0.7 --- * Support for newer `bifunctors`, `cereal`, `deepseq`, `generic-deriving`, `semigroupoid` and `vector` dependencies.` 0.6 --- * Updated for `lens` 4. * Bug fix in `(/=)` 0.4.1 ----- * Marked this package `Trustworthy`. 0.4 --- * Added `NFData` and `Serial` instances 0.3 --- * Major version bump due to large semantics change in `log-domain`. ------- * Wider `generic-deriving` version bounds for GHC HEAD compatibility. 0.2 --- * Added a `Hashable` instance. ------- * Wider `binary` version bounds. 0.1.1 ----- * Fixed a bug in the `Setup.lhs` `postHaddock` hook. * Reformatted haddocks 0.1 --- * Split from [analytics](https://github.com/analytics/analytics)