S - 3 fàng gē zi f /to stand someone up/ 政 - 3607 zhèng f /political/politics/government/ 政事 - 814 zhèng shì f /politics/government affairs/ 政令 - 138 zhèng lìng f /government decree/ 政体 政體 S - 19865 zhèng tǐ f /form of government/system of government/ 政党 政黨 S - 2469 zhèng dǎng f /political party/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 政务 政務 S - 1341 zhèng wù f /government affairs/ 政務 政务 T - 1341 zhèng wù f /government affairs/ 政协 政協 S - 2695 Zhèng Xié f /CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)/abbr. of 中國人民政治協商會議|中国人民政治协商会议[Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 zhi4 Xie2 shang1 Hui4 yi4]/ 政協 政协 T - 2695 Zhèng Xié f /CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)/abbr. of 中國人民政治協商會議|中国人民政治协商会议[Zhong1 guo2 Ren2 min2 Zheng4 zhi4 Xie2 shang1 Hui4 yi4]/ 政变 政變 S - 1236 zhèng biàn f /coup d'état/ 政和 - 41 Zhèng hé f /Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 政和县 政和縣 S - 2 Zhèng hé xiàn f /Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 政和縣 政和县 T - 2 Zhèng hé xiàn f /Zhenghe county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 政圈 - 0 zhèng quān f /government circle/political circle/ 政坛 政壇 S - 127 zhèng tán f /political circles/ 政壇 政坛 T - 127 zhèng tán f /political circles/ 政委 - 1207 zhèng wěi f /political commissar (within the army)/ 政审 政審 S - 43 zhèng shěn f /examine sb's political record/political investigation/ 政客 - 250 zhèng kè f /politician/ 政審 政审 T - 43 zhèng shěn f /examine sb's political record/political investigation/ 政局 - 535 zhèng jú f /political situation/ 政工 - 335 zhèng gōng f /political work/ideological work/ 政府 1286 23452 zhèng fǔ f /government/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 政府债券 政府債券 S - 0 zhèng fǔ zhài quàn f /government bonds (investments)/ 政府債券 政府债券 T - 0 zhèng fǔ zhài quàn f /government bonds (investments)/ 政府军 政府軍 S - 70 zhèng fǔ jūn f /government army/ 政府大学院 政府大學院 S - 0 Zhèng fǔ Dà xué yuàn f /the name of Academia Sinica 中央研究院[Zhong1 yang1 Yan2 jiu1 yuan4] when it was founded/ 政府大學院 政府大学院 T - 0 Zhèng fǔ Dà xué yuàn f /the name of Academia Sinica 中央研究院[Zhong1 yang1 Yan2 jiu1 yuan4] when it was founded/ 政府官员 政府官員 S - 0 zhèng fǔ guān yuán f /government employee/ 政府官員 政府官员 T - 0 zhèng fǔ guān yuán f /government employee/ 政府新聞處 政府新闻处 T - 0 zhèng fǔ xīn wén chù f /information services department/ 政府新闻处 政府新聞處 S - 0 zhèng fǔ xīn wén chù f /information services department/ 政府机关 政府機關 S - 0 zhèng fǔ jī guān f /government (viewed as an organization)/institutions of government/government office/ 政府机构 政府機構 S - 0 zhèng fǔ jī gòu f /government organization/ 政府機構 政府机构 T - 0 zhèng fǔ jī gòu f /government organization/ 政府機關 政府机关 T - 0 zhèng fǔ jī guān f /government (viewed as an organization)/institutions of government/government office/ 政府警告 - 0 zhèng fǔ jǐng gào f /government warning/ 政府軍 政府军 T - 70 zhèng fǔ jūn f /government army/ 政府部門 政府部门 T - 378 zhèng fǔ bù mén f /government branch/ 政府部门 政府部門 S - 378 zhèng fǔ bù mén f /government branch/ 政府首脑 政府首腦 S - 3 zhèng fǔ shǒu nǎo f /head of state/government leader/ 政府首腦 政府首脑 T - 3 zhèng fǔ shǒu nǎo f /head of state/government leader/ 政情 - 18 zhèng qíng f /political situation/ 政改 - 3 zhèng gǎi f /political reform/ 政敌 政敵 S - 124 zhèng dí f /political enemy/opponent/ 政教 - 81 zhèng jiào f /church and state/government and education/political education/ 政教合一 - 56 zhèng jiào hé yī f /union of religious and political rule/theocracy/Caesaropapism/ 政教处 政教處 S - 2 zhèng jiào chǔ f /political education office (within a school) (PRC)/ 政教處 政教处 T - 2 zhèng jiào chǔ f /political education office (within a school) (PRC)/ 政敵 政敌 T - 124 zhèng dí f /political enemy/opponent/ 政权 政權 S 3734 5919 zhèng quán f /regime/political power/ 政权真空 政權真空 S - 0 zhèng quán zhēn kōng f /power vacuum/political vacuum/ 政柄 - 11 zhèng bǐng f /at the helm of state/political power/regime/ 政權 政权 T 3734 5919 zhèng quán f /regime/political power/ 政權真空 政权真空 T - 0 zhèng quán zhēn kōng f /power vacuum/political vacuum/ 政治 1515 24866 zhèng zhì f /politics/political/ 政治人物 - 0 zhèng zhì rén wù f /political figure/politician/statesman/ 政治体制 政治體制 S - 3 zhèng zhì tǐ zhì f /form of government/ 政治关系 政治關係 S - 0 zhèng zhì guān xì f /political relations/ 政治化 - 25 zhèng zhì huà f /to politicize/ 政治史 - 46 zhèng zhì shǐ f /political history/ 政治委员 政治委員 S - 646 zhèng zhì wěi yuán f /political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)/ 政治委員 政治委员 T - 646 zhèng zhì wěi yuán f /political commissar (during Russian and Chinese communist revolutions)/ 政治学 政治學 S - 357 zhèng zhì xué f /politics/political science/ 政治學 政治学 T - 357 zhèng zhì xué f /politics/political science/ 政治家 - 1456 zhèng zhì jiā f /statesman/politician/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 政治局 - 801 zhèng zhì jú f /politburo/ 政治局面 - 3 zhèng zhì jú miàn f /political climate/ 政治庇护 政治庇護 S - 0 zhèng zhì bì hù f /political asylum/ 政治庇護 政治庇护 T - 0 zhèng zhì bì hù f /political asylum/ 政治异议人士 政治異議人士 S - 0 zhèng zhì yì yì rén shì f /political dissident/ 政治思想 - 0 zhèng zhì sī xiǎng f /political thought/ideology/ 政治性 - 67 zhèng zhì xìng f /political/ 政治改革 - 0 zhèng zhì gǎi gé f /political reform/ 政治机构 政治機構 S - 0 zhèng zhì jī gòu f /political organization/ 政治機構 政治机构 T - 0 zhèng zhì jī gòu f /political organization/ 政治气候 政治氣候 S - 3 zhèng zhì qì hòu f /political climate/ 政治氣候 政治气候 T - 3 zhèng zhì qì hòu f /political climate/ 政治犯 - 104 zhèng zhì fàn f /political prisoner/ 政治生活 - 0 zhèng zhì shēng huó f /political life/ 政治異議人士 政治异议人士 T - 0 zhèng zhì yì yì rén shì f /political dissident/ 政治立场 政治立場 S - 3 zhèng zhì lì chǎng f /political position/ 政治立場 政治立场 T - 3 zhèng zhì lì chǎng f /political position/ 政治經濟學 政治经济学 T - 541 zhèng zhì jīng jì xué f /political economy/ 政治经济学 政治經濟學 S - 541 zhèng zhì jīng jì xué f /political economy/ 政治舞台 - 3 zhèng zhì wǔ tái f /political arena/ 政治运动 政治運動 S - 0 zhèng zhì yùn dòng f /political movement/ 政治運動 政治运动 T - 0 zhèng zhì yùn dòng f /political movement/ 政治避难 政治避難 S - 8 zhèng zhì bì nàn f /political asylum/ 政治避難 政治避难 T - 8 zhèng zhì bì nàn f /political asylum/ 政治部 - 1813 zhèng zhì bù f /political division/cadre department/ 政治關係 政治关系 T - 0 zhèng zhì guān xì f /political relations/ 政治體制 政治体制 T - 3 zhèng zhì tǐ zhì f /form of government/ 政法 - 414 zhèng fǎ f /political law/politics and law/ 政派 - 2 zhèng pài f /political group/faction/ 政理 - 0 zhèng lǐ f /politics/government affairs/ 政界 - 190 zhèng jiè f /political and government circles/ 政策 2975 14792 zhèng cè f /policy/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 政紀 政纪 T - 16 zhèng jì f /rules for political staff/political discipline/ 政綱 政纲 T - 70 zhèng gāng f /political program/platform/ 政績 政绩 T - 341 zhèng jì f /(political) achievements/track record/ 政纪 政紀 S - 16 zhèng jì f /rules for political staff/political discipline/ 政纲 政綱 S - 70 zhèng gāng f /political program/platform/ 政绩 政績 S - 341 zhèng jì f /(political) achievements/track record/ 政要 - 112 zhèng yào f /important political leader/government dignitary/ 政見 政见 T - 149 zhèng jiàn f /political views/ 政见 政見 S - 149 zhèng jiàn f /political views/ 政訓處 政训处 T - 0 zhèng xùn chù f /political training office (during Chinese revolution, since renamed political division 政治部)/ 政論 政论 T - 87 zhèng lùn f /political commentary/ 政變 政变 T - 1236 zhèng biàn f /coup d'état/ 政训处 政訓處 S - 0 zhèng xùn chù f /political training office (during Chinese revolution, since renamed political division 政治部)/ 政论 政論 S - 87 zhèng lùn f /political commentary/ 政通人和 - 9 zhèng tōng rén hé f /efficient government, people at peace (idiom); all is well with the state and the people/ 政體 政体 T - 19865 zhèng tǐ f /form of government/system of government/ 政黨 政党 T - 2469 zhèng dǎng f /political party/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 敁 - 4 diān f /to weigh in the hand, to estimate/to shake/ 敂 叩 T - 1148 kòu f /old variant of 叩[kou4]/to knock/ 敃 - 0 mǐn f /strong/robust/vigorous/ 故 - 9727 gù f /happening/instance/reason/cause/intentional/former/old/friend/therefore/hence/(of people) to die, dead/ 故世 - 3 gù shì f /to die/to pass away/ 故业 故業 S - 0 gù yè f /old estate/former empire/former occupation/ 故乡 故鄉 S 3733 1406 gù xiāng f /home/homeland/native place/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 故事 390 5953 gù shì t /old practice/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 故事 390 5953 gù shi f /narrative/story/tale/ 故事片 - 215 gù shi piàn f /fictional film/feature film/ 故云 - 0 gù yún f /that's why it is called.../ 故交 - 18 gù jiāo f /former acquaintance/old friend/ 故人 - 237 gù rén f /old friend/the deceased/ 故伎 - 7 gù jì f /usual trick/old tactics/ 故伎重演 - 18 gù jì chóng yǎn f /to repeat an old stratagem/up to one's old tricks/ 故作 - 194 gù zuò f /to pretend/to feign/ 故作姿态 故作姿態 S - 10 gù zuò zī tài f /a pose/a pretense/ 故作姿態 故作姿态 T - 10 gù zuò zī tài f /a pose/a pretense/ 故作深沉 - 0 gù zuò shēn chén f /to play the profound thinker/ 故作端庄 故作端莊 S - 0 gù zuò duān zhuāng f /artificial show of seriousness/to pretend to be solemn/ 故作端莊 故作端庄 T - 0 gù zuò duān zhuāng f /artificial show of seriousness/to pretend to be solemn/ 故典 - 11 gù diǎn f /old classics/old customs/cause/ 故去 - 33 gù qù f /to die/death/ 故友 - 40 gù yǒu f /old friend/deceased friend/ 故园 故園 S - 29 gù yuán f /one's home town/ 故国 故國 S - 94 gù guó f /country with an ancient history/ 故國 故国 T - 94 gù guó f /country with an ancient history/ 故園 故园 T - 29 gù yuán f /one's home town/ 故土 - 134 gù tǔ f /native country/one's homeland/ 故地 - 148 gù dì f /once familiar places/former haunts/ 故地重游 故地重遊 S - 11 gù dì chóng yóu f /to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane/ 故地重遊 故地重游 T - 11 gù dì chóng yóu f /to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane/ 故址 - 53 gù zhǐ f /one's former address/ 故城 - 633 gù chéng f /old city/ 故城县 故城縣 S - 4 Gù chéng xiàn f /Gucheng county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 故城縣 故城县 T - 4 Gù chéng xiàn f /Gucheng county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 故墓 - 0 gù mù f /old tomb/ 故宅 - 7 gù zhái f /former home/ 故宫 故宮 S - 1303 Gù gōng f /the Forbidden City/abbr. for 故宮博物院|故宫博物院[Gu4 gong1 Bo2 wu4 yuan4]/ 故宫 故宮 S - 1303 gù gōng f /former imperial palace/ 故宫博物院 故宮博物院 S - 520 Gù gōng Bó wù yuàn f /Palace Museum, in the Forbidden City, Beijing/National Palace Museum, Taipei/ 故宮 故宫 T - 1303 Gù gōng f /the Forbidden City/abbr. for 故宮博物院|故宫博物院[Gu4 gong1 Bo2 wu4 yuan4]/ 故宮 故宫 T - 1303 gù gōng f /former imperial palace/ 故宮博物院 故宫博物院 T - 520 Gù gōng Bó wù yuàn f /Palace Museum, in the Forbidden City, Beijing/National Palace Museum, Taipei/ 故家 - 0 gù jiā f /old and respected family/family whose members have been officials from generation to generation/ 故家子弟 - 0 gù jiā zǐ dì f /descended from an old family/ 故居 - 575 gù jū f /former residence/ 故弄玄虚 故弄玄虛 S - 48 gù nòng xuán xū f /deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated/ 故弄玄虛 故弄玄虚 T - 48 gù nòng xuán xū f /deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated/ 故态复萌 故態復萌 S - 13 gù tài fù méng f /to revert to old ways/ 故意 872 2271 gù yì f /deliberately/on purpose/ 故態復萌 故态复萌 T - 13 gù tài fù méng f /to revert to old ways/ 故我 - 0 gù wǒ f /one's old self/one's original self/what one has always been/ 故旧 故舊 S - 86 gù jiù f /old friends/ 故旧不弃 故舊不棄 S - 3 gù jiù bù qì f /do not neglect old friends/ 故杀 故殺 S - 0 gù shā f /premeditated murder/ 故業 故业 T - 0 gù yè f /old estate/former empire/former occupation/ 故此 - 10 gù cǐ f /therefore/ 故步自封 - 8 gù bù zì fēng f /stuck in the old ways (idiom); refusing to acknowledge new ideas/stagnating and conservative/ 故殺 故杀 T - 0 gù shā f /premeditated murder/ 故知 - 35 gù zhī f /a close friend over many years/ 故第 - 0 gù dì f /former residence/ 故紙堆 故纸堆 T - 12 gù zhǐ duī f /a pile of old books/ 故纸堆 故紙堆 S - 12 gù zhǐ duī f /a pile of old books/ 故而 - 171 gù ér f /therefore/ 故舊 故旧 T - 86 gù jiù f /old friends/ 故舊不棄 故旧不弃 T - 3 gù jiù bù qì f /do not neglect old friends/ 故訓 故训 T - 0 gù xùn f /old teaching (e.g. religious instruction)/ 故训 故訓 S - 0 gù xùn f /old teaching (e.g. religious instruction)/ 故跡 故迹 T - 5 gù jì f /historical ruins/ 故轍 故辙 T - 0 gù zhé f /former track/old rut/stuck in old conventions/ 故辙 故轍 S - 0 gù zhé f /former track/old rut/stuck in old conventions/ 故迹 故跡 S - 5 gù jì f /historical ruins/ 故道 - 4199 gù dào f /old road/old way/old course (of a river)/ 故都 - 51 gù dū f /former capital/ancient capital/ 故鄉 故乡 T 3733 1406 gù xiāng f /home/homeland/native place/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 故里 - 1483 gù lǐ f /hometown/native place/ 故障 3033 533 gù zhàng f /malfunction/breakdown/defect/shortcoming/fault/failure/impediment/error/bug (in software)/ 故障排除 - 0 gù zhàng pái chú f /fault resolution/trouble clearing/ 敇 - 12 chì f /Imperial command or edict/ 效 俲 S - 810 xiào f /variant of 傚|效[xiao4]/ 效 傚 S - 1724 xiào f /variant of 效[xiao4]/to imitate/ 效 効 S - 810 xiào f /variant of 效[xiao4]/ 效 - 810 xiào f /effect/efficacy/to imitate/ 效价 效價 S - 10 xiào jià f /potency/titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)/valence (perceived value in psychology)/valency/ 效价能 效價能 S - 0 xiào jià néng f /potency/titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)/ 效價 效价 T - 10 xiào jià f /potency/titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)/valence (perceived value in psychology)/valency/ 效價能 效价能 T - 0 xiào jià néng f /potency/titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)/ 效力 - 753 xiào lì f /effectiveness/positive effect/to serve (in some capacity)/ 效劳 效勞 S - 126 xiào láo f /to serve (in some capacity)/to work for/ 效勞 效劳 T - 126 xiào láo f /to serve (in some capacity)/to work for/ 效尤 - 13 xiào yóu f /to follow a bad example/ 效应 效應 S - 2116 xiào yìng f /effect (scientific phenomenon)/ 效忠 - 292 xiào zhōng f /to vow loyalty and devotion to/ 效忠誓詞 效忠誓词 T - 0 xiào zhōng shì cí f /pledge of allegiance/ 效忠誓词 效忠誓詞 S - 0 xiào zhōng shì cí f /pledge of allegiance/ 效應 效应 T - 2116 xiào yìng f /effect (scientific phenomenon)/ 效果 941 4924 xiào guǒ f /result/effect/quality/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 效果图 效果圖 S - 8 xiào guǒ tú f /rendering (visual representation of how things will turn out)/ 效果圖 效果图 T - 8 xiào guǒ tú f /rendering (visual representation of how things will turn out)/ 效法 - 155 xiào fǎ f /to imitate/to follow the example of/ 效率 2228 2443 xiào lǜ f /efficiency/ 效用 - 340 xiào yòng f /usefulness/effectiveness/(economics) utility/ 效益 4822 2186 xiào yì f /benefit/effectiveness/efficiency/ 效能 - 325 xiào néng f /efficacy/effectiveness/ 效驗 效验 T - 31 xiào yàn f /(desired) effect/(expected) result/effective/ 效验 效驗 S - 31 xiào yàn f /(desired) effect/(expected) result/effective/ 敉 - 27 mǐ f /peaceful/ 敌 敵 S - 6610 dí f /enemy/match/to resist/to withstand/ 敌人 敵人 S 1404 10175 dí rén f /enemy/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 敌众我寡 敵眾我寡 S - 43 dí zhòng wǒ guǎ f /multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius)/heavily outnumbered/beaten by the weight of numbers/ 敌军 敵軍 S - 985 dí jūn f /enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:股[gu3]/ 敌占区 敵佔區 S - 36 dí zhàn qū f /enemy occupied territory/ 敌台 敵臺 S - 74 dí tái f /defensive tower/look-out tower/enemy radio station/ 敌国 敵國 S - 234 dí guó f /enemy country/ 敌地 敵地 S - 0 dí dì f /enemy territory/ 敌基督 敵基督 S - 0 Dí jī dū f /Antichrist/ 敌害 敵害 S - 91 dí hài f /pest/vermin/animal that is harmful to crops or to another species/enemy/predator/ 敌对 敵對 S - 462 dí duì f /hostile/enemy (factions)/combative/ 敌对性 敵對性 S - 0 dí duì xìng f /hostile/hostility/ 敌将 敵將 S - 0 dí jiàng f /the enemy general/ 敌情 敵情 S - 179 dí qíng f /the situation of the enemy positions/intelligence about the enemy/ 敌意 敵意 S - 240 dí yì f /enmity/hostility/ 敌我 敵我 S - 356 dí wǒ f /the enemy and us/ 敌我矛盾 敵我矛盾 S - 42 dí wǒ máo dùn f /contradictions between ourselves and the enemy/Either you are for us or against us./ 敌手 敵手 S - 486 dí shǒu f /opponent/substantial adversary/worthy match/antagonist/in the enemy's hands/ 敌探 敵探 S - 3 dí tàn f /enemy spy/ 敌敌畏 敵敵畏 S - 25 dí dí wèi f /dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword)/also called dimethyl dichloro-vinyl phosphate DDVP/ 敌方 敵方 S - 686 dí fāng f /enemy/ 敌机 敵機 S - 366 dí jī f /enemy plane/ 敌杀死 敵殺死 S - 3 Dí shā sǐ f /Decis (insecticide brand)/ 敌档 敵檔 S - 0 dí dàng f /rival productions (of the same opera in neighboring theaters)/ 敌特 敵特 S - 13 dí tè f /enemy (agents)/(class) enemy/ 敌特分子 敵特份子 S - 0 dí tè fèn zǐ f /enemy agents in our midst/reds under the beds/ 敌百虫 敵百蟲 S - 18 dí bǎi chóng f /trichlorphon C4H8Cl3PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide/also called dipterex/ 敌营 敵營 S - 100 dí yíng f /enemy camp/ 敌视 敵視 S 4668 189 dí shì f /hostile/malevolence/antagonism/to view as enemy/to stand against/ 敌阵 敵陣 S - 115 dí zhèn f /the enemy ranks/ 敍 叙 T - 1386 xù f /variant of 敘|叙[xu4]/ 敎 - 5 jiào f /variant of 教[jiao4]/ 敏 - 1357 mǐn f /quick/nimble/agile/clever/smart/ 敏感 1725 1693 mǐn gǎn f /sensitive/susceptible/ 敏感性 - 125 mǐn gǎn xìng f /sensitive/sensitivity/ 敏感物質 敏感物质 T - 0 mǐn gǎn wù zhì f /sensitive materials/ 敏感物质 敏感物質 S - 0 mǐn gǎn wù zhì f /sensitive materials/ 敏捷 3904 443 mǐn jié f /nimble/quick/shrewd/ 敏銳 敏锐 T 3609 431 mǐn ruì f /keen/sharp/acute/ 敏锐 敏銳 S 3609 431 mǐn ruì f /keen/sharp/acute/ 救 捄 S 1217 6268 jiù f /variant of 救[jiu4]/ 救 1217 6268 jiù f /to save/to assist/to rescue/ 救世 - 47 jiù shì f /salvation/ 救世主 - 74 Jiù shì zhǔ f /the Savior (in Christianity)/ 救世军 救世軍 S - 7 Jiù shì jūn f /Salvation Army (protestant philanthropic organization founded in London in 1865)/ 救世軍 救世军 T - 7 Jiù shì jūn f /Salvation Army (protestant philanthropic organization founded in London in 1865)/ 救主 - 3 jiù zhǔ f /savior/ 救亡 - 111 jiù wáng f /to save from extinction/to save the nation/ 救人一命勝造七級浮屠 救人一命胜造七级浮屠 T - 0 jiù rén yī mìng shèng zào qī jí fú tú f /saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda (idiom)/ 救人一命胜造七级浮屠 救人一命勝造七級浮屠 S - 0 jiù rén yī mìng shèng zào qī jí fú tú f /saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda (idiom)/ 救出 - 381 jiù chū f /to rescue/to pluck from danger/ 救助 - 527 jiù zhù f /to help sb in trouble/aid/assistance/ 救命 - 474 jiù mìng f /to save sb's life/(interj.) Help!/Save me!/ 救国 救國 S - 824 jiù guó f /to save the nation/ 救國 救国 T - 824 jiù guó f /to save the nation/ 救场 救場 S - 8 jiù chǎng f /to save the show (for instance by stepping in for an absent actor)/ 救场如救火 救場如救火 S - 0 jiù chǎng rú jiù huǒ f /the show must go on (idiom)/ 救場 救场 T - 8 jiù chǎng f /to save the show (for instance by stepping in for an absent actor)/ 救場如救火 救场如救火 T - 0 jiù chǎng rú jiù huǒ f /the show must go on (idiom)/ 救市 - 3 jiù shì f /market rescue (by central bank)/ 救急不救穷 救急不救窮 S - 0 jiù jí bù jiù qióng f /help the starving but not the poor (idiom)/ 救急不救窮 救急不救穷 T - 0 jiù jí bù jiù qióng f /help the starving but not the poor (idiom)/ 救恩 - 0 jiù ēn f /salvation/ 救恩計劃 救恩计划 T - 0 jiù ēn jì huà f /plan of salvation/ 救恩计划 救恩計劃 S - 0 jiù ēn jì huà f /plan of salvation/ 救护 救護 S - 273 jiù hù f /to rescue/to administer first aid/ 救护人员 救護人員 S - 0 jiù hù rén yuán f /rescue worker/ 救护车 救護車 S 1689 166 jiù hù chē f /ambulance/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 救捞局 救撈局 S - 0 jiù lāo jú f /sea rescue service/lifeboat service/ 救援 - 703 jiù yuán f /to save/to support/to help/to assist/ 救援队 救援隊 S - 10 jiù yuán duì f /rescue team/ 救援隊 救援队 T - 10 jiù yuán duì f /rescue team/ 救撈局 救捞局 T - 0 jiù lāo jú f /sea rescue service/lifeboat service/ 救星 - 105 jiù xīng f /savior/liberator/emancipator/knight in shining armor/ 救死扶伤 救死扶傷 S - 36 jiù sǐ fú shāng f /to help the dying and heal the injured/ 救死扶傷 救死扶伤 T - 36 jiù sǐ fú shāng f /to help the dying and heal the injured/ 救治 - 326 jiù zhì f /to rescue and give medical treatment/ 救活 - 154 jiù huó f /to bring back to life/ 救济 救濟 S 3694 571 jiù jì f /emergency relief/to help the needy with cash or goods/ 救济粮 救濟糧 S - 27 jiù jì liáng f /relief grain/emergency provisions/ 救濟 救济 T 3694 571 jiù jì f /emergency relief/to help the needy with cash or goods/ 救濟糧 救济粮 T - 27 jiù jì liáng f /relief grain/emergency provisions/ 救火 - 162 jiù huǒ f /fire fighting/ 救災 救灾 T - 440 jiù zāi f /to relieve disaster/to help disaster victims/ 救災救濟司 救灾救济司 T - 0 jiù zāi jiù jì sī f /emergency aid committee (of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部)/ 救災款 救灾款 T - 16 jiù zāi kuǎn f /disaster relief funds/ 救災物資 救灾物资 T - 3 jiù zāi wù zī f /relief provisions/material assistance/ 救灾 救災 S - 440 jiù zāi f /to relieve disaster/to help disaster victims/ 救灾救济司 救災救濟司 S - 0 jiù zāi jiù jì sī f /emergency aid committee (of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs 民政部)/ 救灾款 救災款 S - 16 jiù zāi kuǎn f /disaster relief funds/ 救灾物资 救災物資 S - 3 jiù zāi wù zī f /relief provisions/material assistance/ 救焚益薪 - 3 jiù fén yì xīn f /add firewood to put out the flames (idiom); fig. ill-advised action that only makes the problem worse/to add fuel to the fire/ 救生 - 162 jiù shēng f /to save a life/life-saving/ 救生员 救生員 S - 2 jiù shēng yuán f /lifeguard/ 救生員 救生员 T - 2 jiù shēng yuán f /lifeguard/ 救生圈 - 24 jiù shēng quān f /life buoy/life belt/(jocularly) flab/spare tire/ 救生筏 - 2 jiù shēng fá f /a life raft/ 救生船 - 11 jiù shēng chuán f /lifeboat/ 救生艇 - 70 jiù shēng tǐng f /lifeboat/ 救生艇甲板 - 0 jiù shēng tǐng jiǎ bǎn f /boat deck (upper deck on which lifeboats are stored)/ 救生衣 - 19 jiù shēng yī f /life jacket/life vest/ 救生袋 - 0 jiù shēng dài f /safety chute/ 救生队 救生隊 S - 0 jiù shēng duì f /rescue team/CL:支[zhi1]/ 救生隊 救生队 T - 0 jiù shēng duì f /rescue team/CL:支[zhi1]/ 救護 救护 T - 273 jiù hù f /to rescue/to administer first aid/ 救護人員 救护人员 T - 0 jiù hù rén yuán f /rescue worker/ 救護車 救护车 T 1689 166 jiù hù chē f /ambulance/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 救贖 救赎 T - 3 jiù shú f /to save (a soul)/redemption/ 救贖主 救赎主 T - 0 jiù shú zhǔ f /Redeemer/ 救赎 救贖 S - 3 jiù shú f /to save (a soul)/redemption/ 救赎主 救贖主 S - 0 jiù shú zhǔ f /Redeemer/ 救难 救難 S - 33 jiù nán f /to rescue/rescue (operation, workers)/ 救難 救难 T - 33 jiù nán f /to rescue/rescue (operation, workers)/ 敓 敚 T - 245 duó f /old variant of 奪|夺[duo2]/ 敔 - 6 yǔ f /percussion instrument shaped as a hollow wooden tiger, with serrated strip across the back, across which one runs a drumstick/ 敕 勅 S - 862 chì f /variant of 敕[chi4]/ 敕 勑 S - 862 chì f /variant of 敕[chi4]/ 敕 - 862 chì f /imperial orders/ 敕令 - 119 chì lìng f /Imperial order or edict (old)/ 敕封 - 3 chì fēng f /to appoint sb to a post or confer a title on sb by imperial order/ 敖 - 167 Aó f /surname Ao/ 敖 - 167 áo t /to ramble/to rove/old variant of 熬[ao2]/ 敖广 敖廣 S - 4 Aó Guǎng f /Ao Guang/ 敖廣 敖广 T - 4 Aó Guǎng f /Ao Guang/ 敖德萨 敖德薩 S - 37 Aó dé sà f /Odessa (city in Ukraine)/ 敖德薩 敖德萨 T - 37 Aó dé sà f /Odessa (city in Ukraine)/ 敖汉 敖漢 S - 0 Aó hàn f /Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 敖汉旗 敖漢旗 S - 10 Aó hàn qí f /Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 敖游 敖遊 S - 0 áo yóu f /to saunter/to travel/ 敖漢 敖汉 T - 0 Aó hàn f /Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 敖漢旗 敖汉旗 T - 10 Aó hàn qí f /Aohan banner or Aokhan khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia/ 敖貝得 敖贝得 T - 0 Aó bèi dé f /Obed (name)/ 敖贝得 敖貝得 S - 0 Aó bèi dé f /Obed (name)/ 敖遊 敖游 T - 0 áo yóu f /to saunter/to travel/ 敖閏 敖闰 T - 7 Aó rùn f /Dragon King of the West Sea, Ao Run, also Ao Ji (敖吉)/ 敖闰 敖閏 S - 7 Aó rùn f /Dragon King of the West Sea, Ao Run, also Ao Ji (敖吉)/ 敖順 敖顺 T - 9 Aó Shùn f /Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]/ 敖顺 敖順 S - 9 Aó Shùn f /Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea in 西遊記|西游记[Xi1 you2 Ji4]/ 敗 败 T - 3221 bài f /to defeat/to damage/to lose (to an opponent)/to fail/to wither/ 敗不成軍 败不成军 T - 0 bài bù chéng jūn f /The army is completely routed. (idiom)/ 敗仗 败仗 T - 215 bài zhàng f /lost battle/defeat/ 敗光 败光 T - 0 bài guāng f /to squander one's fortune/to dissipate one's wealth/ 敗北 败北 T - 99 bài běi f /(literary) to be routed (in a war)/to suffer defeat (in sports etc)/ 敗壞 败坏 T 4354 396 bài huài f /to ruin/to corrupt/to undermine/ 敗子 败子 T - 0 bài zǐ f /see 敗家子|败家子[bai4 jia1 zi3]/ 敗子回頭 败子回头 T - 3 bài zǐ huí tóu f /return of the prodigal son/ 敗家子 败家子 T - 87 bài jiā zǐ f /spendthrift/wastrel/prodigal/ 敗局 败局 T - 110 bài jú f /lost game/losing battle/ 敗德 败德 T - 3 bài dé f /evil conduct/ 敗戰 败战 T - 0 bài zhàn f /to lose a war/fig. the loser (in a competition or election)/ 敗柳殘花 败柳残花 T - 3 bài liǔ cán huā f /broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. fallen woman/ 敗毒 败毒 T - 10 bài dú f /(TCM) to relieve inflamation and internal heat/to detoxify/ 敗火 败火 T - 11 bài huǒ f /relieve inflammation or internal heat/ 敗筆 败笔 T - 28 bài bǐ f /a faulty stroke in calligraphy or painting/a faulty expression in writing/ 敗絮 败絮 T - 14 bài xù f /ruined/broken down/shabby/ 敗績 败绩 T - 68 bài jì f /to be utterly defeated/to be routed/ 敗胃 败胃 T - 3 bài wèi f /spoil one's appetite/ 敗興 败兴 T - 29 bài xìng f /disappointed/ 敗落 败落 T - 53 bài luò f /(of status or wealth) to decline/(of buildings etc) to become dilapidated/run-down/(of plants) to wilt/ 敗血症 败血症 T - 83 bài xuè zhèng f /septicaemia/ 敗訴 败诉 T - 60 bài sù f /lose a lawsuit/ 敗走 败走 T - 3 bài zǒu f /to run away (in defeat)/ 敗退 败退 T - 182 bài tuì f /to retreat in defeat/ 敗陣 败阵 T - 72 bài zhèn f /to be defeated on the battlefield/to be beaten in a contest/ 敗露 败露 T - 146 bài lù f /(of a plot etc) to fall through and stand exposed/ 敗類 败类 T - 106 bài lèi f /scum of a community/degenerate/ 敘 叙 T - 1386 Xù f /abbr. for Syria 敘利亞|叙利亚[Xu4 li4 ya4]/ 敘 叙 T - 1386 xù f /to narrate/to chat/ 敘事 叙事 T - 304 xù shì f /narrative/ 敘事詩 叙事诗 T - 130 xù shì shī f /narrative poem/ 敘利亞 叙利亚 T - 643 Xù lì yà f /Syria/ 敘利亞文 叙利亚文 T - 0 Xù lì yà wén f /Syriac language (from c. 2nd century BC)/the Syriac script/ 敘功行賞 叙功行赏 T - 0 xù gōng xíng shǎng f /to review records and decide on rewards (idiom)/ 敘拉古 叙拉古 T - 0 Xù lā gǔ f /Syracuse, Sicily/also written 錫拉庫薩|锡拉库萨[Xi1 la1 ku4 sa4]/ 敘文 叙文 T - 3 xù wén f /variant of 序文[xu4 wen2]/ 敘明 叙明 T - 0 xù míng f /detailed accounting/ 敘永 叙永 T - 6 Xù yǒng f /Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 敘永縣 叙永县 T - 4 Xù yǒng xiàn f /Xuyong county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 敘舊 叙旧 T - 58 xù jiù f /to reminisce/to talk about former times/ 敘言 叙言 T - 3 xù yán f /variant of 序言[xu4 yan2]/ 敘談 叙谈 T - 27 xù tán f /to chat/ 敘述 叙述 T 2339 1401 xù shù f /to relate (a story or information)/to tell or talk about/to recount/narration/telling/narrative/account/ 敘述性 叙述性 T - 6 xù shù xìng f /narrative/ 教 416 12172 Jiào t /surname Jiao/ 教 416 12172 jiāo f /to teach/ 教 416 12172 jiào t /religion/teaching/to make/to cause/to tell/ 教主 - 2396 jiào zhǔ f /founder or head of a religion (possibly legendary)/figure (man or God) worshipped by a religious sect/modern pop or film star worshipped by fans/ 教义 教義 S - 527 jiào yì f /creed/doctrine/teachings/ 教义和圣约 教義和聖約 S - 0 Jiào yì hé Shèng yuē f /Doctrine and Covenants/ 教书 教書 S - 297 jiāo shū f /to teach (in a school)/ 教书匠 教書匠 S - 10 jiāo shū jiàng f /hack teacher/pedagogue/ 教仪 教儀 S - 18 jiào yí f /ordinance/ 教会 教會 S - 1065 jiāo huì f /to show/to teach/ 教会 教會 S - 1065 jiào huì t /Christian church/ 教儀 教仪 T - 18 jiào yí f /ordinance/ 教具 - 23 jiào