
-- /home/renick/haskell/conductive-0.3c/MusicalEnvironment.hs
-- created: Sun Sep 16 22:19:28 JST 2012


module Sound.Conductive.MusicalEnvironment where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Sound.Conductive.ConductiveBaseData
import Sound.Conductive.MusicalTime
import Sound.Conductive.MutableMap

-- for getItem store item e = ... use
-- (store e) ?@ item 

-- for withItem store func e item = ... use
-- withKey (store e) item func

-- | returns a list of the names of all Players stored in a MusicalEnvironment

players :: MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
players e = keys $ playerStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all TempoClocks stored in a MusicalEnvironment

tempoClocks :: MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
tempoClocks e = keys $ tempoClockStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all IOI functions stored in a MusicalEnvironment

iOIs :: MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
iOIs e = keys $ iOIStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all action functions stored in a MusicalEnvironment

actions :: MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
actions e = keys $ actionStore e

-- | returns a list of the names of all interrupt functions stored in a MusicalEnvironment

interrupts :: MusicalEnvironment -> IO [String]
interrupts e = keys $ interruptStore e

-- don't like this, but it really is more convenient than using withKey directly. what's a better way?

withPlayer :: MusicalEnvironment -> (Player -> a) -> String -> IO (Maybe a)
withPlayer e func k = withKey (playerStore e) func k

withTempoClock :: MusicalEnvironment -> (TempoClock -> a) -> String -> IO (Maybe a)
withTempoClock e func k = withKey (tempoClockStore e) func k

  :: MusicalEnvironment
     -> ((MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> Double -> Double -> IO Double) -> a)
     -> String
     -> IO (Maybe a)
withIOI e func k = withKey (iOIStore e) func k

  :: MusicalEnvironment
     -> ((MusicalEnvironment -> Player -> Double -> Double -> IO ()) -> a)
     -> String
     -> IO (Maybe a)
withAction e func k = withKey (actionStore e) func k

withInterrupt :: MusicalEnvironment -> ([IO ()] -> a) -> String -> IO (Maybe a)
withInterrupt e func k = withKey (interruptStore e) func k

--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- for these functions, now use modifyMMap
--- changePlayers
--- changeTempoClocks
--- changeIOIs
--- changeActions
--- changeInterrupts
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- for these functions from 0.2, now use addVal
--- addPlayer 
--  (playerStore e) +@ (k,Player)
--- addTempoClock
--- addIOI
--- addAction
--- addInterrupt
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- for these functions from 0.2, now use deleteVal
--- deletePlayer
--  (playerStore e) -@ (k,Player)
--- addTempoClock
--- deleteTempoClock
--- deleteIOI
--- deleteAction
--- deleteInterrupt
--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- -- not crazy about the prefixed "e" in these function names...
-- instead of them, use withTempoClock like this:
-- withTempoClock e elapsedTime clockKey
--- -- | convenience function for returning elapsed time from a stored TempoClock
--- eElapsedTime :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Double
--- eElapsedTime e clock = withTempoClock elapsedTime e clock 

--- -- | convenience function for returning elapsed beats from a stored TempoClock
--- eElapsedBeats :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Double
--- eElapsedBeats e clock = withTempoClock elapsedBeats e clock 
--- -- | convenience function for returning elapsed MusicalTime from a stored TempoClock
--- getCurrentTime
---   :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO MusicalTime
--- getCurrentTime e clock = withTempoClock currentMusicalTime e clock 
--- -- | convenience function for returning elapsed MusicalTime as a string from a stored TempoClock
--- showCurrentTime :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO [Char]
--- showCurrentTime e clock = withTempoClock currentMusicalTime2 e clock 
--- -- | convenience function for returning the current Tempo from a stored TempoClock
--- eCurrentTempo :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Double
--- eCurrentTempo e clock = do
---     c <- getItem tempoClockStore e clock
---     return $ currentTempo c
--- -- | convenience function for returning the current TimeSignature from a stored TempoClock
--- eCurrentTimeSignature
---   :: MVar MusicalEnvironment -> String -> IO Int
--- eCurrentTimeSignature e clock = withTempoClock currentTimeSignature e clock 
--  is there a better way for these two?
--- -- | convenience function for changing the current Tempo of a stored TempoClock

eChangeTempo :: MusicalEnvironment -> String -> Double -> IO ()
eChangeTempo e clock nt = do
    Just tc <- (tempoClockStore e) ?@ clock 
    ntc <- changeTempo tc nt
    (tempoClockStore e) +@ (clock,ntc)

--- -- | convenience function for changing the current TimeSignature of a stored TempoClock

eChangeTimeSignature :: MusicalEnvironment -> String -> Int -> IO ()
eChangeTimeSignature e clock nt = do
    Just tc <- (tempoClockStore e) ?@ clock 
    ntc <- changeTimeSignature tc nt
    (tempoClockStore e) +@ (clock,ntc)