{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing -Wno-orphans -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} {- Copyright 2020 The CodeWorld Authors. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module CodeWorld.Driver where import qualified CodeWorld.CanvasM as CM import CodeWorld.Color import CodeWorld.DrawState import CodeWorld.Event import CodeWorld.Picture import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import Control.Monad.Loops import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Ref import Data.Bool import Data.Char (chr) import Data.Dependent.Sum import Data.Foldable import Data.IORef import Data.List (intercalate, zip4) import Data.Maybe import Data.Serialize import Data.Serialize.Text () import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Witherable import GHC.Fingerprint.Type import GHC.Generics import GHC.Stack import GHC.StaticPtr import Numeric (showFFloatAlt) import qualified Reflex as R import qualified Reflex.Host.Class as R import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Mem.StableName import System.Random import Text.Printf import Text.Read #ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS import CodeWorld.CanvasM (MonadCanvas, CanvasM, runCanvasM) import CodeWorld.CollaborationUI (SetupPhase(..), Step(..), UIState) import qualified CodeWorld.CollaborationUI as CUI import CodeWorld.Message import CodeWorld.Prediction import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad.Identity import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), (.=), object) import Data.Hashable import qualified Data.JSString import GHCJS.Concurrent (withoutPreemption) import GHCJS.DOM import qualified GHCJS.DOM.DOMRect as DOMRect import GHCJS.DOM.Document (createElement, getBodyUnsafe) import GHCJS.DOM.Element import GHCJS.DOM.EventM import GHCJS.DOM.GlobalEventHandlers hiding (error, keyPress) import GHCJS.DOM.KeyboardEvent import GHCJS.DOM.MouseEvent import GHCJS.DOM.Node (appendChild) import GHCJS.DOM.NonElementParentNode import GHCJS.DOM.Types (Window, Element, unElement) import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback import GHCJS.Marshal import GHCJS.Marshal.Pure import GHCJS.Types import JavaScript.Object import qualified JavaScript.Web.Canvas as Canvas import qualified JavaScript.Web.Canvas.Internal as Canvas import qualified JavaScript.Web.Location as Loc import qualified JavaScript.Web.MessageEvent as WS import qualified JavaScript.Web.Performance as Performance import qualified JavaScript.Web.WebSocket as WS import Unsafe.Coerce #else import CodeWorld.CanvasM (MonadCanvas, runCanvasM) import Data.Time.Clock import qualified Graphics.Blank as Canvas import System.Environment #endif -- | Applies the affine transformation from the DrawState and prepares to draw -- with it. This does not set the color at the same time, because different -- pictures need to apply the color, if any, in different ways, often outside of -- the action that sets up the geometry. withDS :: MonadCanvas m => DrawState -> m a -> m a withDS (DrawState (AffineTransformation ta tb tc td te tf) _col) action = CM.saveRestore $ do CM.transform ta tb tc td te tf CM.beginPath action setColor :: MonadCanvas m => Color -> m () setColor (RGBA r g b a) = do CM.strokeColor (round $ r * 255) (round $ g * 255) (round $ b * 255) a CM.fillColor (round $ r * 255) (round $ g * 255) (round $ b * 255) a applyColor :: MonadCanvas m => DrawState -> m () applyColor ds = case getColorDS ds of Nothing -> setColor (RGBA 0 0 0 1) Just c -> setColor c -- | A slower way to draw a picture, which has some useful properties. It -- can draw images in non-standard colors, and apply transparent colors -- properly to overlapping compositions of basic shapes. There must be a -- color in the DrawState. viaOffscreen :: MonadCanvas m => Color -> (Color -> m ()) -> m () viaOffscreen (RGBA r g b a) pic = do w <- CM.getScreenWidth h <- CM.getScreenHeight when (w > 0.5 && h > 0.5) $ do img <- CM.newImage (round w) (round h) CM.withImage img $ do setupScreenContext (round w) (round h) pic (RGBA r g b 1) CM.saveRestore $ do px <- pixelSize CM.scale px (- px) CM.globalAlpha a CM.drawImage img (round (- w / 2)) (round (- h / 2)) (round w) (round h) followPath :: MonadCanvas m => [Point] -> Bool -> Bool -> m () followPath [] _ _ = return () followPath [_] _ _ = return () followPath ((sx, sy) : ps) closed False = do CM.moveTo (sx, sy) forM_ ps $ \(x, y) -> CM.lineTo (x, y) when closed CM.closePath followPath [p1, p2] False True = followPath [p1, p2] False False followPath ps False True = do let [p1@(x1, y1), p2@(x2, y2), p3@(x3, y3)] = take 3 ps dprev = euclideanDistance p1 p2 dnext = euclideanDistance p2 p3 p = dprev / (dprev + dnext) cx = x2 + p * (x1 - x3) / 2 cy = y2 + p * (y1 - y3) / 2 CM.moveTo (x1, y1) CM.quadraticCurveTo (cx, cy) (x2, y2) forM_ (zip4 ps (tail ps) (tail $ tail ps) (tail $ tail $ tail ps)) $ \(p1@(x1, y1), p2@(x2, y2), p3@(x3, y3), p4@(x4, y4)) -> do let dp = euclideanDistance p1 p2 d1 = euclideanDistance p2 p3 d2 = euclideanDistance p3 p4 p = d1 / (d1 + d2) r = d1 / (dp + d1) cx1 = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2 cy1 = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2 cx2 = x3 + p * (x2 - x4) / 2 cy2 = y3 + p * (y2 - y4) / 2 CM.bezierCurveTo (cx1, cy1) (cx2, cy2) (x3, y3) let [p1@(x1, y1), p2@(x2, y2), p3@(x3, y3)] = reverse $ take 3 $ reverse ps dp = euclideanDistance p1 p2 d1 = euclideanDistance p2 p3 r = d1 / (dp + d1) cx = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2 cy = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2 CM.quadraticCurveTo (cx, cy) (x3, y3) followPath ps@(_ : (sx, sy) : _) True True = do CM.moveTo (sx, sy) let rep = cycle ps forM_ (zip4 ps (tail rep) (tail $ tail rep) (tail $ tail $ tail rep)) $ \(p1@(x1, y1), p2@(x2, y2), p3@(x3, y3), p4@(x4, y4)) -> do let dp = euclideanDistance p1 p2 d1 = euclideanDistance p2 p3 d2 = euclideanDistance p3 p4 p = d1 / (d1 + d2) r = d1 / (dp + d1) cx1 = x2 + r * (x3 - x1) / 2 cy1 = y2 + r * (y3 - y1) / 2 cx2 = x3 + p * (x2 - x4) / 2 cy2 = y3 + p * (y2 - y4) / 2 CM.bezierCurveTo (cx1, cy1) (cx2, cy2) (x3, y3) CM.closePath euclideanDistance :: Point -> Point -> Double euclideanDistance (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = sqrt $ square (x2 - x1) + square (y2 - y1) where square x = x * x drawFigure :: MonadCanvas m => DrawState -> Double -> m () -> m () drawFigure ds w figure = do withDS ds $ do figure when (w /= 0) $ do CM.lineWidth w applyColor ds CM.stroke when (w == 0) $ do CM.lineWidth =<< pixelSize applyColor ds CM.stroke fillFigure :: MonadCanvas m => DrawState -> m () -> m () fillFigure ds figure = do withDS ds figure applyColor ds CM.fill -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drawPicture :: MonadCanvas m => Picture -> DrawState -> m () drawPicture (SolidClosedCurve _ pts) ds = drawPolygon pts True ds drawPicture (SolidPolygon _ pts) ds = drawPolygon pts False ds drawPicture (Polygon _ pts) ds = drawPath pts 0 True False ds drawPicture (ThickPolygon _ pts w) ds = drawPath pts w True False ds drawPicture (Rectangle _ w h) ds = drawPath (rectangleVertices w h) 0 True False ds drawPicture (SolidRectangle _ w h) ds = drawPolygon (rectangleVertices w h) False ds drawPicture (ThickRectangle _ lw w h) ds = drawPath (rectangleVertices w h) lw True False ds drawPicture (ClosedCurve _ pts) ds = drawPath pts 0 True True ds drawPicture (ThickClosedCurve _ pts w) ds = drawPath pts w True True ds drawPicture (Circle _ r) ds = drawArc 0 (2 * pi) r 0 ds drawPicture (SolidCircle _ r) ds = drawSector 0 (2 * pi) r ds drawPicture (ThickCircle _ lw r) ds = drawArc 0 (2 * pi) r lw ds drawPicture (Polyline _ pts) ds = drawPath pts 0 False False ds drawPicture (ThickPolyline _ pts w) ds = drawPath pts w False False ds drawPicture (Curve _ pts) ds = drawPath pts 0 False True ds drawPicture (ThickCurve _ pts w) ds = drawPath pts w False True ds drawPicture (Sector _ b e r) ds = drawSector b e r ds drawPicture (Arc _ b e r) ds = drawArc b e r 0 ds drawPicture (ThickArc _ b e r w) ds = drawArc b e r w ds drawPicture (Lettering _ txt) ds = drawText Plain Serif txt ds drawPicture (Blank _) _ = return () drawPicture (StyledLettering _ sty fnt txt) ds = drawText sty fnt txt ds drawPicture (Sketch _ name url w h) ds = drawImage name url w h ds drawPicture (CoordinatePlane _) ds = drawPicture coordinatePlanePic ds drawPicture (Color _ col p) ds | isSimplePic p || isOpaque col = drawPicture p (setColorDS col ds) | otherwise = viaOffscreen col $ \c -> drawPicture p (setColorDS c ds) drawPicture (Translate _ x y p) ds = drawPicture p (translateDS x y ds) drawPicture (Scale _ x y p) ds = drawPicture p (scaleDS x y ds) drawPicture (Dilate _ k p) ds = drawPicture p (scaleDS k k ds) drawPicture (Rotate _ r p) ds = drawPicture p (rotateDS r ds) drawPicture (Reflect _ r p) ds = drawPicture p (reflectDS r ds) drawPicture (Clip _ x y p) ds = do withDS ds $ followPath (rectangleVertices x y) True False CM.saveRestore $ CM.clip >> drawPicture p ds drawPicture (Pictures _ ps) ds = forM_ (reverse ps) $ \p -> drawPicture p ds drawPicture (PictureAnd _ ps) ds = forM_ (reverse ps) $ \p -> drawPicture p ds pictureContains :: MonadCanvas m => Picture -> DrawState -> Point -> m Bool pictureContains (SolidClosedCurve _ pts) ds pt = polygonContains pts True ds pt pictureContains (SolidPolygon _ pts) ds pt = polygonContains pts False ds pt pictureContains (Polygon _ pts) ds pt = pathContains pts 0 True False ds pt pictureContains (ThickPolygon _ pts w) ds pt = pathContains pts w True False ds pt pictureContains (Rectangle _ w h) ds pt = pathContains (rectangleVertices w h) 0 True False ds pt pictureContains (SolidRectangle _ w h) ds pt = polygonContains (rectangleVertices w h) False ds pt pictureContains (ThickRectangle _ lw w h) ds pt = pathContains (rectangleVertices w h) lw True False ds pt pictureContains (ClosedCurve _ pts) ds pt = pathContains pts 0 True True ds pt pictureContains (ThickClosedCurve _ pts w) ds pt = pathContains pts w True True ds pt pictureContains (Circle _ r) ds pt = arcContains 0 (2 * pi) r 0 ds pt pictureContains (SolidCircle _ r) ds pt = sectorContains 0 (2 * pi) r ds pt pictureContains (ThickCircle _ lw r) ds pt = arcContains 0 (2 * pi) r lw ds pt pictureContains (Polyline _ pts) ds pt = pathContains pts 0 False False ds pt pictureContains (ThickPolyline _ pts w) ds pt = pathContains pts w False False ds pt pictureContains (Curve _ pts) ds pt = pathContains pts 0 False True ds pt pictureContains (ThickCurve _ pts w) ds pt = pathContains pts w False True ds pt pictureContains (Sector _ b e r) ds pt = sectorContains b e r ds pt pictureContains (Arc _ b e r) ds pt = arcContains b e r 0 ds pt pictureContains (ThickArc _ b e r w) ds pt = arcContains b e r w ds pt pictureContains (Lettering _ txt) ds pt = textContains Plain Serif txt ds pt pictureContains (Blank _) _ _ = return False pictureContains (StyledLettering _ sty fnt txt) ds pt = textContains sty fnt txt ds pt pictureContains (Sketch _ name url w h) ds pt = imageContains name url w h ds pt pictureContains (CoordinatePlane _) ds pt = pictureContains coordinatePlanePic ds pt pictureContains (Color _ _ p) ds pt = pictureContains p ds pt pictureContains (Translate _ x y p) ds pt = pictureContains p (translateDS x y ds) pt pictureContains (Scale _ x y p) ds pt = pictureContains p (scaleDS x y ds) pt pictureContains (Dilate _ k p) ds pt = pictureContains p (scaleDS k k ds) pt pictureContains (Rotate _ r p) ds pt = pictureContains p (rotateDS r ds) pt pictureContains (Reflect _ r p) ds pt = pictureContains p (reflectDS r ds) pt pictureContains (Clip _ x y p) ds pt = (&&) <$> polygonContains (rectangleVertices x y) False ds pt <*> pictureContains p ds pt pictureContains (Pictures _ ps) ds pt = orM [pictureContains p ds pt | p <- ps] pictureContains (PictureAnd _ ps) ds pt = orM [pictureContains p ds pt | p <- ps] isSimplePic :: Picture -> Bool isSimplePic (Pictures _ []) = True isSimplePic (Pictures _ [p]) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (Pictures _ _) = False isSimplePic (PictureAnd _ []) = True isSimplePic (PictureAnd _ [p]) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (PictureAnd _ _) = False isSimplePic (Translate _ _ _ p) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (Scale _ _ _ p) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (Dilate _ _ p) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (Rotate _ _ p) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (Reflect _ _ p) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (Clip _ _ _ p) = isSimplePic p isSimplePic (Color _ c p) = not (isOpaque c) || isSimplePic p isSimplePic _ = True isOpaque :: Color -> Bool isOpaque (RGBA _ _ _ 1) = True isOpaque _ = False drawPolygon :: MonadCanvas m => [Point] -> Bool -> DrawState -> m () drawPolygon ps smooth ds = fillFigure ds $ followPath ps True smooth polygonContains :: MonadCanvas m => [Point] -> Bool -> DrawState -> Point -> m Bool polygonContains ps smooth ds p = do withDS ds $ followPath ps True smooth CM.isPointInPath p drawPath :: MonadCanvas m => [Point] -> Double -> Bool -> Bool -> DrawState -> m () drawPath ps w closed smooth ds = drawFigure ds w $ followPath ps closed smooth pathContains :: MonadCanvas m => [Point] -> Double -> Bool -> Bool -> DrawState -> Point -> m Bool pathContains ps w closed smooth ds p = do s <- pixelSize drawFigure ds (max s w) $ followPath ps closed smooth CM.isPointInStroke p drawSector :: MonadCanvas m => Double -> Double -> Double -> DrawState -> m () drawSector b e r ds = fillFigure ds $ CM.arc 0 0 (abs r) b e (b > e) >> CM.lineTo (0, 0) sectorContains :: MonadCanvas m => Double -> Double -> Double -> DrawState -> Point -> m Bool sectorContains b e r ds p = do withDS ds $ CM.arc 0 0 (abs r) b e (b > e) >> CM.lineTo (0, 0) CM.isPointInPath p drawArc :: MonadCanvas m => Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> DrawState -> m () drawArc b e r w ds = drawFigure ds w $ CM.arc 0 0 (abs r) b e (b > e) arcContains :: MonadCanvas m => Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> DrawState -> Point -> m Bool arcContains b e r w ds p = do s <- pixelSize let width = max s w CM.lineWidth width drawFigure ds width $ CM.arc 0 0 (abs r) b e (b > e) CM.isPointInStroke p drawText :: MonadCanvas m => TextStyle -> Font -> Text -> DrawState -> m () drawText sty fnt txt ds = withDS ds $ do CM.scale (1 / 25) (-1 / 25) applyColor ds CM.font (fontString sty fnt) CM.fillText txt (0, 0) textContains :: MonadCanvas m => TextStyle -> Font -> Text -> DrawState -> Point -> m Bool textContains sty fnt txt ds p = do CM.font (fontString sty fnt) width <- (/ 25) <$> CM.measureText txt let height = 1 -- constant, defined in fontString withDS ds $ CM.rect ((-0.5) * width) ((-0.5) * height) width height CM.isPointInPath p fontString :: TextStyle -> Font -> Text fontString style font = stylePrefix style <> "25px " <> fontName font where stylePrefix Plain = "" stylePrefix Bold = "bold " stylePrefix Italic = "italic " fontName SansSerif = "sans-serif" fontName Serif = "serif" fontName Monospace = "monospace" fontName Handwriting = "cursive" fontName Fancy = "fantasy" fontName (NamedFont txt) = "\"" <> T.filter (/= '"') txt <> "\"" drawImage :: MonadCanvas m => Text -> Text -> Double -> Double -> DrawState -> m () drawImage name url imgw imgh ds = case getColorDS ds of -- Fast path: draw in original color. Nothing -> withDS ds $ do CM.scale 1 (-1) CM.drawImgURL name url imgw imgh -- Slow path: draw in a different color via an offscreen canvas. Just oc -> viaOffscreen oc $ \c -> do setColor c w <- CM.getScreenWidth h <- CM.getScreenHeight CM.fillRect (- w / 2) (- h / 2) w h CM.globalCompositeOperation "destination-in" withDS ds $ do CM.scale 1 (-1) CM.drawImgURL name url imgw imgh imageContains :: MonadCanvas m => Text -> Text -> Double -> Double -> DrawState -> Point -> m Bool imageContains _ _ imgw imgh ds p = withDS ds $ do CM.rect (- imgw / 2) (- imgh / 2) imgw imgh CM.isPointInPath p coordinatePlanePic :: Picture coordinatePlanePic = axes <> numbers <> guidelines where xline y = colored (RGBA 0 0 0 0.25) $ polyline [(-10, y), (10, y)] xaxis = colored (RGBA 0 0 0 0.75) $ polyline [(-10, 0), (10, 0)] axes = xaxis <> rotated (pi / 2) xaxis xguidelines = pictures [xline k | k <- [-10, -9 .. 10]] guidelines = xguidelines <> rotated (pi / 2) xguidelines numbers = xnumbers <> ynumbers xnumbers = pictures [ translated (fromIntegral k) 0.3 (scaled 0.5 0.5 (lettering (T.pack (show k)))) | k <- [-9, -8 .. 9], k /= (0 :: Int) ] ynumbers = pictures [ translated 0.3 (fromIntegral k) (scaled 0.5 0.5 (lettering (T.pack (show k)))) | k <- [-9, -8 .. 9], k /= (0 :: Int) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clearScreen :: MonadCanvas m => m () clearScreen = do w <- CM.getScreenWidth h <- CM.getScreenHeight px <- pixelSize CM.fillColor 255 255 255 1 CM.fillRect (- w / 2 * px) (- h / 2 * px) (w * px) (h * px) drawFrame :: MonadCanvas m => Picture -> m () drawFrame pic = clearScreen >> drawPicture pic initialDS pixelSize :: MonadCanvas m => m Double pixelSize = do cw <- CM.getScreenWidth ch <- CM.getScreenHeight return $ max (20 / realToFrac cw) (20 / realToFrac ch) setupScreenContext :: MonadCanvas m => Int -> Int -> m () setupScreenContext cw ch = do CM.translate (realToFrac cw / 2) (realToFrac ch / 2) s <- pixelSize CM.scale (1 / s) (-1 / s) CM.lineWidth 0 CM.textCenter CM.textMiddle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A NodeId a unique id for each node in a Picture, chosen by the order the node -- appears in DFS. Always >=0. newtype NodeId = NodeId {getNodeId :: Int} deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show) getChildNodes :: Picture -> [Picture] getChildNodes (Color _ _ p) = [p] getChildNodes (Translate _ _ _ p) = [p] getChildNodes (Scale _ _ _ p) = [p] getChildNodes (Dilate _ _ p) = [p] getChildNodes (Rotate _ _ p) = [p] getChildNodes (Reflect _ _ p) = [p] getChildNodes (Clip _ _ _ p) = [p] getChildNodes (Pictures _ ps) = ps getChildNodes (PictureAnd _ ps) = ps getChildNodes _ = [] findTopShape :: MonadCanvas m => DrawState -> Picture -> Double -> Double -> m (Maybe NodeId) findTopShape ds pic x y = do (found, n) <- searchSingle ds pic x y return $ if found then Just (NodeId n) else Nothing where searchSingle ds (Color _ _ p) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchSingle ds p x y searchSingle ds (Translate _ dx dy p) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchSingle (translateDS dx dy ds) p x y searchSingle ds (Scale _ sx sy p) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchSingle (scaleDS sx sy ds) p x y searchSingle ds (Dilate _ k p) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchSingle (scaleDS k k ds) p x y searchSingle ds (Rotate _ a p) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchSingle (rotateDS a ds) p x y searchSingle ds (Reflect _ a p) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchSingle (reflectDS a ds) p x y searchSingle ds (Clip _ w h p) x y = do inClip <- polygonContains (rectangleVertices w h) False ds (x, y) fmap (+ 1) <$> if inClip then searchSingle ds p x y else return (False, countNodes p) searchSingle ds (Pictures _ ps) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchMulti ds ps x y searchSingle ds (PictureAnd _ ps) x y = fmap (+ 1) <$> searchMulti ds ps x y searchSingle ds p x y = do contained <- pictureContains p ds (x, y) if contained then pure (True, 0) else pure (False, 1) searchMulti _ [] _ _ = return (False, 0) searchMulti ds (pic : pics) x y = do (found, count) <- searchSingle ds pic x y if found then pure (True, count) else fmap (+ count) <$> searchMulti ds pics x y countNodes p = 1 + sum (map countNodes (getChildNodes p)) -- If a picture is found, the result will include an array of the base picture -- and all transformations. findTopShapeFromPoint :: MonadCanvas m => Point -> Picture -> m (Maybe NodeId) findTopShapeFromPoint (x, y) pic = do cw <- CM.getScreenWidth ch <- CM.getScreenHeight img <- CM.newImage (round cw) (round ch) CM.withImage img $ do setupScreenContext (round cw) (round ch) findTopShape initialDS pic x y trim :: Int -> String -> String trim x y | x >= length y = y | otherwise = take mid y ++ "..." ++ reverse (take mid $ reverse y) where mid = (x - 3) `div` 2 showFloat :: Bool -> Double -> String showFloat needNegParens x | needNegParens && x < 0 = "(" ++ result ++ ")" | otherwise = result where result = stripZeros (showFFloatAlt (Just 4) x "") stripZeros = reverse . dropWhile (== '.') . dropWhile (== '0') . reverse showPoints :: [Point] -> String showPoints pts = "[" ++ intercalate ", " [ "(" ++ showFloat False x ++ ", " ++ showFloat False y ++ ")" | (x, y) <- pts ] ++ "]" showColor :: Color -> String showColor c@(RGBA r g b a) | c == black = "black" | c == white = "white" | c == red = "red" | c == green = "green" | c == blue = "blue" | c == yellow = "yellow" | c == orange = "orange" | c == brown = "brown" | c == pink = "pink" | c == purple = "purple" | c == gray = "gray" | haskellMode, a == 1 = printf "(RGB %s %s %s)" (showFloat True r) (showFloat True g) (showFloat True b) | a == 1 = printf "RGB(%s, %s, %s)" (showFloat False r) (showFloat False g) (showFloat False b) | haskellMode = printf "(RGBA %s %s %s %s)" (showFloat True r) (showFloat True g) (showFloat True b) (showFloat True a) | otherwise = printf "RGBA(%s, %s, %s, %s)" (showFloat False r) (showFloat False g) (showFloat False b) (showFloat False a) describePicture :: Picture -> String describePicture (Rectangle _ w h) | haskellMode = printf "rectangle %s %s" (showFloat True w) (showFloat True h) | otherwise = printf "rectangle(%s, %s)" (showFloat False w) (showFloat False h) describePicture (SolidRectangle _ w h) | haskellMode = printf "solidRectangle %s %s" (showFloat True w) (showFloat True h) | otherwise = printf "solidRectangle(%s, %s)" (showFloat False w) (showFloat False h) describePicture (ThickRectangle _ lw w h) | haskellMode = printf "thickRectangle %s %s %s" (showFloat True lw) (showFloat True w) (showFloat True h) | otherwise = printf "thickRectangle(%s, %s, %s)" (showFloat False w) (showFloat False h) (showFloat False lw) describePicture (Circle _ r) | haskellMode = printf "circle %s" (showFloat True r) | otherwise = printf "circle(%s)" (showFloat False r) describePicture (SolidCircle _ r) | haskellMode = printf "solidCircle %s" (showFloat True r) | otherwise = printf "solidCircle(%s)" (showFloat False r) describePicture (ThickCircle _ lw r) | haskellMode = printf "thickCircle %s %s" (showFloat True lw) (showFloat True r) | otherwise = printf "thickCircle(%s, %s)" (showFloat False r) (showFloat False lw) describePicture (SolidPolygon _ pts) | haskellMode = printf "solidPolygon %s" (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "solidPolygon(%s)" (showPoints pts) describePicture (SolidClosedCurve _ pts) | haskellMode = printf "solidClosedCurve %s" (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "solidClosedCurve(%s)" (showPoints pts) describePicture (Polygon _ pts) | haskellMode = printf "polygon %s" (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "polygon(%s)" (showPoints pts) describePicture (ThickPolygon _ pts w) | haskellMode = printf "thickPolygon %s %s" (showFloat True w) (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "thickPolygon(%s, %s)" (showPoints pts) (showFloat False w) describePicture (ClosedCurve _ pts) | haskellMode = printf "closedCurve %s" (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "closedCurve(%s)" (showPoints pts) describePicture (ThickClosedCurve _ pts w) | haskellMode = printf "thickClosedCurve %s %s" (showFloat True w) (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "thickClosedCurve(%s, %s)" (showPoints pts) (showFloat False w) describePicture (Polyline _ pts) | haskellMode = printf "polyline %s" (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "polyline(%s)" (showPoints pts) describePicture (ThickPolyline _ pts w) | haskellMode = printf "thickPolyline %s %s" (showFloat True w) (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "thickPolyline(%s, %s)" (showPoints pts) (showFloat False w) describePicture (Curve _ pts) | haskellMode = printf "curve %s" (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "curve(%s)" (showPoints pts) describePicture (ThickCurve _ pts w) | haskellMode = printf "thickCurve %s %s" (showFloat True w) (showPoints pts) | otherwise = printf "thickCurve(%s, %s)" (showPoints pts) (showFloat False w) describePicture (Sector _ b e r) | haskellMode = printf "sector %s %s %s" (showFloat True b) (showFloat True e) (showFloat True r) | otherwise = printf "sector(%s°, %s°, %s)" (showFloat False (180 * b / pi)) (showFloat False (180 * e / pi)) (showFloat False r) describePicture (Arc _ b e r) | haskellMode = printf "arc %s %s %s" (showFloat True b) (showFloat True e) (showFloat True r) | otherwise = printf "arc(%s°, %s°, %s)" (showFloat False (180 * b / pi)) (showFloat False (180 * e / pi)) (showFloat False r) describePicture (ThickArc _ b e r w) | haskellMode = printf "thickArc %s %s %s %s" (showFloat True w) (showFloat True b) (showFloat True e) (showFloat True r) | otherwise = printf "thickArc(%s°, %s°, %s, %s)" (showFloat False (180 * b / pi)) (showFloat False (180 * e / pi)) (showFloat False r) (showFloat False w) describePicture (Lettering _ txt) | haskellMode = printf "lettering %s" (show txt) | otherwise = printf "lettering(%s)" (show txt) describePicture (Blank _) = "blank" describePicture (StyledLettering _ style font txt) | haskellMode = printf "styledLettering %s %s %s" (showsPrec 10 style "") (showsPrec 10 font "") (show txt) | otherwise = printf "styledLettering(%s, %s, %s)" (show txt) (show font) (show style) describePicture (Color _ c _) | haskellMode = printf "colored %s" (showColor c) | otherwise = printf "colored(..., %s)" (showColor c) describePicture (Translate _ x y _) | haskellMode = printf "translated %s %s" (showFloat True x) (showFloat True y) | otherwise = printf "translated(..., %s, %s)" (showFloat False x) (showFloat False y) describePicture (Scale _ x y _) | haskellMode = printf "scaled %s %s" (showFloat True x) (showFloat True y) | otherwise = printf "scaled(..., %s, %s)" (showFloat False x) (showFloat False y) describePicture (Rotate _ angle _) | haskellMode = printf "rotated %s" (showFloat True angle) | otherwise = printf "rotated(..., %s°)" (showFloat False (180 * angle / pi)) describePicture (Reflect _ angle _) | haskellMode = printf "reflected %s" (showFloat True angle) | otherwise = printf "reflected(..., %s°)" (showFloat False (180 * angle / pi)) describePicture (Clip _ x y _) | haskellMode = printf "clipped %s %s" (showFloat True x) (showFloat True y) | otherwise = printf "clipped(..., %s, %s)" (showFloat False x) (showFloat False y) describePicture (Dilate _ k _) | haskellMode = printf "dilated %s" (showFloat True k) | otherwise = printf "dilated(..., %s)" (showFloat False k) describePicture (Sketch _ name _ _ _) = T.unpack name describePicture (CoordinatePlane _) = "coordinatePlane" describePicture (Pictures _ _) | haskellMode = "pictures" | otherwise = "pictures(...)" describePicture (PictureAnd _ _) | haskellMode = "(&)" | otherwise = "... & ..." getPictureSrcLoc :: Picture -> Maybe SrcLoc getPictureSrcLoc (SolidPolygon loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (SolidClosedCurve loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Polygon loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ThickPolygon loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Rectangle loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (SolidRectangle loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ThickRectangle loc _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ClosedCurve loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ThickClosedCurve loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Circle loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (SolidCircle loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ThickCircle loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Polyline loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ThickPolyline loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Curve loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ThickCurve loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Sector loc _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Arc loc _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (ThickArc loc _ _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Lettering loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Blank loc) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (StyledLettering loc _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Color loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Translate loc _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Scale loc _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Dilate loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Rotate loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Reflect loc _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Clip loc _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Sketch loc _ _ _ _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (CoordinatePlane loc) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (Pictures loc _) = loc getPictureSrcLoc (PictureAnd loc _) = loc #ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHCJS implementation of drawing -- Debug Mode logic foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.drawImage($2, $3, $4, $5, $6);" canvasDrawImage :: Canvas.Context -> Element -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO () foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.getContext('2d', { alpha: false })" getCodeWorldContext :: Canvas.Canvas -> IO Canvas.Context getCanvas :: IO Element getCanvas = do js_showCanvas Just doc <- currentDocument mcanvas <- getElementById doc ("screen" :: JSString) case mcanvas of Just canvas -> return canvas Nothing -> do body <- getBodyUnsafe doc setAttribute body ("style" :: JSString) ("margin: 0; overflow: hidden" :: JSString) canvas <- createElement doc ("canvas" :: JSString) setAttribute canvas ("id" :: JSString) ("screen" :: JSString) setAttribute canvas ("style" :: JSString) ("cursor: default; width: 100vw; height: 100vh;" :: JSString) _ <- appendChild body canvas return canvas foreign import javascript unsafe "showCanvas()" js_showCanvas :: IO () canvasFromElement :: Element -> Canvas.Canvas canvasFromElement = Canvas.Canvas . unElement elementFromCanvas :: Canvas.Canvas -> Element elementFromCanvas = pFromJSVal . jsval createFrameRenderer :: Element -> IO (Picture -> IO ()) createFrameRenderer canvas = do offscreenCanvas <- Canvas.create 500 500 screen <- getCodeWorldContext (canvasFromElement canvas) return $ \pic -> withoutPreemption $ do setCanvasSize (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas) canvas rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas withScreen (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas) rect (drawFrame pic) cw <- DOMRect.getWidth rect ch <- DOMRect.getHeight rect when (cw > 0.5 && ch > 0.5) $ canvasDrawImage screen (elementFromCanvas offscreenCanvas) 0 0 (round cw) (round ch) getTime :: IO Double getTime = (/ 1000) <$> Performance.now nextFrame :: IO Double nextFrame = (/ 1000) <$> waitForAnimationFrame data Node = Node { nodeId :: NodeId , nodeName :: String , nodeSrcLoc :: Maybe SrcLoc , nodeSubs :: SubNodes } data SubNodes = NoSubNodes | SubNode Node | SubNodes [Node] instance ToJSON Node where toJSON (Node id name srcLoc subs) = object $ ["id" .= getNodeId id , "name" .= name] <> srcLoc' <> subs' where srcLoc' = case srcLoc of Nothing -> [] Just loc -> [ "startLine" .= srcLocStartLine loc , "startCol" .= srcLocStartCol loc , "endLine" .= srcLocEndLine loc , "endCol" .= srcLocEndCol loc ] subs' = case subs of NoSubNodes -> [] SubNode node -> ["picture" .= node] SubNodes nodes -> ["pictures" .= nodes] pictureToNode :: Picture -> Node pictureToNode = flip State.evalState (NodeId 0) . go where go pic = case pic of Pictures _ ps -> nodeWithChildren pic ps PictureAnd _ ps -> nodeWithChildren pic ps Color _ _ p -> nodeWithChild pic p Translate _ _ _ p -> nodeWithChild pic p Scale _ _ _ p -> nodeWithChild pic p Dilate _ _ p -> nodeWithChild pic p Rotate _ _ p -> nodeWithChild pic p Reflect _ _ p -> nodeWithChild pic p Clip _ _ _ p -> nodeWithChild pic p SolidPolygon _ _ -> leafNode pic SolidClosedCurve _ _ -> leafNode pic Polygon _ _ -> leafNode pic ThickPolygon _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Rectangle _ _ _ -> leafNode pic SolidRectangle _ _ _ -> leafNode pic ThickRectangle _ _ _ _ -> leafNode pic ClosedCurve _ _ -> leafNode pic ThickClosedCurve _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Polyline _ _ -> leafNode pic ThickPolyline _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Curve _ _ -> leafNode pic ThickCurve _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Circle _ _ -> leafNode pic SolidCircle _ _ -> leafNode pic ThickCircle _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Sector _ _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Arc _ _ _ _ -> leafNode pic ThickArc _ _ _ _ _ -> leafNode pic StyledLettering _ _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Lettering _ _ -> leafNode pic CoordinatePlane _ -> leafNode pic Sketch _ _ _ _ _ -> leafNode pic Blank _ -> leafNode pic nodeWithChildren pic subs = node pic (SubNodes <$> traverse go subs) nodeWithChild pic sub = node pic (SubNode <$> go sub) leafNode pic = node pic (pure NoSubNodes) node pic getSubNodes = do nodeId <- State.get <* State.modify' succ let nodeName = trim 80 . describePicture $ pic let nodeSrcLoc = getPictureSrcLoc pic nodeSubs <- getSubNodes pure (Node {..}) foreign import javascript unsafe "/\\bmode=haskell\\b/.test(location.search)" haskellMode :: Bool withScreen :: Element -> DOMRect.DOMRect -> CanvasM a -> IO a withScreen canvas rect action = do cw <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getWidth rect ch <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getHeight rect ctx <- getCodeWorldContext (canvasFromElement canvas) runCanvasM (cw, ch) ctx $ CM.saveRestore $ do setupScreenContext (round cw) (round ch) action setCanvasSize :: Element -> Element -> IO () setCanvasSize target canvas = do rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas cx <- DOMRect.getWidth rect cy <- DOMRect.getHeight rect setAttribute target ("width" :: JSString) (show (round cx :: Int)) setAttribute target ("height" :: JSString) (show (round cy :: Int)) #else -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stand-alone implementation of drawing haskellMode :: Bool haskellMode = True type Port = Int readPortFromEnv :: String -> Port -> IO Port readPortFromEnv envName defaultPort = do ms <- lookupEnv envName return (fromMaybe defaultPort (ms >>= readMaybe)) runBlankCanvas :: (Canvas.DeviceContext -> IO ()) -> IO () runBlankCanvas act = do port <- readPortFromEnv "CODEWORLD_API_PORT" 3000 let options = (fromIntegral port) { Canvas.events = ["mousedown", "mouseup", "mousemove", "keydown", "keyup"] } putStrLn $ printf "Open me on" (Canvas.port options) Canvas.blankCanvas options $ \context -> do putStrLn "Program is starting..." act context #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Common event handling and core interaction code keyCodeToText :: Word -> Text keyCodeToText n = case n of _ | n >= 47 && n <= 90 -> fromAscii n _ | n >= 96 && n <= 105 -> fromNum (n - 96) _ | n >= 112 && n <= 135 -> "F" <> fromNum (n - 111) 3 -> "Cancel" 6 -> "Help" 8 -> "Backspace" 9 -> "Tab" 12 -> "5" 13 -> "Enter" 16 -> "Shift" 17 -> "Ctrl" 18 -> "Alt" 19 -> "Break" 20 -> "CapsLock" 27 -> "Esc" 32 -> " " 33 -> "PageUp" 34 -> "PageDown" 35 -> "End" 36 -> "Home" 37 -> "Left" 38 -> "Up" 39 -> "Right" 40 -> "Down" 42 -> "*" 43 -> "+" 44 -> "PrintScreen" 45 -> "Insert" 46 -> "Delete" 47 -> "Help" 91 -> "OS" 92 -> "OS" 93 -> "ContextMenu" 106 -> "*" 107 -> "+" 108 -> "," 109 -> "-" 110 -> "." 111 -> "/" 144 -> "NumLock" 145 -> "ScrollLock" 173 -> "-" 186 -> ";" 187 -> "=" 188 -> "," 189 -> "-" 190 -> "." 