jù f /teaching aids/educational materials/ 教养 教養 S 3574 284 jiào yǎng f /to train/to educate/to bring up/to nurture/education/culture/upbringing/early conditioning/ 教务 教務 S - 358 jiào wù f /educational administration/ 教务室 教務室 S - 0 jiào wù shì f /school administration office/ 教务长 教務長 S - 68 jiào wù zhǎng f /provost/ 教務 教务 T - 358 jiào wù f /educational administration/ 教務室 教务室 T - 0 jiào wù shì f /school administration office/ 教務長 教务长 T - 68 jiào wù zhǎng f /provost/ 教化 - 185 jiào huà f /to enlighten/to civilize/to indoctrinate/to train (an animal)/ 教区 教區 S - 119 jiào qū f /parish/ 教區 教区 T - 119 jiào qū f /parish/ 教友 - 26 jiào yǒu f /church member/ 教友大会 教友大會 S - 0 jiào yǒu dà huì f /church conference/ 教友大會 教友大会 T - 0 jiào yǒu dà huì f /church conference/ 教友派 - 0 Jiào yǒu pài f /the Society of Friends/the Quakers/ 教员 教員 S - 289 jiào yuán f /teacher/instructor/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 教員 教员 T - 289 jiào yuán f /teacher/instructor/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 教唆 - 49 jiào suō f /to instigate/to incite/to abet/ 教坏 教壞 S - 3 jiāo huài f /to misguide/to corrupt (sb)/ 教堂 - 1364 jiào táng f /church/chapel/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 教堂墓地 - 0 jiào táng mù dì f /churchyard/ 教堂山 - 0 Jiào táng Shān f /Chapel Hill, North Carolina/ 教壞 教坏 T - 3 jiāo huài f /to misguide/to corrupt (sb)/ 教士 - 275 jiào shì f /churchman/clergy/ 教头 教頭 S - 209 jiào tóu f /sporting coach/military drill master (in Song times)/ 教子 - 36 jiào zǐ f /to educate one's children/godson/ 教学 教學 S - 4025 jiào xué f /to teach/teaching and learning/education/CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]/ 教学大纲 教學大綱 S - 3 jiào xué dà gāng f /course syllabus/class curriculum/ 教学机构 教學機構 S - 0 jiào xué jī gòu f /educational organization/ 教学楼 教學樓 S - 97 jiào xué lóu f /teaching block/school building/ 教学法 教學法 S - 41 jiào xué fǎ f /teaching method/pedagogics/ 教学相长 教學相長 S - 6 jiào xué xiāng zhǎng f /when you teach someone, both teacher and student will benefit/ 教學 教学 T - 4025 jiào xué f /to teach/teaching and learning/education/CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4]/ 教學大綱 教学大纲 T - 3 jiào xué dà gāng f /course syllabus/class curriculum/ 教學樓 教学楼 T - 97 jiào xué lóu f /teaching block/school building/ 教學機構 教学机构 T - 0 jiào xué jī gòu f /educational organization/ 教學法 教学法 T - 41 jiào xué fǎ f /teaching method/pedagogics/ 教學相長 教学相长 T - 6 jiào xué xiāng zhǎng f /when you teach someone, both teacher and student will benefit/ 教安 - 0 jiào ān f /teach in peace (polite phrase to end a letter to a teacher)/ 教宗 - 9 jiào zōng f /the pope/also called 教皇/ 教官 - 221 jiào guān f /military instructor/ 教室 292 664 jiào shì f /classroom/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 教导 教導 S - 600 jiào dǎo f /to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching/ 教導 教导 T - 600 jiào dǎo f /to instruct/to teach/guidance/teaching/ 教师 教師 S - 6642 jiào shī f /teacher/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 教师节 教師節 S - 18 Jiào shī jié f /Teachers' Day (September 10th in PRC and Confucius's birthday, September 28th in Taiwan)/ 教師 教师 T - 6642 jiào shī f /teacher/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 教師節 教师节 T - 18 Jiào shī jié f /Teachers' Day (September 10th in PRC and Confucius's birthday, September 28th in Taiwan)/ 教廷 - 150 Jiào tíng f /the Papacy/the Vatican/the Church government/Holy See/ 教廷大使 - 0 jiào tíng dà shǐ f /an ambassador of the church/an Apostolic Nuncio (from the Vatican)/ 教徒 - 628 jiào tú f /disciple/follower of a religion/ 教授 862 7419 jiào shòu f /professor/to instruct/to lecture on/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 教書 教书 T - 297 jiāo shū f /to teach (in a school)/ 教書匠 教书匠 T - 10 jiāo shū jiàng f /hack teacher/pedagogue/ 教會 教会 T - 1065 jiāo huì f /to show/to teach/ 教會 教会 T - 1065 jiào huì t /Christian church/ 教本 - 34 jiào běn f /textbook/ 教权 教權 S - 3 jiào quán f /religious rule/ 教材 2477 1439 jiào cái f /teaching material/CL:本[ben3]/ 教条 教條 S - 116 jiào tiáo f /creed/doctrine/religious dogma/ 教条主义 教條主義 S - 188 jiào tiáo zhǔ yì f /dogmatism/ 教案 - 76 jiào àn f /lesson plan/teaching plan/a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missionaries during the late Qing)/ 教條 教条 T - 116 jiào tiáo f /creed/doctrine/religious dogma/ 教條主義 教条主义 T - 188 jiào tiáo zhǔ yì f /dogmatism/ 教權 教权 T - 3 jiào quán f /religious rule/ 教母 - 13 jiào mǔ f /godmother/ 教民 - 129 jiào mín f /adherent to a religion/convert/ 教法 - 292 jiào fǎ f /teaching method/teachings/doctrine/ 教派 - 401 jiào pài f /sect/ 教父 - 92 jiào fù f /godfather/ 教理 - 30 jiào lǐ f /doctrine (religion)/ 教皇 - 448 Jiào huáng f /Roman Catholic pope/Supreme Pontiff/ 教研室 - 135 jiào yán shì f /teaching and research section/ 教科书 教科書 S - 466 jiào kē shū f /textbook/CL:本[ben3]/ 教科文組織 教科文组织 T - 4 Jiào Kē Wén Zǔ zhī f /UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization/ 教科文组织 教科文組織 S - 4 Jiào Kē Wén Zǔ zhī f /UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization/ 教科書 教科书 T - 466 jiào kē shū f /textbook/CL:本[ben3]/ 教程 - 117 jiào chéng f /lecture course/teaching module at university/tutorial/textbook/course of study/ 教練 教练 T 1401 1665 jiào liàn f /instructor/sports coach/trainer/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 教練員 教练员 T - 177 jiào liàn yuán f /sports coach/training personnel/ 教練機 教练机 T - 316 jiào liàn jī f /trainer (aircraft)/ 教练 教練 S 1401 1665 jiào liàn f /instructor/sports coach/trainer/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]/ 教练员 教練員 S - 177 jiào liàn yuán f /sports coach/training personnel/ 教练机 教練機 S - 316 jiào liàn jī f /trainer (aircraft)/ 教義 教义 T - 527 jiào yì f /creed/doctrine/teachings/ 教義和聖約 教义和圣约 T - 0 Jiào yì hé Shèng yuē f /Doctrine and Covenants/ 教职员 教職員 S - 180 jiào zhí yuán f /teaching and administrative staff/ 教职员工 教職員工 S - 46 jiào zhí yuán gōng f /teaching and administrative staff/ 教职工 教職工 S - 189 jiào zhí gōng f /teaching and administrative staff/ 教職員 教职员 T - 180 jiào zhí yuán f /teaching and administrative staff/ 教職員工 教职员工 T - 46 jiào zhí yuán gōng f /teaching and administrative staff/ 教職工 教职工 T - 189 jiào zhí gōng f /teaching and administrative staff/ 教育 956 23961 jiào yù f /to educate/to teach/education/ 教育委员会 教育委員會 S - 0 jiào yù wěi yuán huì f /school board/ 教育委員會 教育委员会 T - 0 jiào yù wěi yuán huì f /school board/ 教育学 教育學 S - 143 jiào yù xué f /pedagogy/ 教育學 教育学 T - 143 jiào yù xué f /pedagogy/ 教育家 - 155 jiào yù jiā f /educationalist/ 教育工作者 - 80 jiào yù gōng zuò zhě f /educator/ 教育性 - 8 jiào yù xìng f /instructive/educational/ 教育电视 教育電視 S - 0 Jiào yù Diàn shì f /Educational Television (Hong Kong)/ 教育界 - 95 jiào yù jiè f /academic world/academic circles/academia/ 教育相談 教育相谈 T - 0 jiào yù xiāng tán f /education counselor/ 教育相谈 教育相談 S - 0 jiào yù xiāng tán f /education counselor/ 教育背景 - 0 jiào yù bèi jǐng f /educational background/ 教育部 - 1216 Jiào yù bù f /Ministry of Education/ 教育部長 教育部长 T - 27 jiào yù bù zhǎng f /Minister of Education/Director of Education Department/ 教育部长 教育部長 S - 27 jiào yù bù zhǎng f /Minister of Education/Director of Education Department/ 教育電視 教育电视 T - 0 Jiào yù Diàn shì f /Educational Television (Hong Kong)/ 教規 教规 T - 61 jiào guī f /canon/religious rules/ 教规 教規 S - 61 jiào guī f /canon/religious rules/ 教訓 教训 T 1554 2207 jiào xun f /lesson/moral/to chide sb/to lecture sb/ 教誨 教诲 T - 275 jiào huì f /to instruct/ 教課 教课 T - 31 jiāo kè f /to teach class/to lecture/ 教训 教訓 S 1554 2207 jiào xun f /lesson/moral/to chide sb/to lecture sb/ 教诲 教誨 S - 275 jiào huì f /to instruct/ 教课 教課 S - 31 jiāo kè f /to teach class/to lecture/ 教長 教长 T - 39 jiào zhǎng f /dean/mullah/imam (Islam)/see also 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]/ 教长 教長 S - 39 jiào zhǎng f /dean/mullah/imam (Islam)/see also 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]/ 教鞭 - 24 jiào biān f /teacher's pointer/ 教頭 教头 T - 209 jiào tóu f /sporting coach/military drill master (in Song times)/ 教養 教养 T 3574 284 jiào yǎng f /to train/to educate/to bring up/to nurture/education/culture/upbringing/early conditioning/ 敚 敓 S - 245 duó f /old variant of 奪|夺[duo2]/ 敛 斂 S - 479 liǎn t /to hold back/to restrain/to control (oneself)/to collect/Taiwan pr. [lian4]/ 敛 斂 S - 479 liàn f /variant of 殮|殓[lian4]/ 敛巴 斂巴 S - 0 liǎn ba f /(dialect) to gather (sth)/ 敛步 斂步 S - 3 liǎn bù f /to restrain motion/to check one's step/ 敛衽 斂衽 S - 17 liǎn rèn f /old-fashioned women's obeisance/Taiwan pr. [lian4 ren4]/ 敛财 斂財 S - 69 liǎn cái f /to accumulate wealth/to rake in money/ 敛迹 斂跡 S - 9 liǎn jì f /to refrain/to give up evil (temporarily)/to cover one's traces/to lie low/to retire (from view)/ 敛钱 斂錢 S - 2 liǎn qián f /to collect money/to raise funds (for charity)/ 敜 - 9 niè f /to fill up or cover up a hole/ 敝 - 830 bì f /my (polite)/poor/ruined/shabby/worn out/defeated/ 敝屣 - 5 bì xǐ f /worn-out shoes/a worthless thing/ 敝屣尊榮 敝屣尊荣 T - 0 bì xǐ zūn róng f /to care nothing for worldly fame and glory (idiom)/ 敝屣尊荣 敝屣尊榮 S - 0 bì xǐ zūn róng f /to care nothing for worldly fame and glory (idiom)/ 敝帚千金 - 3 bì zhǒu qiān jīn f /lit. my worn-out broom, a thousand in gold (idiom); fig. sentimental value/I wouldn't be parted with it for anything./ 敝帚自珍 - 3 bì zhǒu zì zhēn f /to value the broom as one's own (idiom); to attach value to sth because it is one's own/a sentimental attachment/ 敞 - 277 chǎng f /open to the view of all/spacious/to open wide/to disclose/ 敞亮 - 27 chǎng liàng f /bright and spacious/ 敞口 - 2 chǎng kǒu f /open-mouthed (jar etc)/(of speech) freely/exposure (finance)/ 敞开 敞開 S 3048 653 chǎng kāi f /to open wide/unrestrictedly/ 敞开儿 敞開兒 S - 0 chǎng kāi r f /unrestrictedly/ 敞篷汽車 敞篷汽车 T - 0 chǎng péng qì chē f /convertible (car)/ 敞篷汽车 敞篷汽車 S - 0 chǎng péng qì chē f /convertible (car)/ 敞篷車 敞篷车 T - 5 chǎng péng chē f /convertible car/open car/ 敞篷车 敞篷車 S - 5 chǎng péng chē f /convertible car/open car/ 敞車 敞车 T - 3 chǎng chē f /open wagon/flatcar/ 敞车 敞車 S - 3 chǎng chē f /open wagon/flatcar/ 敞開 敞开 T 3048 653 chǎng kāi f /to open wide/unrestrictedly/ 敞開兒 敞开儿 T - 0 chǎng kāi r f /unrestrictedly/ 敢 651 7965 gǎn f /to dare/daring/(polite) may I venture/ 敢不从命 敢不從命 S - 0 gǎn bù cóng mìng f /to not dare to disobey an order (idiom)/ 敢不從命 敢不从命 T - 0 gǎn bù cóng mìng f /to not dare to disobey an order (idiom)/ 敢为 敢為 S - 0 gǎn wéi f /to dare to do/ 敢为人先 敢為人先 S - 6 gǎn wéi rén xiān f /to dare to be first/to pioneer (idiom)/ 敢于 敢於 S - 942 gǎn yú f /to have the courage to do sth/to dare to/bold in/ 敢作敢为 敢作敢為 S - 45 gǎn zuò gǎn wéi f /to stop at nothing (idiom)/to dare to do anything/ 敢作敢当 敢作敢當 S - 15 gǎn zuò gǎn dāng f /variant of 敢做敢當|敢做敢当[gan3 zuo4 gan3 dang1]/ 敢作敢為 敢作敢为 T - 45 gǎn zuò gǎn wéi f /to stop at nothing (idiom)/to dare to do anything/ 敢作敢當 敢作敢当 T - 15 gǎn zuò gǎn dāng f /variant of 敢做敢當|敢做敢当[gan3 zuo4 gan3 dang1]/ 敢做敢当 敢做敢當 S - 3 gǎn zuò gǎn dāng f /daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it/a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions/the buck stops here/ 敢做敢當 敢做敢当 T - 3 gǎn zuò gǎn dāng f /daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it/a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions/the buck stops here/ 敢怒而不敢言 - 16 gǎn nù ér bù gǎn yán f /angry, but not daring to speak out (idiom); obliged to remain silent about one's resentment/unable to voice objections/ 敢情 - 103 gǎn qing f /actually/as it turns out/indeed/of course/ 敢打敢冲 敢打敢衝 S - 0 gǎn dǎ gǎn chōng f /courageous and daring/ 敢打敢衝 敢打敢冲 T - 0 gǎn dǎ gǎn chōng f /courageous and daring/ 敢於 敢于 T - 942 gǎn yú f /to have the courage to do sth/to dare to/bold in/ 敢死队 敢死隊 S - 76 gǎn sǐ duì f /suicide squad/kamikaze unit/ 敢死隊 敢死队 T - 76 gǎn sǐ duì f /suicide squad/kamikaze unit/ 敢為 敢为 T - 0 gǎn wéi f /to dare to do/ 敢為人先 敢为人先 T - 6 gǎn wéi rén xiān f /to dare to be first/to pioneer (idiom)/ 敢达 敢達 S - 0 Gǎn dá f /Gundam, Japanese animation franchise/ 敢達 敢达 T - 0 Gǎn dá f /Gundam, Japanese animation franchise/ 散 㪚 S - 5634 sàn t /variant of 散[san4]/ 散 - 5634 sǎn f /scattered/loose/to come loose/to fall apart/leisurely/powdered medicine/ 散 - 5634 sàn t /to scatter/to break up (a meeting etc)/to disperse/to disseminate/to dispel/(coll.) to sack/ 散乱 散亂 S - 212 sàn luàn f /in disorder/messy/ 散亂 散乱 T - 212 sàn luàn f /in disorder/messy/ 散亡 - 0 sàn wáng f /dispersed and lost/ 散件 - 12 sǎn jiàn f /spare parts/odds and ends/ 散伙 - 56 sàn huǒ f /to break up into components/to disband/to disperse/ 散伙飯 散伙饭 T - 3 sàn huǒ fàn f /farewell dinner party/ 散伙饭 散伙飯 S - 3 sàn huǒ fàn f /farewell dinner party/ 散会 散會 S - 67 sàn huì f /to disperse a meeting/to adjourn/finished/ 散佈 散布 T 3688 585 sàn bù f /to disseminate/ 散体 散體 S - 31 sǎn tǐ f /free prose style/ 散光 - 32 sǎn guāng f /astigmatism/see also 散光[san4 guang1]/ 散光 - 32 sàn guāng t /to diffuse light/see also 散光[san3 guang1]/ 散兵 - 35 sǎn bīng f /loose and disorganized soldiers/stragglers/fig. a loner/ 散兵坑 - 3 sǎn bīng kēng f /foxhole (military)/ 散兵游勇 散兵遊勇 S - 23 sǎn bīng yóu yǒng f /lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated action/ 散兵遊勇 散兵游勇 T - 23 sǎn bīng yóu yǒng f /lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated action/ 散养 散養 S - 5 sǎn yǎng f /free-range raising (of poultry, cattle etc)/ 散出 - 3 sàn chū f /shed/ 散列 - 0 sǎn liè f /to hash/hashing (computing)/ 散剂 散劑 S - 23 sǎn jì f /powder medicine/ 散劑 散剂 T - 23 sǎn jì f /powder medicine/ 散匪 - 0 sǎn fěi f /scattered bandits/fig. random jottings/marginal notes/ 散发 散發 S 3506 803 sàn fā f /to distribute/to emit/to issue/ 散场 散場 S - 41 sàn chǎng f /(of a theater) to empty/(of a show) to end/ 散場 散场 T - 41 sàn chǎng f /(of a theater) to empty/(of a show) to end/ 散失 - 115 sàn shī f /to squander/lost/ 散学 散學 S - 3 sàn xué f /end of school/ 散學 散学 T - 3 sàn xué f /end of school/ 散射 - 359 sǎn shè f /scattering/ 散尽 散盡 S - 0 sàn jìn f /to be totally dispersed (crowd)/ 散居 - 195 sǎn jū f /(of a group of people) to live scattered over an area/ 散工 - 7 sǎn gōng f /day labor/piece-time work/ 散工 - 7 sàn gōng t /to release from work at the end of the day/ 散布 散佈 S 3688 585 sàn bù f /to disseminate/ 散席 - 17 sàn xí f /end of a banquet/ 散座 - 8 sǎn zuò f /single seat (in theater)/irregular passenger (in rickshaw)/ 散座儿 散座兒 S - 0 sǎn zuò r f /erhua variant of 散座[san3 zuo4]/single seat (in theater)/irregular passenger (in rickshaw)/ 散座兒 散座儿 T - 0 sǎn zuò r f /erhua variant of 散座[san3 zuo4]/single seat (in theater)/irregular passenger (in rickshaw)/ 散开 散開 S - 278 sàn kāi f /to separate/to disperse/ 散弹 散彈 S - 3 sǎn dàn f /(gun) shot/canister shot/ 散弹枪 散彈槍 S - 3 sǎn dàn qiāng f /shotgun/ 散彈 散弹 T - 3 sǎn dàn f /(gun) shot/canister shot/ 散彈槍 散弹枪 T - 3 sǎn dàn qiāng f /shotgun/ 散心 - 62 sàn xīn f /to drive away cares/to relieve boredom/ 散心解悶 散心解闷 T - 0 sàn xīn jiě mèn f /to divert one's mind from boredom (idiom)/ 散心解闷 散心解悶 S - 0 sàn xīn jiě mèn f /to divert one's mind from boredom (idiom)/ 散悶 散闷 T - 3 sàn mèn f /to divert oneself from melancholy/ 散戏 散戲 S - 3 sàn xì f /end of a show/ 散戲 散戏 T - 3 sàn xì f /end of a show/ 散戶 散户 T - 29 sǎn hù f /individual (shareholder)/the small investor/ 散户 散戶 S - 29 sǎn hù f /individual (shareholder)/the small investor/ 散打 - 40 sàn dǎ f /mixed martial arts/ 散摊子 散攤子 S - 3 sàn tān zi f /to break up/to disband/ 散播 - 96 sàn bō f /to spread/to disperse/to disseminate/ 散攤子 散摊子 T - 3 sàn tān zi f /to break up/to disband/ 散散步 - 25 sàn sàn bù f /to have a stroll/ 散文 4596 887 sǎn wén f /prose/essay/ 散文詩 散文诗 T - 42 sǎn wén shī f /prose poem/ 散文诗 散文詩 S - 42 sǎn wén shī f /prose poem/ 散曲 - 98 sǎn qǔ f /verse or song form from Yuan, Ming and Qing/ 散會 散会 T - 67 sàn huì f /to disperse a meeting/to adjourn/finished/ 散束 - 0 sàn shù f /scattering of bundle (of electrons in vacuum tube)/debunching/ 散板 - 10 sǎn bǎn f /to fall apart/opera section in free rhythm/ 散架 - 30 sǎn jià f /to fall apart/exhaustion/ 散步 1049 336 sàn bù f /to take a walk/to go for a walk/ 散水 - 267 sàn shuǐ f /apron (sloping brickwork to disperse water)/ 散沙 - 5 sǎn shā f /scattered sand/fig. lacking in cohesion or organization/ 散漫 - 105 sǎn màn f /undisciplined/unorganized/ 散热 散熱 S - 156 sàn rè f /to dissipate heat/ 散热器 散熱器 S - 51 sàn rè qì f /radiator (for heating a room)/radiator (for cooling an engine)/ 散热器护栅 散熱器護柵 S - 0 sàn rè qì hù shān f /radiator grille/ 散热片 散熱片 S - 9 sàn rè piàn f /heat sink/ 散焦 - 3 sàn jiāo f /to defocus/bokeh/ 散熱 散热 T - 156 sàn rè f /to dissipate heat/ 散熱器 散热器 T - 51 sàn rè qì f /radiator (for heating a room)/radiator (for cooling an engine)/ 散熱器護柵 散热器护栅 T - 0 sàn rè qì hù shān f /radiator grille/ 散熱片 散热片 T - 9 sàn rè piàn f /heat sink/ 散發 散发 T 3506 803 sàn fā f /to distribute/to emit/to issue/ 散盡 散尽 T - 0 sàn jìn f /to be totally dispersed (crowd)/ 散碎 - 44 sǎn suì f /in fragments/ 散粉 - 0 sǎn fěn f /loose powder (makeup)/ 散职 散職 S - 0 sǎn zhí f /sinecure/ 散職 散职 T - 0 sǎn zhí f /sinecure/ 散腿裤 散腿褲 S - 0 sǎn tuǐ kù f /loose-fitting pants/Chinese-style pants/ 散腿褲 散腿裤 T - 0 sǎn tuǐ kù f /loose-fitting pants/Chinese-style pants/ 散落 - 217 sàn luò f /to disperse/to fall scattered/to sprinkle/ 散装 散裝 S - 74 sǎn zhuāng f /loose goods/goods sold open/draft (of beer, as opposed to bottled)/ 散裝 散装 T - 74 sǎn zhuāng f /loose goods/goods sold open/draft (of beer, as opposed to bottled)/ 散見 散见 T - 19 sǎn jiàn f /seen periodically/ 散见 散見 S - 19 sǎn jiàn f /seen periodically/ 散記 散记 T - 12 sǎn jì f /random jottings/travel notes/ 散話 散话 T - 0 sǎn huà f /digression/ 散誕 散诞 T - 0 sǎn dàn f /free and unfettered/ 散记 散記 S - 12 sǎn jì f /random jottings/travel notes/ 散话 散話 S - 0 sǎn huà f /digression/ 散诞 散誕 S - 0 sǎn dàn f /free and unfettered/ 散逸 - 6 sàn yì f /dispersal/ 散逸层 散逸層 S - 0 sàn yì céng f /exosphere/ 散逸層 散逸层 T - 0 sàn yì céng f /exosphere/ 散錢 散钱 T - 3 sǎn qián f /small sum of money/loose change/Cantonese equivalent of 零錢|零钱[ling2 qian2]/ 散錢 散钱 T - 3 sàn qián t /to scatter money/to give to charity/ 散钱 散錢 S - 3 sǎn qián f /small sum of money/loose change/Cantonese equivalent of 零錢|零钱[ling2 qian2]/ 散钱 散錢 S - 3 sàn qián t /to scatter money/to give to charity/ 散開 散开 T - 278 sàn kāi f /to separate/to disperse/ 散闷 散悶 S - 3 sàn mèn f /to divert oneself from melancholy/ 散養 散养 T - 5 sǎn yǎng f /free-range raising (of poultry, cattle etc)/ 散體 散体 T - 31 sǎn tǐ f /free prose style/ 敦 㪟 S - 254 dūn f /variant of 敦[dun1]/ 敦 - 254 dūn f /kindhearted/place name/ 敦促 - 236 dūn cù f /to press/to urge/to hasten/ 敦刻尔克 敦刻爾克 S - 31 Dūn kè ěr kè f /Dunkirk, port in northern France/ 敦刻爾克 敦刻尔克 T - 31 Dūn kè ěr kè f /Dunkirk, port in northern France/ 敦化 - 9 Dūn huà f /Dunhua county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 敦化市 - 5 Dūn huà shì f /Dunhua county level city in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 敦厚 - 68 dūn hòu f /genuine/honest and sincere/ 敦煌 - 774 Dūn huáng f /Dunhuang county level city in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu/ 敦煌市 - 26 Dūn huáng shì f /Dunhuang county level city in Jiuquan 酒泉, Gansu/ 敦煌石窟 - 40 Dūn huáng shí kū f /Dunhuang caves in Gansu/refers to Mogao caves 莫高石窟[Mo4 gao1 shi2 ku1]/ 敦睦 - 3 dūn mù f /to promote friendly relations/ 敦豪快递 敦豪快遞 S - 0 dūn háo kuài dì f /DHL/ 敦豪快递公司 敦豪快遞公司 S - 0 Dūn háo kuài dì gōng sī f /DHL/ 敦豪快遞 敦豪快递 T - 0 dūn háo kuài dì f /DHL/ 敦豪快遞公司 敦豪快递公司 T - 0 Dūn háo kuài dì gōng sī f /DHL/ 敧 - 9 qǐ f /to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers./ 敪 - 0 duó f /to weigh/to cut/to come without being invited/ 敬 - 1408 jìng f /to respect/to venerate/to salute/to offer/ 敬上 - 3 jìng shàng f /yours truly/yours sincerely (at the end of a letter)/ 敬业 敬業 S 4381 380 jìng yè f /to be dedicated to one's work/to respect one's work/ 敬业乐群 敬業樂群 S - 3 jìng yè lè qún f /diligent and sociable (idiom); meticulous in work and dealing cheerfully with one's colleagues/ 敬仰 - 300 jìng yǎng f /to revere/highly esteemed/ 敬佩 - 257 jìng pèi f /to esteem/to admire/ 敬備 敬备 T - 0 jìng bèi f /(humble expr.) prepare to offer humble hospitality/please accept my inadequate (food or drink)/ 敬启 敬啟 S - 3 jìng qǐ f /respectful closing to a letter/ 敬启者 敬啟者 S - 3 jìng qǐ zhě f /Dear Sirs/To Whom It May Concern/ 敬告 - 4 jìng gào f /to tell respectfully/to announce reverentially/ 敬啟 敬启 T - 3 jìng qǐ f /respectful closing to a letter/ 敬啟者 敬启者 T - 3 jìng qǐ zhě f /Dear Sirs/To Whom It May Concern/ 敬备 敬備 S - 0 jìng bèi f /(humble expr.) prepare to offer humble hospitality/please accept my inadequate (food or drink)/ 敬奉 - 33 jìng fèng f /to worship piously/to present/to dedicate/ 敬悉 - 3 jìng xī f /(honorific) revered news/the most valuable information (in your recent letter, book etc)/Thank you for your letter./ 敬意 - 265 jìng yì f /respect/tribute/ 敬愛 敬爱 T - 120 jìng ài f /respect and love/ 敬拜 - 3 jìng bài f /to worship/ 敬服 - 46 jìng fú f /deference/esteem/to admire/ 敬業 敬业 T 4381 380 jìng yè f /to be dedicated to one's work/to respect one's work/ 敬業樂群 敬业乐群 T - 3 jìng yè lè qún f /diligent and sociable (idiom); meticulous in work and dealing cheerfully with one's colleagues/ 敬烟 敬煙 S - 2 jìng yān f /to offer a cigarette (to a guest)/ 敬煙 敬烟 T - 2 jìng yān f /to offer a cigarette (to a guest)/ 敬爱 敬愛 S - 120 jìng ài f /respect and love/ 敬畏 - 295 jìng wèi f /to revere/ 敬礼 敬禮 S 3482 175 jìng lǐ f /to salute/salute/ 敬祝 - 14 jìng zhù f /to offer humbly (written at the end of letter from sb of lower status to higher status)/your humble servant/ 敬神 - 22 jìng shén f /to respect a deity/to pray to a God/ 敬禮 敬礼 T 3482 175 jìng lǐ f /to salute/salute/ 敬称 敬稱 S - 7 jìng chēng f /term of respect/honorific/ 敬稱 敬称 T - 7 jìng chēng f /term of respect/honorific/ 敬老 - 25 jìng lǎo f /respect for the aged/ 敬老尊賢 敬老尊贤 T - 3 jìng lǎo zūn xián f /to respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idiom); to honor the great and the good/ 敬老尊贤 敬老尊賢 S - 3 jìng lǎo zūn xián f /to respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idiom); to honor the great and the good/ 敬老席 - 0 jìng lǎo xí f /priority seating for the aged (on buses etc)/ 敬老院 - 45 jìng lǎo yuàn f /home of respect for aged/nursing home/ 敬而远之 敬而遠之 S - 48 jìng ér yuǎn zhī f /to show respect from a distance (idiom)/to remain at a respectful distance/ 敬而遠之 敬而远之 T - 48 jìng ér yuǎn zhī f /to show respect from a distance (idiom)/to remain at a respectful distance/ 敬若神明 - 10 jìng ruò shén míng f /to hold sb in the same regard as one would a god (idiom)/ 敬茶 - 12 jìng chá f /to serve tea (to guests)/ 敬虔 - 0 jìng qián f /devout/ 敬詞 敬词 T - 0 jìng cí f /term of esteem/honorific (in Chinese grammar)/polite form of pronoun (in European grammar)/ 敬語 敬语 T - 5 jìng yǔ f /honorific (e.g. in grammar of oriental languages)/ 敬請 敬请 T - 131 jìng qǐng f /please (do sth) (deferential form)/ 敬謝不敏 敬谢不敏 T - 5 jìng xiè bù mǐn f /please excuse me for not complying/to politely decline/ 敬词 敬詞 S - 0 jìng cí f /term of esteem/honorific (in Chinese grammar)/polite form of pronoun (in European grammar)/ 敬语 敬語 S - 5 jìng yǔ f /honorific (e.g. in grammar of oriental languages)/ 敬请 敬請 S - 131 jìng qǐng f /please (do sth) (deferential form)/ 敬谢不敏 敬謝不敏 S - 5 jìng xiè bù mǐn f /please excuse me for not complying/to politely decline/ 敬賀 敬贺 T - 4 jìng hè f /to offer one's congratulations (formal)/ 敬賢禮士 敬贤礼士 T - 3 jìng xián lǐ shì f /to revere people of virtue and honor scholarship (idiom)/ 敬贈 敬赠 T - 3 jìng zèng f /to present respectfully/with (sb's) compliments/complimentary/ 敬贤礼士 敬賢禮士 S - 3 jìng xián lǐ shì f /to revere people of virtue and honor scholarship (idiom)/ 敬贺 敬賀 S - 4 jìng hè f /to offer one's congratulations (formal)/ 敬赠 敬贈 S - 3 jìng zèng f /to present respectfully/with (sb's) compliments/complimentary/ 敬辞 敬辭 S - 3 jìng cí f /term of respect/honorific title/honorific (in grammar)/ 敬辭 敬辞 T - 3 jìng cí f /term of respect/honorific title/honorific (in grammar)/ 敬酒 - 211 jìng jiǔ f /to toast/to propose a toast/ 敬酒不吃吃罚酒 敬酒不吃吃罰酒 S - 16 jìng jiǔ bù chī chī fá jiǔ f /to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit/fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more/ 敬酒不吃吃罰酒 敬酒不吃吃罚酒 T - 16 jìng jiǔ bù chī chī fá jiǔ f /to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit/fig. to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more/ 敬重 - 502 jìng zhòng f /to respect deeply/to revere/to esteem/ 敬鬼神而远之 敬鬼神而遠之 S - 7 jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī f /to respect Gods and demons from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance/ 敬鬼神而遠之 敬鬼神而远之 T - 7 jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī f /to respect Gods and demons from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance/ 敭 扬 T - 1661 yáng f /variant of 揚|扬[yang2]/ 数 數 S 1340 10689 shǔ f /to count/to enumerate/to criticize (i.e. enumerate shortcomings)/ 数 數 S 1340 10689 shù t /number/figure/several/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 数 數 S 1340 10689 shuò f /frequently/repeatedly/ 数一数二 數一數二 S - 76 shǔ yī shǔ èr f /to enumerate/reckoned to be first or second best (idiom); one of the very best/ 数万 數萬 S - 587 shù wàn f /several tens of thousands/many thousand/ 数不上 數不上 S - 3 shǔ bù shàng f /does not count/is not important/ 数不多 數不多 S - 0 shù bù duō f /a small number/one of a very few/ 数不尽 數不盡 S - 3 shǔ bu jìn f /countless/ 数不清 數不清 S - 3 shǔ bù qīng f /countless/innumerable/ 数不着 數不著 S - 3 shǔ bù zháo f /does not count/is not important/ 数不胜数 數不勝數 S - 73 shǔ bù shèng shǔ f /too many to count (idiom); innumerable/ 数不过来 數不過來 S - 0 shǔ bù guò lái f /can't manage to count/too many to count/ 数九 數九 S - 18 shǔ jiǔ f /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year/ 数九天 數九天 S - 0 shǔ jiǔ tiān f /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year/ 数九寒天 數九寒天 S - 6 shǔ jiǔ hán tiān f /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year/ 数以万计 數以萬計 S - 105 shù yǐ wàn jì f /tens of thousands/numerous/ 数以亿计 數以億計 S - 18 shù yǐ yì jì f /countless/innumerable/ 数以千计 數以千計 S - 91 shù yǐ qiān jì f /thousands (of sth)/ 数以百计 數以百計 S - 53 shù yǐ bǎi jì f /hundreds of/ 数伏 數伏 S - 3 shǔ fú f /same as 三伏天[san1 fu2 tian1], three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)/ 数位 數位 S - 54 shù wèi f /digital/ 数位信号 數位信號 S - 0 shù wèi xìn hào f /digital signal/ 数位网路 數位網路 S - 0 shù wèi wǎng lù f /digital network/ 数值 數值 S - 594 shù zhí f /numerical value/ 数值分析 數值分析 S - 0 shù zhí fēn xī f /numerical analysis (math.)/ 数值解 數值解 S - 0 shù zhí jiě f /numerical solution/ 数典忘祖 數典忘祖 S - 15 shǔ diǎn wàng zǔ f /to recount history but omit one's ancestors (idiom); to forget one's roots/ 数出 數出 S - 26 shǔ chū f /to count out (a sum of money etc)/ 数列 數列 S - 130 shù liè f /sequence of numbers/numerical series/ 数十亿 數十億 S - 7 shù shí yì f /several billion/ 数周 數周 S - 48 shù zhōu f /several weeks/also written 數週|数周/ 数周 數週 S - 48 shù zhōu f /several weeks/ 数域 數域 S - 0 shù yù f /number field (math.)