{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.10.0) -- -- -- -- DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- module Metadata_Types where import Prelude (($), (.), (>>=), (==), (++)) import qualified Prelude as P import qualified Control.Exception as X import qualified Control.Monad as M ( liftM, ap, when ) import Data.Functor ( (<$>) ) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.Hashable as H import qualified Data.Int as I import qualified Data.Maybe as M (catMaybes) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as E ( decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8 ) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified GHC.Generics as G (Generic) import qualified Data.Typeable as TY ( Typeable ) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary as QC ( Arbitrary(..) ) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC ( elements ) import qualified Thrift as T import qualified Thrift.Types as T import qualified Thrift.Arbitraries as T import qualified Uuid_Types import qualified Twitter_Types import qualified Email_Types import qualified Nitf_Types data TheoryDependencies = TheoryDependencies { theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) , theoryDependencies_communicationsList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector Uuid_Types.UUID) } deriving (P.Show,P.Eq,G.Generic,TY.Typeable) instance H.Hashable TheoryDependencies where hashWithSalt salt record = salt `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList record `H.hashWithSalt` theoryDependencies_communicationsList record instance QC.Arbitrary TheoryDependencies where arbitrary = M.liftM TheoryDependencies (M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) shrink obj | obj == default_TheoryDependencies = [] | P.otherwise = M.catMaybes [ if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList = theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList = theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList = theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList = theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList = theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList = theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList = theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList = theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList = theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList = theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList = theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList = theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList = theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList = theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList = theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList = theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList = theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList = theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList = theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList = theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList = theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList obj} , if obj == default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_communicationsList = theoryDependencies_communicationsList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_TheoryDependencies{theoryDependencies_communicationsList = theoryDependencies_communicationsList obj} ] from_TheoryDependencies :: TheoryDependencies -> T.ThriftVal from_TheoryDependencies record = T.TStruct $ Map.fromList $ M.catMaybes [ (\_v2 -> (1, ("sectionTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v4 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v4) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (2, ("sentenceTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v6 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v6) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (3, ("tokenizationTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v8 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v8) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (4, ("posTagTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v10 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v10) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (5, ("nerTagTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v12 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v12) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (6, ("lemmaTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v14 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v14) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (7, ("langIdTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v16 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v16) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (8, ("parseTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v18 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v18) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (9, ("dependencyParseTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v20 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v20) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (10, ("tokenAnnotationTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v22 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v22) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (11, ("entityMentionSetTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v24 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v24) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (12, ("entitySetTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v26 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v26) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (13, ("situationMentionSetTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v28 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v28) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (14, ("situationSetTheoryList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v30 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v30) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList