colour-1.1.0: A model for human colour/color perception



Specifies Colours in accordance with the sRGB standard.



sRGB24 :: (Ord b, Floating b) => Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Colour bSource

Construct a colour from a 24-bit (three 8-bit words) sRGB specification.

sRGBBounded :: (Ord b, Floating b, Integral a, Bounded a) => a -> a -> a -> Colour bSource

Construct a colour from an sRGB specification. Input components are expected to be in the range [0..maxBound].

sRGB :: (Ord b, Floating b) => b -> b -> b -> Colour bSource

Construct a colour from an sRGB specification. Input components are expected to be in the range [0..1].

toSRGB24 :: (RealFrac b, Floating b) => Colour b -> RGB Word8Source

Return the approximate 24-bit sRGB colour components as three 8-bit components. Out of range values are clamped.

toSRGBBounded :: (RealFrac b, Floating b, Integral a, Bounded a) => Colour b -> RGB aSource

Return the approximate sRGB colour components in the range [0..maxBound]. Out of range values are clamped.

toSRGB :: (Ord b, Floating b) => Colour b -> RGB bSource

Return the sRGB colour components in the range [0..1].

sRGB24shows :: (RealFrac b, Floating b) => Colour b -> ShowSSource

Show a colour in hexadecimal form, e.g. "#00aaff"

sRGB24show :: (RealFrac b, Floating b) => Colour b -> StringSource

Show a colour in hexadecimal form, e.g. "#00aaff"

sRGB24reads :: (Ord b, Floating b) => ReadS (Colour b)Source

Read a colour in hexadecimal form, e.g. "#00aaff" or "00aaff"

sRGB24read :: (Ord b, Floating b) => String -> Colour bSource

Read a colour in hexadecimal form, e.g. "#00aaff" or "00aaff"