module Main where import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL import Data.List import Data.Maybe hiding (listToMaybe) import CodecovHaskellCmdLine import System.Console.CmdArgs import System.Environment (getEnv, getEnvironment) import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess) import Trace.Hpc.Codecov import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Config (Config(Config)) import qualified Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Config as Config import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Curl import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Util baseUrlApiV2 :: String baseUrlApiV2 = "" getUrlApiV2 :: IO String getUrlApiV2 = do env <- getEnvironment case snd <$> find (isJust . flip lookup env . fst) ciEnvVars of Just ((idParamName, idParamEnvVar), commitEnvVar, branchEnvVar) -> do idParamValue <- getEnv idParamEnvVar commit <- getEnv commitEnvVar branch <- getEnv branchEnvVar return $ baseUrlApiV2 ++ "?" ++ idParamName ++ "=" ++ idParamValue ++ "&commit=" ++ commit ++ "&branch=" ++ branch _ -> error "Unsupported CI service." where ciEnvVars = [ ("TRAVIS", (("job", "TRAVIS_JOB_ID"), "TRAVIS_COMMIT", "TRAVIS_BRANCH")), ("JENKINS_HOME", (("job", "BUILD_NUMBER"), "GIT_COMMIT", "GIT_BRANCH")), ("CIRCLECI", (("job", "CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM"), "CIRCLE_SHA1", "CIRCLE_BRANCH"))] getUrlWithToken :: String -> String -> Maybe String -> IO String getUrlWithToken apiUrl _ Nothing = return apiUrl getUrlWithToken apiUrl param (Just t) = return $ apiUrl ++ "&" ++ param ++ "=" ++ t getConfig :: CodecovHaskellArgs -> Maybe Config getConfig cha = do _testSuites <- listToMaybe (testSuites cha) return Config { Config.excludedDirs = excludeDirs cha , Config.testSuites = _testSuites , Config.tixDir = tixDir cha , Config.mixDir = mixDir cha } main :: IO () main = do cha <- cmdArgs codecovHaskellArgs case getConfig cha of Nothing -> putStrLn "Please specify a target test suite name" >> exitSuccess Just config -> do codecovJson <- generateCodecovFromTix config when (displayReport cha) $ BSL.putStrLn $ encode codecovJson unless (dontSend cha) $ do apiUrl <- getUrlApiV2 fullUrl <- getUrlWithToken apiUrl "token" (token cha) response <- postJson (BSL.unpack $ encode codecovJson) fullUrl (printResponse cha) case response of PostSuccess url _ -> do responseUrl <- getUrlWithToken url "access_token" (accessToken cha) putStrLn ("URL: " ++ responseUrl) -- wait 10 seconds until the page is available threadDelay (10 * 1000000) coverageResult <- readCoverageResult responseUrl (printResponse cha) case coverageResult of Just totalCoverage -> putStrLn ("Coverage: " ++ totalCoverage) >> exitSuccess Nothing -> putStrLn "Failed to read total coverage" >> exitSuccess PostFailure msg -> putStrLn ("Error: " ++ msg) >> exitFailure