
-- MusicalEnvironment.hs
-- created: Fri Oct  1 23:21:13 JST 2010


module Sound.Conductive.MusicalEnvironment (  actions
                                            , addAction
                                            , addDoubleGenerator
                                            , addIOI
                                            , addIOIList
                                            , addInterrupt
                                            , addNewGenerator
                                            , addPlayer
                                            , addTempoClock
                                            , changeActions
                                            , changeDoubleGenerators
                                            , changeEnvironment
                                            , changeIOILists
                                            , changeIOIs
                                            , changeInterrupts
                                            , changePlayers
                                            , changeTempoClocks
                                            , deleteAction
                                            , deleteDoubleGenerator
                                            , deleteIOI
                                            , deleteIOIList
                                            , deleteInterrupt
                                            , deletePlayer
                                            , deleteTempoClock
                                            , doubleGenerators
                                            , eChangeTempo
                                            , eChangeTimeSignature
                                            , eCurrentTempo
                                            , eCurrentTimeSignature
                                            , eElapsedBeats
                                            , eElapsedTime
                                            , getAction
                                            , getCurrentTime
                                            , getDoubleGenerator
                                            , getIOI
                                            , getIOIList
                                            , getInterrupt
                                            , getPlayer
                                            , getTempoClock
                                            , iOIs
                                            , iOILists
                                            , interrupts
                                            , players
                                            , showCurrentTime
                                            , tempoClocks
                                            , withAction
                                            , withDoubleGenerator
                                            , withEnvironment
                                            , withIOI
                                            , withIOIList
                                            , withInterrupt
                                            , withPlayer
                                            , withTempoClock
                                            ) where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Map 
import Sound.Conductive.ConductiveBaseData
import Sound.Conductive.Generator
import Sound.Conductive.MusicalTime
import Sound.Conductive.MVarUtils

  :: MVar a -> (a -> Data.Map.Map k a1) -> IO [k]
environmentStoreKeys e sRecord = wm e $ (\x -> keys $ sRecord x)

-- | allows a pure function to be run on a MusicalEnvironment stored in an MVar

withEnvironment :: MVar a -> (a -> a1) -> IO a1
withEnvironment e func = wm e func

-- | used to update a MusicalEnvironment stored in an MVar

changeEnvironment :: MVar a -> (a -> a) -> IO a
changeEnvironment e func = wcm e func

withStore :: (t -> a) -> (a -> b) -> t -> b
withStore store func e = func $ store e 

-- | allows a pure function to be run on a store (first argument) in a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

withMEStore :: (a -> a1) -> (a1 -> b) -> MVar a -> IO b
withMEStore store func e = withEnvironment e $ withStore store func

  :: (Ord k) => (a -> Data.Map.Map k a1) -> k -> MVar a -> IO a1
getItem store item e = withMEStore store (\x -> x ! item) e

-- boilerplate
-- functions to retrieve an item from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

-- | returns a Player from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

getPlayer :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Player
getPlayer e n = getItem playerStore n e

-- | returns a TempoClock from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

getTempoClock :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO TempoClock
getTempoClock e n = getItem tempoClockStore n e

-- | returns an IOI function from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> IO (MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO Double)
getIOI e n = getItem iOIStore n e

-- | returns an action function from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> IO (MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO ())
getAction e n = getItem actionStore n e

-- | returns an interrupt function from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

getInterrupt :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO [IO ()]
getInterrupt e n = getItem interruptStore n e

-- | returns a double Generator from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO (Generator Double)
getDoubleGenerator e n = getItem doubleGeneratorStore n e

-- | returns an IOI list from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

getIOIList :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO [Double]
getIOIList e n = getItem iOIListStore n e


  :: (Ord k) =>
     (a -> Data.Map.Map k a1) -> k -> (a1 -> IO b) -> MVar a -> IO b
withItem store item func e = getItem store item e >>= \i -> func i

-- irritating boilerplate
-- functions to run a function on an item from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

-- | runs a pure function on a stored Player

  :: (Player -> IO b) -> MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO b
withPlayer func e n = withItem playerStore n func e

-- | runs a pure function on a stored TempoClock

  :: (TempoClock -> IO b)
     -> MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> IO b
withTempoClock func e n = withItem tempoClockStore n func e

