{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, GADTs, TupleSections, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Routing for splitting and merging processing pipelines. module Data.Machine.Concurrent.Scatter ( scatter, mergeSum, splitSum, splitProd ) where import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, waitAny) import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted (wait, waitEither, waitBoth) import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import Control.Monad.Base (liftBase) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl, restoreM, StM) import Data.Machine import Data.Machine.Concurrent.AsyncStep holes :: [a] -> [[a]] holes = go id where go _ [] = [] go x (y:ys) = x ys : go (x . (y:)) ys diff :: [a] -> [(a,[a])] diff xs = zip xs (holes xs) waitAnyHole :: MonadBaseControl IO m => [(Async (StM m a), [b])] -> m (a, [b]) waitAnyHole xs = do (_,(s,b)) <- liftBase $ waitAny xs' fmap (,b) (restoreM s) where xs' = map (\(a,b) -> fmap (,b) a) xs -- | Produces values from whichever source 'MachineT' yields -- first. This operation may also be viewed as a /gather/ operation in -- that all values produced by the given machines are interleaved when -- fed downstream. Note that inputs are /not/ shared. The composite -- machine will await an input when any constituent machine awaits an -- input. That input will be supplied to the awaiting constituent and -- no other. -- -- Some examples of more specific useful types @scatter@ may be used -- at, -- -- @ -- scatter :: [ProcessT m a b] -> ProcessT m a b -- scatter :: [SourceT m a] -> SourceT m a -- @ -- -- The former may be used to stream data through a collection of -- worker 'Process'es, the latter may be used to intersperse values -- from a collection of sources. scatter :: MonadBaseControl IO m => [MachineT m k o] -> MachineT m k o scatter [] = stopped scatter sinks = MachineT $ mapM asyncRun sinks >>= waitAnyHole . diff >>= uncurry go where go :: MonadBaseControl IO m => MachineStep m k o -> [AsyncStep m k o] -> m (MachineStep m k o) go Stop [] = return Stop go Stop sinks' = waitAnyHole (diff sinks') >>= uncurry go go (Yield o k) sinks' = asyncRun k >>= return . Yield o . MachineT . goWait . (:sinks') go (Await f fk ff) sinks' = asyncAwait f fk ff (MachineT . goWait . (:sinks')) goWait :: MonadBaseControl IO m => [AsyncStep m k o] -> m (MachineStep m k o) goWait = waitAnyHole . diff >=> uncurry go -- | Similar to 'Control.Arrow.|||': split the input between two -- processes and merge their outputs. -- -- Connect two processes to the downstream tails of a 'Machine' that -- produces 'Either's. The two downstream consumers are run -- concurrently when possible. When one downstream consumer stops, the -- other is allowed to run until it stops or the upstream source -- yields a value the remaining consumer can not handle. -- -- @mergeSum sinkL sinkR@ produces a topology like this, -- -- @ -- sinkL -- / \ -- a \ -- / \ -- source -- Either a b --> -- r --> -- \\ / -- b / -- \\ / -- sinkR -- @ mergeSum :: forall m a b r. MonadBaseControl IO m => ProcessT m a r -> ProcessT m b r -> ProcessT m (Either a b) r mergeSum snkL snkR = MachineT $ do sl <- asyncRun snkL sr <- asyncRun snkR go sl sr where go :: MonadBaseControl IO m => AsyncStep m (Is a) r -> AsyncStep m (Is b) r -> m (MachineStep m (Is (Either a b)) r) go sl sr = waitEither sl sr >>= \(s :: Either (MachineStep m (Is a) r) (MachineStep m (Is b) r)) -> case s of Left Stop -> wait sr >>= runMachineT . rightOnly . encased Right Stop -> wait sl >>= runMachineT . leftOnly . encased Left (Yield o k) -> return . Yield o . MachineT $ asyncRun k >>= flip go sr Right (Yield o k) -> return . Yield o . MachineT $ asyncRun k >>= go sl Left (Await f Refl ff) -> return $ Await (\u -> case u of Left a -> MachineT $ asyncRun (f a) >>= flip go sr Right b -> MachineT $ wait sr >>= forceFeed (go sl) b . encased) Refl (MachineT $ asyncRun ff >>= flip go sr) Right (Await g Refl gg) -> return $ Await (\u -> case u of Left a -> MachineT $ wait sl >>= forceFeed (flip go sr) a . encased Right b -> MachineT $ asyncRun (g b) >>= go sl) Refl (MachineT $ asyncRun gg >>= go sl) -- | Similar to 'Control.Arrow.