槔 - 33 gāo f /water pulley/ 槕 桌 T - 966 zhuō f /old variant of 桌[zhuo1]/ 槖 - 0 tuó f /variant of 橐[tuo2]/ 様 - 14 yàng f /Japanese variant of 樣|样/ 槚 檟 S - 3 jiǎ f /Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees/old term for Camellia sinensis, the tea plant 茶/also called Thea sinensis/small evergreen shrub (Mallotus japonicus)/ 槛 檻 S - 178 jiàn f /banister/balustrade/cage for animal or prisoner/to transport caged prisoner on a cart/ 槛 檻 S - 178 kǎn t /door sill/threshold/ 槛花笼鹤 檻花籠鶴 S - 3 jiàn huā lóng hè f /a flower in a cage, a crane in a basket (idiom); prisoner/ 槛车 檻車 S - 3 jiàn chē f /cart with cage, used to escort prisoner/ 槜 - 6 zuì f /see 槜李[zui4 li3]/see 槜李[Zui4 li3]/ 槜李 - 0 Zuì lǐ f /ancient place in modern day Zhejiang Province/ 槜李 - 0 zuì lǐ f /plum with bright red skin/ 槟 檳 S - 24 bīng f /betel palm (Areca catechu)/betel nut/Taiwan pr. [bin1]/ 槟城 檳城 S - 31 Bīn chéng f /Penang (state in Malaysia)/ 槟子 檳子 S - 3 bīn zi f /binzi/a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent/ 槟州 檳州 S - 0 Bīng zhōu f /Penang Pulau (Island), Malaysia/also written 檳榔嶼|槟榔屿/ 槟椥 檳椥 S - 0 Bīn zhī f /Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam/ 槟榔 檳榔 S - 166 bīng lang f /betel palm (Areca catechu)/betel nut/ 槟榔屿 檳榔嶼 S - 0 Bīng lang yǔ f /Penang Pulau (Island), Malaysia/ 槟榔西施 檳榔西施 S - 0 bīng lang Xī shī f /betel nut beauty: a skimpily-dressed, attractive girl who sells betel nut from a glass-walled roadside booth (Tw)/ 槟知 檳知 S - 0 Bīn zhī f /Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam/ 槠 櫧 S - 274 zhū f /Quercus glanca/ 槢 - 34 xí f /a hard wood/ 槤 梿 T - 17 lián f /see 槤枷|梿枷[lian2 jia1], flail/to thresh (using a flail)/ 槤枷 梿枷 T - 0 lián jiā f /variant of 連枷|连枷[lian2 jia1]/ 槥 - 2 huì f /coffin/ 槧 椠 T - 5 qiàn f /wooden tablet/edition/ 槨 椁 T - 421 guǒ f /outer coffin/ 槩 概 T - 434 gài f /old variant of 概[gai4]/ 槪 - 0 gài f /variant of 概[gai4]/ 槭 - 140 qì f /maple/also pr. [zu2]/Taiwan pr. [cu4]/ 槭木 - 0 qì mù f /maple (timber)/ 槭树 槭樹 S - 0 qì shù f /maple/ 槭樹 槭树 T - 0 qì shù f /maple/ 槭糖浆 槭糖漿 S - 0 qì táng jiāng f /maple syrup/ 槭糖漿 槭糖浆 T - 0 qì táng jiāng f /maple syrup/ 槮 椮 T - 12 sēn f /lush growth (trees)/fishing using bundled wood (archaic)/ 槱 - 7 yǒu f /ritual bonfire/ 槲 - 44 hú f /Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/see also 槲樹|槲树[hu2 shu4]/ 槲寄生 - 13 hú jì shēng f /mistletoe/ 槲栎 槲櫟 S - 9 hú lì f /oriental white oak (Quercus aliena)/ 槲树 槲樹 S - 0 hú shù f /Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/Daimyo oak/ 槲樹 槲树 T - 0 hú shù f /Mongolian oak (Quercus dentata)/Daimyo oak/ 槲櫟 槲栎 T - 9 hú lì f /oriental white oak (Quercus aliena)/ 槲鶇 槲鸫 T - 0 hú dōng f /(bird species of China) mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus)/ 槲鸫 槲鶇 S - 0 hú dōng f /(bird species of China) mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus)/ 槳 桨 T 4221 517 jiǎng f /oar/paddle/ 槵 - 0 huàn f /soapberry (order Sapindales)/ 槵子 - 0 huàn zǐ f /fruit of the Sapindus trees (used for Buddhist prayer beads)/ 槹 - 2 gāo f /variant of 槔[gao1]/ 槺 - 7 kāng f /empty space inside a building/ 槻 - 57 guī f /zelkova tree/ 槼 规 T - 2070 guī f /variant of 規|规[gui1]/ 槽 - 1660 cáo f /trough/manger/groove/channel/(Tw) (computing) hard drive/ 槽坊 - 3 cáo fang f /brewery/papermaking craft shop (in former times)/ 槽头 槽頭 S - 3 cáo tóu f /feeding trough in stable/ 槽孔 - 4 cáo kǒng f /slot/groove/slotted hole/ 槽牙 - 6 cáo yá f /molar tooth/ 槽車 槽车 T - 4 cáo chē f /tanker (truck)/ 槽车 槽車 S - 4 cáo chē f /tanker (truck)/ 槽鋼 槽钢 T - 3 cáo gāng f /steel groove/V-shaped steel bar/ 槽钢 槽鋼 S - 3 cáo gāng f /steel groove/V-shaped steel bar/ 槽頭 槽头 T - 3 cáo tóu f /feeding trough in stable/ 槾 - 143 mán f /(tree)/ 槿 - 48 jǐn f /Hibiscus syriacus/transient/ 樁 桩 T - 754 zhuāng f /stump/stake/pile/classifier for items/ 樁構棧道 桩构栈道 T - 0 zhuāng gòu zhàn dào f /pile trestle/ 樁腳 桩脚 T - 3 zhuāng jiǎo f /pier foundation (architecture)/(Tw) politically influential figure enlisted to support one side in an election/ 樂 乐 T - 3667 Lè t /surname Le/ 樂 乐 T - 3667 Yuè f /surname Yue/ 樂 乐 T - 3667 lè t /happy/cheerful/to laugh/ 樂 乐 T - 3667 yuè f /music/ 樂不可支 乐不可支 T - 22 lè bù kě zhī f /overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch/ 樂不思蜀 乐不思蜀 T - 10 lè bù sī Shǔ f /indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom)/ 樂之 乐之 T - 0 Lè zhī f /Ritz (cracker brand)/ 樂事 乐事 T - 49 Lè shì f /Lay's (brand)/ 樂事 乐事 T - 49 lè shì f /pleasure/ 樂亭 乐亭 T - 22 Lào tíng f /Laoting county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 樂亭縣 乐亭县 T - 18 Lào tíng xiàn f /Laoting county in Tangshan 唐山[Tang2 shan1], Hebei/ 樂兒 乐儿 T - 5 lè r f /see 樂子|乐子[le4 zi5]/ 樂句 乐句 T - 22 yuè jù f /musical phrase/ 樂呵呵 乐呵呵 T - 58 lè hē hē f /happily/giddily/ 樂善好施 乐善好施 T - 36 lè shàn hào shī f /kind and charitable/ 樂器 乐器 T 2178 1144 yuè qì f /musical instrument/CL:件[jian4]/ 樂園 乐园 T - 999 lè yuán f /paradise/ 樂團 乐团 T - 203 yuè tuán f /band/orchestra/ 樂在其中 乐在其中 T - 14 lè zài qí zhōng f /to take pleasure in sth (idiom)/ 樂壇 乐坛 T - 39 yuè tán f /music circles/music world/ 樂天 乐天 T - 102 lè tiān f /carefree/happy-go-lucky/optimistic/ 樂天派 乐天派 T - 9 lè tiān pài f /happy-go-lucky people/optimists/ 樂天知命 乐天知命 T - 8 lè tiān zhī mìng f /to be content with what one is/ 樂子 乐子 T - 27 lè zi f /fun/pleasure/laughing matter/ 樂學者 乐学者 T - 0 yuè xué zhě f /musicologist/ 樂安 乐安 T - 43 Lè ān f /Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 樂安縣 乐安县 T - 4 Lè ān xiàn f /Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi/ 樂山 乐山 T - 106 Lè shān f /Leshan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 樂山地區 乐山地区 T - 0 Lè shān dì qū f /Leshan prefecture in Sichuan/ 樂山市 乐山市 T - 29 Lè shān shì f /Leshan prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 樂師 乐师 T - 101 yuè shī f /musician/ 樂平 乐平 T - 34 Lè píng f /Leping county level city in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/ 樂平市 乐平市 T - 2 Lè píng shì f /Leping county level city in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/ 樂府 乐府 T - 200 yuè fǔ f /yuefu (Chinese style of lyric poetry)/ 樂府詩集 乐府诗集 T - 0 Yuè fǔ Shī jí f /Collection of Yuefu Lyric Poems, compiled in 12th century by Guo Maoqian 郭茂倩[Guo1 Mao4 qian4]/ 樂律 乐律 T - 56 yuè lǜ f /tuning/temperament/ 樂意 乐意 T 2575 459 lè yì f /to be willing to do sth/to be ready to do sth/to be happy to do sth/content/satisfied/ 樂手 乐手 T - 28 yuè shǒu f /instrumental performer/ 樂捐 乐捐 T - 3 lè juān f /to donate/ 樂於 乐于 T - 639 lè yú f /willing (to do sth)/to take pleasure in/ 樂於助人 乐于助人 T - 25 lè yú zhù rén f /willing to help others/ 樂施會 乐施会 T - 3 Lè shī huì f /Oxfam (Oxford Committee for Famine Relief)/ 樂昌 乐昌 T - 16 Lè chāng f /Lechang county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 樂昌之鏡 乐昌之镜 T - 3 lè chāng zhī jìng f /happy wife-husband reunion/ 樂昌分鏡 乐昌分镜 T - 3 lè chāng fēn jìng f /happy wife-husband reunion/ 樂昌市 乐昌市 T - 3 Lè chāng Shì f /Lechang county level city in Shaoguan 韶關|韶关[Shao2 guan1], Guangdong/ 樂曲 乐曲 T - 336 yuè qǔ f /musical composition/ 樂東 乐东 T - 9 Lè dōng f /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ 樂東縣 乐东县 T - 2 Lè dōng xiàn f /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ 樂東黎族自治縣 乐东黎族自治县 T - 3 Lè dōng Lí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Ledong Lizu autonomous county, Hainan/ 樂業 乐业 T - 28 Lè yè f /Leye county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 樂業縣 乐业县 T - 3 Lè yè xiàn f /Leye county in Baise 百色[Bai3 se4], Guangxi/ 樂極生悲 乐极生悲 T - 17 lè jí shēng bēi f /extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong!/ 樂此不疲 乐此不疲 T - 66 lè cǐ bù pí f /to enjoy sth and never tire of it (idiom)/ 樂浪郡 乐浪郡 T - 13 Lè làng jùn f /Lelang commandery (108 BC-313 AD), one of four Han dynasty commanderies in north Korea/ 樂清 乐清 T - 27 Yuè qīng f /Yueqing county level city in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 樂清市 乐清市 T - 6 Yuè qīng shì f /Yueqing county level city in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 樂滋滋 乐滋滋 T - 10 lè zī zī f /(coll.) contented/happy/ 樂理 乐理 T - 46 yuè lǐ f /music theory/ 樂章 乐章 T - 159 yuè zhāng f /movement (of a symphony)/ 樂經 乐经 T - 0 Yuè jīng f /Book of Music, said to be one of the Six Classics lost after Qin's burning of the books in 212 BC, but may simply refer to Book of Songs 詩經|诗经/ 樂羊羊 乐羊羊 T - 0 lè yáng yáng f /Happy sheep (group of five cartoon sheep), mascot of 2010 Guangzhou Asian games 廣州亞運會|广州亚运会/ 樂至 乐至 T - 4 Lè zhì f /Lezhi county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 樂至縣 乐至县 T - 3 Lè zhì xiàn f /Lezhi county in Ziyang 資陽|资阳[Zi1 yang2], Sichuan/ 樂華梅蘭 乐华梅兰 T - 0 Lè huá Méi lán f /Leroy Merlin (PRC DIY chain)/ 樂蒂 乐蒂 T - 0 Lè Dì f /Betty Loh Ti, Chinese actress/ 樂蜀 乐蜀 T - 0 Lè shǔ f /Luxor, city in Egypt (Cantonese transliteration)/ 樂見其成 乐见其成 T - 0 lè jiàn qí chéng f /to look favorably on sth/would be glad see it happen/ 樂觀 乐观 T 1936 827 lè guān f /optimistic/hopeful/ 樂觀主義 乐观主义 T - 66 lè guān zhǔ yì f /optimism/ 樂觀其成 乐观其成 T - 18 lè guān qí chéng f /to look favorably on sth/would be glad to see it happen/ 樂譜 乐谱 T 4338 48 yuè pǔ f /a musical score/sheet music/ 樂購 乐购 T - 0 Lè gòu f /Tesco, UK-based supermarket chain/ 樂趣 乐趣 T 2795 494 lè qù f /delight/pleasure/joy/ 樂迷 乐迷 T - 8 yuè mí f /music fan/ 樂透 乐透 T - 0 lè tòu f /lottery/lotto (loanword)/ 樂道 乐道 T - 8 lè dào f /to take delight in talking about sth/to find pleasure in following one's convictions/ 樂都 乐都 T - 43 Lè dū f /Ledu county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 樂都縣 乐都县 T - 3 Lè dū xiàn f /Ledu county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 樂開花 乐开花 T - 0 lè kāi huā f /to burst with joy/ 樂陵 乐陵 T - 42 Lè líng f /Leling county level city in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 樂陵市 乐陵市 T - 3 Lè líng shì f /Leling county level city in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 樂陶陶 乐陶陶 T - 3 lè táo táo f /joyful/cheerful/ 樂隊 乐队 T - 657 yuè duì f /band/pop group/CL:支[zhi1]/ 樂音 乐音 T - 73 yuè yīn f /musical note/tone/ 樂顛了餡 乐颠了馅 T - 0 lè diān le xiàn f /ecstatic/overjoyed/ 樂高 乐高 T - 0 Lè gāo f /Lego (toys)/ 樅 枞 T - 11 cōng f /fir tree/ 樅樹 枞树 T - 17 cōng shù f /fir/ 樅陽 枞阳 T - 4 Zōng yáng f /Zongyang county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui/ 樅陽縣 枞阳县 T - 10 Zōng yáng xiàn f /Zongyang county in Anqing 安慶|安庆[An1 qing4], Anhui/ 樆 - 33 chī f /manjack or cordia (genus Cordia)/ 樆 - 33 lí t /rowan or mountain ash (genus Sorbus)/ 樊 - 299 Fán f /surname Fan/ 樊 - 299 fán f /cage/fence/ 樊城 - 165 Fán chéng f /Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei/ 樊城区 樊城區 S - 256 Fán chéng qū f /Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei/ 樊城區 樊城区 T - 256 Fán chéng qū f /Fangcheng district of Xiangfan city 襄樊市[Xiang1 fan2 shi4], Hubei/ 樊笼 樊籠 S - 20 fán lóng f /bird cage/(fig.) prison/confinement/ 樊籠 樊笼 T - 20 fán lóng f /bird cage/(fig.) prison/confinement/ 樎 - 0 sù f /manger/ 樏 - 3 lěi f /mountain-climbing shoes/ 樐 橹 T - 256 lǔ f /old variant of 櫓|橹[lu3]/ 樑 梁 T - 2062 liáng f /variant of 梁[liang2]/ 樓 楼 T 442 6245 Lóu f /surname Lou/ 樓 楼 T 442 6245 lóu f /house with more than 1 story/storied building/floor/CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]/ 樓上 楼上 T - 1082 lóu shàng f /upstairs/ 樓下 楼下 T - 737 lóu xià f /downstairs/ 樓主 楼主 T - 21 lóu zhǔ f /original poster (in an online forum)/landlord of a building (traditional)/ 樓子 楼子 T - 2 lóu zi f /pavilion/variant of 婁子|娄子[lou2 zi5]/ 樓宇 楼宇 T - 46 lóu yǔ f /building/ 樓層 楼层 T - 51 lóu céng f /story/floor/ 樓市 楼市 T - 114 lóu shì f /real estate market/ 樓座 楼座 T - 7 lóu zuò f /gallery seat (in theater)/ 樓廂 楼厢 T - 0 lóu xiāng f /loft/ 樓房 楼房 T - 367 lóu fáng f /a building of two or more stories/CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]/ 樓板 楼板 T - 93 lóu bǎn f /floor/floor (ie. metal plate, concrete slab, wooden planking etc)/ 樓梯 楼梯 T - 678 lóu tī f /stair/staircase/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 樓梯口 楼梯口 T - 76 lóu tī kǒu f /head of a flight of stairs/ 樓梯臺 楼梯台 T - 0 lóu tī tái f /staircase balcony/landing/ 樓梯間 楼梯间 T - 4 lóu tī jiān f /staircase/flight of stairs/ 樓櫓 楼橹 T - 3 lóu lǔ f /watch tower/movable battlefield turret/ 樓盤 楼盘 T - 169 lóu pán f /building under construction/commercial property/real estate (for sale or rent)/ 樓臺 楼台 T - 105 lóu tái f /balcony/high building (esp. in poetry)/tower/ 樓船 楼船 T - 26 lóu chuán f /ship with several decks/turreted junk/ 樓蘭 楼兰 T - 128 Lóu lán f /ancient oasis town of Kroraina or Loulan on the Silk road near Lop Nor 羅布泊|罗布泊, modern Xinjiang/ 樓道 楼道 T - 100 lóu dào f /corridor/passageway (in storied building)/ 樓閣 楼阁 T - 273 lóu gé f /building/pavilion/ 樓閣塔 楼阁塔 T - 0 lóu gé tǎ f /multi-storied pagoda/ 樓面 楼面 T - 34 lóu miàn f /floor/ 樓頂 楼顶 T - 253 lóu dǐng f /top of a building/ 樕 - 0 sù f /shrub/ 樗 - 61 chū f /simaroubaceae/ 樘 - 68 chěng f /a pillar/ 樘 - 68 táng t /pillar/door post/door or window frame/classifier for doors or windows/ 標 标 T - 1971 biāo f /mark/sign/label/to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc/to bear (a brand name, registration number etc)/prize/award/bid/target/quota/(old) the topmost branches of a tree/visible symptom/classifier for military units/ 標價 标价 T - 132 biāo jià f /to mark the price/marked price/ 標兵 标兵 T - 110 biāo bīng f /parade guards (usually spaced out along parade routes)/example/model/pacesetter/ 標售 标售 T - 3 biāo shòu f /to sell by tender/ 標圖 标图 T - 3 biāo tú f /mark on map or chart/ 標地 标地 T - 0 biāo dì f /plot of land/ 標定 标定 T - 52 biāo dìng f /to demarcate/ 標尺 标尺 T - 93 biāo chǐ f /surveyor's rod/staff/staff gauge/rear sight/ 標幟 标帜 T - 3 biāo zhì f /an emblem/the epitome (of)/to epitomize/ 標底 标底 T - 3 biāo dǐ f /base number (of a tender)/starting price (for auction)/ 標度 标度 T - 19 biāo dù f /scale/ 標新取異 标新取异 T - 0 biāo xīn qǔ yì f /to start on sth new and different (idiom); to display originality/ 標新立異 标新立异 T - 48 biāo xīn lì yì f /to make a show of being original or unconventional (idiom)/ 標新競異 标新竞异 T - 3 biāo xīn jìng yì f /to start on sth new and different (idiom); to display originality/ 標新領異 标新领异 T - 3 biāo xīn lǐng yì f /to bring in the new (idiom); new directions, different creation/ 標明 标明 T - 236 biāo míng f /to mark/to indicate/ 標普 标普 T - 0 Biāo Pǔ f /Standard and Poor (share index)/abbr. for 標準普爾|标准普尔[Biao1 zhun3 Pu3 er3]/ 標書 标书 T - 17 biāo shū f /bid or tender submission or delivery/bid or tender document/ 標本 标本 T 4124 484 biāo běn f /specimen/sample/the root cause and symptoms of a disease/ 標本蟲 标本虫 T - 3 biāo běn chóng f /spider beetle/ 標杆 标杆 T - 41 biāo gān f /surveyor's pole/CL:根[gen1]/benchmark/model/ 標架 标架 T - 0 biāo jià f /a coordinate frame/ 標柱 标柱 T - 0 biāo zhù f /distance marker/pole marking distance on racetrack/ 標格 标格 T - 2 biāo gé f /style/character/ 標榜 标榜 T - 135 biāo bǎng f /to flaunt/to advertise/to parade/boost/excessive praise/ 標槍 标枪 T - 134 biāo qiāng f /javelin/ 標樁 标桩 T - 3 biāo zhuāng f /(marking) stake/ 標注 标注 T - 141 biāo zhù f /to mark out/to tag/to put a sign on sth explaining or calling attention to/to annotate (e.g. a character with its pinyin)/ 標清 标清 T - 0 biāo qīng f /standard definition (TV or video image quality)/ 標準 标准 T 965 10012 biāo zhǔn f /(an official) standard/norm/criterion/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 標準像 标准像 T - 0 biāo zhǔn xiàng f /official portrait/ 標準化 标准化 T - 401 biāo zhǔn huà f /standardization/ 標準尺寸 标准尺寸 T - 0 biāo zhǔn chǐ cùn f /gauge/ 標準差 标准差 T - 3 biāo zhǔn chā f /(statistics) standard deviation/ 標準時 标准时 T - 0 biāo zhǔn shí f /standard time/ 標準普爾 标准普尔 T - 0 Biāo zhǔn Pǔ ěr f /Standard and Poor's (S&P), company specializing in financial market ratings/S&P financial index/ 標準桿 标准杆 T - 6 biāo zhǔn gān f /par (golf)/ 標準模型 标准模型 T - 0 biāo zhǔn mó xíng f /Standard Model (of particle physics)/ 標準狀態 标准状态 T - 3 biāo zhǔn zhuàng tài f /standard conditions for temperature and pressure/ 標準狀況 标准状况 T - 3 biāo zhǔn zhuàng kuàng f /standard conditions for temperature and pressure/ 標準組織 标准组织 T - 0 biāo zhǔn zǔ zhī f /standards organization/standards body/ 標準規格 标准规格 T - 0 biāo zhǔn guī gé f /standard/norm/ 標準語 标准语 T - 14 biāo zhǔn yǔ f /standard language/ 標準間 标准间 T - 8 biāo zhǔn jiān f /standard (hotel) room/two-person room of standard size and amenities/abbr. to 标间/ 標準音 标准音 T - 11 biāo zhǔn yīn f /standard pronunciation/standard tone (e.g. A = 440 Hz)/ 標燈 标灯 T - 3 biāo dēng f /beacon light/beacon/ 標牌 标牌 T - 43 biāo pái f /marked price/ 標界 标界 T - 3 biāo jiè f /to demarcate a boundary/dividing line/ 標的 标的 T - 270 biāo dì f /target/aim/objective/what one hopes to gain/ 標磚 标砖 T - 0 biāo zhuān f /marker brick (in building)/keystone/ 標示 标示 T - 95 biāo shì f /to indicate/ 標稱 标称 T - 9 biāo chēng f /nominal (e.g. nominal value in specification)/ 標稱核武器 标称核武器 T - 0 biāo chēng hé wǔ qì f /nominal weapon/ 標竿 标竿 T - 6 biāo gān f /benchmark/pole serving as mark or symbol/pole with a trophy hung on it/ 標籤 标签 T - 271 biāo qiān f /label/tag/tab (of a window) (computing)/ 標籤頁 标签页 T - 0 biāo qiān yè f /tab (of a browser window)/ 標線 标线 T - 19 biāo xiàn f /grid lines/graticule/ 標繪 标绘 T - 8 biāo huì f /to plot (on a chart)/to mark/ 標致 标致 T - 105 Biāo zhì t /Peugeot/ 標致 标致 T - 105 biāo zhi f /beautiful (of woman)/pretty/ 標號 标号 T - 28 biāo hào f /grade/ 標記 标记 T 2759 485 biāo jì f /sign/mark/symbol/to mark up/ 標誌 标志 T 1747 3624 biāo zhì f /sign/mark/symbol/to symbolize/to indicate/to mark/ 標語 标语 T - 1709 biāo yǔ f /written slogan/placard/CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1],條|条[tiao2]/ 標語牌 标语牌 T - 144 biāo yǔ pái f /placard/ 標識 标识 T - 309 biāo zhì f /variant of 標誌|标志[biao1 zhi4]/ 標賣 标卖 T - 0 biāo mài f /to sell at marked price/to sell by tender/ 標量 标量 T - 43 biāo liàng f /scalar quantity/ 標金 标金 T - 3 biāo jīn f /standard gold bar/deposit when submitting a tender/ 標間 标间 T - 0 biāo jiān f /abbr. for 標準間|标准间[biao1 zhun3 jian1], standard (hotel) room/ 標音法 标音法 T - 0 biāo yīn fǎ f /phonetic transcription/system of representing spoken sounds/ 標題 标题 T 3578 465 biāo tí f /title/heading/headline/caption/subject/ 標題新聞 标题新闻 T - 3 biāo tí xīn wén f /headline news/title story/ 標題欄 标题栏 T - 3 biāo tí lán f /title bar (of a window) (computing)/ 標題語 标题语 T - 0 biāo tí yǔ f /title word/entry (in dictionary)/ 標題黨 标题党 T - 0 biāo tí dǎng f /"sensational headline writers", people who write misleading titles in order to generate clicks from Internet users/clickbait/ 標高 标高 T - 37 biāo gāo f /elevation/level/ 標點 标点 T 2495 106 biāo diǎn f /punctuation/a punctuation mark/to punctuate/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 標點符號 标点符号 T - 35 biāo diǎn fú hào f /punctuation/a punctuation mark/ 樛 - 0 Jiū f /surname Jiu/ 樛 - 0 jiū f /to hang down/ 樞 枢 T - 647 shū f /hinge/pivot/ 樞垣 枢垣 T - 0 shū yuán f /censorate/ 樞密院 枢密院 T - 336 shū mì yuàn f /privy council/ 樞機 枢机 T - 23 shū jī f /cardinal (Catholicism)/ 樞機主教 枢机主教 T - 19 shū jī zhǔ jiào f /cardinal (of Catholic church)/ 樞紐 枢纽 T - 1496 shū niǔ f /hub (e.g. of traffic network)/hinge/pivot/fulcrum/ 樞軸 枢轴 T - 12 shū zhóu f /pivot/fulcrum/ 樟 - 227 zhāng f /camphor/Cinnamonum camphara/ 樟木 - 47 Zhāng mù f /Dram (Chinese Zhangmu), town at Tibet-Nepal border/ 樟树 樟樹 S - 54 Zhāng shù f /Zhangshu county level city in Yichun 宜春[Yi2 chun1], Jiangxi/ 樟树 樟樹 S - 54 zhāng shù f /camphor/Cinnamonum camphara/ 樟树市 樟樹市 S - 10 Zhāng shù shì f /Zhangshu county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 樟樹 樟树 T - 54 Zhāng shù f /Zhangshu county level city in Yichun 宜春[Yi2 chun1], Jiangxi/ 樟樹 樟树 T - 54 zhāng shù f /camphor/Cinnamonum camphara/ 樟樹市 樟树市 T - 10 Zhāng shù shì f /Zhangshu county level city in Yichun 宜春, Jiangxi/ 樟脑 樟腦 S - 70 zhāng nǎo f /camphor C10H16O/ 樟脑丸 樟腦丸 S - 12 zhāng nǎo wán f /camphor balls/moth balls/ 樟脑球 樟腦球 S - 0 zhāng nǎo qiú f /camphor balls/moth balls/ 樟腦 樟脑 T - 70 zhāng nǎo f /camphor C10H16O/ 樟腦丸 樟脑丸 T - 12 zhāng nǎo wán f /camphor balls/moth balls/ 樟腦球 樟脑球 T - 0 zhāng nǎo qiú f /camphor balls/moth balls/ 樠 - 0 mén f /elm/gum/ 模 - 1046 mó t /to imitate/model/norm/pattern/ 模 - 1046 mú f /mold/die/matrix/pattern/ 模仿 1690 969 mó fǎng f /to imitate/to copy/to emulate/to mimic/model/ 模仿品 - 0 mó fǎng pǐn f /imitation product/counterfeit/fake/ 模似 - 0 mó sì f /to simulate/to emulate/ 模具 - 149 mú jù f /mold/matrix/pattern or die/ 模写 模寫 S - 8 mó xiě f /variant of 摹寫|摹写[mo2 xie3]/ 模压 模壓 S - 21 mú yā f /mold pressing/ 模因 - 0 mó yīn f /meme (loanword)/ 模块 模塊 S - 457 mó kuài f /module (in software)/functional unit/component part/ 模块化 模塊化 S - 136 mó kuài huà f /modularity/ 模块化理论 模塊化理論 S - 0 mó kuài huà lǐ lùn f /modularity theory/ 模块单元 模塊單元 S - 0 mó kuài dān yuán f /modular unit/ 模块式 模塊式 S - 0 mó kuài shì f /modular/ 模块板 模塊板 S - 0 mó kuài bǎn f /module board/ 模型 2904 2890 mó xíng f /model/mold/matrix/pattern/ 模塊 模块 T - 457 mó kuài f /module (in software)/functional unit/component part/ 模塊化 模块化 T - 136 mó kuài huà f /modularity/ 模塊化理論 模块化理论 T - 0 mó kuài huà lǐ lùn f /modularity theory/ 模塊單元 模块单元 T - 0 mó kuài dān yuán f /modular unit/ 模塊式 模块式 T - 0 mó kuài shì f /modular/ 模塊板 模块板 T - 0 mó kuài bǎn f /module board/ 模壓 模压 T - 21 mú yā f /mold pressing/ 模子 - 56 mú zi f /mold/matrix/pattern or die/ 模寫 模写 T - 8 mó xiě f /variant of 摹寫|摹写[mo2 xie3]/ 模式 2943 3809 mó shì f /mode/method/pattern/ 模式标本 模式標本 S - 0 mó shì biāo běn f /type specimen (used to define a species)/ 模式標本 模式标本 T - 0 mó shì biāo běn f /type specimen (used to define a species)/ 模式种 模式種 S - 0 mó shì zhǒng f /type species (used to define a genus in taxonomy)/ 模式種 模式种 T - 0 mó shì zhǒng f /type species (used to define a genus in taxonomy)/ 模形 - 0 mó xíng f /pattern/ 模态 模態 S - 71 mó tài f /modal (computing, linguistics)/ 模態 模态 T - 71 mó tài f /modal (computing, linguistics)/ 模拟 模擬 S - 1724 mó nǐ f /imitation/to simulate/to imitate/analog (device, as opposed to digital)/ 模拟信号 模擬信號 S - 2 mó nǐ xìn hào f /analog signal/ 模拟器 模擬器 S - 26 mó nǐ qì f /emulator/ 模拟放大器 模擬放大器 S - 0 mó nǐ fàng dà qì f /analog amplifier/ 模擬 模拟 T - 1724 mó nǐ f /imitation/to simulate/to imitate/analog (device, as opposed to digital)/ 模擬信號 模拟信号 T - 2 mó nǐ xìn hào f /analog signal/ 模擬器 模拟器 T - 26 mó nǐ qì f /emulator/ 模擬放大器 模拟放大器 T - 0 mó nǐ fàng dà qì f /analog amplifier/ 模板 - 113 mú bǎn f /template/(architecture) formwork/ 模样 模樣 S 3207 2155 mú yàng f /look/style/appearance/approximation/about/CL:個|个[ge4]/also pr. [mo2 yang4]/ 模棱 模稜 S - 3 mó léng f /ambiguous/undecided and unclear/ 模棱两可 模稜兩可 S - 64 mó léng liǎng kě f /equivocal/ambiguous/ 模樣 模样 T 3207 2155 mú yàng f /look/style/appearance/approximation/about/CL:個|个[ge4]/also pr. [mo2 yang4]/ 模特 1319 284 mó tè f /(fashion) model (loanword)/ 模特儿 模特兒 S - 51 mó tè r f /(fashion) model (loanword)/ 模特兒 模特儿 T - 51 mó tè r f /(fashion) model (loanword)/ 模稜 模棱 T - 3 mó léng f /ambiguous/undecided and unclear/ 模稜兩可 模棱两可 T - 64 mó léng liǎng kě f /equivocal/ambiguous/ 模範 模范 T 3775 1604 mó fàn f /model/fine example/ 模糊 2079 1095 mó hu f /vague/indistinct/fuzzy/ 模糊不清 - 86 mó hu bù qīng f /indistinct/fuzzy/blurred with age/ 模糊数学 模糊數學 S - 4 mó hu shù xué f /fuzzy mathematics/ 模糊數學 模糊数学 T - 4 mó hu shù xué f /fuzzy mathematics/ 模糊逻辑 模糊邏輯 S - 0 mó hu luó ji f /fuzzy logic/ 模糊邏輯 模糊逻辑 T - 0 mó hu luó ji f /fuzzy logic/ 模組 模组 T - 13 mó zǔ f /module (computer)/ 模组 模組 S - 13 mó zǔ f /module (computer)/ 模胡 - 0 mó hu f /variant of 模糊[mo2 hu5]/ 模范 模範 S 3775 1604 mó fàn f /model/fine example/ 模里西斯 - 0 Mó lǐ xī sī f /Mauritius (Tw)/ 樣 样 T - 2320 yàng f /manner/pattern/way/appearance/shape/classifier: kind, type/ 樣例 样例 T - 0 yàng lì f /sample/model/example/ 樣兒 样儿 T - 190 yàng r f /see 樣子|样子[yang4 zi5]/ 樣品 样品 T 3555 445 yàng pǐn f /sample/specimen/ 樣單 样单 T - 0 yàng dān f /sample sheet/form/stylesheet (computing)/ 樣子 样子 T 699 5676 yàng zi f /appearance/manner/pattern/model/ 樣式 样式 T 2413 866 yàng shì f /type/style/ 樣本 样本 T - 276 yàng běn f /sample/specimen/ 樣板 样板 T - 79 yàng bǎn f /template/prototype/model/example/ 樣板戲 样板戏 T - 31 yàng bǎn xì f /model theater (operas and ballets produced during the Cultural Revolution)/ 樣條函數 样条函数 T - 0 yàng tiáo hán shù f /spline function (math)/ 樣樣 样样 T - 206 yàng yàng f /all kinds/ 樣機 样机 T - 76 yàng jī f /prototype/ 樣貌 样貌 T - 3 yàng mào f /appearance/manifestation/ 樧 - 0 shā f /Zanthoxylum ailanthoides/ 樨 - 0 xī f /Osmanthus fragrans/ 権 - 0 quán f /old variant of 權|权[quan2]/ 横 橫 S 3348 4321 héng t /horizontal/across/(horizontal character stroke)/ 横 橫 S 3348 4321 hèng f /harsh and unreasonable/unexpected/ 横七竖八 橫七豎八 S - 92 héng qī shù bā f /in disorder/at sixes and sevens (idiom)/ 横三竖四 橫三豎四 S - 3 héng sān shù sì f /in disorder/in a tremendous mess/ 横冲直撞 橫衝直撞 S - 212 héng chōng zhí zhuàng f /lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping/to barge/to charge around violently/ 横刀夺爱 橫刀奪愛 S - 3 héng dāo duó ài f /to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom)/ 横切 橫切 S - 34 héng qiē f /to cut across/a horizontal cut/ 横剖面 橫剖面 S - 18 héng pōu miàn f /horizontal section/ 横加 橫加 S - 40 héng jiā f /violently/flagrantly/ 横加指责 橫加指責 S - 7 héng jiā zhǐ zé f /to blame unscrupulously/ 横匾 橫匾 S - 8 héng biǎn f /horizontal tablet (for an inscription)/ 横卧 橫臥 S - 136 héng wò f /to recline/ 横县 橫縣 S - 8 Héng xiàn f /Heng county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 横向 橫向 S - 411 héng xiàng f /horizontal/orthogonal/perpendicular/lateral/crosswise/ 横坐标 橫座標 S - 14 héng zuò biāo f /horizontal coordinate/abscissa/ 横头横脑 橫頭橫腦 S - 0 héng tóu héng nǎo f /coarse and arrogant/always in the right/ 横尸遍野 橫屍遍野 S - 2 héng shī biàn yě f /corpses strew the field/deadly (conflict)/ 横山 橫山 S - 99 Héng shān f /Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/Hengshan township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/Yokoyama (Japanese surname)/ 横山乡 橫山鄉 S - 0 Héng shān xiāng f /Hengshan township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 横山县 橫山縣 S - 5 Héng shān Xiàn f /Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 横峰 橫峰 S - 5 Héng fēng f /Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 横峰县 橫峰縣 S - 3 Héng fēng xiàn f /Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 横幅 橫幅 S - 239 héng fú f /horizontal scroll/banner/streamer/ 横幅标语 橫幅標語 S - 3 héng fú biāo yǔ f /slogan banner/ 横征暴敛 橫征暴斂 S - 48 héng zhēng bào liǎn f /to tax by force and extort levies (idiom); to screw taxes out of the people by force/ 横心 橫心 S - 3 héng xīn f /to steel oneself/to harden one's heart/ 横截 橫截 S - 0 héng jié f /to cut across/cross-sectional/transverse/ 横截线 橫截線 S - 0 héng jié xiàn f /transversal line/ 横截面 橫截面 S - 33 héng jié miàn f /cross-section/ 横扫 橫掃 S - 462 héng sǎo f /to sweep away/to sweep across/ 横扫千军 橫掃千軍 S - 44 héng sǎo qiān jūn f /total annihilation/ 横批 橫批 S - 10 héng pī f /horizontal scroll (for inscription)/ 横折 橫折 S - 3 héng zhé f /(horizontal-starting right angle character stroke)/ 横挑鼻子,竖挑眼 橫挑鼻子,豎挑眼 S - 0 héng tiāo bí zi , shù tiāo yǎn f /to pick on sth incessantly/to criticize right and left/ 横振动 橫振動 S - 3 héng zhèn dòng f /transverse vibration/ 横摇 橫搖 S - 0 héng yáo f /rolling motion (of a boat)/ 横摺 橫摺 S - 0 héng zhé f /horizontal fold or tuck/ 横斑林莺 橫斑林鶯 S - 0 héng bān lín yīng f /(bird species of China) barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria)/ 横斑腹小鸮 橫斑腹小鴞 S - 0 héng bān fù xiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) spotted owlet (Athene brama)/ 横斜 橫斜 S - 29 héng xié f /oblique/slanting/ 横斜钩 橫斜鉤 S - 0 héng xié gōu f /⺄ stroke in Chinese characters/ 横断 橫斷 S - 24 héng duàn f /to cross (a road, an ocean etc)/to cut across/ 横断山脉 橫斷山脈 S - 86 Héng duàn shān mài f /Hengduan mountains, several parallel mountain ranges on the border between west Yunnan and Sichuan and east Tibet/ 横断步道 橫斷步道 S - 0 héng duàn bù dào f /pedestrian crossing/ 横断物 橫斷物 S - 0 héng duàn wù f /transverse object/ 横断面 橫斷面 S - 51 héng duàn miàn f /horizontal section/ 横是 橫是 S - 0 héng shi f /probably/most likely/ 横暴 橫暴 S - 38 hèng bào f /brutal/violent/ 横木 橫木 S - 28 héng mù f /horizontal beam/wooden crossbar/thwart/ 横杠 橫槓 S - 18 héng gàng f /bar/horizontal bar/ 横标 橫標 S - 131 héng biāo f /banner/horizontal slogan or advertisement/ 横桁帆 橫桁帆 S - 0 héng héng fān f /boom sail/ 横梁 橫梁 S - 154 héng liáng f /beam/ 横棱纹 橫稜紋 S - 0 héng léng wén f /crosswise pattern/ 横楣 橫楣 S - 0 héng méi f /lintel/ 横楣子 橫楣子 S - 0 héng méi zi f /lintel/ 横正暴敛 橫正暴斂 S - 0 héng zhèng bào liǎn f /to levy exorbitant taxes (idiom)/ 横步 橫步 S - 0 héng bù f /sidestep (in dance)/step sideways/ 横死 橫死 S - 3 héng sǐ f /to die by violence/ 横段山脉 橫段山脈 S - 0 Héng duàn shān mài f /Hengduan mountains dividing Sichuan from Tibet/ 横波 橫波 S - 45 héng bō f /transverse wave/ 横流 橫流 S - 88 héng liú f /to overflow/transverse flow/to flow over/cross flow/ 横渡 橫渡 S - 89 héng dù f /to cross (a body of water)/ 横溢 橫溢 S - 35 héng yì f /to overflow/brimming with/ 横滨 橫濱 S - 77 Héng bīn f /Yokohama, Japan/ 横滨市 橫濱市 S - 3 Héng bīn shì f /Yokohama, major port city in Kanagawa prefecture 神奈川縣|神奈川县[Shen2 nai4 chuan1 xian4], Japan/ 横爬行 橫爬行 S - 0 héng pá xíng f /to walk sideways/crab-wise/ 横生 橫生 S - 67 héng shēng f /to grow without restraint/overflowing with/to happen unexpectedly/ 横生枝节 橫生枝節 S - 8 héng shēng zhī jié f /to deliberately complicate an issue (idiom)/ 横直 橫直 S - 14 héng zhí f /(colloquial) whatever/come what may/ 横眉 橫眉 S - 9 héng méi f /to concentrate one's eyebrows/to frown/to scowl/ 横眉冷对千夫指 橫眉冷對千夫指 S - 2 héng méi lěng duì qiān fū zhǐ f /to face a thousand pointing fingers with a cool scowl (citation from Lu Xun)/to treat with disdain/to defy/ 横眉怒目 橫眉怒目 S - 23 héng méi nù mù f /lit. furrowed brows and blazing eyes/to dart looks of hate at sb (idiom)/ 横眉立目 橫眉立目 S - 3 héng méi lì mù f /to scowl and stare down/to defy/ 横眉竖眼 橫眉豎眼 S - 7 héng méi shù yǎn f /to scowl fiercely/to glare/ 横眼 橫眼 S - 0 héng yǎn f /from the side of the eye/askance/ 横神经 橫神經 S - 0 héng shén jīng f /transverse commissure/ 横祸 橫禍 S - 28 hèng huò f /unexpected calamity/ 横空 橫空 S - 41 héng kōng f /filling the atmosphere/covering the sky/ 横穿 橫穿 S - 391 héng chuān f /to cross/to traverse/ 横竖 橫豎 S - 182 héng shu f /anyway/ 横竖劲儿 橫豎勁兒 S - 0 héng shù jìn r f /firmness of determination/ 横笔 橫筆 S - 3 héng bǐ f /bristles lying down (brush movement in painting)/ 横筋斗 橫筋斗 S - 0 héng jīn dǒu f /cartwheel/ 横纲 橫綱 S - 2 héng gāng f /yokozuna/ 横纹 橫紋 S - 41 héng wén f /horizontal stripe/striation/ 横纹肌 橫紋肌 S - 25 héng wén jī f /striated muscle/ 横线 橫線 S - 49 héng xiàn f /horizontal line/horizontal coordinate line/ 横结肠 橫結腸 S - 6 héng jié cháng f /transverse colon (anatomy)/second section of large intestine/ 横翻筋斗 - 0 héng fān jīn dǒu f /to turn cartwheels/ 横肉 橫肉 S - 36 héng ròu f /fierce-looking/ 横膈 橫膈 S - 0 héng gé f /diaphragm/ 横膈膜 橫膈膜 S - 2 héng gé mó f /diaphragm/also written 橫隔膜|横隔膜[heng2 ge2 mo2]/ 横蛮 橫蠻 S - 78 hèng mán f /see 蠻橫|蛮横[man2 heng4]/ 横行 橫行 S - 327 héng xíng f /to go on the rampage/to riot/to run amuck/ 横行霸道 橫行霸道 S - 55 héng xíng bà dào f /to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize/ 横街 橫街 S - 26 héng jiē f /side street/road branching from the main street/ 横说竖说 橫說豎說 S - 3 héng shuō shù shuō f /to explain sth over and over again/to repeat/ 横财 橫財 S - 60 hèng cái f /easy money/windfall/ill-gotten gains/undeserved fortune/illegal profit/ 横贯 橫貫 S - 1168 héng guàn f /horizontal traverse/to cut across/to cross transversally/ 横越 橫越 S - 48 héng yuè f /to cross/to pass over/to traverse/trans-/ 横跨 橫跨 S - 411 héng kuà f /to span/to stretch across/to travel across/ 横路 橫路 S - 0 héng lù f /side street/crossroad/ 横躺 橫躺 S - 12 héng tǎng f /to lie flat/ 横躺竖卧 橫躺豎臥 S - 4 héng tǎng shù wò f /to lie down all over the place/exhausted and in disarray/ 横过 橫過 S - 75 héng guò f /to traverse/ 横钩 橫鉤 S - 0 héng gōu f /horizontal stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)/ 横队 橫隊 S - 33 héng duì f /row/horizontal troop formation/ 横陈 橫陳 S - 12 héng chén f /to lie in disarray/to cut across/to traverse/ 横隔 橫隔 S - 8 héng gé f /tabula (horizontal floor of polyp)/ 横隔膜 橫隔膜 S - 6 héng gé mó f /diaphragm/ 横须贺 橫須賀 S - 45 Héng xū hè f /Yokosuka (port and navy base in the Tokyo bay)/ 横须贺市 橫須賀市 S - 0 Héng xū hè shì f /Yokosuka city and US naval base to the west of Yokohama, Japan/ 横额 橫額 S - 142 héng é f /horizontal tablet (for an inscription)/ 横飞 橫飛 S - 99 héng fēi f /to splash across/to splatter/ 横骨 橫骨 S - 3 héng gǔ f /pubic bone/ 樯 檣 S - 54 qiáng f /boom/mast/ 樯 艢 S - 54 qiáng f /variant of 檣|樯[qiang2]/ 樱 櫻 S - 336 yīng f /cherry/ 樱井 櫻井 S - 0 Yīng jǐng f /Sakurai (Japanese surname and place name)/ 樱岛 櫻島 S - 0 Yīng Dǎo f /Sakurajima island, an active volcano in Kagoshima prefecture 鹿兒島縣|鹿儿岛县[Lu4 er2 dao3 xian4], Japan/ 樱桃 櫻桃 S - 353 yīng táo f /cherry/ 樱桃园 櫻桃園 S - 18 Yīng táo Yuán f /The Cherry Orchard, a play by Chekhov 契訶夫|契诃夫[Qi4 he1 fu1]/ 樱桃小番茄 櫻桃小番茄 S - 0 yīng táo xiǎo fān qié f /see 聖女果|圣女果[sheng4 nu:3 guo3]/ 樱桃萝卜 櫻桃蘿蔔 S - 0 yīng táo luó bo f /summer radish (the small red kind)/ 樱花 櫻花 S - 178 yīng huā f /oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for its blossom/also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry/ 樱花妹 櫻花妹 S - 0 yīng huā mèi f /(coll.) Japanese girl/ 樱花草 櫻花草 S - 0 yīng huā cǎo f /primrose/ 樲 - 0 èr f /acid variety of jujube plum/ 樴 - 0 zhí f /stake/picket/ 樵 - 287 qiáo f /firewood/gather wood/ 樵夫 - 65 qiáo fū f /woodman/woodcutter/ 樵子 - 3 qiáo zǐ f /woodcutter/ 樶 - 0 zuī f /knag/a kind of sled used to cross a muddy area (old)/ 樸 朴 T - 270 pǔ t /plain and simple/Taiwan pr. [pu2]/ 樸實 朴实 T 4693 534 pǔ shí f /plain/simple/guileless/down-to-earth/sincere and honest/ 樸次茅斯 朴次茅斯 T - 30 Pǔ cì máo sī f /Portsmouth, southern English seaport/ 樸素 朴素 T 4576 445 pǔ sù f /plain and simple/unadorned/simple living/not frivolous/ 樹 树 T 483 5516 shù f /tree/CL:棵[ke1]/to cultivate/to set up/ 樹上開花 树上开花 T - 3 shù shàng kāi huā f /to deck the tree with false blossoms/to make something of no value appear valuable (idiom)/ 樹倒猢猻散 树倒猢狲散 T - 18 shù dǎo hú sūn sàn f /When the tree topples the monkeys scatter. (idiom); fig. an opportunist abandons an unfavorable cause/Rats leave a sinking ship./ 樹冠 树冠 T - 149 shù guān f /treetop/ 樹化玉 树化玉 T - 0 shù huà yù f /wood jade (type of petrified wood)/ 樹叢 树丛 T - 271 shù cóng f /thicket/undergrowth/ 樹大招風 树大招风 T - 34 shù dà zhāo fēng f /lit. a tall tree attracts the wind (idiom)/fig. a famous or rich person attracts criticism/ 樹幹 树干 T - 566 shù gàn f /tree trunk/ 樹懶 树懒 T - 22 shù lǎn f /sloth (zoology)/ 樹掛 树挂 T - 10 shù guà f /ice (rime) formed on a tree/ 樹敵 树敌 T - 43 shù dí f /to antagonize people/to make an enemy of sb/ 樹木 树木 T - 1028 shù mù f /trees/ 樹林 树林 T - 669 Shù lín f /Shulin city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 樹林 树林 T - 669 shù lín f /woods/grove/forest/ 樹林市 树林市 T - 0 Shù lín shì f /Shulin city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 樹枝 树枝 T - 759 shù zhī f /branch/twig/ 樹枝狀晶 树枝状晶 T - 0 shù zhī zhuàng jīng f /dendrite (crystallography)/ 樹根 树根 T - 164 shù gēn f /tree roots/ 樹梢 树梢 T - 156 shù shāo f /the tip of a tree/treetop/ 樹棲 树栖 T - 0 shù qī f /arboreal/tree-dwelling/ 樹樁 树桩 T - 43 shù zhuāng f /tree stump/ 樹欲靜而風不止 树欲静而风不止 T - 10 shù yù jìng ér fēng bù zhǐ f /lit. the trees long for peace but the wind will never cease (idiom)/fig. the world changes, whether you want it or not/ 樹液 树液 T - 3 shù yè f /tree sap/ 樹狀細胞 树状细胞 T - 0 shù zhuàng xì bāo f /dendritic cell/ 樹獺 树獭 T - 3 shù tǎ f /sloth (family Bradypodidae)/ 樹皮 树皮 T - 469 shù pí f /tree bark/ 樹碑立傳 树碑立传 T - 10 shù bēi lì zhuàn f /lit. to erect a stele and write a biography (idiom)/to monumentalize/to glorify/to sing the praises of/ 樹種 树种 T - 876 shù zhǒng f /tree species/ 樹突 树突 T - 24 shù tū f /dendrite (branched projection of a neuron)/ 樹突狀細胞 树突状细胞 T - 0 shù tū zhuàng xì bāo f /dendritic cell/ 樹立 树立 T 3853 1799 shù lì f /to set up/to establish/ 樹籬 树篱 T - 3 shù lí f /hedge/ 樹脂 树脂 T - 422 shù zhī f /resin/ 樹膠 树胶 T - 53 shù jiāo f /tree resin/gum/ 樹苗 树苗 T - 51 shù miáo f /sapling/ 樹莓 树莓 T - 3 shù méi f /bramble/raspberry/ 樹莓派 树莓派 T - 0 Shù méi Pài f /Raspberry Pi (computing)/ 樹葉 树叶 T - 402 shù yè f /tree leaves/ 樹葡萄 树葡萄 T - 0 shù pú tao f /jaboticaba/Brazilian grape tree/ 樹葬 树葬 T - 5 shù zàng f /burial of cremated remains at the foot of a tree/ 樹蔭 树荫 T - 67 shù yìn f /shade of a tree/ 樹蛙 树蛙 T - 11 shù wā f /tree frog/ 樹袋熊 树袋熊 T - 11 shù dài xióng f /koala/ 樹身 树身 T - 69 shù shēn f /tree trunk/ 樹陰 树阴 T - 32 shù yīn f /shade (of a tree)/ 樹高千丈,落葉歸根 树高千丈,落叶归根 T - 0 shù gāo qiān zhàng , luò yè guī gēn f /see 樹高千丈,葉落歸根|树高千丈,叶落归根[shu4 gao1 qian1 zhang4 , ye4 luo4 gui1 gen1]/ 樹高千丈,葉落歸根 树高千丈,叶落归根 T - 0 shù gāo qiān zhàng , yè luò guī gēn f /fig. a tree may grow a thousand zhang high, but its leaves return to their roots (proverb)/fig. everything has its ancestral home/in old age, an expatriate returns home/ 樹鷚 树鹨 T - 0 shù liù f /(bird species of China) olive-backed pipit (Anthus hodgsoni)/ 樹麻雀 树麻雀 T - 0 shù má què f /(bird species of China) Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus)/ 樺 桦 T - 670 huà f /birch tree/Betula japonica/ 樺南 桦南 T - 2 Huà nán f /Hua'nan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 樺南縣 桦南县 T - 3 Huà nán xiàn f /Hua'nan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 樺川 桦川 T - 4 Huà chuān f /Huachuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 樺川縣 桦川县 T - 4 Huà chuān xiàn f /Huachuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 樺木 桦木 T - 43 huà mù f /birch/ 樺木科 桦木科 T - 0 huà mù kē f /Betulaceae (broadleaf tree family including birch and alder)/ 樺樹 桦树 T - 61 huà shù f /birch/ 樺甸 桦甸 T - 10 Huà diàn f /Huadian county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province/ 樺甸市 桦甸市 T - 2 Huà diàn shì f /Huadian county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province/ 樻 - 916 guì f /old variant of 櫃|柜[gui4]/ 樽 - 81 zūn f /goblet/bottle/wine-jar/ 樽 罇 S - 81 zūn f /variant of 樽[zun1]/ 樽罍 - 0 zūn léi f /earthen liquor jar/ 樾 - 42 yuè f /shade of trees/ 樿 - 255 zhǎn f /(wood)/ 橁 - 3 xún f /Fraxinus bungeana/ 橃 - 0 fá f /large boat/old variant of 筏[fa2]/ 橄 - 29 gǎn f /olive/ 橄榄 橄欖 S - 180 gǎn lǎn f /Chinese olive/olive/ 橄榄山 橄欖山 S - 0 gǎn lǎn shān f /Mount of Olives (in the Christian passion story)/ 橄榄岩 橄欖岩 S - 24 gǎn lǎn yán f /peridotite (geology)/ 橄榄枝 橄欖枝 S - 37 gǎn lǎn zhī f /olive branch/symbol of peace/ 橄榄树 橄欖樹 S - 20 gǎn lǎn shù f /olive tree/ 橄榄油 橄欖油 S - 68 gǎn lǎn yóu f /olive oil/ 橄榄球 橄欖球 S - 64 gǎn lǎn qiú f /football played with oval-shaped ball (rugby, American football, Australian rules etc)/ 橄榄石 橄欖石 S - 59 gǎn lǎn shí f /olivine (rock-forming mineral magnesium-iron silicate (Mg,Fe)2SiO4)/peridot/ 橄榄绿 橄欖綠 S - 19 gǎn lǎn lǜ f /olive-green (color)/ 橄欖 橄榄 T - 180 gǎn lǎn f /Chinese olive/olive/ 橄欖山 橄榄山 T - 0 gǎn lǎn shān f /Mount of Olives (in the Christian passion story)/ 橄欖岩 橄榄岩 T - 24 gǎn lǎn yán f /peridotite (geology)/ 橄欖枝 橄榄枝 T - 37 gǎn lǎn zhī f /olive branch/symbol of peace/ 橄欖樹 橄榄树 T - 20 gǎn lǎn shù f /olive tree/ 橄欖油 橄榄油 T - 68 gǎn lǎn yóu f /olive oil/ 橄欖球 橄榄球 T - 64 gǎn lǎn qiú f /football played with oval-shaped ball (rugby, American football, Australian rules etc)/ 橄欖石 橄榄石 T - 59 gǎn lǎn shí f /olivine (rock-forming mineral magnesium-iron silicate (Mg,Fe)2SiO4)/peridot/ 橄欖綠 橄榄绿 T - 19 gǎn lǎn lǜ f /olive-green (color)/ 橆 - 3 wǔ f /variant of 無|无/negative/none/without/apart from/ 橇 - 108 qiāo f /sled/sleigh/ 橈 桡 T - 237 ráo f /radius (anatomy)/bone of the forearm/ 橈骨 桡骨 T - 12 ráo gǔ f /radius (anatomy)/bone of the forearm/ 橊 - 0 liú f /old variant of 榴[liu2]/ 橋 桥 T 968 8499 qiáo f /bridge/CL:座[zuo4]/ 橋墩 桥墩 T - 373 qiáo dūn f /bridge pier/ 橋接 桥接 T - 2 qiáo jiē f /bridging (in computer networks)/ 橋接器 桥接器 T - 3 qiáo jiē qì f /bridge (networking)/ 橋本 桥本 T - 131 Qiáo běn f /Hashimoto (Japanese surname and place name)/ 橋本龍太郎 桥本龙太郎 T - 42 Qiáo běn Lóng tài láng f /HASHIMOTO Ryūtarō (1937-2006), Japanese politician, prime minister 1996-1998/ 橋東 桥东 T - 4 Qiáo dōng f /Qiaodong District (various)/Qiaodong District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 橋東區 桥东区 T - 3 Qiáo dōng Qū f /Qiaodong District (various)/Qiaodong District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 橋梁 桥梁 T 4093 1751 qiáo liáng f /bridge/fig. connection between two areas/ 橋段 桥段 T - 17 qiáo duàn f /scene/section/chapter/passage/bridge (i.e. transition)/ 橋牌 桥牌 T - 105 qiáo pái f /contract bridge (card game)/ 橋西 桥西 T - 10 Qiáo xī f /Qiaoxi District (various)/Qiaoxi District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 橋西區 桥西区 T - 2 Qiáo xī Qū f /Qiaoxi District (various)/Qiaoxi District of Shijiazhuang City 石家莊市|石家庄市[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1 Shi4], Hebei/ 橋鎮 桥镇 T - 0 Qiáo zhèn f /Bridgetown, capital of Barbados (Tw)/ 橋面 桥面 T - 744 qiáo miàn f /roadway/floor/deck/bridge floor/ 橋頭 桥头 T - 156 Qiáo tóu f /Qiaotou or Chiaotou township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 橋頭 桥头 T - 156 qiáo tóu f /either end of a bridge/a bridgehead/ 橋頭鄉 桥头乡 T - 0 Qiáo tóu xiāng f /Qiaotou or Chiaotou township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 橎 - 0 fǎn f /a kind of tree/ 橐 - 153 tuó f /sack/tube open at both ends/(onom.) footsteps/ 橐中装 橐中裝 S - 0 tuó zhōng zhuāng f /gems/jewels/valuables/ 橐中裝 橐中装 T - 0 tuó zhōng zhuāng f /gems/jewels/valuables/ 橐囊 - 0 tuó náng f /sacks/bags/ 橐橐 - 0 tuó tuó f /(onom.) footsteps/ 橐笔 橐筆 S - 0 tuó bǐ f /to make one's living by writing/ 橐笥 - 0 tuó sì f /bag/satchel/ 橐筆 橐笔 T - 0 tuó bǐ f /to make one's living by writing/ 橐駝 橐驼 T - 3 tuó tuó f /camel/hunchback/ 橐驼 橐駝 S - 3 tuó tuó f /camel/hunchback/ 橐龠 - 0 tuó yuè f /bellows for blowing up the fire in a furnace etc/ 橕 - 0 chēng f /a prop/a shore/ 橘 - 127 jú f /mandarin orange (Citrus reticulata)/tangerine/ 橘子 - 87 jú zi f /tangerine/CL:個|个[ge4],瓣[ban4]/ 橘子水 - 3 jú zi shuǐ f /orangeade/orange squash/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2]/ 橘子汁 - 8 jú zi zhī f /orange juice/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2]/see also 橙汁[cheng2 zhi1]/ 橘子酱 橘子醬 S - 3 jú zi jiàng f /orange jam/marmalade/ 橘子醬 橘子酱 T - 3 jú zi jiàng f /orange jam/marmalade/ 橘录 橘錄 S - 0 jú lù f /classification of orange trees by 12th century Song dynasty botanist Han Yanzhi 韓彥直|韩彦直[Han2 Yan4 zhi2]/ 橘柑 - 2 jú gān f /tangerine/orange/ 橘树 橘樹 S - 3 jú shù f /orange tree/ 橘樹 橘树 T - 3 jú shù f /orange tree/ 橘皮組織 橘皮组织 T - 0 jú pí zǔ zhī f /cellulite/ 橘皮组织 橘皮組織 S - 0 jú pí zǔ zhī f /cellulite/ 橘紅 橘红 T - 16 jú hóng f /orange (color)/orange peel (used in TCM)/ 橘红 橘紅 S - 16 jú hóng f /orange (color)/orange peel (used in TCM)/ 橘色 - 3 jú sè f /orange (color)/ 橘錄 橘录 T - 0 jú lù f /classification of orange trees by 12th century Song dynasty botanist Han Yanzhi 韓彥直|韩彦直[Han2 Yan4 zhi2]/ 橘黃色 橘黄色 T - 15 jú huáng sè f /tangerine yellow/saffron (color)/ 橘黄色 橘黃色 S - 15 jú huáng sè f /tangerine yellow/saffron (color)/ 橙 4005 489 chéng f /orange tree/orange (color)/ 橙剂 橙劑 S - 0 chéng jì f /Agent Orange/ 橙劑 橙剂 T - 0 chéng jì f /Agent Orange/ 橙头地鸫 橙頭地鶇 S - 0 chéng tóu dì dōng f /(bird species of China) orange-headed thrush (Geokichla citrina)/ 橙子 - 41 chéng zi f /orange/ 橙斑翅柳莺 橙斑翅柳鶯 S - 0 chéng bān chì liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) buff-barred warbler (Phylloscopus pulcher)/ 橙斑翅柳鶯 橙斑翅柳莺 T - 0 chéng bān chì liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) buff-barred warbler (Phylloscopus pulcher)/ 橙汁 - 26 chéng zhī f /orange juice/CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2]/ 橙皮 - 3 chéng pí f /orange peel/ 橙皮果酱 橙皮果醬 S - 0 chéng pí guǒ jiàng f /(orange) marmalade/ 橙皮果醬 橙皮果酱 T - 0 chéng pí guǒ jiàng f /(orange) marmalade/ 橙紅色 橙红色 T - 32 chéng hóng sè f /red-orange color/dark orange/ 橙红色 橙紅色 S - 32 chéng hóng sè f /red-orange color/dark orange/ 橙翅噪鶥 橙翅噪鹛 T - 0 chéng chì zào méi f /(bird species of China) Elliot's laughingthrush (Trochalopteron elliotii)/ 橙翅噪鹛 橙翅噪鶥 S - 0 chéng chì zào méi f /(bird species of China) Elliot's laughingthrush (Trochalopteron elliotii)/ 橙胸咬鵑 橙胸咬鹃 T - 0 chéng xiōng yǎo juān f /(bird species of China) orange-breasted trogon (Harpactes oreskios)/ 橙胸咬鹃 橙胸咬鵑 S - 0 chéng xiōng yǎo juān f /(bird species of China) orange-breasted trogon (Harpactes oreskios)/ 橙胸姬鶲 橙胸姬鹟 T - 0 chéng xiōng jī wēng f /(bird species of China) rufous-gorgeted flycatcher (Ficedula strophiata)/ 橙胸姬鹟 橙胸姬鶲 S - 0 chéng xiōng jī wēng f /(bird species of China) rufous-gorgeted flycatcher (Ficedula strophiata)/ 橙胸綠鳩 橙胸绿鸠 T - 0 chéng xiōng lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) orange-breasted green pigeon (Treron bicinctus)/ 橙胸绿鸠 橙胸綠鳩 S - 0 chéng xiōng lǜ jiū f /(bird species of China) orange-breasted green pigeon (Treron bicinctus)/ 橙腹叶鹎 橙腹葉鵯 S - 0 chéng fù yè bēi f /(bird species of China) orange-bellied leafbird (Chloropsis hardwickii)/ 橙腹葉鵯 橙腹叶鹎 T - 0 chéng fù yè bēi f /(bird species of China) orange-bellied leafbird (Chloropsis hardwickii)/ 橙色 - 80 chéng sè f /orange (color)/ 橙色剂 橙色劑 S - 0 chéng sè jì f /Agent Orange/ 橙色劑 橙色剂 T - 0 chéng sè jì f /Agent Orange/ 橙色战剂 橙色戰劑 S - 0 chéng sè zhàn jì f /Agent Orange/ 橙色戰劑 橙色战剂 T - 0 chéng sè zhàn jì f /Agent Orange/ 橙頭地鶇 橙头地鸫 T - 0 chéng tóu dì dōng f /(bird species of China) orange-headed thrush (Geokichla citrina)/ 橙黃 橙黄 T - 29 chéng huáng f /orange yellow/tangerine yellow/chrome yellow/ 橙黄 橙黃 S - 29 chéng huáng f /orange yellow/tangerine yellow/chrome yellow/ 橚 - 7 sù f /tall and straight (of trees)/ 橛 - 52 jué f /a peg/low post/ 橛 橜 S - 52 jué f /old variant of 橛[jue2]/ 橜 橛 T - 52 jué f /old variant of 橛[jue2]/ 機 机 T - 6937 Jī f /surname Ji/ 機 机 T - 6937 jī f /machine/engine/opportunity/intention/aircraft/pivot/crucial point/flexible (quick-witted)/organic/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 機不可失 机不可失 T - 60 jī bù kě shī f /No time to lose! (idiom)/ 機不可失,失不再來 机不可失,失不再来 T - 0 jī bù kě shī , shī bù zài lái f /opportunity knocks but once (idiom)/ 機不可失,時不再來 机不可失,时不再来 T - 0 jī bù kě shī , shí bù zài lái f /Opportunity knocks but once. (idiom)/ 機不離手 机不离手 T - 0 jī bù lí shǒu f /to be unable to do without one's cell phone/ 機件 机件 T - 43 jī jiàn f /component (mechanics)/ 機伶 机伶 T - 3 jī ling f /variant of 機靈|机灵[ji1 ling5]/ 機制 机制 T - 4138 jī zhì f /mechanism/ 機動 机动 T 3932 1405 jī dòng f /locomotive/motorized/power-driven/adaptable/flexible (use, treatment, timing etc)/ 機動性 机动性 T - 418 jī dòng xìng f /flexibility/ 機動車 机动车 T - 413 jī dòng chē f /motor vehicle/ 機動車輛 机动车辆 T - 5 jī dòng chē liàng f /motor vehicle/ 機務段 机务段 T - 34 jī wù duàn f /locomotive depot/ 機哩瓜拉 机哩瓜拉 T - 0 jī lī guā lā f /(Taiwan) see 嘰哩咕嚕|叽哩咕噜[ji1 li5 gu1 lu1]/ 機器 机器 T 1444 3932 jī qì f /machine/CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4],個|个[ge4]/ 機器人 机器人 T - 384 jī qì rén f /mechanical person/robot/android/ 機器人學 机器人学 T - 3 jī qì rén xué f /robotics/ 機器翻譯 机器翻译 T - 8 jī qì fān yì f /machine translation/ 機器腳踏車 机器脚踏车 T - 0 jī qì jiǎo tà chē f /(dialect) motorcycle/abbr. to 機車|机车[ji1 che1]/ 機場 机场 T 267 7741 jī chǎng f /airport/airfield/CL:家[jia1],處|处[chu4]/ 機場大廈 机场大厦 T - 0 jī chǎng dà shà f /terminal building/ 機子 机子 T - 35 jī zi f /machine/device/ 機宜 机宜 T - 59 jī yí f /guidelines/what to do (under given circumstances)/ 機密 机密 T 2734 826 jī mì f /secret/classified (information)/ 機密性 机密性 T - 3 jī mì xìng f /confidentiality/ 機密文件 机密文件 T - 3 jī mì wén jiàn f /secret document/ 機尾 机尾 T - 3 jī wěi f /the rear (tail) of a plane etc/ 機巧 机巧 T - 65 jī qiǎo f /cunning/dexterous/ingenious/ 機床 机床 T - 476 jī chuáng f /machine tool/a lathe/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 機庫 机库 T - 49 jī kù f /(aircraft) hangar/ 機建費 机建费 T - 0 jī jiàn fèi f /airport construction fee (abbr. for 機場建設費|机场建设费)/ 機房 机房 T - 126 jī fáng f /machine room/engine room/computer room/ 機掰 机掰 T - 0 jī bāi f /variant of 雞掰|鸡掰[ji1 bai1]/ 機敏 机敏 T - 168 jī mǐn f /agility/ 機智 机智 T 4100 281 jī zhì f /quick-witted/resourceful/ 機會 机会 T 356 9875 jī huì f /opportunity/chance/occasion/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 機會主義 机会主义 T - 207 jī huì zhǔ yì f /opportunism/pragmatism/ 機會帶來成功 机会带来成功 T - 0 jī huì dài lái chéng gōng f /Opportunity brings success. (idiom)/ 機會成本 机会成本 T - 3 jī huì chéng běn f /opportunity cost/ 機杼 机杼 T - 12 jī zhù f /a loom/ 機械 机械 T 3065 7077 jī xiè f /machine/machinery/mechanical/(old) cunning/scheming/ 機械化 机械化 T - 841 jī xiè huà f /to mechanize/ 機械工 机械工 T - 0 jī xiè gōng f /a mechanic/ 機械工人 机械工人 T - 3 jī xiè gōng rén f /mechanic/ 機械工程 机械工程 T - 3 jī xiè gōng chéng f /mechanical engineering/ 機械師 机械师 T - 36 jī xiè shī f /mechanic/engineer/machinist/machine operator/CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]/ 機械性 机械性 T - 48 jī xiè xìng f /mechanical/ 機械戰警 机械战警 T - 3 Jī xiè Zhàn jǐng f /RoboCop (movie)/ 機械碼 机械码 T - 0 jī xiè mǎ f /machine code/ 機械翻譯 机械翻译 T - 0 jī xiè fān yì f /machine translation/ 機械能 机械能 T - 115 jī xiè néng f /mechanical energy/ 機械語言 机械语言 T - 0 jī xiè yǔ yán f /machine language/ 機械鐘 机械钟 T - 0 jī xiè zhōng f /mechanical clock/ 機構 机构 T 2633 19209 jī gòu f /mechanism/structure/organization/agency/institution/CL:所[suo3]/ 機槍 机枪 T - 1003 jī qiāng f /machine gun/ 機殼 机壳 T - 8 jī qiào f /case, casing, cabinet or housing (of a computer, photocopier etc)/ 機油 机油 T - 32 jī yóu f /engine oil/ 機率 机率 T - 239 jī lǜ f /probability/odds (Tw)/ 機理 机理 T - 462 jī lǐ f /mechanism/ 機票 机票 T - 646 jī piào f /air ticket/passenger ticket/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 機箱 机箱 T - 73 jī xiāng f /computer case/ 機組 机组 T - 405 jī zǔ f /flight crew (on a plane)/unit (apparatus)/ 機緣 机缘 T - 218 jī yuán f /chance/opportunity/destiny/ 機翼 机翼 T - 486 jī yì f /wing (of an aircraft)/ 機能 机能 T - 767 jī néng f /function/ 機艙 机舱 T - 190 jī cāng f /cabin of a plane/ 機製 机制 T - 4138 jī zhì f /machine processed/machine made/mechanism/ 機詐 机诈 T - 3 jī zhà f /deceitful/ 機謀 机谋 T - 34 jī móu f /stratagem/scheme/shrewdness/ 機警 机警 T - 171 jī jǐng f /perceptive/astute/sharp/sharp-witted/vigilant/alert/ 機變 机变 T - 54 jī biàn f /improvisation/flexible/adaptable/pragmatic/ 機踏車 机踏车 T - 0 jī tà chē f /motorcycle (Tw)/abbr. for 機器腳踏車|机器脚踏车[ji1 qi4 jiao3 ta4 che1]/ 機身 机身 T - 477 jī shēn f /body of a vehicle or machine/fuselage of a plane/ 機身寬大 机身宽大 T - 0 jī shēn kuān dà f /wide body/wide-bodied (aircraft)/ 機車 机车 T - 301 jī chē f /locomotive/train engine car/scooter (Tw)/(slang) (Tw) hard to get along with/a pain in the ass/damn!/crap!/ 機軸 机轴 T - 3 jī zhóu f /arbor/shaft (in a machine)/ 機遇 机遇 T 3701 1182 jī yù f /opportunity/favorable circumstance/stroke of luck/ 機運 机运 T - 3 jī yùn f /chance and opportunity/ 機長 机长 T - 103 jī zhǎng f /captain/chief pilot/ 機關 机关 T - 24504 jī guān f /mechanism/gear/machine-operated/office/agency/organ/organization/establishment/institution/body/strategum/scheme/intrigue/plot/trick/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 機關報 机关报 T - 132 jī guān bào f /official (government-operated) newspaper/ 機關布景 机关布景 T - 0 jī guān bù jǐng f /machine-operated stage scenery/ 機關槍 机关枪 T - 45 jī guān qiāng f /also written 機槍|机枪/machine gun/ 機關炮 机关炮 T - 3 jī guān pào f /machine cannon/machine-gun cannon/ 機關車 机关车 T - 0 jī guān chē f /locomotive/ 機電 机电 T - 828 jī diàn f /machinery and power-generating equipment/electromechanical/ 機靈 机灵 T 3713 215 jī ling f /clever/quick-witted/ 機靈鬼 机灵鬼 T - 7 jī líng guǐ f /(jocularly) clever and quick-witted person/ 機頂盒 机顶盒 T - 59 jī dǐng hé f /set-top box/decoder for digital or satellite TV signal etc/ 機頭 机头 T - 189 jī tóu f /the front (nose) of a plane etc/ 機頭座 机头座 T - 0 jī tóu zuò f /headstock/turning head of a screw, drill, lathe etc/ 機體 机体 T - 998 jī tǐ f /organism (biology)/airframe (aeronautics)/ 橡 - 49 xiàng f /oak/Quercus serrata/ 橡子 - 25 xiàng zǐ f /acorn/ 橡子面 橡子麵 S - 0 xiàng zi miàn f /acorn flour/ 橡子面儿 橡子麵兒 S - 0 xiàng zi miàn r f /erhua variant of 橡子麵|橡子面[xiang4 zi5 mian4]/ 橡子麵 橡子面 T - 0 xiàng zi miàn f /acorn flour/ 橡子麵兒 橡子面儿 T - 0 xiàng zi miàn r f /erhua variant of 橡子麵|橡子面[xiang4 zi5 mian4]/ 橡实 橡實 S - 5 xiàng shí f /acorn/ 橡實 橡实 T - 5 xiàng shí f /acorn/ 橡木 - 27 xiàng mù f /oaken/ 橡树 橡樹 S - 278 xiàng shù f /oak/ 橡樹 橡树 T - 278 xiàng shù f /oak/ 橡皮 1175 120 xiàng pí f /rubber/an eraser/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/ 橡皮擦 - 6 xiàng pí cā f /eraser/rubber/CL:塊|块[kuai4]/ 橡皮球 - 5 xiàng pí qiú f /rubber ball/ 橡皮筋 - 15 xiàng pí jīn f /rubber band/ 橡皮線 橡皮线 T - 3 xiàng pí xiàn f /wire (sheathed in rubber)/cable/ 橡皮线 橡皮線 S - 3 xiàng pí xiàn f /wire (sheathed in rubber)/cable/ 橡皮膏 - 12 xiàng pí gāo f /sticking plaster/adhesive bandage/ 橡胶 橡膠 S - 949 xiàng jiāo f /rubber/caoutchouc/ 橡胶树 橡膠樹 S - 45 xiàng jiāo shù f /rubber tree/ 橡膠 橡胶 T - 949 xiàng jiāo f /rubber/caoutchouc/ 橡膠樹 橡胶树 T - 45 xiàng jiāo shù f /rubber tree/ 橢 椭 T - 104 tuǒ f /ellipse/ 橢圓 椭圆 T 4657 323 tuǒ yuán f /oval/ellipse/elliptic/ 橢圓函數 椭圆函数 T - 3 tuǒ yuán hán shù f /(math.) elliptic function/ 橢圓形 椭圆形 T - 483 tuǒ yuán xíng f /oval/ 橢圓形辦公室 椭圆形办公室 T - 0 tuǒ yuán xíng bàn gōng shì f /Oval office (in the White House)/ 橢圓曲線 椭圆曲线 T - 0 tuǒ yuán qū xiàn f /(math.) elliptic curve/ 橢圓機 椭圆机 T - 0 tuǒ yuán jī f /elliptical machine (exercise)/ 橢圓積分 椭圆积分 T - 0 tuǒ yuán jī fēn f /(math.) elliptic integral/ 橢球 椭球 T - 96 tuǒ qiú f /ellipsoid (math)/ 橤 蕊 T - 170 ruǐ f /variant of 蕊[rui3]/ 橥 櫫 S - 9 zhū f /Zelkova acuminata/ 橧 - 0 zēng f /dwelling on top of wooden stakes/ 橫 横 T 3348 4321 héng t /horizontal/across/(horizontal character stroke)/ 橫 横 T 3348 4321 hèng f /harsh and unreasonable/unexpected/ 橫七豎八 横七竖八 T - 92 héng qī shù bā f /in disorder/at sixes and sevens (idiom)/ 橫三豎四 横三竖四 T - 3 héng sān shù sì f /in disorder/in a tremendous mess/ 橫刀奪愛 横刀夺爱 T - 3 héng dāo duó ài f /to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom)/ 橫切 横切 T - 34 héng qiē f /to cut across/a horizontal cut/ 橫剖面 横剖面 T - 18 héng pōu miàn f /horizontal section/ 橫加 横加 T - 40 héng jiā f /violently/flagrantly/ 橫加指責 横加指责 T - 7 héng jiā zhǐ zé f /to blame unscrupulously/ 橫匾 横匾 T - 8 héng biǎn f /horizontal tablet (for an inscription)/ 橫向 横向 T - 411 héng xiàng f /horizontal/orthogonal/perpendicular/lateral/crosswise/ 橫屍遍野 横尸遍野 T - 2 héng shī biàn yě f /corpses strew the field/deadly (conflict)/ 橫山 横山 T - 99 Héng shān f /Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/Hengshan township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/Yokoyama (Japanese surname)/ 橫山縣 横山县 T - 5 Héng shān Xiàn f /Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yu2 lin2], Shaanxi/ 橫山鄉 横山乡 T - 0 Héng shān xiāng f /Hengshan township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 橫峰 横峰 T - 5 Héng fēng f /Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 橫峰縣 横峰县 T - 3 Héng fēng xiàn f /Hengfeng county in Shangrao 上饒|上饶, Jiangxi/ 橫幅 横幅 T - 239 héng fú f /horizontal scroll/banner/streamer/ 橫幅標語 横幅标语 T - 3 héng fú biāo yǔ f /slogan banner/ 橫座標 横坐标 T - 14 héng zuò biāo f /horizontal coordinate/abscissa/ 橫征暴斂 横征暴敛 T - 48 héng zhēng bào liǎn f /to tax by force and extort levies (idiom); to screw taxes out of the people by force/ 橫心 横心 T - 3 héng xīn f /to steel oneself/to harden one's heart/ 橫截 横截 T - 0 héng jié f /to cut across/cross-sectional/transverse/ 橫截線 横截线 T - 0 héng jié xiàn f /transversal line/ 橫截面 横截面 T - 33 héng jié miàn f /cross-section/ 橫批 横批 T - 10 héng pī f /horizontal scroll (for inscription)/ 橫折 横折 T - 3 héng zhé f /(horizontal-starting right angle character stroke)/ 橫挑鼻子,豎挑眼 横挑鼻子,竖挑眼 T - 0 héng tiāo bí zi , shù tiāo yǎn f /to pick on sth incessantly/to criticize right and left/ 橫振動 横振动 T - 3 héng zhèn dòng f /transverse vibration/ 橫掃 横扫 T - 462 héng sǎo f /to sweep away/to sweep across/ 橫掃千軍 横扫千军 T - 44 héng sǎo qiān jūn f /total annihilation/ 橫搖 横摇 T - 0 héng yáo f /rolling motion (of a boat)/ 橫摺 横摺 T - 0 héng zhé f /horizontal fold or tuck/ 橫斑林鶯 横斑林莺 T - 0 héng bān lín yīng f /(bird species of China) barred warbler (Sylvia nisoria)/ 橫斑腹小鴞 横斑腹小鸮 T - 0 héng bān fù xiǎo xiāo f /(bird species of China) spotted owlet (Athene brama)/ 橫斜 横斜 T - 29 héng xié f /oblique/slanting/ 橫斜鉤 横斜钩 T - 0 héng xié gōu f /⺄ stroke in Chinese characters/ 橫斷 横断 T - 24 héng duàn f /to cross (a road, an ocean etc)/to cut across/ 橫斷山脈 横断山脉 T - 86 Héng duàn shān mài f /Hengduan mountains, several parallel mountain ranges on the border between west Yunnan and Sichuan and east Tibet/ 橫斷步道 横断步道 T - 0 héng duàn bù dào f /pedestrian crossing/ 橫斷物 横断物 T - 0 héng duàn wù f /transverse object/ 橫斷面 横断面 T - 51 héng duàn miàn f /horizontal section/ 橫是 横是 T - 0 héng shi f /probably/most likely/ 橫暴 横暴 T - 38 hèng bào f /brutal/violent/ 橫木 横木 T - 28 héng mù f /horizontal beam/wooden crossbar/thwart/ 橫桁帆 横桁帆 T - 0 héng héng fān f /boom sail/ 橫梁 横梁 T - 154 héng liáng f /beam/ 橫楣 横楣 T - 0 héng méi f /lintel/ 橫楣子 横楣子 T - 0 héng méi zi f /lintel/ 橫槓 横杠 T - 18 héng gàng f /bar/horizontal bar/ 橫標 横标 T - 131 héng biāo f /banner/horizontal slogan or advertisement/ 橫正暴斂 横正暴敛 T - 0 héng zhèng bào liǎn f /to levy exorbitant taxes (idiom)/ 橫步 横步 T - 0 héng bù f /sidestep (in dance)/step sideways/ 橫死 横死 T - 3 héng sǐ f /to die by violence/ 橫段山脈 横段山脉 T - 0 Héng duàn shān mài f /Hengduan mountains dividing Sichuan from Tibet/ 橫波 横波 T - 45 héng bō f /transverse wave/ 橫流 横流 T - 88 héng liú f /to overflow/transverse flow/to flow over/cross flow/ 橫渡 横渡 T - 89 héng dù f /to cross (a body of water)/ 橫溢 横溢 T - 35 héng yì f /to overflow/brimming with/ 橫濱 横滨 T - 77 Héng bīn f /Yokohama, Japan/ 橫濱市 横滨市 T - 3 Héng bīn shì f /Yokohama, major port city in Kanagawa prefecture 神奈川縣|神奈川县[Shen2 nai4 chuan1 xian4], Japan/ 橫爬行 横爬行 T - 0 héng pá xíng f /to walk sideways/crab-wise/ 橫生 横生 T - 67 héng shēng f /to grow without restraint/overflowing with/to happen unexpectedly/ 橫生枝節 横生枝节 T - 8 héng shēng zhī jié f /to deliberately complicate an issue (idiom)/ 橫直 横直 T - 14 héng zhí f /(colloquial) whatever/come what may/ 橫眉 横眉 T - 9 héng méi f /to concentrate one's eyebrows/to frown/to scowl/ 橫眉冷對千夫指 横眉冷对千夫指 T - 2 héng méi lěng duì qiān fū zhǐ f /to face a thousand pointing fingers with a cool scowl (citation from Lu Xun)/to treat with disdain/to defy/ 橫眉怒目 横眉怒目 T - 23 héng méi nù mù f /lit. furrowed brows and blazing eyes/to dart looks of hate at sb (idiom)/ 橫眉立目 横眉立目 T - 3 héng méi lì mù f /to scowl and stare down/to defy/ 橫眉豎眼 横眉竖眼 T - 7 héng méi shù yǎn f /to scowl fiercely/to glare/ 橫眼 横眼 T - 0 héng yǎn f /from the side of the eye/askance/ 橫神經 横神经 T - 0 héng shén jīng f /transverse commissure/ 橫禍 横祸 T - 28 hèng huò f /unexpected calamity/ 橫稜紋 横棱纹 T - 0 héng léng wén f /crosswise pattern/ 橫空 横空 T - 41 héng kōng f /filling the atmosphere/covering the sky/ 橫穿 横穿 T - 391 héng chuān f /to cross/to traverse/ 橫筆 横笔 T - 3 héng bǐ f /bristles lying down (brush movement in painting)/ 橫筋斗 横筋斗 T - 0 héng jīn dǒu f /cartwheel/ 橫紋 横纹 T - 41 héng wén f /horizontal stripe/striation/ 橫紋肌 横纹肌 T - 25 héng wén jī f /striated muscle/ 橫結腸 横结肠 T - 6 héng jié cháng f /transverse colon (anatomy)/second section of large intestine/ 橫綱 横纲 T - 2 héng gāng f /yokozuna/ 橫線 横线 T - 49 héng xiàn f /horizontal line/horizontal coordinate line/ 橫縣 横县 T - 8 Héng xiàn f /Heng county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 橫肉 横肉 T - 36 héng ròu f /fierce-looking/ 橫膈 横膈 T - 0 héng gé f /diaphragm/ 橫膈膜 横膈膜 T - 2 héng gé mó f /diaphragm/also written 橫隔膜|横隔膜[heng2 ge2 mo2]/ 橫臥 横卧 T - 136 héng wò f /to recline/ 橫蠻 横蛮 T - 78 hèng mán f /see 蠻橫|蛮横[man2 heng4]/ 橫行 横行 T - 327 héng xíng f /to go on the rampage/to riot/to run amuck/ 橫行霸道 横行霸道 T - 55 héng xíng bà dào f /to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize/ 橫街 横街 T - 26 héng jiē f /side street/road branching from the main street/ 橫衝直撞 横冲直撞 T - 212 héng chōng zhí zhuàng f /lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving and bumping/to barge/to charge around violently/ 橫說豎說 横说竖说 T - 3 héng shuō shù shuō f /to explain sth over and over again/to repeat/ 橫豎 横竖 T - 182 héng shu f /anyway/ 橫豎勁兒 横竖劲儿 T - 0 héng shù jìn r f /firmness of determination/ 橫財 横财 T - 60 hèng cái f /easy money/windfall/ill-gotten gains/undeserved fortune/illegal profit/ 橫貫 横贯 T - 1168 héng guàn f /horizontal traverse/to cut across/to cross transversally/ 橫越 横越 T - 48 héng yuè f /to cross/to pass over/to traverse/trans-/ 橫跨 横跨 T - 411 héng kuà f /to span/to stretch across/to travel across/ 橫路 横路 T - 0 héng lù f /side street/crossroad/ 橫躺 横躺 T - 12 héng tǎng f /to lie flat/ 橫躺豎臥 横躺竖卧 T - 4 héng tǎng shù wò f /to lie down all over the place/exhausted and in disarray/ 橫過 横过 T - 75 héng guò f /to traverse/ 橫鉤 横钩 T - 0 héng gōu f /horizontal stroke with a hook at the end (in Chinese characters)/ 橫陳 横陈 T - 12 héng chén f /to lie in disarray/to cut across/to traverse/ 橫隊 横队 T - 33 héng duì f /row/horizontal troop formation/ 橫隔 横隔 T - 8 héng gé f /tabula (horizontal floor of polyp)/ 橫隔膜 横隔膜 T - 6 héng gé mó f /diaphragm/ 橫須賀 横须贺 T - 45 Héng xū hè f /Yokosuka (port and navy base in the Tokyo bay)/ 橫須賀市 横须贺市 T - 0 Héng xū hè shì f /Yokosuka city and US naval base to the west of Yokohama, Japan/ 橫頭橫腦 横头横脑 T - 0 héng tóu héng nǎo f /coarse and arrogant/always in the right/ 橫額 横额 T - 142 héng é f /horizontal tablet (for an inscription)/ 橫飛 横飞 T - 99 héng fēi f /to splash across/to splatter/ 橫骨 横骨 T - 3 héng gǔ f /pubic bone/ 橱 櫥 S - 391 chú f /wardrobe/closet/cabinet/ 橱子 櫥子 S - 3 chú zi f /wardrobe/closet/cabinet/ 橱柜 櫥櫃 S - 22 chú guì f /cupboard/cupboard that can also be used as a table/sideboard/ 橱窗 櫥窗 S - 126 chú chuāng f /display window/ 橹 㯭 S - 256 lǔ f /variant of 櫓|橹[lu3]/ 橹 樐 S - 256 lǔ f /old variant of 櫓|橹[lu3]/ 橹 櫓 S - 256 lǔ f /scull (single oar worked from side to side over the stern of a boat) (free word)/ 橹 艣 S - 256 lǔ f /variant of 櫓|橹[lu3]/ 橹 艪 S - 256 lǔ f /variant of 櫓|橹[lu3]/ 橼 櫞 S - 12 yuán f /Citrus medica/ 橾 - 2 qiāo f /old variant of 鍬|锹[qiao1]/ 橾 - 2 shū t /the hole in the center of a wheel accommodating the axle (archaic)/ 橿 - 0 jiāng f /Quercus glauca/ 檀 - 607 Tán f /surname Tan/ 檀 - 607 tán f /sandalwood/hardwood/purple-red/ 檀君 - 0 Tán jūn f /Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in 2333 BC/ 檀君王 - 0 Tán jūn wáng f /Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in 2333 BC/ 檀越 - 0 tán yuè f /(Buddhism) benefactor (designation of a lay person by a monk)/ 檀香 - 62 tán xiāng f /sandalwood/ 檀香山 - 67 Tán xiāng shān f /Honolulu, capital of Hawaii/also transliterated as 火奴魯魯|火奴鲁鲁/ 檁 檩 T - 6 lǐn f /cross-beam/ridge-pole/ 檃 - 0 yǐn f /tool used for shaping wood (old)/ 檃栝 - 0 yǐn kuò f /straightening machine/also pr. [yin3 gua1]/ 檄 - 203 xí f /dispatch/order/ 檇 - 8 zuì f /wooden pestle or rammer/ 檉 柽 T - 11 chēng f /tamarisk/ 檍 - 0 yì f /Quercus glauca/ 檎 - 8 qín f /(fruit)/ 檐 - 1465 yán f /eaves/ledge or brim/ 檐 簷 S - 1465 yán f /variant of 檐[yan2]/ 檐下 - 3 yán xià f /underside of the eaves/ 檑 - 0 léi f /logs rolled down in defense of city/ 檔 档 T - 2035 dǎng f /(Tw) variant of 擋|挡[dang3], gear/ 檔 档 T - 2035 dàng t /official records/grade (of goods)/file/records/shelves/slot/gap/crosspiece/classifier for crosspieces/classifier for events, affairs etc/Taiwan pr. [dang3]/ 檔口 档口 T - 0 dàng kǒu f /stall/booth/ 檔子 档子 T - 46 dàng zi f /classifier for affairs, events etc/ 檔期 档期 T - 142 dàng qī f /slot within a schedule/timeslot (for a TV program, a session with a photographer etc)/range of dates in which an event is to be held (film screening, exhibition etc)/ 檔案 档案 T 2585 1172 dàng àn f /file/record/archive/ 檔案傳輸協定 档案传输协定 T - 0 dàng àn chuán shū xié dìng f /File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/ 檔案分配區 档案分配区 T - 0 dàng àn fēn pèi qū f /file allocation table/FAT/ 檔案執行 档案执行 T - 0 dàng àn zhí xíng f /file execution/executable file/ 檔案屬性 档案属性 T - 0 dàng àn shǔ xìng f /file attribute/ 檔案建立 档案建立 T - 0 dàng àn jiàn lì f /file creation/ 檔案服務 档案服务 T - 0 dàng àn fú wù f /file service/ 檔案總管 档案总管 T - 0 dàng àn zǒng guǎn f /file manager (computing)/(Windows) Explorer/ 檔案轉送 档案转送 T - 0 dàng àn zhuǎn sòng f /file transfer/ 檔案轉送存取及管理 档案转送存取及管理 T - 0 dàng àn zhuǎn sòng cún qǔ jí guǎn lǐ f /File Transfer, Access and Management/FTAM/ 檔案館 档案馆 T - 119 dàng àn guǎn f /archive library/ 檔次 档次 T 4205 419 dàng cì f /grade/class/quality/level/ 檔車 档车 T - 0 dǎng chē f /see 打檔車|打档车[da3 dang3 che1]/ 檖 - 0 suì f /(tree)/ 檗 - 5 bò f /Phellodendron amurense/ 檜 桧 T - 52 guì f /Chinese Juniper (Juniperus chinensis)/coffin lid decoration (old)/ 檝 楫 T - 39 jí f /variant of 楫[ji2]/ 檟 槚 T - 3 jiǎ f /Catalpa, a genus of mostly deciduous trees/old term for Camellia sinensis, the tea plant 茶/also called Thea sinensis/small evergreen shrub (Mallotus japonicus)/ 檠 - 19 qíng f /instrument for straightening bows/ 檢 检 T - 651 jiǎn f /to check/to examine/to inspect/to exercise restraint/ 檢修 检修 T - 119 jiǎn xiū f /to overhaul/to examine and fix (a motor)/to service (a vehicle)/ 檢出 检出 T - 77 jiǎn chū f /to detect/to examine and discover/to sense/ 檢孕棒 检孕棒 T - 0 jiǎn yùn bàng f /home pregnancy test/ 檢字法 检字法 T - 6 jiǎn zì fǎ f /indexing system for Chinese characters in a dictionary/ 檢字表 检字表 T - 2 jiǎn zì biǎo f /word index (of a dictionary)/ 檢定 检定 T - 17 jiǎn dìng f /a test/determination/to check up on/to examine/to assay/ 檢察 检察 T - 2542 jiǎn chá f /to inspect/check up (on)/ 檢察官 检察官 T - 180 jiǎn chá guān f /the prosecution (in a court case)/ 檢察院 检察院 T - 7469 jiǎn chá yuàn f /prosecutor's office/procuratorate/ 檢屍 检尸 T - 0 jiǎn shī f /autopsy/necropsy/postmortem examination/ 檢控 检控 T - 5 jiǎn kòng f /to prosecute (criminal)/the prosecution/ 檢控官 检控官 T - 5 jiǎn kòng guān f /prosecutor/procurator/ 檢控方 检控方 T - 0 jiǎn kòng fāng f /the prosecuting side (in a trial)/the prosecution/ 檢方 检方 T - 12 jiǎn fāng f /the prosecution/prosecutors/ 檢束 检束 T - 3 jiǎn shù f /to regulate/to check and restrict/ 檢查 检查 T 419 5464 jiǎn chá f /inspection/to examine/to inspect/CL:次[ci4]/ 檢查員 检查员 T - 21 jiǎn chá yuán f /inspector/ 檢查哨 检查哨 T - 4 jiǎn chá shào f /inspection post/checkpoint/ 檢查站 检查站 T - 41 jiǎn chá zhàn f /checkpoint/ 檢校 检校 T - 0 jiǎn jiào f /to check/to verify/to proof-read/ 檢毒盒 检毒盒 T - 0 jiǎn dú hé f /detection kit/ 檢毒箱 检毒箱 T - 0 jiǎn dú xiāng f /detection kit/ 檢波 检波 T - 15 jiǎn bō f /to detect (e.g. radio waves)/ 檢測 检测 T - 1423 jiǎn cè f /to detect/to test/detection/sensing/ 檢測儀 检测仪 T - 8 jiǎn cè yí f /sensor/detector/ 檢測器 检测器 T - 58 jiǎn cè qì f /detector/ 檢漏 检漏 T - 3 jiǎn lòu f /to fix a leak (in a roof, pipe etc)/to check for leaks/ 檢疫 检疫 T - 210 jiǎn yì f /quarantine/ 檢索 检索 T - 247 jiǎn suǒ f /to retrieve (data)/to look up/retrieval/search/ 檢舉 检举 T - 416 jiǎn jǔ f /to report (an offense to the authorities)/to inform against sb/ 檢視 检视 T - 73 jiǎn shì f /inspection/postmortem/to view/to look into/to peep/ 檢討 检讨 T 4781 290 jiǎn tǎo f /to examine or inspect/self-criticism/review/ 檢證 检证 T - 2 jiǎn zhèng f /verification/inspection (loanword from Japanese)/ 檢證程序 检证程序 T - 0 jiǎn zhèng chéng xù f /procedure of verification (accountancy)/ 檢錄 检录 T - 4 jiǎn lù f /roll-call (e.g. at athletics event)/check the record/ 檢閱 检阅 T - 372 jiǎn yuè f /to inspect/to review (troops etc)/military review/ 檢驗 检验 T 3086 1590 jiǎn yàn f /to inspect/to examine/to test/ 檢驗醫學 检验医学 T - 0 jiǎn yàn yī xué f /laboratory medicine/ 檢點 检点 T - 99 jiǎn diǎn f /to examine/to check/to keep a lookout/cautious/restrained (in speech or mannerisms)/ 檣 樯 T - 54 qiáng f /boom/mast/ 檥 - 0 yǐ f /variant of 艤|舣[yi3]/ 檨 - 0 shē f /mango/ 檩 檁 S - 6 lǐn f /cross-beam/ridge-pole/ 檫 - 21 chá f /Chinese sassafras/Sassafras tzumu/ 檬 - 115 méng f /lemon/ 檮 梼 T - 28 táo f /dunce/blockhead/ 檮杌 梼杌 T - 0 táo wù f /legendary beast/ 檯 台 T 745 16964 tái f /desk/table/counter/ 檯子 台子 T - 75 tái zi f /desk/(pool etc) table/ 檯安縣 台安县 T - 5 Tái ān xiàn f /Tai'an county in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1], Liaoning/ 檯布 台布 T - 27 tái bù f /tablecloth/ 檯燈 台灯 T - 67 tái dēng f /desk lamp/table lamp/ 檯鐘 台钟 T - 3 tái zhōng f /desk clock/ 檯面 台面 T - 61 tái miàn f /(table) surface/countertop/mesa (electronics)/ante/(fig.) on the table/in public/ 檳 槟 T - 24 bīng f /betel palm (Areca catechu)/betel nut/Taiwan pr. [bin1]/ 檳城 槟城 T - 31 Bīn chéng f /Penang (state in Malaysia)/ 檳子 槟子 T - 3 bīn zi f /binzi/a species of apple which is slightly sour and astringent/ 檳州 槟州 T - 0 Bīng zhōu f /Penang Pulau (Island), Malaysia/also written 檳榔嶼|槟榔屿/ 檳椥 槟椥 T - 0 Bīn zhī f /Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam/ 檳榔 槟榔 T - 166 bīng lang f /betel palm (Areca catechu)/betel nut/ 檳榔嶼 槟榔屿 T - 0 Bīng lang yǔ f /Penang Pulau (Island), Malaysia/ 檳榔西施 槟榔西施 T - 0 bīng lang Xī shī f /betel nut beauty: a skimpily-dressed, attractive girl who sells betel nut from a glass-walled roadside booth (Tw)/ 檳知 槟知 T - 0 Bīn zhī f /Ben Tre, province and city in Vietnam/ 檴 - 0 huò f /(tree)/ 檵 - 8 jì t /fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub/ 檵 - 8 qǐ f /variant of 杞[qi3], wolfberry shrub (Lycium chinense)/ 檵木 - 0 jì mù f /fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub/ 檵花 - 0 jì huā f /fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense), evergreen shrub/ 檸 柠 T - 58 níng f /lemon/ 檸檬 柠檬 T - 145 níng méng f /lemon/ 檸檬水 柠檬水 T - 6 níng méng shuǐ f /lemonade/ 檸檬汁 柠檬汁 T - 17 níng méng zhī f /lemon juice/ 檸檬片 柠檬片 T - 0 níng méng piàn f /slice of lemon/ 檸檬茶 柠檬茶 T - 2 níng méng chá f /lemon tea/ 檸檬草 柠檬草 T - 3 níng méng cǎo f /lemongrass/ 檸檬酸 柠檬酸 T - 119 níng méng suān f /citric acid/ 檸檬酸循環 柠檬酸循环 T - 0 níng méng suān xún huán f /citric acid cycle/Krebs cycle/tricarboxylic acid cycle/ 檸檬雞 柠檬鸡 T - 0 níng méng jī f /lemon chicken/ 檻 槛 T - 178 jiàn f /banister/balustrade/cage for animal or prisoner/to transport caged prisoner on a cart/ 檻 槛 T - 178 kǎn t /door sill/threshold/ 檻花籠鶴 槛花笼鹤 T - 3 jiàn huā lóng hè f /a flower in a cage, a crane in a basket (idiom); prisoner/ 檻車 槛车 T - 3 jiàn chē f /cart with cage, used to escort prisoner/ 櫂 棹 T - 68 zhào t /oar (archaic)/scull/paddle/to row/a boat/ 櫃 柜 T - 664 guì t /cupboard/cabinet/wardrobe/ 櫃台 柜台 T 2158 373 guì tái f /variant of 櫃檯|柜台[gui4 tai2]/ 櫃員機 柜员机 T - 5 guì yuán jī f /ATM/ 櫃子 柜子 T - 205 guì zi f /cupboard/cabinet/ 櫃檯 柜台 T 2158 373 guì tái f /sales counter/front desk/bar/(of markets, medicines etc) OTC (over-the-counter)/ 櫃臺 柜台 T 2158 373 guì tái f /variant of 櫃檯|柜台[gui4 tai2]/ 櫆 - 15 kuí f /see 櫆師|櫆师[kui2 shi1] Polaris, the north star/ 櫆师 櫆師 S - 0 kuí shī f /Polaris/the north star/same as 北斗[Bei3 dou3]/ 櫆師 櫆师 T - 0 kuí shī f /Polaris/the north star/same as 北斗[Bei3 dou3]/ 櫈 凳 T - 415 dèng f /variant of 凳[deng4]/ 櫌 - 52 yōu f /harrow/ 櫓 橹 T - 256 lǔ f /scull (single oar worked from side to side over the stern of a boat) (free word)/ 櫚 榈 T - 67 lǘ f /palm tree/ 櫛 栉 T - 117 zhì f /comb/to comb/to weed out/to eliminate/Taiwan pr. [jie2]/ 櫛比 栉比 T - 13 zhì bǐ f /lined up close (like teeth of a comb)/ 櫛水母 栉水母 T - 0 jié shuǐ mǔ f /comb jellies (Ctenophora)/ 櫛風沐雨 栉风沐雨 T - 4 zhì fēng mù yǔ f /lit. to comb one's hair in the wind and wash it in the rain (idiom)/fig. to work in the open regardless of the weather/ 櫜 - 0 gāo f /weapon case/ 櫝 椟 T - 141 dú f /cabinet/case/casket/ 櫞 橼 T - 12 yuán f /Citrus medica/ 櫟 栎 T - 470 lì f /oak/Quercus serrata/ 櫟樹 栎树 T - 13 lì shù f /oak tree/ 櫠 - 26 fèi f /a variety of pomelo (old)/ 櫡 - 14 zhù f /variant of 箸[zhu4]/ 櫥 橱 T - 391 chú f /wardrobe/closet/cabinet/ 櫥子 橱子 T - 3 chú zi f /wardrobe/closet/cabinet/ 櫥櫃 橱柜 T - 22 chú guì f /cupboard/cupboard that can also be used as a table/sideboard/ 櫥窗 橱窗 T - 126 chú chuāng f /display window/ 櫧 槠 T - 274 zhū f /Quercus glanca/ 櫨 栌 T - 93 lú f /capital (of column)/smoke tree/ 櫪 枥 T - 19 lì f /type of oak/stable (for horses)/ 櫫 橥 T - 9 zhū f /Zelkova acuminata/ 櫬 榇 T - 34 chèn f /Sterculia plantanifolia/coffin/ 櫱 蘖 T - 26 niè f /new shoot growing from cut branch or stump/ 櫱枝 蘖枝 T - 0 niè zhī f /branch stem/ 櫳 栊 T - 62 lóng f /bar/cage/gratings/ 櫸 榉 T - 28 jǔ f /Zeikowa acuminata/ 櫸木 榉木 T - 3 jǔ mù f /beech/ 櫹 - 2 xiāo f /a type of big tree (archaic)/ 櫺 棂 T - 467 líng f /latticework on a window/ 櫻 樱 T - 336 yīng f /cherry/ 櫻井 樱井 T - 0 Yīng jǐng f /Sakurai (Japanese surname and place name)/ 櫻島 樱岛 T - 0 Yīng Dǎo f /Sakurajima island, an active volcano in Kagoshima prefecture 鹿兒島縣|鹿儿岛县[Lu4 er2 dao3 xian4], Japan/ 櫻桃 樱桃 T - 353 yīng táo f /cherry/ 櫻桃園 樱桃园 T - 18 Yīng táo Yuán f /The Cherry Orchard, a play by Chekhov 契訶夫|契诃夫[Qi4 he1 fu1]/ 櫻桃小番茄 樱桃小番茄 T - 0 yīng táo xiǎo fān qié f /see 聖女果|圣女果[sheng4 nu:3 guo3]/ 櫻桃蘿蔔 樱桃萝卜 T - 0 yīng táo luó bo f /summer radish (the small red kind)/ 櫻花 樱花 T - 178 yīng huā f /oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for its blossom/also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry/ 櫻花妹 樱花妹 T - 0 yīng huā mèi f /(coll.) Japanese girl/ 櫻花草 樱花草 T - 0 yīng huā cǎo f /primrose/ 櫽 - 0 yǐn f /tool used for shaping wood (old)/old variant of 檃[yin3]/ 欀 - 0 xiāng f /inner lining of wooden utensils/component beam used in building construction/species of oak tree with medicinal bark (old)/ 欂 - 0 bó f /rafter/ 欃 - 0 chán f /sandalwood (Santalum album), a Nepalese tree producing valuable fragrant oil/comet/ 欄 栏 T - 734 lán f /fence/railing/hurdle/column or box (of text or other data)/ 欄位 栏位 T - 3 lán wèi f /(numeric, data) field/ 欄圈 栏圈 T - 0 lán quān f /pen/animal yard/ 欄杆 栏杆 T - 776 lán gān f /railing/banister/ 欄架 栏架 T - 16 lán jià f /hurdle/ 欄柵 栏栅 T - 2 lán zhà f /barrier/ 欄櫃 栏柜 T - 3 lán guì f /variant of 攔櫃|拦柜[lan2 gui4]/ 欄目 栏目 T 4556 450 lán mù f /regular column or segment (in a publication or broadcast program)/program (TV or radio)/ 權 权 T - 7482 Quán f /surname Quan/ 權 权 T - 7482 quán f /authority/power/right/(literary) to weigh/expedient/temporary/ 權且 权且 T - 94 quán qiě f /temporarily/for the time being/ 權位 权位 T - 138 quán wèi f /power and position (politics)/ 權充 权充 T - 7 quán chōng f /to act temporarily as/ 權利 权利 T 1399 7829 quán lì f /power/right/privilege/ 權利法案 权利法案 T - 0 quán lì fǎ àn f /bill of rights/ 權利聲明 权利声明 T - 0 quán lì shēng míng f /copyright statement/ 權利要求 权利要求 T - 3 quán lì yāo qiú f /claim to rights (copyright, patent etc)/ 權力 权力 T 1555 14581 quán lì f /power/authority/ 權力交接 权力交接 T - 0 quán lì jiāo jiē f /transfer of power/to hand over power/ 權力紛爭 权力纷争 T - 0 quán lì fēn zhēng f /power struggle/ 權力鬥爭 权力斗争 T - 3 quán lì dòu zhēng f /power struggle/ 權勢 权势 T - 443 quán shì f /power/influence/ 權威 权威 T 3415 2073 quán wēi f /authority/authoritative/power and prestige/ 權威性 权威性 T - 260 quán wēi xìng f /authoritative/(having) authority/ 權宜 权宜 T - 31 quán yí f /expedient/ 權宜之策 权宜之策 T - 3 quán yí zhī cè f /stratagem of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makeshift plan/interim step/ 權宜之計 权宜之计 T - 64 quán yí zhī jì f /plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makeshift stratagem/interim step/ 權慾薰心 权欲熏心 T - 2 quán yù xūn xīn f /obsessed by a craving for power/power hungry/ 權時 权时 T - 0 quán shí f /(literary) temporarily/ 權杖 权杖 T - 29 quán zhàng f /scepter/ 權柄 权柄 T - 24 quán bǐng f /authority/ 權當 权当 T - 76 quán dāng f /to act as if/to treat sth as if it were/ 權益 权益 T - 1751 quán yì f /rights/interests/rights and benefits/ 權能 权能 T - 90 quán néng f /power/ 權術 权术 T - 42 quán shù f /art of politics/political tricks (often derog.)/power play/to play at politics/underhand trickery/ 權衡 权衡 T 4368 214 quán héng f /to weigh/to consider/to assess/to balance/to trade-off/ 權衡利弊 权衡利弊 T - 32 quán héng lì bì f /weigh the pros and the cons/ 權謀 权谋 T - 94 quán móu f /trickery/tactics/ 權證 权证 T - 155 quán zhèng f /warrant (finance)/ 權變 权变 T - 19 quán biàn f /to do whatever is expedient/ 權變理論 权变理论 T - 0 quán biàn lǐ lùn f /contingency theory (theory of leadership)/ 權貴 权贵 T - 259 quán guì f /influential officials/bigwigs/ 權輿 权舆 T - 3 quán yú f /to sprout/(fig). to begin/beginning/ 權重 权重 T - 127 quán zhòng f /weight (i.e. importance attached to sth)/ 權鑰 权钥 T - 0 quán yào f /keys of authority/ 權限 权限 T - 586 quán xiàn f /scope of authority/extent of power/(access etc) privileges/ 欏 椤 T - 720 luó f /see 桫欏|桫椤[suo1 luo2]/ 欐 - 700 lì f /beam/ 欑 - 366 zàn f /gather/ 欒 栾 T - 378 Luán f /surname Luan/ 欒 栾 T - 378 luán f /Koelreuteria paniculata/ 欒城 栾城 T - 19 Luán chéng f /Luancheng county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 欒城縣 栾城县 T - 6 Luán chéng xiàn f /Luancheng county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 欒川 栾川 T - 8 Luán chuān f /Luanchuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 欒川縣 栾川县 T - 2 Luán chuān xiàn f /Luanchuan county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 欖 榄 T - 122 lǎn f /olive/ 欖角 榄角 T - 0 lǎn jiǎo f /black olive (Canarium tramdenum)/ 欙 - 346 léi f /sedan/ 欛 - 0 bà f /variant of 杷[ba4]/variant of 把[ba4]/ 欝 郁 T - 181 yù f /variant of 鬱|郁[yu4]/ 欞 棂 T - 467 líng f /variant of 櫺|棂[ling2]/ 欞床 棂床 T - 0 líng chuáng f /variant of 靈床|灵床[ling2 chuang2]/ 欠 1346 1566 qiàn f /deficient/to owe/to lack/yawn/ 欠佳 - 114 qiàn jiā f /suboptimal/subpar/not good enough/ 欠债 欠債 S - 71 qiàn zhài f /to owe a debt/the sum owed/ 欠債 欠债 T - 71 qiàn zhài f /to owe a debt/the sum owed/ 欠妥 - 16 qiàn tuǒ f /improper/inappropriate/unsatisfactory/inadequate/ 欠安 - 26 qiàn ān f /ill (euphemism)/ 欠扁 - 3 qiàn biǎn f /annoying/infuriating/deserving of a good spanking/ 欠揍 - 13 qiàn zòu f /to need a spanking/ 欠条 欠條 S - 15 qiàn tiáo f /IOU/certificate of indebtedness/ 欠條 欠条 T - 15 qiàn tiáo f /IOU/certificate of indebtedness/ 欠款 - 65 qiàn kuǎn f /to owe a debt/balance due/debts/ 欠缺 - 282 qiàn quē f /to be deficient in/lapse/deficiency/ 欠薪 - 3 qiàn xīn f /to owe wages/back pay/wages arrears/ 欠費 欠费 T - 6 qiàn fèi f /to be in arrears/to be out of credit/amount owing/ 欠賬 欠账 T - 31 qiàn zhàng f /to owe a debt/debt/obligation/ 欠账 欠賬 S - 31 qiàn zhàng f /to owe a debt/debt/obligation/ 欠费 欠費 S - 6 qiàn fèi f /to be in arrears/to be out of credit/amount owing/ 欠身 - 244 qiàn shēn f /to half rise out of one's chair (a polite gesture)/ 欠項 欠项 T - 0 qiàn xiàng f /liabilities/debt/ 欠项 欠項 S - 0 qiàn xiàng f /liabilities/debt/ 次 180 17947 cì f /next in sequence/second/the second (day, time etc)/secondary/vice-/sub-/infra-/inferior quality/substandard/order/sequence/hypo- (chemistry)/classifier for enumerated events: time/ 次一个 次一個 S - 0 cì yī gè f /next one (in order)/ 次一個 次一个 T - 0 cì yī gè f /next one (in order)/ 次之 - 438 cì zhī f /second (in a competition)/occupying second place/ 次于 次於 S - 195 cì yú f /second after/second only to/ 次亚硫酸钠 次亞硫酸鈉 S - 0 cì yà liú suān nà f /sodium hyposulfide Na2S2O3 (hypo)/ 次亞硫酸鈉 次亚硫酸钠 T - 0 cì yà liú suān nà f /sodium hyposulfide Na2S2O3 (hypo)/ 次元 - 0 cì yuán f /dimension (loanword, from Japanese)/ 次后 次後 S - 0 cì hòu f /afterwards/then/ 次品 4759 21 cì pǐn f /substandard products/defective/seconds/ 次声波 次聲波 S - 42 cì shēng bō f /infrasonic wave/ 次大陆 次大陸 S - 48 cì dà lù f /subcontinent (e.g. the Indian subcontinent)/ 次大陸 次大陆 T - 48 cì dà lù f /subcontinent (e.g. the Indian subcontinent)/ 次女 - 12 cì nǚ f /second daughter/ 次子 - 251 cì zǐ f /second son/ 次官 - 42 cì guān f /undersecretary/secondary official/ 次序 4319 276 cì xù f /sequence/order/ 次後 次后 T - 0 cì hòu f /afterwards/then/ 次数 次數 S - 2795 cì shù f /number of times/frequency/order number (in a series)/power (math.)/degree of a polynomial (math.)/ 次數 次数 T - 2795 cì shù f /number of times/frequency/order number (in a series)/power (math.)/degree of a polynomial (math.)