{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {- | Copyright: (c) 2018-2022 Kowainik, 2023 Co-Log SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 This module contains logging messages data types along with the formatting and logging actions for them. -} module Colog.Message ( -- * Simple message type -- ** Type SimpleMsg (..) -- ** Logging , logText -- ** Formatting , fmtSimpleMessage , formatWith -- * Core messaging -- ** Types , Msg (..) , Message -- ** Logging , log , logDebug , logInfo , logWarning , logError , logException -- ** Formatting , fmtMessage , showSeverity , showSourceLoc , showTime , showTimeOffset , showThreadId -- * Externally extensible message type -- ** Field of the dependent map , FieldType , MessageField (..) , unMessageField , extractField -- ** Dependent map that allows to extend logging message , FieldMap , defaultFieldMap -- ** Extensible message , RichMessage , RichMsg (..) , fmtRichMessageDefault , fmtSimpleRichMessageDefault , fmtRichMessageCustomDefault , upgradeMessageAction ) where import Prelude hiding (lookup, log) import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, myThreadId) import Control.Exception (Exception, displayException) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap, fromList, lookup) import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum ((:=>))) import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text.Lazy (toStrict) import GHC.Stack (CallStack, SrcLoc (..), callStack, getCallStack, withFrozenCallStack) import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol) import System.Console.ANSI (Color (..), ColorIntensity (Vivid), ConsoleLayer (Foreground), SGR (..), setSGRCode) import Type.Reflection (TypeRep, typeRep) import Colog.Core (LogAction, Severity (..), cmap) import Colog.Monad (WithLog, logMsg) import qualified Chronos as C import qualified Chronos.Locale.English as C import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as TB import qualified Data.Vector as Vector ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Plain message ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | General logging message data type. Contains the following fields: 1. Polymorphic severity. This can be anything you want if you need more flexibility. 2. Function 'CallStack'. It provides useful information about source code locations where each particular function was called. 3. Custom text for logging. -} data Msg sev = Msg { msgSeverity :: !sev , msgStack :: !CallStack , msgText :: Text } {- | Message data type without 'Severity'. Use 'logText' to log messages of this type. @since -} data SimpleMsg = SimpleMsg { simpleMsgStack :: !CallStack , simpleMsgText :: !Text } {- | 'Msg' parametrized by the 'Severity' type. Most formatting functions in this module work with 'Severity' from @co-log-core@. -} type Message = Msg Severity -- | Logs the message with given severity @sev@. log :: WithLog env (Msg sev) m => sev -> Text -> m () log msgSeverity msgText = withFrozenCallStack (logMsg Msg{ msgStack = callStack, .. }) -- | Logs the message with the 'Debug' severity. logDebug :: WithLog env Message m => Text -> m () logDebug = withFrozenCallStack (log Debug) -- | Logs the message with the 'Info' severity. logInfo :: WithLog env Message m => Text -> m () logInfo = withFrozenCallStack (log Info) -- | Logs the message with the 'Warning' severity. logWarning :: WithLog env Message m => Text -> m () logWarning = withFrozenCallStack (log Warning) -- | Logs the message with the 'Error' severity. logError :: WithLog env Message m => Text -> m () logError = withFrozenCallStack (log Error) -- | Logs 'Exception' message with the 'Error' severity. logException :: forall e m env . (WithLog env Message m, Exception e) => e -> m () logException = withFrozenCallStack (logError . T.pack . displayException) {- | Logs 'SimpleMsg' without severity, only 'CallStack' and 'Text' body message. @since -} logText :: WithLog env SimpleMsg m => Text -> m () logText msgText = withFrozenCallStack (logMsg SimpleMsg{ simpleMsgStack = callStack, simpleMsgText = msgText }) {- | Formats the 'Message' type according to the following format: @ [Severity] [SourceLocation] \ @ __Examples:__ @ [Warning] [Main.app#39] Starting application... [Debug] [Main.example#34] app: First message... @ See 'fmtRichMessageDefault' for a richer format. -} fmtMessage :: Message -> Text fmtMessage Msg{..} = showSeverity msgSeverity <> showSourceLoc msgStack <> msgText {- | Formats the 'SimpleMsg' type in according to the following format: @ [SourceLocation] \ @ __Examples:__ @ [Main.app#39] Starting application... [Main.example#34] app: First message... @ See 'fmtSimpleRichMessageDefault' for richer format. @since -} fmtSimpleMessage :: SimpleMsg -> Text fmtSimpleMessage SimpleMsg{..