#Coltrane ####A Minimal Web Framework for Haskell **Sean Welleck | Yuanfeng Peng** Coltrane is a minimal web framework for Haskell, inspired by Ruby's [Sinatra](https://github.com/sinatra/sinatra/) framework. Coltrane lets you write simple web applications in just a few lines of Haskell code. **Use Coltrane for concise webapps...** ```haskell import Coltrane import ColtraneTypes main = coltrane Warp 8000 $ do get (Literal "/hello") $ do html "Hello World!" ``` **... and all that jazz.** ``` $ main $ == Coltrane has taken the stage .. $ >> playing on port 8000 ``` Coltrane was built as a final project for CIS552: Advanced Programming, and is now open-sourced! ##Routes A route consists of a method, a path, and a handler. A path can be: - string literal ```haskell get (Literal "/album") $ do text "A Love Supreme" ``` - regular expression ```haskell get (RegExp mkRegex "^(/[0-9]+)") $ do text "I like numbers." ``` ##Path variables You can create variables in your paths, which can be accessed using the `param` function: ```haskell -- e.g. handles a request to /jazz get (Literal "/:item") $ do item <- param ":item" html "My favorite thing is: " ++ item -- e.g. handles a request to /miles/davis get (Literal "/:first/:last") $ do fname <- param ":first" lname <- param ":last" html "John Coltrane, featuring " ++ fname ++ " " ++ lname ``` ##GET and POST parameters You can also access parameters from GET and POST requests using the `param` function. ```haskell -- e.g. handles a GET request to /submit?venue=village get (Literal "/submit") $ do venue <- param "venue" html "Live at " ++ venue ++ "." -- e.g. handles a POST request to /submit with venue=village as a parameter post (Literal "/submit") $ do venue <- param "venue" html "Live at " ++ venue ++ "." ``` ##HTTP Methods Coltrane provides helper functions for `get`, `post`, `put`, `delete`. ##Content Type Helpers Coltrane provides helper functions for `text`, `html`, `json`, `file`. ##HTML Files Use `htmlFile` to load HTML from a file: ```haskell get (Literal "/index") $ do htmlFile "index.html" ``` ##Exceptions Catch errors with `catchError` and throw exceptions with `throwError`: ```haskell put (Literal "/trouble") $ do (throwError "catch me") `catchError` (\err -> text $ err ++ " if you can.") ``` ##Accessing the Request Data Access the WAI Request object with `request`: ```haskell get (Literal "/showpath") $ do req <- request html (show $ pathInfo req) ``` ##Modifying the Response Change the response status code with `setStatus`: ```haskell get (Literal "/changestatus") $ do setStatus status203 text "Changed on a Moment's Notice" ``` Add an HTTP header with `addHeader`: ```haskell get (Literal "/addcookie") $ do addHeader hCookie "ascension" html "Headers up" ``` Alternatively, `setHeader` modifies an existing header's value, or adds a new header if it doesn't exist. ---- ##Files ####ColtraneTypes.hs This file contains the types used in the library. Reading through these types first will help to understand the structure of the framework. Notable types include: 1. ColtraneApp: a monad that stores the application's state. Specifically, it stores the user-specified routes that are then used by the router. 2. Route: a method, path, and Handler. 2. HandlerM: A monad for processing a request and building a response. Stores information that is used and modified within a route handler, and is able to throw and catch errors. Specifically, contains the request, the parameters, and the response state. Intuitively, a Handler consists of 'building' a response state that is then turned into a response and sent to the server. 4. HandlerState: describes the state held by the HandlerM. ####Coltrane.hs This file contains the core functionality of the framework. It contains: 1. Which functions are visible to the user. 2. The router, which matches a registered route with an incoming request, and runs the corresponding handler. Functions: router, route 3. The matcher, which is used by the router to perform the actual route matching. Matches literal strings, regular expressions, and parses url variables. Functions: matchesPath 4. Routing functions. Associates a Path and a Handler to create a route, which is added to the ColtraneApp state. Functions: addroute, addroutes, get, post, put, delete 5. Response modifiers. Changes the response state within a handler. Specifically, changes the headers, the body, and the status. Functions: setBody, setStatus, setHeader, addHeader. 6. Request retrieval. Retrieve parameters and the request object. Functions: param, request. ####ColtraneTests.hs Contains all of the tests, as well as examples of how to use the framework. In order to run the tests, the server must be running, so do the following: Install Dependencies: ```bash $ cabal install warp== $ cabal install wai-extra== $ cabal install wai==2.0.0 ``` GHCI one (running the server) ```bash $ :load ColtraneTests $ main ``` GHCI two (running the tests) ```bash $ :load ColtraneTests $ runTests ``` Note that the server is running on port 9000, so you can navigate to pages in the browser, e.g.: - http://localhost:9000 - http://localhost:9000/hello - http://localhost:9000/param/firstname/lastname (replace firstname and lastname as desired) ###Extra Files ####website.hs A sample web app built using Coltrane and the Blaze HTML library. Hopefully it's an example of how easy and concise it is to build a web app using the framework! To run in ghci: **Install Dependencies** ```bash $ cabal install warp== $ cabal install wai-extra== $ cabal install wai==2.0.0 $ cabal install blaze-html== ``` **Run It** ``` $ :load website.hs. $ main ``` Then navigate to http://localhost:8000 in a web browser. --- ##Libraries Used & Dependencies **wai**: A Middleware library that provides a common interface between Coltrane and the underlying web servers. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/wai cabal install wai==2.0.0 **wai-extra**: Provides additional tools for use with wai. We use it to parse parameters from a Request body. http://hackage.haskell.org/package/wai-extra cabal install wai-extra== **warp**: a haskell web server used by WAI. cabal install warp== **Network.HTTP**: A simple HTTP interface. Also contains some common types used in web-related libraries, such as StdMethod, and HeaderName. We also use this library to generate requests and responses for testing. **blaze-html** (** only used by the sample website.hs **): An HTML combinator library that allows you to quickly write HTML within Haskell code. ``` cabal install blaze-html ```