/ 次文化 - 0 cì wén huà f /subculture/ 次方 - 18 cì fāng f /(raised to the) nth power/ 次於 次于 T - 195 cì yú f /second after/second only to/ 次日 - 1719 cì rì f /next day/the morrow/ 次氯酸 - 4 cì lǜ suān f /hypochlorous acid HOCl (bleach)/ 次溴酸 - 0 cì xiù suān f /hypobromous acid HOBr/ 次生 - 226 cì shēng f /derivative/secondary/sub-/ 次生林 - 59 cì shēng lín f /secondary growth of forest/ 次生災害 次生灾害 T - 0 cì shēng zāi hài f /secondary disaster (e.g. epidemic following floods)/ 次生灾害 次生災害 S - 0 cì shēng zāi hài f /secondary disaster (e.g. epidemic following floods)/ 次第 - 139 cì dì f /order/sequence/one after another/ 次等 - 0 cì děng f /second class/second rate/ 次級 次级 T - 101 cì jí f /secondary/ 次級房屋信貸危機 次级房屋信贷危机 T - 0 cì jí fáng wū xìn dài wēi jī f /subprime mortgage crisis/ 次級抵押貸款 次级抵押贷款 T - 0 cì jí dǐ yā dài kuǎn f /subprime mortgage/ 次級貸款 次级贷款 T - 0 cì jí dài kuǎn f /subprime lending/abbr. to 次貸|次贷/ 次經 次经 T - 0 cì jīng f /non-canonical text/dubious classic text/Apocrypha/ 次级 次級 S - 101 cì jí f /secondary/ 次级房屋信贷危机 次級房屋信貸危機 S - 0 cì jí fáng wū xìn dài wēi jī f /subprime mortgage crisis/ 次级抵押贷款 次級抵押貸款 S - 0 cì jí dǐ yā dài kuǎn f /subprime mortgage/ 次级贷款 次級貸款 S - 0 cì jí dài kuǎn f /subprime lending/abbr. to 次貸|次贷/ 次经 次經 S - 0 cì jīng f /non-canonical text/dubious classic text/Apocrypha/ 次聲波 次声波 T - 42 cì shēng bō f /infrasonic wave/ 次要 2439 297 cì yào f /secondary/ 次貧 次贫 T - 3 cì pín f /extremely poor but not destitute/ 次貨 次货 T - 3 cì huò f /inferior goods/substandard products/ 次貸 次贷 T - 0 cì dài f /subprime lending/abbr. for 次級貸款|次级贷款[ci4 ji2 dai4 kuan3]/ 次貸危機 次贷危机 T - 0 cì dài wēi jī f /subprime mortgage crisis/abbr. for 次級房屋信貸危機|次级房屋信贷危机[ci4 ji2 fang2 wu1 xin4 dai4 wei1 ji1]/ 次货 次貨 S - 3 cì huò f /inferior goods/substandard products/ 次贫 次貧 S - 3 cì pín f /extremely poor but not destitute/ 次贷 次貸 S - 0 cì dài f /subprime lending/abbr. for 次級貸款|次级贷款[ci4 ji2 dai4 kuan3]/ 次贷危机 次貸危機 S - 0 cì dài wēi jī f /subprime mortgage crisis/abbr. for 次級房屋信貸危機|次级房屋信贷危机[ci4 ji2 fang2 wu1 xin4 dai4 wei1 ji1]/ 次重量級 次重量级 T - 0 cì zhòng liàng jí f /middle heavyweight (boxing)/ 次重量级 次重量級 S - 0 cì zhòng liàng jí f /middle heavyweight (boxing)/ 次長 次长 T - 85 cì zhǎng f /deputy chief/ 次长 次長 S - 85 cì zhǎng f /deputy chief/ 次韵 次韻 S - 10 cì yùn f /reply to a poem in the same rhyme/ 次韻 次韵 T - 10 cì yùn f /reply to a poem in the same rhyme/ 欢 懽 S - 1261 huān f /variant of 歡|欢[huan1]/ 欢 歡 S - 1261 huān f /joyous/happy/pleased/ 欢 讙 S - 1261 huān f /hubbub/clamor/variant of 歡|欢[huan1]/ 欢 驩 S - 1261 huān f /a breed of horse/variant of 歡|欢[huan1]/ 欢乐 歡樂 S 2897 1082 huān lè f /gaiety/gladness/glee/merriment/pleasure/happy/joyous/gay/ 欢乐时光 歡樂時光 S - 0 huān lè shí guāng f /happy time/happy hour (in bars etc)/ 欢势 歡勢 S - 0 huān shi f /lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited/ 欢呼 歡呼 S - 776 huān hū f /to cheer for/to acclaim/ 欢呼雀跃 歡呼雀躍 S - 39 huān hū què yuè f /cheering excitedly (idiom)/jubilant/ 欢喜 歡喜 S - 1410 huān xǐ f /happy/joyous/delighted/to like/to be fond of/ 欢喜冤家 歡喜冤家 S - 4 huān xǐ yuān jia f /quarrelsome but loving couple/ 欢声 歡聲 S - 57 huān shēng f /cheers/cries of joy or approval/ 欢天喜地 歡天喜地 S - 112 huān tiān xǐ dì f /delighted/with great joy/in high spirits/ 欢娱 歡娛 S - 143 huān yú f /to amuse/to divert/happy/joyful/pleasure/amusement/ 欢实 歡實 S - 3 huān shi f /lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited/ 欢宴 歡宴 S - 34 huān yàn f /feast/celebration/ 欢容 歡容 S - 0 huān róng f /happy/joyous/ 欢庆 歡慶 S - 249 huān qìng f /to celebrate/ 欢度 歡度 S - 61 huān dù f /to merrily spend (an occasion)/to celebrate/ 欢心 歡心 S - 191 huān xīn f /favor/liking/love/jubilation/joy/ 欢快 歡快 S - 257 huān kuài f /cheerful and lighthearted/lively/ 欢悦 歡悅 S - 67 huān yuè f /happiness/joy/to be happy/to be joyous/ 欢愉 歡愉 S - 91 huān yú f /happy/joyous/delighted/ 欢欢喜喜 歡歡喜喜 S - 56 huān huān xǐ xǐ f /happily/ 欢欣 歡欣 S - 66 huān xīn f /elated/ 欢欣雀跃 歡欣雀躍 S - 0 huān xīn què yuè f /elated/overjoyed/ 欢欣鼓舞 歡欣鼓舞 S - 79 huān xīn gǔ wǔ f /elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed/ 欢畅 歡暢 S - 51 huān chàng f /happy/cheerful/jubilant/ 欢笑 歡笑 S - 135 huān xiào f /to laugh happily/a belly-laugh/ 欢聚 歡聚 S - 61 huān jù f /to get together socially/to celebrate/party/celebration/ 欢聚一堂 歡聚一堂 S - 53 huān jù yī táng f /to gather happily under one roof/ 欢腾 歡騰 S - 117 huān téng f /jubilation/great celebration/CL:片[pian4]/ 欢蹦乱跳 歡蹦亂跳 S - 14 huān bèng luàn tiào f /glowing with health and vivacity (idiom)/ 欢迎 歡迎 S 374 5132 huān yíng f /to welcome/welcome/ 欢迎光临 歡迎光臨 S - 3 huān yíng guāng lín f /welcome/ 欢送 歡送 S - 57 huān sòng f /to see off/to send off/ 欢送会 歡送會 S - 6 huān sòng huì f /farewell party/ 欣 - 350 xīn f /happy/ 欣喜 - 338 xīn xǐ f /happy/ 欣喜若狂 - 61 xīn xǐ ruò kuáng f /to be wild with joy (idiom)/ 欣幸 - 3 xīn xìng f /delighted/overjoyed/ 欣弗 - 0 Xīn fú f /brand name of a glucose injection that caused medical scandal/ 欣慰 3639 441 xīn wèi f /to be gratified/ 欣欣向榮 欣欣向荣 T 4892 86 xīn xīn xiàng róng f /luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing/thriving/ 欣欣向荣 欣欣向榮 S 4892 86 xīn xīn xiàng róng f /luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing/thriving/ 欣然 - 286 xīn rán f /gladly/cheerfully/ 欣賞 欣赏 T 1527 1827 xīn shǎng f /to appreciate/to enjoy/to admire/ 欣赏 欣賞 S 1527 1827 xīn shǎng f /to appreciate/to enjoy/to admire/ 欤 歟 S - 163 yú f /(literary) (final particle similar to 吗[ma5], 呢[ne5] or 啊[a1])/ 欧 歐 S - 2338 Oū f /Europe/abbr. for 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1]/surname Ou/ 欧 歐 S - 2338 ōu t /(used for transliteration)/old variant of 謳|讴[ou1]/ 欧亚 歐亞 S - 284 Oū Yà f /Europe and Asia/Eurasia/ 欧亚大陆 歐亞大陸 S - 433 Oū Yà Dà lù f /Eurasia/ 欧亚红尾鸲 歐亞紅尾鴝 S - 0 Oū Yà hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)/ 欧亚鵟 歐亞鵟 S - 0 Oū Yà kuáng f /(bird species of China) common buzzard (Buteo buteo)/ 欧亚鸲 歐亞鴝 S - 0 Oū Yà qú f /(bird species of China) European robin (Erithacus rubecula)/ 欧仁 歐仁 S - 3 Oū rén f /Eugene (name)/ 欧伯林 歐伯林 S - 0 Oū bó lín f /Oberlin/ 欧佩克 歐佩克 S - 156 Oū pèi kè f /OPEC/Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries/ 欧元 歐元 S - 1237 Oū yuán f /Euro (currency)/ 欧元区 歐元區 S - 27 Oū yuán qū f /Eurozone/ 欧共体 歐共體 S - 275 Oū gòng tǐ f /abbr. for 歐洲共同體|欧洲共同体, European Community (old term for the EU, European Union)/ 欧几里得 歐幾里得 S - 251 Oū jǐ lǐ dé f /Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and author Elements 幾何原本|几何原本/ 欧几里德 歐幾里德 S - 32 Oū jǐ lǐ dé f /Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and author of Elements 幾何原本|几何原本/ 欧分 歐分 S - 0 ōu fēn f /Eurocent/ 欧吉桑 歐吉桑 S - 0 ōu jí sāng f /older man/man of mature years (Japanese loanword)/ 欧夜鹰 歐夜鷹 S - 0 Oū yè yīng f /(bird species of China) European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)/ 欧姆 歐姆 S - 34 ōu mǔ f /ohm (loanword)/ 欧姆蛋 歐姆蛋 S - 0 ōu mǔ dàn f /omelette/ 欧安组织 歐安組織 S - 19 Oū An Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), abbr. for 歐洲安全與合作組織|欧洲安全与合作组织[Ou1 zhou1 An1 quan2 yu3 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1]/ 欧宝 歐寶 S - 7 Oū bǎo f /Opel (car brand)/ 欧尼 歐尼 S - 0 ōu ní f /(female usage) older sister (loanword from Korean "eonni")/ 欧巴 歐巴 S - 0 ōu bā f /(female usage) older brother (loanword from Korean "oppa")/male friend/ 欧巴桑 歐巴桑 S - 3 ōu ba sāng f /older female/woman of mature years (Japanese loanword)/ 欧巴马 歐巴馬 S - 0 Oū bā mǎ f /Taiwanese variant of 奧巴馬|奥巴马[Ao4 ba1 ma3], Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat politician, president from 2009/ 欧式 歐式 S - 68 Oū shì f /in the European style/Euclidean/ 欧式几何 歐式幾何 S - 0 Oū shì jǐ hé f /Euclidean geometry/ 欧式几何学 歐式幾何學 S - 0 Oū shì jǐ hé xué f /Euclidean geometry/ 欧当归 歐當歸 S - 0 Oū dāng guī f /(botany) lovage/Levisticum officinale/ 欧拉 歐拉 S - 277 Oū lā f /Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Swiss mathematician/ 欧文 歐文 S - 105 Oū wén f /Owen (name)/Erwin (name)/Irvine, California/ 欧文斯 歐文斯 S - 10 Oū wén sī f /Owens (name)/ 欧斑鸠 歐斑鳩 S - 0 Oū bān jiū f /(bird species of China) European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)/ 欧朋 歐朋 S - 0 Oū péng f /Opera (web browser)/ 欧柏林 歐柏林 S - 0 Oū bó lín f /Oberlin/ 欧查果 歐查果 S - 3 ōu chá guǒ f /medlar/ 欧柳莺 歐柳鶯 S - 0 Oū liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)/ 欧榛 歐榛 S - 0 ōu zhēn f /common hazel (tree) (Corylus avellana)/ 欧歌鸫 歐歌鶇 S - 0 Oū gē dōng f /(bird species of China) song thrush (Turdus philomelos)/ 欧氏 歐氏 S - 7 Oū shì f /Euclid/abbr. for 歐幾里得|欧几里得/ 欧氏几何学 歐氏幾何學 S - 0 Oū shì jǐ hé xué f /Euclidean geometry/ 欧泊 歐泊 S - 11 ōu bó f /opal (Sanskrit: upala)/ 欧洲 歐洲 S 1647 9256 Oū zhōu f /Europe/abbr. for 歐羅巴洲|欧罗巴洲[Ou1 luo2 ba1 Zhou1]/ 欧洲中央银行 歐洲中央銀行 S - 4 Oū zhōu Zhōng yāng Yín háng f /European Central Bank/ 欧洲之星 歐洲之星 S - 0 Oū zhōu zhī xīng f /Eurostar (train line)/ 欧洲人 歐洲人 S - 611 Oū zhōu rén f /European (person)/ 欧洲共同体 歐洲共同體 S - 127 Oū zhōu Gòng tóng tǐ f /European Community, old term for EU, European Union 歐盟|欧盟[Ou1 meng2]/ 欧洲共同市场 歐洲共同市場 S - 0 Oū zhōu gòng tóng shì chǎng f /European common market (old term for EU, European Union)/ 欧洲刑警组织 歐洲刑警組織 S - 0 Oū zhōu Xíng jǐng Zǔ zhī f /Europol (European Police Office)/ 欧洲原子能联营 歐洲原子能聯營 S - 0 ōu zhōu yuán zǐ néng lián yíng f /Euratom/ 欧洲大陆 歐洲大陸 S - 0 Oū zhōu dà lù f /continent of Europe/ 欧洲安全与合作组织 歐洲安全與合作組織 S - 0 Oū zhōu An quán yǔ Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)/ 欧洲安全和合作组织 歐洲安全和合作組織 S - 0 Oū zhōu An quán hé Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)/ 欧洲山杨 歐洲山楊 S - 0 Oū zhōu shān yáng f /European poplar (Populus tremula)/ 欧洲杯 歐洲杯 S - 14 Oū zhōu bēi f /European cup (e.g. soccer)/ 欧洲核子中心 歐洲核子中心 S - 0 Oū zhōu hé zǐ zhōng xīn f /European center for nuclear research CERN, at Geneva/ 欧洲核子研究中心 歐洲核子研究中心 S - 9 Oū zhōu hé zǐ yán jiū zhōng xīn f /European center for nuclear research CERN, at Geneva/ 欧洲歌唱大赛 歐洲歌唱大賽 S - 0 Oū zhōu Gē chàng Dà sài f /Eurovision Song Contest/ 欧洲法院 歐洲法院 S - 2 Oū zhōu Fǎ yuàn f /European Court of Justice/ 欧洲理事会 歐洲理事會 S - 8 Oū zhōu Lǐ shì huì f /European Council/ 欧洲电视 歐洲電視 S - 0 Oū zhōu diàn shì f /European TV/Eurovision/ 欧洲联盟 歐洲聯盟 S - 48 Oū zhōu Lián méng f /European Union (EU)/ 欧洲自由贸易联盟 歐洲自由貿易聯盟 S - 0 Oū zhōu Zì yóu Mào yì Lián méng f /European Free Trade Association/ 欧洲航天局 歐洲航天局 S - 12 Oū zhōu Háng tiān jú f /European Space Agency (ESA)/ 欧洲议会 歐洲議會 S - 26 Oū zhōu Yì huì f /European Parliament/ 欧洲语言 歐洲語言 S - 0 Oū zhōu yǔ yán f /European language/ 欧洲货币 歐洲貨幣 S - 0 Oū zhōu huò bì f /Euro/European currency/ 欧洲防风 歐洲防風 S - 3 Oū zhōu fáng fēng f /parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)/ 欧珀莱 歐珀萊 S - 0 Oū pò lái f /Aupres, Shiseido's line in China/ 欧盟 歐盟 S - 1518 Oū méng f /European Union/EU/ 欧盟委员会 歐盟委員會 S - 85 Oū méng Wěi yuán huì f /Commission of European Union/ 欧石鸻 歐石鴴 S - 0 Oū shí héng f /(bird species of China) Eurasian stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus)/ 欧米伽 歐米伽 S - 0 ōu mǐ gā f /omega (Greek letter Ωω)/ 欧米茄表公司 歐米茄錶公司 S - 0 Oū mǐ jiā Biǎo Gōng sī f /Omega SA, Swiss luxury watchmaker/ 欧罗巴 歐羅巴 S - 38 Oū luó bā f /Europe/ 欧罗巴洲 歐羅巴洲 S - 19 Oū luó bā Zhōu f /Europe/abbr. to 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1]/ 欧美 歐美 S - 183 Oū Měi f /Europe and America/the West/ 欧芹 歐芹 S - 4 ōu qín f /parsley (Petroselinum sativum)/ 欧若拉 歐若拉 S - 0 ōu ruò lā f /aurora/ 欧莱雅 歐萊雅 S - 49 Oū lái yǎ f /L'Oréal (French cosmetics company)/ 欧莳萝 歐蒔蘿 S - 0 Oū shí luó f /cumin (Cuminum cyminum)/ 欧蝶鱼 歐蝶魚 S - 0 ōu dié yú f /plaice/ 欧车前 歐車前 S - 0 ōu chē qián f /psyllium (genus Plantago)/ 欧里庇得斯 歐里庇得斯 S - 0 Oū lǐ bì dé sī f /Euripides (c. 480-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Medea, Trojan Women etc/ 欧金斑鸻 歐金斑鴴 S - 0 Oū jīn bān héng f /(bird species of China) European golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria)/ 欧金翅雀 歐金翅雀 S - 0 Oū jīn chì què f /(bird species of China) European greenfinch (Chloris chloris)/ 欧阳 歐陽 S - 257 Oū yáng f /two-character surname Ouyang/ 欧阳予倩 歐陽予倩 S - 31 Oū yáng Yú qiàn f /Ouyang Yuqian (1889-1962), Chinese actor/ 欧阳修 歐陽修 S - 162 Oū yáng Xiū f /Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072), Northern Song dynasty prose writer and historian/ 欧阳询 歐陽詢 S - 17 Oū yáng Xún f /Ouyang Xun (557-641), one of Four Great Poets of early Tang 唐初四大家[Tang2 chu1 Si4 Da4 jia1]/ 欧鸽 歐鴿 S - 0 Oū gē f /(bird species of China) stock dove (Columba oenas)/ 欨 - 0 xū f /to blow or breathe upon to smile/ 欬 - 0 kài f /to cough/ 欱 - 0 hē f /variant of 喝[he1]/ 欲 慾 S - 5942 yù f /desire/appetite/passion/lust/greed/ 欲 - 5942 yù f /to wish for/to desire/variant of 慾|欲[yu4]/ 欲仙欲死 慾仙慾死 S - 3 yù xiān yù sǐ f /to wish one were dead (idiom)/(fig.) to be in seventh heaven/ 欲加之罪,何患无辞 欲加之罪,何患無辭 S - 0 yù jiā zhī zuì , hé huàn wú cí f /If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb/Give a dog a bad name, then hang him./ 欲加之罪,何患無辭 欲加之罪,何患无辞 T - 0 yù jiā zhī zuì , hé huàn wú cí f /If you want to condemn sb, don't worry about the pretext (idiom, from Zuozhuan 左傳|左传); one can always trump up a charge against sb/Give a dog a bad name, then hang him./ 欲取姑与 欲取姑與 S - 3 yù qǔ gū yǔ f /to make concessions for the sake of future gains (idiom)/ 欲取姑予 - 3 yù qǔ gū yǔ f /variant of 欲取姑與|欲取姑与[yu4 qu3 gu1 yu3]/to make concessions for the sake of future gains (idiom)/ 欲取姑與 欲取姑与 T - 3 yù qǔ gū yǔ f /to make concessions for the sake of future gains (idiom)/ 欲善其事,必先利其器 - 0 yù shàn qí shì , bì xiān lì qí qì f /To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job/ 欲壑难填 慾壑難填 S - 4 yù hè nán tián f /bottomless pit of desire (idiom); insatiable greed/carnal cravings are never satisfied and are a main obstruction on the path to enlightenment/ 欲女 - 3 yù nǚ f /sex-crazed woman/ 欲念 - 34 yù niàn f /desire/ 欲振乏力 - 0 yù zhèn fá lì f /to try to rouse oneself but lack the strength (idiom)/ 欲擒故縱 欲擒故纵 T - 15 yù qín gù zòng f /In order to capture, one must let loose./to loosen the reins only to grasp them better/ 欲擒故纵 欲擒故縱 S - 15 yù qín gù zòng f /In order to capture, one must let loose./to loosen the reins only to grasp them better/ 欲望 慾望 S 2862 918 yù wàng f /desire/longing/appetite/craving/ 欲海 - 3 yù hǎi f /ocean of lust (Buddhist term)/worldly desires/ 欲滴 - 0 yù dī f /(suffix) replete (with moisture)/glistening/plump and tender/lovely/alluring/ 欲火 慾火 S - 34 yù huǒ f /lust/ 欲火焚身 慾火焚身 S - 3 yù huǒ fén shēn f /burning with desire/ 欲益反损 欲益反損 S - 3 yù yì fǎn sǔn f /wishing for profit, but causing loss (idiom); good intentions that lead to disaster/It all ends in tears./ 欲益反損 欲益反损 T - 3 yù yì fǎn sǔn f /wishing for profit, but causing loss (idiom); good intentions that lead to disaster/It all ends in tears./ 欲盖弥彰 欲蓋彌彰 S - 26 yù gài mí zhāng f /trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous (idiom); A cover up only makes matters worse./ 欲絕 欲绝 T - 80 yù jué f /heartbroken/inconsolable/ 欲經 欲经 T - 0 Yù jīng f /Kama Sutra/ 欲经 欲經 S - 0 Yù jīng f /Kama Sutra/ 欲绝 欲絕 S - 80 yù jué f /heartbroken/inconsolable/ 欲罢不能 欲罷不能 S - 42 yù bà bù néng f /want to stop but can't (idiom)/to be unable to stop oneself/to feel an urge to continue/ 欲罷不能 欲罢不能 T - 42 yù bà bù néng f /want to stop but can't (idiom)/to be unable to stop oneself/to feel an urge to continue/ 欲蓋彌彰 欲盖弥彰 T - 26 yù gài mí zhāng f /trying to hide it makes it more conspicuous (idiom); A cover up only makes matters worse./ 欲速则不达 欲速則不達 S - 29 yù sù zé bù dá f /lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed/don't try to run before you can walk/ 欲速則不達 欲速则不达 T - 29 yù sù zé bù dá f /lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed/don't try to run before you can walk/ 欲速而不达 欲速而不達 S - 0 yù sù ér bù dá f /lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed/also written 慾速則不達|欲速则不达/ 欲速而不達 欲速而不达 T - 0 yù sù ér bù dá f /lit. to want sth in haste, but cannot get there (idiom, from Analects); more haste, less speed/also written 慾速則不達|欲速则不达/ 欵 - 0 kuǎn f /to treat well/to detain/variant of 款[kuan3]/ 欶 - 0 shuò f /to suck/to drink/ 欷 - 19 xī f /to sob/ 欷吁 - 0 xī xū f /see 唏噓|唏嘘[xi1 xu1]/ 欷歔 - 0 xī xū f /(onom.) to sob/ 欸 - 3 ǎi f /sigh/exclamation Eh!/ 欹 - 27 yī f /interjection/ 欺 - 990 qī f /to take unfair advantage of/to deceive/to cheat/ 欺人太甚 - 58 qī rén tài shèn f /to bully intolerably (idiom)/ 欺以其方 - 0 qī yǐ qí fāng f /deceived by a pretense of reason (idiom)/ 欺侮 - 589 qī wǔ f /to bully/ 欺凌 - 281 qī líng f /to bully and humiliate/ 欺压 欺壓 S - 185 qī yā f /to bully/to push around/ 欺君罔上 - 11 qī jūn wǎng shàng f /to dupe one's sovereign/ 欺哄 - 9 qī hǒng f /to dupe/to deceive/ 欺壓 欺压 T - 185 qī yā f /to bully/to push around/ 欺生 - 13 qī shēng f /to cheat strangers/to bully strangers/(of domesticated animals) to be rebellious with unfamiliar people/ 欺男霸女 - 3 qī nán bà nǚ f /to oppress the people/to act tyrannically/ 欺瞒 欺瞞 S - 42 qī mán f /to fool/to hoodwink/to dupe/ 欺瞞 欺瞒 T - 42 qī mán f /to fool/to hoodwink/to dupe/ 欺矇 欺蒙 T - 74 qī méng f /to deceive/to dupe/ 欺蒙 欺矇 S - 74 qī méng f /to deceive/to dupe/ 欺詐 欺诈 T - 267 qī zhà f /to cheat/ 欺詐者 欺诈者 T - 0 qī zhà zhě f /deceiver/ 欺诈 欺詐 S - 267 qī zhà f /to cheat/ 欺诈者 欺詐者 S - 0 qī zhà zhě f /deceiver/ 欺負 欺负 T 2951 577 qī fu f /to bully/ 欺负 欺負 S 2951 577 qī fu f /to bully/ 欺辱 - 64 qī rǔ f /to humiliate/humiliation/ 欺騙 欺骗 T 2674 753 qī piàn f /to deceive/to cheat/ 欺骗 欺騙 S 2674 753 qī piàn f /to deceive/to cheat/ 欻 - 4 chuā t /(onom.) crashing sound/ 欻 - 4 xū f /suddenly/also pr. [hu1]/ 欼 - 0 chǐ f /drink/ 欽 钦 T - 1315 Qīn f /surname Qin/ 欽 钦 T - 1315 qīn f /to respect/to admire/to venerate/by the emperor himself/ 欽仰 钦仰 T - 3 qīn yǎng f /to admire and respect/ 欽佩 钦佩 T 3845 390 qīn pèi f /to admire/to look up to/to respect sb greatly/ 欽北 钦北 T - 0 Qīn běi f /Qinbei district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市[Qin1 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 欽北區 钦北区 T - 3 Qīn běi qū f /Qinbei district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市[Qin1 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 欽南 钦南 T - 0 Qīn nán f /Qinnan district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市[Qin1 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 欽南區 钦南区 T - 3 Qīn nán qū f /Qinnan district of Qinzhou city 欽州市|钦州市[Qin1 zhou1 shi4], Guangxi/ 欽命 钦命 T - 3 qīn mìng f /Imperial order or edict (old)/ 欽奈 钦奈 T - 0 Qīn nài f /Chennai, capital of southeast Indian state Tamil Nadu 泰米爾納德邦|泰米尔纳德邦[Tai4 mi3 er3 Na4 de2 bang1]/formerly called Madras 馬德拉斯|马德拉斯[Ma3 de2 la1 si1]/ 欽定 钦定 T - 210 qīn dìng f /compiled and published by Imperial command (old)/ 欽州 钦州 T - 46 Qīn zhōu f /Qinzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Ginhcouh/ 欽州地區 钦州地区 T - 0 Qīn zhōu dì qū f /Qinzhou prefecture in Guangxi/Zhuang: Ginhcouh/ 欽州市 钦州市 T - 10 Qīn zhōu shì f /Qinzhou prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Ginhcouh/ 欽差 钦差 T - 548 qīn chāi f /imperial envoy/ 欽挹 钦挹 T - 0 qīn yì f /to admire and respect/to look up to/ 欽敬 钦敬 T - 31 qīn jìng f /to admire and respect/ 欽羨 钦羡 T - 31 qīn xiàn f /to admire/to hold in high esteem/ 款 - 1642 kuǎn f /section/paragraph/funds/CL:筆|笔[bi3],個|个[ge4]/classifier for versions or models (of a product)/ 款伏 - 0 kuǎn fú f /to obey/faithfully following instructions/to admit guilt/ 款儿 款兒 S - 0 kuǎn r f /haughty manner/proud bearing/ 款兒 款儿 T - 0 kuǎn r f /haughty manner/proud bearing/ 款冬 - 2 kuǎn dōng f /coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), plant in sunflower family Asteracae used a cough suppressant/ 款子 - 68 kuǎn zi f /a sum of money/CL:筆|笔[bi3]/ 款式 3995 177 kuǎn shì t /pattern/style/design/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 款式 3995 177 kuǎn shi f /elegant/elegance/good taste/ 款待 3774 299 kuǎn dài f /to entertain/to be hospitable to/ 款新 - 0 kuǎn xīn f /new (model)/recently developed (product)/ 款服 - 0 kuǎn fú f /to obey/faithfully following instructions/to admit guilt/ 款款 - 97 kuǎn kuǎn f /leisurely/sincerely/ 款步 - 3 kuǎn bù f /to walk slowly/with deliberate steps/ 款段 - 0 kuǎn duàn f /(literary) pony/(of a horse) walking leisurely/ 款語移時 款语移时 T - 0 kuǎn yǔ yí shí f /to talk slowly and in depth (idiom)/ 款语移时 款語移時 S - 0 kuǎn yǔ yí shí f /to talk slowly and in depth (idiom)/ 款項 款项 T - 336 kuǎn xiàng f /funds/a sum of money/CL:宗[zong1]/ 款项 款項 S - 336 kuǎn xiàng f /funds/a sum of money/CL:宗[zong1]/ 欿 - 0 kǎn f /discontented with oneself/ 欿然 - 0 kǎn rán f /dissatisfied/discontented/lacking happiness/ 歁 - 0 kǎn f /unsatisfied (of eating)/ 歃 - 3 shà f /to drink/ 歃血 - 13 shà xuè f /to smear one's lips with the blood of a sacrifice as a means of pledging allegiance (old)/ 歃血为盟 歃血為盟 S - 23 shà xuè wéi méng f /to smear the lips with blood when taking an oath (idiom)/to swear a sacred oath/ 歃血為盟 歃血为盟 T - 23 shà xuè wéi méng f /to smear the lips with blood when taking an oath (idiom)/to swear a sacred oath/ 歆 - 76 xīn f /pleased/moved/ 歇 1949 2562 xiē f /to rest/to take a break/to stop/to halt/(dialect) to sleep/a moment/a short while/ 歇业 歇業 S - 23 xiē yè f /to close down (temporarily or permanently)/to go out of business/ 歇了吧 - 0 xiē le ba f /(dialect) give me a break!/forget about it!/ 歇后语 歇後語 S - 26 xiē hòu yǔ f /saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or totally left out, is the intended meaning of the allegory presented in the first part/ 歇宿 - 82 xiē sù f /to lodge/to stay (for the night)/ 歇後語 歇后语 T - 26 xiē hòu yǔ f /saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or totally left out, is the intended meaning of the allegory presented in the first part/ 歇心 - 0 xiē xīn f /to drop the matter/to stop worrying/ 歇息 - 311 xiē xi f /to have a rest/to stay for the night/to go to bed/to sleep/ 歇手 - 10 xiē shǒu f /to rest/to take a break/ 歇斯底里 - 119 xiē sī dǐ lǐ f /hysteria (loanword)/hysterical/ 歇業 歇业 T - 23 xiē yè f /to close down (temporarily or permanently)/to go out of business/ 歇气 歇氣 S - 3 xiē qì f /to have a break/to rest/ 歇氣 歇气 T - 3 xiē qì f /to have a break/to rest/ 歇洛克·福尔摩斯 歇洛克·福爾摩斯 S - 0 Xiē luò kè · Fú ěr mó sī f /Sherlock Holmes/ 歇洛克·福爾摩斯 歇洛克·福尔摩斯 T - 0 Xiē luò kè · Fú ěr mó sī f /Sherlock Holmes/ 歇脚 歇腳 S - 51 xiē jiǎo f /to stop on the way for a rest/ 歇腳 歇脚 T - 51 xiē jiǎo f /to stop on the way for a rest/ 歇艎 - 0 xiē huáng f /large warship/ 歇菜 - 3 xiē cài f /Stop it! (Beijing and Internet slang)/Game over!/You're dead!/ 歇頂 歇顶 T - 3 xiē dǐng f /to be balding/to be thinning on top/ 歇顶 歇頂 S - 3 xiē dǐng f /to be balding/to be thinning on top/ 歈 - 0 yú f /songs/ 歉 - 325 qiàn f /to apologize/to regret/deficient/ 歉意 - 180 qiàn yì f /apology/regret/ 歉收 - 68 qiàn shōu f /crop failure/poor harvest/ 歉疚 - 86 qiàn jiù f /remorseful/guilt-ridden/ 歊 - 0 xiāo f /vapor/steam/ 歌 - 3039 gē f /song/CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3]/to sing/ 歌 謌 S - 3039 gē f /variant of 歌[ge1]/ 歌仔戏 歌仔戲 S - 13 gē zǎi xì f /type of opera from Taiwan and Fujian/ 歌仔戲 歌仔戏 T - 13 gē zǎi xì f /type of opera from Taiwan and Fujian/ 歌儿 歌兒 S - 74 gē r f /song/ 歌兒 歌儿 T - 74 gē r f /song/ 歌利亚 歌利亞 S - 0 Gē lì yà f /Goliath/ 歌利亞 歌利亚 T - 0 Gē lì yà f /Goliath/ 歌剧 歌劇 S - 740 gē jù f /Western opera/CL:場|场[chang3],出[chu1]/ 歌剧院 歌劇院 S - 192 gē jù yuàn f /opera house/ 歌剧院魅影 歌劇院魅影 S - 0 Gē jù yuàn mèi yǐng f /Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd-Weber/ 歌劇 歌剧 T - 740 gē jù f /Western opera/CL:場|场[chang3],出[chu1]/ 歌劇院 歌剧院 T - 192 gē jù yuàn f /opera house/ 歌劇院魅影 歌剧院魅影 T - 0 Gē jù yuàn mèi yǐng f /Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd-Weber/ 歌功頌德 歌功颂德 T - 212 gē gōng sòng dé f /to sing sb's praises (mostly derogatory)/ 歌功颂德 歌功頌德 S - 212 gē gōng sòng dé f /to sing sb's praises (mostly derogatory)/ 歌厅 歌廳 S - 96 gē tīng f /karaoke hall/disco hall/ 歌咏 歌詠 S - 98 gē yǒng f /singing/ 歌唱 - 410 gē chàng f /to sing/ 歌唱家 - 126 gē chàng jiā f /singer/ 歌唱賽 歌唱赛 T - 0 gē chàng sài f /song contest/ 歌唱赛 歌唱賽 S - 0 gē chàng sài f /song contest/ 歌坛 歌壇 S - 26 gē tán f /singing stage/music business (esp. pop music)/ 歌壇 歌坛 T - 26 gē tán f /singing stage/music business (esp. pop music)/ 歌声 歌聲 S - 541 gē shēng f /singing voice/fig. original voice of a poet/ 歌女 - 62 gē nǚ f /female singer (archaic)/ 歌姬 - 8 gē jī f /female singer/ 歌子 - 18 gē zi f /song/ 歌廳 歌厅 T - 96 gē tīng f /karaoke hall/disco hall/ 歌德 - 157 Gē dé f /Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet and dramatist/ 歌手 - 258 gē shǒu f /singer/ 歌星 - 96 gē xīng f /singing star/famous singer/ 歌曲 - 1079 gē qǔ f /song/ 歌百灵 歌百靈 S - 0 gē bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) Australasian bush lark (Mirafra javanica)/ 歌百靈 歌百灵 T - 0 gē bǎi líng f /(bird species of China) Australasian bush lark (Mirafra javanica)/ 歌碟 - 0 gē dié f /disc/record (music)/ 歌筵 - 0 gē yán f /a feast which also has a singing performance/ 歌罗西 歌羅西 S - 0 Gē luó xī f /Colossia/ 歌罗西书 歌羅西書 S - 0 Gē luó xī shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians/ 歌羅西 歌罗西 T - 0 Gē luó xī f /Colossia/ 歌羅西書 歌罗西书 T - 0 Gē luó xī shū f /Epistle of St Paul to the Colossians/ 歌聲 歌声 T - 541 gē shēng f /singing voice/fig. original voice of a poet/ 歌舞 - 609 gē wǔ f /singing and dancing/ 歌舞伎 - 25 gē wǔ jì f /kabuki/ 歌舞升平 - 40 gē wǔ shēng píng f /lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom)/fig. to make a show of happiness and prosperity/ 歌舞团 歌舞團 S - 169 gē wǔ tuán f /song and dance troupe/ 歌舞團 歌舞团 T - 169 gē wǔ tuán f /song and dance troupe/ 歌詞 歌词 T - 332 gē cí f /song lyric/lyrics/ 歌詠 歌咏 T - 98 gē yǒng f /singing/ 歌詩達郵輪 歌诗达邮轮 T - 0 Gē shī dá Yóu lún f /Costa Cruises (brand)/ 歌謠 歌谣 T - 211 gē yáo f /folksong/ballad/nursery rhyme/ 歌词 歌詞 S - 332 gē cí f /song lyric/lyrics/ 歌诗达邮轮 歌詩達郵輪 S - 0 Gē shī dá Yóu lún f /Costa Cruises (brand)/ 歌谣 歌謠 S - 211 gē yáo f /folksong/ballad/nursery rhyme/ 歌迷 - 27 gē mí f /fan of a singer/ 歌頌 歌颂 T 4547 474 gē sòng f /to sing the praises of/to extol/to eulogize/ 歌颂 歌頌 S 4547 474 gē sòng f /to sing the praises of/to extol/to eulogize/ 歎 叹 T - 4144 tàn f /variant of 嘆|叹[tan4]/ 歎號 叹号 T - 3 tàn hào f /exclamation mark (punct.)/ 歐 欧 T - 2338 Oū f /Europe/abbr. for 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1]/surname Ou/ 歐 欧 T - 2338 ōu t /(used for transliteration)/old variant of 謳|讴[ou1]/ 歐亞 欧亚 T - 284 Oū Yà f /Europe and Asia/Eurasia/ 歐亞大陸 欧亚大陆 T - 433 Oū Yà Dà lù f /Eurasia/ 歐亞紅尾鴝 欧亚红尾鸲 T - 0 Oū Yà hóng wěi qú f /(bird species of China) common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)/ 歐亞鴝 欧亚鸲 T - 0 Oū Yà qú f /(bird species of China) European robin (Erithacus rubecula)/ 歐亞鵟 欧亚鵟 T - 0 Oū Yà kuáng f /(bird species of China) common buzzard (Buteo buteo)/ 歐仁 欧仁 T - 3 Oū rén f /Eugene (name)/ 歐伯林 欧伯林 T - 0 Oū bó lín f /Oberlin/ 歐佩克 欧佩克 T - 156 Oū pèi kè f /OPEC/Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries/ 歐元 欧元 T - 1237 Oū yuán f /Euro (currency)/ 歐元區 欧元区 T - 27 Oū yuán qū f /Eurozone/ 歐共體 欧共体 T - 275 Oū gòng tǐ f /abbr. for 歐洲共同體|欧洲共同体, European Community (old term for the EU, European Union)/ 歐分 欧分 T - 0 ōu fēn f /Eurocent/ 歐吉桑 欧吉桑 T - 0 ōu jí sāng f /older man/man of mature years (Japanese loanword)/ 歐夜鷹 欧夜鹰 T - 0 Oū yè yīng f /(bird species of China) European nightjar (Caprimulgus europaeus)/ 歐姆 欧姆 T - 34 ōu mǔ f /ohm (loanword)/ 歐姆蛋 欧姆蛋 T - 0 ōu mǔ dàn f /omelette/ 歐安組織 欧安组织 T - 19 Oū An Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), abbr. for 歐洲安全與合作組織|欧洲安全与合作组织[Ou1 zhou1 An1 quan2 yu3 He2 zuo4 Zu3 zhi1]/ 歐寶 欧宝 T - 7 Oū bǎo f /Opel (car brand)/ 歐尼 欧尼 T - 0 ōu ní f /(female usage) older sister (loanword from Korean "eonni")/ 歐巴 欧巴 T - 0 ōu bā f /(female usage) older brother (loanword from Korean "oppa")/male friend/ 歐巴桑 欧巴桑 T - 3 ōu ba sāng f /older female/woman of mature years (Japanese loanword)/ 歐巴馬 欧巴马 T - 0 Oū bā mǎ f /Taiwanese variant of 奧巴馬|奥巴马[Ao4 ba1 ma3], Barack Obama (1961-), US Democrat politician, president from 2009/ 歐幾里得 欧几里得 T - 251 Oū jǐ lǐ dé f /Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and author Elements 幾何原本|几何原本/ 歐幾里德 欧几里德 T - 32 Oū jǐ lǐ dé f /Euclid of Alexandria (c. 300 BC), Greek geometer and author of Elements 幾何原本|几何原本/ 歐式 欧式 T - 68 Oū shì f /in the European style/Euclidean/ 歐式幾何 欧式几何 T - 0 Oū shì jǐ hé f /Euclidean geometry/ 歐式幾何學 欧式几何学 T - 0 Oū shì jǐ hé xué f /Euclidean geometry/ 歐拉 欧拉 T - 277 Oū lā f /Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), Swiss mathematician/ 歐文 欧文 T - 105 Oū wén f /Owen (name)/Erwin (name)/Irvine, California/ 歐文斯 欧文斯 T - 10 Oū wén sī f /Owens (name)/ 歐斑鳩 欧斑鸠 T - 0 Oū bān jiū f /(bird species of China) European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur)/ 歐朋 欧朋 T - 0 Oū péng f /Opera (web browser)/ 歐柏林 欧柏林 T - 0 Oū bó lín f /Oberlin/ 歐查果 欧查果 T - 3 ōu chá guǒ f /medlar/ 歐柳鶯 欧柳莺 T - 0 Oū liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)/ 歐榛 欧榛 T - 0 ōu zhēn f /common hazel (tree) (Corylus avellana)/ 歐歌鶇 欧歌鸫 T - 0 Oū gē dōng f /(bird species of China) song thrush (Turdus philomelos)/ 歐氏 欧氏 T - 7 Oū shì f /Euclid/abbr. for 歐幾里得|欧几里得/ 歐氏幾何學 欧氏几何学 T - 0 Oū shì jǐ hé xué f /Euclidean geometry/ 歐泊 欧泊 T - 11 ōu bó f /opal (Sanskrit: upala)/ 歐洲 欧洲 T 1647 9256 Oū zhōu f /Europe/abbr. for 歐羅巴洲|欧罗巴洲[Ou1 luo2 ba1 Zhou1]/ 歐洲中央銀行 欧洲中央银行 T - 4 Oū zhōu Zhōng yāng Yín háng f /European Central Bank/ 歐洲之星 欧洲之星 T - 0 Oū zhōu zhī xīng f /Eurostar (train line)/ 歐洲人 欧洲人 T - 611 Oū zhōu rén f /European (person)/ 歐洲共同市場 欧洲共同市场 T - 0 Oū zhōu gòng tóng shì chǎng f /European common market (old term for EU, European Union)/ 歐洲共同體 欧洲共同体 T - 127 Oū zhōu Gòng tóng tǐ f /European Community, old term for EU, European Union 歐盟|欧盟[Ou1 meng2]/ 歐洲刑警組織 欧洲刑警组织 T - 0 Oū zhōu Xíng jǐng Zǔ zhī f /Europol (European Police Office)/ 歐洲原子能聯營 欧洲原子能联营 T - 0 ōu zhōu yuán zǐ néng lián yíng f /Euratom/ 歐洲大陸 欧洲大陆 T - 0 Oū zhōu dà lù f /continent of Europe/ 歐洲安全和合作組織 欧洲安全和合作组织 T - 0 Oū zhōu An quán hé Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)/ 歐洲安全與合作組織 欧洲安全与合作组织 T - 0 Oū zhōu An quán yǔ Hé zuò Zǔ zhī f /Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)/ 歐洲山楊 欧洲山杨 T - 0 Oū zhōu shān yáng f /European poplar (Populus tremula)/ 歐洲杯 欧洲杯 T - 14 Oū zhōu bēi f /European cup (e.g. soccer)/ 歐洲核子中心 欧洲核子中心 T - 0 Oū zhōu hé zǐ zhōng xīn f /European center for nuclear research CERN, at Geneva/ 歐洲核子研究中心 欧洲核子研究中心 T - 9 Oū zhōu hé zǐ yán jiū zhōng xīn f /European center for nuclear research CERN, at Geneva/ 歐洲歌唱大賽 欧洲歌唱大赛 T - 0 Oū zhōu Gē chàng Dà sài f /Eurovision Song Contest/ 歐洲法院 欧洲法院 T - 2 Oū zhōu Fǎ yuàn f /European Court of Justice/ 歐洲理事會 欧洲理事会 T - 8 Oū zhōu Lǐ shì huì f /European Council/ 歐洲聯盟 欧洲联盟 T - 48 Oū zhōu Lián méng f /European Union (EU)/ 歐洲自由貿易聯盟 欧洲自由贸易联盟 T - 0 Oū zhōu Zì yóu Mào yì Lián méng f /European Free Trade Association/ 歐洲航天局 欧洲航天局 T - 12 Oū zhōu Háng tiān jú f /European Space Agency (ESA)/ 歐洲語言 欧洲语言 T - 0 Oū zhōu yǔ yán f /European language/ 歐洲議會 欧洲议会 T - 26 Oū zhōu Yì huì f /European Parliament/ 歐洲貨幣 欧洲货币 T - 0 Oū zhōu huò bì f /Euro/European currency/ 歐洲防風 欧洲防风 T - 3 Oū zhōu fáng fēng f /parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)/ 歐洲電視 欧洲电视 T - 0 Oū zhōu diàn shì f /European TV/Eurovision/ 歐珀萊 欧珀莱 T - 0 Oū pò lái f /Aupres, Shiseido's line in China/ 歐當歸 欧当归 T - 0 Oū dāng guī f /(botany) lovage/Levisticum officinale/ 歐盟 欧盟 T - 1518 Oū méng f /European Union/EU/ 歐盟委員會 欧盟委员会 T - 85 Oū méng Wěi yuán huì f /Commission of European Union/ 歐石鴴 欧石鸻 T - 0 Oū shí héng f /(bird species of China) Eurasian stone-curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus)/ 歐米伽 欧米伽 T - 0 ōu mǐ gā f /omega (Greek letter Ωω)/ 歐米茄錶公司 欧米茄表公司 T - 0 Oū mǐ jiā Biǎo Gōng sī f /Omega SA, Swiss luxury watchmaker/ 歐羅巴 欧罗巴 T - 38 Oū luó bā f /Europe/ 歐羅巴洲 欧罗巴洲 T - 19 Oū luó bā Zhōu f /Europe/abbr. to 歐洲|欧洲[Ou1 zhou1]/ 歐美 欧美 T - 183 Oū Měi f /Europe and America/the West/ 歐芹 欧芹 T - 4 ōu qín f /parsley (Petroselinum sativum)/ 歐若拉 欧若拉 T - 0 ōu ruò lā f /aurora/ 歐萊雅 欧莱雅 T - 49 Oū lái yǎ f /L'Oréal (French cosmetics company)/ 歐蒔蘿 欧莳萝 T - 0 Oū shí luó f /cumin (Cuminum cyminum)/ 歐蝶魚 欧蝶鱼 T - 0 ōu dié yú f /plaice/ 歐車前 欧车前 T - 0 ōu chē qián f /psyllium (genus Plantago)/ 歐里庇得斯 欧里庇得斯 T - 0 Oū lǐ bì dé sī f /Euripides (c. 480-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Medea, Trojan Women etc/ 歐金斑鴴 欧金斑鸻 T - 0 Oū jīn bān héng f /(bird species of China) European golden plover (Pluvialis apricaria)/ 歐金翅雀 欧金翅雀 T - 0 Oū jīn chì què f /(bird species of China) European greenfinch (Chloris chloris)/ 歐陽 欧阳 T - 257 Oū yáng f /two-character surname Ouyang/ 歐陽予倩 欧阳予倩 T - 31 Oū yáng Yú qiàn f /Ouyang Yuqian (1889-1962), Chinese actor/ 歐陽修 欧阳修 T - 162 Oū yáng Xiū f /Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072), Northern Song dynasty prose writer and historian/ 歐陽詢 欧阳询 T - 17 Oū yáng Xún f /Ouyang Xun (557-641), one of Four Great Poets of early Tang 唐初四大家[Tang2 chu1 Si4 Da4 jia1]/ 歐鴿 欧鸽 T - 0 Oū gē f /(bird species of China) stock dove (Columba oenas)/ 歓 - 0 huān f /old variant of 歡|欢[huan1]/ 歔 - 186 xū f /to snort/ 歕 - 0 pēn f /old variant of 噴|喷[pen1]/ 歗 - 0 xiào f /old variant of 嘯|啸[xiao4]/ 歘 - 2 xū f /variant of 欻[xu1]/ 歙 - 62 shè f /name of a district in Anhui/ 歙县 歙縣 S - 61 Shè xiàn f /She county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ 歙縣 歙县 T - 61 Shè xiàn f /She county in Huangshan 黃山|黄山[Huang2 shan1], Anhui/ 歛 - 0 hān f /to desire/to give/ 歛 - 0 liǎn t /variant of 斂|敛[lian3]/ 歜 - 11 chù f /(person)/angry/ 歟 欤 T - 163 yú f /(literary) (final particle similar to 吗[ma5], 呢[ne5] or 啊[a1])/ 歠 - 3 chuò f /(literary) to drink/to sip/gruel/soup/ 歡 欢 T - 1261 huān f /joyous/happy/pleased/ 歡勢 欢势 T - 0 huān shi f /lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited/ 歡呼 欢呼 T - 776 huān hū f /to cheer for/to acclaim/ 歡呼雀躍 欢呼雀跃 T - 39 huān hū què yuè f /cheering excitedly (idiom)/jubilant/ 歡喜 欢喜 T - 1410 huān xǐ f /happy/joyous/delighted/to like/to be fond of/ 歡喜冤家 欢喜冤家 T - 4 huān xǐ yuān jia f /quarrelsome but loving couple/ 歡天喜地 欢天喜地 T - 112 huān tiān xǐ dì f /delighted/with great joy/in high spirits/ 歡娛 欢娱 T - 143 huān yú f /to amuse/to divert/happy/joyful/pleasure/amusement/ 歡宴 欢宴 T - 34 huān yàn f /feast/celebration/ 歡容 欢容 T - 0 huān róng f /happy/joyous/ 歡實 欢实 T - 3 huān shi f /lively/full of vigor/vibrant/spirited/ 歡度 欢度 T - 61 huān dù f /to merrily spend (an occasion)/to celebrate/ 歡心 欢心 T - 191 huān xīn f /favor/liking/love/jubilation/joy/ 歡快 欢快 T - 257 huān kuài f /cheerful and lighthearted/lively/ 歡悅 欢悦 T - 67 huān yuè f /happiness/joy/to be happy/to be joyous/ 歡愉 欢愉 T - 91 huān yú f /happy/joyous/delighted/ 歡慶 欢庆 T - 249 huān qìng f /to celebrate/ 歡暢 欢畅 T - 51 huān chàng f /happy/cheerful/jubilant/ 歡樂 欢乐 T 2897 1082 huān lè f /gaiety/gladness/glee/merriment/pleasure/happy/joyous/gay/ 歡樂時光 欢乐时光 T - 0 huān lè shí guāng f /happy time/happy hour (in bars etc)/ 歡欣 欢欣 T - 66 huān xīn f /elated/ 歡欣雀躍 欢欣雀跃 T - 0 huān xīn què yuè f /elated/overjoyed/ 歡欣鼓舞 欢欣鼓舞 T - 79 huān xīn gǔ wǔ f /elated and excited (idiom); overjoyed/ 歡歡喜喜 欢欢喜喜 T - 56 huān huān xǐ xǐ f /happily/ 歡笑 欢笑 T - 135 huān xiào f /to laugh happily/a belly-laugh/ 歡聚 欢聚 T - 61 huān jù f /to get together socially/to celebrate/party/celebration/ 歡聚一堂 欢聚一堂 T - 53 huān jù yī táng f /to gather happily under one roof/ 歡聲 欢声 T - 57 huān shēng f /cheers/cries of joy or approval/ 歡蹦亂跳 欢蹦乱跳 T - 14 huān bèng luàn tiào f /glowing with health and vivacity (idiom)/ 歡迎 欢迎 T 374 5132 huān yíng f /to welcome/welcome/ 歡迎光臨 欢迎光临 T - 3 huān yíng guāng lín f /welcome/ 歡送 欢送 T - 57 huān sòng f /to see off/to send off/ 歡送會 欢送会 T - 6 huān sòng huì f /farewell party/ 歡騰 欢腾 T - 117 huān téng f /jubilation/great celebration/CL:片[pian4]/ 止 - 3196 zhǐ f /to stop/to prohibit/until/only/ 止咳 - 141 zhǐ ké f /to suppress coughing/ 止咳糖浆 止咳糖漿 S - 0 zhǐ ké táng jiāng f /cough suppressant syrup/cough mixture/ 止咳糖漿 止咳糖浆 T - 0 zhǐ ké táng jiāng f /cough suppressant syrup/cough mixture/ 止境 - 116 zhǐ jìng f /limit/boundary/end/ 止损点 止損點 S - 0 zhǐ sǔn diǎn f /stop-loss point, a point at which you make a small loss to limit your losses/ 止損點 止损点 T - 0 zhǐ sǔn diǎn f /stop-loss point, a point at which you make a small loss to limit your losses/ 止步 - 117 zhǐ bù f /to halt/to stop/to go no farther/ 止汗剂 止汗劑 S - 0 zhǐ hàn jì f /anti-perspirant/ 止汗劑 止汗剂 T - 0 zhǐ hàn jì f /anti-perspirant/ 止疼片 - 10 zhǐ téng piān f /painkiller/analgesic/ 止痛 - 178 zhǐ tòng f /to relieve pain/to stop pain/analgesic/ 止痛剂 止痛劑 S - 6 zhǐ tòng jì f /an analgesic/pain killer/ 止痛劑 止痛剂 T - 6 zhǐ tòng jì f /an analgesic/pain killer/ 止痛法 - 0 zhǐ tòng fǎ f /method of relieving pain/ 止痛片 - 23 zhǐ tòng piàn f /painkiller/ 止痛药 止痛藥 S - 71 zhǐ tòng yào f /pain-killer/analgesic/anodyne/ 止痛藥 止痛药 T - 71 zhǐ tòng yào f /pain-killer/analgesic/anodyne/ 止血 - 317 zhǐ xuè f /to staunch (bleeding)/hemostatic (drug)/ 止血垫 止血墊 S - 0 zhǐ xuè diàn f /dressing/pad to stop bleeding/ 止血墊 止血垫 T - 0 zhǐ xuè diàn f /dressing/pad to stop bleeding/ 止血栓 - 0 zhǐ xuè shuān f /plug to stop bleeding/tampon (medicine)/ 止血貼 止血贴 T - 0 zhǐ xuè tiē f /Band-Aid/plaster/ 止血贴 止血貼 S - 0 zhǐ xuè tiē f /Band-Aid/plaster/ 止闹按钮 止鬧按鈕 S - 0 zhǐ nào àn niǔ f /snooze button/ 止鬧按鈕 止闹按钮 T - 0 zhǐ nào àn niǔ f /snooze button/ 正 1204 37763 zhēng f /first month of the lunar year/ 正 1204 37763 zhèng t /straight/upright/proper/main/principal/to correct/to rectify/exactly/just (at that time)/right (in that place)/(math.) positive/ 正丁醚 - 0 zhèng dīng mí f /butyl ether/ 正业 正業 S - 8 zhèng yè f /one's regular job/ 正中 - 1750 zhèng zhōng f /middle/center/right in the middle or center/nub/ 正中下怀 正中下懷 S - 17 zhèng zhòng xià huái f /exactly what one wants/ 正中下懷 正中下怀 T - 17 zhèng zhòng xià huái f /exactly what one wants/ 正中要害 - 2 zhèng zhòng yào hài f /to hit the nail on the head (idiom)/ 正义 正義 S 2728 2965 zhèng yì f /justice/righteousness/just/righteous/ 正义党 正義黨 S - 16 Zhèng yì dǎng f /Justicialist Party/ 正义斗争 正義鬥爭 S - 3 zhèng yì dòu zhēng f /righteous struggle/ 正书 正書 S - 9 zhèng shū f /regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)/ 正事 - 137 zhèng shì f /one's proper business/ 正交 - 117 zhèng jiāo f /orthogonality/ 正交群 - 0 zhèng jiāo qún f /orthogonal group (math.)/ 正人君子 - 122 zhèng rén jūn zi f /upright gentleman/man of honor/ 正仓院 正倉院 S - 9 Zhēng cāng yuàn f /Shōsō-in, treasure house belonging to Tōdai-ji 東大寺, Nara 奈良, Japan, an extensive repository of imperial treasures from Tang times/described as the east-most end of the Silk road/ 正传 正傳 S - 45 zhèng zhuàn f /main subject of long novel/true biography/ 正体 正體 S - 40 zhèng tǐ f /standard form/block letter/alternate term for Traditional Chinese character, used in Taiwan/ 正体字 正體字 S - 3 zhèng tǐ zì f /correct form of a Chinese character (when the common form 俗字 differs)/plain typeface (as opposed to bold or italics)/another name for traditional Chinese character (mainly in Taiwan)/ 正倉院 正仓院 T - 9 Zhēng cāng yuàn f /Shōsō-in, treasure house belonging to Tōdai-ji 東大寺, Nara 奈良, Japan, an extensive repository of imperial treasures from Tang times/described as the east-most end of the Silk road/ 正值 - 548 zhèng zhí f /just at the time of/honest/upright/(math.) positive value/ 正傳 正传 T - 45 zhèng zhuàn f /main subject of long novel/true biography/ 正儿八板 正兒八板 S - 0 zhèng ér bā bǎn f /earnest/authentic/ 正儿八经 正兒八經 S - 40 zhèng ér bā jīng f /serious/earnest/real/true/ 正兒八板 正儿八板 T - 0 zhèng ér bā bǎn f /earnest/authentic/ 正兒八經 正儿八经 T - 40 zhèng ér bā jīng f /serious/earnest/real/true/ 正六边形 正六邊形 S - 0 zhèng liù biān xíng f /regular hexagon/ 正六邊形 正六边形 T - 0 zhèng liù biān xíng f /regular hexagon/ 正兰旗 正蘭旗 S - 0 Zhèng lán qí f /Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Höh khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 正切 - 23 zhèng qiē f /tangent (of angle), written tan θ/ 正则 正則 S - 79 zhèng zé f /regular (figure in geometry)/ 正则参数 正則參數 S - 0 zhèng zé cān shù f /regular parametrization/ 正则表达式 正則表達式 S - 56 zhèng zé biǎo dá shì f /regular expression (computing)/ 正則 正则 T - 79 zhèng zé f /regular (figure in geometry)/ 正則參數 正则参数 T - 0 zhèng zé cān shù f /regular parametrization/ 正則表達式 正则表达式 T - 56 zhèng zé biǎo dá shì f /regular expression (computing)/ 正剧 正劇 S - 19 zhèng jù f /bourgeois tragedy/ 正割 - 2 zhèng gē f /secant (of angle), written sec θ/ 正劇 正剧 T - 19 zhèng jù f /bourgeois tragedy/ 正化 - 0 zhèng huà f /normalization/to normalize/ 正午 - 293 zhèng wǔ f /midday/noon/noonday/ 正半軸 正半轴 T - 0 zhèng bàn zhóu f /positive semi-axis (in coordinate geometry)/ 正半轴 正半軸 S - 0 zhèng bàn zhóu f /positive semi-axis (in coordinate geometry)/ 正反 - 106 zhèng fǎn f /positive and negative/pros and cons/inside and outside/ 正反两面 正反兩面 S - 3 zhèng fǎn liǎng miàn f /two-way/reversible/both sides of the coin/ 正反兩面 正反两面 T - 3 zhèng fǎn liǎng miàn f /two-way/reversible/both sides of the coin/ 正史 - 116 zhèng shǐ f /the 24 or 25 official dynastic histories/true history, as opposed to fictional adaptation or popular legends/ 正号 正號 S - 3 zhèng hào f /positive value sign + (math.)/plus sign/ 正名 - 53 zhèng míng f /official name/proper title/to attain a formal title/ 正向前看 - 0 zhèng xiàng qián kàn f /look-ahead assertion/ 正向力 - 0 zhèng xiàng lì f /normal force (physics)/ 正品 - 20 zhèng pǐn f /certified goods/quality product/normal product/A-class goods/ 正在 225 5041 zhèng zài f /just at (that time)/right in (that place)/right in the middle of (doing sth)/ 正外部性 - 0 zhèng wài bù xìng f /positive influence, effect that people's doings or behavior have on others (society)/ 正多胞形 - 0 zhèng duō bāo xíng f /convex polytope/ 正多面体 正多面體 S - 2 zhèng duō miàn tǐ f /regular polyhedron/ 正多面體 正多面体 T - 2 zhèng duō miàn tǐ f /regular polyhedron/ 正大光明 - 68 zhèng dà guāng míng f /just and honorable/ 正太 - 25 zhèng tài f /young, cute boy/derived from Japanese loanword shotacon 正太控[zheng4 tai4 kong4]/ 正太控 - 0 zhèng tài kòng f /shotacon (Japanese loanword)/manga or anime genre depicting young boys in an erotic manner/ 正好 844 2661 zhèng hǎo f /just (in time)/just right/just enough/to happen to/to chance to/by chance/it just so happens that/ 正如 - 187 zhèng rú f /just as/precisely as/ 正妹 - 0 zhèng mèi f /(Tw) beautiful woman/sexy woman/ 正子 - 0 zhèng zǐ f /positron/also called 正電子|正电子[zheng4 dian4 zi3]/ 正字 - 23 zhèng zì f /to correct an erroneously written character/regular script (calligraphy)/standard form (of a character or spelling)/ 正字法 - 6 zhèng zì fǎ f /orthography/ 正字通 - 0 Zhèng zì tōng f /Zhengzitong, Chinese character dictionary with 33,549 entries, edited by Ming scholar Zhang Zilie 張自烈|张自烈[Zhang1 Zi4 lie4] in 17th century/ 正宁 正寧 S - 3 Zhèng níng f /Zhengning county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 正宁县 正寧縣 S - 3 Zhèng níng xiàn f /Zhengning county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 正安 - 5 Zhēng An f /Zheng'an county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 正安县 正安縣 S - 3 Zhēng An xiàn f /Zheng'an county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 正安縣 正安县 T - 3 Zhēng An xiàn f /Zheng'an county in Zun'yi 遵義|遵义[Zun1 yi4], Guizhou/ 正宗 4244 513 zhèng zōng f /orthodox school/fig. traditional/old school/authentic/genuine/ 正定 - 83 Zhèng dìng f /Zhengding county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 正定县 正定縣 S - 13 Zhèng dìng xiàn f /Zhengding county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 正定縣 正定县 T - 13 Zhèng dìng xiàn f /Zhengding county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1], Hebei/ 正室 - 39 zhèng shì f /first wife/legal wife/ 正宫娘娘 正宮娘娘 S - 0 zhèng gōng niáng niáng f /empress/ 正宮娘娘 正宫娘娘 T - 0 zhèng gōng niáng niáng f /empress/ 正寧 正宁 T - 3 Zhèng níng f /Zhengning county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 正寧縣 正宁县 T - 3 Zhèng níng xiàn f /Zhengning county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu/ 正对 正對 S - 0 zhèng duì f /directly facing/ 正對 正对 T - 0 zhèng duì f /directly facing/ 正巧 - 72 zhèng qiǎo f /just by chance/to happen to (just at the right time)/opportune/ 正常 719 5860 zhèng cháng f /regular/normal/ordinary/ 正常化 - 154 zhèng cháng huà f /normalization (of diplomatic relations etc)/ 正常工作 - 0 zhèng cháng gōng zuò f /normal operation/proper functioning/ 正常成本 - 0 zhèng cháng chéng běn f /normal cost (accountancy)/ 正式 899 9212 zhèng shì f /formal/official/ 正式投票 - 0 zhèng shì tóu piào f /formal vote/ 正弦 - 117 zhèng xián f /sine (of angle), written sin θ/ 正弦定理 - 0 zhèng xián dìng lǐ f /law of sines/ 正弦形 - 0 zhèng xián xíng f /sinusoidal (shaped like a sine wave)/ 正弦波 - 3 zhèng xián bō f /sine wave/simple harmonic vibration/ 正当 正當 S 3059 2182 zhèng dāng f /timely/just (when needed)/ 正当 正當 S 3059 2182 zhèng dàng t /honest/reasonable/fair/sensible/ 正当中 正當中 S - 15 zhèng dāng zhōng f /right in the midpoint/a bull's eye/to hit the nail on the head/ 正当年 正當年 S - 9 zhèng dāng nián f /to be in the prime of life/ 正当性 正當性 S - 22 zhèng dàng xìng f /(political) legitimacy/ 正当时 正當時 S - 0 zhèng dāng shí f /the right time for sth/the right season (for planting cabbage)/ 正当理由 正當理由 S - 3 zhèng dàng lǐ yóu f /proper reason/reasonable grounds/ 正当防卫 正當防衛 S - 33 zhèng dàng fáng wèi f /reasonable self-defense/legitimate defense/ 正德 - 355 Zhèng dé f /Zhengde Emperor, reign name of eleventh Ming emperor Zhu Houzhao 朱厚照[Zhu1 Hou4 zhao4] (1491-1521), reigned 1505-1521, Temple name 明武宗[Ming2 Wu3 zong1]/ 正念 - 3 zhèng niàn f /correct mindfulness (buddhism)/ 正态分布 正態分布 S - 54 zhèng tài fēn bù f /(math.) normal distribution/Gaussian distribution/ 正意 - 0 zhēng yì f /sense (in DNA)/ 正態分布 正态分布 T - 54 zhèng tài fēn bù f /(math.) normal distribution/Gaussian distribution/ 正房 - 47 zhèng fáng f /central building (in a traditional house)/primary wife/ 正投影 - 6 zhèng tóu yǐng f /orthogonal projection/ 正教 - 123 zhèng jiào f /lit. true religion/orthodox religion/orthodox Christianity/Islam (in the writing of Chinese or Hui theologians)/ 正教真詮 正教真诠 T - 0 zhèng jiào zhēn quán f /Exegesis of true religion by Wang Daiyu 王岱輿|王岱舆[Wang2 Dai4 yu2], a study of Islam/also translated as Real hermeneutics of orthodox religion/ 正教真诠 正教真詮 S - 0 zhèng jiào zhēn quán f /Exegesis of true religion by Wang Daiyu 王岱輿|王岱舆[Wang2 Dai4 yu2], a study of Islam/also translated as Real hermeneutics of orthodox religion/ 正数 正數 S - 37 zhèng shù f /positive number/ 正整数 正整數 S - 3 zhèng zhěng shù f /positive integer/ 正整數 正整数 T - 3 zhèng zhěng shù f /positive integer/ 正數 正数 T - 37 zhèng shù f /positive number/ 正文 - 1435 zhèng wén f /main text (as opposed to footnotes)/main body (of a book)/ 正断层 正斷層 S - 3 zhèng duàn céng f /normal fault (geology)/ 正斷層 正断层 T - 3 zhèng duàn céng f /normal fault (geology)/ 正方体 正方體 S - 5 zhèng fāng tǐ f /a rectangular parallelepiped/ 正方向 - 0 zhèng fāng xiàng f /orientation/ 正方形 - 81 zhèng fāng xíng f /square/ 正方體 正方体 T - 5 zhèng fāng tǐ f /a rectangular parallelepiped/ 正日 - 21 zhèng rì f /the day (of a festival, ceremony etc)/ 正旦 - 65 zhèng dàn f /starring female role in a Chinese opera/ 正是 - 9307 zhèng shì f /(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated)/precisely/exactly/even/if/just like/in the same way as/ 正書 正书 T - 9 zhèng shū f /regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)/ 正月 4907 681 Zhēng yuè f /first month of the lunar year/ 正月初一 - 46 zhēng yuè chū yī f /New Year's Day in the lunar calendar/ 正朔 - 6 zhēng shuò f /first day of the first lunar month/(old) calendar promulgated by the first emperor of a dynasty/ 正本 - 48 zhèng běn f /original (of a document)/reserved copy (of a library book)/ 正极 正極 S - 49 zhèng jí f /positive pole/ 正業 正业 T - 8 zhèng yè f /one's regular job/ 正極 正极 T - 49 zhèng jí f /positive pole/ 正楷 - 18 zhèng kǎi f /regular script (Chinese calligraphic style)/ 正正 - 3 zhèng zhèng f /neat/orderly/just in time/ 正步 - 10 zhèng bù f /goose-step (for military parades)/ 正步走 - 3 zhèng bù zǒu f /to march at parade step/March! (military command)/ 正殿 - 379 zhèng diàn f /main hall of a Buddhist temple/ 正比 - 366 zhèng bǐ f /direct ratio/directly proportional/ 正比例 - 8 zhèng bǐ lì f /direct proportionality/ 正气 正氣 S 4922 319 zhèng qì f /healthy environment/healthy atmosphere/righteousness/vital energy (in Chinese medicine)/ 正氣 正气 T 4922 319 zhèng qì f /healthy environment/healthy atmosphere/righteousness/vital energy (in Chinese medicine)/ 正法 - 31 zhèng fǎ f /to execute/the law/ 正派 - 242 zhèng pài f /upright/ 正港 - 0 zhèng gǎng f /(slang) authentic/genuine/ 正点 正點 S - 28 zhèng diǎn f /on time/punctual (of train etc)/awesome (slang)/ 正然 - 2 zhèng rán f /in the process of (doing something or happening)/while (doing)/ 正版 - 253 zhèng bǎn f /genuine/legal/see also 盜版|盗版[dao4 ban3]/ 正牙带环 正牙帶環 S - 0 zhèng yá dài huán f /orthodontic brace/ 正牙帶環 正牙带环 T - 0 zhèng yá dài huán f /orthodontic brace/ 正生 - 3 zhèng shēng f /starring male role in a Chinese opera/ 正用 - 3 zhèng yòng f /correct usage/ 正电 正電 S - 86 zhèng diàn f /positive charge (electricity)/ 正电子 正電子 S - 70 zhèng diàn zǐ f /positron (antiparticle of the electron)/ 正电子发射体层 正電子發射體層 S - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè tǐ céng f /PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)/ 正电子发射层析 正電子發射層析 S - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè céng xī f /positron emission tomography (PET)/ 正电子发射断层照相术 正電子發射斷層照相術 S - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè duàn céng zhào xiāng shù f /positron emission tomography (PET)/ 正电子发射计算机断层 正電子發射計算機斷層 S - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè jì suàn jī duàn céng f /PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)/ 正电子断层 正電子斷層 S - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ duàn céng f /PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)/ 正电子照射断层摄影 正電子照射斷層攝影 S - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ zhào shè duàn céng shè yǐng f /positrion emission tomography (PET)/ 正當 正当 T 3059 2182 zhèng dāng f /timely/just (when needed)/ 正當 正当 T 3059 2182 zhèng dàng t /honest/reasonable/fair/sensible/ 正當中 正当中 T - 15 zhèng dāng zhōng f /right in the midpoint/a bull's eye/to hit the nail on the head/ 正當年 正当年 T - 9 zhèng dāng nián f /to be in the prime of life/ 正當性 正当性 T - 22 zhèng dàng xìng f /(political) legitimacy/ 正當時 正当时 T - 0 zhèng dāng shí f /the right time for sth/the right season (for planting cabbage)/ 正當理由 正当理由 T - 3 zhèng dàng lǐ yóu f /proper reason/reasonable grounds/ 正當防衛 正当防卫 T - 33 zhèng dàng fáng wèi f /reasonable self-defense/legitimate defense/ 正直 - 535 zhèng zhí f /upright/upstanding/honest/ 正眼 - 3 zhèng yǎn f /facing directly (with one's eyes)/(to look sb) in the eyes/ 正着 正著 S - 97 zhèng zháo f /head on/red-handed/ 正确 正確 S 763 6167 zhèng què f /correct/proper/ 正确处理 正確處理 S - 3 zhèng què chǔ lǐ f /to handle correctly/ 正确处理人民内部矛盾 正確處理人民內部矛盾 S - 0 zhèng què chǔ lǐ rén mín nèi bù máo dùn f /On the correct handling of internal contradictions among the people, Mao Zedong's tract of 1957/ 正确路线 正確路線 S - 3 zhèng què lù xiàn f /correct line (i.e. the party line)/ 正確 正确 T 763 6167 zhèng què f /correct/proper/ 正確處理 正确处理 T - 3 zhèng què chǔ lǐ f /to handle correctly/ 正確處理人民內部矛盾 正确处理人民内部矛盾 T - 0 zhèng què chǔ lǐ rén mín nèi bù máo dùn f /On the correct handling of internal contradictions among the people, Mao Zedong's tract of 1957/ 正確路線 正确路线 T - 3 zhèng què lù xiàn f /correct line (i.e. the party line)/ 正祖 - 0 Zhèng zǔ f /Jeonjo (1752-1800), 22nd king of Korean Joseon dynasty/ 正离子 正離子 S - 79 zhèng lí zǐ f /positive ion (physics)/ 正統 正统 T - 765 Zhèng tǒng f /Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhu1 Qi2 zhen4] (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449, Temple name Yingzong 英宗[Ying1 zong1]/ 正統 正统 T - 765 zhèng tǒng f /orthodox/ 正經 正经 T 3124 432 zhèng jīng f /decent/honorable/proper/serious/according to standards/ 正經八擺 正经八摆 T - 0 zhèng jīng bā bǎi f /variant of 正經八百|正经八百[zheng4 jing1 ba1 bai3]/ 正經八板 正经八板 T - 0 zhèng jīng bā bǎn f /see 正經八百|正经八百[zheng4 jing1 ba1 bai3]/ 正經八百 正经八百 T - 14 zhèng jīng bā bǎi f /very serious/solemn/ 正经 正經 S 3124 432 zhèng jīng f /decent/honorable/proper/serious/according to standards/ 正经八摆 正經八擺 S - 0 zhèng jīng bā bǎi f /variant of 正經八百|正经八百[zheng4 jing1 ba1 bai3]/ 正经八板 正經八板 S - 0 zhèng jīng bā bǎn f /see 正經八百|正经八百[zheng4 jing1 ba1 bai3]/ 正经八百 正經八百 S - 14 zhèng jīng bā bǎi f /very serious/solemn/ 正统 正統 S - 765 Zhèng tǒng f /Zhengtong Emperor, reign name of sixth Ming Emperor Zhu Qizhen 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇[Zhu1 Qi2 zhen4] (1427-1464), reigned 1435-1449, Temple name Yingzong 英宗[Ying1 zong1]/ 正统 正統 S - 765 zhèng tǒng f /orthodox/ 正義 正义 T 2728 2965 zhèng yì f /justice/righteousness/just/righteous/ 正義鬥爭 正义斗争 T - 3 zhèng yì dòu zhēng f /righteous struggle/ 正義黨 正义党 T - 16 Zhèng yì dǎng f /Justicialist Party/ 正职 正職 S - 42 zhèng zhí f /main job/day job/steady full-time job (as opposed to temporary or casual)/chief or principal post (as opposed to deputy)/ 正職 正职 T - 42 zhèng zhí f /main job/day job/steady full-time job (as opposed to temporary or casual)/chief or principal post (as opposed to deputy)/ 正色 - 260 zhèng sè f /stern/grim/resolute/firm/unflinching/fundamental colors/ 正著 正着 T - 97 zhèng zháo f /head on/red-handed/ 正蓝旗 正藍旗 S - 165 Zhèng lán qí f /Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Höh khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/also written 正蘭旗|正兰旗/ 正藍旗 正蓝旗 T - 165 Zhèng lán qí f /Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Höh khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/also written 正蘭旗|正兰旗/ 正蘭旗 正兰旗 T - 0 Zhèng lán qí f /Plain Blue banner or Shuluun Höh khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 正號 正号 T - 3 zhèng hào f /positive value sign + (math.)/plus sign/ 正装 正裝 S - 0 zhèng zhuāng f /formal dress/ 正裝 正装 T - 0 zhèng zhuāng f /formal dress/ 正襟危坐 - 60 zhèng jīn wēi zuò f /to sit upright and still (idiom)/ 正要 - 2033 zhèng yào f /to be just about to/to be on the point of/ 正規 正规 T 3950 759 zhèng guī f /regular/according to standards/ 正規教育 正规教育 T - 0 zhèng guī jiào yù f /regular education/ 正規軍 正规军 T - 168 zhèng guī jūn f /regular army/standing army/ 正視 正视 T - 326 zhèng shì f /to face squarely/to meet head on/to face up to/ 正规 正規 S 3950 759 zhèng guī f /regular/according to standards/ 正规军 正規軍 S - 168 zhèng guī jūn f /regular army/standing army/ 正规教育 正規教育 S - 0 zhèng guī jiào yù f /regular education/ 正视 正視 S - 326 zhèng shì f /to face squarely/to meet head on/to face up to/ 正角 - 0 zhèng jiǎo t /positive angle/ 正角 - 0 zhèng jué f /good guy (in a story)/hero/ 正言厉色 正言厲色 S - 10 zhèng yán lì sè f /solemn in word and countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling/also written 正顏厲色|正颜厉色/ 正言厲色 正言厉色 T - 10 zhèng yán lì sè f /solemn in word and countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling/also written 正顏厲色|正颜厉色/ 正詞法 正词法 T - 11 zhèng cí fǎ f /orthography (linguistics)/ 正誤 正误 T - 16 zhèng wù f /true or false?/correct or incorrect/to correct errors (in a document)/ 正誤表 正误表 T - 3 zhèng wù biǎo f /corrigenda/ 正词法 正詞法 S - 11 zhèng cí fǎ f /orthography (linguistics)/ 正误 正誤 S - 16 zhèng wù f /true or false?/correct or incorrect/to correct errors (in a document)/ 正误表 正誤表 S - 3 zhèng wù biǎo f /corrigenda/ 正象 - 3 zhèng xiàng f /to be just like/ 正負 正负 T 4974 57 zhèng fù f /positive and negative/ 正負號 正负号 T - 3 zhèng fù hào f /plus or minus sign ± (math.)/ 正負電子 正负电子 T - 45 zhèng fù diàn zǐ f /electrons and positrons/ 正负 正負 S 4974 57 zhèng fù f /positive and negative/ 正负号 正負號 S - 3 zhèng fù hào f /plus or minus sign ± (math.)/ 正负电子 正負電子 S - 45 zhèng fù diàn zǐ f /electrons and positrons/ 正路 - 27 zhèng lù f /the right way/ 正軌 正轨 T - 26 zhèng guǐ f /the right track/ 正轨 正軌 S - 26 zhèng guǐ f /the right track/ 正逢其时 正逢其時 S - 0 zhèng féng qí shí f /to come at the right time/to be opportune/ 正逢其時 正逢其时 T - 0 zhèng féng qí shí f /to come at the right time/to be opportune/ 正道 - 154 zhèng dào f /the correct path/the right way (Buddhism)/ 正邪 - 57 zhèng xié f /opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny 邪氣|邪气[xie2 qi4] (TCM)/ 正邪相争 正邪相爭 S - 0 zhèng xié xiāng zhēng f /term in TCM describing the progress of disease as an opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny 邪氣|邪气[xie2 qi4]/ 正邪相爭 正邪相争 T - 0 zhèng xié xiāng zhēng f /term in TCM describing the progress of disease as an opposition between vital energy 正氣|正气[zheng4 qi4] and pathogeny 邪氣|邪气[xie2 qi4]/ 正鋒 正锋 T - 0 zhèng fēng f /frontal attack (brush movement in painting)/ 正鑲白旗 正镶白旗 T - 2 Zhèng xiāng bái qí f /Plain and Bordered White banner or Shuluun Hövööt Chagaan khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 正锋 正鋒 S - 0 zhèng fēng f /frontal attack (brush movement in painting)/ 正镶白旗 正鑲白旗 S - 2 Zhèng xiāng bái qí f /Plain and Bordered White banner or Shuluun Hövööt Chagaan khoshuu in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟[Xi1 lin2 guo1 le4 meng2], Inner Mongolia/ 正長石 正长石 T - 16 zhèng cháng shí f /orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)/ 正长石 正長石 S - 16 zhèng cháng shí f /orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)/ 正門 正门 T - 2470 zhèng mén f /main entrance/main gate/portal/ 正门 正門 S - 2470 zhèng mén f /main entrance/main gate/portal/ 正阳 正陽 S - 49 Zhèng yáng f /Zhangyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 正阳县 正陽縣 S - 5 Zhèng yáng xiàn f /Zhangyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 正陽 正阳 T - 49 Zhèng yáng f /Zhangyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 正陽縣 正阳县 T - 5 Zhèng yáng xiàn f /Zhangyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 正離子 正离子 T - 79 zhèng lí zǐ f /positive ion (physics)/ 正電 正电 T - 86 zhèng diàn f /positive charge (electricity)/ 正電子 正电子 T - 70 zhèng diàn zǐ f /positron (antiparticle of the electron)/ 正電子斷層 正电子断层 T - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ duàn céng f /PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)/ 正電子照射斷層攝影 正电子照射断层摄影 T - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ zhào shè duàn céng shè yǐng f /positrion emission tomography (PET)/ 正電子發射層析 正电子发射层析 T - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè céng xī f /positron emission tomography (PET)/ 正電子發射斷層照相術 正电子发射断层照相术 T - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè duàn céng zhào xiāng shù f /positron emission tomography (PET)/ 正電子發射計算機斷層 正电子发射计算机断层 T - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè jì suàn jī duàn céng f /PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)/ 正電子發射體層 正电子发射体层 T - 0 zhèng diàn zǐ fā shè tǐ céng f /PET, positron emission tomography (medical imaging method)/ 正面 - 1678 zhèng miàn f /front/obverse side/right side/positive/direct/open/ 正音 - 14 zhèng yīn f /standard pronunciation/to correct sb's pronunciation/ 正顏厲色 正颜厉色 T - 6 zhèng yán lì sè f /solemn in countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling/ 正颜厉色 正顏厲色 S - 6 zhèng yán lì sè f /solemn in countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling/ 正餐 - 27 zhèng cān f /(regular) meal/full meal/main course/ 正骨 - 34 zhèng gǔ f /bone setting/Chinese osteopathy/ 正骨八法 - 0 zhèng gǔ bā fǎ f /the eight methods of bone setting/Chinese osteopathy/ 正體 正体 T - 40 zhèng tǐ f /standard form/block letter/alternate term for Traditional Chinese character, used in Taiwan/ 正體字 正体字 T - 3 zhèng tǐ zì f /correct form of a Chinese character (when the common form 俗字 differs)/plain typeface (as opposed to bold or italics)/another name for traditional Chinese character (mainly in Taiwan)/ 正點 正点 T - 28 zhèng diǎn f /on time/punctual (of train etc)/awesome (slang)/ 此 - 41979 cǐ f /this/these/ 此事体大 此事體大 S - 3 cǐ shì tǐ dà f /see 茲事體大|兹事体大[zi1 shi4 ti3 da4]/ 此事體大 此事体大 T - 3 cǐ shì tǐ dà f /see 茲事體大|兹事体大[zi1 shi4 ti3 da4]/ 此伏彼起 - 34 cǐ fú bǐ qǐ f /see 此起彼伏[ci3 qi3 bi3 fu2]/ 此刻 - 3271 cǐ kè f /this moment/now/at present/ 此前 - 1242 cǐ qián f /before this/before then/previously/ 此后 此後 S - 4276 cǐ hòu f /after this/afterwards/hereafter/ 此地 - 913 cǐ dì f /here/this place/ 此地无银三百两 此地無銀三百兩 S - 19 cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng f /lit. 300 silver taels not hidden here (idiom); fig. to reveal what one intends to hide/ 此地無銀三百兩 此地无银三百两 T - 19 cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng f /lit. 300 silver taels not hidden here (idiom); fig. to reveal what one intends to hide/ 此处 此處 S - 1727 cǐ chù f /this place/here (literary)/ 此外 2120 9832 cǐ wài f /besides/in addition/moreover/furthermore/ 此後 此后 T - 4276 cǐ hòu f /after this/afterwards/hereafter/ 此时 此時 S - 8381 cǐ shí f /now/this moment/ 此时以前 此時以前 S - 0 cǐ shí yǐ qián f /heretofore/ 此时此刻 此時此刻 S - 206 cǐ shí cǐ kè f /at this very moment/ 此时此地 此時此地 S - 3 cǐ shí cǐ dì f /here and now/as things stand/ 此時 此时 T - 8381 cǐ shí f /now/this moment/ 此時以前 此时以前 T - 0 cǐ shí yǐ qián f /heretofore/ 此時此刻 此时此刻 T - 206 cǐ shí cǐ kè f /at this very moment/ 此時此地 此时此地 T - 3 cǐ shí cǐ dì f /here and now/as things stand/ 此次 - 3529 cǐ cì f /this time/ 此类 此類 S - 788 cǐ lèi f /this kind/these kinds/such/ 此致 - 9 cǐ zhì f /(used at the end of a letter to introduce a polite salutation)/ 此致敬礼 此致敬禮 S - 3 cǐ zhì jìng lǐ f /respectfully yours (at the end of a letter)/ 此致敬禮 此致敬礼 T - 3 cǐ zhì jìng lǐ f /respectfully yours (at the end of a letter)/ 此處 此处 T - 1727 cǐ chù f /this place/here (literary)/ 此起彼伏 - 295 cǐ qǐ bǐ fú f /up here, down there (idiom); to rise and fall in succession/no sooner one subsides, the next arises/repeating continuously/occurring again and again (of applause, fires, waves, protests, conflicts, uprisings etc)/ 此起彼落 - 52 cǐ qǐ bǐ luò f /to rise and fall in succession (idiom)/repeating continuously/ 此路不通 - 11 cǐ lù bù tōng f /this road is blocked/fig. This method does not work./Doing this is no good./ 此道 - 0 cǐ dào f /such matters/things like this/this line of work/this pursuit/this hobby/this endeavor/ 此間 此间 T - 1076 cǐ jiān f /here/this place/ 此间 此間 S - 1076 cǐ jiān f /here/this place/ 此际 此際 S - 33 cǐ jì f /then/as a result/ 此際 此际 T - 33 cǐ jì f /then/as a result/ 此類 此类 T - 788 cǐ lèi f /this kind/these kinds/such/ 步 - 4285 Bù f /surname Bu/ 步 - 4285 bù f /a step/a pace/walk/march/stages in a process/situation/ 步人后尘 步人後塵 S - 2 bù rén hòu chén f /to follow in other people's footsteps/ 步人後塵 步人后尘 T - 2 bù rén hòu chén f /to follow in other people's footsteps/ 步伐 3798 1163 bù fá f /pace/(measured) step/march/ 步入 - 507 bù rù f /to step into/to enter/ 步兵 - 1966 bù bīng f /infantry/foot/infantryman/foot soldier/ 步哨 - 2 bù shào f /sentry/sentinel/ 步子 - 261 bù zi f /step/pace/ 步履 - 145 bù lǚ f /gait/walk/ 步履紊乱 步履紊亂 S - 0 bù lǚ wěn luàn f /to be in complete disorder/ 步履紊亂 步履紊乱 T - 0 bù lǚ wěn luàn f /to be in complete disorder/ 步履維艱 步履维艰 T - 24 bù lǚ wéi jiān f /to have difficulty walking (idiom)/to walk with difficulty/ 步履维艰 步履維艱 S - 24 bù lǚ wéi jiān f /to have difficulty walking (idiom)/to walk with difficulty/ 步态 步態 S - 43 bù tài f /gait/tread/ 步态蹒跚 步態蹣跚 S - 0 bù tài pán shān f /to walk unsteadily/ 步態 步态 T - 43 bù tài f /gait/tread/ 步態蹣跚 步态蹒跚 T - 0 bù tài pán shān f /to walk unsteadily/ 步搖 步摇 T - 0 bù yáo f /dangling ornament worn by women/ 步摇 步搖 S - 0 bù yáo f /dangling ornament worn by women/ 步操 - 0 bù cāo f /foot drill (military, physical exercises etc)/ 步斗踏罡 - 3 bù dǒu tà gāng f /to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology)/ 步月 - 0 bù yuè f /to stroll beneath the moon/ 步枪 步槍 S - 1009 bù qiāng f /rifle/CL:把[ba3],枝[zhi1]/ 步槍 步枪 T - 1009 bù qiāng f /rifle/CL:把[ba3],枝[zhi1]/ 步步 - 236 bù bù f /step by step/at every step/ 步步为营 步步為營 S - 47 bù bù wéi yíng f /to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step/to consolidate at every step/ 步步為營 步步为营 T - 47 bù bù wéi yíng f /to advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step/to consolidate at every step/ 步步高升 步步高陞 S - 3 bù bù gāo shēng f /to climb step by step/to rise steadily/on the up and up/ 步步高陞 步步高升 T - 3 bù bù gāo shēng f /to climb step by step/to rise steadily/on the up and up/ 步武 - 0 bù wǔ f /to walk in someone's steps/to follow in someone's footsteps (literary)/a step (literary)/ 步法 - 108 bù fǎ f /footwork/ 步测 步測 S - 3 bù cè f /pacing/ 步測 步测 T - 3 bù cè f /pacing/ 步犁 - 3 bù lí f /walking plow/ 步罡踏斗 - 3 bù gāng tà dǒu f /to worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist astrology)/ 步行 - 651 bù xíng f /to go on foot/to walk/ 步行区 步行區 S - 0 bù xíng qū f /pedestrian area/ 步行區 步行区 T - 0 bù xíng qū f /pedestrian area/ 步行者 - 64 bù xíng zhě f /pedestrian/ 步行虫 步行蟲 S - 3 bù xíng chóng f /ground beetle/ 步行蟲 步行虫 T - 3 bù xíng chóng f /ground beetle/ 步行街 - 37 bù xíng jiē f /car-free zone/pedestrian street/ 步話機 步话机 T - 13 bù huà jī f /walkie-talkie/ 步調 步调 T - 49 bù diào f /gait/marching order/step/pace/ 步調一致 步调一致 T - 15 bù diào yī zhì f /to be united in action/ 步话机 步話機 S - 13 bù huà jī f /walkie-talkie/ 步调 步調 S - 49 bù diào f /gait/marching order/step/pace/ 步调一致 步調一致 S - 15 bù diào yī zhì f /to be united in action/ 步足 - 3 bù zú f /ambulatory leg (of a crab, lobster, spider etc)/ 步进制 步進制 S - 0 bù jìn zhì f /step by step system/ 步进马达 步進馬達 S - 0 bù jìn mǎ dá f /stepper motor/ 步進制 步进制 T - 0 bù jìn zhì f /step by step system/ 步進馬達 步进马达 T - 0 bù jìn mǎ dá f /stepper motor/ 步道 - 10 bù dào f /walking path/pathway/ 步韵 步韻 S - 3 bù yùn f /to write a poem using another poem's rhymes/ 步韻 步韵 T - 3 bù yùn f /to write a poem using another poem's rhymes/ 步驟 步骤 T 2326 854 bù zhòu f /procedure/step/ 步骤 步驟 S 2326 854 bù zhòu f /procedure/step/ 武 - 5241 Wǔ f /surname Wu/ 武 - 5241 wǔ f /martial/military/ 武丁 - 160 Wǔ Dīng f /Wu Ding (c. 14th century BC), legendary founder and wise ruler of Shang dynasty/ 武举 武舉 S - 24 wǔ jǔ f /successful military candidate in the imperial provincial examination/ 武义 武義 S - 30 Wǔ yì f /Wuyi county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 武义县 武義縣 S - 7 Wǔ yì xiàn f /Wuyi county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 武乡 武鄉 S - 16 Wǔ xiāng f /Wuxiang county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 武乡县 武鄉縣 S - 18 Wǔ xiāng xiàn f /Wuxiang county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 武仙座 - 28 Wǔ xiān zuò f /Hercules (constellation)/ 武侠 武俠 S 4997 81 wǔ xiá f /martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)/knight-errant/ 武侠小说 武俠小說 S - 135 wǔ xiá xiǎo shuō f /a martial arts (wuxia) novel/ 武侯 - 52 Wǔ hóu f /Wuhou district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 武侯区 武侯區 S - 4 Wǔ hóu qū f /Wuhou district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 武侯區 武侯区 T - 4 Wǔ hóu qū f /Wuhou district of Chengdu city 成都市[Cheng2 du1 shi4], Sichuan/ 武侯祠 - 38 wǔ hóu cí f /memorial hall to Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 (many of them in different town)/refers to tourist attraction in Chengdu 成都/ 武俠 武侠 T 4997 81 wǔ xiá f /martial arts chivalry (Chinese literary, theatrical and cinema genre)/knight-errant/ 武俠小說 武侠小说 T - 135 wǔ xiá xiǎo shuō f /a martial arts (wuxia) novel/ 武冈 武岡 S - 16 Wǔ gāng f /Wugang county level city in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 武冈市 武岡市 S - 3 Wǔ gāng shì f /Wugang county level city in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 武则天 武則天 S - 249 Wǔ Zé tiān f /Wu Zetian (624-705), Tang empress, reigned 690-705/ 武則天 武则天 T - 249 Wǔ Zé tiān f /Wu Zetian (624-705), Tang empress, reigned 690-705/ 武力 - 1263 wǔ lì f /military force/ 武功 - 7887 Wǔ gōng f /Wugong County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 武功 - 7887 wǔ gōng f /martial art/military accomplishments/(Peking opera) martial arts feats/ 武功县 武功縣 S - 0 Wǔ gōng Xiàn f /Wugong County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 武功山 - 20 Wǔ gōng shān f /Mt Wugong in Jiangxi/ 武功縣 武功县 T - 0 Wǔ gōng Xiàn f /Wugong County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 武功鎮 武功镇 T - 0 Wǔ gōng zhèn f /Wugong village in Shaanxi/ 武功镇 武功鎮 S - 0 Wǔ gōng zhèn f /Wugong village in Shaanxi/ 武勇 - 0 wǔ yǒng f /military skills/valor/valorous/ 武勝 武胜 T - 7 Wǔ shèng f /Wusheng county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ 武勝縣 武胜县 T - 3 Wǔ shèng xiàn f /Wusheng county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ 武器 2523 8812 wǔ qì f /weapon/arms/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 武器可用物質 武器可用物质 T - 0 wǔ qì kě yòng wù zhì f /weapons-usable material/ 武器可用物质 武器可用物質 S - 0 wǔ qì kě yòng wù zhì f /weapons-usable material/ 武器禁运 武器禁運 S - 0 wǔ qì jìn yùn f /embargo on arms sale/ 武器禁運 武器禁运 T - 0 wǔ qì jìn yùn f /embargo on arms sale/ 武器系統 武器系统 T - 3 wǔ qì xì tǒng f /weapon system/ 武器系统 武器系統 S - 3 wǔ qì xì tǒng f /weapon system/ 武器級 武器级 T - 0 wǔ qì jí f /weapons-grade/ 武器級別材料 武器级别材料 T - 0 wǔ qì jí bié cái liào f /weapons-grade material/ 武器级 武器級 S - 0 wǔ qì jí f /weapons-grade/ 武器级别材料 武器級別材料 S - 0 wǔ qì jí bié cái liào f /weapons-grade material/ 武圣 武聖 S - 4 Wǔ Shèng f /the Saint of War (i.e. the deified Guan Yu 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3])/ 武坛 武壇 S - 13 wǔ tán f /martial arts circles/ 武城 - 13 Wǔ chéng f /Wucheng county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 武城县 武城縣 S - 3 Wǔ chéng xiàn f /Wucheng county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 武城縣 武城县 T - 3 Wǔ chéng xiàn f /Wucheng county in Dezhou 德州[De2 zhou1], Shandong/ 武壇 武坛 T - 13 wǔ tán f /martial arts circles/ 武士 - 1453 wǔ shì f /warrior/samurai/ 武士刀 - 10 wǔ shì dāo f /katana/ 武士彟 武士彠 S - 0 Wǔ Shì huò f /Wu Shihuo (7th century), father of Tang empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天/ 武士彠 武士彟 T - 0 Wǔ Shì huò f /Wu Shihuo (7th century), father of Tang empress Wu Zetian 武則天|武则天/ 武士道 - 45 wǔ shì dào f /bushidō or way of the warrior, samurai code of chivalry/ 武夷山 - 175 Wǔ yí shān f /Mt Wuyi in Fujian/Wuyishan nature reserve/Wuyishan county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 武夷山市 - 24 Wǔ yí shān shì f /Wuyishan county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 武威 - 188 Wǔ wēi f /Wuwei prefecture level city in Gansu/ 武威地区 武威地區 S - 0 Wǔ wēi dì qū f /Wuwei prefecture in Gansu/ 武威地區 武威地区 T - 0 Wǔ wēi dì qū f /Wuwei prefecture in Gansu/ 武威市 - 8 Wǔ wēi shì f /Wuwei prefecture level city in Gansu/ 武宁 武寧 S - 26 Wǔ níng f /Wuning county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 武宁县 武寧縣 S - 5 Wǔ níng xiàn f /Wuning county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 武安 - 40 Wǔ ān f /Wu'an county level city in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 武安市 - 3 Wǔ ān shì f /Wu'an county level city in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 武官 - 634 wǔ guān f /military official/military attaché/ 武定 - 18 Wǔ dìng f /Wuding reign name (543-550) during Eastern Wei of the Northern Dynasties 東魏|东魏[Dong1 Wei4]/Wuding county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 武定县 武定縣 S - 6 Wǔ dìng xiàn f /Wuding county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 武定縣 武定县 T - 6 Wǔ dìng xiàn f /Wuding county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 武宣 - 3 Wǔ xuān f /Wuxuan county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 武宣县 武宣縣 S - 3 Wǔ xuān xiàn f /Wuxuan county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 武宣縣 武宣县 T - 3 Wǔ xuān xiàn f /Wuxuan county in Laibin 來賓|来宾[Lai2 bin1], Guangxi/ 武寧 武宁 T - 26 Wǔ níng f /Wuning county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 武寧縣 武宁县 T - 5 Wǔ níng xiàn f /Wuning county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 武将 武將 S - 509 wǔ jiàng f /general/military leader/fierce man/ 武將 武将 T - 509 wǔ jiàng f /general/military leader/fierce man/ 武山 - 16 Wǔ shān f /Wushan county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ 武山县 武山縣 S - 3 Wǔ shān xiàn f /Wushan county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ 武山縣 武山县 T - 3 Wǔ shān xiàn f /Wushan county in Tianshui 天水[Tian1 shui3], Gansu/ 武山雞 武山鸡 T - 0 Wǔ shān jī f /see 烏骨雞|乌骨鸡[wu1 gu3 ji1]/black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/ 武山鸡 武山雞 S - 0 Wǔ shān jī f /see 烏骨雞|乌骨鸡[wu1 gu3 ji1]/black-boned chicken/silky fowl/silkie/ 武岡 武冈 T - 16 Wǔ gāng f /Wugang county level city in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 武岡市 武冈市 T - 3 Wǔ gāng shì f /Wugang county level city in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 武川 - 42 Wǔ chuān f /Wuchuan county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 武川县 武川縣 S - 4 Wǔ chuān xiàn f /Wuchuan county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 武川縣 武川县 T - 4 Wǔ chuān xiàn f /Wuchuan county in Hohhot 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 武平 - 12 Wǔ píng f /Wuping county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 武平县 武平縣 S - 3 Wǔ píng xiàn f /Wuping county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 武平縣 武平县 T - 3 Wǔ píng xiàn f /Wuping county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 武库 武庫 S - 49 wǔ kù f /arsenal/store of arms/ 武庫 武库 T - 49 wǔ kù f /arsenal/store of arms/ 武康鎮 武康镇 T - 0 Wǔ kāng zhèn f /Wukang town, Zhejiang 浙江/ 武康镇 武康鎮 S - 0 Wǔ kāng zhèn f /Wukang town, Zhejiang 浙江/ 武強 武强 T - 14 Wǔ qiáng f /Wuqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 武強縣 武强县 T - 3 Wǔ qiáng xiàn f /Wuqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 武强 武強 S - 14 Wǔ qiáng f /Wuqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 武强县 武強縣 S - 3 Wǔ qiáng xiàn f /Wuqiang county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 武当山 武當山 S - 3316 Wǔ dāng shān f /Wudang Mountain range in northwest Hubei/ 武打 - 48 wǔ dǎ f /acrobatic fighting in Chinese opera or dance/ 武打片 - 9 wǔ dǎ piàn f /action movie/kungfu movie/ 武断 武斷 S - 63 wǔ duàn f /arbitrary/subjective/dogmatic/ 武斷 武断 T - 63 wǔ duàn f /arbitrary/subjective/dogmatic/ 武旦 - 7 wǔ dàn f /female military role in a Chinese opera/ 武昌 - 5077 Wǔ chāng f /Wuchang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 武昌区 武昌區 S - 2573 Wǔ chāng qū f /Wuchang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 武昌區 武昌区 T - 2573 Wǔ chāng qū f /Wuchang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 武昌起义 武昌起義 S - 499 Wǔ chāng Qǐ yì f /Wuchang Uprising of October 10th, 1911, which led to Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution and the fall of the Qing dynasty/ 武昌起義 武昌起义 T - 499 Wǔ chāng Qǐ yì f /Wuchang Uprising of October 10th, 1911, which led to Sun Yat-sen's Xinhai Revolution and the fall of the Qing dynasty/ 武术 武術 S 2327 577 wǔ shù f /military skill or technique (in former times)/all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/self-defense/tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/also called kungfu 功夫/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 武松 - 1157 Wǔ Sōng f /Wu Song, a heroic outlaw of Liangshan po 梁山泊 in the classic novel Water Margin 水滸傳|水浒传, whose exploits including killing a tiger with his bare hands/ 武林 - 2204 wǔ lín f /martial arts (social) circles/ 武水 - 2 Wǔ shuǐ f /the Wu river in Hunan and Guangdong/formerly Shuang river 瀧水|泷水/ 武汉 武漢 S - 24302 Wǔ hàn f /Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province/ 武汉地区 武漢地區 S - 0 Wǔ hàn dì qū f /the Wuhan area/ 武汉大学 武漢大學 S - 691 Wǔ hàn Dà xué f /Wuhan University/ 武汉市 武漢市 S - 22783 Wǔ hàn shì f /Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province/ 武汉钢铁公司 武漢鋼鐵公司 S - 5 Wǔ hàn Gāng tiě Gōng sī f /Wuhan Iron and Steel/ 武江 - 0 Wǔ jiāng f /Wujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市|韶关市, Guangdong/ 武江区 武江區 S - 3 Wǔ jiāng qū f /Wujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市|韶关市, Guangdong/ 武江區 武江区 T - 3 Wǔ jiāng qū f /Wujiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市|韶关市, Guangdong/ 武清 - 39 Wǔ qīng f /Wuqing rural district in Tianjin 天津[Tian1 jin1]/ 武清区 武清區 S - 3 Wǔ qīng qū f /Wuqing rural district in Tianjin 天津[Tian1 jin1]/ 武清區 武清区 T - 3 Wǔ qīng qū f /Wuqing rural district in Tianjin 天津[Tian1 jin1]/ 武溪 - 2 Wǔ xī f /Wu river in Hunan and Guangdong/formerly Shuang river 瀧水|泷水/ 武漢 武汉 T - 24302 Wǔ hàn f /Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province/ 武漢地區 武汉地区 T - 0 Wǔ hàn dì qū f /the Wuhan area/ 武漢大學 武汉大学 T - 691 Wǔ hàn Dà xué f /Wuhan University/ 武漢市 武汉市 T - 22783 Wǔ hàn shì f /Wuhan city on Changjiang, subprovincial city and capital of Hubei province/ 武漢鋼鐵公司 武汉钢铁公司 T - 5 Wǔ hàn Gāng tiě Gōng sī f /Wuhan Iron and Steel/ 武王伐紂 武王伐纣 T - 3 Wǔ wáng fá Zhòu f /King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] overthrows tyrant Zhou of Shang 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 wang2]/ 武王伐纣 武王伐紂 S - 3 Wǔ wáng fá Zhòu f /King Wu of Zhou 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2] overthrows tyrant Zhou of Shang 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 wang2]/ 武生 - 53 wǔ shēng f /male military role in a Chinese opera/ 武田 - 0 Wǔ tián f /Takeda (Japanese surname)/ 武略 - 23 wǔ lüè f /military strategy/ 武當山 武当山 T - 3316 Wǔ dāng shān f /Wudang Mountain range in northwest Hubei/ 武穴 - 22 Wǔ xué f /Wuxue county level city in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 武穴市 - 264 Wǔ xué shì f /Wuxue county level city in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 武經七書 武经七书 T - 0 Wǔ jīng Qī shū f /Seven Military Classics of ancient China viz "Six Secret Strategic Teachings" 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1], "Methods of Sima" 司馬法|司马法[Si1 ma3 Fa3], "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3], "Wuzi" 吳子|吴子[Wu2 zi3], "Wei Liaozi" 尉繚子|尉缭子[Wei4 Liao2 zi5], "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 lu:e4] and "Duke Li of Wei Answering Emperor Taizong of Tang" 唐太宗李衛公問對|唐太宗李卫公问对[Tang2 Tai4 zong1 Li3 Wei4 Gong1 Wen4 dui4]/ 武經總要 武经总要 T - 3 Wǔ Jīng Zǒng Yào f /"Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques", book published in 1044 during the Northern Song Dynasty/ 武经七书 武經七書 S - 0 Wǔ jīng Qī shū f /Seven Military Classics of ancient China viz "Six Secret Strategic Teachings" 六韜|六韬[Liu4 tao1], "Methods of Sima" 司馬法|司马法[Si1 ma3 Fa3], "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3], "Wuzi" 吳子|吴子[Wu2 zi3], "Wei Liaozi" 尉繚子|尉缭子[Wei4 Liao2 zi5], "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 黃石公三略|黄石公三略[Huang2 Shi2 gong1 San1 lu:e4] and "Duke Li of Wei Answering Emperor Taizong of Tang" 唐太宗李衛公問對|唐太宗李卫公问对[Tang2 Tai4 zong1 Li3 Wei4 Gong1 Wen4 dui4]/ 武经总要 武經總要 S - 3 Wǔ Jīng Zǒng Yào f /"Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques", book published in 1044 during the Northern Song Dynasty/ 武義 武义 T - 30 Wǔ yì f /Wuyi county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 武義縣 武义县 T - 7 Wǔ yì xiàn f /Wuyi county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 武职 武職 S - 223 wǔ zhí f /military official/military position (i.e. job)/ 武聖 武圣 T - 4 Wǔ Shèng f /the Saint of War (i.e. the deified Guan Yu 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3])/ 武職 武职 T - 223 wǔ zhí f /military official/military position (i.e. job)/ 武胜 武勝 S - 7 Wǔ shèng f /Wusheng county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ 武胜县 武勝縣 S - 3 Wǔ shèng xiàn f /Wusheng county in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan/ 武舉 武举 T - 24 wǔ jǔ f /successful military candidate in the imperial provincial examination/ 武艺 武藝 S - 1019 wǔ yì f /martial art/military skill/ 武艺高强 武藝高強 S - 3 wǔ yì gāo qiáng f /highly skilled in martial arts/ 武藝 武艺 T - 1019 wǔ yì f /martial art/military skill/ 武藝高強 武艺高强 T - 3 wǔ yì gāo qiáng f /highly skilled in martial arts/ 武術 武术 T 2327 577 wǔ shù f /military skill or technique (in former times)/all kinds of martial art sports (some claiming spiritual development)/self-defense/tradition of choreographed fights from opera and film (recent usage)/also called kungfu 功夫/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 武装 武裝 S 2885 4577 wǔ zhuāng f /arms/equipment/to arm/military/armed (forces)/ 武装冲突 武裝衝突 S - 3 wǔ zhuāng chōng tū f /armed conflict/ 武装分子 武裝份子 S - 0 wǔ zhuāng fèn zǐ f /armed groups/fighters/gunmen/ 武装力量 武裝力量 S - 1830 wǔ zhuāng lì liàng f /armed force/ 武装部队 武裝部隊 S - 323 wǔ zhuāng bù duì f /armed forces/ 武裝 武装 T 2885 4577 wǔ zhuāng f /arms/equipment/to arm/military/armed (forces)/ 武裝份子 武装分子 T - 0 wǔ zhuāng fèn zǐ f /armed groups/fighters/gunmen/ 武裝力量 武装力量 T - 1830 wǔ zhuāng lì liàng f /armed force/ 武裝衝突 武装冲突 T - 3 wǔ zhuāng chōng tū f /armed conflict/ 武裝部隊 武装部队 T - 323 wǔ zhuāng bù duì f /armed forces/ 武警 - 720 wǔ jǐng f /armed police/ 武警战士 武警戰士 S - 3 wǔ jǐng zhàn shì f /armed fighters/armed police/militia/ 武警戰士 武警战士 T - 3 wǔ jǐng zhàn shì f /armed fighters/armed police/militia/ 武警部队 武警部隊 S - 332 wǔ jǐng bù duì f /People's Armed Police/ 武警部隊 武警部队 T - 332 wǔ jǐng bù duì f /People's Armed Police/ 武进 武進 S - 45 Wǔ jìn f /Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 武进区 武進區 S - 3 Wǔ jìn qū f /Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 武進 武进 T - 45 Wǔ jìn f /Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 武進區 武进区 T - 3 Wǔ jìn qū f /Wujin district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 武邑 - 10 Wǔ yì f /Wuyi county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 武邑县 武邑縣 S - 2 Wǔ yì xiàn f /Wuyi county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 武邑縣 武邑县 T - 2 Wǔ yì xiàn f /Wuyi county in Hengshui 衡水[Heng2 shui3], Hebei/ 武都 - 56 Wǔ dū f /Wudu district of Longnan city 隴南市|陇南市[Long3 nan2 shi4], Gansu/ 武都区 武都區 S - 0 Wǔ dū qū f /Wudu district of Longnan city 隴南市|陇南市[Long3 nan2 shi4], Gansu/ 武都區 武都区 T - 0 Wǔ dū qū f /Wudu district of Longnan city 隴南市|陇南市[Long3 nan2 shi4], Gansu/ 武都市 - 0 Wǔ dū shì f /Wudu city in Gansu/ 武鄉 武乡 T - 16 Wǔ xiāng f /Wuxiang county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 武鄉縣 武乡县 T - 18 Wǔ xiāng xiàn f /Wuxiang county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 武陟 - 11 Wǔ zhì f /Wuzhi county in Jiaozuo, Henan/ 武陟县 武陟縣 S - 13 Wǔ zhì xiàn f /Wuzhi county in Jiaozuo, Henan/ 武陟縣 武陟县 T - 13 Wǔ zhì xiàn f /Wuzhi county in Jiaozuo, Henan/ 武陵 - 593 Wǔ líng f /Wuling district of Changde city 常德市[Chang2 de2 shi4], Hunan/ 武陵区 武陵區 S - 3 Wǔ líng qū f /Wuling district of Changde city 常德市[Chang2 de2 shi4], Hunan/ 武陵區 武陵区 T - 3 Wǔ líng qū f /Wuling district of Changde city 常德市[Chang2 de2 shi4], Hunan/ 武陵源 - 24 Wǔ líng yuán f /Wulingyuan scenic area, in Zhangjiajie city 張家界市|张家界市[Zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4], Hunan/ 武隆 - 2 Wǔ lóng f /Wulong county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 武隆县 武隆縣 S - 6 Wǔ lóng xiàn f /Wulong county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 武隆縣 武隆县 T - 6 Wǔ lóng xiàn f /Wulong county in Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 武鳴 武鸣 T - 8 Wǔ míng f /Wuming county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 武鳴縣 武鸣县 T - 13 Wǔ míng xiàn f /Wuming county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 武鸣 武鳴 S - 8 Wǔ míng f /Wuming county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 武鸣县 武鳴縣 S - 13 Wǔ míng xiàn f /Wuming county in Nanning 南寧|南宁[Nan2 ning2], Guangxi/ 歧 - 129 qí f /divergent/side road/ 歧义 歧義 S - 24 qí yì f /ambiguity/several possible meanings/ 歧异 歧異 S - 48 qí yì f /difference/discrepancy/ 歧異 歧异 T - 48 qí yì f /difference/discrepancy/ 歧義 歧义 T - 24 qí yì f /ambiguity/several possible meanings/ 歧見 歧见 T - 7 qí jiàn f /disagreement/differing interpretations/ 歧視 歧视 T 3259 495 qí shì f /to discriminate against/discrimination/ 歧见 歧見 S - 7 qí jiàn f /disagreement/differing interpretations/ 歧视 歧視 S 3259 495 qí shì f /to discriminate against/discrimination/ 歧路 - 33 qí lù f /to diverge from the main road, also figuratively/ 歧路灯 歧路燈 S - 0 Qí lù Dēng f /Lamp in the Side Street, novel by Qing dynasty writer Li Lüyuan 李綠園|李绿园[Li3 Lu:4 yuan2]/also written 岐路燈|岐路灯/ 歧路燈 歧路灯 T - 0 Qí lù Dēng f /Lamp in the Side Street, novel by Qing dynasty writer Li Lüyuan 李綠園|李绿园[Li3 Lu:4 yuan2]/also written 岐路燈|岐路灯/ 歧途 - 50 qí tú f /fork in a road/wrong road/ 歨 - 0 bù f /old variant of 步[bu4]/ 歩 - 3 bù f /Japanese variant of 步[bu4]/ 歪 1944 1253 wāi t /askew/at a crooked angle/devious/noxious/(coll.) to lie on one's side/ 歪 1944 1253 wǎi f /to sprain (one's ankle) (Tw)/ 歪嘴 - 3 wāi zuǐ f /twisted mouth/wry mouth/ 歪打正着 歪打正著 S - 22 wāi dǎ zhèng zháo f /to succeed by a lucky stroke/ 歪打正著 歪打正着 T - 22 wāi dǎ zhèng zháo f /to succeed by a lucky stroke/ 歪斜 - 75 wāi xié f /crooked/askew/oblique/slanting/out of plumb/ 歪曲 4197 198 wāi qū f /to distort/to misrepresent/ 歪果仁 - 0 wāi guǒ rén f /Internet slang for 外國人|外国人[wai4 guo2 ren2]/ 歪歪扭扭 - 39 wāi wāi niǔ niǔ f /crooked/not straight/staggering from side to side/ 歪歪斜斜 - 85 wāi wāi xié xié f /shuddering/trembling/a trembling scrawl (of handwriting)/ 歪点子 歪點子 S - 7 wāi diǎn zi f /illegal device/devious/crooked/ 歪理 - 37 wāi lǐ f /fallacious reasoning/preposterous argument/ 歪瓜劣枣 歪瓜劣棗 S - 0 wāi guā liè zǎo f /ugly/repulsive/also written 歪瓜裂棗|歪瓜裂枣[wai1 gua1 lie4 zao3]/ 歪瓜劣棗 歪瓜劣枣 T - 0 wāi guā liè zǎo f /ugly/repulsive/also written 歪瓜裂棗|歪瓜裂枣[wai1 gua1 lie4 zao3]/ 歪瓜裂枣 歪瓜裂棗 S - 0 wāi guā liè zǎo f /ugly/repulsive/ 歪瓜裂棗 歪瓜裂枣 T - 0 wāi guā liè zǎo f /ugly/repulsive/ 歪門邪道 歪门邪道 T - 19 wāi mén xié dào f /dishonest practices/ 歪门邪道 歪門邪道 S - 19 wāi mén xié dào f /dishonest practices/ 歪風 歪风 T - 32 wāi fēng f /unhealthy trend/noxious influence/ 歪風邪氣 歪风邪气 T - 15 wāi fēng xié qì f /noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends/ 歪风 歪風 S - 32 wāi fēng f /unhealthy trend/noxious influence/ 歪风邪气 歪風邪氣 S - 15 wāi fēng xié qì f /noxious winds, evil influences (idiom); malignant social trends/ 歪點子 歪点子 T - 7 wāi diǎn zi f /illegal device/devious/crooked/ 歫 - 0 jù f /old variant of 距[ju4]/old variant of 拒[ju4]/ 歮 - 0 sè f /archaic variant of 澀|涩[se4]/ 歯 - 0 chǐ f /Japanese variant of 齒|齿/ 歰 - 3 sè f /archaic variant of 澀|涩[se4]/ 歲 岁 T 83 11719 suì f /classifier for years (of age)/year/year (of crop harvests)/ 歲不我與 岁不我与 T - 3 suì bù wǒ yǔ f /Time and tide wait for no man (idiom)/ 歲修 岁修 T - 3 suì xiū f /start of the year/ 歲俸 岁俸 T - 0 suì fèng f /annual salary/ 歲入 岁入 T - 73 suì rù f /annual revenue/annual income/ 歲出 岁出 T - 16 suì chū f /annual expenditure/ 歲差 岁差 T - 33 suì chà f /the precession of the equinoxes/ 歲序 岁序 T - 3 suì xù f /succession of seasons/ 歲數 岁数 T - 155 suì shu f /age (number of years old)/ 歲時 岁时 T - 0 suì shí f /season/time of the year/ 歲暮 岁暮 T - 10 suì mù f /end of the year/ 歲月 岁月 T 3558 932 suì yuè f /years/time/ 歲月如流 岁月如流 T - 4 suì yuè rú liú f /the passage of the years/the flow of time/ 歲月崢嶸 岁月峥嵘 T - 3 suì yuè zhēng róng f /eventful years/momentous times/ 歲月流逝 岁月流逝 T - 3 suì yuè liú shì f /as time goes by (idiom)/ 歲末 岁末 T - 59 suì mò f /end of the year/ 歲歲平安 岁岁平安 T - 0 suì suì píng ān f /May you have peace year after year (New Year's greeting)/ 歲計 岁计 T - 3 suì jì f /annual budget/ 歲計餘絀 岁计余绌 T - 0 suì jì yú chù f /annual budgetary surplus or deficit (accountancy)/ 歲闌 岁阑 T - 0 suì lán f /late season of a year/ 歲首 岁首 T - 30 suì shǒu f /start of the year/ 歳 - 2 suì f /Japanese variant of 歲|岁/ 歴 历 T - 1988 lì f /old variant of 歷|历[li4]/ 歷 历 T - 1988 lì f /to experience/to undergo/to pass through/all/each/every/history/ 歷下 历下 T - 0 Lì xià f /Lixia district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 歷下區 历下区 T - 25 Lì xià qū f /Lixia district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 歷久彌堅 历久弥坚 T - 3 lì jiǔ mí jiān f /to become more resolute with the passing of time (idiom)/ 歷代 历代 T 4929 2261 lì dài f /successive generations/successive dynasties/past dynasties/ 歷代志上 历代志上 T - 0 Lì dài zhì shàng f /First book of Chronicles/ 歷代志下 历代志下 T - 0 Lì dài zhì xià f /Second book of Chronicles/ 歷任 历任 T - 1372 lì rèn f /to hold jobs successively/appointed (from one job to another)/ 歷來 历来 T 4718 2078 lì lái f /always/throughout (a period of time)/(of) all-time/ 歷來最低點 历来最低点 T - 0 lì lái zuì dī diǎn f /all time low (point)/ 歷史 历史 T 472 34460 lì shǐ f /history/CL:門|门[men2],段[duan4]/ 歷史上 历史上 T - 0 lì shǐ shàng f /historical/in history/ 歷史久遠 历史久远 T - 0 lì shǐ jiǔ yuǎn f /ancient history/ 歷史事件 历史事件 T - 0 lì shǐ shì jiàn f /historical incident/ 歷史人物 历史人物 T - 0 lì shǐ rén wù f /historical person/ 歷史劇 历史剧 T - 145 lì shǐ jù f /historical drama/ 歷史博物館 历史博物馆 T - 100 lì shǐ bó wù guǎn f /historical museum/ 歷史學 历史学 T - 179 lì shǐ xué f /history/ 歷史學家 历史学家 T - 397 lì shǐ xué jiā f /historian/ 歷史家 历史家 T - 0 lì shǐ jiā f /historian/ 歷史性 历史性 T - 669 lì shǐ xìng f /historic/ 歷史悠久 历史悠久 T - 3 lì shǐ yōu jiǔ f /long-established/time-honored/ 歷史意義 历史意义 T - 0 lì shǐ yì yì f /historic significance/ 歷史成本 历史成本 T - 0 lì shǐ chéng běn f /historic cost (accounting)/ 歷史新高 历史新高 T - 0 lì shǐ xīn gāo f /all-time high/ 歷史時期 历史时期 T - 0 lì shǐ shí qī f /historical period/ 歷史沿革 历史沿革 T - 3 lì shǐ yán gé f /historical development/background/ 歷史版本 历史版本 T - 0 lì shǐ bǎn běn f /historical edition/revision history (of a web page)/ 歷史背景 历史背景 T - 3 lì shǐ bèi jǐng f /historical background/ 歷史觀點 历史观点 T - 0 lì shǐ guān diǎn f /historical standpoint/ 歷史遺產 历史遗产 T - 0 lì shǐ yí chǎn f /heritage/historical legacy/ 歷史遺跡 历史遗迹 T - 0 lì shǐ yí jì f /historical remains/historic monuments/ 歷城 历城 T - 25 Lì chéng f /Licheng district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 歷城區 历城区 T - 8 Lì chéng qū f /Licheng district of Ji'nan city 濟南市|济南市[Ji3 nan2 shi4], Shandong/ 歷屆 历届 T - 508 lì jiè f /all previous (meetings, sessions etc)/ 歷年 历年 T - 420 lì nián f /over the years/bygone years/ 歷數 历数 T - 71 lì shǔ f /to enumerate/to count (one by one)/ 歷時 历时 T - 1618 lì shí f /to last/to take (time)/period/ 歷朝通俗演義 历朝通俗演义 T - 0 lì cháo tōng sú yǎn yì f /Dramatized history of successive dynasties (from Han to Republican China) by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩/ 歷次 历次 T - 293 lì cì f /each (item in sequence)/successive/ 歷歷可數 历历可数 T - 5 lì lì kě shǔ f /each one distinguishable/ 歷歷在目 历历在目 T - 74 lì lì zài mù f /vivid in one's mind (idiom)/ 歷法 历法 T - 309 lì fǎ f /variant of 曆法|历法 calendar/ 歷盡 历尽 T - 96 lì jìn f /to have experienced a lot of/to have been through/ 歷盡滄桑 历尽沧桑 T - 14 lì jìn cāng sāng f /to have been through the hardships of life/to have been through the mill/ 歷程 历程 T - 762 lì chéng f /course/process/ 歷經 历经 T - 873 lì jīng f /to experience/to go through/ 歷練 历练 T - 78 lì liàn f /to learn through experience/experience/practiced/experienced/ 歷險 历险 T - 36 lì xiǎn f /to experience adventures/ 歸 归 T - 7299 Guī f /surname Gui/ 歸 归 T - 7299 guī f /to return/to go back to/to give back to/(of a responsibility) to be taken care of by/to belong to/to gather together/(used between two identical verbs) despite/to marry (of a woman) (old)/division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor/ 歸仁 归仁 T - 5 Guī rén f /Kueijen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 歸仁鄉 归仁乡 T - 0 Guī rén xiāng f /Kueijen township in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 歸併 归并 T - 84 guī bìng f /to put together/to add/to merge/ 歸依 归依 T - 29 guī yī f /to convert to (a religion)/to rely upon/refuge/mainstay/ 歸僑 归侨 T - 323 guī qiáo f /returnees/ 歸入 归入 T - 248 guī rù f /to assign (to a class)/to classify as/to include/ 歸公 归公 T - 374 guī gōng f /to commandeer/to take over for the state/ 歸功 归功 T - 158 guī gōng f /to give credit/to give sb his due/attribution/ 歸化 归化 T - 36 Guī huà f /old name for district of Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 歸化 归化 T - 36 guī huà f /naturalization/ 歸口 归口 T - 64 guī kǒu f /to return to one's original trade/to put (a business etc) under the administration of the relevant central authority/(the) relevant (department in charge of sth)/ 歸向 归向 T - 8 guī xiàng f /to turn toward/ 歸咎 归咎 T - 128 guī jiù f /to put the blame on/to accuse/ 歸國 归国 T - 326 guī guó f /to go home (to one's native country)/to return from abroad/ 歸天 归天 T - 69 guī tiān f /to die/ 歸宿 归宿 T - 213 guī sù f /place to return to/home/final destination/ending/ 歸寧 归宁 T - 3 guī níng f /(literary) (of a married woman) to visit one's parents/ 歸屬 归属 T - 638 guī shǔ f /to belong to/to be affiliated to/to fall under the jurisdiction of/a place where one feels that one belongs/one's final destination (where one need look no further)/ 歸屬感 归属感 T - 52 guī shǔ gǎn f /sense of belonging/ 歸屬權 归属权 T - 3 guī shǔ quán f /right of attribution/ 歸心 归心 T - 70 guī xīn f /converted to (religion)/ 歸心似箭 归心似箭 T - 19 guī xīn sì jiàn f /with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom)/ 歸心者 归心者 T - 0 guī xīn zhě f /religious convert/ 歸攏 归拢 T - 16 guī lǒng f /to gather/to rake together/to pile up/ 歸於 归于 T - 587 guī yú f /to belong to/affiliated to/to result in sth/to incline towards/ 歸根 归根 T - 9 guī gēn f /to return home (after a lifetime's absence)/to go back to one's roots/ 歸根到底 归根到底 T 4734 100 guī gēn dào dǐ f /after all/in the final analysis/ultimately/ 歸根結底 归根结底 T - 177 guī gēn jié dǐ f /in the final analysis/ultimately/ 歸根結柢 归根结柢 T - 5 guī gēn jié dǐ f /variant of 歸根結底|归根结底[gui1 gen1 jie2 di3]/ 歸根結蒂 归根结蒂 T - 11 guī gēn jié dì f /ultimately/in the final analysis/after all/when all is said and done/ 歸案 归案 T - 36 guī àn f /to bring to justice/arrested and brought to trial/ 歸檔 归档 T - 169 guī dàng f /to file away/to place on file/ 歸正 归正 T - 0 guī zhèng f /to return to the right path/to mend one's ways/to reform/Reformed (church etc)/ 歸牧 归牧 T - 0 guī mù f /to return from pasture/ 歸省 归省 T - 7 guī xǐng f /to go home for a visit/to return to one's parents' home to pay respects/ 歸真 归真 T - 21 guī zhēn f /to die (Buddhism)/ 歸真返璞 归真返璞 T - 3 guī zhēn fǎn pú f /see 返璞歸真|返璞归真[fan3 pu2 gui1 zhen1]/ 歸程 归程 T - 17 guī chéng f /return trip/homeward journey/ 歸納 归纳 T 2496 630 guī nà f /to sum up/to summarize/to conclude from facts/induction (method of deduction in logic)/ 歸納推理 归纳推理 T - 23 guī nà tuī lǐ f /inference by induction (method of deduction in logic)/ 歸納法 归纳法 T - 38 guī nà fǎ f /induction (method of deduction in logic)/ 歸結 归结 T - 422 guī jié f /to sum up/to conclude/in a nutshell/the end (of a story)/ 歸綏 归绥 T - 8 Guī suí f /old name for Hohhot city 呼和浩特[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4], Inner Mongolia/ 歸經 归经 T - 0 guī jīng f /channel tropism (TCM)/ 歸罪 归罪 T - 57 guī zuì f /to blame sb/ 歸西 归西 T - 26 guī xī f /to die/euphemism, lit. to return West or to the Western Paradise/ 歸謬法 归谬法 T - 4 guī miù fǎ f /reductio ad absurdum/arguing by contradiction/also called 反證法|反证法/ 歸路 归路 T - 102 guī lù f /the way back/return