-- | runs a pure function on a stored IOI function

  :: ((MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO Double) -> IO b)
     -> MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> IO b
withIOI func e n = withItem iOIStore n func e

-- | runs a pure function on a stored action function

  :: ((MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO ()) -> IO b)
     -> MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> IO b
withAction func e n = withItem actionStore n func e

-- | runs a pure function on a stored interrupt function

  :: ([IO ()] -> IO b) -> MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO b
withInterrupt func e n = withItem interruptStore n func e

-- | runs a pure function on a stored double Generator

  :: (Generator Double -> IO b)
     -> MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> IO b
withDoubleGenerator func e n = withItem doubleGeneratorStore n func e

-- | runs a pure function on a stored IOI List

  :: ([Double] -> IO b) -> MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO b
withIOIList func e n = withItem iOIListStore n func e


storeKeys :: (a -> Data.Map.Map k a1) -> MVar a -> IO [k]
storeKeys store e = withMEStore store keys e

-- annoying boilerplate
-- functions to get all items of a type from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

-- | returns a list of the names of all Players stored in a MusicalEnvironment

players :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
players e = storeKeys playerStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all TempoClocks stored in a MusicalEnvironment

tempoClocks :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
tempoClocks e = storeKeys tempoClockStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all IOI functions stored in a MusicalEnvironment

iOIs :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
iOIs e = storeKeys iOIStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all action functions stored in a MusicalEnvironment

actions :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
actions e = storeKeys actionStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all interrupt functions stored in a MusicalEnvironment

interrupts :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
interrupts e = storeKeys interruptStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all double Generators stored in a MusicalEnvironment

doubleGenerators :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
doubleGenerators e = storeKeys doubleGeneratorStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all IOI lists stored in a MusicalEnvironment

iOILists :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
iOILists e = storeKeys iOIListStore e

-- more annoying boilerplate
-- functions operating on the various stores in a MusicalEnvironment stored in an MVar

-- | runs a pure function on the Map in a MusicalEnvironment containing the Players

  :: (Data.Map.Map String Player -> Data.Map.Map String Player)
     -> MusicalEnvironment
     -> MusicalEnvironment
changePlayers func e = e { playerStore = func $ playerStore e }

-- | runs a pure function on the Map in a MusicalEnvironment containing the TempoClocks

  :: (Data.Map.Map String TempoClock
     -> Data.Map.Map String TempoClock)
     -> MusicalEnvironment
     -> MusicalEnvironment
changeTempoClocks func e = e { tempoClockStore = func $ tempoClockStore e }

-- | runs a pure function on the Map in a MusicalEnvironment containing the IOI functions

  :: (Data.Map.Map String (MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO Double)
      -> Data.Map.Map String (MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO Double))
     -> MusicalEnvironment
     -> MusicalEnvironment
changeIOIs func e = e { iOIStore = func $ iOIStore e }

-- | runs a pure function on the Map in a MusicalEnvironment containing the action functions

  :: (Data.Map.Map String (MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO ())
      -> Data.Map.Map String (MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO ()))
     -> MusicalEnvironment
     -> MusicalEnvironment
changeActions func e = e { actionStore = func $ actionStore e }

-- | runs a pure function on the Map in a MusicalEnvironment containing the interrupt functions

  :: (Data.Map.Map String [IO ()] -> Data.Map.Map String [IO ()])
     -> MusicalEnvironment
     -> MusicalEnvironment
changeInterrupts func e = e { interruptStore = func $ interruptStore e }

-- | runs a pure function on the Map in a MusicalEnvironment containing the double Generators

  :: (Data.Map.Map String (Generator Double)
      -> Data.Map.Map String (Generator Double))
     -> MusicalEnvironment
     -> MusicalEnvironment
changeDoubleGenerators func e = e { doubleGeneratorStore = func $ doubleGeneratorStore e }

-- | runs a pure function on the Map in a MusicalEnvironment containing the IOI lists

  :: (Data.Map.Map String [Double] -> Data.Map.Map String [Double])
     -> MusicalEnvironment
     -> MusicalEnvironment
changeIOILists func e = e { iOIListStore = func $ iOIListStore e }

