---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Main -- Copyright : (c) Peter Robinson -- License : BSD3 (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Peter Robinson <pwr@lowerbound.io> -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable -- -- EXAMPLE USAGE: -- -- > range=4 expon=6 stack bench +RTS -N8 -RTS --benchmark-arguments='--output results-32.html --csv results-32.csv' -- -- The above will run all benchmarks with 10^6 requests split among 32 threads -- and keys chosen from a range 10^4. You need to change the integer after "-N" -- according to the number of cores that you have. Saves the results in files -- results-32.html and results-32.csv. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} module Main where import Data.Dictionary import Data.Dictionary.Request import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Concurrent.Chan import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import System.Random import Data.IORef import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad.STM import Control.Monad.ST import Criterion.Main import System.Environment import Data.Atomics import Prelude hiding (lookup) import qualified Data.HashTable as H import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as UO import qualified StmContainers.Map as SM -- Dictionary data type instances for all the test containers: newtype STMContainersMap a = STMContainersMap (SM.Map Int a) instance Dictionary (STMContainersMap Int) Int IO where runRequest (Lookup k) (STMContainersMap m) = do r <- atomically $ SM.lookup k m case r of Nothing -> return False Just _ -> return True runRequest (Insert k a) (STMContainersMap m) = atomically $ SM.insert k a m >> SM.null m runRequest (Delete k) (STMContainersMap m) = atomically $ SM.delete k m >> SM.null m newtype MVarHashMap a = MVarHashMap (MVar (UO.HashMap Int a)) instance Dictionary (MVarHashMap Int) Int IO where runRequest (Lookup k) (MVarHashMap m) = do mymap <- readMVar m case UO.lookup k mymap of Nothing -> return False Just _ -> return True runRequest (Insert k a) (MVarHashMap m) = modifyMVar m $ \mymap -> do let mymap' = UO.insert k a mymap return (mymap',UO.null mymap') runRequest (Delete k) (MVarHashMap m) = modifyMVar m $ \mymap -> do let mymap' = UO.delete k mymap return (mymap',UO.null mymap') newtype IORefPrimOps a = IORefPrimOps (IORef (UO.HashMap Int a)) instance Dictionary (IORefPrimOps Int) Int IO where runRequest (Lookup k) (IORefPrimOps m) = do mymap <- readIORef m case UO.lookup k mymap of Nothing -> return False Just _ -> return True runRequest (Insert k a) (IORefPrimOps m) = atomicModifyIORefCAS m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.insert k a mymap in (mymap',UO.null mymap') runRequest (Delete k) (IORefPrimOps m) = atomicModifyIORefCAS m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.delete k mymap in (mymap',UO.null mymap') newtype IORefPrimOpsHashMap a = IORefPrimOpsHashMap (IORef (UO.HashMap Int a)) instance Dictionary (IORefPrimOpsHashMap Int) Int IO where runRequest (Lookup k) (IORefPrimOpsHashMap m) = do mymap <- readIORef m case UO.lookup k mymap of Nothing -> return False Just _ -> return True runRequest (Insert k a) (IORefPrimOpsHashMap m) = atomicModifyIORefCAS m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.insert k a mymap in (mymap',UO.null mymap') runRequest (Delete k) (IORefPrimOpsHashMap m) = atomicModifyIORefCAS m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.delete k mymap in (mymap',UO.null mymap') newtype IORefHashMap a = IORefHashMap (IORef (UO.HashMap Int a)) instance Dictionary (IORefHashMap Int) Int IO where runRequest (Lookup k) (IORefHashMap m) = do mymap <- readIORef m case UO.lookup k mymap of Nothing -> return False Just _ -> return True runRequest (Insert k a) (IORefHashMap m) = atomicModifyIORef' m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.insert k a mymap in (mymap',UO.null mymap') runRequest (Delete k) (IORefHashMap m) = atomicModifyIORef' m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.delete k mymap in (mymap',UO.null mymap') newtype TVarHashMap a = TVarHashMap (TVar (UO.HashMap Int a)) instance Dictionary (TVarHashMap Int) Int IO where runRequest (Lookup k) (TVarHashMap m) = do mymap <- readTVarIO m case UO.lookup k mymap of Nothing -> return False Just _ -> return True runRequest (Insert k a) (TVarHashMap m) = atomically $ stateTVar m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.insert k a mymap in (UO.null mymap',mymap') runRequest (Delete k) (TVarHashMap m) = atomically $ stateTVar m $ \mymap -> let !mymap' = UO.delete k mymap in (UO.null mymap',mymap') newtype TestHashTable a = TestHashTable (H.HashTable Int a) instance Dictionary (TestHashTable Int) Int IO where runRequest (Lookup k) (TestHashTable s) = do r <- H.lookup s k case r of Nothing -> return False Just _ -> return True runRequest (Insert k a) (TestHashTable s) = H.insert s k a runRequest (Delete k) (TestHashTable s) = H.delete s k main = do -- use environment variables until we figure out how to avoid interfering with criterions cmdargs handling... mThreads <- lookupEnv "threads" mRange <- lookupEnv "range" mExpon <- lookupEnv "expon" mThreshold <- lookupEnv "threshold" mResizers <- lookupEnv "numresizers" let expon = case mExpon of Just e -> read e Nothing -> 5 -- ^ total number of requests let numRequests = 10^expon let range = (1,10^(case mRange of Just r -> read r Nothing -> expon `div` 2)) -- ^ range for keys let numThreads = case mThreads of Just t -> read t Nothing -> 4 -- ^ the number of requests lists we split the list into let threshold = case mThreshold of Just t -> read t Nothing -> 0.75 -- ^ threshold on load for resizing let numResizers = case mResizers of Just t -> read t Nothing -> 8 -- ^ number of worker threads for resizing print "Parameters: " putStrLn $ "number of spawned threads: " ++ show numThreads putStrLn $ "number of requests: " ++ show numRequests putStrLn $ "key range: " ++ show range putStrLn $ "load threshold: " ++ show threshold runBench numThreads numRequests range threshold runBench :: Int -> Int -> (Int,Int) -> Float -> IO () runBench numThreads numRequests range threshold = do let genTests = generateTests (numRequests `div` numThreads) let genTestsForThreads i = generateTests (numRequests `div` i) let mkCHT :: IO (TestHashTable Int) mkCHT = TestHashTable <$> H.newWithDefaults 10 let mkIOPrimOpsMap :: IO (IORefPrimOps Int) mkIOPrimOpsMap = IORefPrimOps <$> newIORef (UO.empty :: UO.HashMap Int Int) let mkIOPrimOpsHashMap :: IO (IORefPrimOpsHashMap Int) mkIOPrimOpsHashMap = IORefPrimOpsHashMap <$> newIORef (UO.empty :: UO.HashMap Int Int) let mkIORefMap :: IO (IORefHashMap Int) mkIORefMap = IORefHashMap <$> newIORef (UO.empty :: UO.HashMap Int Int) let mkTVarMap :: IO (TVarHashMap Int) mkTVarMap = TVarHashMap <$> newTVarIO (UO.empty :: UO.HashMap Int Int) let mkMVarMap :: IO (MVarHashMap Int) mkMVarMap = MVarHashMap <$> newMVar (UO.empty :: UO.HashMap Int Int) let mkSTMMap :: IO (STMContainersMap Int) mkSTMMap = STMContainersMap <$> SM.newIO numProcs <- getNumCapabilities print ("number of available cores: ",numProcs) threadDelay 3000000 let evaluate tests ds = do res <- forConcurrently tests (mapM $ \r -> runRequest r ds) print $ length $ filter (==True) $ concat res return $! filter (==True) $ concat res -- Generate set of tests for different workloads !tests_90_5_5 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.9,0.05) range !tests_80_10_10 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.8,0.1) range !tests_70_15_15 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.7,0.15) range !tests_60_20_20 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.6,0.2) range !tests_50_25_25 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.5,0.25) range !tests_40_30_30 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.4,0.30) range -- !tests_30_35_35 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.3,0.35) range !tests_20_40_40 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.2,0.40) range -- !tests_10_45_45 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0.1,0.45) range !tests_0_50_50 <- replicateM numThreads $ genTests (0,0.5) range -- let !all_95_25_25 = concat tests_95_25_25 let !all_90_5_5 = concat tests_90_5_5 let !all_80_10_10 = concat tests_80_10_10 let !all_70_15_15 = concat tests_70_15_15 let !all_60_20_20 = concat tests_60_20_20 let !all_50_25_25 = concat tests_50_25_25 let !all_40_30_30 = concat tests_40_30_30 -- let !all_30_35_35 = concat tests_30_35_35 let !all_20_40_40 = concat tests_20_40_40 -- let !all_10_45_45 = concat tests_10_45_45 let !all_0_50_50 = concat tests_0_50_50 print "--------------------------------------------" print "90 5 5:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_90_5_5) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_90_5_5) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_90_5_5) print "--------------------------------------------" print "80 10 10:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_80_10_10) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_80_10_10) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_80_10_10) print "--------------------------------------------" print "70 15 15:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_70_15_15) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_70_15_15) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_70_15_15) print "--------------------------------------------" print "60 20 20:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_60_20_20) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_60_20_20) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_60_20_20) print "--------------------------------------------" print "50 25 25:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_50_25_25) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_50_25_25) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_50_25_25) print "--------------------------------------------" print "40 30 30:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_40_30_30) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_40_30_30) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_40_30_30) print "--------------------------------------------" print "20 40 40:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_20_40_40) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_20_40_40) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_20_40_40) print "--------------------------------------------" print "0 50 50:" print $ "# of lookup requests: "++ show (length $ filter isLookup all_0_50_50) print $ "# of insert requests: "++ show (length $ filter isInsert all_0_50_50) print $ "# of delete requests: "++ show (length $ filter isDelete all_0_50_50) print "--------------------------------------------" defaultMain -- run benchmark for different workloads: [ bgroup "0% Lookups; 50% Inserts; 50% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_0_50_50) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_0_50_50) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_0_50_50) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_0_50_50) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_0_50_50) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_0_50_50) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_0_50_50) ] , bgroup "20% Lookups; 40% Inserts; 40% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_20_40_40) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_20_40_40) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_20_40_40) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_20_40_40) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_20_40_40) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_20_40_40) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_20_40_40) ] , bgroup "40% Lookups; 30% Inserts; 30% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_40_30_30) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_40_30_30) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_40_30_30) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_40_30_30) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_40_30_30) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_40_30_30) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_40_30_30) ] , bgroup "50% Lookups; 25% Inserts; 25% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_50_25_25) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_50_25_25) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_50_25_25) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_50_25_25) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_50_25_25) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_50_25_25) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_50_25_25) ] , bgroup "60% Lookups; 20% Inserts; 20% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_60_20_20) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_60_20_20) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_60_20_20) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_60_20_20) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_60_20_20) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_60_20_20) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_60_20_20) ] , bgroup "70% Lookups; 15% Inserts; 15% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_70_15_15) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_70_15_15) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_70_15_15) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_70_15_15) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_70_15_15) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_70_15_15) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_70_15_15) ] , bgroup "80% Lookups; 10% Inserts; 10% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_80_10_10) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_80_10_10) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_80_10_10) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_80_10_10) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_80_10_10) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_80_10_10) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_80_10_10) ] , bgroup "90% Lookups; 5% Inserts; 5% Deletes" [ bench "IORef atomicModifyIORef HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIORefMap >>= evaluate tests_90_5_5) , bench "IORef atomic-primops IntMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsMap >>= evaluate tests_90_5_5) , bench "IORef atomic-primops HashMap" $ nfIO (mkIOPrimOpsHashMap >>= evaluate tests_90_5_5) , bench "TVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkTVarMap >>= evaluate tests_90_5_5) , bench "MVar HashMap" $ nfIO (mkMVarMap >>= evaluate tests_90_5_5) , bench "StmContainers.Map" $ nfIO (mkSTMMap >>= evaluate tests_90_5_5) , bench "Concurrent HashTable" $ nfIO (mkCHT >>= evaluate tests_90_5_5) ] ]