-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.20.0. -- -- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack -- -- hash: 6713e725c67f25da63035bde809aeb0804583fde977b95d1b7d338ce35eaf71e name: concrete-haskell version: synopsis: Library for the Concrete data format. description: Concrete is a Thrift-based data specification designed for Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. This library provides a Haskell interface to code generated from the latest release of Concrete (the concrete-haskell-autogen package). It also has an ingest utility for converting various formats (JSON, CSV, XML, etc) to Concrete Communication objects. category: Data homepage: https://github.com/hltcoe author: Thomas Lippincott maintainer: tom@cs.jhu.edu copyright: 2017 license: GPL license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 library hs-source-dirs: src default-extensions: RecordWildCards build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == exposed-modules: Data.Concrete.Prelude Data.Concrete.Utils Data.Concrete.Services Data.Concrete.Services.Fetch Data.Concrete.Services.Store Data.Concrete.Parsers Data.Concrete.Parsers.Types Data.Concrete.Parsers.Utils Data.Concrete.Parsers.JSON other-modules: Data.Concrete Data.Concrete.Internal.Lens Data.Concrete.Parsers.CONLL Data.Concrete.Parsers.CSV Data.Concrete.Parsers.Email Data.Concrete.Parsers.HTML Data.Concrete.Parsers.PTB Data.Concrete.Parsers.XML Data.Concrete.Services.Annotate Paths_concrete_haskell default-language: Haskell2010 executable apply_annotators main-is: ApplyAnnotators.hs hs-source-dirs: utils build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == default-language: Haskell2010 executable build_graphs main-is: BuildGraphs.hs hs-source-dirs: utils build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == default-language: Haskell2010 executable fetch_service main-is: FetchService.hs hs-source-dirs: utils build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == default-language: Haskell2010 executable ingest_communications main-is: IngestCommunications.hs hs-source-dirs: utils build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == default-language: Haskell2010 executable inspect_communications main-is: InspectCommunications.hs hs-source-dirs: utils default-extensions: RecordWildCards build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == default-language: Haskell2010 executable store_service main-is: StoreService.hs hs-source-dirs: utils build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite ingesters type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: tests/TestIngesters.hs build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == other-modules: Paths_concrete_haskell default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite serialization type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: tests/TestSerialization.hs build-depends: QuickCheck ==2.9.2 , base >=4.6 && <5 , binary == , bytestring == , bzlib == , bzlib-conduit == , concrete-haskell , concrete-haskell-autogen == , conduit ==1.2.12 , conduit-combinators ==1.1.1 , conduit-extra ==1.1.17 , containers == , cryptohash-conduit ==0.1.1 , deepseq == , directory == , filepath == , hashable == , lens ==4.15.4 , megaparsec >=6.1 , monad-extras ==0.6.0 , mtl ==2.2.1 , network == , optparse-generic ==1.2.2 , path ==0.5.13 , path-io ==1.2.2 , process == , scientific == , stm == , tar == , tar-conduit ==0.1.1 , text == , thrift ==0.10.0 , time == , unordered-containers == , uuid ==1.3.13 , vector == , zip ==0.1.11 , zip-conduit == , zlib == other-modules: Paths_concrete_haskell default-language: Haskell2010