record , (\_v2 -> (15, ("communicationsList",T.TList (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID) $ P.map (\_v32 -> Uuid_Types.from_UUID _v32) $ Vector.toList _v2))) <$> theoryDependencies_communicationsList record ] write_TheoryDependencies :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> TheoryDependencies -> P.IO () write_TheoryDependencies oprot record = T.writeVal oprot $ from_TheoryDependencies record encode_TheoryDependencies :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> TheoryDependencies -> LBS.ByteString encode_TheoryDependencies oprot record = T.serializeVal oprot $ from_TheoryDependencies record to_TheoryDependencies :: T.ThriftVal -> TheoryDependencies to_TheoryDependencies (T.TStruct fields) = TheoryDependencies{ theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val35 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v36 -> (case _v36 of {T.TStruct _val37 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val37)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val35); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (1) fields), theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val38 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v39 -> (case _v39 of {T.TStruct _val40 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val40)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val38); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (2) fields), theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val41 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v42 -> (case _v42 of {T.TStruct _val43 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val43)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val41); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (3) fields), theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val44 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v45 -> (case _v45 of {T.TStruct _val46 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val46)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val44); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (4) fields), theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val47 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v48 -> (case _v48 of {T.TStruct _val49 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val49)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val47); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (5) fields), theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val50 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v51 -> (case _v51 of {T.TStruct _val52 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val52)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val50); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (6) fields), theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val53 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v54 -> (case _v54 of {T.TStruct _val55 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val55)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val53); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (7) fields), theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val56 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v57 -> (case _v57 of {T.TStruct _val58 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val58)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val56); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (8) fields), theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val59 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v60 -> (case _v60 of {T.TStruct _val61 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val61)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val59); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (9) fields), theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val62 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v63 -> (case _v63 of {T.TStruct _val64 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val64)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val62); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (10) fields), theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val65 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v66 -> (case _v66 of {T.TStruct _val67 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val67)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val65); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (11) fields), theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val68 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v69 -> (case _v69 of {T.TStruct _val70 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val70)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val68); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (12) fields), theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val71 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v72 -> (case _v72 of {T.TStruct _val73 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val73)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val71); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (13) fields), theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val74 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v75 -> (case _v75 of {T.TStruct _val76 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val76)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val74); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (14) fields), theoryDependencies_communicationsList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val34) -> P.Just (case _val34 of {T.TList _ _val77 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v78 -> (case _v78 of {T.TStruct _val79 -> (Uuid_Types.to_UUID (T.TStruct _val79)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val77); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (15) fields) } to_TheoryDependencies _ = P.error "not a struct" read_TheoryDependencies :: (T.Transport t, T.Protocol p) => p t -> P.IO TheoryDependencies read_TheoryDependencies iprot = to_TheoryDependencies <$> T.readVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_TheoryDependencies) decode_TheoryDependencies :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> LBS.ByteString -> TheoryDependencies decode_TheoryDependencies iprot bs = to_TheoryDependencies $ T.deserializeVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_TheoryDependencies) bs typemap_TheoryDependencies :: T.TypeMap typemap_TheoryDependencies = Map.fromList [(1,("sectionTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(2,("sentenceTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(3,("tokenizationTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(4,("posTagTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(5,("nerTagTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(6,("lemmaTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(7,("langIdTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(8,("parseTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(9,("dependencyParseTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(10,("tokenAnnotationTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(11,("entityMentionSetTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(12,("entitySetTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(13,("situationMentionSetTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(14,("situationSetTheoryList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID)))),(15,("communicationsList",(T.T_LIST (T.T_STRUCT Uuid_Types.typemap_UUID))))] default_TheoryDependencies :: TheoryDependencies default_TheoryDependencies = TheoryDependencies{ theoryDependencies_sectionTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_sentenceTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_tokenizationTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_posTagTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_nerTagTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_lemmaTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_langIdTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_parseTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_dependencyParseTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_tokenAnnotationTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_entityMentionSetTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_entitySetTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_situationMentionSetTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_situationSetTheoryList = P.Nothing, theoryDependencies_communicationsList = P.Nothing} data Digest = Digest { digest_bytesValue :: P.Maybe LBS.ByteString , digest_int64Value :: P.Maybe I.Int64 , digest_doubleValue :: P.Maybe P.Double , digest_stringValue :: P.Maybe LT.Text , digest_int64List :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector I.Int64) , digest_doubleList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector P.Double) , digest_stringList :: P.Maybe (Vector.Vector LT.Text) } deriving (P.Show,P.Eq,G.Generic,TY.Typeable) instance H.Hashable Digest where hashWithSalt salt record = salt `H.hashWithSalt` digest_bytesValue record `H.hashWithSalt` digest_int64Value record `H.hashWithSalt` digest_doubleValue record `H.hashWithSalt` digest_stringValue record `H.hashWithSalt` digest_int64List record `H.hashWithSalt` digest_doubleList record `H.hashWithSalt` digest_stringList record instance QC.Arbitrary Digest where arbitrary = M.liftM Digest (M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) shrink obj | obj == default_Digest = [] | P.otherwise = M.catMaybes [ if obj == default_Digest{digest_bytesValue = digest_bytesValue obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_Digest{digest_bytesValue = digest_bytesValue obj} , if obj == default_Digest{digest_int64Value = digest_int64Value obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_Digest{digest_int64Value = digest_int64Value obj} , if obj == default_Digest{digest_doubleValue = digest_doubleValue obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_Digest{digest_doubleValue = digest_doubleValue obj} , if obj == default_Digest{digest_stringValue = digest_stringValue obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_Digest{digest_stringValue = digest_stringValue obj} , if obj == default_Digest{digest_int64List = digest_int64List obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_Digest{digest_int64List = digest_int64List obj} , if obj == default_Digest{digest_doubleList = digest_doubleList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_Digest{digest_doubleList = digest_doubleList obj} , if obj == default_Digest{digest_stringList = digest_stringList obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_Digest{digest_stringList = digest_stringList obj} ] from_Digest :: Digest -> T.ThriftVal from_Digest record = T.TStruct $ Map.fromList $ M.catMaybes [ (\_v82 -> (1, ("bytesValue",T.TBinary _v82))) <$> digest_bytesValue record , (\_v82 -> (2, ("int64Value",T.TI64 _v82))) <$> digest_int64Value record , (\_v82 -> (3, ("doubleValue",T.TDouble _v82))) <$> digest_doubleValue record , (\_v82 -> (4, ("stringValue",T.TString $ E.encodeUtf8 _v82))) <$> digest_stringValue record , (\_v82 -> (5, ("int64List",T.TList T.T_I64 $ P.map (\_v84 -> T.TI64 _v84) $ Vector.toList _v82))) <$> digest_int64List record , (\_v82 -> (6, ("doubleList",T.TList T.T_DOUBLE $ P.map (\_v86 -> T.TDouble _v86) $ Vector.toList _v82))) <$> digest_doubleList record , (\_v82 -> (7, ("stringList",T.TList T.T_STRING $ P.map (\_v88 -> T.TString $ E.encodeUtf8 _v88) $ Vector.toList _v82))) <$> digest_stringList record ] write_Digest :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> Digest -> P.IO () write_Digest oprot record = T.writeVal oprot $ from_Digest record encode_Digest :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> Digest -> LBS.ByteString encode_Digest oprot record = T.serializeVal oprot $ from_Digest record to_Digest :: T.ThriftVal -> Digest to_Digest (T.TStruct fields) = Digest{ digest_bytesValue = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val90) -> P.Just (case _val90 of {T.TBinary _val91 -> _val91; T.TString _val91 -> _val91; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (1) fields), digest_int64Value = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val90) -> P.Just (case _val90 of {T.TI64 _val92 -> _val92; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (2) fields), digest_doubleValue = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val90) -> P.Just (case _val90 of {T.TDouble _val93 -> _val93; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (3) fields), digest_stringValue = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val90) -> P.Just (case _val90 of {T.TString _val94 -> E.decodeUtf8 _val94; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (4) fields), digest_int64List = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val90) -> P.Just (case _val90 of {T.TList _ _val95 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v96 -> (case _v96 of {T.TI64 _val97 -> _val97; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val95); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (5) fields), digest_doubleList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val90) -> P.Just (case _val90 of {T.TList _ _val98 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v99 -> (case _v99 of {T.TDouble _val100 -> _val100; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val98); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (6) fields), digest_stringList = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val90) -> P.Just (case _val90 of {T.TList _ _val101 -> (Vector.fromList $ P.map (\_v102 -> (case _v102 of {T.TString _val103 -> E.decodeUtf8 _val103; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) _val101); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (7) fields) } to_Digest _ = P.error "not a struct" read_Digest :: (T.Transport t, T.Protocol p) => p t -> P.IO Digest read_Digest iprot = to_Digest <$> T.readVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_Digest) decode_Digest :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> LBS.ByteString -> Digest decode_Digest iprot bs = to_Digest $ T.deserializeVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_Digest) bs typemap_Digest :: T.TypeMap typemap_Digest = Map.fromList [(1,("bytesValue",T.T_BINARY)),(2,("int64Value",T.T_I64)),(3,("doubleValue",T.T_DOUBLE)),(4,("stringValue",T.T_STRING)),(5,("int64List",(T.T_LIST T.T_I64))),(6,("doubleList",(T.T_LIST T.T_DOUBLE))),(7,("stringList",(T.T_LIST T.T_STRING)))] default_Digest :: Digest default_Digest = Digest{ digest_bytesValue = P.Nothing, digest_int64Value = P.Nothing, digest_doubleValue = P.Nothing, digest_stringValue = P.Nothing, digest_int64List = P.Nothing, digest_doubleList = P.Nothing, digest_stringList = P.Nothing} data AnnotationMetadata = AnnotationMetadata { annotationMetadata_tool :: LT.Text , annotationMetadata_timestamp :: I.Int64 , annotationMetadata_digest :: P.Maybe Digest , annotationMetadata_dependencies :: P.Maybe TheoryDependencies , annotationMetadata_kBest :: I.Int32 } deriving (P.Show,P.Eq,G.Generic,TY.Typeable) instance H.Hashable AnnotationMetadata where hashWithSalt salt record = salt `H.hashWithSalt` annotationMetadata_tool record `H.hashWithSalt` annotationMetadata_timestamp record `H.hashWithSalt` annotationMetadata_digest record `H.hashWithSalt` annotationMetadata_dependencies record `H.hashWithSalt` annotationMetadata_kBest record instance QC.Arbitrary AnnotationMetadata where arbitrary = M.liftM AnnotationMetadata (QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(QC.arbitrary) shrink obj | obj == default_AnnotationMetadata = [] | P.otherwise = M.catMaybes [ if obj == default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_tool = annotationMetadata_tool obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_tool = annotationMetadata_tool obj} , if obj == default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_timestamp = annotationMetadata_timestamp obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_timestamp = annotationMetadata_timestamp obj} , if obj == default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_digest = annotationMetadata_digest obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_digest = annotationMetadata_digest obj} , if obj == default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_dependencies = annotationMetadata_dependencies obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_dependencies = annotationMetadata_dependencies obj} , if obj == default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_kBest = annotationMetadata_kBest obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_AnnotationMetadata{annotationMetadata_kBest = annotationMetadata_kBest obj} ] from_AnnotationMetadata :: AnnotationMetadata -> T.ThriftVal from_AnnotationMetadata record = T.TStruct $ Map.fromList $ M.catMaybes [ (\_v106 -> P.Just (1, ("tool",T.TString $ E.encodeUtf8 _v106))) $ annotationMetadata_tool record , (\_v106 -> P.Just (2, ("timestamp",T.TI64 _v106))) $ annotationMetadata_timestamp record , (\_v106 -> (4, ("digest",from_Digest _v106))) <$> annotationMetadata_digest record , (\_v106 -> (5, ("dependencies",from_TheoryDependencies _v106))) <$> annotationMetadata_dependencies record , (\_v106 -> P.Just (6, ("kBest",T.TI32 _v106))) $ annotationMetadata_kBest record ] write_AnnotationMetadata :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> AnnotationMetadata -> P.IO () write_AnnotationMetadata oprot record = T.writeVal oprot $ from_AnnotationMetadata record encode_AnnotationMetadata :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> AnnotationMetadata -> LBS.ByteString encode_AnnotationMetadata oprot record = T.serializeVal oprot $ from_AnnotationMetadata record to_AnnotationMetadata :: T.ThriftVal -> AnnotationMetadata to_AnnotationMetadata (T.TStruct fields) = AnnotationMetadata{ annotationMetadata_tool = P.maybe (P.error "Missing required field: tool") (\(_,_val108) -> (case _val108 of {T.TString _val109 -> E.decodeUtf8 _val109; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (1) fields), annotationMetadata_timestamp = P.maybe (P.error "Missing required field: timestamp") (\(_,_val108) -> (case _val108 of {T.TI64 _val110 -> _val110; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (2) fields), annotationMetadata_digest = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val108) -> P.Just (case _val108 of {T.TStruct _val111 -> (to_Digest (T.TStruct _val111)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (4) fields), annotationMetadata_dependencies = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val108) -> P.Just (case _val108 of {T.TStruct _val112 -> (to_TheoryDependencies (T.TStruct _val112)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (5) fields), annotationMetadata_kBest = P.maybe (P.error "Missing required field: kBest") (\(_,_val108) -> (case _val108 of {T.TI32 _val113 -> _val113; _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (6) fields) } to_AnnotationMetadata _ = P.error "not a struct" read_AnnotationMetadata :: (T.Transport t, T.Protocol p) => p t -> P.IO AnnotationMetadata read_AnnotationMetadata iprot = to_AnnotationMetadata <$> T.readVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_AnnotationMetadata) decode_AnnotationMetadata :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> LBS.ByteString -> AnnotationMetadata decode_AnnotationMetadata iprot bs = to_AnnotationMetadata $ T.deserializeVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_AnnotationMetadata) bs typemap_AnnotationMetadata :: T.TypeMap typemap_AnnotationMetadata = Map.fromList [(1,("tool",T.T_STRING)),(2,("timestamp",T.T_I64)),(4,("digest",(T.T_STRUCT typemap_Digest))),(5,("dependencies",(T.T_STRUCT typemap_TheoryDependencies))),(6,("kBest",T.T_I32))] default_AnnotationMetadata :: AnnotationMetadata default_AnnotationMetadata = AnnotationMetadata{ annotationMetadata_tool = "", annotationMetadata_timestamp = 0, annotationMetadata_digest = P.Nothing, annotationMetadata_dependencies = P.Nothing, annotationMetadata_kBest = (1)} data CommunicationMetadata = CommunicationMetadata { communicationMetadata_tweetInfo :: P.Maybe Twitter_Types.TweetInfo , communicationMetadata_emailInfo :: P.Maybe Email_Types.EmailCommunicationInfo , communicationMetadata_nitfInfo :: P.Maybe Nitf_Types.NITFInfo } deriving (P.Show,P.Eq,G.Generic,TY.Typeable) instance H.Hashable CommunicationMetadata where hashWithSalt salt record = salt `H.hashWithSalt` communicationMetadata_tweetInfo record `H.hashWithSalt` communicationMetadata_emailInfo record `H.hashWithSalt` communicationMetadata_nitfInfo record instance QC.Arbitrary CommunicationMetadata where arbitrary = M.liftM CommunicationMetadata (M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) `M.ap`(M.liftM P.Just QC.arbitrary) shrink obj | obj == default_CommunicationMetadata = [] | P.otherwise = M.catMaybes [ if obj == default_CommunicationMetadata{communicationMetadata_tweetInfo = communicationMetadata_tweetInfo obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_CommunicationMetadata{communicationMetadata_tweetInfo = communicationMetadata_tweetInfo obj} , if obj == default_CommunicationMetadata{communicationMetadata_emailInfo = communicationMetadata_emailInfo obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_CommunicationMetadata{communicationMetadata_emailInfo = communicationMetadata_emailInfo obj} , if obj == default_CommunicationMetadata{communicationMetadata_nitfInfo = communicationMetadata_nitfInfo obj} then P.Nothing else P.Just $ default_CommunicationMetadata{communicationMetadata_nitfInfo = communicationMetadata_nitfInfo obj} ] from_CommunicationMetadata :: CommunicationMetadata -> T.ThriftVal from_CommunicationMetadata record = T.TStruct $ Map.fromList $ M.catMaybes [ (\_v116 -> (1, ("tweetInfo",Twitter_Types.from_TweetInfo _v116))) <$> communicationMetadata_tweetInfo record , (\_v116 -> (2, ("emailInfo",Email_Types.from_EmailCommunicationInfo _v116))) <$> communicationMetadata_emailInfo record , (\_v116 -> (3, ("nitfInfo",Nitf_Types.from_NITFInfo _v116))) <$> communicationMetadata_nitfInfo record ] write_CommunicationMetadata :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> CommunicationMetadata -> P.IO () write_CommunicationMetadata oprot record = T.writeVal oprot $ from_CommunicationMetadata record encode_CommunicationMetadata :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> CommunicationMetadata -> LBS.ByteString encode_CommunicationMetadata oprot record = T.serializeVal oprot $ from_CommunicationMetadata record to_CommunicationMetadata :: T.ThriftVal -> CommunicationMetadata to_CommunicationMetadata (T.TStruct fields) = CommunicationMetadata{ communicationMetadata_tweetInfo = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val118) -> P.Just (case _val118 of {T.TStruct _val119 -> (Twitter_Types.to_TweetInfo (T.TStruct _val119)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (1) fields), communicationMetadata_emailInfo = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val118) -> P.Just (case _val118 of {T.TStruct _val120 -> (Email_Types.to_EmailCommunicationInfo (T.TStruct _val120)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (2) fields), communicationMetadata_nitfInfo = P.maybe (P.Nothing) (\(_,_val118) -> P.Just (case _val118 of {T.TStruct _val121 -> (Nitf_Types.to_NITFInfo (T.TStruct _val121)); _ -> P.error "wrong type"})) (Map.lookup (3) fields) } to_CommunicationMetadata _ = P.error "not a struct" read_CommunicationMetadata :: (T.Transport t, T.Protocol p) => p t -> P.IO CommunicationMetadata read_CommunicationMetadata iprot = to_CommunicationMetadata <$> T.readVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_CommunicationMetadata) decode_CommunicationMetadata :: (T.Protocol p, T.Transport t) => p t -> LBS.ByteString -> CommunicationMetadata decode_CommunicationMetadata iprot bs = to_CommunicationMetadata $ T.deserializeVal iprot (T.T_STRUCT typemap_CommunicationMetadata) bs typemap_CommunicationMetadata :: T.TypeMap typemap_CommunicationMetadata = Map.fromList [(1,("tweetInfo",(T.T_STRUCT Twitter_Types.typemap_TweetInfo))),(2,("emailInfo",(T.T_STRUCT Email_Types.typemap_EmailCommunicationInfo))),(3,("nitfInfo",(T.T_STRUCT Nitf_Types.typemap_NITFInfo)))] default_CommunicationMetadata :: CommunicationMetadata default_CommunicationMetadata = CommunicationMetadata{ communicationMetadata_tweetInfo = P.Nothing, communicationMetadata_emailInfo = P.Nothing, communicationMetadata_nitfInfo = P.Nothing}