+++': split the input between two -- processes, retagging and merging their outputs. -- -- The two processes are run concurrently whenever possible. splitSum :: forall m a b c d. MonadBaseControl IO m => ProcessT m a b -> ProcessT m c d -> ProcessT m (Either a c) (Either b d) splitSum snkL snkR = MachineT $ do sl <- asyncRun (fmap lft snkL) sr <- asyncRun (fmap rgt snkR) go sl sr where lft :: b -> Either b d lft = Left rgt :: d -> Either b d rgt = Right go :: MonadBaseControl IO m => AsyncStep m (Is a) (Either b d) -> AsyncStep m (Is c) (Either b d) -> m (MachineStep m (Is (Either a c)) (Either b d)) go sl sr = waitEither sl sr >>= \(s :: Either (MachineStep m (Is a) (Either b d)) (MachineStep m (Is c) (Either b d))) -> case s of Left Stop -> wait sr >>= runMachineT . rightOnly . encased Right Stop -> wait sl >>= runMachineT . leftOnly . encased Left (Yield o k) -> return . Yield o . MachineT $ asyncRun k >>= flip go sr Right (Yield o k) -> return . Yield o . MachineT $ asyncRun k >>= go sl Left (Await f Refl ff) -> return $ Await (\u -> case u of Left a -> MachineT $ asyncRun (f a) >>= flip go sr Right b -> MachineT $ wait sr >>= forceFeed (go sl) b . encased) Refl (MachineT $ asyncRun ff >>= flip go sr) Right (Await g Refl gg) -> return $ Await (\u -> case u of Left a -> MachineT $ wait sl >>= forceFeed (flip go sr) a . encased Right b -> MachineT $ asyncRun (g b) >>= go sl) Refl (MachineT $ asyncRun gg >>= go sl) -- | @forceFeed k x p@ runs machine @p@ until it awaits, at which -- point it is fed @x@. The result of that feeding is asynchronously -- run, and supplied to the continuation @k@. forceFeed :: forall m a k b. MonadBaseControl IO m => (AsyncStep m (Is a) b -> m (MachineStep m k b)) -> a -> ProcessT m a b -> m (MachineStep m k b) forceFeed go x = aux where aux p = runMachineT p >>= \v -> case v of -- Stop -> asyncRun stopped >>= go Stop -> return Stop Yield o k -> return . Yield o . MachineT $ aux k Await f Refl _ -> asyncRun (f x) >>= go -- | We have a sink for the Right output of a source, so we want to -- keep running it as long as upstream does not yield a 'Left' which -- we can not handle. When upstream yields a 'Left', we 'stop'. rightOnly :: Monad m => ProcessT m b r -> ProcessT m (Either a b) r rightOnly snk = repeatedly (await >>= either (const stop) yield) ~> snk -- | We have a sink for the Left output of a source, so we want to -- keep running it as long as upstream does not yield a 'Right' which -- we can not handle. When upstream yields a 'Right', we 'stop'. leftOnly :: Monad m => ProcessT m a r -> ProcessT m (Either a b) r leftOnly snk = repeatedly (await >>= either yield (const stop)) ~> snk -- | Connect two processes to the downstream tails of a 'Machine' that -- produces tuples. The two downstream consumers are run -- concurrently. When one downstream consumer stops, the entire -- pipeline is stopped. -- -- @splitProd sink1 sink2@ produces a topology like this, -- -- @ -- sink1 -- / \ -- a \ -- / \ -- source -- (a,b) --> -- r --> -- \\ / -- b / -- \\ / -- sink2 -- @ splitProd :: forall m a b r. MonadBaseControl IO m => ProcessT m a r -> ProcessT m b r -> ProcessT m (a,b) r splitProd snk1 snk2 = MachineT $ do s1 <- asyncRun snk1 s2 <- asyncRun snk2 go s1 s2 where go :: AsyncStep m (Is a) r -> AsyncStep m (Is b) r -> m (MachineStep m (Is (a,b)) r) go s1 s2 = waitBoth s1 s2 >>= \(ss :: (MachineStep m (Is a) r, MachineStep m (Is b) r)) -> case ss of (Stop, _) -> return Stop (_, Stop) -> return Stop (Yield o1 k1, Yield o2 k2) -> return . Yield o1 . encased $ Yield o2 $ MachineT $ do k1' <- asyncRun k1 k2' <- asyncRun k2 go k1' k2' (Yield o k, _) -> return . Yield o . MachineT $ asyncRun k >>= flip go s2 (_, Yield o k) -> return . Yield o . MachineT $ asyncRun k >>= go s1 (Await f Refl ff, Await g Refl gg) -> return $ Await (uncurry splitProd . (f***g)) Refl (splitProd ff gg)