{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, Rank2Types, GADTs #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Comp.Param.Thunk
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2011 Patrick Bahr
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Patrick Bahr <paba@diku.dk>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- This modules defines terms & contexts with thunks, with deferred
-- monadic computations.

module Data.Comp.Param.Thunk

import Data.Comp.Param.Term
import Data.Comp.Param.Sum
import Data.Comp.Param.Ops
import Data.Comp.Param.Algebra
import Data.Comp.Param.Ditraversable
import Data.Comp.Param.Difunctor

import Control.Monad

-- | This type represents terms with thunks.
type TermT m f = Term (Thunk m :+: f)

-- | This type represents terms with thunks.
type TrmT m f a = Trm  (Thunk m :+: f) a

-- | This type represents contexts with thunks.
type CxtT h  m f a = Cxt h (Thunk m :+: f) a

newtype Thunk m a b = Thunk (m b)

-- | This function turns a monadic computation into a thunk.
thunk :: (Thunk m :<: f) => m (Cxt h f a b) -> Cxt h f a b
thunk = inject . Thunk

-- | This function evaluates all thunks until a non-thunk node is
-- found.
whnf :: Monad m => TrmT m f a -> m (Either a (f a (TrmT m f a)))
whnf (In (Inl (Thunk m))) = m >>= whnf
whnf (In (Inr t)) = return $ Right t
whnf (Var x) = return $ Left x

whnf' :: Monad m => TrmT m f a -> m (TrmT m f a)
whnf' =  liftM (either Var inject) . whnf

-- | This function first evaluates the argument term into whnf via
-- 'whnf' and then projects the top-level signature to the desired
-- subsignature. Failure to do the projection is signalled as a
-- failure in the monad.
whnfPr :: (Monad m, g :<: f) => TrmT m f a -> m (g a (TrmT m f a))
whnfPr t = do res <- whnf t
              case res of
                Left _  -> fail "cannot project variable"
                Right t ->
                    case proj t of
                      Just res' -> return res'
                      Nothing -> fail "projection failed"

-- | This function evaluates all thunks.
nfT :: (ParamFunctor m, Monad m, Ditraversable f) => TermT m f -> m (Term f)
nfT t = termM $ nf $ unTerm  t

-- | This function evaluates all thunks.
nf :: (Monad m, Ditraversable f) => TrmT m f a -> m (Trm f a)
nf = either (return . Var) (liftM In . dimapM nf) <=< whnf

-- | This function evaluates all thunks while simultaneously
-- projecting the term to a smaller signature. Failure to do the
-- projection is signalled as a failure in the monad as in 'whnfPr'.
nfTPr :: (ParamFunctor m, Monad m, Ditraversable g, g :<: f) => TermT m f -> m (Term g)
nfTPr t = termM $ nfPr $ unTerm t

-- | This function evaluates all thunks while simultaneously
-- projecting the term to a smaller signature. Failure to do the
-- projection is signalled as a failure in the monad as in 'whnfPr'.
nfPr :: (Monad m, Ditraversable g, g :<: f) => TrmT m f a -> m (Trm g a)
nfPr = liftM In . dimapM nfPr <=< whnfPr

evalStrict :: (Ditraversable g, Monad m, g :<: f) => 
              (g (TrmT m f a) (f a (TrmT m f a)) -> TrmT m f a)
           -> g (TrmT m f a) (TrmT m f a) -> TrmT m f a
evalStrict cont t = thunk $ do 
                      t' <- dimapM (liftM (either (const Nothing) Just) . whnf) t
                      case disequence t' of
                        Nothing -> return $ inject' t
                        Just s -> return $ cont s

-- | This type represents algebras which have terms with thunks as
-- carrier.
type AlgT m f g = Alg f (TermT m g)

-- | This combinator makes the evaluation of the given functor
-- application strict by evaluating all thunks of immediate subterms.
strict :: (f :<: g, Ditraversable f, Monad m) => f a (TrmT m g a) -> TrmT m g a
strict x = thunk $ liftM inject $ dimapM whnf' x

-- | This combinator makes the evaluation of the given functor
-- application strict by evaluating all thunks of immediate subterms.
strict' :: (f :<: g, Ditraversable f, Monad m) => f (TrmT m g a) (TrmT m g a) -> TrmT m g a
strict'  = strict . dimap Var id