} = showSourceLoc simpleMsgStack <> simpleMsgText {- | Alias for 'cmap' specialized for formatting purposes. If you have an action that can output 'Text' (for example 'Colog.Actions.logTextStdout'), you can convert it to the action that can print 'SimpleMsg' or 'Message': @ logSimpleMsgStdout :: 'LogAction' 'IO' 'SimpleMsg' logSimpleMsgStdout = 'formatWith' 'fmtSimpleMessage' 'Colog.Actions.logTextStdout' logMessageStdout :: 'LogAction' 'IO' 'Message' logMessageStdout = 'formatWith' 'fmtMessage' 'Colog.Actions.logTextStdout' @ @since -} formatWith :: (msg -> Text) -> LogAction m Text -> LogAction m msg formatWith = cmap {-# INLINE formatWith #-} {- | Formats severity in different colours with alignment. -} showSeverity :: Severity -> Text showSeverity = \case Debug -> color Green "[Debug] " Info -> color Blue "[Info] " Warning -> color Yellow "[Warning] " Error -> color Red "[Error] " where color :: Color -> Text -> Text color c txt = T.pack (setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid c]) <> txt <> T.pack (setSGRCode [Reset]) square :: Text -> Text square t = "[" <> t <> "] " {- | Shows source code locations in the following format: @ [Main.example#35] @ -} showSourceLoc :: CallStack -> Text showSourceLoc cs = square showCallStack where showCallStack :: Text showCallStack = case getCallStack cs of [] -> "" [(name, loc)] -> showLoc name loc (_, loc) : (callerName, _) : _ -> showLoc callerName loc showLoc :: String -> SrcLoc -> Text showLoc name SrcLoc{..} = T.pack srcLocModule <> "." <> T.pack name <> "#" <> T.pack (show srcLocStartLine) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Externally extensible message ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Open type family that maps some user defined tags (type names) to actual types. The type family is open so you can add new instances. -} type family FieldType (fieldName :: Symbol) :: Type type instance FieldType "threadId" = ThreadId type instance FieldType "posixTime" = C.Time {- | @newtype@ wrapper. Stores monadic ability to extract value of 'FieldType'. __Implementation detail:__ this exotic writing of 'MessageField' is required in order to use it nicer with type applications. So users can write @ MessageField @"threadId" myThreadId @ instead of @ MessageField @_ @"threadId" myThreadId @ Simpler version of this @newtype@: @ newtype MessageField m fieldName = MessageField { unMesssageField :: m (FieldType fieldName) } @ -} newtype MessageField (m :: Type -> Type) (fieldName :: Symbol) where MessageField :: forall fieldName m . m (FieldType fieldName) -> MessageField m fieldName -- | Extracts field from the 'MessageField' constructor. unMessageField :: forall fieldName m . MessageField m fieldName -> m (FieldType fieldName) unMessageField (MessageField f) = f {-# INLINE unMessageField #-} -- | Helper function to deal with 'MessageField' when looking it up in the 'FieldMap'. extractField :: Applicative m => Maybe (MessageField m fieldName) -> m (Maybe (FieldType fieldName)) extractField = traverse unMessageField {-# INLINE extractField #-} -- same as: -- extractField = \case -- Nothing -> pure Nothing -- Just (MessageField field) -> Just <$> field {- | Depedent map from type level strings to the corresponding types. See 'FieldType' for mapping between names and types. -} type FieldMap m = DMap TypeRep (MessageField m) {- | Default message map that contains actions to extract 'ThreadId' and 'C.Time'. Basically, the following mapping: @ "threadId" -> 'myThreadId' "posixTime" -> 'C.now' @ -} defaultFieldMap :: MonadIO m => FieldMap m defaultFieldMap = fromList [ typeRep @"threadId" :=> MessageField (liftIO myThreadId) , typeRep @"posixTime" :=> MessageField (liftIO C.now) ] {- | Contains additional data to 'Message' to display more verbose information. @since -} data RichMsg (m :: Type -> Type) (msg :: Type) = RichMsg { richMsgMsg :: !msg , richMsgMap :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(FieldMap m) } deriving stock (Functor) -- | Specialised version of 'RichMsg' that stores severity, callstack and text message. type RichMessage m = RichMsg m Message {- | Formats 'RichMessage' in the following way: @ [Severity] [Time] [SourceLocation] [ThreadId] \ @ __Examples:__ @ [Debug] [03 May 2019 05:23:19.058 +00:00] [Main.example#34] [ThreadId 11] app: First message... [Info] [03 May 2019 05:23:19.059 +00:00] [Main.example#35] [ThreadId 11] app: Second message... @ See 'fmtMessage' if you don't need both time and thread ID. -} fmtRichMessageDefault :: MonadIO m => RichMessage m -> m Text fmtRichMessageDefault msg = fmtRichMessageCustomDefault msg formatRichMessage where formatRichMessage :: Maybe ThreadId -> Maybe C.Time -> Message -> Text formatRichMessage (maybe "" showThreadId -> thread) (maybe "" showTime -> time) Msg{..