191 -> "/" 192 -> "`" 193 -> "IntlRo" 194 -> "," 219 -> "[" 220 -> "\\" 221 -> "]" 222 -> "'" 225 -> "AltGraph" 255 -> "IntlYen" _ -> "Unknown:" <> fromNum n where fromAscii n = T.singleton (chr (fromIntegral n)) fromNum n = T.pack (show n) isUniversallyConstant :: (a -> s -> s) -> s -> Bool isUniversallyConstant f old = unsafePerformIO $ falseOr $ do oldName <- makeStableName $! old genName <- makeStableName $! f undefined old return (genName == oldName) where falseOr x = x `catch` \(_ :: SomeException) -> return False ifDifferent :: (s -> s) -> s -> Maybe s ifDifferent f s0 = unsafePerformIO $ do oldName <- makeStableName $! s0 newName <- makeStableName $! s1 if newName == oldName then return Nothing else return (Just s1) where s1 = f s0 modifyMVarIfDifferent :: MVar s -> (s -> s) -> IO Bool modifyMVarIfDifferent var f = modifyMVar var $ \s0 -> case ifDifferent f s0 of Nothing -> return (s0, False) Just s1 -> return (s1, True) data GameToken = FullToken { tokenDeployHash :: Text, tokenNumPlayers :: Int, tokenInitial :: StaticKey, tokenStep :: StaticKey, tokenEvent :: StaticKey, tokenDraw :: StaticKey } | SteplessToken { tokenDeployHash :: Text, tokenNumPlayers :: Int, tokenInitial :: StaticKey, tokenEvent :: StaticKey, tokenDraw :: StaticKey } | PartialToken {tokenDeployHash :: Text} deriving (Generic) deriving instance Generic Fingerprint instance Serialize Fingerprint instance Serialize GameToken #ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- GHCJS event handling and core interaction code screenCoordsToPoint :: Element -> Double -> Double -> IO Point screenCoordsToPoint canvas sx sy = do rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas cx <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getX rect cy <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getY rect cw <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getWidth rect ch <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getHeight rect let unitLen = min cw ch / 20 let midx = cx + cw / 2 let midy = cy + ch / 2 return ((sx - midx) / unitLen, (midy - sy) / unitLen) getMousePos :: IsMouseEvent e => Element -> EventM w e Point getMousePos canvas = do (ix, iy) <- mouseClientXY liftIO $ screenCoordsToPoint canvas (fromIntegral ix) (fromIntegral iy) onEvents :: Element -> (Event -> IO ()) -> IO () onEvents canvas handler = do Just window <- currentWindow _ <- on window keyDown $ do code <- getKeyCode =<< event let keyName = keyCodeToText code when (keyName /= "") $ do liftIO $ handler (KeyPress keyName) preventDefault stopPropagation key <- getKey =<< event when (T.length key == 1) $ do liftIO $ handler (TextEntry key) preventDefault stopPropagation _ <- on window keyUp $ do code <- getKeyCode =<< event let keyName = keyCodeToText code when (keyName /= "") $ do liftIO $ handler (KeyRelease keyName) preventDefault stopPropagation _ <- on window mouseDown $ do pos <- getMousePos canvas liftIO $ handler (PointerPress pos) _ <- on window mouseUp $ do pos <- getMousePos canvas liftIO $ handler (PointerRelease pos) _ <- on window mouseMove $ do pos <- getMousePos canvas liftIO $ handler (PointerMovement pos) return () encodeEvent :: (Timestamp, Maybe Event) -> String encodeEvent = show decodeEvent :: String -> Maybe (Timestamp, Maybe Event) decodeEvent = readMaybe data GameState s = Main (UIState SMain) | Connecting WS.WebSocket (UIState SConnect) | Waiting WS.WebSocket GameId PlayerId (UIState SWait) | Running WS.WebSocket GameId Timestamp PlayerId (Future s) gameTime :: GameState s -> Timestamp -> Double gameTime (Running _ _ tstart _ _) t = t - tstart gameTime _ _ = 0 -- It's worth trying to keep the canonical animation rate exactly representable -- as a float, to minimize the chance of divergence due to rounding error. gameRate :: Double gameRate = 1 / 16 gameStep :: (Double -> s -> s) -> Double -> GameState s -> GameState s gameStep _ t (Main s) = Main (CUI.step t s) gameStep _ t (Connecting ws s) = Connecting ws (CUI.step t s) gameStep _ t (Waiting ws gid pid s) = Waiting ws gid pid (CUI.step t s) gameStep step t (Running ws gid tstart pid s) = Running ws gid tstart pid (currentTimePasses step gameRate (t - tstart) s) gameDraw :: (Double -> s -> s) -> (PlayerId -> s -> Picture) -> GameState s -> Timestamp -> Picture gameDraw _ _ (Main s) _ = CUI.picture s gameDraw _ _ (Connecting _ s) _ = CUI.picture s gameDraw _ _ (Waiting _ _ _ s) _ = CUI.picture s gameDraw step draw (Running _ _ tstart pid s) t = draw pid (currentState step gameRate (t - tstart) s) handleServerMessage :: Int -> (StdGen -> s) -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (PlayerId -> Event -> s -> s) -> MVar (GameState s) -> ServerMessage -> IO () handleServerMessage numPlayers initial stepHandler eventHandler gsm sm = do modifyMVar_ gsm $ \gs -> do t <- getTime case (sm, gs) of (GameAborted, _) -> return initialGameState (JoinedAs pid gid, Connecting ws s) -> return (Waiting ws gid pid (CUI.startWaiting gid s)) (PlayersWaiting m n, Waiting ws gid pid s) -> return (Waiting ws gid pid (CUI.updatePlayers n m s)) (Started, Waiting ws gid pid _) -> do let s = initFuture (initial (mkStdGen (hash gid))) numPlayers return (Running ws gid t pid s) (OutEvent pid eo, Running ws gid tstart mypid s) -> case decodeEvent eo of Just (t', event) -> let ours = pid == mypid func = eventHandler pid <$> event -- might be a ping (Nothing) result | ours = s -- we already took care of our events | otherwise = addEvent stepHandler gameRate mypid t' func s in return (Running ws gid tstart mypid result) Nothing -> return (Running ws gid tstart mypid s) _ -> return gs return () gameHandle :: Int -> (StdGen -> s) -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (PlayerId -> Event -> s -> s) -> GameToken -> MVar (GameState s) -> Event -> IO () gameHandle numPlayers initial stepHandler eventHandler token gsm event = do gs <- takeMVar gsm case gs of Main s -> case CUI.event event s of ContinueMain s' -> do putMVar gsm (Main s') Create s' -> do ws <- connectToGameServer (handleServerMessage numPlayers initial stepHandler eventHandler gsm) sendClientMessage ws (NewGame numPlayers (encode token)) putMVar gsm (Connecting ws s') Join gid s' -> do ws <- connectToGameServer (handleServerMessage numPlayers initial stepHandler eventHandler gsm) sendClientMessage ws (JoinGame gid (encode token)) putMVar gsm (Connecting ws s') Connecting ws s -> case CUI.event event s of ContinueConnect s' -> do putMVar gsm (Connecting ws s') CancelConnect s' -> do WS.close Nothing Nothing ws putMVar gsm (Main s') Waiting ws gid pid s -> case CUI.event event s of ContinueWait s' -> do putMVar gsm (Waiting ws gid pid s') CancelWait s' -> do WS.close Nothing Nothing ws putMVar gsm (Main s') Running ws gid tstart pid f -> do t <- getTime let gameState0 = currentState stepHandler gameRate (t - tstart) f let eventFun = eventHandler pid event case ifDifferent eventFun gameState0 of Nothing -> putMVar gsm gs Just _ -> do sendClientMessage ws (InEvent (encodeEvent (gameTime gs t, Just event))) let f1 = addEvent stepHandler gameRate pid (t - tstart) (Just eventFun) f putMVar gsm (Running ws gid tstart pid f1) getWebSocketURL :: IO JSString getWebSocketURL = do loc <- Loc.getWindowLocation proto <- Loc.getProtocol loc hostname <- Loc.getHostname loc let url = case proto of "http:" -> "ws://" <> hostname <> ":9160/gameserver" "https:" -> "wss://" <> hostname <> "/gameserver" _ -> error "Unrecognized protocol" return url connectToGameServer :: (ServerMessage -> IO ()) -> IO WS.WebSocket connectToGameServer handleServerMessage = do let handleWSRequest m = do maybeSM <- decodeServerMessage m case maybeSM of Nothing -> return () Just sm -> handleServerMessage sm wsURL <- getWebSocketURL let req = WS.WebSocketRequest { url = wsURL , protocols = [] , onClose = Just $ \_ -> handleServerMessage GameAborted , onMessage = Just handleWSRequest } WS.connect req where decodeServerMessage :: WS.MessageEvent -> IO (Maybe ServerMessage) decodeServerMessage m = case WS.getData m of WS.StringData str -> do return $ readMaybe (Data.JSString.unpack str) _ -> return Nothing sendClientMessage :: WS.WebSocket -> ClientMessage -> IO () sendClientMessage ws msg = WS.send (encodeClientMessage msg) ws where encodeClientMessage :: ClientMessage -> JSString encodeClientMessage m = Data.JSString.pack (show m) initialGameState :: GameState s initialGameState = Main CUI.initial foreign import javascript unsafe "cw$deterministic_math();" enableDeterministicMath :: IO () runGame :: GameToken -> Int -> (StdGen -> s) -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (Int -> Event -> s -> s) -> (Int -> s -> Picture) -> IO () runGame token numPlayers initial stepHandler eventHandler drawHandler = do enableDeterministicMath let fullStepHandler dt = stepHandler dt . eventHandler (-1) (TimePassing dt) canvas <- getCanvas setCanvasSize canvas canvas Just window <- currentWindow _ <- on window resize $ do liftIO $ setCanvasSize canvas canvas frameRenderer <- createFrameRenderer canvas currentGameState <- newMVar initialGameState onEvents canvas $ gameHandle numPlayers initial fullStepHandler eventHandler token currentGameState let go t0 lastFrame = do gs <- readMVar currentGameState let pic = gameDraw fullStepHandler drawHandler gs t0 picFrame <- makeStableName $! pic when (picFrame /= lastFrame) $ frameRenderer pic t1 <- nextFrame modifyMVar_ currentGameState $ return . gameStep fullStepHandler t1 go t1 picFrame t0 <- nextFrame nullFrame <- makeStableName undefined go t0 nullFrame getDeployHash :: IO Text getDeployHash = pFromJSVal <$> js_getDeployHash foreign import javascript "/[&?]dhash=(.