module Composite.Ekg (EkgMetric(ekgMetric)) where

import BasicPrelude
import Composite.Base (NamedField(fieldName))
import Control.Lens (view, Wrapped(type Unwrapped), _Unwrapped)
import Data.Char (isUpper, toLower)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.Vinyl.Core (Rec((:&), RNil))
import Data.Vinyl.Functor (Identity(Identity))
import Frames (Record, (:->))
import System.Metrics (Store, createCounter, createGauge, createLabel, createDistribution)
import System.Metrics.Counter (Counter)
import System.Metrics.Gauge (Gauge)
import System.Metrics.Label (Label)
import System.Metrics.Distribution (Distribution)

-- |Type class for constructing a configured EKG metric store for record type of named fields
-- For example, given:
-- > type FActiveUsers    = "activeUsers"           :-> Gauge
-- > type FResponseTimes  = "endpointResponseTimes" :-> Distribution
-- > type FOrdersPlaced   = "ordersPlaced"          :-> Counter
-- > type EkgMetrics = '[FActiveUsers, FResponseTimes, FRevenue]
-- And then used in:
-- > configureMetrics :: IO (Rec EkgMetrics)
-- > configureMetrics = do
-- >   store <- newStore
-- >   metrics <- ekgMetric "myapp" store
-- >   _ <- forkServerWith store "localhost" 8080
-- >   pure metrics
-- Compare to a more traditional:
-- > metrics <- EkgMetrics
-- >  <$> createGauge "myapp.active_users store
-- >  <*> createDistribution "myapp.endpoint_response_times" store
-- >  <*> createCounter "myapp.orders_placed" store
-- The former is more concise and harder to make naming errors particularly in larger store sets
class EkgMetric a where
  ekgMetric :: Text -> Store -> IO a

instance forall a s rs. (EkgMetric a, EkgMetric (Record rs), NamedField (s :-> a)) => EkgMetric (Record ((s :-> a) ': rs)) where
  ekgMetric prefix store =
      <$> (Identity . view _Unwrapped <$> ekgMetric (prefix <> "." <> (upperScores . fieldName) (Proxy :: Proxy (s :-> a))) store)
      <*> ekgMetric prefix store

instance EkgMetric (Record '[]) where
  ekgMetric _ _ = pure RNil

instance EkgMetric Counter where
  ekgMetric = createCounter

instance EkgMetric Gauge where
  ekgMetric = createGauge

instance EkgMetric Label where
  ekgMetric = createLabel

instance EkgMetric Distribution where
  ekgMetric = createDistribution

upperScores :: Text -> Text
upperScores = Text.dropWhile (== '_') . Text.concatMap score
  where score :: Char -> Text
        score c | isUpper c = "_" <> Text.singleton (toLower c)
        score c = Text.singleton c