route/ 歸途 归途 T - 56 guī tú f /the way back/one's journey home/ 歸還 归还 T 3637 584 guī huán f /to return sth/to revert/ 歸附 归附 T - 260 guī fù f /to realign one's allegiance (to another religion, ruler etc)/to submit/ 歸除 归除 T - 3 guī chú f /long division/calculation on the abacus/ 歸隊 归队 T - 61 guī duì f /to return to one's unit/to go back to one's station in life/ 歸隱 归隐 T - 82 guī yǐn f /to go back to one's native place and live in seclusion/ 歸零地 归零地 T - 0 Guī líng dì f /Ground Zero/ 歸順 归顺 T - 180 guī shùn f /to surrender and pay allegiance to/ 歸類 归类 T - 77 guī lèi f /to classify/to categorize/ 歹 - 95 dǎi f /bad/wicked/evil/ 歹人 - 101 dǎi rén f /bad person/evildoer/robber/ 歹势 歹勢 S - 0 dǎi shì f /excuse me/to be sorry/(Taiwanese, POJ pr. [phái-sè])/ 歹勢 歹势 T - 0 dǎi shì f /excuse me/to be sorry/(Taiwanese, POJ pr. [phái-sè])/ 歹徒 3728 156 dǎi tú f /evildoer/malefactor/gangster/hoodlum/ 歹意 - 55 dǎi yì f /evil intent/malice/ 歹毒 - 157 dǎi dú f /vicious/ruthless/malevolent/ 歺 - 0 cān f /second-round simplified character for 餐[can1]/ 歺 - 0 dǎi f /old variant of 歹[dai3]/ 死 602 29983 sǐ f /to die/impassable/uncrossable/inflexible/rigid/extremely/damned/ 死不了 - 107 sǐ bù liǎo f /Portulaca Sundial (a type of plant)/ 死不冥目 - 0 sǐ bù míng mù f /dead but will not close the eyes (idiom); to die with a remaining grievance/also written 死不瞑目/ 死不改悔 - 3 sǐ bù gǎi huǐ f /not to repent even facing death (idiom)/unrepentant/very obstinate/ 死不瞑目 - 74 sǐ bù míng mù f /dead but will not close the eyes (idiom); to die with a remaining grievance/ 死不要脸 死不要臉 S - 3 sǐ bù yào liǎn f /to know no shame/to be totally shameless/ 死不要臉 死不要脸 T - 3 sǐ bù yào liǎn f /to know no shame/to be totally shameless/ 死中求生 - 8 sǐ zhōng qiú shēng f /to seek life in death (idiom); to fight for one's life/ 死乞白賴 死乞白赖 T - 12 sǐ qi bái lài f /to pester someone again and again/ 死乞白赖 死乞白賴 S - 12 sǐ qi bái lài f /to pester someone again and again/ 死于安乐 死於安樂 S - 3 sǐ yú ān lè f /see 生於憂患,死於安樂|生于忧患,死于安乐[sheng1 yu2 you1 huan4 , si3 yu2 an1 le4]/ 死于非命 死於非命 S - 139 sǐ yú fēi mìng f /violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster/an unnatural death/ 死亡 2516 3335 sǐ wáng f /to die/death/ 死亡人数 死亡人數 S - 0 sǐ wáng rén shù f /number of people killed/death toll/ 死亡人數 死亡人数 T - 0 sǐ wáng rén shù f /number of people killed/death toll/ 死亡率 - 516 sǐ wáng lǜ f /mortality rate/ 死亡笔记 死亡筆記 S - 0 sǐ wáng bǐ jì f /Death note (Japanese: デスノート), translation of cult manga series by author ŌBA Tsugumi 大場鶇|大场鸫[Da4 chang3 Dong1] (pen-name) and illustrator OBATA Takeshi 小畑健[Xiao3 tian2 Jian4]/ 死亡筆記 死亡笔记 T - 0 sǐ wáng bǐ jì f /Death note (Japanese: デスノート), translation of cult manga series by author ŌBA Tsugumi 大場鶇|大场鸫[Da4 chang3 Dong1] (pen-name) and illustrator OBATA Takeshi 小畑健[Xiao3 tian2 Jian4]/ 死产 死產 S - 3 sǐ chǎn f /stillbirth/ 死人 - 0 sǐ rén f /dead person/ 死仗 - 3 sǐ zhàng f /to fight bitterly/hard struggle/ 死伤 死傷 S - 578 sǐ shāng f /casualties/dead and injured/ 死伤者 死傷者 S - 11 sǐ shāng zhě f /casualty (of an accident)/dead and wounded/ 死信 - 6 sǐ xìn f /lost letter/letter containing news of sb's death/ 死傷 死伤 T - 578 sǐ shāng f /casualties/dead and injured/ 死傷者 死伤者 T - 11 sǐ shāng zhě f /casualty (of an accident)/dead and wounded/ 死党 死黨 S - 88 sǐ dǎng f /best friends/inseparable sidekick/diehard followers/ 死刑 - 1333 sǐ xíng f /death penalty/ 死刑緩期執行 死刑缓期执行 T - 0 sǐ xíng huǎn qī zhí xíng f /deferred death sentence/abbr. to 死緩|死缓[si3 huan3]/ 死刑缓期执行 死刑緩期執行 S - 0 sǐ xíng huǎn qī zhí xíng f /deferred death sentence/abbr. to 死緩|死缓[si3 huan3]/ 死別 死别 T - 3 sǐ bié f /to be parted by death/ 死别 死別 S - 3 sǐ bié f /to be parted by death/ 死到临头 死到臨頭 S - 0 sǐ dào lín tóu f /Death is near at hand. (idiom)/ 死到臨頭 死到临头 T - 0 sǐ dào lín tóu f /Death is near at hand. (idiom)/ 死劲 死勁 S - 3 sǐ jìn f /all one's strength/with might and main/ 死劲儿 死勁兒 S - 2 sǐ jìn r f /erhua variant of 死勁|死劲[si3 jin4]/ 死勁 死劲 T - 3 sǐ jìn f /all one's strength/with might and main/ 死勁兒 死劲儿 T - 2 sǐ jìn r f /erhua variant of 死勁|死劲[si3 jin4]/ 死区 死區 S - 5 sǐ qū f /dead zone/blind spot/ 死區 死区 T - 5 sǐ qū f /dead zone/blind spot/ 死去 - 1154 sǐ qù f /to die/ 死去活來 死去活来 T - 133 sǐ qù huó lái f /to hover between life and death (idiom)/to suffer terribly/within an inch of one's life/ 死去活来 死去活來 S - 133 sǐ qù huó lái f /to hover between life and death (idiom)/to suffer terribly/within an inch of one's life/ 死后 死後 S - 0 sǐ hòu f /after death/posthumous/ 死命 - 163 sǐ mìng f /doom/death/desperately/ 死囚 - 308 sǐ qiú f /prisoner that awaits execution/convict sentenced to death/someone on death row/ 死因 - 137 sǐ yīn f /cause of death/ 死因不明 - 0 sǐ yīn bù míng f /unknown cause of death/ 死城 - 21 sǐ chéng f /ghost town/ 死守 - 260 sǐ shǒu f /to defend one's property to the death/to cling obstinately to old habits/die-hard/ 死定 - 0 sǐ dìng f /to be screwed/to be toast/ 死寂 - 61 sǐ jì f /deathly stillness/ 死对头 死對頭 S - 74 sǐ duì tou f /arch-enemy/sworn enemy/ 死對頭 死对头 T - 74 sǐ duì tou f /arch-enemy/sworn enemy/ 死尸 死屍 S - 406 sǐ shī f /a corpse/a dead body/ 死局 - 3 sǐ jú f /hopeless situation/deadlock/ 死屍 死尸 T - 406 sǐ shī f /a corpse/a dead body/ 死巷 - 3 sǐ xiàng f /blind alley/dead end/ 死当 死當 S - 0 sǐ dàng f /to flunk (Tw)/(computing) to crash/to stop working/ 死後 死后 T - 0 sǐ hòu f /after death/posthumous/ 死心 - 99 sǐ xīn f /to give up/to admit failure/to drop the matter/to reconcile oneself to loss/to have no more illusions about/ 死心塌地 - 130 sǐ xīn tā dì f /to be hell-bent on/dead set on sth/unswerving/ 死心眼儿 死心眼兒 S - 11 sǐ xīn yǎn r f /stubborn/obstinate/having a one-track mind/ 死心眼兒 死心眼儿 T - 11 sǐ xīn yǎn r f /stubborn/obstinate/having a one-track mind/ 死心踏地 - 2 sǐ xīn tà dì f /see 死心塌地[si3 xin1 ta1 di4]/ 死战 死戰 S - 199 sǐ zhàn f /fight to the death/desperate struggle/ 死戰 死战 T - 199 sǐ zhàn f /fight to the death/desperate struggle/ 死敌 死敵 S - 100 sǐ dí f /mortal enemy/arch-enemy/ 死敵 死敌 T - 100 sǐ dí f /mortal enemy/arch-enemy/ 死文字 - 3 sǐ wén zì f /dead language/indecipherable script/ 死於安樂 死于安乐 T - 3 sǐ yú ān lè f /see 生於憂患,死於安樂|生于忧患,死于安乐[sheng1 yu2 you1 huan4 , si3 yu2 an1 le4]/ 死於非命 死于非命 T - 139 sǐ yú fēi mìng f /violent death (idiom); to die in a disaster/an unnatural death/ 死无对证 死無對證 S - 33 sǐ wú duì zhèng f /the dead cannot testify (idiom); dead men tell no tales/ 死无葬身之地 死無葬身之地 S - 84 sǐ wú zàng shēn zhī dì f /to die without a burial site/to die a pauper/a tragic end/ 死有余辜 死有餘辜 S - 63 sǐ yǒu yú gū f /death cannot wipe out the crimes (idiom); dreadful crimes that rankled even after the perpetrator is dead/ 死有餘辜 死有余辜 T - 63 sǐ yǒu yú gū f /death cannot wipe out the crimes (idiom); dreadful crimes that rankled even after the perpetrator is dead/ 死期 - 163 sǐ qī f /time of death/limited to a fixed period of time/fixed term/ 死机 死機 S - 13 sǐ jī f /to crash (of a computer)/ 死机蓝屏 死機藍屏 S - 0 sǐ jī lán píng f /blue screen of death/computer crash screen/ 死板 - 43 sǐ bǎn f /rigid/inflexible/ 死棋 - 16 sǐ qí f /dead piece (in Chess)/stupid move/hopeless case/ 死機 死机 T - 13 sǐ jī f /to crash (of a computer)/ 死機藍屏 死机蓝屏 T - 0 sǐ jī lán píng f /blue screen of death/computer crash screen/ 死死 - 164 sǐ sǐ f /rigid/unwavering/unbendable/firm (hold on sth)/tenacious/ 死气沉沉 死氣沉沉 S - 64 sǐ qì chén chén f /dead atmosphere/lifeless/spiritless/ 死气白赖 死氣白賴 S - 0 sǐ qi bái lài f /variant of 死乞白賴|死乞白赖[si3 qi5 bai2 lai4]/ 死氣沉沉 死气沉沉 T - 64 sǐ qì chén chén f /dead atmosphere/lifeless/spiritless/ 死氣白賴 死气白赖 T - 0 sǐ qi bái lài f /variant of 死乞白賴|死乞白赖[si3 qi5 bai2 lai4]/ 死水 - 45 sǐ shuǐ f /stagnant water/backwater/ 死活 - 455 sǐ huó f /life or death/fate/no matter what/anyway/for the life of me/ 死活不顧 死活不顾 T - 0 sǐ huó bù gù f /regardless of life or death (idiom)/ 死活不顾 死活不顧 S - 0 sǐ huó bù gù f /regardless of life or death (idiom)/ 死海 - 78 Sǐ Hǎi f /the Dead Sea/ 死海古卷 - 0 Sǐ hǎi gǔ juàn f /Dead Sea Scrolls/ 死海經卷 死海经卷 T - 0 Sǐ hǎi jīng juàn f /Dead Sea Scrolls/ 死海经卷 死海經卷 S - 0 Sǐ hǎi jīng juàn f /Dead Sea Scrolls/ 死灰复燃 死灰復燃 S - 39 sǐ huī fù rán f /lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence/sth malevolent returns to haunt one/ 死灰復燃 死灰复燃 T - 39 sǐ huī fù rán f /lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence/sth malevolent returns to haunt one/ 死点 死點 S - 3 sǐ diǎn f /blind spot/dead center/ 死無對證 死无对证 T - 33 sǐ wú duì zhèng f /the dead cannot testify (idiom); dead men tell no tales/ 死無葬身之地 死无葬身之地 T - 84 sǐ wú zàng shēn zhī dì f /to die without a burial site/to die a pauper/a tragic end/ 死生 - 3 sǐ shēng f /life or death/critical (event)/ 死產 死产 T - 3 sǐ chǎn f /stillbirth/ 死當 死当 T - 0 sǐ dàng f /to flunk (Tw)/(computing) to crash/to stop working/ 死症 - 2 sǐ zhèng f /incurable disease/terminal illness/ 死皮賴臉 死皮赖脸 T - 16 sǐ pí lài liǎn f /brazen faced (idiom); shameless/ 死皮赖脸 死皮賴臉 S - 16 sǐ pí lài liǎn f /brazen faced (idiom); shameless/ 死硬 - 21 sǐ yìng f /stiff/rigid/obstinate/ 死磕 - 0 sǐ kē f /(coll.) to fight to the death/ 死神 - 168 sǐ shén f /mythological figure (such as the Grim Reaper) in charge of taking the souls of those who die/(fig.) death/ 死穴 - 3 sǐ xué f /lethal point (acupuncture)/vulnerable spot/Achilles' heel/ 死結 死结 T - 53 sǐ jié f /tight knot/intractable problem/ 死結難解 死结难解 T - 0 sǐ jié nán jiě f /enigmatic knot hard to untie (idiom); thorny problem/intractable difficulty/ 死絕 死绝 T - 0 sǐ jué f /to die out/to be exterminated/to become extinct/ 死緩 死缓 T - 41 sǐ huǎn f /deferred death sentence/commuted death sentence with forced labor and judicial review after two years (PRC) (legal)/ 死纏爛打 死缠烂打 T - 3 sǐ chán làn dǎ f /(coll.) to pester/to harass/ 死结 死結 S - 53 sǐ jié f /tight knot/intractable problem/ 死结难解 死結難解 S - 0 sǐ jié nán jiě f /enigmatic knot hard to untie (idiom); thorny problem/intractable difficulty/ 死绝 死絕 S - 0 sǐ jué f /to die out/to be exterminated/to become extinct/ 死缓 死緩 S - 41 sǐ huǎn f /deferred death sentence/commuted death sentence with forced labor and judicial review after two years (PRC) (legal)/ 死缠烂打 死纏爛打 S - 3 sǐ chán làn dǎ f /(coll.) to pester/to harass/ 死罪 - 187 sǐ zuì f /mortal crime/capital offense/ 死翘翘 死翹翹 S - 3 sǐ qiào qiào f /to die/to drop dead/ 死翹翹 死翘翘 T - 3 sǐ qiào qiào f /to die/to drop dead/ 死者 - 1070 sǐ zhě f /the dead/the deceased/ 死而不僵 - 10 sǐ ér bù jiāng f /dead but showing no signs of rigor mortis/to die hard (idiom)/to die yet not be vanquished (idiom)/ 死而后已 死而後已 S - 41 sǐ ér hòu yǐ f /until death puts an end (idiom); one's whole life/unto one's dying day/ 死而後已 死而后已 T - 41 sǐ ér hòu yǐ f /until death puts an end (idiom); one's whole life/unto one's dying day/ 死而无悔 死而無悔 S - 3 sǐ ér wú huǐ f /to die without regret (idiom, from Analects)/ 死而無悔 死而无悔 T - 3 sǐ ér wú huǐ f /to die without regret (idiom, from Analects)/ 死胡同 - 52 sǐ hú tòng f /dead end/blind alley/ 死裡逃生 死里逃生 T - 298 sǐ lǐ táo shēng f /mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape/to survive by the skin of one's teeth/ 死角 - 129 sǐ jiǎo f /gap in coverage/gap in protection or defenses/neglected or overlooked area/dead end/ 死訊 死讯 T - 99 sǐ xùn f /news of sb's death/ 死記 死记 T - 12 sǐ jì f /to learn by rote/to cram/ 死記硬背 死记硬背 T - 75 sǐ jì yìng bèi f /to learn by rote/to mechanically memorize/ 死讯 死訊 S - 99 sǐ xùn f /news of sb's death/ 死记 死記 S - 12 sǐ jì f /to learn by rote/to cram/ 死记硬背 死記硬背 S - 75 sǐ jì yìng bèi f /to learn by rote/to mechanically memorize/ 死賬 死账 T - 3 sǐ zhàng f /dormant bank account/ 死账 死賬 S - 3 sǐ zhàng f /dormant bank account/ 死路 - 18 sǐ lù f /dead end/(fig.) the road to disaster/ 死里逃生 死裡逃生 S - 298 sǐ lǐ táo shēng f /mortal danger, escape alive (idiom); a narrow escape/to survive by the skin of one's teeth/ 死鎖 死锁 T - 3 sǐ suǒ f /deadlock (computing)/ 死锁 死鎖 S - 3 sǐ suǒ f /deadlock (computing)/ 死难 死難 S - 182 sǐ nàn f /to die in an accident/to die for a just cause/ 死难者 死難者 S - 27 sǐ nàn zhě f /victim of an accident/casualty/martyr for one's country/ 死難 死难 T - 182 sǐ nàn f /to die in an accident/to die for a just cause/ 死難者 死难者 T - 27 sǐ nàn zhě f /victim of an accident/casualty/martyr for one's country/ 死面 死麵 S - 2 sǐ miàn f /unleavened dough/ 死頑固 死顽固 T - 3 sǐ wán gù f /very stubborn/very stubborn person/die-hard/ 死顽固 死頑固 S - 3 sǐ wán gù f /very stubborn/very stubborn person/die-hard/ 死馬當活馬醫 死马当活马医 T - 11 sǐ mǎ dàng huó mǎ yī f /lit. to give medicine to a dead horse (idiom)/fig. to keep trying everything in a desperate situation/ 死马当活马医 死馬當活馬醫 S - 11 sǐ mǎ dàng huó mǎ yī f /lit. to give medicine to a dead horse (idiom)/fig. to keep trying everything in a desperate situation/ 死鬼 - 75 sǐ guǐ f /devil/You devil! (as joke or insult)/the departed/ 死麵 死面 T - 2 sǐ miàn f /unleavened dough/ 死點 死点 T - 3 sǐ diǎn f /blind spot/dead center/ 死黨 死党 T - 88 sǐ dǎng f /best friends/inseparable sidekick/diehard followers/ 歼 殲 S - 748 jiān f /to annihilate/abbr. for 殲擊機|歼击机, fighter plane/ 歼击 殲擊 S - 97 jiān jī f /to annihilate/to attack and destroy/Jianji, PRC fighter plane based on Soviet MiG/usually 殲擊8型|歼击8型/ 歼击机 殲擊機 S - 296 jiān jī jī f /fighter plane/ 歼灭 殲滅 S - 747 jiān miè f /to wipe out/to crush/to annihilate/ 歾 - 0 mò f /to end/to die/ 歿 殁 T - 103 mò f /to end/to die/ 殀 夭 T - 166 yāo f /variant of 夭[yao1]/to die young/to die prematurely/Taiwan pr. [yao3]/ 殁 歿 S - 103 mò f /to end/to die/ 殂 - 12 cú f /to die/ 殃 - 61 yāng f /calamity/ 殃及 - 54 yāng jí f /to bring disaster to/ 殄 - 22 tiǎn f /to exterminate/ 殆 - 59 dài f /dangerous/perilous/to endanger/almost/probably/only/ 殆尽 殆盡 S - 269 dài jìn f /nearly exhausted/practically nothing left/ 殆盡 殆尽 T - 269 dài jìn f /nearly exhausted/practically nothing left/ 殇 殤 S - 35 shāng f /to die in childhood/war dead/ 殈 - 0 xù f /damage egg so it does not hatch/ 殉 - 303 xùn f /to be buried with the dead/to die for a cause/ 殉国 殉國 S - 214 xùn guó f /to die for one's country/ 殉國 殉国 T - 214 xùn guó f /to die for one's country/ 殉情 - 43 xùn qíng f /to die together in the name of love/to sacrifice oneself for love/ 殉教 - 3 xùn jiào f /to die for one's religion/ 殉死 - 0 xùn sǐ f /to be buried alive as sacrifice (together with husband or superior)/ 殉節 殉节 T - 38 xùn jié f /to sacrifice one's life by loyalty (to one's prince, one's husband etc)/ 殉职 殉職 S - 34 xùn zhí f /to die in the line of duty/ 殉職 殉职 T - 34 xùn zhí f /to die in the line of duty/ 殉节 殉節 S - 38 xùn jié f /to sacrifice one's life by loyalty (to one's prince, one's husband etc)/ 殉葬 - 194 xùn zàng f /to bury sth along with the dead/sacrificial grave goods/ 殉道 - 18 xùn dào f /to die for a just cause/ 殉难 殉難 S - 84 xùn nàn f /to sacrifice oneself in a just cause/a victim of a disaster/ 殉難 殉难 T - 84 xùn nàn f /to sacrifice oneself in a just cause/a victim of a disaster/ 殊 - 566 shū f /different/unique/special/very/(classical) to behead/to die/to cut off/to separate/to surpass/ 殊不知 - 195 shū bù zhī f /little imagined/scarcely realized/ 殊乡 殊鄉 S - 0 shū xiāng f /foreign land/faraway land/ 殊域周咨录 殊域周咨錄 S - 0 Shū yù zhōu zī lù f /Ming dynasty record (1574) of exploration and foreign relations/ 殊域周咨錄 殊域周咨录 T - 0 Shū yù zhōu zī lù f /Ming dynasty record (1574) of exploration and foreign relations/ 殊姿 - 0 shū zī f /differing attitude/different posture/ 殊异 殊異 S - 3 shū yì f /entirely different/quite separate/ 殊榮 殊荣 T - 200 shū róng f /special glory/distinction/rare honor/one's laurels/it's a privilege (to meet you)/ 殊死 - 440 shū sǐ f /to behead/capital punishment/desperate struggle/life-and-death/ 殊深軫念 殊深轸念 T - 3 shū shēn zhěn niàn f /extreme solicitude (idiom); expressing the deepest condolences/to feel deeply concerned/ 殊深轸念 殊深軫念 S - 3 shū shēn zhěn niàn f /extreme solicitude (idiom); expressing the deepest condolences/to feel deeply concerned/ 殊異 殊异 T - 3 shū yì f /entirely different/quite separate/ 殊致 - 0 shū zhì f /different/unusual scene/ 殊色 - 0 shū sè f /beautiful girl/a beauty/ 殊荣 殊榮 S - 200 shū róng f /special glory/distinction/rare honor/one's laurels/it's a privilege (to meet you)/ 殊途同归 殊途同歸 S - 56 shū tú tóng guī f /different routes to the same destination (idiom); fig. different means of achieve the same end/ 殊途同歸 殊途同归 T - 56 shū tú tóng guī f /different routes to the same destination (idiom); fig. different means of achieve the same end/ 殊鄉 殊乡 T - 0 shū xiāng f /foreign land/faraway land/ 残 殘 S - 1391 cán f /to destroy/to spoil/to ruin/to injure/cruel/oppressive/savage/brutal/incomplete/disabled/to remain/to survive/remnant/surplus/ 残余 殘餘 S - 480 cán yú f /remnant/relic/residue/vestige/surplus/to remain/to leave surplus/ 残余沾染 殘餘沾染 S - 0 cán yú zhān rǎn f /residual contamination/ 残余物 殘餘物 S - 11 cán yú wù f /litter/trash/ 残兵败将 殘兵敗將 S - 22 cán bīng bài jiàng f /ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants/ 残冬腊月 殘冬臘月 S - 3 cán dōng là yuè f /final days of the lunar year/ 残卷 殘卷 S - 3 cán juàn f /surviving section of a classic work/remaining chapters (while reading a book)/ 残品 殘品 S - 3 cán pǐn f /defective goods/ 残喘 殘喘 S - 10 cán chuǎn f /remaining breath/last gasp/ 残垣 殘垣 S - 0 cán yuán f /(literary) ruined walls/ruins/ 残垣断壁 殘垣斷壁 S - 7 cán yuán duàn bì f /crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)/ 残垣败壁 殘垣敗壁 S - 3 cán yuán bài bì f /see 殘垣斷壁|残垣断壁[can2 yuan2 duan4 bi4]/ 残奥 殘奧 S - 0 cán ào f /Paralympics/same as Paralympic games 殘奧會|残奥会[can2 ao4 hui4]/ 残奥会 殘奧會 S - 3 cán ào huì f /Paralympic games/ 残存 殘存 S - 261 cán cún f /to survive/remnant/ 残害 殘害 S - 193 cán hài f /to injure/to devastate/to slaughter/ 残局 殘局 S - 61 cán jú f /endgame (in chess)/desperate situation/aftermath (of a failure)/ 残年短景 殘年短景 S - 0 cán nián duǎn jǐng f /at the end of the year (idiom)/ 残废 殘廢 S - 277 cán fèi f /deformity/handicapped/ 残忍 殘忍 S 2767 432 cán rěn f /cruel/mean/merciless/ruthless/ 残念 殘念 S - 3 cán niàn f /(coll.) to regret/what a pity! (loanword from Japanese "zannen")/ 残敌 殘敵 S - 33 cán dí f /defeated enemy/ 残暴 殘暴 S - 342 cán bào f /bloody and cruel/a brutal person/to massacre/an atrocity/ 残月 殘月 S - 40 cán yuè f /waning moon/ 残本 殘本 S - 3 cán běn f /extant fragment (of book)/ 残杀 殘殺 S - 154 cán shā f /to massacre/to slaughter/ 残杀者 殘殺者 S - 0 cán shā zhě f /killer/butcher/slaughterer/ 残株 殘株 S - 3 cán zhū f /stubble/ 残次品 殘次品 S - 3 cán cì pǐn f /defective goods/ 残毒 殘毒 S - 5 cán dú f /cruelty/ 残民害物 殘民害物 S - 3 cán mín hài wù f /to harm people and damage property (idiom)/ 残渣 殘渣 S - 87 cán zhā f /remainder/filtered out residue/sediment/waste product/debris/detritus/rubbish/ 残渣余孽 殘渣餘孽 S - 3 cán zhā yú niè f /evil elements who have escaped eradication/ 残留 殘留 S 3599 394 cán liú f /to remain/left over/surplus/remnant/ 残留物 殘留物 S - 35 cán liú wù f /remnant/residue/material left over/ 残疾 殘疾 S 3716 662 cán jí f /disabled/handicapped/deformity on a person or animal/ 残疾人 殘疾人 S - 922 cán jí rén f /disabled person/ 残疾儿 殘疾兒 S - 0 cán jí ér f /a child with a birth defect/a deformed child/ 残破 殘破 S - 248 cán pò f /broken/dilapidated/ 残缺 殘缺 S - 153 cán quē f /badly damaged/shattered/ 残羹 殘羹 S - 6 cán gēng f /leftovers from a meal/ 残羹剩饭 殘羹剩飯 S - 13 cán gēng shèng fàn f /leftovers from a meal/fig. remnants handed down from others/ 残膜 殘膜 S - 0 cán mó f /left-over agricultural plastic (as waste or rubbish that needs to be disposed of or recycled)/ 残花败柳 殘花敗柳 S - 3 cán huā bài liǔ f /broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. fallen woman/ 残茎 殘莖 S - 0 cán jīng f /stubble (the stems of plants after harvest)/ 残茶剩饭 殘茶剩飯 S - 3 cán chá shèng fàn f /spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after a meal/crumbs from the feast/ 残虐 殘虐 S - 8 cán nüè f /mistreatment/bullying/tyrannical cruelty/ 残败 殘敗 S - 11 cán bài f /dilapidated/in ruins/ 残部 殘部 S - 131 cán bù f /defeated remnants/scattered survivors/ 残酷 殘酷 S 2900 1382 cán kù f /cruel/cruelty/ 残酷无情 殘酷無情 S - 25 cán kù wú qíng f /cruel and unfeeling (idiom)/ 残障 殘障 S - 4 cán zhàng f /handicapped/ 残香 殘香 S - 0 cán xiāng f /lingering fragrance/ 残骸 殘骸 S - 166 cán hái f /remains/wreckage/ 殍 - 0 piǎo f /die of starvation/ 殑 - 6399 qíng f /swoon/ 殒 殞 S - 42 yǔn f /to perish/to die/ 殒命 殞命 S - 36 yǔn mìng f /to die/to perish/ 殒落 殞落 S - 3 yǔn luò f /see 隕落|陨落[yun3 luo4]/ 殒身不恤 殞身不恤 S - 3 yǔn shēn bù xù f /to die without regrets (idiom); to sacrifice oneself without hesitation/ 殓 殮 S - 115 liàn f /to prepare a dead body for coffin/ 殖 - 471 zhí f /to grow/to reproduce/ 殖利 - 0 zhí lì f /to generate a profit/profit/yield/ 殖民 - 1002 zhí mín f /colony/colonial/ 殖民主义 殖民主義 S - 307 zhí mín zhǔ yì f /colonialism/ 殖民主義 殖民主义 T - 307 zhí mín zhǔ yì f /colonialism/ 殖民地 3792 1600 zhí mín dì f /colony/ 殖民者 - 642 zhí mín zhě f /colonizer/colonist/settler/ 殗 - 27 yè f /sickness/repeated/ 殗殜 - 0 yè dié f /somewhat ill, but still able to sit up/ 殘 残 T - 1391 cán f /to destroy/to spoil/to ruin/to injure/cruel/oppressive/savage/brutal/incomplete/disabled/to remain/to survive/remnant/surplus/ 殘兵敗將 残兵败将 T - 22 cán bīng bài jiàng f /ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants/ 殘冬臘月 残冬腊月 T - 3 cán dōng là yuè f /final days of the lunar year/ 殘卷 残卷 T - 3 cán juàn f /surviving section of a classic work/remaining chapters (while reading a book)/ 殘品 残品 T - 3 cán pǐn f /defective goods/ 殘喘 残喘 T - 10 cán chuǎn f /remaining breath/last gasp/ 殘垣 残垣 T - 0 cán yuán f /(literary) ruined walls/ruins/ 殘垣敗壁 残垣败壁 T - 3 cán yuán bài bì f /see 殘垣斷壁|残垣断壁[can2 yuan2 duan4 bi4]/ 殘垣斷壁 残垣断壁 T - 7 cán yuán duàn bì f /crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)/ 殘奧 残奥 T - 0 cán ào f /Paralympics/same as Paralympic games 殘奧會|残奥会[can2 ao4 hui4]/ 殘奧會 残奥会 T - 3 cán ào huì f /Paralympic games/ 殘存 残存 T - 261 cán cún f /to survive/remnant/ 殘害 残害 T - 193 cán hài f /to injure/to devastate/to slaughter/ 殘局 残局 T - 61 cán jú f /endgame (in chess)/desperate situation/aftermath (of a failure)/ 殘年短景 残年短景 T - 0 cán nián duǎn jǐng f /at the end of the year (idiom)/ 殘廢 残废 T - 277 cán fèi f /deformity/handicapped/ 殘忍 残忍 T 2767 432 cán rěn f /cruel/mean/merciless/ruthless/ 殘念 残念 T - 3 cán niàn f /(coll.) to regret/what a pity! (loanword from Japanese "zannen")/ 殘敗 残败 T - 11 cán bài f /dilapidated/in ruins/ 殘敵 残敌 T - 33 cán dí f /defeated enemy/ 殘暴 残暴 T - 342 cán bào f /bloody and cruel/a brutal person/to massacre/an atrocity/ 殘月 残月 T - 40 cán yuè f /waning moon/ 殘本 残本 T - 3 cán běn f /extant fragment (of book)/ 殘株 残株 T - 3 cán zhū f /stubble/ 殘次品 残次品 T - 3 cán cì pǐn f /defective goods/ 殘殺 残杀 T - 154 cán shā f /to massacre/to slaughter/ 殘殺者 残杀者 T - 0 cán shā zhě f /killer/butcher/slaughterer/ 殘毒 残毒 T - 5 cán dú f /cruelty/ 殘民害物 残民害物 T - 3 cán mín hài wù f /to harm people and damage property (idiom)/ 殘渣 残渣 T - 87 cán zhā f /remainder/filtered out residue/sediment/waste product/debris/detritus/rubbish/ 殘渣餘孽 残渣余孽 T - 3 cán zhā yú niè f /evil elements who have escaped eradication/ 殘留 残留 T 3599 394 cán liú f /to remain/left over/surplus/remnant/ 殘留物 残留物 T - 35 cán liú wù f /remnant/residue/material left over/ 殘疾 残疾 T 3716 662 cán jí f /disabled/handicapped/deformity on a person or animal/ 殘疾人 残疾人 T - 922 cán jí rén f /disabled person/ 殘疾兒 残疾儿 T - 0 cán jí ér f /a child with a birth defect/a deformed child/ 殘破 残破 T - 248 cán pò f /broken/dilapidated/ 殘缺 残缺 T - 153 cán quē f /badly damaged/shattered/ 殘羹 残羹 T - 6 cán gēng f /leftovers from a meal/ 殘羹剩飯 残羹剩饭 T - 13 cán gēng shèng fàn f /leftovers from a meal/fig. remnants handed down from others/ 殘膜 残膜 T - 0 cán mó f /left-over agricultural plastic (as waste or rubbish that needs to be disposed of or recycled)/ 殘花敗柳 残花败柳 T - 3 cán huā bài liǔ f /broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. fallen woman/ 殘茶剩飯 残茶剩饭 T - 3 cán chá shèng fàn f /spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after a meal/crumbs from the feast/ 殘莖 残茎 T - 0 cán jīng f /stubble (the stems of plants after harvest)/ 殘虐 残虐 T - 8 cán nüè f /mistreatment/bullying/tyrannical cruelty/ 殘部 残部 T - 131 cán bù f /defeated remnants/scattered survivors/ 殘酷 残酷 T 2900 1382 cán kù f /cruel/cruelty/ 殘酷無情 残酷无情 T - 25 cán kù wú qíng f /cruel and unfeeling (idiom)/ 殘障 残障 T - 4 cán zhàng f /handicapped/ 殘餘 残余 T - 480 cán yú f /remnant/relic/residue/vestige/surplus/to remain/to leave surplus/ 殘餘沾染 残余沾染 T - 0 cán yú zhān rǎn f /residual contamination/ 殘餘物 残余物 T - 11 cán yú wù f /litter/trash/ 殘香 残香 T - 0 cán xiāng f /lingering fragrance/ 殘骸 残骸 T - 166 cán hái f /remains/wreckage/ 殙 - 0 hūn f /to die by taking poison/ 殚 殫 S - 78 dān f /entirely/to exhaust/ 殚力 殫力 S - 3 dān lì f /to strive/endeavor/ 殚心 殫心 S - 3 dān xīn f /to devote one's entire mind/ 殚残 殫殘 S - 0 dān cán f /to destroy/ 殚竭 殫竭 S - 0 dān jié f /to use up/to exhaust/ 殚精极虑 殫精極慮 S - 3 dān jīng jí lǜ f /to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth through thoroughly/to rack one's brains/to leave no stone unturned/ 殚精竭虑 殫精竭慮 S - 59 dān jīng jié lǜ f /to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth through thoroughly/to rack one's brains/to leave no stone unturned/ 殚闷 殫悶 S - 0 dān mèn f /to faint/to swoon/to lose consciousness/ 殛 - 23 jí f /to put to death/ 殜 - 0 dié f /weak (from illness)/half-sitting, half-reclining (meaning unclear)/ 殜殜 - 0 dié dié f /weak (from illness)/breathing weakly/ 殞 殒 T - 42 yǔn f /to perish/to die/ 殞命 殒命 T - 36 yǔn mìng f /to die/to perish/ 殞落 殒落 T - 3 yǔn luò f /see 隕落|陨落[yun3 luo4]/ 殞身不恤 殒身不恤 T - 3 yǔn shēn bù xù f /to die without regrets (idiom); to sacrifice oneself without hesitation/ 殠 - 3 chòu f /variant of 臭[chou4]/ 殡 殯 S - 40 bìn f /a funeral/to encoffin a corpse/to carry to burial/ 殡仪员 殯儀員 S - 0 bìn yí yuán f /undertaker/funeral arranger/ 殡仪馆 殯儀館 S - 47 bìn yí guǎn f /the undertaker's/funeral parlor/ 殡殓 殯殮 S - 10 bìn liàn f /to bury sb/ 殡葬 殯葬 S - 589 bìn zàng f /funeral and interment/ 殡车 殯車 S - 3 bìn chē f /hearse/ 殢 - 46 tì f /fatigue/ 殣 - 39 jìn f /die of hunger/ 殤 殇 T - 35 shāng f /to die in childhood/war dead/ 殥 - 0 yín f /remote/outlying/ 殨 㱮 T - 3 kuì f /old variant of 潰|溃[kui4]/to fester/to ulcerate/ 殪 - 4 yì f /to exterminate/ 殫 殚 T - 78 dān f /entirely/to exhaust/ 殫力 殚力 T - 3 dān lì f /to strive/endeavor/ 殫心 殚心 T - 3 dān xīn f /to devote one's entire mind/ 殫悶 殚闷 T - 0 dān mèn f /to faint/to swoon/to lose consciousness/ 殫殘 殚残 T - 0 dān cán f /to destroy/ 殫竭 殚竭 T - 0 dān jié f /to use up/to exhaust/ 殫精極慮 殚精极虑 T - 3 dān jīng jí lǜ f /to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth through thoroughly/to rack one's brains/to leave no stone unturned/ 殫精竭慮 殚精竭虑 T - 59 dān jīng jié lǜ f /to exhaust one's thoughts and ingenuity (idiom); to think sth through thoroughly/to rack one's brains/to leave no stone unturned/ 殭 僵 T - 507 jiāng f /variant of 僵[jiang1]/ 殭屍 僵尸 T - 593 jiāng shī f /gyonshi/jiang shi/Chinese vampire/zombie/ 殮 殓 T - 115 liàn f /to prepare a dead body for coffin/ 殯 殡 T - 40 bìn f /a funeral/to encoffin a corpse/to carry to burial/ 殯儀員 殡仪员 T - 0 bìn yí yuán f /undertaker/funeral arranger/ 殯儀館 殡仪馆 T - 47 bìn yí guǎn f /the undertaker's/funeral parlor/ 殯殮 殡殓 T - 10 bìn liàn f /to bury sb/ 殯葬 殡葬 T - 589 bìn zàng f /funeral and interment/ 殯車 殡车 T - 3 bìn chē f /hearse/ 殰 㱩 T - 11 dú f /abortion/stillborn/ 殲 歼 T - 748 jiān f /to annihilate/abbr. for 殲擊機|歼击机, fighter plane/ 殲擊 歼击 T - 97 jiān jī f /to annihilate/to attack and destroy/Jianji, PRC fighter plane based on Soviet MiG/usually 殲擊8型|歼击8型/ 殲擊機 歼击机 T - 296 jiān jī jī f /fighter plane/ 殲滅 歼灭 T - 747 jiān miè f /to wipe out/to crush/to annihilate/ 殳 - 48 Shū f /surname Shu/ 殳 - 48 shū f /spear/ 殴 毆 S - 159 Oū f /surname Ou/ 殴 毆 S - 159 ōu t /to beat up/to hit sb/ 殴打 毆打 S 3414 150 ōu dǎ f /to beat up/to come to blows/battery (law)/ 殴打罪 毆打罪 S - 0 ōu dǎ zuì f /assault and battery (law)/ 殴斗 毆鬥 S - 21 ōu dòu f /to have a fist fight/fist fight/brawl/ 段 393 23395 Duàn f /surname Duan/ 段 393 23395 duàn f /paragraph/section/segment/stage (of a process)/classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc/ 段子 - 132 duàn zi f /item of storytelling or performed dialogue (folk arts)/sketch/ 段数 段數 S - 0 duàn shù f /rank/level/ 段數 段数 T - 0 duàn shù f /rank/level/ 段氏 - 69 Duàn shì f /a branch of the Xianbei 鮮卑|鲜卑 nomadic people/ 段玉裁 - 20 Duàn Yù cái f /Duan Yucai (1735-1815), author of Commentary on Shuowen Jiezi (1815) 說文解字註|说文解字注[Shuo1 wen2 Jie3 zi4 Zhu4]/ 段祺瑞 - 831 Duàn Qí ruì f /Duan Qirui (1864-1936), commander of Beiyang Army under Yuan Shikai, then politician and powerful warlord/ 段荃法 - 0 Duàn Quán fǎ f /Duan Quanfa (1939-2010), Chinese writer/ 段落 - 193 duàn luò f /phase/time interval/paragraph/(written) passage/ 段錯誤 段错误 T - 0 duàn cuò wù f /segmentation fault/ 段错误 段錯誤 S - 0 duàn cuò wù f /segmentation fault/ 殷 - 643 Yīn t /surname Yin/dynasty name at the end the Shang dynasty, after their move to Yinxu 殷墟 in modern Henan province/ 殷 - 643 yān f /dark red/ 殷 - 643 yīn t /flourishing/abundant/earnest/hospitable/ 殷 - 643 yǐn f /roll of thunder/ 殷切 - 99 yīn qiè f /ardent/eager/earnest/ 殷勤 - 332 yīn qín f /politely/solicitously/eagerly attentive/ 殷商 - 124 Yīn shāng f /final name of the Shang dynasty after their move to Yinxu 殷墟 in modern Henan province/ 殷墟 - 194 Yīn xū f /Yinxu, ruins of Yinshang 殷商 city at Anyang 安陽|安阳 in Henan province, a World Heritage site/ 殷实 殷實 S - 89 yīn shí f /thriving/well-off/substantial/ 殷富 - 11 yīn fù f /well off/prosperous/ 殷實 殷实 T - 89 yīn shí f /thriving/well-off/substantial/ 殷弘緒 殷弘绪 T - 0 Yīn Hóng xù f /François Xavier d'Entrecolles (1664-1741), French Jesuit missionary to Kangxi court/ 殷弘绪 殷弘緒 S - 0 Yīn Hóng xù f /François Xavier d'Entrecolles (1664-1741), French Jesuit missionary to Kangxi court/ 殷忧启圣 殷憂啟聖 S - 3 yīn yōu qǐ shèng f /deep suffering can lead to enlightenment (idiom)/storms make oaks take deeper root/ 殷憂啟聖 殷忧启圣 T - 3 yīn yōu qǐ shèng f /deep suffering can lead to enlightenment (idiom)/storms make oaks take deeper root/ 殷殷 - 62 yīn yīn f /earnest/ardent (hope etc)/ 殷紅 殷红 T - 124 yān hóng f /dark red/ 殷红 殷紅 S - 124 yān hóng f /dark red/ 殷都 - 0 Yīn dū f /Yindu district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 殷都区 殷都區 S - 3 Yīn dū qū f /Yindu district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 殷都區 殷都区 T - 3 Yīn dū qū f /Yindu district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan/ 殸 - 0 qìng f /variant of 磬[qing4]/ 殹 - 0 yì f /(archaic) (meaning unclear)/(final particle)/ 殺 杀 T 1202 17552 shā f /to kill/to murder/to fight/to weaken or reduce/to smart (dialect)/to counteract/(used after a verb) extremely/ 殺一儆百 杀一儆百 T - 21 shā yī jǐng bǎi f /lit. kill one to warn a hundred (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ 殺一警百 杀一警百 T - 0 shā yī jǐng bǎi f /variant of 殺一儆百|杀一儆百[sha1 yi1 jing3 bai3]/ 殺人 杀人 T - 1797 shā rén f /homicide/to murder/to kill (a person)/ 殺人不眨眼 杀人不眨眼 T - 93 shā rén bù zhǎ yǎn f /to murder without blinking an eye (idiom)/ruthless/cold-blooded/ 殺人不過頭點地 杀人不过头点地 T - 0 shā rén bù guò tóu diǎn dì f /It's all exaggeration, you don't need to take it seriously/a fuss about nothing/nothing to write home about/ 殺人如麻 杀人如麻 T - 42 shā rén rú má f /to kill people like scything flax (idiom); human life as grass/a politician acting with total disregard for the life of his countrymen/ 殺人放火 杀人放火 T - 125 shā rén fàng huǒ f /to kill and burn (idiom); murder and arson/ 殺人未遂 杀人未遂 T - 0 shā rén wèi suì f /attempted murder/ 殺人案 杀人案 T - 25 shā rén àn f /murder case/homicide case/ 殺人案件 杀人案件 T - 3 shā rén àn jiàn f /(case of, incident of) murder/ 殺人犯 杀人犯 T - 59 shā rén fàn f /murderer/homicide/ 殺人狂 杀人狂 T - 13 shā rén kuáng f /homicidal maniac/ 殺人越貨 杀人越货 T - 32 shā rén yuè huò f /to kill sb for his property (idiom); to murder for money/ 殺人鯨 杀人鲸 T - 0 shā rén jīng f /killer whale (Orcinus orca)/ 殺傷 杀伤 T - 796 shā shāng f /to kill and injure/ 殺傷力 杀伤力 T - 184 shā shāng lì f /killing or wounding power of a weapon/ 殺價 杀价 T - 14 shā jià f /to beat down the price/to haggle/to slash one's prices/ 殺嬰 杀婴 T - 3 shā yīng f /infanticide/ 殺害 杀害 T - 1111 shā hài f /to murder/ 殺富濟貧 杀富济贫 T - 8 shā fù jì pín f /robbing the rich to help the poor/ 殺彘教子 杀彘教子 T - 3 shā zhì jiào zǐ f /to kill a pig as a lesson to the children (idiom); parents must teach by example/ 殺戮 杀戮 T - 312 shā lù f /to massacre/to slaughter/ 殺手 杀手 T - 645 shā shǒu f /killer/murderer/hit man/(sports) formidable player/ 殺手級應用 杀手级应用 T - 0 shā shǒu jí yìng yòng f /killer application/killer app/ 殺手鐧 杀手锏 T - 96 shā shǒu jiǎn f /(fig.) trump card/ 殺掉 杀掉 T - 392 shā diào f /to kill/ 殺敵 杀敌 T - 233 shā dí f /to kill the enemy/ 殺機 杀机 T - 112 shā jī f /desire to commit murder/great danger/ 殺死 杀死 T - 1588 shā sǐ f /to kill/ 殺毒軟件 杀毒软件 T - 76 shā dú ruǎn jiàn f /antivirus software/ 殺氣 杀气 T - 216 shā qì f /murderous spirit/aura of death/to vent one's anger/ 殺氣騰騰 杀气腾腾 T - 189 shā qì téng téng f /ferocious/murderous-looking/ 殺滅 杀灭 T - 120 shā miè f /to exterminate/ 殺熟 杀熟 T - 3 shā shú f /to swindle associates, friends or relatives/ 殺牛宰羊 杀牛宰羊 T - 0 shā niú zǎi yáng f /slaughter the cattle and butcher the sheep/to prepare a big feast (idiom)/ 殺球 杀球 T - 3 shā qiú f /to spike the ball (volleyball etc)/to smash (tennis etc)/ 殺生 杀生 T - 71 shā shēng f /to take the life of a living creature/ 殺真菌 杀真菌 T - 0 shā zhēn jūn f /fungicidal/to have a fungicidal effect/ 殺真菌劑 杀真菌剂 T - 0 shā zhēn jūn jì f /fungicide/ 殺絕 杀绝 T - 3 shā jué f /to exterminate/ 殺草快 杀草快 T - 0 shā cǎo kuài f /diquat/ 殺菌 杀菌 T - 144 shā jūn f /disinfectant/to disinfect/ 殺菌作用 杀菌作用 T - 3 shā jūn zuò yòng f /sterilization/ 殺菌劑 杀菌剂 T - 44 shā jūn jì f /a disinfectant/ 殺虎斬蛟 杀虎斩蛟 T - 0 shā hǔ zhǎn jiāo f /lit. to kill the tiger and behead the scaly dragon/ 殺螺劑 杀螺剂 T - 0 shā luó jì f /snail poison/ 殺蟲 杀虫 T - 56 shā chóng f /insecticide/ 殺蟲劑 杀虫剂 T - 132 shā chóng jì f /insecticide/pesticide/ 殺蟲藥 杀虫药 T - 7 shā chóng yào f /insecticide/ 殺蠹藥 杀蠹药 T - 0 shā dù yào f /mothicide/ 殺豬宰羊 杀猪宰羊 T - 0 shā zhū zǎi yáng f /to kill the pigs and slaughter the sheep (idiom)/ 殺軟 杀软 T - 0 shā ruǎn f /antivirus software/abbr. for 殺毒軟件|杀毒软件[sha1 du2 ruan3 jian4]/ 殺進 杀进 T - 3 shā jìn f /to storm (a city etc)/to raid/ 殺進殺出 杀进杀出 T - 0 shā jìn shā chū f /to execute a lightning raid/(investment) to buy, then quickly sell/(tourism) to visit a destination for only a short stay/ 殺雞儆猴 杀鸡儆猴 T - 7 shā jī jǐng hóu f /lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ 殺雞取卵 杀鸡取卵 T - 10 shā jī qǔ luǎn f /lit. to kill the chicken to get the eggs (idiom)/fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs/ 殺雞嚇猴 杀鸡吓猴 T - 6 shā jī xià hóu f /lit. killing the chicken to scare the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ 殺雞宰鵝 杀鸡宰鹅 T - 0 shā jī zǎi é f /kill the chickens and butcher the geese (idiom)/ 殺雞焉用牛刀 杀鸡焉用牛刀 T - 4 shā jī yān yòng niú dāo f /don't use a sledgehammer on a nut/aquila non capit muscam/ 殺雞給猴看 杀鸡给猴看 T - 0 shā jī gěi hóu kàn f /lit. to kill a chicken in front of a monkey; fig. to make an example of sb (by punishment) to frighten others/ 殺雞警猴 杀鸡警猴 T - 0 shā jī jǐng hóu f /lit. killing the chicken to warn the monkey (idiom); to punish an individual as an example to others/pour encourager les autres/ 殺青 杀青 T - 22 shā qīng f /to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc)/to finalize/to kill-green (a step in the processing of tea leaves)/ 殺頭 杀头 T - 217 shā tóu f /to behead/ 殺風景 杀风景 T - 11 shā fēng jǐng f /variant of 煞風景|煞风景[sha1 feng1 jing3]/ 殺馬特 杀马特 T - 0 shā mǎ tè f /Chinese subculture of young urban migrants, usually of low education, with exaggerated hairstyles, heavy make-up, flamboyant costumes, piercings etc (loanword from "smart")/ 殺鼠藥 杀鼠药 T - 3 shā shǔ yào f /rat poison/ 殻 - 3 qiào f /variant of 殼|壳[qiao4]/ 殼 壳 T - 2078 qiào f /shell/carapace/crust (earth's crust etc)/also pr. [ke2]/ 殼兒 壳儿 T - 3 ké r f /shell/crust/ 殼幔 壳幔 T - 0 ké màn f /crust-mantle (geology)/ 殼牌 壳牌 T - 15 Qiào pái f /see 殼牌公司|壳牌公司[Qiao4 pai2 gong1 si1]/ 殼牌公司 壳牌公司 T - 0 Qiào pái gōng sī f /Shell (oil company)/ 殼質 壳质 T - 11 qiào zhì f /chitin/ 殽 淆 T - 12 xiáo f /variant of 淆[xiao2]/ 殽 肴 T - 105 yáo f /variant of 肴[yao2]/ 殿 - 6506 diàn f /palace hall/ 殿下 - 414 diàn xià f /Your Majesty (honorific)/His or Her Highness/ 殿军 殿軍 S - 7 diàn jūn f /runner-up/ 殿卫 殿衛 S - 0 diàn wèi f /fullback (sports)/ 殿后 殿後 S - 136 diàn hòu f /to bring up the rear/ 殿堂 - 236 diàn táng f /palace/hall/temple buildings/ 殿宇 - 97 diàn yǔ f /(literary) halls (of a palace or a temple)/ 殿後 殿后 T - 136 diàn hòu f /to bring up the rear/ 殿衛 殿卫 T - 0 diàn wèi f /fullback (sports)/ 殿試 殿试 T - 1092 diàn shì f /court examination, the top grade imperial exam/ 殿试 殿試 S - 1092 diàn shì f /court examination, the top grade imperial exam/ 殿軍 殿军 T - 7 diàn jūn f /runner-up/ 毀 毁 T - 3036 huǐ f /to destroy/to damage/to ruin/to defame/to slander/ 毀來性 毁来性 T - 0 huǐ lái xìng f /destructive/crushing (defeat)/ 毀傷 毁伤 T - 180 huǐ shāng f /to injure/to damage/ 毀壞 毁坏 T - 268 huǐ huài f /to damage/to devastate/to vandalize/damage/destruction/ 毀家紓難 毁家纾难 T - 8 huǐ jiā shū nàn f /to sacrifice one's wealth to save the state (idiom)/ 毀容 毁容 T - 27 huǐ róng f /to disfigure/to spoil the beauty of/ 毀掉 毁掉 T - 209 huǐ diào f /to destroy/ 毀損 毁损 T - 56 huǐ sǔn f /impair, damage/ 毀滅 毁灭 T 2693 796 huǐ miè f /to perish/to ruin/to destroy/ 毀滅性 毁灭性 T - 280 huǐ miè xìng f /destructive/devastating/ 毀約 毁约 T - 56 huǐ yuē f /to break a promise/breach of contract/ 毀謗 毁谤 T - 20 huǐ bàng f /slander/libel/to malign/to disparage/ 毀除 毁除 T - 0 huǐ chú f /to destroy/ 毁 毀 S - 3036 huǐ f /to destroy/to damage/to ruin/to defame/to slander/ 毁 燬 S - 3036 huǐ f /variant of 毀|毁[hui3]/to destroy by fire/a blaze/ 毁 譭 S - 3036 huǐ f /variant of 毀|毁[hui3]/to defame/to slander/ 毁伤 毀傷 S - 180 huǐ shāng f /to injure/to damage/ 毁坏 毀壞 S - 268 huǐ huài f /to damage/to devastate/to vandalize/damage/destruction/ 毁家纾难 毀家紓難 S - 8 huǐ jiā shū nàn f /to sacrifice one's wealth to save the state (idiom)/ 毁容 毀容 S - 27 huǐ róng f /to disfigure/to spoil the beauty of/ 毁损 毀損 S - 56 huǐ sǔn f /impair, damage/ 毁掉 毀掉 S - 209 huǐ diào f /to destroy/ 毁来性 毀來性 S - 0 huǐ lái xìng f /destructive/crushing (defeat)/ 毁灭 毀滅 S 2693 796 huǐ miè f /to perish/to ruin/to destroy/ 毁灭性 毀滅性 S - 280 huǐ miè xìng f /destructive/devastating/ 毁约 毀約 S - 56 huǐ yuē f /to break a promise/breach of contract/ 毁谤 毀謗 S - 20 huǐ bàng f /slander/libel/to malign/to disparage/ 毁除 毀除 S - 0 huǐ chú f /to destroy/ 毂 轂 S - 81 gū f /wheel/ 毂 轂 S - 81 gǔ t /hub of wheel/ 毅 - 512 yì f /firm and resolute/staunch/ 毅力 4380 224 yì lì f /perseverance/willpower/ 毅然 4921 466 yì rán f /firmly/resolutely/without hesitation/ 毅然决然 毅然決然 S - 31 yì rán jué rán f /without hesitation/resolutely/firmly/ 毅然決然 毅然决然 T - 31 yì rán jué rán f /without hesitation/resolutely/firmly/ 毆 殴 T - 159 Oū f /surname Ou/ 毆 殴 T - 159 ōu t /to beat up/to hit sb/ 毆打 殴打 T 3414 150 ōu dǎ f /to beat up/to come to blows/battery (law)/ 毆打罪 殴打罪 T - 0 ōu dǎ zuì f /assault and battery (law)/ 毆鬥 殴斗 T - 21 ōu dòu f /to have a fist fight/fist fight/brawl/ 毈 - 0 duàn f /infertile egg/ 毉 - 0 yī f /variant of 醫|医[yi1]/ 毋 - 228 Wú f /surname Wu/ 毋 - 228 wú f /(literary) no/don't/to not have/nobody/ 毋宁 毋寧 S - 316 wú nìng f /not as good as/would rather/ 毋寧 毋宁 T - 316 wú nìng f /not as good as/would rather/ 毋庸 - 15 wú yōng f /no need for/ 毋忘 - 3 wú wàng f /Don't forget! (literary)/ 母 - 2975 mǔ f /mother/elderly female relative/origin/source/(of animals) female/ 母丧 母喪 S - 0 mǔ sāng f /the death of one's mother/ 母乳 - 85 mǔ rǔ f /mother's milk/ 母乳代 - 0 mǔ rǔ dài f /substitute for mother's milk/milk powder/ 母乳化奶粉 - 0 mǔ rǔ huà nǎi fěn f /infant formula/ 母乳喂养 母乳餵養 S - 3 mǔ rǔ wèi yǎng f /breast feeding/ 母乳餵養 母乳喂养 T - 3 mǔ rǔ wèi yǎng f /breast feeding/ 母亲 母親 S 686 8010 mǔ qīn f /mother/also pr. [mu3 qin5]/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 母亲节 母親節 S - 20 Mǔ qīn jié f /Mother's Day/ 母体 母體 S - 273 mǔ tǐ f /(zoology, medicine) mother's body/(chemistry etc) parent/matrix/(statistics) population/parent population/ 母党 母黨 S - 3 mǔ dǎng f /mother's kinfolk/ 母公司 - 91 mǔ gōng sī f /parent company/ 母函数 母函數 S - 0 mǔ hán shù f /generating function (math.)/ 母函數 母函数 T - 0 mǔ hán shù f /generating function (math.)/ 母喪 母丧 T - 0 mǔ sāng f /the death of one's mother/ 母夜叉 - 25 mǔ yè chā f /witch/shrew/vixen/ 母女 - 364 mǔ nǚ f /mother-daughter/ 母子 - 539 mǔ zǐ f /mother and child/parent and subsidiary (companies)/principal and interest/ 母子垂直感染 - 0 mǔ zǐ chuí zhí gǎn rǎn f /mother-to-infant transmission/ 母弹 母彈 S - 6 mǔ dàn f /parent shell (of a cluster bomb)/ 母彈 母弹 T - 6 mǔ dàn f /parent shell (of a cluster bomb)/ 母愛 母爱 T - 120 mǔ ài f /maternal love/ 母机 母機 S - 6 mǔ jī f /machine tool/mother ship/ 母权制 母權制 S - 13 mǔ quán zhì f /matriarchy/ 母板 - 3 mǔ bǎn f /motherboard/ 母校 - 75 mǔ xiào f /alma mater/ 母機 母机 T - 6 mǔ jī f /machine tool/mother ship/ 母權制 母权制 T - 13 mǔ quán zhì f /matriarchy/ 母港 - 10 mǔ gǎng f /home port (of a ship or fleet)/ 母爱 母愛 S - 120 mǔ ài f /maternal love/ 母犬 - 0 mǔ quǎn f /female dog/bitch/ 母球 - 0 mǔ qiú f /cue ball (in billiards)/ 母系 - 161 mǔ xì f /maternal/matriarchal/ 母系社会 母系社會 S - 3 mǔ xì shè huì f /matrilineality/ 母系社會 母系社会 T - 3 mǔ xì shè huì f /matrilineality/ 母線 母线 T - 22 mǔ xiàn f /generating line/generatrix (in geometry)/bus (in electronics)/bus bar/ 母线 母線 S - 22 mǔ xiàn f /generating line/generatrix (in geometry)/bus (in electronics)/bus bar/ 母群体 母群體 S - 0 mǔ qún tǐ f /(statistics) population/parent population/ 母群體 母群体 T - 0 mǔ qún tǐ f /(statistics) population/parent population/ 母老虎 - 19 mǔ lǎo hǔ f /tigress/(fig.) fierce woman/vixen/ 母船 - 0 mǔ chuán f /mother ship/ 母蜂 - 3 mǔ fēng f /queen bee/ 母親 母亲 T 686 8010 mǔ qīn f /mother/also pr. [mu3 qin5]/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 母親節 母亲节 T - 20 Mǔ qīn jié f /Mother's Day/ 母語 母语 T 4609 88 mǔ yǔ f /native language/mother tongue/(linguistics) parent language/ 母语 母語 S 4609 88 mǔ yǔ f /native language/mother tongue/(linguistics) parent language/ 母質 母质 T - 11 mǔ zhì f /parent material (e.g. the eroded rock making up sediment)/ 母质 母質 S - 11 mǔ zhì f /parent material (e.g. the eroded rock making up sediment)/ 母难日 母難日 S - 0 mǔ nàn rì f /(old) birthday/ 母雞 母鸡 T - 162 mǔ jī f /hen/ 母難日 母难日 T - 0 mǔ nàn rì f /(old) birthday/ 母音 - 3 mǔ yīn f /vowel/ 母音調和 母音调和 T - 0 mǔ yīn tiáo hé f /vowel harmony (in phonetics)/ 母音调和 母音調和 S - 0 mǔ yīn tiáo hé f /vowel harmony (in phonetics)/ 母題 母题 T - 3 mǔ tí f /motif (loanword)/main idea/theme/ 母题 母題 S - 3 mǔ tí f /motif (loanword)/main idea/theme/ 母體 母体 T - 273 mǔ tǐ f /(zoology, medicine) mother's body/(chemistry etc) parent/matrix/(statistics) population/parent population/ 母鸡 母雞 S - 162 mǔ jī f /hen/ 母黨 母党 T - 3 mǔ dǎng f /mother's kinfolk/ 毎 - 7 měi f /Japanese variant of 每/ 每 212 26048 měi f /each/every/ 每一 - 0 měi yī f /every/ 每下愈况 每下愈況 S - 3 měi xià yù kuàng f /see 每況愈下|每况愈下[mei3 kuang4 yu4 xia4]/ 每下愈況 每下愈况 T - 3 měi xià yù kuàng f /see 每況愈下|每况愈下[mei3 kuang4 yu4 xia4]/ 每个人 每個人 S - 0 měi ge rén f /everybody/everyone/ 每人 - 1441 měi rén f /each person/everybody/per person/ 每個人 每个人 T - 0 měi ge rén f /everybody/everyone/ 每况愈下 每況愈下 S - 57 měi kuàng yù xià f /to steadily deteriorate/ 每分每秒 - 0 měi fēn měi miǎo f /all the time/ 每周 每週 S - 984 měi zhōu f /every week/ 每周一次 每週一次 S - 0 měi zhōu yī cì f /once a week/ 每处 每處 S - 0 měi chù f /everywhere/anywhere/ 每夜 - 3 měi yè f /nightly/ 每天 - 6612 měi tiān f /every day/everyday/ 每常 - 0 měi cháng f /frequently (in the past)/regularly/ 每年 - 10986 měi nián f /every year/each year/yearly/ 每年一度 - 0 měi nián yī dù f /once a year (every year)/ 每当 每當 S - 1521 měi dāng f /whenever/every time/on every/ 每日 - 1941 měi rì f /daily/(soup etc) of the day/ 每日快報 每日快报 T - 0 Měi rì Kuài bào f /Daily Express (newspaper)/ 每日快报 每日快報 S - 0 Měi rì Kuài bào f /Daily Express (newspaper)/ 每日新聞 每日新闻 T - 0 Měi rì Xīn wén f /Mainichi Shimbun, a Japanese daily newspaper/ 每日新闻 每日新聞 S - 0 Měi rì Xīn wén f /Mainichi Shimbun, a Japanese daily newspaper/ 每日电讯报 每日電訊報 S - 0 Měi rì Diàn xùn bào f /Daily Telegraph (newspaper)/ 每日邮报 每日郵報 S - 0 Měi rì Yóu bào f /Daily Mail (newspaper)/ 每日郵報 每日邮报 T - 0 Měi rì Yóu bào f /Daily Mail (newspaper)/ 每日鏡報 每日镜报 T - 0 Měi rì Jìng Bào f /Daily Mirror (newspaper)/ 每日镜报 每日鏡報 S - 0 Měi rì Jìng Bào f /Daily Mirror (newspaper)/ 每日限价 每日限價 S - 0 měi rì xiàn jià f /limit on daily price variation/ 每日限價 每日限价 T - 0 měi rì xiàn jià f /limit on daily price variation/ 每日電訊報 每日电讯报 T - 0 Měi rì Diàn xùn bào f /Daily Telegraph (newspaper)/ 每时每刻 每時每刻 S - 66 měi shí měi kè f /at all times/at every moment/ 每时每日 每時每日 S - 0 měi shí měi rì f /every day and every hour/hourly and daily (idiom)/ 每時每刻 每时每刻 T - 66 měi shí měi kè f /at all times/at every moment/ 每時每日 每时每日 T - 0 měi shí měi rì f /every day and every hour/hourly and daily (idiom)/ 每月 - 1307 měi yuè f /each month/ 每次 - 3011 měi cì f /every time/ 每每 - 334 měi měi f /often/ 每況愈下 每况愈下 T - 57 měi kuàng yù xià f /to steadily deteriorate/ 每當 每当 T - 1521 měi dāng f /whenever/every time/on every/ 每端口价格 每端口價格 S - 0 měi duān kǒu jià gé f /price per port/ 每端口價格 每端口价格 T - 0 měi duān kǒu jià gé f /price per port/ 每處 每处 T - 0 měi chù f /everywhere/anywhere/ 每逢 - 842 měi féng f /every time/on each occasion/whenever/ 每逢佳節倍思親 每逢佳节倍思亲 T - 5 měi féng jiā jié bèi sī qīn f /doubly homesick for our dear ones at each festive day (from a poem by Wang Wei 王維|王维[Wang2 Wei2])/ 每逢佳节倍思亲 每逢佳節倍思親 S - 5 měi féng jiā jié bèi sī qīn f /doubly homesick for our dear ones at each festive day (from a poem by Wang Wei 王維|王维[Wang2 Wei2])/ 每週 每周 T - 984 měi zhōu f /every week/ 每週一次 每周一次 T - 0 měi zhōu yī cì f /once a week/ 每隔 - 3 měi gé f /at intervals of/every (so often)/ 毐 - 44 Aǐ f /see historical character Lao Ai 嫪毐/by extension, person of reprehensible morals/immoral/adulterer/ 毑 - 0 jiě f /mother/ 毒 - 4357 dú f /poison/to poison/poisonous/malicious/cruel/fierce/narcotics/ 毒刺 - 73 dú cì f /venomous sting/ 毒剂 毒劑 S - 135 dú jì f /a poison/a toxic agent/poison gas/a chemical weapon/ 毒剂弹 毒劑彈 S - 0 dú jì dàn f /gas projectile/ 毒剂震检 毒劑震檢 S - 0 dú jì zhèn jiǎn f /gas detection/ 毒劑 毒剂 T - 135 dú jì f /a poison/a toxic agent/poison gas/a chemical weapon/ 毒劑彈 毒剂弹 T - 0 dú jì dàn f /gas projectile/ 毒劑震檢 毒剂震检 T - 0 dú jì zhèn jiǎn f /gas detection/ 毒力 - 3 dú lì f /virulence/ 毒化 - 28 dú huà f /to poison/to infect/ 毒品 2543 566 dú pǐn f /drugs/narcotics/poison/ 毒奶 - 0 dú nǎi f /poisoned milk/contaminated milk/refers to 2008 PRC scandal involving milk products adulterated with melamine 三聚氰胺[san1 ju4 qing2 an4]/ 毒奶粉 - 3 dú nǎi fěn f /poisoned milk powder/refers to 2008 PRC scandal involving milk powder adulterated with melamine 三聚氰胺[san1 ju4 qing2 an4]/ 毒害 - 162 dú hài f /to poison (harm with a toxic substance)/to poison (people's minds)/poisoning/ 毒害剂量 毒害劑量 S - 0 dú hài jì liàng f /poisoning dose/ 毒害劑量 毒害剂量 T - 0 dú hài jì liàng f /poisoning dose/ 毒性 - 842 dú xìng f /toxicity/ 毒感 - 0 dú gǎn f /virus/ 毒手 - 498 dú shǒu f /evil scheme/ 毒打 - 74 dú dǎ f /beat up/CL:頓|顿[dun4]/ 毒杀 毒殺 S - 52 dú shā f /to kill by poisoning/ 毒枭 毒梟 S - 8 dú xiāo f /drug pusher/ 毒株 - 5 dú zhū f /(virus) strain/ 毒梟 毒枭 T - 8 dú xiāo f /drug pusher/ 毒殺 毒杀 T - 52 dú shā f /to kill by poisoning/ 毒气 毒氣 S - 278 dú qì f /poison gas/toxic gas/manifestation of passion, anger etc (Buddhism)/ 毒气弹 毒氣彈 S - 6 dú qì dàn f /poison gas shell/poison gas grenade/ 毒氣 毒气 T - 278 dú qì f /poison gas/toxic gas/manifestation of passion, anger etc (Buddhism)/ 毒氣彈 毒气弹 T - 6 dú qì dàn f /poison gas shell/poison gas grenade/ 毒液 - 139 dú yè f /venom/poisonous fluid/ 毒爪 - 0 dú zhuǎ f /the sting (of scorpion etc)/ 毒牙 - 16 dú yá f /venomous fang/ 毒物 - 475 dú wù f /poisonous substance/poison/toxin/venom/ 毒理学 毒理學 S - 29 dú lǐ xué f /toxology/ 毒理學 毒理学 T - 29 dú lǐ xué f /toxology/ 毒瓦斯 - 2 dú wǎ sī f /poisonous gas/stinking fart/ 毒瘤 - 27 dú liú f /malignant tumor/ 毒瘾 毒癮 S - 18 dú yǐn f /drug addiction/ 毒癮 毒瘾 T - 18 dú yǐn f /drug addiction/ 毒素 - 443 dú sù f /poison/ 毒腺 - 27 dú xiàn f /poison gland/ 毒草名 - 0 dú cǎo míng f /hemlock/ 毒药 毒藥 S - 554 dú yào f /poison/ 毒莠定 - 0 dú yǒu dìng f /picloram/ 毒蕈 - 23 dú xùn f /poisonous mushroom/toadstool/ 毒藥 毒药 T - 554 dú yào f /poison/ 毒虫 毒蟲 S - 188 dú chóng f /poisonous insect (or spider etc)/(slang) junkie/ 毒蛇 - 570 dú shé f /viper/ 毒蝇伞 毒蠅傘 S - 0 dú yíng sǎn f /fly Amanita or fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)/ 毒蟲 毒虫 T - 188 dú chóng f /poisonous insect (or spider etc)/(slang) junkie/ 毒蠅傘 毒蝇伞 T - 0 dú yíng sǎn f /fly Amanita or fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)/ 毒販 毒贩 T - 12 dú fàn f /drug dealer/drug trafficker/ 毒資 毒资 T - 0 dú zī f /drug money/ 毒贩 毒販 S - 12 dú fàn f /drug dealer/drug trafficker/ 毒资 毒資 S - 0 dú zī f /drug money/ 毒辣 - 207 dú là f /cruel/sinister/vicious/ 毒針 毒针 T - 3 dú zhēn f /to inject poison/ 毒针 毒針 S - 3 dú zhēn f /to inject poison/ 毒顎 毒颚 T - 0 dú è f /the sting (of scorpion etc)/ 毒颚 毒顎 S - 0 dú è f /the sting (of scorpion etc)/ 毓 - 145 yù f /(archaic) to give birth to a child/to rear/ 毓婷 - 3 yù tíng f /levonorgestrel tablet (contraception)/ 比 198 35305 Bǐ t /Belgium/Belgian/abbr. for 比利時|比利时[Bi3 li4 shi2]/ 比 198 35305 bǐ t /(particle used for comparison and "-er than")/to compare/to contrast/to gesture (with hands)/ratio/ 比 198 35305 bì f /to associate with/to be near/ 比一比 - 3 bǐ yi bǐ f /to make a comparison/to engage in a contest/ 比上不足比下有余 比上不足比下有餘 S - 0 bǐ shàng bù zú bǐ xià yǒu yú f /to fall short of the best but be better than the worst/can pass muster/ 比上不足比下有餘 比上不足比下有余 T - 0 bǐ shàng bù zú bǐ xià yǒu yú f /to fall short of the best but be better than the worst/can pass muster/ 比下去 - 0 bǐ xià qù f /to defeat/to be superior to/ 比不上 - 510 bǐ bù shàng f /can't compare with/ 比丘 - 60 Bǐ qiū f /Buddhist monk (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksu")/ 比丘尼 - 34 bǐ qiū ní f /Buddhist nun (loanword from Sanskrit "bhiksuni")/ 比亚 比亞 S - 51 Bǐ yà f /Bia, daughter of Pallas and Styx in Greek mythology, personification of violence/ 比亚迪 比亞迪 S - 4 Bǐ yà dí f /BYD Company (company name)/ 比亚迪汽车 比亞迪汽車 S - 0 Bǐ yà dí qì chē f /BYD Auto, PRC car company/ 比亞 比亚 T - 51 Bǐ yà f /Bia, daughter of Pallas and Styx in Greek mythology, personification of violence/ 比亞迪 比亚迪 T - 4 Bǐ yà dí f /BYD Company (company name)/ 比亞迪汽車 比亚迪汽车 T - 0 Bǐ yà dí qì chē f /BYD Auto, PRC car company/ 比什凯克 比什凱克 S - 22 Bǐ shí kǎi kè f /Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan/ 比什凱克 比什凯克 T - 22 Bǐ shí kǎi kè f /Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan/ 比价 比價 S - 138 bǐ jià f /price relations/parity/rate of exchange/ 比佛利山 - 0 Bǐ fó lì Shān f /Beverly Hills/ 比來 比来 T - 3 bǐ lái f /lately/recently/ 比例 2239 5973 bǐ lì f /proportion/scale/ 比例尺 - 109 bǐ lì chǐ f /scale/architect's scale/engineer's scale/ 比值 - 168 bǐ zhí f /specific value/ratio/ 比價 比价 T - 138 bǐ jià f /price relations/parity/rate of exchange/ 比分 - 1095 bǐ fēn f /score/ 比划 比劃 S - 256 bǐ hua f /to gesture/to gesticulate/to practice the moves of a martial art by imitating the teacher/to fight/to come to blows/ 比利 - 104 Bǐ lì f /Pelé (1940-), Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, Brazilian football star/ 比利时 比利時 S - 1049 Bǐ lì shí f /Belgium/ 比利時 比利时 T - 1049 Bǐ lì shí f /Belgium/ 比利牛斯 - 66 Bǐ lì niú sī f /Pyrenees mountains/ 比利牛斯山 - 0 Bǐ lì niú sī shān f /Pyrenees mountains/ 比劃 比划 T - 256 bǐ hua f /to gesture/to gesticulate/to practice the moves of a martial art by imitating the teacher/to fight/to come to blows/ 比勒費爾德 比勒费尔德 T - 0 Bǐ lè fèi ěr dé f /Bielefeld (city in Germany)/ 比勒费尔德 比勒費爾德 S - 0 Bǐ lè fèi ěr dé f /Bielefeld (city in Germany)/ 比勒陀利亚 比勒陀利亞 S - 33 Bǐ lè tuó lì yà f /Pretoria, capital of South Africa/ 比勒陀利亞 比勒陀利亚 T - 33 Bǐ lè tuó lì yà f /Pretoria, capital of South Africa/ 比哈尔邦 比哈爾邦 S - 26 Bǐ hā ěr bāng f /Bihar, state in eastern India/ 比哈爾邦 比哈尔邦 T - 26 Bǐ hā ěr bāng f /Bihar, state in eastern India/ 比喻 3382 383 bǐ yù f /to compare/to liken to/metaphor/analogy/figure of speech/figuratively/ 比喻义 比喻義 S - 0 bǐ yù yì f /figurative meaning (of a word)/ 比喻義 比喻义 T - 0 bǐ yù yì f /figurative meaning (of a word)/ 比坚尼 比堅尼 S - 0 bǐ jiān ní f /see 比基尼[bi3 ji1 ni2]/ 比埃兹巴伯 比埃茲巴伯 S - 0 Bǐ āi zī bā bó f /Beelzebub/ 比埃茲巴伯 比埃兹巴伯 T - 0 Bǐ āi zī bā bó f /Beelzebub/ 比基尼 - 37 bǐ jī ní f /bikini (loanword)/ 比基尼岛 比基尼島 S - 0 Bǐ jī ní Dǎo f /Bikini atoll, French nuclear test site in South Pacific/ 比基尼島 比基尼岛 T - 0 Bǐ jī ní Dǎo f /Bikini atoll, French nuclear test site in South Pacific/ 比堅尼 比坚尼 T - 0 bǐ jiān ní f /see 比基尼[bi3 ji1 ni2]/ 比如 771 5621 bǐ rú f /for example/for instance/such as/ 比如县 比如縣 S - 3 Bǐ rú xiàn f /Biru county, Tibetan: 'Bri ru rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 比如縣 比如县 T - 3 Bǐ rú xiàn f /Biru county, Tibetan: 'Bri ru rdzong, in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet/ 比威力 - 0 bǐ wēi lì f /yield-to-weight ratio/ 比安 - 0 Bǐ ān f /Bienne, Switzerland/ 比容 - 7 bǐ róng f /specific volume/ 比对 比對 S - 88 bǐ duì f /comparison/to verify by comparing/ 比對 比对 T - 88 bǐ duì f /comparison/to verify by comparing/ 比尔 比爾 S - 233 Bǐ ěr f /Bill (name)/ 比尔·盖茨 比爾·蓋茨 S - 0 Bǐ ěr · Gài cí f /Bill Gates (1955-), founder and chairman of Microsoft/ 比尔博 比爾博 S - 0 Bǐ ěr bó f /Bilbo Baggins, hero of Tolkien's The Hobbit 霍比特人/ 比干 - 0 Bǐ Gān f /Bi Gan (Chinese god of wealth)/ 比年 - 0 bǐ nián f /(literary) every year/year after year/in recent years/Taiwan pr. [bi4 nian2]/ 比手划脚 比手劃腳 S - 3 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate/to make lively gestures (while talking)/also written 比手畫腳|比手画脚/ 比手劃腳 比手划脚 T - 3 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate/to make lively gestures (while talking)/also written 比手畫腳|比手画脚/ 比手画脚 比手畫腳 S - 2 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate/to make lively gestures (while talking)/also written 比手劃腳|比手划脚/ 比手畫腳 比手画脚 T - 2 bǐ shǒu huà jiǎo f /to gesticulate/to make lively gestures (while talking)/also written 比手劃腳|比手划脚/ 比才 - 16 Bì cái f /Bizet (name)/Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French musician, composer of opera Carmen/ 比拟 比擬 S - 397 bǐ nǐ f /to compare/to draw a parallel/to match/analogy/metaphor/comparison/ 比拼 - 53 bǐ pīn f /to compete fiercely/contest/ 比捕 - 0 bǐ bǔ f /(old) to set a time limit for the arrest of a criminal/Taiwan pr. [bi4 bu3]/ 比擬 比拟 T - 397 bǐ nǐ f /to compare/to draw a parallel/to match/analogy/metaphor/comparison/ 比斯开湾 比斯開灣 S - 20 Bǐ sī kāi wān f /Bay of Biscay/ 比斯特 - 4 Bǐ sī tè f /Brest (the most western French town)/ 比斯開灣 比斯开湾 T - 20 Bǐ sī kāi wān f /Bay of Biscay/ 比方 3356 248 bǐ fang f /analogy/instance/for instance/ 比方說 比方说 T - 3 bǐ fang shuō f /for example/for instance/ 比方说 比方說 S - 3 bǐ fang shuō f /for example/for instance/ 比杆赛 比桿賽 S - 0 bǐ gān sài f /stroke play (golf)/ 比来 比來 S - 3 bǐ lái f /lately/recently/ 比桿賽 比杆赛 T - 0 bǐ gān sài f /stroke play (golf)/ 比武 - 811 bǐ wǔ f /martial arts competition/tournament/to compete in a contest/ 比比皆是 - 625 bǐ bǐ jiē shì f /can be found everywhere/ 比氏鶲鶯 比氏鹟莺 T - 0 Bǐ shì wēng yīng f /(bird species of China) Bianchi's warbler (Seicercus valentini)/ 比氏鹟莺 比氏鶲鶯 S - 0 Bǐ shì wēng yīng f /(bird species of China) Bianchi's warbler (Seicercus valentini)/ 比湿 比濕 S - 3 bǐ shī f /specific humidity/ 比濕 比湿 T - 3 bǐ shī f /specific humidity/ 比烂 比爛 S - 0 bǐ làn f /to compare two unsatisfactory things/to argue that others have similar or worse faults (as a response to criticism)/whataboutery/ 比热 比熱 S - 108 bǐ rè f /specific heat/ 比照 - 114 bǐ zhào f /according to/in the light of/contrast/ 比熱 比热 T - 108 bǐ rè f /specific heat/ 比爛 比烂 T - 0 bǐ làn f /to compare two unsatisfactory things/to argue that others have similar or worse faults (as a response to criticism)/whataboutery/ 比爾 比尔 T - 233 Bǐ ěr f /Bill (name)/ 比爾·蓋茨 比尔·盖茨 T - 0 Bǐ ěr · Gài cí f /Bill Gates (1955-), founder and chairman of Microsoft/ 比爾博 比尔博 T - 0 Bǐ ěr bó f /Bilbo Baggins, hero of Tolkien's The Hobbit 霍比特人/ 比特 - 95 bǐ tè f /bit (binary digit) (loanword)/ 比特币 比特幣 S - 0 bǐ tè bì f /bitcoin (virtual currency)/ 比特幣 比特币 T - 0 bǐ tè bì f /bitcoin (virtual currency)/ 比特犬 - 0 bǐ tè quǎn f /pit bull (loanword)/ 比率 - 494 bǐ lǜ f /ratio/rate/percentage/ 比画 比畫 S - 23 bǐ hua f /variant of 比劃|比划[bi3 hua5]/ 比畫 比画 T - 23 bǐ hua f /variant of 比劃|比划[bi3 hua5]/ 比登天还难 比登天還難 S - 0 bǐ dēng tiān hái nán f /lit. even harder than reaching the sky (idiom)/fig. extremely difficult/far from an easy task/ 比登天還難 比登天还难 T - 0 bǐ dēng tiān hái nán f /lit. even harder than reaching the sky (idiom)/fig. extremely difficult/far from an easy task/ 比目魚 比目鱼 T - 41 bǐ mù yú f /flatfish/flounder/ 比目鱼 比目魚 S - 41 bǐ mù yú f /flatfish/flounder/ 比索 - 91 Bǐ suǒ f /Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau (Tw)/ 比索 - 91 bǐ suǒ f /peso (currency in Latin America) (loanword)/ 比紹 比绍 T - 36 Bǐ shào f /Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau/ 比绍 比紹 S - 36 Bǐ shào f /Bissau, capital of Guinea-Bissau/ 比翼 - 10 bǐ yì f /(flying) wing to wing/ 比翼双飞 比翼雙飛 S - 3 bǐ yì shuāng fēi f /lit. a pair of birds flying close together (idiom)/fig. two hearts beating as one/name of a sweet and sour chicken wing dish/ 比翼雙飛 比翼双飞 T - 3 bǐ yì shuāng fēi f /lit. a pair of birds flying close together (idiom)/fig. two hearts beating as one/name of a sweet and sour chicken wing dish/ 比翼齊飛 比翼齐飞 T - 5 bǐ yì qí fēi f /to fly wing to wing (idiom)/two hearts beating as one/(of a couple) inseparable/ 比翼齐飞 比翼齊飛 S - 5 bǐ yì qí fēi f /to fly wing to wing (idiom)/two hearts beating as one/(of a couple) inseparable/ 比肩 - 52 bǐ jiān f /to be shoulder to shoulder/to be on an equal level with/Taiwan pr. [bi4 jian1]/ 比腕力 - 0 bǐ wàn lì f /arm wrestling (Tw)/ 比色分析 - 0 bǐ sè fēn xī f /colorimetric analysis/ 比萨 比薩 S - 123 Bǐ sà f /Pisa, town in Toscana, Italy/ 比萨 比薩 S - 123 bǐ sà f /pizza (loanword)/ 比萨斜塔 比薩斜塔 S - 3 Bǐ sà Xié tǎ f /Leaning Tower of Pisa/ 比萨饼 比薩餅 S - 92 bǐ sà bǐng f /pizza (loanword)/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 比薩 比萨 T - 123 Bǐ sà f /Pisa, town in Toscana, Italy/ 比薩 比萨 T - 123 bǐ sà f /pizza (loanword)/ 比薩斜塔 比萨斜塔 T - 3 Bǐ sà Xié tǎ f /Leaning Tower of Pisa/ 比薩餅 比萨饼 T - 92 bǐ sà bǐng f /pizza (loanword)/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 比試 比试 T - 276 bǐ shì f /to have a competition/to measure with one's hand or arm/to make a gesture of measuring/ 比试 比試 S - 276 bǐ shì f /to have a competition/to measure with one's hand or arm/to make a gesture of measuring/ 比賽 比赛 T 359 11336 bǐ sài f /competition (sports etc)/match/CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]/ 比賽場 比赛场 T - 12 bǐ sài chǎng f /stadium/playing field for a competition/ 比賽項目 比赛项目 T - 3 bǐ sài xiàng mù f /sporting event/item on program of sports competition/ 比赛 比賽 S 359 11336 bǐ sài f /competition (sports etc)/match/CL:場|场[chang3],次[ci4]/ 比赛场 比賽場 S - 12 bǐ sài chǎng f /stadium/playing field for a competition/ 比赛项目 比賽項目 S - 3 bǐ sài xiàng mù f /sporting event/item on program of sports competition/ 比起 - 558 bǐ qǐ f /compared with/ 比較 比较 T 445 15910 bǐ jiào f /to compare/to contrast/comparatively/relatively/quite/comparison/ 比較分析 比较分析 T - 0 bǐ jiào fēn xī f /comparative analysis/ 比較喜歡 比较喜欢 T - 0 bǐ jiào xǐ huān f /to prefer/ 比較文學 比较文学 T - 25 bǐ jiào wén xué f /comparative literature/ 比較級 比较级 T - 5 bǐ jiào jí f /comparative degree/ 比較而言 比较而言 T - 3 bǐ jiào ér yán f /comparatively speaking/ 比较 比較 S 445 15910 bǐ jiào f /to compare/to contrast/comparatively/relatively/quite/comparison/ 比较分析 比較分析 S - 0 bǐ jiào fēn xī f /comparative analysis/ 比较喜欢 比較喜歡 S - 0 bǐ jiào xǐ huān f /to prefer/ 比较文学 比較文學 S - 25 bǐ jiào wén xué f /comparative literature/ 比较级 比較級 S - 5 bǐ jiào jí f /comparative degree/ 比较而言 比較而言 S - 3 bǐ jiào ér yán f /comparatively speaking/ 比邻 比鄰 S - 14 bǐ lín f /neighbor/next-door neighbor/near/next to/ 比鄰 比邻 T - 14 bǐ lín f /neighbor/next-door neighbor/near/next to/ 比重 4901 1814 bǐ zhòng f /proportion/specific gravity/ 比量 - 9 bǐ liang f /to measure roughly (with the hand, a stick, string etc)/ 比附 - 16 bǐ fù f /to draw a parallel/ 毕 畢 S - 3209 Bì f /surname Bi/ 毕 畢 S - 3209 bì f /the whole of/to finish/to complete/complete/full/finished/ 毕业 畢業 S 898 5988 bì yè f /graduation/to graduate/to finish school/ 毕业典礼 畢業典禮 S - 3 bì yè diǎn lǐ f /graduation ceremony/commencement ceremony/commencement exercises/ 毕业生 畢業生 S - 3323 bì yè shēng f /graduate/ 毕业证书 畢業證書 S - 3 bì yè zhèng shū f /diploma/CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]/ 毕其功于一役 畢其功於一役 S - 27 bì qí gōng yú yī yì f /to accomplish the whole task at one stroke (idiom)/ 毕兹 畢茲 S - 0 bì zī f /QNB (quinuclidinyl benzilate)/ 毕加索 畢加索 S - 117 Bì jiā suǒ f /Picasso/ 毕升 畢昇 S - 270 Bì Shēng f /Bi Sheng (990-1051), inventor of movable type/ 毕卡索 畢卡索 S - 3 Bì kǎ suǒ f /Picasso (Tw)/ 毕命 畢命 S - 11 bì mìng f /to die (in an accident etc)/to have one's life cut short/ 毕婚 畢婚 S - 0 bì hūn f /to get married right after graduation/ 毕宿五 畢宿五 S - 3 bì xiù wǔ f /Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri/ 毕尔巴鄂 畢爾巴鄂 S - 15 Bì ěr bā è f /Bilbao (city in Spain)/ 毕尼奥夫 畢尼奧夫 S - 0 Bì ní ào fū f /Hugo Benioff (1899-1968), Caltech seismologist/ 毕尼奥夫带 畢尼奧夫帶 S - 0 Bì ní ào fū dài f /Benioff zone (geology)/also called Wadati-Benioff zone/ 毕恭毕敬 畢恭畢敬 S - 112 bì gōng bì jìng f /reverent and respectful/extremely deferential/ 毕摩 畢摩 S - 2 bì mó f /shaman among the Yi ethnic group/ 毕毕剥剥 畢畢剝剝 S - 0 bì bì bāo bāo f /(onom.) sound of knocking or bursting/ 毕生 畢生 S - 353 bì shēng f /all one's life/lifetime/ 毕竟 畢竟 S 1714 4492 bì jìng f /after all/all in all/when all is said and done/in the final analysis/ 毕肖 畢肖 S - 2 bì xiào f /to resemble closely/to be the very image of/to look very much like/to be the spitting image of/ 毕节 畢節 S - 21 Bì jié f /Bijie city and prefecture in Guizhou/ 毕节地区 畢節地區 S - 8 Bì jié dì qū f /Bijie prefecture in Guizhou/ 毕节市 畢節市 S - 3 Bì jié shì f /Bijie city, capital of Bijie prefecture, Guizhou/ 毕设 畢設 S - 0 bì shè f /graduation project/ 毕达哥拉斯 畢達哥拉斯 S - 110 Bì dá gē lā sī f /Pythagoras/ 毖 - 40 bì f /careful/to prevent/ 毗 - 368 pí f /to adjoin/to border on/ 毗 毘 S - 368 pí f /variant of 毗[pi2]/ 毗湿奴 毗濕奴 S - 62 pí shī nú f /Vishnu (Hindu deity)/ 毗濕奴 毗湿奴 T - 62 pí shī nú f /Vishnu (Hindu deity)/ 毗耶娑 - 0 Pí yē suō f /Vyasa, Indian sage and scribe, supposed author of epic 摩訶婆羅多|摩诃婆罗多[Mo2 he1 po2 luo2 duo1] and a major figure in it/ 毗连 毗連 S - 95 pí lián f /to adjoin/ 毗連 毗连 T - 95 pí lián f /to adjoin/ 毗邻 毗鄰 S - 362 pí lín f /bordering/adjacent to/ 毗鄰 毗邻 T - 362 pí lín f /bordering/adjacent to/ 毘 毗 T - 368 pí f /variant of 毗[pi2]/ 毙 斃 S - 509 bì f /to die/to shoot dead/to reject/to fall forward/(suffix) to death/ 毙 獘 S - 509 bì f /to collapse/variant of 斃|毙[bi4]/variant of 獙[bi4]/ 毙命 斃命 S - 285 bì mìng f /to meet violent death/to get killed/ 毚 - 23 chán f /cunning/artful/ 毛 849 7753 Máo f /surname Mao/ 毛 849 7753 máo f /hair/feather/down/wool/mildew/mold/coarse or semifinished/young/raw/careless/unthinking/nervous/scared/(of currency) to devalue or depreciate/classifier for Chinese fractional monetary unit ( = 角[jiao3] , = one-tenth of a yuan or 10 fen 分[fen1])/ 毛主义 毛主義 S - 0 Máo zhǔ yì f /Maoism/ 毛主席 - 32 Máo Zhǔ xí f /Chairman Mao/Mao Zedong 毛澤東|毛泽东 (1893-1976), Chinese Communist leader/ 毛主席語錄 毛主席语录 T - 0 Máo Zhǔ xí Yǔ lù f /Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, published from 1964 to about 1976/ 毛主席语录 毛主席語錄 S - 0 Máo Zhǔ xí Yǔ lù f /Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, published from 1964 to about 1976/ 毛主義 毛主义 T - 0 Máo zhǔ yì f /Maoism/ 毛出在羊身上 - 0 máo chū zài yáng shēn shàng f /lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid./Nothing comes for free./ 毛利 - 75 máo lì f /gross profit/ 毛刷 - 4 máo shuà f /brush/ 毛刺 - 14 máo cì f /barb/whiskers/ 毛南族 - 40 Máo nán zú f /Maonan ethnic group of Guangxi/ 毛厕 毛廁 S - 0 máo si f /variant of 茅廁|茅厕[mao2 si5]/ 毛发 毛髮 S - 258 máo fà f /hair/ 毛口 - 0 máo kǒu f /metal filings (e.g. from a drill or lathe)/burr/ 毛哔叽 毛嗶嘰 S - 0 máo bì jī f /serge/ 毛嗶嘰 毛哔叽 T - 0 máo bì jī f /serge/ 毛囊 - 77 máo náng f /hair follicle/ 毛坑 - 3 máo kēng f /variant of 茅坑[mao2 keng1]/ 毛坯 - 17 máo pī f /semifinished products/ 毛塑像 - 0 Máo sù xiàng f /statue of Chairman Mao Zedong (1893-1976) 毛澤東|毛泽东[Mao2 Ze2 dong1]/ 毛姆 - 0 Máo mǔ f /Maugham (family name)/W. Somerset Maugham (1874-1965), English writer/ 毛子 - 31 máo zi f /hairy fellow/foreigner/Russian (derog.)/bandit (old)/tuft of fine hair/ 毛子国 毛子國 S - 0 Máo zi guó f /(derog.) Russia/ 毛子國 毛子国 T - 0 Máo zi guó f /(derog.) Russia/ 毛孔 - 84 máo kǒng f /pore/ 毛孩子 - 23 máo hái zi f /(coll.) infant/ignorant child/ 毛小囊 - 0 máo xiǎo náng f /follicle/ 毛巾 1077 466 máo jīn f /towel/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 毛廁 毛厕 T - 0 máo si f /variant of 茅廁|茅厕[mao2 si5]/ 毛手毛脚 毛手毛腳 S - 33 máo shǒu máo jiǎo f /carelessly and haphazardly/to paw/to grope/to get fresh/ 毛手毛腳 毛手毛脚 T - 33 máo shǒu máo jiǎo f /carelessly and haphazardly/to paw/to grope/to get fresh/ 毛拉 - 8 máo lā f /Mullah (religious leader in Islam)/ 毛收入 - 7 máo shōu rù f /gross income/gross profit/ 毛料 - 22 máo liào f /rough lumber/woollen cloth/ 毛条 毛條 S - 14 máo tiáo f /wool top, semi-processed raw wool/ 毛根 - 5 máo gēn f /a strand of hair/ 毛條 毛条 T - 14 máo tiáo f /wool top, semi-processed raw wool/ 毛概 - 2 Máo Gài f /Introduction to Maoism (subject)/abbr. for 毛澤東思想概論|毛泽东思想概论[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 Si1 xiang3 Gai4 lun4]/ 毛毛 - 43 Máo mao f /(pet name for a baby or small child)/ 毛毛虫 毛毛蟲 S - 22 máo mao chóng f /caterpillar/ 毛毛蟲 毛毛虫 T - 22 máo mao chóng f /caterpillar/ 毛毛雨 - 14 máo mao yǔ f /drizzle/light rain/(fig.) mere trifle/ 毛毡 毛氈 S - 56 máo zhān f /felt/ 毛毯 - 113 máo tǎn f /blanket/ 毛氈 毛毡 T - 56 máo zhān f /felt/ 毛泽东 毛澤東 S - 8994 Máo Zé dōng f /Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader/ 毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事 S - 0 Máo Zé dōng · Xiān wéi rén zhī de Gù shi f /Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday/ 毛泽东主义 毛澤東主義 S - 0 Máo Zé dōng zhǔ yì f /Maoism/ 毛泽东思想 毛澤東思想 S - 1075 Máo Zé dōng Sī xiǎng f /Mao Zedong Thought/Maoism/ 毛洋槐 - 0 máo yáng huái f /rose acacia (Robinia hispida, a false acacia)/ 毛派 - 0 máo pài f /Maoist/ 毛澤東 毛泽东 T - 8994 Máo Zé dōng f /Mao Zedong (1893-1976), Chinese communist leader/ 毛澤東·鮮為人知的故事 毛泽东·鲜为人知的故事 T - 0 Máo Zé dōng · Xiān wéi rén zhī de Gù shi f /Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday/ 毛澤東主義 毛泽东主义 T - 0 Máo Zé dōng zhǔ yì f /Maoism/ 毛澤東思想 毛泽东思想 T - 1075 Máo Zé dōng Sī xiǎng f /Mao Zedong Thought/Maoism/ 毛片 - 15 máo piàn f /pornographic film/unedited film (old)/fur color/ 毛猪 毛豬 S - 4 máo zhū f /live pig/ 毛玻璃 - 7 máo bō li f /frosted glass/ 毛病 1620 807 máo bìng f /fault/defect/shortcomings/ailment/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 毛痣 - 0 máo zhì f /hairy nevus/ 毛皮 - 224 máo pí f /fur/pelt/ 毛窝 毛窩 S - 0 máo wō f /cotton-padded shoes/(old) shoes made of woven grass, padded with feathers/ 毛窩 毛窝 T - 0 máo wō f /cotton-padded shoes/(old) shoes made of woven grass, padded with feathers/ 毛竹 - 113 máo zhú f /moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis), used as timber etc/ 毛笔 毛筆 S - 359 máo bǐ f /writing brush/CL:枝[zhi1],管[guan3]/ 毛筆 毛笔 T - 359 máo bǐ f /writing brush/CL:枝[zhi1],管[guan3]/ 毛細 毛细 T - 40 máo xì f /capillary/ 毛細孔 毛细孔 T - 4 máo xì kǒng f /pore/ 毛細血管 毛细血管 T - 220 máo xì xuè guǎn f /capillary blood vessels/ 毛絨玩具 毛绒玩具 T - 3 máo róng wán jù f /plush toy/cuddly toy/ 毛絨絨 毛绒绒 T - 9 máo róng róng f /fluffy/furry/ 毛線 毛线 T - 92 máo xiàn f /knitting wool/wool yarn/ 毛線衣 毛线衣 T - 11 máo xiàn yī f /sweater/woolen knitwear/wool/ 毛線針 毛线针 T - 3 máo xiàn zhēn f /knitting needle/ 毛織物 毛织物 T - 3 máo zhī wù f /woolen textiles/ 毛織運動衫 毛织运动衫 T - 0 máo zhī yùn dòng shān f /jersey/ 毛线 毛線 S - 92 máo xiàn f /knitting wool/wool yarn/ 毛线衣 毛線衣 S - 11 máo xiàn yī f /sweater/woolen knitwear/wool/ 毛线针 毛線針 S - 3 máo xiàn zhēn f /knitting needle/ 毛细 毛細 S - 40 máo xì f /capillary/ 毛细孔 毛細孔 S - 4 máo xì kǒng f /pore/ 毛细血管 毛細血管 S - 220 máo xì xuè guǎn f /capillary blood vessels/ 毛织物 毛織物 S - 3 máo zhī wù f /woolen textiles/ 毛织运动衫 毛織運動衫 S - 0 máo zhī yùn dòng shān f /jersey/ 毛绒玩具 毛絨玩具 S - 3 máo róng wán jù f /plush toy/cuddly toy/ 毛绒绒 毛絨絨 S - 9 máo róng róng f /fluffy/furry/ 毛肚 - 3 máo dǔ f /tripe (gastronomy)/ 毛脚渔鸮 毛腳漁鴞 S - 0 máo jiǎo yú xiāo f /(bird species of China) Blakiston's fish owl (Bubo blakistoni)/ 毛腰 - 0 máo yāo f /(dialect) to bend over/ 毛腳漁鴞 毛脚渔鸮 T - 0 máo jiǎo yú xiāo f /(bird species of China) Blakiston's fish owl (Bubo blakistoni)/ 毛腿沙雞 毛腿沙鸡 T - 0 máo tuǐ shā jī f /(bird species of China) Pallas's sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus)/ 毛腿沙鸡 毛腿沙雞 S - 0 máo tuǐ shā jī f /(bird species of China) Pallas's sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus)/ 毛腿耳夜鷹 毛腿耳夜鹰 T - 0 máo tuǐ ěr yè yīng f /(bird species of China) great eared nightjar (Eurostopodus macrotis)/ 毛腿耳夜鹰 毛腿耳夜鷹 S - 0 máo tuǐ ěr yè yīng f /(bird species of China) great eared nightjar (Eurostopodus macrotis)/ 毛腿鵟 - 0 máo tuǐ kuáng f /(bird species of China) rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus)/ 毛色 - 137 máo sè f /(of an animal) appearance or color of coat/ 毛茛 - 39 máo gèn f /buttercup/ 毛茶 - 13 máo chá f /unprocessed sun-dried tea leaves used to make black or green tea/ 毛茸茸 - 108 máo rōng rōng f /hairy/shaggy/ 毛虫 毛蟲 S - 42 máo chóng f /caterpillar/ 毛蟲 毛虫 T - 42 máo chóng f /caterpillar/ 毛血旺 - 3 máo xuè wàng f /duck's blood and beef tripe in spicy soup/ 毛衣 - 112 máo yī f /(wool) sweater/CL:件[jian4]/ 毛豆 - 10 máo dòu f /green soy bean/ 毛象 - 0 máo xiàng f /mammoth/ 毛豬 毛猪 T - 4 máo zhū f /live pig/ 毛边 毛邊 S - 17 máo biān f /raw edge (textiles, papermaking etc)/rough edge/ 毛边纸 毛邊紙 S - 3 máo biān zhǐ f /fine paper made from bamboo, used for calligraphy, painting etc/also written 毛邊|毛边[mao2 bian1]/ 毛遂 - 3 Máo Suì f /Mao Sui (third century BC), who proverbially offered his services to the King of Chu 楚, see 毛遂自薦|毛遂自荐[Mao2 Sui4 zi4 jian4]/ 毛遂自荐 毛遂自薦 S - 19 Máo Suì zì jiàn f /Mao Sui recommends himself (idiom); to offer one's services (in the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu 楚 of the Warring states)/ 毛遂自薦 毛遂自荐 T - 19 Máo Suì zì jiàn f /Mao Sui recommends himself (idiom); to offer one's services (in the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu 楚 of the Warring states)/ 毛邊 毛边 T - 17 máo biān f /raw edge (textiles, papermaking etc)/rough edge/ 毛邊紙 毛边纸 T - 3 máo biān zhǐ f /fine paper made from bamboo, used for calligraphy, painting etc/also written 毛邊|毛边[mao2 bian1]/ 毛邓三 毛鄧三 S - 0 Máo Dèng Sān f /Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & the Three Represents/abbr. for 毛澤東思想|毛泽东思想[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 Si1 xiang3], 鄧小平理論|邓小平理论[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2 Li3 lun4] and 三個代表|三个代表[San1 ge4 Dai4 biao3]/ 毛鄧三 毛邓三 T - 0 Máo Dèng Sān f /Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory & the Three Represents/abbr. for 毛澤東思想|毛泽东思想[Mao2 Ze2 dong1 Si1 xiang3], 鄧小平理論|邓小平理论[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2 Li3 lun4] and 三個代表|三个代表[San1 ge4 Dai4 biao3]/ 毛酸浆 毛酸漿 S - 0 máo suān jiāng f /husk ground-cherry/Physalis pubescens/ 毛酸漿 毛酸浆 T - 0 máo suān jiāng f /husk ground-cherry/Physalis pubescens/ 毛里塔尼亚 毛里塔尼亞 S - 111 Máo lǐ tǎ ní yà f /Mauritania/ 毛里塔尼亞 毛里塔尼亚 T - 111 Máo lǐ tǎ ní yà f /Mauritania/ 毛里求斯 - 129 Máo lǐ qiú sī f /Mauritius/ 毛重 - 3 máo zhòng f /gross weight/ 毛驢 毛驴 T - 148 máo lǘ f /donkey/CL:頭|头[tou2]/ 毛驴 毛驢 S - 148 máo lǘ f /donkey/CL:頭|头[tou2]/ 毛骨悚然 - 175 máo gǔ sǒng rán f /to have one's hair stand on end (idiom)/to feel one's blood run cold/ 毛髮 毛发 T - 258 máo fà f /hair/ 毡 氈 S - 507 zhān f /felt (fabric)/ 毡 氊 S - 507 zhān f /variant of 氈|毡[zhan1]/ 毡子 氈子 S - 18 zhān zi f /felt (fabric)/ 毡靴 氈靴 S - 6 zhān xuē f /felt boots/valenki (traditional Russian footwear)/ 毧 - 0 róng f /down/felt/ 毫 - 408 háo f /hair/drawing brush/(in the) least/one thousandth/currency unit, 0.1 yuan/ 毫不 - 1724 háo bù f /hardly/not in the least/not at all/ 毫不介意 - 8 háo bu jiè yì f /to not mind (at all, a bit)/to not care in the slightest/ 毫不客气 毫不客氣 S - 67 háo bù kè qi f /no trace of politeness/unrestrained (criticism)/ 毫不客氣 毫不客气 T - 67 háo bù kè qi f /no trace of politeness/unrestrained (criticism)/ 毫不怀疑 毫不懷疑 S - 0 háo bù huái yí f /without the slightest doubt/ 毫不懷疑 毫不怀疑 T - 0 háo bù huái yí f /without the slightest doubt/ 毫不犹豫 毫不猶豫 S - 304 háo bù yóu yù f /without the slightest hesitation/ 毫不猶豫 毫不犹豫 T - 304 háo bù yóu yù f /without the slightest hesitation/ 毫不留情 - 73 háo bù liú qíng f /to show no quarter/ruthless/relentless/ 毫不費力 毫不费力 T - 91 háo bù fèi lì f /effortless/not expending the slightest effort/ 毫不费力 毫不費力 S - 91 háo bù fèi lì f /effortless/not expending the slightest effort/ 毫不逊色 毫不遜色 S - 3 háo bù xùn sè f /not inferior in any respect/ 毫不遜色 毫不逊色 T - 3 háo bù xùn sè f /not inferior in any respect/ 毫克 - 644 háo kè f /milligram/ 毫升 - 319 háo shēng f /milliliter/ 毫厘不爽 毫釐不爽 S - 3 háo lí bù shuǎng f /not to deviate an iota (idiom)/to be extremely accurate/ 毫发 毫髮 S - 59 háo fà f /a hair/the slightest/ 毫发不爽 毫髮不爽 S - 3 háo fà bù shuǎng f /not to deviate one hair's breadth (idiom)/to be extremely accurate/ 毫安 - 20 háo ān f /milliampere/ 毫巴 - 7 háo bā f /millibar (mbar or mb), unit of pressure (equal to hectopascal)/ 毫微 - 0 háo wēi f /(prefix) nano-/ 毫微米 - 2 háo wēi mǐ f /millimicron or one-millionth of a millimeter/ 毫无 毫無 S 2555 2482 háo wú f /not in the least/to completely lack/ 毫无二致 毫無二致 S - 13 háo wú èr zhì f /there cannot be another one like it/ 毫无效果 毫無效果 S - 3 háo wú xiào guǒ f /to no avail/achieving nothing/totally ineffective/to have no effect/to fall flat (esp. of joke or speech that is completely ignored)/ 毫无疑问 毫無疑問 S - 481 háo wú yí wèn f /certainty/without a doubt/ 毫无逊色 毫無遜色 S - 4 háo wú xùn sè f /not in the least inferior (idiom)/ 毫毛 - 178 háo máo f /hair/soft hair/down/ 毫無 毫无 T 2555 2482 háo wú f /not in the least/to completely lack/ 毫無二致 毫无二致 T - 13 háo wú èr zhì f /there cannot be another one like it/ 毫無效果 毫无效果 T - 3 háo wú xiào guǒ f /to no avail/achieving nothing/totally ineffective/to have no effect/to fall flat (esp. of joke or speech that is completely ignored)/ 毫無疑問 毫无疑问 T - 481 háo wú yí wèn f /certainty/without a doubt/ 毫無遜色 毫无逊色 T - 4 háo wú xùn sè f /not in the least inferior (idiom)/ 毫瓦 - 16 háo wǎ f /milliwatt/ 毫秒 - 47 háo miǎo f /millisecond, ms/ 毫米 3396 6548 háo mǐ f /millimeter/ 毫米水銀柱 毫米水银柱 T - 0 háo mǐ shuǐ yín zhù f /millibar (unit of pressure)/ 毫米水银柱 毫米水銀柱 S - 0 háo mǐ shuǐ yín zhù f /millibar (unit of pressure)/ 毫米汞柱 - 12 háo mǐ gǒng zhù f /millimeter of mercury/mmHg (unit of pressure)/ 毫米波 - 56 háo mǐ bō f /millimeter wave (radio signal)/ 毫釐不爽 毫厘不爽 T - 3 háo lí bù shuǎng f /not to deviate an iota (idiom)/to be extremely accurate/ 毫針 毫针 T - 27 háo zhēn f /acupuncture needle/ 毫针 毫針 S - 27 háo zhēn f /acupuncture needle/ 毫髮 毫发 T - 59 háo fà f /a hair/the slightest/ 毫髮不爽 毫发不爽 T - 3 háo fà bù shuǎng f /not to deviate one hair's breadth (idiom)/to be extremely accurate/ 毬 - 35 qiú f /ball/ 毯 - 154 tǎn f /blanket/rug/ 毯子 - 110 tǎn zi f /blanket/CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1],床[chuang2],面[mian4]/ 毳 - 7 cuì f /crisp/brittle/fine animal hair/ 毴 - 0 bī f /old variant of 屄[bi1]/ 毵 毿 S - 23 sān f /long-haired/shaggy/ 毷 - 0 mào f /restless/ 毹 - 3 shū f /rug/ 毽 - 10 jiàn f /shuttlecock/ 毽子 - 12 jiàn zi f /jianzi (Asian shuttlecock game)/ 毾 - 0 tà f /a coarse, woollen serge/ 毿 毵 T - 23 sān f /long-haired/shaggy/ 氂 牦 T - 3 máo f /yak (Bos grunniens)/ 氂牛 牦牛 T - 244 máo niú f /yak (Bos grunniens)/ 氄 - 0 rǒng f /down or fine hair/ 氅 - 48 chǎng f /overcoat/ 氆 - 0 pǔ f /thick rough serge from Tibet/ 氇 氌 S - 2 lǔ f /thick rough serge from Tibet/ 氈 毡 T - 507 zhān f /felt (fabric)/ 氈子 毡子 T - 18 zhān zi f /felt (fabric)/ 氈靴 毡靴 T - 6 zhān xuē f /felt boots/valenki (traditional Russian footwear)/ 氉 - 0 sào f /restless, melancholy/ 氊 毡 T - 507 zhān f /variant of 氈|毡[zhan1]/ 氌 氇 T - 2 lǔ f /thick rough serge from Tibet/ 氍 - 4 qú f /woolen rug/ 氏 - 2573 shì t /clan name/maiden name/ 氏 - 2573 zhī f /see 月氏[Yue4 zhi1] and 閼氏|阏氏[yan1 zhi1]/ 氏族 - 1012 shì zú f /clan/ 氐 - 420 Dī t /name of an ancient tribe/ 氐 - 420 dǐ f /foundation/on the whole/ 民 - 6640 Mín f /surname Min/ 民 - 6640 mín f /the people/nationality/citizen/ 民不聊生 - 77 mín bù liáo shēng f /The people have no way to make a living (idiom, from Record of the Grand Historian 史記|史记[Shi3 ji4])/no way of getting by/ 民丰 民豐 S - 24 Mín fēng f /Niye Nahiyisi/Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 民丰县 民豐縣 S - 4 Mín fēng xiàn f /Niye Nahiyisi/Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 民主 3093 8513 mín zhǔ f /democracy/ 民主主义 民主主義 S - 652 mín zhǔ zhǔ yì f /democracy/ 民主主义者 民主主義者 S - 0 mín zhǔ zhǔ yì zhě f /democrats/ 民主主義 民主主义 T - 652 mín zhǔ zhǔ yì f /democracy/ 民主主義者 民主主义者 T - 0 mín zhǔ zhǔ yì zhě f /democrats/ 民主党 民主黨 S - 376 Mín zhǔ dǎng f /Democratic Party/ 民主党人 民主黨人 S - 24 mín zhǔ dǎng rén f /a Democratic party member/ 民主化 - 158 mín zhǔ huà f /to convert to democracy/democratic transformation/ 民主墙 民主牆 S - 0 mín zhǔ qiáng f /Democracy Wall (1978-1989), esp. during the Beijing Spring democracy movement/ 民主建港协进联盟 民主建港協進聯盟 S - 0 mín zhǔ jiàn gǎng xié jìn lián méng f /Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party/ 民主建港協進聯盟 民主建港协进联盟 T - 0 mín zhǔ jiàn gǎng xié jìn lián méng f /Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party/ 民主政治 - 0 mín zhǔ zhèng zhì f /democracy/democratic/ 民主派 - 200 mín zhǔ pài f /Democratic faction/ 民主牆 民主墙 T - 0 mín zhǔ qiáng f /Democracy Wall (1978-1989), esp. during the Beijing Spring democracy movement/ 民主进步党 民主進步黨 S - 0 Mín zhǔ jìn bù dǎng f /DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan)/abbr. to 民進黨|民进党/ 民主進步黨 民主进步党 T - 0 Mín zhǔ jìn bù dǎng f /DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan)/abbr. to 民進黨|民进党/ 民主集中制 - 941 mín zhǔ jí zhōng zhì f /democratic centralism/ 民主革命 - 519 mín zhǔ gé mìng f /democratic revolution/bourgeois revolution (in Marx-Leninist theory, a prelude to the proletarian revolution)/ 民主黨 民主党 T - 376 Mín zhǔ dǎng f /Democratic Party/ 民主黨人 民主党人 T - 24 mín zhǔ dǎng rén f /a Democratic party member/ 民乐 民樂 S - 72 Mín yuè f /Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ 民乐 民樂 S - 72 mín yuè f /folk music, esp. for traditional instruments/ 民乐县 民樂縣 S - 3 Mín yuè xiàn f /Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ 民事 - 1384 mín shì f /civil case/agricultural affairs/civil/ 民事訴訟 民事诉讼 T - 3 mín shì sù sòng f /common plea/civil appeal (as opposed to criminal case)/ 民事诉讼 民事訴訟 S - 3 mín shì sù sòng f /common plea/civil appeal (as opposed to criminal case)/ 民事責任 民事责任 T - 3 mín shì zé rèn f /civil liability (law)/ 民事责任 民事責任 S - 3 mín shì zé rèn f /civil liability (law)/ 民以食为天 民以食為天 S - 23 mín yǐ shí wéi tiān f /Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need./Food first, ethical niceties second/ 民以食為天 民以食为天 T - 23 mín yǐ shí wéi tiān f /Food is the God of the people. (idiom); People view food as the primary need./Food first, ethical niceties second/ 民众 民眾 S - 1793 mín zhòng f /populace/masses/the people/ 民俗 - 521 mín sú f /popular custom/ 民俗学 民俗學 S - 64 mín sú xué f /folklore/ 民俗學 民俗学 T - 64 mín sú xué f /folklore/ 民兵 - 999 mín bīng f /people's militia/militia/militiaman/ 民办 民辦 S - 520 mín bàn f /run by the local people/privately operated/ 民勤 - 19 Mín qín f /Minqin county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ 民勤县 民勤縣 S - 4 Mín qín xiàn f /Minqin county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ 民勤縣 民勤县 T - 4 Mín qín xiàn f /Minqin county in Wuwei 武威[Wu3 wei1], Gansu/ 民变 民變 S - 3 mín biàn f /mass uprising/popular revolt/civil commotion/ 民变峰起 民變峰起 S - 0 mín biàn fēng qǐ f /seething discontent (idiom); widespread popular grievances/ 民和 - 102 Mín hé f /Minhe Hui and Tu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 民和县 民和縣 S - 3 Mín hé xiàn f /Minhe Hui and Tu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 民和回族土族自治县 民和回族土族自治縣 S - 0 Mín hé Huí zú Tǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Minhe Hui and Tu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 民和回族土族自治縣 民和回族土族自治县 T - 0 Mín hé Huí zú Tǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /Minhe Hui and Tu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 民和縣 民和县 T - 3 Mín hé xiàn f /Minhe Hui and Tu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai/ 民团 民團 S - 49 mín tuán f /civil corps/militia/ 民国 民國 S - 1570 Mín guó f /Republic of China (1912-1949)/used instead of reign name by the nationalist government, then by Taiwan/used in PRC as reign name of a former dynasty/ 民国通俗演义 民國通俗演義 S - 0 Mín guó tōng sú yǎn yì f /Dramatized history of Republican China until 1927 by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩, and later chapters by Xu Qinfu 許廑父|许廑父/ 民國 民国 T - 1570 Mín guó f /Republic of China (1912-1949)/used instead of reign name by the nationalist government, then by Taiwan/used in PRC as reign name of a former dynasty/ 民國通俗演義 民国通俗演义 T - 0 Mín guó tōng sú yǎn yì f /Dramatized history of Republican China until 1927 by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩|蔡东藩, and later chapters by Xu Qinfu 許廑父|许廑父/ 民團 民团 T - 49 mín tuán f /civil corps/militia/ 民女 - 88 mín nǚ f /woman from an ordinary family/ 民宅 - 61 mín zhái f /house/people's homes/ 民家 - 3 mín jiā f /minka/commoner's house/Bai ethnic group/ 民宿 - 4 mín sù f /guesthouse/pension/ 民居 - 163 mín jū f /houses/homes/ 民工 - 558 mín gōng f /migrant worker/temporary worker enlisted on a public project/ 民庭 - 3 mín tíng f /civil court/ 民建联 民建聯 S - 3 mín jiàn lián f /abbr. for 民主建港協進聯盟|民主建港协进联盟, Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party/ 民建聯 民建联 T - 3 mín jiàn lián f /abbr. for 民主建港協進聯盟|民主建港协进联盟, Democratic alliance for the betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), Hong Kong pro-Beijing party/ 民心 - 384 mín xīn f /popular sentiment/ 民怨 - 30 mín yuàn f /popular grievance/complaints of the people/ 民怨沸腾 民怨沸騰 S - 29 mín yuàn fèi téng f /seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances boil over/ 民怨沸騰 民怨沸腾 T - 29 mín yuàn fèi téng f /seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances boil over/ 民怨鼎沸 - 0 mín yuàn dǐng fèi f /seething discontent (idiom); popular grievances boil over/ 民情 - 130 mín qíng f /circumstances of the people/popular sentiment/the mood of the people/popular customs/ 民意 - 379 mín yì f /public opinion/popular will/public will/ 民意测验 民意測驗 S - 72 mín yì cè yàn f /opinion poll/ 民意測驗 民意测验 T - 72 mín yì cè yàn f /opinion poll/ 民意調查 民意调查 T - 3 mín yì diào chá f /opinion poll/ 民意调查 民意調查 S - 3 mín yì diào chá f /opinion poll/ 民房 - 98 mín fáng f /private house/ 民政 - 2298 mín zhèng f /civil administration/ 民政厅 民政廳 S - 24 mín zhèng tīng f /Civil affairs bureau/provincial office of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) 民政部/ 民政廳 民政厅 T - 24 mín zhèng tīng f /Civil affairs bureau/provincial office of PRC Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) 民政部/ 民政部 - 91 Mín zhèng bù f /Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) of the PRC/ 民数记 民數記 S - 0 Mín shù jì f /Book of Numbers/Fourth Book of Moses/ 民數記 民数记 T - 0 Mín shù jì f /Book of Numbers/Fourth Book of Moses/ 民族 1124 20524 mín zú f /nationality/ethnic group/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 民族主义 民族主義 S - 575 mín zú zhǔ yì f /nationalism/national self-determination/principle of nationalism, the first of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning parity between China and the great powers)/racism/ 民族主义情绪 民族主義情緒 S - 0 mín zú zhǔ yì qíng xù f /nationalist feelings/nationalist sentiment/ 民族主義 民族主义 T - 575 mín zú zhǔ yì f /nationalism/national self-determination/principle of nationalism, the first of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning parity between China and the great powers)/racism/ 民族主義情緒 民族主义情绪 T - 0 mín zú zhǔ yì qíng xù f /nationalist feelings/nationalist sentiment/ 民族团结 民族團結 S - 3 mín zú tuán jié f /national unity/ 民族團結 民族团结 T - 3 mín zú tuán jié f /national unity/ 民族大学 民族大學 S - 0 Mín zú Dà xué f /University for Nationalities (university of ethnic studies)/ 民族大學 民族大学 T - 0 Mín zú Dà xué f /University for Nationalities (university of ethnic studies)/ 民族大迁徙 民族大遷徙 S - 0 mín zú dà qiān xǐ f /great migration of peoples/ 民族大遷徙 民族大迁徙 T - 0 mín zú dà qiān xǐ f /great migration of peoples/ 民族学 民族學 S - 124 mín zú xué f /ethnology/anthropology/ 民族學 民族学 T - 124 mín zú xué f /ethnology/anthropology/ 民族工业 民族工業 S - 0 mín zú gōng yè f /national industry/industry run by Chinese nationals or ethnic Chinese/ 民族工業 民族工业 T - 0 mín zú gōng yè f /national industry/industry run by Chinese nationals or ethnic Chinese/ 民族平等 - 3 mín zú píng děng f /equality of ethnic groups/ 民族志 - 3 mín zú zhì f /ethnography/ 民族杂居地区 民族雜居地區 S - 0 mín zú zá jū dì qū f /mixed ethnic area/ 民族社会主义 民族社會主義 S - 0 mín zú shè huì zhǔ yì f /national socialism/Nazism/ 民族社會主義 民族社会主义 T - 0 mín zú shè huì zhǔ yì f /national socialism/Nazism/ 民族自决 民族自決 S - 18 mín zú zì jué f /self-determination/ 民族自決 民族自决 T - 18 mín zú zì jué f /self-determination/ 民族舞蹈 - 0 mín zú wǔ dǎo f /folk dance/ 民族英雄 - 98 mín zú yīng xióng f /national hero/ 民族雜居地區 民族杂居地区 T - 0 mín zú zá jū dì qū f /mixed ethnic area/ 民权 民權 S - 213 Mín quán f /Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ 民权 民權 S - 213 mín quán f /civil liberties/ 民权主义 民權主義 S - 40 mín quán zhǔ yì f /democracy/civil liberties/principle of democracy, the second of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning widespread popular involvement in affairs of state)/ 民权县 民權縣 S - 3 Mín quán xiàn f /Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ 民樂 民乐 T - 72 Mín yuè f /Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ 民樂 民乐 T - 72 mín yuè f /folk music, esp. for traditional instruments/ 民樂縣 民乐县 T - 3 Mín yuè xiàn f /Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhang1 ye4], Gansu/ 民權 民权 T - 213 Mín quán f /Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ 民權 民权 T - 213 mín quán f /civil liberties/ 民權主義 民权主义 T - 40 mín quán zhǔ yì f /democracy/civil liberties/principle of democracy, the second of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning widespread popular involvement in affairs of state)/ 民權縣 民权县 T - 3 Mín quán xiàn f /Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ 民歌 - 418 mín gē f /folk song/CL:支[zhi1],首[shou3]/ 民歌手 - 3 mín gē shǒu f /folk singer/ 民法 - 325 mín fǎ f /civil law/ 民法典 - 50 mín fǎ diǎn f /civil code/ 民營 民营 T - 540 mín yíng f /privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state)/ 民營化 民营化 T - 10 mín yíng huà f /privatization/ 民爆 - 13 mín bào f /civil explosives/ 民生 - 452 mín shēng f /people's livelihood/people's welfare/ 民生主义 民生主義 S - 63 mín shēng zhǔ yì f /principle of people's livelihood, the third of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning redistribution of wealth, self-sufficiency and internal trade)/ 民生主義 民生主义 T - 63 mín shēng zhǔ yì f /principle of people's livelihood, the third of Dr Sun Yat-sen's 孫中山|孙中山 Three principles of the people 三民主義|三民主义 (at the time, meaning redistribution of wealth, self-sufficiency and internal trade)/ 民生凋敝 - 8 mín shēng diāo bì f /the people's livelihood is reduced to destitution (idiom); a time of famine and impoverishment/ 民用 - 1372 mín yòng f /(for) civilian use/ 民用核国家 民用核國家 S - 0 mín yòng hé guó jiā f /civil nuclear power/ 民用核國家 民用核国家 T - 0 mín yòng hé guó jiā f /civil nuclear power/ 民盟 - 288 Mín Méng f /China Democratic League (political party)/abbr. for 中國民主同盟|中国民主同盟/ 民眾 民众 T - 1793 mín zhòng f /populace/masses/the people/ 民穷财尽 民窮財盡 S - 12 mín qióng cái jìn f /the people are impoverished, their means exhausted (idiom); to drive the nation to bankruptcy/ 民窮財盡 民穷财尽 T - 12 mín qióng cái jìn f /the people are impoverished, their means exhausted (idiom); to drive the nation to bankruptcy/ 民答那峨海 - 0 Mín dā nà é Hǎi f /Mindanao Sea/ 民粹主义 民粹主義 S - 15 mín cuì zhǔ yì f /populism/ 民粹主義 民粹主义 T - 15 mín cuì zhǔ yì f /populism/ 民粹派 - 31 Mín cuì pài f /the Narodniks, Russian populist group in the 19th century/ 民脂民膏 - 40 mín zhī mín gāo f /lit. the fat and wealth of the people (idiom); the nation's hard-won wealth (esp. as an object of unscrupulous exploitation)/the people's blood, sweat and tears/ 民航 - 548 mín háng f /civil aviation/ 民航班机 民航班機 S - 0 mín háng bān jī f /civilian plane/commercial flight/ 民航班機 民航班机 T - 0 mín háng bān jī f /civilian plane/commercial flight/ 民营 民營 S - 540 mín yíng f /privately run (i.e. by a company, not the state)/ 民营化 民營化 S - 10 mín yíng huà f /privatization/ 民調 民调 T - 18 mín diào f /opinion poll/ 民諺 民谚 T - 44 mín yàn f /folk saying/proverb/ 民謠 民谣 T - 90 mín yáo f /ballad/folk song/ 民警 - 393 mín jǐng f /civil police/PRC police/abbr. for 人民警察/ 民變 民变 T - 3 mín biàn f /mass uprising/popular revolt/civil commotion/ 民變峰起 民变峰起 T - 0 mín biàn fēng qǐ f /seething discontent (idiom); widespread popular grievances/ 民调 民調 S - 18 mín diào f /opinion poll/ 民谚 民諺 S - 44 mín yàn f /folk saying/proverb/ 民谣 民謠 S - 90 mín yáo f /ballad/folk song/ 民豐 民丰 T - 24 Mín fēng f /Niye Nahiyisi/Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 民豐縣 民丰县 T - 4 Mín fēng xiàn f /Niye Nahiyisi/Minfeng county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 民資 民资 T - 0 mín zī f /private capital/ 民賊獨夫 民贼独夫 T - 3 mín zéi dú fū f /tyrant and oppressor of the people (idiom); traitorous dictator/ 民贼独夫 民賊獨夫 S - 3 mín zéi dú fū f /tyrant and oppressor of the people (idiom); traitorous dictator/ 民资 民資 S - 0 mín zī f /private capital/ 民辦 民办 T - 520 mín bàn f /run by the local people/privately operated/ 民运 民運 S - 19 mín yùn f /civil transport/movement aimed at the masses/democracy movement (abbr.)