/subfield of the field of complex numbers/ 数字 數字 S 922 4670 shù zì f /numeral/digit/number/figure/amount/digital (electronics etc)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 数字信号 數字信號 S - 3 shù zì xìn hào f /digital signal/ 数字分频 數字分頻 S - 0 shù zì fēn pín f /digital frequency sharing/ 数字化 數字化 S - 369 shù zì huà f /to digitalize/digital/ 数字命理学 數字命理學 S - 0 shù zì mìng lǐ xué f /numerology/ 数字导览设施 數字導覽設施 S - 0 shù zì dǎo lǎn shè shī f /digital navigation equipment/ 数字时钟 數字時鐘 S - 0 shù zì shí zhōng f /digital clock/ 数字版权管理 數字版權管理 S - 0 Shù zì Bǎn quán Guǎn lǐ f /Digital Rights Management (DRM)/ 数字用户线路 數字用戶線路 S - 0 shù zì yòng hù xiàn lù f /digital subscriber line (DSL)/ 数字电视 數字電視 S - 3 shù zì diàn shì f /digital television/ 数字电路 數字電路 S - 3 shù zì diàn lù f /digital circuit/ 数字网 數字網 S - 7 shù zì wǎng f /digital network/ 数字通信 數字通信 S - 3 shù zì tōng xìn f /digital communications/ 数字钟 數字鐘 S - 3 shù zì zhōng f /digital clock/ 数学 數學 S 544 5993 shù xué f /mathematics/mathematical/ 数学公式 數學公式 S - 3 shù xué gōng shì f /formula/ 数学分析 數學分析 S - 3 shù xué fēn xī f /mathematical analysis/calculus/ 数学家 數學家 S - 1006 shù xué jiā f /mathematician/ 数学模型 數學模型 S - 3 shù xué mó xíng f /mathematical model/ 数学物理 數學物理 S - 0 shù xué wù lǐ f /mathematical physics/ 数学物理学 數學物理學 S - 0 shù xué wù lǐ xué f /mathematical physics/ 数小时 數小時 S - 0 shù xiǎo shí f /several hours/ 数年 數年 S - 636 shù nián f /several years/many years/ 数得上 數得上 S - 3 shǔ de shàng f /to be considered as outstanding or special/to be reckoned with/notable/ 数得着 數得著 S - 8 shǔ de zháo f /to be considered as outstanding or special/to be reckoned with/notable/ 数念 數念 S - 0 shǔ niàn f /to enumerate one by one/ 数据 數據 S 1559 5232 shù jù f /data/numbers/digital/ 数据介面 數據介面 S - 0 shù jù jiè miàn f /data interface/ 数据传输 數據傳輸 S - 3 shù jù chuán shū f /data transmission/ 数据压缩 數據壓縮 S - 3 shù jù yā suō f /data compression/ 数据处理 數據處理 S - 117 shù jù chǔ lǐ f /data processing/ 数据库 數據庫 S - 625 shù jù kù f /database/ 数据库软件 數據庫軟件 S - 0 shù jù kù ruǎn jiàn f /database software/ 数据总线 數據總線 S - 28 shù jù zǒng xiàn f /data bus (computer)/ 数据挖掘 數據挖掘 S - 8 shù jù wā jué f /data mining/ 数据接口 數據接口 S - 0 shù jù jiē kǒu f /data interface/ 数据机 數據機 S - 3 shù jù jī f /modem (Tw)/ 数据段 數據段 S - 0 shù jù duàn f /data segment/ 数据流 數據流 S - 41 shù jù liú f /data stream/data flow/ 数据网络 數據網絡 S - 3 shù jù wǎng luò f /data network/ 数据通信 數據通信 S - 44 shù jù tōng xìn f /data communication/ 数据链路 數據鏈路 S - 0 shù jù liàn lù f /data link/ 数据链路层 數據鏈路層 S - 0 shù jù liàn lù céng f /data link layer/ 数据链路连接标识 數據鏈路連接標識 S - 0 shù jù liàn lù lián jiē biāo zhì f /data link connection identifier (DLCI)/ 数数 數數 S - 27 shǔ shù f /to count/to reckon/ 数月 數月 S - 408 shù yuè f /several months/ 数来宝 數來寶 S - 20 shǔ lái bǎo f /folk theater consisting of recitation accompanied by clapper board rhythm/ 数法 數法 S - 0 shù fǎ f /method of counting (e.g. decimal or Roman numbers)/ 数清 數清 S - 0 shǔ qīng f /to count/to enumerate exactly/ 数点 數點 S - 25 shǔ diǎn f /to count/to itemize/ 数独 數獨 S - 0 shù dú f /sudoku (puzzle game)/ 数珠 數珠 S - 18 shù zhū f /rosary/prayer beads/ 数珠念佛 數珠念佛 S - 0 shǔ zhū niàn fó f /to count one's prayer beads and chant Buddha's name (idiom)/ 数理 數理 S - 345 shù lǐ f /mathematical sciences/ 数理分析 數理分析 S - 0 shù lǐ fēn xī f /mathematical analysis/calculus/ 数理化 數理化 S - 29 shù lǐ huà f /abbr. for mathematics 數學|数学[shu4 xue2], physics 物理[wu4 li3] and chemistry 化學|化学[hua4 xue2]/ 数理逻辑 數理邏輯 S - 3 shù lǐ luó jí f /mathematical logic/symbolic logic/ 数百 數百 S - 479 shù bǎi f /several hundred/ 数百万 數百萬 S - 122 shù bǎi wàn f /several million/ 数目 數目 S - 1643 shù mù f /amount/number/ 数码 數碼 S 2269 804 shù mǎ f /number/numerals/figures/digital/amount/numerical code/ 数码冲印 數碼沖印 S - 0 shù mǎ chōng yìn f /digital printing/ 数码化 數碼化 S - 3 shù mǎ huà f /to digitalize (e.g. data)/digitalization/ 数码扫描 數碼掃描 S - 0 shù mǎ sǎo miáo f /a digital scan/ 数码港 數碼港 S - 3 shù mǎ gǎng f /cyberport/ 数码照相机 數碼照相機 S - 0 shù mǎ zhào xiàng jī f /digital camera/ 数码相机 數碼相機 S - 3 shù mǎ xiàng jī f /digital camera/ 数码通 數碼通 S - 0 Shù mǎ tōng f /SmarTone-Vodafone (Hong Kong and Macau company)/ 数种 數種 S - 81 shù zhǒng f /numerous types/many kinds/ 数组 數組 S - 313 shù zǔ f /array/ 数落 數落 S - 128 shǔ luo f /to enumerate sb's shortcomings/to criticize/to scold/to talk on and on/ 数见不鲜 數見不鮮 S - 3 shuò jiàn bù xiān f /a common occurrence (idiom)/ 数论 數論 S - 189 shù lùn f /number theory (math.)/ 数词 數詞 S - 13 shù cí f /numeral/ 数轴 數軸 S - 5 shù zhóu f /number line/ 数量 數量 S 1088 6927 shù liàng f /amount/quantity/CL:個|个[ge4]/quantitative/ 数量分析 數量分析 S - 0 shù liàng fēn xī f /quantitative analysis/ 数量积 數量積 S - 0 shù liàng jī f /scalar product (of vectors)/ 数量级 數量級 S - 51 shù liàng jí f /order of magnitude/ 数量词 數量詞 S - 3 shù liàng cí f /numeral-classifier compound (e.g. 一次、三套、五本 etc)/ 数额 數額 S 4160 882 shù é f /amount/sum of money/fixed number/ 数黄道黑 數黃道黑 S - 3 shǔ huáng dào hēi f /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄[shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2]/ 数黑论白 數黑論白 S - 3 shǔ hēi lùn bái f /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄[shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2]/ 数黑论黄 數黑論黃 S - 3 shǔ hēi lùn huáng f /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/ 敱 敳 T - 159 ái f /able (in administrating)/to govern forcefully/ 敲 992 1935 qiāo f /to hit/to strike/to tap/to rap/to knock/to rip sb off/to overcharge/ 敲丧钟 敲喪鐘 S - 3 qiāo sāng zhōng f /a knell/ 敲中背 - 0 qiāo zhōng bèi f /to receive oral sex from a prostitute/ 敲入 - 0 qiāo rù f /to key in/to input/ 敲击 敲擊 S - 173 qiāo jī f /to pound/to rap/ 敲响 敲響 S - 194 qiāo xiǎng f /to sound a bell/to raise the alarm/ 敲喪鐘 敲丧钟 T - 3 qiāo sāng zhōng f /a knell/ 敲大背 - 0 qiāo dà bèi f /to have sex with a prostitute/ 敲定 - 84 qiāo dìng f /to come to a decision/to fix on (a date etc)/to determine/to finalize/to nail down (a deal etc)/ 敲小背 - 0 qiāo xiǎo bèi f /to be masturbated by a prostitute/ 敲山震虎 - 16 qiāo shān zhèn hǔ f /a deliberate show of strength as a warning/ 敲打 - 197 qiāo dǎ f /to beat sb/to beat (a drum)/ 敲打鑼鼓 敲打锣鼓 T - 0 qiāo dǎ luó gǔ f /lit. to beat a gong; fig. to irritate sb/a provocation/ 敲打锣鼓 敲打鑼鼓 S - 0 qiāo dǎ luó gǔ f /lit. to beat a gong; fig. to irritate sb/a provocation/ 敲擊 敲击 T - 173 qiāo jī f /to pound/to rap/ 敲敲打打 - 11 qiāo qiāo dǎ dǎ f /to provoke with words/ 敲榨 - 3 qiāo zhà f /to press (fruit)/variant of 敲詐|敲诈[qiao1 zha4]/ 敲竹杠 敲竹槓 S - 16 qiāo zhú gàng f /extortion by taking advantage of sb's weakness/ 敲竹槓 敲竹杠 T - 16 qiāo zhú gàng f /extortion by taking advantage of sb's weakness/ 敲背 - 0 qiāo bèi f /back-knocking massage/ 敲詐 敲诈 T - 64 qiāo zhà f /to rip off/to extort (money)/extortion/blackmail/ 敲詐勒索 敲诈勒索 T - 57 qiāo zhà lè suǒ f /extortion and blackmail (idiom)/ 敲詐罪 敲诈罪 T - 0 qiāo zhà zuì f /extortion/ 敲诈 敲詐 S - 64 qiāo zhà f /to rip off/to extort (money)/extortion/blackmail/ 敲诈勒索 敲詐勒索 S - 57 qiāo zhà lè suǒ f /extortion and blackmail (idiom)/ 敲诈罪 敲詐罪 S - 0 qiāo zhà zuì f /extortion/ 敲边鼓 敲邊鼓 S - 8 qiāo biān gǔ f /to back sb up/to support sb in an argument/(lit. to beat nearby drum)/ 敲邊鼓 敲边鼓 T - 8 qiāo biān gǔ f /to back sb up/to support sb in an argument/(lit. to beat nearby drum)/ 敲釘鑽腳 敲钉钻脚 T - 0 qiāo dīng zuān jiǎo f /to make doubly sure (idiom)/ 敲鐘 敲钟 T - 3 qiāo zhōng f /to sound a bell/(of a clock) to chime/ 敲鑼 敲锣 T - 3 qiāo luó f /to beat a gong/ 敲钉钻脚 敲釘鑽腳 S - 0 qiāo dīng zuān jiǎo f /to make doubly sure (idiom)/ 敲钟 敲鐘 S - 3 qiāo zhōng f /to sound a bell/(of a clock) to chime/ 敲锣 敲鑼 S - 3 qiāo luó f /to beat a gong/ 敲門 敲门 T - 308 qiāo mén f /to knock on a door/ 敲門磚 敲门砖 T - 46 qiāo mén zhuān f /lit. a brick as a door knocker (idiom); fig. a temporary expedient/to use sb as a stepping stone to fortune/ 敲门 敲門 S - 308 qiāo mén f /to knock on a door/ 敲门砖 敲門磚 S - 46 qiāo mén zhuān f /lit. a brick as a door knocker (idiom); fig. a temporary expedient/to use sb as a stepping stone to fortune/ 敲響 敲响 T - 194 qiāo xiǎng f /to sound a bell/to raise the alarm/ 敳 敱 S - 159 ái f /able (in administrating)/to govern forcefully/ 整 - 1738 zhěng f /exactly/in good order/whole/complete/entire/in order/orderly/to repair/to mend/to renovate/(coll.) to fix sb/to give sb a hard time/to mess with sb/ 整並 整并 T - 0 zhěng bìng f /to merge/to consolidate/consolidation/ 整个 整個 S 1223 11839 zhěng gè f /whole/entire/total/ 整个地球 整個地球 S - 0 zhěng gè dì qiú f /the whole world/ 整体 整體 S 2192 3781 zhěng tǐ f /whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as a whole (situation, construction, team etc)/global/macrocosm/integral/holistic/whole/ 整体数位服务网路 整體數位服務網路 S - 0 zhěng tǐ shù wèi fú wù wǎng lù f /Integrated Service Digital Network/ISDN/ 整体服务数位网路 整體服務數位網路 S - 0 zhěng tǐ fú wù shù wèi wǎng lù f /Integrated Services Digital Network/ISDN/ 整修 - 601 zhěng xiū f /to repair/to refurbish/to renovate/to refit/to mend/to rebuild/ 整個 整个 T 1223 11839 zhěng gè f /whole/entire/total/ 整個地球 整个地球 T - 0 zhěng gè dì qiú f /the whole world/ 整倍数 整倍數 S - 0 zhěng bèi shù f /integer multiple/ 整倍數 整倍数 T - 0 zhěng bèi shù f /integer multiple/ 整合 - 1067 zhěng hé f /to conform/to integrate/ 整地 - 45 zhěng dì f /to prepare the soil (agriculture)/ 整声 整聲 S - 0 zhěng shēng f /to tune (a musical instrument)/to regulate the sound/ 整夜 - 146 zhěng yè f /the whole night/all through the night/ 整天 - 874 zhěng tiān f /all day long/whole day/ 整套 - 79 zhěng tào f /entire set/ 整妆 整妝 S - 0 zhěng zhuāng f /same as 整裝|整装/to get ready (for a journey)/ 整妝 整妆 T - 0 zhěng zhuāng f /same as 整裝|整装/to get ready (for a journey)/ 整容 - 98 zhěng róng f /plastic surgery/ 整年累月 - 3 zhěng nián lěi yuè f /all year round/over a long period/ 整并 整並 S - 0 zhěng bìng f /to merge/to consolidate/consolidation/ 整形 - 187 zhěng xíng f /shaping/reshaping/plastic surgery or orthopedics (abbr. of 整形外科[zheng3 xing2 wai4 ke1])/ 整形外科 - 3 zhěng xíng wài kē f /plastic surgery/orthopedics/ 整形外科医生 整形外科醫生 S - 0 zhěng xíng wài kē yī shēng f /plastic surgeon/ 整形外科醫生 整形外科医生 T - 0 zhěng xíng wài kē yī shēng f /plastic surgeon/ 整改 - 188 zhěng gǎi f /to reform/to rectify and improve/ 整数 整數 S - 565 zhěng shù f /whole number/integer (math.)/round figure/ 整数倍数 整數倍數 S - 0 zhěng shù bèi shù f /integral multiple/ 整数集合 整數集合 S - 0 zhěng shù jí hé f /set of integers (math.)/ 整整 - 1243 zhěng zhěng f /whole/full/ 整整齊齊 整整齐齐 T - 175 zhěng zhěng qí qí f /neat and tidy/ 整整齐齐 整整齊齊 S - 175 zhěng zhěng qí qí f /neat and tidy/ 整數 整数 T - 565 zhěng shù f /whole number/integer (math.)/round figure/ 整數倍數 整数倍数 T - 0 zhěng shù bèi shù f /integral multiple/ 整數集合 整数集合 T - 0 zhěng shù jí hé f /set of integers (math.)/ 整条 整條 S - 76 zhěng tiáo f /entire/whole (fish, road etc)/ 整條 整条 T - 76 zhěng tiáo f /entire/whole (fish, road etc)/ 整治 - 635 zhěng zhì f /to renovate/to restore/to repair/to restore a waterway by dredging/corrective punishment/to get sth ready/ 整洁 整潔 S - 264 zhěng jié f /neatly/tidy/ 整流 - 100 zhěng liú f /to rectify (alternating current to direct current)/ 整流器 - 20 zhěng liú qì f /rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to direct current)/ 整潔 整洁 T - 264 zhěng jié f /neatly/tidy/ 整环 整環 S - 0 zhěng huán f /integral ring (math)/ 整理 1011 1932 zhěng lǐ f /to arrange/to tidy up/to sort out/to straighten out/to list systematically/to collate (data, files)/to pack (luggage)/ 整環 整环 T - 0 zhěng huán f /integral ring (math)/ 整聲 整声 T - 0 zhěng shēng f /to tune (a musical instrument)/to regulate the sound/ 整肃 整肅 S - 109 zhěng sù f /strict/serious/solemn/dignified/to tidy upto clean up/to purge/to adjust/ 整肅 整肃 T - 109 zhěng sù f /strict/serious/solemn/dignified/to tidy upto clean up/to purge/to adjust/ 整脊学 整脊學 S - 0 zhěng jǐ xué f /chiropractic/ 整脊學 整脊学 T - 0 zhěng jǐ xué f /chiropractic/ 整装 整裝 S - 24 zhěng zhuāng f /to equip/to fit out/to get ready (for a journey)/to arrange (clothes) to be ready/ 整装待发 整裝待發 S - 29 zhěng zhuāng dài fā f /to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting/ 整裝 整装 T - 24 zhěng zhuāng f /to equip/to fit out/to get ready (for a journey)/to arrange (clothes) to be ready/ 整裝待發 整装待发 T - 29 zhěng zhuāng dài fā f /to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting/ 整訓 整训 T - 29 zhěng xùn f /to drill troops/to build up and train/ 整训 整訓 S - 29 zhěng xùn f /to drill troops/to build up and train/ 整队 整隊 S - 59 zhěng duì f /to dress (troops)/to line up (to arrange in a straight line)/ 整除 - 37 zhěng chú f /to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)/exact division/ 整除数 整除數 S - 0 zhěng chú shù f /factor/exact divisor/ 整除數 整除数 T - 0 zhěng chú shù f /factor/exact divisor/ 整隊 整队 T - 59 zhěng duì f /to dress (troops)/to line up (to arrange in a straight line)/ 整頓 整顿 T 4474 2100 zhěng dùn f /to tidy up/to reorganize/to consolidate/to rectify/ 整顿 整頓 S 4474 2100 zhěng dùn f /to tidy up/to reorganize/to consolidate/to rectify/ 整風 整风 T - 286 zhěng fēng f /Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/cf Rectification campaign 整風運動|整风运动, army purge of 1942-44 and anti-rightist purge of 1957/ 整風運動 整风运动 T - 294 zhěng fēng yùn dòng f /Rectification campaign/political purge/cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges/ 整风 整風 S - 286 zhěng fēng f /Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/cf Rectification campaign 整風運動|整风运动, army purge of 1942-44 and anti-rightist purge of 1957/ 整风运动 整風運動 S - 294 zhěng fēng yùn dòng f /Rectification campaign/political purge/cf Mao's 1942-44 campaign at Yanan, and his 1950 and 1957 anti-rightist purges/ 整體 整体 T 2192 3781 zhěng tǐ f /whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as a whole (situation, construction, team etc)/global/macrocosm/integral/holistic/whole/ 整體數位服務網路 整体数位服务网路 T - 0 zhěng tǐ shù wèi fú wù wǎng lù f /Integrated Service Digital Network/ISDN/ 整體服務數位網路 整体服务数位网路 T - 0 zhěng tǐ fú wù shù wèi wǎng lù f /Integrated Services Digital Network/ISDN/ 整齊 整齐 T 2302 1069 zhěng qí f /orderly/neat/even/tidy/ 整齊劃一 整齐划一 T - 40 zhěng qí huà yī f /to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)/ 整齐 整齊 S 2302 1069 zhěng qí f /orderly/neat/even/tidy/ 整齐划一 整齊劃一 S - 40 zhěng qí huà yī f /to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)/ 敵 敌 T - 6610 dí f /enemy/match/to resist/to withstand/ 敵人 敌人 T 1404 10175 dí rén f /enemy/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 敵佔區 敌占区 T - 36 dí zhàn qū f /enemy occupied territory/ 敵國 敌国 T - 234 dí guó f /enemy country/ 敵地 敌地 T - 0 dí dì f /enemy territory/ 敵基督 敌基督 T - 0 Dí jī dū f /Antichrist/ 敵害 敌害 T - 91 dí hài f /pest/vermin/animal that is harmful to crops or to another species/enemy/predator/ 敵將 敌将 T - 0 dí jiàng f /the enemy general/ 敵對 敌对 T - 462 dí duì f /hostile/enemy (factions)/combative/ 敵對性 敌对性 T - 0 dí duì xìng f /hostile/hostility/ 敵情 敌情 T - 179 dí qíng f /the situation of the enemy positions/intelligence about the enemy/ 敵意 敌意 T - 240 dí yì f /enmity/hostility/ 敵我 敌我 T - 356 dí wǒ f /the enemy and us/ 敵我矛盾 敌我矛盾 T - 42 dí wǒ máo dùn f /contradictions between ourselves and the enemy/Either you are for us or against us./ 敵手 敌手 T - 486 dí shǒu f /opponent/substantial adversary/worthy match/antagonist/in the enemy's hands/ 敵探 敌探 T - 3 dí tàn f /enemy spy/ 敵敵畏 敌敌畏 T - 25 dí dí wèi f /dichlorvos C4H7Cl2PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword)/also called dimethyl dichloro-vinyl phosphate DDVP/ 敵方 敌方 T - 686 dí fāng f /enemy/ 敵機 敌机 T - 366 dí jī f /enemy plane/ 敵檔 敌档 T - 0 dí dàng f /rival productions (of the same opera in neighboring theaters)/ 敵殺死 敌杀死 T - 3 Dí shā sǐ f /Decis (insecticide brand)/ 敵營 敌营 T - 100 dí yíng f /enemy camp/ 敵特 敌特 T - 13 dí tè f /enemy (agents)/(class) enemy/ 敵特份子 敌特分子 T - 0 dí tè fèn zǐ f /enemy agents in our midst/reds under the beds/ 敵百蟲 敌百虫 T - 18 dí bǎi chóng f /trichlorphon C4H8Cl3PO4, organic phosphate used as insecticide/also called dipterex/ 敵眾我寡 敌众我寡 T - 43 dí zhòng wǒ guǎ f /multitude of enemies, few friends (idiom from Mencius)/heavily outnumbered/beaten by the weight of numbers/ 敵臺 敌台 T - 74 dí tái f /defensive tower/look-out tower/enemy radio station/ 敵視 敌视 T 4668 189 dí shì f /hostile/malevolence/antagonism/to view as enemy/to stand against/ 敵軍 敌军 T - 985 dí jūn f /enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:股[gu3]/ 敵陣 敌阵 T - 115 dí zhèn f /the enemy ranks/ 敷 - 659 fū f /to spread/to lay out/to apply (powder, ointment etc)/sufficient (to cover)/enough/ 敷布 - 5 fū bù f /medical dressing/bandage/ 敷料 - 22 fū liào f /medical dressing/ 敷汤药 敷湯藥 S - 0 fū tāng yào f /(coll.) to pay compensation for medical expenses/ 敷湯藥 敷汤药 T - 0 fū tāng yào f /(coll.) to pay compensation for medical expenses/ 敷演 - 0 fū yǎn f /variant of 敷衍/to elaborate (on a theme)/to expound (the meaning of the classics)/ 敷粉 - 3 fū fěn f /to sprinkle powder/a dusting/ 敷衍 4228 282 fū yǎn f /to elaborate (on a theme)/to expound (the classics)/perfunctory/to skimp/to botch/to do sth half-heartedly or just for show/barely enough to get by/ 敷衍了事 - 25 fū yǎn liǎo shì f /to skimp/to work half-heartedly/not to bother/ 敷衍塞責 敷衍塞责 T - 9 fū yǎn sè zé f /to skimp on the job/to work half-heartedly/not to take the job seriously/ 敷衍塞责 敷衍塞責 S - 9 fū yǎn sè zé f /to skimp on the job/to work half-heartedly/not to take the job seriously/ 敷裹 - 0 fū guǒ f /medical dressing/ 敷設 敷设 T - 68 fū shè f /to lay/to spread out/ 敷设 敷設 S - 68 fū shè f /to lay/to spread out/ 敷貼 敷贴 T - 15 fū tiē f /to smear/to apply glue or ointment to a surface/ 敷贴 敷貼 S - 15 fū tiē f /to smear/to apply glue or ointment to a surface/ 敷陈 敷陳 S - 3 fū chén f /to give an orderly account/a thorough narrative/ 敷陳 敷陈 T - 3 fū chén f /to give an orderly account/a thorough narrative/ 數 数 T 1340 10689 shǔ f /to count/to enumerate/to criticize (i.e. enumerate shortcomings)/ 數 数 T 1340 10689 shù t /number/figure/several/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 數 数 T 1340 10689 shuò f /frequently/repeatedly/ 數一數二 数一数二 T - 76 shǔ yī shǔ èr f /to enumerate/reckoned to be first or second best (idiom); one of the very best/ 數不上 数不上 T - 3 shǔ bù shàng f /does not count/is not important/ 數不勝數 数不胜数 T - 73 shǔ bù shèng shǔ f /too many to count (idiom); innumerable/ 數不多 数不多 T - 0 shù bù duō f /a small number/one of a very few/ 數不清 数不清 T - 3 shǔ bù qīng f /countless/innumerable/ 數不盡 数不尽 T - 3 shǔ bu jìn f /countless/ 數不著 数不着 T - 3 shǔ bù zháo f /does not count/is not important/ 數不過來 数不过来 T - 0 shǔ bù guò lái f /can't manage to count/too many to count/ 數九 数九 T - 18 shǔ jiǔ f /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year/ 數九天 数九天 T - 0 shǔ jiǔ tiān f /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year/ 數九寒天 数九寒天 T - 6 shǔ jiǔ hán tiān f /nine periods of nine days each after winter solstice, the coldest time of the year/ 數以億計 数以亿计 T - 18 shù yǐ yì jì f /countless/innumerable/ 數以千計 数以千计 T - 91 shù yǐ qiān jì f /thousands (of sth)/ 數以百計 数以百计 T - 53 shù yǐ bǎi jì f /hundreds of/ 數以萬計 数以万计 T - 105 shù yǐ wàn jì f /tens of thousands/numerous/ 數伏 数伏 T - 3 shǔ fú f /same as 三伏天[san1 fu2 tian1], three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)/ 數位 数位 T - 54 shù wèi f /digital/ 數位信號 数位信号 T - 0 shù wèi xìn hào f /digital signal/ 數位網路 数位网路 T - 0 shù wèi wǎng lù f /digital network/ 數來寶 数来宝 T - 20 shǔ lái bǎo f /folk theater consisting of recitation accompanied by clapper board rhythm/ 數值 数值 T - 594 shù zhí f /numerical value/ 數值分析 数值分析 T - 0 shù zhí fēn xī f /numerical analysis (math.)/ 數值解 数值解 T - 0 shù zhí jiě f /numerical solution/ 數典忘祖 数典忘祖 T - 15 shǔ diǎn wàng zǔ f /to recount history but omit one's ancestors (idiom); to forget one's roots/ 數出 数出 T - 26 shǔ chū f /to count out (a sum of money etc)/ 數列 数列 T - 130 shù liè f /sequence of numbers/numerical series/ 數十億 数十亿 T - 7 shù shí yì f /several billion/ 數周 数周 T - 48 shù zhōu f /several weeks/also written 數週|数周/ 數域 数域 T - 0 shù yù f /number field (math.)/subfield of the field of complex numbers/ 數字 数字 T 922 4670 shù zì f /numeral/digit/number/figure/amount/digital (electronics etc)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 數字信號 数字信号 T - 3 shù zì xìn hào f /digital signal/ 數字分頻 数字分频 T - 0 shù zì fēn pín f /digital frequency sharing/ 數字化 数字化 T - 369 shù zì huà f /to digitalize/digital/ 數字命理學 数字命理学 T - 0 shù zì mìng lǐ xué f /numerology/ 數字導覽設施 数字导览设施 T - 0 shù zì dǎo lǎn shè shī f /digital navigation equipment/ 數字時鐘 数字时钟 T - 0 shù zì shí zhōng f /digital clock/ 數字版權管理 数字版权管理 T - 0 Shù zì Bǎn quán Guǎn lǐ f /Digital Rights Management (DRM)/ 數字用戶線路 数字用户线路 T - 0 shù zì yòng hù xiàn lù f /digital subscriber line (DSL)/ 數字網 数字网 T - 7 shù zì wǎng f /digital network/ 數字通信 数字通信 T - 3 shù zì tōng xìn f /digital communications/ 數字鐘 数字钟 T - 3 shù zì zhōng f /digital clock/ 數字電視 数字电视 T - 3 shù zì diàn shì f /digital television/ 數字電路 数字电路 T - 3 shù zì diàn lù f /digital circuit/ 數學 数学 T 544 5993 shù xué f /mathematics/mathematical/ 數學公式 数学公式 T - 3 shù xué gōng shì f /formula/ 數學分析 数学分析 T - 3 shù xué fēn xī f /mathematical analysis/calculus/ 數學家 数学家 T - 1006 shù xué jiā f /mathematician/ 數學模型 数学模型 T - 3 shù xué mó xíng f /mathematical model/ 數學物理 数学物理 T - 0 shù xué wù lǐ f /mathematical physics/ 數學物理學 数学物理学 T - 0 shù xué wù lǐ xué f /mathematical physics/ 數小時 数小时 T - 0 shù xiǎo shí f /several hours/ 數年 数年 T - 636 shù nián f /several years/many years/ 數得上 数得上 T - 3 shǔ de shàng f /to be considered as outstanding or special/to be reckoned with/notable/ 數得著 数得着 T - 8 shǔ de zháo f /to be considered as outstanding or special/to be reckoned with/notable/ 數念 数念 T - 0 shǔ niàn f /to enumerate one by one/ 數據 数据 T 1559 5232 shù jù f /data/numbers/digital/ 數據介面 数据介面 T - 0 shù jù jiè miàn f /data interface/ 數據傳輸 数据传输 T - 3 shù jù chuán shū f /data transmission/ 數據壓縮 数据压缩 T - 3 shù jù yā suō f /data compression/ 數據庫 数据库 T - 625 shù jù kù f /database/ 數據庫軟件 数据库软件 T - 0 shù jù kù ruǎn jiàn f /database software/ 數據挖掘 数据挖掘 T - 8 shù jù wā jué f /data mining/ 數據接口 数据接口 T - 0 shù jù jiē kǒu f /data interface/ 數據機 数据机 T - 3 shù jù jī f /modem (Tw)/ 數據段 数据段 T - 0 shù jù duàn f /data segment/ 數據流 数据流 T - 41 shù jù liú f /data stream/data flow/ 數據網絡 数据网络 T - 3 shù jù wǎng luò f /data network/ 數據總線 数据总线 T - 28 shù jù zǒng xiàn f /data bus (computer)/ 數據處理 数据处理 T - 117 shù jù chǔ lǐ f /data processing/ 數據通信 数据通信 T - 44 shù jù tōng xìn f /data communication/ 數據鏈路 数据链路 T - 0 shù jù liàn lù f /data link/ 數據鏈路層 数据链路层 T - 0 shù jù liàn lù céng f /data link layer/ 數據鏈路連接標識 数据链路连接标识 T - 0 shù jù liàn lù lián jiē biāo zhì f /data link connection identifier (DLCI)/ 數數 数数 T - 27 shǔ shù f /to count/to reckon/ 數月 数月 T - 408 shù yuè f /several months/ 數法 数法 T - 0 shù fǎ f /method of counting (e.g. decimal or Roman numbers)/ 數清 数清 T - 0 shǔ qīng f /to count/to enumerate exactly/ 數獨 数独 T - 0 shù dú f /sudoku (puzzle game)/ 數珠 数珠 T - 18 shù zhū f /rosary/prayer beads/ 數珠念佛 数珠念佛 T - 0 shǔ zhū niàn fó f /to count one's prayer beads and chant Buddha's name (idiom)/ 數理 数理 T - 345 shù lǐ f /mathematical sciences/ 數理分析 数理分析 T - 0 shù lǐ fēn xī f /mathematical analysis/calculus/ 數理化 数理化 T - 29 shù lǐ huà f /abbr. for mathematics 數學|数学[shu4 xue2], physics 物理[wu4 li3] and chemistry 化學|化学[hua4 xue2]/ 數理邏輯 数理逻辑 T - 3 shù lǐ luó jí f /mathematical logic/symbolic logic/ 數百 数百 T - 479 shù bǎi f /several hundred/ 數百萬 数百万 T - 122 shù bǎi wàn f /several million/ 數目 数目 T - 1643 shù mù f /amount/number/ 數碼 数码 T 2269 804 shù mǎ f /number/numerals/figures/digital/amount/numerical code/ 數碼化 数码化 T - 3 shù mǎ huà f /to digitalize (e.g. data)/digitalization/ 數碼掃描 数码扫描 T - 0 shù mǎ sǎo miáo f /a digital scan/ 數碼沖印 数码冲印 T - 0 shù mǎ chōng yìn f /digital printing/ 數碼港 数码港 T - 3 shù mǎ gǎng f /cyberport/ 數碼照相機 数码照相机 T - 0 shù mǎ zhào xiàng jī f /digital camera/ 數碼相機 数码相机 T - 3 shù mǎ xiàng jī f /digital camera/ 數碼通 数码通 T - 0 Shù mǎ tōng f /SmarTone-Vodafone (Hong Kong and Macau company)/ 數種 数种 T - 81 shù zhǒng f /numerous types/many kinds/ 數組 数组 T - 313 shù zǔ f /array/ 數萬 数万 T - 587 shù wàn f /several tens of thousands/many thousand/ 數落 数落 T - 128 shǔ luo f /to enumerate sb's shortcomings/to criticize/to scold/to talk on and on/ 數見不鮮 数见不鲜 T - 3 shuò jiàn bù xiān f /a common occurrence (idiom)/ 數詞 数词 T - 13 shù cí f /numeral/ 數論 数论 T - 189 shù lùn f /number theory (math.)/ 數軸 数轴 T - 5 shù zhóu f /number line/ 數週 数周 T - 48 shù zhōu f /several weeks/ 數量 数量 T 1088 6927 shù liàng f /amount/quantity/CL:個|个[ge4]/quantitative/ 數量分析 数量分析 T - 0 shù liàng fēn xī f /quantitative analysis/ 數量積 数量积 T - 0 shù liàng jī f /scalar product (of vectors)/ 數量級 数量级 T - 51 shù liàng jí f /order of magnitude/ 數量詞 数量词 T - 3 shù liàng cí f /numeral-classifier compound (e.g. 