-- will the boilerplate never end?
-- functions to add an item to a store in a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

-- | Add a Player to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, Player)
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addPlayer e (k,v) = changeEnvironment e $ changePlayers (insert k v)

-- | Add a TempoClock to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, TempoClock)
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addTempoClock e (k,v) = changeEnvironment e $ changeTempoClocks (insert k v)

-- | Add an IOI function to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO Double)
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addIOI e (k,v) = changeEnvironment e $ changeIOIs (insert k v)

-- | Add an action function to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, MVar MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> IO ())
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addAction e (k,v) = changeEnvironment e $ changeActions (insert k v)

-- | Add an interrupt function to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, [IO ()])
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addInterrupt e (k,v) = changeEnvironment e $ changeInterrupts (insert k v)

-- | Add a double Generator to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, Generator Double)
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addDoubleGenerator e (k,v) = changeEnvironment e $ changeDoubleGenerators (insert k v)

-- | Add an IOI list to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, [Double])
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addIOIList e (k,v) = changeEnvironment e $ changeIOILists (insert k v)

-- | Add a double Generator to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> (String, [Double])
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
addNewGenerator e (n,x) = newGenerator x >>= \g -> addDoubleGenerator e (n,g)

-- functions to delete items from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: (Ord k) =>
     ((Data.Map.Map k a -> Data.Map.Map k a) -> t -> t1) -> k -> t -> t1
deleteItem changeFunc k e = changeFunc (delete k) e
-- | Delete a Player to a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalEnvironment
deletePlayer e k = changeEnvironment e $ deleteItem (changePlayers) k

-- | Delete a Tempo Clock from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalEnvironment
deleteTempoClock e k = changeEnvironment e $ deleteItem (changeTempoClocks) k

-- | Delete an IOI function from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalEnvironment
deleteIOI e k = changeEnvironment e $ deleteItem (changeIOIs) k

-- | Delete an action function from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalEnvironment
deleteAction e k = changeEnvironment e $ deleteItem (changeActions) k

-- | Delete an interrupt function from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalEnvironment
deleteInterrupt e k = changeEnvironment e $ deleteItem (changeInterrupts) k

-- | Delete a double Generator from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalEnvironment
deleteDoubleGenerator e k = changeEnvironment e $ deleteItem (changeDoubleGenerators) k

-- | Delete an IOI list from a MusicalEnvironment in an MVar

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalEnvironment
deleteIOIList e k = changeEnvironment e $ deleteItem (changeIOILists) k

-- not crazy about the prefixed "e" in these function names...

-- | convenience function for returning elapsed time from a stored TempoClock

eElapsedTime :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Double
eElapsedTime e clock = withTempoClock elapsedTime e clock 

-- | convenience function for returning elapsed beats from a stored TempoClock

eElapsedBeats :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Double
eElapsedBeats e clock = withTempoClock elapsedBeats e clock 

-- | convenience function for returning elapsed MusicalTime from a stored TempoClock

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalTime
getCurrentTime e clock = withTempoClock currentMusicalTime e clock 

-- | convenience function for returning elapsed MusicalTime as a string from a stored TempoClock

showCurrentTime :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO [Char]
showCurrentTime e clock = withTempoClock currentMusicalTime2 e clock 

-- | convenience function for returning the current Tempo from a stored TempoClock

eCurrentTempo :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Double
eCurrentTempo e clock = do
    c <- getTempoClock e clock
    return $ currentTempo c

-- | convenience function for returning the current TimeSignature from a stored TempoClock

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Int
eCurrentTimeSignature e clock = withTempoClock currentTimeSignature e clock 

-- | convenience function for changing the current Tempo of a stored TempoClock

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> Double
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
eChangeTempo e clock nt = do
    tc <- getItem tempoClockStore clock e
    ntc <- changeTempo tc nt
    addTempoClock e (clock,ntc)

-- | convenience function for changing the current TimeSignature of a stored TempoClock

  :: MVar MusicalEnvironment
     -> String
     -> Int
     -> IO MusicalEnvironment
eChangeTimeSignature e clock nts = do
    tc <- getItem tempoClockStore clock e
    ntc <- changeTimeSignature tc nts
    addTempoClock e (clock,ntc)