Readme for computational-algebra-

Computational Algebra Library


$ cabal install computational-algebra

If you once installed the same version of this package and want to reinstall, please run cabal clean first to avoid the GHC's bug.

What is this?

This library provides data-types and functions to manipulate polynomials. This is built up with GHC's nice type features.

It contains following things:

There are two interfaces:

*Monomorphic wrapper I/F * Not-so-dependently-typed interface to wrap dependently-typed ones. Algebra.Ring.Polynomial.Monomorphic and Algebra.Algorithms.Groebner.Monomorphic.

For more information, please read examples/polymorphic.hs and examples/monomorphic.hs.

Known Issues

Due to GHC 7.4.*'s bug, this library contains extra modules and functionalities as follows: