{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Commonmark.Html ( Html , htmlInline , htmlBlock , htmlText , htmlRaw , addAttribute , renderHtml , escapeURI , escapeHtml ) where import Commonmark.Types import Commonmark.Entity (lookupEntity) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, fromText, toLazyText, singleton) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Set as Set import Text.Printf (printf) import Unicode.Char (ord, isAlphaNum, isAscii) import Unicode.Char.General.Compat (isSpace) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) data ElementType = InlineElement | BlockElement data Html a = HtmlElement !ElementType {-# UNPACK #-} !Text [Attribute] (Maybe (Html a)) | HtmlText {-# UNPACK #-} !Text | HtmlRaw {-# UNPACK #-} !Text | HtmlNull | HtmlConcat !(Html a) !(Html a) instance Show (Html a) where show = TL.unpack . renderHtml instance Semigroup (Html a) where x <> HtmlNull = x HtmlNull <> x = x HtmlText t1 <> HtmlText t2 = HtmlText (t1 <> t2) HtmlRaw t1 <> HtmlRaw t2 = HtmlRaw (t1 <> t2) x <> y = HtmlConcat x y instance Monoid (Html a) where mempty = HtmlNull mappend = (<>) instance HasAttributes (Html a) where addAttributes attrs x = foldr addAttribute x attrs instance ToPlainText (Html a) where toPlainText h = case h of HtmlElement InlineElement "span" attr (Just x) -> case lookup "data-emoji" attr of Just alias -> ":" <> alias <> ":" Nothing -> toPlainText x HtmlElement _ _ _ (Just x) -> toPlainText x HtmlElement _ _ attrs Nothing -> fromMaybe mempty $ lookup "alt" attrs HtmlText t -> t HtmlConcat x y -> toPlainText x <> toPlainText y _ -> mempty -- This instance mirrors what is expected in the spec tests. instance Rangeable (Html a) => IsInline (Html a) where lineBreak = htmlInline "br" Nothing <> nl softBreak = nl str t = htmlText t entity t = case lookupEntity (T.drop 1 t) of Just t' -> htmlText t' Nothing -> htmlRaw t escapedChar c = htmlText (T.singleton c) emph ils = htmlInline "em" (Just ils) strong ils = htmlInline "strong" (Just ils) link target title ils = addAttribute ("href", escapeURI target) . (if T.null title then id else addAttribute ("title", title)) $ htmlInline "a" (Just ils) image target title ils = addAttribute ("src", escapeURI target) . addAttribute ("alt", toPlainText ils) . (if T.null title then id else addAttribute ("title", title)) $ htmlInline "img" Nothing code t = htmlInline "code" (Just (htmlText t)) rawInline f t | f == Format "html" = htmlRaw t | otherwise = mempty instance IsInline (Html a) => IsBlock (Html a) (Html a) where paragraph ils = htmlBlock "p" (Just ils) plain ils = ils <> nl thematicBreak = htmlBlock "hr" Nothing blockQuote bs = htmlBlock "blockquote" $ Just (nl <> bs) codeBlock info t = htmlBlock "pre" $ Just $ (if T.null lang then id else addAttribute ("class", "language-" <> lang)) $ htmlInline "code" $ Just (htmlText t) where lang = T.takeWhile (not . isSpace) info heading level ils = htmlBlock h (Just ils) where h = case level of 1 -> "h1" 2 -> "h2" 3 -> "h3" 4 -> "h4" 5 -> "h5" 6 -> "h6" _ -> "p" rawBlock f t | f == Format "html" = htmlRaw t | otherwise = mempty referenceLinkDefinition _ _ = mempty list (BulletList _) lSpacing items = htmlBlock "ul" $ Just (nl <> mconcat (map li items)) where li x = htmlBlock "li" $ Just ((if lSpacing == TightList then mempty else nl) <> x) list (OrderedList startnum enumtype _delimtype) lSpacing items = (if startnum /= 1 then addAttribute ("start", T.pack (show startnum)) else id) . (case enumtype of Decimal -> id UpperAlpha -> addAttribute ("type", "A") LowerAlpha -> addAttribute ("type", "a") UpperRoman -> addAttribute ("type", "I") LowerRoman -> addAttribute ("type", "i")) $ htmlBlock "ol" $ Just (nl <> mconcat (map li items)) where li x = htmlBlock "li" $ Just ((if lSpacing == TightList then mempty else nl) <> x) nl :: Html a nl = htmlRaw "\n" instance Rangeable (Html ()) where ranged _ x = x instance Rangeable (Html SourceRange) where ranged sr x = addAttribute ("data-sourcepos", T.pack (show sr)) x htmlInline :: Text -> Maybe (Html a) -> Html a htmlInline tagname = HtmlElement InlineElement tagname [] htmlBlock :: Text -> Maybe (Html a) -> Html a htmlBlock tagname mbcontents = HtmlElement BlockElement tagname [] mbcontents htmlText :: Text -> Html a htmlText = HtmlText htmlRaw :: Text -> Html a htmlRaw = HtmlRaw addAttribute :: Attribute -> Html a -> Html a addAttribute attr (HtmlElement eltType tagname attrs mbcontents) = HtmlElement eltType tagname (incorporateAttribute attr attrs) mbcontents addAttribute attr (HtmlText t) = addAttribute attr $ HtmlElement InlineElement "span" [] $ Just (HtmlText t) addAttribute _ elt = elt incorporateAttribute :: Attribute -> [Attribute] -> [Attribute] incorporateAttribute (k, v) as = case lookup k' as of Nothing -> (k', v) : as Just v' -> (if k' == "class" then ("class", v <> " " <> v') else (k', v')) : filter (\(x, _) -> x /= k') as where k' = if k `Set.member` html5Attributes || "data-" `T.isPrefixOf` k then k else "data-" <> k html5Attributes :: Set.Set Text html5Attributes = Set.fromList [ "abbr" , "accept" , "accept-charset" , "accesskey" , "action" , "allow" , "allowfullscreen" , "allowpaymentrequest" , "allowusermedia" , "alt" , "aria-hidden" , "as" , "async" , "autocapitalize" , "autocomplete" , "autofocus" , "autoplay" , "charset" , "checked" , "cite" , "class" , "color" , "cols" , "colspan" , "content" , "contenteditable" , "controls" , "coords" , "crossorigin" , "d" , "data" , "datetime" , "decoding" , "default" , "defer" , "dir" , "dirname" , "disabled" , "download" , "draggable" , "enctype" , "enterkeyhint" , "for" , "form" , "formaction" , "formenctype" , "formmethod" , "formnovalidate" , "formtarget" , "headers" , "height" , "hidden" , "high" , "href" , "hreflang" , "http-equiv" , "id" , "imagesizes" , "imagesrcset" , "inputmode" , "integrity" , "is" , "ismap" , "itemid" , "itemprop" , "itemref" , "itemscope" , "itemtype" , "kind" , "label" , "lang" , "list" , "loading" , "loop" , "low" , "manifest" , "max" , "maxlength" , "media" , "method" , "min" , "minlength" , "multiple" , "muted" , "name" , "nomodule" , "nonce" , "novalidate" , "onabort" , "onafterprint" , "onauxclick" , "onbeforeprint" , "onbeforeunload" , "onblur" , "oncancel" , "oncanplay" , "oncanplaythrough" , "onchange" , "onclick" , "onclose" , "oncontextmenu" , "oncopy" , "oncuechange" , "oncut" , "ondblclick" , "ondrag" , "ondragend" , "ondragenter" , "ondragexit" , "ondragleave" , "ondragover" , "ondragstart" , "ondrop" , "ondurationchange" , "onemptied" , "onended" , "onerror" , "onfocus" , "onhashchange" , "oninput" , "oninvalid" , "onkeydown" , "onkeypress" , "onkeyup" , "onlanguagechange" , "onload" , "onloadeddata" , "onloadedmetadata" , "onloadend" , "onloadstart" , "onmessage" , "onmessageerror" , "onmousedown" , "onmouseenter" , "onmouseleave" , "onmousemove" , "onmouseout" , "onmouseover" , "onmouseup" , "onoffline" , "ononline" , "onpagehide" , "onpageshow" , "onpaste" , "onpause" , "onplay" , "onplaying" , "onpopstate" , "onprogress" , "onratechange" , "onrejectionhandled" , "onreset" , "onresize" , "onscroll" , "onsecuritypolicyviolation" , "onseeked" , "onseeking" , "onselect" , "onstalled" , "onstorage" , "onsubmit" , "onsuspend" , "ontimeupdate" , "ontoggle" , "onunhandledrejection" , "onunload" , "onvolumechange" , "onwaiting" , "onwheel" , "open" , "optimum" , "pattern" , "ping" , "placeholder" , "playsinline" , "poster" , "preload" , "readonly" , "referrerpolicy" , "rel" , "required" , "reversed" , "role" , "rows" , "rowspan" , "sandbox" , "scope" , "selected" , "shape" , "size" , "sizes" , "slot" , "span" , "spellcheck" , "src" , "srcdoc" , "srclang" , "srcset" , "start" , "step" , "style" , "tabindex" , "target" , "title" , "translate" , "type" , "typemustmatch" , "updateviacache" , "usemap" , "value" , "viewBox" , "width" , "workertype" , "wrap" ] renderHtml :: Html a -> TL.Text renderHtml = {-# SCC renderHtml #-} toLazyText . toBuilder toBuilder :: Html a -> Builder toBuilder HtmlNull = mempty toBuilder (HtmlConcat x y) = toBuilder x <> toBuilder y toBuilder (HtmlRaw t) = fromText t toBuilder (HtmlText t) = escapeHtml t toBuilder (HtmlElement eltType tagname attrs mbcontents) = "<" <> fromText tagname <> mconcat (map toAttr attrs) <> filling <> nl' where toAttr (x,y) = " " <> fromText x <> "=\"" <> escapeHtml y <> "\"" nl' = case eltType of BlockElement -> "\n" _ -> mempty filling = case mbcontents of Nothing -> " />" Just cont -> ">" <> toBuilder cont <> " fromText tagname <> ">" escapeHtml :: Text -> Builder escapeHtml t = case T.uncons post of Just (c, rest) -> fromText pre <> escapeHtmlChar c <> escapeHtml rest Nothing -> fromText pre where (pre,post) = T.break needsEscaping t needsEscaping '<' = True needsEscaping '>' = True needsEscaping '&' = True needsEscaping '"' = True needsEscaping _ = False escapeHtmlChar :: Char -> Builder escapeHtmlChar '<' = "<" escapeHtmlChar '>' = ">" escapeHtmlChar '&' = "&" escapeHtmlChar '"' = """ escapeHtmlChar c = singleton c escapeURI :: Text -> Text escapeURI = mconcat . map escapeURIChar . B.unpack . encodeUtf8 escapeURIChar :: Char -> Text escapeURIChar c | isEscapable c = T.singleton '%' <> T.pack (printf "%02X" (ord c)) | otherwise = T.singleton c where isEscapable d = not (isAscii d && isAlphaNum d) && d `notElem` ['%','/','?',':','@','-','.','_','~','&', '#','!','$','\'','(',')','*','+',',', ';','=']