一次、三套、五本 etc)/ 數額 数额 T 4160 882 shù é f /amount/sum of money/fixed number/ 數黃道黑 数黄道黑 T - 3 shǔ huáng dào hēi f /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄[shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2]/ 數黑論白 数黑论白 T - 3 shǔ hēi lùn bái f /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/also written 數黑論黃|数黑论黄[shu3 hei1 lun4 huang2]/ 數黑論黃 数黑论黄 T - 3 shǔ hēi lùn huáng f /to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrels/ 數點 数点 T - 25 shǔ diǎn f /to count/to itemize/ 敹 - 40 liáo f /keep tidy and repaired/sew/ 敺 驱 T - 865 qū f /variant of 驅|驱[qu1]/ 敻 - 6 Xiòng f /surname Xiong/ 敽 - 0 jiǎo f /old variant of 敿[jiao3]/ 敿 - 0 jiǎo f /tie up (laces)/ 斁 - 141 yì f /to be weary of/ 斂 敛 T - 479 liǎn t /to hold back/to restrain/to control (oneself)/to collect/Taiwan pr. [lian4]/ 斂 敛 T - 479 liàn f /variant of 殮|殓[lian4]/ 斂巴 敛巴 T - 0 liǎn ba f /(dialect) to gather (sth)/ 斂步 敛步 T - 3 liǎn bù f /to restrain motion/to check one's step/ 斂衽 敛衽 T - 17 liǎn rèn f /old-fashioned women's obeisance/Taiwan pr. [lian4 ren4]/ 斂財 敛财 T - 69 liǎn cái f /to accumulate wealth/to rake in money/ 斂跡 敛迹 T - 9 liǎn jì f /to refrain/to give up evil (temporarily)/to cover one's traces/to lie low/to retire (from view)/ 斂錢 敛钱 T - 2 liǎn qián f /to collect money/to raise funds (for charity)/ 斃 毙 T - 509 bì f /to die/to shoot dead/to reject/to fall forward/(suffix) to death/ 斃命 毙命 T - 285 bì mìng f /to meet violent death/to get killed/ 斄 - 0 Tái f /ancient place name (a Han dynasty town in Shaanxi)/variant of 邰[Tai2]/ 文 - 10253 Wén f /surname Wen/ 文 - 10253 wén f /language/culture/writing/formal/literary/gentle/(old) classifier for coins/Kangxi radical 67/ 文不加点 文不加點 S - 3 wén bù jiā diǎn f /to write a flawless essay in one go (idiom)/to be quick-witted and skilled at writing compositions/ 文不加點 文不加点 T - 3 wén bù jiā diǎn f /to write a flawless essay in one go (idiom)/to be quick-witted and skilled at writing compositions/ 文不对题 文不對題 S - 8 wén bù duì tí f /irrelevant/beside the point/ 文不對題 文不对题 T - 8 wén bù duì tí f /irrelevant/beside the point/ 文书 文書 S - 1354 wén shū f /document/official correspondence/secretary/secretariat/ 文书处理 文書處理 S - 3 wén shū chǔ lǐ f /word processing/ 文人 - 839 wén rén f /scholar/literati/ 文人相輕 文人相轻 T - 11 wén rén xiāng qīng f /scholars tend to disparage one another (idiom)/ 文人相轻 文人相輕 S - 11 wén rén xiāng qīng f /scholars tend to disparage one another (idiom)/ 文以載道 文以载道 T - 8 wén yǐ zài dào f /words of truth/moral expressed in words/written article explaining a moral/ 文以载道 文以載道 S - 8 wén yǐ zài dào f /words of truth/moral expressed in words/written article explaining a moral/ 文件 1342 4288 wén jiàn f /document/file/CL:份[fen4]/ 文件大小 - 3 wén jiàn dà xiǎo f /file size/ 文件夹 文件夾 S - 29 wén jiàn jiā f /folder/file (paper)/ 文件夾 文件夹 T - 29 wén jiàn jiā f /folder/file (paper)/ 文件服务器 文件服務器 S - 0 wén jiàn fú wù qì f /file server/ 文件服務器 文件服务器 T - 0 wén jiàn fú wù qì f /file server/ 文件格式 - 3 wén jiàn gé shì f /file format/ 文体 文體 S - 431 wén tǐ f /genre of writing/literary form/style/literary recreation and sporting activities/ 文具 2480 77 wén jù f /stationery/item of stationery (pen, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener etc)/ 文具商 - 3 wén jù shāng f /stationer/ 文具店 - 3 wén jù diàn f /stationery store/ 文凭 文憑 S 4074 457 wén píng f /diploma/ 文创产业 文創產業 S - 0 wén chuàng chǎn yè f /creative industries (design, music, publishing etc)/abbr. for 文化創意產業|文化创意产业/ 文創產業 文创产业 T - 0 wén chuàng chǎn yè f /creative industries (design, music, publishing etc)/abbr. for 文化創意產業|文化创意产业/ 文化 539 34860 wén huà f /culture/civilization/cultural/CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]/ 文化交流 - 3 wén huà jiāo liú f /cultural exchange/ 文化传统 文化傳統 S - 0 wén huà chuán tǒng f /cultural tradition/ 文化傳統 文化传统 T - 0 wén huà chuán tǒng f /cultural tradition/ 文化冲击 文化衝擊 S - 0 wén huà chōng jī f /cultural shock/ 文化史 - 394 wén huà shǐ f /cultural history/ 文化圈 - 22 wén huà quān f /sphere of cultural influence/ 文化城 - 18 wén huà chéng f /city of culture/ 文化大革命 - 2586 Wén huà Dà gé mìng f /Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)/ 文化宫 文化宮 S - 43 wén huà gōng f /cultural palace/ 文化宮 文化宫 T - 43 wén huà gōng f /cultural palace/ 文化层 文化層 S - 291 wén huà céng f /culture level (in archaeological site)/ 文化層 文化层 T - 291 wén huà céng f /culture level (in archaeological site)/ 文化水平 - 0 wén huà shuǐ píng f /educational level/ 文化热 文化熱 S - 0 wén huà rè f /cultural fever/cultural craze/ 文化熱 文化热 T - 0 wén huà rè f /cultural fever/cultural craze/ 文化衝擊 文化冲击 T - 0 wén huà chōng jī f /cultural shock/ 文化遗产 文化遺產 S - 3 wén huà yí chǎn f /cultural heritage/ 文化遺產 文化遗产 T - 3 wén huà yí chǎn f /cultural heritage/ 文化障碍 文化障礙 S - 0 wén huà zhàng ài f /cultural barrier/ 文化障礙 文化障碍 T - 0 wén huà zhàng ài f /cultural barrier/ 文县 文縣 S - 26 Wén xiàn f /Wen county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 文史 - 295 wén shǐ f /literature and history/ 文告 - 94 wén gào f /written statement/proclamation/announcement/ 文员 文員 S - 67 wén yuán f /office worker/clerk/ 文員 文员 T - 67 wén yuán f /office worker/clerk/ 文圣区 文聖區 S - 2 Wén shèng qū f /Wensheng district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 文坛 文壇 S - 308 wén tán f /literary circles/ 文墨 - 68 wén mò f /writing/culture/ 文壇 文坛 T - 308 wén tán f /literary circles/ 文士 - 95 wén shì f /literati/scholar/ 文天祥 - 187 Wén Tiān xiáng f /Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283), Song dynasty politician and poet, folk hero in resisting Mongol invasion in Jiangxi in 1275/ 文如其人 - 6 wén rú qí rén f /the writing style mirrors the writer (idiom)/ 文娛 文娱 T - 38 wén yú f /cultural recreation/entertainment/ 文娱 文娛 S - 38 wén yú f /cultural recreation/entertainment/ 文字 2075 4631 wén zì f /character/script/writing/written language/writing style/phraseology/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 文字处理 文字處理 S - 3 wén zì chǔ lǐ f /word processing/ 文字学 文字學 S - 34 wén zì xué f /philology/ 文字学家 文字學家 S - 11 wén zì xué jiā f /expert on writing systems/ 文字學 文字学 T - 34 wén zì xué f /philology/ 文字學家 文字学家 T - 11 wén zì xué jiā f /expert on writing systems/ 文字改革 - 38 wén zì gǎi gé f /reform of the writing system/ 文字档 文字檔 S - 0 wén zì dàng f /text file/ 文字檔 文字档 T - 0 wén zì dàng f /text file/ 文字狱 文字獄 S - 56 wén zì yù f /literary inquisition/official persecution of intellectuals for their writing/ 文字獄 文字狱 T - 56 wén zì yù f /literary inquisition/official persecution of intellectuals for their writing/ 文字處理 文字处理 T - 3 wén zì chǔ lǐ f /word processing/ 文学 文學 S 2114 6890 wén xué f /literature/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 文学博士 文學博士 S - 0 wén xué bó shì f /Doctor of Letters/ 文学史 文學史 S - 337 wén xué shǐ f /history of literature/ 文学士 文學士 S - 35 wén xué shì f /Bachelor of Arts/B.A./BA/A.B./Artium Baccalaureus/ 文学家 文學家 S - 280 wén xué jiā f /writer/man of letters/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 文学巨匠 文學巨匠 S - 0 wén xué jù jiàng f /literary master/ 文學 文学 T 2114 6890 wén xué f /literature/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 文學博士 文学博士 T - 0 wén xué bó shì f /Doctor of Letters/ 文學史 文学史 T - 337 wén xué shǐ f /history of literature/ 文學士 文学士 T - 35 wén xué shì f /Bachelor of Arts/B.A./BA/A.B./Artium Baccalaureus/ 文學家 文学家 T - 280 wén xué jiā f /writer/man of letters/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 文學巨匠 文学巨匠 T - 0 wén xué jù jiàng f /literary master/ 文安 - 23 Wén ān f /Wen'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 文安县 文安縣 S - 13 Wén ān xiàn f /Wen'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 文安縣 文安县 T - 13 Wén ān xiàn f /Wen'an county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 文宗 - 140 Wén zōng f /Wenzong Emperor, reign name of Yuan Dynasty emperor Tugh Temür (1304-1332), reigned 1328-1332/ 文宗 - 140 wén zōng f /sb whose calligraphy serves as a model/ 文宣 - 0 wén xuān f /promotional material/propaganda/ 文宣部 - 0 wén xuān bù f /propaganda department/ 文山 - 40 Wén shān f /Wenshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/Wenshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 文山会海 文山會海 S - 7 wén shān huì hǎi f /a mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (idiom)/ 文山区 文山區 S - 0 Wén shān qū f /Wenshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 文山區 文山区 T - 0 Wén shān qū f /Wenshan district of Taipei City 臺北市|台北市[Tai2 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 文山县 文山縣 S - 3 Wén shān xiàn f /Wenshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 文山壮族苗族自治州 文山壯族苗族自治州 S - 10 Wén shān Zhuàng zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu f /Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南/ 文山壯族苗族自治州 文山壮族苗族自治州 T - 10 Wén shān Zhuàng zú Miáo zú zì zhì zhōu f /Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南/ 文山州 - 33 Wén shān zhōu f /abbr. for 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture in Yunnan 雲南|云南/ 文山會海 文山会海 T - 7 wén shān huì hǎi f /a mountain of paperwork and a sea of meetings (idiom)/ 文山線 文山线 T - 0 Wén shān xiàn f /Taipei Metro Wenshan Line (known as the Muzha Line 木柵線|木栅线[Mu4 zha4 xian4] prior to October 8, 2009)/ 文山縣 文山县 T - 3 Wén shān xiàn f /Wenshan county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州[Wen2 shan1 Zhuang4 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 文山线 文山線 S - 0 Wén shān xiàn f /Taipei Metro Wenshan Line (known as the Muzha Line 木柵線|木栅线[Mu4 zha4 xian4] prior to October 8, 2009)/ 文峰 - 262 Wén fēng f /Wenfeng district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 文峰区 文峰區 S - 3 Wén fēng qū f /Wenfeng district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 文峰區 文峰区 T - 3 Wén fēng qū f /Wenfeng district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 文峰鎮 文峰镇 T - 0 Wén fēng zhèn f /Wenfeng town (common place name)/ 文峰镇 文峰鎮 S - 0 Wén fēng zhèn f /Wenfeng town (common place name)/ 文库 文庫 S - 2294 wén kù f /collection of documents/library/book series/sequence of data, esp. genome/ 文庫 文库 T - 2294 wén kù f /collection of documents/library/book series/sequence of data, esp. genome/ 文康 - 9 Wén Kāng f /Wen Kang (mid-19th century), Manchu-born novelist, author of The Gallant Maid 兒女英雄傳|儿女英雄传[Er2 nu:3 Ying1 xiong2 Zhuan4]/ 文康活动 文康活動 S - 3 wén kāng huó dòng f /cultural and recreational activities (Tw)/ 文康活動 文康活动 T - 3 wén kāng huó dòng f /cultural and recreational activities (Tw)/ 文彙報 文汇报 T - 95 Wén huì Bào f /Wen Wei Po (Hong Kong newspaper)/Wenhui News (Shanghai newspaper)/ 文征明 文徵明 S - 20 Wén Zhēng míng f /Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming painter, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子/ 文徵明 文征明 T - 20 Wén Zhēng míng f /Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming painter, one of Four great southern talents of the Ming 江南四大才子/ 文思 - 39 wén sī f /the train of thought in writing/ 文憑 文凭 T 4074 457 wén píng f /diploma/ 文成 - 112 Wén chéng f /Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 文成县 文成縣 S - 2 Wén chéng xiàn f /Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 文成縣 文成县 T - 2 Wén chéng xiàn f /Wencheng county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 文房四宝 文房四寶 S - 78 wén fáng sì bǎo f /Four Treasures of the Study, namely 筆|笔[bi3], 墨[mo4], 紙|纸[zhi3] and 硯|砚[yan4]/the essentials of calligraphy and scholarship (idiom)/ 文房四寶 文房四宝 T - 78 wén fáng sì bǎo f /Four Treasures of the Study, namely 筆|笔[bi3], 墨[mo4], 紙|纸[zhi3] and 硯|砚[yan4]/the essentials of calligraphy and scholarship (idiom)/ 文抄公 - 3 wén chāo gōng f /plagiarist/ 文摘 - 108 wén zhāi f /digest (of literature)/to make a digest (of data)/summary/ 文教 - 513 wén jiào f /culture and education/ 文旦 - 3 wén dàn f /pomelo/ 文昌 - 341 Wén chāng f /Wenchang City, Hainan/ 文昌市 - 276 Wén chāng shì f /Wenchang City, Hainan/ 文昌魚 文昌鱼 T - 32 wén chāng yú f /lancelet (Branchiostoma lanceolatum), a primitive fish/ 文昌鱼 文昌魚 S - 32 wén chāng yú f /lancelet (Branchiostoma lanceolatum), a primitive fish/ 文明 1967 6584 wén míng f /civilized/civilization/culture/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 文明化 - 3 wén míng huà f /civilize/ 文明小史 - 0 Wén míng Xiǎo shǐ f /Short History of Civilization, late Qing novel by Li Boyuan 李伯元[Li3 Bo2 yuan2] or Li Baojia 李寶嘉|李宝嘉[Li3 Bao3 jia1] describing the turmoil after the 1900 Eight-Nation Alliance 八國聯軍|八国联军[Ba1 guo2 Lian2 jun1]/ 文明病 - 0 wén míng bìng f /lifestyle diseases/ 文書 文书 T - 1354 wén shū f /document/official correspondence/secretary/secretariat/ 文書處理 文书处理 T - 3 wén shū chǔ lǐ f /word processing/ 文本 - 352 wén běn f /version/text/ 文本編輯器 文本编辑器 T - 0 wén běn biān jí qì f /text editor/ 文本编辑器 文本編輯器 S - 0 wén běn biān jí qì f /text editor/ 文档 文檔 S - 181 wén dàng f /(computer) file/ 文档对象模型 文檔對象模型 S - 0 Wén dàng Duì xiàng Mó xíng f /Document Object Model (DOM)/ 文檔 文档 T - 181 wén dàng f /(computer) file/ 文檔對象模型 文档对象模型 T - 0 Wén dàng Duì xiàng Mó xíng f /Document Object Model (DOM)/ 文武 - 1525 wén wǔ f /civil and military/ 文武双全 文武雙全 S - 57 wén wǔ shuāng quán f /well versed in letters and military technology (idiom); fine scholar and soldier/master of pen and sword/ 文武合一 - 3 wén wǔ hé yī f /civilians and the military (working) hand in hand (idiom)/ 文武百官 - 747 wén wǔ bǎi guān f /civil and military officials/ 文武雙全 文武双全 T - 57 wén wǔ shuāng quán f /well versed in letters and military technology (idiom); fine scholar and soldier/master of pen and sword/ 文殊 - 52 Wén shū f /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness/ 文殊师利菩萨 文殊師利菩薩 S - 0 Wén shū shī lì Pú sà f /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness/ 文殊師利菩薩 文殊师利菩萨 T - 0 Wén shū shī lì Pú sà f /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness/ 文殊菩萨 文殊菩薩 S - 0 Wén shū Pú sà f /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness/ 文殊菩薩 文殊菩萨 T - 0 Wén shū Pú sà f /Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness/ 文气 文氣 S - 3 wén qì f /the impact of a piece of writing on the reader/gentle/refined/ 文氣 文气 T - 3 wén qì f /the impact of a piece of writing on the reader/gentle/refined/ 文水 - 17 Wén shuǐ f /Wenshui county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 文水县 文水縣 S - 10 Wén shuǐ xiàn f /Wenshui county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 文水縣 文水县 T - 10 Wén shuǐ xiàn f /Wenshui county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 文汇报 文彙報 S - 95 Wén huì Bào f /Wen Wei Po (Hong Kong newspaper)/Wenhui News (Shanghai newspaper)/ 文江学海 文江學海 S - 3 wén jiāng xué hǎi f /river of literacy, sea of learning (idiom); ars longa, vita brevis/ 文江學海 文江学海 T - 3 wén jiāng xué hǎi f /river of literacy, sea of learning (idiom); ars longa, vita brevis/ 文治武功 - 12 wén zhì wǔ gōng f /political and military achievements (idiom)/ 文法 - 90 wén fǎ f /grammar/ 文火 - 33 wén huǒ f /small flame (when cooking, simmering etc)/ 文牍 文牘 S - 38 wén dú f /paperwork/official documents and letters/(old) secretary/ 文牍主义 文牘主義 S - 2 wén dú zhǔ yì f /red tape/ 文牒 - 10 wén dié f /official document/ 文牘 文牍 T - 38 wén dú f /paperwork/official documents and letters/(old) secretary/ 文牘主義 文牍主义 T - 2 wén dú zhǔ yì f /red tape/ 文物 4014 4746 wén wù f /cultural relic/historical relic/CL:件[jian4],個|个[ge4]/ 文物径 文物徑 S - 0 wén wù jìng f /heritage trail/ 文物徑 文物径 T - 0 wén wù jìng f /heritage trail/ 文献 文獻 S 4535 1701 wén xiàn f /document/ 文献学 文獻學 S - 48 wén xiàn xué f /Philology/Historical Linguistics/ 文獻 文献 T 4535 1701 wén xiàn f /document/ 文獻學 文献学 T - 48 wén xiàn xué f /Philology/Historical Linguistics/ 文理 - 108 wén lǐ f /arts and sciences/ 文登 - 19 Wén dēng f /Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong/ 文登市 - 5 Wén dēng shì f /Wendeng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong/ 文盲 - 203 wén máng f /illiterate/ 文石 - 10 wén shí f /aragonite (geology)/ 文种 文種 S - 64 Wén Zhǒng f /Wen Zhong (-467 BC), adviser to the state of Yue during Spring and Autumn period/ 文科 - 533 wén kē f /liberal arts/humanities/ 文科学士 文科學士 S - 0 wén kē xué shì f /Bachelor of Arts B.A./ 文科學士 文科学士 T - 0 wén kē xué shì f /Bachelor of Arts B.A./ 文秘 - 102 wén mì f /secretary/ 文種 文种 T - 64 Wén Zhǒng f /Wen Zhong (-467 BC), adviser to the state of Yue during Spring and Autumn period/ 文稿 - 115 wén gǎo f /manuscript/article (in newspaper)/draft/ 文章 963 6728 wén zhāng f /article/essay/literary works/writings/hidden meaning/CL:篇[pian1],段[duan4],頁|页[ye4]/ 文童 - 3 wén tóng f /a person studying for the imperial examinations/ 文竹 - 3 wén zhú f /setose asparagus/ 文笔 文筆 S - 154 wén bǐ f /writings/writing style/ 文筆 文笔 T - 154 wén bǐ f /writings/writing style/ 文約 文约 T - 0 wén yuē f /contract/written agreement/ 文縐縐 文绉绉 T - 49 wén zhōu zhōu f /bookish/genteel/erudite/ 文縣 文县 T - 26 Wén xiàn f /Wen county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu/ 文约 文約 S - 0 wén yuē f /contract/written agreement/ 文绉绉 文縐縐 S - 49 wén zhōu zhōu f /bookish/genteel/erudite/ 文职 文職 S - 286 wén zhí f /civilian post (as opposed to military)/civil service/administration/ 文联 文聯 S - 214 Wén lián f /abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)/ 文聖區 文圣区 T - 2 Wén shèng qū f /Wensheng district of Liaoyang city 遼陽市|辽阳市[Liao2 yang2 shi4], Liaoning/ 文聯 文联 T - 214 Wén lián f /abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)/ 文職 文职 T - 286 wén zhí f /civilian post (as opposed to military)/civil service/administration/ 文胸 - 61 wén xiōng f /bra/ 文臣 - 248 wén chén f /civilian court official (in former times)/ 文艺 文藝 S 4712 2892 wén yì f /literature and art/ 文艺作品 文藝作品 S - 3 wén yì zuò pǐn f /literary work/art work/ 文艺兵 文藝兵 S - 4 wén yì bīng f /PLA military personnel who specialize in literary or artistic pursuits/ 文艺复兴 文藝復興 S - 404 Wén yì fù xīng f /the Renaissance/ 文艺演出 文藝演出 S - 3 wén yì yǎn chū f /theatrical performance/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 文苑 - 71 wén yuàn f /the literary world/ 文苑英华 文苑英華 S - 0 Wén yuàn Yīng huá f /Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Literature, Song dynasty collection of poetry, odes, songs and writings compiled during 982-986 under Li Fang 李昉[Li3 Fang3], Xu Xuan 徐鉉|徐铉[Xu2 Xuan4], Song Bai 宋白[Song4 Bai2] and Su Yijian 蘇易簡|苏易简[Su1 Yi4 jian3], 1000 scrolls/ 文苑英華 文苑英华 T - 0 Wén yuàn Yīng huá f /Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Literature, Song dynasty collection of poetry, odes, songs and writings compiled during 982-986 under Li Fang 李昉[Li3 Fang3], Xu Xuan 徐鉉|徐铉[Xu2 Xuan4], Song Bai 宋白[Song4 Bai2] and Su Yijian 蘇易簡|苏易简[Su1 Yi4 jian3], 1000 scrolls/ 文莱 文萊 S - 99 Wén lái f /Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo/ 文莱达鲁萨兰国 文萊達魯薩蘭國 S - 5 Wén lái Dá lǔ sà lán guó f /Brunei Darussalam/ 文萊 文莱 T - 99 Wén lái f /Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo/ 文萊達魯薩蘭國 文莱达鲁萨兰国 T - 5 Wén lái Dá lǔ sà lán guó f /Brunei Darussalam/ 文藝 文艺 T 4712 2892 wén yì f /literature and art/ 文藝作品 文艺作品 T - 3 wén yì zuò pǐn f /literary work/art work/ 文藝兵 文艺兵 T - 4 wén yì bīng f /PLA military personnel who specialize in literary or artistic pursuits/ 文藝復興 文艺复兴 T - 404 Wén yì fù xīng f /the Renaissance/ 文藝演出 文艺演出 T - 3 wén yì yǎn chū f /theatrical performance/CL:場|场[chang3]/ 文蛤 - 26 wén gé f /clam/bivalve mollusc, many spp./ 文言 - 139 wén yán f /classical Chinese/ 文言文 - 97 wén yán wén f /classical Chinese/ 文謅謅 文诌诌 T - 0 wén zhōu zhōu f /bookish/genteel/erudite/ 文讀 文读 T - 0 wén dú f /literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese character/ 文诌诌 文謅謅 S - 0 wén zhōu zhōu f /bookish/genteel/erudite/ 文读 文讀 S - 0 wén dú f /literary (rather than colloquial) pronunciation of a Chinese character/ 文豪 - 31 wén háo f /literary giant/great writer/eminent writer/ 文責自負 文责自负 T - 592 wén zé zì fù f /the author takes sole responsibility for the views expressed here (disclaimer)/ 文質彬彬 文质彬彬 T - 46 wén zhì bīn bīn f /refined in manner/gentle/ 文责自负 文責自負 S - 592 wén zé zì fù f /the author takes sole responsibility for the views expressed here (disclaimer)/ 文质彬彬 文質彬彬 S - 46 wén zhì bīn bīn f /refined in manner/gentle/ 文身 - 92 wén shēn f /to tattoo/ 文辞 文辭 S - 76 wén cí f /language/words/ 文辭 文辞 T - 76 wén cí f /language/words/ 文过饰非 文過飾非 S - 12 wén guò shì fēi f /to cover up one's faults (idiom)/to whitewash/ 文选 文選 S - 259 wén xuǎn f /compilation/selected works/ 文過飾非 文过饰非 T - 12 wén guò shì fēi f /to cover up one's faults (idiom)/to whitewash/ 文選 文选 T - 259 wén xuǎn f /compilation/selected works/ 文部 - 11 Wén bù f /Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county 尼瑪縣|尼玛县[Ni2 ma3 xian4], Nagchu prefecture, central Tibet/Tang dynasty equivalent of 吏部, personnel office/ 文部乡 文部鄉 S - 0 Wén bù xiāng f /Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county 尼瑪縣|尼玛县[Ni2 ma3 xian4], Nagchu prefecture, central Tibet/ 文部省 - 9 Wén bù shěng f /Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Japan), ceased to exist in 2001 when it was merged with another ministry/ 文部鄉 文部乡 T - 0 Wén bù xiāng f /Wenbu or Ombu village in Nyima county 尼瑪縣|尼玛县[Ni2 ma3 xian4], Nagchu prefecture, central Tibet/ 文采 - 102 wén cǎi f /literary talent/literary grace/rich and bright colors/ 文錦渡 文锦渡 T - 6 Wén Jǐn Dù f /Man Kam To (place in Hong Kong)/ 文锦渡 文錦渡 S - 6 Wén Jǐn Dù f /Man Kam To (place in Hong Kong)/ 文雅 4284 145 wén yǎ f /elegant/refined/ 文集 - 830 wén jí f /collected works/ 文静 文靜 S - 74 wén jìng f /(of a person's manner or character) gentle and quiet/ 文靜 文静 T - 74 wén jìng f /(of a person's manner or character) gentle and quiet/ 文面 - 0 wén miàn f /to tattoo the face/face tattoo/to brand (ancient punishment)/ 文革 - 703 Wén gé f /Cultural Revolution (1966-76)/abbr. for 文化大革命[Wen2 hua4 Da4 ge2 ming4]/ 文须雀 文鬚雀 S - 0 wén xū què f /(bird species of China) bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus)/ 文風 文风 T - 142 wén fēng f /writing style/ 文風不動 文风不动 T - 2 wén fēng bù dòng f /absolutely still/fig. not the slightest change/also written 紋風不動|纹风不动/ 文风 文風 S - 142 wén fēng f /writing style/ 文风不动 文風不動 S - 2 wén fēng bù dòng f /absolutely still/fig. not the slightest change/also written 紋風不動|纹风不动/ 文飾 文饰 T - 15 wén shì f /to polish a text/rhetoric/ornate language/to use florid language to conceal errors/to gloss over/ 文饰 文飾 S - 15 wén shì f /to polish a text/rhetoric/ornate language/to use florid language to conceal errors/to gloss over/ 文體 文体 T - 431 wén tǐ f /genre of writing/literary form/style/literary recreation and sporting activities/ 文鬚雀 文须雀 T - 0 wén xū què f /(bird species of China) bearded reedling (Panurus biarmicus)/ 斈 - 0 xué f /variant of 學|学[xue2]/ 斉 - 0 qí f /old variant of 齊|齐[qi2]/ 斋 亝 S - 1341 zhāi f /old variant of 齋|斋[zhai1]/ 斋 齋 S - 1341 zhāi f /to fast or abstain from meat, wine etc/vegetarian diet/study room/building/to give alms (to a monk)/ 斋堂 齋堂 S - 12 zhāi táng f /dining hall in a Buddhist temple/ 斋戒 齋戒 S - 207 zhāi jiè f /to fast/ 斋教 齋教 S - 3 Zhāi jiào f /Zhaijiao sect of Buddhism/ 斋月 齋月 S - 27 Zhāi yuè f /Ramadan (Islam)/ 斋期 齋期 S - 2 zhāi qī f /fasting days/a fast/ 斋果 齋果 S - 3 zhāi guǒ f /(religious) offerings/ 斋祭 齋祭 S - 0 zhāi jì f /to offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc/ 斋藤 齋藤 S - 12 Zhāi téng f /Saitō (Japanese surname)/ 斋饭 齋飯 S - 48 zhāi fàn f /food given to Buddhist monks as alms/ 斌 - 585 bīn f /variant of 彬[bin1]/ 斎 - 0 zhāi f /Japanese variant of 齋|斋[zhai1]/ 斐 - 377 Fěi f /surname Fei/ 斐 - 377 fěi f /phonetic fei or fi/elegant/phi (Greek letter Φ, φ)/ 斐波那契 - 0 Fěi bō nà qì f /Leonardo Fibonacci (c. 1170-1250), Italian mathematician/ 斐济 斐濟 S - 161 Fěi jì f /Fiji (tropical volcanic island in southwest Pacific)/ 斐济岛 斐濟島 S - 0 Fěi jì Dǎo f /Fiji/ 斐濟 斐济 T - 161 Fěi jì f /Fiji (tropical volcanic island in southwest Pacific)/ 斐濟島 斐济岛 T - 0 Fěi jì Dǎo f /Fiji/ 斐然 - 64 fěi rán f /(literary) remarkable/brilliant/ 斐理伯 - 0 Fěi lǐ bó f /Philip/ 斐理伯书 斐理伯書 S - 0 Fěi lǐ bó shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Philipians/ 斐理伯書 斐理伯书 T - 0 Fěi lǐ bó shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Philipians/ 斐迪南 - 0 Fěi dí nán f /Ferdinand (name)/ 斑 3729 1027 bān f /spot/colored patch/stripe/spotted/striped/variegated/ 斑剝 斑剥 T - 0 bān bō f /mottled and peeling off in places/ 斑剥 斑剝 S - 0 bān bō f /mottled and peeling off in places/ 斑喉希鶥 斑喉希鹛 T - 0 bān hóu xī méi f /(bird species of China) bar-throated minla (Minla strigula)/ 斑喉希鹛 斑喉希鶥 S - 0 bān hóu xī méi f /(bird species of China) bar-throated minla (Minla strigula)/ 斑嘴鴨 斑嘴鸭 T - 2 bān zuǐ yā f /(bird species of China) eastern spot-billed duck (Anas zonorhyncha)/ 斑嘴鵜鶘 斑嘴鹈鹕 T - 0 bān zuǐ tí hú f /(bird species of China) spot-billed pelican (Pelecanus philippensis)/ 斑嘴鸭 斑嘴鴨 S - 2 bān zuǐ yā f /(bird species of China) eastern spot-billed duck (Anas zonorhyncha)/ 斑嘴鹈鹕 斑嘴鵜鶘 S - 0 bān zuǐ tí hú f /(bird species of China) spot-billed pelican (Pelecanus philippensis)/ 斑块 斑塊 S - 56 bān kuài f /patch/spot/(medicine) plaque/ 斑塊 斑块 T - 56 bān kuài f /patch/spot/(medicine) plaque/ 斑头大翠鸟 斑頭大翠鳥 S - 0 bān tóu dà cuì niǎo f /(bird species of China) Blyth's kingfisher (Alcedo hercules)/ 斑头绿拟啄木鸟 斑頭綠擬啄木鳥 S - 0 bān tóu lǜ nǐ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) lineated barbet (Megalaima lineata)/ 斑头雁 斑頭雁 S - 22 bān tóu yàn f /(bird species of China) bar-headed goose (Anser indicus)/ 斑头鸺鹠 斑頭鵂鶹 S - 0 bān tóu xiū liú f /(bird species of China) Asian barred owlet (Glaucidium cuculoides)/ 斑姬啄木鳥 斑姬啄木鸟 T - 0 bān jī zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) speckled piculet (Picumnus innominatus)/ 斑姬啄木鸟 斑姬啄木鳥 S - 0 bān jī zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) speckled piculet (Picumnus innominatus)/ 斑姬鶲 斑姬鹟 T - 0 bān jī wēng f /(bird species of China) European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)/ 斑姬鹟 斑姬鶲 S - 0 bān jī wēng f /(bird species of China) European pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca)/ 斑尾塍鷸 斑尾塍鹬 T - 0 bān wěi chéng yù f /(bird species of China) bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica)/ 斑尾塍鹬 斑尾塍鷸 S - 0 bān wěi chéng yù f /(bird species of China) bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica)/ 斑尾林鴿 斑尾林鸽 T - 0 bān wěi lín gē f /(bird species of China) common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus)/ 斑尾林鸽 斑尾林鴿 S - 0 bān wěi lín gē f /(bird species of China) common wood pigeon (Columba palumbus)/ 斑尾榛雞 斑尾榛鸡 T - 0 bān wěi zhēn jī f /(bird species of China) Chinese grouse (Tetrastes sewerzowi)/ 斑尾榛鸡 斑尾榛雞 S - 0 bān wěi zhēn jī f /(bird species of China) Chinese grouse (Tetrastes sewerzowi)/ 斑尾鵑鳩 斑尾鹃鸠 T - 0 bān wěi juān jiū f /(bird species of China) barred cuckoo-dove (Macropygia unchall)/ 斑尾鹃鸠 斑尾鵑鳩 S - 0 bān wěi juān jiū f /(bird species of China) barred cuckoo-dove (Macropygia unchall)/ 斑岩 - 48 bān yán f /porphyry (geology)/ 斑文鳥 斑文鸟 T - 0 bān wén niǎo f /(bird species of China) scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata)/ 斑文鸟 斑文鳥 S - 0 bān wén niǎo f /(bird species of China) scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata)/ 斑斑 - 283 bān bān f /full of stains or spots/ 斑斓 斑斕 S - 126 bān lán f /gorgeous/brightly colored/multi-colored/ 斑斕 斑斓 T - 126 bān lán f /gorgeous/brightly colored/multi-colored/ 斑椋鳥 斑椋鸟 T - 0 bān liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) pied myna (Gracupica contra)/ 斑椋鸟 斑椋鳥 S - 0 bān liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) pied myna (Gracupica contra)/ 斑海豹 - 2 bān hǎi bào f /spotted seal (Phoca largha)/ 斑海雀 - 0 bān hǎi què f /(bird species of China) long-billed murrelet (Brachyramphus perdix)/ 斑点 斑點 S - 211 bān diǎn f /spot/stain/speckle/ 斑点狗 斑點狗 S - 3 bān diǎn gǒu f /Dalmatian (dog breed)/ 斑疹伤寒 斑疹傷寒 S - 3 bān zhěn shāng hán f /typhus/ 斑疹傷寒 斑疹伤寒 T - 3 bān zhěn shāng hán f /typhus/ 斑疹热 斑疹熱 S - 0 bān zhěn rè f /spotted fever/ 斑疹熱 斑疹热 T - 0 bān zhěn rè f /spotted fever/ 斑白 - 52 bān bái f /grizzled/graying/ 斑竹 - 285 bān zhú f /mottled bamboo/ 斑紋 斑纹 T - 168 bān wén f /stripe/streak/ 斑纹 斑紋 S - 168 bān wén f /stripe/streak/ 斑羚 - 9 bān líng f /Nemorhaedus goral, a species of antelope found in Xinjiang/ 斑翅凤头鹃 斑翅鳳頭鵑 S - 0 bān chì fèng tóu juān f /(bird species of China) pied cuckoo (Clamator jacobinus)/ 斑翅山鶉 斑翅山鹑 T - 0 bān chì shān chún f /(bird species of China) Daurian partridge (Perdix dauurica)/ 斑翅山鹑 斑翅山鶉 S - 0 bān chì shān chún f /(bird species of China) Daurian partridge (Perdix dauurica)/ 斑翅拟蜡嘴雀 斑翅擬蠟嘴雀 S - 0 bān chì nǐ là zuǐ què f /(bird species of China) spot-winged grosbeak (Mycerobas melanozanthos)/ 斑翅擬蠟嘴雀 斑翅拟蜡嘴雀 T - 0 bān chì nǐ là zuǐ què f /(bird species of China) spot-winged grosbeak (Mycerobas melanozanthos)/ 斑翅朱雀 - 0 bān chì zhū què f /(bird species of China) three-banded rosefinch (Carpodacus trifasciatus)/ 斑翅椋鳥 斑翅椋鸟 T - 0 bān chì liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) spot-winged starling (Saroglossa spiloptera)/ 斑翅椋鸟 斑翅椋鳥 S - 0 bān chì liáng niǎo f /(bird species of China) spot-winged starling (Saroglossa spiloptera)/ 斑翅鳳頭鵑 斑翅凤头鹃 T - 0 bān chì fèng tóu juān f /(bird species of China) pied cuckoo (Clamator jacobinus)/ 斑翅鷯鶥 斑翅鹩鹛 T - 0 bān chì liáo méi f /(bird species of China) bar-winged wren-babbler (Spelaeornis troglodytoides)/ 斑翅鹩鹛 斑翅鷯鶥 S - 0 bān chì liáo méi f /(bird species of China) bar-winged wren-babbler (Spelaeornis troglodytoides)/ 斑胁姬鹛 斑脅姬鶥 S - 0 bān xié jī méi f /(bird species of China) Himalayan cutia (Cutia nipalensis)/ 斑胁田鸡 斑脅田雞 S - 0 bān xié tián jī f /(bird species of China) band-bellied crake (Porzana paykullii)/ 斑背噪鶥 斑背噪鹛 T - 0 bān bèi zào méi f /(bird species of China) barred laughingthrush (Garrulax lunulatus)/ 斑背噪鹛 斑背噪鶥 S - 0 bān bèi zào méi f /(bird species of China) barred laughingthrush (Garrulax lunulatus)/ 斑背大尾莺 斑背大尾鶯 S - 0 bān bèi dà wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) marsh grassbird (Locustella pryeri)/ 斑背大尾鶯 斑背大尾莺 T - 0 bān bèi dà wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) marsh grassbird (Locustella pryeri)/ 斑背潛鴨 斑背潜鸭 T - 0 bān bèi qián yā f /(bird species of China) greater scaup (Aythya marila)/ 斑背潜鸭 斑背潛鴨 S - 0 bān bèi qián yā f /(bird species of China) greater scaup (Aythya marila)/ 斑背燕尾 - 0 bān bèi yàn wěi f /(bird species of China) spotted forktail (Enicurus maculatus)/ 斑胸噪鶥 斑胸噪鹛 T - 0 bān xiōng zào méi f /(bird species of China) spot-breasted laughingthrush (Garrulax merulinus)/ 斑胸噪鹛 斑胸噪鶥 S - 0 bān xiōng zào méi f /(bird species of China) spot-breasted laughingthrush (Garrulax merulinus)/ 斑胸滨鹬 斑胸濱鷸 S - 0 bān xiōng bīn yù f /(bird species of China) pectoral sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)/ 斑胸濱鷸 斑胸滨鹬 T - 0 bān xiōng bīn yù f /(bird species of China) pectoral sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)/ 斑胸田雞 斑胸田鸡 T - 0 bān xiōng tián jī f /(bird species of China) spotted