# collect-errors `CollectErrors es t` is a monad wrapper around values of type `t` which can accommodate (a list of) (potential) errors of type `es` that have (maybe) occurred during the computation of a value. A value may be missing, leaving only the error(s). The wrapper `CN t` is a special case of `CollectErrors es t` with `es` = `NumErrors`. ## Generated API documentation See the [Hackage page](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/collect-errors). ## Feature highlights ### Error collecting The `CN` wrapper propagates instances of `Floating`, allowing us to write expressions with partial functions (ie functions that fail for some inputs) instead of branching after each application of such function: $ stack ghci collect-errors:lib --no-load --ghci-options Numeric.CollectErrors *Numeric.CollectErrors> a = 1 :: CN Double *Numeric.CollectErrors> (1/(a-1))+(sqrt (a-2)) {{ERROR: division by 0; ERROR: out of domain: sqrt for negative arg -1.0}} as opposed to: *Prelude> a = 1 :: Double *Prelude> (1/(a-1))+(sqrt (a-2)) NaN ### Error investigation Dealing with the errors can be moved outside the expression: *Numeric.CollectErrors> a = 1 :: CN Double *Numeric.CollectErrors> toEither $ 1/(a-1) Left {ERROR: division by 0} *Numeric.CollectErrors> toEither $ 1/a+(sqrt a) Right 2.0 An alternative way to branch based on errors is provided by the function `withErrorOrValue`: ...> a = 2 :: CN Double ...> withErrorOrValue (const 0) id (1/a) 0.5 The `CN` wrapper can be forcibly removed as follows: ...> :t unCN (1/a) ... :: Double ...> unCN (1/a) 0.5 ...> unCN (1/(a-2)) *** Exception: CollectErrors: {ERROR: division by 0} ### Undecided comparisons The following examples require the interval arithmetic package [aern2-mp](https://github.com/michalkonecny/aern2) and its dependency [mixed-types-num](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mixed-types-num): $ stack ghci aern2-mp:lib --no-load --ghci-options AERN2.MP *AERN2.MP> import MixedTypesNumPrelude *AERN2.MP MixedTypesNumPrelude> Comparisons involving sets (such as intervals) are undecided when the intervals overlap: ...> pi100 = piBallP (prec 100) ...> :t pi100 pi100 :: MPBall ...> pi100 [3.1415926535897932384626433832793333156439620213... ± ~7.8886e-31 ~2^(-100)] ...> 0 < pi100 CertainTrue ...> pi100 == pi100 TrueOrFalse The values `CertainTrue` and `TrueOrFalse` are part of the three-valued type `Kleenean` provided by [mixed-types-num](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mixed-types-num). The above equality cannot be decided since `pi100` is not a single number but a set of numbers spanning the interval and the comparison operator cannot tell if the two operands sets represent the same number or a different number. The Prelude `Floating` instance for `CN` cannot be used reliably with interval arithmetic because the instance relies on true/false comparisons: ...> import qualified Prelude as P ... P> (cn pi100) P./ (cn pi100 - cn pi100) *** Exception: Failed to decide equality of MPBalls. If you switch to MixedTypesNumPrelude instead of Prelude, comparison of MPBalls returns Kleenean instead of Bool. Using its Kleenean comparisons, package [mixed-types-num](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mixed-types-num) provides alternative numerical type classes in which errors are detected and collected correctly when using the `CN` wrapper: ...> (cn pi100) / (cn pi100 - cn pi100) {{POTENTIAL ERROR: division by 0}} ### Potential errors As we see in the above example, the `CN` wrapper supports potential errors that sometimes arise as a consequence of undecided comparisons. When an error is present (which can be checked using `hasError`), the function `hasCertainError` can be used to further distinguish cases where the error is certain or potential: ...> import qualified Numeric.CollectErrors as CN ...> CN.hasCertainError $ (cn pi100) / (cn 0) True ...> CN.hasCertainError $ (cn pi100) / (cn pi100 - cn pi100) False Sometimes the potential errors are *harmless*: ...> sqrt (cn pi100 - cn pi100) [0.0000000000000006280369834735100420368561502297... ± ~6.2804e-16 ~2^(-50)]{{POTENTIAL ERROR: out of domain: negative sqrt argument}} Such harmless potential errors can be ignored using `clearPotentialErrors`: ...> clearPotentialErrors $ sqrt (cn pi100 - cn pi100) [0.0000000000000006280369834735100420368561502297... ± ~6.2804e-16 ~2^(-50)]