conduit-1.2.6: Streaming data processing library.

Safe HaskellSafe




Allow monad transformers to be run/eval/exec in a section of conduit rather then needing to run across the whole conduit. The circumvents many of the problems with breaking the monad transformer laws. For more information, see the announcement blog post:

This module was added in conduit 1.0.11.



errorC :: (Monad m, Monad (t (ErrorT e m)), MonadTrans t, Error e, MFunctor t) => t m (Either e b) -> t (ErrorT e m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in ErrorT

Since 1.0.11

runErrorC :: (Monad m, Error e) => ConduitM i o (ErrorT e m) r -> ConduitM i o m (Either e r) Source

Run ErrorT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

catchErrorC :: (Monad m, Error e) => ConduitM i o (ErrorT e m) r -> (e -> ConduitM i o (ErrorT e m) r) -> ConduitM i o (ErrorT e m) r Source

Catch an error in the base monad

Since 1.0.11


runCatchC :: Monad m => ConduitM i o (CatchT m) r -> ConduitM i o m (Either SomeException r) Source

Run CatchT in the base monad

Since 1.1.0

catchCatchC :: Monad m => ConduitM i o (CatchT m) r -> (SomeException -> ConduitM i o (CatchT m) r) -> ConduitM i o (CatchT m) r Source

Catch an exception in the base monad

Since 1.1.0


maybeC :: (Monad m, Monad (t (MaybeT m)), MonadTrans t, MFunctor t) => t m (Maybe b) -> t (MaybeT m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in MaybeT

Since 1.0.11

runMaybeC :: Monad m => ConduitM i o (MaybeT m) r -> ConduitM i o m (Maybe r) Source

Run MaybeT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11


readerC :: (Monad m, Monad (t1 (ReaderT t m)), MonadTrans t1, MFunctor t1) => (t -> t1 m b) -> t1 (ReaderT t m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in ReaderT

Since 1.0.11

runReaderC :: Monad m => r -> ConduitM i o (ReaderT r m) res -> ConduitM i o m res Source

Run ReaderT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

StateT, lazy

stateLC :: (Monad m, Monad (t1 (StateT t m)), MonadTrans t1, MFunctor t1) => (t -> t1 m (b, t)) -> t1 (StateT t m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in StateT

Since 1.0.11

runStateLC :: Monad m => s -> ConduitM i o (StateT s m) r -> ConduitM i o m (r, s) Source

Run StateT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

evalStateLC :: Monad m => s -> ConduitM i o (StateT s m) r -> ConduitM i o m r Source

Evaluate StateT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

execStateLC :: Monad m => s -> ConduitM i o (StateT s m) r -> ConduitM i o m s Source

Execute StateT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11


stateC :: (Monad m, Monad (t1 (StateT t m)), MonadTrans t1, MFunctor t1) => (t -> t1 m (b, t)) -> t1 (StateT t m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in StateT

Since 1.0.11

runStateC :: Monad m => s -> ConduitM i o (StateT s m) r -> ConduitM i o m (r, s) Source

Run StateT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

evalStateC :: Monad m => s -> ConduitM i o (StateT s m) r -> ConduitM i o m r Source

Evaluate StateT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

execStateC :: Monad m => s -> ConduitM i o (StateT s m) r -> ConduitM i o m s Source

Execute StateT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

WriterT, lazy

writerLC :: (Monad m, Monad (t (WriterT w m)), MonadTrans t, Monoid w, MFunctor t) => t m (b, w) -> t (WriterT w m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in WriterT

Since 1.0.11

runWriterLC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => ConduitM i o (WriterT w m) r -> ConduitM i o m (r, w) Source

Run WriterT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

execWriterLC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => ConduitM i o (WriterT w m) r -> ConduitM i o m w Source

Execute WriterT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11


writerC :: (Monad m, Monad (t (WriterT w m)), MonadTrans t, Monoid w, MFunctor t) => t m (b, w) -> t (WriterT w m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in WriterT

Since 1.0.11

runWriterC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => ConduitM i o (WriterT w m) r -> ConduitM i o m (r, w) Source

Run WriterT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

execWriterC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => ConduitM i o (WriterT w m) r -> ConduitM i o m w Source

Execute WriterT in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

RWST, lazy

rwsLC :: (Monad m, Monad (t1 (RWST t w t2 m)), MonadTrans t1, Monoid w, MFunctor t1) => (t -> t2 -> t1 m (b, t2, w)) -> t1 (RWST t w t2 m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in RWST

Since 1.0.11

runRWSLC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => r -> s -> ConduitM i o (RWST r w s m) res -> ConduitM i o m (res, s, w) Source

Run RWST in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

evalRWSLC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => r -> s -> ConduitM i o (RWST r w s m) res -> ConduitM i o m (res, w) Source

Evaluate RWST in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

execRWSLC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => r -> s -> ConduitM i o (RWST r w s m) res -> ConduitM i o m (s, w) Source

Execute RWST in the base monad

Since 1.0.11


rwsC :: (Monad m, Monad (t1 (RWST t w t2 m)), MonadTrans t1, Monoid w, MFunctor t1) => (t -> t2 -> t1 m (b, t2, w)) -> t1 (RWST t w t2 m) b Source

Wrap the base monad in RWST

Since 1.0.11

runRWSC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => r -> s -> ConduitM i o (RWST r w s m) res -> ConduitM i o m (res, s, w) Source

Run RWST in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

evalRWSC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => r -> s -> ConduitM i o (RWST r w s m) res -> ConduitM i o m (res, w) Source

Evaluate RWST in the base monad

Since 1.0.11

execRWSC :: (Monad m, Monoid w) => r -> s -> ConduitM i o (RWST r w s m) res -> ConduitM i o m (s, w) Source

Execute RWST in the base monad

Since 1.0.11


distribute :: (Monad (t (ConduitM b o m)), Monad m, Monad (t m), MonadTrans t, MFunctor t) => ConduitM b o (t m) () -> t (ConduitM b o m) () Source