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module Cgm.Data.Structured.Derive (
) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad

-- TODO: Deriving an instance is problematic since it must be exported. And most often this is
-- undesirable because it breaks the type abstraction. Instead we should derive
-- a method which provides the bijection, and modules which perform the derivation 
-- would then be free to define an instance and/or use the bijection. We may want to
-- derive a structure type also.

--instance Structured a => Structured [a] where
--    type Structure [a] = Either () (a, [a])
--    structure [] = Left ()
--    structure (x : xs) = Right (x, xs)
--    fromStructure (Left ()) = []
--    fromStructure (Right (x, xs)) = (x : xs)

--[InstanceD [ClassP Structured.Structured [VarT a_0]]
--           (AppT (ConT Structured.Structured)
--                 (AppT ListT (VarT a_0)))
--           [TySynInstD Structure
--                       [AppT ListT (VarT a_1)]
--                       (AppT (AppT (ConT Data.Either.Either) (ConT GHC.Unit.()))
--                             (AppT (AppT (TupleT 2) (VarT a_1))
--                                   (AppT ListT (VarT a_1)))),
--            FunD structure [Clause [ConP GHC.Types.[] []]
--                                   (NormalB (AppE (ConE Data.Either.Left) (ConE GHC.Unit.()))) [],
--                            Clause [InfixP (VarP x_2) GHC.Types.: (VarP xs_3)]
--                                   (NormalB (AppE (ConE Data.Either.Right) (TupE [VarE x_2,VarE xs_3]))) []],
--            FunD fromStructure [Clause [ConP Data.Either.Left [ConP GHC.Unit.() []]]
--                                       (NormalB (ConE GHC.Types.[])) [],
--                                Clause [ConP Data.Either.Right [TupP [VarP x_4,VarP xs_5]]]
--                                       (NormalB (InfixE (Just (VarE x_4)) (ConE GHC.Types.:) (Just (VarE xs_5)))) []]]]

-- Options for defintion of generic persistence

-- http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~chak/papers/instant-generics.pdf is interresting but its
-- implementation instant-generics, does not yet come with a Template Haskell
-- function to derive Representable instances

-- See also "A generic deriving mechanism for Haskell, Draft"
-- (http://www.dreixel.net/research/pdf/gdmh_draft.pdf)
-- To be presented at Haskell Symposium 2010, in September
-- Implementation is in UHC, not GHC for now.

-- GDMH seems very powerful, but it appears we do not need tagging and meta-information.
-- It also avoids using type families and functional dependencies, to show that their
-- design is workable without those new features. But here we can use type famillies
-- as in instant-generics. We could use the instant-generics design (and library).
-- We might not need to use the shallow representation, but if we stay close to
-- their design we will have less thinking to do, and we may be able to use
-- their library directly (and add TH to derive instances). The shallow representation appears
-- necessary to support subuniverses for specific generic methods (something we think
-- we do no need at this point).

-- DEBUG with -ddump-splices

deriveStructured :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveStructured typName =
  do (TyConI d) <- reify typName
     (type_name,tvars,_,constructors) <- typeInfo (return d)
     appliedType <- appsT $ conT' type_name : map (varT . fromTyVar) tvars
     let structureType = tySynInstD (mkName "Structure") [return appliedType] $
                                     nestedEitherT $ map (nestedTupT . map (return . snd) . snd) constructors
         structureFun = do clauses <- mapM structureClause constructors
                           return $ FunD (mkName "structure") $ addETags clauses
         structureClause (conName, components) =
           do vars <- newNames "a" components
              clause [conP conName $ map varP vars] (normalB $ nestedTupE $ map varE vars) []
         fromStructureFun =
           do clauses <- mapM fromStructureClause constructors
              return $ FunD (mkName "fromStructure") $ addPTags clauses
         fromStructureClause (conName, components) =
           do vars <- newNames "s" components
              clause [nestedTupP $ map varP vars] (normalB (appsE (conE conName : map varE vars))) []
         in sequence [instanceD (cxt []) (appT (conT $ mkName "Structured") (return appliedType))
                                [structureType, structureFun, fromStructureFun]]