/ 民进党 民進黨 S - 61 Mín jìn dǎng f /DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan)/abbr. for 民主進步黨|民主进步党/ 民选 民選 S - 171 mín xuǎn f /democratically elected/ 民進黨 民进党 T - 61 Mín jìn dǎng f /DPP (Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan)/abbr. for 民主進步黨|民主进步党/ 民運 民运 T - 19 mín yùn f /civil transport/movement aimed at the masses/democracy movement (abbr.)/ 民選 民选 T - 171 mín xuǎn f /democratically elected/ 民間 民间 T 3972 3867 mín jiān f /among the people/popular/folk/non-governmental/involving people rather than governments/ 民間傳說 民间传说 T - 3 mín jiān chuán shuō f /popular tradition/folk legend/ 民間故事 民间故事 T - 3 mín jiān gù shi f /folk story/folktale/ 民間組織 民间组织 T - 3 mín jiān zǔ zhī f /association/organization/humanitarian organization/NGO/ 民間習俗 民间习俗 T - 0 mín jiān xí sú f /folk customs/ 民間舞 民间舞 T - 69 mín jiān wǔ f /folk dance/ 民間舞蹈 民间舞蹈 T - 3 mín jiān wǔ dǎo f /folk dance/ 民間藝術 民间艺术 T - 108 mín jiān yì shù f /folk art/ 民間音樂 民间音乐 T - 0 mín jiān yīn yuè f /folk music/ 民间 民間 S 3972 3867 mín jiān f /among the people/popular/folk/non-governmental/involving people rather than governments/ 民间习俗 民間習俗 S - 0 mín jiān xí sú f /folk customs/ 民间传说 民間傳說 S - 3 mín jiān chuán shuō f /popular tradition/folk legend/ 民间故事 民間故事 S - 3 mín jiān gù shi f /folk story/folktale/ 民间组织 民間組織 S - 3 mín jiān zǔ zhī f /association/organization/humanitarian organization/NGO/ 民间舞 民間舞 S - 69 mín jiān wǔ f /folk dance/ 民间舞蹈 民間舞蹈 S - 3 mín jiān wǔ dǎo f /folk dance/ 民间艺术 民間藝術 S - 108 mín jiān yì shù f /folk art/ 民间音乐 民間音樂 S - 0 mín jiān yīn yuè f /folk music/ 民雄 - 0 Mín xióng f /Minxiong or Minhsiung township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 民雄乡 民雄鄉 S - 0 Mín xióng xiāng f /Minxiong or Minhsiung township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 民雄鄉 民雄乡 T - 0 Mín xióng xiāng f /Minxiong or Minhsiung township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 民風 民风 T - 85 mín fēng f /popular customs/folkways/ 民风 民風 S - 85 mín fēng f /popular customs/folkways/ 氓 - 27 máng t /see 流氓[liu2 mang2]/ 氓 - 27 méng f /common people/ 气 氣 S - 17826 qì f /gas/air/smell/weather/to make angry/to annoy/to get angry/vital energy/qi/ 气不公 氣不公 S - 3 qì bù gōng f /indignant/ 气不平 氣不平 S - 0 qì bù píng f /angry at unfairness/ 气不忿儿 氣不忿兒 S - 3 qì bù fèn r f /furious/indignant/ 气不过 氣不過 S - 59 qì bu guò f /so angry it's unbearable/bitter about unbearable grievances/ 气人 氣人 S - 48 qì rén f /to anger/to annoy/ 气体 氣體 S - 2609 qì tǐ f /gas (i.e. gaseous substance)/ 气体扩散 氣體擴散 S - 0 qì tǐ kuò sàn f /gaseous diffusion/ 气体离心 氣體離心 S - 0 qì tǐ lí xīn f /gas centrifuge/ 气候 氣候 S 1152 6832 qì hòu f /climate/atmosphere/situation/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 气候变化 氣候變化 S - 3 qì hòu biàn huà f /climate change/ 气候学 氣候學 S - 50 qì hòu xué f /climatology/ 气候学家 氣候學家 S - 0 qì hòu xué jiā f /a climatologist/ 气候暖化 氣候暖化 S - 0 qì hòu nuǎn huà f /climate warming/ 气候温和 氣候溫和 S - 0 qì hòu wēn hé f /moderate climate/ 气候状况 氣候狀況 S - 0 qì hòu zhuàng kuàng f /climatic conditions/atmospheric conditions/ 气像人员 氣像人員 S - 0 qì xiàng rén yuán f /meteorologist/ 气冲冲 氣沖沖 S - 37 qì chōng chōng f /furious/enraged/ 气冲牛斗 氣衝牛斗 S - 3 qì chōng niú dǒu f /extremely angry/infuriated/ 气冲霄汉 氣衝霄漢 S - 3 qì chōng xiāo hàn f /(idiom) dauntless/courageous/spirited/ 气冷式反应堆 氣冷式反應堆 S - 0 qì lěng shì fǎn yìng duī f /gas-cooled reactor/ 气凝胶 氣凝膠 S - 0 qì níng jiāo f /aerogel/ 气力 氣力 S - 302 qì lì f /strength/energy/vigor/talent/ 气功 氣功 S 4920 184 qì gōng f /qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises/ 气动 氣動 S - 187 qì dòng f /pneumatic/ 气动噪声 氣動噪聲 S - 0 qì dòng zào shēng f /aerodynamic noise/ 气动开关 氣動開關 S - 0 qì dòng kāi guān f /pneumatic switch/ 气动式 氣動式 S - 3 qì dòng shì f /pneumatic/ 气动控制 氣動控制 S - 0 qì dòng kòng zhì f /air operated/ 气动泵 氣動泵 S - 0 qì dòng bèng f /pneumatic pump/ 气动葫芦 氣動葫蘆 S - 0 qì dòng hú lu f /pneumatic hoist pulley/ 气动闸 氣動閘 S - 0 qì dòng zhá f /pneumatic brake/ 气势 氣勢 S 4048 1221 qì shì f /imposing manner/loftiness/grandeur/energetic looks/vigor/ 气势凌人 氣勢凌人 S - 3 qì shì líng rén f /arrogant and overbearing/ 气势宏伟 氣勢宏偉 S - 0 qì shì hóng wěi f /imposing/majestic/ 气势汹汹 氣勢洶洶 S - 119 qì shì xiōng xiōng f /aggressive/truculent/overbearing/ 气包子 氣包子 S - 0 qì bāo zi f /quick-tempered person/ 气化 氣化 S - 154 qì huà f /to vaporize/evaporation/carburetion/氣|气[qi4] transformation in TCM (i.e. transformation of yin yang vital breath)/unvoicing of voiced consonant/ 气压 氣壓 S 4034 338 qì yā f /atmospheric pressure/barometric pressure/ 气压表 氣壓表 S - 13 qì yā biǎo f /barometer/ 气压计 氣壓計 S - 29 qì yā jì f /barometer/ 气口 氣口 S - 3 qì kǒu f /location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM/ 气吁吁 氣吁吁 S - 3 qì xū xū f /to pant/to gasp for breath/ 气味 氣味 S 2989 1024 qì wèi f /odor/scent/ 气呼呼 氣呼呼 S - 102 qì hū hū f /panting with rage/ 气咻咻 氣咻咻 S - 21 qì xiū xiū f /to pant/to gasp for breath/ 气哼哼 氣哼哼 S - 48 qì hēng hēng f /enraged/furious/livid/ 气喘 氣喘 S - 143 qì chuǎn f /to gasp for breath/asthma/ 气喘吁吁 氣喘吁吁 S - 237 qì chuǎn xū xū f /to pant/to gasp for breath/ 气喘喘 氣喘喘 S - 16 qì chuǎn chuǎn f /breathless/ 气喘如牛 氣喘如牛 S - 5 qì chuǎn rú niú f /to breathe heavily like an ox (idiom)/to huff and puff/ 气喘病 氣喘病 S - 7 qì chuǎn bìng f /asthma/ 气囊 氣囊 S - 341 qì náng f /air sac/aerostat gasbag/ 气团 氣團 S - 111 qì tuán f /air mass/ 气圈 氣圈 S - 4 qì quān f /(planet) atmosphere/(medical) air ring/air cushion/ 气场 氣場 S - 5 qì cháng f /qi field (qigong)/aura/atmosphere/ 气垫 氣墊 S - 57 qì diàn f /air cushion (as on hovercraft)/ 气垫船 氣墊船 S - 49 qì diàn chuán f /hovercraft/air cushion vehicle/ 气塞 氣塞 S - 0 qì sāi f /airlock/air block/fipple (in the mouthpiece of wind instrument)/ 气壮山河 氣壯山河 S - 18 qì zhuàng shān hé f /magnificent/inspiring/ 气头上 氣頭上 S - 34 qì tóu shàng f /in a fit of anger (idiom); in a temper/ 气孔 氣孔 S - 209 qì kǒng f /air-bubble/pore/stoma/ 气宇 氣宇 S - 17 qì yǔ f /bearing/manner/ 气宇轩昂 氣宇軒昂 S - 38 qì yǔ xuān áng f /to have an imposing or impressive appearance/impressive appearance/straight and impressive looking/ 气定神闲 氣定神閒 S - 28 qì dìng shén xián f /calm and composed (idiom)/ 气密 氣密 S - 42 qì mì f /airtight/ 气度 氣度 S - 184 qì dù f /bearing/manner/presence/ 气度恢宏 氣度恢宏 S - 0 qì dù huī hóng f /broad-minded/magnanimous/ 气态 氣態 S - 87 qì tài f /gaseous state (physics)/manner/air/bearing/ 气急败坏 氣急敗壞 S - 191 qì jí bài huài f /flustered and exasperated/utterly discomfited/ 气息 氣息 S - 1376 qì xī f /breath/smell/odor/flavor/ 气息奄奄 氣息奄奄 S - 39 qì xī yǎn yǎn f /to have only a breath of life (idiom)/ 气恼 氣惱 S - 287 qì nǎo f /to be annoyed/to get angry/ 气愤 氣憤 S - 649 qì fèn f /indignant/furious/ 气数 氣數 S - 70 qì shu f /fate/destiny/one's lot/ 气旋 氣旋 S - 259 qì xuán f /cyclone/ 气昂昂 氣昂昂 S - 54 qì áng áng f /full of vigor/spirited/valiant/ 气枪 氣槍 S - 9 qì qiāng f /an air gun/ 气楼 氣樓 S - 3 qì lóu f /small ventilation tower on roof of building/ 气概 氣概 S 3931 562 qì gài f /lofty quality/mettle/spirit/ 气死 氣死 S - 202 qì sǐ f /to infuriate/to be furious/to die from an excess of anger/ 气氛 氣氛 S 1787 2619 qì fēn f /atmosphere/mood/ 气泡 氣泡 S - 177 qì pào f /bubble/blister (in metal)/(of beverages) sparkling/carbonated/ 气泡布 氣泡布 S - 0 qì pào bù f /bubble wrap/ 气泡膜 氣泡膜 S - 3 qì pào mó f /bubble wrap/ 气泵 氣泵 S - 9 qì bèng f /air pump/ 气派 氣派 S - 580 qì pài f /imposing manner or style/ 气流 氣流 S - 621 qì liú f /stream of air/airflow/slipstream/draft/breath/turbulence (of aircraft)/ 气温 氣溫 S - 2830 qì wēn f /air temperature/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 气溶胶 氣溶膠 S - 45 qì róng jiāo f /aerosol/ 气溶胶侦察仪 氣溶膠偵察儀 S - 0 qì róng jiāo zhēn chá yí f /aerosol detector/ 气滞 氣滯 S - 73 qì zhì f /stagnation of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 气潭 氣潭 S - 0 qì tán f /air pocket/ 气炸 氣炸 S - 3 qì zhà f /to burst with rage/to blow one's top/ 气焊 氣焊 S - 7 qì hàn f /gas welding/ 气煤 氣煤 S - 12 qì méi f /gas coal/ 气球 氣球 S - 266 qì qiú f /balloon/ 气瓶 氣瓶 S - 109 qì píng f /gas cylinder/air bottle/air tank (diving)/ 气田 氣田 S - 65 qì tián f /gasfield/ 气盛 氣盛 S - 51 qì shèng f /red-blooded/full of vim/impetuous/ 气笼 氣籠 S - 0 qì lóng f /air pipe/bamboo air pipe used to aerate granary/ 气筒 氣筒 S - 48 qì tǒng f /inflator/bicycle pump/ 气管 氣管 S - 233 qì guǎn f /windpipe/trachea/respiratory tract/air duct/gas pipe/ 气管切开术 氣管切開術 S - 0 qì guǎn qiē kāi shù f /tracheotomy (medicine)/ 气管插管术 氣管插管術 S - 0 qì guǎn chā guǎn shù f /tracheotomy (medicine)/ 气管炎 氣管炎 S - 55 qì guǎn yán f /bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus)/henpecked (a pun on 妻子管得严 used in comic theater)/ 气管痉挛 氣管痙攣 S - 0 qì guǎn jìng luán f /breathing convulsions (as in asthma)/tracheospasm/ 气粗 氣粗 S - 20 qì cū f /irascible/overbearing/ 气绝 氣絕 S - 113 qì jué f /to take one's last breath/dying/ 气缸 氣缸 S - 41 qì gāng f /cylinder (engine)/ 气胶 氣膠 S - 0 qì jiāo f /aerosol/ 气胸 氣胸 S - 33 qì xiōng f /pneumothorax (medicine)/ 气色 氣色 S 3228 139 qì sè f /complexion/ 气节 氣節 S - 264 qì jié f /moral integrity/unflinching righteousness/ 气虚 氣虛 S - 136 qì xū f /deficiency of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 气血 氣血 S - 439 qì xuè f /qi and blood (two basic bodily fluids of Chinese medicine)/ 气话 氣話 S - 79 qì huà f /angry words/sth said in the moment of anger/ 气象 氣象 S 3791 1512 qì xiàng f /meteorological feature/CL:個|个[ge4]/meteorology/atmosphere/ambience/scene/ 气象卫星 氣象衛星 S - 69 qì xiàng wèi xīng f /weather satellite/ 气象厅 氣象廳 S - 3 qì xiàng tīng f /meteorological office/ 气象台 氣象台 S - 70 qì xiàng tái f /meteorological office/weather forecasting office/ 气象学 氣象學 S - 176 qì xiàng xué f /meteorology/ 气象学者 氣象學者 S - 0 qì xiàng xué zhě f /a meteorologist/ 气象局 氣象局 S - 33 qì xiàng jú f /weather bureau/meteorological office/ 气象站 氣象站 S - 50 qì xiàng zhàn f /weather station/ 气象观测站 氣象觀測站 S - 0 qì xiàng guān cè zhàn f /weather station/ 气质 氣質 S 3512 650 qì zhì f /temperament/personality traits/manners/ 气贯长虹 氣貫長虹 S - 6 qì guàn cháng hóng f /spirit reaches to the rainbow/full of noble aspiration and daring/ 气逆 氣逆 S - 0 qì nì f /reverse flow of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 气道 氣道 S - 81 qì dào f /flue/air duct/air passage/respiratory tract/ 气量 氣量 S - 73 qì liàng f /(lit. quantity of spirit)/moral character/degree of forbearance/broad-mindedness or otherwise/tolerance/magnanimity/ 气钻 氣鑽 S - 3 qì zuàn f /pneumatic drill/ 气锤 氣錘 S - 3 qì chuí f /pneumatic drill/ 气门 氣門 S - 32 qì mén f /valve (esp. tire valve)/accelerator (obsolete term for 油門|油门)/stigma (zool.)/spiracle/ 气闸 氣閘 S - 7 qì zhá f /pneumatic brake/airlock/ 气阱 氣阱 S - 0 qì jǐng f /air pocket/ 气陷 氣陷 S - 0 qì xiàn f /collapse of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 气隙 氣隙 S - 12 qì xì f /air vent/air gap/ 气雾免疫 氣霧免疫 S - 0 qì wù miǎn yì f /aerosol immunization/ 气雾剂 氣霧劑 S - 8 qì wù jì f /aerosol/ 气雾室 氣霧室 S - 0 qì wù shì f /cloud chamber/ 气韵 氣韻 S - 66 qì yùn f /(of literature, art) distinct style/flavor/spirit/character/ 气馁 氣餒 S - 142 qì něi f /to be discouraged/ 气魄 氣魄 S 4811 207 qì pò f /spirit/boldness/positive outlook/imposing attitude/ 气鸣乐器 氣鳴樂器 S - 0 qì míng yuè qì f /aerophone (music)/ 气鼓鼓 氣鼓鼓 S - 44 qì gǔ gǔ f /seething/fuming/ 氕 - 6 piē f /protium 1H/light hydrogen, the most common isotope of hydrogen, having no neutron, so atomic weight 1/ 氖 - 538 nǎi f /neon (chemistry)/ 気 - 0 qì f /Japanese variant of 氣|气/ 氘 - 69 dāo f /deuterium 2H/heavy hydrogen, isotope of hydrogen having 1 neutron in its nucleus, so atomic weight 2/ 氘核 - 3 dāo hé f /deuteron/ 氙 - 46 xiān f /xenon (chemistry)/ 氚 - 52 chuān f /tritium 3H/radioactive isotope of hydrogen having 2 neutrons in its nucleus, so atomic weight 3/ 氛 - 91 fēn f /miasma/vapor/ 氛围 氛圍 S - 689 fēn wéi f /ambience/atmosphere/ 氛圍 氛围 T - 689 fēn wéi f /ambience/atmosphere/ 氜 - 3 rì f /old name for 氦[hai4], helium/ 氜 - 3 yáng t /old variant of 陽|阳[yang2]/ 氝 - 0 nèi f /neon Ne (chemistry) (now written 氖[nai3])/ 氟 - 483 fú f /fluorine (chemistry)/ 氟利昂 - 29 fú lì áng f /freon (chemistry)/ 氟化 - 35 fú huà f /fluoridation/fluorination/ 氟化氢 氟化氫 S - 34 fú huà qīng f /hydrofluoric acid/ 氟化氫 氟化氢 T - 34 fú huà qīng f /hydrofluoric acid/ 氟化物 - 63 fú huà wù f /fluoride/ 氟石 - 8 fú shí f /fluorite CaF2/fluorspar/fluor/ 氟硅酸 - 2 fú guī suān f /fluorosilicic acid H2SiF6/fluorosilicate/ 氟骨病 - 3 fú gǔ bìng f /see 氟骨症[fu2 gu3 zheng4]/ 氟骨症 - 6 fú gǔ zhèng f /osteofluorosis/skeletal fluorosis/ 氡 - 74 dōng f /radon (chemistry)/ 氢 氫 S - 1011 qīng f /hydrogen (chemistry)/ 氢净合成油 氫淨合成油 S - 0 qīng jìng hé chéng yóu f /hydrogenated oil/ 氢化 氫化 S - 99 qīng huà f /hydrogenation/ 氢化氰 氫化氰 S - 0 qīng huà qíng f /hydrocyanic acid/hydrogen cyanide/ 氢卤酸 氫鹵酸 S - 0 qīng lǔ suān f /hydrohalic acid (e.g. hydrofluoric acid HFl 氫氟酸|氢氟酸[qing1 fu2 suan1], hydrochloric acid HCl 盐酸 etc)/ 氢原子 氫原子 S - 177 qīng yuán zǐ f /hydrogen atom/ 氢原子核 氫原子核 S - 0 qīng yuán zǐ hé f /hydrogen nucleus/ 氢弹 氫彈 S - 170 qīng dàn f /H-bomb/hydrogen bomb/ 氢气 氫氣 S - 206 qīng qì f /hydrogen (gas)/ 氢氟烃 氫氟烴 S - 0 qīng fú tīng f /hydrofluorocarbon/ 氢氟酸 氫氟酸 S - 41 qīng fú suān f /hydrofluoric acid HFl/ 氢氧 氫氧 S - 3 qīng yǎng f /hydroxide (e.g. caustic soda NaOH)/ 氢氧化 氫氧化 S - 7 qīng yǎng huà f /hydroxide (e.g. caustic soda NaOH)/ 氢氧化物 氫氧化物 S - 46 qīng yǎng huà wù f /hydroxide/ 氢氧化钙 氫氧化鈣 S - 24 qīng yǎng huà gài f /calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2/slaked lime/ 氢氧化钠 氫氧化鈉 S - 118 qīng yǎng huà nà f /caustic soda/sodium hydroxide NaOH/ 氢氧化钾 氫氧化鉀 S - 32 qīng yǎng huà jiǎ f /potassium hydroxide/ 氢氧化铝 氫氧化鋁 S - 15 qīng yǎng huà lǚ f /aluminum hydroxide/ 氢氧根 氫氧根 S - 13 qīng yǎng gēn f /hydroxide radical (-OH)/ 氢氧根离子 氫氧根離子 S - 0 qīng yǎng gēn lí zǐ f /hydroxide ion OH-/ 氢氧离子 氫氧離子 S - 0 qīng yǎng lí zǐ f /hydroxide ion OH-/ 氢氯酸 氫氯酸 S - 3 qīng lǜ suān f /hydrochloric acid HCl/also written 鹽酸|盐酸/ 氢溴酸 氫溴酸 S - 8 qīng xiù suān f /hydrobromic acid HBr/ 氢酶 氫酶 S - 0 qīng méi f /hydrogenase (enzyme)/ 氢键 氫鍵 S - 46 qīng jiàn f /hydrogen bond/ 氣 气 T - 17826 qì f /gas/air/smell/weather/to make angry/to annoy/to get angry/vital energy/qi/ 氣不公 气不公 T - 3 qì bù gōng f /indignant/ 氣不平 气不平 T - 0 qì bù píng f /angry at unfairness/ 氣不忿兒 气不忿儿 T - 3 qì bù fèn r f /furious/indignant/ 氣不過 气不过 T - 59 qì bu guò f /so angry it's unbearable/bitter about unbearable grievances/ 氣人 气人 T - 48 qì rén f /to anger/to annoy/ 氣候 气候 T 1152 6832 qì hòu f /climate/atmosphere/situation/CL:種|种[zhong3]/ 氣候學 气候学 T - 50 qì hòu xué f /climatology/ 氣候學家 气候学家 T - 0 qì hòu xué jiā f /a climatologist/ 氣候暖化 气候暖化 T - 0 qì hòu nuǎn huà f /climate warming/ 氣候溫和 气候温和 T - 0 qì hòu wēn hé f /moderate climate/ 氣候狀況 气候状况 T - 0 qì hòu zhuàng kuàng f /climatic conditions/atmospheric conditions/ 氣候變化 气候变化 T - 3 qì hòu biàn huà f /climate change/ 氣像人員 气像人员 T - 0 qì xiàng rén yuán f /meteorologist/ 氣冷式反應堆 气冷式反应堆 T - 0 qì lěng shì fǎn yìng duī f /gas-cooled reactor/ 氣凝膠 气凝胶 T - 0 qì níng jiāo f /aerogel/ 氣力 气力 T - 302 qì lì f /strength/energy/vigor/talent/ 氣功 气功 T 4920 184 qì gōng f /qigong, a system of deep breathing exercises/ 氣動 气动 T - 187 qì dòng f /pneumatic/ 氣動噪聲 气动噪声 T - 0 qì dòng zào shēng f /aerodynamic noise/ 氣動式 气动式 T - 3 qì dòng shì f /pneumatic/ 氣動控制 气动控制 T - 0 qì dòng kòng zhì f /air operated/ 氣動泵 气动泵 T - 0 qì dòng bèng f /pneumatic pump/ 氣動葫蘆 气动葫芦 T - 0 qì dòng hú lu f /pneumatic hoist pulley/ 氣動開關 气动开关 T - 0 qì dòng kāi guān f /pneumatic switch/ 氣動閘 气动闸 T - 0 qì dòng zhá f /pneumatic brake/ 氣勢 气势 T 4048 1221 qì shì f /imposing manner/loftiness/grandeur/energetic looks/vigor/ 氣勢凌人 气势凌人 T - 3 qì shì líng rén f /arrogant and overbearing/ 氣勢宏偉 气势宏伟 T - 0 qì shì hóng wěi f /imposing/majestic/ 氣勢洶洶 气势汹汹 T - 119 qì shì xiōng xiōng f /aggressive/truculent/overbearing/ 氣包子 气包子 T - 0 qì bāo zi f /quick-tempered person/ 氣化 气化 T - 154 qì huà f /to vaporize/evaporation/carburetion/氣|气[qi4] transformation in TCM (i.e. transformation of yin yang vital breath)/unvoicing of voiced consonant/ 氣口 气口 T - 3 qì kǒu f /location on wrist over the radial artery where pulse is taken in TCM/ 氣吁吁 气吁吁 T - 3 qì xū xū f /to pant/to gasp for breath/ 氣味 气味 T 2989 1024 qì wèi f /odor/scent/ 氣呼呼 气呼呼 T - 102 qì hū hū f /panting with rage/ 氣咻咻 气咻咻 T - 21 qì xiū xiū f /to pant/to gasp for breath/ 氣哼哼 气哼哼 T - 48 qì hēng hēng f /enraged/furious/livid/ 氣喘 气喘 T - 143 qì chuǎn f /to gasp for breath/asthma/ 氣喘吁吁 气喘吁吁 T - 237 qì chuǎn xū xū f /to pant/to gasp for breath/ 氣喘喘 气喘喘 T - 16 qì chuǎn chuǎn f /breathless/ 氣喘如牛 气喘如牛 T - 5 qì chuǎn rú niú f /to breathe heavily like an ox (idiom)/to huff and puff/ 氣喘病 气喘病 T - 7 qì chuǎn bìng f /asthma/ 氣囊 气囊 T - 341 qì náng f /air sac/aerostat gasbag/ 氣圈 气圈 T - 4 qì quān f /(planet) atmosphere/(medical) air ring/air cushion/ 氣團 气团 T - 111 qì tuán f /air mass/ 氣場 气场 T - 5 qì cháng f /qi field (qigong)/aura/atmosphere/ 氣塞 气塞 T - 0 qì sāi f /airlock/air block/fipple (in the mouthpiece of wind instrument)/ 氣墊 气垫 T - 57 qì diàn f /air cushion (as on hovercraft)/ 氣墊船 气垫船 T - 49 qì diàn chuán f /hovercraft/air cushion vehicle/ 氣壓 气压 T 4034 338 qì yā f /atmospheric pressure/barometric pressure/ 氣壓表 气压表 T - 13 qì yā biǎo f /barometer/ 氣壓計 气压计 T - 29 qì yā jì f /barometer/ 氣壯山河 气壮山河 T - 18 qì zhuàng shān hé f /magnificent/inspiring/ 氣孔 气孔 T - 209 qì kǒng f /air-bubble/pore/stoma/ 氣宇 气宇 T - 17 qì yǔ f /bearing/manner/ 氣宇軒昂 气宇轩昂 T - 38 qì yǔ xuān áng f /to have an imposing or impressive appearance/impressive appearance/straight and impressive looking/ 氣定神閒 气定神闲 T - 28 qì dìng shén xián f /calm and composed (idiom)/ 氣密 气密 T - 42 qì mì f /airtight/ 氣度 气度 T - 184 qì dù f /bearing/manner/presence/ 氣度恢宏 气度恢宏 T - 0 qì dù huī hóng f /broad-minded/magnanimous/ 氣急敗壞 气急败坏 T - 191 qì jí bài huài f /flustered and exasperated/utterly discomfited/ 氣息 气息 T - 1376 qì xī f /breath/smell/odor/flavor/ 氣息奄奄 气息奄奄 T - 39 qì xī yǎn yǎn f /to have only a breath of life (idiom)/ 氣惱 气恼 T - 287 qì nǎo f /to be annoyed/to get angry/ 氣態 气态 T - 87 qì tài f /gaseous state (physics)/manner/air/bearing/ 氣憤 气愤 T - 649 qì fèn f /indignant/furious/ 氣數 气数 T - 70 qì shu f /fate/destiny/one's lot/ 氣旋 气旋 T - 259 qì xuán f /cyclone/ 氣昂昂 气昂昂 T - 54 qì áng áng f /full of vigor/spirited/valiant/ 氣概 气概 T 3931 562 qì gài f /lofty quality/mettle/spirit/ 氣槍 气枪 T - 9 qì qiāng f /an air gun/ 氣樓 气楼 T - 3 qì lóu f /small ventilation tower on roof of building/ 氣死 气死 T - 202 qì sǐ f /to infuriate/to be furious/to die from an excess of anger/ 氣氛 气氛 T 1787 2619 qì fēn f /atmosphere/mood/ 氣沖沖 气冲冲 T - 37 qì chōng chōng f /furious/enraged/ 氣泡 气泡 T - 177 qì pào f /bubble/blister (in metal)/(of beverages) sparkling/carbonated/ 氣泡布 气泡布 T - 0 qì pào bù f /bubble wrap/ 氣泡膜 气泡膜 T - 3 qì pào mó f /bubble wrap/ 氣泵 气泵 T - 9 qì bèng f /air pump/ 氣派 气派 T - 580 qì pài f /imposing manner or style/ 氣流 气流 T - 621 qì liú f /stream of air/airflow/slipstream/draft/breath/turbulence (of aircraft)/ 氣溫 气温 T - 2830 qì wēn f /air temperature/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 氣溶膠 气溶胶 T - 45 qì róng jiāo f /aerosol/ 氣溶膠偵察儀 气溶胶侦察仪 T - 0 qì róng jiāo zhēn chá yí f /aerosol detector/ 氣滯 气滞 T - 73 qì zhì f /stagnation of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 氣潭 气潭 T - 0 qì tán f /air pocket/ 氣炸 气炸 T - 3 qì zhà f /to burst with rage/to blow one's top/ 氣焊 气焊 T - 7 qì hàn f /gas welding/ 氣煤 气煤 T - 12 qì méi f /gas coal/ 氣球 气球 T - 266 qì qiú f /balloon/ 氣瓶 气瓶 T - 109 qì píng f /gas cylinder/air bottle/air tank (diving)/ 氣田 气田 T - 65 qì tián f /gasfield/ 氣盛 气盛 T - 51 qì shèng f /red-blooded/full of vim/impetuous/ 氣筒 气筒 T - 48 qì tǒng f /inflator/bicycle pump/ 氣管 气管 T - 233 qì guǎn f /windpipe/trachea/respiratory tract/air duct/gas pipe/ 氣管切開術 气管切开术 T - 0 qì guǎn qiē kāi shù f /tracheotomy (medicine)/ 氣管插管術 气管插管术 T - 0 qì guǎn chā guǎn shù f /tracheotomy (medicine)/ 氣管炎 气管炎 T - 55 qì guǎn yán f /bacterial tracheitis (inflammation of the windpipe, often caused by Staphylococcus aureus)/henpecked (a pun on 妻子管得严 used in comic theater)/ 氣管痙攣 气管痉挛 T - 0 qì guǎn jìng luán f /breathing convulsions (as in asthma)/tracheospasm/ 氣節 气节 T - 264 qì jié f /moral integrity/unflinching righteousness/ 氣籠 气笼 T - 0 qì lóng f /air pipe/bamboo air pipe used to aerate granary/ 氣粗 气粗 T - 20 qì cū f /irascible/overbearing/ 氣絕 气绝 T - 113 qì jué f /to take one's last breath/dying/ 氣缸 气缸 T - 41 qì gāng f /cylinder (engine)/ 氣胸 气胸 T - 33 qì xiōng f /pneumothorax (medicine)/ 氣膠 气胶 T - 0 qì jiāo f /aerosol/ 氣色 气色 T 3228 139 qì sè f /complexion/ 氣虛 气虚 T - 136 qì xū f /deficiency of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 氣血 气血 T - 439 qì xuè f /qi and blood (two basic bodily fluids of Chinese medicine)/ 氣衝牛斗 气冲牛斗 T - 3 qì chōng niú dǒu f /extremely angry/infuriated/ 氣衝霄漢 气冲霄汉 T - 3 qì chōng xiāo hàn f /(idiom) dauntless/courageous/spirited/ 氣話 气话 T - 79 qì huà f /angry words/sth said in the moment of anger/ 氣象 气象 T 3791 1512 qì xiàng f /meteorological feature/CL:個|个[ge4]/meteorology/atmosphere/ambience/scene/ 氣象台 气象台 T - 70 qì xiàng tái f /meteorological office/weather forecasting office/ 氣象學 气象学 T - 176 qì xiàng xué f /meteorology/ 氣象學者 气象学者 T - 0 qì xiàng xué zhě f /a meteorologist/ 氣象局 气象局 T - 33 qì xiàng jú f /weather bureau/meteorological office/ 氣象廳 气象厅 T - 3 qì xiàng tīng f /meteorological office/ 氣象站 气象站 T - 50 qì xiàng zhàn f /weather station/ 氣象衛星 气象卫星 T - 69 qì xiàng wèi xīng f /weather satellite/ 氣象觀測站 气象观测站 T - 0 qì xiàng guān cè zhàn f /weather station/ 氣貫長虹 气贯长虹 T - 6 qì guàn cháng hóng f /spirit reaches to the rainbow/full of noble aspiration and daring/ 氣質 气质 T 3512 650 qì zhì f /temperament/personality traits/manners/ 氣逆 气逆 T - 0 qì nì f /reverse flow of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 氣道 气道 T - 81 qì dào f /flue/air duct/air passage/respiratory tract/ 氣量 气量 T - 73 qì liàng f /(lit. quantity of spirit)/moral character/degree of forbearance/broad-mindedness or otherwise/tolerance/magnanimity/ 氣錘 气锤 T - 3 qì chuí f /pneumatic drill/ 氣鑽 气钻 T - 3 qì zuàn f /pneumatic drill/ 氣門 气门 T - 32 qì mén f /valve (esp. tire valve)/accelerator (obsolete term for 油門|油门)/stigma (zool.)/spiracle/ 氣閘 气闸 T - 7 qì zhá f /pneumatic brake/airlock/ 氣阱 气阱 T - 0 qì jǐng f /air pocket/ 氣陷 气陷 T - 0 qì xiàn f /collapse of 氣|气[qi4] (TCM)/ 氣隙 气隙 T - 12 qì xì f /air vent/air gap/ 氣霧免疫 气雾免疫 T - 0 qì wù miǎn yì f /aerosol immunization/ 氣霧劑 气雾剂 T - 8 qì wù jì f /aerosol/ 氣霧室 气雾室 T - 0 qì wù shì f /cloud chamber/ 氣韻 气韵 T - 66 qì yùn f /(of literature, art) distinct style/flavor/spirit/character/ 氣頭上 气头上 T - 34 qì tóu shàng f /in a fit of anger (idiom); in a temper/ 氣餒 气馁 T - 142 qì něi f /to be discouraged/ 氣體 气体 T - 2609 qì tǐ f /gas (i.e. gaseous substance)/ 氣體擴散 气体扩散 T - 0 qì tǐ kuò sàn f /gaseous diffusion/ 氣體離心 气体离心 T - 0 qì tǐ lí xīn f /gas centrifuge/ 氣魄 气魄 T 4811 207 qì pò f /spirit/boldness/positive outlook/imposing attitude/ 氣鳴樂器 气鸣乐器 T - 0 qì míng yuè qì f /aerophone (music)/ 氣鼓鼓 气鼓鼓 T - 44 qì gǔ gǔ f /seething/fuming/ 氤 - 34 yīn f /generative forces/magic emanation/ 氤氲 氤氳 S - 62 yīn yūn f /dense (of smoke, mist)/ 氤氳 氤氲 T - 62 yīn yūn f /dense (of smoke, mist)/ 氥 - 56 xī f /variant of 氙[xian1]/ 氦 - 355 hài f /helium (chemistry)/ 氧 - 1319 yǎng f /oxygen (chemistry)/ 氧乙炔 - 3 yǎng yǐ quē f /oxyacetylene/ 氧乙炔炬 - 0 yǎng yǐ quē jù f /an oxyacetylene torch/ 氧乙炔焊 - 0 yǎng yǐ quē hàn f /oxyacetylene welding/ 氧乙炔焊炬 - 0 yǎng yǐ quē hàn jù f /oxyacetylene torch/ 氧割 - 3 yǎng gē f /to cut using oxyacetylene torch/ 氧化 - 1260 yǎng huà f /to oxidize/ 氧化剂 氧化劑 S - 98 yǎng huà jì f /oxidant/oxidizing agent/ 氧化劑 氧化剂 T - 98 yǎng huà jì f /oxidant/oxidizing agent/ 氧化汞 - 19 yǎng huà gǒng f /mercuric oxide (HgO)/ 氧化物 - 343 yǎng huà wù f /oxide/ 氧化罐 - 0 yǎng huà guàn f /Hopcalite canister/Hopcalite cartridge/ 氧化鈣 氧化钙 T - 30 yǎng huà gài f /calcium oxide/ 氧化鈾 氧化铀 T - 3 yǎng huà yóu f /uranium oxide/ 氧化鋁 氧化铝 T - 130 yǎng huà lǚ f /aluminum oxide/ 氧化鋅 氧化锌 T - 30 yǎng huà xīn f /zinc oxide/ 氧化鎂 氧化镁 T - 30 yǎng huà měi f /magnesium oxide/ 氧化钙 氧化鈣 S - 30 yǎng huà gài f /calcium oxide/ 氧化铀 氧化鈾 S - 3 yǎng huà yóu f /uranium oxide/ 氧化铝 氧化鋁 S - 130 yǎng huà lǚ f /aluminum oxide/ 氧化锌 氧化鋅 S - 30 yǎng huà xīn f /zinc oxide/ 氧化镁 氧化鎂 S - 30 yǎng huà měi f /magnesium oxide/ 氧原子 - 50 yǎng yuán zǐ f /oxygen atom/ 氧基 - 3 yǎng jī f /alkoxy (chemistry)/ 氧效应 氧效應 S - 3 yǎng xiào yìng f /oxygen effect/ 氧效應 氧效应 T - 3 yǎng xiào yìng f /oxygen effect/ 氧气 氧氣 S 3083 513 yǎng qì f /oxygen/ 氧氣 氧气 T 3083 513 yǎng qì f /oxygen/ 氧炔吹管 - 3 yǎng quē chuī guǎn f /oxyacetylene torch/ 氨 - 2769 ān f /ammonia/ 氨吖啶 - 0 ān ā dìng f /aminoacridine or aminacrine (antiseptic and disinfectant)/ 氨哮素 - 0 ān xiào sù f /clenbuterol/ 氨基 - 435 ān jī f /amino/amino group/ 氨基比林 - 0 ān jī bǐ lín f /aminopyrine (loanword)/ 氨基甲酸酯类化合物 氨基甲酸酯類化合物 S - 0 ān jī jiǎ suān zhǐ lèi huà hé wù f /carbamate/ 氨基甲酸酯類化合物 氨基甲酸酯类化合物 T - 0 ān jī jiǎ suān zhǐ lèi huà hé wù f /carbamate/ 氨基苯酸 - 0 ān jī běn suān f /aminobenzoic acid/ 氨基葡糖 - 0 ān jī pú táng f /glucosamine/abbr. for 氨基葡萄糖/ 氨基葡萄糖 - 0 ān jī pú tao táng f /glucosamine (C6H13NO5)/ 氨基酸 - 548 ān jī suān f /amino acid/ 氨气 氨氣 S - 32 ān qì f /ammonia (gas)/ 氨氣 氨气 T - 32 ān qì f /ammonia (gas)/ 氨水 - 63 ān shuǐ f /ammonia solution/ 氨綸 氨纶 T - 11 ān lún f /spandex/elastane/ 氨纶 氨綸 S - 11 ān lún f /spandex/elastane/ 氩 氬 S - 626 yà f /argon (chemistry)/ 氪 - 84 kè f /krypton (chemistry)/ 氪气石 氪氣石 S - 0 kè qì shí f /kryptonite/ 氪氣石 氪气石 T - 0 kè qì shí f /kryptonite/ 氫 氢 T - 1011 qīng f /hydrogen (chemistry)/ 氫化 氢化 T - 99 qīng huà f /hydrogenation/ 氫化氰 氢化氰 T - 0 qīng huà qíng f /hydrocyanic acid/hydrogen cyanide/ 氫原子 氢原子 T - 177 qīng yuán zǐ f /hydrogen atom/ 氫原子核 氢原子核 T - 0 qīng yuán zǐ hé f /hydrogen nucleus/ 氫彈 氢弹 T - 170 qīng dàn f /H-bomb/hydrogen bomb/ 氫氟烴 氢氟烃 T - 0 qīng fú tīng f /hydrofluorocarbon/ 氫氟酸 氢氟酸 T - 41 qīng fú suān f /hydrofluoric acid HFl/ 氫氣 氢气 T - 206 qīng qì f /hydrogen (gas)/ 氫氧 氢氧 T - 3 qīng yǎng f /hydroxide (e.g. caustic soda NaOH)/ 氫氧化 氢氧化 T - 7 qīng yǎng huà f /hydroxide (e.g. caustic soda NaOH)/ 氫氧化物 氢氧化物 T - 46 qīng yǎng huà wù f /hydroxide/ 氫氧化鈉 氢氧化钠 T - 118 qīng yǎng huà nà f /caustic soda/sodium hydroxide NaOH/ 氫氧化鈣 氢氧化钙 T - 24 qīng yǎng huà gài f /calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2/slaked lime/ 氫氧化鉀 氢氧化钾 T - 32 qīng yǎng huà jiǎ f /potassium hydroxide/ 氫氧化鋁 氢氧化铝 T - 15 qīng yǎng huà lǚ f /aluminum hydroxide/ 氫氧根 氢氧根 T - 13 qīng yǎng gēn f /hydroxide radical (-OH)/ 氫氧根離子 氢氧根离子 T - 0 qīng yǎng gēn lí zǐ f /hydroxide ion OH-/ 氫氧離子 氢氧离子 T - 0 qīng yǎng lí zǐ f /hydroxide ion OH-/ 氫氯酸 氢氯酸 T - 3 qīng lǜ suān f /hydrochloric acid HCl/also written 鹽酸|盐酸/ 氫淨合成油 氢净合成油 T - 0 qīng jìng hé chéng yóu f /hydrogenated oil/ 氫溴酸 氢溴酸 T - 8 qīng xiù suān f /hydrobromic acid HBr/ 氫酶 氢酶 T - 0 qīng méi f /hydrogenase (enzyme)/ 氫鍵 氢键 T - 46 qīng jiàn f /hydrogen bond/ 氫鹵酸 氢卤酸 T - 0 qīng lǔ suān f /hydrohalic acid (e.g. hydrofluoric acid HFl 氫氟酸|氢氟酸[qing1 fu2 suan1], hydrochloric acid HCl 盐酸 etc)/ 氬 氩 T - 626 yà f /argon (chemistry)/ 氮 - 671 dàn f /nitrogen (chemistry)/ 氮气 氮氣 S - 82 dàn qì f /nitrogen/ 氮氣 氮气 T - 82 dàn qì f /nitrogen/ 氮氧化物 - 34 dàn yǎng huà wù f /nitrogen oxide/ 氮芥气 氮芥氣 S - 0 dàn jiè qì f /nitrogen mustard/ 氮芥氣 氮芥气 T - 0 dàn jiè qì f /nitrogen mustard/ 氯 - 503 lǜ f /chlorine (chemistry)/ 氯丁橡胶 氯丁橡膠 S - 16 lǜ dīng xiàng jiāo f /neoprene/ 氯丁橡膠 氯丁橡胶 T - 16 lǜ dīng xiàng jiāo f /neoprene/ 氯乙烯 - 36 lǜ yǐ xī f /vinyl chloride C2H3Cl/chloroethylene/ 氯仿 - 102 lǜ fǎng f /chloroform CHCl3/trichloromethane/ 氯化氢 氯化氫 S - 67 lǜ huà qīng f /hydrogen chloride/ 氯化氫 氯化氢 T - 67 lǜ huà qīng f /hydrogen chloride/ 氯化氰 - 3 lǜ huà qíng f /cyanogen chloride CNCl/ 氯化物 - 54 lǜ huà wù f /chloride/ 氯化苦 - 3 lǜ huà kǔ f /chloropicrin/ 氯化鈉 氯化钠 T - 117 lǜ huà nà f /sodium chloride NaCl/common salt/ 氯化鈣 氯化钙 T - 24 lǜ huà gài f /calcium chloride/ 氯化鉀 氯化钾 T - 18 lǜ huà jiǎ f /potassium chloride/ 氯化銨 氯化铵 T - 34 lǜ huà ǎn f /ammonium chloride/ 氯化鋁 氯化铝 T - 3 lǜ huà lǚ f /aluminum chloride/ 氯化鋅 氯化锌 T - 9 lǜ huà xīn f /zinc chloride/ 氯化钙 氯化鈣 S - 24 lǜ huà gài f /calcium chloride/ 氯化钠 氯化鈉 S - 117 lǜ huà nà f /sodium chloride NaCl/common salt/ 氯化钾 氯化鉀 S - 18 lǜ huà jiǎ f /potassium chloride/ 氯化铝 氯化鋁 S - 3 lǜ huà lǚ f /aluminum chloride/ 氯化铵 氯化銨 S - 34 lǜ huà ǎn f /ammonium chloride/ 氯化锌 氯化鋅 S - 9 lǜ huà xīn f /zinc chloride/ 氯单质 氯單質 S - 0 lǜ dān zhì f /molecular chlorine/ 氯單質 氯单质 T - 0 lǜ dān zhì f /molecular chlorine/ 氯喹 - 11 lǜ kuí f /chloroquine (antimalarial drug)/ 氯安酮 - 0 lǜ ān tóng f /see 氯胺酮[lu:4 an4 tong2]/ketamine/ 氯已烯 - 0 lǜ yǐ xī f /chloroethylene/ 氯林可霉素 - 0 lǜ lín kě méi sù f /clindamycin/ 氯气 氯氣 S - 138 lǜ qì f /chlorine/ 氯氣 氯气 T - 138 lǜ qì f /chlorine/ 氯洁霉素 氯潔霉素 S - 0 lǜ jié méi sù f /clindamycin/ 氯潔霉素 氯洁霉素 T - 0 lǜ jié méi sù f /clindamycin/ 氯甲烷 - 0 lǜ jiǎ wán f /methyl chloride CH3Cl/ 氯痤疮 氯痤瘡 S - 0 lǜ cuó chuāng f /pockmarks/acne/ 氯痤瘡 氯痤疮 T - 0 lǜ cuó chuāng f /pockmarks/acne/ 氯磷定 - 0 lǜ lín dìng f /pralidoxime chloride/ 氯綸 氯纶 T - 8 lǜ lún f /polyvinyl chloride fiber/PRC brand name for PVC fiber/ 氯纶 氯綸 S - 8 lǜ lún f /polyvinyl chloride fiber/PRC brand name for PVC fiber/ 氯胺酮 - 3 lǜ àn tóng f /ketamine (C13H16ClNO)/ 氯苯 - 27 lǜ běn f /chlorobenzene C6H5Cl/ 氯酸 - 3 lǜ suān f /chloric acid HClO3/chlorate/ 氯酸鈉 氯酸钠 T - 3 lǜ suān nà f /sodium chlorate NaClO3/ 氯酸鉀 氯酸钾 T - 23 lǜ suān jiǎ f /potassium chlorate/ 氯酸钠 氯酸鈉 S - 3 lǜ suān nà f /sodium chlorate NaClO3/ 氯酸钾 氯酸鉀 S - 23 lǜ suān jiǎ f /potassium chlorate/ 氯霉素 - 39 lǜ méi sù f /chloramphenicol/chloromycetin/ 氰 - 58 qíng f /cyanogen (CN)2/ethane dinitrile/ 氰化物 - 31 qíng huà wù f /cyanide/ 氰化鈉 氰化钠 T - 10 qíng huà nà f /sodium cyanide NaCN/ 氰化鉀 氰化钾 T - 11 qíng huà jiǎ f /potassium cyanide KCN/ 氰化钠 氰化鈉 S - 10 qíng huà nà f /sodium cyanide NaCN/ 氰化钾 氰化鉀 S - 11 qíng huà jiǎ f /potassium cyanide KCN/ 氰基 - 0 qíng jī f /cyan/cyanide radical -CN, stable triple bond with chemical properties like halogens/ 氰基細菌 氰基细菌 T - 0 qíng jī xì jūn f /cyanobacteria/ 氰基细菌 氰基細菌 S - 0 qíng jī xì jūn f /cyanobacteria/ 氰氨化鈣 氰氨化钙 T - 3 qíng ān huà gài f /calcium cyanamide/ 氰氨化钙 氰氨化鈣 S - 3 qíng ān huà gài f /calcium cyanamide/ 氰溴甲苯 - 0 qíng xiù jiǎ běn f /cyanobenzyl bromide/ 氰苷 - 0 qíng gān f /cyanogenetic glucoside/ 氰酸 - 10 qíng suān f /cyanic acid HCN/ 氰酸盐 氰酸鹽 S - 3 qíng suān yán f /cyanate/ 氰酸鹽 氰酸盐 T - 3 qíng suān yán f /cyanate/ 氲 氳 S - 278 yūn f /heavy atmosphere/ 氳 氲 T - 278 yūn f /heavy atmosphere/ 水 99 24314 Shuǐ f /surname Shui/ 水 99 24314 shuǐ f /water/river/liquid/beverage/additional charges or income/(of clothes) classifier for number of washes/ 水上 - 727 Shuǐ shàng f /Shuishang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 水上 - 727 shuǐ shàng f /on water/aquatic/ 水上乡 水上鄉 S - 0 Shuǐ shàng xiāng f /Shuishang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 水上摩托 - 0 shuǐ shàng mó tuō f /jet ski/ 水上摩托車 水上摩托车 T - 0 shuǐ shàng mó tuō chē f /jet ski/ 水上摩托车 水上摩托車 S - 0 shuǐ shàng mó tuō chē f /jet ski/ 水上电单车 水上電單車 S - 0 shuǐ shàng diàn dān chē f /see 水上摩托車|水上摩托车[shui3 shang4 mo2 tuo1 che1]/ 水上芭蕾 - 0 shuǐ shàng bā lěi f /synchronized swimming/ 水上运动 水上運動 S - 3 shuǐ shàng yùn dòng f /water sports/aquatic motion/movement over water/ 水上運動 水上运动 T - 3 shuǐ shàng yùn dòng f /water sports/aquatic motion/movement over water/ 水上鄉 水上乡 T - 0 Shuǐ shàng xiāng f /Shuishang township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan/ 水上電單車 水上电单车 T - 0 shuǐ shàng diàn dān chē f /see 水上摩托車|水上摩托车[shui3 shang4 mo2 tuo1 che1]/ 水上飛機 水上飞机 T - 48 shuǐ shàng fēi jī f /seaplane/ 水上飞机 水上飛機 S - 48 shuǐ shàng fēi jī f /seaplane/ 水下 - 1093 shuǐ xià f /under the water/submarine/ 水下核爆炸 - 0 shuǐ xià hé bào zhà f /nuclear underwater burst/underwater nuclear explosion/ 水下核試驗 水下核试验 T - 0 shuǐ xià hé shì yàn f /underwater nuclear test/ 水下核试验 水下核試驗 S - 0 shuǐ xià hé shì yàn f /underwater nuclear test/ 水丝 水絲 S - 0 shuǐ sī f /(silver) of low purity/low grade/ 水中捞月 水中撈月 S - 5 shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè f /to fetch the moon out of the sea (idiom); a hopeless illusion/ 水中撈月 水中捞月 T - 5 shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè f /to fetch the moon out of the sea (idiom); a hopeless illusion/ 水乡 水鄉 S - 447 shuǐ xiāng f /patchwork of waterways, esp. in Jiangsu/same as 江南水鄉|江南水乡[Jiang1 nan2 shui3 xiang1]/ 水井 - 186 shuǐ jǐng f /(water) well/ 水产 水產 S - 3249 shuǐ chǎn f /aquatic/produced in sea, rivers or lakes/ 水产业 水產業 S - 284 shuǐ chǎn yè f /aquaculture/ 水产养殖 水產養殖 S - 0 shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhí f /aquaculture/ 水产展 水產展 S - 0 shuǐ chǎn zhǎn f /seafood show (trade fair)/ 水亮 - 3 shuǐ liàng f /moist and glossy/wet look (of lipstick)/ 水仙 - 143 shuǐ xiān f /narcissus/daffodil/legendary aquatic immortal/refers to those buried at sea/person who wanders abroad and does not return/ 水仙花 - 38 shuǐ xiān huā f /daffodil/narcissus/CL:棵[ke1]/ 水位 - 732 shuǐ wèi f /water level/ 水体 水體 S - 312 shuǐ tǐ f /body of water/ 水俁市 水俣市 T - 0 Shuǐ yǔ shì f /Mizumata City in Kumamoto prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan/ 水俁病 水俣病 T - 14 shuǐ yǔ bìng f /Minamata disease (mercury poisoning found in Southern Japan in 1956)/ 水俣市 水俁市 S - 0 Shuǐ yǔ shì f /Mizumata City in Kumamoto prefecture, Kyūshū, Japan/ 水俣病 水俁病 S - 14 shuǐ yǔ bìng f /Minamata disease (mercury poisoning found in Southern Japan in 1956)/ 水兵 - 198 shuǐ bīng f /enlisted sailor in navy/ 水军 水軍 S - 334 shuǐ jūn f /navy (archaic)/ 水冰 - 2 shuǐ bīng f /water ice (i.e. frozen H2O)/ 水准 水準 S - 571 shuǐ zhǔn f /level (of achievement etc)/standard/level (surveying)/ 水准仪 水準儀 S - 21 shuǐ zhǔn yí f /level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/surveyor's level/ 水凼 - 0 shuǐ dàng f /pond/ 水分 - 912 shuǐ fèn f /moisture content/(fig.) overstatement/padding/ 水刑 - 0 shuǐ xíng f /water-boarding (torture)/ 水刑逼供 - 0 shuǐ xíng bī gòng f /water-boarding, interrogation technique used by CIA/ 水利 4834 1504 shuǐ lì f /water conservancy/irrigation works/ 水利家 - 0 shuǐ lì jiā f /water manager/hydraulic engineer/ 水利工程 - 264 shuǐ lì gōng chéng f /hydraulic engineering/ 水到渠成 - 62 shuǐ dào qú chéng f /lit. where water flows, a canal is formed (idiom)/fig. when conditions are right, success will follow naturally/ 水力 - 1951 shuǐ lì f /water power/hydraulic/water conservancy/irrigation works/ 水力发电 水力發電 S - 80 shuǐ lì fā diàn f /hydroelectricity/ 水力发电站 水力發電站 S - 11 shuǐ lì fā diàn zhàn f /hydroelectric power plant/ 水力学 水力學 S - 65 shuǐ lì xué f /hydraulics/ 水力學 水力学 T - 65 shuǐ lì xué f /hydraulics/ 水力發電 水力发电 T - 80 shuǐ lì fā diàn f /hydroelectricity/ 水力發電站 水力发电站 T - 11 shuǐ lì fā diàn zhàn f /hydroelectric power plant/ 水力鼓風 水力鼓风 T - 0 shuǐ lì gǔ fēng f /hydraulic bellows/water-driven ventilation (for metal smelting furnace)/ 水力鼓风 水力鼓風 S - 0 shuǐ lì gǔ fēng f /hydraulic bellows/water-driven ventilation (for metal smelting furnace)/ 水印 - 29 shuǐ yìn f /watermark/ 水压 水壓 S - 75 shuǐ yā f /water pressure/ 水原 - 8 Shuǐ yuán f /Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea/ 水原市 - 0 Shuǐ yuán shì f /Suweon City, capital of Gyeonggi province 京畿道[Jing1 ji1 dao4], South Korea/ 水合 - 41 shuǐ hé f /hydration reaction/ 水合物 - 24 shuǐ hé wù f /hydrate/hydrated compound/ 水圈 - 69 shuǐ quān f /the earth's ocean/the hydrosphere (geology)/ 水土 - 708 shuǐ tǔ f /water and soil/surface water/natural environment (extended meaning)/climate/ 水土不服 - 33 shuǐ tǔ bù fú f /not acclimatized/ 水土保持 - 3 shuǐ tǔ bǎo chí f /soil conservation/ 水坑 - 12 shuǐ kēng f /puddle/water hole/sump/ 水坝 水壩 S - 85 shuǐ bà f /dam/dike/ 水垢 - 16 shuǐ gòu f /limescale/ 水城 - 119 Shuǐ chéng f /Shuicheng county in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水[Liu4 pan2 shui3], Guizhou/ 水城县 水城縣 S - 4 Shuǐ chéng xiàn f /Shuicheng county in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水[Liu4 pan2 shui3], Guizhou/ 水城縣 水城县 T - 4 Shuǐ chéng xiàn f /Shuicheng county in Liupanshui 六盤水|六盘水[Liu4 pan2 shui3], Guizhou/ 水域 - 1089 shuǐ yù f /waters/body of water/ 水塘 - 121 shuǐ táng f /pool/ 水墨 - 164 shuǐ mò f /ink (used in painting)/ 水墨画 水墨畫 S - 72 shuǐ mò huà f /ink and wash painting/ 水墨畫 水墨画 T - 72 shuǐ mò huà f /ink and wash painting/ 水壓 水压 T - 75 shuǐ yā f /water pressure/ 水壩 水坝 T - 85 shuǐ bà f /dam/dike/ 水壶 水壺 S - 202 shuǐ hú f /kettle/canteen/watering can/ 水壺 水壶 T - 202 shuǐ hú f /kettle/canteen/watering can/ 水处理 水處理 S - 0 shuǐ chǔ lǐ f /water treatment/ 水天一色 - 12 shuǐ tiān yī sè f /water and sky merge in one color (idiom)/ 水客 - 2 shuǐ kè f /smuggler, esp. of electronic goods from Macao or Hong Kong to Guangdong/boatman/fisherman/itinerant trader/ 水害 - 17 shuǐ hài f /flood damage/ 水富 - 3 shuǐ Fù f /Shuifu county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 水富县 水富縣 S - 3 shuǐ Fù xiàn f /Shuifu county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 水富縣 水富县 T - 3 shuǐ Fù xiàn f /Shuifu county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 水师 水師 S - 239 shuǐ shī f /navy (in Qing times)/ 水帘洞 水簾洞 S - 73 shuǐ lián dòng f /cave with a waterfall at its mouth/ 水師 水师 T - 239 shuǐ shī f /navy (in Qing times)/ 水幕 - 13 shuǐ mù f /water screen (screen formed of sprayed water droplets, used for displaying projected images, for temperature control, or for air purification)/ 水平 532 13880 shuǐ píng f /level (of achievement etc)/standard/horizontal/ 水平仪 水平儀 S - 4 shuǐ píng yí f /level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/surveyor's level/ 水平儀 水平仪 T - 4 shuǐ píng yí f /level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/surveyor's level/ 水平尺 - 0 shuǐ píng chǐ f /spirit level/ 水平軸 水平轴 T - 0 shuǐ píng zhóu f /horizontal shaft/horizontal axis (math.)/ 水平轴 水平軸 S - 0 shuǐ píng zhóu f /horizontal shaft/horizontal axis (math.)/ 水平面 - 35 shuǐ píng miàn f /horizontal plane/level surface/water level/ 水库 水庫 S - 1186 shuǐ kù f /reservoir/CL:座[zuo4]/ 水底 - 615 shuǐ dǐ f /underwater/ 水底写字板 水底寫字板 S - 0 shuǐ dǐ xiě zì bǎn f /underwater writing tablet/ 水底寫字板 水底写字板 T - 0 shuǐ dǐ xiě zì bǎn f /underwater writing tablet/ 水底相机 水底相機 S - 0 shuǐ dǐ xiàng jī f /underwater camera/ 水底相機 水底相机 T - 0 shuǐ dǐ xiàng jī f /underwater camera/ 水庫 水库 T - 1186 shuǐ kù f /reservoir/CL:座[zuo4]/ 水彩 - 23 shuǐ cǎi f /watercolor/ 水彩画 水彩畫 S - 61 shuǐ cǎi huà f /watercolor/aquarelle/ 水彩畫 水彩画 T - 61 shuǐ cǎi huà f /watercolor/aquarelle/ 水性 - 339 shuǐ xìng f /swimming ability/characteristics of a body of water (depth, currents etc)/aqueous/water-based (paint etc)/ 水性杨花 水性楊花 S - 18 shuǐ xìng yáng huā f /fickle (woman)/ 水性楊花 水性杨花 T - 18 shuǐ xìng yáng huā f /fickle (woman)/ 水患 - 58 shuǐ huàn f /flooding/water disaster/ 水戶市 水户市 T - 0 Shuǐ hù Shì f /Mito City, capital of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan/ 水户市 水戶市 S - 0 Shuǐ hù Shì f /Mito City, capital of Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan/ 水手 - 460 shuǐ shǒu f /mariner/sailor/seaman/ 水文 - 660 shuǐ wén f /hydrology/ 水族 - 345 Shuǐ zú f /Shui ethnic group of Guangxi/ 水族 - 345 shuǐ zú f /collective term for aquatic animals/ 水族箱 - 10 shuǐ zú xiāng f /aquarium/fish tank/ 水族館 水族馆 T - 30 shuǐ zú guǎn f /aquarium (building or park)/ 水族馆 水族館 S - 30 shuǐ zú guǎn f /aquarium (building or park)/ 水星 - 131 Shuǐ xīng f /Mercury (planet)/ 水晶 - 1235 shuǐ jīng f /crystal/ 水晶宫 水晶宮 S - 78 Shuǐ jīng gōng f /The Crystal Palace/ 水晶宮 水晶宫 T - 78 Shuǐ jīng gōng f /The Crystal Palace/ 水晶球 - 12 shuǐ jīng qiú f /crystal ball (in Western magic)/ 水暖工 - 4 shuǐ nuǎn gōng f /plumber/heating engineer/ 水曜日 - 0 Shuǐ yào rì f /Wednesday (used in ancient Chinese astronomy)/ 水杉 - 48 shuǐ shān f /metasequoia/ 水杨酸 水楊酸 S - 34 shuǐ yáng suān f /salicylic acid/ 水林 - 0 Shuǐ lín f /Shuilin township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 水林乡 水林鄉 S - 0 Shuǐ lín xiāng f /Shuilin township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 水林鄉 水林乡 T - 0 Shuǐ lín xiāng f /Shuilin township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan/ 水果 144 1510 shuǐ guǒ f /fruit/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 水果刀 - 12 shuǐ guǒ dāo f /paring knife/fruit knife/CL:把[ba3]/ 水果酒 - 0 shuǐ guǒ jiǔ f /wine/ 水枪 水槍 S - 28 shuǐ qiāng f /water pistol (toy)/water gun/sprinkler/water cannon/ 水柱 - 81 shuǐ zhù f /stream or column of water/ 水栖 水棲 S - 8 shuǐ qī f /aquatic/living in water/ 水栗 - 0 shuǐ lì f /see 荸薺|荸荠[bi2 qi2]/ 水桶 - 164 shuǐ tǒng f /bucket/ 水棲 水栖 T - 8 shuǐ qī f /aquatic/living in water/ 水楊酸 水杨酸 T - 34 shuǐ yáng suān f /salicylic acid/ 水槍 水枪 T - 28 shuǐ qiāng f /water pistol (toy)/water gun/sprinkler/water cannon/ 水槽 - 35 shuǐ cáo f /sink/ 水横枝 水橫枝 S - 0 shuǐ héng zhī f /cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), esp. grown as bonsai/ 水橫枝 水横枝 T - 0 shuǐ héng zhī f /cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), esp. grown as bonsai/ 水母 - 136 shuǐ mǔ f /jellyfish/medusa/ 水母体 水母體 S - 0 shuǐ mǔ tǐ f /jellyfish/medusa/ 水母體 水母体 T - 0 shuǐ mǔ tǐ f /jellyfish/medusa/ 水气 水氣 S - 152 shuǐ qì f /water vapor/steam/ 水氣 水气 T - 152 shuǐ qì f /water vapor/steam/ 水汀 - 2 shuǐ tīng f /steam (Shanghainese)/ 水池 - 188 shuǐ chí f /pond/pool/sink/washbasin/ 水污染 - 126 shuǐ wū rǎn f /water pollution/ 水汪汪 - 32 shuǐ wāng wāng f /watery/waterlogged (soil)/limpid/bright and intelligent (eyes)/ 水汽 - 134 shuǐ qì f /water vapor/steam/moisture/ 水沟 水溝 S - 80 shuǐ gōu f /gutter/sewer/ 水泄不通 水洩不通 S - 105 shuǐ xiè bù tōng f /lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic)/ 水泡 - 375 shuǐ pào f /bubble/blister/ 水波 - 100 shuǐ bō f /wave/(water) ripple/ 水泥 3505 1627 shuǐ ní f /cement/CL:袋[dai4]/ 水泵 - 580 shuǐ bèng f /water pump/ 水洩不通 水泄不通 T - 105 shuǐ xiè bù tōng f /lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic)/ 水洼 水窪 S - 36 shuǐ wā f /puddle/ 水流 - 1241 shuǐ liú f /river/stream/ 水浒 水滸 S - 126 shuǐ hǔ f /edge of the water/shore or sea, lake or river/seashore/ 水浒传 水滸傳 S - 174 Shuǐ hǔ Zhuàn f /Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵[Shi1 Nai4 an1], one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/ 水浒全传 水滸全傳 S - 0 Shuǐ hǔ Quán zhuàn f /Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/also written 水滸傳|水浒传/ 水浒后传 水滸後傳 S - 0 Shuǐ hǔ Hòu zhuàn f /Water Margin Sequel, by Chen Chen 陳忱|陈忱[Chen2 Chen2]/ 水涨船高 水漲船高 S - 68 shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo f /the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend/to develop according to the situation/ 水淋淋 - 38 shuǐ lín lín f /dripping wet/ 水深 - 1313 shuǐ shēn f /depth (of waterway)/sounding/ 水深火热 水深火熱 S - 76 shuǐ shēn huǒ rè f /deep water and scorching fire/abyss of suffering (idiom)/ 水深火熱 水深火热 T - 76 shuǐ shēn huǒ rè f /deep water and scorching fire/abyss of suffering (idiom)/ 水清无鱼 水清無魚 S - 3 shuǐ qīng wú yú f /clear water, so few fish (idiom); You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean./Don't be too picky!/ 水清無魚 水清无鱼 T - 3 shuǐ qīng wú yú f /clear water, so few fish (idiom); You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean./Don't be too picky!/ 水渍 水漬 S - 16 shuǐ zì f /water spot/water stain/wet spot/damp patch/water damage/ 水渠 - 52 shuǐ qú f /canal/ 水温 水溫 S - 470 shuǐ wēn f /water temperature/ 水温表 水溫表 S - 3 shuǐ wēn biǎo f /engine temperature gauge/coolant temperature gauge/ 水源 - 678 shuǐ yuán f /water source/water supply/headwaters of a river/ 水準 水准 T - 571 shuǐ zhǔn f /level (of achievement etc)/standard/level (surveying)/ 水準儀 水准仪 T - 21 shuǐ zhǔn yí f /level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/surveyor's level/ 水溝 水沟 T - 80 shuǐ gōu f /gutter/sewer/ 水溫 水温 T - 470 shuǐ wēn f /water temperature/ 水溫表 水温表 T - 3 shuǐ wēn biǎo f /engine temperature gauge/coolant temperature gauge/ 水溶 - 23 shuǐ róng f /water soluble/ 水溶性 - 93 shuǐ róng xìng f /soluble (in water)/solubility/ 水滴 - 165 shuǐ dī f /drop/ 水滴石穿 - 5 shuǐ dī shí chuān f /dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields success/You can achieve your aim if you try hard without giving up./Persistent effort overcomes any difficulty./ 水滸 水浒 T - 126 shuǐ hǔ f /edge of the water/shore or sea, lake or river/seashore/ 水滸傳 水浒传 T - 174 Shuǐ hǔ Zhuàn f /Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵[Shi1 Nai4 an1], one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/ 水滸全傳 水浒全传 T - 0 Shuǐ hǔ Quán zhuàn f /Water Margin or Outlaws of the Marsh by Shi Nai'an 施耐庵, one of the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature/also written 水滸傳|水浒传/ 水滸後傳 水浒后传 T - 0 Shuǐ hǔ Hòu zhuàn f /Water Margin Sequel, by Chen Chen 陳忱|陈忱[Chen2 Chen2]/ 水漉漉 - 3 shuǐ lù lù f /dripping wet/ 水漬 水渍 T - 16 shuǐ zì f /water spot/water stain/wet spot/damp patch/water damage/ 水漲船高 水涨船高 T - 68 shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo f /the tide rises, the boat floats (idiom); fig. to change with the overall trend/to develop according to the situation/ 水潭 - 123 shuǐ tán f /puddle/pool/ 水火不容 - 11 shuǐ huǒ bù róng f /completely incompatible/lit. incompatible as fire and water/ 水火无情 水火無情 S - 3 shuǐ huǒ wú qíng f /fire and flood have no mercy (idiom)/ 水火無情 水火无情 T - 3 shuǐ huǒ wú qíng f /fire and flood have no mercy (idiom)/ 水灵 水靈 S - 27 shuǐ líng f /vivid/full of life/fresh/ 水灵灵 水靈靈 S - 32 shuǐ líng líng f /vivid/full of life/fresh/ 水災 水灾 T - 166 shuǐ zāi f /flood/flood damage/ 水灾 水災 S - 166 shuǐ zāi f /flood/flood damage/ 水烟 水煙 S - 17 shuǐ yān f /shredded tobacco for water pipes/ 水烟袋 水煙袋 S - 100 shuǐ yān dài f /water bong/water pipe/hookah/ 水煙 水烟 T - 17 shuǐ yān f /shredded tobacco for water pipes/ 水煙袋 水烟袋 T - 100 shuǐ yān dài f /water bong/water pipe/hookah/ 水煮蛋 - 3 shuǐ zhǔ dàn f /boiled egg/soft-boiled egg/ 水煮魚 水煮鱼 T - 3 shuǐ zhǔ yú f /Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil/ 水煮鱼 水煮魚 S - 3 shuǐ zhǔ yú f /Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil/ 水牛 - 123 shuǐ niú f /water buffalo/ 水牛儿 水牛兒 S - 3 shuǐ niú r f /(dialect) snail/ 水牛兒 水牛儿 T - 3 shuǐ niú r f /(dialect) snail/ 水牢 - 12 shuǐ láo f /prison cell containing water, in which prisoners are forced to be partly immersed/ 水獭 水獺 S - 73 shuǐ tǎ f /otter/ 水獺 水獭 T - 73 shuǐ tǎ f /otter/ 水玉 - 0 shuǐ yù f /crystal/old word for 水晶/ 水珠 - 142 shuǐ zhū f /droplet/dewdrop/ 水球 - 49 shuǐ qiú f /water polo/ 水球场 水球場 S - 3 shuǐ qiú chǎng f /water polo pool/ 水球場 水球场 T - 3 shuǐ qiú chǎng f /water polo pool/ 水瓶座 - 3 Shuǐ píng zuò f /Aquarius (constellation and sign of the zodiac)/ 水生 - 629 shuǐ shēng f /aquatic (plant, animal)/ 水產 水产 T - 3249 shuǐ chǎn f /aquatic/produced in sea, rivers or lakes/ 水產展 水产展 T - 0 shuǐ chǎn zhǎn f /seafood show (trade fair)/ 水產業 水产业 T - 284 shuǐ chǎn yè f /aquaculture/ 水產養殖 水产养殖 T - 0 shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhí f /aquaculture/ 水田 - 199 shuǐ tián f /paddy field/rice paddy/ 水田芥 - 3 shuǐ tián jiè f /watercress/ 水电 水電 S - 775 shuǐ diàn f /hydroelectric power/plumbing and electricity/ 水电工 水電工 S - 3 shuǐ diàn gōng f /plumbing and electrical work/tradesman who does both plumbing and electrical work/ 水电站 水電站 S - 815 shuǐ diàn zhàn f /hydroelectric power plant/ 水疗 水療 S - 35 shuǐ liáo f /hydrotherapy/aquatherapy/ 水疱 水皰 S - 51 shuǐ pào f /blister/ 水痘 - 18 shuǐ dòu f /chickenpox/Varicella zoster (med.)/ 水療 水疗 T - 35 shuǐ liáo f /hydrotherapy/aquatherapy/ 水皰 水疱 T - 51 shuǐ pào f /blister/ 水盂 - 0 shuǐ yú f /water pot or goblet (for Chinese calligraphy)/ 水盆 - 51 shuǐ pén f /basin/ 水相 - 0 shuǐ xiàng f /aqueous solution/ 水碾 - 3 shuǐ niǎn f /water mill/ 水磨沟 水磨溝 S - 3 Shuǐ mò gōu f /Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 水磨沟区 水磨溝區 S - 3 Shuǐ mò gōu qū f /Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 水磨溝 水磨沟 T - 3 Shuǐ mò gōu f /Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 水磨溝區 水磨沟区 T - 3 Shuǐ mò gōu qū f /Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 水磨石 - 10 shuǐ mó shí f /terrazzo/ 水神 - 38 shuǐ shén f /river God/ 水禽 - 43 shuǐ qín f /waterfowl/ 水稻 - 1109 shuǐ dào f /rice/paddy/CL:株[zhu1]/ 水窪 水洼 T - 36 shuǐ wā f /puddle/ 水立方 - 3 shuǐ lì fāng f /Water Cube, nickname of Beijing national aquatics center 北京國家游泳中心|北京国家游泳中心, swimming venue of Beijing 2008 Olympic games/ 水筲 - 0 shuǐ shāo f /well bucket/pail made of bamboo strips/ 水管 - 84 shuǐ guǎn f /water pipe/ 水管工 - 0 shuǐ guǎn gōng f /plumber/ 水管工人 - 0 shuǐ guǎn gōng rén f /plumber/ 水管面 水管麵 S - 0 shuǐ guǎn miàn f /tube pasta (e.g. penne, rigatoni, ziti)/macaroni/ 水管麵 水管面 T - 0 shuǐ guǎn miàn f /tube pasta (e.g. penne, rigatoni, ziti)/macaroni/ 水箱 - 45 shuǐ xiāng f /water tank/radiator (automobile)/cistern/lavabo/ 水簾洞 水帘洞 T - 73 shuǐ lián dòng f /cave with a waterfall at its mouth/ 水系 - 1860 shuǐ xì f /drainage system/ 水紋 水纹 T - 7 shuǐ wén f /ripples/ 水絲 水丝 T - 0 shuǐ sī f /(silver) of low purity/low grade/ 水綠 水绿 T - 9 shuǐ lǜ f /light green/ 水纹 水紋 S - 7 shuǐ wén f /ripples/ 水绿 水綠 S - 9 shuǐ lǜ f /light green/ 水缸 - 143 shuǐ gāng f /water jar/ 水翼船 - 24 shuǐ yì chuán f /hydrofoil/ 水老鴉 水老鸦 T - 0 shuǐ lǎo yā f /common name for cormorant/ 水老鸦 水老鴉 S - 0 shuǐ lǎo yā f /common name for cormorant/ 水耕法 - 0 shuǐ gēng fǎ f /hydroponics/ 水肺 - 3 shuǐ fèi f /SCUBA (diving)/ 水肿 水腫 S - 273 shuǐ zhǒng f /(med.) edema/dropsy/ 水能 - 523 shuǐ néng f /hydroelectric power/ 水能源 - 0 shuǐ néng yuán f /hydroelectric power/ 水能載舟,亦能覆舟 水能载舟,亦能覆舟 T - 0 shuǐ néng zài zhōu , yì néng fù zhōu f /lit. water may keep the boat afloat but may also sink it (proverb)/fig. the people can support a regime or overturn it/if sth is used properly, one can benefit from it, otherwise it can do harm/things can be double-edged/ 水能载舟,亦能覆舟 水能載舟,亦能覆舟 S - 0 shuǐ néng zài zhōu , yì néng fù zhōu f /lit. water may keep the boat afloat but may also sink it (proverb)/fig. the people can support a regime or overturn it/if sth is used properly, one can benefit from it, otherwise it can do harm/things can be double-edged/ 水腫 水肿 T - 273 shuǐ zhǒng f /(med.) edema/dropsy/ 水至清则无鱼 水至清則無魚 S - 7 shuǐ zhì qīng zé wú yú f /Water that is too clear has few fish, and one who is too critical has few friends (idiom); You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean./Don't be too picky!/ 水至清則無魚 水至清则无鱼 T - 7 shuǐ zhì qīng zé wú yú f /Water that is too clear has few fish, and one who is too critical has few friends (idiom); You cannot expect everyone to be squeaky clean./Don't be too picky!/ 水花 - 130 shuǐ huā f /splash/algal bloom/chickenpox (dialect)/ 水草 - 274 shuǐ cǎo f /water plants/habitat with water source and grass/ 水菖蒲 - 3 shuǐ chāng pú f /Acorus calamus/sweet sedge or sweet flag/ 水萝卜 水蘿蔔 S - 11 shuǐ luó bo f /summer radish (the small red kind)/ 水落归槽 水落歸槽 S - 3 shuǐ luò guī cáo f /spilt water returns to the trough (idiom); fig. people remember where they belong/ 水落歸槽 水落归槽 T - 3 shuǐ luò guī cáo f /spilt water returns to the trough (idiom); fig. people remember where they belong/ 水落石出 - 113 shuǐ luò shí chū f /as the water recedes, the rocks appear (idiom)/the truth comes to light/ 水蒲苇莺 水蒲葦鶯 S - 0 shuǐ pú wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)/ 水蒲葦鶯 水蒲苇莺 T - 0 shuǐ pú wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus)/ 水蒸气 水蒸氣 S - 140 shuǐ zhēng qì f /vapor/ 水蒸氣 水蒸气 T - 140 shuǐ zhēng qì f /vapor/ 水蕹菜 - 0 shuǐ wèng cài f /water spinach or ong choy (Ipomoea aquatica), used as a vegetable in south China and southeast Asia/ 水蘿蔔 水萝卜 T - 11 shuǐ luó bo f /summer radish (the small red kind)/ 水虎魚 水虎鱼 T - 0 shuǐ hǔ yú f /piranha (fish)/ 水虎鱼 水虎魚 S - 0 shuǐ hǔ yú f /piranha (fish)/ 水處理 水处理 T - 0 shuǐ chǔ lǐ f /water treatment/ 水蛇 - 49 shuǐ shé f /water snake/ 水蛇座 - 0 Shuǐ shé zuò f /Hydrus (constellation)/ 水蛇腰 - 12 shuǐ shé yāo f /slender and supple waist/lithe body/feminine pose/ 水蛭 - 52 shuǐ zhì f /leech/ 水蛭素 - 0 shuǐ zhì sù f /hirudin/ 水蜜桃 - 36 shuǐ mì táo f /honey peach/juicy peach/ 水螅 - 69 shuǐ xī f /Hydra (freshwater polyp)/ 水螅体 水螅體 S - 0 shuǐ xī tǐ f /sessile polyp/sea anemone/ 水螅體 水螅体 T - 0 shuǐ xī tǐ f /sessile polyp/sea anemone/ 水表 - 8 shuǐ biǎo f /water meter/indicator of water level/ 水袖 - 25 shuǐ xiù f /flowing sleeves (part of theatrical costume)/ 水解 - 318 shuǐ jiě f /hydrolysis (chemical reaction with water)/ 水貂 - 31 shuǐ diāo f /mink (Mustela lutreola, M. vison)/ 水貨 水货 T - 83 shuǐ huò f /smuggled goods/unauthorized goods/ 水費 水费 T - 44 shuǐ fèi f /water bill/ 水質 水质 T - 1437 shuǐ zhì f /water quality/ 水質污染 水质污染 T - 0 shuǐ zhì wū rǎn f /water pollution/ 水货 水貨 S - 83 shuǐ huò f /smuggled goods/unauthorized goods/ 水质 水質 S - 1437 shuǐ zhì f /water quality/ 水质污染 水質污染 S - 0 shuǐ zhì wū rǎn f /water pollution/ 水费 水費 S - 44 shuǐ fèi f /water bill/ 水路 - 601 shuǐ lù f /waterway/ 水軍 水军 T - 334 shuǐ jūn f /navy (archaic)/ 水輪 水轮 T - 61 shuǐ lún f /waterwheel/millwheel/ 水轮 水輪 S - 61 shuǐ lún f /waterwheel/millwheel/ 水边 水邊 S - 183 shuǐ biān f /edge of the water/waterside/shore (of sea, lake or river)/ 水运 水運 S - 1415 shuǐ yùn f /waterborne transport/ 水運 水运 T - 1415 shuǐ yùn f /waterborne transport/ 水道 - 359 shuǐ dào f /aqueduct/sewer/ 水道口 - 0 shuǐ dào kǒu f /mouth of sewer/ 水邊 水边 T - 183 shuǐ biān f /edge of the water/waterside/shore (of sea, lake or river)/ 水鄉 水乡 T - 447 shuǐ xiāng f /patchwork of waterways, esp. in Jiangsu/same as 江南水鄉|江南水乡[Jiang1 nan2 shui3 xiang1]/ 水里 - 3 Shuǐ lǐ f /Shuili township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 水里乡 水里鄉 S - 0 Shuǐ lǐ xiāng f /Shuili township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 水里鄉 水里乡 T - 0 Shuǐ lǐ xiāng f /Shuili township in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 xian4], central Taiwan/ 水量 - 739 shuǐ liàng f /volume of water/quantity of flow/ 水銀 水银 T - 206 shuǐ yín f /mercury/quicksilver/ 水銀燈 水银灯 T - 5 shuǐ yín dēng f /mercury-vapor lamp/ 水银 水銀 S - 206 shuǐ yín f /mercury/quicksilver/ 水银灯 水銀燈 S - 5 shuǐ yín dēng f /mercury-vapor lamp/ 水門事件 水门事件 T - 3 Shuǐ mén Shì jiàn f /Watergate scandal/ 水門汀 水门汀 T - 13 shuǐ mén tīng f /cement (Shanghainese) (loanword)/ 水閘 水闸 T - 57 shuǐ zhá f /sluice/water gate/waterlocks/floodgate/lock/dam/ 水门事件 水門事件 S - 3 Shuǐ mén Shì jiàn f /Watergate scandal/ 水门汀 水門汀 S - 13 shuǐ mén tīng f /cement (Shanghainese) (loanword)/ 水闸 水閘 S - 57 shuǐ zhá f /sluice/water gate/waterlocks/floodgate/lock/dam/ 水陆 水陸 S - 1156 shuǐ lù f /water and land/by water and land (transport)/amphibian/delicacies from land and sea/ 水陆两用 水陸兩用 S - 3 shuǐ lù liǎng yòng f /amphibious (vehicle)/ 水陆交通 水陸交通 S - 3 shuǐ lù jiāo tōng f /water and land transport/ 水陆师 水陸師 S - 0 shuǐ lù shī f /army and navy (in Qing times)/ 水陸 水陆 T - 1156 shuǐ lù f /water and land/by water and land (transport)/amphibian/delicacies from land and sea/ 水陸交通 水陆交通 T - 3 shuǐ lù jiāo tōng f /water and land transport/ 水陸兩用 水陆两用 T - 3 shuǐ lù liǎng yòng f /amphibious (vehicle)/ 水陸師 水陆师 T - 0 shuǐ lù shī f /army and navy (in Qing times)/ 水障碍 水障礙 S - 0 shuǐ zhàng ài f /water hazard (golf)/ 水障礙 水障碍 T - 0 shuǐ zhàng ài f /water hazard (golf)/ 水雉 - 0 shuǐ zhì f /(bird species of China) pheasant-tailed jacana (Hydrophasianus chirurgus)/ 水雞 水鸡 T - 2 shuǐ jī f /moorhen (genus Gallinula)/gallinule/frog/ 水雷 - 314 shuǐ léi f /naval mine/ 水電 水电 T - 775 shuǐ diàn f /hydroelectric power/plumbing and electricity/ 水電工 水电工 T - 3 shuǐ diàn gōng f /plumbing and electrical work/tradesman who does both plumbing and electrical work/ 水電站 水电站 T - 815 shuǐ diàn zhàn f /hydroelectric power plant/ 水靈 水灵 T - 27 shuǐ líng f /vivid/full of life/fresh/ 水靈靈 水灵灵 T - 32 shuǐ líng líng f /vivid/full of life/fresh/ 水面 - 2137 shuǐ miàn f /water surface/ 水餃 水饺 T - 41 shuǐ jiǎo f /boiled dumpling/ 水餃兒 水饺儿 T - 0 shuǐ jiǎo r f /erhua variant of 水餃|水饺[shui3 jiao3]/ 水饺 水餃 S - 41 shuǐ jiǎo f /boiled dumpling/ 水饺儿 水餃兒 S - 0 shuǐ jiǎo r f /erhua variant of 水餃|水饺[shui3 jiao3]/ 水馬 水马 T - 0 shuǐ mǎ f /water-filled barrier/ 水马 水馬 S - 0 shuǐ mǎ f /water-filled barrier/ 水體 水体 T - 312 shuǐ tǐ f /body of water/ 水鳥 水鸟 T - 68 shuǐ niǎo f /water bird/ 水鷚 水鹨 T - 0 shuǐ liù f /(bird species of China) water pipit (Anthus spinoletta)/ 水鸟 水鳥 S - 68 shuǐ niǎo f /water bird/ 水鸡 水雞 S - 2 shuǐ jī f /moorhen (genus Gallinula)/gallinule/frog/ 水鹨 水鷚 S - 0 shuǐ liù f /(bird species of China) water pipit (Anthus spinoletta)/ 水鹿 - 14 shuǐ lù f /sambar (Cervus unicolor)/ 水龍 水龙 T - 99 shuǐ lóng f /hose/pipe/fire hose/(botany) water primrose (Jussiaea repens)/ 水龍卷 水龙卷 T - 14 shuǐ lóng juǎn f /waterspout (meteorology)/ 水龍帶 水龙带 T - 5 shuǐ lóng dài f /layflat industrial hose/fire hose/ 水龍頭 水龙头 T 4211 51 shuǐ lóng tóu f /faucet/tap/ 水龙 水龍 S - 99 shuǐ lóng f /hose/pipe/fire hose/(botany) water primrose (Jussiaea repens)/ 水龙卷 水龍卷 S - 14 shuǐ lóng juǎn f /waterspout (meteorology)/ 水龙头 水龍頭 S 4211 51 shuǐ lóng tóu f /faucet/tap/ 水龙带 水龍帶 S - 5 shuǐ lóng dài f /layflat industrial hose/fire hose/ 氵 - 22 shuǐ f /"water" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 85), occurring in 没, 法, 流 etc/see also 三點水|三点水[san1 dian3 shui3]/ 氷 冰 T - 2173 bīng f /variant of 冰[bing1]/ 永 - 1763 yǒng f /forever/always/perpetual/ 永不 - 681 yǒng bù f /never/will never/ 永世 - 86 yǒng shì f /eternal/forever/ 永丰 永豐 S - 43 Yǒng fēng f /Yongfeng county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 永丰县 永豐縣 S - 3 Yǒng fēng xiàn f /Yongfeng county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 永久 - 586 yǒng jiǔ f /everlasting/perpetual/lasting/forever/permanent/ 永久冻土 永久凍土 S - 0 yǒng jiǔ dòng tǔ f /permafrost/ 永久凍土 永久冻土 T - 0 yǒng jiǔ dòng tǔ f /permafrost/ 永久和平 - 0 yǒng jiǔ hé píng f /lasting peace/enduring peace/ 永久居民 - 0 yǒng jiǔ jū mín f /permanent resident/person with the right to live in a country or territory/ 永久性 - 263 yǒng jiǔ xìng f /permanent/ 永久磁鐵 永久磁铁 T - 9 yǒng jiǔ cí tiě f /a permanent magnet/ 永久磁铁 永久磁鐵 S - 9 yǒng jiǔ cí tiě f /a permanent magnet/ 永久虚电路 永久虛電路 S - 0 yǒng jiǔ xū diàn lù f /Permanent Virtual Circuit/PVC/ 永久虛電路 永久虚电路 T - 0 yǒng jiǔ xū diàn lù f /Permanent Virtual Circuit/PVC/ 永乐 永樂 S - 3114 Yǒng lè f /Yongle Emperor, reign name of third Ming emperor Zhu Di 朱棣[Zhu1 Di4] (1360-1424), reigned 1403-1424, Temple name 明成祖[Ming2 Cheng2 zu3]/ 永乐大典 永樂大典 S - 0 Yǒng lè Dà diǎn f /the Yongle Great Encyclopedia (1408)/ 永仁 - 3 Yǒng rén f /Yongren county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 永仁县 永仁縣 S - 2 Yǒng rén xiàn f /Yongren county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 永仁縣 永仁县 T - 2 Yǒng rén xiàn f /Yongren county in Chuxiong Yi autonomous prefecture 楚雄彞族自治州|楚雄彝族自治州[Chu3 xiong2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 永修 - 2 Yǒng xiū f /Yongxiu county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 永修县 永修縣 S - 6 Yǒng xiū xiàn f /Yongxiu county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 永修縣 永修县 T - 6 Yǒng xiū xiàn f /Yongxiu county in Jiujiang 九江, Jiangxi/ 永兴 永興 S - 64 Yǒng xīng f /Yongxing county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 永兴县 永興縣 S - 10 Yǒng xīng xiàn f /Yongxing county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 永冻土 永凍土 S - 9 yǒng dòng tǔ f /permafrost/ 永凍土 永冻土 T - 9 yǒng dòng tǔ f /permafrost/ 永別 永别 T - 69 yǒng bié f /to part forever/eternal parting (i.e. death)/ 永别 永別 S - 69 yǒng bié f /to part forever/eternal parting (i.e. death)/ 永动机 永動機 S - 35 yǒng dòng jī f /a perpetual motion machine/ 永動機 永动机 T - 35 yǒng dòng jī f /a perpetual motion machine/ 永勝 永胜 T - 24 Yǒng shèng f /Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 jiang1], Yunnan/ 永勝縣 永胜县 T - 9 Yǒng shèng xiàn f /Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 jiang1], Yunnan/ 永吉 - 8 Yǒng jí f /Yongji county in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province/ 永吉县 永吉縣 S - 12 Yǒng jí xiàn f /Yongji county in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province/ 永吉地区 永吉地區 S - 0 Yǒng jí dì qū f /former Yongji prefecture, Jilin/ 永吉地區 永吉地区 T - 0 Yǒng jí dì qū f /former Yongji prefecture, Jilin/ 永吉縣 永吉县 T - 12 Yǒng jí xiàn f /Yongji county in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province/ 永和 - 317 Yǒng hé f /Yonghe or Yungho city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 永和县 永和縣 S - 3 Yǒng hé xiàn f /Yonghe county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 永和市 - 3 Yǒng hé shì f /Yonghe or Yungho city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 永和縣 永和县 T - 3 Yǒng hé xiàn f /Yonghe county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 永善 - 5 Yǒng shàn f /Yongshan county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 永善县 永善縣 S - 3 Yǒng shàn xiàn f /Yongshan county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 永善縣 永善县 T - 3 Yǒng shàn xiàn f /Yongshan county in Zhaotong 昭通[Zhao1 tong1], Yunnan/ 永嘉 - 116 Yǒng jiā f /Yongjia county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/reign name 307-313 of Jin Emperor Huai 晋怀帝/ 永嘉县 永嘉縣 S - 6 Yǒng jiā xiàn f /Yongjia county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 永嘉縣 永嘉县 T - 6 Yǒng jiā xiàn f /Yongjia county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 永嘉郡 - 0 Yǒng jiā jùn f /Yongjia prefecture in Zhejiang/ 永垂不朽 - 27 yǒng chuí bù xiǔ f /eternal glory/will never be forgotten/ 永城 - 36 Yǒng chéng f /Yongcheng county level city in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ 永城市 - 3 Yǒng chéng shì f /Yongcheng county level city in Shangqiu 商丘[Shang1 qiu1], Henan/ 永壽 永寿 T - 19 Yǒng shòu f /Yongshou County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 永壽縣 永寿县 T - 2 Yǒng shòu Xiàn f /Yongshou County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 永存 - 46 yǒng cún f /everlasting/to endure forever/ 永宁 永寧 S - 86 Yǒng níng f /Yongning county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 永宁县 永寧縣 S - 14 Yǒng níng xiàn f /Yongning county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 永安 - 645 Yǒng ān f /Yong'an county level city in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/Yong'an or Yung'an township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 永安乡 永安鄉 S - 2 Yǒng ān xiāng f /Yong'an or Yung'an township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 永安市 - 5 Yǒng ān shì f /Yong'an county level city in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 永安鄉 永安乡 T - 2 Yǒng ān xiāng f /Yong'an or Yung'an township in Kaohsiung county 高雄縣|高雄县[Gao1 xiong2 xian4], southwest Taiwan/ 永定 - 34 Yǒng dìng f /Yongding county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/Yongding district of Zhangjiajie city 張家界市|张家界市[Zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4], Hunan/ 永定区 永定區 S - 4 Yǒng dìng qū f /Yongding district of Zhangjiajie city 張家界市|张家界市[Zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4], Hunan/ 永定區 永定区 T - 4 Yǒng dìng qū f /Yongding district of Zhangjiajie city 張家界市|张家界市[Zhang1 jia1 jie4 shi4], Hunan/ 永定县 永定縣 S - 5 Yǒng dìng xiàn f /Yongding county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 永定河 - 114 Yǒng dìng Hé f /Yongding River to the West of Beijing/ 永定縣 永定县 T - 5 Yǒng dìng xiàn f /Yongding county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian/ 永定門 永定门 T - 22 Yǒng dìng mén f /Yongdingmen, front gate of the outer section of Beijing's old city wall, torn down in the 1950s and reconstructed in 2005/ 永定门 永定門 S - 22 Yǒng dìng mén f /Yongdingmen, front gate of the outer section of Beijing's old city wall, torn down in the 1950s and reconstructed in 2005/ 永寧 永宁 T - 86 Yǒng níng f /Yongning county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 永寧縣 永宁县 T - 14 Yǒng níng xiàn f /Yongning county in Yinchuan 銀川|银川[Yin2 chuan1], Ningxia/ 永寿 永壽 S - 19 Yǒng shòu f /Yongshou County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 永寿县 永壽縣 S - 2 Yǒng shòu Xiàn f /Yongshou County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 永川 - 13 Yǒng chuān f /Yongchuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 永川区 永川區 S - 0 Yǒng chuān qū f /Yongchuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 永川區 永川区 T - 0 Yǒng chuān qū f /Yongchuan suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 永州 - 59 Yǒng zhōu f /Yongzhou prefecture level city in Hunan/ 永州市 - 9 Yǒng zhōu shì f /Yongzhou prefecture level city in Hunan/ 永平 - 144 Yǒng píng f /Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 永平县 永平縣 S - 5 Yǒng píng xiàn f /Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 永平縣 永平县 T - 5 Yǒng píng xiàn f /Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 永年 - 36 Yǒng nián f /Yongnian county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 永年县 永年縣 S - 3 Yǒng nián xiàn f /Yongnian county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 永年縣 永年县 T - 3 Yǒng nián xiàn f /Yongnian county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 永康 - 38 Yǒng kāng f /Yongkang county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/Yungkang city in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 永康市 - 3 Yǒng kāng shì f /Yongkang county level city in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/Yungkang city in Tainan county 台南縣|台南县[Tai2 nan2 xian4], Taiwan/ 永德 - 8 Yǒng dé f /Yongde county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 永德县 永德縣 S - 2 Yǒng dé xiàn f /Yongde county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 永德縣 永德县 T - 2 Yǒng dé xiàn f /Yongde county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 永志不忘 - 5 yǒng zhì bù wàng f /never to be forgotten/ 永恆 永恒 T 3023 424 yǒng héng f /eternal/everlasting/fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die)/ 永恒 永恆 S 3023 424 yǒng héng f /eternal/everlasting/fig. to pass into eternity (i.e. to die)/ 永新 - 278 Yǒng xīn f /Yongxin county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 永新县 永新縣 S - 10 Yǒng xīn xiàn f /Yongxin county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 永新縣 永新县 T - 10 Yǒng xīn xiàn f /Yongxin county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 永无止境 永無止境 S - 19 yǒng wú zhǐ jìng f /without end/never-ending/ 永昌 - 92 Yǒng chāng f /Yongchang county in Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ 永昌县 永昌縣 S - 9 Yǒng chāng xiàn f /Yongchang county in Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ 永昌縣 永昌县 T - 9 Yǒng chāng xiàn f /Yongchang county in Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ 永春 - 12 Yǒng chūn f /Yongchun County in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 永春县 永春縣 S - 7 Yǒng chūn Xiàn f /Yongchun County in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 永春縣 永春县 T - 7 Yǒng chūn Xiàn f /Yongchun County in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian/ 永樂 永乐 T - 3114 Yǒng lè f /Yongle Emperor, reign name of third Ming emperor Zhu Di 朱棣[Zhu1 Di4] (1360-1424), reigned 1403-1424, Temple name 明成祖[Ming2 Cheng2 zu3]/ 永樂大典 永乐大典 T - 0 Yǒng lè Dà diǎn f /the Yongle Great Encyclopedia (1408)/ 永永远远 永永遠遠 S - 3 yǒng yǒng yuǎn yuǎn f /for ever and ever/ 永永遠遠 永永远远 T - 3 yǒng yǒng yuǎn yuǎn f /for ever and ever/ 永泰 - 42 Yǒng tài f /Yongtai county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ 永泰县 永泰縣 S - 3 Yǒng tài xiàn f /Yongtai county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ 永泰縣 永泰县 T - 3 Yǒng tài xiàn f /Yongtai county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian/ 永济 永濟 S - 35 Yǒng jì f /Yongji county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 永济市 永濟市 S - 5 Yǒng jì shì f /Yongji county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 永清 - 14 Yǒng qīng f /Yongqing county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 永清县 永清縣 S - 13 Yǒng qīng xiàn f /Yongqing county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 永清縣 永清县 T - 13 Yǒng qīng xiàn f /Yongqing county in Langfang 廊坊[Lang2 fang2], Hebei/ 永濟 永济 T - 35 Yǒng jì f /Yongji county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 永濟市 永济市 T - 5 Yǒng jì shì f /Yongji county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 永無止境 永无止境 T - 19 yǒng wú zhǐ jìng f /without end/never-ending/ 永珍 - 0 Yǒng zhēn f /Vientiane, capital city of Laos (Tw)/ 永生 - 93 yǒng shēng f /to live forever/eternal life/all one's life/ 永登 - 17 Yǒng dēng f /Yongdeng county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ 永登县 永登縣 S - 3 Yǒng dēng xiàn f /Yongdeng county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ 永登縣 永登县 T - 3 Yǒng dēng xiàn f /Yongdeng county in Lanzhou 蘭州|兰州[Lan2 zhou1], Gansu/ 永眠 - 3 yǒng mián f /eternal rest (i.e. death)/ 永矢 - 0 yǒng shǐ f /forever/ 永磁 - 39 yǒng cí f /permanent magnetism/ 永福 - 278 Yǒng fú f /Yongfu county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 永福县 永福縣 S - 2 Yǒng fú xiàn f /Yongfu county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 永福縣 永福县 T - 2 Yǒng fú xiàn f /Yongfu county in Guilin 桂林[Gui4 lin2], Guangxi/ 永續 永续 T - 20 yǒng xù f /sustainable/perpetual/ 永续 永續 S - 20 yǒng xù f /sustainable/perpetual/ 永胜 永勝 S - 24 Yǒng shèng f /Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 jiang1], Yunnan/ 永胜县 永勝縣 S - 9 Yǒng shèng xiàn f /Yongsheng county in Lijiang 麗江|丽江[Li4 jiang1], Yunnan/ 永興 永兴 T - 64 Yǒng xīng f /Yongxing county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 永興縣 永兴县 T - 10 Yǒng xīng xiàn f /Yongxing county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 永訣 永诀 T - 18 yǒng jué f /to part forever/eternal parting (i.e. death)/ 永訣式 永诀式 T - 0 yǒng jué shì f /funeral/ 永诀 永訣 S - 18 yǒng jué f /to part forever/eternal parting (i.e. death)/ 永诀式 永訣式 S - 0 yǒng jué shì f /funeral/ 永豐 永丰 T - 43 Yǒng fēng f /Yongfeng county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 永豐縣 永丰县 T - 3 Yǒng fēng xiàn f /Yongfeng county in Ji'an 吉安, Jiangxi/ 永貞內禪 永贞内禅 T - 0 Yǒng zhēn nèi shàn f /Yongzhen abdication of 805/ 永貞革新 永贞革新 T - 0 Yǒng zhēn Gé xīn f /Yongzhen Reform, Tang dynasty failed reform movement of 805 led by Wang Shuwen 王叔文[Wang2 Shu1 wen2]/ 永贞内禅 永貞內禪 S - 0 Yǒng zhēn nèi shàn f /Yongzhen abdication of 805/ 永贞革新 永貞革新 S - 0 Yǒng zhēn Gé xīn f /Yongzhen Reform, Tang dynasty failed reform movement of 805 led by Wang Shuwen 王叔文[Wang2 Shu1 wen2]/ 永远 永遠 S 644 4554 yǒng yuǎn f /forever/eternal/ 永逝 - 3 yǒng shì f /gone forever/to die/ 永遠 永远 T 644 4554 yǒng yuǎn f /forever/eternal/ 永靖 - 13 Yǒng jìng f /Yongjing county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/Yungching township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 永靖乡 永靖鄉 S - 0 Yǒng jìng xiāng f /Yungching township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 永靖县 永靖縣 S - 9 Yǒng jìng xiàn f /Yongjing county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 永靖縣 永靖县 T - 9 Yǒng jìng xiàn f /Yongjing county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lin2 xia4 Hui2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Gansu/ 永靖鄉 永靖乡 T - 0 Yǒng jìng xiāng f /Yungching township in Changhua county 彰化縣|彰化县[Zhang1 hua4 xian4], Taiwan/ 永順 永顺 T - 22 Yǒng shùn f /Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 永順縣 永顺县 T - 5 Yǒng shùn xiàn f /Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 永顺 永順 S - 22 Yǒng shùn f /Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 永顺县 永順縣 S - 5 Yǒng shùn xiàn f /Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 氹 - 3 dàng f /variant of 凼[dang4]/ 氹仔 - 0 Dàng zǎi f /Taipa, an island of Macau/ 氺 - 0 shuǐ f /archaic variant of 水[shui3]/ 氼 - 2 nì f /old variant of 溺[ni4]/ 氽 - 262 tǔn f /to float/to deep-fry/ 氽汤 氽湯 S - 0 tǔn tāng f /to prepare a soup/ 氽湯 氽汤 T - 0 tǔn tāng f /to prepare a soup/ 氽烫 氽燙 S - 0 tǔn tàng f /to blanch (cooking)/ 氽燙 氽烫 T - 0 tǔn tàng f /to blanch (cooking)/ 氾 泛 T - 1131 fàn f /variant of 泛[fan4]/ 氿 - 3 guǐ f /mountain spring/ 汀 - 332 tīng f /sandbar/shoal/sandbank/ 汀曲 - 0 tīng qū f /a bend in a stream/ 汀洲 - 3 tīng zhōu f /shoal/islet in a stream/ 汀渚 - 0 tīng zhǔ f /shoal/islet in a stream/ 汀線 汀线 T - 3 tīng xiàn f /lines formed by waves on a beach/ 汀线 汀線 S - 3 tīng xiàn f /lines formed by waves on a beach/ 汁 - 819 zhī f /juice/ 汁水 - 36 zhī shuǐ f /(dialect) juice/ 汁液 - 101 zhī yè f /juice/ 求 - 6465 qiú f /to seek/to look for/to request/to demand/to beseech/ 求之不得 - 143 qiú zhī bù dé f /lit. seek but fail to get (idiom); fig. exactly what one’s been looking for/ 求乞 - 15 qiú qǐ f /to beg/ 求人 - 93 qiú rén f /to ask for help/to ask a favor/to recruit talented people/ 求人不如求己 - 0 qiú rén bù rú qiú jǐ f /if you want sth done well, do it yourself (idiom)/ 求偿 求償 S - 3 qiú cháng f /to seek compensation/indemnity/ 求償 求偿 T - 3 qiú cháng f /to seek compensation/indemnity/ 求全責備 求全责备 T - 7 qiú quán zé bèi f /to demand perfection (idiom)/ 求全责备 求全責備 S - 7 qiú quán zé bèi f /to demand perfection (idiom)/ 求助 - 882 qiú zhù f /to request help/to appeal (for help)/ 求助于人 求助於人 S - 0 qiú zhù yú rén f /to call upon others for help/ 求助於人 求助于人 T - 0 qiú zhù yú rén f /to call upon others for help/ 求医 求醫 S - 92 qiú yī f /to seek medical treatment/to see a doctor/ 求医癖 求醫癖 S - 0 qiú yī pǐ f /Munchausen syndrome/ 求取 - 3 qiú qǔ f /to seek after/to strive for/ 求同 - 26 qiú tóng f /to seek consensus/to seek conformity/ 求同存异 求同存異 S - 46 qiú tóng cún yì f /to seek common ground while holding back differences (idiom); to agree to differ/ 求同存異 求同存异 T - 46 qiú tóng cún yì f /to seek common ground while holding back differences (idiom); to agree to differ/ 求告 - 52 qiú gào f /to implore/to beseech/ 求和 - 281 qiú hé f /to sue for peace/to look for a draw (chess)/summation (math)/ 求好心切 - 3 qiú hǎo xīn qiè f /to demand the highest standards of sb (or oneself) (idiom)/to strive to achieve the best possible results/to be a perfectionist/ 求婚 - 131 qiú hūn f /to propose marriage/ 求子 - 3 qiú zǐ f /(of a childless couple) to pray for a son/to try to have a child/ 求存 - 0 qiú cún f /survival/the struggle to eke out a living/to seek for continued existence/ 求学 求學 S - 248 qiú xué f /to study/to seek knowledge/to attend college/at school/learning/education/ 求学无坦途 求學無坦途 S - 0 qiú xué wú tǎn tú f /The path of learning can never be smooth./There is no royal road to learning. (idiom)/ 求學 求学 T - 248 qiú xué f /to study/to seek knowledge/to attend college/at school/learning/education/ 求學無坦途 求学无坦途 T - 0 qiú xué wú tǎn tú f /The path of learning can never be smooth./There is no royal road to learning. (idiom)/ 求导 求導 S - 3 qiú dǎo f /to find the derivative (math.)/ 求導 求导 T - 3 qiú dǎo f /to find the derivative (math.)