crake (Porzana porzana)/ 斑胸田鸡 斑胸田雞 S - 0 bān xiōng tián jī f /(bird species of China) spotted crake (Porzana porzana)/ 斑胸短翅莺 斑胸短翅鶯 S - 0 bān xiōng duǎn chì yīng f /(bird species of China) spotted bush warbler (Locustella thoracica)/ 斑胸短翅鶯 斑胸短翅莺 T - 0 bān xiōng duǎn chì yīng f /(bird species of China) spotted bush warbler (Locustella thoracica)/ 斑胸鉤嘴鶥 斑胸钩嘴鹛 T - 0 bān xiōng gōu zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) black-streaked scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus gravivox)/ 斑胸钩嘴鹛 斑胸鉤嘴鶥 S - 0 bān xiōng gōu zuǐ méi f /(bird species of China) black-streaked scimitar babbler (Pomatorhinus gravivox)/ 斑脅姬鶥 斑胁姬鹛 T - 0 bān xié jī méi f /(bird species of China) Himalayan cutia (Cutia nipalensis)/ 斑脅田雞 斑胁田鸡 T - 0 bān xié tián jī f /(bird species of China) band-bellied crake (Porzana paykullii)/ 斑脸海番鸭 斑臉海番鴨 S - 0 bān liǎn hǎi fān yā f /(bird species of China) white-winged scoter (Melanitta deglandi)/ 斑腰燕 - 0 bān yāo yàn f /(bird species of China) striated swallow (Cecropis striolata)/ 斑臉海番鴨 斑脸海番鸭 T - 0 bān liǎn hǎi fān yā f /(bird species of China) white-winged scoter (Melanitta deglandi)/ 斑讕 斑谰 T - 0 bān lán f /brightly colored/gorgeous/multi-colored/ 斑谰 斑讕 S - 0 bān lán f /brightly colored/gorgeous/multi-colored/ 斑頭大翠鳥 斑头大翠鸟 T - 0 bān tóu dà cuì niǎo f /(bird species of China) Blyth's kingfisher (Alcedo hercules)/ 斑頭綠擬啄木鳥 斑头绿拟啄木鸟 T - 0 bān tóu lǜ nǐ zhuó mù niǎo f /(bird species of China) lineated barbet (Megalaima lineata)/ 斑頭雁 斑头雁 T - 22 bān tóu yàn f /(bird species of China) bar-headed goose (Anser indicus)/ 斑頭鵂鶹 斑头鸺鹠 T - 0 bān tóu xiū liú f /(bird species of China) Asian barred owlet (Glaucidium cuculoides)/ 斑頸穗鶥 斑颈穗鹛 T - 0 bān jǐng suì méi f /(bird species of China) spot-necked babbler (Stachyris strialata)/ 斑颈穗鹛 斑頸穗鶥 S - 0 bān jǐng suì méi f /(bird species of China) spot-necked babbler (Stachyris strialata)/ 斑馬 斑马 T - 70 bān mǎ f /zebra/CL:匹[pi3]/ 斑馬線 斑马线 T - 2 bān mǎ xiàn f /crosswalk/zebra crossing/ 斑馬魚 斑马鱼 T - 2 bān mǎ yú f /zebrafish/ 斑駁 斑驳 T - 76 bān bó f /mottled/motley/ 斑駮陸離 斑驳陆离 T - 4 bān bó lù lí f /variegated/ 斑马 斑馬 S - 70 bān mǎ f /zebra/CL:匹[pi3]/ 斑马线 斑馬線 S - 2 bān mǎ xiàn f /crosswalk/zebra crossing/ 斑马鱼 斑馬魚 S - 2 bān mǎ yú f /zebrafish/ 斑驳 斑駁 S - 76 bān bó f /mottled/motley/ 斑驳陆离 斑駮陸離 S - 4 bān bó lù lí f /variegated/ 斑魚狗 斑鱼狗 T - 0 bān yú gǒu f /(bird species of China) pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)/ 斑鱉 斑鳖 T - 0 bān biē f /Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei), a critically endangered species/ 斑鱧 斑鳢 T - 0 bān lǐ f /snakehead mullet/Channa maculata/ 斑鱼狗 斑魚狗 S - 0 bān yú gǒu f /(bird species of China) pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)/ 斑鳖 斑鱉 S - 0 bān biē f /Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle (Rafetus swinhoei), a critically endangered species/ 斑鳢 斑鱧 S - 0 bān lǐ f /snakehead mullet/Channa maculata/ 斑鳩 斑鸠 T - 90 bān jiū f /turtledove/ 斑鶇 斑鸫 T - 0 bān dōng f /(bird species of China) dusky thrush (Turdus eunomus)/ 斑鶲 斑鹟 T - 0 bān wēng f /(bird species of China) spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)/ 斑鷺 斑鹭 T - 0 bān lù f /(bird species of China) pied heron (Egretta picata)/ 斑鸠 斑鳩 S - 90 bān jiū f /turtledove/ 斑鸫 斑鶇 S - 0 bān dōng f /(bird species of China) dusky thrush (Turdus eunomus)/ 斑鹟 斑鶲 S - 0 bān wēng f /(bird species of China) spotted flycatcher (Muscicapa striata)/ 斑鹭 斑鷺 S - 0 bān lù f /(bird species of China) pied heron (Egretta picata)/ 斑點 斑点 T - 211 bān diǎn f /spot/stain/speckle/ 斑點狗 斑点狗 T - 3 bān diǎn gǒu f /Dalmatian (dog breed)/ 斒 - 0 bān f /variegated/striped/marbled/ 斓 斕 S - 227 lán f /see 斑斕|斑斓[ban1 lan2]/ 斔 - 0 yǔ f /old variant of 斞[yu3]/ 斕 斓 T - 227 lán f /see 斑斕|斑斓[ban1 lan2]/ 斗 - 6215 Dǒu f /abbr. for the Big Dipper constellation 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xing1]/ 斗 - 6215 dǒu f /dry measure for grain equal to ten 升[sheng1] or one-tenth of a 石[dan4]/decaliter/peck/cup or dipper shaped object/old variant of 陡[dou3]/ 斗 鬥 S - 6215 dòu t /to fight/to struggle/to condemn/to censure/to contend/to put together/coming together/ 斗 鬦 S - 6215 dòu t /variant of 鬭|斗[dou4]/ 斗 鬪 S - 6215 dòu t /variant of 鬥|斗[dou4]/ 斗 鬭 S - 6215 dòu t /variant of 鬥|斗[dou4]/ 斗争 鬥爭 S 2887 9529 dòu zhēng f /a struggle/fight/battle/ 斗争性 鬥爭性 S - 19 dòu zhēng xìng f /assertiveness/combative nature/ 斗六 - 7 Dǒu liù f /Douliu or Touliu city in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 斗六市 - 3 Dǒu liù shì f /Douliu or Touliu city in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 斗南 - 9 Dǒu nán f /Dounan or Tounan town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 斗南鎮 斗南镇 T - 0 Dǒu nán zhèn f /Dounan or Tounan town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 斗南镇 斗南鎮 S - 0 Dǒu nán zhèn f /Dounan or Tounan town in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 斗口齿 鬥口齒 S - 0 dòu kǒu chǐ f /to quarrel/to bicker/glib repartee/ 斗嘴 鬥嘴 S - 37 dòu zuǐ f /to quarrel/to bicker/glib repartee/ 斗地主 鬥地主 S - 3 Dòu Dì zhǔ f /"Fight the Landlord" (card game)/ 斗士 鬥士 S - 67 dòu shì f /warrior/activist/ 斗大 - 0 dǒu dà f /huge/ 斗志 鬥志 S - 365 dòu zhì f /will to fight/fighting spirit/ 斗志昂扬 鬥志昂揚 S - 28 dòu zhì áng yáng f /having high fighting spirit/ 斗批改 鬥批改 S - 3 dòu pī gǎi f /struggle, criticize, and transform (Cultural Revolution catchcry)/ 斗拱 - 398 dǒu gǒng f /interlocking wooden brackets between the top of a column and crossbeams used in traditional Chinese architecture/ 斗拳 鬥拳 S - 0 dòu quán f /boxing/ 斗智 鬥智 S - 71 dòu zhì f /battle of wits/ 斗柄 - 41 dǒu bǐng f /handle of the Big Dipper/ 斗殴 鬥毆 S - 132 dòu ōu f /to fight/to brawl/a scuffle/a punch-up/ 斗气 鬥氣 S - 45 dòu qì f /to have a grudge against/ 斗牛 - 121 Dǒu Niú f /Big Dipper and Altair (astronomy)/ 斗牛 鬥牛 S - 121 dòu niú t /bullfighting/ 斗牛㹴 鬥牛㹴 S - 0 dòu niú gěng f /variant of 鬥牛梗|斗牛梗[dou4 niu2 geng3]/ 斗牛士 鬥牛士 S - 19 dòu niú shì f /matador/toreador/bullfighter/ 斗牛士之歌 鬥牛士之歌 S - 0 Dòu niú shì zhī gē f /Toreador Song (Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre), famous aria from opera Carmen 卡門|卡门 by Georges Bizet/ 斗牛梗 鬥牛梗 S - 0 dòu niú gěng f /bull terrier/ 斗眼 鬥眼 S - 16 dòu yǎn f /see 鬥雞眼|斗鸡眼[dou4 ji1 yan3]/ 斗笠 - 83 dǒu lì f /conical bamboo hat/ 斗筲 - 0 dǒu shāo f /an ancient bamboo container/narrow-mindedness/ 斗筲之人 - 3 dǒu shāo zhī rén f /a small-minded person/a bean-counter/ 斗筲之器 - 3 dǒu shāo zhī qì f /person narrow-minded and shortsighted/ 斗筲之材 - 3 dǒu shāo zhī cái f /person of limited capacity/ 斗篷 - 175 dǒu peng f /cloak/mantle/ 斗胆 斗膽 S - 106 dǒu dǎn f /(courteous) to be so bold as to/ 斗膽 斗胆 T - 106 dǒu dǎn f /(courteous) to be so bold as to/ 斗舰 鬥艦 S - 0 dòu jiàn f /fighting ship/ 斗趣儿 鬥趣兒 S - 0 dòu qù r f /variant of 逗趣兒|逗趣儿[dou4 qu4 r5]/ 斗車 斗车 T - 6 dǒu chē f /hopper car/wheelbarrow/ 斗轉星移 斗转星移 T - 38 Dǒu zhuǎn xīng yí f /lit. the Big Dipper 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xing1] has turned and the stars have moved/time flies/also written 星移斗轉|星移斗转[xing1 yi2 Dou3 zhuan3]/ 斗车 斗車 S - 6 dǒu chē f /hopper car/wheelbarrow/ 斗转星移 斗轉星移 S - 38 Dǒu zhuǎn xīng yí f /lit. the Big Dipper 北斗星[Bei3 dou3 xing1] has turned and the stars have moved/time flies/also written 星移斗轉|星移斗转[xing1 yi2 Dou3 zhuan3]/ 斗酒只鸡 斗酒隻雞 S - 3 dǒu jiǔ zhī jī f /lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests/ 斗酒隻雞 斗酒只鸡 T - 3 dǒu jiǔ zhī jī f /lit. a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests/ 斗門 斗门 T - 17 Dǒu mén f /Doumen district of Zhuhai city 珠海市[Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guangdong/ 斗門區 斗门区 T - 3 Dǒu mén qū f /Doumen district of Zhuhai city 珠海市[Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guangdong/ 斗门 斗門 S - 17 Dǒu mén f /Doumen district of Zhuhai city 珠海市[Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guangdong/ 斗门区 斗門區 S - 3 Dǒu mén qū f /Doumen district of Zhuhai city 珠海市[Zhu1 hai3 shi4], Guangdong/ 斗鸡 鬥雞 S - 64 dòu jī f /cock fighting/ 斗鸡眼 鬥雞眼 S - 3 dòu jī yǎn f /cross-eye/ 斗鸡走马 鬥雞走馬 S - 3 dòu jī zǒu mǎ f /cock-fighting and horse-racing (idiom); to gamble/ 料 - 2747 liào f /material/stuff/grain/feed/to expect/to anticipate/to guess/ 料事如神 - 80 liào shì rú shén f /to prophesy with supernatural accuracy (idiom)/to have an incredible foresight/ 料仓 料倉 S - 2 liào cāng f /granary/storehouse/ 料件 - 2 liào jiàn f /materials and parts/components/ 料件子 - 0 liào jiàn zi f /see 料件子活[liao4 jian4 zi5 huo2]/ 料件子活 - 0 liào jiàn zi huó f /piecework/ 料倉 料仓 T - 2 liào cāng f /granary/storehouse/ 料到 - 1018 liào dào f /to foresee/to anticipate/ 料及 - 15 liào jí f /to anticipate/forecast/expectation/anticipation/ 料号 料號 S - 0 liào hào f /part number/material code/ 料器 - 10 liào qì f /glassware/colored glass household vessel/ 料堆 - 0 liào duī f /to stockpile/ 料头 料頭 S - 0 liào tóu f /remainder of cloth/scraps/ 料头儿 料頭兒 S - 0 liào tóu r f /erhua variant of 料頭|料头[liao4 tou2]/ 料子 - 51 liào zi f /material/ 料定 - 3 liào dìng f /certain/to know for sure/ 料峭 - 9 liào qiào f /spring chill in the air/cold/ 料度 - 3 liào dù f /to reckon/to imagine/ 料想 - 837 liào xiǎng f /to expect/to presume/to think (sth is likely)/ 料持 - 0 liào chí f /to arrange/to manage/to attend to/to take care of/to look after (the cooking)/ 料斗 - 2 liào dǒu f /cattle feeder/hopper (wicker basket)/ 料理 - 569 liào lǐ f /to arrange/to handle/to cook/cuisine/art of cooking/ 料理店 - 3 liào lǐ diàn f /restaurant/ 料號 料号 T - 0 liào hào f /part number/material code/ 料豆儿 料豆兒 S - 3 liào dòu r f /cooked black soybean as animal fodder/ 料豆兒 料豆儿 T - 3 liào dòu r f /cooked black soybean as animal fodder/ 料酒 - 11 liào jiǔ f /cooking wine/ 料頭 料头 T - 0 liào tóu f /remainder of cloth/scraps/ 料頭兒 料头儿 T - 0 liào tóu r f /erhua variant of 料頭|料头[liao4 tou2]/ 斚 - 0 jiǎ f /variant of 斝[jia3]/ 斛 - 159 hú f /ancient measuring vessel/fifty liters/dry measure for grain equal to five dou 五斗 (before Tang, ten pecks)/ 斜 2353 2842 xié f /inclined/slanting/oblique/tilting/ 斜交 - 13 xié jiāo f /bevel/oblique/ 斜体 斜體 S - 3 xié tǐ f /italics/slanting typeface/ 斜体字 斜體字 S - 4 xié tǐ zì f /italic letter/slanting typeface/ 斜倚 - 64 xié yǐ f /to recline/ 斜切鋸 斜切锯 T - 0 xié qiē jù f /miter saw/ 斜切锯 斜切鋸 S - 0 xié qiē jù f /miter saw/ 斜坡 - 217 xié pō f /slope/incline/ 斜塔 - 38 xié tǎ f /leaning tower/ 斜对 斜對 S - 0 xié duì f /catty-corner/to be diagonally opposite to/ 斜射球 - 0 xié shè qiú f /a sliced ball (tennis or table tennis)/ 斜對 斜对 T - 0 xié duì f /catty-corner/to be diagonally opposite to/ 斜度 - 13 xié dù f /slope/gradient/inclination/ 斜径 斜徑 S - 0 xié jìng f /sloping path/ 斜徑 斜径 T - 0 xié jìng f /sloping path/ 斜愣眼 - 0 xié leng yǎn f /to squint/ 斜愣眼儿 斜愣眼兒 S - 0 xié leng yǎn r f /erhua variant of 斜愣眼[xie2 leng5 yan3]/ 斜愣眼兒 斜愣眼儿 T - 0 xié leng yǎn r f /erhua variant of 斜愣眼[xie2 leng5 yan3]/ 斜投影 - 3 xié tóu yǐng f /oblique projection/ 斜方型 - 0 xié fāng xíng f /trapezium (geometry)/ 斜方肌 - 0 xié fāng jī f /trapezius muscle (of the upper back and neck)/ 斜杠 斜槓 S - 2 xié gàng f /oblique bar/slash (computing)/ 斜槓 斜杠 T - 2 xié gàng f /oblique bar/slash (computing)/ 斜率 - 22 xié lǜ f /slope/ 斜眼 - 258 xié yǎn f /to look askance/cross or wall-eyed/ 斜眼看 - 0 xié yǎn kàn f /from the side of the eye/askance/ 斜睨 - 83 xié nì f /to cast sidelong glances at sb/ 斜管面 斜管麵 S - 0 xié guǎn miàn f /penne pasta/ 斜管麵 斜管面 T - 0 xié guǎn miàn f /penne pasta/ 斜紋織 斜纹织 T - 0 xié wén zhī f /twill weave/ 斜紋軟呢 斜纹软呢 T - 0 xié wén ruǎn ní f /tweed/ 斜線 斜线 T - 65 xié xiàn f /diagonal line/slanting line/slash (punct.)/forward slash (computing)/ 斜線號 斜线号 T - 3 xié xiàn hào f /slash (punct.)/forward slash (computing)/virgule/slanting line/oblique line/ 斜纹织 斜紋織 S - 0 xié wén zhī f /twill weave/ 斜纹软呢 斜紋軟呢 S - 0 xié wén ruǎn ní f /tweed/ 斜线 斜線 S - 65 xié xiàn f /diagonal line/slanting line/slash (punct.)/forward slash (computing)/ 斜线号 斜線號 S - 3 xié xiàn hào f /slash (punct.)/forward slash (computing)/virgule/slanting line/oblique line/ 斜肌 - 0 xié jī f /diagonal muscle/ 斜視 斜视 T - 54 xié shì f /a squint/sideways glance/to look askance/ 斜视 斜視 S - 54 xié shì f /a squint/sideways glance/to look askance/ 斜角 - 20 xié jiǎo f /bevel angle/oblique angle/ 斜躺 - 23 xié tǎng f /to recline/ 斜軸 斜轴 T - 3 xié zhóu f /oblique axes (math.)/ 斜轴 斜軸 S - 3 xié zhóu f /oblique axes (math.)/ 斜边 斜邊 S - 21 xié biān f /sloping side/hypotenuse (of a right-angled triangle)/ 斜邊 斜边 T - 21 xié biān f /sloping side/hypotenuse (of a right-angled triangle)/ 斜鉤 斜钩 T - 0 xié gōu f /(downwards-right concave hooked character stroke)/ 斜钩 斜鉤 S - 0 xié gōu f /(downwards-right concave hooked character stroke)/ 斜長石 斜长石 T - 57 xié cháng shí f /plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)/ 斜长石 斜長石 S - 57 xié cháng shí f /plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)/ 斜阳 斜陽 S - 71 xié yáng f /setting sun/ 斜陽 斜阳 T - 71 xié yáng f /setting sun/ 斜靠 - 42 xié kào f /to recline/ 斜面 - 131 xié miàn f /inclined plane/ 斜體 斜体 T - 3 xié tǐ f /italics/slanting typeface/ 斜體字 斜体字 T - 4 xié tǐ zì f /italic letter/slanting typeface/ 斝 - 18 jiǎ f /small jade cup with ears/ 斞 - 0 yǔ f /stack of grain/dry measure equivalent to 16 斗[dou3] or 160 liters/ 斟 - 598 zhēn f /to pour/to deliberate/ 斟酌 4745 352 zhēn zhuó f /to consider/to deliberate/to fill up a cup to the brim/ 斟酌决定权 斟酌決定權 S - 0 zhēn zhuó jué dìng quán f /discretionary power/ 斟酌字句 - 0 zhēn zhuó zì jù f /to measure one's words/ 斟酌決定權 斟酌决定权 T - 0 zhēn zhuó jué dìng quán f /discretionary power/ 斟酒 - 170 zhēn jiǔ f /to pour wine or liquor/ 斠 - 2 jiào f /(old) instrument to even out the grain in a measuring vessel/to proofread/to collate/ 斡 - 899 wò f /to turn/ 斡旋 - 118 wò xuán f /to mediate (a conflict etc)/ 斢 - 0 tǒu f /to plunder/ 斤 - 734 jīn f /catty/weight equal to 0.5 kg/(Tw) weight equal to 0.6 kg/ 斤两 斤兩 S - 43 jīn liǎng f /weight/(fig.) importance/ 斤兩 斤两 T - 43 jīn liǎng f /weight/(fig.) importance/ 斤斗 - 39 jīn dǒu f /variant of 筋斗[jin1 dou3]/ 斤斤計較 斤斤计较 T - 54 jīn jīn jì jiào f /to haggle over every ounce/(fig.) to fuss over minor matters/to split hairs/ 斤斤计较 斤斤計較 S - 54 jīn jīn jì jiào f /to haggle over every ounce/(fig.) to fuss over minor matters/to split hairs/ 斤斤較量 斤斤较量 T - 3 jīn jīn jiào liàng f /to bicker at length over a trivial matter (idiom)/ 斤斤较量 斤斤較量 S - 3 jīn jīn jiào liàng f /to bicker at length over a trivial matter (idiom)/ 斥 - 465 chì f /to blame/to reprove/to reprimand/to expel/to oust/to reconnoiter/(of territory) to expand/saline marsh/ 斥候 - 11 chì hòu f /to reconnoiter/to scout/scout/ 斥力 - 18 chì lì f /repulsion (in electrostatics)/repulsive force/ 斥卤 斥鹵 S - 0 chì lǔ f /saline marsh/salt/ 斥罵 斥骂 T - 83 chì mà f /to scold/ 斥責 斥责 T - 262 chì zé f /to lash out/to reprimand/ 斥資 斥资 T - 68 chì zī f /to spend/to allocate funds/ 斥责 斥責 S - 262 chì zé f /to lash out/to reprimand/ 斥资 斥資 S - 68 chì zī f /to spend/to allocate funds/ 斥退 - 18 chì tuì f /to dismiss (from a post)/to expel from school/to order away (servants etc)/ 斥骂 斥罵 S - 83 chì mà f /to scold/ 斥鹵 斥卤 T - 0 chì lǔ f /saline marsh/salt/ 斧 - 947 fǔ f /hatchet/ 斧头 斧頭 S - 182 fǔ tóu f /ax/hatchet/CL:柄[bing3]/ 斧子 - 66 fǔ zi f /axe/hatchet/CL:把[ba3]/ 斧正 - 5 fǔ zhèng f /(polite) please amend my writing/ 斧鉞之誅 斧钺之诛 T - 3 fǔ yuè zhī zhū f /to die by battle-ax (idiom); to be executed/ 斧鉞湯鑊 斧钺汤镬 T - 0 fǔ yuè tāng huò f /battle-ax and boiling cauldron (idiom); facing torture and execution/ 斧钺之诛 斧鉞之誅 S - 3 fǔ yuè zhī zhū f /to die by battle-ax (idiom); to be executed/ 斧钺汤镬 斧鉞湯鑊 S - 0 fǔ yuè tāng huò f /battle-ax and boiling cauldron (idiom); facing torture and execution/ 斧頭 斧头 T - 182 fǔ tóu f /ax/hatchet/CL:柄[bing3]/ 斨 - 0 qiāng f /axe/ 斩 斬 S - 2374 zhǎn f /to behead (as form of capital punishment)/to chop/ 斩断 斬斷 S - 213 zhǎn duàn f /to cut off/to chop sth in half/ 斩新 斬新 S - 0 zhǎn xīn f /variant of 嶄新|崭新[zhan3 xin1]/ 斩杀 斬殺 S - 3 zhǎn shā f /to kill and behead/ 斩眼 斬眼 S - 0 zhǎn yǎn f /to blink (literary)/ 斩而不奏 斬而不奏 S - 0 zhǎn ér bù zòu f /to do sth and not report the fact (idiom)/ 斩草除根 斬草除根 S - 71 zhǎn cǎo chú gēn f /to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch/to eliminate completely/ 斩钉截铁 斬釘截鐵 S 4924 193 zhǎn dīng jié tiě f /lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/fig. resolute and decisive/unhesitating/categorical/ 斩首 斬首 S - 725 zhǎn shǒu f /to behead/ 斫 - 190 zhuó f /to chop/to hack/to carve wood/ 斫 斲 S - 190 zhuó f /to chop/to carve wood/ 斫 斵 S - 190 zhuó f /variant of 斲|斫[zhuo2]/ 斫丧 斫喪 S - 0 zhuó sàng f /to ravage/to devastate/ 斫喪 斫丧 T - 0 zhuó sàng f /to ravage/to devastate/ 斫營 斫营 T - 0 zhuó yíng f /to attack a camp/ 斫畬 斫畲 T - 0 zhuó yú f /to clear land for agricultural use/ 斫畲 斫畬 S - 0 zhuó yú f /to clear land for agricultural use/ 斫白 - 0 zhuó bái f /to strip bark/ 斫营 斫營 S - 0 zhuó yíng f /to attack a camp/ 斬 斩 T - 2374 zhǎn f /to behead (as form of capital punishment)/to chop/ 斬新 斩新 T - 0 zhǎn xīn f /variant of 嶄新|崭新[zhan3 xin1]/ 斬斷 斩断 T - 213 zhǎn duàn f /to cut off/to chop sth in half/ 斬殺 斩杀 T - 3 zhǎn shā f /to kill and behead/ 斬眼 斩眼 T - 0 zhǎn yǎn f /to blink (literary)/ 斬而不奏 斩而不奏 T - 0 zhǎn ér bù zòu f /to do sth and not report the fact (idiom)/ 斬草除根 斩草除根 T - 71 zhǎn cǎo chú gēn f /to cut weeds and eliminate the roots (idiom); to destroy root and branch/to eliminate completely/ 斬釘截鐵 斩钉截铁 T 4924 193 zhǎn dīng jié tiě f /lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom)/fig. resolute and decisive/unhesitating/categorical/ 斬首 斩首 T - 725 zhǎn shǒu f /to behead/ 断 斷 S 1382 7773 duàn f /to break/to snap/to cut off/to give up or abstain from sth/to judge/(usu. used in the negative) absolutely/definitely/decidedly/ 断乎 斷乎 S - 26 duàn hū f /certainly/ 断交 斷交 S - 66 duàn jiāo f /to end a relationship/to break off diplomatic ties/ 断代 斷代 S - 364 duàn dài f /periodization (of history)/ 断句 斷句 S - 18 duàn jù f /to pause at appropriate points in reading aloud unpunctuated writing/to punctuate/ 断头台 斷頭台 S - 40 duàn tóu tái f /guillotine/scaffold/ 断奶 斷奶 S - 30 duàn nǎi f /to wean/ 断定 斷定 S 3996 579 duàn dìng f /to conclude/to determine/to come to a judgment/ 断层 斷層 S - 519 duàn céng f /fault (geology)/CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]/(fig.) gap/rupture (in the transmission of some skill)/(tomography) cross-sectional/ 断层线 斷層線 S - 0 duàn céng xiàn f /geological fault line/ 断崖 斷崖 S - 101 duàn yá f /steep cliff/crag/precipice/ 断开 斷開 S - 54 duàn kāi f /to break/to sever/to turn off (electric switch)/ 断弦 斷弦 S - 7 duàn xián f /widowed/lit. broken string, cf 琴瑟[qin2 se4] qin and se, two instruments epitomizing marital harmony/ 断想 斷想 S - 2 duàn xiǎng f /brief commentary/ 断断续续 斷斷續續 S - 371 duàn duàn xù xù f /intermittent/off and on/discontinuous/stop-go/stammering/disjointed/inarticulate/ 断案 斷案 S - 57 duàn àn f /to judge a case/ 断档 斷檔 S - 17 duàn dàng f /sold out/to be out of stock/ 断桥 斷橋 S - 42 Duàn Qiáo f /The Broken Bridge (at West Lake in Hangzhou)/ 断气 斷氣 S - 64 duàn qì f /to stop breathing/to breathe one's last/to die/to cut the gas supply/ 断流 斷流 S - 96 duàn liú f /to run dry (of river)/ 断港绝潢 斷港絕潢 S - 0 duàn gǎng jué huáng f /to be unable to continue/to come to a dead end (idiom)/ 断灭 斷滅 S - 3 duàn miè f /annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)/ 断灭论 斷滅論 S - 0 duàn miè lùn f /annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)/ 断然 斷然 S - 383 duàn rán f /resolute/definitive/categorically/absolutely/ 断片 斷片 S - 7 duàn piàn f /fragment/piece/(of a film) to break in the middle of viewing/ 断狱 斷獄 S - 23 duàn yù f /to pass judgement on a legal case/ 断瓦残垣 斷瓦殘垣 S - 0 duàn wǎ cán yuán f /the tiles are broken, the walls dilapidated/ 断电 斷電 S - 42 duàn diàn f /power cut/electric power failure/ 断章取义 斷章取義 S - 41 duàn zhāng qǔ yì f /lit. to take meaning from cut segment (idiom); to interpret out of context/to focus attention on one phrase without regard to the meaning of the whole piece/ 断粮 斷糧 S - 23 duàn liáng f /to run out of food/ 断线 斷線 S - 44 duàn xiàn f /(of a guitar, kite etc) to have a string break/(of a tradition etc) to be discontinued/(telephone or Internet connection) disconnected/cut off/ 断线钳 斷線鉗 S - 0 duàn xiàn qián f /bolt cutter/ 断线风筝 斷線風箏 S - 5 duàn xiàn fēng zhēng f /a kite with cut string (idiom); fig. gone beyond recall/ 断绝 斷絕 S 3777 402 duàn jué f /to sever/to break off/ 断续 斷續 S - 133 duàn xù f /intermittent/ 断肠 斷腸 S - 134 duàn cháng f /heartbroken/to break one's heart/ 断背 斷背 S - 0 duàn bèi f /homosexual, cf Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain/ 断背山 斷背山 S - 3 Duàn bèi shān f /Brokeback Mountain, film by Ang Lee/ 断腿 斷腿 S - 75 duàn tuǐ f /broken leg/ 断行 斷行 S - 3 duàn xíng f /to carry out resolutely/ 断袖 斷袖 S - 3 duàn xiù f /homosexual/see 斷袖之癖|断袖之癖[duan4 xiu4 zhi1 pi3]/ 断袖之癖 斷袖之癖 S - 3 duàn xiù zhī pǐ f /lit. cut sleeve (idiom); fig. euphemism for homosexuality, originating from History of Western Han 漢書|汉书: emperor Han Aidi (real name Liu Xin) was in bed with his lover Dong Xian, and had to attend a court audience that morning. Not wishing to awaken Dong Xian, who was sleeping with his head resting on the emperor's long robe sleeve, Aidi used a knife to cut off the lower half of his sleeve./ 断裂 斷裂 S - 756 duàn liè f /fracture/rupture/to break apart/ 断裂带 斷裂帶 S - 124 duàn liè dài f /fault zone (geology)/ 断裂强度 斷裂強度 S - 3 duàn liè qiáng dù f /rupture strength/breaking strength/ 断裂模数 斷裂模數 S - 0 duàn liè mó shù f /modulus rupture/ 断言 斷言 S - 311 duàn yán f /to assert/assertion/ 断语 斷語 S - 12 duàn yǔ f /conclusion/judgement/verdict/ 断货 斷貨 S - 0 duàn huò f /to run out of (stock)/ 断路器 斷路器 S - 30 duàn lù qì f /circuit breaker/ 断送 斷送 S - 170 duàn sòng f /to forfeit (future profit, one's life etc)/ruined/ 断食 斷食 S - 0 duàn shí f /to fast/hunger strike/ 断魂椒 斷魂椒 S - 0 duàn hún jiāo f /king cobra or ghost chili (Naga jolokia)/ 斮 - 0 zhuó f /cut off/ 斯 - 4120 Sī f /Slovakia/Slovak/abbr. for 斯洛伐克[Si1 luo4 fa2 ke4]/ 斯 - 4120 sī f /(phonetic)/this/ 斯事体大 斯事體大 S - 3 sī shì tǐ dà f /see 茲事體大|兹事体大[zi1 shi4 ti3 da4]/ 斯事體大 斯事体大 T - 3 sī shì tǐ dà f /see 茲事體大|兹事体大[zi1 shi4 ti3 da4]/ 斯佩林 - 0 sī pèi lín f /Spelling (e.g. Spelling Entertainment Group)/ 斯佩罗 斯佩羅 S - 0 Sī pèi luó f /Spero (surname)/ 斯佩羅 斯佩罗 T - 0 Sī pèi luó f /Spero (surname)/ 斯佩耳特小麥 斯佩耳特小麦 T - 0 sī pèi ěr tè xiǎo mài f /spelt (Triticum spelta) (loanword)/ 斯佩耳特小麦 斯佩耳特小麥 S - 0 sī pèi ěr tè xiǎo mài f /spelt (Triticum spelta) (loanword)/ 斯克里亚宾 斯克里亞賓 S - 6 Sī kè lǐ yà bīn f /Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915), Russian composer and pianist/ 斯克里亞賓 斯克里亚宾 T - 6 Sī kè lǐ yà bīn f /Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915), Russian composer and pianist/ 斯卡伯勒礁 - 0 Sī kǎ bó lè Jiāo f /Scarborough Shoal (Philippines' name for Huangyan Island)/ 斯台普斯 - 0 Sī tái pǔ sī f /Staples (Center), sports arena in Los Angeles/ 斯哥特 - 0 Sī gē tè f /Scott (name)/ 斯图加特 斯圖加特 S - 181 Sī tú jiā tè f /Stuttgart city in southwest Germany and capital of Baden-Württemberg 巴登·符騰堡州|巴登·符腾堡州[Ba1 deng1 · Fu2 teng2 bao3 zhou1]/ 斯圖加特 斯图加特 T - 181 Sī tú jiā tè f /Stuttgart city in southwest Germany and capital of Baden-Württemberg 巴登·符騰堡州|巴登·符腾堡州[Ba1 deng1 · Fu2 teng2 bao3 zhou1]/ 斯坦佛 - 0 Sī tǎn fó f /Stanford (name)/Stanford University, Palo Alto, California/ 斯坦佛大学 斯坦佛大學 S - 0 Sī tǎn fó Dà xué f /Stanford University, Palo Alto, California/ 斯坦佛大學 斯坦佛大学 T - 0 Sī tǎn fó Dà xué f /Stanford University, Palo Alto, California/ 斯坦利 - 24 Sī tǎn lì f /Stanley (name)/ 斯坦因 - 21 Sī tǎn yīn f /Stein (name)/Marc Aurel Stein (1862-1943), British adventurer and archaeologist who explorer Xinjiang in early 20th century/ 斯坦福 - 55 Sī tǎn fú f /Stanford (University)/ 斯坦福·莱佛士 斯坦福·萊佛士 S - 0 Sī tǎn fú · Lái fó shì f /Stamford Raffles (1781-1826), British statesman and founder of the city of Singapore/ 斯坦福·萊佛士 斯坦福·莱佛士 T - 0 Sī tǎn fú · Lái fó shì f /Stamford Raffles (1781-1826), British statesman and founder of the city of Singapore/ 斯坦福大学 斯坦福大學 S - 62 Sī tǎn fú Dà xué f /Stanford University/ 斯坦福大學 斯坦福大学 T - 62 Sī tǎn fú Dà xué f /Stanford University/ 斯坦貝克 斯坦贝克 T - 13 Sī tǎn bèi kè f /John Steinbeck (1902-1968), US novelist/ 斯坦贝克 斯坦貝克 S - 13 Sī tǎn bèi kè f /John Steinbeck (1902-1968), US novelist/ 斯坦頓 斯坦顿 T - 2 Sī tǎn dùn f /Stanton (name)/ 斯坦顿 斯坦頓 S - 2 Sī tǎn dùn f /Stanton (name)/ 斯堪地納維亞 斯堪地纳维亚 T - 0 Sī kān dì nà wéi yà f /Scandinavia (Tw)/ 斯堪地纳维亚 斯堪地納維亞 S - 0 Sī kān dì nà wéi yà f /Scandinavia (Tw)/ 斯堪的納維亞 斯堪的纳维亚 T - 112 Sī kān dì nà wéi yà f /Scandinavia/ 斯堪的纳维亚 斯堪的納維亞 S - 112 Sī kān dì nà wéi yà f /Scandinavia/ 斯塔西 - 4 Sī tǎ xī f /Stacy (name)/ 斯大林 - 823 Sī dà lín f /Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator/ 斯大林主义 斯大林主義 S - 0 Sī dà lín zhǔ yì f /Stalinism/ 斯大林主義 斯大林主义 T - 0 Sī dà lín zhǔ yì f /Stalinism/ 斯大林格勒 - 76 Sī dà lín gé lè f /Stalingrad, former name of Volvograd 伏爾加格勒|伏尔加格勒 (1925-1961)/ 斯大林格勒会战 斯大林格勒會戰 S - 0 Sī dà lín gé lè Huì zhàn f /Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943)/also called 斯大林格勒戰役|斯大林格勒战役/ 斯大林格勒战役 斯大林格勒戰役 S - 0 Sī dà lín gé lè Zhàn yì f /Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943), decisive battle of Second World War and one of the bloodiest battles in history, when the Germans failed to take Stalingrad, were then trapped and destroyed by Soviet forces/ 斯大林格勒戰役 斯大林格勒战役 T - 0 Sī dà lín gé lè Zhàn yì f /Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943), decisive battle of Second World War and one of the bloodiest battles in history, when the Germans failed to take Stalingrad, were then trapped and destroyed by Soviet forces/ 斯大林格勒會戰 斯大林格勒会战 T - 0 Sī dà lín gé lè Huì zhàn f /Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943)/also called 斯大林格勒戰役|斯大林格勒战役/ 斯威士兰 斯威士蘭 S - 66 Sī wēi shì lán f /Swaziland/ 斯威士蘭 斯威士兰 T - 66 Sī wēi shì lán f /Swaziland/ 斯宾塞 斯賓塞 S - 43 Sī bīn sè f /Spencer or Spence (name)/ 斯宾诺莎 斯賓諾莎 S - 3 Sī bīn nuò shā f /Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), rationalist philosopher/ 斯密 - 325 Sī mì f /Smith (name)/also rendered as 史密斯/ 斯密約瑟 斯密约瑟 T - 0 Sī mì Yuē sè f /Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), founder of the Latter Day Saint movement/ 斯密约瑟 斯密約瑟 S - 0 Sī mì Yuē sè f /Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805-1844), founder of the Latter Day Saint movement/ 斯巴达 斯巴達 S - 1475 Sī bā dá f /Sparta/ 斯巴達 斯巴达 T - 1475 Sī bā dá f /Sparta/ 斯巴魯 斯巴鲁 T - 3 Sī bā lǔ f /Subaru/ 斯巴鲁 斯巴魯 S - 3 Sī bā lǔ f /Subaru/ 斯帕斯基 - 0 Sī pà sī jī f /Spassky (name)/ 斯当东 斯當東 S - 0 Sī dāng dōng f /Staunton (name)/Sir George Staunton, 1st Baronet, the second-in-command of the Macartney Mission of 1793/ 斯彻达尔 斯徹達爾 S - 0 Sī chè dá ěr f /Stjørdal (city in Trøndelag, Norway)/ 斯德哥尔摩 斯德哥爾摩 S - 155 Sī dé gē ěr mó f /Stockholm, capital of Sweden/ 斯德哥爾摩 斯德哥尔摩 T - 155 Sī dé gē ěr mó f /Stockholm, capital of Sweden/ 斯徹達爾 斯彻达尔 T - 0 Sī chè dá ěr f /Stjørdal (city in Trøndelag, Norway)/ 斯托肯立石圈 - 0 Sī tuō kěn lì shí quān f /Stonehenge stone circle/ 斯拉夫 - 378 Sī lā fū f /Slavic/ 斯拉夫語 斯拉夫语 T - 0 Sī lā fū yǔ f /Slavic language/ 斯拉夫语 斯拉夫語 S - 0 Sī lā fū yǔ f /Slavic language/ 斯捷潘 - 5 Sī jié pān f /Stepan or Stefan (name)/ 斯摩棱斯克 斯摩稜斯克 S - 22 Sī mó léng sī kè f /Smolensk (Russian city)/ 斯摩稜斯克 斯摩棱斯克 T - 22 Sī mó léng sī kè f /Smolensk (Russian city)/ 斯文 4515 220 sī wén f /refined/educate/cultured/intellectual/polite/gentle/ 斯文·海定 - 0 Sī wén · Hǎi dìng f /Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰[Lou2 lan2]/also written 斯文·赫定/ 斯文·赫定 - 0 Sī wén · Hè dìng f /Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰/ 斯普利特 - 4 Sī pǔ lì tè f /Split (city in Croatia)/ 斯普拉特利群岛 斯普拉特利群島 S - 0 Sī pǔ lā tè lì Qún dǎo f /Spratly islands, disputed between China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam/same as 南沙群島|南沙群岛[Nan1 sha1 Qun2 dao3]/ 斯普拉特利群島 斯普拉特利群岛 T - 0 Sī pǔ lā tè lì Qún dǎo f /Spratly islands, disputed between China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam/same as 南沙群島|南沙群岛[Nan1 sha1 Qun2 dao3]/ 斯普林菲尔德 斯普林菲爾德 S - 10 Sī pǔ lín fēi ěr dé f /Springfield/ 斯普林菲爾德 斯普林菲尔德 T - 10 Sī pǔ lín fēi ěr dé f /Springfield/ 斯普特尼克 - 0 Sī pǔ tè ní kè f /Sputnik, Soviet artificial Earth satellite/ 斯柯达 斯柯達 S - 3 Sī kē dá f /Škoda, Czech Republic car manufacturer, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group/ 斯柯達 斯柯达 T - 3 Sī kē dá f /Škoda, Czech Republic car manufacturer, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group/ 斯沃琪 - 0 Sī wò qí f /Swatch (Swiss brand)/ 斯泰恩謝爾 斯泰恩谢尔 T - 0 Sī tài ēn xiè ěr f /Steinkjær (city in Trøndelag, Norway)/ 斯泰恩谢尔 斯泰恩謝爾 S - 0 Sī tài ēn xiè ěr f /Steinkjær (city in Trøndelag, Norway)/ 斯泰西 - 0 Sī tài xī f /Stacy (name)/ 斯洛伐克 - 277 Sī luò fá kè f /Slovak/Slovak republic (from 1992)/Slovakia/ 斯洛伐克語 斯洛伐克语 T - 7 Sī luò fá kè yǔ f /Slovak (language)/ 斯洛伐克语 斯洛伐克語 S - 7 Sī luò fá kè yǔ f /Slovak (language)/ 斯洛文尼亚 斯洛文尼亞 S - 115 Sī luò wén ní yà f /Slovenia/ 斯洛文尼亚共和国 斯洛文尼亞共和國 S - 2 Sī luò wén ní yà Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Slovenia/ 斯洛文尼亚语 斯洛文尼亞語 S - 8 Sī luò wén ní yà yǔ f /Slovenian (language)/ 斯洛文尼亞 斯洛文尼亚 T - 115 Sī luò wén ní yà f /Slovenia/ 斯洛文尼亞共和國 斯洛文尼亚共和国 T - 2 Sī luò wén ní yà Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Slovenia/ 斯洛文尼亞語 斯洛文尼亚语 T - 8 Sī luò wén ní yà yǔ f /Slovenian (language)/ 斯洛維尼亞 斯洛维尼亚 T - 0 Sī luò wéi ní yà f /Slovenia (Tw)/ 斯洛维尼亚 斯洛維尼亞 S - 0 Sī luò wéi ní yà f /Slovenia (Tw)/ 斯特凡諾普洛斯 斯特凡诺普洛斯 T - 0 Sī tè fán nuò pǔ luò sī f /Stephanopoulos (e.g. former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos)/ 斯特凡诺普洛斯 斯特凡諾普洛斯 S - 0 Sī tè fán nuò pǔ luò sī f /Stephanopoulos (e.g. former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos)/ 斯特恩 - 33 Sī tè ēn f /Stern (name)/ 斯特拉斯堡 - 70 Sī tè lā sī bǎo f /Strasbourg/ 斯特拉特福 - 4 Sī tè lā tè fú f /Stratford (place name)/Stratford-upon-Avon, UK city in Warwickshire and birthplace of William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚[Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4]/ 斯瓦希里 - 3 Sī wǎ xī lǐ f /Swahili/ 斯瓦希里語 斯瓦希里语 T - 0 Sī wǎ xī lǐ yǔ f /Swahili (language)/Kiswahili/ 斯瓦希里语 斯瓦希里語 S - 0 Sī wǎ xī lǐ yǔ f /Swahili (language)/Kiswahili/ 斯瓦特 - 12 Sī wǎ tè f /Swat province in Pakistani Northwest Frontier/ 斯瓦特谷地 - 0 Sī wǎ tè gǔ dì f /Swat valley in Pakistani Northwest Frontier/ 斯當東 斯当东 T - 0 Sī dāng dōng f /Staunton (name)/Sir George Staunton, 1st Baronet, the second-in-command of the Macartney Mission of 1793/ 斯皮尔伯格 斯皮爾伯格 S - 8 Sī pí ěr bó gé f /Steven Spielberg (1946-), US film director/ 斯皮爾伯格 斯皮尔伯格 T - 8 Sī pí ěr bó gé f /Steven Spielberg (1946-), US film director/ 斯福尔瓦尔 斯福爾瓦爾 S - 0 Sī fú ěr wǎ ěr f /Svolvær (city in Nordland, Norway)/ 斯福爾瓦爾 斯福尔瓦尔 T - 0 Sī fú ěr wǎ ěr f /Svolvær (city in Nordland, Norway)/ 斯科普里 - 8 Sī kē pǔ lǐ f /Skopje, capital of Macedonia/ 斯維爾德洛夫 斯维尔德洛夫 T - 0 Sī wéi ěr dé luò fū f /Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov (1885-1919), Bolshevik organizer, ordered the murder of the Tsar's family in 1918, died of Spanish influenza/ 斯维尔德洛夫 斯維爾德洛夫 S - 0 Sī wéi ěr dé luò fū f /Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov (1885-1919), Bolshevik organizer, ordered the murder of the Tsar's family in 1918, died of Spanish influenza/ 斯考特 - 0 Sī kǎo tè f /Scott (name)/ 斯芬克司 - 3 Sī fēn kè sī f /Sphinx (Egyptian mythical beast)/ 斯芬克斯 - 5 sī fēn kè sī f /sphinx (myth.)