} = showSeverity msgSeverity <> time <> showSourceLoc msgStack <> thread <> msgText {- | Formats 'RichMessage' in the following way: @ [Time] [SourceLocation] [ThreadId] \ @ __Examples:__ @ [03 May 2019 05:23:19.058 +00:00] [Main.example#34] [ThreadId 11] app: First message... [03 May 2019 05:23:19.059 +00:00] [Main.example#35] [ThreadId 11] app: Second message... @ Practically, it formats a message as 'fmtRichMessageDefault' without the severity information. @since -} fmtSimpleRichMessageDefault :: MonadIO m => RichMsg m SimpleMsg -> m Text fmtSimpleRichMessageDefault msg = fmtRichMessageCustomDefault msg formatRichMessage where formatRichMessage :: Maybe ThreadId -> Maybe C.Time -> SimpleMsg -> Text formatRichMessage (maybe "" showThreadId -> thread) (maybe "" showTime -> time) SimpleMsg{..} = time <> showSourceLoc simpleMsgStack <> thread <> simpleMsgText {- | Custom formatting function for 'RichMsg'. It extracts 'ThreadId' and 'C.Time' from fields and allows you to specify how to format them. @since -} fmtRichMessageCustomDefault :: MonadIO m => RichMsg m msg -> (Maybe ThreadId -> Maybe C.Time -> msg -> Text) -> m Text fmtRichMessageCustomDefault RichMsg{..} formatter = do maybeThreadId <- extractField $ lookup (typeRep @"threadId") richMsgMap maybePosixTime <- extractField $ lookup (typeRep @"posixTime") richMsgMap pure $ formatter maybeThreadId maybePosixTime richMsgMsg {- | Shows time in the following format: >>> showTime $ C.Time 1577656800000000000 "[29 Dec 2019 22:00:00.000 +00:00] " -} showTime :: C.Time -> Text showTime t = square $ toStrict $ TB.toLazyText $ builderDmyHMSz (C.timeToOffsetDatetime (C.Offset 0) t) {- | Shows time in the following format: >>> showTimeOffset $ C.timeToOffsetDatetime (C.Offset $ -120) $ C.Time 1577656800000000000 "[29 Dec 2019 20:00:00.000 -02:00] " -} showTimeOffset :: C.OffsetDatetime -> Text showTimeOffset = square . toStrict . TB.toLazyText . builderDmyHMSz ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Chronos extra ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Given a 'OffsetDatetime', constructs a 'Text' 'TB.Builder' corresponding to a Day\/Month\/Year,Hour\/Minute\/Second\/Offset encoding of the given 'OffsetDatetime'. Example: @29 Dec 2019 22:00:00.000 +00:00@ -} builderDmyHMSz :: C.OffsetDatetime -> TB.Builder builderDmyHMSz (C.OffsetDatetime (C.Datetime date time) offset) = builderDmy date <> spaceSep <> C.builder_HMS (C.SubsecondPrecisionFixed 3) (Just ':') time <> spaceSep <> C.builderOffset C.OffsetFormatColonOn offset where spaceSep :: TB.Builder spaceSep = TB.singleton ' ' {- Given a 'Date' construct a 'Text' 'TB.Builder' corresponding to a Day\/Month\/Year encoding. Example: @01 Jan 2020@ -} builderDmy :: C.Date -> TB.Builder builderDmy (C.Date (C.Year y) m d) = zeroPadDayOfMonth d <> spaceSep <> TB.fromText (C.caseMonth C.abbreviated m) <> spaceSep <> TB.decimal y zeroPadDayOfMonth :: C.DayOfMonth -> TB.Builder zeroPadDayOfMonth (C.DayOfMonth d) = if d < 100 then Vector.unsafeIndex twoDigitTextBuilder d else TB.decimal d twoDigitTextBuilder :: Vector.Vector TB.Builder twoDigitTextBuilder = Vector.fromList $ map (TB.fromText . T.pack) twoDigitStrings {-# NOINLINE twoDigitTextBuilder #-} twoDigitStrings :: [String] twoDigitStrings = [ "00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09" , "10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19" , "20","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29" , "30","31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39" , "40","41","42","43","44","45","46","47","48","49" , "50","51","52","53","54","55","56","57","58","59" , "60","61","62","63","64","65","66","67","68","69" , "70","71","72","73","74","75","76","77","78","79" , "80","81","82","83","84","85","86","87","88","89" , "90","91","92","93","94","95","96","97","98","99" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Shows a thread id in the following format: __>>__ showThreadId <$> Control.Concurrent.myThreadId "[ThreadId 4898] " -} showThreadId :: ThreadId -> Text showThreadId = square . T.pack . show {- | Allows to extend basic 'Message' type with given dependent map of fields. -} upgradeMessageAction :: forall m msg . FieldMap m -> LogAction m (RichMsg m msg) -> LogAction m msg upgradeMessageAction fieldMap = cmap addMap where addMap :: msg -> RichMsg m msg addMap msg = RichMsg msg fieldMap