/ 求得 - 687 qiú dé f /to ask for sth and receive it/to try to obtain/to look for and obtain/ 求怜经 求憐經 S - 0 qiú lián jīng f /Kyrie Eleison (section of Catholic mass)/Miserere nobis/Lord have mercy upon us/ 求情 - 292 qiú qíng f /to plea for leniency/to ask for a favor/ 求情告饒 求情告饶 T - 0 qiú qíng gào ráo f /to beg for forgiveness (idiom)/ 求情告饶 求情告饒 S - 0 qiú qíng gào ráo f /to beg for forgiveness (idiom)/ 求愛 求爱 T - 43 qiú ài f /to woo/ 求憐經 求怜经 T - 0 qiú lián jīng f /Kyrie Eleison (section of Catholic mass)/Miserere nobis/Lord have mercy upon us/ 求援 - 183 qiú yuán f /to ask for help/ 求救 - 287 qiú jiù f /to cry for help/ 求教 - 117 qiú jiào f /to ask for advice/seeking instruction/ 求是 - 0 qiú shì f /to seek the truth/ 求欢 求歡 S - 3 qiú huān f /to proposition a woman/ 求歡 求欢 T - 3 qiú huān f /to proposition a woman/ 求死愿望 求死願望 S - 0 qiú sǐ yuàn wàng f /death wish (translated from English)/Death wish, movie series with Charles Bronson is translated as 猛龍怪客|猛龙怪客[Meng3 long2 guai4 ke4]/ 求死願望 求死愿望 T - 0 qiú sǐ yuàn wàng f /death wish (translated from English)/Death wish, movie series with Charles Bronson is translated as 猛龍怪客|猛龙怪客[Meng3 long2 guai4 ke4]/ 求爱 求愛 S - 43 qiú ài f /to woo/ 求生 - 188 qiú shēng f /to seek survival/to possess the will to live/ 求生意志 - 0 qiú shēng yì zhì f /the will to live/ 求田問舍 求田问舍 T - 4 qiú tián wèn shè f /lit. to be interested exclusively in the acquisition of estate (idiom)/fig. to have no lofty aspirations in life/ 求田问舍 求田問舍 S - 4 qiú tián wèn shè f /lit. to be interested exclusively in the acquisition of estate (idiom)/fig. to have no lofty aspirations in life/ 求知 - 1107 qiú zhī f /anxious to learn/keen for knowledge/ 求知慾 求知欲 T - 35 qiú zhī yù f /desire for knowledge/ 求知欲 求知慾 S - 35 qiú zhī yù f /desire for knowledge/ 求索 - 64 qiú suǒ f /to search for sth/to seek/to quest/to explore/ 求职 求職 S - 1304 qiú zhí f /to seek employment/ 求职信 求職信 S - 3 qiú zhí xìn f /cover letter/job application/ 求职者 求職者 S - 568 qiú zhí zhě f /job applicant/ 求職 求职 T - 1304 qiú zhí f /to seek employment/ 求職信 求职信 T - 3 qiú zhí xìn f /cover letter/job application/ 求職者 求职者 T - 568 qiú zhí zhě f /job applicant/ 求解 - 402 qiú jiě f /to require a solution/to seek to solve (an equation)/ 求證 求证 T - 73 qiú zhèng f /to seek proof/to seek confirmation/ 求证 求證 S - 73 qiú zhèng f /to seek proof/to seek confirmation/ 求醫 求医 T - 92 qiú yī f /to seek medical treatment/to see a doctor/ 求醫癖 求医癖 T - 0 qiú yī pǐ f /Munchausen syndrome/ 求饒 求饶 T - 192 qiú ráo f /to beg forgiveness/ 求饶 求饒 S - 192 qiú ráo f /to beg forgiveness/ 汅 - 0 miǎn f /old variant of 沔[mian3]/ 汆 - 16 cuān f /quick-boil/to boil for a short time/ 汇 匯 S - 1235 huì f /to remit/to converge (of rivers)/to exchange/ 汇 彙 S - 1235 huì f /class/collection/ 汇 滙 S - 1235 huì f /variant of 匯|汇[hui4]/ 汇业财经集团 匯業財經集團 S - 0 Huì yè Cái jīng Jí tuán f /Delta Asia Financial Group (Macau)/ 汇业银行 匯業銀行 S - 0 Huì yè Yín háng f /Banco Delta Asia S.A.R.L., Macau/ 汇丰 匯豐 S - 48 Huì fēng f /Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)/ 汇丰银行 匯豐銀行 S - 93 Huì fēng Yín háng f /Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC)/ 汇价 匯價 S - 109 huì jià f /exchange rate/ 汇兑 匯兌 S - 235 huì duì f /remittance/funds paid to a bank account/ 汇入 匯入 S - 328 huì rù f /to flow into/to converge (of river)/(computing) to import (data)/ 汇出 匯出 S - 15 huì chū f /to remit (funds)/(computing) to export (data)/ 汇出行 匯出行 S - 0 huì chū háng f /remitting bank/ 汇划 匯劃 S - 12 huì huà f /remittance/ 汇合 匯合 S - 776 huì hé f /confluence/to converge/to join/to fuse/fusion/ 汇回 匯回 S - 0 huì huí f /to remit home/ 汇寄 匯寄 S - 3 huì jì f /remit/ 汇川 匯川 S - 3 Huì chuān f /Huichuan district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 汇川区 匯川區 S - 3 Huì chuān qū f /Huichuan district of Zun'yi city 遵義市|遵义市[Zun1 yi4 shi4], Guizhou/ 汇差 匯差 S - 3 huì chā f /difference in exchange rates in different regions/ 汇总 匯總 S - 173 huì zǒng f /summary/to summarize/to collect (data, receipts etc)/to gather and report/ 汇总 彙總 S - 173 huì zǒng f /summary/to summarize/to collect (data, receipts etc)/to gather and report/also written 匯總|汇总/ 汇报 匯報 S 2878 1563 huì bào f /to report/to give an account of/to collect information and report back/ 汇报 彙報 S 2878 1563 huì bào f /to report/to give an account of/report/ 汇拢 匯攏 S - 4 huì lǒng f /to collect/to gather/ 汇整 彙整 S - 0 huì zhěng f /to collect and organize (papers etc)/to archive (data)/to summarize (evidence etc)/summary/ 汇映 彙映 S - 3 huì yìng f /joint screening/consecutive screening of collection of movies/ 汇款 匯款 S - 98 huì kuǎn f /to remit money/remittance/ 汇水 匯水 S - 3 huì shuǐ f /remittance fee/ 汇注 匯注 S - 0 huì zhù f /to flow into/to converge/ 汇注 彙注 S - 0 huì zhù f /annotated collection/ 汇流 匯流 S - 66 huì liú f /(of rivers etc) to converge/convergence/ 汇流环 匯流環 S - 0 huì liú huán f /slip-ring/rotary electrical interface/collector ring/ 汇演 匯演 S - 81 huì yǎn f /joint performance/ 汇点 匯點 S - 0 huì diǎn f /confluence/a meeting point/ 汇率 匯率 S 2488 1220 huì lǜ f /exchange rate/ 汇票 匯票 S - 527 huì piào f /bill of exchange/bank draft/ 汇编 匯編 S - 286 huì biān f /collection/compilation/compile/also written 彙編|汇编/ 汇编 彙編 S - 286 huì biān f /collection/compilation/compile/ 汇编语言 匯編語言 S - 87 huì biān yǔ yán f /assembly language/ 汇聚 匯聚 S - 232 huì jù f /convergence/to come together/ 汇费 匯費 S - 2 huì fèi f /remittance fee/ 汇金 匯金 S - 0 huì jīn f /finance/ 汇集 匯集 S - 905 huì jí f /to collect/to compile/to converge/also written 彙集|汇集[hui4 ji2]/ 汇集 彙集 S - 905 huì jí f /to collect/to compile/to converge/ 汉 漢 S - 8921 Hàn f /Han ethnic group/Chinese (language)/the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/ 汉 漢 S - 8921 hàn f /man/ 汉中 漢中 S - 995 Hàn zhōng f /Hanzhong prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 汉中地区 漢中地區 S - 0 Hàn zhōng dì qū f /Hanzhong prefecture, Shaanxi/ 汉中市 漢中市 S - 13 Hàn zhōng Shì f /Hanzhong prefecture level city in Shaanxi/ 汉书 漢書 S - 360 Hàn shū f /History of the Former Han Dynasty, second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed by Ban Gu 班固[Ban1 Gu4] in 82 during Eastern Han (later Han), 100 scrolls/ 汉人 漢人 S - 1629 Hàn rén f /Han Chinese person or people/ 汉他病毒 漢他病毒 S - 0 hàn tā bìng dú f /Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) responsible for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome/ 汉代 漢代 S - 972 Hàn dài f /the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/ 汉元帝 漢元帝 S - 19 Hàn Yuán dì f /Yuan Emperor, reign name of Han Dynasty emperor Liu Shi 劉奭|刘奭[Liu2 Shi4], (74-33 BC), reigned 48-33 BC/ 汉办 漢辦 S - 0 Hàn bàn f /abbr. for 國家漢辦|国家汉办[Guo2 jia1 Han4 ban4], Office of Chinese Language Council International/ 汉化 漢化 S - 95 Hàn huà f /to sinicize/sinicization/(software) Chinese localization/ 汉南 漢南 S - 5 Hàn nán f /Hannan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 汉南区 漢南區 S - 513 Hàn nán qū f /Hannan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 汉口 漢口 S - 2005 Hàn kǒu f /Hankou, part of Wuhan 武漢|武汉 at the junction of Han river and Changjiang in Hubei/ 汉台 漢臺 S - 0 Hàn tái f /Hantai District of Hanzhong City 漢中市|汉中市[Han4 zhong1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 汉台区 漢臺區 S - 2 Hàn tái Qū f /Hantai District of Hanzhong City 漢中市|汉中市[Han4 zhong1 shi4], Shaanxi/ 汉四郡 漢四郡 S - 0 Hàn sì jùn f /four Han commanderies in north Korea 108 BC-c. 300 AD/ 汉坦病毒 漢坦病毒 S - 3 hàn tǎn bìng dú f /Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) responsible for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome/ 汉城 漢城 S - 373 Hàn chéng f /Hanseong, old name of Seoul as traditional capital of Korea and capital of South Korea/adopted new Chinese spelling 首爾|首尔[Shou3 er3] in 2005/ 汉城特别市 漢城特別市 S - 0 Hàn chéng Tè bié shì f /Hanseong Metropolitan City, old name for Seoul, capital of Korea/adopted new Chinese spelling 首爾|首尔 in 2005/ 汉堡 漢堡 S - 439 Hàn bǎo f /Hamburg (German city)/ 汉堡 漢堡 S - 439 hàn bǎo f /hamburger (loanword)/ 汉堡包 漢堡包 S - 21 hàn bǎo bāo f /hamburger (loanword)/ 汉堡王 漢堡王 S - 0 Hàn bǎo wáng f /Burger King (fast food restaurant)/ 汉奸 漢奸 S - 1441 Hàn jiān f /traitor (to China)/ 汉姓 漢姓 S - 24 Hàn xìng f /Han surname/Chinese surname/ 汉子 漢子 S - 2142 hàn zi f /man/fellow/(dialect) husband/ 汉字 漢字 S - 912 hàn zì f /Chinese character/CL:個|个[ge4]/Japanese: kanji/Korean: hanja/Vietnamese: hán tự/ 汉字字体 漢字字體 S - 0 hàn zì zì tǐ f /calligraphic style of Chinese characters/typeface/font/ 汉字查字法 漢字查字法 S - 0 hàn zì chá zì fǎ f /look-up method for Chinese characters/ 汉学 漢學 S - 168 Hàn xué f /sinology/Chinese studies (in foreign schools)/Han Learning, a Qing dynasty movement aiming at a philological appraisal of the Classics/ 汉学家 漢學家 S - 72 hàn xué jiā f /sinologist/scholar of Chinese/ 汉学系 漢學係 S - 3 Hàn xué xì f /institute of Sinology/faculty of Sinology/ 汉宣帝 漢宣帝 S - 47 Hàn Xuān dì f /Emperor Xuan (91-48 BC) of the Former Han Dynasty, reigned 74-48 BC/ 汉密尔顿 漢密爾頓 S - 3 Hàn mì ěr dùn f /Hamilton (name)/Hamilton, capital of Bermuda/ 汉寿 漢壽 S - 30 Hàn shòu f /Hanshou county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan/ 汉寿县 漢壽縣 S - 6 Hàn shòu xiàn f /Hanshou county in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan/ 汉尼拔 漢尼拔 S - 35 Hàn ní bá f /Hannibal (name)/Hannibal Barca (247-183 BC), Carthaginian general/ 汉川 漢川 S - 540 Hàn chuān f /Hanchuan county level city in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ 汉川市 漢川市 S - 257 Hàn chuān shì f /Hanchuan county level city in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei/ 汉拿山 漢拿山 S - 0 Hàn ná Shān f /Hallasan Mountain or Mount Halla, highest mountain in South Korea/ 汉文 漢文 S - 659 Hàn wén f /Chinese written language/Chinese literature esp. as taught abroad/ 汉文帝 漢文帝 S - 87 Hàn Wén dì f /Emperor Wen of Han (202-157 BC), fourth Han emperor, personal name Liu Heng 劉恆|刘恒[Liu2 Heng2], reigned 180-157 BC/ 汉文帝刘恒 漢文帝劉恆 S - 0 Hàn wén dì Liú héng f /Liu Heng (202-157 BC), the fourth Han emperor Han Wendi, reigned 180-157 BC/ 汉斯 漢斯 S - 83 Hàn sī f /Hans (name)/ 汉族 漢族 S - 2029 Hàn zú f /Han ethnic group/ 汉旺镇 漢旺鎮 S - 0 Hàn wàng zhèn f /Hanwang town in Mianzhu county, Deying 德阳 prefecture, Sichuan/ 汉明帝 漢明帝 S - 37 Hàn Míng Dì f /Emperor Ming of Han (28-75), Western Han Dynasty Emperor 58-75/ 汉服 漢服 S - 9 hàn fú f /traditional Han Chinese dress/ 汉朝 漢朝 S - 271 Hàn cháo f /Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)/ 汉末魏初 漢末魏初 S - 0 Hàn mò Wèi chū f /late Han and early Wei (roughly, first half of 3rd century AD)/ 汉森 漢森 S - 36 Hàn sēn f /Hansen or Hanson (name)/ 汉武帝 漢武帝 S - 517 Hàn Wǔ dì f /Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (141-87 BC)/ 汉民族 漢民族 S - 0 Hàn mín zú f /Han ethnic group/ 汉水 漢水 S - 739 Hàn shuǐ f /Han River (Hanshui)/ 汉江 漢江 S - 1537 Hàn jiāng f /Han River/ 汉沽 漢沽 S - 9 Hàn gū f /Hangu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區|滨海新区[Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ 汉沽区 漢沽區 S - 2 Hàn gū qū f /Hangu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區|滨海新区[Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]/ 汉源 漢源 S - 9 Hàn yuán f /Hanyuan county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ 汉源县 漢源縣 S - 4 Hàn yuán xiàn f /Hanyuan county in Ya'an 雅安[Ya3 an1], Sichuan/ 汉滨 漢濱 S - 0 Hàn bīn f /Hanbin District of Ankang City 安康市[An1 kang1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 汉滨区 漢濱區 S - 3 Hàn bīn Qū f /Hanbin District of Ankang City 安康市[An1 kang1 Shi4], Shaanxi/ 汉献帝 漢獻帝 S - 58 Hàn Xiàn dì f /Emperor Xian of Han (181-234), the final Han emperor, set up by Dong Zhuo 董卓, reigned 189-220, forced to abdicate 220 by Cao Pi 曹丕/ 汉白玉 漢白玉 S - 2665 hàn bái yù f /white marble/a type of white marble used for building and sculpting/ 汉福斯 漢福斯 S - 0 Hàn fú sī f /Hønefoss, city (and soccer team) in Buskerud, Norway/ 汉简 漢簡 S - 77 Hàn jiǎn f /bamboo slip used for record keeping during the Han Dynasty/ 汉腔 漢腔 S - 0 Hàn qiāng f /Wuhan accent/ 汉英 漢英 S - 278 Hàn Yīng f /Chinese-English/ 汉英互译 漢英互譯 S - 0 Hàn Yīng hù yì f /Chinese and English two-way translation/ 汉萨同盟 漢薩同盟 S - 0 Hàn sà tóng méng f /Hanseatic League/ 汉藏语系 漢藏語系 S - 114 Hàn Zàng yǔ xì f /Sino-Tibetan language family/ 汉语 漢語 S 149 1611 Hàn yǔ f /Chinese language/CL:門|门[men2]/ 汉语大字典 漢語大字典 S - 0 Hàn yǔ Dà Zì diǎn f /Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionaries with 54,678 (and later 60,370) entries, first published between 1986-1990/ 汉语大词典 漢語大詞典 S - 0 Hàn yǔ Dà Cí diǎn f /Hanyu Da Cidian, the most comprehensive Chinese dictionary with over 375,000 word entries, first published between 1986-1994/ 汉语拼音 漢語拼音 S - 72 Hàn yǔ Pīn yīn f /Hanyu Pinyin, the pinyin transliteration system used in PRC since the 1960s/ 汉语水平考试 漢語水平考試 S - 0 Hàn yǔ Shuǐ píng Kǎo shì f /HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test)/ 汉诺威 漢諾威 S - 143 Hàn nuò wēi f /Hanover/ 汉贼不两立 漢賊不兩立 S - 4 Hàn zéi bù liǎng lì f /lit. Shu Han 蜀漢|蜀汉[Shu3 Han4] and Cao Wei 曹魏[Cao2 Wei4] cannot coexist (idiom)/fig. two enemies cannot live under the same sky/(former KMT slogan against CPC) "gentlemen and thieves cannot coexist"/ 汉阳 漢陽 S - 1176 Hàn yáng f /Hanyang county in Hubei province/historical name Hanyang for Seoul, Korea/ 汉阳区 漢陽區 S - 514 Hàn yáng qū f /Hanyang district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 汉阴 漢陰 S - 2 Hàn yīn f /Hanyin County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi/ 汉阴县 漢陰縣 S - 3 Hàn yīn Xiàn f /Hanyin County in Ankang 安康[An1 kang1], Shaanxi/ 汉高祖 漢高祖 S - 181 Hàn Gāo zǔ f /posthumous name of the first Han emperor Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦 (256 or 247-195 BC), reigned 202-195 BC/ 汉高祖刘邦 漢高祖劉邦 S - 0 Hàn Gāo zǔ Liú Bāng f /Liu Bang (256 or 247-195 BC), first Han emperor, reigned 207-195 BC/ 汊 - 390 chà f /branching stream/ 汋 - 3 zhuó f /to pour/ 汍 - 0 wán f /shed tears/ 汎 泛 T - 1131 fàn f /variant of 泛[fan4]/ 汏 - 0 dà f /to wash (dialect)/ 汐 - 5 xī f /night tides/evening ebbtide/Taiwan pr. [xi4]/ 汐止 - 2 Xī zhǐ f /Xizhi or Hsichih city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 汐止市 - 0 Xī zhǐ shì f /Xizhi or Hsichih city in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 汔 - 5 qì f /near/ 汕 - 70 shàn f /bamboo fish trap/used in names of places connected with Shantou 汕頭|汕头[Shan4 tou2]/ 汕头 汕頭 S - 230 Shàn tóu f /Shantou (formerly romanized as Swatow), prefecture-level city in Guangdong/ 汕头地区 汕頭地區 S - 0 Shàn tóu dì qū f /Shantou prefecture, Guangdong/ 汕头大学 汕頭大學 S - 10 Shàn tóu Dà xué f /Shantou University/ 汕头市 汕頭市 S - 55 Shàn tóu Shì f /Shantou prefecture-level city in Guangdong/ 汕尾 - 10 Shàn wěi f /Shanwei prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 汕尾市 - 12 Shàn wěi shì f /Shanwei prefecture level city in Guangdong province/ 汕頭 汕头 T - 230 Shàn tóu f /Shantou (formerly romanized as Swatow), prefecture-level city in Guangdong/ 汕頭地區 汕头地区 T - 0 Shàn tóu dì qū f /Shantou prefecture, Guangdong/ 汕頭大學 汕头大学 T - 10 Shàn tóu Dà xué f /Shantou University/ 汕頭市 汕头市 T - 55 Shàn tóu Shì f /Shantou prefecture-level city in Guangdong/ 汗 1057 4274 hán f /see 可汗[ke4 han2], 汗國|汗国[han2 guo2]/ 汗 1057 4274 hàn t /perspiration/sweat/CL:滴[di1],頭|头[tou2],身[shen1]/to be speechless (out of helplessness, embarrassment etc) (Internet slang used as an interjection)/ 汗国 汗國 S - 0 hán guó f /khanate (Mongol state)/ 汗國 汗国 T - 0 hán guó f /khanate (Mongol state)/ 汗如雨下 - 25 hàn rú yǔ xià f /sweating like rain (idiom); to perspire profusely/sweating like a pig/ 汗斑 - 2 hàn bān f /common name for 花斑癣, tinea versicolor/ 汗毛 - 85 hàn máo f /hair/soft hair/down/ 汗水 - 494 hàn shuǐ f /sweat/perspiration/ 汗津津 - 16 hàn jīn jīn f /sweaty/ 汗流浃背 汗流浹背 S - 51 hàn liú jiā bèi f /to sweat profusely (idiom)/drenched in sweat/ 汗流浹背 汗流浃背 T - 51 hàn liú jiā bèi f /to sweat profusely (idiom)/drenched in sweat/ 汗液 - 52 hàn yè f /sweat/ 汗漫 - 3 hàn màn f /vast/without boundaries/power (of a river or ocean)/ 汗牛充栋 汗牛充棟 S - 12 hàn niú chōng dòng f /lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books/ 汗牛充棟 汗牛充栋 T - 12 hàn niú chōng dòng f /lit. enough books to make a pack-ox sweat or to fill a house to the rafters (idiom); fig. many books/ 汗珠 - 194 hàn zhū f /beads of sweat/ 汗珠子 - 17 hàn zhū zi f /beads of sweat/ 汗腺 - 76 hàn xiàn f /sweat gland/ 汗腾格里峰 汗騰格里峰 S - 0 Hán téng gé lǐ Fēng f /Khan Tengri or Mt Hantengri on the border between Xinjiang and Kazakhstan/ 汗臭 - 12 hàn chòu f /body odor/ 汗血宝马 汗血寶馬 S - 0 hàn xuè bǎo mǎ f /Ferghana horse/ 汗血寶馬 汗血宝马 T - 0 hàn xuè bǎo mǎ f /Ferghana horse/ 汗衫 - 40 hàn shān f /vest/undershirt/shirt/ 汗褂儿 汗褂兒 S - 3 hàn guà r f /undershirt/ 汗褂兒 汗褂儿 T - 3 hàn guà r f /undershirt/ 汗褟儿 汗褟兒 S - 0 hàn tā r f /undershirt (dialect)/ 汗褟兒 汗褟儿 T - 0 hàn tā r f /undershirt (dialect)/ 汗顏 汗颜 T - 44 hàn yán f /to blush with shame (literary)/ 汗颜 汗顏 S - 44 hàn yán f /to blush with shame (literary)/ 汗馬功勞 汗马功劳 T - 95 hàn mǎ gōng láo f /lit. to ride a laboring horse to great deeds/fig. a heroic contribution/ 汗騰格里峰 汗腾格里峰 T - 0 Hán téng gé lǐ Fēng f /Khan Tengri or Mt Hantengri on the border between Xinjiang and Kazakhstan/ 汗马功劳 汗馬功勞 S - 95 hàn mǎ gōng láo f /lit. to ride a laboring horse to great deeds/fig. a heroic contribution/ 汙 - 7 wū f /variant of 污/dirty/filthy/foul/corrupt/to smear/to defile/dirt/filth/ 汚 污 T - 414 wū f /variant of 污[wu1]/ 汛 - 91 xùn f /high water/flood/to sprinkle water/ 汛情 - 22 xùn qíng f /flood/ 汛期 - 420 xùn qī f /flood season/ 汜 - 87 sì f /stream which returns after branching/ 汝 - 1189 rǔ f /thou/ 汝南 - 107 Rǔ nán f /Ru'nan county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 汝南县 汝南縣 S - 9 Rǔ nán xiàn f /Ru'nan county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 汝南縣 汝南县 T - 9 Rǔ nán xiàn f /Ru'nan county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 汝城 - 6 Rǔ chéng f /Rucheng county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 汝城县 汝城縣 S - 3 Rǔ chéng xiàn f /Rucheng county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 汝城縣 汝城县 T - 3 Rǔ chéng xiàn f /Rucheng county in Chenzhou 郴州[Chen1 zhou1], Hunan/ 汝州 - 74 Rǔ zhōu f /Ruzhou county level city in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan/ 汝州市 - 3 Rǔ zhōu shì f /Ruzhou county level city in Pingdingshan 平頂山|平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan/ 汝阳 汝陽 S - 45 Rǔ yáng f /Ruyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 汝阳县 汝陽縣 S - 7 Rǔ yáng xiàn f /Ruyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 汝陽 汝阳 T - 45 Rǔ yáng f /Ruyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 汝陽縣 汝阳县 T - 7 Rǔ yáng xiàn f /Ruyang county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 汞 - 849 gǒng t /mercury (chemistry)/ 汞 銾 S - 849 gǒng t /variant of 汞[gong3]/ 汞 銾 S - 849 hòng f /sound of a bell/ 江 - 6083 Jiāng f /surname Jiang/ 江 - 6083 jiāng f /river/CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]/ 江东 江東 S - 374 Jiāng dōng f /Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江东区 江東區 S - 2 Jiāng dōng qū f /Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江乾 江干 T - 5 Jiāng gān f /Jianggan district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江乾區 江干区 T - 2 Jiāng gān qū f /Jianggan district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江八点 江八點 S - 3 jiāng bā diǎn f /"Jiang Zemin's eight-point formula" (for resuming a dialog with Taiwan)/ 江八點 江八点 T - 3 jiāng bā diǎn f /"Jiang Zemin's eight-point formula" (for resuming a dialog with Taiwan)/ 江北 - 1405 Jiāng běi f /Jiangbei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/Chongqing's main airport/Jiangbei district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江北区 江北區 S - 13 Jiāng běi qū f /Jiangbei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/Chongqing's main airport/Jiangbei district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江北區 江北区 T - 13 Jiāng běi qū f /Jiangbei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/Chongqing's main airport/Jiangbei district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江华县 江華縣 S - 2 Jiāng huá xiàn f /Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 江华瑶族自治县 江華瑤族自治縣 S - 7 Jiāng huá Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 江南 - 4986 Jiāng nán f /south of Changjiang or Yangtze river/south of the lower reaches of Changjiang/often refers to south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinces/a province during Qing times/in literature, refers to the sunny south/Gangnam (district in Seoul, South Korea)/ 江南区 江南區 S - 2 Jiāng nán Qū f /Jiangnan District of Nanning city 南寧市|南宁市[Nan2 ning2 Shi4], Guangxi/Gangnam District, Seoul/ 江南區 江南区 T - 2 Jiāng nán Qū f /Jiangnan District of Nanning city 南寧市|南宁市[Nan2 ning2 Shi4], Guangxi/Gangnam District, Seoul/ 江南四大才子 - 0 Jiāng nán sì dà cái zǐ f /Four great southern talents of the Ming, namely: Tang Bohu 唐伯虎, Zhu Zhishan 祝枝山, Wen Zhengming 文徵明|文征明 and Xu Zhenqing 徐禎卿|徐祯卿/ 江南大学 江南大學 S - 0 Jiāng nán Dà xué f /Jiangnan University (Jiangsu Province)/ 江南大學 江南大学 T - 0 Jiāng nán Dà xué f /Jiangnan University (Jiangsu Province)/ 江南水乡 江南水鄉 S - 3 Jiāng nán shuǐ xiāng f /patchwork of waterways, esp. in Jiangsu/ 江南水鄉 江南水乡 T - 3 Jiāng nán shuǐ xiāng f /patchwork of waterways, esp. in Jiangsu/ 江南省 - 0 Jiāng nán shěng f /name of Qing dynasty province covering south Jiangsu, south Anhui and north Zhejiang provinces, with capital at Nanjing/ 江原道 - 14 Jiāng yuán dào f /Gangwon Province of Korea during Joseon Dynasty/Kangwon province of North Korea/Gangwon province in northeast South Korea, capital Chuncheon 春川[Chun1 chuan1]/ 江口 - 109 Jiāng kǒu f /Jiangkou county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 江口县 江口縣 S - 3 Jiāng kǒu xiàn f /Jiangkou county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 江口縣 江口县 T - 3 Jiāng kǒu xiàn f /Jiangkou county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 江城区 江城區 S - 3 Jiāng chéng qū f /Jiangcheng district of Yangjiang city 陽江市|阳江市[Yang2 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong/ 江城區 江城区 T - 3 Jiāng chéng qū f /Jiangcheng district of Yangjiang city 陽江市|阳江市[Yang2 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong/ 江城县 江城縣 S - 0 Jiāng chéng xiàn f /Jiangcheng Hani and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱[Pu3 er3], Yunnan/ 江城哈尼族彝族自治县 江城哈尼族彞族自治縣 S - 2 Jiāng chéng Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Jiangcheng Hani and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱[Pu3 er3], Yunnan/ 江城哈尼族彞族自治縣 江城哈尼族彝族自治县 T - 2 Jiāng chéng Hā ní zú Yí zú zì zhì xiàn f /Jiangcheng Hani and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱[Pu3 er3], Yunnan/ 江城縣 江城县 T - 0 Jiāng chéng xiàn f /Jiangcheng Hani and Yi autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱[Pu3 er3], Yunnan/ 江夏 - 1874 Jiāng xià f /Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江夏区 江夏區 S - 3852 Jiāng xià qū f /Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江夏區 江夏区 T - 3852 Jiāng xià qū f /Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江孜 - 38 Jiāng zī f /Gyangzê town and county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 江孜县 江孜縣 S - 6 Jiāng zī xiàn f /Gyangzê county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 江孜地区 江孜地區 S - 0 Jiāng zī dì qū f /Gyangzê county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 江孜地區 江孜地区 T - 0 Jiāng zī dì qū f /Gyangzê county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 江孜縣 江孜县 T - 6 Jiāng zī xiàn f /Gyangzê county, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse rdzong, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 江孜鎮 江孜镇 T - 0 Jiāng zī zhèn f /Gyangzê town, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 江孜镇 江孜鎮 S - 0 Jiāng zī zhèn f /Gyangzê town, Tibetan: Rgyal rtse, in Shigatse prefecture, Tibet/ 江宁 江寧 S - 98 Jiāng níng f /Jiangning district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 江宁区 江寧區 S - 4 Jiāng níng qū f /Jiangning district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 江安 - 48 Jiāng ān f /Jiang'an county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 江安县 江安縣 S - 2 Jiāng ān xiàn f /Jiang'an county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 江安縣 江安县 T - 2 Jiāng ān xiàn f /Jiang'an county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan/ 江寧 江宁 T - 98 Jiāng níng f /Jiangning district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 江寧區 江宁区 T - 4 Jiāng níng qū f /Jiangning district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 江山 - 1224 Jiāng shān f /Jiangshan county level city in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 江山 - 1224 jiāng shān f /rivers and mountains/landscape/country/ 江山市 - 5 Jiāng shān shì f /Jiangshan county level city in Quzhou 衢州[Qu2 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 江山易改禀性难移 江山易改稟性難移 S - 0 jiāng shān yì gǎi bǐng xìng nán yí f /rivers and mountains are easy to change, man's character much harder/ 江山易改稟性難移 江山易改禀性难移 T - 0 jiāng shān yì gǎi bǐng xìng nán yí f /rivers and mountains are easy to change, man's character much harder/ 江山易改,本性难移 江山易改,本性難移 S - 0 jiāng shān yì gǎi , běn xìng nán yí f /it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character (idiom)/you can't change who you are/Can the leopard change his spots?/ 江山易改,本性難移 江山易改,本性难移 T - 0 jiāng shān yì gǎi , běn xìng nán yí f /it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character (idiom)/you can't change who you are/Can the leopard change his spots?/ 江岸 - 155 Jiāng àn f /Jiang'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江岸区 江岸區 S - 514 Jiāng àn qū f /Jiang'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江岸區 江岸区 T - 514 Jiāng àn qū f /Jiang'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江川 - 9 Jiāng chuān f /Jiangchuan county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 江川县 江川縣 S - 2 Jiāng chuān xiàn f /Jiangchuan county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 江川縣 江川县 T - 2 Jiāng chuān xiàn f /Jiangchuan county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan/ 江州 - 196 Jiāng zhōu f /Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city 崇左市[Chong2 zuo3 shi4], Guangxi/ 江州区 江州區 S - 0 Jiāng zhōu qū f /Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city 崇左市[Chong2 zuo3 shi4], Guangxi/ 江州區 江州区 T - 0 Jiāng zhōu qū f /Jiangzhou district of Chongzuo city 崇左市[Chong2 zuo3 shi4], Guangxi/ 江干 江乾 S - 5 Jiāng gān f /Jianggan district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江干区 江乾區 S - 2 Jiāng gān qū f /Jianggan district of Hangzhou city 杭州市[Hang2 zhou1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江平 - 2 Jiāng Píng f /Jiang Ping (1920-), academic lawyer, writer on ethnicity and legal systems/ 江戶 江户 T - 120 Jiāng hù f /Edo (old name of Tokyo)/ 江户 江戶 S - 120 Jiāng hù f /Edo (old name of Tokyo)/ 江東 江东 T - 374 Jiāng dōng f /Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江東區 江东区 T - 2 Jiāng dōng qū f /Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 江水 - 833 jiāng shuǐ f /river water/ 江永 - 15 Jiāng yǒng f /Jiangyong county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 江永县 江永縣 S - 3 Jiāng yǒng xiàn f /Jiangyong county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 江永縣 江永县 T - 3 Jiāng yǒng xiàn f /Jiangyong county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 江汉 江漢 S - 1652 Jiāng hàn f /Jianghan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江汉区 江漢區 S - 261 Jiāng hàn qū f /Jianghan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江河 - 601 jiāng hé f /the Changjiang (Yangtze) and Huanghe (Yellow river)/great rivers/ 江河日下 - 21 jiāng hé rì xià f /rivers pour away by the day (idiom); going from bad to worse/deteriorating day by day/ 江河湖海 - 24 jiāng hé hú hǎi f /rivers and lakes/ 江油 - 22 Jiāng yóu f /Jiangyou prefecture level city in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 江油市 - 13 Jiāng yóu shì f /Jiangyou prefecture level city in Mianyang 綿陽|绵阳[Mian2 yang2], north Sichuan/ 江泽民 江澤民 S - 2415 Jiāng Zé mín f /Jiang Zemin (1926-), politician, President of PRC 1993-2003/ 江津 - 65 Jiāng jīn f /Jiangjin suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 江津区 江津區 S - 0 Jiāng jīn qū f /Jiangjin suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 江津區 江津区 T - 0 Jiāng jīn qū f /Jiangjin suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 江流 - 319 jiāng liú f /river/river flow/current/ 江浙 - 289 Jiāng Zhè f /abbr. for Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏[Jiang1 su1] and Zhejiang 浙江[Zhe4 jiang1]/ 江浦 - 11 Jiāng pǔ f /Jiangpu county, old name of Pukou district 浦口區|浦口区[Pu3 kou3 qu1] of Nanjing, Jiangsu/ 江浦县 江浦縣 S - 3 Jiāng pǔ xiàn f /Jiangpu county, old name of Pukou district 浦口區|浦口区[Pu3 kou3 qu1] of Nanjing, Jiangsu/ 江浦縣 江浦县 T - 3 Jiāng pǔ xiàn f /Jiangpu county, old name of Pukou district 浦口區|浦口区[Pu3 kou3 qu1] of Nanjing, Jiangsu/ 江海 - 270 Jiāng hǎi f /Jianghai district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong/ 江海区 江海區 S - 3 Jiāng hǎi qū f /Jianghai district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong/ 江海區 江海区 T - 3 Jiāng hǎi qū f /Jianghai district of Jiangmen city 江門市|江门市, Guangdong/ 江淮官話 江淮官话 T - 0 Jiāng Huái guān huà f /Jianghuai Mandarin/ 江淮官话 江淮官話 S - 0 Jiāng Huái guān huà f /Jianghuai Mandarin/ 江湖 - 2750 Jiāng hú f /rivers and lakes/around the whole country/cf 两江 and 两湖, Jiangnan, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan provinces in Qing times/vagrant/itinerant (esp. entertainer, swindler, quack doctor etc)/ 江湖医生 江湖醫生 S - 3 Jiāng hú yī shēng f /quack/charlatan/itinerant doctor and swindler/ 江湖艺人 江湖藝人 S - 0 jiāng hú yì rén f /itinerant entertainer/ 江湖藝人 江湖艺人 T - 0 jiāng hú yì rén f /itinerant entertainer/ 江湖醫生 江湖医生 T - 3 Jiāng hú yī shēng f /quack/charlatan/itinerant doctor and swindler/ 江湖騙子 江湖骗子 T - 17 jiāng hú piàn zi f /swindler/itinerant con-man/ 江湖骗子 江湖騙子 S - 17 jiāng hú piàn zi f /swindler/itinerant con-man/ 江源 - 8 Jiāng yuán f /Jiangyuan district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/ 江源 - 8 jiāng yuán f /river source/ 江源区 江源區 S - 0 Jiāng yuán qū f /Jiangyuan district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/ 江源區 江源区 T - 0 Jiāng yuán qū f /Jiangyuan district in Baishan city 白山市, Jilin/ 江漢 江汉 T - 1652 Jiāng hàn f /Jianghan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江漢區 江汉区 T - 261 Jiāng hàn qū f /Jianghan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 江澤民 江泽民 T - 2415 Jiāng Zé mín f /Jiang Zemin (1926-), politician, President of PRC 1993-2003/ 江猪 江豬 S - 259 jiāng zhū f /Chinese river dolphin, Lipotes vexillifer/ 江畔 - 27 jiāng pàn f /riverbank/ 江米 - 10 jiāng mǐ f /polished glutinous rice/ 江米酒 - 3 jiāng mǐ jiǔ f /glutinous rice wine/fermented glutinous rice/ 江苏 江蘇 S - 3337 Jiāng sū f /Jiangsu province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. 蘇|苏, capital Nanjing 南京/ 江苏省 江蘇省 S - 953 Jiāng sū Shěng f /Jiangsu Province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. 蘇|苏[Su1], capital Nanjing 南京[Nan2 jing1]/ 江華瑤族自治縣 江华瑶族自治县 T - 7 Jiāng huá Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 江華縣 江华县 T - 2 Jiāng huá xiàn f /Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan/ 江蓠 江蘺 S - 13 jiāng lí f /red algae/Gracilaria, several species, some edible/Japanese ogonori/ 江蘇 江苏 T - 3337 Jiāng sū f /Jiangsu province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. 蘇|苏, capital Nanjing 南京/ 江蘇省 江苏省 T - 953 Jiāng sū Shěng f /Jiangsu Province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. 蘇|苏[Su1], capital Nanjing 南京[Nan2 jing1]/ 江蘺 江蓠 T - 13 jiāng lí f /red algae/Gracilaria, several species, some edible/Japanese ogonori/ 江西 - 2594 Jiāng xī f /Jiangxi province (Kiangsi) in southeast China, abbr. 赣, capital Nanchang 南昌/ 江西省 - 664 Jiāng xī Shěng f /Jiangxi Province (Kiangsi) in southeast China, abbr. 贛|赣[Gan4], capital Nanchang 南昌[Nan2 chang1]/ 江豚 - 524 jiāng tún f /river dolphin/ 江豬 江猪 T - 259 jiāng zhū f /Chinese river dolphin, Lipotes vexillifer/ 江輪 江轮 T - 16 jiāng lún f /river steamer/ 江轮 江輪 S - 16 jiāng lún f /river steamer/ 江边 江邊 S - 218 jiāng biān f /river bank/ 江达 江達 S - 3 Jiāng dá f /Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 江达县 江達縣 S - 4 Jiāng dá xiàn f /Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 江達 江达 T - 3 Jiāng dá f /Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 江達縣 江达县 T - 4 Jiāng dá xiàn f /Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 江邊 江边 T - 218 jiāng biān f /river bank/ 江郎才尽 江郎才盡 S - 10 Jiāng láng cái jìn f /Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (idiom)/fig. to have used up one's creative powers/to have writer's block/ 江郎才盡 江郎才尽 T - 10 Jiāng láng cái jìn f /Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (idiom)/fig. to have used up one's creative powers/to have writer's block/ 江都 - 142 Jiāng dū f /Jiangdu county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 江都市 - 8 Jiāng dū shì f /Jiangdu county level city in Yangzhou 揚州|扬州[Yang2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 江酌之喜 - 0 jiāng zhuó zhī xǐ f /feast at the birth of a child/ 江門 江门 T - 36 Jiāng mén f /Jiangmen prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 江門市 江门市 T - 22 Jiāng mén shì f /Jiangmen prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 江门 江門 S - 36 Jiāng mén f /Jiangmen prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 江门市 江門市 S - 22 Jiāng mén shì f /Jiangmen prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 江阳区 江陽區 S - 3 Jiāng yáng qū f /Jiangyang district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan/ 江阴 江陰 S - 210 Jiāng yīn f /Jiangyin county level city in Wuxi 無錫|无锡[Wu2 xi1], Jiangsu/ 江阴市 江陰市 S - 38 Jiāng yīn shì f /Jiangyin county level city in Wuxi 無錫|无锡[Wu2 xi1], Jiangsu/ 江陰 江阴 T - 210 Jiāng yīn f /Jiangyin county level city in Wuxi 無錫|无锡[Wu2 xi1], Jiangsu/ 江陰市 江阴市 T - 38 Jiāng yīn shì f /Jiangyin county level city in Wuxi 無錫|无锡[Wu2 xi1], Jiangsu/ 江陵 - 3756 Jiāng líng f /Jiangling county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ 江陵县 江陵縣 S - 540 Jiāng líng xiàn f /Jiangling county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ 江陵縣 江陵县 T - 540 Jiāng líng xiàn f /Jiangling county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ 江陽區 江阳区 T - 3 Jiāng yáng qū f /Jiangyang district of Luzhou city 瀘州市|泸州市[Lu2 zhou1 shi4], Sichuan/ 江青 - 838 Jiāng Qīng f /Jiang Qing (1914-1991), Mao Zedong's fourth wife and leader of the Gang of Four/ 江面 - 791 jiāng miàn f /the surface of the river/ 池 - 1284 Chí f /surname Chi/ 池 - 1284 chí f /pond/reservoir/moat/ 池上 - 8 Chí shàng f /Chihshang or Chihshang township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 池上乡 池上鄉 S - 0 Chí shàng xiāng f /Chishang or Chihshang township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 池上鄉 池上乡 T - 0 Chí shàng xiāng f /Chishang or Chihshang township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 池中物 - 5 chí zhōng wù f /person of no particular talent/ 池塘 2293 529 chí táng f /pool/pond/ 池子 - 83 chí zi f /pond/bathhouse pool/dance floor of a ballroom/(old) stalls (front rows in a theater)/ 池州 - 28 Chí zhōu f /Chizhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ 池州市 - 3 Chí zhōu shì f /Chizhou prefecture level city in Anhui/ 池汤 池湯 S - 0 chí tāng f /large pool in a bathhouse/ 池沼 - 27 chí zhǎo f /pool/pond/ 池湯 池汤 T - 0 chí tāng f /large pool in a bathhouse/ 池田 - 0 Chí tián f /Ikeda (Japanese surname)/ 池盐 池鹽 S - 8 chí yán f /lake salt/ 池鷺 池鹭 T - 0 chí lù f /(bird species of China) Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus)/ 池鹭 池鷺 S - 0 chí lù f /(bird species of China) Chinese pond heron (Ardeola bacchus)/ 池鹽 池盐 T - 8 chí yán f /lake salt/ 污 汚 S - 414 wū f /variant of 污[wu1]/ 污 - 414 wū f /dirty/filthy/foul/corrupt/to smear/to defile/dirt/filth/ 污七八糟 - 2 wū qī bā zāo f /variant of 烏七八糟|乌七八糟[wu1 qi1 ba1 zao1]/ 污名 - 6 wū míng f /bad reputation/stigma/ 污吏 - 5 wū lì f /a corrupt official/ 污垢 - 86 wū gòu f /filth/ 污损 污損 S - 14 wū sǔn f /to contaminate/ 污損 污损 T - 14 wū sǔn f /to contaminate/ 污染 1094 2692 wū rǎn f /pollution/contamination/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 污染区 污染區 S - 13 wū rǎn qū f /contaminated area/ 污染區 污染区 T - 13 wū rǎn qū f /contaminated area/ 污染物 - 388 wū rǎn wù f /pollutant/ 污水 - 458 wū shuǐ f /sewage/ 污水坑 - 0 wū shuǐ kēng f /cesspit/ 污水处理厂 污水處理廠 S - 0 wū shuǐ chǔ lǐ chǎng f /water treatment plant/ 污水處理廠 污水处理厂 T - 0 wū shuǐ chǔ lǐ chǎng f /water treatment plant/ 污泥 - 132 wū ní f /mud/sludge/ 污浊 污濁 S - 71 wū zhuó f /dirty/muddy/foul (sewer)/ 污渍 污漬 S - 22 wū zì f /stain/ 污漬 污渍 T - 22 wū zì f /stain/ 污濁 污浊 T - 71 wū zhuó f /dirty/muddy/foul (sewer)/ 污点 污點 S - 41 wū diǎn f /stain/taint/ 污痕 - 6 wū hén f /blot/ 污秽 污穢 S - 145 wū huì f /nasty/sordid/filthy/ 污穢 污秽 T - 145 wū huì f /nasty/sordid/filthy/ 污糟 - 0 wū zāo f /filthy/unhygienic/squalid/gross/ 污蔑 4726 57 wū miè f /variant of 污衊|污蔑[wu1 mie4]/ 污蔑 污衊 S 4726 57 wū miè f /to slander/to smear/to tarnish/ 污衊 污蔑 T 4726 57 wū miè f /to slander/to smear/to tarnish/ 污言秽语 污言穢語 S - 46 wū yán huì yǔ f /filthy speech/obscenities/ 污言穢語 污言秽语 T - 46 wū yán huì yǔ f /filthy speech/obscenities/ 污跡 污迹 T - 17 wū jì f /blotch/stain/ 污辱 - 71 wū rǔ f /to humiliate/to insult/to tarnish/to sully/ 污迹 污跡 S - 17 wū jì f /blotch/stain/ 污點 污点 T - 41 wū diǎn f /stain/taint/ 汤 湯 S 977 4099 Tāng t /surname Tang/ 汤 湯 S 977 4099 shāng f /rushing current/ 汤 湯 S 977 4099 tāng t /soup/hot or boiling water/decoction of medicinal herbs/water in which sth has been boiled/ 汤剂 湯劑 S - 28 tāng jì f /decoction/potion/ 汤力水 湯力水 S - 0 tāng lì shuǐ f /tonic water/ 汤加 湯加 S - 189 Tāng jiā f /Tonga, south pacific archipelago kingdom/ 汤加群岛 湯加群島 S - 0 Tāng jiā Qún dǎo f /Tonga/ 汤加里罗 湯加里羅 S - 0 Tāng jiā lǐ luó f /Tongariro, volcanic area on North Island, New Zealand/ 汤勺 湯勺 S - 7 tāng sháo f /soup ladle/ 汤包 湯包 S - 12 tāng bāo f /steamed dumpling/ 汤匙 湯匙 S - 51 tāng chí f /soup spoon/tablespoon/CL:把[ba3]/ 汤博乐 湯博樂 S - 0 Tāng bó lè f /Tumblr (microblogging and social networking website)/ 汤原 湯原 S - 2 Tāng yuán f /Tangyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 汤原县 湯原縣 S - 3 Tāng yuán xiàn f /Tangyuan county in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯[Jia1 mu4 si1], Heilongjiang/ 汤圆 湯圓 S - 79 tāng yuán f /boiled balls of glutinous rice flour, eaten during the Lantern Festival/ 汤姆 湯姆 S - 88 Tāng mǔ f /Tom (name)/ 汤姆·克兰西 湯姆·克蘭西 S - 0 Tāng mǔ · Kè lán xī f /Tom Clancy (1947-), US author/ 汤姆·克鲁斯 湯姆·克魯斯 S - 0 Tāng mǔ · Kè lǔ sī f /Tom Cruise (1962-), film actor/ 汤姆·索亚历险记 湯姆·索亞歷險記 S - 0 Tāng mǔ · Suǒ yà Lì xiǎn Jì f /Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain 馬克·吐溫|马克·吐温[Ma3 ke4 · Tu3 wen1]/ 汤姆·罗宾斯 湯姆·羅賓斯 S - 0 Tāng mǔ · Luó bīn sī f /Tom Robbins, American novelist/ 汤姆孙 湯姆孫 S - 68 Tāng mǔ sūn f /Thompson or Thomson (name)/ 汤姆斯杯 湯姆斯杯 S - 247 Tāng mǔ sī Bēi f /Thomas cup (international badminton team competition)/ 汤姆索亚历险记 湯姆索亞歷險記 S - 0 Tāng mǔ Suǒ yà Lì xiǎn Jì f /Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain/ 汤姆逊 湯姆遜 S - 50 Tāng mǔ xùn f /Thomson (name)/ 汤川 湯川 S - 0 Tāng chuān f /Yukawa (name)/YUKAWA Hideki (1907-1988), Japanese theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate/ 汤川秀树 湯川秀樹 S - 19 Tāng chuān Xiù shù f /YUKAWA Hideki (1907-1988), Japanese theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate/ 汤料 湯料 S - 11 tāng liào f /raw materials for making soup/packaged soup mix/ 汤旺河 湯旺河 S - 4 Tāng wàng hé f /Tangwanghe district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 汤旺河区 湯旺河區 S - 3 Tāng wàng hé qū f /Tangwanghe district of Yichun city 伊春市[Yi1 chun1 shi4], Heilongjiang/ 汤显祖 湯顯祖 S - 57 Tāng Xiǎn zǔ f /Tang Xianzu (1550-1616), Ming poet and dramatist, author of The Peony Pavilion 牡丹亭[Mu3 dan5 Ting2]/ 汤普森 湯普森 S - 38 Tāng pǔ sēn f /Thompson (name)/ 汤武革命 湯武革命 S - 3 Tāng Wǔ Gé mìng f /the Tang and Wu Revolts: the overthrow (c. 1600 BC) of the Xia Dynasty by the first king, Tang 商湯|商汤[Shang1 Tang1], of the Shang Dynasty, and the overthrow (c. 1046 BC) of the Shang Dynasty by the Zhou Dynasty founder, King Wu 周武王[Zhou1 Wu3 wang2]/ 汤汁 湯汁 S - 13 tāng zhī f /soup/broth/ 汤泉 湯泉 S - 21 tāng quán f /hot spring (archaic)/ 汤浴 湯浴 S - 0 tāng yù f /(old) hot bath/ 汤玉麟 湯玉麟 S - 3 Tāng Yù lín f /Tang Yulin (1871-1937), minor warlord in northeast China, sometime governor of Chengde 承德, mostly poor in battle but very successful at accumulating personal wealth/ 汤盘 湯盤 S - 3 tāng pán f /soup plate/ 汤碗 湯碗 S - 13 tāng wǎn f /soup bowl/ 汤类 湯類 S - 0 tāng lèi f /soup dishes (on menu)/ 汤药 湯藥 S - 81 tāng yào f /tisane/decoction (Chinese medicine)/ 汤阴 湯陰 S - 16 Tāng yīn f /Tangyin county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yang2], Henan/ 汤阴县 湯陰縣 S - 10 Tāng yīn xiàn f /Tangyin county in Anyang 安陽|安阳[An1 yang2], Henan/ 汤饼筵 湯餅筵 S - 0 tāng bǐng yán f /dinner party given on the third day after the birth of a baby (traditional)/ 汧 - 12 Qiān f /name of a river flowing through Gansu to Shaanxi Province/ 汧 - 12 qiān f /marsh/float/ 汨 - 24 Mì f /name of a river, the southern tributary of Miluo river 汨羅江|汨罗江[Mi4 luo2 jiang1]/ 汨水 - 0 Mì shuǐ f /name of a river, the southern tributary of Miluo river 汨羅江|汨罗江[Mi4 luo2 jiang1]/ 汨罗 汨羅 S - 19 Mì luó f /Miluo city in Hunan/Miluo river in Hunan, famous for Dragon Boat festival/ 汨罗市 汨羅市 S - 5 Mì luó shì f /Miluo county-level city in Yueyang prefecture 岳陽|岳阳, Hunan/ 汨罗江 汨羅江 S - 25 Mì luó jiāng f /Miluo river in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces, flows into Dongting lake/ 汨羅 汨罗 T - 19 Mì luó f /Miluo city in Hunan/Miluo river in Hunan, famous for Dragon Boat festival/ 汨羅市 汨罗市 T - 5 Mì luó shì f /Miluo county-level city in Yueyang prefecture 岳陽|岳阳, Hunan/ 汨羅江 汨罗江 T - 25 Mì luó jiāng f /Miluo river in Jiangxi and Hunan provinces, flows into Dongting lake/ 汩 - 6 gǔ f /confused/extinguished/ 汪 - 1317 Wāng f /surname Wang/ 汪 - 1317 wāng f /expanse of water/ooze/(onom.) bark/classifier for liquids: pool, puddle/ 汪东城 汪東城 S - 3 Wāng Dōng chéng f /Jiro Wang (1981-), Taiwanese singer and actor/ 汪啸风 汪嘯風 S - 104 Wāng Xiào fēng f /Wang Xiaofeng (1944-), fourth governor of Hainan/ 汪嘯風 汪啸风 T - 104 Wāng Xiào fēng f /Wang Xiaofeng (1944-), fourth governor of Hainan/ 汪星人 - 0 wāng xīng rén f /dog (Internet slang)/ 汪東城 汪东城 T - 3 Wāng Dōng chéng f /Jiro Wang (1981-), Taiwanese singer and actor/ 汪汪 - 84 wāng wāng f /gleaming with tears/woof woof (sound of a dog barking)/(literary) (of a body of water) broad and deep/ 汪洋 - 275 wāng yáng f /vast body of water/CL:片[pian4]/ 汪清 - 3 Wāng qīng f /Wangqing county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 汪清县 汪清縣 S - 2 Wāng qīng xiàn f /Wangqing county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 汪清縣 汪清县 T - 2 Wāng qīng xiàn f /Wangqing county in Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture 延邊朝鮮族自治州|延边朝鲜族自治州, Jilin/ 汪精卫 汪精衛 S - 451 Wāng Jīng wèi f /Wang Ching-wei (1883-1944), left wing Guomingdang politician, subsequently Japanese collaborator/ 汪精衛 汪精卫 T - 451 Wāng Jīng wèi f /Wang Ching-wei (1883-1944), left wing Guomingdang politician, subsequently Japanese collaborator/ 汪道涵 - 25 Wāng Dào hán f /Wang Daohan (1915-2005), former president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits/ 汫 - 0 jǐng f /old variant of 阱[jing3]/see 汫濙[jing3 ying2]/ 汫濙 - 0 jǐng yíng f /meandering/ 汭 - 10 ruì f /river-bend/ 汰 - 54 tài f /to discard/to eliminate/ 汰旧换新 汰舊換新 S - 3 tài jiù huàn xīn f /out with the old and in with the new (idiom)/ 汰舊換新 汰旧换新 T - 3 tài jiù huàn xīn f /out with the old and in with the new (idiom)/ 汲 - 117 Jí f /surname Ji/ 汲 - 117 jí f /to draw (water)/ 汲取 - 313 jí qǔ f /to draw/to derive/to absorb/ 汲水 - 28 jí shuǐ f /to draw water/ 汳 - 3 Biàn f /name of an ancient river in Henan/ 汴 - 300 Biàn f /name of a river in Henan/Henan/ 汴州 - 72 Biàn zhōu f /old name of Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1]/ 汴梁 - 110 Biàn liáng f /old name of Kaifeng 開封|开封[Kai1 feng1]/ 汶 - 78 Wèn f /Wen River in northwest Sichuan (same as 汶川)/classical name of river in Shandong, used to refer to Qi 齊國|齐国/ 汶上 - 6 Wèn shàng f /Wenshang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/classically, upper reaches of Wen River in Shandong, used to refer to Qi 齊國|齐国[Qi2 guo2]/ 汶上县 汶上縣 S - 7 Wèn shàng Xiàn f /Wenshang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 汶上縣 汶上县 T - 7 Wèn shàng Xiàn f /Wenshang County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 汶川 - 275 Wèn chuān f /Wenchuan county (Tibetan: wun khron rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/ 汶川县 汶川縣 S - 12 Wèn chuān xiàn f /Wenchuan county (Tibetan: wun khron rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/ 汶川地震 - 0 Wèn chuān Dì zhèn f /Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)/ 汶川大地震 - 0 Wèn chuān Dà dì zhèn f /Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)/ 汶川縣 汶川县 T - 12 Wèn chuān xiàn f /Wenchuan county (Tibetan: wun khron rdzong) in Ngawa Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture 阿壩藏族羌族自治州|阿坝藏族羌族自治州[A1 ba4 Zang4 zu2 Qiang1 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], northwest Sichuan/ 汶莱 汶萊 S - 0 Wèn lái f /Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo/also written 文萊|文莱/ 汶萊 汶莱 T - 0 Wèn lái f /Brunei Darussalam, independent sultanate in northwest Borneo/also written 文萊|文莱/ 汷 - 24 Zhōng f /name of an ancient river in Hubei/ 汹 洶 S - 12 xiōng f /torrential rush/tumultuous/ 汹涌 洶湧 S 4379 330 xiōng yǒng f /to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc)/turbulent/ 決 决 T - 4589 jué f /to decide/to determine/to execute (sb)/(of a dam etc) to breach or burst/definitely/certainly/ 決一雌雄 决一雌雄 T - 12 jué yī cí xióng f /see 一決雌雄|一决雌雄[yi1 jue2 ci2 xiong2]/ 決不 决不 T - 827 jué bù f /not at all/simply (can) not/ 決勝 决胜 T - 152 jué shèng f /to determine victory/to obtain victory/ 決勝千里 决胜千里 T - 13 jué shèng qiān lǐ f /to be able to plan victory from a thousand miles away (idiom)/ 決勝負 决胜负 T - 3 jué shèng fù f /a tie-break/to determine the winner/ 決口 决口 T - 153 jué kǒu f /be breached/burst/ 決定 决定 T 364 32770 jué dìng f /to decide (to do something)/to resolve/decision/CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]/certainly/ 決定性 决定性 T - 744 jué dìng xìng f /decisive/conclusive/ 決定簇 决定簇 T - 3 jué dìng cù f /determinant (causing immunological response)/epitope/ 決定論 决定论 T - 80 jué dìng lùn f /determinism/ 決心 决心 T 1985 2405 jué xīn f /determination/resolution/determined/firm and resolute/to make up one's mind/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 決意 决意 T - 472 jué yì f /to be determined/ 決戰 决战 T - 861 jué zhàn f /decisive battle/ 決斷 决断 T - 345 jué duàn f /to make a decision/resolution/decisiveness/resolute/ 決明 决明 T - 5 jué míng f /(botany) cassia/ 決明子 决明子 T - 11 jué míng zǐ f /(botany) cassia seed/ 決策 决策 T 3805 2953 jué cè f /strategic decision/decision-making/policy decision/to determine policy/ 決策樹 决策树 T - 9 jué cè shù f /decision tree/ 決策者 决策者 T - 206 jué cè zhě f /policymaker/ 決算 决算 T - 165 jué suàn f /final account/to calculate the final bill/fig. to draw up plans to deal with sth/ 決而不行 决而不行 T - 3 jué ér bù xíng f /making decisions without implementing them/ 決裂 决裂 T - 160 jué liè f /to rupture/to burst open/to break/to break off relations with/a rupture/ 決議 决议 T - 6873 jué yì f /resolution/decision (of a congress)/ 決議案 决议案 T - 307 jué yì àn f /resolution (of a meeting)/ 決賽 决赛 T 1618 1761 jué sài f /finals (of a competition)/ 決選名單 决选名单 T - 0 jué xuǎn míng dān f /short list/ 決隄 决堤 T - 52 jué dī f /dam burst/breach of dike/ 決鬥 决斗 T - 128 jué dòu f /to duel/a duel/decisive struggle/ 汽 - 166 qì f /steam/vapor/ 汽修 - 3 qì xiū f /auto repair/ 汽化 - 67 qì huà f /to boil/to vaporize/ 汽化器 - 4 qì huà qì f /carburetor/vaporizer/ 汽提 - 0 qì tí f /stripping (chemistry)/ 汽暖 - 3 qì nuǎn f /gas heating/ 汽水 - 1085 qì shuǐ f /soda/pop/ 汽油 1920 318 qì yóu f /gasoline/ 汽油机 汽油機 S - 73 qì yóu jī f /gasoline engine/ 汽油機 汽油机 T - 73 qì yóu jī f /gasoline engine/ 汽灯 汽燈 S - 32 qì dēng f /gas lamp/ 汽燈 汽灯 T - 32 qì dēng f /gas lamp/ 汽碾 - 3 qì niǎn f /steamroller/ 汽笛 - 76 qì dí f /steam whistle/ship horn/ 汽缸 - 30 qì gāng f /cylinder (of steam engine or internal combustion engine)/ 汽船 - 51 qì chuán f /steamboat/steamship/ 汽艇 - 53 qì tǐng f /motor boat/ 汽車 汽车 T - 10193 qì chē f /car/automobile/bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 汽車夏利股份有限公司 汽车夏利股份有限公司 T - 0 Qì chē Xià lì gǔ fèn yǒu xiàn gōng sī f /Tianjin FAW Xiali Motor Company, Ltd., established 1997/ 汽車展覽會 汽车展览会 T - 0 qì chē zhǎn lǎn huì f /car show/automobile expo/ 汽車廠 汽车厂 T - 30 qì chē chǎng f /car factory/ 汽車戲院 汽车戏院 T - 0 qì chē xì yuàn f /drive-in theater/ 汽車技工 汽车技工 T - 0 qì chē jì gōng f /auto mechanic/ 汽車旅館 汽车旅馆 T - 3 qì chē lǚ guǎn f /motel/motor hotel/ 汽車炸彈 汽车炸弹 T - 0 qì chē zhà dàn f /car bomb/ 汽車炸彈事件 汽车炸弹事件 T - 0 qì chē zhà dàn shì jiàn f /car bombing/ 汽車站 汽车站 T - 107 qì chē zhàn f /bus stop/bus station/ 汽車號牌 汽车号牌 T - 0 qì chē hào pái f /vehicle registration plate/license plate/ 汽輪機 汽轮机 T - 140 qì lún jī f /steam turbine/ 汽輪發電機 汽轮发电机 T - 0 qì lún fā diàn jī f /steam turbine electric generator/ 汽车 汽車 S - 10193 qì chē f /car/automobile/bus/CL:輛|辆[liang4]/ 汽车厂 汽車廠 S - 30 qì chē chǎng f /car factory/ 汽车号牌 汽車號牌 S - 0 qì chē hào pái f /vehicle registration plate/license plate/ 汽车夏利股份有限公司 汽車夏利股份有限公司 S - 0 Qì chē Xià lì gǔ fèn yǒu xiàn gōng sī f /Tianjin FAW Xiali Motor Company, Ltd., established 1997/ 汽车展览会 汽車展覽會 S - 0 qì chē zhǎn lǎn huì f /car show/automobile expo/ 汽车戏院 汽車戲院 S - 0 qì chē xì yuàn f /drive-in theater/ 汽车技工 汽車技工 S - 0 qì chē jì gōng f /auto mechanic/ 汽车旅馆 汽車旅館 S - 3 qì chē lǚ guǎn f /motel/motor hotel/ 汽车炸弹 汽車炸彈 S - 0 qì chē zhà dàn f /car bomb/ 汽车炸弹事件 汽車炸彈事件 S - 0 qì chē zhà dàn shì jiàn f /car bombing/ 汽车站 汽車站 S - 107 qì chē zhàn f /bus stop/bus station/ 汽轮发电机 汽輪發電機 S - 0 qì lún fā diàn jī f /steam turbine electric generator/ 汽轮机 汽輪機 S - 140 qì lún jī f /steam turbine/ 汽运 汽運 S - 0 qì yùn f /bus transport/ 汽運 汽运 T - 0 qì yùn f /bus transport/ 汽配 - 528 qì pèi f /auto parts/ 汽酒 - 5 qì jiǔ f /sparkling wine/ 汽鍋 汽锅 T - 16 qì guō f /steamer (for cooking)/ 汽锅 汽鍋 S - 16 qì guō f /steamer (for cooking)/ 汽閥 汽阀 T - 0 qì fá f /steam valve/ 汽阀 汽閥 S - 0 qì fá f /steam valve/ 汾 - 106 fén f /name of a river/ 汾河 - 93 Fén hé f /Fen River/ 汾西 - 4 Fén xī f /Fengxi county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 汾西县 汾西縣 S - 2 Fén xī xiàn f /Fengxi county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 汾西縣 汾西县 T - 2 Fén xī xiàn f /Fengxi county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 汾酒 - 79 Fén jiǔ f /Fenjiu (sorghum-based Chinese liquor)/ 汾阳 汾陽 S - 60 Fén yáng f /Fenyang county level city in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 汾阳市 汾陽市 S - 3 Fén yáng shì f /Fenyang county level city in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 汾陽 汾阳 T - 60 Fén yáng f /Fenyang county level city in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 汾陽市 汾阳市 T - 3 Fén yáng shì f /Fenyang county level city in Lüliang 呂梁|吕梁[Lu:3 liang2], Shanxi 山西/ 沁 - 332 qìn f /to seep/to percolate/ 沁人心脾 - 31 qìn rén xīn pí f /to penetrate deeply into the heart (idiom)/to gladden the heart/to refresh the mind/ 沁入 - 17 qìn rù f /to seep/ 沁县 沁縣 S - 8 Qìn xiàn f /Qin county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 沁水 - 35 Qìn shuǐ f /Qinshui county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 沁水县 沁水縣 S - 5 Qìn shuǐ xiàn f /Qinshui county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 沁水縣 沁水县 T - 5 Qìn shuǐ xiàn f /Qinshui county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 沁源 - 138 Qìn yuán f /Qingyuan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 沁源县 沁源縣 S - 72 Qìn yuán xiàn f /Qingyuan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 沁源縣 沁源县 T - 72 Qìn yuán xiàn f /Qingyuan county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 沁縣 沁县 T - 8 Qìn xiàn f /Qin county in Changzhi 長治|长治[Chang2 zhi4], Shanxi/ 沁阳 沁陽 S - 29 Qìn yáng f /Qinyang county level city in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 沁阳市 沁陽市 S - 6 Qìn yáng shì f /Qinyang county level city in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 沁陽 沁阳 T - 29 Qìn yáng f /Qinyang county level city in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 沁陽市 沁阳市 T - 6 Qìn yáng shì f /Qinyang county level city in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiao1 zuo4], Henan/ 沂 - 153 Yí f /Yi River, Shandong/ 沂南 - 10 Yí nán f /Yi'nan county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 沂南县 沂南縣 S - 2 Yí nán xiàn f /Yi'nan county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 沂南縣 沂南县 T - 2 Yí nán xiàn f /Yi'nan county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 沂水 - 15 Yí shuǐ f /Yishui county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 沂水县 沂水縣 S - 14 Yí shuǐ xiàn f /Yishui county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 沂水縣 沂水县 T - 14 Yí shuǐ xiàn f /Yishui county in Linyi 臨沂|临沂[Lin2 yi2], Shandong/ 沂源 - 12 Yí yuán f /Yiyuan county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], Shandong/ 沂源县 沂源縣 S - 5 Yí yuán xiàn f /Yiyuan county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], Shandong/ 沂源縣 沂源县 T - 5 Yí yuán xiàn f /Yiyuan county in Zibo 淄博[Zi1 bo2], Shandong/ 沃 - 174 wò f /fertile/rich/to irrigate/to wash (of river)/ 沃伦 沃倫 S - 16 Wò lún f /Warren (name)/ 沃伦·巴菲特 沃倫·巴菲特 S - 0 Wò lún · Bā fēi tè f /Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of Omaha, US investor and philanthropist, principal owner of holding company Berkshire Hathaway/ 沃倫 沃伦 T - 16 Wò lún f /Warren (name)/ 沃倫·巴菲特 沃伦·巴菲特 T - 0 Wò lún · Bā fēi tè f /Warren Buffett (1930-), the Sage of Omaha, US investor and philanthropist, principal owner of holding company Berkshire Hathaway/ 沃克斯豪尔 沃克斯豪爾 S - 0 Wò kè sī háo ěr f /Vauxhall (English car brand and city)/ 沃克斯豪爾 沃克斯豪尔 T - 0 Wò kè sī háo ěr f /Vauxhall (English car brand and city)/ 沃土 - 54 wò tǔ f /fertile land/ 沃壤 - 2 wò rǎng f /fertile soil/ 沃尔夫 沃爾夫 S - 126 Wò ěr fū f /Wolf, Woolf (name)/ 沃尔夫奖 沃爾夫獎 S - 0 wò ěr fū jiǎng f /the Wolf prize (for science and arts)/ 沃尔夫斯堡 沃爾夫斯堡 S - 29 Wò ěr fū sī bǎo f /Wolfsburg/ 沃尔沃 沃爾沃 S - 25 Wò ěr wò f /Volvo (Swedish car company)/ 沃尔特·惠特曼 沃爾特·惠特曼 S - 0 Wò ěr tè · Huì tè màn f /Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American poet, essayist and journalist/ 沃尔玛 沃爾瑪 S - 66 Wò ěr mǎ f /Wal-Mart, Walmart (retailer)/ 沃尔芬森 沃爾芬森 S - 0 Wò ěr fēn sēn f /Wolfson, Wulfsohn etc (name)/ 沃州 - 3 Wò zhōu f /Vaud province of Switzerland/ 沃水 - 0 Wò shuǐ f /Wo river in Shanxi/ 沃灌 - 0 wò guàn f /to irrigate/to wash with water/ 沃爾夫 沃尔夫 T - 126 Wò ěr fū f /Wolf, Woolf (name)/ 沃爾夫斯堡 沃尔夫斯堡 T - 29 Wò ěr fū sī bǎo f /Wolfsburg/ 沃爾夫獎 沃尔夫奖 T - 0 wò ěr fū jiǎng f /the Wolf prize (for science and arts)/ 沃爾沃 沃尔沃 T - 25 Wò ěr wò f /Volvo (Swedish car company)/ 沃爾特·惠特曼 沃尔特·惠特曼 T - 0 Wò ěr tè · Huì tè màn f /Walt Whitman (1819-1892), American poet, essayist and journalist/ 沃爾瑪 沃尔玛 T - 66 Wò ěr mǎ f /Wal-Mart, Walmart (retailer)/ 沃爾芬森 沃尔芬森 T - 0 Wò ěr fēn sēn f /Wolfson, Wulfsohn etc (name)/ 沃特森 - 3 Wò tè sēn f /Watson (name)/ 沃罗涅日 沃羅湼日 S - 25 Wò luó niè rì f /Voronezh, city in the southwest of European Russia/ 沃羅湼日 沃罗涅日 T - 25 Wò luó niè rì f /Voronezh, city in the southwest of European Russia/ 沃衍 - 0 wò yǎn f /rich and fertile (soil)/ 沃达丰 沃達豐 S - 30 Wò dá fēng f /Vodafone (telephone company)/ 沃達豐 沃达丰 T - 30 Wò dá fēng f /Vodafone (telephone company)/ 沃野 - 31 wò yě f /fertile land/ 沃頓 沃顿 T - 57 Wò dùn f /Wharton (name)/ 沃顿 沃頓 S - 57 Wò dùn f /Wharton (name)/ 沃饒 沃饶 T - 3 wò ráo f /to fertilize/ 沃饶 沃饒 S - 3 wò ráo f /to fertilize/ 沄 - 0 yún f /rushing of a torrent/ 沅 - 331 Yuán f /Yuan river in Guizhou and Hunan/ 沅水 - 28 Yuán shuǐ f /Yuan River/ 沅江 - 83 Yuán jiāng f /river in Hunan, flowing into Lake Dongting 洞庭湖/Yuanjiang county level city in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ 沅江九肋 - 0 Yuán jiāng jiǔ lèi f /rare talent/lit. legendary nine-ribbed turtle of Yuan river/ 沅江市 - 4 Yuán jiāng shì f /Yuanjiang county level city in Yiyang 益陽|益阳[Yi4 yang2], Hunan/ 沅陵 - 32 Yuán líng f /Yuanling county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 沅陵县 沅陵縣 S - 6 Yuán líng xiàn f /Yuanling county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 沅陵縣 沅陵县 T - 6 Yuán líng xiàn f /Yuanling county in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 沆 - 0 hàng f /a ferry/fog/flowing/ 沆瀣 - 2 hàng xiè f /(literary) evening mist/ 沆瀣一气 沆瀣一氣 S - 22 hàng xiè yī qì f /to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoots with/villains will look after one another/ 沆瀣一氣 沆瀣一气 T - 22 hàng xiè yī qì f /to act in collusion (idiom); in cahoots with/villains will look after one another/ 沇 - 0 Yǎn f /surname Yan/ 沇 - 0 yǎn f /archaic variant of 兗|兖[Yan3]/ 沈 - 1358 Shěn f /surname Shen/place name/ 沈 - 1358 chén t /variant of 沉[chen2]/ 沈 瀋 S - 1358 shěn f /liquid/to pour/ 沈丘 - 29 Shěn qiū f /Shenqiu county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 沈丘县 沈丘縣 S - 2 Shěn qiū xiàn f /Shenqiu county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 沈丘縣 沈丘县 T - 2 Shěn qiū xiàn f /Shenqiu county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan/ 沈从文 沈從文 S - 21 Shěn Cóng wén f /Shen Congwen (1902-1988), novelist/ 沈北新 - 0 Shěn běi xīn f /Shenbeixin district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 沈北新区 沈北新區 S - 0 Shěn běi xīn qū f /Shenbeixin district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 沈北新區 沈北新区 T - 0 Shěn běi xīn qū f /Shenbeixin district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 沈国放 沈國放 S - 283 Shěn Guó fàng f /Shen Guofang (1952-), PRC assistant minister of foreign affairs (2003-2005)/ 沈國放 沈国放 T - 283 Shěn Guó fàng f /Shen Guofang (1952-), PRC assistant minister of foreign affairs (2003-2005)/ 沈复 沈復 S - 3 Shěn Fù f /Shen Fu (1763-c. 1810), Qing dynasty writer, author of Six records of a floating life 浮生六記|浮生六记[fu2 sheng1 liu4 ji4]/ 沈從文 沈从文 T - 21 Shěn Cóng wén f /Shen Congwen (1902-1988), novelist/ 沈復 沈复 T - 3 Shěn Fù f /Shen Fu (1763-c. 1810), Qing dynasty writer, author of Six records of a floating life 浮生六記|浮生六记[fu2 sheng1 liu4 ji4]/ 沈括 - 0 Shěn Kuò f /Shen Kuo (1031-1095), Chinese polymath, scientist and statesman of Song dynasty, author of Dream Pool Essays 夢溪筆談|梦溪笔谈[Meng4 Xi1 Bi3 tan2]/ 沈河 - 0 Shěn hé f /Shenhe district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 沈河区 沈河區 S - 3 Shěn hé qū f /Shenhe district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 沈河區 沈河区 T - 3 Shěn hé qū f /Shenhe district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/ 沈瑩 沈莹 T - 3 Shěn yíng f /Shen ying of Wu, governor (268-280) of coastal province of Wu and compiler of Seaboard geographic gazetteer 臨海水土誌|临海水土志/ 沈約 沈约 T - 9 Shěn Yuē f /Shen Yue (441-513), writer and historian during Liang of Southern dynasties 南朝梁, compiler of History of Song of the Southern dynasties 宋書|宋书/ 沈约 沈約 S - 9 Shěn Yuē f /Shen Yue (441-513), writer and historian during Liang of Southern dynasties 南朝梁, compiler of History of Song of the Southern dynasties 宋書|宋书/ 沈莹 沈瑩 S - 3 Shěn yíng f /Shen ying of Wu, governor (268-280) of coastal province of Wu and compiler of Seaboard geographic gazetteer 臨海水土誌|临海水土志/ 沈葆祯 沈葆禎 S - 3 Shěn Bǎo zhēn f /Shen Baozhen (1820-1879), Qing Minister of the Navy, founded Fuzhou Naval College 船政學堂|船政学堂[Chuan2 zheng4 Xue2 tang2] in 1866/ 沈葆禎 沈葆祯 T - 3 Shěn Bǎo zhēn f /Shen Baozhen (1820-1879), Qing Minister of the Navy, founded Fuzhou Naval College 船政學堂|船政学堂[Chuan2 zheng4 Xue2 tang2] in 1866/ 沈阳 瀋陽 S - 1487 Shěn yáng f /Shenyang subprovincial city and capital of Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/old names include Fengtian 奉天, Shengjing 盛京 and Mukden/ 沈阳市 沈陽市 S - 129 Shěn yáng shì f /Shenyang prefecture level city and capital of Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/old names include Fengtian 奉天, Shengjing 盛京 and Mukden/ 沈阳市 瀋陽市 S - 129 Shěn yáng shì f /Shenyang subprovincial city and capital of Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/old names include Fengtian 奉天, Shengjing 盛京 and Mukden/ 沈陽市 沈阳市 T - 129 Shěn yáng shì f /Shenyang prefecture level city and capital of Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China/old names include Fengtian 奉天, Shengjing 盛京 and Mukden/ 沈魚落雁 沈鱼落雁 T - 3 chén yú luò yàn f /variant of 沉魚落雁|沉鱼落雁[chen2 yu2 luo4 yan4]/ 沈鱼落雁 沈魚落雁 S - 3 chén yú luò yàn f /variant of 沉魚落雁|沉鱼落雁[chen2 yu2 luo4 yan4]/ 沉 - 2396 chēn f /see 黑沉沉[hei1 chen1 chen1]/ 沉 - 2396 chén t /to submerge/to immerse/to sink/to keep down/to lower/to drop/deep/profound/heavy/ 沉不住气 沉不住氣 S - 3 chén bù zhù qì f /to lose one's cool/to get impatient/unable to remain calm/ 沉不住氣 沉不住气 T - 3 chén bù zhù qì f /to lose one's cool/to get impatient/unable to remain calm/ 沉住气 沉住氣 S - 45 chén zhù qì f /to keep cool/to stay calm/ 沉住氣 沉住气 T - 45 chén zhù qì f /to keep cool/to stay calm/ 沉凝 - 7 chén níng f /stagnant/congealed/fig. grave in manner/low (of voice)/ 沉吟 - 1344 chén yín f /to mutter to oneself irresolutely/ 沉寂 - 285 chén jì f /silence/stillness/ 沉得住气 沉得住氣 S - 3 chén de zhù qì f /to stay calm/to keep one's composure/ 沉得住氣 沉得住气 T - 3 chén de zhù qì f /to stay calm/to keep one's composure/ 沉思 4204 739 chén sī f /to contemplate/to ponder/contemplation/meditation/ 沉悶 沉闷 T 4196 190 chén mèn f /oppressive (of weather)/heavy/depressed/not happy/(of sound) dull/muffled/ 沉沉 - 251 chén chén f /deeply/heavily/ 沉沒 沉没 T - 228 chén mò f /to sink/ 沉沒成本 沉没成本 T - 0 chén mò chéng běn f /sunk cost (economics)/ 沉没 沉沒 S - 228 chén mò f /to sink/ 沉没成本 沉沒成本 S - 0 chén mò chéng běn f /sunk cost (economics)/ 沉沦 沉淪 S - 92 chén lún f /to sink into (vice, depravity etc)/to pass into oblivion/downfall/passing/ 沉浮 - 99 chén fú f /lit. sinking and floating/to bob up and down on water/ebb and flow/fig. rise and fall/ups and downs of fortune/vicissitudes/ 沉浸 - 416 chén jìn f /to soak/to permeate/to immerse/ 沉淀 沉澱 S 4870 525 chén diàn f /to settle/to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)/ 沉淀物 沉澱物 S - 37 chén diàn wù f /precipitate/solid sediment/ 沉淪 沉沦 T - 92 chén lún f /to sink into (vice, depravity etc)/to pass into oblivion/downfall/passing/ 沉湎 - 95 chén miǎn f /deeply immersed/fig. wallowing in/deeply engrossed in/ 沉湎酒色 - 16 chén miǎn jiǔ sè f /to wallow in alcohol and sex (idiom); over-indulgence in wine and women/an incorrigible drunkard and lecher/ 沉溺 - 95 chén nì f /to indulge in/to wallow/absorbed in/deeply engrossed/addicted/ 沉潛 沉潜 T - 4 chén qián f /to lurk under water/to immerse oneself in (study etc)/to lie low/to keep a low profile/quiet/reserved/self-possessed/ 沉潜 沉潛 S - 4 chén qián f /to lurk under water/to immerse oneself in (study etc)/to lie low/to keep a low profile/quiet/reserved/self-possessed/ 沉潭 - 0 chén tán f /drowning sb tied to a rock (as a form of torture)/ 沉澱 沉淀 T 4870 525 chén diàn f /to settle/to precipitate (solid sediment out of a solution)/ 沉澱物 沉淀物 T - 37 chén diàn wù f /precipitate/solid sediment/ 沉甸甸 - 151 chén diàn diàn f /heavy/ 沉疴 沉痾 S - 28 chén kē f /grave disease/ 沉痛 - 196 chén tòng f /grief/remorse/deep in sorrow/bitter (anguish)/profound (condolences)/ 沉痼 - 0 chén gù f /chronic illness/fig. deeply entrenched problem/ 沉痾 沉疴 T - 28 chén kē f /grave disease/ 沉着 沉著 S 4277 715 chén zhuó f /steady/calm and collected/not nervous/ 沉着应战 沉著應戰 S - 3 chén zhuó yìng zhàn f /to remain calm in the face of adversity (idiom)/ 沉睡 - 193 chén shuì f /to be fast asleep/(fig.) to lie dormant/to lie undiscovered/ 沉积 沉積 S - 1260 chén jī f /sediment/deposit/sedimentation (geology)/ 沉积作用 沉積作用 S - 3 chén jī zuò yòng f /sedimentation (geology)/ 沉积岩 沉積岩 S - 155 chén jī yán f /sedimentary rock (geology)/ 沉积带 沉積帶 S - 0 chén jī dài f /sedimentary belt (geology)/ 沉积物 沉積物 S - 304 chén jī wù f /sediment/ 沉稳 沉穩 S - 206 chén wěn f /steady/calm/unflustered/ 沉積 沉积 T - 1260 chén jī f /sediment/deposit/sedimentation (geology)/ 沉積作用 沉积作用 T - 3 chén jī zuò yòng f /sedimentation (geology)/ 沉積岩 沉积岩 T - 155 chén jī yán f /sedimentary rock (geology)/ 沉積帶 沉积带 T - 0 chén jī dài f /sedimentary belt (geology)/ 沉積物 沉积物 T - 304 chén jī wù f /sediment/ 沉穩 沉稳 T - 206 chén wěn f /steady/calm/unflustered/ 沉箱 - 8 chén xiāng f /caisson/sink box/ 沉緩 沉缓 T - 0 chén huǎn f /unhurried/deliberate/ 沉缓 沉緩 S - 0 chén huǎn f /unhurried/deliberate/ 沉船 - 259 chén chuán f /shipwreck/sunken boat/sinking ship/ 沉船事故 - 0 chén chuán shì gù f /a shipwreck/a sinking/ 沉落 - 3 chén luò f /to sink/to fall/ 沉著 沉着 T 4277 715 chén zhuó f /steady/calm and collected/not nervous/ 沉著應戰 沉着应战 T - 3 chén zhuó yìng zhàn f /to remain calm in the face of adversity (idiom)/ 沉迷 - 111 chén mí f /to be engrossed/to be absorbed with/to lose oneself in/to be addicted to/ 沉邃 - 0 chén suì f /deep and profound/ 沉醉 - 152 chén zuì f /to become intoxicated/ 沉重 3366 2440 chén zhòng f /heavy/hard/serious/critical/ 沉重打击 沉重打擊 S - 3 chén zhòng dǎ jī f /to hit hard/ 沉重打擊 沉重打击 T - 3 chén zhòng dǎ jī f /to hit hard/ 沉闷 沉悶 S 4196 190 chén mèn f /oppressive (of weather)/heavy/depressed/not happy/(of sound) dull/muffled/ 沉降 - 216 chén jiàng f /to subside/to cave in/subsidence/ 沉陷 - 41 chén xiàn f /subsidence/caving in/fig. stranded/lost (in contemplation, daydreams etc)/ 沉雷 - 11 chén léi f /deep growling thunder/ 沉静 沉靜 S - 325 chén jìng f /peaceful/quiet/calm/gentle/ 沉静寡言 沉靜寡言 S - 3 chén jìng guǎ yán f /see 沉默寡言[chen2 mo4 gua3 yan2]/ 沉靜 沉静 T - 325 chén jìng f /peaceful/quiet/calm/gentle/ 沉靜寡言 沉静寡言 T - 3 chén jìng guǎ yán f /see 沉默寡言[chen2 mo4 gua3 yan2]/ 沉香 - 326 chén xiāng f /Chinese eaglewood/agarwood tree (Aquilaria agallocha)/lignum aloes/ 沉魚落雁 沉鱼落雁 T - 20 chén yú luò yàn f /lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts/ 沉鱼落雁 沉魚落雁 S - 20 chén yú luò yàn f /lit. fish sink, goose alights (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); fig. female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts/ 沉默 1742 2313 chén mò f /taciturn/uncommunicative/silent/ 沉默寡言 - 90 chén mò guǎ yán f /habitually silent (idiom)/reticent/uncommunicative/ 沉默是金 - 3 chén mò shì jīn f /Silence is golden. (idiom)/ 沌 - 8 dùn f /confused/turbid/ 沍 - 0 hù f /congealed/frozen/ 沏 - 159 qī f /to steep (tea)/ 沐 - 893 mù f /to bathe/to cleanse/to receive/to be given/ 沐川 - 2 Mù chuān f /Muchuan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ 沐川县 沐川縣 S - 0 Mù chuān xiàn f /Muchuan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ 沐川縣 沐川县 T - 0 Mù chuān xiàn f /Muchuan county in Leshan 樂山|乐山[Le4 shan1], Sichuan/ 沐恩 - 0 mù ēn f /to receive favor/ 沐浴 3852 316 mù yù f /to take a bath/to bathe/to immerse/ 沐浴乳 - 3 mù yù rǔ f /body wash (liquid soap)/ 沐浴油 - 0 mù yù yóu f /bath oil/ 沐浴球 - 0 mù yù qiú f /shower puff/bath sponge/bath ball (containing aromas or salts)/ 沐浴用品 - 0 mù yù yòng pǐn f /bath product/ 沐浴花 - 0 mù yù huā f /shower puff/shower sponge/ 沐浴露 - 3 mù yù lù f /shower gel/ 沐猴而冠 - 4 mù hóu ér guàn f /lit. a monkey wearing a hat (idiom)/fig. worthless person in imposing attire/ 沐雨栉风 沐雨櫛風 S - 3 mù yǔ zhì fēng f /to work unceasingly regardless of the weather (idiom)/ 沐雨櫛風 沐雨栉风 T - 3 mù yǔ zhì fēng f /to work unceasingly regardless of the weather (idiom)/ 沒 没 T - 52407 méi t /(negative prefix for verbs)/have not/not/ 沒 没 T - 52407 mò f /drowned/to end/to die/to inundate/ 沒上沒下 没上没下 T - 29 méi shàng méi xià f /no respect for seniors/lacking in manners/ 沒了 没了 T - 3 méi le f /to be dead/not to be, or cease to exist/ 沒事 没事 T - 516 méi shì f /it's not important/it's nothing/never mind/to have nothing to do/to be free/to be all right (out of danger or trouble)/ 沒事兒 没事儿 T - 121 méi shì r f /to have spare time/free from work/it's not important/it's nothing/never mind/ 沒人住 没人住 T - 0 méi rén zhù f /unoccupied/ 沒人味 没人味 T - 0 méi rén wèi f /to be lacking in human character/ 沒人味兒 没人味儿 T - 0 méi rén wèi r f /erhua variant of 沒人味|没人味[mei2 ren2 wei4]/ 沒什麼 没什么 T - 2111 méi shén me f /variant of 沒甚麼|没什么[mei2 shen2 me5]/ 沒來由 没来由 T - 119 méi lái yóu f /without any reason/for no reason/ 沒六兒 没六儿 T - 0 méi liù r f /variant of 沒溜兒|没溜儿[mei2 liu4 r5]/ 沒分寸 没分寸 T - 0 méi fēn cùn f /inappropriate/bad-mannered/ 沒勁 没劲 T - 53 méi jìn f /to have no strength/to feel weak/exhausted/feeling listless/boring/of no interest/ 沒勁兒 没劲儿 T - 10 méi jìn r f /erhua variant of 沒勁|没劲[mei2 jin4]/ 沒口 没口 T - 0 méi kǒu f /unreservedly/profusely/ 沒吃沒穿 没吃没穿 T - 3 méi chī méi chuān f /to be without food or clothing (idiom)/to be very poor/ 沒命 没命 T - 147 méi mìng f /to lose one's life/to die/recklessly/desperately/ 沒品 没品 T - 0 méi pǐn f /lacking in class/tacky/tasteless/ 沒問題 没问题 T - 0 méi wèn tí f /no problem/ 沒大改變 没大改变 T - 0 méi dà gǎi biàn f /not significantly changed/ 沒大沒小 没大没小 T - 14 méi dà méi xiǎo f /impolite/cheeky/impudent/ 沒奈何 没奈何 T - 104 mò nài hé f /to have no alternative/to be helpless/ 沒完沒了 没完没了 T - 201 méi wán méi liǎo f /without end/incessantly/on and on/ 沒底 没底 T - 208 méi dǐ f /unsure/uncertain/unending/ 沒影 没影 T - 3 méi yǐng f /to vanish/to be nowhere to be found/unfounded (story)/ 沒得說 没得说 T - 3 méi de shuō f /really good/excellent/ 沒心沒肺 没心没肺 T - 24 méi xīn méi fèi f /simple-minded/thoughtless/heartless/nitwitted/ 沒心眼 没心眼 T - 0 méi xīn yǎn f /outspoken/artless/tactless/ 沒想到 没想到 T - 2783 méi xiǎng dào f /didn't expect/ 沒意思 没意思 T - 122 méi yì si f /boring/of no interest/ 沒戲 没戏 T - 39 méi xì f /(coll.) not a chance/no way/hopeless/ 沒收 没收 T - 892 mò shōu f /to confiscate/to have sth confiscated/to forfeit/ 沒救 没救 T - 3 méi jiù f /hopeless/incurable/ 沒日沒夜 没日没夜 T - 34 méi rì méi yè f /day and night/regardless of the time of day or night/ 沒有 没有 T 30 87597 méi yǒu f /haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be/ 沒有事 没有事 T - 0 méi yǒu shì f /not a bit/nothing is up/nothing alarming is happening/ 沒有人煙 没有人烟 T - 0 méi yǒu rén yān f /uninhabited/ 沒有勁頭 没有劲头 T - 0 méi yǒu jìn tóu f /to have no strength/to feel weak/feeling listless/ 沒有勁頭兒 没有劲头儿 T - 0 méi yǒu jìn tóu r f /erhua variant of 沒有勁頭|没有劲头[mei2 you3 jin4 tou2]/ 沒有品味 没有品味 T - 0 méi yǒu pǐn wèi f /tasteless/ 沒有差別 没有差别 T - 0 méi yǒu chā bié f /there is no difference/it makes no difference/ 沒有形狀 没有形状 T - 0 méi yǒu xíng zhuàng f /shapeless/ 沒有意思 没有意思 T - 0 méi yǒu yì si f /boring/of no interest/ 沒有意義 没有意义 T - 0 méi yǒu yì yì f /not to have any meaning/meaningless/ 沒有法 没有法 T - 0 méi yǒu fǎ f /at a loss/unable to do anything about it/to have no choice/ 沒有甚麼 没有什么 T - 0 méi yǒu shén me f /it is nothing/there's nothing ... about it/ 沒有甚麼不可能 没有什么不可能 T - 0 méi yǒu shén me bù kě néng f /nothing is impossible/there's nothing impossible about it/ 沒有生育能力 没有生育能力 T - 0 méi yǒu shēng yù néng lì f /infertile/unable to have children/ 沒有臉皮 没有脸皮 T - 0 méi yǒu liǎn pí f /ashamed/embarrassed/not having the face (to meet people)/not daring (out of shame)/ 沒有規矩,不成方圓 没有规矩,不成方圆 T - 0 méi yǒu guī ju , bù chéng fāng yuán f /without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules/ 沒有規矩,何以成方圓 没有规矩,何以成方圆 T - 0 méi yǒu guī jǔ , hé yǐ chéng fāng yuán f /without rules, how can anything be done (idiom); one must follow some rules/ 沒有關係 没有关系 T - 0 méi yǒu guān xi f /see 沒關係|没关系[mei2 guan1 xi5]/ 沒水平 没水平 T - 0 méi shuǐ píng f /disgraceful/poor quality/sub-standard/ 沒水準 没水准 T - 0 méi shuǐ zhǔn f /lacking class/boorish/poor quality/sub-standard/ 沒治 没治 T - 11 méi zhì f /hopeless/helpless/incurable/fantastic/out of this world/ 沒法 没法 T - 980 méi fǎ f /at a loss/unable to do anything about it/to have no choice/ 沒準兒 没准儿 T - 40 méi zhǔn r f /not sure/maybe/ 沒溜兒 没溜儿 T - 0 méi liù r f /(dialect) silly/ 沒甚麼 没什么 T - 2111 méi shén me f /nothing/it doesn't matter/it's nothing/never mind/ 沒用 没用 T - 463 méi yòng f /useless/ 沒種 没种 T - 3 méi zhǒng f /not to have the guts (to do sth)/cowardly/ 沒空兒 没空儿 T - 0 méi kòng r f /having no time/ 沒精打彩 没精打彩 T - 6 méi jīng dǎ cǎi f /listless/dispirited/washed out/ 沒精打采 没精打采 T - 42 méi jīng dǎ cǎi f /listless/dispirited/washed out/also written 沒精打彩|没精打彩/ 沒經驗 没经验 T - 0 méi jīng yàn f /inexperienced/ 沒羞沒臊 没羞没臊 T - 3 méi xiū méi sào f /shameless/ 沒臉 没脸 T - 107 méi liǎn f /ashamed/embarrassed/not having the face (to meet people)/not daring (out of shame)/ 沒臉沒皮 没脸没皮 T - 10 méi liǎn méi pí f /shameless/brazen/ 沒落 没落 T - 187 mò luò f /to decline/to wane/ 沒藥 没药 T - 29 mò yào f /myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)/ 沒親沒故 没亲没故 T - 3 méi qín méi gù f /without relatives or friends/ 沒說的 没说的 T - 14 méi shuō de f /really good/ 沒譜 没谱 T - 12 méi pǔ f /to be clueless/to have no plan/ 沒譜兒 没谱儿 T - 3 méi pǔ r f /erhua variant of 沒譜|没谱[mei2 pu3]/ 沒起子 没起子 T - 0 méi qǐ zi f /(dialect) (of a person) useless/pathetic/spineless/ 沒趣 没趣 T - 106 méi qù f /embarrassing/dull/unsatisfactory/ 沒轍 没辙 T - 47 méi zhé f /at one's wit's end/unable to find a way out/ 沒辦法 没办法 T - 0 méi bàn fǎ f /there is nothing to be done/one can't do anything about it/ 沒錯 没错 T - 70 méi cuò f /that's right/sure!/rest assured!/that's good/can't go wrong/ 沒長眼 没长眼 T - 0 méi zhǎng yǎn f /see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5]/ 沒長眼睛 没长眼睛 T - 0 méi zhǎng yǎn jing f /(coll.) are you blind or something?/look where you're going/ 沒門兒 没门儿 T - 6 méi mén r f /no way/impossible/ 沒關係 没关系 T 106 237 méi guān xi f /it doesn't matter/ 沒電 没电 T - 3 méi diàn f /discharged/flat/dead (of batteries)/ 沒頭沒臉 没头没脸 T - 14 méi tóu méi liǎn f /lit. without head, without face (idiom)/fig. frenzily/haphazardly/ 沒齒不忘 没齿不忘 T - 10 mò chǐ bù wàng f /lit. will not be forgotten even after one's teeth fall out/to remember as long as one lives/unforgettable (idiom)/ 沒齒難忘 没齿难忘 T - 11 mò chǐ nán wàng f /hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out (idiom); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives/undying gratitude/ 沓 - 177 Tà f /surname Ta/ 沓 - 177 dá t /classifier for sheets of papers etc: pile, pad/Taiwan pr. [ta4]/ 沓 - 177 tà f /again and again/many/ 沔 - 1584 miǎn f /inundation/name of a river/ 沕 - 0 wù f /abstruse/profound/ 沖 冲 T 1270 8402 chōng t /(of water) to dash against/to mix with water/to infuse/to rinse/to flush/to develop (a film)/to rise in the air/to clash/to collide with/ 沖刷 冲刷 T - 169 chōng shuā f /to cleanse/to scrub/to scour/to wash down/to erode/to wash away/ 沖劑 冲剂 T - 30 chōng jì f /medicine to be taken after being mixed with water (or other liquid)/ 沖印 冲印 T - 22 chōng yìn f /to develop and print (photographic film)/ 沖塌 冲塌 T - 3 chōng tā f /to cause (a dam) to collapse/ 沖壓 冲压 T - 84 chòng yā f /to stamp/to press (sheet metal)/Taiwan pr. [chong1 ya1]/ 沖天 冲天 T - 274 chōng tiān f /to soar/to rocket/ 沖挹 冲挹 T - 0 chōng yì f /to defer to/to be submissive/ 沖掉 冲掉 T - 149 chōng diào f /to wash out/to leach/ 沖昏頭腦 冲昏头脑 T - 8 chōng hūn tóu nǎo f /lit. to be muddled in the brain (idiom); fig. excited and unable to act rationally/to go to one's head/ 沖服 冲服 T - 24 chōng fú f /to take medicine in solution/infusion/ 沖服劑 冲服剂 T - 0 chōng fú jì f /dose of medicine to be taken in solution/infusion/ 沖決 冲决 T - 11 chōng jué f /to burst (e.g. a dam)/ 沖沖 冲冲 T - 3 chōng chōng f /excitedly/ 沖泡 冲泡 T - 97 chōng pào f /to add water (or other liquid) to (another ingredient such as powdered milk or tea leaves)/to infuse (tea)/ 沖洗 冲洗 T - 329 chōng xǐ f /to rinse/to wash/to develop (photographic film)/ 沖涼 冲凉 T - 18 chōng liáng f /(dialect) to take a shower/ 沖淋浴 冲淋浴 T - 0 chōng lín yù f /to take a shower/ 沖淡 冲淡 T - 143 chōng dàn f /to dilute/ 沖澡 冲澡 T - 2 chōng zǎo f /to take a shower/ 沖牙器 冲牙器 T - 0 chōng yá qì f /water pick/oral irrigator/ 沖積 冲积 T - 268 chōng jī f /to alluviate/alluviation/alluvial/ 沖積層 冲积层 T - 3 chōng jī céng f /alluvial deposit/ 沖積平原 冲积平原 T - 562 chōng jī píng yuán f /alluvial plain/ 沖繩 冲绳 T - 167 Chōng shéng f /Okinawa, Japan/ 沖繩島 冲绳岛 T - 27 Chōng shéng Dǎo f /Okinawa Island/ 沖繩縣 冲绳县 T - 21 Chōng shéng xiàn f /Okinawa prefecture, Japan/ 沖繩群島 冲绳群岛 T - 0 Chōng shéng Qún dǎo f /the Okinawa archipelago/ 沖蝕 冲蚀 T - 3 chōng shí f /to erode/erosion/ 沖調 冲调 T - 0 chōng tiáo f /to reconstitute (a powdered beverage) by adding water, milk etc/ 沖走 冲走 T - 90 chōng zǒu f /to flush away/ 沖齡 冲龄 T - 0 chōng líng f /childhood (typically used in reference to an emperor)/ 沘 - 3 bǐ f /name of a river/ 沙 - 2932 Shā f /surname Sha/ 沙 - 2932 shā f /granule/hoarse/raspy/sand/powder/CL:粒[li4]/abbr. for Tsar or Tsarist Russia/ 沙丁胺醇 - 0 shā dīng àn chún f /salbutamol (a beta 2 agonist used in treating asthma)/also known as albuterol, proventil and ventolin/ 沙丁魚 沙丁鱼 T - 117 shā dīng yú f /sardine (loanword)/ 沙丁鱼 沙丁魚 S - 117 shā dīng yú f /sardine (loanword)/ 沙丘 - 590 shā qiū f /sand dune/sandy hill/ 沙丘鶴 沙丘鹤 T - 0 shā qiū hè f /(bird species of China) sandhill crane (Grus canadensis)/ 沙丘鹤 沙丘鶴 S - 0 shā qiū hè f /(bird species of China) sandhill crane (Grus canadensis)/ 沙丽 沙麗 S - 0 shā lì f /sari (loanword)/ 沙乌地阿拉伯 沙烏地阿拉伯 S - 0 Shā wū dì A lā bó f /Saudi Arabia (Tw)/ 沙井 - 5 shā jǐng f /manhole/ 沙井口 - 0 shā jǐng kǒu f /manhole/ 沙依巴克 - 0 Shā yī bā kè f /Saybagh district (Uighur: Saybagh Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 沙依巴克区 沙依巴克區 S - 0 Shā yī bā kè qū f /Saybagh district (Uighur: Saybagh Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 沙依巴克區 沙依巴克区 T - 0 Shā yī bā kè qū f /Saybagh district (Uighur: Saybagh Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang/ 沙俄 - 338 Shā E f /Tsarist Russia/abbr. for 沙皇俄國|沙皇俄国[Sha1 huang2 E2 guo2]/ 沙僧 - 695 Shā Sēng f /Sha Wujing/ 沙利度胺 - 0 shā lì dù àn f /thalidomide/ 沙加緬度 沙加缅度 T - 0 Shā jiā miǎn duó f /Sacramento/ 沙加缅度 沙加緬度 S - 0 Shā jiā miǎn duó f /Sacramento/ 沙县 沙縣 S - 27 Shā xiàn f /Sha county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 沙参 沙參 S - 17 shā shēn f /ladybell root (Radix adenophorae)/ 沙參 沙参 T - 17 shā shēn f /ladybell root (Radix adenophorae)/ 沙发 沙發 S 999 862 shā fā f /sofa (loanword)/CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1]/(Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post/ 沙发客 沙發客 S - 0 shā fā kè f /couchsurfing/couchsurfer/ 沙发床 沙發床 S - 7 shā fā chuáng f /sofa bed/sleeper sofa/ 沙和尚 - 23 Shā hé shang f /Sha Wujing/ 沙哑 沙啞 S - 122 shā yǎ f /hoarse/rough/ 沙啞 沙哑 T - 122 shā yǎ f /hoarse/rough/ 沙囊 - 3 shā náng f /sandbag/variant of 砂囊[sha1 nang2]/ 沙土 - 213 shā tǔ f /sandy soil/ 沙地 - 153 shā dì f /sandy beach or river bank/sand dune/sandy land/ 沙地話 沙地话 T - 0 Shā dì huà f /see 啟海話|启海话[Qi3 hai3 hua4]/ 沙地话 沙地話 S - 0 Shā dì huà f /see 啟海話|启海话[Qi3 hai3 hua4]/ 沙场 沙場 S - 184 shā chǎng f /sandpit/battleground/battlefield/ 沙坑 - 41 shā kēng f /sandbox/jumping pit (athletics)/sand trap, bunker (golf)/ 沙坑杆 沙坑桿 S - 0 shā kēng gān f /sand wedge (golf)/ 沙坑桿 沙坑杆 T - 0 shā kēng gān f /sand wedge (golf)/ 沙坝 沙壩 S - 25 shā bà f /a sandbank/a sand bar/ 沙坡头 沙坡頭 S - 13 Shā pō tóu f /Shapo district of Zhongwei city 中衛市|中卫市[Zhong1 wei4 shi4], Ningxia/ 沙坡头区 沙坡頭區 S - 3 Shā pō tóu qū f /Shapo district of Zhongwei city 中衛市|中卫市[Zhong1 wei4 shi4], Ningxia/ 沙坡頭 沙坡头 T - 13 Shā pō tóu f /Shapo district of Zhongwei city 中衛市|中卫市[Zhong1 wei4 shi4], Ningxia/ 沙坡頭區 沙坡头区 T - 3 Shā pō tóu qū f /Shapo district of Zhongwei city 中衛市|中卫市[Zhong1 wei4 shi4], Ningxia/ 沙坪坝 沙坪壩 S - 13 Shā píng bà f /Shapingba district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 沙坪坝区 沙坪壩區 S - 6 Shā píng bà qū f /Shapingba district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 沙坪壩 沙坪坝 T - 13 Shā píng bà f /Shapingba district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 沙坪壩區 沙坪坝区 T - 6 Shā píng bà qū f /Shapingba district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 沙堡 - 2 shā bǎo f /sandcastle/ 沙場 沙场 T - 184 shā chǎng f /sandpit/battleground/battlefield/ 沙塵 沙尘 T - 141 shā chén f /sand/sandstorm (common in spring in north China)/ 沙塵天氣 沙尘天气 T - 0 shā chén tiān qì f /spring sandstorms (common in Northern China)/ 沙塵暴 沙尘暴 T - 150 shā chén bào f /sandstorm/ 沙壩 沙坝 T - 25 shā bà f /a sandbank/a sand bar/ 沙士 - 3 shā shì f /sarsaparilla/root beer/SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) (loanword)/ 沙头角 沙頭角 S - 9 Shā Tóu Jiǎo f /Sha Tau Kok (town in Hong Kong)/ 沙奎尔·奥尼尔 沙奎爾·奧尼爾 S - 0 Shā kuí ěr · Aò ní ěr f /Shaquille O'Neal (1972-), former NBA star/ 沙奎爾·奧尼爾 沙奎尔·奥尼尔 T - 0 Shā kuí ěr · Aò ní ěr f /Shaquille O'Neal (1972-), former NBA star/ 沙姆沙伊赫 - 6 Shā mǔ Shā yī hè f /Sharm el-Sheikh, city in Egypt/ 沙威玛 沙威瑪 S - 0 shā wēi mǎ f /shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wrap (loanword)/ 沙威瑪 沙威玛 T - 0 shā wēi mǎ f /shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wrap (loanword)/ 沙子 - 271 shā zi f /sand/grit/CL:粒[li4],把[ba3]/ 沙家浜 - 14 Shā jiā bāng f /"Sha Family's Creek", a Beijing opera classified as model theater 樣板戲|样板戏[yang4 ban3 xi4]/ 沙尘 沙塵 S - 141 shā chén f /sand/sandstorm (common in spring in north China)/ 沙尘天气 沙塵天氣 S - 0 shā chén tiān qì f /spring sandstorms (common in Northern China)/ 沙尘暴 沙塵暴 S - 150 shā chén bào f /sandstorm/ 沙岩 - 8 shā yán f /sandstone/ 沙巴 - 49 Shā bā f /Sabah, state of Malaysia in north Borneo 婆羅洲|婆罗洲/ 沙市 - 1138 Shā shì f /Shashi district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|荆州市[Jing1 zhou1 shi4], Hubei/ 沙市区 沙市區 S - 518 Shā shì qū f /Shashi district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|荆州市[Jing1 zhou1 shi4], Hubei/ 沙市區 沙市区 T - 518 Shā shì qū f /Shashi district of Jingzhou city 荊州市|荆州市[Jing1 zhou1 shi4], Hubei/ 沙弥 沙彌 S - 91 shā mí f /novice Buddhist monk/ 沙彌 沙弥 T - 91 shā mí f /novice Buddhist monk/ 沙律 - 4 shā lǜ f /salad (loanword)/ 沙悟净 沙悟淨 S - 8 Shā Wù jìng f /Sha Wujing/ 沙悟淨 沙悟净 T - 8 Shā Wù jìng f /Sha Wujing/ 沙拉 - 49 shā lā f /salad (loanword)/ 沙捞越 沙撈越 S - 39 Shā lāo yuè f /Sarawak, state of Malaysia in northwest Borneo 婆羅洲|婆罗洲/ 沙撈越 沙捞越 T - 39 Shā lāo yuè f /Sarawak, state of Malaysia in northwest Borneo 婆羅洲|婆罗洲/ 沙文主义 沙文主義 S - 55 shā wén zhǔ yì f /chauvinism/ 沙文主義 沙文主义 T - 55 shā wén zhǔ yì f /chauvinism/ 沙暴 - 71 shā bào f /sandstorm/ 沙朗 - 0 shā lǎng f /sirloin (loanword)/ 沙朗牛排 - 0 shā lǎng niú pái f /sirloin steak/ 沙林 - 18 shā lín f /sarin (loanword)/ 沙棘 - 34 shā jí f /sea-buckthorn/ 沙棘属 沙棘屬 S - 0 shā jí shǔ f /genus Hippophae/sea-buckthorns/ 沙棘屬 沙棘属 T - 0 shā jí shǔ f /genus Hippophae/sea-buckthorns/ 沙池 - 0 shā chí f /sandpit (for children's play or for long jump etc)/sandbox/ 沙沙 - 154 shā shā f /rustle/ 沙河 - 385 Shā hé f /Shahe county level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 沙河口区 沙河口區 S - 3 Shā hé kǒu qū f /Shahekou district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[Da4 lian2 shi4], Liaoning/ 沙河口區 沙河口区 T - 3 Shā hé kǒu qū f /Shahekou district of Dalian 大連市|大连市[Da4 lian2 shi4], Liaoning/ 沙河市 - 5 Shā hé shì f /Shahe county level city in Xingtai 邢台[Xing2 tai2], Hebei/ 沙法維王朝 沙法维王朝 T - 0 Shā fǎ wéi Wáng cháo f /Persian Safavid Dynasty 1501-1722/ 沙法维王朝 沙法維王朝 S - 0 Shā fǎ wéi Wáng cháo f /Persian Safavid Dynasty 1501-1722/ 沙洋 - 3 Shā yáng f /Shayang county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1 men2], Hubei/ 沙洋县 沙洋縣 S - 256 Shā yáng xiàn f /Shayang county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1 men2], Hubei/ 沙洋縣 沙洋县 T - 256 Shā yáng xiàn f /Shayang county in Jingmen 荊門|荆门[Jing1 men2], Hubei/ 沙洲 - 221 shā zhōu f /sandbank/sandbar/ 沙湾 沙灣 S - 287 Shā wān f /Shawan district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/Shawan county or Saven nahisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 沙湾区 沙灣區 S - 3 Shā wān qū f /Shawan district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ 沙湾县 沙灣縣 S - 3 Shā wān xiàn f /Shawan county or Saven nahisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 沙滩 沙灘 S 1864 993 shā tān f /beach/sandy shore/CL:片[pian4]/ 沙滩排球 沙灘排球 S - 3 shā tān pái qiú f /beach volleyball/ 沙滩鞋 沙灘鞋 S - 3 shā tān xié f /beach shoes/wetsuit booties/ 沙漏 - 8 shā lòu f /hourglass/sand filter/ 沙漠 1757 2193 shā mò f /desert/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 沙漠之狐 - 3 Shā mò zhī Hú f /Desert Fox/ 沙漠化 - 101 shā mò huà f /desertification/ 沙灘 沙滩 T 1864 993 shā tān f /beach/sandy shore/CL:片[pian4]/ 沙灘排球 沙滩排球 T - 3 shā tān pái qiú f /beach volleyball/ 沙灘鞋 沙滩鞋 T - 3 shā tān xié f /beach shoes/wetsuit booties/ 沙灣 沙湾 T - 287 Shā wān f /Shawan district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/Shawan county or Saven nahisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 沙灣區 沙湾区 T - 3 Shā wān qū f /Shawan district of Leshan city 樂山市|乐山市[Le4 shan1 shi4], Sichuan/ 沙灣縣 沙湾县 T - 3 Shā wān xiàn f /Shawan county or Saven nahisi in Tacheng prefecture 塔城地區|塔城地区[Ta3 cheng2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 沙烏地阿拉伯 沙乌地阿拉伯 T - 0 Shā wū dì A lā bó f /Saudi Arabia (Tw)/ 沙爹 - 0 shā diē f /satay (sauce)/ 沙爹酱 沙爹醬 S - 0 shā diē jiàng f /satay sauce/ 沙爹醬 沙爹酱 T - 0 shā diē jiàng f /satay sauce/ 沙特 - 221 Shā tè f /Saudi/abbr. for Saudi Arabia/ 沙特阿拉伯 - 270 Shā tè A lā bó f /Saudi Arabia/ 沙特阿拉伯人 - 0 Shā tè A lā bó rén f /a Saudi/Saudi Arabian person/ 沙特魯 沙特鲁 T - 0 Shā tè lǔ f /Châteauroux/Chateauroux (French town)/ 沙特鲁 沙特魯 S - 0 Shā tè lǔ f /Châteauroux/Chateauroux (French town)/ 沙琪玛 沙琪瑪 S - 0 shā qí mǎ f /sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made of fried strips of dough coated with syrup, pressed together, then cut into blocks/ 沙琪瑪 沙琪玛 T - 0 shā qí mǎ f /sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made of fried strips of dough coated with syrup, pressed together, then cut into blocks/ 沙瓦玛 沙瓦瑪 S - 0 shā wǎ mǎ f /shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wrap (loanword)/ 沙瓦瑪 沙瓦玛 T - 0 shā wǎ mǎ f /shawarma, Middle Eastern sandwich wrap (loanword)/ 沙田 - 32 Shā tián f /Sha Tin town in New Territories, Hong Kong/ 沙画 沙畫 S - 0 shā huà f /sand picture/ 沙畫 沙画 T - 0 shā huà f /sand picture/ 沙畹 - 0 Shā wǎn f /Chavannes (name)/ 沙發 沙发 T 999 862 shā fā f /sofa (loanword)/CL:條|条[tiao2],張|张[zhang1]/(Internet slang) the first reply or replier to a forum post/ 沙發客 沙发客 T - 0 shā fā kè f /couchsurfing/couchsurfer/ 沙發床 沙发床 T - 7 shā fā chuáng f /sofa bed/sleeper sofa/ 沙白喉林莺 沙白喉林鶯 S - 0 shā bái hóu lín yīng f /(bird species of China) desert whitethroat (Sylvia minula)/ 沙白喉林鶯 沙白喉林莺 T - 0 shā bái hóu lín yīng f /(bird species of China) desert whitethroat (Sylvia minula)/ 沙皇 - 506 shā huáng f /czar (loanword)/ 沙皇俄国 沙皇俄國 S - 0 Shā huáng E guó f /Tsarist Russia/ 沙皇俄國 沙皇俄国 T - 0 Shā huáng E guó f /Tsarist Russia/ 沙皮狗 - 3 shā pí gǒu f /Chinese shar-pei (dog breed)/ 沙盘推演 沙盤推演 S - 3 shā pán tuī yǎn f /to plan a military mission on a sand table (idiom)/to rehearse a planned action or activity/to conduct a dry run/ 沙盤推演 沙盘推演 T - 3 shā pán tuī yǎn f /to plan a military mission on a sand table (idiom)/to rehearse a planned action or activity/to conduct a dry run/ 沙眼 - 37 shā yǎn f /trachoma/ 沙石 - 64 shā shí f /sand and stones/ 沙砾 沙礫 S - 39 shā lì f /grains of sand/ 沙碛 沙磧 S - 0 shā qì f /(literary) desert/sandy shore/ 沙磧 沙碛 T - 0 shā qì f /(literary) desert/sandy shore/ 沙礫 沙砾 T - 39 shā lì f /grains of sand/ 沙祖康 - 3 Shā Zǔ kāng f /Sha Zukang (1947-), Chinese diplomat/ 沙粒 - 51 shā lì f /speck/granule/ 沙縣 沙县 T - 27 Shā xiàn f /Sha county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 沙色朱雀 - 0 shā sè zhū què f /(bird species of China) pale rosefinch (Carpodacus synoicus)/ 沙茶 - 3 shā chá f /satay (spicy peanut sauce), also spelled sate/ 沙虫 沙蟲 S - 3 shā chóng f /sandworm/ 沙蚕 沙蠶 S - 20 shā cán f /genus Nereis, with species including the sandworm and the clam worm/ 沙蟲 沙虫 T - 3 shā chóng f /sandworm/ 沙蠶 沙蚕 T - 20 shā cán f /genus Nereis, with species including the sandworm and the clam worm/ 沙袋 - 35 shā dài f /a sandbag/ 沙西米 - 0 shā xī mǐ f /sashimi/ 沙質 沙质 T - 59 shā zhì f /sandy/ 沙质 沙質 S - 59 shā zhì f /sandy/ 沙那 - 0 Shā nà f /Sana'a, capital of Yemen (Tw)/ 沙鍋 沙锅 T - 28 shā guō f /variant of 砂鍋|砂锅[sha1 guo1]/ 沙锅 沙鍋 S - 28 shā guō f /variant of 砂鍋|砂锅[sha1 guo1]/ 沙門 沙门 T - 98 shā mén f /monk (Sanskrit: Sramana, originally refers to north India)/Buddhist monk/ 沙門氏菌 沙门氏菌 T - 30 shā mén shì jūn f /Salmonella/ 沙門菌 沙门菌 T - 0 Shā mén jūn f /salmonella/ 沙门 沙門 S - 98 shā mén f /monk (Sanskrit: Sramana, originally refers to north India)/Buddhist monk/ 沙门氏菌 沙門氏菌 S - 30 shā mén shì jūn f /Salmonella/ 沙门菌 沙門菌 S - 0 Shā mén jūn f /salmonella/ 沙雅 - 4 Shā yǎ f /Shayar nahiyisi (Shaya county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 沙雅县 沙雅縣 S - 4 Shā yǎ xiàn f /Shayar nahiyisi (Shaya county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 沙雅縣 沙雅县 T - 4 Shā yǎ xiàn f /Shayar nahiyisi (Shaya county) in Aksu 阿克蘇地區|阿克苏地区[A1 ke4 su1 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 沙頭角 沙头角 T - 9 Shā Tóu Jiǎo f /Sha Tau Kok (town in Hong Kong)/ 沙魚 沙鱼 T - 262 shā yú f /variant of 鯊魚|鲨鱼[sha1 yu2]/ 沙鱼 沙魚 S - 262 shā yú f /variant of 鯊魚|鲨鱼[sha1 yu2]/ 沙鵖 - 0 shā bī f /(bird species of China) isabelline wheatear (Oenanthe isabellina)/ 沙鹿 - 3 Shā lù f /Shalu town in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 沙鹿鎮 沙鹿镇 T - 0 Shā lù zhèn f /Shalu town in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 沙鹿镇 沙鹿鎮 S - 0 Shā lù zhèn f /Shalu town in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tai2 zhong1 xian4], Taiwan/ 沙麗 沙丽 T - 0 shā lì f /sari (loanword)/ 沙鼠 - 5 shā shǔ f /gerbil/ 沙龍 沙龙 T - 160 shā lóng f /salon (loanword)/ 沙龙 沙龍 S - 160 shā lóng f /salon (loanword)/ 沚 - 11 zhǐ f /islet/ 沛 - 116 pèi f /copious/abundant/ 沛公 - 0 Pèi gōng f /Duke of Pei (i.e. 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1])/ 沛县 沛縣 S - 67 Pèi xiàn f /Pei county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 沛縣 沛县 T - 67 Pèi xiàn f /Pei county in Xuzhou 徐州[Xu2 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 沟 溝 S - 2382 gōu f /ditch/gutter/groove/gully/ravine/CL:道[dao4]/ 沟壑 溝壑 S - 99 gōu hè f /gorge/gulch/ravine/deep ditch/ 沟槽 溝槽 S - 45 gōu cáo f /groove/furrow/trench/ 沟涧 溝澗 S - 3 gōu jiàn f /gully/ravine/ 沟渠 溝渠 S - 379 gōu qú f /channel/moat/irrigation canal/ 沟谷 溝谷 S - 137 gōu gǔ f /gully/ 沟通 溝通 S 1919 2572 gōu tōng f /to join/to connect/to link up/to communicate/ 沟道 溝道 S - 30 gōu dào f /groove/ 没 沒 S - 52407 méi t /(negative prefix for verbs)/have not/not/ 没 沒 S - 52407 mò f /drowned/to end/to die/to inundate/ 没上没下 沒上沒下 S - 29 méi shàng méi xià f /no respect for seniors/lacking in manners/ 没了 沒了 S - 3 méi le f /to be dead/not to be, or cease to exist/ 没事 沒事 S - 516 méi shì f /it's not important/it's nothing/never mind/to have nothing to do/to be free/to be all right (out of danger or trouble)/ 没事儿 沒事兒 S - 121 méi shì r f /to have spare time/free from work/it's not important/it's nothing/never mind/ 没亲没故 沒親沒故 S - 3 méi qín méi gù f /without relatives or friends/ 没人住 沒人住 S - 0 méi rén zhù f /unoccupied/ 没人味 沒人味 S - 0 méi rén wèi f /to be lacking in human character/ 没人味儿 沒人味兒 S - 0 méi rén wèi r f /erhua variant of 沒人味|没人味[mei2 ren2 wei4]/ 没什么 沒什麼 S - 2111 méi shén me f /variant of 沒甚麼|没什么[mei2 shen2 me5]/ 没什么 沒甚麼 S - 2111 méi shén me f /nothing/it doesn't matter/it's nothing/never mind/ 没六儿 沒六兒 S - 0 méi liù r f /variant of 沒溜兒|没溜儿[mei2 liu4 r5]/ 没关系 沒關係 S 106 237 méi guān xi f /it doesn't matter/ 没准儿 沒準兒 S - 40 méi zhǔn r f /not sure/maybe/ 没分寸 沒分寸 S - 0 méi fēn cùn f /inappropriate/bad-mannered/ 没办法 沒辦法 S - 0 méi bàn fǎ f /there is nothing to be done/one can't do anything about it/ 没劲 沒勁 S - 53 méi jìn f /to have no strength/to feel weak/exhausted/feeling listless/boring/of no interest/ 没劲儿 沒勁兒 S - 10 méi jìn r f /erhua variant of 沒勁|没劲[mei2 jin4]/ 没口 沒口 S - 0 méi kǒu f /unreservedly/profusely/ 没吃没穿 沒吃沒穿 S - 3 méi chī méi chuān f /to be without food or clothing (idiom)/to be very poor/ 没命 沒命 S - 147 méi mìng f /to lose one's life/to die/recklessly/desperately/ 没品 沒品 S - 0 méi pǐn f /lacking in class/tacky/tasteless/ 没大改变 沒大改變 S - 0 méi dà gǎi biàn f /not significantly changed/ 没大没小 沒大沒小 S - 14 méi dà méi xiǎo f /impolite/cheeky/impudent/ 没头没脸 沒頭沒臉 S - 14 méi tóu méi liǎn f /lit. without head, without face (idiom)/fig. frenzily/haphazardly/ 没奈何 沒奈何 S - 104 mò nài hé f /to have no alternative/to be helpless/ 没完没了 沒完沒了 S - 201 méi wán méi liǎo f /without end/incessantly/on and on/ 没底 沒底 S - 208 méi dǐ f /unsure/uncertain/unending/ 没影 沒影 S - 3 méi yǐng f /to vanish/to be nowhere to be found/unfounded (story)/ 没得说 沒得說 S - 3 méi de shuō f /really good/excellent/ 没心没肺 沒心沒肺 S - 24 méi xīn méi fèi f /simple-minded/thoughtless/heartless/nitwitted/ 没心眼 沒心眼 S - 0 méi xīn yǎn f /outspoken/artless/tactless/ 没想到 沒想到 S - 2783 méi xiǎng dào f /didn't expect/ 没意思 沒意思 S - 122 méi yì si f /boring/of no interest/ 没戏 沒戲 S - 39 méi xì f /(coll.) not a chance/no way/hopeless/ 没收 沒收 S - 892 mò shōu f /to confiscate/to have sth confiscated/to forfeit/ 没救 沒救 S - 3 méi jiù f /hopeless/incurable/ 没日没夜 沒日沒夜 S - 34 méi rì méi yè f /day and night/regardless of the time of day or night/ 没有 沒有 S 30 87597 méi yǒu f /haven't/hasn't/doesn't exist/to not have/to not be/ 没有事 沒有事 S - 0 méi yǒu shì f /not a bit/nothing is up/nothing alarming is happening/ 没有人烟 沒有人煙 S - 0 méi yǒu rén yān f /uninhabited/ 没有什么 沒有甚麼 S - 0 méi yǒu shén me f /it is nothing/there's nothing ... about it/ 没有什么不可能 沒有甚麼不可能 S - 0 méi yǒu shén me bù kě néng f /nothing is impossible/there's nothing impossible about it/ 没有关系 沒有關係 S - 0 méi yǒu guān xi f /see 沒關係|没关系[mei2 guan1 xi5]/ 没有劲头 沒有勁頭 S - 0 méi yǒu jìn tóu f /to have no strength/to feel weak/feeling listless/ 没有劲头儿 沒有勁頭兒 S - 0 méi yǒu jìn tóu r f /erhua variant of 沒有勁頭|没有劲头[mei2 you3 jin4 tou2]/ 没有品味 沒有品味 S - 0 méi yǒu pǐn wèi f /tasteless/ 没有差别 沒有差別 S - 0 méi yǒu chā bié f /there is no difference/it makes no difference/ 没有形状 沒有形狀 S - 0 méi yǒu xíng zhuàng f /shapeless/ 没有意义 沒有意義 S - 0 méi yǒu yì yì f /not to have any meaning/meaningless/ 没有意思 沒有意思 S - 0 méi yǒu yì si f /boring/of no interest/ 没有法 沒有法 S - 0 méi yǒu fǎ f /at a loss/unable to do anything about it/to have no choice/ 没有生育能力 沒有生育能力 S - 0 méi yǒu shēng yù néng lì f /infertile/unable to have children/ 没有脸皮 沒有臉皮 S - 0 méi yǒu liǎn pí f /ashamed/embarrassed/not having the face (to meet people)/not daring (out of shame)/ 没有规矩,不成方圆 沒有規矩,不成方圓 S - 0 méi yǒu guī ju , bù chéng fāng yuán f /without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules/ 没有规矩,何以成方圆 沒有規矩,何以成方圓 S - 0 méi yǒu guī jǔ , hé yǐ chéng fāng yuán f /without rules, how can anything be done (idiom); one must follow some rules/ 没来由 沒來由 S - 119 méi lái yóu f /without any reason/for no reason/ 没水准 沒水準 S - 0 méi shuǐ zhǔn f /lacking class/boorish/poor quality/sub-standard/ 没水平 沒水平 S - 0 méi shuǐ píng f /disgraceful/poor quality/sub-standard/ 没治 沒治 S - 11 méi zhì f /hopeless/helpless/incurable/fantastic/out of this world/ 没法 沒法 S - 980 méi fǎ f /at a loss/unable to do anything about it/to have no choice/ 没溜儿 沒溜兒 S - 0 méi liù r f /(dialect) silly/ 没用 沒用 S - 463 méi yòng f /useless/ 没电 沒電 S - 3 méi diàn f /discharged/flat/dead (of batteries)/ 没种 沒種 S - 3 méi zhǒng f /not to have the guts (to do sth)/cowardly/ 没空儿 沒空兒 S - 0 méi kòng r f /having no time/ 没精打彩 沒精打彩 S - 6 méi jīng dǎ cǎi f /listless/dispirited/washed out/ 没精打采 沒精打采 S - 42 méi jīng dǎ cǎi f /listless/dispirited/washed out/also written 沒精打彩|没精打彩/ 没经验 沒經驗 S - 0 méi jīng yàn f /inexperienced/ 没羞没臊 沒羞沒臊 S - 3 méi xiū méi sào f /shameless/ 没脸 沒臉 S - 107 méi liǎn f /ashamed/embarrassed/not having the face (to meet people)/not daring (out of shame)/ 没脸没皮 沒臉沒皮 S - 10 méi liǎn méi pí f /shameless/brazen/ 没药 沒藥 S - 29 mò yào f /myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)/ 没落 沒落 S - 187 mò luò f /to decline/to wane/ 没说的 沒說的 S - 14 méi shuō de f /really good/ 没谱 沒譜 S - 12 méi pǔ f /to be clueless/to have no plan/ 没谱儿 沒譜兒 S - 3 méi pǔ r f /erhua variant of 沒譜|没谱[mei2 pu3]/ 没起子 沒起子 S - 0 méi qǐ zi f /(dialect) (of a person) useless/pathetic/spineless/ 没趣 沒趣 S - 106 méi qù f /embarrassing/dull/unsatisfactory/ 没辙 沒轍 S - 47 méi zhé f /at one's wit's end/unable to find a way out/ 没错 沒錯 S - 70 méi cuò f /that's right/sure!/rest assured!/that's good/can't go wrong/ 没长眼 沒長眼 S - 0 méi zhǎng yǎn f /see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5]/ 没长眼睛 沒長眼睛 S - 0 méi zhǎng yǎn jing f /(coll.) are you blind or something?