{22})/.exec(window.location.search)[1]" js_getDeployHash :: IO JSVal propagateErrors :: ThreadId -> IO () -> IO () propagateErrors tid action = action `catch` \ (e :: SomeException) -> throwTo tid e run :: s -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (e -> s -> s) -> (s -> Picture) -> (Double -> e) -> IO (e -> IO (), IO s) run initial stepHandler eventHandler drawHandler injectTime = do let fullStepHandler dt = stepHandler dt . eventHandler (injectTime dt) canvas <- getCanvas needsRedraw <- newMVar () Just window <- currentWindow _ <- on window resize $ void $ liftIO $ do setCanvasSize canvas canvas tryPutMVar needsRedraw () setCanvasSize canvas canvas frameRenderer <- createFrameRenderer canvas currentState <- newMVar initial eventHappened <- newMVar () let go t0 lastFrame lastStateName needsTime = do pic <- drawHandler <$> readMVar currentState picFrame <- makeStableName $! pic when (picFrame /= lastFrame) $ frameRenderer pic t1 <- case needsTime of True -> do t1 <- nextFrame let dt = min (t1 - t0) 0.25 when (dt > 0) $ void $ modifyMVarIfDifferent currentState (fullStepHandler dt) return t1 False -> do takeMVar eventHappened nextFrame nextState <- readMVar currentState nextStateName <- makeStableName $! nextState let nextNeedsTime = nextStateName /= lastStateName || needsTime && not (isUniversallyConstant fullStepHandler nextState) redrawResult <- tryTakeMVar needsRedraw nextFrame <- case redrawResult of Nothing -> return picFrame Just () -> makeStableName undefined go t1 nextFrame nextStateName nextNeedsTime t0 <- nextFrame nullFrame <- makeStableName undefined initialStateName <- makeStableName $! initial mainThread <- myThreadId drawThread <- forkIO $ propagateErrors mainThread $ go t0 nullFrame initialStateName True let sendEvent event = propagateErrors drawThread $ do changed <- modifyMVarIfDifferent currentState (eventHandler event) when changed $ void $ tryPutMVar eventHappened () getState = readMVar currentState return (sendEvent, getState) getNodeAtCoords :: Element -> Double -> Double -> Picture -> IO (Maybe NodeId) getNodeAtCoords canvas x y pic = do rect <- getBoundingClientRect canvas cx <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getX rect cy <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getY rect cw <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getWidth rect ch <- realToFrac <$> DOMRect.getHeight rect -- It's safe to pass undefined for the context because -- findTopShapeFromPoint only draws to an offscreen buffer. runCanvasM (cw, ch) undefined $ findTopShapeFromPoint (x - cx, y - cy) pic drawPartialPic :: Element -> NodeId -> Picture -> IO () drawPartialPic canvas nodeId pic = do setCanvasSize canvas canvas let node = fromMaybe blank (getNode nodeId pic) frameRenderer <- createFrameRenderer canvas frameRenderer (node <> coordinatePlane) applySelectAndHighlights :: Maybe NodeId -> [NodeId] -> Picture -> Picture applySelectAndHighlights sel hs p = applyHighlights hs' p' where (p', hs') = applySelect sel (p, hs) applySelect :: Maybe NodeId -> (Picture, [NodeId]) -> (Picture, [NodeId]) applySelect Nothing (pic, highlights) = (pic, highlights) applySelect (Just (NodeId n)) (pic, highlights) = case getNode (NodeId n) pic of Nothing -> (pic, highlights) Just pic' -> (pic', [ NodeId (h - n) | NodeId h <- highlights ]) applyHighlights :: [NodeId] -> Picture -> Picture applyHighlights hs p = pictures [highlight h p | h <- hs] <> p highlight :: NodeId -> Picture -> Picture highlight n pic = case getTransformedNode n pic of Nothing -> blank Just shape -> colored (RGBA 0 0 0 0.25) shape indexNode :: Bool -> Int -> NodeId -> Picture -> Either Int Picture indexNode _ i (NodeId n) p | i == n = Right p | i > n = Left 0 indexNode True i n (Translate loc x y p) = Translate loc x y <$> indexNode True (i + 1) n p indexNode True i n (Scale loc x y p) = Scale loc x y <$> indexNode True (i + 1) n p indexNode True i n (Dilate loc k p) = Dilate loc k <$> indexNode True (i + 1) n p indexNode True i n (Rotate loc r p) = Rotate loc r <$> indexNode True (i + 1) n p indexNode True i n (Reflect loc r p) = Reflect loc r <$> indexNode True (i + 1) n p indexNode True i n (Clip loc x y p) = Clip loc x y <$> indexNode True (i + 1) n p indexNode keepTx i n p = go keepTx (i + 1) (getChildNodes p) where go _ i [] = Left i go keepTx i (pic:pics) = case indexNode keepTx i n pic of Left ii -> go keepTx ii pics Right p -> Right p getTransformedNode :: NodeId -> Picture -> Maybe Picture getTransformedNode n pic = either (const Nothing) Just (indexNode True 0 n pic) getNode :: NodeId -> Picture -> Maybe Picture getNode n pic = either (const Nothing) Just (indexNode False 0 n pic) data DebugState = DebugState { debugStateActive :: Bool , shapeHighlighted :: Maybe NodeId , shapeSelected :: Maybe NodeId } deriving (Eq, Show) debugStateInit :: DebugState debugStateInit = DebugState False Nothing Nothing startDebugState :: DebugState -> DebugState startDebugState = const (DebugState True Nothing Nothing) stopDebugState :: DebugState -> DebugState stopDebugState = const (DebugState False Nothing Nothing) highlightDebugState :: Maybe NodeId -> DebugState -> DebugState highlightDebugState n prev = case debugStateActive prev of True -> prev {shapeHighlighted = n} False -> DebugState False Nothing Nothing selectDebugState :: Maybe NodeId -> DebugState -> DebugState selectDebugState n prev = case debugStateActive prev of True -> prev {shapeSelected = n} False -> DebugState False Nothing Nothing drawDebugState :: DebugState -> Picture -> Picture -> Picture drawDebugState state inspectPic displayPic = case debugStateActive state of True -> applySelectAndHighlights (shapeSelected state) (maybeToList (shapeHighlighted state)) inspectPic False -> displayPic connectInspect :: Element -> IO Picture -> ((DebugState -> DebugState) -> IO ()) -> IO () connectInspect canvas samplePicture fireUpdate = do -- Sample the current user picture to search for a current node. getNodeCB <- syncCallback1' $ \pointJS -> do let obj = unsafeCoerce pointJS x <- pFromJSVal <$> getProp "x" obj y <- pFromJSVal <$> getProp "y" obj n <- getNodeAtCoords canvas x y =<< samplePicture return (pToJSVal (maybe (-1) getNodeId n)) -- Sample the current user picture to return the scene tree. getPicCB <- syncCallback' $ samplePicture >>= toJSVal_aeson . pictureToNode -- Fire an event to change debug active state. setActiveCB <- syncCallback1 ContinueAsync $ \ active -> case pFromJSVal active of True -> fireUpdate startDebugState False -> fireUpdate stopDebugState -- Fire an event to change the highlight or selection. highlightCB <- syncCallback2 ContinueAsync $ \t n -> do let isHighlight = pFromJSVal t let nodeNum = pFromJSVal n let nodeId = if nodeNum < 0 then Nothing else Just (NodeId nodeNum) if isHighlight then fireUpdate (highlightDebugState nodeId) else fireUpdate (selectDebugState nodeId) js_initDebugMode getNodeCB setActiveCB getPicCB highlightCB foreign import javascript unsafe "initDebugMode($1,$2,$3,$4)" js_initDebugMode :: Callback (JSVal -> IO JSVal) -> Callback (JSVal -> IO ()) -> Callback (IO JSVal) -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO () -- Utility functions that apply a function in either the left or right half of a -- tuple. Crucially, if the function preserves sharing on its side, then the -- wrapper also preserves sharing. inLeft :: (a -> a) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) inLeft f ab = unsafePerformIO $ do let (a, b) = ab aName <- makeStableName $! a let a' = f a aName' <- makeStableName $! a' return $ if aName == aName' then ab else (a', b) inRight :: (b -> b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b) inRight f ab = unsafePerformIO $ do let (a, b) = ab bName <- makeStableName $! b let b' = f b bName' <- makeStableName $! b' return $ if bName == bName' then ab else (a, b') foreign import javascript interruptible "window.dummyVar = 0;" waitForever :: IO () -- Wraps the event and state from run so they can be paused by pressing the Inspect -- button. runInspect :: s -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (Event -> s -> s) -> (s -> Picture) -> (s -> Picture) -> IO () runInspect initial step event draw rawDraw = do -- Ensure that the first frame picture doesn't expose any type errors, -- before showing the canvas. This avoids showing a blank screen when -- there are deferred type errors that are effectively compile errors. evaluate $ rnf $ rawDraw initial let debugInitial = (debugStateInit, initial) debugStep dt s@(debugState, _) = case debugStateActive debugState of True -> s False -> inRight (step dt) s debugEvent evt s@(debugState, _) = case (debugStateActive debugState, evt) of (_, Left f) -> inLeft f s (True, _) -> s (_, Right e) -> inRight (event e) s debugDraw (debugState, s) = drawDebugState debugState (rawDraw s) (draw s) debugRawDraw (_debugState, s) = rawDraw s (sendEvent, getState) <- run debugInitial debugStep debugEvent debugDraw (Right . TimePassing) canvas <- getCanvas onEvents canvas (sendEvent . Right) connectInspect canvas (debugRawDraw <$> getState) (sendEvent . Left) waitForever #else -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Stand-Alone event handling and core interaction code getMousePos :: (Int, Int) -> (Double, Double) -> (Double, Double) getMousePos (w, h) (x, y) = ((x - mx) / unitLen, (my - y) / unitLen) where w' = fromIntegral w h' = fromIntegral h unitLen = min w' h' / 20 mx = w' / 2 my = h' / 2 toEvent :: (Int, Int) -> Canvas.Event -> Maybe Event toEvent rect (Canvas.Event {..