{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, TupleSections #-}

-- | 
-- Copyright: 2013 Joey Hess <id@joeyh.name>
-- License: BSD-2-clause
-- Concurrent output handling.
-- > import Control.Concurrent.Async
-- > import System.Console.Concurrent
-- >
-- > main = withConcurrentOutput $
-- > 	outputConcurrent "washed the car\n"
-- > 		`concurrently`
-- >	outputConcurrent "walked the dog\n"
-- >		`concurrently`
-- > 	createProcessConcurrent (proc "ls" [])

module System.Console.Concurrent (
	-- * Concurrent output
	-- * Low level access to the output buffer
) where

import System.IO
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Char
import qualified System.Process as P
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)

import Utility.Monad
import Utility.Exception

data OutputHandle = OutputHandle
	{ outputLock :: TMVar Lock
	, outputBuffer :: TMVar OutputBuffer
	, errorBuffer :: TMVar OutputBuffer
	, outputThreads :: TMVar Integer

data Lock = Locked

-- | A shared global variable for the OutputHandle.
{-# NOINLINE globalOutputHandle #-}
globalOutputHandle :: OutputHandle
globalOutputHandle = unsafePerformIO $ OutputHandle
	<$> newEmptyTMVarIO
	<*> newTMVarIO (OutputBuffer [])
	<*> newTMVarIO (OutputBuffer [])
	<*> newTMVarIO 0

-- | Holds a lock while performing an action. This allows the action to
-- perform its own output to the console, without using functions from this
-- module.
-- While this is running, other threads that try to lockOutput will block.
-- Any calls to `outputConcurrent` and `createProcessConcurrent` will not
-- block, but the output will be buffered and displayed only once the
-- action is done.
lockOutput :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a
lockOutput = bracket_ (liftIO takeOutputLock) (liftIO dropOutputLock)

-- | Blocks until we have the output lock.
takeOutputLock :: IO ()
takeOutputLock = void $ takeOutputLock' True

-- | Tries to take the output lock, without blocking.
tryTakeOutputLock :: IO Bool
tryTakeOutputLock = takeOutputLock' False

withLock :: (TMVar Lock -> STM a) -> IO a
withLock a = atomically $ a (outputLock globalOutputHandle)

takeOutputLock' :: Bool -> IO Bool
takeOutputLock' block = do
	locked <- withLock $ \l -> do
		v <- tryTakeTMVar l
		case v of
			Just Locked
				| block -> retry
				| otherwise -> do
					-- Restore value we took.
					putTMVar l Locked
					return False
			Nothing -> do
				putTMVar l Locked
				return True
	when locked $ do
		(outbuf, errbuf) <- atomically $ (,)
			<$> swapTMVar (outputBuffer globalOutputHandle) (OutputBuffer [])
			<*> swapTMVar (errorBuffer globalOutputHandle) (OutputBuffer [])
		emitOutputBuffer StdOut outbuf
		emitOutputBuffer StdErr errbuf
	return locked

-- | Only safe to call after taking the output lock.
dropOutputLock :: IO ()
dropOutputLock = withLock $ void . takeTMVar

-- | Use this around any actions that use `outputConcurrent`
-- or `createProcessConcurrent`
-- This is necessary to ensure that buffered concurrent output actually
-- gets displayed before the program exits.
withConcurrentOutput :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a
withConcurrentOutput a = a `finally` liftIO flushConcurrentOutput

-- | Blocks until any processes started by `createProcessConcurrent` have
-- finished, and any buffered output is displayed. 
-- `withConcurrentOutput` calls this at the end; you can call it anytime
-- you want to flush output.
flushConcurrentOutput :: IO ()
flushConcurrentOutput = do
	-- Wait for all outputThreads to finish.
	let v = outputThreads globalOutputHandle
	atomically $ do
		r <- takeTMVar v
		if r <= 0
			then putTMVar v r
			else retry
	-- Take output lock to ensure that nothing else is currently
	-- generating output, and flush any buffered output.
	lockOutput $ return ()