/look where you're going/ 没门儿 沒門兒 S - 6 méi mén r f /no way/impossible/ 没问题 沒問題 S - 0 méi wèn tí f /no problem/ 没齿不忘 沒齒不忘 S - 10 mò chǐ bù wàng f /lit. will not be forgotten even after one's teeth fall out/to remember as long as one lives/unforgettable (idiom)/ 没齿难忘 沒齒難忘 S - 11 mò chǐ nán wàng f /hard to forget even after one's teeth fall out (idiom); to remember a benefactor as long as one lives/undying gratitude/ 沢 - 0 zé f /Japanese variant of 澤|泽/ 沣 灃 S - 133 fēng f /rainy/place name in Shaanxi/Feng River in Shaanxi 陝西|陕西, tributary of Wei River 渭水/ 沣水 灃水 S - 0 Fēng shuǐ f /Feng River in Shaanxi 陝西|陕西, tributary of Wei River 渭水/ 沤 漚 S - 96 ōu t /bubble/froth/ 沤 漚 S - 96 òu f /to steep/to macerate/ 沤凼 漚凼 S - 0 òu dàng f /cesspool/compost pit/ 沤肥 漚肥 S - 13 òu féi f /manure/wet compost/ 沥 瀝 S - 105 lì f /to drip/to strain or filter/a trickle/ 沥陈鄙见 瀝陳鄙見 S - 0 lì chén bǐ jiàn f /to state one's humble opinion (idiom)/ 沥青 瀝青 S - 243 lì qīng f /asphalt/bitumen/pitch/ 沥青铀矿 瀝青鈾礦 S - 0 lì qīng yóu kuàng f /pitchblende (uranium ore)/ 沦 淪 S - 143 lún f /to sink (into ruin, oblivion)/to be reduced to/ 沦丧 淪喪 S - 171 lún sàng f /to be lost/to be ruined/to perish/to wither away/ 沦为 淪為 S - 719 lún wéi f /to sink down to/to be reduced to/ 沦亡 淪亡 S - 147 lún wáng f /(of a country) to perish/to be annexed/subjugation (to a foreign power)/ 沦没 淪沒 S - 3 lún mò f /to sink/to drown/ 沦没丧亡 淪沒喪亡 S - 0 lún mò sàng wáng f /to die/to perish/ 沦浃 淪浹 S - 0 lún jiā f /to be deeply affected/moved to the core/ 沦灭 淪滅 S - 3 lún miè f /to perish/extinction/ 沦肌浃髓 淪肌浹髓 S - 3 lún jī jiā suǐ f /lit. penetrate to the marrow (idiom); deeply affected/moved to the core/ 沦落 淪落 S - 154 lún luò f /to degenerate/impoverished/to fall (into poverty)/to be reduced (to begging)/ 沦陷 淪陷 S - 345 lún xiàn f /to fall into enemy hands/to be occupied/to degenerate/to submerge/ 沦陷区 淪陷區 S - 88 lún xiàn qū f /enemy-held territory/ 沧 滄 S - 1241 cāng f /blue-green or azure (of water)/vast (of water)/cold/ 沧县 滄縣 S - 20 Cāng xiàn f /Cang county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 沧州 滄州 S - 285 Cāng zhōu f /Cangzhou prefecture level city in Hebei/ 沧州市 滄州市 S - 13 Cāng zhōu Shì f /Cangzhou prefecture level city in Hebei/ 沧桑 滄桑 S - 203 cāng sāng f /great changes/abbr. of 滄海桑田|沧海桑田[cang1 hai3 sang1 tian2]/ 沧浪 滄浪 S - 3 Cāng làng f /Canglang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Su1 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 沧浪亭 滄浪亭 S - 3 Cāng Làng tíng f /The Surging Waves Pavillion in Suzhou, Jiangsu/ 沧浪区 滄浪區 S - 3 Cāng làng qū f /Canglang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Su1 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 沧海一粟 滄海一粟 S - 8 cāng hǎi yī sù f /a drop in the ocean (idiom)/ 沧海桑田 滄海桑田 S - 33 cāng hǎi sāng tián f /lit. the blue sea turned into mulberry fields (idiom)/fig. the transformations of the world/ 沧海遗珠 滄海遺珠 S - 3 cāng hǎi yí zhū f /undiscovered talent (idiom)/ 沧源佤族自治县 滄源佤族自治縣 S - 3 Cāng yuán Wǎ zú Zì zhì xiàn f /Cangyuan Va Autonomous County in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 沧源县 滄源縣 S - 0 Cāng yuán xiàn f /Cangyuan Va autonomous county in Lincang 臨滄|临沧[Lin2 cang1], Yunnan/ 沩 溈 S - 6 guī f /name of a river in Shanxi/ 沪 滬 S - 2340 Hù f /short name for Shanghai/ 沪上 滬上 S - 0 Hù shàng f /alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]/at (or in) Shanghai/ 沪剧 滬劇 S - 20 Hù jù f /Shanghai opera/ 沪宁 滬寧 S - 40 Hù Níng f /Shanghai and Nanjing/ 沪宁线 滬寧線 S - 12 Hù Níng xiàn f /Shanghai-Nanjing line/ 沪宁铁路 滬寧鐵路 S - 29 Hù Níng Tiě lù f /Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, a.k.a. Huning Railway/ 沪江 滬江 S - 26 Hù jiāng f /alternative name for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3]/ 沪深港 滬深港 S - 0 Hù Shēn Gǎng f /abbr. for Shanghai 上海[Shang4 hai3], Shenzhen 深圳[Shen1 zhen4] and Hong Kong 香港[Xiang1 gang3]/ 沪综指 滬綜指 S - 13 Hù zōng zhǐ f /Shanghai composite index (stock market index)/ 沪语 滬語 S - 0 Hù yǔ f /Shanghainese/Shanghai dialect/ 沫 - 253 mò f /foam/suds/ 沬 - 6 mèi f /dawn/place name/ 沭 - 34 shù f /river in Shandong/ 沭阳 沭陽 S - 13 Shù yáng f /Shuyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 沭阳县 沭陽縣 S - 17 Shù yáng Xiàn f /Shuyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 沭陽 沭阳 T - 13 Shù yáng f /Shuyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 沭陽縣 沭阳县 T - 17 Shù yáng Xiàn f /Shuyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 沮 - 196 jǔ f /to destroy/to stop/ 沮丧 沮喪 S 2726 535 jǔ sàng f /dispirited/dejected/dismayed/ 沮喪 沮丧 T 2726 535 jǔ sàng f /dispirited/dejected/dismayed/ 沰 - 2 tuō f /to let drop/ 沱 - 96 tuó f /tearful/to branch (of river)/ 沱沱河 - 23 Tuó tuó Hé f /source of Changjiang or Yangtze river/ 沱灢 - 0 Tuó nǎng f /see 峴港|岘港[Xian4 gang3]/ 沱茶 - 14 tuó chá f /a cake of tea, commonly Pu'er tea 普洱茶[Pu3 er3 cha2], compacted into a bowl or nest shape/dome shaped tea-brick/caked tea/ 河 - 12374 hé f /river/CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]/ 河东 河東 S - 318 Hé dōng f /Hedong district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong/ 河东区 河東區 S - 20 Hé dōng qū f /Hedong district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/Hedong district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong/ 河东狮 河東獅 S - 2 Hé dōng shī f /shrew/see also 河東獅吼|河东狮吼[He2 dong1 shi1 hou3]/ 河东狮吼 河東獅吼 S - 2 Hé dōng shī hǒu f /lit. the lioness from Hedong roars (idiom)/fig. refers to a shrewish wife or a henpecked husband/ 河乌 河烏 S - 0 hé wū f /(bird species of China) white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus)/ 河伯 - 5 Hé bó f /name or river God associated with Yellow river/ 河內 河内 T - 248 Hé nèi f /Hanoi, capital of Vietnam/ 河内 河內 S - 248 Hé nèi f /Hanoi, capital of Vietnam/ 河北 - 3194 Hé běi f /Hebei province (Hopeh) in north China surrounding Beijing, short name 冀, capital Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1]/ 河北区 河北區 S - 12 Hé běi qū f /Hebei district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 河北區 河北区 T - 12 Hé běi qū f /Hebei district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 河北工业大学 河北工業大學 S - 0 Hé běi Gōng yè Dà xué f /Hebei University of Technology/ 河北工業大學 河北工业大学 T - 0 Hé běi Gōng yè Dà xué f /Hebei University of Technology/ 河北日報 河北日报 T - 0 Hé běi Rì bào f /Hebei Daily, www.hebeidaily.com.cn/ 河北日报 河北日報 S - 0 Hé běi Rì bào f /Hebei Daily, www.hebeidaily.com.cn/ 河北梆子 - 40 Hé běi bāng zǐ f /Hebei opera/ 河北省 - 826 Hé běi Shěng f /Hebei Province (Hopeh) in north China surrounding Beijing, short name 冀[Ji4], capital Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shi2 jia1 zhuang1]/ 河北科技大学 河北科技大學 S - 0 Hé běi Kē jì Dà xué f /Hebei University of Science and Technology/ 河北科技大學 河北科技大学 T - 0 Hé běi Kē jì Dà xué f /Hebei University of Science and Technology/ 河南 - 5044 Hé nán f /Henan province (Honan) in central China, abbr. 豫, capital Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1]/ 河南县 河南縣 S - 0 Hé nán xiàn f /He'nan Mengguzu autonomous county in Qinghai/in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 河南省 - 1262 Hé nán shěng f /Henan province (Honan) in central China, abbr. 豫[Yu4], capital Zhengzhou 鄭州|郑州[Zheng4 zhou1]/ 河南縣 河南县 T - 0 Hé nán xiàn f /He'nan Mengguzu autonomous county in Qinghai/in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 河南蒙古族自治县 河南蒙古族自治縣 S - 6 Hé nán Méng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /He'nan Mengguzu autonomous county in Qinghai/in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 河南蒙古族自治縣 河南蒙古族自治县 T - 6 Hé nán Méng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn f /He'nan Mengguzu autonomous county in Qinghai/in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 河卵石 - 2 hé luǎn shí f /pebble/ 河叉 - 0 hé chà f /river mouth/ 河口 - 1566 hé kǒu f /estuary/the mouth of a river/ 河口区 河口區 S - 19 Hé kǒu qū f /Hekou district of Dongying city 東營市|东营市[Dong1 ying2 shi4], Shandong/ 河口區 河口区 T - 19 Hé kǒu qū f /Hekou district of Dongying city 東營市|东营市[Dong1 ying2 shi4], Shandong/ 河口瑤族自治縣 河口瑶族自治县 T - 8 Hé kǒu Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Hekou Yaozu autonomous county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州[Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 河口瑶族自治县 河口瑤族自治縣 S - 8 Hé kǒu Yáo zú zì zhì xiàn f /Hekou Yaozu autonomous county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture 紅河哈尼族彞族自治州|红河哈尼族彝族自治州[Hong2 he2 Ha1 ni2 zu2 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 河外星云 河外星雲 S - 0 hé wài xīng yún f /extragalactic nebula/ 河外星系 - 39 hé wài xīng xì f /extragalactic star system/galaxy (not including our Galaxy)/ 河外星雲 河外星云 T - 0 hé wài xīng yún f /extragalactic nebula/ 河套 - 201 Hé tào f /the Great Bend of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia/ 河套 - 201 hé tào f /river bend/ 河姆渡 - 55 Hé mǔ dù f /Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Ningbo in Zhejiang, going back to c. 5000 BC/ 河姆渡遗址 河姆渡遺址 S - 0 Hé mǔ dù yí zhǐ f /Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Ningbo 長江|长江 in Zhejiang, going back to c. 5000 BC/ 河姆渡遺址 河姆渡遗址 T - 0 Hé mǔ dù yí zhǐ f /Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Ningbo 長江|长江 in Zhejiang, going back to c. 5000 BC/ 河岸 - 328 hé àn f /riverside/river bank/ 河川 - 154 hé chuān f /rivers/ 河工 - 48 hé gōng f /river conservancy works (dike maintenance, dredging etc)/river conservancy worker/ 河床 - 1284 hé chuáng f /riverbed/ 河曲 - 58 Hé qǔ f /Hequ county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 河曲 - 58 hé qū t /bend (of a river)/meander/ 河曲县 河曲縣 S - 9 Hé qǔ xiàn f /Hequ county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 河曲縣 河曲县 T - 9 Hé qǔ xiàn f /Hequ county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi/ 河村 - 9 Hé cūn f /Kawamura (name)/ 河東 河东 T - 318 Hé dōng f /Hedong district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong/ 河東區 河东区 T - 20 Hé dōng qū f /Hedong district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/Hedong district of Linyi city 臨沂市|临沂市[Lin2 yi2 shi4], Shandong/ 河東獅 河东狮 T - 2 Hé dōng shī f /shrew/see also 河東獅吼|河东狮吼[He2 dong1 shi1 hou3]/ 河東獅吼 河东狮吼 T - 2 Hé dōng shī hǒu f /lit. the lioness from Hedong roars (idiom)/fig. refers to a shrewish wife or a henpecked husband/ 河槽 - 45 hé cáo f /river bed/channel/ 河殇 河殤 S - 3 Hé shāng f /River Elegy, influential 1988 CCTV documentary series, said to have stimulated the Beijing Spring democracy movement of 1980s/ 河殤 河殇 T - 3 Hé shāng f /River Elegy, influential 1988 CCTV documentary series, said to have stimulated the Beijing Spring democracy movement of 1980s/ 河水 - 917 hé shuǐ f /river water/ 河水不犯井水 - 19 hé shuǐ bù fàn jǐng shuǐ f /lit. river water does not interfere with well water (idiom); Do not interfere with one another./Mind your own business./ 河池 - 33 Hé chí f /Hechi prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Hozciz/ 河池地区 河池地區 S - 7 Hé chí dì qū f /Hechi prefecture in Guangxi/ 河池地區 河池地区 T - 7 Hé chí dì qū f /Hechi prefecture in Guangxi/ 河池市 - 9 Hé chí shì f /Hechi prefecture level city in Guangxi/Zhuang: Hozciz/ 河沟 河溝 S - 295 hé gōu f /brook/ditch/ 河洛人 - 0 Hé luò rén f /Hoklo people, southern Chinese people of Taiwan/ 河津 - 14 Hé jīn f /Hejin county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 河津市 - 8 Hé jīn shì f /Hejin county level city in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 河流 - 5249 hé liú f /river/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 河清海晏 - 4 hé qīng hǎi yàn f /the Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm/the world is at peace (idiom)/ 河渠 - 65 hé qú f /rivers and canals/waterway/ 河港 - 128 hé gǎng f /river port/ 河源 - 208 Hé yuán f /Heyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong/ 河源市 - 9 Hé yuán shì f /Heyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong 廣東省|广东省[Guang3 dong1 sheng3]/ 河溝 河沟 T - 295 hé gōu f /brook/ditch/ 河滨 河濱 S - 13 hé bīn f /brook/rivulet/ 河滩 河灘 S - 216 hé tān f /river bank/strand/ 河漫滩 河漫灘 S - 63 hé màn tān f /floodplain/ 河漫灘 河漫滩 T - 63 hé màn tān f /floodplain/ 河濱 河滨 T - 13 hé bīn f /brook/rivulet/ 河灘 河滩 T - 216 hé tān f /river bank/strand/ 河烏 河乌 T - 0 hé wū f /(bird species of China) white-throated dipper (Cinclus cinclus)/ 河狸 - 58 hé lí f /beaver/ 河畔 - 304 hé pàn f /riverside/river plain/ 河神 - 32 hé shén f /river god/ 河童 - 0 Hé tóng f /Kappa, a child-size humanoid water creature in Japanese folklore/ 河粉 - 0 hé fěn f /rice noodles in wide strips/ 河蚌 - 26 hé bàng f /mussels/bivalves grown in rivers and lakes/ 河蟹 - 526 hé xiè f /river crab/Internet censorship (pun on "harmonious" 和諧|和谐[he2 xie2], which is blocked by the great firewall of China)/ 河西 - 467 Hé xī f /land west of the Yellow river/Shaanxi, Qinghai and Gansu provinces/ 河西区 河西區 S - 19 Hé xī qū f /Hexi district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 河西區 河西区 T - 19 Hé xī qū f /Hexi district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 河西堡 - 0 Hé xī pù f /Hexipu town in Yongchang county 永昌縣|永昌县[Yong3 chang1 xian4], Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ 河西堡鎮 河西堡镇 T - 0 Hé xī pǔ zhèn f /Hexipu town in Yongchang county 永昌縣|永昌县[Yong3 chang1 xian4], Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ 河西堡镇 河西堡鎮 S - 0 Hé xī pǔ zhèn f /Hexipu town in Yongchang county 永昌縣|永昌县[Yong3 chang1 xian4], Jinchang 金昌[Jin1 chang1], Gansu/ 河西走廊 - 240 Hé xī Zǒu láng f /Hexi Corridor (or Gansu Corridor), a string of oases running the length of Gansu, forming part of the Northern Silk Road/ 河谷 - 1128 hé gǔ f /river valley/ 河豚 - 88 hé tún f /blowfish (Tetraodontidae)/puffer/ 河豚毒素 - 3 hé tún dú sù f /tetrodotoxin/tetrodox (TTX)/tetrodonic acid C11H17N3O8/ 河边 河邊 S - 551 hé biān f /river bank/ 河道 - 2042 hé dào f /river course/river channel/ 河邊 河边 T - 551 hé biān f /river bank/ 河間市 河间市 T - 6 Hé jiān shì f /Hejian county level city in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 河间市 河間市 S - 6 Hé jiān shì f /Hejian county level city in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 河馬 河马 T - 56 hé mǎ f /hippopotamus/ 河马 河馬 S - 56 hé mǎ f /hippopotamus/ 河鼓二 - 0 Hé gǔ èr f /Altair (star)/ 沴 - 0 lì f /miasma/ 沷 - 0 fā f /to remove evil/to cleanse/to wash away/ 沸 - 233 fèi f /to boil/ 沸水 - 104 fèi shuǐ f /boiling water/ 沸沸扬扬 沸沸揚揚 S - 156 fèi fèi yáng yáng f /bubbling and gurgling/hubbubing/abuzz/ 沸沸揚揚 沸沸扬扬 T - 156 fèi fèi yáng yáng f /bubbling and gurgling/hubbubing/abuzz/ 沸点 沸點 S - 439 fèi diǎn f /boiling point/ 沸石 - 73 fèi shí f /zeolite/ 沸腾 沸騰 S 3817 357 fèi téng f /(of a liquid) to boil/(of sentiments etc) to boil over/to flare up/to be impassioned/ 沸騰 沸腾 T 3817 357 fèi téng f /(of a liquid) to boil/(of sentiments etc) to boil over/to flare up/to be impassioned/ 沸點 沸点 T - 439 fèi diǎn f /boiling point/ 油 - 5665 yóu f /oil/fat/grease/petroleum/to apply tung oil, paint or varnish/oily/greasy/glib/cunning/ 油乎乎 - 2 yóu hū hū f /greasy/oily/ 油井 - 74 yóu jǐng f /oil well/ 油亮 - 46 yóu liàng f /glossy/shiny/ 油价 油價 S - 328 yóu jià f /oil (petroleum) price/ 油價 油价 T - 328 yóu jià f /oil (petroleum) price/ 油光 - 70 yóu guāng f /glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily/ 油光光 - 8 yóu guāng guāng f /glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily/ 油光可鉴 油光可鑒 S - 3 yóu guāng kě jiàn f /lit. oily and shiny to the point of reflecting (idiom)/lustrous/ 油光可鑒 油光可鉴 T - 3 yóu guāng kě jiàn f /lit. oily and shiny to the point of reflecting (idiom)/lustrous/ 油光水滑 - 6 yóu guāng shuǐ huá f /sleek/shiny and smooth/ 油光漆 - 0 yóu guāng qī f /varnish/ 油加利 - 0 yóu jiā lì f /variant of 尤加利[you2 jia1 li4]/ 油印 - 26 yóu yìn f /to mimeograph/ 油嘴 - 21 yóu zuǐ f /eloquent and cunning/silver tongued/ 油嘴滑舌 - 35 yóu zuǐ huá shé f /glib/oily-mouthed and smooth talking/ 油垢 - 6 yóu gòu f /covered in grease/ 油塔 - 0 yóu tǎ f /oil tank/ 油墨 - 98 yóu mò f /printing ink/ 油子 - 8 yóu zi f /dense and sticky substance/(dialect) wily old fox/ 油尖旺 - 0 Yóu jiān wàng f /Yau Tsim Mong district of Kowloon, Hong Kong/ 油尺 - 3 yóu chǐ f /dipstick/oil measuring rod/ 油布 - 97 yóu bù f /tarpaulin/ 油库 油庫 S - 66 yóu kù f /fuel depot/fuel farm/ 油底壳 油底殼 S - 0 yóu dǐ ké f /oil sump/ 油底殼 油底壳 T - 0 yóu dǐ ké f /oil sump/ 油庫 油库 T - 66 yóu kù f /fuel depot/fuel farm/ 油料 - 1039 yóu liào f /oilseed/oil/fuel/ 油料作物 - 75 yóu liào zuò wù f /oil crop (rape, peanut, soy, sesame etc)/oil-bearing crop/ 油旋 - 0 yóu xuán f /Youxuan, a kind of a pastry/ 油条 油條 S - 100 yóu tiáo f /youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/CL:根[gen1]/slick and sly person/ 油松 - 64 yóu sōng f /Chinese red pine/ 油桃 - 6 yóu táo f /nectarine/ 油桐 - 410 yóu tóng f /Chinese wood-oil tree (Vernicia fordii)/ 油條 油条 T - 100 yóu tiáo f /youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/CL:根[gen1]/slick and sly person/ 油棕 - 97 yóu zōng f /oil palm/ 油气 油氣 S - 301 yóu qì f /oil and gas/ 油气田 油氣田 S - 93 yóu qì tián f /oilfields and gasfields/ 油氣 油气 T - 301 yóu qì f /oil and gas/ 油氣田 油气田 T - 93 yóu qì tián f /oilfields and gasfields/ 油水 - 122 yóu shuǐ f /grease/profit/ill-gotten gains/ 油污 - 46 yóu wū f /greasy and dirty/oil pollution/ 油汪汪 - 8 yóu wāng wāng f /dripping with oil/ 油油 - 3 yóu yóu f /oily/ 油泵 - 18 yóu bèng f /oil pump/ 油泼扯面 油潑扯麵 S - 0 yóu pō chě miàn f /broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular in Shaanxi, also known as biángbiáng miàn/ 油滑 - 26 yóu huá f /oily/greasy/unctuous/slippery (character)/ 油漆 3400 510 yóu qī f /oil paints/lacquer/to paint/CL:層|层[ceng2]/ 油潑扯麵 油泼扯面 T - 0 yóu pō chě miàn f /broad, belt-shaped noodles, popular in Shaanxi, also known as biángbiáng miàn/ 油灯 油燈 S - 247 yóu dēng f /oil lamp/ 油灰刀 - 0 yóu huī dāo f /putty knife/ 油炸 1485 160 yóu zhá f /to deep fry/ 油炸圈餅 油炸圈饼 T - 0 yóu zhá quān bǐng f /doughnut/ 油炸圈饼 油炸圈餅 S - 0 yóu zhá quān bǐng f /doughnut/ 油烟 油煙 S - 44 yóu yān f /soot/lampblack/ 油然而生 - 113 yóu rán ér shēng f /arising involuntarily (idiom); spontaneous/to spring up unbidden (of emotion)/ 油煙 油烟 T - 44 yóu yān f /soot/lampblack/ 油燈 油灯 T - 247 yóu dēng f /oil lamp/ 油猾 - 0 yóu huá f /sly/slick/ 油田 - 663 yóu tián f /oil field/ 油画 油畫 S - 671 yóu huà f /oil painting/ 油畫 油画 T - 671 yóu huà f /oil painting/ 油症 - 0 yóu zhèng f /Yusho disease or Yu-cheng disease, mass poisoning caused by rice bran oil in northern Kyushu, Japan (1968), and in Taiwan (1979)/ 油盐酱醋 油鹽醬醋 S - 33 yóu yán jiàng cù f /(lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar/(fig.) the trivia of everyday life/ 油砂 - 263 yóu shā f /oil sand (mining)/ 油箱 - 155 yóu xiāng f /oil tank/ 油罐車 油罐车 T - 6 yóu guàn chē f /oil tanker truck/fuel tanker/ 油罐车 油罐車 S - 6 yóu guàn chē f /oil tanker truck/fuel tanker/ 油耗 - 37 yóu hào f /fuel consumption/ 油脂 - 602 yóu zhī f /grease/oil/fat/ 油腔滑調 油腔滑调 T - 43 yóu qiāng huá diào f /flippant and insincere (piece of writing or speech)/glib-tongued/oily/ 油腔滑调 油腔滑調 S - 43 yóu qiāng huá diào f /flippant and insincere (piece of writing or speech)/glib-tongued/oily/ 油腻 油膩 S 4618 112 yóu nì f /grease/greasy food/oily/rich (of food)/fatty/greasy and dirty/a slippery character/ 油膏 - 48 yóu gāo f /balm/ 油膩 油腻 T 4618 112 yóu nì f /grease/greasy food/oily/rich (of food)/fatty/greasy and dirty/a slippery character/ 油船 - 66 yóu chuán f /(oil) tanker/tank ship/ 油花 - 8 yóu huā f /grease or fat blobs at the surface of a liquid/tricky and dissolute/ 油荤 油葷 S - 0 yóu hūn f /meat foods/ 油菜 - 286 yóu cài f /oilseed rape (Brassica napus)/flowering edible rape (Brassica chinensis var. oleifera)/ 油菜籽 - 160 yóu cài zǐ f /oilseed rape (Brassica campestris)/rapeseed/coleseed/ 油葷 油荤 T - 0 yóu hūn f /meat foods/ 油輪 油轮 T - 117 yóu lún f /tanker (ship)/CL:艘[sou1]/ 油轮 油輪 S - 117 yóu lún f /tanker (ship)/CL:艘[sou1]/ 油鍋 油锅 T - 136 yóu guō f /a deep fryer/ 油锅 油鍋 S - 136 yóu guō f /a deep fryer/ 油門 油门 T - 72 yóu mén f /accelerator (pedal)/gas pedal/throttle/ 油门 油門 S - 72 yóu mén f /accelerator (pedal)/gas pedal/throttle/ 油雞 油鸡 T - 3 yóu jī f /a variety of chicken/ 油鞋 - 3 yóu xié f /waterproof shoes/oiled shoes (for wet weather)/ 油頁岩 油页岩 T - 117 yóu yè yán f /oil shale/ 油页岩 油頁岩 S - 117 yóu yè yán f /oil shale/ 油餅 油饼 T - 29 yóu bǐng f /deep-fried doughcake/oilcake (animal fodder)/ 油饼 油餅 S - 29 yóu bǐng f /deep-fried doughcake/oilcake (animal fodder)/ 油鸡 油雞 S - 3 yóu jī f /a variety of chicken/ 油鹽醬醋 油盐酱醋 T - 33 yóu yán jiàng cù f /(lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar/(fig.) the trivia of everyday life/ 油麥 油麦 T - 3 yóu mài f /naked oat (old)/ 油麥菜 油麦菜 T - 0 yóu mài cài f /Indian lettuce/ 油麦 油麥 S - 3 yóu mài f /naked oat (old)/ 油麦菜 油麥菜 S - 0 yóu mài cài f /Indian lettuce/ 油黑 - 13 yóu hēi f /glossy black/ 沺 - 0 tián f /turbulent/ 治 - 7500 zhì f /to rule/to govern/to manage/to control/to harness (a river)/to treat (a disease)/to wipe out (a pest)/to punish/to research/ 治下 - 0 zhì xià f /under the jurisdiction of/ 治丧 治喪 S - 31 zhì sāng f /to prepare for a funeral/ 治丧从俭 治喪從儉 S - 0 zhì sàng cóng jiǎn f /to be frugal in attending to funeral rites (idiom)/ 治军 治軍 S - 131 zhì jūn f /running of armed forces/military management/to govern armed forces/to direct troops/ 治喪 治丧 T - 31 zhì sāng f /to prepare for a funeral/ 治喪從儉 治丧从俭 T - 0 zhì sàng cóng jiǎn f /to be frugal in attending to funeral rites (idiom)/ 治国 治國 S - 571 zhì guó f /to rule a country/ 治国理政 治國理政 S - 0 zhì guó lǐ zhèng f /to manage state affairs/to govern the country/ 治國 治国 T - 571 zhì guó f /to rule a country/ 治國理政 治国理政 T - 0 zhì guó lǐ zhèng f /to manage state affairs/to govern the country/ 治外法权 治外法權 S - 36 zhì wài fǎ quán f /diplomatic immunity/(history) extraterritoriality, the rights (under unequal treaties) of a foreigner to live in China outside Chinese jurisdiction/ 治外法權 治外法权 T - 36 zhì wài fǎ quán f /diplomatic immunity/(history) extraterritoriality, the rights (under unequal treaties) of a foreigner to live in China outside Chinese jurisdiction/ 治多 - 0 Zhì duō f /Zhidoi county (Tibetan: 'bri stod rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 治多县 治多縣 S - 3 Zhì duō xiàn f /Zhidoi county (Tibetan: 'bri stod rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 治多縣 治多县 T - 3 Zhì duō xiàn f /Zhidoi county (Tibetan: 'bri stod rdzong) in Yushu Tibetan autonomous prefecture 玉樹藏族自治州|玉树藏族自治州[Yu4 shu4 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 治大国若烹小鲜 治大國若烹小鮮 S - 0 zhì dà guó ruò pēng xiǎo xiān f /ruling a large nation is like cooking a small delicacy (idiom)/effective government requires minimal intervention/ 治大國若烹小鮮 治大国若烹小鲜 T - 0 zhì dà guó ruò pēng xiǎo xiān f /ruling a large nation is like cooking a small delicacy (idiom)/effective government requires minimal intervention/ 治好 - 3 zhì hǎo f /to cure/ 治学 治學 S - 130 zhì xué f /scholarship/high-level study/to do scholarly research/to pursue a high level of study/ 治學 治学 T - 130 zhì xué f /scholarship/high-level study/to do scholarly research/to pursue a high level of study/ 治安 2758 1761 zhì ān f /law and order/public security/ 治愈 治癒 S - 327 zhì yù f /to cure/ 治未病 - 0 zhì wèi bìng f /preventative treatment (medicine)/ 治本 - 82 zhì běn f /to take radical measures/to get to the root (of a problem etc)/ 治标 治標 S - 34 zhì biāo f /to treat only the symptoms but not the root cause/ 治标不治本 治標不治本 S - 6 zhì biāo bù zhì běn f /to treat the symptoms but not the root cause/ 治標 治标 T - 34 zhì biāo f /to treat only the symptoms but not the root cause/ 治標不治本 治标不治本 T - 6 zhì biāo bù zhì běn f /to treat the symptoms but not the root cause/ 治死 - 0 zhì sǐ f /to put to death/ 治气 治氣 S - 0 zhì qì f /to get angry/ 治氣 治气 T - 0 zhì qì f /to get angry/ 治理 4492 2766 zhì lǐ f /to govern/to administer/to manage/to control/governance/ 治疗 治療 S 1291 7678 zhì liáo f /to treat (an illness)/medical treatment/therapy/ 治疗法 治療法 S - 4 zhì liáo fǎ f /therapy/ 治疗炎症 治療炎症 S - 0 zhì liáo yán zhèng f /anti-inflammatory (medicine)/ 治病 - 529 zhì bìng f /to treat an illness/ 治病救人 - 64 zhì bìng jiù rén f /to treat the disease to save the patient/to criticize a person in order to help him/ 治療 治疗 T 1291 7678 zhì liáo f /to treat (an illness)/medical treatment/therapy/ 治療法 治疗法 T - 4 zhì liáo fǎ f /therapy/ 治療炎症 治疗炎症 T - 0 zhì liáo yán zhèng f /anti-inflammatory (medicine)/ 治癒 治愈 T - 327 zhì yù f /to cure/ 治罪 - 110 zhì zuì f /to punish sb (for a crime)/ 治装 治裝 S - 3 zhì zhuāng f /to prepare necessities (chiefly clothes) for a journey abroad/ 治装费 治裝費 S - 3 zhì zhuāng fèi f /expenses for 治裝|治装[zhi4 zhuang1]/ 治裝 治装 T - 3 zhì zhuāng f /to prepare necessities (chiefly clothes) for a journey abroad/ 治裝費 治装费 T - 3 zhì zhuāng fèi f /expenses for 治裝|治装[zhi4 zhuang1]/ 治軍 治军 T - 131 zhì jūn f /running of armed forces/military management/to govern armed forces/to direct troops/ 沼 - 179 zhǎo f /pond/pool/ 沼气 沼氣 S - 100 zhǎo qì f /marsh gas/methane CH4/ 沼氣 沼气 T - 100 zhǎo qì f /marsh gas/methane CH4/ 沼泽 沼澤 S 3446 1077 zhǎo zé f /marsh/swamp/wetlands/glade/ 沼泽地 沼澤地 S - 225 zhǎo zé dì f /marsh/swamp/everglade/ 沼泽地带 沼澤地帶 S - 3 zhǎo zé dì dài f /marsh/swamp/everglade/ 沼泽大尾莺 沼澤大尾鶯 S - 0 zhǎo zé dà wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) striated grassbird (Megalurus palustris)/ 沼泽山雀 沼澤山雀 S - 0 zhǎo zé shān què f /(bird species of China) marsh tit (Poecile palustris)/ 沼澤 沼泽 T 3446 1077 zhǎo zé f /marsh/swamp/wetlands/glade/ 沼澤地 沼泽地 T - 225 zhǎo zé dì f /marsh/swamp/everglade/ 沼澤地帶 沼泽地带 T - 3 zhǎo zé dì dài f /marsh/swamp/everglade/ 沼澤大尾鶯 沼泽大尾莺 T - 0 zhǎo zé dà wěi yīng f /(bird species of China) striated grassbird (Megalurus palustris)/ 沼澤山雀 沼泽山雀 T - 0 zhǎo zé shān què f /(bird species of China) marsh tit (Poecile palustris)/ 沼狸 - 0 zhǎo lí t /meerkat/see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]/ 沼狸 - 0 zhǎo li f /see 狐獴[hu2 meng3]/ 沽 - 461 Gū f /abbr. for Tianjin 天津 (also 津沽)/ 沽 - 461 gū f /to buy/to sell/ 沽名釣譽 沽名钓誉 T - 37 gū míng diào yù f /to angle for fame (idiom)/to fish for compliments/ 沽名钓誉 沽名釣譽 S - 37 gū míng diào yù f /to angle for fame (idiom)/to fish for compliments/ 沽源 - 11 Gū yuán f /Guyuan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 沽源县 沽源縣 S - 4 Gū yuán xiàn f /Guyuan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 沽源縣 沽源县 T - 4 Gū yuán xiàn f /Guyuan county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 沾 - 1023 zhān f /to moisten/to be infected by/to receive benefit or advantage through a contact/to touch/ 沾 霑 S - 1023 zhān f /variant of 沾[zhan1]/to moisten/ 沾光 4973 26 zhān guāng f /to bask in the light/fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth/reflected glory/ 沾化 - 3 Zhān huà f /Zhanhu county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 沾化县 沾化縣 S - 2 Zhān huà xiàn f /Zhanhu county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 沾化縣 沾化县 T - 2 Zhān huà xiàn f /Zhanhu county in Binzhou 濱州|滨州[Bin1 zhou1], Shandong/ 沾唇 - 0 zhān chún f /to moisten one's lips/to sip (wine, tea etc)/esp. used with negatives: never touch a drop of the stuff/ 沾染 - 124 zhān rǎn f /to pollute (often fig.)/to be infected by/to gain a small advantage/ 沾染世俗 - 0 zhān rǎn shì sú f /to be corrupted by the ways of the world (idiom)/ 沾染习气 沾染習氣 S - 3 zhān rǎn xí qì f /to be tainted with unhealthy habits (idiom)/ 沾染控制 - 0 zhān rǎn kòng zhì f /contamination control/ 沾染程度检查仪 沾染程度檢查儀 S - 0 zhān rǎn chéng dù jiǎn chá yí f /contamination meter/ 沾染程度檢查儀 沾染程度检查仪 T - 0 zhān rǎn chéng dù jiǎn chá yí f /contamination meter/ 沾染習氣 沾染习气 T - 3 zhān rǎn xí qì f /to be tainted with unhealthy habits (idiom)/ 沾沾自喜 - 69 zhān zhān zì xǐ f /immeasurably self-satisfied/ 沾湿 沾濕 S - 20 zhān shī f /to moisten/to dampen/to be steeped in/to be imbued with/ 沾满 沾滿 S - 123 zhān mǎn f /muddy/covered in (mud, dust, sweat, blood etc)/daubed in/ 沾滿 沾满 T - 123 zhān mǎn f /muddy/covered in (mud, dust, sweat, blood etc)/daubed in/ 沾濕 沾湿 T - 20 zhān shī f /to moisten/to dampen/to be steeped in/to be imbued with/ 沾濡 - 3 zhān rú f /to moisten/ 沾益 霑益 S - 4 Zhān yì f /Zhanyi county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ 沾益县 霑益縣 S - 4 Zhān yì xiàn f /Zhanyi county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan/ 沾花惹草 - 2 zhān huā rě cǎo f /to fondle the flowers and trample the grass (idiom)/to womanize/to frequent brothels/to sow one's wild oats/ 沾边 沾邊 S - 51 zhān biān f /to have a connection with/to be close (to reality)/to be relevant/to have one's hand in/ 沾邊 沾边 T - 51 zhān biān f /to have a connection with/to be close (to reality)/to be relevant/to have one's hand in/ 沾酱 沾醬 S - 0 zhān jiàng f /dip (cookery)/ 沾醬 沾酱 T - 0 zhān jiàng f /dip (cookery)/ 沿 - 3356 yán f /along/to follow (a line, tradition etc)/to carry on/to trim (a border with braid, tape etc)/border/edge/ 沿例 - 3 yán lì f /following the model/according to precedent/ 沿儿 沿兒 S - 9 yán r f /edge (used directly after a noun, e.g. roadside 馬路沿兒|马路沿儿)/ 沿兒 沿儿 T - 9 yán r f /edge (used directly after a noun, e.g. roadside 馬路沿兒|马路沿儿)/ 沿岸 - 1892 yán àn f /coastal area/littoral or riparian/ 沿岸地区 沿岸地區 S - 3 yán àn dì qū f /coastal area/ 沿岸地區 沿岸地区 T - 3 yán àn dì qū f /coastal area/ 沿条儿 沿條兒 S - 3 yán tiáo r f /tape seam (in dressmaking)/tape trim/ 沿條兒 沿条儿 T - 3 yán tiáo r f /tape seam (in dressmaking)/tape trim/ 沿江 - 537 yán jiāng f /along the river/the region around the river/ 沿河县 沿河縣 S - 0 Yán hé xiàn f /Yanhe Tujia autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 沿河土家族自治县 沿河土家族自治縣 S - 0 Yán hé Tǔ jiā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yanhe Tujia autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 沿河土家族自治縣 沿河土家族自治县 T - 0 Yán hé Tǔ jiā zú zì zhì xiàn f /Yanhe Tujia autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 沿河縣 沿河县 T - 0 Yán hé xiàn f /Yanhe Tujia autonomous county in Tongren prefecture 銅仁地區|铜仁地区[Tong2 ren2 di4 qu1], Guizhou/ 沿洄 - 0 yán huí f /to go with the stream/ 沿海 4725 3527 yán hǎi f /coastal/ 沿海地区 沿海地區 S - 94 yán hǎi dì qū f /coastland/coastal areas/ 沿海地區 沿海地区 T - 94 yán hǎi dì qū f /coastland/coastal areas/ 沿海州 - 0 yán hǎi zhōu f /coastal region/refers to Russian far east Primorsky Krai/ 沿滩 沿灘 S - 0 Yán tān f /Yantan district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 沿滩区 沿灘區 S - 3 Yán tān qū f /Yantan district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 沿灘 沿滩 T - 0 Yán tān f /Yantan district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 沿灘區 沿滩区 T - 3 Yán tān qū f /Yantan district of Zigong city 自貢市|自贡市[Zi4 gong4 shi4], Sichuan/ 沿用 - 1419 yán yòng f /to continue to use (old methods)/to apply as before/according to usage/ 沿着 沿著 S - 1699 yán zhe f /to go along/to follow/ 沿線 沿线 T - 553 yán xiàn f /along the line (e.g. railway)/the region near the line/ 沿线 沿線 S - 553 yán xiàn f /along the line (e.g. railway)/the region near the line/ 沿著 沿着 T - 1699 yán zhe f /to go along/to follow/ 沿袭 沿襲 S - 360 yán xí f /to carry on as before/to follow (an old custom etc)/ 沿襲 沿袭 T - 360 yán xí f /to carry on as before/to follow (an old custom etc)/ 沿路 - 155 yán lù f /along the way/the duration of a journey/ 沿边 沿邊 S - 64 yán biān f /close to the border/along the border/ 沿边儿 沿邊兒 S - 3 yán biān r f /to trim (border with braid, tape etc)/ 沿途 - 711 yán tú f /along the sides of the road/by the wayside/ 沿邊 沿边 T - 64 yán biān f /close to the border/along the border/ 沿邊兒 沿边儿 T - 3 yán biān r f /to trim (border with braid, tape etc)/ 沿革 - 2023 yán gé f /evolution of sth over time/course of development/history/ 況 况 T - 367 kuàng f /moreover/situation/ 況且 况且 T 3686 766 kuàng qiě f /moreover/besides/in addition/furthermore/ 況味 况味 T - 5 kuàng wèi f /circumstances/atmosphere/mood/ 泂 - 0 jiǒng f /vast/ 泄 - 1021 xiè f /to leak (of water or gas)/to drip/to drain/to discharge/to leak out/to divulge (secrets)/to give vent (to anger, spite etc)/to disperse/to reduce/ 泄 洩 S - 1021 xiè f /variant of 泄[xie4]/ 泄出 - 3 xiè chū f /to leak out/to release (liquid or gas)/ 泄劲 洩勁 S - 2 xiè jìn f /to lose heart/to feel discouraged/ 泄密 洩密 S - 95 xiè mì f /to leak secrets/ 泄底 洩底 S - 3 xiè dǐ f /to divulge the inside story/ 泄怒 洩怒 S - 0 xiè nù f /to give vent to anger/ 泄恨 洩恨 S - 6 xiè hèn f /to give vent to anger/ 泄愤 洩憤 S - 47 xiè fèn f /to give vent to anger/ 泄欲 洩慾 S - 0 xiè yù f /to sate one's lust/ 泄欲工具 洩慾工具 S - 0 xiè yù gōng jù f /sexual object/ 泄殖肛孔 - 0 xiè zhí gāng kǒng f /cloaca (of bird or reptile)/ 泄殖腔 洩殖腔 S - 17 xiè zhí qiāng f /cloaca/cloacal cavity (of bird, reptile etc)/ 泄气 洩氣 S 4131 148 xiè qì f /to leak (gas)/to be discouraged/to despair/(disparaging) pathetic/to vent one's anger/(of a tire) to be flat/ 泄泻 泄瀉 S - 41 xiè xiè f /diarrhea/ 泄泻 洩瀉 S - 41 xiè xiè f /loose bowels/diarrhea/to have the runs/ 泄洪 洩洪 S - 73 xiè hóng f /to release flood water/flood discharge/ 泄洪闸 洩洪閘 S - 6 xiè hóng zhá f /sluice-gate/flood discharge valve/ 泄流 洩流 S - 0 xiè liú f /drainage/ 泄漏 - 473 xiè lòu f /(of a liquid or gas) to leak/to divulge (a secret)/to leak/ 泄漏天机 泄漏天機 S - 3 xiè lòu tiān jī f /to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret/to let the cat out of the bag/ 泄漏天機 泄漏天机 T - 3 xiè lòu tiān jī f /to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret/to let the cat out of the bag/ 泄瀉 泄泻 T - 41 xiè xiè f /diarrhea/ 泄痢 洩痢 S - 0 xiè lì f /to have diarrhea/ 泄私愤 洩私憤 S - 9 xiè sī fèn f /to vent personal spite/to act out of malice (esp. of crime)/ 泄露 3001 495 xiè lù f /to leak (information)/to divulge/also pr. [xie4 lou4]/ 泄露天机 泄露天機 S - 9 xiè lù tiān jī f /to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret/to let the cat out of the bag/ 泄露天機 泄露天机 T - 9 xiè lù tiān jī f /to divulge the will of heaven (idiom); to leak a secret/to let the cat out of the bag/ 泅 - 18 qiú f /to swim/ 泅渡 - 20 qiú dù f /to swim across/ 泅游 泅遊 S - 0 qiú yóu f /to swim/ 泅遊 泅游 T - 0 qiú yóu f /to swim/ 泆 - 0 yì f /licentious, libertine, dissipate/ 泈 - 0 Zhōng f /old variant of 汷[Zhong1]/ 泉 - 1607 quán f /spring (small stream)/mouth of a spring/coin (archaic)/ 泉华 泉華 S - 0 quán huá f /to sinter (metallurgy)/ 泉山 - 0 Quán shān f /Quanshan district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 泉山区 泉山區 S - 3 Quán shān qū f /Quanshan district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 泉山區 泉山区 T - 3 Quán shān qū f /Quanshan district of Xuzhou city 徐州市[Xu2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 泉州 - 404 Quán zhōu f /Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian/ 泉州市 - 60 Quán zhōu shì f /Quanzhou prefecture level city in Fujian/ 泉币 泉幣 S - 0 quán bì f /coin (archaic)/ 泉幣 泉币 T - 0 quán bì f /coin (archaic)/ 泉水 - 593 quán shuǐ f /spring water/CL:股[gu3]/ 泉涌 泉湧 S - 58 quán yǒng f /to gush/ 泉港 - 0 Quán gǎng f /Quangang district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 泉港区 泉港區 S - 3 Quán gǎng qū f /Quangang district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 泉港區 泉港区 T - 3 Quán gǎng qū f /Quangang district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 泉湧 泉涌 T - 58 quán yǒng f /to gush/ 泉源 - 9 quán yuán f /springhead/fountainhead/(fig.) source/ 泉眼 - 37 quán yǎn f /mouth of a spring or fountain/ 泉石膏肓 - 3 quán shí gāo huāng f /lit. mountain springs and rocks in one's heart (idiom); a deep love of mountain scenery/ 泉華 泉华 T - 0 quán huá f /to sinter (metallurgy)/ 泉路 - 0 quán lù f /netherworld/ 泊 - 969 bó f /to anchor/touch at/to moor/ 泊 - 969 pō t /lake/Taiwan pr. [bo2]/ 泊位 - 1232 bó wèi f /berth/ 泊头市 泊頭市 S - 5 Bó tóu shì f /Botou county level city in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 泊松 - 0 Bó sōng f /S.D. Poisson (1781-1840), French mathematician/also pr. [Po1 song1]/ 泊松分佈 泊松分布 T - 0 Bó sōng fēn bù f /Poisson distribution (in statistics)/ 泊松分布 泊松分佈 S - 0 Bó sōng fēn bù f /Poisson distribution (in statistics)/ 泊車 泊车 T - 3 bó chē f /to park (a vehicle) (loanword)/parking/parked car/ 泊车 泊車 S - 3 bó chē f /to park (a vehicle) (loanword)/parking/parked car/ 泊頭市 泊头市 T - 5 Bó tóu shì f /Botou county level city in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 泌 - 143 mì f /to secrete/to excrete/also pr. [bi4]/ 泌乳 - 110 mì rǔ f /lactation/ 泌尿 - 157 mì niào f /to urinate/urination/ 泌尿器 - 3 mì niào qì f /urinary tract/urinary organs/ 泌尿系統 泌尿系统 T - 3 mì niào xì tǒng f /urinary system/ 泌尿系统 泌尿系統 S - 3 mì niào xì tǒng f /urinary system/ 泌阳 泌陽 S - 8 Bì yáng f /Biyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 泌阳县 泌陽縣 S - 3 Bì yáng xiàn f /Biyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 泌陽 泌阳 T - 8 Bì yáng f /Biyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 泌陽縣 泌阳县 T - 3 Bì yáng xiàn f /Biyang county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhu4 ma3 dian4], Henan/ 泐 - 7 lè f /to write/ 泑 - 2 yǒu f /the vitreous glaze on china, porcelain etc/ 泒 - 11 gū f /name of a river/ 泓 - 86 hóng f /clear/vast and deep/classifier for a body of clear water/ 泔 - 11 gān f /slop from rinsing rice/ 泔水 - 31 gān shuǐ f /slop/swill/ 法 㳒 S - 23361 fǎ f /variant of 法[fa3]/ 法 - 23361 Fǎ f /France/French/abbr. for 法國|法国[Fa3 guo2]/Taiwan pr. [Fa4]/ 法 - 23361 fǎ f /law/method/way/Buddhist teaching/Legalist/ 法 灋 S - 23361 fǎ f /old variant of 法[fa3]/law/ 法事 - 29 fǎ shì f /religious ceremony/ritual/ 法人 4758 690 fǎ rén f /legal person/corporation/see also 自然人[zi4 ran2 ren2]/ 法令 - 1112 fǎ lìng f /decree/ordinance/ 法会 法會 S - 57 fǎ huì f /(Buddhist) religious assembly/ 法儿 法兒 S - 118 fǎ r f /way/method/means/Taiwan pr. [fa1 r5]/ 法克 - 0 fǎ kè f /fuck (loanword)/ 法兒 法儿 T - 118 fǎ r f /way/method/means/Taiwan pr. [fa1 r5]/ 法兰 法蘭 S - 11 fǎ lán f /flange (loanword)/ 法兰克 法蘭克 S - 154 Fǎ lán kè f /the Franks (Germanic people who arrived in Europe from 600 AD and took over France)/ 法兰克林 法蘭克林 S - 0 Fǎ lán kè lín f /Franklin (name)/Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)/ 法兰克福 法蘭克福 S - 460 Fǎ lán kè fú f /Frankfurt (Germany)/ 法兰克福学派 法蘭克福學派 S - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Xué pài f /Frankfurt School/ 法兰克福汇报 法蘭克福匯報 S - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Huì bào f /Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/ 法兰克福证券交易所 法蘭克福證券交易所 S - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ f /Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)/ 法兰克福车展 法蘭克福車展 S - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Chē zhǎn f /the Frankfurt Motor Show/ 法兰德斯 法蘭德斯 S - 0 Fǎ lán dé sī f /Flanders, region (state) of Belgium 比利時|比利时[Bi3 li4 shi2]/ 法兰斯 法蘭斯 S - 0 Fǎ lán sī f /France (phonetic transliteration)/ 法兰绒 法蘭絨 S - 8 fǎ lán róng f /flannel (loanword)/Taiwan pr. [fa4 lan2 rong2]/ 法兰西 法蘭西 S - 503 Fǎ lán xī f /France/ 法兰西体育场 法蘭西體育場 S - 0 Fǎ lán xī Tǐ yù chǎng f /Stade de France/ 法兰西斯 法蘭西斯 S - 12 Fǎ lán xī sī f /Francis (name)/ 法兰西斯·培根 法蘭西斯·培根 S - 0 Fǎ lán xī sī · Péi gēn f /Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English renaissance philosopher and early scientist/ 法兰西斯·斐迪南 法蘭西斯·斐迪南 S - 0 Fǎ lán xī sī · Fěi dí nán f /Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), heir to the Hapsburg throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to World War I/ 法典 - 554 fǎ diǎn f /legal code/statute/ 法兹鲁拉 法茲魯拉 S - 0 Fǎ zī lǔ lā f /Maulana Fazlullah, Pakistan Taleban leader/ 法军 法軍 S - 50 Fǎ jūn f /French army/ 法则 法則 S - 522 fǎ zé f /law/rule/code/ 法利賽人 法利赛人 T - 0 Fǎ lì sài rén f /Pharisee/ 法利赛人 法利賽人 S - 0 Fǎ lì sài rén f /Pharisee/ 法制 - 1917 fǎ zhì f /legal system and institutions/ 法制 法製 S - 1917 Fǎ zhì f /made in France/ 法制办公室 法制辦公室 S - 0 Fǎ zhì Bàn gōng shì f /Legislative Affairs Office, LAO (PRC)/ 法制日報 法制日报 T - 8 Fǎ zhì Rì bào f /Legal Daily, newspaper published by PRC Ministry of Justice/ 法制日报 法制日報 S - 8 Fǎ zhì Rì bào f /Legal Daily, newspaper published by PRC Ministry of Justice/ 法制晚报 法製晚報 S - 3 Fǎ zhì wǎn bào f /Lawcourt evening news, offshoot of 北京年青报 specialising in legal news, www.fawan.com/ 法制辦公室 法制办公室 T - 0 Fǎ zhì Bàn gōng shì f /Legislative Affairs Office, LAO (PRC)/ 法則 法则 T - 522 fǎ zé f /law/rule/code/ 法力 - 59 fǎ lì f /magic power/ 法办 法辦 S - 28 fǎ bàn f /to bring to justice/to punish according to the law/ 法勒斯 - 0 Fǎ lè sī f /Perez (son of Judah)/ 法医 法醫 S - 61 fǎ yī f /forensic investigator/forensic detective/ 法医学 法醫學 S - 33 fǎ yī xué f /forensics/ 法华经 法華經 S - 0 Fǎ huá jīng f /The Lotus Sutra/ 法压壶 法壓壺 S - 0 Fǎ yā hú f /French press/press pot/ 法号 法號 S - 33 fǎ hào f /name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoist within monastery)/ 法名 - 212 fǎ míng f /name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoist within monastery)/same as 法號|法号[fa3 hao4]/ 法向力 - 0 fǎ xiàng lì f /normal force (physics)/ 法向量 - 0 fǎ xiàng liàng f /normal vector/ 法商 - 152 fǎ shāng f /"legal quotient" (LQ), a measure of one's awareness and knowledge of the law and one's standard of honorable conduct/ 法国 法國 S - 11361 Fǎ guó f /France/French/ 法国人 法國人 S - 473 Fǎ guó rén f /Frenchman/French person/ 法国号 法國號 S - 0 Fǎ guó hào f /French horn/ 法国大革命 法國大革命 S - 0 Fǎ guó Dà gé mìng f /French Revolution (1789-1799)/ 法国梧桐 法國梧桐 S - 24 fǎ guó wú tóng f /plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia)/ 法国航空 法國航空 S - 0 Fǎ guó Háng kōng f /Air France/ 法国航空公司 法國航空公司 S - 10 Fǎ guó Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Air France/ 法国长棍 法國長棍 S - 0 Fǎ guó cháng gùn f /baguette/ 法国革命 法國革命 S - 0 Fǎ guó Gé mìng f /French Revolution (1789)/ 法國 法国 T - 11361 Fǎ guó f /France/French/ 法國人 法国人 T - 473 Fǎ guó rén f /Frenchman/French person/ 法國大革命 法国大革命 T - 0 Fǎ guó Dà gé mìng f /French Revolution (1789-1799)/ 法國梧桐 法国梧桐 T - 24 fǎ guó wú tóng f /plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia)/ 法國航空 法国航空 T - 0 Fǎ guó Háng kōng f /Air France/ 法國航空公司 法国航空公司 T - 10 Fǎ guó Háng kōng Gōng sī f /Air France/ 法國號 法国号 T - 0 Fǎ guó hào f /French horn/ 法國長棍 法国长棍 T - 0 Fǎ guó cháng gùn f /baguette/ 法國革命 法国革命 T - 0 Fǎ guó Gé mìng f /French Revolution (1789)/ 法场 法場 S - 60 fǎ chǎng f /execution ground/ 法場 法场 T - 60 fǎ chǎng f /execution ground/ 法塔赫 - 29 Fǎ tǎ hè f /Fatah, Palestinian organization/ 法壓壺 法压壶 T - 0 Fǎ yā hú f /French press/press pot/ 法外 - 0 fǎ wài f /outside the law/beyond the law/extra-judicial/ 法子 - 1160 fǎ zi f /way/method/Taiwan pr. [fa2 zi5]/ 法学 法學 S - 1244 fǎ xué f /law/legal studies/ 法学博士 法學博士 S - 3 fǎ xué bó shì f /Doctor of Laws/Legum Doctor/ 法学士 法學士 S - 3 fǎ xué shì f /Bachelor of Laws/Legum Baccalaureus/ 法学家 法學家 S - 136 fǎ xué jiā f /jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist school/ 法学院 法學院 S - 124 fǎ xué yuàn f /law school/ 法學 法学 T - 1244 fǎ xué f /law/legal studies/ 法學博士 法学博士 T - 3 fǎ xué bó shì f /Doctor of Laws/Legum Doctor/ 法學士 法学士 T - 3 fǎ xué shì f /Bachelor of Laws/Legum Baccalaureus/ 法學家 法学家 T - 136 fǎ xué jiā f /jurist/member of the pre-Han legalist school/ 法學院 法学院 T - 124 fǎ xué yuàn f /law school/ 法官 - 813 fǎ guān f /judge/ 法定 - 1305 fǎ dìng f /legal/statutory/rightful/ 法定人数 法定人數 S - 6 fǎ dìng rén shù f /quorum/ 法定人數 法定人数 T - 6 fǎ dìng rén shù f /quorum/ 法定代表人 - 0 fǎ dìng dài biǎo rén f /(law) legal representative of a corporation (e.g. chairman of the board of a company, principal of a school etc)/ 法定貨幣 法定货币 T - 0 fǎ dìng huò bì f /fiat currency/ 法定货币 法定貨幣 S - 0 fǎ dìng huò bì f /fiat currency/ 法宝 法寶 S - 245 fǎ bǎo f /Buddha's teaching/Buddhist monk's apparel, staff etc/(Daoism) magic weapon/talisman/fig. specially effective device/magic wand/ 法家 - 160 Fǎ jiā f /Legalist School of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC) founded by Han Fei 韓非|韩非[Han2 Fei1] and Li Si 李斯[Li3 Si1], later adopted by Shang Yang 商鞅[Shang1 Yang1] whose reforms helped establish the supremacy of the Qin Dynasty 秦代[Qin1 dai4] (221-207 BC)/ 法寶 法宝 T - 245 fǎ bǎo f /Buddha's teaching/Buddhist monk's apparel, staff etc/(Daoism) magic weapon/talisman/fig. specially effective device/magic wand/ 法尔卡什 法爾卡什 S - 0 Fǎ ěr kǎ shí f /Farkas (Hungarian name)/ 法属圭亚那 法屬圭亞那 S - 38 Fǎ shǔ Guī yà nà f /French Guiana/ 法属波利尼西亚 法屬波利尼西亞 S - 11 Fǎ shǔ Bō lì ní xī yà f /French Polynesia/ 法屬圭亞那 法属圭亚那 T - 38 Fǎ shǔ Guī yà nà f /French Guiana/ 法屬波利尼西亞 法属波利尼西亚 T - 11 Fǎ shǔ Bō lì ní xī yà f /French Polynesia/ 法币 法幣 S - 65 fǎ bì f /Fabi, first currency issued by the 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] in 1935, in use until 1948/ 法师 法師 S - 202 fǎ shī f /one who has mastered the sutras (Buddhism)/ 法師 法师 T - 202 fǎ shī f /one who has mastered the sutras (Buddhism)/ 法幣 法币 T - 65 fǎ bì f /Fabi, first currency issued by the 國民黨|国民党[Guo2 min2 dang3] in 1935, in use until 1948/ 法库 法庫 S - 9 Fǎ kù f /Faku county in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 法库县 法庫縣 S - 5 Fǎ kù xiàn f /Faku county in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 法度 - 216 fǎ dù f /(a) law/ 法庫 法库 T - 9 Fǎ kù f /Faku county in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 法庫縣 法库县 T - 5 Fǎ kù xiàn f /Faku county in Shenyang 沈陽|沈阳, Liaoning/ 法庭 - 1914 fǎ tíng f /court of law/ 法式 - 48 Fǎ shì f /French style/ 法式 - 48 fǎ shì f /rule/method/model/ 法式色拉酱 法式色拉醬 S - 0 Fǎ shì sè lā jiàng f /French dressing/vinaigrette/ 法式色拉醬 法式色拉酱 T - 0 Fǎ shì sè lā jiàng f /French dressing/vinaigrette/ 法律 775 24213 fǎ lǜ f /law/CL:條|条[tiao2], 套[tao4], 個|个[ge4]/ 法律制裁 - 3 fǎ lǜ zhì cái f /legal sanction/prescribed punishment/punishable by law/ 法律約束力 法律约束力 T - 0 fǎ lǜ yuē shù lì f /legal force (i.e. binding in law)/ 法律约束力 法律約束力 S - 0 fǎ lǜ yuē shù lì f /legal force (i.e. binding in law)/ 法律責任 法律责任 T - 3 fǎ lǜ zé rèn f /legal responsibility/liability/ 法律责任 法律責任 S - 3 fǎ lǜ zé rèn f /legal responsibility/liability/ 法拉 - 96 fǎ lā f /farad, SI unit of electrical capacitance (loanword)/ 法拉利 - 44 Fǎ lā lì f /Ferrari/ 法拉盛 - 3 Fǎ lā shèng f /Flushing Chinatown, a predominantly Chinese and Korean neighborhood of Queens, New York City/ 法拉第 - 397 Fǎ lā dì f /Faraday (name)/Michael Faraday (1791-1867), British experimental physicist prominent in the development of electricity/ 法文 - 162 Fǎ wén f /French language/ 法新社 - 189 Fǎ xīn shè f /Agence France Presse/AFP news agency/ 法會 法会 T - 57 fǎ huì f /(Buddhist) religious assembly/ 法服 - 3 fǎ fú f /see 法衣[fa3 yi1]/ 法术 法術 S - 79 fǎ shù f /magic/ 法案 - 507 fǎ àn f /bill/proposed law/ 法棍 - 0 Fǎ gùn f /baguette (bread)/ 法槌 - 3 fǎ chuí f /gavel/ 法治 - 529 fǎ zhì f /rule of law/to rule by law/ 法治建設 法治建设 T - 0 fǎ zhì jiàn shè f /legislation/constructing legal institutions/ 法治建设 法治建設 S - 0 fǎ zhì jiàn shè f /legislation/constructing legal institutions/ 法海 - 7 Fǎ hǎi f /Fahai, name of the evil Buddhist monk in Tale of the White Snake 白蛇傳/ 法源 - 0 fǎ yuán f /Origin of Dharma (in Buddhism)/source of the law/ 法源寺 - 3 Fǎ yuán sì f /Fayuan or Source of the Law temple in Beijing/ 法爾卡什 法尔卡什 T - 0 Fǎ ěr kǎ shí f /Farkas (Hungarian name)/ 法王 - 789 Fǎ wáng f /Sakyamuni/ 法理 - 98 fǎ lǐ f /legal principle/jurisprudence/ 法相宗 - 22 Fǎ xiàng zōng f /Yogācāra school of Buddhism/Dharma-character school of Buddhism/ 法码 法碼 S - 0 fǎ mǎ f /variant of 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3]/ 法碼 法码 T - 0 fǎ mǎ f /variant of 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3]/ 法筵 - 0 fǎ yán f /the seat of the Law, on which the one who explains the doctrine is seated (Buddhism)/ 法紀 法纪 T - 51 fǎ jì f /law and order/rules and discipline/ 法網 法网 T - 48 fǎ wǎng f /the net of justice/rigorous process of the law/the long arm of the law/ 法網灰灰,疏而不漏 法网灰灰,疏而不漏 T - 0 fǎ wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu f /The net of justice is wide, but no-one escapes./ 法網難逃 法网难逃 T - 0 fǎ wǎng nán táo f /it is hard to escape the net of justice (idiom)/ 法線 法线 T - 45 fǎ xiàn f /normal line to a surface/ 法纪 法紀 S - 51 fǎ jì f /law and order/rules and discipline/ 法线 法線 S - 45 fǎ xiàn f /normal line to a surface/ 法网 法網 S - 48 fǎ wǎng f /the net of justice/rigorous process of the law/the long arm of the law/ 法网灰灰,疏而不漏 法網灰灰,疏而不漏 S - 0 fǎ wǎng huī huī , shū ér bù lòu f /The net of justice is wide, but no-one escapes./ 法网难逃 法網難逃 S - 0 fǎ wǎng nán táo f /it is hard to escape the net of justice (idiom)/ 法罗群岛 法羅群島 S - 20 Fǎ luó Qún dǎo f /Faroe Islands/ 法羅群島 法罗群岛 T - 20 Fǎ luó Qún dǎo f /Faroe Islands/ 法老 - 123 fǎ lǎo f /pharaoh (loanword)/ 法耶德 - 0 Fǎ yē dé f /Fayed (name)/Mohamed Abdel Moneim Fayed (1933-), controversial Egyptian-born businessman and philanthropist, owner of Harrods (London) and Fulham football club/ 法航 - 17 Fǎ háng f /Air France/ 法茲魯拉 法兹鲁拉 T - 0 Fǎ zī lǔ lā f /Maulana Fazlullah, Pakistan Taleban leader/ 法華經 法华经 T - 0 Fǎ huá jīng f /The Lotus Sutra/ 法蒂玛 法蒂瑪 S - 38 Fǎ dì mǎ f /Fatimah (name)/ 法蒂瑪 法蒂玛 T - 38 Fǎ dì mǎ f /Fatimah (name)/ 法蘭 法兰 T - 11 fǎ lán f /flange (loanword)/ 法蘭克 法兰克 T - 154 Fǎ lán kè f /the Franks (Germanic people who arrived in Europe from 600 AD and took over France)/ 法蘭克林 法兰克林 T - 0 Fǎ lán kè lín f /Franklin (name)/Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)/ 法蘭克福 法兰克福 T - 460 Fǎ lán kè fú f /Frankfurt (Germany)/ 法蘭克福匯報 法兰克福汇报 T - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Huì bào f /Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung/ 法蘭克福學派 法兰克福学派 T - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Xué pài f /Frankfurt School/ 法蘭克福證券交易所 法兰克福证券交易所 T - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ f /Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FSE)/ 法蘭克福車展 法兰克福车展 T - 0 Fǎ lán kè fú Chē zhǎn f /the Frankfurt Motor Show/ 法蘭德斯 法兰德斯 T - 0 Fǎ lán dé sī f /Flanders, region (state) of Belgium 比利時|比利时[Bi3 li4 shi2]/ 法蘭斯 法兰斯 T - 0 Fǎ lán sī f /France (phonetic transliteration)/ 法蘭絨 法兰绒 T - 8 fǎ lán róng f /flannel (loanword)/Taiwan pr. [fa4 lan2 rong2]/ 法蘭西 法兰西 T - 503 Fǎ lán xī f /France/ 法蘭西斯 法兰西斯 T - 12 Fǎ lán xī sī f /Francis (name)/ 法蘭西斯·培根 法兰西斯·培根 T - 0 Fǎ lán xī sī · Péi gēn f /Francis Bacon (1561-1626), English renaissance philosopher and early scientist/ 法蘭西斯·斐迪南 法兰西斯·斐迪南 T - 0 Fǎ lán xī sī · Fěi dí nán f /Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914), heir to the Hapsburg throne, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to World War I/ 法蘭西體育場 法兰西体育场 T - 0 Fǎ lán xī Tǐ yù chǎng f /Stade de France/ 法號 法号 T - 33 fǎ hào f /name in religion (of Buddhist or Daoist within monastery)/ 法術 法术 T - 79 fǎ shù f /magic/ 法衣 - 9 fǎ yī f /robe of a Buddhist priest/ceremonial garment of a Daoist priest/robe of a judge, nun, priest etc/cassock/vestment/ 法製 法制 T - 1917 Fǎ zhì f /made in France/ 法製晚報 法制晚报 T - 3 Fǎ zhì wǎn bào f /Lawcourt evening news, offshoot of 北京年青报 specialising in legal news, www.fawan.com/ 法西斯 - 955 fǎ xī sī f /fascist (loanword)/ 法西斯主义 法西斯主義 S - 82 fǎ xī sī zhǔ yì f /fascism/ 法西斯主義 法西斯主义 T - 82 fǎ xī sī zhǔ yì f /fascism/ 法規 法规 T - 9539 fǎ guī f /legislation/statute/ 法规 法規 S - 9539 fǎ guī f /legislation/statute/ 法語 法语 T - 522 Fǎ yǔ f /French (language)/ 法警 - 9 fǎ jǐng f /bailiff/ 法语 法語 S - 522 Fǎ yǔ f /French (language)/ 法赫德 - 3 Fǎ hè dé f /King Fahd of Saudi Arabia/ 法軍 法军 T - 50 Fǎ jūn f /French army/ 法輪 法轮 T - 15 Fǎ lún f /the Eternal Wheel of life in Buddhism/ 法輪功 法轮功 T - 61 Fǎ lún Gōng f /Falun Gong (Chinese spiritual movement founded in 1992, regarded as a cult by the PRC government)/ 法輪大法 法轮大法 T - 3 Fǎ lún Dà fǎ f /another name for 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 Gong1]/ 法輪常轉 法轮常转 T - 3 Fǎ lún cháng zhuàn f /the Wheel turns constantly (idiom); Buddhist teaching will overcome everything/ 法轮 法輪 S - 15 Fǎ lún f /the Eternal Wheel of life in Buddhism/ 法轮功 法輪功 S - 61 Fǎ lún Gōng f /Falun Gong (Chinese spiritual movement founded in 1992, regarded as a cult by the PRC government)/ 法轮大法 法輪大法 S - 3 Fǎ lún Dà fǎ f /another name for 法輪功|法轮功[Fa3 lun2 Gong1]/ 法轮常转 法輪常轉 S - 3 Fǎ lún cháng zhuàn f /the Wheel turns constantly (idiom); Buddhist teaching will overcome everything/ 法辦 法办 T - 28 fǎ bàn f /to bring to justice/to punish according to the law/ 法郎 - 180 fǎ láng f /franc/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 法醫 法医 T - 61 fǎ yī f /forensic investigator/forensic detective/ 法醫學 法医学 T - 33 fǎ yī xué f /forensics/ 法門 法门 T - 215 fǎ mén f /gate to enlightment (Buddhism)/Buddhism/way/method/(old) south gate of a palace/ 法门 法門 S - 215 fǎ mén f /gate to enlightment (Buddhism)/Buddhism/way/method/(old) south gate of a palace/ 法院 1673 2312 fǎ yuàn f /court of law/court/ 法院裁决 法院裁決 S - 0 fǎ yuàn cái jué f /court ruling/ 法院裁決 法院裁决 T - 0 fǎ yuàn cái jué f /court ruling/ 法隆寺 - 4 Fǎ lōng sì f /Hōryūji, complex of Buddhist temples near Nara 奈良, Japan, dating back to the Asuka period 飛鳥時代|飞鸟时代 (c. 600)/ 法馬 法马 T - 0 fǎ mǎ f /variant of 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3]/ 法馬古斯塔 法马古斯塔 T - 2 Fǎ mǎ gǔ sī tǎ f /Famagusta (Ammochostos), Cyprus/ 法马 法馬 S - 0 fǎ mǎ f /variant of 砝碼|砝码[fa3 ma3]/ 法马古斯塔 法馬古斯塔 S - 2 Fǎ mǎ gǔ sī tǎ f /Famagusta (Ammochostos), Cyprus/ 法魯克 法鲁克 T - 16 Fǎ lǔ kè f /Farouk of Egypt (1920-1965), king of Egypt, reigned from 1936-1952/ 法鲁克 法魯克 S - 16 Fǎ lǔ kè f /Farouk of Egypt (1920-1965), king of Egypt, reigned from 1936-1952/ 泖 - 10 mǎo f /still water/ 泗 - 178 Sì f /river in Shandong/ 泗 - 178 sì f /nasal mucus/ 泗县 泗縣 S - 18 Sì xiàn f /Si county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4 zhou1], Anhui/ 泗水 - 72 Sì shuǐ f /Sishui County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/Surabaya, capital of East Java province of Indonesia/ 泗水县 泗水縣 S - 2 Sì shuǐ Xiàn f /Sishui County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 泗水縣 泗水县 T - 2 Sì shuǐ Xiàn f /Sishui County in Jining 濟寧|济宁[Ji3 ning2], Shandong/ 泗洪 - 10 Sì hóng f /Sihong County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 泗洪县 泗洪縣 S - 4 Sì hóng Xiàn f /Sihong County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 泗洪縣 泗洪县 T - 4 Sì hóng Xiàn f /Sihong County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 泗縣 泗县 T - 18 Sì xiàn f /Si county in Suzhou 宿州[Su4 zhou1], Anhui/ 泗阳 泗陽 S - 12 Sì yáng f /Siyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 泗阳县 泗陽縣 S - 5 Sì yáng Xiàn f /Siyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 泗陽 泗阳 T - 12 Sì yáng f /Siyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 泗陽縣 泗阳县 T - 5 Sì yáng Xiàn f /Siyang County in Suqian 宿遷|宿迁[Su4 qian1], Jiangsu/ 泙 - 0 píng f /sound of water splashing/ 泚 - 66 cǐ f /clear/bright and brilliant/ 泛 氾 S - 1131 fàn f /variant of 泛[fan4]/ 泛 汎 S - 1131 fàn f /variant of 泛[fan4]/ 泛 - 1131 fàn f /to float/to be suffused with/general/extensive/non-specific/flood/pan- (prefix)/ 泛代数 泛代數 S - 0 fàn dài shù f /universal algebra/ 泛代數 泛代数 T - 0 fàn dài shù f /universal algebra/ 泛光灯 泛光燈 S - 68 fàn guāng dēng f /floodlight/ 泛光燈 泛光灯 T - 68 fàn guāng dēng f /floodlight/ 泛函分析 - 0 fàn hán fēn xī f /(math.) functional analysis/ 泛大洋 - 0 fàn dà yáng f /Panthalassis (geology)/ 泛大陆 泛大陸 S - 0 fàn dà lù f /Pangea (geology)/ 泛大陸 泛大陆 T - 0 fàn dà lù f /Pangea (geology)/ 泛指 - 179 fàn zhǐ f /to make a general reference/to be used in a general sense/ 泛民主派 - 0 fàn mín zhǔ pài f /pan-Democratic alliance (Hong Kong)/ 泛泛之交 - 12 fàn fàn zhī jiāo f /nodding acquaintance/slight familiarity/ 泛泛而談 泛泛而谈 T - 6 fàn fàn ér tán f /to speak in general terms/ 泛泛而谈 泛泛而談 S - 6 fàn fàn ér tán f /to speak in general terms/ 泛滥 泛濫 S 4357 492 fàn làn f /to be in flood/to overflow (the banks)/to inundate/to spread unchecked/ 泛滥成灾 泛濫成災 S - 43 fàn làn chéng zāi f /flood causes disaster (idiom); fig. swamped with work/ 泛濫 泛滥 T 4357 492 fàn làn f /to be in flood/to overflow (the banks)/to inundate/to spread unchecked/ 泛濫成災 泛滥成灾 T - 43 fàn làn chéng zāi f /flood causes disaster (idiom); fig. swamped with work/ 泛珠三角 - 3 fàn zhū sān jiǎo f /Pan-Pearl River delta/The nine provinces of Southern China around Guangzhou and the Pearl River delta/South China/ 泛珠江三角 - 0 fàn zhū jiāng sān jiǎo f /the Pan-Pearl river delta (economic zone including the 5 provinces around Guangzhou and Hong Kong)/ 泛白 - 3 fàn bái f /to be suffused with white/to be discolored/to blanch/ 泛神論 泛神论 T - 22 fàn shén lùn f /pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Universe/ 泛神论 泛神論 S - 22 fàn shén lùn f /pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Universe/ 泛称 泛稱 S - 89 fàn chēng f /general term/ 泛稱 泛称 T - 89 fàn chēng f /general term/ 泛紅 泛红 T - 3 fàn hóng f /to blush/to redden/flushed/ 泛红 泛紅 S - 3 fàn hóng f /to blush/to redden/flushed/ 泛自然神論 泛自然神论 T - 0 fàn zì rán shén lùn f /pandeism, theological theory that God created the Universe and became one with it/ 泛自然神论 泛自然神論 S - 0 fàn zì rán shén lùn f /pandeism, theological theory that God created the Universe and became one with it/ 泛舟 - 56 fàn zhōu f /to go boating/ 泛讀 泛读 T - 19 fàn dú f /extensive reading/ 泛读 泛讀 S - 19 fàn dú f /extensive reading/ 泛酸 - 16 fàn suān f /pantothenic acid/vitamin B5/to surge up (of acid in the stomach)/ 泛音 - 30 fàn yīn f /overtone/a harmonic/ 泜 - 0 zhī f /a river in Hebei province/ 泝 - 3 sù f /variant of 溯[su4]/ 泝源 - 0 sù yuán f /variant of 溯源[su4 yuan2]/ 泞 濘 S - 2 nìng f /muddy/ 泠 - 60 Líng f /surname Ling/ 泠 - 60 líng f /sound of water flowing/ 泡 - 2347 pāo f /puffed/swollen/spongy/small lake (esp. in place names)/classifier for urine or feces/ 泡 - 2347 pào t /bubble/foam/blister (i.e. skin bubble)/to soak/to steep/to infuse/to dawdle/to shilly-shally/to hang about/to pick up (a girl)/to get off with (a sexual partner)/classifier for occurrences of an action/classifier for number of infusions/ 泡制 - 7 pào zhì f /to brew/to infuse/to pickle/ 泡吧 - 3 pào bā f /to spend time in a bar (alcohol, Internet etc)/to go clubbing/ 泡妞 - 18 pào niū f /to pick up girls/to play around with girls/to chase after girls/ 泡子 - 25 pāo zi f /small lake/pond/ 泡子 - 25 pào zi t /light bulb/ 泡影 - 57 pào yǐng f /lit. soap bubble/pie in the sky/nothing/ 泡打粉 - 3 pào dǎ fěn f /baking powder/ 泡桐 - 59 pāo tóng f /Paulownia (genus)/ 泡椒 - 0 pào jiāo f /pickled pepper/ 泡水 - 3 pào shuǐ f /to infuse/to soak in water/ 泡汤 泡湯 S - 54 pào tāng f /to dawdle/to go slow deliberately/to fizzle out/to have all one's hopes dashed/ 泡沫 3665 616 pào mò f /foam/(soap) bubble/(economic) bubble/ 泡沫塑料 - 28 pào mò sù liào f /styrofoam/ 泡沫經濟 泡沫经济 T - 23 pào mò jīng jì f /bubble economy/ 泡沫经济 泡沫經濟 S - 23 pào mò jīng jì f /bubble economy/ 泡泡 - 74 pào pao f /bubbles/ 泡泡口香糖 - 0 pào pào kǒu xiāng táng f /bubble-gum/ 泡泡浴 - 3 pào pào yù f /bubble bath/ 泡泡浴露 - 0 pào pào yù lù f /bubble bath lotion/ 泡泡糖 - 3 pào pào táng f /bubble gum/ 泡泡紗 泡泡纱 T - 2 pào pào shā f /seersucker (cotton cloth with pattern of dimples)/ 泡泡纱 泡泡紗 S - 2 pào pào shā f /seersucker (cotton cloth with pattern of dimples)/ 泡温泉 泡溫泉 S - 3 pào wēn quán f /to soak in a spa or hot spring/ 泡湯 泡汤 T - 54 pào tāng f /to dawdle/to go slow deliberately/to fizzle out/to have all one's hopes dashed/ 泡溫泉 泡温泉 T - 3 pào wēn quán f /to soak in a spa or hot spring/ 泡漩 - 0 pào xuán f /eddy/whirlpool/ 泡澡 - 13 pào zǎo f /to bathe/to immerse oneself in a warm bath/ 泡病号 泡病號 S - 2 pào bìng hào f /to dilly-dally on the pretence of being ill/to malinger/ 泡病號 泡病号 T - 2 pào bìng hào f /to dilly-dally on the pretence of being ill/to malinger/ 泡罩塔 - 3 pào zhào tǎ f /distillation tower/bubble tower/plate column/ 泡脚 泡腳 S - 0 pào jiǎo f /foot bath/foot soak/ 泡腳 泡脚 T - 0 pào jiǎo f /foot bath/foot soak/ 泡腾 泡騰 S - 0 pào téng f /to bubble/to fizz/to effervesce/ 泡芙 - 0 pào fú f /cream puff (loanword)/profiterole/ 泡茶 - 85 pào chá f /to make tea/ 泡菜 - 34 pào cài f /pickled cabbage/ 泡蘑菇 - 3 pào mó gu f /to procrastinate/to shilly-shally and waste time/ 泡貨 泡货 T - 3 pāo huò f /light but bulky goods/ 泡货 泡貨 S - 3 pāo huò f /light but bulky goods/ 泡面 泡麵 S - 3 pào miàn f /instant noodles/ 泡飯 泡饭 T - 23 pào fàn f /to soak cooked rice in soup or water/cooked rice reheated in boiling water/ 泡饃 泡馍 T - 37 pào mó f /meat and bread soup (a specialty of Shaanxi cuisine)/ 泡饭 泡飯 S - 23 pào fàn f /to soak cooked rice in soup or water/cooked rice reheated in boiling water/ 泡馍 泡饃 S - 37 pào mó f /meat and bread soup (a specialty of Shaanxi cuisine)/ 泡騰 泡腾 T - 0 pào téng f /to bubble/to fizz/to effervesce/ 泡麵 泡面 T - 3 pào miàn f /instant noodles/ 波 - 3739 Bō f /Poland/Polish/abbr. for 波蘭|波兰[Bo1 lan2]/ 波 - 3739 bō f /wave/ripple/storm/surge/ 波义耳 波義耳 S - 4 Bō yì ěr f /Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer chemist/ 波什格伦 波什格倫 S - 0 Bō shén gé lún f /Porsgrunn (city in Telemark, Norway)/ 波什格倫 波什格伦 T - 0 Bō shén gé lún f /Porsgrunn (city in Telemark, Norway)/ 波來古 波来古 T - 0 Bō lái gǔ f /Pleiku, Vietnam/ 波光 - 55 bō guāng f /gleaming reflection of waves in sunlight/ 波兰 波蘭 S - 1573 Bō lán f /Poland/ 波兰斯基 波蘭斯基 S - 0 Bō lán sī jī f /Polanski (name)/ 波兰语 波蘭語 S - 26 Bō lán yǔ f /Polish (language)/ 波兹南 波茲南 S - 32 Bō zī nán f /Poznan (city in Poland)/ 波兹坦 波茲坦 S - 0 Bō zī tǎn f /Potsdam, Germany/ 波兹曼 波茲曼 S - 0 Bō zī màn f /Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austrian physicist and philosopher/ 波函数 波函數 S - 3 bō hán shù f /wave function (in quantum mechanics)/ 波函數 波函数 T - 3 bō hán shù f /wave function (in quantum mechanics)/ 波利尼西亚 波利尼西亞 S - 97 Bō lì ní xī yà f /Polynesia/ 波利尼西亞 波利尼西亚 T - 97 Bō lì ní xī yà f /Polynesia/ 波动 波動 S - 999 bō dòng f /to undulate/to fluctuate/wave motion/rise and fall/ 波动力学 波動力學 S - 3 bō dòng lì xué f /wave mechanics (physics)/ 波动性 波動性 S - 55 bō dòng xìng f /fluctuation/ 波動 波动 T - 999 bō dòng f /to undulate/to fluctuate/wave motion/rise and fall/ 波動力學 波动力学 T - 3 bō dòng lì xué f /wave mechanics (physics)/ 波動性 波动性 T - 55 bō dòng xìng f /fluctuation/ 波及 - 282 bō jí f /to spread to/to involve/to affect/ 波哥大 - 27 Bō gē dà f /Bogota, capital of Colombia/ 波塞冬 - 13 Bō sāi dōng f /Poseidon, God of the sea in Greek mythology/ 波士尼亚 波士尼亞 S - 0 Bō shì ní yà f /Bosnia (Tw)/ 波士尼亞 波士尼亚 T - 0 Bō shì ní yà f /Bosnia (Tw)/ 波士頓 波士顿 T - 188 Bō shì dùn f /Boston, capital of Massachusetts/ 波士頓大學 波士顿大学 T - 17 Bō shì dùn Dà xué f /Boston University/ 波士頓紅襪 波士顿红袜 T - 0 Bō shì dùn Hóng wà f /Boston Red Sox (baseball) team/ 波士顿 波士頓 S - 188 Bō shì dùn f /Boston, capital of Massachusetts/ 波士顿大学 波士頓大學 S - 17 Bō shì dùn Dà xué f /Boston University/ 波士顿红袜 波士頓紅襪 S - 0 Bō shì dùn Hóng wà f /Boston Red Sox (baseball) team/ 波多馬克河 波多马克河 T - 0 Bō duō mǎ kè Hé f /see 波托馬克河|波托马克河[Bo1 tuo1 ma3 ke4 He2]/ 波多马克河 波多馬克河 S - 0 Bō duō mǎ kè Hé f /see 波托馬克河|波托马克河[Bo1 tuo1 ma3 ke4 He2]/ 波多黎各 - 92 Bō duō Lí gè f /Puerto Rico, self-governing unincorporated territory of the United States/ 波季 - 0 Bō jì f /Poti, strategic seaport in Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia/ 波密 - 14 Bō mì f /Bomi county, Tibetan: Spo mes rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 波密县 波密縣 S - 9 Bō mì xiàn f /Bomi county, Tibetan: Spo mes rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 波密縣 波密县 T - 9 Bō mì xiàn f /Bomi county, Tibetan: Spo mes rdzong, in Nyingchi prefecture 林芝地區|林芝地区[Lin2 zhi1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 波导 波導 S - 71 bō dǎo f /wave guide/ 波導 波导 T - 71 bō dǎo f /wave guide/ 波尔卡 波爾卡 S - 25 bō ěr kǎ f /polka (dance) (loanword)/ 波尔多 波爾多 S - 102 Bō ěr duō f /Bordeaux/ 波尔多液 波爾多液 S - 3 Bō ěr duō yè f /Bordeaux mixture/ 波尔布特 波爾布特 S - 0 Bō ěr Bù tè f /Pol Pot (1925-1998), Cambodian communist leader/ 波峰 - 42 bō fēng f /wave crest/ 波希米亚 波希米亞 S - 50 Bō xī mǐ yà f /Bohemia, European country (in current Czechia and Slovakia)/ 波希米亞 波希米亚 T - 50 Bō xī mǐ yà f /Bohemia, European country (in current Czechia and Slovakia)/ 波带片 波帶片 S - 5 bō dài piān f /zone plate/ 波帶片 波带片 T - 5 bō dài piān f /zone plate/ 波幅 - 89 bō fú f /amplitude/ 波弗特海 - 0 Bō fú tè Hǎi f /Beaufort Sea (off Alaska and British Columbia)/ 波形 - 108 bō xíng f /wave form/ 波德 - 12 Bō dé f /Johann Elert Bode (1747-1826), German astronomer/ 波德申 - 2 Bō dé shēn f /Port Dickson (holiday destination in Malaysia)/ 波恩 - 177 Bō ēn f /Bonn, a small town on the Rhine, Cold War capital of West Germany 1949-1990/ 波恩大学 波恩大學 S - 35 Bō ēn Dà xué f /University of Bonn/ 波恩大學 波恩大学 T - 35 Bō ēn Dà xué f /University of Bonn/ 波托馬克河 波托马克河 T - 8 Bō tuō mǎ kè Hé f /Potomac River/ 波托马克河 波托馬克河 S - 8 Bō tuō mǎ kè Hé f /Potomac River/ 波折 - 117 bō zhé f /twists and turns/ 波拉波拉岛 波拉波拉島 S - 0 Bō lā Bō lā Dǎo f /Bora Bora, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia/ 波拉波拉島 波拉波拉岛 T - 0 Bō lā Bō lā Dǎo f /Bora Bora, island of the Society Islands group in French Polynesia/ 波拿巴 - 65 Bō ná bā f /Bonaparte (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France 1804-1815/ 波推 - 0 bō tuī f /see 胸推[xiong1 tui1]/ 波数 波數 S - 3 bō shù f /wave number (reciprocal of frequency)/ 波數 波数 T - 3 bō shù f /wave number (reciprocal of frequency)/ 波斑鴇 波斑鸨 T - 0 bō bān bǎo f /(bird species of China) MacQueen's bustard (Chlamydotis macqueenii)/ 波斑鸨 波斑鴇 S - 0 bō bān bǎo f /(bird species of China) MacQueen's bustard (Chlamydotis macqueenii)/ 波斯 - 1717 Bō sī f /Persia/ 波斯尼亚 波斯尼亞 S - 90 Bō sī ní yà f /Bosnia/ 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那共和國 S - 0 Bō sī ní yà hé Hēi sài gē wéi nà Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina/ 波斯尼亚语 波斯尼亞語 S - 0 Bō sī ní yà yǔ f /Bosnian (language)/ 波斯尼亞 波斯尼亚 T - 90 Bō sī ní yà f /Bosnia/ 波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那共和國 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那共和国 T - 0 Bō sī ní yà hé Hēi sài gē wéi nà Gòng hé guó f /Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina/ 波斯尼亞語 波斯尼亚语 T - 0 Bō sī ní yà yǔ f /Bosnian (language)/ 波斯教 - 0 Bō sī jiào f /Persian religion/Zoroastrianism or Manicheanism/ 波斯普魯斯 波斯普鲁斯 T - 0 Bō sī pǔ lǔ sī f /Bosphorus/ 波斯普魯斯海峽 波斯普鲁斯海峡 T - 0 Bō sī pǔ lǔ sī Hǎi xiá f /the Bosphorus (strait)/ 波斯普鲁斯 波斯普魯斯 S - 0 Bō sī pǔ lǔ sī f /Bosphorus/ 波斯普鲁斯海峡 波斯普魯斯海峽 S - 0 Bō sī pǔ lǔ sī Hǎi xiá f /the Bosphorus (strait)/ 波斯湾 波斯灣 S - 337 Bō sī Wān f /Persian Gulf/ 波斯灣 波斯湾 T - 337 Bō sī Wān f /Persian Gulf/ 波斯猫 波斯貓 S - 12 Bō sī māo f /Persian (cat)/ 波斯語 波斯语 T - 100 Bō sī yǔ f /Persian (language)/Farsi/ 波斯语 波斯語 S - 100 Bō sī yǔ f /Persian (language)/Farsi/ 波斯貓 波斯猫 T - 12 Bō sī māo f /Persian (cat)/ 波方程 - 0 bō fāng chéng f /wave equation (math. physics)/ 波旁 - 65 Bō páng f /Bourbon/ 波昂 - 3 Bō áng f /Bonn, city in Germany (Tw)/ 波普艺术 波普藝術 S - 0 bō pǔ yì shù f /pop art (loanword)/ 波普藝術 波普艺术 T - 0 bō pǔ yì shù f /pop art (loanword)/ 波札那 - 0 Bō zhá nà f /Botswana (Tw)/ 波束 - 72 bō shù f /beam/ 波来古 波來古 S - 0 Bō lái gǔ f /Pleiku, Vietnam/ 波森莓 - 0 bō sēn méi f /boysenberry (hybrid of raspberry and blackberry)/ 波段 - 386 bō duàn f /wave band/ 波江座 - 4 Bō jiāng zuò f /Eridanus (constellation)/ 波河 - 30 Bō Hé f /Po River, longest river in Italy/ 波波头 波波頭 S - 0 bō bō tóu f /bob (hairstyle)/ 波波頭 波波头 T - 0 bō bō tóu f /bob (hairstyle)/ 波洛涅斯 - 2 Bō luò niè sī f /Polonius (name)/Shakespearean character, father of Ophelia, accidentally killed by Hamlet/ 波浪 4159 337 bō làng f /wave/ 波涛 波濤 S 4634 227 bō tāo f /great waves/billows/ 波涛汹涌 波濤洶涌 S - 61 bō tāo xiōng yǒng f /waves surging forth/roaring sea/ 波涛磷磷 波濤磷磷 S - 0 bō tāo lín lín f /variant of 波濤粼粼|波涛粼粼[bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2]/ 波涛粼粼 波濤粼粼 S - 0 bō tāo lín lín f /crystalline waves (idiom)/ 波澜 波瀾 S - 134 bō lán f /billows/great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)/ 波澜壮阔 波瀾壯闊 S - 93 bō lán zhuàng kuò f /surging forward with great momentum/unfolding on a magnificent scale/ 波澜老成 波瀾老成 S - 3 bō lán lǎo chéng f /splendid and powerful (of story)/majestic/awesome/ 波澜起伏 波瀾起伏 S - 3 bō lán qǐ fú f /one climax follows another (of thrilling story)/ 波濤 波涛 T 4634 227 bō tāo f /great waves/billows/ 波濤洶涌 波涛汹涌 T - 61 bō tāo xiōng yǒng f /waves surging forth/roaring sea/ 波濤磷磷 波涛磷磷 T - 0 bō tāo lín lín f /variant of 波濤粼粼|波涛粼粼[bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2]/ 波濤粼粼 波涛粼粼 T - 0 bō tāo lín lín f /crystalline waves (idiom)/ 波瀾 波澜 T - 134 bō lán f /billows/great waves (fig. of a story with great momentum)/ 波瀾壯闊 波澜壮阔 T - 93 bō lán zhuàng kuò f /surging forward with great momentum/unfolding on a magnificent scale/ 波瀾老成 波澜老成 T - 3 bō lán lǎo chéng f /splendid and powerful (of story)/majestic/awesome/ 波瀾起伏 波澜起伏 T - 3 bō lán qǐ fú f /one climax follows another (of thrilling story)/ 波爾卡 波尔卡 T - 25 bō ěr kǎ f /polka (dance) (loanword)/ 波爾多 波尔多 T - 102 Bō ěr duō f /Bordeaux/ 波爾多液 波尔多液 T - 3 Bō ěr duō yè f /Bordeaux mixture/ 波爾布特 波尔布特 T - 0 Bō ěr Bù tè f /Pol Pot (1925-1998), Cambodian communist leader/ 波特 - 59 Bō tè f /Potter or Porter (surname)/ 波特 - 59 bō tè f /baud/ 波特兰市 波特蘭市 S - 0 Bō tè lán shì f /Portland (city)/ 波特率 - 2 bō tè lǜ f /baud/ 波特蘭市 波特兰市 T - 0 Bō tè lán shì f /Portland (city)/ 波特酒 - 0 Bō tè jiǔ f /Port wine/ 波状 波狀 S - 3 bō zhuàng f /wave-shaped/ 波状云 波狀雲 S - 4 bō zhuàng yún f /undulatus/ 波状热 波狀熱 S - 3 bō zhuàng rè f /undulant fever/brucellosis/ 波狀 波状 T - 3 bō zhuàng f /wave-shaped/ 波狀熱 波状热 T - 3 bō zhuàng rè f /undulant fever/brucellosis/ 波狀雲 波状云 T - 4 bō zhuàng yún f /undulatus/ 波粒二象性 - 42 bō lì èr xiàng xìng f /wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics/ 波紋 波纹 T - 63 bō wén f /ripple/corrugation/ 波纹 波紋 S - 63 bō wén f /ripple/corrugation/ 波罗 波羅 S - 390 Bō luó f /Polo (car made by Volkswagen)/surname Polo/ 波罗的海 波羅的海 S - 491 Bō luó dì Hǎi f /Baltic Sea/ 波罗蜜 波羅蜜 S - 47 bō luó mì f /jackfruit/breadfruit/Artocarpus heterophyllus/ 波羅 波罗 T - 390 Bō luó f /Polo (car made by Volkswagen)/surname Polo/ 波羅的海 波罗的海 T - 491 Bō luó dì Hǎi f /Baltic Sea/ 波羅蜜 波罗蜜 T - 47 bō luó mì f /jackfruit/breadfruit/Artocarpus heterophyllus/ 波美度 - 0 Bō měi dù f /Baume degrees/ 波美拉尼亚 波美拉尼亞 S - 0 Bō měi lā ní yà f /Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea/ 波美拉尼亞 波美拉尼亚 T - 0 Bō měi lā ní yà f /Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea/ 波美比重計 波美比重计 T - 0 Bō měi bǐ zhòng jì f /Baume hydrometer/ 波美比重计 波美比重計 S - 0 Bō měi bǐ zhòng jì f /Baume hydrometer/ 波義耳 波义耳 T - 4 Bō yì ěr f /Boyle (name)/Robert Boyle (1627-91), British and Irish scientist and pioneer chemist/ 波茨坦 - 137 Bō cí tǎn f /Potsdam, near Berlin, Germany/ 波茨坦会议 波茨坦會議 S - 0 Bō cí tǎn huì yì f /Potsdam conference, July-August 1945, between Truman, Stalin and British prime ministers Churchill and Attlee/ 波茨坦公告 - 0 Bō cí tǎn Gōng gào f /Potsdam Declaration/ 波茨坦會議 波茨坦会议 T - 0 Bō cí tǎn huì yì f /Potsdam conference, July-August 1945, between Truman, Stalin and British prime ministers Churchill and Attlee/ 波茲南 波兹南 T - 32 Bō zī nán f /Poznan (city in Poland)/ 波茲坦 波兹坦 T - 0 Bō zī tǎn f /Potsdam, Germany/ 波茲曼 波兹曼 T - 0 Bō zī màn f /Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906), Austrian physicist and philosopher/ 波荡 波蕩 S - 3 bō dàng f /heave/surge/ 波莱罗 波萊羅 S - 2 bō lái luó f /bolero (dance) (loanword)/ 波萊羅 波莱罗 T - 2 bō lái luó f /bolero (dance) (loanword)/ 波蕩 波荡 T - 3 bō dàng f /heave/surge/ 波蘭 波兰 T - 1573 Bō lán f /Poland/ 波蘭斯基 波兰斯基 T - 0 Bō lán sī jī f /Polanski (name)/ 波蘭語 波兰语 T - 26 Bō lán yǔ f /Polish (language)/ 波西米亚 波西米亞 S - 0 Bō xī mǐ yà f /Bohemia/central European country mostly within the modern Czech republic/person leading unconventional lifestyle, esp. in western intellectual or artistic circles/ 波西米亞 波西米亚 T - 0 Bō xī mǐ yà f /Bohemia/central European country mostly within the modern Czech republic/person leading unconventional lifestyle, esp. in western intellectual or artistic circles/ 波語 波语 T - 0 Bō yǔ f /Polish language/ 波譜 波谱 T - 36 bō pǔ f /spectrum/ 波语 波語 S - 0 Bō yǔ f /Polish language/ 波谱 波譜 S - 36 bō pǔ f /spectrum/ 波谷 - 14 bō gǔ f /trough/ 波速 - 56 bō sù f /wave velocity/ 波長 波长 T - 661 bō cháng f /wavelength/ 波长 波長 S - 661 bō cháng f /wavelength/ 波阳 波陽 S - 13 Bō yáng f /Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县[Po2 yang2 xian4] in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi/ 波阳县 波陽縣 S - 5 Bō yáng xiàn f /Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县[Po2 yang2 xian4] in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi/ 波阿斯 - 5 Bō ā sī f /Boaz (son of Salmon and Rahab)/ 波阿次 - 0 Bō ā cì f /Boaz (name)/ 波陽 波阳 T - 13 Bō yáng f /Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县[Po2 yang2 xian4] in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi/ 波陽縣 波阳县 T - 5 Bō yáng xiàn f /Boyang county, former name of Poyang county 鄱陽縣|鄱阳县[Po2 yang2 xian4] in Shangrao 上饒|上饶[Shang4 rao2], Jiangxi/ 波隆那 - 0 Bō lōng nà f /Bologna, city in Northern Italy/ 波霎 - 0 bō shà f /pulsar (astronomy)/ 波霸 - 0 bō bà f /(slang) (loanword) big boobs/big-breasted/(coll.) tapioca balls, in 波霸奶茶[bo1 ba4 nai3 cha2]/ 波霸奶茶 - 0 bō bà nǎi chá f /bubble milk tea (Taiwan)/Boba milk tea/tapioca milk tea/see also 珍珠奶茶[zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2]/ 波面 - 3 bō miàn f /wave front/ 波音 - 363 Bō yīn f /Boeing/ 波音 - 363 bō yīn f /mordent (music)/ 波鴻 波鸿 T - 0 Bō hóng f /Bochum (city in Germany)/ 波鸿 波鴻 S - 0 Bō hóng f /Bochum (city in Germany)/ 波黑 - 152 Bō Hēi f /abbr. for Bosnia-Herzegovina/ 泣 - 342 qì f /to sob/ 泣諫 泣谏 T - 0 qì jiàn f /to counsel a superior in tears indicating absolute sincerity/ 泣谏 泣諫 S - 0 qì jiàn f /to counsel a superior in tears indicating absolute sincerity/ 泥 - 4354 ní t /mud/clay/paste/pulp/ 泥 - 4354 nì f /restrained/ 泥刀 - 0 ní dāo f /trowel/ 泥古 - 3 nì gǔ f /stick-in-the-mud/to stick to old ways/stubbornly conservative/ 泥古不化 - 4 nì gǔ bù huà f /conservative and unable to adapt (idiom)/ 泥土 - 587 ní tǔ f /earth/soil/mud/clay/ 泥坑 - 26 ní kēng f /mud pit/mire/morass/ 泥垢 - 14 ní gòu f /dirt/grime/ 泥塑 - 135 ní sù f /clay modeling/clay figurine or statue/ 泥塗軒冕 泥涂轩冕 T - 0 ní tú xuān miǎn f /to despise titles and high offices/ 泥子 - 3 nì zi f /putty (used by plumbers and glaziers)/ 泥孩 - 0 ní hái f /clay doll/ 泥守 - 0 nì shǒu f /stubborn and conservative/ 泥封 - 11 ní fēng f /to seal jars etc with mud, clay or lute/lute/luting/ 泥岩 - 51 ní yán f /mudstone/shale/ 泥工 - 3 ní gōng f /mason/masonry work/ 泥巴 - 105 ní bā f /mud/ 泥水 - 101 ní shuǐ f /muddy water/mud/masonry (craft)/ 泥水匠 - 19 ní shuǐ jiàng f /mason/ 泥沙 - 658 ní shā f /silt/ 泥沙俱下 - 14 ní shā jù xià f /mud and sand flow together (idiom)/good and bad mingle/ 泥沼 - 58 ní zhǎo f /swamp/ 泥泞 泥濘 S - 182 ní nìng f /muddy/mud/ 泥浆 泥漿 S - 143 ní jiāng f /slurry/mud/ 泥涂轩冕 泥塗軒冕 S - 0 ní tú xuān miǎn f /to despise titles and high offices/ 泥淖 - 36 ní nào f /mud/muddy swamp/sump/fig. a sticky predicament/ 泥漿 泥浆 T - 143 ní jiāng f /slurry/mud/ 泥潭 - 67 ní tán f /quagmire/ 泥濘 泥泞 T - 182 ní nìng f /muddy/mud/ 泥灰 - 3 ní huī f /lime plaster (construction)/ 泥炭 - 170 ní tàn f /peat/ 泥炭藓 泥炭蘚 S - 0 ní tàn xiǎn f /matted sphagnum moss (Sphagnum palustre)/ 泥炭蘚 泥炭藓 T - 0 ní tàn xiǎn f /matted sphagnum moss (Sphagnum palustre)/ 泥煤 - 14 ní méi f /peat/ 泥牛入海 - 10 ní niú rù hǎi f /lit. a clay ox enters the sea (idiom); fig. to disappear with no hope of returning/ 泥瓦匠 - 22 ní wǎ jiàng f /bricklayer/tiler/mason/ 泥盆紀 泥盆纪 T - 75 Ní pén jì f /Devonian (geological period 417-354m years ago)/ 泥盆纪 泥盆紀 S - 75 Ní pén jì f /Devonian (geological period 417-354m years ago)/ 泥石流 - 173 ní shí liú f /landslide/torrent of mud and stones/mudslide/ 泥胎 - 17 ní tāi f /clay idol/ 泥腿 - 3 ní tuǐ f /peasant/yokel/ 泥腿子 - 16 ní tuǐ zi f /peasant/yokel/ 泥菩萨 泥菩薩 S - 16 ní pú sà f /clay Bodhisattva/ 泥菩萨过江,自身难保 泥菩薩過江,自身難保 S - 0 ní pú sà guò jiāng , zì shēn nán bǎo f /like a clay Bodhisattva fording a river, can't guarantee his own safety/unable to save oneself, let alone others/ 泥菩薩 泥菩萨 T - 16 ní pú sà f /clay Bodhisattva/ 泥菩薩過江,自身難保 泥菩萨过江,自身难保 T - 0 ní pú sà guò jiāng , zì shēn nán bǎo f /like a clay Bodhisattva fording a river, can't guarantee his own safety/unable to save oneself, let alone others/ 泥質 泥质 T - 0 ní zhì f /muddy/ 泥質岩 泥质岩 T - 0 ní zhì yán f /mudstone (geology)/ 泥質頁岩 泥质页岩 T - 0 ní zhì yè yán f /mudstone/ 泥质 泥質 S - 0 ní zhì f /muddy/ 泥质岩 泥質岩 S - 0 ní zhì yán f /mudstone (geology)/ 泥质页岩 泥質頁岩 S - 0 ní zhì yè yán f /mudstone/ 泥醉 - 2 ní zuì f /blind drunk/drunk as drunk can be/ 泥金 - 39 ní jīn f /to gild/gilt/ 泥鏟 泥铲 T - 0 ní chǎn f /trowel/ 泥铲 泥鏟 S - 0 ní chǎn f /trowel/ 泥鰍 泥鳅 T - 354 ní qiu f /loach/mud fish/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 泥鳅 泥鰍 S - 354 ní qiu f /loach/mud fish/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 注 - 2820 zhù f /to inject/to pour into/to concentrate/to pay attention/stake (gambling)/classifier for sums of money/variant of 註|注[zhu4]/ 注 註 S - 2820 zhù f /to register/to annotate/note/comment/ 注入 - 1564 zhù rù f /to pour into/to empty into/ 注冊人 注册人 T - 0 zhù cè rén f /registrant/ 注冊表 注册表 T - 33 zhù cè biǎo f /Windows registry/ 注册 註冊 S 1930 1431 zhù cè f /to register/to enroll/ 注册人 注冊人 S - 0 zhù cè rén f /registrant/ 注册商标 註冊商標 S - 3 zhù cè shāng biāo f /registered trademark/ 注册表 注冊表 S - 33 zhù cè biǎo f /Windows registry/ 注塑 - 13 zhù sù f /injection molding/ 注定 註定 S - 691 zhù dìng f /to be destined/to be fated/to be doomed/ 注射 2653 725 zhù shè f /injection/to inject/ 注射剂 注射劑 S - 70 zhù shè jì f /injection/shot/ 注射劑 注射剂 T - 70 zhù shè jì f /injection/shot/ 注射器 - 43 zhù shè qì f /syringe/ 注射針 注射针 T - 3 zhù shè zhēn f /needle/hypodermic needle/ 注射針頭 注射针头 T - 0 zhù shè zhēn tóu f /see 注射針|注射针[zhu4 she4 zhen1]/ 注射针 注射針 S - 3 zhù shè zhēn f /needle/hypodermic needle/ 注射针头 注射針頭 S - 0 zhù shè zhēn tóu f /see 注射針|注射针[zhu4 she4 zhen1]/ 注念 - 0 zhù niàn f /(literary) to ponder/ 注意 384 9876 zhù yì f /to take note of/to pay attention to/ 注意力 - 678 zhù yì lì f /attention/ 注意力不足过动症 注意力不足過動症 S - 0 zhù yì lì bù zú guò dòng zhèng f /attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/ 注意力不足過動症 注意力不足过动症 T - 0 zhù yì lì bù zú guò dòng zhèng f /attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/ 注意力缺失症 - 0 zhù yì lì quē shī zhèng f /attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/ 注意力缺陷过动症 注意力缺陷過動症 S - 0 zhù yì lì quē xiàn guò dòng zhèng f /attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/ 注意力缺陷過動症 注意力缺陷过动症 T - 0 zhù yì lì quē xiàn guò dòng zhèng f /attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)/ 注意看 - 0 zhù yì kàn f /watch carefully/ 注明 - 331 zhù míng f /to clearly indicate/ 注水 - 118 zhù shuǐ f /to pour water into/to inject water into/ 注目 - 222 zhù mù f /attention/to stare at/to fix attention on sth/ 注脚 註腳 S - 37 zhù jiǎo f /footnote/ 注視 注视 T 3327 1051 zhù shì f /to watch attentively/to gaze/ 注视 注視 S 3327 1051 zhù shì f /to watch attentively/to gaze/ 注解 註解 S - 183 zhù jiě f /to annotate/annotation/comment/interpretation/to explain with notes/explanatory note/ 注資 注资 T - 39 zhù zī f /to inject funds/to put money into (the market)/ 注资 注資 S - 39 zhù zī f /to inject funds/to put money into (the market)/ 注释 注釋 S 4617 551 zhù shì f /marginal notes/annotation/to annotate/to add comments to text/ 注釋 注释 T 4617 551 zhù shì f /marginal notes/annotation/to annotate/to add comments to text/ 注重 3780 2916 zhù zhòng f /to pay attention to/to emphasize/ 注销 註銷 S - 80 zhù xiāo f /to cancel/to write off/ 注音 - 42 zhù yīn f /Annotated Sounds, a phonetic transliteration for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan/also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ/ 注音一式 - 0 zhù yīn yī shì f /Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1/Bopomofo/abbr. for 國語注音符號第一式|国语注音符号第一式[Guo2 yu3 zhu4 yin1 fu2 hao4 di4 yi1 shi4]/ 注音字母 - 20 Zhù yīn Zì mǔ f /see 注音符號|注音符号[Zhu4 yin1 Fu2 hao4]/ 注音法 註音法 S - 0 zhù yīn fǎ f /phonetic transcription/system of representing spoken sounds/ 注音符号 注音符號 S - 3 Zhù yīn Fú hào f /Zhuyin Fuhao, phonetic transliteration system for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan, also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ/ 注音符號 注音符号 T - 3 Zhù yīn Fú hào f /Zhuyin Fuhao, phonetic transliteration system for Chinese used esp. in Taiwan, also known as Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ/ 泩 - 3 shēng f /rising of water/ 泪 淚 S - 1970 lèi f /tears/ 泪光 淚光 S - 91 lèi guāng f /glistening teardrops/ 泪奔 淚奔 S - 0 lèi bēn f /(slang) to get emotional/ 泪如雨下 淚如雨下 S - 67 lèi rú yǔ xià f /tears falling like rain (idiom)/ 泪水 淚水 S - 1335 lèi shuǐ f /teardrop/tears/ 泪水涟涟 淚水漣漣 S - 0 lèi shuǐ lián lián f /in floods of tears (idiom)/ 泪汪汪 淚汪汪 S - 87 lèi wāng wāng f /tearful/brimming with tears/ 泪流满面 淚流滿面 S - 158 lèi liú mǎn miàn f /cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)/ 泪液 淚液 S - 35 lèi yè f /tears/teardrops/ 泪珠 淚珠 S - 240 lèi zhū f /a teardrop/ 泪痕 淚痕 S - 172 lèi hén f /tear stains/ 泪腺 淚腺 S - 26 lèi xiàn f /Lacrimal gland/ 泪花 淚花 S - 207 lèi huā f /tears in the eyes/ 泫 - 27 xuàn f /weep/ 泭 - 21 fū f /a raft/ 泮 - 14 pàn f /(literary) to melt/to dissolve/ 泯 冺 S - 89 mǐn f /variant of 泯[min3]/ 泯 - 89 mǐn f /to vanish/to die out/to obliterate/ 泯沒 泯没 T - 3 mǐn mò f /to sink into oblivion/to be lost to memory/to vanish/ 泯没 泯沒 S - 3 mǐn mò f /to sink into oblivion/to be lost to memory/to vanish/ 泯滅 泯灭 T - 56 mǐn miè f /to obliterate/to die out/to disappear/ 泯灭 泯滅 S - 56 mǐn miè f /to obliterate/to die out/to disappear/ 泰 - 1317 Tài f /Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong/abbr. for Thailand/ 泰 - 1317 tài f /safe/peaceful/most/grand/ 泰东 泰東 S - 0 Tài dōng f /the Far East/East Asia/ 泰來 泰来 T - 390 Tài lái f /Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 泰來縣 泰来县 T - 2 Tài lái xiàn f /Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 泰兴 泰興 S - 31 Tài xīng f /Taixing county level city in Taizhou 泰州[Tai4 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 泰兴市 泰興市 S - 7 Tài xīng shì f /Taixing county level city in Taizhou 泰州[Tai4 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 泰加林 - 8 tài jiā lín f /taiga (loanword)/ 泰勒 - 197 Tài lè f /Taylor (name)/ 泰半 - 3 tài bàn f /more than half/a majority/most/mostly/ 泰华 泰華 S - 13 Tài Huà f /Mt Tai 泰山 and Mt Hua 華山|华山/another name for Mt Hua/ 泰卢固语 泰盧固語 S - 0 Tài lú gù yǔ f /Telugu or Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh, India/ 泰县 泰縣 S - 11 Tài xiàn f /Tai county in Jiangsu/ 泰和 - 79 Tài hé f /see 泰和縣|泰和县[Tai4 he2 xian4]/ 泰和 - 79 tài hé f /calm and peaceful/ 泰和县 泰和縣 S - 3 Tài hé xiàn f /Taihe county, Jiangxi/ 泰和縣 泰和县 T - 3 Tài hé xiàn f /Taihe county, Jiangxi/ 泰国 泰國 S - 1492 Tài guó f /Thailand/Thai/ 泰國 泰国 T - 1492 Tài guó f /Thailand/Thai/ 泰坦 - 3 tài tǎn f /Titan/ 泰坦尼克号 泰坦尼克號 S - 39 Tài tǎn ní kè Hào f /RMS Titanic, British passenger liner that sank in 1912/ 泰坦尼克號 泰坦尼克号 T - 39 Tài tǎn ní kè Hào f /RMS Titanic, British passenger liner that sank in 1912/ 泰姬玛哈陵 泰姬瑪哈陵 S - 0 Tài jī Mǎ hā Líng f /Taj Mahal/abbr. to 泰姬陵[Tai4 ji1 ling2]/ 泰姬瑪哈陵 泰姬玛哈陵 T - 0 Tài jī Mǎ hā Líng f /Taj Mahal/abbr. to 泰姬陵[Tai4 ji1 ling2]/ 泰姬陵 - 17 Tài jī líng f /Taj Mahal (mausoleum in India)/ 泰宁 泰寧 S - 22 Tài níng f /Taining county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 泰宁县 泰寧縣 S - 2 Tài níng xiàn f /Taining county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 泰安 - 103 Tài ān f /Tai'an city prefecture level city in Shandong/Tai'an township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 泰安乡 泰安鄉 S - 0 Tài ān xiāng f /Taian township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 泰安县 泰安縣 S - 3 Tài ān xiàn f /Tai'an county in Shandong/ 泰安地区 泰安地區 S - 0 Tài ān dì qū f /Tai'an prefecture in Shandong/ 泰安地區 泰安地区 T - 0 Tài ān dì qū f /Tai'an prefecture in Shandong/ 泰安市 - 26 Tài ān shì f /Tai'an prefecture level city in Shandong/ 泰安縣 泰安县 T - 3 Tài ān xiàn f /Tai'an county in Shandong/ 泰安鄉 泰安乡 T - 0 Tài ān xiāng f /Taian township in Miaoli county 苗栗縣|苗栗县[Miao2 li4 xian4], northwest Taiwan/ 泰寧 泰宁 T - 22 Tài níng f /Taining county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 泰寧縣 泰宁县 T - 2 Tài níng xiàn f /Taining county in Sanming 三明[San1 ming2], Fujian/ 泰尔 泰爾 S - 5 Tài ěr f /Tyre (city in Lebanon)/ 泰山 - 776 Tài Shān f /Mt Tai in Shandong, eastern of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]/ 泰山 - 776 Tài shān f /Tarzan (fictional character reared by apes in the jungle)/Taishan township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 泰山乡 泰山鄉 S - 3 Tài shān xiāng f /Taishan township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 泰山北斗 - 28 Tài shān Běi dǒu f /as weighty as Mt Tai, as brilliant as the Big Dipper (idiom); a giant among men/ 泰山区 泰山區 S - 10 Tài shān qū f /Taishan district of Tai'an city 泰安市[Tai4 an1 shi4], Shandong/ 泰山區 泰山区 T - 10 Tài shān qū f /Taishan district of Tai'an city 泰安市[Tai4 an1 shi4], Shandong/ 泰山鄉 泰山乡 T - 3 Tài shān xiāng f /Taishan township in New Taipei City 新北市[Xin1 bei3 shi4], Taiwan/ 泰山鴻毛 泰山鸿毛 T - 3 Tài shān hóng máo f /as weighty as Mt Tai, as light as a feather (refers to death)/ 泰山鸿毛 泰山鴻毛 S - 3 Tài shān hóng máo f /as weighty as Mt Tai, as light as a feather (refers to death)/ 泰州 - 268 Tài zhōu f /Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 泰州市 - 59 Tài zhōu shì f /Taizhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/ 泰式 - 20 Tài shì f /Thai-style (of food, massage etc)/ 泰戈尔 泰戈爾 S - 46 Tài gē ěr f /Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Indian poet and writer/ 泰戈爾 泰戈尔 T - 46 Tài gē ěr f /Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), Indian poet and writer/ 泰拳 - 7 Tài quán f /Muay Thai - "Thai fist" - Martial Art/ 泰文 - 6 tài wén f /Thai (language)/ 泰斗 4972 35 tài dǒu f /leading scholar of his time/magnate/ 泰晤士 - 9 Tài wù shì f /the Times (newspaper)/River Thames, through London/ 泰晤士報 泰晤士报 T - 140 Tài wù shì Bào f /Times (newspaper)/ 泰晤士报 泰晤士報 S - 140 Tài wù shì Bào f /Times (newspaper)/ 泰晤士河 - 54 Tài wù shì Hé f /River Thames/ 泰来 泰來 S - 390 Tài lái f /Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 泰来县 泰來縣 S - 2 Tài lái xiàn f /Tailai county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang/ 泰東 泰东 T - 0 Tài dōng f /the Far East/East Asia/ 泰格·伍兹 泰格·伍茲 S - 0 Tài gé · Wǔ zī f /Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer/ 泰格·伍茲 泰格·伍兹 T - 0 Tài gé · Wǔ zī f /Eldrick "Tiger" Woods (1975-), American golfer/ 泰格尔 泰格爾 S - 0 Tài gé ěr f /Tegel (name)/Tiger (name)/ 泰格爾 泰格尔 T - 0 Tài gé ěr f /Tegel (name)/Tiger (name)/ 泰武 - 0 Tài wǔ f /Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 泰武乡 泰武鄉 S - 0 Tài wǔ xiāng f /Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 泰武鄉 泰武乡 T - 0 Tài wǔ xiāng f /Taiwu township in Pingtung County 屏東縣|屏东县[Ping2 dong1 Xian4], Taiwan/ 泰然 - 32 tài rán f /calm/self-composed/ 泰然处之 泰然處之 S - 25 tài rán chǔ zhī f /to handle the situation calmly (idiom)/unruffled/to treat the situation lightly/ 泰然自若 - 50 tài rán zì ruò f /cool and collected (idiom); showing no sign of nerves/perfectly composed/ 泰然處之 泰然处之 T - 25 tài rán chǔ zhī f /to handle the situation calmly (idiom)/unruffled/to treat the situation lightly/ 泰爾 泰尔 T - 5 Tài ěr f /Tyre (city in Lebanon)/ 泰特斯·安德洛尼克斯 - 0 Tài tè sī · An dé luò ní kè sī f /Titus Andronicus, 1593 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚/ 泰瑟 - 0 Tài sè f /Taser (electroshock weapon)/ 泰瑟尔岛 泰瑟爾島 S - 0 Tài sè ěr Dǎo f /Texel island, Netherlands/ 泰瑟枪 泰瑟槍 S - 0 Tài sè qiāng f /Taser (electroshock weapon)/ 泰瑟槍 泰瑟枪 T - 0 Tài sè qiāng f /Taser (electroshock weapon)/ 泰瑟爾島 泰瑟尔岛 T - 0 Tài sè ěr Dǎo f /Texel island, Netherlands/ 泰盧固語 泰卢固语 T - 0 Tài lú gù yǔ f /Telugu or Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh, India/ 泰米尔 泰米爾 S - 33 Tài mǐ ěr f /Tamil/ 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织 泰米爾伊拉姆猛虎解放組織 S - 0 Tài mǐ ěr Yī lā mǔ Měng hǔ Jiě fàng Zǔ zhī f /Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam/ 泰米尔猛虎组织 泰米爾猛虎組織 S - 2 Tài mǐ ěr Měng hǔ Zǔ zhī f /Tamil Tigers/ 泰米尔纳德 泰米爾納德 S - 0 Tài mǐ ěr Nà dé f /Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, capital Chennai 欽奈|钦奈[Qin1 nai4]/formerly Madras state 馬德拉斯邦|马德拉斯邦[Ma3 de2 la1 si1 bang1]/ 泰米尔纳德邦 泰米爾納德邦 S - 14 Tài mǐ ěr Nà dé bāng f /Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, capital Chennai 欽奈|钦奈[Qin1 nai4]/formerly Madras state 馬德拉斯邦|马德拉斯邦[Ma3 de2 la1 si1 bang1]/ 泰米尔语 泰米爾語 S - 12 Tài mǐ ěr yǔ f /Tamil language/ 泰米爾 泰米尔 T - 33 Tài mǐ ěr f /Tamil/ 