/ 斯莱特林 斯萊特林 S - 0 Sī lái tè lín f /Slytherin (Harry Potter)/ 斯萊特林 斯莱特林 T - 0 Sī lái tè lín f /Slytherin (Harry Potter)/ 斯蒂文 - 24 Sī dì wén f /Steven (name)/Simon Stevin (1548-1620), Flemish engineer and mathematician, played a key role in introducing the decimal system to Europe/ 斯蒂文森 - 8 Sī dì wén sēn f /Stevenson or Stephenson (name)/ 斯蒂芬 - 39 Sī dì fēn f /Stephen or Steven (name)/ 斯蒂芬·哈珀 - 0 Sī dì fēn · Hā pò f /Stephen Harper (1959-), Canadian politician, prime minister from 2006/ 斯諾 斯诺 T - 101 Sī nuò f /Snow (name)/Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American journalist, reported from China 1928-1941, author of Red Star Over China/ 斯諾克 斯诺克 T - 5 sī nuò kè f /snooker (loanword)/ 斯諾登 斯诺登 T - 0 Sī nuò dēng f /Edward Snowden (1983-), American surveillance program whistleblower/ 斯诺 斯諾 S - 101 Sī nuò f /Snow (name)/Edgar Snow (1905-1972), American journalist, reported from China 1928-1941, author of Red Star Over China/ 斯诺克 斯諾克 S - 5 sī nuò kè f /snooker (loanword)/ 斯诺登 斯諾登 S - 0 Sī nuò dēng f /Edward Snowden (1983-), American surveillance program whistleblower/ 斯賓塞 斯宾塞 T - 43 Sī bīn sè f /Spencer or Spence (name)/ 斯賓諾莎 斯宾诺莎 T - 3 Sī bīn nuò shā f /Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), rationalist philosopher/ 斯通亨治石栏 斯通亨治石欄 S - 0 Sī tōng hēng zhì shí lán f /Stonehenge stone circle/ 斯通亨治石欄 斯通亨治石栏 T - 0 Sī tōng hēng zhì shí lán f /Stonehenge stone circle/ 斯里兰卡 斯里蘭卡 S - 312 Sī lǐ lán kǎ f /Sri Lanka/(formerly) Ceylon/ 斯里巴加湾港 斯里巴加灣港 S - 0 Sī lǐ Bā jiā wān gǎng f /Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of Brunei/ 斯里巴加灣港 斯里巴加湾港 T - 0 Sī lǐ Bā jiā wān gǎng f /Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of Brunei/ 斯里蘭卡 斯里兰卡 T - 312 Sī lǐ lán kǎ f /Sri Lanka/(formerly) Ceylon/ 斯雷佈雷尼察 斯雷布雷尼察 T - 0 Sī léi bù léi ní chá f /Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina/ 斯雷布雷尼察 斯雷佈雷尼察 S - 0 Sī léi bù léi ní chá f /Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina/ 新 204 62626 Xīn f /abbr. for Xinjiang 新疆[Xin1 jiang1] or Singapore 新加坡[Xin1 jia1 po1]/surname Xin/ 新 204 62626 xīn f /new/newly/meso- (chemistry)/ 新一代 - 3 xīn yī dài f /new generation/ 新丁 - 2 xīn dīng f /new addition to a family (i.e. a birth)/a boy who has just come of age/(in a job etc) newcomer/novice/ 新不伦瑞克 新不倫瑞克 S - 4 Xīn bù lún ruì kè f /New Brunswick province, Canada/ 新不倫瑞克 新不伦瑞克 T - 4 Xīn bù lún ruì kè f /New Brunswick province, Canada/ 新不列顛島 新不列颠岛 T - 0 Xīn Bù liè diān Dǎo f /New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea/ 新不列颠岛 新不列顛島 S - 0 Xīn Bù liè diān Dǎo f /New Britain, island of northeast Papua New Guinea/ 新世紀 新世纪 T - 477 xīn shì jì f /21st century/New Century (commonly used name)/ 新世纪 新世紀 S - 477 xīn shì jì f /21st century/New Century (commonly used name)/ 新丰 新豐 S - 9 Xīn fēng f /Xinfeng County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/Xinfeng or Hsinfeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 新丰乡 新豐鄉 S - 0 Xīn fēng xiāng f /Xinfeng or Hsinfeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 新丰县 新豐縣 S - 2 Xīn fēng Xiàn f /Xinfeng County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 新义州市 新義州市 S - 0 Xīn yì zhōu shì f /Shin'ŭiju, capital of North Pyong'an Province, North Korea/ 新乐 新樂 S - 36 Xīn lè f /Xinle county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 新乐市 新樂市 S - 3 Xīn lè shì f /Xinle county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 新乡 新鄉 S - 62 Xīn xiāng f /Xinxiang prefecture level city in Henan/ 新乡县 新鄉縣 S - 7 Xīn xiāng xiàn f /Xinxiang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 新乡地区 新鄉地區 S - 0 Xīn xiāng dì qū f /Xinxiang prefecture in Henan/ 新乡市 新鄉市 S - 19 Xīn xiāng shì f /Xinxiang prefecture level city in Henan/ 新五代史 - 0 Xīn Wǔ dài shǐ f /Later History of the Five Dynasties (between Tang and Song), nineteenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修[Ou1 yang2 Xiu1] in 1053 during Northern Song Dynasty, 74 scrolls/ 新井 - 4 Xīn jǐng f /Arai (Japanese surname)/ 新产品 新產品 S - 0 xīn chǎn pǐn f /new product/ 新产品推介会 新產品推介會 S - 0 xīn chǎn pǐn tuī jiè huì f /product launch event/ 新京報 新京报 T - 0 xīn Jīng bào f /Beijing news (newspaper)/ 新京报 新京報 S - 0 xīn Jīng bào f /Beijing news (newspaper)/ 新人 - 715 xīn rén f /new age person/new type of person/newly-wed, esp. new bride/bride and groom/ 新任 - 350 xīn rèn f /newly-appointed/newly elected/new (in a political office)/ 新会 新會 S - 77 Xīn huì f /Xinhui county and district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong/ 新会区 新會區 S - 3 Xīn huì qū f /Xinhui district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong/ 新会县 新會縣 S - 11 Xīn huì xiàn f /Xinhui county in Guangdong/ 新会市 新會市 S - 4 Xīn huì shì f /Xinhui city in Guangdong/ 新余 新餘 S - 9 Xīn yú f /Xinyu prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 新余市 新餘市 S - 17 Xīn yú shì f /Xinyu prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 新來乍到 新来乍到 T - 18 xīn lái zhà dào f /newly arrived (idiom)/ 新修 - 0 xīn xiū f /revise/revised/ 新修本草 - 0 Xīn xiū běn cǎo f /Tang dynasty compendium of herbal medicine/ 新儒家 - 0 Xīn Rú jiā f /New Confucianism, a social and political movement founded in 1920s China that combines aspects of Western and Eastern philosophy/see also 當代新儒家|当代新儒家[Dang1 dai4 Xin1 Ru2 jia1]/ 新元史 - 0 Xīn Yuán shǐ f /New history of the Yuan Dynasty, sometimes listed as one of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Ke Shaomin 柯邵忞[Ke1 Shao4 min2] in 1920/ 新党 新黨 S - 53 Xīn dǎng f /New Party (Republic of China)/ 新兴 新興 S - 1215 Xīn xīng f /Xinxing county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/Xinxing or Hsinhsing district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 新兴 新興 S - 1215 xīn xīng f /new/up-and-coming/newly developing/rising/ 新兴产业 新興產業 S - 3 xīn xīng chǎn yè f /emerging industry/ 新兴区 新興區 S - 3 Xīn xīng qū f /Xinxing district of Qitaihe city 七台河[Qi1 tai2 he2], Heilongjiang/Xinxing or Hsinhsing district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 新兴县 新興縣 S - 3 Xīn xīng xiàn f /Xinxing county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/ 新兴经济国家 新興經濟國家 S - 0 xīn xīng jīng jì guó jiā f /developing economic state/developing nation/ 新兵 - 285 xīn bīng f /new (army) recruit/ 新军 新軍 S - 223 Xīn jūn f /New Armies (modernized Qing armies, trained and equipped according to Western standards, founded after Japan's victory in the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895)/ 新农合 新農合 S - 0 Xīn Nóng Hé f /New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/abbr. for 新型農村合作醫療|新型农村合作医疗/ 新几内亚 新幾內亞 S - 3 Xīn jǐ nèi yà f /New Guinea/ 新出炉 新出爐 S - 0 xīn chū lú f /fresh out of the oven/fig. novelty just announced/recently made available/ 新出爐 新出炉 T - 0 xīn chū lú f /fresh out of the oven/fig. novelty just announced/recently made available/ 新出生 - 0 xīn chū shēng f /newly born/ 新剧同志会 新劇同志會 S - 0 Xīn jù Tóng zhì huì f /New Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical company from 1912, a continuation of Tokyo Spring Willow Society 春柳社[Chun1 liu3 she4]/ 新劇同志會 新剧同志会 T - 0 Xīn jù Tóng zhì huì f /New Dramatic Society, Chinese theatrical company from 1912, a continuation of Tokyo Spring Willow Society 春柳社[Chun1 liu3 she4]/ 新加坡 - 1407 Xīn jiā pō f /Singapore/ 新加坡人 - 22 Xīn jiā pō rén f /Singaporean person/Singaporean/ 新加坡国立大学 新加坡國立大學 S - 6 Xīn jiā pō Guó lì Dà xué f /National University of Singapore/ 新加坡國立大學 新加坡国立大学 T - 6 Xīn jiā pō Guó lì Dà xué f /National University of Singapore/ 新化 - 16 Xīn huà f /Xinhua county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/Hsinhua town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新化县 新化縣 S - 5 Xīn huà xiàn f /Xinhua county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 新化市 - 0 Xīn huà shì f /Xinhua city in Hunan/ 新化縣 新化县 T - 5 Xīn huà xiàn f /Xinhua county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 新化鎮 新化镇 T - 0 Xīn huà zhèn f /Hsinhua town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新化镇 新化鎮 S - 0 Xīn huà zhèn f /Hsinhua town in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新北 - 0 Xīn běi f /Xinbei district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/Hsinpei or New Taipei city in north Taiwan/ 新北区 新北區 S - 3 Xīn běi qū f /Xinbei district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 新北區 新北区 T - 3 Xīn běi qū f /Xinbei district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 新北市 - 0 Xīn běi shì f /New Taipei City, administrative district in north Taiwan, formerly 臺北縣|台北县[Tai2 bei3 xian4]/ 新华 新華 S - 549 Xīn huá f /Xinhua (the official Chinese news agency)/ 新华书店 新華書店 S - 58 Xīn huá Shū diàn f /Xinhua Bookstore, China's largest bookstore chain/ 新华区 新華區 S - 3 Xīn huá Qū f /Xinhua District/Xinhua District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/Xinhua District of Cangzhou City 滄州市|沧州市[Cang1 zhou1 Shi4], Hebei/ 新华日报 新華日報 S - 3 Xīn huá Rì bào f /Xinhua Daily newspaper/ 新华社 新華社 S - 4854 Xīn huá shè f /Xinhua News Agency/ 新华网 新華網 S - 1079 Xīn huá Wǎng f /Xinhua News Network/ 新南威尔士 新南威爾士 S - 13 Xīn Nán Wēi ěr shì f /New South Wales, southeast Australian state/ 新南威尔士州 新南威爾士州 S - 33 Xīn Nán Wēi ěr shì zhōu f /New South Wales (Australian state)/ 新南威爾士 新南威尔士 T - 13 Xīn Nán Wēi ěr shì f /New South Wales, southeast Australian state/ 新南威爾士州 新南威尔士州 T - 33 Xīn Nán Wēi ěr shì zhōu f /New South Wales (Australian state)/ 新历 新曆 S - 3 xīn lì f /Gregorian calendar/solar calendar/ 新县 新縣 S - 33 Xīn xiàn f /Xin county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 新古典 - 0 xīn gǔ diǎn f /neoclassical/ 新古典主义 新古典主義 S - 35 xīn gǔ diǎn zhǔ yì f /neoclassicism/ 新古典主義 新古典主义 T - 35 xīn gǔ diǎn zhǔ yì f /neoclassicism/ 新台币 新台幣 S - 119 Xīn tái bì f /New Taiwan dollar (NTD)/ 新台幣 新台币 T - 119 Xīn tái bì f /New Taiwan dollar (NTD)/ 新和 - 0 Xīn hé f /Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 新和县 新和縣 S - 2 Xīn hé xiàn f /Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 新和縣 新和县 T - 2 Xīn hé xiàn f /Toqsu nahiyisi (Xinhe county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 新唐书 新唐書 S - 3 Xīn Táng shū f /History of the Later Tang Dynasty, seventeenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修[Ou1 yang2 Xiu1] and Song Qi 宋祁[Song4 Qi2] in 1060 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 225 scrolls/ 新唐書 新唐书 T - 3 Xīn Táng shū f /History of the Later Tang Dynasty, seventeenth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled under Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修[Ou1 yang2 Xiu1] and Song Qi 宋祁[Song4 Qi2] in 1060 during Northern Song 北宋[Bei3 Song4], 225 scrolls/ 新喀里多尼亚 新喀里多尼亞 S - 58 Xīn Kā lǐ duō ní yà f /New Caledonia/ 新喀里多尼亞 新喀里多尼亚 T - 58 Xīn Kā lǐ duō ní yà f /New Caledonia/ 新四军 新四軍 S - 536 Xīn sì jūn f /New Fourth army of Republic of China, set up in 1937 and controlled by the communists/ 新四軍 新四军 T - 536 Xīn sì jūn f /New Fourth army of Republic of China, set up in 1937 and controlled by the communists/ 新园 新園 S - 8 Xīn yuán f /Hsinyuan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 新园乡 新園鄉 S - 0 Xīn yuán xiāng f /Hsinyuan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 新園 新园 T - 8 Xīn yuán f /Hsinyuan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 新園鄉 新园乡 T - 0 Xīn yuán xiāng f /Hsinyuan township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 新土 - 0 xīn tǔ f /freshly dug up earth/ 新型 - 3591 xīn xíng f /new type/new kind/ 新型农村合作医疗 新型農村合作醫療 S - 0 Xīn xíng Nóng cūn Hé zuò Yī liáo f /New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/abbr. to 新農合|新农合/ 新型農村合作醫療 新型农村合作医疗 T - 0 Xīn xíng Nóng cūn Hé zuò Yī liáo f /New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/abbr. to 新農合|新农合/ 新城 - 824 Xīn chéng f /Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 新城乡 新城鄉 S - 0 Xīn chéng xiāng f /Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 新城区 新城區 S - 36 Xīn chéng Qū f /Xincheng District of Xi'an 西安市[Xi1 an1 Shi4], Shaanxi/Xincheng District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 新城區 新城区 T - 36 Xīn chéng Qū f /Xincheng District of Xi'an 西安市[Xi1 an1 Shi4], Shaanxi/Xincheng District of Hohhot City 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 新城县 新城縣 S - 5 Xīn chéng xiàn f /Xincheng county in Hebei/ 新城电台 新城電台 S - 0 Xīn chéng Diàn tái f /Metro Radio Hong Kong/ 新城病 - 0 xīn chéng bìng f /Newcastle Disease/ 新城縣 新城县 T - 5 Xīn chéng xiàn f /Xincheng county in Hebei/ 新城鄉 新城乡 T - 0 Xīn chéng xiāng f /Xincheng or Hsincheng township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 xian4], east Taiwan/ 新城電台 新城电台 T - 0 Xīn chéng Diàn tái f /Metro Radio Hong Kong/ 新埔 - 3 Xīn bù f /Xinbu or Hsinpu town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 新埔鎮 新埔镇 T - 0 Xīn bù zhèn f /Xinbu or Hsinpu town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 新埔镇 新埔鎮 S - 0 Xīn bù zhèn f /Xinbu or Hsinpu town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 新埤 - 0 Xīn pí f /Hsinpi township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 新埤乡 新埤鄉 S - 0 Xīn pí xiāng f /Hsinpi township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 新埤鄉 新埤乡 T - 0 Xīn pí xiāng f /Hsinpi township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 新塘 - 4 Xīn táng f /Xintang, common town or village name/Xintang village in Guangdong province/ 新增 - 1177 xīn zēng f /newly added/additional/to add (to what already exists)/ 新墨西哥 - 12 Xīn Mò xī gē f /New Mexico, US state/ 新墨西哥州 - 44 Xīn Mò xī gē zhōu f /New Mexico, US state/ 新大陆 新大陸 S - 49 xīn dà lù f /the New World/the Americas as opposed to the Old World 舊大陸|旧大陆[jiu4 da4 lu4] or Eurasia/ 新大陸 新大陆 T - 49 xīn dà lù f /the New World/the Americas as opposed to the Old World 舊大陸|旧大陆[jiu4 da4 lu4] or Eurasia/ 新天地 - 42 Xīn tiān dì f /Xintiandi (shopping, eating and entertainment district of Shanghai)/ 新奇 - 268 xīn qí f /novelty/new and odd/ 新奥尔良 新奧爾良 S - 42 Xīn ào ěr liáng f /New Orleans, Louisiana/ 新奧爾良 新奥尔良 T - 42 Xīn ào ěr liáng f /New Orleans, Louisiana/ 新妇 新婦 S - 37 xīn fù f /bride/(dialect) daughter-in-law/ 新威胁 新威脅 S - 0 xīn wēi xié f /new danger/ 新威脅 新威胁 T - 0 xīn wēi xié f /new danger/ 新娘 2707 653 xīn niáng f /bride/ 新娘子 - 175 xīn niáng zi f /see 新娘[xin1 niang2]/ 新婚 - 437 xīn hūn f /newly wed/ 新婚夫妇 新婚夫婦 S - 3 xīn hūn fū fù f /newly married couple/newlyweds/ 新婚夫婦 新婚夫妇 T - 3 xīn hūn fū fù f /newly married couple/newlyweds/ 新婚宴尔 新婚宴爾 S - 0 xīn hūn yàn ěr f /newlyweds/love birds/ 新婚宴爾 新婚宴尔 T - 0 xīn hūn yàn ěr f /newlyweds/love birds/ 新婚燕尔 新婚燕爾 S - 279 xīn hūn yàn ěr f /newlyweds/love birds/ 新婚燕爾 新婚燕尔 T - 279 xīn hūn yàn ěr f /newlyweds/love birds/ 新婦 新妇 T - 37 xīn fù f /bride/(dialect) daughter-in-law/ 新嫁娘 - 18 xīn jià niáng f /bride/ 新字体 新字體 S - 0 xīn zì tǐ f /shinjitai, simplified Japanese character used since 1946/ 新字體 新字体 T - 0 xīn zì tǐ f /shinjitai, simplified Japanese character used since 1946/ 新宁 新寧 S - 7 Xīn níng f /Xinning county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 新宁县 新寧縣 S - 4 Xīn níng xiàn f /Xinning county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 新安 - 91 Xīn ān f /Xin'an county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 新安县 新安縣 S - 24 Xīn An xiàn f /Xin'an county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 新安縣 新安县 T - 24 Xīn An xiàn f /Xin'an county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 新官上任三把火 - 10 xīn guān shàng rèn sān bǎ huǒ f /the new boss cracks the whip three times/a new broom sweeps clean/fig. vigorous new policies/ 新宾县 新賓縣 S - 0 Xīn bīn xiàn f /Xinbin county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning/ 新宾满族自治县 新賓滿族自治縣 S - 3 Xīn bīn mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xinbin Manchu autonomous county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning/ 新宿 - 8 Xīn sù f /Shinjuku, Tokyo/ 新密 - 3 Xīn mì f /Xinmi county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 新密市 - 5 Xīn mì shì f /Xinmi county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 新寧 新宁 T - 7 Xīn níng f /Xinning county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 新寧縣 新宁县 T - 4 Xīn níng xiàn f /Xinning county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 新居 - 106 xīn jū f /new residence/new home/ 新屋 - 19 Xīn wū f /Xinwu or Hsinwu township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 新屋乡 新屋鄉 S - 3 Xīn wū xiāng f /Xinwu or Hsinwu township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 新屋鄉 新屋乡 T - 3 Xīn wū xiāng f /Xinwu or Hsinwu township in Taoyuan county 桃園縣|桃园县[Tao2 yuan2 xian4], north Taiwan/ 新山 - 14 Xīn shān f /Johor Bahru (city in Malaysia)/ 新巴尔虎右旗 新巴爾虎右旗 S - 4 Xīn bā ěr hǔ yòu qí f /New Barag right banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 新巴尔虎左旗 新巴爾虎左旗 S - 4 Xīn bā ěr hǔ zuǒ qí f /New Barag left banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 新巴爾虎右旗 新巴尔虎右旗 T - 4 Xīn bā ěr hǔ yòu qí f /New Barag right banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 新巴爾虎左旗 新巴尔虎左旗 T - 4 Xīn bā ěr hǔ zuǒ qí f /New Barag left banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia/ 新市 - 26 Xīn shì f /Hsinshih township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新市乡 新市鄉 S - 3 Xīn shì xiāng f /Hsinshih township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新市区 新市區 S - 41 Xīn shì qū f /New city district/ 新市區 新市区 T - 41 Xīn shì qū f /New city district/ 新市鄉 新市乡 T - 3 Xīn shì xiāng f /Hsinshih township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新市鎮 新市镇 T - 8 xīn shì zhèn f /new town/ 新市镇 新市鎮 S - 8 xīn shì zhèn f /new town/ 新干 - 0 Xīn gān f /Xingan county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 新干县 新干縣 S - 3 Xīn gān xiàn f /Xingan county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 新干縣 新干县 T - 3 Xīn gān xiàn f /Xingan county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 新干线 新幹線 S - 59 Xīn gàn xiàn f /Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed train)/ 新平县 新平縣 S - 2 Xīn píng xiàn f /Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 新平彝族傣族自治县 新平彞族傣族自治縣 S - 3 Xīn píng Yí zú Dǎi zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 新平彞族傣族自治縣 新平彝族傣族自治县 T - 3 Xīn píng Yí zú Dǎi zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 新平縣 新平县 T - 2 Xīn píng xiàn f /Xinping Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 新年 - 570 xīn nián f /New Year/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 新年前夕 - 0 xīn nián qián xī f /New Year's eve/ 新年快乐 新年快樂 S - 3 xīn nián kuài lè f /Happy New Year!/ 新年快樂 新年快乐 T - 3 xīn nián kuài lè f /Happy New Year!/ 新年进步 新年進步 S - 0 xīn nián jìn bù f /Happy New Year!/ 新年進步 新年进步 T - 0 xīn nián jìn bù f /Happy New Year!/ 新幹線 新干线 T - 59 Xīn gàn xiàn f /Shinkansen (Japanese high-speed train)/ 新幾內亞 新几内亚 T - 3 Xīn jǐ nèi yà f /New Guinea/ 新庄 新莊 S - 7 Xīn zhuāng f /Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 新庄市 新莊市 S - 3 Xīn zhuāng shì f /Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 新店 - 39 Xīn diàn f /Xindian or Hsintien city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 新店市 - 3 Xīn diàn shì f /Xindian or Hsintien city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 新店溪 - 3 Xīn diàn xī f /Xindian or Hsintian Creek, one of the rivers through Taipei, Taiwan/ 新建 - 1000 Xīn jiàn f /Xinjian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/ 新建 - 1000 xīn jiàn f /new construction/newly built/ 新建县 新建縣 S - 4 Xīn jiàn xiàn f /Xinjian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/ 新建縣 新建县 T - 4 Xīn jiàn xiàn f /Xinjian county in Nanchang 南昌, Jiangxi/ 新异 新異 S - 10 xīn yì f /new and different/novelty/ 新式 - 540 xīn shì f /new type/latest type/new-style/ 新式拚法 - 0 xīn shì pīn fǎ f /new spelling (linguistics)/ 新德里 - 173 Xīn Dé lǐ f /New Delhi, capital of India/ 新思想 - 0 xīn sī xiǎng f /new ideas/ 新愁旧恨 新愁舊恨 S - 3 xīn chóu jiù hèn f /new worries added to old hatred (idiom); afflicted by problems old and new/ 新愁舊恨 新愁旧恨 T - 3 xīn chóu jiù hèn f /new worries added to old hatred (idiom); afflicted by problems old and new/ 新意 - 176 xīn yì f /new idea/ 新慕道团 新慕道團 S - 0 xīn mù dào tuán f /neo Catechumenal way/ 新慕道團 新慕道团 T - 0 xīn mù dào tuán f /neo Catechumenal way/ 新成土 - 0 Xīn chéng tǔ f /Primosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/ 新房 - 232 xīn fáng f /brand new house/bridal chamber/ 新手 - 68 xīn shǒu f /new hand/novice/raw recruit/ 新技术 新技術 S - 0 xīn jì shù f /new technology/ 新技術 新技术 T - 0 xīn jì shù f /new technology/ 新抚区 新撫區 S - 3 Xīn fǔ qū f /Xinfu district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning/ 新撫區 新抚区 T - 3 Xīn fǔ qū f /Xinfu district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning/ 新政 - 403 xīn zhèng f /new policy/New Deal (Roosevelt's 1933 policy to deal with the Great Depression)/ 新教 - 451 Xīn jiào f /Protestant church/Protestantism/ 新教徒 - 52 xīn jiào tú f /Protestant/adherent of Protestantism/ 新文化运动 新文化運動 S - 392 Xīn Wén huà Yùn dòng f /the New Culture Movement (mid-1910s and 1920s), intellectual revolution against Confucianism aiming to introduce Western elements, especially democracy and science/ 新文化運動 新文化运动 T - 392 Xīn Wén huà Yùn dòng f /the New Culture Movement (mid-1910s and 1920s), intellectual revolution against Confucianism aiming to introduce Western elements, especially democracy and science/ 新斯科舍 - 14 Xīn sī kē shè f /Nova Scotia province, Canada/ 新新人类 新新人類 S - 9 xīn xīn rén lèi f /new generation of youths (generation X, Y etc)/ 新新人類 新新人类 T - 9 xīn xīn rén lèi f /new generation of youths (generation X, Y etc)/ 新时代 新時代 S - 0 xīn shí dài f /new age/ 新昌 - 26 Xīn chāng f /Xinchang county in Shaoxing 紹興|绍兴[Shao4 xing1], Zhejiang/ 新星 - 101 xīn xīng f /nova (astronomy)/ 新春 - 289 xīn chūn f /the beginning of Spring/the 10 or 20 days following the lunar New Year's Day/ 新春佳節 新春佳节 T - 3 xīn chūn jiā jié f /Chinese New Year festivities/ 新春佳节 新春佳節 S - 3 xīn chūn jiā jié f /Chinese New Year festivities/ 新時代 新时代 T - 0 xīn shí dài f /new age/ 新晃 - 5 Xīn huǎng f /Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 新晃侗族自治县 新晃侗族自治縣 S - 0 Xīn huǎng Dòng zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 新晃侗族自治縣 新晃侗族自治县 T - 0 Xīn huǎng Dòng zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 新晃县 新晃縣 S - 0 Xīn huǎng xiàn f /Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 新晃縣 新晃县 T - 0 Xīn huǎng xiàn f /Xinhuang Dong autonomous county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 新曆 新历 T - 3 xīn lì f /Gregorian calendar/solar calendar/ 新會 新会 T - 77 Xīn huì f /Xinhui county and district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong/ 新會區 新会区 T - 3 Xīn huì qū f /Xinhui district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong/ 新會市 新会市 T - 4 Xīn huì shì f /Xinhui city in Guangdong/ 新會縣 新会县 T - 11 Xīn huì xiàn f /Xinhui county in Guangdong/ 新月 - 1231 xīn yuè f /new moon/crescent/ 新朝 - 0 Xīn cháo f /the Xin dynasty (8-23 AD) of Wang Mang 王莽, forming the interregnum between the former and later Han/ 新村 - 391 xīn cūn f /new housing development/ 新来乍到 新來乍到 S - 18 xīn lái zhà dào f /newly arrived (idiom)/ 新林 - 7 Xīn lín f /Xinlin district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 新林区 新林區 S - 0 Xīn lín qū f /Xinlin district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 新林區 新林区 T - 0 Xīn lín qū f /Xinlin district of Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang/ 新柏拉图主义 新柏拉圖主義 S - 0 xīn Bó lā tú zhǔ yì f /neo-Platonism (philosophical system combining Platonism with mysticism)/ 新柏拉圖主義 新柏拉图主义 T - 0 xīn Bó lā tú zhǔ yì f /neo-Platonism (philosophical system combining Platonism with mysticism)/ 新榮 新荣 T - 0 Xīn róng f /Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市[Da4 