-- | Values that can be output.
class Outputable v where
	toOutput :: v -> B.ByteString

instance Outputable B.ByteString where
	toOutput = id

instance Outputable T.Text where
	toOutput = encodeUtf8

instance Outputable String where
	toOutput = toOutput . T.pack

-- | Displays a value to stdout.
-- No newline is appended to the value, so if you want a newline, be sure
-- to include it yourself.
-- Uses locking to ensure that the whole output occurs atomically
-- even when other threads are concurrently generating output.
-- When something else is writing to the console at the same time, this does
-- not block. It buffers the value, so it will be displayed once the other
-- writer is done.
outputConcurrent :: Outputable v => v -> IO ()
outputConcurrent v = bracket setup cleanup go
	setup = tryTakeOutputLock
	cleanup False = return ()
	cleanup True = dropOutputLock
	go True = do
		B.hPut stdout (toOutput v)
		hFlush stdout
	go False = do
		let bv = outputBuffer globalOutputHandle
		oldbuf <- atomically $ takeTMVar bv
		newbuf <- addOutputBuffer (Output (toOutput v)) oldbuf
		atomically $ putTMVar bv newbuf

-- | This must be used to wait for processes started with 
-- `createProcessConcurrent`.
-- This is necessary because `System.Process.waitForProcess` has a
-- race condition when two threads check the same process. If the race
-- is triggered, one thread will successfully wait, but the other
-- throws a DoesNotExist exception.
waitForProcessConcurrent :: P.ProcessHandle -> IO ExitCode
waitForProcessConcurrent h = do
	v <- tryWhenExists (P.waitForProcess h)
	case v of
		Just r -> return r
		Nothing -> maybe (waitForProcessConcurrent h) return =<< P.getProcessExitCode h

-- | Wrapper around `System.Process.createProcess` that prevents 
-- multiple processes that are running concurrently from writing
-- to stdout/stderr at the same time.
-- If the process does not output to stdout or stderr, it's run
-- by createProcess entirely as usual. Only processes that can generate
-- output are handled specially:
-- A process is allowed to write to stdout and stderr in the usual
-- way, assuming it can successfully take the output lock.
-- When the output lock is held (ie, by another concurrent process,
-- or because `outputConcurrent` is being called at the same time),
-- the process is instead run with its stdout and stderr
-- redirected to a buffer. The buffered output will be displayed as soon
-- as the output lock becomes free, or after the command has finished.
createProcessConcurrent :: P.CreateProcess -> IO (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, P.ProcessHandle) 
createProcessConcurrent p
	| willOutput (P.std_out p) || willOutput (P.std_err p) =
		ifM tryTakeOutputLock
			( firstprocess
			, concurrentprocess
	| otherwise = P.createProcess p
	rediroutput ss h
		| willOutput ss = P.UseHandle h
		| otherwise = ss

	firstprocess = do
		r@(_, _, _, h) <- P.createProcess p
			`onException` dropOutputLock
		-- Wait for the process to exit and drop the lock.
		void $ async $ do
			void $ tryIO $ waitForProcessConcurrent h
		return r
	concurrentprocess = do
		(toouth, fromouth) <- pipe
		(toerrh, fromerrh) <- pipe
		let p' = p
			{ P.std_out = rediroutput (P.std_out p) toouth
			, P.std_err = rediroutput (P.std_err p) toerrh
		r <- P.createProcess p'
			`onException` unregisterOutputThread
		outbuf <- setupOutputBuffer StdOut toouth (P.std_out p) fromouth
		errbuf <- setupOutputBuffer StdErr toerrh (P.std_err p) fromerrh
		void $ async $ bufferWriter [outbuf, errbuf]
		return r

	pipe = do
		(from, to) <- createPipe
		(,) <$> fdToHandle to <*> fdToHandle from

willOutput :: P.StdStream -> Bool
willOutput P.Inherit = True
willOutput _ = False