conT' name = if nameBase name == "[]" then listT else conT name

-- A foldr with special cases for empty lists and singletons
nested :: b -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> b
nested empty single pair [] = empty
nested empty single pair (x:[]) = single x
nested empty single pair (x:xs) = pair x $ nested empty single pair xs

nestedTupE = nested (tupE []) id (\a b -> tupE [a, b])
nestedTupT = nested (tupT []) id (\a b -> tupT [a, b])
nestedTupP = nested (tupP []) id (\a b -> tupP [a, b])
nestedEitherT = nested (error "nestedEitherT []") id eitherT

addETags = nested [] return $ \c cs -> mapClauseBodyE leftETag c : map (mapClauseBodyE rightETag) cs
addPTags = nested [] return $ \c cs -> mapClausePat1 leftPTag c : map (mapClausePat1 rightPTag) cs
leftETag = AppE $ ConE $ mkName "Left"
rightETag = AppE $ ConE $ mkName "Right"
leftPTag p = ConP (mkName "Left") [p]
rightPTag p = ConP (mkName "Right") [p]
mapClauseBodyE f (Clause ps b ds) = Clause ps (mapBodyE f b) ds
mapClausePat1 f (Clause [p] b ds) = Clause [f p] b ds
mapBodyE f (GuardedB gs) = GuardedB $ map (\p -> (fst p, f $ snd p)) gs
mapBodyE f (NormalB e) = NormalB $ f e

appsT :: [TypeQ] -> TypeQ
appsT [] = error "appsT []"
appsT [x] = x
appsT (x:y:zs) = appsT $ appT x y : zs

tupT ts = appsT $ tupleT (length ts) : ts

eitherT ta tb = appsT [conT (mkName "Either"), ta, tb]

fromTyVar :: TyVarBndr -> Name
fromTyVar (PlainTV v) = v
fromTyVar (KindedTV v _) = v

newNames prefix = mapM $ const $ newName prefix

-- And some borrowed helper code taken from Syb III / replib 0.2

typeInfo :: DecQ -> Q (Name, [TyVarBndr], [(Name, Int)], [(Name, [(Maybe Name, Type)])])
typeInfo m =
     do d <- m
        case d of
           d@DataD{} ->
            return (simpleName $ name d, paramsA d, consA d, termsA d)
           d@NewtypeD{} ->
            return (simpleName $ name d, paramsA d, consA d, termsA d)
           _ -> error ("derive: not a data type declaration: " ++ show d)

        consA (DataD _ _ _ cs _)    = map conA cs
        consA (NewtypeD _ _ _ c _)  = [ conA c ]

        paramsA (DataD _ _ ps _ _) = ps
        paramsA (NewtypeD _ _ ps _ _) = ps

        termsA (DataD _ _ _ cs _) = map termA cs
        termsA (NewtypeD _ _ _ c _) = [ termA c ]

        termA (NormalC c xs)        = (c, map (\x -> (Nothing, snd x)) xs)
        termA (RecC c xs)           = (c, map (\(n, _, t) -> (Just $ simpleName n, t)) xs)
        termA (InfixC t1 c t2)      = (c, [(Nothing, snd t1), (Nothing, snd t2)])

        conA (NormalC c xs)         = (simpleName c, length xs)
        conA (RecC c xs)            = (simpleName c, length xs)
        conA (InfixC _ c _)         = (simpleName c, 2)

        name (DataD _ n _ _ _)      = n
        name (NewtypeD _ n _ _ _)   = n
        name d                      = error $ show d

simpleName :: Name -> Name
simpleName nm =
   let s = nameBase nm
   in case dropWhile (/=':') s of
        []          -> mkName s
        _:[]        -> mkName s
        _:t         -> mkName t