tong2 shi4], Shanxi/ 新榮區 新荣区 T - 3 Xīn róng qū f /Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市[Da4 tong2 shi4], Shanxi/ 新樂 新乐 T - 36 Xīn lè f /Xinle county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 新樂市 新乐市 T - 3 Xīn lè shì f /Xinle county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 新欢 新歡 S - 20 xīn huān f /new flame/new lover/ 新款 - 84 xīn kuǎn f /new style/latest fashion/new model/ 新歡 新欢 T - 20 xīn huān f /new flame/new lover/ 新正 - 8 Xīn zhēng f /see 正月[Zheng1 yue4]/ 新殖民主义 新殖民主義 S - 0 xīn zhí mín zhǔ yì f /neocolonialism/ 新殖民主義 新殖民主义 T - 0 xīn zhí mín zhǔ yì f /neocolonialism/ 新殖民化 - 0 xīn zhí mín huà f /neocolonialization/ 新民 - 125 Xīn mín f /Xinmin county level city in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 新民主主义 新民主主義 S - 611 Xīn mín zhǔ zhǔ yì f /New Democracy/ 新民主主义论 新民主主義論 S - 25 Xīn Mín zhǔ zhǔ yì Lùn f /On New Democracy (1940), by Mao Zedong/ 新民主主义革命 新民主主義革命 S - 586 Xīn Mín zhǔ zhǔ yì Gé mìng f /New Democracy Revolution/ 新民主主義 新民主主义 T - 611 Xīn mín zhǔ zhǔ yì f /New Democracy/ 新民主主義論 新民主主义论 T - 25 Xīn Mín zhǔ zhǔ yì Lùn f /On New Democracy (1940), by Mao Zedong/ 新民主主義革命 新民主主义革命 T - 586 Xīn Mín zhǔ zhǔ yì Gé mìng f /New Democracy Revolution/ 新民市 - 3 Xīn mín shì f /Xinmin county level city in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 新民晚報 新民晚报 T - 33 Xīn mín Wǎn bào f /Xinmin Evening News/ 新民晚报 新民晚報 S - 33 Xīn mín Wǎn bào f /Xinmin Evening News/ 新沂 - 10 Xīn yí f /Xin'yi city in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 新沂市 - 41 Xīn yí shì f /Xin'yi city in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 新河 - 598 Xīn hé f /Xinhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 新河县 新河縣 S - 5 Xīn hé xiàn f /Xinhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 新河縣 新河县 T - 5 Xīn hé xiàn f /Xinhe county in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 新泰 - 8 Xīn tài f /Xintai county level city in Tai'an 泰安[Tai4 an1], Shandong/ 新泰市 - 7 Xīn tài shì f /Xintai county level city in Tai'an 泰安[Tai4 an1], Shandong/ 新泽西 新澤西 S - 65 Xīn zé xī f /New Jersey, US state/ 新泽西州 新澤西州 S - 69 Xīn zé xī zhōu f /New Jersey, US state/ 新津 - 12 Xīn jīn f /Xinjin county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ 新津县 新津縣 S - 3 Xīn jīn xiàn f /Xinjin county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ 新津縣 新津县 T - 3 Xīn jīn xiàn f /Xinjin county in Chengdu 成都[Cheng2 du1], Sichuan/ 新洲 - 270 Xīn zhōu f /Xinzhou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 新洲区 新洲區 S - 257 Xīn zhōu qū f /Xinzhou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 新洲區 新洲区 T - 257 Xīn zhōu qū f /Xinzhou district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 新派 - 58 xīn pài f /new faction/ 新浦 - 9 Xīn pǔ f /Xinpu district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/ 新浦区 新浦區 S - 3 Xīn pǔ qū f /Xinpu district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/ 新浦區 新浦区 T - 3 Xīn pǔ qū f /Xinpu district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/ 新浪 - 653 Xīn làng f /Sina, Chinese web portal and online media company/ 新浪微博 - 0 Xīn làng Wēi bó f /Sina Weibo, Chinese microblogging website/ 新浪網 新浪网 T - 52 Xīn làng Wǎng f /Sina, Chinese web portal and online media company/ 新浪网 新浪網 S - 52 Xīn làng Wǎng f /Sina, Chinese web portal and online media company/ 新海峡时报 新海峽時報 S - 0 Xīn Hǎi xiá Shí bào f /New Strait Times (newspaper)/ 新海峽時報 新海峡时报 T - 0 Xīn Hǎi xiá Shí bào f /New Strait Times (newspaper)/ 新港 - 828 Xīn gǎng f /Xingang or Hsinkang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 新港乡 新港鄉 S - 0 Xīn gǎng xiāng f /Xingang or Hsinkang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 新港鄉 新港乡 T - 0 Xīn gǎng xiāng f /Xingang or Hsinkang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 新源 - 17 Xīn yuán f /Xinyuan county or Künes nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 新源县 新源縣 S - 2 Xīn yuán xiàn f /Xinyuan county or Künes nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 新源縣 新源县 T - 2 Xīn yuán xiàn f /Xinyuan county or Künes nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州[Yi1 li2 Ha1 sa4 ke4 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang/ 新潟 - 0 Xīn xì f /Niigata, a city and prefecture in Japan/ 新潟县 新潟縣 S - 0 Xīn xì xiàn f /Niigata prefecture in northwest Japan/ 新潟縣 新潟县 T - 0 Xīn xì xiàn f /Niigata prefecture in northwest Japan/ 新潮 - 125 xīn cháo f /modern/fashionable/ 新澤西 新泽西 T - 65 Xīn zé xī f /New Jersey, US state/ 新澤西州 新泽西州 T - 69 Xīn zé xī zhōu f /New Jersey, US state/ 新热带界 新熱帶界 S - 3 xīn rè dài jiè f /Neotropic (ecozone)/ 新熱帶界 新热带界 T - 3 xīn rè dài jiè f /Neotropic (ecozone)/ 新營 新营 T - 7 Xīn yíng f /Hsinying city in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新營市 新营市 T - 3 Xīn yíng shì f /Hsinying city in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新版 - 397 xīn bǎn f /new edition/new version/ 新瓶旧酒 新瓶舊酒 S - 0 xīn píng jiù jiǔ f /old wine in a new bottle (idiom)/ 新瓶舊酒 新瓶旧酒 T - 0 xīn píng jiù jiǔ f /old wine in a new bottle (idiom)/ 新瓶装旧酒 新瓶裝舊酒 S - 0 xīn píng zhuāng jiù jiǔ f /old wine in a new bottle (idiom)/ 新瓶裝舊酒 新瓶装旧酒 T - 0 xīn píng zhuāng jiù jiǔ f /old wine in a new bottle (idiom)/ 新生 - 1379 xīn shēng f /new/newborn/emerging/nascent/rebirth/regeneration/new life/new student/ 新生代 - 217 Xīn shēng dài f /Cenozoic (geological era covering the last 65m years)/ 新生儿 新生兒 S - 248 xīn shēng ér f /newborn baby/neonate/ 新生兒 新生儿 T - 248 xīn shēng ér f /newborn baby/neonate/ 新產品 新产品 T - 0 xīn chǎn pǐn f /new product/ 新產品推介會 新产品推介会 T - 0 xīn chǎn pǐn tuī jiè huì f /product launch event/ 新田 - 28 Xīn tián f /Xintian county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 新田县 新田縣 S - 2 Xīn tián xiàn f /Xintian county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 新田縣 新田县 T - 2 Xīn tián xiàn f /Xintian county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 新界 - 46 Xīn jiè f /New Territories (in Hong Kong)/ 新異 新异 T - 10 xīn yì f /new and different/novelty/ 新畿內亞 新畿内亚 T - 0 Xīn jī nèi yà f /Papua New Guinea/ 新畿内亚 新畿內亞 S - 0 Xīn jī nèi yà f /Papua New Guinea/ 新疆 - 2672 Xīn jiāng f /Xinjiang/Uighur autonomous region 新疆維吾爾自治區|新疆维吾尔自治区/ 新疆小盘鸡 新疆小盤雞 S - 0 Xīn jiāng xiǎo pán jī f /Xinjiang small-plate chicken (typical dish from North-West China)/ 新疆小盤雞 新疆小盘鸡 T - 0 Xīn jiāng xiǎo pán jī f /Xinjiang small-plate chicken (typical dish from North-West China)/ 新疆歌鴝 新疆歌鸲 T - 0 Xīn jiāng gē qú f /(bird species of China) common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)/ 新疆歌鸲 新疆歌鴝 S - 0 Xīn jiāng gē qú f /(bird species of China) common nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)/ 新疆温宿县 新疆溫宿縣 S - 0 Xīn jiāng Wēn sù xiàn f /Wensu County in Xinjiang/ 新疆溫宿縣 新疆温宿县 T - 0 Xīn jiāng Wēn sù xiàn f /Wensu County in Xinjiang/ 新疆維吾爾自治區 新疆维吾尔自治区 T - 226 Xīn jiāng Wéi wú ěr Zì zhì qū f /Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region, abbr. 新, capital Urumqi or Ürümqi 烏魯木齊|乌鲁木齐/ 新疆维吾尔自治区 新疆維吾爾自治區 S - 226 Xīn jiāng Wéi wú ěr Zì zhì qū f /Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region, abbr. 新, capital Urumqi or Ürümqi 烏魯木齊|乌鲁木齐/ 新知 - 36 xīn zhī f /new knowledge/new friend/ 新石器 - 818 Xīn shí qì f /Neolithic/ 新石器时代 新石器時代 S - 0 Xīn shí qì Shí dài f /Neolithic Era/ 新石器時代 新石器时代 T - 0 Xīn shí qì Shí dài f /Neolithic Era/ 新社 - 0 Xīn shè f /Hsinshe township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 新社乡 新社鄉 S - 0 Xīn shè xiāng f /Hsinshe township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 新社鄉 新社乡 T - 0 Xīn shè xiāng f /Hsinshe township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 新禧 - 3 xīn xǐ f /Happy New Year!/ 新穎 新颖 T 4564 333 xīn yǐng f /lit. new bud/fig. new and original/ 新竹 - 55 Xīn zhú f /Xinzhu or Hsinchu city in northern Taiwan, noted for high tech industries/Xinzhu or Hsinchu county in northwest Taiwan/ 新竹县 新竹縣 S - 14 Xīn zhú Xiàn f /Xinzhu or Hsinchu County in northwest Taiwan/ 新竹市 - 12 Xīn zhú shì f /Hsinchu, city in north Taiwan noted for its high tech industries/ 新竹縣 新竹县 T - 14 Xīn zhú Xiàn f /Xinzhu or Hsinchu County in northwest Taiwan/ 新紀元 新纪元 T - 551 Xīn jì yuán f /New Age (movement)/ 新紀元 新纪元 T - 551 xīn jì yuán f /new era/new epoch/ 新約 新约 T - 92 Xīn yuē f /New Testament/ 新約全書 新约全书 T - 3 Xīn yuē quán shū f /New Testament/ 新絳 新绛 T - 10 Xīn jiàng f /Xinjiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 新絳縣 新绛县 T - 3 Xīn jiàng xiàn f /Xinjiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 新縣 新县 T - 33 Xīn xiàn f /Xin county in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 新约 新約 S - 92 Xīn yuē f /New Testament/ 新约全书 新約全書 S - 3 Xīn yuē quán shū f /New Testament/ 新纪元 新紀元 S - 551 Xīn jì yuán f /New Age (movement)/ 新纪元 新紀元 S - 551 xīn jì yuán f /new era/new epoch/ 新绛 新絳 S - 10 Xīn jiàng f /Xinjiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 新绛县 新絳縣 S - 3 Xīn jiàng xiàn f /Xinjiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 新罕布什尔 新罕布什爾 S - 7 Xīn Hǎn bù shí ěr f /New Hampshire, US state/ 新罕布什尔州 新罕布什爾州 S - 9 Xīn Hǎn bù shí ěr zhōu f /New Hampshire, US state/ 新罕布什爾 新罕布什尔 T - 7 Xīn Hǎn bù shí ěr f /New Hampshire, US state/ 新罕布什爾州 新罕布什尔州 T - 9 Xīn Hǎn bù shí ěr zhōu f /New Hampshire, US state/ 新罗 新羅 S - 106 Xīn luó f /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/ 新罗区 新羅區 S - 3 Xīn luó qū f /Xinluo district of Longyan city 龍岩市|龙岩市, Fujian/ 新罗王朝 新羅王朝 S - 0 Xīn luó Wáng cháo f /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/ 新羅 新罗 T - 106 Xīn luó f /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/ 新羅區 新罗区 T - 3 Xīn luó qū f /Xinluo district of Longyan city 龍岩市|龙岩市, Fujian/ 新羅王朝 新罗王朝 T - 0 Xīn luó Wáng cháo f /Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD/one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济[Bai3 ji4] and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽[Gao1 gou1 li2] around 660 in alliance with Tang China/unified Silla 658-935/ 新義州市 新义州市 T - 0 Xīn yì zhōu shì f /Shin'ŭiju, capital of North Pyong'an Province, North Korea/ 新聞 新闻 T 444 12562 xīn wén f /news/CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4]/ 新聞主播 新闻主播 T - 0 xīn wén zhǔ bō f /newsreader/anchor/ 新聞出版總署 新闻出版总署 T - 0 Xīn wén Chū bǎn Zǒng shǔ f /General Administration of Press and Publication (PRC state censorship organization)/ 新聞周刊 新闻周刊 T - 3 Xīn wén Zhōu kān f /Newsweek magazine/ 新聞媒體 新闻媒体 T - 3 xīn wén méi tǐ f /news media/ 新聞學 新闻学 T - 99 xīn wén xué f /journalism/ 新聞工作者 新闻工作者 T - 0 xīn wén gōng zuò zhě f /journalist/ 新聞界 新闻界 T - 375 xīn wén jiè f /the press/the media/ 新聞發布會 新闻发布会 T - 0 xīn wén fā bù huì f /news conference/ 新聞發言人 新闻发言人 T - 0 xīn wén fā yán rén f /spokesman/ 新聞稿 新闻稿 T - 185 xīn wén gǎo f /press release/ 新聞組 新闻组 T - 10 xīn wén zǔ f /newsgroup/ 新聞網 新闻网 T - 348 xīn wén wǎng f /news agency/ 新聞自由 新闻自由 T - 3 xīn wén zì yóu f /freedom of the press/ 新聞處 新闻处 T - 36 xīn wén chù f /news service/information agency/ 新聞記者 新闻记者 T - 102 xīn wén jì zhě f /journalist/ 新聞週刊 新闻周刊 T - 3 Xīn wén Zhōu kān f /Newsweek magazine/also written 新聞周刊|新闻周刊/ 新興 新兴 T - 1215 Xīn xīng f /Xinxing county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/Xinxing or Hsinhsing district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 新興 新兴 T - 1215 xīn xīng f /new/up-and-coming/newly developing/rising/ 新興區 新兴区 T - 3 Xīn xīng qū f /Xinxing district of Qitaihe city 七台河[Qi1 tai2 he2], Heilongjiang/Xinxing or Hsinhsing district of Kaohsiung city 高雄市[Gao1 xiong2 shi4], south Taiwan/ 新興產業 新兴产业 T - 3 xīn xīng chǎn yè f /emerging industry/ 新興經濟國家 新兴经济国家 T - 0 xīn xīng jīng jì guó jiā f /developing economic state/developing nation/ 新興縣 新兴县 T - 3 Xīn xīng xiàn f /Xinxing county in Yunfu 雲浮|云浮[Yun2 fu2], Guangdong/ 新艺拉玛 新藝拉瑪 S - 0 Xīn yì lā mǎ f /Cinerama/ 新艺综合体 新藝綜合體 S - 0 Xīn yì zōng hé tǐ f /CinemaScope/ 新芬党 新芬黨 S - 38 Xīn fēn dǎng f /Sinn Fein, Irish political party/ 新芬黨 新芬党 T - 38 Xīn fēn dǎng f /Sinn Fein, Irish political party/ 新芽 - 3 xīn yá f /sprout/bud/ 新英格兰 新英格蘭 S - 59 Xīn Yīng gé lán f /New England/ 新英格蘭 新英格兰 T - 59 Xīn Yīng gé lán f /New England/ 新荣 新榮 S - 0 Xīn róng f /Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市[Da4 tong2 shi4], Shanxi/ 新荣区 新榮區 S - 3 Xīn róng qū f /Xinrong district of Datong city 大同市[Da4 tong2 shi4], Shanxi/ 新莊 新庄 T - 7 Xīn zhuāng f /Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 新莊市 新庄市 T - 3 Xīn zhuāng shì f /Xinzhuang or Hsinchuang city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 新華 新华 T - 549 Xīn huá f /Xinhua (the official Chinese news agency)/ 新華區 新华区 T - 3 Xīn huá Qū f /Xinhua District/Xinhua District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/Xinhua District of Cangzhou City 滄州市|沧州市[Cang1 zhou1 Shi4], Hebei/ 新華日報 新华日报 T - 3 Xīn huá Rì bào f /Xinhua Daily newspaper/ 新華書店 新华书店 T - 58 Xīn huá Shū diàn f /Xinhua Bookstore, China's largest bookstore chain/ 新華社 新华社 T - 4854 Xīn huá shè f /Xinhua News Agency/ 新華網 新华网 T - 1079 Xīn huá Wǎng f /Xinhua News Network/ 新营 新營 S - 7 Xīn yíng f /Hsinying city in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新营市 新營市 S - 3 Xīn yíng shì f /Hsinying city in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 新蔡 - 24 Xīn cài f /Xincai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 新蔡县 新蔡縣 S - 3 Xīn cài xiàn f /Xincai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 新蔡縣 新蔡县 T - 3 Xīn cài xiàn f /Xincai county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 新藝拉瑪 新艺拉玛 T - 0 Xīn yì lā mǎ f /Cinerama/ 新藝綜合體 新艺综合体 T - 0 Xīn yì zōng hé tǐ f /CinemaScope/ 新西伯利亚 新西伯利亞 S - 37 Xīn xī bó lì yà f /Novosibirsk (city in Russia)/ 新西伯利亚市 新西伯利亞市 S - 0 Xīn xī bó lì yà shì f /Novosibirsk, city in Russia/ 新西伯利亞 新西伯利亚 T - 37 Xīn xī bó lì yà f /Novosibirsk (city in Russia)/ 新西伯利亞市 新西伯利亚市 T - 0 Xīn xī bó lì yà shì f /Novosibirsk, city in Russia/ 新西兰 新西蘭 S - 647 Xīn xī lán f /New Zealand/ 新西蘭 新西兰 T - 647 Xīn xī lán f /New Zealand/ 新詞 新词 T - 47 xīn cí f /new expression/neologism/ 新词 新詞 S - 47 xīn cí f /new expression/neologism/ 新豐 新丰 T - 9 Xīn fēng f /Xinfeng County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/Xinfeng or Hsinfeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 新豐縣 新丰县 T - 2 Xīn fēng Xiàn f /Xinfeng County in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 新豐鄉 新丰乡 T - 0 Xīn fēng xiāng f /Xinfeng or Hsinfeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 新貴 新贵 T - 65 xīn guì f /nouveau riche/upstart/new appointee/ 新賓滿族自治縣 新宾满族自治县 T - 3 Xīn bīn mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn f /Xinbin Manchu autonomous county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning/ 新賓縣 新宾县 T - 0 Xīn bīn xiàn f /Xinbin county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning/ 新贵 新貴 S - 65 xīn guì f /nouveau riche/upstart/new appointee/ 新軍 新军 T - 223 Xīn jūn f /New Armies (modernized Qing armies, trained and equipped according to Western standards, founded after Japan's victory in the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895)/ 新農合 新农合 T - 0 Xīn Nóng Hé f /New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme/abbr. for 新型農村合作醫療|新型农村合作医疗/ 新近 - 322 xīn jìn f /newly/ 新选 新選 S - 0 xīn xuǎn f /newly elected/ 新造 - 44 Xīn zào f /Xinzao town, Guangdong/ 新造 - 44 xīn zào f /newly made/ 新造鎮 新造镇 T - 0 Xīn zào zhèn f /Xinzao town, Guangdong/ 新造镇 新造鎮 S - 0 Xīn zào zhèn f /Xinzao town, Guangdong/ 新選 新选 T - 0 xīn xuǎn f /newly elected/ 新邱 - 0 Xīn qiū f /Xinqiu district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning/ 新邱区 新邱區 S - 3 Xīn qiū qū f /Xinqiu district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning/ 新邱區 新邱区 T - 3 Xīn qiū qū f /Xinqiu district of Fuxin city 阜新市, Liaoning/ 新邵 - 3 Xīn shào f /Xinshao county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 新邵县 新邵縣 S - 3 Xīn shào xiàn f /Xinshao county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 新邵縣 新邵县 T - 3 Xīn shào xiàn f /Xinshao county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 新郎 3233 450 xīn láng f /bridegroom/groom/ 新郑 新鄭 S - 98 Xīn zhèng f /Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 新郑市 新鄭市 S - 15 Xīn zhèng shì f /Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 新都 - 0 Xīn dū f /Xindu or Newtown district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 新都区 新都區 S - 3 Xīn dū qū f /Xindu or Newtown district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 新都區 新都区 T - 3 Xīn dū qū f /Xindu or Newtown district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 新都桥 新都橋 S - 3 Xīn dū qiáo f /Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定縣|康定县[Kang1 ding4 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 新都桥镇 新都橋鎮 S - 0 Xīn dū qiáo zhèn f /Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定縣|康定县[Kang1 ding4 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 新都橋 新都桥 T - 3 Xīn dū qiáo f /Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定縣|康定县[Kang1 ding4 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 新都橋鎮 新都桥镇 T - 0 Xīn dū qiáo zhèn f /Xinduqiao town in Dartsendo county 康定縣|康定县[Kang1 ding4 xian4], Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 新鄉 新乡 T - 62 Xīn xiāng f /Xinxiang prefecture level city in Henan/ 新鄉地區 新乡地区 T - 0 Xīn xiāng dì qū f /Xinxiang prefecture in Henan/ 新鄉市 新乡市 T - 19 Xīn xiāng shì f /Xinxiang prefecture level city in Henan/ 新鄉縣 新乡县 T - 7 Xīn xiāng xiàn f /Xinxiang county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡[Xin1 xiang1], Henan/ 新鄭 新郑 T - 98 Xīn zhèng f /Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 新鄭市 新郑市 T - 15 Xīn zhèng shì f /Xinzheng county level city in Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1], Henan/ 新野 - 125 Xīn yě f /Xinye county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 新野县 新野縣 S - 9 Xīn yě xiàn f /Xinye county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 新野縣 新野县 T - 9 Xīn yě xiàn f /Xinye county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 新金县 新金縣 S - 3 Xīn jīn xiàn f /Xinjin county in Liaoning/ 新金縣 新金县 T - 3 Xīn jīn xiàn f /Xinjin county in Liaoning/ 新銳 新锐 T - 37 xīn ruì f /cutting-edge (in technology, science, fashion, the arts etc)/novel and competitive/new and dashing/ 新锐 新銳 S - 37 xīn ruì f /cutting-edge (in technology, science, fashion, the arts etc)/novel and competitive/new and dashing/ 新闻 新聞 S 444 12562 xīn wén f /news/CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4]/ 新闻主播 新聞主播 S - 0 xīn wén zhǔ bō f /newsreader/anchor/ 新闻出版总署 新聞出版總署 S - 0 Xīn wén Chū bǎn Zǒng shǔ f /General Administration of Press and Publication (PRC state censorship organization)/ 新闻发布会 新聞發布會 S - 0 xīn wén fā bù huì f /news conference/ 新闻发言人 新聞發言人 S - 0 xīn wén fā yán rén f /spokesman/ 新闻周刊 新聞周刊 S - 3 Xīn wén Zhōu kān f /Newsweek magazine/ 新闻周刊 新聞週刊 S - 3 Xīn wén Zhōu kān f /Newsweek magazine/also written 新聞周刊|新闻周刊/ 新闻处 新聞處 S - 36 xīn wén chù f /news service/information agency/ 新闻媒体 新聞媒體 S - 3 xīn wén méi tǐ f /news media/ 新闻学 新聞學 S - 99 xīn wén xué f /journalism/ 新闻工作者 新聞工作者 S - 0 xīn wén gōng zuò zhě f /journalist/ 新闻界 新聞界 S - 375 xīn wén jiè f /the press/the media/ 新闻稿 新聞稿 S - 185 xīn wén gǎo f /press release/ 新闻组 新聞組 S - 10 xīn wén zǔ f /newsgroup/ 新闻网 新聞網 S - 348 xīn wén wǎng f /news agency/ 新闻自由 新聞自由 S - 3 xīn wén zì yóu f /freedom of the press/ 新闻记者 新聞記者 S - 102 xīn wén jì zhě f /journalist/ 新阶段 新階段 S - 0 xīn jiē duàn f /new level/higher plane/ 新陈代谢 新陳代謝 S 4495 284 xīn chén dài xiè f /metabolism (biology)/the new replaces the old (idiom)/ 新陳代謝 新陈代谢 T 4495 284 xīn chén dài xiè f /metabolism (biology)/the new replaces the old (idiom)/ 新階段 新阶段 T - 0 xīn jiē duàn f /new level/higher plane/ 新雅 - 6 xīn yǎ f /fresh/new and elegant/ 新霉素 - 14 xīn méi sù f /neomycin (antibiotic)/ 新青 - 0 Xīn qīng f /Xinqing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 新青区 新青區 S - 3 Xīn qīng qū f /Xinqing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 新青區 新青区 T - 3 Xīn qīng qū f /Xinqing district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 新颖 新穎 S 4564 333 xīn yǐng f /lit. new bud/fig. new and original/ 新風 新风 T - 615 xīn fēng f /new trend/new custom/ 新风 新風 S - 615 xīn fēng f /new trend/new custom/ 新餘 新余 T - 9 Xīn yú f /Xinyu prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 新餘市 新余市 T - 17 Xīn yú shì f /Xinyu prefecture level city in Jiangxi/ 新馬 新马 T - 0 Xīn Mǎ f /abbr. for Singapore 新加坡 and Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚/ 新马 新馬 S - 0 Xīn Mǎ f /abbr. for Singapore 新加坡 and Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚/ 新鮮 新鲜 T 520 1691 xīn xiān f /fresh (experience, food etc)/freshness/novel/uncommon/ 新鲜 新鮮 S 520 1691 xīn xiān f /fresh (experience, food etc)/freshness/novel/uncommon/ 新黨 新党 T - 53 Xīn dǎng f /New Party (Republic of China)/ 新龍 新龙 T - 3 Xīn lóng f /Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 新龍縣 新龙县 T - 3 Xīn lóng xiàn f /Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 新龙 新龍 S - 3 Xīn lóng f /Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 新龙县 新龍縣 S - 3 Xīn lóng xiàn f /Xinlong county (Tibetan: nyag rong rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 斲 斫 T - 190 zhuó f /to chop/to carve wood/ 斵 斫 T - 190 zhuó f /variant of 斲|斫[zhuo2]/ 斷 断 T 1382 7773 duàn f /to break/to snap/to cut off/to give up or abstain from sth/to judge/(usu. used in the negative) absolutely/definitely/decidedly/ 斷乎 断乎 T - 26 duàn hū f /certainly/ 斷交 断交 T - 66 duàn jiāo f /to end a relationship/to break off diplomatic ties/ 斷代 断代 T - 364 duàn dài f /periodization (of history)/ 斷句 断句 T - 18 duàn jù f /to pause at appropriate points in reading aloud unpunctuated writing/to punctuate/ 斷奶 断奶 T - 30 duàn nǎi f /to wean/ 斷定 断定 T 3996 579 duàn dìng f /to conclude/to determine/to come to a judgment/ 斷層 断层 T - 519 duàn céng f /fault (geology)/CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4]/(fig.) gap/rupture (in the transmission of some skill)/(tomography) cross-sectional/ 斷層線 断层线 T - 0 duàn céng xiàn f /geological fault line/ 斷崖 断崖 T - 101 duàn yá f /steep cliff/crag/precipice/ 斷弦 断弦 T - 7 duàn xián f /widowed/lit. broken string, cf 琴瑟[qin2 se4] qin and se, two instruments epitomizing marital harmony/ 斷想 断想 T - 2 duàn xiǎng f /brief commentary/ 斷斷續續 断断续续 T - 371 duàn duàn xù xù f /intermittent/off and on/discontinuous/stop-go/stammering/disjointed/inarticulate/ 斷案 断案 T - 57 duàn àn f /to judge a case/ 斷橋 断桥 T - 42 Duàn Qiáo f /The Broken Bridge (at West Lake in Hangzhou)/ 斷檔 断档 T - 17 duàn dàng f /sold out/to be out of stock/ 斷氣 断气 T - 64 duàn qì f /to stop breathing/to breathe one's last/to die/to cut the gas supply/ 斷流 断流 T - 96 duàn liú f /to run dry (of river)/ 斷港絕潢 断港绝潢 T - 0 duàn gǎng jué huáng f /to be unable to continue/to come to a dead end (idiom)/ 斷滅 断灭 T - 3 duàn miè f /annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)/ 斷滅論 断灭论 T - 0 duàn miè lùn f /annihilation (of soul, Sanskrit uccheda)/ 斷然 断然 T - 383 duàn rán f /resolute/definitive/categorically/absolutely/ 斷片 断片 T - 7 duàn piàn f /fragment/piece/(of a film) to break in the middle of viewing/ 斷獄 断狱 T - 23 duàn yù f /to pass judgement on a legal case/ 斷瓦殘垣 断瓦残垣 T - 0 duàn wǎ cán yuán f /the tiles are broken, the walls dilapidated/ 斷章取義 断章取义 T - 41 duàn zhāng qǔ yì f /lit. to take meaning from cut segment (idiom); to interpret out of context/to focus attention on one phrase without regard to the meaning of the whole piece/ 斷糧 断粮 T - 23 duàn liáng f /to run out of food/ 斷絕 断绝 T 3777 402 duàn jué f /to sever/to break off/ 斷線 断线 T - 44 duàn xiàn f /(of a guitar, kite etc) to have a string break/(of a tradition etc) to be discontinued/(telephone or Internet connection) disconnected/cut off/ 斷線鉗 断线钳 T - 0 duàn xiàn qián f /bolt cutter/ 斷線風箏 断线风筝 T - 5 duàn xiàn fēng zhēng f /a kite with cut string (idiom); fig. gone beyond recall/ 斷續 断续 T - 133 duàn xù f /intermittent/ 斷背 断背 T - 0 duàn bèi f /homosexual, cf Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain/ 斷背山 断背山 T - 3 Duàn bèi shān f /Brokeback Mountain, film by Ang Lee/ 斷腸 断肠 T - 134 duàn cháng f /heartbroken/to break one's heart/ 斷腿 断腿 T - 75 duàn tuǐ f /broken leg/ 斷行 断行 T - 3 duàn xíng f /to carry out resolutely/ 斷袖 断袖 T - 3 duàn xiù f /homosexual/see 斷袖之癖|断袖之癖[duan4 xiu4 zhi1 pi3]/ 斷袖之癖 断袖之癖 T - 3 duàn xiù zhī pǐ f /lit. cut sleeve (idiom); fig. euphemism for homosexuality, originating from History of Western Han 漢書|汉书: emperor Han Aidi (real name Liu Xin) was in bed with his lover Dong Xian, and had to attend a court audience that morning. Not wishing to awaken Dong Xian, who was sleeping with his head resting on the emperor's long robe sleeve, Aidi used a knife to cut off the lower half of his sleeve./ 斷裂 断裂 T - 756 duàn liè f /fracture/rupture/to break apart/ 斷裂帶 断裂带 T - 124 duàn liè dài f /fault zone (geology)/ 斷裂強度 断裂强度 T - 3 duàn liè qiáng dù f /rupture strength/breaking strength/ 斷裂模數 断裂模数 T - 0 duàn liè mó shù f /modulus rupture/ 斷言 断言 T - 311 duàn yán f /to assert/assertion/ 斷語 断语 T - 12 duàn yǔ f /conclusion/judgement/verdict/ 斷貨 断货 T - 0 duàn huò f /to run out of (stock)/ 斷路器 断路器 T - 30 duàn lù qì f /circuit breaker/ 斷送 断送 T - 170 duàn sòng f /to forfeit (future profit, one's life etc)/ruined/ 斷開 断开 T - 54 duàn kāi f /to break/to sever/to turn off (electric switch)/ 斷電 断电 T - 42 duàn diàn f /power cut/electric power failure/ 斷頭台 断头台 T - 40 duàn tóu tái f /guillotine/scaffold/ 斷食 断食 T - 0 duàn shí f /to fast/hunger strike/ 斷魂椒 断魂椒 T - 0 duàn hún jiāo f /king cobra or ghost chili (Naga jolokia)/ 斸 - 0 zhǔ f /cut/ 方 1248 13166 Fāng f /surname Fang/ 方 1248 13166 fāng f /square/power or involution (mathematics)/upright/honest/fair and square/direction/side/party (to a contract, dispute etc)/place/method/prescription (medicine)/just when/only or just/classifier for square things/abbr. for square or cubic meter/ 方丈 - 840 Fāng zhang f /one of three fabled islands in Eastern sea, abode of immortals/ 方丈 - 840 fāng zhang f /square zhang (i.e. unit of area 10 feet square)/monastic room 10 feet square/Buddhist or Daoist abbot/abbot's chamber/ 方位 3401 732 fāng wèi f /direction/points of the compass/bearing/position/azimuth/ 方位角 - 55 fāng wèi jiǎo f /azimuth/ 方位詞 方位词 T - 2 fāng wèi cí f /noun of locality (linguistics)/ 方位词 方位詞 S - 2 fāng wèi cí f /noun of locality (linguistics)/ 方便 527 3718 fāng biàn f /convenient/to help out/to make things easy for people/convenience/suitable/having money to spare/(euphemism) to go to the toilet/ 方便面 方便麵 S - 113 fāng biàn miàn f /instant noodles/ 方便麵 方便面 T - 113 fāng biàn miàn f /instant noodles/ 方兴未已 方興未已 S - 3 fāng xīng wèi yǐ f /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/still growing strong/on the up/ 方兴未艾 方興未艾 S - 86 fāng xīng wèi ài f /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/still growing strong/on the up/ 方冊 方册 T - 0 fāng cè f /ancient books and volumes/classical writings/ 方册 方冊 S - 0 fāng cè f /ancient books and volumes/classical writings/ 方剂 方劑 S - 191 fāng jì f /prescription/recipe (Chinese medicine)/ 方劑 方剂 T - 191 fāng jì f /prescription/recipe (Chinese medicine)/ 方向 838 8151 fāng xiàng f /direction/orientation/path to follow/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 方向性 - 81 fāng xiàng xìng f /directionality (molecular biology)/ 方向感 - 20 fāng xiàng gǎn f /sense of direction/ 方向盘 方向盤 S - 66 fāng xiàng pán f /steering wheel/ 方向盤 方向盘 T - 66 fāng xiàng pán f /steering wheel/ 方命 - 0 fāng mìng f /against