}) | eType == "keydown" , Just code <- eWhich = Just $ KeyPress (keyCodeToText (fromIntegral code)) | eType == "keyup" , Just code <- eWhich = Just $ KeyRelease (keyCodeToText (fromIntegral code)) | eType == "mousedown" , Just pos <- getMousePos rect <$> ePageXY = Just $ PointerPress pos | eType == "mouseup" , Just pos <- getMousePos rect <$> ePageXY = Just $ PointerRelease pos | eType == "mousemove" , Just pos <- getMousePos rect <$> ePageXY = Just $ PointerMovement pos | otherwise = Nothing onEvents :: Canvas.DeviceContext -> (Int, Int) -> (Event -> IO ()) -> IO () onEvents context rect handler = void $ forkIO $ forever $ do maybeEvent <- toEvent rect <$> Canvas.wait context forM_ maybeEvent handler run :: s -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (Event -> s -> s) -> (s -> Picture) -> IO () run initial stepHandler eventHandler drawHandler = runBlankCanvas $ \context -> do let fullStepHandler dt = stepHandler dt . eventHandler (TimePassing dt) let cw = Canvas.width context let ch = Canvas.height context offscreenCanvas <- runCanvasM context $ CM.newImage cw ch currentState <- newMVar initial eventHappened <- newMVar () onEvents context (cw, ch) $ \event -> do modifyMVar_ currentState (return . eventHandler event) void $ tryPutMVar eventHappened () let go t0 lastFrame lastStateName needsTime = do pic <- drawHandler <$> readMVar currentState picFrame <- makeStableName $! pic when (picFrame /= lastFrame) $ runCanvasM context $ do CM.withImage offscreenCanvas $ CM.saveRestore $ do setupScreenContext cw ch drawFrame pic CM.drawImage offscreenCanvas 0 0 cw ch t1 <- case needsTime of True -> do tn <- getCurrentTime threadDelay $ max 0 (50000 - round ((tn `diffUTCTime` t0) * 1000000)) t1 <- getCurrentTime let dt = realToFrac (t1 `diffUTCTime` t0) when (dt > 0) $ modifyMVar_ currentState (return . fullStepHandler dt) return t1 False -> do takeMVar eventHappened getCurrentTime nextState <- readMVar currentState nextStateName <- makeStableName $! nextState let nextNeedsTime = nextStateName /= lastStateName || needsTime && not (isUniversallyConstant fullStepHandler nextState) go t1 picFrame nextStateName nextNeedsTime t0 <- getCurrentTime nullFrame <- makeStableName undefined initialStateName <- makeStableName $! initial go t0 nullFrame initialStateName True runInspect :: s -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (Event -> s -> s) -> (s -> Picture) -> (s -> Picture) -> IO () runInspect initial step event draw _rawDraw = run initial step event draw getDeployHash :: IO Text getDeployHash = error "game API unimplemented in stand-alone interface mode" runGame :: GameToken -> Int -> (StdGen -> s) -> (Double -> s -> s) -> (Int -> Event -> s -> s) -> (Int -> s -> Picture) -> IO () runGame = error "game API unimplemented in stand-alone interface mode" #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FRP implementation data ReactiveInput t = ReactiveInput { keyPress :: R.Event t Text, keyRelease :: R.Event t Text, textEntry :: R.Event t Text, pointerPress :: R.Event t Point, pointerRelease :: R.Event t Point, pointerPosition :: R.Dynamic t Point, pointerDown :: R.Dynamic t Bool, timePassing :: R.Event t Double } data ReactiveOutput = ReactiveOutput { userPictures :: [Picture], userTransform :: Picture -> Picture, systemPicture :: Picture } instance Semigroup ReactiveOutput where a <> b = ReactiveOutput { userPictures = userPictures a ++ userPictures b, userTransform = userTransform a . userTransform b, systemPicture = systemPicture a & systemPicture b } instance Monoid ReactiveOutput where mempty = ReactiveOutput [] id blank newtype ReactiveProgram t m a = ReactiveProgram { unReactiveProgram :: ReaderT (ReactiveInput t) (R.DynamicWriterT t ReactiveOutput m) a } deriving instance Functor m => Functor (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance Monad m => Applicative (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance Monad m => Monad (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance MonadFix m => MonadFix (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance R.MonadSample t m => R.MonadSample t (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance R.MonadHold t m => R.MonadHold t (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance R.NotReady t m => R.NotReady t (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance R.PerformEvent t m => R.PerformEvent t (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance R.TriggerEvent t m => R.TriggerEvent t (ReactiveProgram t m) deriving instance R.PostBuild t m => R.PostBuild t (ReactiveProgram t m) instance (MonadFix m, R.MonadHold t m, R.Adjustable t m) => R.Adjustable t (ReactiveProgram t m) where runWithReplace a0 a' = ReactiveProgram $ R.runWithReplace (unReactiveProgram a0) $ fmap unReactiveProgram a' traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust f dm0 dm' = ReactiveProgram $ R.traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unReactiveProgram (f k v)) dm0 dm' traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust f dm0 dm' = ReactiveProgram $ R.traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unReactiveProgram (f k v)) dm0 dm' traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove f dm0 dm' = ReactiveProgram $ R.traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove (\k v -> unReactiveProgram (f k v)) dm0 dm' runReactiveProgram :: (R.Reflex t, MonadFix m) => ReactiveProgram t m () -> ReactiveInput t -> m (R.Dynamic t Picture, R.Dynamic t Picture) runReactiveProgram (ReactiveProgram program) input = do (_, output) <- R.runDynamicWriterT (runReaderT program input) let pic = coalescePics . userPictures <$> output let sysPic = (&) <$> (systemPicture <$> output) <*> (userTransform <$> output <*> pic) return (pic, sysPic) where coalescePics [] = blank coalescePics [p] = p coalescePics ps = pictures ps withReactiveInput :: ReactiveInput t -> (ReactiveProgram t m a -> ReactiveProgram t m a) withReactiveInput input (ReactiveProgram program) = ReactiveProgram (withReaderT (const input) program) getReactiveInput :: Monad m => ReactiveProgram t m (ReactiveInput t) getReactiveInput = ReactiveProgram ask systemDraw :: (R.Reflex t, Monad m) => R.Dynamic t Picture -> ReactiveProgram t m () systemDraw = ReactiveProgram . R.tellDyn . fmap (\a -> mempty {systemPicture = a}) transformUserPicture :: (R.Reflex t, Monad m) => R.Dynamic t (Picture -> Picture) -> ReactiveProgram t m () transformUserPicture = ReactiveProgram . R.tellDyn . fmap (\a -> mempty {userTransform = a}) -- | Type class for the builder monad of a CodeWorld/Reflex app. class ( R.Reflex t, R.Adjustable t m, R.MonadHold t m, R.NotReady t m, R.PostBuild t m, R.PerformEvent t m, R.TriggerEvent t m, MonadFix m, MonadIO m, MonadIO (R.Performable m) ) => ReflexCodeWorld t m | m -> t where -- | Gets an Event of key presses. The event value is a logical key name. getKeyPress :: m (R.Event t Text) -- | Gets an Event of key presses. The event value is a logical key name. getKeyRelease :: m (R.Event t Text) -- | Gets an Event of text entered. The event value is the typed text. getTextEntry :: m (R.Event t Text) -- | Gets an event of pointer clicks. The event value is the location of -- the click. getPointerClick :: m (R.Event t Point) -- | Gets the Dynamic position of the pointer. getPointerPosition :: m (R.Dynamic t Point) -- | Gets a Dynamic indicator whether the pointer is held down. isPointerDown :: m (R.Dynamic t Bool) -- | Gets an Event indicating the passage of time. getTimePassing :: m (R.Event t Double) -- | Emits a given Dynamic picture to be drawn to the screen. draw :: R.Dynamic t Picture -> m () instance ( R.Reflex t, R.Adjustable t m, R.MonadHold t m, R.NotReady t m, R.PostBuild t m, R.PerformEvent t m, R.TriggerEvent t m, MonadFix m, MonadIO m, MonadIO (R.Performable m) ) => ReflexCodeWorld t (ReactiveProgram t m) where getKeyPress = ReactiveProgram $ asks keyPress getKeyRelease = ReactiveProgram $ asks keyRelease getTextEntry = ReactiveProgram $ asks textEntry getPointerClick = ReactiveProgram $ asks pointerPress getPointerPosition = ReactiveProgram $ asks pointerPosition isPointerDown = ReactiveProgram $ asks pointerDown getTimePassing = ReactiveProgram $ asks timePassing draw = ReactiveProgram . R.tellDyn . fmap (\a -> mempty {userPictures = [a]}) gateDyn :: forall t a. R.Reflex t => R.Dynamic t Bool -> R.Event t a -> R.Event t a gateDyn dyn e = R.switchDyn (bool R.never e <$> dyn) type EventChannel t = Chan [DSum (R.EventTriggerRef t) R.TriggerInvocation] -- | Handle the event channel used with 'runTriggerEventT'. asyncProcessEventTriggers :: EventChannel t -> R.FireCommand t (R.SpiderHost R.Global) -> IO ThreadId asyncProcessEventTriggers events fireCommand = forkIO . forever $ do -- Collect event triggers, and fire callbacks after propagation eventsAndTriggers <- readChan events eventsToFire <- flip wither eventsAndTriggers $ \(R.EventTriggerRef ref :=> R.TriggerInvocation a _) -> fmap (==> a) <$> readRef ref void . R.runSpiderHost $ R.runFireCommand fireCommand eventsToFire (pure ()) -- Run callbacks traverse_ (\(_ :=> R.TriggerInvocation _ cb) -> cb) eventsAndTriggers sendEvent :: R.FireCommand t (R.SpiderHost R.Global) -> IORef (Maybe (R.EventTrigger t a)) -> a -> IO () sendEvent (R.FireCommand fire) triggerRef a = R.runSpiderHost $ readRef triggerRef >>= traverse_ (\t -> fire [t ==> a] (pure ())) #ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS createPhysicalReactiveInput :: forall t m. (R.MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m, R.Reflex t, R.MonadHold t m) => Window -> Element -> ([DSum (R.EventTrigger t) Identity] -> IO ()) -> m (ReactiveInput t) createPhysicalReactiveInput window canvas fire = do keyPress <- R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> on window keyDown $ do keyName <- keyCodeToText <$> (getKeyCode =<< event) when (keyName /= "") $ do liftIO $ fire [ trigger ==> keyName ] preventDefault stopPropagation textEntry <- R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> on window keyDown $ do key <- getKey =<< event when (T.length key == 1) $ do liftIO $ fire [trigger ==> key] preventDefault stopPropagation keyRelease <- R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> on window keyUp $ do keyName <- keyCodeToText <$> (getKeyCode =<< event) when (keyName /= "") $ do liftIO $ fire [trigger ==> keyName] preventDefault stopPropagation pointerPress <- R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> on window mouseDown $ do pos <- getMousePos canvas liftIO $ fire [trigger ==> pos] pointerRelease <- R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> on window mouseUp $ do pos <- getMousePos canvas liftIO $ fire [trigger ==> pos] pointerMovement <- R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> on window mouseMove $ do pos <- getMousePos canvas liftIO $ fire [trigger ==> pos] timePassing <- R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> do active <- newIORef True let timeStep t1 t2 = do stillActive <- readIORef active when stillActive $ do when (t2 > t1) $ fire [ trigger ==> min 0.25 ((t2 - t1) / 1000)] void $ inAnimationFrame ContinueAsync (timeStep t2) t0 <- nextFrame void $ inAnimationFrame ContinueAsync (timeStep t0) return (writeIORef active False) pointerPosition <- R.holdDyn (0, 0) pointerMovement pointerDown <- R.holdDyn False $ R.leftmost [True <$ pointerPress, False <$ pointerRelease] return (ReactiveInput {..}) inspectLogicalInput :: forall t m. (R.Reflex t, R.MonadHold t m) => R.Dynamic t DebugState -> ReactiveInput t -> m (ReactiveInput t) inspectLogicalInput debugState physicalInput = do -- Physical inputs should either be frozen or dropped during debugging. let filterInDebugMode :: forall a. R.Event t a -> R.Event t a filterInDebugMode = gateDyn (not . debugStateActive <$> debugState) let freezeInDebugMode :: forall a. R.Dynamic t a -> a -> m (R.Dynamic t a) freezeInDebugMode dyn initial = R.holdDyn initial (filterInDebugMode (R.updated dyn)) logicalPointerPosition <- freezeInDebugMode (pointerPosition physicalInput) (0, 0) logicalPointerDown <- freezeInDebugMode (pointerDown physicalInput) False return $ ReactiveInput { keyPress = filterInDebugMode (keyPress physicalInput), keyRelease = filterInDebugMode (keyRelease physicalInput), textEntry = filterInDebugMode (textEntry physicalInput), pointerPress = filterInDebugMode (pointerPress physicalInput), pointerRelease = filterInDebugMode (pointerRelease physicalInput), pointerPosition = logicalPointerPosition, pointerDown = logicalPointerDown, timePassing = filterInDebugMode (timePassing physicalInput) } runReactive :: (forall t m. ( R.Reflex t, R.Adjustable t m, R.MonadHold t m, R.NotReady t m, R.PostBuild t m, R.PerformEvent t m, R.TriggerEvent t m, MonadFix m, MonadIO m, MonadIO (R.Performable m) ) => (ReactiveInput t -> m (R.Dynamic t Picture, R.Dynamic t Picture))) -> IO () runReactive program = do canvas <- getCanvas setCanvasSize canvas canvas frameRenderer <- createFrameRenderer canvas pendingFrame <- liftIO $ newMVar Nothing let asyncRender pic = do old <- swapMVar pendingFrame (Just pic) when (isNothing old) $ void $ inAnimationFrame ContinueAsync $ \ _t -> do pic <- swapMVar pendingFrame Nothing maybe (return ()) frameRenderer pic (postBuild, postBuildTriggerRef) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (debugUpdate, debugUpdateTriggerRef) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef debugState <- R.runSpiderHost $ R.holdUniqDyn =<< R.foldDyn ($) debugStateInit debugUpdate Just window <- currentWindow rec physicalInput <- R.runSpiderHost $ createPhysicalReactiveInput window canvas fireAndRedraw resizeEvent <- R.runSpiderHost $ R.newEventWithTrigger $ \trigger -> do on window resize $ liftIO $ fireAndRedraw [trigger ==> ()] logicalInput <- R.runSpiderHost $ inspectLogicalInput debugState physicalInput eventTriggers <- newChan (inspectPicture, fireCommand) <- R.runSpiderHost $ R.hostPerformEventT $ do (inspectPicture, displayPicture) <- flip R.runTriggerEventT eventTriggers . flip R.runPostBuildT postBuild $ program logicalInput let logicalPicture = drawDebugState <$> debugState <*> inspectPicture <*> displayPicture R.performEvent_ $ liftIO <$> R.leftmost [ (setCanvasSize canvas canvas >>) . asyncRender <$> R.tagPromptlyDyn logicalPicture resizeEvent, asyncRender <$> R.updated logicalPicture, asyncRender <$> R.tagPromptlyDyn logicalPicture postBuild ] return inspectPicture let fireAndRedraw events = R.runSpiderHost $ void $ R.runFireCommand fireCommand events (return ()) let fireDebugUpdateAndRedraw = sendEvent fireCommand debugUpdateTriggerRef samplePicture = R.runSpiderHost $ R.runHostFrame $ R.sample $ R.current inspectPicture connectInspect canvas samplePicture fireDebugUpdateAndRedraw sendEvent fireCommand postBuildTriggerRef () void $ asyncProcessEventTriggers eventTriggers fireCommand waitForever #else runReactive :: (forall t m. ( R.Reflex t, R.Adjustable t m, R.MonadHold t m, R.NotReady t m, R.PostBuild t m, R.PerformEvent t m, R.TriggerEvent t m, MonadFix m, MonadIO m, MonadIO (R.Performable m) ) => (ReactiveInput t -> m (R.Dynamic t Picture, R.Dynamic t Picture))) -> IO () runReactive program = runBlankCanvas $ \context -> do let cw = Canvas.width context let ch = Canvas.height context offscreenCanvas <- runCanvasM context $ CM.newImage cw ch let frame pic = runCanvasM context $ do CM.withImage offscreenCanvas $ CM.saveRestore $ do setupScreenContext cw ch drawFrame pic CM.drawImage offscreenCanvas 0 0 cw ch (postBuild, postBuildTriggerRef) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (keyPress, keyPressTrigger) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (textEntry, textEntryTrigger) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (keyRelease, keyReleaseTrigger) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (pointerPress, pointerPressTrigger) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (pointerRelease, pointerReleaseTrigger) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (pointerMovement, pointerMovementTrigger) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef (timePassing, timePassingTrigger) <- R.runSpiderHost R.newEventWithTriggerRef pointerPosition <- R.runSpiderHost $ R.holdDyn (0, 0) pointerMovement pointerDown <- R.runSpiderHost $ R.holdDyn False $ R.leftmost [True <$ pointerPress, False <$ pointerRelease] let input = ReactiveInput {..} triggeredEvents <- newChan (_, fireCommand) <- R.runSpiderHost $ R.hostPerformEventT $ do (_inspectPicture, displayPicture) <- flip R.runTriggerEventT triggeredEvents . flip R.runPostBuildT postBuild $ program input R.performEvent_ $ liftIO <$> R.leftmost [ frame <$> R.updated displayPicture, frame <$> R.tagPromptlyDyn displayPicture postBuild ] return () let sendEvent' :: IORef (Maybe (R.EventTrigger (R.SpiderTimeline R.Global) a)) -> a -> IO () sendEvent' = sendEvent fireCommand sendEvent' postBuildTriggerRef () t0 <- getCurrentTime let go t1 = do events <- Canvas.flush context forM_ events $ \event -> case Canvas.eType event of "keydown" | Just code <- Canvas.eWhich event -> do let keyName = keyCodeToText (fromIntegral code) sendEvent' keyPressTrigger keyName when (T.length keyName == 1) $ sendEvent' textEntryTrigger keyName "keyup" | Just code <- Canvas.eWhich event -> do let keyName = keyCodeToText (fromIntegral code) sendEvent' keyReleaseTrigger keyName "mousedown" | Just pos <- getMousePos (cw, ch) <$> Canvas.ePageXY event -> do sendEvent' pointerPressTrigger pos "mouseup" | Just pos <- getMousePos (cw, ch) <$> Canvas.ePageXY event -> do sendEvent' pointerReleaseTrigger pos "mousemove" | Just pos <- getMousePos (cw, ch) <$> Canvas.ePageXY event -> do sendEvent' pointerMovementTrigger pos _ -> return () tn <- getCurrentTime threadDelay $ max 0 (50000 - (round ((tn `diffUTCTime` t0) * 1000000))) t2 <- getCurrentTime let dt = realToFrac (t2 `diffUTCTime` t1) sendEvent' timePassingTrigger dt go t2 bracket (asyncProcessEventTriggers triggeredEvents fireCommand) killThread (const $ go t0) #endif