-- | Buffered output.
data OutputBuffer = OutputBuffer [OutputBufferedActivity]
	deriving (Eq)

data StdHandle = StdOut | StdErr

toHandle :: StdHandle -> Handle
toHandle StdOut = stdout
toHandle StdErr = stderr

bufferFor :: StdHandle -> TMVar OutputBuffer
bufferFor StdOut = outputBuffer globalOutputHandle
bufferFor StdErr = errorBuffer globalOutputHandle

data OutputBufferedActivity
	= Output B.ByteString
	| InTempFile
		{ tempFile :: FilePath
		, endsInNewLine :: Bool
	deriving (Eq)

data AtEnd = AtEnd
	deriving Eq

data BufSig = BufSig

setupOutputBuffer :: StdHandle -> Handle -> P.StdStream -> Handle -> IO (StdHandle, MVar OutputBuffer, TMVar BufSig, TMVar AtEnd)
setupOutputBuffer h toh ss fromh = do
	hClose toh
	buf <- newMVar (OutputBuffer [])
	bufsig <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
	bufend <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
	void $ async $ outputDrainer ss fromh buf bufsig bufend
	return (h, buf, bufsig, bufend)

-- Drain output from the handle, and buffer it.
outputDrainer :: P.StdStream -> Handle -> MVar OutputBuffer -> TMVar BufSig -> TMVar AtEnd -> IO ()
outputDrainer ss fromh buf bufsig bufend
	| willOutput ss = go
	| otherwise = atend
	go = do
		v <- tryIO $ B.hGetSome fromh 1048576
		case v of
			Right b | not (B.null b) -> do
				modifyMVar_ buf $ addOutputBuffer (Output b)
			_ -> atend
	atend = do
		atomically $ putTMVar bufend AtEnd
		hClose fromh
	changed = atomically $ do
		void $ tryTakeTMVar bufsig
		putTMVar bufsig BufSig

registerOutputThread :: IO ()
registerOutputThread = do
	hFlush stdout
	let v = outputThreads globalOutputHandle
	atomically $ putTMVar v . succ =<< takeTMVar v
unregisterOutputThread :: IO ()
unregisterOutputThread = do
	hFlush stdout
	let v = outputThreads globalOutputHandle
	atomically $ putTMVar v . pred =<< takeTMVar v

-- Wait to lock output, and once we can, display everything 
-- that's put into the buffers, until the end.
-- If end is reached before lock is taken, instead add the command's
-- buffers to the global outputBuffer and errorBuffer.
bufferWriter :: [(StdHandle, MVar OutputBuffer, TMVar BufSig, TMVar AtEnd)] -> IO ()
bufferWriter ts = do
	activitysig <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
	worker1 <- async $ lockOutput $
		ifM (atomically $ tryPutTMVar activitysig ())
			( void $ mapConcurrently displaybuf ts
			, noop -- buffers already moved to global
	worker2 <- async $ void $ globalbuf activitysig
	void $ async $ do
		void $ waitCatch worker1
		void $ waitCatch worker2
	displaybuf v@(outh, buf, bufsig, bufend) = do
		change <- atomically $
			(Right <$> takeTMVar bufsig)
			(Left <$> takeTMVar bufend)
		l <- takeMVar buf
		putMVar buf (OutputBuffer [])
		emitOutputBuffer outh l
		case change of
			Right BufSig -> displaybuf v
			Left AtEnd -> return ()
	globalbuf activitysig = do
		ok <- atomically $ do
			-- signal we're going to handle it
			-- (returns false if the displaybuf already did)
			ok <- tryPutTMVar activitysig ()
			-- wait for end of all buffers
			when ok $
				mapM_ (\(_outh, _buf, _bufsig, bufend) -> takeTMVar bufend) ts
			return ok
		when ok $ do
			-- add all of the command's buffered output to the
			-- global output buffer, atomically
			bs <- forM ts $ \(outh, buf, _bufsig, _bufend) ->
				(outh,) <$> takeMVar buf
			atomically $
				forM_ bs $ \(outh, b) -> 
					bufferOutputSTM' outh b