orders/to disobey/to refuse to accept orders/ 方圆 方圓 S 3886 285 fāng yuán f /circumference/ 方圓 方圆 T 3886 285 fāng yuán f /circumference/ 方块 方塊 S - 63 fāng kuài f /cube/block/square/rectangle/diamond ♦ (in card games)/ 方块字 方塊字 S - 10 fāng kuài zì f /Chinese characters/ 方块草皮 方塊草皮 S - 0 fāng kuài cǎo pí f /divot (golf)/ 方城 - 290 Fāng chéng f /Fangcheng county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 方城 - 290 fāng chéng f /square castle/mahjong layout (with the tiles laid out as a square)/ 方城县 方城縣 S - 9 Fāng chéng xiàn f /Fangcheng county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 方城縣 方城县 T - 9 Fāng chéng xiàn f /Fangcheng county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 方塊 方块 T - 63 fāng kuài f /cube/block/square/rectangle/diamond ♦ (in card games)/ 方塊字 方块字 T - 10 fāng kuài zì f /Chinese characters/ 方塊草皮 方块草皮 T - 0 fāng kuài cǎo pí f /divot (golf)/ 方士 - 113 fāng shì f /alchemist/necromancer/ 方头 方頭 S - 17 fāng tóu f /square headed/ 方头巾 方頭巾 S - 0 fāng tóu jīn f /headscarf/ 方头括号 方頭括號 S - 0 fāng tóu kuò hào f /square brackets 【】 or 〖〗/ 方头螺帽 方頭螺帽 S - 0 fāng tóu luó mào f /square headed nut/ 方妮 - 0 Fāng nī f /Fanny (name)/ 方子 - 106 fāng zi f /prescription (of medicine)/ 方家 - 89 fāng jiā f /learned person/expert in a certain field/abbr. for 大方之家[da4 fang1 zhi1 jia1]/ 方寸 - 86 fāng cùn f /square cun (Chinese unit of area: 1 cun × 1 cun, or 3⅓ cm × 3⅓ cm)/heart/mind/ 方尾鶲 方尾鹟 T - 0 fāng wěi wēng f /(bird species of China) grey-headed canary-flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)/ 方尾鹟 方尾鶲 S - 0 fāng wěi wēng f /(bird species of China) grey-headed canary-flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)/ 方山 - 77 Fāng shān f /Fangshan county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 方山县 方山縣 S - 9 Fāng shān xiàn f /Fangshan county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 方山縣 方山县 T - 9 Fāng shān xiàn f /Fangshan county in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 方差 - 84 fāng chā f /variance (statistics)/ 方帽 - 0 fāng mào f /mortarboard/square academic cap/ 方庄 方莊 S - 23 Fāng zhuāng f /Fangzhuang neighborhood of Beijing/ 方式 1249 16797 fāng shì f /way/manner/style/mode/pattern/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 方形 - 494 fāng xíng f /square/square-shaped/ 方志 - 67 fāng zhì f /local chronicles/district records/ 方才 - 1355 fāng cái f /just now/then/ 方括号 方括號 S - 13 fāng kuò hào f /square brackets [ ]/ 方括號 方括号 T - 13 fāng kuò hào f /square brackets [ ]/ 方文山 - 6 Fāng Wén shān f /Vincent Fang (1969-), Taiwanese multi-Golden Melody Award lyricist/ 方方正正 - 26 fāng fāng zhèng zhèng f /square-shaped/ 方方面面 - 156 fāng fāng miàn miàn f /all sides/all aspects/multi-faceted/ 方术 方術 S - 92 fāng shù f /arts of healing, divination, horoscope etc/supernatural arts (old)/ 方枘圆凿 方枘圓鑿 S - 3 fāng ruì yuán záo f /to put a square peg in a round hole/incompatible (idiom)/ 方枘圓鑿 方枘圆凿 T - 3 fāng ruì yuán záo f /to put a square peg in a round hole/incompatible (idiom)/ 方根 - 29 fāng gēn f /square root/ 方格 - 85 fāng gé f /checked pattern/square box character (in Chinese text) indicating illegible character/ 方格紙 方格纸 T - 3 fāng gé zhǐ f /squared paper/graph paper/grid paper (manuscript paper with squares for Chinese characters)/ 方格纸 方格紙 S - 3 fāng gé zhǐ f /squared paper/graph paper/grid paper (manuscript paper with squares for Chinese characters)/ 方框图 方框圖 S - 3 fāng kuàng tú f /flowchart/block diagram/ 方框圖 方框图 T - 3 fāng kuàng tú f /flowchart/block diagram/ 方案 1798 7097 fāng àn f /plan/program (for action etc)/proposal/proposed bill/CL:個|个[ge4],套[tao4]/ 方正 - 144 Fāng zhèng f /Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 方正 - 144 fāng zhèng f /clear and square/neat/square (person)/ 方正县 方正縣 S - 3 Fāng zhèng xiàn f /Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 方正縣 方正县 T - 3 Fāng zhèng xiàn f /Fangzheng county in Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Ha1 er3 bin1], Heilongjiang/ 方毅 - 6 Fāng Yì f /Fang Yi (1916-1997), senior party apparatchik/ 方法 722 18045 fāng fǎ f /method/way/means/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 方法学 方法學 S - 47 fāng fǎ xué f /methodology/ 方法學 方法学 T - 47 fāng fǎ xué f /methodology/ 方法論 方法论 T - 236 fāng fǎ lùn f /methodology/Discours de la méthode by René Descartes 笛卡兒|笛卡儿[Di2 ka3 er2], 1637/ 方法论 方法論 S - 236 fāng fǎ lùn f /methodology/Discours de la méthode by René Descartes 笛卡兒|笛卡儿[Di2 ka3 er2], 1637/ 方滋未艾 - 3 fāng zī wèi ài f /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/still growing strong/on the up/ 方物 - 0 fāng wù f /produced locally/local product (with distinctive native features)/ 方知 - 35 fāng zhī f /to realize only then/ 方程 - 1150 fāng chéng f /mathematical equation/ 方程式 - 160 fāng chéng shì f /equation/ 方程組 方程组 T - 146 fāng chéng zǔ f /(math.) simultaneous equations/system of equations/ 方程组 方程組 S - 146 fāng chéng zǔ f /(math.) simultaneous equations/system of equations/ 方策 - 24 fāng cè f /strategy/policy/general plan/variant of 方冊|方册[fang1 ce4]/ 方糖 - 5 fāng táng f /sugar cube/ 方能 - 3 fāng néng f /can then (and only then)/ 方腊 方臘 S - 62 Fāng Là f /Fang La/ 方腿 - 0 fāng tuǐ f /processed ham product/ 方臘 方腊 T - 62 Fāng Là f /Fang La/ 方興未已 方兴未已 T - 3 fāng xīng wèi yǐ f /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/still growing strong/on the up/ 方興未艾 方兴未艾 T - 86 fāng xīng wèi ài f /flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding/still growing strong/on the up/ 方舟 - 67 fāng zhōu f /ark/ 方莊 方庄 T - 23 Fāng zhuāng f /Fangzhuang neighborhood of Beijing/ 方術 方术 T - 92 fāng shù f /arts of healing, divination, horoscope etc/supernatural arts (old)/ 方解石 - 333 fāng jiě shí f /calcite (CaCO3 as rock-forming mineral)/ 方言 4358 1480 Fāng yán f /the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄[Yang2 Xiong2] in 1st century, containing over 9000 characters/ 方言 4358 1480 fāng yán f /topolect/dialect/ 方針 方针 T 4450 4251 fāng zhēn f /policy/guidelines/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 方釳 - 0 fāng xì f /(arch.) metal horn attached as shield to horse or to the axle of a chariot/ 方鉛礦 方铅矿 T - 22 fāng qiān kuàng f /galena/ 方针 方針 S 4450 4251 fāng zhēn f /policy/guidelines/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 方铅矿 方鉛礦 S - 22 fāng qiān kuàng f /galena/ 方阵 方陣 S - 156 fāng zhèn f /square-shaped formation (military)/phalanx/(math.) matrix/ 方陣 方阵 T - 156 fāng zhèn f /square-shaped formation (military)/phalanx/(math.) matrix/ 方面 778 26963 fāng miàn f /respect/aspect/field/side/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 方音 - 7 fāng yīn f /dialectal accent/ 方頂 方顶 T - 0 fāng dǐng f /square roof/ 方頭 方头 T - 17 fāng tóu f /square headed/ 方頭巾 方头巾 T - 0 fāng tóu jīn f /headscarf/ 方頭括號 方头括号 T - 0 fāng tóu kuò hào f /square brackets 【】 or 〖〗/ 方頭螺帽 方头螺帽 T - 0 fāng tóu luó mào f /square headed nut/ 方顶 方頂 S - 0 fāng dǐng f /square roof/ 於 于 T - 106176 yú f /in/at/to/from/by/than/out of/ 於 - 106176 Yū f /surname Yu/Taiwan pr. [Yu2]/ 於 - 106176 wū f /(literary) Oh!/Ah!/ 於事無補 于事无补 T - 53 yú shì wú bǔ f /unhelpful/useless/ 於心不忍 于心不忍 T - 24 yú xīn bù rěn f /can't bear to/ 於是 于是 T 856 13536 yú shì f /thereupon/as a result/consequently/thus/hence/ 於是乎 于是乎 T - 56 yú shì hū f /therefore/ 於焉 于焉 T - 2 yú yān f /(classical) see 於是|于是[yu2 shi4]/ 於田 于田 T - 20 Yú tián f /Kériye Nahiyisi/Yutian county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 於田縣 于田县 T - 5 Yú tián xiàn f /Kériye Nahiyisi/Yutian county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 於都 于都 T - 0 Yú dū f /Yudu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 於都縣 于都县 T - 4 Yú dū xiàn f /Yudu county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi/ 於霧靄之中 于雾霭之中 T - 0 yú wù ǎi zhī zhōng f /to be beclouded/ 施 - 2857 Shī f /surname Shi/ 施 - 2857 shī f /to grant/to give/to bestow/to act/to carry out/ 施与 施與 S - 8 shī yǔ f /to donate/to give/to grant/to distribute/to administer/ 施主 - 472 shī zhǔ f /designation of a person by a monk/ 施乐 施樂 S - 8 Shī lè f /Xerox/ 施予 - 7 shī yǔ f /variant of 施與|施与[shi1 yu3]/ 施事 - 3 shī shì f /(ling.) agent/ 施加 3841 438 shī jiā f /to exert (effort or pressure)/ 施华洛世奇水晶 施華洛世奇水晶 S - 0 Shī huá luò shì qí shuǐ jīng f /Swarovski crystal/ 施压 施壓 S - 99 shī yā f /to pressure/ 施壓 施压 T - 99 shī yā f /to pressure/ 施展 3811 897 shī zhǎn f /to use fully/to put to use/ 施工 - 2140 shī gōng f /construction/to carry out construction or large-scale repairs/ 施工单位 施工單位 S - 3 shī gōng dān wèi f /unit in charge of construction/builder/ 施工單位 施工单位 T - 3 shī gōng dān wèi f /unit in charge of construction/builder/ 施恩 - 195 shī ēn f /to confer a favor on sb/to confer a benefit/ 施惠 - 3 shī huì f /to give charity to sb/to oblige/ 施打 - 0 shī dǎ f /to inject (a vaccine etc)/ 施捨 施舍 T - 166 shī shě f /to give in charity/to give alms (to the poor)/ 施放 - 156 shī fàng f /to fire/to discharge/to release (fireworks, smokescreen, poison gas, virus etc)/ 施政 - 291 shī zhèng f /administration/ 施政報告 施政报告 T - 3 shī zhèng bào gào f /administrative report/ 施政报告 施政報告 S - 3 shī zhèng bào gào f /administrative report/ 施教 - 17 shī jiào f /teaching/ 施明德 - 3 Shī Míng dé f /Shih Ming-te (1941-), Taiwanese politician, imprisoned 1962-1977 and 1980-1990 under the Guomindang, subsequently a leader of DPP 民進黨|民进党, since 2006 leader of protests against Chen Shui-Bian 陳水扁|陈水扁[Chen2 Shui3 bian3]/ 施暴 - 7 shī bào f /to use violence/to attack/to assault/ 施樂 施乐 T - 8 Shī lè f /Xerox/ 施法 - 19 shī fǎ f /to implement the law/to perform sorcery/ 施洗 - 13 shī xǐ f /baptize/ 施洗約翰 施洗约翰 T - 3 Shī xǐ Yuē hàn f /John the Baptist/ 施洗约翰 施洗約翰 S - 3 Shī xǐ Yuē hàn f /John the Baptist/ 施洗者約翰 施洗者约翰 T - 0 Shī xǐ zhě Yuē hàn f /John the Baptist/ 施洗者约翰 施洗者約翰 S - 0 Shī xǐ zhě Yuē hàn f /John the Baptist/ 施特劳斯 施特勞斯 S - 71 Shī tè láo sī f /Strauss (name)/Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer/Richard Strauss (1864-1949), German composer/ 施特勞斯 施特劳斯 T - 71 Shī tè láo sī f /Strauss (name)/Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer/Richard Strauss (1864-1949), German composer/ 施琅 - 313 Shī Láng f /Shi Lang (1621-1696), Chinese admiral who served under the Ming and Qing Dynasties/ 施瓦布 - 8 Shī wǎ bù f /Schwab (name)/ 施瓦辛格 - 13 Shī wǎ xīn gé f /Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947-), US actor and politician, governor of California 2003-2011/ 施用 - 148 shī yòng f /to implement/to use/ 施甸 - 6 Shī diàn f /Shidian county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 shan1], Yunnan/ 施甸县 施甸縣 S - 3 Shī diàn xiàn f /Shidian county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 shan1], Yunnan/ 施甸縣 施甸县 T - 3 Shī diàn xiàn f /Shidian county in Baoshan 保山[Bao3 shan1], Yunnan/ 施礼 施禮 S - 253 shī lǐ f /to salute/to greet/ 施禮 施礼 T - 253 shī lǐ f /to salute/to greet/ 施秉 - 3 Shī bǐng f /Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 施秉县 施秉縣 S - 3 Shī bǐng xiàn f /Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 施秉縣 施秉县 T - 3 Shī bǐng xiàn f /Shibing county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qian2 dong1 nan2 zhou1], Guizhou/ 施粥捨飯 施粥舍饭 T - 0 shī zhōu shě fàn f /to provide alms and rice (idiom)/ 施粥舍饭 施粥捨飯 S - 0 shī zhōu shě fàn f /to provide alms and rice (idiom)/ 施罗德 施羅德 S - 19 Shī luó dé f /Schröder (name)/Gerhard Schröder (1944-), German SPD politician, Chancellor 1998-2005/ 施羅德 施罗德 T - 19 Shī luó dé f /Schröder (name)/Gerhard Schröder (1944-), German SPD politician, Chancellor 1998-2005/ 施耐庵 - 30 Shī Nài ān f /Shi Nai'an (1296-1371), author of Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4]/ 施肥 - 134 shī féi f /to spread manure/to apply fertilizer/ 施與 施与 T - 8 shī yǔ f /to donate/to give/to grant/to distribute/to administer/ 施舍 施捨 S - 166 shī shě f /to give in charity/to give alms (to the poor)/ 施華洛世奇水晶 施华洛世奇水晶 T - 0 Shī huá luò shì qí shuǐ jīng f /Swarovski crystal/ 施蒂利尔 施蒂利爾 S - 0 shī dì lì ěr f /Styria province of Austria/ 施蒂利尔州 施蒂利爾州 S - 0 shī dì lì ěr zhōu f /Styria province of Austria/ 施蒂利爾 施蒂利尔 T - 0 shī dì lì ěr f /Styria province of Austria/ 施蒂利爾州 施蒂利尔州 T - 0 shī dì lì ěr zhōu f /Styria province of Austria/ 施虐受虐 - 0 shī nüè shòu nüè f /sado-masochism/ 施行 - 1744 shī xíng f /to put in place/to put into practice/to take effect/ 施食 - 0 shī shí f /to give food (as a charity)/"feeding the hungry ghosts" (Buddhist ceremony)/ 斾 - 298 pèi f /variant of 旆, pennant/banner/ 斿 - 460 yóu f /scallops along lower edge of flag/ 旀 - 284 mie f /phonetic "myeo" used in place names (Korean gugja)/ 旁 - 5260 páng f /beside/one side/other/side/self/the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic/ 旁人 - 1731 páng rén f /other people/bystanders/onlookers/outsiders/ 旁听 旁聽 S - 399 páng tīng f /to visit (a meeting, class, trial etc)/ 旁敲侧击 旁敲側擊 S - 48 páng qiāo cè jī f /glancing knock, sideways stroke (idiom); fig. circuitous attack in words or writing/to attack by innuendo/to satirize/to cast oblique aspersions/ 旁敲側擊 旁敲侧击 T - 48 páng qiāo cè jī f /glancing knock, sideways stroke (idiom); fig. circuitous attack in words or writing/to attack by innuendo/to satirize/to cast oblique aspersions/ 旁氏 - 0 Páng shì f /Pond's (brand of skin care products)/ 旁白 - 17 páng bái f /aside (theater)/voice-over/background narration/ 旁皇 - 0 páng huáng f /variant of 彷徨[pang2 huang2]/ 旁系 - 3 páng xì f /collateral relative (descended from a common ancestor but through different lines)/ 旁聽 旁听 T - 399 páng tīng f /to visit (a meeting, class, trial etc)/ 旁腱肌 - 0 páng jiàn jī f /see 膕旁腱肌|腘旁腱肌[guo2 pang2 jian4 ji1]/hamstring (anatomy)/ 旁若无人 旁若無人 S - 90 páng ruò wú rén f /to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without regard for others/ 旁若無人 旁若无人 T - 90 páng ruò wú rén f /to act as though there were nobody else present/unselfconscious/fig. without regard for others/ 旁觀 旁观 T - 327 páng guān f /spectator/non-participant/ 旁觀者 旁观者 T - 100 páng guān zhě f /observer/spectator/ 旁觀者清 旁观者清 T - 27 páng guān zhě qīng f /The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The spectator sees more of the game./ 旁观 旁觀 S - 327 páng guān f /spectator/non-participant/ 旁观者 旁觀者 S - 100 páng guān zhě f /observer/spectator/ 旁观者清 旁觀者清 S - 27 páng guān zhě qīng f /The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The spectator sees more of the game./ 旁證 旁证 T - 15 páng zhèng f /circumstantial evidence/ 旁证 旁證 S - 15 páng zhèng f /circumstantial evidence/ 旁路 - 11 páng lù f /to bypass/ 旁边 旁邊 S 262 3728 páng biān f /lateral/side/to the side/beside/ 旁边儿 旁邊兒 S - 2 páng biān r f /erhua variant of 旁邊|旁边[pang2 bian1]/ 旁遮普 - 121 Páng zhē pǔ f /Punjab state of India/Punjab province of Pakistan/ 旁遮普省 - 24 Páng zhē pǔ shěng f /Punjab province of Pakistan/ 旁遮普邦 - 12 Páng zhē pǔ bāng f /Punjab state in northwest India bordering Pakistan/ 旁邊 旁边 T 262 3728 páng biān f /lateral/side/to the side/beside/ 旁邊兒 旁边儿 T - 2 páng biān r f /erhua variant of 旁邊|旁边[pang2 bian1]/ 旁門 旁门 T - 178 páng mén f /side door/ 旁門左道 旁门左道 T - 86 páng mén zuǒ dào f /dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical school of opinion/dissident group/ 旁门 旁門 S - 178 páng mén f /side door/ 旁门左道 旁門左道 S - 86 páng mén zuǒ dào f /dissenting religious sect (idiom); heretical school of opinion/dissident group/ 旁鶩 旁鹜 T - 0 páng wù f /to be inattentive/to be distracted by sth/ 旁鹜 旁鶩 S - 0 páng wù f /to be inattentive/to be distracted by sth/ 旂 旗 T - 3704 qí f /flag/variant of 旗[qi2]/ 旃 - 100 zhān f /felt/silken banner/ 旃檀 - 9 zhān tán f /sandalwood (loanword from Sanskrit "candana")/ 旄 - 64 máo t /banner decorated with animal's tail/ 旄 - 64 mào f /variant of 耄[mao4]/ 旄倪 - 0 mào ní f /variant of 耄倪[mao4 ni2]/ 旄期 - 0 mào qī f /variant of 耄期[mao4 qi1]/ 旄車 旄车 T - 0 máo chē f /an ancient war chariot/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 旄车 旄車 S - 0 máo chē f /an ancient war chariot/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 旅 - 2722 lǚ f /trip/travel/to travel/brigade (army)/ 旅大 - 3 Lǚ Dà f /Lüshun 旅順|旅顺[Lu:3 shun4] port and Dalian city 大連|大连[Da4 lian2], Liaoning Province 遼寧省|辽宁省[Liao2 ning2 Sheng3]/ 旅大市 - 2 Lǚ Dà shì f /former name of Dalian city 大連|大连[Da4 lian2] incorporating Lüshun 旅順|旅顺[Lu:3 shun4]/ 旅大租地条约 旅大租地條約 S - 0 Lǚ Dà Zū dì Tiáo yuē f /unequal treaty of 1898 whereby the Qing dynasty ceded the lease of Lüshun (Port Arthur) to Russia/ 旅大租地條約 旅大租地条约 T - 0 Lǚ Dà Zū dì Tiáo yuē f /unequal treaty of 1898 whereby the Qing dynasty ceded the lease of Lüshun (Port Arthur) to Russia/ 旅客 - 1554 lǚ kè f /traveler/tourist/ 旅居 - 92 lǚ jū f /to stay away from home/residence abroad/sojourn/ 旅居車 旅居车 T - 0 lǚ jū chē f /motorhome/RV (recreational vehicle)/ 旅居车 旅居車 S - 0 lǚ jū chē f /motorhome/RV (recreational vehicle)/ 旅店 - 390 lǚ diàn f /inn/small hotel/ 旅检 旅檢 S - 2 lǚ jiǎn f /passenger inspection (customs)/ 旅檢 旅检 T - 2 lǚ jiǎn f /passenger inspection (customs)/ 旅游 旅遊 S 289 16124 lǚ yóu f /trip/journey/tourism/travel/tour/to travel/ 旅游业 旅遊業 S - 1203 lǚ yóu yè f /tourism industry/ 旅游团 旅遊團 S - 116 lǚ yóu tuán f /a tour group/ 旅游城市 旅遊城市 S - 0 lǚ yóu chéng shì f /tourist city/ 旅游客 旅遊客 S - 0 lǚ yóu kè f /a tourist/ 旅游景点 旅遊景點 S - 3 lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn f /tourist attraction/travel sight/ 旅游热点 旅遊熱點 S - 0 lǚ yóu rè diǎn f /a hot tourist attraction/a tourist trap/ 旅游者 旅遊者 S - 369 lǚ yóu zhě f /tourist/traveler/visitor/ 旅游胜地 旅遊勝地 S - 237 lǚ yóu shèng dì f /tourist center/ 旅游集散 旅遊集散 S - 0 lǚ yóu jí sàn f /tourism center or hub/ 旅社 - 80 lǚ shè f /hotel/hostel/ 旅程 - 130 lǚ chéng f /journey/trip/ 旅程表 - 0 lǚ chéng biǎo f /itinerary/ 旅舍 - 110 lǚ shè f /inn/small hotel/hostel/ 旅行 846 1131 lǚ xíng f /to travel/journey/trip/CL:趟[tang4],次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/ 旅行团 旅行團 S - 73 lǚ xíng tuán f /tour group/ 旅行團 旅行团 T - 73 lǚ xíng tuán f /tour group/ 旅行支票 - 3 lǚ xíng zhī piào f /a traveler's check/ 旅行社 - 2232 lǚ xíng shè f /travel agency/ 旅行者 - 166 lǚ xíng zhě f /traveler/ 旅行袋 - 19 lǚ xíng dài f /travel bag/ 旅行装备 旅行裝備 S - 0 lǚ xíng zhuāng bèi f /travel equipment/travel gear/ 旅行裝備 旅行装备 T - 0 lǚ xíng zhuāng bèi f /travel equipment/travel gear/ 旅費 旅费 T - 42 lǚ fèi f /travel expenses/ 旅费 旅費 S - 42 lǚ fèi f /travel expenses/ 旅途 - 283 lǚ tú f /journey/trip/ 旅遊 旅游 T 289 16124 lǚ yóu f /trip/journey/tourism/travel/tour/to travel/ 旅遊勝地 旅游胜地 T - 237 lǚ yóu shèng dì f /tourist center/ 旅遊團 旅游团 T - 116 lǚ yóu tuán f /a tour group/ 旅遊城市 旅游城市 T - 0 lǚ yóu chéng shì f /tourist city/ 旅遊客 旅游客 T - 0 lǚ yóu kè f /a tourist/ 旅遊景點 旅游景点 T - 3 lǚ yóu jǐng diǎn f /tourist attraction/travel sight/ 旅遊業 旅游业 T - 1203 lǚ yóu yè f /tourism industry/ 旅遊熱點 旅游热点 T - 0 lǚ yóu rè diǎn f /a hot tourist attraction/a tourist trap/ 旅遊者 旅游者 T - 369 lǚ yóu zhě f /tourist/traveler/visitor/ 旅遊集散 旅游集散 T - 0 lǚ yóu jí sàn f /tourism center or hub/ 旅順 旅顺 T - 191 Lǚ shùn f /Lüshun/Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/called Port Arthur during Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905/ 旅順口 旅顺口 T - 49 Lǚ shùn kǒu f /Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/ 旅順口區 旅顺口区 T - 5 Lǚ shùn kǒu qū f /Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/ 旅順港 旅顺港 T - 0 Lǚ shùn gǎng f /Lüshun port, on the tip of the Liaoning peninsula/called Port Arthur during Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905/in Lüshunkou district of Dalian 大連|大连, Liaoning/ 旅顺 旅順 S - 191 Lǚ shùn f /Lüshun/Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/called Port Arthur during Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905/ 旅顺口 旅順口 S - 49 Lǚ shùn kǒu f /Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/ 旅顺口区 旅順口區 S - 5 Lǚ shùn kǒu qū f /Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning/ 旅顺港 旅順港 S - 0 Lǚ shùn gǎng f /Lüshun port, on the tip of the Liaoning peninsula/called Port Arthur during Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905/in Lüshunkou district of Dalian 大連|大连, Liaoning/ 旅館 旅馆 T - 619 lǚ guǎn f /hotel/CL:家[jia1]/ 旅馆 旅館 S - 619 lǚ guǎn f /hotel/CL:家[jia1]/ 旆 - 84 pèi f /pennant/streamer/ 旊 - 0 fǎng f /variant of 瓬[fang3]/ 旋 - 1180 xuán t /to revolve/a loop/a circle/ 旋 - 1180 xuàn f /to whirl/immediately/variant of 鏇|镟[xuan4]/ 旋乾轉坤 旋乾转坤 T - 3 xuán qián zhuǎn kūn f /lit. overturning heaven and earth (idiom); earth-shattering/a radical change/ 旋乾转坤 旋乾轉坤 S - 3 xuán qián zhuǎn kūn f /lit. overturning heaven and earth (idiom); earth-shattering/a radical change/ 旋光 - 0 xuán guāng f /rotation of plane of polarization of light/ 旋前肌 - 0 xuán qián jī f /pronator teres muscle (below the elbow)/ 旋即 - 167 xuán jí f /soon after/shortly/ 旋回 - 26 xuán huí f /to cycle/ 旋子 - 17 xuán zi f /torsor (math)/ 旋子 - 17 xuàn zi t /whirlwind somersault (in gymnastics or martial arts)/ 旋子 鏇子 S - 17 xuàn zi t /large metal plate for making bean curd/metal pot for warming wine/ 旋工 鏇工 S - 0 xuàn gōng f /lathe operator/spinning wheel worker/ 旋床 鏇床 S - 4 xuàn chuáng f /lathe/ 旋律 3513 424 xuán lǜ f /melody/rhythm/ 旋木 鏇木 S - 0 xuàn mù f /wood turning/woodwork lathe/ 旋木雀 - 3 xuán mù què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)/ 旋梯 - 3 xuán tī f /spiral stairs/winding stairs (gymnastic equipment)/ 旋流 - 5 xuán liú f /rotating flow/ 旋涡 旋渦 S - 245 xuán wō f /spiral/whirlpool/eddy/vortex/ 旋涡星云 旋渦星雲 S - 4 xuán wō xīng yún f /spiral nebula/ 旋涡星系 旋渦星系 S - 0 xuán wō xīng xì f /spiral galaxy/ 旋涡状 旋渦狀 S - 0 xuán wō zhuàng f /spiral-shaped/ 旋淵 旋渊 T - 0 xuán yuān f /abyss/ 旋渊 旋淵 S - 0 xuán yuān f /abyss/ 旋渦 旋涡 T - 245 xuán wō f /spiral/whirlpool/eddy/vortex/ 旋渦星系 旋涡星系 T - 0 xuán wō xīng xì f /spiral galaxy/ 旋渦星雲 旋涡星云 T - 4 xuán wō xīng yún f /spiral nebula/ 旋渦狀 旋涡状 T - 0 xuán wō zhuàng f /spiral-shaped/ 旋筒 - 0 xuán tǒng f /rotor/turbine/ 旋繞 旋绕 T - 5 xuán rào f /to curl up/to wind around/ 旋绕 旋繞 S - 5 xuán rào f /to curl up/to wind around/ 旋翼 - 100 xuán yì f /rotor wing/ 旋臂 - 61 xuán bì f /spiral arm/ 旋舞 - 0 xuán wǔ f /whirling dance/ 旋花科 - 0 xuán huā kē f /Convolvulaceae, herbaceous plant family/ 旋覆花 - 2 xuán fù huā f /(botany) convolvulvus/Flos Inulae (Chinese herb)/ 旋踵 - 5 xuán zhǒng f /to turn on one's heel/in the twinkle of an eye/instantly/ 旋轉 旋转 T 2893 1307 xuán zhuǎn f /to rotate/to revolve/to spin/to whirl/ 旋轉力 旋转力 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn lì f /turning force/torque/ 旋轉台 旋转台 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn tái f /rotating platform/luggage carousel/ 旋轉指標 旋转指标 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn zhǐ biāo f /winding number/ 旋轉曲面 旋转曲面 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn qū miàn f /a surface of revolution (math)/ 旋轉木馬 旋转木马 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn mù mǎ f /merry-go-round/carousel/Carousel, South Korean TV soap opera/ 旋轉極 旋转极 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn jí f /pole of rotation/ 旋轉烤肉 旋转烤肉 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn kǎo ròu f /döner kebab/ 旋轉球 旋转球 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn qiú f /spin ball/ 旋轉行李傳送帶 旋转行李传送带 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn xíng li chuán sòng dài f /luggage conveyor belt/carousel/ 旋轉角 旋转角 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn jiǎo f /angle of rotation/ 旋轉角速度 旋转角速度 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn jiǎo sù dù f /rotational angular velocity/ 旋轉軸 旋转轴 T - 20 xuán zhuǎn zhóu f /axis of rotation/ 旋轉運動 旋转运动 T - 0 xuán zhuǎn yùn dòng f /rotation/rotary motion/ 旋转 旋轉 S 2893 1307 xuán zhuǎn f /to rotate/to revolve/to spin/to whirl/ 旋转力 旋轉力 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn lì f /turning force/torque/ 旋转台 旋轉台 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn tái f /rotating platform/luggage carousel/ 旋转指标 旋轉指標 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn zhǐ biāo f /winding number/ 旋转曲面 旋轉曲面 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn qū miàn f /a surface of revolution (math)/ 旋转木马 旋轉木馬 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn mù mǎ f /merry-go-round/carousel/Carousel, South Korean TV soap opera/ 旋转极 旋轉極 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn jí f /pole of rotation/ 旋转烤肉 旋轉烤肉 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn kǎo ròu f /döner kebab/ 旋转球 旋轉球 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn qiú f /spin ball/ 旋转行李传送带 旋轉行李傳送帶 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn xíng li chuán sòng dài f /luggage conveyor belt/carousel/ 旋转角 旋轉角 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn jiǎo f /angle of rotation/ 旋转角速度 旋轉角速度 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn jiǎo sù dù f /rotational angular velocity/ 旋转轴 旋轉軸 S - 20 xuán zhuǎn zhóu f /axis of rotation/ 旋转运动 旋轉運動 S - 0 xuán zhuǎn yùn dòng f /rotation/rotary motion/ 旋里 - 0 xuán lǐ f /to return home/ 旋量 - 0 xuán liàng f /spinor (math)/ 旋鈕 旋钮 T - 21 xuán niǔ f /knob (e.g. handle or radio button)/ 旋钮 旋鈕 S - 21 xuán niǔ f /knob (e.g. handle or radio button)/ 旋閘 旋闸 T - 0 xuán zhá f /rotor sluice gate/ 旋闸 旋閘 S - 0 xuán zhá f /rotor sluice gate/ 旋風 旋风 T - 423 xuàn fēng f /whirlwind/tornado/ 旋風腳 旋风脚 T - 0 xuàn fēng jiǎo f /whirlwind kick (martial arts)/ 旋风 旋風 S - 423 xuàn fēng f /whirlwind/tornado/ 旋风脚 旋風腳 S - 0 xuàn fēng jiǎo f /whirlwind kick (martial arts)/ 旌 - 161 jīng f /banner/make manifest/ 旌德 - 2 Jīng dé f /Jingde county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 旌德县 旌德縣 S - 3 Jīng dé xiàn f /Jingde county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 旌德縣 旌德县 T - 3 Jīng dé xiàn f /Jingde county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 旌旗 - 310 jīng qí f /gonfanon/banner/ 旌阳 旌陽 S - 9 Jīng yáng f /Jingyang district of Deyang city 德陽市|德阳市[De2 yang2 shi4], Sichuan/ 旌阳区 旌陽區 S - 3 Jīng yáng qū f /Jingyang district of Deyang city 德陽市|德阳市[De2 yang2 shi4], Sichuan/ 旌陽 旌阳 T - 9 Jīng yáng f /Jingyang district of Deyang city 德陽市|德阳市[De2 yang2 shi4], Sichuan/ 旌陽區 旌阳区 T - 3 Jīng yáng qū f /Jingyang district of Deyang city 德陽市|德阳市[De2 yang2 shi4], Sichuan/ 旎 - 43 nǐ f /fluttering of flags/ 族 - 5215 zú f /race/nationality/ethnicity/clan/by extension, social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)/ 族人 - 455 zú rén f /clansman/clan members/relatives/ethnic minority/ 族滅 族灭 T - 0 zú miè f /to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)/ 族灭 族滅 S - 0 zú miè f /to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)/ 族类 族類 S - 46 zú lèi f /clan/race/ 族群 - 99 zú qún f /ethnic group/community/ 族誅 族诛 T - 24 zú zhū f /to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)/ 族譜 族谱 T - 40 zú pǔ f /genealogical record/family history/lineage/ 族诛 族誅 S - 24 zú zhū f /to execute all of sb's relatives (as punishment) (old)/ 族谱 族譜 S - 40 zú pǔ f /genealogical record/family history/lineage/ 族類 族类 T - 46 zú lèi f /clan/race/ 旐 - 0 zhào f /banner/ 旒 - 39 liú f /tassel/ 旓 - 158 shāo f /serrated edges on a Chinese flag/ 旖 - 28 yǐ f /fluttering of flag/ 旖旎 - 35 yǐ nǐ f /charming and gentle/ 旗 旂 S - 3704 qí f /flag/variant of 旗[qi2]/ 旗 - 3704 qí f /banner/flag/(in Qing times) refers to Manchurian ruling class, from 八旗[ba1 qi2] eight banners/administrative subdivision in inner Mongolia equivalent to 縣|县[xian4] county/CL:面[mian4]/ 旗丁 - 0 qí dīng f /Manchurian foot soldier/ 旗下 - 577 qí xià f /under the banner of/ 旗人 - 170 qí rén f /Manchu/bannerman (refers to the eight Manchu banners 八旗[ba1 qi2])/ 旗兵 - 0 qí bīng f /Manchurian soldier/