泰米爾伊拉姆猛虎解放組織 泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织 T - 0 Tài mǐ ěr Yī lā mǔ Měng hǔ Jiě fàng Zǔ zhī f /Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam/ 泰米爾猛虎組織 泰米尔猛虎组织 T - 2 Tài mǐ ěr Měng hǔ Zǔ zhī f /Tamil Tigers/ 泰米爾納德 泰米尔纳德 T - 0 Tài mǐ ěr Nà dé f /Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, capital Chennai 欽奈|钦奈[Qin1 nai4]/formerly Madras state 馬德拉斯邦|马德拉斯邦[Ma3 de2 la1 si1 bang1]/ 泰米爾納德邦 泰米尔纳德邦 T - 14 Tài mǐ ěr Nà dé bāng f /Tamil Nadu, southeast Indian state, capital Chennai 欽奈|钦奈[Qin1 nai4]/formerly Madras state 馬德拉斯邦|马德拉斯邦[Ma3 de2 la1 si1 bang1]/ 泰米爾語 泰米尔语 T - 12 Tài mǐ ěr yǔ f /Tamil language/ 泰縣 泰县 T - 11 Tài xiàn f /Tai county in Jiangsu/ 泰罗 泰羅 S - 4 Tài luó f /Tylo (name)/Hollywood actress Hunter Tylo/ 泰羅 泰罗 T - 4 Tài luó f /Tylo (name)/Hollywood actress Hunter Tylo/ 泰興 泰兴 T - 31 Tài xīng f /Taixing county level city in Taizhou 泰州[Tai4 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 泰興市 泰兴市 T - 7 Tài xīng shì f /Taixing county level city in Taizhou 泰州[Tai4 zhou1], Jiangsu/ 泰華 泰华 T - 13 Tài Huà f /Mt Tai 泰山 and Mt Hua 華山|华山/another name for Mt Hua/ 泰西 - 8 Tài xī f /"the Far West"/old term for Europe and America/ 泰西大儒 - 0 Tài xī dà rú f /Great European Scholar (honorific title of Matteo Ricci)/ 泰語 泰语 T - 113 Tài yǔ f /Thai (language)/ 泰语 泰語 S - 113 Tài yǔ f /Thai (language)/ 泰象啤 - 0 tài xiàng pí f /Chang Beer/ 泰达 泰達 S - 107 Tài dá f /TEDA (Tianjin Economic Development Area)/ 泰迪熊 - 40 tài dí xióng f /teddy bear (loanword)/ 泰達 泰达 T - 107 Tài dá f /TEDA (Tianjin Economic Development Area)/ 泰銖 泰铢 T - 49 Tài zhū f /Thai baht/ 泰铢 泰銖 S - 49 Tài zhū f /Thai baht/ 泰雅族 - 2 Tài yǎ zú f /Atayal or Tayal, one of the indigenous ethnic groups of Taiwan/ 泰順 泰顺 T - 5 Tài shùn f /Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 泰順縣 泰顺县 T - 3 Tài shùn xiàn f /Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 泰顺 泰順 S - 5 Tài shùn f /Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 泰顺县 泰順縣 S - 3 Tài shùn xiàn f /Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 泱 - 10 yāng f /agitated (wind, cloud)/boundless/ 泱泱 - 13 yāng yāng f /grand/magnificent/vast/ 泲 - 28 jǐ f /clear wine/name of a river/ 泳 - 130 yǒng f /swimming/to swim/ 泳儿 泳兒 S - 0 Yǒng Er f /Vincy Chan, Hong Kong female singer/ 泳兒 泳儿 T - 0 Yǒng Er f /Vincy Chan, Hong Kong female singer/ 泳帽 - 3 yǒng mào f /swimming cap/ 泳池 - 24 yǒng chí f /swimming pond/ 泳衣 - 13 yǒng yī f /swimsuit/bathing suit/ 泳装 泳裝 S - 69 yǒng zhuāng f /swimsuit/ 泳裝 泳装 T - 69 yǒng zhuāng f /swimsuit/ 泳裤 泳褲 S - 3 yǒng kù f /swim trunks/ 泳褲 泳裤 T - 3 yǒng kù f /swim trunks/ 泳鏡 泳镜 T - 0 yǒng jìng f /swimming goggles/ 泳镜 泳鏡 S - 0 yǒng jìng f /swimming goggles/ 泵 - 311 bèng f /pump (loanword)/ 泵柄 - 0 bèng bǐng f /pump handle/ 泵浦 - 0 bèng pǔ f /pump (loanword)/ 泵灯 泵燈 S - 0 bèng dēng f /lamp/turn signal/ 泵燈 泵灯 T - 0 bèng dēng f /lamp/turn signal/ 泵站 - 41 bèng zhàn f /pumping station/ 泷 瀧 S - 27 Shuāng f /Shuang river in Hunan and Guangdong (modern Wu river 武水)/ 泷 瀧 S - 27 lóng t /rapids/waterfall/torrential (rain)/ 泷水 瀧水 S - 0 Shuāng shuǐ f /Shuang river in Hunan and Guangdong (modern Wu river 武水)/ 泷泽 瀧澤 S - 0 Lóng zé f /Takizawa or Takesawa (Japanese name)/ 泷船 瀧船 S - 0 lóng chuán f /boat or raft adapted to handle rapids/white-water raft/ 泸 瀘 S - 36 lú f /old name of a river in Jiangxi/place name/ 泸县 瀘縣 S - 7 Lú xiàn f /Lu county in Luzhou 瀘州|泸州[Lu2 zhou1], Sichuan/ 泸定 瀘定 S - 22 Lú dìng f /Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 泸定县 瀘定縣 S - 3 Lú dìng xiàn f /Luding county (Tibetan: lcags zam rdzong) in Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Sichuan (formerly in Kham province of Tibet)/ 泸定桥 瀘定橋 S - 22 Lú dìng qiáo f /Luding Bridge over Dadu river 大渡河[Da4 du4 he2] in Sichuan, built by Kangxi in 1706, linking Luding county Sichuan Luding county 瀘定縣|泸定县[Lu2 ding4 xian4] with Garze Tibetan autonomous prefecture 甘孜藏族自治州甘孜藏族自治州[Gan1 zi1 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 泸州 瀘州 S - 165 Lú zhōu f /Luzhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 泸州市 瀘州市 S - 16 Lú zhōu shì f /Luzhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/ 泸水 瀘水 S - 37 Lú shuǐ f /Lushui county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 泸水县 瀘水縣 S - 7 Lú shuǐ xiàn f /Lushui county in Nujiang Lisu autonomous prefecture 怒江傈僳族自治州[Nu4 jiang1 Li4 su4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1] in northwest Yunnan/ 泸沽湖 瀘沽湖 S - 17 Lú gū Hú f /Lugu Lake/ 泸溪 瀘溪 S - 6 Lú xī f /Luxi county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 泸溪县 瀘溪縣 S - 3 Lú xī xiàn f /Luxi county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州[Xiang1 xi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 泸西 瀘西 S - 4 Lú xī f /Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 泸西县 瀘西縣 S - 2 Lú xī xiàn f /Luxi county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan/ 泺 濼 S - 33 luò f /name of a river/ 泻 瀉 S - 476 xiè f /to flow out swiftly/to flood/a torrent/diarrhea/laxative/ 泻湖 瀉湖 S - 16 xiè hú f /lagoon/ 泻盐 瀉鹽 S - 3 xiè yán f /epsom salts/ 泻肚 瀉肚 S - 5 xiè dù f /to have diarrhea/ 泻肚子 瀉肚子 S - 3 xiè dù zi f /see 瀉肚|泻肚[xie4 du4]/ 泻药 瀉藥 S - 40 xiè yào f /laxative/ 泼 潑 S 3381 923 pō f /to splash/to spill/rough and coarse/brutish/ 泼冷水 潑冷水 S - 23 pō lěng shuǐ f /lit. to pour cold water on/fig. to dampen one's enthusiasm/ 泼出去的水 潑出去的水 S - 0 pō chū qù de shuǐ f /spilt water/(fig.) sth that can not be retrieved/spilt milk/ 泼妇 潑婦 S - 73 pō fù f /shrew/vixen/ 泼妇骂街 潑婦罵街 S - 3 pō fù mà jiē f /shouting abuse in the street like a fishwife/ 泼掉 潑掉 S - 3 pō diào f /spill/ 泼水 潑水 S - 3 pō shuǐ f /to sprinkle/to spill water/ 泼水节 潑水節 S - 50 Pō shuǐ jié f /Songkran (Thai New Year)/ 泼水难收 潑水難收 S - 3 pō shuǐ nán shōu f /water once spilt cannot be retrieved (idiom); irreversible change/ 泼溅 潑濺 S - 0 pō jiàn f /to spatter/ 泼烟花 潑煙花 S - 0 pō yān huā f /low-class prostitute/ 泼物 潑物 S - 0 pō wù f /evil creature (curse word)/ 泼贱 潑賤 S - 0 pō jiàn f /base/worthless/ 泼贱人 潑賤人 S - 0 pō jiàn rén f /slut/tramp (old)/ 泼辣 潑辣 S - 128 pō la f /shrewish/pungent/forceful/bold and vigorous/ 泽 澤 S - 645 zé f /pool/pond/(of metals etc) luster/favor or beneficence/damp/moist/ 泽兰 澤蘭 S - 11 zé lán f /Eupatorium, e.g. Japanese bog orchid (Eupatorium japonicum Thunb)/ 泽塔 澤塔 S - 6 zé tǎ f /zeta (Greek letter Ζζ)/ 泽州 澤州 S - 30 Zé zhōu f /Zezhou county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 泽州县 澤州縣 S - 4 Zé zhōu xiàn f /Zezhou county in Jincheng 晉城|晋城[Jin4 cheng2], Shanxi/ 泽布吕赫 澤布呂赫 S - 0 Zé bù lǚ hè f /Zeebrugge (port city in Belgium)/ 泽库 澤庫 S - 3 Zé kù f /Zeku county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 泽库县 澤庫縣 S - 9 Zé kù xiàn f /Zeku county in Huangnan Tibetan autonomous prefecture 黃南藏族自治州|黄南藏族自治州[Huang2 nan2 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 泽当 澤當 S - 16 Zé dāng f /Zêdang town in Nêdong county 乃東縣|乃东县[Nai3 dong1 xian4], Tibet, capital of Lhokha prefecture/ 泽当镇 澤當鎮 S - 3 Zé dāng zhèn f /Zêdang town in Nêdong county 乃東縣|乃东县[Nai3 dong1 xian4], Tibet, capital of Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1]/ 泽普 澤普 S - 3 Zé pǔ f /Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 泽普县 澤普縣 S - 3 Zé pǔ xiàn f /Poskam nahiyisi (Poskam county) in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang/ 泽泻 澤瀉 S - 28 zé xiè f /common water plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica)/water plantain rhizome (used in TCM)/ 泽西 澤西 S - 3 Zé xī f /Jersey (Channel Islands)/ 泽西岛 澤西島 S - 2 Zé xī Dǎo f /Jersey (Channel Islands)/ 泽鹬 澤鷸 S - 0 zé yù f /(bird species of China) marsh sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis)/ 泾 涇 S - 198 Jīng f /Jing River/ 泾县 涇縣 S - 37 Jīng xiàn f /Jing county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 泾川 涇川 S - 10 Jīng chuān f /Jingchuan county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ 泾川县 涇川縣 S - 2 Jīng chuān xiàn f /Jingchuan county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ 泾渭分明 涇渭分明 S - 32 Jīng Wèi fēn míng f /as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom)/to be entirely different/ 泾源 涇源 S - 6 Jīng yuán f /Jingyuan county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 泾源县 涇源縣 S - 4 Jīng yuán xiàn f /Jingyuan county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 泾阳 涇陽 S - 14 Jīng yáng f /Jingyang County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 泾阳县 涇陽縣 S - 4 Jīng yáng Xiàn f /Jingyang County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 洁 潔 S - 361 jié f /clean/ 洁具 潔具 S - 5 jié jù f /bathroom fittings (washbasin, bathtub, toilet etc)/ 洁净 潔淨 S - 260 jié jìng f /clean/to cleanse/ 洁净无瑕 潔淨無瑕 S - 0 jié jìng wú xiá f /clean and spotless/ 洁操 潔操 S - 3 jié cāo f /unimpeachable conduct/noble behavior/spotless personal integrity/ 洁牙 潔牙 S - 3 jié yá f /scaling and polishing (dentistry)/ 洁癖 潔癖 S - 23 jié pǐ f /mysophobia/obsession with cleanliness/extreme fastidiousness/ 洁白 潔白 S - 401 jié bái f /spotlessly white/pure white/ 洁西卡 潔西卡 S - 0 Jié xī kǎ f /Jessica (name)/ 洁西卡·艾芭 潔西卡·艾芭 S - 0 Jié xī kǎ · Aì bā f /Jessica Alba, American actress/ 洁身自好 潔身自好 S - 45 jié shēn zì hào f /clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality/to shun evil influence/to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble/to keep one's hands clean/ 洁面乳 潔面乳 S - 2 jié miàn rǔ f /cleansing lotion/ 洁面露 潔面露 S - 0 jié miàn lù f /cleansing lotion/ 洁食 潔食 S - 0 jié shí f /kosher/ 洄 - 274 huí f /eddying/whirling (of water)/to go against the current/ 洄游 - 115 huí yóu f /(of fish) to migrate/ 洇 - 13 yān f /variant of 湮[yan1]/ 洇 - 13 yīn t /to soak/to blotch/to splotch/ 洇湿 洇濕 S - 3 yīn shī f /to soak/ 洇濕 洇湿 T - 3 yīn shī f /to soak/ 洊 - 23 jiàn f /flowing water/successive/ 洋 - 1634 yáng f /ocean/vast/foreign/silver dollar or coin/ 洋中脊 - 0 yáng zhōng jǐ f /mid-ocean ridge (geology)/ 洋人 - 657 yáng rén f /foreigner/Westerner/ 洋务 洋務 S - 262 yáng wù f /foreign affairs (in Qing times)/foreign learning/ 洋务学堂 洋務學堂 S - 0 yáng wù xué táng f /college of Western learning in late Qing/ 洋务派 洋務派 S - 94 yáng wù pài f /the foreign learning or Westernizing faction in the late Qing/ 洋务运动 洋務運動 S - 3 Yáng wù Yùn dòng f /Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms in China c 1861-1894), also named 自強運動|自强运动/ 洋務 洋务 T - 262 yáng wù f /foreign affairs (in Qing times)/foreign learning/ 洋務學堂 洋务学堂 T - 0 yáng wù xué táng f /college of Western learning in late Qing/ 洋務派 洋务派 T - 94 yáng wù pài f /the foreign learning or Westernizing faction in the late Qing/ 洋務運動 洋务运动 T - 3 Yáng wù Yùn dòng f /Self-Strengthening Movement (period of reforms in China c 1861-1894), also named 自強運動|自强运动/ 洋化 - 2 yáng huà f /to Westernize/ 洋县 洋縣 S - 16 Yáng Xiàn f /Yang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 洋员 洋員 S - 0 yáng yuán f /Westerner employed in Qing China (as professor or military advisor etc)/ 洋味 - 3 yáng wèi f /Western taste/Western style/ 洋員 洋员 T - 0 yáng yuán f /Westerner employed in Qing China (as professor or military advisor etc)/ 洋场恶少 洋場惡少 S - 0 yáng chǎng è shào f /city infested with foreign adventurers (esp of Shanghai in pre-liberation China) (idiom)/ 洋基 - 3 Yáng jī f /see 洋基隊|洋基队[Yang2 ji1 dui4]/New York Yankees (US baseball team)/ 洋基队 洋基隊 S - 3 Yáng jī duì f /New York Yankees (US baseball team)/ 洋基隊 洋基队 T - 3 Yáng jī duì f /New York Yankees (US baseball team)/ 洋場惡少 洋场恶少 T - 0 yáng chǎng è shào f /city infested with foreign adventurers (esp of Shanghai in pre-liberation China) (idiom)/ 洋壳 洋殼 S - 0 yáng qiào f /oceanic crust (geology)/ 洋妞 - 3 yáng niū f /young foreign girl/ 洋姜 洋薑 S - 2 yáng jiāng f /Jerusalem artichoke/ 洋娃娃 - 27 yáng wá wa f /doll (of Western appearance)/ 洋学 洋學 S - 0 Yáng xué f /Western learning/ 洋學 洋学 T - 0 Yáng xué f /Western learning/ 洋山深水港 - 0 Yáng shān Shēn shuǐ gǎng f /Yangshan Deep-Water Port (near Shanghai)/ 洋山港 - 3 Yáng shān Gǎng f /see 洋山深水港[Yang2 shan1 Shen1 shui3 gang3]/ 洋底 - 109 yáng dǐ f /ocean floor/bottom of the ocean/ 洋底地壳 洋底地殼 S - 0 yáng dǐ dì qiào f /oceanic crust (geology)/ 洋底地殼 洋底地壳 T - 0 yáng dǐ dì qiào f /oceanic crust (geology)/ 洋教 - 27 yáng jiào f /foreign religion (esp. Western Christianity in Qing China)/ 洋文 - 22 yáng wén f /foreign language (esp. Western) (old)/ 洋服 - 4 yáng fú f /Western-style clothes/ 洋枪 洋槍 S - 180 yáng qiāng f /western style guns (in former times)/ 洋槍 洋枪 T - 180 yáng qiāng f /western style guns (in former times)/ 洋槐 - 19 yáng huái f /black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)/ 洋槐树 洋槐樹 S - 0 yáng huái shù f /black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)/ 洋槐樹 洋槐树 T - 0 yáng huái shù f /black locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia)/ 洋殼 洋壳 T - 0 yáng qiào f /oceanic crust (geology)/ 洋气 洋氣 S - 21 yáng qì f /trendy/fashionable/foreign styles and trends/ 洋氣 洋气 T - 21 yáng qì f /trendy/fashionable/foreign styles and trends/ 洋油 - 12 yáng yóu f /imported oil/kerosene/ 洋泾浜英语 洋涇浜英語 S - 0 Yáng jīng bāng Yīng yǔ f /pidgin English/ 洋洋 - 54 yáng yáng f /vast/impressive/self-satisfied/immensely pleased with oneself/ 洋洋大篇 - 0 yáng yáng dà piān f /lit. an ocean of writing/an impressive literary work (idiom)/ 洋洋得意 - 62 yáng yáng dé yì f /immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent/ 洋洋洒洒 洋洋灑灑 S - 32 yáng yáng sǎ sǎ f /voluminous/flowing (of speeches, articles etc) (idiom)/ 洋洋灑灑 洋洋洒洒 T - 32 yáng yáng sǎ sǎ f /voluminous/flowing (of speeches, articles etc) (idiom)/ 洋洋自得 - 41 yáng yáng zì dé f /immensely pleased with oneself (idiom)/proud/complacent/ 洋流 - 150 yáng liú f /ocean current/ 洋浦 - 13 Yáng pǔ f /see 洋浦經濟開發區|洋浦经济开发区[Yang2 pu3 jing1 ji4 kai1 fa1 qu1]/ 洋浦經濟開發區 洋浦经济开发区 T - 0 Yáng pǔ jīng jì kāi fā qū f /Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Hainan/ 洋浦经济开发区 洋浦經濟開發區 S - 0 Yáng pǔ jīng jì kāi fā qū f /Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Hainan/ 洋涇浜英語 洋泾浜英语 T - 0 Yáng jīng bāng Yīng yǔ f /pidgin English/ 洋溢 - 263 yáng yì f /brimming with/steeped in/ 洋漂族 - 0 yáng piāo zú f /lit. ocean drifting people/job-hopping foreigner/ 洋火 - 14 yáng huǒ f /(coll.) matches (old)/ 洋灰 - 16 yáng huī f /cement/ 洋燕 - 0 yáng yàn f /(bird species of China) Pacific swallow (Hirundo tahitica)/ 洋片 - 11 yáng piàn f /children's game played with illustrated cards/pogs/menko (Japan)/ 洋琴 - 6 yáng qín f /variant of 揚琴|扬琴[yang2 qin2]/ 洋琵琶 - 0 yáng pí pá f /mandolin/ 洋甘菊 - 3 yáng gān jú f /Matricaria recutita/chamomile/ 洋画儿 洋畫兒 S - 0 yáng huà r f /children's game played with illustrated cards/pogs/menko (Japan)/ 洋畫兒 洋画儿 T - 0 yáng huà r f /children's game played with illustrated cards/pogs/menko (Japan)/ 洋白菜 - 5 yáng bái cài f /cabbage (round cabbage most commonly found in Western countries)/ 洋相 - 32 yáng xiàng f /social gaffe or blunder/faux pas/see 出洋相[chu1 yang2 xiang4]/ 洋碱 洋鹼 S - 3 yáng jiǎn f /soap/ 洋粉 - 2 yáng fěn f /agar/ 洋紫苏 洋紫蘇 S - 0 yáng zǐ sū f /sage (herb)/ 洋紫荆 洋紫荊 S - 0 yáng zǐ jīng f /Hong Kong orchid (Bauhinia blakeana)/ 洋紫荊 洋紫荆 T - 0 yáng zǐ jīng f /Hong Kong orchid (Bauhinia blakeana)/ 洋紫蘇 洋紫苏 T - 0 yáng zǐ sū f /sage (herb)/ 洋縣 洋县 T - 16 Yáng Xiàn f /Yang County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Han4 zhong1], Shaanxi/ 洋罪 - 3 yáng zuì f /terrible pain/torture/(coll.) pain suffered at the hand of foreigners/ 洋脊 - 0 yáng jǐ f /mid-ocean ridge/ 洋腔洋調 洋腔洋调 T - 0 yáng qiāng yáng diào f /to speak with a foreign accent or using words from a foreign language (usually derogatory) (idiom)/ 洋腔洋调 洋腔洋調 S - 0 yáng qiāng yáng diào f /to speak with a foreign accent or using words from a foreign language (usually derogatory) (idiom)/ 洋芋 - 799 yáng yù f /(dialect) potato/ 洋芫荽 - 0 yáng yán sui f /parsley/ 洋苏 洋蘇 S - 0 yáng sū f /sage (herb)/ 洋菜 - 3 yáng cài f /agar/ 洋葱 洋蔥 S - 95 yáng cōng f /onion (Allium cepa)/bulb onion/ 洋蒲桃 - 0 yáng pú táo f /love apple/wax apple/Syzygium samarangense (botany)/ 洋蓟 洋薊 S - 3 yáng jì f /artichoke/ 洋蔥 洋葱 T - 95 yáng cōng f /onion (Allium cepa)/bulb onion/ 洋薊 洋蓟 T - 3 yáng jì f /artichoke/ 洋薑 洋姜 T - 2 yáng jiāng f /Jerusalem artichoke/ 洋蘇 洋苏 T - 0 yáng sū f /sage (herb)/ 洋行 - 381 yáng háng f /foreign firm (old)/ 洋装 洋裝 S - 13 yáng zhuāng f /Western-style dress/ 洋裝 洋装 T - 13 yáng zhuāng f /Western-style dress/ 洋話 洋话 T - 11 yáng huà f /foreign language (esp. Western)/ 洋话 洋話 S - 11 yáng huà f /foreign language (esp. Western)/ 洋貨 洋货 T - 108 yáng huò f /Western goods/imported goods (in former times)/ 洋货 洋貨 S - 108 yáng huò f /Western goods/imported goods (in former times)/ 洋車 洋车 T - 41 yáng chē f /rickshaw/ 洋车 洋車 S - 41 yáng chē f /rickshaw/ 洋錢 洋钱 T - 47 yáng qián f /foreign money/flat silver (former coinage)/also written 銀元|银元/ 洋鎬 洋镐 T - 3 yáng gǎo f /pickaxe/ 洋鐵箔 洋铁箔 T - 0 yáng tiě bó f /tinfoil/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 洋钱 洋錢 S - 47 yáng qián f /foreign money/flat silver (former coinage)/also written 銀元|银元/ 洋铁箔 洋鐵箔 S - 0 yáng tiě bó f /tinfoil/CL:張|张[zhang1]/ 洋镐 洋鎬 S - 3 yáng gǎo f /pickaxe/ 洋面 - 87 yáng miàn f /ocean surface/ 洋香菜 - 0 yáng xiāng cài f /parsley/ 洋鬼 - 0 yáng guǐ f /see 洋鬼子[yang2 gui3 zi5]/ 洋鬼子 - 79 yáng guǐ zi f /foreign devil/term of abuse for Westerners/ 洋鹼 洋碱 T - 3 yáng jiǎn f /soap/ 洌 - 130 liè f /pure/to cleanse/ 洎 - 3 jì f /to reach/when/ 洏 - 32 ér f /to flow (as water or tears)/ 洑 - 15 fú f /undercurrent eddy/ 洒 灑 S 2007 1030 sǎ f /to sprinkle/to spray/to spill/to shed/ 洒布 灑布 S - 0 sǎ bù f /to spread/ 洒水 灑水 S - 8 sǎ shuǐ f /to sprinkle/ 洒水机 灑水機 S - 3 sǎ shuǐ jī f /sprinkler/ 洒水车 灑水車 S - 3 sǎ shuǐ chē f /sprinkler truck/ 洒满 灑滿 S - 26 sǎ mǎn f /to sprinkle over sth/ 洒狗血 灑狗血 S - 3 sǎ gǒu xiě f /to overreact/melodramatic/ 洒脱 灑脫 S - 148 sǎ tuō f /free and at ease/unaffected/ 洗 248 3202 xǐ f /to wash/to bathe/to develop (photo)/ 洗冤 - 14 xǐ yuān f /lit. to wash out a grievance/fig. to right a wrong/to redress an injustice/ 洗冤集录 洗冤集錄 S - 0 Xǐ yuān jí lù f /Record of Washed Grievances (1247) by Song Ci 宋慈, said to be the world's first legal forensic text/ 洗冤集錄 洗冤集录 T - 0 Xǐ yuān jí lù f /Record of Washed Grievances (1247) by Song Ci 宋慈, said to be the world's first legal forensic text/ 洗净 洗淨 S - 227 xǐ jìng f /to wash clean/ 洗刷 - 118 xǐ shuā f /wash/brush/scrub/ 洗剪吹 - 0 xǐ jiǎn chuī f /shampoo, haircut and blow-dry/ 洗劫 - 238 xǐ jié f /to loot/to rob/to ransack/to pillage/ 洗劫一空 - 18 xǐ jié yī kōng f /to steal everything/ 洗发乳 洗髮乳 S - 0 xǐ fà rǔ f /shampoo/ 洗发剂 洗髮劑 S - 5 xǐ fà jì f /shampoo/ 洗发水 洗髮水 S - 28 xǐ fà shuǐ f /shampoo (liquid)/ 洗发水儿 洗髮水兒 S - 0 xǐ fà shuǐ r f /shampoo/ 洗发皂 洗髮皂 S - 0 xǐ fà zào f /shampoo/ 洗发粉 洗髮粉 S - 0 xǐ fà fěn f /shampoo powder/ 洗发精 洗髮精 S - 6 xǐ fà jīng f /shampoo/ 洗发露 洗髮露 S - 3 xǐ fà lù f /shampoo/ 洗头 洗頭 S - 91 xǐ tóu f /to wash one's hair/to have a shampoo/ 洗心革面 - 20 xǐ xīn gé miàn f /lit. to wash one's heart and renew one's face (idiom); to repent sincerely and mend one's mistaken ways/to turn over a new leaf/ 洗手 - 238 xǐ shǒu f /to wash one's hands/to go to the toilet/ 洗手不干 洗手不幹 S - 19 xǐ shǒu bù gàn f /to totally stop doing something/to reform one's ways/ 洗手不幹 洗手不干 T - 19 xǐ shǒu bù gàn f /to totally stop doing something/to reform one's ways/ 洗手乳 - 0 xǐ shǒu rǔ f /liquid hand soap/ 洗手台 - 2 xǐ shǒu tái f /vanity unit/ 洗手池 - 2 xǐ shǒu chí f /bathroom sink/wash basin/ 洗手液 - 3 xǐ shǒu yè f /liquid hand soap/ 洗手盆 - 2 xǐ shǒu pén f /bathroom sink/wash basin/ 洗手間 洗手间 T 528 105 xǐ shǒu jiān f /toilet/lavatory/washroom/ 洗手间 洗手間 S 528 105 xǐ shǒu jiān f /toilet/lavatory/washroom/ 洗染店 - 2 xǐ rǎn diàn f /commercial laundry/cleaners/ 洗沟 洗溝 S - 0 xǐ gōu f /to roll a ball into the gutter (ten-pin bowling)/ 洗洁剂 洗潔劑 S - 0 xǐ jié jì f /detergent/ 洗洁精 洗潔精 S - 11 xǐ jié jīng f /dishwashing liquid/ 洗浴 - 88 xǐ yù f /to bathe/ 洗浴中心 - 0 xǐ yù zhōng xīn f /bathing and recreation center/ 洗消 - 30 xǐ xiāo f /decontamination/ 洗消剂 洗消劑 S - 3 xǐ xiāo jì f /decontaminant/decontaminating agent/ 洗消劑 洗消剂 T - 3 xǐ xiāo jì f /decontaminant/decontaminating agent/ 洗消场 洗消場 S - 0 xǐ xiāo chǎng f /decontaminating field/ 洗消場 洗消场 T - 0 xǐ xiāo chǎng f /decontaminating field/ 洗涤 洗滌 S - 183 xǐ dí f /to rinse/to wash/washing/ 洗涤剂 洗滌劑 S - 68 xǐ dí jì f /cleaning agent/detergent/ 洗涤器 洗滌器 S - 3 xǐ dí qì f /washing appliance/ 洗涤机 洗滌機 S - 0 xǐ dí jī f /washer/washing machine/rinsing machine/ 洗涤桶 洗滌桶 S - 0 xǐ dí tǒng f /washtub/ 洗涤槽 洗滌槽 S - 0 xǐ dí cáo f /washing tank/sink/ 洗涤灵 洗滌靈 S - 3 xǐ dí líng f /dishwashing liquid/ 洗涤间 洗滌間 S - 0 xǐ dí jiān f /washroom/washhouse/ 洗淨 洗净 T - 227 xǐ jìng f /to wash clean/ 洗溝 洗沟 T - 0 xǐ gōu f /to roll a ball into the gutter (ten-pin bowling)/ 洗滌 洗涤 T - 183 xǐ dí f /to rinse/to wash/washing/ 洗滌劑 洗涤剂 T - 68 xǐ dí jì f /cleaning agent/detergent/ 洗滌器 洗涤器 T - 3 xǐ dí qì f /washing appliance/ 洗滌桶 洗涤桶 T - 0 xǐ dí tǒng f /washtub/ 洗滌槽 洗涤槽 T - 0 xǐ dí cáo f /washing tank/sink/ 洗滌機 洗涤机 T - 0 xǐ dí jī f /washer/washing machine/rinsing machine/ 洗滌間 洗涤间 T - 0 xǐ dí jiān f /washroom/washhouse/ 洗滌靈 洗涤灵 T - 3 xǐ dí líng f /dishwashing liquid/ 洗漱 - 103 xǐ shù f /to wash the face and rinse the mouth/ 洗潔劑 洗洁剂 T - 0 xǐ jié jì f /detergent/ 洗潔精 洗洁精 T - 11 xǐ jié jīng f /dishwashing liquid/ 洗澡 529 414 xǐ zǎo f /to bathe/to take a shower/ 洗澡間 洗澡间 T - 13 xǐ zǎo jiān f /bathroom/restroom/shower room/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 洗澡间 洗澡間 S - 13 xǐ zǎo jiān f /bathroom/restroom/shower room/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 洗濯 - 12 xǐ zhuó f /to wash/to cleanse/to launder/ 洗炼 洗煉 S - 11 xǐ liàn f /variant of 洗練|洗练[xi3 lian4]/ 洗煉 洗炼 T - 11 xǐ liàn f /variant of 洗練|洗练[xi3 lian4]/ 洗牌 - 61 xǐ pái f /to shuffle cards/ 洗牙 - 0 xǐ yá f /scaling and polishing (dentistry)/ 洗甲水 - 0 xǐ jiǎ shuǐ f /nail polish remover/ 洗盆 - 0 xǐ pén f /basin (water container)/ 洗碗 - 3 xǐ wǎn f /to wash the dishes/ 洗碗机 洗碗機 S - 4 xǐ wǎn jī f /dishwasher/ 洗碗機 洗碗机 T - 4 xǐ wǎn jī f /dishwasher/ 洗碗池 - 3 xǐ wǎn chí f /kitchen sink/ 洗碗精 - 0 xǐ wǎn jīng f /dishwashing liquid/ 洗礼 洗禮 S - 428 xǐ lǐ f /baptism/ 洗禮 洗礼 T - 428 xǐ lǐ f /baptism/ 洗練 洗练 T - 46 xǐ liàn f /agile/nimble/deft/ 洗练 洗練 S - 46 xǐ liàn f /agile/nimble/deft/ 洗者若翰 - 0 Xǐ zhě Ruò hàn f /St John the Baptist/ 洗耳恭听 洗耳恭聽 S - 39 xǐ ěr gōng tīng f /to listen with respectful attention/(a polite request to sb to speak)/we are all ears/ 洗耳恭聽 洗耳恭听 T - 39 xǐ ěr gōng tīng f /to listen with respectful attention/(a polite request to sb to speak)/we are all ears/ 洗胃 - 70 xǐ wèi f /to have one stomach's pumped/gastric lavage (medicine)/ 洗脑 洗腦 S - 3 xǐ nǎo f /to brainwash/ 洗脫 洗脱 T - 17 xǐ tuō f /to cleanse/to purge/to wash away/ 洗脱 洗脫 S - 17 xǐ tuō f /to cleanse/to purge/to wash away/ 洗脸 洗臉 S - 262 xǐ liǎn f /to wash your face/ 洗脸台 洗臉臺 S - 0 xǐ liǎn tái f /commode/dressing table/sink/ 洗脸盆 洗臉盆 S - 14 xǐ liǎn pén f /washbowl/basin for washing hands and face/ 洗脸盘 洗臉盤 S - 0 xǐ liǎn pán f /a hand basin/ 洗腦 洗脑 T - 3 xǐ nǎo f /to brainwash/ 洗臉 洗脸 T - 262 xǐ liǎn f /to wash your face/ 洗臉盆 洗脸盆 T - 14 xǐ liǎn pén f /washbowl/basin for washing hands and face/ 洗臉盤 洗脸盘 T - 0 xǐ liǎn pán f /a hand basin/ 洗臉臺 洗脸台 T - 0 xǐ liǎn tái f /commode/dressing table/sink/ 洗衣 - 202 xǐ yī f /laundry/ 洗衣店 - 8 xǐ yī diàn f /laundry (commercial establishment)/ 洗衣房 - 9 xǐ yī fáng f /laundry room/ 洗衣机 洗衣機 S - 203 xǐ yī jī f /washer/washing machine/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 洗衣板 - 6 xǐ yī bǎn f /washboard/(jocularly) flat chest/ 洗衣機 洗衣机 T - 203 xǐ yī jī f /washer/washing machine/CL:臺|台[tai2]/ 洗衣粉 - 77 xǐ yī fěn f /laundry detergent/washing powder/ 洗衣網 洗衣网 T - 0 xǐ yī wǎng f /mesh laundry bag (for keeping garments separate from others in the washing machine)/ 洗衣网 洗衣網 S - 0 xǐ yī wǎng f /mesh laundry bag (for keeping garments separate from others in the washing machine)/ 洗錢 洗钱 T - 121 xǐ qián f /money laundering/ 洗钱 洗錢 S - 121 xǐ qián f /money laundering/ 洗雪 - 42 xǐ xuě f /to erase/to wipe out (a previous humiliation etc)/ 洗面 - 3 xǐ miàn f /facial cleansing/ 洗面乳 - 31 xǐ miàn rǔ f /cleansing lotion/ 洗面奶 - 15 xǐ miàn nǎi f /cleansing lotion/ 洗頭 洗头 T - 91 xǐ tóu f /to wash one's hair/to have a shampoo/ 洗馬 洗马 T - 0 xiǎn mǎ f /(official title) herald to the crown prince (in imperial China)/ 洗马 洗馬 S - 0 xiǎn mǎ f /(official title) herald to the crown prince (in imperial China)/ 洗髮乳 洗发乳 T - 0 xǐ fà rǔ f /shampoo/ 洗髮劑 洗发剂 T - 5 xǐ fà jì f /shampoo/ 洗髮水 洗发水 T - 28 xǐ fà shuǐ f /shampoo (liquid)/ 洗髮水兒 洗发水儿 T - 0 xǐ fà shuǐ r f /shampoo/ 洗髮皂 洗发皂 T - 0 xǐ fà zào f /shampoo/ 洗髮粉 洗发粉 T - 0 xǐ fà fěn f /shampoo powder/ 洗髮精 洗发精 T - 6 xǐ fà jīng f /shampoo/ 洗髮露 洗发露 T - 3 xǐ fà lù f /shampoo/ 洗黑錢 洗黑钱 T - 0 xǐ hēi qián f /money laundering/ 洗黑钱 洗黑錢 S - 0 xǐ hēi qián f /money laundering/ 洙 - 10 Zhū f /surname Zhu/ 洙 - 10 zhū f /name of a river/ 洚 - 0 jiàng f /flood/ 洛 - 1059 Luò f /surname Luo/old name of several rivers (in Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan and Anhui)/ 洛伦茨 洛倫茨 S - 15 Luò lún cí f /Lorentz (name)/Hendrik Lorentz (1853-1928), Dutch physicist, 1902 Nobel laureate/ 洛佩兹 洛佩茲 S - 3 Luò pèi zī f /Lopez (name)/ 洛佩斯 - 31 Luò pèi sī f /Lopez (name)/ 洛佩茲 洛佩兹 T - 3 Luò pèi zī f /Lopez (name)/ 洛倫茨 洛伦茨 T - 15 Luò lún cí f /Lorentz (name)/Hendrik Lorentz (1853-1928), Dutch physicist, 1902 Nobel laureate/ 洛克人 - 3 Luò kè rén f /Rockman or Mega Man (video game series)/ 洛克菲勒 - 70 Luò kè fēi lè f /Rockefeller/ 洛克西德 - 0 Luò kè xī dé f /Lockheed (US aerospace company)/ 洛南 - 17 Luò nán f /Luonan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 洛南县 洛南縣 S - 5 Luò nán Xiàn f /Luonan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 洛南縣 洛南县 T - 5 Luò nán Xiàn f /Luonan County in Shangluo 商洛[Shang1 luo4], Shaanxi/ 洛可可 - 3 luò kě kě f /rococo (loanword)/very ornate/ 洛基 - 5 Luò jī f /Loki, god of fire and mischievous destroyer in Norse mythology/ 洛基山 - 0 Luò jī Shān f /Rocky Mountains/also written 洛磯山|洛矶山/ 洛子峰 - 4 Luò zǐ Fēng f /Lhotse Mountain, between Tibet and Nepal/ 洛宁 洛寧 S - 61 Luò níng f /Luoning county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 洛宁县 洛寧縣 S - 9 Luò Níng xiàn f /Luoning county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 洛寧 洛宁 T - 61 Luò níng f /Luoning county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 洛寧縣 洛宁县 T - 9 Luò Níng xiàn f /Luoning county in Luoyang 洛陽|洛阳, Henan/ 洛川 - 70 Luò chuān f /Luochuan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 洛川县 洛川縣 S - 9 Luò chuān xiàn f /Luochuan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 洛川縣 洛川县 T - 9 Luò chuān xiàn f /Luochuan county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi/ 洛希尔 洛希爾 S - 3 Luò xī ěr f /Rothschild (name)/ 洛希爾 洛希尔 T - 3 Luò xī ěr f /Rothschild (name)/ 洛德 - 7 Luò dé f /Lord (name)/ 洛扎 - 3 Luò zhā f /Lhozhag county, Tibetan: Lho brag rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 洛扎县 洛扎縣 S - 3 Luò zhā xiàn f /Lhozhag county, Tibetan: Lho brag rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 洛扎縣 洛扎县 T - 3 Luò zhā xiàn f /Lhozhag county, Tibetan: Lho brag rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 洛杉矶 洛杉磯 S - 488 Luò shān jī f /Los Angeles, California/ 洛杉矶时报 洛杉磯時報 S - 0 Luò shān jī Shí bào f /Los Angeles Times/ 洛杉矶湖人 洛杉磯湖人 S - 0 Luò shān jī Hú rén f /Los Angeles Lakers (NBA team)/ 洛杉磯 洛杉矶 T - 488 Luò shān jī f /Los Angeles, California/ 洛杉磯時報 洛杉矶时报 T - 0 Luò shān jī Shí bào f /Los Angeles Times/ 洛杉磯湖人 洛杉矶湖人 T - 0 Luò shān jī Hú rén f /Los Angeles Lakers (NBA team)/ 洛林 - 105 Luò lín f /Lorraine (region in France)/ 洛桑 - 314 Luò sāng f /Lausanne (city in Switzerland)/ 洛江 - 0 Luò jiāng f /Luojiang district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 洛江区 洛江區 S - 3 Luò jiāng qū f /Luojiang district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 洛江區 洛江区 T - 3 Luò jiāng qū f /Luojiang district of Quanzhou city 泉州市[Quan2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian/ 洛河 - 49 Luò hé f /name of several rivers/North Luo river, tributary of Wei river 渭河|渭河[Wei4 He2] in Shaanxi/ 洛浦 - 4 Luò pǔ f /Lop Nahiyisi/Lop county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 洛浦县 洛浦縣 S - 2 Luò pǔ xiàn f /Lop Nahiyisi/Lop county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 洛浦縣 洛浦县 T - 2 Luò pǔ xiàn f /Lop Nahiyisi/Lop county in Khotan prefecture 和田地區|和田地区[He2 tian2 di4 qu1], Xinjiang/ 洛皮塔 - 0 Luò pí tǎ f /Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, location of Myanmar's biggest hydroelectric plant/ 洛皮塔瀑布 - 0 Luò pí tǎ pù bù f /Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, location of Myanmar's biggest hydroelectric plant/ 洛矶山 洛磯山 S - 3 Luò jī Shān f /Rocky Mountains/ 洛矶山脉 洛磯山脈 S - 0 Luò jī Shān mài f /Rocky Mountains/ 洛磯山 洛矶山 T - 3 Luò jī Shān f /Rocky Mountains/ 洛磯山脈 洛矶山脉 T - 0 Luò jī Shān mài f /Rocky Mountains/ 洛美 - 30 Luò měi f /Lomé/Lome, capital of Togo/ 洛錫安區 洛锡安区 T - 0 Luò Xī ān qū f /Lothian, Scottish region around Edinburgh/ 洛锡安区 洛錫安區 S - 0 Luò Xī ān qū f /Lothian, Scottish region around Edinburgh/ 洛阳 洛陽 S - 2331 Luò yáng f /Luoyang prefecture level city in Henan, an old capital from pre-Han times/ 洛阳地区 洛陽地區 S - 0 Luò yáng dì qū f /Luoyang prefecture in Henan/ 洛阳市 洛陽市 S - 52 Luò yáng shì f /Luoyang prefecture level city in Henan, an old capital from pre-Han times/ 洛阳纸贵 洛陽紙貴 S - 5 Luò yáng zhǐ guì f /lit. to push up paper prices in Luoyang (idiom); fig. sensational popularity of a new book/ 洛陽 洛阳 T - 2331 Luò yáng f /Luoyang prefecture level city in Henan, an old capital from pre-Han times/ 洛陽地區 洛阳地区 T - 0 Luò yáng dì qū f /Luoyang prefecture in Henan/ 洛陽市 洛阳市 T - 52 Luò yáng shì f /Luoyang prefecture level city in Henan, an old capital from pre-Han times/ 洛陽紙貴 洛阳纸贵 T - 5 Luò yáng zhǐ guì f /lit. to push up paper prices in Luoyang (idiom); fig. sensational popularity of a new book/ 洛隆 - 3 Luò lóng f /Lhorong county, Tibetan: Lho rong rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 洛隆县 洛隆縣 S - 3 Luò lóng xiàn f /Lhorong county, Tibetan: Lho rong rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 洛隆縣 洛隆县 T - 3 Luò lóng xiàn f /Lhorong county, Tibetan: Lho rong rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 洛龍 洛龙 T - 0 Luò lóng f /Luolong district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 洛龍區 洛龙区 T - 3 Luò lóng qū f /Luolong district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 洛龙 洛龍 S - 0 Luò lóng f /Luolong district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 洛龙区 洛龍區 S - 3 Luò lóng qū f /Luolong district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 洞 1464 6944 dòng f /cave/hole/zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 洞口 - 736 Dòng kǒu f /Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 洞口 - 736 dòng kǒu f /cave mouth/tunnel entrance/ 洞口县 洞口縣 S - 4 Dòng kǒu xiàn f /Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 洞口縣 洞口县 T - 4 Dòng kǒu xiàn f /Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shao4 yang2], Hunan/ 洞天 - 39 dòng tiān f /paradise/heavenly or beautiful place/fairyland/ 洞头 洞頭 S - 5 Dòng tóu f /Dontou county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 洞头县 洞頭縣 S - 3 Dòng tóu xiàn f /Dontou county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 洞子 - 3 dòng zi f /cave/pit/(coll.) greenhouse/ 洞孔 - 0 dòng kǒng f /hole/ 洞察 - 101 dòng chá f /to see clearly/ 洞察一切 - 10 dòng chá yī qiè f /to see everything clearly/ 洞察力 - 67 dòng chá lì f /insight/ 洞府 - 46 dòng fǔ f /cave dwelling/legendary abode of immortals/ 洞庭湖 - 2593 Dòng tíng Hú f /Dongting Lake in northeast Hunan province/ 洞开 洞開 S - 212 dòng kāi f /to be wide open/ 洞悉 - 95 dòng xī f /to clearly understand/ 洞房 - 125 dòng fáng f /secret inner room/bridal room/ 洞房花烛 洞房花燭 S - 67 dòng fáng huā zhú f /bridal room and ornamented candles/wedding festivities (idiom)/ 洞房花烛夜 洞房花燭夜 S - 0 dòng fáng huā zhú yè f /wedding night/ 洞房花燭 洞房花烛 T - 67 dòng fáng huā zhú f /bridal room and ornamented candles/wedding festivities (idiom)/ 洞房花燭夜 洞房花烛夜 T - 0 dòng fáng huā zhú yè f /wedding night/ 洞穴 - 681 dòng xué f /cave/cavern/ 洞穿 - 48 dòng chuān f /to penetrate/to pierce/to see clearly/to have an insight into/ 洞窟 - 272 dòng kū f /a cave/ 洞若觀火 洞若观火 T - 8 dòng ruò guān huǒ f /clear as a flame (idiom); to see things absolutely clearly/ 洞若观火 洞若觀火 S - 8 dòng ruò guān huǒ f /clear as a flame (idiom); to see things absolutely clearly/ 洞見 洞见 T - 22 dòng jiàn f /insight/to see clearly/ 洞见 洞見 S - 22 dòng jiàn f /insight/to see clearly/ 洞鉴 洞鑒 S - 3 dòng jiàn f /to examine deeply/to inspect closely/ 洞鑒 洞鉴 T - 3 dòng jiàn f /to examine deeply/to inspect closely/ 洞開 洞开 T - 212 dòng kāi f /to be wide open/ 洞頭 洞头 T - 5 Dòng tóu f /Dontou county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 洞頭縣 洞头县 T - 3 Dòng tóu xiàn f /Dontou county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州[Wen1 zhou1], Zhejiang/ 洟 - 299 tì f /nasal mucus/Taiwan pr. [yi2]/ 洢 - 0 yī f /old name of a river in Henan, now written 伊河/ 洣 - 6 Mǐ f /Mi river in Hunan, tributary of Xiangjiang 湘江/ 洣水 - 0 Mǐ shuǐ f /Mi river in Hunan, tributary of Xiangjiang 湘江/ 津 - 1960 jīn f /saliva/sweat/a ferry crossing/a ford (river crossing)/abbr. for Tianjin 天津/ 津南 - 256 Jīn nán f /Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 津南区 津南區 S - 3 Jīn nán qū f /Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 津南區 津南区 T - 3 Jīn nán qū f /Jinnan suburban district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]/ 津塔 - 0 Jīn tǎ f /Jin Tower/abbr. for 天津環球金融中心|天津环球金融中心[Tian1 jin1 Huan2 qiu2 Jin1 rong2 Zhong1 xin1] Tianjin World Financial Center, skyscraper a.k.a. the Tianjin Tower/ 津岛 津島 S - 0 Jīn dǎo f /Tsushima, a city in Aichi prefecture, Japan/ 津島 津岛 T - 0 Jīn dǎo f /Tsushima, a city in Aichi prefecture, Japan/ 津巴布韋 津巴布韦 T - 215 Jīn bā bù wéi f /Zimbabwe/ 津巴布韦 津巴布韋 S - 215 Jīn bā bù wéi f /Zimbabwe/ 津市 - 32 Jīn shì f /Jinshi county level city in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan/ 津市市 - 5 Jīn shì shì f /Jinshi county level city in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan/ 津梁 - 6 jīn liáng f /lit. ferry bridge/fig. interim measure over some difficulty/a guide/ 津沽 - 0 Jīn gū f /another name for Tianjin 天津/ 津泽 津澤 S - 0 jīn zé f /fluids (esp. in plants)/sap/ 津津 - 3 jīn jīn f /enthusiastic/ardent/(with) great relish/ 津津乐道 津津樂道 S - 97 jīn jīn lè dào f /to discuss sth enthusiastically/ 津津有味 4959 144 jīn jīn yǒu wèi f /with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with gusto/to relish/eagerly/with great interest/ 津津樂道 津津乐道 T - 97 jīn jīn lè dào f /to discuss sth enthusiastically/ 津浪 - 0 jīn làng f /tsunami/same as 海嘯|海啸/ 津液 - 105 jīn yè f /bodily fluids (general term in Chinese medicine)/ 津澤 津泽 T - 0 jīn zé f /fluids (esp. in plants)/sap/ 津要 - 0 jīn yào f /(literary) key location/key post (important job)/ 津貼 津贴 T - 732 jīn tiē f /allowance/ 津贴 津貼 S - 732 jīn tiē f /allowance/ 洧 - 15 wěi f /name of a river/ 洧水 - 0 Wěi shuǐ f /river in Henan/ 洨 - 8 Xiáo f /Xiao River in Hebei province/ 洨河 - 0 Xiáo Hé f /Xiao River in Hebei/ 洩 泄 T - 1021 xiè f /variant of 泄[xie4]/ 洩勁 泄劲 T - 2 xiè jìn f /to lose heart/to feel discouraged/ 洩密 泄密 T - 95 xiè mì f /to leak secrets/ 洩底 泄底 T - 3 xiè dǐ f /to divulge the inside story/ 洩怒 泄怒 T - 0 xiè nù f /to give vent to anger/ 洩恨 泄恨 T - 6 xiè hèn f /to give vent to anger/ 洩慾 泄欲 T - 0 xiè yù f /to sate one's lust/ 洩慾工具 泄欲工具 T - 0 xiè yù gōng jù f /sexual object/ 洩憤 泄愤 T - 47 xiè fèn f /to give vent to anger/ 洩殖腔 泄殖腔 T - 17 xiè zhí qiāng f /cloaca/cloacal cavity (of bird, reptile etc)/ 洩氣 泄气 T 4131 148 xiè qì f /to leak (gas)/to be discouraged/to despair/(disparaging) pathetic/to vent one's anger/(of a tire) to be flat/ 洩洪 泄洪 T - 73 xiè hóng f /to release flood water/flood discharge/ 洩洪閘 泄洪闸 T - 6 xiè hóng zhá f /sluice-gate/flood discharge valve/ 洩流 泄流 T - 0 xiè liú f /drainage/ 洩瀉 泄泻 T - 41 xiè xiè f /loose bowels/diarrhea/to have the runs/ 洩痢 泄痢 T - 0 xiè lì f /to have diarrhea/ 洩私憤 泄私愤 T - 9 xiè sī fèn f /to vent personal spite/to act out of malice (esp. of crime)/ 洪 - 1853 Hóng f /surname Hong/ 洪 - 1853 hóng f /flood/big/great/ 洪亮 - 216 hóng liàng f /loud and clear/resonant/ 洪亮吉 - 0 Hóng Liàng jí f /Hong Liangji (1746-1809), poet and historian/ 洪佛 - 0 Hóng Fó f /Hung Fut style kung fu/ 洪博培 - 0 Hóng Bó péi f /Jon Huntsman, Jr. (1960-) Governor of Utah from 2005 to 2009, US Ambassador to China since August 2009/ 洪堡 - 61 Hóng bǎo f /Humboldt/ 洪家 - 9 Hóng Jiā f /the Hong family (household)/Hung Gar Kung Fu - Martial Art/ 洪山 - 1120 Hóng shān f /Hongshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 洪山区 洪山區 S - 4872 Hóng shān qū f /Hongshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 洪山區 洪山区 T - 4872 Hóng shān qū f /Hongshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei/ 洪庙村 洪廟村 S - 0 Hóng miào cūn f /Hongmiao village in Mudan District 牡丹區|牡丹区[Mu3 dan5 Qu1] of Heze City, Shandong/ 洪廟村 洪庙村 T - 0 Hóng miào cūn f /Hongmiao village in Mudan District 牡丹區|牡丹区[Mu3 dan5 Qu1] of Heze City, Shandong/ 洪森 - 29 Hóng Sēn f /Hun Sen (1952-), prime minister of Cambodia since 1985/ 洪武 - 686 Hóng wǔ f /Hongwu Emperor, also written Hung-wu Ti, reign name of first Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋[Zhu1 Yuan2 zhang1] (1328-1398), reigned 1386-1398, Temple name 明太祖[Ming2 Tai4 zu3]/ 洪水 3703 1383 hóng shuǐ f /deluge/flood/ 洪水期 - 82 hóng shuǐ qī f /flood season/ 洪水滔滔 - 0 hóng shuǐ tāo tāo f /widespread flooding (idiom)/ 洪水猛兽 洪水猛獸 S - 35 hóng shuǐ měng shòu f /lit. severe floods and fierce beasts (idiom)/fig. great scourges/extremely dangerous or threatening things/ 洪水猛獸 洪水猛兽 T - 35 hóng shuǐ měng shòu f /lit. severe floods and fierce beasts (idiom)/fig. great scourges/extremely dangerous or threatening things/ 洪汛期 - 0 hóng xùn qī f /flood season/ 洪江 - 16 Hóng jiāng f /Hongjiang county level city in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/Hongjiang district of Huaihua city 懷化市|怀化市[Huai2 hua4 shi4], Hunan/ 洪江区 洪江區 S - 0 Hóng jiāng qū f /Hongjiang district of Huaihua city 懷化市|怀化市[Huai2 hua4 shi4], Hunan/ 洪江區 洪江区 T - 0 Hóng jiāng qū f /Hongjiang district of Huaihua city 懷化市|怀化市[Huai2 hua4 shi4], Hunan/ 洪江市 - 7 Hóng jiāng shì f /Hongjiang county level city in Huaihua 懷化|怀化[Huai2 hua4], Hunan/ 洪泽 洪澤 S - 6 Hóng zé f /Hongze county in Huai'an 淮安[Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ 洪泽县 洪澤縣 S - 9 Hóng zé xiàn f /Hongze county in Huai'an 淮安[Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ 洪泽湖 洪澤湖 S - 84 Hóng zé Hú f /Hongze Lake in Jiangsu province/ 洪洞 - 20 Hóng tóng f /Hongtong county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 洪洞县 洪洞縣 S - 27 Hóng tóng xiàn f /Hongtong county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 洪洞縣 洪洞县 T - 27 Hóng tóng xiàn f /Hongtong county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 洪流 - 350 hóng liú f /a powerful current/a flood (often fig., e.g. a flood of ideas)/ 洪涝 洪澇 S - 370 hóng lào f /flood/inundation/flooding/ 洪淵 洪渊 T - 0 hóng yuān f /vast and profound/ 洪渊 洪淵 S - 0 hóng yuān f /vast and profound/ 洪湖 - 1337 Hóng hú f /Honghu county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ 洪湖市 - 259 Hóng hú shì f /Honghu county level city in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jing1 zhou1], Hubei/ 洪澇 洪涝 T - 370 hóng lào f /flood/inundation/flooding/ 洪澤 洪泽 T - 6 Hóng zé f /Hongze county in Huai'an 淮安[Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ 洪澤湖 洪泽湖 T - 84 Hóng zé Hú f /Hongze Lake in Jiangsu province/ 洪澤縣 洪泽县 T - 9 Hóng zé xiàn f /Hongze county in Huai'an 淮安[Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ 洪災 洪灾 T - 53 hóng zāi f /flood/ 洪灾 洪災 S - 53 hóng zāi f /flood/ 洪炉 洪爐 S - 8 hóng lú f /great furnace (metaphor for a place where character is forged)/ 洪熙 - 46 Hóng Xī f /Hongxi Emperor, reign name of fourth Ming emperor Zhu Gaochi 朱高熾|朱高炽[Zhu1 Gao1 chi4] (1378-1425), reigned (1424-1425), Temple name 明仁宗[Ming2 Ren2 zong1]/ 洪爐 洪炉 T - 8 hóng lú f /great furnace (metaphor for a place where character is forged)/ 洪福 - 71 hóng fú f /good fortune/great blessing/ 洪福齊天 洪福齐天 T - 35 hóng fú qí tiān f /flood of good fortune fills the heavens (idiom); a lucky sign/ 洪福齐天 洪福齊天 S - 35 hóng fú qí tiān f /flood of good fortune fills the heavens (idiom); a lucky sign/ 洪秀全 - 197 Hóng Xiù quán f /Hong Xiuquan or Hung Hsiu-ch'üan (1814-1864), leader of the Taiping rebellion or Taiping Heavenly Kingdom/ 洪秀柱 - 0 Hóng Xiù zhù f /Hung Hsiu-chu (1948-), Taiwanese KMT politician/ 洪都拉斯 - 116 Hóng dū lā sī f /Honduras/ 洪門 洪门 T - 21 Hóng mén f /see 天地會|天地会[Tian1 di4 hui4]/ 洪门 洪門 S - 21 Hóng mén f /see 天地會|天地会[Tian1 di4 hui4]/ 洪雅 - 4 Hóng yǎ f /Hongya County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 洪雅县 洪雅縣 S - 3 Hóng yǎ Xiàn f /Hongya County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 洪雅族 - 0 Hóng yǎ zú f /Hoanya, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/ 洪雅縣 洪雅县 T - 3 Hóng yǎ Xiàn f /Hongya County in Meishan 眉山市[Mei2 shan1 Shi4], Sichuan/ 洫 - 4 xù f /to ditch/a moat/ 洮 - 74 táo f /to cleanse/name of a river/ 洮北 - 0 Táo běi f /Taobei district of Baicheng city 白城市, Jilin/ 洮北区 洮北區 S - 2 Táo běi qū f /Taobei district of Baicheng city 白城市, Jilin/ 洮北區 洮北区 T - 2 Táo běi qū f /Taobei district of Baicheng city 白城市, Jilin/ 洮南 - 9 Táo nán f /Taonan county level city in Baicheng 白城, Jilin/ 洮南市 - 6 Táo nán shì f /Taonan county level city in Baicheng 白城, Jilin/ 洱 - 20 ěr f /see 洱海[Er3 hai3]/ 洱海 - 76 Er hǎi f /Erhai Lake/ 洱源 - 6 Er yuán f /Eryuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 洱源县 洱源縣 S - 4 Er yuán xiàn f /Eryuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 洱源縣 洱源县 T - 4 Er yuán xiàn f /Eryuan county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan/ 洲 - 3128 zhōu f /continent/island in a river/ 洲府 - 0 zhōu fǔ f /state government/ 洲际 洲際 S - 174 zhōu jì f /intercontinental/ 洲际导弹 洲際導彈 S - 48 zhōu jì dǎo dàn f /intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM/ 洲际弹道导弹 洲際彈道導彈 S - 0 zhōu jì dàn dào dǎo dàn f /intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM/ 洲際 洲际 T - 174 zhōu jì f /intercontinental/ 洲際導彈 洲际导弹 T - 48 zhōu jì dǎo dàn f /intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM/ 洲際彈道導彈 洲际弹道导弹 T - 0 zhōu jì dàn dào dǎo dàn f /intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM/ 洳 - 48 rù f /damp/boggy/marshy/ 洴 - 9 píng f /wash/bleach (fabric)/ 洵 - 23 xún f /truly/whirlpool/ 洶 汹 T - 12 xiōng f /torrential rush/tumultuous/ 洶湧 汹涌 T 4379 330 xiōng yǒng f /to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc)/turbulent/ 洸 - 58 guāng f /sparkling water/ 洹 - 167 huán f /name of a river/ 洺 - 533 míng f /name of a river/ 活 - 8000 huó f /to live/alive/living/work/workmanship/ 活下 - 0 huó xià f /to survive/ 活下去 - 3 huó xià qù f /to survive/to keep on living/ 活不下去 - 3 huó bù xià qu f /impossible to make a living/ 活人 - 488 huó rén f /living person/ 活似 - 3 huó sì f /see 活像[huo2 xiang4]/ 活体 活體 S - 78 huó tǐ f /living body/live specimen/ 活体检视 活體檢視 S - 0 huó tǐ jiǎn shì f /biopsy/ 活体组织检查 活體組織檢查 S - 0 huó tǐ zǔ zhī jiǎn chá f /biopsy/abbr. to 活檢|活检[huo2 jian3]/ 活佛 - 307 huó fó f /Living Buddha/title of Mongolian Lamas from 17th century/ 活便 - 0 huó biàn f /nimble/agile/convenient/ 活像 - 105 huó xiàng f /to look exactly like/to be the spitting image of/ 活儿 活兒 S - 465 huó r f /work/(lots of) things to do/ 活兒 活儿 T - 465 huó r f /work/(lots of) things to do/ 活分 - 3 huó fēn f /nimble/ 活到老,学到老 活到老,學到老 S - 0 huó dào lǎo , xué dào lǎo f /One is never too old to learn. (idiom)/ 活到老,學到老 活到老,学到老 T - 0 huó dào lǎo , xué dào lǎo f /One is never too old to learn. (idiom)/ 活力 2745 1102 huó lì f /energy/vitality/vigor/vital force/ 活力四射 - 0 huó lì sì shè f /dynamic/enthusiastic/energetic/ 活动 活動 S 792 27526 huó dòng f /to exercise/to move about/to operate/to use connections (personal influence)/loose/shaky/active/movable/activity/campaign/maneuver/behavior/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 活动中心 活動中心 S - 29 huó dòng zhōng xīn f /activity center/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 活动人士 活動人士 S - 0 huó dòng rén shì f /activist/ 活动家 活動家 S - 99 huó dòng jiā f /political activist/ 活动房 活動房 S - 3 huó dòng fáng f /prefabricated building/prefab/ 活动房屋 活動房屋 S - 3 huó dòng fáng wū f /prefabricated building/prefab/mobile home/caravan/trailer/ 活动扳手 活動扳手 S - 0 huó dòng bān shǒu f /adjustable spanner/ 活动挂图 活動掛圖 S - 0 huó dòng guà tú f /flipchart/ 活动曲尺 活動曲尺 S - 0 huó dòng qū chǐ f /sliding bevel (to measure angles)/ 活动桌面 活動桌面 S - 3 huó dòng zhuō miàn f /active desktop/ 活动看板 活動看板 S - 0 huó dòng kàn bǎn f /calendar of events/ 活动能力 活動能力 S - 0 huó dòng néng lì f /mobility/motility/ 活動 活动 T 792 27526 huó dòng f /to exercise/to move about/to operate/to use connections (personal influence)/loose/shaky/active/movable/activity/campaign/maneuver/behavior/CL:項|项[xiang4],個|个[ge4]/ 活動中心 活动中心 T - 29 huó dòng zhōng xīn f /activity center/CL:處|处[chu4]/ 活動人士 活动人士 T - 0 huó dòng rén shì f /activist/ 活動家 活动家 T - 99 huó dòng jiā f /political activist/ 活動房 活动房 T - 3 huó dòng fáng f /prefabricated building/prefab/ 活動房屋 活动房屋 T - 3 huó dòng fáng wū f /prefabricated building/prefab/mobile home/caravan/trailer/ 活動扳手 活动扳手 T - 0 huó dòng bān shǒu f /adjustable spanner/ 活動掛圖 活动挂图 T - 0 huó dòng guà tú f /flipchart/ 活動曲尺 活动曲尺 T - 0 huó dòng qū chǐ f /sliding bevel (to measure angles)/ 活動桌面 活动桌面 T - 3 huó dòng zhuō miàn f /active desktop/ 活動看板 活动看板 T - 0 huó dòng kàn bǎn f /calendar of events/ 活動能力 活动能力 T - 0 huó dòng néng lì f /mobility/motility/ 活化 - 166 huó huà f /activation/ 活化分析 - 3 huó huà fēn xī f /activation analysis/ 活化石 - 56 huó huà shí f /living fossil/ 活命 - 167 huó mìng f /life/to survive/to save a life/to scrape a living/ 活埋 - 149 huó mái f /to bury alive/ 活報劇 活报剧 T - 8 huó bào jù f /lit. living newspaper/comic skit/street performance (e.g. satirical demo)/ 活塞 - 651 huó sāi f /piston/valve/ 活套 - 6 huó tào f /noose/running knot/ 活字 - 56 huó zì f /movable type/ 活字典 - 5 huó zì diǎn f /walking dictionary/well-informed person/ 活字印刷 - 32 huó zì yìn shuā f /printing with movable type/ 活学活用 活學活用 S - 3 huó xué huó yòng f /to creatively combine learning with usage/to learn and apply pragmatically/ 活學活用 活学活用 T - 3 huó xué huó yòng f /to creatively combine learning with usage/to learn and apply pragmatically/ 活宝 活寶 S - 27 huó bǎo f /buffoon/clown/ridiculous person/ 活寶 活宝 T - 27 huó bǎo f /buffoon/clown/ridiculous person/ 活度 - 45 huó dù f /activity/ 活得不耐烦 活得不耐煩 S - 0 huó de bù nài fán f /to be tired of living/(coll.) to be asking for trouble/ 活得不耐煩 活得不耐烦 T - 0 huó de bù nài fán f /to be tired of living/(coll.) to be asking for trouble/ 活性 - 559 huó xìng f /(chemistry) activity/active/activated/ 活性剂 活性劑 S - 58 huó xìng jì f /reagent (chemistry)/ 活性劑 活性剂 T - 58 huó xìng jì f /reagent (chemistry)/ 活性炭 - 48 huó xìng tàn f /activated carbon/ 活报剧 活報劇 S - 8 huó bào jù f /lit. living newspaper/comic skit/street performance (e.g. satirical demo)/ 活摘 - 0 huó zhāi f /to harvest (an organ) from a living person/ 活期 - 50 huó qī f /(banking) current (account)/checking (account)/demand (deposit etc)/ 活期存款 - 2 huó qī cún kuǎn f /demand deposit/ 活期帐户 活期帳戶 S - 0 huó qī zhàng hù f /current account (in bank)/ 活期帳戶 活期帐户 T - 0 huó qī zhàng hù f /current account (in bank)/ 活期貸款 活期贷款 T - 0 huó qī dài kuǎn f /demand loan (i.e. loan that the borrower can demanded back at any time)/ 活期資金 活期资金 T - 0 huó qī zī jīn f /funds on call/invested sum that can be cashed/ 活期贷款 活期貸款 S - 0 huó qī dài kuǎn f /demand loan (i.e. loan that the borrower can demanded back at any time)/ 活期资金 活期資金 S - 0 huó qī zī jīn f /funds on call/invested sum that can be cashed/ 活板 - 0 huó bǎn f /trapdoor/ 活检 活檢 S - 58 huó jiǎn f /biopsy/abbr. for 活體組織檢查|活体组织检查[huo2 ti3 zu3 zhi1 jian3 cha2]/ 活檢 活检 T - 58 huó jiǎn f /biopsy/abbr. for 活體組織檢查|活体组织检查[huo2 ti3 zu3 zhi1 jian3 cha2]/ 活气 活氣 S - 24 huó qì f /spirited atmosphere/ 活氣 活气 T - 24 huó qì f /spirited atmosphere/ 活泛 - 3 huó fan f /flexible/adaptable/ 活泼 活潑 S 1149 740 huó po f /lively/vivacious/brisk/active/ 活活 - 405 huó huó f /while still alive/simply/totally/ 活潑 活泼 T 1149 740 huó po f /lively/vivacious/brisk/active/ 活火 - 2 huó huǒ f /flaming fire/flames/ 活火山 - 101 huó huǒ shān f /active volcano/ 活灵活现 活靈活現 S - 39 huó líng huó xiàn f /living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life/vivid and realistic/ 活版 - 6 huó bǎn f /typography/movable type/ 活版印刷 - 3 huó bǎn yìn shuā f /printing with movable type/typesetting/ 活物 - 44 huó wù f /living animals/ 活瓣 - 3 huó bàn f /valve/ 活生生 - 287 huó shēng shēng f /real (people)/living (artist)/while still alive (e.g. skinned alive)/ 活用 - 3 huó yòng f /to apply (knowledge etc) creatively and flexibly/to use a word flexibly (e.g. a noun as an adjective)/ 活着 活著 S - 1400 huó zhe f /alive/ 活神仙似 - 0 huó shén xiān sì f /to live like the immortals (advertising real estate)/ 活禽 - 0 huó qín f /poultry/live fowl/ 活組織檢查 活组织检查 T - 0 huó zǔ zhī jiǎn chá f /biopsy/ 活結 活结 T - 11 huó jié f /a slip-knot/a noose/ 活组织检查 活組織檢查 S - 0 huó zǔ zhī jiǎn chá f /biopsy/ 活结 活結 S - 11 huó jié f /a slip-knot/a noose/ 活罪 - 14 huó zuì f /suffering/hardship/living hell/ 活脫 活脱 T - 36 huó tuō f /remarkably alike/ 活脫脫 活脱脱 T - 37 huó tuō tuō f /remarkably alike/ 活脱 活脫 S - 36 huó tuō f /remarkably alike/ 活脱脱 活脫脫 S - 37 huó tuō tuō f /remarkably alike/ 活茬 - 3 huó chá f /farm work/ 活菩萨 活菩薩 S - 14 huó pú sà f /a living Buddha/fig. compassionate person/saint/ 活菩薩 活菩萨 T - 14 huó pú sà f /a living Buddha/fig. compassionate person/saint/ 活著 活着 T - 1400 huó zhe f /alive/ 活血 - 105 huó xuè f /to improve blood circulation (Chinese medicine)/ 活血止痛 - 0 huó xuè zhǐ tòng f /to invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain (idiom)/ 活計 活计 T - 101 huó jì f /handicraft/needlework/work/ 活該 活该 T 3338 160 huó gāi f /(coll.) serve sb right/deservedly/ought/should/ 活计 活計 S - 101 huó jì f /handicraft/needlework/work/ 活该 活該 S 3338 160 huó gāi f /(coll.) serve sb right/deservedly/ought/should/ 活跃 活躍 S 2144 1628 huó yuè f /active/lively/excited/to enliven/to brighten up/ 活跃分子 活躍份子 S - 3 huó yuè fèn zǐ f /activist/ 活路 - 91 huó lù t /through road/way out/way to survive/means of subsistence/ 活路 - 91 huó lu f /labor/physical work/ 活蹦乱跳 活蹦亂跳 S - 52 huó bèng luàn tiào f /to leap and frisk about (idiom); lively/healthy and active/ 活蹦亂跳 活蹦乱跳 T - 52 huó bèng luàn tiào f /to leap and frisk about (idiom); lively/healthy and active/ 活躍 活跃 T 2144 1628 huó yuè f /active/lively/excited/to enliven/to brighten up/ 活躍份子 活跃分子 T - 3 huó yuè fèn zǐ f /activist/ 活門 活门 T - 16 huó mén f /valve/ 活门 活門 S - 16 huó mén f /valve/ 活雷鋒 活雷锋 T - 3 huó Léi Fēng f /selfless model citizen, just like Lei Feng 雷鋒|雷锋[Lei2 Feng1]/ 活雷锋 活雷鋒 S - 3 huó Léi Fēng f /selfless model citizen, just like Lei Feng 雷鋒|雷锋[Lei2 Feng1]/ 活靈活現 活灵活现 T - 39 huó líng huó xiàn f /living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life/vivid and realistic/ 活靶子 - 3 huó bǎ zi f /live target/target (of criticism etc)/ 活體 活体 T - 78 huó tǐ f /living body/live specimen/ 活體檢視 活体检视 T - 0 huó tǐ jiǎn shì f /biopsy/ 活體組織檢查 活体组织检查 T - 0 huó tǐ zǔ zhī jiǎn chá f /biopsy/abbr. to 活檢|活检[huo2 jian3]/ 活魚 活鱼 T - 3 huó yú f /fresh fish/living fish/ 活鱼 活魚 S - 3 huó yú f /fresh fish/living fish/ 活龍活現 活龙活现 T - 9 huó lóng huó xiàn f /living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life/vivid and realistic/ 活龙活现 活龍活現 S - 9 huó lóng huó xiàn f /living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life/vivid and realistic/ 洼 - 153 wā f /variant of 窪|洼[wa1]/ 洼 窪 S - 153 wā f /depression/sunken/swamp/ 洼地 窪地 S - 613 wā dì f /depression/low-lying ground/ 洽 - 114 qià f /accord/to make contact/to agree/to consult with/extensive/ 洽商 - 6 qià shāng f /to negotiate/to talk over/ 洽詢 洽询 T - 3 qià xún f /to inquire (of)/to consult/ 洽談 洽谈 T 4771 167 qià tán f /to discuss/ 洽询 洽詢 S - 3 qià xún f /to inquire (of)/to consult/ 洽谈 洽談 S 4771 167 qià tán f /to discuss/ 派 1227 21853 pài f /clique/school/group/faction/to dispatch/to send/to assign/to appoint/pi (Greek letter Ππ)/the circular ratio pi = 3.1415926/(loanword) pie/ 派上用场 派上用場 S - 3 pài shàng yòng chǎng f /to put to good use/to come in handy/ 派上用場 派上用场 T - 3 pài shàng yòng chǎng f /to put to good use/to come in handy/ 派任 - 0 pài rèn f /to set apart/to assign sb to a job/ 派克 - 32 Pài kè f /Pike or Peck (name)/Parker Pen Company/ 派克大衣 - 0 pài kè dà yī f /parka jacket (loanword)/CL:件[jian4]/ 派兵 - 579 pài bīng f /to dispatch troops/ 派出 - 2022 pài chū f /to send/to dispatch/ 派出所 - 375 pài chū suǒ f /local police station/ 派別 派别 T 4524 452 pài bié f /denomination/group/school/faction/school of thought/ 派别 派別 S 4524 452 pài bié f /denomination/group/school/faction/school of thought/ 派力奥 派力奧 S - 3 Pài lì ào f /Fiat Palio/ 派力奧 派力奥 T - 3 Pài lì ào f /Fiat Palio/ 派势 派勢 S - 0 pài shì f /style/manner/ 派勢 派势 T - 0 pài shì f /style/manner/ 派头 派頭 S - 124 pài tóu f /manner/style/panache/ 派定 - 3 pài dìng f /to believe/to be convinced/ 派对 派對 S - 109 pài duì f /party (loanword)/ 派對 派对 T - 109 pài duì f /party (loanword)/ 派往 - 0 pài wǎng f /to dispatch sb somewhere/ 派性 - 42 pài xìng f /factionalism/tribalism/ 派拉蒙影业 派拉蒙影業 S - 0 Pài lā méng Yǐng yè f /Paramount Pictures (US movie company)/ 派拉蒙影業 派拉蒙影业 T - 0 Pài lā méng Yǐng yè f /Paramount Pictures (US movie company)/ 派生 - 199 pài shēng f /to produce (from sth else)/to derive (from raw material)/derivative/ 派生詞 派生词 T - 5 pài shēng cí f /derivative word/ 派生词 派生詞 S - 5 pài shēng cí f /derivative word/ 派系 - 202 pài xì f /sect/faction/ 派給工作 派给工作 T - 0 pài gěi gōng zuò f /to task/ 派给工作 派給工作 S - 0 pài gěi gōng zuò f /to task/ 派翠西亚 派翠西亞 S - 3 Pài cuì xī yà f /Patricia/ 派翠西亞 派翠西亚 T - 3 Pài cuì xī yà f /Patricia/ 派購 派购 T - 3 pài gòu f /fixed government purchase (esp of farm products)/ 派购 派購 S - 3 pài gòu f /fixed government purchase (esp of farm products)/ 派送 - 28 pài sòng f /to send/to deliver/to distribute/ 派遗 派遺 S - 0 pài yí f /to send (sb) on a mission/to dispatch/ 派遣 3866 1657 pài qiǎn f /to send (on a mission)/to dispatch/ 派遺 派遗 T - 0 pài yí f /to send (sb) on a mission/to dispatch/ 派頭 派头 T - 124 pài tóu f /manner/style/panache/ 派駐 派驻 T - 183 pài zhù f /to dispatch (sb) in an official capacity/to be posted (as an ambassador, foreign correspondent etc)/ 派驻 派駐 S - 183 pài zhù f /to dispatch (sb) in an official capacity/to be posted (as an ambassador, foreign correspondent etc)/ 洿 - 252 wū f /dig (a pond)/stagnant water/ 流 - 9559 liú f /to flow/to disseminate/to circulate or spread/to move or drift/to degenerate/to banish or send into exile/stream of water or sth resembling one/class, rate or grade/ 流丽 流麗 S - 3 liú lì f /smooth and ornate/flowing (style etc)/ 流乾 流干 T - 0 liú gān f /to drain/to run dry/ 流于 流於 S - 3 liú yú f /to change (for the worse)/ 流于形式 流於形式 S - 28 liú yú xíng shì f /to become a mere formality/ 流亡 - 557 liú wáng f /to force into exile/to be exiled/in exile/ 流亡政府 - 3 liú wáng zhèng fǔ f /government in exile (e.g. of Tibet)/ 流产 流產 S - 258 liú chǎn f /to have a miscarriage/miscarriage/to fail/to fall through/ 流传 流傳 S 2258 1650 liú chuán f /to spread/to circulate/to hand down/ 流佈 流布 T - 39 liú bù f /to spread/to circulate/to disseminate/ 流体 流體 S - 923 liú tǐ f /fluid/ 流体力学 流體力學 S - 232 liú tǐ lì xué f /fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics/ 流体动力学 流體動力學 S - 0 liú tǐ dòng lì xué f /fluid dynamics/ 流体核试验 流體核試驗 S - 0 liú tǐ hé shì yàn f /hydronuclear explosion (HNE)/ 流傳 流传 T 2258 1650 liú chuán f /to spread/to circulate/to hand down/ 流光溢彩 - 168 liú guāng yì cǎi f /lit. flowing light and overflowing color/brilliant lights and vibrant colors (idiom)/ 流入 - 1258 liú rù f /to flow into/to drift into/influx/inflow/ 流冗 - 0 liú rǒng f /the unemployed workforce/ 流出 - 749 liú chū f /to flow out/to disgorge/to effuse/ 流刑 - 0 liú xíng f /exile (as form of punishment)/ 流別 流别 T - 3 liú bié f /tributary/branch of river/ 流利 1185 215 liú lì f /fluent/ 流别 流別 S - 3 liú bié f /tributary/branch of river/ 流动 流動 S - 2788 liú dòng f /to flow/to circulate/to go from place to place/to be mobile/(of assets) liquid/ 流动人口 流動人口 S - 3 liú dòng rén kǒu f /transient population/floating population/ 流动儿童 流動兒童 S - 0 liú dòng ér tóng f /children of migrants/ 流动性 流動性 S - 269 liú dòng xìng f /flowing/shifting/fluidity/mobility/liquidity (of funds)/ 流动性大沙漠 流動性大沙漠 S - 0 liú dòng xìng dà shā mò f /shifting sand dunes/ 流动负债 流動負債 S - 0 liú dòng fù zhài f /current liability/ 流动资产 流動資產 S - 3 liú dòng zī chǎn f /current asset/ 流动资金 流動資金 S - 108 liú dòng zī jīn f /money in circulation/fluid funds/ 流動 流动 T - 2788 liú dòng f /to flow/to circulate/to go from place to place/to be mobile/(of assets) liquid/ 流動人口 流动人口 T - 3 liú dòng rén kǒu f /transient population/floating population/ 流動兒童 流动儿童 T - 0 liú dòng ér tóng f /children of migrants/ 流動性 流动性 T - 269 liú dòng xìng f /flowing/shifting/fluidity/mobility/liquidity (of funds)/ 流動性大沙漠 流动性大沙漠 T - 0 liú dòng xìng dà shā mò f /shifting sand dunes/ 流動負債 流动负债 T - 0 liú dòng fù zhài f /current liability/ 流動資產 流动资产 T - 3 liú dòng zī chǎn f /current asset/ 流動資金 流动资金 T - 108 liú dòng zī jīn f /money in circulation/fluid funds/ 流变 流變 S - 84 liú biàn f /to flow and change/development and change (of society)/ 流变学 流變學 S - 3 liú biàn xué f /rheology/ 流变能力 流變能力 S - 0 liú biàn néng lì f /rheology/ 流域 - 2825 liú yù f /river basin/valley/drainage area/ 流失 - 702 liú shī f /drainage/to run off/to wash away/ 流宕忘反 - 0 liú dàng wàng fǎn f /to stray and forget to return/ 流寇 - 138 liú kòu f /roving bandit/rebel band/ 流居 - 0 liú jū f /to live in exile/ 流布 流佈 S - 39 liú bù f /to spread/to circulate/to disseminate/ 流布 - 39 liú bù f /to spread/to circulate/to disseminate/ 流干 流乾 S - 0 liú gān f /to drain/to run dry/ 流年 - 35 liú nián f /fleeting time/horoscope for the year/ 流年不利 - 3 liú nián bù lì f /the year's horoscope augurs ill (idiom); an unlucky year/ 流弊 - 14 liú bì f /malpractice/long-running abuse/ 流弹 流彈 S - 16 liú dàn f /stray bullet/ 流彈 流弹 T - 16 liú dàn f /stray bullet/ 流形 - 69 liú xíng f /manifold (math.)/ 流感 - 119 liú gǎn f /flu/influenza/ 流感疫苗 - 3 liú gǎn yì miáo f /flu shot/influenza vaccination/ 流感病毒 - 2 liú gǎn bìng dú f /influenza virus/flu virus/ 流播 - 3 liú bō f /to circulate/to hand around/ 流放 - 318 liú fàng f /banishment/exile/ 流於 流于 T - 3 liú yú f /to change (for the worse)/ 流於形式 流于形式 T - 28 liú yú xíng shì f /to become a mere formality/ 流明 - 5 liú míng f /lumen (unit of light flux)/ 流星 - 390 liú xīng f /meteor/shooting star/ 流星体 流星體 S - 3 liú xīng tǐ f /meteoroid/ 流星赶月 流星趕月 S - 20 liú xīng gǎn yuè f /lit. a meteor catching up with the moon/swift action (idiom)/ 流星趕月 流星赶月 T - 20 liú xīng gǎn yuè f /lit. a meteor catching up with the moon/swift action (idiom)/ 流星雨 - 36 liú xīng yǔ f /meteor shower/ 流星體 流星体 T - 3 liú xīng tǐ f /meteoroid/ 流暢 流畅 T - 424 liú chàng f /flowing (of speech, writing)/fluent/smooth and easy/ 流毒 - 80 liú dú f /to spread poison/pernicious influence/ 流民 - 178 liú mín f /refugee/ 流氓 2820 620 liú máng f /rogue/hoodlum/gangster/immoral behavior/ 流氓国家 流氓國家 S - 0 liú máng guó jiā f /rogue state/ 流氓國家 流氓国家 T - 0 liú máng guó jiā f /rogue state/ 流氓无产者 流氓無產者 S - 9 liú máng wú chǎn zhě f /lumpenproletariat (in Marxist theory)/ 流氓無產者 流氓无产者 T - 9 liú máng wú chǎn zhě f /lumpenproletariat (in Marxist theory)/ 流氓罪 - 3 liú máng zuì f /the crime of hooliganism/ 流氓軟件 流氓软件 T - 3 liú máng ruǎn jiàn f /malware (computing)/ 流氓软件 流氓軟件 S - 3 liú máng ruǎn jiàn f /malware (computing)/ 流氓集团 流氓集團 S - 3 liú máng jí tuán f /gang of hoodlums/ 流氓集團 流氓集团 T - 3 liú máng jí tuán f /gang of hoodlums/ 流水 - 662 liú shuǐ f /running water/ 流水不腐 - 2 liú shuǐ bù fǔ f /flowing water does not rot/ 流水不腐,戶樞不蠹 流水不腐,户枢不蠹 T - 0 liú shuǐ bù fǔ , hù shū bù dù f /Flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom)/constant activity prevents decay/ 流水不腐,户枢不蠹 流水不腐,戶樞不蠹 S - 0 liú shuǐ bù fǔ , hù shū bù dù f /Flowing water does not rot, nor a door-hinge rust (idiom)/constant activity prevents decay/ 流水帐 流水帳 S - 3 liú shuǐ zhàng f /variant of 流水賬|流水账[liu2 shui3 zhang4]/ 流水席 - 3 liú shuǐ xí f /banquet where guests arrive at various times and are served with food as they arrive/ 流水帳 流水帐 T - 3 liú shuǐ zhàng f /variant of 流水賬|流水账[liu2 shui3 zhang4]/ 流水賬 流水账 T - 7 liú shuǐ zhàng f /day-to-day account/current account/ 流水账 流水賬 S - 7 liú shuǐ zhàng f /day-to-day account/current account/ 流汗 - 54 liú hàn f /to sweat/ 流沙 - 178 liú shā f /quicksand/ 流泆 - 0 liú yì f /to indulge/licentious/ 流泪 流淚 S 2236 560 liú lèi f /to shed tears/ 流泻 流瀉 S - 29 liú xiè f /to flow/to flood/ 流派 - 946 liú pài f /tributary (stream)/(fig.) school (of thought)/genre/style/ 流浪 3271 251 liú làng f /to drift about/to wander/to roam/nomadic/homeless/unsettled (e.g. population)/vagrant/ 流浪儿 流浪兒 S - 9 liú làng ér f /street urchin/waif/ 流浪兒 流浪儿 T - 9 liú làng ér f /street urchin/waif/ 流浪汉 流浪漢 S - 116 liú làng hàn f /tramp/wanderer/ 流浪漢 流浪汉 T - 116 liú làng hàn f /tramp/wanderer/ 流浪狗 - 3 liú làng gǒu f /stray dog/ 流浪者 - 96 liú làng zhě f /rover/vagabond/vagrant/wanderer/ 流淌 - 260 liú tǎng f /to flow/ 流淚 流泪 T 2236 560 liú lèi f /to shed tears/ 流瀉 流泻 T - 29 liú xiè f /to flow/to flood/ 流球 - 0 Liú qiú f /variant of 琉球[Liu2 qiu2], Ryūkyū, e.g. the Ryūkyū Islands 琉球群島|琉球群岛[Liu2 qiu2 Qun2 dao3] stretching from Japan to Taiwan/ 流球群岛 流球群島 S - 0 Liú qiú Qún dǎo f /the Ryukyu or Luchu islands (incl. Okinawa)/ 流球群島 流球群岛 T - 0 Liú qiú Qún dǎo f /the Ryukyu or Luchu islands (incl. Okinawa)/ 流理台 - 0 liú lǐ tái f /kitchen counter/drainer/ 流產 流产 T - 258 liú chǎn f /to have a miscarriage/miscarriage/to fail/to fall through/ 流畅 流暢 S - 424 liú chàng f /flowing (of speech, writing)/fluent/smooth and easy/ 流目 - 0 liú mù f /to let one's eyes rove/ 流眄 - 0 liú miǎn f /to ogle/to glance in a shifty manner/ 流离 流離 S - 52 liú lí f /homeless and miserable/forced to leave home and wander from place to place/to live as a refugee/ 流离失所 流離失所 S - 67 liú lí shī suǒ f /destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about/displaced/ 流离遇合 流離遇合 S - 0 liú lí yù hé f /to reunite after being homeless refugees/ 流离颠沛 流離顛沛 S - 3 liú lí diān pèi f /destitute and homeless (idiom); displaced and without means/ 流程 - 523 liú chéng f /course/stream/sequence of processes/work flow in manufacturing/ 流程图 流程圖 S - 18 liú chéng tú f /flow chart/ 流程圖 流程图 T - 18 liú chéng tú f /flow chart/ 流程表 - 0 liú chéng biǎo f /flow chart/ 流窜 流竄 S - 56 liú cuàn f /to flee in all directions/to scatter and run away/ 流窜犯 流竄犯 S - 2 liú cuàn fàn f /criminal that commits crimes here and there and escapes thereafter/ 流竄 流窜 T - 56 liú cuàn f /to flee in all directions/to scatter and run away/ 流竄犯 流窜犯 T - 2 liú cuàn fàn f /criminal that commits crimes here and there and escapes thereafter/ 流紋岩 流纹岩 T - 23 liú wén yán f /rhyolite (extrusive igneous rock, chemically equivalent to granite)/ 流網 流网 T - 5 liú wǎng f /drift net (fishing)/ 流線 流线 T - 34 liú xiàn f /streamline (physics)/ 流線型 流线型 T - 61 liú xiàn xíng f /sleek/streamlined/ 流纹岩 流紋岩 S - 23 liú wén yán f /rhyolite (extrusive igneous rock, chemically equivalent to granite)/ 流线 流線 S - 34 liú xiàn f /streamline (physics)/ 流线型 流線型 S - 61 liú xiàn xíng f /sleek/streamlined/ 流网 流網 S - 5 liú wǎng f /drift net (fishing)/ 流脑 流腦 S - 43 liú nǎo f /epidemic encephalitis/ 流脓 流膿 S - 23 liú nóng f /festering boil/ 流腦 流脑 T - 43 liú nǎo f /epidemic encephalitis/ 流膿 流脓 T - 23 liú nóng f /festering boil/ 流芳 - 545 liú fāng f /to leave a good reputation/ 流芳百世 - 538 liú fāng bǎi shì f /(of one's name, reputation etc) to be immortalized (idiom)/to leave a mark for generations to come/ 流苏 流蘇 S - 48 liú sū f /tassels/ 流苏鹬 流蘇鷸 S - 0 liú sū yù f /(bird species of China) ruff (Philomachus pugnax)/ 流荡 流蕩 S - 15 liú dàng f /to float/to tramp/to rove/ 流萤 流螢 S - 10 liú yíng f /firefly/ 流落 - 249 liú luò f /to wander about destitute/to be stranded/ 流落他乡 流落他鄉 S - 3 liú luò tā xiāng f /to wander far from home/ 流落他鄉 流落他乡 T - 3 liú luò tā xiāng f /to wander far from home/ 流蕩 流荡 T - 15 liú dàng f /to float/to tramp/to rove/ 流蘇 流苏 T - 48 liú sū f /tassels/ 流蘇鷸 流苏鹬 T - 0 liú sū yù f /(bird species of China) ruff (Philomachus pugnax)/ 流螢 流萤 T - 10 liú yíng f /firefly/ 流血 - 788 liú xuè f /to bleed/to shed blood/ 流行 1022 3049 liú xíng f /(of a contagious disease etc) to spread/to propagate/(of a style of clothing, song etc) popular/fashionable/ 流行性 - 101 liú xíng xìng f /epidemic/ 流行性感冒 - 0 liú xíng xìng gǎn mào f /influenza/ 流行株 - 0 liú xíng zhū f /epidemic strain/ 流行病 - 52 liú xíng bìng f /epidemic disease/ 流行病学 流行病學 S - 82 liú xíng bìng xué f /epidemiology/ 流行病學 流行病学 T - 82 liú xíng bìng xué f /epidemiology/ 流行語 流行语 T - 9 liú xíng yǔ f /popular jargon/catchword/ 流行语 流行語 S - 9 liú xíng yǔ f /popular jargon/catchword/ 流行音乐 流行音樂 S - 3 liú xíng yīn yuè f /pop music/ 流行音樂 流行音乐 T - 3 liú xíng yīn yuè f /pop music/ 流裡流氣 流里流气 T - 9 liú li liú qì f /hooliganism/rowdyism/ 流覽 流览 T - 0 liú lǎn f /to skim/to browse/ 流览 流覽 S - 0 liú lǎn f /to skim/to browse/ 流言 - 346 liú yán f /rumor/gossip/to spread rumors/ 流言蜚語 流言蜚语 T - 47 liú yán fēi yǔ f /rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip/lies and slanders/ 流言蜚语 流言蜚語 S - 47 liú yán fēi yǔ f /rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip/lies and slanders/ 流變 流变 T - 84 liú biàn f /to flow and change/development and change (of society)/ 流變學 流变学 T - 3 liú biàn xué f /rheology/ 流變能力 流变能力 T - 0 liú biàn néng lì f /rheology/ 流輩 流辈 T - 0 liú bèi f /a contemporary/similar class of people/ 流轉 流转 T - 170 liú zhuǎn f /to be on the move/to roam or wander/to circulate (of goods or capital)/ 流转 流轉 S - 170 liú zhuǎn f /to be on the move/to roam or wander/to circulate (of goods or capital)/ 流辈 流輩 S - 0 liú bèi f /a contemporary/similar class of people/ 流连 流連 S - 67 liú lián f /to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave)/to linger on/ 流连忘返 流連忘返 S - 181 liú lián wàng fǎn f /to linger/to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home/ 流通 4318 4082 liú tōng f /to circulate/to distribute/circulation/distribution/ 流逝 - 155 liú shì f /(of time) to pass/to elapse/ 流速 - 334 liú sù f /flow speed/rate of flow/ 流連 流连 T - 67 liú lián f /to loiter (i.e. reluctant to leave)/to linger on/ 流連忘返 流连忘返 T - 181 liú lián wàng fǎn f /to linger/to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home/ 流里流气 流裡流氣 S - 9 liú li liú qì f /hooliganism/rowdyism/ 流量 - 1499 liú liàng f /flow rate/rate/throughput/site traffic (Internet)/ 流量計 流量计 T - 12 liú liàng jì f /flowmeter/ 流量计 流量計 S - 12 liú liàng jì f /flowmeter/ 流離 流离 T - 52 liú lí f /homeless and miserable/forced to leave home and wander from place to place/to live as a refugee/ 流離失所 流离失所 T - 67 liú lí shī suǒ f /destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about/displaced/ 流離遇合 流离遇合 T - 0 liú lí yù hé f /to reunite after being homeless refugees/ 流離顛沛 流离颠沛 T - 3 liú lí diān pèi f /destitute and homeless (idiom); displaced and without means/ 流露 3925 767 liú lù f /to express/to reveal (one's thoughts or feelings)/ 流露出 - 3 liú lù chū f /to display (talent)/to exude (pleasure)/ 流韵 流韻 S - 0 liú yùn f /musical sound/flowing rhythm (of poetry)/cadence/ 流韻 流韵 T - 0 liú yùn f /musical sound/flowing rhythm (of poetry)/cadence/ 流體 流体 T - 923 liú tǐ f /fluid/ 流體力學 流体力学 T - 232 liú tǐ lì xué f /fluid mechanics/hydrodynamics/ 流體動力學 流体动力学 T - 0 liú tǐ dòng lì xué f /fluid dynamics/ 流體核試驗 流体核试验 T - 0 liú tǐ hé shì yàn f /hydronuclear explosion (HNE)/ 流麗 流丽 T - 3 liú lì f /smooth and ornate/flowing (style etc)/ 流鼻涕 - 3 liú bí tì f /to run at the nose/ 流鼻血 - 3 liú bí xiě f /to bleed from the nose/(fig.) to be sexually aroused/ 浃 浹 S - 272 jiā f /soaked/to wet/to drench/Taiwan pr. [jia2]/ 浄 - 17 jìng f /Japanese variant of 淨|净/ 浅 淺 S 2089 2850 jiān f /sound of moving water/ 浅 淺 S 2089 2850 qiǎn t /shallow/light (color)/ 浅学 淺學 S - 3 qiǎn xué f /shallow study/superficial/scant knowledge/ 浅尝 淺嘗 S - 8 qiǎn cháng f /dilettante/amateur/to dabble in/to flirt with (a topic)/ 浅尝 淺嚐 S - 8 qiǎn cháng f /dilettante/amateur/to dabble in/to flirt with (a topic)/ 浅尝者 淺嘗者 S - 0 qiǎn cháng zhě f /dilettante/amateur/dabbler/ 浅尝者 淺嚐者 S - 0 qiǎn cháng zhě f /dilettante/amateur/dabbler/ 浅尝辄止 淺嘗輒止 S - 18 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ f /to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into/to attempt half-heartedly/content with a smattering of knowledge/ 浅尝辄止 淺嚐輒止 S - 18 qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ f /to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into/to attempt half-heartedly/content with a smattering of knowledge/also written 淺嘗輒止|浅尝辄止/ 浅层文字 淺層文字 S - 0 qiǎn céng wén zì f /shallow orthography (governed by simple rules)/ 浅希近求 淺希近求 S - 3 qiǎn xī jìn qiú f /to aim low/to aim to get by/without lofty ambition/ 浅易 淺易 S - 8 qiǎn yì f /easy/simple/suitable for beginners/ 浅显 淺顯 S - 64 qiǎn xiǎn f /plain/clear/obvious/ 浅析 淺析 S - 7 qiǎn xī f /primary, elementary or coarse analysis/ 浅水 淺水 S - 442 qiǎn shuǐ f /shallow water/ 浅浮雕 淺浮雕 S - 3 qiǎn fú diāo f /bas-relief/ 浅海 淺海 S - 215 qiǎn hǎi f /shallow sea/sea less than 200 meters deep/ 浅淡 淺淡 S - 25 qiǎn dàn f /light (color)/pale/vague (feeling)/ 浅深 淺深 S - 0 qiǎn shēn f /depth (archaic)/ 浅源地震 淺源地震 S - 0 qiǎn yuán dì zhèn f /shallow earthquake (with epicenter less than 70 km deep)/ 浅滩 淺灘 S - 162 qiǎn tān f /shallows/shoal/sandbar/ 浅滩指示浮标 淺灘指示浮標 S - 0 qiǎn tān zhǐ shì fú biāo f /bar buoy/buoy marking shallows or sandbar/ 浅白 淺白 S - 6 qiǎn bái f /simple/easy to understand/ 浅短 淺短 S - 0 qiǎn duǎn f /narrow and shallow (knowledge or skill)/superficial/ 浅礁 淺礁 S - 0 qiǎn jiāo f /shallow reef/shoal/ 浅耕 淺耕 S - 8 qiǎn gēng f /to scratch/shallow plowing/ 浅色 淺色 S - 203 qiǎn sè f /light color/ 浅草 淺草 S - 0 Qiǎn cǎo f /Asakusa, district of Tokyo with an atmosphere of old Japan, famous for the 7th century Buddhist temple, Sensō-ji/ 浅薄 淺薄 S - 159 qiǎn bó f /superficial/ 浅见 淺見 S - 29 qiǎn jiàn f /shallow opinion/humble opinion/ 浅说 淺說 S - 0 qiǎn shuō f /simple introduction/primer/ 浅近 淺近 S - 25 qiǎn jìn f /simple/ 浅陋 淺陋 S - 29 qiǎn lòu f /shallow and crude/meager (knowledge or skill)/ 浅露 淺露 S - 5 qiǎn lù f /blunt/direct (i.e. not tactful)/ 浅鲜 淺鮮 S - 0 qiǎn xiǎn f /meager/slight/ 浅黄色 淺黃色 S - 62 qiǎn huáng sè f /buff/pale yellow/ 浅黑 淺黑 S - 0 qiǎn hēi f /dark/gray/(of skin) lightly pigmented/ 浆 漿 S - 1192 jiāng t /broth/serum/to starch/ 浆 漿 S - 1192 jiàng f /starch paste/ 浆果 漿果 S - 155 jiāng guǒ f /berry/ 浆洗 漿洗 S - 31 jiāng xǐ f /to wash and starch/ 浆硬 漿硬 S - 3 jiāng yìng f /to starch/to stiffen cloth with starch/ 浆糊 漿糊 S - 41 jiàng hù f /variant of 糨糊[jiang4 hu4]/ 浆纸 漿紙 S - 4 jiàng zhǐ f /paper pulp/ 浆膜 漿膜 S - 25 jiāng mó f /serosa/serous membrane (smooth moist delicate membranes lining body cavities)/ 浇 澆 S 2186 605 jiāo f /to pour liquid/to irrigate (using waterwheel)/to water/to cast (molten metal)/to mold/ 浇冷水 澆冷水 S - 2 jiāo lěng shuǐ f /to pour cold water/fig. to discourage/ 浇水 澆水 S - 90 jiāo shuǐ f /to water (plants etc)/ 浇注 澆注 S - 267 jiāo zhù f /to cast (metal)/ 浇灌 澆灌 S - 81 jiāo guàn f /to water/to irrigate/ 浇花 澆花 S - 3 jiāo huā f /to water the plants/to water the garden/ 浇铸 澆鑄 S - 49 jiāo zhù f /to cast (molten metal)/to mold/ 浈 湞 S - 26 zhēn f /river in Guangdong province/ 浈江 湞江 S - 0 Zhēn jiāng f /Zhenjiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市|韶关市, Guangdong/ 浈江区 湞江區 S - 3 Zhēn jiāng qū f /Zhenjiang district of Shaoguan City 韶關市|韶关市, Guangdong/ 浉 - 142 Shī f /Shi, name of river in Xinyang 信陽|信阳, Henan/ 浉河 - 0 Shī Hé f /Shi River in Xinyang 信陽|信阳[Xin4 yang2], Henan/ 浉河区 浉河區 S - 0 Shī hé Qū f /Shihe District of Xinyang city 信陽市|信阳市[Xin4 yang2 Shi4], Henan/ 浉河區 浉河区 T - 0 Shī hé Qū f /Shihe District of Xinyang city 信陽市|信阳市[Xin4 yang2 Shi4], Henan/ 浊 濁 S - 341 zhuó f /turbid/muddy/impure/ 浊世 濁世 S - 6 zhuó shì f /the world in chaos/troubled times/the mortal world (Buddhism)/ 浊度 濁度 S - 4 zhuó dù f /turbidity/ 浊流 濁流 S - 59 zhuó liú f /turbid flow/muddy waters/fig. a contemptible person/fig. corrupt or disgraceful social trends/ 浊积岩 濁積岩 S - 0 zhuó jī yán f /turbidite (geology)/ 浊臭熏天 濁臭熏天 S - 0 zhuó chòu xūn tiān f /stinks to high heaven/ 浊酒 濁酒 S - 9 zhuó jiǔ f /unfiltered rice wine/ 浊音 濁音 S - 22 zhuó yīn f /voiced consonant (English z or v, as opposed to unvoiced s or f)/ 测 測 S - 2083 cè f /to survey/to measure/to conjecture/ 测地曲率 測地曲率 S - 0 cè dì qū lǜ f /geodesic curvature/ 测地线 測地線 S - 0 cè dì xiàn f /geodesic/a geodesic (curve)/ 测地线曲率 測地線曲率 S - 0 cè dì xiàn qū lǜ f /geodesic curvature/ 测天 測天 S - 0 cè tiān f /to make astronomical observation/ 测孕 測孕 S - 0 cè yùn f /pregnancy testing/ 测定 測定 S - 1768 cè dìng f /to survey and evaluate/ 测度 測度 S - 51 cè dù f /measure (math.)/ 测度 測度 S - 51 cè duó t /to estimate/to conjecture/ 测径器 測徑器 S - 0 cè jìng qì f /calipers/ 测心术 測心術 S - 0 cè xīn shù f /mind reading/ 测控 測控 S - 63 cè kòng f /measurement and control/ 测深 測深 S - 22 cè shēn f /to sound (sea depth)/ 测温 測溫 S - 37 cè wēn f /to measure temperature/ 测知 測知 S - 3 cè zhī f /to detect/to sense/ 测算 測算 S - 226 cè suàn f /to take measurements and calculate/ 测绘 測繪 S - 291 cè huì f /to survey and draw/to map/ 测良 測良 S - 0 cè liáng f /to survey and measure/ 测评 測評 S - 283 cè píng f /to test and evaluate/ 测试 測試 S - 2444 cè shì f /to test (machinery etc)/to test (students)/test/quiz/exam/beta (software)/ 测试和材料协会 測試和材料協會 S - 0 Cè shì hé Cái liào Xié huì f /American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)/ 测试器 測試器 S - 0 cè shì qì f /testing apparatus/monitoring device/checker/meter/ 测谎仪 測謊儀 S - 10 cè huǎng yí f /lie detector/polygraph/ 测谎器 測謊器 S - 3 cè huǎng qì f /lie detector/polygraph/ 测距仪 測距儀 S - 106 cè jù yí f /distance measuring equipment/ 测量 測量 S 3479 2589 cè liáng f /survey/to measure/to gauge/to determine/ 测量工具 測量工具 S - 0 cè liáng gōng jù f /gauge/measuring tool/ 测量船 測量船 S - 55 cè liáng chuán f /survey vessel/ 测锤 測錘 S - 3 cè chuí f /bob of plumb line/ 测验 測驗 S 2105 418 cè yàn f /test/to test/CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]/ 浍 澮 S - 25 kuài f /drain/stream/ 济 濟 S - 2043 jì f /to cross a river/to aid or relieve/to be of help/ 济事 濟事 S - 3 jì shì f /(usually used in the negative) to be of help or use/ 济公 濟公 S - 17 Jì gōng f /Jigong or Daoji (1130-1207), Southern Song Dynasty Buddhist monk/ 济助 濟助 S - 48 jì zhù f /to relieve and help/ 济南 濟南 S - 1417 Jǐ nán f /Ji'nan, subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northeast China/ 济南地区 濟南地區 S - 0 Jǐ nán dì qū f /Ji'nan prefecture in Shandong/ 济南市 濟南市 S - 257 Jǐ nán shì f /Ji'nan subprovincial city and capital of Shandong province in northeast China/ 济危 濟危 S - 0 jì wēi f /to help people in distress/ 济危扶困 濟危扶困 S - 0 jì wēi fú kùn f /to help people in difficulty and bring relief to the needy (idiom)/ 济困扶危 濟困扶危 S - 4 jì kùn fú wēi f /to help those in distress (idiom)/ 济宁 濟寧 S - 91 Jǐ níng f /Jining prefecture level city in Shandong/ 济宁地区 濟寧地區 S - 0 Jǐ níng dì qū f /Jining prefecture in Shandong/ 济宁市 濟寧市 S - 39 Jǐ níng shì f /Jining prefecture level city in Shandong/ 济州 濟州 S - 183 Jì zhōu f /Jeju Island special autonomous province (Cheju Island), South Korea, a World Heritage site/ 济州岛 濟州島 S - 54 Jì zhōu Dǎo f /Jeju Island special autonomous province, South Korea, a World Heritage site/ 济州特别自治道 濟州特別自治道 S - 0 Jì zhōu tè bié zì zhì dào f /Jeju island special autonomous province, South Korea, a World Heritage site/ 济急 濟急 S - 3 jì jí f /to give relief (material)/ 济济 濟濟 S - 3 jì jì f /a horde or multitude of people/ 济济一堂 濟濟一堂 S - 17 jǐ jǐ yī táng f /to congregate in one hall (idiom); to gather under one roof/ 济源 濟源 S - 35 Jì yuán f /Jiyuan directly administered city in Henan/ 济源市 濟源市 S - 4 Jì yuán shì f /Jiyuan directly administered city in Henan/ 济贫 濟貧 S - 77 jì pín f /to help the poor/ 济阳 濟陽 S - 13 Jì yáng f /Jiyang county in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ 济阳县 濟陽縣 S - 18 Jì yáng xiàn f /Jiyang county in Ji'nan 濟南|济南[Ji3 nan2], Shandong/ 浏 瀏 S - 46 liú f /clear/deep (of water)/swift/ 浏海 瀏海 S - 3 liú hǎi f /see 劉海|刘海[liu2 hai3]/ 浏览 瀏覽 S 2284 1469 liú lǎn f /to skim over/to browse/ 浏览器 瀏覽器 S - 159 liú lǎn qì f /browser (software)/ 浏览软件 瀏覽軟件 S - 0 liú lǎn ruǎn jiàn f /a web browser/ 浏览量 瀏覽量 S - 11 liú lǎn liàng f /(website) traffic/page views/volume of website traffic/ 浏阳 瀏陽 S - 80 Liú yáng f /Liuyang county level city in Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha1], Hunan/ 浏阳市 瀏陽市 S - 4 Liú yáng shì f /Liuyang county level city in Changsha 長沙|长沙[Chang2 sha1], Hunan/ 浐 滻 S - 239 chǎn f /name of a river in Shaanxi province/see 滻河|浐河[Chan3 He2]/ 浐河 滻河 S - 0 Chǎn Hé f /Chan River (in Shaanxi province)/ 浑 渾 S - 832 hún f /muddy/to mix/ 浑仪注 渾儀註 S - 0 hún yí zhù f /book by Han dynasty astronomer Zhang Heng/ 浑号 渾號 S - 3 hún hào f /nickname/ 浑圆 渾圓 S - 95 hún yuán f /perfectly round/(fig.) accommodating/considerate/smooth (way of doing things)/ 浑天仪 渾天儀 S - 31 hún tiān yí f /armillary sphere (astronomy)/ 浑天说 渾天說 S - 0 hún tiān shuō f /geocentric theory in ancient Chinese astronomy/ 浑如 渾如 S - 3 hún rú f /very similar/ 浑家 渾家 S - 3 hún jiā f /wife/ 浑水摸鱼 渾水摸魚 S - 15 hún shuǐ mō yú f /to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain/ 浑汗如雨 渾汗如雨 S - 0 hún hàn rú yǔ f /to drip with sweat/ 浑河 渾河 S - 105 Hún Hé f /Hun River/ 浑浊 渾濁 S - 191 hún zhuó f /muddy/turbid/ 浑浑噩噩 渾渾噩噩 S - 64 hún hún è è f /muddleheaded/ 浑源 渾源 S - 15 Hún yuán f /Hunyuan county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ 浑源县 渾源縣 S - 11 Hún yuán xiàn f /Hunyuan county in Datong 大同[Da4 tong2], Shanxi/ 浑然 渾然 S - 48 hún rán f /completely/absolutely/undivided/totally mixed up/muddled/ 浑然一体 渾然一體 S - 48 hún rán yī tǐ f /to blend into one another/to blend together well/ 浑然不知 渾然不知 S - 13 hún rán bù zhī f /to be totally oblivious (to sth)/to have no idea about sth/ 浑然不觉 渾然不覺 S - 43 hún rán bù jué f /totally unaware/ 浑然天成 渾然天成 S - 20 hún rán tiān chéng f /to resemble nature itself/of the highest quality (idiom)/ 浑球 渾球 S - 3 hún qiú f /variant of 混球[hun2 qiu2]/ 浑球儿 渾球兒 S - 3 hún qiú r f /variant of 混球兒|混球儿[hun2 qiu2 r5]/ 浑脱 渾脫 S - 0 hún tuō f /leather float/inflatable raft/ 浑茫 渾茫 S - 0 hún máng f /the dark ages before civilization/limitless reaches/vague and confused/ 浑蛋 渾蛋 S - 14 hún dàn f /variant of 混蛋[hun2 dan4]/ 浑身 渾身 S 2998 1496 hún shēn f /all over/from head to foot/ 浑身上下 渾身上下 S - 3 hún shēn shàng xià f /all over/from head to toe/ 浑身解数 渾身解數 S - 38 hún shēn xiè shù f /to give it your all/to go at it with all you've got/to throw your whole weight behind it/also pr. [hun2 shen1 jie3 shu4]/ 浒 滸 S - 31 hǔ f /bank of a river/ 浓 濃 S 2056 1887 nóng f /concentrated/dense/strong (smell etc)/ 浓厚 濃厚 S 4770 1369 nóng hòu f /dense/thick (fog, clouds etc)/to have a strong interest in/deep/fully saturated (color)/ 浓墨重彩 濃墨重彩 S - 20 nóng mò zhòng cǎi f /thick and heavy in colors/to describe sth in colorful language with attention to detail (idiom)/ 浓妆 濃妝 S - 26 nóng zhuāng f /heavy makeup and gaudy dress/ 浓妆艳抹 濃妝艷抹 S - 40 nóng zhuāng yàn mǒ f /to apply makeup conspicuously (idiom)/dressed to the nines and wearing makeup/ 浓密 濃密 S - 161 nóng mì f /thick/murky/ 浓度 濃度 S - 1043 nóng dù f /concentration (percentage of dissolved material in a solution)/consistency/thickness/density/viscosity/ 浓汤 濃湯 S - 6 nóng tāng f /thick soup/puree/ 浓淡 濃淡 S - 52 nóng dàn f /shade (of a color, i.e. light or dark)/ 浓烈 濃烈 S - 247 nóng liè f /strong (taste, flavor, smell)/ 浓烟 濃煙 S - 216 nóng yān f /thick smoke/ 浓眉大眼 濃眉大眼 S - 65 nóng méi dà yǎn f /thick eyebrows and big eyes/ 浓稠 濃稠 S - 0 nóng chóu f /thick/dense and creamy/ 浓缩 濃縮 S - 692 nóng suō f /to concentrate (a liquid)/concentration/espresso coffee/abbr. for 意式濃縮咖啡|意式浓缩咖啡/ 浓缩机 濃縮機 S - 3 nóng suō jī f /a device for concentrating (a liquid)/a condenser/ 浓缩铀 濃縮鈾 S - 47 nóng suō yóu f /enriched uranium/ 浓艳 濃艷 S - 33 nóng yàn f /(of colors) garish/rich/ 浓郁 濃郁 S - 1227 nóng yù f /rich/strong/heavy (fragrance)/dense/full-bodied/intense/ 浓重 濃重 S - 259 nóng zhòng f /dense/thick/strong/rich (colors)/heavy (aroma)/deep (friendship)/profound (effect)/ 浓集 濃集 S - 0 nóng jí f /to concentrate/to enrich/ 浓集铀 濃集鈾 S - 0 nóng jí yóu f /enriched uranium/ 浓雾 濃霧 S - 125 nóng wù f /thick fog/ 浓香 濃香 S - 49 nóng xiāng f /strong fragrance/pungent/ 浔 潯 S - 137 xún f /name of a river/steep bank/ 浔阳 潯陽 S - 0 Xún yáng f /Xunyang district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi/ 浔阳区 潯陽區 S - 3 Xún yáng qū f /Xunyang district of Jiujiang city 九江市, Jiangxi/ 浙 - 725 Zhè f /abbr. for Zhejiang 浙江 province in east China/ 浙 淛 S - 725 Zhè f /variant of 浙[Zhe4]/ 浙江 - 3022 Zhè jiāng f /Zhejiang province (Chekiang) in east China, abbr. 浙, capital Hangzhou 杭州/ 浙江三門縣 浙江三门县 T - 0 Zhè jiāng Sān mén xiàn f /Sanmen County in Zhejiang/ 浙江三门县 浙江三門縣 S - 0 Zhè jiāng Sān mén xiàn f /Sanmen County in Zhejiang/ 浙江大学 浙江大學 S - 157 Zhè jiāng Dà xué f /Zhejiang University/ 浙江大學 浙江大学 T - 157 Zhè jiāng Dà xué f /Zhejiang University/ 浙江天台县 浙江天台縣 S - 0 Zhè jiāng Tiān tái xiàn f /Tiantai County in Zhejiang/ 浙江天台縣 浙江天台县 T - 0 Zhè jiāng Tiān tái xiàn f /Tiantai County in Zhejiang/ 浙江省 - 722 Zhè jiāng Shěng f /Zhejiang Province (Chekiang) in east China, abbr. 