-- Adds a value to the OutputBuffer. When adding Output to a Handle,
-- it's cheaper to combine it with any already buffered Output to that
-- same Handle.
-- When the total buffered Output exceeds 1 mb in size, it's moved out of
-- memory, to a temp file. This should only happen rarely, but is done to
-- avoid some verbose process unexpectedly causing excessive memory use.
addOutputBuffer :: OutputBufferedActivity -> OutputBuffer -> IO OutputBuffer
addOutputBuffer (Output b) (OutputBuffer buf)
	| B.length b' <= 1048576 = return $ OutputBuffer (Output b' : other)
	| otherwise = do
		tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
		(tmp, h) <- openTempFile tmpdir "output.tmp"
		let !endnl = endsNewLine b'
		let i = InTempFile
			{ tempFile = tmp
			, endsInNewLine = endnl
		B.hPut h b'
		hClose h
		return $ OutputBuffer (i : other)
	!b' = B.concat (mapMaybe getOutput this) <> b
	!(this, other) = partition isOutput buf
	isOutput v = case v of
		Output _ -> True
		_ -> False
	getOutput v = case v of
		Output b'' -> Just b''
		_ -> Nothing
addOutputBuffer v (OutputBuffer buf) = return $ OutputBuffer (v:buf)

-- | Adds a value to the output buffer for later display.
-- Note that buffering large quantities of data this way will keep it
-- resident in memory until it can be displayed. While `outputConcurrent`
-- uses temp files if the buffer gets too big, this STM function cannot do
-- so.
bufferOutputSTM :: Outputable v => StdHandle -> v -> STM ()
bufferOutputSTM h v = bufferOutputSTM' h (OutputBuffer [Output (toOutput v)])

bufferOutputSTM' :: StdHandle -> OutputBuffer -> STM ()
bufferOutputSTM' h (OutputBuffer newbuf) = do
	(OutputBuffer buf) <- takeTMVar bv
	putTMVar bv (OutputBuffer (newbuf ++ buf))
	bv = bufferFor h

-- | A STM action that waits for some buffered output to become
-- available, and returns it.
-- The function can select a subset of output when only some is desired;
-- the fst part is returned and the snd is left in the buffer.
-- This will prevent it from being displayed in the usual way, so you'll
-- need to use `emitOutputBuffer` to display it yourself.
outputBufferWaiterSTM :: (OutputBuffer -> (OutputBuffer, OutputBuffer)) -> STM [(StdHandle, OutputBuffer)]
outputBufferWaiterSTM selector = do
	bs <- forM hs $ \h -> do
		let bv = bufferFor h
		(selected, rest) <- selector <$> takeTMVar bv
		putTMVar bv rest
		return selected
	if all (== OutputBuffer []) bs
		then retry
		else do
			return (zip hs bs)
	hs = [StdOut, StdErr]

waitAnyBuffer :: OutputBuffer -> (OutputBuffer, OutputBuffer)
waitAnyBuffer b = (b, OutputBuffer [])

-- | Use with `outputBufferWaiterSTM` to make it only return buffered
-- output that ends with a newline. Anything buffered without a newline
-- is left in the buffer.
waitCompleteLines :: OutputBuffer -> (OutputBuffer, OutputBuffer)
waitCompleteLines (OutputBuffer l) = 
	let (selected, rest) = span completeline l
	in (OutputBuffer selected, OutputBuffer rest)
	completeline (v@(InTempFile {})) = endsInNewLine v
	completeline (Output b) = endsNewLine b

endsNewLine :: B.ByteString -> Bool
endsNewLine b = not (B.null b) && B.last b == fromIntegral (ord '\n')

-- | Emits the content of the OutputBuffer to the Handle
-- If you use this, you should use `lockOutput` to ensure you're the only
-- thread writing to the console.
emitOutputBuffer :: StdHandle -> OutputBuffer -> IO ()
emitOutputBuffer stdh (OutputBuffer l) = 
	forM_ (reverse l) $ \ba -> case ba of
		Output b -> do
			B.hPut outh b
			hFlush outh
		InTempFile tmp _ -> do
			B.hPut outh =<< B.readFile tmp
			void $ tryWhenExists $ removeFile tmp
	outh = toHandle stdh