浙[Zhe4], capital Hangzhou 杭州[Hang2 zhou1]/ 浙菜 - 0 Zhè cài f /Zhejiang cuisine/ 浙贛 浙赣 T - 3 zhè gàn f /Zhejiang-Jiangxi/ 浙赣 浙贛 S - 3 zhè gàn f /Zhejiang-Jiangxi/ 浚 - 265 jùn f /to deepen (e.g. a ditch)/to extract/to manage/ladle (old)/ 浚 濬 S - 265 jùn f /variant of 浚[jun4]/ 浚县 浚縣 S - 41 Xùn Xiàn f /Xun County in Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁[He4 bi4], Henan/ 浚泥船 - 0 jùn ní chuán f /dredger/ 浚渫 - 0 jùn xiè f /to dredge/ 浚縣 浚县 T - 41 Xùn Xiàn f /Xun County in Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁[He4 bi4], Henan/ 浜 - 7066 bāng t /stream/creek/ 浜 - 7066 bīn f /Japanese variant of 濱|滨[bin1]/used in Japanese place names such as Yokohama 橫浜|横浜[Heng2 bin1] with phonetic value hama/ 浠 - 4587 xī f /name of a river in Hubei/ 浠水 - 524 Xī shuǐ f /Xishui county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 浠水县 浠水縣 S - 256 Xī shuǐ xiàn f /Xishui county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 浠水縣 浠水县 T - 256 Xī shuǐ xiàn f /Xishui county in Huanggang 黃岡|黄冈[Huang2 gang1], Hubei/ 浡 - 62 bó f /full/gushing (of fountain)/ 浣 - 2516 huàn f /to wash/to rinse/any of three 10-day division of the month (during Tang dynasty)/Taiwan pr. [huan3]/also pr. [wan3]/ 浣 澣 S - 2516 huàn f /variant of 浣[huan4]/ 浣女 - 0 huàn nǚ f /washerwoman/ 浣洗 - 3 huàn xǐ f /to wash (clothes)/ 浣涤 浣滌 S - 3 huàn dí f /to wash/to rinse/ 浣滌 浣涤 T - 3 huàn dí f /to wash/to rinse/ 浣濯 - 0 huàn zhuó f /to wash/to rinse/ 浣熊 - 16 huàn xióng f /raccoon (Procyon lotor)/ 浣紗 浣纱 T - 3 huàn shā f /to wash silk/ 浣紗記 浣纱记 T - 0 Huàn shā jì f /Huansahji or Washing the Silken Gauze, Yuan and Ming saga reworked by 梁辰魚|梁辰鱼 from History of the Southern States Wu and Yue, 吳越春秋|吴越春秋, a popular opera subject/ 浣纱 浣紗 S - 3 huàn shā f /to wash silk/ 浣纱记 浣紗記 S - 0 Huàn shā jì f /Huansahji or Washing the Silken Gauze, Yuan and Ming saga reworked by 梁辰魚|梁辰鱼 from History of the Southern States Wu and Yue, 吳越春秋|吴越春秋, a popular opera subject/ 浣衣 - 3 huàn yī f /to wash clothes/ 浣雪 - 0 huàn xuě f /to cleanse oneself of false accusations/ 浤 - 0 hóng f /sound of water surging/ 浥 - 3 yì f /damp/moist/ 浦 - 341 Pǔ f /surname Pu/ 浦 - 341 pǔ f /river bank/shore/river drainage ditch (old)/ 浦东 浦東 S - 267 Pǔ dōng f /Pudong, subprovincial district of Shanghai/ 浦东新区 浦東新區 S - 36 Pǔ dōng xīn qū f /Pudong New District, subprovincial district of Shanghai/ 浦东机场 浦東機場 S - 0 Pǔ dōng Jī chǎng f /Pudong Airport (Shanghai)/ 浦北 - 4 Pǔ běi f /Pubei county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi/ 浦北县 浦北縣 S - 8 Pǔ běi xiàn f /Pubei county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi/ 浦北縣 浦北县 T - 8 Pǔ běi xiàn f /Pubei county in Qinzhou 欽州|钦州[Qin1 zhou1], Guangxi/ 浦口 - 87 Pǔ kǒu f /Pukou district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 浦口区 浦口區 S - 36 Pǔ kǒu qū f /Pukou district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 浦口區 浦口区 T - 36 Pǔ kǒu qū f /Pukou district of Nanjing City 南京市 in Jiangsu 江蘇|江苏/ 浦城 - 10 Pǔ chéng f /Pucheng county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2], Fujian/ 浦城县 浦城縣 S - 5 Pǔ chéng xiàn f /Pucheng county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 浦城縣 浦城县 T - 5 Pǔ chéng xiàn f /Pucheng county in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian/ 浦東 浦东 T - 267 Pǔ dōng f /Pudong, subprovincial district of Shanghai/ 浦東新區 浦东新区 T - 36 Pǔ dōng xīn qū f /Pudong New District, subprovincial district of Shanghai/ 浦東機場 浦东机场 T - 0 Pǔ dōng Jī chǎng f /Pudong Airport (Shanghai)/ 浦江 - 34 Pǔ jiāng f /Pujiang county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 浦江县 浦江縣 S - 2 Pǔ jiāng xiàn f /Pujiang county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 浦江縣 浦江县 T - 2 Pǔ jiāng xiàn f /Pujiang county in Jinhua 金華|金华[Jin1 hua2], Zhejiang/ 浦那 - 7 Pǔ nà f /Pune, second city of Mahārāshtra 馬哈拉施特拉邦|马哈拉施特拉邦 in western India/ 浦項 浦项 T - 11 Pǔ xiàng f /Pohang (city in South Korea)/ 浦项 浦項 S - 11 Pǔ xiàng f /Pohang (city in South Korea)/ 浩 - 951 hào f /grand/vast (water)/ 浩劫 - 232 hào jié f /calamity/catastrophe/apocalypse/ 浩博 - 4 hào bó f /vast and plentiful/ample/very many/ 浩大 - 158 hào dà f /vast/great/large amount/ 浩如烟海 浩如煙海 S - 23 hào rú yān hǎi f /vast as the open sea (idiom); fig. extensive (library)/ 浩如煙海 浩如烟海 T - 23 hào rú yān hǎi f /vast as the open sea (idiom); fig. extensive (library)/ 浩室 - 0 hào shì f /House (music genre)/ 浩气 浩氣 S - 16 hào qì f /vast spirit/nobility of spirit/ 浩氣 浩气 T - 16 hào qì f /vast spirit/nobility of spirit/ 浩浩 - 3 hào hào f /vast/expansive (universe)/torrential (floods)/ 浩浩荡荡 浩浩蕩蕩 S - 698 hào hào dàng dàng f /grandiose/majestic/ 浩浩蕩蕩 浩浩荡荡 T - 698 hào hào dàng dàng f /grandiose/majestic/ 浩淼 - 15 hào miǎo f /vast/extending into the distance/ 浩渺 - 16 hào miǎo f /vast/extending into the distance/ 浩瀚 - 94 hào hàn f /vast (of ocean)/boundless/ 浩然 - 38 Hào Rán f /Hào Rán (1932-2008), journalist and proletarian novelist/ 浩然 - 38 hào rán f /vast/expansive/overwhelming/ 浩特 - 3 hào tè f /nomadic camp/town or village (Mongolian: khot)/ 浩繁 - 47 hào fán f /vast/voluminous/many and varied/numerous/extensive amount of/exhaustive/heavy (expenditure)/arduous/strenuous/exhausting/draining/burdensome/ 浩茫 - 3 hào máng f /boundless/unlimited/ 浩荡 浩蕩 S - 98 hào dàng f /vast and mighty (of river or ocean)/broad and powerful/ 浩蕩 浩荡 T - 98 hào dàng f /vast and mighty (of river or ocean)/broad and powerful/ 浩闊 浩阔 T - 0 hào kuò f /vast/ 浩阔 浩闊 S - 0 hào kuò f /vast/ 浪 - 1165 làng f /wave/breaker/unrestrained/dissipated/ 浪人 - 43 làng rén f /vagrant/unemployed person/rōnin (wandering masterless samurai)/ 浪卡子 - 3 Làng kǎ zǐ f /Nagarzê county, Tibetan: Sna dkar rtse rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 浪卡子县 浪卡子縣 S - 3 Làng kǎ zǐ xiàn f /Nagarzê county, Tibetan: Sna dkar rtse rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 浪卡子縣 浪卡子县 T - 3 Làng kǎ zǐ xiàn f /Nagarzê county, Tibetan: Sna dkar rtse rdzong, in Lhokha prefecture 山南地區|山南地区[Shan1 nan2 di4 qu1], Tibet/ 浪头 浪頭 S - 58 làng tou f /wave/ 浪女 - 0 làng nǚ f /loose woman/ 浪子 - 125 làng zǐ f /loafer/wastrel/prodigal son/ 浪子回头 浪子回頭 S - 15 làng zǐ huí tóu f /the return of a prodigal son (idiom)/ 浪子回头金不换 浪子回頭金不換 S - 4 làng zǐ huí tóu jīn bù huàn f /a prodigal son returned home is worth more than gold/ 浪子回頭 浪子回头 T - 15 làng zǐ huí tóu f /the return of a prodigal son (idiom)/ 浪子回頭金不換 浪子回头金不换 T - 4 làng zǐ huí tóu jīn bù huàn f /a prodigal son returned home is worth more than gold/ 浪得虚名 浪得虛名 S - 3 làng dé xū míng f /to have an undeserved reputation (idiom)/ 浪得虛名 浪得虚名 T - 3 làng dé xū míng f /to have an undeserved reputation (idiom)/ 浪涌 浪湧 S - 34 làng yǒng f /(electrical) surge/ 浪涛 浪濤 S - 76 làng tāo f /ocean wave/billows/ 浪湧 浪涌 T - 34 làng yǒng f /(electrical) surge/ 浪漫 946 754 làng màn f /romantic/ 浪漫主义 浪漫主義 S - 397 làng màn zhǔ yì f /romanticism/ 浪漫主義 浪漫主义 T - 397 làng màn zhǔ yì f /romanticism/ 浪潮 - 461 làng cháo f /wave/tides/ 浪濤 浪涛 T - 76 làng tāo f /ocean wave/billows/ 浪穀 浪谷 T - 3 làng gǔ f /trough of a wave/(fig.) low point/lowest level/ 浪船 - 2 làng chuán f /swingboat/ 浪花 - 154 làng huā f /spray/ocean spray/spindrift/fig. happenings from one's life/CL:朵[duo3]/ 浪荡 浪蕩 S - 64 làng dàng f /to loiter/to hang around/dissolute/licentious/ 浪蕩 浪荡 T - 64 làng dàng f /to loiter/to hang around/dissolute/licentious/ 浪蚀 浪蝕 S - 0 làng shí f /wave erosion/ 浪蝕 浪蚀 T - 0 làng shí f /wave erosion/ 浪谷 浪穀 S - 3 làng gǔ f /trough of a wave/(fig.) low point/lowest level/ 浪費 浪费 T 806 1134 làng fèi f /to waste/to squander/ 浪費者 浪费者 T - 3 làng fèi zhě f /waster/wastrel/squanderer/ 浪費金錢 浪费金钱 T - 0 làng fèi jīn qián f /to squander money/to spend extravagantly/ 浪费 浪費 S 806 1134 làng fèi f /to waste/to squander/ 浪费者 浪費者 S - 3 làng fèi zhě f /waster/wastrel/squanderer/ 浪费金钱 浪費金錢 S - 0 làng fèi jīn qián f /to squander money/to spend extravagantly/ 浪跡 浪迹 T - 18 làng jì f /to roam about/to wander without a home/ 浪跡天涯 浪迹天涯 T - 23 làng jì tiān yá f /to roam far and wide (idiom)/to travel the world/ 浪跡江湖 浪迹江湖 T - 22 làng jì jiāng hú f /to roam far and wide/to drift with the wind/ 浪迹 浪跡 S - 18 làng jì f /to roam about/to wander without a home/ 浪迹天涯 浪跡天涯 S - 23 làng jì tiān yá f /to roam far and wide (idiom)/to travel the world/ 浪迹江湖 浪跡江湖 S - 22 làng jì jiāng hú f /to roam far and wide/to drift with the wind/ 浪頭 浪头 T - 58 làng tou f /wave/ 浬 - 2 lǐ f /nautical mile/ 浭 - 0 Gēng f /name of a river in Hebei/ 浮 - 1394 fú f /to float/superficial/floating/unstable/movable/provisional/temporary/transient/impetuous/hollow/inflated/to exceed/superfluous/excessive/surplus/ 浮上 - 0 fú shàng f /to float up/to rise to the surface/fig. to rise in the world/ 浮世 - 3 fú shì f /(Buddhism) the world of the living/ 浮世繪 浮世绘 T - 19 fú shì huì f /ukiyo-e/ 浮世绘 浮世繪 S - 19 fú shì huì f /ukiyo-e/ 浮云 浮雲 S - 114 fú yún f /floating clouds/fleeting/transient/ 浮云朝露 浮雲朝露 S - 3 fú yún zhāo lù f /floating clouds, morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral nature of human existence/ 浮冰 - 81 fú bīng f /ice floe/ 浮冰群 - 0 fú bīng qún f /ice pack/ 浮出 - 182 fú chū f /to emerge/ 浮出水面 - 0 fú chū shuǐ miàn f /to float up (idiom); to become evident/to surface/to appear/ 浮利 - 0 fú lì f /mere worldly, superficial gain, such as wealth and fame/ 浮力 - 128 fú lì f /buoyancy/ 浮力定律 - 0 fú lì dìng lǜ f /Archimedes' law of flotation/ 浮力調整背心 浮力调整背心 T - 0 fú lì tiáo zhěng bèi xīn f /BCD/Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)/ 浮力調整裝置 浮力调整装置 T - 0 fú lì tiáo zhěng zhuāng zhì f /BCD/Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)/ 浮力调整背心 浮力調整背心 S - 0 fú lì tiáo zhěng bèi xīn f /BCD/Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)/ 浮力调整装置 浮力調整裝置 S - 0 fú lì tiáo zhěng zhuāng zhì f /BCD/Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)/ 浮动 浮動 S - 297 fú dòng f /to float and drift/unstable/ 浮动地狱 浮動地獄 S - 0 fú dòng dì yù f /floating hell/slave ships/ 浮動 浮动 T - 297 fú dòng f /to float and drift/unstable/ 浮動地獄 浮动地狱 T - 0 fú dòng dì yù f /floating hell/slave ships/ 浮华 浮華 S - 68 fú huá f /ostentatious/pretentious/showy/ 浮图 浮圖 S - 15 fú tú f /Buddha/Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo)/also written 浮屠/ 浮圖 浮图 T - 15 fú tú f /Buddha/Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo)/also written 浮屠/ 浮土 - 17 fú tǔ f /topsoil/surface dust/ 浮士德博士 - 0 Fú shì dé bó shì f /Dr Faustus/ 浮夸 浮誇 S - 112 fú kuā f /to exaggerate/to be boastful/pompous/grandiose/ 浮家泛宅 - 3 fú jiā fàn zhái f /lit. to live on a boat/to drift from place to place (idiom)/ 浮小麥 浮小麦 T - 3 fú xiǎo mài f /unripe wheat grain (used in TCM)/ 浮小麦 浮小麥 S - 3 fú xiǎo mài f /unripe wheat grain (used in TCM)/ 浮屠 - 21 fú tú f /Buddha/Buddhist stupa (transliteration of Pali thupo)/ 浮山 - 19 Fú shān f /Fushan county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 浮山县 浮山縣 S - 3 Fú shān xiàn f /Fushan county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 浮山縣 浮山县 T - 3 Fú shān xiàn f /Fushan county in Linfen 臨汾|临汾[Lin2 fen2], Shanxi/ 浮岩 - 4 fú yán f /pumice/ 浮想 - 4 fú xiǎng f /passing thought/an idea that comes into one's head/recollection/ 浮想联翩 浮想聯翩 S - 24 fú xiǎng lián piān f /to let one's imagination roam/ 浮想聯翩 浮想联翩 T - 24 fú xiǎng lián piān f /to let one's imagination roam/ 浮标 浮標 S - 96 fú biāo f /buoy/ 浮桥 浮橋 S - 181 fú qiáo f /pontoon bridge/ 浮梁 - 11 Fú liáng f /Fuliang county in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/ 浮梁县 浮梁縣 S - 4 Fú liáng xiàn f /Fuliang county in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/ 浮梁縣 浮梁县 T - 4 Fú liáng xiàn f /Fuliang county in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi/ 浮標 浮标 T - 96 fú biāo f /buoy/ 浮橋 浮桥 T - 181 fú qiáo f /pontoon bridge/ 浮气 浮氣 S - 0 fú qì f /feeble breath/frivolity/flippancy/ 浮氣 浮气 T - 0 fú qì f /feeble breath/frivolity/flippancy/ 浮沉 - 68 fú chén f /ups and downs (of life etc)/to drift along/to sink and emerge/ 浮泛 - 14 fú fàn f /to float about/(of a feeling) to show on the face/(of speech, friendship etc) shallow/vague/ 浮浅 浮淺 S - 19 fú qiǎn f /skin-deep/superficial/shallow/ 浮淺 浮浅 T - 19 fú qiǎn f /skin-deep/superficial/shallow/ 浮游 - 186 fú yóu f /to float/to drift/to wander/variant of 蜉蝣[fu2 you2]/ 浮游生物 - 142 fú yóu shēng wù f /plankton/ 浮滑 - 20 fú huá f /(of language or behavior) flippant and insincere/ 浮滥 浮濫 S - 3 fú làn f /excessive/exorbitant/excessively/ 浮漂 - 9 fú piāo f /see 漂浮[piao1 fu2]/ 浮潛 浮潜 T - 0 fú qián f /to snorkel/snorkeling/ 浮潛器具 浮潜器具 T - 0 fú qián qì jù f /diving equipment/ 浮潜 浮潛 S - 0 fú qián f /to snorkel/snorkeling/ 浮潜器具 浮潛器具 S - 0 fú qián qì jù f /diving equipment/ 浮濫 浮滥 T - 3 fú làn f /excessive/exorbitant/excessively/ 浮点 浮點 S - 100 fú diǎn f /floating point/ 浮点数 浮點數 S - 5 fú diǎn shù f /floating point/ 浮点运算 浮點運算 S - 8 fú diǎn yùn suàn f /floating point operation/ 浮燥 - 3 fú zào f /variant of 浮躁[fu2 zao4]/ 浮现 浮現 S - 276 fú xiàn f /to appear before one's eyes/to come into view/to float into appearance/to come back (of images from the past)/to emerge/it emerges/it occurs (to me that..)/ 浮現 浮现 T - 276 fú xiàn f /to appear before one's eyes/to come into view/to float into appearance/to come back (of images from the past)/to emerge/it emerges/it occurs (to me that..)/ 浮生六記 浮生六记 T - 3 fú shēng liù jì f /Six records of a floating life, autobiographical novel and description of Qing dynasty life by 沈復|沈复[Shen3 Fu4], published 1808/ 浮生六记 浮生六記 S - 3 fú shēng liù jì f /Six records of a floating life, autobiographical novel and description of Qing dynasty life by 沈復|沈复[Shen3 Fu4], published 1808/ 浮着 浮著 S - 0 fú zhe f /afloat/ 浮石 - 33 fú shí f /pumice/ 浮肿 浮腫 S - 415 fú zhǒng f /swollen/bloated/edema/dropsy/ 浮肿病 浮腫病 S - 0 fú zhǒng bìng f /edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal organs)/dropsy/ 浮腫 浮肿 T - 415 fú zhǒng f /swollen/bloated/edema/dropsy/ 浮腫病 浮肿病 T - 0 fú zhǒng bìng f /edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal organs)/dropsy/ 浮華 浮华 T - 68 fú huá f /ostentatious/pretentious/showy/ 浮萍 - 51 fú píng f /duckweed/ 浮著 浮着 T - 0 fú zhe f /afloat/ 浮薄 - 3 fú báo f /frivolous/philandering/ 浮詞 浮词 T - 3 fú cí f /florid but insubstantial remarks/misleading way of saying sth/ 浮誇 浮夸 T - 112 fú kuā f /to exaggerate/to be boastful/pompous/grandiose/ 浮词 浮詞 S - 3 fú cí f /florid but insubstantial remarks/misleading way of saying sth/ 浮財 浮财 T - 17 fú cái f /movable property/money and belongings/non-real estate assets/ 浮貼 浮贴 T - 0 fú tiē f /to glue something lightly enough that it can be removed later/ 浮質 浮质 T - 0 fú zhì f /aerosol/ 浮财 浮財 S - 17 fú cái f /movable property/money and belongings/non-real estate assets/ 浮质 浮質 S - 0 fú zhì f /aerosol/ 浮贴 浮貼 S - 0 fú tiē f /to glue something lightly enough that it can be removed later/ 浮起 - 3 fú qǐ f /to float/to emerge/ 浮躁 - 186 fú zào f /fickle and impatient/restless/giddy/scatterbrained/ 浮选 浮選 S - 3 fú xuǎn f /flotation process/ 浮選 浮选 T - 3 fú xuǎn f /flotation process/ 浮雕 - 1205 fú diāo f /relief sculpture/ 浮雕墙纸 浮雕牆紙 S - 0 fú diāo qiáng zhǐ f /anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper)/ 浮雕牆紙 浮雕墙纸 T - 0 fú diāo qiáng zhǐ f /anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper)/ 浮雲 浮云 T - 114 fú yún f /floating clouds/fleeting/transient/ 浮雲朝露 浮云朝露 T - 3 fú yún zhāo lù f /floating clouds, morning dew (idiom); fig. ephemeral nature of human existence/ 浮面 - 4 fú miàn f /surface (of a liquid)/superficial/ 浮點 浮点 T - 100 fú diǎn f /floating point/ 浮點數 浮点数 T - 5 fú diǎn shù f /floating point/ 浮點運算 浮点运算 T - 8 fú diǎn yùn suàn f /floating point operation/ 浯 - 38 Wú f /(name of several rivers in China)/ 浰 - 3 lì f /to attend (official functions)/ 浴 - 367 yù f /bath/to bathe/ 浴场 浴場 S - 118 yù chǎng f /bathing spot/ 浴場 浴场 T - 118 yù chǎng f /bathing spot/ 浴室 - 154 yù shì f /bathroom (room used for bathing)/CL:間|间[jian1]/ 浴巾 - 19 yù jīn f /bath towel/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 浴帘 浴簾 S - 0 yù lián f /shower curtain/ 浴帽 - 3 yù mào f /shower cap/CL:頂|顶[ding3]/ 浴柜 浴櫃 S - 0 yù guì f /bathroom cabinet/ 浴櫃 浴柜 T - 0 yù guì f /bathroom cabinet/ 浴池 - 54 yù chí f /public bath/ 浴汤 浴湯 S - 0 yù tāng f /see 湯浴|汤浴[tang1 yu4]/ 浴液 - 11 yù yè f /body wash/ 浴湯 浴汤 T - 0 yù tāng f /see 湯浴|汤浴[tang1 yu4]/ 浴球 - 0 yù qiú f /shower puff/bath sponge/bath ball (containing aromas or salts)/ 浴盆 - 19 yù pén f /bathtub/ 浴盐 浴鹽 S - 0 yù yán f /bath salts/ 浴簾 浴帘 T - 0 yù lián f /shower curtain/ 浴缸 - 41 yù gāng f /bathtub/ 浴花 - 0 yù huā f /shower puff/shower sponge/ 浴血 - 170 yù xuè f /blood-soaked/ 浴血苦战 浴血苦戰 S - 3 yù xuè kǔ zhàn f /a blood soaked and hard-fought struggle (idiom)/ 浴血苦戰 浴血苦战 T - 3 yù xuè kǔ zhàn f /a blood soaked and hard-fought struggle (idiom)/ 浴衣 - 7 yù yī f /bathrobe/ 浴袍 - 3 yù páo f /bathrobe/ 浴霸 - 0 yù bà f /bathroom infrared heater, marketed as "bath master"/ 浴鹽 浴盐 T - 0 yù yán f /bath salts/ 海 - 9676 Hǎi f /surname Hai/ 海 - 9676 hǎi f /ocean/sea/CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]/great number of people or things/(dialect) numerous/ 海上 - 3213 hǎi shàng f /maritime/ 海上奇书 海上奇書 S - 0 hǎi shàng qí shū f /literary journal published in 1892-93 by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆 featuring serialized novels in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular/ 海上奇書 海上奇书 T - 0 hǎi shàng qí shū f /literary journal published in 1892-93 by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆 featuring serialized novels in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular/ 海上花列传 海上花列傳 S - 0 Hǎi shàng Huā Liè zhuàn f /The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆[Han2 Bang1 qing4], long novel of lower life in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular/translated into Putonghua as 海上花 by Iris Chang/ 海上花列傳 海上花列传 T - 0 Hǎi shàng Huā Liè zhuàn f /The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆[Han2 Bang1 qing4], long novel of lower life in classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular/translated into Putonghua as 海上花 by Iris Chang/ 海上运动 海上運動 S - 0 hǎi shàng yùn dòng f /water sports (sailing, windsurfing etc)/ 海上運動 海上运动 T - 0 hǎi shàng yùn dòng f /water sports (sailing, windsurfing etc)/ 海东 海東 S - 9 Hǎi dōng f /Haidong prefecture, Qinghai/ 海东地区 海東地區 S - 3 Hǎi dōng dì qū f /Haidong prefecture, Qinghai/ 海东青 海東青 S - 29 hǎi dōng qīng f /(bird species of China) gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)/ 海丰 海豐 S - 32 Hǎi fēng f /Haifeng county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong/ 海丰县 海豐縣 S - 9 Hǎi fēng xiàn f /Haifeng county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong/ 海事 - 125 hǎi shì f /maritime affairs/accident at sea/ 海事处 海事處 S - 3 Hǎi shì chù f /Marine Department (Hong Kong)/ 海事局 - 6 hǎi shì jú f /PRC Maritime Safety Agency/ 海事法院 - 0 hǎi shì fǎ yuàn f /maritime court/ 海事處 海事处 T - 3 Hǎi shì chù f /Marine Department (Hong Kong)/ 海于格松 - 0 Hǎi yú gé sōng f /Haugesund (city in Rogaland, Norway)/ 海产 海產 S - 396 hǎi chǎn f /marine/produced in sea/ 海伦 海倫 S - 57 Hǎi lún f /Hailun county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/Helen or Hélène (name)/ 海伦·凯勒 海倫·凱勒 S - 0 Hǎi lún · Kǎi lē f /Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous American deaf-blind author and activist (whose story is told in biopic The Miracle Worker)/ 海伦市 海倫市 S - 3 Hǎi lún shì f /Hailun county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 海伯利 - 0 Hǎi bó lì f /Highbury (name)/ 海信 - 193 Hǎi xìn f /Hisense (brand)/ 海倫 海伦 T - 57 Hǎi lún f /Hailun county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/Helen or Hélène (name)/ 海倫·凱勒 海伦·凯勒 T - 0 Hǎi lún · Kǎi lē f /Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous American deaf-blind author and activist (whose story is told in biopic The Miracle Worker)/ 海倫市 海伦市 T - 3 Hǎi lún shì f /Hailun county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang/ 海兔 - 4 hǎi tù f /sea hare (Aplysia)/ 海內 海内 T - 129 hǎi nèi f /the whole world/throughout the land/everything under the sun/ 海內外 海内外 T - 599 hǎi nèi wài f /domestic and international/at home and abroad/ 海內存知己,天涯若比鄰 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 T - 0 hǎi nèi cún zhī jǐ , tiān yá ruò bǐ lín f /close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away/absence makes the heart grow fonder/ 海关 海關 S 2243 813 hǎi guān f /customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 海关官员 海關官員 S - 0 hǎi guān guān yuán f /customs officer/ 海关总署 海關總署 S - 37 hǎi guān zǒng shǔ f /General Administration of Customs (GAC)/ 海关部门 海關部門 S - 0 hǎi guān bù mén f /customs section/ 海兴 海興 S - 2 Hǎi xīng f /Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 海兴县 海興縣 S - 2 Hǎi xīng xiàn f /Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 海内 海內 S - 129 hǎi nèi f /the whole world/throughout the land/everything under the sun/ 海内外 海內外 S - 599 hǎi nèi wài f /domestic and international/at home and abroad/ 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 海內存知己,天涯若比鄰 S - 0 hǎi nèi cún zhī jǐ , tiān yá ruò bǐ lín f /close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door (idiom); close in spirit although far away/absence makes the heart grow fonder/ 海军 海軍 S - 7228 hǎi jūn f /navy/ 海军上校 海軍上校 S - 0 hǎi jūn shàng xiào f /captain (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ 海军中校 海軍中校 S - 0 hǎi jūn zhōng xiào f /commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ 海军大校 海軍大校 S - 0 hǎi jūn dà xiào f /commodore (= US Navy equivalent)/ 海军官 海軍官 S - 0 hǎi jūn guān f /naval officer/ 海军少校 海軍少校 S - 0 hǎi jūn shǎo xiào f /lieutenant commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ 海军总司令 海軍總司令 S - 0 hǎi jūn zǒng sī lìng f /admiral/ 海军蓝 海軍藍 S - 3 hǎi jūn lán f /navy blue/ 海军陆战队 海軍陸戰隊 S - 606 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì f /marine corps/marines/ 海刺芹 - 0 hǎi cì qín f /sea holly (Eryngium maritimum)/ 海勃湾 海勃灣 S - 6 Hǎi bó wān f /Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海勃湾区 海勃灣區 S - 3 Hǎi bó wān Qū f /Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海勃灣 海勃湾 T - 6 Hǎi bó wān f /Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海勃灣區 海勃湾区 T - 3 Hǎi bó wān Qū f /Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海北 - 57 Hǎi běi f /Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai/ 海北州 - 0 Hǎi běi zhōu f /Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai/ 海北藏族自治州 - 16 Hǎi běi Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu f /Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-byang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ 海协会 海協會 S - 6 Hǎi Xié huì f /Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS)/abbr. for 海峽兩岸關係協會|海峡两岸关系协会[Hai3 xia2 Liang3 an4 Guan1 xi5 Xie2 hui4]/ 海協會 海协会 T - 6 Hǎi Xié huì f /Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS)/abbr. for 海峽兩岸關係協會|海峡两岸关系协会[Hai3 xia2 Liang3 an4 Guan1 xi5 Xie2 hui4]/ 海南 - 1008 Hǎi nán f /Hainan Province, in the South China Sea, short name 瓊|琼[Qiong2], capital Haikou 海口/Hainan Island/Hainan District of Wuhai City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 海南区 海南區 S - 3 Hǎi nán Qū f /Hainan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海南區 海南区 T - 3 Hǎi nán Qū f /Hainan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海南大学 海南大學 S - 14 Hǎi nán Dà xué f /Hainan University/ 海南大學 海南大学 T - 14 Hǎi nán Dà xué f /Hainan University/ 海南孔雀雉 - 0 Hǎi nán kǒng què zhì f /(bird species of China) Hainan peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron katsumatae)/ 海南山鷓鴣 海南山鹧鸪 T - 0 Hǎi nán shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) Hainan partridge (Arborophila ardens)/ 海南山鹧鸪 海南山鷓鴣 S - 0 Hǎi nán shān zhè gū f /(bird species of China) Hainan partridge (Arborophila ardens)/ 海南岛 海南島 S - 496 Hǎi nán Dǎo f /Hainan Island in South China Sea/ 海南島 海南岛 T - 496 Hǎi nán Dǎo f /Hainan Island in South China Sea/ 海南州 - 3 Hǎi nán zhōu f /see 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1]/ 海南柳莺 海南柳鶯 S - 0 Hǎi nán liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Hainan leaf warbler (Phylloscopus hainanus)/ 海南柳鶯 海南柳莺 T - 0 Hǎi nán liǔ yīng f /(bird species of China) Hainan leaf warbler (Phylloscopus hainanus)/ 海南省 - 548 Hǎi nán Shěng f /Hainan Province, in South China Sea, abbr. 瓊|琼[Qiong2], capital Haikou 海口/ 海南蓝仙鹟 海南藍仙鶲 S - 0 Hǎi nán lán xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) Hainan blue flycatcher (Cyornis hainanus)/ 海南藍仙鶲 海南蓝仙鹟 T - 0 Hǎi nán lán xiān wēng f /(bird species of China) Hainan blue flycatcher (Cyornis hainanus)/ 海南藏族自治州 - 7 Hǎi nán Zàng zú Zì zhì zhōu f /Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan Mtsho-lho Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul), Qinghai/ 海南鳽 - 0 Hǎi nán yán f /(bird species of China) white-eared night heron (Gorsachius magnificus)/ 海印寺 - 0 Hǎi yìn sì f /Haeinsa in South Gyeongsang province of South Korea, the repository of Tripitaka Koreana 高麗大藏經|高丽大藏经[Gao1 li2 da4 zang4 jing1], a World Heritage site/ 海原 - 22 Hǎi yuán f /Haiyuan county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ 海原县 海原縣 S - 13 Hǎi yuán xiàn f /Haiyuan county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ 海原縣 海原县 T - 13 Hǎi yuán xiàn f /Haiyuan county in Zhongwei 中衛|中卫[Zhong1 wei4], Ningxia/ 海参 海參 S - 351 hǎi shēn f /sea cucumber/ 海参崴 海參崴 S - 40 Hǎi shēn wǎi f /Vladivostok/Ming and Qing name for Vladivostok 符拉迪沃斯託克|符拉迪沃斯托克 and the province around it/ 海參 海参 T - 351 hǎi shēn f /sea cucumber/ 海參崴 海参崴 T - 40 Hǎi shēn wǎi f /Vladivostok/Ming and Qing name for Vladivostok 符拉迪沃斯託克|符拉迪沃斯托克 and the province around it/ 海口 - 474 Hǎi kǒu f /Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province 海南省[Hai3 nan2 Sheng3]/ 海口 - 474 hǎi kǒu f /estuary/coastal inlet/river mouth/seaport/see also 誇海口|夸海口[kua1 hai3 kou3]/ 海口市 - 122 Hǎi kǒu Shì f /Haikou prefecture-level city and capital of Hainan Province 海南省[Hai3 nan2 Sheng3]/ 海员 海員 S - 106 hǎi yuán f /sailor/mariner/ 海員 海员 T - 106 hǎi yuán f /sailor/mariner/ 海啸 海嘯 S - 187 hǎi xiào f /tsunami/ 海嘯 海啸 T - 187 hǎi xiào f /tsunami/ 海地 - 225 Hǎi dì f /Haiti, the western third of Caribbean island Hispaniola/ 海地岛 海地島 S - 0 Hǎi dì Dǎo f /Hispaniola (Caribbean Island divided between Dominican Republic and Haiti)/ 海地島 海地岛 T - 0 Hǎi dì Dǎo f /Hispaniola (Caribbean Island divided between Dominican Republic and Haiti)/ 海城 - 100 Hǎi chéng f /Haicheng county level city in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1], Liaoning/ 海城区 海城區 S - 3 Hǎi chéng qū f /Haicheng district of Beihai city 北海市[Bei3 hai3 shi4], Guangxi/ 海城區 海城区 T - 3 Hǎi chéng qū f /Haicheng district of Beihai city 北海市[Bei3 hai3 shi4], Guangxi/ 海城市 - 12 Hǎi chéng shì f /Haicheng county level city in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1], Liaoning/ 海域 - 1521 hǎi yù f /sea area/territorial waters/maritime space/ 海基会 海基會 S - 21 hǎi jī huì f /(abbr.) SEF, Taiwanese Strait Exchange Foundation/ 海基會 海基会 T - 21 hǎi jī huì f /(abbr.) SEF, Taiwanese Strait Exchange Foundation/ 海堤 - 34 hǎi dī f /levee/dyke/seawall/ 海報 海报 T - 229 hǎi bào f /poster/playbill/notice/ 海塗 海涂 T - 29 hǎi tú f /tidal marsh/shoal/shallows/ 海塗圍墾 海涂围垦 T - 0 hǎi tú wéi kěn f /polder/ 海外 - 2672 hǎi wài f /overseas/abroad/ 海外华人 海外華人 S - 3 hǎi wài Huá rén f /overseas Chinese/ 海外版 - 25 hǎi wài bǎn f /foreign edition (of a newspaper)/ 海外華人 海外华人 T - 3 hǎi wài Huá rén f /overseas Chinese/ 海外赤子 - 0 hǎi wài chì zǐ f /patriotic overseas compatriot/ 海子 - 107 hǎi zi f /(dialect) wetlands/lake/ 海宁 海寧 S - 216 Hǎi níng f /Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海宁市 海寧市 S - 9 Hǎi níng shì f /Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海安 - 49 Hǎi ān f /Hai'an county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 海安县 海安縣 S - 8 Hǎi ān xiàn f /Hai'an county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 海安縣 海安县 T - 8 Hǎi ān xiàn f /Hai'an county in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 海宝 海寶 S - 0 Hǎi bǎo f /Haibao, Expo 2010 mascot/ 海寧 海宁 T - 216 Hǎi níng f /Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海寧市 海宁市 T - 9 Hǎi níng shì f /Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海寶 海宝 T - 0 Hǎi bǎo f /Haibao, Expo 2010 mascot/ 海尔 海爾 S - 230 Hǎi ěr f /Haier (PRC household appliance brand)/Hale (name)/ 海尔德兰 海爾德蘭 S - 0 hǎi ěr dé lán f /Gelderland/ 海尼根 - 0 Hǎi ní gēn f /Heineken (Dutch brewing company)/see also 喜力[Xi3 li4]/ 海岛 海島 S - 313 hǎi dǎo f /island/ 海岛市 海島市 S - 0 Hǎi dǎo shì f /Municipality of the Islands (Macau)/Concelho das Ilhas/ 海岬 - 0 hǎi jiǎ f /headland/ 海岭 海嶺 S - 174 hǎi lǐng f /mid-ocean ridge/ 海岱 - 4 Hǎi dài f /Haidai, historical region extending from the Bohai Sea to Mt Tai in Shandong/ 海岸 - 1622 hǎi àn f /coastal/seacoast/ 海岸护卫队 海岸護衛隊 S - 0 hǎi àn hù wèi duì f /coast guard/ 海岸線 海岸线 T - 600 hǎi àn xiàn f /coastline/seaboard/shoreline/ 海岸线 海岸線 S - 600 hǎi àn xiàn f /coastline/seaboard/shoreline/ 海岸警卫队 海岸警衛隊 S - 0 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì f /coastguard/ 海岸警衛隊 海岸警卫队 T - 0 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì f /coastguard/ 海岸護衛隊 海岸护卫队 T - 0 hǎi àn hù wèi duì f /coast guard/ 海峡 海峽 S - 1629 hǎi xiá f /channel/strait/ 海峡两岸关系协会 海峽兩岸關係協會 S - 8 Hǎi xiá Liǎng àn Guān xi Xié huì f /PRC Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS)/ 海峡交流基金会 海峽交流基金會 S - 6 Hǎi xiá Jiāo liú Jī jīn huì f /Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF)/ 海峡时报 海峽時報 S - 0 Hǎi xiá Shí bào f /The Straits Times/ 海峡群岛 海峽群島 S - 0 Hǎi xiá Qún dǎo f /Channel Islands/ 海島 海岛 T - 313 hǎi dǎo f /island/ 海島市 海岛市 T - 0 Hǎi dǎo shì f /Municipality of the Islands (Macau)/Concelho das Ilhas/ 海峽 海峡 T - 1629 hǎi xiá f /channel/strait/ 海峽交流基金會 海峡交流基金会 T - 6 Hǎi xiá Jiāo liú Jī jīn huì f /Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF)/ 海峽兩岸關係協會 海峡两岸关系协会 T - 8 Hǎi xiá Liǎng àn Guān xi Xié huì f /PRC Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS)/ 海峽時報 海峡时报 T - 0 Hǎi xiá Shí bào f /The Straits Times/ 海峽群島 海峡群岛 T - 0 Hǎi xiá Qún dǎo f /Channel Islands/ 海嶺 海岭 T - 174 hǎi lǐng f /mid-ocean ridge/ 海州 - 51 Hǎi zhōu f /Haizhou district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/Haizhou district of Fuxin city 阜新市[Fu4 xin1 shi4], Liaoning/ 海州区 海州區 S - 3 Hǎi zhōu qū f /Haizhou district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/Haizhou district of Fuxin city 阜新市[Fu4 xin1 shi4], Liaoning/ 海州區 海州区 T - 3 Hǎi zhōu qū f /Haizhou district of Lianyungang city 連雲港市|连云港市[Lian2 yun2 gang3 shi4], Jiangsu/Haizhou district of Fuxin city 阜新市[Fu4 xin1 shi4], Liaoning/ 海巡 - 16 hǎi xún f /coast guard/ 海市 - 19 hǎi shì f /mirage (lit. or fig.)/ 海市蜃楼 海市蜃樓 S - 95 hǎi shì shèn lóu f /mirage (lit. or fig.)/ 海市蜃樓 海市蜃楼 T - 95 hǎi shì shèn lóu f /mirage (lit. or fig.)/ 海带 海帶 S - 133 hǎi dài f /kelp/ 海帶 海带 T - 133 hǎi dài f /kelp/ 海平面 - 196 hǎi píng miàn f /sea level/ 海床 - 28 hǎi chuáng f /seabed/seafloor/bottom of the ocean/ 海底 - 1658 hǎi dǐ f /seabed/seafloor/bottom of the ocean/ 海底扩张 海底擴張 S - 0 hǎi dǐ kuò zhāng f /seafloor spreading (geology)/ 海底扩张说 海底擴張說 S - 0 hǎi dǐ kuò zhāng shuō f /theory of seafloor spreading (geology)/ 海底捞月 海底撈月 S - 4 hǎi dǐ lāo yuè f /to fetch the moon from the seabed (idiom); a hopeless illusion/ 海底捞针 海底撈針 S - 3 hǎi dǐ lāo zhēn f /see 大海撈針|大海捞针[da4 hai3 lao1 zhen1]/ 海底撈月 海底捞月 T - 4 hǎi dǐ lāo yuè f /to fetch the moon from the seabed (idiom); a hopeless illusion/ 海底撈針 海底捞针 T - 3 hǎi dǐ lāo zhēn f /see 大海撈針|大海捞针[da4 hai3 lao1 zhen1]/ 海底擴張 海底扩张 T - 0 hǎi dǐ kuò zhāng f /seafloor spreading (geology)/ 海底擴張說 海底扩张说 T - 0 hǎi dǐ kuò zhāng shuō f /theory of seafloor spreading (geology)/ 海底椰 - 0 hǎi dǐ yē f /coco de mer or "sea coconut" (Lodoicea maldivica)/ 海底輪 海底轮 T - 0 hǎi dǐ lún f /mūlādhāra or muladhara, the root or Saturn chakra 查克拉, residing in the coccyx/ 海底轮 海底輪 S - 0 hǎi dǐ lún f /mūlādhāra or muladhara, the root or Saturn chakra 查克拉, residing in the coccyx/ 海康 - 2 Hǎi kāng f /Haikang former county in Zhanjiang 湛江[Zhan4 jiang1], Guangdong/Haikang (company name)/ 海归 海歸 S - 3 hǎi guī f /returnee/student returning after study abroad/ 海德 - 26 Hǎi dé f /Hyde (surname)/ 海德保 - 0 Hǎi dé bǎo f /Heidelberg (Germany)/ 海德公园 海德公園 S - 10 Hǎi dé Gōng yuán f /Hyde Park/ 海德公園 海德公园 T - 10 Hǎi dé Gōng yuán f /Hyde Park/ 海德堡 - 145 Hǎi dé bǎo f /Heidelberg/ 海德尔堡 海德爾堡 S - 0 Hǎi dé ěr bǎo f /Heidelberg/also written 海德堡/ 海德格尔 海德格爾 S - 22 Hǎi dé gé ěr f /Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), German philosopher/ 海德格爾 海德格尔 T - 22 Hǎi dé gé ěr f /Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), German philosopher/ 海德爾堡 海德尔堡 T - 0 Hǎi dé ěr bǎo f /Heidelberg/also written 海德堡/ 海战 海戰 S - 394 hǎi zhàn f /naval battle/ 海戰 海战 T - 394 hǎi zhàn f /naval battle/ 海扁 - 3 hǎi biǎn f /(slang) to beat sb up/ 海报 海報 S - 229 hǎi bào f /poster/playbill/notice/ 海拉尔 海拉爾 S - 52 Hǎi lā ěr f /Hailar district, Mongolian Xailar raion, of Hulunbuir city 呼倫貝爾市|呼伦贝尔市[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海拉尔区 海拉爾區 S - 3 Hǎi lā ěr qū f /Hailar district, Mongolian Xailar raion, of Hulunbuir city 呼倫貝爾市|呼伦贝尔市[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海拉爾 海拉尔 T - 52 Hǎi lā ěr f /Hailar district, Mongolian Xailar raion, of Hulunbuir city 呼倫貝爾市|呼伦贝尔市[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海拉爾區 海拉尔区 T - 3 Hǎi lā ěr qū f /Hailar district, Mongolian Xailar raion, of Hulunbuir city 呼倫貝爾市|呼伦贝尔市[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3 shi4], Inner Mongolia/ 海拔 4514 5345 hǎi bá f /height above sea level/elevation/ 海损 海損 S - 43 hǎi sǔn f /damage to goods during shipping/ 海損 海损 T - 43 hǎi sǔn f /damage to goods during shipping/ 海斯 - 57 hǎi sī f /Hayes (Microcomputer)/ 海日 - 0 hǎi rì f /sun over sea/ 海明威 - 55 Hǎi míng wēi f /Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), American novelist and journalist/ 海星 - 58 hǎi xīng f /starfish/sea star/ 海晏 - 3 Hǎi yàn f /Haiyan county in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海北藏族自治州[Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 海晏县 海晏縣 S - 6 Hǎi yàn xiàn f /Haiyan county in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海北藏族自治州[Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 海晏縣 海晏县 T - 6 Hǎi yàn xiàn f /Haiyan county in Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture 海北藏族自治州[Hai3 bei3 Zang4 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai/ 海景 - 40 hǎi jǐng f /seascape/sea view/ 海曙 - 0 Hǎi shǔ f /Haishu district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 海曙区 海曙區 S - 2 Hǎi shǔ qū f /Haishu district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 海曙區 海曙区 T - 2 Hǎi shǔ qū f /Haishu district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Ning2 bo1 shi4], Zhejiang/ 海東 海东 T - 9 Hǎi dōng f /Haidong prefecture, Qinghai/ 海東地區 海东地区 T - 3 Hǎi dōng dì qū f /Haidong prefecture, Qinghai/ 海東青 海东青 T - 29 hǎi dōng qīng f /(bird species of China) gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)/ 海林 - 3 Hǎi lín f /Hailin county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 海林市 - 3 Hǎi lín shì f /Hailin county level city in Mudanjiang 牡丹江, Heilongjiang/ 海枣 海棗 S - 3 hǎi zǎo f /date (fruit)/ 海枯石烂 海枯石爛 S - 15 hǎi kū shí làn f /lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom)/fig. forever/until the end of time/ 海枯石爛 海枯石烂 T - 15 hǎi kū shí làn f /lit. when the seas run dry and the stones go soft (idiom)/fig. forever/until the end of time/ 海棗 海枣 T - 3 hǎi zǎo f /date (fruit)/ 海棠花 - 24 hǎi táng huā f /Chinese flowering crab-apple (Malus spectabilis)/ 海森伯 - 42 Hǎi sēn bó f /Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist/ 海森堡 - 17 Hǎi sēn bǎo f /Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist/also written 海森伯/ 海椒 - 3 hǎi jiāo f /(dialect) hot pepper/ 海椰子 - 0 hǎi yē zi f /coco de mer or "sea coconut" (Lodoicea maldivica)/ 海榴 - 0 hǎi liú f /pomegranate/ 海歸 海归 T - 3 hǎi guī f /returnee/student returning after study abroad/ 海水 - 1590 hǎi shuǐ f /seawater/ 海水不可斗量 - 0 hǎi shuǐ bù kě dǒu liáng f /see 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量[ren2 bu4 ke3 mao4 xiang4 , hai3 shui3 bu4 ke3 dou3 liang2]/ 海水倒灌 - 0 hǎi shuǐ dào guàn f /saltwater intrusion/ 海水养殖 海水養殖 S - 0 hǎi shuǐ yǎng zhí f /aquaculture/ 海水養殖 海水养殖 T - 0 hǎi shuǐ yǎng zhí f /aquaculture/ 海沟 海溝 S - 201 hǎi gōu f /marine trench/ 海沧 海滄 S - 12 Hǎi cāng f /Haicang district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 海沧区 海滄區 S - 3 Hǎi cāng qū f /Haicang district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 海河 - 242 Hǎi hé f /Hai He (a system of five waterways around Tianjin, flowing into Bohai 渤海 at Dagukou 大沽口)/ 海法 - 16 Hǎi fǎ f /Haifa (city in Israel)/ 海波 - 28 hǎi bō f /hypo (loanword)/sodium thiosulfate Na2S2O3 used in fixing photos (formerly hyposulfite)/wave (sea)/ 海洋 1079 4068 hǎi yáng f /ocean/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 海洋学 海洋學 S - 87 hǎi yáng xué f /oceanography/ 海洋學 海洋学 T - 87 hǎi yáng xué f /oceanography/ 海洋性 - 107 hǎi yáng xìng f /maritime/ 海洋性气候 海洋性氣候 S - 176 hǎi yáng xìng qì hòu f /maritime climate/ 海洋性氣候 海洋性气候 T - 176 hǎi yáng xìng qì hòu f /maritime climate/ 海洋性貧血 海洋性贫血 T - 0 hǎi yáng xìng pín xuè f /thalassemia/ 海洋性贫血 海洋性貧血 S - 0 hǎi yáng xìng pín xuè f /thalassemia/ 海洋温差发电 海洋溫差發電 S - 0 hǎi yáng wēn chā fā diàn f /ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)/ 海洋溫差發電 海洋温差发电 T - 0 hǎi yáng wēn chā fā diàn f /ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)/ 海洛因 - 124 hǎi luò yīn f /heroin (loanword)/ 海洛英 - 3 hǎi luò yīng f /heroin (narcotic) (loanword)/ 海浪 - 229 hǎi làng f /sea wave/ 海涂 海塗 S - 29 hǎi tú f /tidal marsh/shoal/shallows/ 海涂围垦 海塗圍墾 S - 0 hǎi tú wéi kěn f /polder/ 海涅 - 41 Hǎi niè f /Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German lyric poet/ 海淀 海澱 S - 103 Hǎi diàn f /Haidian inner district of northeast Beijing, includes Peking University, Tsinghua University 清華大學|清华大学[Qing1 hua2 da4 xue2] and Zhongguancun 中關村|中关村[Zhong1 guan1 cun1]/ 海淀区 海澱區 S - 207 Hǎi diàn qū f /Haidian inner district of northeast Beijing, includes Peking University, Tsinghua University 清華大學|清华大学[Qing1 hua2 da4 xue2] and Zhongguancun 中關村|中关村[Zhong1 guan1 cun1]/ 海淀图书城 海澱圖書城 S - 0 Hǎi diàn Tú shū chéng f /Haidian Book City, Beijing book store/ 海港 - 420 hǎi gǎng f /seaport/harbor/ 海港区 海港區 S - 2 Hǎi gǎng qū f /harbor district/Haigang district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/ 海港區 海港区 T - 2 Hǎi gǎng qū f /harbor district/Haigang district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei/ 海湾 海灣 S - 859 Hǎi wān f /(Persian) Gulf/ 海湾 海灣 S - 859 hǎi wān f /bay/gulf (body of water)/ 海湾国家 海灣國家 S - 0 hǎi wān guó jiā f /Nations of the Persian Gulf/Gulf states/ 海湾战争 海灣戰爭 S - 239 Hǎi wān Zhàn zhēng f /(Persian) Gulf War/ 海溝 海沟 T - 201 hǎi gōu f /marine trench/ 海滄 海沧 T - 12 Hǎi cāng f /Haicang district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 海滄區 海沧区 T - 3 Hǎi cāng qū f /Haicang district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市[Xia4 men2 shi4] (Amoy), Fujian/ 海滨 海濱 S 4019 488 hǎi bīn f /shore/seaside/ 海滩 海灘 S - 460 hǎi tān f /beach/CL:片[pian4]/ 海潮 - 157 hǎi cháo f /tide/ 海澱 海淀 T - 103 Hǎi diàn f /Haidian inner district of northeast Beijing, includes Peking University, Tsinghua University 清華大學|清华大学[Qing1 hua2 da4 xue2] and Zhongguancun 中關村|中关村[Zhong1 guan1 cun1]/ 海澱區 海淀区 T - 207 Hǎi diàn qū f /Haidian inner district of northeast Beijing, includes Peking University, Tsinghua University 清華大學|清华大学[Qing1 hua2 da4 xue2] and Zhongguancun 中關村|中关村[Zhong1 guan1 cun1]/ 海澱圖書城 海淀图书城 T - 0 Hǎi diàn Tú shū chéng f /Haidian Book City, Beijing book store/ 海濱 海滨 T 4019 488 hǎi bīn f /shore/seaside/ 海灘 海滩 T - 460 hǎi tān f /beach/CL:片[pian4]/ 海灣 海湾 T - 859 Hǎi wān f /(Persian) Gulf/ 海灣 海湾 T - 859 hǎi wān f /bay/gulf (body of water)/ 海灣國家 海湾国家 T - 0 hǎi wān guó jiā f /Nations of the Persian Gulf/Gulf states/ 海灣戰爭 海湾战争 T - 239 Hǎi wān Zhàn zhēng f /(Persian) Gulf War/ 海爾 海尔 T - 230 Hǎi ěr f /Haier (PRC household appliance brand)/Hale (name)/ 海爾德蘭 海尔德兰 T - 0 hǎi ěr dé lán f /Gelderland/ 海牙 - 151 Hǎi yá f /The Hague (city in the Netherlands)/Den Haag/ 海牛 - 61 hǎi niú f /manatee/ 海狗 - 15 hǎi gǒu f /fur seal/ 海狮 海獅 S - 69 hǎi shī f /sea lion/ 海狸 - 17 hǎi lí f /beaver/ 海獅 海狮 T - 69 hǎi shī f /sea lion/ 海獭 海獺 S - 33 hǎi tǎ f /sea otter/ 海獺 海獭 T - 33 hǎi tǎ f /sea otter/ 海王星 - 82 Hǎi wáng xīng f /Neptune (planet)/ 海珠 - 11 Hǎi zhū f /Haizhu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 海珠区 海珠區 S - 10 Hǎi zhū qū f /Haizhu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 海珠區 海珠区 T - 10 Hǎi zhū qū f /Haizhu district of Guangzhou city 廣州市|广州市[Guang3 zhou1 shi4], Guangdong/ 海瑞 - 403 Hǎi Ruì f /Hai Rui (1514-1587), Ming politician, famous for honesty and integrity/ 海瑞 - 403 Hǎi ruì f /Hairui township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 海瑞乡 海瑞鄉 S - 0 Hǎi ruì xiāng f /Hairui township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 海瑞罢官 海瑞罷官 S - 3 Hǎi Ruì bà guān f /Hai Rui dismissed from office, 1960 historical play by historian Wu Han 吳晗|吴晗/ 海瑞罷官 海瑞罢官 T - 3 Hǎi Ruì bà guān f /Hai Rui dismissed from office, 1960 historical play by historian Wu Han 吳晗|吴晗/ 海瑞鄉 海瑞乡 T - 0 Hǎi ruì xiāng f /Hairui township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 海瓜子 - 3 hǎi guā zǐ f /Tellina iridescens (a bivalve mollusc)/any similar small clam/ 海產 海产 T - 396 hǎi chǎn f /marine/produced in sea/ 海疆 - 45 hǎi jiāng f /coastal border region/ 海登 - 2 Hǎi dēng f /Hayden or Haydn (name)/ 海百合 - 24 hǎi bǎi hé f /sea lily/crinoid/ 海盐 海鹽 S - 128 Hǎi yán f /Haiyan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海盐县 海鹽縣 S - 19 Hǎi yán xiàn f /Haiyan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海监船 海監船 S - 0 hǎi jiàn chuán f /naval surveillance vessel/maritime patrol boat/ 海盗 海盜 S - 445 hǎi dào f /pirate/ 海盗行为 海盜行為 S - 3 hǎi dào xíng wéi f /piracy/ 海盜 海盗 T - 445 hǎi dào f /pirate/ 海盜行為 海盗行为 T - 3 hǎi dào xíng wéi f /piracy/ 海監船 海监船 T - 0 hǎi jiàn chuán f /naval surveillance vessel/maritime patrol boat/ 海相 - 63 hǎi xiàng f /marine facies (geology)/ 海相沉积物 海相沉積物 S - 0 hǎi xiāng chén jī wù f /oceanic sediment (geology)/ 海相沉積物 海相沉积物 T - 0 hǎi xiāng chén jī wù f /oceanic sediment (geology)/ 海砂 - 2 hǎi shā f /sea sand (sand collected from the ocean floor, as opposed to that which is used as an ingredient in concrete)/ 海砂屋 - 0 hǎi shā wū f /house built with cheap, unreliable concrete which contains a high quantity of sea sand/see also 海砂[hai3 sha1]/ 海神 - 118 hǎi shén f /Emperor of the Sea/Neptune/ 海禁 - 69 hǎi jìn f /prohibition on entering or leaving by sea/ 海空军 海空軍 S - 59 hǎi kōng jūn f /navy and air force/ 海空军基地 海空軍基地 S - 0 hǎi kōng jūn jī dì f /naval and air military base/ 海空軍 海空军 T - 59 hǎi kōng jūn f /navy and air force/ 海空軍基地 海空军基地 T - 0 hǎi kōng jūn jī dì f /naval and air military base/ 海端 - 3 Hǎi duān f /Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 海端乡 海端鄉 S - 0 Hǎi duān xiāng f /Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 海端鄉 海端乡 T - 0 Hǎi duān xiāng f /Haiduan or Haituan township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县[Tai2 dong1 xian4], southeast Taiwan/ 海米 - 9 hǎi mǐ f /dried shrimps/ 海納百川 海纳百川 T - 10 hǎi nà bǎi chuān f /all rivers run into the sea/use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)/ 海綿 海绵 T - 173 hǎi mián f /sponge (zoology)/sponge (piece of absorbent material, either natural or made from plastic etc)/foam rubber/ 海綿寶寶 海绵宝宝 T - 0 Hǎi mián Bǎo bǎo f /SpongeBob SquarePants (US TV animated series, 1999-)/ 海綿狀 海绵状 T - 27 hǎi mián zhuàng f /spongy/ 海綿體 海绵体 T - 25 hǎi mián tǐ f /erectile tissue (genital)/corpus cavernosum/ 海纳百川 海納百川 S - 10 hǎi nà bǎi chuān f /all rivers run into the sea/use different means to obtain the same result (idiom)/ 海绵 海綿 S - 173 hǎi mián f /sponge (zoology)/sponge (piece of absorbent material, either natural or made from plastic etc)/foam rubber/ 海绵体 海綿體 S - 25 hǎi mián tǐ f /erectile tissue (genital)/corpus cavernosum/ 海绵宝宝 海綿寶寶 S - 0 Hǎi mián Bǎo bǎo f /SpongeBob SquarePants (US TV animated series, 1999-)/ 海绵状 海綿狀 S - 27 hǎi mián zhuàng f /spongy/ 海胆 海膽 S - 80 hǎi dǎn f /sea urchin/ 海膽 海胆 T - 80 hǎi dǎn f /sea urchin/ 海興 海兴 T - 2 Hǎi xīng f /Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 海興縣 海兴县 T - 2 Hǎi xīng xiàn f /Haixing county in Cangzhou 滄州|沧州[Cang1 zhou1], Hebei/ 海航 - 90 Hǎi háng f /Hainan Airlines/ 海船 - 129 hǎi chuán f /sea-going ship/ 海芋 - 2 hǎi yù f /giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhizos)/common calla/ 海苔 - 3 hǎi tái f /nori/ 海草 - 19 hǎi cǎo f /seagrass/ 海葵 - 44 hǎi kuí f /sea anemone/ 海藻 - 2007 hǎi zǎo f /seaweed/marine alga/kelp/ 海虹 - 20 hǎi hóng f /mussel/ 海蚀 海蝕 S - 82 hǎi shí f /coastal erosion/marine abrasion/ 海蛎 海蠣 S - 2 hǎi lì f /oyster/ 海蛎子 海蠣子 S - 3 hǎi lì zi f /oyster/ 海蛞蝓 - 0 hǎi kuò yú f /sea slug/ 海蛤蝓 - 0 hǎi gé yú f /sea slug/ 海蜇 - 45 hǎi zhé f /Rhopilema esculenta, an edible jellyfish/ 海蝕 海蚀 T - 82 hǎi shí f /coastal erosion/marine abrasion/ 海螵蛸 - 4 hǎi piāo xiāo f /cuttlebone (used in TCM)/ 海螺 - 68 hǎi luó f /sea snail/whelk/conch/ 海蠣 海蛎 T - 2 hǎi lì f /oyster/ 海蠣子 海蛎子 T - 3 hǎi lì zi f /oyster/ 海西 - 41 Hǎi xī f /Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-nub Sog-rigs dang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ 海西州 - 3 Hǎi xī zhōu f /Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-nub Sog-rigs dang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ 海西蒙古族藏族自治州 - 18 Hǎi xī Měng gǔ zú Zàng zú zì zhì zhōu f /Haixi Mongol and Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-nub Sog-rigs dang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai/ 海角 - 77 hǎi jiǎo f /cape/promontory/ 海角天涯 - 7 hǎi jiǎo tiān yá f /see 天涯海角[tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3]/ 海誓山盟 - 17 hǎi shì shān méng f /to pledge undying love (idiom); oath of eternal love/to swear by all the Gods/ 海警 - 11 hǎi jǐng f /coast guard/ 海警局 - 0 Hǎi jǐng jú f /China Coast Guard/ 海豐 海丰 T - 32 Hǎi fēng f /Haifeng county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong/ 海豐縣 海丰县 T - 9 Hǎi fēng xiàn f /Haifeng county in Shanwei 汕尾, Guangdong/ 海豚 - 162 hǎi tún f /dolphin/ 海豚座 - 0 Hǎi tún zuò f /Delphinus (constellation)/ 海象 - 78 hǎi xiàng f /walrus/ 海豹 - 217 hǎi bào f /seal (zoology)/ 海豹科 - 0 hǎi bào kē f /Phocidae, family within Carnivora including seal/ 海豹部队 海豹部隊 S - 0 hǎi bào bù duì f /United States Navy SEALs/ 海豹部隊 海豹部队 T - 0 hǎi bào bù duì f /United States Navy SEALs/ 海賊 海贼 T - 8 hǎi zéi f /pirate/ 海賊版 海贼版 T - 0 hǎi zéi bǎn f /pirate version/bootleg/ 海賊王 海贼王 T - 3 Hǎi zéi wáng f /One Piece (manga and anime)/ 海贼 海賊 S - 8 hǎi zéi f /pirate/ 海贼版 海賊版 S - 0 hǎi zéi bǎn f /pirate version/bootleg/ 海贼王 海賊王 S - 3 Hǎi zéi wáng f /One Piece (manga and anime)/ 海軍 海军 T - 7228 hǎi jūn f /navy/ 海軍上校 海军上校 T - 0 hǎi jūn shàng xiào f /captain (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ 海軍中校 海军中校 T - 0 hǎi jūn zhōng xiào f /commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ 海軍大校 海军大校 T - 0 hǎi jūn dà xiào f /commodore (= US Navy equivalent)/ 海軍官 海军官 T - 0 hǎi jūn guān f /naval officer/ 海軍少校 海军少校 T - 0 hǎi jūn shǎo xiào f /lieutenant commander (= UK and US Navy equivalent)/ 海軍總司令 海军总司令 T - 0 hǎi jūn zǒng sī lìng f /admiral/ 海軍藍 海军蓝 T - 3 hǎi jūn lán f /navy blue/ 海軍陸戰隊 海军陆战队 T - 606 hǎi jūn lù zhàn duì f /marine corps/marines/ 海边 海邊 S - 564 hǎi biān f /coast/seaside/seashore/beach/ 海运 海運 S - 443 hǎi yùn f /shipping by sea/ 海运费 海運費 S - 3 hǎi yùn fèi f /shipping/sea transport/ 海运费率 海運費率 S - 0 hǎi yùn fèi lǜ f /shipping rate/ 海迪 - 0 Hǎi dí f /Heidi/ 海选 海選 S - 59 hǎi xuǎn f /direct, winner-takes-all system of election in use for village committees/pre-selection for a competition/ 海運 海运 T - 443 hǎi yùn f /shipping by sea/ 海運費 海运费 T - 3 hǎi yùn fèi f /shipping/sea transport/ 海運費率 海运费率 T - 0 hǎi yùn fèi lǜ f /shipping rate/ 海選 海选 T - 59 hǎi xuǎn f /direct, winner-takes-all system of election in use for village committees/pre-selection for a competition/ 海邊 海边 T - 564 hǎi biān f /coast/seaside/seashore/beach/ 海部俊树 海部俊樹 S - 11 Hǎi bù Jùn shù f /KAIFU Toshiki (1931-), Japanese politician, prime minister 1989-1991/ 海部俊樹 海部俊树 T - 11 Hǎi bù Jùn shù f /KAIFU Toshiki (1931-), Japanese politician, prime minister 1989-1991/ 海里 - 856 hǎi lǐ f /nautical mile/ 海量 - 48 hǎi liàng f /huge volume/ 海錯 海错 T - 0 hǎi cuò f /seafood delicacy/ 海错 海錯 S - 0 hǎi cuò f /seafood delicacy/ 海門 海门 T - 51 Hǎi mén f /Haimen county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 海門市 海门市 T - 3 Hǎi mén shì f /Haimen county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 海闊天空 海阔天空 T - 28 hǎi kuò tiān kōng f /wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless open vistas/the whole wide world/chatting about everything under the sun/ 海關 海关 T 2243 813 hǎi guān f /customs (i.e. border crossing inspection)/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 海關官員 海关官员 T - 0 hǎi guān guān yuán f /customs officer/ 海關總署 海关总署 T - 37 hǎi guān zǒng shǔ f /General Administration of Customs (GAC)/ 海關部門 海关部门 T - 0 hǎi guān bù mén f /customs section/ 海门 海門 S - 51 Hǎi mén f /Haimen county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 海门市 海門市 S - 3 Hǎi mén shì f /Haimen county level city in Nantong 南通[Nan2 tong1], Jiangsu/ 海阔天空 海闊天空 S - 28 hǎi kuò tiān kōng f /wide sea and sky (idiom); boundless open vistas/the whole wide world/chatting about everything under the sun/ 海防 - 350 hǎi fáng f /coastal defense/ 海阳 海陽 S - 8 Hǎi yáng f /Haiyang county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 海阳市 海陽市 S - 3 Hǎi yáng shì f /Haiyang county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 海陆 海陸 S - 178 hǎi lù f /sea and land/ocean and continent/army and navy/ 海陆军 海陸軍 S - 4 hǎi lù jūn f /navy and army/military force/ 海陆煲 海陸煲 S - 0 hǎi lù bāo f /sea and land hotpot (Jiangsu specialty)/ 海陆空 海陸空 S - 60 hǎi lù kòng f /sea land air (transport, or military operations)/ 海陵 - 31 Hǎi líng f /Hailing district of Taizhou city 泰州市[Tai4 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 海陵区 海陵區 S - 16 Hǎi líng qū f /Hailing district of Taizhou city 泰州市[Tai4 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 海陵區 海陵区 T - 16 Hǎi líng qū f /Hailing district of Taizhou city 泰州市[Tai4 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 海陸 海陆 T - 178 hǎi lù f /sea and land/ocean and continent/army and navy/ 海陸煲 海陆煲 T - 0 hǎi lù bāo f /sea and land hotpot (Jiangsu specialty)/ 海陸空 海陆空 T - 60 hǎi lù kòng f /sea land air (transport, or military operations)/ 海陸軍 海陆军 T - 4 hǎi lù jūn f /navy and army/military force/ 海陽 海阳 T - 8 Hǎi yáng f /Haiyang county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 海陽市 海阳市 T - 3 Hǎi yáng shì f /Haiyang county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong/ 海隅 - 3 hǎi yú f /coastal area/ 海难 海難 S - 69 hǎi nàn f /perils of the sea/ 海難 海难 T - 69 hǎi nàn f /perils of the sea/ 海青天 - 0 Hǎi qīng tiān f /popular nickname of Hai Rui 海瑞[Hai3 Rui4] (1514-1587), Ming politician, famous for honesty and integrity/ 海面 - 961 hǎi miàn f /sea level/sea surface/ 海鞘 - 38 hǎi qiào f /Ascidiacea/sea squirt/ 海頓 海顿 T - 46 Hǎi dùn f /Haydn (name)/Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian classical composer/ 海顿 海頓 S - 46 Hǎi dùn f /Haydn (name)/Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian classical composer/ 海風 海风 T - 150 hǎi fēng f /sea breeze/sea wind (i.e. from the sea)/ 海风 海風 S - 150 hǎi fēng f /sea breeze/sea wind (i.e. from the sea)/ 海馬 海马 T - 90 hǎi mǎ f /sea horse/hippocampus/ 海馬迴 海马回 T - 0 hǎi mǎ huí f /hippocampus/ 海馬體 海马体 T - 0 hǎi mǎ tǐ f /hippocampus/ 海马 海馬 S - 90 hǎi mǎ f /sea horse/hippocampus/ 海马体 海馬體 S - 0 hǎi mǎ tǐ f /hippocampus/ 海马回 海馬迴 S - 0 hǎi mǎ huí f /hippocampus/ 海鮮 海鲜 T 2324 174 hǎi xiān f /seafood/ 海鮮醬 海鲜酱 T - 0 Hǎi xiān jiàng f /hoisin sauce (barbecue sauce)/seafood sauce/ 海鯉 海鲤 T - 0 hǎi lǐ f /sea bream/ 海鱸 海鲈 T - 0 hǎi lú f /sea bass/ 海鲈 海鱸 S - 0 hǎi lú f /sea bass/ 海鲜 海鮮 S 2324 174 hǎi xiān f /seafood/ 海鲜酱 海鮮醬 S - 0 Hǎi xiān jiàng f /hoisin sauce (barbecue sauce)/seafood sauce/ 海鲤 海鯉 S - 0 hǎi lǐ f /sea bream/ 海鳥 海鸟 T - 60 hǎi niǎo f /seabird/ 海鷗 海鸥 T - 91 hǎi ōu f /(bird species of China) mew gull (Larus canus)/ 海鷲 海鹫 T - 3 hǎi jiù f /sea eagle/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 海鸕鶿 海鸬鹚 T - 0 hǎi lú cí f /(bird species of China) pelagic cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)/ 海鸟 海鳥 S - 60 hǎi niǎo f /seabird/ 海鸥 海鷗 S - 91 hǎi ōu f /(bird species of China) mew gull (Larus canus)/ 海鸬鹚 海鸕鶿 S - 0 hǎi lú cí f /(bird species of China) pelagic cormorant (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)/ 海鹫 海鷲 S - 3 hǎi jiù f /sea eagle/CL:隻|只[zhi1]/ 海鹽 海盐 T - 128 Hǎi yán f /Haiyan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海鹽縣 海盐县 T - 19 Hǎi yán xiàn f /Haiyan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang/ 海龜 海龟 T - 123 hǎi guī f /turtle/ 海龟 海龜 S - 123 hǎi guī f /turtle/ 浸 - 569 jìn f /to immerse/to soak/to steep/gradually/ 浸信会 浸信會 S - 3 Jìn xìn huì f /Baptists/ 浸信會 浸信会 T - 3 Jìn xìn huì f /Baptists/ 浸入 - 106 jìn rù f /to soak/to dip/ 浸剂 浸劑 S - 3 jìn jì f /infusion (pharm.)/ 浸劑 浸剂 T - 3 jìn jì f /infusion (pharm.)/ 浸染 - 160 jìn rǎn f /to be contaminated/to be gradually influenced/ 浸沉 - 3 jìn chén f /to soak/to steep/ 浸沒 浸没 T - 25 jìn mò f /to immerse/to swamp/ 浸没 浸沒 S - 25 jìn mò f /to immerse/to swamp/ 浸泡 4555 299 jìn pào f /to steep/to soak/to immerse/ 浸洗 - 3 jìn xǐ f /to immerse/to rinse/ 浸润 浸潤 S - 176 jìn rùn f /to permeate/to percolate/fig. to saturate (with emotion)/ 浸渍 浸漬 S - 26 jìn zì f /to soak/to macerate/ 浸湿 浸濕 S - 93 jìn shī f /to soak/to saturate/ 浸漬 浸渍 T - 26 jìn zì f /to soak/to macerate/ 浸潤 浸润 T - 176 jìn rùn f /to permeate/to percolate/fig. to saturate (with emotion)/ 浸濕 浸湿 T - 93 jìn shī f /to soak/to saturate/ 浸礼会 浸禮會 S - 4 Jìn lǐ huì f /Baptists/ 浸礼教 浸禮教 S - 0 jìn lǐ jiào f /Baptist (Christian sect)/ 浸禮教 浸礼教 T - 0 jìn lǐ jiào f /Baptist (Christian sect)/ 浸禮會 浸礼会 T - 4 Jìn lǐ huì f /Baptists/ 浸种 浸種 S - 9 jìn zhǒng f /to soak seeds (to make them germinate)/ 浸種 浸种 T - 9 jìn zhǒng f /to soak seeds (to make them germinate)/ 浸透 - 229 jìn tòu f /to soak/to saturate/to drench/to permeate/ 浹 浃 T - 272 jiā f /soaked/to wet/to drench/Taiwan pr. [jia2]/ 浼 - 949 měi f /to ask a favor of/ 浽 - 0 suī f /see 浽溦[sui1 wei1]/ 浽溦 - 0 suī wēi f /drizzle/fine rain/ 涂 塗 S - 1449 tú f /to apply (paint etc)/to smear/to daub/to blot out/to scribble/to scrawl/(literary) mud/street/ 涂 - 1449 Tú f /surname Tu/ 涂 - 1449 tú f /variant of 途[tu2]/ 涂乙 塗乙 S - 3 tú yǐ f /to trim or add (to a text)/to edit/ 涂写 塗寫 S - 6 tú xiě f /to daub/to scribble (graffiti)/ 涂家 塗家 S - 0 tú jiā f /painter/artist/ 涂尔干 涂爾干 S - 2 Tú ěr gān f /Durkheim/ 涂层 塗層 S - 63 tú céng f /protective layer/coating/ 涂山 - 26 Tú shān f /Mt Tu in Zhejiang/ 涂径 塗徑 S - 0 tú jìng f /path/road/ 涂抹 塗抹 S 4757 236 tú mǒ f /to paint/to smear/to apply (makeup etc)/to doodle/to erase/to obliterate/ 涂抹酱 塗抹醬 S - 0 tú mǒ jiàng f /spread (for putting on bread etc)/ 涂改 塗改 S - 60 tú gǎi f /to alter (text)/to change by painting over/to correct (with correction fluid)/ 涂改液 塗改液 S - 4 tú gǎi yè f /correction fluid/ 涂敷 塗敷 S - 10 tú fū f /to smear/to daub/to plaster/to apply (ointment)/ 涂料 塗料 S - 559 tú liào f /paint/ 涂污 塗污 S - 5 tú wū f /smudge/stain/to smear (dirt, paint)/to deface/ 涂油 塗油 S - 3 tú yóu f /to grease/to oil/to baste (cookery)/ 涂油于 塗油於 S - 0 tú yóu yú f /anoint/ 涂浆台 塗漿檯 S - 0 tú jiàng tái f /pasting table (for wallpapering)/ 涂潭 塗潭 S - 3 tú tán f /muddy water in a pool or pond/ 涂炭 塗炭 S - 33 tú tàn f /extreme distress/in utter misery/ 涂爾干 涂尔干 T - 2 Tú ěr gān f /Durkheim/ 涂片 塗片 S - 55 tú piàn f /smear (medical sample)/microscope slide/ 涂盖 塗蓋 S - 0 tú gài f /to coat/to mask/to plaster over/ 涂脂抹粉 塗脂抹粉 S - 24 tú zhī mǒ fěn f /to put on makeup/to prettify/ 涂装 塗裝 S - 28 tú zhuāng f /painted ornament/livery (on airline or company vehicle)/ 涂饰 塗飾 S - 18 tú shì f /to apply paint, veneer etc/to plaster over/decorative coating/finish/veneer/ 涂饰剂 塗飾劑 S - 0 tú shì jì f /coating agent/finishing agent/ 涂鸦 塗鴉 S - 25 tú yā f /graffiti/scrawl/poor calligraphy/to write badly/to scribble/ 涂鸭 塗鴨 S - 3 tú yā f /variant of 塗鴉|涂鸦[tu2 ya1]/graffiti/scrawl/poor calligraphy/to write badly/to scribble/ 涅 - 649 niè f /to blacken/abbr. for 涅槃[nie4 pan2]/ 涅 湼 S - 649 niè f /variant of 涅[nie4]/ 涅槃 - 3 niè pán f /nirvana (Buddhism)/ 涅槃經 涅盘经 T - 0 Niè pán Jīng f /the Nirvana sutra: every living thing has Buddha nature./ 涅瓦 - 5 Niè wǎ f /the Nyeva or Neva river (through St Petersburg)/ 涅瓦河 - 13 Niè wǎ Hé f /Nyeva or Neva River (through St Petersburg)/ 涅白 - 3 niè bái f /opaque white/ 涅盘经 涅槃經 S - 0 Niè pán Jīng f /the Nirvana sutra: every living thing has Buddha nature./ 涅石 - 0 niè shí f /alumen/alunite (TCM)/ 涅磐 - 0 niè pán f /variant of 涅槃[nie4 pan2]/ 涇 泾 T - 198 Jīng f /Jing River/ 涇川 泾川 T - 10 Jīng chuān f /Jingchuan county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ 涇川縣 泾川县 T - 2 Jīng chuān xiàn f /Jingchuan county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Ping2 liang2], Gansu/ 涇渭分明 泾渭分明 T - 32 Jīng Wèi fēn míng f /as rivers Jing and Wei separate clearly (idiom)/to be entirely different/ 涇源 泾源 T - 6 Jīng yuán f /Jingyuan county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 涇源縣 泾源县 T - 4 Jīng yuán xiàn f /Jingyuan county in Guyuan 固原[Gu4 yuan2], Ningxia/ 涇縣 泾县 T - 37 Jīng xiàn f /Jing county in Xuancheng 宣城[Xuan1 cheng2], Anhui/ 涇陽 泾阳 T - 14 Jīng yáng f /Jingyang County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 涇陽縣 泾阳县 T - 4 Jīng yáng Xiàn f /Jingyang County in Xianyang 咸陽|咸阳[Xian2 yang2], Shaanxi/ 消 - 1673 xiāo f /to disappear/to vanish/to eliminate/to spend (time)/have to/need/ 消亡 - 276 xiāo wáng f /to die out/to wither away/ 消停 - 126 xiāo tíng f /to calm down/to stop/to pause/calmly/peaceful/restful/ 消元 - 0 xiāo yuán f /elimination (math)/to eliminate one variable from equations/ 消化 2173 1444 xiāo huà f /to digest/digestion/digestive/ 消化不良 - 3 xiāo huà bù liáng f /indigestion/ 消化液 - 3 xiāo huà yè f /digestive fluid/ 消化管 - 3 xiāo huà guǎn f /digestive tube/gut/ 消化系統 消化系统 T - 108 xiāo huà xì tǒng f /digestive system/gastrointestinal tract/ 消化系统 消化系統 S - 108 xiāo huà xì tǒng f /digestive system/gastrointestinal tract/ 消化腺 - 32 xiāo huà xiàn f /digestive glands/ 消化道 - 231 xiāo huà dào f /digestive tract/ 消化酒 - 0 xiāo huà jiǔ f /digestif/ 消化酶 - 22 xiāo huà méi f /digestive enzyme/ 消去 - 3 xiāo qù f /to eliminate/ 消受 - 55 xiāo shòu f /to bear/to enjoy (usually in negative combination, meaning unable to enjoy)/ 消基会 消基會 S - 0 Xiāo jī huì f /Consumers' Foundation, Chinese Taipei (CFCT), abbr. for 中華民國消費者文教基金會|中华民国消费者文教基金会/ 消基會 消基会 T - 0 Xiāo jī huì f /Consumers' Foundation, Chinese Taipei (CFCT), abbr. for 中華民國消費者文教基金會|中华民国消费者文教基金会/ 消声 消聲 S - 31 xiāo shēng f /sound dissipation/noise reduction/ 消声器 消聲器 S - 34 xiāo shēng qì f /noise reduction equipment/ 消夏 - 41 xiāo xià f /to spend the summer/to take a summer vacation/ 消夜 - 21 xiāo yè f /nighttime snack/late-night supper/ 消失 1302 3067 xiāo shī f /to disappear/to fade away/ 消弭 - 57 xiāo mǐ f /(literary) to eliminate/to put an end to/ 消息 654 9926 xiāo xi f /news/information/CL:條|条[tiao2]/ 消息來源 消息来源 T - 3 xiāo xi lái yuán f /web feed/news feed/syndicated feed/ 消息来源 消息來源 S - 3 xiāo xi lái yuán f /web feed/news feed/syndicated feed/ 消息灵通 消息靈通 S - 50 xiāo xi líng tōng f /to be well-informed/ 消息灵通人士 消息靈通人士 S - 0 xiāo xi líng tōng rén shì f /well-informed source/person with inside information/ 消息靈通 消息灵通 T - 50 xiāo xi líng tōng f /to be well-informed/ 消息靈通人士 消息灵通人士 T - 0 xiāo xi líng tōng rén shì f /well-informed source/person with inside information/ 消愁解悶 消愁解闷 T - 0 xiāo chóu jiě mèn f /lit. to eliminate worry and dispel melancholy (idiom); diversion from boredom/to dispel depression or melancholy/to relieve stress/a relaxing pass-time/ 消愁解闷 消愁解悶 S - 0 xiāo chóu jiě mèn f /lit. to eliminate worry and dispel melancholy (idiom); diversion from boredom/to dispel depression or melancholy/to relieve stress/a relaxing pass-time/ 消损 消損 S - 3 xiāo sǔn f /wear and tear/to wear away over time/ 消損 消损 T - 3 xiāo sǔn f /wear and tear/to wear away over time/ 消散 - 198 xiāo sàn f /to dissipate/ 消暑 - 23 xiāo shǔ f /to spend a summer holiday/(esp of Chinese medicine) to relieve summer heat/ 消极 消極 S 2244 795 xiāo jí f /negative/passive/inactive/ 消極 消极 T 2244 795 xiāo jí f /negative/passive/inactive/ 消歧义 消歧義 S - 0 xiāo qí yì f /to remove ambiguity/disambiguation (in Wikipedia)/ 消歧義 消歧义 T - 0 xiāo qí yì f /to remove ambiguity/disambiguation (in Wikipedia)/ 消毒 3683 543 xiāo dú f /to disinfect/to sterilize/ 消毒剂 消毒劑 S - 48 xiāo dú jì f /disinfectant/ 消毒劑 消毒剂 T - 48 xiāo dú jì f /disinfectant/ 消毒法 - 0 xiāo dú fǎ f /sterilization/ 消气 消氣 S - 39 xiāo qì f /to cool one's temper/ 消氣 消气 T - 39 xiāo qì f /to cool one's temper/ 消沉 - 131 xiāo chén f /depressed/bad mood/low spirit/ 消泯 - 3 xiāo mǐn f /to eliminate/to obliterate/ 消消停停 - 0 xiāo xiāo tíng tíng f /intermittently/ 消渴 - 19 xiāo kě f /condition characterized by thirst, hunger, frequent urination and weight loss, identified in TCM with type 2 diabetes/ 消滅 消灭 T 2794 2189 xiāo miè f /to put an end to/to annihilate/to cause to perish/to perish/annihilation (in quantum field theory)/ 消火栓 - 6 xiāo huǒ shuān f /fire hydrant/ 消灭 消滅 S 2794 2189 xiāo miè f /to put an end to/to annihilate/to cause to perish/to perish/annihilation (in quantum field theory)/ 消災 消灾 T - 3 xiāo zāi f /to avoid calamities/ 消災避邪 消灾避邪 T - 0 xiāo zāi bì xié f /to avoid calamities and evil spirits/ 消灾 消災 S - 3 xiāo zāi f /to avoid calamities/ 消灾避邪 消災避邪 S - 0 xiāo zāi bì xié f /to avoid calamities and evil spirits/ 消炎 - 114 xiāo yán f /to reduce fever/antipyretic/to decrease inflammation/ 消炎片 - 3 xiāo yán piàn f /antipyretic tablet (to reduce fever), such as sulfanilamide/ 消炎药 消炎藥 S - 12 xiāo yán yào f /antibiotic medicine/ 消炎藥 消炎药 T - 12 xiāo yán yào f /antibiotic medicine/ 消瘦 - 208 xiāo shòu f /to waste away/to become thin/ 消石灰 - 3 xiāo shí huī f /calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2/slaked lime/ 消磨 - 146 xiāo mó f /to wear down/to sap/to whittle away/to while away/to idle away/ 消磨时间 消磨時間 S - 0 xiāo mó shí jiān f /to kill time/ 消磨時間 消磨时间 T - 0 xiāo mó shí jiān f /to kill time/ 消耗 3723 1311 xiāo hào f /to use up/to consume/ 消耗战 消耗戰 S - 32 xiāo hào zhàn f /war of attrition/ 消耗戰 消耗战 T - 32 xiāo hào zhàn f /war of attrition/ 消耗掉 - 3 xiāo hào diào f /consumption/ 消耗量 - 58 xiāo hào liàng f /rate of consumption/ 消聲 消声 T - 31 xiāo shēng f /sound dissipation/noise reduction/ 消聲器 消声器 T - 34 xiāo shēng qì f /noise reduction equipment/ 消肿 消腫 S - 114 xiāo zhǒng f /to reduce swelling/detumescence/(fig.) to streamline (a bloated bureaucracy etc)/ 消腫 消肿 T - 114 xiāo zhǒng f /to reduce swelling/detumescence/(fig.) to streamline (a bloated bureaucracy etc)/ 消蚀 消蝕 S - 4 xiāo shí f /erosion/wearing away/ablation/ 消蝕 消蚀 T - 4 xiāo shí f /erosion/wearing away/ablation/ 消融 - 111 xiāo róng f /to melt (e.g. an icecap)/ 消解 - 154 xiāo jiě f /to eliminate/to dispel/resolution/ 消費 消费 T 2225 5133 xiāo fèi f /to consume/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 消費價格指數 消费价格指数 T - 0 xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù f /consumer price index CPI/ 消費品 消费品 T - 1158 xiāo fèi pǐn f /consumer goods/ 消費器件 消费器件 T - 0 xiāo fèi qì jiàn f /consumer/ 消費稅 消费税 T - 39 xiāo fèi shuì f /consumption tax/sales tax/ 消費群 消费群 T - 19 xiāo fèi qún f /consumer group/ 消費者 消费者 T - 3140 xiāo fèi zhě f /consumer/ 消費者保護 消费者保护 T - 0 xiāo fèi zhě bǎo hù f /consumer protection (law)/ 消費資料 消费资料 T - 190 xiāo fèi zī liào f /consumption data/consumer goods/ 消費金融 消费金融 T - 0 xiāo fèi jīn róng f /consumer finance/ 消费 消費 S 2225 5133 xiāo fèi f /to consume/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 消费价格指数 消費價格指數 S - 0 xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù f /consumer price index CPI/ 消费品 消費品 S - 1158 xiāo fèi pǐn f /consumer goods/ 消费器件 消費器件 S - 0 xiāo fèi qì jiàn f /consumer/ 消费税 消費稅 S - 39 xiāo fèi shuì f /consumption tax/sales tax/ 消费群 消費群 S - 19 xiāo fèi qún f /consumer group/ 消费者 消費者 S - 3140 xiāo fèi zhě f /consumer/ 消费者保护 消費者保護 S - 0 xiāo fèi zhě bǎo hù f /consumer protection (law)/ 消费资料 消費資料 S - 190 xiāo fèi zī liào f /consumption data/consumer goods/ 消费金融 消費金融 S - 0 xiāo fèi jīn róng f /consumer finance/ 消退 - 192 xiāo tuì f /to wane/to vanish gradually/ 消逝 - 158 xiāo shì f /to fade away/ 消遣 - 223 xiāo qiǎn f /to while the time away/amusement/pastime/recreation/to make sport of/ 消释 消釋 S - 54 xiāo shì f /to dispel (doubts)/to clear up (misunderstanding)/ 消釋 消释 T - 54 xiāo shì f /to dispel (doubts)/to clear up (misunderstanding)/ 消金 - 0 xiāo jīn f /consumer finance/abbr. of 消費金融|消费金融[xiao1 fei4 jin1 rong2]/ 消長 消长 T - 90 xiāo zhǎng f /to ebb and rise/to decrease and then grow/ 消长 消長 S - 90 xiāo zhǎng f /to ebb and rise/to decrease and then grow/ 消閒 消闲 T - 35 xiāo xián f /to spend one's leisure time/to idle away the time/ 消閒兒 消闲儿 T - 0 xiāo xián r f /erhua variant of 消閒|消闲[xiao1 xian2]/ 消闲 消閒 S - 35 xiāo xián f /to spend one's leisure time/to idle away the time/ 消闲儿 消閒兒 S - 0 xiāo xián r f /erhua variant of 消閒|消闲[xiao1 xian2]/ 消防 2825 259 xiāo fáng f /firefighting/fire control/ 消防员 消防員 S - 4 xiāo fáng yuán f /firefighter/fireman/ 消防員 消防员 T - 4 xiāo fáng yuán f /firefighter/fireman/ 消防局 - 9 xiāo fáng jú f /fire department/ 消防栓 - 4 xiāo fáng shuān f /fire hydrant/ 消防署 - 0 xiāo fáng shǔ f /fire station/ 消防車 消防车 T - 18 xiāo fáng chē f /fire engine/fire truck/ 消防车 消防車 S - 18 xiāo fáng chē f /fire engine/fire truck/ 消防队 消防隊 S - 24 xiāo fáng duì f /fire brigade/fire department/ 消防队员 消防隊員 S - 8 xiāo fáng duì yuán f /fireman/ 消防隊 消防队 T - 24 xiāo fáng duì f /fire brigade/fire department/ 消防隊員 消防队员 T - 8 xiāo fáng duì yuán f /fireman/ 消除 3011 2306 xiāo chú f /to eliminate/to remove/ 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约 消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約 S - 0 Xiāo chú duì Fù nǚ Yī qiè Xíng shì Qí shì Gōng yuē f /Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women/ 消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约 T - 0 Xiāo chú duì Fù nǚ Yī qiè Xíng shì Qí shì Gōng yuē f /Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women/ 消除歧义 消除歧義 S - 0 xiāo chú qí yì f /to disambiguate/ 消除歧義 消除歧义 T - 0 xiāo chú qí yì f /to disambiguate/ 消除毒剂 消除毒劑 S - 0 xiāo chú dú jì f /decontamination/ 消除毒劑 消除毒剂 T - 0 xiāo chú dú jì f /decontamination/ 消除鋸齒 消除锯齿 T - 0 xiāo chú jù chǐ f /anti-alias (computer graphics)/ 消除锯齿 消除鋸齒 S - 0 xiāo chú jù chǐ f /anti-alias (computer graphics)/ 消隐 消隱 S - 15 xiāo yǐn f /to hide/to retreat into privacy/ 消隱 消隐 T - 15 xiāo yǐn f /to hide/to retreat into privacy/ 消音 - 11 xiāo yīn f /to silence/ 消音器 - 9 xiāo yīn qì f /silencer/ 消食 - 40 xiāo shí f /to aid digestion/ 消食儿 消食兒 S - 0 xiāo shí r f /erhua variant of 消食[xiao1 shi2]/ 消食兒 消食儿 T - 0 xiāo shí r f /erhua variant of 消食[xiao1 shi2]/ 消魂 - 14 xiāo hún f /overwhelmed (with joy, sorrow etc)/to feel transported/ 涉 - 806 shè f /to wade/to be involved/to concern/to experience/to enter (classical)/ 涉世 - 22 shè shì f /to see the world/to go out into society/to gain experience/ 涉世未深 - 3 shè shì wèi shēn f /unpracticed/inexperienced/naive/unsophisticated/ 涉历 涉歷 S - 0 shè lì f /to experience/ 涉县 涉縣 S - 13 Shè xiàn f /She county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 涉及 2994 3734 shè jí f /to involve/to touch upon (a topic)/ 涉外 - 285 shè wài f /concerning foreigners or foreign affairs/ 涉嫌 - 269 shè xián f /to be a suspect (in a crime)/to be suspected of/ 涉嫌人 - 3 shè xián rén f /(criminal) suspect/ 涉想 - 0 shè xiǎng f /to imagine/to consider/ 涉案 - 101 shè àn f /(person) involved in (the case)/ 涉歷 涉历 T - 0 shè lì f /to experience/ 涉水靴 - 0 shè shuǐ xuē f /wading boots/high-topped waterproof boots/ 涉水鳥 涉水鸟 T - 0 shè shuǐ niǎo f /a wading bird/ 涉水鸟 涉水鳥 S - 0 shè shuǐ niǎo f /a wading bird/ 涉渡 - 0 shè dù f /to ford (a stream)/to wade across/ 涉猎 涉獵 S - 105 shè liè f /to skim (through a book)/to read cursorily/to dip into/ 涉獵 涉猎 T - 105 shè liè f /to skim (through a book)/to read cursorily/to dip into/ 涉笔 涉筆 S - 3 shè bǐ f /to move the pen/to start writing/putting pen to paper/ 涉筆 涉笔 T - 3 shè bǐ f /to move the pen/to start writing/putting pen to paper/ 涉縣 涉县 T - 13 Shè xiàn f /She county in Handan 邯鄲|邯郸[Han2 dan1], Hebei/ 涉覽 涉览 T - 3 shè lǎn f /to browse/to glance through/to read/ 涉览 涉覽 S - 3 shè lǎn f /to browse/to glance through/to read/ 涉訟 涉讼 T - 12 shè sòng f /to be involved in a lawsuit/ 涉讼 涉訟 S - 12 shè sòng f /to be involved in a lawsuit/ 涉賄 涉贿 T - 0 shè huī f /to be suspected of bribery/ 涉贿 涉賄 S - 0 shè huī f /to be suspected of bribery/ 涉足 - 340 shè zú f /to set foot in/to step into/to become involved for the first time/ 涉过 涉過 S - 3 shè guò f /to ford (a stream, river etc)/ 涉過 涉过 T - 3 shè guò f /to ford (a stream, river etc)/ 涉险 涉險 S - 52 shè xiǎn f /to take risks/involved in adventure/ 涉險 涉险 T - 52 shè xiǎn f /to take risks/involved in adventure/ 涉黑 - 0 shè hēi f /gang-related/criminal activities/ 涉黑案 - 0 shè hēi àn f /gang-related case/criminal case/ 涊 - 0 niǎn f /muddy water/ 涌 - 2219 chōng f /(used in place names)/ 涌 - 2219 yǒng t /variant of 湧|涌[yong3]/ 涌 湧 S - 2219 yǒng t /to bubble up/to rush forth/ 涌泉 湧泉 S - 66 yǒng quán f /gushing spring/ 涌流 湧流 S - 46 yǒng liú f /to gush/to spurt/ 涌浪 湧浪 S - 33 yǒng làng f /swell/billows/surging waves/ 涌溢 湧溢 S - 0 yǒng yì f /to well up/to spill out (of water from a spring)/ 涌现 湧現 S 4692 1514 yǒng xiàn f /to emerge in large numbers/to spring up/to emerge prominently/ 涌起 湧起 S - 118 yǒng qǐ f /to well up/to boil out/to bubble forth/to spurt/ 涌进 湧進 S - 94 yǒng jìn f /to spill/to overflow (of water, crowds)/to crowd (into a space)/ 涎 㳄 S - 172 xián f /variant of 涎[xian2]/ 涎 - 172 xián f /saliva/ 涎水 - 29 xián shuǐ f /saliva/ 涎沫 - 6 xián mò f /spittle/ 涐 - 0 E f /old name for the Dadu River 大渡河[Da4 du4 He2] in Sichuan/ 涑 - 155 sù f /name of a river/ 涒 - 16 tūn f /planet Jupiter/vomit/ 涓 - 12958 Juān f /surname Juan/ 涓 - 12958 juān f /brook/to select/ 涓吉 - 0 juān jí f /to choose an auspicious day/ 涓埃 - 3 juān āi f /tiny stream of dust/tiny things/negligible/ 涓埃之力 - 3 juān āi zhī lì f /negligible force (idiom); tiny force/ 涓涓 - 43 juān juān f /a trickle/tiny stream/sluggish/to flow sluggishly/ 涓滴 - 26 juān dī f /tiny stream/trickle/drops/tiny trickle of funds/ 涓滴归公 涓滴歸公 S - 2 juān dī guī gōng f /every drop returns to the public good (idiom); not one penny is misused/ 涓滴歸公 涓滴归公 T - 2 juān dī guī gōng f /every drop returns to the public good (idiom); not one penny is misused/ 涔 - 3116 cén f /overflow/rainwater/tearful/ 涕 - 88 tì f /tears/nasal mucus/ 涕唾 - 0 tì tuò f /nasal mucus and spittle/ 涕泗横流 涕泗橫流 S - 3 tì sì héng liú f /tears and mucus flowing profusely/sniveling/in a tragic state/ 涕泗橫流 涕泗横流 T - 3 tì sì héng liú f /tears and mucus flowing profusely/sniveling/in a tragic state/ 涕泗滂沱 - 3 tì sì pāng tuó f /a flood of tears and mucus/broken-hearted and weeping bitterly/ 涕泗縱橫 涕泗纵横 T - 3 tì sì zòng héng f /tears and mucus flowing profusely/sniveling/in a tragic state/ 涕泗纵横 涕泗縱橫 S - 3 tì sì zòng héng f /tears and mucus flowing profusely/sniveling/in a tragic state/ 涕泣 - 27 tì qì f /to weep/to shed tears/ 涕泪交流 涕淚交流 S - 3 tì lèi jiāo liú f /tears and mucus flowing profusely (idiom); weeping tragically/ 涕淚交流 涕泪交流 T - 3 tì lèi jiāo liú f /tears and mucus flowing profusely (idiom); weeping tragically/ 涕零 - 4 tì líng f /to shed tears/to weep/ 涖 莅 T - 83 Lì f /river in Hebei/ 涖 莅 T - 83 lì f /variant of 蒞|莅[li4], to attend/ 涘 - 695 sì f /river bank/ 涙 - 276 lèi f /Japanese variant of 淚|泪[lei4]/ 涛 濤 S - 480 tāo f /big wave/Taiwan pr. [tao2]/ 涝 澇 S - 166 lào f /flooded/ 涞 淶 S - 270 lái f /brook/ripple/ 涞水 淶水 S - 14 Lái shuǐ f /Laishui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 涞水县 淶水縣 S - 9 Lái shuǐ xiàn f /Laishui county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 涞源 淶源 S - 5 Lái yuán f /Laiyuan county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 涞源县 淶源縣 S - 10 Lái yuán xiàn f /Laiyuan county in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 涟 漣 S - 383 lián f /ripple/tearful/ 涟水 漣水 S - 29 Lián shuǐ f /Lianshui county in Huai'an 淮安[Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ 涟水县 漣水縣 S - 5 Lián shuǐ xiàn f /Lianshui county in Huai'an 淮安[Huai2 an1], Jiangsu/ 涟源 漣源 S - 10 Lián yuán f /Lianyuan county level city in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 涟源地区 漣源地區 S - 0 Lián yuán dì qū f /Lianyuan county in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 涟源市 漣源市 S - 4 Lián yuán shì f /Lianyuan county level city in Loudi 婁底|娄底[Lou2 di3], Hunan/ 涟漪 漣漪 S - 56 lián yī f /ripple/ 涟漪微漾 漣漪微漾 S - 0 lián yī wēi yàng f /ripples/riffles/ 涠 潿 S - 60 wéi f /still water/ 涡 渦 S - 209 guō f /name of a river/ 涡 渦 S - 209 wō t /eddy/whirlpool/ 涡喷 渦噴 S - 0 wō pēn f /turbojet/ 涡扇 渦扇 S - 63 wō shàn f /turbofan/ 涡旋 渦旋 S - 55 wō xuán f /eddy/vortex/ 涡核 渦核 S - 0 wō hé f /eye of a vortex/ 涡桨 渦槳 S - 37 wō jiǎng f /turboprop/ 涡虫纲 渦蟲綱 S - 0 wō chóng gāng f /Turbellaria (an order of flatworms)/ 涡轮 渦輪 S - 491 wō lún f /turbine/ 涡轮喷气发动机 渦輪噴氣發動機 S - 0 wō lún pēn qì fā dòng jī f /turbojet/ 涡轮轴发动机 渦輪軸發動機 S - 0 wō lún zhóu fā dòng jī f /turboshaft/ 涡阳 渦陽 S - 8 Guō yáng f /Guoyang county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ 涡阳县 渦陽縣 S - 3 Guō yáng xiàn f /Guoyang county in Bozhou 亳州[Bo2 zhou1], Anhui/ 涢 溳 S - 267 Yún f /(name of a river in Hebei)/ 涣 渙 S - 168 huàn f /to dissipate/to dissolve/ 涣散 渙散 S - 140 huàn sàn f /to slacken/lax/slack/disorganized/ 涣然 渙然 S - 3 huàn rán f /to dissipate/to vanish/ 涣然冰释 渙然冰釋 S - 3 huàn rán bīng shì f /to melt away (idiom)/to clear up/to dissipate/ 涤 滌 S - 120 dí f /to wash/to cleanse/ 涤净 滌淨 S - 0 dí jìng f /to cleanse/to purge/ 涤卡 滌卡 S - 10 dí kǎ f /polyester khaki/ 涤去 滌去 S - 0 dí qù f /to wash off/ 涤尘 滌塵 S - 0 dí chén f /to wash off dust/ 涤棉 滌棉 S - 16 dí mián f /polyester-cotton blend/ 涤汰 滌汰 S - 0 dí tài f /to wash away/to eradicate/ 涤瑕 滌瑕 S - 0 dí xiá f /to cleanse away a stain/ 涤砚 滌硯 S - 0 dí yàn f /to wash an ink-slab/to prepare for study (idiom)/ 涤纶 滌綸 S - 75 dí lún f /polyester fiber/ 涤罪所 滌罪所 S - 0 dí zuì suǒ f /purgatory (religion)/ 涤荡 滌蕩 S - 10 dí dàng f /to wash off/ 涤虑 滌慮 S - 0 dí lǜ f /to free the mind from worries/ 涤除 滌除 S - 3 dí chú f /to wash away/to eliminate/to do away with/ 润 潤 S - 1690 rùn f /to moisten/to lubricate/to embellish/moist/glossy/sleek/ 润发液 潤髮液 S - 0 rùn fà yè f /hair conditioner/ 润发露 潤髮露 S - 0 rùn fà lù f /hair conditioner/ 润唇膏 潤唇膏 S - 3 rùn chún gāo f /chapstick/lip balm/ 润州 潤州 S - 80 Rùn zhōu f /Runzhou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 润州区 潤州區 S - 3 Rùn zhōu qū f /Runzhou district of Zhenjiang city 鎮江市|镇江市[Zhen4 jiang1 shi4], Jiangsu/ 润格 潤格 S - 3 rùn gé f /scale of fee payment for a painter, calligrapher or writer/ 润泽 潤澤 S - 60 rùn zé f /moist/ 润湿 潤濕 S - 35 rùn shī f /to moisten (e.g. of rain)/to wet/ 润滑 潤滑 S - 142 rùn huá f /smooth/oily/sleek/to lubricate/ 润滑剂 潤滑劑 S - 70 rùn huá jì f /lubricant/ 润滑油 潤滑油 S - 117 rùn huá yóu f /lubricating oil/ 润笔 潤筆 S - 4 rùn bǐ f /remuneration for literary or artistic work/ 润肠 潤腸 S - 3 rùn cháng f /to ease constipation (TCM)/ 润肠通便 潤腸通便 S - 0 rùn cháng tōng biàn f /to cure constipation with laxatives/ 润肤乳 潤膚乳 S - 3 rùn fū rǔ f /body lotion/body shampoo/ 润肤膏 潤膚膏 S - 0 rùn fū gāo f /moisturizing cream/ 润肤霜 潤膚霜 S - 10 rùn fū shuāng f /moisturizer/ 润肤露 潤膚露 S - 3 rùn fū lù f /body lotion/ 润肺 潤肺 S - 51 rùn fèi f /to moisten the lungs/to make expectoration easy (medicine)/ 润色 潤色 S - 48 rùn sè f /to polish (a piece of writing)/to add a few finishing touches to (a piece of writing, painting etc)/ 润资 潤資 S - 3 rùn zī f /remuneration for literary or artistic work/ 润饰 潤飾 S - 7 rùn shì f /to adorn/to embellish/ 润饼 潤餅 S - 0 rùn bǐng f /soft mixed vegetable and meat roll-up/ 涧 㵎 S - 326 jiàn f /variant of 澗|涧[jian4]/ 涧 澗 S - 326 jiàn f /mountain stream/ 涧壑 澗壑 S - 0 jiàn hè f /valley/ravine/ 涧峡 澗峽 S - 0 jiàn xiá f /a gorge/ 涧水 澗水 S - 3 jiàn shuǐ f /mountain stream/ 涧流 澗流 S - 3 jiàn liú f /mountain stream/stream in a valley/ 涧溪 澗溪 S - 3 jiàn xī f /mountain stream/stream in a valley/ 涧西 澗西 S - 0 Jiàn xī f /Jianxi district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 涧西区 澗西區 S - 2 Jiàn xī qū f /Jianxi district of Luoyang City 洛陽市|洛阳市 in Henan province 河南/ 涨 漲 S 2139 2090 zhǎng t /to rise (of prices, rivers)/ 涨 漲 S 2139 2090 zhàng f /to swell/to distend/ 涨价 漲價 S - 251 zhǎng jià f /to appreciate (in value)/to increase in price/ 涨停板 漲停板 S - 44 zhǎng tíng bǎn f /daily upper limit on the price of a stock/ 涨到 漲到 S - 3 zhǎng dào f /to go up/to rise/ 涨势 漲勢 S - 67 zhǎng shì f /rising trend/upward momentum (e.g. in prices)/ 涨幅 漲幅 S - 954 zhǎng fú f /rise and fall of stock in one day's trading/ 涨水 漲水 S - 36 zhǎng shuǐ f /rise of water level/ 涨满 漲滿 S - 3 zhàng mǎn f /swell/ 涨潮 漲潮 S - 78 zhǎng cháo f /high tide/rising tide/ 涨红 漲紅 S - 3 zhàng hóng f /to turn red (in the face)/to flush (with embarrassment or anger)/ 涨落 漲落 S - 101 zhǎng luò f /(of water, prices etc) to rise and fall/ 涨跌 漲跌 S - 58 zhǎng diē f /rise or fall in price/ 涨跌幅限制 漲跌幅限制 S - 0 zhǎng diē fú xiàn zhì f /limit up, limit down/limit on daily price variation/ 涨钱 漲錢 S - 2 zhǎng qián f /inflation/salary raise/ 涨风 漲風 S - 3 zhǎng fēng f /upward trend (in prices)/ 涩 澀 S - 321 sè f /astringent/tart/acerbity/unsmooth/rough (surface)/hard to understand/obscure/ 涩 澁 S - 321 sè f /old variant of 澀|涩[se4]/ 涩味 澀味 S - 9 sè wèi f /acerbic (taste)/astringent/ 涩脉 澀脈 S - 0 sè mài f /sluggish pulse/ 涪 - 68 Fú f /(name of a river)/ 涪城 - 18 Fú chéng f /Fucheng district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市[Mian2 yang2 shi4], north Sichuan/ 涪城区 涪城區 S - 3 Fú chéng qū f /Fucheng district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市[Mian2 yang2 shi4], north Sichuan/ 涪城區 涪城区 T - 3 Fú chéng qū f /Fucheng district of Mianyang city 綿陽市|绵阳市[Mian2 yang2 shi4], north Sichuan/ 涪陵 - 150 Fú líng f /Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 涪陵区 涪陵區 S - 5 Fú líng qū f /Fuling suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 涪陵區 涪陵区 T - 5 Fú líng qū f /Fuling suburban district of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 涪陵地区 涪陵地區 S - 0 Fú líng dì qū f /Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 涪陵地區 涪陵地区 T - 0 Fú líng dì qū f /Fuling suburbs of Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/ 涫 - 65 guàn f /(classical) to boil/ 涬 - 0 xìng f /watery expanse/ 涮 - 115 shuàn f /to rinse/to trick/to fool sb/to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup (generally done at the dining table)/ 涮涮鍋 涮涮锅 T - 3 shuàn shuàn guō f /shabu-shabu (loanword)/Japanese hot pot/ 涮涮锅 涮涮鍋 S - 3 shuàn shuàn guō f /shabu-shabu (loanword)/Japanese hot pot/ 涮火鍋 涮火锅 T 4195 0 shuàn huǒ guō f /see 涮鍋子|涮锅子[shuan4 guo1 zi5]/ 涮火锅 涮火鍋 S 4195 0 shuàn huǒ guō f /see 涮鍋子|涮锅子[shuan4 guo1 zi5]/ 涮羊肉 - 23 shuàn yáng ròu f /Mongolian hot pot/instant-boiled mutton (dish)/ 涮鍋子 涮锅子 T - 3 shuàn guō zi f /hot pot/a dish where thinly sliced meat and vegetables are boiled briefly in a broth and then served with dipping sauces/ 涮锅子 涮鍋子 S - 3 shuàn guō zi f /hot pot/a dish where thinly sliced meat and vegetables are boiled briefly in a broth and then served with dipping sauces/ 涯 - 124 yá f /border/horizon/shore/ 液 - 1669 yè f /liquid/fluid/Taiwan pr. [yi4]/ 液体 液體 S 3318 1487 yè tǐ f /liquid/ 液化 - 202 yè huà f /to liquefy/ 液化气 液化氣 S - 22 yè huà qì f /liquid gas/bottled gas (fuel)/ 液化氣 液化气 T - 22 yè huà qì f /liquid gas/bottled gas (fuel)/ 液化石油气 液化石油氣 S - 0 yè huà shí yóu qì f /liquefied petroleum gas/ 液化石油氣 液化石油气 T - 0 yè huà shí yóu qì f /liquefied petroleum gas/ 液压 液壓 S - 397 yè yā f /hydraulic pressure/ 液压传动 液壓傳動 S - 0 yè yā chuán dòng f /hydraulic drive/hydraulic transmission/ 液压千斤顶 液壓千斤頂 S - 0 yè yā qiān jīn dǐng f /hydraulic jack/ 液壓 液压 T - 397 yè yā f /hydraulic pressure/ 液壓傳動 液压传动 T - 0 yè yā chuán dòng f /hydraulic drive/hydraulic transmission/ 液壓千斤頂 液压千斤顶 T - 0 yè yā qiān jīn dǐng f /hydraulic jack/ 液态 液態 S - 241 yè tài f /liquid (state)/ 液态奶 液態奶 S - 3 yè tài nǎi f /general term for milk packaged for the consumer, including long-life (UHT) milk, pasteurized milk and reconstituted milk/ 液态水 液態水 S - 23 yè tài shuǐ f /liquid water (as opposed to steam or ice, e.g.)/ 液態 液态 T - 241 yè tài f /liquid (state)/ 液態奶 液态奶 T - 3 yè tài nǎi f /general term for milk packaged for the consumer, including long-life (UHT) milk, pasteurized milk and reconstituted milk/ 液態水 液态水 T - 23 yè tài shuǐ f /liquid water (as opposed to steam or ice, e.g.)/ 液晶 - 434 yè jīng f /liquid crystal/ 液晶屏 - 3 yè jīng píng f /liquid crystal screen/ 液晶显示 液晶顯示 S - 34 yè jīng xiǎn shì f /LCD/liquid crystal display/ 液晶显示器 液晶顯示器 S - 0 yè jīng xiǎn shì qì f /liquid crystal display/ 液晶顯示 液晶显示 T - 34 yè jīng xiǎn shì f /LCD/liquid crystal display/ 液晶顯示器 液晶显示器 T - 0 yè jīng xiǎn shì qì f /liquid crystal display/ 液氨 - 22 yè ān f /liquid ammonia/ 液氮 - 24 yè dàn f /liquid nitrogen/ 液流 - 3 yè liú f /stream/flow of liquid/ 液胞 - 0 yè bāo f /vacuole/ 液面 - 65 yè miàn f /surface (of a body of liquid)/ 液體 液体 T 3318 1487 yè tǐ f /liquid/ 涴 - 0 wò f /to soil/ 涵 - 325 hán f /to contain/to include/culvert/ 涵义 涵義 S - 142 hán yì f /content/meaning/connotation/implication/ 涵养 涵養 S - 118 hán yǎng f /to conserve (e.g. water)/self-restraint/self-possession/ 涵意 - 3 hán yì f /content/meaning/connotation/implication/same as 涵義|涵义/ 涵括 - 3 hán kuò f /to encompass/to cover/ 涵摄 涵攝 S - 0 hán shè f /to assimilate/to subsume/ 涵攝 涵摄 T - 0 hán shè f /to assimilate/to subsume/ 涵江 - 2 Hán jiāng f /Hanjiang district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ 涵江区 涵江區 S - 3 Hán jiāng qū f /Hanjiang district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ 涵江區 涵江区 T - 3 Hán jiāng qū f /Hanjiang district of Putian city 莆田市[Pu2 tian2 shi4], Fujian/ 涵洞 - 37 hán dòng f /culvert/covered drain/ 涵淡 - 0 hán dàn f /waves/ 涵盖 涵蓋 S - 642 hán gài f /to cover/to comprise/to include/ 涵管 - 3 hán guǎn f /culvert pipe/ 涵義 涵义 T - 142 hán yì f /content/meaning/connotation/implication/ 涵蓄 - 3 hán xù f /variant of 含蓄[han2 xu4]/ 涵蓋 涵盖 T - 642 hán gài f /to cover/to comprise/to include/ 涵養 涵养 T - 118 hán yǎng f /to conserve (e.g. water)/self-restraint/self-possession/ 涶 - 0 tuò f /variant of 唾[tuo4]/ 涷 - 0 dōng f /rainstorm/ 涸 - 93 hé f /to dry/to dry up/ 涸泽而渔 涸澤而漁 S - 5 hé zé ér yú f /see 竭澤而漁|竭泽而渔[jie2 ze2 er2 yu2]/ 涸澤而漁 涸泽而渔 T - 5 hé zé ér yú f /see 竭澤而漁|竭泽而渔[jie2 ze2 er2 yu2]/ 涸轍之鮒 涸辙之鲋 T - 3 hé zhé zhī fù f /lit. a fish in a dried out rut (idiom)/fig. a person in dire straits/ 涸辙之鲋 涸轍之鮒 S - 3 hé zhé zhī fù f /lit. a fish in a dried out rut (idiom)/fig. a person in dire straits/ 涼 凉 T - 1622 Liáng t /the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|后凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼|南凉 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)/ 涼 凉 T - 1622 liáng t /cool/cold/ 涼 凉 T - 1622 liàng f /to let sth cool down/ 涼了半截 凉了半截 T - 3 liáng le bàn jié f /felt a chill (in one's heart)/(one's heart) sank/ 涼亭 凉亭 T - 118 liáng tíng f /pavilion/ 涼城 凉城 T - 5 Liáng chéng f /Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 涼城縣 凉城县 T - 3 Liáng chéng xiàn f /Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia/ 涼山彞族自治州 凉山彝族自治州 T - 18 Liáng shān Yí zú zì zhì zhōu f /Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Sichuan/ 涼州 凉州 T - 205 Liáng zhōu f /Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市[Wu3 wei1 shi4], Gansu/ 涼州區 凉州区 T - 3 Liáng zhōu qū f /Liangzhou district of Wuwei city 武威市[Wu3 wei1 shi4], Gansu/ 涼席 凉席 T - 25 liáng xí f /summer sleeping mat (e.g. of woven split bamboo)/CL:張|张[zhang1],領|领[ling3]/ 涼快 凉快 T 1165 70 liáng kuai f /nice and cold/pleasantly cool/ 涼意 凉意 T - 86 liáng yì f /a slight chill/ 涼拌 凉拌 T - 322 liáng bàn f /salad with dressing/cold vegetables dressed with sauce (e.g. coleslaw)/ 涼棚 凉棚 T - 20 liáng péng f /mat awning/arbor/ 涼水 凉水 T - 177 liáng shuǐ f /cool water/unboiled water/ 涼爽 凉爽 T - 256 liáng shuǎng f /cool and refreshing/ 涼皮 凉皮 T - 3 liáng pí f /liangpi (noodle-like dish)/ 涼粉 凉粉 T - 114 liáng fěn f /liangfen (Chinese dish)/grass jelly (Chinese dish)/ 涼茶 凉茶 T - 58 liáng chá f /Chinese herb tea/ 涼鞋 凉鞋 T - 47 liáng xié f /sandal/ 涼麵 凉面 T - 2 liáng miàn f /cold noodles/ 涿 - 107 zhuō f /place name/ 涿州 - 139 Zhuō zhōu f /Zhuozhou county level city in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 涿州市 - 22 Zhuō zhōu shì f /Zhuozhou county level city in Baoding 保定[Bao3 ding4], Hebei/ 涿鹿 - 32 Zhuō lù f /Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 涿鹿县 涿鹿縣 S - 13 Zhuō lù xiàn f /Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 涿鹿縣 涿鹿县 T - 13 Zhuō lù xiàn f /Zhuolu county in Zhangjiakou 張家口|张家口[Zhang1 jia1 kou3], Hebei/ 淀 - 118 diàn f /shallow water/ 淀 澱 S - 118 diàn f /sediment/precipitate/ 淀山湖 澱山湖 S - 23 Diàn shān Hú f /Dianshan Lake between Shanghai Municipality and Jiangsu Province/ 淀积 澱積 S - 0 diàn jī f /deposit/alluvium (shallow water sediment)/ 淀积物 澱積物 S - 0 diàn jī wù f /deposit/alluvium (shallow water sediment)/ 淀粉 澱粉 S - 431 diàn fěn f /starch/amylum C6H10O5/ 淀粉脢 澱粉脢 S - 0 diàn fěn méi f /amylase/ 淂 - 0 dé f /(river)/old variant of 得[de2]/ 淄 - 60 zī f /black/name of a river/ 淄博 - 133 Zī bó f /Zibo, prefecture level city in Shandong/ 淄博市 - 99 Zī bó shì f /Zibo prefecture level city in Shandong/ 淄川 - 43 Zī chuān f /Zichuan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 淄川区 淄川區 S - 6 Zī chuān qū f /Zichuan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 淄川區 淄川区 T - 6 Zī chuān qū f /Zichuan district of Zibo city 淄博市[Zi1 bo2 shi4], Shandong/ 淄蠹 - 0 zī dù f /to be worn out/ 淅 - 60 xī f /(onom.) sound of rain, sleet etc/ 淅川 - 33 Xī chuān f /Xichuan county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 淅川县 淅川縣 S - 2 Xī chuān xiàn f /Xichuan county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 淅川縣 淅川县 T - 2 Xī chuān xiàn f /Xichuan county in Nanyang 南陽|南阳[Nan2 yang2], Henan/ 淅沥 淅瀝 S - 16 xī lì f /(onom.) patter of rain/ 淅瀝 淅沥 T - 16 xī lì f /(onom.) patter of rain/ 淆 殽 S - 12 xiáo f /variant of 淆[xiao2]/ 淆 - 12 xiáo f /confused and disorderly/mixed/Taiwan pr. [yao2]/ 淆乱 淆亂 S - 8 xiáo luàn f /to confuse/to befuddle/ 淆亂 淆乱 T - 8 xiáo luàn f /to confuse/to befuddle/ 淆杂 淆雜 S - 3 xiáo zá f /to mix up/to muddle/ 淆雜 淆杂 T - 3 xiáo zá f /to mix up/to muddle/ 淇 - 432 qí f /name of a river/ 淇县 淇縣 S - 20 Qí xiàn f /Qi county in Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁[He4 bi4], Henan/ 淇淋 - 0 qí lín f /cream (loanword)/ 淇滨 淇濱 S - 0 Qí bīn f /Qibin district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[He4 bi4 shi4], Henan/ 淇滨区 淇濱區 S - 3 Qí bīn qū f /Qibin district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[He4 bi4 shi4], Henan/ 淇濱 淇滨 T - 0 Qí bīn f /Qibin district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[He4 bi4 shi4], Henan/ 淇濱區 淇滨区 T - 3 Qí bīn qū f /Qibin district of Hebi city 鶴壁市|鹤壁市[He4 bi4 shi4], Henan/ 淇縣 淇县 T - 20 Qí xiàn f /Qi county in Hebi 鶴壁|鹤壁[He4 bi4], Henan/ 淊 - 0 yān f /variant of 淹[yan1]/to flood/ 淋 3443 471 lín t /to sprinkle/to drip/to pour/to drench/ 淋 3443 471 lìn f /to filter/to strain/to drain/gonorrhea/(TCM) strangury/ 淋巴 - 255 lín bā f /lymph (loanword)/lymphatic/ 淋巴液 - 22 lín bā yè f /lymphatic fluid/lymph/ 淋巴瘤 - 86 lín bā liú f /lymphoma/ 淋巴癌 - 6 lín bā ái f /lymphoma/ 淋巴管 - 73 lín bā guǎn f /lymphatic channel/ 淋巴系統 淋巴系统 T - 0 lín bā xì tǒng f /lymphatic system/ 淋巴系统 淋巴系統 S - 0 lín bā xì tǒng f /lymphatic system/ 淋巴細胞 淋巴细胞 T - 170 lín bā xì bāo f /lymphocyte/ 淋巴結 淋巴结 T - 223 lín bā jié f /lymphatic node/lymph gland/ 淋巴细胞 淋巴細胞 S - 170 lín bā xì bāo f /lymphocyte/ 淋巴结 淋巴結 S - 223 lín bā jié f /lymphatic node/lymph gland/ 淋巴腺 - 10 lín bā xiàn f /lymph node/lymphatic gland/ 淋浴 - 65 lín yù f /to take a shower/shower/ 淋湿 淋濕 S - 45 lín shī f /to get soaked/ 淋溶土 - 0 Lìn róng tǔ f /Argosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)/ 淋溶层 淋溶層 S - 0 lín róng céng f /alluvium (soil deposited by rivers)/ 淋溶層 淋溶层 T - 0 lín róng céng f /alluvium (soil deposited by rivers)/ 淋漓 - 195 lín lí f /dripping wet/pouring/saturated/fig. uninhibited/fluid/emotionally unrestrained/extreme/ 淋漓尽致 淋漓盡致 S - 145 lín lí jìn zhì f /lit. extreme saturation (idiom)/fig. vividly and thoroughly/in great detail/without restraint/(of a performance) brilliant/ 淋漓盡致 淋漓尽致 T - 145 lín lí jìn zhì f /lit. extreme saturation (idiom)/fig. vividly and thoroughly/in great detail/without restraint/(of a performance) brilliant/ 淋濕 淋湿 T - 45 lín shī f /to get soaked/ 淋球菌 - 3 lìn qiú jūn f /gonococcus/Neisseria gonorrhoeae, the pathogen causing gonorrhea/ 淋病 - 41 lìn bìng f /gonorrhea/Taiwan pr. [lin2 bing4]/ 淋雨 - 18 lín yǔ f /to get wet in the rain/ 淌 - 396 tǎng f /to drip/to trickle/to shed (tears)/ 淌下 - 0 tǎng xià f /to let drip/to trickle down/to shed (tears)/ 淌口水 - 3 tǎng kǒu shuǐ f /to let saliva dribble from the mouth/to slobber/ 淌泪 淌淚 S - 3 tǎng lèi f /to shed a tear/ 淌淚 淌泪 T - 3 tǎng lèi f /to shed a tear/ 淌眼泪 淌眼淚 S - 0 tǎng yǎn lèi f /to shed tears/ 淌眼淚 淌眼泪 T - 0 tǎng yǎn lèi f /to shed tears/ 淑 - 1313 shū f /warm and virtuous/(used in given names)/Taiwan pr. [shu2]/ 淑世 - 0 shū shì f /to make the world a better place/ 淑人君子 - 3 shū rén jūn zi f /virtuous gentleman (idiom)/ 淑女 - 164 shū nǚ f /wise and virtuous woman/lady/ 淑女車 淑女车 T - 0 shū nǚ chē f /ladies bicycle/ 淑女车 淑女車 S - 0 shū nǚ chē f /ladies bicycle/ 淑静 淑靜 S - 3 shū jìng f /gentle/tender/ 淑靜 淑静 T - 3 shū jìng f /gentle/tender/ 淒 凄 T - 155 qī f /intense cold/frigid/dismal/grim/bleak/sad/mournful/ 淒切 凄切 T - 18 qī qiè f /mournful/ 淒厲 凄厉 T - 151 qī lì f /variant of 凄厲|凄厉[qi1 li4]/ 淒婉 凄婉 T - 45 qī wǎn f /melancholy/moving and sad/sweet and piteous/ 淒惋 凄惋 T - 0 qī wǎn f /doleful/piteous/also written 淒婉|凄婉[qi1 wan3]/ 淒惶 凄惶 T - 52 qī huáng f /distressed and terrified/distraught (literary)/ 淒暗 凄暗 T - 0 qī àn f /dismal/somber/ 淒涼 凄凉 T 4459 413 qī liáng f /desolate/ 淒美 凄美 T - 22 qī měi f /poignant/sad and beautiful/ 淒黯 凄黯 T - 0 qī àn f /dismal/somber/also written 淒暗|凄暗[qi1 an4]/ 淓 - 0 Fāng f /name of a river/ 淖 - 388 Nào f /surname Nao/ 淖 - 388 nào f /slush/mud/ 淘 - 450 táo f /to wash/to clean out/to cleanse/to eliminate/to dredge/ 淘宝网 淘寶網 S - 3 Táo bǎo Wǎng f /Taobao Marketplace, a Chinese website for online shopping/ 淘客 - 0 táo kè f /talk (loanword)/chatline of PRC Internet company Taobao, taokshop.com/ 淘寶網 淘宝网 T - 3 Táo bǎo Wǎng f /Taobao Marketplace, a Chinese website for online shopping/ 淘析 - 3 táo xī f /to strain/to wash and filter/ 淘气 淘氣 S 2248 136 táo qì f /naughty/mischievous/ 淘氣 淘气 T 2248 136 táo qì f /naughty/mischievous/ 淘汰 2541 1053 táo tài f /to wash out/elimination (by selection)/natural selection/to knock out (in a competition)/to die out/to phase out/ 淘汰賽 淘汰赛 T - 45 táo tài sài f /a knock-out competition/ 淘汰赛 淘汰賽 S - 45 táo tài sài f /a knock-out competition/ 淘河 - 0 táo hé f /pelican/ 淘洗 - 24 táo xǐ f /to wash/ 淘神 - 3 táo shén f /troublesome/bothersome/ 淘箩 淘籮 S - 4 táo luó f /basket (for washing rice)/ 淘籮 淘箩 T - 4 táo luó f /basket (for washing rice)/ 淘米 - 31 táo mǐ f /to rinse rice/ 淘选 淘選 S - 3 táo xuǎn f /to decant/to strain off/ 淘選 淘选 T - 3 táo xuǎn f /to decant/to strain off/ 淘金 - 72 táo jīn f /to pan for gold/to try to make a fortune/ 淘金潮 - 0 táo jīn cháo f /gold rush/ 淘金者 - 7 táo jīn zhě f /gold panner/prospector for gold/ 淙 - 115 cóng f /noise of water/ 淚 泪 T - 1970 lèi f /tears/ 淚光 泪光 T - 91 lèi guāng f /glistening teardrops/ 淚奔 泪奔 T - 0 lèi bēn f /(slang) to get emotional/ 淚如雨下 泪如雨下 T - 67 lèi rú yǔ xià f /tears falling like rain (idiom)/ 淚水 泪水 T - 1335 lèi shuǐ f /teardrop/tears/ 淚水漣漣 泪水涟涟 T - 0 lèi shuǐ lián lián f /in floods of tears (idiom)/ 淚汪汪 泪汪汪 T - 87 lèi wāng wāng f /tearful/brimming with tears/ 淚流滿面 泪流满面 T - 158 lèi liú mǎn miàn f /cheeks streaming with tears (idiom)/ 淚液 泪液 T - 35 lèi yè f /tears/teardrops/ 淚珠 泪珠 T - 240 lèi zhū f /a teardrop/ 淚痕 泪痕 T - 172 lèi hén f /tear stains/ 淚腺 泪腺 T - 26 lèi xiàn f /Lacrimal gland/ 淚花 泪花 T - 207 lèi huā f /tears in the eyes/ 淛 浙 T - 725 Zhè f /variant of 浙[Zhe4]/ 淜 - 0 péng f /roar of dashing waves/ 淝 - 128 féi f /name of a river/